#Ollie as a young adult though
nonasimming · 2 years
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Unlike me, who does not dream of labor, Ollie is working hard to be an astronaut.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
If your request are open, could I request a few headcanons with the Rise Turtles?
The reader found a turtle mutant child alone in NYC and took them in because the parents abandoned them after they mutated. How would the Turtles react to their s/o or crush suddenly being the new mom to a turtle mutant?
A/N, not important: Thank you for the ask, and if you're ever curious about requesting, you can check my pinned post which has my requesting rules linked. This one was tough for me because I personally love kids, and used to volunteer at a daycare camp type deal, and it kinda shows through. This kinda ended up being more about the child than them w/ you. Sorry. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: My writing, kids, Mikey's part mentions future marriage, Donnie suggests adoption
Words: 400
Summary: ROTTMNT turtle's s/o becomes the new parent of a mutant turtle. Yay, responsibility...
Surprised, but willing to help.
Thinks it’s literally the sweetest thing you took in the small mutant.
Wants to make sure you’re okay with everything and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
He’s really worried for the kid as well, and wants to make sure you’re both doing okay.
Supports you with the kid to the best of his ability.
Offers to bring you food more often so you can focus more on your job and taking care of the kid.
Tries his best to build a proper relationship with the kid.
Mikey loves you, and wants to possibly marry you in the future.
If this kid is now part of that future, he’s on board.
Is mostly indifferent to the new child in your life.
He thinks it was a noble act, but a vastly unnecessary one.
In Donnie’s mind, you don’t need a kid. You’re only a young adult and haven’t figured your life out yet.
Why adopt some random kid when there’s a yokai family out there waiting with possibly open arms?
Anyways, Donnie got yelled at for his hypocrisy because SHELLDON.
Shelldon is more excited than Donnie.
Donnie helps if you ask, but leaves you to it for the most part.
It’s your life, he doesn’t care too much what you do with it.
Plus, seeing you act sweet to the kid is nice.
Gets happy when he meets the kid.
Thinks you’re an angel for taking care of the kid when you technically didn’t have to.
Brings it up to Splinter on accident.
Now you have a rat-man giving you childcare advice.
Helps with anything you ask.
He wants to spend time with you, and now you are constantly with the kid, so he spends time with the kid too.
Bonds with the kid pretty quickly.
Is concerned, but helps where he can.
Like Donnie, he’s concerned because you’re still a young adult yourself, and he doesn't want you to get overwhelmed.
To help, he ends up becoming the kid’s dad more or less.
Gets really excited when the toddler laughs at one of his jokes.
Instant acceptance, will steal the child from you if possible.
Almost co-parents?
He likes the kid, and he likes you, so he has no problem helping out whenever he can.
Bribes Mikey to babysit so he can still go out with you alone though.
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zahri-melitor · 9 months
My comments on the Extended Generational Sorting Algorithm:
Gosh there are some murky in-betweens here.
G-1 – JSA and teams like the All-Star Squadron and the Blackhawks. The WWII edition. This is occasionally merged with G0 as timelines shift, but includes Hippolyta, Ted Knight, Sandra Knight (as Phantom Lady), Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, etc. A lot of this cohort have aging issues and several have grandkids in G1 or G1.5. Zinda simultaneously belongs to this group and G1.5.
G0 – JSA, the gap between WWII and the first JLA. This is the younger JSA cohort who aren’t so tied to WWII and the gap after. Dinah Drake. Ted Grant. Johnny Quick. Giovanni Zatara. Walter Chase (the Acro-Bat). Bruce’s parents. The Kents. Jim Gordon. Etc.
G1 – JLA land! Bruce, Clark, Diana, Ollie, Barry, Hal, Arthur, etc. You know them. Your idea of a headlining JLA includes these folk.
G1.5 – Birds of Prey and JLI zone. Characters too old to be Titans cohort but younger/clearly different than the G1 headliners. Barbara Gordon and Dinah Lance are the stalwarts of this group, plus I’ll add Helena Bertinelli, Cameron Chase, Kate Spencer, Kendra, etc. I guess I’d probably put Harley Quinn, agewise, here too. Also would add Beatriz, Tora, Booster, Ted Kord, etc. Guy and Zatanna sort of bounce between here and G1 depending on storyline.
G2 – it’s the Titans! Dick, Donna, Wally, Roy, Garth, Victor, Gar, Kory, Raven etc. Their agebounds are probably Roy as the oldest and Gar as the youngest, though Gar’s given to them as a courtesy – he’s realistically a member of G2.5, he just hangs with G2. We also add Kyle and Connor and Jesse Quick etc to this cohort despite them not being core Titans given their strong connections to particularly Donna and Wally.
G2.5 – The JL Taskforce kids and Jason’s non-existent team. Ray Palmer’s Teen Titans. This is a group of individuals that has never properly coalesced. Overlaps in age with both the bottom of G2 and the top of G3 but distinctly don’t belong to either. Jason, Ray, Grant, Argent, Cynthia, Eddie, Snapper Carr, plus Danny Chase and arguably Gar all fall into this group. Rose Wilson overlaps with G3 but vibeswise probably also belongs to this group. I am tossing up whether Anissa and Jennifer Pierce belong here or in G2.
G3 – Young Justice. Tim, Kon, Cassie, Bart, Cissie, Greta, Anita. Cass Cain belongs here despite being the same age as several G2.5s. Steph, Charlie, Black Alice, Jaime, Zachary Zatara, even a handful of the newer folk like Jinny Hex slot in here. Several Supergirls including current Kara, Courtney Whitmore IS a member of this group and the three oldest Marvel kids (Billy, Mary and Freddy) are currently aged into this.
G4 – Damian’s Teen Titans. Damian, Jon Kent (yes even still with the age up), Emiko Queen, Ace West etc. If they are still a teen right now in DC storytelling or SHOULD be a teen, they belong here (if they’re a teen and SHOULDN’T be they’re probably a G3/G5). The Gotham Academy kids. Arguably the Titan Academy kids too? Agewise the DEO Titans kids but spiritually probably not (also the chances of us ever seeing them again is…low) The younger Marvel kids (Eugene, Pedro and Darla especially) are with this group.
G5 – so this group are either alternate G3 or G3.5s. Too new and too un-networked with G3 to be absorbed. Jace Fox, Yara Flor, Jackson Hyde, Duke Thomas and the We Are Robin cohort all belong here. Kong Kenan, Avery Ho, etc also are members.
G6 – Titans Offspring Gen. Almost everyone in this group has been artificially aged, which is a thing, hey. Lian, Irey, Jai, Cerdian, Robbie. Maxine, obviously. Otho and Osul-Ra.
