#the ipads are evil and hate everyone
vidawhump · 7 months
Watch my school give everyone iPads with dysfunctional keyboards that hate everyone and everything then block 99% of all social media and gamesso everyone uses VPNs that just funk everything up even more
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a-dope-fiend · 2 years
when twitter dies everyone will move to tiktok and i will throw my phone into the garbage and go live in the mountains
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emo-batboy · 2 years
thoughts on battinson with his like seven kids and they have to suffer through everyone wanting to fuck him cause have you seen him??
Alright so this response kinda works in a competely separate realm of canon than what I usually post. I’m gonna preface that right now, but BOY do I have thoughts :D
So when I think of Battinson and his (non)accidental orphan acquisition, I see Battinson as being on a much more even playing field emotionally than most other iterations. He’s not really as stoic and put-together, so having kids (especially multiple) would cause a LOT more chaos and drama. So in this case, I like to think that it happens at a very rapid rate. (Again, I’m saying this because this require straying from the film’s canon to a much larger degree than I usually do.) SO by the time he’s 32, he has an 11yo Dick, a 9yo Jason, and an 8yo Tim. And they probably grow with him much like teen parents do with their kids. He’s not as authoritative as most parents. Instead, he starts out as like half older brother, half dad, then graduates to the roll of batdad after his whole vengeance era.
Dick, older brother and the leader of the “Save Dad and Our Childhood Innocence” brigade teaches the three everything there is to know. He is the most experienced with these awful public events like galas and charity auctions, so he is in control.
And it is SO much easier to get the creepy suitors to back off when they work as a team
Dick talks everyone’s ears off. He’s the golden boy (getting perfect grades and gold medals in his school’s gymnastics team) so he EASILY gets away with distracting people
Dick will insert himself into adult conversations all the time, and Bruce always lets him, which allows Jason and Tim to wreak havoc on whatever target they chose.
Whenever it isn’t too obvious or it’s late enough in the night, Jason will fake a cold or a headache sometimes (he’s prone to falling sick) and Bruce will insist that he take his kid home and tuck him into bed himself, very fatherly
Tim uses his Youngest Child points to woo the nicer ones and direct them away from Bruce, but it doesn’t usually works on the gold diggers (and thank god because Tim HATES acting cute) so he’ll use it on Bruce instead
When those three plans don’t work, the three gremlins start getting Creative TM
Jason, taking a swig from some wine glass and proceeding to spray it all over Vicky Vale’s white dress: “This isn’t grape juice!”
Tim, resident iPad kid and (despite popular belief) The Most Evil of the Three, sees some lady touching his batdad so he finds her phone number on an online directory and prank calls her every time she gets too close
Suitor: “Your father is very handsome.” Dick: “My father’s dead :(” “…” “Oh wait, you mean Bruce! Yeah, he’s nice.”
One lady starts hanging off of Bruce, but he needs to run off to say hello to an investor. Jason appears from nowhere in his dapper little tux and the lady just says, “So uhh, you like the Wiggles, right?” Jason: “Nope! Have you ever read Crime and Punishment? :)”
Dick “accidentally” slaps some obnoxious guests with his wild hand gestures “Oh no! I’m so sorry :(( Let me get you an ice pack” and pulls them away while the other two hide their laughter
One of the ladies who is WAY too comfortable and forward when flirting with Bruce is forced to sit down with Tim and he goes in head first “what are you doing with my dad?” “oh you know what adults do, honey. Messing around, having fun” and he’s like “well My dad doesn’t look interested” “of course he is! who knows? Maybe we’ll hit it off and make another one of you one day” which gives Tim intense psychic damage, but he’s a horrible little brat so he doesn’t give up. He hits her with the innocent doe eyes and asks in the cutest fucking voice “Where do babies come from?” she BOOKS IT (they never see her again)
Anyway, to answer your question: they are little terrors. and Bruce knows they’re little terrors, but he doesn’t care because he hates the creepy attention even more than they do, but this way it comes with a show :D
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butterflyinthewell · 1 year
Behind a cut so people don’t have to see me rant about my disabled, emotionally abusive dad.
So my dad fell twice in the last five days due to not listening to me and mom. He has Parkinson’s and if you dig through my posts you’ll see me talk about it, so I won’t go into it.
I don’t hate disabled people, just him. I don’t hate him for having Parkinson’s, I hate him for the abuse he inflicted on me and still inflicts on me with his disability as a crutch to get away with it. And I call out ableism when the problems we have with him are caused by the medical care system, because sometimes it’s not his fault.
But THIS situation IS his fault.
Last Friday, he fell because he wouldn’t stop rocking sideways every time he got up. He gets up with help and uses a walker, but he throws his weight around when he knows me and mom are two tiny women compared to a hulking huge man.
And he fell.
We had to call my aunt and uncle over to get his ass off the damn floor and onto his toilet commode so he could take a shit. Then they got him into bed. He claimed he was fine, and then on Tuesday he started griping that his lower back and buttcheek hurt on the left side. But he could walk and didn’t complain much after the initial gripe.
Today, he was all scrunched up in bed in a way that guarantees his back will hurt and made his pain worse, like I told him it would (and he wouldn’t listen to me).
Mom took him out into the living room and he fell on the way, AGAIN, because he kept rocking his weight around.
Now get this, he doesn’t throw his weight like that when therapists would come over. Dad will be an angel for them, but a nightmare for me and mom. He cooperates for professionals, but not family. He does everything in his power to make life as hard as possible for me and mom. I’m not kidding when I say that.
He goes to the doctor on Monday to find out what the fuck he did to himself, but it’s going to be a nightmare.
My birthday is coming up and of COURSE he does this right before it, and ruins any excitement I had.
Before you attack me for that, keep in mind that he pulls shit like this all the time. He knows everyone will be sympathetic to him while looking at mom and me like we’re evil for being exhausted, angry and burnt out.
The fact that we can’t afford to put him anywhere or get help into this house means we have no lives outside of caregiving. Every waking moment until we sleep is him and all his emotionally abusive bullshit, every day with no breaks, forever. He has ruined holidays, birthdays and plans because his only joy in life is making everyone around him as miserable as he is.
I’ve managed to eke out a few moments of joy here and there, but for the most part my life is a slog that never ends.
