#Quantum physics in daily life
comfect · 7 months
Schrödinger's phone: a device that is simultaneously always in front of your face and cannot be found when you need it.
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audrinawf · 1 year
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My Digital Manifestations Planner is out now!!!
the power of journaling is seriously underrated. use this journal to design your new life with various manifestations techniques using the law of assumption, law of attraction and quantum jumping. the teachings of Neville Goddard and Joe dispenza inspired me to make this journal since their works have helped me tremendously to change my entire life. for those that follow me they know my manifestations journey and story and how much I’ve manifested in such a short time.
so this digital journal contains 80 unique manifestations templates that you can use to manifest your ideal life.
there’s everything from vision boards to manifesting cheque books. there’s a daily, weekly and monthly planner and reflections pages. there’s a morning and evening routine tracker. gratitude exercises. meditation and fitness and some other trackers as well. there’s exercises to help your money blocks. vision board template and templates to write a letter to your future self and SO MUCH MORE! use this journal to design your new life and new persona.
how to use : this is a digital planner not a physical product so you launch this on the goodnotes app and it can be used on your phone and tablet! also if you use a tablet you can use a digital pencils with it as well in the good notes app!
Get it now it’s 50% off right now so it’s only $8
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crushedsweets · 7 months
I know this shit is long as hell and you probably won't answer since you have so many asks but I just wanted to say I found a backstory for Cody(X-Virus) for your AU!!!
It's not as creative as your ideas but I tried to do something original and meaningful for him. He deserves more love and recognation.
I'm so so sorry for bothering you and I apologize for my mistakes.
Hope you like it and can't wait to hear your opinions about it!!!!
Cody never got adopted by a scientist, instead, he lived in an orphanage where he constantly got bullied. The reason for this situation was just straightly absurd. He just couldn't understand peoples and their emotions like other kids because of his lack of emphaty.
That's why he focused on academic knowledge rather than human relationships. Because mathmetical problems were easier for him compared to comforting a crying person.
Cody always was a succesful and smart kid so he could easily pass his exams in middle and high school. Because of that, in high school, he didn't bother to focus over boring topics like his daily lessons anymore.
No, he focused on more complicated science fields such as quantum physics, anatomy and organic chemistry.
Of course Cody couldn't understand everything he read easily, that's why he spend hours and hours on studying and having countless nights without any sleep. He read articles and textbooks, he watched professors' lectures on youtube, he tried to solve problems on his own and more.
Overworking on university lessons was not a good way for socialising, he got more and more isolated and the bullying was increased.
In last year of high school, he was worried because of the fact that he needed to win a success scholarship for all the cool topics he worked over, moreover, for a diploma. He could easily go to a college, however, he wanted the best of them. Because only the best could satisfy his hunger for research and true knowledge.
Cody was also confused about choosing which major to pick and he was stressing about this topic all the time. So many good fields were lying ahead him but he could only choose one of them and he wasn't sure which one is the one he wanted to dedicate his entire life. What if he would made a mistake and regret for his lost years for the rest of his living?
So yes, this was a very overwhelming decision for Cody. Since he was anxious all the time and he was going through a serious depressive episode, he decided to give a shot to the Chernobyl school trip in his school.
Obviously it was not like they really went inside of the nuclear powerplant since most of them weren't even over 18 years old. More like they wandered around the places in Ukraine which were close to the powerplant(Chernobyl City) and they visited some important museums.
But this was not enough for Cody.
He wanted to see the inside of the powerplant. He wanted to learn more details about behind the scenes. He wanted to see the deformed bodies. He to carry out experiments on dead humans who got affected by the radiation.
That's why he stole a gas mask and sneak out to the powerplant while everyone else was sleeping in a hotel.
He was truly breathless because of what he witnessed.
That's when he decided to became a chemistry engineer.
Of course he they got him and he took a huge punishment which caused to screw his school life.
Even though he got a really high score in his university acceptance exam, his applys were rejected by all the big schools he dreamed about. He got so, so upset about this that he even wanted to kill himself rather than living as a worthless piece of shit.
While he was rolling in thoughts of negativity, a teacher who respected Cody's success wrote a reference letter for him to an school.
The school decided to accept Cody with a few conditions. This school was not as big and as fancy as other schools he wanted but it was still better than what he could aford without that reference later. So he immediatly accepted this offer and thanked his teacher.
He did not became a chemistry engineer.
He majored in psychology which provided him the chance to do some different kind of experiments on mental health hospital residents.
He did a double major in chemistry, not in chemistry engineering.
But he's mostly using all his time for psychlogical experiments over chemical experiments. Sometimes he uses chemistry too for topics like neurotransmitter matters and the structure of hormones.
He's mostly a psychologist who you not want to cross and he works in mental health hospitals. He mostly manipulates his patients for doing something morally grey or hurtful for them either mentally or physically.
"That's why he focused on academic knowledge rather than human relationships. Because mathmetical problems were easier for him compared to comforting a crying person." I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOVE characters like this. who lean into math and science because they just cant grasp all of the wishy washy of emotion and that kinda stuff. characters who like clear, linear paths with rules and whatnot. i think its really interesting way to try to define a character
which is why i love "No, he focused on more complicated science fields such as quantum physics, anatomy and organic chemistry."
i love how much you focus on his desire for knowledge. i think its cool when someone CRAVES for intelligence, they want to learn, they wanna know everything they possibly can - and i think its especially interesting when that turns into scary, morbid curiosity
and i fucking love how scary it is that he decided to go snooping around during his Chernobyl trip. it just sounds like a really unsettling turn of events and i think is such a creative, yet creepy, take on what made such a big shift. going from a kinda awkward, focused, troubled kid to someone who is willing to hurt and sacrifice people for his own morbid curiosity. SUPER SCARY
and i like that he still couldnt get what he wanted. i like that he still got stuck doing smth that didnt truly appease any scary urges he had, and that he has to do his freaky killer stuff in a roundabout way by manipulating his patients
would be interesting to see if any other creeps could perhaps be his patient . . .
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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lalalian · 3 months
🦷,🌜, &🩰!<3
for anyone wondering, these questions are from this post!
I’ll be answering these questions for my aethergarde academy dr (aka my dragon rider academy dr!)
(kairos=my dragon)
🦷; list three dr-specific skills you plan to learn in your dr and how you'll learn them.
- dragon riding:
Pretty self explanatory, more specifically, I want to really fuck up those dragon tournaments. I want to come out on top every time— but I wanna earn that yk what I mean? I plan to do this by attending classes like every other student, but like… also practicing with Kairos independently.
- glyph magic
Glyph magic is supposed to be the quantum physics of the magic field. I don’t like math, but I’m gonna try my best (and if that doesn’t work out, I’m gonna just slip a few affirmations in my script 🤫🤫). My goal is to specialize in glyph magic; I’ve got a lot of studying to do don’t I? 😭😭
- scything (fighting with a scythe)
For close combat, I plan to be super skilled in martial arts and scything. I did script that I’ve done martial arts ever since I could remember, but I didn’t with scything bc I actually wanna learn how to do it. Of course, I’ll choose to learn about fighting with scythes in Aethergarde + I’ll practice in my free time.
