#Rise & Shine
guitarbomb · 10 months
Stone Deaf FX Rise & Shine - Fuzz Octave Tremolo / Vibrato
Stone Deaf FX ‘Rise & Shine’ Octave-Up Fuzz” In a groundbreaking move, Stone Deaf FX has re-entered the realm of digitally controlled analog pedals with its latest innovation, the ‘Rise & Shine’ octave-up fuzz pedal. This cutting-edge device is being hailed as a perfect marriage of vintage soundscapes and modern technology, offering musicians a myriad of new sonic landscapes to explore. Rise &…
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pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇  aarush.  aditya.  aelius.  aeolus.  akino.  alba.  albert.  altan.  amp.  anatoly.  apollo.  arun.  aurora.  ayden.  blaze.  blazetta.  castor.  coron.  corone.  cyrus.  dawn.  dawnique.  day.  daystar.  elaine.  eleanor.  eliane.  elio.  flarette.  halo.  helia.  helie.  helio.  helios.  heliossa.  hina.  horus.  idal.  idalia.  idalio.  leo.  phoebe.  plasmelle.  pollux.  ray.  shine.  shines.  shinesse.  sol.  solar.  solara.  solari.  solarine.  solaris.  solarista.  solaro.  solei.  soley.  solista.  solstice.  solstine.  star.  staresse.  sulien.  sun.  sunday.  sunna.  sunnibelle.  sunnita.  sunny.  sunrise.  sunsetta.  sunshina.  sunshine.
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PRONOUNS ⌇  aura/aura.  beam/beam.  bla/blaze.  day/day.  day/star.  daystar/daystar.  fla/flare.  flare/flare.  gleam/gleam.  glow/glow.  gold/gold.  helio/helio.  leo/leo.  li/light.  light/light.  midday/midday.  morning/morning.  ray/ray.  ri/rise.  scald/scald.  scold/scold.  shi/shine.  shine/shine.  sol/sol.  sol/solar.  solar/solar.  solstice/solstice.  spot/spot.  star/star.  star/sun.  starsun/starsun.  stell/stellar.  sun/beam.  sun/shine.  sun/sun.  sunbeam/sunbeam.  sunlight/sunlight.  sunny/sunny.  sunrise/sunrise.  sunset/sunset.  sunshine/sunshine.  wa/warm.  ☀️ . 🌞 . 🌡️ . 🌤️ . 🌥️ . 🌦️ . 🔥.
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teethondafloor · 1 year
Wait On Me - ¡Rescue Me! - (Bill Kaulitz x fem!reader)
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This is an extract from the Wattpad fanfic I am currently writing, where each chapter is named after a song on Tokio Hotel's "Scream" album :3
Year: 2008
Warnings: Fluff and mentions of depression
My username on Wattpad is @Kazoozia if you're interested in reading the rest!
After the concert ends and the lights are flashed back on, I feel a rush of fans behind me heading to the exit doors, their footsteps trampling over any litter left abandoned on the ground. I am one of the first people to leave the venue, as I was stuck hovering near the back of the room all night. However, I can't complain. The concert was unbelievable; Tom's rapid and clean guitar solos are still looping in my head after the show. My ears feel muffled and swollen as they are put at ease once the music is turned off, the large amps projecting a sharp ring when they are suddenly unplugged from their instruments. Deafened by their blare, I walk out of the building, feeling the cool breeze of the night slap me across the face as I inch closer to the outside. The realisation of how hot it was in that room hits me like the cold wind around me, melting away at my touch. I move away from the doors, looking around. I see some parents stepping out of their cars, growing impatient as they wait for their kids to come out of the building behind me. Making space for them, I stand at the wall of the venue with the front doors to my left and call myself a taxi back to the hotel.
As I wait for my taxi to arrive, I can't help but think about the concert again and again. I have the whole night playing over in my head like a broken record, repeating the same lyrics and tunes, burning them into the cracks of my brain. I was blown away by the intense energy from the crowd, perfectly complimenting the lively spirit of the band. I think of Bill. I'm still left speechless from his long stare and his teethy smile, shining in my direction. As some fans walk by, I feel their smiling faces glancing over at me, clearly remembering me for the plethora of noise I made at the back. I gently smile back at some of them as they pass, a sudden feeling of embarrassment washing over me, causing the hair on my arms to rise. God, did I disturb the show?
Busy watching the whole concert play out in my mind, I look up, noticing the taxi pull up on the other side of the pavement in front of me. I pull on the car's door and hop inside, watching my head as I lower my body into the vehicle. When I close the door behind me, I feel the car starting, shaking underneath me. It's rough interior brushes up against my bare arms and there is little room for my legs. It smells like hot shit, but I'll cope, I smile to myself. We drive through the lit up streets of Berlin, the city's graffitied walls blending into a solid, bright pink colour as we drive past them with speed. Looking out at the line of buildings and bars, I dig through my right jean pocket, grasping my crumpled up concert ticket in my palm. I uncrumple it a little and gaze at it's contents. I should've asked for a signature, I think to myself. A little bummed, I still doubt that I'll ever forget a night like this; the electricity of the concert rushing through me still. I scrunch up the paper once more and shove it back into my pocket, and as I look up, I see the hotel edging closer towards us. "This is me." I say to the driver, hoping that he stops near here so I don't have to walk back to the front doors from the parking lot behind the building. To my surprise, he stops just at the front doors of the hotel. I guess luck is on my side tonight, I think. I feel the car stop, the force pushing me forward a little until I bounce back into my seat again. I thank the driver and pay him for the trip, and as I exit the car I glance at my watch, "10.40pm" staring back at me.
Holding onto the straps of my backpack, I enter through the hotel doors and check into my room after a long, eventful night. I stumble towards the elevator doors and step inside, grazing my fingers over the buttons, until  pressing one that leads to the 5th floor. In the elevator, I feel my eyelids starting to lay heavy on my eyes, covering them over almost fully. I sway as the elevator travels from the bottom of the building right to the top, until I hear the 'ding' of the elevator stopping at my floor. As the doors slide open and reveal my face to the other side, I collect myself, step out and take a turn to my right, now walking towards my hotel room. I walk with my eyes half shut, tired and worn from the excitement of the night. On my way down the corridor, I walk past a few people, not batting an eye as they pass; until I hear someone call out from behind me. At first I don't think to turn around, assuming the call is directed to someone else in the hallway. All of the sudden, I feel firm footsteps running towards me, causing cold air to hit my back from the sudden movement. Before I turn around I feel a slight tap on my shoulder. I stop in my step and watch how this tall figure steps in front of me, cutting me off. They are now facing me. Silence settles between us, before they finally speak up. "Sorry to bother...uh...you dropped this" they hand me a crumpled piece of paper. A look of confusion shoots through my face which soon relaxes when I uncrumple the paper, realising that it's my concert ticket. "So...you're a fan I'm guessing" I hear them smile through their words, making me look up slowly. A sharp spark shoots into my throat, through my veins and burns at my fingertips.
It's Bill. Bill Kaulitz. My mouth peers open when I see his face, looking down at me with a smile. His hair is still caked with hairspray, now a little more flat, leaving only some strands pointing up to the ceiling. His fully black, emo attire contrasts with the yellow hallway lights, beaming above us. He looked like my shadow, ominously towering over me. "Oh my god.." I blurt out, not intending him to hear. "Bill, uh..." I shake my head, electricity rushing through me. "What are you...doing here?" I scrunch my eyebrows. He looks down at the floor for a second and then glances back at me before answering. "I'm just..." He thinks "on a walk around the building!" As he examines my face his eyebrows slowly lower and he turns his head slightly to the side. "Were you...at my concert? This nights concert?...You were the girl at the back right? The one screaming." he huffs gently, smiling and awaiting my answer which he clearly already knows.
"Yeah-" I chuckle and nod "yeah that was me up there...I hope I didn't disturb the concert too much." I smile awkwardly.
"No way!" His smile widens, revealing his teeth "You killed it! You brought that concert to life!" I bite the inside of my cheek as I smile, surprised by his enthusiasm. "And you...you were amazing up there- the...the whole band was. you killed that." I say, shaking my head. Bill laughs quietly and looks down at his feet, taking in my praise before opening his mouth to say something. "Thank you thank you...tonight was great for me too, I only fucked up like...once or twice" We both laugh and I notice him looking me up and down subtly.