I laugh at the people who acted like COVID lockdowns were depriving them of life. I won’t deny that it was a traumatic experience, and this is not aimed at people who got sick anyway and now have long covid. This ain’t you, don’t worry.
But the people who acted so inconvenienced that their social lives got interrupted? Fuck off.
I’ve lived something like the COVID lockdowns for over a decade. No life outside of my house, no life outside of being a caregiver for someone who is sucking away all my compassion and love.
I can’t leave because I’m disabled too and all the legal shit is inaccessible to me.
I’m trapped, mom is trapped, and we are eventually going to die from the stress while he sits there yelling at us for not jumping to his every whim.
My only escape is writing fanfics and staring dead-eyed at my ipad screen, interrupted constantly by him demanding things.
I have accumulated so much trauma from him, and COVID, and mom having medical crises that were resolved, and my needs not being met, that I’ll be surprised to see 45. I will be shocked if I wake up alive on my 45th birthday.
I turn 43 this July 29, 2023, so yeah.
If I don’t die, my mom is going to, and if she goes we’re all dead.
I just hope I go first. Either heart attack or stroke will probably do it, but I don’t want to outlive her and be alone with him.
No child should be trapped as a caregiver for a disabled abusive parent, but it happens and nobody talks about it.
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whumpster-fire · 8 months
Rating the Overlords in Hazbin Hotel:
#10: Valentino. Bitch ass motherfucker supreme. I want him to die and I want it to hurt the whole time he is dying. Fucking scumbag. Also IDGAF if he's a moth I will always maintain the headcanon that the sleazy prick is a pubic louse.
#9: That one blue firey skeleton dude in the meeting who didn't say anything. Has literally no characterization.
#8: Zeezi (that one pink and green lady at the meeting): Has literally no characterization but that color scheme is eye bleeding and I'm here for it.
#7: Rosie. Man she's cool and all, helpful to Charlie, friends with Alastor, but she just doesn't capture my interest the way the others do. Being the overlord of cannibals is a really niche thing it seems like compared to being in control of major forces that are fucking up society, I have a feeling she maintains her position because (a) she's smart, and (b) the other overlords don't really want her domain because taking eating human flesh to the level of an obsession is kind of dweeb behavior.
#6: Velvette. Horrible cringe zoomer iPad kid (or Millennial, I don't know). I absolutely love the fact that she showed up at the meeting and literally everyone else in the room was like "What's with this sassy... lost child?" Has so much potential though for her character to embody the absolute worst of internet culture. Next season I want to see Velvette trolling, going "L + Block + Ratio," and doxxing random sinners and getting them killed for her own entertainment.
#5: Carmilla Carmine. Awesome. I like seeing people in hell who are still people and not obsessed with becoming the most cartoonishly evil motherfucker possible because "hey we're already in hell, might as well get crazy." People can have friends, family, etc. and still do shit that gets them sent to hell. I'm getting "was leader of an organized crime family in life" vibes. Also has vibes of being one of the less horrible overlords to work for because she's emotional stable enough to know that being cruel to your minions for fun is bad for morale.
#4: Husk. Okay he's a former overlord but let's say Overlord Emeritus. He has my respect as an overlord for dying in like the 70s but choosing an absolutely classic vice to make his domain: drinking and gambling. Also the timeline here implies he rose to power when Alastor was already around. I wonder if there was a power vacuum because Al killed the previous overlord of gambling?
#3: Vox. I hate his cringey techbro ass but in a "I want to put this man in a jar and shake it vigorously" way. The fact that he actually enjoys Valentino's company is a major minus though. I kind of wanted to see a strained business relationship where he dislikes Val immensely but works with him because sex sells and Val has the market cornered. Also his voice is kind of... generic. I was really hoping for him to have a Mid-Atlantic Accent but of a more "mid-century TV anchor" type to make it extra clear how much he wants to rip off / replace Alastor and as a part of him that isn't as hip and modern as Mr. Died In the 50s wants to present himself as.
#2: Zestial. Hello Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious. He is so fucking cool. I want so badly to believe that he and Alastor are genuinely friends and respect each other but also Alastor respects Zestial enough to want him to think he's cool, and when Zestial showed up Alastor internally panicked because of 'Oh shit my friend showed up while I'm being trailed by the lamest minions in hell, he's going to think they're mine this is so embarrassing!'
#1: Alastor. What a fucking guy. This man is being dragged kicking and screaming into character development and I am here for it.
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(hell hole site is affectionately)
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I am not comfortable with showing my face (yet)
I’m under 16 so… ummm… y’all need to know that
you can call me: concern. Or: Ashley. Or if u want u can just @ me or give me a nickname (I would like to know if you give me a nickname so I know ur talking about me)
(If addressing the wet floor sign bot in roll play please use she/her pronouns and she’s named Ashley, please don’t use Ashley if talking to or about me/the person running this blog, im taking the name of Leah for my online name.)
My pronouns are she/her I am female and was born a female
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favorite things list!
Food: spaghetti.
color: purple.
fandom I'm in: FNAF.
FNAF character: Funtime Freddy (in very very close 2nd is mangle)
rp/ask blog I have: @ask-mangle-the-sad-one (the first one I got)
fnaf game(and yes I can have a favorite fnaf game without ever playing any of the fnaf games): rn it’s tied between fnaf 2, and fnaf Sister Location/SL.
place I can be: in my bedroom at my dads house.
time of year: the very beginning of the school year but after i get my iPad. (It’s this because the only divice I can use for tumblr is my school iPad (this means I won’t be on tumblr during summer))
season: summer (it’s the best (except for the no tumblr thing 😭))
fnaf character to draw: at the moment it’s RWQFSFAXC . (but it usually changes each day.)
way to draw: it’s tied between drawing in my sketchbook and drawing digitally on my iPad.
animal: Giraffe! Always and forever GIRAFFE🦒🦒🦒!!! (fun fact: my baby ornament (the Xmas tree ornament that my mom got for me when I was born) is a little glass white giraffe!🦒)
fnaf animatronic animal type: the FOXES!!! Always the foxes. (Another fun fact: my grandma’s favorite animal is a fox)
number: 13. (I just like the fact that people think it’s unlucky the same way I love black cats (not for the reason of people think they’re unlucky but because they’re absolutely beautiful and my black cat (her name is Emily Binx but everyone just calls her Binxy) likes sitting in the sunlight and being warm and after sitting in the sun for a few minutes she is so warm and i just want to grab her and hug her))
fnaf song: tied between:
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16. Any song: tied between: blue. And: little talks.
