#Percy's smart people just don't see it
annabethchase06 · 4 months
Honestly, why do people think Percy would not like college?
Most of us assume he's going there just for Annabeth. There's a difference between going FOR Annabeth and going WITH Annabeth.
Just because Percy didn't do well at schools does not mean he can't get through New Rome University. Remember, he struggled because the New York schools weren't equipped to deal his conditions.
He didn't get good grades because he had trouble reading(Dyslexia). We know that he can read Ancient Greek without much difficulty, and the same is for Latin.
New Rome University is equipped perfectly for demigods – which means that Percy would get along pretty fine there. Just because someone isn't getting good grades doesn't mean they're not smart, maybe they just aren't getting the kind of conditions they are comfortable in.
People were surprised when Annabeth mentioned that Percy's getting good grades. Not all people who get good grades are nerds – maybe all Percy needed were teachers who could get him, and he found them at New Rome University.
Just because somebody is not a nerd or a bookworm doesn't mean they're not smart.
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imaginechb · 1 year
Things the fandom often forgets about Jason Grace:
His mother abandoned him at 2 and he survived training with the wolf goddess Lupa at 3
He isn't some dumbass bro himbo like a lot of people think, he's actually really smart and knows a lot of things
He wears glasses and loses them a lot
He's one of the kindest demigods in both camps
He defeated the titan Krios with his bare f*cking hands
AND he killed the trojan sea monster
He isn't the "roman percy", and he's not some knockoff protagonist
He isn't trying to replace or compete with Percy
Percy and Jason actually hardly know each other and there really isn't much of a bromance there like people think (but if you wanna keep being delulu I respect it)
He toppled the black throne of Kronos and earned his position as praetor
He was literally praetor
Which led to him hardening a bit and put a lot of pressure on him to be a perfect leader
He once jumped into the grand canyon to save a girl he really didn't know that well, with no regard to the fact that he would literally die
He isn't boring, it's just that when we meet him in TLH we literally don't know him (and he doesn't either lmfao), we don't have the history and bond we do with Percy
He has a big smile and deep laugh
Jason didn't replace Percy at CHB, people were actually apprehensive of him whereas CJ pretty much DID replace Jason with Percy (treating him as a powerful leader and electing him praetor)
He was literally a child soldier and probably has a lot of issues because of this
He used to squint a lot before he got his glasses
People probably thought he was glaring or judging them, but in actuality he just couldn't f*cking SEE
He's actually a big softie and gives such golden retriever vibes
Canonically handsome
People think he's too perfect but that's because he had to be. He had so much pressure on him to be perfect all the time
He has a calm and steady voice, and even when he's yelling/speaking intensely, it's still steady and strong
TLDR; Jason is literally my fav and Jason hate will not be tolerated here thank you 🫶
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ssparksflyy · 5 months
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what's he got that i don't? 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader summary based off this request!! an i actually love this request sm 😋 in jealous percy we trust
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PERCY sighed dramatically as he plopped himself down on his bed, scooting up to put his head in your lap. he'd just gotten back from a meeting with chiron about helping out with teaching new campers how to handle swords and was quite frankly, exhausted. he'd spent his whole day running around, going from lesson to lesson, already helping out with all sorts of things. he hadn't seen you since breakfast and desperately needed to feel you close after his hectic day. walking into his cabin to see you sitting in his bed reading made him feel like maybe the gods didn't hate him and they knew how to answer his prayers after all.
"long day?" you asked, moving one of your hands down to his hair and ran your fingers through it while the other continued to hold up your book.
"mhm" he hummed in response.
"what'd you do?" you followed up.
"teach, teach some more, help out, then go teach again" he said, "i didn't even ask to be a teacher."
"you didn't ask for a lot of things, just another thing to add to the list babe. im sure the kids who need help greatly appreciate you and your teaching"
"i guess"
you sat in silence for a minute, continuing to play with percy's hair and read. he would've been fine staying like that and maybe even wouldve ended up falling asleep in your lap, but he had hardly spent any time with you today. he wanted to talk to you more and kiss your lips and hug you, but your nose was stuck in that stupid book he didn't even understand.
"whatcha reading?" he asked and lifted his head up, moving it to rest his chin on your stomach.
"the hunger games" you replied.
he mumbled a quick 'okay' and kept his head on your stomach, looking up at you and watching as you read.
as much as percy loved quiet moments like this, it was the opposite of what he wanted. he knew you enjoyed reading, and now was one of the few opportunities you got to read in peace, but he hadn't seen you in hours and (even though he wouldnt admit it) was in desperate need for your attention. when he saw you smile at something in your book, he decided to try for a conversation again.
"whatcha smilin' at?"
you looked away from your book, "nothin. just this guy."
he got up and furrowed his brow, "what guy?"
"he's not real, percy."
"don't matter, what guy is making my girl smile like that?"
you rolled your eyes, "a guy made of ink and imaginations. that's who."
"lemme see" he said, holding out his hand for you to hand him the book.
you handed him the book and watched as he squinted his eyes, trying to read it.
"i can't read."
"i know."
"what's it say?"
he handed you the book back, ""i don’t think it’s going to work out. winning . . . won’t help in my case," says peeta. "why ever not?" says caesar, mystified. peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. "because . . .because . . . she came here with me.""
percy pauses for a second. "you were smiling at that? what does it even mean?"
"see! you dont get it, it's nothing." you said, trying to brush it off.
"mmm i think its something" he said. he already had your attention away from reading your book, now it was just a matter of keeping it up.
"you wanna know? fine." you huffed, "im smiling because i remember when i read this for the first time and i was freaking out because katniss and peeta hardly even talk in this part of the book, and he just reveals that he's got a crush on her, but you don't know that he's actually faking it - but at the same time he's not - because it's set in katniss' perspective, so you're left all 'what was that?! what does he mean!!!' and it becomes something that peeta does again later cause he's smart and knows what cards to play in order for people to like him!!"
he looked at you in surprise, "oh- wow, sorry." he apologized, taking your hands in his, "so is peeta your favorite character?"
you knew you could just give him a simple yes and be over with the whole thing, but if he wanted the truth, then the truth is what he would get.
"yea, he really is. he's just the perfect guy" you said smugly, opening your book back up and pretending to start reading again.
"pfff- yea right! what happened to imaginations and ink?" he said. you could hear the slightest bit of jealousy in his voice and decided to keep going.
"doesnt take away the fact that he's perfect" you said as a mattter-of-factly.
"oh yea? well i think he's a fake nobody."
"fake nobody or not, he's still really smart, strong, an artist, a great baker, handsome in the movies-"
"josh hutcherson is not handsome."
"im gonna act like you didn't just say that." you said, realizing this was going the way you wanted it to, "but gods, did i mention how good of a boyfriend he is? i mean the way he cared for katniss?? hes literally everything a girl could ask fo-"
"hey you know im your boyfriend, not him, right?" percy asked, his tone sounding unsure and annoyed.
you stopped there and put your book down. you didn't think he'd actually be bothered by you talking about a fictional guy. he was never really the jealous type, had he actually taken it seriously?
"perce... are you.. jealous?" you asked in disbelief.
he gave you an offended look that you could tell was fake, "what?! no! course not! why would i be jealous of some fake baker dude??"
you couldnt help but laugh as he continued to try and defend himself from your 'wild' and 'indecorous' 'accusations'.
"i wasnt accusing you of anything! just asking!!" you said through your fit of giggles.
