#More than anything I would like to unhinge my jaw like a snake
ijustthinkhesneat · 7 months
I feel compelled to expand upon the previous fae/folklore! Batboys headcanons:
-Bruce is just a straight up normal human. I think this provides a great opportunity for angst because unlike his immortal? children Bruce does age and it terrifies them. And Bruce is young he’s in his early 30s but like his knees will crack a little or his back is slightly stiff after a bad patrol and it just sends them into a spiral because they cannot fathom their dad not being around forever. I can definitely imagine them trying to strong arm Bruce into becoming some flavor of unaging. You could go super dark or just more generally emotional angst but damn the possibilities.
-Cass is giving me shadow person. Very cryptid of her. I’m not sure that I have a clear backstory for her worked out yet. Either magic gone wrong or she’s another flavor of undead like Jason and Tim. I like to imagine she just hovers over people at night to be creepy.
-Originally I wanted to say Duke was a Will-o-the-wisp. But I’m not really sure it fits, especially since he’s primarily active during the day. Then it hit me. Mothman. My lamplight boy is a moth creature. I like the idea of him hiding his little antenna under a beany and wearing sunglasses. The wings would be difficult. But my boy is creative.
- I think Steph and Barbara are also human like Bruce they just are extra bad ass.
-Coming back to life as a magical creature warps peoples memories and emotions from both the trauma and changing into something not human. Tim is significantly less effected than Jason, at least outwardly, because he was only a toddler when he died so he didn’t have many memories or experiences to draw from, but Jason was super volatile. His memories surrounding Willis became even more dark while his memories of his mother sort of glossed over her absentee parenting and drug use. Jason can’t help but struggle with associating the negative learned experience he had with his first paternal figure with Bruce. Jason ends up going to live with Talia for a while because he doesn’t want to feel that way about his dad anymore.
-Basically I think Jason, at least mentally, is the most human of Bruce’s kids besides Damian because he actually lived a life as a human, where as Tim changed so young that he doesn’t really know how to be anything but his extremely disturbing self.
-I think Gotham just has major ‘I do not see it’ energy. Like The Batfamily? Demons from hell. The Wayne’s? Hot neurodivergent people. Did you see Dick Grayson unhinge his jaw like a fucking snake at a gala? No you didn’t he just has a really big smile. Jason Todd??? Has scales??? Nope actually he just developed early onset Eczema and he’s really self conscious about it how dare you! Tim Drake sucking the blood of the himbo blonde boy? Everyone knows Tim and Bernard are total freaks. Cassandra Cain is your sleep paralysis demon? Honestly fair.
-It’s totally a coincidence that strange misfortune befalls anyone who threatens the Wayne’s!
-Clark is Bruce’s favorite man to sleep on so he gets a pass. I don’t know why but a midwestern spin on the story of princess kaguya lives in my head rent free. Like Martha Kent is just shucking corn and then boom baby in the corn. We call that children of the corn. I still love to imagine him being like so perfect that it’s high key alien, but his little sharp nails and fangies! Maybe even slightly pointy ears. And like Clark fully thinks he is human, like his parents don’t tell him humans can’t fly until he’s in kindergarten, and even then they just tell him he is special and learned super fast and shouldn’t embarrass the other kids and Clark is such a Good BoyTM that he just never uses his powers in public cause he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Like bro doesn’t learn he is adopted until he is about to go to college, he is just straight up clueless.
-Clark learns Dick is a Fae creature when Batman brings Robin to the Watchtower cause he couldn’t get a baby sitter and Alfred doing some spooky shit like dusting the mausoleum. Like Batman just slinking around but there is this super colorful child with him. And then Dick turns and smiles and it’s just so wrong, like his mouth just stretching his face like some horror movie shit. Clark almost shots himself cause like what the fuck. Bruce told Dick to just ‘be himself’ so like he just thinks he’s being friendly. Despite being creepy as all hell Clark kinda thinks Dick is super adorable. Like was he spider crawling around the floor with all his limbs bent the wrong way while Bruce and Clark were talking? Yeah but then he just tugged on Bruce’s cape to ask for a juice box, like that’s a baby.
-Jason freaked him out in a different way. Since Jason is undead he doesn’t have a heartbeat and doesn’t need to breath so when he isn’t moving he makes literally zero noise. When he first met Clark he was just watching him from around corners and behind stair banisters and Clark was convinced he was losing his mind and hallucinating the kid from the Grudge. Then Bruce is just like “Oh you met Jason! He’s so sweet, just a little shy. He’s my second oldest! I think he likes you though.” And then a little grey blue slightly webbed hand just reaches around the corner to give a little wave and boom Clark would kill for him.
-Tim is similar in that Clark has trouble pinpointing his location because of a lack of normal bodily functions, but Tim has no idea what a boundary is. So like at first he’s a shy little toddler and then that night he’s crawling all over Clark and pranking him nonstop.
-Damian is a baby but like Clark looked in his eyes and just felt like this infant could see his past present and future and was judging him heavily. Clark was relieved cause at least he had a heartbeat.
-Cass lives to fuck with Clark. She’s Jason’s age but not only has no heartbeat and doesn’t breath, when she is in shadow form he can’t see her with X-ray vision. She can literally make herself undetectable to Superman. He learns this one night sleeping in a guest room at the manor. He gets the feeling he is being watched but can’t find anyone. Then right when he relaxes her arm shoots out from the darkness under his bed and grabs his leg. Clark screams so loud it cracks the window. And then just nearly silent muffled laughter as the arm retreats into the darkness. He X-Ray visions but nothing is there. He demands to stay in Bruce’s room after that. Bruce is just like “Oh that was just Cass. She likes playing practical jokes, she is my little princess!”
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vampirevatican · 7 months
nsfw levi headcanons, bc the thoughts won't stop...
long forked tongue.
he has a snake and water motif, yeah?
he's a water type, yeah??
he's a serpent. so for important reasons, he has a forked tongue and a dual dong
it's like a snake's wee wee anatomy, so yes phallic but very tentacle and wiggly
he can sheath and unsheath his hemipeen
so... does he look a bit like a ken doll with it sheathed?? yes, and ofc there's a slight lump there and if you rub it you'll awaken the peni
now if you're wondering my thoughts on size?? he's pretty average, i wanna say 5 inches
and listen if that's not enough im sorry but, dude is blessed with TWO and if anyone has something bigger than average??? it's gotta be diavolo and/or beel
anyway, can he unhinge his jaw you ask!? why yes, yes ofc he can.
how else is he supposed to fit that long, flexible, forked tongue in his mouth
can move his tongue pretty fast if you catch my drift
speaking about his mouth... yes he has shark teeth and ofc he's careful with them and warns you before things get too heated
his tail, you ask?! ofc, thiccest where it connects at the base of his spine and tapers to a point.
so when it slides in... he makes sure to do it nice and slow.... unless y'all are doing more than one round or you're already loose
yes he is a sub and simp boy but also he can be very rough if desperately horny and possessive, so be careful
masochist. there's no other way to say it. dude gets off on having his peni stepped on and being degraded
though ofc he only takes the degrading from you, and mainly in steamy situations
perv too. i said it before and i'll say it again, mfer would sniff your undies and shudder in delight.
fantasies about you being his little cam whore, but just for him. he is the avatar of envy after all.
cosplay sex?? oh it happens. yes i am saying this because of brief and panty, don't look at me like that.
sexting?? that's when he can be his most confident and dominant, because he doesn't have to physically see you and overthink his actions
even better do rp chats with him, with y'all's fave pairings?? oooh wee, after a certain point if you show up at his door be prepared to be pulled in so fast and to stay in his room til midnight or the next morning
very much a pushover, so when ur the dom anything you say goes.
when he's dom he enjoys every second of your submissive compliance, it really boosts his ego
okay... to finish this off. no he is not buff or built. yes he has demon strength and because of his body type being on the lean, kinda scrawny side he's got that secret build going for him.
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Hello! It's my first time sending an ask because I found your account about two days ago and I'm simply addicted to your writing! You are definitely in my top 3 favorite dark content writers✨ And I have so many questions and compliments for all your fics, but I also don't want to spam you jfkfdh But one of the doubts I have is about Naga!SatoSugu:
— Ok so, do they shed their skin too? Why yes, miss.Chewy will have to see this event four (or more) times a year. But would they do that with her around? Would she have to clean it or do they do it? It must be very unpleasant to live in their nest and see this everywhere. (Oh, I also know that when snakes are shedding their skin, they are very sensitive and can get irritated easily because of it)
— And I also have a question about the way they feed themselves. Do their jaws open like snakes or do they just bite and chew their food? OH, do they also regurgitate the digested food? Sorry if I'm going into too many details jsjdkd it's fun to think about these possibilities in this story.
Anyway, I'm very happy to have found your account. I love rereading your stories and I love your beautiful brain.
— 🐦‍⬛
awwww thank you!!!! youre so nice!!!! ontto your questions
again idk anything about snakes....i just thought serpent men are hot sooo regarding shedding their skin...only their snake part would shed right? so their human part will be fine. I dont think stsg would shed their skin together. itd be more like one sheds their skin, while the other hunts. when Chewy comes into the picture, the naga shedding his skin would probably retreat further into the caves system you three live in, so you wont see him for a while.
unhinging their jaws sounds so terrifying but so funny so yes they do. The first time they did it, it definitely freaked Chewy out and at that same time, stsg realized that they have to cut up your food so it was definitely a culture shock on both sides. For the record, both satoru and suguru have tried to feed you a whole carcass cuz they're snake men who live in the woods what do you expect???
see this is why yakuza! stsg is sexier than naga!stsg. why would you want weird snake men trying to force feed you a dead rat when you could have murder husbands who carry guns???
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I GIVE MORE NAGA LEO CONTENT-- Alright, so Leo is pretty clingy when cold right? Yeah that is tripled during his shedding cycles- Turtles shed as is, but with snakes there is a period where they are blinded/semi-blind as the scales over their eyes shed off as well. So during this period you have this huge 300 pound naga clinging to you like a lifeline. There is not one moment of alone time, not even bathroom time (He waits outside, scratching at the door like a needy cat the whole time). He may also ask for help getting any stubborn parts off, like if the skin gets caught on a scale while he's trying to pull out of his old skin. In the end you are left with giant molds of skin that you don't know what to do with- it'll take at least two full sized trash bags to put it all in to discard. Leo is all happy in the end, proudly showing off his new shiny scales and tail to you.
As well as being part snake, this gives Leo the ability to unhinge his jaw- which if it freaks you out he definitely uses to mess with you. During meal times, even if he doesn't need to as he does actually have teeth more than his fangs, he will unhinge his jaw and make a show of eating the food whole just to watch you squirm. It interests him on how humans can be so squeamish to something so normal for him and his kind, and teases you about it. This man loves to bask in the sun, and if you have any trees in your yard strong enough to support him he is quite content to spend warm summer days wrapped around the branches of a tree and watch you go about your day from afar. If you join him when he begs askes, he will make a makeshift hammock with his tail to slowly rock you while you both enjoy the summer warmth. He loves to see you so comfortable with him, it nearly makes him feel warm blooded for a moment. Great at pest control! Whether it be rodents or people, you will never have to worry about anything undesirable infiltrating your shared space. Which Leo makes sure is always clean and looked after, when you aren't looking that is. Leo feels a little self conscious about cleaning/doing chores with you present, so he waits until you are out of the house to do them. When you return and see the house spotless and all dishes and clothes cleaned and put away, Leo will proudly take his credit. And his repayment in terms of affection and quality time. My tablet has been wonky so I can't really make a digital thing with Leo as I did with Golem boi, but I did a sketch of how I picture him being- with a photo of the snake I think his tail would resemble be like
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(I read the entire thing not long after you sent it before ignoring to post it for a couple days lmao)
Tw: brief mention dead animal- as in hunting
Anyway- YES.
Brainrot, brainrot, brainrot.
Something tells me if you ever leave for an errand or whatever during cold/cool weather he will freeze himself by risking himself to be out in the cold just so he can greet you- and begs for snuggles right after cuz he's cold.
He will def show off his hunts like Jiang Shi Donnie- and he will try to serve it to you bcs he's prideful and wants you to praise him like he's a very good provider when really he's giving you idk rat corpses. (let's say splinter doesn't exist for a moment-)
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deus-and-the-machina · 11 months
MCYT Yuri week day 2 - post canon
This is technically post canon for double life but it takes place on the hermitcraft S9 server. for @mcyt-yuri-week
Once again, you can find it on ao3! If you like it, please go give it a kudos or comment!
With a garbled noise of confusion, Pearl spun around just in time to see an invisibility spell wear off, particles floating away to reveal Cleo. Squatting there, they eyed up Pearl with an amused grin. Being pranked on the Hermitcraft server was fairly normal, being snuck up on even more tame, but Pearl still felt uneasy. This was a royal advisor approaching her, a notorious enemy of the crown.
And more vitally, the third game had just ended a week ago.
What’s more, Cleo was holding what seemed to be a fairly innocuous stick, running two fingers up and down the bark and looking as if she was inspecting it. To Pearl though, it seemed she wanted to be asked about it.
“...What is this about?”
A half cocked smile spread onto her face as she stood up, towering over Pearl by a head and a half. Her snakes rippled as she moved, swaying their bodies in wavy motions. They almost looked like tongues of flame. Cleo reached out, stick in one hand, and lightly tapped Pearl on the shoulder. 
“Dare stick.”
Pearl glanced down. “Ah. I’ve heard about that.” Neither of them said anything for a moment. Cleo put her hand on her hip.
“More importantly,” she said. “I have an offer.”
“What makes you think I’d want anything from you?” It came out more bitter than she’d intended, but then again she supposed there was still a reason to be suspicious beyond past grudges. Still, Cleo was honest more often than not and likely wasn’t taking Ren’s nonsense very well the longer it dragged on. They’d made a powerful ally for the resistance if offered.
But still Pearl frowned.
Cleo just shrugged. “Look, I’ll tell you what you need to know if you can just hurry up the whole resistance thing. It was a fun bit at first, but Ren just really seems determined to be a royal pain in the–y’know. And,” she looked around conspiratorially. “He’s not even paying us.”
Pearl decided to look like she was considering it. She fiddled with one of her tools, a trusty netherite pickaxe, flipping it back and forth in her hands. “...But what’s the dare though? Are you daring me to kill the king?” 
“Mayhaps! I haven’t really decided yet.” Cleo had turned their head away from her, giving her snakes some attention. One of them let out a low hiss as she scratched under its chin. Pearl clenched her teeth.
…No. No this wasn’t the time or place to get angry. “So,” she began. “What’s the contingency plan to make sure you don’t turn on us? I’d need that much at least.”
“Ah, of course, of course.” Several of the snakes sounded like they were laughing now, their eyes flashing purple. Pearl decided she liked Cleo better before she’d been touched by the end. Less unsettling. Cleo in the games had just been a woman. A dead woman, extra dead too once Pearl had seen to it. But certainly slightly less uncanny than…this.
Cleo looked her straight in the eye. “My contingency, as you call it, is that you know me well enough to know I’m more tired of this than I am loyal to Ren. Or at least I like to think you’d know me well enough.”
The two said nothing for a moment. Then, Pearl huffed a quiet laugh. She grasped her pickaxe in one hand and weighed it.
Then, she snapped forward and hooked the blade on one of Cleo’s exposed ribs.
The snakes rippled wildly, some unhinging their jaws and arching upwards, snapping at the air. Cleo, for her part, stared down calmly at Pearl.
Pearl knew that she probably looked half wild right about now. She hadn’t shaken off the cold of the wilderness yet. Maybe she never would. She tugged slightly on the rib and Cleo exhaled.
“I know that killing you in this world means nothing,” Pearl muttered through gritted teeth. “I got my fill, to be clear. I’m content with my due. I just want you to–” She cut herself off, trying to find the words to express what she was trying to say. “To not do this. Don’t torment me like this.”
“Oh? And what would ‘this’ be?” Cleo wasn’t smiling, but still looked vaguely amused in the way a smug cat would.
“The way you carry yourself. Like you think you bother me. Like you can just walk around and taunt me. Well you can’t, Cleo. I’ve forgiven you. I’ve forgiven you! It’s over!” She shoved her face near Cleo’s as she spoke, feeling herself getting more worked up.
Cleo looked her up and down. “You forgive me, eh? Prove it.”
Pearl growled. She seized the top lining of Cleo’s dress and yanked them forward, leaving the pickaxe to dangle on their rib for a moment, before tumbling to the ground. She bit their bottom lip.
