#Somebody please ask me how to sweet talk the teachers I need to put my wisdom and experience into the world
vidawhump · 7 months
Watch my school give everyone iPads with dysfunctional keyboards that hate everyone and everything then block 99% of all social media and gamesso everyone uses VPNs that just funk everything up even more
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Keith Howell. Tell me what you like
Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 1
Keith has been living at court for some time now. The heroine interacted with him several times. She became more and more imbued with his good-naturedness.
One day she was summoned by Clavis. She felt at once that something was amiss.
Clavis: Sounds like you've gotten to know our MC pretty well lately, huh?
Keith: She's a good person. I think she's looking out for me.
Clavis: I wonder if MC is your favorite kind of woman?
Keith is dumbfounded. So is the heroine.
(What are you saying to a prince from another country!?).
Clavis: Well, it seems that Mr. Keith, about whom there have never been any romantic rumors, has fallen in love with MC.
Keith begins to make excuses. He's fine with her, but he has no ulterior motives.
Clavis doesn't believe it.
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Keith: Ah. ....... Maybe.
Still, the prince from Jade insists that the heroine is just a good woman.
Clavis says it's a love cliché: before a man understands, he can't take his eyes off her.
Keith: ...Mr. Clavis, I wish you wouldn't be so mean.
The prince asks Clavis directly if the girl is eavesdropping, the latter does not deny it.
MC stepped out of the shadows. Keith stood up and escorted her to the table. And apologized for the fact that he might have said something that embarrassed her.
Clavis tells me that there are rumors at court that the two are lovers.
Keith and MC's "love life" will be difficult, but Clavis is happy to help.
Keith and MC: I'll refrain from that.
Clavis: You are like each other in your modesty/shyness.
Clavis graciously offers himself as their personal Cupid.
Keith and MC are perplexed.
Clavis asks the girl if she likes Keith.
Keith: Do you like me? Ms. MC.
The heroine, mumbling, agrees to this.
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Keith admits that he likes MC, too.
(How should I respond to this?)
The heroine is confused.
Keith begins to panic. He likes the girl, as a person.
MC thinks there have been moments when her heart has been pounding. But it has nothing to do with love.
The prince says it's strange that she liked him at all.
MC replies that it couldn't have been any other way.
Clavis is glad he doesn't have to do anything.
Clavis: MC, don't be so desperate to deny it.
Clavis: There is no sin in falling in love. Even if it is a prince of another country, you can't help what you do with your heart.
(Somebody please help me.)
Eventually Keith and the girl "got out of control" and ran away from Clavis.
Keith: Miss MC, forget what happened before.
The girl agrees, and she also wonders why Keith was with Clavis.
Keith: Ah, at first we were talking about pharmacology. Mr. Clavis knows a lot about medicine, and I know a lot about herbs.
Keith: Sometimes we exchanged opinions.
But that all changed as soon as Clavis sensed MC's presence.
Keith: I never thought I'd be asked that.
The heroine wondered why Keith liked her. The very thought of it excited her.
MC: Lord Keith, what did you like about me?
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Keith: ....
Keith: ...You ask bold questions.
Chapter 2
The girl herself did not realize how she had asked the question out loud.
MC apologized and turned to leave, but the prince grabbed her arm.
Keith: Wait.
Keith: If that's what you want to know, I'll take it seriously.
Keith: I have only been feeling it in my head, but I haven't been able to put it into words, so I need a little time.
MC: Nothing of the sort.... This is not something to be taken seriously.
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Keith: I'm trying to figure it out...
Keith: ...why I care about you.
He asks the girl to meet him tomorrow.
Keith: I want to gather my thoughts around you.
(He's not serious, is he?)
The prince is sensible and kind to everyone.
But her heart beats with joy.
(How sweet of you to take my silly questions seriously.)
They smile at each other.
Keith: The first point.
MC: Huh?
Keith: I like your smile.
Keith holds her hand and doesn't let go.
The next morning.
A lesson with Sariel. Keith offered himself as a teacher.
Keith: I want MC to know about Jade.
He decided to talk about the relationship between the two countries.
Keith: Jade and Rhodolite originally came from the same source, and they were like brothers.
Today Bentonite is an ally of Rhodolite, but in the past Jade was their best ally...
Keith is a good teacher, one feels he knows a lot.
MC was taking notes... and then she looked at him.
The way he talked about his country. The way he looked when he talked about what he liked.
The prince noticed she gazed at him, and he stopped talking.
Apologetically, the girl immediately ducked into her notebook. Keith approached her.
Keith: Miss MC, maybe there's something you don't understand.
MC: Huh?
The reason she spoke up was because her field of vision was filled with Keith's face.
(I wonder if that's unconscious, too.)
MC replied that the story was very interesting.
Keith: You're good at praise.
He sees her notes.
Keith: You're good at summarizing.
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Keith: You really are a brilliant woman. And a hard worker.
He determined this by her handwriting and the way she systematizes the signs.
Keith: Methodical and hard worker.... And that's the second point.
At this time, Sariel: I can go now.
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There was a quiet cough. Sariel reminded himself.
Keith continued the lesson.
After class, Keith and MC had lunch. The girl wanted to sleep. Keith offers his shoulder or lap. MC is embarrassed and says she can sleep sitting up.
Although this is a useful skill, it makes the prince anxious. He moves closer to the heroine.
Struggling to sleep, MC reached for her sandwich, but a gust of wind blew in.
Keith grabbed the girl's shoulder to keep her from being carried away.
Keith: From my point of view, you look like a piece of paper about to fly away.
(But I feel safe with Lord Keith holding me.)
(...I'm nervous...)
The prince carelessly tousled her hair.
Keith: Miss MC, you must be confused, aren't you?
MC: ........I'm blushing?
Keith: Very much so.
MC: ....
Keith: And that's the third point.
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Keith: You're so cute when you're flustered, and I like you.
(Lord Keith is kind, but sometimes his words are direct and assertive.)
The girl's face blushes even more.
Main Hall of the Castle.
Keith: It's only morning and it's already three points.... Maybe I like everything about Ms. MC.
(Another outrageous thing...)
The girl can't look at the prince anymore.
Keith: Ah, of course I like her as a person.
Keith clarifies that there is no secret meaning or ulterior motive here, maybe.
And asks for forgiveness.
MC: ..... "Maybe"?
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The prince suddenly decided to ask the girl something, too. She grasped the subject. Maybe that would save an awkward situation.
Keith: Does Miss MC like me?
That's not the question she was hoping for.
MC: Of course... I like you....
MC:........As a person.
Keith: Right. ...Even a weed like me can make you like me.
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Keith: At least, Miss MC is exceptionally kind. ....This is the 4th point.
The prince asks what she likes about him.
The girl dares to answer.
1. In spite of the fact that he is a prince, he treats her well.
2. Keith is always kind to her; his kindness makes her heart stir.
3. She like his intelligence and dignity/majesty.
It turned out to be too many points. It's like confessing love. MC panics.
MC: ...Anyway, there are a lot of them!
Keith:....Miss MC.
MC: ...What's the matter?
Keith: I want to hear all the "many" things.
(No way! No way!! NO WAY!!!)
Keith looks on curiously.
(I can't say any more... Because I'm too embarrassed!)
Keith has no intention of backing down.
There is no one in the hallway. She presses him against the wall.
It's kabedon time 😂🤣🤣
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letarasstuff · 3 years
"I don't wanna leave you, Daddy"
(A/N): This was requested by an Anon and it's based on this concept. I hope you are ready for the feels.
Summary: Hotch's daughter is an introvert. A quiet one. But why does she go even quieter after her mother's death?
Warnings: So much hurt. Angst. Fluff. It's bitter sweet.
Wordcount: 2.3k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
(Y/N) never really was an outgoing person. Even since she was able to walk and talk, she still clung to her parents. She refused to play on the playground when other children were there. Socializing was just not her thing. Her parents were sure that she would never be the person to stand up and perform on stage spontaneously. And it is ok.
This doesn’t really change when Jack comes around. Sure, as he grows older and more capable of things (Y/N) plays with him. But it really seems like he is the only one around her age she is not afraid to befriend.
Aaron and Haley reassure themselves that their daughter will find friends in elementary school. After all this is an institution where many children go to and there also are adults trained for helping them coming along. She definitely will find at least one other kid to hang out with regularly and learn how to be a proper child. Because as of right now (Y/N) is more like a little adult, taking responsibilities, like watching over her little brother, she doesn’t need to do voluntarily. Maybe she will be more messy, rebellious, anything but a perfect child.
But this doesn’t exactly happen. (Y/N)’s teachers are really happy with her. Every parent-teacher conference is about how well and polite she is, always behaving good and following the rules. Sadly, they don’t have any good news regarding her social life. It’s not that she doesn’t get along with her classmates, it’s just that she isn’t able to strike up a conversation or is very good at keeping one long enough that a kid is interested in her.
Knowing that (Y/N) is mostly quiet in her school days, Aaron makes it a habit to bring her more often to the office. She surprisingly warms quickly up to his team and whenever she is around them the girl is an unstoppable tornado running loose around the bullpen.
This is kind of how she grows up until the age of middle school. (Y/N) learns some social skills and makes a few friends over the last few years. Unfortunately these friendships are not as deep as the parents wish, still it’s better than nothing.
Things get difficult when Aaron and Haley start to separate. It never is easy when parents fall out of love and it is not only difficult for Jack to see his father not as often as he used to, considering he still is a toddler needing both parents. Especially (Y/N), who is more of a daddy’s girl than a mommy’s girl, suffers from the situation at home.
Of course it’s hard on her to not see her father for a week or two at a time, but ever since her parents are going on parted ways she sees him at most one weekend every three weeks. This also changes her social life dramastically.
“(Y/N), don’t you wanna do something with your friends? You can invite them over for the weekend”, Haley suggests after watching her daughter not going out with somebody outside of school for several days. For the past two weeks the ten year old just comes home, does her homework and puts her nose in one of the books her Uncle Spencer recommended.
The girl only looks up at her mother to shake her head. “Why not, Sweetie? I haven’t seen William and John in so long. Are you still friends with them?” (Y/N) nods again. “So what is it? Are you guys fighting?” Haley sits down next to her on her bed.
“No, they just-just don’t know about this. I don’t want to tell them. And I want to stay home. It’s ok how it is right now”, she admits. Her mother’s heart breaks at that statement.
In this moment she realizes that anything a parent does has immediate consequences for the children. “I’m sorry, Sweetie. I didn’t know this is so hard for you. Maybe you can talk to them over the next few days about it, I think it’ll help you. Do you want to watch a film with me for now? Jack has a sleepover at a friend’s. We can do a girl’s night. We hadn’t had one in a long time.”
(Y/N)’s eyes light up at that. “With all the candy in the world?” Haley smiles at the newfound excitement. “Of course. Anything you want.”
From only seeing Aaron every now and then it suddenly turns to not knowing when she will see him next. After George Foyet ambushes him and makes his family into the next target, (Y/N), her brother and her mother have to go into witness protection.
The goodbye at the hospital is painful and filled with tears. “But Dad, I don’t want to leave you. I’ll miss you too much. I don’t like not seeing you. And what about you? You will be more lonely and-and I can’t leave you”, she confesses, sobbing into him.
Hotch has to hold his own tears back. He doesn’t want to come over as stoic, but as the strong father figure he always tries to be. “Honey, I know I’ll miss you so much. You have to be strong for your mother. This will not be easy and I know it. I promise to do my best to get all of you back as soon as possible, ok? Please be good for your mother and behave. We all need to work together for you to get back fast and safely.”
(Y/N) continues to cry into his hospital gown. Aaron can’t help it and dissolves in tears himself while trying to calm her down. “Shh, Honey. Everything will be fine. I’m so so sorry for all this. I never wanted something like this to happen. Shh, we will see each other real soon. The team and I will do our best. Just please, don’t cry. Please, it all will be better. I can’t let you go without seeing your beautiful laugh for one last time.”
“I don’t wanna leave you, Daddy. I-I wanna stay with you and Uncle Dave and Auntie JJ and Uncle Spencer and Uncle Der and Auntie Penny and Auntie Em. I’m scared you won’t be fine when we come back.”
It’s needless to say that nobody cracked even a smile that day.
Going into witness protection made Haley worry about Jack especially. He is just four years old and she isn’t sure how much he understands about what’s going on. Surprisingly the boy gets accustomed to the situation pretty fast. Of course he misses his father and his people from school, but he is also quick to meet new ones in the town they moved to.
(Y/N) has bigger problems. New school. New kids. New everything.
“Maybe you can see it as a fresh start. Here is nobody you know. You can be whoever you want to be. I can take you shopping and you can try out a new style”, her mother tries to make the situation sound advantageous to her. But the girl dryly answers: “When somebody doesn’t like me how I am now, how will they like an act?”
Sam Kassmeyer regularly reports back to Aaron about his family’s well being. “Jack is thriving. His teachers describe him as a bundle of joy. (Y/N) slowly gets acclimated to the change. Haley told me she started making friends with a girl in their neighborhood. I already ran a background check and the family is clean.”
Hotch lets out a sigh of relief. He turns towards the image on Penelope’s monitor. “Happy fifth birthday, Buddy.”
A few weeks after that it seems like the events overturn each other.
Foyet coming back. Kassmeyer getting tortured. Foyet finding Haley and the children. Them coming back to their house. The call. Working the case with Jack. The gunshot. The fighting noises. Hotch opening the box and hugging both of his children, relieved to see them alive.
The following weeks are difficult for the now smaller family. They mostly consist of watching videos of happy memories and talking about their feelings. Although it’s more like Jack talking about his feelings, (Y/N) went mostly silent ever since their mother’s death. This worries her father more than anything.
Two months have gone by. “Hey Honey, I’m going into the office today. Do you wanna come with me, stay at home or go to school? Anything is fine by me”, he asks her softly, kneeling beside her chair at the table. The girl is munching on her cereal halfheartedly.
“Can I come to the office?” (Y/N) asks in a hoarse voice. It’s actually the first time in four days that Aaron hears her voice. A small smile forms on his face. “Of course, that’s nice. Aunt Penny is asking me after her favorite Hotchner for days on end now. And Uncle Spencer got a stack of books he has for you to read.”
His daughter nods and quickly gets ready. They are soon on their way to Quantico after dropping Jack off at daycare. “How are your classmates? Do you like the new school?” They decided to send (Y/N) to a different school. She couldn’t bear the thought of only being the girl whose Mom died because of a serial killer.
“It’s fine. There are a few girls who are really nice. I think we can be friends. Mo-” She suddenly cuts herself off. Aaron glances over at her. “Continue, Sweetheart. Just tell me what’s on your mind”, he tries to encourage her.
The girl hesitates before following her father’s advice. “Mom would have liked them,” she mumbles. It’s quiet for a few seconds. Hotch is looking for a suitable answer. After all it’s the first time she talked about her mother since her death. “I’m sure of it, Honey. Maybe you can invite them over and I can get to know them. Think about it, no pressure of course.” (Y/N) nods to indicate that she heard him.
Not long later they enter the bullpen. “There she is! My little Hotchner! How you doing, Baby?” Derek asks her and envelopes her into a hug. But she only shrugs her shoulders. This goes on for the rest of the day. Whenever anyone talks to her, the only answer is given by her body language.
Hotch watches helplessly Spencer trying to engage in a conversation with her. His arms and hands are waving around. (Y/N) though just looks at him without being really there mentally. It seems like she is lost in her own thoughts, like it happened so often over the last few months.
“Have you tried talking to her about it?” Dave asks, sitting down on the chair opposite of him. Aaron looks at him funny. “Of course. But (Y/N) is just not ready to talk about Haley and everybody grieves differently. I can’t force her to speak, Dave.”
The older agent leans back in his seat. “I don’t think she needs to talk about her. This probably is too soon. She needs to talk about you. The changes.” After a short pause, in which the other one still doesn’t get the point, Rossi continues. “That little girl just lost her mother. She is scared to lose her father, the one with the high risk job. I think that is enough to talk about.”
This occupies the agent for the remainder of the day. Aaron was so invested in fulfilling both parent roles, that he forgot that he is just a father. The man his children go to when they have a nightmare. The one, who is more lenient than their mother. He can’t be both ones. He can’t be two people in one.
A kid trusts a mother and a father usually. And he can’t be mother and father at once. Hotch has to accept the fact. The fact that (Y/N) and Jack are going to grow up without a mother. But luckily not without mother figures.
Later that day, after tucking Jack in, Aaron knocks on his daughter’s door. A small “Come in!” echoes back to him. He enters her room and spots (Y/N) already in her bed reading a book Spencer gave her today.
“Hey, do you have time before it’s lights out?” He asks, still wanting to give her the upper hand on this. The girl nods and scoots over for her father to take a place. He lays next to her, pulling his daughter into a hug.
“I know I can’t promise it. Coming back to you every time. You know it as much as I do. But I promise you to try anything and everything in the books. You guys keep me going.” Tears roll over both of their faces.
“I-I just”, (Y/N) moves her head onto his chest to sob into it, “Just don’t wanna lose you, too. I-I don’t think I-I can’t be the girl, who doesn’t have a mother AND a father. C-can you stop that from happening?” Hotch has to wipe his eyes before answering.
“I-I try to keep that from happening, Honey. I promise.”
This is how they fall asleep, squished in a twin bed close to each other. In the morning they both are overheated and got a visitor during the night. Jack wakes them up, asking why they had a sleepover without him.
This morning is the first time Aaron sees (Y/N) smiles since day zero.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962
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enamouredfae · 3 years
♡ Pick a Card ♡
What does the person you have in mind think about you!
This is a short and sweet pick a card where I look to tell you how the person occupying your thoughts thinks about you. These can be things they want to say, but feel they can't; the feelings they have for you, the fears and the longings that have to do with you; perceptions of you, etc. This can be a specific person you know or someone you will meet in the future, it can even be a part of you. You can ask about your future spouse, love of your life, twin flame, soulmate, ex, friend, inner child, past self, etc.
Before picking a card ask and meditate on:
"What does [person] think about me?"
then intuitively pick the pile(s).
Disclaimer: I want to remind you that most of the messages are very open to interpretation, and the first "clear" meaning of the message isn't necessarily the right one for you. For example, "i know nothing about you" could mean that they don't recognize you anymore or that you don't share enough information about yourself, but it could also mean that this person is a stranger to you atm. Pick up on the nuance that feels right to you. If you feel like a card isn't accurate or does not resonate, you are most likely right. Don't take the reading as fact. Trust your intuition, and do tell me in the feedback the parts that feel right and the ones that feel wrong, I'd love to hear different interpretations on messages too!
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This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
This is a timeless reading for the collective, therefore it is likely that some messages will not resonate with you. Please only take the messages that do! The messages that do not, are meant for somebody else. Remember that the future is never set in stone and that you possess free will! Love you! ♡
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Pile 1 ✧ Leaf
leaving, fall, falling in love, drifting through life, lack of control, being pushed around, recipient, yin, withering away, slowly dying, depressed, walked over, easy-going.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
introvert | same age | taller | whip | book | 11 | 26 | 2 | 8
they could be someone you had an argument with or an argumentative person in general, intelligent, secretive, they may have a higher education and be seen as an expert in their field, there may be a power imbalance, dominant, disciplinary, manipulative, you may have written in your journal about them, there may be a secret involved in this connection, using sexuality as a tool of persuasion, coercion into kink/sexual situations, knowledgeable in sex, secret sexual relationship, you may learn a lot from them, they could be a teacher, sexy, they could be abusive please be careful, you may not know them yet or they could be hidden from you atm, thoughtful, critical.
8 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 26th or the 8th. themes of the 8th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 8th house or Scorpio placements. you may have significant 8th house synastry.
11 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 11th. themes of the 11th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 11th house or Aquarius placements. you may have significant 11th house synastry.
2 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 2nd. themes of the 2nd house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 2nd house or Taurus placements. you may have significant 2nd house synastry.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"i wish you tried harder."
"you've outgrown me."
"right person, wrong time."
"your expectations are too high."
"is it because i remind you of them?"
"you didn't seem interested."
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Pile 2 ✧ Key
key to one's heart, locked away, hidden, protected, only few can open, key tattoo, looking through the keyhole, looking withing, treasure, opening up to the world.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
ambivert | gray or blue eyes | younger | stars | moon | 16 | 32 | 7 | 5
divinely guided and blessed union, synchronicities are prevalent with this connection, feeling like the universe participated in you finding each other because of how unlikely or based on luck it feels, wish fulfillment, dreaming of/about each other, knowing immediately, being a muse, somebody well-liked in their job, popular, you may meet at night, you may know them from work or meet them on vacation, manifesting a person, feeling like a blessing to someone, hopeful, visionary, aquarius/cancer and/or 4th/11th house placements, 4th/11th house synastry, they may have a hidden side, famous, dream come true.
