#She's awake most of the day so it's a nice distraction when there's nothing to do or she's bored of her gameboy
oculusxcaro · 1 year
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Khare absolutely has a Tamagotchi. She doesn't have pets and frankly her apartment is unfit for any living creature but a digital pet manages just fine and it sleeps while she's working throughout the night.
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g1rld1ary · 7 days
lifeguard!james x reader 3
wc: 1384
cw: horny.
the next time you see james is early in the morning. you're on a run, trying to get it in before the sun reaches full strength and it's awful to even move, so most of your town isn't awake yet. you run through the streets, legs burning and lungs heaving as you focus on the good parts of the experience. the emptiness of the streets lets you admire the old buildings -- maybe worse for wear but still architecturally beautiful. the smell of bread filled the air from one of the nearby bakeries, so far untouched by the stench of petrol usually pervading the main street. you waved at one of the bakers arranging the display cabinet in the window, the father of someone you went to school with.
the joy of the morning had distracted you from the pain of running, but when you reached the site of a public drink tap you realised how much your legs ached, tired pain shooting out from the knees. you'd run a bit further than you normally would have, caught up in your daydreams and so took a break for a drink and to stretch out the soreness in your legs, pulling your cap off to wipe the sweat from your brow. you glanced to your left casually, whipping your head back for a double take when you saw james in the window of the 24-hour gym, doing god knows what on a machine you didn't know the name of. you did, however, know that it was turning you on.
both your interactions with james thus far had featured him shirtless; as a lifeguard, it was bound to happen even with the mandatory red and yellow sun shirt, and james in particular seemed determined to wear it as little as possible. so, you knew he was gorgeous, with the body of a Greek god and the confidence to show it off. this somehow seemed more sensual -- how was it that sometimes wearing some clothes was more sexual than wearing nothing? james was in a muscle shirt with the arm holes cut longer to give a peek into the broad expanse of chest underneath. he was on the ergo, you remembered marlene explaining once, and the way his muscles shifted under his skin was downright sinful. you'd never understood why they were described as 'rippling' until you saw james'.
you realised with a start you were openly ogling him on the side of the main street and tore your eyes away with a start, pretending to admire a nearby tree as you felt your embarrassment catch up to you. you fanned yourself with your cap quickly, putting on a big show of taking a rest break for no one but yourself. stealing one last glance at him, glistening with sweat and looking positively unearthly, you began to run again, filing the image away for when you were alone.
you were pretty sure he hadn't seen you, thank god, but your hammering heart still matched the pounding of your feet against the pavement as you headed home. you figured if nothing else, giving you full-body goosebumps just by working out probably earned him your name, and you resolved to give it to him the next time you met.
you thought you were safe for the rest of the day since you were working a shift at the local supermarket, alas, fate had other plans. you'd been behind the counter for a few hours now, well into the groove of scanning the items through and getting them into bags as fast as possible.
"hi, welcome to -- oh!" you said, meeting his hazel eyes. "james."
"nice uniform," he glanced down at your shirt, eyes catching on your silver name tag. he tried it out, seemingly content with the way it sounded from his mouth.
"you caught me." you smiled, not upset your game had come to an end.
"how do you know this girl, jamie?" the woman next to him said and you noticed her for the first time. she had to be his mother, both contextually and because they shared the same spark of trouble in their eye and lopsided smile. you raised an eyebrow in his direction: jamie. james seemed unfazed, to his credit, smiling down at his mum warmly.
"this is one of the girls i told you i met down at the pool. my first friend here." his earnestness caught you off guard again and you hated the way it warmed your heart.
"it's nice to meet you mrs, uh..."
"potter," she finished for you, "but call me effie, all of james' friends do." you smiled at her, introducing yourself politely despite the name tag rendering it superfluous.
you continued to make small talk with them as you bagged their groceries, surprised by how easy it was to talk to james and his mum. you were never really one for new people in general, growing up in a smaller town made it an unnecessary skill to develop, but you were especially bad with parents. you could hardly talk to lily's parents, and she was your closest friend. yet, with effie it felt natural, as if you'd known the both of them all your life.
you answered her questions about the town patiently, giving her recommendations about what you thought were the best restaurants and telling her about the book club your mum was part of that might be a good way for her to make friends. as the transaction came to an end effie was all gratitude, showering you with kind compliments and an invitation to visit their house whenever you pleased (much to james' chagrin, judging by his red cheeks).
"you bring these to the car, mum. i just have another question and then I'll be right out." you looked at him curiously, unsure of what couldn't wait or be said in front of effie. james watched her leave for a second before turning to you with an unnaturally innocent expression.
"you follow arsenal, right? pretty chuffed with their results this season, though I wish they could've brought it home." you opened your mouth to reply before pausing, your eyes narrowing to scrutinise him.
"how do you know i support them?" you asked, sure you hadn't brought up football in your limited interactions with him.
"you were wearing their hat, right? this morning?" he asked, and you tried to think back, oh. if you hadn't picked up on the reference, james' shit-eating grin told you all you needed to know. he'd seen you this morning. oh god, james had seen you checking him out from the street and you wanted to sink into a hole.
somewhat predictably, james didn't appear mad. in fact, he looked rather pleased with himself as you covered your face with your hands, hoping he'd just leave you to wallow in self-pity.
"you know, you could've just asked," he said casually, as if you weren't utterly embarrassed, "i would've let you watch. hell, i'll let you touch if you ask nicely." now he was teasing, and for the sake of your pride you had to come up with something in response or he'd take the upper hand and never give it back.
"i was just making sure you didn't hurt yourself, big boy." not your best, but at least it wasn't tears of shame, and james seemed amused anyhow.
"good to know you would have saved me, supergirl." he shot you a wink and you scoffed good-naturedly. you shooed him off with the excuse of his mum waiting in a hot car, but honestly, you knew you couldn't keep up the banter or staring up into his eyes for much longer without jumping his bones in the middle of the checkout line. you had a feeling your boss wouldn't take too kindly to you riding james potter on the conveyor belt, even if he was the hottest man you'd ever seen in your life.
"see you later, hot stuff!" he called, probably too loudly for the grocery store, a cheeky salute to you as he braved the heat outside.
"bye, baywatch," you muttered, praying you didn't look as flustered as you felt. you called the next customer over, greeting them politely as you tried to pretend there wasn't an aching in your core.
not sure if im convinced by james as an arsenal supporter but lmk if you have a more fitting team for him!!
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Hi would u write a Xavier one shot were he takes notes for reader because she falls asleep in botany and he wakes her up after class and offers to help her study the lesson in the library so she doesn’t miss out 
Thank you so much for the request anon. <3 This was so fun to write I hope you like it.
Sweet dreams
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
synopsis: You fall asleep in class, but Xavier makes sure that you don´t miss anything.
warnings: fluff, innuendo
word count: 0.6k
The second you sat down in the green house that afternoon, you had known that you most likely wouldn´t be able to pay much attention. Morning classes had stretched out like nothing ever before. And after spending all night awake in an attempt to catch up on studying for the exams to come. A futile attempt as it turned out and a major set back for the day, but you refused to stay in your room and catch up on the sleep all together as well. So, you dragged yourself through the day until the inevitable happened. Ms Thornhill had just started the botany lecture when your eyes grew heavy. Falling close multiple times.
“You can rest if you want. I´ll take notes for you.” Xavier whispered into your ear from right beside you.
The soothing circles his hand rubbed into your back made sleep seem like such a good idea. So, the next time your eyes close, your head sinks to the table. Cushioned by one of your arms and you give in to sleeps grasp on you. When you get shaken awake you don´t know how long it has been.
“Hey, it´s time to go.” Xaviers soft voice rings through to you.
Sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you notice that the classroom is entirely empty. Save for the two of you.
“What about Ms Thornhill?” You ask in a raspy voice. Clearing your throat of the remaining drowsiness.
“It´s alright. I talked to her.” He reassures you. “Come on now. Let´s get out of here.”
You pack your back as quickly as possible and follow Xavier. Taking his hand into yours you lean on him as the two of you grab some snacks and then settle down in a quiet corner of the library.
Once there, he explains his notes to you, though it is hard to follow along. With your chin perched on your hand you listen to his voice, not really processing the words that come out of his lips.
“Anyone home?” You get ripped from your daydreams by a hand waving in front of your face.
“Huh? Yeah, sorry.” You blink away the remnants of your daydream.
“What´s got you so distracted?” Xavier gives you a half smile.
“Nothing... Have I ever told you that you have a really nice voice?” You reply with a smile of your own.
“Do I now?” He teases, earning an affirmative hum from you.
“Yes, you do.” You chuckle and lean over to peck his lips.
“You know, when you act like that I get in the mood for something that requires a lot less talking…” He murmurs only to be interrupted by a drawn out yawn falling from your mouth.
“On second thought… Maybe we should get you to bed. Let you catch up on that sleep you missed out last night. It´s late already anyway.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.” You stretch your arms over your head, letting another yawn escape.
Together you walk all the way up to your room. “I´d ask if you´d stay, but my roomie… you know?”
“I know. I know. It´s alright.” He hands you the notes he had taken for you. “You just make sure to get a good night´s rest before you look through those.”
“I will.” You nod.
“Good. Now, sweet dreams.” He kisses your cheek and turns to leave.
You watch him until he rounds the corner of the hallway and then get inside your room. You are barely able to put down your stuff and  lie down. Sleep overtaking you once more the second your head hits the pillow.
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cassifictional · 2 years
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Picture taken from @sapphictemple 's Sevika pic folder and edited. Go check it out.
Pairing: Sevika x g/n reader
Tags: nsfw - oral. Established relationship, Sevika’s on the receiving end for once.
Summary: poor Sevika has had a long day fighting paperwork. She probably needs to relieve some stress. Why not try something new?
Word count: 2.9k (cheers)
Notes: Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.
For real though, I’ve had a real shitty week so any nice comments/reblogs would make me so happy. And it’s been a while since I wrote smut. I really like how it turned out, despite the events of this past week. Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤
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As you rounded the corner on your way to The Last Drop, you noticed that most of the lights had already been turned off for the night. You hadn’t even realized it was that late already. Not that it mattered, you were quite comfortable being active and awake all throughout the night, right up until the early hours of the morning. It also didn’t matter that the bar was already closed. You weren’t there to party, you were there for one person and one person only: your girlfriend.
The front doors were already locked, but some of the lights inside were still on. Peeking through the windows, you could see the vague outline of a person sitting at a desk near the back of the room. No doubt about it, that had to be the woman you were coming to see. As you looked around for a second longer, you noticed there wasn’t anyone else around. You grinned as you realized this might be the perfect time to attempt a little thing you had been wanting to try for a while now. The Last Drop, entirely vacant, doors locked, granting you the most privacy you could possibly get in this nightlife hotspot. A hotspot that was always so crowded. Except for now. Exciting.
You quickly made your way to the side entrance, a partially hidden door reserved for employees and “special guests”. As you pushed it open, you called out for your girlfriend to announce your presence as a “special guest” and not a thief looking to get their hands on the contents of the register behind the bar.
“Sevi?” you called out to no response. You couldn’t yet see her from where you were right now.
Oh god. What if it hadn’t been Sevika you saw through the window. Maybe it had been Silco. In a really big coat.
“Oh, thank god.” you sighed as the desk in the corner of the room came into view and you realized it was, in fact, your girlfriend sitting at the desk as usual. Sevika raised an eyebrow at you as you approached her.
“Thank god I’m stuck at this desk?” she said, sounding more than a little annoyed.
“No, it’s just- no, actually, nevermind.” you walked up to her desk and took a seat right on top of it. You’d rather sit in her lap, but that spot wasn’t available right now. The desk was a mess, there was barely enough space for you to sit. Little piles of papers and notes were everywhere with tools and small loose bits of machinery mixed among them. From the looks of it, she had been combining paperwork with some maintenance on her mechanical arm.
“I was waiting for you at home,” you spoke, reaching out to touch her hand, “but you were taking too long, so I came to see you.”
Sevika allowed you to touch her, but she didn’t return the gesture like she’d usually do when you two were alone.
“Well, yeah, it’s one of those days. Lots of work. Nothing I can do about it.” she huffed, taking back her hand to get back to the work on her desk.
“Sure you could.” you smiled sweetly, tilting your head to the side. “You could finish it.”
“No shit.”
Right. Seemed like humor wasn’t working on her tonight.
“How much longer, do you think?” you asked, trying a more compassionate approach. You leaned over to take a look at what she was working on. Shimmer shipment details and numbers. Boring stuff. The kind of stuff that would make her extra grumpy.
“I’m almost done. Twenty minutes or so.”
“Can I help?”
“Yes. Stop distracting me.” she glared at you.
“Alright. Fine.” you grumbled, getting ready to hop off the desk again. Sevika quickly reached out to grab your arm before you could do so.
“Didn’t say I don’t want your company.” she said without looking up from her papers. Seems like she had realized she was being a bit harsh.
You smiled at her and turned around on the desk to face her, swinging your legs over to the other side so you could rest one of your feet on her thigh. Immediately regretting her decision to be nice to you, she shot you another glare, but you just glanced around the room, feigning ignorance. Sevika let out a long, deep sigh, and continued with her work, trying her best to ignore you for the time being.
Now all you could do was wait for your girlfriend to finish her work. You took your time to study Sevika’s beautiful features, something you loved to do whenever you were near her but she was too busy with other things to pay attention to you. You noticed her brow was more furrowed than usual. By the way she kept blinking, you could tell that she must be feeling tired. Her shoulders seemed stiff, the rest of her posture seemed to be as well. Her leg, the one you were not currently resting your foot on, was bouncing up and down ever so slightly. She looked incredibly tense, like she had a very long and very annoying day. Luckily, you knew a thing or two to help her get rid of all that tension.
“Almost done.” she mumbled, shoving a few more papers to the side. You took that as your cue to start the little plan that had popped into your mind the second you had seen her through the window, sitting here all by herself in the corner of the now closed bar.
You slowly let your foot slide down her thigh until it was in between her legs. You felt her flinch at the sensation, but she didn’t give you the satisfaction of a further reaction. Displeased, hoping for a slightly more exciting response, you started slowly rubbing the tip of your shoe along the inside of her thigh. Again, you felt her shudder underneath your foot ever so slightly, but that was all you got out of her. You had to stop yourself from grinning when you noticed all the hairs on her arm were now standing up straight. As hard as she was trying not to react, her body could not help itself.
“I thought I told you to stop distracting me.” she said in a tone that was meant to sound intimidating. It didn’t work on you, though. Not right now. You knew that in this case, it was just an empty threat. She could try all she wanted to pretend she wasn’t enjoying this at least a little.
“I’m not distracting. I’m encouraging.” you smiled at her.
Eager to see her react even more, you made a bold move and decided to gently press the tip of your shoe right in between her legs, rubbing it up and down her crotch just once.
A quiet “fuck” escaped her mouth as you felt her whole body twitch underneath you. Finally, a crack in that stoic composure of hers.
Breaking the silence in the building, there was a small noise coming from the direction of the side door, from where you had entered. As if feeling relieved, Sevika shot up from her seat, loudly shoving her chair back as she did. You sighed, rolled your eyes and turned around a little to see where the noise was coming from. One of Silco’s goons had entered the building, holding a small stack of more fucking paperwork. Sevika huffed and straightened her clothes, trying to hide that her breathing had suddenly gotten very heavy from seemingly just sitting still at a desk, and made her way over to the guy awkwardly standing by the door.
“Here’s that report that was missing, boss. It’s-“
“Give me that.” you heard Sevika hiss, followed by the noise of rustling papers.
As Sevika gave the guy an earful about being late, you hopped off the desk and set the second phase of your plan in motion. You were already getting excited, and the best part hadn’t even started yet.
When Sevika returned, she seemed surprised when she noticed you weren’t sitting on her desk anymore. She glanced around before sitting down, jumping in her seat a little once she realized you had hidden yourself underneath the desk.
“Last guy, right? Did you lock the door?” you asked, sitting on the floor underneath Sevika’s desk, pretending to admire its wood grain as you talked.
“I did. What are you doing? Get up.” she demanded as if she had forgotten about your previous interaction just a minute ago. She really wasn’t taking hints well tonight.
“Encouraging you.” you said plainly. “You were almost done, right? I suggest you hurry up.”
Sevika scoffed. “Or else?”
“Or else I’m not rewarding you for working so hard today.”
Something finally seemed to click in her when you saw her eyebrows raise a little once you started running your hands up from her calves to the insides of her thighs.
“What, right now?” she asked, her breathing getting a bit heavier again already. “Why here? Can’t this wait until we’re home?”
“No, because I know how much you like to instantly fall asleep the second you get home after a day like this.”
“I hate how accurate that is.” she chuckled.
For a moment she considered her options, but her decision was quickly made. Without saying another word, she leaned back over the desk and started scribbling on the papers again. You rested your head on her thigh as she worked, continuing to tease the inside of her thighs with your hands as “encouragement”. She carefully pushed you a little closer to her with one of her feet, wordlessly urging you to continue whatever you were doing.
After five more minutes, you were getting impatient. Sure, you had a front-row seat to the best show you could think of, but nothing was happening yet. The scribbling of Sevika’s pen continued and irritated you. Enough was enough. Either she finished her work now or she could finish as she was herself, well, finishing.
You moved in a little closer and moved your hands up to the front of her pants. Slowly, giving her just a little more time to continue her work, you started to undo her belt. A sharp hiss shot out from her metal arm, followed by the sound of her sharp metal fingertips scratching the desk. Good. You were getting her all worked up again.
“No patience, you..” she groaned.
“Hurry the fuck up then.” you said as you fully undid her belt, working your way down to the button and zipper below.
She leaned forward a little more. You heard her curse quietly under her breath again.
The button now undone as well, you decided to take the zipper in between your teeth and undo it like that. You felt Sevika shudder underneath you.
Then finally, as the zipper was now fully open, her underwear already peeking through, you heard Sevika slam her pen down on the desk. Forcefully, but careful as not to hurt you, she shoved her chair back and raised her hips just enough that she could quickly slide her pants down.
“I’m done.” she growled as she dragged herself forward again to be closer to you, reaching back to take her underwear off as well, but you stopped her from doing so.
“Took you long enough.” you grinned, hooking the fingers of one of your hands underneath the top of the hem of her underwear. Right in front of your face, you could see that a damp patch was already well visible in between her legs. Teasing her a little more, you lightly ran your fingers over it. You heard her sharply inhale as you did.
“About that ‘reward’ I was promised..” Sevika said in between heavy breaths, pushing you a little closer again with the back of her foot, “how about you quit being a nuisance and get to it?”
“Who’s the impatient one now?” you said teasingly before dragging her underwear down in one smooth motion, a sharp contrast to your previous slow teasing that seemed to please Sevika. You were about to please her a whole lot more, though. The sight of her glistening wet in front of you was even better than the front-row seat you had before. This was more like a VIP-ticket. Including a meet-and-greet. Meet-and-eat.
“Fine. How about you say ‘please’ first?” you smiled up at her expectantly.
You shrugged. “Oh, well. Was worth a try.”
Sevika wasn’t the type to beg for attention. She knew she would get it one way or another anyway. That didn’t stop you from trying every once in a while, though.
You took in the sight of her all wet and ready and impatient in front of you just once more before you finally went down. Savouring that first taste of her just a little more than usual. She let out a long, shuddering sigh as your mouth finally made contact with that sweet spot. To finally relieve that mutual impatience together, to release that built up tension from the entire day, that relief felt incredibly good.
