#Not gonna tag as discourse or anything because i don't want people trying to fight me
rjalker · 1 year
id call myself cpunk but i am scared the disabled community wont think im disabled enough even though i have chronic pain that affects my ability to live and do basic tasks......
im in denial lol esp w/ the discourse
You are 100% welcome, the Cripplepunk community is welcoming to all physically disabled people (it's just the ableists and ablebodied jackasses anyone has a problem with), and if you have chronic pain, you're physically disabled.
I'd suggest looking through Cripplepunk blogs who post about chronic pain, or just checking out the chronic pain tag, if you want to see what people are talking about.
Chronic pain is a physical disability, even if the rest of society makes it seem like you're just being lazy or a crybaby. The normal level of pain for ablebodied people is none, and especially if it's impacting your ability to function, you're definitely physically disabled, and you'll be welcome in the Cripplepunk tag :)
The "discourse" is people who aren't physically disabled in any way by any definition, who think that they can just "loophole" their way into calling themselves physically disabled, by pretending that physical disability is like...
Like, a riddle or something, and they're trying to be Extra Clever™ in solving it in the most obnoxious way possible, so they come up with "Well, I'm autistic and ablebodied, but the brain is an organ, and autism comes from the brain, so therefore, my brain is disabled, so that means I'm technically physically disabled! Ha! Checkmate, cripples!"
And completely ignore the actual meaning of the words being used, and ignoring the fact that physically disabled people can't "Well, actually--" our disabilities away. Physical disabilities don't stop existing because of a technicality in language that's purposefully ignoring the context.
You can't tell your chronic pain, "Well, actually, you're just a product of my brain, so you can stop now". Talking about your feelings and learning coping mechanisms for when you're feeling upset isn't going to stop your chronic pain, because it's not an emotional problem, it's a physical one.
But these people think that they should get an award for "loopholing" their way into claiming they're physically disabled, while suffering none of the drawbacks of actually being physically disabled. Like chronic pain, and the kinds of systemic ableism that only impact physically disabled people, like lack of access to 90% of society via lack of ramps, no sidewalks, no elevators, doors that are too narrow, and so much more.
Physically disabled people are welcome in Cripplepunk as long as they're not ableist, and if you have chronic pain, you are welcome. No one who belongs in the Cripplepunk movement is going to judge you or tell you you're "not disabled enough" by comparing your chronic pain to theirs, or anything like that. And anyone who tries is gonna be the one who's not welcome in the community.
Here I've copied the original principles and rules of Cripplepunk:
Principles of Cripple Punk:
Cripple punk is exclusively by the physically disabled for the physically disabled
Cripple punk is about solidarity & is open to all physically disabled people
Cripple punk rejects pity, inspiration porn, & all other forms of ableism
Cripple punk rejects the “good cripple” mythos. Cripple punk is here for the bitter cripple, the uninspirational cripple, the smoking cripple, the drinking cripple, the addict cripple, the cripple who hasn’t “tried everything”
Cripple punk fights internalized ableism & fully supports those struggling  with it
Cripple punk respects intersections of race, culture, gender, sexual/romantic orientation, size, intersex status, mental illness/neuroatypical status, survivor status, etc.
Cripple punk recognizes that there is no one universal disabled experience
[originally italicized for emphasis] Cripple punk does not pander to the able bodied
Rules of Cripple Punk:
Cripple punk is not conditional on things like mobility aids & “functioning levels”
Always listen to those w/ different physical disabilities & different intersections than yourself. Do not speak over them
Disabled people do not need to personally identify w/ the words “cripple” or “punk” individually to be a part of cripple punk
Able bodied people wishing to spread the message may only ever amplify the voices of the disabled
Able bodied people may never use uncensored slurs themselves, but never censor our language
Able bodied people must always tag things like reblogs with “I’m able bodied”
Physically disabled people wanting to be a part of the movement who are uncomfortable using the slur may refer to it as “cpunk”
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cddcommunity · 2 months
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◜Endo Syscourse Pt.1◝
When you hear/read the word "syscourse" what's your first thought? Probably is gonna be endo or the endo fight, isn't it? The endo stances (Pro/Neu/Anti)... Probably is also gonna be the only thing you think of when hearing/reading the word
A big problem the syscourse community has is the modification of the term "syscourse" for their own thing, and that's stupid, isn't more easy to just add one word more? Like I did in the title?
For those who are unaware syscourse is the mix between system and discourse meaning syscourse is a term for all the discussions related to systems and the system/CDD community... But we have a problem here
I get it, the endo discussion is part of the syscourse topic, is one of the many discussion topics that can be brought in syscourse, I'm not against it, I think is ok for someone to do endo syscourse if they want to... But they had to modify and change everything about it?... Really?
Syscourse isn't just endo discussion, it's a lot of things to discuss, did you know that? Did you know that a term that mixes discussion and system is for all the system discussions that can appear?
