#Ollie shoots an arrow in thanks
royboyfanpage · 2 months
So i am newly getting into reading GA and while i know the basics of most of the Arrowfams basckstories, i don't know anything about Roys past, so i was wondering what was Roy doing before meeting Ollie, how did they meet, how did Roy get adopted and what made him become Speedy if it's ok to ask?
Hi anon, thanks for the ask!
Roy's backstory is a little difficult because it's been referenced quite a few times, but you kinda have to take parts from each story. None of them have been entirely culturally respectful or accurate, and there are tons of contradictions, so it can get a bit confusing trying to piece things together. But here's a simple run down.
Roy's father was a park ranger, Roy Harper Senior. We don't know who his mother is, she's rarely talked about and Roy's admitted he has no idea who she is.
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Roy and his dad lived close to a reservation and, when Roy was young, his dad died saving people from a forest fire.
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After which, Roy was taken in by a Navajo man named Brave Bow, or Raymond Begay, whom Roy Sr. had saved from the fire. Roy was raised on the reservation until he was around twelve, and during that time he found out about Green Arrow and became almost obsessed with him.
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After a while, Brave Bow got sick. Knowing he wasn't going to make it very long, he sought out Green Arrow and asked him to look after Roy in his place, without Roy's knowledge.
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Ollie came to the reservation to host an archery contest. Roy competed, but ended up losing because his arrows had magnets on them that ended up pulling them away from the targets- presumably put there by Ollie, considering his whole thing was he wanted a better story about how he got his sidekick. And that story ended up being Roy shooting out the tires of some criminals' car before Ollie could even get there
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(Heh, Speedier)
Roy was then taken in by Ollie to become Speedy, shortly after which Brave Bow died.
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Aaand then the rest is history! Sources included in this are Secret Origins #38, Arsenal #3, and the Green Arrow 80th anniversary special's story "Green-Man & Autumn-Son". Hope this answers your question enough :)
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alecmagnuslwb · 2 years
Dinner and a Stabbing
A part of my Double Date Fright Series
Read on AO3
The restaurant is nearly empty now, a cozy little hole in the wall Italian place with low lighting and great breadsticks. They’ve been there for hours now and they’ll likely be closing the place down.
It’s been a few months since the putt-putt incident and they didn’t realize just how much they had to catch up on. Dinah and Ollie had been pulled into some massive JSA business which took up most of their time while John mangled himself into another deal with a demon that he weaseled his way out of with Zatanna’s help all while she toured for the summer city to city with John joining her most of the time.
It's nice to just eat good food and laugh and catch up, so much calmer and less competitive than their previous couple of outings.
“I can’t believe Mia is off to college now and Emiko’s about to start her last year at high school,” Zatanna says stacking her empty plate on top of John’s so she can lean on the table. “Feelin’ old yet?”
Oliver sighs leaning back in his chair. “I adopted a teenage son when I was still practically a kid myself, I’ve felt old for a decade plus,” he chuckles. 
“And he looks it too,” John says with a raise of his glass Oliver’s way.
Oliver just picks up his own glass raising it right back. “Says the chronic chain smoker,” he says with a smile into his glass as he takes a drink.
“We’ll always be younger and more beautiful than them is all that means,” Dinah says with a smile Zatanna’s way flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Can’t argue with that,” John says laying his arm across the back of Zatanna’s chair his fingers moving lightly over the skin of her exposed back.
They chat idly for a while longer, the couple in the corner paying their bill and heading out leaving them as the last patrons in the restaurant. A few of the cooks and waiters even start to head out for the night, their very patient waiter dropping the bill on their table and informing them they’ll be closing in fifteen minutes.
Zatanna reaches out taking the bill before Oliver can get his hands on it.
“I’m officially the richest person at this table,” she says meeting his eyes and he relents with a shrug. She flicks her wrist magicking a sleek black credit card to her hand slipping it into the little fake leather envelope. The waiter rushes over taking the bill with a nod, rushing back with it in mere minutes. Zatanna signs it leaving the young woman a very sizeable tip.
She looks at the number a little gob smacked.
“Oh, thank you,” she says quietly pleased before rushing off to the back again.
“You guys up for a nightcap?” Dinah asks pushing her chair back from the table. “There’s a little bar around the corner that’s pretty good.”
“Devlin’s?” John asks as Zatanna magics her credit card away. Dinah nods.
“Oh, we can’t go there,” Zatanna says tapping her nails on the table. “John’s banned from there.”
Oliver and Dinah look at him, an unspoken question.
He just shrugs. “What can I say, there’s a bar in just about every major city I’m not allowed in for one reason or another. My girl’s hometown is no exception.”
“We could show you kids a good magical time at the Oblivion, take you to a pocket dimension,” Zatanna suggests.
“You’re not banned from there?” Oliver inclines his head towards John.
“I am not,” he replies proudly. “Traci does have a very strict drink cutoff rule for me, but I am still aloud inside.”
“And the drinks have gotten stronger since Bobo took ownership,” Zatanna says with a smile dropping a hand to John’s thigh.
“Sounds fun to me,” Dinah says and the four of them move to stand from the table just as the front doors of bust open. An arrow flying through narrowly whipping past Oliver’s head.
“Oliver Queen!” a lackey clad in black with a bow in hand announces. “The Black Arrow sends his regards!” Another line of lackeys start shooting from behind him ushering the lingering employees out, not wanting to bother with them. Their interest only on their table. The four of them use the distraction to their advantage their eyes all flicking towards one another in one second and then flipping their table over as a team and crouching down behind it in the next.
“I thought Black Arrow was in prison?” Zatanna asks ducking low behind the table Oliver on one side of her Dinah on the other. John peeks around the edge where he’s crouched on Oliver’s other side moving back quickly when an arrow swishes past him.
“He is,” Oliver says pulling a chair towards him snapping the legs off. He gets to work fashioning something out of the pieces and his tie. “Last I heard he was in solitary, but I’d venture to guess he got some sort of call out to someone.”
“There’s more of them outside, waiting,” John says loosening his tie a little bit more than it already was.
“I can get rid of the first line of them,” Dinah says cracking her knuckles. “You guys ready for the second wave?”
“Just a second,” Oliver says looking around. His eyes land on John’s tie and he reaches over undoing it.
“Hey now, buy me dinner first,” John says as Oliver slips the tie off and utilizes it lifting up his creation that is somehow a functioning mini bow. He gathers a couple of forks and knives that are scattered on the ground lining them up beside him.
“From what I’ve heard, Zee didn’t buy you dinner first,” Oliver says elbowing John with a smirk.
“Yeah, well she’s my exception,” he smirks right back with a wink.
“You ready, pretty bird?” Oliver says adjusting his stance preparing his mini makeshift bow with a couple of sharp knives.
“Cover your ears,” Dinah says as Zatanna moves between John and Oliver placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
“Gnihton tub teiuq,” she says as Dinah vaults over the table landing solid on her feet letting out her canary cry before even one arrow can be drawn her way. The lackeys fly across the room each of them losing their bows and consciousness as they land.
Just on cue the second line of defense make their way into the restaurant and Zatanna lifts her hands from the boys all of their hearing returning. Oliver lifts up over the table flinging knives and forks with precision with his makeshift bow.
Zatanna and John round the table, Zatanna throwing magic at a few of the lackeys on the left while John rushes one on the right taking to a good old bar fight strategy with him. Dinah handles her own in the middle taking out lackey after lackey swiftly with her fists and a few devastating kicks.
Only a few lackeys remain, Oliver gives up on his makeshift bow joining John at his side in hand to hand combat when three rush him at once. Zatanna blasts away two more, brushing her hands of imaginary dirt as she watches Dinah dispatch of her last two as well.
Dinah walks over to her when she’s done raising a fist that Zatanna bumps the side of with her own without hesitation and with a smile. They cross their arms watching as their guys fight on the other side of the room.
John takes a hit to his jaw in near synch with Oliver taking a punch to the gut, but they both recover quickly. They knock their opponents’ heads together when they get the chance the two men falling to the ground.
John would absolutely hate to hear it since he likes to say that he only works well with Zatanna, but he’s starting to develop a rhythm with Oliver when it comes to a fight as well.
They nod at one another and just as Zatanna and Dinah start to head their way she spots one lagging lackey over John’s shoulder an arrow in each hand as he rushes towards Oliver and John.
“John!” Zatanna shouts, but the warning is too late. The lackey reaches John first stabbing one of the arrows directly into his shoulder. Oliver spins before the other arrow goes into him sweeping the lackey’s legs out from under him and tackling him to the floor.
John falls to the ground on his knees gripping his shoulder. Zatanna rushes over to him, easing him to a sort of sitting position on the ground. Oliver knocks the lackey out with an elbow to the temple.
John groans working hard to keep himself upright. Oliver rolls off the lackey and over onto his back not too far away from him, Dinah crouches down beside him resting a hand over his forehead lightly. “Well, the yelp review for this one is going to be colorful,” Oliver says with effort as he pulls himself up slightly leaning on his elbows.
“I got stabbed here. The food was delicious and the drinks were refreshing, but I got stabbed here. Would consider going again,” John says bringing his hand from his shoulder to in front of his eyes looking at the blood with a squint of his eyes. He wipes his hand on his pants and Zatanna tsks at him.
“Don’t ruin my favorite blue suit even more,” she says moving to behind him to inspect where the arrow is still protruding out from his shoulder. She grips the base of the arrow and concentrates on it. “Evlossid,” she says and the arrow dissipates into nothing but dust in her hand. John lets out a sigh of relief once it’s gone.
She presses a hand to the wound on the back and her other hand to the front. “Dnem eht nam, dnem eht tius,” she says and feels as John’s skin stiches itself back together and then as the suit does the same. Any blood left behind whisps away when she removes her hands.
“Thanks, love,” John says as Zatanna leans over picking up a fancy cloth napkin from the floor and wiping her slightly blooded hands on it.
Sirens sound in the distance as they all pick themselves up off the floor dusting off their hands and looking at the mayhem around them. Their waiter peers around the corner of the busted front door, slowly stepping back inside the restaurant picking her way over unconscious lackeys. A few of the other lingering employees follow behind.
Zatanna sighs magicking up her credit card and walking over to the waiter. “Tell the owner damage repair is on me,” she says handing her card over. The girl takes it with a sure nod that Zatanna returns before heading back over to John.
“I want the record to show that we vetted the place this time and these disruptions were products of your mortal enemy,” John says rolling out his shoulders with a loud pop. Zatanna lifts a hand rubbing at the spot where the arrow had penetrated his skin, he moans in delight leaning into her hand as she works at the soft muscle. She adjusts her little blue dress, a perfect complement to John’s suit just a few shades darker, with her other hand.
“In my defense I didn’t think they’d travel to San Francisco to disturb my dinner plans,” Oliver says kicking at a lackey’s arm.
“You’ve been in the biz long enough to know never underestimate the lengths a determined supervillain lackey will go,” Zatanna says rocking back on her silver heels. Oliver hums in dissent.
They stand there quietly for another moment or two, Zatanna rubbing at John’s shoulder while they all survey the lackeys ensuring they’re all still very unconscious.
“So, drinks?” she says as the sirens finally reach them pulling up at the curb.
“God, yes,” Oliver and Dinah say in unison at the same time John says, “Fuck yes.”
Dinah turns to the waitstaff huddled by the door. “Can you all make sure these guys get arrested?”