It was a mashing together and a bite all in one. Pearl didn’t even try to start it off kindly. If Miss Zombie Cleo could still bleed, she’d be tasting copper right about now.
Cleo just made a pleased hum as Pearl made a valiant attempt to devour her. Her lips were always so clammy. “I hate you,” she whispered. “I hate you, I hate you.” 
She felt their smile grow against her mouth. “That’s more like it.” She pressed back into the warmth of Pearl’s mouth. A rough texture moved across her face, making Pearl’s face flush as they trailed across the sensitive skin of her cheeks. Cleo’s snakes, not too long ago having been viscous and spitting, were nuzzling at her face. 
Pearl drew back to choke out a gasp, suddenly overwhelmed. She quickly dove back in, lapping at the bites she’d left, prodding her tongue against Cleo’s lips. They parted their lips slightly, only to suddenly close them again. Frustration grew in her chest, but Cleo bringing her hand up to the corner of her jaw, holding it firmly and stroking the spot between head and neck, well that helped a good bit. 
Suddenly, Pearl realized her hands were still gripping the top of Cleo’s dress. She shifted them up to her shoulders, kneading the skin beneath them. The stitches were such tempting spots. They were so deep in there, woven in with uncanny kinds of spells, but she still wanted to try her hand picking at them to see if she could make Cleo bleed.
“Don’t you want to hurt me?” Cleo murmured against her. “You said it yourself, killing me won’t matter much in this world. You could do whatever you wanted and suffer no consequences.”
“So you can turn to His Majesty and tell him I accosted a member of the court? I don’t think so.” Pearl shifted down to mouth at her jugular, lightly grazing her teeth over the skin. 
With a noise of satisfaction, Cleo wrapped her hands around the back of her head, tangling her hands in her hair and drew her in closer. “Aww. I wouldn’t do that to you, sweetie. This is too fun.” 
Pearl’s eyes turned upwards, giggling menacingly. The manic energy of the moment and taste of rotten flesh on her tongue had begun to overwhelm her. “I’ll take a nibble out of your throat if you keep that up.”
Chuckling, Cleo’s grip on her hair tightened. “You don’t say…”
Pearl just grinned against her throat. This woman she hated oh so much. 
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tangerineisms · 2 years
The night of September tenth, two thousand twenty two, I had a dream in which I was already dead, which is odd because I usually wake up in dreams right before I die.
My current life, the one in which I’ve shared this for you to read, was over- by some inconsequential means- and I wandered the afterlife aimlessly for either hours or days or years.
/ I went into my high school and found kindergarten classrooms
I went into the building I learned to play the violin in and found the risers I stood on in choir
And I knew I was being followed.
/ And in the afterlife, I met some friends- including my very much alive friend Patrick
He was teaching a class, rushing to get there, because I guess he wanted to be a teacher in life
I asked when he died and he laughed and said I should check the group chat more often
I saw my mom but she was nine years old
I saw students I’ve taught but they were sixteen.
/ I continued, and the thing following me continued.
/ It was one of those things that should scare you
But it didn’t
I watched out of my blurry periphery, this thing swallow someone whole
And yet I wasn’t afraid
Because in dreams your chest puffs out twice as it does in life, and you're three times as tall with muscles four times as big.
/ And anyway, I figured out at some point how to jump over time and space
I opened the back door that used to lead to my great grandmother’s vegetable garden and walked out onto the field I played softball on.
I was going to try to do stuff I didn’t get to do in life
Disney World was a priority
The thing following me caught up to my heels.
/ It was fleshy and big, bigger than I was, bigger than I am
Maybe as big as the car my mother drove when we got into that little accident on the way home, when everyone was fine
It was a bit gross, I’ll admit, but beautiful and important
In the way that insects and snakes and people are.
/ When you first see it, it’s scary
But you look again and it’s got eyes and hands and soft lines around a smile of crooked teeth.
/ “Anything you want?” it asked me, in a thousand people’s voices all ringing in my ear
I could only discern one, my eldest sibling
“New race? Religion? I could put you in a rich family.”
“I wanna be Black,” I said, after a moment
It gave me a look I could understand despite its inhuman face, a face that said “Duh, but what else?”
I think in its own life, the monster would be Black, too.
/ A crowd had formed around us
“Black, and gay, and trans,” I said, louder. I had used the voice I had when I was six before.
“Just the same all over again.”
/ My audience, my loved ones, my people, my soulmate among them, laughed and agreed.
“No other way to do it!”
/ And everyone counted down from five…
Good luck!
Have fun!
See you next time!
You be good now!
Be safe!
We’ll miss you!
Do your best!
We love you!
/ And the monster swallowed me in a jaw that unhinged with the same audible click I feel in mine
I fell through its body and floated like a feather out of the sky into a hospital in Chicago where a woman was screaming
/ I knew immediately I was being reborn
I was in my mother’s womb
/ Pressure on all sides in the way that makes me happy because I’m neurodivergent and I love pressure stimulation even though I hate weighted blankets
I could feel my body being remade of the same stuff it already was
I felt fat build in my cheeks, my legs and arms, my belly and my back, I was a big baby
My mother before this one called big babies “juicy”.
/ Push!
/ My name was Jamie.
/ My mother owned a restaurant, I didn’t know my father
I was four years old, wandering about
I would see faces of people I knew in past lives
“I think I know you from somewhere,” they’d say, the faintest flicker of recognition in their eyes
The names I’d had before burning hot on their tongues
But I’d shrug, because I was four and not supposed to talk to strangers.
/ I really wanted to learn to read,
Because I had died before the last version of me could write The Wandering Girl and that’s a story the world can’t miss out on.
/ I watched cartoons
I ate spicy food and too many sweets
I believed in the boogeyman
I said things like “You’re not my best friend anymore”
The tooth fairy gave me whole dollar bills
I drove my mother up the wall with my foolishness
I put my hands on things I was specifically asked not to put my hands on
I lived as well as anyone could. I was happy.
/ …
I love you Jamie.
I love you, too.
Jamie by Evangeline DuBois
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clownhoodieguy · 1 year
Ok, time for a little short story!:
A booted foot crunches a stray stick on the ground, the snap echoes through the dense rainforest. It has recently rained, so it was lovely and cool, not a mosquito in sight! The owner of the stick's assailant was a slightly chubby, non-binary person, who vigilantly trudged through the forbidden path through the forest.
The path's name sake is derived from the amount of missing cases along it, many unsuspecting, curious, or otherwise foolish people go to explore that part of the rainforest, only to never return... or so the locals say. But the enby, Jay, didn't intend on returning, not if the rumors were true.
Ahead of them, the morning mist would flow through from the nearby mountain, drenching the path in a thick fog. They could only march forwards. Wading through the fog, it would become more and more difficult to stick to the beaten path, it disappearing i. places, tall saplings growing in the middle of it, until it eventually turned into nothing. Well, they hadn't discovered what they came here for, the only thing they could do is turn back and... oh no.
The fog was too thick, and in a fit of panic, they'd gotten themself all turned around. All hope was lost, until...
Rustle rustle...
Was this it? The fabled Emerald Serpent? Or perhaps someone had found them and was here to rescue them!- "Hrrk!".
The long, deep, emerald green tail of some sort of reptile coils around Jay's entire body, binding their arms to their side and forcing all that precious oxygen out of their lungs. Fear struck into the human's eyes, they simply wait for the ensnaring force to reveal themselves to them.
As the being lowers their upper half towards Jay, it would become clear that they were no average snake, but rather, a naga! And boy, was he quite the looker! His torso, shoulders, and head were all decorated with feathers, paint and shiny copper. Lurching it's human half down to their prey, he flashes a dual fanged smirk to his captive and gives them a gentle squeeze.
"My my, they make them so plump these days! Did the towns people send you off to die, hmm? Back to delivering sacrifices to-"
"I came here of my own volition!", Jay would blurt out, interrupting the naga right in the middle of their monologue. He raises a pierced eyebrow, then scoffs. "Is that so? And what will people have you believe is so valuable, that you have to run into the likes of me to get it!"
"Well... I uhm... came here for you...", the human begins to tremble madly, a sudden look of regret and anxiety crossing their freckled cheeks, "A-and I want you to!-" Jay grits their teeth, sharply inhale right as they were about to ask the naga for the one thing they had come here for. "Your arrival, it was fated, you know~", the naga's coils loosen, providing enough room for the human to breath correctly, "hush, no need to say it now. I know just the thing you want~"
The naga's lips part, then part a little more, jaw unhinging and lips stretching farther than any human's should, "wait! I- I want to be willing, but I just... I just can't stop trembling, and I want to run away! Please, just bite me, or hypnotize me! Anything!". Mere moments away from lunging forwards and devouring Jay, he stops, allowing his jaw to rehinge and returning to his less monsterous facade.
"You say you are willing, and yet, beg to have your control stripped away from you? That does not sound willing to me", the naga tempts fate, knowing that the gods would be displeased if he let this meal get away, but cares not, "you are not ready. When you have learned to master your emotions, overcome this terror, and can calmly approach me, only then shall I fulfill this wish". Jay sighs deeply, a mix of relief and disappointment. The naga releases Jay, and then caresses their cheek.
"I trust that you shall return very soon, yes? You would not like to keep me hungry, or I may just have to come find you...~", he teases, a bright red rush of blood fills Jay's cheeks, and he nods very rapidly. Just as they turn to leave, the naga swiftly darts in front of them, locking lips with Jay. This takes them aback, before they feel the naga slip something into their mouth. When the naga pulls back, they wink at the hiker before slithering off into the mist, vanishing just as quick as they had coiled Jay.
Spitting the item that the naga had so graceful transfered into their mouth, they wipe of some of the snake drool and see that it is a smooth, emerald amulet. Seeing as it had a hole for some string, Jay would loop a shoe lace through it, and then begin wearing it as a necklace. They could still feel the naga's warmth radiate from it, and his breath still lingered on their lips and the gem stone.
They'd be back, and next time, they'd be ready.
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May I hear more about transformation viper Janus?
Bare with me as every single thought in my adhd brain stumbles over each other trying to be the first one out
Janus’s egg was laid by one of the miners’s companion beasts before they left.
Transformation vipers can reproduce by sexually and asexually, and are completely asexual before they bite something (basically Janus stole Virgil’s gender). Asexual reproduction is how you get new transformation vipers (genetically identical), sexual reproduction will produce offspring that are not transformation vipers (i.e. they are the offspring of whatever species the parent viper stole genetic material from).
Co-opting genetic material from another organism is how transformation vipers diversify their gene pool. After genetic material is obtained, the original genetic material of the viper rewrites itself to be compatible with the new material (i.e. Janus’s genetic material became DNA so as to match Virgil’s)
(Side note: I don’t think aliens would have DNA, or at least it would be unlikely that they did, as their genetic material since life on other planets would have evolved completely separately from our own)
The eggs of fledgling vipers are thick and turn into the armor along the fledgling’s back when they hatch. Fledglings are capable of recreating their eggs by coiling up, this helps attract predators for them to bite; it doesn’t need to be a predator though, they’ll bite anything that moves and gets close enough; technically they could bite plants (or plant-like organisms as once again, life would evolve very different on different planets and the kingdoms of life might look very different), but since they look for movement, it’s uncommon.
The fledgling stage ends soon after it bites something, and therefore adds to its own genetic material. A transformation viper can bite many things during its fledgling stage, but as soon as it bites one thing, the transformation has already begun.
Basically, transformation vipers can’t reach maturity and still be a completely pure transformation viper
Janus bit Virgil, and then Virgil took great care not to allow him to bite Patton or the twins (he didn’t want to have to figure out a three-way hybrid child).
At any point in their life, transformation vipers are capable of unhinging their jaws and swallowing things whole, this is how they eat without incorporating their food’s genetical material. (Side note: this means that Janus wasn’t trying to eat Roman, and since he also didn’t bite Roman, we know that all he wanted to do was suck on the weird binky thing.)
After their fledgling stage, vipers tend to develop similarly to the young of their new genetic material donor (other than that they always hatch out of their egg), so Virgil has more or less a human baby who needs to be cared for in the same way as a human baby.
After their fledgling stage, vipers can no longer make dramatic changes to their genetic material, but they can still benefit from biting other organisms. They can gain immunity to illnesses, or better night vision, or the ability to hold their breath for longer, etc. Small changes that don’t really require changing their whole physiology.
Baby Janus is a terror to everyone on Eco-6 (eco for ecology cuz I’m so funny), not only is he a cute little baby, but he’ll bite you if you pick him up (he’s a little more resistant than a human baby, but he does cry when people drop him on the floor).
He will always be yellow and snake-like, leading some aliens to believe that that’s just a normal variation of human, or that Virgil reproduced with a very interesting alien species (which… he kinda did, just not like that).
Janus will develop through infancy faster than a regular human baby (cuz he’s already had his infant stage), but his childhood and adulthood will be fairly normal lengths (though he might live longer than a regular human for a variety of factors including that he’ll pick up immunity to various diseases along the way).
Janus will lay a few eggs later in his life that will be genetically identical to his fledgling stage. Most adult transformation vipers just leave the eggs where they are, as parenthood is not in the transformation viper’s nature; some will continue to look after the eggs if parenthood is particularly strong in their new genetic material, but even then they’re more likely to look after their sexually produced young than their asexually produced transformation viper young; even other transformation vipers who have achieved sentience through transformation will often leave their eggs where they’re laid as their instincts tell them to do.
Janus, being a scientist’s son, will probably keep his young, and maybe study them if it doesn’t hurt them too much (this is also an ethical dilemma for him as his young are technically feral animals. He could have them bite other humans so that they become like him, but is that unethical? Unnatural? On the other hand, if they bite, for example, a pog, then they’re basically just pets, but they’re also his biological children. And now I’m thinking about it too much so it’s time to move on).
Fledgling transformation vipers do not bite other transformation vipers (fledgling or otherwise), it’s one of their few natural instincts.
(Side note: transformation happens when bacteria find DNA just like, loose in the environment and then incorporate it into its own genetic material; conjugation happens when one bacteria donates DNA to another bacteria, and is initiated by the donor. What transformation vipers do is basically conjugation in reverse, so I figured transformation was the closest equivalence. The DNA was technically in his environment.)
I think that’s all I’ve got. I’ll post more later if I remember something
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a03bkdk · 3 years
fantasy bkdk fic rec list
a certain kind of magic by eatdirt
“Forgive me, kind witch! I—I do not wish to disturb you, but I’m afraid it's urgent!"
Katsuki will later blame his bewilderment that anyone—let alone a human boy in filthy rags—would drag themselves all the way out to his home on the outskirts of civilization, for why he stalks down the stairs and cracks open the door.
“Are you a fucking idiot?” he growls.
Or, the one where Katsuki is a witch in a weed-infested swamp and Deku won’t stop coming around.
the shrinekeeper and the harvest god by bkdkwritingsdump
Izuku keeps the shrine of the harvest god, a minor god mostly worshiped by farmers and ignored by everyone else until the yearly harvest festival. During a spring thunderstorm one year, a mysterious man named Katsuki shows up at his shrine seeking shelter from the rain, but ends up over staying his welcome by a few months. In that time, Izuku not only begins to become suspicious of his identity, but finds himself longing for something more between them.
cupid, draw back your bow by almasaga
((i dont remember if there is smut-16496-2/2))
Cupid remembers the oath he took, remembers the broken arrow, remembers the wrath of his mother and goddess, remembers his roots, remembers that he is a god.
But when he hears him he forgets it all.
“Are you there still?” Asks a voice, clear and never wrong. The only voice he wishes to hear.
“Always,” he says and it blows through his beloved.
solar by kindaopps
Here he is, a god, wanting a mortal.
deku by mirachadoodles
Neither seemed willing to look away in the tense silence that fell, drawn to one another as if by a thick and brilliant thread.
The boy viewed him thoughtfully, as though he recognized him from another life, as though he knew him.
It was odd—he felt the same way.
Or, shortly after Katsuki's dragon went missing, a naked man attempted to break into his family barn. Izuku had no memory of his past life, and apparently had no idea how to be human, either. He was just acting on instinct.
a cat named deku by  silentsongbird
Bakugou begrudgingly takes in a stray cat that has been hanging around his home. He says he's motivated by the weather turning colder, but he just can't resist the little fur ball. One night, Deku decides to let him in on a little secret.
if the stars align, then for us they were meant by runawaydeviant
Katsuki and Eijirou crash land in a forest to the south of their homeland. Injured and stranded, they befriend a local nature spirit, who is much more than he first appears to be.
soulmates in steel and (p 2)mine is yours by lalazee
((3000-1/1)) (p 2(smut-2509-1/1))
Midoriya Izuku returns to a tribe long lost and forgotten to claim his rightful throne. At least, that's what King Katsuki assumes of him.
