#Sirius Black never did anything wrong in his life
in-flvx · 1 year
We all love a possessive Sirius, but, going from Canon, I think Sirius is also the first person to stand back given the vibes.
Like, sure, he'll hunt down Peter to safe Harry, and he'll live in a cave for his benefit. Bur he's also first ask if Harry is even interested in a relationship with Sirius, and then gives Harry the reins to coordinate it.
He'll be obnoxious towards snape, bc Harry doesn't like snape, and Sirius has no reason so trust him at that point either (like, literally. The guy straight up set him up for the dementors kiss just about a year and a half ago. Excuse Sirius to be a bit short and antagonistic toward snape!? As if it's Sirius' fault Remus didn't take his potion and then went on to hunt down children. But noooo Sirius, who had a million other things to consider is the bad guy in this situation, of course! Not the man who insisted on both his, and Remus receiving the dementors kiss) and Sirius, at that point, had spent over a decade in prison. But azkaban isn't just prison. It's emotional torture and solitary confinement. Aka more emotional torture. The fact that sirius is downright sensible, if a little cruel, is a goddamn miracle. And he is, by a landslide, the only grownup Harry actually regards as a guardian and safe haven.
But nooo, he sometimes has a few emotional outburst (let me reiterate: after over a decade of emotional torture and solitary confinement), so he must be the only bad grownup around!!!! [this is still sarcastic obv. Even with that, Sirius was one of the most responsible adults hp has to offer by a landslide])
Stepping away from the rant: Sirius is the one to tell James that he's being a pushy asshole with lily, and that she has no interest in a relationship with him. And this comment alone is, if you ask me, the reason why James gets his shit together over the following years. Like, yea, it's Sirius being bored who brought the entire mess of snapes worst memory into motion, but in the end it's James who is the most cruel, snape who lashes out against lily rather than James, and Sirius who tells James to calm the fuck down regarding lily, who obviously can't give a shit about james.
You have to be super freaking special for Sirius to care about you, and for Sirius to call you out!
His fight with Molly is so interesting in that regard. From the way they talk to each other before, and after their confrontation, and even in the time of it, it's obvious that they have a positive rapport with each other. He only gets volatile when she tries to baby Harry, when Sirius knows intimately (going from Harry's letters) how crazy it drives Harry to be out of the loop. Which is also why he give harry the two way mirror only after Christmas of Harry's fifth year. He could have given it to him much earlier, except it was a sacred part of his and James' relationship. So Sirius only gave it to harry when he knew both of them needed it as a tool of survival.
Sirius isn't easy with the trust he puts into the world. And he never expects anything back (if anyone ever looked for a martyr character, this is it. Sirius is the martyr among false martyrs. He's the only one ever getting to the ground of it. Remus can only ever get the aesthetic of the martyr, and with him not mastering 'reparo', he really sells that aesthetic. Sirius has much more real and dramatic shit going on than that though.
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ambrosiustheunknown · 4 months
Character Analysis - Severus Snape
No because I feel like people don't truly understand Severus Snape's character when they say that he's nothing but an asshole and Death Eater who bullies children and did horrible things.
Did he do horrible things? Yeah. And did he bully children? Yeah. Was he an asshole? Yeah. Did his death and guilt relieve him of blame and responsibility? No.
But he was more than just an asshole. He had his reasons, no matter how shitty they may be. And even though his reasons are shitty, I think he at least deserves some consideration. Why? He made most of his shitty decisions as a child. An abused, discriminated against child. Think of it like this:
Meets Lily after ten years of abuse at the hands of his muggle father
At 11, is separated from Lily and is put into a notoriously discriminated-against house
Is (unfairly) antagonized by James Potter and the Marauders (while I do admit that yes, he probably gave back as good as he got, he couldn't have done that until at least his 2nd year because he was raised without magic. he also did nothing to cause the bullying in the first place [as far as I know, correct me if wrong] )
Was bullied and abused up until 5th (?) year
Is humiliated and sexually harassed (because yes, threatening to take off a peer's pants is sexual harassment in my opinion) and lashes out at Lily during this time of intense humiliation and is promptly abandoned by her
Is almost murdered by Sirius Black who receives no consequences
Goes on to join the Death Eaters at after years of being an abused outcast and stereotyped as nothing but a slimy Death Eater
Is then forced to become the potions professor at Hogwarts
1-2 years later, he turns traitor against Voldemort (around 18-19)
The only person he's ever had care for him in his entire life dies
He's only 19-20 when Voldemort is vanquished. I'd say that it's safe to assume that he never got help/support/closure surrounding anything he went through. As far as I'm aware, there's not a single person within the entire series who is shown to support Snape, which leads me to believe that no one ever told him to get help after the first war, and considering his life up until then, he most likely didn't know to get help. He spent the rest of his life doing a job he hated and was forced into, was a spy, and was split between two powerful and dangerous masters.
With all this in mind, I'm unashamedly a Snape supporter (not an apologist, there's a difference). He was an ass who did horrible things but there's more to him then that. The students he taught didn't deserve his ire, and he did and watched horrible things be done, but he's so much more than a Death Eater, and his background and potential to be more than a spy is so interesting to look at and think about.
Edit: A reblogger has mentioned that in the books, James say's he'll remove Snape's pants. In England, 'pants' refers to underwear, and that we never actually find out if James did that. This definitely sexual harassment.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Sirius during his school days at Hogwarts was actually kinda cocky. He was confident, with his looks and his charming personality, no one would be able to resist him. He never really had that much time to fall in love with people, true, he did like messing with people every now and then but he never expected to fall in love
You were in Sirius' year and he didn't really notice you till a certain amount of time passed. He was surprised, how come he didn't notice someone so cute looking like you? He observed you for some time: Your characteristics and your personality. He saw how kind you were and how sweet and shy you were, always kept yourself to yourself. He wondered how you even managed to end up in Gryffindor when you could've done well in Hufflepuff but whatever, he wasn't complaining. He had you closer to him and he was thrilled
His first goal was to become your friend and then ask you out to the Three Broomsticks where he'll confess his love to you and the both of you would be a happy lovely couple. It was the perfect plan for him, till you decided to form another path for yourself
You couldn't deny that Sirius was handsome and charming. But you weren't really looking forward to be in a relationship with anyone at the moment. So, when Sirius called you to the Three Broomsticks, he handed you a rose and ordered butterbeers and some desserts for you guys to eat. He didn't give you the idea that he was confessing his love for you since he wanted it to be a surprise, a surprise which of course his friends James, Lupin and Peter helped him in. They helped him in the decorations and keeping his bratty little brother Regulus away out of sight so he couldn't steal you from their friend
After you were done talking and chilling with your drinks and desserts, Sirius held your petite soft hands in his rough and large ones and went "Y/N, uhh... I don't know how to say this but I really love you and I'd love it if you went out with me'' he said blushing. Your heart dropped, you most certainly weren't expecting this. You just thought he invited you to have a chat for old times' sake and to relax as friends, you had no idea he was going to pour out his feelings for you
You gulped nervously and a heavy feeling settled in your chest. You didn't want to let him down, you REALLY didn't want to, but you had to follow your heart. And right now your heart was telling you to live life on your own terms and not to be in a relationship with anyone. Besides, you just befriended Sirius only for a few months, you had to get to know someone properly for like, YEARS before you wanted to date someone. You tried to let him down gently "Sirius, you're a great guy. I'm sure you have lots of people fawning over you and people who'd die to be with you, but.... how do I say this....'' you trailed off and rubbed the back of your neck looking awkward and a bit sad. "Tell me what?" asked Sirius anxiously peering at your face. He didn't want to hear your answer anymore, it would break his heart and he wouldn't be able to handle it
"I'm really not looking to be in a relationship with anyone right now... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry....'' you whispered and stared down at the table, not wanting to meet his eyes. Sirius felt numb, he felt like his heart was shattering into a million pieces and he couldn't move. You told him a quick 'bye' and ran off, his friends ran to comfort him
Meanwhile after a few days, you tried forgetting about him. But the hurt look on his face kept haunting you at the night. You were in the courtyard reading a book. The weather was nice and windy, quite the opposite of what you felt. You felt down in the dumps for rejecting Sirius, but you had a feeling he'd most probably forgotten about the whole thing anyway and besides, he could always find someone else. You had no idea how wrong you were: Sirius was not able to forget about you, he confronted his brother Regulus and asked him if he had anything to do with you rejecting him. Of course he ended up jinxing Regulus in anger since he felt that he was lying. Next he bullied Snape for a while thinking he manipulated you or bullied you to reject him till you intervened and asked him to leave him alone
Sirius was infuriated and it was like rubbing salt in a wound. Why TF were you standing up to SNIVELLUS SNAPE? Maybe he was right... maybe Snape HAD something and his worst fears were now confirmed. You could be dating Snape. His friends found out that you weren't dating anyone and that made him relax a little. He stalked you in his Animagus form for a while and you of course didn't know it was Sirius in Animagus form. You thought it was just a random cute dog and you spent time with it. Every single second you spend with him, holding it and cuddling with it, you were fueling his dark twisted desires for you. And these days you could see that Sirius was looking happier for some reason so... you assumed it was all good for him
It was... since he was planning to kidnap you the next time he turned into his Animagus form. Not exactly 'kidnap' you per se, he'd just keep you in the Shrieking Shack, but don't worry, Sirius won't leave you alone. Your kindness and sweet nature was too addicting for him and he was far too selfish to share you with anyone else....
