#Roasted Coconut Donut
rabbitcruiser · 17 days
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World Coconut Day
Discover the tropical taste and versatility of this round, hairy fruit with a hard shell. From coconut water to oil, there's so much to love about them!
A popular fruit consumed around the world, the coconut is healthy and tasty, and it grows in tropical regions. World Coconut Day celebrates everything that has to do with this delicious and nutritious fruit!
History of World Coconut Day
Coconuts are a food that humans have found sustenance in for at least 2,000 years. Probably native to Indonesia, the name coconut translates to “walnut from India”. While coconuts would have traveled throughout the Indian subcontinent and even to Africa in the early years, they didn’t make it to Europe until some time around the 16th century.
It is likely that coconuts were introduced to Europeans through the Maritime Silk Road, which connected the East with the West. Marco Polo may have been one of the many travelers and explorers who would have brought coconuts back with them.
When the Asia Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) was founded in 1969, it was created in an attempt to help support and promote the tropical countries that are high in growing, producing, selling and exporting coconuts. Located in Jakarta, Indonesia, this group stays connected with the production and export of coconuts. Sharing scientific expertise and coordinating activities within the industry, the members of the APCC are responsible for the growth of more than 90% of the coconuts produced and sold all over the globe.
Founded in 2009, World Coconut Day was started by the Asia and Pacific Coconut Community to promote the activities of coconut growers while raising awareness about the fruit for those outside of the growing community.
The celebration of World Coconut Day offers plenty of opportunities for this important product of the Asia-Pacific region to enter into the forefront of conversation of people around the world!
World Coconut Day Timeline
1st Century BC
Coconuts are present in Indian subcontinent 
Historical records from Sri Lanka show that coconuts existed before this time.
16th Century
Coconuts are introduced to Europe 
Arriving as many exotic foods did, through the Maritime Silk Road, Europeans were exposed to coconuts through traders like Marco Polo.
Almond Joy candy bar hits the scene 
This candy bar combines the sweetness of shredded coconut with an almond and then covers it in delicious milk chocolate.
Vita Coco introduces coconut water 
Offering a delicious and nutritious beverage, Vita Coco begins a trend of bottling coconut water and making it commercially available.
World Coconut Day is first celebrated 
Started by the Asia-Pacific Coconut Community, World Coconut Day aims to raise awareness and bring harmony to the growth and distribution of coconuts.
How to Celebrate World Coconut Day
Getting involved with World Coconut Day is easy – all it takes is tasting and enjoying this delicious fruit. Consider some of these ideas to celebrate the day:
Enjoy Eating a Coconut
Some people who haven’t grown up around this delicious fruit might be intimidated by its brown, hairy shell. But once it is broken into and the creamy white flesh is exposed, it is a fragrant delight to behold.
First, start by poking a hole in the coconut at the end near the ‘eye’, where the shell is the thinnest. Use a screwdriver or hammer with a clean nail to make the hole. This will allow for the water of the coconut to be drained.
Pro Tip: Strain the coconut water through a cheesecloth and into a cup, and then drink it up!
Once the juice has been drained out of the coconut, one of the easiest ways to break open the fruit is by using a handsaw to cut it in half. Other people might want to simply put it into a sturdy bag and bang it against a stone or concrete until it breaks. This method is a bit messy, but it works.
Once the coconut is open, remove the meat from the shell and enjoy eating it fresh!
Cook or Bake with Coconut
One way to enjoy National Coconut Day without having to go to the trouble of cracking open the fruit is by purchasing the coconut in bags that are shredded or chipped. These are often pre-sweetened and ready to be used in recipes. Since the fruit is a tropical one, and the day falls at the end of the summer, many recipes are cool and refreshing.
Consider cooking or baking with some of these recipe ideas to celebrate the day:
Coconut Cream Pie. This classic pie contains coconut flakes or chips, coconut milk, heavy cream and eggs, and is topped with mounds of sweet whipped cream.
Coconut Ice Cream. This refreshing dessert is so simple, all it needs is 6 ingredients: whipping cream, sugar, vanilla, milk, salt and, of course, shredded coconut.
Coconut Milk Pudding. This delicious recipe is similar to the consistency of flan, but is made with coconut milk, gelatin, mango, butter, grated coconut, condensed milk and other simple ingredients.
Coconut Rice Pudding. A special blend of coconut milk and rice, this dessert is delicious when served with a homemade rhubarb compote or jam. The coconut and rhubarb flavors just meld together on the tongue!
Drink a Piña Colada
A classic tropical drink, the piña colada contains delicious ingredients like pineapple juice, coconut cream, rum, lime juice and ice, all blended together into a delicious frozen beverage. Throw the ingredients in a blender at home and mix it up. Garnish with a drink umbrella and skewer with red cherries for a vibrant presentation.
Try Out Some Coconut Water
A fairly new product on the market, bottled coconut water can be found in many places around the world now. Coconut water is actually the juice or liquid that comes from young coconut plants. Some brands of coconut water that might be worth trying out in celebration of National Coconut Day include Vita Coco, ZICO, Naked Coconut Water, and C2O.
Listen to Some Coconut Themed Music
One fun way to enjoy National Coconut Day is to enjoy a few songs that were written around the theme of coconuts. Try out some of these ideas to get started making a tropical playlist just for this day:
Coconut by Harry Nillson (1971). Probably the most famous song about coconuts, the lyrics are “put de lime in de coconut and drink ‘em both togedder”.
Cocoanut Woman by Harry Belafonte (1957). Released on his album called “Belafante sings of the Caribbean”, this song is about a lady on the island who is selling coconut water.
Coconut Telegraph by Jimmy Buffet (1981). Appearing as the title song on the album of the same name, this song speaks of a Tuesday on the island when information and gossip is exchanged.
I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts by Merv Griffin (1950). With lyrics that make a story out of a coconut toss at a fair, this song is a silly and playful classic from a bygone era.
World Coconut Day FAQs
Is coconut a fruit?
Even though it has the word “nut” in the name, coconut is a fibrous, one-seeded fruit that falls into the drupe, or stone fruit family.
Is coconut oil good for you?
Yes. Coconut oil has a variety of nutrients that are healthy when consumed by humans, including fatty acids, healthy cholesterol, ketones and more.
Do coconuts grow on palm trees?
While coconuts do grow on a certain type of palm tree, not all palm trees are coconut trees.
Is coconut water good for you?
Coconut water offers many healthy benefits, including electrolytes, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants and more.
Should coconut oil be refrigerated?
Coconut oil is long-lasting, up to two years, and does not need to be refrigerated.
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
How Likely I'd Be to Eat TWST's Characters Favorite/Least Favorite Foods, Except I'm a Picky Eater
I've decided that from now on, all of my titles are going to be anime title length, and no one can stop me. Anyways, I'm bored and haven't done Twst content in a while, so I thought I would today. Feel free to share y'all's opinions in the comments/reblogs if y'all want.
Favorite: Strawberry tarts
Literally 10/10. I love strawberry tarts, or anything with strawberries really.
Least favorite: Junk food
Also 10/10. I eat a lot of junk food (especially on depression days), so I'm all for eating it.