G7 – Help I’m From Earth-One: Power Girl and Helena Wayne.
G8 – The Lost Children – also Help I’m From Earth-One in a lot of respects but they’re in their teens, not adults. May get folded into other groups if they get more use.
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speedforce-zoomies · 5 months
Y’all know what I think would make an interesting AU?
If everyone in the 90’s Young Justice was a clone or a “clone”
Canonically we’ve already got two out of the main ten
Conner Kent/Superboy being a “clone” of Superman & Lex Luthor
& Slobo being a clone of Lobo
Two things to note 1) I think it’s kinda boring if all of them have the same backstory so I’ll still try to give them all a reason that they’ve left Cadmus early in life
And 2) If we’re looking at all the various DC works 1 to 1 clones usually have some major issues
For example the other attempts at cloning Superman didn’t work, the DNA was too unstable
And in the DCAU, the Supergirl 1 on 1 clone had the side effect of being mentally connected to Supergirl which made her mentally unstable and Waller purposely avoided going the 1 to 1 route with Terry implying that it was still not a smart route to go down decades later
Therefore every “clone” will still have two “parents”
Let’s start with the other members of the core four
Tim - obviously a clone of Bruce, could add in Selena’s DNA if the scientists want some extra kick or he could still be the son of Janet so that he’s raised in a similar manner (rich kid upbringing) to Bruce
Janet and Jack could be having fertility issues and are given an opportunity to have a child through Cadmus and they just ignore all the weird stuff like rich people tend to do. Maybe they know Tim is Bruce’s clone, maybe they don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cassie - Diana Prince & Steve Trevor - not only would this give them access to the Amazons/Themyscira but also to a member of military personnel who knows a lot of stuff he probably shouldn’t
If this pairing Helena Sandsmark could be chosen to adopt her specifically so that she has a higher chance of interacting with the Greek gods which activates her powers (I mean Helena is already canonically interacting with them - might not be hard for Cadmus to realize that)
Could also do Diana & Helena Sandsmark, she could be in the same boat as Janet in the earlier scenario and just rolls with all the weird stuff.
Bart - Barry and Iris. Could still have the aging problem and still raised in Virtual Reality just some centuries behind the usual route. Imagine him thinking up the twins names himself - I mean Dawn and Don as twin names SOUND like they came from a kid raised in VR lol. When Barry and Iris later have the twins, they just roll with the names because Bart said them so matter of fact and Cadmus acts like they aren’t surprised that Bart got it right about Iris’s pregnancy.
Maybe they send him to go find Wally through suggestions from the VR so that he can better learn his powers/can become the next Flash and then Wally sends him to Max like in canon.
Now for the others…
Cissie - super easy Bonnie & Ollie. Bonnie as an Olympic-level archer wants her daughter to be the best archer and a hero and so she seeks out Cadmus and asks just straight up asks them for a clone.
Greta - I’m sorry to say is a mystery. She was a failed clone but no one seems to know who her original DNA came from.
Anita - could be a clone of her mother Oshi if Agua killed Oshi before she had Anita. Cadmus could reach out and be like hey Donald Fite it’s not the same as having your wife back but um, we could clone her? Give you a kid? Maybe Agua pushes for it idk
La'gaan - I couldn’t find much about his history prior to him becoming an Atlantis citizen so I imagine Cadmus might have captured his “parents” or maybe it’s someone who works with Orm and wants to send in a spy and though a child would be easier to get in than an adult. When Aquaman makes him a citizen he decides not to betray his confidence.
Ray - cloned from the original Ray and his wife or another golden age hero. Again pretty simple. Cadmus just thought he was neat. They are obsessed with Sun based superheroes after all. Ray is one I could see being locked up in Cadmus until the formation of the team since he was already locked away from the Sun in his origin story.
So at some point I imagine Tim would probably start to unravel things which would lead to similar events to canon (regarding the formation of the team I mean) but I just think it would be interesting since cloning is so prevalent in the DC universe to have an entire team of clones or “clones”
Maybe after distributing the other clones Luthor gets the idea to actually raise Conner himself which is always a fun AU
Plus with all this cloning going on they could potentially have the tools to prevent Slobo’s body from degrading which is a nice bonus
What do y’all think?
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sephirthoughts · 22 days
Vincent's New Kid Just Dropped
stupid blurb about Vincent who has never slept with a woman finding out about his third biological child. includes sephiroth being his son and he and cid's daughter Olivia, from my sephiroth and sister HC silliness. might write more if the spirit moves me
[WARNING: i scribbled this up in like twenty minutes so please ignore any typos or whatever]
Sephiroth was seated on the floor, at the coffee table, with Ollie in his lap, helping her make colorful scribbles on a coloring book with a set of crayons, which Vincent didn’t have any recollection of owning. He ignored it. The sheer number of Ollie-related things that had been appearing in the house recently was past the point of addressing.
He’d been furious when his eldest son first began showing up in their home, uninvited, at all hours of the day and night. Then he’d been worried about the man’s motives and their safety, since he was human super-weapon literally unstoppable by any means known to man. Then he'd been wary of letting Ollie get attached to someone who might just up and vanish from her life.
But everything Sephiroth had done so far was consistent with his stated desire to care for his little sister, and gradually, his constant presence became a part of their daily lives. If nothing else, he was huge help with baby duties. Vincent and Cid hadn’t slept this well or had so much free time to actually be together, for months. 
They hadn't discussed their biological relationship, apart from that first night, when Sephiroth had dropped it on him, like a bomb, but it didn’t seem there was much to say. Sephiroth called him ‘father’ from that point on, and never addressed it further. 
If Vincent was honest, with himself, he liked seeing Lucrecia’s son this way; with his armor off, literally and metaphorically. He looked so much like her, when he was at ease, and that manic, Jenova-tainted light wasn’t in his eyes. He was so gentle and soft-spoken, too, it was like he was another person. In disposition, Sephiroth was actually very much like Vincent, not Lucrecia, though Vincent didn’t realize it.
Right now, his long, silver hair was pulled back in a loose braid (otherwise it would all go directly into Ollie’s mouth, via her chubby little grabbers), and he was wearing black jeans and a thin, white t-shirt, with a v-neck so deep that the cleavage between his absurd pectoral muscles was visible. At least he was owning his aesthetic. 
Vincent sighed as he measured rice into the colander. Now that they were just settling into a comfortable routine with Seph and Ollie, there was another bomb to drop on the family beehive. 
Vincent had another biological son, created the same way, from his genetic material and without his knowledge or consent. Another deeply traumatized, poorly socialized, possibly criminally insane young man, with highly dangerous abilities and no one who cared if he lived or died. 
