#Sniper Jaune AU
elmothedictator · 1 year
Sniper Jaune: Firing range
Ruby: Hey Jaune, what are you doing here?
Jaune: Testing my skill in sniping. It’s been a while
Ruby: *Laughing* Jaune, that’s a nice joke! *Wiping her tears off*
Jaune: I’m serious…
Ruby: Yeah right, the local knight is now a sniper? That’ll never happened.
Jaune: Aight bet. If i hit 10 shot in a vital area, then you owe me 50 Lien, if you hit that target the same amount, than i’ll owe you 50 Lien. Deal?
Ruby: Deal, bring it on Jaune. It’ll be an easy money.
Jaune: Oh, you poor naive little child… (She doesn’t know my uncle is white death and he personally trained me)
(Cut to the ending of the challenge)
Ruby: *Having a thousand yards stare*
Jaune: Guess you owe me a 50 Lien. C’mon now, give me 50 Lien.
Ruby: *Still having a thousand yards stare while giving Jaune his money*
Jaune: Well that was fun, i gotta leave. Bye! *get out of the firing range*
Ruby: *Still in shock*…………. How?
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how-i-draw · 11 months
Jaune: Hello friend, i see you are sitting on the floor. Do you need help getting up?
Ruby: Oh uh, yeah! *Get up with Jaune help* I didn't see where i was going and bumped into someone. My name's Ruby, Ruby Rose, what's yours?
Jaune: Name's Jaune. Happy to meet you Ruby. You seem a bit young to be enrolling in Beacon, am i mistaking?(Not that i'm better, i was made 5 years ago)
Ruby: Oh no, you're right! I got enrolled by headmaster Ozpin 2 whole year in advance! Oh how lucky i am! And what about you? I don't remember seeing you at signal, so you must be from Atlas with your accent.
Jaune: No, my mak-, i mean my father does come from atlas but i am from Vales. (Well technically part of me was made in Atlas so she is kinda right) And i guess if you did go to signal you must be from Patch?
Ruby: Yep! *Look at him* So, what's your weapon?
Jaune: *show hand* i don't need any. My hands are far enough for me! I might not look like it, buuuut i'm kind of strong.
Ruby: *looking perplexed* But what about ranged attack?
Jaune: I got my ways. What about you? I can see it in your back, what of it?
Ruby: *Looking absolutely happy* That my baby! I called her crescent rose! She's a 60 pound scythe which can turn into a high caliber sniper!
Jaune: *calculating* with the wits of the barrel, i'd guess it's a .50 BMG with a 20 ammunition capacity. Great choice in my opinion.
Ruby: *Flabergasted* whoa, most people don't even know what am talking about, but you even knew about it's caliber and round capacity with only a look! Oh we are going to be best friend! *Hug Jaune than quickly stop* If you don't mind of course!
Jaune: Hey, i was already your friend when i picked you up, no need to be shy. *Smile* But tell me; where are we?
The checkout was on the other side of the premises. They had to run to get there in time.
(this is an AU where Jaune is an android made by Watts as a screw you to Pietro. He is a lot less emotional than Penny, but that will be more obvious in the future)
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vanossfan10 · 8 months
RWBY Jaune Arc Mandolorian AU: Knightshade: “Train me please”
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**Jaune enters the room with his equipment and supplies**
Jaune: I’m going out to get a bounty could take a few nights, you want to come with me Blake?
Blake: umm sure I’ll go with you the girls are out for the next two days anyway so I need something to do for now?
Jaune: great maybe along the way we can stop by the bookstore to pick up some books I’ve been wanting to read
Blake: huh? You read as well? What have you been reading into?
Jaune: Hunting tactics, Sniper 101 and Ancient Stealth Techniques.
Blake: huh basic Hunter stuff…
Jaune: and secretly a Copy of Ninja’s of Love for seducing and seduction skills
**Blake Blushes**
Blake: w-what?
Jaune: yeah embarrassing and silly I know but I’ve managed to get all my targets and bounties hot spots and g-spots with the skills I have learnt from them.
Blake: hehe how skilled could you say you are~
**Jaune thought for a sec and responded**
Jaune: roughly I could say enough to make them mumble and drool and pass out….enough time to capture them and collect my bounty~
**Blake drooled at the thought of Jaune doing that to others and even fantasizing about him doing that to her since she had read all the Ninja’s of Love books.**
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Blake: c-could you train me by doing those skills sometime Mas- I mean Jaune
**Blake blushed hard before Jaune looked back at her thinking what did she say**
Jaune: w-what?!
Blake: What?…nothing let’s go do this mission dude
Jaune: Dude?
Blake: s-shut up let’s just go now before I change my mind 😖
**she said walking faster to avoid him noticing her huge blushing face**
Jaune: **smirks under his helmet**
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sleepyorchidmonster · 11 months
Twst Rwby Au, but it's just the twst characters in the plot of rwby.
Silver as Ruby because of the silver eyes, and the fact that they both look up to their parents. Malleus is Yang, but still as awkward as ever, dude can't socialize unless you talk about gargoyles or weapons to him. (Also Yang's name means sunny little dragon, so it's PERFECT)
As for the rest of the team, Leona is Blake because cat people (Farena is the leader of the White Fang but was killed by Adam, so there's this whole revenge quest in later volumes). He and Malleus are a couple just like the bees!
Kalim as Weiss! Both white haired heirs with too much on their shoulders, though he is much nicer than V1 Weiss.
Oz is Crowley because headmasters with ulterior motives and a big relevance to the plot. Yuu is Oscar, they're suffering SO MUCH. Grim is a grimm, but he just behaves like a cat and protects Yuu.
Riddle as Pyrrha. Both talented redheads with potential and a sense of duty that ended up kickstarting the plot (Riddle's overblot and the Fall of Beacon).
Still not sure about the rest of JNPR, since part of me wants to add Trey and Cater as Ren and Nora, while the other wants Jamil and Azul to be part of the team... maybe add Ruggie and just make it a second year team. Or forget renora and let it be just the octotrio annoying Riddle until his untimely demise.
Team STRQ is just all of Malleus and Silver's parents. Meleanor is Summer Rose, still haunting the narrative, Lillia is Qrow, training all the kids and being the fun uncle/parent, Levan is Raven, following the tradition to leave their loved ones for reasons. The Dawn Knight as Tai.
Whether they are all dating or it's just Meleanor/Lillia/Levan with Dawn knight tagging along as the calm uncle it's up for debate.
Rambling a bit here, but Ruggie or Azul for Jaune would be interesting... Ruggie doesn't have a semblance and forged his documents to attend Beacon Academy, but ends up as Riddle's partner, who, despite being mad at the rule breaking, notes that Ruggie is smart and skilled and the lack of semblance shouldn't be a problem, it will come sooner or later (Ruggie made a really good first impression during initiation, also Crowley didn't seem to care for the lie, so no problem).
As for Azul, well, he also forged his documents and is SO SELF-CONSCIOUS of lacking a semblance or not having the best stamina, but his team encourages him and he becomes a talented sniper. Then Riddle dies and it's depression time, especially if we keep the bit where Pyrrha locks Jaune away for his safety. He just thinks he is holding people back and blames himself.
