#Running Away
xojack · 3 days
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𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖔 𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖞 𝖉𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊. 🌊
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jojo-the-bird · 3 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
I was the son of a prince and I ran away on a motorbike with my sister, Pretzel.
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nobeerreviews · 22 days
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Know thyself? If I knew myself, I'd run away.
-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
(Warszawa, Poland)
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Based in the Allegheny AU from this post.
Danny had a plan. It was not a good plan, in fact, he was pretty sure this was the worst plan he could have come up with. You see, he knows others have tried this, and he knows that they failed. But Danny's different, okay? He's got the panache, the oomph, the moxie - he's a dumb teenager, and he's leaving. He's taking Sam, and Tucker, and Vlad, and Ellie - fuck, Ellie - and he's leaving. It's going to work. It has to work.
He's stayed up for two weeks straight, coming up with ideas and strategies with Tucker. He's prepped with Sam, leaving her in charge of all the physical prep involved. He's told Vlad to pack up and be ready.
Tonight's the night. Tonight they were going out through the Southside woods - the ones with the least amount of agent traffic and the most danger. It was the only way (Tuck had run the numbers.) Originally, they weren't supposed to leave until next week, but the GiW had come far to close to wait any longer.
He almost got caught - Danny had almost got captured. They couldn't wait any longer. So Danny took his designated bag, strapping it against his back. He took Ellie's hand, and he snuck them off to the designated meeting place. Sam was the only one there when they arrived, chouching in a shroud of darkness over the additional run bags. It only took a few minutes for Tucker and Vlad to join them.
"We must go, I tried to lose them but I may still have been followed." With that, they took off into the woods.
There was a buzzing sound that had only gotten worse through the years. It was driving Clark insane - he had to find it. Noone else in the league (besides Bruce) had really believed him, pushing it off as electrical wires and such. And yeah, Clark could hear those - but this was different! This was worse! It was somewhere between high pitched and warbling and it was just constant.
Clark was going to find that noise. He was going to do it tonight even if it took until the sunrise. He didn't need sleep! It's not like he would be getting any with the ringing in his ears!
What used to be a simple one pitched hum turned into a three pitched wail (sometimes four) and it was going to be what made Superman evil. Superman couldn't be evil, so finding the source it was! Clark had managed to narrow down the general location, Americas, Midwest, isolated, ending in Illinois, but when he looked for it in a map nothing came up. There was literally nothing there, not even from salitlites. Maybe it was a natural phenomenon? (He hoped not)
He followed that god awful noise till he reached something that surprised him. A full fledged settlement, one that didn't show up on anything he had every seen before. The town was in a black out, the only light being that of a spinning spotlight in the center. He didn't know what to make of it.
Clark could hear the footfalls of patrolling men - soldiers, ones with guns of some kind. He could hear the resting hearts and breathes of the residents. He could hear the small group making a break for it in the woods.
Why was a small group fleeing?
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ghenwasblog · 1 year
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anessthetic · 11 months
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unmasked Zer0 design :] i did over 3 redesigns and still not sure if it’s final result. trying in different character designs :D
also, finally recovering from allergy!!!
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run-little-hero · 3 days
TW // Gun mention, knife mention
Villain never pictured feeling so content at the end of their life. Supervillain is dead and most of their team has been apprehended, but approaching their own demise feels only bittersweet. It helps to know their death will be delivered by such beautiful hands.
Sirens and screams are distant, muted. Villain is facing away from the door to the roof, staring over the edge of the high-rise. They hear the door’s rusty hinges creak open, followed by gentle footsteps.
Villain takes a breath. “Fitting way for this to end.” They turn to face Hero. “I wouldn’t have anyone else.”
Hero steps forward, brows bent and lips quirked in an aching smile. Villain is drawn to the sight of them, stepping away from the edge and closer to their fate.
“Don’t fight me, Villain. Just come quietly, it’ll be easier that way.”
“Into custody? A prisoner of the Agency?” They huff. “You can’t deny me my freedom, you know that. There’s only one way for this to end.”
Hero shakes their head. “I’d never do that to you. You’ll have to kill me first.”
How brave. Villain wonders if Hero really means it. If they’d still keep that promise staring down Villain’s handgun.
They don’t act on that impulse and instead, clasp their hands behind their back. “It seems we’re at an impasse.”
Hero looks to be on the verge of tears. It rips through Villain’s heart like nothing else. “How can you ask this of me?” Hero whines.
“How can you ask me to let myself be captured? I’d rather die than subject myself to that.” The anger rises in Villain’s voice. “You know what they do to those of us they capture. Don’t act like the Agency is so merciful.”
“I—“ Hero chokes. A few tears have fallen from their eyes. “I can’t lose you.”