“Ah, yes, just like that..” Sevika groaned quietly, “keep going. You know how I like it.”
You sure as hell did.
Dragging your tongue up and down her folds, you lapped up everything she was giving you. After the long day at work, her scent was intoxicating, musky and warm and wonderfully her, somehow still not smelling gross like you’d expect someone to smell after a labor-intensive day. You wanted to tell her all about how much you were enjoying her, but for you to talk you would have to pause and you weren’t eager to do that.
You moved up to give her clit some much needed attention, which she happily accepted. With her metal hand clutching the armrest of her chair, Sevika’s free hand quickly found it’s way to your head, intertwining itself in your hair and pushing you down into her a little more. Her foot, still behind you, pushed you a little closer as well. It was almost getting a bit hard to breathe, but not enough to be an issue. But even if it was.. what a way this would be to go.
“Just like that. Perfect.” she panted, already looking perfectly dishevelled.
Her hand on your head and the foot behind you were enough to tell you that she very much still demanded control of the situation, even though you had her fully at your own mercy as well. The balance between both of your needs to be in control made everything feel that much more exciting.
As you continued to eagerly eat her out, juices dripping down your chin, you felt her thigh tense up underneath your hand. A telltale sign that she was getting close. Already?
In an attempt to make the situation last a little longer, you tried to move your mouth down a little again. A rough tug on your hair quickly made you reconsider that decision, moving back up again as quickly as you had tried to go down.
“Don’t you fucking dare stop now.” Sevika growled, her breathing heavy and deep, her body feeling warm and flushed against you.
So you continued as you had before, eagerly licking and sucking and enjoying every little reaction you got out of her. You looked up at her in an attempt to maintain eye contact, but she couldn’t keep her composure anymore. You could feel her thighs tense up again, along with the muscles in her hips and the now painfully tight grip on your hair told you all you needed to know. Still looking up at her, you watched her close her eyes and lean her head back. So close.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” she repeated, breathlessly now. “Please.”
The unexpected please sent shivers up your spine. You knew exactly what you needed to do now.
Keep up the pace. Let her come.
And she did. Moaning and groaning through clenched teeth, trying to not make too much noise in case anyone was somehow still around in the vacant and closed bar. She pulled you in so close you could barely breathe as she rode out her orgasm. Judging by how long it lasted, she must have really, really needed that sweet release. After what felt like forever, she released your head and you took a long, deep breath, thoroughly enjoying the sweet, sweet oxygen.
“That was fast.” you panted, out of breath after nearly being smothered in the best way possible.
“Told you. You know what I like.” she grinned, also out of breath, but for an entirely different reason. The way she said it made it sound like a genuine compliment, a rare treat coming from her.
“One more?” you asked, more than eager to get back to work.
“No, that’s enough,” she chuckled,” You did well. I need to have some energy left to walk home.”
Disappointed but also satisfied, you crawled out from underneath the desk, letting Sevika dress herself again before taking her head in between your hands and giving her a long, deep kiss. Letting her taste herself a little in the meantime from what remained of her on your lips.
“You know..” she mumbled through the kiss, “If all my days behind this desk ended like this, I think I’d be more inclined to take the shifts involving paperwork.”
“You go do that.” you mumbled back at her, your eyes still closed. “Show those papers who’s boss. I’ll sit under your desk all day if it’ll help.”
“I doubt it will.” she snickered. “But it’s something to look forward to, for once.”
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Notes: I think I may have a bit of a fixation with desks :v and legs. Definitely legs.
Also, the logistics of (tight) pants and this position are something I’ve yet to experience for myself. I have a hard time picturing it in my head without it looking silly.
You’d think I’d have a thing for almost getting caught doing something somewhere you’re not supposed to, considering I’ve written a scenario like that before. In reality, I have anxiety and would never ever put myself in a situation like that LOL
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
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Media The Maze Runner
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smut Af
Concept Perverted
Smut Non Concentual / Drunk / groping / breast play / nipple play / stroking / fondling / fingering / heavy make out / nudity /
I walked though the glade a little confused where everyone was, the whole glade was empty leaving me to wonder confused and alone 
"Where is everybody?" I muttered to myself until I stopped short apon seeing an... impressive sight
"Ohh, there you are newt I've been looking for you" Y/n cooes in her little jean shorts and her hoodie falling off her shoulder 
"Of course, I've been looking at you everywhere" she smiled holding her sleeves far past her hands 
"yeah why uhh why were you looking for me?"
"I desperately needed you" she cooes coming and wrapping her arms around me 
"uhhh for what?"
she chuckled "To solve the desperate ache between my legs" she whispered 
"Oohhhh... Well I'd be happy to love" I smirked stroking across her hips and leaning in for the kiss
"NEWT!" I jumped almost falling out my hammock as alby yelled waking me 
"Uuurrrrgh... Alby! I was having a nice dream" I complained 
"Oh? what dreaming of bacon burgers?" He asks 
"No," I sighed "I was having a lovely dream" 
I got out of bed and grabbed my things to go for a shower knowing it would be nice and empty given only keepers and runners are awake this early I went to the shower and spotted the door open just before I headed in and I saw y/n with her towel wrapped around her and her soaking wet hair dripping down her body "Ohh Morning newt" she smiled waving as she walked towards her hut 
"Ohh uhhhhh morning y/n" I waved, I shook it off and headed in for my shower, I did my best to just have a quick shower and get dressed for the day heading back out into the glade, I grabbed some breakfast and headed to work in the gardens I mostly kept my eyes straight and worked on the various jobs at hand, taking cuttings, pulling weeds, and such honestly trying to be busy to distract myself from… the pair of denim shorts wondering around.
She did her work in her hoodie that was miles to big for her and of course her little denim shorts both of which drove me insane,
I am a dirty. Disgusting. Horny little boy.
It's y/n. Your friend. The only girl. The sweetest most innocent thing in the world. Quit thinking with your damn penis!
I focused on my work for the rest of the day even if I often fell into my disgusting fantasies, once the box came up we sorted it all out and had a enjoyable bonfire after dinner, so I sat watching the fire with my moonshine not quite ready for bed yet
"Psst" I heard behind me making me turn but I saw nothing so I turned to the other side and saw a very giggly, clearly very drunk y/n with a sweet honeyglow in her cheeks "hi"
"Hi love. What's up?' I asked as she came to sit with me with her own moonshine
"Did you have a nice day?'
"I did, busy but nice you have a nice day?'
"Ummmm" she giggled
We chatted for a little while it wasn't exactly the easiest conversation as this was far from her first moonshine of the night and she was pretty drunk, but she's so cute when she's drunk all giggly and cuddly
"Whoa now I think that's enough little lady" I told her taking her moonshine even if she argued about it
"But I'm thirsty"
"Then have some water"
"But waters not fun"
"Water is very fun. Come on let's get you to bed before you cause any chaos" I told her helping her up and getting her back to her little hammock in the woods far from the rest of us, I Basically had to carry her as she was too drunk to walk straight and I helped her into her hammock tucking her in with a blanket "there we go all nice and safe" I told her
"Your too nice to me newt"
"I have to be, someone has to take care of you"
"Ummmm," she yawns "goodnight newtie"
"Goodnight love" I told her almost immediately she fell asleep starting to wheeze thought her nose it was only after about five minutes I realized I'd literally been stood staring at her sleep. I should really get back…
But I couldn't help my, curiosity.
God damn no! Stop! I'm not being a fucking pervert! …. Oh fuck I already am just thinking about it aren't I? Why am I such a horrific perv! I couldn't help but look at her hoodie, just one! Just one hand just one go and that's it get it out of my system, at this point my hands were working in their own slipping up her hoodie until I took a soft grasp of her breast
"Uummm" she groans happily
Ooohhh holy God! They feel good. Ummm soft and squishy all I wanted to do was squeeze them! I knew I couldn't drag my hand off now, infact I made sure I felt the other with my other hand lost in my own little world
I am a perverted sick little bastard…
Ummmm but it feels so good!
Just one squeeze it'll take my mind off It and I'll take my hands off I have them both a gentle squeeze but I couldn't help continued fondling her for a good ten minutes,
"Uummmmm" she Cooes in her sleep slightly shifting "newt…"
I jumped for a moment convinced I'd woke her but she didn't move anymore and still seemed completely asleep
Ohh my god she's… dreaming about me.
Uhhh why do you have to be so beautiful love I moved one hand away attempting to stop my perverted actions but I just moved down and stroked her waist and hips soon enough running my hand over her ass taking a firm grip
I'm a perv! I'm a disgusting person I can't believe I'm doing this to her
But my hands won't stop so much so the one on her breast moved down to slip under her hoodie quickly discovering she wasn't wearing a bra
"Uuhh! Newtie" she Cooes nuzzling close to her pillow
"Uummm oh fuck!" I groaned unable to control myself fondling and groping her sweet chest for so long I was already in the edge just from touching her like this, I couldn't stop myself moving my hand from her ass to her cute little shorts stroking the zip a moment before tugging it down and slipping my hand inside I expect cotton but I found heat
Ooooh god she's not got underwear either!
I am completely disgusted. I should not be doing this even if she was awake shes drunk! I am an absolute degenerate but I can't stop now I was utterly fuled by my sick twisted hormones. I stroked her softly a little listening to her little gasps and groans until I found her clit
"Uuughhh! Newt" she begged holding her pillow tightly as I rubbed on it hard I made sure to run for a good while noticing how hard her nipples got as I dif playing with them too with my other hand as I groped soon enough I couldn't take her whines anymore and moved my fingers down enough to slip inside her moving back and forth at a decent pace to give her pleasure "uughh! Uuuuuuuhhh!" She squealed and her eyes shot open immediately I panicked
"I can explain!" Was all that arrived at my mouth
She giggled at me and gently stroked my wrist pushing my hand so my fingers went deeper inside her "more" she whines
"Y/n. I can't I shouldn't have even been doing this, you were sleeping,I'm a terrible person, I just got distracted and one thing lead to enough, I'm so so sorry," I told her trying to move my hands away but she grabbed them forcing me to stay
"Y/n your drunk. I shouldn't have put us in this situation to begin with and you'd not in the best frame of mind right now" I told her forcing my hands away even if I ached the moment I lost contact with her
"Newt! More!" She whined dragging me into her hammock
"Y/n we shouldn't be-" I began but she grabbed my neck and kissed me immediately I gave in kissing her back wrapping my arms around her and she happily wrapped her arms around me too she purposely took the step to let her tounge slip past my lips and I happen battled with her trying to take some focus away from my hands getting free rein to stroke and fondle anything they could get at, but she was egar too her hands getting under my hoodie and even tugging at my pants while we kissed till I forced myself away "we really shouldn't I'm sorry for what I did y/n but we can't your drunk" I told her "maybe if you still want to we can tomorrow when your heads on straight" I told her holding her hands
She pouted and whined a little before she giggled giving me a soft kiss pulling her hoodie off her completely revealing her bare chest laying back in her hammock and pushing her shorts down to reveal her hips enough to basically make it pretty much impossible for me to say no especially as she then… opened her legs.
"Please newt" she whined
"....okay, but you have to promise not to be mad at me in the morning? Deal?" I suggest unable to stop myself hovering over her my body already screaming for just throw away any sense of morality and just fucking do her!
"Deal" she giggled
That's all I needed taking her in my arms and kissing her deeply…
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Another Reincarnated Drabble, set on Mirabel’s birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mirabel
The 6th of March 1935, at eleven o'clock in the morning, was when Mirabel Teresa Rojas Madrigal had been born into this world.
Today, the 6th of March 2024, eighty-nine years later, would be her third birthday since reincarnation. She would be nineteen and she had already lived longer than she had the first time.
As usual, she had been the first one awake, to find nothing out of the ordinary downstairs. Over the past few years, she had become familiar with the birthday celebrations in a modern world - Luisa, in particular, was a huge fan of them. The typical banner, streamers and balloons were all absent when she entered the room. A part of her was upset about this. However, she could also reason that perhaps the decorations hadn't survived their last use. It hadn't been any of their birthdays, but it had been Adassa's and Dolores was in a weirdly good mood, insisting that they celebrate it... which lasted all of an hour before Dolores realised that Isabela would demand the same treatment on the 21st of July for Diane's birthday and practically tore everything off the walls before Isa realised what was happening.
Speaking of, she knows that some of the cast sent cards, which is nice of them, considering she avoids everything about the film like the plague. She knows they have because she opened Jess' card - it had arrived early and she hadn't thought twice about it being a birthday card. It is the only card up. She likes it and thinks she might keep it, a glittery picture of an owl in shades of teal.
There is no sign of a cake or any kind of 'fancy' breakfast, though it could simply be that she can't see it because of her height. Then again, in previous years, things have always been left out/in reach for her for breakfast because she is the first one awake and therefore the one who makes it. The other three had also been very good at waking earlier than they usually do to spend the time with Mirabel. If it was a case about things not being ready, someone would have left her a text or a note not to come downstairs in the first place.
Had they forgotten? Had she done something to make them not want to celebrate her birthday? What if she—
Before her mind could unravel any further, she went for her medication and took the punnet of strawberries from the fridge. Even though she had been diagnosed with PTSD back in January and had been taking her pills as diligently as possible since then, she has still yet to be able to swallow one without the assistance of food. Her doctor says it doesn't really matter, so long as she takes them. So she has it in her routine that she takes three a day, one with each meal or roughly around that time.
She settles down on the sofa and turns the TV on because Dolores likes to watch the morning news and weather forecast, and Isabela and Luisa will no doubt squabble as usual for the remote afterwards and whether they watch Orange is the New Black or Fifteen Love. Besides, it is very quiet just now. She could use some background noise or some kind of distraction.. for about thirty minutes until her pill kicks in. She doesn't understand how anyone can watch most of the stuff on television, it's all baseless drivel. She manages to find a documentary currently on about the War of the Roses and contents herself to watch that.
It was about an hour later when she heard the sound of hushed voices and footsteps. Looking through the window of the door to the hallway, she could vaguely make out the figures of Isabela, Dolores and Luisa, in what sounded like an argument about coffee.
“I just wanna know, Dolores. When you booked it on the website, did it say they sold coffee there?”
“Why does it matter? We're going to a museum.”
“I need to know if I can have coffee there! What if I need the energy?”
“At a museum? What are you gonna do there that needs energy? Make out with the statues?”
“Shut the fuck up, Bela!”
Dolores rolled her eyes at them and pushed the door open, blinking in surprise as she stared back at Mirabel. Isabela and Luisa shared the same expressions when they came through a second later.
“Happy Birthday?” Isabela offered.
“How long have you been down here?” Dolores asked. Then turning to Isabela, “I thought you said you texted her last night?”
“No, she texted me by accident, remember? And then her phone died, so you said you would text Mirabel.”
“I was busy wrapping the presents because you two can't, so I said that you should text Mirabel, Luisa.”
“OH.... well, shit. I didn't do that.”
“Clearly,” Dolores grumbled.
Luisa threw her hands up in exasperation before barging through Isabela and Dolores, scooping Mirabel into her arms with ease. “Happy Birthday, hermanita.” She whispered, nuzzling against her. “I love you. I'm sorry that we didn't have everything ready in time. We would have done but Dolores told us that our wrapping was horrible and insisted we take it off and start again.”
“I love you too, Lu. And it’s alright, I don’t mind. I was just a little worried, that’s all.”
Isabela sighed, dramatically. “And there was me hoping that this would be the year Luisa would stop treating Mirabel like a baby.” She was elbowed by Luisa into shutting up.
“Sorry, I would have started on breakfast, but I didn't see anything left out.” Mirabel explained as Luisa set her back down on the ground, allowing to get her next hug from Dolores.
“That was intentional. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us, so I figured we could stop and pick up something at—”
“A cafe?” A hopeful Luisa asked, eyes sparkling.
“Yes, but I am not going to be buying you or Isa any coffee. You're hyper enough already.”
Mirabel had already heard the earlier discussion, so she knew they were heading to a museum, but the long drive confused her. “Where exactly do you plan on going? Town is only ten minutes or so away. I’m not sure my travel sickness can handle a drive any longer.”
“You’ll be fine. It’s only a couple of hours.” Dolores dismissed. “The real challenge will be coping with the two terrors in a confined space for so long.”
“We’re going to a full on castle!” Isabela cheered, pushing Dolores aside to tug Mirabel into her hug. Patting her on the head gently. “Or, well, what’s left of it. Looks pretty big in photos. Dolores says there’s a museum bit attached or some shit like that - I wasn’t listening - but there’s also gardens and a park somewhere on the grounds!”
“I also said we would only be going outdoors if the weather was decent! I don’t want you tracking mud through my car again - I only just had it cleaned after that dreadful hike last week!” Dolores snapped.
Luisa scoffed, “Don’t be such a killjoy, prima.”
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ave09 · 11 months
Ooooh Jack Ryan needs some lovin’!!! Maybe a cute fic in which Jack Ryan and fem!Reader (who is a baker) are married and he comes home from a long overseas assignment to his wife missing him since it’s their wedding anniversary and she wasn’t sure if he’d be home in time to celebrate?
i’m trying to get as many requests written and uploaded as possible, if you submitted one i’m sorry for the wait but i PROMISE i will get it written and posted!
harrison ford!jack ryan x wife!reader
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you glanced at your watch again. 11:02 p.m.
the day was almost over, and yet, jack was not home.
you couldn’t be mad, of course, it was only a possibility he could return today, nothing was for sure. but you couldn’t help getting your hopes up. 
maybe, just maybe, he’d have been home in time to celebrate your wedding anniversary. you had kept yourself occupied all day, baking far too many pastries for you or even you and jack to ever eat. baking was your escape. when you were frustrated, you baked.
when you were happy, you baked.
when you were anxious, you baked.
when you were missing your husband who was away overseas, you baked.
it was your outlet, a good one at that.
and you’d spent the entire day baking, trying to distract yourself from the day, and trying to distract yourself from the fact that jack most likely wasn’t returning home today.
you let out a sigh, nestling into the armchair you found yourself curled up in. 
this was jack’s chair. the very chair he occupied almost all day whenever he had days off. he would read files, nap, cuddle with you. 
it was his spot, and it felt so strange to see it constantly empty in his absence.
oh, how you missed him.
you watched the minutes tick by, hoping he would walk through that door. 
but he never did.
as time crawled by, you found yourself overcome with exhaustion. slowly but surely, you slipped into unconsciousness, dreaming of your husband returning home to you…
— — —
that voice was familiar. very familiar. you stirred slightly, but remained most unconscious.
you felt a hand on you cheek, a thumb caressing the skin lightly, “oh darling, you weren’t crying, were you?”
now you knew you weren’t dreaming. you opened your eyes slightly, a blurry figure hovering over you. 
you blinked rapidly, your vision clearing as you caught sight of your husband’s handsome
face. “it’s me, darling.” you practically jumped awake, eyes widening as you threw your arms around his shoulders.
a deep chuckle came from him as he pulled you close, “i missed you too.” he whispered, burying his head in the crook of your neck. it had been months since you last saw him. 
“god jack, i don’t know if i can keep doing this.” you mumbled, tears obscuring your vision. 
“i know, darling, i know.”
he hated leaving you. but when he was called to serve his country, he had no choice.
“but i won’t have to leave for a long time.” you pulled away, confused. “what do you mean?”
“i mean, it’s our tenth anniversary. i talked to james, and i’m getting some time off.” 