Vincent’s paternity had already been established in absentia, and he received a subpoena, to give testimony regarding his adult son’s potential for recidivism, and the practical threat he posed to humanity in general, as an augmented individual. That was how he found out about his second son. A subpoena. 
The prosecution wanted to execute Nero, out of hand. The defense said he was mentally unstable and driven to extremes by systematic brainwashing and horrific abuse. Vincent couldn’t allow them to just kill the young man, no matter what antagonism had lain between them. In the end, he was remanded to his father’s custody, under house arrest, depending upon his behavior during that period, and providing his father consented to such an arrangement. 
When Vincent told him it was a possible outcome of the trial, Cid agreed to it, without batting an eyelash. They had one child intentionally. That was what they’d both wanted. Now they had three, all biologically Vincent’s, two of whom were adults who had tried to kill one or both of them, at some point. Cid seriously deserved some kind of medal for world’s best husband.
Speaking of which, he’d be back with the newly acquired family member any minute, now. Cid had taken Nero to shop for basic necessities like clothing and toiletries, and Vincent was supposed to be preparing Ollie and Seph for their new brother’s arrival. Instead, he was hiding in the kitchen, cooking rice, because that’s what he did when he was stressed out and avoiding conflict with family members. After all, that’s what his mother had always done. 
When she was upset that Grimoire had missed yet another milestone in Vincent’s life, or when she suspected Grimoire of having an inappropriate relationship with his assistant, or when Vincent and his father were arguing yet again, about Vincent joining the Turks, rather than pursue the sciences; she would never confront her husband or join any disagreement, until after she’d gone to the kitchen and cooked rice. 
Once, when he was little, Vincent asked her why she cooked so much rice. She told him that no matter what was going on, nothing was ever made worse by having something to eat. Now, many, many years later, as he stood at his own sink, sifting through the smooth, heavy, little grains under the running water, shaking out the strainer, watching the cloudy water turn clear as the starch was rinsed away, he understood the purely meditative value of the exercise, too. 
Nothing was ever made worse by having something to eat, nor by taking a beat to calm down and reflect, and if you could also do something productive while you were at it, all the better. Pushing the button on the rice cooker, he went back into the living room, prepared to tell his children about his other child. 
Of course, that was the moment Cid burst in the front door, his blue eyes ablaze, his blonde brow deeply furrowed, and a cigarette hanging from his lips, having very clearly had some manner of altercation with that selfsame child. 
“Get your ass in here, or I’ll carry ya, myself!” he shouted, out the door, as he remembered he had a cigarette, and paused to grind the butt out in the little bucket of sand. Then he turned to Vincent, shaking his head. “Sorry for showin’ up in a huff like this, babe, but this kid is somethin’ else. He could make a saint swear.” 
“It seems this person can make you swear, at least,” Sephiroth observed. “Though, you seem to swear whether or not there is any provocation, at all.”
“Baaa-paaaa!” Ollie squealed joyously, reaching for Cid, who accepted her from her brother and twirled her around. 
“There’s my lil’ princess. Papa missed ya so much,” he cooed, his entire manner softening and brightening, as if his baby daughter were a literal sun, casting its rays on him. 
There was a noise, and all three looked up, to see that the patience-trying person in question was standing in the doorway, arms crossed tightly on his chest, looking down at the floor, which was such a common posture of Vincent’s, Cid would have laughed aloud, if he hadn’t already been so pissed off at the kid.
“Nero,” Vincent said. “Welcome home.”
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 9 months
Seeing Red
In a bid to strengthen his mother's election for mayor of Starling City, Oliver agree to adopt to help her. Despite being told to adopt a child, he decides to adopt Roy Harper, a teenager who was close to being kicked out.
@atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @axelwolf8109 @jackiequick @epickiya722 @greek-freak101
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"You want me to adopt a kid to help with my mom?" Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Well, yes but to also help that kid" Felicity said.
"To make my mom look better as a candidate"
"Look Ollie, I'm saying this as your future sister in law, you can give someone a good life. Especially when they have no one in their lives"
Oliver let out a dramatic sigh. "Okay, I'll do it"
Oliver made a mental note that he wasn't going to listen to Felicity ever again. The orphanage was run down and he was close to buying the damn thing to run himself.
"This is really the only orphanage here?" He whispered to Laurel. "Apparently" She muttered back. Oliver spotted a teenager, dressed in tattered jeans and a red hoodie, curled into a small ball by a window. "Who's that?" He asked the woman who ran the place.
"Roy Harper, poor thing. His father died when he was young and his mother was addicted to vertigo. He came to us a few months ago just to get off the streets but... he's almost eighteen. We can't keep him after that"
Oliver looked at Laurel. She smiled at him.
Roy thought he was dreaming. Oliver fucking Queen was filing paperwork to adopt him. Him.
"We can go up to your room and grab your things?" Laurel offered. "There's not much but sure" Roy muttered.
He grabbed just a backpack with some books. Laurel had to stop herself from asking questions, wondering if what he was wearing was his only form of clothing.
"All done" Oliver said, holding up the papers. Laurel kissed him. Roy looked uncomfortable and hugged his bag to himself. "We can order some food before heading back to my place?"
Roy's stomach growled before he could answer. His face turned red and he nodded, looking down.
-Big Belly Burger-
"Even though you can afford the expensive places, you go here?" Roy asked Oliver. Oliver grinned. "My mom, technically now your grandmother, went here all the time"
Roy smiled a bit. "I guess I had a completely different idea of being rich in my head" Laurel came back with three milkshakes, a waitress setting down chicken tenders for her and burgers for Oliver and Roy
"How much am I gonna owe you for this?" Roy asked quietly. "Nothing?"
"That's not true"
Oliver's heart hurt. "Hey, I know you're going to be legally an adult soon, but I'm not going to make you pay for anything" Laurel nodded.
"But-" "No buts, I'm paying for everything I can until we can open a bank account for you"
"I guess I can get used to that" Roy smiled.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Help, just thinking about how Grant Emerson is repeatedly forced into basically being a child soldier (and then I guess technically a young adult soldier) by the people who love him the most.
So Grant has been on a superhero team four times, right? The Titans (twice), the Freedom Fighters, and the JSA. We know nothing about how or why he joined the Freedom Fighters, but we do know that the first time he was on the Titans, it was because he’d been banned from the state of Georgia (he blew up Atlanta, but it wasn’t his fault) and remanded into the Titans’/Roy’s custody to keep him out of trouble. The team essentially functioned as his legal guardian, since his adoptive parents were dead, his adoptive father’s only living relative was in jail, and he didn’t yet know who his biological parents were (and they were dead by then anyway).