Favorite: Candied violets
3/10. I don't like eating flowers, but I'd consider it since they're candied. I probably wouldn't like them though.
Least favorite: Mustard
8/10. It's not my favorite condiment, and I'm very picky about what I put it on, but I love mustard.
Favorite: Spicy ramen
7/10. It depends on how spicy and what brand of ramen. I only eat a very certain brand, and my spice tolerance depends on the day.
Least favorite: anything sweet
5/10. Depends on what sweets and how sweet. I do have a sweet tooth, but I'm more picky about sweets than any other flavor.
Favorite: Cherry pie
0/10. I cannot stand cherries. The texture and flavor makes me sick and I can hardly even look at them.
Least favorite: Raw oysters
0/10. I also hate seafood, but especially oysters. Again, it's all about the texture. They're too slimy.
Favorite: Anything with eggs
10/10. Eggs are my favorite form of protein, and I could honestly eat them with every meal. I love eggs a lot.
Least favorite: Bell peppers
4/10. I can only tolerate them when they're cut super fine and mixed in with other things. I grew up in Louisiana, so it's common to find bell peppers in basically everything, so I've grown somewhat immune to them.
Favorite: Meat
6/10. Depends on what kind of meat and how it's prepared. There are some meats I love, and some I can't stand, especially things like steak or roast.
Least favorite: Vegetables
7/10. I live veggies, but I'm super picky about them. I only really like lettuce, carrots, and broccoli, and I have to have them prepared very specifically. I will also only eat lettuce in a sandwich or in a salad, and I only eat carrots and broccoli raw with ranch.
Favorite: Donuts
5/10. I like donuts, but only on very specific occasions. I also prefer donut holes because I find regular donuts too filling and sugary. I love blueberry and red velvet donuts the most.
Least favorite: Anything rotten
0/10. I've eaten rotten food before, and it is not pleasant. I don't know who would honestly enjoy rotten food.
Favorite: Pear compote
0/10. Pears are on par with cherries for being one of my least favorite fruits. I cannot stand pears.
Least favorite: Green onions
9/10. I love green onions, but only in soups and stuff. Potato soup with green onions is always a winning combination to me.
Favorite: Fried chicken
11/10. Fried chicken might actually be my favorite savory food. I live right next to a Popeyes, and I eat there religiously. Fried chicken cannot be beat in my eyes.
Least favorite: Health food
4/10. Some health food is okay, but i can never stick with it for too long before I'm either bored or sick.
Favorite: Octopus carpaccio
0/10. I hate seafood, and I hate raw food even more. I genuinely have no clue why people enjoy eating raw meat/fish.
Least favorite: Conger eel
0/10. Again, I cannot stomach seafood. Also, eel? You can eat eel? Idk but it sounds gross.
Favorite: Takoyaki
2/10. Okay, I know I've been talking about how much I hate seafood, but I've always wanted to try takoyaki. Will I hate it? Yes, but I still want the experience.
Least favorite: Shiitake mushrooms
-10/10. Mushrooms might actually be my least favorite food ever. The texture and taste are both awful, and even the look and smell are enough to make my gag.
Favorite: Coconut juice
5/10. I'm not a fan of coconut, but I've never tried the juice, so I'm not sure if I'll like it or not. I'd be down to try it at least.
Least favorite: Curry
6/10. Would depend on spice levels, what kind of curry, etc. I can't remember if I've ever had curry, but it doesn't sound unpleasent.
Favorite: Curry
Same as before.
Least favorite: Dates
3/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to touch dates. I'll give them a slight chance because I've had worse.
Favorite: Homemade smoothies
8/10. I really like smoothies. My favorite is strawberry and banana. I'm a little more hesitant about stuff like kale smoothies, but I still like smoothies overall.
Least favorite: Mayonnaise
9/10. My house always had mayo in the fridge, and I refuse to eat sandwiches without it. I love mayo, and it's definitely a top 5 condiment for me.
Favorite: Liver pâté
0/10. Why do so many of them have an interest in raw meat? That's why all of them are so weird. They keep eating raw meat.
Least favorite: Garlic
8/10. Yes, I am that guy who enjoys garlic chips. And, yes, I put garlic in basically everything I consume. I just really like the stuff.
Favorite: Grilled meats/Macarons
7/10 for grilled meat. I like grilled chicken, but only sometimes. 10/10 for macarons. I am obsessed with macarons, especially fruity flavors.
Least favorite: Apple pears
2/10. I don't like pears, but I'd be more willing to try them since they're somewhat similar to apples, which I do like.
Favorite: Sweets
10/10. I love sweets, even if I am picky about them. I prefer stuff like pastries over stuff like candy, but I like candy too.
Least favorite: Raw fish
0/10. Again, raw meats/seafood is just such a strange concept to me. I think I've said enough on the topic by now.
(skipping Ortho bc both his fave and least fave are literally nothing)
Favorite: Ice cream
7/10. I'm sort-of picky about ice cream, but it's mostly a flavor thing. When it's a flavor I like, ice cream is one of my faves. But if it's a flavor I don't like, it's one of the worst foods ever.
Least favorite: Full-sized cakes
3/10. Cake is okay, but I could never eat a full-sized cake. Also, cake is one of the desserts I'm pickiest about, so it's not a preference for me.
Favorite: Tomato juice
5/10. I don't like tomatoes, but I do like smoothe tomato soup (never chunky), so maybe I'd like tomato juice.
Least favorite: Marshmallows
10/10. I love marshmallows so much. The texture makes me very happy, and I especially love the big ones that take multiple bites to eat.
Favorite: Mushroom risotto
0/10. Again, I cannot stand even the thought of mushrooms, so I doubt I'd like it in a risotto. Maybe I'd try it for Silver though. Maybe.
Least favorite: Lilia's cooking
-10/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to even humor the idea of trying Lilia's cooking.
Favorite: Salmon carpaccio
1/10. Seriously, why is there so much raw seafood mentioned in this game?? I gave this one 1 point because I do like salmon, but I still wouldn't eat it.
Least favorite: Black coffee
2/10. I do not like coffee, black or otherwise. I'd be willing to give it a try since it's been a while since I've had it, but I doubt I'd like it.
Favorite: Canned tuna
7/10. I like tuna, and I honestly wouldn't mind it from a can, but it's not my favorite type of fish.
Favorite: Wild game
5/10. Depends on the type of game and how it's cooked, but it wouldn't be the worst thing to try.
Favorite: Raisin butter
1/10. I dislike raisins very much, but I'd hesitantly try it in butter because I do like butter.
Favorite: Vichyssoise
3/10. I don't like leeks, but I do like potatoes, so maybe it's balance out and I'd like it. However, I'm also a pessimist, so I'm giving it a low score anyways.
Favorite: Raw eggs
2/10. Here in America, eating raw eggs is very dangerous, so it's a no from me, but I do know people in other countries eat raw eggs, so maybe I'd like it.
Favorite: Chicken gumbo
10/10. Like I said, I grew up in Louisiana, so of course I love gumbo. I don't like seafood gumbo, but chicken gumbo is easily top tier for me.