“you heard me. time off. i’ve booked us a nice vacation at that cottage up in the mountains you love so much, a tenth anniversary is a big step, and i wanted to spend it with you. obviously my timing is a little off though but we make it work.” 
you glanced at the watch, a smile gracing your lips as you read the time. 11:59. you looked back at your husband, “you’re right on time.” 
you then kissed him, and it was just as magical as it had been at the alter all those years ago.
being married to a cia agent was tough, you’d worry constantly, wondering if he was going to make it home on time or even at all… 
but you had jack, and that’s all that mattered.
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hi!! could i request rosaria, lumine and mona with an often very tired s/o who can sleep at anywhere at anytime and they often nap on them? i hope this request make sense and have a nice day! love your writing btw
Them with a reader that can fall asleep anywhere at anytime
characters: Mona / Rosaria / Lumine x gn!reader (seperate)
warnings: none
a/n: Sorry it took me a bit (two. months.) to write this, I honestly forgot about it for a while.
I haven't written for these 3 in a long time, so if one of them is ooc, I'm very sorry.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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To say that you falling asleep in the middle of her astrology lessons was something that annoyed her would be a bit of an understatement. Sure, she knew not to hold it against you since you fell asleep constantly and always seemed to actually be really excited about them while you were awake but having to constantly fear that the person you had been talking to for the past few minutes had been passed out the entire time, wasn’t something Mona did feel all too thrilled about.
Mona and you had been laying on the hill outside of Mondstadt for quite a while now, with her pointing at different stars and telling you everything astrology related that came to her mind, but when her finger pointed at the star shining brightest, a stupid one-liner shot through her head, causing her to finally get silent. Normally you were the one saying stupid, flattering things all the time. Now that she thought about it, your urge to flatter her was almost as big as your urge to fall asleep at every somewhat appropriate moment, so your prolonged silence was evidence enough that you had probably fallen asleep once again, giving her the courage to say her stupid thought out loud without having to worry about your teasing.
“And this star shines as bright as my love for you”, the words hadn’t even left her mouth fully and she already found herself cringing at them, regretting ever having said them in the first place, making her sit up and try to think of something else to distract her from it. “Eugh, I can’t believe I just said that”, she said to herself, only to startle when she heard your voice.
“Why? I think it was kind of cute”, you said before also sitting up, causing the astrologer to stare at you with pure shock on her face.
“SHUT UP! Weren’t you asleep?”, she shouted, her face now completely red, making her try to hide behind her hat, only for you to laugh for a brief second, shutting up when she glared at you.
“What? Does me being silent automatically mean I fell asleep?”, you asked, your goofy smile not leaving your face for a moment, infuriating her even more.
“Usually”, she responded before hiding behind her hat again, only to hear you yawn and stand up.
“Hmm, you’re probably right, but your astrology lesson was too interesting to fall asleep”, you blatantly lied, things being interesting never stopped you from just falling asleep, nothing did. “But how about we head home? I might actually fall asleep here if we don’t”, you asked, the fact that you were still smiling being obvious by your tone alone.
“This never happened”, she stated while still pouting, only to quickly get up and walk home in front of you, earning no response besides a sarcastically agreeing hum from you.
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With that sister from the church of Favonius running after her whenever she refused to participate at a voluntary church activity, Rosaria had enough problems with people disturbing her job. But luckily for her, your constant tiredness was as useful for her as it was worrying. You of course were curious as to what she was doing when she sneaked off somewhere and would question her about it. Most of the time she would either change subject or give you an answer that left more questions than it solved, but sometimes, when she was feeling nice and had a good day, you would actually get more telling responses.
Even though her reluctance to give you any satisfying answers to your questions made it clear enough that Rosaria wasn’t all too excited about the idea of you actually knowing what she was doing when she sneaked off in the middle of the night, curiosity still got the better of you and caused you to silently follow her each time, only for you to get so tired that simply leaning against a wall for a couple of seconds was enough for you to fall asleep.
You were following her again, the sound of an extra pair of feet was enough to make that obvious for Rosaria. No matter how sneaky you thought you were, she would notice your presence almost immediately. It wasn’t really your fault, but she wouldn’t have survived as long as she did if merely trying to walk silently was enough to go unnoticed for her.
For a brief second, she could feel herself getting annoyed by your insistence on finding out where she was heading, only for her to start her usual routine again. Walking in circles around your home until you inevitably fell asleep, then dragging your sleeping form back home always made her job much more time consuming, but if it meant that you wouldn’t fall unconscious in the middle of nowhere, then it was something she was willing to spend a bit of time on.
When the footsteps finally stopped, Rosaria continued her act for a few more seconds, only to then turn around and scoop your sleeping body up, quickly walking you back home, while letting out one sigh after another, trying her best to feel annoyed at you, something that proved much harder when your started snuggling against her. But once she finally reached home, she quickly tucks in into bed before vanishing once again, already catching herself thinking about what she was going to say about the “weird dream” you had, that you were inevitably going to tell her about tomorrow.
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Lumine’s travel group seemed to get weirder and weirder with every person joining it. First there was her, a traveller from a different world, a flying fairy that seemed to have a bottomless pit as a stomach and you, whose excitement about following her on her travels was only topped by your desire to take a nap whenever you got the chance to.
It didn’t matter when or where, once you decided to make camp for the day there were only 2 things that were guaranteed: Paimon impatiently helping to prepare something to eat and you falling asleep on whatever spot seemed most comfortable. It got to a point where both Lumine and her flying companion decided to bring a pillow with them whenever they went, only for you to rarely use it, instead resting your head on her shoulder.
It had been quite a while since Lumine had sent you to gather wood for the fire now, and while she had already finished building the tents, you were noticeably still absent. So, when she and Paimon decided to look for you, having a bit of a suspicion as to why you failed to come back, but being slightly worried nonetheless, they quickly spotted you sitting against a tree, with your arms still holding on to a lot of sticks and small pieces of wood. Paimon had already made her way up to you and was about to wake you up, when Lumine held her back, causing the fairy like companion to look at her with a look of confusion.
“We should wake them up, Paimon wants to eat, and we need to start the fire in order to make the food”, she stated in her high-pitched voice, causing your sleeping form to shift around a little, making the Traveller place her hand over Paimon’s mouth before starting to look around in her bag, pulling out the camera she got in Inazuma. Without wasting anymore time, Lumine quickly shot a picture of you before inspecting it with a small smile and putting it and the camera back into her bag.
“You are right, let’s wake them up now.”
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Banana pancakes screams Mr. And Mrs. Bradshaw!
It totally does! I actually wrote a whole story about Mrs. Bradshaw making Bradley banana chocolate chip pancakes in It’s A Lovely Day Today 🥰
“Mommy, these are going to be so good!” Lydia exclaimed, clapping excitedly as she peered into the mixing bowl from her position atop a chair by the kitchen island.
“Daddy’s going to be excited when he wakes up,” Goose chimed in with a grin, wiping a streak of flour off his cheek.
“He most certainly is,” you beamed at your two oldest children as you settled James down into his high chair. “You know how much he loves banana chocolate chip pancakes,” you said with a smile, running your fingers through your youngest child’s hair before moving back over to the center of the kitchen.
Bradley had had to stay at work late last night, and he’d been beyond exhausted when he finally arrived home shortly after midnight. The kids were upset that they weren’t able to see him before bedtime, but you’d insisted that they let their father sleep in as late as possible this morning.
Trying to distract them from their impatience, you had come up with the idea of making banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. The kids loved them nearly as much as Bradley did, and they also loved helping you in the kitchen.
Seven-year-old Goose and five-year-old Lydia, who had helped with this recipe many times, were an especially big help when James had started crying and fussing from the discomfort of his two-year molars coming in.
“Is it almost ready, Mommy?” Lydia asked, chewing on her finger as she gazed at the gooey batter.
“Almost,” you nodded, picking up the mixing bowl. “We just need to add the chocolate chips. James, would you like to do the honors?” you asked, turning towards your two-year-old.
“Chocolate chips!” James cried, reaching out to you from his high chair with chubby fists. His earlier tears had mostly subsided thanks to the frozen fruit you’d given him to soothe his sore gums.
Laughing, you walked over to him, Lydia climbing off her perch and trailing close behind you. Goose grabbed the bowl of chocolate chips and carried those over as well.
“Okay, honey, help Mommy put the chocolate chips in the batter,” you cooed encouragingly, dropping a few chips into James’ tiny palm and helping him drop them into the mixing bowl.
James laughed excitedly as his big brother and sister cheered him on.
“The more chocolate, the better,” you grinned, as all three of your children began tossing in handfuls of the tiny morsels.
“Now what’s all this laughing I hear going on?” came a voice from behind you, your husband’s deep chuckle reverberating through the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Lydia shouted happily, turning and running into your husband’s arms. “You’re awake!”
You turned as well, smiling at the sight of your daughter resting on your husband’s hip. Bradley’s face was still lined with sleep, and his hair was wild and unruly. Still, it did nothing to detract from the affectionate smile gracing his lips.
“We’re making banana chocolate chip pancakes,” Goose told his father proudly, holding up the mixing bowl as if for proof.
“My favorite,” Bradley grinned, reaching down to ruffle Goose’s hair as he stepped over to you. “This is a nice surprise to wake up to,” he murmured to you with a wink, kissing you softly.
“Mmm, I was hoping we’d be done before you got up,” you told him, smiling as he dropped a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“But now I get to help,” he replied, setting Lydia back down on her feet and lifting James up out of his high chair.
“That’s true. Even better,” you laughed, setting the mixing bowl back down on the kitchen counter.
You and your family spent the rest of the morning making more banana chocolate chip pancakes than you knew what to do with, the sound of your children’s laughter bubbling up and filling the kitchen with warmth. And when Goose and Lydia scurried off later to play with their toys, and James went down for his nap, you and Bradley sat snuggled up together on the couch, enjoying some coffee and the joy of soaking up the life you’d built together.
November OTP Writing Prompts
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hale2me · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
AN: So, I didn't mean to make this as long as it is but apparently I can't write short stories so please enjoy.
Word count: Almost 10k
Synopsis: Your life is changed forever by a traumatic event that causes you to move to Hawkins, Indiana with your distant family. Eddie Munson is the first friend you make who hopes to become more than that.
Warning!! This is a very SMUTTY story and is intended for 18+ only!
Story features retelling of traumatic events so please read at your own risk.
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The air was thick and the rain heavy. My head was clouded with thoughts that I continually tried pushing to the back of my mind but failing miserably. I couldn’t eat or sleep. I hadn’t spoken to anyone in weeks. I could barely even find the energy to shower anymore. 
The past couple of weeks felt like a nightmare that I haven’t been able to shake myself awake from. No matter what I did, it’s as if I could still hear their screams- calling out my name. Begging for help. 
My eyes began welling up again. I plucked another tissue out of my pocket to wipe my eyes and blow my nose. I think at this point I was single handedly keeping Kleenex in business. 
My thoughts became interrupted when I heard a voice over the intercom, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the pilot asks that you please remain in your seat until your section is called to come forward and exit the plane. Once again thank you for flying Virgin Airlines and have a lovely rest of your day.” 
I began picking at the dead skin around my fingers as I waited impatiently for my seat to be called. I had just landed in Hawkins, Indiana, or rather what I should now refer to as my new home to come live with my Aunt Karen and Uncle Ted permanently. This was the last place I wanted to be but I couldn’t stay at was once my home in Ohio. There was nothing left there but ashes and dead memories now. 
You told yourself not to think about it again. You didn’t want to be a mess when you greet your family. 
“Section L, please come forward.” The flight attendant yelled out. That was me. I unclenched my fists and stood up with my carry on making my way toward the exit. 
I felt my nerves begin to rise as I made strides closer to the waiting area. I wasn’t nervous about my family, but more so on what they were going to say to me. I was scared that someone would accidentally make a harmless comment that would trigger my PTSD and then I end up having an entire breakdown and have nobody to stay with. 
I exited the plane and immediately saw little cousin Holly with a sign that read “Welcome Home (Y/N)!!!”. The second we made eye contact she ran over to me with the biggest grin. “(Y/N) I made this sign for you. I worked on it all morning. Do you like it!?!” She asked through squeals, jumping up and down. 
“Oh Holly, I love it so much!! This is beautiful. I’m gonna hang it up as soon as we get home.” You told her. Though you were here for the worst reason possible, it was nice to see how welcomed you were in your new home. 
Aunt Karen and Uncle Ted came running to catch up. “Oh (Y/N) it’s so nice to see you again. How are you holding up?” She asked me through hugs. 
Before I could answer, Uncle Ted swooped in for his hug. I was thankful for that because I didn’t want to answer truthfully and I’m not sure I could lie. There was no way I could possibly sugar coat how life had been for me recently. Thankfully she became distracted with something Holly did and I was off the hook. 
“Why don’t we grab your things and head home, huh?” Aunt Karen said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder while we walked to the baggage claim. 
The drive home was filled with lots of questions from Holly about what life in Ohio was like. I think she was extremely disappointed with my answers. “I’m sorry kid. The most exciting thing we have is The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You see it once and you don’t really need to ever see it again.” I said with a chuckle. 
I knew we were almost home when we pulled down the street and I saw a driveway that was littered with empty bikes and a couple of basketballs. The Wheeler household was always filled to the brim with children. 
“Damn it. Mike!!” Uncle Ted exclaimed while beeping the small minivans horn. “Karen why is it our house that’s always infested with children??” Uncle Ted asked with clear annoyance on his face. Aunt Karen ignored him and just continued to have her conversation with Holly. Something tells me she does that a lot based on how unaffected she was by the comment. 
Mike, my now very tall and lengthy cousin, came running out the house with his hands in the air as if he was surrendering. “I’m sorry!! I’m sorry!!” He yelled while moving the bikes out of the way. “We got really caught up in our campaign and I completely forgot when you guys would be back.” 
Once we parked I hopped out of the vehicle while grabbing my belongings. “Heyyyy cousin (Y/N)! Let me help you with those!” Mike said while trotting over to help me with my bags. 
“Thanks Mike, I appreciate it.” I said while handing my things over. “I can’t believe how tall you’ve gotten since the last time I saw you.” While patting his head to observe how much taller he now was than me. 
We chatted for a minute before going inside. The second I stepped in the door I heard a faint banging and the sound of someone yelling. Mike turned to look at me, “Oh man… something good must be happening. Gotta go!” He said, while dropping my bags to the ground. Aunt Karen coming in behind us, “Oh Mike! The least you could have done was help your cousin and make her feel welcome.” She huffed with frustration. Before Mike could respond I waived off Aunt Karen and told her it was fine. “Go! You’re missing the good stuff!” I shouted at him while laughing. 
Aunt Karen showed me to where I would be staying - my older cousin Nancy’s bedroom. She recently moved out to live with her boyfriend but a lot of her belongings were still here. “Oh, these are .. nice..?” I said while laughing and running my fingers over the old posters that were still taped to the wall. 
Aunt Karen laughed at me and shook her head, “Honey this is your space now. I want you to feel like this is your home too. Do anything you would like in here. Lord knows Nancy won’t be taking any of it anytime soon.” I smiled at her while taking in my new environment. 
A couple hours had passed by and I had successfully replaced the old Tom Cruise poster with a new and improved Def Leppard poster. “Ah that’s more like it.” I hummed to myself. 
“Hmmm Def Leppard, huh ? Interesting choice …” I heard a deep voice say from behind. 
Turning around, my eyes were met with a boy who looked like he was straight out of a Motley Crue music video. Long black hair, tight black ripped up jeans, and small tattoos sprinkled all over his body. 
“I’m sorry?” I simply asked with a confused face. Unless I had a long lost cousin I didn’t know about, this person was a complete stranger standing at my bedroom door, challenging my phenomenal taste in music. 
The boy took a small step inside my room. “I mean they’re alright I suppose. If you wanna hear some real music though, I have a couple of tapes you could borrow.” He spoke again. 
I was beginning to get annoyed with his presence. I crossed my arms and wore my emotions on my face, “Who are you and why are you in my room?” I asked in frustration. 
“Oh, I’m Eddie The Banished.” He said, sticking his hand out to shake mine. After a couple of seconds of me staring at him, he got the point that I was not amused and his presence was no longer welcome. 
“Ohhhhhkay.” He dragged out. “Well I’ll be on my way then- need to piss anyhow. So very lovely meeting you.” He said in a sarcastic tone. I kicked my door shut the second he walked out. “What the hell ?!” I whispered to myself. 
Dinner time rolled around and I headed downstairs. I tried suppressing my hunger as long as I could to avoid any conversation about how I’m doing. I didn’t want to talk about it. I just wanted to sleep and be left alone. 
Aunt Karen was the only one in the kitchen thankfully. I was sure I could get away with little to no conversation with her. 
“(Y/N) there’s some pizza on the counter whenever you’re hungry. I made sure the boys left you a couple of slices.” She said with a smile. 
I ate my pizza silently at the kitchen nook faintly listening to the voices downstairs. “I feel like they’ve been here forever …” I thought to myself. Before I could complete my thought I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Through the basement door came Mike and all his friends that I met last summer when we visited. I knew all of them but one. The black haired one. 
“Dustin! Lucas! Will!” I exclaimed before getting up to give a couple of hugs. “You guys are taller than me now too!” I said, making casual conversation. 
The black haired boy chimed in after a moment, “Munson. The name is Eddie Munson. I feel like we didn’t get off to a great start earlier.” He said with a grin. As if he enjoyed the fact that I was trying to pretend like he wasn’t there. 
I briefly acknowledged his statement with a slight head nod, “Hey I’m (Y/N). Mike's cousin.” and continued on with my conversations before he could get another word in. 
The kids eventually hopped on their bikes and rode home now leaving it to be just me, Mike, and.. Eddie. 
“Oh shit!” Mike exclaimed. “It’s after 8. I told El I would call her by then.” He huffed while running down the hall to the home phone. His actions made me chuckle some. 
“Hmmm just me and you again.” The black haired boy quietly stated while taking a few steps closer to me. 
“Nahhh actually it’s just you.” I said after grabbing the little bit of food I had left and heading upstairs. “Goodnight, Eddie The Banished.” I yelled out while trotting away. 
Why is this boy so dead set on striking up a conversation with me ? I couldn’t help but wonder what the fascination was… and why it made me feel so good? 
As I laid in bed that night staring up at the ceiling, my mind began racing. There was something about this boy that made me feel so drawn to him in the only few words we had exchanged to each other. I pictured the rings on his fingers grazing over my own, and the shit eating grin on his face being caused by something I said. I felt all warm inside just thinking about it and couldn’t help but smile a little to myself. I pushed the thoughts away as I felt my eyelids getting heavier. 
The next morning I came downstairs looking for something to eat. I felt ravenous suddenly, probably from not being able to eat very much the last couple of weeks. A note was hung on the fridge that read, “Took Holly to pool for a couple of hours- help yourself to whatever you’d like. xoxo -AK” I opened the fridge and grabbed all the things I needed to make a delicious breakfast. 
As I went to sit down and enjoy the meal I had whipped up for myself, the doorbell rang. I huffed in annoyance. “It's 10:30 on a Tuesday morning. Who could that be ??” I wondered. 
I opened the door only to see the boy that I couldn’t get out of my thoughts. A slight gasp left my mouth while I was trying to collect myself. He wore tight black jeans and white sneakers that looked like they could easily be 10 years old, along with an old Metallica shirt. 