Roy sees li’l babby Grant and thinks “he’s about the age I was when Ollie took me in” (untrue) and takes him under his wing, which, for Roy, consists of...being a superhero and joining a superhero team. Because for Roy, who was in fact significantly younger than Grant when he started in the business, being a superhero is the obvious answer. He actively sought Ollie out and asked to be his sidekick. All of his relationships are with other superheroes. It’s all he’s ever known or wanted to know.
No one - including Grant, honestly - really thinks about the fact that Grant’s options are: 1. risk his life fighting supervillains despite not being old enough to vote, or 2. go to jail. (Grant was tried as an adult despite being only 16. He doesn’t have good options here.)
The second time he joins the Titans, he’s on the run from the authorities, again, and it’s Roy who saves him, again:
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That’s Garth, obviously, but he’s there because Roy nominated Grant for Titans membership. Grant is touched that Roy thought of him and overjoyed to join the team, but once again, his choices are stark: join a superhero team, or go to jail. As much fun as “join a superhero team” sounds, once again, we’re talking about putting his life on the line even though he’s still a minor. He shouldn’t have to do this to earn food and shelter and not being incarcerated. He is a child. Where has he even been living? Is he under anyone’s legal guardianship? Has he been actively on the run for the three years since his last team disbanded? We just don’t know!
Then he joins the Freedom Fighters, and the consequences of being on a superhero team become brutally evident when he is maimed and nearly killed by Zoom. And suddenly he’s a lot less chipper about being yanked onto superhero teams as an alternative to arrest:
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Literally on the previous page he made it clear to Rick and Jesse that he doesn’t want this. But again: what other choice does he have?
Now, Rick doesn’t know Grant at all, so I think it’s clear that Jesse (who was on the 1999 Titans with Grant) is the one who sought him out - and just like Roy, it makes total sense to me that she thinks this is a good solution. Like Roy, Jesse was raised by superheroes, actively pursued being a superhero from a young age, and basically only knows other superheroes. (Rick too, actually.) Roy Harper cannot fathom someone not wanting to be a Teen Titan; Jesse Chambers cannot fathom someone not wanting to be on the JSA.
Joining these teams gives Grant access to: shelter, food, community, and presumably a stipend or something. But it doesn’t give him freedom, even though it’s framed as if it does, because he’s not really at liberty to say no. The choice he’s offered is no choice at all. And sure enough, he eventually dies in the line of duty - a possibility both Roy and Jesse should have been aware of, because both of their fathers were dead every single time they recruited Grant.
It’s possible that Grant would choose to be on a team even if he had other options. I think he definitely would have in 1999. 1994 and 2007 I’m not so sure about.
And I’m not trying to be too hard on Roy or Jesse here. It’s not their faults that they genuinely can’t imagine another way of living. (And Roy does give Grant the only rest he’s ever had when he takes him to live on the Navajo Reservation after finding out about the abuse Grant suffered as a child.) When they offer Grant a spot on the team, they are offering it out of love and compassion and a genuine wish to be around him. The tragedy isn’t that they’re being cruel; the tragedy is that they’re incapable of seeing how deeply fucked up their kindness is to someone who has no ability to turn it down.
(Roy and Jesse, you should probably go to therapy too.)
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goldeneyedgirl · 7 months
I hope this question isn't too specific, but since the last snippet you posted of the babyfic, I've been wondering if Alice and Jasper are the kind of parents who throw birthday parties for their kid with a bunch of little children in their house or if Alice would be the kind of mom who goes to bake sales or whatever in the pre-school, or if this all would be too much of a risk for them. It's funny and curious to think about how they'd deal with all the needs and wants of a tiny person who actually grows up (and I assumed Alice, just like Jasper, doesn't age in this universe). Also I just think is funny to imagine Jasper going to pick up his son at school and all the other kids are scared of him because he's all murderer-like and then out of a sudden he's all soft because his kid is running towards him with a big smile :)))
Hi Anon!
So, when it comes to public-facing things, Alice and Jasper can only be Ollie's parents until he's in first grade. Alice's genetics are fucky, and she does stop aging when she hits 21 (though, spoiler alert, she is not immortal), so at a certain point she looks too young to be Ollie's mom. So they are a lot more involved before Ollie starts first grade.
By second grade, they've moved with the Cullens and Ollie has a bunch of different cover stories (Jasper's half-brother from foster care; Esme and Carlisle's biological son; cousin etc - Ollie looks way too much like a mini-Jasper for him to convincingly pose as only being biologically related to Alice, which is bittersweet for her.)
So when Ollie's in pre-school and kindergarten, Alice is juggling college, a part-time job, and her family. She definitely attends all his open days and school plays etc, but Esme and Alice's stepfather Simon are definitely more likely to be the ones that volunteer in Ollie's classroom, and contribute to bake sales. Honestly, Alice's cooking and baking is pretty hit or miss most days, so she wouldn't inflict her baking on innocent school children.
Jasper attempts a box-cake mix once for a bake sale and it's an event remembered with horror by all the Cullens. No one is sure what he did wrong, but that cake was not fit for consumption.
Jasper tends to keep his distance from the school for obvious reasons, but he has absolutely done school-pick ups, and he's always in the back of the auditorium during Ollie's school plays, filming everything.
Unfortunately, he's not serial-killer-looking enough when he does collect Ollie from school because a couple of the teachers have a bit of a soft spot for him, and how he and Ollie light up when they see each other. (There's definitely more than one mom at pick-up, waiting to see if its Alice or Jasper that picks Ollie up because they all think it's so unfair how good looking and happy the Brandon-Hales are. "I'm not sure if I want to be them, or be their bff, or do them, or what," - more than one bewildered, dazzled onlooker.)
Ollie socializes a lot with kids on the Res because Alice's stepfather lived there as a kid, the Pack obviously knows about Ollie's genetics, and Alice can be acknowledged as his mom at all times there. There is a single birthday party when Ollie is three held at La Push, where Jasper is allowed by the Elders to attend for sixty minutes with the Pack guarding him. None of the other Cullens are allowed to attend. It's a very precious memory, and one that Jasper knows the Pack did not make without long consideration and a lot of concerns. It's something he can never repay them for, and he treasures getting to be there to watch Ollie body surf and roll around on the beach.
There is also a singular entire-class birthday party for Ollie when he's in kindergarten that is held at the Brandon home. Jasper lasts for about half of it before he needs some space. Alice has more than one glass of adults-only punch because the only kid she likes is her own. Rosalie and Emmett have the best time ever.
After that, birthdays tend to be a family-only affair.
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flybynightwing · 2 years
What's funny is how this makes me think of parents shittier than Bruce. It's almost like starting with Marv Wolfman giving us Trigon, Deathstroke, and Myand'r, writers insisted? Chuck Dixon gave us David Cain, someone who literally made me want to reach into the panel and strangle him. Tom King had that whole thing with two sisters at war, and as a bonus, they're related to Kate. That's bats for you.