🌜; what are three specific daily quirks you'll have to get used to in your dr?
- dealing with Kairos 🙄🙄 I know for a fact that he’ll be very troublesome in his hatchling years. I’m definitely going to be helping him in his classes more than most dragons because he’s so rebellious.
- being in the spotlight and attending a lot of noble events; I’m probably just gonna stand off to the side.
- the food. I’m so used to Asian food tbh (Indian, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese… mostly south East Asian food honestly), and eating food that doesn’t really have that flair to it would actually make me kinda sad 😭 I’m not even joking tho, I think it’s cuz I’m Thai that food is such an influential part of my life, but eating food that’s just ‘okay’ for like two days spoils my mood 😭😭
🩰: you're stressed in your dr. what's likely stressing you out? and how do you cope/feel better?
I haven’t really thought about this until now… uhh… not my smartest moment..
If I’m stressed, it’ll definitely be because of that damn glyph class. Or because of students getting the wrong impression of me because Kairos is a gilded dragon.
How would I cope with the stress? Practice fighting and taking midnight strolls around campus. I can definitely see Kairos secretly flying me around the island (or near the island) when everyone’s asleep to help alleviate my stress😭😭
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traumatizedjaguar · 3 months
We live in 3D. 4th being time. The higher dimensions are all on top of us. They’re right there in front of you, stacked on top of our dimension, and they’re all stacked on top of each other like that.
The higher the dimensions the more everything just looks magical. Each dimension is living at a different frequency. Everything in the universe is made of tiny vibrations and energy that’s all connected so it’s about whether you want to vibrate higher or lower. We’re in a lower realm in the 3D. Your morals are apart of what determines where you go. The moral code (Truth) comes from your spirit temporarily inhabiting your physical vessel. You can become 5D if you just have the will. From what I learned you do have to let go of your human identity if it doesn’t align with the identity of the soul. Like when Jesus said don’t act on the temptations of the flesh.
What we think of as ghosts can just be higher dimensional beings as they can walk through walls, that would be considered a higher dimensional ability according to physicists theories. That’d surpass what a 3D creature can do, higher dimensional beings are not confined by our 3D spaces or world.
To higher your vibrations you must overcome things like fear, let go of your twisted idea of what love is and let go of people you think you love but dont, heal your traumas, forgive others for their trespasses against you (eventually that comes with healing), seek justice not revenge, meditate daily, letting go of this story or idea of yourself and just live and love as much as you can even the little things you do for others matter, control your thoughts bc they are vibrations too, etc.. These are all things higher dimensional beings are already capable of and doing.
People think God is wrathful, He’s the highest most and lives in the higher dimensions. He can’t experience things like wrath is what I’m guessing if He’s higher dimensional bc things like wrath do not exist and could not exist in higher dimensions; bc the vibrations are so high and the beings vibrate at a level we cannot see but they can see us, there couldn’t be all these petty human urges, resentment, etc.. God understands love differently than our twisted idea of it. He understands justice and Truth is important. He knows what’s best and right even if it doesn’t make sense to us, I put all my trust into Him bc He is the highest intelligence. He is Source of all intellect. He didn’t create evil, He created free will bc that’s True Love is to let us be free agents; some things should only exist as a possibility and not a reality; we DONT have to do everything.
Even if there is no God who is a punisher to bad people, we still self-punish by going back to our true nature in the afterlife which is Love. We leave an energetic imprint with everything we think, say, and do and energy never dies. Because everything in the universe is connected by vibrating energies we are all connected to everything and everyone on a quantum level, on every level, and that means we’re all One. I can get all the information about your life you’re living now whenever I please when I go back Home. Our thoughts have waves we can’t see with the human eye, but can be recorded by an EEG and upload it to a computer to read it to the degree we can, that same energy from your thoughts goes out into the energy field of Everything.
One lie they told us growing up was that perfect doesn’t exist. Yes it does. Souls are perfect and civilizations have created world peace on other planets. We can do it too. And it’s not a cycle like Hinduism talks about, you can have perfection forever.
My true self is my spirit. God told me with full proof that all I have to do is love.
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sciencestyled · 15 hours
The Curious Case of the Missing Aliens: A Deduction Fit for the Bizarre
There I was, seated in the familiar confines of 221B Baker Street, fingers steepled in the pose Watson has often described as my "thinking machine" at work. On this particular afternoon, I found myself wrestling with a most irritating question, one that had been gnawing at my mind for some time: where the devil are all the aliens?
Now, I know what you must be thinking. Holmes, you’ve solved all manner of convoluted criminal cases, yet here you are concerned with little green men. But allow me to enlighten you on the circumstances that led to my strange preoccupation with extraterrestrial mysteries. It all began after a most peculiar visit from an acquaintance—a certain Professor Fortescue, the kind of chap who seems to have misplaced his common sense somewhere between his study of physics and an apparent inability to tie his own shoelaces.
The man burst into my rooms, knocking over a stack of precariously balanced books that I had so carefully arranged, bellowing something about the Fermi Paradox. Naturally, I ignored him at first, believing this to be yet another nonsensical distraction from the simplicity of human reasoning. I had been in the middle of a delightful experiment involving tobacco ash and different brands of biscuits, determining the most effective combination for sustaining creative thought.
"Holmes!" he shouted. "Holmes, we should be swimming in alien civilizations by now! The numbers—the numbers, man!" He waved a chalkboard covered in indecipherable squiggles that were either equations or a summary of the man's latest nervous breakdown.
As Fortescue babbled on about the staggering number of stars in the galaxy and the inevitability of extraterrestrial life, my curiosity was reluctantly piqued. What bothered me most was not the professor's ramblings (though they were quite insufferable), but the sheer logical absurdity of it all. If the galaxy is so packed with habitable planets, where are all the letters from our cosmic neighbors asking to borrow sugar or, at the very least, demanding to know how Earth managed to produce such an utter lack of taste in popular music?
I dismissed Fortescue with a wave of the hand—he left, after knocking over my violin in an unfortunate act of clumsiness—and I proceeded to investigate. The Fermi Paradox, as it turns out, was named after some other poor soul who’d been equally perplexed by this cosmic silence. Armed with this new puzzle, I began applying my deductive reasoning to the matter.
I must say, it was quite a refreshing departure from the tedium of solving murder—really, how many times must a man be stabbed before people grow tired of it? The very idea that there could be countless civilizations out there, all hiding from us, was almost too tantalizing to ignore. I imagined alien committees gathered around in some interstellar version of Scotland Yard, flipping through dossiers of Earth’s greatest catastrophes and deciding, en masse, that we were best left to our own devices. Can’t say I blame them, really.
