#Maybe I shouldn't have watched it until I got back home. I might not be able to focus lol.
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
Just finished the latest episodes of Fionna and Cake and DHDGEHYDKAKZBDJJSDHH😭👀😳😱😵
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lihhelsing · 1 month
steddie | 1,7k words | angst | mature
Written for @steddieangstyaugust Day 13
Prompt: "Please, Stay"
Read Part 1 | Part 2
Eddie spends a lot of time having no words. 
As Steve carries him back to the beemer, Eddie doesn't have words. He hums against Steve's shoulder when Steve asks him if it's ok for him to put him down but in reality he would very much like to keep clinging to Steve. 
He has no words as Steve pats his pockets until he finds his keys to open the trailer door and he almost says something to calm Steve down about Wayne not being there but Steve doesn't seem worried about it.
Which really should clue him in that there are things he is unaware of, but his face is bloodied and his chest hurts every time he breathes and he doesn't have energy to worry about it. 
Steve carries him to the couch and puts him down gently, but it still hurts. 
Eddie closes his eyes when his head hits the pillow but he lets out a low groan when he feels Steve moving away. 
"I need to clean you," Steve says and Eddie can hear him moving through the trailer. Maybe he should feel embarrassed, but he doesn't. 
Steve Harrington is at his house after all. If Eddie plays his cards right maybe he'll get his Star Wars marathon after all. 
When he comes back, Eddie almost says something, but then Steve is touching him and it hurts but it's also so good. He's gentle and sweet and he bats Eddie's hands away when he tries to touch his cut. 
"Behave, Eddie," Steve says, and Eddie groans, but he abides. 
When he's done, Eddie immediately misses his touch. 
"I'm gonna get you something for the pain. I think you might have a broken rib and the best advice I can give you is to rest and wait until it's healed."
Eddie groans again and delights himself with Steve's laugh as he walks around the trailer as if he belongs there. Eddie imagined someone like Steve wouldn't feel comfortable in a shithole like the trailer. 
Not that Eddie doesn't love it. He does. So fucking much. But Steve lives in a mansion, his bedroom alone is probably bigger than Eddie's entire house. 
Steve comes back and he helps Eddie to sit down. He feels better, even if everything still hurts. But he's home and Steve's there because he found him by some miracle and now he's putting a glass of water to Eddie's lips and helping him swallow a pill that will probably make him sleepy. 
Steve smiles proudly when Eddie drinks the entire glass and moves to put it back in the kitchen and that's when Eddie sees it. 
His eyes move to their old center table and he knows what he's going to find there. One of his Star Wars cassettes that he was too lazy to put away the other day. 
Maybe he could get away with suggesting they watch it but as his brain is considering the best way to ask Steve that, he spots something that so obviously doesn't belong there he has no idea how he hadn't noticed it before. 
A big bouquet of flowers. Red roses, if Eddie is not mistaken. 
He moves even as his entire body seems about to catch on fire and grabs it, pulling it closer to smell it. 
They smell good. Eddie doesn't think he ever saw such gorgeous flowers and he knows for a fact Wayne didn't buy them. He's more of a Peonies kind of guy. 
Which only leaves...
"Oh, uh, sorry, I shouldn't have-" Steve says once he's back, and he moves to get the flowers but Eddie holds on to them. 
"Did you really stood up a date to go rescue me?" Eddie asks, and he doesn't know why he does it.
Steve frowns as he looks down at Eddie, "Oh, no, the flowers are-"
Eddie breaks eye contact with Steve because he feels bad now. Glances at the clock, it's almost nine. 
"If you show up at her doorstep with these flowers, I bet she'll forgive you for missing the date," Eddie says, and then he raises the bouquet in Steve's direction so he can take it. "I'm sorry I got in the way."
Steve grabs the flowers and Eddie thinks this is it, he's going to leave and Eddie will be left alone to lick his wounds. But then he puts them back on the table and kneels in front of Eddie. 
"Don't be sorry. I was worried about you and I'm glad I trusted my gut," Steve says and he does the sweetest thing, cupping Eddie's face and looking directly into his eyes.
Eddie feels... naked. Completely stripped of his attitude and his snark and everything else he uses to protect himself. 
The worst of it all is that it feels good. He feels a calm washing over him when he's this close to Steve. He has no idea when his dynamic with Steve changed from the King and the Freak to this. 
To Steve on his knees on the trailer being the one fucking good thing in Eddie's life right now. 
But Eddie knows better than to believe that things are really like this. That even if Steve is something good in his life, he knows it's not the same for Steve. Eddie is still just his drug dealer, the one person who can get him some weed for free. 
"You don't have to do that," Eddie says and Steve raises a brow. Up this close, Eddie can count the freckles on his face and he's trying so hard not to stare at his lips. 
"Do what?"
"Take care of me," Eddie says even as he's cringing inside. Even as if all he ever wanted was someone to take care of him like Steve is doing and now he's pushing him away. 
"I don't mind," Steve says as his thumb moves on Eddie's cheek.
It's too soft and Eddie is all sharp edges. 
"You don't have to do that to get free weed."
Steve pulls back as if he got burned. There's a shift in his expression that Eddie hates and he thinks maybe this is the reason he has nothing good in his life. 
"Maybe I should go," Steve says and Eddie feels it on a molecular level. He doesn't want Steve to go but he doesn't know how to ask him to stay. 
"Don't forget the flowers," Eddie says and Steve looks at him like he's insane. 
"Eddie," he says softly. Eddie sees him almost reaching his hand but giving up mid-air. 
"She probably won't even care about the flowers, dude. If you show up looking like this, she'll take you anyway."
Steve presses his lips together. He's annoyed, Eddie can tell, but he has no idea why. Eddie is complimenting Steve and the fact that all he has to do is smile and then he has any girl he wants. 
"That's good, because the flowers weren't for 'her'," Steve says the last word making air quotes and Eddie doesn't get it. 
"I'm not following," Eddie says. He's still on the couch and Steve is still on his knees and it's so fucking weird. 
"There's no girl, Eddie," Steve says and maybe Eddie hit his head when he fell because this doesn't make sense. 
"Are they for your mother?" He asks and even as he does it he knows it's a dumb question. Steve doesn't talk about his family a lot, but from the little he does, Eddie knows his mom is not the flower type. 
She would need to be around for his son to get her flowers. 
"You know they are not for my mother. I carried you inside, Eddie. How the hell would I've brought the flowers too?"
Eddie stares at him as he lets the words sink in. It's a little embarrassing that Steve had him in his arms, especially because he could've walked on his own but Steve felt warm and nice and Eddie had no idea when he would have him this close again. 
"The flowers were already here," Eddie says under his breath and he can't lie, Steve's exasperated expression is kind of cute. 
"The flowers were already here," Steve repeats as if Eddie needs him to. And maybe he does because that doesn't make sense unless...
"Were you here waiting for me? Did Wayne let you in?"
Steve smiles and claps his hands once as if he's proud of Eddie for figuring it out. 
"I was waiting for you. And Wayne did let me in. I was actually waiting in my car because I didn't know if you'd appreciate me meeting your uncle like this, but he tapped on my window and said he knew who I was and told me I could wait inside if I wanted. He had to leave and said you'd probably be here soon and then you weren't and I started getting worried and I decided to go look for you."
Steve says all in one go and Eddie feels glued in place as he looks at him. Wayne knows Eddie's been sporting a huge crush on Steve for months and he knows his uncle was delighted that he would have something to mock Eddie with. 
"Why were you waiting for me?" Eddie asks and he feels dumb as the words leave his mouth but Steve just smiles fondly, as if he thinks it's cute that Eddie is that naive. 
"With flowers," Steve adds and Eddie sighs. 
"Why were you waiting for me with flowers, Steve?"
"Because," Steve says and Eddie's afraid he's not going to elaborate. That he's going to leave Eddie to figure out for himself and worse, that he's just going to leave because he can't take Eddie's dumbness. "I was hoping the flowers would make my intentions clear."
"I'm not sure they did," Eddie says, eyeing the flowers behind Steve. They are nice. The kind of flowers you get for someone you really care about. 
"Eddie!" Steve says and Eddie snorts because he's being a little shit on purpose. "I'm going to leave."
"Please, Steve," Eddie says and he has him again. Doe eyes and full attention on him. "Please, stay."
Steve smiles and nods and Steve leans in and Eddie thinks he's going for a kiss but he just hugs Eddie and for now, that's enough. 
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
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omg not me freaking out that i am part of the group that gets bait gifs! FRIENDS!!!!!!! i'm fine. i'm chill. don't leave me!
This took me a minute to figure out what I wanted Sir Dorksalot to have done that was sketchy enough to have him make this face...
Watch The Fish, Jake Jensen x reader headcanon wholeass fic in bullet format because my god this got long
Warnings for mentions of masturbation and porn, accidental then totally intentional voyeurism, awkward and oblivious!Jake--so just Jake, yeah?--and smutty implications...