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wordsarelife · 10 months
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pairing: regulus black x fem!potter!reader
summary: when everything gets too bad, regulus has to place to stay. james isn’t happy about that though.
warnings: mention of a bad home life
note: this was so fun to write hehe!!
you had told him to come home to you if it would get too bad. he had said no many times, just like you had repeated your offer. you wanted him to know that he was welcome. and if you had to say it to him every day, you would. you knew regulus had too much pride to take your help. he loved you and he wanted to keep you out of his problems.
the relationship to you was different to everything he had ever had in his life before. he didn't want to ruin it.
you were calm and a total sunshine, you didn't belong in a world full of death and fear. you didn't belong in his world. he knew that. but he still couldn't keep away from you. so he tried to hide most of his home life from your sight.
which was harder than he had anticipated, considering his brother was living with you now. seemed like james had made him the same offer.
one evening on which you repeated the offer, he had looked at you concerned. "don't do that" he had said "that hero complex will get you killed someday" he had brushed through your hair "it's not wise to help people like sirius and i in a world where humans are killing for all the wrong reasons"
he didn't want to talk about anything else after that so you had just watched him drift to sleep, wondering which horrible things were plaguing his mind.
then came the christmas holidays and you had to split up. you tried everything to convinve him, but he wouldn't budge, never giving you another reason than what he had said to you that night.
it was christmas eve, when the doorbell rang and james went to get it. "black?" he asked confused, when he was met with a crumpled version of his best friends younger brother "what in the world are you doing here?"
regulus ignored the question "is y/n home?" he asked instead. you had walked out of your room when you heard the doorbell and when you heard his voice, you had immediately started walking down the stairs.
"reggie" you said concerned. before anyone could say another word, you gently pushed james out of the way and hugged your boyfriend. you knew that something had to be really wrong for him to show up here.
“they found the letters” regulus whispered “they made me choose, i didn’t know what do to”
“it’s alright” you said, trying to comfort him.
"what the fuck?" james asked. he was still standing beside you both while neither one even acknowledged his presence. he pulled you back by your shoulder. “what is going on?”
“regulus needs to stay” you simply said, without taking your eyes from the boy. you had never seen him cry before, but there were evident tear stains on his cheeks.
“what?” james asked, acting like he hadn’t understood you “why do you even know each other?”
“we’re dating” you turned your head to look at your brother “can we go in now?”
james was so stunned from the new information that he didn’t even protest when you gently walked regulus into the house. he quickly gathered back his consciousness though. he closed the door and was hot on your heels. “i’m not sure mum would allow this”
“are you kidding me right now?” you pointed to the couch for regulus to sit down. then you walked back to james, talking to him in a harsh whisper “you brought sirius here and he was allowed to stay, why wouldn’t regulus be?”
“because sirius isn’t my boyfriend?” james asked like it was obvious, why your situation was different to his.
“close to it, no?” you crossed your arms in frustration “look at him, james” and james did just that “he has nowhere else to go. i offered him a million times to stay with us and he always said no, there must be something very wrong for him to show up here. you know how they are, you know it better than me, i only know a few things and it’s bad enough”
james eyes softened as he looked between you and the boy. “you love him, don’t you?” he asked and you nodded your head.
“don’t make him leave” you pleaded “i’d do anything”
you knew james acted like that to protect you. he didn’t know regulus as well as you did. only the things sirius had told him and his younger brother was far from a hero in that.
“let me help him” you pleaded once again, because james didn’t answer you.
james knew that the blacks were horrible and he knew that you had the same right to help someone close to you as he did.
“okay” he nodded, hugging you. you sighed in relief. james watched as you darted across the room, kneeling in front of regulus. you spoke to him fast, and he smiled softly at you. james knew in that moment, that regulus felt the same for you as you did for him.
“was that my package?” a voice from the door asked. james looked towards the entry of the living room and saw sirius, munching on a rather gigantic sandwich.
“no” james said “but i think it somewhat belongs to you”
sirius looked at the couch and his eyes grew big. you had sat down beside regulus and were gently rubbing his back, while his head was laying on your shoulder.
“whoa” sirius just said and made both you and regulus look up “seems like someone else has inherited that potter hero complex. they’re always trying to save us, aren’t they, reggie?”
regulus smiled at you “i’m glad they are”
you smiled back and all was well. “at least we’re together for christmas now” you whispered to him. and it took a moment but then he smiled, a big toothy grin and he looked more like himself again.
taglist: @twistedhistory @bakingintheshire @mqstermindswift @taygrls @athenalikethegoddess @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @neewtmas @ahead-fullofdreams
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srslyblvck · 17 days
run away, regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x fem!reader
synopsis: regulus runs away from home, to come to you for help.
genre: angst, hurt comfort
warnings: slight mentions of abuse from family
word count: 1.4k
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ TWO YEARS HAD PASSED, but it still felt like a secret. No one knew how it happened. How a pureblood Slytherin like Regulus Black could ever be with someone like you, a muggle-born Ravenclaw. You weren’t supposed to fit, and yet, here you were, bound together by something that defied reason. You were opposites, in every way the world deemed important. But there was a quiet understanding between you, one that no one else could touch.
In all those two years, there were no grand displays of affection. No hand-holding in the hallways or stolen kisses in dark corners. Regulus was far too cautious for that. The fear of discovery hung over him like a dark cloud, ever-present, and you understood that. He had confided in you about the constant pressure, the expectations his family held him to, the abuse that lurked behind the closed doors of Grimmauld Place. You had never pushed him, never demanded more than he could give.
Sometimes, you longed for the warmth of his arms around you, to feel his hand brush against yours, even if just by accident. But you didn’t ask. You never would. You knew better than to make him choose between his feelings for you and the suffocating obligations of his family. And that, perhaps, was what Regulus admired most about you—your ability to understand him in a way no one else did.
It wasn’t easy, though. The distance could be unbearable, especially on days when he seemed lost, his eyes heavy with something darker than he would ever speak aloud. You saw through it all, the brave front, the cold exterior he wore so well. You saw him when he was vulnerable, and when he allowed himself to break, it was only ever in front of you.
In those two years, you had come to understand Regulus in a way that no one else did. You saw beyond the cold exterior, the aloofness that he wore like armor. You knew the boy who was burdened by his family’s expectations, who carried the weight of being the “good” son while his brother Sirius had run off to live a life of defiance and freedom. You were there when Sirius left, and you remembered the look on Regulus’s face when he returned to school after the holidays—hollow, broken, and lost.
He had cried that day, something you had never seen him do before. Regulus wasn’t the type to show vulnerability, but with you, he didn’t have to pretend. He had crumbled in your arms, his tears soaking into your robes as he choked out the words: “He left me. He just…left.”
You had been so angry at Sirius for abandoning his brother, for leaving Regulus to bear the brunt of their parents’ wrath alone. The anger had simmered within you, threatening to boil over, but Regulus had stopped you when you vowed to confront his brother. “Don’t,” he had whispered, his voice raw from crying. “It won’t change anything.”
You had been with him through his darkest days, through moments of pain and uncertainty. Regulus never asked for help, but you always offered it. When he couldn’t face the reality of his family, you told him that if he ever needed a place to go—whether it was for a night or forever—your door was always open. Your parents were rarely home, and even when they were, they wouldn’t mind him staying.
He never took you up on the offer. At least, not until tonight.
As the rain continued to pour, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. You were alone in the house, your parents away as usual, and the storm outside only added to your unease. When your guard appeared, soaked from the rain, and informed you of a visitor at the door, you were confused. Who would come to see you at this hour, in this weather?
You stood, pulling your robe tighter around you, and made your way to the door. When you opened it, the sight that greeted you made your heart drop.
Regulus stood there, drenched to the bone, his usually pristine appearance a complete mess. His dark hair was plastered to his forehead, water dripping down his face, and his eyes—those beautiful, haunted eyes—were filled with something you couldn’t quite place. Desperation? Fear? Both?
In one hand, he held his broom, and in the other, his trunk. He looked as if he had flown through the storm, driven by something far stronger than the weather.
He didn’t say a word, just stood there, soaked and shivering, staring at you as if you were the only thing tethering him to reality.
