#SORRY i have like three comics drafted </3
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'he's probably losing his mind' yeah about that
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apprenticestanheight · 5 months
hi!! i have a request :) would it be okay if you wrote a specs x transmasc reader where the reader gets specs to help him with a testosterone shot?? its totally okay if no tho!! have a good day :)
T - specs x transmasc! reader
hi nonnie!! I'm sorry this took a while--this one has been sitting in my drafts for a good few weeks now and I've had it written for just as long. My object permanence is the absolute fuckin' worst, however, and I, admittedly, forgot to edit this before today because of getting distracted by other projects and also getting so anxious I physically could not will myself to get out of bed multiple days in a row since you sent this one into my inbox.
HOWEVER, I did get my shit together today (started on medication for adhd because I told my dr I thought I had it and we're testing it out to see if it works for me to help with those symptoms + anxiety management wot wot) and so, here this is!! I am, once again, sorry for the delay, and I promise if you send another request in I will do my best to do it that week.
fic type - this is fluffy!!
warnings - there are mentions of needles in this
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In the five years since you'd come out and the five and a half since you and Specs had started dating, you'd only asked him to help you with your weekly testosterone shot maybe twice in the three and a half years since you'd finally gotten through all of the necessary hoops and had been able to start taking it.
Normally, you could do it yourself without a hitch, sometimes a little squeamish at the sight of the needle, but that Friday you'd asked him to help because he did it a bit quicker than you did--even if by just a solid second or two--while the two of you were on a time crunch in a rush to meet Elise and Tucker. Also, somewhat, as a way to squeeze a bit more time with him out of your day because you had to work an eight hour shift from 3-11, and when you got home he'd either be reading a comic while half asleep or asleep on your side of the bed in your absence.
He agrees to your ask without questioning it, getting the shot ready while you talk to him about how work has been because you've worked a string of evening shifts for the past three weeks and have been too drained to talk about it the next day. He happily listens, occasionally commenting where it's appropriate to make a remark or agree with an opinion you hold about a coworker, though he also acknowledges that he only has your bias to base an opinion on and not his own.
"Thank you for this, by the way," you murmur as you're standing up to pull your pants down to your thighs. "I know I could've done it myself, but I've missed you a lot lately and wanted to squeeze in an extra few minutes."
That remark brings out a soft smile from Specs, given to you as you're sitting back down. A second later, you can see the debate as to whether or not he wants to give you a forehead kiss occur in his expressions before he pauses, presses a quick but somewhat lingering kiss to your forehead, one of his hands reaching up to cup your cheek.
"I've missed you too, for what it's worth," Specs says. "Elise has kept us busy with her clients and Tucker and I have kept ourselves busy with Spectral Sightings stuff, but we've not seen much of each other lately and it's been hard."
You've missed him so terribly that it hurts, and there have been multiple points in the lulls of your evening shifts wherein you've been tempted to just pick up the phone and call him. You haven't for fear of being judged and seeming co-dependent, but you're at a point where you don't care how co-dependent it makes you seem. You're allowed to miss him when you're working evenings and don't get much of a chance to see him except for in your easier mornings.
You're nodding your agreement with his sentiments as he finishes getting your shot ready. You watch the needle go in, unblinking and relatively unphased, grabbing a "fun" Band-Aid--one shaped like a ghost, one of many from a Band-Aid kit gifted to you by Tucker for your birthday that year--to place over it as the slight pain from the injection settles and the needle is removed.
You pull your pants back up and rake your hands through your hair as Specs discards the needle properly, ever the one to be cautious about how your injection needles are handled, and you're thanking him as you put your testosterone away as it's meant to be stored.
He does a bit of idle cleaning while you finish getting ready, and you wind up stealing one of his button downs to wear over a black shirt. You kiss his cheekbone as he tosses you your keys, and the two of you leave your shared house hand in hand, so full of contentment that you already know how happy you seem is bound to make Tucker fake a gag while he smiles.
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librarylexicon · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
EDIT: Now with question 17!
Tagged by @cuephrase (ty bb!!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 (that are attached to my account).
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
283,405. I very nearly posted 100,000 of them last year, and only noticed when I looked at my stats in January. If I'd known, I would have posted something else to get it over that line!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Batman, but in the past I've written for Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, Little Men, Tintin and a handful of other fandoms. I have a Road to Avonlea fic tentatively in the works, and might return to any of these fandoms if inspiration strikes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All the Corners That Are Left is an outlier in my stats because it has more than three times as many kudos as the runner-up. It's an exchange fic that was my first foray into posting Batfam fics, and I liked writing it so much that it actually sparked a loose series of Post-Crisis oneshots, currently called Corners.
Family Crisis is my beloved canon divergence AU of War Games. It's the first fic I started writing for Batman, and I'm so happy that people are reading it. It's very comics-oriented, but still easy to follow without having touched a comic (imo).
Harry Potter and the Time-Turner is the first multichapter fic I ever wrote and completed, back when I was in my early teens. I won't reread it, lest I die of cringe, but I'm bemusedly grateful that it still gets hits and kudos.
Home Assignment is a Dick whump fic I drafted quite a while ago, and finally had an opportunity to finish and publish when I signed up for a Dick Grayson event. I had fun playing around with unreliable narration in this one!
In Retrospect is a HP fic that was written for a challenge where I was given five prompts and a week to produce five one-shots. I chose to make mine interconnected missing scenes set during and after Deathly Hallows, and particularly like how Painfully Abnormal turned out.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It's a habit that's carried over from my fanfiction.net days, and I receive a manageable amount of comments, so I try to respond to every one. (The only reason I might not is when someone leaves a string of comments that are all very brief. In that instance, I tend to reply to the final comment only.) I adore reading and replying to comments! 🫶
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've always been an angst lover. The Last Enemy, one of my oldest fics, ends with (canonical) apparent character death, and For the Sake of Our Son ends with both main characters (canonically) dying. How fun!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Other than a shipfic that's now anonymous, I don't know! I tend to go for uplifting or satisfying endings without necessarily aiming for happy ones (although I rarely have unhappy endings). Maybe You Know I Love You? I do also have a handful of Batman ficlets that I recently wrote for a zine, and there's definitely fluff among them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I got some on fanfiction.net back in the day, but the most hate I've received that I can remember is people being salty about a couple of fics I began when I was a teenager and never finished. I'm sorry, but it's been almost a decade! Yes, you can and should resist the urge to tell me that you don't respect authors who abandon fics!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
While I've toyed with quite a few crossover ideas over the years, I've only published one, which is a Rise of the Guardians and Peter Pan one-shot called Lost Boy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I can't recall any specific instances, but many of my fics have been on the internet for a long time, so they've definitely been scraped for knockoff sites, if nothing else.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, three times! Harry Potter and the Time-Turner has been translated into French, Shirley Not has been translated into German and At Home, They Call Me Tintin has been translated into Chinese. (Links to these translations are in my fanfic masterlist on Dreamwidth.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to the idea! I'd have to really know the other author and get over my control freak tendencies, though...
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't ship much (to the point where I have plenty of NOTPs), but I do love TimSteph, and I have soft spots for DickBabs and BatCat (Bruce/Selina) as well. All-time favourite, though? That would have to be Anne and Gilbert from the Anne of Green Gables series.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Before the War(drobe). Narnia fandom, I really want to return to you someday, but I have a couple things to do first!
16. What are your writing strengths?
My most positive comments almost always mention characterisation. I also think I write dialogue pretty well. In my mind, well-written dialogue is essential to good characterisation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Even though I write about characters who are superheroes, I rarely write about them BEING superheroes, because I struggle with action scenes. Also description, but I like to think I've grown better at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't like to use non-Latin characters in my fics for readability reasons, and I don't like to include dialogue in another language if I don't know the language. So, when my characters speak a language other than English, I either just use an English translation with a dialogue attribution (e.g. She said in Spanish) or just use the attribution without the dialogue, depending on whether or not the POV character understands the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter! I wrote for it before I knew what fanfic was. I also joined the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum on fanfiction.net back in the day, which led to my most prolific ficwriting period.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
My favourite fics tend to be my most recent ones, because they're the ones I've spent the most time on and am most proud of. I can never pick one of anything (as you've probably noticed), so my current favourites are:
Family Crisis – longtime labour of love and Bruce character study
All the Corners That Are Left – Dick character study feat. Jason
Flight Mode – Tim character study feat. Bruce
Phew, that was a lot of questions! I think a lot of people have already been tagged 😅
Scrolling through my mutuals and no-pressure tagging @silverwhittlingknife @geevesthevieve @batrachised @freyafrida and @silent-silver-slip and any other fic writers who see this! 🫶
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kindlingkeen · 4 months
I've wanted to ask this for a while: I absolutely adore how you write action scenes/sequences in your fics, especially in Asymmetrical Warfare. I can easily and clearly picture what's going on in my head, and the action is SO suspenseful. Literally, the chase and fight scenes have me on the edge of my seat *chef's kiss*. As someone trying their hand at writing fanfiction, I'd love to hear if you have any specific tips or methods for writing action. I also wanted to say how much I love your characterization of Jason. It's literally a breath of fresh, life-giving air among the muck that is current DC comics and fanon alike :)
Thank you so much, anon!! I love sharing my writing with people who love Jason like I do. 🩵 I'm so glad you're enjoying Asymmetrical Warfare and my action scenes in particular (they're my pride and joy). I'm sorry it took me so long to answer your ask, but I had to really think about it (I wasn't actually consciously aware I had a writing method, lol). I only started writing fanfiction in the last year, so I honestly consider myself a novice in this.