They all nod and Zatanna takes that as an affirmative that this whole scene will be handled. The slamming of doors sounds outside as she pulls up a portal.
She gestures at Dinah and Oliver. “Hurry, before we get questioned by an over eager rookie again,” she says looping an arm with John’s stepping in directly behind the other couple.
Several drinks later they’re cozied up in a corner of the Oblivion Bar, magicians and cloaked figures milling about.
Zatanna has claimed one of the giant cushy chairs for her and John. She’s unlaced her chucky heels for comfort, curled up in John’s lap. Dinah and Oliver sit across from them on a small couch, Dinah’s legs tossed over Oliver’s.
“This,” Traci says pointedly passing out another round for their little group handing John his last. “Is your last round.”
John grumbles but takes the drink and nods his head in understanding.
“Four drinks? That’s it?” Oliver says chuckling into his glass. His glass that likely won’t be his last.
“Yeah, my guy’s a troublemaker,” Zatanna says fondly taking a sip of her fruity little drink while patting John on the cheek lovingly.
He takes a small sip of his drink, savoring this last one. They all drink in silence for a bit, the soft tones of some romantic Nina Simone song playing from the jukebox.
“So what kind of event do you think we four could attend without it ending in some sort of battle?” Dinah muses swirling the little umbrella in her drink round and round.
They all sit in quiet thought for a few beats.
“Movies?” Zatanna offers tentatively. “I mean that has to be something that could play out rather peacefully.”
“Worse case the movie’s shit,” John says squeezing her waist where he’s holding her in place on her lap.
“I don’t know with our track record thus far Count Vertigo might end up commandeering the screen before the opening credits,” Oliver says with a sigh.
They all go quiet again in thought, thinking of the real strong possibility of that happening.
Zatanna shifts a bit in John’s lap, just enough so that she can reach her drink out to the center table between them. John keeps a tight hold on her, ensuring she doesn’t slip away. She leans her glass into the center.
“Well, I say damn the supervillains and the creatures of the night, we make our own fun even when they show up,” she says and everyone tilts their own drinks in towards her clinking them against one another.
“Here, here,” Oliver says with a triumphant smile.
“Oh, there’s an anniversary showing of the ’92 Dracula at the old Star Center theatre next month,” Dinah says settling back onto the couch with Oliver.
“Ooh yes, Winona,” Zatanna says with glee settling back onto John’s lap. Conversation slides easily back to where it had been in the restaurant before they were rudely interrupted, the two couples making plans and talking shit well into the night until Bobo’s ushering them out of the bar at sword point.  
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pjfr2013 · 2 years
Fifth email for the class of Shoot/Edit Videos-Hyflex at OLLI Winter Session 2023
Hello everybody! I just landed a couple of hours ago, see you tomorrow. Some of the things we will see are: How to erase objects in iPhone.  How to introduce a still picture in the middle of the movie. Tittles, and arrows  The links will be given tomorrow. Have a wonderful night. Thank you Larry for the new movie, we will see it tomorrow. Always best, Perla
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thequiver · 2 years
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“Gods are stubborn. So am I.” - Euripides, from Grief Lessons: Four Plays; translated by Anne Carson
Oliver Queen and Cernunnos, the Horned God in Green Arrow (1988) #26
#oliver queen#ollie queen#green arrow#edits#my edits#if Ollie didn't want me to use typewriter fonts for every edit of him he wouldn't have used one on page#anyway I changed Cernunnos from the purple he is in the comics to the same Green as Ollie's tunic in both panels because I wanted to#highlight the connection between them that their interactions in this issue seeks to establish#not just the connection established by Sherwood Forest and the Robin Hood mythos#but also in the sort of idea of them both as guardians of the forest and of what it means to be wild#of Cernunnos both as a part of Ollie that is released into the forefront of his subconscious when he's drugged but also as someone for whom#Ollie shoots an arrow in thanks#but also Cernunnos as a figure who appears after that thanks wearing a tunic that is very similar to Ollie's own#of Ollie's professions of atheism and his desire to thank a deity#the kindness both he and Cernunnos show to Rowan- the understanding that she is doing her part in their care of the wild#also like very very fun fact- Grell actually used the ancient Irish festival of Samhain as the 'druid' new year in this comic and Samhain#is historically when the LBA Irish would celebrate the new year with the coming of winter#but yeah#really wanted to sort of establish and strengthen that connection this issue places between Ollie and Cernunnos because I think it's a#really underrated part of the Grell run#and like i get it#it's kind of a silly arc where Ollie gets drugged with LSD and goes to Sherwood#but there's some really great character analysis in here and I like it#even if I hate druids- and would physically fight the leaders of pretty much every modern druidic organization#and they'd DESERVE IT
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dibs4ever · 2 years
Biggest Arrow Fan
Short little Fic about Dick and Barbara AU son
“Nate, come in here! “ Dick called from the Grayson home's living room.
“Coming Daddy!” The new four-year-olds voice could be heard from upstairs
Barbara smiled, hiking their 18-month-old daughter higher on her hip “Thanks for doing this Ollie.”
Oliver Queen, guised as the Green Arrow was standing in their living room. A broad smile played on his lips “Are you kidding? I’ve known you two since you were kids, known Bruce since before any of you other Bats were in the picture. If something this simple can make his grandson smile then I’m all in.”
Dick let out a cackle “ You’ll do more than make his day. The boy is obsessed with you. Has your sheets, pajamas, and shirts. He dressed as you for Halloween. And when he plays superhero he’s always the Green Arrow. The boy is gonna be disappointed when he finds out his family is the Bats.”
“What is it dad...dy” Nathan Grayson paused in his tracks. Jaw dropped, blue eyes wide
Oliver smiled, taking a step forward he kneeled down to the boy's height “Hey there Nate I’m -“
“The Green Arrow!” Nathan’s little voice finished in awe
With a grin, Ollie nodded “Yes, your parents tell me you are a fan of mine.”
Nathan nodded “You’re my favorite superhero.” He blurted
Ollie brought a finger to his chin “Oh yeah? Better than Batman?”
Nathan did his grin, the one that made him look exactly like his father. The one he namely used every time he wanted to get his way with his mother
“Totally better than Batman you are so cool, you shoot Arrows!” The small boy threw his hand up in excitement “Batman just.....well I don’t know what Batman does.” He brought a finger to his chin
Ollie chuckled
Nathan nodded signaling he was going to continue speaking “Mommy’s favorite superhero is Nightwing and Daddy’s is Batgirl. I get Batgirl being a favorite cause she’s a girl who can beat up bad guys without powers or help. But Nightwing just flips and stuff even my daddy can do that”. He thumbed “It’s not that amazing.”
Barbara and Dick exchanged glances, Ollie glanced up at the young married couple and smiled.
“Don’t downplay the Bats Nathan. They’re pretty amazing themselves once you get to know them.” Oliver rested a hand on his friend's grandson's shoulder
Nathan shrugged “Yeah I guess you’re right but you’re still my favorite.” He pointed
Oliver smiled reaching behind him “Your parents told me it was your birthday last week.”
Nathan nodded proudly “Umm-hmm I turned 4 years old.” He proudly displayed 4 fingers
Oliver shifted his eyes upward to Dick and Barbara. Baby Leah still rested on her mother’s hip “They also said you’re a really good son. And an amazing big brother to that baby sister of yours” he pointed
Nathan looked behind him at his family and then back towards Oliver “I try my best, sometimes my sister annoys me.”
Oliver smiled “Sisters will do that. Welp since it was your birthday I brought you a little gift.” The hero passed the present wrapped in green paper to the boy
Nathan quickly tore into the paper “Woah! An Bow and Arrow !” He turned to his parents “Mommy! Daddy! The Green Arrow gave me a real bow and arrow! Can I go shoot it?”
Barbara smiled “You can at Grandpa Bruce’s where there’s more backyard space to shoot it at.”
Dick nodded “Yeah, next week Grampie’s having a pool party, and his friend Oliver Queen will be there. Maybe he can teach you.”
Nathan scrunched up his nose, making the face he always made when he was confused. Just like his mother “Uncle Ollie? What does he know about Arrows .”
Dick laughed “a lot more than you think buddy. Now tell Mr.Green Arrow goodbye. It’s a long trip back to Star City”
Barbara nodded “Yeah and he’s gotta get back in time for Patrol.”
Nathan nodded turning back to Oliver “Thank you Green Arrow for visiting and for my Arrow. Goodbye. Be safe”
He jumped up engulfing him in a hug. The Green Arrow paused at first but soon relaxed hugging the boy back.
“Anything for my biggest fan,” he said shortly pulling back and ruffling the boy's hair
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arrowfam-events · 3 years
im making a spreadsheet of every time an arrowfam member has popped up in comics but im not really that familiar with them—who would y’all like to see included in something like that? question for both you and your followers since im sure different people have different opinions and i’d like to not forget anyone :) (do not say this project is insane i am well aware of that. i love spreadsheets. it WILL be done in time for the prompt week :3)
!!!!!!!!!!! I love that for you, and both here on this blog, and over on @thequiver I'd love to boost this if you're willing to share when it's done. I too love a good spreadsheet!
So in my answer to this I'm giving you what's probably WAY more people than you're asking for but I wanted to cover all my bases so the first list is going to be the main family, these are the figures that canonically make up the core Arrowfam. The second list is going to be more extended familial connections, or those who have been assimilated into their found family. Third list is honorable mentions thanks to throwaway lines in canon and popular fanon. Let's begin.
The core family consists of: Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, Mia Dearden, Emiko Queen, Sin Lance, and Lian Harper.
The extended family/"family" consists of: Hal Jordan, Shado, Jade Nguyen (and Tommy Blake Jr. if I'm being generous and fulfilling my own desires), Robert Queen II, Sandra Moonday Hawke, Grant Emerson, Dinah Sr., and Eddie Fyers. )*If* you want to include stuff from the N52, Rebirth, and influences from Arrow, you could also count Malcom and Tommy Merlyn, John Diggle, and Henry Fyff).
Honorable Mentions: Bonnie King and Cissie King Jones. (Bonnie used to sleep with Ollie and it's implied that Ollie could be Cissie's bio-dad however this isn't proven in canon and it should be noted that Cissie has never met these people and has no connections to them outside of popular fanon).
The line up that *I* personally ascribe to is: Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Roy Harper, Connor Hawke, Mia Dearden, Emiko Queen, Sin Lance, Lian Harper, Hal Jordan, Shado, Jade Nguyen, Grant Emerson, and Eddie Fyers. Sometimes I add Cissie for a bit of spice, but only in non-canon compliant AUs. Who you add is ultimately up to you, and if any of our followers would like to add their thoughts they're more than welcome to shoot us an ask to publish or to comment on this post!
We wish you all the best with your spreadsheet and can't wait to see it completed! 💚 💚 💚
~ @thequiver
Should be noted that I include Cissie as an Arrowfam member in most of my fanon, mainly because I love her and want her to have a better family but I agree with everything Mari said. Best of luck with your spreadsheet! Can’t wait to see the finished product!
~ @overheard-over-chili
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camslightstories · 4 years
Tolerate it - Part 8
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers.
Notes: Well I hope you like it, part 9 is going to be up on Saturday, i know it may not be the best one but I think is actually better than part 7. I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you so much for your support, it feels unreal. 
I loved reading about your theories and opinions. I will gladly received any feedback, comment, opinion or request. I hope you guys a have day! Thank you for reading! I hope you guys like it!
