#Sorry to drag y’all into that 😅
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Hey, are you okay? I just read the Legend thing you posted and....hun, you good? Those are...
I of all people know it's easy to express your own feelings through a character (Legend) when you're going through and and I just want to make sure; is that you talking there? Are you okay? Is that your heart talking or are you just really, really good at capturing the thoughts of others?
Well this is embarrassing 😂😅
I’m uh… really good at capturing the thoughts of others. Yeah. 👍🏻
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luvjunie · 1 year
— Unforgettable ( 1 )
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part one • part two • part three • part four
pairing: e-1610!miles morales x fem!reader
contains: miles rizzing you up after knowing you for two seconds, a beef patty changing the entire course of trajectory for your life. nothing too major
summary: a bump in with a certain boy at the bodega threatens to ruin your previously perfect afternoon until he offers to fix it. you assumed things would end there, and then you ran into him again. wc: 1,634
a/n: this was originally going to be one long fic but i decided to split it up, and i’m estimating around four, maybe five chapters in total. also, chapter one is cute but i thought i should let y’all know that two of them will contain some angst/conflict! this is the first series i’ve ever written so it won’t be the best, and i’m still deciding if i like how i mapped out the rest of the story so please bear with me if updates are a tad irregular 😅
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To think, a damn beef patty is what started it all.
A beef patty that had tumbled out of your hands, down the sweater you’d just taken to the laundromat— your favorite one, at that— and onto the dirty bodega floor when a hard surface came in contact with you on your way to leave.
“Oh shit—“
“Jeez, what the hell man!”
You lunch gone and your good mood with it, your head lifted a great distance from the murder scene at your feet to meet the apologetic face of who had committed this unjust crime against your rumbling stomach.
“I am so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going…” The boy in front of you murmured sheepishly, palm dragging at the back of his neck.
Lips pursed, your forefinger and thumb pinched at the bridge of your nose as you willed yourself to refrain from cursing him out. New york already had enough of that, you decided as he continued apologizing.
“It’s my fault. I bumped into you, it’s fine.” you grumbled curtly, clearly irked. Shifting the blame onto yourself was your best attempt at keeping your anger at bay. The last thing you wanted to do was cut up in this nice man’s shop, especially not on a Sunday.
With a heavy sigh and a scratch to your brow, you crouched down and swiftly scooped the discarded meal off the floor with a napkin. Great, money down the drain.
“Let me buy you another one.” He said to the top of your green adidas beanie, palms pushed together to accompany his plea.
“No need.”
“I really wanna buy you another one.”
You shot up and tossed the remnants into the trash, your frustration evident in how much forced you used. “Dude, it’s—“
“I’m buying you another one.” he insisted, chin raising when he hollered at the clerk. “Yo, Lenny, lemme get another beef patty, man.”
He shuffled past you before you could decline again, the man behind the counter already sliding a fresh one past the register after having witnessed the run in.
You stared at the back of this stranger, brows furrowed incredulously. He was nice, which was unusual for someone in this city, so your innate response was to be annoyed at his persistence. People were always bumping into you and ruining your day, but no one had ever offered to fix it before.
“That’s the last one I got for the day, Miles.” Lenny, the owner of the shop informed apologetically, his Jamaican accent heavy on his tongue. He knew the boy usually came into his store around this hour for one thing, and it was always for one of his beef patties.
“It’s cool, don’t sweat it.” Waving him off, Miles slapped the cash down onto the counter and snatched the pastry up.
“Here,” He turned to you just as you were brushing your hands off onto your dark-wash jeans, breath held with what he hoped would be a peace-offering, extended out to you. “I’m sorry, again.”
You looked up at him, then back down at the patty in his hand before you gently accepted it, the pads of your fingers lingering in his palm when you did so.
“Thank you,..” trailing off, you blinked up at him, a silent request for his name. He was tall, kind of lanky, and had the prettiest brown eyes you’d probably ever seen. They stared back at you, appearing puzzled before he put the pieces together.
“Oh!— Miles.” he answered with a warm smile, hands tucking into the pockets of his jacket. It was green, your favorite color.
“Thank you… Miles.” you returned his smile with a smaller one, something about it contagious.
Caught up in the way you said his name for a moment, it wasn’t until you were already halfway out the door when he realized you hadn’t told him yours.
“Wait! I didn’t get your—“ he called out to the air, the bell on the shop’s door a taunt of his failed attempt. “Name.” he murmured, shoulders falling with a sigh.
He felt eyes on him and turned to the side, lips smacking against his teeth in annoyance at who’s stare he’d caught.
“Don’t be mad at me, man. You gotta step ya game up.” Lenny threw his hands up in surrender and stifled a laugh, shaking his head at the boy.
Even though he had nothing to be smiling about when he exited the small store—seeing as he was out of five dollars and still hungry—Miles found himself walking home that day with a smile etched onto his face, a little pep in his step and something to keep his mind busy.
Nothing happened, that was obvious, but for some reason he felt like this wouldn’t be the last time he saw you.
Exactly one thing was on your mind the next time you entered Lenny’s shop, and he already knew what it was before you’d opened your mouth to ask after approaching the register.