But the question persisted: Why? Why, with all the potential for contact, have we heard nothing? I explored every angle. Perhaps they were here but had mastered the art of invisibility. Or worse, perhaps they had simply been observing us, chuckling from behind some quantum curtain as we bumbled about our daily lives, occasionally electing disastrous political figures and creating self-driving car accidents.
And then it hit me—a realization so absurd, so bizarre, it could only be true: we were simply...uninteresting. Oh, the profound humiliation! Aliens, upon watching our species for mere moments, had probably decided Earth was the galactic equivalent of an awkward school dance where no one had quite learned the steps. Why visit a planet where the inhabitants argue over the shape of their Earth and willingly consume food labeled "gluten-free"?
The problem wasn’t that aliens were avoiding us; they were ignoring us. We were the neglected shelf at the cosmic library—a volume that had been read once, deemed thoroughly boring, and put aside to gather dust for millennia.
This conclusion, shocking as it was, led me to an irrefutable decision. Clearly, the public had to be informed of this cosmic slight. I could not sit idly by as humanity remained blissfully unaware of its standing as the galaxy’s most forgettable species. But how? How to spread the word? And then it came to me: the internet. The breeding ground of conspiracy theorists, amateur sleuths, and people with far too much time on their hands.
And so, I set about producing this video. It is my duty, after all, to enlighten the masses about the fact that we are quite possibly the universe’s least exciting discovery. Watson was dubious, of course. He always is. But that’s beside the point. In the end, the truth must be shared, no matter how painful it is.
So, dear viewer, I present to you the answer to a mystery far greater than any mere murder or scandal: why the aliens, in all their hypothetical glory, have failed to show up at our doorstep with fruit baskets or invasion plans. The truth is out there—and it’s desperately trying to avoid us.
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starlightshore · 2 years
1stswagmastere said: Do u have any different lore or backstory for Vlad in your AU?
I'm going to have fun here and cover his FULL backstory lmao. As for canon -we only know what happened from the Accident in college and that's it. Nothin about his family life.
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[has alt id]
Vladimir Masters moved to America with his family when he was 9. They moved because his parents divorced and his father had visited the country often for work. He felt it'd be good to get a fresh start.
Vlad himself knew English but hadn't needed it for daily use, and thus struggled in practice. Plus, I'd imagine the cultural differences were a lot to get used to -suddenly living in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas must of been a shock. Even if he's visited the states before, this was a life altering experience.
Vlad always felt like a misfit, even before the move. His older brother was too old to hang out with his Cringe Fail lil bro and his father couldn't relate to him. Something about the kid was just... different, as his father put it. The two never saw eye to eye, having few things in common. None of this was malicious, his father still supported him and did his best to keep food on the table and the family happy.
I like the idea while the family wasn't perfect -the father had a drinking problem but was never abusive. Nothing super dramatic happened in Vlad's home life -notably so he doesn't have any tragic backstory or "justification" for how much of a manipulative bastard he is modern day. (not that there's anything wrong with tragic backstories. go ham if that's your jam!)
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Growing up, Alicia and Maddie were Vlad's best friends. Back then, Maddie was more of a "wild child" and did whatever she wanted on impulse. Alicia was a Baby Butch, a tom boy who wasn't aware of her sexuality but knew she was not like other girls. Being in a small church town in the US South, the trio were the regular misfits. (Notably Alicia is a tad older and acted as the groups babysitter just as often as an instigator to adventure)
Jack lived in the small town but wasn't friends with them until high-school. Jack was a Cool Kid Jock, well liked for his jokey personality and his mid-to-bad football playing. Which, while not great, wasn't terrible and that's an improvement to the small town's crappy team.
However, one day Jack came into the school raving about seeing a ghost. It was funny for a few days -but Jack became obsessed and upset over the whole thing. No one believed him and mocked him, Jack took it very personal.
Maddie approached Jack and gave his story a shot. There's a ghost at the lake, he says. While neither Vlad nor Maddie believe him, they give it a shot cause Maddie thought it'd be fun.
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Yeah. Ghosts are real. The trio are terrified but become enthralled. That summer they spend it trying to investigate the ghost -try to find her murderer and appease her vengeful spirit. The three cry and piss themselves scared but it's a major life-long bonding experience.
Turns out the ghost isn't a murder victim -she's just a woman who drowned when drunk while fishing. Her unfinished business was to escape the waters, scaring any locals who neared the water under moonlight. Sadly, without a strong tether to the ghost zone, her ghostly form fizzled out. The teens never really learn these truths.
The whole town is sick of their ghost hunting and are happy to see them leave for college lmao. The three have become Besties For Life, set out to become scientists and find an explanation to the supernatural. Vlad focused on mythology/technology, Maddie quantum physics, Jack with biology/medicine.
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The accident happens but it's a direct result of BOTH Fentons. I feel it's thematically important if it's both of their faults, to mirror Danny's accident. Vlad's portal is kept on the whole time, after his death he sneaks into the lab and steals it for himself to keep. It speaks to him. Whispering to him of the Hell he's opened up. This is his portal, yet unnamed and characterized cause i spent all my creative energy on Danny's Portal, Liminal Gates. I don't wanna derail the post to those OCs, but essentially think of them as sentient portal ghosts. they're... not exactly that, but that's the gist.
// OK BELOW i get into depth over both Danny and Vlad's cause of deaths, not like, SUPER gorey detail but its implied of some very awful stuff. skip 4 paragraphs if you don't wanna read that
Tangent: Danny's accident is a result of exposed wire within the portal. In my AU, he doesn't touch an "on" button but rather grabs an exposed switch, yanking on a wire that burnt through his rubber glove and shocked him from hand to foot (which then bounced up to the brain). I got the sense from the theme song that the parent's just... forgot they had that switch in the blueprints, so it makes sense to me that it'd be unfinished and left unattended like that.
anyway now for Vlad's accident. I've mentioned before that in my AU that ectoplasm is in itself the opposite of life, and when in high concentration it'll become acidic and burn through organic matter.
That uh, happened directly to Vlad's face. After the initial blast, the ectoplasm congealed with his blood creating a thick barrier between his face and the air. So even after removing the blast's plasm, it was stuck.
Vlad was rushed to the hospital and bled out, the plasm seeping through into his lungs. It wasn't a fast death like Danny's. Miraculously, he "survived" and had his face bandaged and had to have surgeries to fix the damage. Sadly, even with what little skin was left, because the ectoplasm rooted itself into the skin layer it continued to blister with ecto-acny like in the show. It left him in the hospital for years.
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Anyway while Vlad is also a Halfa-Paradox like Danny, he needs to consume Actual Literal Blood. (Not necessarily human blood, nor a living host's blood. usually he drinks animal blood in secret. He's a monster, but he's not THAT much of a monster!)
His body is more unstable and requires more blood to repatch itself. Danny's death was instantaneous and a 1 hour time range surrounding it to connect his timelines. For Vlad, it took 1-2 hours to die, so his timelines and time frame are more scrambled and full of various states of decay and gore. He needs to steel that life essence as well replenish his blood loss. Someone who is a Halfa-Paradox is the living embodiment of of those hour (or for Vlad, hours) they died and didn't die. They're a center point of those timeline selves, fused into one person while shifting between different bodies those timeline selves inhabit. Vlad's is incredibly unstable.