I can easily and clearly picture what's going on in my head
I've gotten variations of this comment before, and I think it reflects my knowing exactly what's happening in a scene, down to extremely minute details. You have to what you're trying to convey in order to do so clearly. This is also where practice comes in. I'm a novice creative writer, but I've had years of experience with technical writing. That means lots of practice conveying complex concepts in a limited number of words. It gets easier with repetition (especially the self-editing bit).
After some reflection, I realized I have a three-stage approach to constructing an action sequence. I start with a rough draft that conveys the feel and general idea of the action. Then I add very explicit details describing the physical movements (this is where I do research and sometimes get help from a beta). Lastly, I focus on adding sensory details and editing for tempo and flow. Here's an example from Chapter 3 of Harm Reduction, I started with:
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While working on the next version, I found a couple excellent parkour videos on YouTube and watched them over and over in slow motion to figure out all of the movements. I also had my brainstorming buddy read parts of the chapter to see if they were interpreting my text correctly.
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At this point, the paragraph does a decent job of conveying exactly what Jason is doing, but it isn't very engaging. From here, it's just ruthless self-editing, moving words and sentences around, trying different ideas, abusing my thesaurus, etc. I usually listen to music (sometimes the same song repetitively) that has the right tempo and dramatic feel for what I'm trying to convey while I'm working.
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I often combine sensory details with descriptive actions and short, punctuated sentences to build tension. You can see me adding that above with "A kaleidoscope of roof and sky whirls wildly around him. Jason uncoils."
The last piece of advice I'll offer is to take your time. The above process takes me many, many drafts. For example, it took me fourteen days to write Chapter 3 of Harm Reduction. There are countless versions auto-saved in my Google Drive history (I stopped counting at 32).
I hope this is helpful, anon! Thanks so much for your ask. I had fun answering it. 💙
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iamfabiloz · 1 year
hi idk anything about transformers which i think means you should educate me . eye emoji
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GOES NUTS i was abt to finish what i typed n posted but i lost my og draft ACK!! sorry this took a bit to answer i wanted to answer properly EEEE TY FOR ASKING I LOVE THE ROBOTS!!!!
BASICALLYY the transformers r alien robots from the planet cybertron!! they are fighting a civil war and eventually all the fighting wrecks the planet n the battle gets moved 2 earth!! there r two sides, the good guys called the autobots (led by a guy called optimus prime he is popular n beloved in the franchise n fandom) and the evil bad guys r called the Decepticons!! they are led by their evil leader Megatron!! OP and megs are sworn enemies n fight sm, the wars been going on for like over 4 million years (these guys live a LONGGG time) on earth, the autobots r nicer and treat the humans better than the cons anyways (tho no bot/con is rlly pure their like all war criminals LMAOOO) u would not BELIEVEE their mfing drama!! the pettyness of these mech mfs fr
ANYWAYZZ another rlly cool thing abt the series is the many canon queer bots!!! :D their mostly in the idw comics tho, such as the comic series 'more than meets than the eye' and lost light' which features multiple main characters who r gay and have a bunch of mlm relationships, as well as lost light having some t4t lesbians who r prominent EEE it so cool to see!! another example of transgenderformers is in the newest show 'transformers earthspark' which features one of the main characters who is nonbinary!! their sooo cool :]!!
now AHEM some recommendations r below for tf shows that I rlly like (NO PRESSURE TO WATCH/CONSUME ANY OF THESE THO!! i just rlly always like linking tf stuff it makes me happy :3 i wont mind at all if these just sit here foreva i just am like YAYY when i have to find linkies it is very fun!!)
the first tf show I ever watched is Transformers Prime!! I’d def start here bc it’s good for beginners new to the series, has lore, action, rlly good characters r plot!! Very dearly beloved by the fandom :] has three seasons n a movie! links to view it 4 free below:
YouTube Playlist with all eps + Movie
Seasons 2-3 on tubitv.com (Season 1 is on U.S Netflix if you have, idk why season 1 isn’t on tubi 🤔)
(ALSO THE ORIGINAL 80s G1 SHOW IS ON TUBI AS WELL, it is very funny i like it even tho i havent finished all the way EE)
If u want smth short I’d also recommend TRANSFORMERS EARTHSPARK!!! It’s ongoing tho, not fully finished like Prime, n is the newest tf show as of late, but it’s proven to be wonderful so far and I’ve actually gotten people who haven’t seen any tf stuff before to watch it and they’ve been fine and liked it HEHEEH :3 only 18 eps rn, here is my google drive w all the eps so far if u want!
other shows that I have links to watch to r:
Transformers Animated (3 seasons, 2d animated, more stylized, very fun)
Transformers Cyberverse (3 seasons and two 40 minute specials more kiddy and not as serious and a little shallower than the other shows, but I really enjoyed it, it was so so funny and it was my top tf thing for a while before Earthspark stole my heart 😨 cyberverse season 3 has no right to go so hard)
and the idw comics can be read on readcomiconline.li (tho beware of the weird ads n pop ups if u go on here, their rlly AAA so its best viewed w adblock) theres some mlp and transformers crossover comics on there also THEIR SO GOOD AND FUN i dont think u need any prior knowledge to enjoy them tbh their great
ty again for letting me explode abt robots
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mumms-the-word · 5 months
I can’t remember who tagged me with this or if I stole it 😭
Tagging: @elspethdekarios @sorceresssundries @fantasyfictionfables @lewdisescariot and anyone else??
No pressure friends as always and sorry for double tagging, this has sat in drafts for like days
Last book I read: For fun? I honestly can't remember. For my dissertation, Phantasmion by Sara Coleridge (and I haven't recovered, it was an acid trip of a fantasy novel)
Greatest literary inspirations: Bram Stoker (fave classic writer), Marissa Meyer (influenced my love of YA fairy tales), Ursula K. Le Guin (her style is SO GOOD)
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write: I skim/read a lot of smut for someone who will never write it. I don't even read it that much, but occasionally something catches my eye (I appreciate you smutty, smutty people). What I'd want to read but not write is slice-of-life style shenanigans between characters, the kind that comic artists like @a2zillustration do really well. Send me recs if you know other BG3 comic artists!
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: my current masquerade fic I love writing stuff that is incredibly specific to my Tavs because I find it fascinating to explore different character perspectives and voices? But I know the fandom tends to enjoy generalized Tavs or "you" POVs more than specific OC characters, which is fair given the nature of the game, so I don't share as much of my Tav-specific stuff these days
You can recognise my writing by: the lack of smut...and probably an overuse of adverbs. and the fact that every chapter/oneshot is ridiculously long. I'm new to fanfic, okay, I wrote full books as a hobby before this lol
My most controversial take (current fandom): oh boy I have...many, probably...I've already gotten blocked for one hot take (I think it was a misunderstanding??) but it wasn't even my most controversial take. I think my most controversial take is that there is no One Correct Way to interpret a character, and anyone who tells you that "you're reading the game files wrong" or "that isn't what is canon" is ignoring the fact that a) that's not how interpretation works, and b) the branching nature of the game is going to necessarily mean that different people encounter different things in different orders and may not even get the dialogue that you hold so dear to your interpretation of the character, and that is okay. We shouldn't ask everyone to become an expert in every facet of their favorite character's identity because not everybody has the time or energy for that. We should just hope that people are having fun. Like I know this is a complex topic and I don't want to ramble about it here lol but that's the gist
Top three favourite tropes: in no particular order, 1) arranged/convenient marriage that leads to genuine love between characters, 2) super big tall buff scary guy (tortured past optional) is actually a total sweetheart who is a little afraid of his own strength (bonus points if he falls in love with a smol person he must protect and feels slightly unworthy of), and 3) FOUND FAMILY I love it every time
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): fic writing I'm like....idk a 6? dissertation writing, which I am actually supposed to be writing, is a solid 1.
Share a random frustration: my students keep insisting on using AI to write their assignments and it is BEYOND frustrating how much time it takes up for me to read their assignment, mark where they've used AI, and then forward it to the next tier in our "Guess what you done fucked up" system for this class
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duskforged · 8 months
State of the Author: January 2024
Normally, I wouldn't do a thing like this. However, because I have not actually updated y'all on my WIPs in a while, I thought I might as well!
We'll start with the thing most of you followed me for: long-form fiction. And I call it that since all of these will be over 15k words (hopefully). There are three novels I'm currently focusing on.