(p 2) One large, calloused hand spread sparks down Izuku’s chest, ribs, rested at his lightly bruised hip. Izuku knew fingerprints still remained from last time, and the last, and the time after that. He felt more like a dappled deer now, all those spots smattered across his thighs, ass, hips, wrists. King Katsuki was certainly a man who marked his territory.
but the entrails are the best part! by supercrunch
The boy straightens up. He’s about half a head shorter than Katsuki, face soft and youthful and sweet. He turns to look at him properly. His dark hair shines in the dying light, basket of blooms looped over one arm and mouth quirked into a tiny half-smile. The sun hits his face and makes his eyes a bright greeny-gold, just like emeralds.
Katsuki likes emeralds.
“Pretty,” he says, reaching out and picking the stranger up around the middle. He’s surprisingly heavy, although Katsuki doesn’t mind. “I like you. Come see my nest.”
The boy hits him.
He’s stronger than he looks, turns out. Katsuki drops him and falls onto his back, pain blooming across his face. Birds sing. The sky’s a lovely shade of orange, clouds floating lazily by. The boy scarpers. He leaves his basket of flowers behind, footsteps thumping on the ground and fading away as he escapes.
The sun sets. Katsuki, lying flat on his back with a bloody nose, decides he’s just fallen in love.
happenstance by merrywetherweather
When Katsuki was just a child, his mother, the King of Lucia, took him to enact diplomacy with the Midoriya's, the royal family of the neighboring country of Tayloria. After that day, his fate was sealed, his marriage arranged to the Midoriya's elusive omegan child.
At the age of twenty, he leaves for Tayloria again, this time, to finally wed his fiance and cement the allyship of the two kingdoms indefinitely. Only, his fiance turns out to be the child he had met on his very first visit, a naive, idealistic young prince who wants nothing to do with marrying the prince of Lucia.
Good thing he just assumed Katsuki was only part of his fiance's entourage.
An arranged marriage between two princes aob au where Katsuki tries to abide by Izuku's desire for a natural romance to develop without letting Izuku know his true identity.
plums by Ivillpunchyouinthethroat
There’s a boy stealing plums from the garden below the balcony Katsuki’s lounging at for the night.
There’s a boy stealing plums, very badly, from the garden below the balcony Katsuki’s lounging at for the night.
mermaid AU breathe In by contrarybee
((series-smut-3 works-45236 in all))
Midoryia Izuku was born in captivity. He's never known the ocean.
His human carer Yagi-san tells him they're getting a new merman in the aquarium, one that they hope Izuku might like. Having been alone since his mother's death, Izuku is beyond excited to have a new mer around, but Bakugo Katsuki might prove to be too much. Or maybe he's just right.
fishy by warschach
Izuku’s convinced his hot co-worker/neighbor, Katsuki, is a mermaid-or merman- you gotta consider genders even with mythical creatures- and plans to prove it.
(or this is kinda like the show ‘Monster Quest’, except Izuku actually finds said monster, falls in love, and have sexy times.)
home is where the waves crash. by tiredwrites
Izuku thrashes in his cage, the fins that line his large tail flare with a dangerous purpose. The claws his fingers taper into slice through the water and catch the light that filters into the clear water of the aquarium tank he's in.
His gills flare in irritation as he flips around, muscled tail ramming into the three-inch glass barrier with a thundering BAM!
Bioluminescent sacs under clear scales flare and glow, flashing a brilliant toxic green. The team that had brought the merman into the tank watch the mer flail and roar, flexing the powerful jaws that can often unhinge, like a snake.
only the roses know by katyastark
Izuku didn’t want to marry a foreigner. The person he wanted was here… somewhere. He didn’t have a face or a name to ascribe to his admirer. Only roses. For every name day and holiday since he was thirteen, he had received a perfect orange rose. He’d never seen anything so beautiful. The roses never failed to make him feel doted upon. It was their secret, and Izuku cherished it more than anything else in the world. He didn’t want to give that up for some stranger, for an alliance through a loveless marriage.
torn fur, blunt teeth by scribespirare
After eight months of being collared, Izuku is finally free. But a dark, stormy city is no place for a lonely shapeshifter on the run.
ignorance leads to bliss by nikawithspice
A brave wandering adventurer swoops in and saves a beautiful prince from danger, gets dragged to a celebratory bonfire and has a night that he could only have dreamed of!
Or, the one in which Midoriya Izuku accidentally gets married to a Dragon Prince but wouldn't have it any other way.
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vukovich · 3 years
peculiar prompts: fuck or die, but their dicks get bigger every second
A Mounting Problem
"Don't eat those." Ron came around the bend in the trail. Draco scoffed and picked several more scarlet berries, adding them to the pile in Harry's outstretched shirt.
"They're wild cherries," Harry said.
"This," Ron swept his arm out over the lush valley, "is an old wizarding land preserve." He pointed at the thorny bush. "And those are twiggenberries, not cherries."
Draco stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry. "Are, too."
"What would you know about foraging, Malfoy? You hadn't eaten a meal outdoors until this week."
Draco scrunched his face up and mimicked Ron.
"Fine." Ron adjusted his pack and side-stepped around them. "Don't be late to the top of the rise. And don't eat those berries til you're back home. Alone."
"Yes, Father," Draco said snidely to Ron's retreating back.
Harry pretended to gag.
"Heard that!" Came Ron's voice.
Harry swatted a mosquito against the inside of the tent and shot Draco a triumphant grin, but Draco's attention was on the bag of berries in his lap.
"Ron said not to eat those here."
"Ron says a lot of things. I'm hungry." He crossed his outstretched legs over his sleeping bag and Harry wondered if he shouldn't hand-feed Draco.
"Someone failed to guard the camp from raccoons." Draco popped a big, glossy berry in his mouth. "And someone cost us what smelled like a wonderful crockpot of chili."
"I said I was hanging back to take a nap, and I did. I didn't know none of you latched the crockpot." Harry rolled onto his side and clicked a small lantern on. "Give me one."
Harry opened his mouth and flicked his gaze back and forth between the berries and Draco's eyes. Draco let him look like a confused fish for a few moments before selecting a berry.
They were large, for wild berries. Almost like small plums, but a bit more pointed at one end, and deep red. Draco traced it over Harry's bottom lip before shoving it in, and then followed with his fingers for good measure.
Harry grunted in surprise, but sucked Draco's fingers clean before biting into the berry. It popped open in a rush of cloyingly-sweet bubblegum, and broke against the roof of his mouth like an overripe grape. He grabbed a bottle of water from the foot of his sleeping back to dilute the overwhelming taste.
Draco smirked and shoved what had to be his fourth or fifth one into his mouth.
"You can have the rest," Harry said, capping his water and laying down.
He clicked off the light, and Draco sealed the bag and laid down next to him. Harry started drifting off almost immediately, but Draco tossed and turned.
Harry cracked an eye and was met with Draco's eyes glinting in the filtered moonlight. "Do you think they're awake?"
"Ron and Hermione?"
"No, the wampus cats. Of course Ron and Hermione."
"Probably not. I think they hiked twelve miles today. Why?"
Draco walked fingers over their sleeping bags toward Harry's chest, and then diverted southward.
"No reason..."
"They're heavy sleepers."
"Mm hm..."
Draco tugged at the drawstring on Harry's pajama bottoms. Harry bit back a smile and let him pick at the knot until Draco started muttering swear words under his breath.
Harry rolled on his back and unceremoniously shucked his pants and pajamas off, and threw his t-shirt on the pile at the foot of his sleeping bag.
He couldn't read Draco's expression, so he clicked the lantern back on. Wonderment. Draco was staring at Harry's dick in absolute wonderment. Harry was flattered, then aroused, but then mildly alarmed, because Draco just kept staring.
Harry glanced down and didn't see anything more interesting than his own erection, and still Draco watched it, and Harry watched him. But... why would he be hard already?
Harry wrapped a hand around his semi-hard dick, but his fingers only just met around it. That wasn't right.
Draco tilted his head to one side. "I think those were psychedelic berries."
"Oh, shit," Harry whispered. He worked his fist over the head of his cock, just in case this turned out to be a really good trip. "Oh... shiiiiit. How many did you eat?"
"Five?" Draco licked his lips. "Your dick looks bigger."
Harry stopped stroking. "I think it is bigger."
Harry's thumb and middle finger couldn't touch, and felt like they were actively being pushed way. The skin of his cock grew achingly tight and over-sensitive.
"Shit. What do we do?"
Draco scooted closer. "I can think of several things to do."
Panic rose a cold sweat over Harry's chest. "What should we do?"
"Again, I can think of-"
"RON!" Harry shouted.
A rustle in the other tent, followed by a groan, and "Wassit?"
Draco leaned down slowly, eyes on Harry, sneaking his mouth closer to Harry's dick and fooling no one.
"What do those berries do?" Harry shouted, then swallowed a whimper as Draco's lips spread over the head of his cock.
"The fuck you think a twiggenberry does?" Ron grumbled. An owl hooted nearby. "You didn't eat one, did you?"
"Uhm." Draco's tongue against the tight-stretched skin was already too much. "Yes."
"Guess it could be worse. You gotta get somebody to help you blow your load before your dick drains your blood supply." The owl hooted again, and it sounded rather concerned. "Doesn't work if you do it on your own."
Draco slurped enthusiastically and winked.
"Sounds like you've got it under control. And I've got ear plugs. Good thing you only ate one. G'night."
"Ron! RON!" Harry tugged Draco up by the hair. "Shit. Now what?"
Draco held Harry's gaze while he slid his tongue out and prodded Harry's dick with the tip. "Mm?"
Harry nodded and tried to relax as Draco's mouth enveloped him. He blew out a long breath and forced himself to not think about anything but the wet heat sliding over his cock. Not about dying with an enormous dick hanging out. Merlin help him if Dumbledore met him on a platform in this condition.
Draco shifted, snuck a hand in his own pajamas, and moaned around Harry's cock.
"Fuck," Harry whispered. Draco's shoulder shook as he stroked himself in time to his mouth on Harry. He moaned again, and tension build at the base of Harry's cock. "Fuck, I'm gonna come."
Draco wrapped both hands around Harry's thick length, and the pressure in his hips broke, spilling into Draco's mouth. Harry's breath shuddered out as Draco slowed, swallowed, and grinned at him.
"I've got something for you." He rose up on his knees and Harry's dick gave a feeble throb at the size of the tent in Draco's pants. "Roll over, size queen."
It wasn't that Draco wasn't well-endowed. He was... fine. But Harry's tastes ran... larger. A lot larger. Like the bludger bat of a cock Draco was wrangling out of his shorts.
Draco reached into a bag, then tossed a tube of lube on Harry's pillow. That dick was so perfect Harry could have cried. And he did.
Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. Draco straddled Harry's thighs and plopped down, massive erection slapping against Harry's spent cock.
"Uhm... What's wrong?"
"I ate-" Harry sobbed. "-the chili."
"Okaayyyy..." Draco shook his head and waited for Harry to explain, but comprehension bloomed over Draco's face. "There were no raccoons?! Harry James Potter, you ate half a crockpot of chili and blamed raccoons?!"
Harry nodded and hid his face in the crook of his elbow.
Harry nodded again. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, I am not putting my dick in that."
"I'm really, really sorry."
"I'll bet you are." He felt Draco's breath against his ear. "Sorry you're not getting your greedy little hole stretched open by this."
Draco pressed his cock along Harry's abdomen for emphasis. He ran his chin down Harry's jawline and sighed. "Wanker."
Harry moved his arms, sniffled, and snuck a kiss on Draco's nose before he sat back up. "I guess wanking, it is. I don't think I can fit it in my mouth."
Draco walked his knees up to Harry's waist and sat on his flaccid dick. Hard.
"I always had a theory that Parseltongues could unhinge their jaws like snakes."
Harry only half-heard Draco, because the dick sitting on his chest was fucking amazing. It was still Draco's, but huge. He would have gladly impaled himself on this beast of a dong, but no. The chili had smelled too damn good.
Draco flipped the cap on the lube open and emptied it out on what was rapidly becoming a third leg. Harry wrapped both hands around it, and the overlap of his fingers shrank as he watched.
He stroked, slow and steady, trying to keep a familiar routine in a very new situation. Draco's head lolled to the side, and his lips pressed against his own shoulder. Harry smiled softly and tightened his grip. Even full of dick-enhancing berries, Draco couldn't come without his lips against bare skin, even if it was his own.
Draco tilted forward, but caught himself. He wavered above Harry.
"I'm dizzy."
Harry looked up and met glassy, vacant eyes. His fingers barely met around the dick in his hands.
"Oh, shit." His mind raced. "Lay down. Lay down on me right now."
Draco fell forward, chest on Harry's face. Harry grabbed Draco's hips and pushed him down until their lips met. "Shit. Draco, stay awake."
Draco hummed against Harry's lips, and Harry stroked dick like Draco's life depended on it. Up and over the swelling head, thumbs working the underside of Draco's cock until Draco's back stiffened.
Cool lips found Harry's, and Draco whimpered, hitched, and the dick in Harry's hands throbbed. Hot rivulets flowed through his fingers, and he absently thought a cock that big should put out a whole lot more come than this.
Draco sighed into Harry's neck. "That was good."
Harry slid his hands out from between them and wiped them on Draco's arse. "That was close, is what that was."
"Mm hm."
"Are you just going to fall asleep on top of me?"
"Mm hm."
Harry woke at dawn to a startled owl hoot, a scuffle outside his tent, and then the walls of the tent shaking violently. He popped up on his knees to look through the mesh window.
The sun was just peeking over the treetops, and Hermione stood outside, hands on their tent, hair in a tight braid, dressed for a hike already.
"Get up, losers! We're going berry-picking!"
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hello!! i've made a request before but this idea came in my brain and i heard your requests were open. So ive seen a lot of fics of the brothers saving mc, but what about mc kinda of saving the brothers, i mean like badass sword fighting style. Just like a stereotypical disney prince saves a princess mc kinda saves the brothers from getting killed by a lesser demon with a sword and just being badass (and sword) and the bros find it hot (weak humans? never heard of them)
*spongebob narrator voice* 400 years lat’er..... So sorry this took so long! I genuinely don’t know why I couldn’t get it done. When I actually tried, I got it done in like 2 days. My only excuse is that I’m a horrible trash munny >.<
Obey me Boys + Power Princess MC
It offends him that this creature, this being not fit to lick the soles of his boots, would raise their hand to him. The attack was not even what upset him, but just the gall. The utter stupidity of this decision to throw one’s life away. The fact that they had attacked with you around only made him wish to end that pathetic life that much sooner.
“Step back [Y/N]. I’ll deal with this quic—” Lucifer cut himself off when you rushed forward. A bright shining sword in your hand as you lunged. Slashing through the demon, who wailed and instantly turned to dust & ash. “What on Earth was that?”
“Oh. It’s my sword.” You reply nonchalantly. Turning around to show it to him. “It’s a holy arc sword, or something. I can summon it from my bracelet whenever I need it. Cool to know it actually works in a pinch.”
“And where did you get such a magical artifact?” Lucifer asked. Perplexed beyond reason, but trying not to show it.
“Lord Diavolo gave it to me when I first got here.” The demon arched a brow. Lord Diavolo? “It would be really irresponsible of him to just let a human wander around hell without some kind of weapon.”
He paused for a moment. Trying to piece all of what you had just said together. Then he just chuckled. “Yes, I suppose it would be.” And here he thought that he had been the only one protecting you. When all along you could do it yourself.
His hand reached out to pat your head fondly. His breast swelling with pride. “I’ll have to thank him for giving you such a thoughtful, practical gift. We’ll also have to add sword play to your lesson plans. I’d be more than happy to be your tutor.
‘Shit!’ Mammon mentally cursed as he was hit again.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been rough up outside a club. Given his lifestyle, and his gambling track record, he’d been pummeled by a few bouncers in his life. With his immense power, he could easily take them; if he tried. But then he would be banned from the club, and ever other, and that was something he couldn’t handle over the humiliation of being beat up by these clowns. He needed this. It was all he had.