7 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 7th or the 16th. themes of the 7th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 7th house or Libra placements. you may have significant 7th house synastry.
5 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 5th. themes of the 5th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 5th house or Leo placements. you may have significant 5th house synastry.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"i find pieces of you everywhere i look."
"our love is what movies, books, and songs are written about."
"please start putting yourself first."
"i don't know if i want to be near you, or to be you."
"i play the song that reminds me of you."
"i'm manifesting you."
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Pile 3 ✧ Fleur de Lys / Lily
french, royal, pure, faithful, gardner, gold, feeling reborn, motherhood, 100 years of love, fertility, strong morals, growth, in bloom, spring/summer/fall, not a cat person.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
different ethnicity/nationality | blonde | tattoos and/or piercings | man | lily | 28 | 30 | 10 | 1 | 3
they may identify as male, or embody a lot of masculine/yang energy, they may be older than you, very peaceful, you may feel like you can tell them any secret because they are very discreet, they may feel or describe themselves as a "grandpa/grandma" or dress like one, they may be very mature, they might've had to grow up fast, they can feel very serene and like a safe space, they could be the "calm" friend that you just recharge with, enjoying each other's company in silence, they may remind you of your grandpa/grandma, they may be a mentor, they may often talk out of experience or randomly say something very wise.
1 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 28th, the 10th, or the 1st. themes of the 1st/10th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 1st/10th house or Aries/Capricorn placements. you may have significant 1st/10th house synastry.
3 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 30th or the 3rd. themes of the 3rd house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 3rd house or Gemini placements. you may have significant 3rd house synastry. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"i'm scared of being vulnerable."
"i don't feel the same way you do."
"if we're lucky."
"i always check your horoscope too."
"you're romanticizing toxic things."
"you're my safe space."
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Pile 4 ✧ Knot
balanced, harmonious, interconnected, interlaced fingers, hair knots, sacred geometry, synchronicity, self-sufficient, symmetry lover, 444, four-leaf clover.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
green or hazel eyes | older | colourful hair | rider | child | 1 | 13 | 4
they may be a mailman or a delivery person, incredible conversations that can change your perspective on things, immature, naive, happy inner child, enjoys simple things, young, may be a student atm or when you meet, appears into your life with a new beginning, or causes a new beginning, they may be a very trusting person, could literally be a child (under 18), could come with huge announcement, constantly changing, unpredictable, hyper, could have a child together, may have met them during some sort of visit, helping them grow, may see you as a child, trustworthy.
1 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 1st. themes of the 1st house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 1st house or Aries placements. you may have significant 1st house synastry.
4 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 13th or the 4th. themes of the 4th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 4th house or Cancer placements. you may have significant 4th house synastry.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"i know nothing about you."
"i want us to grow old together."
"cupid ran out of arrows when it came to us."
" i still think about you, i can't let you go."
"i'm obsessed with you and it's not pretty."
"i write you in my daydreams."
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Pile 5 ✧ Fork
forks from twilight, great cook, picky eater, a pick-me-up, eating with a specific fork, collecting forks, separation, falling/sliding through the cracks, bifurcation, neptune.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
brunette | straight or wavy hair | extrovert | woman | dog | 29 | 18 | 11 | 2 | 9
they may identify as female, or embody a lot of feminine/yin energy, friendship, loyal, dependable and helpful, humble, "bitch", may be very compassionate but also may be inclined to pitying people, may be a person who is blindly loyal to people that do not deserve their loyalty and love, "we accept the love we think we deserve", very giving and loves giving, golden retriever as a person, supportive, could be codependent, animal lover, a person in your friend group, or any group you belong in, wants to receive love, but even when they don't, they still give the other person their all, requires a lot of attention, athletic, active, optimistic, feels the need to help and people please because they feel like that's the only way they'll deserve love.
11 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 29th or the 11th. themes of the 11th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 11th house or Aquarius placements. you may have significant 11th house synastry.
2 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 2nd. themes of the 2nd house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 2nd house or Taurus placements. you may have significant 2nd house synastry.
9 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 18th or the 9th. themes of the 9th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 9th house or Sagittarius placements. you may have significant 9th house synastry.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"please don't break my heart."
"i hate us."
"you're one more reason for me to stay."
"you hurt me."
"it's like I'm looking in a mirror."
"our relationship isn't balanced."
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Pile 6 ✧ Dolphin
swimmer, psychic, sensitive to one's environment, perceptive, being able to read people easily, intuitive, protective, paranoid, healing, freedom, in tune with emotions.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
Who are you thinking about?
LGBTQIA2S+ | brown or black eyes | shorter | key | garden | 33 | 20 | 6 | 2
they may be the key to your social climbing, you may meet them at a party or social gathering, you may meet them when celebrating smth or in a venue, they may be very social and inviting, open-minded, party person, they are very important to you, they feel like a revelation, they may make you realize smth about yourself, opening lots of doors, they will reveal their secrets to you and vice-versa, they will open you to a whole new social group, opening up to the world, they may hold the key to your soul-tribe, one of the few people who could open you up, they see right through the facade you show the world, hidden treasure in a crowd.
3 or 6 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 6th. themes of the 6th house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 6th house or Virgo placements. you may have significant 6th house synastry.
2 might be their life path number. they may be born on the 20th or the 2nd. themes of the 2nd house in astrology might arise a lot in their life. they may have 2nd house or Taurus placements. you may have significant 2nd house synastry.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧
What do they think about you?
"i've outgrown you."
"i'm longing for your touch."
"i won't change for you."
"i wish you knew how much you've helped me."
"stop trying to change me."
"together for a good time, not a long time."
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Thank you for reading! Love you all.♡
You can buy me a coffee if you feel called to do so! This is never necessary, but always appreciated! ♡
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icerosecrystal · 4 years
Marijon - My Secret Older Sister
Her name is Marinette Amani Al-Ghul. Marinette is the first grandchild of the demon-head and the daughter of Talia Al-Ghul. She is also the older sister of Damian Al-Ghul by two years. Despite what others may think, both she and her brother came from the same man. Bruce Wayne. Although Damian has no idea who his father is, Marinette has known for eight years. Despite the young age of 12, she was an incredibly smart girl. She also possessed the ability to be happy and feel love. But not in front of anyone but her brother and sometimes her mother. She and her brother had a great relationship. They were always there for each other. Damian was there for Marinette when her grandfather Ra's would sometimes beat her for not doing well on a mission. And he would base it solely on her gender. Marinette was there for Damian the first time Damian had to kill someone. It disgusted him, but he continued doing it for the sake of his title.  
Then the day the League fell came. Slade had attacked when Ra's was showing the whole League to Damian and explaining that it would all one day be his. Marinette was standing behind them next to her mother. Ra's had told her mother to grab both of them and run. Marinette protected her brother throughout it all when suddenly, Marinette got shot in the stomach. She collapsed in pain. She saw her mother running back to them, so Marinette let go of Damian, who was looking at her worriedly, "Damian, my akhi, go run, save yourself. Tell Mother to take you to Father. I'll be fine."
Damian was crying now, "NO, I won't leave you, you have to come with me. Please don't leave me, ukhti."
Marinette smiled sadly. She then hugged Damian and kissed him on the cheek, "I love you. And I promise I will find you one day." She let go of his hand as Talia quickly grabbed his arm and lead him to the docks, glancing at Marinette once in worry.
Marinette was lying still for a little bit before she heard a voice say, "Tom, I found her!" Marinette turned her head to the side and saw her godmother, Sabine Cheng recently Dupain-Cheng, hurrying over to her, with her godfather Tom not too far behind.
When they reached her, they gasped at the wound in her stomach. Tom picked her up and quickly walked to the docks with Sabine following. "Where we going?" Marinette said her voiced slurring, herself only half-conscious due to the blood loss.
Sabine answered, "We're going to Paris. We had a house there just in case we ever had to escape the League."
Marinette nodded in turn before she closed her eyes, letting the exhaustion take over. "Good night," she heard before she was fully asleep.  
Marinette woke up to an unfamiliar scene. She tensed, but when she caught sight of her godparents, she relaxed, "So what's the plan?"
Sabine was the one who answered", Well, you aren't allowed to act like the devil in disguise." Marinette scoffed, but she didn't argue, knowing Sabine was right. She may be sweet with her family, but with strangers and acquaintances, she wasn't the nicest. "Also, you are going to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You are the daughter of two bakers, Tom and I, and you are a designer. You will also be clumsy and stutter a lot."
Marinette nodded in understanding, "Okay, but what about Damian?"
Sabine sighed, "You're just going to have to hope that one day you find each other again."
Marinette nodded in understanding. She then went up to her new room, ready to put on a mask for the rest of the world to see.
(Time Skip)
It was now the start of the tenth grade for Marinette. She was now thirteen-years-old, and she was ready to play her part of the clumsy baker's daughter. She took some macaroons for her new classmates and then walked outside. While she waited to cross the street, she caught sight of a man crossing the street. A car was heading right to him. Regardless of who she was pretending to be, she wasn't going to let a man get hurt. She ran and quickly pulled him to the sidewalk, effectively using it as an excuse to trip over her feet. She handed the man a macaroon and then ran to school.
At school, she sat down quietly in her seat. When a dark girl, with brown hair and auburn highlights, picked a fight with a blonde girl. The blonde girl was supposedly bullying Marinette. Marinette and the blonde girl exchanged looks, acknowledging that the girl before them was a load of bull. Marinette then found out that the blonde girl's name was Chloe, and she was a bully, and the other girl was Alya.
Marinette looked around the classroom, analyzing everybody.
She then heard a voice scream, "Kim!"
She looked behind her to see a big, burly blonde kid, look like he wanted to beat up somebody. The teacher then asked him, "Ivan, what is going on?"
The blonde kid replied, "It's Kim! I'm so going to get..."
The teacher then pointed to the door and shouted, "Ivan, go to the principal's office."
Before Ivan could stomp off angrily, Marinette spoke up, quite surprised by the way the teacher was handling things, "With all due respect Miss, you didn't even listen to Ivan's side of the story. It could be Kim that's bullying Ivan, but you're rather playing favoritism."
The teacher sputtered, not knowing how to react, "Who gave you the authority to question my teaching skills?"
Marinette smirked, replying, " Common sense."
Mrs. Bustier walked out of the classroom to calm down, pure fury clear on her face. That day she turned into Zombispect. When she kissed them, they would automatically obey and respect her. That was also the day Lady Spots and Chat Noir resided in Paris.
While Lady Spots was a great superhero, Chat Noir was an incompetent fool. Marinette hated him. He would always flirt with her and never get anything done. And in many cases, if he didn't get what he wanted, he would either threaten to quit or sit out. Marinette never told him, but she honestly thought that she did better in battle when he wasn't around.
In terms of her civilian life, Alya convinced herself that she was Marinette's best friend and that Marinette had a crush on Adrien. In actuality, Marinette's best friend was and is her brother, Damian, and Chloe. While Chloe was spoiled, she was also neglected by her parents, which made her act rather bitchy at times. And she for sure did not have a crush on the spineless Adrien Agreste. No one in the class knew anything about the real her. But her godparents and even Chloe, who knew a bit about her. But, the one person that Marinette wanted to talk to was her precious little brother. She needed to hug him, spoil him, and talk with him about everything. But most of all, she wanted to know that he was still alive and happy somewhere.
Marinette would cry herself to bed every day, hoping that one day she would see him again. Thankfully, Tikki was on her side.
(Time Skip of one year. This is after Volpina, but before Chameleon)
It has been two years since Marinette last saw her brother. Alya was still going strong, coming up with ridiculous plans for her to date Adrien. She was still a "clumsy" baker girl. And while designing was her supposed hobby, after about a month, she really got into it. What pissed Marinette off the most was that she had to wear pink, have her room pink, and wear pigtails. Why? Because it strengthened the fact that she was an innocent, little, naive girl. While it did help people underestimate her, it annoyed the heck out of her. She actually ranted to her godparents one day about how bad her appearance was, "How can one color be so bright?! How could anyone like looking at it?! Why the hell do these pigtails make me look like a short-ass baby?! I look like a fucking moron! Where the hell is Damian when you need him?!" It was about three days later when her question was answered.
Marinette had been walking around town when suddenly someone bumped into Marinette.  Marinette caught herself and caught the person she bumped into. But the words that came out of the person's mouth had her reeling, "Tt, what type of imbecile are you to be bumping into people on the street?" Marinette would know that voice anywhere. And sure enough, when she actually looked at the person that she bumped into, she was staring into the face of her brother. When he realized who she was, he let out a timid, "Marinette," that had Marinette practically sobbing.
When she found that her face was wet, she realized that she was sobbing, but she didn't care. Damian was alive. She strangled him with a hug, cooing softly into his ear once he too started crying. They stayed like that for a while before they released each other. It was then that Marinette saw the boy standing behind Damian.
She blushed when she noticed his features, black hair like her own, the bluest, purest eyes she had ever seen. He was wearing glasses that gave him a nerdy look, but his body begged to differ. He was very tall, probably 5ft 11, and had huge muscles that gave off more of a jock look. He had so many characteristics that Marinette felt insanely attracted. She snapped out of her thoughts and offered the boy a hand, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, or Marinette Al-Ghul, Damien's older sister by two years."
He gave her a blinding smile that could rival the sun and then kissed her hand, "Jonathan Kent, Jon for short. It's nice to meet the sister of my best friend." The more she studied him, the more she realized that he looked familiar. It was then that she realized he was Superboy, the superhero Alya had been raving about last week.
Marinette blushed at him kissing her hand. She then decided to let her inner devil come out to play. Leaning closer, she whispered, "It's nice to meet you too. I hope that you have been nice to my brother. Because if I found out you haven't, I might get my katana and skin you. I know that you might be invincible, but with the kryptonite, which I do have, you would be weakened within a second. So make your decisions carefully." She then leaned back and watched how his expression changed. His face went from happy, to confused, to shocked, to scared, and the surprisingly, love.
He smirked, "Well, you are better than I expected." He then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his phone number. "Call me, you're hot and a little devil, I like it." He then winked and gave it to her.
They both heard Damian scream, "KENT! Stay away from my sister before I skin you!"
Marinette giggled and took the piece of paper from him. She then asked, "You look to be about my age. Why are you with Damian?"
Jon replied, "I'm 15-years-old. So one year older than you. (I know that Jon is actually three years younger in Super Sons, but for this to work, Jon is three older, not younger. If you have any problems with that, fight me.) And Damian and I work together a lot. We're considered the Super Sons, so we're best friends."
Marinette nodded in understanding before suggesting that they all go to a coffee shop to talk. Damian and Jon agreed. Damian told Marinette all about their father, their brothers, and sisters, him being Robin. He told her everything. She offered him support and asked questions about their family.
When it was her turn, she explained how Tom and Sabine saved her and how she came to Paris. And how she is pretending to be a clumsy sweet girl who likes pink. (She wasn't totally over the whole pink thing along with the pigtails.)  That coaxed a laugh out of both Damian and Jon. But when she got to the part about Alya, Damian wanted to skin Alya. He was Marinette's best friend, not some dumb harlot. When she explained how she was Lady Spots, and Chat Noir had some major failings as a partner, it took both Jon and Marinette to hold him back. He continued trying to escape while shouting, "LET ME AT HIM, HE DARE FLIRT WITH MY SISTER!!! I'LL SKIN HIS SORRY ASS BEFORE RIPPING HIM INTO SHREDS AND DUMPING HIM IN A RIVER!" He then continued to explain exactly how he would kill Chat Noir. Marinette knew that he was capable of going through with his plan, so she distracted him by asking for his phone number so that they could stay in contact. Damian calmed down enough to give it to her.
When she realized how late it was, she gave a hug and promised to meet up with him for the rest of the week. She also promised that once he left Paris, she would stay in contact. She wasn't going to leave her brother again. She then went up to Jon and kissed his cheek before saying goodbye. She then turned around and went home. If she had stayed a second longer, she would have seen Jon blush and then touch the cheek that she kissed with his fingertips, a goofy smile adorning his lips. Although Damian wanted to keep Jon away from his sister, he supposed Jon was better than the mangy cat or the spineless model.
For the rest of the week, the three met up every day and did different activities. One day they went to the Lourve, another an arcade, the day after that a carnival, and so on. On their last day, they went to the park and then went for Andre's ice cream. When they arrived, Andre greeted Marinette, "Bonjour Marinette! Would you like a sweetheart ice cream."
"Oui Andre. This is my brother Damian, and his friend Jon." She then turned to the boys, "Andre is the sweetheart's ice cream maker. He essentially gives you icecream based on the characteristics of your soul mate. Damian, how about you go first."
Damian stepped in front of the cart, "Ah, Damian, one scoop of violet and honey for her eyes, coconut ash for her hair, and cherry for her mysterious and complicated past. Here you are." (There is actually such a thing as black ice cream. It's made with coconut ash that people sometimes flavor with burnt honey vanilla.)
Damian took the ice cream and looked at it. He then realized that it looked like Raven, his crush. He blushed. "Ah, I see the love fair and true. I suppose you know who is right for you?" Damian nodded and started eating his ice cream, a small smile gracing his lips. He then paid attention to his sister and his best friend. They were now getting their ice cream.
Andre looked at the two and said, "Ah, but here's the truth, the two of you are the right match. You complete each other just like one, so come, let Andre supply you with love." Marinette and Jon were both surprised by the turn of events. But they both just blushed and agreed. Andre then said, "Blueberry for both your eyes, strawberry for her lips, cherry for his secret, and cotton candy for your personalities. Enjoy!"
Jon and Marinette waved goodbye and then ate their ice cream. They were still surprised about the turn of events. Neither knew what to say to the other until picked up some courage and asked, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Marinette was surprised but agreed. They shared a chaste kiss. They then heard Damian gagging in the background. They broke apart, and Jon raised an eyebrow, "You're one to talk. I saw your ice cream. It really represented, mmph." Damian covered Jon's mouth before he could blurt out the name of his sweetheart.
"Kent looks like it's time to go! By the way, if you hurt my sister, I won't hesitate to kill you." He then dragged Jon off, leaving Marinette to chuckle to herself. The next day, she said goodbye to Damian and Jon. She gave them both a quick hug along with an extra kiss for Jon. She was so happy that she had found her brother again.
(Time Skip of three years)
It has been three years since Marinette bumped into Damian and Jon in Paris. The two visited whenever they could, the same with Marinette. But they never told their families. Marinette didn't tell her family because they didn't know she was Ladybug. Damian didn't tell because he wanted his sister to himself. Jon didn't tell because the other two didn't. Jon's and Marinette's relationship was still going strong. They loved each other very much. Jon loved how playful and happy Marinette could be, but she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. She was his little devil. Marinette loved Jon because of how pure and sunshiny he was. She loved how he cared for her and was always there for her no matter what. Damian actually started a relationship with Rachel Roth otherwise known as Raven as Andre's ice cream had indicated all those years ago.
During the three years, many things had changed, though. A girl named Lila came and turned everyone against her except Chloe. Marinette pretended that she was sad, but really she was ecstatic that she didn't have to hang out with morons anymore. She found Lila quite pathetic. Lila let others do her dirty work for her. She hid behind lies and morons. Marinette never found her as a threat.
She also defeated Hawkmoth a year ago, but it was because he surrendered. So, she didn't take him to jail, she made him donate thousands of dollars to people who needed therapy from the akumas and do community service. He agreed, so she let him go. She was glad that Gabriel Agreste had learned his lesson.
Yeah, for the most part, everything was going fine, she wasn't stuck with morons, and she had her brother and boyfriend. Until her brother and significant idiot forgot that her bio family didn't know about her.
It was the end of another shitty day for Marinette. She collapsed on her chaise. She looked at the time and realized that it was time for her's and Damian's video calls. She groaned before getting up and getting her phone. She dialed his number before waiting for him to pick up. Once he did, she saw that Jon was with him. They all talked together animatedly. What Damian and Jon forgot to do, was make sure that the Bat-family didn't come back from patrol while they were still on the call. But naturally, the two idiots forgot.