When I search in the #syscourse tag the only posts that I found are related to endo syscourse, I passed minutes trying to scroll down the tag hopping to find some posts non endo syscourse related but from another syscourse topic
I'm not against endo syscourse, but can we please stop saying the endo syscourse is the only syscourse in existence? I want to discuss system topics but I have no way of finding it out because of the tag... And when I found syscourse topics they're not tagged as syscourse, when I try to tell the OP that the topic they brought out a syscourse topic they usually get mad or deny the fact because the post "Is not about endos"...
That's how much damage this whole endo fight has become, it's not only eating the community (The topic of my next post so stay tune) but is also keeping people away from the real meaning of terms they normally use just for a fight
I need people to understand, I need the three communities (System, CDD and syscourse) that syscourse isn't just endo fight, is a very complex category for a lot of discussions that can be happening within the CDD community
You don't have to stop doing endo syscourse, but please do not claim endo syscourse is the only type of syscourse that it exists. It might help people to expand their tags to "endo syscourse" to not fill out the general syscourse tag with endo syscourse because it's really hard to almost impossible to find another syscourse topic that isn't endo
What do you think about this? Anything you'd like to my post? Please go ahead and share your opinions and thoughts about this! /nf
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If you don't have an idea of what syscourse might be outside the endo syscourse here's a list of some syscourse topics that I can remember and name:
Cultural appropriation and closed names
Integration: Is the final fusion the only healthy goal? Is functional multiplicity bad/anti-recovery? (There's more but, you get my idea)
Introjects attachment to their sources (The amount of sub-topics and discussion can begin from this is... A lot)
Relationships in-sys (Any kind of relationship)
Trans alters
I'm sure there are more syscourse topics, but I can't name them all, you can add more in reblogs/comments if you like
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sunny6677 · 3 months
Never really made a introduction post to my blog, so here—
Hello! I am Sunny, or Lila, or Tomori—you can call me either one of those but Lila makes my gender euphoria go yippee more jdnsnsj /lh
I'm taken by my lovely partner who I would tag if they actually had a Tumblr hsnsns /lh
My pronouns are she/her but I don't mind being referred to with they/them. I am transfem and lesbian—(and possibly on the ace spectrum??? Still trying to figure that out). I am autistic, and possibly have BPD—I also have pretty bad anxiety issues and some pretty bad OCD.
My interests are: FNAF, Spooky Month, horror, analog horror, poetry, BATIM, dinosaurs, jurassic park, TADC, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc etc the list goes on.
My kins, or rather just characters I strongly relate to are: Lila, Skid, Streber, Radford, Pomni, Zooble, Patty, Wednesday Addams, Eleven from Stranger Things, Rika Furude from Higurashi, Edd from Eddsworld (the character), Toriel, Alphys, Pacifist! Frisk, Kyoko Kirigiri, Jake from The Music Freaks, The Crying Child/CC from FNAF, Darwin Watterson from TAWOG, Garnet from Steven Universe, Marceline from Adventure Time etc etc.
My comfort characters right now are: Kevin and Lila from Spooky Month, or rather basically any character from Spooky Month, but mainly those two lmao.
My ships are: Lila x Kevin, Kevin x Radford, Edd x Tord (the characters are who I ship), Tom x Matt, Pomni x Ragatha, Lila x Jaune, Wednesday x Enid, Betty Groff x Simon Petrikov, etc etc.
DNI: MAPS, MAPS supporters, Zoos, Proshippers, any NSFW accounts in general because I'm a minor—I'm chill if suggestive stuff or jokes are made but nothing too heavy, anyone who takes shipping a little too seriously, ableist people, racist people, transphobic or homophobic people, any kind of LGBT-phobic people, anti-self shippers or anti oc x canon (I do self shipping and oc x canon so you should probably skedaddle out of here if you don't like either of those things). Tbh, just dni people who are weird or do stuff that harms other people in general. I'm cool if you don't like certain characters or shows or whatever the hell, but if you like doxx or harass people over having opinions or if you do anything creepy in general, you should probably get outta here. Also younger kids in general—like any age below 13.
This is also supposed to be a chill blog where I just post stuff I like—and I tend to really hate fighting, so chances are if someone tries to start fighting shit up in here, I'm probably either not gonna respond or I'll just delete whatever they said. I mean like if I did something genuinely wrong I'll reply, but this isn't meant to be a discourse blog. I'm just here to have a good time fam. /lh
And request—if you're gonna block me at least tell me why before you do. Not because of any specific reason, I just happen to flip out due to a personal experience I had a while ago and I start thinking that they blocked me because I'm a horrible person and did something terribly bad. So if you're not blocking me because you think I'm a bad person, it might be better to explain to me before you do since my obsessive thinking won't freak out if it's just something like me being into a ship that's a trigger for you or me just creating stuff that makes you uncomfortable/just stuff ya don't like in general. /gen
Other blogs: @ask-the-wage-trio and a few others I can't tag for some reason
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(OOC: Wasn't able to make a blog for this one due to some minor troubles, so here—this one is the Ask Tom! blog thing jrndnd)
(Edit: Finally made a Tom blog!!)