So, he took his beatings from lesser demons when they came around. He’d only wished they’d picked a different night to get their ‘payment’ back since you were supposed to be here soon.
“Come on guys. Don’t ya think you’ve had enough?”
“We’ll tell you when we’ve had enough!” One demon sneered at him, before kicking a man while he was down. Classy. “You owe us. And we’re gonna get back every cent you owe out of your hide!”
The demon reared his foot back to kick him again, and Mammon mentally sighed. Preparing himself for the kick and really being over this since it began. But….no kick came.
The demon let out a loud grunt over the sound of a metal ‘wack’ before the two, even lesser goons beside him suffer the same fate and they all slump to the ground. “Mammon! Are you ok?!”
The silver haired demon looked up at you in shock. The light from the street lamp causing a halo to form around you, highlighting your worried face as you brandished a rusty pipe like some great sword. “Yeah…I’m fine….”
“You don’t look fine! You’re all beat up!” He just sat there as you dropped the pipe and dropped down to him. Fretting over him as you looked him over. He couldn’t hear what you were saying over the beating sound of his heart in his ears.
No one had ever tried to help him before.
Mammon lifted his arms and wrapped them around you. “Mammon? What—“Let’s get out of here.” He interrupted as he hugged you. Standing up, and helping you to your feet, after a moment to walk out of the alley. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I wanna go somewhere with you.”
“But….I thought you wanted to go out tonight. Play cards. You said you were feeling lucky?”
He couldn’t tell if that was a jab or not, but replied, “well clearly I was wrong.” Though despite his bumps and bruises, he did still feel pretty lucky right not. “I just want to get out of here. I don’t need this anymore.” You both decide to head home to help Mammon nurse his wounds. He never went back to that club, or really any club, after that night.
“Levi….I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Nonsense!” Levi quipped in response to your perfectly reasonable, concerned feelings. “It’s just a little further. Besides, I want to see Henry 1! I’ve missed him a ton recently, and want to make sure he remembers me.” It had broken his heart to discover his poor, lost serpent had been down here, all alone, this whole time. So he made an effort to see him every now and then.
“Yeah but…isn’t this still like super-secret for Lord Diavolo’s family and stuff? What if there’s like booby traps and stuff?”
“Come on! There weren’t any booby traps or anything before. Why would he when he has Henry to keep it…..” Levi trailed off as both of you were ingulfed by a long, dark shadow. A low hissing sound growing louder as a gold, stripped serpent towered over you with a menacing glare. “That’s not Henry.”
The snake hissed loudly with bared fangs and an open mouth, and you both scream and run to get away from it.
The serpent of course chased you. Easily able to keep up, and only loosing you when the two of you duck into a narrow corridor. Levi turned around to say something to you, but you were gone. His immediate thought was that the stranger snake had gotten you, and it was all his fault, and he would never see you again!
When he came to the end of the corridor, walking out like a man on death row instead of running, he looked up to see the snake in front of him. Clearly angered by having to chase him. Levi didn’t care. He wanted to die if anything happened to you. He’d rather die than live one moment without you.
Prepared to accept his fate, the demon didn’t move when the snake unhinged his jaw to eat him in one gulp. Only for a sharp spike to thrust out from his mouth a moment later. A strange, hissing gasp escaping it before it slumped down in a lifeless heap on the floor. “[Y/N]!”
“Jesus! Not to put too fine a pin on it, but this place is literally a maze. One minute I’m next to you, and the next I’m in some armory on the other side of the hall 50 feet away. Are you alright Levi?”
The demon scrambled up the snake corpse to stand next to you and wrapped his arms tight around your being. “[Y/N]! I was so scared! I thought this Henry imposter got you, and you were dead, and I couldn’t think of anything!”
“I’m really ok Levi.” You assure him, as he wept into your shoulder. “Do you still want to see the real Henry? I think I spotted where he actually is when I was running back with the spear?” Levi nodded into your shoulder. Still not prepared to let you go.
Satan always tried to be a reasonable man.
He hated being referred to as ‘The Demon of Wrath’. It wasn’t his wrath that had caused him to be born. And he wasn’t any angrier than his brothers, so why did he have to be labeled the ‘bad seed’? So he always tried to be level headed. Calm. Patient. But there were somethings he just could not abide. Like the boorish behavior of someone talking loudly in the library.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said, attempting to remain calm, as he came over to the rude demon two tables over, “could you please keep it down? This is a library.”
“Yeah. I know what it is.” He quipped back rather snippily. “What are you? The librarian?”
“No. Just a fellow book lover.” Satan replied. Grinding his teeth now. “And one who can follow the rules and basic social decorum of keeping my conversations to myself in a place like this.”
“Are you calling me stupid?!”
“No. I’m calling you uncouth. A word meaning undignified, and without manners.”
“Why you!”
The demon rose to his feet, towering over Satan now that he was standing. Not that it mattered. Height was not an immediate representation of strength. Look at Belphie. His younger, shorter brother could level a whole city with a flick of his wrist. Satan could easily dispatch of his imbecile without even breaking a sweat.
He never got the chance though, as just after he stood the demon let out a grunt and slumped to the floor; with you standing behind him on his depleted chair with a book in your hand like you had just pulled it from The Stone. “Bet you’re glad I think Kindles are dumb now.”
Satan had to right himself on what he was seeing, and then frowned at you. “I never said that, and get down.” He insisted. Offering you his hand to get down. You hop down with ease and set your weapon book on the table. “Honestly, I could have handled him without resorting to violence or cheap theatrics.”
“Cheap?? This book was very expensive.” You insist, and Satan had to scoff.
“Be that as it may, please do not use books for more than their intended purpose. I appreciate the assist, but I can’t have you hurting yourself or fine literature in the future.”
“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes Satan…..”
Asmo always loved going to the club. The dancing. The energy. The pulsing music. The people.
Well…usually the people. Some people, usually bro-dude demons, just couldn’t take a hint that ‘no’ meant ‘no’.
“Come on Asmo! Why are you being so stingy?!”
“I’m not being ‘stingy’,” Asmo replied with a frown marring his beautiful face. “I’m just not interested.”
“You were interested last time.” His pursuer replied. Like that somehow gave automatic permission that things would happen again.
“That was a long time ago.” The dusk haired blonde replied. Sipping his cocktail and looking thoughtful across the spacious VIP lounge over to you.
Yes, things had certainly changed. Once where it would take a whole room of people and attention to make him content, these days all he wanted was you. Just you sparing a moment to look at him made his heart feel incredibly full. He had come here to have a fun night out with you, but it seemed no matter where he went his beauty was always causing problems.
The lesser demon frowned, then looked towards the direction Asmo was looking to land on you. “Shoot, just bring them along with us.”
“Excuse me?” Asmo asked. Beautiful expression turning Ignatius as he sat down his drink.
“Bring them along. I’ve never had sex with a human. But there must be something to it if you’re willing to do them. Not that I suppose that takes much….”
At that, Asmo leapt from his chair and grabbing the brute by the collar. He wasn’t normally one for violence. He wasn’t like his dull brothers. But he couldn’t let a slight like that against you slide. “Take it back!”
The two demon’s scuffle. Clearing out the VIP lounge as everyone ran. Scared that they might transform at any moment and literally tear each other apart. Asmo somehow ended up on his back, a position that usually didn’t bother him, as the other reared back to punch him in the face.
Or, at least he would have if he didn’t start convulsing and fall on the ground a moment later.
“Asmo! Are you ok?!”
The Lust Demon looked at you for a moment. Then delicately covered his mouth with both hands. Returning to normal. “[Y/N]! You saved me!!”
“Yeah. This little thing packs a punch.” You replied. Holding out your little pink taser from She-Sword from your clutch. “I couldn’t let this jerk hurt your beautiful face.”
“No one is more beautiful than you my fierce warrior queen!” He praised. Basking in the moment for only a second before you both scamper off before security came.
You both might be beautiful, but you didn’t want to end up on the evening news.
“I want to take up kendo.” Beel announced to you one day. Out of the blue. “I’ve been looking for ways to add variety to my workout. I came across this video on kendo and thought it would be fun.”
Of course, Beel knew you had practiced kendo in the past at school. So he might have also been looking for fitness activities for you to do together. In any case, he really liked seeing you in your little workout outfit. It was super cute.
He also liked you showing him the basics of kendo; stance, footing, basic strike movement. When he felt he had gotten the hang of it, Beel jovially asked for a sparring match with you.
“I don’t know….”
“Come on [Y/N], sparring with someone is the best way to learn fighting.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about that….” He heard you mutter under your breath, but thought that he must have imagined it as you squared off.
Standing across from you in the arena, something changed. The hair on the back of Beel’s neck stood up. Not in the excited way that it normally did when he saw you. But something more….primal. His grip tightened a little more as he realized he might have to get a little serious with you.
It was all for nothing though as the match was over just as soon as it started.
The shinai went flying out of his hands, landing across the room just as Beel landed on his butt. His backside throbbing as his bell was rung clear as day. He rubbed his head as he looked up at you. “I may have forgotten to mention that I was three-time national kendo champ all through school.”
The demon looked up at you with a shiny, sparkly gaze only until now reserved for delicious food. “Teach me sensei!”
He hated being out. He wanted to go home.
Being outside in the sun, with all these…..people was hell to him. Belphie would rather be home, in actual hell, with his blanket and pillow and quiet, rather than ‘top side’ with you for the whole afternoon. Not that it was you or anything. You were the only bright star on this miserable day. He’d be damned if he’d let one of his brothers spend the day with you when he could.
“Belphie, do you want an ice cream? Maybe that will help with the heat?”
He wanted to say that the only thing that would help him was getting the hell out of here. But, he bit his tongue. The demon knew how important this was to you to come ‘home’ now & then and he didn’t want to ruin it for you. So he just nodded and asked, “strawberry please.”
He sat in the shade as he watched you go over to the ice cream truck alone. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he was just a hopeless shut in. Like Levi, only worse. He just wanted humans so much that being around them was making him crankier than normal today.
“Geez, get a look at that side show over there.”
Belphie looked up from his daze at the human who was a few yards away from him. Snickering and staring with his friends in a voice that a regular human wouldn’t be able to hear. “If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck.” Again, he was very cranky.
The human was obviously taken aback at being heard and then called out like that. “What did you say to me?!” He yelled, once he got his bearings on the situation, and took a ‘threatening’ step forward to see if he would repeat it.
“I said ‘If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck’.” Of course he repeated it. “Don’t mutter something under your breath like a coward. Say it like a man, or keep your gross mouth shut.” This was why he hated humans. No spine.
Well, metaphorical spine. If he kept this up, Belphie was gonna prove that he had a spine when he ripped it out and made him wear it as a neck tie.
“You little fuck--!” Belphie, of course, didn’t move when he stomped closer. Not that he needed to, because he was stopped in his tracks rather abruptly when you stepped between then. Holding a knife from your pocket.
“I suggest you get out of here, before the only ‘side show’ around here is your knife swallowing act pal.” The man seemed to frozen for a moment as he tried to process if you were serious. Then his flight instincts kicked in and he took off running with his friends across the park. “Gosh, I think I’ve been spending to much time with you guys. I never would have done anything like this before.” You said after a sigh, then turned back to Belphie.
“My hero.” He cheered softly, in his typical tired voice but still with a soft smile. Seeming extremely proud of the bad influence he was on you.
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nik-the-bik · 3 years
Henriel Week Day 7: Alternate Ending
"The Fate of Your Soul"
Summary: A "What if Hyde didn't end up dead and Utterson spoke to him after finding everything out?" scenario
Last entry of Henriel week and I am once again thanking @corvidayyy for putting this together because I had too much fun planning these
Utterson squeezed the bridge of his nose as he fought off the pain and exhaustion of everything that had happened tonight.
Poole’s arrival, listening into Jekyll’s cabinet, breaking down the door, and the awful, terror infused screaming of Hyde pleading for mercy as the two charged in, pinning him to the ground as a vial of some substance clattered to the floor, the man writhing beneath them.
He didn’t think he would ever be able to escape the echoing shouts of “Not you! Not like this—please not you!” that had made his blood run cold as he called out to Bradshaw to summon the nearest policemen.
By the time the police arrived, Hyde had entered full hysteria, gasping sobs melting into unhinged laughter in a way that was overwhelmingly pitiful, if Utterson only but listened. To see the man struggle only tinged these feelings of pity with disgust. He did his best to keep his gaze averted.
And while his search of the cabinet hadn’t found Henry Jekyll, he did find the letters.
God, the letters. The information within them was all too much for his mind to process, and his head was hurting him worse than it had in years. When he had first finished Henry’s confessional, he had found himself sobbing—something that he probably hadn’t done in three decades. Too many conflicted feelings existed within him to make any sense of them, but as he composed himself with a hot cup of tea (with a healthy dose of bourbon mixed in), he brought himself to reading them a second and third time, desperate to understand.
After pouring through these pages, eyes burning from the strain of reading in the dim study, Utterson could understand nothing but a deep, deep ache in his very soul for the fate of poor old Harry Jekyll.
He pried himself out of his chair, desperate to do something—anything, but sit here for another moment with his thoughts. He turned to his coat and hat, still laying in a heap where he had tossed them after coming home, and prepared himself to step out into the brisk, dark air.
It was not long ‘til dawn when Utterson arrived at the precinct where they were holding Mr. Hyde.
After pacing the outside block a few times, Utterson finally steeled himself enough to enter the building where he almost immediately ran into a gentleman he recognized – the Newcomen who he had assisted during the Carew case. Thinking back to that time made his stomach turn anew.
“Ah, Mr. Utterson, good morning,” said Newcomen, looking tired himself. “I regret to inform you that there is no news yet of the whereabouts of Dr. Jekyll, but we have a full team dedicated to finding your man as soon as possible.”
“Thank you, Inspector,” Gabriel muttered, peering around nervously. “But that’s not the only reason I’m here.”
“Oh?” Newcomen shifted, doing his best to hide his sudden burst of curiosity.
“I would like to meet with Edward Hyde.”
Newcomen laughed. “No need for that! We have everything under control with him, and before long his time before the gallows will be scheduled—”
“I insist, Inspector.”
Newcomen froze.
“I’d like to speak with him alone, sir,” Gabriel continued.
“Why yes, of course. I’m acting as his legal counsel.”
“You—you—I'm -- sorry, what?” Newcomen was standing there, mouth agape, no longer showing any signs of fatigue. Gabriel, however, felt the exhaustion run deeper than it had before. He sighed, handed the officer his card, and asked to be shown into a private interrogation room.
As he sat in the small, cold, gray room, head in his hands, Utterson couldn’t decide whether he had made the correct choice in coming here or not. The endless ways this encounter could go were daunting, the wait unbearably long, and he suddenly found that he'd much rather be back home in front of the fire. Or in bed.
Utterson’s stomach sunk low at the sound of the door opening. Hyde was escorted in by a pair of officers, who forced him into a chair and chained his hands together and ankle to the leg of his chair. Utterson couldn't bear to watch—the whole proceeding making him nauseous. He kept his gaze on the floor as he waited for the policemen to finish. He gave a curt nod as they departed while they reminded him that they would be in the hall and at his full disposal if anything were needed.
When they were alone, Utterson finally let himself look directly at Hyde.
Before this night, Utterson had only ever seen Hyde on one other occasion. To see him now, it was almost difficult to say that it was the same man.
The Edward Hyde before him was a little taller, a little older, and much more pale and sickly than his previous self. There was also something much more feral about him, with the way that his eyes sharply dashed across the room, unnaturally tense and agitated. His body was tightly coiled inward, breathing shallow, like a snake preparing to strike. He could see his jaw working too, as though he was chewing his words before he allowed them to tumble out of his mouth.
“You, then?” was all that the creature before him managed to grunt out. His voice sounded much raspier too, raw from the screaming that had taken place earlier.
Another interlude of silence.
“Why are you here?”
“I would like some answers.”
“Answers to what?” Hyde asked, eyeing him suspiciously. The words were spit at Utterson like they were poison.
“I’ve read the letter. All of it. And Lanyon’s too.”
“You have?”
“And yet you’re here?”
“Then you know all. Henry Jekyll is gone. I can’t help you.”
“Are you sure, Harry?”
Hyde convulsed suddenly, looking as though he had been smacked. When he composed himself again, staring directly at Utterson, he seemed to soften, if only slightly. His eyes, darker than Henry’s, nonetheless held something in them that drew Utterson in.