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🥹 roommates to lovers 😊
you rent a pretty large house maybe even with one or two others at first, but they move out
jake has to use it as a crashpad sometimes because he'll be away for so long at a time, but he pays rent and the entire electrical & internet bill no matter what
you keep a fish tank in the living room
after jake comes back from months in hiding abroad away, he gets so excited to be home and spend time with his niece that he hosts an after-game pizza party for her soccer team
someone practices headbutting the ball inside and nearly topples the tank
jake catches the whole thing with his broad arm-span and a decent amount of strength just in time when it wobbles the whole table beneath it. his heart nearly stopped, and he's so grateful the glass didn't break. thank god you weren't home.
however, you insist on moving the fish to your room instead once he tells you.
jake's a little sad to see them go. he pouts so much you decide to take pity on him, buying a web cam to mount beside the tank so jake can watch them whenever he wants. he loves to do voices for each one, personalities, soap-opera-like dramatic storylines, the works
as an aside you ask him if the sound can be turned off on the camera. jake says yeah but he mostly means he can turn it to mute on his computer.
which he does, for the record, but he has to remember to do it each time he pulls up the feed of da fishies. honestly, half the time he's wearing headphones and the other half you aren't home while he puts the Marauders (because there's just one fat one) onto his third monitor for background.
so he forgets that the sound is on and a thing he might need to avoid
weeks later, maybe months, jake finally removes his headphones after a very long stint of coding, completely unaware of what time it is and that you are home in your room
at first, jake is dead convinced that some porn ad has popped up in a window behind his work, something he would go apeshit about and ransomware bomb the shit out of whoever wrote such slippery spam
the fish are peaceful as ever, blooping away whilst jake frantically closes program after program trying to find the hot chick moaning on his desktop...until it's all closed and the buzzing remains though his tower's fan stopped...then the squelching noise starts
jake is frozen in place, looking away from the fish like they're the damn problem, but he doesn't cut the feed
he...he shouldn't
he should turn it off or just mute it like he promised
and he tries
he tries really hard, gang
it's the cursor's fault that it hits the command to send the audio to his bluetooth headphones instead of mute
and he sets the headphones down on the keyboard, gnawing on his bottom lip and watching his closed bedroom door in anticipation of...getting caught, maybe? he's not sure
he watches the fish putter around like it's no big deal
which it isn't, right?
you're human. he's human. humans have urges. they touch themselves--they touch each other, too--and there's no harm in that. if anything...jake encourages it, or he would...if you knew that he knew about this
the noises are so faint from the itty bitty speakers two feet from his face, but he doesn't pick them up, still debating what to do
because there's a big difference between what jake should do in this situation and what he wants to do
he mutes audio and then cuts off the livestream
at least, that's what he did the first time it happened
he knows he's a perv. jake can't help it.
it becomes a game of sorts. it's like practice recon for learning a target's routine. not that jake needs practice at the job he already fucking has but that's how his brain justifies laying on his own bed in the glow of the fish tank feed with his headphones turned way up
he knows your bed is on the other side of your room from when he moved the fish tank in
he knows what your underwear look like from the laundry room downstairs
he knows what you smell like from the shared bathroom and the products lining your shelf
he now knows there's a bottle of toy cleaner in one of your sink drawers
and he shouldn't but he absolutely touches himself listening to you, fists himself when you're fucking a toy he imagines six-shapes-to-Sunday, teases himself when all you're doing is breathing softly from across the whole house and he's cold and covered in cum by the end
to be fair, jake hates himself because of all this, but he is now mildly addicted
he doesn't even exit out of the livestream anymore. it just stays up on his monitor like a screensaver, but he doesn't realize that once he takes his headphones out of range, the audio transfers to his speakers again
so jake goes on a mission for a few days, and at some point while you are cleaning up your room, playing music, you find two pairs of jake's socks in your load of clean laundry and go to toss them in his room...where the same music you're listening to way down the hall is playing...in sync...
you're horrified and then embarrassed and then quickly realized it might mean nothing
you have to test if it means something
jake returns from his mission on complete autopilot
just so damn tired
throws down his duffle on top of some socks he doesn't remember leaving out and just hits the shower for a long, long time
he hasn't talked to you yet
he hasn't even seen you except your car is home and your door is shut
he goes about his business
the volume on his speakers isn't high but he hears you speaking and assumes you're on the phone
he pays it no mind. he is glad to be home, glad you're fine since he's just been in a part of the world where most people are not safe.
in a weird sort of way, he feels he's earned the mundane sort of comfort that comes from "the same ol'" of this house
he's wiped out, so he crawls into bed with his headphones immediately, hair barely toweled dry, not bothering with boxers because...why make more laundry?
and then the worst thing happens
there's a man's voice coming through his headphones, and jake scowls in frustration and rage
did you go and get a fucking boyfriend? in a couple of days? or goddamnit is this some tinder shit in his home right now?
but it only gets worse
he can hardly contain himself, what with the gagging sounds and this dude telling you to take it like the whore you are, and JAKE WILL LITERALLY BURN THIS PLACE DOWN
now his ass is putting on clothes
now his ass is ready to riot
the sex gets more and more degrading; spanking noises and even choking, but not in a seemingly consensual way, which is when jake rips his headphones off, storms down the hall and barrels straight through your bedroom door
no one is. no you. no man.
just your laptop sitting on your desk near the fish tank, playing the money shot of a porn video he was just listening to
get the fuck out. get out. get out. his brain screams, and he bolts
he makes it three feet before stopping short
you're standing at the top of the stairs, a bowl of ice cream in hand, licking the spoon unbelievably slowly with your whole tongue
you're fucked. you're fucked. you're fucked. his brain adds helpfully.
"hey, jakey," you say with a smile. "whatcha doing?"
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A/N: this cat is officially my reaction to pretty much everything because...well...it's very accurate.
[Main Masterlist; Jake Jensen Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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tojivu · 8 months
Megumi and reader after a two week separation because of megumis mission. He admits that he almost died to reader and talks about what happens after.
empty spaces ⋆ megumi fushiguro
an. argh sorry i got carried away LOL
cw. sfw, gn!reader, comfort + fluff
playing. bills by enhypen.
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the bed's been useless these past few days.
it's as if the weeks have been drawn out, the universe adding new hours to each of the days so they're longer than they should be — that's what it's been feeling like.
you refuse to sleep in the master bedroom. the pillows next to your head smell too much like your boyfriend; hints of mint shampoo linger and enter your nose as you try to sleep, but ultimately fail to do so.
megumi's been gone for a bit now, and you haven't gotten much news, either. yaga's always talking about classified information and how 'the public shouldn't be concerned with jujutsu affairs' — anxiety pits in your stomach because why couldn't he just tell you whether your boyfriend was dead?
you try to distance yourself from places in the house that remind you of him, incase he's really gone this time; you believe it'll make things easier for you, but it feels as if someone's cutting away at the vessels closest to your heart whenever you imagine it — imagine megumi's body laying lifeless as they transport it back to tokyo.
megumi's never been gone for more than 3 days, especially on a mission. he's usually quick with it, coming home with a cut or two on the arms or face; it'll heal just fine, because he always asks you to take care of his wounds.
you usually sit on his lap as you bandage him up. he winces at the sting of the antiseptic, his fingers gripping harshly at your waist and then you'll tell him to sit still — he never listens, gets all grumbly with furrowed eyebrows — until you clean him up and put on the last bandaid, kiss him over the piece of clear film (and maybe an extra on the lips, if they aren't bleeding too); it's only then he finally shuts up.
you wonder how long you'll have to sit together on the kitchen island this time, if he comes home, that is — you don't think you'll mind the back and arm strain this time. you just want to see him.
"relax," gojo reassures over the phone. "he'll be back soon."
those words mean nothing to you. he's been gone for 14 days now, and he hasn't called — his location hasn't updated, either, you think he must've broken it during the fight or something.
a few sentences are exchanged between satoru and you, before your finger taps the red button at the bottom of your screen; unsatisfied doesn't, couldn't, describe your current thoughts — you were enraged that that was the only piece of information that was provided.
it takes a few hours for you to calm your thoughts. they make your head spin and heart sink, jump around like marbles on clean linoleum and deafen the shows you play on television.
you're watching megumi's favourite drama, which happens to be your favourite drama, too — he was the one who introduced it to you. you're seven episodes in when you hear the front door creak open; so loud that it reminds you to get the hinges replaced.
megumi was supposed to call the guy. it's clear you might have to ring him up yourself, now.
you wonder if it could be nobara. she didn't tag along with yuji or megumi, and you've been ignoring her calls for the past week or so — she must be here to give you a good lecture.
you hear faint groans and bags dropping to the floor, close to the entryway. you aren't greeted by a loud "[name]" as you usually would by nobara. a shiver travels down your spine, hairs on the back of your neck beginning to stand.
you throw the woven blanket off of your body and to the side of the couch — the socks on your feet lubricate your steps and you almost trip with how fast you make your way to the door.
"[name]," his voice calls, rasp voice barely reaching your ears. "i'm home."
megumi's lip is bloody, bandages wrapped over his right eye and around his head — his left arm and leg had some cuts, as well; but those seem to have scabbed already.
you want to call his name, but nothing comes out of your mouth; only a small whimper before your lover is wrapping his arms around your torso. "sorry i was gone for so long."
the pit in your stomach is gone now, almost instantaneously — instead, you begin to sob into megumi's jacket.
megumi feels the guilt but the comfort of having you in his hold overpowers it. if it didn't, he was sure he would be tearing up, too; he never liked seeing you cry.
"megs," you sniffle. "i thought you were—"
"i almost did," megumi cuts you off. he didn't want you to say those words, though he knows being a sorcerer had his fate sealed — but it didn't mean he wanted you to know that. "but i'm alright, see?"
megumi smiles down at you, as if it didn't hurt to move the muscles in his face: they stung like small needles, but he sees the relief wash over your face like a splash of cold water — so he thinks he can put up the act for a bit longer.
"you're all bloody," you mutter. "can i clean that for you?"
you point at his lip and he nods, wincing at your finger that tries to inspect the cut a little closer — it's a familiar feeling: your delicate fingers treating him like glass.
megumi's standing in front of you, and you're sitting on the kitchen island so you can actually reach his face. he lets you do your thing and he's fighting every urge to kiss your lips; he knows the cut will only get worse.
"i don't want you to go missing on me like that," you say. "never again."
"i won't," he assures, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt as you continue cleaning his cuts. "can't die yet."
"ever," you correct. "don't plan on dying, ever."