Lodestar is currently stuck in a worldbuilding spiral, since it's a near-future humanity in space. While I do love sci-fi, science and math are not especially my forte. I hope to start drafting by the end of the summer, around September.
Vespertine has started on the first draft, though I'm also outlining still - something of a combined process. I am excited to share more of it with you, though it may be tough since most of it still lives in my head. Such is the woe of the artist.
Unto Summer Kings is in the first draft and currently hovering around 15k words! So far it's the longest I've gotten on a novel, and if I stay on track I could start my second draft by May, and begin beta reading by August.
I hesitate a little to touch on this one, just because. However, for the pure self indulgence I will. I have three major fanfics currently posted on my AO3, all of them multichaptered.
The Hanged Man is a Naruto SI!OC as Hatake Sakumo, immediately before his death. I currently have 8 chapters out and the main beats of the fic are fully outlined as of this month, which marks a major turning point in the fic's planning.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming is another self insert, this time into the events of Baldur's Gate 3. Vespere, the main character, whose name is subject to change, has been plucked from August 2023 and has not played the game since early access March 2023. Therefore they know less than you might expect.
Finally I have my Supernatural series, For Want of a Broken Nail (Broken Nail Verse). And I know what you're going to say, it's super meta to have a self insert in that fandom, you're writing SPN fanfic in 2024 what is wrong with you, etc etc. But the concept seized me full on by the balls and I already have the first 5 seasons outlined. Sorry, not sorry? No one is obligated to read it anyhow.
I also have a billion ideas on the backburner, ranging from fandoms like Game of Thrones and the MCU (for some reason) to Avatar: the Last Airbender and Star Wars. I'll post 'em when I post 'em!
Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing is a comic of humanity's first lycanthrope, taking place in ancient Mesopotamia, in what is modern day Iran. The main character, Lahar, is gender neutral/ambiguous. So far, I'm stuck in outlining and drafting but hopefully soonTM.
Witchboy (title wip) is a story I'm working on with my partner @fallenorpheus based on various YA novels we read growing up. So far we aren't super set on the story, but it's definitely about a boy who is (accidentally) a witch, his best friend, his adoring father, and his estranged mother.
Dame-Errant (title wip) is a story that, instead of in comic form, is a story that is illustration snapshots, accompanied by short story prose. It is about a butch knight, Dame Johana Talon, who is tasked by Queen Atossa to find her missing son, Prince Khosrow. Typical 'prince(ss) in the tower shenanigans' but then, politics. And boy does Jo hate politics.
I have other webcomic ideas (mtf vs bbeg accidentally breaking a prophecy, team of bipoc/minority characters getting thrown into a fantasy world for an adventure, etc) so feel free to ask.
I hesitate to touch on this, really, since it's not something that just anyone needs to know, but I've been struggling to find a good name for myself. Hesperos is a good name, but doesn't necessarily feel like 'me' these days. I do enjoy the h/e sounds... I've considered Ezra, but that's just the name of an OC and I'd rather not get quite that meta.
Ah well, sure it'll sort itself out eventually.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I know that's quite a lot for this one post to cover, but you stuck til the very end. Not sure when I'll start posting again in earnest but I hope sooner rather than later!
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fantomette22 · 2 years
One shot: Return from the hunting lesson 
Alright ! I have written a lil something ! It's actually based on one of the first little funny Bloodborne sketches I've drawn.
I decided to draw it properly as well (A little comic in 4 cases). But it will come a bit later I need to draw it properly x)
It's also supposed to be a part of a bigger story. If I ever managed to really write it down. So I guess it's some kind of preview/beta for you and training for me (I'm sorry I dunno how to write dialogue efficiently or smoothly help). It's a draft so things might change of course (so don't be afraid of the 3 smileys I put XD they will disappear in due time). Apologies for the lack of context as well but it's supposed to be in the middle of a bigger chapter. In the middle of the first fic. But it can work independently too and I've wanted to put it on paper since a while. I still hope you will enjoyed.
Return from the hunting lesson :
Campus of Byrgenwerth, years before the official founding of the Healing Church.
Laurence was pensive. If he couldn’t find them himself, he will just go ask everyone he could came cross. Someone had to know something about it!
After spending sometimes running and asking around the few persons he could find, with no succeed, he noticed two young men walking towards him. Micolash seems to be in the middle of an explanation and Ludwig was listening attentively.
He interpellated them, “Micolash, Ludwig! Would you have a minute?”
 “Oh Hello Laurence :D !” said an overjoyed Ludwig. 
Then Micolash replied more calmly, “Of course, what do you need Laurence?”
“I wanted to ask if any of you have seen Maria or Gehrman recently?”
Micolash thought a few seconds before answering: “Not since a few days, I think, why?”
Laurence sighed “I fear you would say that…”
Ludwig questioned him : “What do you mean? Is everything alright?”
“Well, the Cainhurst nobles have arrived, so their presence is required. But most importantly, I’m a bit worried because no one seem to have seen any of them since a few days…”
“But aren’t they training in the woods the entire week?” replied a confused Ludwig.
“Yes, they are. They usually go at the first hours of the morning and come back before night. But they didn’t come back yesterday evening and they were supposed to come back today at least. You could think they might have went camping and spend the night in the forest. I wouldn’t be surprised but no one saw them before yesterday as well. Nothing since two days ! A student even claimed to have seen a creature in the forest as well…”
Micolash was left puzzled “Hm… this is concerning. Something would have happened to them? Or to one of them?"
“Oh, I hope they’re ok!” exclaimed a very worried Ludwig.
While they were talking, a figure passed through the bushes with difficulty. They fell silents, looked in its direction and were left completely astonished.
It was Maria. 
She seems a bit lost, carrying a big sac and a smaller messenger bag over her shoulder, but it was her appearance that was rather unusual. With leaves in her hair, her clothes were covered in dirt and…could that be blood as well?
“MARIA ?!”
She turned her head toward them a bit confused before answering : “Oh hello! How are you all doing?”
The three came right in front of her, Laurence was the first to questioned her “Maria are you alright? What happened?” 
“Yes, I’m alright and what do you mean? We were hunting like you’re aware of”
“We had no news of you both for days! We grew worried… Where’s Gehrman ?!”
“Well… we spend last night in the woods and before yesterday at the village...But we did get back at night to get a few things, and Gehrman-” She looked around. “Didn’t arrived yet…” She then turned toward the forest to shout “Over here!” 
A moments later he emerged between the dense leaves and branches. He was too carrying an imposing sac and was covered in a bloody dirt as well. He had a rifle on his back. “Hello everyone.” 
Laurence chuckle in relief.
“So…  did this hunting lesson worked out?” asked Ludwig.
A big grin appeared on Gehrman’s face. “It did!” He put the sac on the ground and began to open it. At the same time Maria handed a small sac she gets from her bag. “Here Micolash. If I recalled, you and Rom wanted to examine a venomous maggot? Well, we found this dead one”
He took it “Oh thank you very much Maria! That is correct you remember well! I’m sure our dear friend will be very happy.”
From his own, Gehrman pulled out the head of an imposing boar. “Tada!”
The trio was taken aback once again. 
“That’s huge! Hold on… there’s things like that in the woods ?!” Ludwig said like he was scared.
“Oh just a few.”
“So, you two hunts down a boar?” questioned Laurence. 
“Mostly yes. But it’s not the only thing…” Maria answered. The teacher’s eyes look down at the close sac beside her. 
Gehrman cough to get their attention “Well she killed a boar.” 
“Yeah i…I killed a boar...”
“That’s quite impressive! All by yourself?”
“Well Gehrman helped me-“
“Oh, I just help to distracted it. You deserve the entire praise on this one.” A big smile appears on the face of the younger hunter.
“Where is the rest of it too?” asked Micolash.
“We couldn’t take all of it with us, so we left the rest to the villagers and the snakes I guess” answered the other hunter.
The student continued : “You two are covered in so much mud! Better jump right now into the sea to wash up x) !
“Thanks, but I think we’re fine. We got time to clean up after all.”
“Well… actually Cainhurst had already arrived.” Laurence informed them.
“What. Oh”  Oh no no no ! I’m so screwed I can’t show up like this !
Gehrman noticed her distressed. “Don’t worry- Hm… just go! I got it!”
“Really? Oh, thank you!” She then starts running extremely fast across the campus in direction of her dorm.
“Well, I think we should all get going as well” proposed Laurence. 
They began to walk, after saying goodbye, Micolash and Ludwig went in their own direction.
“So, what’s in this one?” Laurence asked, pointing at the smaller sac Maria was caring earlier.
“Something I need to show master Willem…and you.” Laurence looks at him with an interrogating look. “Do you remember the dog lost by the prospectors in the labyrinth a few weeks ago?”
“Hm yes? Oh ! Let me guess… you find his remains at the surface didn’t you?”
“It’s more him who find us...” 
“Laurence. That thing… whatever it was, it wasn’t the dog we knew. The way he attacked us… We just put an end to his suffering.” He sighed “I will explain more later. Not here...”