His long hair framed his face so perfectly that I almost found it to be distracting. He carried a small box that looked filled with something and had a slight grin on his face.  
“Oh. Hey.. Sorry, but I don’t think Mike’s here right now. I overheard him making plans with El last night.” I said, assuming that was the only person he could be here to see. 
He looked at me with slightly raised eyebrows and a smirk, “Oh, yeah. I'm actually here to see you.” 
“Me?” I asked while stepping out onto the porch and closing the door behind me. I needed to make sure I heard him correctly. 
“Yes, you. I wanted to apologize actually. I felt pretty bad when I left. I had no right stepping into your room like that and being rude about your okay taste in music.” He smiled again. “I actually put together a small box of cassettes that I thought you might like.” 
I didn’t know what to say while I extended my arm out to take the old empty shoe box that was full of tapes. 
“And if you don’t want them that’s completely fine!” He must have been reading my face. “I promise you won’t hurt my feelings.” He spoke in a timid voice. 
I looked at the box and then looked back up at him. “I accept your apology… and I’ll take a listen to the tapes. I always enjoy finding something new.” 
He seemed enthusiastic at my response as he clapped his hands together and smiled, “you’ll have to let me know how you like them, yeah?” 
“Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around on D&D nights. If we just so happen to run into each other and I just so happened to have listened to the tapes by then, yeah I’ll definitely let you know.” I spoke as I started walking back inside the house. “Catch you around… Eddie The Banished.” Smiling and then closing the door behind me before he could retaliate. 
I leaned on the back of the door that I had just closed, only left with my wandering thoughts. Why was he being so kind ? Did Mike tell him to apologize? Surely he didn’t actually WANT to come and talk with me… right ? 
I became overwhelmed with thoughts and decided to let it go. He was just being a nice guy. That’s it! I ate my breakfast and then immediately ran upstairs with the box of tapes to give them a listen.
-   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
A whole 14 days had passed since my last interaction with Eddie and I’m ashamed to say that I had thought about him every single day since then. Part of me wanted to ask Mike when he would be coming over to the house again, but that kinda seemed a little desperate. 
It was a Friday evening when DnD finally resumed at the Wheeler household. I overheard Mike talking to Aunt Karen about when everyone would need to be gone by. This was my chance to “casually” bump into him in passing. I stood carefully at the top of the stairs listening for the door to open. One by one I heard the youngsters come in. Then suddenly I heard the engine of Eddie’s van roll into the driveway. I waited a moment before heading downstairs with my empty glass of what was once water. I’ll admit I dumped it out in the upstairs sink just so I had a reason to go and get more.
I walked down to the kitchen, opening the freezer for some ice when I heard his boots hit the entryway. 
“Who’s ready to get crazyyyyy!?” He yelled at the kids standing around in the kitchen beside him. 
I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit myself. He was so good with them. It felt like he really cared and looked out for them. 
I turned around and walked to the sink to fill my glass as the kids began shuffling downstairs one by one. Only Eddie and I remained in the kitchen. Again. 
“How is it that we keep finding ourselves here (Y/N)?” He asked me while leaning up against the door frame to the basement. 
I took a sip of my water to ensure I didn’t look so eager to talk to him. “I think you’re just stalking me Munson.” I said after setting my glass down and folding my arms across my chest. 
He flashed me that beautiful grin of his. “Did you have a chance to listen to any of those cassettes?” He asked curiously. 
I didn’t want to tell him that I immediately listened to all of them the same day he gave them to me so I had to try and play it cool. “Uh, yeah I’ve listened to a couple of them actually. You picked some good ones for sure.” 
“Well, if you’re interested in hearing some other new stuff you should come over to my place sometime soon. I have shelves full of tapes that are absolutely wicked.” He said with heavy emotion in his voice. 
My heart felt like it started racing a bit. He wanted me to come over… to his place … alone ??
I shifted in my spot while pretending to think it over. I immediately knew I would say yes but I couldn’t let him know that. 
“Yeah, I suppose that would be pretty cool.” I said casually. “When were you thinking ?” I asked. 
“I have band practice tomorrow until 6 but after that I’m free. Come over around 6:30, yeah ?” He asked. I nodded my head in agreement. 
Eddie grabbed the pen and paper that sat near the home phone in the kitchen and began writing. “Here is my address -“ before he could finish his sentence the children that were in the basement began calling for him. 
I heard Dustin’s shrieking voice, “EDDDDDDDIE!!! Let’s gooooooo!!!” We both looked at each other and laughed. 
“You better get going.” I said. “See you tomorrow at 6:30.” 
“Be there or be square!” He said with a grin, waved bye to me, and vanished to the basement. 
I waited till he fully disappeared before doing a little happy dance. This boy has a hold over me and he has absolutely no idea. 
Later that night I lied in bed and couldn’t stop thinking about what tomorrow would be like. Would it be super awkward and weird ? God I hope not. Would he suddenly realize that he doesn’t like me at all ? All these thoughts running through my mind. I chose to not focus on them. 
I couldn’t help but begin to think about his physical attributes. His lips looked so pink and soft. His curly locks looked like they were begging for me to run my hands through. His tattoo covered arms were muscular but not so much so that you would notice if he wasn't flexing. 
I hummed while thinking about how beautiful he was. Unexpectedly I began to feel a slight pulsating in my clit. Thinking about him was turning me on a bit more than I expected. 
My hands drifted down to my abdomen, my fingers toying with the waistband of my underwear. I creeped down further and further until I felt the wetness between my legs. “Oh” I let out. I hadn’t expected to get like this. 
I knew I should just turnover and go to sleep but the slightest press to my core became so sensitive that all I wanted to do was touch myself. 
I began to think about what it would be like if it was him who was touching me. How I would direct his fingers. How I would move my body so that he could get me off. “Fuck!” thought to myself. I was so turned on that I needed that release. I couldn’t just ignore it now. 
My index finger and middle finger began slowly grazing at my clit. I was teasing myself. The sensation was making me feel more and more wet by the second. I curled my fingers and slowly inserted them into myself, my head immediately throwing back with my hips pushed upwards. 
I wanted him, but this would have to do for now. 
I pumped my fingers in and out slowly at first and then quicker after a couple of minutes. I envisioned the black haired boy pressing kisses to my neck as he fucked me with his fingers. I could feel my release coming. 
I turned my head as far as I could into my pillow to muffle the small squeals I had let out. “Oh, Eddie..” I breathed. Before I could even fully process it, my body melted into my hands and euphoria took over. “Fuck, fuck, fuck” I moaned to myself. 
I laid there silently with my head still thrown into the pillow as my breathing began slowing down. My orgasm made the sleepiness appear and slowly I drifted off to sleep. 
The next day for the most part consisted of me trying to figure out what I should wear and what we would talk about. I felt ridiculous about how I was acting about the whole situation but at the same time I didn’t care. 
I looked at the clock which showed 5:53 pm. I would need to leave soon since I had to bike over. Thankfully Eddie didn’t live far enough where I would have to be concerned that I would be gross and sweaty by the time I arrived. 
Before heading out the door I did a double check of my outfit. I decided to go with black jeans and an oversized tee with a knot tied on the side to make it more fitting but still relaxed. I went with very light makeup and curled my hair just enough to give it some body. 
“Aunt Karen, I'll be back later tonight. I’m meeting up with a new friend. Don’t wait up for me!” You shouted while heading out the door. 
“Please be safe (Y/N)! Call me if you need me and have a good time.” She yelled back. You could almost hear a sigh of relief in her voice as she was just happy to see you getting out of the house. The transition to this new home was hard enough, doing it without friends made it even harder. 
You peddled to the trailer park steadily being sure to not show up too early as you didn’t want to look overly eager when arriving. You rode up to the trailer and stopped just outside his door and looked at your watch which read 6:28 pm. Standing outside the door you could hear a faint sound of heavy metal making its way through the trailer. “Now or never..” you breathed out while stepping up the stairs and giving three solid knocks. 
You fiddled with your fingers and began picking at the dead skin around them as you stood there waiting- your nervous habit. 
Suddenly you heard the music start to fade away a bit, he must have turned it down. I could hear his steps approaching the door. My heart began racing faster and my palms started to get a bit sweaty. 
The door swung up and I looked up to a shirtless Eddie staring down and smiling at me. 
“Sorry love. I didn’t want to stink for ya. Still have two minutes, you know?” He said and laughed. His hair was damp and stuck around the sides of his face. He wore tight skinny jeans with rips all down the front. His exposed chest showing all the little tattoos he had obtained over the years.  
“Oh. I’m sorry ?” I said and laughed. “Did you want to grab a shirt ? I can wait here if you would like.” 
He looked at me as if I had just said something crazy. “No no. Come in. After all, they're just nipples. I’m sure you have them too.”  He said while laughing at my bashful stance. 
I stepped up into the trailer taking in my surroundings. The scent was a mix of floral accents and weed. As if he had lit a candle to try and cover up the smell. The living room area was small but comfortable with only a futon and television in the corner. There was a stereo on the other side of the room that quietly played much softer music than what I had heard previously. To my left was a small kitchen and a little eating nook. Connected to the kitchen was a long hallway which I can only assume lead to the bedrooms and bathroom. I liked it. A lot. 
“It’s not much, I know.” He said sheepishly. 
I stopped him before he could continue, “No. Eddie, I actually really like it. And before you ask I promise I’m not lying.” I said and laughed. 
He flashed that beautiful smile at me and shook his head slowly, “I’m glad you like it. Means you’ll be more likely to come back.” He said. “I’m just gonna grab a shirt real quick. My cassette collection is right over there by the speakers if you wanna take a look.” He stated while gesturing over. 
I walked over to the collection and reached my hand out to skim over what he had. I’m not sure I had ever seen this many tapes in my life. The boy was not kidding when he said he loved music. 
My thoughts were interrupted with the footsteps of Eddie walking back into the room. “Anything striking your fancy?” He asked me. 
I looked at him reluctantly, “If we’re being honest I don’t know who most of these artists are and could really use your expertise.” 
He walked over to me and reached out to the tapes I had been skimming over, accidentally brushing his fingers over mine. I felt myself shiver inside. 
“Well, based on what I know you like I would suggest either Steel Glass or Red Soldier. “ He said while holding the two tapes in his hand. 
“I think I should close my eyes and you’ll mix the tapes up and hold them in your hands and then I’ll just choose. Sound good?” I asked. 
He shook his head and I closed my eyes and reached out. I didn’t realize how close he had actually been standing next to me and as I reached out I brushed my hand over his chest, extending just a little too far. 
“You’re gonna have to take me on a date before you can get under there.” He spoke with a chuckle. 
“I’m so sorry!” I said laughing with my eyes still closed. “Let me try that again.” My hands reached out and this time I ended up picking his right hand. 
“Red Soldier it is!” He said and then popped the tape in the player. “This was a very good choice. One of my favorites really.” He said. “Wanna take a seat ? We can smoke a bit if you’re into that?” He asked me curiously. 
“I do partake but I think I’m gonna hold off some. Really wanna enjoy the music.” You said with a smile. In actuality you just didn’t want to accidentally make a fool out of yourself while being intoxicated. 
“I can respect that.” He noted while gesturing over to the futon. “Please seat yourself. Pretty ladies always get first choice” 
I looked over at him while making my way towards the futon, “Ah so this is a frequent thing that you do then? Inviting women over to try and seduce them with your music collection ?” You very courageously asked. 
Eddie seemed taken aback by my comment. “Is that what you think is happening right now?” He asked back. The music now playing in the background as Eddie made his way over to the other side of the futon. 
“Well Mr. Munson, one can only assume when you make a remark like that.” I joked. 
“No, it’s not like that.” He spoke with a grin. “I actually couldn’t tell you the last time I had someone here. I guess you could say that living in a trailer park with your uncle doesn’t really get the ladies to chase after you.” He paused for a moment to think. “It actually means a lot to me that you’re here.” He spoke again. 
My breath felt as if it was stuck in my throat. He really actually wanted to hang out with me ? 
Before I could make a comment he asked me, “So, what’s your story ? How’d you end up in dreadful ole Hawkins ?” 
I knew this would come up but somehow I still wasn’t ready. I wanted to be honest with him but I also didn’t want to have a breakdown. I began fiddling with my fingers that sat in my lap while looking down. He must have sensed my hesitation because just then he reached out and touched my arm signaling me to look at him. 
“Hey, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He said with a concerned look on his face. 
I stuttered trying to think of how to word what I wanted to say. “Well…” I began. “I’m from Ohio originally. I had been living with my dad and little sister. My mom left us when we were young so I kinda took on the matriarchal role in the house. I didn’t mind so much though. I really loved being there for my sister when she needed me. I did everything I could to make sure life was as normal as possible for her. My dad wasn’t around very much since he was always working to make sure he could keep a roof over our head and food on the table…” 
I stopped for a moment to look at Eddie. His face was so focused on me and what I had to say. 
“About 7 weeks ago though, my life changed forever. I had gotten into a really dumb argument with my dad over going out to see some local band play with a couple of friends. He didn’t think the place we would be going to was safe and he wanted me to stay home. We got into a screaming match because I thought I deserved one night out. A break from being a mother to my sister…” I paused again trying to find my words. 
“I ended up going anyway against my fathers wishes. When I was coming back home from that night out, I had seen from afar that there was smoke flowing up to the sky. I couldn’t tell where it was coming from at first but as I got closer it was evident that it was rising from my home.” I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes now. Eddie reached out to clasp my hand in his own as I continued on. 
“I got home before the firefighters made it. There was a crowd of neighbors standing around doing nothing to help my family… I immediately burst inside the house without thinking. The flames had guarded the stairway so I couldn’t make it to the second floor. But…” I stopped as the sobs started. 
“B-but… I knew they were still alive up there. I could hear my sister's cries. The floor started caving in from above and the firefighters had arrived just in time to pull me out of the burning house. They couldn’t make it upstairs to get her…Neither my father or sister survived that night. I can’t help but think to myself everyday, why wasn't it me instead ? She didn’t deserve it. She had her whole life ahead of her Eddie.” I broke down. 
Eddie pushed his body as close to me as possible, wrapping his long arms around my shoulders to bring me into his chest. 
I felt like I couldn’t move at all. Completely paralyzed with the emotions that ran through me. As I laid against him, crying into his chest, I could feel his one hand pressed against my head and the other on my back. He rocked me just a little bit. Enough to make me feel more calm. 
It must have been a whole five minutes before I had the courage to pull away some and look up at him. He moved his hands to my face to wipe away the tears that still streamed. “I’m so sorry.” He breathed out. As an instinct I pressed myself back into him, needing to be held right now. He never pulled away from me the entire time we sat there. He wanted me to be the first one, he wanted me to decide when I didn’t need that physical touch anymore. 
As he held me I wrapped my fingers around the back of his neck to hold myself up. When I finally pulled away from him I could see how much my tears had dampened his shirt. 
“Oh I’m so sorry Eddie. I didn’t mean for this to happen. It’s just all still so fresh in my mind and I can barely think about it without breaking down let alone talk about it ..” I started rambling. 
Eddie stopped me by lifting his hand to my face to push away the remaining tears that laid on my cheek. 
“Please don’t be sorry.” He whispered. He knew how fragile I was at that moment. 
“I had no idea at all. Mike never mentioned why you were staying at his place and now I know why… (Y/N) you’ve got to be the strongest person I’ve ever met.” 
His big brown eyes stared down at me while I looked up at him. I must have looked absolutely helpless at this moment. 
My mind started racing as I looked at him. I just felt the sudden need for physical touch. I needed someone to love me and tell me everything was going to be okay. 
Before I even had a chance to think my actions over before doing them, my body instinctively moved closer to his so that we were now face to face and chest to chest. Both of my hands reached out and wrapped around his neck and into his hair before I pressed my lips against his. I expected him to pull away almost immediately, but he didn’t. 
I moved my lips to sync into his. He placed his hands at my sides and gripped onto me. I needed him in this moment. I needed someone to love me, even if it was temporary, and to tell me everything was going to be okay. After about thirty seconds of kissing, he pulled away hesitantly. I didn’t expect it and let out a small gasp as he did so. 
He looked at me trying to understand my emotions and what he should do next. I never wanted to let go. I could have stayed like that for hours if he let me. 
He finally went to speak again, “It’s not that I didn’t want this to happen tonight, I really did. And if we’re being completely honest, I invited you over to listen to music because I felt like too much of a coward at the time to ask you out on a real date.” He breathed. “I just want to make sure you’re doing this because you actually want to.” 
I pulled away more and wiped my face with my hands the best that I could. I was really happy I chose to do light makeup tonight.
“Eddie, I wanted this more than I could possibly explain. I’m sorry it took for me to pour my trauma out to you to do so.” I said with a laugh. 
He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss me again. God I could get so used to his taste. The feeling of his soft lips brushing against mine was enough to go into full overload. 
When I pulled away I noticed that both of our shirts were now soaking wet. “Oh.” I said while looking down. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He remarked. Let me grab you a shirt so you don’t have to be uncomfortable.” He spoke again before getting up from the sofa and running down the hall. 
I felt so stupid for putting myself out there like that. I had been here less than an hour and already I was showing him what a hot mess I was. While he was gone I tried to dry my face up as much as possible. I could feel that my face was now beat red and likely blotchy. “Dammit” I sighed to myself. 
Eddie came back with a shirt for me and a shirt for him. He didn’t even hesitate to change in front of me seeing as I had already seen him shirtless at this point. I picked up the shirt he tossed me and stood up. 
“Bathroom is right down the hall.” He said to me before I could even ask. 
I nodded and walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Seeing myself in the mirror confirmed my suspicions. I was definitely blotchy. After I changed, I washed my face with some cold water and cleaned up a bit before fixing my hair and exiting. 
Eddie sat in his same spot as before, patiently waiting for my return. I gave him a smile and sat down. “Thank you for listening and being so supportive. I actually haven’t talked about that night with anyone yet. I’m glad I did with you though. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” I said with a heavy sigh. 
We both sat on the futon facing each other but with some space apart now. He stared at me for a moment while fiddling with the rings that graced his hands.
 “Can I tell you something that might sound weird ?” He asked me and looked back down. 
“Anything.” I responded. I don’t think there’s anything Eddie could say at this point that would scare me away. 
He looked like he wanted to take his words back but it was too late. He seemed as if he was wrestling with how to word what he wanted to say. “While I was holding you, feeling you sob into my chest… all I wanted to do was kiss your pain away.” He looked back up at me to see my reaction. I hadn’t moved or said anything yet. Still trying to process what he had just said.
“Shit!” He mumbled while standing up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I shouldn't have said that… I feel so stupid.” 
I stood up directly in front of him, closing the gap between us. My breathing becoming sporadic and heart racing. I placed my hands at his abdomen and carefully ran my fingers over his torso to his neck. He looked down at me, mouth slightly agape, looking unsure of what my next move would be. I pushed myself up on my tip toes so that my mouth was as close to his ear as possible. 
“Don’t apologize. Just touch me.” I whispered to him. It felt as if it had almost turned into a moan as I brushed my lips down his jaw. I showered his neck with kisses as he placed his hands on my hips.
This all felt as if it was moving so fast yet, at the same time, not fast enough. I forgot what it had felt like to be held. To be touched. To be kissed. 