"yea you were! i feel very attacked right now, i though this was supposed to be a safe space!!" you only laughed more.
once you managed to get yourself to stop laughing, you moved closer to percy and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "i was just joking, you know that right?"
he mumbled a quick 'yea' while moving over to your side so he could put his arm around you and pull you into his chest. he left a kiss ontop of your head as you got comfortable in his embrace, putting your book on his nightstand.
percy had gotten his chance to talk to you, and now was able to hold you close, just like he wanted. yes it took listening to you ramble about some other (fake) guy, but who cares!! before finally closing his eyes and falling under hypnos' spell, he only had one more question about the book you were reading.
"by the way, who's finnick odair?"
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uselessnbee · 10 months
something i can't stop thinking about is the fact that Percy Jackson started as a comfort story for Rick's son to show him that his adhd and dyslexia doesn't have to be just a bad thing and the fandom then took Percy and Leo and made them into these stupid idiots that don't even know basic math or "big" words and wouldn't be able to even tie their shoelaces without someone else's (someone smarter's) help
don't yall see how fucked up that is? a big part of this fandom has adhd and/or dyslexia and/or other learning disabilities/neurodivergence and find comfort in those characters. they are called lazy and stupid all the time and then yall decided to take characters with those disabilities and ignore their inteligence and made them into something they are not just because their adhd is more "visible" (read more stereotypical looking) (even tho that's not true either because the fandom made them into chaotic gremlins but in reality Percy is more just sarcastic and snarky and even that is more just his internal monologue for his own amusment and to cope and Leo just uses humor as a coping mechanism to hide his depression and other issues but that's a discussion for another time)
Percy is canonically very smart and strategic. no he isn't very good at school. it's what happens when you're neurodivergent and have learning disabilities. that doesn't mean he's stupid. no he doesn't know everything about greek mythology and that doesn't make him stupid either. but when Annabeth tells him the myth he is very good at coming up with strategies and how to win a fight. he's not smart as Annabeth because Annabeth is literally a daughter of the goddess of wisdom so stop fucking comparing them. are you also going to call Annabeth weak and incapable because she can't control water? no you won't because that's fucking stupid. and Leo. fucking Leo. is literally canonically a mathematic genius and also genius when it comes building stuff. they're both smart. they're not fucking stupid. they know and understand words that are longer than 5 letters. no they do not struggle with basic knowledge. they're not fucking stupid.
and miss me with the "it's just a joke" bullshit
jokes are supposed to be funny
and it's not just a joke for many of you because the number of fanfics where they are written in exactly this way is too fucking high. it's actually surprising to find a fanfic where they are written right
in conclusion: the way this fandom portrays Percy and Leo is reinforcing the harmful misconception that people with adhd and/or other learning disabilities are stupid and i hate it with a burning passion
call me sensitive all you want i'll gladly accept it i will rather be called sensitive for hating that those characters are being treated this way than follow the fandoms harmful idea about them
thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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maluceh · 3 months
Top Lily variants? I've seen so many "[random hp character #10] variants" online, with various degrees of accuracy, but I don't remember ever seeing one for lily. Your Jily ones were so accurate (the only pair I'm not super familiar with was peraltiago, and I know enough about them to know they fit), so I was curious if you had any just for her as a character. You basically wrote the Lily (& Jily) gospel so I trust your takes <3
*cracks knuckles*
I'm about to give you a full detailed dive into Lily's character and personality that you absolutely did not ask for. I’d have to say the ones I had already picked for Jily variants (since I always look for couples where they both have James/Lily’s personalities). I’ll try and make it to ten but there’s only so many characters that truly fit Lily for me. Mostly the characters that I see as Lily, are sarcastic, witty, overachievers, intelligent, charismatic, and snarky…
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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I know you said you haven’t seen it, but TRUST ME. Amy is a control freak know it all, she finds comfort in order and structure. Although she’s a bit more uptight than I imagine Lily to be. Her constant need for reassurance and approval from figures of authority is something I can definitely see in Lily. Her relationship with Holt is kinda what I imagine Lily to be like with Minerva/Alastor. Also, the fact that she is deeply loyal (as most characters in this list).
Over the course of the show she loses up a bit, and learns to have more fun and I think this could be applied to Lily in her Hogwarts years. Lily being a muggleborn is a very VERY important part of her character, as well as her morals and political standing with blood purity.
We can draw certain parallels between her and Hermione (overachievers, Head Girls, prefects), you don’t get those badges by simply passing by through school. So from this we can deduce that Lily was an excellent student that focused on exceeding at school, because there’s an extra need to prove herself among not just her teachers but her peers as well. To make them see that she’s just as much magic as they are.
So, like Amy, she's constantly trying to prove that she is smart and qualified (Amy in a field mostly male, Lily in a world mostly pureblood).
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
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Annabeth too is a smart character that wants approval —in this case, from her mother—. She is more arrogant and snarky, a little sharper around the edges, which is so Lily!!
Her upbringing has made her become more guarded with her feelings and who she puts her trust in, also her reluctance to accept Luke’s betrayal. These are things that I see in Lily’s canon descriptions and appearances. From growing up with a sister that does not accept her and being betrayed by her best friend. In canon, after SWM (Snape’s Worst Memory), when Snape camps outside her common room waiting for her to ask her for her forgiveness she says that she has been making excuses on his behalf for a while. A lot of people call Lily a hypocrite for only ending her friendship with Snape after she was personally affected by his views, but personally I think that’s part of what makes her such an interesting character.
She’s at war with herself, not really there or here, having to be in the middle of two worlds that do not fully accept her (Annabeth with her father and Camp Half Blood/ Lily with the muggle and wizarding world). And after losing one of the people connecting her to a place of security (Thalia/Petunia), she refuses to see that the last person connecting her to that safe place is also going to leave her to join a side of the war opposite to hers (Luke/Snape).
Kate Sharma/Sheffield (Bridgerton TV/Books)
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Kate is funny, closed off and witty. She rushes to judge people and decide for herself whether they are worthy of her time or not, sometimes without even bothering to actually know them. Sometimes (specifically in the books), she’s so ridiculous and funny, not really forcing herself to fit in societal norms, which is something I can definitely see in Lily.
Also, her on the show with Anthony in S3, is just how I imagine married Jily, just perfect.
Dana Scully (The X Files)
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In Dana I see Lily’s fierce loyalty and sense of right and wrong. The hiding of her emotions, and also how determined she is, that even though she wants to believe she doesn’t, not even after seeing hundreds of crazy things happen in front of her, she still clings to her own truth.
Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)/Cinderella (1950)
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Tiana and Cinderella remind me of Lily in the sense of a hardworking woman, also really headstrong and married to her own way of thinking. A shell hard to break, because of all the walls she’s put up in order to survive. Like Lily, Tiana doesn’t take kindly to outsiders and people who come off as standoffish (Naveen/James and Sirius), but eventually ends up getting to know them and treasuring them as life companions. And you might think me crazy for adding Cinderella, but her unwavering kindness and optimism in the face of hardship is undoubtedly Lily, she’s not all sunshine and rainbows tho —yes the 1950’s version—, she hates the situation that she’s in and wastes no time (alone with her friends) to complain about it, she bites back and only “behaves” out of survival, she’s nice and warm but also angry and headstrong.
Yoon Jin-myung (Hello, My Twenties)
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Here is another hard worker female character that I can’t help but see a little bit of Lily in. Although Jin-myung is much MUCH more shy and introverted than Lily, still, she has a complicated relationship with her family and tries really hard to do a million things at the time, forgetting to care for herself and diving into routines of work/school that are almost self destructive.
Honourable mentions.