Well, maybe two things, but the second one wasn’t necessary to get into.
“Comin’ righ’tup, sweetheart.” He nodded at you.
“Thanks.” You smiled sweetly, idly tapping your hands against the counter during your short wait.
The white parchment paper cradling your all time favorite snack slid over to you a minute later. You paid quickly, your stomach rumbling just from smelling the savory treat.
Just as you went to turn around, you spotted that same boy who’d ran into you a week ago and nearly ruined your day. Miles, you remembered his name was, as you stuck an apprehensive hand out in front of you, patty pulled close to your chest and brows raised in warning.
“Chill,” He laughed, his hands shooting up in defense. “I’m out your way this time, promise.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, his playful demeanor rubbed off on you. “You better be.”
“Please don’t tell me you got the last one.” He pleaded with hopeful eyes, but wishful thinking never did much for him.
“She sure did.” Lenny called from behind the counter, eyeing Miles closely to see if he’d take the bone he threw. He then ticked his head to the side with a slightly widened stare, as if urging the disappointed boy to make a move.
“Woops.” Using your fingers, you ripped a piece off the patty and popped it into your mouth, shrugging as you brushed past Miles, who had just caught on to what the shop owner did for him.
With your back to him as you pushed the door open to outside, you missed the two fingered salute Miles shot towards the man as a thank you.
He followed after you, swiftly shouldering himself through the closing door and sliding outside, into step with you.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you my number for half of it.” He offered with a boyish grin, long legs able to keep up with ease.
You nearly choked, steps halting when you spun around to face him. What made him think you wanted his number? And maybe you did, because you definitely thought he was cute, but that was besides the point since he didn’t know that.
“Are you flirting with me?” you asked, and he perked up a bit.
“Depends. Is it working?”
You rolled your eyes. “How about my name first?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the side of the building a bit. “I kinda assumed that was a package deal, seeing as I’ll need something to save your contact under.”
Okay, you’ll admit it, that was smooth.
You put your hand on your hip, patty in the other with your head tilted in thought. “Somehow, I feel like this deal benefits you more than me.”
“That‘s possible.” Miles chuckled, and you can’t believe that’s all it took to convince you. How pretty he looked when he laughed. How good your name sounded rolling off his tongue when he’d repeated it back to stake it within his memory.
You quietly hummed to yourself, contemplating. You’d never accepted a guy’s advances this easily, and figured you’d test him in a way he’d most likely fail.
“Quick, what’s my favorite color?”
There was a pause.
Your jaw dropped. “What— How in the hell?” You gaped at him. “How did you know that?”
“You give away more than you know with your eyes.” He grinned. “Saw you eyeing my jacket last week, and you’re doing it again today. And your beanie, too.” With a raise of his eyes from yours, he pointed out the forest green hat pulled snug over your head and your hand mindlessly went to touch it. “But honestly, I was only like, seventy percent sure, so maybe you can call it a lucky guess.”
You quirked a brow. “Oh, so you think I’m checking you out now?”
“No, but I wouldn’t mind.”
Well, you’d managed to lose at your own game, fair and square. Holding his gaze for a minute, you had to restrain a smile from splitting through your calm and collected facade and shooed away the urge with a clearing of your throat.
“Phone.” You held your hand out, beckoning him for it.
Fetching it from his pants pocket, he did the same to you with his other hand, palm upwards. “Patty.”
Huffing in frustration, you awarded him the half he earned and snatched the device, ignoring the triumphant look on his face as you punched your digits in.
It was pitiful. It barely took anything for you to take interest in a guy in general— but even if your standards were ridiculously high, there was no doubt that Miles would have weasled his way into your thoughts regardless.
You’d checked your phone at least six times in the past hour in hopes of seeing a text, coming up with unconvincing excuses like checking the time, or the weather— all while blatantly pretending to be oblivious towards the possibility that a message from an unknown number might just be there, too.
And then it came.
[Unknown]: Best patty I’ve had in a while. Food always tastes better when it’s not yours :)
He had you on your stomach, features pulled into a hopeful smile with your legs fluttering in the air off one message. You’d remind yourself to get a grip in due time.
Who’s this?
You knew damn well who it was. But you wouldn’t be who you were if you didn’t play hard to get.
[Unknown]: Damn, you forgot about me that quickly?
You clicked the info button in the top right corner of your phone and saved him as a contact before you replied.
Maybe. Remind me of your name again? Micah, right?
[Miles]: Okay, now that’s just hurtful. I do not look like a Micah!
You laughed to yourself at that, flopping onto your back as you typed a response. In the back of your mind you wondered if things would progress any further than this conversation.
But if only you could’ve time travelled and spoken to your future self, because she would’ve told you that forgetting about a boy like Miles Morales, or trying to, would be impossible.
tags: @cctoma
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 6 months
Shit at Feelings iv
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Bodhi Durran x fem!reader
Synopsis: Bonding with dragons? No issue. Killing venin? Unfortunate, but doable. Confronting your feelings towards your childhood best friend? No thanks.
