#Mary and Bash
tvshowscouples · 4 days
If you love Mary&Sebastian (Reign) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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fallingpoppies · 2 years
Lewis Capaldi - Grace (Lyrics) 
 I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes I can't seem to drown you out long enough I fell victim to the sound of your love You're like a song that I ain't ready to stop I got nothing but you on my mind I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes Don't wanna let the pieces fall out of place
I was only just a breath removed from going to waste 'Till I found salvation in the form of your Your grace, your grace, your grace Don't take it away
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Books and Red Hair
Ice skating AU, part 6!!
August 6th - words: 1109
First part Previous part
James would quite like to think he was extra welcome at a library, but that’s just not true. He’s clumsy, he knocks books over and can’t whisper to save his life. He’s always either too quiet or loud enough to get himself kicked out. Last time he came to this specific library, the local one to his university, he played full volume music on his AirPods - blissfully unaware that everyone around him could hear.
So how someone managed to get him back in here was a mystery, but here he is anyway.
He trailed behind Lily like a lost puppy, keeping his hands firmly to himself and not the bookshelves.
“James you look petrified.” Lily laughed out in a hushed tone.
“I’ve been told multiple times that I am severely not wanted here.” He hissed.
Lily blinked at him a few times, raising an eyebrow and flashed him an awfully unimpressed look. “What did you do?”
“Me, Rem, pads and Pete might have started a small fire in here last year.” He bit his lip to stop the smug smile from forming on his face, clearly the look still flamed alight in his eyes.
“Don’t look so proud.” She swatted his arm. “I only brought you here because you promised me a coffee after work.”
He and Lily worked in the same little record store down the street, well it used to be just records, now there’s comics, posters, collectables, CDs, everything like that honey. They’ll normally pop into a cafe after, treating themselves to a coffee before going home, but today Lily needed to grab some studying materials from the library.
“Stay here.” She said as she started to walk away.
“I’m not a child!” James protested.
“Sure!” She flashed a sarcastic smile over her shoulder as he went, leaving James with a frown on his face as he wandered through the tables of people studying, taking a seat at one of them without paying attention to anyone around him.
After about five minutes, he started to pick up some of the hushed whispering around him as the sound of a few people sitting in front of him hit his ears. Now he fiddled with the pages of the random book he’d swiped from the shelf and - innocently - eavesdropped after he swore he heard a voice he knew.
“Reg can you help?” A hushed female voice sounded after a few flicks of a page.
“Yeah.” A familiar voice responded. “One second Cas.”
His head slowly lifted, a smirk appearing on his face as he realised who had sat next to him.
“Hi.” He propped his head on his hands and drummed his fingers against his cheek.
The girl only gave him a confused look, she had dark shining skin, adorned with a couple of dainty tattoos and stacked jewellery that reminded him of the stuff that Lily likes to wear. But she wasn’t the one James was looking at.
“What are you doing in a library?” Regulus gave a raise of his eyebrow.
“Okay ouch, and actually I’m just waiting for my friend to finish finding - uh - whatever she needs.” He shrugged.
“So that’s why you’re reading The Great Gatsby - but specifically the blank page at the front?”
His eyes flicked down to the book, where the only words written were ‘The Great Gatsby.’
“It has some writing on it.” He proclaimed.
Regulus just hummed, no sign of emotion on his pale, blank face, yet it seemed to hold the world. His eyes like once grey clouds drowning in water, his skin as milky and smooth as a white silk pillowcase, his hair curled perfectly and dark as it hung around his face like Medusas snakes danced.
“I’m sorry, how do you two know each other?” The girl - Cas he thinks - interrupted. “Because I could swear that Regulus here doesn’t talk to anyone.”
“I talk to you!” Regulus bickered. “And Barty, Evan and Pandora.” He counted on his fingers.
“Four whole people.” Cas gasped.
Stifling a laugh, James simply watched as the two went back and fourth, clearly playfully as they argued. Still, Regulus looked beautiful with a scowl, even better with a smile though. Even better while he skated, face stoic and wondrous, face on full display and body moving like a puppet controlled by the god of love herself.
“And me.” James smiled and battered his eyelashes, Regulus pointed and nodded.