Villain laughs, a strained, awkward sound of grief. “Well you should’ve thought about that earlier.” They can’t feed into Hero’s affection. “Maybe a better hero wouldn’t have gotten so attached.”
“Stop it,” they spit. “You can’t make me want to hurt you.” They walk forward, taking Villain in their arms. “Please.”
“Hero…” They close their eyes. This is enough for Villain—to die knowing someone cares so much. To perish in love and treat death as an embrace. “Hero, I—“
Bang. Bang. Bang. A metal thud sounds repeatedly against the door. Hero must’ve locked it.
“They’re here.” Villain takes Hero’s hands. “Please. I want it to be you,” they resign.
Villain stares into Hero’s eyes as their hands break contact and Hero reaches for something at their waist. Adrenaline is coursing through Villain as they try to regulate their breathing, teetering on the edge of life and death. The banging on the door gets faster and louder in their ears. Finally, they close their eyes as Hero snakes an arm around their waist. They prepare for the sting of a knife, the explosion of a gun, the inevitable impact of their death.
“You’re the only person I want to save.”
Hero is gentle with them, as always. Villain doesn’t know if they’ll ever get used to it.
Hero grips Villain tight and runs them both to the edge of the roof. Before Villain can take it in, Hero fires a grappling gun at a neighboring building. They’re pulled into the air together, and Villain hardly gets a glimpse at the heroes who busted through the door before they’ve disappeared.
snippet #7
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bbsxsaa · 27 days
life like those coming of age movies >>>>
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mirroringshards · 6 months
ive been thinking a bit recently and i thought id share how i hid things, for any of my followers that may be in a toxic living environment and need to hide something such as a phone or any other small object.
1 - wrap it. wrap it in toilet paper or napkins, this is to stop it from making noise and to hide it even more. the messier the better.
2 - put it in something. put it in a small box or container that nobody would expect to look in. make sure that its hand-held size and can safey hide the object. the smaller, the better. some things may be able to fit in empty pill bottles, wallets, mini drawstring bags or empty acne pad containers.
3 - hide it in plain sight. take the container and put it somewhere nobody would really expect it to be. for example, the bottom of a cluttered nightstand, in the very back in the corner of your closet, in a shoe, just anywhere that will hide the object while still making it appear "normal" or hidden away.
this guide could be used for secret phones, religious items youre trying to keep a secret such as tarot cards or crystals, etc etc. anything small, heres a guide to hide. probably wont work for clothes or bigger items but you can definitely try lol.
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rockingrobin69 · 10 months
Beast of a thing
“What can I get you?” asked a loud voice, and Harry rubbed his face till his eyes burned.
“Hmm?” was clearly not the right answer.
“Coffee? Seems like you might need one. And something to nibble on. Sweet or savoury?”
“I,” Harry said, which wasn’t that much better. The—person?—who kept pestering him was smiley and extremely bright-eyed. Leaned down to him over a dark-blue apron, half-conspiratorial, half amused.
“Sweet, I should think.”
How rude. Harry crawled in here to die peacefully, not be badgered about fucking coffee. But a few seconds—minutes?—later there was more bustling, and someone placed a cup right next to where he was holding his head. It smelled hot. It smelled good.
Before he could even make the decision, Harry’s hands grabbed it and—oops—spilled a little, never mind. Yeah, it burned. Yeah, whatever. Harry raised the cup with a shaky fist and sipped something horrible and scalding hot. He felt, absurdly, and for the first time in—he felt a little bit like a person again. How fucking embarrassing. How fucking inaccurate.
“There you go, darling,” this time armed with a scone. The smell of clotted cream made Harry’s eyes roll back, made him choke. The jam was even worse, so sweet he nearly gagged. “This should cheer you right up.”
He nearly, nearly laughed. Was too busy growling, rubbing his pointy teeth against his inner lip. Something in his expression must have finally registered with the perky waiter, since they hurried back, tray cluttering as they hit something. Harry could finally go back to his—
“What now?” to the movement from the corner of his eye, but—the smell hit him first, hit harder. Lemon zest and evergreen forest. Something so pleasant it made Harry whimper, made him close his eyes. The newcomer used this reprieve to sneak into the seat next to Harry, so close their knees were touching.
“What do you want?” Harry asked, or whined. It hurt behind his molars, it hurt in the pit of his stomach. The touch, the unbelievable pressure coming from deep, deep inside.
“Hello to you too, Potter. You’re not an easy man to find.”
“Not an easy man,” Harry managed.
“Not a man,” Malfoy countered.
“Not,” Harry, “interested. Go back to the Ministry and—”
“So you really haven’t heard? I quit.” When Harry chanced a look, Malfoy was busy examining his fingernails. He looked—he smelled—he—was an onslaught Harry couldn’t, wouldn’t withstand.