Word count: 6k 🫢
Warnings: swearing (ofc), drinking, angstttt, y/n lore, lmk if I missed anything, not proofread at the end lmaooo
A/n: the long awaited part 4!! Hope y’all aren’t disappointed, trying not to think so hardly on this part bc I scrapped and rewrote this so many times 😅
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You're unsure of when it started during the night, but as you sat at the booth with Violet, Rihannon, and Nadine; something stirred in your chest. You desperately tried to look interested in the conversation, trying to meet the eyes of Rihannon trying to focus on the way she animatedly told a story. Laugh when the women poked fun at Violet for something cheeky she’d bring up. Adding input to Nadine’s questions despite having to ask her to repeat herself without having your eyes dragging themselves to look at the other side of the bar.
Who was she?
She wore a dressed down pale blue healer uniform, her skin flawless free of relics and tattoos, glossy perfect red hair that cascaded down her back in waves. She radiated bubbliness from what you observed as she laughed at whatever Bodhi said or did a little dance when her friend sunk a billiard into a pocket. She always seemed to go right back to chatting with him. You couldn’t bear watching her cling to him, but you couldn’t drag your eyes away.
You were well aware you had no right to be sitting there, stomach churning with a bitterness of cold ire…but here you were doing just that.
Rihannon clicked her teeth, making you snap your attention back to the group. You didn’t even try to offer a coy look—this was the second time one of them caught you. You had tried the last two hours to hide your irritation, but it just kept beckoning to the surface. Slowly ticking away within you as if you were going to burst at the seams.
“Okay, what is going on between you two?” She laid her palms flat on the table.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You took a sip of your drink, acting as nonchalant as you could.
She gave you an incredulous look. “The fact you shied away from him all first year, then the first night of break whatever that was.” She waved her hand. “The other day during breakfast, when Dain came to grab him for the leadership meeting, and it was clear as day he was practically undressing you with his eyes when we first arrived.” she rattled off.
“It’s like I’m watching a romance novel unfold in real time.” Nadine said dramatically, a hand moving to her forehead feigning fainting.
You cringed, “it’s-it’s definitely not like that.”
“Not like what?” Quinn interrupted walking up to your own group. Bodhi and Imogen still had been at the table.
The mystery girl touching his built bicep. He had discarded his jacket an hour ago, his rebellion mark on display underneath his tight short sleeve t-shirt. “Ohhh,” she followed your gaze to Bodhi. “Immy told me all about this.” She said in delight to your dismay, taking a seat next to Nadine.
You brought your attention over to the curly haired blond girl. “Does everyone know about this ‘something’ except the two people this ‘something’ is about?” You snapped.
Everyone seemed to have an exciting interest in the nonexistent relationship between you and your childhood best friend.
Quinn merely raised her hands defensively, Rihannon and Nadine awkwardly sipping their drinks looking at the table interested in the wood grain.
“We’re all in the same wing, same section, Y/n it’s hard to ignore the hot and cold between the two of you.” Violet had a softened look in her eyes, being the most sympathetic toward you.
You flushed realizing your outburst, not meaning to aim it at your new found friends. The gnawing bitter feeling was just eating at you, and you couldn’t stop it from being all consuming.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, a scowl on your lips, staring into the clear fizzy liquid in your glass. Despite the tension you created, you looked at the bubbly girl across from you. “Quinn, who is that girl?”
She had a hesitant look on her face, her brown eyes swirled with trepidation. “Ariante, a third year healer.” She offered a short response, seeming to know more than she let on.
You only nodded, turning back to the other side of the bar watching the billiards tables. Ariante, the beautiful young woman, was lining up to shoot the shot, and shot Bodhi a wink before shooting. A small snarl left your lip unknowingly at the sight, leaving all the group to cast worried glances your way.
You grimaced at your behavior, not entirely sure why you had visibly been so riled up at the sight. “I’m gonna get some water.” You stood up, and left the group without another word.
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Ariante skimmed her dainty plain manicured hands over Bodhi’s biceps as she giggled over something he told the group he played with. Usually her advances didn’t bother him, last year he had given in to them as a distraction many times when Y/n avoided him like a disease. Tonight though, his chest hammered in annoyance—maybe not just with her in general, but everything tonight seemed to be so overstimulating.
The loud tavern, how he fought a flinch every time the que would knock against a billiard, the musty smell of alcohol and fried food permeating the space, and how fucking unbearably hot he was.
He knew it had nothing due to the summer weather, that the heat that festered deep within him was caused by something wholly different.
Usually he’d use churam to block Cuir out, but the effects of the few drinks he had made it harder to keep that mental shield up and his dragon’s emotions started to take over. Of course Cuir and Cleasaí chose tonight of all nights to fight.
He had spent a year being accustomed to this, but he worried about you.
You still had been clueless to everything, your dragon stubbornly kept you in the dark, which had frustrated both him and Cuir. You didn’t deserve any of that, and he couldn’t help the pang of guilt he felt when he thought about it. He watched how tense you were at the booth, the girl’s giggling at what seemed like your expense; a scowl on your pretty lips at the interaction.
Another wave of heat filled and irritation rippled through him, and he screwed his eyes shut trying to ground himself. He had ripped his jacket off an hour ago, but to no avail aided any relief to his skin. It seemed it only made the pretty third year healer cling to him more. And the only aid that was brought, was to the disdain that rose with the proximity of her.