"It was perfect, don't stress it." I say, reassuring him. We stand in silence for a moment, not knowing what else to say when I finally speak up, breaking our eye contact. "Well, I'll let you go now, you can have your...stroll around the building" I say jokingly. Bill looks away, chuckling softly. "Yeah uh...I'll do that!..." He takes a step forward, heading up the corridor before suddenly hesitating. "Oh my god I'm awful...I don't think I got your name sorry..." He stutters a little when he says this, anticipating my answer. Charmed by his awkwardness, I smile and gaze into his eyes. "y/n" I say, nodding my head.
"y/n" He repeats my name back, letting it's taste settle in his mouth. After a moment of brief silence, he breaks our eye-contact, his eyes shooting quick glances at me "Well, I hope you have a nice night y/n." Standing inches away from me, he raises his arm out, inviting me to shake it. I take his hand gently, feeling his cold rings pressing against my fingers. He looks at me for just a second longer and heads down the corridor before I can say my goodbyes. I turn back, my eyes following the back of his head.
Stricken with shock, I'm stunned to my core. What the hell just happened, I think, my back now to him. I just spoke to Bill fucking Kaulitz. Although I am frozen over in shock, I still feel a sort of warmth clustering inside my stomach. I think of his awkward smiles and prolonged stares. In that moment he was so...human. Up until now I've never really seen him in this light, as the only light that is flickered onto him is through interviews and photoshoots; where he is glamorised and simplified, leaving out the human part of him in between each flicker. Seeing his authenticity slip through his stutter, made me realise that Bill in fact is not a shadow that towers over me which I can morph into my own liking, but a person; one like me. I look down at the concert ticket, now warm in my grasp. Maybe I don't need that signature after all.
Rummaging my keys through the keyhole, I step inside my breezy hotel room, locking the door behind me. I had left some windows open before leaving for the concert, which left the day's cold breath swirling around the room, blowing on the long and cheap curtains which brush against the carpeted floor. Feeling the air grazing my arms, I take a hold of my elbows in a gentle embrace while I step towards one of the windows, reaching over to shut it. A final huff of air escapes the window as I close it, shuffling the curtains delicately before they settle at last. I look out at the city below me, the sky painted a rich blue with shiny white glitter scattered all over. The moon casts a beam of light onto the city's buildings, which disappears into their shadows, creating a maze of black alleyways in between them. Admiring the view at my feet, I pull the curtains over the window, the rings holding them up jamming as I force them towards me. The moon's faint light still peers through the thin fabric, reflecting onto the carpet. With little light in the room, I shuffle towards the small lamp on table next to my bed, and blindly feel the switch with my fingers before pressing it. As the room bursts into a warm wash of light, I set my bag down on the ground next to the dresser.
What a night, I think. The exhaustion from the long day hits me once more, and I feel myself yawn as I stretch my arms out in front of me and rest them on my head. I take a moment to breathe, process. My mind is fogged with moments from the concert and the taxi and the ticket and Bill. Bill. Mostly Bill. The realisation that he is in the same building as me right now is slowly setting in, leaving me speechless. God. What if I run into him again? That would be awkward...I think? I don't know. I can't think right now. I need to uh...
I rub my eyes with both hands, wanting to keep myself awake. Trying to gather my thoughts, I look around again before untying my converse and unzipping my jeans, sliding them off of my legs in a struggle. I pick my jeans up with one hand and throw them into the corner of the room, where a pile of the rest of my dirty (or not so dirty) clothes helplessly lie. Honestly, I lost track of what pile that is a while ago. I stumble towards the small bathroom across from me and I hit the light switch with my hand, its bright flash blinding me. I hold onto the edge of the bathtub in the room, propping myself up while I turn the shower on and wait for the warm water to flow through its pipes. The cold and sharp water drips onto my knuckles, sprinkling me with its thin shards; I wiggle my hand above the bath, shaking it off. grabbing my band shirt by its sides, I pull it over my head and arms, dropping it onto the bathroom floor. As I hear it fall behind me, I slip out of my underwear and step into the tub, watching my head on the railing above. The water is warming up now and I can feel its warm droplets hitting against my skin, washing away the excitement of the night.
I stand in the shower for almost an hour, letting the water cleanse my mind as well as my skin. The burning steam from the shower fogs up the glass surrounding it, trapping the heat inside as it sinks into my pores. After allowing the water to warm me up completely, I sigh and turn the shower off, carefully stepping out of the tub. I grab a towel off of its rack which is bolted onto the wall, first drying myself off and then using it to wrap my hair in a tight turban. I walk out of the bathroom, hearing the soles of my feet patter on the damp floor under me after each step. I wander over to my white sheeted bed and throw myself onto it, my eyes looking up at the ceiling above me. I sit for a while in silence, my mind tired and still fogged with the hot steam which soon disintegrates into the air, revealing the thoughts which I had suppressed the whole night. 
What am I doing? I think. I glance over to my bedside table which holds a small lamp, a pile of university leaflets and pages of forms to fill out. I sigh and roll onto my side, my eyes now pointing to my laptop; I haven't turned it on since I got here a week ago. I've been avoiding writing for weeks now, which is definitely not helping me develop my portfolio. Stupid fucking portfolio. mountains of monologues and poems that I never manage to rhyme properly. They say I need to showcase my best work, for the world to know what I can do. But I just...can't. I can't help but keep proving that all of this is for nothing. I don't know what's wrong with me...I wanted this, I did. I said I would travel all the way out here to find a decent university that will take me in for what I am, for what I can do. For what I thought I could do. But what if I can't do this anymore? What if I'm sick of trying? What if these pages I'm writing mean nothing and I'm wasting my time trying to be understood. When the world was made for visuals and I can only communicate with words. God. My mind spirals down into a hole, the same hole that was left deep within me when my music career failed and plummeted into it. I'm so scared that writing will dig deeper, leaving me hallow. I notice my breath quicken as these thoughts race through me and even as I wallow in self pity, I hold myself, forcing any comfort I could find left within me onto myself.
I yawn gently, looking around the dimly lit room as the bedside lamp flickers slightly. I reach over to the drawer, pulling it open with ease and dig out my silver iPod mini, clutching it and the earphones dangling from it in the palm of my hand. Switching off the lamp, I pull the hotel's white duvet over me; soft folk melodies singing me to sleep. Laying with my thoughts tangling in my head, I skip a song and a familiar tune starts to play: "This used to be our secret...Now I'm hiding here alone..." It was 'Rescue Me'. I remind myself of the the same lyrics that played at the concert a few hours ago. Hours ago when loud music also drowned out my thoughts. I curl up into a ball as the song plays, feeling the duvet absorb my body heat and create a soft mist of heat hovering over me like a warm aura. I fall fast asleep, screaming in my head, my voice desperately trying to escape me. "...My S.O.S on radio...The only chance to let you know...What I fear...Can you hear?...Come and rescue me..."
- teethondafloor (Zuźka)
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mswyrr · 1 month
reasons i genuinely enjoy criston as a character
-deconstruction of ideas of the nobility of warfare: he was all amped up to fight! he'd trained his entire life for battle. of any man drawn into this civil war, he should have been the most able to meet that challenge... and one battle breaks him - as happens irl to so many people, not because they are "weak," but because war is inherently destructive and traumatizing. the glory is all a lie.
-the deconstruction of chivalric love. he wanted a lady to be his chaste beacon and he got... a seemingly exclusively homoromantic woman lol. so for decades he thought they had THAT, the thing his culture valorizes in stories and song, love held in check by vows and honor. but it was actually because she's just not that into you man. (i think she has love for him, but not romantic). and once her husband kicked it she was like "actually, i need to work out some issues and find out what an orgasm is, so let's fuck." a thing which he (because he buys all this shit) feels deep shame over. the rules of the system just don't work.
(not only does the lady he's devoted to not like him back the same way but he knows it and his culture has given him no tools to understand sexuality so he tries to tell himself--and HER SON, because her obvious homoromantic love for their enemy is so obvious he and HER SON have whole conversations about it!--that somehow Rhaenyra "intoxicated" her, like a siren singing Alicent to the shores of the Isle of Lesbos lol.)