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(She jumps up and down in front of the camera, placing her hands on her hips.)
(Tom's reference sheet)
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Tom's relationship chart:
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I read your post about headcanons about Kerry's sexuality, and I totally agree with what you said about headcanons not taking away from representation, but I'm curious what your view are on mods that change a character's sexuality so anyone can romance them? I know there is, or at least used to be, quite a bit of debate around that. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'd hate to start any discourse drama on your blog. I'm just curious because I'm not even sure where I stand on the matter, and have been back and forth on it for a long time.
It's all good nonny! I have been asking myself that lately tbh, and I know I've been back and forth on it myself, too.
In this moment in time, I am completely indifferent on the existence of mods that do stuff like that. I don't condone or like them, but I'm not gonna do anything about them either. I know years ago in the Dragon Age fandom there was huge discourse and drama around a mod that made Dorian (canonically gay, his whole character arc revolves around that fact, just in case you're not into that series) available to be romanced by a female Inquisitor. And back then I was absolutely livid. Dorian was (and still is) one of my fave characters in the DA universe. And honestly, I couldn't even tell you now if anything ever came off of that whole drama (but I doubt it, cause it rarely does) - that's how pointless Internet drama really is. In the worst case, the person who made that mod got driven out of fandom entirely and now has negative associations with the queer community as a whole.
Do I think that mods that change a queer character's canon orientation are amazing? No, not really, and most of the time, especially in Dorian's case, they make no sense at all for the characters' arcs. I personally would never wanna play them and I'd also rather not know why some people make them.
(I'm completely biased here btw, because I do not feel as negatively about mods that change a canonically straight character's orientation to something queer. Simply because I'm queer and greedy for more representation, because there cannot be enough XD Does that make me a hypocrite to some people? Maybe, but honestly, I don't really care. And as I said in my post, and as you mentioned, even the "straight mods" do not take away from any queer representation that canonically exists.)
The thing is, me and others screaming and yelling about "straight mods" (or "bi mods" for characters that are explicitly gay/lesbian) is not gonna change a thing, mods like that are always gonna exist. Content I don't agree with is always something I can come across at random, and I keep finding new things that make me go "nope!" regularly. And even if I'm not screaming and yelling, and instead try to be reasonable, talk objectively with the mod makers as for xyz reasons their mod is not good in my eyes... I'm too old for that shit XD I'd rather use my energy and limited time to make a lot of gay stuff featuring my favourite queer blorbos instead of arguing with strangers why a straight!Dorian or bi!Judy or straight/bi!whoever mod is bad. Fandom should be a hobby, not activism, and you can go about fighting homophobia in a lot better ways than arguing about who certain pixel people would like to bone or not.
I wish there were - or maybe there are and I haven't figured it out yet - ways to filter stuff I don't wanna see on Nexus for example like there are on tumblr, ao3, any other social media site with a good tagging system and means to block tags or phrases or users. Curating your own experience and finding people who share your interests is so important and has really improved my time in fandom a lot over the last years. And it's good to have friends you can rant to about stupid things that upset you in private, definitely XD
So, on that note, ship whoever you wanna ship in this context, but tag it so that people who don't wanna see it can avoid it and don't get mad. Also sorry this got long and slightly off topic, I'm a chronic rambler.
(also, if anything's unclear, feel free to reach out again! sometimes I don't express myself as well as I think I do XD)
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waywardsou2 · 7 months
New master post because the old one is broken
About me!
Welcome to my blog! My name is Wayward (not irl obviously. Though I wish) Just some basic information *ahem* I'm transmasc, androgenous (masc leaning), omniflux (but mostly mlm). Kinda complicated, yeah, but aren't we all. My pronouns are He/Him (main) Xe/Xir (trialing neos) They/Them (for my more 'who cares about gender' mood). I haven an extensive list here 👉: Pronoun card.
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Other random info about me :) I'm an aspiring author (my ao3 here 👈) and self-taught artist.
I have an TMNT AU I'm currently writing/designing. Find that here 👈
I'm also a Punk (in clothing and in ideologies and less so in music. yk just deal with it, it's the spirit that counts)
I'm also a monster fucker -I mean what? Who said that?
My beliefs are centered in Nordic Witchcraft, so no hate or I will bring down the might of Thor on your head. You've been warned. But if you are gonna play nice you can find me here 👈.
I'm quite odd so if that bothers you then don't stick around. I'm never in the mood to fight so don't even try it. Oh also, I'm an undiagnosed neurodivergent (probably autistic) and diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Although I'm pretty good now-a-days.
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This blog is mainly for my shit posting, doom scrolling, fandom shenanigans, hyper fixations and it's my main. Everything else I do branches off into its own blog. Kinda like blog children. Bloglins you could even call them. (I'm coining that term. Mine now) My current hyper fixations are TMNT and HTTYD.