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a month ago i got the urge to list every single round food item i could think of, which then led to me making myself an exclusively orbular feast for my birthday. as one does. i call it ORBMEAL
i had initially planned an entire day of ORBMEAL, consisting of 3 meals, a dessert, and snacks, but… then i realized i didnt actually want to buy and make all of that 😅
so this here is the simplest version of my true vision. unambitious, humble, but still clearly spherely and gloriously globose
the ORBMEAL menu: meatballs and peas in marinara. rice balls with a sardine and kimchi filling. roasted brussels sprouts. and two kinds of truffles: lemon coconut cheesecake, and classic oreo. (i also got some donut holes and ferrero rochers lol)
putting this together was so fun, and it satisfied some primal part of myself that desperately craved delicious shapes. the part that joined hands in a rounding resounding chorus, singing spheric lyrics of the miracle of ORBMEAL. the part that desired to truly eat and absorb these immortal words:
fuck it, we ball
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“Coffee! Coffee!” Said the dragon whisperer, Enya. Stella Junior exhaled tiredly. Since she and Enya are going to stays at planet Earth for a long time, they has been going out shopping for themselves and getting to know this city. Especially now that Stella Junior, with help from Bloom, open up a bank account at The Bank in Townsville, transferring her money from Magix to Earth and converting Magix’s monetary system to American Dollars, and getting her first ever Earth credit card. Stella Junior had manage to magically shrunk their shopping bags to pocket-sized, keeping their new clothes in her skirt pocket to prevent her arms getting sore. But she is definitely now exhausted.
“I never try Earth’s coffee before. But I preferred the one at Molly Moo back at Pixie Village,” said Amaya, Pixie of Rainbow and Stella Junior’s pixie companion. Tori, Enya’s pixie companion, slightly nod. Tori and Amaya came for a visit because they miss them. Three people agreed that they want to go inside. Sapphire Diamond, Enya’s chihuahua fairy pet barks, joining in on wanting to go inside. Oh great now it’s 4 against 1. Is Sapphire Diamond even allowed to go inside? She is consider an animal, despite once was a discarded toy. Plus, there could be a policy stating no dogs are allow.
“I don’t thinks Sapphire Diamond is allowed to enter the coffee shop, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “Plus, we.. No, don’t give me the puppy eyes,”
Stella Junior seeing Enya’s eyes widened and have a pleading expression on her face.
“You are not ten years old, you are fourteen.”
Enya put her hands together.
“Please Stella Junior?”
She need to say no. Marianne and her godmother, Bloom can say it easily.
“No, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “I have to pay for you all. I already spent my allowance on our shopping spree. Bloom lectured me about spending our money wisely.”
“Aww, you are no fun. Where is the old Stella Junior?”
That sentence hits Stella Junior hard. It takes her a few seconds for the moonlight fairy, Stella Junior to be defeats. She decides to enter Chillaxation for a coffee break. Enya, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond are in a jolly mood. As the five enter inside the coffee shop. Stella Junior picked up the scent of roasted coffee in the air with the hint of hazelnuts, caramel, vanilla, lavender flavour syrup, and chocolate. From the sound of soft jazz music to the biodegradable and solar powered charged lanterns, hanging up on the ceiling, brighten up the place, it is actually quite relaxing. It is no wonders why the Townsville Kids stop by to get snacks and drinks there. There are even a books, stacked in the bookcase at the back of the coffee store. Twinkly would definitely love to read them all. If she joins them. The five join in the line to the counter. Stella Junior notices dog treats and cat treats on the menu. Ok, that is perfect. This place allow dogs and cats to enter. Stella Junior looks at her friends. “Okay, please tell me what do you want? Except for you, Sapphire Diamond, I will decide which dog treats is suitable for you.”
“Bark!” Sapphire Diamond barked. Enya, Amaya, and Tori look up at the menu and the donuts on display.
“Milky coffee and a coconut eclair!” Enya said with a smile.
“I definitely wants their finest rainbow smoothie,” said Amaya.
“An iced coffee please,” said Tori.
Stella Junior nodding at all of their answers. A curly red haired girl with teal/navy blue gradient eyes covered by her teardrop shaped glasses. She is standing by the counter and stares at Stella Junior and her friends. She is wearing a white shirt with a blue collar and blue sleeves. The name tag, Holly Test is on her shirt. Holly is shunned because she see two pixies, she has never seen them in her lifetime. She wonders if they are from Townsville’s supernatural community. And if not, then they must be new here. Holly cleared her throat, and bring back her bright composure after settling in on her new encounter. This is not the time to be looking, she needs to make some sales.
"Hello and welcome to Chillaxation, what can I get for you?" She greeted them with a smile on her face.
“Can I have… A small milky coffee and coconut eclair for Enya, three peanut butter dog donut treats with carob icing for the dog, Sapphire Diamond, one rainbow smoothie for the pixie, Amaya, and an iced coffee for the other pixie, Tori.” Stella Junior ordered. “Make sure Enya, Tori, and Amaya are written on their respective cup. All of the cups have to be small too.”
“One small cup of milky coffee, one coconut eclair, three peanut butter dog donuts with carob icing, one small iced coffee, and a small cup of rainbow smoothie. Anything else?” Holly asked.
“I want both an iced coffee and a rainbow smoothie!” Said Amaya. Stella Junior shushed Amaya, the customers hearing Amaya’s outburst. Stella Junior’s cool composure fractures a bit. Holly Test stares at Stella Junior, then goes back to typing on the keyboard on the POS Terminal, editing the order. “So two small iced coffees then?” Holly asked, ensuring the order is correct. Stella Junior nodded. “Did you want anything for yourself?” Holly asked. Stella Junior shook her head.
Holly nods. "That will be $35.86.”. While Stella Junior takes out her VISA card from her wallet, to tap it into the scanner, Holly turns her head and calls someone to get his order.
A girl with slushy dual colored short hair, black and red and blue eyes is holding a tray of someone else's order. She is wearing the same uniform as Holly except the name tag said, "Mirage Fagry" on her blouse.
“Miss Fagry, this we need two small cups of iced coffee and a small cup of rainbow smoothie for our new… fairy, I MEANS pixie customers, and a small cup of milky coffee for the child named Enya.” Holly instructed, while processing everything she saw. “I will have Mx. Creecher get the dog treats and donut.”
Mirage nod in ennui. Mirage got two cups from the stacks of blank labeled cups and poured refrigerated coffee into Amaya’s cup and Tori’s cup. Then Mirage goes to the ice dispenser machine to dispense some ice to the iced coffees. Mirage stirred the ices in the coffee with a spoon, and then sealed the lid in each cup. Mirage then gets another cup from the stacks of blank labeled cups, but only this time a small size. She dispenses hot coffee into the cup and added hot milk from the milk dispenser. Finally Mirage filed the blank label on each cup with a black sharpie marker, marked their order. Mirage put their orders on the tray. “The rainbow smoothie will be coming soon,” Said Mirage to Stella Junior. She did not care about the presence of the pixies that much than Holly. “So please wait at one of our available tables.”
Stella Junior nod.