Taglist: @multi-images @captain-josslett
Russian Translations:
А Вы, Олли? - Do you, ollie?
Ты не сказал им, не так ли? - You didn't tell them, did you?
The darkness of the night made the hideouts easier. The persistent sound of the music coming through different places made it harder to focus. The cold and loneliness of the night made the two superheroes teams stand secretly behind the warehouse. 
Standing ready for the signal to invade the place, Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers, best known as the Green Arrow and Supergirl. With comms on their ears as Lena and Felicity gave information about the event. Alex arriving with Jonn, Diggle, Nia, and Brainly ready to enter the place. 
The Danvers sister shared a look of protectiveness and caring, as Felicity gave the signal to enter. The archer looked back at his friends before entering first, with the Kryptonian no long behind. 
With the lights off, they both spoke up. Oliver throws a bomb arrow to the middle of the warehouse. “You have failed this city!”
“Why do you guys do this, knowing we are going to stop you?”And your sister getting a look from your best friend for creating a pun. 
As both of the teams caught the majority of the people in question for minutes, the criminal that had been terrorizing National City and Star city was still on the loose. As both of your sisters ran where Sinclair’s bodyguards were being put down by a blonde. Oliver stood on the top of the stage watching the whole interaction with Anatoly by his side. 
Kara felt her world stop as she heard it again. The blood pumping sound coming from your familiar chest. Alex stopping looking back at her, as the blonde stumbled with her feet, slowly falling into the floor as tears started to come out. Desperately looking around the place with a foggy mind trying to find you. Alex tried to ground her pulling her into her, whispering calming words to your sisters. 
Your best friend had already recognized you, as you flipped the table and tried to cover, throwing a tranquilizer arrow immediately, hoping to make it before Roulette could shoot you. As Kara looked up where her friend stood throwing the arrow in direction of the tattooed woman, where you stood.
Shaking Alex as she got up. She watched Roulette firing at you and hitting you, making you fall to the floor. Your redhead sister looking at her confused before your name fell out of her lips as a whisper “Y/N”
All of the comms became quiet, for a second as all of them shared a look. Your archer best friend, already with you in his arms taking your pulse. As he put pressure into the wound, looking for a pulse, finding a faint one. He screamed, “We need to get her to our place now!”
You on the arms of your sister, with the rest of the teams not long behind. Some of them are still in shock. Alex and Oliver running into the medical bed where your ex-girlfriend and Felicity stood connecting you to the machines. 
Oliver rips your dress where the wound was located, only to find an open scar and various scars in the rest of your chest. Looking over to where Felicity stood checking your vitals, recognizing the tattoo that stood on the top right of your chest. He sighed, before grabbing Alex from her shoulders getting her out of the space where you were laying. “Alex! I need you to trust me okay!?”
“I'm a doctor and she is my sister, Oliver let me pass!” Alex yelled angrily, trying to push past the archer. 
Oliver looked at her before responding as he jogged to the med space again “I can't! You are not stable and we can help her, like this you can't”
Your oldest sister stood angrily and went to enter again only to be stopped by Kara evolving her in a hug. Both of them sat on the floor as the angry tears left their eyes, blaming themselves for the situation. 
The pain was the only thing that you could feel as you started to gain consciousness. The brightness hitting your eyes the moment you blinked. With a clouded mind, you slowly began to look at your surroundings, when you felt various things attached to your body. 
Slowly closing and opening your eyes, as they adjusted to the white light that illuminated the room. You went to move, only to feel the IV in your arm and the tight bandage in your abdomen.
Groaning internally as the pain increased. You heard faintly familiar voices that you couldn't make of. The cold of the place made you curse internally as it felt that it was increasing the headache. Trying to clench your fits but failing when you felt all of your strength leave your body. 
Tossing around the bed, you noticed your cuffed hand into the bed. Furrowing your eyes as you look back now, in more pain and consciousness at your surroundings. Closed walls, small medical instruments, bright surroundings. Noticing your dress on the couch you looked down to see a familiar sweatshirt and shorts only to make you sigh in annoyance, putting the dots together. 
Moving around the bed, you grabbed the V1 and took it out slowly, putting it on the table beside you. Breathing multiple times, gaining all of the strength you could have the moment, you dislocated your thumb crying in silence as you did before getting your hand out of the cuffs.
Getting up slowly, you tried to look for your gun or anything in the space, only to find none. Breathing heavily the moment you tried to walk as the pain in your abdomen overwhelmed you and made you get support on the wall. Trying to conceal now your emotional and physical feelings you clenched your fits only to bandage around them. 
Nodding after gaining a part of your self-control you started to walk out of the med bed just to see Oliver with his arms crossed over his chest, stopping you.“Y/N, can't let you do that”
“For a former assassin, you do not take the right precautions, Queen” You responded with venom in your voice, trying to walk past your best friend only to be stopped as he got in your way. Showing your free hands. 
“I got things to do, and places to be, so get out of my way Oliver” You hissed when the archer made no move, and only stepped closer to you. Oliver examined your face as he did.
Your eyes that once were full of light now filled with darkness and wall. Your face that was once filled with smiles, now it was filled with voidness. Your once warm and caring expressions were now blank. A small scar on your cheek, almost unnoticeable if you weren't in the light. Everything had changed, and for the first time in a while, Oliver felt like he was just back on the island without any hope to save you, you were long gone and he knew it. 
“Where do you think you are going to go like that?”He claimed as he grabbed your shoulder, walking in the direction of a separate room. 
You concluded the struggle against his hold, even though the pain increased as you sat abruptly on the couch. “To take the fucking smirk out of Roulettes face with satisfaction”
You murmured loud enough for him to hear, as you moved around trying to get comfortable so the pain running through your veins could go away “Don't touch me”
“What are you gonna do? Fight me?” He sarcastically said before leaning on the doorway, watching your every move. 
“I may be not scared of anything anymore, Oliver but I’m not stupid enough to fight you,” You said before moving to lay on the couch. Ignoring his every try to speak to you. 
The silence became part of you in the past years, it helped to control your emotions, your wounds, and yourself. It became your solution to your problems. Now with it by your side, it refugees you as time passes. 
Oliver stood there for two whole hours, trying to find solutions in his thoughts. Memories that were buried inside came to play as he tried to find anything to get you back. But he knew that if you got into the Bratva organization there wasn't a single thing you haven't been through, and your scars confirmed his theories. 
All of the peace and calm was broken when your redhead sister burst through the door. Infuriated, and with a resentful expression on her face. Her breath got in her throat as she clenched her fits when she saw you. 
“What the hell happened to you?” Your oldest sister said, trying to hide the broken tone coming from her voice. Standing in front of you with fear in her eyes as she did, the fear of losing you again, the fear you saw more than once in her’s and Kara's eyes in any type of crisis. 
Kara came through the door no long behind, calmer than Alex but still tense. Both of your sisters shared a look when your silence became your answer. Ignoring them you kept looking at the ceiling, with a blank emotion. 
Kara walked closer to you, putting a hand on Alex as the redhead started to yell at you for leaving, for getting shot, for killing someone, for everything. Trying to relive the madness she had for you since you left. Your blonde sister shut Alex up, as she sat on the floor facing you like you did when you were kids.
With legs crossed and hands on your laps in front of the couch, when your mom wasn't home. Your sisters and you talked about what was wrong when you were kids. There wasn't anything you would hide from each other even when you moved to National City for college after so much time of disconnection between you three, it became natural. 
But the two of them sat there for hours and you didn't even move as the time passed, the only thing you did was breathe and stare at the ceiling. It was like you were trained to be in silence, you were completely void and both of your older sisters noticed. 
Trying to defuse the tension every now and then, Kara or Alex would speak up to ask you a question, but you remained silent. The rest of the teams stood in the Arrow cave, some of them more worried and confused than the others. Felicity had already spoken to Oliver. She had noticed the tattoo on your arm which did not pass by her remembering the same tattoo her husband once had on his left shoulder. 
Lena buried herself in her hands, as she tried to make sense of the situation. Many things had happened in the last few years, and many mistakes she had made, now we're basically feeling impossible to recover. Her foggy mind and unbalanced feelings all over the place.
Pulling herself up, Alex walked out of the room after sharing a look with Kara, when you kept silent and motionless. Oliver, Felicity, and Lena walked up to her as soon as she got out, with tears in her eyes, the redhead went to speak but was beaten by the archer. “She is not talking, is she?”
Alex nodded slowly before getting out of the way so the four of them could walk into the room. 
Noticing the now five standing figures in front of you, you remained in silence. The pain somehow became bearable as time passed, and with the control of your physical and mental feelings. You were basically the same person, Oliver once was. 
You seated back and examined each one of them. Oliver remained with a simple expression of worries, with his arms crossed, trying to find the words to get you to talk. Felicity stood on the far right with the table in her hand, as she searched for any part of your old self. Alex stood with her arms crossed, tears threatening to come out but still a desperate expression on her face. Kara was closer than the rest, with hope in her eyes, but a flash of pain and resentment in them too. Opening and closing her mouth multiple times as she cleaned the angry tears coming from her eyes. Lena stood upright looking at you like a ghost. Gripping to the sleeves of her sweater as she stared, biting her lip while trying to make the tears not come out.
“What do you want?” You claimed as you played with your hands, glancing at each one of them. Oliver remained calm, and not surprised when your cold and indifferent tone of voice hit them. While the three women felt their breathing get caught in their throats. 
Your best friend took a step closer to you, with a challenging look in his eyes as both of you connected glances. He was pushing your buttons so you would overwhelm yourself, but you knew better than that. You had seen him and your sisters do the same thing a lot of times, so you played along. “You know what we want”
“А Вы, Олли?” You said not looking anywhere else but his eyes. Your sisters and Felicity looked shocked, as you spoke while Lena understood you perfectly, furrowing her eyebrow in confusion. What were you hiding? 
When the archer didn't respond, you took your turn again, this time with a sarcastic chuckled as you did. “Ты не сказал им, не так ли?”
Oliver looked at you annoyed before rubbing his temples, Lena got closer only to be stopped when your oldest sister angrily yelled at you. “What the hell happen to you?”
If she would have done it three years ago, you would have flinched. Surprising your sisters and Lena when you didn't. Instead, you looked void, and with your eyes challenging Alex with determination and calmness with nothing to fear. No one had ever challenged your sister, everyone feared the redhead, except for you.
You had lost all of your fears in the past years. You weren't scared of death or anything else. You became blank, it didn't matter to you, if you died or if you were alive. You didn't have anything to live for, but you also didn't have anything to die for. So you survived. 
“Nothing of your damn business, Alexandra” You responded going back to laying on the couch. Your two sisters and ex-girlfriend exchanged looks, having a silent conversation. You had never called her that, it was always, Alex, Al, Allie, Bear Bear. That scared the hell out of both of them, tears coming out as they walked out of the room slamming the door as they did.
You weren't there, you weren't yourself, you weren't the person who had once loved them infinitely, you weren't the person they had once comforted after having a nightmare, you weren't the person who danced and sung around the kitchen as you cooked, you weren't the person who took their camera everywhere so you could captivate moments with them, you weren't the person who was an absolute child during each holiday, you weren't the person who would drop everything to make you sure they were okay, you weren't the person who cried themselves to sleep when you had disappointed them, you weren't the person who tried to be funny, you weren't the person who was distinguished for being clumsy.
You weren't the person they once knew, you were gone and deep down they all knew it.