I whispered to him again, “Please kiss the pain away…” before pressing my lips onto him again. This time the kiss was more passionate. There was hunger lingering underneath which seemed to have woken him up from his state of shock. Never breaking the kiss his fingers were able to find the hem of the shirt he had lent me. As soon as my shirt hit the floor, I hastily went for his, practically ripping it from his body. We both stood there staring at one another. No words needing to be said. 
My hands wandered behind my back as I moved to unclasp my bra. I let it fall to the floor, never breaking eye contact with Eddie. We both stood there now bare chested. His hands reached for mine and without saying a word he led me to his bedroom. 
He closed the door as I stood at the foot of his bed, waiting for his next move. I needed him more than I could possibly express to him in words. He locked the door and turned back to face me. 
His left hand became tangled in my hair as he held me in place kissing my neck first and then trailing upward to my lips while his other hand caressed it’s way from my bare hips to my breast. He was being so gentle with me, as if I was glass that could break at any moment. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He breathed into my jaw. “More perfect than I could have ever imagined.” 
I could feel the tingling in the pit of my stomach. How could he make me feel like this ? In Eddie’s hands I feel like all my fears have faded away. Like the only two people that exist in this universe are him and I. 
“I'm afraid of how much I like you Edds. Please don’t leave me too. I can’t handle that heartbreak.” I said, holding tears back. 
He carefully placed his hands at my hips again to guide me back on to the bed. I lay there while he straddled my hips, leaning over me and cupping my face. He must have sensed my emotions starting to rise again. “Please don’t cry.” He spoke. “Let me take your pain away…” He said and then pressed his delicate lips onto mine once more. 
I raised my arms to tangle into his hair as he shifted down into my neck and then carefully down the valley between my breasts. Pressing light kisses every inch or so. I never wanted to leave this moment. It felt like pure ecstasy. 
His lips pressed near my navel as both his hands raised to each of my breast, fiddling around til he found my nipples and gave each of them a small squeeze. 
He took my breath completely away from me at that moment. I was so sensitive in my nipples that I let out a loud gasp that turned into a moan. I released my hands from his hair and extended my arms above my head reaching for the sheets to dig my nails into. 
He tweaked at my nipples again once more before releasing. “Easy love.. ” he spoke, “we’re just getting started.” 
God I could get used to that. 
His hair tickled slowly down my thighs as I felt his lips kiss down my body. Every press of his lips sent a shiver down my spine. Eddie looked up at me with his hands placed at the buttons on my jeans. He left another small kiss again before asking, “Can I take these off?” Before he could even complete his sentence I was blurting out, “Yes. Please, yes. I would do anything for you to do to me now, what you did in my head last night.” Oh fuck. I didn’t mean to say that last part out loud. 
Eddie stopped dead in his tracks and looked up at me. “Wait. Can you repeat that last part?” He asked with the smuggest look on his face. 
I closed my eyes and looked away feeling so unbelievably embarrassed. “I … uh. I may or may not have touched myself to the thought of you eating me out last night.” I said while peeking through my eyelids to see his reaction. God he must have thought I was an absolute nut case by now. 
His smile grew wider. “Okay. Wait. So…” he trailed on as if he was trying to still comprehend what I had just said. “You masturbated to the thought of me eating you out last night ? Well, I certainly hope I did okay.” He said and laughed. “Did you uh … finish ?” 
I felt butterflies consume my stomach. “Yes… I did. And if we’re being honest, it was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” I admitted. 
He let his head down and kissed my stomach again. Looking back up to me he said, “That has to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I could cum at just the thought alone.” He began to unbutton the tight jeans that were still separating us. I could feel how damp my panties had become when he started removing my jeans and the air hit my core. 
In one quick swoop Eddie was able to remove both my jeans and underwear so that I was now laying in front of him completely nude. He threw the clothing behind him and placed his hands at my ankles. His hands slowly began moving up my legs as he carefully observed my facial expression. He was teasing me with the sensation of his touch. 
His fingertips gradually moved upwards into my calves. I could feel myself shiver internally knowing what was to come. He crept into my thigh and followed with kisses. I don’t think I could ever get enough of him flowering me with his soft lips. I want him to press them to every inch of my body. I let out a moan at just the thought. I felt him let the smallest chuckle out into my thigh. 
He was almost to wear I needed him most. My legs instinctively closed as his fingers tickled at where my thigh meets my pelvis. 
“Oh no. These stay open.” He uttered. 
I unclenched my legs and opened them back up and smiled. “You’re such a fucking tease Munson.” I said while staring down at him as his mouth rested just in front of where I needed him most. 
“Baby, isn’t that the fun part?” He asked before swiping his tongue directly over my clit. 
My entire body pushed itself back onto the bed while my back arched up. “Ahh!” I moaned out. I was melting underneath him and I never wanted it to stop. 
“Is that better ?” He asked while sliding his index finger over my now very wet pussy. “Is this what you wanted, love?” He asked. 
I could barely think let alone respond to him. He knew what he was doing and he loved every single second of it. 
He placed one more kiss on my clit before latching his mouth on top of me. “Ooh…” you moaned louder this time. You could feel him sucking on you just as you had imagined he would. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet, all for me.” He uttered while looking back up at me. His face glistened with my juices so much so that it almost made me laugh; however, I was too entranced in what he was doing to my body to comprehend the ability to do so. 
He went back to sucking but this time he inserted a finger while doing so. I threw my head back again, almost seeing stars. My hands unclenched from the sheets to move to my breasts. I lingered my fingers over my nipples which caused a tingling in the pit of my stomach. A feeling I had become very familiar with. I hadn’t realized that Eddie was watching me do this. 
My fingers tweaked at each nipple. “Oh. Fuck… fuck.” I almost screamed out now. 
I felt Eddie’s mouth detach again which immediately made me look down at him. He can’t stop now. I was so close. 
“Jesus fucking Christ. You’re so gorgeous.” He whispered. I watched as Eddie completely stopped touching me to unbutton and remove his own pants. Now there was no fabric standing in our way. 
His cock was exactly how I imagined it. He was more thick than long- my favorite, I thought to myself as I lusted at the sight of his bare body. He stood over me, staring and looking drunk with lust. His right hand moved to his cock. I watched as he slowly began stroking himself. His head slightly fell back some- Not for long though. He wanted to drink the sight of me in. I felt like I could cum just watching him pleasure himself. 
My own hand moved over to my pussy as I slowly began to flick at my clit. God he was so fucking sexy. I pushed a finger inside myself to fill the empty ache that had formed in the pit of my stomach. 
Before I knew it, Eddie was back on his knees sucking on me. He moved my own hand away from my pussy so that he could place his own two fingers inside of me. 
I could feel the orgasm slowly building now. I was on fire for him. “Ed-die… I can’t hold on.. m-much longer..” I spit out. It was then that I felt a third finger push into me. That was it. 
My entire body threw itself back again as my fingers found their way to Eddie’s hair. I tugged at him hard enough to hear him let out a moan too. It felt like my orgasm had lasted a full 60 seconds.
As my breathing settled, I felt Eddie’s body crawl up towards me. His hard cock dragging against my body. He pushed a kiss into my neck. “Did I live up to your imagination’s standard?” He asked while chuckling. 
I looked at him grinning, “More than you will ever know..” I simply said before wrapping my hand around his jaw and kissing him. I fought my tongue into his mouth, wanting to taste him. Well, now I guess it would be wanting to taste us. He seemed taken aback by my aggression. I moved my hands to his chest and shoved him down onto his back, never breaking our kiss. 
I ran my hands down his chest, stopping at his hips and pulling away from our kiss to take his beauty in. His chest glistened with the thinnest layer of sweat and his lips were a bright pink from all the attention he had just given me. I wanted to make him feel as good as he made me. I adjusted my hips to move further down his body. My clit grazed across the base of his firm cock causing a quiet gasp from both of us. 
I positioned myself in between his legs, resting on my knees while my ass was sticking up in the air. My hands pressed into his upper thighs while my head leaned down to flick my tongue at his balls. I moved my hands lower and pressed a finger very gently into his taint. I heard a yelp come from Eddie. 
“Fucking hell, you’re trying get me to cum without even touching my cock ?” He gasped and then chuckled. 
I continued what I was doing but worked my way up. I placed my tongue at his base and slowly ran up to the tip. I looked up at him to see his arms behind his head, eyes closed, and lips pursed. Without skipping a beat I placed my mouth on his tip and engulfed him whole. 
“Oh. Shit..” he cried. I didn’t let up though and pushed myself as far down as I could, gaging some. 
Eddie moved his hands down to me and grazed my chin with his fingers. “Look at me baby. I wanna watch you gag on my cock.” 
I stared up at him as I continued to suck him off, using my hand to pump up and down on him when I needed to take a breather. Tears were streaming down my face and saliva dripping down my chin. “I’ve never seen something so beautiful in my life.” He spoke through another moan. “Baby I need you to stop. I’m gonna cum any second if you keep going.” 
I raised my head and began wiping at my chin. He bent down and raised a hand to my face to wipe the tears like he once did before on the futon. I moved up closer to him and kissed him hard. I could feel Eddie’s arms moving around looking for something while we kissed. He pulled away briefly to open the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a condom. 
I plucked the condom from his hand before he had a chance to open it. He looked at me and laughed, “Just can’t wait for me, can ya?” 
I smiled at him and pulled the condom from the foil packet before throwing it to the wayside and placing the rubber on to his tip before slowly rolling it down. He didn’t take his eyes off me the entire time, studying me like he was mesmerized. 
Once the rubber was fully on, I pulled my body upward so that I was leaning over him, pussy straddling his cock to tease him just a little bit. I placed kisses over his chest and nipples. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re so fucking hot (Y/N). I could do this all day.” He uttered. 
“If you’re lucky, maybe we will.” I said and winked at him before syncing onto his cock. I felt the ache that was once in the pit of my stomach completely disappear. I let myself down slowly so I could feel every inch of him inside me. 
Eddie was staring at me from below, looking like he was in a daze. “Your cock feels so good.” I let out as I began to gently move up and down. Eddie moved his hands to my hips and then let them wander up to cup my breasts as I slid up and down. He squeezed at my nipples, now knowing that was my sweet spot. Profanity escaped my lips over and over again. I didn’t think I would be able to last long with how he was fucking me. 
Before I knew it, Eddie had moved both his hands onto my hips and grabbed me firmly while sitting up. He managed to flip my body onto my back without his cock ever leaving me. I let out my loudest moan yet into his neck before I latched my lips onto him and began sucking heavily. 
Eddie continued to pump in and out while whispering sweet nothings into my ear, “You’re so fucking beautiful. The second I laid my eyes on you, I knew I needed you. To feel you and kiss you.” He spoke before pushing his lips to mine again. “I’ll never hurt you ..” he spoke again before releasing another moan. If I hadn’t been so caught up in the act I probably would have started crying from his sincerity. 
“Baby…” is all I could breathe out before being distracted by the heat rising into my belly. “I’m gonna .. cum so soon. Please ..” I begged him. 
His thrusts became faster and steadier. I knew this was his way of telling me to let go. After another five pumps, I began crumbling into him. The sensation began taking over every part of my body. I couldn’t control how loud I had become screaming out, “YES. Oh my fucking god yes.” If anyone heard me I would have been so embarrassed, but in this moment all that mattered was him and I. Together as one. 
I felt my pussy contracting around him. That must have been enough to send him over as well. As my orgasm began dying down, his was just beginning. He buried his head into my neck while continuing to pump. I ran my fingers into his hair and whispered into his ear, “Cum for me baby. Cum for me …” 
Eddie let out several loud moans over and over again.. “Fuck you feel so good.”
I sprinkled kisses into his neck and on his cheek. His pumps became slower and slower as the sensation started to die down for him. When he finished, his body collapsed onto my own. His breathing was heavy and his forehead wet from sweat. I moved my hand to his face to brush his curls away from his eyes. 
I felt like I was absolutely glowing. Eddie had made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt in my life. 
He slowly raised his head a bit to look at me and smile while placing kisses around my jaw. As he leaned up more, his hands came to my face and he held me tight to place the most delicate loving kiss on my lips. He pulled away and we both smiled until he finally rolled off me to lay on his side. He traced his fingers up and down the valley between my breasts. 
I looked at him with a serious look now. “Thank you.” Is all I could let out. He seemed confused at first. 
“Are you thanking me for having sex with you ?” He laughed. 
I smirked, “No… thank you for making me feel again. These past two months have been filled with nothing but dark days.” I reached down to hold his hand while I continued on, “I don’t know what this is” gesturing between us, “but whatever it is, I hope it continues… cause I kinda like you a lot.” I let out with a quiet laugh. 
He brushed his fingers over my hand while holding it. “I really like you too. I wasn't just saying before that the second I laid my eyes on you, I knew I wanted you. Not just physically either.” He spoke. “Do you think maybe I could take you on an actual date soon ? I’m one thousand percent fine with the date ending like this again, BUT… maybe we can get to know each other better first?” He said with the cutest fucking smile I’ve ever seen. 
I kissed him once more. “Yes… I’d like that a lot.” I said before cuddling up into his chest and slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 
I think Hawkins might be an okay place after all.
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pricescigar · 1 year
A Price to pay for Pt.2
John Price X Elvira Wolff
Summary: Price and Elvira's relationship becomes strained after their shenanigans when both of them got drunk. Despite all of that. One person in the shadows has other plans.
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Elvira spent the morning crying her eyes out, despite her being so upset Elvira had things to do; Changing her clothes and tidying up her home a little before she finally decided to make herself lunch around 13:00pm, feeling like a total idiot crying like this. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, doing her breathing exercises and wiping the tears from her eyes. She felt incredibly numb and mentally exhausted, hell Elvira didn't even want to see Price later. That has never been like her before, but at the end of the day… It was her job. She had to. She kept on thinking about what Price said to her during breakfast, making her heart ache even more.
"I didn't hate what we did last night, I loved it. I loved it a lot, but… If anyone found out about us, you'd be an easy target."
Which was true, yet. Elvira had her shares of defending herself with no hesitation. Actions have consequences as they say. And Elvira would do anything to defend herself, her workers and the Task Force. So even then it wouldn't bother her, if her life would forever be in constant danger. Guess that's where she always got her adrenaline from. But what was different this time? If only she knew… What's worse she never expected it to turn out to be some small fling and that would be it.
Elvira made herself something small and light to eat, since she didn't want to make any mess. She made a ham and cheese sandwich and had a glass of Orange Juice aside, staring off into space as she ate her food. For most of the morning Elvira ignored her phone, feeling it vibrating away. She just didn't feel like looking at it, what if he messaged her? After cleaning up from her mess from lunch and getting rid of the small bread crumbs, she finally sat down on her sofa and looked through her messages.
It was Soap, she huffed a little in relied as she opened the message and she began to read it:
"Hey, we're havin' a party at the end of the month, on the 30th ye gonna join us?"
"Yeah. I'll be there."
Elvira simply replied to the text and left her phone aside, she placed a hand over face. Why do these kind of things happen to her, of all people… Why her. Before she would leave to meet Price again, Elvira spent the remainder of her time in her office. Making sure the guns were in pristine condition and that the safety was on and all of the ammo was in their respective boxes.
Packing the things in her car and she made the drive back to his home, Elvira hoped deep down nothing would be awake between them. But it would only be awkward if she made it awake herself, parking her car outside his home she took a deep breath.
"You can do this Elvira, just like any other visit…" Elvira spoke to herself, nodding. "Just like any other visit and day…" She mumbled, getting out of her car and closing the door. Getting the bags out of the car boot, carrying it over her shoulders. Once her car was locked, she made her way over to the door knocking on it.
The same old Butler opened the door for her and showed her the way in, and she walked into the living room. This time Ghost, Soap and Gaz were there relaxing.
"Oh hey Elvira!" Gaz greeted her, his eyes easily peered over to the bags she was carrying. "Nice our weapons! Can we have a look?" He asked.
"Hallo Gaz, and of course. They're yours after all." Elvira set the bags down near them, and she sat on the other sofa next to Soap.
"Just to let you know, Price is currently in a meeting. He'll be out soon though." Ghost looked at Elvira.
Elvira nodded to him. "Danke." She simply said, She wasn't really in the mood to talk that much. The heartache was still there, it was distracting her.
Ghost and Gaz were the first ones to open the bags, taking a first look at their new weapons.
Soap gently nudged Elvira since she was in her own world, he looked at her and grinned. "Why was the strawberry crying?"
Elvira looked at Soap when he nudged her. "Hm?" She raised an eyebrow. "Why was the strawberry crying…" She mumbled to herself.
"Johnny, don't torment Elvira with your ship jokes." Ghost commented bluntly, as he began to load the gun with its ammo.
Elvira shrugged. "I don't know, why was the Strawberry crying?" She asked him.
"Because he was in a Jam." Soap said with a laugh, Ghost and Gaz groaned in annoyance at the joke. However, it made Elvira chuckle a little. At least it cheered her up a little.
There was a moment of silence before Soap leaned back on the sofa putting his hands behind his head. "We heard what happened." He commented.
"Hm? What are you talking about?" Elvira looked at Soap confused, she saw the look everyone had on their faces before then sighing softly. "...We agreed it was better off staying as friends, it's just how it is." She shrugged.
"Yeah but you guys make it obvious that you like each other a lot." Gaz pointed out to her.
Elvira shrugged. "Look… He told me it was too dangerous, I get that. I can't argue with him on that, to make things easier… We're just going to remain as friends." She mumbled.
Price soon walked into the living room seeing everyone, greeting them as he walked in. "Sorry everyone, the meeting went on a little longer than I expected." He turned to Elvira, giving her a polite nod. "Elvira…"
Elvira looked at Price. "Good afternoon Price." She replied to him, there was all but a small silence after that. Her mind kept on going back to what they did last night, but she remained professional. "Anyway… I should go." She added standing up from the sofa.
"Oh we were about to have a late lunch, wouldn't you like to have some before you go?" Gaz offered to her.
"Well…" Elvira mumbled a little before nodding. "Guess it wouldn't hurt, I appreciate the hospitality." She sat herself down.
"Thank you for bringing the weapons Elvira." Price knelt down grabbing one of the weapons and observed them. "Perfect as always."
"Anything for you Price." Elvira replied to him, she watched them sort out all of their weapons letting them talk amongst themselves.
They soon found themselves in the dining room together, Soap, Gaz and Ghost were the first ones in and took their seats. All the while Elvira and Price sat next together, you could tell they definitely planned this.
Elvira wasn't the one to really speak that much when she ate, only when she was spoken to. Then she'd talk. Old habits die hard.
"So … What's the party for?" Elvira asked curiously wanting to break the ice, part of her kept over thinking there was tension between her and Price.
"The party is for us, we'll celebrate how successful we've been over the last couple of weeks." Price explained to Elvira, he kept his eyes down on the food.
Elvira nodded. "I'll be there, don't worry." She reassured them, during the whole duration of lunch Elvira and Price didn't make any eye contact with each other.
The others clearly noticed this, they even exchanged looks and with a shrug they continued to have lunch. Mainly they were the ones to keep the conversations up hold, and before they knew it Elvira left to go home.
"Why didn't you stay together anyway? Both of you are skilled enough to keep each other safe." Gaz questioned Price, as he watched him do his paperwork.
"Gaz… It's dangerous. Far too dangerous, she's an arms dealer. And the moment someone finds her, kidnaps her. They'll use her to get to me." Price replied in a serious tone. "Better off that we are not together anyway."
"You'll regret it someday…" Gaz observed him a little longer, before he finally left Price's office. Price sighed in annoyance, he continued on with his work.