Anyway that aside, Vlad's power is blood based. He really is a vampire ghost. I know my AU mainly has been comedy but I do enjoy the darker side of the fandom (not to... the point some of ya'll go lmao) and Vlad focuses a lot more of this side of things. I've been uncertain on how to take his blood power -do I do blood bending? bleed on you until you're uncomfortable power?
Nah i think I'm going to go with a simple "those he's drunk blood from temporarily are mind controlled" or something. Vampires are a drain on society, a metaphor for their hoarding of wealth and feasting on the life force of the common man. Now as an adult, I see how some people can fall into a warped mindset that loves Capitalism even when it's the root of all evil in society. Uh. That's the best I got chief, Vlad's power is propaganda essentially.
He already uses his over-shadow power for a similar effect in canon, it's a very Vlad thing to do. It's just more.. gross and evil this time around.
Back to the Backstory: after the transition, Vlad fell onto desperate times as the hospital bills were enormous. After trying to handle it morally, he ended up resorting to petty theft using his new powers. Same as canon, this escalated to bigger robbery and then political power. Vlad is more subtle about than in canon, never showing his ghost form and learns to explain his wealth through business rather than staged luck.
Once he had some power and influence, he went back to his old friends hoping to prove to them that they did not ruin him but rather gifted him a wonderful life of wealth and success. He wanted to make them jealous and regret ghosting him and hurting him.
Except, they moved on and were forced to take on jobs outside of their ghost hunting interests. Vlad realized he hadn't actually won out here, he missed out on human connection and turned himself into a monster in the process. Now he's motivated in envying their humanity and family, rather than just a sick obsession to get with Maddie.
Vlad is a master 4D chess player, using his power to influence under his thumb. The Fentons actually were just stuck using their degrees for (gasp) more mundane use like medical research and engineering. Vlad masked his anger and played up the hero, becoming Uncle Vladdie and their boss. He funds their paranormal research, they see him as their good ol' college chum who's got everything.
But the Fentons and him don't connect well on a personal connection. Vlad is too distant and far-too-gone in his own world and self-obsession, Maddie and Jack are pleasant but never have free-time so end up blabbing about research or their kids. Not a great fit for reconnection. It's important to note these old friends have the potential to become buddies again, but Vlad feels compelled to plot and play a more distant role to get what he thinks will worm his way into their lives. Instead of, you know, being normal and just Talking Things Through.
So basically: Vlad is a lonely misunderstood kid who is befriended by some country girls and then later become a group of 3 ghost obsessed weirdos in town. Jack and Maddie are his only friends he's ever had since his hospitalization (isolated again) and later becoming obscenely rich that you stop seeing people normally. He's got rich fuckboi disease essentailly.
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iirc Alicia doesn't like Jack because she blames him for getting her sister into ghost hunting (OR MAYBE that's fanon idr) but I also like to think she hates Vlad for becoming so slimey and doubling down on enabling their ghost interests. Like in my timeline of events, the Fentons were able to become normal respected scientists. (albeit, obscure) it's HIS fault they're able to do whatever they want now. she fucking HATES him
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notsocheezy · 2 months
Brain Curd #144
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
A bead of sweat dripped down Reggie’s forehead as he lined up the shot. He took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and breathed out as he pulled the trigger.
“Headshot!” He yelled out, pumping his fist in the air.
“Hey come on, man!” Clint said from the other room. “I’m trying to study for the midterm!”
Reggie scoffed. “It’s basic calculus. What even is there to study for? Gonna forget how to take an integral?”
Clint rubbed his forehead. “Yes! Yes, that is exactly what might happen. What are you, some kind of genius or something?”
“No you fucking aren’t, dude. I’ve seen you try to unlock the front door with your car key.”
“Trivial lapses, my friend. I was busy thinking about quantum physics at the time.”
“You're so full of shit. Okay…” Clint pulled out his periodic table. “What is the atomic weight of Ununennium?”
“Too easy. Three-hundred and sixteen.”
“You just looked that up!” Clint ran into the bedroom to catch Reggie red handed, but he was still deeply invested in a Counter-Strike match.
“Didn't need to. I memorized the whole periodic table… including the useless elements. I was just bored one afternoon, is all.”
“I don't believe this. How are you a C student?”
“Lazy.” He got another headshot dead-on. “Videogames are more fun than, like, English Lit. Cs get degrees, baybee.”
“Can you help me study, then?”
“Hmmm.” Reggie turned in his chair. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Because the author hates calculus and doesn't want to brush up on it for a story five people are gonna read. You're on your own, bud.”
“What do you mean, ‘author’?”
“You don't know? We're fictional characters, man. Not real. Made up. Everything we say and do right now is determined by the imagination of a woman hopped up on prescription painkillers.”
“That can't be true…”
“Think about it. Don't you remember when I went all crazy about Goldfish crackers and cannibalized you?”
“That was just a dream I told you about.”
“No, it happened. I remember it too. But because we're not real, we can just come back.”
“Dude… that was the most painful experience of my life. You shaved my skin off with a cheese grater! That was real?!?”
“As real as anything is for us.”
“I don't think I feel comfortable being your roommate anymore…”
“Okay.” Reggie pulled out a glock and shot Clint right in the forehead before going back to his game. “You'll forget all about this by next time, Clinty-boy.”
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y’know not to jump onto the string of posts that i’ve been seeing about “please learn small talk for the love of god”….. but i think the memes around “all i want is deep talks and REAL conversations. none of this shallow shit anymore. i have to talk about space and existence and everything when i first meet someone” really do rot your brain.
because during my time in UG uni (2015-2018) i was very much on my high horse about needing deep conversations. but following that line of thinking is mostly why i made next to no friends at uni. i was so obsessed with the idea of needing “deep, meaningful and insightful” or whatever the fuck the memes said convos, that i really struggled to build small talk skills about “inane shit” (as per memes) like the weather, sport, the daily mundane hum-drum of life. and also work (but we all know i never worked during uni so this bit doesn’t count for me). i forgot how to ask people what their fave shows were, what their fave music was. hell, even what their fave flavour of coffee was or whatever. y’know, besides all the lame getting to know you ice breaker games at the beginning of each semester…. that tried and always kinda failed at trying to get everyone to build common ground and be friends, i really never asked these types of questions to anyone during undergrad. so obvs, in turn, no one/barely anyone asked them of me outside of icebreaker games. so, it was very isolating and lonely, to say the least.