So, two hours later, when the three were still talking, they didn't realize when Jason came into the room. They only did when Jason screamed, "Demon Spawn and Supes Junior are talking to a girl on the phone!" This alerted the rest of the Waynes, so they all ran into Damian's room. When they entered, they were met with quite a sight. A confused Jason was watching a small pixie-like girl screaming at Jon and Damian in what seemed to be Arabic, Urdu, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Romanian, and Greek.
Once she calmed down, although she was still glaring at the two boys, she introduced herself, "Hi, my name is Marinette."
Dick asked her, "What's your last name?"
Marinette replied, "It depends on who your asking. Here in France, I would be Marinette Dupain-Cheng. In the league, I would be Marinette Al-Ghul. But, my real name would most likely be Marinette Wayne."
Jason yelled, "Your married to Demon Spawn!"
Marinette scowled, "No, Tt, are you always this incompetent? I am Damian's older sister by two years. I am also Jon's girlfriend of three years."
Bruce took a deep breath and pinched his nose, "And the reason none of you said anything was because?" He looked directly at Damian when asking the question.
Damian snapped, "I didn't want to share my beloved sister. She is too good for you imbeciles. She is also too good for Kent. But Kent is better than the mangy cat or the ugly model."
Everyone looked at Marinette confused except for Damian and Jon. She quickly shook her head, "Don't ask. If you want to ask me some questions, I'll be there in a minute."
Damian realizing that she was going to use the horse miraculous to transport to Gotham quickly said, "Wait, no, don't!" But she had already ended the call making Damian curse in Arabic.
Seconds later a portal appeared and a girl stepped out. She then spoke, "Kaalki, dismount." A flash appeared around her and they then saw the same girl on the phone now in front of them.
This left Wayne's gaping, while Alfred asked, "Mistress Marinette, would Kaalki I assume, need anything?"
Marinette replied, "Oui, she prefers sugar cubes to recharge. Merci, Alfred."
Then Jon got up and shouted, "My little devil!"
"Sunshine", Marinette exclaimed in joy before kissing him with full force. He kissed her back passionately. She placed her arm on his shoulders while he held her waist and lifted her a little off the ground. After a little bit, there was an awkward cough that reminded them that there were others in the room. They gave each other one more peck, before reluctantly pulling away. Although, Jon's arm was still around her waist. Marinette tried to not focus on the aching in her chest that was telling her to pounce on Jon and smother him in love and kisses while he did the same to her.
Marinette sighed and tried to focus on the situation at hand, "It's nice to meet all of you. My name is Marinette Al-Ghul Wayne, and I am Damian's sister as mentioned."
They all stared at her strangely until Tim asked, "Are you sure you grew up with Damian, or that your mother is Talia Al-Ghul? You seem a lot more different from Demon Spawn."
She smirked at them viciously, "First of all, I am for sure Damian's biological sister. Second of all, I may seem like an angel, but I'm the devil in disguise, hence Jon's nickname for me. Third of all, I'm not as arrogant as Damian because Ra's was always abusing me since I was a girl. So, I am a lot worse than Damian, I just don't show it."
No one knew what to do with this information. Sure Damian already knew about the beatings, but no one else did. They stared at her in worry, but she just waved them off, "Don't worry about me. Ra's is dead, I'm living with my godparents, and I'm happy."
Damian then rose an eyebrow, "What about your moronic classmates?"
"Oh, I didn't tell you. This pathetic girl who threatened to take my friends away, made it so that no one talks to me anymore. So, yay! Oooh, also I should probably explain my life to you?" She then went on to talk about everything, how her life was at the league, what happened when Slade attacked,  her life in Paris and when she became Lady Spots, how she met Damian and Jon, what happened after that.
By the end of her story, everyone looked like they wanted to kill her classmates and Chat Noir. Well, almost everyone. Bruce was on the ground muttering to himself, "Why, why, why? I just wanted one of my kids to not be a superhero. Is that too much to ask for?"
While Bruce had his breakdown, Tim asked her, "Did you defeat Hawkmoth?"
"Yeah, I did. He surrendered, so I let him off with some requirements in place. I actually was thinking of doing something to expose Lila. As much as I hate the morons, their future will be horrible if they keep on listening to that pathetic bitch."
Damian looked at her curiously, "What were you thinking?
"You are going to invite my class to the Wayne Gala. There we are going to introduce the whole family, including me. Damian, you are going to bring Raven. I'll bring Jon obviously. If we disprove that she knows the Waynes, the rest of her lies will come crashing down." Everyone smiled obviously pleased with the idea.
So they spent the next month getting the gala together. They organized a contest that Bustier's class won. During the month, the Waynes got to know Marinette. While Damian did have a problem with sharing her, everyone still go to know her. They were officially scared of her after she won after sparing against everyone and then cussing at Damian in many languages. It made Jon fall more in love with her though.
Another problem was that the Waynes would walk into Jon's and Marinette's make-out sessions all the time. Once, Jon, had Marinette pushed up against a wall and he was kissing her passionately. Marinette had her hands in his hair, one of them playing with the ends of his hair. She had taken off his shirt and was kissing down his neck. Jon had groaned and had stopped her so he could kiss her neck as well making her moan in want. He was whispering about what he wanted to do with her at the same time. Through dazed eyes, Marinette looked up and finally saw her family looking at her, both Damian and Bruce had their jaws clenched. When Jon noticed them, he quickly let go of her. Dick, Jason, and Tim started laughing, cooing, and teasing them, making Marinette hide her head in his chest. This made Damian launch himself at Jon, but before he could, Marinette had already disarmed him. She screamed, "Don't hurt my boyfriend, Damian." He just huffed, but let it go. From then on, they made sure to lock the door.
It was finally the day of the gala. Marinette saw all of her classmates. They mostly looked nice, but Lila was wearing an incredibly revealing dress.
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It was then time for the reveal. Bruce went up to the stage and announced, "Good evening, everybody. I am pleased that you could all attend. Today, I would like to introduce all of my children along with their significant other. To start, my oldest son Richard Grayson, also known as Dick Grayson along with his wife Kori Grayson."
(Bruce's suit)
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(Dick's Suit)
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(Kori's Dress)
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"My son Jason Todd."
(Jason's suit)
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"My son Tim Drake."
(Tim's suit)
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"My son Damian Wayne with his girlfriend Rachel Roth."
(Damien's suit)
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(Rachel's dress)
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"Finally, my new found daughter, also Damian's biological older sister Marinette Wayne. With her date Jon Kent."
(Marinette's dress) 
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(Jon's suit)
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When her classmates saw Marinette they started screaming insults. She just raised an eyebrow at them, "Is there a problem?"
Alya yelled, "Yeah there is. You're not a Wayne, you never told me that you were."
Marinette replied, "We were never best friends so I was under no obligation to tell you anything. I am a Wayne. I just lived with my godparents in Paris until my dad found out about me. I am dating my handsome boyfriend, Jonathan Kent. I have given you so much proof. How about you question Lila. She claimed that she was dating Damian. Damian is two years younger than her and he is dating Rachel. She isn't close to the Waynes, I am. So, stop questioning me and question her."
Everyone looked at Lila, but she was incredibly pale. That showed everyone that she was lying. They started yelling at her. Bruce then spoke up, "Security, escort this class out of the gala." As security did so, no one stopped yelling at Lila.
Marinette and Jon then turned to the reporters and Marinette said, "Five questions go."
She pointed to one reporter, "Where do you live?"
"Paris like I mentioned earlier."
She pointed to another, "How old are you?"
"I am 17-years-old, almost 18."
She pointed to a third one, "Were you surprised about being a Wayne?"
"No, I knew that I was a Wayne my whole life. But I was sent to my godparents instead of my dad like Damian. But I still knew." She pointed to her family, "They were surprised about my existence."
She pointed to a fourth reporter, "How do you like being a Wayne?"
"I really enjoy it. They are so nice to me. I really cherish them and we all have a lot of fun together. "
She pointed to a final reporter, "Do you like being Jonathan Kent's girlfriend and how did you meet?"
"We met when I bumped into him and my brother in Paris. We spent the week together. We got this thing called sweethearts ice cream. The ice cream tells you who your soulmate is. The guy who runs it Andre said that we were meant to be together. Jon asked me to be his girlfriend after. We have been a couple for three years. I love Jon a lot. He's really sweet and considerate. I wouldn't trade him for the world." Everyone awed.
Jon then picked her up bridal style, "Now that this is over, we'll be going home to have some fun." He winked at everyone.
Marinette blushed at the implications, "JON!" But, Jon silenced her with a passionate kiss, carrying her off the stage.
As Marinette kissed him back, she felt so happy. She had a loving family and boyfriend. They accepted her and cherished her.
She didn't know that the league was going to be attacked, but it helped her grow as a person and escape abuse. She didn't know that she would get a boyfriend. She didn't know she would ever meet her little brother ever again or meet her family. She didn't know what the future had in store for her. But she did know that she was going to spend it with her boyfriend and her family, and nothing was going to stop her.
(Sorry for the pictures smack in the middle of everything!)
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s field trip. Part 1
Warnings: Trans!Peter, Spidypool, sex references, superfamily, transphobia, supportive avengers
Tony POV
I was in my lab waiting for Peter, my newly adopted son, to come home from school when Friday told me I had an email from Peters school. Turning to my phone I opened the email and was completely annoyed. The email read
'Dear Parent/Carer of Patricia Parker,
We are delighted to inform you that we have a surprise field trip for the student to none other than Stark Laboratories. The trip with be a residential starting on March 7th with a trip to Stark Tower, staying the night there with Mr Tony Stark-Rodgers and then having a trip to the Avengers Tower where we will have the opportunity to meet the Avengers and ask them questions. This is a once in a life time opportunity and we hope you allow your daughter to attend. Also, we would like to keep the trip as a surprise for the student so we urge you not to tell them the destinations of the trip.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Robbins.'
I was livid. My child Peter is a boy. I do not have a daughter I have a son. I couldn't believe the nerve of this teacher so I stormed out of my lab and in to the main living area of the penthouse and saw my handsome husband lay on the couch watching tv. He looked so calm and collected but I feel this might change.
"Honey, I just got this email from Peters school that I think you should have a look at." I told him handing him my phone.
He looked confused at first but then the anger set in and by time my phone was placed back in my hand he had an evil smirk on his face. I had an idea of why he had that smirk but just to be sure I asked him,
"What's the smirk for?" I asked.
"Tell the teacher our son can go on the trip while I make a few phone calls. Nobody purposely misgenders my son and gets away with it." He is trusted before grabbing his cell phone and walking down the corridor to one of the training room. Probably going to blow off a little steam and anger. Might watch in a little while.
After a second I simply responded to the email stating'
I as Peters legal guardian allow my son to attend this field trip. Is there any additional information that we should be aware of?' It seemed like the appropriate response.
In all honesty I had Pepper invite the school to the towers as a reward for how well they did at the decathlon competition. I was not expecting to receive an email like this.
-5 hours later-
Peter arrived home shortly after the email incident and was greeted to everyone being in the room. Everyone being Me, Cap, Bucky, Nat, Banner, Pepper, Sam, T'Challa, Shuri, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Loki, Clint and Strange along with the Guardians on a Skype call on the tv. We told him it was a spur of the moment gathering as well all missed each other, not an entire lie, but in reality we were plotting to a) embarrass Peter as much as possible on the field trip and b) get back at the teacher for what they did.
We decided to order enough pizza for an entire 3rd world country and discuss Peter's school life as we ate.
"So Peter, has anyone been giving you trouble lately in School? You can tell us the truth." Steve, Peter's other father and my husband, asked.
"No everything just fine." He terribly lied.
"Come on kid. I've known you for almost two years now, don't try and lie. If there's anyone giving you any type of shit for whatever reason please know that you can tell us." I explained to him all of a sudden getting very serious. I could see him fighting with himself on weather to tell us something or not but decided not to as he then said he had homework to do and went to his room.
"So, he's either lying or the teacher isn't as bad as we think." Loki observed.
"No, he was lying. I could feel his conflict and pain in remembrance of what people have said to him. I'm not one for violence but someone needs to pay for what he's been dealing with." Wanda told us with tears in her eyes.
Cap and Barton walked over to comfort her and hopefully stop her crying. My blood started boiling, Wanda was a strong person and if what Peter's going through brings her to tears then that's a lot for one person to go through. What else has this teacher or student done? Why won't he tell us? Does he not trust us? That last question broke my heart.
"Baby, you okay?" I hear Steve ask moving towards me and holding both my hands in his.
"No. I'm pissed. I'm pissed at any one who hurt my son. I'm pissed at us for not making sure he knows he can talk to us. And I'm pissed at the world for making his go through all of this." I told him with tears coming to my eyes.
Steve pulled me close to my chest and held me tight. He stroked his hands through my hair as he tried to calm me down. I could tell he was mad to, we all were, but he was trying to hold it in despite everyone being here to essentially punish this teacher was his idea. Embarrassing Peter was mine.
"Right, so what do we do about this? I'm not letting anyone hurt my nephew and get away with it." Nat said sitting up and pulling a knife from who knows where to sharped her nails. That women scares me so much.
"How about we just drop in during the day and make sure one of us is always with him. If he has one of us always there and we make it apparent that we know and support him the I doubt even someone as bigoted as his teacher is going to say something. Then we can embarrass him when we're with him." Sam suggested.
"I like that. Where are we all going to be stationed?" Loki asked.
"Well if I speak to the tour guide I could get Banner to give them a lesson on Gamma radiation as the first. Then, Barton or somebody drops in. After that they will be taken to a different lab with Shuri and T'Challa. By that time it should be lunch where Thor and Loki could drop in and the guardians land near the level 7 outside cafeteria. Then we can have Sam drop some stuff from above like a water balloon or something and Bucky bake his favourite cookies to bring to him. After Lunch they're looking around some other labs where Shuri could also be along with Banner. I think they're also going to be visiting the training rooms so Nat, Cap, Bucky and T'Challa could be fighting and Wanda, Vision and Strange could be training their magic." I suggested feeling better now that we were planning this.
March 6th
-Peter's POV-
I was in Chemistry faintly heading the teacher, Mrs Robbins, drone on and on about ionic bonding and how it differs to covalent bonding. It was something I already knew so I didn't need to listen until Ned started hitting my arm. Turning to look at him he simply nodded to the direction of the teacher. I turned around just to catch two words that made my heart drop.
"-Field trip!" Our teacher cheered with a big smile on her face.
Field trip? To where and why?
"That's right, we have organised a surprise field trip for you all as a reward for how well you've all done on your recent exams. Only the top 20 student of the entire school will have the privilege of going. The destination will be a surprise but I will say to bring an overnight bag and money for food and such. You're parents have already got an email consenting for your attendance and the bus will be leaving at 8am tomorrow so don't be late." She further explained.
The whole surprise field trip thing made me nervous beyond all belief. I may not technically be a Parker anymore but the luck definitely followed me and the idea of having to go on an overnight field trip made me terrified. Also, our parents got an email. This means that either Dad (Tony) or Pops (Steve) knew about this probably weeks ago and didn't tell me, this only fulled my anxiety.
Soon the bell went signalling the end of the day and our temporary liberation from this educational prison. On the way out Mrs Robins pulled me aside. It confused me at first until she put our most recent test infront of me. My name circled in big red circles, I know what's about to happen.
"Patricia, you must stop this. You're name is not Peter, you're not a boy. You were born a girl and therefore are, there is no picking and choosing with what God gave you. You must understand this by now. This little joke has gone too far that you're name has been requested to change on our register. Get it through you're head that you are not a boy and you will go to hell for thinking otherwise. One more incident like this and you'll have detention for the rest of the year. Got it?" She basically shouted at me pointing to my circled name on the test.
"No. My name is Peter and I am a boy, I don't care what God assigned me because he got it wrong. I am a boy and my name is Peter as we have gotten it legally changed." I rebutted getting impatient with her ignorance.
"Don't speak to me like that young man. You have no right to change Gods idea and destiny for you. Just thing, you're a girl meaning you can have kids and spread God's message to others and have many kids. Just what God planned for all women." She told me trying to sound sweet but came off and incredibly patronising.
At this point I was too angry to listen to her bulls**t (Gotta keep it Steve friendly people) so I stormed out the room. She started yelling for me to come back to the classroom but I didn't listen and continued walking till I reached the car Happy was in to take me home.
I got in the car and started telling Happy about my day while playing classic songs on my phone such as Highway to Hell, You gave love a bad name and Living on a Prayer. He pretended like he didn't care but I could tell he was listening and hanging onto every word I was saying. I love that about Happy, he acts like he doesn't care but in reality he does and he does a lot. He once caught Flash saying stuff about me and threatened to hit him with the car, he almost did as well but we were running late to a meeting I had to go to with Dad. Of course that didn't stop Flash as he still likes to torment me daily but he now does it more secretly making it more bearable.
We soon made it home and I found all of my dysfunctional family,minus the guardians who were on a Skype call, sat in the living room watching a movie on the tv. I quickly set my bag down on the kitchen island and settled right next to Tony (Dad) who was cuddling Cap (Pops). Everyone was asking me questions about my day and school life in general. They focused mostly on if people were bullying on me. It worried me a little because as much as I know I can go to them, I don't want to because I know that if I tell them everything that's happened they'll kill people and I don't want that for my family. Half of them only just got pardoned and I don't want the governments to revoke that.
"Sorry guys but I got homework. The pizza was delicious, is it okay if I invite Wade around?" I pleaded with Pops knowing he's more likely to say yes.
"Yes but that door stays open hound man. Do I make myself clear?" Pops asked in a stern voice.
"Crystal." I responded before taking out my phone to call Wade, grabbed my bag and walked to my room.
"Hey Baby Boy, what's up?" Wade asked after picking up his phone.
"Not much, Pops said you could come around." I told him making him slightly squeal.
"Okay Baby Boy, I'll be there in 10 minutes. I love you." Wade informed.
"I love you to Babe." I said before hanging up with a smile on my face.
-10 minutes later-
I was sat at my desk finishing my algebra homework when I heard someone knock on the window. Knowing it was Wade I turned with a smile on my face and let him in.
"Hey Baby Boy, how was your day?" Wade asked making himself comfortable on my bed.
"It was fine, quite boring if I'm honest. We did get told about this residential field trip tomorrow though. Sorry I won't be here for most of the weekend. I'm sure my Dads will love having you around." I joked sitting on his lap and cuddling into his chest.
"It's fine Pete. I'll just have to savour our time together now." He said wiggling his eyebrows and kissing me passionately.
"My Pops said to keep the door open." I told him pulling away with a massive blush spread across my cheeks.
"Does that rule apply to your en-suite?" Wade asked.
"I don't believe so." I answered getting up from his lap and dragging him into my en-suite, which is where we stayed for the rest of the night.
To be continued...
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Poisson d'avril
Here, have a half-baked April Fool’s Day fic my brain decided to wake me up for. For context, one of the most popular jokes for April 1st in France is taping paper fish to each other’s backs, the more original the fish the better (my childhood is filled with trying to sneak behind teachers' backs to tape one on them; they were very chill about it, tbh). Poisson d’Avril is also what you say at the end of a joke on that day (think "sike", but festive). More about this great tradition that apparently dates back to at least 1466 here.
Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3
Marinette loved April Fool’s Day at Françoise Dupont. The school was always buzzing with little pranks at that time of the year, the blooming spring giving a wonderfully cheerful backdrop to the shenanigans the collégiens were up to.
These were all very light-hearted, if sometimes a little elaborate.
As usual, some students had been found early in the morning in the classrooms, thwarting their attempt to recreate the legendary horizontal fiasco of 20XX, where everything had been set up to look like the rooms had been flipped by 90°. Mr Damoclès had let them go mercifully, thankful that the students hadn’t been tempted to glue everything to the ceiling in an effort to one-up their predecessors. Somehow, he wouldn’t have put it past Kim and Alix to try and coordinate the project, as a last hurrah before heading on to lycée.
There were also seemingly well-meaning classmates offering chouquettes or donuts in the courtyard, which Marinette knew to stay well away from, knowing the former were likely sprinkled with coarse salt, and the latter filled with the likes of mayonnaise instead of jam. She’d been in their shoes a couple of years prior, building her classmates’ trust by bringing them the sweet delicacies every day for a week, and switching on April 1st as a joke.
Heading to class, she heard a lot of laughter, people telling jokes, or trying to see how far they could take a story without it being called out on it (this year, Nino had Kim panicking over a brevet exam part they supposedly had, which was a step down from the previous year, where he’d convinced him that everybody needed to come in dressed up in medieval costumes, and that he’d landed the court jester role; his friend had turned up the next day in a full outfit, complete with bells on his hat and shoes, and upon discovering the deception, had decided to make good use of them and make the joke everybody’s problem).