(and let's not even go into all the complexities of power, class, and gender at play in what went down with Rhaenyra and him that's a whole essay itself)
-shining a light on this corrupt class hierarchy. he thought he was rising in the world but this system, at core, is all about using people up for a very small few to have ultimate power (not even all the nobles! not even all the royal family - it's a damn pyramid scheme at every level). that is IT. no matter how high he rises, that's all it ever is or will be.
no matter how high he climbs, it's a layer cake of shit. through him the story shows what becomes of believing in all the lies this society tells itself (when you're not born at the top; the Targ kids show us what believing does to people at the top: it's a pyramid scheme, through and through). and it's gorgeous. it's ugly and heartbreaking. he's not an original thinker, he just wants to achieve within what his society tells him, he works so hard at it!! he wakes up every morning trying to live up to the lies. and that makes him the perfect man through whom to dismantle how these things work: he's just trying to do what he's told is honorable and just. and it's all shit.
his whole story came together for me in his despairing speech to gwayne in the s2 finale and it hit so well for me. particularly the touch where the high born man, gwayne, cannot contradict what criston has just said and so lowers his sword and sits beside him as an equal. made me like the whole character arc in retrospect, knowing where they were headed.
i love it. he reminds me of film noir and hardboiled detective novels i've loved, where you draw out the corruption and brokenness of a system through characters who relate to it in different ways. and the most agonizing way for someone to relate to a broken system is truly *believing* in it. they keep trying desperately to love it. but it doesn't love them back.
and major credit to fabian frankel who knows the kind of character he's playing and fully commits to it - he doesn't try to make the character look cool or undercut the deeper themes. he goes with it, and that is great, "story is king" acting.
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milkyplier · 5 months
For your letter ask game: Y
Y - IAU Legend Gets Stabbed but Different
This one is clearly set in @skyward-floored’s Incredibles AU XD it was one of many attempts at writing a gift (which is still in the works) for her. It was an attempt at a sequel to her Febuwhump Day 14, Bloodstained Tiles, in which Legend gets stabbed after sneaking out and Wild and Wind help him. I tried this approach more than once before deciding it wasn’t going to work out XD a few other letters have been assigned to some of these other attempts :)
I also just thought this wasn’t very well written, hence I abandoned it. I struggle to continue things I perceive as done badly. Here’s the entirety of this snippet:
When Malon wakes up in the morning, Legend has caught whatever Hyrule had, and Hyrule was worse than he was yesterday. At least, that’s what it seemed like. But a cold did not really account for how weak and shaky Legend was when he got up. It was also strange that it seemed to have come out of nowhere, with no sore throat, no sniffles or coughs or reluctance to eat. In fact, Legend was starving, and thirsty. Oddly enough, she also finds several of her towels in the drier, and the bathroom has a just-cleaned shine. Four, Wild and Wind all have circles under their eyes. She asks them all what happened, and they claim Hyrule was really sick last night. Like, super sick, and he threw up a lot and they didn’t want to bother her or Time and just cleaned it up themselves. Malon is inclined to believe it, especially when Hyrule seems to get similarly sick later that same day. So she brushes it off, and forgets about it—an easy feat in a house of eight people. For a while, at least.
- some years later -
A nightmare wakes Malon. She tries, to no avail, to fall back asleep for perhaps twenty minutes before she acknowledges the lingering anxiety from the dream and decides a cup of chamomile tea will settle her nerves and help her get back to sleep.
Careful not to jostle her husband too much (though it hardly mattered, the man slept like a rock), she slipped out of bed, wrapped herself in her silky robe and tucked her feet into her worn slippers before shuffling quietly into the kitchen.
The house is silent, a fact which in itself makes Malon feel better. Once upon a time, such silence unnerved her, but nowadays, she knows it means all her boys are asleep, safe and warm in their beds and there is something comforting to her about that. She doesn’t quite know why, but she doesn’t complain and keeps going towards the kitchen. When she gets to the kitchen, however, she’s surprised to see someone already there.
She thinks one of her sons must have gotten a snack—Wild is known to get the munchies at night—but the figure’s build doesn’t match Wild’s. On top of that, Wild’s midnight snacks usually consist of whatever ancient, long-lost things he finds in the pantry. When she finds him in the kitchen at night, he’s haunched over an expired bag of animal crackers. Not haunched over the sink, murmuring to himself and apparently playing in the water by the light of his phone’s flashlight.
A bad feeling rises in Malon’s stomach. She doesn’t know why.
“Legend…?” She says softly, able to recognize her son even in the terrible, low light. He freezes, glances over his shoulder at his mom.
“Mom! Hi,” his voice is slightly strained. “What are you doing awake at this hour? Are you alright?”
She frowns. She knows that tone, the inflection. He’s amping up the concern, trying to distract her from him by acting extra sweet. It’s something all her boys do when they don’t want her noticing something. It has worked very few times without her allowing it to. This won’t be one of them.
“I could ask the same of you,” she says. She keeps her words firm, but light, so he knows he won’t be getting out of this but she isn’t angry.
“Uhh…” he hands shift nervously in the sink water. He doesn’t say anything.
She approaches him, flicking on the kitchen lights. She looks into the sink and sees his super suit, submerged in cloudy reddish water. Legend’s arms are covered in cuts and bruises, and he won’t look at her.
“Legend. Look at me.”
His shoulders are tense. After a second, he turns his face to look down into the sink water, rather than at her. It’s enough to get a visual on what she wanted—a blossoming black eye, split lip and other minor nicks on his face.
“You went out, didn’t you.”
His silence is answer enough.
“Legend…” Malon struggles to find the words, caught between worry and anger born of worry. “Legend…I—“
“I know the risks.” Legend cuts in. “I know. I know what you and dad said. I’m not stupid, or deaf. People need help. And I can help them.”
“…That’s not—“
“I do help them, in fact, I saved a dozen lives tonight. And I didn’t die, I can hold my own. I don’t need to be babied or anything, I can handle my own consequences.”
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kaimeioneclipse · 2 years
can you make an Wenclair x Male!Famous(mabey)Guitarist!Reader?
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Pairing: Wednesday x Enid x Male Reader
Summary: You are a Nevermore Academy Student but you were a famous guitarist from a band you used to be a part of. You and the band were on the rise on the internet and about to sign a deal but with your powers starting to come in you had to step away from the band. Along the way you met up with Enid who was your Shadow at Nevermore and showed you around, secretly she was already a fan. Then you met her roommate Wednesday and then one thing led to another and all three of you started dating.
WordCount: 2.3k
Warning: Slight Smut
The morning was like any other morning, 8am at Nevermore Academy. You can hear the boys next door getting ready for school and your alarm blaring your last song your wrong with your previous band. You reach for your phone and press the dismiss button on the screen, as the alarm app moves from sight you see your lock screen of the two most beloved women in your life. Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair.
You smiled at you see Enid's bright smile and Wednesday's signature scowl, but you knew behind her eyes she was glad to take the photo for you. How you three ended up together still is beyond you but it happened. Enid and Wednesday were un-separable but you being the new kid, you had to have someone show you around and that's how you met Enid.
The week you all met
Enid was bubbly and very bright, she was sweet and you liked that about her. She told you all the gossip and all the different hang-out spots and groups in the school. But she warned that since you are technically a celebrity you might be picked by the wrong crowd and told you to get a feel of the school before you make a decision she kept her cool in front of you for a time being but Enid was a big fan of your band. It wasn't a secret for a while when you was walking from your dorm room you could hear your band's first single coming from her room when you went to ask her how to get to a certain class. You prepared to knock but the door opened and with a dark shadow bumped into you. It wasn't the girl you were looking for it was someone else. The Midnight braided hair and moon-shadowed eyes looked at you were taken aback her. and that's how you met Wednesday
"Sorry, didn't see you there. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" you say with a smile.
She looked at you "Wednesday" she said while looking up and down at you. She seemed to recognize you but she couldn't put her finger on it and She doesn't have a bad memory. This sorta irritated her just like hearing the music while in the room when she is trying to write.
"I have to go," she says as she moves around and you start to go down the hallway "Also if you are looking for Enid she is inside that room"
Back to the Present
You rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom and got yourself ready. You looked at the guitar that you had hooked up to the amp and a songbook next to it. You hear a knock at the door and grab the songbook and stuff it into your backpack and unplug your guitar and stuff it into your guitar case/backpack. You strap up everything and head to the door.
You open the door and you see your two wonderful girlfriends waiting for you at the door. Enid is laying on Wednesday's back groaning. Seems like she has been up all night again and didn't get proper sleep.
Good Morning" you say kissing Wednesday on the lips and then moving to Enid and kissing her on the forehead since her face is buried in Wednesday's back.