“Alright I understand… Do you plan to do that right now?” 
“I was thinking of showing the boar head to our noble visitors before. I believe they will appreciate it. As well as to be made aware of the progress of their future knight.’’
“Certainly, let’s get going then.”
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nayfem · 2 years
who was the first character out of the runaways you created ? ^^
and who’s your favourite story wise? :) (no spoilers though‼️🙏)
sorry for taking months to answer this, i really wanted to wait until i could do a DEEEEP dive for some files (this is a long post)
to answer your second question: my favorite character story wise is probably Cliff and Grace ?! its a cheat answer cuz i just answers 2 characters but idk i love writing them, their dynamic is so fun and cute, im so excited to post abt their new designs and story teehee
to answer your first question:
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these three from around may of 2022!!! theres a fourth, but i cant find the drawing for the life of me. from left to right:
(Boreas was the forth.)
you might be asking "Hey who the fuck are these people" and that is a valid question because i dont draw them ever!!
the idea for Runaways started with these guys- first as a story about these gods and their family dynamic, but it quickly evolved into a whole world (MCU style) about superheroes.
i wanted to make one comic and then expand- starting with these gods. but as soon as i made the next character in the story... i knew what i had done (brain rot)
although that answers your question, i have more to say (unfortunately)
the comic was going to end with Eurus turning into a villain- a misunderstood villain but a villain nonetheless. she was going to form a found family group and thats when i created a familiar face...
Grace Xu.
actually, Grace came about when i thought of the name Grave Force. i thought Grace suited the name, and she was going to have basically the same powers as Anna today (her skin would put you into a coma.)
but, then i started crafting another character...
Casper Wright! an invisible thief that would steal supplies for the group.
after that, it snowballed into a whole cast of characters, and eventually the wind gods fading into the background and i havent really touched them since.
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heres the first ever drawing i did of Anna, when i started figuring out that she was gonna be Grave Force, and not Grace. i quickly figured out i wanted Grace to act as a main character, and started working on the other crew!
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Cliff Phoenix when he was still called "Clint"
he was the muscle of the group, with his signature flame thrower. he was kind of a himbo back then, i still see him as a himbo but at least now hes not dumb.
back then, the gadgets the group had were made by Casper, or at least thats what i planned on. i much prefer Cliff being the gadget maker of the group!
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this was my first ever draft of everyone together; a quick sketch of their heads and pride flags!
from left to right:
Grace Xu
Casper Wright
Cliff Phoenix (i need to bring back his gray streak </3)
Val Romero
Anna Xu (yes she was a ginger.. and white (Grace was her half sister at this time))
Val was a really interesting character and what i thought would start the comic!! the idea was have the group go to a really fancy party looking for a "kid" in danger.
her name would have either been Psyche! (like haha gotcha) or Mirage. their power was to create a hallucination of sorts- she could make herself appear to be the persons type (either romantically or someone they took pity on) and then rob them lol. thats why the group thought it was a kid- someone saw a child enter a shady car and speed off to a upper class party.
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i still wish i couldve found a way to put her in the story. honestly, ive been redoing the Runaways story and designs, and when i work on the villains i'll definitely find a spot for them!!!
thank you for the ask my dear friend, you have increased my brain rot <;3 /pos
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nethervox · 7 months
tag ppl you want to get to know better
tagged by @heavensw4rd
tagging no one in particular bc im shy o_o but if any oomfs see this n wanna do it u can say i tagged u ok? <3
ITS LONG SORRY here is a read more
LAST SONG: athena - nova twins ✧ pulled from my most recent liked songs bc i dont listen to that much music,,
CURRENTLY WATCHING: dungeon meshi ✧ ITS SO FUN, the anime release finally got me off my ass to start reading the manga. ive gotten through the first 4 volumes so far but now i wanna give the anime a bit to catch up to that point before i read any further
Linhardt/Mitsue/Fray - "who the fuck are those first two" well they are from my brain <3 linhardt is my wol who was drafted into being gods silliest soldier and he is coping w that very well. smiling. mitsue is my other wol but they dont have the echo, they were born in a wet cardboard box all alone. poorly socialized hydrogen baby. genuinely itd take so many words to describe what the deal w these three is that i do not have the space for here. i am so normal abt them
Marcille/Falin - havent gotten that far ofc but from what i have seen + ooc later panels (bc nobody tags their Fucking spoilers) they are doing crazy things to each others brains. women SHINE 💗✨💖💞
Shulk/(A)lvis - they are so **** coded its not even funny. i need to watch xb1 again actually its been ages
FAVORITE COLOR: (posting from my purple blog with my blue/purple sona and my purple phone) i like pink :3c
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: i had coffee w a beso, it had pineapple jelly in it :) idk what im gonna have later tho, theres not that much here... instant ramen sweep i guess
FIRST SHIP: girl idk. mario/peach??? i drew a comic abt them in my journal when i was six. i probably still have it buried somewhere in my closet. can you tell im not that big into shipping actually
CURRENT LOCATION: still texas but a diff part of it now, as of last november. dont care for it.
LAST MOVIE: lotr fellowship of the ring ✧ watched the extended edition over discord while i worked and got very little done that night. movies are cool i think
updating refs for art fight like i said i was gonna do last year (i am still putting it off at this very moment. please yell at me to stop that)
rotating a new oc who is a possessed suit of armor. its like if a colony of mold decided to be a person. my little silly
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
hey sage! love ur work. can i request a jungkook scenario where ur his date to an awards show and it’s the first time ur seen in public together? i love fluff, but u can do what ever u feel. thank u!!!
Star Of The Show
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pairing; idol!jungkook x female!reader
genre; angst, fluff, smut, established relationship, awards show au
warnings; cursing, light angst in the form of a small squabble, oral (f receiving), fingering, clit play, tongue fucking, nipple play, praise kink, dirty talk, semi (?) public sex in an alley, pretend that Jungkook is the only one who sings ‘for youth’ for all intents and purposes of this fic, and that he’s not part of BTS
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 5,382
a/n; this request has been saved in my drafts for awhile, so I apologize for the wait! like + reblog if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated and helps keep this writer motivated. <3
networks; @ficscafe, @thebtswritersclub, @kflixnet
Jeon Jungkook has been your boyfriend for the better half of three years.
The only catch? You two have been a secret.
The public has no idea who you are, nor what you look like.
Until now.
Jungkook was currently half way around the world on a promotional tour that ends with him coming back home to you, him having been invited and nominated for a prestigious award that all artists who had a career in music could only ever dream of being part of the category.
The ‘Artist of the Year’ award presented by the World Music Awards show.
You nearly spit out your drink when he told you so casually over FaceTime. He was even in the middle of doing a simple task of washing dishes, his phone propped against a stack of decorative recipe books he’s never looked through.
As he aggressively scrubbed two day old dishes where the food was basically engrained in them at this point, he grunted it out, brows furrowed in sheer determination to rid of the scum.
“Oh! I didn’t tell you. I’m nominated for the Artist of the Year Award.” His tongue began poking out from between his lips in concentration, his gaze completely off your comically gaping mouth that he would’ve laughed at otherwise if he wasn’t currently distracted.
“Jungkook! That’s amazing! Why the hell are you at home doing dishes instead of celebrating?”
He paused in his scrubbing to flash you a quick guilty look, before continuing with his assault on the dishes. You tried not to get side tracked yourself, eyes lingering on the way his arms flexed deliciously from the domestic task. Him looking all the more irresistible in his tight, black, long sleeved, turtleneck he was wearing today. Leaning close to the camera with a suspicious look on your face, your voice was eerily calm as you spoke his name.
“Jungkook.” Silence.
You gasped at his complete and utter betrayal.
He winced, and chanced a glance at your FaceTime video call form, apology already dripping from his supple, yet traitorous lips.
“Y/N—Baby, you know, it’s a funny story?” He laughed falsely, as his Adam’s apple bobbed due to him gulping in fear of being on the bad end of your wrath.
“When. Did. You. Find. Out. Baby?”
Your eyes were narrowed into slits, as you slowly spoke making sure to annunciate each word clearly.
His voice was low, but you heard him answer.
“JEON JUNGKOOK.” The dish he was holding fell from his grip and back into the overly soapy water in the sink, the loud crash making him let out a low whine, on top of your enraged voice booming from his phone speaker. “IT TOOK YOU A WEEK TO REMEMBER TO TELL ME?”
“I’m sorry! I got lost in the scheduling! Then when I found out, the entire team decided to celebrate at this new restaurant that just opened up nearby. We all got pretty plastered and I barely remember Greg, he was the security guard for the night by the way, having to haul my ass back to my room.”
Dishes completely disregarded, his still wet and soapy hands went to rub his neck, before running against his nose, as he gave you his best puppy dog pout. Your figure sunk lower into the couch you were currently sitting on, a random movie with the volume turned low running in the background.
He could see the reflection of the lights of the tv on your disgruntled face as you pointedly looked away from the camera when he turned his full attention to you.