I do both rp and just personal things. Have a list of things i do on this blog!
Art. (Pretty much just me posting the things I draw)
rp (I talk about my rp/ask blogs and i rp on this blog too)
drawing requests (do not confuse with commissions which i don’t do. I have not gotten a request yet but I will be happy if and when I do.)
give my opinion (idk it’s just my personal opinion)
exist (lol :3)
talk about fnaf (I like it)
small cosplay (I usually just make cosplay pieces and wear them when I’m alone.)
imo Star Trek is wayyy better then Star Wars. 4 the Star Trek fans: 🖖. I’m pretty sure that that means something else too but I’m doing it as the Vulcan live long and prosper thing.
I have a bunch of fnaf songs memorized including (I will also link a yt video of the song to the name)
The mangle 
Count the ways 
Count the ways 
You can’t hide 
Lights on 
Five more nights 
Below the surface 
Merry fnaf Christmas 
Join us for a bite (Wich tecnacaly I have The Living Tombstone - Join Us for a Bite Remix memorised)
Another round
We don’t bite 
stuck inside
(And yes there’s 2 songs called count the ways and I have both memorized)
I recently started cussing on my blog and in my head and when I’m alone irl.
I’m very very sorry if I don’t know what an abbreviation means, I’m kinda new to the internet so if it’s the first time you are using the abbreviation with me i suggest in (these thingys) putting what it means, it will help and reduce confusion and I thank anyone who does.
I am bad at spelling sooo… it might be a little hard to read my posts but blame autocorrect for not understanding what I’m trying to type
I’m ALWAYS accepting asks! And I’m totally cool with requests! but I might not do them.
I love to rp eaven if the game is fnaf 1 I’m always a Wet Floor Sign Bot (only on this blog though) btw my excuse is WFSB’s and staff bots are all knowing and aslo there’s a time portal in the mop closet don’t ask how it got there
I have school and bedtime so it’s fine but I do have time spans but I’m not going to bother you with it
I like love fnaf (even tho I’ve never played the games and just can’t get myself to read the books. (By now I have read the first Fazbear frights graphic novel version of the book and I am trying not read the other Fazbear frights graphic novel’s))
I have a fnaf oc named fifi
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resonantly got a au blog @five-nights-at-foxys-au if u want to check it out
I’m in 7th grade so yeah
The iPad im using belongs to my school so im not going to be here in summer sadly but I will answer all my asks I get when I’m back
I have ADHD Inattentive and distractible type. I also have anxiety and apparently I have depression, I don’t believe the depression.
all my rp/ask blog’s I have
so I 1st got my mangle blog @ask-mangle-the-sad-one
then my Toy Bonnie one @ask-toy-bonnie-something
then I got my Bon-Bon blog @ask-the-handpuppet-bon-bon
then I got RWQFSFASXC because I cud @ask-rwqfsfasxc
then I got Ballora @ask-ballora-the-ballerina
Then I got my Bonnet @ask-the-handpuppet-bonnet
and glamrock mangle @ask-glamrock-mangle-in-kids-cove (this one will probably be repurposed to another character)
and Toy Freddy @ask-toy-freddy-the-peace-keeper
and Toy Chica @ask-toy-chica-and-im-not-a-mom
and BB JJ and Dee Dee @ask-the-fnaf-balloon-kids
and game Vanessa @ask-vanessa-the-security-gaurd
and Vanny @ask-vanny-the-murderes-rabbit
and Gregory (game’s only) @gregory-da-bears-cub
the blob the mimic and burntrap @the-pizzaplexs-bacement-monsters
Helpy and Helpi @the-helpful-little-bears
Phantom foxy @phantom-foxy-is-a-pirate
fredbear (not gonna spesify that) @bloody-yellow-bear
I also do a little bit of rp on my main blog and I’m pretty happy about the blogs I have rn but I’m considering making a Helpy, because he’s adorable and amazing.
if I’m on one of my other blogs I will refer to my main as Ashley. And Ashley is not my name irl. I just like it
I like making poles.
if any of my blogs are active then I’m active
I don’t care if people stalk my page or spam me, I just like interacting with people. (I’m very sorry if I spam u. i probably just don’t realize it. or I really like your blog)
I will tag the important things that people should know with: very important
and 🍍+🍕=🤢🤮/ I don’t like pineapple on pizza, I refuse to eat pizza with anything on it other then just cheese, I respect all topping choices except pineapple, fruit doesn’t belong on pizza, especially when it’s cooked, the only fruit that should be cooked is specifically when it’s in pie or something like that.
btw I keep editing this post because ether things change or I found a typo.
also there’s now more portals than the one in the mop closet by masersise and more kinds than just time portal.
current hyper fixation: fnaf 2
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I will be making a post when i leave 4 the summer
Btw I resantly got absolutely obsessed with a ship I created. Ship name: shadow toy. its RWQFSFAXC x Toy Bonnie.
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what-if-w0nder · 3 months
The Bloom and Doom Conspiracy AU
Hello! Guess who was bored and decided to make a PVZ GW/BFN AU based on the mysterious Bloom and Doom Seed Co! A company mentioned once, but never again.
AU Description:
In the heat of battle, a plant and zombie fall into the depths of a laboratory, hidden deep within the abandoned factory of Bloom & Doom Seed Co. Together, while upholding a "temporary" truce, they must work together to find a way out of this place as they discover top secret documents, find failed lobotomies, and learn about the horrific byproducts of Zombotany. Will they make it out alive? And if the do, should they let these secrets stay dead? or should they use it as the key to finally end the war between them, and the mad scientist that started it all?
General Info under the cut!
Warning: Long post ahead! This post is not for those with the attention spans of ipad children, you have been warned!
✨ General Info:
- The plants/zombies aren't mass produced like in BFN/GW so there's only one of each plant/zombie to avoid confusion (except the NPC zombies/plants, there's only one of each of the plant/zombie characters in this AU)
- This AU begins after the events of PVZ1, and immediately fast forwards to the events of BFN. So there's no time travel shenanigans (and no gnomes) and Penny is just a really smart RV, no longer a time traveling one.