“You never answered my question.” Cas pondered, looking between the two boys suspiciously.
Stuttering out an answer, James realises he didn’t actually have just one.
“Tried to buy a book, stalked me, stalked me again, and is apparently friends with my brother and my coach’s son.”
“Hey now, I didn’t stalk you. I-“ But he cut himself off when he saw the slightly smiling face of Regulus Black - covered slightly by his baggy sleeve - but still there. The end of his pen was placed between his teeth and a silver glint on his tongue catching the sun and shining like the star the paler boy is.
“I know.” He shook his head, still smirking slightly as he moved the pen to his page, scribbling slightly and leaving James to stare at the way a ring was slid onto every single pale finger, shining bright and jewelled - as he said - like the star he is.
Stretches of comfortable quiet later, he felt a hand tap his arm as the silence surrounded him. “I’m done.” Lily smiled and held up the books and couple of bookmarks up with a squeal. “You owe me a coffee, let’s go.”
“Right.” He looked between the redhead and the other two, Regulus’ head still in his book but the once cal, expression had been covered by one of tension and thorns sharp as daggers. “Bye!” He waved as he and Lily left.
“Yeah, bye.” He heard dully before he walked away, the sunlight splashing in on him as soon as he stepped outside, blinding his eyes and burning into his skin.
“I bought my girlfriend this,” Lily waved up a little flowery pin that she’d picked up from the library store she’d insisted on looking in seconds beforehand. “Isn’t it adorable.”
“The cutest.” James winked with a smile.
Yet he still couldn’t get the anguished expression of a star from his mind, burning holes into the once bright irises of his eyes, stabbing into his once radiating heart. Oh what he would do to wipe it away with one quick swipe of love, leave that smile on his face that he seems to feel the need to hide.
Someone like Regulus Black shouldn’t be hidden, he’s much too special for that.
Next part
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takkamek · 5 months
one thing that seems to prevalent in almost any lestappen fanfic is that ferrari doesn't care about charles, and that fred especially is made to be this villain, and its just... maybe people just don't know because they weren't around in 2022, or maybe they just forgot, but things were bad in ferrari in 2022 to the point where charles threatened to leave because of the bad management--and ferrari scrambled to keep him. they fired binotto (the tp) and a bunch of the staff (like head strategist) because of charles, they got fred because he and charles were on good terms, the team is literally being build around charles.
i don't immediately dislike the fanfic if ferrari is the antagonist of the story (but some reason rbr isn't lmao), i just think it's strange that ferrari is always the big bad guy
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burningvelvet · 10 months
At the bookstore today I saw this new Mary Shelley game. It may seem like a cash-grab but honestly I think Mary herself would LOVE this. Mary's father William Godwin owned a children's bookstore which sold games as well. When they weren't writing some of the most acclaimed 18th century philosophy, he and his first wife Mary Wollstonecraft also wrote some childrens literature, and both focused heavily on youth education in their belief system. Later, Mary and Percy Shelley (both inspired by her parents, whom they idolized) also worked on childrens stories together and bonded over their mutual love for children, games, education, and imaginative play all around.
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The description reads thus: "Contained within these three volumes is a secret many have devated their entire lives to unearthing, and always in vain. It is a secret I would have taken with me to the grave, except that it is, in more ways than ane, our family's legacy, and thus rightfully belongs with you.
"You have just received 'The Shelley Volumes,' a collection of hollowed-out books left by Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein) to her son, Florence. Inside you'll discover a trove of beautiful documents, 2D and 3D jigsaw puzzles, and other mysterious objects and artifacts. Solve Mary's puzzles and you'll be treated to a heartbreaking story that culminates in a shocking reimagining of the truth behind her famous novel."
From the website: "Mother of Frankenstein is a groundbreaking new game that combines the best of escape rooms, immersive theater, and prose fiction."
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p12lysanderdelanne · 2 years
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happy march yall
mod girl eridan because i love dumb fashion concepts and i will be doing more hopefully before the end of march
and once again without the paper effect
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sadcatinapartyhat · 12 days
In which Mary forgets.
The first thing she forgot was the colour of a meadow on a midsummer day.