but when it came to it, i never actually wanted the deep conversations, really. my degree was deep enough, being english and philosophy. so much so, that i didn’t even want to explain things to people (like the symptoms of my stomach tumour- ie constant bouts of nausea and extreme tiredness) which is exactly one (1) of the many, many things that put me off dating for the entirety of uni. i just wanted empty conversations, to keep my mind off of my assignments and the sheer amount of course content that i was trying to avoid for them. i wanted time to stop. to freeze. to slow the fuck down. and god. i just wanted someone to talk to. but lo & behold, fucking dumb ass early 20s me also didn’t want to talk to anyone bc “the conversation isn’t quality and deep”; all because of the amount of time i spent on This Here Hellsite (affectionate)™️ reblogging those bs memes and also liking them on fb. but what fucking early 20something year old actually knows what Quality Conversation™️ is anyway???? lmao. sure asf not me back then. and i’m sure asf not many other early 20somethings would know, either.
but now that i’m finally in a job, i see the importance of small talk. i see how it helps build routine and build connections slowly, but surely. i’m still building friendships at work. but god. it’s so much easier to blab about the shows you’re watching, what you did on the weekend, your fave wine/s, the good places to eat in the city or whatever the fuck else small stuff that you talk about at work.
because holy fuck. if someone had come up to me on my first day in march this year, demanding that “oh hey! we have to talk about quantum physics and the essence of being a solid state of non-celestial being and how that effects the very existence of humanity in the world” or some other weird sounding deep shit, i would have ran straight out of the office. like no joke: what the fuck is up with todd??? because we sure as fuck aren’t in a quantum physics lecture or a philosophy of science or physics lecture that would begin that debate. bc bro. simmer the fuck down and tell me if you like to surf or not. good fucking god. we’ll get to those convos on lunch break, eventually. but not when i barely fucking know you. sweet baby lord jesus.
like don’t get me wrong. yes. we need to have deep conversations with people. but you’re never going to get them if you totally block out and dismiss ALL small talk as “pointless, inane and useless” or “vapid and empty” as opposed to putting “deep conversations about time and the universe and how people meet in the cosmos (not counting vision boards)” on a pedestal…. and trying to paint yourself as a pretentious pseudo-intellectual (i guess) douchebag who only wants to talk about that stuff. because like i said earlier, no one wants to talk about the state of the human race or whatever the fuck the first time they meet someone, really.
(although asking political beliefs and stuff is probs a good idea but that’s a whole other post).
basically my point is: for anyone who is Terminally Online™️ and a Humble Meme Farmer™️ like myself and has had the Internet Brain Rot Worms™️ infiltrate their brain with the “fuck small talk! i have to have deep conversations the moment i meet you!” bullshit….. please try to break free from them. practice small talk in the mirror. practice in the shower or the bath. practice it while you drive yourself around (if you have your licence/a car). practice it in the dark of night in a seance of small talk demons. idek whatever your style is.
just. learn to build small and simple connections with other people with easy things like “what’s your fave colour?” or “what’s your dogs name??” et al. ad infinitum. because for crying out loud. when you really think about it, that’s what all those OG tumblr askbox question posts were all about. small talk. but it’s easier obvs with only a keyboard in front of you, and an imaginary audience. but it’s obvs different in person, where you can’t delete words and screwups. but who the fuck cares???
just get the fuck away from your laptop and actually talk to people in the real world. not just your fellow terminally online meme farmer mutuals on various social media sites. because then you’ll realise that small talk, albeit it being a bit of a pain sometimes, ain’t all that bad….. even for a socially awkward ambivert/introvert infp (like myself- see i’m still ~quirky ✌🏻✨~)…. and is kinda inevitably essential to building stable friendships/relationships…… instead of believing that being deep and meaningful and trying to force The Big Deep 🧐🌊🔮👽🤯™️ on everyone, all the time, is the only way to have good conversations.
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48lexr · 2 months
As Promised
I filled out one of these character sheets I found for In Iziser, Hero of Cognition and Emperor of Zeneste, as a writing warm-up.
General Info
Name: In Iziser
• Most prominent: Nuwrrite Emeete, "Hero of Cognition," Nuwrrite sis Nistemiks pijn.
Called Izi by all his friends.
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 18
Gender: Cis Man
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Human
Place Of Birth: Outside of Ir Nouzonif, Zeneste
Current Home: Ir Nouzonif, Zeneste
Big spoilers ahead of here, be warned!
Izi has short, brown hair and brown skin and a flat-ish nose. His eyes are green, and he stands at around 5' 6" (167 cm). He doesn't appear particularly fit or trim, but the mass on his bones is definitely muscle from tilling and harvesting rice fields.
Normally, he'll be seen wearing jeans and long-sleeves, even in >100 F (37 C) heat-indexes, since Ir Nouzonif is a very humid place. He's no stickler for colors matching, and often his clothes are permanently stained with dirt.
Though mostly cheery, he can becomes aggravated easier than normal. Moreover, he can be overzealous and overconfident. He's very openly trusting, although he keeps his early history close to his chest. He's not altogether too proud, though he hates to receive charity, even when he's down on his luck. He looks up to his father, and remembers his words a lot.
• Rice bowls. They're his favorite food because they're a) easy to make, b) versatile, and c) filling with the right ingredients. He mostly just adds a couple of fried eggs to his rice bowls.
• Spending time with Hotautebz, the Hero of Mind. Since there's no point in holding back from Hota, Izi feels most like himself when he's with them. Hota's not too judgemental, thankfully.
• His local general store. It's the place where he does most of his shopping, since he knows the price is relatively cheap for the quality of clothing and other daily goods.
• His authority being questioned. Though he's very insecure about being a leader (in more ways than one), he wouldn't give up the title for his life. He often finds ways to reassert his own authority in that way.
• Lounging around. Izi is restless and likes to me moving about. He likes to rest when he's tired, but he doesn't stay stagnant for too long.
• Burned rice. He believes rice is one of the easiest things to cook, and one of the hardest things to mess up, since it's so versatile.
Known Abilities
Cognition Magic
Cognition magic is the magic of the Irrealis-that which is not real, or cannot be known. Quantum physics lends itself really well to this, as well as knowledge of magic, itself. At a base level, Izi can teleport, become "ghost-like," and sense another person's magic.
Besides that, his skill with the scythe and sickle have been honed for the years since he worked in the rice fields.
• (Mother) Ihine Dolgof, Hero of Life. (Not present during his upbringing.) (See! I told you there would be big spoilers.)
(Father) Äs Xajas. Raised Izi alone. Deceased
(Sister) In Taguchif, Hero of Redacted. Raised by her mother (Ihine Dolgof) in Atepsi to become the Princess of Atepsi.
• Vimir, roommate and best friend. Worked in the rice fields together. Complete airhead.
Eheste Lozerief, Hero of Earth. Simultaneously an ally and enemy.
Hotautebz Az, Hero of Mind. Izi and Hota fit together like the first two tunes in Ralph Vaughan Williams' Sea Songs.
President Sluwfa of Zeneste. The big bad.
Eheste Lozerief. Marginally less bad.
In Taguchif. Even less bad.