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I LOVE GETTING ASKS. I have a few ask games I'm happy to do so I'll link them 👈. I usually answer within a day or two so please send them in. They are so much fun and I love interacting with communites . My DM's are also open if you just wanna chat in general or have any questions you want to ask not publically (for reasons).
If you are an alter/non human follow me here
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As I'm sure most of you can relate to this I really dont see why I need to say it but it's the internet so you can never be too careful. But I'm really attached to a lot of fictional characters from many franchises and if I ever post about them please be nice. Even if you dont like them or the potential discourse around them. Just be decent ok? They can be found here 👈
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Now that I've told you about me there are some ground rules to go over for my corner of the internet.
No harassment, bullying, discourse or anything of that nature belongs here. This is a Peaceful blog alright? I dont want none of that shit 🫵
No terfs, no homophobes, no transphobes, no zoophiles, no pedofiles (you are not MAPS ok, fuck off), no incest shippers, no anti-lgbt of any kind, no bigots, no conservative Christians, no religion haters (there is a balance), or anti-alter humanity of any kind. I think you get the idea but if I get even a hint that any of you people are lurking you will get tossed out like the trash you are. IMMIDEITLEY 🖕
No dark jokes or snides at mental health, it's tough shit and people dont need any more negativity to deal with. I will fucking report you if you ever do anything of the sort on my blog.
And finally no drama or discourse. seriously no one has the time or energy for that esspecially me. Just dont ok? 👎
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I have a few personal tags and may add more when need arises but if your looking for something in particular you may find them with these tags
#wayward rants
# wayward rambles
#wayward asks
#wayward rambles
# helpful reblogs
# waywards wallflower AU
#waywards art
@neonleons-posts @small-spiderpunkboy @fireflysquidsoup @ghosts-in-the-outfield @promiscuousbarnes @waywardsarah @corrupt-touch @dissapointedcreeper @regulusblackisamermaid
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I have another Master Post type post so anything that isn't here will be there. It's kinda like a less detailed pt 2 to this post. You can find that here 👈. And if for some reason you want to see the old Master Post, I am gonna keep it up so you can find that here 👈
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That's all for now folks hope you have fun whilst visiting my blog.
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fatpinkbitch · 3 years
I find a lot of the online queer discourse so weird?? Like my gf is a non-binary ace-spec lesbian and I'm non-binary grey ace/demisexual biromantic disaster, and my closest handful of friends are a mostly cis lesbian, a gay cis man, a gay non-binary person, a cis bisexual who leans more towards men and AMABs, and a cishet man.
I met my gf in secondary school, my oldest friend in primary school, three of these people through uni (none of them on my courses) and the cishet guy through tinder before I got with my gf.
Like 97% of my wider friend circle are some flavour of queer- we naturally seem to flock together and find each other. I've only once been part of a "queer friend group" at uni and they all ditched me and my cis gay friend and ended up being shitty to us because they were super exclusionary and all white, middle class, AFABs (my cis gay friend is a poc and I'm white but working class af). That group wanted to live in a self contained bubble and that's not really how the world works if you wanna be a functional adult.
I've gone off point a bit, but none of my friends are exclusionary- I'm the connecting dot between my friends but the reason they are my friends is because they're genuinely lovely kind people who don't care about labels and shit. Real life grown up queers acknowledge that we live in a predominantly cishet world, and we stick together and don't exclude each other for not being or not being cis, or for being bi, or on the acey side of queer. When I get my little ragtag bunch of people together for my birthdays we all get on and have a laugh and even though they don't know each other well they all get on and I can feel their love for me and our bonding over shared issues. They also all accepted my cishet guy friend, no questions asked. "He's Kat's friend, so he must be decent, so we're all gonna be nice to him" seems to be the general vibe and it's lovely.
Sorry if this is rambly and doesn't make much sense, but basically I find the discourse and exclusionism of online queer communities so weird because in real life its not like that- at the smaller gay clubs we all mix and mingle, in physical spaces we all unite over the fact that we are some flavour of queer, and if non queer people enter the space we're all respectful of each other. I know that's not always the case, but mostly we all just blend and come together, in my experience.
I get that for a lot of queers online communities are the only true safe spaces- if it wasn't for tumblr I'd probably still be convincing myself I was straight and cis! But don't push each other out. Unless someone is transphobic/homophobic/biphobic/acephobic/racist/ableist/generally shitty, allow them in. We all belong in the LGBTQIA community and infighting can be really harmful.
If you're not cis or het you belong, I promise. Stop shitting on bi people, on ace people, on trans/non-binary/gender non conforming people. The more divided we are the easier it is to turn against each other, when we should be supporting each other instead.
Also don't be too disheartened if that queer friend group turns out to suck- there are better people out there, I swear.
Also don't get too sucked into the discourse. It's important to develop your own opinions and critical thinking skills, and it can be too easy to fall into the vacuum of "all men are bad, all cis people suck, aces aren't really part of the community, bi people cheat/are fakers" and all those other shitty views designed to divide us. The real world is messy and complicated and yeah, some people suck, but not everyone does and if you can find your people you'll be okay! It might take time, you might lose and gain friends here and there, but you will get there!