- Mo (from PVZ3) is also here. Yep, our favorite mower behind the slaughter exists unfortunately. He's kind of on not so good terms with the plants, especially with his history of (unintentional) seedling murder, attempted murder of Twister (yes she's here too) before changing his mind.
- The zombies are also aren't actually evil, or out to eat everyone's brains, they've just been brainwashed (hehe, pun intended) to follow Zomboss' orders without question.
📖 The Story:
To kickstart the events of this AU, Crazy Dave goes out for a walk and never returns. His saucepan hat was found near the abandoned Bloom & Doom Seed Co. factory, but no body is found.
Even then, the plants assume the worst happened.
Word quickly got to Zomboss, (cause he has eyes and ears everywhere) who celebrates cause one of the things that was holding him back from taking over the world is now gone, and half of the first phase of his plan is finally complete. The only thing he needs to do now is get rid of those pesky plants, and maybe eat some pop-smarts while he's at it.
The events of BFN happen as per usual, the citizens of Neighborville are evacuated. The streets are now only inhabited by the typical browncoats, and dandelions, and sometimes stray animals.
Penny the (no longer time traveling and just smart and sentient) RV, is tasked with taking care of Nate and Patrice, alongside Mo who's in charge of mulching any intruders that come too close to Penny.
Twister is here for emotional support, both for Patrice, and Mo(because they're besties), but not Nate because Nate has his pizza, and it's all that he needs really.
Unfortunately for The Plants, Patrice hates being told what to do. So being the rebellious teenage girl she is, she hijacked and disabled Penny's protocols, grabbed Mo, and snuck into Neighborville to find her uncle herself, maybe even stopping for some ice cream. (Penny can also still fly btw, she may not be able to time travel but who said she can't fly?)
Anyway, the REAL story begins when Sunflower and Scientist, in the absolute heat of battle and unironically in the absolute heat in the hundred degree Celsius or Fahrenheit weather, end up fighting their way into the abandoned Bloom and Doom Seed Co. factory.
Shenanigans here, and shenanigans there, and the two fight until Sunflower manages to corner Scientist into a rusty broken down elevator, which suddenly breaks under their combined weight, sending them both plummeting down to the depths of the forgotten factory.
They still fight down there anywho, despite their severe injuries from the fall. It's more of a petty fight than a serious one because they're both too weak to use their abilities/weapons.
Think of it as two children just slapping eachother and fighting, but it's a full grown undead man and a giant sunflower with a smiley face.
Anyway, after a while Sunflower and Scientist go their separate ways and try to find a way to climb out of here, or call for help, only to figure out that they are miles from the surface and essentially trapped under here with their worst enemy.
They then, after a lot more fighting, they, begrudgingly, work out a *temporary* truce. They will both work together to find a way back up, and once that's over it's back to strangling eachother to the death. Or undeath? To the second death I guess??
to the double death??
Unbeknownst to them, there is more to this laboratory than meets the eye, and not only that, but it's all eerily familiar to both Scientist and Sunflower, nostalgic even, and yet they both don't remember a thing about this place.
On the surface, both sides are frantically searching for them both, the still waging war gets worse as the two sides think the other has kidnapped the missing plant/zombie.
Woah, you made it this far? Thank you!! I hope you enjoyed my AU!!
Asks are open! Gimme your questions, comments, or whatever you like!! <3 I would love to receive asks!!
K, that's all, BYEE!! ✌️
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melsstar · 1 year
Love You - Megumi
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No sleep for the wicked. You know that sentence, don't you? Countless nights you spent tossing and turning and didn't know why.
Your evil, people like you deserve to rot in hell. There's no spot on earth for things like you.
The day you die will be the day people around the world will weep with joy. The heaven angels will sing their songs as you get casted down upon the layers of hell.
That special day is not close enough sadly. But you'll know. You'll hear the drums of death get closer and closer with each step you take.
Your mother will be filled with immense sorrow as the last thing your broken eyes take in is your father looking down at you with hate.
And as you black out the voices of everyone you hurt will haunt you as they pull and tear at your body and mind.
It'll feel like a thousand years till you finally get the relief you've been yearning for. Only for-
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Feeling a shove as your eyes snapped open. The dark room welcomed you as the moon peeked through the curtains.
"You've been kicking my side for the longest. Told you if we're gonna do that I could've gotten you yer own bed."
You sat up looking at where the voice was coming from, seeing your brother rubbing his side.
The moon seemed to hit him perfectly, lighting up his face somewhat so you could see how irritated he was. His spiky hair was as stiff as ever.
Staring at him a smile creeps onto your face.
"Your such a baby 'Gumi. I don't even kick that hard." Rolling your eyes as his blue/greenish eyes looked at you in disbelief.
"You kick like a 50-year-old man y/n." "Nun uh! If anyone is a 50-year-old man it's you!" You snapped back.
"Especially with the way you walk. You walk like you have back issues." Megumi let out a quick playful "hm" before slamming a pillow into your face.
"Just go back to sleep." He said as he turned over on his side.
Snatching the pillow off of your face as you faced his back. You giggled as you climbed onto his side, "I'm not tired no more though!" You whined
You felt him sigh, his arm reaching over to the nightstand, grabbing the iPad from the charger.
"Here," tossing it in your hands before shrugging you off him. The cold white sheets welcoming you back into its embrace.
You lifted the iPad, the black screen casting a reflection of your face. A frown formed on your face as silence filled the air.
"Megumi?" You said as he hummed in response "When I die I wanna be buried far far away."
He said nothing as you turned your head towards him. He tensed up, "You hear me? And I want it to be somewhere tropical too! And instead of a grave site, you should-"
Megumi turned over in the bed, his lanky arms wrapping around you as he stared into your soul.
"What did I tell you about talking like that." He said sternly. "There's no need to be planning it out this early."
You could tell he was upset, " I mean-" "I mean nothing. Yer not gonna die anytime soon, not as long I'm here."
He pulled the blanket more on your side, making sure you were comfortable. "Now go to sleep." He grumbled as you snickered finally closing your eyes.
"I have those dreams ya know? They tell me about everything, and they sometimes scare me," you choked up trying to stop the tears from bubbling up.
"There's nothing I can do to stop it 'Gumi. I hear them get closer and closer every day. I just wanna be normal like you."