I tried to add a few ships, but mostly went with the characters and themes that matched. It also helps that rwby and twst are based on fairytales, though only a few people actually match. Since we have Kalim as Weiss instead of Neige (the team wouldn't survive if it was three NRC characters with a RSA student).
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novankenn · 1 year
I'd love to see the gun-con post where the quartet get approached by a republic commando, who after seeing them talk to the imperial army presents them with... A dc-17m blaster rifle with ALL the attachments.
I want to say off the bat... I am sorry it took so long for me to complete your ask. To anyone else who has sent me an ask/suggestion, I still have it, I don't delete them... I just haven't had the inspiration to work with it.
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 3" Republic Commandos (Star Wars) w/ Special Guest, the Master Chief!
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
Republic Commando #1: You there.
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Everyone: Who?
RC#1: The blond one.
Jaune: The name is Jaune Arc. Can I help you?
RC#2: We saw you speaking to those Imperial Scum, the other day. We just want to confirm that you are not considering joining their ranks.
All the Girls: HE IS NOT!
RC#1: Good. You made the smart choice. Now we are also aware you are looking for a ranged option for your kit, may we introduce you to...
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Ruby/Tiny Tina: A DC-17M blaster rifle?
RC#3: Correct. The best modular weapon system ever created. Totally customizable for whatever your mission needs are.
John-117: You don't say.
Jaune: That's pretty... neat, actually.
RC#1: It is a complete weapons kit, featuring a Blaster Rifle. It is a rapid fire weapon perfect for close to mid-range engagements.
Ruby: With a fully charged power clip, it has sixty shots.
RC#3: Then we have the sniper configuration. It features a twin zoom electromagnetic scope. Perfect for mid to long-range engagements.
Tiny Tina: 10x and 20x, though you only get five shots with per power pack.
RC#2: And there is my personal favourite... the Anti-Armour Grenade Launcher. While the grenades have to be one at a time, the explosives detonate on impact and have a large enough blast radius that they can be used to break enemy formations.
RC#1: So what do you think? Interested?
Jaune: I am, but would I carry all the attachments? I mean, that would be a fair bit of extra baggage for me to lug around.
RC#1: Ideally, you would customize it to the mission specs prior to disembarking.
Jaune: (Turning to his friends) What do you...
Imperial Officer: Republic Scum! This world is under Imperial jurisdiction!
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IO: You heard me! This world is under the protection of the Galactic Empire!
John-117: (Looks at Cortana) Is that true?
Cortana: No, it is not. That statement is completely false.
RC#1: Imperial Dogs!
Master Chief read the room in seconds, and was in motion before the first blaster bolts could even fly. In an impressive feat of strength, he scooped Jaune, Ruby, Pyrrha, Tiny Tina, Jinx and Emerald up and out of the line of fire.
John-117: Stay down!
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Blaster bolts flew about wildly, missing pretty much everything and everyone. In fact, the only thing that was suffering any serious damage were the walls, as the bolts from both sides scored and blackened them.
Jaune: There are really not hitting much for the amount of shooting they are doing.
Ruby: I don't understand. Both these groups are powerhouses...
Emerald: I think it's the helmets.
Pyrrha: Didn't the last group of the white armoured guys complain about the helmets?
Tiny Tina: They did.
A loud crack of metal hitting tiles echoed about, followed by both the Republic and the Imperial Forces suddenly being suspended in midair.
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Ozpin: Gentleman...
ISTs/RCs: Crap-baskets
Ruby: Swear Jar!
Ozpin: It has come to my attention that someone has been making false statements about whose jurisdiction Remnant falls under. I was coming to correct the issue and what do I find? A full-blown firefight with in a civilian attended event.
ISTs/RCs: They started it!
Ozpin: Not to mention, if it had not been for the Master Chief, my students would have been in serious danger...
ISTs/RCs: Um... we're sorry?
Ozpin: That may be the case, however I think reparations should be made. Glynda?
Glynda: Detention with Professor Port. One week.
ISTs/RCs: ...
Ozpin: They are all yours, Professor Goodwitch.
Everyone watched wide-eyed and with a slight shiver as Professor Goodwitch turned on her heels and marched off, the combined members of the Republic Commandos and Imperial Storm Troopers floating behind her.
Ozpin: I would like to thank you for taking care of my students.
John-117: My pleasure. Seem like good kids.
Ozpin: For the most part, they are. Is there anything I can do to repay you for your actions?
John-117: I'm looking for someone. Goes by the name of Banshee-44, he might be selling counterfeit USMC weapons.
Ozpin: I see. That is a serious accusation, which I find slightly disturbing as Mr Banshee-44 has always been an upstanding vendor for these events.
Joh-117: That's why this is an investigation.
Ozpin: Understood. I believe his booth was moved towards the east entrance. If I remember correctly, he's situated next to the Nerf stall.
Jaune: There are Nerf guns at a firearms' convention? How does that work?
Ozpin: Mr Arc, you can not have a respectable Gun Convention without Nerf products being represented. You know what they say...
Tiny Tina/Ruby/Jinx: It's NERF or NOTHING!
Ozpin: Quite right. I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your day.
John-117: Well, it has been a pleasure, but we have work to do.
Everyone waved to Cortana and Master Chief as they walked away.
Pyrrha: He was nice...
Ruby: And tall!
Pyrrha: Yes, that too.
Emerald: So, where to now? Do we go for lunch or check out some more booths?
Jinx: OH! OH! OH! OH! Over there!
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Tiny Tina: DEFINITELY over there!
(So I know this ask, and even the continuation of this series/AU has been on a long hiatus... my apologies, I had gotten caught up in some other works. I'm a little unsure about this offering, and I do hope you all enjoy it. Thank you to @sergeant-jaune for the ask, and I hope I did the ask justice.)
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Does everyone have semblance and aura in your au?
Every human and every Faunus has an aura - the single physically verifiable idea behind consciousness. Think of "aura" as another part of the human body.
Having it and unlocking/using it are two different concepts, however - it takes training to use it as an active barrier. Not necessarily just huntsman training, mind you - as an example, Taiyang already had an Aura and semblance as a traveling pugilist before Ozpin even convinced him to enroll in Beacon.
Your average civilian still has an Aura surrounding them, but it's malleable, and anything can pass through it with zero effort - it's like an invisible fog. It still responds to injuries and trauma, participates in body functions and healing, reflects the user's mental state, and so on. It's primary function is to protect the person with most of it's behavior focusing on that, trained or not.
It takes discipline, training, and practice to manage it and shape it. Since aura (passive) and semblance(active) are manifestations of a person's identity and consciousness, with active use and self-improvement, uses for aura can become more intricate over the years. Someone like Ozpin, who has lived for over a thousand years, can likely do a lot more with his -as shown by his fight with Cinder in V3 (I am going with the idea that nothing he did there is his semblance).
Even the trained use of Aura has its limits - some weapons and technology are capable of outright bypassing it - as shown by what happens with yang in V3.
The Semblance, on the other hand, is trickier - it takes specific triggers to first manifest, which might be completely random. Since Semblances are unique, the triggers for them are also distinct - sometimes the first use happens accidentally, or it's reliant on specific emotions, or it takes an active mindset and belief to trigger (for example, Yang's Semblance first activated protecting Ruby from bullies in Patch, Ruby's activated instinctively out of stress when she got electrocuted messing with a power outlet, while for Jaune it took figuring out what he wants from life to trigger).