Also, it's okay to change labels! I identified as grey ace/demisexual at first aged 20ish, then pansexual at 21ish, then finally bisexual at 22, and then eventually realised I was non-binary at 24! Now I know I'm a funky flavourful mix of these things, and that's okay!
I just wish I'd known all this stuff 10 years ago tbh. Maybe it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure out who I am, maybe it would have saved me a lot of heartache and anguish knowing that I can just call myself queer! (also the queer is a slur discourse is a whole other weird kettle of fish oh my goodness)
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moeruhoshi · 6 years
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Can he stop trying to @ me when I'm blocked lmfao
And why do we have to prove to him of all people that NaLu make a good couple? He clearly lives in the tag so wouldn't he have found some information yet 💤💤
Do I even take the energy 😂 this seriously is just a matter of opinions, I can legit say Gray suits Lucy best
(But like that's not true cuz Juvia is a clear winner, she taught that boy how to love again no doubt in my mind. They really learned a lot with each other, Graylu is cute but fr I only see them as brother and sister lmao they have that dynamic more than anything)
I complain that antis don't do anything but spout shit about the pressure we put on Mashima to draw more NaLu, which hella exists
Some girls can really push their shit on him, but it's really what Mashima wants in the end. If there's anything I know about authors (since am one and want to work with them in the future) it's that popularity sells? He can either write what he wants or decide to just emphasize what he knows will get attention, and NaLu gets hella attention. I wouldn't have readers without it ;)
Legit it can happen in any fandom that fans will press an author to give them what they want, it's ultimately up to the author to decide what to do with his or her story 💅
Not to say it doesn't fit, is overdone, or people don't respond positively. NaLu works really well, does not pull away from the main story or distract the overall sequence. If NaLu made no sense I would be annoyed. Antis say FT isn't good because of the NaLu blowup, but?? If you don't like it, pay attention to the plot?? There's a looooot of it. Fairy Tail is not perfect (is anything?) but I think it's bomb af lmao I love it, it rules, I love Earthland 😚
Can we just talk about how Natsu and Lucy were not immediate friends? Natsu thought she was kind if an idiot and didn't care if she came with him on missions or not, but they've grown way above that. Lovers or not, their team is something that just? It works? It breathes? The amount of trust they share? It's lowkey magical. They've grown a lot with each other uuugh I love the character development
When they save each other, fight for the other 😩❤ fucking heart nut (Which goes for literally anyone? Cana saving Lucy, Flare saving Lucy, Gray expelling the demon in Lucy <can we have some side effects in the sequel>)
Their bond is so strong, if Natsu got with someone else it'd be a lil?? Because, lovers or not, they have a strong bond, and personally I'd be like, where tf did you put those feelings?
<Lil note, a girl and boy who are friends may fall in love with each other, it may not be at the same time or at the right time or will necessarily work out, but?>
Future Lucy dying kind of tops it for me. Natsu is not an overly emotional character, rarely cries or talks about why he's upset. I'm curious to know what he was talking about with Gildarts in that silent chapter. I know some say it might've been about the fact that he had to leave Lucy, but he just lost Igneel after meeting him again. Seriously so heart wrenching to watch him have to go through that. Back to my main point tho, he just cares so much about her. Same thing when Gray tried to kill himself, Natsu was begging with tears not to lose him. Can we talk abandonment? After Lisanna died and Natsu grew closer to Lucy, saw her fucking die, I feel like that just hit him, made him realize just how much he cared about her. I don't think Natsu likes or wants to lose anyone. Lucy is so current and present in his life, I don't doubt he wants to keep her safe.
Lucy learned a lot and gained a lot thanks to Natsu bringing her to the guild <which she acknowledged> She wanted to protect his future too. She fought to protect him. I think it's foolish to ignore their strong bond. I adore it, whether or not Mashima makes them canon, I swear no other two people could have such an amazing connection.
Again, the nakama view can be applied. Things come across differently to other people, whatcha gonna do? Personally, I think their love can grow beyond friendship. It's a nice way to think. Certainly, I have friends that I love more than life itself and we have 100% a platonic relationship.
It's really dumb when antis say that Natsu just harrases her when she tells him to stop or doesn't want him in her home? I think you're ignoring how good of friends they are at that point. I most certainly also have a level of intimacy when it comes to my friends. I personally don't mind intimate friendships, Natsu and Lucy have an intimate friendship.
Back up to Brandish and Natsu laughing about how weirdly fun it is to mess with Lucy? He just loves it, it's part of what makes them them. Nothing current from Lisanna can give me those vibes. Maybe Erza, but again, older sister point of view, where she helps him think and learn when it comes to a situation. Erza, Natsu, and Gray grew up with each other so it's like they're a little family in my eyes. She loves and cherishes them @ Gray vs E.N.D
Lucy helped Natsu grow emotionally and Natsu helped Lucy realize just how strong she is. Fire Dragons Claw and Regulus Lucy Kick all over Fiore.