The second was the sound of a door sliding open, and a voice that still hadn’t lost the shake of anger. 
“Excuse us,” said the voice. “But do you mind if we sit here?” 
Mary didn’t mind. 
“You see,” the voice explained. “We had seats already. Perfectly nice seats, in fact—but then we were disturbed. Did you know this place accepts mentally deficient toe-rags?”
Mary had not.
“Me either,” said the voice. It was a bit steadier now. “Well, you seem nice, at any rate—what’s your name?”
The voice had a name, too. But Mary couldn’t forget what it was.
The next thing she forgot was her own hands, glowing with the light of a thousand suns. She forgot the letter that came on her birthday and the man who came with it, tall and silver and kind when he told her she was magic. She forgot the feeling of a wand in her hand, the control, the certainty it gave her, something inside her slotting into place without ever having realised it was missing at all. 
Ah, yes, she forgot thinking, when the man took out his own and conjured her mother a rose. Now everything is finally right.
She forgot how it felt when she heard that Word for the very first time and she realised she’d been so very wrong. 
Mary forgot that the voice belonged to a girl. A girl with long, soft, pressed-copper hair, hair that smelled like vanilla and apples and sunshine.
She forgot how she sounded when she laughed.
“Sunshine isn’t a smell, Mary—but thank you all the same.”
Mary disagreed. Sunshine was her favourite smell.
She forgot how the girl looked with her sleeves rolled up and her wand in her plait, hands stained red-yellow-green by berries and powders and potions, eyes blazing in triumph when the man with the walrus moustache told her she was clever. Mary wondered how he did it—how he made her light up like that, and how she could do it, too. 
She forgot late nights in the dorm and afternoons in the library, painting nails and proofreading essays. The girl would look at her Potions and Mary would look at her Charms, and they’d roll their eyes when boys with silly names and big mouths sent them cards and curses and called them pretty. 
“You’re all I need, Mary. Romance is reductive, and they’re all arrogant prats with frogs for brains.”
Mary wished it was true. 
But then she forgot glasses and messy hair, and battles won with wands and broomsticks and words, and watching her watching him when she thought no one was looking. She forgot being sixteen and feeling something change around her. She forgot feeling like she should change, too. She forgot crying when she couldn’t. 
She forgot the star. 
She forgot his black curls and his silver eyes, and his face, pretty like a girl’s. She forgot holding his hand and pretending it was hers. She forgot how he made her listen to Bowie and she made him listen to ABBA, and how they laughed and cried and fought and made up and never, ever kissed.
She forgot sitting by the fire in a crowded common room, not reading, not talking. He looked at him and she looked at her and neither of them looked at each other.
And she forgot that the reason they’d always worked so well was that really, they’d never worked at all.
She forgot the castle in winter, the way the ice hung off the stone like a diamond necklace, the way the white made the blue swallow you whole. 
“Here we are, Mary!” said the girl. “Our very last Sluggy Christmas! What are you wearing? Did you decide yet?”
Mary hadn’t, but she was leaning towards the pink with the lace.
“Oh, good,” said the girl. “That one’s my favourite.”
Mary’s favourite was the emerald silk. 
“Yes,” said the girl. “I was thinking that, too—it matches my eyes, doesn’t it?”
Mary wondered if the girl was sad. She’d just broken up with the latest boy, and it was the first time she’d be going alone. Mary didn’t have a partner, either. She wondered if she might like to go together. 
Just so they wouldn’t be lonely.
Just as friends.
Just once.
“Oh—er, sorry, Mary,” said the girl. “But I’m not going alone.”
Mary didn’t want to ask. But she did.
“Potter,” said the girl. “James Potter.”
She forgot the words to Lady Stardust. Cherry Bomb. Jolene, Lola, and Nina, Pretty Ballerina. She forgot the Blitzkrieg Bop and the Crocodile Rock, and she forgot dancing in the tower and the flat and the cottage, arms around a boy or a girl or a stranger or the air above her head, dancing just to move, dancing to remember. Dancing to forget. 
The forgetting came quicker after that. 
She forgot the war. She forgot the secrets and the lies they told themselves to get through the day, the lies that tore them apart from the inside out and the ones that put them back together. She forgot killing and torture and running and waking from nightmares to find herself in hell.