“Let’s go sit down,” said Stella Junior. Both pixies, fairies, and fairy pet goes take a seat at the free table to wait for their order. Enya frowned, wondering why they have to wait. It would be so much better if there is magic in this place. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to goes through Hologram, one of Earth’s social media network platforms. Mirage goes to the backroom to make the rainbow smoothie. Meanwhile, Beppi, another employee of Chillaxation with multicoloured hair, applied gloves to get one coconut eclair from the stand, and place it into a paper bag. Then get the dog treats in a separate paper bag as well. They put the bags of ordered treats on the tray. Twenty minutes later, Mirage came back with the small rainbow smoothie. As Mirage placed the rainbow smoothie on the tray, she called out their names.
“An order of milky coffee for Enya! An iced coffee for Tori! An iced coffee and rainbow smoothie for Amaya! With dog treats and a donut!”
Stella Junior stopped what she is doing on her phone. She turns off her cellphone, and put her phone away by putting it in her skirt pocket to leave her table. Mirage served Stella Junior the purchased goods.
“Thanks you,” said Stella Junior.
"You are welcome. Enjoy." Mirage replied. Stella Junior take their orders before heading back to sitting with her friends. Enya drank her milky coffee and eating her coconut eclair, while Tori drank her iced coffee, and Amaya drank her rainbow smoothie. “Wow! This is the best smoothie I ever tasted!” Amaya complimented. Stella Junior watched them eat and drink, while opening up the paper bag and giving Sapphire Diamond her peanut butter dog donut treat with carob icing. Stella Junior’s cellphone vibrates. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to see an emojix sent by Bloom, Enya’s mother and her godmother, expressing a mini Bloom tapping her foot and looking at the time from her wristwatch she is wearing. Stella Junior frowns, realizing that they took so long to go back to Bloom and Enya’s house. Stella Junior send an emojix of Enya drinking coffee, then send a text message that they will be back soon to ease Bloom’s mind. Stella Junior release another sigh. She wish she can say no, otherwise Bloom won’t have to worry. Then again, she should just tell Bloom that they will be running late and where they are now. Also, seeing them being happy go lucky, it’s probably worth it.
Enya Peters-Eraklyon, Stella Junior Dorana Solaria, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Beppi Creecher, Holly Test, Marianne of Domino (mentioned), and Mirage Fagry belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
The Cappyverse belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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hawaiianfoodil · 6 months
Hawaiian Food Catering Menu Ideas
Creating a Hawaiian food catering menu brings the vibrant flavors and festive spirit of the islands to any event. Here's a compilation of menu ideas that can cater to various types of gatherings, from casual get-togethers to more formal occasions, ensuring a memorable dining experience for all guests.
Traditional Hawaiian Luau Menu
Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, and significant celebrations, offering guests an authentic Hawaiian experience.
Poke Bowls: Fresh ahi tuna, soy sauce, sesame oil, and green onions.
Lomi Lomi Salmon: Tomato, onion, and salted salmon salad.
Main Dishes:
Kalua Pig: Slow-cooked, tender pork prepared traditionally in an imu (underground oven).
Huli Huli Chicken: Grilled chicken marinated in a huli huli sauce.
Grilled Mahi-Mahi: Served with a mango salsa.
Poi: Mashed taro root, a traditional Hawaiian staple.
Hawaiian Sweet Potatoes: Roasted and served with a coconut glaze.
Tropical Fruit Salad: A mix of pineapple, mango, papaya, and kiwi.
Haupia: Coconut milk pudding.
Malasadas: Portuguese-style donuts, popular in Hawaii.
Beach BBQ Menu
Perfect for casual beach parties, picnics, or any laid-back outdoor gathering.
Spam Musubi: Sushi-style rolls with grilled Spam and rice, wrapped in nori.
Shrimp Skewers: Grilled with a sweet and spicy sauce.
Main Dishes:
BBQ Chicken: Marinated in a guava-based sauce and grilled.
Kalbi Ribs: Korean-style short ribs with a Hawaiian twist.
Macaroni Salad: Creamy and simple, a Hawaiian cookout staple.
Island Slaw: Cabbage slaw with a tropical dressing.
Pineapple Upside Down Cake: Sweet and tangy, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Tropical Fruit Skewers: Grilled and served with a honey-lime drizzle.
Corporate Event Menu
Sophisticated yet approachable menu options for formal corporate gatherings or conferences.
Ahi Tuna Crisps: Seared ahi on wonton crisps with avocado and a wasabi aioli.
Coconut Shrimp: With a sweet chili dipping sauce.
Main Courses:
Seared Sea Bass: With a papaya salsa.
Island Prime Rib: Slow-roasted and served with a guava-bourbon sauce.
Steamed Jasmine Rice: Fluffy and fragrant.
Roasted Vegetables: Seasonal vegetables with a light soy glaze.
Chocolate Macadamia Nut Tart: Rich and decadent.
Passion Fruit Cheesecake: Creamy cheesecake with a tangy passion fruit glaze.
Vegetarian/Vegan Luau
A plant-based menu that brings Hawaiian flavors to vegetarians and vegans alike.
Vegetable Poke: Marinated tofu with seaweed, cucumber, and avocado.
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Empanadas: With a pineapple dipping sauce.
Main Dishes:
Jackfruit "Kalua Pork": Young green jackfruit used as a substitute for pork, seasoned and slow-cooked.
Grilled Tofu Steaks: Marinated in a teriyaki sauce and grilled.
Hawaiian Rice: Coconut rice with macadamia nuts and pineapple chunks.
Seaweed Salad: With sesame dressing.
Vegan Mango Sorbet: Refreshing and light.
Coconut Rice Pudding: Topped with kiwi and berries.
Each menu brings a taste of Hawaii's rich culinary tradition, offering a wide range of flavors to suit various dietary needs and preferences, ensuring a memorable dining experience for all guests.
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pinoyaksyonnewsph · 8 months
The Ultimate BBQ Pool Party is back at Solaire!
Experience the biggest barbeque party and immerse yourself in a global culinary journey as Solaire Entertainment City starts another year of excellence with “Flame the World”, happening on January 26 to 27, 2024.
The event takes place at the Pool Bar & Grill from 5PM to 10PM where you can savor the most unique international barbeque flavors from 11 countries and delectable specialty dishes prepared across 13 stations.
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Savor on the intricate flavors of East Asian barbeques with the sweet, savory, and spicy Korean BBQ including the La galbi and Samgyeopsal gui, the traditional Kushiyaki of Japan, and the unique spices and unforgettable flavors of Chinese BBQ like the Char siu and the Cantonese roasted duck.
Delight yourselves with European barbeques including robust flavors of German beef steaks like the Fackelspiess mit Brät from Germany, as well as delectable cheese and Cervelat, a traditional Swiss-grilled sausage.
Indulge in the classic American BBQ, with its bold flavors and rich, smoky sauces like the bourbon barbeque ribs and a Texas-style pulled pork. Get a taste of the Brazilian Churrasco, where succulent meats are grilled to smoky perfection.