His thumb wiped your tears away, "it's not gonna happen y/n. Some dreams don't come true, and I promise this one won't. Everything will be okay."
A fleeting kiss pressed on your temple before he pulled you in closer rubbing your back, lulling you to sleep.
Minutes to hours would pass before Megumi would find himself dozing off once again.
He would be lying if he didn't have dreams of your death. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop it you were already chosen.
Sighing, he pressed one more kiss to your temple, whispering three little words.
"I love you."
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shiveringgroovy · 6 months
WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER DOES EVERYONE USE ipads/tablets are allowed im extending this to like phones and stuff i've just decided
errrm HEHEHE !! gonna do my favs for this :3
not a big computer guy. probably has a fuckass nokia phone and has hit computers with golf clubs before.
haskill gives him a tablet to watch shitty youtube videos on
i know he fucks with really bad yt shorts
probably invented them tbh
has a phone and that's about it
uses agency computers for work and kinda hates operating them (they also kinda suck so yk)
Sotha Sil
like 500 monitors and LEDs and a see-through tower and a fucking gaming chair
blender king
probably built it all himself
he's insane
the electric bill is through the roof.
Fyodor (i actually despise him but it's funny)
so he canonically has the worst most diabolical evil fucked up setup known to MAN please get him to touch some grass i'm begging you
freaky ass medieval peasant that introduced HIMSELF to goreshit
discord is running somewhere there. trust me
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Relmyna Verenim (did you guys know i like her)
also has multiple monitors, not as many as sil but yk
probably runs like super slow and she has to resist the urge to snap her monitors in half every time she tries to open up any program
minecraft girlie (i also hc her as trans she's very loser scientist transfem coded)
she spends most of her time in the field but she likes her computers to write down her stuff
has a tablet and a phone
uses them sparingly, but talks to ranpo a lot over texts
has the newest phone models. always buys them instantly.
they're a prick
probably has a fucking typewriter rather than a computer because he's pretentious
has a tablet and a phone, uses them much more often than yosano
he seems like he prefers to read on screens than books imo
it also makes more sense, he doesn't like carrying a bunch of stuff around so having a tablet would be convenient
will text people while sitting directly across from them
Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth
has a flip phone and that's it
bc he's blind, he's not a fan of technology all that much, but uses screen readers and speaks to type.
more of a phone guy!!
has cut a laptop in half before
doesn't believe in computers
also doesn't believe in computers
Lucien Lachance
owns a laptop but never uses it
written mail type of guy
would go apeshit on a tablet.
probably a really big art fan, so really uses them for drawing and games and stuff
someone introduce this kid to a pc with a drawing pad
also loves music, would be the only normal technology user on this list istg
owns something for every situation
nothing too fancy tbh
has a home pc, a laptop, a phone, and a tablet
uses them all for his job and has them all labelled and everything
has games on his phone for sheogorath
Ivan Goncharov
it's cause you're always on that damn rock
hates typing with every fiber of his being
smashes shit. has absolutely crushed pushkin's phone before and pushkin almost shot him
uses laptops and pcs out of necessity, uses walkie-talkies for communications because he just likes them
biggest spreadsheet fan of all time
has a laptop that flips into a tablet
she loves organizing things and presenting them to the rest of the dark brotherhood
they don't listen to the immense power of a girl with a spreadsheet. like fools.
mp3 player or a phone just for music purposes
pays for every music subscription known to man
last.fm ass bitch
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
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Submission 51
Balloon Boy is a good character and does not deserve hate.
I would like to be very vulnerable despite my anonymity and put forward a letter of sorts I wrote to the FNAF community when I was around 13-14 years old and even less medicated than I am now. I never posted this letter anywhere and it has sat in an old kids' PDF book creator app on my iPad for almost ten years. It's cringe. It's dumb. I was frustrated with a community I was hardly a part of. But even today I still don't think Balloon Boy is as terrible as the fandom made (and still makes) him out to be. Maybe I'm just more resistant to repetitive sounds, I dunno. He was a major comfort character for me, for whatever reason, so I must confess my continued bias. The following is that weird manifesto I wrote in a "fit of annoyance."
And I quote,
"A message to all Balloon Boy haters: We're the ones that know true sympathy. Of course, there ARE the ones who are truly evil, but then there are the ones that did not realize their wrong until it was too late. You, my fellow FNAF lovers, still have much to learn... Sure, you can say that you are not fond of a certain object, place or person, a noun, but that does not mean that you must tell the world in great detail. Saying it once or twice, okay, now the ones you've told know you don't like who, what or where. But if you keep bringing it up, that can lead to loneliness. Abandonment even. We all have our differences. This is true, and I respect all of that. But just because there's a divide doesn't necessarily make us different. We all have opinions. But just because it's your opinion doesn't make it a universal fact. Respect the other peoples opinions. 'WHAT???!! How can you like that??!!!' Try not to ask questions like that with so much intensity. A simple 'Why?' can suffice. Don't go into detail. Once you learn the reasons of the opinion, then maybe you can understand our sympathy.
It's not just because he's 'cute' or whatever. Think of if he had feelings. Sure, you can say 'But he's just a fictional character! Stop sympathizing!' but that would rule out your opinion too. By saying we cannot sympathize because he is not a real person, you basically have to cancel out any emotion directed toward him except neutrality BECAUSE YOU JUST SAID HE IS FICTIONAL. If he is truly fictional, then we cannot have any type of feelings whatsoever towards him, whether love or hate. Everyone has their faults. Just because someone is annoying does not mean they are evil and the devil. Being annoying isn't really evil. Think if he was the actual one to kill you. Sure, they could be intentionally annoying just to irritate someone, and do it a lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are evil. I respect everyone's opinion, and I am not aiming to convert everyone to respecting BB, but at least give him some credit. He does his job, doesn't he? If you hate him, alright, that's fine, but it's not very courteous or friendly to make a big deal of it and shun us BB lovers. Your opinions are opinions, not facts. I will admit, BB can be annoying, but at least feel sympathy a little and respect everyone's different opinion. Also, just because I view stuff where BB is considered 'part of the illuminati' or 'the enragement child' doesn't mean I'm a BB hater myself. I take those remarks as JOKES. Even if I'm wrong, I make it seem to myself that those people aren't hating Balloon Boy, they just found aspects of him to fit into certain jokes that would be considered humorous.