“Damn it Henrick!” Quinn stomped her foot frustratedly, making him open his eyes again. “I thought I was playing with an amateur?”
Sawyer had a broad grin as he nabbed the gold coins on the corner of the parallel table across from the one him and Imogen played at. “Beginners luck?” He shrugged casually.
The curly haired blond furrowed her eyebrows at the redhead. “Mhm, sure. Beginner’s luck my ass.”
Imogen cackled at her friend. “You’re the one that suggests putting coins down.”
Quinn mimicked Imogen, before a playful glare settled on her features. “Shove it Cardulo, I’m gonna go wallow in pity now if you need me.” She handed the cue to Sawyer before flouncing off to the rest of the group they came with.
Bodhi’s brown eyes not paying any mind to the feisty third year rider as she joined the booth, he instead had been focused on you again. Watching how your tongue darted in between your soft looking lips licking them, the same scowl still lingering on your face.
He had longed to get a feeling of what your lips felt like since he was barely an adult. Doing anything at this point to have a taste of you, knowing he shouldn’t have felt that way. You had always been just barely out of his reach, but he would have risked anything to have that moment as selfish as it sounded.
You were his best friend.
It was more than the idea of blurring the lines of your friendship that stopped him in the past; you were never meant to be anyone else’s, but who was chosen for you. Your parents had made you a lady of the Aretian aristocracy. The intent to secure a cushy life to make sure you would never have to experience war and hardship like they had—even if it wasn’t a love match. You were forced to take the decision they made for you with poise and grace. Exposed to the corrupt society of the aristocracy that lurked behind the violence since a preteen, never supposed to know war and violence like he had. But by the time the peak of the rebellion happened, and Execution Day arrived—it had been too late for the first hand you had been dealt with. Another decision instead handed to you from a choice that hadn’t been yours to ever make.
It was self indulgent thought, but the moment he knew you safely crossed the parapet—there was a hope that ignited in Bodhi’s chest he hadn’t felt in a long while. Despite the blatant act of avoidance on your part, he quietly watched your every move the first year.
Made sure Imogen spent extra time training with you so you’d be ready for your next challenge, telling her what she needed to critique you on from sparring lessons. Insisting Garrick to convince you to eat more than what you usually did so you could bulk muscle to help ease through the gauntlet. Pleading with Xaden to rearrange squads in the flame section so he could keep a better eye on you. Every action in efforts to aid you from the help of your mutual found family was a coercion from him; so he would know you’d have a shot at surviving this hellscape.
For only a measly chance of you to finally acknowledge him.
It had only been a coincidence (or was it? Cleasaí was known to be petty) you had bonded with Cuir’s other half. The mated dragons hadn’t talked since the end of his first year. The first half of being bonded to the notorious green filled with tumultuous arguments that he didn’t know what started from. They had only been recently mated in the last decade from what Cuir told him.
Bodhi swore he did more supply runs for churam than weapons by the end of the year before they went no contact, and just coexisted in the Vale with one another.
He would have preferred that over feeling the wavering aggression through the bond at this very moment.
“Handsome boy,” Ariante cooed, snapping her fingers to get his attention from across the table. Realizing he had zoned out again staring at you, Ridoc clapped him on the back.
“Yeah handsome boy...” he purred mockingly. Bodhi shrugged his hand off quite hastily. He was not in the mood for the second year’s comedic relief…and the overly inebriated physical touch of the counterpart.
Imogen sensed his discomfort by how tense he had looked, his posture usually more lax, or a boyish grin that had been replaced with a grimace. “Gamlyn, go get us some water.” She barked, face set to a hard grimace.
Ridoc with wide eyes in the fear of the short woman, saluted the group before walking off to the bar.
Bodhi reminded himself to thank her later once he was in a better mood. Instead he twisted his face into something that barely showed interest, not like it mattered, the healer was two shits to the wind at this point. Just caring his eyes were on her. Smiling brightly once he turned back to her, even if it was a stoic look he had on.
“I need you to watch as you lose this round.” She giggled, grabbing the cue from her friend’s hand.
The tawny skinned man watched disinterestedly as she made a show of setting her shot up. She swayed her hips to the table, making sure to press her chest down into the polished wood edges so her low cut tank top showed her cleavage as she lined up her shot. She made eye contact with him, offering a seductive wink, before clumsily shooting and completely missing the pocket. If he wasn’t so aggravated, he could have laughed at the scene.
It was Imogen’s turn now, and he subconsciously let his attention wander back to the booth again, noting you were now absent from the table.
It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but his heart skipped a beat in panic. He scanned the tavern looking for a glimpse of where you could have gone. He could spot you out of a crowd anywhere—from the way you wore your hair to the way you carried yourself.
His brown eyes searched the makeshift dance floor in between tables, the line for the bathroom, the exits of the tavern. The sense of relief when he finally found you should have eased his heart, instead it pounded louder and louder as his vision tunneled. Bodhi’s stomach churned with a burning green feeling, watching you sit at an empty side of the bar with Ridoc, smiling at him as the pair of you talked.