“Regulus,” you breathed, stepping aside to let him in, your mind racing as you tried to understand why he was here, like this.
He stepped into the warmth of your home, but he didn’t speak right away. Instead, he set his trunk down and leaned his broom against the wall before turning to you. His expression was one of someone who had just barely escaped something terrible, and it made your heart clench in your chest.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I couldn’t stay there anymore.”
You reached out, your hand brushing against his cold, wet cheek, and he closed his eyes at the contact, leaning into your touch. “You’re always welcome here,” you told him softly, your own voice trembling with the weight of the moment. “You can stay as long as you need.”
His eyes opened again, and you could see the gratitude there, but also the pain. The same pain you had seen so many times before, only now it seemed deeper, more ingrained. You wanted to ask him what had happened, what had driven him to your doorstep in the middle of the night, but you knew he would tell you when he was ready.
Instead, you took his hand and led him further into the house, away from the door and the storm outside. “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’ll get you something warm to drink.”
He nodded, silent and weary, and you felt a pang of sorrow for the boy who had been forced to grow up too fast, who had been burdened with too much. As you helped him out of his soaked cloak and led him to the bathroom to dry off, you couldn’t help but wonder what it was that had finally pushed him to leave the Black household.
When he emerged from the bathroom, dressed in one of your father’s old sweaters and a pair of flannel pants that were far too big for him, he looked almost like a child again, vulnerable and lost. You handed him a steaming cup of tea and guided him to the couch, where he sat beside you, silent and shivering slightly despite the warmth of the room.
You didn’t press him for answers, knowing that he would speak when he was ready. Instead, you sat there with him, your presence a silent comfort as the storm continued to rage outside. And when he finally spoke, his voice was so quiet that you almost didn’t hear him.
“They wanted me to take the Mark,” he whispered, his eyes fixed on the cup in his hands. “They said it was time.”
“I couldn’t do it,” he continued, his voice trembling. “I couldn’t become one of them. So I left.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to take his hand, squeezing it tightly. “You did the right thing,” you told him, your voice thick with emotion. “You’re not like them, Regulus. You’re better than them.”
He looked up at you then, his eyes shining with unshed tears, and for a moment, he seemed like he was going to break. But instead, he leaned into you, resting his head on your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close.
The rain continued to fall outside, but inside, there was a quiet peace, a sense of safety that you knew Regulus hadn’t felt in a long time. And as you sat there together, you knew that no matter what happened next, you would be there for him, just as you always had been.
Because you loved him, and nothing—no dark mark, no family expectations, no storm—could ever change that.
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bimoonphases · 9 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 14 - prompt 14: House-Elf [word count 719]
They were in the Sirius and Remus’s living room, right after Flooing back after a meeting with the Order. James was pacing back and forth and Sirius was nodding gravely even if James wasn’t saying anything. Remus raised an eyebrow at Lily, sitting across from him, and she rolled her eyes.
“James, please stop, you’re giving me a headache,” she said.
“But you heard them, Lils,” James stopped in front of the fireplace. “We’re just to what? Sit around while other people risk their lives for our world?”
“We just joined the Order, and it’s been only four months since we graduated from Hogwarts,” Remus sighed. “It makes sense they wouldn’t want to throw us right in the middle of the war immediately.”
“Oh, so we’re to let ‘the adults’ do the job again? Because that’s worked so well so far,” Sirius scoffed.
“Exactly,” James nodded. “Everyone thinks we’d just be reckless and get ourselves killed but we’d be an asset. Come on, modesty aside, we’re the most brilliant minds of our generation. We could win this if we all work together!”
“Speaking of together, why is it only the four of us here?” Sirius asked. “Where are the others?”
“Mary had a shift at St Mungo’s,” Remus said. “Marlene and Dorcas said there was no war that could stop them from celebrating their anniversary and Peter had to check on his mother who’s been ill.”
“Let it be known I don’t approve the way you three convinced him to join the Order,” Lily frowned. “Peter looks terrified all the time lately, he barely said goodbye before going today.”
“Peter always looks terrified, you get used to it,” Sirius rolled his eyes.
“We didn’t force him to do anything,” James finally sat by Lily’s side, looking outraged. “We just talked about it and he accepted.”
“You know he would jump into the Black Lake if you happened to ask him, James,” Lily took her fiancé’s hand in hers. “You’re charming like that.”
Remus looked away from James beaming and immediately leaning over to kiss Lily to thread his hand in Sirius’s.
“Relax,” he said. “The war won’t end by the time Dumbledore decides we’re ready to help, unfortunately. Besides, I’m sure there are other things we could do.”
“Like what?” Sirius grumbled.
Before Remus could think about it, a loud crack echoed in the room and a house-elf appeared right in the middle of the carpet. James, Lily and him almost jumped on their seats, but Sirius only raised a bored eyebrow as the creature turned around frantically, his hands clasped in front of him until he stopped, staring at Sirius.
“Master Sirius! Master Sirius, Kreacher finally found you!”
“What is it, Kreacher?” Sirius snapped. “Did Mother finally die?”
“Mistress is very well,” the house-elf looked outraged for a second then his expression shifted. “Please, Master Sirius, Kreacher needs your help.”
“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen,” Sirius got up. “Get out of my house.”
Remus could see the house-elf almost immediately obey the order, then his hands clasped even harder on whatever he was holding.
“Please, Master Sirius,” he repeated, evidently fighting the instinct to obey Sirius. “It’s Master Regulus.”
“What about my idiot brother, Kreacher?”
“Please, Master Sirius, Master Regulus is in danger. Master Regulus is dying.”
Remus saw Sirius stiffen. Despite all the bad blood between them, he knew the only regret in Sirius’s life was never getting to save his brother from their parents.
“What do you mean dying?”
“Master Regulus went on a secret mission, but he’s dying, and he ordered Kreacher to leave with this and destroy it,” the house-elf opened his hands to reveal a heavy locket. “But Kreacher can’t leave Master Regulus dying, so he came here.”
There was a moment of silence, Sirius getting paler and paler, James and Lily looking alternatively at him then at the locket. Remus got up and took Sirius’s hand.
“I don’t care he’s on the wrong side,” Sirius whispered. “I can’t leave him dying, not again.”
“I know,” Remus nodded. “I’m coming with you.”
“We’re coming too,” Lily and James chorused, getting up.
Sirius nodded and looked at Kreacher.
“Take us to Regulus. That’s an order.”
“Yes, Master Sirius, thank you Master Sirius,” the house-elf answered.
With another loud crack the living room was empty.
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chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfics - Drama
Words: 668
“Did you see the cast list?" James was practically vibrating as Sirius took a final drag on his cigarette outside the school gates.
“Yeah, you and Evans? I give it a week before she smacks you or drops out.” Sirius said sharply. “Did you see some new kid got Pete’s part?”
“It was never Pete’s part, Pads. That was wishful thinking. The boy can’t sing to save his life. He only auditioned because you threatened him.”
Sirius huffed, “I thought it would be a fun bonding thing for our last year. We’d be Sam, Bill, and Harry and it would be magical.”
“Well now we’re Sam and Bill and the set designer and that’s probably good. Nobody needs Pete singing Our Last Summer. They’d be wishing it was their last summer.” James clapped his friend on the shoulder, “So what do you know about the new kid?”
“Nothing, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him. I’ve heard the girls talking about him, though.” Sirius added, “Maybe you need to watch him around Evans.”
“Nah, I’d know if she fancied someone.”
“You think?” Sirius laughed. “Come on, we’re late for rehearsal.”
They snuck into the auditorium just as the head of drama, Professor McGonagall was starting her speech. Sirius caught Marlene’s eye and gave a little wave, she stuck her tongue out in response. He looked around for this mysterious new kid. What was his name? Lupin? He saw someone sitting next to Lily that he didn’t recognise, but couldn’t tell much from the back of his head.
When McGonagall was done, she announced that they’d be working on Voulez Vous as an introductory number as it featured everyone. She split them up into Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Basses and it was then that Sirius saw the new kid for the first time.
James nudged him after a couple of seconds, “Move, you prick.” Sirius turned to look at him, eyes wide, before he shook himself out of it, because Remus Lupin, new kid, was bloody gorgeous. Light brown hair fell in curls across his head, green eyes with long lashes, and a nose that most people would probably argue was slightly too big for his face. Several scars decorated the left side of his face, one cutting through his full lips.
He looked at Sirius and smiled shyly as James pushed Sirius across the room to where the tenors and basses were grouped. “You must be Remus!” James said. “I’m—”
“James Potter and Sirius Black,” Remus cut in, in a surprisingly deep voice. “Your reputation precedes you.” He ran his eyes up and down Sirius before focusing back on James. “Anyway, it’s good to meet you, I guess we’ll be spending a lot of time together.”
“Good to meet you too, mate. Is this tenor or bass?” James looked around. “I’m in the wrong place. See you later Pads. Nice to meet you, Remus.”