However much she enjoyed those kinds of pranks, though, Marinette’s favourite remained the classic poisson d’avril: taping paper fish to people’s backs. It was something anyone could take part in, as a predator or a prey, with or without premeditation. You didn’t necessarily need scissors and tape, if you managed to steal some from somebody else’s back.
Marinette liked to take it seriously. Done right, the exercise demanded stealth she’d had even as a little kid, and had honed ever since being chosen to become Ladybug, as well as creativity she had piles of. She’d stayed up the previous night, making plenty of fish varying in size and colour, some tailored to her friends, like the Rena Rouge and Carapace ones that were intended for Alya and Nino respectively. She’d of course also made the rest of the Miraculous team, as well as some other designs based on Kitty section, her classmates, or celebrities.
As always at the end of the day, Rose walked around with a whole school on her back. It wasn’t clear if she was completely oblivious to it, or if she knew what was going on but enjoyed the giddy giggles of the people who managed to add an extra fish in, or take one off.
The only person who’d managed to escape the prank so far was Adrien, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. Kim, Alix and Nino had gone to great lengths to get at least one fish on his back, even recruiting Markov to sneak behind him, but the boy seemed to have a sixth sense.
No sooner did he hear the faintest of ruffles, that his head would jerk up, eyes darting around to figure out where the sound had come from, thwarting any efforts, no matter how elaborate they’d been.
Marinette had been reluctant to target Adrien, despite having a special fish for him, complete with his stripes and an orange-tipped tail, but as the day went by and more people joined the challenge to trick him, she felt the urge to compete rise in her chest and started unwillingly tracking his every movement, trying to find a breach in his focus.
It was a fastidious process, even for someone who enjoyed watching Adrien happily live his life, but it paid off around the end of the day, just after the last bell.
Marinette noticed that Adrien’s shirt looked a little rumpled around the back as they were retrieving books from their lockers, and approached him calmly.
“Adrien?” She announced her presence when she was right behind him, surprised that he hadn’t turned around yet. He almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice.
“Marinette!” He yelped, a hand flying to his heart. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you approach.” He chuckled nervously.
“No, I’m sorry I scared you!” Marinette looked down, apparently sheepish. In truth, she was cursing inwardly at the missed easy opportunity. Adrien had been at ease with her coming closer, which she assumed was because it was the end of the day and he’d started letting his guard down; she could have gone about her business and he would’ve been none the wiser. She shook her head; it didn’t matter, she’d just go on with her original plan. “It’s just that… well, it’s stupid, but the back of your shirt is a little creased, and I know how important your appearance is to your family so… Do you mind if I fix it?”
“Thanks Marinette, that’d be awesome.” He smiled at her in a way that would have made her lose her cool, had it been any other day. But she was on a mission, and there was no way she was letting the opportunity of pranking Adrien when nobody else had managed the feat go by.
“Okay, let me just…” Marinette reached into her purse and took the first piece of paper she felt, before gently taping it to Adrien’s shirt, making sure to smooth the fabric at the same time so he wouldn’t realise what she was doing.
“There, all done!” She smiled when she was satisfied the tape had adhered well enough.
He smiled back at her, but was interrupted in his thanks by Nino and Alya calling for them to hurry up.
“Today was really fun, I’m so glad I got to experience it first hand,” Adrien beamed as the group walked out of the building, Nino and Adrien a little ahead of the girls. “And I’m really proud that I survived it without getting pranked!”
Marinette bit back a laugh, eyes darting to his back.
“I wouldn’t be so confident, Sunshine,” Alya replied, untaping the fish from his back and handing it to him.
“What…” Adrien stopped in his tracks, looking at it, and particularly Marinette’s signature on the back of the piece of paper, in disbelief. He turned around with a look of mock betrayal. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me!” He pouted.
“I couldn’t just let you off the hook,” she shrugged with a small smile, making a mental note to reuse the phrase with Chat Noir when she saw him later. He’d enjoy the pun.
Adrien let out a small chuckle as he turned the fish around, but the sound died as he saw the pattern. The colour drained from his face and he froze as he took in the black and green colour scheme and the fish’s whiskers.
“Adrien? Is everything okay?” Marinette frowned, noticing his change in body language.
“Yeah, um… Can I talk to you for a second?” He looked up at her.
“What a great idea!” Alya pushed Marinette towards Adrien before hooking her arm through Nino’s and starting to go down the stairs. “We’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
Marinette thought she heard her add “Can you believe they might get together over an April Fool’s joke?”, as she waved them off absentmindedly, but her gaze met Adrien’s troubled one and she decided she’d deal with her best friend later.
“What’s up?” She asked, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks; the adrenaline from succeeding her challenge was evidently starting to wear off.
“What’s this?” Adrien asked cautiously, handing her the fish.
Marinette took it cautiously, saw the pattern, and smiled. “It’s a poisson-chat noir,” she said proudly. It was a bit of a shame she’d picked that one for Adrien, but she guessed she couldn’t have kept it for her partner anyway, given that she’d signed it. Still, she thought he would have liked the joke. Especially if it came from Ladybug.
“How did you know?” he murmured, looking at her incredulously. She tilted her head, raising her eyebrows at his cryptidness. He explicited his thoughts. “I saw the fish you gave Alya and Nino, and the one you managed to pin on Chloé; they were all references to their superhero selves. And now you get this one right as well… How did you know?”
It was Marinette’s turn to freeze and feel the colour draining from her cheeks. “I… I didn’t. I picked one randomly when I saw an opening.”
“Oh.” She saw the cogs turning in Adrien’s brain while she felt her own shut down, still processing one important piece of information.
“Adrien… Are you Chat Noir?”
“Um… Poisson d’avril?” He ventured.
“Adrien.” She repeated sternly.
“Okay, fine, you got me.” Adrien huffed, raking a hand through his hair. “Please, don’t tell Ladybug.” He pleaded.
“Too late, I’m afraid.” She dug out her poisson-Ladybug and taped it to herself. She saw Adrien’s eyes grow as wide as his smile before being engulfed in a hug and feeling his lips on her forehead. “Kwami, we really might get together over an April Fool’s joke,” she muttered against his chest. If the heat she felt at the tip of her ears said anything, she probably was as red as Ladybug’s costume, and it probably wouldn’t go unnoticed.
“What was that?” Adrien pulled out a little from their hug to look at her.
“Nothing.” She smiled, and took his hand. “Now come on Chaton, we have some things to discuss, and we should probably go somewhere more private.”
“You know I’d follow you anywhere, my Lady.” He picked their entwined hands and kissed hers.
Really, she thought as they made their way towards her parents’ boulangerie, she loved poissons d’avril.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
Tumblr media
Rating: Explicit. 18+
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it’s own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV.
Summary: You’re Peter’s classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don’t know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you’re lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Bad girls are sad girls! Always wondered what goes through the mind of a spoiled, rich but intelligent and perceptive teenager? Have you found yourself craving that adrenaline rush, the danger of a forbidden fruit? Okay. That was cheesy as hell. Gross.
Let’s try again. Sarcasm? Check. Vine references? Hell yes! Crude humour? Check. Blunt honesty? Double check. We’re living in a Lana del Rey song, ladies.
The author doesn’t actually condone codependent relationships in real life. This is a filthy little fantasy. Enjoy, deviants.
THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @vozit​ @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings​
Beta read by the lovely and patient @miscmarvelwritings  ! She deserves all the love 💙
Peter woke me up at eight AM the next morning like the little shit that he was, demanding I make him pancakes. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had the joy to experience him in the morning and he knew exactly how to antagonise me enough to make him the special pancakes he liked so much. They had become kind of a ritual whenever he stayed over at my house, which was quite often - teachers liked me enough to pair me up with one of the most sensible kids for any projects that couldn’t be done alone by yours truly on her own.
I put on my yesterday’s dress, applied moisturizer and obediently trotted behind an excitedly mumbling Peter. The kitchen was large, beautiful and delightfully empty of any resident superheroes. I’ve indirectly crossed paths with all of the tower’s residents hanging around Tony, but I’ve yet had to speak more than polite niceties to any of them. 
Spying a bowl of boiled eggs and some sort of weird salad alongside half burned toast on the counter, I suddenly understood why Peter demanded his pancakes. I strictly instructed the disaster child to stay away from my cooking process and set to work with one ear listening to his ramblings and a headphone in the other. 
A set of thumping footsteps appeared behind me as I was pouring the batter for the first pancake. Their owner loudly sat down next to Peter, sighing, groaning, generally making “I’m not a morning person” sounds.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes,” Peter’s tone was way, way too chipper.
“‘mrng,” The Sergeant grumbled. “Who’s this and why is she making pancakes?”
I turned around, spatula at the ready. “It’s me,” We’ve actually met before, but Barnes had left before I could even come over from my side of the work bench to say hello.
He nodded in acknowledgement after giving me a suspicious once-over. “One of Stark’s science children. I’m James but you can call me Bucky,” His voice sounded rough and gravely, and he clutched a coffee cup half the size of my head.
I snorted. “Science child, sure,” It wasn’t half-bad actually. I wisely choose to ignore the part of being Tony’s. No matter how hot the man was, I wasn’t anybody’s but my own, thank you very much. “Go get the bananas, Nutella and maple syrup, fellow science child.”
Peter scrambled to follow instructions as I plated the pancakes and cut the bananas into neat little rings to fill the sweet circles with. A tablespoon of Nutella, half a sliced banana, wrap, garnish with powdered sugar and pour maple syrup generously on top. I really didn’t see how this could be difficult but any and all attempts to teach Peter how to recreate my masterpiece always ended up in an absolute mess. I turned around to ask Bucky if he wanted any. The look of a man starved answered all my questions.
“You’re a goddess,” Peter moaned around his mouthful, nose smudged white with the powdered sugar.
“Gross, chew first then talk, you neanderthal,” I scoffed, prepping more batter for the second batch of pancakes. I wasn’t sure if everybody would show up but figured it would be rude to exclude them from the sheer magnificence that were my pancakes. I was just that good.
The music in my ear drowned most of Peter’s disgusting chewing noises, thankfully. My second batch vanished into thin air, inhaled by the two males like the garbage disposals that they were. Peter, in particular, ate an alarming quantity of food and I was surprised how he managed to stay so skinny. His daily eating schedule resembled the Hobbits.
More people appeared, this time acting less surprised regarding me standing at the stove. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and her brother, all of them wandered in wearing sleep attire with various amusing prints. Thankfully, they mostly kept quiet or chatted with Peter - I would have definitely grumbled if someone tried to talk to me. As far as my body was concerned it was still the middle of the night.
“PANCAKES,” A booming voice announced and I shuddered at the sheer intensity and devotion contained in that one word. Thor.
“Please use your indoor voice,” I snapped reflectively. My brain caught up with what I just did so I hastily backtracked. “Sorry, I’m a bitch in the mornings.”
The blonde man chuckled, coming over to poke his nose into my flurry of pour-flip-fill sequence. Then, with all the grace and manners of a prince, he dipped one (1) large finger into the jar of Nutella and wandered off with it stuck in his mouth. With this turn of events the Nutella was bound to run out sooner than expected.
I turned around, annoyed confusion in plain sight. “The fuck?.. That’s gross, don’t do that,” Finding his brother (adopted!) sitting next to Thor, wearing a haughty smirk, finger still in his mouth. So Loki turned into his brother to steal Nutella from a jar. I sighed. Nobody even batted an eye. “Your alien germs are in there now, double ew.”
“Alien germs? Where?” Bruce entered the kitchen with a tablet under his arm, wearing Hulk themed pajamas, Captain America in tow. I was honestly on the verge of breaking down into hysterical laughter. Domestic Avengers wasn’t something I’d expected to see or experience, ever, much less be a part of. It took a moment for me to remind myself that they were people, too, and each of them was entitled to their own quirks. 
“America, egg-splain,” Peter muttered under his breath, giggling. “Loki stuck his hand in the Nutella jar,” He pointed at said jar. “She got grumpy,” Peter pointed at me. “Don’t make her grumpy, please, I want more pancakes,” And turned his pleading puppy eyes in my direction again.
“This is indentured servitude,” I pointed my spatula at the little shit. “You just had, like, ten.” But I made more batter nonetheless. I must admit it was kind of cool, seeing the earth’s mightiest defenders so relaxed. And Pete being happy, that was just… The best. I don’t know how to explain it. His eternal cheerfulness was highly contagious.
Chuckles filled up the room, the adults chatting and bickering amongst themselves while they patiently waited for their own breakfast. 
“Do you need some help?” Bruce approached me after stopping to fetch himself a cup of tea. It smelled strongly of tangy herbs and honey.
“I need more Nutella and bananas,” I admitted, surveying the sheer amount of people I had to feed. I didn’t doubt the Captain and two Asgardians had an appetite to match Peter’s which meant a literal extra set of condiments was required. Thankfully, Bruce fetched them for me, coming to a stop next to me. “Anything else?”
“You know, I tried making these with Peter and he just ended up with powdered sugar and chocolate all over himself,” I mused, noting the way Banner was carefully observing the assembly of a pancake. “You think Doctor seven-phds can manage to add a few toppings to a pancake without causing a disaster?“ 
Bruce rolled his eyes fondly, bumping me with his hip. "I’m no Clint Barton when it comes to cooking but at least I don’t burn my toast like Steve,” True to his word, his hands made swift motions of filling, wrapping and plating each individual pancake. They were almost as good as mine albeit more messy. I had lots of practice though. We finished off a batch in companionable silence, sounds of the team and my music playing in the background. 
I didn’t notice when I started swaying to the rhythm, catching a confused look from Bruce. I brushed back my hair, revealing a wireless headphone in my ear and he chuckled in understanding. “What are you listening to?”
“Right now? Kings of Leon,” I said, leaning towards him so he could hear the chorus “Use Somebody” currently occupying my right ear. 
“I like them, too,” He said, his cheek gently touching mine. His hands slowed on the pancake, a soft hum vaguely reminding me of the song’s melody emanating from his throat. “What else do you usually listen to?”
“Mostly heavier stuff, but I have a whole separate playlist dedicated to mid-2000s bops,” I answered. “I’ve heard I’m quite old school when it comes to music.”
“Well, I am an old man, so…” Bruce grinned mischievously. “But my guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga,” He admitted with a laugh.
I laughed, too. The image of his dancing in his lab to Born This Way was too much for my brain and I hung my head, fighting giggles. Bruce bumped me with his hip again, faking a pout. “Okay, okay, that was a fucking hilarious image, you go dude,” I finally powered through my struggle to contain laughter. “My own guilty pleasure would be… Umm… Lana Del Rey, I guess.”
Bruce made a vague noise of confusion. I took a brief break from mixing the batter to dig out my second headphone, presenting it to him and switching to a song. “This is what makes us girls”. Despite the fact I have never stolen a car or had a close female friend, the nostalgia was real. “Carmen” followed after the first song and I silently thanked whatever deity that “You can be the boss” was taken out of Spotify - I don’t think I was prepared to share that kind of information with a lab partner. An older, handsome lab partner. Wait… Where did that come from?
“I like it,” He said after the song ended and my more usual stuff began playing. “It suits you, I think.”
I groaned. “Really? I think it’s edgy,” Hiding away the embarrassment, I passed him a tray of freshly baked pancakes, occupying his immediate attention.
“You’re an old soul,” He gave me a lopsided smile. I saw a very faint blush tinting his cheeks, the kind of blush that had me wondering about the meaning behind his words. 
I gave an attempt at a smile in response, the left corner of my mouth barely tilting up. We talked some more about the rock music we shared in our earphones. I had a lot of 80s hair metal and 90s grunge in my playlist. Bruce was not a Curt Cobain man but enjoyed the works of his legacy, Marcy Playground. 
A tan hand wormed its way between me and Bruce, snatching a handful of banana slices and disappeared just as swiftly. “Tonyyy,” Bruce groaned, picking up another banana to replace the stolen pieces.
The spatula in my hand became a weapon as I blindly aimed at the target behind my back. A loud “ow” indicated I hit it. When I turned around, Tony was clutching the side of his face, a hurt look in his eyes and cheeks stuffed full of stolen goods. I stared him square in the face, absolutely refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was shirtless - the arc reactor glowed brightly in the middle of his toned chest. Fuck.
His chest was honestly what I was aiming for. I constantly kept forgetting how short he actually was. There was this one time when Tony had to put his arms around me to steady a piece of tech - he felt huge, hard and enormous around me. 
“What’s that for, Princess?” He finally chewed through his food and found his voice.
“For being a Tony,” I retorted. “Stay away from my workspace and wait for your breakfast like everybody else.”
“Hey! This is my kitchen,” He whined immediately, like the adult man that he was. I nearly cried from how adorable his face became, eyebrows scrunched up. “I don’t want to wait! And why does he,” Tony’s finger accusingly pointed at Bruce, “Get the bananas?!”
“Because he’s Brucie-bear,” I stuck my nose up in the air when Bruce’s arm wrapped around my waist. “He’s my science father,” I stuck my tongue out at Tony, seeing Bruce’s triumphant smile. Banner used every opportunity to get back at Tony’s incessant sass. 
The gleaming in Tony’s eyes should have alarmed me. “But he’s not your science daddy,” Tony’s flirting was accompanied by a salacious eyebrow wiggle and Peter’s screech of “OH MY GOD!" 
It took me every ounce of willpower to not flush. It was one of those rare times that I was at a complete loss of words. Thinking on the spot, I gave a very meaningful look to Bruce - thankfully, he got the gist and returned an equally filthy smirk back. Tony gaped.
"Is this how they are in the lab?” The Captain’s quiet voice leaked horrified amusement.
“All.The.Time.” Peter’s resonating groan was followed by Romanoff’s laughter.
We went up to the lab after breakfast. Thankfully Tony stopped his dramatic bitching when I served him my pancakes, scarfing them down much like everybody else. So me and Pete were accompanied by one (1) happy engineer, all three of us tinkering away on a robot that we were supposed to present in our science class in a month. The focus that was required to solder was immense and our usual banter was missing, replaced by an occasional request for a specific tool or a water bottle.
It took a few hours to get the dirty job done even with Tony’s help (technically he wasn’t supposed to but neither me nor Pete had the heart to forbid him from it when the man looked so content and happy soldering away). By the time I uncurled from my spot on the bench, my back was in knots and my dress had oil stains and holes all over it. I immediately went to the nearest water bottle, finishing half of it in seconds, picking up my phone to see if I had any important messages from my mother.
Just a message from Bruce.
Tumblr media
I tapped on my phone, idly scrolling through the Instagram app, liking some pictures of people I barely knew and keeping up a general appearance of being very busy. When the ringtone started playing, it took me a whole five seconds to understand it was, in fact, coming from my phone - I certainly wouldn’t put something so… Outrageous as my main tone.
Banner had discovered the power of the internet. You Can Be The Boss played loudly, and it played from my phone and Bruce was calling me. I picked it up, turning around, fighting the incoming laughter. “Yes, Brucie?" 
To say that Tony’s and Peter’s faces were scandalised was nothing. The boy’s face was such a deep shade of red, I started worrying about his blood pressure and Tony’s mouth hung open limply, like he was witnessing the second coming of Christ. 
"Is Tony sufficiently traumatized?” Judging by the breathless tone of his voice, Banner was resisting a mighty laughing fit of his own.
“Oh, absolutely,” I happily chirped.
“Good, keep it up. Come to my lab before you leave,” Banner snorted and then, realising what he’d done, promptly hung up, the tell-tale beginning of a giggle fit abruptly interrupted by a dial tone.
I put the phone in my bag, gathering the rest of my things with a look somewhere between innocence and indifference. At least, I hoped it was - my mind kept jumping between the engineer’s ridiculously scandalised face and the way his mouth went slack, lips moist and soft and plush. That’s a very dangerous trail.
A very dangerous trail I couldn’t resist exploring in the solitude and privacy of my own bedroom, at home.
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1littleshippergirl1 · 3 years
The First Day
With his worn out backpack over his shoulders, the straps digging into Harry’s skin with how much things he’d stuffed inside, he made his way into the building. There was a large Welcome Back banner over the front entrance. The colorful walls were something he’d greatly missed. The summer holidays weren’t nearly as fun for him, not when he was forced in his cupboard when he wasn’t working on his chores. Harry disliked his outdoor chores the most because not only would the heat be unbearable at times, but the faint noise of kids his age shrieking happily whilst they played would reach his ears, reminding him of how he couldn’t have fun like that.