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“So yeah, then Imogen told me to grab some water for them, and now I’m here doing that.” Ridoc rambled on about his night. Unbeknownst to him, you had spent the majority of the night meticulously eyeing the group from the booth. But you nodded along, idling swirling your finger along the lip of your cup, letting his word vomit become a white noise in your brain. “Imogen has a scary way of demanding things.”
A smirk had crept onto your face, replacing the frown you wore. Ridoc was always honest, but it was amusing to hear him drunkenly bare his soul at the bar over the silliest details. It had almost been enough to forget the prying animosity that filled your veins.
“Who are you telling? I have known her my whole life.” You reminded him rather distractedly.
Despite talking to him, your attention was still flicking towards the quieter side of the tavern—still invested in the man you’ve been stubbornly hiding your feelings from poorly and the pretty girl that clung to him. The game of billiards was dying down, only her friend and Imogen still playing one another.
Bodhi sat backwards in a chair off to the side, his chest pressed against the back, arms casually draped across the wooden top rail, and head hung low as he sipped from the bottle of ale he had been nursing. Ariante perched in a chair beside him, leaning over into his ear to talk. Her lips mere centimeters from him had your heart thumping so hard that you could hear it in your ears.
“Yeah, but you’re not like her or them in fact.” He shrugged.
That made you turn back to Ridoc, who didn’t realize you were only half heartedly invested in the conversation. Or if he did, he didn’t make it known.
“Like they’re all scary broody motherfuckers, and you're just you. Intimidating sure, but not all broody and aggressive.”
You let out a dry chuckle, “language please, they are my friends.”
He raised his full hands defensively, ignoring the fact he sloshed water all over him. “Sorry. You know what I mean though.”
You leaned your head to the side, a quizzical expression on your features. “Elaborate Gamlyn.”
You might have been aware of what he meant, just for the sake of your entertainment you didn’t mind hearing the inebriated man’s ramble of what he thought. It was the only thing that was keeping the pent up emotions beneath the surface.
“Well, you’re kind of lady-like?” He tested the word then nodding. “Yeah, lady like. Not that they don’t have manners—they have better manners than me, but you’re like a refined woman.” His eyes got big and arms were flailing as he animatedly spoke, water sloshing on him.
“Would you be surprised if I said I had been a lady?” You interrupted his spiel.
“No shit, like tea and biscuits, go for a promenade around the garden kind of lady?” He slurred in disbelief with an attempt of an accent.
The way he had said it made it hard to stifle your laugh. “Dowry to my name and all.” You mocked using a posh accent as well.
He made a strangled noise, as he puffed his cheeks out to prevent laughing. “Shit that was the worst accent I’ve ever heard.”
You tilted your back, laughing loudly as he snorted, unable to contain himself. “Thanks for your honesty, yours was just as awful.” You tried to compose yourself.
“I’m not the one that comes from the Aretian aristocracy though.” He said through a fit of giggles. You scoffed, shoving him slightly, giggling more when you had to grab his arm to keep him from stumbling over.
Once the laughter died down, Ridoc had started to talk your ear off again, but of course your focus went elsewhere. Your breath caught in your throat, the amusement on your face slipping.
Bodhi was shamelessly staring at you when you looked over this time. His eyes dark, and stone faced watching the side you resided on. He tilted his head back, draining the remainder of his drink. You couldn’t help to watch the expanse of his throat as he drank the rest of his drink, watching how his Adam’s Apple bobbed as he did so.
You gulped quietly, suddenly imagining how it would be to nip at the column of his thick neck. If he would squirm under your touch or make any soft noises if you kissed up his jaw…you were just torturing yourself at this point.
He the. swung his leg over his seat, muttering something to the pretty redhead, not waiting for a response as he made his way towards you.
You panicked drifting back to the drunk man in front of you.
“So did you have—like—a betrothed before this?” Ridoc asked, rubbing the back of his neck, still oblivious you hadn’t been listening. “Is that why we’ve never seen you hook up with someone?!” He gasped as if he solved the biggest mystery, connecting non existent dots.
You could throttle him, trying not to watch the towering figure approach you.
“No, no, no!” You covered your face in your hands, cheeks flushing. “It never got that far, well there were a few arrangements that never went through.”
“Damn, your parents were slacking.” He scoffed jokingly.
“Ridoc,” you glared at him. Any amusement or relief from Ridoc now gone, hitting a nerve within you. The thought of your late parents always causing an ache in your chest and a knot in your stomach.
“Shut up,” Bodhi finished for you, coming up right behind him. He jumped, obviously startled by the new presence, and that it was Bodhi nonetheless. But he quickly recovered, turning to the taller man.
“You always jump right in at the most convenient times, handsome boy?” He questioned in a teasing tone. Handsome boy?
Bodhi glowered, stepping closer to your squad mate. “Call me that again—”
“Bo!” A high pitched shrill voice cut him off. It resembled nails on a chalkboard causing you to wince. Ariante appeared from behind Bodhi, a bright bubbly smile as she stumbled around him, grabbing his arm for support. “You didn’t wait for me.” She pouted playfully.