"i'm not immortal, [name]."
"that's not my problem to fix."
he smiles at your attitude — megumi might really have to figure out a way to become immortal now — freeze the cells that are dying in his body before his bones get too tired to move, stop the pigment in his hair from fading.
"okay." he breathes, hands finding their way around your waist — he taps your legs to open wider to let him fit between. " but you'll have to be immortal too, then."
"why?" you question. "i don't go around killing myself to chase curses."
"when you die, i'll be lonely," megumi explains. "need you to fill the empty space on the bed."
you laugh, trying to think of a witty comeback — you were still upset at your boyfriend for going MIA — but the look he's giving you makes it difficult not to give in.
"is that the only reason you're dating me?"
"maybe," he lies. "i didn't buy such a big bed for nothing. can't let it go to waste."
you gasp, too dramatic to be real — you put the gauze down and give him a stern look, and he lets a giggle slip through his lips before you get to nag him again.
"i'm just kidding, baby," megumi begins to kiss your frown away, pressing his blood stained lips to yours. "i love you for far more than that."
and it's just like that that you melt at megumi fushiguro's words — his red lips and blushed face making your heart skip more beats than humanly possible.
"whatever." you continue to feign anger, yet your arms are still wrapped around his neck. he knows your attitude will last for at least a week.
his lips hurt, and he thinks your hard work has gone to waste with the way he's peppering kisses all over your face.
your hands find his jaw and you lead him into an actual kiss, and you realise he tastes like antiseptic — a little blood in the mix, too — but you can't really complain.
"i'm serious."
you wonder if it's megumi who fills the void you have, or whether it's you who fills his. whether that be in the form of empty beds or an empty house, you know for certain that everything feels off without him — missing like a centre puzzle piece.
"i know," you run your fingers through his rough and matted hair. "i love you too, megs."
"think you'll have to wash my hair for me, too."
you shake your head. "probably has lice."
"we'll have lice together, then." your boyfriend shrugs his shoulders.
"that's so gross, megs," your face sours. "you're such a romantic."
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fcthots · 9 months
here with some Christmas gus ask 💪💪
when jason sets up the Christmas tree he has to place the decorations of the tree high enough, out of gus's reach, because gus always plays with them and knocks the Christmas decorations if they're within close reach
- 🦇
Merry Christmas nonnie!! Gus is the best present
Tim had a minor injury. Very minor. That was why he collapsed on the fire escape of your apartment. Okay, maybe the blood loss wasn't ideal, but hey. He's not dead yet.
Though he thinks he might die out of spite when he sees the large orange ball of fluff staring at him from the window. Gus's screech of a meow does not help the migraine brewing behind his eyes. Though he supposes he should be thankful when said demon screech alerts you to the bleeding bird on your balcony. He watches the shock and worry on your face as you use one hand to tear open the window and the other to hold the still yelling cat away from his desired escape route.
"Tim, what the fuck??? JASON"
He tries to say "it's fine," but to be completely honest, he's not sure he gets the words out. He sees Jason come barrelling down the hallway, eyes checking over your body for injury until he spots Tim still laying in a pile on his fire escape.
"Hey." He is fairly confident that he managed to get his mouth to move this time. Jason does not respond to his greeting in the same kind manor Tim had opened with. Rude.
Jason manages to pick Tim up and deposit him into a chair. He spends time stitching up the knife wound Tim got from what he swears was "just a lucky hit." Tim takes Jason's mother henning in stride while you make him something to eat, insisting that a granola bar doesn't count as dinner. Gus is not happy about Tim's intrusion into his home, watching his every move. Tim assumes the cat thinks it's being subtle, but all 20 pounds of cat do not hide behind the leg of the kitchen table as well as it may think. Especially when it flops over as Jason passes, heading to grab some spare clothes for Tim who "shouldn't grapple home with a stab wound."
Tim huffs and crosses his arms, only slightly wincing as it tugs at his stitches. It's only then that he notices the tree, the tree that only has the top half decorated. Almost three feet above the ground of this tree has no ornaments. He can find no discernible reason. He knows Jason would have decorated the apartment November first and it is well into December. He's seen the ridiculous number of ornaments that the two of you own. To be honest, he's not sure where you keep all the decorations out of season. The working theory is an extra safe house somewhere, but after working this pet project in his spare time for two years now, he hasn't figured out which one. Regardless, he can think of no reason, nay, negative reasons as to why not all of your tree is decorated. He stares at it so long that he spaces out and loses track of time.
Come to think of it, has your tree always been like this? He's noticed that the bottom of your tree usually has less ornaments, but the no ornaments thing has to be new, right?
"Uh Tim?" He whirls around to face you where you hand him a plate of something that looks like pasta. He briefly looks at you and then back over to the tree. "You good there, bud?"
"I am losing my mind. Why is only half of your tree decorated?"
"Is that why you've been staring at the tree for over a half hour now?"
"It's bothering me. Please. I have to know."
Tim isn't sure why he was expecting it to be some earth shattering secret. He probably should not be disappointed that it wasn't because you were sending an assassin a top secret code using trees. He is only mildly ashamed to report that his mouth hung open with slight judgement and shock as you said, "Gus likes to knock the ornaments off the tree for sport, and while we're usually just glad he's getting exercise, last year he tried to eat the glass of a broken ornament so we're just playing it safe this year."
The cat seems to laugh at Tim's descent into insanity from behind the table's leg. The cat could be an assassin now that he thinks about it.
And now that he thinks about it harder, maybe he lost more blood than he was previously aware of.
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ghostieyanyan · 5 months
Could you do a Demon!Poly!Scarabia x AngelF!MC comic?
In which Jamil and Kalim are a couple of Demon Kings, but they felt that something was missing, or rather someone. And one day while walking through the forest, they find/meet MC, the Princess of Angels with her back bleeding, which leaves them both worried, so after using a spell to heal their wounds, they discover the truth about the Kingdom of Angels, that they pretend to be good just to have the adoration of humans and fight and kill demons for no reason and for power, and when MC protected and saved a demon who was going to be killed unjustly, her own parents ripped off her wings as "punishment for defending an evil demon", and before they could do anything else with her, MC fled to the forest, it turns out that this demon she saved was Najma, Jamil's sister who had been missing for a week, So as a thank you, Jamil and Kalim decided to welcome MC into their kingdom to help her hide from the angels, in addition to helping her expose the true face of angels to humans, but for the MC to be able to live and survive in the Demon Kingdom, she would have to drink a drop of blood from both kings of the kingdom and she did, and because of the blood, MC regained her wings, but now they were black. And during that time, the three began to fall in love with each other, and after exposing the truth to humans and the angels being banished, Jamil, MC and Kalim got married.
This was MC's angelic appearance before she had her wings ripped off and became part demon after drinking the blood of the JamiKali:
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What do you think?
hehehe... i love it x3 ive thought about different story lines to do and i think i thought of one that you might enjoy. hopefully lol This is isnt going to be in the same setting as the orginal demon au but it'll still use demons and angels
~Oh no! Youre still a good angel~
Yan!Demon!Jamil x Angel!mc x Yan!???!Kalim
Warnings: yandere, themes about heaven and hell, murder, blood, kidnapping, stalking,
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You were a freshly made angel. Made to guide innocent souls into the pearl gates of heaven! This isn't your first human and it wont be your last! You take pride in helping souls see the light and spreading that joy in the world until their last moments.
You learned to love the souls that you guide. Watching their growth and struggles, then watching them over come their struggles and become an amazing person that others can find strength in. doing your job is your heavenly pleasure.
This time, you were assigned a human named, Kalim Al-Asim. An innocent human that finds mayhem everywhere he goes. Assassins that try to kill him through food being poison to just being jumped in the streets.
Your heart broke watching this sweet boy being chased by thugs left and right. You knew you had to do something.
when you got to his home, with a little invisibility spell that makes you undetectable to mortal's eyes, you noticed that this boy's life, besides the murder attempts, was actually very nice. His family takes great care of him and they make lots of money.
"maybe that's why there's so many murder attempts made? why do humans care so much about these physical items..?"
"It's because human's need to sin."
You jumped at the mysterious voice and turn to find eyes piercing at you. It was a man! He was standing in the shadows so you couldn't make out his features. You stayed quiet and still. If this is a ordinary human, then he shouldn't have heard you, or even see you. But if he isn't an ordinary human, this could mean trouble.
Neither of you made a move, it was almost like either one of you were waiting for the other to jump...
Something finally happened as Kalim walked into the room you both were in to grab a cup of water. Kalim stayed for a bit until he went back upstairs to go back to sleep.
Once you heard Kalim's bedroom door clicked shut. The shadow jumped at you. you nearly dodged it but quickly ran to the balcony, opened your wings and took off.
even though you could cast a spell that made you invisible to mortals, it doesn't mean that the noise you make will be muted.
you were about to return to your home until something slams into you, grabbing you in mid air.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the same eyes that were looking at you before. this time with the help of the moonlight, you saw his features. dark skin and black hair, he had blacked out eyes with the pupils being grey. He wore black, red, and gold accents clothing. But the more important parts of him are his pointy ears, black wings and.. horns.
"Hello there~ I'm Jamil Viper. I'm the demon that was assigned... to you."
You tried your best at struggling but his grip on you was too strong. But what does he mean assigned to you? doesn't he mean, assign to the human..? you eventually stop your struggling to talk to him, maybe you could wait until he's distracted and fly off..?
"Youve got me. What are you gonna do now..? ...Cut off my wings? um..."
you drew a blank thinking of other torture methods. Then again, that is a demon's strong suit, it probably comes to them like second nature..
"Why in the realms would i do such a thing? You're wings are one of your greatest charms~"
Jamil pulls you close, speaking right to your face.