But it didn’t matter now.
Now they were back in school and Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had to let him out. He was in Year Four and felt very grown up. He’d even grown an inch or two since last year so that meant he didn't need to use the foot stool to use the water fountain anymore. He was thoroughly glad because his height was one of the many reasons Dudley and his friends made fun of him. But it wasn’t his fault he was so much shorter. Maybe his parents had been short, too.
Harry was lost within his own thoughts. He didn’t see a foot coming out of nowhere. Consequently, he tripped and let out a squeak of alarm. He face planted right on the marble tile. Behind him, there was some laughter. Harry’s face scrunched up in pain, slowly sitting back up. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the culprit: Piers. Piers was one of Dudley’s friends who often came around and was extra mean to Harry for no reason.
“Better watch your step, Potter,” Piers jeered.
Dudley came into Harry's vision next. “Good one,” he laughed like it was supposed to be clever.
Harry pulled his knee up close, grimacing. It was skinned already, bleeding a little, too. He glared up at them with as much intensity as an eight year old could muster. “That wasn’t very nice.”
Dudley and Piers made faces, imitating his words in exaggerated voices.
“That isn’t very nice! Oooh!”
“Stop it!” Harry didn’t like being mocked.
“Stop it!” They repeated in sync. “Stop it!”
Piers snuck a mischievous glance over at Dudley, snatching Harry’s glasses right off his face.
Harry jumped to his feet. “Give those back!”
“Give those back!” Piers mocked him.
“I mean it! They’re mine !” Harry’s heart quickened. He hoped Piers would give them back before the bell would ring. He couldn’t go through the rest of the day without them.
“Now, now, where are you manners?” Piers teased. “Didn’t anybody teach you some?’
“Nah,” Dudley chimed in, “he’s an orphan. He didn’t have anybody to teach him.”
They laughed.
Harry did not.
Piers turned to Dudley, grinning wickedly. “What should I do with ‘em?”
“Break them!” Dudley burst out gleefully.
“No!” Harry erupted.
“Mum and Dad won’t get him another,” Dudley told Piers.
“Please, Piers, don’t do it!”
“What’s in it for me?” Piers twirled the glasses in his hand.
“I don’t know,” Harry looked desperate. He’d be willing to do just about anything so he could see properly again. “What do you want?”
“Gimme your lunch,” Piers ordered.
Harry’s body slumped. “My lunch? But what am I gonna eat?”
Piers shrugged, holding his hands behind his back and trying to pull off a sad look on his face. “I guess you don’t want your glasses after all.... ”
He started to walk away. “No, wait!” Harry said quickly. He clumsily rummaged through his backpack through his blurry vision, coming across the plain brown sack he had his lunch in. “Here.”
Piers’ eyes widened greedily. He tossed the glasses to the side, eagerly digging through to see what goodies were inside. He threw out whatever he wasn’t interested in eating, which ended up being a plain turkey sandwich and a tiny bottle of water. “What’s the big idea?” He demanded. “Where’s all the good stuff?”
“He can’t have any,” Dudley jeered. “Freaks don't get sweets.”
Harry finally found his glasses. He got up and while he kept his eyes to the floor, he said bravely, “I’m not a freak.”
“Yeah you are!” Dudley insisted. “Mum and Dad says so!”
“You mean say so,” Harry quietly corrected.
Dudley didn’t like that all much. He shoved Harry to the ground, much to the amusement of the gathering crowd. They laughed at him when he went crashing to the floor on his back. It sent pain up his spine. “Freak!” His cousin shouted.
It got the other kids to chant as well. “Freak! Freak! Freaky boy!”
Harry hurryingly grabbed his backpack and his lunch items that Piers threw to the floor, pushing past the crowd as he went to his classroom. The laughter became distant after a while, but it still hurt nonetheless.
Harry went inside the colorful classroom. There were posters all over the walls, some were for measurements, others were for maps and reminders for how to make a sentence with the right punctuation or if one needed to know how to not make a run-on sentence. He stood near the door, glancing around. The desks were close to each other and oh! They had lids that lifted up where you could put your things inside!
“Hello there,” A pretty lady with soft looking light brown hair and a sweet smile came over to him. She had on a bright yellow dress and her hair was curly and bouncy on her shoulders. “I’m Miss Kelli. What’s your name?”
“Harry Potter,” Harry said shyly.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Harry,” Miss Kelli smiled. ‘Why don’t you take a seat? We’ll get started shortly. You can sit anywhere you like.”
“Okay,” Harry nodded and surveyed the room. Most of the seats were empty except for one desk that was next to the large window that faced the playground. A boy was sitting there all alone. His clothes were worn, like somebody had already had them before he did. His hair was dark brown, almost black like Harry’s own hair and he seemed to be frowning. Maybe he was upset because no one was sitting with him?
He went right over to him with a beaming smile on his face. The boy looked up. He didn’t say anything, he only stared. “Hi I’m Harry!” Harry extended his hand but the boy did not shake it. “What’s your name?”
The boy still didn’t speak.
“Did you hear me?” Harry tilted his head. Maybe he needed to be louder. “I said my name is Harry. What’s-”
“I heard you,” the boy said, annoyed.
Harry furrowed his eyebrows. “Why didn’t you say anything, then?”
“I didn’t want to,” The boy said coolly.
“You don’t have to be mean,” Harry frowned. “I was only asking.”
“Well don’t ,” The boy glared at him as if he caused all the problems in the world. Kinda like how Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon did.
“What’s going on here?” Miss Kelli came by, looking down at them, namely the boy, sternly. “Are you two getting along?”
Harry didn’t want the boy to get in trouble on the first day, even if he was a grouch. “We’re fine, Miss Kelli, honest.”
“You didn’t sound fine,” she wasn’t convinced. “Tom, you sounded upset. What’s wrong?”
So that’s what the boy’s name was.
Tom crossed his arms, another scowling coming out. “I’m fine,” he ground out.
“Tom, we don’t talk to people like that,” Miss Kelli said patiently. She pointed to a poster to the left of them, it was all about how to express yourself in a positive and helpful manner. “Do you see that over there? When you’re feeling angry, you need to take a deep breath and try to focus on something else. You don’t take it out on other people, okay?”
Tom huffed out a puff of air. “Fine.”
Miss Kelli said a few more things before she went back to her own desk. Harry stood there feeling awkward, like he was intruding on something. He waited until the teacher was gone to say anything else. “M’sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”
Tom spared him a two second look. Then he went back to looking down at the wooden desk.
“Can I sit down?” Harry asked, tentatively inching his way closer. Tom didn’t respond. But he also didn’t move or explicitly say no, so he took that as encouragement to sit down. “Are you new?” He decided to ask while taking out the materials he needed for the day. “I haven’t seen you around before.”
“No,” Tom said shortly.
“Really?” Harry was surprised. “Oh.”
A moment later, he had another question. “Were you in Miss Isobel’s class?”
The younger years were separated into two, sometimes three different classrooms depending on how big the year was. Harry’s year had lots of students so there were three classrooms for fourth years. They all had different schedules so that was likely why he didn’t notice Tom until now. It was strange, though; usually someone stayed with that same group until they were finished with primary school. They weren’t moved to another group unless they'd done something really bad. Tom didn’t look bad. He seemed harmless.
“Or Mr. Kenny’s?”
“So what if I was?” Tom grumbled.
“Why are you in this class then?”
“None of your business,” Tom told him.
“But why?”
“Because I said so.”
Harry got quiet after that. That’s what Uncle Vernon said during the rare times when he broke the Dursleys rule of asking a question.
“We should be friends,” Harry declared during art class. Miss Kelli took them to another room filled with artwork on the walls, easels in the corners and smocks hanging up to wear over their clothes. The easels were placed in rows and they were to sit at one next to their desk partner. They were allowed to paint whatever they wanted.
Tom was using a tiny brush dipped in green paint. He’d made a giant snake and was currently working on the scales. He paused, looking just like Aunt Petunia, as if he’d swallowed something unpleasant. “What?”
“We should be friends,” Harry smiled.
“No,” Tom said bluntly.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to.”
“But why ?”
Tom gripped the brush much harder than before.
Tom was sitting alone at lunch. Just like in Miss Kelli’s room, he saw at the table that was furthest from everyone. Even though he declined Harry’s suggestion that they be friends, he was still going to try. Maybe Tom was having a bad day. No one talked to him at all. It was like Harry's situation, only this wasn’t because Dudley had scared the other kids. People just seem to naturally avoid Tom.
Poor Tom
Harry felt bad for him. He must have definitely been lonely. That only proved to him that Tom needed a friend. He couldn’t be by himself forever! So he made his way over there. He tried to be quick about it; Dudley was coming into peripheral vision.
“Hey freak !”
Harry sat on the bench, doing his best to ignore his cousin. “Hi,” he said.
Tom stared.
“I told you I didn’t want to be your friend.”
“Okay,” Harry said instead of arguing with him. “But I have nowhere to sit. Can I sit here.”
Tom muttered something he didn’t quite catch.
“Where’s your lunch?” Harry peered at him, his eyes brimming with curiosity.
Tom glowered at him.
It dawned on Harry in that minute. “Do you not have any lunch?”
Tom crossed his arms, his gaze wandering elsewhere. The faintest hint of red appeared in his cheeks.
“Do you want some of mine?” Harry offered. “I haven’t got much, only a sandwich and water. But you can have half of it.”
Tom looked like he didn’t believe him. Not until Harry unevenly tore the sandwich in half. He gave the bigger piece to Tom, who had a flash of surprise on his face. He hadn’t expected to be given anything. Harry glanced around, wondering how he could give Tom some water. He spotted a stack of plastic cups on a wheeling cart not too far from them. “You should get one of those,” he said. “I’ll give you some water.”
“Why?” Tom narrowed his eyes.
Harry blinked innocently. “Aren’t you thirsty?”
A few seconds passed by.
Tom got up to fetch the cup. He dropped the cup in front of Harry, watching determinedly as if to ensure that he was actually going to oit. And he did; he poured half of it into the cup and slid it back to Tom.
He didn't immediately dig in like Harry thought he would. In fact, he was just looking at it. Like it was some strange object.
“Do you not like it?” Harry asked. “I don’t have anything else but I can see if I can bring something different tomorrow.”
He watched as Tom’s eyes lifted from the sandwich to meet his own.
“Why did you give me this?”
“You looked hungry,” Harry said.
“You don’t even know me.”
“That’s alright,” Harry said. “I don’t mind. I’ll share with you tomorrow too if you want.”
Tom seemed like he was pondering his words and then very slowly he took a bite of the sandwich.
He didn’t know if he should go up to Tom this time. He was under a tall tree with his knees pulled up to his chest, glancing over at the fence. Harry wanted to; he wanted another chance at talking to him. But the other boy was giving off a feeling that made him reconsider; it was just like when Uncle Vernon had a bad day at work. He would go to his chair after coming back. Aunt Petunia knew better than to disturb and she’d tell Dudley to go find something else to do than watch the telly, which usually upset him until he was promised a new toy or a day full of fun with whatever he wanted to do.
Harry stood in the middle of the playground, watching him. He didn’t see Dudley coming up behind him until it was too late. He was yet again shoved, falling to the ground with one swift swipe. Harry turned on his side, looking up at his cousin with dread filling in his stomach.
“Leave me alone, Dudley,” Harry’s knees were aching.
“Why should I?” Dudley sneered.
“You’re being mean!”
“Aww,” Dudley mocked. “Is the freak gonna cry like a whittle baby?”
“I’m not a baby!” Harry jumped to his feet.
“Yeah you are!”
“No I’m not!”
“Yeah you are!” Dudley said loudly. “You’re a baby! Baby, baby !”
“Stop it!” Harry said hotly.
“Stop it,” Dudley imitated him.
Harry glared as fiercely as he could. He really wanted to wipe that look off his cousin’s face but he didn’t want to be grounded to his cupboard. Instead, he stormed off towards the tree Tom was under. He’d seen the whole thing, evidently. His expression was impassive as Harry plopped down.
“Do you know him?” Tom nodded toward Dudley’s direction.
“He’s my cousin,” Harry scowled for the first time that day. “He hates me.”
Tom only hummed. “He’s stupid,” he said at last. “He still can’t even remember his times tables.”
That brought a smile out of Harry. It was true; Dudley still struggled with previous years’ material. It was one of the reasons why Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia got mad at Harry whenever he did better than Dudley.
Tom’s eyes landed on Harry once again. It made him feel like the other boy was staring deep into his soul or something. “Does he hurt you?”
“Huh?” Harry blinked. “Er, sometimes.”
“Sometimes how ?” Tom said impatiently.
Harry squirmed. He wasn’t supposed to talk about that. “Er, well-”
“Don’t bother lying to me,” Tom said sharply. “I can tell when people are.”
“I wasn’t,” Harry insisted. He fiddled with his hands under the scrutiny of Tom’s gaze. “Er, well, he hits me sometimes...and he has this game he plays with his friends, Harry Hunting.”
Tom arched an eyebrow.
A flush came over Harry’s face. The stare made his fidgeting worse. “They like to chase after me. Once Dudley’s friend Piers....he held my arms and Dudley punched me.” He grimaced, just remembering how painful his stomach was to the touch for weeks after.
Tom’s cold gaze lingered on Dudley, who was a ways away, standing in front of a smaller boy, holding up his fist threateningly. “He’s a coward,” he spat. “Only bloody cowards hit people.”
Harry pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment paper from his pocket and a couple of crayons. He was continuing to work on the picture he’d started this morning during their free time in Miss Kelli’s classroom. He still listened to what Tom was saying.
“-wonder how he’d like it, getting hit back,” Tom said in a scarily calm voice.
Harry’s head snapped in horror. Was Tom going to try and hit Dudley back? He didn’t want him getting hurt. He couldn’t, he just couldn’t! He’d be outnumbered.
“You’re...you’re not going to do anything, are you?”
Tom only smirked.
They were released at the end of the day. The younger years had to wait to be picked up by their parents but fourth years could walk home if they wanted to. Harry hurriedly grabbed his things, rushing down the hallway--but not running--so he could catch Tom in time before he left. The entrance doors flew open; he stood at the top of the cobblestone stairs, looking out for him. The sun was shining, a warm shadow coming over his face. He brightened up when he saw Tom at the end of the walkway, about to turn right.
He rushed down there. “Tom! Tom!”
Tom made a face when he saw him but it didn't hurt Harry’s feelings. He came to an abrupt stop in front of him, breathless and panting to re-catch his breath.
“What?” Tom said grumpily. “What do you want now ?”
Harry grinned toothily, but also a bit shyly. “I made you something!”
Tom blinked.
He held it up; it was a stick figure drawing of the both of them. Harry was drawn in red and he colored Tom in bright green. With a hopeful gleam in his eyes, he presented the drawing to him. He rocked on his heels. “Do you like it?”
Tom kept his eyes on the drawing, staring at it in wonder. “You drew this for me?” He demanded.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded. He pointed to the corner of the paper where Tom’s name was scribbled in. “See? It has your name on it. Well, do you like it?”
“It is...acceptable,” Tom decided on. In a whisper, he added, “Thank you, Harry.”
Harry beamed. “You’re welcome!”
There was a tiny smile on Tom’s face.
Both boys were quiet. The only noise came from the chirping birds, the cars that passed by and the chatter of the other children. That is, until the doors came open again and Dudley ran out. Harry’s hands flew up to his mouth, his shoulders beginning to shake with laughter.
Dudley had a bucket over his head and apparently, he was having difficulty getting it off. “Mummy!” he wailed, running around helplessly. (Harry wondered how he didn’t fall on the stairs). “Mummy, help!” Dudley’s friends tried to run after him, yelling for him to stop so they could help. He did not do that, however. He kept running until he hit a tree and fell right on his back.
Harry laughed.
“Oh, I wonder if he’s alright,” Tom said in a voice that suggested he felt oppositely. “Wouldn’t it be a shame if he was hurt?”
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My Music Teacher nsfw ver
A/N: I've written a suggestive version of this Here, and I decided to write a nsfw version of this. Thanks to my best friend encouraging me, I finally finished writing it. Enjoy reading~
Characters: Kiro x Reader (Odile)
Warnings: NSFW, oral, public sex
Summary: "This room is soundproof, let me hear those sweet noises baby girl."
"I'll give you more points in your music activities... So let hear that... Hngh... Sweet voice..."
The bell rings, signaling that we only have an hour left until I can go home. I sigh while scribbling down my notes. I mean, Kiki's notes.
"Did you hear, we're going to have a new music teacher!"
"Others said that he's so handsome!"
"But too bad that he's going to tech us but only for an hour..."
Looks like that Lucien and Gavin are really famous in this campus. Sighing, your mind starts to wander. Him, pinning you in the table, with him between your legs, sapphire eyes full of lust. Your face turns red
I close the notebook and put it inside my bag. I took out the music text book that Kiki gave me.
*Knock knock*
"He's here!" Hearing those words from my classmates, I look up to see our new music teacher they're talking about. Lifting my head, I saw a familiar golden hair walking in...
'Kiro!?' I bit my lip not to exclaim his name. But what is he doing in here? Damn it, how can I control myself hnggg.
He walks down unhurriedly as the female students whispers. And then a young man sat beside me and smiled. "I guess you're a stand on for Kiki?" He asked, and I nod. "Please tell her that she need to take care of her self." We smiled to each other and a cold shiver ran down my spine.
With a side glance, I saw him looking at us. The student stood up and all of us follows and greets Kiro, "Good afternoon Professor."
"Good afternoon everyone. Since everyone knows me already, I will be your new music teacher, and please call me Professor Zhou." He smiles as the students tries to calm their selves not to scream. His golden hair shines in the afternoon sun and his shinning sapphire eyes that cannot be hidden on those spectacles. He gestures with his hand and all of us sat down quietly.
I ducked my head so that he wouldn't see me, but before I open the book to hide my face, our eyes met.
'Miss Chips' He mouthed and smiled.
My heart suddenly pounds and I broke the eye contact and burry my face in my elbow. Suddenly our conversation last week, popped in my head. He said he will be in a reality show, his character is either a student or a teacher...
"Young miss? Are you okay?" His voice brought me back to reality and found all students looking at me. I cleared my throat and answered. "No Sir." He nods and started to check the class attendance. I didn't knew that the reality show that he mentioned will be held here in Loveland University. And I'm also here because Kiki got a cold and she said she cannot miss this lecture.
As he calls each student's name and all of the female students are getting more and more crazy. Some of them even whispered OMG....
"Is miss Kiki here?" He asked. I raised my hand hesitantly and he nods, putting down the attendance sheet.
He really loves to see me jealous isn't he? Hmph... We'll see...
I pout looking at his back as he walks to the bookshelf.
He took out a book from the shelf near the projector and opens it in a certain page.
"So... Today, we're going to tackle about the Electronic music this 21st century." He starts to discuss and changes slides from time to time. He also asks questions from us about who are the composers and also their works. Until.....
"So, miss Kiki..." I eyes shot up as he tries to hide a smile. "What is the meaning of 'Musique Concrete?'" He asked as changes the PowerPoint slides, hiding his meaningful smile.
This man...
"Musique Concrete means 'Recorded Music.'" I stood up and answered coolly. Something flashes in his eyes as I stand there, head up.
Damn, he's making me wet with that gaze of his.
"Alright~ the answer is correct." He says as he narrows his eyes and went back to lecture. "......" My lips formed into a thin line as I sat down trying to hide my smile. This man, he really loves to tease me...
"Everyone, please take down notes." Only the sound of pages being turned can only be heard. I'm kinda surprised to see them so serious. As expected of my husband. Kiro looks so serious when he's teaching.
Time flies so quickly...
"Okay, that's it for today students. I hope you will still remember this topic tomorrow, because teacher Lin will be teaching this to you... So thank you everyone for participating in this lecture...."
All of us applaud and we bid goodbye to him. I took my bag hastily and run out from the classroom, earning a chuckle from him.
I open my bag and saw that Kiki's book is not in here... I must have left it in the desk. A female student walk out of the hall and smiled at me. "Oh, is the textbook named Kiki your's right?" She asked.
I only nodded and she told me that the man beside me before took it. I thanked her and she smiled and walks away.
"Miss, you forgot your text book." Someone called out to me suddenly.
I look up and saw the young man from earlier.
I took the book from him and thank him.
He left first while I open the locker just outside the classroom and putting all Kiki's text books.