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Chili (Bluey) Morticia Addams (The Addams Family Values)
Mostly how I imagine Lily as a mom/ her married life (along with Kate too). Morticia might seem like a stretch but aside from her dark interests and aesthetic, she's a loving mom and partner and she puts her family first, she’s also a bit of a freak, like Lily.
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Sloane (Ferris Buller’s Day Off) Pam Beesley (The Office)
Only on the prankster side of Lily, more chill and easy going, losing up a bit to have fun with Sirius and James.
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the-way-astray · 2 days
okay wait if you don’t mind me asking why don’t you like incorrect quotes?
anon, i swear this was not meant to be this long
my reasons are 100% subjective. over the years, i've dabbled in several different fandoms. and i find that the same incorrect quote format is used to describe relationships between characters in different series that i find to not be alike at all. for example, i've seen multiple of the same incorrect quote formats used for both percabeth and sokeefe, when i don't find the relationships to be that similar to one another at all. it's just that people see one dimension of sophie and annabeth (let's say smart) and one dimension of percy and keefe (let's say funny) and then the entire incorrect quote becomes about that. i find sokeefe and percabeth to be two entirely different relationships with few things in common (which i've talked about), but the incorrect quotes flatten them to those qualities only and i don't like that.
the sokeefe-percabeth thing is just an example, by the way, one i picked because i feel most people i'm talking to would understand it, but i've also seen the same incorrect quote formats used to describe relationships like jurdan or kanej . . . and if you've read tfota or soc you know how drastically dissimilar jurdan or kanej are to either sokeefe or percabeth (and each other). and i find that these indirect comparisons drawn between relationships like this flattens certain characters quite a bit. this is how we get stuff like "sokeefe is basically kotlc percabeth" and stuff like that.
then, once a character has been given a "role" (i use the term loosely) they have to occupy all the aspects that come with that "role". so then they're only allowed to be that "role" in the incorrect quote, even if the quote requires them to say/do things they would never say/do, because they've been slated into that role based on that one aspect. take this quote for example:
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keefe has been slated into the role of "one that has a crush on sophie" for the purposes of this particular quote. but keefe doesn't ramble like this. he doesn't like his dad and would never discuss a crush on sophie with him (but this one i'm not that mad about since you could as easily change cassius to ro or something). he doesn't use exaggerated metaphors to describe things and he doesn't speak in purple prose. he does a pretty good job hiding his crush and would never inadvertently reveal it like this. do you see what i mean? because of the fact that the format requires him to be "one with a crush on sophie", he now has to fulfill all the other aspects the format requires, even though they don't apply to him. and it no longer feels like keefe. it flattens him down to this one aspect.
i feel like this flattening aspect of incorrect quotes does have a (very small, sort of indirect) effect on the way characters are perceived in fanon. and i don't like it? it's very weird to me. so i prefer to stay away from it. (best examples i can think of are cardan and kaz, who are both morally gray, but lots of incorrect quotes portray them as hopelessly in love with their love interests or malewives, and while that's true, them being slated into that role for the purpose of the incorrect quote often makes them out to be the kind that would doodle hearts around names in notebooks or blush or be in that sort of cutesy-teenager-with-a-crush kind of romance. and . . . uh . . . yeah, they love jude and inej, but that's like. not at all what either relationship is like. it's just not.)
also some incorrect quotes are so desperate to slate characters into certain "roles", as i call them, that they forsake crucial aspects of the character in the process, or actively make them do/say things that go against something that is a core aspect of that character. and i don't like the way the quote is willing to misinterpret something so crucial to the character for the sake of the incorrect quote exemplifying something much less important like "the funny one" or "the one with a crush on ___".
incorrect quotes also have a tendency to portray what a character actually wants to do, rather than how they would realistically behave, given the circumstances. take this quote (and ignore the weird anti-sophitz-ness for the moment, i'm trying to make a point):
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in canon, it's kind of a point that sophie "isn't aware" of her crush on keefe, so to speak. she knows she has a crush on fitz. she may subconsciously want to kiss keefe, but remember, she thinks she likes fitz. so this incorrect quote just frustrates me because that's not what sophie would do!!!!!!! she would kiss fitz. actually, she would get all nervous and blushy and try to worm her way out of it. and if this is a post-stellarlune quote, and she knows she likes keefe, she wouldn't address fitz directly like that??? she would trying so hard not to look at fitz because omg omg omg i have to kiss my new boyfriend in front of my old boyfriend who appears to still not be over me. like the quote requires you to change fundamental aspects of sophie's personality/behavior to buy it. my analysis brain can't handle that. my problem is that i can't enjoy the quote for the quote, because my brain is always instead picking apart how un-character the incorrect quote feels.
having said all of that, i fully understand that anyone who likes incorrect quotes or engages with them frequently knows all this. i don't think you all are stupid. obviously keefe would never say something like that first example i showed in canon. that's understood! the point is to make fun of his crush on sophie. i get it. it's all in good fun. i just prefer not to engage with incorrect quotes because the flattening aspect makes me personally want to scream that the character would never do or say that, because at this point the character doesn't even feel like the character, so what even is the point of the quote anymore??? and then i get stuck in a loop.
and like i said in my original tags, i would never want to completely get rid of incorrect quotes. they're easy to make, fun, easily digestable, and in general sort of a safe way to get started in fandoms. they're the safety net of fandoms, and i think they really are crucial for smaller/more obscure fandoms where nobody wants to do hardcore analysis stuff but people still want to talk about their favorite media. so i think, for the purposes they fulfill, they're alright.
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
May I ask for headcanons for Grog, Scanlan, Percy and Vax with gn shy s/o pretty please?
Shrinking Violet
Quiet and shy, you've caught the eyes of the men of Vox Machina.
Grog, Scanlan, Percy & Vax x Reader
Fandom: The Legends of Vox Machina/Critical Role
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: N/A
Gender-Neutral Reader
Whoever sends me a proper Percy request next is going to have my hand in marriage. -Finn
Grog has never been shy in his life. It often just doesn't occur to him to be nervous about talking to people. He has things he wants to say and do, so why would he not?
It creates an interesting contrast with you. His booming exuberance compared to your quiet restraint. There's a joke in the party that between the two of you, it averages out to the perfect usual amount of speech.
Grog wants you to feel comfortable around him! He understands on some level that people are often quiet around him because they're scared or intimidated, and he really doesn't want you to be.
You're definitely able to notice that Grog is gentler with you, trying to pull you out of your shell without scaring you off.
The extra obvious tell is Pike trying to very nonchalantly tell you about how Grog is totally chill and you can just talk with him! She isn't the most subtle of wingmen.
He has little restraint and even less shame. He will say anything that pops into his head, no matter how awful it is. Speaking to him will inevitably leave your ears burning.
Scanlan thinks it's kind of cute that you're so shy and makes a game out of getting you to laugh at his jokes and talk without seeming so nervous.
Seeing you when you're happy enough to forget how nerve-wracking social interaction is, melts him. The first time that he made you properly laugh, like a full, loud, straight from the chest laugh, he was left a little dazed.
The innuendos actually get worse. You don't brush them off with snark the same way most of the party does, and he absolutely capitalizes on it to double down on flirting with you.
Percy has a hack for social interaction and it boils down to being rich. He leans into the 'I am important and smart and well-spoken' part of his personality and it gets him what he wants. So even when social interaction is overwhelming, he can just default to that.
So, naturally, he teaches you the finer points of it to help you talk when you need to. He lets you practice with him and only laughs when you start making fun of him.