Wednesday looked back at the tired Enid "She stayed awake again because of some gossip."
"mmpf ahsmpf" Enid was muttering into Wednesday's back
"Let me take her off your hands" You say as you put down your Guitar backpack and take Enid off Wednesday's back and hold onto her in your arms like she is a sleepy baby. Enid opened her eyes slightly and smiled seeing your face
"My knight in shining....." she says as she falls back into slumber.
"Lets get her to class because I will not be late again because she wants to drag herself like a pig in quicksand. Her cute face wont save her this time. Especially today" says Wednesday as she grabs your guitar bag and walks ahead of you and signaling you to keep up.
You chuckle at this moment since it's pretty much like this all the time. You walk down the hallway with the busy students and head to class.
Minutes later you are sitting at your desk next to Xavier. Xavier has been your cool guy friend ever since you came to nevermore. He didn't care where you came from he just knew from your vibe that you were a good person.
"Dude you doing today?" Xavier asked you
You looked at him perplexed at first then it snapped in your head.
"Oh yea, Ive blocked out the outside assembly stage with the late night patrol and they said I can do it tonight only," you said
Xavier smiled, "You are gonna kill this" he said to you.
You fist bumped and then your teacher noticed you two weren't paying attention. "Mr L/N and Mr Thrope, you have something to share with the rest of the class"
"No Ma'am" you both say with a smile and look at each other.
But not too far away Wednesday was looking at you and Xavier wondering what you two were talking about. Wednesday had a feeling something was different with you. For the past few weeks you have been hanging out with Xavier more and she couldn't understand why. She brought it up to Enid a while ago. Enid thought you were cheating on both of them but Wednesday put the thought out of her mind since you aren't that kind of person. Plus dealing with the two of them wasn't an easy task let alone adding another lover in the picture.
A while back Enid and Wednesday followed you to the Weathervane and saw you were there with Xavier talking about something but their hiding spot across the street conveniently blocked their view. So she has been trying to figure it out.
A Few Hours Later
Class is over and Everyone is done with dinner and heading back to their dorms. You are with Wednesday, Enid, Xavier, Bianca and Yoko. You are talking about current news in Nevermore and everything new going on.
"So Enid the full moon is coming out tomorrow, Where are you and the rest of the Wolves wolfing out this time?" Bianca asks
"Im not sure this time, the forest is usually the go-to but I'm not sure this time" Enid replies "Means I get to spend tonight with my two favorite people" as she holds on your hand and Wednesday's
"Well Yoko and I need to get some last-minute studying done" says Bianca. Yoko nods and follows Bianca as they head back to the Girls dorms.
Xavier starts to look around you and sees something different.
"Hey Y/N Where is your Guitar Backpack?" Xavier asks.
"Its right he-...." You begin to feel behind you and its not there. "Whoa What the hell? Where is my bag?"
"You must have left it in class? Or maybe the Dinner hall" said Xavier "I'll help you go find it"
"Hey you two I will meet you back in your dorm room, Im gonna go find my bag." You say as you kiss Wednesday and Enid on their cheeks then you and Xavier run off back into the school.
"Be careful and hope you find it." says Enid blowing a kiss to you.
Wednesday squints at you as your back is turned. "Something is off..." Wednesday says with a suspicious tone.
"What you mean hun?" Enid asks
"Y/N never leaves his guitar. That guitar was given to him by his grandfather, father, and his uncle, with this little bit of money the gathered up. He holds that guitar with high value. Remember we caught him sleeping with it in his bed."
"Oh yea...He was cute holding it" Enid says as she remembers the thought of you blushing
"Enid focus...Y/N is hiding something from us"
"But Love why would he do that?"
"I dont know but we need to find out. Let's go back to the dorm and get some stuff then Y/N is gonna answer to some things"
The girls head back to the dorm and open up the door. Thing is currently on Wednesday's desk tapping on a letter on the desk.
"What is it Thing?" Wednesday asks
"Oh look someone left us a note" Enid says picking it up and drawing out one claw and opens up the letter and it states.
If you want to know what is currently out of place, meet us by the stage where the events play. So don't be late and meet us there by 8.
Wednesday and Enid looked at each other.
"What do you think?" Enid asked
"I think this might be the answer we were looking for" Wednesday replies grabbing her stuff "Thing come on" Thing hops of the desk and crawls on to Enids shoulder.
A Few Minutes later
Wednesday and Enid show up the outside event stage, This stage is used during the summer months for prep rallies, and stage performances with the drama club, choir, and others. But something was off this time. The Night time lights are usually dim here and there wasn't any night patrol either which was new to the girls.
"Babe, I dont like this..." said Enid to Wednesday clutching on to her arm.
"Me either" Wednesday replied but she was sted fast ready for anything to pop off if need be.
"We're hear! Show yourself" Enid yelled in the dark area that was more silent than death itself.
Then a loud clack came from the stage and a burst of light blinded Wednesday and Enid for a few seconds but as their eyes adjusted who did they see on the stage it was Y/N. You were sitting on a stool with your guitar in hand in front of a microphone.
"Y/N what is going on? Did you plant that letter in our room?" Wednesday asked with her cold death stare looking straight at you.
You chuckle a bit and reply "Yes with the help of everyone to make this possible. I just want to say to your both that I appreciate all that you two have done for me. Whether it be school work, listening to my problems, or helping me with my powers. You both have always been there for Me and I thank you. Wednesday......Enid....I wrote something that shows how i feel about the two most wonderful women in my life"
You begin to play your guitar and the lights dim on you. You lean into the microphone and begin to sing.
Dark Moon
Verse 1:
The moon is my witness, to a love that's true Two hearts that beat for me, and I for them too We share a bond that's dark and deep In a love that's forbidden but we choose to keep
Dark moon, shine your light on me Guide us through this love we see Three hearts that beat as one Underneath the dark moon's shine
Verse 2:
We share the secrets of the night And the warmth of the morning light We hold each other in our arms And our love is safe from harm
Dark moon, shine your light on me Guide us through this love we see Three hearts that beat as one Underneath the dark moon's shine
We know it's not the way it's supposed to be But our love is pure and true We'll keep it hidden from the world And let the dark moon see us through
Dark moon, shine your light on me Guide us through this love we see Three hearts that beat as one Underneath the dark moon's shine
Dark moon, shine your light on us As we navigate this love that's true We'll hold onto each other's hearts And let our love shine through.
As you stop playing you look up to see your two girlfriends staring straight at you with tears in their eyes. Your lyrics reached them and you were happy to see that. They begin to run towards the stage as you put your guitar on a leaning stand. They approach you wiping their tears and then hit you in the back of the head together.
"Dont ever keep a secret from us again" Enid yelled and began to cry again and grab onto you.
Wednesday wipes her tears and tries to get her composure "We were worried about you for the past few days and we thought something was wrong. This is why I don't celebrate meaningless festivities like this"
You look at Wednesday with a smug look knowing that she cried 30 seconds ago
"Really?" you say
"Shut up" Wednesday replies back at you then also lays herself onto you.
You chuckle a little bit. Enid runs her fingers on your chest and Wednesday looks up at you and raises her hand to your face and both say to you.
"I love you"
You smile and reply "I love you too"
The Next morning
You hear your alarm go off just like every morning. Nevermore Academy once again. Your head feels heavy and so does your body. You look over to your right where your phone is on the nightstand and try to reach over but your arm feels so heavy. Then you see a pale white hand with black nails reach out and press the snooze button on your phone. You try to move your other arm which is also heavy but you hear a moan as you try to move it. You try to sit up a little bit and see your two girlfriends are in the bed with you wearing nothing but your T-shirts which are bigger than them. You laugh a bit but not too loud to wake them up.
"Ok 5 more minutes" you say to yourself and go back to sleep.
(Author's Notes)
This was my first asked story and I kinda went more than I thought I would but I like how this one turned out. Remember if you have any ideas on what story I should write next let me know. I will be working on the two other stories that I promised to work on but the 9 to 5 has been keeping me busy. But I'm glad this one is finally done and I hope you all like it.
Check out my Master list!
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dramamelon · 1 year
Preview Time is HERE!
To be posted to AO3 in this year's @tf-bigbang come the 22nd - 24th of September, a mere two weeks away, a fic I've wanted to write since MTMTE #52 dropped. (So, it's only been simmering on the back burner, oh, just shy of seven and a half years.)