It's too early to go home, so maybe I'll wait for Kiro. While walking down the corridor, someone grabs me and pinned me in the wall. Looking up, I met Kiro's eyes. He takes my wrists and pins them above my head. Our noses touches as his other hand bunched up my skirt... "Hnngg wait... Somebody might see us hnggg. "Everybody has packed their things and went to their respective club rooms." He says huskily as he smiles naughtily.
"No worries, no one will see us." Kiro freed me and drag me in the dark corridor. He opens the door and closes it. I let go of his hand and run my fingers in the piano. This must be the music room. Sensing his gaze, I turn to him and met his hungry eyes. He walks up to me slowly and pushed me down the big sofa.
Kiro hovers over me and pins my hands above my head. He bends down and started kissing me, unaware of the tie binding my wrists together. He lets go of my hand and starts to run it in my thighs. My moans were swallowed by his lips. Our tongue dances as he pushes my skirt up.
He pulls away and I reach out to him. Seeing that my hand is tied, I whined. "Kiro..." He looks at me with dark lust in his eyes as he unbuttons my blouse. "Miss Chips is so naughty. You're not even wearing a bra." He runs his tongue and sucks my pebbled nipples.
"Uhn.... Mmm..." Biting your lip, you try to stiffle a moan. "This room is soundproof, let me hear those sweet noises baby girl." He whispers huskily in your ear as his hands puts aside the cloth and strokes your folds. "Hah.... Ahh...." Mewling, my heels dugs in the soft cushion of the sofa. Kiro leaves trails of love bites from my neck to shoulders.
His fingers skillfully draws circles in my clit just like in our wedding night. His hands slow but enough to make my knees weak. Unable to move my hands, you call his name. A delicious moan came out from my mouth when he pushes away my panties and buries his face in my heat. His tongue tortures me as I grip the head of the sofa with my tied hands.
My back arches when he pushes a finger in then adds another digit. His tongue skillfully pushes me to ecstacy. He stops when I was near to my release and I moaned in frustration. I look down at him, eyes full of lust. He adjusted himself and I raise my leg and runs it in his erection.
"Odile..." Kiro kisses me and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"I need you... Hubby... Nghh..." I mewled loudly as he leaves another live bite and I started to get more impatient. Then... The door suddenly opens and Kiro hugs me tightly. "Don't say a word." He whispered. "Looks like it was just my imagination..." A young man's voice rang throughout the room. We can hear his footsteps stops and I try to control my breath.
The sound of a phone ringing makes my heart skips a beat. "Hello? Really?" It turns out that It's the student's who has the phone call. I silently sigh in relief but there's a naughty boy above me. Kiro nips at my neck and I nearly cry his name. I glare at him and he just smiles naughtily like a spoiled little boy. The footsteps neared and the rustling of paper can be heard.
"Yes sir. I'll be there." The young man is still in the phone call while Kiro is here pleasuring me like there's no tomorrow. His golden hair tickles my neck and cheeks. I wiggle a little and he bit my shoulders. Biting my lips, I put my tied hands around him. The student's call ended and his footsteps stops outside the door.
Hearing the door closes, we breathe a sigh of relief. Kiro unties my wrist and puts his tie in his pocket. I look at him pleadingly as he smirks. "That was close Miss Chips..." He pulls down his zipper and freed his cock. He bends down and pecks me on the lips. "Kiro plea-ah! Uhn.... Hnggg..." I moaned loudly as he enters me teasingly slow.
I drew him closer to me as he moves against me slowly. His hands pushes my knees down so that he could penetrate more deeper. "I'll give you more points in your music activities... So let hear that... Hngh... Sweet voice..." He sexily whispers and I clenched down at him. His pace fastens, the sound of skin meeting skin and wet sounds can be heard throughout the music room. I'm a whimpering mess when it comes to this man hnggg.
His fingers starts to draw circles in my clit again. My back arches at the way he pleasures me. I've never experienced something way more exciting like this. I call his name as I came, body trembling. He kisses my jaw, the notch of my throat and nibbles on my collarbone. "Odile..." He says my name in a low voice and he bit my earlobes. "Ah hah..hah... Please Ki- Si-sir..."
His pace fastens even more. Just a few more thrusts before he came inside me, making me warm inside. He embraced my trembling form and gives me soothing kisses.
Kiro sat down in the car where Odile is waiting. It's already 7:00 pm. He turns his head to see her asleep. He takes her small form and wraps his arms around her. "Must be tiring for you sweetheart..." He whispers and kisses her forehead.
He reaches out in the front seat for the blanket, unfolds it and wraps it around her. Kissing her forehead again, he hums happily as he thinks of a plan how to surprise her for the next few days...
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
a night in | peter parker
summary: queens’ coolest friends group of smarty pants is back with fun sing-alongs, some life advice and a few hilarious childhood stories while peter can’t keep his hands off you
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pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: swearing and quick mentions of violence and vandalism
word count: 2.2k
song: Boys Ain’t Shit (feat. Tate McRae & Audrey Mika) by SAYGRACE
a/n: this is for everyone out there who would like some company on a boring friday night. just hang out with peter and the gang:)
↳ masterlist
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“These boys ain’t shit, I’m not here for it,” you sang on top of your lungs while holding the white blanket around the nape of your neck, hips moving to the beat.
“If you want me, act like it. Act like it!” MJ sang the next line and twirled around the kitchen counter while carelessly throwing her hands up in the air. You met halfway and locked eyes with each other, a sparkling gleam dancing in them.
“These boys get pissed. ‘Cause I won’t stand for it.” MJ threw her hair over her shoulder and you cheered her on, “If you want the sweet life then act like it!” The LED lights dunked your skin in vibrating pink.
You were just two careless girls, dancing and singing their hearts out on a Friday night while the music was blasting through the speakers. “Run it backwards, don’t be such an asshole, run it backwards, run it, run it back— “
Suddenly the joyful moment ended when the music was abruptly turned off. Your heads snapped to the door, ready to cuss out the person who cruelly paused your music.
When the harsh lights were switched on, you could see them standing in the doorway: Your very confused boyfriend and his amused best friend, each of them holding bags of food.
“So this is what you do when we’re gone for ten minutes?” Ned asked with a grin on his face while setting his stuff on the kitchen counter. MJ rolled her eyes at him and fished out a can of soda, replying, “Always. Next thing on the list would be a pillow fight and a makeover.”
You walked to the living room to put away your fluffy blanket and called out, “Don’t forget sneaking out to meet up with leather jacket-wearing biker gangs.” As you turned back around, two strong arms slung around your waist and the familiar curls were nestled into the side of your face as Peter placed soft kisses on your neck.
Melting into his embrace right away, you smiled at his affectionate greeting. “Missed me?”
“You tell me,” he mumbled into your neck and you giggled slightly at the vibration, “I’m gone for two seconds and my girlfriend sings about boys not being shit.”
You gently removed him from your neck before he could reach your sweet spot and rested your hands at the back of his neck to face him. A sweet pout was resting on his puckered lips and you couldn’t help but peck them, immediately conjuring a smile.
“I was just jamming out to a song with MJ.” He cocked his head to the side to mutely question the song choice, but you just shrugged. “Besides,” you said with a smirk while playing with his hair, “you know, you ain’t shit, Parker.”
He gasped at you and placed his hand over his chest, making you laugh at his dramatic gesture. “But I love you anyway.” You leaned forward and captured his cold lips with yours.
The familiar warmth promptly welcomed you and rose from your stomach to your chest and the distinct chatter of your friends quickly vanished into the background. Peter melted into the kiss and you smiled at the impact you had on him.
When you pulled back, he instantly pressed your waist closer, prolonging the soft-lipped kiss. Not wanting to let go either, you moved your lips with his whilst soft curls slipped through your fingertips.
When his tongue glided over your bottom lip to ask for permission to enter, you had to fight everything in you to not let him take control and instead, reluctantly pulled away, leaving your lips disappointedly cold again.
“We wanted to spend the evening with MJ and Ned, remember?”
“They have food in there, they’ll be fine,” he waved you off and went in for another kiss, but you turned your head to the side, making him peck your cheek instead.
“Come on Pete, we promised them.” Groaning slightly, he pouted again and you wanted nothing more than to just plant thousands of kisses on his soft lips. Instead, you dragged him back into the kitchen.
And that’s how the four of you ended up on the living room floor, eating takeout pizza and exchanging embarrassing childhood stories.
You were cuddled in between your boyfriend’s legs and listening to Ned’s funny memory as Peter mindlessly drew circles on your waist with his fingers.
“And because nobody was paying attention to him, I had no other choice but to scream out his name while preparing myself for the impact!”
“You had to prepare yourself for the impact?” you laughed and MJ shook her head with a look of disapproval on her face, though she couldn’t help but grin herself, “You yeeted the poor blind kid across the playground!” You burst out laughing.
“Dude, pushing over a blind guy is not cool,” Peter chocked out between his laughter, your back feeling his chest vibrate.
“I was on a swing!” Ned defended, still aware that it was all kinds of messed up, “What kindergarten teacher lets a blind kid walk up to the swings?! That’s child neglectment!”
Everyone burst out laughing again, tears were almost streaming down your face. Eyeing your half-eaten pizza, you turned your head and handed it to Peter who wordlessly grabbed it and took a bite off it.
You smiled up at him and loved how he had a great time. He deserved every second of joy and happiness. Noticing you stare at him, he curiously looked down at you and you just silently exchanged warm smiles. A sparkling gleam was dancing in your eyes and Peter felt his heart flutter again.
Sometimes he couldn’t get over the fact that you were his. The funniest, smartest and kindest girl out there was sitting in between his legs, sharing her pizza with him. God, he was lucky.
He bent down and pecked your lips. Your nose scrunched at the heavy taste of onions, but Peter just gave you a lopsided grin.
“So what happened next?” MJ asked and picked up a bag of skittles off the floor, ripping it open to hand it to Ned.
It was an unspoken rule in your group that he always gets the bag first since he only eats the red skittles.
“Our parents were called in and I was expelled for the rest of the day,” Ned explained sheepishly and picked out his skittles.
“Getting expelled in kindergarten,” you chuckled, “Ned Leeds, you are a wild one.” He shrugged with a huge grin on his face, returning the bag of sweets to MJ.
“Well, if you want to talk about being a wild one, how about you share a story now, babe?” Peter nudged your side and you grimaced, nibbling on your bottom lip.
MJ nodded while leaning back on her arms, “It’s your turn.”
“Yeah,” Ned agreed, “I know like nothing about your childhood.”
You snatched the skittles bag from MJ and acted like you were deeply invested in picking out a specific colored skittle. “Because there’s nothing to tell,” you mumbled, clearly embarrassed of your younger self, but as always, Peter caught it with his enhanced hearing.
“Your mom told me what you were like as a child. There’s plenty to tell!” he urged and you elbowed him, but he just snickered, finding it adorable that you believed you could hurt him in any way.
“You seriously need to stop having dinner with my mom.” You deadpanned but you just felt him shrug.
“She makes the best lasagna.”
The others agreed, “She really does.”
“Bless that woman’s lasagna.”
You groaned and threw the bag in the middle of the floor for the others to grab. “Since when is everybody having dinner with my mom?”
“You wouldn’t know, you’re never home.” MJ shrugged, causing a pang of guilt in your chest.
“I get it, I’m too busy,” you mumbled while playing with the sweets in your hands.
“Well,” Ned eyed you and glanced at Peter who was absentmindedly playing with your hair, “you do have a lot on your plate with all the extracurriculars. You can always drop some, you know.”
Sensing the growing discomfort, Peter let go of your hair and hugged you from behind, pressing you against his chest. You naturally melted into his embrace and his heartbeat calmed you down.
“I guess I could drop one or two,” you mumbled and the others gazed at you knowingly.
“You know,” MJ spoke up in her monotonous voice that indicated that she tried to be gentle, “there’s nothing wrong with giving up on something if you don’t enjoy it anymore. No shame in that.”
“She’s right,” Peter encouraged, “babe, you don’t have to keep going just because you don’t want to let other people down. Whether it is the marching band or the speech and debate team, they’ll be fine without you. Do what makes you happy.”
The others agreed and the corners of your mouth turned up. You were grateful for moments like these with your friends.
They were right, you haven’t had dinner at home with your mom for a while now and you couldn’t even remember the last time you properly talked to her or even to your friends. You were always out, always doing something and always trying to please somebody.
“Thanks guys, I really needed this.”
MJ gave you a two-finger way and Ned beamed at you. You felt Peter place a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you honestly never wanted this evening to end.
“Anyway,” Ned announced loudly, “before we got all emotional, it was Y/n’s turn to share an embarrassing childhood story.”
The others nodded and you plastered a smile on your face, deciding on telling them a rather harmless story of your childhood. They would get to hear the cooler ones eventually.
“So,” you clapped your hands together and set the scene, “when I was 6 years old, I had to pop into the store around the corner to get some eggs for my mom since she was sick and on bed rest. But on my way home, I ran into this boy who I had a crush on and I was super embarrassed because I was wearing these pink barbie pajamas that I really did not want him to see me in.” You rolled your eyes at your younger self.
“But there was no way to hide from him since he was coming my way and I had to go down the street from the direction that he came from.”
“Very thrilling,” Ned commented while popping mini pretzels into his mouth. MJ swatted him with her hand to shut him up. You smiled at that motion and continued,
“But to my luck, a police car just pulled up and what my 6-year-old super brain immediately came up with was that instead of letting him think that I was a girly wimp, I could be a super cool badass right in front of him.”
“Of course what every 6-year-old aspires to be,” Peter snorted and Ned added, “Understandably.”
You jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “So I pulled out the eggs and threw them on the windshield of that police car while also making sure that the boy witnessed it all.”
Ned slapped his hand on his forehead, staring at you bewildered, whereas MJ just proudly grinned at you.
“Obviously, the cops jumped out of the car and chased me down. Clearly haven’t thought it through, I ran as fast as I could to escape them but when I passed the boy, he tripped me!”
A collective gasp left their mouths as they gaped at you with wide eyes.
“Turns out, he was the cop’s son,” you paused for dramatic effect, “and he was disgustingly proud of having stopped me.” Peter let out an irritated huff and you mindlessly rubbed circles into his arm.
“When the cops asked me why I did what I did, I obviously told them the truth because you know I suck at lying. The boy, of course, had to hear all of it and was just as awkward about it as me.” A small laugh escaped your lips as you remembered the memory clearly. “To my luck, they found it adorable, so they just drove me home with a simple warning,” you ended your story and popped another skittle into your mouth.
Ned shook his head at you comically, “Nope Y/n, I take everything back. You are the wild one. Shoving a blind kid doesn’t sound that bad anymore compared to your story.”
“It’s still just as bad, Ned,” MJ interjected and gave him a pointed look.
Peter leaned forward to catch your gaze. “I can’t believe you did that.” He smiled at you amused but you just shrugged it off and grinned at him.
“It’s nice to be wanted, you know?”
He stared at you horrified as everybody laughed. “Not by the law!” 
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quarantine sucks, i miss my friends:( anyway, this was a lot of fun to write so feel free to leave some feedback, send in requests or talk to me!
check out more of my stuff on my masterlist and if you don’t, that’s fine too. buh-bye! 
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pettyrevenge-base · 3 years
Just desserts, Boss lady. Eat it, anytime.
Back in the 2010’s I was living in Louisiana and going to school. I got a job at a daycare with the understanding I was training to be the assistant manager, then later the manager. They had a really high rate of turnover for a daycare, they just couldn’t keep employees and didn’t know why. I have a lot of experience and training in childcare and have done a lot of managerial work within the field, like maintaining supplies, creating lesson plans and activities, checking time sheets, processing payments, etc. The owner was looking to hand over a lot of the day-to-day business, so that’s where I was supposed to come in.
The daycare that hired me was situated between the campus and my apartment, so it was also a convenient location. I could go to and from school to work, and vice versa. It seemed like it was going to be a decent place to work. I had the one year olds and I loved them to bits. It was easy to slip in the routine with the other teachers and the kids I had took to me very quickly. About a week in I ask about the training and my boss tells me I need to hit sixty days first. Okay, no biggie. They want to make sure I’ll stick around and not just use them for training/certs. So, I make it through the probationary period and there’s still no mention of training. The room with the older kids always smelled like pee, but when I brought it up they just dismissed it as a kid who had problems wetting himself. All the time, apparently. The two year old teacher was always on her phone playing games, the kids would run wild the entire time while she sat with her head down, not watching them. I brought that up, as well, and was told it wasn’t my business. The infant teacher was the only one that actually seemed to care and be invested in the kids, at all.
As much as that bothered me it was also stuff I knew I could fix because I had done it before at other places. If we could ever get to the actual fucking training, that is. I get only vague answers when I ask my boss about it, and it’s really starting to irk the furk out of me. I was  also getting REALLY GD tired of listening to my boss talk about the kids or their parents, calling one mom a slut because of how she dressed, or saying how weird this little boy in my room was. My room also shared a half wall with the kitchen, so when my boss was back there prepping breakfast or lunch I could hear everything she said. She was a newly single 55 yr old divorcee who’d just started to go out to clubs and drink again and pick up men. There’s nothing wrong with that, I mean get it, girl! More power to ya, but please stop talking about shaving your bombass cooch around my kids. She did this ALL THE TIME, on the phone, to other teachers, even parents, like they wanted to hear about the grown and sexy club she found last night or how she’s walking crooked from pulling a muscle in her crotch.
I stuck it out thinking, “Okay, I can do this, she’ll be gone most of the time anyway when I take over and I can implement some changes so she’s not running people off with her attitude.” So, one day I have a little boy (the same one she often tried to say was weird) who starts running a fever and has to go home. I call his parents and they tell me his grandparents are heading over to pick him up. He’s a very quiet little boy, never makes any waves or anything. His parents are absolutely precious. His grandparents come in and are just as sweet. So, they come in my classroom while my boss is preparing lunch. She’s talking to another teacher while I talk to the grandparents about his symptoms. All of a sudden we hear her talking about the little boy, how he stunk and ‘what else do you expect from *racial slur?’. The boy was middle eastern. I am stuck somewhere between absolutely mortified and thoroughly goddamn enraged, but I also have a bunch of little kids volleying for my attention and don’t want to scare them. I clear my throat as loudly as humanly fucking possible, but She. Keeps. Going, talking about the parents and how she was glad she didn’t have to deal with them right now, because somebody else was picking him up. I’m apologizing profusely to the grandparents at this point. I peak my head around the corner and tell her to shut up, then watch the couple leave with their grandson.
She comes out of the kitchen and says nothing at all, just walks straight by without a word. I get the kids to sleep, then go on my lunch break. Just as I return, I hear her on the phone in the office as soon as I walk in. She is telling the boy’s parents that I was the one in the kitchen talking about him, blaming every disgusting thing she said on me. Of all the nerve, the outright unmitigated gall, WHO tf does that?! I was heated.
I waited until the end of the day, walked in her office, and quit on the spot. I then reported a lot of the infractions and stuff I had seen that she never corrected, even though she was fully aware of the issues. Didn’t think about her again, until six months later....
I’m pulling through the Jack In the Box drive-thru and I hear a familiar voice on the speaker. Nah, I think, can’t be. I pull around and there my former boss is standing in the window wearing a drive-thru headset. This was funny for two reasons: 1) when I left she wished me luck flipping burgers (in return I wished her luck keeping the place afloat) and 2) she treated service people like absolute shit. Not enough ice in her drink? She’d call and complain. They forgot extra ketchup? Well, then she deserved free fucking food. Just an absolute Karen any time she had the chance.
I stop at the window and stare for a second. She looks straight through me at first. I gave her the money and said,  “Fancy meeting you here.”
She never acknowledges me, so I actually wondered if she recognized me. I asked, “You don’t remember me?” She put her hand on her hip and looked over the top of her glasses at me the way I had seen her do countless times when describing her sexploits from the previous night, and said, “No. SHOULD I?”
Damn, I figured, she really doesn’t know me? Buuuuuuut nope, she definitely remembered, because she then threw my change, coins included, at me in my truck, and asked, “Will that be all?”
Yep, honey, I’m going to feast on this moment for years.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol. 4: Tsukinami Shin [Track 2]
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Original title: 二人きりの特別教室
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, More Blood Vol. 4 Tsukinami Shin [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: Hnn. Shin is so sweet in this track, the last scene seriously had me swooning. It also ends with a horrible cliffhanger though so now I can’t wait to listen to the next track to find out how they will react to the first loop. Since there’s no visuals, it isn’t quite clear to me if somebody put the hourglass there after Shin fell asleep or if he pulled it out himself. Guess time will tell though. :P
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 2: Just the Two of Us in the Special Classroom
“That teacher should think twice about who he is talking to, sending us to the faculty room just because we broke some of the science materials. For one, I wouldn’t have listened to his orders if you hadn’t been there with me. He sure has some nerve to send me. 
