#Or angst
graylinesspam · 11 months
She's never been so close to the front before. Ahsoka is 14 years old. she's been a padawan for a month and on her first day she hid in a box while enemy troops marched over her.
On her first day, she blew up their shields, disabled their communications, and subsequently ended an entire month-long siege that freed a planet of innocent civilians.
Today is not her first day. it's day twenty-eight actually. Twenty-eight days since she became a padawan learner and she has never been this close to death before.
Explosive shells rain down from the sky, striking the ground and throwing dust and debris in her eyes. she doesn't actually know where she is except that its somewhere she probably should't be.
maybe the worst part Is that she is alone. she's seen glimpses of white armor in the chaos, some running beside her or ahead of her. but they were all too far away to speak to. She never did get a comm. they didn't have any that would fit on her wrist. Anakin said he'd ordered a few in her size. they'd come in with the next resupply. but for now, she didn't have any way of contacting anyone.
The explosions seem to be getting closer to her location but with the ringing in her montrals it's hard to tell. She knows that her feet have grown more unsteady but there's no way to tell if that's due to the ground quaking beneath her or the fatigue growing in her limbs.
another shell lands and nearly throws her to the ground. the immediate bloom of heat across her body answers the question of where they are dropping. Before Ahsoka can reorient herself there's an arm wrapping itself around her middle and hauling her backward away from the blast.
"We have to take cover," the trooper yells. it's the first familiar and measurable sound she's heard in hours. and it makes the explosions sound louder by comparison.
He drags her back through the dust somehow navigating to some kind of rock formation. She can't see much of it through all the dust in the air but she can make out where some of the structure has been blasted off, blackened shards left facing her.
"Where are we going?" she shouts back.
"Here," he responds. "Can't push any further. the only way back is through no man's land. can't risk it."
He wedges them into the rock as far from the blackened crater's face as they can push before the path ends at a sheer rock that they're stuck with their backs pressed against.
"So we just stay here? for how long?"
"As long as it takes."
Ahsoka squirms. He'd pressed her down into the far corner and sat between her and the battlefield. His body pressed against her shoulder to hip. His form obscured hers completely.
"Do we have to stay like this? can't I stretch?"
His hand comes up to cover her mouth. The shake of his helmet was distinct against the side of her head. "There's droid patrols. we have to stay low and quiet."
When Ahsoka quieted her breathing and listened she could hear the slightest clanging of droids between the explosions.
A sensation of entrapment washed over her, with the plastoid digging into her side and the rock on the other. with the sounds of explosions in two directions and the clanking of droids between them. And with her own efforts to choke down her breaths as quietly as possible. she could feel the panic spreading through her blood.
It was not her first day, but it was the first time she was in this position. And she didn't know the first thing about how to handle it.
Despite her best efforts, her breath came faster through the cracks in his fingers. His hand grew tighter pinching her skin as the clanking grew closer. She could see them in flashes as the shells exploded and flashed hot light through the filthy air, soiled with dirt and death. the shadows of the enemy were cast onto the stone parallel to them.
His body pressed harder into her crushing her against the rock trying to compress the two of them into the smallest space possible.
She couldn't count her heartbeats through the pounding in her ears. nor her breaths through his hand. Every calming exercise the jedi had taught her was useless in the face of this.
But as their shadows had grown shorter and clearer they again grew tall and blurry as the danger passed. in minutes the hand he'd used to gag her fell back away, the exposure leaving her pallid skin burning.
"Sorry." was all he said as he finally leaned away, the barest space between them now. his helmet fell back against the wall with a sound almost as quiet as his relieved breath.
She gasped in grimy breaths until she could feel her heart slow into a healthier rhythm.
She isn't sure exactly when night falls. only that it swallows the already dark battlefield in an all-consuming blackness. And still the blinking explosions try in vein to burn it away.
The time passes slowly. or maybe not at all. it's agonizing.
All the joints in her body ache from being folded in the same position for so long. And her lungs burn from the smoke and grime. Still, they wait for the battle to wane.
Again the droids come and go their shadows less prominent as the shells slow their rain. but it only makes the sound of their enemy louder and longer. They sit in tense silence as they listen to them.