Comics of the 80s-2000s are obsessed with terrible parents! In the Bat books alone, just off the top of my head, you've got Harvey Dent's parents, the retcon to make Barbara's biological dad an alcoholic, Steph's dad, Helena's whole deal, the retcon to make Catwoman into Falcone's daughter, David Cain (created by Kelley Puckett and Damion Scott, btw), Ra's al Ghul, SHONDRA KINSOLVING DEAR LORD.
(There were of course plenty of bad parents outside of Bat books—this is the era where Wally's relationship with his dad was changed to be much more complicated, for instance.)
It's funny, because I think Wolfman and Perez, at least, understood what they were doing with Bruce. Like, you read through New Teen Titans, you look at all of Dick's interactions with Bruce, and that's not just an abusive father, that's an abusive father written by people who have put some real thought into the exact kind of abusive he is. In NTT, when Bruce hits Dick, it's not out of nowhere, and it doesn't go nowhere. The argument in New Titans #55 is heavily tied into Dick and Bruce's specific history, and after Bruce hits Dick, he immediately starts gaslighting him about a real conversation that we've seen them have previously. In subsequent issues, Dick talks to a therapist about the incident, and it lays the groundwork for the response he's going to have in Batman: Year Three and A Lonely Place of Dying. Like, the one line from Batman: Year Three:
"I feel like the child of an alcoholic—you know the problem isn't yours, but it is."
That's not a line written by someone who thinks that Dick and Bruce's relationship is healthy!
We all love to talk about how the Titans all hate each other's parents, and I think for Wolfman and Perez, that's very much the point of the team. These are young adults who have all been very let down by their parents in one way or another, and so they find each other and become each other's family. So yes, Trigon and Deathstroke and Myand'r and Bruce are all different kinds of bad, but they're all part of the same conversation.
But then you move out of the Titans era and into the solo Nightwing era, and it's the 90s and comics are just getting generally grimmer, and Batman is being written as increasingly violent and isolationist. And all of the behaviors he had under Wolfman and Perez are still there, and sometimes even worse, but he's being written by people who I don't think actually understand that he's abusive. Like, in this post, I don't think either Ed Brubaker or Chuck Dixon noticed or intended that parallel.
As for O'Neil, I honestly think he just leaned towards reconciliation generally, and towards a much less abusive characterization of Bruce specifically, and I guess introducing EXTREMELY TERRIBLE fathers in Nightwing Vol 1 was his way of squaring that circle. I'm thinking about "Snowbirds Don't Fly," and how O'Neil wanted that story to end with Roy and Ollie reconciling—even though there was absolutely no reason they should've! It feels like a similar impulse was at play in his Nightwing mini.
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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A little update on the extended family front, Donovan got married to Caleb and Wesley's daughter Cassidy Vatore-Vo! They now have twin girls Tianna and Roxanna Goth.
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Cassidy didn't want kids so Donny is doing all the work. She looks so happy doesn't she?
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And Liberty also got married, she and Raul Lopez hit it off when she was visiting Serenity and the boys. Now she's expecting a baby too!
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Raul isn't a nice guy though, they fight constantly, but all Libby wants is to be loved. I hope she finds what she's looking for in her baby and finds the courage to see her true worth. I'll always be there for her and she knows that.
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For a moment I thought that maybe Heidi had seen the light and dumped Carmelo Landgraab's ass, but alas it was a young adult greeting her outside! Not a new boyfriend at all!
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Olly is doing really well in his toddler stage, he's quite crafty. He also talks a lot more than Claire did at that age albeit semi-coherent ramblings!
OLLY: Goooooooooo!
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This picky eater phase on the other hand, well we could all do without it!
OLLY: Ick! *spits*
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vyvesvi · 5 months
just started asia super young 😅 funny how a show can seem super popular when you're out of the loop but when you finally start watching it's crickets
this is my first time watching a youku show, i like the pacing BUT I HATE the fact that they cut so much from the free eps (free is 1 hr vip is 2.5+ 🫠). so like the irresponsible working adult i am i committed to monthly subscription (that i WILL remember to cancel the day the finale airs 😁). the other thing that i find really disappointing is that free voting on the youku app doesn't count towards their rank, it's just for extra promo 🫠 apparently you need to pay separately through their site or have a weibo associated with a mainland # (acc to fans based in hk w weibo accounts they can't even vote. when the show is filming in hk. and conducted half in canto.)
but i WILL be tuning in even though im desperately confused about everything. i watched eps 1 - 3 using the free version so im gonna do a quick recap and hopefully start catching up with the extra content tomorrow 🙏
ASY PICKS (based on ep 1 - 3)
ults: gemini (hoàng huệhùng/huang huixiong) & albert (aihe)
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these two...how could you not say cunt. gemini is a 99 liner from vietnam, a short king, his nose is pierced, his dancing is clean, and his vocals are great. does he speak chinese? no. but does he serve face? like his life depends on it (because it does). he's already on my list of survival show contestants who will live on in my brain in perpetuity. aihe is the other main slayer from the same audition group (medusa). just look at him. he walked out and i went bitch???? he's like if hu yetao and xue bayi had a baby that was mad as hell. he's an 03 liner from xinjiang, pretty good vocals, and great dance skills. had to use that shitty laptop pic bc it just radiates his whole vibe.
i like you!: vic (zhang shengxi), orenda (shuhao), walker (wang kun), kong sonhei (jiang xinxi), & karl (ting tzelong)
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vic is a 2000 liner & and member of enone. his rank is so oddly low bc he gets pretty good screentime and is very talented?
shuhao is a 2000 liner. he wasnt a pick until he did his solo rap but he's the best rapper, undisputed, on this show. plus he composed & produced & wrote & arranged their group's whole audition song? kingie.
walker is an 05 liner with a musical theatre background. to me he has a very broadcaster type face - kind and open. i noticed him mostly for how he was taking care of his younger audition partner, it was very very cute 🙄(🥹).
xinxi is an 02 liner & a member of the yuehua brigade. member of the bg boyhood (all of whom are competing) and i believe the theme song center. but more importantly, he's my birthday buddy!😁🥳 i'll admit to noticing him first bc of the bday thing - i was actually pretty unimpressed by boyhood's audition. still, he's a very good/solid boy group member to have.
karl (ting tzelong) is a 97 liner with roots in canada & hong kong. he's a Fantastic singer and was the runner up in the mr. hong kong contest? don't think he can dance but that voice, singing or speaking...