“I know, I know. I should’ve called you the moment we all found out. You’ve been a part of this journey as much as I have and it was stupid of me on my part to disregard that fact. Can you forgive me, y/n?”
You mumbled something but he couldn’t hear you. Using a tactic as his own way of believing it could somehow make him hear you better, he leaned in as close as he could to the phone as he asked you to repeat yourself.
“You have soap bubbles on your nose. Idiot.”
“Oh. I do.” He used the back of his sleeve to wipe it clean, and when his gaze locked with yours once again, he was relieved to see a crack of a smile appear on your lips.
Sighing exaggeratingly loud, you gave him an answer to his previous question.
“Fine. I guess I’ll forgive you.”
His bunny toothed smile was halfway formed, before it disappeared completely at your next words.
“But you owe me, Jeon.”
He didn’t miss the way your voice dropped low, a sultry edge to it that sounded almost like a cat purring. Your innocent face only making his lower body react more as he bit his lip, eyes following the lone finger that you slowly dragged down your chest to disappear off camera. His hips unconsciously ground into the counter he was leaning against, already looking for a source of some kind of friction.
He knew where it was going. He knew what you meant.
“Whatever you want, baby girl. It’s yours.”
As if flipping a switch, your attitude changed completely to one full of excitement and happiness for your boyfriend.
“I’m glad I get to share this moment with you, koo. You deserve it and I’m so proud of you.” The sincerity of your words had him wiping at the corner of his eyes as he gave you a shy smile.
“Me too.” He gave a watery laugh, as you cooed at him lovingly. “But the hard part is still yet to come.”
“Hard part? What do you mean?”
“You’re about to step into the spotlight.”
Your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, and you were once again rivaling that of a fish out of water with how wide your mouth was open. And this time, Jungkook did laugh at you.
Trying to fix a stubborn baby hair that kept sticking up, you finally cheered in victory when it decided to stay flat, though you were getting high off the hair spray fumes at this point from all the failed attempts.
Your nerves were shot, your hands were shaking as you smoothed down your dress from imaginary wrinkles, your dress being the same exact pattern as Jungkook’s suit he was wearing tonight.
The night of the awards.
The night where Jungkook would publicly announce that you two are together.
Your phone vibrates within the hidden pocket of your dress, a little detail that Jungkook made sure the dress had for your convenience. Fishing it out, you saw that it was a text from him.
Koo 🫦: Your name is already on the VIP list 😉
I feel so important!
Koo 🫦: You deserve the world.
Don’t mind me just over here swooning.
Koo 🫦: Haha. You’re so cute, baby.
Oh! The car just arrived, I’ll see you there!
Koo 🫦:🥂😘💜👌🏻
It only took 15 minutes of driving from your place in order to reach the theatre in which the award show would be hosted at, your phone once again buzzing in your pocket that you swiftly took out to read and reply back to his text.
Koo 🫦: You almost here?
Koo 🫦: My new music video just premiered and fans are going WILD!
Omg! Opening YouTube now!
Koo 🫦: Orrrrr you can see me in person instead 😌
Coming to a complete stop, the chauffeur tapped on the car window, a sign that he would be opening the door in a second so you better get yourself together.
Centering yourself, you braced for what lay behind your only remaining source of privacy, cause once it opened, that was it.
The world would know who you are.
Here! About to exit the car and walk in. See you in a sec. xoxo 💋
Just as Jungkook said, your name was on the VIP list. You made it past security with ease and began your life changing choice of walking onto the red carpet. Instead of shying away, you walked with poise, grace, elegance and confidence. Your back was straight, chest out, chin high — and you made that red carpet your bitch.
You strutted as if you owned the place, and you knew for a fact that you looked sexy as fuck. All eyes are on you and everybody has the same question in mind.
‘Who is this shining star?’
You walk past the screaming fans who are hoping to get a glimpse of their favorite celebrity of the night, the blinding sea of lights of the paparazzi who all fought for a front row shot of all the various celebs you were carefully maneuvering your way through as they posed on the carpet for pictures, and you just stop.
You look around and take it all in — the lights, the glamour, the energy.
Suddenly, the crowd around you goes wild.
For a second, you think they’re screaming at you, but then you see a ring clad, tattooed hand reach out from behind you to firmly grasp your own, fingers interlocking with yours in the process. You turn around, hair whipping behind you as a wide smile appears on your face.
“There you are!”
“Hey, stranger.”
Jeon Jungkook looked like the embodiment of sex on legs. His suit matched your dress to a tee, the patterns lining up seamlessly as he pulled you snug into his side, completely ignoring the surrounding uproar of those around you to give you a charming smile and loving kiss on the lips.
“You look stunning, baby.” His eyes devoured your figure, as he not so subtly got an eyeful of your boobs and the way the dress accentuated them wonderfully.
“You’re one to talk.” Your eyes raked over his figure with hidden desire, as you spoke through your teeth, smiling for the cameras. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait until we’re home for that favor you owe me.”
He let out a strangled laugh, as he smiled for the cameras as well, his witty response coming not even a second later.
“There’s a 15 minute intermission at the halfway point of the show, I’ll give you your favor then.”
“Can’t wait.” With one discreet pinch to his butt, that conversation was over, for now.
His face became serious as he looked down at you to ask you a question.
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” You responded in light.
Giving you one last peck on the lips, he lets go of your hand to wrap an arm securely around your waist, once again pulling you flush into his side as he guided you away from the crowd and cameras to head inside the theatre, both of you waving politely as you go.
He leads you to your seats that are located right in front, only a six foot gap is what was between you and the stage, lit up stairs wrapped around the front of it so it’s easier for the winners to make their way up wherever they sat.
A shiver goes down your spine. You can literally feel the thousands of eyes on you, coming from all angles. From your seat, you could hear the scattered whispers from other celebrities you know and don’t know alike.
They all know who Jungkook was, and now they want to know who you are. You shuffle in your chair, feeling a bit uncomfortable if you’re being honest. You weren’t used to having so much attention on you, but you know you’re going to need to get used to it, and quick.
Jungkook notices your awkward demeanor, placing his hand on your bare thigh, your dress having ridden up from sitting down. He gives you a light squeeze, making you look at him.
His face is warm and understanding.
“They’re all curious. You’re the first date I’ve brought to an event.”
“Wait. Seriously? Like, ever?” Your voice was one of disbelief. He was in the business long before you met him. You just always assumed he had some girl on his arm for these events, being more than well aware how many women would kill to be in your position right now.
He gave an amused chuckle, thoroughly finding your reaction to be funny.
“Yes. Seriously.”
“But—Why? I’m sure a lot of people would’ve killed to be seen by your side.”
“Well, I only want to be seen by you, with you. So.” He gave you a cheesy smile, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “I’m making a statement to my fans and managers. You are a huge part of my life and they’ll have to get used to it. That’s one of the reasons why I wanted you to go with me to this event, so we show our shared solidarity on the matter.”
As much as you wished for this moment, now that it’s here, it’s hard for you to fully process. You were happy, you were thrilled, you were ecstatic, yet you were also sad. You were going to need the time to mourn your previous life with Jungkook in order to fully step into your new one. But now wasn’t the time. Right now, you needed to show your unwavering support and your unconditional love.
Despite his calm demeanor, and his confident tone, you needed to ask him a very important question.
“I’m worried you might come to regret this decision, are you sure about doing this?”
His eyes soften, his smile as well. He leans forward to lay his forehead against yours not caring who is watching. All he cares about is you and reassuring you.
“Y/N, look at me. I’ve never been happier. Zero regrets, baby.”
You feel the tension leave your body.
You do belong there, with Jungkook.
The lights begin to slowly dim as he presses his lips firmly against yours before straightening himself back up in his seat. Your hand is still firmly grasped in his larger one and he throws you one last signature bunny toothed grin before diverting his attention towards the stage.
The show is about to begin.
“Here we go.” His voice is shaky, his own nerves starting to poke through his usual tough persona.
You take the opportunity to lean in and whisper what you hoped to be words of comfort and encouragement.
“You’re going to win!”
“Don’t jinx it!” He whispers back, knocking his elbow lightly with yours to let you know he was joking.
The Music World Award show is phenomenal.
Laser’s and smoke, then, rain pours inside as an upcoming band takes the stage and plays the most incredible mixture of pop and classic sounds.
One after the other, bands and artist go on stage to both perform and accept awards alike. You seriously cannot even begin to fathom that you are sitting within the same vicinity as all of these amazing artists, let alone being Jungkook’s date.
As another performance comes to an end, Jungkook turns to you, already half standing by the time you register his words. The lights around you begin to grow brighter to allow guests to move around freely without bumping into anything or anyone.
“Intermission. 15 minutes. Let’s go.”
You’re both out of the venue with little to no interruptions from those who know Jungkook and greet him as you two pass by like a fire has been lit under your asses.
And in a way, it has.
Just before your back hits the cool brick wall of the secluded and nearly pitch black alleyway, does Jungkook make sure that his hand is on the back of your head to prevent it from banging against the wall.