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liviavanrouge · 2 years
Livia ran down the stairs, wearing a plain white shirt and light blue pants along with black boots. Her hair was up in its usual new style, a grin on her face. "HI DAD! BYE DAD!"Livia called. "Woah, where are you going Little Bat?"Lilia chucked. "Out.."Livia winced hoping he didn't try to keep her inside. "Catch!" She caught a bow and some arrows, Lilia winking at her. She grinned and ran out, her father watching her go. "Woah, Little Miss! Watch where your going!"Darren chuckled grinning at her as she ran past. "SORRY!"Livia called. She raced past Riddle, startling the dorm leader. He sighed and smiled, not bothering to scold Livia this time. Livia ran down to the Horse Stables, and leaped over into her horses spot. Dasher kicked the door open and galloped out.
Livia grinned, hanging onto the mane. "YAH!"Livia yelled. Dasher sped up, galloping around the school. Livia nocked an arrow and fired it, hitting a target. When Dasher ran past she snagged the arrow, nocking another, grinning at the next target. She released the arrow, hitting the target, this time leaving the arrow behind. Rook had set up targets for her so shoot from in their little training area, and it was a BLAST shooting away at these things. She knocked another arrow, laughing when she released it at the target, hitting dead center. "COME ON DASHER!"Livia called putting the bow away. "YAH!" Dasher sped up, galloping at near full speed through the forest. He leaped over a fallen tree, running past a large boulder.
"LIVIA!" Livia reached out, taking Leonas Sandwich from Ruggie, riding away on her horse towards where Leona was at this moment. Dasher huffed, speeding up, his mane flying through the air. Livia whooped, lifting her hands into the air laughing happily feeling free. Her hair blew through the wind coming at her, a wide smile on her face. She gripped Dashers mane again, spotting Leona. Leona sat up and raised his hand. She tossed the sandwich, grinning when he caught it. "Thanks Little Hunter!"Leona smiled waving to her as she rode away. She waved back, and spotted Kalim waving to her, Jamil with him. She held her arm out, Jamils eyes widening when he realized what was about to happen. Kalim leaped up, Livias arm wrapping around his abdomen, pulling him up behind her onto Dasher.
Dasher huffed, starting to speed up, running around the field, Jamil relieved that Livia stayed within his sights instead of galloping away. Kalim stood up and leaped off the horse, Jamil having a mini heart attack at the sight. "Thanks Livia!"Kalim beamed waving, Jamil starting to scold him, planning on scolding his best friend next. Livia laughed, keeping her eyes forward. She spotted the fallen tree Dasher could never leap and sighed, calming down. Everyone stared their eyes wide in alarm, Trey stepping forward. "LIV!"Trey called Denzel holding him back. Livia grinned and opened her eyes. Dasher sunk his hooves into the ground and leaped up into the air. Ollie pulled her ghost camera out taking a picture, her eyes sparkling in amazement.
Dasher landed on the other side, galloping away, the cheers of the other students him him huff proudly. Livia patted his neck, her hair whipping around behind her. Dasher galloped away off campus, the duo heading down to the village. People moved out of the way, Dasher galloping down the path. He leaped over a child and landed, taking off. "HEYYY!" Elliot smiled at her and leaped up, Livias arm catching him around his waist. He climbed onto Dashers back, his arms around her waist. Dasher neighed, galloping back around towards NRC, Elliot hanging on as he laughed, the wind blowing in his face and through his hair. "This is what I call freedom!"Livia cheered patting Dashers neck. Dasher neighed again in agreement and went full speed, galloping down the path.
"Lets see if we can break our record Dasher!"Livia grinned. "YAH! YAH!" Dasher forced himself past his limit, Elliot tightening his arms around Livias waist amazed with how fast the stag like creature was going. Dasher leaped through a large hole in a tree, galloping at full speed up the path back towards Night Raven Collage, Elliot spotted Trein and leaped off, doing a tuck and roll. "Hey Dad!"Elliot smiled. Trein stared at him, then smiled slightly and nodded. Cheers came from the students when Livia rode into view on Dasher. Dasher galloped back towards the stables, and leaped over the fence. He huffed as he leaped over the poles set up, the crowd of students watching and recording, Silver looking at the stopwatch in his hand. Livia nocked an arrow and released it, watching as it hit the target when Dasher moved around the barrels, galloping for the stables.
She sighed, remembering how she always missed the last shot. She pulled the string back, her arrow aimed for it. She took a deep breath in then let it out. "You can do it Mademoiselle Flower Huntress"Rook smiled looking determined. Livia opened her eyes and released the arrow, everything feeling as if it was going in slow motion. The arrow hit the target dead center, Rook cheering as he hugged Trey pumping his fist in the air. "THAT'S MY GIRL! THAT'S. MY. GIRL!"Jack laughed looking proud of his girlfriend. Dasher galloped down to a trot coming to a stop. "What's my score?"Livia asked Silver walking up to her. Silver smiled and showed her the new score which was 1.6 seconds. She laughed cheering as Malleus lifted her up onto his shoulders, a wide smile on her face.
"She beat my record"Riddle says impressed. "Does that mean she can take over for the next Horse Race with Royal Sword Academy?"Trey smiled. "Hm...Yes, I'll give her a chance, I feel kinda bad for underestimating her house riding skills, even though she rides a Mythical Tundra Stag she accidentally made herself in potions class"Riddle chuckled. Livia giggled, Leona ruffling her hair, Jacks arm around her waist. "You know, she's really become the symbol of Night Raven Collage..."Trey smiled. "I bet she's gonna go into the Hall of Fame in her second year"Riddle smirked. "No doubt about that"Trey chuckled. "Our Symbol of NRC, Livia Vanrouge...that has a nice ring to it"Riddle smiled. The two chuckled, watching everyone.
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #1
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x 
Read/Save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31733458
{training dates}
Ship: olivarry 
Status: dating
Warnings: none :)
WC: 1,646
Barry’s POV
It sort of all started when I got my powers. And I ran to Oliver. 
“I’ve spent my whole life searching for the impossible, never imagining that I would become the impossible.”
“So why come to me? Something tells me you didn’t just run 600 miles to say hi to a friend.” “All my life I’ve wanted to do, more. Be more. And now I am. And the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up. What if Wells is right? What if I’m not a hero? What if I am just some guy who got stuck by lighting?” 
“I don’t think that bolt of lighting struck you Barry,” Oliver paused, “I think it chose you.”
“I’m just not sure I’m like you, Oliver. I don’t know if I can be some, vigilante,” I whispered, looking down. 
“You can be better. You can inspire people. In a way I never could. Watching over your city like a guardian angel, making a difference. Saving people,” he smirked, “In a flash.” He walked to the edge of the building, “Take your own advice, wear a mask.”  Oliver then got out his bow to zipline off the rooftop. 
“Oliver, wait,” I called, thinking. 
“Yeah, Barry?” he said, turning around. 
“I-i can’t fight. I can’t be strong. And tough.” 
“Yes, you can. Meet me at my club, Verdant, in a week. Same time.”
“Your club?”
“Yes, my club.” 
And then he did his robin hood and swung away. 
A lot happens in a week. Take down metas, learn to swirl my arms to make wind, realize I have a bit of a crush on Oliver Queen. Please ignore the last one. 
I arrived at his club the following week at midday. During that time, I recalled that his secret lair was in the sublevel of his club.
“Hello Barry,” he greeted. 
“Hi. So, um-”
“Come at me. I’m going to hit you with an arrow.” “Sure you are,” I smirked. 
“Go, go.” I sped off 100 or so meters, and then ran straight at him. He fired an arrow, and it slowly made its way towards me. With a cheeky smile, I grabbed it and stopped. 
“Nice try Ollie, to-OCHHCHHC. Fuck-what?”
“Awareness of your surroundings,” Oliver said, pulling the arrows out of my back. 
“Ow ow it hurts.” “That was lesson one. The battlefield is just that, it’s a field. It’s not one person in one place, it's a network of people all trying to kill,” he places a finger on my chest, “You.”
I was still in pain, and not too fond of him. 
“You know there are less painful ways to teach that lesson?” “You showed up, you knew what you were getting yourself into,” he stated blatantly. “Well-no. No. I didn’t really want an arrow in my back.” “Would you prefer to train on a deserted Island on the coast of the China Sea?” he said jokingly. 
“No. Fine.”
He led me down to his base. 
“Come ‘ere,” he said, pointing to where a punching bag was set up. 
“This place gets cooler every time,” I mumbled under my breath.
“Punch,” he instructed. I started speed punching the bag, and it almost immediately broke. 
“Well I’d say that was pretty good,” I said, smiling.
“Horrible. No control.” “What? I broke the bag.” “Don’t speed punch. Punch normally,” he said, replacing the bag. 
I started punching as hard as I could. 
“Untuck your thumb,” he commented, “You’re going to break it.”
I kept punching, taking his feedback and applying it. 
“Wrist straight,” he said, taking my wrist into his hand and holding it steady. 
Almost 45 minutes later, I was exhausted. 
“My arms, I, I can’t feel them.” “Good, now fight me.” “Excuse me?” “Sparring, let's go. No fucking speedy shit, alright?” “Ollie, I don’t think I physically can.” “Oh yes you can.” He took my arm and dragged me onto the mat. I threw some weak punches at him, not moving. He was not holding back. 
“Oliver, are you just going to continue to BEAT me up?” “When you start trying, I will stop punching.” I gritted my teeth and started throwing more meaningful punches. 
“Good, come on, keep your feet right.”
I threw another punch.
“Don’t lean back, move forward.” After another 15 minutes of sparring, he called it. 
“Is that all?” I joked. 
“I mean we can do more,” he teased back. 
“Nah I’m good. I feel like I should get a certificate, like, ‘congrats you completed your first Oliver Queen superhero training session.’”
“Idiot,” he smirked. 
“Thanks.” “Right, I should get back to my city. Same time next week?”
I reached out to hug him. 
“I’m not really a hugger, Barry.” “Well, technically I could just speed and hug you, so you might as well just…”
He smiled, and we briefly hugged. 
“Thanks Ollie.”
“See ya.”
Most sessions were similar to that. Well, not similar but the same vibe. He had me slap water for two hours once. He made me lift sand another time. Anyway, the training was hard and weird, but it seemed to be working. However, they started to shift. We were mainly sparring after three months, him giving me tips. 
“Good sessions,” he said, chucking me a bottle of water. 
“Thanks,” I huffed, collapsing into a chair. 
He walked over to his salmon ladder, and he pulled his shirt off. Update, the crush got much worse which could, really, only be expected. 
He started to go upwards, and I did definitely stare. Him jumping down caught my attention.
“You wanna get some food?” he asked. 
“Yeah, sure, yeah. Where?”
Where ended up being big belly burger, and, as the flash, I ate a shedload.  
“That. Is. Disgusting,” Ollie said, smiling endearingly.  
“You do you.” 
“So, how’s everything in Central?” 
“Yeah, it’s metahuman and that.” 
“Right, descriptive.” We both chuckled.  
“How’s everyone here?”
“Oh we’re hanging on as usual.” “Mine wasn’t descriptive enough,” I said, sarcastically. 
“What, you want me to give a rundown of every person in my life?”
No, I want to know if you and Felicity still have this weird “in love” thing going on. “You know what, sure,” I smirked. “You are a child, Barry Allen.”
I just laughed. 