i know you & ur fun: ollie
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ollie (06, under yuehua) was on boys planet so im very familiar with him (side note but this show has so many former iqiyi show contestants but none from tencent 😭). honestly he's not a pick for me but i like his energy, he's a great variety member. also i don't want to see him lose so 😭 that said i've always thought he raps like he's reading a children's book but he's graduated to slam poetry🎉
hmmm: sky (zhao tianyi)
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so. sky's audition was iconic. this 14 y/o kid sang, rapped, played the piano, synths, talkbox, did streetdance, and jumped into a split. he clearly loves music & is very intense about follow this passion. but 1) he's 14. 2) he clearly wants to be a soloist, thus far i can't see a single team player bone in his body. these things combined have put him lower on my list (i especially didn't really care for how he interacted with gemini during the team selection but we'll see if that continues in ep 4). but he's here currently for his talent.
keeping an eye out: archie (sin ching fung), hugo (wong singcheuk) & service (sun xiaowei)
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archie (98) is a singer, he sings! but honestly so many ppl on this show are good & he can't really dance so...we'll see
hugo (03, apex member) ...in his audition he looked like a member of my token bg POW lol. he has a lot of potential i just need to see more
service (03) i saw some star potential in his audition, we'll see
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
For the Redacted match-up! ^_^
A song I’m currently fixated on: “the lakes” by Taylor Swift. The whole song is just so beautiful and wistful. 😭 And something about the melody of these lyrics just hits so right.
Specific lyrics: “I want auroras and sad prose/I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet/Cause I haven’t moved in years/And I want you right here”
Enneagram type: 6w7. (And just for fun, I’m an ISFP as well)
YouTube essays: I don’t think I can focus my attention on a video for that long, tbh. It’s the same reason I can rarely get through movies in one siting. 😂
Imaginary childhood friend: I think her name was Amy? Don’t remember much else, though.
Falling asleep: I always sleep with my fan on, no matter the weather. I have to have the white noise, otherwise it’s just too damn quiet in my room. Usually I’m propped up by two pillows, cuddling one of my stuffed animals or something. If find that I can’t sleep, or just want something to fall asleep to, I’ll put on one of Redacted’s sleep-aids.
Name change: Cheesy as it sounds, if I didn’t have my current name, I’d love to be named Juliet. It just has such Main Character Energy™️ (and I mean that in a good way) and is freakin’ romantic as hell to me. (And yes, I’m aware that the play is a tragedy, not a romance. 😂)
Favorite Redacted audio: If I had to pick one, I think “Serenity Daemon Helps You Relax and Sleep”. That video is just so freaking comforting and sweet, and it’s knocked me out more times than I can count.
Redacted boi with no appeal: Regulus. Yanderes just aren’t my thing, and he legit scares me. 😅
Book/Movie/TV show you could quote entirely: I’ve watched The Breakfast Club so many times, I could quote it forwards, backwards, and sideways.
Redacted BFF: Elliott. Take away the “Lovers” aspect of his relationship with Sunshine, but keep all the playfulness, teasing, and banter that they have together, and I’d be perfectly happy. 😊
(It’s also a really perfect coincidence that Eli’s said he’s the “Protector” type, and I just so happen to like being protected. XD)
Go-to tired ramble: Most of the time when my any of my friends and I would have a sleepover and it was late at night, we’d just get really deep and start talking about life.
Go-to gas station combo: I try to avoid gas stations when I can, just because I hate the smell of gasoline. But I’d probably get a plain Hershey bar and a bottle of water. (I know, I’m boring. 😂)
Favorite playlist: Do you mean Redacted, or just in general? Because the answer depends.
For a general answer, Jacksepticeye’s play through of Night In The Woods. That game is honestly such a comfort one for me, and I can watch that playlist a million times over and never get tired of it.
In terms of Redacted, Ollie’s. If there’s angst abound on the channel, or I’ve just had a bad day at work or something, I can run to his playlist and feel like I’m getting a big, warm, metaphorical hug. 🥰
Guilty Pleasure: I still read, and love, young adult novels. I don’t care that they’re “predictable”, and that I’m “too old to be reading them”. You can pry those fluffy, romantic, cheesy-ass books from my cold dead hands. 😆
Anything else about me:
I seriously think I’m the biggest Swiftie I know. When I say I’m obsessed with her music, I am not kidding. 😂
I’m a huge musical nerd. And coupled with that, I love, love, love to sing. (Provided I know that no one’s listening, anyway.)
I’m a total introvert, and am pretty shy/quiet in general, unless I’m around my friends.
My love languages are quality time and physical touch.
I maaaaay or may not have a slight candle obsession. (Bath and Body Works ones, specifically.) Seriously, I have like, four unburned 3-wick candles sitting on my dresser, and I’m convinced I just like to collect/look at them as opposed to actually lighting the things. 😂
I’m a cat person through and through
This one’s random, but I felt like adding it anyway. I basically live in one beat up pair of combat boots. There are not a lot of shoes in my closet.
I have this thing where I either tear through a TV series in like, a few days, or I don’t touch it for months. The same with books. I don’t know why I do that. 😂
My favorite colors are blue and purple 💙💜
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Well, if you’re a cat kind of guy (gn), you know that’s gonna make things easy for me! Though it might not be the boy you think, because I’ve got a case to make for you and Milo Greer.
What I really like about y’all is how the things y’all like (other than cats) contrast and how cute that contrast is. Like, I don’t think Milo’s a Swiftie but man shows up and shows out to take you to her Eras tour. The Breakfast Club isn’t his favorite movie, but he’s seen it with Marie; he’ll say the iconic lines with you when y’all watch it for the hundredth time. He doesn’t really love musicals but he can hum along to Alexander Hamilton with the best of them because that’s an ensemble piece and you need a backup singer.
Milo’s just a really great boyfriend who shows love with a combination of Quality Time and Acts of Service with little sprinkles of Gifts. It’s not just time spent with you, it’s time spent engaging in the things that interest you and make you happy. It’s the time thinking of you when you’re apart and bringing home fun, new candles he saw at the store. Although he is definitely not opposed to physical touch- y’all have a lot of cuddle nights, just you and him and Aggro.
However big, however small/ Let me be part of it all/ Share your dreams with me/ You may be right, you may be wrong/ But say that you'll bring me along/ To the world you see/ To the world I close my eyes to see
Now, I said Milo’s not really a musical man. You know what he is? A bisexual king with good taste, which means he loves you and a good Hugh Jackman flick especially since Zac Efron is involved. So I think he’s a big fan of The Greatest Showman and of singing the addictive, earworm-y songs with you. A Million Dreams is the sentimental choice, but y’all go fuckin hard to This is Me.
