#Song writing
alchemistmelody · 2 months
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underfaithangelz · 3 months
Introducing Passive Nightmares song! The name was decided on with the help of “VC Record”, one of my VA project directors on YouTube!! Anyways I’m hoping you all enjoy this song! Full set of Lyrics is provided along with the Ukulele Chords used :) Thank you all for the overwhelming support <333
The people tagged are people I think showed interest/or wanted to be tagged ^^ @borisboring @thelunarsystemwrites
DM, F, A, C
I haven’t done
Any-thing to deserve this
Divine being of light
Why’d I earn this?
I’m doing my duty as a child of nim
I’m doing the exact same as him.
Yet I’m the one who’s
Evil and soulless
Don’t bother asking me
What my worth is
Am I worth it?
I am but a boy
You can’t expect me to carry your weight in gold
Can’t do it yourself, yet don’t want my help, this is getting old
I may be known as vile
A greedy selfish unworthy child
But I didn’t do anything wrong, anything wrong
I’m just doing my job
Protecting the tree
Stay away from me
Doing what I’m fated for
This is what I was created for
I don’t want to fight
That’s not what I’m like
What could I have done
What have I done
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aloeverawrites · 5 months
Writing for Rafah
I'm doing sensitivity readings, beta readings, fanfic commissions, lyric/poem writing, character playlists, and image description writing in exchange for donations to Maryam’s family and newborn (Urgent) , Fatima’s family and their newborn or to Ibrahim and his family.
(Update: Ibrahim and his family have made it out of Rafah and now need financial security in Egypt. Fatima’s family has yet to make it out of Rafah. Update 2: Fatima’s family has reached their goal but we’ve yet to hear another update from them. )
If you find another gofundme for someone in Palestine that you'd like to donate to I'll accept donations for that as well. I recommend looking at the operation olive branch document to find gofundmes to donate to.
The details for these commissions are below.
Sensitivity readings:
I can read for people looking to portray trans men, autistics, bi aces and biracial black people. Contact me to ask if you have something else you'd like me to read for as not everything is mentioned here.
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Beta reading:
I can offer basic editing like spelling and grammar.
€ 1 for 2,000 words.
Song or poem writing:
You can give me a few words as a prompt and I'll write lyrics for a song that can be dedicated to whoever you'd like. If you want to record the song or use it for a story or game feel free to.
€ 0.50 per song which can be about 100-400 words. Same price for poems.
Character playlists:
€ 1.00 per playlist. It can be about anything I just thought people might be more interested in playlists for characters- but if you want one on like, the concept of springtime or something I've got you.
Image description:
€ 1.00 for 10 image descriptions. If you only need like 3 then any donation amount above €0.10 is great. This can be helpful if you're a blog that posts a lot of photos.
I don't read/write nsfw. I don't have much experience with this, but I had to do something to help. I have been writing for a long time but I've only published original work. Thank you for reading this, and hope to hear from you. If you're interested dm me or send me an ask.
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wizard-ilove · 10 days
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doja cat for present space magazine
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It's a sparkly starlit night
The resident stargazers come out to look at the shimmering stars above
Couldn't believe that the stars were magnificently dazzling
So dazzling and So sparkling
That couldn't be unseen
Closing my eyes
Underneath the starlight glimmer
Falling into a starry dream
As I fall farther and farther
Feeling the warmness from the brightly lit stars
I slowly opened up my eyes
Waking up in a parallel universe
The world that unfolded before my eyes
Is unbelievable
Wait, Did I see it?
A shimmering silk curtain of stardust
Has opened up
Dispel the darkness with a brilliant shimmer
Seeing stars shimmer in the bright lights
Blinding me in the process
But I couldn't turn away from it
Even if I tried
Put my heart and soul into a wish
I begin to tell my wishes to the stars
They attentively listened to me
Even the smallest details
It's quite impressive
After telling my wishes
The stars begin to light up
Implying that they consider my wishes
Even if it results in some of them
Will come true
All crises on the journey can become a strength
The glimmers can turn into bright lights
Like a shooting star
Even if I get so lonely
At least I have the stars by my side
It's nothing to be afraid of
Things can get rough from time to time
But I'll keep on going
With a smile on my face
Shimmer! Radiance beams
Twinkling! Far beyond the stars
A vibrant melody is tapped into my voice
Every star shining brilliantly
Individually and collectively
Couldn't believe that the stars were magnificently twinkling
So sparkling and So shimmering
That couldn't be unseen
If I close my eyes
That place will call out to me
In the starry sky
The bright lights of the stars
In the constellation
Will shine on
For eternity and beyond
Seeing every one of them shine
Like a twinkly diamond
Dazzling in a milky way (MILKY WAY)
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censorious-asshat · 4 months
I dont know when the focus jumped from singing to songwriting in music artits. Theres suddenly so much talm about their only a good artist if they write their own music. Which is absolutely absurd.