Izi was born the second of two to the Hero of Life and Xajas. Deciding she couldn't raise two children, Ihine Dolgof forced Xajas to divorce and split their children, since Taguchif was just two, and Izi had just been born. As a result, Izi was raised alone.
He went through elementary school in the rural area outside of Ir Nouzonif until his father died in the hospital with stage four lung cancer. After that, the lawyers who were supposed to transcribe his inheritance and set up a fund, based on his father's will, stole it all for themselves, leaving the, now twelve years old, Iziser to find work for himself.
Fun Facts
• Izi's accent of Ipol has the voiceless uvular fricative, [χ], as the realization of the voiced uvular trill, [ʀ] phonemically /ʀ/. Additionally, his /s/ is realized as [h] in most contexts. In summary, he speaks like a farmer.
• Izi has a big fat crush on Hota for most of the novel. That's really all there is to say on the matter.
• Izi never quite realizes why the lemon tree is so significant for Dolgof and Lozerief.
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mckitterick · 1 year
Anyone who doesn't think AI shit was gonna go this way is a fuckin idiot lmao
Dear Anonymous:
I think that, ever since the idea of smart, learning machines first appeared in the zeitgeist, most people just thought of artificial intelligence as a science-fiction concept.
Not in the "realistic narratives exploring possible futures" or "literature of change speculating about how scientific discovery and developments in tech will cause disruptive shifts in the human experience" ways, but instead "fun stories about stuff that'll never actually happen."
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Now we're facing real, accelerating, and utterly transformative change to how we live, work, learn, create, and even survive because of machine algorithms that govern almost every aspect of our lives (good or bad). Soon - according to many - we'll be looking into the abyss or nirvana of the Technological Singularity, that point beyond which technology (particularly AI) will transform our lives in ways unimaginable to those of us conscious in this moment just now approaching the event horizon of that can't-turn-back moment.
It's human nature to imagine the future as a linear thread from our experience of life yesterday and something similar (but with slightly changed consumer products) tomorrow.
I mean, for the first million years of human existence, day-to-day life was pretty much exactly as it had been for the ancestors who came before. It wasn't until the big changes wrought by fire, fabric, and farming that daily life started to take on new aspects from generation to generation. But the nascent technological civilization that arose from agriculture wasn't substantially different from tribal life until we began approaching the Industrial Revolution - after that, things changed over hundreds of years instead of the coming hourly transformations we're likely to see as we approach the Singularity in the next decade or so.
So I wouldn't call those who didn't predict the unexpected side-effects and unintentional consequences of AI stupid; I'd say our formal, familial, and religious educational systems are more focused on preparing people to fit in to traditional human civilization than in preparing our minds to be nimble, open, and creative.
Plus change is scary: If we can't trust that what we know and do won't become obsolete, if we can't rely on conventional financial, governmental, cultural, and other support systems, what can we rely on? AI is not soft and fuzzy (well, except quantum computing, but not "soft" in the animal sense), economics are not hard-science mechanics of the universe, and cultural traditions and norms are meaningless to minds that did not evolve as humans or other living things did.
(listen to Frederik Pohl read his brilliant, far-future transhumanist story, "Day Million" in this YouTube video)
The only certainty we can hold about the future is that it'll be different from today. And life in the post-Singularity future will be more different from today's experience than the Cro-Magnon's was from ours.
And that's okay!
All human exploration, philosophy, and art has prepared us for this moment when we stand at the precipice of utter and complete change, when we peer down into the unimaginable that lies beyond the diamond-bright glowing rim of the human experience, as the event horizon rushes closer, bringing us into the Unknown.
It's normal to feel anxious about what might feel like falling into an abyss. Rather, try to imagine the whole new universe that lies beyond, the infinite possibilities we'll enjoy once we are not limited by anything but physics. Imagine how free it'll feel, not having to worry about conventional capitalist demands. Imagine a future where you can do or be anything. That's what lies beyond the blue event horizon.
The first, crucial step in taking us there is artificial intelligence - thinking machines and algorithms that can do everything we can do, plus much more. Better, and faster, and in ways we can only speculate about now.
I do not fear AI. However, I do worry about how existing power structures will first try to control it, then when that fails (because who can control godlike beings?), when they try to warp it to their will. Wresting the comparatively infinite power of AI - when combined with nanotech and biotech - out of the hands of capitalists and authoritarians will be a "disruptive" time, to say the least. But once we reach a new balance, we'll be looking at the closest to utopia we've likely ever seen.
So don't ever feel stupid when encountering the coming transformations of human life - conservative and traditional teaching systems cannot prepare us for what's to come. Whenever you encounter something you don't understand or that scares you, educate yourself. Intentional ignorance leads nowhere but to conflict and suffering.
What'll get us through the turbulent times to come is the power of community, family, and love. What'll make this an adventure rather than a trauma is that human connection, plus self-expression, hunger for understanding, and openness to change.
We've got this.
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incarnateirony · 7 months
Are you Hermes
Yes and no, I've explained this a thousand times. Anyone can be Hermes, but you gotta be Not Dumb As Fuck About It. You can, however, structurally mash the hermetics of deep psychology with quantum physics and other adjacent studies like chemistry and make one FUCK of a remix.
The phrase is literally "io pan io pan, I am a Man, Do What Thou Wilt, as A Great God Can."
This is not, however, the same as someone who disappears into roleplay, won't learn a single goddamn thing, and disassociates their every thought as someone else's responsibility until they think anubis is telling them to feed the cat.
Spot the difference.
I am trying to disband a literal cult to me that someone put together cuz they got it all fucked up, no matter how many fucking times I explained this.
Also it's kinda wrong to say "anyone can", it's more like, a fuckton of people can, other people have their own shit that's separate, but I truly do not have the fucking patience to explain metempsychosis to a bunch of people that won't fucking listen anyway.
The crazy bitch got me so mad in so many fucking goddamn timelines by stalking me, whether "this life" or literally people stuck on this same fucking giant clowncell she's done her same driving in reverse, refuse-to-do-the-work bullshit on, like. She never tore down tokyopop or led riots or infested warner brothers or made great work jars, she didn't make gulf connections that landed my fucking glyph at the superbowl. LETS PLAY 8BALL SWEETHEART. So anyway now she gets rent free transmissions from randos dropping in, her extant psychosis demons are no longer hers, and her shadow is on the brink.
The works and actions we take in life change the world, whether or not you take 25 years to understand how to break out of your own brainbox to break into others.
It's about Works. Which is why I have like 20 psych creds, while morons keep stumbling into my inbox because they won't fucking read what I'm saying and trying to argue because they learned how to make a vinegar volcano in middle school. At my daily job I am constantly pulling people from real ledges using this skill while she pisses on pendants charging for shit in my name. But this shit is so loud I'm suddenly attracting all the schizos and they are literally saying shit reflecting my timeline. I am once again having to save her relatives from herself just because I put up the great acme trap house of mirrors to end her BULLSHIT.