“I’m quite sure. It’s a hopeless case. You’re pleading for a dead man,” Hyde answered, a little more gravity to his voice than the short, raspy whispers of before.
They stared at each other for another moment, Utterson desperate to find anything, anything at all that would connect the miserable creature before him to the man he used to regard as his dearest friend, his family, his—well—everything.
“Henry Jekyll was not one to abandon hope so quickly.”
Hyde laughed then, a sad, desperate cackle. “Really? Is that so? I guess you didn’t know him as well as you thought! You really think that after all this, after everything you’ve learned, that you even knew him at all? The Henry Jekyll you knew, the Henry Jekyll you WANT, is gone. In fact, he never existed. I’m all that’s left—the miserable, miserable testament to all his sin, his failure, and every twisted thing that he had always been all along. You’re wasting your time and mine, Utterson, and I have precious little of it left.”
Hyde shut his eyes then, turning his face away from Utterson, refusing to even look at him. Utterson was afraid that the pitiable hysteria of before—when they had found Hyde alone in Jekyll’s cabinet, would resurface. He could see that Hyde was restraining himself against some deep emotion.
Utterson brought his hand to his brow and groaned. It was too late, or early, and exhaustion was clutching him like a vice. He continued to watch Hyde, and that usual disgust that his presence typically inspired was beginning to wane, ever so slightly, the longer they sat with each other. Of course, he had to keep reminding himself who this man truly was in order to keep those feelings at bay.
Finally, “What are we going to do, Henry?”
Hyde sputtered. “We? I--”
“The eyewitness account doesn’t help us at all, and the fact that I had previously cooperated with the police to corroborate the testimony—”
“What on Earth are you talking about?”
“And it has been far too long since I’ve been involved in criminal law—”
“Utterson!” Hyde pleaded. Gabriel paused and brought his gaze back to Hyde. “You can’t, you can’t really be here to—”
“Have you forgotten my promise? I once promised Henry Jekyll that I would ensure Edward Hyde gets his rights, and that is exactly what I intend to do. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do anything to save you, but…”
Utterson trailed off. Hyde looked at him, dumbstruck. It was though he were finally considering the character of the man before him, and not instinctively assuming every man he faced was an enemy. Tears began to brim Hyde’s eyes again, and Utterson was on the verge of letting his own tears spill for the second time in over 30 years.
“Why are you doing this?” Hyde asked, voice trembling.
How to answer? There were so many things to say, lifetime's worth.
Utterson reached a hand across the table and grabbed hold of one of Hyde’s. The smaller man flinched and started to pull away but stopped himself. While it didn’t feel quite right to Utterson, it wasn’t the hand of Henry Jekyll, there was a bewildering comfort in it nonetheless.
“Because the fate of your soul is not sealed yet, but no matter where it goes, I refuse to let it go alone,” Utterson said.
The two sat there in silence, hands held tightly, as dawn broke in the cold London morning outside.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter twelve rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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With Carnage’s weight on top of you, you couldn’t really move. You didn’t have the room to shift into Venom and you were starting to lose consciousness.
“You think you can beat me? You shouldn’t have even come. I’ll win this fight in no time.” Carnage laughed and easily pinned you down. You tried to break free but couldn’t. You could only watch as Carnage unhinged his jaw and bent down to bite your head off.
“Incoming!” You heard a triumphant call from above you. Spider-Man swung down on a web and kicked Carnage off of you. Carnage went tumbling back before landing on his feet and growling.
“Taser web!” Peter announced and shot another web at Carnage. It landed on his body and electrocuted him, promptly knocking him off the building. Peter quickly ran to you as you shifted back to yourself.
“Are you alright?” He panicked as he helped you up. You groaned a little at the dull ache throughout your body. You were a little sore but ultimately okay.
“I’m alright.” You answered. “Nice shot, lover.”
“Thank you. I’m still mad at you for that break up scare.” Peter joked as he dusted you off.
“Understandably so.” You laughed as Venom healed your wounds.
“But I’m still gonna help you kick Carnage’s ass.” Peter followed up. “Since you believe in me and all.”
“I do. But maybe a little less with the teen romance cliches and a little more with the killing of the deadly Alien?” You teased as Peter seemed to forget the situation you were in.
“Right.” He nodded curtly. “On it.
Carnage had climbed back up the building and was ready for more. Peter got into fighting stance and you transformed into Venom.
“Do you think this fight is off the record for my article?” You asked as Carnage swung at you. You ducked and swiped at his knees. He howled in pain before turning to Peter and charging.
“I think once someone tries to eat you, it’s free reign.” Peter called as he dodged punches from Carnage. You were impressed. Peter was putting up a good fight.
Carnage turned back to you and punched you in the gut. You retaliated by punching him in the jaw and ripping at his outer layer of skin to reveal Cletus inside.
“Cletus, you can stop this. You don’t have to be a killer anymore.” You yelled desperately.
“I’ve always been a killer, baby. You can’t change me now.” He laughed and bonded back with Carnage. Carnage kicked you in the stomach and sent you tumbling off the building. You fell freely for a moment before shooting a web and slowly lowering yourself to the ground. Peter dove off the building after you after hitting Carnage with several taser webs.
“Are you okay?” You panted as you turned back into yourself. You almost couldn’t believe you were having the biggest battle of your life with a boy you once delivered mail to. Peter took off his mask and went to check if you were okay.
“I am.” He nodded. “Are you?”
“I’m nervous, Pete.” You confessed. “He’s a lot stronger than us. There’s a lot on the line here.”
“I know.” Peter sighed. “But we’re Spiderman and Venom. We can do anything as long as we’re together.
“Alright Tiger. Save that energy for our wedding vows.” You teased him to lighten the mood. “Do we have a strategy?”
“I was thinking you keep fighting him and I pretend I’m dead down here. You can weaken him and then I’ll spring up there and ambush him. It’ll be a sneak attack. We’re gonna Trojan horse this son of a bitch.” Peter said excitedly. You laughed at his eagerness.
“That’s not really a Trojan horse. Nothing is inside anything.” You pointed out.
“You’re inside us.” Venom said as she came out in her snake like form. Peter pointed at her.
“Blammo.” He nodded. “Trojan horse. See, Venom gets it.”
He and Venom high fived, finally getting along.
“Impeccable plan Peter. We’re starting to like you. We don’t want to eat your liver as much anymore.” Venom complimented. Peter looked terrified.
“You wanted to eat my liver?!” He gasped.
“And kidneys.” Venom stated. Peters eyes went even wider.
“That’s enough. Trojan horse on three?” You asked. Everyone put their hands in the middle. Well, you and Peter put your hands and Venom put a tendril.
“One. Two. Three.” You counted. You broke and mentally prepared yourself for what was to come. Peter shot a web at the neighboring building and slid up it, upside down, like a spider. You laughed at his action, though it seemed completely normal to him. You felt a sudden sadness strike your heart at the sight of him. This could potentially be a deadly situation.
“Peter, wait.” You said suddenly.
Peter slid down his web and waited. He was still upside down but you didn’t mind.
“If we don’t make it out of this, I want you to know that I’m sorry. I’m sorry I broke up with you when I found out your secret. I didn’t know how great of a team we’d make.”
“It’s okay, Y/n. I still loved you even when I was mad at you. Nothing you can say or do will ever change how I feel. I told you, I love you more than anything. Even when you broke my heart and insulted my Star Wars bedsheets.” You opened your mouth to laugh but you were interrupted by Carnage roaring from the top of the Oscorp building.
“That’s our cue.” Peter said, getting ready to slide back up his web.
“Wait.” You said again. You approached him cautiously and carefully rolled his mask down just below his nose. Peter stayed perfectly still.
“Be safe.” You whispered, and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was a bit awkward seeing as he was upside down but it was still perfect. It would always be perfect as long as it was Peter. Peter kissed you back to the best of his ability, putting his hand on the back of your head for support, until he needed to breath.
“If I don’t make it back, know that I love you.” You said tearfully as you rolled his mask back down.
“If you don’t make it back? Wait, Y/n-“ Peter was about to protest so you pressed another kiss to his covered mouth before shooting a web towards the top of the building and flying upwards. You landed with grace and transformed into Venom. Carnage smiled a toothy grin at the sight of you.
“You can still join us Venom! There’s nothing we can’t do! You’re no different from us. Don’t act like you are.”
“We may be no different, but we are better.” You answered firmly.
“Fine. Be that way. Sorry it had to come to this.” Carnage said, though it sounded more like Cletus speaking. Carnage pulled out a match and looked down at your feet. You followed his gaze and noticed you were standing a in puddle.
“Gasoline.” You said fearfully. Carnage knew your weakness. He had that big terrible smirk on his face. But you saw something in his eyes that his smile wasn’t telling you. Fear. He was afraid. You tried to form a plan as quickly as you could.
“Some people just want to sit back and watch that world burn.” Carnage drawled. He lit the match and flicked it at you. You quickly jumped out of the way as the fire roared to life. Carnage seemed as eager to stay away from it as you were. There was now a large fire at the center of the rooftop and you and Carnage circled around it.
“Carnage told me that sound is dangerous to symbiotes.” Cleatus said suddenly. “Did you know that?”
“Sound will hurt you too.” Venom growled. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I did something smart, actually.” Carnage said as he pulled out a remote. “I brought ear plugs.”
With that, he pressed the remote and the speakers on the roof began to emit a shrill sound. Your whole body shook and you could feel yourself separating from Venom.
“Hold on!” Venom cried. You did you best to stay together but the sound was too powerful.
“I can’t.” You yelled. Venom shot out of your body and you slumped to the ground. Carnage charged towards Venom, who was nothing but goo and picked her up. Then, he threw her like a frisbee into the night. You had no idea where or how far away she landed.
“No!” You cried. You panicked briefly before assessing the situation. You and Venom had been separated before and Venom found her way back to you. You didn’t die last time because you didn’t have any fatal injuries. All you had to do was stall until Venom made her way back. As long as Carnage didn’t injury you that badly, you could survive. The problem was, you were now weaker, slower, and had absolutely no fighting skills. Carnage was surely going to use that to his advantage. Carnage stalked over to you and raised a claw, ready to swipe.
“Any last words?” He growled. You suddenly remembered something.
“Yes. Thank God for Tony Stark.” You answered and pressed a hand against your chest. Your suit formed around your body and covered you like a second skin. Carnage looked surprised at your action. It wasn’t much but at least you had some protection until Venom came back.
“You think your little suit will protect you? Nothing will protect you from me. Now, you and Venom are gonna watch each other die all because you were too selfish to join our side.” Carnage sneered. You took notice to how Carnage “me” and not “we.”
“Venom isn’t even here.” You spat. Carnage hesitated.
“Cletus, I told you the plan was to separate Venom and Y/n so we could kill them in front of each other. What did you do with Venom?” Carnage asked in an annoyed tone.
“I’m sorry boss. I forgot. I tossed it off the building.” Cletus’s voice answered sheepishly. You watched them carefully. Their relationship wasn’t like yours and Venoms. It wasn’t equal.
“You ruined the plan. Just like you ruin everything. You’re pathetic! You’re nothing! You can’t do a single thing right!” Carnage yelled.
“I’m sorry boss.” Cleatus whimpered.
“I’ll do it myself.” Carnage growled.
Carnage turned back to you and grabbed you by the throat. He raised you up and dangled you over the edge of the building. You had done this exact thing to Peter so many times and now it was coming back to haunt you. You looked down at your dangling legs and saw the long way down to the ground. The fall was a certain death. You didn’t see Peter anywhere and you knew it was because he was on the other side of the building, waiting to sneak attack. You looked back at Carnage with tears in your eyes.
“You don’t have to do this, Cletus. I know you think Carnage is in charge, but he doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to be his puppet anymore. You can separate from him and we’ll kill him together. I’ve done it before. Please, be human. Don’t be a monster. You don’t have to kill me.” You pleaded to Cletus, hoping he would hear your through Carnage’s body.
“He will never separate from me, fool. I own him. He’s nothing without me.” Carnage growled.
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Cletus. You said you can’t change, but I know you can. I believe in you and I know you’re capable of doing the right thing. You don’t have to be a killer anymore. You can be a hero. The city will love you if you protect them from Carnage. I’ll write the story myself.” You tried again. Carnage tightened his grip around your neck. You were losing the ability to see and breath. But you could sense something. Hestitation. You might’ve been getting through to Cletus.
“Shut up!” Carnage shouted. His hands suddenly felt weaker around your throat.
“You told me you were glad I was telling your side of the story. This is your chance to change your story. Rewrite the ending. You can be the hero this time.” You begged one last time.
“He will never be the hero. I didn’t make him a killer. He always was. And that’s all he’ll ever be. Now, any last words?” Carnage asked with a grin. You noticed him faltering. There seemed to be an internal struggle going on.
“Yes. Do you know what the capital of Thailand is?” You asked the through short breaths. You were going to die of asphyxiation before he even dropped you.
“What?” Carnage asked, visibly puzzled.
“Bangkok.” You said through gritted teeth as you swiftly kicked him in the crotch. Carnage doubled over and let you go. You plopped on the ground, right near the edge, and gasped for air. Carnage recovered quickly and let out a low chuckle.
“Clever girl. Bangkok. And you hit me in my…whatever. You think a kick to the groin is gonna stop me? Nothing can. The world will know my name.” Carnage declared. He picked you up and threw you across the roof. You tumbled and groaned in pain. Little bits of gravel stuck to your face and hair. Carnage ran to you and kicked you in the stomach. You wheezed and barely had time to recover before he punched you in the face. You felt the metallic taste of blood filling in your mouth. You heard his evil laugh amongst the blaring sound of the speakers. He straddled you and pounded relentlessly onto your face with a series of blows. His huge claws left your face battered and bloody. He raised his sharp claws in the air and plunged them into your body. The suit deflected the claws as well as it could, but they couldn’t fully stop them from entering your body. You felt the full pain of his sharp claws in your abdomen. You were so weak, you couldn’t even scream. Carnage gave you another hit to the jaw, knocking your face to the side and you began to see double. Double…Spidermen?
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you a woman should never be hit, not even with a flower?” Peters voice rang through your ears. Through your blurry vision you saw a taser web hit Carnage in the chest and electrocute him. Peter pounced on Carnage and punched him several times in his face, feeling absolutely no fear at all. Peter felt one thing, rage.
“Don’t you ever touch her again.” Peter growled in a voice you had never heard before. Carnage got up and began to fight Peter back. You wanted badly to get up and help, but you were too weak. You could only watch as Carnage ultimately began to win the fight against Peter. You felt hot tears streaming down your face, along with the blood running from your nose, mouth, and forehead.
“Don’t hurt him.” You cried weakly as Carnage swiped at Peter, leaving a deep scratch in his chest. Peter fell to the ground. You managed to drag yourself over to him just enough to see him. He was unconscious, as expected. His masked eyes were closed. Your heart ached for him.
“Come on Peter.” You wheezed. “Come on Spider-Man.”
The eyes on Peters mask snapped open and he jumped up. He immediately dodged a punch from and kicked Carnage in the chest with full force. You watched them fight and heard a slinking sound form behind you. You still couldn’t move your body, but you could stretch your arm out and felt around the ground. You felt something warm touch your hand.
“We got you baby. It’s gonna be okay.” Venoms voice sounded in your head. You let out a happy laugh of relief.
“You came back.” You said weakly but happily.
“We will always come back.” Venom assured. You felt your body beginning to heal. The puncture wounds in your chest closed and your face stopped bleeding. After just a minute, you were able to stand up. You grabbed the remote and shut the speakers off. You saw Carnage about to throw a punch at Peter so you quickly shot a web at his fist and pulled. Carnage looked at you, not expecting you to be alive still. His fist never made contact with Peter, who was looking at you with adoration. You could tell, because his mask was torn and one of the masks eyes was broken. You could see tears in his soft brown eyes. You transformed into Venom and yanked on your web with your full strength. He flew towards you and was met with a hard punch. He laid on the ground in pain and you ran to Peter to check if he was okay.
“Hey.” You breathed out. Venoms face opened up to reveal your own so you could talk to Peter. You wanted to run into his arms and apologize to him. You wanted to hold him and never let him go.
“Hi.” He said shyly. You felt like you and him had this exchange a thousand times. This time felt different. He was so close to you but he felt worlds away.
“Thanks for saving me. The Trojan Horse plan worked.” You complimented.
“It wouldn’t have worked if you didn’t put up such a good fight.” Peter said back. You smiled fondly at him, turning completely back into yourself now.