A few weeks had passed and it was a day before the party, which was tomorrow. During the last two and a half weeks, Elvira couldn't help but notice Price becoming distant with her. Day by day… She could see through the text messages, or whenever Price and the gang visited her Warehouse as well. She tried not to let it get to her, but it was becoming more difficult day by day.
For the first time ever he declined having drinks with her at the end of the month. Price said that he was busy, which she didn't mind of course. But not having drinks with him on that Friday felt strange, it was the only thing that kept her occupied and forgot how lonely she actually was. It upset her.
Did he not want to see her anymore? Was he making excuses? It made her overthink a lot, was she even a part of them as a family, due to the strain between her and Price? So many questions were running through her mind. Elvira was trying to hold on, the little hope she had… Maybe he would change his mind.
On the sidelines the tension between Shadow and TF141 was increasing day by day, Graves and Price was known to have such a rivalry. But it has never been this bad before, Graves knew he had to do something to entice Price. To get him out of the Shadows, and he had the perfect idea to do that.
Elvira was getting dressed for the party, she dressed up a little out of her comfort zone. But maybe this will make him notice, she wore a dress for the first time in her life. And do a little bit of makeup, was this too much? Well it was only this one time… So what harm can it do?
Elvira got her leather jacket, putting it around her shoulders. Gathering all of her things before finally leaving. One of her workers offered to drop her off, since she wanted to drink and gladly accepted the offer. Upon arrival she felt nervous, Elvira got out of the car thanking her worker before entering Price's home.
Elvira gave her jacket to a butler and they hung it up for her, she found her way into the living room where everyone else was. There were a lot of people who attended this party, even she was surprised herself. She gently took a glass of wine from the butler who was carrying it.
She drank her wine a little, looking around a little, she saw a couple of people staring at her. However Elvira paid no mind to it. She saw Ghost, Soap and Gaz hanging out together. Elvira took the chance to greet them.
"Oh you look beautiful Elvira!" Gaz complimented her with a smile on his face.
"Yeah you do." Ghost and Soap nodded in agreement also which made Elvira smile.
"Danke… This is the first time I'm wearing a dress, I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone." Elvira explained to them and held onto her wine glass.
"For Price." Soap lightly teased with a chuckle, before taking a sip from his beer.
"Damnit … Well you got me there…" Elvira mumbled and continued to drink her wine glass. "I'll go try and find him." She went off.
"Good luck." Soap waved goodbye, leaning against the wall keeping a close eye on the overs. The party seemed to be going well so far.
At some point Elvira got talking to Erik, another mobster from Germany who visited Price because of his party. Elvira didn't know Erik that well, but he was nice enough when she met him a couple of times. And the weapons she had given to him on the odd occasion.
Erik was known to be flirtatious, he was every woman's dream man. Except for Elvira… She wasn't really interested in him, she only saw him as a good friend and colleague. Dressed smartly for the occasion, his dark brown hair slicked back and his Hazel eyes staring at her.
"You look really beautiful tonight Elvira, would you like a drink?" Erik offered to her to which Elvira politely refused.
"I got my drink right here danke." Elvira smiled weakly and looked around a little. Still trying to keep an eye out for Price, but he was nowhere to be seen…
"Dare I confess something to you?" Erik gave her a flirtatious smile, keeping his eyes on her.
"Oh? What is it?" Elvira asked in curiosity, finishing her wine and leaving it aside looking back at him.
"I think I'm in love with you Elvira, it saddens me to see you keep on working like this." Erik confessed to her. "I can make you happy, with the money you have and I have… You would never have to work a day again… Will you allow me to take you out on a date sometime?"
Elvira was stunned and surprised to hear him. "Oh… I, well I do appreciate you being honest Erik but I don't see you that way…" She said softly.
Before Erik could say anything else up came Price he grabbed Erik by the collar of his shirt, shoving him away from Elvira.
"Get away from her you muppet!" Price sat at him, he turned to Elvira and all time seemed to stop. God. She looked so beautiful in that dress, he sighed a little. Focus John. "Are you alright?" He spoke softly.
Elvira nodded a little. "I'm fine but… Why did you get involved? I was dealing with it." She looked up at him.
"Elvira. That man is a horndog, he does all he can fuck anyone he sees. I had to teach him a lesson." Price replied to her, crossing his arms. "He wouldn't have left you alone."
She chuckled a little at what he said. "Why… Are you jealous? Price?" Elvira raised an eyebrow at him.
"No I'm not jealous Elvira, I'm keeping you safe from men like him." Price sighed, shaking his head. Already they were bickering over a small minor problem.
At this point she was getting annoyed, Elvira was frustrated and upset at the fact he was being distant. And now he was getting involved with this? "I don't need to be kept safe, Price. Why do you care so much?" Elvira questioned him.
"Because I do. And I care a lot about you." Price argued back with her, a few people stopped talking to see what was going on, they watched closely.
"If you cared a lot about me you wouldn't have been avoiding me this whole time." Elvira glared at him, she earned away, Price gently took her wrist.
"Elvira! Wait! Please…" Price spoke softly, Elvira wasn't in the mood to hear him, she pulled her arm away from him and walked towards the door. She retrieved her coat and walked out of his house.
Elvira wrapped her jacket around her body and she walked down the street, she didn't care how dark it was. As Elvira was walking down the street, she heard a Car pull up behind her. Two doors opened and two men covered in a black outfit and balaclavas grabbed her.
"Hey! Get off of me!" Elvira kicked one of the men in the area which he groaned in pain, kneeling down to the ground holding his crotch. The other man knocked her out, and took her in the car. Both of the men got into the car quickly and drove away. That was the last time they heard from Elvira that night.
[ Pt. 3 ]
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chocoluckchipz · 1 year
Dreams Of You - 22
Technically, there was no way Marinette would dump him for waking her up at this hour without taking him back five minutes later. He’d like to believe their relationship was stronger than that, but… did he really want to anger his girlfriend after she let him spend Christmas with her family—something that turned out to be one of the best holidays he'd ever had—only because he missed her already? And did he really want to be clingy and annoying after he personally had taught Marinette how to create all kinds of things… including a ball of water held above his head by nothing but her powers. That is until she let go, giving him a shower he hadn’t asked for, for the sin of accidentally embarrassing her with one of his jokes. She had helped him to dry up, of course, but from now on, Adrien was going to think twice before annoying Marinette again. 
“Just go back to sleep.” Plagg yawned, settling deeper in Adrien’s pillow. “She said she’ll call you when she’s awake.”
Adrien rolled his eyes, muffling a chuckle. Plagg took to Marinette. A lot.
His gaze shifted to the time. Eleven o’clock and still no messages or calls from his beloved. Was it even humanly possible to sleep in this late? Especially since she’d left their dreamland way before he did… which could be due to a middle-of-the-night bathroom trip. Not like that hadn't happened before, and they did have their dinner rather late yesterday. A middle-of-the-night bathroom break seemed to be a liable enough reason to pull Marinette out of their dreamland for the night. She didn’t fail to remind him not to wake her up today before leaving, but surely she didn’t mean the whole day. Perhaps, just not in an unreasonable time frame?
Adrien sighed, putting his cell phone down. Marinette was pretty clear, and he didn't want to be dumped. Not even for five minutes, and not on such a nice, sunny day. And especially not when he had himself woken up only about half an hour ago. Shifting, he whimpered and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
He was the epitome of patience itself and he could wait a little longer.
Ten or even fifteen minutes for sure.
Somewhere in the apartment, a door creaked. Adrien perked up. "Nino?"
“Yeah?” His friend peeked into his room, still shirtless after his shower, a towel swung over his shoulders.
Adrien stood, stretching. There was his much needed distraction. “Anything new back home?”
“I haven’t checked yet. Just woke up. Give me a few.”
Nino headed to his room. Adrien followed, looking over Nino’s shoulder as his friend opened his laptop. A bunch of reports from Max, nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from his obligatory Royal appearances, his father hadn’t celebrated at all, including not even bothering to send felicitations to his only son on Christmas Day. 
Adrien swallowed the hurt. Mother’s condition had changed his father. For the worse.
Lila and Felix went all out, partying the night away at one of the biggest events in the city. No sights of them this morning, though. Most likely sleeping it off like all of them.
No changes in his mother’s condition.
Adrien plopped onto Nino’s bed, staring at the ceiling. “So how was it at Alya’s yesterday?” 
“It was great,” Nino replied, swinging in his chair to look at Adrien. “Her parents are quite nice. The twin sisters are a bit of troublemakers. Nora wasn’t impressed with my physical form.”
Adrien propped himself on an elbow to look at his friend. “What do you mean? You’re in great physical form.”
"I might be by our standards, but Nora's a part of the national boxing team. She’d even give you a run for your money without your powers.”
“Is that so?” Adrien smirked. That sounded fun, and he did need to vary his challenges to not stagnate his abilities. “Perhaps we should test it sometime?”
Nino raised an eyebrow at Adrien. “Don’t say that in front of her. I don’t want my girlfriend’s sister to get in trouble for beating up the Crown Prince.”
“You believe in me that little?” Adrien pursued his lips. 
Nino rolled his eyes. “I believe in you just the right amount. But I also train with you and I did have a wrestling match with Nora yesterday. I see both sides here, and were you to pretend to be a regular human—no magic allowed—she'd be a challenge for you. Not saying you wouldn't win. Just that it won't be easy. And not without consequences in the form of bruises and, perhaps, a few broken bones.”
Adrien hummed, sitting back up and skimming over his cell phone screen again. “So, I guess you’ve been pretty much welcomed into the family?”
“Pretty much.” Nino chuckled, turning back to his laptop. “A few more…” He went silent, leaning closer to the screen and putting his glasses on. “Adrien, you might want to take a look at this.”
“What’s up?” Adrien walked over, freezing the moment his brain had processed the information he was shown. “How am I in two places at once?”
“That’s what I’d like to know as well,” Nino murmured, feverishly typing on his keyboard. 
Adrien frowned, staring at the screen of colourful dots, representing trackers Nino had on people. His green ones were in two different places. He clicked on the one at the center of Dupont, the place he hadn't visited in some time, if ever and was certainly not at the present moment. A pop-up window opened, indicating the exact tracker. “Is that my watch?”
“Yup. The one you said was too expensive to be on the wrist of a regular student in Dupont.”
“But I left it back home in my bedroom.”
“I know,” Nino murmured, his eyes glued to the screen as his fingers typed. “Which means there are only a handful of suspects who could’ve taken it out of your room without raising any suspicions. Otherwise, Max would have informed us already.”
“Where is Lila?”
Nino switched the windows and reported. “In Paris. Felix as well.”
“Are you sure?”
“Pretty sure she’s the type to never leave her house without her cell phone. And we’ve got more than one tracker on Felix. All of them are in his bedroom at the palace.” 
Adrien looked at his phone. Nothing. No missed calls. No messages. A pinch of worry gripped at his chest. He bit on his lip, his finger hovering over Marinette’s contact. Surely, she would understand if he were to call her now? But then… Perhaps, he shouldn’t raise panic before he knew for certain it needed to be raised. He pressed on Tom’s name instead.
The man picked up a few moments later. “Hello?”
“Tom? Hi, It’s Adrien. How are you this morning?”
“Hello, Adrien. Everything is fine. How are you?” Tom replied in his usual cheerful voice.
Adrien tensed. Tom called him by his first name. Not a “son” or a “young man”? No silly banter or teasing? Not even a single pun or a chuckle? Suspicious, but not enough. It was the morning right after the busiest season of the year for the bakery. And it wasn’t like Tom sounded that much different. He might just be too tired for humour while Adrien was too paranoid because of his watch wandering around Dupont without him.
“Is everything okay?” Adrien asked. “How is Marinette? Did she wake up already?”
“Everything is okay,” Tom said. “Marinette is fine. She is awake, but she is already out.”
Out? Without texting him “Good Morning” like she’d always done? Like she’d promised him she would yesterday? She knew better than anyone how eager he was to hear from her every morning.
“Do you know where she went?”
“No,” Tom replied. “She said it was a surprise and that we should trust her.”
Was he talking to Marinette’s father? The one who was more curious and impatient than anyone Adrien had ever met? But then… Tom did love surprises; he could’ve let her go without much questioning if she promised him a surprise.
“All of her trackers are still at home,” Nino whispered.
Okay, that put the stink back into the whole situation because after their trip to Paris and finding out just who she was dating, Marinette had promised Nino to have at least one tracker device on her at all times. 
Adrien asked again, "Tom, are you sure everything is alright? If you need help, tell me to bring pizza for dinner tonight.”
“We do not need pizza,” Tom said. “Sabine is making spaghetti for dinner. You are welcome to join us. I am sure Marinette will be back by then.”
Okay. Perhaps Tom was just tired. He didn’t ask for pizza and he wouldn’t lie to Adrien. That man didn’t know how to lie. But that didn't explain why Marinette had left the house without texting Adrien or taking her purse, her cell phone, or the ribbons in her hair.
“If Marinette contacts you, please, let me know. I’ll see you tonight otherwise.” 
“Sounds good.” Tom disconnected.
Adrien glanced at Nino. 
His friend grumbled and got back to typing on his laptop. “I don’t like it.” 
“Neither do I. Where is Alya?”
“Home. I already texted her. She said she’d been waiting for Marinette to contact her the same way you had.”
“I’m calling her.”
Nino shrugged. “You can try. Alya and I already did, and as I said, her cellphone is in her bedroom while according to her father, she isn’t.” Something chimed on his screen. Nino quickly read a pop-up message and whistled. “We have our watch thief. Want to guess?”
“Not really.”
“Then I suggest you ask your beloved cousin what he was doing in your room yesterday night and why your guards didn't find it fit to stop him.”
“Max sent over the security camera footage.”
Adrien gulped, pinching the skin at his throat. Félix’s being in Dupont couldn’t be a coincidence. And judging by his recent choice of company, Lila must be somewhere around as well. 
“Not surprising,” Nino murmured. “Félix is one of the few people who have free access to you whenever he wants. He could’ve claimed he forgot something in your room and the guards would’ve let him in without much fuss. But why would he steal your watch? Especially the one he knows has a tracker in it.”
Why indeed? Adrien’s eyebrows furrowed. This was confusing and not like Félix at all. Growing up, they used to be best friends. Félix’s family had moved to England when they reached their teen years, but they remained close. Félix had always visited during summers. This year was the only time he’d stayed behind, though. It was also the first time Félix had barely spoken to Adrien. 
Well, at least, since Emilie Agreste had been found unconscious in the palace’s gardens. 
Adrien had always assumed that both, Félix's emotional withdrawal and his prolonged stay in Paris, were his cousin’s awkward way of supporting Adrien. Félix was never much of a talker or good at comforting others. But he was always there, always in the background, giving Adrien consolation and reassurance by his presence alone.
Stealing his watch, following Adrien to the location he’d hoped to keep secret, though? No doubt, bringing Lila here. This wasn’t like Félix at all. How did he even know Adrien was in Dupont?
Adrien shook his head. Félix could wait. Or better yet, Nino could take care of him. Adrien had a more pressing issue to deal with at the moment. 
“Figure this out,” Adrien said, straightening. “I’m going to Marinette’s.”
“Roger that.” Nino nodded and got to dressing.
“Plagg! Wake up. We have a situation,” Adrien yelled, heading back to his room. Transforming, he activated his cloaking device and jumped out of the window onto the roof. There was no time for getting to Marinette’s the regular way. Something was wrong, and he needed to get to the bottom of it as soon as he could.
There was nothing unusual in Marinette’s room apart from her bed not being made. Her cell phone lay on a night table by her bed, all the missed calls and messages displayed on its screen. Her purse was on a chair; her ribbons on her desk. Whatever or whoever had gotten Marinette out of bed, most likely forgot to mention they were heading out to her.
Next, Adrien snuck down into the apartment. Nothing unusual either. Everything was in its place. Tom and Sabine looked the picture of health and calm, working at the bakery as they usually did. Questioning them any further seemed to be pointless, so, cloaked by his invisibility device, Adrien went back to the roof.
Next, he visited a few of Marinette’s favourite places, stopped by the beach, and even peeked into Alya’s house.
Marinette was nowhere to be found.
Calling Nino was his next move. "Any progress on Félix?"
“He’s at the city hall,” Nino reported. “Not clear as to the reason yet.”
“Any sign of Lila?”
“No. Not so far. But Max is trying to find her from his end.”
“Okay. Keep an eye on them. I’ll try the dreamscape.”
“In other words, you’re taking a nap while we work?”
Adrien would've chuckled if the situation wouldn't be this concerning. "That's the only place I haven’t checked yet, and the first one Marinette will try if she’s in trouble. No one would ever suspect she can contact me while sleeping.”
No one except a few people, that is. Lila and Félix included. He had to try, though. Just in case.
“Gotcha,” Nino replied. “Sweet dreams, Your Highness.”
“I’d prefer informative, but thanks.”
Adrien hung up and raced home, popping a sleeping pill as soon as he stepped into the house. One that wouldn’t knock him out for more than an hour or two. He couldn’t waste more time than that.
Chat Noir had never been so happy to see his Lady as at this very moment.
“Marinette!” He sprinted toward the lonely figure, sitting on a fallen tree trunk by the lake. Why did he always get dropped so far away from the water? And shouldn’t teleportation be a thing in one’s dreams? Couldn’t he at least have supernatural speed?
“Adrien?” Ladybug’s voice faltered, tears bursting out of her eyes as she scrambled to her feet and ran toward him. “Adrien, I’m here!”
He wrapped her in his arms as soon as he could, pressing her to himself for a few moments before softly cradling her face in his hands. “What happened? Where are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
She struggled to contain tears, her body trembling in his arms. “Lila—Félix.” Shaking her head, Ladybug fell back on his chest and wept. “I don’t know where they are taking me. I passed out from the pain.”
She WHAT??? 
Chat growled, tightening his hold on her. Lila and Félix, she said? He didn't know those two had a death wish, but he was more than willing to deliver. “What did they do?”
“She has this… creature,” Ladybug said, her voice shaking. “Made of magic… like… a giant python or—a huge snake. Félix—he had a fan and feathers and he—he created this thing with feathers, and it bit me. Lila said its poison…” Marinette paused, gulping and trying to wipe her tears. She took a moment to regain some semblance of composure, adding with a calmer voice. “She said it’d kill me in about twenty minutes if I didn’t take the antidote. She threatened Maman and Papa and Alya and you and… I couldn’t do that… I couldn’t let her do that to any of you! I’d rather marry Félix than let you die because of me!”
Chat flinched, biting down on the inside of his cheek to keep at least some of his composure because that was his mother’s miraculous Marinette was describing! His mother’s miraculous in the hands of Félix?! 
How? Why? Since when?
And they wanted Marinette to marry Félix? What the hell was going on?
Chat shook his head. His emotions could wait. The important thing right now was her safety. “Did they give you an antidote?” 
The rest didn’t matter. He could guess why Lila wanted Marinette married to someone else. What Félix got out of it, though? He knew very well how much Ladybug meant to Adrien. Félix knew it would destroy him to lose her!
Chat bit on his tongue. That didn’t matter right now either. Right now, all that he needed to know was that Marinette was safe because if she passed out from the pain, it meant her healing powers weren't keeping up with the poison. 
Much to his relief, she nodded. “Félix did. But I blacked out right after. I have no idea where they are taking me—” 
She froze, swearing under her breath. Gripping at him, she caught his gaze. “I’m waking up. I’ll try to find out as much as I can and tell you the next time we see each other.”