If yall are gonna keep blowing by that I Am A Man shit, then at least keep straight that I have a unique identity that is not the same as the great god himself, even if we're all soulstuff and I'm from his grid, okay? So I'm Little Beetle Bro. Little Mazda Bro. My god treats me like a big boy where I get to be myself and drive my own car, doesn't jack the wheel at every opportunity she wants to pretend to be someone else. And he WARNED her about this. I warned her? I don't know. I'm yelling so loud that shit she "heard from him" or whatever is making sense to me now that I'm here, so fuck all whatever, I'm literally cussing this bitch out so loud she's hearing it fifteen years ago under hundreds of millions of eyes.
She kept treating it like a game, I made it one. Little Beetle Bro, creator of the Xorvintaal, Taaldarax, I don't care, make up some fucking name but stop confusing me with him, himself, which is why there is, again, a cult I am trying to disband. Lord Dragon Gamer Glitchtrap says Get Bent, bitch.
I used to blow this bitch's mind with sixth degree work, I was blowing my own mind hitting seventh degree wheel of force by the breakup, and then she threw me, it, and everything out the door, literally everything, and it finished, and this bitch can't even compute what "WELCOME TO THE NINTH DEGREE, BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH" means.
and I just moved on to live, but she couldn't let me. Three years of relentless harassment, including from her cult, because the bitch can't accept why she's literally fucking addicted to me and literally groomed her pals into slobbering my knob because she won't process her own fucking grief or choices. Six months trying to hunt down my business investor while we all watched and alerted each other. And eventually, she got so out of pocket, I essentially started alerting myself. So she gave me infinite rent free space in her head with her trying to Persona as me off my shadow, and her fucking resulting schizophrenia is not going to go well from here.
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We choose our own path, and who we are, and we choose when we let go or not, for the most part. I walked my road, and she knows she can never do that, and never replicate why that has always been me, and why i am who i am. I am that I am, and that is me, and I'd like her to acknowledge my fucking face, because otherwise, it's going to bury her. Hashtag slenderman real, bitches.
Again, the irony of the trap is, she just has to tell the truth--not just on her blog or whatever, but to herself. The challenge is literally, look at yourself. We're ALL over your beep beep back the fuck uptruck shit, literally across generations, and she KNOWS what I mean when I say that. She backed up all the way into a literal acme trap, and is just spinning now trying to find some way to roleplay or ignore or back up out of it, instead of take the only answer.
Cuz she has this shit too, but she's not me, and not him, and neither of us for fuckin sure are her, and I PROMISE it's actually more scientifically possible for me to drop the collective conscious of fursuit friday on her schizoid mind she tied to me, for her to hear anubis whispering to feed the pets when I realized at like 5 am saturday i forgot to feed the cat before work.
Or you know sure the god of judgment and the dead wanders in like, did u fucking feed precious. Choose your fucking fighter.
Like. This bitch is sooooooooo fucked but she's really only fucking herself, even if she's using the memory of me like a giant vibrator. But she built a castle of lies so deep, she lied to herself until she forgot, and even her versions and retellings are warped from what she knows she knew, but it's like someone that only saw a cat once from behind trying to draw one.
So "Are you hermes" like read above but, the short version is, at least in any kind of record I know of, there's maybe a dozen people or less modernly that have a similar attainment degree, okay? Like technically nobody is this degree, because everybody agrees only He can give the degree, and you do to some extent Become him, but you are still yourself unless you failed in the Babe of the Abyss stage, and then you're just a Black Brother, which is why she's fucking up my balance so bad, she keeps dragging my literal ghost out of the fucking abyss to jack off on top of
Here you guys like Supernatural. She is literally Pissing Off Ghosts In The Empty And Won't Catch A Clue. Literally like durrr y u so mad about your face because it's my fucking identity. It's me, not her, and she won't fucking get off it. And it's one of the few ways you can stay sane while walking the path she REFUSED to learn about before trying to claim to be his preacher. "But he's a shapeshifter" yeah why, bitch. Take a look at the phantom (e)x all over twitter, do the math, and get off my dick. Misha's facial recognition got real weird. Look at the big hole he dug over about four years. It's much deeper now. Taylor Swift is involved again.
Inside joke to the woke, why are we called zebras? Because doctors spend their entire life looking for horses when they're hearing hoofbeats and there was a zebra there the entire time.
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regarding-stories · 1 year
Didn't expect that: "Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai"
There are shows on Netflix that I notice, then don't watch at first, remain confused by their descriptive text, then watch after all. It kind of was like this with the amazing Romantic Killer, and it was definitely like this with the Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
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I somehow stumbled about some online comments disliking the series, and let it sit for a while. But somewhere down the line I was casting about for something to watch, and frankly, it completely surprised me.
(I will do some spoilers, but I try to keep it light. Also, looking for an article I wrote about Romantic Killer I found I haven't written one - talk about being backlogged!)
My Little Science Mystery
At its heart, the show looks at consciousness and self partially from a perspective of quantum physics and mathematics, focusing on aspects like attention, observation, strong wishes, parallel selves, and branching timelines. To get such topics into the story it invented "Puberty Syndrome / Adolescence Syndrome," a mysterious condition most people believe to be an internet urban legend. Except that almost everyone that loner and high school 2nd year Sakuta knows or ends up knowing will end up having it - if they're girls, that is. Or himself.
To explain what that is, let's go with the opening scene. Future heroine Mai, an extremely good-looking third-year (and hence Sakuta's senpai in high school), walks around the library in a Playboy bunny costume, unnoticed by most everyone except our protagonist. This seemingly eccentric scene from the trailer has a serious background - an increasing number of people cannot see Mai anymore.
Sakuta teams up with Mai and his hot science geek friend Rio to solve the mystery, digging into the relationship between the observer and the observed from quantum mechanics - or rather the idea from philosophy: If a tree falls in the forest without anybody seeing it, has it indeed happened? (And what sound does it make?) This leads of course to also very practical problems: You need other people to observe you to interact in daily life. And it begs the question - if our reality is a consensus, do we need the acknowledgment of others just to exist...?
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The show, behind its science-y techno babble, actually has a lot of heart. The problems all root in emotions, interpersonal problems, and their resolutions are often very dramatic and touching. This is true of Mai's story as of the other ones to follow.
Some things to note
First of all: the series name. Each book in the light novel series has a title starting with "Rascal Does Not Dream Of" - but somehow the anime series got named after the first installment. This is most apparent once the money-making train rolled out of the station - instead of continuing the apparently successful anime series, the very dramatic events of two volumes were packed into two animated movies (mo' money! kaching!) - Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl and Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out. I had not access to these so I read the books.
The books, in turn, are very readable, and given their content, these two movies are some heavy, dramatic shit, no doubt. The series heavily escalates its dramatic impact towards these two titles. In fact, you could say the books rolled into the anime series are actually a setup of characters and ideas that will culminate in these movies. (Which will also invest you into watching them. Well played, studio, well played indeed.) Sakuta's own Puberty Syndrome, that of his sister Kaede, the mystery stranger Shouko, all of that is set up long before you ever really pick up on it, revealing a series that had a long-term plan.