Thank you."
Obviously I was incredibly dramatic. I was waxing poetic to hundreds of thousands of people who would never read my words. I don't think it would have changed anything in the fandom and I probably would have been kys'd off the internet, so it's probably good I didn't post it anywhere. I didn't even have any proper social media past Google+ at the time anyway. Do I still agree with my younger self? For the most part, yeah! Their wording left something to be desired, obviously. I don't think "We're the ones that know true sympathy," is all that impactful even if it sounds fancy. It's just fandom drama, younger me. I wasn't wrong, though! The hate towards Balloon Boy due to his game mechanic and annoying laugh was incredibly blown out of proportion. In FNAF fandom culture at the time he was almost only ever characterized as The Worst Child Ever(tm) and bullied to all hell even though his characterization was next to none...just like every other animatronic, really. Maybe that's just a general fandom problem, but I digress. He could have still been the annoying kid without becoming the antichrist or whatever.
Balloon Boy is a cute little kid who happens to be a troublemaker, basically. That's all he is. Maybe calm down and lessen up on animating Freddy smashing this poor kid's head into the wall in SFM, I dunno.
Sorry it took so long for me to post this. I know it takes guts to be vulnerable on the internet, even anonymously <3
Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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seconddoubt · 2 years
the worst part is that all or most of the above are true and yet I sympathize with the bastard on levels that makes me have to face sides of myself I wish weren't there, how from all his writing it's so apparent that he wanted to be good, he wanted to improve, he wanted the essence of his being to be one of love and understanding and a mind open to the universal connectivity but it seemed every time he was on a journey of self reflection he chickened out, too afraid of facing uncomfortable truths and having to give up control, that he never actually breached the surface in a meaningful way, just drew conclusions that still left his most vulnerable parts untouched, he had spent too much of his life creating defense mechanisms like keeping everyone at an arm's length or hurting someone before they could hurt him, self destructing so that the destruction was still within his control, before it turned out something he cared deeply about didn't work. it's easier to be hated for acting the bastard, the villain, then risking the true you being hated, you couldn't take that, you're scared and vulnerable and afraid because maybe it really is so, maybe even the you at the core, shed of all ego, is still unworthy of love, is actually rotten and twisted? you cannot take it, you cannot. you choose the doomed path because you know where it ends.
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swagmother · 1 year
Alright, here comes 10+ movie reviews from some miscellaneous week in March that I guess I was particularly compelled to watch multiple erotic things, feel free to scroll by very quickly and ignore me forever :
Secretary: it was alright…. Empowering in ways some might say but also sexual but not necessarily because it also begs the question: what is …. Sex(y)??? No one will ever know…. :[
All Ladies Do It: This was definitely sexual and also a solid 3/5 at a generous most, I think most people like butts so if you yourself are a butt enthusiast you’d probably have no qualms watching this
Couples Retreat: Awful…. Vince Vaughn is incidentally the inventor of guitar hero in this but it’s really just about how you should preserve bad relationships, Get this out of my face
Never Been Kissed: Another awful movie! It certainly had potential initially but things started getting exceedingly worse extremely fast, this movie does not see anything wrong with a high school teacher being attracted to a supposed 16 year old, and when it’s revealed Drew Barrymore actually isn’t 16 and is an undercover reporter, he’s like “you LIED, how could you….” Buddy…. Wow
All My Friends Hate Me: this one was pretty alright, if you have an anxiety disorder and watch this you will probably be really upset after because it turns out your friends actually do hate you and you’ve been a big pathetic narcissistic loser your whole life!!! And if they don’t think that yet, your anxiety will definitely make them feel that way soon…. That’s the moral of the story
Violent Cop: true to its name, this is about a cop who certainly has an adjective of sorts. I think this also was pretty alright, I really enjoyed the direction and cinematography which I expected because those qualities (among others) were also very strong in the previous Takeshi Kitano films I’ve seen! I do think this was my least favorite of his so far though, the SA stuff felt a little unnecessary in my opinion, plot was alright
The Boondocks Saints: I think I may have seen this at some point during highschool but if so I certainly didn’t remember. This just felt like a ginormous Tarantino rip off but it was still good ish…. Willem Defoe of course was amazing, that uhh goon for the mafia with the long hair was pretty funny… other than that I kinda hated it tbh I lied before sorry
The Worst Person in the World: I feel like i don’t have that much to say about this one but I really enjoyed it. It was just a really good movie with much pain and humor as well, i would recommend it….
In the Realm of the Senses: big sex movie, it was way more fucked up than I had anticipated and I even saw things that I uhhh I don’t know I was kinda uncomfortable! That’s all I have to say
Antichrist: big sex movie, it was way less fucked up than I had anticipated but it was still fucked up… I had been meaning to watch this for years and it did not disappoint, like I’ve been saying since the day I was born: live spelt backwards….. is evil
Ravenous: this was a good cannibal movie, and I don’t mean just like “good” but I mean it is so good its the first time I watched a cannibal movie and I was like hmmm I should definitely send my cells to get synthesized into meat as soon as it is accessible to the public so I can eat myself and make my friends eat me too and then they can get their own synthesized meat and I’ll eat them too and it will be extremely chill times
Force Majeure: if i was the wife I would’ve uhhh…. I don’t know I think just doing anything would be better than staying with this big loser…. The kids are super toxic as well and giving very bad vibes, she certainly needs to cut ties with those toxic ipad children and Mr. Loser like imagine going on a skiing trip with this gaggle of goons and you think you’re about to die from an avalanche and your husband abandons you and your children but it was a false alarm and everyone’s fine and your husband is like “haha that was close good thing I was right there next to you guys the whole time” and then he whines and cries about being a big loser the whole rest of the trip
Shotgun wedding: it was fine
The Hunt: this was also fine
Dogtooth: this was great and also really fucked up I would absolutely recommend it
Maniac: this was… I have mixed feelings about this… I think Elijah wood does a pretty good job at acting which is a really good skill to have when you act for a career. There were also some cool gore moments/practical effects but not many overall, this take on a first person pov was…. Interesting
The Stunt Woman: I thought this was good! I really enjoyed watching it, Michele Yeoh is extremely cool and it was a touching movie…
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courtneysmovieblog · 5 months
Mini Reviews: "The Idea of You" and "Anyone But You"
Like most of you, I streamed Unfrosted and The Idea of You this weekend. I also finally watched some of the most talked about movies from last year and even this year, and they were...interesting, though not all my cup of tea.