And, since Semblance represents a person's identity, the conditions of its use might change over the years. Personal growth equals change in identity equals evolution in one's Semblance. And even beyond growth, Semblance responds to all kinds of experiences - it's not unusual for it to adapt to psychological and physical trauma the same way our brain can adapt to injury. Imagine there is a sniper whose Semblance helps them focus, aim, and calculate trajectory. If the sniper were to be blinded in battle, it wouldn't be unusual for, with a bit of work and psychological recovery, his Semblance to adapt and shift into something else to reflect the change in mindset as the person adapted to their new situation. Semblance reacts and adapts according to its user's growth, not other way around (TLDR: the situation like how writers handled Ironwood's semblance is functionally impossible).
There are no passive Semblances, and most Semblances are positive in use unless the person's identity is extremely self-destructive, and, even then, Semblances still tend to take the form of something beneficial to their user as an additional element to the instinct of self-preservation every living being is born with.
Since Aura is a real and tangible part of human body, it is subject to its own set of issues - notable one being the concept of Quickfire - a fatal condition that leads to gradual deterioration of one's aura and death.
There's no proof that animals have an aura naturally, but they seem capable of generating an aura - as proven by the situation with Zwei.
Creatures of Grimm don't have an Aura or a semblance, but one can theorize that the behavior of Grimm particles that hold their forms together is a rudimentary attempt to mimic the concept.
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chiefatticcreator · 5 days
List of characters i'll roleplay
Lilith verse:
Taimanin Asagi: Igawa Asagi, Igawa Sakura, Mizuki Yukikaze, Mizuki Shiranui, Oboro, Ingrid, Felicia, Rinko Akyiyama, Aina Winchester, Annerose Vajra, Emily Simmons Yatsu Murasaki, Su Jinglei, Kurenai Shinganji, Asuka Koukawa, Kirara Onisaki, Noah Brown, Tokiko Fuuma, Shizuru Kousaka, Maika Kamimura, Rin Uehara, Sora Kannazuki, Nagi momochi, Saika Fuuma, Shisui Amamiya, Eleonor, Masked Taimanin, Spinel
Cara the Blood Lord: Cara Cromwell, Uehara kitae, Kamimura Azuma, Marika Krishna
Witch of steel Annerose: Annerose Vajra, Lee Mayfeng, Mitiko Fleuretty and Aishwarya Lai
Kangoku Senkan/prison battleship: Rieri Bishop, Naomi Evans, Alicia Viewstream, Maya Cordelia, Beatrice Kushan, Kila Kushan, Kilia Jech (Kangoku Senkan)
Every single character (generally all as hyper-curvy women serving Jack Morrison's harem, but that will vary depending on asks, jack can be ignored for asks if you really want)
Lynn Morisson: Jack's sister, whom he fucked as soon as he could.
Laura and Mary: Jack and Lynn's twin daughters, born to be their father's fucktoys, and loving it.
Amanda: UN's liaison to Overwatch, initially sckeptical, but was subject to sexual torture from everyone present until she broke and is now a fellow fucktoy, helping jack.
Pria: Amanda's assisstant, former lesbian that was recruited for Jack to break.
Jessica: Sniper, extremely submissive and into pain. Serves as the base's fucktoy when not used by jack.
Jackie: female clone of jack made by talon to kill him, only to be tamed by his cock
teacher AU: Uses the same characters as Overwatch, but soem differences: Amanda is a fellow teacher, Mercy is a biology teacher and headmistress, Jack is the only male teacher (and only male in the school), which basically revolves around him and worshiping him, modifying girls' bodies to be bimboes.
vampire/count AU: Loosely inspired by Junkenstein's revenge, an AU where Jack is a vampire lord ruling over a small land. gothic-themed
hormonal!jack AU: Similar to the teacher AU, but Jack is a horny teen that fucks his classmates, his teachers, his friends and family...
Mass Effect: Every character in the first three games
Warcraft/World Of Warcraft: Every character that I remember
Final Fantasy VII: Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, Scarlet
Dragon Age: Every character of the first two games (haven't played Inquisition)
One Piece: Every single character
Naruto/Boruto: Tsunade, Sakura, Shizune, temari, Ino, Mei Terumi, Naruto/Naruko, Sasuke, Sasuki, Sarada... everyone you want me to write about.
Dragon ball: Android 21, Bulma
Bleach: Matsumoto rangiku, orihime, Yoruichi, isane, Rukia, Unohana, Harribel... any hottie you want. toshiro as the main "harem master"
Pokemon: Cynthia, Lusamine, dawn, Gardevoir, May, Lillie... any girl that can be fucked will be.
Miraculous Ladybug: Every character (with the girls as Adrien's harem)
Warhammer Fantasy: Every character appearing in the Total War: Warhammer games
Skyrim: mostly everyone, i guess.
The Witcher: Geralt, Ciri, Triss, yennefer, Chloe Metz... all sorceresses, all female characters
RWBY: Any girl that i remember/know of, with Jaune and/or Oscar as the lucky guy.
Random characters from various things: Bowsette, Wii Fit Trainer, Samus Aran, Rosalina, Peach, Daisy, Bayonetta, Zelda, Link (Nintendo), Aphrodite/Venus, Jessica Rabbit, Harley Quinn, Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
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asheternal · 1 year
Rwby/Splatoon AU
RWBY as Splatoon:
Yang's a roller main, and an inkling
Weiss is a wiper main (stays ranged mostly) and an inkling
Blake is a stamper main (melee but mixes it up from time to time) and an octoling
ruby is a sniper main and an inkling
the only idol officially is weiss, but RBY have musical experience as a 3 man band similar to c-side
blake and yang have heated conversations over if they think grizz is a literal bear or a tall mysterious inkling man
neo since she's on my mind is a stonefish (or clownfish even) , and uses umbrellas
Splatoon as RWBY:
uh names are tough, but i've thought about the rest mostly. Shiver uses combat fans (similar to one of my rwby ocs Orchid, which hide mini pistols and blades) and probably is a shark faunus (teeth + gills, a nod to some fan designs and fics)
frye is tricky but i think her semblance would be electricity based and tied to her dancing and movements
big man is just super mario sunshine but with more dancing and music
marina's fun, i think similar to ilia she'd have traits that are more subtle but she's very much a faunus, and much like watts she wouldn't have a semblance most likely and instead be skilled with tech and gear
marie's would involve heightened senses like sight and smell, and use a sniper rifle exclusively. human probably.
callie's would be more supportive, similar to jaune's but activated through her words and cheers, her weapon is an enigma to me, also human.
pearl has sonic voice probably, and i can see her using fist weapons similar to yang's but with sound based attacks, also human most likely
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howlingday · 4 years
Ren: (Tending to his garden, Finds a weed) I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I must ask you to leave. (Digs under the weed with a trowel and relocates it) I will allow you to grow here. However, I cannot just forgive your trespassing. Your punishment is (Cuts the blades from the plant) decapitation.
Ren: Working as an assassin is a trial, but I won't lie telling you it's not rewarding. I spend most of my week outside and pushing my body to new limits. I guarantee you will never go hungry. A wise man once said, "No two roosters share the same roost."
Ren: (Looks at target list, Many crossed out) I'm just the fox one of the roosters hired.