His lips are pressed against yours for a millisecond before he glances at his watch out of his peripheral and his eyes widen considerably. Pulling away, he drops towards the ground, his knees hovering dangerously close to the equally as cool, very wet, floor. His feet alone are what is keeping him from teetering close to getting his dress pants ruined, and that can’t happen, not when he still has use for it.
A surprise that you have no clue about.
He’s thankful that your dress isn’t too tight, and just loose enough for him to shove upwards enough for him to reach your clothed, wet patched underwear that was hidden underneath.
Normally, he would rip the flimsy material right off and begin to tease you methodically and mercilessly until you’re a blubbering and begging mess for any kind of release, but there’s literally no time for any sort of foreplay.
So, instead, he throws one of your legs over his shoulder to allow him better access, the action making you dig your heel into the flooring more in order to keep upright from the devouring he was about to do that you know for a fact will have you nearly close to collapsing by the time he’s done with you, though you know he’ll never let you fall.
Not providing any warning, he hooks a finger into the side of your now soaked underwear to yank it forcefully to the side, the extent of his force causing a small tearing sound, signaling that he’s stretched the material a bit to far for its liking, not that you care at the moment.
Within moments his head is between your thick thighs, the pad of his tongue making a long firm lick from the bottom of your puckering hole, between the crevice of your puffy pussy lips, and finally to your hooded clit. He puckers his lips against the swollen bud and begins suckling on it. He hums in a rhythmic pattern, the vibrations making you lightly place your hand on the back of his head, you being careful not to mess up his styled hair.
Your chest is already heaving, soft pants escaping your lips as you tilt your head back to stare up at the stars that are scattered in the inky black of the night sky. For a second, you feel like you could touch them, especially when Jungkook buries two ring clad, tattooed fingers knuckle deep into your already dripping hole.
He pumps them in short bursts, curling them to access the spongey part of your pussy in order to bring you closer to your impending orgasm. His mouth pauses in his assault on your clit to look up at your heaving, panting, form and he thinks you look stunning. Unconsciously, you began groping your boobs, fingers twisting the peaks through the thin material with ease as you opted not to wear a bra with it.
The lewd squelching sounds that came from you, along with the way your walls started constricting around his fingers, had him knowing that you were getting close. Bringing his mouth back down towards your clit, he still looked up at you, and with every word that came out of his mouth, his breath and lips fanned over your aching bud deliciously.
“Look at you, baby girl. Taking my fingers so well. If only there was time for your pretty pussy to cum around my cock, yeah?” His low, sultry voice, broke your from your delirium as you tilted your head back down to his kneeling form to mewl softly at his words. Your thighs began to shake, pussy fluttering even more, as his praise mixed with dirty talk spurred you on. You had to cover your mouth to prevent the loud moans that wanted to bubble up out of your mouth and into the echoey alley way in fear of attracting any sort of attention to warrant someone to check out the area you were in.
His eyes are stuck on yours, full of lust and love. God, did he wish you did have more time. With that thought, his eyes flicker towards his wrist to check the time once more, then shoot right back up to lock with your desperate ones.
“5 minutes, honey. Can you cum for me, baby girl? Let me taste that sweet pussy I love so much, please?” When his voice turns pleading, it does something to you. You don’t want to disappoint him and not give him what he desires, your submissive side wouldn’t allow that.
“Tongue fuck me, I’m close.” Your whiny voice quietly requests of him, and he obliges with your wishes in an instant, his fingers pulling out of your dripping folds to find purpose on your engorged clit, while he shoves his tongue into your glistening hole with expert precision. Bobbing his head in time with your pants, he tongue fucks you to your nearly screaming orgasm, his name muffled behind both hands you had to clamp over your mouth to stop it from happening.
Your thighs clench around his head and shake, hips thrusting in time with his still invading tongue as he makes sure to not let one drop of your slick slip past his puckering lips. The slurping sounds he made had your cheeks flushing once you began to come down from your high.
The moment he pulls away from your pussy to stare into your content ones, does the alarm on his watch go off.
It was time to head back in, and you both couldn’t be late, he couldn’t be late. Not for what was planned.
Securing your still drenched panties back over your pussy, he gives the now clothed core a hasty kiss before springing back up on his feet to tower over your leaned back against the wall form. You immediately reach up to plant a loving, slow kiss to his now swollen lips from his ministrations.
His hands shimmy your dress back down over your slightly trembling thighs while he kisses you back, giving your ass a hard squeeze with both hands grabbing a cheek each. Pulling away he gazes at you lovingly.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You make it back to your seats in record time, the lights only starting to dim once your butts are firmly planted in them. Or, yours was. But for some reason, Jungkook was still standing.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Koo—,” you give him a confused look as he cuts you off with a chaste kiss on the cheek before he’s turning around and bounding off, but not before giving you a wink and one last longing glance.
You have no idea what’s going on, and the confidence you once held plummets into oblivion as you’re left alone in the darkness of the theatre, no longer having Jungkook next to you as your rock.
You only hoped he would be back soon, whatever he was up to.
A raucous applause and loud talking has your attention focused back on the stage in front of you and not in the direction that Jungkook ran off in. As if reading your mind, he does exactly that, but not in the way you expected.
Jungkook walks onto the stage and stands in front of the mic stand that’s placed precisely in the middle, directly in front of your shocked form.
Wait. Is he part of the show? What the fuck.
Why didn’t he tell you?
Jungkook waves and smiles at the crowd for a moment, the spotlight illuminating his figure that turns into a focused one once he locks eyes with you. He looks like some sort of god, you swear. The theatre goes even more wild as a melody begins to play and you soak in the energy.
A soft violin is what the sound is, Jungkook hasn’t taken his eyes off of you as he speaks into the mic, gripping it with one hand.
“I wrote this song for someone amazing. Someone who I want you all to meet.”
He doesn’t need to address where you’re at, the whole theatre already knows, but right now all you see is him.
Your eyes glisten with unshed tears as you place your hand over your heart and mouth three words to him.
‘I love you.’
He mouths back the same words, mimicking your position of his hand over his own heart.
‘I love you too.’
The violin intro finishes and Jungkook begins to sing acapella. His voice is perfect. Raspy, but smooth. Deep and powerful, yet romantic. His riffs color the melody, seducing everyone in the audience.
He was born to be on stage, a born singer.
You find yourself hypnotized by the melody and the lyrics.
‘If I never met you,
Oh what I look like baby.
Every time I miss you (miss you)
Those words that have become a habit (It's so true)’
Your body sways side to side as you savor this moment in it’s entirety, truly feeling blessed. The song continues on.
My pride, my heaven, and my love.
It was dark everywhere (it was dark).
In the meantime, a ray of light (a ray of light)
I'm really glad it's you.
We shine because we are together,
Running and falling,
Raise me up and fall down oh.
Would you give me that hand,
how many times will it happen.
If you are tired, you can rest for a while
waiting for you always here.
Daydreamin' bout us facin',
Really don't wanna say it but—’
You hold your breath as Jungkook sings in a crescendo and hits a powerful high note effortlessly, giving you goosebumps. His grip tightens around the mic, his head tilting naturally as he gets lost in the music with his eyes closed.
Instruments join in. Violins and piano, followed by a full orchestra that appears in the background as the curtains pull back to reveal them at the height of the song.
Everyone’s eyes are on Jungkook at this point, especially when he halts mid verse. The song isn’t over; the music still plays in the background. Yet, he steps down the steps located in front of you and walks up to you with purpose in each foot fall.
His hands grip onto the arm rests of your chair as he leans down and kisses you passionately. Adrenaline and fireworks explode in your stomach. In this moment you don’t know or care where you are, nor do you heed any mind to the thousands of pairs of eyes watching you. You kiss him back just as passionately, as the orchestra goes into the song’s climax.
Jungkook breaks the kiss and, still inches away from you, he gives you a smile.
“Everyone’s watching!” You state nervously, as if he wasn’t aware of it already.
“I don’t care.”
He cuts off any protests from you with another deep kiss. The orchestra still plays. He then pulls away from you abruptly and turns to run back up the steps and onto the stage to firmly plant his feet back in front of the mic stand. Gripping the mic once again, he goes into the final verse of the song.
‘If I never met you,
Oh what I look like baby.
Every time I miss you (miss you),
Those words that have become a habit (It's so true).
You're my best friend,
For the rest of my life.
I wish I could turn back time, ooh.
I'll be with you,
For the rest of my life, ooh, ooh, yeah.
Rest of my life.’
The orchestra mellows out, leaving Jungkook’s voice and the soft melody of the violins behind.
The audience applauds in a standing ovation, as do you. Jungkook bows gracefully in response, both hands coming up to wave at the crowd and give hand kisses. His eyes then catch your happy ones, all he really cares about right now, and he blows a kiss to you specifically. You pretend to catch it and hold it to your heart.