I dont care if you have amazing song writing skills. If you sound bad when you sing, you aren't a singer. There are reasons that people just remain songwriters.
This is especially common in debates like taylor Swift vs. ariana Grande. I dont support either of them, but one of them is clearly a better singer than the other. Arianas vocal range is insane but taylor is supposedly the more talented artist because she's a 'better songwriter', and she writes all her songs by herself.
Firstly, if you write all your songs all by yourself, their going to start sounding the same. Secondly, if the song sounds bad, i dont care if the lyrics are great. Lastly, some of the most famous musical acts in history never wrote all their music by themselves.
The reason so much music nowadays has so many random 'cool and meaningful' lyrics is cause suddenly the value of a good voice is gone from most peoples ears. Bring back actual singers.
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obliviat9e · 28 days
"Todas las pequeñas cosas que haces, me recuerdan por qué me enamoré de ti.
Cuando estamos separados y te echo de menos, cierro mis ojos y todo lo que veo es a ti".
Those eyes-New West
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letsbeflawed · 3 months
ErrorInk Ship Song I wrote bc I ship them so hard
So I wrote this like last year when I was listening to the opening to the anime UnDead UnLuck and I still love it. I don't normally like writing songs but it's so sweet I had to. A friend of mine literally sang it for me and one day I will hire someone to mix and make music for it. Until then here you go :3 Error: 
I see you in an endless dream,
Of broken code and memories,
I know this is reality,
The glitches scream,
The run never ends,
I long to be with you,
But do you remember me?
Ink: My mind barely sees you,
The flush of paint and vivid emptiness,
But I don’t need a soul to know you’re my home,
Maybe together we can fight,
Make something new,
Instead of fragmented dreams, a new AU?
Error: I envy your joy,
The endless love,
But I’m scared to open up,
I’m a demon,
A beast,
I belong nowhere,
Ink: I won’t leave your side,
Through our endless fights,
I have hope we can be more,
I know you’re suffering but we can change things,
You mean everything to me,
You belong with me,
May the strings of destruction destroy our wretched fate,
With your help we can paint a new reality,
Amongst the sea of universes,
Your touch is the only one I long for,
Together we make something better,
We can find determination against the endless odds,
Error: These wretched genocide runs,
Broken worlds crumble before me,
But I just want to be happy,
Do I really deserve joy?
I’m just tired of this loneliness I feel,
Even crowded rooms feel like a jail,
Lets break free from our confines,
Paint our dreams,
Emptiness is just room for possibilities,
I see endless hope with you,
So please don’t leave me,
I’m still here,
I don’t need a heart to always choose you,
Error: I’m more than my means,
My strings can create beautiful realities,
Together we can persevere,
I won’t let my circumstances define me,
I’m more than my suffering,
Together we can be anything,
May the strings of destruction destroy our wretched fate,
With your help we can paint a new reality,
Amongst the sea of universes,
Your touch is the only one I long for,
Together we make something better,
We can find determination against the endless odds
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transcendencepheonix · 2 months
First draft of something I'm working on.
The worst thing is
Not being able to really know
If this is real
If your going to go
I will never be able to love 
Love you like you deserve
I wont be able to love you as I please 
For the thought
For i fear ill love you more
Than you do me
For i fear you will leave me torn 
If i trust you with my heart. 
If i trust you with my heart. 
You could tear it apart, 
So easily
You could tear it apart so
If i trust you with my heart you will destroy me
Any second you could break me
The voice that once comforts 
Can do easily be used to also hurt me
In ways only someone on the inside would know how to
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singonavine71 · 1 year
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Aretha Louise Franklin (/əˈriːθə/ ə-REE-thə; March 25, 1942 – August 16, 2018) was an American singer, songwriter and pianist. Referred to as the "Queen of Soul", she has twice been placed ninth in Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Artists of All Time". With global sales of over 75 million records, Franklin is one of the world's best-selling music artists.