Yang: (Blasting away at enemy) COME ON! CRY SOME- (Suddenly loses arm)
Yang: (Collapses with red splatter on head)
Weiss: (Yang's arm falls on her, Screams)
Weiss: (Ignites Myrtenaster) SNIPER! WHERE IS HE- (Shot in the side of the head, Myrtenaster falls onto an explosives crate)
Ren: (On his scroll) Yes, Nora, I- ...No, Nora, that's not how it works. ...No, Nora, I'm not a slasher, I'm an assassin. ...No, not like Spruce Willow; he's an actor.
Ren: Nora... She still has trouble understanding the concept.
Ren: (Sneaking around, ducks behind a wall) Did that guard see me? (Alarms go off, Ren sprints) Yes, he did!
Ren: (Studying the target, Notes routine) It's noon, so he should be going out the front with his...
Ren: (Looks at notes, Sets down 30th coffee) Sister? She's too young to be his mother, and they don't seem as intimate as a husband and wife.
Ren: (Looks at the target again) Yes, there he is.
Ren: (Stabs Jaune through chest with sword) Nothing personal.
Ren: I find it best to avoid relationships of any kind. Nora is a special exception, but that's it. Even then, it's not much. I'm a professional assassin, and I need to hold standards. These aren't crimes of passion a wife acts on with a cheating husband.
Ren: (Leaves after shutting Jaune's eyes)
Ren: (Uses least traveled path through garden)
Ren: (Sticking to the shadows)
Ren: (Only killing guards he couldn't pass)
Ren: (Quietly muttering to himself) And under this fence and into the streets. Calm.
Ren: (Uses his semblance to calm himself, Blends in with crowd) Just as I planned.
Ren: Nora? Nora! I- (Sighs) Yes, I will find a sloth plushie for you.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Hunter Drones AU.
Don't know how far you are with May Zedong as the next, but if you could consider some of these ideas, I'd really be thankful.
So consider all the following with the thing that every next drone's AI, and their subsequent body, is derived from a baseline that seems to get more corrupted/fragmented and whatnot.
As an initial result, May 'spawns' with one poor or non-functioning eye, whilst the other one is extremely high functioning. The good eye compensates for her lack of proper depth perception by having multiple pupils in the same area where a normal person would have their one. It's basically several really, REALLY, high definition cameras put in a really small space; 24k resolution at minimum! She has an eye sharper sighted than an eagle and can see in infra-red, x-ray, nightvision and contains built-in flash protection among others. The game I Spy is one she's banned from playing.
May's body, whilst still a good deal stronger than an average soldier, is the weakest among the current line-up. All the processing power, materials and anything else relevant usually dedicated to physical combat prowess, has for the most part been put into Ballistic Trajectory Calculations and Recoil Management of any and all firearms. May can, and has, shot the wings of a fly from a mile away.
As for her body shape, popular horny fannon interpretation will probably do just fine. She does tend to conceal herself quite a lot it out of shyness, though. Up to you in any case.
Personality wise, is where I guess the real kinks would start to appear. Just like the others, May's got a less than healthy attraction to/obsession with Jaune. However, she's a bit more voyeuristic I'd say. She very much likes to watch him, and she doesn't even need to be in the same room to do so.
With her ridiculously large caliber and highly customised sniper rifle, accompanied by an assortment of smaller- but no less destructive -firearms, May's ready to be God and smite anyone who would endanger Jaune. No-one shall know what hit them and red mists will become rather frequent.
You little shit! This was basically what I already had planned?!
Haa… I’m not upset, just a little peeved you guess the next part, the May arc if you will.
Well, the idea was introduce the foundry to you, whilst it is repairing her body, making her Penny 2.0. So after that, Jaune would manage to get a new DAI to work. Not that well, but it’s functionality would be between Yang’s and Blake’s level of effectiveness. Which is higher than Ruby, and Penny. And, with that, HDDAI #5: Codname: May Zedong.
The fault in her design would be her only having one functional eye. The result of which she upgrades her right eye to hell, and back to compensate for this. While the rest of her sisters robotic eyes can see up to one klick each, May can see at least three klick with ease. Can take photos/videos like the rest of the in high definition. Her eye can double as a microscope in how precise she can look at something. The rest of the modifications her eye has the rest do as well.
Raw brute strength she would be the ‘weakest’ amongst them. She is still extremely strong as a means to compensate for the heavy weapons she fires, and the recoil of said guns. Just as you said.
As for shooting the wings off a fly. Well maybe with a dart gun if she doesn’t want to blow it all to hell.
Yeah, I will keep the big chested fannon, May. In her chest she has a radar system to help cover her blind spot. It can only cover about half-a-klick however. She has a stronger battery to compensate for this. Hence a bigger chest to store/protect the batteries.
I can come up with a cannon reason for her chest size, fight me!
Her obsession with, Jaune. Yeah pretty much it.
And for her gun. I expect her to walk around with a 20mm Caliber, Anti-material rifle. Along with various other types of firearms.
So yeah, thanks for hitting the nail on the head for contemplating my future plans.
Best start on the Penny in the foundry part…
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elmothedictator · 1 year
Sniper Jaune: Hunt or be hunted (Note: Summer will appear in this au sometimes later)
Glynda: Alright childrens, today’s assignment is called hunt or be hunted. The rules are simple there are 2 4-man teams, each are selected randomly. The 2 teams will compete with each other, the teams are needed to take a red flag that is somewhere inside this forest while trying to survive from the hunter as long as they could. But try to be aware of your surroundings, as one pf you will be the hunter there will be one hunter that i choose from one of you will be watching every movement of these 2 teams hidden somewhere in this forest. If one of your teammates or you are able to incapacitate the hunter, your team will win instantly. I’ll be seeing you kids in the bullhead landing pad in 10 minutes
[Bullhead landing pad, 5 minutes later]
Ruby: Pyrrha!!! We’re a team!!!
Pyrrha: Yes Ruby, it is quite fortunate that we are both on one team. I guess all of us got lucky
Yang: Hell yeah we are! Even Blakey over here is relieved by the fact that we are a team!
Blake: I didn’t say that Yang, all i say was we got lucky that Team CRDL is still they’re own team. Well, mainly because they are the most hated team in beacon
Ruby: But i still wonder who is the hunter in this assignment
Glynda: For the Hunter role today, the role goes to Jaune Arc.
Cardin (In the distance): HAHAHAHAHA This’ll be easy as hell, Jauney boy couldn’t even do shit!
Ruby: [Flashback to the firing range] *Squeak* Please tell me this isn’t real!
Yang: What isn’t real?
Ruby: About Jaune becoming the hunter! He’s too good!
Pyrrha : What do you mean he is too good?
Ruby: Remember yesterday when i go to the firing range? Jaune is there and he betting me 50 Lien if one of us could land 10 shot on the vital parts as fast as we can!
Blake: You’re worrying too much Ruby, this is Jaune we’re talking about, so i think you’re the one who wins the bet
[4 minutes later]
Jaune: Sorry i’m late. I’m ready now Ms. Goodwitch!
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Yang: Well V-Boy, you’re over prepared yourself
Jaune: Seeing that none of the students wanted to be the Hunter, i need a lot of things since i will be at the forest. Good luck everyone!