“I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through. The breakup and now this.” You shrugged sadly. “I hate seeing him hurting you. And I hate hurting you myself even more. I’m so sorry Peter. I’m so so sorry.”
The fight wasn’t looking good. You wanted to tell Peter everything in case you didn’t get the chance later.
“Don’t do that. Don’t act like we’re saying goodbye. We will win this, Y/n. This isn’t goodbye.” Peter said firmly, taking a step towards you. You looked at him weakly.
“But if it is…”
“It isn’t.” He interrupted.
“But if it is.” You said, taking his hands in yours. “I need you to know that you are absolutely the one I want to be with. I promise that if we make it out of this alive, I will never leave your side again. And if we die-“
“We won’t.” He interrupted again.
“But if we do, it’ll be okay.” You smiled sadly. “Because if I die by your side then I died in my favorite place to be. I love you, Peter Parker. I need you to know that. Can you repeat that back to me so that I know you know?”
“I’m not doing this. We aren’t going to die, Y/n. This is-“
“Please.” You interjected. Peter sighed deeply and took off his mask.
“You love me.” He repeated. You reached up and touched his face.
“How much?” You asked quietly. He looked up at the sky to keep from crying.
“More than I’ll ever wrap my head around.” He answered, quoting the song you had sang to him earlier that day. It felt like a million years ago.
“That’s right.” You smiled at him, despite the ache in your chest. Ever since the first time he said hello to you, you hoped he’d never say goodbye. And though neither of you wanted to admit it, this was your goodbye.
You stared at each other momentarily before Peter began to lean in for a kiss. You leaned in as well, but were violently yanked back by a firm grasp. Carnage spun you around and punched you in the face. Peter ran to your aid but Carnage knocked him in the head with a with a steel rod. Peter fell limply to the ground.
“Peter!” You cried out, and immediately clamped a hand over your mouth. Carnage wasn’t supposed to know his identity. You tried to go to Peter but Carnage held you down. He looked at Peters unmasked face and laughed.
“Wow. I never would’ve guessed that Spider-Man was just a little boy.” Carnage laughed.He put up a pretty good fight. But not good enough.”
He went over to Peter and punched him abruptly, rendering him unconscious.
“Stop!” You cried. “It’s me you want! Not Spider-Man. You said you’d leave him alone.”
“Cletus said he’d leave him alone. And Cletus has no power.” Carnage answered. You stared at Carnage with rage before letting out a little laugh. Your laugh grew louder and Carnage looked at you with confusion.
“What’s funny?” Carnage demanded. You continued to laugh.
“That’s it. That’s your weakness. Cletus has no power. Carnage controls Cletus like a puppet master and Cletus has no say. I should’ve known that’s how your relationship worked. It makes total sense.” You said as you stood up and slowly approached Carnage.
“Why does that make sense?” Carnage asked. You shrugged.
“Because Cletus is boring.” You said simply.
“What? I’m not boring.” Cletus’s voice came out. You smirked as your plan began to work.
“Yes, you are. You bonded with a killer symbiote and what did you do with it? Kill people. Boring.” You said in a sing song voice. Then you faked a yawn. “I bonded with a killer symbiote and together, we killed bad guys and made the city safer. We saved Earth from Carlton Drake and now, we clean up New York. That’s pretty unexpected of us, wouldn’t you agree Venom?” You asked. Venom swirled around your hand and nodded.
“Absolutely. Very unexpected of us.” She said eagerly. Carnage looked lost.
“I can’t say I’m surprised though. Cletus has always been boring. Right Venom?”
You asked Venom again.
“Right again, baby.” Venom responded. Carnage’s face opened up to reveal Cletus’s beet red one.
“I’m not boring! I’m a serial killer! That’s not boring!” He yelled. You watched as Carnage struggled to take over Cletus’s face again. He lost the battle, and Cletus shifted back into himself. You had never seen him standing before. He was shorter than you thought.
“A boring serial killer. You’re literally the most generic and prolific serial killer I’ve ever seen. Let’s see, you’re a white male in his mid to late thirties who killed women who resembled the girl who broke his heart in high school. Boring. I just described about a thousand serial killers. I mean, killing women who looked like someone who wronged you? Please. That’s an incredibly common motivation.” You faked another yawn just to rile him up.
“It’s so common, one might even call it boring.” Venom taunted. Cletus looked furious.
“Shelly broke my heart. She deserved to die. That’s not boring!” He yelled at you. You turned your back to him and smiled.
“How did Shelly break your heart? I always wondered. It didn’t say anything about it in your file. Just something about a…school dance?” You asked as if you didn’t know the answer. Cletus face reddened with embarrassment.
“A spring fling.” He muttered. You could tell he was reliving the memory by the look on his face.
“That’s right. A spring fling. What happened? Did she reject you?” You asked curiously. Cletus looked haunted by the memory. He merely nodded.
“Did you know that with a simple google search I could find out the names of your classmates in high school? I didn’t find anyone named Shelly but I did find a Michelle.” You told him. “Michelle Jameson. Does that name sound familiar?” Cletus’s eyes snapped to you and saw tears forming in them. You smiled directly to his face.
“Michelle.” He whispered.
“You asked Michelle to dance that night, didn’t you? But Michelle didn’t want to dance with you, did she Cletus? She wanted to dance with Tobey Garfield. Because after all, Tobey was the captain of the football team, played the drums in the school band, and made high honor roll every year. And you, you were just-“
“Boring.” He finished your sentence. “She called me boring. The whole class heard. They all laughed at me. I was humiliated.” He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. He suddenly looked angry. “I wanted her to pay.”
“And you made her pay. 17 times with all the women you killed. But they never filled that empty hole that Shelly left, did they? Nothing could fill that hole. Nothing until-“
“Carnage.” He finished your sentence again.
“Yes. And Carnage promised you great things, didn’t he? Things like world domination and revenge. I bet he even promised you no one would ever laugh again.” You said cautiously. You had him right where you wanted him. Cletus nodded sadly.
“But he didn’t live up to those promises, did he? He ordered you around, made you call him boss, degraded you. He said you were a team but you weren’t.” You shook your head. “He was always in charge and you just had to go along with anything he said. Am I right?” You asked. Cletus looked at you.
“Exactly right.” He said.
“That’s not what it’s like with me and Venom, you know. We’re a team. Equals. We don’t control each other. I protect her and she protects me. Does Carnage protect you?” You asked compassionately. Cletus shook his head.
“He makes me feel worse.” Cletus cried. You put your hand on his shoulder.
“Cletus, if you kill me, your story will never come out. No one will ever know the pain you went through.” You spoke softly. “You can stop this. You can take back the control.”
Cletus looked at you hopefully for a moment. His eyes quickly faded back to fear.
“No I can’t. I will never have control.” He said sadly before merging back into Carnage. You gasped in fear and turned into Venom. You and Carnage fought again. He wrestled you to the ground and pulled Venom away from your face. He brought his fist down many times until your nose was broken and bleeding. Everything ached, even your teeth. Your eyes were swollen shut and you couldn’t see. You thought you were going to die right there, but Carnage was knocked off of you by a blow to the head with a steel pipe. Peter stood above Carnage with the pipe still in hand. Carnage pounced on Peter for the second time and began to throw him around like a rag doll. He beat Peter senseless and tossed him off the roof like garbage. You let out a silent scream. Carnage went back to you and delivered another blow to your gut. He dragged your towards the fire by your leg and held your leg close to the flame. Venom retracted back into your skin, exposing your leg. Carnage took the opportunity to snap your leg at the calf. You screamed in pain. He stepped on your broken leg and you nearly passed out from the feeling. It felt like your leg was on fire, and for all you knew, it could’ve been. You spat in his face with with acid spit but he dodged it.
“Beg for mercy.” He demanded.
“We will never beg a man for anything.” You spat in his face again, this time hitting him and burning him. Carnage picked up your hand and put it in the flame. Again, Venom retracted and your flesh was exposed. Carnage broke your hand and you let out another scream. He picked you up and threw you over the flame. You landed hard on your side and felt Venom slipping back into your body.
“We’re losing.” You cried.
“We know. We’re trying to heal you as fast as we can. Just hold on, baby.” Venom said desperately. You nodded as you watched Carnage approaching you again. You braced yourself and cradled your broken hand. He picked you up again and this time, sent you tumbling through the fire. Venom completely retreated into your body as you rolled. You suit was beginning to disperse as well, leaving patches of skin exposed here and there. Carnage targeted those spots and dug his claws into them. You let out a cry of pain. You knew you couldn’t last much longer. You couldn’t stand because of your broken leg, so you began to roll yourself towards the edge.
“Oh, I see. You want to see your boyfriend. Alright. Go ahead.” Carnage cackled as he kicked you off the building on the same side Peter was tossed off of. You landed on the ground and heard several ribs crack. You scooted yourself up against a wall and held your broken hand against your body.
“Venom, what’s happening?” You wheezed. You felt pain with every breath you took.
“You’re getting hurt faster than we can heal you. You need to stay here and rest for a few minutes so you can heal. It’s absolutely vital that you don’t go back up there. You will die almost instantly if we’re separated again.” Venom answered. Your odds weren’t good. You had troubled catching your breath and figured your lung had collapsed. You were in critical condition. Your whole body hurt. Everything inch of you was either broken, bloody, or bruised. You slowly felt your lung inflate and your leg beginning to heal. But you still had a million other injuries that would require more time. You looked around and noticed Peters body near you, conscious but not moving.
“Peter?” You gasped for air.
“Stay still! We’re not even close to done!” Venom ordered. You ignored her and dragged yourself with one arm to over to Peter. He stirred but was too injured to move. His fingers twitched as he attempted to reach out and touch you.
“Stop moving! You’re dying!” Venom pleaded. You suddenly heard ambulance sirens wailing and noticed a police man just a few yards away. If you could muster enough strength to shout you could be taken to a hospital. You looked between the police man and Peter.
“Peter is dying.” You croaked. Peters eyes were open but you could hear his heartbeat. Your biggest fear was coming true.
You gave the police man one last look before uncurling your broken hand from underneath you and placing it on Peters shoulder. The simple move sent your body through worlds of pain.
“Go.” You whispered. Venom knew what you meant and would never dream of complying, but and she also knew there was no use arguing.
“We love you.” She stated. She sounded miserable.
“And I love you.” You responded, doing your best to sound happy for her.
With that, Venom left your body and went into Peters. Peters body began to stir again as you felt yours beginning to shut down. You watched as cuts on his face healed and he gradually gained more movement in his body. You could hear his heart beat return to normal and you sighed happily against the pavement. You watched in joy as Peters body sprang up, as if he was pulled on a string. It reminded you of when you first bonded with Venom.
Peter transformed into Venom and began to climb the tower. You watched as the two people you loved the most ran to freedom, leaving you on the pavement to die. Your vision began to fade from red, to white, to black. You could see the outlines of some people standing before you.
“Oh, isn’t she lovely?” A woman’s voice said.
“She’s beautiful. I can see why our son loves her.” A mans voice answered.
“Now, you know if Peter heard you say that he’d object and say that women are more than their looks.” Another’s mans voice said with a chuckle. He sounded older than the first man. The man and woman laughed.
“Of course. May taught him well.” The first mans voice said. Your eyes drooped as you saw one last figure approach you. You could only see their shoes.
“Y/n?” The voice asked. The voice was soft and sweet. You didn’t recognize it at first, but it sounded so familiar.
“Y/n? Is that you baby?” The voice asked again. You forced yourself to look up and saw a woman standing before you. She had kind eyes and a warm smile. She picked you up and held you in a tight embrace.
“Everything’s okay now, Y/n. Mommy’s got you.” The woman said. You let yourself relax in her embrace. You didn’t feel any pain anymore. You felt tranquility wash over your aching body.
Then everything went dark and you went to sleep.
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cosmoshunger · 3 years
SGE characters as things my friends have said (again)
Dot: Hester have you been secretly Satan this whole time?
Hester: ...yes, why do you ask?
Dot: No reason.
Hester: I’m so confused do y’all have a group chat where you discuss whether your friends are demons or not??
Dot: We do now.
Anadil: Do you ever say “same” when it doesn’t even make sense?
Anadil: Because I just watched a bird get hit by a car and I said “same”
Dot: Same
Hester: Same
Anadil: Not like other girls?
Anadil: I am other girls
Anadil: We’re a hive mind
Tedros: *choking on his food*
Hester, picking up a knife: Do you want me to finish you off?
Anadil: Do you ever think about how much more fun school photo day would be if you were a snake?
Anadil: “smile for the camera!” *slowly unhinges jaw*
Tedros, singing: Fly me to the the sun and let me burn myself alive
Agatha: Are you ok???
Anadil, singing from the other room: Make sure there is no possible way I could survive
Hester: What do you want for your birthday
Tedros: Emotional stability
Hester: I meant something possible for you
Tedros: I have been trying to bake a cake for five hours and it still looks like cement
Dot: Have you tried cooking it
(And, the sequel:)
Tedros: What if I just lie down and pour all the batter into my mouth and just slowly suffocate to death
Dot: Honestly sounds like heaven
Dot: In more ways than one
Hester: Check out my new sandals
Tedros: Your legs are pale as hell
Sophie: You are so stupid your brain is so small you tiny small brain man
Tedros: Imagine if I didn’t care about your opinion
Sophie: Imagine if I didn’t care about you
Tedros: Imagine saying you don’t care and then carrying on texting me
Sophie: Imagine being ugly
Tedros: We are such an iconic duo
Sophie: I have never agreed with anything more in my life
Anadil: I’m trying to ask for eyelash pics without being creepy what has my life come to
Mona: Yo I got my hair cut and dyed what do you think?
Vex: Looks like millionaire shortbread I love it
Ravan: In the nicest way possible you look like a young Victorian boy
Mona: Welcome to compliments 101 with the Never squad
Willam: Oh sorry I just called you by accident!
Hester: No worries
Chaddick: Wait since when does Hester say “no worries”
Hester: Well he wouldn’t have shut up apologising if I didn’t
Willam: I’d feel insulted if that wasn’t absolutely true
Chaddick: Help how do I get out of swimming lessons
Hester: Drown
Hester: Wouldn’t it be so funny if your zodiac sign was a Cancer and you got killed by a giant crab
Kiko: I’m a Cancer :(
Anadil: Well everyone’s got to have at least one flaw
Beatrix: Imagine Beatrix x Reader fanfic
Chaddick: what
Anadil: POV I’m the reader
Chaddick: w h a t
Beatrix: As if you wouldn’t be the author Chaddick
Chaddick: w   h   a   t
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
I love your version of bela! Poor baby needs a hug. What would you say is her favorite things to do with alcina? Also a scenario for you to imagine, what if someone tried to hurt/threaten alcina, but bela actually surprises everyone by becoming a pretty ruthless hunter bc Nobody hurts her mom
Alcina let out an enraged hiss of pain as she vigorously rubbed her eyes, frantically trying to remove the rubble that had been thrown into them. She felt something slash at the back of her knees, sending her toppling to the ground in a very undignified manner. The bad thing about almost being ten feet tall was how hard she fell on the few times she did fall.
Raking her talons over the floor, Alcina whipped her head around, only to meet the muzzle of a shotgun in her face. Though she knew it would do little to stop her, it was still quite unnerving to be below her enemies when usually she was on top, watching them squirm beneath the fiery point of her brutality.
She refused to be the prey.
However, before she or the man-thing that foolishly infiltrated her castle could do anything, a thunderous sound came down the hallway. She and the human looked to the source and saw a swarm of furious insects buzzing their way over to them.
A swarm of furious insects that materialized into an even more furious girl.
Bela—her sweet, intelligent, mama’s girl Bela—had never been the most ferocious mutant. Ever since she had come to her all those years ago, sobbing because she accidentally killed a squirrel after hugging it a bit too tightly, Alcina knew she was going to be a bit softer than her ruthless sisters. That wasn’t to say that Bela was a bad fighter, she wasn’t, but she always had been more merciful.
However, as she ripped a chunk out of the man-thing’s shoulder with her teeth, Alcina wasn’t too sure if this was actually Bela she was looking at. Perhaps Cassandra or Daniela dyed their hair blonde at some point? No, only Bela spat like that...
The man-thing screamed as Bela clung to him like a fly to a wound, viciously scratching him all over with the claws on her fingers and toes while locking her jaw around his other shoulder, effectively holding on. He writhed, dropping his shotgun to scratch and yank at her, but her grip did not falter, even while being cut up by his dirty human fingernails. She returned his blows with three more of her own, and it wasn’t long before the man’s clothes were almost completely stained red—if they weren’t already in complete tatters.