The Nice Guys: I can't believe it took me this long to watch it. Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling were gold together in this neo-noir comedy. Now I'm more interested in seeing The Fall Guy.
Come Play: Ironic that 2020 had a movie about an evil spirit haunting iPads and smart phones. Not even screentime is sacred to the horror genre.
Migration: Cute cartoon about ducks flying south for the winter. And I have to say it: if I had a nickel for 2023 family films where Awkwafina played a bird who had a sidekick with a Jamaican accent, I'd two nickels, which isn't much, but it's weird it happened twice.
Anyone But You: I'm sorry, what was all the fuss about? I don't really care for Glen Powell or Sydney Sweeney. This was no different than the romcoms that go directly to Netflix...except some of those movies were actually good. It didn't help I HATE "Unwritten."
Poor Things: Well, I finally watched it. Emma Stone definitely earned that Oscar. The movie itself I didn't like. I'm not a prude, but did we really need all that nudity and sex?! It just feels icky when that Bella basically has a mind of a child, despite her evolution. Sometimes, it almost felt like I was watching Blonde again.
Miller's Girl: Speaking of exploitative, YIKES. This really tried to talk out of both sides of its mouth, portraying Jenna Ortega's student as a sociopath femme fatale and Martin Freeman's teacher as the victim (even though it's very clear he does cross some boundaries). Skip this one, it's not worth the controversy.
Argylle: While this film is definitely over-the-top and ridiculous, it wasn't completely terrible. Henry Cavill shines in even the crappiest movie; his mullet look at the end was priceless.
The Idea of You: For something that was supposedly Harry Styles fan fiction, this was enjoyable. It did piss me off how much crap Anne Hathaway's character gets from everyone for dating a younger man/pop star. He was 24 and she's 40. Both are consenting adults, and yet they basically call her a predator! Ugh. People are truly awful.
Unfrosted: Yes, it was ridiculous and it's worth it just to see Hugh Grant chew the scenery.
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vidawhump · 7 months
hahaha alright how do you sweet talk teachers i need to know
The most influential factor of sweet-talking teachers comes from your overall reputation in a school and with specific teachers. If you have a reputation for not turning in work on time and not caring about it, and for not putting in effort for anything, it’s gonna be really hard to sweet-talk your teachers outside of specific super dramatic situations. If you have a generally positive reputation, getting what you need with them is going to be a lot easier.
Personally, I have a long-standing reputation for overachieving and getting relatively consistent straight As. This reputation is secured between several teachers through several panicked discussions of anything less than an A. And before every test or exam, I consistently end up asking if there are extra credit questions. Not out of an effort to not fail, but for the chance to get higher than 100% (or to barely scrape my sorry ass out of an A-.) In other words, I have a reputation for sucking up to the teachers (because I can’t socialize with my classmates for the life of me) and for being, and I quote, “a creative kid who gets her stuff done. Gifted, but has some attention span issues.” Can you smell the gifted kid burnout + unmedicated ADHD + undiagnosed autism wafting off of me? /lh
Lying on the spot, and lying in general, is a surefire way to wreck whatever plan you’re cracking. Try to keep the sweet talking restrained to the teachers you have a tight and positive relationship with. They’re the most likely to give you extensions, extra help, etc. Back to lying on the spot specifically, solidify any plans for the time before you have to talk to that teacher specifically. Make sure whatever plans you make fit your circumstances and that they’re believable for the most part. Run through any possible scenarios and outcomes and how you’ll respond to them. If you have to lie at all, keep them to small white lies. If you planning on telling one teacher that you forgot, for example, your laptop at home, so you can’t show them the work you did online, you need to make sure to either actually leave your laptop at home, or keep it hidden in your locker/book bag and make sure nobody sees it. This means other students and teachers. Enough students are snitches to cause problems, and the teachers talk all the time. (AN: Don’t snitch on other students to get in goodwill with teachers. A positive reputation also includes other students. Sweet talking and sucking up to teachers doesn’t involve being a teacher’s pet and a snitch.)
For one specific example, my class was assigned a biology essay and had a week, including class time and a four-day weekend, to do it. This sounds like a lot of time to get the essay done, and I probably would have been able to if I had the executive function to get started on research. But obviously, I didn’t, and here we are, on the due date, and I’ve barely looked at the requirements for the essay. Specific circumstances were the main factor in this situation. The schedules had been weird for the past month or so, and it was starting to take its toll. But track had also started the Monday before it was due, and my everything is still sore. And the iPad keyboards are evil and hate everyone. I made sure to have a conversation with my Biology teacher about this the day before it was due, to plant the idea in their head that I was having technical issues with my iPad. He also agrees that schoolwide iPads were a stupid move. During my Biology period, when they asked if everyone had turned their essay in, I told them that a bunch of unfortunate situations had stacked up onto this one week. They told me that I was good and to just get it in as soon as I could. But that still means I have to write the essay :/
Most of it boils down to your reputation, your relationship with the teachers, and your circumstances. Try not to do this too often, the teachers pick it up really fast. :) 👍
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tinylittlecubby · 9 months
I just had the WEIRDEST fucking dream about jj like?????????????????