He is a big fan of leaving crowded situations to go work in his own space, and he will offer you the chance to come with him whenever he does. You just have to hold tools for him while he works.
If you're in a situation where you're stuck talking with strangers, he develops a habit of sweeping in with a convenient reason for you to leave the conversation. It satisfies something deep in his chest when he gets to play your knight in shining armor.
Vax'ildan, king of charming his way behind closed doors. He is pretty solidly at ease in conversations, and when he isn't, he can certainly fake it.
He'll tease you about how shy you are, he finds it adorable and he likes pushing to see how far it goes.
That doesn't mean that he allows other people to tease you or push is though. He will make them fuck off the moment you look uncomfortable.
As a kid, he was shy and nervous, but it has been a long time since he had to watch everything he said. He doesn't want you to feel that talking is going to get you in trouble. As much as he can be an ass, he genuinely wants you to be comfortable with him and the rest of the party.
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thelesbianluthor · 8 months
Saw people talk about the fact that the trio knows every single threat they have to face before they have to confront them in the show vs in the books they actually fall into traps and then have to find a way to escape it.
This is one of the main issues i have too honestly. I understand the choice of making annabeth pick up on the statues and the name of the place and obviously guess "oh that is medusa". It works bc medusa is important and connected to her mother and like the context clues are staggering.
But comparing that moment to the start of episode 7 (which i actually really enjoyed especially compared to ep6) makes the show lose most of the tension they could have.
Like why make it an immediate exposition dump on "oh you are this and you do that and we are here for this and that" i don't mind the change of making the shop the entrance of hell but why can't they just for once fall into a trap like? They are 12 years old trying to avoid a war and fix a situation way bigger than them, they are smart and quick witted but let them make mistakes and NOT KNOW some things.
I feel like a lot of the potential of the first scene went out of the window and it just became a "here's an exposition of a scene that happened in the book" and that way even if you cut it you don't lose anything really.
Changes are a GOOD thing and that is not my issue with the show at all! I have already said that I mostly enjoy the changes that were made and I am not expecting nor want a scene for scene copy but it does make it a lot less interesting imo if they go into EVERY SINGLE SITUATION knowing what they are up against for no real reason.
You can have them know some things and guess who they are up against but like if it happens every time the tension of the danger gets lost a lot and it becomes repetitive imo.
On the good side of things tho I think you can see in general that the trio has gotten a lot more comfortable in the characters and the improvement it's very visible. I already said how I really love the casting and I only expect them to get better at portraying the characters that is a no brainer.
The flash backs were probably my favorite part of the episode along with the way they decided to visually represent Hell.
I love that we get to see a peak of Sally and Poseidon's dynamic and how hard it was for Sally to raise Percy, not only bc of the risks his godly heritage brings but also bc she was a single mother and society in general tends to give up on people that don't fit the mold.
Small Percy thinking his mom wanted to get rid of him and saying "I would never do that to you" even tho she has spent every moment doing her best to protect him vs an older Percy having to choose to leave his mom behind so he can do the right thing even tho everything he has done has been fueled by the desire to save her. That was beautiful and tragic.
Casting in general is incredible bc even with the little we saw of Poseidon (I knew the actor from black sails so I knew he would be great) I think he really nailed it.
Hades is maybe a BIT too silly but I can live with it honestly. Like we'll have time to explore and make other characters deeper later on so i don't see this as an issue.
The decision to make them aware of Kronos and tell Hades is interesting and I do like that he offered to protect Percy if he believed to be at risk.
I understand that with how things are now you never know if a show will be renewed and if you'll get to actually finish your story so I don't mind them making certain stuff known sooner and sprinkling references to future events or call backs (MOA percabeth reference I am talking abt you).
Overall I think that the strongest suit of the show right now is the cast and the way they show characters dynamics and their potential.
Like I have said before my criticism stems from my love for the material and my wish for it to do well. I have opinions that maybe will not match with others and it's okay! Not everyone has to like something! I WANT the show to keep going and grow and evolve into a better adaptation with each step because I really love the basis they laid down, the story and the characters and I see the potential most of all. I can't wait for the last episode.
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pathologicalreid · 4 months
Girlie (gn) you hate Maeve? You have good taste I see, I fucking hated her (well strongly disliked but still) mary sue is such a perfect term, she was just boring and I feel Spencer felt so wet and weepy with her
i don't hate maeve so much as i hate the maeve plotline! i think strongly dislike is a really good phrase to use when talking about my feelings towards maeve's character.
as a character, she's super flat and one dimensional. i think she and spencer were "together" for eight months(?) and the episode where you learn the most about her is the one where she fucking dies. i've spent all day thinking about this and im beginning to think that part of the reason why she is a mary sue is that spencer tends to put people he cares about on pedestals and ignores their flaws.
and youre like "what flaws does she have if you barely know anything about her" and okay i'll tell you:
b-12 and magnesium as a treatment for migraines is fucking insane. i'm not saying it couldn't work, but all through season 6 (re: 6x12 "corazon") spencer is seeing doctors and anyone who has ever dealt with a fuckass chronic disease/illness will tell you that a blood panel like that would be one of the first steps in reaching a diagnosis!!!
why on god's green earth would you have a stalker, be dating an fbi agent, and not let your fbi agent boyfriend help you? i have been stalked before!!!! it's not fun!!!!! i'd take all the help i could've gotten at the time. this has always rubbed me the wrong way because oh my god the solution was right there the whole time. he could have protected you! he would have protected you!
i know they weren't technically doctor/patient but there is still some weird power dynamic in their relationship that gives me the ick. other than they're smart and they read, they really dont have much in common.
their relationship to me is equivalent to the girl i dated online after we met through percy jackson fan accounts. i.e. not really a relationship. most of their interaction was off screen and i think that did a huge detriment to the plot.
in the end, i think the maeve storyline and 8x12 "zugzwang" is a hard watch. i can't take it seriously. i'd skip it, but then i'd miss so much blake content (and hotch looks so good in that episode sorry spencer) (not into the fuckass bob in season 8). at the same time, i know it was like... mgg's idea and i'm pretty sure he's friends with beth riesgraf. (he loves to traumatize himself idk). but the whole thing gets messier when you think about the implications left by 14x15 "truth or dare" and the abhorrent jeid plot in season 15 where it's insinuated that spencer has been in love with jj for fifteen years (zoinks) and it's like what about maeve??? i don't know man (gn) i could go on for hours about this
that being said, i see a lot of people not liking the actress who plays maeve. i am telling you that it had to have been the writing or the directing in the episodes because beth riesgraf is incredible. she played a character named parker in the tv show leverage (one of my favorite tv shows of all time) and let me tell you That Is Her Role.
jesus this was long i had more to say than i thought sorry thank you anon
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shmaimy · 1 month
Okay, I had a thought a few days ago and have been trying to get it right. But. I think I figured it out. (Don't expect 100% accuracy)
So, Pallas and Athena. Athena bursts out of Zeus' head, and confusion and chaos and Hera, so Athena ends up at Triton's camp/school/military base thing. There, she meets Pallas, Triton's daughter, and as such, is Poseidon's granddaughter. The two become close, very close. I've seen them be close as sisters and be lovers, and I'm not 100% sure what they were, but, I mean, they were Greek...
Nevertheless, Pallas means everything to Athena. Athena grows close with Pallas' family, I mean, her mom lives in her dad's head and said dad kicked her out, so...
Then, tragedy strikes. Pallas dies at Athena's hand. Whether it is a true accident, or Zeus' pride... Athena doesn't know what to think. She is sent away, basically banished by the grieving, who forget that she, too, is grieving a great loss.