I invite my other NaLu binches to spill some tea because? If he really wants discourse and information, fucking hit him with it
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ofcaramelandcoffee · 6 years
Based on my experiences so far and what I know, I'm not too fond of tru.scum/trans.med :/
I'm sorry but if you invalidate anybody's trans-ness on the basis of whether or not they have gender dysphoria, or invalidate ANYONE lgbtq+ for any reason whatsoever really, then I don't even want anything to do with you
There's a whole frickin spectrum out there, and with it, there are an endless amount of experiences and feelings regarding certain subjects that tru.scum/trans.med argue against. And if you're gonna fight that without even bothering to listen to their stories or even trying to understand, even so much as to stalk the tag JUST for that sweet, sweet discourse? Well that only marks you as an asshole
There are trans* people without gender dysphoria. There are people with gender dysphoria. Gender is a social stigma forced upon the masses for the benefit of suppression or to make trans* people seem less than human. There are those who transition and those who don't. There are even those who partially transition. Their reasoning is their own and not something you can police
You can use whatever the hell pronouns you feel comfortable with. Many languages have or have had that. Gender identities are numerous and can be found in so many different civilasations and beliefs. Nonbinary, and nonbinary trans* exist, such as myself
I don't feel comfortable considering myself 100% male, and am over a year through transition. Hell, I even feel extreme gender dysphoria and plan to have top surgery and a hysterectomy, though the hysterectomy is mainly because I hate the pains of periods. Yet I don't like identifying as solely transmale/male because that's not who I am
On the opposite end of that, I know amazing trans* people and don't wish for hormones/transition for their own reasons, such as those who fear of losing their singing voice or those who despise gender norms
There are aces, aros, and pans. And no, neither bi nor pan are transphobic. Pan (like my husband) is an attraction regardless of gender identity. Bi (like myself) is an attraction to two or multiple gender identities, and they may differ from one to the next. Both exist, whether it's a romantic orientation or a sexual one
And since this apparently seems to be such a controversial topic, trans and gay ARE umbrella terms. Language has developed into such, whether or not you're happy with it. Dictionary results haven't caught up yet, but it usually takes a while for official dictionaries to include ANYTHING new. Furthermore, queer is a valid term that can be used by queer individuals. It was a slur. But before that, it belonged to the community. We took it back. Of course, there are those uncomfortable with using the term for themselves, and that's okay
I'm aware that not all tru.scum or trans.med believe all what I've argued against above. But from my experiences, those topics - and more - have come to light
Stop gatekeeping. We're supposed to be supportive of one another, not telling someone they're not trans enough because of your own experiences
Each experience is each person's own, and you can't tell someone they're wrong for reflecting on themselves and discovering who they are. If you do, then that's just outright abusive. This is coming from someone who was mentally, emotionally, and physically abused by someone really close to me, always trying to change who I am to better fit their own mold of who I should be. It went on for well over a year, almost every single damn day, and I'll be damned if I let it happen to myself or anyone else
I'm trans. I'm nonbinary. I'm bisexual. I'm gay. I'm lgbtq+. I'm proud
note: I will not tolerate outright hate or ridicule. I'm always game for civil conversation but if I see any replies/reblogs with insults or claims of people not being able to identify ad they do, I will simply block and move on with my life. I have my own life to live. I don't need that kind of negativity in my world
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janiedean · 7 years
Why don't you like Harry Potter?
I could reply ‘because it’s not a given that anyone would like it’ but if we want to be specific (SORRY ANYONE WHO LIKES IT TAKE IT AS MY PERSONAL OPINION):
I tend to not care about things where the protagonists are teenagers and in high school (asoiaf is the exception and the teenagers/children aren’t all of it and they’re not in high school) in general and HP is basically that except with magic
I am absolutely not into **magic** stuff when we’re discussing fantasy - I like lotr and asoiaf and discworld (which is satire/trope subversion anyway) and I have other exceptions but stuff like WIZARDS AND WITCHES AND STUFF is one of the things that I can care less as far as fiction is concerned
I find it really too simplistic in plot conception and execution, like I read maybe a bit of it and I couldn’t get into the style whatsoever because I thought it was nothing special
I watched like movie four and a part of two and I fell asleep during both for how little I could care
there is like one damned gray character in those books/films - ONE - and I’ve been hearing discourse about whether he’s GOOD OR BAD since I was in middle school
I’ve been withstanding snape discourse since middle school excuse me if I can’t stand it anymore
my friends back in the day couldn’t talk about literally anything else so if you didn’t care you either were uncool or you just had to listen to them harping about it when I was just like CAN WE TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE
they also proceeded to spoil me the entire thing at least for the main stuff so why the hell would I be interested if I already know everything and excuse me it sounds like the least interesting chosen hero story in existence to me at least
(no honestly harry is such a Chosen Hero trope in all the worst ways like sorry I really don’t care)
I’ve read/seen so much shit with the same moral which was better written and conceived that I’m nowhere near interested in getting into that, too
I really don’t care about wizards under the age of eighteen (and over the age of eighteen it’s... a very selected choice)
I can’t stand that this fandom is so entitled that they got eight movies, one play, the books, THE PREQUELS, I don’t even know how fucking much extra canon and so on and THEY HAVE TO KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT EVERY OTHER MOMENT and the play was shitty, and the prequels are cash grab and the movies sucked and HERMIONE’S DRESS WAS PINK AND NOT BLUE AND THAT WAS A PLOT POINT THAT I HAD TO SEE DISCUSSED FOR ANOTHER THREE YEARS LIKE WHY DO YOU FUCKING CARE WHAT HERMIONE’S DRESS LOOKS LIKE, never mind that y’all have such a large fandom you can find virtually any pairing or ship or kink in it but of course I only see wanking about stuff when my favorite fantasy series is a perpetual yuletide fave, my otp has twenty fics half of which are tied to me somehow and got one shitty movie after years which sucked ass but of course AFTER EIGHT MOVIES THE PROBLEM IS *HERMIONE’S DRESS*
the harry/hermione vs ron/hermione shipwar that people still can’t let go about wanted to make me go murder people back when I had to read discourse about it oN LIVEJOURNAL, ON TUMBLR, ON FB AND IRL at the same time
the fucking snape discourse
the fact that people can’t seem to tag their posts with hp assuming that everyone likes it so I had to blacklist that, snape, hermione and idk how many characters just to make sure that shit wasn’t on my dash anymore and I still see it
once I said that I wasn’t gonna read it anyway because if I did I’d only care for some of the adults and I knew they were gonna die since everyone spoiled it for me already and then someone had the disgrace to say ‘if you liked theon in asoiaf you’d probably like snape as a character’ and I had to go through four hours of anon wanking about SNAPE DISCOURSE when I didn’t even know how to reply and my experience with this fandom is ALWAYS like that
I find it utterly boring and predictable and I can’t care less
also: let’s get it out of the way that I watched fantastic beasts with friends who dragged me and I didn’t dislike it actually I thought it was cute and GUESS WHY IT WAS BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS AN ADULT AND DIDN’T GO TO SCHOOL and it was touching somehow more serious themes than your usual trite YA stuff that the original is, and obviously the fandom is so full with discourse I’d never even touch it with a ten foot pole but it also shows people can’t seem to read/interpret anything related to HP in a sane way and without realizing that IT’S NOT ALL BLACK AND WHITE GDI, same as apparently they can’t let go of the fact that they have to put poor snape in one specific box instead of admitting that assholes can do good things for a good cause without meaning they aren’t assholes and be fucking done with it already. I also have no ill will towards poor jkr who has decent political views and only made money out of doing what she liked but which I have a feeling is a way better adult writer than YA writer but she never will have the chance to because if she gets out of the HP sphere no one cares about what she produces and/or doesn’t get it (guys I had to read there wasn’t racism talk in FB when it was set in the US like what did you think wizards not being able to marry normal humans was standing for).
but tldr: I find it a bunch of YA re-heated tropes put together in a way that can work for kids and was very smartly put together but is not really greatly written and does not work for me and I can’t give less of a fuck about the original series especially about teenager protagonists, the fandom is the incarnation of walking discourse, I hate that everyone seems to assume that you have to like HP and that it’s impossible that you might actually not give a fuck, I hate that I’ve had to hear HP discourse/talk since I was nine years old ie for the previous twenty years of my life, I hate that I can’t seem to escape idiotic discourse even if I try to get it out of my way and ah I forgot, I can’t anymore with people fighting bloody battles over freaking hogwarts houses and ah wait again I hate how in any small fandom in existence you won’t find a lot of things but THE HOGWARTS AU HAS TO BE THERE and if you don’t care for it you’ll have to read it anyway while being bored out of your mind because you really just don’t care for that setting.
ah, and I’m sick tired of having to justify the fact that I don’t like HP to about everyone I know irl because apparently it’s impossible that I can, you know, not like something that everyone else likes.
again: I don’t mind discussing it on my terms and with people I know who also know I’m not interested in reading or watching it, but I’m really sick tired of seeing it everywhere after twenty years of telling everyone I don’t care. I mean. twenty years. I’m glad people enjoy it and I’m glad it got people into books and I absolutely don’t want to tell people they shouldn’t enjoy it because I can’t get into it - it’s their childhood and their favorite series and I’m sure it was great for them same as the stuff I liked was good for me - but it doesn’t mean I actually have to like it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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colorisbyshe · 5 years
Hi- I've been following you for a bit and have seen you comment on posts that try to include asexuals as part of the community, but I'm not 100% clear on why you feel that they shouldn't be (just that you do). Would you be willing to share your thoughts or direct me to something that maybe you've shared in the past? I'm bi but I'm not super active in the community and I don't know of others that share your viewpoint. Just trying to educate myself. Thanks in advance!
I just got an ask congratulating me on being out of ace discourse but fine I’ll give you the short and long of it.
The LGBT community is a community that exists to address the issues facing Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals (and any other MGA person who falls under the bisexual label, even if they do not use the bisexual label themselves), and Trans people (and any other person who does not identify with their agab, even if they do not use the label trans themselves).
The issues facing Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexual, and Trans people stem from homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. As systems of oppression, these all come from the same institutions and modes of thought--that is to say, there is significant overlap in how we experience oppression, even between a cis lesbian and a straight trans man.
Part of this is because historically (and even currently), gayness and transness were thought to be the same thing and were referred to as “sexual inversion.” For example, a gay man is acting as a woman would because loving men is something only woman do. Therefore, he’s assumed to “want to be” a woman, ie he’s like a trans woman. Even more recently, we had the pseudo science saying “gay people have the brains of the opposite gender.” A woman who loves women has the brain of a man because loving women is a Man Thing.
Ergo, homophobia and transphobia have assumed the same forms. Sodomy laws affect gay, bi, and trans people alike. Marriage equality is a gay and trans issue because in a world where straight trans people are misgendered, legally they cannot marry their SO because they are treated as a same gender couple. A trans man only into women is seen as a lesbian by transphobes. Likewise, laws dictating how much clothes you had to wear of your gender/not of the “wrong” gender targeted gay and trans people alike.
Throughout history, Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, and Trans people have faced the same hardships, created the same culture together, and have the same legal woes. Between our groups, we share the AIDS Crisis, Stonewall, Lawrence v Texas, etc etc.. There’s a reason why Stonewall wasn’t just cis gay men and cis lesbians--it was a diverse space full of the L G B and T, all there taking refuge in the same spaces and fighting against the same oppression.
We are allied together by our fight against our mutual oppressors--cisgender straight people and cisgender aroace people.
Cisgender people all benefit from transphobia. Straight and aroace people all benefit from lesbophobia, homophobia, and biphobia.
Ergo, cisgender straight/aroace people do not belong in LGBT spaces.
They have no role in our culture, history, or activism outside of being the oppressors who inspire it. Cishets have been trying to glom onto LGBT culture for validation, resources, and to feel cool for decades now--starting with kinksters, going onwards with allies (especially allies who obfuscate their cis/hetness to continue this), and now here with the first publicly successful batch--aces.
I don’t have to bow to that. I don’t have to bow to their harassment campaigns. I don’t have to bow to a community first started on an article complaining about how jealous they are of LGBT pride while bragging about how better they are for not wanting sex. I don’t have to bow to a community whose most popular meeting space is AVEN, created by a man who proposed the acronym be changed to “LGBTTQQPFAGIBDSM” (Spot the slur!), said the a is for ally but allies are “queer anyways,” and then shat out a bunch of homophobia over the years.
A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose and a cishet is a cishet. And a cishet by any other name would smell as oppressive. Heteroromantic. Demi-grey hetrom. Hetero ace. Ace who is attracted to the opposite gender and only the opposite gender but somehow they’re not straight. Whatever.
Cishet is cishet.
And a cishet is not L G B or T. We share no culture, no activism, no strife, no love, no anything. And while they may hack away at liberal groups that never really did much for anyone anyways and win out on “inclusion” which means some groups will mention aces are welcome but never really do anything ace specific because aces don’t really need specific resources beyond just feeling included... I don’t have to subscribe to that bootlicking mindset. I’d much rather invite a thousand wellmeaning allies into LGBT spaces because at least they’re there to help us instead of demand we help them.
Fuck it. I have no respect for the ace community, in all 20+ years of them existing as a coherent (well, sort of) community, they have done exactly zero activism besides being a PR machine for their relationship to sex. No activism for rape victims. No lobbying for anything. All they do is tell teenagers is that tis’ okay to have sex with people they aren’t attracted to, which is just reiterated rape culture.
They are the inverse of the sex positivity movement--telling people unhealthy sexual behaviour is fine and is a new identity without ever really dismantling rape culture besides playing lipservice to “rape is bad.” Which isn’t even an LGBT issue--it’s a feminist one. It’s misogyny.
They have nothing to offer the LGBT community. And I wouldn’t want it even if they had something. Because the only ones not included in the LGBT community by virtue of their actually LGBT identities are just my oppressors (cishets and cis aroaces) and oppressors demanding access to resources and spaces created by those they oppress are just furthering their oppression. We tell cishet women to fuck off all the time and cishet women actually are oppressed by gender things you could arguably connect to homophobia and transphobia! There’s no way in fucking hell I’m gonna bend over backwards for other cishets who aren’t even oppressed by just feel a bit lonely because their relationship to sex/dating isn’t what they see in movies (hint: no relationship to sex/dating is accurately portrayed in the media).
I’m over it. I’m done. Cishets fuck off forever.
Let this be my last longform ace discourse post. My ace discourse tag is full of thoughts and regurgitation but let this be the summation of it all.
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