[5 hours later]
Glynda: Well class, it seems that none of you found the flag survived the hunter long enough. But i have to give credit to Team PBRY (Plum-berry) for surviving the longest from Mr. Arc.
Entire student body: *Having a war flashback due to all of them getting ‘killed’ so fast, they don’t even know where the shot was from*
Yang: Ruby?
Ruby: Yeah, Yang?
Yang: I’m soooo sorry for not trusting you, i never seen anyone incapacitated someone that fast. Even faster than mom
Ruby: Don’t worry Yang
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didyoutrydynamite · 2 years
There seem to be three big ships. The semi-official party girl NeonxJaune, the fan favorite dark horse smol sniper MayxJaune, and miss-not-even-here-yet YangxJaune. What’s your opinion on how the shipping elements have turned out?
Neon x Jaune was one I saw coming since conception of JNRZ, and I mean Pre-JNRZ AU: JNRZ vs. The World. They just have one of the most fun chemistry to write and it's something I was genuinely saddened we couldn't see in the main show.
May x Jaune is a surprisingly prominent one, I knew from the get go that just simply having a girl on the same team as Jaune will make them prime shipping material, but I think it's because it was already such an underground ship that brought it's following to this AU.
Yang x Jaune caught me off guard because as you said, she's not even here yet, but as a fellow Dragonslayer shipper myself, I see where everyone is coming from.
One ship I must mention that was the biggest surprise of them all was Gwen x Jaune. Talk about out of nowhere but the moment I gave Gwen just enough character and a sweet moment with Jaune, it was like BOOM! A new ship hardly anyone seen before erupted before my eyes. I still get asks that are just fans thanking me for making Gwen an actual character with the sweetest southern drawl.
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t-marveland · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥 | Gajeel Redfox
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Gajeel Redfox x Reader
Warnings : spoil fairy tail
Mots : 1633
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❝ yūkan'na❞
    JE M'APPELLE (T/P),  je suis une mage de Fairy Tail depuis déjà un long moment et je maîtrise la magie du feu. Il n'y a pas longtemps le maître a accueilli deux nouveaux membres, Juvia Lockser et Gajeel Redfox. Ils étaient à Phantom Lord et ont essayé de nous tuer mais on a su leur pardonner, du moins la plupart. Juvia était quelqu'un d'assez gentille mais je n'avais pas encore eu le temps de la connaître suffisamment pour que l'on s'appelle ''amie''.  Gajeel, lui, était plus renfermé et ne parlait pas beaucoup. J'avais déjà essayé d'aller le voir à plusieurs reprises mais je m'étais faite remballer alors je ne m'y tentais plus et avais laissé tomber avec lui. Il ne devait sûrement pas être d'humeur à me parler.
    Après avoir passé une journée à la guilde à supporter Natsu et Grey en train de se disputer, j'ai décidé d'aller me promener au parc de Magnolia pour plus de tranquillité. Quand j'y suis arrivée, j'ai vu Luxus de dos.
    Mais qu'est-ce que Luxus fait ici ? Tout ça ne présage rien de bon mais, pour l'instant, je vais me contenter d'aller voir de plus près ce qu'il est en train de ce passé. Une fois que je suis assez près pour pouvoir comprendre ce qu'il se passe. Je vois Gajeel se faire envoyer contre un arbre et Luxus se rapproche de lui prêt à le frapper pendant que Jett, Droy et Reby se contentaient de regarder ce qu'il se passait. Il fallait que j'aide Gajeel alors je décide de courir et de me mettre entre Luxus et Gajeel.
    ❝━ Qu'est-ce que tu fous ici Luxus ? Je lui lance.
━ Pousse-toi (T/P), il fait honte à la guilde. Il faut lui donner une bonne leçon pour avoir osé ridiculiser Fairy Tail.
━ Dégage Luxus. Lui dis-je amèrement.❞
    Des flammes commençaient à se former autour de moi. S'il ne part pas maintenant je vais m'énerver.
    ❝━ Pfff... toi aussi tu es faible. Marmonna-t-il.❞
    Finalement, Luxus partit ne voulant sûrement pas passer plus de temps à se battre avec nous. Je me retourne et regarde Gajeel, il n'a pas l'air en forme.
    ❝━ Ça va ? Lui demandai-je
━ Ouais, merci. Dit-il de façon inaudible.
━ Je t'en prie. Lui souriais-je.❞
    Il se lève et part avec difficulté sans accepter mon aide pour le raccompagner. Je me retourne et lance un regard noir à Jett et Droy. Comment ont-ils pu regarder Luxus faire sans n'avoir rien dit ? Même s'ils ne l'aiment pas, ils ne pouvaient pas juste le regarder se faire tuer. Levy, quant à elle, me sourit chaleureusement pour me remercier d'avoir agi.
Le lendemain :
    Aujourd'hui, c'est le concours Miss Fairy Tail, Miirajne m'a harcelé pendant deux jours pour que j'y participe alors j'ai décidé d'accepter pour qu'elle arrête de m'embêter. 
    Le concours commence par Kanna puis de Juvia, suivi de Mirajane, d'Erza qui utilise son Requip pour se changer dans un costume Lolita gothique. La cinquième à passer est Levy ensuite Bisca qui se sert de son sniper pour frapper 4 pièces au milieu d'un seul coup. Après elle c'est mon tour, j'entre en scène et utilise ma magie pour me créer une robe en flammes. Je tourne un peu sur moi-même et j'entends des applaudissements. En remerciant le public, je croise le regard de Gajeel et lui sourit. Je sors de la scène, fière de moi mais je vois Mirajane pétrifiée. Ma joie se transforme en incompréhension. Je me retourne pour trouver les autres filles et je croise des yeux jaunes puis du noir. Evergreen, je suis sûr que c'est elle qui nous a transformés en pierre. Après avoir croisé Luxus hier, il n'y a plus aucun doute.
PDV Gajeel
    La robe de (T/P) est très jolie, j'ai bien aimé. Quand elle a terminé de tourner sur elle-même, j'ai évidemment applaudi puis j'ai croisé son regard et elle m'a souri. Elle est vraiment mignonne. La dernière candidate est Lucy mais elle est interrompue par une femme aux cheveux châtains, qui porte des lunettes et a une robe verte. Elle annonce que le concours est terminé parce qu'elle est la gagnante. La blague, ce n'est pas elle qui devrait gagner c'est plutôt (T/P). 
    J'entends les gens dire qu'elle s'appelle Evergreen et ils n'ont pas l'air très heureux de la voir. Lucy proteste mais malgré les avertissements de Grey, elle regarde cette femme dans les yeux et elle est transformée en pierre. Le rideau derrière elle se lève et on peut apercevoir toutes les candidates pétrifiées. 
    Luxus et sa troupe arrivent et il nous dit que la bataille de Fairy Tail est lancée. En temps normal, je m'en serai foutu mais là, il faut que j'aide (T/P), je lui dois bien pour hier. Je décide de courir vers la sortie mais je n'arrive pas à passer, on dirait qu'il y a un mur. Je regarde Makarof, confus, mais lui non plus n'a pas l'aire de comprendre. Natsu essaie aussi de sortir mais il ne peut pas passer. On dirait qu'on va rester ici jusqu'à ce que la bataille se termine. Désolé (T/P) je ne pourrais pas te sauver.