James, the traitor, left Sirius alone with Remus in the group of only five basses. He was having trouble forming words, so he just smiled at him.
“Alright?” Remus asked, “Lils made it seem like you never shut up, and now I don’t know if I can believe her about anything.”
“Nah, Evans is alright.” Sirius blurted out. “Uh, long day.” He shrugged. “So you’re new?”
“Started in January.” Remus smiled. “So, new-ish. I think I know my way around now at least.”
“Well, you can always ask me if you get lost.” Sirius cringed internally, What the fuck was he saying? “I mean, James and I know a few shortcuts.”
Remus’ left eyebrow raised slightly, “Shortcuts?”
“Yeah, like, there's a corridor between the science block and the drama department that’s supposedly closed off but…” He grinned, “It’s still accessible and might save you five whole minutes.”
“Five minutes in a secret corridor, huh?” Remus smirked at him and Sirius’ brain short-circuited. He was very grateful for McGonagall calling for quiet so she could start teaching the individual parts. He was so fucked.
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jaylienpotter · 11 months
Jegulus one-shot
Warning: Lily Evans bashing (kinda)
"Why don't you give me a chance? Even to be friends?!"
Regulus turned around and walked towards the source of the noise. He knew that voice very well.
"I hate you, Potter!"
Seemed like Black's crush was getting rejected again. Part of him was sad for his brother's best friend, another, more selfish side of him, was relieved.
"Why?! What did I ever do to you? I know I was a prick to Snape sometimes-"
"You're a bully!"
"I'm not a bully! Snape isn't stupid, nor weak, nor innocent. He does the exact same thing we did to him! He's not a victim." He wasn't wrong, to be a bully meant it was one-sided. Snape and Potter were more like mortal enemies.
"Even then, you're still a rich, obnoxious, arrogant, selfish prat who doesn't shut up about himself! You're so bloody conceited!"
That hit. He could see the hurt in those dark brown eyes. People didn't know the effort the tanned skinned boy put into helping others, making sure everyone is happy, included, safe. He could have all eyes on him yet no one noticed. Except Reg. He noticed James.
"That's not true." The pair turned to him in surprise, pale hands becoming fidgety with the sudden notion of being watched. He kind of regretted speaking up.
"James doesn't talk about himself. Yes, he's sometimes a bit obnoxious and loud, and he does talk a lot but it's never centered around himself. You're getting confused with my brother, Evans."
"Oh, please. Those two are the same. You're not in Gryffindor, you don't hear them all the time." Right, but he did hear from the boy in private. In their late night talks that started after Sirius ran away. Because James didn't want Reg to feel alone. He noticed. He cared. He helped.
"What does he say then? About himself. Not about his friends. Or the stupid pranks they all pull." He dragged the word 'all', making it a point that it didn't count.
"Do you know his favourite colour? Favourite animal? Favourite classes and professors? His grades? How many people he's dated? Anything about his home life? His life goals and dreams?" It was too late to back out, the rant had begun, and you bet Blacks finish what they start.
"Because I don't think so. He might talk a shit lot, but it's about his group plans, his friends, making jokes, making others laugh when feeling like shit as so many do nowadays," himself included. "It takes a lot to get him to talk about himself as an individual, actually. You would know if you gave him a chance. But for someone so against judgemental people, you really do focus on his appearance." Green eyes wide, pink lips shut tight. Regulus contained his smirk.
"He's a good person. A great friend. Selfless and caring despite being from an old pureblood family. And he fights for what he thinks is right. He fights for others. With his big personality comes a big heart. So if you don't make space for the love he has to offer just because you think you don't believe he has it in him, he's not the conceited one." Red hair nearly flew with Lily's stormed exit. She hadn't liked their interaction in the slightest. It was better that way. She wasn't deserving.
Piercing dark eyes were burning a whole through black curls. Reg avoided James's gaze, afraid of what he'd say. He only faced him when he felt the boy closer, and he could swear Potter's eyes were sparkling.
"You meant that...?"
"Of course. You care so much about everyone else that you forget yourself. You couldn't tell me what you wanted to do in the future because it would depend on what your friends decided to do with their lives. You're the most selfless person I know, and if she thinks otherwise, she doesn't deserve your love or friendship."
Silence. He really wanted the older boy to say something, but he just stared, lips slightly parted. Icy blue eyes looked away, shoulders tensing from the attention.
Warm strong arms surrounded his small figure, nearly making him halt. But Potter's sweet, intoxicating smell had him relax and melt in his arms, wrapping his much slimmer ones around his tanned waist.
"Thanks, Reggie." His heart skipped a beat at the nickname and he hoped James didn't feel it against his own chest. He was also thankful to have his face covered, absolutely certain that his white cheeks had turned fully pink.
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 20
chapter 35:
1. 😟 james’ first kill had a wife and two little girls. i- these chapters always start off by hitting hard
2. “James, who is—for some reason—glaring at Frank like he's kicked his cat. James doesn't even have a cat. His cat is dead. Has been for years, so Sirius isn't sure what that's all about.” 😭😭😭😭 girl wtf
3. “Pandora marches off after the mayor with the clear determination to organize that poor man's entire life, which maybe he needs, honestly.” queen 👑
4. girl, why is james so possessive of sirius around frank?
6. awww james is jealous. that’s actually kinda funny
7. poor frank is caught up in a lot of jealousy
8. i’m far too worried for effie and monty. like, unreasonably worries
9. i- bernice was a mother to an INFANT. i- all these people who are young parents fucking hurt. i know that’s the point, but it hurts
10. ew, we have to deal with the malfoys and blacks i don’t want to do this
11. “For example, Regulus did not understand when he was a child that Bellatrix is fucking insane. He understands now, of course” 😭😭
12. 😧 bellatrix just- got away with murder. and she did it just to make her younger sister’s life a little easier. he didn’t even do anything wrong. i- regulus is right in calling her fucking insane
13. “Narcissa is not, and never has been, fragile. Oh, she pretends to be, sure, but she's as dangerous as her sisters, especially because you don't expect it.”
14. 💕💕NARCISSA💕💕 asexual lesbian queen
15. “”I want to raise a child. He wants to train a Victor."”
god, that hurts. lucius needs to go rot in a ditch
16. i hate bellatrix, but she’s honestly a pleasure to read about
17. 😧😳 FUCKING WILD. every time reg tells someone not to touch james or he’ll [do something], nobody ever believes him, then he follows through with exactly what he threatened. also, maybe bella needed her hand to be stabbed with a fork
18. i love that sirius has no context, but he is IMMEDIATELY gonna throw fists with bella, no questions asked
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
microfic for @wolfstarmicrofic
written with the prompt ‘be mine’
Word count: 1134 (sorry this one’s quite long)
First half here
It just kept getting worse. And Remus wasn’t sure how much more he could take. 
“You look amazing today Moony.”
Sirius batted his eyes as he reached out a hand and took Remus’. He began to fiddle with his rings, twisting them round, leaning closer and closer and-
“God you just won’t quit will you?”
Sirius raised a single eyebrow at him as he spoke.
“You haven’t asked me to. Why haven’t you asked me to?”
“Well I didn’t think that would work.”
Remus muttered, dropping his gaze down.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Remus balled up his hands into little fists. He was blushing profusely now, he knew.
“The month is nearly up, I mean there’s not really much point so-“
“You don���t want me to stop.”
Remus snuck a look up and fuck that was a mistake. Sirius looked like, well godrick, he looked like a fucking Greek god, grinning smugly down at where Remus was sat on the bed. 
“Moony…do you like me?”
Remus just trailed off. It was over. Years of pining. Years of unrequited love. Years of wishing the butterflies in his stomach would fly away or just die already. Years of wishing more than anything that Sirius would just-
Sirius sat down next to him, lifting a hand up tentatively, hovering it over Remus’ chin.
“Moony can I kiss you?”
Remus had barely breathed it out when he felt warm lips crash into his. He sighed into it immediately and brought his hand up to the nape of Sirius’ neck, fisting it in his lovely, lovely curls there. His fucking hair. The only fucking reason he was kissing him at all. And Remus was sick and pandering and doting and fucking obsessed with Sirius but this, this was fucking selfish. I’m in love with you. And you’re kissing me. I’m in love with you and you’re kissing me and the only reason you’re kissing me is because you don’t want  a haircut. And I’m ok with that and I’m so, so fucking happy right now and this is the happiest I’ll ever be in my entire life because I am too fucking weak to cut you out of it.  And isn’t that so sad? That I live for you even if you don’t care. That I will never move on and I will never not love you. But you will never love me. And I’m ok with that. I wish I wasn’t. I wish I wasn’t I wish I wasn’t I wish I wasn’t I wish I wasn’t I wish I-
Sirius shifted his lips to Remus’ neck and Remus gasped a breath. He took the moment as a break, seeing clarity and shoving Sirius off the bed. Sirius fell away stumbling, eyebrows furrowed.