Fix-it fic? Yup. Fix-it fic. (And it's a long one.) Drawing on the various ways Cybertronians have come back from what should have been death or things that should have caused it, I couldn't leave the little opening that left room for resurrecting Kaon alone. 😭💜 Take a spark not quite gone dark, a lump of Sentio Metallico, and a medic willing to do whatever is necessary.... Just another day on the Lost Light, right?
My artist collaborator is @flayyr (a great hand at helping design Kaon's new frame!) and the result is absolutely fantastic! (I'll reblog when a preview is available. 🥺✨💖✨)
I'll shut up now and let y'all get to the actual preview part. 😁
* * *
"The way he was done so wrong by Tarn, though…. I couldn't just leave him to fade when I found his spark still glowing."
The expression on Anode's face twisted from judgemental toward thoughtful. Her hold on Kaon gentled, the speculative hand on Kaon's chin tilting his face into a better position to see it. "He'll hold memories in his spark, if he retains any at all," she said. "There's no telling if he'll ever have access to them if they do exist."
"I know," Nickel replied, nodding. "The texts did mention that." When his armor started to flood with color, taking on the iron rust red and shining brass he'd worn before going gray, she clutched both his newly darkened hands tight and held them over her spark.
"He more than likely will never be the mech you remember." This time it was Lug, moved closer behind her with comfort in her field. "I only got my memories back because of Anode having so many to jumpstart them."
Nickel's spark quailed at the thought that Kaon wouldn't remember at least her. However, if he didn't remember anything from his previous life…. "Maybe that would be for the better," she admitted, reaching out with a hand again to pet his slack cheek. "If he doesn't know who he was, he can be someone else without all those terrible things to weigh him down."
Then, it happened. A slim, glowing line of amber gold escaped the edges of optical shutters just beginning to part. Nickel cycled her optics and grabbed hold of his hands again. That was not Decepticon red.
"Hello," she greeted the newly awakened mech, keeping her voice low. "Are you awake, sweetspark?"
Those shutters slowly blinked open, revealing innocent golden optics in full. The irises cycled as the sparkling that was Kaon turned his hazy, newspark optics on Nickel. A tickle of the faintest static danced over the spires on his shoulders. "I am?" he said, so very obviously unsure of himself. "Awake, yes. I am." He tilted his helm a little, much like a photovoltaic kitten as Anode let her hand fall away. "Who are you?"
Nickel did her best not to be disappointed. She'd been warned to expect it, after all. "My name is Nickel. I'm a medic. And your caretaker." She nodded to Anode. "That is Anode and behind me is Lug. They're friends."
Kaon blinked, the golden light of his optics brightening and his narrow frame sitting up straighter under his own power. "Nickel," he repeated, then turned his helm one at a time to the others. "Anode. Lug." His mouth stretched wide in a smile Nickel had only seen him wear when interacting with the Pet, the set of wings on his back narrow and swept upward, fluttering and exuding a rising happiness. It was matched by jubilant swirls in his unhindered field, something Nickel could only suspect lay in the very newness of his return. "Hello, Nickel, Anode, and Lug. I'm Amp."
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Hey hey! So since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner I was wondering if you could write something about what spending Valentine’s Day with Elrond would be like 👉🏻👈🏻 perhaps it’ll help to curtail my loneliness LOL thanks so much!!
I like rushed through this bc I wanted to get it out when it's still Valentine's Day for people outside my timezone! I hope you like it! And thank you for requesting, I had like no Valentine's fics planned for Elrond, so this was perfect!
Valentine's Day with Elrond
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This man is so into Valentine’s Day, like you wouldn’t believe. A whole day, where it’s not only acceptable, but encouraged, to shower your partner with love and affection? He wishes every day was Valentine’s Day.
You wake up to find him lying beside you, wide awake, and just simply watching you with the softest expression you’ve ever seen. He’s gently caressing your cheek, tracing the contours of your face, a soft smile on his lips as you blink up at him in confusion. “My starlight. Your beauty outshines the sun, each morning it rises in hopes that it will catch you off guard, and yet even in your slumber you are more radiant than it could ever strive to be.”
Next is breakfast—he’s made your favorite, or well had someone make it, since he didn’t want to spend a second apart from you. You both eat out of your porch and watch as the city wakes up, and people begin to walk through the gardens and serenades fill the air.
Then comes the gifts, and these ranged from letters and poems dedicated to you, to a hairpin or bracelet made of mithril. Of course, he gets you flowers, how could I forget the flowers? Your whole room is filled with them by the time you finish getting ready for the day.
Elrond has a full day planned, he wants to go walking, dancing, wants to get your portraits painted, to eat fruits and candies, to go on a romantic boat ride, he wants to do everything with you. You hear him start to list everything and realize in his excitement he’s gone a bit overboard. So, you gently suggest you two narrow the list down into something more manageable. He praises your intelligence, telling you how great of a ruler you would be, how a crown should be placed on your head.
When you tell him that you would crown him as well, he blushes a bright pink that makes you smile. You maybe amp that blush up a few shades when you whisper in his ear all that you’ll do to thank him for all his gifts. Then you end up convincing him to take the fruits and candies onto the boat. Reminding him that there’s always next year for everything else he wished to do.
The boat ride is serene, there’s a few other people out on the lake, but they’re far enough away that they don’t bother you. The calm waters are dotted with floating candles, and you rest your head against Elrond’s shoulder, hand trailing in the clear waters as the sunsets. There’s music playing from the shore, and you breathe in the cool night air, the stars shining brightly above you.
Elrond tilts your head up and kisses you, a slow and sweet kiss that makes you giddy, and your mind turn into sugary mush. You kiss him back and pull him closer, thanking him once again for such a wonderful day. He shakes his head, and thanks you for being his, for staying by his side and making his life complete. You cup his face, nuzzling your nose against his, unsure of what you did to deserve someone so perfect.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority
Also, happy V-day to my Rop babes ^^^^ these lovelies and the wonderful @thesolarangel
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giurochedadomani · 2 years
What about a role reversal au, though. Wayne has a job offer from Cali. Enough of a good job offer to consider relocating. Eddie flunks school (once more) and given that Corroded Coffin is most probably going to break off when Jeff and Gareth get into the good unis they deserve, Eddie takes the opportunity to go with Wayne and have a fresh start. It cannot be much worse for him than in Hawkins, right? Well, his extremely low expectations are amply (very amply) surpassed when he gets to Cali and his arrival coincides in time with the rise of the hard rock scene. And suddenly the hair, the battle vest, the thousand patches make him into hot stuff. (There's even a --little-- gay scene in Cali. What the freaking fuck. Where has Cali been all his life)
Cue him orbiting around Billy, with his bad reputation and all the rumours that surround him. Billy knows how to mask now, but it doesn't work as well as in Hawkins: he doesn't have the shine of being the hot new transfer, and his schoolmates have probably seen / sensed quite a few bad things from his childhood before it was drilled into him through circumstances *waves a vague hand* that being vulnerable Is Bad.
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They become fast friends after Eddie invites Billy to see him play with other people in a basement party and Billy helps him run away before the Police arrives (and finds that there's more uuuuh Illegal Stuff that incredibly loud amps)
Wayne still doesn't know what to make out of their relationship in this au. He hasn't seen Eddie this happy many other times, but at the same time he's starting to sneak out, come back home pretty late, etc....... pretty normal teen behaviour, except that Eddie hasn't ever done it to such an extent until that point. And yes, Eddie had very few friends in Hawkins, but a part of Wayne cannot help but fearing that he's Getting Into Problems Like His Father (opinion that gets obliterated that night he comes home a bit early and catches them having an Intense Good Night Kiss before Billy sneaks out back to his home)
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
196: Earth // The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
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The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull Earth 2008, Southern Lord (Bandcamp)
The most money I’ve ever spent on a vinyl record is on the stupid fucking quadruple LP Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness boxed set, but that was only because I allegedly scuffed the first track on the first side of LP1 of my friend’s copy while putting it away at a party, so I had to buy him a replacement and got his old dinged one—but I’ll write about that another time. The most money I’ve ever spent on a vinyl record I wanted was on Earth’s The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull, and specifically on one of the editions bound in faux Bible leather that Southern Lord reissues from time to time. From the first time I heard the record back in 2008, from the first time I read the title really, Bees has held a strange fascination for me. Despite being a broke college kid, I ordered a Bees Made Honey hoodie using my first credit card and hemmed and hawed over whether to snag the leather record, though I didn’t even know how to use a turntable. I didn’t end up actually scoring a copy till more than a decade later, by which time I’d already pretty well carved the thing’s grooves so deep in my brain I didn’t need to listen anymore to hear its contents.