Poseidon remains bitter, and continues pushing Athena away. They both remain bitter towards the other for thousands of years, and encourage their children to do so as well.
Put a pin in that.
Remember how there were a bunch of people that were really angry about Annabeth's casting? They were wrong, of course, but hear me out. Leah does look practically opposite to how Annabeth was described in the books. In fact, Walker looks more like Annabeth than Leah does (though, you gotta admit, they are their characters irl too, especially Walker)(also, i think the Annabeth being assumed to not be smart because she was blonde doesn't work as well as institutionalized and the many other types of racism. Athena's "gift/curse/however Annabeth described it" is still at play, so people really need to stop it with the hate towards Leah and Riordan)
ANYWAY I think it would be interesting if they made blondeness/light hair a Poseidon trait, and that's why Athena has avoided it like the plague since Pallas' death: its too painful. Contrastly, Poseidon gives his children light hair in honor of Pallas, as well as to torment Athena.
Specifically, Percy looks basically exactly like Pallas. It would drive this point further if the casting of Athena looks just like Annabeth, too. Thus, when Athena first tells Percy, "I do not approve of your relationship with my daughter, " we see so much more than just a spat over Athens (I mean, really, a salt water spring?), we see a romance to last the ages, and a tragedy who's thorns grow ever sharper. Athena is not just being selfish, not wanting a reminder of love lost, but she knows the fierceness of an ocean's love, and would not wish it lost on anyone, especially one of her own. Percy has had a choice thrust upon him: he will be the project child. To the best of everyone's knowledge, Percy will die at 16. Athena will do everything in her power to not hear her daughter cry tears over a child of the sea, not even she knows then so well herself.
(It could also be interesting if Percy looks like a mix of Athena and Pallas (because we know genetics are weird with the Gods), since that would cause extra pain in Athena's heart)(also makes Poseidon extra sad)
(OR Athena makes all her children look like Pallas to honor her. I don't like that one as much)
I also really like an idea I had that it was NOT Poseidon and Athena who invented the chariot, or however that went. Pallas and Athena invented it together, and Athena still uses that first chariot to this day.
Also, it could add some nuance to the Mark of Athena. When the Romans stole Athena, they erased Pallas from her story. Minerva looks like Pallas, and her love for Pallas is gone. She is not just searching for herself, she is searching for the string so interwoven with her own they are the same: she is searching for the soulmate erased from her story.
ALSO, or would be interesting to see this dynamic play out in the 4th book, when Percy is thought to be dead.
I want this to be released as a short film (I would be a great Pallas???? Think about it???? Am I selfish to think that??? Ambitious??? Yes???? What's your point?????????)
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booksforevermore13 · 8 months
Something about the way Percy tries to convince Annabeth about how she should be the one to go on with the quest and not be the one to sit in the chair really hits me in the feels (ep5).
I mean, the fact alone that Percy is ready to lay down his life for someone he barely even knows is just so......tearjerking to say the least, but this is not what this post is about.
Its always portrayed pretty well in the books that Annabeth tries really really hard to live up to people's expectations of her. We see this especially clearly in the Battle of the Labyrinth, where Percy finds her sleep deprived, overwhelmed and drowning in her books and manuscripts.
Annabeth Chase is someone who is extremely self-aware of her abilities. What she might not be aware about is her self-worth.
We see this as she tries to be on her toes at every single waking moment. After all, it's her that people look up to for information, it's her who needs to cater to her mother's pride, it's her who has to be on their guard so that they don't get killed.
And in ep 5, we see that runaway morsel of insecurity when she's not ready to believe she's best for the job. We see that morsel which tries to convince her that she's not enough for the boys. Percy's already said that the reason she's here is not because of her smarts, but because she's too rigid to be his friend(something that he's regretted since but she doesn't know that). Her mother abandoned her the very first time Annabeth messed up. Her father and his family doesn't want anything to do with her. There must be a reason for that right?
I loved the way Percy's the only one who understands this, or at least, is beginning to understand it. I loved the way he tries to drill into her head that it's HER he chose, not because of the whole "you'll be betrayed by a friend thing", but because she's so incredible, and witty, and so fucking courageous. She's here because if it's anyone who's saving Olympus, it's her.
The entire team of writers did a fantastic job of elaborating on the character, but it definitely wouldn't have been possible without Rick Riordan at the center of it all.
And of course, Leah Sava Jeffries is a fabulous actor and she's really sold the fact that I can't imagine Annabeth without her anymore.
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doevademe · 8 months
What do you think of Annabeth as a character ? Letting aside the fact that she's the protagonist's love interest I mean. And what would have been more interesting to do with her?
Oof, this is a hard question because... I love Annabeth, but not in the way the PJO fandom loves her. Most people think she's a great female character, strong and brave and even a feminist icon (which, lol). Me? I just want to study her under a microscope.
I think she's plenty interesting as she is, but the narrative just needs to lean in on her flaws that are already on the text and really explore them, even if that makes her not suitable as Percy's love interest anymore.
Because Annabeth is so messed up, and it's all so consistent with who she is as a character, but I don't believe that was the intention when writing her.
Like, looking at her backstory and how she acts (like she knows everyone and everything best, like she can't do no wrong, how she treats people as being beneath her, even when she loves them) paints a very consistent picture of a damaged young woman with very bad coping mechanisms.
Annabeth has abandonment issues, and that's why she's a strategist. She needs to plan ahead of everything, control every variable, keep tabs on every minutiae, and that checks with her backstory of feeling left out by her father's new family, of losing Thalia, of losing Luke to Kronos, of her estrangement to Athena. She believes that if she's in control, people won't leave her.
This need for control extends to her relationships. We see how she strong-arms Percy into being what she wants. She punches him for not getting that she wants to dance with him, she insults his intelligence so she can be "the smart one", she judo flips him when he leaves, even if it's not by his own choice, because him leaving is her worst nightmare thanks to her trauma. She becomes codependent once they start dating.
We see how every girl who could take away Percy is a potential enemy for that reason. This tracks with how she might blame her step-mother from taking her father away. She hates on Rachel, she thinks Reyna and Hazel may be after Percy. She's a bit of a misogynist because she's that afraid another girl will come and take her relationships away from her.
She also idolizes Chiron and Athena. Chiron was a parental figure to her, one that never left, but Athena... she wasn't present, and Annabeth desperately copes by thinking she must have had a reason, that in her perfection (a perfection reflected in her) she knew she could be great, she just needs to prove herself.
Her fatal flaw is hubris, but that hubris presents itself as a deep insecurity over not being the best, and a fear of being left alone, and that's very interesting. Honestly, if she was real, I would stay miles away from her, because on top of all that, she doesn't want to be fixed, she doesn't think she needs fixing. But in the realm of fiction that makes for a fascinating, layered character. I wish her flaws were actually explored, acknowledged, and eventually overcome rather than just swept under the rug so she could be the Smart Love Interest to Percy, because honestly? Both of them deserve better.
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bheska · 19 days
Last week there was a (dumb) discourse on xwitter about Percy's appearence on the tv show. And it makes me mad that there are people hating on the kids actors and being general assholes for all the obvious reasons, but also because it makes it impossible to criticize the show without someone either a) putting you on the same level as these losers or b) agreeing with you but in the wrong way (the forementioned assholes)
But then people defend the cast by making posts like "Walker makes so much sense as Percy, actually, because *checks notes* surfer stereotypes and ocean is blue, Percy should've been blond, blue-eyed boy all along uwu." Which is harmless, I guess, and no sane person should take this as bait to hate on a 15yo boy who's just doing his job, but really? I thought the point was that he embodies the character regardless of what he looks like and thats what matters.