Guy is absolutely a Swiftie and a musical theater kid, okay? Erik hasn’t confirmed it, but I know it in my spleen to be true, so he’s a fantastic runner-up for that reason. Vincent is a runner-up because he adores but despises that you stick to one pair of torn-up shoes and constantly showers you in luxury footwear. I think that’s cute.
note: I understand you completely candles are not just scent pieces they are decor
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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nautiscarader · 11 months
Fertile Friday-Molly takes Ollie's load and ends up pregnant
(this kinda goes with the previous Mollie drabble)
"Give me your load..."
"W-what?", Ollie froze, hearing his girlfriend's command.
"The box you're hauling, lemme help ya", Molly clarified and she grabbed the other end of the elongated box containing their belongings.
They have just moved in, their own small flat, now littered with other cartons. It reminded her of the day his family moved in next door, and how she fell in love with him...
"Darn it's hot", he muttered and took off his shirt, as the heavy box was put to the floor.
"Okay, this is not fair", Molly protested, "You-you just cannot undress, and-and show me those perfect abs..."
"Molly, I barely have any muscles here."
"Ssh, I'm talking", she continued, tracing her finger across his slightly muscular chest, "And it is just not fair, like, this is a perfect porn opening setup. What am I supposed to do?"
Molly looked up at her flabbergasted boyfriend. And as their eyes met, they both knew the answer.
Molly jumped into his arms, her legs locking behind him, and the two waltzed towards their bedroom, until Ollie reminded her of one important detail, breaking their kiss.
"We haven't put the bed together yet"
"Then take me against the wall", she spoke in low, sultry voice, as she fumbled with her panties, slipping them just enough to let him slide in.
"No foreplay?"
"No. Take me raw and let's mark this place as o-OURS!"
Molly yelped as his tip pushed her lips apart and made her feel the texture of the wall behind her. Ollie secured the back of her head with his hand, as he did exactly what she asked for: taking her raw and ruthless, though accentuating each thrust with a kiss.
Molly hold onto his shoulders, her legs locked firmly behind his back, responding to each and every push that made her feel like he was trying to demolish the wall behind her.
And with each one, her mind was filled with images of their future, with their place decorated, and full of joy as the two began their adult life as a couple...
"Molly...!", a sudden grunt from Ollie interrupted her fantasy, "I-m-!"
"Inside!", Molly answered at once, tightening her grip around him, her lips silencing any worries.
The next moment her body shook as his thumb toyed with her clit, the sensation strengthening with every pulse of thick seed shooting deep inside her.
The young couple stayed locked in their blissful moment of pleasure, slowly slumping to the ground, their bodies and lips still locked.
"That was a good test run", Ollie huffed, admiring Molly's reddened face, stricken with post-orgasmic bliss.
"Yeah... but we still have lots to do, so put on your shirt, mister, so you don't distract me."
She tossed the shirt at him and let him help stand her up. She pulled her panties up, feeling the warmth of the creampie that has now been trapped inside her. She made sure to remember to deal with it later.
But with tons of work to do around their new place, she never did. And now, months later, as Molly got used to her new, pregnant body, she could never walk past that wall without being reminded of the heated moment that marked the beginning of their new, extended family...
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 10 months
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🦇 Tilly in Technicolor Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝ "Like a crystal prism. You absorb the world around you but somehow release this brilliant spectrum of colors through your words that people see themselves in. It's a gift." ❞
❓ #QOTD What would you name your signature nail polish color? (Shatter the Stars purple or The Blood of My Enemies red for me)❓ 🦇 Tilly Twomley is a chaotic rainbow, while Oliver Clark is a constant midnight sky. When they're seated beside one another on a flight to London, even the smallest interactions--from taking their seats to ketchup explosions--seem to end in disaster. They have no clue they'll be working together all summer, interning for Tilly's sister's nail polish start-up. Between Tilly's ADHD and Oliver's autism, their different ways of communicating and seeing the world tend to clash...while bringing them together, too.
💜 The books that take me by surprise are always the most difficult to review. Mazey Eddings' YA debut is a stunning exploration of two neurodivergent minds; a story only Eddings could have written, as she was diagnosed with both ADHD and autism herself. It's evident in the internal dialogue, which grants readers vivid insight into both beautifully unique minds. Tilly is a relatable young adult with no idea how she fits in the world with her mind's unique wiring, while Ollie is eager to design a future for himself, despite his inability to process situations at times. Tilly's boundless energy and mood swings clash with Ollie's preference for familiarity and control. Their differences create the perfect opposites attract romance with beautiful neurodivergent representation from someone who understands both mindsets personally. The chapter titles are fun, the character growth is natural, and the supporting cast brings depth to both Tilly and Ollie's worlds. Tilly in Technicolor is hopeful, charming, and heartwarming all at once; a full spectrum of emotion we don't get often enough.
🦇 I could praise this book for ages, but it does have an unsteady start. Despite the delicious slow burn, the transition from coworkers to friends to lovers wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. I also think the tense relationship between Tilly and her mother was resolved too easily. As someone with parents who "want what's best" but can't empathize with certain conditions (in my case, depression and anxiety), Tilly's mother's sudden acceptance felt too abrupt. The ending felt abrupt as well; this was one of the few times I would have appreciated an epilogue.
🦇 Recommended to any YA lovers looking for a beautiful, unique coming-of-age story. Though it certainly has its fluffy moments, the story is also real and raw; a must-read. (I do think we should categorize this as New Adult, though.)
✨ The Vibes ✨ ❤️ Neurodiversity Rep (Autism & ADHD) 💜 YA Debut 💙 Meet Cute Disaster 🗼 Traveling Europe 💛 First-Person Dual POV 💚 Slow Burn 🤍 Forced Proximity
❝ "They don't have the right to make you feel uncomfortable to fit their ideas of what's proper." ❞
🦇 Major thanks to the author @mazeyeddings and publisher @stmartinspress / @wednesdaybooks for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley @netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book. #TillyinTechnicolor
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Ooohh!! ❌, 📙, and 💚 for Ollie; ⭐, 💙, and 💜 for Ven, and 🌸 for both?
💚 Talk about some of the traumatic events in your OC‘s life. These events can be ones that have happened to them or a loved one. These events can be or major.
there’s one major thing that happened when he was a young adult that i feel like talking about right now. (also gonna just say that this was before he knew he was trans for timeline reasons, but i‘m still gonna refer to him with he/him pronouns.) oleander was a nomad in the river kingdoms for most of his life before the crusade, and one day he got injured pretty badly (he‘s also not much of a fighter before the crusade) and got healed by a guy named rené (not a super good fantasy name but i don’t care honestly lol) from a village nearby. long story, but they really get along and ollie works his people magic and the chaotic good rené does like him in spite of him being y‘know. an insane lamashtan. the village gets wind of this however and the townspeople kill rené. oleander obviously gets super angry and goes to burn it to the ground, but as it turns out, rené is still alive, had terrible guilt and decided to betray him and lure him into a trap. oleander survives, but barely. the nasty scar on the left side of his face (and the loss of his eyesight in his left eye) came from this debacle. rené is like. the last person alive and oleander kills him in a fit of rage, that he immediately regrets. he ends up eating his corpse while crying hysterically. it’s a very disturbing image in my head.
