#Night Vale quotes
storybookstr4nge · 2 years
I know everybody is making their own variations of explaining just how impactful wtnv is for all the new people discovering the podcast in light of the poll but. its my turn... the way nightvale absolutely tears apart nihilism through its language in a way that is so unrelenting and raw has always been so special to me. it doesn't force meaning onto you it doesn't try to overwhelm and bombard you with optimism. it says yes, everything might be inconsequential, and maybe the insignificance that you feel is warranted, but that shouldn't negate your pride. bc u r still here. ur a mathematical anomaly and an unforeseen consequence of the explosion of stars. nightvale doesn't try to tell u that u should fall in love with existence. it just opens ur eyes to just how neat it is to exist at all. that whether or not you think its worth anything, ur still taking up space. that things in the universe have shifted to fit you. that there's a spot carved for you within all of this uncertainty. and maybe it doesn't mean anything. but maybe it does. and how cool would that be?
b proud of your place in the cosmos. it is small and yet it is :)
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podcastsaremyjam · 2 years
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gurgnley · 1 year
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Class of 2023 :)
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medium-rare-toast · 1 year
"He died doing what he loved......running away from his problems." - Nightvale E126
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potato-lord-but-not · 7 months
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in my wtnv era 10 years too late but uhhhh trying to figure out how to draw the guy nonetheless
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no-tengo-ojos · 3 months
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Another Starry Night piece but this time Welcome To Night Vale!
You all seemed to like the last one and these are fun to do so why not?
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nightvaleofficial · 6 months
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textsfromthetva · 19 days
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Incorrect Loki Quotes [243/?]
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oc-ohsahi · 1 year
I told the creators of Welcome to Night Vale about the sexyman poll.
im taking a narrative podcast production course, and we had joseph fink and jeffery cranor come speak to the class over zoom
as the final question of our Very Serious QA panel, i told them about the tumblr sexyman poll, with hundreds of thousands of votes, and that cecil still won a decade later. i asked if the power of creating The Sexiest Fictional Man was something that could go to their heads. they couldnt stop laughing.
joseph gave a long spiel about how grateful he is for the impact Night Vale had — he told a story about seeing a fictional flights board in an airport and that it felt so strange to see Night Vale up there. he was super humble and said that Night Vale ‘belongs to the fans’ and takes no ownership of Sexy Creationism.
then jeffery comes in like ‘yeah, what he said, but personally i think it does go to my head’ and giggled and said “It feels pretty awesome.”
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incorrect-dnd-classes · 10 months
Artificer: I'm a scientist. Wizard: A scientist? What kind? Artificer: I'm sorry, I don't understand? Wizard: What's your field of study? Artificer: Science.
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Fugitoid: I'm a scientist.
Donnie: A scientist? What kind?
Fugitoid: I'm sorry, I don't understand?
Donnie: What's your field of study?
Fugitoid: Science.
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Cecil: I love you, babe.
Carlos: I love you too, sweetie.
Cecil: My little tortoise.
Carlos: My honey-voiced honey.
Cecil: My little panda bear.
Carlos, panicking: My, uh...Manhattan Project.
Carlos: I-
Cecil, genuinely touched: oh my god that's the nicest thing that anyone's ever said to me-
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podcastsaremyjam · 2 years
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sisusquid · 9 months
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Medic's gifts are always heartfelt!
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 5 months
carlos: cecil, sweetie, i just think that i have to keep my last name when we get married because all of my important scientific papers are tied to it
cecil: that's okay, carlos, pookie, i completely understand
cecil, internally: he has a last name??
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That’s it for our sponsored show. Remember:
Today has been brought to you by Kellogg’s. And Kellogg’s can take today away.
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