“Hey what the fuck was-“
Remus let out a sob. Sirius’ expression immediately changed. Anger gone, replaced with concern and fucking caring. Don’t pretend to care about me please I’m begging you just be mean, be cruel, mock me. It makes it easier.
“Remus, hey, hey, look at me what’s wrong?”
Sirius reached a hand to touch his cheek and Remus batted it away, trying to fight the tears because Remus Lupin does not cry. But he’s crying now. 
“Don’t, DON’T fucking touch me!”
“Remus what happened? What did I do wrong?”
“Just get out of here for fuck’s sake. Leave me alone. You got what you wanted, no fucking haircut for you Mr irresistible. I hope it was fucking worth it.”
And then Sirius began to laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and mock and belittle and Remus cried. It was like a fucking stab to the heart. Thank merlin though. Now I can hate him. Get over him and hate him. But that was a lie too because Remus Lupin could never hate Sirius Black. I’ll pretend to hate you. I know I will. But the moment you call I’ll come fucking crawling because I am pathetic. I’ll be pathetic for you. Always. Fucking always. I hate you I hate you I hate you I love you. I love you and I hate you for it.
“Moony…you think that’s why I wanted to kiss you?”
Sirius’ eyes were crinkled, smile wide and he looked goddamn angelic which really wasn’t bloody helping Remus get over him. How dare you be so cruel and look so sweet? 
“Of course it’s why you wanted to kiss me. You and your fucking bet! There’s no other- and it’s fucking low you know? It’s fucking low because I am in love with you Sirius Black. And you kissed me to win a fucking bet. And I am in love with you.”
His face crumpled as he said ‘love’, tears were fast rolling down his face now, he didn’t bother trying to wipe them away. They’d just get replaced again and it wasn’t fucking worth it. 
“Moony, mo- Remus. Please look at me. I lost the bet.”
Remus glanced up.
“I lost the bet. The bet was to get you to kiss me. I kissed you. I lost the bet.”
“Then why…”
“Because I like you Moony. I like you a lot. Hell, I’m in love with you too! The only reason I made that fucking bet was to have an excuse to flirt with you openly because… man you are fucking clueless!”
“Are you lying? Because I swear to god if this is a lie I’ll-“
Sirius let out a laugh, his eyes were shining now too, they were a stormy grey like a night sky about to rain with still un-shed tears.
“No I’m not lying.”
Remus reached out a hand and wrapped it around Sirius’ waist, tugging him onto his lap. Sirius immediately straddled him, kissing the tears on his cheeks.
“You taste salty.”
“No shit Sherlock.”
“Wow. Ok Merlin you’re such a bad romantic.”
“You made a bet so you could flirt with me so um, pot calling the kettle black there I think.”
Sirius chuckled.
He asked quietly, face nuzzled against his neck.
“Be mine?”
Remus shifted slightly, taking Sirius head and cupping his face gently so he could see him. He looked vulnerable. And Sirius Black never looked vulnerable. But here he was, wide eyes painted in fear. And Remus Lupin didn’t cry. But here he was covered in a trail of tears. 
“Always was, always will be love.”
And he kissed him. And it was everything.
“And now you don’t have to cut your bloody hair.”
He whispered in Sirius’ ear. Sirius smiled softly where he was curled up against Remus’ chest. 
“I love you. So much.”
He added. He needed to make up for all the times he could have- should have said it but didn’t. 
“I love you too.”
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 30 - Diamond
@jegulus-microfic March 30 Word count 992
Previous part First part
Peter cowered in the middle of the cell. James and Sirius stood in front of him, glaring down at the pitiful man. 
Evan had put a block on Peters's magic while he’d been unconscious so he couldn’t transform into his animagus form. 
Sirius twirled Peters's wand in his hand, looking eerily like Regulus. Peter didn’t stand a chance. 
They’d decided, in case anything went wrong, that it was best if only the two of them were seen by Peter. Remus was supposed to be with the werewolves. Regulus, the Rosier twins and Barty were supposed to support Voldemort. If Peter somehow wormed his way out of this, he could potentially ruin everything they had so far accomplished and put them all in danger.  
“James, please!” Peter begged from the ground. “I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing.” James clenched his jaw. Peter was lying to him. He caught the back of Sirius’s robes to stop him from leaping on Peter. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing, Peter when you got me to reveal that Sirius was still alive. You took me out to lunch and wheedled it out of me, and then you went straight to your master and spilled your guts. How could you betray me? How could you betray Sirius?” He was spitting by the end of his tirade.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The Dark Lord he—he threatened my life if I didn’t do as he said.” Peter was crying now. Fat tears dripped down his face and turned the stones beneath him black.
“And Sirius would die if Voldemort decides to send someone after him because of the information you fed him.” He had to stop as his voice began to feel thick. 
“We were your brothers, Peter! We would have done anything for you! We would have died for you. You could have come to us if you were scared. But you know what? I don’t think you were sacred. I don’t think he did threaten you. I think you went to him yourself. You always were a little rat.” Sirius pounced, his hands curling into claws as he attacked the screaming Peter. 
James dragged his friend off the quivering mess on the floor. 
“Sirius, calm down. We need to find out what he knows.” James whispered harshly into Sirius’s ear. Sirius growled and spat on the floor beside Peter. 
“Then, let’s hurry up and do it, James. I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from turning into Padfoot and using my teeth.” Sirius gnashed his teeth together as though Padfoot was already trying to break through. James ran a calming hand down Sirius’s back, and his friend immediately unpuffed his chest and backed away from Peter a step. 
“Come on then, Peter. What else have you told Voldemort?” James’s voice was cold. He’d never been betrayed like this before. Even Regulus had never hidden his intention to join the Death Eaters, though, with Regulus, it was because his mother had given him no other choice. Peter had had many options, and he still chose Voldemort. 
“N-n-nothing. I haven’t told him anything else.” Peter whimpered. 
“Liar,” Sirius snarled. His eyes twitched as he stared at Peter. It took James a second to realise Sirius was performing legimency on Peter. 
After a few minutes, Sirius turned away and strode out of the cell. James conjured heavy manacles and chained Peter to the wall. He found Sirius curled up in Remus’s lap. He looked up when James walked in. His eyes were dull. The usual diamond gleam and sparkle that resided there had been ripped away by whatever he’d seen inside Peter’s head. 
“He told them everything.” He croaked. “Everything we’ve ever said about our assignments, everything from the meetings.” He let out a sob. “James, he was planning to help death eaters get into your parent’s house.” James felt the blood drain from his face and Regulus’s arms wrapping around him. 
“How—how far along was his plan?” He choked out, looking back at the door he’d just come through. 
“Not very. He hadn’t even mentioned it to Voldemort yet. I think they’re safe.” Sirius still looked panicked. They were his parents as much as James’s. 
“Anything else?” James asked, not sure if he wanted to hear anymore. 
“I was right. He joined them voluntarily.” James felt any loyalty he felt for Peter slip away. That man wasn’t his friend, and he couldn’t believe he’d ever trusted him. 
“What do you want to do?” Regulus asked, holding him close. James bit back the pain. He’d deal with it later. 
“We need to give him to Moody and make sure he knows he can’t make a deal with him.” 
It took some juggling, but they eventually managed to get Peter to one of the Order safe houses, and Moody appeared moments later, wand raised. 
“What are you doing here without permission?” He barked, still not lowering his wand. 
“We caught your spy. You’re welcome.” Sirius growled at him. 
“That wasn’t the plan, Black.” They were glaring at each other. 
“Yeah, well. He was planning on killing the Potters, among other things. He went to Voldemort and asked to join them. It’s time he was caught.” Moody didn’t argue. Effie and Monty Potter were loved by all, and even the grizzled Alastor Moody didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. 
“Fine, I’ll get the rest of the information out of him and find somewhere to keep him.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder and began shoving him further into the house. 
“No deals, Mad-Eye.” James’s tone was a warning. Moody scrutinised James from head to toe and snorted through his nose. 
“Fine, no deals.” 
James and Sirius went to the Potters house, needing to see they were safe and hug them. James had a quick conversation with Regulus, explaining what had happened between them and Moody, and then he was in Effie’s arms. 
Final part
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in-flvx · 8 months
Sirius didn't abandon Harry to take revenge on Peter. He arrives at the scene when hagrid already has Harry in his arms and won't let him go no matter how often Sirius asks, and dueling hagrid over Harry would be a really bad idea for all the reasons. Hagrid takes Harry to dumbledore and only then does Sirius go to look for Peter. And even that wasn't necessarily for revenge, Peter could have been in danger or dead for all he knew. But he finds Peter, and that man who was supposed to be his and James' best friend, murders 13 people in front of Sirius' eyes, and frames him for the deaths of all of them, plus himself, plus the potters.