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Irresistible desserts await you including a crepe and donut bar, a chocolate bar where you can roast your own cocoa marshmallows, a fruit and dessert bar, a variety of cakes and tarts as well as a halo-halo station, a traditional Filipino dessert with shaved ice, sweetened mongo beans, fruits, jellies, ube ice cream, and coconut strips.
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Don’t miss this much-awaited festival for the soul! Call (+632) 8888 8888 or email [email protected] to reserve your tickets now! For more information, visit https://www.solaireresort.com/dining/flametheworld. You can also check out Solaire’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
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lacuna-lunax · 1 year
Ummm so I think I’ve been coping marvellously all things considered…
Today (1500);
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Cookie
Monster Energy Ultra x 2
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Very Cherry Bakewell Yoghurt
Caramac Caramel Bar
FULFIL Chocolate Brownie Vitamin & Protein Bar
Cadbury Dairy Milk Salted Caramel Nibbles
Tomorrow (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Paradise
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Smoky BBQ Tasty Bites
Very Cherry Bakewell Yoghurt
Galaxy Smooth Milk Chocolate Snack Bar
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Aero Melts Golden Honeycomb
Monday (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Monster Energy Ultra Fiesta Mango
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
Mega Indulgent Brownie
Maxi Nutrition Premium Cookies & Cream Flavour Protein Bar
Fabulous Freefrom Factory Chocovered & Candee Coated Peanuts
Tuesday (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Chip Cookie Dough
Monster Energy Ultra
Squeaky Bean Roast Chicken Style Slices
Blueberry Yoghurt
Fully Loaded Chocolate & Coconut Cookie
FULFIL Chocolate Peanut & Caramel Vitamin & Protein Bar
Fabulous Freefrom Factory Chocovered & Candee Coated Peanuts
Wednesday (1500):
Grenade Carb Killa White Chocolate Salted Peanut
Monster Energy Ultra
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Peach Passionfruit Yoghurt
Cadbury Mint Flavour Twirl
Barebells Cookies & Cream Protein Bar
Smarties Buttons Milk Chocolate
Thursday (1500)
Grenade Carb Killa Fudged Up
Monster Energy Ultra Gold
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Raspberry Yoghurt
Cadbury Wispa Chocolate Bar
Battle Bites Dynabar Glazed Sprinkled Donut Flavour High Protein Bar
Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Cup Pouch
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cathygeha · 2 years
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Eat the Rainbow by Harriet Porterfield
Vegan Recipes Made with Love from Bo’s Kitchen
 Delightful delicious tasty sounding recipes beautifully illustrated with gorgeous photographs to showcase this vegan cookbook filled with recipes I wouldn’t mind trying.
 What I liked:
* The introduction to the cookbook and the author
* The way the recipes are set up and that they seem easy to follow
* That most ingredients are easy to find in most countries – though not currently here in Lebanon
* That there are basics like how to make plant milks and other stapes
* The breakdown of the chapters
* The variety and creativity of the recipes
* That the recipes appear to be ones that children and adults would like
* That there were several recipes I would like to try making
 What I didn’t like:
* That there is no nutritional information with the recipes
* That not every ingredient is available where I live (small village in Lebanon)
 Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I like to own it or consider giving it as a gift? Yes
 Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Leaping Hare for the ARC – This is my honest review
 5 Stars
 Vegan specialist Harriet Porterfield, creator of Bo’s Kitchen, presents a visually stunning cookbook bursting with 70 vibrant plant-based recipes to boost immunity, improve mood and nourish mind and body. Eating the rainbow is a natural rule of life; we are always told that the more colors in your diet, the better for you it will be. This is because different plants contain different pigments, or phytonutrients, and the more vibrant their color, the more of these nutrients they contain! Bo’s Kitchen has transformed this lesson into a bright and beautiful invitation to embrace the natural goodness of colorful ingredients, turning the hues of the rainbow into delicious and nutritious recipes that look and taste great. From Black Forest smoothie bowls and golden chickpea pancackes to sunshine pizza and rainbow buddha bowls, all70 of these all-natural recipes are bursting with color and nutrients, tailored to deliver health-boosting benefits and presented alongside advice on topics from mindful eating to the scientific benefits of specific ingredients. Eat the Rainbow contains sections on:   Bright breakfasts, smoothies and juices, from blue coconut shakes to chia and beetroot mousse parfaits and rye aquafaba rainbow waffles. Magical meals for on the go, like the green goddess tart, sushi sandwiches with pickled beetroot or sweet and spicy pho. Kaleidoscope salads, sides and appetisers to bring color to your day, like the avocado maki, sesame and spinach rice balls or the rhubarb, strawberries and cherries galettes. Hearty helpings to warm your soul, like golden masala roti with curried carrot falafel or roasted pepper pasta with crispy spiced chickpeas. Delicious Desserts for the sweet-toothed, including matcha and blackberry curd tarts and raw vanilla donuts with blueberry cashew frosting. These delicious, colorful recipes will brighten your day and transform the way you eat, making this vibrant cookbook a tasty and nutritious must-have for any health-conscious kitchen shelf.
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mobobfoods · 2 years
15 Best South Indian Food You Can Eat For Your Next Meal
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North-Indian food is delicious, but have you tried South-Indian cuisine yet?
The five southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh make up the south of India, a vegan's paradise. Rice, lentils, chilies, and coconut are staples of South Indian food, which is quite diverse. Curry leaves, tamarind, and Sambar powder are frequently used in Indian cuisine. A southern meal would not be complete without espresso, of course.
South Indian food is undoubtedly a treat to the senses thanks to its intense aroma, sputtering mustard seeds, piping-hot sambar made with fresh tamarind, and feather-light, soft idlis.Food Delivery services in bidar
Here are 15 must try South-Indian dishes you can order from the MOBOB App,
1. Masala Dosa
These are made from fermented rice and black gram batter and are found in many varieties. The thin and crispy dosas are accompanied by Sambar, a spicy soup that can be dipped, and chutneys (sauces), including coconut, tomato, and mints. Traditionally, masala dosas are filled with fried onion and potato.
2. Uttapam
The same type of batter is used for dosa and idli, but onion, tomato, and cilantro (coriander) are added. They tend to be thicker than dosas and resemble savory pancakes.
3. Idli
Steamed black lentils and rice are used to make idlis. In some cases, semolina is used in place of rice and lentils. Coconut chutney and sambar are usually served with it.
4. Vada
A savory donut from India. It is available in a variety of flavors, both sweet and savory. Ground legumes are mixed with cumin, onion, curry leaves, and chilies or spices to make vada, a dish made from soaked lentils. The mixture is given the shape of a donut and deep-fried, leaving them crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.
5. Upma
This thick porridge is made with roasted semolina or coarse rice flour and served as breakfast and dinner. Many variations are made by adding vegetables, spices, curry leaves, and ground nuts.
6. Appam
In Kerala, these pancakes are made from fermented rice batter and are bowl-shaped. Coconut milk or korma (curry), a vegetarian and yogurt dish, is served with this dish.
7. Rasam
This light spicy soup contains vegetables and spices, including tomatoes, tamarind, and black pepper, and is a common home remedy for sore throats and colds.
