#New words
dduane · 6 months
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Via @norbaikin.bluesky.social, who says, "Today I learned a new word, and it is fucking 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭."
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‘I shall rise again’
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belamercado · 4 months
- (noun) An old English and dead word, werifesteria means to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery.
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dnschmidt · 2 months
Someone should add this to Urban Dictionary
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allpowerfulaxolotl · 10 months
I’ve determined after some brief googling that there needs to be invented a more fun word for plant, because all the current alternatives suck
I want a word that is to plants like creatures is to animals
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Creeper is pretty cool, but that’s only some plants
Suggestions would be appreciated
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thehetrophobe · 2 months
Petition for the word 'Heterosexual' to replace the word 'Entitled'
Example: "Ugh! You're so heterosexual, Josh. Leave them alone."
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narcissistcookbook · 1 year
i woke up from dream where someone was annoyed at me for making 'zilibrant overgeneralisations'.
zilibrant is not a word, but if it was what would it mean? would it be a synonym for something else, or a word with a new specific meaning?
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lina-fresa · 2 months
i think its so interesting how linguistically the kosenamen - pet names and nick names my (american) partner (german) and i have given each other of the course of our relationship so far seem to just keep evolving.
we mix and change german so much its so interesting! so here's the ones he calls me & the progressions!
he started calling me the normal ones such as :
Engel, Engelchen, Engelein (Angel, Little angel)
buuuut also!
Schatz, Schatzi, Schatzilein (Honey, Darling, Sweetheart, little treasure)
• Schatzimatzi - matzi : To be completely honest, I don't think "Matzi" Has a translation, here it's simply a rhyme on the words.
• Schatzipatzi : Patzi is again, a rhyme in this nickname.
•Stinkerschatz / Stinkyschatz - Stinker/Stinky Honey : This originated from me calling him "Stinky/Stinker" He took it and ran with it.
Spatz, Spatzi, Spatzenkind (Literal : Sparrow. Sweetie, Honey, Darling)
• Spatzipatzi : Here's "Patzi" again, we love a little rhyme around here.
• Spatzenbaby - Sweetie baby : This deviated from "Spatzenkind"
• Spatzenmädchen - Sweetie girl : A devation from "Spatzenkind"
• Spatzimaus - Darling mouse : A combination of "Spatz" and "Maus"
• Spatzimausi - See previous.
Maus, Mäuschen, Mausi (Mouse, Little mouse, Mousie)
• Mausipups - Mouse fart : Typically used when im being a bit lazy and "farting around"
• Faulimausi - Lazy mouse : Similar to Mausipups, used in the same way. Delivered most often when I wont get out of bed.
• Mausilein - Little mouse : Similar to "Mäuschen"
• Buchmaus - Book mouse : Often used when i'm engrossed in a book. Which happens more often than not, honestly.
• Mamamaus / Mamimaus - Mama/Mami mouse
• Mausimama - Mousie mama
(these last three are a combination of mama/mami which in my mexican family is pretty normal to call girls/women regardless of if they're mothers)
Next will be one about the one's i've given him & their evolutionary journey!
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dduane · 1 year
New 2023 words...!
Hot off the presses at Dictionary.com.
Noting with interest the addition (and why did it take so long?) of Godwin's Law.
Also possibly of interest for certain members of a certain fandom: "Jawn." :)
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trisumi · 2 months
New Words
putatively - “generally thought to or claimed to be a certain way, although it may not be”
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And I keep coming back to you
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pixierainbows · 1 year
Hello, i am also autistic. I can talk, but i have random periods where i can't, so i type/sign. I've seen you talk about not using nonverbal to describe these moments, and i wanted to ask what words are okay to use?
Pixie not have right words for this question on Pixies AAC device so sorry ! that is part of problem . Pixie can not just add new words to AAC devices . need for to wait for Somebody make new picture button for Pixie to use and then need help for to learn new words .
Pixie hope maybe one of Pixies followers can help ? Pixie know are many different words for the different experiences People have with communication pixie not want to say wrong .
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haavemaailmassain · 4 months
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Muumipeikko ja pyrstötähti p. 16-17
peninkulman -> peninkulma / (archaic) measure of length equal to 10 kilometers
päässä / away
hurjan -> hurja / fierce, wild; (childish) scary; (coll.) crazy; fantastic, terrific
suurtapausta -> suurtapaus / major event, big deal
keitto / soup
älkääkä (IMP 2P) -> eikä / and ... not
kolistelko -> kolistella / to make noise
vuorotellen / taking turns
vihelteli -> vihellellä / (freq.) to whistle
rauhaton / restless
kiiti -> kiitää / to race, speed, fly
huokailivat -> huokailla / (freq.) to sigh
kääntää nurin / to turn over
pilvenlonkia -> pilvenlonka / a single large cloud
kaatosadetta -> kaatosade / heavy rain
keräsi -> kerätä / to collect, gather, accumulate; to pick (berries, mushroom, flowers)
sadepisarat -> sadepisara / raindrop
putoilla / (freq.) to fall, drop
nukahtaneet -> nukahtaa / to fall asleep
levitti -> levittää / to spread, spread out; to roll out; to apply (by spreading); to widen, expand
huovan -> huopa / blanket
istahti -> istahtaa / to sit down for a short while
ääreen / at (to the immediate vicinity of)
rapisteli -> rapistella / (freq.) to rustle
suhisi -> suhista / to whisper; to rustle, hiss (make a sound like that of a breeze blowing through trees)
tipahteli -> tipahdella / (freq.) to drop (over a period of time), keep dropping (one by one)
kietoi -> kietoa / to entwine, wrap around something
Rauhaton tuuli kiiti läpi puiden, jotka huokailivat ja taipuivat ja käänsivät kaikki lehtensä nurin. A restless wind rushed through the trees, which sighed and bent and turned all its leaves over.
Se tassutteli hiljaa katolla, rapisteli puutarhassa, suhisi läpi metsän ja tipahteli kaukana Nipsun luolaan. It patted the roof quietly, rustled in the garden, rustled through the forest and dropped far away into Nipsu's cave.
Jossakin salaisessa ja hyvin yksityisessä piilopaikassa töykeä kissanpoika kietoi häntänsä ympärilleen ja nukahti. In some secret and very alone hiding place, the rude kitten wrapped its tail around itself and fell asleep.
(Please correct me if there's any mistakes!)
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tundraplateau · 4 months
The process of turning a worker drone into a disassembly drone is called
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catgirl-soup · 6 months
hey how come we call the days of the week “monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc”, but then we don’t call the nights “monnight, tuesnight, wednesnight, etc”
i wanna wish people a happy thursnight
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