"I'll let you protect that HUMAN. But mind you, i will come back again-"
Black shadow-like clouds form, swallowing him up.
"- and when i do, i will collect."
You shut your eyes, still feeling his hands around you until the very end. when you open your eyes, he was gone and you were alone in the night sky...
The past few days, you've been on edge. both worried that the demon might come back to hurt Kalim or you. You tried your best to stay focused but you kept feeling the piercing eyes like someone is watching you.
The things that Jamil said is still stuck in your mind. the wording was strange. You weren't used to dealing with demons and you didn't have time to ask any other angels about it so you just have to go with your instincts... and what your instincts is telling you to do right now is to protect Kalim... as best as you can.
To say this was a hard mission, was an understatement. You loved your job, but with the paranoia about Jamil and protecting Kalim. you felt like you were on a fine line...
You were scared that if you weren't careful, someone might get hur-
"my my~ You look awful.."
You spun your head around and saw Jamil, standing by the door way. He had a knife in one hand and rope in the other. You grabbed the nearest weapon, a knife, and threw it at the demon!
Jamil smirked and faded into the mist, leaving the knife.. imbedded into one of Kalim's maid that was just passing by!
She stumbled a bit before leaning against a nearby wall for support.
Your body became ice cold as you rushed to the maid's side and inspected her wounds. She was coughing a lot of blood and she held her wound with one hand. Tears ran down her face as she looked around confused and scared. You tried your best at helping her but it was useless. she was gone in minutes and no one was around to help...
You felt cold, this has never happened before and you weren't prepared for this kind of event. the angels gave you advice about "things you should know about humans", but they never mentioned anything if you were to accidently take a life!!!
You heard Kalim yell. You turn to look at him as he runs to check the maid.
"Oh no! Oh no! I'm so sorry!! ugh... ill have to call her loved ones..."
Hot tears started to fall from your face. what were you suppose to do..? What's gonna happen to this person? what's gonna happen to you?? all you could really do was hold the body in your arms and kept repeating "I'm sorry"s.
"My my~ what will the heavens think of this..? their sweet angel... murdering an innocent soul"
You slowly turns to see Jamil looking down at you, with a sickening smile. You felt so many feelings you've never felt before. Rage, hatred, disgusted, sadness, depression, and... fear.
Jamil walks towards you and kneels to your level.
"Heaven might not accept you now. But we will~"
"Don't worry, angel~ you're still a good angel to me~"
You slowly turn to look at Kalim. he was looking straight at you, giving you his bright smile.
Jamil tried to reach out for you but you quickly pushed him to the side and took flight. Maybe if you explain to them what happened, they'll forgive you. You open a portal and tried flying through. Not only did you fly through but the portal failed. Instead of going to your sweet home to feel the warmth of your angel comrades, you felt the burning feeling of your wings changing from white to black.
It felt horrible. felt like hot tar was being poured on your wings. you screamed in pain. the pain got so unbearable that you couldn't maintain altitude. you started to fall.
you watched as this was likely the last time you'll see the pretty blue sky and those comfy white clouds...
You watched as your tears fall in a different pace than you...
You watched as your halo disappears from your head...
You closed your eyes as you just felt numb to everything. allowing yourself to just fall.
you felt something strange, when you opened your eyes, you looked and saw Kalim with Jamil! Kalim with his horns and tail...
They were both looking at you, smiling. A smile that made your stomach turn.
Everything finally clicked.
They lure you in with the innocent human act!
Youve should have known from that first night, when you ran into Jamil. How Kalim conveniently joined both of you. The stares from Jamil, in the shadows, and Kalim, in the daylight, that stayed on you a little too long.
And that maid... that unfortunate maid. She wasn't suppose to be there... unless it was all planned.
Jamil made sure to were uneasy and paranoid and Kalim made it so that if your fight or flight kicks in, you'll fight to protect a "poor defenseless human"
They wanted you to fall...
You were tricked by these TWO HORRIBLE DEMONS!!!
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aliaology · 10 months
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summary: yn makes it to michigan with her friend sabrina, shockingly, reconnecting with old friends and also bumping into bad memories.
series masterlist
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you felt weird, the stares of others pouring heavily onto your body. you didn’t like it, the feeling, whatsoever. the crowd parted as you walked into the house. the memories from this house flooded through your mind, from running to your room away from jack, to even skinny dipping with him in the lake.
you watched cole leap up and made his way to you, leaving a very uncomfortable jack and trevor behind. "bells! you made it" he grinned.
the shorter boy threw his arms around you in happiness. "hey coley, i told you i'd be here" you smiled, hugging him back.
"i know but it's just, unreal! i haven't seen you in forever!" he smiled.
you frowned. "im sorry cole, ive been really busy in toronto and it doesn't help that i feel so out of place in michigan now.." you trailed off.
"dont sweat it, bells. im just glad you're here" he smiled at you. "how long are you staying here for?" he asked.
"well— sab leaves tomorrow, im staying to get my dorm situated back at umich" you told. cole nodded.
"get lunch with me tomorrow then? i want to catch up" you just nodded before hearing your name get called. looking behind you, you see some of jack's teammates.
jack's teammates, john marino and nico hischier always liked you. hell, you still talked to them to ask how games went and just how they were.
"ill talk to you later coley" you grinned.
cole nodded and went back to trevor and jack. trevor held a sour look on his face while jack looked pissed. you grabbed sab’s arm and brought her with you to john and nico.
"hi johnny, hi nico" you smiled at them, giving them each hugs once you got to them. "its been awhile." you added.
"seriously, a long time. have you been in toronto the entire time?" john asked.
you nodded. "yeah, i moved in with my brother. im with him for just two more weeks until i move into my new apartment." you smiled.
"really? where you moving to?" nico asked.
"new york, actually." you grinned. "maybe ill drive over to nj and pop in."
nico grinned, "i'd be careful with that one, y/n. i cant lie, jacks been in a little bit of a twist since your song came out." he spoke.
john nodded. "more standoff-ish, but he had it coming.”
you heard sab snort from behind you, causing you to grin along. "sorry its just— one of my songs ends with ‘he had it coming’ and it reminded me of that.” sabrina spoke.
"its okay— how have you both been?” nico asked. you looked at sabrina with a hesitation glint in your eyes. she just sent you a nod.
“ive been— okay? uhm, just a lot going on currently. very stressed i dont know— i just cant wait to get back to umich.” you explained.
“and i have to go back to LA tomorrow so i have to soak my time up with my girl.” sabrina grinned, tossing an arm around your neck.
"uh oh— warning, trevor is on his way over.” john said, bringing his cup to his mouth to quiet his words before taking a sip of whatever alcoholic drink he had.
you tensed up slightly, not turning your head, you kept close to sabrina.
"what up guys, how you enjoying the party? cole's wondering." trevor faked a smile.
"oh, very fun if i do say so myself." sabrina sarcastically spoke.
you nudged her slightly, elbowing her in the side. she sent you a glare, basically stating ‘cut the shit.’
trevor sarcastically smiled. "well isn't that just peachy? anyone here finding someone to go home with tonight? i know it shouldn't be too hard for some of you."
you grab nico's drink, sipping it yourself. "maybe— i heard that dixie girl is single, might ask her to go home with me.” you shrugged.
the four guys went completely silent. you coughed, "anyone up for another drink? i think i need to get drunk tonight." and you walked away.
“oh my god” sabrina laughed, immediately going after you.
“fucking bitch”
trevor scoffed, walking away in anger. john and nico looked at each other, wide eyes. "holy shit."
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lol hey... this sucked but hey! tags: @honethatty12 , @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @lovinbarzal , @outrunangelss , @absolutelyhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot , @shadowsndaisies @lxnceclercs
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willbyersabyss · 3 months
Will flickered the garage lights. Not a new statement I know, but he did... unintentionally. This is an expansion of my theory that Will changed time by travelling into the Wheeler house DND memory. When Will travelled into that memory, it not only altered the Upside Down and time there, but also messed with the electricity at the Wheeler house.
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So we all know the DND game very obviously foreshadows Will's encounter with the demogorgon, ending with Will('s dice) going missing. Well what if the rest of that scene at the Wheeler house foreshadows events that follow directly after Will's disappearance?
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Right after Will loses the dice, Karen tells the boys that they need to go home. Will losing the dice represents the moment he gets lost. Karen's line alludes to them losing track of time. So time may have been altered moments after Will disappeared.
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Karen says that they can finish their game at another time. Mike says they can't because it will ruin the flow. The flow of time? This suggests that their DND game had a hand in altering the flow of time, perhaps in the Upside Down, so picking another date wouldn't be right. The time needs to be November 6th!
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Ted is already up and messing with the TV that's having technical issues. Whatever caused the power to flicker already happened by the time Mike got upstairs. So it started during their DND game. Interesting.
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We've already seen Will's relationship with the Upside Down mess with cameras and TVs. The camera originally filmed at 8:04 PM but when Joyce watched it on the TV, it says 8:15 PM. Once Will got transferred into the Upside Down during his vision, the camera started glitching. The Upside Down interfered with time here!
So the Wheeler's TV started glitching because Will was in the Upside Down, just like it did to the Halloween footage. Will is causing these glitches somehow.
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Then Will leaves and the lights flicker, but only in the garage. The bedroom light upstairs and the front porch light stayed the same. If this was just a power outage because of lab shenanigans, the entire house would have flickered. We know lights flicker when someone in the UD walks under them, so this must be what's happening. Someone is on the other side. Vecna or... Will!
The lights flicker the second Will bikes out of the garage. This indicates that Will leaving Mike's garage is causing the flickering. Maybe he was leaving on the other side because he went back in time to this memory.
Mike is the one to turn the lights off after they flicker. Is this hinting at Mike being the one to solve the UD's time problem?