She forgot the dead. She forgot the traitors and the cowards and the black, festering hole in her chest where her heart used to be.
She forgot the girl with Healing hands. She forgot her yellow hair, her whip-crack wit, her soft, warm hugs. She forgot the girl who loved her, the crusader with a chip on her shoulder, and she forgot how they died exactly one month apart, how the streets ran scarlet in the August heat. 
She forgot the boy with kindness in his voice and fear in his eyes, the boy who died and the finger they buried. She forgot the snake in lion’s clothing who killed him and the scarred, broken shell of a man he’d lied about loving and left behind. 
She forgot Halloween.
She forgot standing alone in a churchyard, carving words on a slab of white marble. She forgot a familiar face, a form in the corner of her eye, and she forgot the words she yelled at him as he tried to explain.
“I loved—”
“Don’t you fucking dare, Snivellus.”
The last thing she forgot was a road called Privet Drive, and a neat little house filled with secrets and pain and a crying boy with eyes she’d spent ten long, beautiful years loving so much it almost hurt to look. 
She forgot the feeling of night air on her face, cold and sharp, turning her tears to ice. She forgot knocking on the door, and the face Petunia Evans made when she pulled out her wand and froze her where she stood. She forgot the door to the cupboard under the stairs, and how she didn’t need to say a word before it burst into a shower of sparkling stars. She forgot holding Harry in her arms, and looking back to see a fat, blond baby bawling on the living room floor, and wondering just for a moment whether she ought to take him, too. 
She forgot walking, then running, cradling a soft black head to her chest, too afraid to Apparate with such a fragile thing. She forgot the rage in her throat, on her tongue, when she saw the tall, slim man in silver robes, blocking her path. 
He was there to take him away. He was there to take away her Harry, her godson, just like he took away her Lily. He threw her life away like it was nothing, nothing, nothing, when to Mary it was everything. 
“You can’t,” she said. “You can’t send him back there, you can’t make me leave him.”
Of course he could.
“You won’t,” she said. “You won’t let them hurt him, you won’t close your eyes.”
Of course he would.
“You’re wrong,” she said. “You’re wrong if you think this is good. You’re wrong if you think there’s no choice.”
Of course he was.
But that had never mattered.
“Obliviate,” he said.
And Mary forgot.
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quillandrapier · 23 days
It's september which means it's time to watch the greatest show of all time
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sapphiretanto · 1 year
Okay, as much as I love the positive Rise x 2012 crossover comics/drawings and fanfics where Rise helps 2012 with their problems, there is no way the boys would start crying or talking about their physical and mental scars upon the first meeting. They wouldn’t be open for hugs (maybe Mikey, but that’s the only one I can see). 2012 went through the ringer and no amount of Dr. Feelings/Dr. Delicate Touch is gonna help that. Here’s what Rise would have to help 2012 work through both individually and altogether:
**Please look at the “Altogether” section before notifying me if I forgot one; Otherwise, I may have genuinely forgot… this was all from what I can remember