We stayed a while just chatting, long after we’d finished eating. We were both red from laughter. and he was smiling brighter than I’d ever seen him. 
It became a tradition of sorts. Train and go get food. He’d take me to all his favorite spots, we’d eat, and stay for hours just talking. 
One day we were sparring, and I’d somehow ended up under him. He slowly leaned in, and I gave him a little nodd. The kiss lasted far too little time for my liking. 
I was smirking at him, “Does someone have a little crush?”
“Shut up, I see how you look at me shirtless.” “Fair. You look very hot shirtless,” I said, “Your heart is beating fast.’ “So is yours.” He leaned in again, and this kiss lasted longer. “You wanna go for dinner?” “As in a date?” I inquired. 
“As in dinner, you know. Maybe. People eat dinner.” “We’ve been dating for months now, neither of us cared to admit it,” I joked, walking towards a chair. 
“No,” he said, thinking. 
I shoot him a “really” look. 
“Aright so yes, we have. Do you wanna get dinner?”
“Yes, Ollie, I want to get dinner.”
So from there we basically just dated. Woah revolutionary I know. Training sessions became covers for dates. Sleeping at his became a late night’s work. In the chaos of everything, we found peace in each other. 
Oliver’s POV
“Can you run this through facial recognition please, Felicity?” “Yeah,” she said, tapping on her keyboard. 
My phone began to ring, and I saw it was Barry. 
I shot Felicity a look and headed to the backroom in the lair. 
“Hey Be-” “Hello,” a voice said. I recognized it to be Cisco. 
“Cisco?” “Yeah? Oliver?” “Why do you have Barry’s phone?” “Barry told me to call this number if he was ever in trouble?” I panicked, “Is, is h-he alright?” “Well, yes, no, he’s sorta-” “I’m coming now.”
“Felicity, I’m going to Central City, work stuff.” “What work exactly?” “Stuff.” “Secret girlfriend stuff?” “W-what?” “Come on, we all see you smiling at your texts, spending way too much time in Central City with'' Barry,” and the way your face lights up when you get a call.” “I-no. I don’t have a secret girlfriend.” Boyfriend, I have a secret boyfriend who happens to not be doing so well. 
“Where is he? Where’s Barry?”
“Med bed, right there,” Caitlin said, “Be careful, he’s resting.” “What the hell happened to him?” I said, fuming. 
“He got stabbed. Fight.” I ran over to his bed, grabbing his hand. 
“Barry,” I said softly. 
His eyes fluttered open softly. 
“Ollie, ollie. Y-you came.”
“Of course, baby, why would I not be here?”
He just tried to move closer to me. 
“Hey, hey, you stay still.”
“Cuddles? Please cuddles.”
I carefully made my way under the covers, and Barry immediately cuddled into me. He quickly fell asleep to the calming motion of my fingers running through his hair. 
“When did that happen?” I heard Cisco whisper. 
“Couldn’t tell you,” Caitlin said, equally baffed. 
I just held on to Barry, hoping he’d get better. Hoping he’d be fine. 
A few hours later his eyes fluttered open. 
“I’m right here, Bear.”
“I think they know,” he said, smiling. “They might have a suspicion.” “All this started from a bit of training.” I kissed his forehead, “God, you idiot, you had me worried there.”
“You can’t get rid of me that quick.” “And I’m so glad.”
His lips met mine, and we kissed for a short moment. 
“I think I love you Barry Allen.” He smiled his million dollar smile, “Oliver Queen? Love?”
“Only you.”
“I love you, too Ollie.”
Read/Save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31733458
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jitteryjive · 3 years
under the cut!
all the pm games take place in this place called the Paper Lands. like it’s huge and stuff. toad town has segments with all the different parts from the games y’know
there’s five vellumentals. the four main ones are the obv ones (earth fire ice and water) but there’s The God of The Universe you know the one that’s the star vellumental and it created the whole pm universe through stuff n stuff
every couple thousand years, the vellumentals give the mortal the responsibility of their magic by sending them visions and other stuff. that current holder is shroomses
shangri-spa has existed since the creation of time, it’s basically there to please anyone who can prove themselves to the gods. every angel there is created by removing an angel from a giant, endless painting called the life of angel. it was created by the star vellumental to make sure shangri-spa was kept after.
the stationary are all normal supplies that have been cursed and transformed with forbidden magic.
similar to ryuk in death note, the star vellumental dropped one of its books into the paper realm to see what would happen. the origami craftsman picked up the book, and it was the book that wielded the fold of life. though one mortal is chosen to have all the magic stored in, making them one of the protectors of the realm, small morsels of magic can be spread to mortals (ex: origami craftsman, mario and luigi, the shadow queen)
magic can be transferred. the origami craftsman gave some of his magic to olly and olivia, dreaming that they would become just rulers with said magic. then the game happened, and the origami craftsman gave what was left of his magic to olivia so she could defeat olly. this was (well one of) the reason why he said he would never use the fold of life again, was because it didn’t belong to him anymore and was now lost, returned to the star vellumental.
oh that reminds me! at the end of the game, when all the paper is drifting off, olly and olivia were returned to the star vellumental. bobby’s probably there too he deserves to see em lol
tens of thousands of years ago, the fire and water vellumental, typhos and sedjet, had a war. it destroyed the earth and caused it to flood, then burn, and finally, it was restored. as punishment, typhos was frozen for a couple thousand years, and sedjet is never allowed to show their face to a mortal, as it glows with such blinding light now that it destroys any mortal who looks at it. the only exception is someone who has the power of all the vellumentals except the fire vellumental.
in shangri-spa, each angel is armed with a weapon purely made of soul and emotion. it can only be used in disaster and at the threat of the user dying. each weapon is tuned to each angel. for example, celeste wields a bow and arrow that can shoot at any target, even if she’s completely turned away from them. cherub wields a double-sided axe that can cut through anything. you might be asking, wouldn’t they have used it when scissors was destroying things? but that’s exactly it, cause they couldn’t use it then. it’s when everything is in peril and they are about to die. basically an extreme situation causes it. they can’t just summon it when their dining hall is crushed
uhhhhhh that’s all I can think of to dump here! if you read this thanks! lol
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midsommvrs · 3 years
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⌜ ⁰⁰¹ roy harper. drew ray tanner. he/him. cis man. ⌟ looks like ROY HARPER has joined the search for the missing mutants. the TWENTY SEVEN YEAR OLD is known as ARSENAL and works alongside THE TITANS. they were spotted recently in GOTHAM, hopefully they’ll have some luck finding the missing mutants.
* trigger warning: drug use / addiction, depression, death 
FULL NAME: roy william harper, jr. ALIASES: speedy, red arrow, arsenal HOMETOWN: star city ABILITIES: master archer, marksman, athlete, martial artist, weapons expert, engineering
FATHER: roy harper sr. ✝ / brave bow ( adoptive father ) ✝ / oliver queen ( adoptive father ) MOTHER: unknown SIBLINGS: unknown CHILDREN: lian harper
roy’s father was a forest ranger who died in a forest fire saving the life of a man called brave bow, leaving roy to be brought up by the navajo. brave bow took him in as his own, however after learning of a terminal illness, he requested that billionaire oliver queen ( green arrow ) should take roy in as he always looked up to him
in an archery competition, roy impressed oliver with his skills so he indeed did take him in
because roy idolized ollie and green arrow, he quickly adopted the speedy title ( because he can shoot arrows faster than ollie )
despite his appearance and demeanour, roy is actually a pretty smart cookie and great at engineering and manufactured green arrow's trick arrows and other weapons for the pair
he soon joined the teen titans, which consisted of other young sidekicks to the justice league
during his time with the teen titans, roy spiralled - especially after the group disbanded. he resorted to heavy partying and using drugs to stop himself from feeling the pain and anguish he felt from the stress and upset from losing that connection to his friends
it got so bad that when roy turned 16, ollie kicked him out once he found out roy had become addicted to heroin
during the breakup from both his team and guardian, roy formed a rock band ! great frog, where he played the drums but despite being booked and busy, he still never thought they were good enough for success... even though they kinda were but his depression just wouldn’t let him see that  ( obv this is all very important info that must be included )
as expected, the abandonment of his father figure made roy's depression even worse and it was during this time roy became close to the assassin, jade nguyen ( cheshire ), who he shared a deep connection with
he convinced himself they were in love and they have a child together, lian, who lives with her mother
with the help of fellow teen titan, lilith clay, and rehabilitation, roy has now recovered from his heroin addiction, but still in recovery from narcotics altogether ( no thanks to his baby mama for that )
he is now technically a titan again, working with them in a penthouse in gotham city that they’ve adapted for helping with the search of the missing super humans
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royboyfanpage · 4 months
Are there any arrowfam fics that you think are required reading that I should check out? Or any that you really enjoy?
Thanks for the ask, anon!
I don't think any fics are "required reading" per se, there are a million and one ways to interpret characters and there's no one fic that fully sums up how people should be engaging with the Arrows in a fandom setting. However, I can definitely give you some recs! I'm very much a single chapter work reader so apologies for the lack of longer fics, but if anyone has any longer recommendations then feel free to add on in a reblog!
'Insert awful archery pun here' -Mia Dearden centric, archery focused
'The richter scale' -Mia Dearden centric, sickfic
'To forgive and grow' -Connor and Roy focused
'Dream a little dream' -Speedy!Roy
'Uncomfortable' -Roy's first night living with Ollie
'If you are or ever have been speedy you may be entitled to financial compensation.' -Mia, Roy, Ollie, and Lian, sickfic
'Siblings, like archery, have many drawbacks' -Arrowsiblings shooting apples
'The loneliest time' -Mia and Connor focused
'Why you never invite Eddie' -Eddie Fyers at Lian's birthday party
'A vow to the heavens and hells' -Connor and Mia focused, horror themes
'Wound and knife' -Jaderoy
And a few Grant Emerson + Arrows ones because I love him:
'Unexploded ordnances' -transfem Grant coming out
'Shoot an arrow and it goes high' -Grant and Roy
'You've always known you're not alone' -Arrow family dinner + Grant
And a bit of shameless self promo, my own fic 'something nameless'
Hope this list suffices!
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I Hate Myself for Loving You
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Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You and Roy Harper hated each other, ever since you met. Who knew a dog and an 8 year old would make you realize your true feelings for him.
Pairing: Roy Harper x Barton! Reader
A/N: Scott and Clint’s friendship inspired by Paul Rudd and Jeremy Renners friendship. I’m really happy and proud of how this came out.
“I really don’t see the point in training with them again.” You mumble as your dad practically drags you down a hallway.
“It’s good exposure to others’ styles!” Your dad, the one and only Clint Barton, A.K.A the mighty Avenger Hawkeye, insists. “Besides, Oliver’s a great archer, and Roy and Artemis have different styles than you.”
“Roy and Artemis have sticks up their asses.” You roll your eyes.
“Be nice.” He scolds as you finally reach a large, metal door. “Use your manners, don’t kill anyone. And ask before you take any food.”
“Dad, that rules more directed at you.” You poke his chest.
“Nope, remember when we got invited to Wakanda last weekend?” He reminded.
“They really should put up a sign that says ‘reserved for royalty’.” You shrugged.
You tap your foot impatiently while your dad puts in the code, and it flashes red. He grins nervously at you and tries it again, punching the dial pad when it’s wrong again.
“Having technical difficulties, are we?” You tease him.
“No!” He pouts. “Ollie must’ve given me the wrong code. Let me call him, this will all be resolved.”