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The inner sleeve.
Still, there’s the pleasure of handling it, opening up the gatefold and reading the hoary language in elaborately-filigreed gold text:
“from strength sweetness from darkness light the bees made honey in the lion’s skull”
A1. Omens and Portents 1: The Driver A2: Rise to Glory B3: Miami Morning Coming Down II (Shine) B4. Engine of Ruin C5: Omens and Portents II: Carrion Crow C6: Hung from the Moon D7: The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull D8: Junkyard Priest
I grew up just religious enough to really fear God and love His language, especially as filtered through all the fantastical art that’s borrowed the diction of the King James Version to command a sense of gravitas. It’s a tone of voice that still compels me, and it’s the perfect dressing for this era of Earth’s looming, desertified music. Starting with 2005’s comeback Hex; or Printing in the Infernal Method, Earth has been working on a form of Western-inspired instrumental post-rock that looks to the Bible and fire-and-brimstone writers like Cormac McCarthy for words to match the weathered lurch of Dylan Carlson’s lithic guitar. Bees continues this direction, and it’s broadly considered the best of the band’s later efforts: something elemental captured in the songs; extra pristine production; sterling contributions from Steve Moore on a variety of pianos and organs, plus famed jazz guitarist Bill Frisell; and above all the languid pulse of drummer Adrienne Davies, the sheer weight of her pauses (best exemplified on the title track).
When Davies joined the band in 2002, she became the long-term musical partner Carlson had never really had, and her playing has become as distinctive a signature of Earth’s sound as his. In the exhaustive 2023 documentary Even Hell Has Its Heroes, her interview is the most enlightening from a musical perspective. An amateur when she began casually jamming with Carlson, she soon found that all of the drumming instructors and guides she consulted emphasized focusing on how to refine the angles of her playing, minimizing the time and effort required to play a beat. But for Davies, playing in a band whose rhythm swells and resides like the breathing of a massive steer, this advice ran counter: her arms wave in slow, swooping arcs, drawing out the tempo in the air before falling into the drums, letting gravity provide the consequential force.
Despite the band’s mugshot stares and stupendous volume, that signal phrase holds: “from strength sweetness / from darkness light.” There’s no violence in this songs, only some obdurate quality of endurance; no aggression, only flickers of the transcendent among the amps. That’s the notion embedded in its title, a nourishing work transpiring within sinister ruins.
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banithaniapparel · 6 months
Buy Kurta Pant Set with Dupatta Online: Your Ultimate Guide
In the realm of ethnic fashion, the allure of kurta sets with dupatta remains timeless. Whether it's the elegance of a salwar kurta with dupatta or the versatility of a kurti pant set with dupatta, these ensembles hold a special place in every woman's wardrobe. With the advent of online shopping, acquiring these traditional attires has become easier than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of kurta sets online, exploring styles, fabrics, and where to find the perfect kurta sets for women.
Understanding Kurta Sets with Dupatta:
A salwar kurta dupatta ensemble typically comprises three pieces: the kurta (tunic), the bottom wear (salwar or pant), and the dupatta (scarf). These sets come in various styles, ranging from classic to contemporary, making them suitable for different occasions and preferences.
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Exploring the Range:
When it comes to kurta sets online, the options are abundant. From intricate embroidery to vibrant prints, there's something to suit every taste. Brands like Bani Thani offer a diverse range of designs, ensuring that every woman finds her perfect match. Whether you're looking for a traditional cotton kurta set or a modern fusion ensemble, the choices are endless.
The Versatility of Kurti Pant Set with Dupatta:
One of the most popular variations is the kurti pant set with dupatta. This contemporary take on traditional attire combines the comfort of pants with the elegance of a kurta and dupatta. Ideal for both casual outings and festive occasions, these sets add a touch of sophistication to any wardrobe. With options available in various fabrics, such as cotton, silk, and chiffon, you can effortlessly transition from day to night with ease.
Styling Tips:
When styling your kurta pant set with dupatta, accessorizing plays a crucial role. Statement earrings, bangles, and a chic clutch can elevate your look instantly. Experiment with different draping styles for the dupatta to add a unique flair to your ensemble. Whether you prefer a classic drape or a contemporary twist, let your personal style shine through.
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The Allure of Cotton Kurta Sets:
For those seeking comfort without compromising on style, cotton kurta sets are a go-to option. Breathable and lightweight, cotton fabrics are perfect for everyday wear, especially during the warmer months. Pair a printed cotton kurta with matching pants and a contrasting dupatta for a fresh and vibrant look. Brands like Bani Thani offer a wide selection of cotton kurta sets for women, ensuring both comfort and style.
Kurta Sets for Every Occasion:
From casual outings to festive celebrations, there's a kurta set for every occasion. Opt for simple, understated designs for daytime events, and amp up the glamour with embellished ensembles for evening affairs. Versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down are essential additions to any wardrobe. With the right selection, you'll always be ready to make a stylish statement wherever you go.
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Where to Buy Kurta Sets Online:
With the rise of e-commerce platforms, purchasing kurta sets for women has never been easier. Websites like Bani Thani offer a seamless shopping experience, with a wide range of options to choose from. Browse through their collection of kurta sets with dupatta and find the perfect ensemble to suit your style and budget. With secure payment options and hassle-free delivery, you can shop with confidence from the comfort of your home.
In conclusion, buying kurta pant sets with dupatta online opens up a world of possibilities for ethnic fashion enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for traditional salwar kurta with dupatta or contemporary kurti pant sets with dupatta, there's something for everyone. Brands like Bani Thani offer a diverse range of designs, ensuring that you find the perfect ensemble to elevate your style. So why wait? Explore the world of kurta sets online today and add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe.
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albertfinch · 1 year
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James 1:16-18 reminds us that the Father of heavenly lights gives only good and perfect gifts and that He is the God of truth:
"Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all He created"
The enemy wants to steal our dreams, our faith and our lives! But, do not give place to His evil words. Determine now to repent for believing His lies. Repentance does not mean that it is needed because God is upset, mad or angry because of our doubt and unbelief -- to repent means to simply change the way we think (about God and even ourselves). 
Therefore, we repent into God’s purpose for our life.  We ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7) until we come to understand and actually carry-out our Christ calling. Nothing moves in God;s Kingdom without action.  if you have believed opposite of what God says about you, CHANGE the way you think about yourself. Also, if you have believed opposite of all God declares concerning His love, provision, protection, etc., simply CHANGE the way you think about Him. This will empower you with great faith and hope for your future.
Satan will always bring darkness into our situation. However, godly revelation reveals what is hidden – or what attempts to remain in darkness. As we more fully understand God's goodness and His light of truth, we begin to function and operate in His power to overcome the wicked works and words of the accuser.
We must guard our hearts so that we do not faint. The enemy is working overtime to cause us to grow weary and have faint hearts. 
He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. [2 Corinthians 12:9.]
"Even youths shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; but those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."  - Isaiah 40:28-31 AMP
Stand in faith on God's promise that He is renewing your strength right now and that also He is giving you power to overcome all adversity. He is also revealing to us, at this time, how to live in joy and peace even in the midst of a storm! In fact, go back and re-read the previous passage and literally see yourself strong and full of faith. You are God's light on the earth, a city on a hill. Let your light shine!
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but Jehovah will arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And nations shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising" - (Isaiah 60:1-3 ASV).
James 1:12 encourages each of us to persevere in pressing into God's revealed PURPOSE for our life so we may influence lives and bear fruit that remains for His Kingdom.
Our worthiness comes that Jesus and His righteousness has already made us worthy of all good things given to us from the Father. We are not to condemn ourselves for our weakness and feeling faint-hearted but rather renew our minds to our new Christ identity – old opinions of ourselves have passed away and we are now effective firebrands for changing the way people perceive their role in advancing His Kingdom.  
We persevere due to the finished work on the Cross! We will reap because in our salvation (sozo) we have healing, deliverance, prosperity and all that is needed to demonstrate the power of God in our lives and the lives of others.
We must develop the mind-set that -- we are not defined by our past, what people think of us, or our circumstances - but only by who we are in Christ.
"To whom God would make known what is the riches of glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." - Colossians 1:27
We step into our future (God's CALLING on our lives) with great boldness and confidence knowing certain that Christ has paid the price for complete freedom.