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So why was Will leaving the Wheeler house so soon after altering the UD to look like that memory? He was being chased. This is the scene that we see after Will leaves. Dustin chases after Will and yells that he's going to kill him... interesting choice of words for sure! This represents Vecna going after Will on the other side.
What Dustin says here may even indicate why Vecna wants to take Will in the first place. "Race you back to my place" might hint that Vecna wanted Will to create the Creel house in the UD, so he chased him there until it formed. Will broke the barrier of the Wheeler house memory.
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And then Will claims Dustin's X-Men 134 comic. This comic has a lot of information that clearly links to the lore of the show, most of which relates to El, but this section caught my eye. Mastermind, who I think represents Vecna, made Jean Grey believe she was time travelling, but it was all an illusion. So time travel is literally being brought up and correlated with Will right off the bat!
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Here's the thing... Max didn't actually travel into a memory. We see El travel into multiple memories and she sees other people there. Max's skatepark memory and Billy's beach memory both still have people. So why does Max's Snow Ball "memory" have no people? The people she was with were the reason why that memory was happy, so shouldn't they be there?
Nope! You know what other place resembles Hawkins but notably has zero people? The Upside Down. Hm! So the UD is a memory of some sort, but not really the memory. It's an illusion of the memory. Maybe the big difference between El's true memory travel compared to Max's illusion is that what Max did can actually alter the UD and technology in the real world. I already have a post discussing this topic here!
Will did this too. That's why the Wheeler house is stuck on the day he went missing. It's his memory that was replicated there. When Will did this after being kidnapped, it messed with the electricity in the real world when the memory takes place. So the TV goes out along with the garage lights. Will was there, but in a memory!
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kazumist · 1 year
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3 hours, 27 minutes, and maybe around 2 seconds. no, miya atsumu is not going insane. what do you mean? he's perfectly calm. but with the amount of missed calls, ignored messages, and attention that he's been giving to the time right now, maybe—just maybe—he's losing his mind a bit.
he had no idea what he had done wrong to deserve this. of course, there was the possibility that you slept in since it is currently a sunny saturday after all, but between you and atsumu, he was the one who would usually sleep in until god knows when.
atsumu had made prior plans for the day. and that was to go out on a walk with you (a quick date to a café as well), go back to his place, and either play video games with you and osamu or watch some movies while cuddling. a perfect plan for a lazy saturday if he had to say so himself, if only he didn't fail at the first step: asking you out for the day.
well, technically, he didn't fail. it's just that you have been responsive as of now. atsumu is at least 90% sure that he did nothing wrong. when he walked you home yesterday, you were quite fine! you even gave him a quick peck on the cheek before going inside your home (that made atsumu actually go to bed while smiling like an idiot, but of course you don't need to know that).
it took him another 5 minutes of waiting before saying fuck it, and getting himself ready to check up on you himself. (actually, he made sure to stop by a convenience store first to buy a few snacks to bring you.)
the moment the door in front of him opened, he expected to see you. but the one who greeted him instead was none other than your younger sibling. "are you here for (y/n)?" your sibling asked him. "uhm. yeah, i am. they haven't been responding to me at all," he says.
"sick in bed, so they've been there ever since this morning."
oh, so that's why you haven't been responding to him.
"can i come in then?"
your sibling opened the door more and stepped aside, a sign of inviting him, which he gladly accepted. he started heading to your room, a plastic bag filled with snacks still in hand. he gently knocks on your door, waiting for a go signal to get in.
"yes mom, i already took my medicine!" he heard you say in a sick voice. from what he could tell so far, your nose was probably clogged right now, which was why your voice sounded a bit different than before.
"i didn't know i was your mom now." atsumu chuckles.
"the one and only, baby."
"you can come in." your boyfriend gladly opens the door and waltzes into your room. however, he didn't expect you to be so wrapped in your blankets. "sorry about earlier. mom has been nagging me a bit about my medicine."
atsumu places the plastic bag on your desk nearby. "i tried reaching out to you everywhere, but you weren't responding, so i got worried and decided to check up on you," he says, proceeding to sit on the edge of your bed. you pull up the blanket on you, covering half of your face. "sorry about that, my phone died on me last night. it hurts me to move around right now, so i haven't plugged it in." 
"it's alright; you shouldn't move around that much anyway," atsumu replies before getting up and plugging your phone in right after. he was about to go closer until you stopped him. "wait! don't come closer."
"what? baby, why?"
"i might get you sick as well if you do," you pout.
he chuckles at your words: "my immune system is pretty strong, you know?"
"but still…"
"baby, it's fine." he kisses your forehead. "i got you some snacks, by the way, but with you being sick right now, i don't think you can eat 'em."
"awe.. just one bite?"
now, don't look at him that way. not when you both know he's weak to that pleading look on your face, especially with those pouty lips that he'd love to kiss right now if you weren't having a burning fever at the moment.
"fine… just one."
yet one turned into two, two turned into three, and so on!
if there's one thing that could make miya atsumu weak in the knees, it's you.
(by the time your boyfriend got home, he was sneezing, and when the time came, it was your turn to take care of him now.)
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a/n: i dont like this one bit tbh... i also forgot to change the you and your to ya and yer 😭 probably ooc atsumu but this is just pure word vom 🧍‍♀️
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
I think Daisy seeing how Billy takes care of muse when Daisy has gotten her too high is interesting ngl
i love them all sm, and I definitely think it makes daisy a little more introspective about the situation and she understands it a little bit more.
like billy has no reservations about sticking his hands down your throat to help you throw up when you've had too much, helping you drink water, tilting your head back to help you swallow it. he knows how much you can handle and he gets you back on the track of what you're usually taking because daisy always manages to make the 3 lines you might take scattered throughout the day, 3 lines one right after the other with a bottle of champagne and a couple of beers right after and a joint.
when he's drugged up and so are you it's a completely different story, but when he's not high out of his mind he makes sure you're well taken care of and anything you say actually makes him think and feel guilty because it's so much more vulnerable.
"daisy, what the hell did you do?" he's got his hands on your face, looking at how insanely dilated your pupils have gotten.
"well, I don't know, we just kept going. it didn't feel like that big of a deal!"
"you're so irresponsible, daisy!"
"wanna sit down." the moment you say it he's helping you inside, had you on the couch.
"how much did you take, baby?"
"not enough, I said I wanted to go home. why are you here?"
"she didn't take you home and I'm glad she didn't-"
"daisy, I wanna go home." you rather unsuccessfully try to stand and billy's got you when you stumble.
"what is going on?" before daisy can chime in to answer billy, you have. because you're crying, daisy knows it's just you crying for the 100th time.
"I just want to go home, I'm sick of this. I just want to be loved, why don't you love me?"
there's a silence, a painful silence where billy is thinking, "we need to get you to throw some of this up."
and you're just crying harder because it proves something to you and daisy is just watching the chaos unfold. "I'm so stupid, just call me a taxi, I shouldn't be here."
"no, you're not gonna be alone." and you don't know know why you let him take you to the bathroom, why you let him help you throw up, why you let him get you a cup to wash out your mouth, or sit there on the bathroom floor with him. "I do love you, I just hate that you try to see me, all of me." Words whispered on the bathroom tiles before he's cleaning you up, convincing you to lay down and sleep it off, holding you until you feel somewhat better.
it doesn't really stop daisy from getting you high in the future, just a little less high, or from getting on billy's case, but she knows more why you're so stuck to each other.
sitting on rooftops with daisy drinking bottles and bottles of champagne and smoking a joint, she's scribbling down random lyrical ideas she gets from things you say. but you're losing it, she's got you thinking too much about billy, you're angry, sad, just riled up. and so when billy walks into this your time bomb is done ticking.
"daisy, what the hell!" he can already tell from scattered bottles that you've got to be drunk out of your mind.
"you're not her keeper, billy, an adult woman can handle herself. because that is what she is, isn't it?" daisy can't help herself but make digs about how everyone seems to glaze over how young you are, an adult, but not nearly as much as they are.
you're standing up, facing him, you've suddenly gained all the confidence to ask him things that you wouldn't usually dare to. "billy, what are we?"
"what? what are you talking about?" he's shaking his head and daisy is happily taking another hit off the joint. "you're my girl, you know that-"
"what does that even mean, billy? what does it mean to be your girl? label it, say it's something or maybe it means nothing to you at all, but I just wanna know where I stand. to understand who you want me to be because I have no fucking clue." and you're pushing back tears, slightly slurring your words, but they ring clear in billy's ears like the reckoning.
his hand runs through his hair, shaking his head, sighing, completely exasperated. "i-i don't know."
in the background daisy is scoffing, taking a drink, laughing slightly, "well, isn't that just a great response, you don't know."
you've spoken up before billy can shoot back, "I'm not asking to get married, I just want to know what I am to you or just what I'm not. because somedays I'm just some pair of tits that you're sick of doing lines on, another stupid fucking groupie-" your voice chokes, "and others it's like you'd hand the goddamn stars for me, your muse, your inspiration. and I don't even know what to expect, ever."
he can't think of a single thing to say that doesn't make him feel small, that express the complexities of how he's feeling. "you're drunk."
and it actually hurts him to see the way you just stare at him, letting the tears well in your eyes, "yeah." then you're laughing, grabbing the bottle from daisy to take another drink. "just go, billy, find someone much more entertaining then me. tracy has better tits anyways and they say she gives really good head-"
"I do know that-"he's taking a deep breath, swallowing, it feels like a lot to say this, "that I always want you around, near me, with me, when you're gone, it breaks me. and that I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling. look, I'm-" another deep sigh, "I'm sorry. let's just get you sobered up."
and him saying sorry must be good enough for you even if daisy knows she wouldn't have taken just that, but you're putting the bottle down, letting him get closer, "oh my god, I think I'm gonna be sick"
and she watches him nurse you through the next mornings hangover, the way he's mastered the hangover cure that helps you, the way he plays with your hair, the way he kisses your forehead, and how comforted you see by it.
yeah these are just some of my thoughts so far about it for my pookies
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Amm hii my first ever public brain thought i have these often but yee i didn't see much of lyney so i took it out to try and write something about him ^^...