And look, Rick is full of shit, but I believe that these actors were chosen because they really were the best of the bunch. And I can see that, okay? I do. I've watched interviews, how they talk about the books and their characters, I've seen videos and compilations and edits of how they interact. And until the season 1 aired, I believed we were getting a great adaptation. Made me more sad than angry that we got a boring one instead.
So when I say that show!Percy has his personality watered down to maybe 30%, I'm not criticizing Walker. When I say that show!Grover was reduced to a babysitter, that his guilt over Thalia, his goal of finding Pan, and his love for the nature did not translate well I'm not criticizing Aryan. And when I say show!Annabeth was greatly reduced from this lovely gremlin who is emotional, proud, kind, smart and fiercely loving to the Stoic Smart Girl™ and the only emotion she was allowed to show was annoyance and distress, I'm not criticizing Leah. I'm criticizing the writing. Because the show has problems beyond the characters, it has pacing issues, lighting issues, editing issues.
And there is still time to make it good. I have hope for season 2, maybe the writers will listen to criticism, maybe they found their footing, maybe the episodes will be a little longer and we'll have time for suspense and action and funny moments before uncerimoniously cutting to black. Just don't make me settle for a mediocre show when we all know they have all the tools to make it great
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darkwitchingflower · 2 months
I've lost count but here's another "Sht my friends say as pjo characters" pt like 7???: Also side note sorry if I'm repeating these idr the last one i did lol:
Jason: I opened my glasses case and started panicking because I couldn't find my glasses... I'm literally wearing them
Leo: if I ever have a son ill take every chance to laugh at him
Reyna: Thalia the love magnet. She got b*tches (romantic) when all she wanted was b*tches (platonic) (Gojolover69, see last quotes post by @wraith--2)
Leo: so you're a ho*n't (same person above)
Piper: Stole scientific equipment and everything and we found out the smallest thing in the galaxy is the size of our patience because we gave up the search and stole a gazillion dollar dildo ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna: You're a calculator
Leo: are you calling me smart?
Reyna: no I'm calling you a tool
(I'm Leo and @thatonelazyghost is Reyna here)
Piper: Coach keeps going on about ppl who aren't in and he's like and then there's Annabeth who's broken her ankle ( @wraith--2 )
Will: I'm gay, I have the spidey sense for rainbow things ( @indecisivenb)
Nico: it's not gay if it's from behind
Nico: I'm ready to leave now
Nico: like I'm done
Nico: too peopley
Nico: nvm coach gave me a maulteaser
(Me on my last day of college)
Annabeth: You absolute bean of a human
Piper: Hi its me, Percy, a twink! ( @thatonelazyghost)
Leo: I put Frank down because he's lactose intolerant (me)
Leo: dismember my body and stick me in a lightning McQueen coffin ( @wraith--2 )
Nico: what's your sexuality
Ghost swings it back and forth*
Nico writing down bi: Ah you swing both ways ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna about Leo: DAM bros balls didn't drop
Leo: ...and the tip was empty
Nico: is anyone gonna pay attention to the fact Leo's dead?
Nico: You're dead shut up
(Nico is @thatonelazyghost and I'm Leo here)
Luke: I'm no p*ssy ill skin my victims infront of the lifeguard ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: like do you moan daddy, mammy or parental???
Playing stardew valley*
Nico: I love Willy
Everyone dies*
Percy: I love cream in my mouth! (Ider the context for this I just know the sake friend said the quote above this one too so it may be smth to do with that idr)
Leo: I don't need a psychiatrist I- ( @duckbakery)
Piper: you need God (Gojolover69)
Playing DnD*
Leo: I also successfully charmed a woman at the bar, then Nico ( @duckbakery ) goes
"The woman leads you away"
Everyone else: "ohh wait hold on ooo whats going on, dayum"
Nico: "you come back 2 minutes later"
Everyone dying laughing
Nico: "you went into a private room but couldn't stop talking about pirate ships so she gave up"
Alex Fiero (I think that's their name? I haven't read Magnus yet): Oh so YOU'RE the gender goblin ( @thatonelazyghost )
Mr D: I'm literally the god of gender identity, furries and monsters
Piper: I want someone to yippee on my body ( @thatonelazyghost )
Leo: Leo you should know better its because of your feminism you f*cking freak
Annabeth: Freaky feminists have got to be my favourite breed of gender (she was totally talking about Thalia here) ( @wraith--2 )
Calypso: Leo always finishes early
Leo: ye I do- WAIT WHAT?! ? ( @duckbakery )
Playing stardew*
(Me about another friend)
(Pic of character at end of post)
Nico: do you have any food?
Hades: Nope ( @duckbakery )
Nico: guess I'll die then
Thalia: I have a dead cat in my shed
Thalia: Read that again
(I was Hazel here)
Rachel: I do other stuff than being ginger ( @duckbakery )
Percy: If you don't sleep rn im gonna call you tickle tipsin
Annabeth: ... what ( @duckbakery )
Nico: call me what now (me)
Percy: it's from the "it's been a year daddy" video you freaky f*cks
Nico: it's a beautiful day outside... f*ck- (GojoLover69)
Playing stardew valley*
Piper: annabeth ya know he likes pickles right?
Me: ya
Hazel: who like pickles?
Piper: Harvey
Hazel: divorse him!
Piper: ye he clearly likes men
(I'm annabeth and @duckbakery is piper here)
(The text was sent too early)
Percy: sorry I'm late I got blown
Percy: into smithereens
( @duckbakery )
Percy: This is more zesty than Piper and that's saying something ( @wraith--2 )
Leo to Jason: F*cking senile b*tch
Jason: I'm older and wiser except I'm not smart ( @duckbakery)
Piper: forget the fact I split a gay man in half in the gc ( @wraith--2 )
Coach Hedge to frank: why did you feel the need to @everyone about percy and annabeth getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ( @thatonelazyghost )
Annabeth: oooh eloquent 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 ( @wraith--2 )
Reyna: Perchance you can suck my d*ck ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: Perchance you can commit tax fraud with me (Gojolover69)
Piper: Perchance we can stab ppl together ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: Perchance. Get on the f*cking boat and let's hunt 😈 (Gojolover69)
Rachel: perchance 7 half bloods shall answer the call to storm or fire the world perchance must fall with an oath to keep with a final breath perchance as foes bear arms to the doors of death perchnace (me)
Nico to will: Perchance you and me should fall into tartarus ( @wraith--2 )
Thalia: perchance we should all hug and kiss in a platonic way ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: Perchance that is an excellent suggestion (Gojolover69)
Reyna: Perchance I shall kiss Thalia completely platonically ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: perchance that platonically is bs (me)
Reyna: Lies I'm off at sea and don't see Thalia every morning ( @wraith--2 )
Percy: i know for sure you've found a way regardless ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: I feel like this is bullying ( @wraith--2 )
Leo: guys we need to do among us in real life ( @duckbakery )
Annabeth: That's already a game Leo, it's called mafia ( @thatonelazyghost )
Percy: I see you've grown a brain can you share (friend from work)
Thalia: the need to refer to eachother as "love", "dear" and "pookie" is strong but the aro is stronger ( @thatonelazyghost )
Piper: this whole group is secretly but not very secretly a big polyamorous relationship ( @thatonelazyghost )
Reyna: So glad the sex aversion in me is strong cause imagine the stds going round this place my God ( @wraith--2 )
Annabeth: i'm iconic i'm quotable and i'm autistic ( @thatonelazyghost )
Leo: Are you a heinz baked beans, extra rich tomato sauce-sexual? (Gojolover69)
Percy: So my mam booked me and my sister a swimming lane for tmr morning, and I'm like oh dear God mother, u do know I'm currently blasting liquid magma from my a*s, which travels at super sonic speeds, do you reckon this is safe for public health? (Gojolover69)
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 8 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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tagthescullion · 11 months
The Undead Diary of Luke Castellan
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rating: T
Summary: It's not Luke's fault the Underworld is understaffed and some of its doors connecting with the living world are left unattended.