Father, You are the God of Light and I thank You that You have a pathway of light planned for me.  I will not grow faint or weary in flight but continue to rise up in greater faith. I place my faith in the finished work of Christ that completely transforms. Thank You for the grace You are giving me to advance in my Christ calling and potential. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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Daily Devotionals for December 01, 2022
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 29:12-14 (KJV): 12 If a ruler hearkens to lies, all his servants are wicked. 13 The poor and the deceitful man meet together: the LORD lighteneth both their eyes. 14 The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his throne shall be established forever.
Proverbs 29:12-14 (AMP): 12 If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will become wicked. 13 The poor man and the oppressor meet together -- the Lord gives light to the eyes of both. 14 The king who faithfully judges the poor, his throne shall be established continuously.   Thought for the Day
Verse 12 - We know that a ruler who keeps company with liars, is also corrupt himself. Those who are wicked do not want men of integrity around them, so the officials they choose to serve them will also be wicked. It goes back to the adage: "Birds of a feather, flock together."
Verse 13 - Although the poor and the deceitful may be worlds apart in their manner of living, both receive sight from God. Mankind has been bestowed with life and blessings that come only from God. He created the earth for all people, even those who do not acknowledge that it came from Him. He gives us eyes and sunlight by which to see valleys, mountains, rivers, animals, and all creation. He causes the sun to shine on the good and the evil. He sends rain on the just and the unjust. "…That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust" (Matthew 5:45). He gives men natural gifts, enabling us all to contribute to the good of society. Like snowflakes, each of us is unique. He has a specific purpose for each of us, which we can only fully understand when we give our lives to Him.
By His plan for mankind, God created the perfect Garden of Eden. There Adam and Eve lived, worked, and enjoyed fellowship with Him. When they disobeyed Him, sin began to defile both them and all the earth; so God then initiated His plan of redemption. At the determined time, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to atone for the sins of mankind. According to the plan, through Christ, all people can be restored to Him if they accept what Jesus did for them and surrender to God's will. Whoever gives his life to the Lord receives spiritual gifts in addition to his natural gifts. In the natural, God gives us eyes to see the light of the sun and what it illuminates. In the spirit, He gives us sight and revelation to perceive His Light and Truth.
Verse 14 – A good ruler faithfully judges the poor. He does not deny them the right to be heard. He does not pervert justice, but judges fairly and uphold the poor man when he is in the right. God establishes the rule of such a man. Jesus will one day return to earth and establish His righteous reign on earth. He is the only completely just and upright King, and His rule shall indeed be established forever. Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, We thank you for the many gifts You have given to us, as Your children. We do appreciate eyes to see Your beautiful creation. We are grateful that You gave us so many things to see and enjoy on this earth. We also thank You for the gifts You have given to us personally. We know that You have given us the gift of writing and we are grateful. We are also humbled that You would use us to share the revelations You have given to Your people. Lord, we dedicate our lives and gifts to Your work. Please use them to bring glory to Your Name. I Steven P. Miller ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller CEO/ Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, At @GatekeeperWatchman1 , @ParkermillerQ, @steven_p_miller; https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.instagram.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/ Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA.;
GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #GatekeeperWatchman1, #Shebuel, #Melkizadeck, #Brainstormer, #Ephraim1, #IAM
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nachiketh11 · 2 months
Orionz Summer Sale: Hottest Summer Sale Picks for Trendy Jewellery Enthusiasts
Summer is here, and with it comes the promise of sun-soaked days, balmy evenings, and, of course, the hottest jewellery trends of the season. At Orionz, we believe that style knows no season, and there's no need to wait for end-of-season sales to indulge in the latest fashion statements. That's why we're thrilled to announce the Orionz Summer Sale, your passport to scoring the trendiest silver jewellery pieces of 2024 at summer-subsidized rates.
As temperatures rise, so do the fashion stakes, and this summer is no exception. From statement earrings that demand attention to delicate layered necklaces that add a touch of elegance; our summer sale collection has something to suit every style and occasion. Whether you're a fashion-forward trendsetter or simply looking to refresh your jewellery box, ‘now’ is the perfect time to revamp your summer wardrobe with Orionz.
In this blog, we'll dive deep into the sizzling summer jewellery trends of 2024 and showcase how you can incorporate them into your look with our handpicked selection of silver jewellery. Get ready to turn heads and make a splash with our summer sale picks that promise to add a touch of shimmer and shine to your sunny days ahead.
Edgy Oxidised Silver Rings for Men
Gear up for summer in style with the hottest trend on the block - bold and edgy 925 Sterling Silver rings for men with an oxidised silver finish. Our summer sale is incomplete without these statement-makers that are just like the secret sauce to your summer-style burger – the element that takes your fits from ordinary to extraordinary.
Each ring in this collection is a work of art, blending bold designs with intricate detailing that's sure to catch the eye. Take this Forever Loved Men's Ring, for example. It's like adding a touch of medieval mystique to your look, perfect for channelling your inner knight in shining armour. And let's not forget this Lucky Star Ring – it's like having a piece of the galaxy right on your finger, ready to guide you through life's adventures.
But these rings aren't just for show. Pair them with your favourite breezy summer outfits for an extra dose of cool or sport them with a casual tee and jeans for laid-back scenes. They're like the cherry on top of your summer sundae – the finishing touch that ties it all together!
Sizzling Ear Candies for Men and Women
This summer, don't just drip sweat – let your style drip with the freshest ear candy in town! It's time to amp up your look with the hottest earring trends of the season. From cute bug-inspired studs to bold statement danglers, these earrings are the ultimate silver jewellery to spike up your summer vibe.
Ladies can totally see themselves rocking these Petal Bug Studs, and imagine delicate flower petals decorating their ears, adding that extra whimsical touch to their summer look. Check out these Trinity Solitaire Statement Earrings – they're legit sparkling like diamonds against the summer sky, making them feel like total modern-day queens. Talk about light wear for breezy evening summer events!
When it comes to ear games this summer, men are never far behind, ready to own the latest trends with confidence and style. This Boho Feather Dangle Earring for Men is like a breath of fresh air, adding a rugged elegance to urban street style. And for those who love a little bling, this Rupee Bling Men's Ear Stud is the perfect accessory to make a statement wherever you go. 
Whimsy Hoops
Our summer sale gets a refreshing twist with hoops that bring a hint of bohemian charm and a whole lot of attitude. From butterflies to stars, these hoops are the ultimate accessory for any summer shindig. Whether you're all about expressing your bold personality or just love the blingy vibes, our Adam’s Bridge Hoop For Men is where it's at. Designed to impress, it flaunts a bold build and sophisticated curvy bridge design encrusted with stunning solitaires that reflect and refract light to create a sparkly statement. 'Cause let's be real – when it comes to dressy hoops, why should girls have all the fun?
And speaking of fun, this Cutting Edge Men's Hoop Earring is like the ultimate summer accessory that's lit and on-trend. With its chunky build and artful ridges, it's the perfect piece to add some serious spunk to your summer look. Whether you're wearing it solo or stacked with other similar hoops and studs, this hoop earring is all about making your style scream 'effortlessly cool'. Pair it with your favourite summer threads – think a flirty floral shirt and cargo shorts – for that effortlessly cool vibe that screams summer style.
For the gals, the hoop game gets stronger this season with these Tapering Radiance Hoop Earrings that will take your summer style to the next level. These trendy hoops feature a unique pattern of alternating inversed stone settings, adding a modern and stylish twist to the classic hoop design. Whether you're keeping it casual with daywear or going all out for an evening party, these hoops will instantly elevate your summer wardrobe with their fashionable and sophisticated vibe.
Iced Out Fashion
Bringing some serious bling inspo from the international world of hip-hop to the blazing summer streets of India, we present to you our latest collection: FREEZE. This coolest and trendiest iced-out jewellery collection is the epitome of elegance and modern sophistication. 
Embrace the bling yet chic vibe of this new drip and freeze the haters with your unparalleled swag. The Freeze collection is extremely lit, perfect for trendsetters and trailblazers who want to flex with icy styles that'll have them sparkling like bosses all summer long. From sleek necklaces to dazzling earrings, each piece in this collection is designed to draw eyeballs and boost your summer look.
Take, for instance, this Iced Flash Pendant that lights up your style with wild and vibrant energy, or this Iced Out Cuban Link Bracelet that celebrates your individuality with boldness and confidence. And let's not forget about this White Round Tennis Chain, a classic silver jewellery piece that combines modern aesthetics with timeless appeal.