Finally, Bela released his shoulder and stuck her fingers into his lips, prying them apart. She unhinged her jaw like a snake and spit up something greenish-orange into his mouth, then let go of him.
In awe, Alcina watched as the man-thing’s cheeks began to melt away, skin sliding off into a disgusting goop to reveal deteriorating bone underneath. He tried to scream, but his tongue quickly shriveled up, too. Holes appeared in his throat as his esophagus was devoured by her daughter’s corrosive stomach acid, and his feeble scratching only made his fingertips boil away as well.
When it was over, the man-thing only had half a face and Bela was covered in blood. She breathed harshly through her mouth, fangs flashing, dripping all over. Then, she spit out the last of her caustic stomach acid onto the body, wiped her mouth, and ran to Alcina’s side.
“Mother!” Bela said, that sweet part of her returning. “Are you alright?”
——— ——— ———
okay, i HAD to write something for that concept, so i gotta put my other responses down here! plus, i really wanted to try out the corrosive stomach acid lol
first of all, thank you! she’s such a sweet girl, but she suffers so much 😔 as she should 😌
second, she would love doing Everything with her mama, but her favorite is probably when she gets to read with Alcina—whether that be actual books or her own stories. she just loves hearing her mother’s voice and getting to share her own work with her.
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Playing House - Part 12
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“I got the high score on your game, and now, I’m going to get the high score on your girl.”
Hvitserk x f!Reader, Ubbe x f!Reader Words: 6336
It’s here, the frat bro pornfest! No new warnings for this installment, we’ve got the standard rough sex, D/s dynamics, and gratuitous use of “dude” and “bro.” Also the disaster above the text is what you get when I make my own covers.
Catch up:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
“Like,” you furrow your brow, trying to catch up, “with a stopwatch?”
“Yeah,” Ubbe answers. “You squeeze me when you’re starting to come, and I’ll hit the button. Then I turn it off when you can breathe again.”
You lick your lips. “And whoever can give me the longest orgasm is the winner?”
“Oh yeah.” Hvitserk squeezes your thighs, making you jump just a little as his fingers press into the bottom of your bruising ass.
“That’s ridiculous,” you say, but you don’t sound like you mean it.
His fingertips slide deeper under the edge of your shorts, playing with the flesh left tender by Ubbe’s spanking. “Hey, if you don’t want to play my nice game, I can try one of your mean ones . . .”
“I didn’t say that,” you rush to correct, although it certainly turns you on even more when Hvitserk digs his fingers right into your sore cheeks, until you writhe and hiss above him. “Who starts?”
Hvitserk switches back to nice touches, palming your ass in hearty handfuls. His brow cocks, and he turns to Ubbe. “Home field advantage, bro. You go first.”
Ubbe reaches around your shoulders and, with a playful growl, pulls you bodily off his brother. He tucks your back in against his front, so you’re still facing Hvitserk, now seated on the center cushion of the couch between them. Ubbe’s hands come up around your body, curling possessively over your breasts as he mouths at your neck just below your ear. Home field advantage, indeed. He already knows exactly what you like, and you feel like you’re already halfway there just from all the lust pervading the room.
Ubbe pops the clasp of your bra, freeing your tits for Hvitserk’s eyes. And his own hands. After he tosses your bra he’s scooping them up from underneath, presenting them toward his brother, squeezing and teasing your nipples rather than covering them up until Hvitserk looks like he might start drooling from the show.
“I thought we decided I’d get top half first,” he finally says, leaning in toward you.
“Just warming her up,” Ubbe purrs against your neck, then releases your breasts and pushes you softly forward. “Here you go.”
Hvitserk catches you in a kiss as you lean into him, deceptively sweet before he palms both your breasts. Ubbe’s fingers tickle at the backs of your thighs, and then he’s stripping you, pushing shorts and panties together down your hips. So much for showing off that matching set. You get up on your hands and knees to help it happen.
Naked between both of them now. You have to stop kissing Hvitserk to let Ubbe get you into the position he wants from you. Hvitserk keeps helping himself to your tits as you end up with your back propped up against him, the rest of your body laying along the couch so Ubbe can get his face in between your legs.
You’ve said it before; Ubbe loves eating pussy. You’ve never had it so good from anyone. Unless Hvitserk has acquired some sort of unfathomable, god-like secrets of the female body, you don’t know how he’s going to possibly outdo his older brother. Ubbe already knows exactly what you like. He kisses along your body before nestling between your thighs, then opens you up boldly with his tongue. He closes in on your favorite spot with the steady confidence of a master, his hot tongue starting broad but never failing to hit you squarely at just the right angle with every pass.
This may be a competition, but Hvitserk is not being stingy with his assistance. His hands continue to play with your nipples, almost idly, like he absolutely can’t help himself. And the raspy way he’s breathing in your ear while he toys with your body – he’s making Ubbe’s job too easy. Caught between the two of them like this, your breath starts hitching almost before you’ve really had a chance to settle in and enjoy this crazy scenario.
“You’re close,” Hvitserk says.
“Uh huh,” you reply. It comes out throaty little sexpot voice.
Ubbe growls with pride, the vibration of it against your clit ratcheting you up yet another notch closer to release.
Hvitserk’s hands leave your breasts. One digs in his pocket, producing his phone so, just as they had said, he can open a stopwatch app. That alone should be killing the mood, but then Ubbe presses his fingers inside you and you realize there really is no going back for you. Nothing is too juvenile, or ridiculous, when the Lothbrok boys are the ones asking you for it.
Long, cool fingers wrap around your own. Hvitserk is holding your hand. “Squeeze me when you start coming,” he rasps in your ear. You can hear the excitement behind his instructional tone. This is so fucked-up, and they both love it.
Ubbe goes in for his grand finale. He finds that perfect angle, from both inside and out now, and works you relentlessly.
“Ooooh…” your moaning starts, and just as that wave of pleasure crests you clench your fingers around Hvitserk’s hand.
You hold your breath. The orgasm rocks you hard, your naked body writhing against Hvitserk’s chest, your cheek rubbing into his t-shirt and you hope you’re not going to drool on him. You had been a little worried that knowing your orgasm would be timed might be too much pressure, might make it slip away as soon as it’s crested like you’ve experienced in less-than-ideal situations before, but Ubbe is too good for that, this situation is apparently too hot for that, and you’re sure that clock is running even longer than you ever expected as the pleasure spirals in wave after wave through your core underneath Ubbe’s relentless tongue.
You suck in one gasping breath and then hold it again, somewhere in the middle there. You keep it in even after the ecstasy begins to fade, and maintain your death grip on Hvitserk’s hand. Hvitty’s a cool guy, but Ubbe’s your guy, right? One of them, at least. It’s easy to follow the urge to cheat the clock a little on his behalf. Exaggerate the results by a few more heartbeats. He deserves it. And it feels good to pick him over someone else for once.
Finally you slump, going limp in Hvitserk’s arms except for a few twitches as Ubbe finishes up with one last swipe of his tongue. He embraces your thighs, nestling in against one leg and gasping a little himself.
“Twenty-two seconds,” Hvitserk reads, “very nice, bro.”
Ubbe nips at your thigh, with affection. “She’s amazing.”
Four hands move across your body, enhancing your afterglow. Ubbe makes his way down your legs as Hvitserk sets his phone to the side and runs his palms up your flanks.
Coming as hard as that might make a girl sleepy, but under the movement of those hands you feel electrified, like every one of your nerve endings has been turned on now, and the possibilities for pleasure are only just beginning.
Ubbe comes up to his knees between your legs, leaning forward and scooping you up with a hand in your hair to meet his insistent kiss. You sit up between them, enjoying the slight soreness of your spanked ass rubbing bare against the couch cushion, and savor Hvitserk’s hands as they caress down your back to your hips. “Time to switch,” you ask between Ubbe’s kisses, “or will there be an interlude?”
Ubbe makes an interested sound as your hands run down to his crotch. As you expected, he’s rock hard and swelling into your touch.
“When we’re alone,” you croon, “you’re usually making me return a favor like that almost immediately.”
Ubbe responds by pushing your head firmly downwards.
One of the best parts about being a sub is that you’re not responsible for managing anything about a scene. Nothing but your own hard limits, of course. But something simple like this, deciding whether this is okay, or if Hvitserk will find this too rude or feel left out . . . that’s not your job to consider. Ubbe’s forcing your face down to his crotch and that’s the only thing that has to be in your world right now.
He sighs as you open up his jeans, releasing the pressure that had to be quite restrictive for him all this time. Neither of the boys have taken off a stitch of clothing, you realize, and here you are fully naked on your hands and knees between them.
Ubbe reaches in and pulls his erection out through the fly of his boxer briefs. Does It count as him getting a little more naked, if he’s immediately pulling your mouth over to swallow it up?
You always kind of think about channeling your inner snake when sucking Ubbe off, as you just about unhinge your jaw to fit that slab of meat he’s packing into your mouth. It’s worth it for the sounds he makes, though. This time he’s holding himself back, probably trying to look tough with his brother present, but his guttural grunts and muttered curses when you swirl your tongue just right are close enough to the full show. He keeps his hand on the back of your neck, too, not exactly controlling your movements but certainly keeping you on-task down there.
As your head came down to meet Ubbe’s cock, your hindquarters rose. Hvitserk is certainly getting an eyeful of your ass and whatever he can glimpse of your pussy between your bare thighs, with your knees only slightly spread for balance up on the couch cushion. It takes him longer than you expect to reach out and start exploring what’s on offer with his fingertips.
He starts low on your thighs, tracing up toward your naughty bits lightly. You arch your back a little more, encouraging him. His fingernails graze over the widest part of your ass.
The longer it takes him to come close to your pussy, the more you’re silently begging him to. You’re working your mouth up and down over Ubbe’s cock, relishing your lover’s taste and scent, sure, but you’re also quite distracted by thoughts of what Hvitserk’s looking at and what he’s going to do next.
When his thumb finally slides down to the edge of your pussy lips you moan, loudly, the sound made even more pornographic by the way Ubbe’s choking cock distorts it. Perhaps Hvitserk understands it as encouragement, because his thumb keeps sliding, up and down, in a confident delineation of the edges of your sex. You moan some more. It’s actually quite fun to hear the ways the sounds come out in garbled and staccato bursts as Ubbe’s hand urges your mouth faster and deeper.
“Fuck, keep making those sounds,” Ubbe says.
Hvitserk does his part, continuing to tease your cunt, not doing anything very specific or intense, just exploring and tantalizing and waking everything up all over again. He finds your clit and bats at it just a little, then spirals away again to swirl his fingertip at your very entrance.
“Fuck, this pussy,” Hvitserk groans through his teeth. “I want to fuck it so bad.”
You arch your back even more, almost trying to force yourself over his fingers as you continue on fastidiously with the job in front of you.
Ubbe speaks for you. “Go ahead, dude. I think there’s still condoms in the drawer.”
Hvitserk’s pressure increases, just a little bit. “Not yet.” He traps your clit between his fingers and pinches. “Still gotta win that contest. I need to keep my head in the game. I get off now, I lose my edge.”
You can’t fucking take it. You slide up off Ubbe’s cock with a popping sound so you can plead with Hvitserk. “Just a little, then? Just fuck it a little.” He’s making you too fucking crazy to keep quiet. “I want you, Hvitserk.”
“Honey, you think I can get in this cute little pussy of yours and stop myself before I blow? No one’s that strong.”
“Speaking of blowing . . .” Ubbe’s coaxing your mouth back over his dick before you can answer, using your scalp to hold you steady as he starts to fuck up into your face. Your aroused little moans turn helpless around the rough thrusting of his cock, while Hvitserk gifts you with a fraction of what you want by pressing one blessed finger inside.
“Swallow it all,” Ubbe tells you, his voice gone breathy and thin. “Don’t spill a drop.”
You fuck yourself back over Hvitserk’s long finger as Ubbe’s pace increases, spurring himself on to blast his seed into the back of your throat. Swallowing is certainly the easiest way to make sure you don’t choke.
He shudders inside your mouth, holding you close while he pants and decides he’s really done. You savor the last moments of Ubbe’s cock in your mouth. Hvitserk slowed down when your body stopped rocking, but never really stopped: in, out. In, out. That finger keeps sliding, to remind you. Ubbe’s done, but you’re not. Not. Even. Close.
When Ubbe finally releases your face, you suck him clean as you pull back and then lift your head. You hold the rest of your body still, unwilling to interrupt Hvitserk’s steady rhythm inside you. Ubbe wraps his hand under your chin, guiding you to look up at him.
His eyes are sleepy around the edges, but still sparkling. You watch them track quickly over your face. “You’re up, Hvitserk,” he says, amused. “She looks ready.”
Unfortunately, this makes Hvitserk stop fingering you. You turn towards him with a whine.
He meets your eyes and smirks. “Definitely ready. Lay down.”
You spread yourself along the couch as Hvitserk slides down off it, guiding your legs to open where he can easily reach you from his knees on the floor. Your head doesn’t fit in Ubbe’s lap from this position; you’re lying flat on your back across the middle of the couch, with your face next to his hip. He reaches down and cups your cheek, dragging his thumb idly over your skin.
It feels a little more vulnerable, to be laid out like this. Which enhances the thrill of knowing that a man you barely know is between your spread legs, staring at your most intimate places. Hvitserk lets his hot breath steam over your wet and needy entrance, building the anticipation. Hands caress the insides of your thighs, then his thumb starts sliding in to open you up.
You can feel how wet you’ve become from the ease with which he parts your inner lips. You moan and arch as Hvitserk drags that moisture up to lubricate your clit, letting him draw easy circles around the sensitive button.
When he leans in to replace his thumb with his mouth, it’s gentle, almost a kiss. Then he sucks on your clit and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Fuck, you look good like this,” Ubbe mutters. He leans forward and scoops up both your breasts with his hands. “I’m going to get hard again already.”
A nervous giggle slips out as you ponder how you might get caught in an endless cycle of cocks after this. If watching you with one is only going to keep turning the other one on again. Perhaps you’re fortunate that Ubbe and Ivar never try to have you at the same time like this. A girl can only take so much.
Hvitserk, it turns out, is not an idle boaster. His competence at eating pussy is instantly apparent. His tongue glides hungrily to all the right places, and when you look down, the dark satisfaction in his hooded eyes makes you feel like you’re caught in a filthy monster’s jaws.
You can’t even track what exactly he’s doing down there. All you know is that the pleasure is surging, from every square millimeter that his lips and tongue touch. He slips two fingers inside you, and rocks them in such a way that you swear he’s found something inside there that no one else has ever noticed before. Your whole body is singing.
An obnoxious noise brings you just a little bit back down to earth. One of Ubbe’s hands leaves your chest, the other left gently cupping one tit.
“It’s Ivar,” Ubbe says, scooping Hvitserk’s vibrating phone off the table.
Hvitserk sucks you hard before lifting his mouth, drawing a strangled cry from you. You realize you’ve been making all kinds of crazy noises for the past few minutes. “Let him listen,” the arrogant boy responds.
Ivar’s voice is faint, but you can hear it, issuing forth from the phone hovering above you in Ubbe’s hand. His tone is impatient, as usual: “Hvitserk, you there?”
His brother has dropped his mouth back between your legs, sucking at you in time to the curl of his fingertips deep inside. There’s no way to keep yourself from moaning, and making ragged little sounds whenever you try to breathe.
“Interesting.” Ivar drags out the first syllable. You don’t hear anything from him for a while, and then, he says your name. “Can you hear me?”
You turn your next moan upward, into a whiny little “uh huh!”
Hvitserk is not letting you get any more lucid than that.
“Are you showing Hvitserk your best hospitality?” Ivar asks, his Dom voice apparent even from this distance. Ubbe’s thumb moves and his voice gets louder. “Doesn’t sound like it,” Ivar continues, chastising you on speaker. “It sounds like you’re being quite selfish.”
Is Hvitserk getting you in trouble right now? The movement of his tongue only intensifies, threatening to turn your steady moans into squeals. Your legs are starting to shake as heat floods your core.
“What are they doing to you over there?” Ivar continues. “I don’t hear Ubbe, but I’m sure he’s lurking about.”
If he’s expecting you to answer, he’s going to be disappointed. No way you’re capable of speech.