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slowfalter · 11 months
I’m dust on the couch
Melt my body down
Wrap me up in formlessness
Give me dissolution
Crushed into the crowd
I’m a spilled drink at your feet
I’m the supermarket ghost
My body an unwilling host
Gold panning for meaning
My dream catcher’s full of nightmares
I can’t even feel my body
Just buy me some time please
Leave me to dissolve
I don’t want to be alone
But I can’t hold together
Leave me to dissolve
There go all my thoughts
Spinning down the sink
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labeanzsz · 3 months
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underfaithangelz · 2 months
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Both very proud and happy to say that both Dreamtale songs are now out on SoundCloud!!
Dreamtale belongs to @jokublog
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neuralburn · 3 months
You & Me
Her mouth was a fountain of delight 
And so I sail to the kingdom 
Where dreams take flight on moonlight,
And whispers to me freedom 
Her laughter a melody so sweet
Guides me to starry seas
Soothes me soul 
Fuck growing old, it's just you and me 
Just you and me 
Her touch a tender, soothing balm
Through tempest so fierce and so far 
With her my heart is calm 
You saluted me 
Its just you and me 
This boat hits at the waves
I take her to shore 
I don't see her no more 
It's still you and me 
Just you and me
_neural '24
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i call this one, ‘time just passes’
(for everyone who will actually read this, ily <3)
338 words
time won’t heel, like an untrained dog
with a blood covered tongue, and a bird it has caught
time won’t heal, like a wound that will fester
with a shake, and a fever, sick to your centre
broken bones and second chances
broken hearts and second glances
they say ‘time will heal’, but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
time won’t forgive, like a trust that‘s been severed
beat yourself up if it makes you feel better, time is that stone you should weather
time won’t forget, like a wound that will scar
pack up your thoughts and your life, it’s time to be a star
broken bones and second chances
broken hearts and second glances
they say ‘time will heal’, but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
‘time will heal’ but time just passes
breaking promises and a second for your thoughts
breaking consciences and a second to reinforce
that time will heal but time just passes
time will heal but time just passes
time will heal but time just passes
oh i bet you know, you got me good
it couldn’t have been anyone but you
‘cause you were reading me upside down
you made it your goal to know me inside out
(time just passes)
oh did you know me in some other life?
you’ve known me better than i’ve known myself this time
(just passes)
all i’m left to know is time won’t heal
but time still passes/(broken bones and second chances)
time won’t heal, but time still passes/(broken hearts and second glances)
they say time will heal, but time just passes/they say time will heal, but time just passes
time won’t heal (time will heal)
time just passes (time just passes)
time won’t heal, time just passes
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Where a place full of wonderful brightly lit stars
Do you want to open that sparkly starlit door?
If you do
Wonder about the brilliance of resonance
Underneath the shimmery starry glow
A magical place full of wonderful brightly lit stars
Where the stargazers can be their true selves
And everything is magnificently dazzling
Luring those who want to get away from it all
Captivate those who want to be free from the shackles of expectations
Enchanting those who are enticed by the bright lights
Resonating throughout this sparkly wonderland
Seeing the brilliance throughout
Is utterly breathtaking
The utter brightness
It's truly dazzling
The glowing resonance
Is astoundingly magnificent throughout this wonderland
It's a magnificently brilliant world
There's no sense of reality, Just fantasy all day and all night
Sparkle! Shimmer! Twinkle! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
It's a place where everyone's hopes and dreams come to fruition
Entering the brightly lit wonderland
As I guide you through the brightly lit place
Being fascinated by its dazzlingly glow
Being blinded by its bright lights
You just can't...Go back to normal afterward
Even if you want to, You just couldn't anyway
Do you want to open that sparkly starlit door?
If you do
Wonder about the scintillating brilliance
Forgetting all of the unpleasant experiences
Just be in the starlit moment.....With me
Explore the world! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
Remember to cherish the memories that we have
That wouldn't be forgotten
Sparkle! Shimmer! Twinkle! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
Little by little you'll be more like your true self
Explore the world! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
Let's see the world in a brilliant light
And soak it all up!
Sparkle! Shimmer! Twinkle! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
You own your voice
Before you realize
You'll be reborn as a new person with a new perspective
By the time
You're smiling and happy
Without any kind of worries and concerns
It's a magnificently brilliant world
There's no sense of reality, Just fantasy all day and all night
Sparkle! Shimmer! Twinkle! STARLIT WONDERLAND!
It's a place where everyone's hopes and dreams come to fruition
Do you want to go to the STARLIT WONDERLAND with me?
I'll take you there
Do you want to go to the STARLIT WONDERLAND with me?
You can be your true self
Do you want to go to the STARLIT WONDERLAND with me?
Explore the world with a new set of eyes
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