Sometimes when the clanking gets loud her hand tightens over his arm guard tension turning her fingers to claws. His hand pats her own arm back in a gesture of reassurance.
She begins to nod off despite everything. Not even the stress in her veins was able to keep her system running forever. still, her sleep is light and she's jolted from it at every suspicious noise.
Ahsoka can't tell if he's sleeping at all under that helmet. But her self-appointed guard doesn't move from his spot as her shield. Not for what must have been hours.
As the fight finally wanes, she finally fades into a real sleep. Unsure how much of the night remains. It's blaster shots that startle her awake. She's sure she's not the only one because his body jolts hard into hers. His hand is already over her mouth before she can draw a breath to scream.
There's a droid standing within sight. it scans across the rocks, blaster raised and ready. The metallic thudding of the rest of its party just out of sight.
The two of them scramble up quickly. The trooper raised his rifle and fired back at the droid. the shot echoed loudly off the stone and the droid's body fell with a clamor to the ground.
"Run," he shouted facing back towards the sound of the other droids as Ahsoka booked it from their hiding place.
She could hear the pound of his boots behind her and the sound of the pursuing droids. Shots rang out from two kinds of blasters as they scrambled toward the no man's land. though the explosions had petered off to nearly nothing the air was still thick and the visibility low. Ahsoka counted that a mark in their favor since they'd be crossing a flat wide expanse in the enemies line of sight with zero back up.
The barest rays of the early morning light were her only guide. She knew it rose from the opposite side of their camp. it she simply ran into it, she'd get to safety eventually.
That was easier said than done with the ground pocked with craters and their displaced stone loose under her boots.
Somehow the sound of droids was only growing louder despite the low visibility. Her breaths grew loud and desperate and she could barely hear the trooper's steps behind her anymore. "Keep going!" he shouted.
The sound of blaster fire picked up and Ahsoka threw everything she had into her sprint. Every inch of energy and all the power she had in the force pushed her forward. She struggled to stay upright as rocks rolled under her feet.
She was startled as she broke through the dust cloud and could see the camp coming into sight. Other troopers were already gathered at the edge, craning their helmets to get a look at what was making all that noise. Rifles aimed in her direction.
But as they caught sight of her two broke away from the line and rushed forward with their rifles lowered. They jogged to her and grabbed her by either arm, dragging her into camp and behind the line of soldiers still aiming their blasters into the dust cloud.
Ahsoka dug her heels in when they tried to drag her away. She craned her neck to catch a glimpse between the line of soldiers.
The next figure that broke through the cloud was not the trooper, it was a droid. And it was executed on sight by what had become a firing squad. Another droid went down, then another, again and again.
Ahsoka didn't count them all. She just knew there were too many. too many droids.
Eventually, she was dragged away.
Anakin was relieved to have her back.
when the dust settled down to the ground again Ahsoka walked through the battlefield. But she couldn't tell one set of armor from another.
Ahsoka has been a padawan for one month, and this mission is the first time she has to fill out the casualties section of her mission report. But she realizes very quickly that she has no information to put down.
She doesn't know his rank or his designation number. She doesn't even know his name. There's a whole page of questions asking for identifiers of the clone who lost his life defending hers. And she has to leave it blank.
There is no database that can identify him based on the way he drug her from danger. Or the way he shielded her with his own body. Or kept her calm in the face of imminent danger.
There isn't anyone who can tell her who he was. All that's left of him is a painful memory.
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #114
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snapeaddict · 2 months
I'm open to Sev, Minerva and Albus prompts by the way - BROTP 😌
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
Still not taking detailed requests, I will soon but not yet. However do you want to see more SFW or NSFW fics? I have several things in my drafts I’m working on, of both.
Anyway let me know what you want to see and I’ll do my best.
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womp-womp-waa · 4 months
Aiden was incapable of love.
Since the minute he was born he didn't know what love is and he was never shown what love is. Immediately, he was given a disadvantage from other kids. When children shared their toys with eachother and laughed with their friends, Aiden was alone at home being home schooled by a teacher who hated him. He didn't even learn what a hug was until he was seven!