Chat held her tighter. “I’ll find you, My Lady. I won’t let them do anything to you. I promise.”
Her fragile body evaporated like the morning dew from his arms before Chat could finish his sentence. A desperate cry escaped his lips; he fell to his knees. 
This happened because of him. 
Marinette was in danger because of him. 
She was in pain that was strong enough to knock her out because of him! 
And he was stuck here until his sleeping pill wore off.
An eternity passed before Chat felt himself waking up. A moment later, something cold and wet hit Adrien’s face, sharp pain ripped through his left arm. He groaned, wiping the streaks of icy liquid off his skin and shaking off whatever was stabbing his hand.
“Sorry for cutting your beauty sleep short.” Nino looked slightly apologetic, unlike Plagg, who was taking his sweet time withdrawing claws from Adrien's skin.
“We found Marinette,” Nino added, putting an empty glass to the side.
Adrien jerked up, halting halfway. His head was still a little fuzzy, so he propped himself on his elbows and asked, “Where?”
“You know that fancy hotel right in the middle of town? They rented the penthouse.”
“Lila and Félix?”
“Who else?” Plagg grumbled. Nino nodded.
Adrien tried to sit up. “Right in the middle of the city, so we can’t make much fuss without revealing ourselves. How perfect.”
“Yup,” Nino echoed. “And there is one more thing: Félix was in the city hall because he was trying to get the mayor to marry Marinette and him. Today.”
“Oh, did he?” Adrien pressed his lips into a thin line. He loved his cousin, but he was crossing a line. Everything Félix did in the last twenty-four hours was crossing all the lines!!!
“Don’t worry: the ten-day mandatory waiting period applies even to the king’s nephew.”
“Good.” Adrien tried to sit up once again, plopping back on the bed instead. Damned sleeping pill! Why did it have to work so well and last so long? 
“As a backup plan, Plagg has offered to cataclysm the city hall before they can get through with the ceremony.”
“Just say the word.” Plagg bared his claws. “He can’t just swoop in and steal our Marinette from under our noses!”
Adrien quirked an eyebrow, an amused hint of a smile on his lips, despite everything. Our Marinette?
“Félix did, however, practically lead me to their hideout,” Nino added.
“What do you mean?” 
Nino shrugged. “You know Félix. If he wanted to stay undetected, he could’ve easily done so. Instead, he not only had an activate tracker on him—your activate tracker he knew I would be monitoring—but he also took the most visible route to travel, made a huge fuss at the mayor’s office, and still applied for the marriage certificate despite them refusing his demand. Tell me Félix isn’t smart enough to know we’ll be onto him as soon as he would put that watch on?”
Which made everything that much more confusing. Adrien closed his eyes, gripping tightness in his chest. Why would Félix help Lila kidnap Marinette, but then, practically ensure her defeat by not only alerting them to his and Lila’s presence in the town but also giving Adrien and Nino their location? That didn’t make sense. Just as his next words didn't make sense either. “According to Marinette, Félix wields the peacock miraculous.”
Plagg whistled. Nino’s eyes widened. “He what?”
“She said he created a snake that bit her,” Adrien continued. “Which helped Lila to successfully threaten her into consenting to marriage with Félix. If she doesn't want everyone she cares about to die, that is.”
“Bastards,” Plagg seethed through his teeth. “When I get my paws on them—“
“But—” Adrien tried to get up again. He’d had some time to think before Nino and Plagg woke him up. A lot of things in this situation just didn’t make sense. “I don’t think everything is so clear-cut here.” 
“What do you mean?” Nino quirked an eyebrow. “It’s obvious: Lila wants the throne, and she either knows about the power your father has over you, or she relies on his authority as a king and a parent to make you marry her.”
“Yes, but how did Lila manage to manipulate my father, the wielder of the manipulation magic, into agreeing to that idea?” Adrien asked. “I know you don’t like him, but let’s be honest here: Father never promises and backs out and we had a deal: I was going to search for Ladybug this coming summer. There is no way he’d simply change his mind without a weighty reason.”
“I—“ Nino frowned and looked away. 
“So what?” Plag grumbled. “People are fickle. They change.”
“Can you explain then why he would stress that this marriage is needed for the sake of the French-Italian alliance?” Adrien continued. “I know this is bullshit, you both know this is bullshit, and so does Father. I’ve been preparing to take after him my whole life. I know our internal and external politics better than anyone. Father knew I would catch that.”
Nino glanced away, his frown deepening. Plagg crossed his arms over his chest and plopped on the bed beside Adrien with a huff. 
“Why would he suddenly order me to marry Lila, and then, not only give me an escape clause—in the face of finding Ladybug—but actually letting me out of the castle almost a year earlier than he had to, knowing perfectly well that finding her wouldn’t be difficult for me at all. I know my father, guys. His actions and his words don’t match. It’s not all as clear-cut as it seems.”
Nino pondered on something for a moment, then, swallowed. “You think she’s got something on him?”
“I can’t think of a better explanation right now. But—” He tried to stand up. His head spun, forcing Adrien back down. 
“He could have dealt with it without involving us,” Plagg grumbled. 
“Exactly,” Nino echoed. “Your father knows very well how to deal with threats and blackmail discreetly—a bit of his magic and it’s all over with. Not to mention that as much as I think your father is a dick, he does love you—in his own, special way. He wouldn’t sell you off for whatever Lila had on him.”
“Not unless there was something more important than me on the line,” Adrien murmured. “Something so important he wouldn't even risk using his powers.”
All three froze, their gazes meeting. 
“Your mother,” Nino whispered.
Adrien nodded slightly. “Master Fu said Father has been searching for mother’s miraculous. If Lila had or claimed to have any information regarding the theft, sooner or later, she would’ve ended up in his office.”
Plagg hissed. 
Nino swore under his breath. “You think she promised him the miraculous in exchange for you?”
“That could explain why she still has it,” Adrien whispered. “She’s holding it hostage until our marriage is official. And it can also explain Father’s hints. He was trying to tell me.”
“Why did he let you go then?” Nino pondered. “Your father worships your mom. He’d never risk her wellbeing for anything, and by letting you go out of Lila’s grip—if you’re right in your theory—that’s exactly what he’s doing: risking her life.”
“He’s risking his by selling Adrien off to that snake,” Plagg seethed through his teeth. “I’m not spending another lifetime without Tikki. Where is my cheese? I need a snack before I pulverize that little—” 
In a flash, Plagg zoomed off to the kitchen, leaving Adrien and Nino alone.
“And why didn't he simply akumatize her?” Nino continued. “He’d spare us all a lot of headache.” 
“I don’t know.” Adrien shrugged. “I don’t know why he didn’t use his powers and I have no idea why he let me go, but judging from what we know, I’d say he wants me to help him with whatever the situation is. Now, what Félix is getting out of all of this? It’s not like he has a wife in a coma to think of. And I doubt he really wants to marry Marinette. He’s never even met her, and he knows how much she means to me.”
“And why is he  the one to wield your mother’s miraculous?” Nino added. “If Lila had it, why is Félix using it? Could he be the one who…”
Adrien’s gut twisted. He swallowed, his eyes darting to Nino. 
That couldn’t be true! Félix loved his aunt. He’d never raise a hand against her or steal her miraculous. That just wasn’t him! 
“Adrien, I’m sorry, but it looks like…”
Adrien shook his head, grasping it with his hands. 
This couldn't be true!
Not Félix. He would never harm his family!
What the heck was going on? 
Why was everyone acting like complete lunatics—
Colour drained from Adrien’s face as a realization hit him.  
“What is it?” Nino asked, watching Adrien closely. “What are you thinking?”
Adrien swallowed. There was only one explanation for all of this that he could think of—an explanation so simple, and yet so terrifying should it be the reality. 
“Father isn’t acting like himself,” Adrien spoke, trying to stay as calm as possible. “Félix is acting strange as well. So are Marinette’s parents, because no one can convince me that they would just let two strangers walk into their home, kidnap their daughter, and not raise an uproar about that.”
“Oh, for sure. Tom would give them hell if—wait.” Nino’s eyes widened. “Please, don’t tell me you’re thinking about what I think you are thinking?”
Adrien jolted up, finally able to remain standing without feeling like collapsing at any given moment. He couldn’t afford to waste any more time. Not when every second mattered. 
“People don’t change overnight, Nino. Not unless someone brainwashes them, and we know better than anyone that that’s more than possible.”
“With your father’s miraculous in Lila’s hands,” Nino whispered, both his gaze and his voice distant. “Wait,” he perked up. “But how did she get it off him? He could've akumatized her long before she even tried!”
Adrien shook his head. “I don't know, but she has it. I know she does.”
“And isn’t your father supposed to be immune to his own powers?”
Adrien gave Nino a look. “Can you hurt me if I’m not using my magic?”
“Sure. I mean you’re still a highly-skilled fighter and won’t make it easy for me, but without Plagg, you're not invincible any… Oh, shit.”
“Exactly,” Adrien said, massaging his temples. “Without his miraculous, my father is just as vulnerable as everyone else. If Lila somehow got hold of Nooroo and put my father under her control, then, it all makes sense. Though, don’t forget,” he added. “No one can use the full power of a stolen miraculous, meaning everyone Lila puts under her spell will have some degree of free will left. That’s why Father’s doing what she wants him to do, but at the same time letting me escape and giving me hints that something’s wrong. He’s counting on me to fix this.” 
Adrien grabbed his sweater and started to pull it over his head. “Damn, I’ve been so stupid. So tied up in my own problems and desires, I almost failed my family.”
“Hey, you’ve—“
“And that’s why Félix is helping us, too,” Adrien continued as he walked to the washroom to wash his face. “He wouldn’t be Félix Graham de Vanily if he didn’t try to spoil the plans of anyone who tried to control him. He knew that watch had a tracker in it. He knew you’d see it being activated. And with all the fuss he made at the city hall, he practically served us Marinette’s location and Lila’s intentions on a silver platter.”
“He did.” Nino nodded. 
“And Lila had to threaten Marinette instead of just akumatizing her and ordering her to dump me or something,” Adrien grumbled, reaching for his shoes. “Marinette’s magic of creation is a tier above the butterfly. Without her explicit consent, Lila can’t make Marinette obey any of her orders.”
“How lucky for her, Marinette will do anything to protect her family and friends,” Nino deadpanned, following Adrien’s suit and getting ready to leave. 
Adrien almost screamed. He had to get to Marinette as soon as possible, because if she’d agreed to marry Felix to save her loved ones, where was the guarantee that Lila wouldn’t try to pressure her into an akumatization next? 
“We have to get her out of there now. I’m not letting that psycho hurt Marinette any more.” 
“Then it’s good that I already have a plan.” Nino smirked.
Adrien wasn’t surprised. “Of course you do.”
“You’ll like it. I promise.”
“I don’t doubt it. Does it include me somehow being lunged across the city from a catapult?”
“Not exactly.” Nino’s smirk morphed into a grin. “But it does include my baby and you falling into her arms.”
“Sounds fun.” Plagg rubbed his paws together, appearing by Nino’s side. “Now, stop stalling. Let’s kick some asses.”
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I was very worried about today. Between James leaving for Las Vegas and a field trip with over 100 4th graders. I was nervous. But it ended up being just a really lovely day. Like I'm exhausted. But it was a really good day.
I slept okay. I slept through my alarm. Which is fine. James laid with me and I just held their sweet face. And they stroked my cheek and I was mostly asleep but it was so sweet. When I finally was awake enough I realized it was 715. Oops. No rush really except traffic.
I would get dressed. Nothing special. I knew I was going to be outside most of the day doing the field trip and I didn't want to be cold so it was lots of layers.
James and me hugged a lot before I left. It was hard to say goodbye when we won't see each other until Monday. I was so distracted I forgot my work keys and had to go back but I got an extra kiss so that was worth it.
I did go to the correct car today. And the drive was not great. Literally sitting on 83 at a dead stop. But it was fine. It was whatever. I still beat everyone else by almost an hour.
When I got to camp I dropped off my things and grabbed the gator keys, and the Erie and Alaskan keys, and was off. Driving fast and whipping around.
I went to the Erie first. Collected my program box and drove to the feild to set up. I was sure that my eagle puppet was in the Yukon basement and I would use that as a prop. So I was very annoyed when I went all the way up there and went through multiple boxes and couldn't find it! Very annoying.
While I was up there I got to say hello to the spring break service workers who were staying up there. They were leaving today and they did such a nice job cleaning everything up there. And they were all very smiley and I thought that was so sweet. I'm sorry I didn't get to know them more! The week was just to busy! For everyone.
I would go to the art building next to see if I had any bird plushies. I had brought a duck and a bat from home. But for some reason I just don't really have bird plushies! I would find the Chicken purse that James's cousin gave me for Christmas. Perfect.
I tied name tags to each stuffed animal so we could use them as representation. And once everything was set up I went to warm up on the office.
I had my breakfast and played on my phone. People slowly started to come in. And when Elizabeth got there she printed the schedule and my location was different! Oops.
She said I could stay in the field but instead, since I had time, I would just go and move my set up.
I dragged it over to the trading post and that ended up being so much better because I could utilize the picnic tables for each group. I would pop over to the lodge and got the white board and a small table and I used them to set up the materials and have a score board for the game.
And then it was just time to wait.
The group was supposed to be there at 1010. They got there at 1030. This was not good. We had already had to chop an hour off of the end of the day because of their buses. So we had to then get everyone inside and we wouldnt even get our first program started until 1045. This was rough. But we would make it work.
I was really worried about how large the groups were but for real they were so good. And it was because the teachers were on it. They had such a good handle on their group and even when we were being loud and silly we were able to get control back and it made the day go really well. It helped that I'm pretty good at this program.
I would go over what a bird of pray is. What a predator is. What makes a bird of pray. And then introduced the 4 local birds. They all got really giggly about my stand in stuffies. Those stuffies for so many hugs today which was very sweet.
We had a huge game board with different categories and I would read out the features and they would place the stuffie for their group. And I think they really enjoyed this game. Lots of laughs and participating and I got to go over basically everything, even with the shortened program rotations.
This was the first time I did it this way. With a score board and the stuffed animal stand ins. And that just worked so well. Like if I do this program again this is the way I want to do it because it made it so much more fun for me because I wasn't getting confused. It was great.
Lunch would come and I went back to the office, after getting some information to Elizabeth and an updated timeline to the lead teacher, and had my taco and some snacks. It was a short lunch. But that was okay.
The afternoon was good too. The groups were a little more energetic and it was a little harder to refocus. And some of the parents were googling the answers to share with their kids?? Strange. But it was still fun. It also just went really quick. Because soon it was time for them to go.
I got to chat with some teachers as they were packing up and they said my program was one of their favorites because I had so many facts. And that made me feel really nice.
I volunteered to clean the bathrooms. So I jumped right into that. Collecting trash and wiping everything down. And once I was finished all of those I would help fold up all the chairs.
My wrist is really hurting again and I wasn't willing to push myself with carrying the chairs and tables and everyone was understanding. So I swept and wiped down tables and got the small signs folded for the tables.
It was a lot of work. We were getting set up for the wedding open house tomorrow. I'm not going to that one but I really hope it's a good time! I would drive the gator over to the Alaskans to check that they were all clean and collected the trash there. Then to the pool house to do the same. Before I went back to the office to drop off some stuff and get the trash from there too. I talked to Heather for a few minutes before I went back to the lodge.
I continued to help there for a bit. But once they ran out of stuff I could actually help with I drove me and Nick back to the pool house so he could collect some tables and I could clean the floor.
Once I was done that I was kind of to tired and hungry to do much else. But that was fine. It was almost the end of the day. I would get to meet one of the main people organizing the music festival and Heather talked me up about how I'm managing the venders this year and how I do markets and help with the farmers market and I am excited to really jump into that planning. I am excited for the music festival. I didn't get to be there last year for the first one because we were in our honeymoon! Which I wouldn't have traded for anything but I am excited that this year we will be in town.
I would check in with everyone before I left for the day. But there was nothing else for me to do. I decided that I wanted to go to the goodwill and see if the human size Polly pocket shoes were still there. I had been thinking about them since I was there last week.
So I headed right over there and found them right away. The tag was a bit messed up so I went to check with a worker if they could still sell them because goodwill is so weird about their tags. And when I went to ask her she accidentally hit herself in the face wit a hanger and we laughed together but I still checked to make sure she wasn't actually hurt. She also said that they would just scan something that was the same price. Thank you guys you're the best.
I actually had a really good haul. I got another fleece. This one is JCrew! And I really like the blue. And I got a coat rack for James that says James which I think is hilarious. I found some other things. Like a star rack. And a tag for Sweetp. And a Winnie the Pooh trash can. And it was just fun.
The silliest thing I got was a fish on a plate sculpture?? When I went to buy everything and older lady helped me when I dropped the one rack and then she was like. The fish!! And I was like I know right??? And would show her my fish knife painting and she loved it and told me about all her food themed art in her kitchen and it was just such a sweet moment. I love moments like that.
I went home after that. And was home by 5. I brought everything inside and got things put away. It was weird not having James there. I cuddled with Sweetp and checked on my aquatics. And after having a snack I would do the dishes and put things away. Fed everyone. Vacuumed. Just got myself settled.
I would have a nice evening. Just hanging out in the couch and watching videos. Chilling with sweetp. It was a little lonely but it was also just nice being home and taking care of myself.
I attempted to take a bath by filling a small bucket with hot sink water approximately 30 times. And it was very shallow but it was warm at least and I had a pretty nice bath in the end.
And now I am just hanging out. I had some ice cream. I'm texting with James. Who did some sports betting! And it staying in a flamingo themed hotel. They are a few hours behind but seem to be having fun. Even if Las Vegas is overstimulating. I'm glad they are having fun with friends and I cant wait to hear more about it.
Now though I think I'm going to go brush my teeth and start going to sleep. Tomorrow I have my second printmaking class of the week. This time with the national guard. And that's not even the end of my teaching this week because I'm going to sub at art with a heart on Sunday which I'm thrilled about. I miss my class and I'm still really bummed to not be their teacher every week. I hope they are excited to see me too.
I really hope tomorrow is fun. I hope you all have a great night and take care of yourselves. I love you all. Goodnight!
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genevievemd · 2 years
Sunset Glow
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 1008 Rating: M Category: Smut Trope(s): and they were in the office
Summary: At the end of a long work day, Ethan finds himself distracted by his wife. 
Warnings:  Strong Language and NS*FW content. Please use discretion and caution when viewing this work. By viewing of this work, you consent that you are 18+
A/N: Hi, this is me experimenting with more explicit talk from Ethan, so... this is probably not as good as my first attempt at smut but it’s all a learning curve, right? Eventually we will be almost as good as our oph smut queens. Just be gentle with me please and thank you. 
Also, this is another entry to @choicesficwriterscreations​ Naughty or Nice Event. Prompt is in bold. 
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He was a fool to think he could finish his paperwork for the day, with her sitting across from him. He should have denied her offer to wait for him and let her go home when her shift ended. Because now, with heels abandoned on the floor, her legs up on the chair — knees to chest — making her sinfully tight skirt ride up to reveal the creamy expanse of her legs, she was nothing but a beautiful distraction.
And with the setting sun coming in though the large windows of his office, making her glow like a goddess of beauty, Ethan has come to terms with his fate.