You lean against the wall and yawn as your dad talks to Oliver on the phone, then punches in another code. This time it lights up green, and you’re let in.
You follow your dad inside, peering around. You hadn’t been to this facility before, they had come to yours before now. It was a cave of some sorts, but definitely technologically advanced. You see a few heroes your age you recognized from the news, all still in their costumes. Your eyes land on Roy Harper, the most infuriating man on the face of the planet.
“Oh great. You again?” He sneers down at you.
You glare at him and start to charge at him, but your dad ruins your fun and grabs you. You try to pry him off and kick him, but he doesn’t budge. Roy gives you a smug grin that you wished you could wipe off of his stupid face, and you notice the other two archers next to him.
“Sorry about her.” Your dad laughs awkwardly. “She’s a little...aggressive today.”
“I am not aggressive!” You finally kick him in the shin and he drops you, clutching it in pain.
“You are so grounded for that!” Your dad snaps.
“Clint, nice to see you made it past the door.” Oliver chuckled. “And Y/N, please excuse Roy’s comment. He also has some...behavioral issues.” Oliver narrows his eyes at the boy.
“I was just saying.” He shrugs.
“Can we get on with this, please?” Artemis crossed her arms in annoyance from behind Oliver.
“Yes, we should. Follow us.” Oliver says.
Your dad and Oliver strike up conversation and start nerding out over...whatever. You didn’t pay attention, your focus fixated on Roy.
He was strutting ahead of you, head held high and that stupid smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes, glaring daggers at the back of his head.
“So what have you been up to?” Artemis asked you.
“Nothing much. I kicked Falcons ass last Friday though. That was fun.” You shrug.
“No way.” She shook her head in disbelief.
“Um, yes way.” You playfully nudge her. “I’ve got in on video, I’ll show you after this torture session.”
“Are you two hens done clucking yet?” Roy asks, stopping at another room.
“Are you done being an asshat?” Artemis sassed back.
“Let’s watch the language, please?” Oliver sighs.
“What? I said hat.” She deadpans.
“Hawkeye and I will demonstrate, then how about we have a little competition?”
“Yeah, whichever one of you gets the most targets gets to...not run 50 laps!” Hawkeye announces.
“Well that’s stupid.” You scoff. “Don’t you know my stamina is not quite up to par lately?”
“Well maybe it would be if you woke up for training on time. Steve has been trying to tell you-“
“If the sun isn’t up, I’m not up.” You cross your arms.
“Oh, so you’re lazy as well as annoying?” Roy raised an eyebrow at you.
“I’m gonna-“ You lunge at him, but he ducks out of the way and you fall on your face.
“Ooh.” Everyone that saw that graceful move winced.
“Wow. So you’re lazy AND bad at aiming.” Roy tsked. “I don’t know if you understand the concept of an archer, but those are some essential attributes-WOAH!” He shrieks when you grab his ankle and tug him down. “Ouch!”
“That’s what you get for mouthing off again.” Oliver shakes his head as your dad pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Get up, losers. I’m ready to beat both of your asses.” Artemis hauls both of you up.
You and Roy glare at each other during the entire demonstration, not paying attention when the pro archers announce the rules and guidelines. You both race each other into the training room, and he growls when you beat him inside.
You bolt after each other as you jump through the course, shoving the other out of the way as you try to hit the target first. He laughs loudly when you miss the first one, then yelps when you shoot an arrow at him, grazing his hair.
“Hey, watch it! I just got it cut!” He whines as you shoot the target.
“Your precious hair is fine, I barely got it.” You rush ahead of him as he loads his bow, aiming for the target in front of you.
You quickly shot an arrow as his nearly hits the target, knocking it out of the way and hitting a bullseye. You turn to give him a cocky grin, yelling when he kicks you out from under your feet. He runs past you, but not before you grab his calf and bring him down with you once again.
“Idiots.” Artemis rolls her eyes as she stomps past the both of you, now wrestling each other on the floor.
You both watch with hopelessness as she hits the very last target, perfectly shooting the center. You groan and flop back down on the floor, dreading the laps you’d have to run. What was even worse, was that you had to run them with Roy. Stupid, arrogant, idiotic Roy Harper.
You had known the guy for exactly 3 weeks now, and you already hated him. You hated how he thought he was better than you. You hated how he smirked at you all smugly. You hated how he was actually really hot. He was buff and surprisingly a good shot. You will never say that though, his ego was clearly way too high for someone his height.
“Artemis, go treat yourself to some down time. You two ding dongs, get running!” Oliver shouts over to the two of you, still sprawled out on the ground.
Roy sighs as he gets up, and offers you a hand. You slap it away and get up yourself, and he raises his hands in surrender. You both get started on your laps, and on your 32nd one you’re about ready to pass out. You groan as you hold your head, feeling dizzy and faint.
“Can’t handle some light running?” Roy comes up behind you, grinning at first before he notices you’re sweating and your pupils are dilated. “Hey, are you okay?”
You respond by blacking out, and he quickly catches you in his arms. You drift in and out of consciousness as he yells for help, your dad and Dick Grayson rushing over to you. Your dad says something, but it’s echoey and indecipherable to you. Roy holds a water bottle to your mouth, helping you drink a few sips.
“...yo. Y/N, wake up.” Your dad lightly smacks your face. You blink a few times, slowly sitting up with Roy and Dicks help.
“That is the dumbest way to wake someone up.” You groan.
“You good?” He asked. “You didn’t drink enough water today, did you?”
“I had...some.” You mumble.
“Y/N!” He scolded.
“I got distracted!” You defend yourself. “It’s not my fault Lucky kept barking at me to take him for a walk!”
“You need to rehydrate yourself.” Dick says. “Your done with laps for the day.”
“Yes!” You grin as your dad helps you stand up. “Maybe I should be dehydrated more often.”
“No!” They all yell at you.
“Alright, Alright.” You mumble, trying to blink black spots out of your vision.
“I think we’re gonna head home.” Clint tells the others. “Thanks for helping her, Roy.”
“Sure.” He acted like it was nothing, but the voice in the back of his mind was telling him to worry and panic.
Roy watches as your dad leads you out of the cave, and he plops down onto the couch. He stared blankly at the tv, which was playing some horror movie Wally and Dick had put on.
He totally wasn’t worried about you at all! And he definitely didn’t freak out when he saw your eyes roll back in your head. His heart obviously didn’t drop when you passed out into his arms. He wasn’t concerned about your well being in the slightest. He hated you! You were annoying and you thought you were the better archer just because your dad was a famous Avenger.
“Dude, you good?”
“What?” His attention snapped back to reality, seeing Dick and Wally staring at him, Artemis, Megan and Kaldur snooping from the kitchen.
“Bro, what is wrong with you?” Wally laughed at him.
“Nothing!” Roy glared at his fellow red head.
“Your face is red, you’re sweating, and you’re bouncing your leg.” Dick blinked at him.
“He’s got the L word!” Wally sang, zipping over to Roy and slinging an arm around his shoulder.
“I don’t have time for this.” Artemis shook her head and left, Megan and Kaldur walking over.
“The L word?” Megan asked.
“Shut up, Wallace!” Roy hissed before he could even open his mouth.
“Dude, you’re crushing on Barton?” Dick snickered.
“Isn’t he a little old for you?” Megan asked.
“The other Barton.” Kaldur whispered to her.
“Ohhhh!” She said. “You guys didn’t know that?”
“You knew?” Wally asked.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dick asked.
“I do not have a crush on Y/N!” Roy stood up defensively. “You guys are stupid!”
“Roy and Y/N, sittin’ in a tree.” Wally sang, much to Roy’s annoyance.
“K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Dick joined in, Kaldur chuckling and Megan just wondering what they were doing.
Roy rolled his eyes and stormed off, trying to block out their idiotic singing. He would deal with those punks later, but right now he had a lot of thinking to do.
“Wait, they’re coming here?” You trail behind your dad as he goes to the kitchen. “I thought only Uncle Scott and Cassie were gonna be here tonight!”
“Yes, for the football game, dear.” He sighs, patting your head teasingly. “I told you this last week. Now clean up the dog toys.”
“I get why Oliver’s coming, but why does Roy have to?” You complain, ignoring your dads order. “Can’t he watch it by himself? I would say with his friends but it’s hard to imagine he has any.”
“Y/N, he’s coming. And he’ll be here in 20 minutes, so pick up the damn toys.” He says, sternly this time.
You roll your eyes at him but oblige, picking up Lucky’s toys that he leaves everywhere. Once your done you rush to your room, making sure you look presentable.
Wait, why did you care? You hated Roy. He was an arrogant asshole, and a total dick. You hated how slick and charming he was, you hated his stupid smile and wanted to smack it off his face. His smile was dashing and gorgeous, but it made you furious. No, you didn’t really hate him. You hated how he made you feel. Vulnerable and...ew, giddy. You weren’t into all that lovey-dovey shit, no matter how many romcoms and chick flicks your father forced you to watch with him.
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the doorbell ring, and you hear Cassie happily saying hi to Uncle Clint. You check your appearance one more time, before walking out.
“Y/N!” Cassie runs towards you and hugs your legs. “We brought chips and salsa!”
“You did?” You smile as you kneel down to hug her properly.
“Well, half a bag of chips and what’s left of Hope’s salsa.” Uncle Scott shrugs, holding said bag out of Lucky’s reach as he jumps up. “So I hear we’re meeting some fellow archers?”
“Yup, my friend Oliver and his old protege.” Your dad nods as he tosses Scott a can of beer, and tugs Lucky off of him. “And Y/N’s arch nemesis.”
“What’s an arch nemesis?” Cassie asked, her innocent eyes peering up at you.
“Nothing, Cass.” You ruffle her hair, and she just shrugs and wanders over to your dad. “Uncle Clint, do you have any paper? Daddy forgot it.”
“Of course we do, come on.” Your dad leads her to the laundry room, which is in the back of the kitchen.
You notice your Uncle Scott grinning at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. That was never a good sign.
“What?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing.” He takes a sip of beer.
“Scott...” you warn.
“You don’t actually hate this guy, do you?” He asks.
“No, I do.” You shake your head. “He’s inferior in every sense of the word.”
“Mmmmhmmmm.” He pursed his lips, that evil glint never leaving his eyes.
“Uncle Scott!”
“Fine! Okay, I’ll drop it.” He chuckled in amusement.
It’s silent for a few moments.
“Is he cute?”
Then the doorbell rings, and dread washes over you. You suddenly get a little anxious, now nervous about how the night was gonna go. Your Uncle Scott goes to the living room and turns on the tv, peaking over the edge of the couch as you open the door.
“Wassup, man?” Your dad shouts from the kitchen.
“Wassup, dude?” Oliver walks past you, Roy awkwardly following behind.
You shut the door and begin the usual glaring match with Roy, but quickly drop it when your dad carries pizza boxes to the living room, Oliver behind him with soda, beer and chips. Lucky runs over when he smells new people, immediately jumping up on Roy in excitement. Roy lets the dog sniff his hands, but jumps back when he barks at him.
“Ha! Even the dog doesn’t like you!” You laugh at him.
“Oh, haha, very funny.” He says sarcastically as he nudges Lucky away from him with his foot.
“Lucky, come on, boy.” You giggle, taking pity on Roy and pulling your dog away from him, then pat his head. “Good boy, protect us from the scary man.”