Even his breakout from azkaban isn't fueled by revenge. It's because a mass murderer hangs around Harry on a daily basis, and that's... Yk. Dangerous.
Also even without a spy in their ranks Remus was in the most vulnerable position so making him secret keeper would just put him and the potters in more danger, and telling anyone about the secret switch would defeat the purpose of a secret switch.
Sirius did nothing wrong, and I won't even count trusting the wrong person. It's not his fault that Peter switched sides.
The only thing that may have been a bit out of pocket was trying to kill Peter before the eyes of three children, but we don't really know what his plan would have been after getting all of them to the shack, and it's Remus who actually instigates this as soon as he arrives.
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accio-sriracha · 9 months
Sirius loved Christmas more than any other holiday.
And no, not just because he got to wear his leather jacket; he did that in the summer too.
And not because of the dragon-nog or the potion pies.
Not the pumpkin truffles or the roast turkey.
He didn't love Christmas for the break from classes and homework, though that was definitely a bonus.
Not the lights, not the music, not the festive holiday cheer.
He loved it for something else entirely.
Sirius Black loved Christmas for the mistletoe.
Now, you can say what you want about the enchanted tradition, Sirius didn't care what anyone else thought.
Evey year the castle was filled with hidden mistletoe, waiting for their targets.
And every year students would groan as they were trapped underneath with their best friend or a passing stranger.
Sirius was obsessed with the tradition, he thought it was a hilarious way to bring people together, a reason to connect with people and laugh and share awkward solidarity.
He would purposefully trap his friends underneath it with him and tease them about it for days afterwards.
James was respectful, careful to learn the layout to avoid making anyone uncomfortable.
Peter was terrified, jumping if anybody would walk too close.
And Remus... well he was Remus.
Nobody really knew how he felt about the mistletoe; he never showed anything further than indifference.
Somehow nobody had ever gotten trapped with him.
Remus had gone his entire life without being stuck under one, and seemed to be confident it would continue this way.
That is, until this year, on Christmas morning.
Sirius stood in the common room, pacing the floor as he waited for his friends to get out of bed.
He was up ridiculously early and he knew that, but it was Christmas, where was their cheer?
So when James and Peter finally trudged down the steps he jumped up from the couch and ran to hug them,
"Merry Christmas guys!!" He shouted, laughing as they winced at his volume.
"Merry Christmas, Pads." Peter grumbled, patting his shoulder and pulling away to plop down on the couch.
James broke off too, muttering incoherently before joining Peter in collapsing onto his favorite armchair.
"Where's Moony?" Sirius asked.
"Bathroom. Should be down in a second." Peter yawned.
Sirius huffed and jogged halfway up the steps, "Moons! Hurry up!"
"Merlin's beard, Pads, give us a second, would you?" Remus' answering call came from the far end of the hall.
"Never. It's Christmas, your choices are be excited or die."
"Is death really on the table?" Remus smiled, walking into view.
He was wearing his biggest jumper, the sleeves pooling over his hands, another reason Christmas would always be Sirius' favorite.
Sirius tried not to let his thoughts show on his face, but he was never very good at hiding his expressions.
"What's wrong?" Remus asked immediatley.
"Nothing. You look good, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." Remus had just started to walk down the steps when something made them both freeze.
"Oh shit." Sirius gasped.
James turned lazily in his seat, than gave a loud, short laugh and called over Peter.
"Did you guys just-" Peter's eyes were wide.
They had all learned to avoid the one on the stairway to the boy's dorms quick, Sirius had never once been accidentally trapped by it.
But then again, he'd been pretty distracted..
"How?" Sirius looked up at Remus in shock, "I thought these didn't work on you?"
"Guess there's no such thing as invincible." Remus shrugged, that indifferent attitude still fixed in place.
Sirius cleared his throat and looked away, every time he'd been stuck with James or Peter he kissed them way too over the top as a joke to make them uncomfortable or panic, but he couldn't bring himself to even look at Remus.
"Well go on then, Padfoot. Moony's been missing out on this for years." Peter urged, mostly for revenge, Peter was always the easiest target.
"I, uh-" Sirius cleared his throat.
This wall was interesting enough, wasn't it? He didn't see a reason to look away.
"Are you okay?" Remus asked again, quietly this time so only Sirius could hear him. He looked concerned.
But the expression made his lips pull down in a frown, which drew Sirius' eyes to his lips, which made his heart take the liberty to stop working properly.
And here they were, Remus staring at Sirius, Sirius staring at the stone, neither of them knowing what to do next.
It was easy for Sirius to be nonchalant about placing mistletoe everywhere, he didn't care about kissing James or Peter, it was usually hilarious to see their faces afterwards.
After seven years of never needing to be trapped with Remus, he had forgotten it was even a possibility.
And the truth was... he did care about kissing Remus.
"I'm fine." Sirius finally answered, he had no idea how long it had been since he was asked.
"You sure?" Remus pressed.
Sirius just nodded. He turned when he felt a hand on his arm.
"If we don't do this soon we're going to block the hallway." Remus explained gently, his eyes searching Sirius'.
"Right." Sirius let out another slow breath, "Okay."
"Okay." Remus repeated.
Neither of them moved.
"What's happening?" James asked Peter, not wanting to stand up from his seat to get a better look, "Why is it taking so long?"
Peter shrugged, "I don't know."
Sirius looked back up into Remus' eyes and tried to steel his resolve.
It was just one kiss. It didn't need to mean anything. Just like the ones he shared with James and Peter.
He took a step forward slowly to close the distance between them, "Can I touch you?" He asked quietly.
Remus watched him for a moment before he nodded.
Sirius reached up, Merlin did it take some effort, and cupped his hand around one side of Remus' face.
There was a twinkle of amusement in Remus' eyes, probably because his hands were shaking,
"Would you like me to kiss you, Sirius?" He whispered.
Sirius nodded mutely.
And they kissed, a deep, slow kiss that Sirius would bet the boy's dormitory mistletoe has never seen before.
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus' neck and pulled him closer, he felt hands at his waist.
And the kiss did mean something, to both of them.
It was odd, how natural this was. Remus was his best friend, kissing his best friend shouldn't feel like this, should it?
When they pulled away, Remus smiled softly at him, "I'm sorry." He whispered, pressing another soft kiss to his forehead.
"For what?" Sirius' breathed, he couldn't image a single reason Remus would ever apologize after that. It was single handedly the best thing that had ever happened to him.
But then Remus was smiling again,
"For tricking you into kissing me."
It took a moment, but Sirius finally realised maybe Remus wasn't just his best friend after all.
"Oh." Sirius swallowed hard, "So you-" He trailed off, Remus smiled again,
"Okay?" Remus looked hopeful and Sirius couldn't help smiling back.
"Okay." He whispered as he pulled Remus in for another kiss.
It wasn't until they heard a door open somewhere in the hall that Remus leaned back,
"We're still blocking the stairs." He mumbled into Sirius' hair.
"Who gives a fuck?" Sirius laughed, kissing him again.
"Should we just go?" They heard James ask. Peter snorted,
"Yeah, for the best. Merry Christmas guys."
Remus raised a hand vaugly in their direction as he pulled Sirius up the stairs to continue privately in their dorm.
"Merry Christmas, Moons." Sirius smiled just before the door closed behind them.
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ourloveisforthelovely · 7 months
Bad Ideas (Part 16)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 15
“I know you hate me but you better go check on your wife. She looks as freaked out as you are.”
Regulus ran a hand through his hair.
“I mean, yeah, neither one of us was expecting this. We talked about kids but there wasn’t any timeline on it. You’re right. I do need to talk to her. Do me a favor and keep that trap that you call a mouth shut.”
Sirius dramatically put a hand on his chest.
“Me? Trap? How rude.”
Regulus shook his head and started for the steps.
“Sirius, it's me. I have known you longer than anyone else in my life. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius frowned as Remus walked in.
“Moony, am I a big mouth?”
Remus looked up from the mail that he was reading. He obviously hadn’t heard anything that was going on. The fact that he wasn’t laid out on the floor told Regulus that Remus didn’t hear the whole “baby” conversation.
“Yes, Sirius. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius looked offended as Regulus turned to leave the room. He stopped before turning back to his brother and making the motion to “keep his mouth shut.”
Sirius blinked after him while Remus raised an eyebrow.
“I mean it, Sirius.”
Regulus commented before leaving the room. Remus, meanwhile, turned back to his boyfriend.
“Do I want to know? Is it really that good?”
Sirius just stared at him blankly before faking a laugh.
“Well…yes…but I can’t tell you…don’t make me.”
Remus was silent a moment before speaking in his normally calm reserved tone.
“Does it affect me?”
Sirius looked thoughtful. Would he be able to keep his mouth shut? This bit of information was too good not to share with someone. Even if Regulus did threaten to slit his throat. Given Regulus’ current mood, Sirius could see that happening too.
