#Please save them. qwq
cheshirehedgie · 8 months
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Double release LET'S HECKING GOOOO >w< Here's hoping he can swing back to inno this time, I believe in him!!
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foolstower · 11 months
Soooo, me again :) (I asked about your rules and things) long story short: I'm being a simp for stardew valley Sam at the moment and I have a feeling that there aren't a lot of os about him :( just can't decide on which idea to ask, if it's ok with you could you please choose one you feel most likely to write for?
° Tattoo date to zuzu city
° some comfort after y/n stands in front of his door to stay for the night because their parents had fought again like everyday and needs some time away (romantic or platonic)
° y/n sees him backstage after the concert kissing penny, thinking they won't have a chance but turns out he doesn't like penny and that's all a misunderstanding (you can choose if it should involve smut or not)
° saving his crush (y/n, what a surprise) from her toxic relationship and showing her how much better he could treat her (also, fluff or smut
Sorry if it's a lot to choose from qwq I just have so many things I think would be nice to read about him qwq
I was so tempted to do the penny one but chose to do the toxic relationship prompt instead. I'm definitely gonna keep that penny idea in mind though. Thank you so much for your request I loved all of these ideas! hope you enjoy!!
(Sam stardew valley x reader)
Leaving zuzu city was the best thing you could've done for yourself right? Or so you thought, a raging voice was leaking through your cellphones speaker. They were on another drunken stupor, crying and yelling for you to come back. To sell the farm house and just come back. Aren't they more important? Than your stupid fantasy of being able to live off the the land.
"You'll starve!" They said. "What's even out there that has you wanting to stay so bad? It's been a few months.....you probably met someone didn't you?" Before they could continue you interrupted them.
"I'm done. Call me tomorrow morning when you're not drunk." You flatly stated and hung up. You were sure you'd wake up to many angry texts tomorrow morning, followed by a string of apologies. Promising they'll never say those things again, they didn't know what they were thinking. They just miss you so much that it's hard to cope.
You laid down in bed and hugged your pillow tight. Curling into a ball around it, you reminisced on your situation. For the past few months, you'd be lying if you didn't admit your empty bed brought you comfort. After a few years of living with your partner you'd grown used to their arms holding you down as you slept, unable to toss or turn. There was no room to breathe, no space to stretch. But ever since living on the farm you'd grown accustomed to the freedom. More than just physically but mentally too. Regardless of this you still longed for their companionship.
Sometimes the emptiness of the farm house was too much, you supposed.
Silencing the swirling thoughts in your head you thought of someone sweeter. A radiant light that showed itself on a dark night.
You were sat at the pier near Willy's cabin staring into the depths of the ocean. You'd only lived in stardew valley for a week and you were already begging your significant other not to come pick you up. You'd already turned off your phone at that point and were gazing at waters moonlit surface. You were drowning in your thoughts when you met him.
Light steps etched closer before he sat next to you on the pier. He talked to you as if he'd known you for years.
"What's got you out here so late?" He asked as crossed one leg under the other. "Stargazing?"
"No.. the stars are beautiful tonight though." Your raspy voice answered. Pointing your attention to the sky, Sparkling little glimmers shined happily. Blissfully unaware of any and all earthly issues. He was silent for a moment before he spoke again.
"Are you ok? Wanna talk about it?" He questioned. You thought on it for a second. Who was this guy? Worrying over someone he's never met. Regardless you found yourself gravitating towards his kindness. Maybe he was someone you'd like to know.
"What's your name?" You countered with a different question, finally looking over at him.
"Sam. and you?" He said. A small smile shown as he took in your features. He couldn't help but wonder what got someone so cute upset like that. It was dark but he could still see the reflection of the tears on your cheeks in the moonlight. Though you were a stranger, it upset him. He wouldn't pry though.
"Y/n." You said as you rubbed your face dry. "What brings you here?" You asked genuinely curious why anyone else would be out so late.
"Well honestly I came out here and thought you were my friend sebastian at first." He said with a small laugh, hand bashfully behind his head. "I was gonna ask him for a cig but instead I saw a cute girl and thought I'd introduce myself." He winked pointing a finer gun at you before putting it away. You blushed at that but smiled none the less. Something you hadn't done that whole day.
"Well unfortunately I'm taken but I appreciate it." You softly stated. At the time you couldn't quite place why you felt dissatisfied with that statement.
He let out a 'aww' but still stayed in his spot next to you. "Unfortunately? That doesn't sound too good." He prodded.
"Yeah......things aren't too good at the moment. But every relationship has a few rough patches right?" You sighed. It was mostly a question for yourself honestly.
You picked up your phone and saw through the blinding light that it was 1am. Knowing you had to wake up early in the morning, you sadly had to say goodbye. "Sorry sam. It was nice meeting you but I have to go to bed soon. It was nice taking to you." You said as you got up and dusted off your pants. You gave a small wave and turned to leave only taking a few steps before getting stopped.
"Wait!" He yelled still seated. "You wanna hang out sometime?" He asked. The pleading look in his eyes was something you couldn't say no to.
"Sure, you free tomorrow morning?" You asked almost too eagerly. Sam silently cursed in his head. He had work tomorrow morning and his boss was already annoyed with him. But to hell with all that.
"Yeah I'm free."
You awoke from your slumber still glued to the pillow you had fallen asleep with. Getting up and untangling yourself from all your blankets, you were able to finally escape your mess of a mattress. You stretched and some of your bones popped from being still for so long. You groaned, you felt like you'd been asleep for days.
You made your way to the kitchen with a yawn and poured a glass of water. The drink successfully woke you up and you rubbed some of the drowsiness out of your eyes. Drink in hand, you went back to your bedroom to do the inevitable. Check your phone.
With a heavy sigh you unplugged it and dived deep into the various messages that had been sent throughout the night. As you had predicted most of them were from last night. Messages about how they just want the best for you. How they were hurt that you actively choose a dead dream over your relationship. But they love you and they're sorry for what they said. But what they said next made your heart race. And you didn't know if it was in a good way.
'Please y/n can you forget about everything? Just for tonight? I'm coming to visit you. I don't care about our problems anymore I want to see you, I miss you. I'll be there tonight.'
You texted them back that you needed time. You weren't going to just ignore everything now that they wanted you to. It'd been a while since their last visit but you were too upset to even fathom seeing them. They didn't reply.
After exiting the text, you opened up one from an hour ago from somene who knows how to cheer you up.
Sam wanted to know if you were free in a few hours so you could go with him to the beach. Jas and Vincent wanted to go play by the ocean and he wanted to know if you wanted to tag along so he wouldn't be bored. You smiled to yourself and texted him back.
'Of course! I'll see you in a bit, gotta take care of some things on the farm then I'll head that way.'
You threw your phone on the bed and changed into your outfit. After throwing on your shoes and successfully tying them up, you made your way outside. Forgetting your phone on the bed.
After feeding the chickens and watering the crops you felt much better. Something about doing little things on your farm were fulfilling to you. Putting your watering can back in its place you made your way to the beach, hoping he didn't wait too long for you to get there.
As you got closer to where he stood on the beach, you made sure to stay silent. Finally standing next to him, he jumped a bit when he noticed you before laughing nervously.
"Jeez! Do you like doing that? How are you so quiet all the time?" He asked placing a hand over his racing heart. You did like doing this. Who wouldn't like to see that face he makes?
"Sorry, it's just so easy sometimes." You laughed. He gave you playful glare before looking back out toward the kids. After confirming they were ok and still on beach he turned his attention back to you. The sun made his blond hair shine more than usual and you could see that some of it was actually bleached from so much exposure to it.
"So? Got anything planned today? You could come hang out at the saloon tonight if you want. Me, seb, and Abby are gonna play pool tonight. It'd be nice to have some good luck on my side." He said elbowing your arm lightly. You smiled and seriously thought about taking him up on the offer. Sadly the life of the farmer isn't as free as you'd originally thought.
"Sorry, I bought a bunch of seeds from Pierre's yesterday and didn't get around to planting them. I'll probably be tilling the land all day." You sighed, already anticipating how bad your arms would hurt tomorrow.
"Aww I can help! It can't be too complicated right?" He offered. He wasn't unually one to volunteer to do work but in his mind, any time with you is a good time.
"It's ok I wouldn't want to put you through that pain." You half joked. "Also you have work tomorrow, it's gonna suck stocking shelves with sore arms." He went to argue but you stopped him. "Really, it's ok. Go have fun tonight you have to hang out with your other friends too you know." You both laughed knowing the two of you have been stuck to the hip since you met.
"Alright alright, if you say so." He said playfully. He looked out into the distance once again noting jas and Vincent's locations before looking back at you. He also noted how beautiful you always looked without ever trying. You eyes were squinting at him in the sunlight before you brought up your hand to shield your eyes. The wind gently blew through your hair and the sound of your voice carried over the sound if the waves. You were just perfect to him, nothing less.
A few hours had passed and you two talked about different things. You inquired about his band and he happily told you in detail all his plans and how he's always dreamed of doing it. You felt like you could stay and speak with him for the rest of the day, but heard tiny footsteps quickly approaching.
"Sam!! Im hungry!" Vincent ran up and looked at him patiently waiting for an answer. Jas quietly laughed to herself.
"Yeah i guess im a little hungry too." He said looking at the time. His expression changed to slight panic before he put his phone away. "So uh... I gotta go, dinner was done an hour ago and mom is pissed, heh" He nervously laughed. "Come on kids! Let's go home!" He said as they both ran towards the exit of the beach.
"I'll see you later Sam. Tell the others I said hi!" You said referring to Sebastian and Abigail.
"I will! And good luck on the farm you're gonna need it." He gave a salute before running after the kids. You watched as they all disappeared past the trees separating the town and the beach. Your heart ached a bit. If only time didn't go by so fast.
As you made your way home you tried to calculate just how much you could get done before midnight. Visions of seeds and gold unraveled in your mind as you approached your property. As you stepped up the porch something didn't feel quite right. Your chickens didnt approach you like they unually did and you heard your tv on the other side of the door. You swore you turned it off. Scared but armed with various farming equipment you made the decision to enter your home.
A show played on the TV making the figure on your couch clear as day. It looks like your partner decided to come anyway.
"What are you doing here?" You asked as calmly as you could.
"Sorry I was already on the way over and you still hadn't texted me back, thought I'd wait here a bit longer before going to look for you." They said.
"That's not my point. I said I needed time." You stated firmly.
"Listen... y/n I'm sorry, I really am. I know I hurt you deeply and I just wanted to say sorry in person." They said, tear pricked their eyes but never leaked out. You felt kind of bad for them. "I won't talk about any of that..... I just wanted to see you again." They claimed. You were hesitant to accept their compromise but did none the less. With your guard still up you sat on your couch beside them.
"Are you hungry? I thought you'd be hungry by now so I made Alfredo." They said.
After not eating all day you gut made itself known with a loud growl. You frowned before getting up to make yourself a plate. Eating some of it on your way back to the couch you stomach finally stopped it's noises. "Thank you, it's really good."
"No problem, I already ate so eat as much as you want." They said before turning to watch the rest of the movie. And just like that, back to normal.
It was getting late and you could hear the rain on the roof. Thunder lightly rumbled out side and you were cuddled into your partners side. The TV had already played a few things and you were getting tired. You had planned to fall asleep in your spot on the couch before your partner spoke.
"Y/n. What do you like about this place?" They quietly asked. That instantly woke you up.
"I like plenty of things about it. This cabin, the land, the wildlife. The townspeople are nice. I love everything about it." You passionately expressed. Their brows furrowed at that.
"I don't understand. You can live in the city and still visit these places." They said. You were already tired and really didn't want to talk about this right now.
"What happened to not caring about our problems anymore?" You questioned. They were silent for a second before continuing.
"What happened to being together for the rest of our lives? You left me in the city!" Their words cut deep and sparked rage instantly.
"Why can't you just drop it! Why can't you see that I'm doing this for you too! Shouldn't you be happy for me? We're living in an economy where you end up paying thousands of dollars every year just to stay alive and now I have this opportunity and you just want me to throw it away!?! Why do you have to have everything your way all the damn time!" You yelled as you got up from the couch and crossed your arms.
"No! You're the one being selfish! We already had a life in the city that you uprooted for this stupid fucking dream of yours!" They screamed at you from the couch. "This is unrealistic! It's not sustainable! And just.... UGH it's fucked!!" They yelled standing just to punching the wall. Fortunately your house was sturdy and wouldn't get damaged so easy. You were already crying by the time they were done yelling, and after seeing your face it just made them angrier. You wanted to just curl up in your room in a ball like usual but you knew you couldn't this time. They'd just follow you.
You needed to leave.
You walked towards the door as they kept ranting.
"Where are you going!? It's raining and its midnight!" They yelled walking towards you.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" You cried. They seemed to snap out of their angry haze and looked at you shocked. "I'm leaving until you get out of here. Go home!! Just leave me alone!" You screamed as you opened the door and slammed it. Cold wet wind immediately blew into your already tired body but the adrenaline allowed you to push through. Thunder clapped in the skies and sobs wracked through your body. There was only one place you could go this late. You'd hoped he'd still be up practicing on his guitar or something.
Mud squelched under your feet as your made your trek into town. Cold rain poured down on you and you could see the dull light of Sam's porch light coming into view. You knew his family was asleep so you went over to his window. Faint strums from a guitar lightly played behind the glass. You sighed in relief at the sound. You lightly knocked on the window and waited patiently. A few seconds passed before the blinds on the other side lifted. As soon as he saw it was you he opened up his window and helped you climb inside.
"You're drenched! Are you ok?" He bombarded you with questions. Your shivering form and puffy eyes were enough to give him some signs as to what had happened.