“Wow, you’re just so funny tonight.” Roy says dryly, despite the grin on his face. He goes to join the guys on the couch, while you lead Cassie and Lucky to the dining room.
Your dining room is connected to the kitchen and entryway, giving you a view of the back of the couch and the tv. You listen to Cassie as she draws and tells you about her dads latest adventure. Your eyes keep drifting to Roy, even though you can only see the back of his head, and part of his face when he occasionally turns to talk.
“Who’s he?” Cassie whispers to you, even though they would never hear anything you said over their cheering, complaining and hollering.
“That’s Roy.” You tell her. “I work with him sometimes.”
“Is he your partner?” She asks. “Like Daddy and Hope?”
“Kind of, Yeah.” You nod. “Well, actually, exactly.”
“So is he your boyfriend?” She asks innocently, and you nearly choke on your soda.
“Um, I guess not exactly. No, he’s not my boyfriend.” You shake your head, clearing your throat of soda.
“Really? But you looked at him like Hope looks at my daddy.” She says.
“What? When?” You ask. You feel sort of ridiculous, defending yourself against an 8 year old, who barely understood the concept of love in the first place.
“At the door. When Lucky attacked him.” She giggled, reaching down to pet the dog, who’s laying under her chair and staring up at you to beg for food. “Hope looks at daddy like that all the time.”
“Does she, now?” You raise an eyebrow, tossing Lucky the rest of your pizza crust.
“Yup.” She nodded, turning back to her drawing.
You look back over to the guys, smiling in amusement when your dad and Oliver cheer, Roy and Uncle Scott groaning. Roy stands up, grabbing empty pizza boxes and soda cans. You quickly turn back to Cassie as he makes his way over, pretending to have been listening to her the whole time. Lucky growled as he got closer, but you ordered the dog to ‘stay’, and thankfully he did. You didn’t need to deal with your dog biting Roy or anything.
Roy tried not to look at you as he passes, he has to remain inconspicuous. He steals a few glances while he stuffs the pizza boxes into the trash, smiling softly as you laugh at one of Cassie’s stories. He’s surprised you’re so good with kids, since all he knows is your guys’ little rivalry attitudes. It’s actually really cute, your kind and gentle smile makes his heart skip a beat.
You look over at him when you realize he’s been standing there for a few more seconds than he needed to, making eye contact with him. It takes a moment for him to realize he had been caught, clearing his throat and quickly rushing back to the couch, keeping an eye on the growling retriever. You turn back to Cassie and you both giggle. Even the little 8 year old understood what just happened.
“What’s so funny, back there?” Scott turns around to see his daughter and non-biological niece grinning at the back of Roy’s head.
“Nothing.” You both sing, and you turn to signal Cassie to be quiet. You both giggle again when Scott stares at the two of you in confusion.
After the game is over you say goodbye to Cassie and Uncle Scott, then start to clean up. Your dad and Oliver are still chatting away, so it was looking like Roy would also be staying for awhile, since Ollie was his ride.
“Need help?” He asked after he got bored of listening to the two men talk about physics and shit.
“Uh, I guess.” You shrug as you pick up the drawings Cassie made, then gather all the blank paper. “Just grab the trash from the living room, I’ve got this covered.”
“Cool.” He nodded, before doing as you told.
You both clean everything up quickly, then it’s awkward silence again as your mentors blab on and on about arrows, coffee and hero business. Lucky is on the couch, watching the both of you over the back of it. It’s actually quite funny, his eyes fixed on Roy, which made him uncomfortable that a dog was giving him a death glare.
“We have a dart board and pool table in the basement.” You suggest after awhile. “Little competition?”
“Anything’s better than listening to the two grandpas over there talk about taxes.” He agrees.
“Hey! We are very interesting people!” Oliver snaps playfully.
“No killing each other! I’m not driving anyone to the hospital if you decide you throw a dart at the others face!” Your dad shouts as you lead Roy to the basement door.
“I promise!” You call over your shoulder as Lucky barrels over, running downstairs before you can grab him.
“Oh great.” Roy mumbles as you shut the door and take the lead. “Is your dog gonna jump me as soon as I get down there?”
“Lucky’s harmless, you big baby.” You tease, flicking the light on and seeing Lucky had claimed his spot on the couch.
Your basement was pretty big, you and your dad had turned it into, essentially, a man cave. You had a bigger tv down here, and a smaller couch. On the other side of the room there was a pool table and a display rack, where you kept bows and arrows that were either your dads old ones or collectibles. On the other side of the room there was a stereo system that lined the wall, which sat on top of shelves of CDs, vinyls, and mixtapes. The carpet was a hideous red, which your dad insisted looked good. Yeah, maybe in the olden days, pops. Lastly, across from the pool table was a dart board mounted to the wall, Robin Hood: Men in Tights posters on either side (which Scott has gotten as a joke).
“Dang, cool place.” Roy said as he looked around the large room.
“Thanks. It’s mostly my dads stuff from the 80s.” You say. “Y’know how adults are about that stuff.”
“Oh yeah.” He nods.
“Now, ready to get your ass beat?” You grin, picking up the box of darts.
You play 3 games of darts, to which he won and made fun of you over. You had started up the stereo, playing your dads 80s rock mixtape to fill the moments of silence. Then you began to play pool, making quips and laughing if the other missed.
You watched as he lined up his cue, lips pursing and eyes narrowing in concentration. You watch his muscles flex as he prepares, catching yourself totally checking him out. You blush to yourself, thankful he was too focused on beating you to notice.
“Yeah, good luck winning now.” He says cockily as he straightens back up, smirking down at you smugly.
“Thanks.” You flick his nose, before lining your cue up.
You carefully calculate how this will end, grinning when you find the perfect angle. You cheer in victory as you pot the 8 ball, winning the game. He throws down the cue, as you gloat to him. You drop the cue as if dropping a mic, singing that you won in his face.
“Alright, I get it.” He pouts, despite the amused smile making its way to his face.
“So who has the better aim? Who’s better than you? That’s right. Me.” You boast, playfully shoving his chest as Joan Jett starts singing from the stereo speakers.
“You know, you should learn when to shut up.” He growls under his breath.
“Excuse me?” You raise an eyebrow.
Your eyes widen when he pulls you forward, crashing his lips into yours. You stiffen at first, completely stunned. You quickly get over it though, grabbing the sides of his face to bring him farther down to you.
He backs you up, then taps the back of your thigh to silently signal you to jump. You hop up onto the pool table, making it so he doesn’t have to lean down so far to kiss you. One of his hands is tangled in your hair, the other squeezing your thigh as you wrap your legs around his waist. Your hands move from his face down his torso, your hands sliding up his shirt and pressing against his abs. You part your lips to deepen the kiss, both of your tongues fighting for dominance. You feel him smirk into the kiss when he wins, but you don’t feel the need to particularly care in the moment.
Suddenly he jerks back, and at first you think he changed his mind or you did something wrong. Then you see Lucky, who had woken up from his nap and seen what looked to him like Roy attacking you. He tugged at the hem of Roy’s jeans, effectively knocking him to the ground. You doubled over in laughter as your dog climbed on top of Roy, nipping at his arm, which he had held up to block his face.
“Are you just going to sit there or are you going to call off the hound?” He asks desperately, trying to push the large golden retriever off of him.
“Lucky! Lucky, down boy.” You wheeze from laughter, gesturing for the dog to come to you as you jump down from the pool table.
You continue to die of laughter as Lucky happily bounces over to you, Roy slowly getting up and brushing himself off. You pet your dog, laughing so hard you snort when Lucky growls at Roy.
“What is going on down there?” You hear Oliver shout down the steps.
“I told you no murdering each other!” Your dad reminds.
“I don’t think Lucky likes Roy!” You call up, trying to hold back your laughter, since your sides were starting to ache by now.
“Lucky! Come here, boy!” Your dad calls in his ‘puppy voice’. Lucky bolts up the stairs, probably hoping that meant more leftover pizza crusts.
“Roy! It’s time to go!” Oliver yells.
“I’ll be up in a minute!” Roy shouts to him, then turns to you.
“Are you okay?” You giggle at him.
“Fine.” He mumbles, making his way towards the stairs. “Uh, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah.” You nod, watching him head up the stairs. Then you rush after him and grab his hand. He turns back around and you tug him down by the collar of his shirt into another kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you so that your body was pressed against his.
“I’m coming!” He breaks the kiss, yelling at his mentor, annoyance evident in his voice. He turns back to you, voice and expression softening. “How about I pick you up tomorrow? No interruptions.”
“Sounds great.” You smile up at him.
He gives you one last kiss, before going upstairs. You grin and giggle to yourself in happiness as soon as the door closes, then fall onto the couch. You grab your phone out of your pocket, excited to tell your Uncle Scott about the amazing night you just had, and the date confirmed for tomorrow.
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youngjusticeslut · 4 years
Something Just Like This (Chapter One)
Fandom: Young Justice Links: FF.net // AO3 Characters:  Jade Nguyen, Roy/Will Harper Summary: Roy uses Jade to find Speedy. Jade uses him because it's fun. At some point, it becomes something more. // Or, Roy and Jade in the five year timeskip, and the years that follow. Rating: M for violence, some cursing, maybe some sex later on if I’m feeling spicy but nothing too NSFW Word Count:  1.8k Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters or the Roy Harper journals from YJL
Athens December 24th, 23:37 EET Team Year Two
Roy doesn’t understand why she keeps doing this.
He aims an arrow at Cheshire’s chest, arms tight, eyes narrowed. The assassin cocks her head to the side. She loosely holds a sai in one hand, teasing him. Despite the arrow pointed at her, she clearly doesn’t see him as much of a threat. By now, Roy knows better than to underestimate her.
“No present for me, Arrow?” Cheshire begins, defaulting into her usual banter. “And on our first Christmas together. I’m hurt.”
A sigh lodges in the back of Roy’s throat, and he fights against the urge to release it. He can’t possibly fathom Cheshire’s inane logic that the two of them are in some kind of relationship. It’s always the same. She’ll tease him, make some snide remark about how lackluster their ‘dates’ are getting. They’ll combat. Cheshire will find some way to press herself against him and then just when his mind begins to question what’s happening, she’ll threaten to blow his cover and he’ll have to retreat.
It’s getting pretty tiring.
Part of him wants to respond to her. Shoot back an equally dry comment, if only to get a reaction. Another part of him, a much smaller, less logical part, wants to give in to her advances. Must be as a result of the clone programming. Less logical reasoning, or something. For now, he’s able to restrain both urges and remains on the defense, ready for another round of keep-away. Maybe this time, he’ll win.
It took Roy far too long to scope out this Lexcorp subsidiary to give up without a decent fight. He only needs a quick look at the place. If luck is on his side tonight, he’ll be able to take care of Cheshire, sneak in, and if all works well, he’ll have the real Roy back home in time for a very late Christmas dinner.
Then again, luck so rarely works out in his favor.
Cheshire slinks closer, using his stiffness to her advantage. In some ways, she’s his perfect foil.  Always moving, fluid, and quick with her mouth. She lacks his restraint, the hard-earned tension that drives him, and for some reason it drives him up a wall.
Roy pulls his arrow tauter, but doesn’t make any sudden movements. “Not tonight, Cheshire.”
“Ooh. Someone’s getting cocky.”
She twirls the sai around her fingers, ignoring his arrow and slipping around him. Her arm brushes his, light and quick. Then she sidles up next to him, inches away. Roy holds his breath, forcing himself to stay focused on the mission. He can’t let her distract him. Not this time.