**This is NOT bashing the fics, art, Rottmnt.
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, China Town Ghost Story)
Burdened with being the leader/eldest/Sensei
Right knee is fucked
Dislocated shoulder and arms (both causes of his arms being Super Shredder)
Weakened heart from when he died in space and was resuscitated
Has fallen off multiple high points (elevator shafts, rooftops, fire escapes)
Hands are most likely damaged from holding onto the chains that were wrapped around Kraang prime
Was in a 3-month coma
Throat was ruined
Was bitten by Armaggon
Hit by a blast meant to take out Hiidrala (The Cosmic Ocean)
Deal with having slain Shredder
Was thrown through a second story window
Cracked shell
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Under way too much pressure
Almost cut up by swords (Fourfold Trap)
Struggles with perfectionism; he’ll often feel at fault or like he failed for things out of his control (i.e. when Karai fell into the mutagen)
Frustrated as he doesn’t always get a lot of respect (particularly in the earlier seasons)
Took some bad advice from Splinter to heart— most of the time it added to the burden he carried as the leader
Betrayed by Karai
Possessed/Controlled (Parasitica, brain worm, vampire, Chinatown Ghost Story)
Has watched those he cared about fallen from high places (Spike/Slash, Splinter, Zog, Leo)
Had to deal with his phobia (Cockroach Terminator, Insecta Trifecta)
Switched bodies
Lightning bolt plastron crack
Captured (and tortured - Clash of the Mutanimals, Within the Woods)
Betrayed by his girlfriend
Nearly cooked to death (Fourfold Trap)
Swallowed squirrelanoids
Lost Spike to mutation
Nearly had to give away Chompy
Fell from various high heights (ravines)
Anger issues
Felt unfavored compared to Leo
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Watched Spike/Slash, Zog, and Splinter fall off/be thrown off the rooftops
Possessed/controlled (Parasitica, Buried Secrets, a car)
Nearly cut up by Vizioso’s goons
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Lost metalhead
Under too much pressure
Burdened by being the only tech/science guy
Struggles sometimes with the fact that he’s a mutant
Struggles with his weapon— not handling, but that it is very simplistic compared to some of the more high tech things they deal with
Has his experiments ruined or messed with
Became mindless
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head, kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Has to change his jargon so his family can understand what he’s saying
Tortured by Triceratons
Frustrated as he’s not always taken seriously
Mind invaded by neutrinos
Possessed/Contolled (Chinatown Ghost Story, Buried Secrets)
Struggles sometimes with accepting that he’s a mutant (earlier seasons— wanted various human friends besides April and Casey)
Swallowed by Mega Shredder
Burned his ass on a geyser (Eyes of the Chimera)
Betrayed by Bradford
Watched Splinter be thrown into a sewer drain and nearly drown
Training/Battle injuries: hits on the head (is hit a lot more than the others on the head in combat), kicks to the plastron or carapace, thrown into buildings or debris, pressure pointed
Was alone in Dimension X for an unknown amount of time
Nearly drowned (Invasion of the Squirrelanoids)
Knowingly/unknowingly and sometimes unwillingly made the bait or drew the short straw
Separated from Leatherhead
Saw Master Splinter die (twice)
Watched their dad fall into the abyss (The Super Shredder/Darkest Plight)
Saw their world be destroyed
Survived multiple invasions (Kraang, Triceratons, Kavaxas, Dregg)
Saw their sister fall into mutagen
Fought various horrifying/disgusting mutants (Mom Thing, Squirrelanoids, The Creep, Parasitica, Dregg’s bugs, mutated cockroach, Snakeweed, Muckman, Rat King, mutated fungi, Don Vizioso, April clones/April Derp etc)
Witnessed each other’s deaths: Raph drained of mutagen in Within the Woods; Donnie - reduced to molecules in The Power Inside Her; Leo - died in space in Earth’s Last Stand; Mikey - vaporized by K’Vathrak/The Newtralizer in When Worlds Collide
Witnessed various other deaths: Bradford/Rahzar/Dog Pound, Tang Shen, Hattori Tatsu
Have had their minds taken over
Poisoned by Karai
Nearly froze to death (Moons of Thalos 3)
Inhaled hallucinogenic toxins
Survived various explosions
Survivor’s guilt
Have been fighting in multiple rigged or burning buildings
Almost burned up entering the atmosphere (Battle for New York)
Had a “nightmare”— courtesy of Jei—where they were the last ones standing after their brothers had been killed
Witnessed the undead (Shredder, Rahzar, various spirits)
Possessed/controlled by Jei; dream beavers
Dimensional and Time travel
Had to fight each other or their friends unwillingly
Went no contact with April after having a hand in accidentally mutating her dad
Severe injuries from various opponents (Slash, Tiger Claw, Newtralizer, Super Shredder, footbots/chrome domes)
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wildflowergirlie · 28 days
what if for kinktober I just released a series of each marauders era character receiving a healthy dose of therapy
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tvshowscouples · 1 month
If you love Mary&Sebastian (Reign) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 27 – prompt 27: Expecto Patronum – word count 670
Expecto Patronum - The Patronus Charm is a powerful projection of hope and happiness that drives away Dementors
A part of Remus knew it had been a bad idea, but that part had been drowning for the past hours in the alcohol, the hate for all the Christmas decorations everywhere, the cold, the ache of the second full moon the wolf spent desperately howling for his friends, only to tear himself apart when they failed to show up.