8. Sambar
It is usually made from lentils, tamarind, vegetables, often okra, radish, or eggplant, in a lentil, tamarind, and vegetable broth. With dosas, idlis, and rice, this is served as a condiment.
9. Payasam
It is a south Indian dessert made on various festivals and special occasions like Onam, a creamy rice and milk pudding with cashews and raisins. Featuring nuts and milk, it is a simple and delicious recipe.
10. Chicken Chettinad
A fiery chicken dish with onions, tomatoes, cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, garlic, cumin, fennel, peppercorns, cumin and cumin marinated in ginger, garlic, cumin, fennel, and fennel seeds. Cooked rice or chapati can be served with this dish. Tamil Nadu's Chettinad region is famous for this dish.
11. Curd rice
South Indian curd rice is served with a thali or meal as part of a South Indian meal. When curd is mixed with cooked rice, herbs, curry leaves and mustard seeds, it is tempered with yogurt and salt before being served.
12. Chicken Curry
An Andhra curry made with ginger, garlic, curry leaves, cinnamon, chicken masala, and cashew and poppy seed paste. Chicken is stewed with pepper powder, coconut paste, cloves, and lemon to create a fragrant, flavorful dish.
13. Kerala Prawn Curry
Curry made from juicy prawns and coconut milk. There's no doubt that this Malabar curry will knock your senses out! You will know what we mean when you combine this delicious curry with steaming hot rice.
14. Pulihora
It is a delicious combination of rice, tomatoes, onions, red chilly, lemon juice, and curry leaf if you are looking for a light lunch at lunch time. A most distinguished taste can be achieved by infusing turmeric with lemon into rice and serving it with chutney.
15. South Indian Filter Coffee
Sugar and hot, boiled milk are added to South Indian style coffee after it's made using a coffee filter. Froth forms at the top of the stainless steel tumbler and bowl after mixing coffee with milk and sugar.
Is your mouth watering already then why wait - download the MOBOB app and order any of the above with great discounts and benefits.Order food in gulbarga
Mobob invite all residents of Bidar and Gulbarga to try the app now - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobob.food
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Doughnut Day
November 5 is one of two National Doughnut Days observed by doughnut lovers across the nation. The first Friday in June is the other day doughnuts steal the bakery case spotlight ready to tease their way into white bakery box home!
The history of the doughnut is disputed:
One theory suggests Dutch settlers brought doughnuts to North America much like they brought other traditional American desserts including cookies, apple pie, cream pie and cobbler.
An American, Hanson Gregory, claimed to have invented the ring-shaped doughnut in 1847 while on board a lime-trading ship at the age of 16.  According to Gregory, he punched a hole in the center of dough with the ship’s tin pepper box and later taught the technique to his mother.
Anthropologist Paul R Mullins states the first cookbook mentioning doughnuts was an 1803 English volume which included doughnuts in an appendix of American recipes.
An 1808 short story describing a spread of “fire-cakes and dough-nuts” is the earliest known recorded usage of the term doughnut.
A more commonly cited first written recording of the word is Washington Irving’s reference to doughnuts in 1809 in his History of New York.  He described balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog’s fat and called doughnuts.  Today, these nuts of fried dough are called doughnut holes.
Donut versus Doughnut
Print ads for cake and glazed donuts and doughnuts existed from at least 1896 in the United States.
Peck’s Bad Boy and his Pa, written by George W. Peck and published in 1900, contained the first known printed use of donut. In it, a character is quoted as saying, “Pa said he guessed he hadn’t got much appetite and he would just drink a cup of coffee and eat a donut.”
In 1919, the Square Donut Company of America was founded, offering an easier to package product.
The more traditional spelling is doughnut. However, both doughnut and donut are pervasive in American English.
While doughnuts come in a large variety of recipes, flavors and toppings, just like many pastries, we are only limited by imagination and ingredients at hand.  From syrups and jellies to sprinkles and custards, top them, fill them, bake them or fry them, doughnuts have a mouth-watering way of glazing and dusting their way into our shopping carts and finding their way to the break room at work to share.  
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beerselfie · 2 years
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#Repost @mother_of_craftbeers #maythe4thbewithyou 🍻💕 • Was hoarding the ‘Boba Phat Donut Stout’ from @imprintbeerco for today 😍 This pastry stout was made with raspberries, plums, toasted coconut and roasted peanuts - what a freaking treat 🤤 I get a lot of raspberry at front with a coconut/ peanut taste at the end- love it 🙌🏻 • Glassware made by @pour_a_vida 🥰 • • • #beerlover #beerlovers #hopheads #craftbeernotcrapbeer #beerstagram #beertography #beeroftheday #instabeer #beerporn #tasty #beertasting #craftbeer #stout #stoutbeer #stoutseason #beerlover #craftbeerlover #craftnotcrap #drinkcraftnotcrap #drinkcraft #beerme #beergram #beerlife #craftbeerlover #stoutlover #craftbeerbabe #beerbabe #stoutseasonneverends #itsalwaysstoutseason https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJ1Alyvy5H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Congratulations, donut!♥️♥️ I'm here to make some requests in the celebration!
�� with mango
🌼I hope you got the request I sent?👀 Please let me know if you didn't I'll send it again (ik it was made just before this celebration but this came right after that so I'd like it if you can count in as a request for this?)
🍀a meme!! 😂😂 You are the queen of memes on here 👑 (i don't have a format in mind as such sorry🙈 but I'd love whatever you make)
Thanks so much! <3
Heyyy! I finally finished the request!
But I also did the mango recipe today!
It’s a little weird and was an experiment, because I was a little clueless what to do with a mango. Most of the time I eat them fresh or put them in a smoothie. The first dish popped into my mind was sticky thai rice with mango, but then I did a little research and I was unable to do it at home, because I don’t have a steamer... but damn, I wish.
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So I did this instead. It’s what would happen if you mix a Mango lassi, with stick thai rice, with german rice pudding... and I call it...
spicy mango rice pudding!
You need:
1- 2 Mangos
250g Sweet rice also called glutenous rice
1 can of coconut milk ( I prefer full fat coconut milk, but milk from cows or low fat milk is also okay)
Sesame seeds, roasted, to sprinkle on top (alternative chia seeds or poppy seeds)
Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, milled clover and grounded star anis
Sugar or something to sweeten it (just take what ever you want and put as much in as you want to, measure this stuff with your heart)
Okay, first you put the coconut milk and water in a pot on stove and put it on high heat. You need one liter of liquid to cook the rice in,  but the size of coconut milk cans or what every you buy differs, so just add water for the rest of liquid. Per example: I had a can with 400ml of coconut water, so I added 600ml of water.
Then when it boils, you put the rice in. Some people like to wash the rice before cooking, so it doesn’t get sticky, but this will be a pudding and therefore there is no need to wash the rice. My package of rice said it needs 35 minutes of cooking... but... I just needed 30 minutes. I would try it every now and then to see if it’s ready.
In the mean time, cut the mango into dices and don’t forget to stir the rice every now and then so it doesn’t burn.
After 15 minutes, I add the spices. Two pinches of cinnamon, one pinch of nutmeg, one pinch of clover and one pinch of star anis. I use a knife to messure it. And then add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavours.