Okay it was tied into another dream cause thats how dreams work but that part isn't important (I will say that someone was wearing 2 bags of frozen vegetables like they were dresses and yes there were still vegetables in the bags and yes they did get in trouble) but anyway!!! It changes to some brawl in the parking lot of someone's business and everyone needs to get the fuck out (but it was like a bunch of children and some adults I do not know why I was there or any other of the adults. I think the kids were trying to do some legit property damage so the adults were trying to stop them?) So jj (in a tesla for some reason I feel like THAT was unrealistic) drives me and him away from the scene but bro this nigga was SPEEDING!!!! Like got the attention of the police speeding. Like two other cars did aggressive u turns to avoid him speeding!! I literally started hyperventilating cause I HATE when people speed (specifically men, women scare me less when they speed in a car so my reaction is realistic) I tell jj to pull into a busy mall parking lot so we blend in with the rest of the cars and that somehow works. We are now just sitting in the car and I start talking about our relationship (didnt know we were involved but we roll) and I said "I'm scared you're going to hurt me" (yo I FELT SO for real vulnerable saying that in the dream it felt so real im never dating irl I woke up pissed off) and HE GOT POUTY AND UPSET 😡 he said "oh because we are getting more serious you are getting worried about these things" (first of all bitch! I have clinical paranoia issues and anxiety okay I've done been worried about this and 2 I can feel however I want to feel at any point in time and 3 you LITCHERALLY just out ran the police okay I do NOT find that hot its only hot when I do it,its irresponsible when other people do it. Unfortunately I did not say any of this in the dream.) What I said in response was essentially that "im not worried about you hurting me with your hands or words -even though fucking high key his reaction fucking pissed me off which is a type of hurt but I digress- which only leaves one type of you hurting me left and that is physically losing you. Like you dying" and then we started talking about it and he tried to break the tension by making a comment that I wont write here because I feel like its a comment that I shouldn't even be dreaming about (its enough im dreaming about the nigga but im not trying to read his life like that either) and during this i saw my older sister in the parking lot with her friends????? And then she saw me????? And then she came over and was like "haha ******* is with a guy romantically!" And honestly to that I say based,she was valid in that reaction cause outside of this dream thats never going to happen intentionally!! I will make sure of that!! But yeah thats pretty much where the dream ends but it was weird as fuck and whats sticking out to me is how pouty he got when I was vulnerable I felt like saying "fuck you!! I'm out" I was absolutely anticipating him being like "omg honey what have I done for you to think that oh no nono" but instead I had to pivot. I know in real life I would've gotten out the car and been like "yknow what bye boi im walking home have fun speeding in your iPad car" but I felt feelings for him???? Fucking gross. Not gross cause of who he is,he is an extremely attractive man in real life and I would most likely,like 98% break most of my rules for him in real life BUT it was just so antithetical to his public persona his reaction (but then again I dont know the man so it could've been actually spot on) honestly the first red flag that it was evil jj was the speeding away from the police,don't think he would do that irl. Anyway anyway anyway this is what you get when you stay up all night listening to the podcast amongstotherthingsthatilegallycannotdisclose
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coll3 · 3 years
I don’t have my Ipad so ✨random headcanons✨ time
Spoilers up to season 9(?) possibly-
(I’m dyslexic so I apologize for any spelling errors and stuff)
• He really likes to listen to Mitski, it gives him a sort of nostalgic comfort which he can cry to or just listen to when he isn’t feeling the best.
• Once Zanes’ father passed he decided to remake his old home into a resting area from himself where he just can read or just sit if he ever feels lonely because it makes him feel like his father is still with him.
• He keeps little pieces of paper with him that has information about all his friends just in case he some how forgets them again.
• Zane likes the smell of lavender. It can easily calm him and he always keep a little piece of lavender on him for stress reasons.
• He’s a big fan of bo burnhams music. He may not agree with the meanings in some of the songs but they are always a great way for him to get his creativity going.
• He used to play drums when he was little and was surprisingly good at them but never liked them himself. He still keeps the drum sticks he used as a child even if he never really liked the instrument.
• Cole has to hold something has to hold something while he sleep or he won’t be able to fall asleep comfortably so he bought himself a stuffie but makes sure to hide it from everyone because he doesn’t want to be made fun of. (even though he makes fun jay for having one too 🙄)
• Since he is so sensitive to loud noises he needs to listen to calming noises like the sounds of rain or the ocean if it’s really loud or else he may start crying. (The other ninjas helped buy some noise canceling headphones for his birthday since they were concerned about his ears.)
• Whenever Jay feels a strong emotion he hits his wrists together and/or kicks his feet. He also does some other things like when he’s really embarrassed he will slap his thigh really hard.
• He wears A LOT of big baggy clothing cause it makes him feel like he’s constantly being hugged.
• Jay really dislikes mirrors because he’s really self conscious of his face and body so he usually has some one do his hair and just basically get ready for the day with him. (Kai is usually the one who helps since he’s really good at styling his own hair so might as well help out a friend you know?)
• For being the master of fire he doesn’t have a good spice tolerance actually. He may be able to handle fire but when it comes to spicy stuff it just seems to overwhelm him.
• After he found his mother and father the first thing he really wanted to do with them was to play games together that he would of been able to play with his parents and not just his sister if they hadn’t been taken.
• Kai and Nya also go to have a cup of coffee Wednesday morning no matter what is happing to catch up with each other’s lives. Even if they live together a little along time to catch up is always nice and they always enjoy it.
• Kai is afraid of quite a lot of things but one of the main things he hates is the dark. He always thinks that something is gonna take him when he turns off the lights so he lights candles right before he goes to bed which also make him relax easier.
• She likes to cut her own hair. She always cut it since she was a child and she got really good at it by styling and cutting kai’s hair when he need it.
• Nya never really liked Lloyd when he was first introduced. She never liked kids that much and Lloyd fit into the category of ‘unlikeable kids’ for her. Soon though he start to grow on her, he reminded her of her younger since she never really got to know her parents as well as a kid. She started hanging out with him more and even became sort of a mother figure for him.
• Nya and Zane are the mom friends of the group so they tend to get along very well. They talk over tea ever so often when they are able to break away from the others. (They need the tea time it’s probably hell trying to keep the other three out of trouble)
•(this relates to the Nya headcanon involving Lloyd) Lloyd sometimes by habit calls Nya his mother since she took care of him a lot as a kid. Whenever this happens they both just laugh over it.
• Lloyd likes to visit the museum of villains to specifically apologize to some of the villains he defeated because he wonders if there was something he could of done anything to help them. Whether it could of been before or after they became a villain he still wish he could of helped some of them. (Cough cough, Morro and Harumi)
• Since Lloyd never knew his father well he occasionally asks Wu what he was like when he wasn’t evil or stories of their childhood. Even if Wu repeats some of the stories that he told Lloyd, Lloyd doesn’t mind cause it makes him happy.
• Lloyd likes to paint. He picked it up as a hobby when Wu disappeared since he was very stressed and overwhelmed that he lost the last bit of family. It calmed him even though he wasn’t always the best at it and he kept the hobby even after finding Wu since it was a stress reliever and he enjoyed doing it.
No I didn’t forget to post this-
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