Words: 2929
AO3 link
I’d like to begin this story by saying this wasn’t my fault.
Not completely. Or well, not exactly.
The decision was mine, I guess. Except that it wasn’t a decision. More like an impulsive action that turned out to have big consequences.
But, in my defence —a line I’ve been using a lot these past few years, and, come to think of it, all of my life—, I was left unsupervised.
Let’s go back to the beginning.
I died.
Was it painful? Yes, very. Was it unfortunate? Many would disagree. Did I have it coming? I might have, yeah.
At any rate, my arrival in the Underworld had been most expected (by both the demigods alive and the ones whose deaths I’d had a hand in). All things considered, betrayal to the gods and my old camp-mates and whatnot, I hadn’t exactly hoped for a loving welcome committee. 
If I’m honest, my judgement and the execution of my sentence were far less harsh than I probably deserved.
Hades himself was in charge of my fate, and to my utmost surprise, he vetoed the judges’ decision to let me burn in acid in the Fields of Punishment. Instead, he suggested I made myself useful, to account for all the destruction I’d brought.
“My domain has expanded exponentially in the past century,” Hades had said. “Daedalus has proved a worthy addition to my efforts to keep it organised efficiently, and you will follow his example if you’re smart.”
And for the past year I had done my job well enough to keep the Lord of the Dead content.
Daedalus was grateful for another pair of hands, so to speak, for I’m not entirely sure I really had hands, or if my spirit’s consciousness believed it hard enough to make it feel that way.
The old man was an incredible and astute engineer, but he had trouble controlling his workers. I, on the other hand, had no idea how to even build a bridge with legos, but I had lots of experience in the field of leading reluctant people, monsters, and even minor deities into battle, which meant organising souls into efficient work groups was a piece of cake. And so I did —carefully watched by one of Hades’ Furies, of course—.
At the beginning, I didn’t see any fellow demigods. Not any I knew, anyway. I was sure some of the souls working under me had been demigods in the past century. 
It wasn’t that I didn’t have the time, Hades had given me Wednesdays off —I didn’t really know what day of the week it was, time is an elusive variant in the Underworld, but the Fury was kind enough to remind me—. I just didn’t have the courage to face my old acquaintances just yet.
I kept to the outskirts of Elysium. Souls don’t need to sleep, don't need to eat, don't need to do anything, truly. So I wandered around, looking remarkably like the souls who’d forgotten themselves after so many years. 
One day, I was spotted by Lee Fletcher. 
It felt like a dagger through my unbeating heart. Lee Fletcher had been my best friend and the second person I’d failed to convince to turn to Kronos’ side. I was glad Lee hadn’t joined in the end, but I’d been shattered when I learned of his demise in Zeus’ Fist at camp.
Lee didn’t look particularly surprised, though. 
“I was hoping you’d show your face around eventually,” he’d said. “You deserve a punch in the face and a friend to listen to an explanation.”
I had then offered my old friend a crooked smile. “That’s why I didn’t come round.”
Lee walked with me for a while in silence. I didn’t feel like explaining, and I suppose Lee didn’t feel like forgiving just yet.
After a couple of weeks, it became our Wednesday routine. Lee dared to speak before I did. He told me of what he knew of our respective siblings, and what he knew of everybody else, really. Demigods died and brought news even after the Battle of Manhattan. Obviously, a lot less frequently, but demigod life wasn’t easy in peace times either.
At some point, Lee managed to convince me to meet Silena. 
I assumed if anybody was also wary of our former friends it was her. She’d been a marvellous informant, but that had also made her an incredible traitor.
There was a fraction of a second of tense silence when we stood face to face. Then Silena bursted out into sobs and hugged me tight.
“We fucked up,” she cried. “We fucked up, we fucked up…”
I agreed, of course. Gods, we’d fucked up big time.
Slowly, Lee threw more people my way. 
Traitors at first, all of them filled with guilt and remorse. I imagine if they weren’t, they would’ve been burning in the Fields of Punishment with the acid the judges had wanted for me.
Then, there’d been a couple of kids who’d never joined my side. They were reluctant, I knew, but they clearly respected Lee enough to go along with him. 
Eventually, I got used to the nasty glares, but, more surprisingly, I started getting comments around the lines of, ‘Something had to be done, though’, ‘They really don’t care much about us, do they?’.
Through Lee’s diplomacy and my visible humility and apologetic behaviour —which wasn’t natural to me, but I wasn’t exactly in a position to start defending myself—, my old friends appeared on my Wednesday walks without being coerced. And I even stopped dreading those meetings so much.
That was until spirits started disappearing.
It was rather chaotic at first. There was fear around, which wasn’t common in Elysium. 
But then the fear turned into hope. They didn’t disappear. Rumours said they were going back to life.
My inner curiosity got the best of me, as it always did.
One Wednesday, I led Lee and Silena to Melinoe’s cave. She wasn’t home, which made me wonder whether she was in her father’s castle or just roaming around, scaring the shit out of innocent mortals. 
When Melinoe wasn’t in her cave, there was always Thanatos, I knew, making sure nobody snooped around like we were doing. Thanatos was a rather strict fellow, and a very good ally to Hades. 
In retrospect, it was easy to see he hadn’t been seen around in a long while. But then again, it’s easier to notice those things in hindsight. Time, as I said before, is hard to keep pace of in the Underworld.
“I don’t like this,” Lee said. “I don’t think we should be here.”
“Don’t worry,” I reassured him. “Worst case scenario, they’ll blame me.”
Lee smiled. That had been a thing even before I left camp. Whenever something fishy happened, Chiron was always quick to point at me rather than Apollo’s golden son.
“I’d rather they blamed nobody,” Silena said. “This place feels terrible, let’s go back.”
I stared at my friends. Didn’t they realise? Thanatos wasn’t here, neither was Melinoe, the Furies would need some time to catch us.
“It’s a way out, guys!”
“Out?” Lee’s expression turned uneasy. “Listen, Luke, we shouldn’t mess around with that idea.”
“It’s been done before,” I insisted. “Or almost.”
“I’m with Lee,” Silena said. “What’s happened, happened. We can’t leave. We can’t go back.”
“There’s nobody here!” I took another tentative step into the cave. I felt a pull, pushing me out into the open, but I went further in. “It feels… strange.”
I felt warm and cold at the same time. I hadn’t felt much since I’d died. My spirit had felt a trace of sensation, but it was muted. As if it was a memory rather than the real thing.
Could I possibly go out? Into the living world?
Over the past year I’d pushed down those feelings of incompleteness. There were still so many things I wanted to do. So many apologies. But two in particular. There were two people I’d have given anything to see.
And perhaps, if there was nobody to stop us, we might be able to leave!
“Luke, stop it!”
But Lee’s voice grew dimmer in my ears. 
I could meet them again, my two girls. Explain, tell them how sorry I was. 
The force pushing me back grew stronger with every step, but it was no match for my determination.