This is why Regulus is always mad at me!
Sirius thought before groaning.
“Yes, but I can’t tell you. Don’t make me.”
“You lied. Now tell me.”
Remus replied. If something was going on with you, he needed to know. You were the closest thing that he would ever have to a daughter and if something was wrong Remus wanted to fix it.
“I can’t, Remus. Stop.”
“Sirius, you know that I won’t say anything.”
Remus added.
“Okay, Y/n is pregnant with twins.”
As soon as Sirius uttered that sentence, he looked around as if waiting for Regulus to appear out of nowhere to kick his ass. Remus, meanwhile, stood quietly himself.
“Did you say what I thought you said?”
Sirius nodded wildly.
“Sure did. Look, Y/n seems nervous about it and Regulus…well, you know him. Please don’t say anything or they will never talk to me again.”
Remus held a hand up.
“I won’t say anything. Wow, I was not expecting that news. It isn’t a bad thing. I only expected Y/n to not rush into…”
“I guess my brother isn’t as good at pulling out as he thought.”
Sirius added with a smirk. Remus gave him a frown.
“I did not want to think about that. Thank you. I suggest not making that joke to James when he finds out.”
Sirius’ mouth dropped even more. He did not even think about James! His best friend was about to have his already complicated life rattled even more. Sirius knew that James was having a hard enough time coming back to life to find his children adults. The last thing James knew he had twin one-year-olds. Now here he sat with twin adults who were busy with lives of their own.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?”
Sirius questioned. Remus sat down and scratched his head.
“My suggestion is to not look at him like you are looking at me. You look like you are in pain and guilty about something. Dead giveaway, mate.”
Before Sirius could say anything else, James came into the room. He noticed Sirius’ guilty expression while Remus was just busy being Remus.
“So…what’s going on?”
James questioned. Sirius made a few random squeaking noises before taking off out of the room.
“What’s with him?”
James questioned, looking after his best friend. Remus looked up from his book.
“No idea.”
Regulus walked into the bedroom where you sat on the bed with wide eyes. He closed the door behind you before coming to join you on the bed.
“So, this is really happening?”
You groaned.
“Looks like it.”
Regulus was quiet for a moment before taking a breath. He wasn’t sure how you were so calm. Regulus was ready to start pacing the room while having the biggest panic attack known to man.
“Am I a big jerk because I’m about to panic?”
You shook your head.
“No, because I’m about to panic too. Regulus we are in trouble. We aren’t just having one baby like most normal people…no, we go for the gold and have two.”
“Sirius said that we had to make a litter. I nearly punched him in his face.”
You turned to your husband and blinked a few times.
“And you didn’t? I admire your self-control. What are we going to do? We haven’t even talked about kids?”
Regulus was quiet again for a moment before taking your hand in his.
“We’ll figure it out. We aren’t having to worry about that stupid Voldemort situation anymore. Lucky for us, you are a healer and will know when the kids are sick. I’m sure they make some kind of book that I can read on what to expect. I do hope there is no pictures of the whole being born part…please don’t make me look when it comes time for that.”
You giggled at the sheer panic in Regulus’ voice.
“There are plenty of books and no, I won’t make you look. I actually prefer that you don’t. I would like to preserve what good memories you have of that part of my anatomy. It’s going to be a lot of work, love. We will have the kids and be working through your furry little problem now and haven’t gotten that mastered yet. I’m afraid adding twins into the mix may be extremely difficult.”
Regulus groaned and laid back on the bed. For once, he wasn’t hyper-fixating on his newest condition. His worry instead was on you.
“Fuck. It will be fine. If Remus can function then so can I. Neither of us has been really healthy lately.”
He grumbled as you turned to look at him.
“That’s how I didn’t realize that I was pregnant. Neither of us have been sleeping normally. I have been eating a ton of shit food. We have both been stressed and that causes issues with a woman’s cycle.”
Regulus stared at the ceiling for a moment. He absolutely hated the realization of what he was putting you and the babies to be through. None of you deserved going through all of this hell right along with him.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop.”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. You had turned to look at him sadly.
“It's kind of hard not to. You shouldn’t have to be dealing…”
“It's just the way things are. I love you and I don’t care what you are.”
Regulus reached out and pulled your body down against his.
“You are one in a million, sweetheart. Look, I know you’re nervous and I’m about to freak the fuck out but it will be fine. We will figure this out. I think my worry is what if I end up being like my father?”
Your eyes rolled up to Regulus’ face. His grey eyes were focused on the ceiling. While you had never met Orion Black, you wanted nothing more than to kick the man in the ass. There was nothing good that you could say about him.
He never treated Regulus right.
You frowned at the thought. While Orion never really treated Sirius right either, Regulus had it worse. Regulus was the second son. He was the son that Orion didn’t exactly want. Orion wanted a daughter for the second child. When Regulus came along, Orion really had no use for him until Sirius said a big “Fuck you” to the Black family and peaced out.
Thinking of your in-laws was enough to make you want to bring them back from the dead, kick their asses, then put them back in the ground. It was their own stupid fault that they didn’t see how wonderful Regulus truly was. They didn’t see him for anything other than being an heir. They didn’t see how much he truly strived to please them.
“It's their loss.”
You thought before stroking your finger over Regulus’ perfect jawline.
“You will never be your father. The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that you won’t be like him. Too bad they can’t come back. I would sure love to kick both of their asses.”
Regulus immediately shook his head.
“As tempting and as entertaining as that sounds, I don’t want my pregnant wife kicking my horrible parent’s asses. Granted, it would be fun to see but they know a lot of dark magic.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know a lot too. I’ve gone up against Voldemort. Walburga and Orion Black would be a day in the park.”
Regulus was quiet a moment.
“Okay, fair. Good god woman, you are cocky.”
“That's why you love me.”
You replied before laying your head back on Regulus’ chest to simply enjoy the silence. What you didn’t see was the dark frown coming back to Regulus’ face. He wanted to make damn sure that you didn’t see his brooding.
Was he happy that you were pregnant? Maybe? Possibly? Regulus was positive his feelings would change after the first healer appointment but for now, he was wrecked. Regulus never planned on having children. At 18, he was too focused on being a death eater and living up to his crazy family’s expectations.
Isn’t this nice? They get what they want after all.
The dark thought made Regulus frown. He remembered telling his mother years ago that he wanted nothing to do with children or a family when Walburga went on a rant about preserving the Black family name/legacy. Walburga had laughed at his response. She assumed that her son was just being an angsty teenager. After all, that was what Regulus was. He was the angsty quiet teenager while Sirius was the one spreading the “eternal joy” of his presence around.
Regulus tried to keep repeating your words in his head. Orion probably cared less when Walburga was pregnant. He probably responded with an “okay” when she told him the news. Orion probably didn’t feel the panic that Regulus was feeling. He probably didn’t worry about how his children would turn out or if he would be a good father. Instead, Orion’s thoughts were…
“She’s pregnant. I did my job.”
Regulus couldn’t exactly understand that line of thinking. Even though he wasn’t excited about what was about to happen to the two of you, he wasn’t dreading it either. Regulus didn’t see it as some sense of duty.
Once I calm down, this will be just fine. I’m sure I will be happy about it.”
Regulus took a breath as you wrapped your arms a bit more tightly around him.
“We might as well tell everyone. You know, get it over with.”
You commented before sitting up and stretching. Regulus moved to stand up and fix his now disheveled hair.
“Sirius took it well…I guess. I threatened to slit his throat if he said anything else to anyone. How did Harry and Ron take it?”
You chuckled.
“We were all on the shocked side. No one was really upset, only shocked. If they were upset, I would tell them to shove it as they are having kids too.”
“Yeah, we were all having sex at the same time. That is an uncomfortable thought. I wish I didn’t think of that.”
Regulus muttered, looking grossed out. You laughed and wrapped your hand through his.
“Well, you can go ruin my father’s day and tell him. That will bring you some joy.”
Regulus immediately looked thrilled by the aspect of totally shutting James Potter up.
“What are we waiting for?”
Walking downstairs, it took all of the control that you had to not laugh at the thrilled expression on Regulus’ face. Everyone sat in the kitchen when the two of you walked in. Your attention instantly went to Sirius who was drinking water to keep himself quiet. Raising an eyebrow, you knew exactly what your god father was up to. He was trying to keep his big mouth shut.
“Love, you need to check him out. I am concerned that he has some kind of disease or something. This is his 13th glass of water in less than an hour.”
James said while giving his best friend a confused glance. Lily meanwhile, stood up with a smile.
“Did you hear Harry’s good news?”
You pressed your lips together.
“I was the one that took the pictures so, yes. How does it feel knowing that you are going to be a grandma?”
Lily blinked a few times.
“I didn’t expect it at my age but here we are.”