He then disappears backstage as the host of the awards show walks up to the microphone. Moments later, Jungkook tip-toes back to his seat and he’s once again sitting next to you. His hand immediately searches for yours, interlocking your hands together as he raises the back of your hand to his lips to leave a kiss.
“How was I?” He whispers lowly, but loud enough for you to hear.
“You were literally perfect.”
Leaning across the arm rest between you, you give him a peck on the lips.
On stage, the host announces the last award of the evening — the ‘Artist of the Year’ award.
“The winner of this year’s Artist of the Year award goes to—,” the host’s voice trails off to build suspense as the crowd, including you and Jungkook, wait with bated breath. He opens the envelope in his hands to read the winner’s name that’s written on a piece of paper inside.
“Jeon Jungkook!”
The theatre shakes from applause and energy. This is a well deserved victory that everyone saw coming except Jungkook.
He looks at you in shock.
“I won?” His voice is one of disbelief.
“I knew you could do it, baby!”
You have to pull Jungkook to his feet and push him towards the stage, he’s still full of shock. He walks nervously up the steps and to the host, greeting him with a polite smile as he grabs the golden statue from his extended hands.
Stepping up to the mic, he begins his speech.
“No one knows this, but at a previous time in my career, I was thinking about leaving music. Inspiration had cut me loose and I felt like I was never going to find it again. And then y/n—,” he locks eyes with you as he says this, his voice cracking from emotion as he does so. “—came into my life and reminded me why I love music so much. I am glad to announce that I plan to stick around for many years to come, so please continue to support me and my future endeavors. Thank you.”
With one last graceful bow, the audience goes wild. Some applaud, others cry, reporters point their cameras at you and a thousand flashes go off — welcome to the world of stardom.
The night goes on. The host wraps up the ceremony and all the musicians, celebrities and guests alike exit the theatre. You both linger behind until it’s mainly just you two, minus a few stragglers scattered about that aren’t within listening distance.
“That was a night to remember.” He says as he carefully turns the trophy in all angles, both admiring and relishing the fact that he’s actually holding it in his own two hands.
“Tell me about it!” Your voice is soft, but full of excitement and admiration of your own for the lovely human being in front of you that you get to call yours.
His attention turns to you as he gives you a guilty, but sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry for throwing you into the spotlight. You outshined everyone here.”
“Really? Did I?” You asked playfully, not believing him in the slightest.
“Really.” His expression was warm and full of love as he uttered his next words before leaning in to give you a loving kiss. “In a room full of stars, you were the brightest.”
You rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.
“Want to go home?” He murmurs into your hair with a light kiss.
“Not yet. I don’t want this night to end.”
He smiles and rests his head on top of yours.
“Thank you.” His voice is quiet.
“For what?”
“For standing by me. For bringing inspiration back to me. For coming tonight. For so many things.”
His sincere words make you open your eyes as you look at him.
“Well, thank you.”
“What did I do?” He asks genuinely curious.
“For being you, and for loving me as I am.”
“Always. You’re stuck with me.” He grins at you cheekily.
You two look around in the silence and realize you’re finally all alone. But there’s one last thing you need to do before this night ends.
So, you kiss him, before making him stand up with you. You begin walking as he trails behind you with a confused face.
“Where are we going?”
You throw a wink back at him as you give him a sultry smirk.
“Time to give you your reward, from me.”
a/n; send me an ask if you’re interested in being in a taglist for anything pertaining to this series or all of my future works in general (or if you wish to be removed). be sure to specify when you apply.
taglist; @mwitsmejk
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boredompaw · 3 years
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Jayvik fanfic recs, but make them all sad
(major character death sad)
"Time was never kind to him, but now, it had stopped his labor on what couldn’t be looked at...and started attacking what everybody was seeing, carving his traits, adding fine lines on his face as if he was a sculpture, painting his hair, tinting them with white as if it was a canvas, making art out of his damaged body, a walking oeuvre for the world to see."
Sorry for the long quote, I had a very hard time trying to pick a quote from this fic because I absolutely ADORE everything about it, every single line. The author is Silekim, and while they state that english is not their first langauge it's honestly better than anything I could produce with english as a first language. The premise of the fic is an aged up Viktor (45 in here I believe) who is reflecting on his life so far, especially through the lens of his battle with his terminal illness. Full disclosure, all the fics I have on here either suggest character death or have character death. So. Yeah. It's all hurt/no comfort. I like that kind of thing. The writing style of the piece is lovely, where each sentence has this really delicate cadence and flow to the sentences, where they just bleed into one another. The author really manages to set a very lonely melancholic atmosphere. It makes me think of locking yourself in a room with a window and seeing the sky slowly fade from dusk into night as you contemplate your own mortality. I also think the author really managed to capture Viktor and Jayce's distinct personalities through the narration and also through the brief bits of dialogue. It's quite potent and portrays the pain and nostalgia of a time far gone really really well. Anyways you should definitely check this one out if nothing else. You won't regret it, and if you like sad things like me, you'll probably enjoy it. I'm also in the process of drafting a comic spread for this fic because I love it so much hehe maybe look out for it some time in the future. Maybe not too soon because college app deadlines be rolling around but whatever.
"Viktor is gone, they tell him. Viktor is gone and you were not enough to stop it. Their voices sound, a dead man’s chorus. It’s only gotten worse since he’s stepped inside."
Neon_Sunset's fic is written from Jayce's POV as he has to sort through Viktor's things, and discovers a set of unsent letters. The reason for this? Viktor is dead. It's a quick snapshot of fresh grief, made worse by being surrounded by the possessions of a lost loved one. While the writing itself does not read as lyrically as the fic above, it's still a wonderfully heartwrenching read. It's about 2k words, so it's a fast one as well, but it still packs a punch.
In the letters Viktor leaves behind, they're addressed to three different characters, each with their own perspective. The insights are brief and leave a hunger for more-- that's what makes them hurt: the words left unsaid and never to be known again, things words could never truly convey to those left behind.
The author's writing also conveys a strong sense of Viktor, despite him not being there. That's the point of the setting, which takes place mostly in Viktor's apartment. The descriptions of the setting are laced with tiny little details of personality which aren't much by themselves, but through Jayce's lens and the reader's knowledge of the backstory, it creates a portrait of Viktor, albeit without him actually there.
If you're looking for something to make you feel something, but not tear your heart out completely, I'd say this is good choice for 3-5 minutes of painful entertainment! Go read it and give the author some love~
"'Please,...please. Let it be on my own terms. Not—not hooked up to machines in some hospital room. If you love me, at least allow me this one dignity. Do this for me.'"
Alright, here me out. I've already plugged this one like twice already, but a) it's great and deserves more love and b) I want a list of these in one place, one post, so suck it.
Moving on, I want to say I've reread it too many times and love the shit out of this fic. It's not too long, but one aspect I love about it was how the author chose to intersperse the paragraphs with "letters" from physicians and otherwise. It's hard to describe, you kind of have to check out the link, and not on mobile. It doesn't show up properly formatted on mobile :/ The letters add a certain elegance to the fic, where it conveys the passage of time and changes to Viktor's health through the view of a third party without detracting from the focus of the piece: Jayce and Viktor's relationship.
We get to see how in the background, the pair of them search with mounting desperation and declining hope for a cure to Viktor's illness. The letters' impersonal remarks and recommendations for Viktor serve to highlight the brief snapshots of interactions we get to see of the two. You can tangibly feel the pain Jayce feels as he watches his partner waste away, lose his dignity, and everything he's worked for, while Jayce is incapable of doing anything to ease Viktor's suffering.
It's something that's all too easy to relate to and feel within your core, especially if you've been there to experience parents/grandparents or family members who have gone through the same kind of ordeal.
Coming back to the fic, fear not! While it's one of those hurt/no comfort, the ending is also a beautiful little thing, wrapping up the fic to end on a slightly hopeful note. Overall a great quick read, 100/10 would recommend! This and "time was never kind" are my favs hehe
i mean i would also try to draw this out in comic form but break's closing and while they say a picture paints a thousand words, i honestly feel this one's better conveyed in words, and my art skills are definitely not up to par for drawing faces with different emotions than "neutral pout"
"Nothing, nothing but the stench of sick-sweat and blood, harsh and acidic and stinging eyes, his nose. Nothing but the cold skin beneath his fingertips, still as the grave, hours dead"
A very very very quick fic about an emotionally charged moment. One that passes as fast as it comes-- although the grief is sure to linger. While there's not much in terms of plot, I thought the little descriptions were heart wrenching and atmospheric. It's made especially real since it's written based loosely off the author's own personal experience. Give them a little love and condolences~
WOOhoo finished after a whole day of grinding jesus. I need to do my work but I couldn't start until now because I need to appease the monkey brain that screams for arcane content every day before I can start being productive.