What would people say now, when the the representative of Inazuma is being so drunk
How did you get here you you don't know ether you really wanted to see him and plus he said you can come to see him anytime you want so no harm is done here right, at least that is what you tell yourself.
As you opened tent he was in you slowly walked to his sleeping form it would be be shame to wake him.. And you jumped on him.As he jolts awake he panics a bit but sees its you and instinctively hugs you back "well hello mon chérie";"hii, and i told you to not call me that if you don't tell what it means" he only giggles at that of course you could ask someone in city or court what it meant but you afraid someone is going to make fun of you after all you were one of most respected person in city of Fontane and that that is why you shouldn't be here even worse drunk as you are now, honestly you just wanted a little escape from your thoughts thinking of him all day so it was better idea to get drunk and actually see him great life choices, "soo ~ why did you come here to see me not that i mind". "honestly idk i just want to see you"
L:ou is that so, soo what do you want to do
Y:honestly i don't know i just want to spend time with you so anything is fine
L: wanna go around the festival ground i think i can turn merry go round for a little bit
Your eyes sparked as you tug him out tent
Y:What are we wait for lets goo
He only watched you amused honestly you are such different person out of court house so lively and energetic noting like that reserved figure. He got his hat and cape which looked really funny on his pj but he still looked good god he always does dose he. After walking a bit you got there at first it was nothing special but once he got it light up it was beautiful you quickly rushed to it sitting on one of horses, lyney slowly got to your side holding one of support bars for his safety. You laugh and giggled whole time
L:you know i prefer you like this happy with honest laughter
You turned your head to look at him but because of amount of alcohol you had your head spined and start falling forword he rushed to catch you
L:hey carful we don't want you to get hurt
You crashed your head on his chest as he try to keep you on the house
L"See i told you to be careful you could gotten hu.. "
" you smell nice" your drunk ass said would you hate yourself for it if sober YES, are you now proud of it also yes. He stares for a second as you wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle further it his neck
L "hey hey slow down there that pa it sensitive"
"is it now" you kissed it congratulations you might fucked up your friend.. And he moaned never mind you don't care
"OUU that much sensitive ~" as you smirked and looked at him you could swear his eyes were beginning for more
L"i don't know how much you drink but you are not acting like your self maybe i should take you home "
And ou boy did you not like the idea you wanted to stay with him so as any saint person you hugd him with your legs too
" no, home is lonely, here with you better "
He soften his eyes at your wish but still wanted to do right thig after all you had a couple of drinks so your not thinking straight and he didn't want to use that
L "i can stay with you in your room until you fell asleep"
As soon as that left his mouth your was back in his neck this time tho you took small bite enough tho for lyney to grabs your hair and yeests it backwards.Now he did want to scold you but look in your eyes that begged him to continue just a bit more made him question his decisions.. But too late for that now because he was slowly closeing distance between you
As his lips touched yours there was feeling of addiction right behind he want to be slow with you to give you chance to back away, ou but you had other plans as you made him physically not able to get closer to you as he is now and it surely didn't help how you grinded on him. He groaned softly this is not okay he needs to stop you before he can't himself
L"Cheri you really need to stop and get your head clear "
But you didn't like that idea and wanted to continue but this time he read you and firmly grabbed your chin and spoke in most serious voice he ever used
L" salope now i believe i told stop now be good little bitch and stay still "
And boy you did was that all that can make you stay put just one degrading word and you are done you wanted to smack your self but before you got chance you felt fingertips on your cheek and mouth
L" I would love to continue this will you one you are more sober butt until then this must satisfi your hunger "
He watched as you look at him ou and boy did he want to ruin you image just how much his pride would be.
He slowly picked you up and you did feel kinda dizzy he was saying something but you were falling and didn't hear what.
As you opened your eyes you instantly got pictures in your head that by the way hurted like bitch.
You want to cry because of stress why did it had to be dream, as you tried to lay on your back you here mumbling behind you. Fastly turning around to see who and to your luck he was there now slowly opening his eyes
L"morning cheri did you sleep well "
"i think i told you not to call me that "
L"ou but you didn't mind yesterday did you now " he said with grinnin. He is not going to let that one go until you retire that is for sure, as he slightly moved to get closer to you he whispered
L" if you don't mind helping me fix that problem you made yesterday "
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luna-lokisdottir · 1 year
Meeting Wilbur - Music Giant AU
(This is so bad for my first writing. You might think it's good, but I don't)
"Tallulah!" The young giant heard her papa called out
She gasped and then looked at the human before exclaiming, "Papa!" getting up to greet her father at the cave entrance, Tommy raised an eyebrow.
"Papa?" he parroted.
There were more of them? Oh gods.. if there were that, just made Tommy more nervous. A baby giant was bad enough, but a full-grown one? that was a whole other story.. what were they gonna do to him?
"Papa!" he heard her exclaim in an excited tone, He watched as the other giant gasped excitedly, "Tallulah! mi niña!" he replied with the same excitement his daughter gave him, embracing his daughter in a big hug as he ruffled her hair up, Tallulah giggled as she returned the hug, and then she seemed to have remembered that Tommy was there because she quickly followed up with:
"Papa! I have something to show you!"
The Giant raised his eyebrows curiously, "Oh?" he said Tommy felt the vibrations in the ground as he exited the hug.
"What is it, love?" Tommy watched as a little grin grew on the younger ones face, and then, without any real warning, he was picked up from off of the ground and cupped into her hands he jolted as she walked over to her father to show him.
Wilbur crouched down as his daughter brought the human to him, just to gain a better look. "Ta da!" she raised her hands up to the giant who looked in surprise when he saw the little human in his daughters hands.
Tommy, on the other hand, was naturally terrified, this giant was BIG at least several feet taller than his child and given the look on his face he didn't seem too happy about him being there, Tommy gave a nervous little wave to the giant who looked down at him and then back at his child questioning:
"You brought a human into our home?" in a light yet slightly suspicious tone, Tallulah's face fell as she lowered her hands and brought Tommy closer to herself.
"Well.. no- technically, he brought himself into our home."
"That's even worse!" The Giant exclaimed as he looked back down at the human before adding:
"Tallulah, I've told you how dangerous humans are. They're smarter than they look. They'd kill us if they had the chance." The young giant looked down as her father explained this to her, "I know.. but can I just keep him Papa? please! I'd keep an eye on him if he tries anything, and he really doesn't seem like he has anywhere else to go!" she said.
Wilbur raised an eyebrow at the question, "Keep him?" he laughed lightly, "Lulah he probably has a family to go back to, we shouldn't hold him back he probably has a life too, you know."
"Please, Papa?" Tommy had to stop himself from laughing as the young giant gave her father puppy dog eyes, Wilbur sighed.. how could he say no to that face?
Tommy just kind of vibes as the two giants talked it out while being kept by a giant didn't seem like a good idea, he kind of had no where else to go since Cellbit's guards were still after him.
So, maybe this could work? For the time being, at least stay with the two giants until they finally stopped looking for him; "I-" he cleared his throat, which got the other male's attention he looked down nervously those big brown eyes were intimidating to look at even if they meant no harm.
"I actually wouldn't mind staying here with her, if that's alright." He said. Honestly, he couldn't believe that those words came out of his mouth. Wilbur raised an eyebrow while Tallulah gasped in excitement.
"Are you sure?" the giant replied, "I don't want to take you from your family or friends or whoevers waiting for you back there."
Tommy shook his head.
Although a little suspicious, Wilbur sighed and eventually gave in; "Then I guess.. he can stay." Tallulah smiled widely as she exclaimed in excitement.
"Thank you, Papa!" she smiled as she hugged her father. He laughed as he patted her on the head, "I'll take good care of him, I promise." The girl smiled, Tommy looked up at her as she took him into her side of the cave and thought to himself, 'Oh gods.. what did I get myself into-'
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 6
When Nancy and Robin returned to his house, he told them that Jonathan had found Eddie. The two of them, along with Argyle, spent the night in case the two returned.
Neither of them showed their face.
The next day, Steve was alone in his house, waiting for one of them to come by or to call and explain what happened with Eddie. When it got past noon, Steve called Eddie's home. No answer. He held it together long enough for an hour to pass before calling the Byers-Hopper place. Joyce answered but said she hadn't seen Jonathan at all today.
Honestly what was worse than the not knowing was being confused on who he was more worried about, Jonathan, who had just kissed him for the first time, or Eddie, who had seen them kiss.
Steve busied himself with cleaning and exercising mostly. He thought about talking to Robin, waaay too much to have not called her at this point. But he didn't know where to start.
The day after Jon and Eddie went MIA, Steve officially out of things to clean and he was contemplating getting some kind of gym membership when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and Jonathan was there, asked if he wanted to go on a drive and Steve accepted.
It was rare that he was a passenger. He got to watch the town go by. It was five minutes into the ride that he realized he didn't even ask where they were going.
"We're doing this whole thing, because you don't wanna date anyone, right?", Jonathan asked.
"It's not because of that. I just didn't want Dustin hounding me about not dating Robin. And then it was about getting him to stop setting me up with anyone."
"So why did you choose me? Was it just because I walked through the door? It could have been anyone, right?"
Steve thought of who else could have walked through the door that he would claim to date on the spot just to trick Dustin. The list was short. Not Robin or Nancy. None of the kids. Argyle he had just met.
......Maybe Eddie?