Step after step, the sensations enhanced in my chest. Cold and warmth, and even a hint of nausea. The ground sloped down, slowly at first, then steeper as I kept going.
Then I realised I could smell. It didn’t smell like a musty old cave, it was the smell of summer. Of hot wind and freshly cut grass.
It only made my resolve stronger.
It was pitch dark. The light from the entrance of the cave had been lost completely. 
I went another step further. Then another step. And another step.
I took a deep breath. I could breathe. I was breathing!
Another step. Another step. Another step.
The sound of my heartbeat filled my ears. Loud, strong, quick. Deafening.
Another step. Another step. Another step.
The force pushing me back was so strong now, that I almost tripped. But I regained balance and managed to keep going.
Another step… Another step… Another step…
Then the ground disappeared. 
And I fell.
My first sensation when I woke up was warmth in my face. 
A memory stirred in my mind. The smell of ripe strawberries, the laughter of children free for the summer holidays, the rhythmic sound of waves, a towel under my body, and the warmth of the sun hitting my exposed skin. 
It was the sun. The sun! I was feeling the sun on my skin!
Then the feeling disappeared, and the brightness I could see through my closed eyelids banished.
A soft hand patted my cheek carefully.
“Hello?” Said a woman’s voice. “Young man?”
I opened my eyes slowly. Outlined by a halo of sunlight the face of a pretty woman of about thirty hovered around a metre away from me.
I tried to speak but my throat felt like sandpaper. 
“It’s okay,” she said. Her voice held a trace of an accent. “It takes a while to get used to being back.”
In spite of the burning feeling in my throat, my face split into a grin.
“Back,” I rasped. “I’m back.”
The woman helped me sit up. 
I studied her properly now. Her skirt, blouse, and sweater looked old-fashioned. Her hair was loose, but it curled in that style I’d seen in a thousand WWII movies. She had a warm smile and a clever look.
“I’m Luke,” I said, offering her a hand. “My name’s Luke Castellan.”
“Maria,” she replied. 
She looked at my hand and shook it after a second of hesitation. 
“I keep forgetting Americans shake hands. So impersonal,” she stated with a raised eyebrow. Her tone was teasing though.
“Are you—” I caught myself. “Were you dead too?”
“Right to the point, yes?” She smiled. “Yes, I was dead. I have been for a while. But now I’m here, and I need to find my son.”
“Your son?” I was surprised. 
My perception of ‘mother’ isn’t the best, but this woman didn’t look like a mom to me. She looked like an old time movie star, those that always had perfect make-up, in the black-and-white photos I’d seen in the cinema close to my place in Connecticut. 
“Yes,” she said. “My little boy. He should be an old man by now, I would have expected.”
“But he isn’t?” I wondered.
She shook her head, anger and sorrow transformed her expression.
“My daughter passed away,” she told me. “Not too long ago. She should have been old, but she was still a girl.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. I looked down, and when I spoke it was full of bitterness. “Children’s lives should never be at risk.”
And despite what many may think, I do believe that kids shouldn’t be put in the line of fire.
Maria nodded, swallowed, and composed herself so fast I felt a little thread of envy. If only I could’ve put up a cheerful façade that quickly…
“You don’t look old enough to die either,” she decided, giving me a once over.
“I think I deserved it,” I admitted. ‘It was my choice’ sounded a bit too harsh. “Besides, I’m 23, that’s better than dying as a child.”
Maria huffed. “23 is still so young.”
“As opposed to…?” I asked. 
She seemed horrified by my audacity. 
“A lady doesn’t ask nor answer that question,” she said firmly. “And neither should a gentleman.”
I shrugged. She sounded fancy. I guessed in whichever time she came from, old-money people stuck to those ridiculous social rules.
“What do you know of your son?” I wondered. “Do you know where we can find him? Hell, do you know where we are?”
I scanned my surroundings. My eyes were unused to the sun, which made me squint a bit. 
It looked like a meadow. The land was flat, not a hill on sight. The grass was green and soft under me, and far to my right, there was a big house.
“Italy,” she said. “Veneto.”
Holy shit. 
“A bit far from where I expected to be,” I said.
“The Underworld has many exits,” Maria told me. 
My muscles tensed. I had assumed she was a lost mortal, who had followed the path out of the afterlife by accident, but mortals in Italy wouldn’t be likely to call the Underworld by that name. Nor, I guess, would they be likely to have children who were supposed to be old but looked young.
“Oh, I know about all of this,” she smiled. “My children are— were, like you. Demigods. I’m… what’s that term he used? Clear sighted?”
I nodded.
Italian demigods. Did I know Italian demigods? Probably a fair few, but I wasn’t sure if any of the ones I’d met were from Veneto.
And she said she had died ages ago. Whoever her children were they would have been taken out of time. 
It rang a bell in my memory, but my mind wasn’t clear enough yet for me to recall properly. Not to mention I’d known dozens of demigods who had bizarre stories. 
Thalia was a tree for a while, she’d looked younger than she should have been that time she pushed me off that cliff. 
Annabeth and her little gang had been in that Casino thing in Vegas, that had messed up time for them, too. 
And the Sea of Monsters, there were a lot of islands there where children could have been stuck in time for decades.
“Are your—,” I hesitated. “Did your children ever get to camp? Camp Half-Blood, in New York?”
Maria’s expression turned dubious. “I think so. Bianca didn’t explain much, she didn’t stay long. But I reckon wherever my boy is, it’s in America. That’s the last place I saw them.”
That’s where she had died then.
“Then camp’s our best bet,” I said. “He’s alive, he’s likely to have at least crossed paths with somebody from there.”
She nodded. 
She turned and pointed at the house in the distance. “That’s my family’s home. You can stay there for a bit. To rest.”
She stood and offered a hand for me to get up too.
“I— Yeah, thanks,” I said. I felt weak. I’d just come back to life. She was right to say it took some adjustment. I wondered how long she’d been back. “I could use a place to sit for a bit.”
In exchange, I could help her find camp and her son. Assuming the kid was still alive, that was. I wouldn’t go to camp myself. I’d be stoned the moment I set a foot in there. But leading Maria there was the least I could do after she’d been so kind to me.
I just hoped her son wasn’t somebody I knew. That could make things awkward.
We walked for a bit in silence. As we got closer, the house grew bigger and bigger. ‘House’ was an understatement, I thought. The place was huge. 
Balconies, huge floor to ceiling windows, at least four storeys tall. It had a path that led to the main entrance lined with orchard trees, and off to the side there was a less pretentious dirt path that I assumed went to the servant’s entrance.
“I’m sorry,” I said, before I could stop myself, pointing at the immense building in front of us. “But did your family own Italy?”
Maria gave me a funny look. “It’s not such an ostentatious place.”
Perhaps if you are related to the Windsor family, then Maria’s family’s house isn’t ostentatious. If, like me, you come from the US suburbs, then it’s something taken right out of Downton fucking Abbey.
“My father was a marquess,” she explained, when she caught my cynical expression. “Sua grazia, il Signor di Angelo, and all the paraphernalia it came with. The house is all right, but we weren’t…”
But I had stopped listening.
Di Angelo. I did remember that name. Di Angelo was that little kid who’d popped out of nowhere with an army of undead soldiers and his godly father on toe.
But not even I couldn’t be that unlucky. 
“What’s your son’s name?” I asked, as casually as I could.
“Niccolò,” she said with a proud smile. “But everybody always called him Nico.”
Nico. Nico di Angelo.
Well, fuck. To nobody’s surprise, I could be that unlucky.
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