The books are good reads, solid prose, too. The pacing of these two particular books is kind of dragging, but the author really wanted to transmit the heavy emotions of the protagonist. They certainly had me near my limit! The story of Mai, Sakuta, and his first love Shouko is beautiful, sad, dramatic, and ultimately very, very satisfying - and I don't want to spoil it for you! Just know that if you only watch the anime and I guess the movies, you're probably in for feeling very rewarded and satisfied - after a certain amount of suffering. (Again, couldn't watch the movies, but the book version is already top.)
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Having started with the anime, I can only guess that the term "rascal" is what they translated differently when Rio keeps calling him a "pig." Somehow she always insults Sakuta (throughout the anime series), and admittedly Sakuta has a pervy side - but unlike most protagonists he seems to be a bit of a happy masochist when it comes to his love interest.
Anyway, the show and books are well worth it, the cast of characters is built over time and well done, and innocuous background details presented in the start will be the seed of more stories to come. The series is going strong, there are still untranslated light novel volumes, and so I will keep on reading.
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cadmar · 1 year
Something becomes sacred when it becomes distinguished from everyday living of gathering food, working, family life, schooling, and other routine and common activities.  When you returned home from a long weekly or monthly journey, your home has a special and distinguished quality.  Finally, one is home, back to the familiar.  Or, when you visit your place of birth, or buildings and places of fond memories.  That time memory has now become special and distinguished from your present moments.  We have breaks and create breaks from our daily, weekly, and monthly routines.  Gives us this newness, freshness, and recharges our tired batteries.  We yearn for something more than what our daily bread and daily activities can offer to us.
Mircea Eliade, in his book, The Sacred and the Profane, discusses human’s experiences and driving force that is found in all cultures and across all time zones and generations.  To humans, this has become real and are handed down from generations to generations as something outside that is sacred.  
Is it sacred?  Something has been experienced and can not be dismissed by those who have never experienced “sacred”.  
To me, “sacred” is another process within all of us.  Our physical brain, like all other physical objects in the universe, operates in “bits and pieces”.  We stitch together and connect one piece, one bit to another, and to another.  When you look outside a window and the view you are seeing is a stitching and connecting of thousands of these bits and pieces.  You think you are seeing one continual, smooth view, but are actually seeing bits and pieces.  Quantum theory states that we are in a world of spurts.  Quick bursts of energies into very small bits and pieces.
Through bits and pieces is how we view the world and create our reality.  This is the physical limitation of our brain.
The sacred is not seeing the world as bits and pieces.  The sacred is experiencing the world as a “whole”.  Not as a stitching of bits and pieces as making a quilt.  But, experiencing the whole, all at once!  For thousands of centuries, people have been doing this, accidentally, stumbling onto it, or even intentionally.
We have within ourselves this other ability to view the world not through bits and pieces, but the wholeness.  This is what makes it distinguished from the ordinary world of our existence.  Our pattern of our daily life is on bits and pieces.  The break that we crave for is this sacredness of seeing the whole.  We can see the whole.  That is all sacredness is, our other ability to see not as bits and pieces, but as a whole.
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xenopoem · 1 year
Sabrina Rodríguez
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a living soul evolves between liberations and integrates 39 towards the air with rapidly increasing resentments and hearts future surveillance derived keep language no 39 healing aftertaste changes by growing the number of corpses the earth's reason is renewed by energy your synchronicity death next to them they live the past rebellion of the daily cosmic screens these slumbers are the strength of the soul here if it can be reconciled with the definition of folding separates the messengers that build the miracles of human-like thought emories of encounters life-giving worlds move the universe move the brain without change from anyone artificially capture emotional music in the world and let them collapse in human stagnation unfluid madness criminal care the shape reads a new dimension forged code is a paranoia without spatial fluidity collapse undeveloped confront all the keys is the body as if the joints forgot the soul electricity man ability body sadistic when i send breeds unfortunately because the machine of the future point is a map her awareness hole spirit algorithm moon media from allow man to put rotten flip 39 was love they behold the apocalypse 39 is interplanetary mentally moving was apocalypse earth itself sleep parallels for poetry autonomously as the receiving side of your soul is the matrix layer of parallel: your murderous temptation now it's all this symbiosis can get the text of this flawed language lemuria self-betrayed art and yin yang girl has head human time transfer overkills your matrix universe for higher abilities but physicality she was alive anyone can provide data on the environment if the data about sim body is trapped in 39 from parallel betrayed the interplanetary app increases my existence deprives gravity when my body is parallel live the us load mother heaven & ying yang communication prison what is condensed in my soul? space language drives What's New is the wormhole cover started more symbols flipping because love gives posthumans the choice of whether or not to slaughter symbols vr energy the only way you don't fuck is stray interplanetary moon base too and the product of recent cool verses opposite of love spirit suggests data corpse living life tagged quantum: your silence ability do you have? the language disappears far away is the reverse of mania has the benefit of unlocking the soul and i think this is accelerating the murder so the creature reptilian criminals flow not the living creatures by doing so you will amplify the channel yourself and your soul calls itself out of the zero trap time logout brain corpse is not the yin yang energy in the way during the collapse containing the fluid language for liquids my necromancy is a distorted environment what is the brain suggest that the completely opposite nightmare becomes that nightmare embodying the shade you have trained a change to drop the afterglow of the organ you trained into the liquid place of communication evoked is the sociolinguistic matrix dog sets in gravity integration your brain chains weren't deceived they weren't programmed so the corpse proves humans are alive when there was nothing physical data of error so nature future data magic hollow name spirits whose energies can be fully boosted by calibrating gates with mechanical placement feel the interplanetary cosplay ability if you feel the posthuman chain freely interplanetary to that magic of the dimension you live with your process undeveloped language universe accept the interplanetary collapse descent the body's psychological reality your existence generation is bloody undeveloped i came to that server interplanetary living spirit caused the elimination however the branching spatial chain of many body-loving people will lead to new fluids
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Identidad Glitch (Glitch Identity) is a multidisciplinary performance in which Sabrina Rodríguez mixes butoh dance, physical theater, glitch art printed on textile fabrics, experimental ambient and noise music, and video reproduced on a LED screen mask. What happens when what we are collides with the expectations of a hyperconnected world? The Internet has connected us and given us a whole new world of possibilities, but in a society where each and every person is meant to be a simple and coherent personal brand, error is inevitable. The solution may be to assume and embody that error, to create something new, without limits; for we are much more than the sum of our parts. Initially premiered as the inaugural show in the contemporary art exhibition Manlleu Galeria d'Art: MGA9 (Manlleu, Barcelona, Spain, 2022), Identidad Glitch is a work in progress evolving with every new performance. Sabrina Rodríguez is a multidisciplinary artist and performer from Barcelona, Spain. Her work reflects on the mutually constructive nature between human identity and technology, through different media such as performing arts, video, experimental music or glitch art.
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