partygirl09 4 months
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Lines right now <3
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anaaxiety 24 days
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Some lines of h before bed 馃馃悏 feel like offing myself but oh well, this'll make me feel better for a bit
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allthecanadianpolitics 4 months
A synthetic opioid 25 times more powerful than fentanyl has made its way to the Quebec City region, where public health officials reported Saturday they have detected the dangerous compound in pale green tablets that mimic the appearance of other prescription opioids. The Quebec City regional public health authority warned the compound, protonitazepyne, presents a high risk of overdose, which may require several doses of the life-saving medication naloxone. Health Canada first detected the substance in 2023 and would go on to positively identify it in a total of 25 drug samples by the end of the year. Public health officials working in the Quebec City-area now say it has been increasingly found in the Montreal area since the beginning of 2024. No overdoses in the Quebec City region have been linked to the protonitazepyne tablets, but officials say it presents a very real threat.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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xannorexic 5 months
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merry christmas 馃き
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3m0g1rlyyy 17 days
i am hallucinating please someone help me
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ineffectualdemon 6 months
I was trying to look up opioid intolerance because medical staff don't listen to me when I say they aren't very effective and just make me feel terrible because I just feel super nauseous and dizzy. Vicodin was the worst for that
So I'm reading this on an article about opioid allergies and the highlighted part really pisse me off
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"The occurrence of these adverse effects leads to unnecessary drug avoidance."
It's not unnecessary! I would rather be in pain then be in slightly less pain but feeling like I'm gonna hurl and the room is spinning
It's necessary because I am more functional when I don't take opioids not because I'm high (it never gives me any sort of altered state. I'm not even pain free) but because I'm too busy trying not to puke
And I still can't find any reference to opioids just not working very well if it's not about addiction
I have never had an opioid addiction because why would I when they never worked very well in the first place and made me puke?
This just frustrates me because no one listens when I say they don't work and they act like I want more
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nyrovie-ii 2 months
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Why not in this one?
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brokenxheart 4 months
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o-xytocin 1 year
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Jesse's first shot heroin - Breaking Bad
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she-is-ovarit 1 year
Passing this along for people who might be in recovery, have addictive tendencies, etc.
This is also a good lesson to not just blindly trust products marketed as plant-based, sustainable, etc.
TL;DR - Don't drink the "Feel Free Drink", a product by Botanic Tonics based in California.
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partygirl09 4 months
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Drugs 4ever <3
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anaaxiety 3 months
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From before my shower, starting to nod fucking hard rn 馃い // pure morphine powder 馃
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spankmeplesse 7 months
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abt to have a good night fr fr
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niezywa-poetka 8 days
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gloriitron 11 months
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forensicfield 5 months
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