Roy lowers his bow, feigning defeat. Then, before Cheshire can move, he lets the arrow loose by her feet, forcing her to jump backwards. He nocks another arrow in a matter of seconds and uses it to deflect the shuriken she sends whizzing his way.
Something is different about their combat tonight. Maybe it’s him. He’s angrier, tired of Cheshire’s interference. While her movements remain playful, nimble, his are rough, with a little more sharpness than need be. At one point, he notices an opening when she’s reaching for a weapon and attacks her directly, pinning her to the ground with his bow.
“Enough of this,” he growls, breathing hard. “Why are you here?”
Cheshire laughs. It’s a mocking, sultry kind of laughter that sends shivers down his spine.
“Didn’t realize you were such a Scrooge. Where’s your holiday spirit?”
In one swift movement, Cheshire locks her leg around his thigh and flips them around so she’s on top. Before Roy can shove her off, she presses another sai to his neck. Any sudden movements and he’s a goner.
With her other hand, Cheshire drags a gloved fingernail down his jaw. “What a shame. And after I came all this way to see you, too.”
Roy scowls, trying to ignore his racing heartbeat at Cheshire’s touch. Her games, while unwarranted and certainly unwanted, ignite a feeling in him that he hasn’t felt in a long time. Longing. Albeit mixed with disgust and confusion, but it’s definitely longing. One of these days, she might actually break him enough that he gives in.
Of course, the moment he thinks the thought, he shoves it far, far into the back of his mind. He isn’t thinking straight; must be the exhaustion.
“Why do you keep doing this?” he asks, more genuine than he means to sound.
Cheshire’s eyes crinkle under her mask, amused. Clearly, she enjoys confusing him. “And what is it that you think I’m doing?”
To be fair, even Roy isn’t exactly sure. He’s been careful to operate on the sly, but there’s a possibility that the Shadows have figured out his game plan and have sent Cheshire here to kill him. Against his better judgement, he bites. “If you’re here to kill me, then get it over with.”
Cheshire doesn’t move. Her fingers remain on his jaw, holding it taught. “Do you really think I’m here to kill you?” With her other hand, she pulls the sai away and twirls it around her fingers. “Be reasonable, now.”
She’s right. If her job was to kill him, he would have been dead weeks ago. There would be a whole slew of Shadows here with her, fighting to take him out.
It occurs to Roy that with the sai off his neck, Cheshire has left him an opportunity to escape. Interesting. Either she’s really just toying with him, or she expects him to attack and is prepared with a countermove that will leave him with bruises for weeks. Given how battered he already is, he remains still, pretending he hasn’t noticed.
“So, you’re not here to kill me,” Roy deadpans.
“But you also won’t tell me why you’re here.”
“You catch on quick, Loverboy.”
Roy’s watch beeps. Shit. He missed the guard change. A solid week of stakeout and learning the shift schedules is now completely wasted, thanks to Cheshire’s little interruption. Given that the schedules change by the week, he’s now completely lost his opportunity. Speedy wouldn’t be coming home tonight.
Screw the bruises.
He jerks his head forward hard, crashing against Cheshire’s. It hurts, a lot, but it startles her just long enough for Roy to regain control. Using his arms, he flips them once again, disarms her, and then pins her neck to the ground with his forearm.
Cheshire stiffens, just for a moment. Then she relaxes under his hold. “Wow. If you wanted to be on top, you only had to ask.”
Roy barely has a chance to register her words before she knees him in the gut. He should have braced himself against the blow, but he stupidly flinches. Cheshire uses it to her advantage and wrestles her elbow free so she can elbow him deep under his ribcage. The attacks came so swiftly and in such ferocity that he's forced to let her go. Roy staggers to his feet and grabs his bow, but Cheshire was expecting that. Once she’s on her feet, she kicks him square in the throat so he chokes and recoils.
While he gasps for air, Cheshire grabs his bow. Roy knows that if he goes hand-to-hand with her, he’ll lose, so he’s unable to do anything but watch as she swiftly breaks the bow over her knee. He doesn’t have an equipment cache anywhere in the city and he’s been traveling light, so he doesn’t have a backup bow on him. Athens is now rendered a total bust.
If he was a vindictive type of person, he would seriously have it out for her right now. Thankfully, his morals haven’t completely abandoned him just yet.
“This has been fun,” Cheshire simpers, completely oblivious to his anger. “But I’m afraid I have other plans.” She turns her back to him, sauntering away as if she hadn’t just rendered him completely immobile. Roy stumbles to his feet, breathing hard. “What do you want from me?” he asks, his voice raspy.
Cheshire pauses. She turns back to look at him, the white of her mask glowing in the moonlight. “I think you know what I want.”
“I think you know what I’m after.”
“I do actually. Do you?”
The memory returns to Roy suddenly, like a hot flash through his brain. Much of his memories of the past six months are scrambled, foggy, lost between what he was programmed to do and things he did of his own volition. He remembers now. She was there, with Sportsmaster, his former handler. Taipei.
She knew.
By the time Roy realizes it, Cheshire is gone.
Despite his better judgement, he sinks down on the roof and sits. Cheshire knows about him. If she knows about him, she must know about Speedy. Or at least, how to find him. That certainly changes things.
For the better part of the past two years, he went about it the right way, using all of the League’s resources to try and find his original. Dick, Wally, Jim, Kaldur, Ollie and Dinah… they all tried. He narrows his eyes and grasps at his hair with one hand. Maybe it’s time he stopped thinking like a hero.
If he wants to get closer to the real Roy, he’ll have to use the resources of the people that kidnapped him. The Light. He balls his fist. Speedy must be suffering in their hands, and he’s wasted enough time on his own trying to get to him. Red Arrow would never be able to get close to the light… but Cheshire, a Shadow? She might know. Better yet, she might be able to bring him closer.
Roy picks himself up off the roof, grimacing at the pain in his chest. Exhaustion rolls over him in waves, fighting a loud battle with his injuries. He’s pretty sure a couple of his ribs are cracked, if not broken. There will be bruises on his throat in the morning. Maybe he should have taken up Ollie’s invitation to come back home for the holidays and rest. He wonders if it’s too late.
No. He can’t afford to think like that. If he needs a break to recover and get supplies, fine. But he won’t let himself go home, not to Speedy’s life. He can’t take another holiday away from him. Not when he’s still out there.
Roy knows what he has to do now. The next time he sees Cheshire, he’ll go along with her games. He won’t fight her. She has to know something he doesn’t, and morals be damned, finding Speedy takes priority over any discomfort he has.
He has to keep trying to find him.
No matter the cost.
Athens December 25, 20:02 EET
Tracking Luthor's operations have led me here. Feel like I'm close to uncovering something big—maybe something that could lead me to Roy—but Cheshire keeps getting in my way. Can't fathom why that woman works so hard at thwarting me, except that it seems to give her some kind of perverse pleasure...
But that pleasure may be the key. I'm beginning to think she's my best hope for infiltrating the League of Shadows and getting closer to the so-called Light. Next encounter—I'm throwing the fight.
Oh, and Merry Christmas, Roy. I'm getting closer, I swear.
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thequiver · 2 years
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Oliver Queen in Green Arrow: Year One #1, and Roy Harper in Green Arrow: Quiver #1
“All you have to do...” “There’s always a moment,” he’d say. “Your only job...Is to wait for it.” At that point in my life...It was easier said than done. And of all the exercises the old man put me through it was never the lesson itself that taught me the value of patience. It was his example. When he wasn’t shooting his mouth off about social injustice and corporate “fat-cats”...The man could be as serene...As water. “There’s always time to wait,” Ollie once told me. “Remember that.” Thanks dad... I do.
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eddiestattoos · 3 years
FINI. Posting this then going to cry for the next 5 hours
"Life unions, stop being so romantic"
Clark's lady stealing his powers again
"I'm more than ok. I'm super"
"Starting to regret not packing my intergalactic dictionary about now" Oliver has one?
"No way these are Celtic"
"There's gotta be some way to turn off this death ray from hell"
Ollie and Kara working together!?
Lois running back and forth and Clark just being helpless
Speed demon typer Lois
"Like 800% more awesome than yesterday. Ok maybe 700%"
"No. In Wisconsin"
"The number of heels that I have broken super stretching my legs today is out of control"
*tosses woman aside* "I work out"
I really though Ollie was about to pull out a weapon that shoots two arrows at once but this is somehow more fun
Oliver and Kara putting their trust in each other purely because Clark trusts them both
Not toyman again
About damn time some mention is made of what Lana did for Clark
Lois???? I was really expecting her to just run off before she took his device
Ollie is starting to scare me
Ok I know they get married but I'm crying
The series recap my poor little heart
Lois still has her ring I'm no fool
"Your Copperfield act's impressive"
"Remind me to thank Zatanna for making our nuptials so hassle free"
"It's the best decision I don't remember making"
Ollie pulling out Lois and Clark's wedding rings while him and his wife continue to not have any
The way this woman says apocalypse
Clark fool listen to your mother
"You're never gonna see the big picture if you get stuck in spin cycle"
Chloe working her Chloe magic one more time
The vows I'm crying I want what they have
"I'm such an idiot" I wasnt gonna say it Lo
"Thank god for our favourite Martian"
"If by putting it behind you you mean saying sayonara to your ice dad, selling the farm and hanging out in a cemetery instead of being at a church wearing an uncomfortably starched suit"
"I've been down this road before I've been through this. You know where it landed me? Burning a perfectly good leather hoodie"
"Little birdie bridesmaid"
Clois on opposite sides of the door that scene was BEAUTIFUL
Lois' vows somehow even better than Clark's I'm in tears y'all
Only Clark Kent would walk his bride down the aisle
Chloe's wtf is my husband doing face
Well it finally happened Oliver finally fell off the rails
If this means Oliver has to die I'll full out bawl
You know, Oliver's deep brown eyes are dark enough thanks
Ollie and Clark being all matchy matchy with their suits
Another damn wedding derailed what the hell smallville
Chlollie making out on the literal dawn of the apocalypse
The apocalypse colours are so pretty though
"Its not really time for a father daughter chat there's literally a planet hurdling toward earth
Both Lionel and his look are completely unhinged and I don't like it
"Looks like my purpose in your life has changed" *shoots him* damn Tess
Lionel died twice at the hands of his own children lol
He's alive (insert goofy mysterious voice here)
"Today definitely tops Chloe's wall of weird"
Clois pulling a Chlollie with a make out session
"I'm sorry I wouldn't have had to do that if the world wasn't in jeopardy. And you weren't such a bitch"
"Hello Clark. Can't say I love what you've done with the place"
"You still say it the same way. Astonishment, mixed with a hint of dread, yet a hopeful finish" wow this is actually giving me Lex nostalgia
"I wouldn't worry so much about my dear little sister"
Ok I only like two people calling Clark kal el. Jor el and Kara
Ok I'll accept Zod too
"I got this friend. Cool leather jacket, blurs faster than a speeding bullet. Hes pretty good at impossible"
Hot damn it's a triple arrow I couldn't love it more
Tess? That's it? Tess?
The compilation of his best saves!!
Jor el's pride for his son finally!!!!
"Always had onto Smallville" CRYING
"Come on Clark you can do this" Oliver watching Clark with such pride I love him a perfect final scene
Mama Chloe!
The kid has an arrow set like his dad!!
"Just tell the minister I'm gonna be a few minutes late"
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