So maybe that was it. Maybe he just never learnt how to love or maybe he was never made to love. That realisation wounded him deeply. Will he ever love? Did he deserved to be loved back? Everyone had someone who they loved, even his parents had eachother so why didn't he have someone. Was he really going to die alone? He didn't bother to get out of bed, what's the point anyways. He was going to die alone, so what was the point of trying anymore? Why should he care if he was destroying his body, why should that bother him?
He thought he could never love. Until he felt his first ever rush of adrenaline. It was his first time ever skydiving, his parents were forcing him to do it as it 'wasn't good for the family image if he just sat in his room alone all day". So he jumped out of that plan (with an instructor, of course) and that's when he met his first love. In the sky he felt free, not a worry in the world. He could love, maybe not people but he could love a feeling and that's more then he ever expected of himself.
But then he met Ashlyn, he was pushy at first. Invading her personal space, made her uncomfortable. But situations forced them together, so they both learnt about eachother and respected one another. They made efforts to understand eachother. Aiden wasn't sure what he was feeling towards Ashlyn, was it love? Aiden couldn't tell, he's never been able to love anyone before. But if this is what it felt like romantic or platonic, he never wanted to let this feeling go
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birdpersonz · 5 months
i made more hehe
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ignore the fact i cant draw hands
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ghostwith · 3 months
Okay for all of the 'Skeleton Emmrich' believers I present to you, these parts of Mary Elizabeth Frye's poem, "Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep." As food for thought.
"Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep."
"Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there. I did not die."
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xatsperesso · 1 year
Heyy remember my idea of iruma being too untrusting and slightly manipulative? Remember when i said that opera's onto him?
Yeah so this conversation just popped into my head and i just feel like this would be the first step towards them becoming friends and maybe the first step towards iruma letting his mask down and accepting that this place is safe
So opera finally confronts him because opera wants to know why he's trying to deceive sullivan with a nice smile and sweet words, and they go back and forth until
"Is it wrong of me to want a safe home?"
"..It is wrong if you let Sullivan-sama believe that that is you"
"Well I'm sorry but i no longer know how to be me"
"Then who am i talking to?
"Who's the person who’s been sharply defending himself? Who's the person who stood up for himself? Who's the person who looked me in the and did not back down to defend the home they're starting to build?
"If my eyes aren't deceiving me, I believe that's you, and I'd rather talk to you than that fake any day, any time"
And am i insinuating that iruma in this AU(?) may have an identity problem? From having to put on that sweet, fake smile all the damn time to get his employers to give him a bit more money? To get the lunch lady to give him an extra apple? To please his parents? To stop the adults from asking him unnecessary questions over and over again?
Did i just insinuate that iruma wore this mask so much that because there was always someone there to entertain, that he no longer knows what his personality is like far from the rare quiet nights he is alone and safe?
Yes, yes I am
And may i add on how trippy it is to have neglecting parents that "love" you? Like they will hug you and tell you oh how much they love, but at the same time they're never there. They're never there to be proud of your achievements, to comfort you when you're sad, to make you a loving warm meal on cold days on to take you out on nice days.
But they must have their reasons, and they love you when they're there! (Except that when they're there they only focus on each other or themselves, barely giving you a shred of attention only when they want something from you)
And you just keep convincing yourself that if you're a bit more helpful, a bit more better that they'd love you like the other families does
But, you know, that's not how neglectful parents are. They'll keep neglecting until someone tells them straight that what they're doing is neglect, but what if no one tells them? How is the child supposed to know that he's being neglected? That he grew up too quickly. That he wasn't supposed to learn all this stuff so young, that he isn't supposed to have all these scars that have never healed properly
How is the child supposed to know?
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special-mooon · 1 year
Does anyone have any good Lilia & Silver fics? I wanna read some stories about Silvers childhood ft. Parental figure Lilia 🖐😔
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cuepickle · 6 months
Oh, have you drawn fem!harringrove before?
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Guys it's the sillies.
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Don't worry about Agoti he's having a conspiracy theory moment.
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thebucketpail · 1 year
A short comic inspired by this post by @rainboww0lfie
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Smaller peices:
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teecupangel · 1 year
I'm watching a show where someone offhandedly mentioned they're a nightclub bartender
"That's the way you do it, you make $1000 in two days and you have the rest of the week [to pursue her dream job]."