"Whoever you just thought of, you probably should have picked him", Jonathan said.
"I don't regret choosing you", Steve said. "Or kissing you", he added quickly.
Jonathan bit his lip. Eddie and driven them back to his place the other night and they had talked until dawn. It was just before the sun rose, when the sky was its darkest that Eddie confessed.
"I've got the hots for your boyfriend, man."
A guy in a normal situation might show offense, or possessiveness, or something. But Steve wasn't his boyfriend. He shouldn't feel that way. Like he actually wanted Steve. Because that would be crazy, wouldn't it?
"I think you and Eddie should talk."
"Did he tell you why he ran off?", Steve asked.
"Yeah. But that's not for me to say."
Steve slouched a little in his seat. "Where are you taking us anyway?"
"I have no idea. I just couldn't talk in your house, man."
Nancy knew something was up. But she was also quite sure it was none of her business. Her two ex-boyfriends coming out as gay and dating each other was a shock to her system. But only because it had appeared to her that Steve and Eddie were the ones getting closer.
It was none of her business though. But whatever was going on was making things tense. It had been a couple of weeks since Eddie ran off in the night and he was acting like he hadn't.
It was probably no harm, no foul. He was safe and this wasn't a symptom of the Upside Down. But Nancy was never one to let things go.
And the New Year's party she was throwing was the perfect opportunity. Nancy had the house to herself. Mike was at his friend's party, her parents had gone to an office party and Holly was at a sleepover. She bulked up the guest list with some of her old girl scout buddies and some of then teens from her church (that lot could drink you under the table).
She enlisted the help of Argyle and Robin. It wasn't a complicated plan at all. She just needed Robin in on it so that she didn't release Steve at the slightest protest.
"Are we ready for this?", Nancy asked at around 11:15.
"As I'll ever be, shit", Argyle sighed.
"Nancy, you're sure this is going to work? Because it sounds like torture instead", Robin said.
Nancy looked at their quarry. Eddie, practically guarding the punch bowl, then across the room to where Steve and Eddie were sitting a respectful distance on the couch.
"This right now is torture."
So in a process that was quite surgical and precise, the three of them managed to get Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie into a closet and kept them locked in. The sounds of the party in the living room were a distant muffle.
Hopefully they could all ring in the new year as a group of friends refreshed. Instead of the stagnant air that had been around them.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@freddykicksasses @itsfreakingbats @thatrandombatgurl @loguine-linguine @cecinestpasunblog @aliea82
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coffeebeans18 · 1 year
Smaller Than Him
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Warnings: Swearing, sex.
Some kinky shit
Y/n's POV
I'm in the bunker's library, watching Sam effortlessly get a bunch of books off of a high shelf. That shouldn't be a turn on. He's literally doing one of the most basic things ever. But I'm turned on by it.
It turns me on to see him grab things that I can't reach, and hold lots of stuff in his arms. His big, strong, muscular arms. I'm growing wetter by the second, just thinking about all the things I'd let him do to me.
Being smaller than him doesn't help me any. It actually makes things harder for me to hide. I live with him. I can't not be around him. It's hard to hide the fact that his size turns me on.
He's huge, and I want him to do things to me. I want him to fuck me so hard, my legs bruise. I want him- No. I need him to fuck me. I need his big arms to hold until we both pass out, after hard sex.
Dean: You're drooling.
He whispers to me, from behind. I forgot he was home, honestly. I was too busy drooling over his brother, to care. His very large brother.
Y/n: No, I'm not.
I whisper back, actually having to make sure that I wasn't drooling. That would've been embarrassing for Sam to see.
Dean: You might as well be.
Y/n: You're just mad that I'm not looking at you like that.
Sam: Looking at who like what?
He asks as he puts the books down on the table that I'm sitting at.
Y/n: Nothing. It's nothing.
Dean: Besides Y/n drooling over you and your arms.
And with that, Dean's gone. He literally said that, and then ran away like a child. What the fuck.
Y/n: Fucking child.
Sam: My arms, huh?
Y/n: I wasn't-
I look up at him, noticing the look he's giving me. That's the look that I give him when he's not looking at me. You know what? I'm actually horny enough to tell him, right now. I actually want him bad enough, to tell him what's on my mind.
Y/n: Yeah, I was thinking about your arms. And what I'd let them do to me.
Sam: Really? What would you like my arms to do to you?
Y/n: Everything. I'd like them to do everything.
Before I know it, he's got me in his arms and we're violently making out. Our tongues are fighting and he's walking me to his bedroom.
Sam: You don't know how long I've waited for this.
That's a shock. I always thought he'd want somebody around his size. Or close enough to his size. Bigger than me, at least. Maybe he's got a size kink, too.
Y/n: Me, too. Fuck, Sam.
Once to his room, he makes sure the door's locked, and we get to work in bed. Now we're both fully naked, and he's looking for permission to enter me.
Y/n: Whatever you want. Do whatever you want. I'm yours, right now.
Sam: I just wanna make sure you're ok with this.
Y/n: Absolutely. Just fuck me. Please. Please just fuck me, Sam.
He takes the yes, and enters my tight hole. Or maybe I was relaxed enough to become loose for him. I don't know. I'm not paying attention to what's going on down there. I'm only paying attention to who's down there, and what he's doing. And how much I'm enjoying it.
Sam: You're so wet for me, Sweetheart.
Y/n: I've waited for you for a long, long time. Of course I'm wet for you.
He starts moving in and out, and eventually quickens his pace. It started out as a normal day. Now I've got Sam Winchester fucking me hard. My day couldn't have ended better.
Sam: I'm not hurting you, am I?
Y/n: No. No, keep going. I'm so close.
He starts going faster. And soon enough-
Y/n: Oh fuck, Sam. Fuck.
Sam: You're so good to me, Y/n. Fuck.
Well, you know what happened. He pulls himself out of me, and falls next to me, pulling me close. He holds me close to him until we both fall asleep.
I've gotta thank Dean, the next time I see him. His comment might've been dumb, but it got me what I wanted.
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randomized-sims23 · 1 month
(Kinda follows/is inspired by the “What If Solar Was Revived?” Episode/simulation where Bloodmoon's code was used to bring Solar back and what would have happened) (also SPOILERS IF ITS NEEDED!)
It first happened when Moon was out getting more blood for Solar. He was home with Drizzle and Sun, and they were in the back yard talking. But Solar wasn't really listening to Sun, instead staring out over the ocean surrounding their island for miles in every direction. And he was thinking. Well more like listening to something whispering in his mind, repeated calls and begs for blood, bloodshed, run the sea Crimson with all the blood it can hold. He shook his head clear, but soon another thought came to mind. He knew Moon was getting him some more, but…well the craving never really went away for too long. He didn't think he could wait for much longer…his gaze slid to Sun beside him, watching him go on and on about the daycare kids and those stupid foam barrels they couldn't just toss out already. The whispering in his head grew louder, the craving throughout his body growing until he felt the urge to pounce in every circuit, wire and joint he had. He ran his tongue over his aching fangs in his mouth. Then he spoke. “I hope he gets back soon…I'm starting to feel a bit hungry already…” he caught the way Sun flinched ever so slightly, no doubt a nervous or paranoid habit he's developed. Not surprising given all he's been through so far. “Are you? Well…m-maybe I can fix you something real quick? A snack until he gets back?” Sun suggested, the shakey, uncertain lilt of his voice a little more obvious. Solar didn't speak for another moment, eyes glued to Sun, and following his face down to his neck. He started thinking, “that ruffle would do a good job hiding the bite mark. And it shouldn't be too hard to make him forget it happened…” “No. This craving can't be satisfied by normal food…probably make me sick more than likely. No…I want something fresher. Richer. Livelier…” He stepped closer to Sun with each word, which made him step back each time. The nervous look and tone of his voice grew as Solar drew closer, fixing Sun with a gaze all too familiar, yet all too strange. And very unsettling, like he was staring through his body. Sun swallowed hard, trying to keep himself calm and remind himself that this was his friend. He wouldn't hurt him, right? Right…? “What do uh…what do you mean, uh Solar…?” He asked, but got no response. Solar's eyes were now intensely fixed on his neck, staring wide eyed and oh so hungry, a gaze he's only seen a few unfortunate times before. “Solar…why are you looking at me like that?”