...Haah...We had to leave the classroom mid-lecture as well. Oh well, it’s almost the end of the day so I guess it’s fine. We can just return to the special classroom and then afterwaーー Wha. Huh? Which idiot left a desk here? Can’t they tell nobody can go inside like this? I guess they don’t know that this classroom belongs to just us two? Ugh...Guess it can’t be helped.”
Shin moves the desk out of the way.
“...There we go.”
You go inside the classroom.
*Ding dong ー Ding dongー*
“Ah. Perfect timing. Classes are over. Now we can spend the rest of our days as we please. In that case, let’s get right to it...”
He corners you.
“...Do you really need to ask? Don’t think you’re safe just because we returned to our classroom. I didn’t have my fill yet, but you cheekily left me hanging, didn’t you? I can no longer hold back. Let’s continue where we left off.”
You turn your head away.
“Ah...Wait! Don’t look away!”
“Ugh...Look my way. I want to see your satisfied expression after all.”
Shin bites you.
“...Haah...Hehehe. How is it? I went for one of your good spots, so you can’t get enough of it, can you?  I’ve sucked your blood plenty of times, so I know exactly where you’re sensitive. However...”
“This isn’t the only place, is it? Teach me more of your weak spots...Come on. How about here?”
You whimper.
“Heh. Does it feel good? You’re twitching in return...Since you get aroused from having your blood sucked, even just piercing your arm brings you intense pleasure, doesn’t it? Also...Your back, for example...”
You twitch again.
“Does it tickle when I carress it? Or does it feel good? Which one is it?”
You tell him it feels good.
“I see. It feels good, huh? I see. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Heh. Your face is bright red. Your breathin’s ragged as well. Now that you’re all worked up by me, I bet you want to have your blood sucked soon?
You nod.
“I don’t exactly mind doing it against your will either, but if possible, I want you to long for me.”
You ask him why.
“I mean, we’re lovers, right? Tell me you want me.”
You reply.
“Hehe...Nice. Not bad at all. Well then, as a reward for properly beggnig, I’ll mess you up real good.”
Shin bites you once more.
“...Haahーー! Those reactions are the best! Makes me want to tease you more and more...You aren’t satisfied yet either, are you? Then next up...”
*Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt*
“Huh? ...What!?”
*Bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt*
“...Ah. It’s my phone’s alarm. Hold on one sec.”
He zips open his bag.
“Ah, fuck! I have to go already!”
You ask him what’s wrong.
“Today I’ve got training with Nii-san, remember? It sucks to have to stop here, but I’d rather not get scolded alongside you. Let’s head home already. Hurry up and get ready.”
You frown. 
“Hm...You look dissatisfied. I don’t mind prioritizing you, you know~? If you’re still that wanting.”
You shake your head.
“Hehe~ Look at you get all red. You should just be honest with yourself. Oh well, guess it’s fine. Let’s hurry up and go home.”
You leave the classroom.
“...You really are harsh, Nii-san. Yeah. I know. I’m thankful. Well then, goodnight.”
Shin steps out of the room.
“...Ah? Huh? You’re still awake? You should have just slept before me instead of waiting.”
You get somewhat flustered.
“Guess you’re like a loyal dog waiting for its owner’s return? Should I give you a treat for waiting for me like a good girl?”
You perk up your head.
“Ah. Looks like someone doesn’t hate the sound of that.”
You deny it.
“Such obvious reactions. However, I’m calling it a day. I already sucked you plenty at school after all. I don’t want to kill you by drinking even more of your blood. Come on, make place.”
He crawls in bed with you. 
*Rustle rustle*
“...There we go. ...Ugh.”
“...Haah? What’s wrong? Seems like you’ve got something on your mind.”
“Haah...Tomorrow after school? Ahー Sorry, tomorrow Nii-san will be teaching me the ins and outs of swordfighting, so I don’t think we can go on a date. Honestly, I feel like I might just need to skip classes all-together. Tomorrow you’ll have to commute by yourself. Ah, I’ll have a Familiar keep an eye on you, so no worries, okay?”
You frown.
“Heh. ...Are you lonely?”
You nod. 
“I see. In that case...Scoot closer. I’ll hold you in my arms.”
You cuddle up against Shin.
“...Say, I’m well aware that you feel lonely, the more time I spend with Nii-san. Although I’m pretty sure things will stay like this for a while. However, I promise I’ll make it up to you. When I have the time, I’ll spoil you rotten. I do feel bad for you, but please wait till then?”
You promise you’ll be patient.
“Mmh...Good girl.”
“Hehe. Your face’s beet red. Even though we’ve kissed plenty of times, you still react like that, huh? I’ll watch you until you fall asleep, okay? So...Sweet dreams?”
You get comfortable.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Heh. She already fell asleep? That was fast. Well, I guess it makes sense for her to be exhausted after having her blood sucked.”
“Nn...I should get some rest as well. ...Goodnight. Mm...Zzー...”
*Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock - Tick tock*
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
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My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Benny x Reader Oneshot
Love Positions Don’t Work On Me
Prompt: The Reader has a crush on Benny. When Benny cooks up a love potion for him and Ethan to get girlfriends he doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work on the reader.
Tick tock tick tock tick tock the loud clock droned on as you waited for your class to end. It was almost your favorite time of day. Lunch. Lunch was the time when you got to hang out with your friends and talk to the boy you liked. He was in your friend group, but you could never tell him you liked him. You were afraid to ruin what you had and plus that crap destroys friend groups. You just had to keep it a secret. It wasn’t a very well kept secret. It seemed like everyone knew you had a crush on Benny except for Benny. I guess it was kinda like Ethan’s whole thing with Sarah. He was always so incredibly obvious, but she didn’t notice or maybe she just didn’t care. No matter how hard you try you feel like you’re being too obvious. At least that’s what Erica and Sarah tell you. RING the ring of the bell ripped you from your thoughts as you grabbed your books and headed to your locker to see Benny. Your lockers were right next to each other. You stopped dead in your tracks when you got close enough to see Benny and Ethan at Benny’s locker with Sarah and Erica. Sarah was strangely hanging off of Ethan and to make things even stranger Erica was kissing Benny. You were furious. How could she do this to you?! She was supposed to be one of your best friends. You ran to the bathroom and proceeded to lock yourself in a stall and try to hold in the sobs. You knew you weren’t Benny’s type and that he could never possibly like you back, but you were furious at Erica for hurting you like that. She knew how much you liked him. Plus she could have any guy in school. She always goes for the jocks and the populars. What was she doing kissing this idiot? My idiot. Then the confusion set in. Why was she kissing Benny? Why was she even talking to him in public. Then the realization set in. That idiot! He used magic to get Sarah and Erica to date him and Ethan. You were pissed. You had to find them. You rushed out of the bathroom and ran into Rory. “Hey (Y/N)! How’s it hanging?” He asked. “I’m sorry Rory I don’t have time to talk right now” You apologize. “Do you know what Benny and Ethan did to get all of those bodacious babes to follow them around school? I tried to ask them, but Benny just said they had mad skills and-“ “Wait what do you ALL THOSE bodacious babes?! Are you saying it’s more girls than just Erica and Sarah?!” You ask. “Yeah! I didn’t believe it either. I saw them in the cafeteria. They had girls swarming them” He said in surprise. The anger bubbled inside of you. “I’m going to kill him” You say rather calmly as you walked away from Rory and head into the direction of Benny’s next class. Lunch was over now so you had to find him in the middle of English class. “So I’ll catch you later?!” Rory yelled down the hall at you with a voice crack. You didn’t respond. You were too angry. Dating somebody else? That would be one thing. But using magic to take away the free will of every girl in school to get them all to fall in love with you? He was so dead. They were both dead. I have no doubt that Ethan was part of this idiot scheme too.
When you got to his class you saw Erica making kissy face through the window on the door. She was obviously trying to get Benny out of class so they could fool around in the bathroom. When he didn’t come out she gave a pouty face and walked away. That was surprising. You walked up to the window next. You sent him a text saying CODE BLUE: Meet me outside now! “I really need to go to the bathroom. It’s kind of an emergency.” Benny said to his teacher who obviously didn’t want him leaving class. She sighed. “Fine. Hurry” His teacher said in an aggravated tone. Benny left the classroom to meet you in the hallway and you pulled him to the side. “What’s wrong is everything oka-“ You cut him off by punching him in the arm. “Ow! Hey! What did I do to deserve that?!” He yelled in a sort of hushed tone. “You’re such an idiot.” You say in a stern voice. “I thought you were in trouble. You said ‘code blue” He questioned you. “Yeah. Code red is trouble. Code blue is for BENNY IS A DUMBASS.” You yell at him. “I can’t believe you used your magic to get every single girl in school to fall in love with you! How could you do that?! How could you be that ridiculously irresponsible and rude?! Think about what you did to all of those girls!” You lecture him. “HeyHey Hey- I was just trying to help Ethan okay. You know he’s liked Sarah for-like-ever” He tries to reason. “First of all I love Ethan, but Sarah should have her own free will to decide on her own who she wants to date and secondly that doesn’t mean you should have forced every girl in school to fall in love with both of you!” You continue to lecture. “I dropped the bottle I didn’t mean to-“ He stopped talking and you could see the wheels turning. “Wait a second. If every girl in school is in love with me, why aren’t you? It even worked on Erica, but you’re just mad at me” He asked. The wheels were turning and sooner or later he was going to figure it out. “(Y/N)....are you...” he trailed off for a second. Oh no. He knows I like him. “A lesbian?” He asked. That is not what I was expecting. “I mean it would explain a lot considering you’ve never had a boyfriend and-“ You cut him off again. “Will you shut up! I’m not a lesbian and even if I was that shouldn’t even matter” You say not knowing what else to say. You weren’t a lesbian, although you were an ally. “You can tell me. It’s okay. I’m your best friend” Benny said sincerely as he put his hand on your shoulder. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat as you looked up at him with his perfect smile and his stupid brown hair. “You have to get back to class. I have to go...” You trailed off as you turned away from Benny and walked down the hall. “(Y/N)! Wait!” He started after you. “I just can’t do this right now” you said quietly as you walked away. A single tear slipped down your face, but he couldn’t see it because your back was to him.
RING the last bell of the day rang and you were out for the day. You just wanted to go home and forget anything ever happened. You stood at your locker packing up your things when you heard your name being called “Hey, (Y/N)! Wait up!” You heard Ethan’s voice through the crowd of students. “What do you want Ethan?” You were still mad, but you were angrier with Benny considering he was the one who actually created the spell. It was probably his idea too. “I just wanted to say that I totally respect you and whatever you’re going through. Ya know I have a cousin who’s gay” He said trying to be supportive. “For the last time I’m not a lesbian!” You exclaim, shutting your locker and walking out of the school. This had all gone way too far. You knew what you had to do. It was time to pull out the big guns.
You stood in front of Benny’s front door. You pressed the button and heard the doorbell. The door opened to see the sweet face of Benny’s grandmother, a sweet old woman with magic powers, totally capable of kicking anyone and everyone’s ass. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Benny is supposed to be at Ethan’s. I thought you three would be hanging out there” She questioned me. “Benny is at Ethan’s, but Benny is also being an idiot so that’s why I’m here” You explain. “When isn’t he my dear?” She joked. You laugh a little. “Come on in. I’ll make you a snack” She offered. You gladly accept and sit down in the living room. She brings you a sandwich and a glass of lemonade. “Thanks Grandma” You smile. You loved Benny’s grandmother. Your own grandparents lived out of state so you were never close with them. “So what have the boys gotten themselves into this time?” She asked, obviously a little tired of their bullshit. “Benny made a love potion and now every girl in school is in love with them” You sigh. She gave me a sad look. She knew. Grandmas always do. “Don’t worry my dear. They’ll get their’s” She smiled. “What do you mean?” You ask. “The Earth must stay in balance. When you knock it out of balance, it will knock back. As much as those girls loved them, they’ll hate them just as much” She laughs. “Oh my god” You grow to have a horrified look on your face. “What’s wrong my dear? Don’t you want them to pay for what they did?” She asks. “Erica kissed Benny! Like she KISSED HIM! She barely even likes him on a normal day! She’s gonna kill him” You explain with worry. “I gotta go!” You say rushing out of the house and over to Ethan’s.
When you arrived at Ethan’s house you saw angry girls all over his lawn. The martial arts club had baseball bats and hockey sticks. You start to fight some of them off. “I am so sorry that I told Ethan you were a lesbian! Please don’t kill me!” You hear Benny scream. “I’m not a lesbian!” You exclaim putting your fist out, punching and successfully knocking out the president of the martial arts club. That’s when Erica and Sarah drop down. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! You two just had to magically seduce the two strongest beings at our high school, didn’t you?!” You yell at them. “Nobody is killing Benny, but me!” Erica argues. “And nobody is killing Ethan, but me!” Sarah adds. “Well too bad because neither of you will be killing anyone” You inform them. You then pull out the UV lightsaber the boys made to fend off the girls. They won’t go anywhere near the light and as long as they stay away nobody gets hurt. It’s like a bug zapper for vampires. Sarah and Erica started hissing and you knew you needed a plan quickly. “I have an idea!” Ethan says almost on que. “Well I’d love to hear it!” You and Benny both yell at the same time. You get a little blushy, but the boys can’t see because they’re standing behind you. Next thing you know you’re being pulled into some cage that Ethan bought online from some movie or something. “Are you sure this will work?” You ask. “The eternity cage is impenetrable!” Ethan exclaims. “And so is the prop...I hope...” Benny adds. The three of you migrate to the center of the cage where Sarah and Erica won’t be able to touch you and you decide to wait it out in close quarters. Benny and Ethan were pretty close, but Benny was on top of you. He had one arm wrapped around you. You don’t even think he noticed. It seemed like second nature to him, but you didn’t mind. “How long do you think this is gonna last?” You ask. “Well they loved us for 6 hours so I’m guessing they’ll hate us for about 5 more” Ethan guesses. “Awesome” You state as more girls flock to the cage. You press close into Benny as you leave one arm extended with the UV lightsaber. He wraps his arm tighter around you. “I’m sorry” He says quietly. “For what? Telling Ethan I’m a lesbian? Even when I’m not even a lesbian?” You ask him. “Well no, but I’m sorry for that too” He apologies. “What I meant was I’m sorry for getting you into this” He adds. “It’s okay. You didn’t mean to drop the bottle” You acknowledge. “Why are you in this?” Ethan asks. “What do you mean? I care about you guys” You tell him. “No, I mean why are you in THIS? Why weren’t you loving us in school and now hating us on the other side of these bars?” Ethan asks. You know the answer, but you just don’t feel like explaining. You’ve gone through all of this with Benny. You can’t lose him now. “I don’t know. Maybe I just spend so much time with you guys that Benny’s magic just doesn’t effect me like that” You spill out some stupid answer that you know isn’t true. Thankfully the boys believe it. Eventually you dose off in the cage in Benny’s arms while Ethan mans the UV lightsaber.
You wake up the next morning to see Sarah and Erica in front of the cage with Benny’s Grandmother a key...the key to the cage. You forgot you were locked in. You watched the boys beg to get out and eventually the girls let them out on one condition.
You were sitting on Benny’s front porch with Sarah and Erica while Benny’s Grandma was in the front yard with a lawn chair. You were drinking lemonade as the boys washed Benny’s Grandma’s car. The four of you were taking full advantage of the boys as payback and it was kinda funny although you did feel a little bad for them. They spent the night in a cage with girls wanting to tear them limb from limb surrounding them. You thought they’d had enough. “Hey, Benny I think we’re out of lemonade. Why don’t you come inside and help me make some more” I offer. “Yeah, sure” He puts down the sponge and heads inside with you. The kitchen is a little quiet until Benny breaks the silence. “So why didn’t my spell work on you?” He asks. “And don’t say you’re immune to my magic because that’s not how it works” He adds. You knew you had to tell him. No lie in the world could get you out of this. “Benny...” He looked at you with interest. “Love potions don’t work on me...because you can’t make somebody fall for you...who already likes you...” You tell him. You start to sweat and your blush becomes uncontrollable. “Wait you-“ “Yeah” You cut him off. “How long?” He asks. “Since like forever...” You tell him. “Since we met in middle school...” You add. He begins to smile. “Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks. “Well you were always all over other prettier girls and-“ He cuts me off. “(Y/N), no one is prettier than you” He tells me. “What?” You ask. “(Y/N) you are the funniest, smartest, bravest, most beautiful girl I have ever met” He confesses. “Really?” You ask. “Yes” He smiles and leans down to kiss you. You smile into the kiss. You pull away. “Benny! Where’s my lemonade with extra plasma?!” We hear Erica yell. We separate and laugh. We then get back to making the lemonade.
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221bsunsettowers · 4 years
Put My Name at the Top of Your List (Buck/Eddie)
Thanks to @buddiextarlos for the prompt!
Eddie's been in love with Buck so long, he honestly didn't realize there could be anyone in the world who didn't know they were a couple now.
In which it takes a little bit for Eddie to 1) understand why Buck would care about parent-teacher conferences and 2) understand that that art teacher was absolutely hitting on him right in front of Buck. Luckily Eddie knows exactly how to fix things.
(can also be read on Ao3)
Eddie and Buck were waiting in their usual spots in front of Eddie's truck when Christopher came out of school, watching him wave goodbye to his teacher before he spotted them and his whole face lit up.
"Dad! Buck!" Even though this was their routine every time they were both off shift, it always seemed to bring the three of them the same amount of joy it had the first time. Eddie scooped Christopher up in his arms, squeezing him tightly before Buck took him for a hug, the familarity of the manuever a source of comfort in and of itself.
"Mr. Diaz!" A voice called out from the doorway, and Eddie turned, as Buck balanced Christopher on his hip. A young woman came hurrying up to them, her long skirt flying behind her in the breeze. "Mr. Diaz, I'm Mary Beth Carter, Christopher's art teacher." She smiled at Christopher before turning her smile, and her attention, back to Eddie. "You are coming to the parent teacher conferences, aren't you?"
"I'm already signed up, Mrs. Carter," Eddie assured her, smiling back. Buck shifted Christopher slightly, bringing him closer, his eyes fixed on the conversation in front of him.
"Ms. Carter, or Mary Beth is fine," she responded with a laugh, and Buck abruptly turned and headed towards the truck, opening the back door and beginning to settle Christopher in.
"Thanks Ms. Carter, I will see you at conferences," Eddie said, nodding as he moved towards the driver's side door, sliding in and waiting for Buck to sit in the passenger seat. It took an extra minute or two, but Buck finally slid in himself, clicking his seatbelt and settling in quietly. Eddie glanced at him quickly, but honking from behind alerted Eddie that another parent desperately wanted his parking spot, and he pulled out and onto the road.
"Buck, you're coming to talk to my teachers too, right?" Christopher called out from the back.
"Sounds like it's just for your dad, buddy," Buck responded, twisting around to pat Christopher reassuringly on the knee when he heard the frustrated groan Christopher gave.
"But I want you there!" Christopher insisted.
"Christopher, Buck has a twenty four hour shift ending right before conferences, he's going to need his sleep," Eddie answered, frowning as he swore he heard matching sighs from his son and boyfriend. "Buck-"
"Sorry Superman, you know I would come if I could," Buck said softly, "I wasn't able to ask for time off since I didn't know about it." Eddie's frown grew deeper, wondering at the twinge in Buck's voice, something nagging in the back of Eddie's brain about Buck's word choice, but the light turned green and he had to focus on the road again.
That night, after Christopher was in bed, Buck headed downstairs, followed by Eddie. Eddie went to the fridge, turning around with two beers to find Buck perched in an armchair rather than in his usual spot on the couch, where they could share the space.
"Buck, what's going on?" Eddie asked, tone full of concern and confusion as he went to hand Buck a beer, which Buck grabbed and took a deep gulp of. Buck shook his head, taking another long drink. Eddie knelt in front of Buck, his hands resting on Buck's knees. "Buck, talk to me. Please."
"Are you ashamed of me?" The words came spilling out of Buck's mouth, like he had tried to hold them back but couldn't contain them anymore. "Of us?"
"What, Buck, no of course not!" Reaching up, Eddie cupped Buck's face in his hands, but Buck wouldn't meet his eyes. "Buck, sweetheart, where did this come from?"