You might need a little more liquid for the rice, so it doesn’t burn. Just add a little more water or coconut milk.
And when the rice is done, you can put the sugar in.
Let it rest for five minutes and then serve the rice in a bowl with the mango. Sprinkle sesame on top. Done~~
I ate it as breakfast with a chai tea latte and it was amazing. Really good start in the day.
And now the meme:
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A shitty meme I made to pay tribute to the relationship I wish Michael and Bonnie had!
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weirdbynorthwest · 4 years
What’s on the menu in Twin Peaks? (S01E01)
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2 eggs over hard
Bacon – cremated
Grapefruit juice (just so long as those grapefruits are… freshly squeezed)
Assorted donuts & pastries
2 fish-infused coffees
4 slices of cherry pie
A bottle of champagne
Meatloaf w/ a cigarette garnish
A roast dinner
Soft drinks
Fruit punch
Sparkling cider
A bunch of nuts
A little coconut
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chubbievegan · 3 years
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I gifted some of my homemade chocolates yesterday. Aren't they the cutest?! The shells are all made from tempered @cadburyuk @cadbury_bournvillein chocolate, and the homemade fillings are as follows: PBJ Donuts = @meridianfoods organic crunchy peanut butter, icing sugar and soya milk filling, @fellowcreaturesuk raspberry white choc topping and crushed @doisyanddam smarties; Hazelnut Mousse Praline = tahini, date syrup, cocoa, cacao, hazelnut extract, and whole roasted hazelnut; Persian Delight Rose = tahini, date syrup, icing sugar, soya milk, rosewater, cardamom; Mint Choc Heart = tahini, date syrup, cocoa, cacao, icing sugar, soya milk, peppermint; Battenburg Gift Box = smooth almond butter, date syrup, icing sugar, soya milk, almond extract, dried apricot; Vanilla Halva Heart = tahini, date syrup, icing sugar, soya milk, vanilla extract and essence, topped with white chocolate stripes; Orange Choc Heart = tahini, date syrup, cocoa, cacao, icing sugar, soya milk, orange extract, topped with dark choclate stripes; Rum & Raisin Flapjack Snowballs = melted chocolate, sunflower spread, golden syrup, oats, raisins, rum essence, rolled in toasted desiccated coconut. #meatfree #eggfree #dairyfree #whatveganseat #veganfood #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #food #veganforlife #foodporn #veganfortheanimals #crueltyfree #vegetarian #instafood #vegansofig #veglife #veganinspo #manchestervegan #easter #homemade #homemadechocolate #chocolate #chocolatier https://www.instagram.com/p/CNRxAqdpn8U/?igshid=1dfh6x6pn0ceo
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kikiscauldron · 5 years
The Yule and Winter Solstice Menu: Recipes for the Winter Holidays
The holiday season offers dishes that warm the body and comfort the soul. At the Winter Solstice the focus is on rich, hearty, and nurturing. The season celebrates displays and masterful cooking through roasted dishes, slow cooked stews, bright salads with pops of fruity flavor, and sweets that double as delicious gifts. Seasonal fruits and vegetables include beets, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Citrus Fruits, Cranberries, dates, escarole, fennel, horseradish, kale, parsnips, pears, persimmons, pomegranate, radishes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.
At this time of the year I like to honor the traditions and the foods that my family cooked. I love the nostalgic feeling of creating recipes that my parents had at Christmastime, so you may find recipes inspired by that. Do you have a dish that reminds you of the winter season and December holidays? Is there something you traditionally make for your Yule or Winter Solstice celebrations that I didn’t put on this list? Please let me know and I will add it!
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Main Courses
The main courses of the winter holidays are warm and inviting for a full table of friends and family. Common main courses are rich, filling, and lavish – classic main courses include roasted or baked bird, hearty beef dishes, pot roasts, and meat pies.
·      Chicken and Dumplings with Mushrooms
·      Coq au Vin
·      Cranberry Hazelnut Turkey Wellington
·      Fennel & Rosemary Beef Tenderloin with Creamy Mustard Sauce
·      Herb-Crusted Roast Beef with Horseradish
·      Mushroom Wellington
·      New England Lamb Bake
·      Old-Fashioned Honey Glazed Ham
·      Perfect Turkey Recipe
·      Pomegranate and Fennel Chicken
·      Pork Schnitzel with Creamy Mushroom Sauce
·      Roast Goose
·      Simple Crock Pot Turkey Breast and Dressing
·      Slow Cooker Pot Roast
·      Spaghetti with Olive Oil, Garlic, and Anchovies
·      Stuffed Cornish Hens with Cranberries and Apples
·      Tourtiere: French-Canadian Meat Pie
Soups, Stews, and Chilis
There is nothing like a rich and hearty soup to warm you up during the winter season. Soups that kick up their spice game are a great feature at the Winter Solstice.
·      Creamy Spinach and Pear Soup with Pancetta
·      Farro and White Bean Soup with Swiss Chard and Herb Oil
·      Golden Turmeric Chickpea Chicken Soup
·      Pasta e Fagioli with Escarole
·      Parsnip Soup with Pears, Ginger, and Coconut
·      Slow Cooker Winter Vegetable Soup with Split Red Lentils
·      Sopa Azteca (Mexiccan Chicken Tortilla Soup)
·      Swedish Meatball Soup
·      Turkey and Butternut Squash Chili
·      Winter Solstice Soup
·      Winter Solstice Stew
·      Winter White Soup
·      Wintertime Braised Beef Stew
During the winter months salads become creative dishes featuring root vegetables, nuts, and citrus fruits.
·      Brussels Sprouts Salad with Apples and Walnuts
·      Citrus Endive Salad
·      Millet & Pumpkin Winter Salad
·      Roasted Beet and Winter Squash Salad with Walnuts
·      Roquefort Pear Salad
·      Warm and Roasted Winter Salad Bowl
·      Winter Chicory Salad with Kumquats and Date Dressing
·      Winter Persimmon and Pomegranate Salad
·      Winter Solstice Salad
There are many traditional breads baked at this time of year all around the world – some favorites are featured in this list below, along with flavors perfect for the holidays.
·      Ham and Cheese Quick Bread
·      Holiday Rum Eggnog Bread
·      Panettone (Italian Christmas Bread)
·      Krendel (Russian Christmas Bread)
·      Pecan Maple Loaf
·      Savory Christmas Bread
·      Savory Rosemary Goat Cheese Quick Bread
·      Spiced Anjou Pear Bread
·      St. Lucia Saffron Buns
·      Stollen (German Christmas Bread)
Side Dishes
Casseroles featuring in season vegetables and rich side dishes, all served piping hot, are familiar fares at the Winter Solstice.