Each item is designed for comfort and wearability, making these luxurious pieces versatile for various summer occasions. Heat up your summer wardrobe with Freeze, where each piece is an icy blast of style that'll have you looking as cool as a cucumber, even when the mercury soars!
The Minimal Lifestyle
Keep it chill and classy with our summer sale’s minimalist jewellery pieces that are all about your quiet and elegant energy. Whether you are modeling little studs or a simple necklace, these pieces are perfect for adding a touch of polish to any outfit. So keep it simple and stylish this summer – less is definitely more.
Minimalist men will dig our Geometric Obsidian Dog Tag pendant! Fashioned from oxidised silver, this pendant sports abstract geometric lines dotted with sleek black stones, adding a touch of intrigue to any ensemble. Bask in the summer vibes with our newest men's must-have: Lion King Wrist Band which blends the richness of premium leather weaving with the fierce allure of an intricately detailed lion head. This accessory embodies the untamed spirit of the season while exuding a timeless sense of strength. 
For the sun-kissed world of minimalist jewellery for women, let's discover the breezy, light-as-air pieces that promise to infuse your summer looks with a touch of natural beauty and radiant simplicity. Artfully capturing the negative space with a curious hollow halo design, this Hollow Halo Bracelet for Women is a pretty and delicate wrist wrap. Wear it solo to add an accent to your look, or stack them with other thin bracelets to create an artist's canvas on your wrist.
Celebrate the colours of pride with our vibrant Rainbow Bracelet. This attention-grabbing piece is sure to command attention with its stiff top and flowy chain, creating a rare combination that adds a pop of colour to your bracelet collection.
Summer Send-off
Indulge in a double scoop of summer fun by treating yourself to the Orionz Summer Sale! Just like swapping out your ice cream cone for a dazzling ice-inspired accessory, our collection offers a refreshing twist to your summer style. Dive into our array of trendy silver jewellery, from whimsical rings to elegant minimalist pieces, and discover the perfect complement to your sunny-day adventures. Whether you're chilling at the beach or sipping iced coffee with friends, our summer sale has something to add a sprinkle of sparkle to every moment. So, why wait? Dive into the delights of our silver jewellery summer sale and let your style shine as bright as the summer sun!
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Four, Part 6
"Some restaurant called Atomic Cafe," I answered, feeling like the little kid in the store, waiting for mom to end the conversation with an old friend. Except I was both the mom and the kid.
"I didn't peg you has vegetarian," he said, surprise on his face.
"I'm not. Addison is."
"Oh," his eyes got wide, "Oh! Hey, good for you." It took Tom a brief second to realize what I was actually saying, but once he figured it out, he stepped back. "I'll talk to you later."
I gave him a small wave, and then practically ran through the front door. Sitting right in front of walk was a small maroon Ford truck. October Rising's' Everyday with You is Halloween' played out of rolled down windows.
I grinned and started down the stairs, catching the last one with my foot and nearly falling flat on my face. How's that for a date? A trip to the emergency room while I get my nose set. Ah, the romance.
I knocked on the passenger side, before opening the door and climbing in. She gave me a small smile with a wave, and as I closed the door, and turned to look at her, I froze.
She was stunning. Like, take my breath away stunning. Her hair wasn't up, but hung loosely, framing her faces with loose waves. She had her glasses on, black frames, and her eyes shined through them, the thin lenses only adding to the prism like effect. She smiled as she looked at me and said something I couldn't hear. Her smile made my heart ache in that moment. In a good way. She wore a dress, the top half being white and the bottom half being a field of blue and white polka dots.
"Hey!" Addison shouted and clapped. I shook my head, forcing myself back into real time.
"Hi," I said. Fucking stutter. I guess I'll chalk this up to shock. How could this perfect creature want anything to do with me at all? Angels and demons, I guess. Gods and Monsters. Beauty and the Beast. Blah, blah, blah. You get what I'm getting at here.
"You ok? You looked pretty far away there for a second," she said.
"I'm good. I'm here. I'm here." This wasn't the first time I'd ever apologized for disassociating. I did it a lot. It's a coping mechanism.
"You ready?" She asked, putting her truck in drive.
"I was born ready."
"You're kind of a dork."
"I know. You've mentioned it." I laughed a little.
"Oh? Did I mention it's kind of cute?"
I smiled at her as she drove out of Riverwest, and into what was mainly uncharted territory for me. Sometimes I'd walk the city at night, but I always end up headed for the lake when I do that. There is just something about a large body of water during late nights. It's almost magical.
Her one hand was at the steering wheel, the other loosely laying on the space between us. I looked at it, and without thinking, took her hand. I mean, this was a date, right? I gave into my selfish want to feel that electric fire she created. And god, it was there. I could've powered my entire apartment with the hot volts and amps racing around my nerves. Her skin touching mine was such a new force.
She didn't break away. In fact, she interlocked her fingers around mine, and we actually held hands for the first time. I don't think I could've actually let go, even if I wanted. But I didn't want to, so I was very ok with my stuck situation.
"So, what were you thinking about when you got in?" Addison asked. I swallowed hard, biting and fighting the self-doubt and anxiety. The want to make up some lie to end this conversation. She was going to think I was some kind of creep if she knew what had taking me over.
"Nothing really," I said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. And this is where I learned that Addison could see right through me.
"Bullshit." It's all she had to say. She said with a laugh dancing on the tip of her tongue.
"I was caught off guard, that's all."
"Caught off guard?"
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sistamagza · 10 months
Bonang Absolutely Has Bragging Rights!
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/bonang-absolutely-has-bragging-rights/
Bonang Absolutely Has Bragging Rights!
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In the dynamic world of media and entertainment, few personalities shine as brightly as Bonang Matheba. With a career spanning over a decade, Bonang has become a household name in South Africa and beyond. From her early days as a television presenter to her current status as a successful entrepreneur, Bonang’s journey is a testament to her talent, resilience, and business acumen.
Early Career in Television
Bonang Matheba’s rise to fame began with her foray into television. Her infectious charisma and natural hosting abilities quickly caught the attention of audiences. She hosted popular shows such as “Live AMP” and “Top Billing,” leaving an indelible mark on the South African entertainment landscape. Bonang’s ability to connect with viewers and make them feel a part of the experience contributed to her early success.
Radio Royalty
Transitioning seamlessly from television to radio, Bonang continued to captivate audiences with her voice. Her time as a radio host on Metro FM’s “The Front Row” showcased her versatility and further solidified her status as a multi-talented media personality. Bonang’s engaging interviews and lively on-air presence endeared her to radio listeners, broadening her influence in the industry.
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Beyond the realm of media, Bonang Matheba has proven herself to be a savvy businesswoman. One of her most notable ventures is the launch of “House of BNG,” a line of sparkling wines. The brand, synonymous with sophistication and luxury, has received acclaim for its quality and has firmly established Bonang as a force to be reckoned with in the business world. Her ability to diversify her skills and brand demonstrates a keen understanding of market trends and consumer preferences.
Brand Collaborations and Endorsements
Bonang’s success extends beyond her personal ventures, as she has been sought after by numerous high-profile brands for endorsements and collaborations. Brands such as Revlon and Woolworths have recognized the influence and appeal that Bonang brings to the table. Her partnerships with these companies have not only elevated their visibility but have also added to the diversity of Bonang’s portfolio.
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Instagram Image: Bonang Matheba.
Social Media Influence
In the digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception, and Bonang has mastered the art of cultivating a strong online presence. With millions of followers on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, she engages with her audience, sharing glimpses of her life and achievements. Bonang’s social media influence not only reinforces her brand but also allows her to connect with fans on a personal level.
Awards and Accolades
Bonang Matheba’s contributions to the entertainment industry have not gone unnoticed, as she has received numerous awards and accolades. These accolades serve as a recognition of her talent, hard work, and dedication to her craft, further solidifying her place as a trailblazer in the South African media landscape.
Bonang Matheba’s journey from a television presenter to a multifaceted entrepreneur is a story of resilience, talent, and strategic vision. Her success serves as an inspiration to aspiring individuals in the media and business realms. As Bonang continues to evolve and explore new avenues, one thing remains certain—her impact on the entertainment industry is far from over. Bonang Matheba is a true icon, leaving an indelible mark on the South African and global stages.
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