When Moon returned, he called out to let them know he was home, but no one answered. At first he thought everyone must be asleep, thinking so as he put the blood bags in the fridge. But as he stepped towards the back room the dying sunlight glinted off of something outside. Turning, he saw Sun laying on the ground motionless. Moon hurried outside to him, noticing the pooling blood beneath him. He dropped to his knees next to him, worry then panic filling his voice as he tried to wake him up, but nothing worked. “Sun! Sun come on this isn't funny, wake up…! Damn it Sun get your ass up now…! Please…I just got Solar back, I can't lose you too already…” his voice quickly went from terrified yelling to tearful begging as he held his brother's body close. After a few minutes a thought came to him and he set his body down, rushing through the rest of the house looking for Solar and Drizzle, but he didn't find any sign of them in the house. But whatever had been through here had gotten Sun's cats too. And whatever it was had possibly had Drizzle and Solar. As he rushed out the house and threw a portal to the pizzaplex down he called up Lunar first, a sigh of relief leaving him when he answered. “Yeah? Moon, what's up?” came the sleepy voice- he must have been napping. “Sun's dead. Whatever got him might have Solar and Drizzle too. Get Earth and both of you get to Monty's place and stay with him. Don't tell them about Sun, not until I know Solar and Drizzle are-” He stopped at the door to the Parts and Service, staring down at the ground. “I gotta go. Take Earth, go to Monty, stay there, keep quiet about Sun until I say so.” He hung up, his voice and hands shaky as he leaned down and plucked up Drizzle's little hand fan. She didn't use it much, just kept it for the aesthetic. But she used it enough for him to know it was hers. There was also a small trail of dripping blood leading into the room. He almost hesitated until he heard a crunch and a short, slightly muffled scream and he rushed inside, bursting through the doors. It was dark, but he could just barely make something out in one of the darker corners. Whatever it was heard him, and dropped what it was eating. He wished he hadn't interrupted. Whatever it was dropped Drizzle's body, blood pouring from a huge wound in her neck, very similar to the one Sun had. Maybe this was the thing that killed him. And he wished he had been wrong about that too. Because the thing that turned to him, eyes bright, blood red and piercing, the only other thing visible in the darkness besides a set of huge, blood-dripped, sharp fangs, lining one another like a shark, was-
“Solar…?” Moon stood there at the door, eyes wide and his voice, his whole body shaking. Solar stood from his spot, towering above Drizzle, and turned to Moon, a strange effect in his voice, almost like multiple people were talking at once. “I'm sorry…I was so hungry…I couldn't wait anymore…I needed something now…” “So you killed them?!” Moon, now having found his voice again, noted the change in his voice, but that was the last thing he was worried about right now. “I'm sorry Moon,” he said again, though like the first time he didn't sound sorry in the least. “But I was so hungry, the craving got too irresistible. But…they were so good~” Solar licked his bloodied lips as he walked closer to Moon. “And they were so beautiful, thick, luscious red streaming from their half-eaten corpses and dripping all over. Oh and their screams~ that might have been just as good as the blood~ they both cried for you, begged and screamed for you to help them. But where were you? Why didn't you save them, Moon?” He taunted him now, laughing quietly, then quickly cackling like a madman. Moon growled, pushing aside his own emotions at the moment to grab a wrench and swung at him. This wasn't Solar. Not anymore. Maybe it never was. But right now it was just another Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon mixed with an Eclipse, a horrible combination already. Solar stepped back, laughing again. “You missed~ I always wondered what they tasted like. I wonder how Earth or Lunar will taste? Or the gator? I think I want to find out~” he quickly struck Moon, hard enough to make him stagger, giving Solar enough time to run through one of the doors and escape through the vents. Moon swore and started for the door but stopped and looked back, swallowing his tears as he went to Drizzle and closed her eyes, placing her in a more dignified position. “I'm sorry…” he muttered before he ran off again, this time calling Puppet. “What's going on?” “I don't know if you can see anything right now but Sun and Drizzle are dead, Solar killed them, and I think he's going for Earth, Lunar and Monty next. He Blinded me and got away from Parts and Service, I need you to get eyes on him or something, fast!” He stopped in the lobby and placed another portal to Monty's house. Puppet's voice came through again. “He's at the house! Hurry up before he gets away again!” Puppet urged him, though Moon didn't need it. The adrenaline fueled panick for his family was more than enough.
When he arrived at the house the door was open. He already didn't like that. He entered slowly, just in case he was jumped. He kept quiet so as not to alert Solar he was there, but he did faint sounds of crackling electricity. He approached the sound, already preparing himself for the worst. Unfortunately he found it, unable to stop himself from dropping to his knees in the door way. They were all dead. Lunar and Earth were huddled together, small currents of electricity running along Lunars body and some across Earth's. Like Sun and Drizzle they also had the neck wounds. Same with Monty, who was laid out in front of them. “Moon? Moon are you there?” Puppet's voice came through the phone but he didn't answer, couldn't find his voice as tears began to fall to the ground as Moon leaned down, hands on his head as he began to sob. He had lost his entire family and his best friend. No, he lost Solar the day Ruin killed him. What he had now was nothing more than a bloodthirsty imitation. That wasn't his family anymore. After a few minutes of heartbroken sobbing he got himself together enough to call Puppet back, asking her to come to Monty's house and warning her they were all dead. There was a long pause on the other end, and he was almost worried Solar had gotten her too, until he heard faint crying. Not surprising, she and Monty were fairly close too. Soon enough the crying stopped. “Alright. I'll be over there in a few minutes.” She hung up and Moon was left to wait, sitting against a wall on the opposite side of the room facing away from them, waiting. He had taken some time to at least put them all together, tried to make it at least seem more peaceful and easier for Puppet to handle.
“Where are they at?” He looked up, seeing Puppet standing over him. He gestured to the room behind him. “I tried to…clean it up a little? Never been good at that…tried to give them a little dignity than what he left them with…” he muttered. Puppet just rubbed his head and went into the room. He heard her gasp and what sounded like choking back tears. She left the room as quickly as she went in, standing with her back to Moon for a moment as she took deep breaths to keep herself under control. “What happened.” She asked. Moon didn't answer right away. Puppet whirled around, staring down at Moon. “Answer me, what the hell happened with them?” “I don't know! But…I think it might be some issue with Bloodmoon's code in Solar's body. I haven't been able to look into that yet, but it seemed fine when I first tested it. On false, study code, and not with Bloodmoon obviously. But it always worked, stayed the same. And he was fine for a while, save a migraine or two, and then eventually the blood cravings came…he was doing just fine with the blood bags, until today…” Moon sighed, hugging his knees to his chest. “I wanted him back so bad…and instead I lost everything…” Puppet sighed, sitting down next to him. “I know…I wanted him back too,” she leaned her head back. “But no matter what we'll find him, understand? We'll find him and…well I don't think we can fix him.” Moon looked at her. “You can't seriously be suggesting-” “I am. You used Bloodmon's code. And he's already killed Five people, maybe more between them. Do you want him to go off killing more? Do you want to deal with Bloodmoon again?” Puppet asked, looking at Moon but knowing what his answer would be regardless. “No, I don't…” “I'll find him, Moon. And as soon as I do we're going to him and we're putting an end to this before it can become another problem.” She said with a hand on his shoulder. Moon sighed and closed his eyes. “Yeah. They deserve that much at least…I can't believe I left him…I couldn't…I wasn't fast enough to save them…” Moon said as he buried his face in his knees again. “Yeah but…you couldnt have known this would happen, Moon.” He simply nodded, leaning more into Puppet for comfort. And Puppet let him, lightly rubbing the top of his head to try and help comfort him. Once they put them all to rest they'd start hunting down Solar and put an end to him for good.
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appleofthemoon · 2 years
⸻   *  ❪  ❀  ...  ROSE
premise. oh dear, it looks like death has parted you and your lover. don’t worry, beomgyu is here to make you whole again.
pairing. non-idol! choi beomgyu x widow(er)! reader.
pantone. yandere.
word count. six hundred seventy three.
warning. delusional yandere, a funeral takes place, allusion to death by suffocation.
note for the reader. the depiction of the muse does not reflect upon their behavior in the real world. the muse’s actions are also not condoned by me, this is all purely a work of fiction.
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“you love him not.”
“you love him.”
“you love him not.”
and he does this a few more times—cradling the rose petal before letting it fall upon the disturbed earth. to beomgyu's delight, he peels off the last one and hums, “you love him not.”
but you don't seem to share his happiness. in fact, so many tears are falling down, the handkerchief he gave you is useless. so he tucks the stem in his breast pocket, kneels in front of you, and cups your face in his hands.
“it's okay, sweetheart. funerals really are a sad occasion.” he assures you while the pads of his thumbs gently wipe your cheeks clean.
you say nothing, not when the sadness that's painted on your face says everything. it pains beomgyu to see it, but he doesn't stop you. give some time with him, and that pain will ebb quicker than you think.
eventually, your sobs are nothing more than sniffles. feeling like you've cried enough for the buried, you finally take beomgyu's hand and rise from your chair. unfortunately, due to the uneven ground, you lose your footing and accidentally stumble into his arms.
within this close proximity, you feel his warm breath fan over your skin as he whispers, “already falling for me, sweetheart? you should be more careful, or else people will start to talk.”
you close your eyes and beg, “please, let's just go..”
“whatever you wish, my flower~”
he steps back and guides you to the car. since your wrist is still healing from an.. accident, beomgyu decides to rest his hand upon the small of your back. but if someone looked closer, they'd notice him pinching your top between his index and middle finger.
you get into the passenger seat and fold your hands upon your lap once you do so. beomgyu prefers you to sit that way, claiming it accentuates your ‘delicateness’. you don't know what that means.
what you do know is that it's better to not question him.
“wait here, sweetheart. i'll just go get the chair, and then i'll take you home, okay?”
“alright, just don't take too long.” your response makes him so happy, he just has to give you a kiss on the cheek before shutting the door.
of course he makes sure to lock the car. what if someone is watching, waiting for an opening so they can take you from him? he might as well dig a grave for himself too.
there's a pep in his step as he walks back to the site. he hums while folding the chair, but pauses because the noise your ex-lover is making is threatening to overpower it. that just won't do, not when he's trying to make a melody for you. so he stands over the grave and looks upon it with a frown.
“stop being such a baby, i got you the comfiest bed possible.” he hears a faint scream, eliciting him to roll his eyes and scoff, “how ungrateful, maybe i shouldn't have wasted my time on making a resting place.”
a series of banging and scratching follows suit, as well as cries of your name. and he does it a few more times—trying to break the coffin open before calling for your help. to your ex's fright, nothing is working; you're not coming.
“denial won't do you any good. just accept the fact that i'm here now to do everything you didn't, including caring for them and ensuring their happiness. once you do that, you'll be able to rest peacefully.”
beomgyu can't help but smile as the sounds gradually decreases until.. silence. hm, seems like the male finally listened to him. he takes out the rose's stem and a lighter. after carefully twirling the former between his fingers, he snaps it in two.
“they love me.”
he puts it back in his pocket, right above his heart.
“they love me not.”
then he burns the other half, its remains carelessly scattered upon the dirt.
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