    Après un long moment d'ennui, Natsu décide d'essayer de réanimer Erza en faisant fondre la couche de pierre. Makarof et Happy, paniqués, lui disent que c'est impossible et qu'il ne devrait pas faire ça, car son corps est totalement pétrifié. Ignorant les ordres, il prit le corps pétrifié et enflamme ses mains. Miraculeusement, la statue se met à se fissurer et Erza reprend alors sa forme humaine. Elle peut sortir se battre et part à la recherche de Luxus. Un peu plus tard, on apprend qu'Erza a vaincu Evergreen et les filles sont libérées.
    Je ne vois absolument rien, j'ai l'impression de dormir debout, c'est étrange. Je repense à hier, je ne sais pas ce qu'il m'a pris de m'interposer devant Luxus. En temps normal je n'aurai jamais fait ça, car Luxus, c'est Luxus quoi ! Il est trop fort, je me serais faite anéantir. Mais hier je n'ai pas accepté qu'il s'en prenne à Gajeel qui s'était déjà excusé plusieurs fois pour ce qu'il avait fait à Fairy Tail. Après de nombreuses minutes, j'ai ressenti une sensation étrange comme si quelque chose autour de moi se cassait. Quand j'ai ouvert les yeux, il y avait Nastu, Makarof, Happy et Gajeel qui me regardaient.
    Finalement, le maître nous explique tout ce qu'il s'était passé durant notre 'absence'. Et après ça, Gajeel s'approche de moi.
    ❝━ Je suis content que tu ailles bien, j'aurais bien voulu me battre pour te délivrer mais comme t'as expliqué le maître, je n'ai pas pu sortir.❞
    Il est tout rouge, c'est trop mignon. 
    Certaines des runes de Freed volent pour former un crâne. Luxus nous informe de l'activation du Thunder Palace et que si dans une heure et dix minutes nous ne le trouvons pas, d'innombrables éclairs s'abattront sur Magnolia. Bisca décide de sortir tirer sur l'un d'entre eux, mais une fois que le Lacrima est détruit toute la Puissance Magique canalisée dans le destroyer frappe Bisca.
    Levy nous dit qu'il est possible, en raison de la nature de sa magie, de briser les runes. Les filles partent mais je reste pour aider Levy car je m'y connais en runes moi aussi. Gajeel et Nastu commencent à se disputer et j'essaie de faire en sorte qu'ils se taisent pour que Levy puisse se concentrer. Finalement, elle réussit à briser le code de Freed et les garçons peuvent sortir. 
    Je cours de partout espérant trouver quelqu'un quand j'entends Warren, dans ma tête, qui m'explique que tous ceux qui sont encore conscients doivent détruire les Lacrima. Les mages commencent à se chamailler à propos des batailles précédentes et le temps commence à manquer. Lucy décide de prendre la parole et leur supplie d'unir leurs forces.
    Finalement, nous visons le ciel, déchaînons nos plus fortes attaques et finissons par détruire le Thunder Palace. Après que les Lacrima ont toutes étaient détruites nous sommes frappés en retour en raison du lien organique magique. Et c'est allongés et immobiles que nous nous demandons par télépathie si tout va bien. Étant épuisée, je m'endors espérant que Natsu et Gajeel réussiront à battre Luxus.
Le lendemain :
    J'ai appris que Nastu et Gajeel ont réussi à vaincre Luxus mais que durant la bataille le maître a fait une crise cardiaque j'espère qu'il va bien. Je me dépêche d'aller à la guilde et quand j'arrive, Erza donne la bonne nouvelle du rétablissement de Makarov. Je vais voir comment va Gajeel et au moment où j'arrive vers lui il me prend dans ses bras.
    ❝━ Ça va ? Me demande-t-il.
━ C'est plutôt à moi de te le demander t'as pas l'air en forme. Dis-je en rigolant. En tout cas, je suis contente que tu aies réussi à vaincre Luxus.
━ J'ai quoi comme récompense ? Dit-il de façon enfantine.
━ Mhhm je ne sais pas... pourquoi pas.... Ça.❞
    Je lui fis un rapide baiser sur les lèvres et partis en courant.
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
@little-voice-the-parasprite wrote:  ...now I want to hear Weiss’s tale on this. This is like a fanfiction idea in the making.
Like, one of thosw fanfiction ideas where the beginning was launched out of a cannon just a few degrees to the side as opposed to canon, and the differences greadually make themselves more and more blatant and glorious as the stories unfold.
// I got you! 8) - mod lilac
Perspective :: Weiss // Becoming  - [ main chapter ]
logo-comics asked: What about an AU where everyone had somehow been under the mistaken assumption that Ruby was a professor at Beacon? For a laugh, Ozpin rolls with it whenever he's asked about it.
Weiss remembered the brunette clad in red when she first arrived. At first, she thought the overly energetic girl was Ozpin’s kid. Free and expressive without any of the reverence a student should have for an esteemed Headmaster of a combat academy.
And then she heard the Headmaster say something very scary.
“Professor Rose.”
At first she couldn’t believe it. This Rose was younger than her and still had baby fat on her face, but as the Headmaster and Professor Rose spoke about the months prior to today, she became more and more astonished.
Cutting down a pack of Beowolves on her own.
Taking down a Boarbatusk with her bare hands.
Collaborating in a Hunters mission.
A normal student at a preparatory academy couldn’t do any of these things. Even students at combat academies didn’t start participating in missions until 2nd year, but this girl - probably not older than fourteen - did it.
But what really got her was the smile the girl wore when the Headmaster spoke of her exploits. Her demeanor wasn’t arrogant but shy and excited - as if she couldn’t wait to head out to fight even more.
It’s just that the girl needed a team to do so.
Heh. Pyrrha. Who’s Pyrrha? What champion of Mistral?
This was the person she needed to partner with.
"And that’s not to mention all the connections you can make knowing the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company,” Weiss explained hastily to the pajama-wearing Ruby Rose who just gave her a blank, unmoved expression.
Argh. What did this girl want?!
Ruby didn’t care about the educational pension she offered nor did she care about sponsorship by the Schnee Dust Company after graduation. She didn’t blink an eye either about having her weaponry supplemented with all the recent Dust research the SCD could offer. And the only time she did react was when she offered free expert weapon maintenance during her stay at Beacon, and the girl gave her such a disdainful stare that she got flustered and stuttered through the rest of her recruitment speech.
By the time she finished, she was red in the face, embarrassed by this girl who didn’t seem to care for this valuable opportunity at all.
Was she just playing hard-to-get, trying to get more out of her? Or were all prodigies like this?
As though she noticed how awkward she was being, Ruby sheepishly rubbed her head with an apologetic look in her face.
“Uh...Weiss, right? That’s great and all, but I don’t think you’re what I’m looking for in a partner,” Ruby said hesitantly with a bow of her head.
Was this pipsqueak looking down on her? Professor be dam- whatever.
“What are you looking for in a partner then?” Weiss asked, unable to keep the frustration out of her voice.
Ruby’s friendly demeanor turned serious at the drop of a hat.
“Can you fight?” Ruby replied without missing a beat, “And can I trust you to have my back?”
Those two questions made her mouth gape her like a goldfish. 
It was clear that all the things she cared about - connections, money, power, opportunity - were worthless in front of this fourteen year old girl. And Ruby was being genuine, not trying to negotiate more out of her like businessmen were wont to do. She could feel the conviction in the other girl’s words as if nothing else truly mattered in that little world of hers. 