You moved to get a drink of water before shooting Regulus a smirk.
“Ginny isn’t the only one having a baby, you know.”
James decided to join the conversation.
“Hermione is too.”
“She also isn’t the only one having a baby.”
James and Lily looked at each other clearly confused.
“Who else is there?”
James questioned. Remus put a hand on his face as if muttering “Merlin help me.”
“Me. I’m having twins.”
It took all that you had to not choke with laughter at the stunned expression on your parent's faces. Sirius took a deep breath.
“Thank Merlin! I mean…that you told them. Twins are nice too. I’m going to stop talking. You two can carry on.”
James and Lily kept looking between Regulus and yourself unable to get words out. Ginny perked up from her seat.
“I took the picture!”
James blinked rapidly clearly taking the information in while Lily smiled.
“What a surprise! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Twins? I love twins… obviously, because Harry and yourself are twins…how exciting!”
James turned to Regulus who was smirking.
“Are you two fucking with me? You both are good at that.”
Regulus looked up from the whiskey that he was sipping.
“We were all apparently having sex at the same time. Surprise, grandpa.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @dumbbunnys-safes @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @rogue-nyx88 @shaylybaby2032 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux
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mrsnerdygirl · 1 month
I think that a common misconception in the fandom of “Harry Potter”, is the fact that Narcissa Malfoy , was called “narcissa “ , because she is as delicate and as pure as a flower , but that is completely wrong. Narcissa Malfoy was anything but nice , delicate , and kind hearted and I think that if people concentrated when they read the books they wouldn’t misunderstand her character .
Narcissa Malfoy , was born to The Noble House Of Black , and the Blacks , even Sirius and Andromeda , all are a certain way . They are practically royalty , old money , one of the families with the purest blood . Their family motto is literally “Toujour Pur “ , they are haughty , confident , and the definition of celebrities (people you look up to , because of their life style ) for the Wizarding World.
Narcissa is named after a flower , and not a star which is the tradition in “House of Black “, but they also name their children after strong , meaningful characters from Greek Mythology . Narcissa is named after the flower of the Narcissist. The myth states that the Narcissist was so in love with himself that he spend days looking at his own reflection in the lake , but one day he tripped and fell in . He drowned and right there , where his body fell , a flower bloomed that was called , The flower of the Narcissist , or “Narcissi”.
If there is one thing I have learnt about the names of the Blacks is that all of them have a deeper meaning , for example , Sirius is the brightest star in the sky , and is differently called the dog constellation . So of course Narcissa Malfoy isn’t called, practically a Narcissist for no reason at all .
She was always described as pretty , as haughty and rather serious as well . I think that we understand exactly how self-centered she is in the sixth book , when she meets Harry at Diagon Alley , and to offend him and upset him mentions Sirius , her cousin and Harry’s godfather who was killed by Bellatrix . I don’t understand why people think she was “sad” when he died, she clearly wasn’t . Which leads me to her hatred for muggleborns and blood traitors . Everyone thinks that she was so sad when Andromeda left and she kept talking to her ect , but I think that she cut contact just like Bellatrix did . She clearly hates Blood traitors , and while I do think she tried to convince Andromeda to leave Ted , I don’t think that she supported the relationship , or that she wanted her sister with Tonks . If she helped Andromeda sneak around it was to save her peace , for the same reason she helped Harry Potter in the Second Wizarding War, to save her head , as well as her son’s and husband’s .
Since we are in the topic of The Malfoy’s , you all need to realize that when we are young we believe and do what we have been taught . So when Draco says some rude stuff about Blood traitors and Muggleborns , where do you think he learnt those from , the neighbors ? Of course he learnt those from his parents .
Ok , but it was Luscius not Cissa . No , it was Cissa too , why do you think they got married , because of their love for their hair ?
It was arranged , they weren’t in love . While it was never conformed , though I’m sure they chose each – other , even if it was arranged , so was Bellatrix’s and Rodolphus marriage and yet they both had the same beliefs . The Black’s were very picky when it came to their in – laws , there were times that they married each other to not get mixed with unfitted names , so now you tell me that Luscius didn’t think like Narcissa . They were both raised that way , and they raised Draco that way too .
Oh , and also , stop saying that they had an abusive marriage , because I can assure you that a woman as haughty and royal as Narcissa Malfoy , wouldn’t stand to be treated like a piece of trash , because they ( the Black’s ) have learnt from a very early age how important they are , and how to show people exactly how to treat them , and plus Narcissa was smart as hell , if she was abused she wouldn’t have tried to get her husband out of Azkaban .
Narcissa wasn’t a Death Eater , but she practically was part of them . Abraxas Malfoy , her father in law was one of the original death eaters , which means that he used the manor for the meetings all the time. Luscius followed his dad’s footsteps and did the same , so Narcissa knew a lot , plus her sister was Lord Voldemort’s right hand . She was very smart , she could bloke her mind and lie without flinching to the Dark Lord , just to save her family . If that isn’t the definition of a smart person than what the hell is .
So yeah , next time you portray Narcissa Malfoy as a victim, think twice, because she isn’t fragile , but she isn’t just a narcissistic person either , she is so much more .
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jellyfishsthings · 24 days
couldn't find any regulus black stuff on your blog, so maybe just some a fluffy fic with fem!reader?... feel free to ignore ❤️
I think I have posted a while back an angsty Regulus fic, this will possibly be my last marauders request. I have lost the spark you know... this is mostly fluff with an angsty twist because I am that girl, ya know...
WARNINGS: fem!reader, pureblood reader, messy sad thoughts, male pov but in a good way
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Focus. Focus. Focus.
Don't look. She is here. Do not give away yourself. Not in front of mother. God they will eat me alive, if they could.
His thoughts were a cheerful bundle, a tangled mess that couldn't right itself. The news dropped on him like a bomb, his house a new battlefield, not that it wasn't regularly one, but this time it was horrendous and brutal. It has been approximately two months since Sirius left and got disowned, two months since he became the heir of the honorable house of Black. It was all rubbish.
Sirius had been a model of an heir. He was sociable, multilingual, could stand mother's cruel actions because deep down he was a mama's boy to the bone.
He desperately missed him.
When he was there, he had an ally, someone he looked up to, a friend, a protector, a brother. But apparently he wasn't enough for him to stay. His new Gryffindor friends were his new family.
Now he had to be the perfect son, to withstand Riddle's tortures and jabs, the constant criticism, his new engagement and above all else the constant loneliness.
A knock drew him out of his downward spiral and he opened his window looking up to the dangling figure that grinned at him.
"Are you coming or what?" Her voice was teasing and he felt himself become lighter, as if a huge burden lifted of his shoulders. His wife to be just happened to be his best friend, the only sliver of sunshine he could find in his grey clouded life. They loved each other, strictly plantonically, or maybe not on his part, but he knew that with her on his side his days would be slightly better.
They climbed up the jaded stones, just like they did when they were kids, heading for the roof where slowly but steadily they moved pillows and made their own secret fort.
In front of the others she was the proper image of a highborn lady, with her pureblooded, that was why they had chosen her to be his wife.
They couldn't be more wrong.
She was the most spirited person he had come to know, her radical opinions on several subjects and her thirst for knowledge and muggle invensions were like a breath of fresh air and they were going to be the death of him, if anyone found out. He was to be her lord husband and if she did something out of place, it was his fault. But there was no way controlling her and that was the reason he was so surprised when the announcement of his engagement echoed in the large breakfast table which was consisted just from him and his parents. He had stood gaping at them for the entirenty of two minutes gaping as a fish.
When he asked her about it, she just shrugged and said better you then anyone else, you I can love with time and I like you already, we shall be happy, and I know you too well to know that you will never deprive me of my freedom or try to control me like anyone else. Mother says it is the perfect match and she is right. I never expected a love match or anything such, but with you I can find love.
His heart had both clenged with sadness and fluttered with love. She had been right after all. It had merely been a month of them spending more time together romantically and he was already head over heels for her, his once time schoolboy crush was the being that consumed, his every waking moment and his every thought. People said marry your best friend and you shall find happiness, and Merlin were they right. He was happy already.
They could never kiss and he couldn't care. If he could hold her the way he did now and gaze at the stars, her head on his chest, his fingers woven in her hair. This was a piece of heaven reserved just for him.
He didn't need anything else, just this. The two of them a unit and close, together. Waking and sleeping in her arms, in their bed. If he were to die right this instant, he would die a happy man. Her light snores filled with ear as the air howled around them. Once he had done the mistake to tell her that she snores in her sleep and before he could claim that he found it endearing he had ended up with donkey ears and bright pink clothes, receiving a stink eye from her for five hours, until she come back to him and demanded they go to the Great Hall together for dinner because she didn't want to eat alone. He knew that the moment he found such a mundane thing so endearing he was a goner and fortunately for him there was no way back.
words: God knows not me, said I, not a religious person
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