Instead of whimpering again, of being pathetic: “So what do you want? Why come all this way if it wasn’t some…”
“Scheme?” Malfoy uncrossed his legs, leaned back. Too fucking much; Harry’s mouth watered already. “Plot? Who said it wasn’t. Maybe I’m hunting you down all for myself now.”
“Why,” Harry growled.
“Maybe I didn’t like the way you left.” A rustle: Harry didn’t need to look to know what that sound was. “Dear Malfoy, I hope you’ll understand—”
Malfoy’s gaze burned on his skin. Malfoy’s everything burned. “—there’s nothing else I can do—”
“Enough. Please.”
A bang, too loud; his fist on the table. The coffee cup trembled, didn’t spill. “Oh, is that too much? Hearing your own stupid words? You can take it, sweetheart. We’ve not even got to the good part yet.”
Harry tried to take cover behind his hand. “Please, it’s—”
“I think you might be my mate,” Malfoy quoted in the iciest tone Harry’s ever heard, “Which is exactly why I have to go—”
“I did!” hiding, hiding. “How could I stay, how could I do anything when I knew I’d be putting you at risk? The Ministry won’t stop. And even if—even if they did,” in this horrible, shaky voice. “What I’ve become—”
“A fucking idiot, you mean?”
Harry looked up.
Malfoy’s lips were so thin. “I don’t care what you are. I don’t care what they tried to make you into. You think I might be your mate and then you run? Sentence yourself to, what, a miserable, lonely existence just because you’re scared?”
The shudder took him so hard he nearly fell. “I can’t hurt you,” Harry said through gritted teeth. “I won’t.”
“You have, arsehole,” with exasperation that seemed oddly fond. “Come on, Potter. You didn’t even do me the courtesy of asking.”
“Veelas have mates too. You’d know if you bothered to stick around.”
“They have—” something whirled in his belly, in his chest. Something sickening and bright. “Wait. Are you saying—what are you saying?”
“You can’t hurt me.” Malfoy bent closer. “Not in the way you imagine. Not if you stay and work it out like an adult. I won’t let the Ministry use you as a weapon. I won’t let anything—I’m saying you’re an idiot, and I’m an even bigger one, and that if you’d run from me again, you’ll regret it.”
A smile burst, baffled and hot between his cheeks. “You… are you serious?”
“You think I came all this way for a joke? I only commit to things that are worth my while.” His grey eyes, burning. “Are you worth my while?”
Helpless, he grabbed Malfoy’s hand. The scent of him in Harry’s nose, heavenly and far too strong: everything he could hope for, that he tried to escape. “Please,” Harry croaked.
Malfoy hummed, leaned back. Used his free hand to steal Harry’s scone. “I’m staying across the road. When you’re quite done—”
On his feet. “Done.” The edges of Malfoy’s lips twitched.
“Very well.” He got up, cast a look from under his endless lashes. “Potter. If you leave again—”
“I won’t,” Harry promised, and meant it. Won’t be able to, now that he had Malfoy back in his arms, smelling and looking and being like that. Now that Harry felt alive, and like a person, and also not. Better than any treat, sweet or savoury. Bitter and sour, lemon zest and evergreens: his Malfoy. His mate.
 For my dear @generalpizzaengineer and their prompt 💖
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tenth-sentence · 9 months
"But why not run away with me?"
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy" - C. S. Lewis
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was some kind of anthropomorphic alligator, and was trying to date a human man. His family (mostly just his dad) was very old-fashioned, and disapproved of our relationship, so we were planning to run away together. Also at some point I was attempting to explain Skibidi Toilet to a bunch of other family members at a dinner table, for some reason, and it was… Very awkward.  
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nobeerreviews · 6 months
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When I first met you, I felt a kind of contradiction in you. You're seeking something, but at the same time, you are running away for all you're worth.
-- Haruki Murakami
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darkcrowprincess · 3 months
The losers club fic idea:
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I wish someone would write a fic where all the losers just run away from Derry together(whether its the newer movies or the mini series). Just run away together. Maybe to get away from the horrible town and not be separated or maybe to just get away from the creepy ass clown(for this they definitely kidnap Bill, because he's the type of idiot that would stay and face the clown alone. So kidnapping Bill is a go). But they run away together. And honestly I dont care if doesn't make sense. I honestly think they can do it. Especially if they hide out in the woods a lot and use all their combined skills. They can even steal cars if they need to if their desperate and or fish. I wish someone would write this. I don't know if I could. But who knows. But just they run away and they manage it. Maybe for a long while and than they caught. Maybe because of Derrys curse no one remembers them or cares so they get away scott free. Either way I love fics where people run away together and it needs to be more popular in the losers club Fandom.
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seasonaldoldrums · 3 months
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there’s no room for me in their world
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