You had to fight the noise of disgust that wanted to escape your lips, but your facial expression gladly showed what you couldn’t verbally. The rational side of you knew you shouldn’t be reacting this way to a girl you’ve never met. You were past the point of rational though.
She then acknowledged you, her eyes a bright teal that sparkled sticking out her manicured hand. “I’m Ariante.”
You subtly glanced at your hands that were unkempt, nails nearly to the nubs with hangnails.
Gods, she really was everything you weren’t even down to the fingers.
You politely stuck your hand out, limply clasping hers. You hoped she wouldn’t feel your calloused fingers or notice how unladylike your hands were compared to hers as you introduced yourself.
“You know Bo?” She mused. Her hold still on him, despite her being perfectly stable. And the way his nickname came out of her mouth, you think you could regurgitate everything you’ve consumed today.
You offered a strained smile. “We grew up together actually.”
“How sweet!” She practically squealed. “I think it’s great how close knit all of you are!”
The tone deaf statement snipped the final straw of your patience and self control. No, you couldn’t let the feelings lay idly underneath any longer.
“I would say we all are,” you nodded. “I guess that’s what happens when all your parents are murdered in front of you.” You said it as if it was the most casual thing to leave your lips. The smile she wore faltered, and you could see Ridoc shove his hands in his pockets, whistling.
“Y/n…” Bodhi warned.
It could be treason speaking so freely of this, you hadn’t cared at the moment.
“What?” You said innocently, brushing off the warning look you know so well. She had started to sputter an apology, but you cut her off. “But how does such a sweet thing like you know Bodhi?” You asked, a smile growing sinisterly.
In your peripheral vision, you see Bodhi’s face pale.
“We’re acquainted.” He quickly answered, getting out of her grip as he reached over and grabbed the water out of Ridoc hands that were nearly empty from him constantly spilling. He gulped the water like a fish needing water, clearly uncomfortable.
“Very acquainted.” She fluttered her lashes towards him, tone suggestive. Brushing off your awkward interaction.
You made a noise of understanding. Everything you thought was confirmed by two words. Your thoughts lingering and spiraling. The idea of Bodhi intertwined with someone else was nauseating…even infuriating. Everything had drowned out by your heartbeat in your ears, Ridocs words were now inaudible, but assuming he was making a joke. Ariante shrilled giggles didn’t even affect you.
Why were you so mad? You had no right, you’ve been so awful to him the last couple of years—there was never a chance for you. Every interaction you two have had was just rekindling your friendship the past week not meaning anything more. Every poke and prod from your group of friends was something they misinterpreted between the two of you. You knew you shouldn’t have thought too hard on their words and jests, but deep down you only felt crushed of the hope there could have been.
Crack. You looked down at your glass that had been in your hand, the glass in between your knuckles nearly crushed.
The group flitted to you and the cup, even some of the surrounding patrons looked towards you warily.
“Are you alright?” Bodhi was the first to speak up.
“Just absolutely peachy.” You murmured, sliding the object towards the other side of the bar.
“Wow, all you riders are so strong.” Ariante laughed nervously. If this could have been any worse, you weren’t sure if you wanted to punch something or cry now.
“Excuse me,” fighting the lump in your throat. Standing up quickly walking towards the nearest exit without a word.
You walked outside, not quite being able to comprehend what just happened in the matter of seconds. Clenching and unclenching your fists, your chest heaving as everything felt as if it was closing in, pacing on the cobblestone outside the tavern. The smell of incoming rain permeating the humid air that blanketed over the quaint town. Usually a smell that eased your mind, was an overbearing semblance to the internal storm inside you.
“Y/n!” Bodhi called out your name, walking out the door you walked out of moments prior. The bass in his voice stoked the fire that formed in the pit of your stomach, ready to burn you from the inside out. Turning on your heel you faced the 6’3 man, brows already furrowed in glaring daggers towards him, chest still heaving erratically unable to control your breaths.
“You need to breathe.” He didn’t let your behavior deter him. His tone smooth and even, several feet away, not meeting your gaze like if he did he would combust into flames from your glare.
You scoffed, “shouldn’t you be inside with Ariante?” Her name dripped off your tongue with venom.
He opened and closed his full lips, setting his hands on his hips; absolutely dumbfounded. “Y/n…” he said through staggered breath. “I came here with you tonight.” He took a few steps towards you cautiously. “I came up to talk to you at the bar, trying to leave her with her friend.” His focus seemed to be on the wall behind you, and not your own eyes as he still walked towards you. “I followed you out here, leaving her in there.” His words slow, as he stepped right in front of you. “Does it look like I give a fuck about her?” He didn’t let you answer.
“Has everything this past year made it look like I give fuck about anyone else, but you?”
Despite the tug in your heart you felt at his words, pulling you out of your blind rage and jealousy for a split second—it was frustrating how he refused to look you in the eyes.
“You were letting her hang all over you tonight, how can I believe that?!” You held your chest with one arm, the other outstretched to the door.
He gave an aggravated shout, lunging and grabbing your arms. You stiffened at his touch, his hands were just as hot as you felt. He seemed to notice as well, flinching at the realization, but his hold stayed secure on you. He leaned down, his breath warm against the shell of your ear.