“I hope you are enjoying yourself,” Ivar says, continuing on as a monologue. “And I hope that you’re looking forward to being punished later, for being such a bad girl. Making our guest work so hard for your own selfish, wicked pleasure.” Every word goes straight to your cunt, helping Hvitserk build you toward an orgasm that promises to be a screamer. “You’re the one that should have your mouth full right now, greedy girl. I see that you can’t be trusted to be left alone. We will begin… some much stricter training when I get home.” Fuck. “I’m sure Hvitserk won’t mind helping me teach you better manners. Are you close, greedy girl? I hear your voice changing. Enjoy it, because it might be the last one that you get for a long, long time.”
Between Ivar’s words and Hvitserk’s skills, you don’t stand a fucking chance. You clutch behind you to find Ubbe’s hand, barely remembering the rules of the contest in time as this pleasure starts to climax.
“Wait,” Ubbe huffs, “gotta get the stopwatch.”
Ivar’s chuckle drips out of the phone while Ubbe fumbles with it. He may have had some choice words for what these two gorgeous, sexy idiots are up to, but you only hear him get as far as “Are you two—” before a rushing in your ears takes over and you lose consciousness of anything else but the tidal wave of pleasure crashing through your body.
Hvitserk is relentless. He doesn’t slow the intensity a bit, pushes you through your screaming, writhing orgasm with the dedication of a pit bull as he just hits that magic spot over and over and over. You’re shaking and gasping before it’s done, and when the peak turns to oversensitivity he’s still determined to wring a few more seconds out of you, doesn’t stop until your thighs try to clench shut around his head in a helpless attempt to push him away.
You’re left panting as Ubbe announces the time above your head. “Thirty-four seconds.”
“And you started late,” Hvitserk points out. He’s panting too.
“And I started late,” Ubbe admits.
So much for your attempt at cheating on Ubbe’s behalf. Hvitserk sure as hell won fair and square. If Ivar’s little participation doesn’t count.
Wait. Is Ivar still on the phone?
“I take it Hvitserk is the winner.”
Yep. He’s there.
Hvitserk wipes his mouth as he rises from the ground, lifting one of your legs to roll you out of his way so he can resume his seat on the end of the couch. He nestles himself against your naked hip and reaches out his upturned hand to Ubbe, silently asking for his phone back.
You expect him to speak, but all you hear is the descending tone indicating an ended call. Hvitserk tosses his phone back on the table with a dismissive sound. You think you might even see a trace of a snarl on his lip as you look up at him through your post-orgasmic haze.
Then all his attention is back on you. You watch his greedy eyes run all over your body, from your upturned hip to the curve of your tilted waist, your bare breasts and your parted, panting mouth. “What were you saying earlier?” he asks, leaning in with a conspiratorial smile. “Something about want me to ‘fuck it just a little?’”
You nod breathlessly as he climbs further over your body. His hooded eyes look predatory now, and if somehow Ivar made him mad then he definitely seems ready to take it out on you. He gives your hip a little smack, watching how the impact makes you jiggle, then inspects your face while he gives you another one.
“You like it rough, huh?”
You nod, and twist your body to present your ass to him even better. Honestly you feel like your pussy is about to start dripping on the couch, so it also doesn’t hurt to get it further away from the cushions.
He nods too, thoughtfully. “There’s this position I like. Not every girl can handle it.”
Ubbe makes an interested noise above you. “She can handle a lot.”
“So I keep hearing.” Hvitserk taps at your ass. “Up.”
He stands at the same time as you do, and you don’t miss the way he readjusts himself inside his pants. He pulls you in close for a kiss, pressing your naked body fully against his clothes.
He whips his shirt off. Finally. “There are condoms around here?”
“Yes,” you say, dropping to your knees to open one of the little drawers at the base of the coffee table. You and Ubbe had scattered them all over the house before he made his monogamy pledge and the tests had come back clean. You turn back to Hvitserk, presenting him the little package in your palms.
He makes a happy little noise in the back of his throat. “I like the way you look down there.” He loosens his belt. “Now I’m thinking you need to stay on your knees and show me what that sweet mouth can do.”
You nod, eagerly, as you watch him get his dick out and step closer to your face. You meet it with your tongue, wrapping a hand around his shaft to keep him pointed down where you can reach.
There’s something extra fun about a blowjob that you don’t intend to finish. You lick around the head of his cock like it’s a lollypop, pausing to give him playful eye contact and then watching him watch you swallow it up.
Ubbe’s the one that groans. When you flick your eyes over to him he’s got one hand thrust into his own pants like he’s gearing up for round two. “You look so good. Teasing it like that.”
You can’t help yourself. You keep your eyes locked onto Ubbe while pulling Hvitserk a little closer, giving his shaft little kitten licks.
“You are fucking hot as hell, darlin’,” Hvitserk says, looking straight down the line of his body at you. “But I’ve had enough teasing tonight. Come up over here.”
He leads you to the side of the couch and bends you over the armrest.
“Saw this in a porno once.” He kicks at your legs until you spread them a little further apart. “Stop me if it’s not working for you. But I think you’re flexible enough.”
He pushes down between your shoulders until your chest hits the couch. You relax the side of your face into the cushion and just go with it. Now your hips are higher than the rest of your body, and quite decently supported by the plush armrest. Not hard so far. There must be something more coming.
You hear the sound of the condom wrapper opening. Ubbe shifts above your head, but you resist the temptation to check and see what he’s doing on his end of the couch. Ivar’s right; you’ve been selfish. You must give your full submission to Hvitserk now, and show him that you are doing exactly as he instructs. No more, no less, and no looking at his brother.
You know you’re wet but he spits on his fingers and works a little added lubrication into you anyway.
“I liked the way you were begging,” he comments, voice husky as you feel him moving in closer. “Think I can make you beg a little more?”
“Oh, Hvitserk, please.” You angle your hips up even higher, offering yourself to him. You’re positively aching to be filled up, after all this.
“Please what?” You feel the brush of something thicker than fingers against your slick entrance.
You take a breath. “Please fuck me until I can’t walk straight.”
“That is definitely the plan.” He pushes into you slow, the second Lothbrok you’ve let go balls-deep into you now. He’s not as thick as Ubbe but that hardly matters, not when you’re swollen with need and reveling in the fact that this one wants you too, bad enough to throw shame out the window and fuck you right in front of his brother. “Fuuuuck.” He presses in deep and just stays there a minute, hands gripping your ass tight.
You buck your hips up against him, although you don’t have much leverage with your belly in the couch and your legs spread so wide.
He grunts and answers your enthusiasm with his own, starting to bounce against you in measured thrusts. “Ungh, I knew you had a sweet little pussy. Are you happy to share it with me?”
“Yes,” you wail, as he pounds you harder, the friction electrifying every nerve ending they hadn’t already fried out with that pussy-eating competition.
“You gonna share it with me all week?”
“Uh huh!”
“And you can you really handle that? Three guys telling you what to do around here? Keeping this pussy full?”
“What was that?”
“Yes! I’ll find a way.”
“Good.” His thrusts have settled into a quick, steady rhythm. “Arch your back more.”
You really have to press your chest into the couch, and come up to your tiptoes when it feels like you can barely reach the floor as it is, but you manage it. It makes his thrusts feel deeper, threatening to bottom out against your cervix.
“Now give me your arms.”
This must be it. The thing that other girls won’t do. You give up supporting your body with your forearms, twisting them both behind your back instead. It puts a lot of your weight on your face and upper chest, the only things left to support the bouncing impacts of his thrusting, but it’s manageable. Fingers wrap around your wrists, straightening your arms back behind you. He’s using them like handles now, to pull your arched body over his cock. It’s rough, but you can take it. You’re just flexible enough.
“Fuck, you look so good like this,” Hvitserk croons.
“You’re telling me,” Ubbe says. His voice is coming from the side now. You open your eyes to see that he’s left the couch for the coffee table, sitting right across from your face where he can get the best view of your contorted figure. “Think you can lift your feet off the ground, wrap them behind him?”
You try. Lifting your legs like that clenches your pelvic floor, which makes Hvitserk yelp and then fuck you harder. Now you’ve got absolutely no control at all, laying on your face and getting fucked down into the cushions. You might be drooling. There’s nothing to be done for it if you are.
You wouldn’t be able to stay like this for long, but it doesn’t seem like you’re going to have to. Hvitserk’s making this drawn-out humming sort of noise, he’s so into it, pistoning into you at an accelerating rate that suggests he’s barreling toward climax.
“This is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Ubbe says. You want him to shut up so he doesn’t make Hvitserk uncomfortable, but these two do seem to have some kind of established groove for this already. And hearing him tell you how sexy this outrageously acrobatic pose is does make it easier for you to hang on in it for a little longer. It’s not an angle that’s going to get you off, but ferocious pleasure rings through your body anyway.
“Ahh—” Hvitserk’s rising wail almost sounds desperate, and then he forces air between his teeth as he grinds himself even deeper into you.
You don’t complain as he crushes you just a little more. It’s obvious that he’s reveling in a prolonged, ecstatic climax, and you’re certainly not going to begrudge him anything less than the thirty-four seconds of bliss he so recently finished giving you.
But when he gasps the end of his release, and his body stops clenching, you’re tugging your arms out of his grip, grateful to untwist your shoulders and get the pressure off your neck.
“Fuck—thanks. Fuck,” he pants. “That was incredible.” He stays inside you. You feel his forehead drop to the middle of your back as you both start letting your muscles relax one by one. You like the way his hair feels on your skin.
An insistent, gorilla-like grunt emanates from somewhere above your head. “My turn,” Ubbe says, and his hands wrap around your forearms.
“Dude,” Hvitserk exhales. “Give me a fucking minute!” His hips writhe against you. “She feels so fucking good . . .”
You feel Ubbe take a seat on the couch next to your head, but he does not release your arms. His grip flexes impatiently, but at least he’s not pulling you bodily out from underneath his brother.
“She probably needs a rest too, dude,” Hvitserk continues, his breath warming your skin. “A little recovery time from all that.” As if realizing he was barely following his own advice, he withdraws himself carefully from your body and lets you move your legs more comfortably back together.
“Nah, she’s better than that,” Ubbe rumbles, voice thick and rich and proud. “She takes dick like a champ.” His fingers tickle under your chin until you look up at him. “You want two in a row, don’t you babe.” The gleam in his eye tells you he’s fully recovered from his last orgasm, and absolutely ready to go.
Hvitserk is being very nice. But is nice really what you want? You probably wouldn’t be in this position if that was the case. “Yeah,” you say, answering Ubbe’s growling with your own throaty sex kitten moan.
Ubbe’s blue eyes blaze and he tugs you towards him. Your legs wobble a little as you climb around the arm of the couch. Hvitserk’s promise kept. Ubbe sees your weakness and scoops you up, like any good predator would.
He whirls you around, getting you underneath his body as your back presses into the armrest of his side of the couch. He can only kiss you once, as sloppy as he is passionate, before he’s struggling with his pants.
That glorious erection is rock-hard as you help him free it from his clothing. He wastes no time pushing himself into you, as if he took Hvitserk’s dirty talk about “keeping this pussy full” quite seriously.
You might be just a little bit sore. That hardly matters when Ubbe gets his rhythm going, the aching only adding to the decadent pleasure of back-to-back fuckings.
He’s got one foot on the floor, giving him ridiculous leverage to split you open against the corner of the couch. You throw your arms around his neck and brace yourself, looking over his shoulder at Hvitserk’s sleepy-cat smile as the boy catches his breath while watching you get impaled.
“Touch yourself,” says Ubbe, shifting to pull your hand down between your bodies, flexing his fucking abs to curl his body and give you room as he continues to pound.
“Ivar said—”
“Don’t you want one more, before he makes that threat official?”
Fuck. Good point. See, Ubbe can be nice too. You let your fingers fly.
“I want to feel you cum all over my dick,” he grunts out, his pace increasing as he seems to turn himself on even more with just the thought. “And I want to hear it, too.”
It doesn’t take long. Your poor pussy shivers under Ubbe’s onslaught, the clenching of your muscles as you hold yourself up against it magnifying the oncoming orgasm into something that makes you want to scream like some kind of wild shieldmaiden between your teeth.
And Ubbe wanted to hear you. So you do. That sizzling pleasure radiates out of your core until your lower half locks up, clamping around him so hard that even his punishing pace has to slow.
When you suck in your next breath and the sound of your own voice fades, you hear Ubbe gasping. He’s coming too, locked down in your throbbing pussy. You stay like that, clenched tight and pressing up against him, for a few more breaths while your climax fades only slowly. You actually felt your inner walls milking him. Drawing that seed deep up inside you.
You release a throaty sigh and finally let your body unwind.
Ubbe presses his forehead against yours. “Fuck, princess,” he breathes. “How do you keep getting more amazing?”
You end up sprawled along the couch between them, your head in Hvitserk’s lap while Ubbe massages every kink out of the big muscles of your legs. You don’t feel self-conscious to still be naked. You feel like nothing less than a classical goddess. Something the masters would line up to paint, and even more; the utterly feminine deity that men have immortalized in clay and enshrined on cave walls since the dawn of the human capacity to think. Nothing more natural in the world than your naked, beloved body.
Which doesn’t mean that you’re not grateful when Ubbe spreads a warm blanket over you, when his massaging hands have mostly finished. Sure, you were going to spend the afternoon cleaning this room, but your eyes are drifting closed in the post-sex haze now. They’ll turn the game back on, won’t they, and let you take a little nap across their laps first.
But you don’t hear the TV turn back on. Not yet. Instead, a conversation begins above your dozing head.
“You do this with Ivar, dude?”
Ubbe shifts underneath your leg before he responds. “Not like this.”
Hvitserk makes a soft sound. “Didn’t think so.” There’s a pause, long enough to tempt you back into sleep, but you really want to hear if they’re going to say anything more about this. Hvitserk has known them his whole life. He probably has some insight that would be valuable for you to know. You shift a little in his lap though, making sure he knows you’re still awake. Wouldn’t be right to actually eavesdrop.
His hand comes to your head, stroking gently across your hair. “Can't believe Ivar's really sharing with you, dude.”
“Maybe I'm sharing with him.”
Hvitserk just laughs.
You open your eyes to see Ubbe shrugging. “It’s working out so far. I let him lead.”
“I didn’t think you could do that.”
Ubbe leans forward over your feet, grabbing his forgotten bottle off the coffee table. “He’s grown a lot, since we were all at home.” He takes a thoughtful swig. “I probably have, too.” He makes eye contact with you for a second, possibly acknowledging the awkwardness of talking about these things over your head, but doesn’t say anything that might draw you into the conversation.
Not that you have anything to say. You’re just soaking up every little piece of information you can get.
Your face is pointed away from Hvitserk; although you’re in his lap, you can’t really see anything of him but his knee.
“Well, it’s the only thing I’ve ever found that works with him. Ivar has to be the one in control, or it doesn’t go well.”
“You say that like I haven’t been living with him for years, too, dude.”
“I’m saying it because it’s hard to believe you can really pull that off. You’ve always had to kind of be the top dog yourself, dude.”
Ubbe’s fingers stroke you underneath the blanket. “Some things are worth a little compromise.”
Hvitserk bounces your head just a little. “What do you think? Is Ubbe ever really not the boss?” You rouse yourself, twisting your body until your face is pointed up at Hvitserk’s. “Pretty much ran the show today, didn’t he?”
You consider your answer, glancing between their waiting faces. At least they’re both smiling. This is not an answer you need to feel worried about crafting too carefully. “I think it was pretty natural for him to guide things today,” you say, looking up into Hvitserk’s eyes, “since you and I had never—” you trail off self-consciously as you stare up into that gorgeous face.
Hvitserk squeezes you up in his arms, and his smile turns mischievous. “But now we are very familiar with each other. Aren’t we.”
You nod, suddenly breathless again.
“You want to keep playing with me, while I’m in town?”
You smile and nod harder.
“Good,” Ubbe says, his hand running up your leg. “Cuz by my count, we’re not exactly done here. You got me off twice. Hvitserk only nutted once. That’s not right,” he says, shaking his head. “He’s our guest. You should spend tonight in bed with him, at the very least.”
And why do you get the feeling Ubbe’s going to find an excuse to be involved in that, too?
“No offense,” Hvitserk says, “but that’s the kind of shit I’m talking about, dude. Telling us what to do. You let anything not be Ivar’s idea, man, and you’re done.” Hvitserk’s gaze swivels back down to meet yours. “If he can’t hold some of that shit back,” he tells you, a smirk twisting up his cheek, “you’re never going to be able to have the both of them at the same time.”
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