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 years
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mr. worst cup teaser
CollegeBarista!Jaemin x Reader
summary: Jaemin messes up your order and in turn messes up any chance at any sort of relationship with you (or so he thinks)
teaser word count: 510
expected fic word count: ~3.7k as of now
release date: Next Saturday April 3
A/N: I have been very excited about this fic even if it is very short!! About three drafts later it’s as close to perfect as I can get it and I’m excited to share with you guys! There are a few minor things to edit but I want to share just a little bit :)
(I also want to give credit for the header picture @/just4nct on Pinterest)
You had become so involved in every part of Jaemin’s day that he just wondered if in this very moment he was imagining you walking out of Starbucks while he sat at a red light on a sunny Friday morning. Had his mind become so powerful that he could now make things and people appear out of thin air? He hadn’t tried that since he was a kid, but maybe he had just become more powerful. It couldn’t be you though right? He knew there was no way he had super powers, but there was also no way it actually was you, it would be the biggest coincidence. He rolled down the passenger side window, leaning closer to the sidewalk where you were walking towards the parking lot and gasped when he realized that his imagination was in fact, not playing tricks on him, it really was you. 
“Are you cheating on us?!” He screeched. Uh oh, he wasn’t supposed to say that out loud. The stupid mermaid was just staring at him mockingly, he couldn’t stop himself from saying it. It was the worst word vomit he had ever experienced. 
You stopped and squinted trying to look at who had just yelled at you, lucky for you Jaemin was still in shock from actually yelling that he was frozen still with a hand clasped over his mouth. Yup, that would be the person that yelled. You looked him dead in the eye and took a long sip of the drink in hand. “Tastes better than yours.” You cheekily called back. 
Jaemin’s jaw dropped, he was so ready to defend his barista title, his locally-owned cafe, but the car behind him seemed to think the opposite thanks to its incessant honking because the light had been green for more than 10 seconds. Once again, you had plagued his thoughts, not necessarily in a good way though. You had betrayed him-no, you hadn’t but he was dramatic.
He could at least spend some time away from you, it’s not like he saw you out in public very often, ever saw you on campus, or came in during his shift. He was lost in his thoughts as he walked through the door to his apartment. He heard Jeno laugh, then a new voice. Very odd, but he put on a smile and reminded himself to be polite. 
“Hi- oh you,” Jaemin said. 
“Nice to finally meet you properly, please don’t yell at me again.” You smiled playfully. 
Jeno’s eyes widened comically, immediately interrogating Jaemin. Why would Jaemin think it’s okay to yell at someone they don’t know? Much less one of Jeno’s friends. Jaemin really did try to defend himself, but every time he tried to make a point it just didn’t make sense. He sounded so stupid. “I am so sorry about him.” Jeno apologized, elbowing Jaemin’s rib. 
“I’m sorry too, it was inappropriate and rude of me to yell at you.” Jaemin recited. This was not the first time he had had to apologize for yelling at someone in public.
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mordeshakes · 2 years
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :( I would suggest changing the title of your inbox, rather than your blog title itself, that way you have less change of rereading the phrase and people who read your inbox title will read that and Not send their message, if it's through inbox at least. And if they can read.
Also! You probably already knew/did this but I actually had no idea until recently so I'll share jic, that there was a way of shutting off notifications for specific individual posts, I forget if it's desktop or mobile, but you can find it in the lightning symbol (or maybe they are the three dots?) in the corner of the original comic you made. But for me to be extra safe I normally just reblog (as draft so it doesn't get more attention) old art I don't want notifs on anymore, that way I still have the art kept, and then I delete the original post.
Take care, friend 💙
Thank you kindly for the condolences and advice. <3 I'll probably change the title of my inbox if anything. Never expected the comic to blow up this much.
However, in typical glitchy Tumblr fashion, the turning off notifications button does not function properly when I use it. They're still there. I'm gonna refrain from deleting it because I like having Climber's legacy to be making others laugh. It just feels right, you know?
Your message is much appreciated, I hope you have a good day :)
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notnctu · 4 years
nct by the hour❀
▸ in which each member represents an hour of your extremely long day. its a similar concept to all the different people you encounter on a daily basis. read in chronological order!
▸[a/n] it’s author doie❀! inspired by @okmica‘s nct as types of boys ; im sorry u got notified twice bc i accidentally posted my draft lolol,, but anyways ur post absolutely butters my toast hehe idk what i wrote honestly lol 
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RENJUN ▸ 4:02 a.m
your own personal alarm clock, light pats on your shoulder and tiny whispers, stumbles in the dark, takes off his warm hoodie to slip onto you, leaves your door open, places a granola bar for you on the kitchen counter, the first smile of your day
HENDERY▸ 5:06 a.m
a burst of energy ride to work, brings you freshly squeezed orange juice, plays upbeat music, is overly excited to start the day, points out the sunrise, takes the scenic route bc it makes you happy
KUN ▸ 6:03 a.m
the calm and collected shift lead, greets you with good morning without a fail, goes over the work breakdown with enthusiasm, notices you did something different with your hair, says you’re his best employee
XIAOJUN ▸ 7:09 a.m
a quiet company during work prep, silently takes care of the coffee machinery, counts the money so you don’t have to, soft chuckles when arranging the display pastries, tired gazes, mutual hatred for morning shifts
JOHNNY ▸ 8:00 a.m
the very attractive regular who always gets black coffee, remembers your name, engages in small talk, touches finger tips when you give him his drink, tips $10 every time, wishes you a good day
YANGYANG ▸ 9:10 a.m
always takes up the corner of the shop, scatters his textbooks on two tables, gets awfully shy when you offer him a pastry, pushes his glasses up every three seconds, orders hot chocolate, talks to you when there are no customers in line
TAEIL ▸ 10:13 a.m
asks you for recommendations, holds up the line, compliments the pins on your apron, goes by the alias ‘moon’, is a rewards member, quirky conversations about the weather, hopes to see you tomorrow
JISUNG ▸ 11:01 a.m
the new trainee that nods to everything you teach him, fumbles with the espresso machine, doesn’t talk much, pouts whenever he messes up, thinks you’re the best at explanations, gets nervous when you don’t have the same shifts, admires you deeply
MARK ▸ 12:15 p.m
your break buddy who works next door, smells like pizza dough, shares his slice with you, always thankful that you bring him a drink, funny stories about customers, heavy sighs when break is over, never wants to leave you
CHENLE ▸ 1:00 p.m
the cheerful employee who takes your spot at the end of your shift, screams your name out of pure joy of seeing you, begs you not to go, dramatic wails of disappointment, excitedly waves goodbye over the cash register 
YUTA ▸ 2:05 p.m
works at your local grocery store, helps you get something from the top shelf, throws in a bag of free candy bc he likes you, asks about how you are, gives you store discount, always acknowledges that you smell like coffee, carries your groceries to your car
JUNGWOO ▸ 3:20 p.m
the spunky waiter at your favorite restaurant, always puts your order in before you arrive, beaming smiles the moment you walk through the door, hugs you quickly, thinks you look cute today, ushers you out urgently with a small pat on your head
JAEMIN ▸ 4:03 p.m
cuddles you while you two nap, runs his fingers through your hair gently, forehead kisses, rubs circles on your shoulder, makes sure you fall asleep first, draws you into his side, forgets to set an alarm
WINWIN ▸ 5:30 p.m
misses you during lecture, rolls his eyes when he hands you his notes, grumbles about you owing him snacks, sarcastic jokes about you oversleeping, important due dates, walks you to your next class, attentively listens to your troubles
HAECHAN ▸ 6:12 p.m
takes you out to new restaurants for dinner, orders way too much, gossips about your mutuals, feeds you small spoonful bites, remembers your favorite kinds of foods, jokes playfully about how you have poor taste buds, covers the bill and doesn’t let you pay him back
JENO ▸ 7:07 p.m
the cute club leader who makes announcements, makes an effort to introduce himself personally, firm handshakes, notices you from across the room, very surface level conversations, notable eye smile that makes him even cuter, wants to get to know you better
DOYOUNG ▸ 8:03 p.m
your study buddy who hasn’t left the library since the morning, offers his jacket so you don’t get cold, proudly shows you his full set of completed flashcards, ruffles your hair whenever you rest against the table, clearly claims that he adores you, silently loves your company
JAEHYUN ▸ 9:06 p.m
the familiar handsome stranger who always meets you in the elevator, presses all the floors to spend more time with you, flashes his dimples in hopes to charm you, awkwardly sparks up a conversation, politely asks if you’d want to hang out sometime
TEN ▸ 10:00 p.m
steals you away from your studies to get ice cream, doesn’t hesitate to order your favorite flavor for you, tries to bite from your cone, always tells you to get plenty of rest, playful giggles when he teases you about your love life, wishes you had more time for him
LUCAS ▸ 11:02 p.m
the party animal who never fails to invite you over, respects your decision to not drink tonight, still comically asks you to dance with him, hypes up your awful moves, thinks you’re the most fun to be around, can be himself with you
TAEYONG ▸ 12:00 a.m
the open arms you love coming home to, readily available to hear about your entire day, gets the water started for you, droopy eyes and long yawns, tucks you into bed, holds you until you fall asleep, softly closes your door on his way out, the last smile of your day
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