·      Farro Risotto with Walnut Cream and Roasted Butternut Squash
·      Glazed Parsley Carrots
·      Macaroni and Cheese in Acorn Squash Bowls
·      Parsnip Latkes with Horseradish and Dill
·      Persimmons and Watercress Salad with Candied Walnuts and Goat’s Cheese
·      Potato and Parsnip Gratin
·      Roasted Winter Squash with Kale Pipian
·      Seared Radicchio and Roasted Beets
·      Spicy Broccoli Rabe with Parmesan and Pine Nuts
·      Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Rosemary Parmesan Cream Sauce
·      Twice-Baked Cheddar Potato Casserole
·      Winter Pastry Wreath
·      Yorkshire Pudding
Sweets flavored with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, or peppermint work out perfectly for Yule. Other classic sweet treats for Yule include traditional holiday cookies like shortbread, snowball, caraway, or ginger snaps. Pears and oranges are also a nice touch to a dessert at Yule.
·      Buche de Noel
·      Cardamom Orange Sugar Cookies
·      Chocolate Pavlova with Spiced Pears and Butterscotch Sauce
·      Christmas Pudding
·      Christmas Rice Pudding
·      Classic Yule Log
·      Cranberry and Peppermint Honey Cake
·      Cranberry Bliss Bars
·      Cranberry Chestnut Cake
·      Cuccia
·      English Toffee
·      Gingerbread Oatmeal Cream Pies
·      Grand Fir Dark Nougat: Winter Solstice Sweets
·      La Befana Cake
·      Maple Pecan Shortbread
·      Partridge in a Pear Tree Pie
·      Pecan Pie Truffles
·      Potato Chip Cookies
·      Roasted Chesnut Cookies
·      Salted Caramel Brownie Truffles
·      Salted Dark Chocolate, Pecan, and Rosemary Bark
·      Snickerdoodles
·      Solstice Shortbread
·      Sparkling Butter Toffee Cookies
·      Spiced Brown Butter Linzer Cookies
·      Spice Parsnip Cake
·      Sugar Plum Cupcakes and Sugar Plums
·      Swedish Ginger Thins
·      Tiramisu Yule Log
·      Vanilla Crème Brulee
·      Vegan Gingerbread Man Donuts
·      Walnut Cardamom Snowballs
·      Winter Solstice Cake
·      Winter Solstice Cake (Festive Carrot Coconut Cake)
·      Winter Solstice Cookies
·      Woodland Shortbread: Evergreen Biscuits Three Ways
Nothing says “Happy Holidays” quite like a warm and rich drink curled up in front of the fire. Yule and the Winter Solstice feature beverages that warm the soul and bring cheer to hearts.
·      Harry Potter’s Hot Butter Beer
·      Hot Buttered Rum and Cider
·      Hot Wassail (Non-Alcoholic)
·      Mulled Wine
·      Old-Fashioned Swedish Glogg
·      Slow Cooker Gingerbread Latte
·      Slow Cooker Mulled Wine
·      Toffee Eggnog
·      Tom and Jerry
·      Vegan Eggnog
·      White Chocolate Peppermint Mocktini
·      Winter Sangria (Non-Alcoholic)
·      Yule Tea
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anthonyed · 4 years
Okay, I couldn't find that tumbr post about food that we're missing to tag mine so i'm gonna make my own seperate one
1) Cendol
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Shaved ice drizzled with delicious caramelly molten gula melaka (palm sugar) topped with what we would jokingly call "the green worms" which are actually the aromatic pandan flavoured droplets of green rice-flour jelly that adds that bit of texture to this later coconut milk (santan) soaked bowl of refreshment.
Then for creaminess, you add a bit of mashed azuki beans or its paste (or you can opt out)
better? you can get it drinkable in a tall glass or a to go cup
Boba who? This is a delight for all of your senses
Btw, if you come across anything cendol flavoured - highly recommend!
2) Ice Kacang / ABC aka Ais Batu Kacang
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Shaved ice - yes. shaved ice again but hear me out!
Shaved ice, but this time you go GAGA over the toppings.
the infamous green worms
Boiled Red beans
Sweet and tangy Lychee / sweet and crunchy Longan (if you have not tried longan yet, you SHOULD) with the seeds out obvio / slightly slimy and dense but surprisingly delightful attap palm seeds
Creamy Sweet corn (bitch! YES. CREAMY)
Salted roasted peanuts (deAR LORD YES)
Grass jelly (again, boba wHO? This fresh, crunch jelly strands/baby cubes are way waaaayyyyy better)
Drizzle of palm sugar syrup and rose syrup
Oh I forgot!
All of this -shaved ice included - goes on top of a bed of sweetened mashed Azuki Bean paste - i swear to God I'm drooling now, save me!
The result = a refreshing bowl of this sweet and salty and crunchy goodness like you get the sweet crunch of the sweet corn and the fruits and the saltiness of the peanuts and the creaminess from, again, the sweet corna and the azuki beans and the various texture -
It sounds like a mess! But the kind of mess you want to get your face into every.single.day. Trust me
3) Assam Laksa
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Thick udon sized rice vermicelli served in a broth of spicy fish soup.
Okay, I know what you're thinking - FISH SOUP??
Yes, fish soup. Specifically Mackerel fish broth that tastes spicy, sour, tangy and sweet.
All in one spoonful of sip, believe me or not.
That is the ultimate pallete fiesta if you ask me.
It's a thick-ish broth. But you'll never feel the thick heaviness of a bowl of creamy curry set on your tongue.
No, this is refreshing from it's sourness of the assam (tamarind) the spiciness of the chilli, sweet aroma of galangal and lemongrass and the sweet tang from half the slice of calamansi they serve you with.
It's topped with
freshly shredded lettuce,
half a hard boiled egg,
slices of pineapples,
sliced red onions,
julliened cucumbers
and fresh mints.
It's a fish broth that'll make you clean the bowl up (take it from someone who's not a big fan of soups)
4) Tau Fu Fa(h)
Is there anyone out there who doesn't know what tau fu fah is yet?
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Perfect, right?
Yep. A perfect globe of steamed soy bean pudding.
It's unsweetened and is usually served on a bed of sweet syrup.
You have two basic kinds:
Brown sugar syrup
White sugar syrup infused with ginger
However, as we Malaysians are insatiable gluttons, we also have pandan flavoured with the soy bean infused with the signature alien green color of pandan and instead of normal brown sugar, we replace it with the extra caramelly concoction that is the palm sugar syrup.
Personally, I'm a basic bitch who goes for the white version of this delicacy even if I'm brown skinned myself.
It's just something about the gingery aroma and spiciness of the syrup and keeps me going.
5) Fried Bread
Sounds like a load of carnival cholesterol isn't it? Hohoho, it's exactly what it is.
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Yao Tiao aka Chinese donut
Crispy and airy. It's usually eaten with porridge (chinese style) or dipped in watered down condensed milk (our style)
Below is her close up
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2 and 5. Ham Chim Peng aka Deep fried buns
You got two flavours cause double the arterial trouble ofc
The bun itself is deliciously salty and airy and it's filling
Azuki beans paste
Glutinous rice flour paste (basically sweetened mochi!)
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3. Idk what it's name ffs but -
Same dough as yao tiao but sweet and studded with nutty sesame seeds
Personal fave but god forbid i know its name 🤦‍♀️
4. The fried buns without filling
6) KUIH!
ALL. the. damned. kuih!
It's Ramadhan and we usually have Bazar full of all the delicacies and I effing miss them all
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