It was such a shock to her own worldview that she just stood there, even after the young girl shook her head and walked away.
The girl was right.
In the end, weren’t those two things the only things that truly mattered when fighting the Grimm?
It was the first lesson she’d learn from Professor Ruby and certainly not the last.
Have to find Pyrrha. Have to find Pyrrha.
Dashing through the Emerald Forest at top speed, she charged towards the gold and red blur that she saw flying above earlier. Sure, maybe she wasn’t able to give her recruitment speech to the Invincible Girl, but after learning the rules of forming a team, she realized she didn’t need to.
If she had known about the absurd manner of how they’ll find partners, she wouldn’t have thoroughly embarrassed herself last night. 
Eye contact? Really?!
Well as long as she didn’t get the pretentiously suave blond guy Jaune as a partner she would count it as a win. Seriously, if she heard Snow Angel one more time, a name she couldn’t escape from when she was at Atlas or those stupid high-society parties her father favored, she was going to shove her heel into a place where the sun didn’t shine.
...Being around Ruby may or may not be worse. Sure, she’s a Professor-in-training, so she’s going to be experienced, but it would be weird having to listen to someone two years younger than her. Not to mention she thoroughly embarrassed herself in front of the gir-
As she burst through the treeline, her eyes widened as she caught a familiar crimson-cloaked figure. That figure turned its head towards her.
Silver eyes met hers, and Ruby wore a surprised expression for a moment before it quickly turned into a grimace.
“Ah. Thank you for getting me down from that tree, Ruby,” the blond thanked, holding the spear-shotgun in his hands.
“Don’t mention it,” Ruby replied back, a genuine smile on her face. One that she never saw when the girl spoke to her. 
“I still don’t see why you got him down there,” Weiss said grumpily, “He should be able to figure out how to land himself, not need another Hunter’s help. Do you like him or something?”
“Huh?” The blond in question looked to her and then Ruby.
“I think I just like Crocea Mors.”
“Wha-?” Jaune said, glancing over at his blade and shield-scabbard.
“I thought about why I felt really good about Jaune when we met at orientation,” Ruby spoke, not really paying attention to the other two’s reactions. It seemed she was used to monologuing; Weiss couldn’t help but picture Ruby as a lonely girl despite all her outward bubbliness. “And it has to be the shield. People who use shields are either scared of death or have something to defend. And since Jaune’s here despite being unstealthy, walking in a manner that’ll easily catch him flatfooted, and not having unlocked his Aura, he’s clearly not scared of death.”
“Uhhh...” Jaune laughed nervously. Weiss could only gave him an incredulous look.
“Honestly, if I had the choice, I’d rather pick him than you, Weiss.”
That hurt in more ways than one; was Ruby’s opinion of her that low? Her gaze locked back onto Ruby.  
“Nothing personal. But Bart once said you can teach someone to fight, but you can’t teach loyalty,” Ruby quietly said, “And I don’t really know you well, and Jaune. Well, he has a shield.”
She was so annoyed that she wanted to laugh. Here she thought Ruby was thinking of her as completely unskilled and worthless, only for this reasoning to pop up. 
“Aren’t you being a bit arbitrary?” 
“Arbi-wha?” Ruby asked confusedly.
Weiss opened and closed her mouth before growling in frustration, “...Argh. How do I explain what that means? How can you be a prof-”
Ruby suddenly stopped and drew out her weapon. That alerted her and made her draw Myrtenaster right away. Jaune belatedly drew his blade and shield moments later. 
“Grimm are coming,” Ruby hopped upwards into the trees, “I’ll handle long-range fire. You two engage.”
She darted through the battlefield using her Glyphs as platforms. Her precise bladework aimed for necks, eyes, and hearts, each one efficiently dispatching the Grimm that surrounded them. Occasionally, Myrtenaster would glow with an icy or fiery light, her favored attack elements holding and destroying the Grimm that got into her range.
From above, she could hear the tinkle of fallen bullet casings as Ruby provided sniper fire. She had an eerie feeling that every bullet the girl fired lethally found its mark. 
“Hurggh!” the blond slashed down again and decapitated another Beowulf, probably the fourth or fifth compared to her dozen. Ruby was right. He was uncoordinated. Wrong foot out with his attack, sabotaging his gathered momentum. But against the young Beowolves, it was enough. And though his blade skills were poor, his body itself was pretty well-developed - if he ever started training for real, he had a really good foundation to start from. 
Weiss mused to herself. Loyal people tended to be grateful, right? Maybe she could attract that sort of loyalty to her if she were to train him, but alas she was smart enough to know she was far from qualified. She’s more likely to lead him down the wrong path and wouldn’t that generate resentment instead?
Still, it’d be interesting to see if he could gain the skills Ruby expected him to get in the futur-
Wha- wrong Glyph?
She stumbled and slid into the ground instead of onto the Glyph she wanted to create. Lifting her head up, she saw the Beowulf she landed in front of about to deliver a haymaker onto her frame. 
She saw the blond’s back as he stood in front of her, shield protecting them both. Her heart fluttered for a moment. Despite her cruel words and rejections, Jaune still took up her defense. 
The blond stumbled to the ground as he absorbed the blow, his hasty positioning too unstable to withstand it. Struck flat into the ground, Jaune groaned as his shield arm fell out of position with the Grimm about to strike down again.
“No!” she screamed.
Myrtenaster glowed white as she brought herself between the fist and Jaune, a White Glyph manifesting in front of her. 
But then a flash of white suddenly bisected the Grimm, and its figure dissipated into red petals. Ruby came into view, slowly folding her scythe back into its portable form - the one or two Grimm that remained seemed to have been cleaned up by her. 
Before she could thank the girl, Ruby started speaking. 
"Ahh sorry. I knew you had it,” Ruby said apologetically before grinning, “I just wanted a chance to get up close and personal.”
It made things a bit awkward to be misunderstood like that, and she paused for a moment trying to find tactful words before realizing what she should actually be doing. 
She lent a hand to a dazed Jaune and helped hoist him up. 
“Hey,” Weiss said shyly, “Thanks for blocking that blow and s-saving me.”
“Ha. No problem. If there’s one thing I can do, it’s take a beating,” Jaune laughed, patting his chest with his fist. 
His casualness brought a smile to her face, and it was nice to see another somewhat normal person in their group of three. Their companionable silence lasted for a moment before it was broken by Jaune. 
“Ruby, why’d you fight long-range?” Jaune turned his head and asked confusedly, “I thought you’re a pretty good scythe wielder.”
Ruby lightly kicked a pebble on the ground as she frowned and grimaced, “I don’t want to be levitated out the Admin Tower by my foot again.”
“For messing up another collaboration. Like umm... I use a scythe. I hit very wide, and you two fight in melee range and we’ve never fought together,” Ruby animatedly swung her hands to mimic her motions before finishing, “so things could get really bad, and Glynda said if I ever fought like that again, she’l-”  
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” 
Pyrrha finally appeared. 
Pyrrha and Jaune went their separate ways, having rejected their offer to travel together. When she asked Ruby about it, Ruby simply said, “I think we’ll be surprised by Jaune when we meet him again.”