“If you watched my every move, you would have noticed I wasn’t interested in her. I was only watching you the whole night.” That Gods forsaken deadly calm tone sent a shiver down your spine despite the heat you felt. “Now lift your arms up.” He ordered, the sentence barely above a whisper.
His usual honeyed brown eyes finally locked with yours, dangerously darkened. A silent gasp leaving your mouth agape, unable to pull away from his dark orbs submitting to his quiet demand, your arms rising up slowly.
His rough calloused skin brushing your arms ignited a solely different fire within you as he slid the sweater off your frame. “Fuck, you’re burning up.” He muttered, throwing the sweater on the cobblestone leaving you in the corseted tank top you had on underneath. Lightning flashed in the skyline, thunder following a moment later, and rain started to pour from the clouds moments later. The droplets are warm from the summertime, but still cooler than both your skin, creating a steam that ghosts around the both of you.
“So are you,” you said breathlessly. “Do you have any idea why?” You two were so close your chests brushed together, every time one of you breathed. You anticipated what he would say next, but Bodhi kept quiet, tugging on his lip, seeming to be fighting a battle with himself. He turned away from you, rubbing a hand over his face, looking up at the rain stricken sky.
“You do know don’t you?” You rasped.
“I just want to preface I wanted to tell you—”
‘Don’t. You. Dare. Tawny. One.’ Cleasaí dangerously seethed through your head.
It had been silent on the other side of the bond all night, you tugged the invisible string to her countless times, but no answer. Now she wanted her presence known? Known to someone that couldn’t hear her nonetheless.
‘She deserves to know what you’ve been hiding.’ Bodhi glowered. You were still watching him, and he hadn’t opened his mouth…and he heard your dragon?
A new deep sophisticated tone entered your mind, ‘Cleasaí the inevitable is going to happen—‘ Cuir?
‘That I’ll find out?’ You stood in that mental art studio you were taught to use as your source for grounding. The door wide open letting in the thoughts and voices that freely flew through your mental guards. That one invisible string that led to the door seemed to have an added two now.
“Shit,” Bodhi hissed.
“How long?” You gritted your teeth, focusing on the man in front of you. He stayed quiet. “How long did you know?” You repeated louder.
He looked at the ground, “since my threshing.”
You tensed, how come he knew, but you had been clueless this whole time?
‘It’s not ideal to have one rider running from the other while their supposed mated dragons aren’t even on speaking terms.’ Cuir explained.
You fought the tears that lined your eyes, ‘he gets to know, while I’m left in the dark?!’
‘That was for Cleasaí to tell you, my rider had no choice to listen to us dragonkind.’ Cuir explained with a steeliness.
‘And I told her I would tell her in due time.’ Cleasaí chuffed in the corners of your mind.
It felt crowded in your brain, two additional voices, on top of your grappling emotions. You inhaled deeply, blinking tears away furiously.
“Y/n,” Bodhi came towards you. “I wanted to tell you.”
“When was I going to be told?” You snapped. “When you graduate?!” A couple tears now silently slip down your cheeks.
You didn’t know where to point the frustration at. Cleasaí should have told you it was her responsibility, but if Bodhi wanted to talk to you so badly that would have been the topic to start with.
“Our luck would be they would stick you in Samara like Xaden!” You shouted.
“When was I supposed to tell you? When you were running the other direction?! Or would you have preferred a note during Battle Brief only for you to go into a volatile meltdown?” He argued.
You laughed harshly, “I would have not—”
“Oh yes you would have.” Bodhi rolled his eyes. “That’s why Xaden warned me not to.”
Your eyes widened, “Xaden knew?”
‘Why wouldn’t the Wingleader know?’ Cleasaí snorted humorlessly.
‘I don’t want to hear it from you.’ You growled shutting the mental shield up from her and hopefully Cuir. You didn’t know how this all worked.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “He’s known since before you even crossed the parapet.”
“Does anyone else know?” You crossed your arms.
“Assumedly Violet, but no one else.”
Your eyes narrowed, she seemed to know everything didn’t she?
You grew quiet, mulling over everything as the rain was the only sound that filled the streets. You felt betrayed, not only by the creature that put their faith into you and vice versa, but by the man you had grown to love. Was that why you had felt like your irritation was an out of body experience earlier?
“Why do you think I have a churam dependency?” Bodhi bit the corner of his thumb, looking at you.
“Can you get out of my mind?” You frowned, picking the soggy sweater up off the cobblestone. You sniffled, wiping your face, before proceeding to walk towards Basgiath, wanting to get out of the vicinity of him. To think you could have died without even knowing… what would have happened to the dragons—yet worse—him? You didn’t even want to ponder over the details that entailed that yet.
“Trust me I’m not trying, but your thoughts are so fucking loud.” He muttered, following you.
“Then can you not follow me?” You turned, walking backwards wiping wet hair out of your face. The sting in your eyes is almost blinding from fighting the glaze of tears.
“It’s not safe to walk by yourself this time at night.” He said as if it was obvious.