No more work is getting done today. 
Not when all he can think about is laying her down across his large desk, tossing the overwhelming pile of papers to the floor, and make her cry out his name as many times as he can. 
Deciding to put his thoughts into action, Ethan rises from behind his desk. Walking around until his towers over his wife, caging her with his arms as he leans down.
“Hi.” Genevieve looks up at him, none the wiser to the myriad of sinful thoughts plaguing his mind.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? You distract me.”
“Do you want me to stop?” Her hands travel up his arms, a contrast to the words she speaks. “I can go so you can finish.”
“Oh, I’ll finish what I need to do. It just happens to not be paperwork anymore.” He seals his words with a hot kiss her to neck, his tongue delicately gliding down the smooth surface. 
He smiles devilishly against her skin when she gasps. Her hands, still holding his biceps, grip him tighter. He uses one hand to undo the top buttons of her shirt, and move the offending fabric to the side, giving him more space to lavish this his kiss. 
“I thought –” Her words die off in a quiet moan, the sound like music to his ears and making his skin flush with desire. “I thought you said we had to stop being unprofessional in your office?” 
“I lied.” In one swift movement, Ethan scoops her up and out of the chair, crashing his lips hard against her own has he walks them back around to his desk. 
“Why don’t we just go home?” Gen giggles as he drops her onto the wooden surface, and does as he had envisioned, throwing every unwanted piece of paperwork to the floor. 
“Takes too long.” All thoughts have left him now, only able to mutter fractured sentences in his haste to get what he desires most. “And you’re already exactly where I want you.” 
“Oh, am I?” She smirks, gracefully falling like a siren until she’s lying flat. Hooking her legs around his hips, closing the minuscule amount of space between them. “What exactly do you plan to do with me, Chief Ramsey.” 
He can’t help the guttural moan that escapes at the use of his title. Ethan had never been the type to be set aflame, overcome with passion, when the woman in his bed used it like that. Until he had his (now) wife in his arms, on a Miami balcony, and she whispered Dr. Ramsey as he kissed her. It had been an awaking, his undoing. 
Because now, whenever she says it with her eyes full of fire for only him, and lips titled in a coquettish smile, all he wants to do is make her scream it over and over again. 
“Hmm,” He leans down until their noses touch, his large hands traveling up her legs and pushing her skirt up around her hips. “I thought, perhaps I’d make you come with my tongue first, but now…” 
He pauses, watches her bite her lip and arch her back. 
“Now, I think I’ll work you up with my fingers first, then bury my cock in you. Make you scream my name as you come on me.” Ethan pushes her lace panties to the side, before sliding his fingers across her folds. 
“God, Ethan.” 
“Then I’ll take you home and toss you on our bed, and spend the rest of the night kissing every inch of you.” He inserts two fingers into her, a thrill traveling up his spine as she reaches for him. Trying her hardest to pull him as close as she can. 
“Would you like that, Rookie?” 
“No.” Despite her protest, Gen raises her hips to try and match the rhythm of his hand working her. “I want–” 
“What do you want, sweetheart?” He kisses her then, long and slow. Tender, almost. A contrast to the way his fingers slide in and out of her. 
Because no matter how desperate he his to ruin her, to watch her come, he can never fully let go of the softness he has with her. 
She pulls away from his kiss to gasp for air, “I’m so close.” 
“I know you are,” Ethan leans back down, his words whispered against her lips. “Come all over my fingers, Rookie. Show me how fucking beautiful you are when you come for me.” 
She follows his instructions, clenching around him as she silently screams his name. He helps her ride out her orgasm, kissing her her face and whispering in her ear. 
“You’re way too good at that.” Gen smiles up at him, her face and chest flush. “It’s not fair.” “You’re one to talk, need I remind you of our shower this morning?” 
“True.” She sits up, her still trembling hands taking ahold of his face, “I know you want to fuck me on this desk, but do you think you can wait until we get home? I’d rather finish this in the privacy of our bedroom.” 
“Sure.” He mimics her movements, pulling her face to meet his. Once again kissing her with all the love and passion he has for her. “Just don’t expect me to follow traffic laws, or keep my hands to myself.” 
“I expect nothing less, Chief.”
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A/N: I am once again going to go hide, and repent my sins lol
(tagging separately) 
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thebawdybaldurian · 4 months
BG3FicFeb Day 14
SFW: Tav introduces Astarion to her narcissistic and uncaring parents.
NSFW: Astarion offers Tav a little distraction while in her childhood bedroom. Using his hands in a variety of ways on her.
SFW Family Reunion
Background: Tav (aka Clataedre Calthrenis) and Astarion have been slowly making their way up the Sword Coast from Baldur’s Gate in the middle of winter, pursuing a lead on a cure for vampirism in the far north city of Luskan. They’ve just arrived in Neverwinter where Tav grew up. She is nervous to introduce her husband to her parents, as they have a strained relationship. Continues this post game drabble.
“So what do you think, my lark?” Astarion nuzzled up next to her, feeling the subtle movements of her body that told him she was now awake.
“Hmmm? About breakfast?” She asked sleepily.
“About meeting your parents today? Did you still want to do it?” She let out a prolonged groan, rolling away from him to stretch in bed. “Come on,” he lightly tickled her side, pestering her with kisses. “I want to meet the monsters that made you.”
“Oh, they’ll be nothing but charming around you,” she sighed, intertwining her fingers in his curls as he rested his chin on her stomach. “They’re not going to come out and say ‘Hi, we emotionally neglected our daughter her entire childhood and then practically disowned her when she decided not to pursue sorcery.’ Nice to meet you!”
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” he reassured her, placing a kiss on naked belly.
“I suppose we should though,” she let out another sigh. “I don’t plan on making this journey again anytime soon,” she groaned slightly, shifting her sore hips. “At least not on horseback.”
“Do you want me to help you stretch again?” He asked, reaching a hand down to massage her thigh.
“Mmmmm sure,” she grinned seductively. “I could use a good stretch…all over.”
“Oh…” he grinned back at her, sliding down the bed and pulling her legs apart. “It’ll be a good way to past the time until dusk.”
He helped her stretch her sore thighs and then moved on to more intimate things. They stayed in bed until the afternoon, when Tav needed to eat. She had a small meal, her stomach still anxious. She wrote a brief note and sent it to her parent’s house with a messenger, telling them to expect her at dusk. They returned up to their room to get ready. They changed into their nicest clothes and Astarion helped Tav put her hair up in an elaborate braid.
At dusk, they made the short walk to Tav’s childhood home, knocking on the door after Tav had taken a few deep breaths. A young elf answered the door, expecting them. “Lady Calthrenis, your parents are this way,” he guided them to the small drawing room. They were both reading from books on arcana, apparently still putting magic ahead of all other pursuits.
“Clataedre,” her mother greeted her dryly, finishing her page before setting down her book and actually looking at her daughter. “What a pleasant surprise.”
“We wished you’d given us more notice. We’d have had Lorel make a more elegant dinner,” her father added.
“A new apprentice?” Tav wondered, as the young man brought in drinks for them. “How many is this?”
“The twentieth. The most of our sorcerers’ collective. It’s just a shame we wasted so many years on you,” her mother had to add a quiet little jab in due to her daughter’s unexpected arrival.
“So you’ve finally brought us a son in law to meet? We must have missed the wedding invitation,” her father added his own jab, looking at Astarion.
“It was a small wedding,” Tav lied, taking and swallowing one of the drinks in one gulp. “Mother, father, this is Astarion Ancunin, my husband.”
“A pleasure, Astarion,” her father stood up and shook Astarion’s hand. “Please come, warm by the fire, your hands are freezing.”
“Ancunin?” Tav’s mother also got up to shake his hand. “An old Upper City family, yes?” She guided him to the fire, also noticing his cool grip.
“Indeed,” he nodded, warming his hands by the fire. “We’ve been there for nigh on six hundred years.”
“Our little bard nabbed a noble then,” her mother sounded slightly impressed. “So she’s not just here to sniff out her inheritance?”
Before Tav could shoot back with a snarky remark, her father intervened. “Addy, I heard you wrote a play about all that business that happened in Baldur’s Gate a few year ago? With the Obsolete?”
“Absolute,” Astarion corrected him. “Not only was the play a wild success, but she was also instrumental in stopping an Elder Brain and an entire Mindflayer invasion. She’s a hero.” He could suddenly understand why she hadn’t wanted to see them or invite them to the wedding.
“You were there too, my love,” she wrapped her arm around his waist, giving his side a thankful squeeze.
“So when are you two having children?” Her mother didn’t even stop to offer her a second of praise or congratulations. “I have some potions I can give you to increase your chances. After so many attempts at trying for another child to carry on our legacy, we finally gave up.”
“I’m sure they are already trying, dear,” her father tried to mediate again as best he could. “The boy’s of a noble stock, as you said.”
Astarion could practically feel the tension in Tav’s jaw, squeezing her tighter against him. “When’s dinner, so we can get it over with?” Tav mumbled the last part to herself.
“Yes, we’d love the chance to wash up first,” Astarion hoped to get her away from her terrible parents for a moment.
“You can use the washroom down the hall, I’ll check with Lorel,” her father replied. "Addy can give you a tour of the house as well.
Tav showed Astarion to the washroom, leaning up against the door with a sigh after she closed it. “Do you want me to kill them?” Astarion asked, pulling her in for a kiss.
“Maybe,” she smiled. “Can you use your law knowledge to keep the authorities from suspecting anything?”
“Probably,” he kissed her again. “I’ll make an excuse that I’m not feeling well, so I don’t have pretend to eat and we can leave early.”
“Solid plan,” she kissed him back, nibbling a trail down his neck.
Tav showed him around the house, covered in magical artifacts, scrolls, and other knickknacks. They ended in her old bedroom, converted into an alchemy lab before she had even moved out. They fooled around a bit, before Lorel called them down for dinner. They rejoined her parents in the dining room, the conversation only slightly less hostile. Her parents bragged about their successful lineage of apprentices and magical breakthroughs. They barely had anything kind to say to their daughter, aside from her ‘marrying up’ as her mother so bluntly put it. Astarion had had enough and went off on them as politely as he could.
“You know, most parents would be proud of a child who has produced an impressive body of creative works and risked her own life to save the entire Sword Coast, and despite you both, she is one of the kindest, most beautiful souls I’ve ever met. I think it’s time we returned to the inn,” He took Tav by the hand. “Your silver set is fake, by the way. Incredibly tacky.”
He whisked her away without another word, leaving the house with his arm wrapped her waist. “Thank you,” she stopped him after they’d walked a few blocks. “No one’s ever told them off before.”
“Well, it was about damn time someone did,” he pulled her close. “What absolutely vile people.”
“I wasn’t exaggerating. The only thing they care about other than themselves, is their stupid magical legacy.”
“Don’t ever make them feel less about yourself. You are wonderful. You are better than both of them.”
“They were right about one thing,” she kissed him. “I did marry up.”
NSFW: Intimate Touching Without Intercourse
The aforementioned fooling around that Tav and Astarion got up to in her old bedroom.
Content and Warnings: Female elf x male elf. Rubbing through clothes, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, choking, soft domming.
“So, you slept in a potion laboratory?” He leaned in the doorway of her old bedroom. Her parents had started converting it even before she moved out, once she’d decided to attend the bard’s college instead of the arcane academy.
“Mmmmhmm,” she teased. “I slept curled up in that alembic there.”
“How cozy,” he grabbed her by the ass. “Did you ever bring any old flames back here?”
“I was a late bloomer. The bard’s college corrupted me.”
“I see,” he grinned. “So you never got up to anything in here?”
“Just by myself,” she kissed him, biting his lower lip.
“Mmmm,” he purred. “Like this?” He slid his hand against her clit, weaving his fingers between the layers of her dress to reach her underskirt.
“Something like that,” she let out a pleased sigh.
“How many times do you think you made yourself come in here?” He rubbed her softly between her clothes.
“At least hundreds,” she moaned quietly. “I might’ve gotten up to a thousand or more. I may have been a late bloomer, but I was still horny all the time.”
“I could help you add a few more, just to be sure…and help take your mind off your insufferable parents,” he grinned devilishly. “Can you stay quiet?”
“Mmmhmm,” she grinned, pressing her face into the ruffles of his doublet.
“That’s my good girl,” he gripped her ass tighter and pulled her harder against the hand on her clit.
She clawed her fingers into his chest, holding onto him tightly as he stimulated her clit perfectly, rocking her hips with the rhythm of his hand. She kept her pleasurable grunts in the back of her throat, quieting them against his chest. As she neared her first climax, the tiniest of moans escaped her throat. “Shhhh,” he took his hand off her clit, pulling her chin up to look at him. “That’s not very quiet, love.”
“It just feels so good,” she whispered, begging him with her eyes to continue.
“I know it does, dear. But we wouldn’t want your parents to hear,” he reached into one of the pockets of his doublet, pulling out a silk handkerchief. She eyes widened along with her smile. “Open that beautiful mouth of yours, my little wren.”
He placed the silken cloth in her mouth, making a improvised gag, tying it around the back of her head. “Better?” He asked, letting his hand drift back down between her legs.
He began to stimulate her again, her chin pressed to his chest, looking down into her eyes as she quavered. She whimpered lowly as she came, barely making a sound as she quaked against him. “That’s my good girl,” he grinned, kissing her forehead in praise. “Another?”
She nodded, her nostrils flaring as she took in sharp breaths through her nose. He leaned back against one of the alchemy benches, pulling her with him. He pressed his knee between her legs, holding her tightly against his thigh. “This one is all yours.”
She wrapped her arms around him, grinding against his thigh, her hips circling in a hungry dance. She was already thoroughly warmed up, so it didn’t take long for her to quiver atop him again, her quiet whimpers muffled in the silk gag. “One more,” he spun her around, pulling her back against him and reaching up her skirt to touch her directly.
She was completely soaked, having already left a wet spot on his trousers. He grinned widely, letting his fingers play in her slick mess. He reached his free hand up to grip her throat lightly, careful only to choke her enough to enhance her pleasure. It was much harder for her to keep quiet like this, her moans penetrating the gag. She pressed a hand over her mouth, muffling them further, sinking back and letting him take complete control of her body. Her final tremble vibrated into the floor, as his fingers pressed to her g-spot and her head swam. She ripped the gag from her mouth, unable to catch her breath without taking heavy gulps from her mouth. “Godsdamn you,” she swore as she caught her breath, barely able to stand. He hugged her tightly against him, holding her up and nibbling on her neck.
With her hair up, he wouldn’t be able to taste her until they returned to the inn, but the idea of taking her back downstairs to her parents with two little red wounds in her neck made him grin widely. He sucked her honey off his fingers instead, giving her a satisfied look when she turned around. “Look what you’ve done,” she smirked, untying the silk gag and using it to dab the visible wet spot on his trousers. She could see something working in his mind, his grin too wide after licking every drop of her from his fingers. “What are you thinking about now?”
“Hmm, just what if I presented you back to your parents with my teeth marks on your neck,” he bit said teeth into his lip gently. “I need to sew you a dress with a high collar," he stroked her perfect bare neck softly.
“Or,” she purred, wrapping the silk handkerchief around the back of his neck and using it to pull him in for a kiss. “I could just cover it…with this after.”
“It does match your dress,” he smiled, his ears getting excitedly pink in anticipation. “But what if they asked about?”
“You really think they’d notice if I added something to my ensemble suddenly?”
“Fair enough,” he grinned, letting his lips slide down her neck again, nuzzling it softly. He drank only enough that he wouldn’t grow obviously excited and then licked the wounds clean. He took the scarf back from her and tied it in a way that barely hid them. “Beautiful,” he grinned, as Lorel, the apprentice/servant knocked on the door, letting them know dinner was ready.
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ascendancy-echoes · 6 months
Interlude: Modus Operandi
Zarya knew she was special. Her mom and dad said so. Dad called her his little star and he was always smiling at her, even when his head hurt or he felt sick and was too tired to play. Sometimes he and her mom got frustrated but they always said sorry and tried to explain things to her.
As far as Zarya could remember, certain people in her life were very different from most. Mom always had a warm glow around her, like a fire in their hearth. Dad always had rainbow sparkles and shadows around him the way trees made spotty shadows on a sunny day.
Her uncle and aunt also shimmered and sparkled. The flickers of sparks around Uncle Crono reminded her of a distant thunderstorm while Aunt Marle and cousin Liz reminded her of a snowy field on a sunny day, sparkling and foggy. Zarya liked cousin Oren’s sparkles. It was like a misty rain all around him. She thought it was funny how he never got wet from the rain only she could see.
Of course, she had sparkles too. It was fun to flap her hands and watch the swirls of iridescent sparkles flow around her.
Everyone else didn’t sparkle and Zarya always wondered why. She just couldn’t find the words to ask.
One day, she saw someone glance into the library and they had black air, like dark smoke and black downy feathers around them. Zarya remembered she wanted to follow them, curious who this new person was. She would have followed if her mom and dad hadn’t stopped her. Then Dad got sick and they had to go home.
For some reason, Dad got sick a lot after that day.  Zarya grew bored and frustrated that she didn’t get to visit the castle as much as she wanted.
“Go to the castle?” was constantly met with “We’ll see.”
Zarya knew that “We’ll see” was really “Not today and we won’t tell you when we’re going because we don’t know yet.”
Zarya preferred routine. It was safe and made sense. Routine wasn’t as routine these days. It was worrisome. So she made her own routine.
First, wake up nice and early so the day could start. Next, put on her favorite green dress (with pockets) and comfy boots. Then, read all the books in the living room. Once mom and dad were awake it was time for breakfast. Then, if dad wasn’t sick, he went to work at the castle.
After that, the day pretty much consisted of Mom teaching her things like “math” and “writing”. Zarya liked writing but not always what or when Mom wanted. Math was also fun sometimes. There were patterns to numbers. Something routine.
Lunch usually meant a sandwich because Mom wasn’t that good at cooking. She got distracted easily. Dinner was sometimes fun because if Dad wasn’t sick, Zarya could help out and Dad was the best cook. He taught her songs and they would sing together while they cooked. Otherwise it was sandwiches again and no singing (Mom couldn't sing very well). Zarya didn’t mind sandwiches and quiet.
The afternoons in between lunch and dinner were the most un-routine times for Zarya. Maybe Mom would take her to the castle to see Dad and her cousins. Sometimes Mom would be busy in the workshop on their property and kinda forget the world around her unless Zarya reminded her. Zarya didn’t mind much because she liked reading or drawing quietly and just enjoying being with her mom on those days.
One day, Zarya followed her kitten Maia into her parents’ bedroom. She usually wasn’t allowed in there alone but there was nothing unsafe about the room, so Zarya figured it was okay once in a while. Maia somehow got on top of her parents’ bookshelf and Zarya wanted her to come down and cuddle in her lap.
“Maia come cuddle?”
Zarya moved a stool over to the bookshelf and climbed up to coax her cat down. Maia meowed at her from the top shelf. As Zarya reached for Maia, the cat leapt down. That’s when Zarya spied the book that Maia had been sitting on. Carefully, she pulled it off the shelf and looked at the cover. There was no writing on the outside but a quick peek inside showed it was some sort of picture book.
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“Zarya? It’s time to go to the castle,” her mom called from downstairs.
Zarya slipped the book into her messenger bag and ran down the hall and stairs to her mom. Maybe she could ask her cousin Oren to read the book to her. He was a really good reader and the smartest person she knew besides her parents.
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