As she said this, the girl rubbed her cheek against her weapon as if drawing comfort from it. It was oddly familiar, and she remembered her doing the same back when the girl was with Headmaster Ozpin at orientation.  
“You really like your weapon, don’t you?” Weiss teased. 
“Crescent Rose,” she closed her eyes and didn’t stop hugging her weapon, “She’s the promise of the life I want to live.”
Weiss shut her mouth. 
What could she say to that?
“You haven’t maintained your own weapon yourself for a long time, have you?”
The other girl’s expression was soft, and when paired with the almost loving expression she had for her own weapon, her words seemed more patient and guiding instead of accusatory. In fact, ever since their fight against the Beowolves, Ruby seemed less standoffish with her as if...
...she finally earned the other girl’s approval.  
“You’re right,” Weiss admitted, deciding that she didn’t want to harm their fledgling relationship with fake blustering. Ruby’s right. She left it to someone she thought an expert. “How could you tell?”
Ruby held her hand out, and she knew what she wanted and handed Myrtenaster over to her. 
“What’s your weapon’s name?”
“Myrtenaster...?” Uhh. Why’d Ruby want to know?  
“Myrtenaster,” she nodded her head before saying, “Myrtenaster’s cylinder kept moving less smoothly during your fight, and it’s been throwing you off. You don’t trust in Myrtenaster’s mechanism anymore.”
Like what she was doing before with Crescent Rose, Ruby held the weapon’s guard against her cheek. Weiss couldn’t help but feel astonished.  
How good was Ruby’s eye of discernment to notice that small detail while they were all fighting? 
“So you keep using your eyes to check what dust color you’re using,” Ruby continued, her hand slowly turning the Myrtenaster’s cylinder, “And you’ve gotten so used to it that you don’t think it’s a problem anymore, except that the lapse in your attention nearly got you hurt today. 
“I think Myrtenaster would be sad if that happened, even more than your lack of trust in it,” Ruby opened her eyes sorrowfully before holding the weapon, hilt out, back to her, which she graciously accepted. 
“Whoever your expert is is probably remedying the quirk with a good amount of oil, which solves the smoothness but not the unreliability,” she sighed, “Myrtenaster must’ve taken a very nasty blow to the blade in the past, which probably misaligned the cylinder column. You probably only noticed it after you’ve used it for a while - a detail your expert probably wouldn’t have noticed because they don’t actually wield your weapon.”
Weiss recalled a phantom pain against her scarred eye, a Giant Armor’s fist crashing against both her and Myrtenaster. She had the blade itself repaired, but Ruby was right - she never noticed the cylinder’s problems until recently, and her expert kept saying it was in perfect condition despite her concerns.
“I get what you’re saying. I’ll maintain my weapon on my own from now on,” Weiss acquiesced.
“I’m sure Myrtenaster would like that,” she smiled, genuine happiness on her face once more before slight awkwardness returned to it, “Uhh. Hmm. Come on. Let’s get the chess pieces and finish up this Initiation. Maybe we can fight something along the way!”
Ruby already started dashing through the forest, and Weiss gave chase. 
Weiss couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden switch in demeanor.
What a strange girl. 
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets a Gun AU - Day 3" At the Gun Range...
Tina and Jinx were bored, so at the suggestion of Ruby, the trio went to Beacon's on grounds shooting range. Ruby had a twofold reason. One to occupy the chaotic pair as Jaune met with Professor Goodwitch about sleeping arrangements for the two new arrivals, and two she wanted to get a better idea about her rivals for Jaune's heart.
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Ruby: So this is the gun range. Great, isn't it?
Tiny Tina: Looks okay... what can we use here?
Jinx: I can work with this. (Getting a maniacal grin) Let's shoot something!
Ruby: Anything you want. It was designed to allow all huntsmen & huntresses-in-training to test out their weapons... some of which use explosive ordinance.
Without a second's further pause, Jinx goes to town on the grimm shaped targets a good 50 metres away.
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Tina cackles with glee, as Ruby tilts her head and considers what she's just unleashed... as target after target gets annihilated.
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Jinx: (with a wild grin) Whose next? How about you, Ruby?
Ruby: Well, I don't have anything explosive like you do.
Tiny Tina: What do you have?
Ruby: This... is... my baby...
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Tiny Tina/Jinx: Ohhhhhhh....
Ruby: (grinning happily) It's a combat scythe-high impact sniper rife mechashift... I made it myself.
Tiny Tina: (winking at Jinx) Want to try one of my arsenal?
Ruby: (a little leery) I guess.
Tiny Tina: (giggling) Have fun!
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Ruby takes the offered weapon, and sights it down range, not noticing Tiny Tina taking several steps back, which Jinx copies.
Tiny Tina: (still grinning crazily) Go for it!
Ruby fires off several rounds, while the blasts are not as dramatic as Jinx's launcher, she's still impressed, and once the weapon is empty she turns to face Tiny Tina, only to get a magazine for the weapon tossed to her.
Tiny Tina: Load her up, and go again!
Ruby bobs her head for a second and then proceeds to reload... only to have the weapon bounce out of her hands and start to HOP about the range before her. Her eyes grow wide as it suddenly bounces back towards her...
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Ruby: (groaning) Ow...
Tiny Tina/Jinx: (Cackling hysterically)
Ruby: Not funny... (a cruel grin crossed her visage) I'm telling Jaune.
Tiny Tina/Jinx: (Gasp in horror, and then growling)The fuck you will, you little shit!
A glass and metal clink sounds off behind them...
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Tiny Tina/Jinx/Ruby: Huh? How?
(So first post in the "long awaited" Day 3 of this AU. Once the poll is complete I will post additional content. Hope you enjoy)
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gayspiderman · 3 years
Take 2 on the ToA characters in the RWBY universe au?
tbh i’ve always wanted to do a rwby toa AU, though it’s a liiittle bit hard. i’m gonna try though ! there will probably be more than five facts tbh.
teams: jim/claire/toby/darci, aja/krel/steve/eli, and mary/seamus/logan/shannon. they all attend beacon.
krel and aja are from atlas, children of a wealthy family. jim hails from patch. mary and seamus are friends who lived in mistral together, but chose to move to vale.
zoe and douxie are a year or two above everyone else, in a team probably with some other members of ADP (if we ever find out who they are).
luckily, their canon abilities lead to coming up with easy weapons and semblances, so here we go (i won’t go over everyone):
jim’s semblance is summoning, like the schnee family but without the glyphs. his aura is blue. his weapon is a sword + shield, similar to jaune and his canon trollhunter armor. 
claire semblance is creating portals (which could seem op but look at all the crazy semblances we have in canon now). her aura is purple. her weapon is a staff/sniper rifle.
toby’s semblance is sort of a fire berserker mode like yang. his aura is orange. his weapon obv is his war hammer still - there’s probably just a gun built in now LMAO. 
aja’s semblance is also summoning, but more similar to velvet’s. she uses it to create objects/weapons (like her serator) rather than creatures or beings, like jim’s semblance. her aura is cyan. her weapon is???
krel’s semblance is the ability to produce and channel electric energy into - yes, he has nora’s semblance. i am saying he has nora’s semblance. his aura is cyan. his weapon is??
douxie’s semblance is glyph creation, like the schnee family. his aura is dark blue. his weapon would probably be a staff similar to claire.
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