“I’ll be fine,” you tried to reassure as you slipped the dagger out of your top, you tucked between your breasts when getting ready.
“You’ve been drinking, Y/n. That’s not going to do shit.” He tried to catch up to you, but you were a step ahead, even walking backwards.
“I feel stone cold sober at this moment.” You half lied, quickly turning back around, putting the dagger back where you kept it. You didn’t want him to see how your lip trembled, and you were ready to break. That was the last thing you needed was to have a ‘volatile meltdown’ in front of him. Though that’s what this whole night felt like, a tantrum of a fever dream.
You two came to a fork in the path that led to Basgiath from Chantara. You may have forgotten which path you took earlier in the night. So you hoped as you veered left, you would be going the right way, anything to just get away.
But his hand caught your arm, pulling you around to face him.
“I just got you back, I’m not letting you just be barely out of my reach again.” He seethed, his grip firm, but gentle. His touch was still blistering against your own skin.
“I’m not doing it, Y/n. I’ve already spent years running for you when you just kept running backwards for whatever reason!”
The tears had silently begun to fall again down your cheeks, this time unable to stop. “Do you want the reason, Bodhi?” You could feel yourself start to shake as the words left your mouth. “Because I love you!” You finally admitted, the confession a hushed whisper.
You watched with tears flowing freely as he staggered back a couple steps at what you said. He remained quiet as you continued. “I was never meant to love someone freely. And everyone I loved left—”
Your declaration is cut off by his lips smashing to yours. A primal fiery heat as your lips connected, his hands cupping your jaw, your lips melted with his realizing he was kissing you. The taste of the saltiness from your tears mixed with the essence of alcohol on both your lips was dizzying.
This was everything you could have imagined and more since you were a young woman. Everything you wanted the past five years. You felt his thumbs brush underneath your chin as you relished the feeling as you continued to kiss him with a fervor you never experienced. Your hands sliding up his chest around the back of his neck, gripping on his wet dark curls you’ve always admired. A soft sigh left his lips, and it was a noise you could listen to forever, but of course your thoughts spiraled.
A much more important secret was withheld from you, not only by him, but Cleasaí. A petty love confession that you withheld as a way to protect yourself and what you thought would protect him, when the secret of bonded dragons affected four beings outweighed it all. Whether it was his choice or not.
You pulled away abruptly. “I-I can’t.” You said, feeling your own heart break.
“What do you mean you can’t?” He sputtered, confused.
“Me professing my love doesn’t change any of the circumstances.” You shook your head, letting go of him reluctantly. “If anything it only adds to the risk of this whole situation.”
You needed to think about everything thoroughly, and away from him. If not, you might not think straight. You had to go.
“Y/n,” Bodhi pleaded desperately. He watched you turn and make your way back to the war college. You ignored him, even when your bones itched to turn and run back into his arms. “Do my feelings mean nothing to you?!” He shouted, standing where you left him.
Your steps faltered, and that break you felt in your chest worsened. You turned, with a strained smile on your face through your tears.
“They do, more than you could ever realize.”
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Y/n is definitely Violet coded I’m sorry 😅 and the y/n lore will thicken in part 5 hehe
Thank you sm for the comments and support, it means a lot to have people that actually enjoy what I put out and try to have patience for my posting inconsistency!! I love talking with you all about it and hearing your conspiracies through out the whole series. I think there will be 2-3 more part before I finish and move on to my next ventures, but as always like, reblogs, and comments are appreciated 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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a/n: guys. this got beyond out of hand and there is like literally NO plot beyond threesome. i kicked my ass into gear and wrote and edited the last like third of this fic while the canes won and svech and neci were named stars of the game!!!! there was no way i could post last night so you get threesome smut first thing in the morning lmao. y’all can thank @pyotrkochetkov for the initial suggestion of svech and neci threesome and @smileysvech for telling me i needed to post this last night after the game, sorry i couldn’t manage it!!! 😅 also thanks anon for encouraging the use of this cheesy title 🫡
word count: 8.4k
tw: threesome (mfm, no mm), fingering (f recieving), oral (f and m recieving), unprotected sex, protected sex, brief anal fingering (f receiving), nipple sucking and touching, dirty talk, brief thigh riding, overstimulation, edging, voyerism (sort of kind of if you squint), so unedited it’s not even funny, i think that’s it but let me know if i missed any 😅
summary: andrei’s invited into your bedroom for a threesome
Martin waits until you’re cock-drunk and he’s balls deep in you to tell you. He leans down, pressing his bare chest against yours, keeping your body against the mattress while he kisses you, licking into your mouth. “Told Svech to come by this weekend,” he says, grunting a little when you clench around him.
You rake your nails over his back, meeting him thrust for thrust. “Mmkay,” you hum, “I’ll make steaks or s’mthing.”
His fingers roll over your breast, kneading and pinching, and he laughs. “No, he’s coming to eat something else.”
“Chicken?” You gasp out, Martin sliding out of you halfway before pushing all the way back in.
“Something sweeter,” he kisses the hollow of your throat, licks at a bead of sweat collected there. You whine, bucking your hips up into his, locking your legs tighter around his waist.
Words broken up by a moan, you say, “jus’ tell me, