#valentine lestrange
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hypnoshaze · 1 year
One of my favorite fanfics of Harry potter
“Pretending to Hate”
“Valentine Lestrange is the only child of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. When they’re sentenced to life in Azkaban, Valentine is placed in the care of the Malfoy’s. She couldn’t have imagined what would become of the day when she is approached by Dumbledore himself. That day changed her life and gave her a purpose that became her greatest secret.”
It’s on quotev and completed! Its also on Ao3 but not completed as the author hasn’t update it on Ao3 in a bit.
There is a total of 4 book in the series! 3 of which are completed!
1st year till 3rd year “Pretending to Hate” 1,109pgs
4th year till 6th year “Pretending to Live” 1,554pgs
7th year “No More A Pretender” 1,322pgs
8th year “No More A Monster” currently 211pgs
Also the author is still on Quotev and still updates “No More A Monster”.
Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6841075/Pretending-To-Hate/1
I recommend as Valentine Lestrange is a great character. And while focused on Harry the life of main character is not always revolve around him. The main character has drama of her own and her own friend group. Valentine is a cold and mean girl to everyone at Hogwarts as expected of a Lestrange and Slytherin. She also a genius but has her own weakness such as lack of physical strength and being stubborn and rash to protect and do what she believe is right. Even if she has to sacrifice her life and image to correct things.
Also Valentine is Aromatic and Asexual and we don’t figure this out till later on as the character get older and start getting boyfriend and girlfriend. Where Valentine shows no interest of anyone. She doesn’t know exactly what to call it till she meets some a rock band of muggles. Who tell her the terms asexual and aromatic which she identifies too.
The story also deals with some dark topics later on in Valentine life such as self harm, child neglect/harm and attempt of SA and mentioned SA (don’t worry she beats him up and very nearly kills him later on) and descriptions of harm and battles later on when the death eaters rule. The only cannon character you will dislike/hate is Lucius and other death eaters and a few Oc characters that appear later on. Other then that all the other characters are good.
Also a story for those who like Severus Snape and Darcy Malfoy as Malfoy is Valentine cousin. Snape is somewhat a mentor to Valentine and is protective of her and vise versa. Bonded by their secret missions and Snape thinking she’s too young to be handling all of this though we don’t get his thoughts til a bit later.
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honeyhaze5 · 2 years
Called the Pretenders series it’s also on ao3 and wattpad but it’s not updated on either 
Made by a author I loved and it has 3 books in the series 
The first is 1st-3rd year
The Second is 4th-6th
And the third is all of 7th year
The author also is planning a fourth book that cover the Mc 8th year 
Btw all are over 1000 pages !!!!!
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marauders-sapphics · 7 months
Fest claims! Get your fest claims here! 
Today’s the day—welcome to the Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling Fest! We're so excited to see what y'all come up with ♡ Read below the image for more information ↓
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Here's the 411:  
Submissions open Feb 14 (today) and close on April 17! 
Use #MaraudersSapphicSpringFlingFest in your posts! (add spaces on Tumblr) 
The main ship must be sapphic / the fic must be focused on one of the female characters. 
All types of media are allowed (e.g. writing, art, videos, etc.) 
Multiple people can claim the same prompt, though we encourage you to look at unclaimed ones! 
Head over to our AO3 collection for the prompts and full list of rules!
If you’re interested in chatting with other folks participating, join our 18+ server :) Mods: @multiimoments @siriusly-sapphic @emjayeingray @cauldroncakesandwine
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themoonandthedogstar · 9 months
“i could fix her-“ well i’d have her just the way she is (and this is her)
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capriddle · 7 months
Valentine's Day Aesthetic Bellamort
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Being aroace, I usually regard Valentine’s Day as only being good for chocolate and fanfic. I can’t give out chocolate over the internet but here are two Valentine’s Day Bellamort fanfics from different points in their relationship:
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wvsteria · 2 years
@mischiefxmuses​ ;; rabastan lestrange & cindy berman ;; mini event
cindy knew she should’ve gone home by now, but she’d always had a stubbornness about her. she wanted to make sure that people were getting the help they needed. who knows if they’d be able to make it to the hospital with all the chaos carrying on. “does anyone need any help?” she called out as she walked down the sidewalk.
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starchasing-cryptid · 2 years
some short valentine's day pandalily for the soul <3
happy valentine's day my lovely people :)
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ldrfanatic · 8 months
If the World Was Ending
Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader Part Two of Craw Home to Her
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A/N- after weeks it's finally here! This isn't a direct songfic like the first part, however, it's accompanying song is If the World Was Ending by JP Saxe
Slight alteration to the original timeline of events of Half-Blood Prince
crawl home to her (part I) works slytherin boys masterlist
After that party in the Slytherin Common Room, you and Theo had begun dating. And for the entire month of January, a perfect Valentine's Day, and everything was perfect. Now, with Spring Break is rapidly approaching, the war is becoming more and more real. Everyone in your small circle knew of the tasks that had been assigned to you and a few other children of prominent Death Eaters in preparation of their takeover of Hogwarts at the end of the year.
Draco had begun to stress and look worse for wear as the weight of this secrecy from Hermione started to settle in. Mattheo, who had the worst of the lot of you, had given up on his usual banter with Potter and had been holed up in the boys' dormitory for the past two weeks or so.
Though there'd been an uptick in the moods of Theo and yourself in the midst of your new relationship, the novelty and puppy-love air had dampened when a letter from Theo's father arrived a few days ago requesting a visit home in the upcoming spring break. While your parents had been relatively silent since giving you your assignment, you knew that they'd want a progress update soon, and you hadn't even worked up the stomach to begin at all.
The thought of betraying your classmates and professors at Hogwarts had become sickening to all of you.
Still, sitting here in Theo's arms under a large oak tree at the Great Lake, you couldn't find it in yourself to feel scared or sad. There was a soft and sweet bubble of love around the two of you with a warm air that seeped into your bones and warmed your soul. Theo pressed a sweet kiss to your temple and when you turned to meet his eyes, you were unsure how you never realized that Theodore Nott was in love with you. Especially if he'd been looking at you like that all this time.
"You know I leave next Tuesday, love?"
The deep rumble of Theo's voice in his chest felt like a lightning bolt through your body that had electricity simmering at the tips of your fingers and your toes. How you'd never realized you were also madly in love with Theodore Nott you were also unsure of. Had your body always reacted to him this way? The thought of being away from him for 10 days made your heart sink a little lower than you'd anticipated. You and Theo had been each other's light as the skies darkened and the air turned cold. You could predict now that your mood would suffer significantly from a lack of Vitamin Theo.
"I'll miss you."
"And I you," His arms tightened around your torso and pulled you further back into his chest. "have you heard from your mum yet?"
You shook your head and tried not to think about the rage you'd certainly face if you didn't start on your task soon. You'd never particularly been friends with Katie Bell, but the thought of cursing her made you a little queasy. Especially when it meant the end result was weakening Dumbledore so that Mattheo could deliver the final blow.
Still, Draco and Theo both has worse jobs than your own. Draco was still working on the Vanishing cabinet and adjusting to his new dark mark bestowed to him by his aunt, and your mother, Bellatrix LeStrange. Theo had been tasked with enlisting the help of the Acromantula and Centaurs in the Dark Forest and it wasn't going very well. When he'd returned the other night, he'd had arrow cuts all over after rapidly fleeing the scene when his meeting with a group of centaurs turned sour.
In short, you'd been given an easy and simple task with minimal danger. But you'd been given it because it was essential. Should you fail to deliver this curse to Dumbledore, when Mattheo advances on him, he will surely lose, and the Dark Lord will descend upon the entire lot of you with a fury unknown.
"You'll be fine. And the curse won't kill Bell, she'll just be a little rattled."
You whipped your head upwards to your boyfriend and flashed him a bewildered look. "They asked me to use Imperio, Theo! That's an unforgiveable."
"I know. But in the grand scheme of things, we'll all be otherwise occupied before this whole thing is over."
You settled back into his embrace without another word.
You knew he was right.
But you just couldn't stomach it.
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Turns out you were right. You couldn't stomach it.
You tried to be as quiet as possible as you deposited the contents of your stomach behind the Three Broomsticks. Thankfully, the bustling sounds of Hogsmeade during Spring Break were cover enough for the sounds of you retching.
But it was done. Katie Bell had been successfully cursed, given her mission, and sent on her way to the Headmaster's Office.
It was the last few days of Spring Break and Theo was supposed to return soon. Your nerves ad been on edge since he'd left. Now that you completed your task, you felt a little better but you wouldn't be able to relax until Theo was safely back into your arms. Only two more days and he'd be back.
After what turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt to curse Katie, you went back to your dorm room and tried to ignore the growing feeling of dread inside of you. Once your mother heard of your failure through Professor Snape, you were pretty much done for. You didn't attend Dinner that night and instead decided to remain holed up in your bed with your curtains drawn shut. You weren't exactly in the mood for sympathies.
However, your plans to sulk for the evening were interrupted quite suddenly by Pansy Parkinson. "Y/n get up! They're here."
You rolled over halfway and stared bewildered at your friend. "Who's here?"
"The Death Eaters."
A chill ran straight down your spine. They weren't supposed to be here until the end of the year. They weren't supposed to come until Theo came back. Still, you flung yourself out of bed and quickly pulled on your tennis shoes and a jumper to protect you from the cold air. When you finally exited the common room, it was pretty clear where the Death Eaters were. Students were tearing off in waves away from the Great Hall. You could hear your mother's manic cackling and curses fired into the crowd caused even more panic.
You masked your fear with an emotionless facade and began shoving through the crowd towards your mother trying to appear as mean as possible and firing meaningless spells into the crowd.
As soon as your mother could see you, she bound towards you with a grin. It was hard to tell if she was angry or excited. It was always hard to tell. "Daughter! You've done so well. The Dark Lord will be so pleased. Dumbledore is dead!" You tried to smile and look happy with the news but your chest tightened further. Dumbledore was dead, Theo was missing, and you were now back into the clutches of your insane mother.
Part of your heart sunk at her words. You'd never particularly cared for your mother but it was always The Dark Lord will be so pleased or The Dark Lord is proud or The Dark Lord cares for all of his disciples and never her saying those things to you. She was never pleased, never proud, and she never cared. Harry Potter came suddenly around the corner of the corridor and fired a stunning curse that hit Crabbe's father dead center in the chest.
Your mother's face instantly turned from pleased to enraged and she let out the cruciatus curse in a bellow. You didn't see the remainder of the encounter as she and the other Death Eaters took off after Potter. A temporary relief calmed your heart. Snape hadn't said anything to your mother. At least not yet. Maybe you could convince him not to say anything.
As you ran through the castle, you'd noticed dead bodies of classmates that'd been slaughtered by the Death Eaters' rampage. Still, no sign of Theo. You begun to fear for your boyfriend. There's no way that Nott Sr. would come to the castle on this mission without Theo. You were so lost in your head, you didn't see Hermione until you slammed into each other and knocked heads. Your movements mirrored each other as both of your arms shot up to rub at your temples.
"Y/n! Have you seen Draco?"
You shook your head sympathetically and wrapped the brunette into what would probably be the last hug you ever gave Hermione Granger.
"I've got to go, but Theo's looking for you. I just passed him outside of the Charms classroom running around like a madman." She sprinted away from you but turned momentarily to shout after your own retreating figure. "If you see Draco, tell him I love him!"
You took off towards the Charms classroom with a new fervor. Please Salazar let Theo be okay. Finally, you heard his voice. "Y/n?! Y/n!!"
"Theo! Theo I'm here!!"
The moment you laid eyes on Theodore Nott your heart stopped. He was covered head to toe in bruises and his skin had paled since you saw him last. He looked downright awful. But that didn't stop you from launching yourself into his embrace and squeezing like the world depended on it. Draco, Mattheo, Blaise, and Pansy were all rallied behind him. Pansy was tucked into Blaise' side. Draco had his wand drawn and was frantically checking every door in the corridor no doubt looking for Hermione.
"She's not here, D. I ran into her maybe five minutes ago. She asked me to tell you that she loves you. Then she took off towards the East Wing of the castle."
Draco immediately started sprinting in the direction you'd come from with Pansy and Blaise hot on his tail.
You recentered on Theo who pressed his forehead down into yours.
"What has happened to you Theodore Nott?"
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the sun were shining or if the world was ending, I will always be right here. With you."
You stared up at him. "The world is ending, my love."
You pressed your lips against his.
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okay okay done for now. should I just make this into a series at this point?
WC 1739
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Liam: I’m not gonna lie, Leah, I’m kinda scared of Lestrange.
Leah: Val wouldn’t hurt a fly!
Liam: Okay, that’s reassuring—
Leah: She would kill a man though.
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shanastoryteller · 7 months
Hi Shana Happy Valentines Day! Hope you get showered in love and chocolates 😘 Can I request some young siat Wolfstar please and thank you! 💖
Sirius had always worried that his soulmate was someone his mother would approve of.
He doesn't want to marry Narcissa, but at least he knows her and knows what she wants and she probably won't do anything too terrible if he asks her not to. Maybe.
Even worse than that would be meeting his soulmate and they're a Lestrange or a Greengrass or someone that his mother would reconsider his marriage plans for and then he's just stuck forever with someone just as awful as she is, someone just as awful as she wants him to be.
"Hi," shyly says the sandy-haired boy that has his flowers on his skin, robes obviously secondhand and his trunk taped together in places. "I'm Remus Lupin."
Sirius has never even heard of the name Lupin.
"I'm Sirius," he says, tightening his grip on Remus's wrist. "Come on! Sit with us. You have to meet James and Peter."
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playsthetics · 1 year
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MBTI: My Favourite Characters
ESFP (12/16)
Midari Ikishima (Kakeguri)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Maddy Perez (Euphoria)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Marla Singer (Fight Club)
Hikari Kuina (Alice in Borderland)
Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
Villanelle (Killing Eve)
Tiffany Valentine (Chucky)
Young-sook (The Call)
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empathiie · 8 months
plotting/starter call for the hwminievent6! under the cut are my characters, their dates, and their vibes for the night. 💗 capping the starters at four per character for now!
abby anderson -- blind date with josie saltzman. (1/4) urumi akamaki.
abby will be on a blind date with josie. abby is still getting used to a world that's normal and not post-apocalyptic, so they may be a bit uncomfortable at first only to open up later in the night.
alicia clark -- blind date with adam torres. (1/4) ramona flowers.
alicia will be on a blind date with adam. she is more outgoing and willing to enjoy herself at an event like this, so she'll probably have a fun time; making the most of the night.
bella swan -- blind date with brinna javik. (1/4) alice cullen.
bella will be on a blind date with brinna. even though she's a generally awkward person, she's eager to spend the evening with someone new and go outside of her comfort zone.
beth washington -- open to a date. (2/4) emily davis, max lightwood.
beth is actually excited for this event. i'd love to see her go with someone or find someone to spend the majority of the event with! she will be enjoying the party and wishing that she at least had her brother or sister there with her.
bigby wolf -- attending with snow white. (1/4) danika fendyr.
bigby is attending with snow. he won't exactly be in Big Bad Wolf Mode, but he'll be protective of her, of course, and will be on the lookout for any trouble or chaos that might happen during the event.
dora tonks -- blind date with bb-8. (2/4) eloise bridgerton, hagrid.
dora will be on a blind date with bb-8. she's actually looking forward to this blind date and getting to meet new people, even if the vibe of the event is ~romantic~. she'll also want to be seeing her friends and family and may even introduce them to her date.
draco malfoy -- going solo. (4/4) rabastan lestrange, hermione granger, harry potter, scorpius malfoy.
draco is going solo. but he has big feelings for lee jordan, and will probably spend most of the night bickering with him about complete and utter nonsense. also, he'll probably be drinking. a lot.
garrett -- attending with kate. (1/4) irina.
garrett is attending with kate. he loves a good party and will be making the most of it, socializing and getting to know other vampires. he won't be paying as much attention to the humans, given his current circumstances.
jyn erso -- attending with cassian andor. (3/4) ellie williams, ansel of briarcliff, sha hualing.
jyn is attending with cassian. she's still a bit wary of washington itself, having heard of the craziness that occasionally takes place here. cassian is her safe place, so she'll want to stay by his side.
louis weasley -- attending with wednesday addams. (2/4) fleur delacour, bill weasley.
louis is attending with wednesday. and in all honesty, he probably dragged her to the event kicking and screaming. he's looking forward to spending the evening with her, and showing her off to all of his friends and family. he knows how to have a good time, and will make sure that he does, as long as he has wednesday by his side.
luna lovegood -- attending with neville longbottom. (2/4) cho chang, lee hongjo.
luna is attending with neville. she's incredibly excited to go, having a deep love for most holidays. she will be all dolled up and is excited to see everyone!
maggie greene rhee -- going solo. (1/4) rosita espinosa.
maggie is going solo. however, she'll probably stay close to glenn, since he IS her husband, after all. she'll also want to make sure that no trouble arises. she does love valentine's day and will be enjoying herself at the same time, though she won't get crazy with it. she just wants to have fun on her mom's night out!
mike schmidt -- open to a date. (2/4) charlotte dilaurentis, jester lavorre.
mike isn't super eager to be attending the valentine's day event, honestly. he hasn't had a lot of romance in his life, which is part of why he plans on going alone. i'd love to have a date for him, though, to enjoy the night with! he's a big softy on the inside, and would be sweet to spend time with once he gets past his shyness.
rey palpatine -- attending with fred weasley ii. (3/4) samara palpatine, leia organa, han solo.
rey is attending with fred. she is super excited to get to know them better and to spend more time with them, especially at an event like this. she'll also be checking in with her friends and family to make sure that they're having a good time, too.
rhaenyra targaryen -- attending with harwin strong. (2/4) lidia cervos, penelope garcia.
rhaenyra is attending with harwin. they're ready for a night out away from the kids, though they love their children, a date night with their husband is very much needed.
theon greyjoy -- attending with sansa stark. (2/4) ridoc, filippa kosta.
theon is attending with sansa. and will be spending the majority of the event by her side. he's a little bit on the reserved side and will want to stay within his comfort zone, which is with sansa or other people that he knows.
will graham -- going solo. (1/4) yennefer.
will is going solo. despite this, he may gravitate towards someone that he feels a connection with. however, he will likely spend most of the night alone, or at least ~trying~ to socialize.
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capriddle · 7 months
Valentine's Day Bellamort headcanon
Given that I don't imagine either of them have ever celebrated it, if they really had to do so I imagine they could:
killing and torturing enemies or muggles together
read together or close together
stand in front of the fireplace
walking in the night, under the stars and the moon, together
having violent and extremely passionate sex
Voldemort would give her a silver dagger
Bellatrix would give him an ancient book of magic
they would sneer at the stupidity and corniness of other couples
they would join together at night during a black magic ritual
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More Lego Bellamort Valentine’s Day nonsense. Voldy got Bella roses but he worries they’re not good enough so he casts Engorgio on him. Meanwhile, she brought him an assortment of delicious chocolate. Even Dark Lords like chocolate!
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