"First you don't even tell me about the parent-teacher conference," Buck choked out, "and look, I know I'm not Christopher's dad, not really, but I thought-"
"Buck-" Eddie tried to cut in, to ease the pain on Buck's face, to tell him how wrong he was when he said he wasn't Christopher's dad, but Buck was already blinking back tears, words rushing out.
"And then I find out about the conference from the art teacher who is blatantly hitting on you right in front of me, and you don't even introduce me!" Buck's voice rose in volume, and he instinctively glanced towards the stairs to make sure he hadn't woken up Christopher. Sighing, Buck stood up abruptly, rubbing his hands over his eyes, the hurt in his voice slicing through Eddie like a knife. "I'm going back to my place tonight. Like you said, I need sleep before my shift."
Eddie stayed kneeling on the carpet, Buck's words careening through his mind, trying to put the puzzle pieces together. All Eddie knew in that moment was Buck sounded so sad, and Buck was leaving, and he couldn't let him go into a shift without him this way. So he stood up, walking quickly over to Buck and grabbing his hands.
"I don't want you to leave, but I need you to feel as good as you can for your shift, especially since I won't be there to watch your back," Eddie said softly, gently rubbing his thumbs up and down the palms of Buck's hands, before risking a glance at Buck's face. The sadness in his boyfriend's eyes wasn't something Eddie could just leave alone. He wrapped his arms around Buck, and Buck let himself be held, even leaning into Eddie's embrace. "We are absolutely talking about this after your shift, but for now, please, please be safe, and please know how much I love you."
"I love you too," Buck whispered into Eddie's ear, before turning and walking out the door, leaving Eddie alone in his living room staring after him.
Eddie barely slept that night. The bed felt too big, too cold, and all he could do was run Buck's words over and over through his head, and picture his boyfriend heading out on a call without him having his back. Eventually, Eddie gave up on sleep, and quietly went downstairs, settling at the counter with a cup of coffee, rerunning last night through his head again.
He honestly hadn't even noticed that teacher was flirting with him, he was with Buck, why would anyone think he was available, he-
As soon as it was a reasonable hour, Eddie rang Carla. "Eddie, is everything okay?" Carla asked quickly. "You said not to come until later because you had the day off until the parent-teacher conferences."
"Everything's fine," Eddie assured her, then sighed. "Actually, everything's not fine. I screwed up. Carla, when did you first know Buck and I were dating?"
"I thought you two were dating from the minute I met you, to be honest," Carla said with a laugh. "Living in each other's pockets, always touching, always together. When I found out you weren't, I was shocked. Figured it had to happen at some point, knew I was right when I walked in on the two of you making out in the kitchen."
"That's what I thought," Eddie said softly, rubbing his hand over his face. "Is there any chance you can come over early? I need to fix this."
Eddie made the necessary calls in the truck before pulling up to the station, jogging inside with a bag over his shoulder. He immediately spotted Buck, perched on a chair, staring off into space, a still-full coffee cup encircled in his hands. "Buck!" Eddie called out, taking the stairs two at a time until he was standing directly in front of Buck, whose forehead was scrunched up in confusion. Eddie couldn't help himself, reaching his fingers over to smooth the wrinkles out, elicting a soft sigh from Buck.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Eddie said, trailing his hand down Buck's face until he found Buck's waiting hand, intertwining their fingers, raising them to his lips for a soft kiss. "I'm such an idiot. I've been in love with you so long, it never even occurred to me that anyone else might not be able to see it."
"We saw it from day one!" Hen called out in passing, and both Buck and Eddie laughed, the movement bringing Buck's forehead gently against Eddie's.
"Exactly," Eddie said softly, raising his eyes to meet Buck's. "We were acting like a couple way before we made it official. We've been raising a son together for years. I didn't even realize that that might mean that somebody wouldn't know we were officially a couple now. That teacher, at pickup, she only sees us for maybe a minute every day, and we don't typically make out in front of Christopher's school."
"Just everywhere else," Buck smirked, and Eddie laughed in relief.
"Exactly," Eddie said, feeling himself finally able to smile again. "Buck, sweetheart, I'm so in love with you. I could never be ashamed of that. I'm amazed every day that I'm the lucky one who gets to be with you." Buck blushed, and Eddie grinned, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist to pulll him in closer. "I'm so sorry if I ever made you feel any other way."
"You're the first one who's ever stayed, Eds," Buck whispered, tucking his face into the crook of Eddie's neck. "You're the one I always want to stay. I don't ever want you to leave. I love you too much to watch you walk away."
"Good thing I'm never going anywhere then," Eddie promised, kissing Buck's temple. "I love you too much to ever walk away. Okay?"
"Okay," Buck nodded, eyes twinkling, and Eddie leaned in for a kiss, soft and sweet and so relieved, before pulling back just enough to grab the bag he had been carrying and pass it to Buck.
"Now hurry up and get changed, we've got a parent-teacher conference to get to," Eddie said with a grin, chuckling as Buck just stared at him. "Get a move on Buck, you don't want to be late for your first of many, do you? And before you ask, I already cleared it with Bobby. Harrison owes me from when I covered those last hours of his shift. We have time for you to splash some water on your face, grab some coffee from that place you love by school, and-"
The rest of Eddie's words were captured by Buck's lips, as Buck pulled Eddie back tight against his body, kissing him until they had to break for air. Reaching up, Eddie gently wiped the tears hovering under Buck's eyes, wrapping him into a tight hug before nudging him with his hip. "Now go! Teachers take tardiness very seriously."
Buck burst out laughing, shaking his head as he hurried down the stairs, turning around to shoot Eddie another grin before jogging into the locker room.
Pushing open the door to the school, Eddie reached over and took Buck's hand, squeezing it as they walked towards the art room. "Don't you dare call her Mary Beth," Buck teased, and Eddie laughed, stopping at the main table in the entranceway. Grabbing two nametags, Eddie wrote quickly on both, before handing one to Buck. Eddie stuck his on his shirt, reading Eddie Diaz (Christopher's Dad), while Buck stared at his, reading Evan Buckley (Christopher's Dad).
"You ready?" Eddie asked, smiling softly, leaning in to kiss Buck's temple.
"After you make me cry before we even get started?" Buck grinned back, running a hand quickly over his eyes. "Hell yeah, I'm ready. Or heck yeah, I guess, since we are in school and all."
Laughing, Eddie watched Buck stick his nametag on, then grabbed his hand again. Eddie peered into the art room, quickly greeted by a beaming Ms. Carter. "Mr. Diaz, so good to see you, you're right on time!" she exclaimed, stopping short as her eyes fell on Buck.
"Hi Ms. Carter, this is Evan Buckley, I called the school this afternoon and had him added to the list," Eddie said with a smile, pointing to the timeslot that now read Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley. "He's my partner and co-parent, and I'm sorry I never properly introduced you two before." Meeting Buck's eyes, Eddie winked. "I've been in love with him so long, I forget other people might not be lucky enough to already know him."
"I'm so sorry, he's such a sap," Buck grinned, extending his hand towards Ms. Carter. "It's nice to officially meet you."
Ms. Carter paused a second, then laughed good-naturedly, shaking Buck's hand with a smile. "It's nice to officially meet you too. This explains why every drawing Christopher makes has a Buck in it. I've got his portfolio right here. You two have a very talented son."
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Heey!! Can u make an imagine that Oscar fell in love with a black Brazilian girl and she's an ballerina. Thank u!!!
Ballerina Beauty (Oscar X Reader)
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OMB Masterlist
L/N: Last Name
S/F: Smoothie favor
"7, 8, 9, 10." said Ms. Ella, the ballerina teacher as the girls danced in front of the mirror in the dance studio and a soft bell rang.
"Oh! That's our time. Please practice the routine for our recital next Saturday night here in the auditorium. If you want to talk to me about adding something to the show, please talk to me by Friday at the end of our class. Have a good day my beautiful ballerinas!" said Ms. Ella as the group of ballerinas started to leave the community center, talk to each other, and call for a ride home.
Ms. Ella walks up to you where you were drinking water near the window at a corner of the dance studio.
"Ms. L/N, you did absolutely beautiful today. I see you practice on pointing your toes and doing more stretching." said Ms. Ella and you stopped drinking your water and looked at her with a smile.
"Thank you. I just love being able to do what I love, especially in Freeridge so thank you for making this program." you said happily.
"Awe, you're welcome sweetie. I believe you will be the best new ballerina out there and perform in front of thousands of people." said Ms. Ella and you smile with a blush.
It's been your dream to be a ballerina ever since you were little. You learned the basics as you grow up hoping you will be able to be the newest famous ballerina of this generation. Once you do, you hope your family stays alive and good for the future.
"I can't do this." said Monse exhausted and she flops on the floor next to you and Ms. Ella.
"Oh yes you can, sweetheart. You just have to try harder. Don't give up." said Ms. Ella with a smile and walked away.
You bend down to Monse and she turns her head to you with an annoyed face.
"I can't do this Y/N. I know I join this to make my dad happy but I can't do this bulls*it." said Monse sitting up. You gave her a furious face, making Monse completely regret what she just said. 
"Sorry Y/N. Didn't mean it like that." said Monse and you sat down next to her.
"You're fine. You’re not connecting with the music. You have to feel the music to be able to dance. You have to show emotions and expressions as you dance to show people the art of ballet. That's the beauty of it." you said with passion in your eyes.  
You turned back to Monse to see her with a blank face. 
“Um, I honestly miss whatever you just said cause I don’t care.” said Monse honestly, making you offended. 
"Well.” you said fake upset and you got up, crossed your arms against your chest, and looked away from her like you were mad. Monse giggle at your reaction. 
"Jamal! What do you mean your dad can't pick me up? We're cousins!" you shouted on the phone outside with your bag strap on your shoulder as you stand outside of the community center.
"Sorry Y/N. Dad's over here at his restaurant. It's busy right now. Me and Cesar are over here working our butts off." said Jamal in the staff changing room and Cesar opened the door to see Jamal on the phone.
"Dude. Need more help back here. Finish your talk with Y/N now." said Cesar while holding a tray full of food and walked back into the kitchen. 
"Got to go Y/N. I'll send somebody okay?" said Jamal quickly.
"Jamal! Wai-" you heard the phone call end sound meaning Jamal hung up on you.
You growled with aggravation and turned your head to the right to see a smoothie place a few blocks from the community center.
You did a small smile and started to walk down to the smoothie place to get something to drink and eat.
20 minutes later, you were walking back to the community center with your favorite smoothie and a cinnamon roll to wait for whoever Jamal sent you a ride. 
"You brought me a sweet snack, hyna?" 
You turned your body and you see the one and only Oscar "Spooky" Diaz with his signature smirk leaning against his memorable red car.
"Please don't tell me you're my ride." you said whining as you walked up to him.
"You got it ma. Thanks for the snack." said Spooky and  he took your cinnamon roll out of your hand and took a bite out of it straight up in your face. 
Your jaw dropped a bit offended because he just took your snack out of your hand you paid for and started eating it in your face. 
"Oh, you wish this was you? Cause I can make that happen-" you push his face back with your right hand and get inside the car.
Spooky grinned and shook his head of your silliness and he walked over and got in the driver side to start driving you home.
"You gonna tell me how Jamal got you to take me home?" you asked and took a sip of your smoothie.
"Lil Ricky. Familiar with him?" asked Spooky as he drove while taking another bite of your cinnamon roll.
"Who isn't? No need to tell the legendary story. Already know." you said, making Spooky glanced at you a moment and looked back on the road. 
"Nice to know somebody knows what's going on around here." said Spooky and he took a glance down at your bag between your feet to see one of your ballet slippers being halfway out.
"You dance?"
"Oh yeah. I got a show next Saturday." you said shyly and you quickly put your ballet slipper down in your bag and zipped your bag back up.
"You getting all shy around me now, Y/N?" asked Spooky with a grin on his face and you turned to him with a crazy face.
"Um no! I'm definitely not a shy person!" you said and you crossed your arms against your chest, making Spooky chuckled. 
"Why are you laughing?" you asked with an upset face.
"Nothing. I can't take you seriously. It's cute." said Spooky and you felt offended but not really because he just complimented you.
"Did Spooky just compliment me? I'm so touched." you said with a fake high voice with a huge smile on your face and your left hand on your heart. 
"I did not!" said Spooky, offending himself, making you laugh out loud.stopped the car in front of your house, making you surprised  because you didn’t know you were already here.
"I'll see you later, mamacita." said Spooky as he looked at you while you were getting out of the car with your bag on your shoulder and your half drunken smoothie in the other.
"Bye." you said and you shut the door. Spooky winks at you and drives away, making your heart skips a beat as you enter your house
"That wasn't it." you said and you stop dancing and start to walk around the dance studio.
It was Thursday and the community center was open to the public today so you came in early and started practicing the routine you've been working on for weeks.
You went over to your bag and checked the time. You sighed and leaned your back on the wall near the window.
You still couldn't figure out how the heck you still don't have this routine down when you have it for weeks.
"Hambre hermosa?"
You looked at the doorway to see Spooky coming up to you with a bag full of food in one hand and a smoothie in another.
"What are you doing here?" you asked as you walked up to him.
"Brought you food. I didn't see you walk out the house this morning so I figured you were here and probably haven't eaten anything yet." said Spooky and he walks over to the wall and sits down.
"Spooky, you should've had your shoes-" you started but noticed his shoes were off of his feet.
"Don't worry. I already did. I brought your favorite smoothie. S/F right?" said Spooky as he held the smoothie up to you. You walked up to him and took it.
"Yeah..." you said and you slowly sat down next to him on the wall between the food. 
You looked at him with Spooky already taking a bite of his burger. 
"Anything wrong?" asked Spooky after he swallowed his bite and looked at you with concern.
"No, it's just...I don't know. I just don't expect you to do any of this for me." you said as you were picking on your cup of fruit with your fork in your hand while staring at it.
"Y/N..." started Spooky and you looked back at him. Your heart skipped a beat once you saw his eyes sparkled in the sunlight from the window and staring intensely at you.
His stare wasn't scary to you, it felt like a whole different type of stare that makes you want to fall deep into his eyes and stare into them forever.
"Why wouldn't I? You're...special to me." said Spooky and you looked away and blushed. You never saw him like this at all and it was making you feel weird inside.
"I..." you started saying but couldn't say anything else. You couldn't see his face because you were afraid to look at him. You quickly ran out of the dance studio with your bag and regular shoes.
"Y/N!" shouted Spooky but you were long gone. You leave him with millions of thoughts in his mind wondering what he did wrong to make you run away from him.
"Okay my little darlings. That includes today's practice today. See you all on Wednesday." said Ms. Ella concluding Monday's practice.
You kinda limped to your bag and slowly sat down on the floor because you felt pain to your foot. You pull your right foot close to you and start to massage it after you took off your ballet slipper.
"Y/N? You okay?" asked Monse and you looked up to see Monse kinda concerned with her bag handing off her right shoulder.
"I'm fine. I think I need to take a few days off from dancing." you said with a warm smile to convince her you’re okay. 
"I hope you are okay. See you later." said Monse while waving goodbye. 
"See you soon." you said with a smile and Monse smiled back and walked away.
You took off your other ballet slipper and put on some flats you have in your bag to help your feet.
You got up and walked outside of the community center to wait for your mom to pick you up. You stopped walking once you came out to see Spooky talking to Ms. Ella. Frightened by this site, you quickly jog up to them.
"Oh Y/N, hello darling. Is it true that you are performing with this man right here this Saturday?" said Ms. Ella as she looked at you with a smile. You quickly turned your head to Spooky where he had his signature grin on your face. 
You just want to bang your head on the wall and forget everything happening right now. You couldn't believe Spooky right now. 
"Um...yes?" you said kinda uncertain but Ms. Ella smiled with a grin.
"Perfect! It would be great to have a handsome man like him in the show! It's going to be a big hit!" said Ms. Ella and walked away in happiness. 
You pulled Spooky to your level of height by grabbing the front of his black sleeveless shirt with a furious face.
"Why the h*ll you did that? You are going to embarrass both of us at that show!" you shouted angrily and shove him off along with letting go of his shirt.
"Come on maravillosa, it won't be that bad. I'm willing to learn some steps from you." said Spooky as he tried to get close to you but you backed away.
"Really? The leader of the Santos, the tough, rough, and aggressive dude who can't dance at all wants to learn some...ballet?" you said with a weird face and your arms crossed against your chest looking at him. 
"Come on, it would be fun. If we mess up, you can blame it on me." said Spooky and puts his hands up in the air showing in offense. 
"Oh h*ll yeah I will." you said and you walked back to the community center to wait for your mom until Spooky did a big whistle at you. 
"I'm your ride. Get in." said Spooky and he opened the passenger door for you. You rolled your eyes and then started to limp again but tried to walk normally so he won't get suspicious.
Like the person he is, Spooky noticed your walking ever since you came out of the community center. He closed the door once you got in and got in on the driver side of the car.
He started to drive and it was just silence between both of you for five minutes until Spooky glanced at you.
"What's with your foot?" asked Spooky and you looked from your phone to him where he was looking at the road.
"Yes there is. I know when you're lying Y/N." said Spooky and your face became weird as you looked at him.
"How the heck do you know? You study me? Wow, who knew?" you said and turned your head to look out of the window.
"I didn't study you. Just picked up a few things." said Spooky and he turned down another street.
"Mhmm. Creep." you said underneath your breath but he heard you and then stopped the car, making you surprised.
You look at Spooky to start complaining but stopped. You saw him starting straight with his hand gripping on the wheel hard.
"I'll be right back." said Spooky, not even looking at you and he got out of the car, slammed the door, and went into a building. You looked out to see you were at Dwayne's Joint BBQ. 
20 minutes later, Spooky came back out into the car with a bag full of food in one hand and a cinnamon roll in the other.
"We're going back to my house." said Spooky as he puts the food in the back and starts the car again.
"And why is that?" you asked as you looked at him.
"To help that foot." said Spooky as he backed up, turned his car around, and then drove out of the driveway.
You rolled your eyes and looked back at the window. Spooky took a glance at you and grins at you without knowing.
A few minutes later, Spooky was washing his hands while you were drinking soda on his couch at his house.
"Let me see that foot of yours." said Spooky as he wipes his hands off with a paper towel and walks back next to you on the couch.
You hesitated as you were drinking until you stopped, slowly took off your flat shoe, and put your foot on your lap.
Spooky tools your foot into his hands and looks up at you. You gained a pink blush because you were nervous about what he was about to do now.
He did a small smile and started to rub your feet with cool healing lotion, making you lean back and relax slowly.
Spooky was glad to see your reaction. He knows how hard you work doing this dance routine for months.
"Spooky..why are you doing this?" you asked softly as you slowly sat up again and he looked up from your foot to you again.
"Why can I? You work so hard to make sure you got that routine down. You deserve it, hermosa." said Spooky and he grabbed your flat shoe, put it on your foot and he kissed your shoe while still staring into your eyes.
Your heart beats faster and faster as you stare into his eyes. You couldn't believe what Spooky did for you over these past few days.
He slowly puts your foot back down on the floor and gets closer to you.
"Come here." said Spooky and you slowly got closer to him. He put you on his lap and held you to your waist, making you blush even more in embarrassment.
"No need to get embarrassed. It's just me." said Spooky as he looks at you and he holds your chin with his left fingers to tilt it towards him.
"I just...never been this close to a guy before." you said softly and looked away from his eyes. You look back at him again a moment later to see a soft smile on his face.
"Well, consider me your first." said Spooky softly and he slowly leaned your head down and kissed you. 
You felt warmth and closure as you kissed his lips with yours. You eventually let him into your mouth once you got comfortable with him.
A minute later, both of you stopped and leaned your heads together with your eyes closed still underneath the spell of the kiss.
"Wow..." you said while opening your eyes to see him with a smirk on his face.
"Wow is right mami. You are just..." Spooky started saying as he was still staring at your lips wanting to remake that kiss again.
You kissed him again. This kiss was more passionate than before, making Spooky want more.Spooky looked up at you on his lap and started to stare into your eyes after the kiss.
 "I don't know what you're doing to me but...I've fallen for you Y/N L/N." said Spooky in bliss,
"I've fallen for you too, Spooky." you said and Spooky started to caress your right cheek with his right hand.
"Please...call me Oscar." said Spooky and you smile.
"Okay Oscar." you said and Oscar leans you down to him and he kisses you again passionately.
The next morning, Spooky came up with a nickname that you would love forever as long you are with him: Ballerina Beauty,
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