So that part was pretty quiet when he stopped in front of the tombstone, shivering from the cold.
“Hey Lils. Hey Prongs,” he slurred, raising the half-empty bottle to his friends’ names. “Merry Christmas.”
He took a swig and swayed on his feet. The cold was getting worse, but he didn’t care. After all, he had lost everything he had ever cared for. Maybe he could just lie down by Lily and James and fall asleep there and never wake up. He started shivering, and a movement in the corner of his eye made him turn around.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
Not far from him, a hooded figure was hovering by a tombstone rapidly covering in frost. He should have thought about that, really. The Wizarding World was still in such turmoil it was only logical a place so important like Lily and James’s tomb in Godric’s Hollow would be guarded by one of the Dementors Azkaban could spare. Even their son, wherever he was, must have some around.
“They’re my friends,” Remus whispered, his teeth chattering.
The Dementor glided forward and Remus stumbled back as the cold seeped into his bones and distant voices exploded in his head.
“Remus… Something awful has happened…”
The bottle fell from his hand.
“It’s not possible… Sirius wouldn’t…”
“I guess he lived up to his family name after all. I’m sorry Remus, I should have seen it coming.”
He knocked his back into James and Lily’s tombstone. The Dementor crept closer.
“Pete knew he couldn’t beat Sirius in a duel, it doesn’t make sense he went after him!”
“Grief makes us all act in ways we wouldn’t normally, Remus.”
He fumbled in his pocket, searching for his wand.
“I know I’m not his godfather or anything, but can I at least see him? For his parents’ sake.”
“He’ll be safer with his blood family, believe me. Pick up the pieces, Remus. Learn how to move on.”
Remus brandished his wand. He knew the spell and he knew he had been able to cast a fully-fledged Patronus, who ironically was in the shape of a wolf. But all that had been before. His hand trembled.
“I don’t even know if I have anything left you can take,” he whispered.
The Dementor didn’t stop advancing. If Remus was being honest with himself, it didn’t make sense. Dementors were guards, they had no business attacking someone who wasn’t doing any harm, but maybe it didn’t matter. It wouldn’t be worse than what he had lived through in the last weeks. Maybe it would even be better.
But as the Dementor glided even closer, the wolf reared up his head somewhere inside him, survival instinct kicking in. Images flooded Remus’s mind, of the Forbidden Forest and his friends galloping by his side, of the same friends by his bed when he woke up in the Hospital Wing, of smiles, and laughter, and hand holding and warmth, so much warmth…
He braced himself against the tombstone while the silver form leaped out of his wand and chased the Dementor across the graveyard until it disappeared somewhere. Remus exhaled. Apparently, he wouldn’t die that day. He looked up to his Patronus as it padded back to him and froze.
“No…” he breathed. “Please, no…”
He had read about what shock and grief could do to the spell, but nothing in those books had mentioned cruelty.
“No…” he repeated, his eyes filling with tears.
He let himself slide to the ground, his back pressed against the cold marble of his best friends’ tombstone. In front of him, glittering with the silver light of the spell, Padfoot wagged his tail.
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avas-wonderland · 2 months
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Meet Marie, one of the students in Heartslabyul with a love for puzzles and a photographic memory
Her signature spell is called “Raven’s Desk”, which allows her to write words or draw images from her head to create items/useful crafts for spell fights
She’s also a sister figure to Riddle Rosenhearts and his friends in campus
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l3onard-cohen · 2 years
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to love and to cherish, 'til death us do part.
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rummikubcube · 11 months
No because she didn’t think. You can clearly see the shock in her face when she realised what she did, SHE UNLOCKED HER INNER NEUMAN WITHOUT MEANING TO JUST TO SAVE JORDAN DONT TALK TO ME I’M NOT OKAY.
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misterparadigm · 1 year
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I received a LOT of requests across social media to do the Kanker Sisters in the Mallory Bash style after I posted that Ed, Edd n Eddy full cast illustration. So, here it is.
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