So now I'm just thinking about
obviously when Desmond first started at Bad Weather he wasn't on the best nights. He was new and didn't know what he was doing. He got the shit shifts, the slow days. He didn't mind. It gave him time to figure it all out--the job, yeah, but also what the attitude of the place was, what people expected from a bartender, a coworker, an employee. He doesn't have a lifetime of norms, he has to figure it out every new place he ends up.
And he does. He figures out what people want, what they expect, and gives it to them. He knows how to read people, how to avoid drawing negative attention.
It helps that he's not bad to look at, too.
So he gets moved to the good shifts, to the busy nights with thumping music and drunk party girls asking if he has a place nearby. And he's in New York, and New York is *expensive*, but also--
"You want another shift?" The manager looks him up and down, a twist to his lips, and Desmond knows he's done something wrong. "If you've got 'em," he says, an easy smile, a careless shrug. "I'm trying to scrape together enough for deposit, get a place that's not halfway to New Jersey, y'know?"
It passes scrutiny, and buys him the time to figure out another set of expectations: people don't like working.
That should've been obvious, maybe. People were always complaining, saying how they didn't want to be there or wanted to go home. Desmond just....hadn't figured that was really an option. Not being an Assassin had never been, until he ran away. And then it was such a struggle to get a job, to feed himself and find somewhere to stay, that he just hadn't thought about it.
But apparently, people don't spend all their time working. He could. He could ask for as many shifts as they'll give him, but that'll get him negative attention and distance from his coworkers. So he gets himself some savings and then he....doesn't work as much. Enough that his manager likes him. Full shifts Friday and Saturday, a half shift Sunday, and there early on Tuesdays for delivery. That only takes a couple hours but he gets paid a half shift for it since no one wants to be there mornings.
And then he has the rest of the week to himself. No training, no evaluations, no missions--and no working. What's he supposed to do with all that time?
Maybe he should learn to play guitar.
Yeeessss. This is so good.
Maybe he tries to learn to play the guitar. Go to a pawnshop or a second-hand store, buy a cheap guitar, and try to learn using second-hand books that teach guitar and music in general.
From there, he starts trying out new things, just trying to find some kind of hobby or something that would keep him busy. The guitar was nice and it was relaxing but it sometimes gets boring so he branches out.
Tries different instruments.
Even bought a cheap mp3 player to play the cheap absolutely not legal CDs he buys from a dude that sells CDs and DVDs of varying ‘quality’.
He could buy brand new items, of course. It’s not like he was spending all the money he gets from his job anyway but he knew that saving up was the normal thing to do. That splurging should only be reserved for what he’s passionate about.
And that’s what he’s trying to find.
Something to be passionate about.
Something… anything… that would not bore him at all.
That would make him feel ‘normal’.
Music, books, movies…
They were nice. They can be relaxing.
But, sometimes, Desmond just gets so bored.
So he tries other things.
Taking walks which turn into people-watching whenever he knows he should take a rest.
He uses what he sees as basis on what he should try out next.
Staring mindlessly at a blank document in front of his secondhand laptop that he mainly used to watch those cheap DVDs (and it took an hour and a waitress asking “Writer’s block?” for Desmond to get what he was trying out, then a few minutes of spent being embarrassed at staring at nothing)
Hell, he tried writing a diary but that just made him remember his father’s warnings. To be a ghost, to leave no trace. He ripped and burned the pages he had already written and threw away the diary the next day.
When he told Lucy that motorcycles were a guilty pleasure of his, he wasn’t exactly lying.
His guilty pleasure had been trying out new things.
Trying to find something that he thinks he would like to keep doing again and again.
Motorcycle driving was simply the next thing on his list.
In the end…
He never did find it…
Something to be passionate about.
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theramblingsofadork · 5 months
My birthday’s coming up in a few days, so I’m probably gonna do something small to celebrate here.
…Even though I don’t know WHAT that is yet, lol.
Any ideas y’all? 🤔
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ask-olive-huchers · 1 month
((Yeah, okay. But-…))
((What if I told you…Adi and Olive DID have a good relationship..?))
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globlingoober · 2 months
I feel like doing the art right now… but I don’t know what to art
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