"No." You sighed as you sat on the floor in front of the window. Your exhaustion quickly caught up with you and the rain made your clothes feel ten pounds heavier. You brought your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. Sam got a blanket off his bed and threw it over your shoulders before sitting next to you
"My partner was waiting for me at home today. I didnt have my phone so I had no idea." You said. "We had a fight the night before but they seemed to want to move past that so I let them stay. I should've just kicked them out. They're never going to understand what i do. What i want l, or who i want to be" You said, tears pricked your eyes. "I'm doing this for them too.... and all they do is call me stupid for it." You cried. "Why do they love to hate me?" You felt bad that you were dumping all this on your friend but you just wanted support. "My farm isn't some stupid dream i came up with on the fly."
A comforting hand rubbed your back as Sam held his tongue. There were only a few other times where you'd kinda let him in on what was really happening. But he'd heard enough to piece together that this person was an asshole. How could someone like that end up with someone as sweet as you.
"You're right. It's not some stupid dream, so why do you keep letting them tell you that?" He asked. Maybe that was a little too blunt. But he was tired of seeing you seeing you caught in their web, not even attempting to escape. You were silent. If anything that made you cry a bit harder. He immediately regretted what he said and rubbed your back a little harder out of stress.
But he's right, all the things they do happen becaue you let it. You never felt powerful enough to stop them, all you could ever do is run away.
"Because.... I'm scared." You confessed. "Whenever I want to say anything to them, something in the back of my head tells me not to. Like my premonition is telling me something bad will happen."
"Y/n.....that's terrible." He said. "You don't deserve that."
"I feel like I do." You replied. The comforting hand on your back stopped and instead moved to caress your cheek. You turned to look at him. He looked back with sad eyes. Almost as if he could cry with you.
"You don't." He said firmly. "You deserve someone who's going to support you no matter what. Someone who'll be there when you cry, even if it's something simple like stepping on your favorite flower." You smiled. You remembered that day. Rip Petunia. His thumb wiped the tears from underneath your swollen eyes. His touch was warm, and made your heart beat just a little faster.
"If only someone like that existed." You weakly laughed. He just looked at you. Debating if he was gonna say what he actually wanted to say. He felt like if he passed this opportunity up there'd be no second chances.
"He does, I'm right here." He confessed.
You were always ashamed when you gave in to his incessant flirting. Comments here and there, 'accidental' touches, wanting to be around each other all the time. Though you were in a relationship, the longer you were in stardew valley the more you realized how much your partner drained you. How much you longed for a real connection, someone who loved you.
"Really?" Was all you could utter, not conveying how happy you really were.
"Yeah, really." He confirmed. A scarlet hue started to take over his face but he was still serious. Something about the way he looked at you told you to trust him. There was a special bond between the two of you and you'd know it from the start. You just denied it. You wanted to cry again, knowing someone like him had been in your life for a while now. A supporter, a friend, and maybe, if you let him. Something more.
You didn't really know what to say. Your words wouldn't be able to convey how you felt so you just curled into his side. Taking in his warmth. His body was stiff but eased up after a second. His arm fell naturally on your shoulders and pulled you closer. You'd never felt so anxious around Sam as you did right now. Heart racing, cheeks hot. Alot of feelings you'd pushed down over the months had resurfaced in an instant.
"You're still drenched. Do you want some of my clothes? You're gonna freeze in here." He fretted. The question made you aware of just how cold and uncomfortable you were in your still wet clothes.
"That'd be nice." You smiled standing up from your spot. You left the cover on the floor and walked with Sam to his dresser. He handed you a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and showed you where the restroom was.
You closed the door behind you and changed out of your muddy clothes. You washed off any mud you got on your body before putting on the nice clean clothes, you took a second to take in your state in the mirror. You've looked better. Your eyes were still red from crying so long and your hair got tangled in the harsh rain. You took a moment to run your fingers through your hair only being able to tame half of it. You left the restroom and headed back to Sam's room. Your hand rested above the door handle and you debated how you were going to ask him if you could stay the night. You couldn't go back home, not until tomorrow at least and there's no one else you were close enough with to ask. And besides. You wanted to stay, he made you feel safe. You were able to be vulnerable around him and you knew he'd never chastise you over it.
Entering the room you saw he'd already made a spot on the floor for himself. A few blankets and pillows positioned how he liked. You evaluated what was happening before you said something.
"Sam?" You looked at him laying on his makeshift bed. He smiled.
"Well, I didn't think you'd be going home tonight. It's storming outside and I wouldn't want you to go home anyway considering the situation." He said. Gesturing to his bed. "It's all yours, come lay down, I know you're tired." He concluded. You were slightly taken aback. He already anticipated you staying the night and was really sweet about it. You walked over and laid down in his bed. It was a different type of comfort. Different from your own bed, your always felt cold and empty. Comforting only because you weren't constricted by a possessive embrace. But in his it was almost like the bed could swallow you up. Various pillows and a giant cover made you feel like you were in a little nest. Safe and secure. You rolled on your side so you could look at Sam who met your gaze from the floor.
"Thank you.. you're doing alot for me tonight." You expressed your gratitude. He grinned.
"Your worth doing so much for." He said in a soft voice. It made your heart flutter.
With a content sigh you laid on your back and closed your eyes. You were absolutely exhausted. But no matter how long you kept your eyes closed sleep wouldn't come. Tiny recaps of your night kept playing over and over again, keeping you in your restless state. You shyly looked over at Sam's now sleeping figure and couldn't help but wonder if he'd be able to purge all your thoughts for you. As if he heard you in his dreams he woke up and caught your lingering gaze.
"You ok?" He yawned, rubbing one of his eyes. You were silently debating in your head if it was ok to ask if he could hold you. You knew he probably wouldn't mind, but you couldn't help but wonder if it broke any of his boundaries.
"Can you come here?" You asked. The dark room did well to hide the blush taking over your face. He was quiet but you could hear the sound of him getting up before he sat on the edge of the bed.
"You ok?" He asked you again, in slightly more worried tone this time.
"I will be, ....can you just hold me?...Sorry if thats weird to ask." You mumbled fingers fidgeting with hem of one of the pillows. He laughed.
"Sure weirdo, scoot over." He instructed as you moved closer to the wall. You didn't expect for him to actually climb into bed with you for some reason, and you didn't exactly know how to go about what you just asked for.
Luckily for you he wasn't so shy. After he made himself comfortable under the covers he pulled you into his chest. His chin rested on top of your head and his arm draped over you. When he held you it wasn't uncomfortable. His arms were loose and inviting, not the constriction you were used to. Yesterday, you would've never thought you'd end up here. Where you were meant to be.
"Thank you." You mumbled into his chest.
"No, thank you. For trusting me. From now on you don't have to worry about anything" He said planting a kiss on your head. "I'll make it all better." He whispered. The intimacy of his voice in your ear really did make those words stick in your mind. You wrapped your arm around his torso, ready to fully embrace his warmth. As you drifted off into a peaceful slumber you thanked the world for giving you Sam.
A radiant light that you were lucky enough to see.
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sansterballpro · 9 months
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Hello! I hope everyone reading this is doing well and taking care of themselves! c:
As stated above, I’m opening these commissions to try to save for the repairs needed to fix my car! On Monday, my transmission suddenly blew on my way to work and a new one is needed for it to be able to work again.
But with both the costs of a new transmission and the repair labor, I’m in a bit of a tight spot and don’t have the money to pay for said repairs.
My place of work isn’t the closest and I will not be able to borrow my family’s vehicle for very long for they have work as well, so commissions are officially open to try to pay it off quicker! qwq
My commission information & terms of service are below if you’re interested, as well as my kofi, but please don’t feel obligated to do either! I appreciate the support a ton and thank you for reading either way! ;v; Please take care of yourselves and I hope everyone has a wonderful day! <3
link to my Kofi if interested! C: if you mention your favorite character, I’ll doodle you them in response to your donation!
Chibi Style (Examples Below):
> additional characters will be 50% of the original price extra (before added flat colors). I will draw up to three characters!
> basic colors/gradient backgrounds are free, and simple backgrounds (basic clouds and skies, such as the Fresh example) will be a $8 extra!
Full Body - $18
> add flat color for $5 more (per character), gradients are free!
Cleaner Line Art w/ Flat Colors:
Full Body - $30
> added gradients are free!
Fully Colored & Shaded:
Full Body - $40
> click the alt text to see what kind of commission each ex. is!
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Detailed Style (Examples Below):
> additional characters will be 50% of the original price extra (before added flat colors). I will draw up to three characters!
> basic colors/gradient backgrounds are free, and simple backgrounds (basic clouds and skies, such as the Fresh example) will be a $8 extra for half body, and $12 extra for full body!
Half Body - $18
> add flat color for $5 more (per character), gradients are free!
Full Body - $23
> add flat color for $8 more (per character), gradients are free!
Cleaner Line Art w/ Flat Colors:
Half Body - $30
Full Body - $40
> added gradients are free!
Fully Colored & Shaded:
Half Body - $45
Full Body - $60
> click the alt text to see what kind of commission each ex. is!
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Icons & Headers (Examples Below):
> these are all bust drawings (chest and up), but can be placed on different canvas sizes based off what you’re looking for!
> I will only draw one character for an icon since it is placed on a square canvas!
> I will draw up to three characters for a header, with each character being 50% of the original price extra! If you’re specifically looking for four characters (since it’s a wider canvas), I’ll make each added character 40% of the original price extra!
> basic colors/gradient backgrounds are free, but detailed backgrounds (fully colored) for the headers start at $8 and can range up to $25 based off what you’d like done!
ie. a cloud filled sky (seen in examples above, more specifically with Fresh) would be $8, the flowers (seen below) would be $15, while a complex, detailed scenery or cityscape would be $25.
Chibi Style:
Fully Colored & Shaded - $25
Detailed Style:
Fully Colored & Shaded - $35
> click the alt text to see what kind of commission each ex. is!
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Terms of Service:
The best place to contact me about a commission is Tumblr, but if Twitter is your preferred way to contact then I am there as well! Please be sure to reach out to me to confirm your commission before any payment is made.
The only payment method I use is PayPal in USD! Once the commission has been paid for I’ll begin the drawing!
Throughout the drawing process, l’ll send updates and screenshots, to which you can let me know if anything needs to be changed.
I hold the right to respectfully decline a commission that I don’t feel comfortable drawing, so if there’s any questions I’m happy to answer them!
> PLEASE NOTE: Commissions can take up to four weeks! I will continuously keep you updated and please don’t hesitate to ask for progress, but I am not a fast artist and may have other commissions to finish first! If you need something by a specific date, I can make exceptions to that!
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"it shouldn't be so hard to believe it was some sort of ruse," he says as he stares into the reflective surface. a mirror, the earthlings call it — it just looks like a big sheet of glass, to him.
"well, of course it isn't easy. it is not as if we were always cruel with each other before everything," he continues as he peels away old paint, "but it would hurt far less if i believed what everyone else keeps telling me, even if they do not know what they are saying."
"it is most unfortunate that our paths must keep crossing like this."
"i cannot get enough of your optics no matter our circumstances."
sorry i got carried away i am horrid at requesting things..Decided id just thrust this into ur inbox Lawl. but also a combo of your and my posts has moved me from my slumber. sorry again
I'M SORRY IF I TAKE THIS AND RUN WITH IT IN A DIRECTION YOU DIDN'T MEANNN I'm just ITCHING to write thisss!!! Also, don't apologize!!! YOU'RE JUST EVIL FOR ASKING ANON!! Now I can't stalk your page and read what you have written qwq (if you post.)
Optimus stared at Megatron through what should have been one-way window. Yet knowing full well Megatron could see him.
The Prime was at first surprised to learn that Megatron had been captured by MECH. Embarrassingly enough, he had already thought up of countless arguments and counterarguments on why it would be a good idea for him to rush in to save — prevent MECH from dismantling Megatron and using him to create weapons or other devices that could be of equal danger, if not more so to the Autobots.
Things are a blur now to Optimus as he stands alone before his enemy. Ratchet, the only other bot to join him, standing outside to guard and warn Optimus for any ambush or trap.
"Optimus," Megatron purrs. "Rushing to save me after getting my distress signal? Please," His small movements somehow emphasized the red splotches on the ground. Dead humans. "You really shouldn't have."
"Megatron." Optimus glares. "Why are you still here? You could have blasted these walls and escaped long before I arrived. Is this a trap?" He decides to cut to the chace.
Megatron, for once. Remained eerily silent. Staring at Optimus's optics with a serious, pondering look. "Well, something seems different about you, Prime. Can't quite put my digit on it.."
"Don't change the topic, Megatron! Answer me." The Prime stepped closer to the glass. Wondering if he should just break it to get to Megatron.
"Ah, yes. I recall now.. I think it has something to do with these late night outings of yours?" Megatron grinned widely once he saw Optimus very visibly still.
"How much do you know."
"Enough." Megatron purred, walking to the flimsy excuse of a glass wall that is keeping him from Optimus.
"What are you planning?" Optimus asked again, clenching his weapon. His fighting spirit still strong. It doesn't matter what Megatron knows. Just what Optimus will do.
Megatron grinned wider, and before he could say anything, a bright explosion made Optimus unable to see for a few seconds.
Chaos ensued.
(IM NEVER GOING TO FINISH THIS AND IM SORRYYYY BUT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME SO MANY IDEAS FOR FUTURE POSTS BUT IT FELT UNFAIR TO POST THEM WITHOUT FIRST POSTING THIS ONE) I will post stuff inspired by what you suggested though!! I ACTUALLY HAVE STUFF WRITEN DOWN ON A JOURNAL!! Idk how to give you credit, but if you see something that seems like it was inspired by your ask. Then it was ✨️
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andromeda612 · 10 months
SSKK Parallels I want to see, please qwq Asagiri, I'm begging you
Ok so I need to cope from not only the angst of the last episodes of the anime, but also the fact Bones onces again robbed us from important SSKK scenes qwq
So, I'm part of the people that believe the vampirism can be reversed and that Akutagawa will live thanks to that.
So, one thing that I really want to see in the future of the manga but know it probably won't happen (but who knows, only Asagiri) is a parallel to this part.
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We know the reasons they failed was because of two things, one they didn't trusted each other so they didn't used the strategy Fukuchi himself said would have been his defeat, and we can't blame them for not trusting each other like that, not with their story and while Akutagawa seemed to trust their efforts and maybe even Atsushi, Atsushi here is the one with the most reasons to not trust Akutagawa and he still did a bit during their final attack, and even then they were not ready for this level of trust, not like their predecessors, SKK despised each other but still trusted each other with their lives on the battle field, they however had years to build up that trust for having to work together on the same organization, I think given SSKK circumstances the fact they managed to last that long and briefly success says a lot of their potential, they simply were not ready for this battle. The second reason was Fukuchi's sword, a powerful weapon neither of them was counting on, paired with Fukuchi himself who is an already hard to beat opponent on his own.
That being said, this is something they both could learn from, both of them have questions and thoughts regarding this, about the fact Akutagawa saved Atsushi so it also allows window for them to learn from each other and themselves in the case they can turn Akutagawa back to normal, and if they do this would open a frame time for them to talk this stuff out, to grown a bit and reach a point when they can trust each other even if it's only for this mission, and I believe that having Ranpo and maybe even Dazai on board, coming up with a plan, even in the middle of the end (given chapter 109's ending qwq) is possible to come up with a plan to secure victory.
So picture this, Akutagawa is reversed from the vampirization and is now back in the game on their side, staying with them as they are the only ones left capable of stopping Fukuchi. The plan is ready and SSKK are tasked to fight Fukuchi again, to deal the final blow to him, just them. They nod determined to not fail this time, but then another character makes the question.
"But... with just the two of them?"
At this both Akutagawa and Atsushi look at each other, they lock eyes in a way that make it seem they are talking through their shared look, and then their eyes gain a determined shine to them, their faces show their conviction, they nod to each other, and maybe even smirk in Akutagawa's case and grin in Atsushi's. Then Atsushi, still grinning, looks at the character who asked and says with conviction and security.
"Do we need more than that?"
And they go to the final battle in this war.
Don't tell me this wouldn't be such a good parallel to have, especially because it would reflect the evolution of their relationship, which I think already started developing when they made their six months deal, their relationship is far from fully developed, they still have a long path ahead (which is why I don't think Akutagawa will truly die even after the vampirism is reversed) but this would mark a point in their character arcs and dynamic with each other, it would be a reference point about how their relationship has grown.
But well, I'm juts a fan, a fan coping with what's happening in both the anime and the manga and who just wants the characters to succeed.
Thank you for reading my rant/wish/delusions
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idv-sunsxin3 · 2 years
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First Years with Motherly! MC {Platonic HCs}
Headers’ art via Twisted Wonderland Official Game {edit by me}
Gender Neutral! MC
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This little idiot,,,- (affectionately)
He definitely won’t promise you of not getting himself injured or get into some big trouble-
Calls you “mom” either teasingly or whenever you remind him to do his chores at his dorm-
Likes to have you as a human shield whenever Riddle (his unspeakable, father-figure dormleader-) comes to him to give him a big scolding,,,,- 😅
Riddle stomping on his way to Ace// ACE TRAPPOLAAAAA!!! 😡
The situation ends up with Ace and Riddle going rotations and opposite rotations around you as Riddle tries to catch Ace- (kinda OOC but funny to think about-)
Congrats, you all are a solar system!/j
Yes, you’re definitely a sun to Ace. He likes it when you come to visit him at basketball club and his games and going 100% huge support for him from the bleachers(aka yelling motivational words at him like a madman-). It brings fire to his spirit despite that there are also times he gets super bashful or embarrassed when his teammates look at him or at you- x’)
Pretty much him having that “TEAM MOM!!!” vine vibes-
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You tend to get the habit of helping Sebek to straighten and make his dorm uniform look tidy as possible, which probably makes him feel internally touched and most likely having tears in his eyes by the thoughtful gesture.
You// *trying to adjust Sebek’s tie neatly*
Sebek// *sniff*…. ;-;
You// What’s wrong, sweetie,,,?
Sebek// Nothing critical, mother- I MEAN, HUMAN!!!
Kinda like your tsundere friend(?)-
The idea of him accidentally calling you “mother” is unexpected, but amusingly endearing. 😅🤣🥺🌸✨
I swear, he may look serious and pretty much over exaggerating sometimes, but seeing his tiny childish side is pretty funny,,, Such as when he calling out someone doing something they shouldn’t do for you-
He won’t admit it, but he loves how you give him undivided attention whenever you have the chance-
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He may look frustrated that you tend to squish his cheeks whenever you congratulate him for his achievements, eventually finds out himself that he gets very motivated when receiving your motherly embraces and your firm pats on the back.
When having a motherly personality, I think you will be the type of friend to listen to Epel vent or talk about his complaints when no one would be willing to do it- He sometimes questions: how he will come this far without being encouraged by your praises, your endless support, and your comforting company? qwq
You pretty much have the dynamic with him giving you the oath of being capable of protecting you, his most understanding friend, once he gets stronger and manlier- 😔🥺
Gets super protective and would willing to trick a person or two before roasting them with his feminine looks for you as a way to protect you atm- 😅🤣
You lend him batteries whenever you compliment him as “manly” or handsome” rather than “cute” or “adorable”, he didn’t believe your words at first but them learns that you’re the type of person who wouldn’t joke around a lot. It makes him feel more confident of himself for a bit. ☺️
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Scratch his ear to congratulate him for getting a 100 or an impressive on a difficult exam win’s affect his facial expression, he you’ll definitely see his tail wag violently- X’D
I feel like you would the type of motherly friend who often brings him a water bottle after his workouts- he was skeptical at first, but eventually learned to always appreciate your thoughtful and caring nature.
Would firmly warn people in Savanaclaw to respect you and welcome you nicely whenever you visit the campus- you’re an ally, not an intruder!!! >:3
Gets confused at first, but then feels better when you actually get along with other Savanaclaw students-
Always asks about you and how your day goes when greeting you- he wants to be thoughtful about you, too!
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As a mama’s boy, I can see him still obviously considering you as more of a caring friend than a mother-figure- he notably gets soft and happy when been praised by you for his efforts to become a honor student, of course,,,, qwq
Whenever he gets in trouble (either because he did it himself unintentionally or got dragged by Ace-), he genuinely tends to feel so guilty seeing your disappointed look- he’ll behave next time, don’t be sad plz,,, ;u;
I swear, I think he’ll have the happy puppy energy when seeing you passing by or arriving to class and waves at you with a soft smile.
Often is mindful about you and tends to warn Ace that you’ll get disappointed if any of the one-braincell duo gets into big trouble-
He would once in a while come to you for advices that can address some of his problems- or when he wants someone to listen to him talk whatever he has on his mind-
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its-snicket-here · 2 years
The mom reader thing for overlord is pretty neat! This might be a weird thing to 'ask' but wouldn't it be cool if there was a doppelganger mom that chose to be a doppelganger because she knew that her son made pandora's actor and thought that it was cute if she was a doppelganger too? (Also it'd be funny if PA reminds her of Ainz when he was younger and still in That Phase) have a nice day/night!
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Nothing is weird, once you seen it all. I'm going to collect all Overlord MILF/Moms and build a bootleg MCU, but Overlord edition, out of it. But thanks of enjoying my mom reader shenanigans, Peanut qwq
But behold! The power of the [Mom's Embarrassment Curse]! She will and physically will break that suppressed emotions out of Ainz. Nothing will stop her doing so, as well with the powers of Pandora's Actor! It does not help the fact that both doppelgänger mom and Pandora's Actor are the same race that the both would share embarrassing stories about Ainz. There is nothing Ainz's can do to stop them.
Lowkey, I feel like she would do that to embarrass her son further during his phase and to at least feel human, but more on the latter, but it is a good another reminder why he left Pandora to the Treasury other than his jacked skill levels.
She'll even push it further by dressing up slightly like Pandora's Actor and doing all these dramatic poses he would do to. Extra points if she was taught these poses by Pandora himself. She will also would shift into Ainz and embarrass him more by reciting anything he did by heart to embarrass this skeleton mage further. Somebody come save this boy from his mother, please.
Though other than that, when alone with Pandora's Actor in the Treasury, she feels... sad. She would reminisce about that the past with Pandora, often times about Ainz's younger years. Often times, Pandora would tell his tales about Ainz when you weren't there and the two of you would reminisce together in silence. Pandora is the only physical reminder she have about Ainz. Every time she try to remember about Ainz's younger years, sometimes certain memories are fuzzy from old age. It became Pandora's self appointed job on keeping every single memories that she told him to bring up against once a while to cheer you up.
Honestly, she would only pick doppelgänger just because she holds on to the past of Ainz's younger years. She missed everything in the real world, such as working, cleaning, cooking, anything that she can do to become useful. Most of all, seeing Ainz's human face. Hearing him through that low signal phone calls, asking how his day was and such. Cooking him his favorites meals and dropping them off. Chiding and then cleaning his whole apartment for him and filling his fridge. With the skills of the doppelgänger, she would often self duplicate and reenact memories to still remember. A coping mechanism she has when she missed the real world and the past.
But those days are no longer there, as there were servants and Ainz being left with no time in his hands. Often would be occupied with the floor guardians or with the kingdoms. You didn't try stepping in, as you felt like you would intrude him with his work, so you did what you thought would be reasonable. Disguise yourself as a maid and just work, work, and work around Ainz to at least help him around a bit. Don't tell her that Ainz and literally everyone knows that she's the maid that is always around Ainz.
Ainz in turn feels guilty in this. He is negating his mother now in the new world and honestly.... he misses everything in the past too. Once a while he would send a voice scroll to doppelgänger mom to say hi and talk about his day, or go talk to her messaging when he has more self him time when alone and far away from the tomb. Rare times when he is able to be alone and not being off to work in spreading the words of Ainz Ooal Gown, he would physically visit her and just talk about anything that comes up to mind.
Personally, this form of mom would be by far the weakest and more human like mom that has been created. Unlike Nymph, CDE, and Wyldy Elf Moms, she doesn't have any threat levels than can wipe out a whole army or have any followers. Her skill base would be more on the silver tongue and deception that would follow behind with heavy emotions as she doesn't have the heart to kill.
Her personality would be more on a down to earth and often lots of quietness with a side of sadness once a while. She wouldn't have a glade, but rather much a library where she could personally record memories so she wouldn't forget. Though the rules of the Glade follows with her, as nobody is allowed to go in without permission. Not servants or even Ainz himself.
Sorry this came out late, though I hope you have a good day/night as well!
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kiruyeen · 27 days
HEY IT ME YOUR BOI/J (sorry for yelling in text qwq)
Anyways I got a new idea to add to the voidie lore I know it not something I should put in with voidies asit kinda of a sub species but I wanna put it in with voidies world :3 so I'm just going to ramble about it and ask if you think it a good idea or not ^w^ (delete if you think it too long qwq)
Introducing half voids or mixed voids :DDDDD (still working on it give name suggestions please qwq)
These bad boys are alot like voidies/voids but different in one way and that is there much more earth like to put it short but long story it looks at paper
Means that they are/were human or an animal at one point but was transformed into a voidie though not fully it could happen due to many reasons but one of the many reason is due to the cuteness of how animals are
Mixed voidies do still act like their past life self but fully voidies act fully like how their past versions did
Mixed voidie look different from one another and don't look like voidies and mostly just has treats from them but they are still loved and valued none the less by their community's and friends
Mixed voidies normally are animals and some will have pure black eyes or pure white eyes sometimes their just pure darkness with pure white eyes but some look like furrys some are scary than others and some are very cute
Past human mixed voidie normally don't gain both hair goop and face/hand/arms they only can get one if their half though it commonly seen to be the body voidie than hair for most half voidie doesn't mean it rare
Half voidie normally get transformed young and very small as it easier to card for and is less likely to fully transform or go ooof
Mixed voidies normally are made and not born due it could happen if a voidie some how decides to live with a human or adopts an animal though they normally kidnap or save the animals/humans they turn into half voidies
Half voidie do age in a way but normally stop fiscally aging after a while mostly once around when their species would die or starts to age on the inside/decomposing and unlike voidies they can't change how they look so their voidie family normally makes disguises for them using a mask(like one of full face mask) that once put on turns the wearer into the disguise that was entwined into the mask normally only able to be made by using voidie ink
Voidies live within groups and family units like human though their like herd of animals and human units mixed together as they stick close but also will adopt those that are abandoned even if the thing isn't a voidie
Voidies are very welcoming and love half voidies alot as they find them cute
Half voidies can have all different colors and sizes and can come in pastels though their normally the color of what their past versions look like(this is mostly for half voidies that are half human half voidie but also works for half human half voidies that have more human like hair)
Some have voidies can have alot of traits of voidies sometimes looking like a full voidie or only having few too only small traits of voidies
(That all i can think of more at 10 >wo/hj and thanks for letting me ramble tee hee >:3c/hj anyways byeee until nexts week uwu i haven send a ask in a week sorry hope you didn't miss me qwq/silly)
-mama doggo
that is indeed a lot! but I really like it :D catch me with a void furry /silly
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jazztato · 2 years
Can you pretty please do one where The Mc propose to the M6 BUT the Mc is the one who made the ring ,the Mc even made the ring the M6 favorite color. The day Mc proposed is the day The M6 has a very bad day and Mc literally surprised them by proposing. Mc even wore a suit and you can literally see how nervous Mc is. And to make things even better Mc has been working on the ring for 12 months and has not got any proper sleep and as soon as the M6 says yes(which I am sure they will) the M6 finds Mc in a deep sleep wrapped in a blanket and still with the suit on. Please make it extra wholesome I need this in my life at the moment.
Of course I can! This was actually a really sweet request! Sorry it took a while QWQ writers block got to me
Special Proposal (Main 6 x Reader)
It was a day like any other, you were watching the shop as always while Asra was off who knows where, sometimes you would be upset by his actions.. But today you decided to let it slide because later that day Asra had finally returned home but something was off about him, he looked hurt and sad, you wanted to confront him about it but as soon as you tried to talk to him about it he just told you everything was fine and that you shouldn't worry but that just made you worry even more. "Asra.. Something is clearly bothering you.. Please tell me.." You stared in Asra's deep violet eyes which just caused his cheeks to go a bit red, he then let out a low sigh.
"I can never hide anything from you now can I.." He let out a small chuckle as he sat up from the bed. "I guess I just had a bad day.. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong.. First my coin bag was stolen.. Then it started raining so I couldn't sleep outside since I couldn't get a room anywhere either.. Then Faust nearly got carried away by a giant bird! Luckily I was able to save her.. But my dad was just not a good day!" He laid back down on the bed turning away from you as he pulled the blankets over his head. You couldn't help but feel bad for him he had such a horrible day.. You and Asra have been dating for a couple years now and he's never had such a bad day before it was as if bad luck was on his side.. You quickly stood up from your spot on the bed as you looked at your sulking boyfriend, this scene left you heartbroken so you quickly walked out and decided to plan something special.. We'll you've actually been planning something special for the last 12 months now and you finally managed to finish it and just in time to because what Asra needs right now is something special to cheer him up. You walked into one of the rooms of the shop that you like to use as your study and sometimes as your clothes closet and picked out a nice suit already within it's pockets was a velvet box and within the box contained a beautiful hand made neon sea foam ring, you know Asra will love it because one it's his favorite color and two because he loves you, but lately you've been feeling a bit more exhausted.. It's probably because you stayed up day and night just to finish the ring, no matter what you refused to sleep not till the ring was finished and you had the perfect plan on how you were going to do this! You grabbed a piece of blank paper and a quill as you started to write something apon it, once finished you folded it up and left it on the little table that sat next to the bed but in order for Asra to know that the note was there you ended up knocking the coat rack over which nearly scared him to death later you would have to apologize but it was the only way you could get his attention, but as soon as he was out from the blankets that he was hiding under you quickly booked it, Luckily Asra hadn't noticed that it was you who was in there till he had he noticed the little note on the bed side table, he lifted a brow before picking the note up, he gently unfolded it and read the writing apon the note. "Hello Asra if you're reading this then that means you finally came out from your blanket of sorrow, which is a good sign! But now that you're reading this I want you to meet me under our favorite tree for a special surprise. P.s wear whatever you wish. P.p.s that doesn't mean wear nothing you have to wear something.  Love your's truly (Y/N)."
He let out a small chuckle as he read the last bit, once he finished reading it he neatly folded it back up placing it back inside his pocket as he got dressed in some clothes since the note specifically said to wear clothes, so he dug through his messy closet and finally found a decent looking outfit before tossing it on, he looked at himself in the mirror before smoothing the wrinkles out. "This looks good enough.. I wonder what (Y/N) has planned today.. They said it was something special.. With the day I've had i'm going to need it.." He then rushed out the door and towards the palace where their favorite tree stands, once he arrive at the palace a guard was told to guide him to the spot even though he already knew where it was at but he didn't question it he just thought it was another one of your plans, which it actually was, the guard led him towards the tree which was all decorated with all sorts of different shaped jars filled with with fire flies which lit the night sky. Asra looked in awe at the beautiful scene before his eyes, he couldn't believe it but as he was looking around he had noticed the guard was gone and he was left alone, well not quite alone his eyes soon landed on your own, you were standing in front of the tree wearing a suit that he always loved to see you in, he had a small blush on his cheeks as he walked over to you to where he's now standing face to face. "(Y/N) what is all this? It's beautiful.. Did you do all this for me?" you smiled softly.
"I did.. You were having such a bad day.. So I decided to plan something special to make you smile again.. This was actually one of your surprises.." Asra looked at you with a confused look.
"Only one of my surprises? What's the other?" Asra's eyes then grew wide as he watched you kneel down apon one knee holding a velvet box within your hands.
You took a deep breath, you were really nervous and was hoping his answer would be yes.. "Asra, y-you and I have been together for a few years now and I-I just wanted to say that; you're the star that twinkles at night. The breeze that makes t-things feel right. You're the sunshine that drives blues away. The beat that makes my heart beat every day.... Will you marry me.." As those words left your mouth you opened the box to reveal a beautiful Neon sea foam ring that looked to be handmade.
Asra was in shock but he started tearing up, no one has ever done something like this for him before, it was the best thing that had ever happened to him right after meeting you of course, he gave you a smile as tears continued to fall down his cheeks. "Of course I'll marry you!" You smiled wide as you quickly stood up pulling him into you planting your lips apon his as you slid the ring apon his ring finger. As the two of you separated he had a huge smile on his face. "I can't believe you had this all planned.. How long have you been planning to do all this?"
"About 12 months now." You had a small blush on your cheeks as you scratched the back of your neck.
His eyes grew wide. "12 months!?" You let out a small laugh before kissing his cheek.
"Yup! That's how long it took me to make that ring.. Plus I wanted everything to be perfect.. I hope it was to your liking."
"To my liking? (Y/N) I loved it! You turned my bad day into the best day of my life!" He swiftly lifted you off your feet twirling you around in his arms, the two of you laughed together as the night went on. Later that day the two of them walked back to the shop hand in hand after you had proposed Asra couldn't stop smiling, but as soon as the two of you returned home Asra thought it would be great to take a bath, he thought about asking you however after he was finally dressed in his robe he went searching for you to see if you would like to join him, but as soon as he walked into your room he say you passed out on the bed with the suit still on, he let out a small chuckle as he walked over to the bed pulling the covers over you placing a small kiss to your temple whispering to you. "Sweet dreams my love, and thank you for the best day of my life. I'm happy to have you as my soon to be wife, I couldn't ask for a better partner than you, you are my world." As he stood up straight he saw a small smile form on your lips as you slept peacefully, he walked over to the lantern blowing the flame out watching as the room which was once lit now engulfed in darkness, he gave you one last smile before going off to enjoy a hot steamy bath thinking about how he's grateful to have someone like you as his forever love.  
Julian had decided to take you Nevivon so he could show you around the place he was raised in, he's always wanted to take you there but never had the right time of day to do so till he finally managed to get a day off for once in his life, you and Julian had just bored Mazlinka's ship as he had already had everything planned to a tee, he literally had a whole list planned! But that wasn't the only thing you guys were going to do that day, you had a surprise of your own but it was better to wait because your ideal spot to propose ain't exactly on a ship.. So you decided to wait till you docked at Nevivon, well that was the ideal plan but as you were sailed out to sea out of nowhere a random storm started rocking our the ship, you could've sworn it was going to topple over and cause everyone to fall overboard but luckily Julian picked you up and rushed you below decks where it was a bit safer, as Julian set you down he immediately started pacing back and forth. "The skies were supposed to be clear! I didn't plan for this at all.. If the ship capsizes then all the plans I had planned are ruined!" You sighed before walking over to stand in front of your tall boyfriend. "Julian calm down.. We don't have to go to Nevivon, Julian looked at you with a look of shock and horror and a bit of sadness. "Darling, I've been planning this trip for nearly 10 months now.. And all you have to say is that we don't have to go to Nevivon!" He was a bit upset at what you had just said.
"Julian love! It's not the end of the world.. We can always go another time.." You let out a small huff.
"A-another time?! I might not have another day off! This is the one time I actually get to go somewhere.. Especially with you.. Darling, this trip means the world to me.."
You frowned and sighed. "Julian.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be insensitive.. I know how hard you worked just so we can take a trip to a place I've never been before.. And I thank you for that.. But not everything has to be perfect.." Julian had stopped pacing and looked into your eyes he had a small smile and was about to speak till he felt the ship jolt a bit, his eyes grew wide as he quickly grabbed you and held you close to his chest before you know it the ship was sailing through a huge storm, the ship was rocking back and forth causing the two of you to lose balance, as you and Julian were trying to regain balance out of nowhere the ship had hit something big, before you know it you and Julian were both engulfed by the icy sea.
Minutes turned into hours before you and Julian had washed up on land, both were out cold till Julian rolled over coughing up the salty sea water, he groaned before realizing you were still out cold he started to worry so he started performing CPR on you, after a few minutes he thought you were gone till you started coughing up water and gasping for air, he was relieved that you were alive. "(Y/N)! Oh thank god! I thought I had lost you.." He pulled you into a tight hug, after a while you soon returned the hug before kissing his cheek. "If it weren't for you I might've been a goner.." He then started peppering her with kisses which caused you to laugh. "Okay now Julian.. Where are we?"
Julian sat up as he looked at their surroundings, his eyes grew wide. "Well would you look at that we've arrived in Nevivon! What irony to when I was a kid Portia and I both ended up getting shipwrecked, and we ended up here." He scratched the back of his neck.
You let out a small laugh before standing up helping him up and off the sandy beach. "Well at least we made it to our destination.. Because were soaked.."
Julian let out a chuckle. "Luckily I still have my coin bag so we can just buy some new clothing in town, lucky for you that was on our to do list anyway!"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his enthusiasm, especially at the fact that the two of you nearly died.
So far the day had gone swell, well almost.. There were a few mishaps along the way.. Like when you and Julian were walking through town Julian decided to get the two of you lunch but on his way back to you a random bird swooped down and started attacking Julian it wasn't a pretty scene, all you could hear was yelling and squawking and right now the bird was winning.. "Get away from me you feathered menace!" after a while of fighting off the bird, the feathered creature ended up winning along with winning what was supposed to be our lunch off and flew off into the sky, when Julian returned he had a sad look on his face, you frowned seeing how he's been having a bad day so far, he just wanted this day to be special but so far it hasn't been special at all.. Luckily before Julian had walked off to get you and him some food you managed to buy something small from a friendly vendor that was passing by earlier, so you took it out of your back that you had bought and gave Julian half of it which he gratefully took before kissing your head. "Thank you darling.. I guess I've just been having nothing but bad luck.." He held his head down as he sadly nibbled on the small little biscuit you managed to get earlier.
"Love.." You gently placed a hand under his chin causing him to look into your eyes. "It's not your fault that the day hasn't been all that great.. We can still make the most of today.. What do you say we move onto the last thing on your list.. I believe it had something to do with the salt baths? Why don't we go there!" You gave him a big smile which made him smile just a little, but wasn't effective enough, but you're hoping that your little surprise for him will do the trick.
"Alright.. Let's go there then.." He gently took your hand in his as he led you to where the salt baths were located and oh boy it was breathtaking! The baths were all outdoors surrounded by a beautiful view of the sea, as you were staring at the view Julian was already changed into his robe as he held one out to you, you gave him a smile that could light up the whole world, you then walked inside one of the changing areas as you changed into the beautiful robe that fit you perfectly, as you stepped out you made sure to have grabbed the box that was with in your pockets because this was where you were going to pop the question, it was the perfect moment especially after Julian has been having such a bad day.. As you slipped inside the waters beside Julian you felt as if you were in heaven, It was everything you thought it would be and much much more but as you looked at Julian he still looked so down you let out a small huff which got his attention. "Love.. Everything alright? Are the baths not to your liking?"
You shook your head. "Julian I love the baths but you're still so down!" You moved to where you were now face to face with Julian.
"I'm sorry darling.. It's just I wanted this day to be special.." A few tears escaped as he remembered all the bad things that had happened, first the ship wreck, then a bird stole your guy's food.. And now that the day is almost over he realized that he never really got to do anything fun except to enjoy these baths but it's been hard for him to enjoy it because of such a bad day..
You gave him a small smile before placing a small kiss to his lips, but as he was about to respond you quickly got out of the water and back to the changing room and got changed into a nice suit you had bought when Julian wasn't looking, right now Julian was a bit confused on why you had gotten out of the water. "Julian no matter how bad the day is I still had fun because It was spent with the man I love, and in all my life I have never met someone who would wrestle a bird who stole his food." You let out a small laugh as you watched Julian light up a bit before he noticed the box within your hand, his eyes grew wide for a bit but before he could say a word you continued as you knelt down on one knee, as Julian looked at you he could tell you were really nervous as you spoke. "I-I wanna marry you because you're the first person I w-wanna look at when I wake up in the morning, and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I-I saw these hands, I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. But mainly when you love someone as much as I love you, getting married is the only thing left to do. So will you marry me?" You opened up the box and within it held a delicate handmade ring the color of rich mahogany which has always been his favorite color, this ring took you 12 months to complete and perfect.
He looked at you with teary eyes as he let a small smile form upon his lips before finally giving you his answer. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"
You beamed up at him before slamming your lips on his, giving him a passionate kiss as you placed the ring upon his ring finger as the two of you nuzzled into each other's grasp. You didn't care if you got the suit wet, all you cared about right now was him. "I'm glad I could call you my forever love Julian.. I've thought of nothing but marrying the man I love and that man is you.."
Julian couldn't keep the tears from going. This was the best thing to ever happen to him. "Love.. How long have you been planning this?"
You gave him a cheeky grin. "About 12 months now!" You let out a small laugh as you saw his jaw drop to the floor.
"12 months?! Wow love.. I guess with me being busy at the clinic it gave you enough time to plan all this.." He then got a better look at the ring and realized it wasn't just a ring it looked as if it was handmade. "Darling? D-did you hand make this?" He looked into your eyes waiting for an answer.
"Yup! It took 12 months just to make it as I was doing so I was going to plan on proposing in vesuvia.. But the plans ended up changing when you offered to take us to Nevivon so I decided to propose here especially after such a bad day you've had my love.."
You gave you a wide smile before kissing your hand. "You have made me the happiest man alive, who cares whether I had a bad day or not.. I get to marry the most important person in my life and that person is you my love." The two of you let out a small laugh before he finally decided to hop out and get changed himself, after a little while the two of you walked back to the house 
Side Bonus a little joke @adelia-the-apprentice  thought of and I just had to write it in XD this part is with her mc Adelia and it's pretty funny enjoy lmao, this was just a little joke nothing to do with the actual story lol Julian had noticed the box within your hand, his eyes grew wide for a bit but before he could say a word you continued as you knelt down on one knee. "I wanna marry you because you're the first person I wanna look at when I wa-" Out of nowhere a random women ended up running up shoving (Y/N) out of the way as she took the box with the ring inside the random women that had shoved (Y/N) out of the way knelt down on one knee right before Julian staring up in his grey eyes. "Julian my love, it's me Adelia.. and I want you to marry me!  I refuse to watch you marry someone other then I.." She had a sad pleading look on her face, Julian was a bit confused but as he was about to respond.  (Y/N) stood up from where she was shoved at and ended up tackling Adelia to the floor Julian's eyes grew widened as he watched the two wrestle on the ground trying to retrieve the ring box out of Adelia's grasp, Julian couldn't help but watch since it was a sight that he was surprisingly enjoying, After a while the wrestling stopped and Adelia remained victorious,  Causing Julian to accept Adelia's proposal but Julian felt bad for (Y/N) so if Adelia was ok with it he would add (Y/N) into the mix as well, however he has never seen any one in his entire life wrestle another person for his hand in marriage it was quite funny but it was also very enjoyable seeing how two people would go through so much just for him, it was a day to remember.  
It was just another ordinary day for Muriel and (Y/N) where they spent their day in Muriel's cabin or took a nice little walk in the woods but out of all days that something bad happened it had to be today, earlier that day as Muriel was feeding his chicken friends, he realized one was missing, he started to get worried as he searched high and low for the missing chicken, but to his luck there was no sign of the missing chicken he was hurt and sad on his way back to the hut he saw a few small white feathers that looked to be chicken feathers.. He quickly followed the trail of tiny feathers as he got to the end of the trail his face went pale with horror and shock and a bit of anger, before his very own eyes was the missing chicken laying on the ground in a puddle of blood lifeless, he knelt down in front of the chicken a few tears started to fall down his cheeks as he gently lifted the lifeless creature in his large palms wondering who would do such a cruel thing to such a small creature, he stood up straight walking back to the hut with the small little chicken in his palms, (Y/N) was outside watering the flowers outside the hut when you heard a Muriel walk up behind you, you swiftly turned around but when you saw the lifeless chicken in his palms you let out a small gasp. "What happened to her? Who would do such a thing.."
Muriel looked down. ".........I don't know..." He gently set the chicken down as he grabbed a hold of a shovel and started digging up a small grave big enough to fit a tiny little chicken, once the grave was dug up he gently set the chicken inside and quietly buried the poor creature frowning. "She was young....." You gently placed a hand on his shoulder giving him a sad smile.
"She'll always be remembered, Muri.. Her chicken companions will also remember her as well."
Muriel pulled you into a tight hug as tears flowed down his cheeks. "Hey... Why don't we go for a little walk? Wouldn't that be nice?" You slowly lifted your hand up and started wiping his tears away as he leaned into your touch.
"........Yeah..." He gave you a small but sad smile as the two of you held hands walking away from the hut and deeper into the woods, Ever since you started dating Muriel you've gotten to know your way around the forest quiet nicely, and you knew exactly where you were going, there was usually only one place that usually did the trick that cheered him up and that was the beautiful clearing in the center of the forest, it was surrounded by the most gorgeous of flowers and every once in a while different types of creatures would lay by the small lake that was close by and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the cool refreshing water. On the way to the clearing you tried your best to make small talk with Muriel but his mind was somewhere else and you have a feeling it was about the chicken that was brutally killed and left in it's own puddle of blood and feathers, you were about to speak but as you were e walking you ended up tripping over a loose branch falling to the ground with a loud thud, Muriel's eyes grew wide as he rushed over to you.
"(Y/N)..... Are you ok???" He knelt down to you to examine you for any injuries.
"I-I think I sprained my ankle.." You put your hands around your ankle before flinching in pain. "Yup it's sprained.."
Muriel stared at you with horror in his eyes. "....It's my fault...... I-if I wasn't mourning the loss of a chicken then you wouldn't have had to take me to the clearing....... Then you wouldn't have gotten injured..." He had a few tears in his eyes.
"Muri... It's not your fault.... I wasn't paying attention..." You slowly stood up standing on your good foot as you limped over to him, but as you were trying to get to him he lifted you off the ground and started walking. His actions caused you to blush. "Muri!" You let out a small laugh as he continued to carry you.
"Your hurt...... I don't want you to injure it any further.......... Today...... Today has been nothing but bad.... First the chicken....... Now you......" He held you closer to his chest refusing to let go.
"Muri.... It's ok.... I'll be fine..." You gave him a small kiss on the cheek right as he walked into the clearing he now had a blush creeping upon his cheeks after you kissed a gentle kiss upon it, you two have been dating for a couple years now and yet he still gets so flustered every time you kiss him, to be honest it was actually pretty cute.
Muriel gently set you down on the soft grass as he gently leveled your foot onto a soft patch so your ankle wouldn't hurt any more. "How's that......."
You gave him a small smile. "Better.. Thank you." He let out a small grunt of satisfaction but was still hurt and upset that you ended up getting hurt in the first place. He had a small frown on his face, you couldn't stand seeing him so sad like this.. It broke your heart, then you remembered the ring you've been working on for 12 months now, you reached into your bag digging though it trying to find the box till your hand bumped into a small smooth box, you let a small smile creep up on your face as you pulled the box out of your bag, Muriel was a bit distracted as he was fiddling with a few flowers turning them into something beautiful, you cleared your throat getting his attention he turns his head and looks you in the eyes, he still hasn't noticed the small box in your hands but when when you shrugged your jacket free off your shoulders to reveal a nice suit as you did your best to kneel on one knee with a bit of a pain but you didn't let that stop you from cheering your man up with this special proposal but you were extremely nervous. "Muri.. We've been together for a few y-years now and well I have something to say... Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Muriel will you marry me?" You opened the box to reveal a beautiful homemade ring that had was green with a hint of burnt marshmallow, Muriel just stared at you in shock, his cheeks had a deep crimson glow to them as he was loss for words, at first you thought he was going to say no but when he collapsed in front of you and hugged you closer to him with tears in eyes. "........ Yes." He looked into your eyes as tears streamed down his face. "I-i will marry you..." His cheeks were still tinted with red as he pulled you closer to him, you took this opportunity to place a sweet kiss to his lips causing him to turn even more redder before he finally kissed back slowly as you slid the ring that was made for him onto his ring finger, he placed his forehead against your own he continued to cry. "N-no one has ever wrote me a marriage proposal as a poem before.. Well no one has actually proposed to me in my entire life.. a-and i'm grateful to have you as mine..." After a while he gently picked you up and carried you all the way back to the hut, it took a while to get there since Muriel thought about taking a different route this time, it was the long route because he wanted to continue to spend some time with you, you had made his bad day into one of the best days of his entire life, as the two of you finally arrived back at the hut he shoved the door open so he didn't have to set you down, inside was a small crackle of what was left of the fire along with a large fluffy wolf sleeping on a rug trying to stay warm, you smiled at the scene but as Muriel gently sat you down next to Inanna, as he soon walked out to retrieve more fire wood for the fire, but as he returned he saw you were out like a light curled up next to Inanna still wearing the suit you had on not caring whether you got it dirty or not, so you could stay warm you had one of the first pulled up over you, you did look really tired all day and Muriel knew that all you needed right now was some rest since you've worked so hard just to finish that ring for Muriel for which took you 12 months to finish, Muriel gently set the wood down on the other side of the room as he quietly restarted the fire hoping to keep you warm.
As the night went on he stared at the ring upon his finger as a small smile formed on his lips. "Thank you..... Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you the most....." He placed a small kiss to your temple before laying next to you falling into a deep slumber.  
Today was supposed to be a quiet and calm day where it's just you and your beloved boyfriend Lucio but sadly that wasn't the case, as always Lucio wanted to throw his annual masquerade birthday party but Nadia wouldn't let him which just left him in shock. "Noddy! What do you mean no!? It's my birthday! I agreed to only throw a party once a year! And I choose to throw it on my birthday! So why won't you let me have this!.." He stared at his ex wife with horror in his eyes at the fact that she had the audacity to tell him no.
She took a calming sip of her tea before setting the delicate cup back down upon the table before her. "I said no because we need to slow down and not spend the money on atrocious things such as parties... I'm sorry Lucio but it's just how things are right now, but if you behave for a week then I'll think about letting you throw a party."
Lucio's eyes grew wide then twisted into anger which soon turned into sadness. "A week!? But then my birthday will be over!.." He had a small pout on his face and you could've sworn you saw a tear escape from his eyes, you couldn't help but feel bad for him, you were about to speak but right as you were about to he dashed out of the room not wanting to have to deal with it any more, you looked over at Nadia as she took another sip from her cup of tea.
"I'm going to go check up on him.. Before he hurts himself.." You stood up from the plush chair you were sitting on and all Nadia could do was give you a simple nod right before you rushed out of the room in search of Lucio.
After a while of searching for you sulking boyfriend you managed to finally find him, he was hidden away in one of the secret passages that reside in the palace, as you stepped through the sight before your eyes made your heart shatter, you've never seen Lucio like this in all your life of him being your boyfriend, he usually has a brave face on but right now... That's not the case.. As you approached Lucio he continued to sulk not realizing that you were there, well not till you knelt down to his side placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, it made him a bit jumpy but when he realized it was you he quickly pulled you into a hug burying his face in your chest. You gently stroked his hair as he continued to sob, but after a while he finally calmed down and decided to speak up.
"Why won't she just let me have this.. It's my birthday.. I haven't b-been able to throw a party in years.. And I made a p-promise that I wouldn't throw one everyday.. Or every few weeks like I used to.." As he spoke his words were a bit choked up, it just broke his heart even more.. You held Lucio close to you as he nuzzled into you. "You're on my side.... Right?..." He looked up looking into your eyes as if he was hoping you would agree with him, you gave him a small smile as you kissed the top of his head.
"Of course I am Luci.. I know how much this means to you.. But no one can get Nadia to change her mind.. So I guess you'll just have to try and behave for an entire week.." He looked at you with a bit of shock before pouting again.
"A week! I can't do that.. You know I can't! I try but then I end up causing more trouble.." He sat next to you with a huff crossing his arms.
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh before standing up. "Come on Luci.. Let's get out of here and go for a little walk, I think it's time for some fresh air." You held your hand out to him, he stared at it for a while till finally accepting it, pulling himself up but as he stood next to you he refused to let your hand go which you didn't mind as long as he wasn't sulking any more but as you looked at him he still looked really sad, today hasn't been a good day for him.. But you had a solution to your problem, you knew exactly how you were going to cheer him up, but first you needed to get out of this stuffy room.
You carefully led Lucio and your self out of the secret passage and towards the palace gates hoping you could lead him to somewhere special without him complaining the whole way there and luckily that's what you got he didn't question where you were taking him he just wanted to do something for once since his day was ruined.
As you approached a hill top he was a bit confused but when he saw the view from where he was standing his eyes had a bit of a sparkle to them, you couldn't help but smile as he was admiring the view, the two of you spent the rest of the day there chatting and sharing the occasional kiss from here to there, after a few hours the sun finally started to set and you knew this was the perfect moment to pop the question, you quietly took your jacket off, setting it to the side as a nice suit was revealed underneath, Lucio was to busy admiring the sunset to notice that what you were wearing so you took this opportunity to pull a box from your pocket, you took a deep breath. "Luci?"
Lucio looked up at you, he still had a sad expression on his face but as he saw what you were wearing and what you were holding he grew a bit skeptical but as he watched you get down on one knew his eyes grew as wide as saucers. "(Y/N)?" Your name was the only thing that escaped his lips before you started to speak but as you spoke he could clearly see how nervous you were.
"Lucio we've been together for a while now and I've watched you change so much, you were once an arrogant count who only cared for himself but now your someone who is trying to be more responsible with his actions and after you had such a bad day I decided to take you here so I could ask you a question." You breathed in then out. "Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine. I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me.." You opened the ring box to reveal a beautiful ring that looked to be handmade along with it being of his favorite color, Scarlet red.. But that wasn't all, the ring was also a mix of Plot relevant red. "So Luci.. Will you marry me?" He stared at you in shock before a broad smile appeared on his face.
"Y-you're asking me to marry you? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Where I ask you to marry me?" He let out a small chuckle.
"Luci! It's a simple question." You let out a small laugh as he knelt down in front of you smiling.
"Yes! Of course i'll marry you!" You smiled wide as you grabbed him by the color of his shirt pulling him into a deep yet passionate kiss, sliding the ring onto his ring finger, it fit like a glove, after the two of you separated for air he started to admiring the ring upon his finger, till he realized that it was of his favorite colors and more. "D-did you make this yourself?" He looked at you with shock and a bit of pride in his eyes.
"Yup! It took me exactly 12 months to work on it." You gave him a sweet smile before pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek.
"12 months?! Wow.. You spent all that time working on this ring.. For me?" He had a small smile on his face, the sadness that was once there was long gone.
"Yeah.. I did it because I love you Luci.." He then pulled you into a tight hug as he kissed you all over.
"You turned this bad day into one of the best days!" An idea had just popped in Lucio's head as he immediately stood up bringing you up along with him. "I know! We should throw an engagement party! That'll give noddy a reason to let me throw a party!" You couldn't help but laugh as you followed him down the hill and towards the palace, you were just happy to see a smile on his face again.
As the two of you arrived back at the palace you let Lucio talk to Nadia by him self as you went to the room the two of you shared but as soon as you laid upon it's silk fabrics you were out like a light, after a while Lucio barged in with good news but as he say your sleeping figure he had a small smile on his face, the suit you were wearing was still on as a small blanket had been pulled up upon your body as you slept, he slowly walked over to you as he placed a small kiss to your head as he whispered such beautiful things in your ear before soon joining you in bed falling into a deep slumber himself, today was once a bad day for Lucio but now, now it's the best day of his life..  
Today was a peaceful day, you were actually pretty happy because you found out Nadia had a whole day planned out for the two of you, and you couldn't wait! You had already finished getting ready as you waited for your beloved girlfriend to enter the room, after a few minutes the doors to the tea room opened wide only to reveal Nadia wearing her travel uniform, you quickly stood up smiling wide as she approached. "Are you ready dear?" You eagerly nodded as you walked up to stand beside her.
"I'm more than ready!" You gave her a wide smile as the two of you walked out the doors but before you guys could make it to the palace gates Nadia was interrupted by one of the chamberlains who looked to be scared about something.
"M-milady! There was a major mishap in the kitchen that could use your attention!" Nadia let out a disgraceful groan as she looked at you with a sad smile. "My apologies (Y/N)... But duty calls.. will you wait for me?"
You gave her a big smile as you nodded. "Of course!" You were led back to the room as you waited for Nadia to return from taking care of the little mishap, after an hour had passed Nadia had returned, you stood up smiling. "Everything alright?"
Nadia gave you a small smile. "Yes.. The chefs were just fussing about how low they were on,with a certain ingredient they desperately needed.... But now that that is all settled with, shall we carry on with our date?"
You gave her swift nod but as the two of you were about to exit the room another chamberlain rushed in.
"M-my apologies milady but the count's dogs got into the peacock pen again.." Nadia frowned as she looked back over to you, you gave her a small smile.
"Go.. I'll be here waiting." You sat back down on the plush sofa as you watched Nadia follow the chamberlain out.
A few hours passed as the two of you kept getting interrupted by people in the palace with another complaint or situation that only Nadia could fix, by the time we actually got a chance to ourselves it was already late, to the point where we couldn't go on a proper date and seeing how she couldn't enjoy the day with you made her upset, she wasn't having such a good day.. It was bad.. She sat in one of the chairs, as she drank the tea that was provided to her. "(Y/N) I am so sorry that our day was ruined just because I am countess.." You saw the hurt look on her face as she slowly drank her tea, you knelt down beside her.
"Nadia.. It's alright.. I'm sure we'll get another chance someday.." You gently held her hand as she gave you a small yet sad smile, but you could still tell she was hurt and devastated that the two of you couldn't have your date. You swiftly stood up and rushed out of the room, Nadia was a bit confused but just thought that you needed space and that you were upset with her.. But that wasn't the case.. No, what you were doing was something that she'll remember for the rest of her life.
When you returned you weren't in your usual outfit, no.. You were in a beautiful tux that fit you nicely, in your hand was a small box, and inside that box was a beautiful handmade Opalescent ring, that ring took you 12 months to make and perfect, Nadia looked at you with a confused look. "(Y/N)? Is everything alright Dear?" You were really nervous.. You were scared that she would say no but you couldn't know unless you tried, you knelt down on one knee clearing your throat. "Nadia.. You and I have been together for a few years now.. I know you're the countess and are always busy from time to time but I would love to help you with your duties as countess.. So what I'm trying to say is.. A person you love is an extension of yourself. Without it, you're not complete. So better take care of yourself, because I don't want to lose a part of me." You opened the box to reveal a beautiful Opalescent ring, you stared up at her with a sweet smile on your face. "Will you marry me?"
Nadia had a shocked look on her face as a few tears started to escape, she was shocked that the love of her life was right before her eyes down on one knee proposing to her, there was only one thing she could say and that was yes. "Yes.. Of course I'll marry you (Y/N).." You stood up as you helped her from the chair only for you to share a sweet kiss as you slipped the ring upon her ring finger. "(Y/N)... How long have you been planning this?" She stared at the ring, she could easily tell it was homemade, it was made with lots of love and care, it was everything to her.
"About 12 months to be exact.. I wanted everything to be perfect.. Perfect for the one I love."
Nadia smiled as she pulled you closer to her sharing another kiss, but as the two of you broke for air she couldn't help but laugh, oh you missed her laugh all so much, she's been down all day but you were glad that you could make her smile again.
"You know what? I shall start planning the wedding right now." You let out a small laugh as she walked out the room, you followed close behind but as you did you felt a bit drowsy so you decided to head back to the room you share with the countess, you laid upon the beautiful silk sheets, as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out like a light.
A while later Nadia had entered the room not realizing you were asleep yet. "Dear which one do you prefer? A large wedding? Or a-" Before she could finish she realized you were asleep in bed, as you slept the suit you were wearing was still on since you seemed so exhausted, as you slept you had already wrapped the blanket around you like a little cocoon so you can stay warm, she let out a low laugh trying not to wake you up, but instead she decided to lay right beside you soon falling into a peaceful sleep.  
It was just like any other day, you were visiting your girlfriend Portia as she wanted to spend some time with you so you gratefully accepted, right now you were sitting on the couch she had in her living area as Pepi was sprawled out on your lap, you couldn't help but give her a few pets from here to there, Portia was busy fixing up some dinner in the kitchen and by the smell of it, it smelt delicious! After a while of cooking in a hot kitchen Portia finally emerged with two hot bowls of what looked to be bread pudding, you couldn't help to laugh a bit, of course it was going to be bread pudding, it is her favorite dish after all. "Bon appetit!" She laughed as the two of you ate, but as you were eating a lowed crash could be heard from the garden, she let out a low grown as she set her bowl down only to stand up to grab the shovel instead, you looked at her confused.
"What's wrong Portia?" You stood up only to try and see what could've made such a loud noise.
"It's that pesky cockatoo again.. He always comes by and messes with my garden, I'll be right back." You watched as Portia ran out with the shovel in hand and started to wack it around trying to hit the cockatoo as if it was a pinata, after a while the bird finally flew off but who knew how long it'll stay gone for.. You watched as Portia walked back inside, her clothes were all ruffled up with some dirt here and there, she looked awful.. "I wish that cockatoo would just leave my garden alone!" She huffed as she collapsed onto the couch right beside you.
You placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as you gave her a sweet smile. "It'll be ok.. Maybe he just wants attention? He is Lucio's bird after all.."
She sighed sitting up a bit. "You're right.. But that still doesn't give it the right to go after my garden.. I worked hard on it.." You gave her a sad smile.
"I know you have.." You frowned seeing how stressed and sad she was, but as the two of you decided to finish eating your bread pudding she ended up letting out a low yelp, you looked at her a bit worried. "Are you ok?!"
She frowned, shaking her head. "No.. I bit my tongue.. And it hurts.." This day wasn't going her way at all.. "Maybe I'm having bad luck.. First the cockatoo... And now I bite my tongue?! What's next? I burn my hand?" She tilts her head back as she huffs in annoyance and irritation.
"Portia..." You watched as she kept complaining about how her day has been nothing but bad luck.. You didn't like seeing her like this so you quickly rushed off to one of the rooms to throw on the suit you had brought with you, as you got changed you pulled out a small yet very beautiful box and inside the box contained a handmade ring which you had made you self, it was her favorite color, you always remembered how she enjoyed the color sunny-D Tangerine so that's the color you made the ring, you took a deep breath as you walked back out to the living area, you were extremely nervous to be proposing to the love of your life.. Will she say yes? Will she say no... What if she laughs at you as you propose! You started to get even more nervous but you didn't let a little fear stop you from doing this, you walked into the living area where Portia still sat but this time she turned her head when she heard you've returned but her cheeks turned a bit pink when she saw you wearing a suit, she was confused on what this was all about so you walked in front of her taking a deep breath as you knelt down on one knee, her eyes grew wide as if she knew exactly what you were about to do. "Portia.. You and I have been together for a couple years now and every time I see you hurt or sad.. It makes me sad as well so what I'm trying to say is that, "I came across someone who stole my heart and it is you. Don't throw it away and give it yours love, because I give my life to you." You opened the box only to reveal a beautiful ring the color of Sunny-D Tangerine. "Portia.. Will you be mine and marry me?" She let out a low squeal before tackling you to the floor.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll marry you (Y/N)! I love you so much!" You couldn't help but laugh as you placed the ring on her ring finger giving her a sweet yet gentle kiss, as the two of you pulled apart she admired the ring. "Wow! Is this handmade?!" She stared at you in awe as you laughed nodding.
"Yup! Took me 12 months to make!" You smiled proudly as she gave you an even bigger smile before hugging you tightly.
"Best. Day. Ever!" The two of you laughed, but as you were about to celebrate another noise was heard from outside Portia rolled her eyes as she went to grab the broom. "I'll be back!" She cheerfully said as she stepped out the door, but as she was gone your eyes started to grow a bit heavy. Before you know it you were laying on the couch with a blanket pulled over your body as you fell into a deep slumber.
After a while Portia soon returned with a few feathers in her hair as she set the shovel down. She saw you on the couch fast asleep. She let out a small laugh as she realized you were still wearing the suit, to be honest it was kinda cute.. But you did look really exhausted after all so she knew you needed the rest, she grabbed the empty bowls as she headed towards the kitchen, she couldn't help but smile knowing that her life will no longer be filled with sorrow but instead her life will be filled with happiness and joy.   
Next time I might only write for the men because writing for the females are a bit harder for me QWQ
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imkillerbae · 1 year
No >:333 Suffer >:DDDD
jk just kidding but like honestly, I wish i could but like my laptop is broken and it's still getting fixed (i didnt break it so i have to put it on the hands of the person who damaged it). idk when I'll get it back qwq.
I saved the word file on the device itself (my mistake, I shouldve used google docs or smth) so until my laptop is fixed, use your imagination ;))))
or like read my other Yoru Fics. I recommend the recent one, Out of Impulse (Angsty-ish but has a happy ending), or my very first fic for him, Plush Drama (Fluff).
I wonder though, should I write more dedicated fics to Yoru? I only have 3 fics for him at the moment (excluding the Enemies to Lovers posts which were like 5 parts). People seem to enjoy the mirror!Yoru request so I was thinking of doing a follow up with the two Yoru's facing each other. Add a lil tension yeah? Regardless, I might publish a Yoru x Reader x Sova fic today! So you might just get your dose of Yoru! :333 And please please please if u have any ideas, REQUEST!!! I am OPEN for them. I love seeing your inputs!
Thanks for sending this message!!! I love seeing how u guys react to the fics i make. And once I release the rest of the parts and the finale, I'll definitely tag you.
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ask-dcf · 8 months
Just One Page this week then mini pause on bloggo. Will explain below. vv
I been going it over and over and over in my head and the scheduling and it seems we maaaay need to pause the blog after the next page that I post today. What with a lot of dnd stuff I need to do for Friday and Saturday, work going on of course, and setting things up for MORE CRAZINESS, imma have to have this blog paused for juuuuuust a bit. It’s only until next Sunday. Aka few days before Halloween. My gf aswell has finally started some personal irl stuff so she won’t have much time this week to work with me on the rest of the script. We pretty far anyways so shouldn’t be an issue. ^^ Of course once we back in action I am also gonna take a small step back from dnd for a few weeks to focus on this collab arc. It’s just rearranging some schedule stuff.
Now while everyone is waiting for Sunday to come around you free to send asks to the characters. I can save them up for later. (Plus my Gf been getting hyper about them lol she so lovey x3) And I may reblog a thing or two. Maybe post some dnd stuff. Not sure. Buuuut I promise once Sunday comes around we will be back in action. Who knows we may get something scary for Halloween >:) Mwahahaha!~ (Also don’t worry I’ll put a trigger warning in case it too scary for anyone qwq bless the my sensitive people for we love kitties and flowers)
But yeah so sorry if people were hyped for it all I thought I could handle it since I’m technically a multi tasking deity but it seems even I have limits so I not a deity lol.
Anyways! Much love and bless all! Please be sure to take care of yourselves. ^^ Remember you are loved and you matter in life.
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scribblestatic · 6 months
Sudden Rescue Mission
(blanket warning for possible fatshaming, and specific warning for grievous injury description)
Why do I constantly harm this boy, I'm so sorry, Deku qwq
Within seconds, All Might and the other students have left the basement watch center.
They quickly rush over to the tall pile of rubble, eager to start helping. All Might prepares to call out, but Yaoyorozu's faster, telling everyone that the placement of each concrete slab could shift as they try to get to him. They have to be exceptionally careful, not only to keep themselves from getting injured, but to keep from crushing an already covered Midoriya.
Her reminder is exceptionally sobering, many of the meeker or more shocked students freezing up.
Sato, Kirishima, and Tokoyami help lift and move some of the initial slabs, handing them off to Ochako to make the occasionally heavier ones weightless before handing them to others. Mezou and Jirou use their quirks to listen for him, confirming that he's alive, much to everyone's sincere relief. Asui starts carefully crawling on the concrete to differentiate sturdy from lose ground. Whenever something starts to slide too much or she finds a loose spot, Todoroki and Mineta use their quirks to force the concrete to stick in place.
Each of them put in a cohesive effort to save the boy under the collapsed rubble, to the point All Might finds himself quite astounded. The way Yaoyorozu took the rescue mission lead was impeccable, and she helped everyone find a place to help.
All Might's gaze turns up to the second floor of the building, where Young Bakugou still stands. He seems to be in shock, having not moved an inch since he went silent. Of course, he probably won't unfreeze until Young Midoriya's safety was fully secured.
As much as he'd like to hurry and scoop Young Midoriya up, allowing the student to continue their rescue efforts is a better idea. They've already started the rubble removal process and, unlike many of his other appearances, a single booming punch wouldn't solve the problem. In fact, it could cause more than fix them.
When he saves citizens from rubble, it's usually in the company of others. Or he swoops in and saves them before the collapse can become more severe.
"Tokoyami-kun!" Yaoyorozu suddenly calls out. "Can your quirk make other shapes made from darkness?"
"Indeed. Dark Shadow revels in the lack of light. It can also get mischievous with strength in the dark...but my control shan't wain."
"Then, see if you can send Dark Shadow into the cracks of the rock and find Midoriya-kun's location! Once found, if you can just make a dome around him--"
The others understood. With a protective dome in place, they could wreck the concrete without worries. All Might also caught on, laughing jovially.
"An astute plan, Young Yaoyorozu! Young Tokoyami, let me know the instant you've surrounded him!"
Asui gingerly crawls out of the way, and Tokoyami nods, summoning Dark Shadow. The darkness forms from where his belly button would be, a bird-like head forming, its face concealed in shadow, save for two glowing yellow eyes.
"He's around this area," Jirou tells him, pointing toward a section of concrete. "He's buried deeply under there, but--"
Then, they all hear a beeping noise. It echoes dimly from under the rubble.
A rescue signal.
"He's conscious," Mezou murmurs.
"Find the one concealed under this weight and protect him."
"Aye!!" the dark bird salutes him before diving into the shadows, spreading out and gaining power in the darkness.
A few moments pass with everyone waiting anxiously. Then, Tokoyami stiffens, his eyes growing wider, his beak shutting tighter.
"Did you find him?" Hagakure asks, clearly anxious.
"...I have. One moment."
But, he appears to not be saying something, shutting his eyes as he gets his quirk to prepare a protective dome.
"...The weight will be...very heavy. Please destroy the rubble quickly lest the dome fail..."
Then, he flexes, the rubble moving slightly as the dome forms. Immediately, the feathers on the back of his head flair with strain.
But not for long.
With a call and a mighty punch, All Might immediately sends the rubble flying off, the force of the wind causing most to break down into smaller stones and rocks. The kids all cluster together, their collective weight keeping them from getting blown away by errant winds on the sidelines.
Tokoyami's Dark Shadow, strained under the heavy weight and now under the wind, pops. The protective dome dissipates as the quirk seems to whine in pain, receding back into Tokoyami.
But Midoriya isn't left alone to the blow.
As if he'd sensed it wouldn't last too long, he already had his shield ready, holding it up as the remaining gusts of wind flush around it.
"Mii-kun!" "Izu-kun!"
The two girls immediately head toward him once the air settles, followed by the others, but they all stop when they realize that something's wrong.
The shield wavers slightly from where it somewhat conceals him. He's sitting on some remaining slabs, ones flat and partially protected by Dark Shadow before the quirk couldn't handle it anymore. But there had been a reason Tokoyami didn't allow all of the rubble to be destroyed.
Izuku lets out a weary groan, then the shield drops, smacking against the ground.
Blood pools under his left thigh, where rebar sticks out, having pierced through one side and out the other. It was nestled right beside his thigh bone, having cracked it.
Every move, every twitch, is agonizing.
Pain rips through his body like razor blades tipped in acid. His nerves scream in anguish as strands of muscle and flesh cling to the steel bar piercing his thigh.
He's broken out in a cold sweat underneath his uniform. But when he looks up at the others, the slightly malfunctioning mask glitches, still showing two closed, happy eyes.
"Th-Thank you... It was r-really dark," he murmurs softly. Then, he turns to look at his leg, finally seeing it in the light. The eyes on his mask glitch open. "Ahh... Uhm, this looks w-worse than it is. Don't worry. I'm okay."
His leg twitches involuntarily, and he stiffens, but the smiling eyes stiltedly return to his mask.
"Uhm... Is...uhm. I'm sorry. Is it okay...if I go to the nurse's office, sensei?"
It's a bit of a blur after that.
All Might swiftly has Midoriya taken away on a stretcher manned by medibots, the rebar still stuck in his leg to prevent further bleeding. He doesn't cry out while having the rebar sawed from the concrete despite it clearly being painful. Instead, he focuses on asking if Hagakure, Iida, and Kacchan are okay.
Hagakure's in tears, but she's otherwise uninjured thanks to Iida. And Iida's also generally uninjured, save for the swelling around his left eye. But that is something he won't need the nurse's office for.
They aren't sure about Bakugou's condition. He still hasn't moved from the second floor.
Midoriya says he'll see them later as he's taken away, thanking Hagakure for working with him.
A few minutes later, they were in the basement of the next building for their exercise. All Might had the footage from the previous round playing on the screens as he seems to prepare his notes.
Hagakure's still sniffling, Iida has a soothing patch around his eye, and Bakugou stands stiff, his right shoulder wrapped with medicine to reduce the swelling and bruising. He hasn't said a single thing to anyone since All Might got him down to join the others.
The mood is, quite frankly, atrocious.
And All Might knows. He already knows he's getting an earful, if not an outright scolding, the instant his class dismisses.
And he'll deserve it.
He thought he should allow Young Midoriya to face some hardship and give Young Bakugou the opportunity to look past his apparent prejudice. However, the assignment ended with his one quirkless student grievously injured, Young Bakugou clearly traumatized, and Young Hagakure and Iida either silent or crying.
With that amount of bleeding, there's no doubt the rebar hit a major artery in Midoriya's leg. The fact the very same rebar blocked his leg injury was likely the only reason the boy survived those several minutes under the rubble.
And yet, he allowed an elementary attempt at rubble rescue. A rescue that, if it had taken too long, could have led to the boy's death. And it wouldn't have been his classmates' fault. No, it would've entirely been his.
But, judging from the still shellshocked expression on Young Bakugou's face, and the overall chilled state of the class, they probably, very likely, would've blamed themselves.
It's...incredibly sobering. He has messed up quite severely on his first day.
He coughs briefly, then turns to the students.
"Now then... For the rest of the team battles today, while I would like for you to be able to go all-out, it's best to act carefully. Consider this exercise a lesson in stealth and quirk control. Get a feeling for what you can do to either conceal the bomb's presence or quietly capture it. And remember. The bomb is very, very sensitive. All future attempts should work around that mentality. Understood?"
While some students said it quickly, others dragged their agreement. Indeed, the confidence and momentum they'd built up over the last few minutes has been shattered. But class must go on for now.
"Right then. Can someone tell me who won?"
Some of them look confused, turning to each other with questions clear on their faces. Eventually, Asui raises her hand.
"Uhm...can we really determine a winner from that, gero?"
"Yes, we can Remember, there are two conditions for heroes to win. One is to--"
Yaoyorozu raises her hand quickly, her expression firm.
Ah... There's a certain questioning and discomfort in her gaze that wasn't there earlier. Still, she's cooperating in the class, so he addresses her.
"No one won," she answers. And before he has to ask, she continues. "The first winning condition for heroes is to capture the bomb. The second winning condition for heroes or villains is to capture the other team. Midoriya-kun had captured Bakugou-kun around his forearm... Though he didn't honor his captured condition. And Hagakure-chan captured Iida-kun just a few seconds before the explosion.
So, the hero team met the second condition. However, after the point of the explosion, neither Iida-kun nor Hagakure-chan focused on stabilizing the bomb. The first win condition for the villain team was to protect the bomb. When it fell, that would've been a deadly explosion in any case outside of a classroom setting. So, the heroes failed to save the city, and the villains failed to protect the bomb. Nobody won."
...Actually, he was going to say that the hero team won, considering everything after Young Bakugou's explosion moot. However, Young Yaoyorozu makes a good point. If the bomb had been real, neither team would've accomplished their overall goal. One would've won the battle, the other lost, but the overall war was lost by everyone involved.
"...However, if we look outside of the scenario, Iida-kun and Midoriya-kun were particularly exemplary. Hagakure-chan did well to use her quirk to her advantage by hiding her tools, but she gave away her advantage when she made a premature plan that almost caused her to fail. She worked quickly to correct her mistake, and her throw was exceptional. So, I think she had many good parts in her participation.
Iida-kun, whilst acting like a villain, tried to use his knowledge to give himself an advantage. He also made preparatory measures to confront the heroes. However, he couldn't follow through on his villain act...which I don't think is a bad thing here. He could've seriously hurt Hagakure-chan if he didn't stop himself from reflexively kicking her. He couldn't see her, so he wouldn't know where he could kick safely, if he could at all.
Then, after the explosion, Iida-kun made an immediate threat assessment and, knowing that Hagakure-chan is real while the bomb is papier mache, he abandoned the classroom assignment to ensure the safety of his classmate. I think his ability to switch from a villain's point of view to a hero's and act on the tenants of heroics immediately is a good trait to have."
She pauses, the other students watching her as though she's the teacher. All Might sees no reason to stop her, though she is pretty well burning through all the assertions he was going to make.
After a deep, sighing breath, she continues.
"Midoriya-kun's part was also very strong. While he did not contribute as much physically, frankly, his planning was the main reason he and Hagakure-chan were so close to winning. I saw the hand code he used upon initially being confronting by Bakugou-kun--"
"A-And--" Hagakure cut in, her voice wobbly. "He helped me learn my quirk."
The others blink, surprised by this notion.
"Uhm... I always thought my quirk was invisibility. Doctors did, too. But it's actually something like...reflection. And, because of him, I learned I could hide things in my mouth to go completely invisible. With this in mind, I think...maybe there's more things I can do with my quirk."
She perks up a bit, clearing her throat. "And! And he made some verbal codes, too! Something we could say out loud and not be suspicious! Like, uhm, DNC! Divert and capture! It was a code we made in case we had to work alone! He also guessed which floor they'd keep the bomb, and even said he was sure Bakugou-kun would..."
And her mood deflates immediately, the girl falling silent.
"...Yes." Yaoyorozu's gaze lands on the normally rude-mouthed boy. He seems quite cowed, but she decides not to mince her words in the most professional way possible.
"Bakugou-san's explosions, from the beginning, could've threatened the bomb if it wasn't stably manufactured. Still, his attacks on Midoriya-kun also followed through with what one could generally expect of a villain--mainly that they'll attack whoever they think is the weakest link.
However, if he was thinking, he could have found a way to capture Midoriya-kun, then returned to the fourth floor to help Iida-kun capture Hagakure-chan. The conclusion would've been much less hazardous. He was too focused on his prejudice to consider the ramifications of his actions."
There's a few beats of silence, then All Might cuts in, trying to brighten the mood.
"Very good! You said everything, Young Yaoyorozu! So, with that in mind, who would you say was the MVP of this round?"
Kirishima quickly raises his hand, and All Might addresses him.
"It's gotta be Midoriya, right?"
"And why's that?"
"Like Hagakure-chan said, he made the plan and they followed through on it. If not for the explosion, they would've won."
"But, uh...wouldn't it be Iida?" Kaminari asks, sheepishly raising his own after he'd already started. "I mean, like, he protected Hagakure and was kinda, like, the first responder after the explosion."
"I mean, that's true, but if we're looking at it from the assignment--"
"But the explosion was real and Midoriya couldn't really do much about it," Mineta says, his arms crossed thoughtfully.
"He was the target of the explosion! And the building, it collapsed!"
"To be honest, I think I maybe would've died if I couldn't get away and was faced against that, gero."
The boys pause, turning to Asui. She stands slightly bent, her eyes half-closed in worried consideration, her large pointer finger against her bottom lip.
"My quirk doesn't do well against extreme air temperatures, after all. And, we've just started learning how to be heroes, so I don't really know what kind of training's necessary to make me sturdy enough to stand explosions yet. This was just supposed to be training, gero..."
Young Asui makes a point that, overall, helps them breach the subject they danced around.
Young Midoriya's quirklessness.
From Young Kirishima's stance, he focused on the logistical tactics the boy used without commenting on his strength in the situation. While indeed stronger than his partner, Young Hagakure, he was at a standstill against someone much more powerful. And, in the emergency that followed the explosion, Young Iida was more capable in that instance of true severity, as Young Kaminari pointed out.
The situation stated, in those terms, that Young Midoriya could be a hero in theory, but would become a hindrance in practice. That his dream of heroics was possible in very strict settings, but practically impossible.
But as Young Asui said, she likely wouldn't have survived the explosion at all, much less the following building collapse. Midoriya's intuitive equipment and ability to use it allowed him to survive in ways several of the other students wouldn't have been able to. His preparation for unknown circumstances kept him alive in a situation that should've never endangered his life.
They couldn't determine what he would've done had he been in Iida's position. But, based on what he did do as the target of the explosion, he handed it better that others would've.
That seems to silence Young Kaminari and Young Mineta's dissent.
After a moment, Young Hagakure raises her hand.
"I think it should be Mii-kun, too. He helped me with my quirk, made the plans, and he kept himself safe under all that rubble. He also had, uhm...he had tools to make sure someone could locate him! And first aid! So, he was very prepared."
The other students start nodding and murmuring their agreement, and Young Iida speaks up.
"I also think Midoriya-kun did the best he could in this uncontrolled situation."
"I should add an aid kit to my uniform too, huh..." Sero sighes.
"We should probably learn how to do first aid before that, though," Ashido replies, laughing slightly.
"I'd probably end up being the worst at bandaging," Sato agrees.
The mood lightens up a bit, and in the end, they all agree to make Young Midoriya the MVP.
Well, almost everyone. Young Bakugou still hasn't said a word. But he doesn't complain either.
--- ---
As the rest of the class continues, they act carefully against each other. Each team closely discusses the abilities of their quirk and move together when possible.
Battle #2: Uraraka and Tokoyami (H) vs Todoroki and Kouda (V)
While Shouto froze the building after Koji went outside, Ochako had been floating herself and Fumikage so they didn't touch the walls of the building. If not for Shouto's swift freezing attack after Fumikage tried to distract him as Ochako went for the bomb, the latter two would've won.
The MVP would've been Shouto...except flash freezing and warming a bomb so quickly could cause it to set off. So, as a precautionary measure, Ochako took the MVP spot. Shouto looked surprised, but otherwise stiffly said that she'd done well. Though, Ochako admitted that she felt she cheated him out of the MVP spot.
Battle #3: Sero and Aoyama (H) vs Mezou and Mineta (V)
Shouji held the bomb and would carefully move it between rooms during the process. Meanwhile, Minoru set up a defensive line of his hair balls.
Hanta managed to avoid the balls while Yuga got stuck, but the boy did shoot off a warning shot when Minoru tried to confront them and stick them both to the wall. Once at a standstill, Shouji left the bomb hidden in another room and told Minoru to retreat.
As Hanta chased after him, the boy used more balls to speed away, bouncing himself off of them. Just as the tall, tape-user wrapped Minoru with tape, Shouji clothes-lined him before wrapping him with capture tape.
With Yuga immobilized and Hanta captured, it was the villain team's win yet again. The MVP was Shouji for his leadership in the situation, although Minoru was a close second for using his quirk wisely.
Battle #4: Yaoyorozu and Ojiro (H) vs Jirou and Ashido (V)
After setting up a protective barrier around the bomb, Momo Mashirao decided to confront Mina and Kyouka directly. Momo and Mina ended up fighting, with Momo using quickly formed shields to block acid and sticky attacks.
Kyouka tried and failed against Mashirao's hand-to-hand combat skills, though she yelled out the location of the bomb so Mina could try going for it.
Mina attempted a swift escape to the bomb room, covering herself in acid so capture tape couldn't wrap around her. But Momo had anticipated this, using a cannon to fire flour at Mina, causing her acid to clump and stick together without the usual sliding effect.
She fell face first to the ground, and after Momo wrapped her in capture tape, she did first aid on her to make sure her nose was okay.
Of course, the MVP was Momo.
Battle #5: Sato and Kaminari (H) vs Asui and Kirishima (V)
Eijirou went in with the intent to cause damage, though substantially less than Bakugou had. As he caused a ruckus, Tsuyu found and slipped into the vent system.
Sato beefed up and went to confront him, though he couldn't punch through Eijirou's hardiness. Meanwhile, Denki stayed with the bomb, ready for an ambush...
However, the game was already over by the time he heard Tsuyu croak.
She'd opened the vent in the room and held onto the grate with her tongue so it wouldn't clang. Then, crawling on the ceiling, she made her way to the bomb and landed on it. Due to her stealth and teamwork with Eijirou, Tsuyu was the MVP. Besides, Kaminari was probably the worst person to leave to protect a bomb, considering his quirk.
With everyone finished, the students relax, happy that no other serious incidents occurred during their lesson.
"Good work, everyone!" All Might bellows. "You all did very well! We'll be practicing on using your quirks wisely and knowing your limits! Remember, you have many friends on your side to cover your weak points! For your first full training exercise, you all did wonderfully!"
Then, he turns away, his smile imperceivably tighter than before.
"Now then, I'm going to share the critique with Young Midoriya, so get undressed and return to your classroom!"
And just like that, he jets off, feeling the strain of his weakened quirk pulling at him, demanding that he deflate. As he leaves, though, he glances back, seeing the still-silent Bakugou stand like a ghost amongst the others.
That boy's ego is quite huge, he thinks, but the walls of his heart are fragile! He needs immediate counseling, but right now, I can't! I'm almost out of time from class alone!
He just barely makes it back to the staff changing room before he deflates in a puff of hot smoke. All Might coughs into his fist, blood speckling his fingers.
Ahh...he's really running out of time. He's holding on for as long as he can, but ever since he's passed the torch, the embers he's holding onto are getting weaker. Just a few months ago, he could last for three hours. Now, he was working just above two hours of heroic activities a day, and he'd used one on his way to work.
So, no more All Might for today, huh...
Toshinori sighs, sagging against the door. Then, he picks at his outfit, once form-fitting, but now hanging off his thin body like loose skin.
He sits up from the door and heads to his changing locker, pulling out a nice suit. He might as well wear something nice before he goes to get the life chewed out of him.
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beardedhandstoadshark · 10 months
Do you have any app or mobile game to suggest? QwQ I wanna try playing something new
Depends on the genre! There’s lots of games I really like!
Nameless Cat is a really good jump n run with really good puzzles and pixelart and music
Blackbox and the Picross Luna series for two puzzle games that’re wildly different from each other. Also The Color (Game) series, the newest one is currently Orange (game). Or Lith for slide puzzles
Polytopia for strategy
Cardinal Quest 2, The Dark Wildness, and the mobile port of Nethack are wildly different roguelikes
StickRanger is a…unique…retro take on rpgs
Cat Forest is cute, so is Cats and Ghosts
A Girl Adrift and Realm Grinder are two clickers that play pretty different from the usual clicker games (I like both of them and usually really don’t like this genre)
The Bullet Hell Monday series for, well, Bullet Hell. Also Towel Fight 2, if you look past the late 2000‘s humor
Only One for an action game
Project Muse as a more casual Rhythm game with a lot of free2play stuff compared to the usual hardcore + 300€ DLC stuff that floods the AppStore
The Witches Isle as a short point n click game, as well as the ports of the Cube Escape games
Parasite Days is just plain weird
Last Summer is a walking sim horror game
WorldNeverLand- Elnea Kingdom is a fantasy live sim that lets you have more jobs than just farmer and also has a surprising amount of worldbuilding
Rainy Attic Room where you befriend and help a little guy over time
…if you ignore the Gacha and general Fear Of Missing Put (and really, please do) then Genshin can be a fun game imo. Their other game, Honkai Star Rail, is just as bad with Gacha but has a way better presentation and different feel to genshin tho! For another Gacha, this time as a 2D adventure game, Guardian Tales
The first four Sonic games are available as remasters for free, as well as a lot of other classic Sega games, including Phantasy star 2-4! The offline save for that one apparently doesn’t work tho, so don’t pay to unlock it
Sky: Children of the Light just started its new season a week ago, and it comes with an upgraded camera mode! (As pretty and chill as it is, FOMO and grinding fuels applies her too, tough)
Narcissus is a neat lil autorunner game that starts of easy but also has challenge (also got some nice background tracks)
Hungry Master and Electro Master are cute little arcade games, as well as Duel Otters which is also designed to be easily played with someone else!
And Pokémon Go is not dead, quite the contrary!
I could probably come up with even more but that’s already enough isn’t it XD
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lisxdumbr · 1 year
LIS!! I was about to come here to cry about yuuta bcs i missed him this is a great opportunity qwq
the question itself is whats your thoughts on how the others in the cast would react to yuutas shift in personality!! its not the exact term i would use to describe his recent doings but ig thats how it would seem from outside so
just. im actually such a sucker for outside povs it always gives such nice perspective for characters its one of my favorites <3 i also love him so its a great mashup i would say
HELLOOO STARRY. thank you for always saving me in these cases <3 both of us miss him, good timing then.
THIS ended up being long, looong as always. I'm sorry I can't help it, but I hope you enjoy.
“Yuutakun Yuutakun, what have you become..?” thoughts
Replying to your question. hmmm, I think it depends on the person. Undead were definitely the beta testers already, alongside Hinata.
Let's see, Yuta used to be perceived as "one of the twins" just like that. And the twins were perceived as poor and miserable by all the yumenosaki students after Setsubun. You know how Mika says that it's "his duty to look after them" because it's a collective agreement in yumenosaki? As for the people close to him, I think they've always perceived him as a calm but cheery person except when it comes to Hinata. Everyone who has been 5 minutes talking to him should be able to notice that there's always this little pinch of boiling rage when something has to do with Hinata.
Now, as for the recent.. meltdown and explosion of personality, we have three phases. Entering the darkness (sandstorm), walking that dark tunel without hopes of finding the exit (mirage), finding the exit and being able to see outside's light again (love letter).
Many characters experienced a phase of it already, we could even claim that everything started in nightclub and everything, but that was just a brief moment. A brief taste that Rinne offered him so that he could see the world through his eyes.
I think Yuta is very conflicted himself, that's why he keeps deprecating and carrying burdens (please take him to therapy I am begging) BUT OK, moving to what's important, what's everyone reaction to this? how do they feel?
Starting with undead in sandstorm, we saw them raging and confused about his actions. Specifically Koga who was a step away from throwing hands. I believe Rei is the most important key in all this, since he felt hurt more than anything else. I believe Rei not only felt betrayed but felt like he did something wrong, since y'know, he 'raised' the twins in yumenosaki. This idea is further expressed in Love Letter, where he finally understands that Yuu is just.. changing, but that he isn't alone.
Speaking of, Hinata is devastated. Hinata has lived that change right before his eyes and he's absolutely terrified that he will loose Yuta. I spoke about this in my little liveblog of Love Letter when it dropped, but the twins are in a very unstable place. For Yuta to be happy, he needs to separate himself from Hinata, but this is exactly what will end up hurting Hinata, so now Yuta is growing while his brother is sinking in depressive thoughts all over again (at least Wataru helped a bit with that and thank god).
We see a couple more characters who witness the process. Shinobu? Absolutely terrified too. Shinobu, despite being Yuta's best friend, knows little to nothing about his true self, his true feelings. Seeing his friend get corrupted by those emotions scares him and also hurts a lot. He said it in Mirage even, he just wants Yuta to open up and trust him and understand that he isn't alone, but again, Yuta was in a blinded state of mind in which the pain overcame him and didn't listen at all.
I believe. the only person who took this positively has been Rinne. Rinne is. very very proud of him. Rinne is happy that his advice was able to reach him. He took the father figure that Rei previously had and embraced it. Rinne, despite his personality, truly cares about the ones he loves, so I think it's pretty normal that he feels proud and tries to help Yuta in his journey, specially when he sees himself reflected on him (yeahh read hotlimit).
ANYWAY. I would love to see Sora's opinion though, I'd love to see if his color has changed though I know that if it did, Hinata is going to cry and I do not want that.. but ! He's growing, I'm very proud of him.
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Hello! This is the first time to encounter a Filipino JP to EN translator for CDs! I was saddened by the Soundcloud purge that I am immediately following translators and saving audio copies. If you can take some requests, I'll be happy to suggest and share whichever audios I was able to save ;___; thank you for doing this.
Hello to you too anon ^^ And for confirmation, yes I am a Filipino hehe
Hmm, yes.. I personally haven't been on Soundcloud a lot, but I do remember when there were a lot of rlly good drama CDs and audios there. And now most of the tracks are just gone or deleted so I definitely get the sudden distress that you and all the others felt from it qwq
Lately, I've been pretty busy with academic-related tasks so I haven't been very active as of recent since my latest project is pretty much just my own personal request. But I'm more than glad to take requests though! I'm pretty sure I'll be able to fulfill them given enough time xD If you do have any requests, suggestions, or CDs to share, please feel free to ask/DM me for them! I would very much appreciate it <3
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genshinfanboy · 2 years
Hello! Congrats on 200!! I'd love two romantic match ups please and thank you! I'm also into females and am a female. I'm agender.
My sun is Gemini and moon is Aquarius, also a rising Leo!
I'm an INFJ.
My dream job was to be an astronaut or something that deals with space entirely, but that got messed up in highschool. Hence why it’s a dream now :(. Now it’s to be an artist or writer because it’s one of the ways I know how to express myself.
I'm not comfortable with my own feelings so I have trouble expressing them, believing that if I do only bad things will open. I often stay trapped in my own thoughts. I'm very loyal, can be awkward in most situations(very uncomfortable in social situations), selfless and love to help people no matter what. Once I've opened up to anyone, I don't shut up and I love to goof around with them. I don't actually get mad, it's a hard emotion to get out of me. I love to write, draw, fold origami, play games and listen to music(any genre that isn't country). I enjoy space and looking at the stars, I can sit for hours talking about them. Scary movies, I LOVE watching them so much. I wish to travel the world but funds and a fear of heights stop me. Probably not important, but I do have anxiety and depression..I have breakdowns but not as often as I used to.
Things I don’t like..The one thing I can think of is when someone assumes something about me. I can get rather defensive over the assumption and cry about it later LOL. I’m also kinda a picky eater, but I’m willing to try new foods?
Thank you so much in advance and sorry if it's kinda long qwq ♡
Hello! No need to apologize for it being long it makes it easier for me. Thank you for the congratulations. As I've been saying with all of these please take this with a grain of salt if you don't like it. Enjoy and have an awesome day or night.
The first match up would be Mona:
Stating the obvious you and Mona would bond a lot over astrology. She would understand you from her fortune telling. Of course she wouldn't miss use her abilities. She would try her best to ensure she has foods you like when you visit even when her funds are low. She would probably encourage you to pick up your love for astrology again. She could even teach you if you'd like. Because of her abilities there wouldn't need to be any fear of her thinking poorly of you for having trouble expressing your feelings. She'd help you out with your depression and anxiety as well. Mona is used to dealing with a wide arrangement of people. She is very quick to adapt to their habits as she does with Fischl. She would happily listen to you talk about the things you love. She would probably try saving some of her limited fund so you both could travel a bit. Though there's no way you'll get to see the place she is from as there is too large of a chance of running into her teacher and she can't ever go back there. She'll ask that you find someone else to enjoy horror with though. This relationship would be very thoughtful and supportive.
The second match up would be Jean:
Jean is someone who is very kind, patient and understanding. She would like the fact that you are loyal. She would also enjoy your creativity and art work. She would listen to you talk about the stars happily. She would respect your selflessness and what you do to help others. In a way it is much like her. Jean has issues expressing when she herself needs help so you both would be able to work on that together. You would be able to support the other by listening to each other's needs and worries. Time will show you both work well together with you personalities and instincts.
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