⭐️ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
genuinely the only thing ven is afraid of is people actually seeing and knowing her. she‘s not afraid of anything else. like so fearless that it’s scary to others and dangerous for her. i don’t think people are afraid of her; she’s a 4‘9“ gremlin woman lmao. when she’s with reg, maybe. but that’s more on reg and not on her.
💙 Answered!
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
music!!! anything is better than silence for her.
spells, she’s a kineticist and there’s just so much more fun you can have with spells.
cities mostly, but only because there’s more interesting shit happening there.
🌸 What does your OC‘s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
so i‘m a person who doesn’t really think about their ocs voices too much, but i‘m still gonna try my best.
Oleander: creepy. sorry, but that’s just how it is. like, uncanny valley creepy. still, a lot of people who actually end up talking to him (and are at least a bit fucked up) think it’s kind of soothing and comforting. his laughing gets very loud very quickly, he’s a passionate guy! very breathy. he stims during it! he‘s probably pretty good at singing like. unholy chants or something. he doesn’t care too much about singing otherwise.
Ven: calm, relaxed, monotone. very high and a bit scratchy. her laugh is probably nasal, though she‘s more of a giggling person. she’s terrible at singing but she likes to do it anyways, sometimes specifically to make people laugh because of how terrible she is.
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gadeton · 1 year
May Update + Demographic Shift
Hello once again!
My name is Eric, and I have made a further update regarding my independent studio known as Gadeton. Let’s begin shall we?
So first and foremost, What is Gadeton exactly?
Unless you have read the “About” page on my website please skip this if you already know it.
If you can tell by the name of my studio, Gadeton is an independent studio made by me as it is considered to be the evolution of my past independent studios such as Quixolite, Kixubug, you name them all (though I really don’t like mentioning my past independent studios names by the way). As you can tell by the slogan for my independent studio, the slogan is “Retrofuturism of Entertainment”, which implies that one of my illustrations as well for my art style is heavily inspired from the art style in the late 90s to the 2000s. I’ve decided for my independent studio to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Since making too many series would be a time-consuming task to create from comics, to anything that would give me quite some stress.
So I have the opportunity of creating something that I could come up with from one of my experiences through my childhood and others that I could think through my mind. I’ve been drawing a ton of illustrations for a decade and boy it was a wild ride to have me experience this.
I’ve been working hard on one of my projects like Nachinko Buckets for example, in which it is planned to be released once I get the pilot of the script done, so I can start animating the pilot episode of the series.
However, there is something that I need to discuss that's been coming through my mind lately.
I was thinking of shifting the demographic of my independent studio to a more older demographic somewhere that is between the preteens (8-12) and the teens/young adult demographic (13-21). For what I have gather I was originally going to make my independent studio to focus more on the action, but I decided to scrap it in favor of a style that would take some influence from companies like 2Spot Studios for example and a ton of Newgrounds animations as well for the illustrations from the 2000s as well as many DeviantArt artist from the 2000s that have a similar style as well.
As a result of the demographic being shifted to a more slightly older audience, there will be some changes to one of my future projects, and here is a list of everything.
Fierwood and my other future project are merged to form The Renenocks!
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That’s right, my project Fierwood as well for my other future project featuring my character such as Monelope, Natochi, etc. are being merged back into The Renenocks. Meaning that I reverted my project back to Renetack. The reason why I made this decision is that I find the two of them to be quite similar to one another and the fact that the other future project set to be release in 2024 or later would not reach its quality and I deemed that this project seems to be too similar to Nachinko Buckets and the fact that demographic of my project did not reach its potential standards than I expected to be. So I decided to give myself the opportunity to merge the two together once again, and bring back three characters Boltrice, Innoton (now renamed Isaac), and Omeliot (now renamed Ollie). But this time, I decided to make it quite different as Isaac is now the main protagonist of my series with Boltrice and Ollie being the secondary protagonist as well. I also plan on rewriting most of the personalities and traits to all three of them, while giving Boltrice and Ollie a few traits from an old project back in 2019 known as Synthetic Charms, the project that the two originated from.
Here are the new designs for Boltrice, Isaac, and Ollie, which can be seen down below.
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I’m planning on reposting most of my characters that I drew on social media as well as updating their bios on my DeviantArt page. If you want more information about this project, please contact me on my other social media accounts as well as using my email. Let’s go on to the next change.
Further changes to Nachinko Buckets
As a result of me shifting the demographic to my independent studio, Nachinko Buckets will have some minor changes to the project as listed down below:
An unnamed minor French kid antagonist and Crunch are removed from the series I believe that the unnamed French kid antagonist was deemed to be too similar to Nerdy from A Day with Bowser Jr, and as for Crunch, I just don’t find Crunch to be that interesting to me as he feels like a carbon copy to Lorne from Kid vs. Kat.
Valentina Vinci and Heather Cameron will be moved to the role as voicing additional voices for each of the side or background characters in the show as a result of the removal of a minor French kid antagonist and Crunch.
I’m planning to rewrite some of the character’s personalities since I find some of the characters to be either too cliche, stereotypical, or rather too similar to my characters for one of my future projects.
Most of the surreal nature to the series is removed entirely, but parodies and references are still present though. The reason why the surreal nature is removed from the series is because of the changes that I made to the main location of Nadoville, as it doesn’t have any surreal nature to it anymore, though it still keeps the strange nature to it as many of the rules in the city is still strange akin like Wayside School.
Nanopia has been renamed to Nadoville
I think that’s pretty much it for all of the changes that I made for one of my two projects as a result of the demographic shift. To sum that up, I just wanted to try something new in order for me to achieve the quality that many creators out there that have their passion on their project and I could agree with anyone that do support independent creators throughout the world with animation studios such as Glitch Productions and other independent animators around the world, as well as indie game developers like Matt Makes Games and others that have their passion as well. So I want to focus more on the quality of one of my projects and hope it will be a hit for many audiences around here and knowing that it will reach the quality that I would expect to see for my future projects.
So with that out of the way, I hope you understand my decision to shift the demographic to a slightly older audience while keeping all of my projects safe for work. If you have any further questions please contact me via email or one of my social media accounts.
Anyways, I’ll see you then.
© 2023 Gadeton, All Rights Reserved
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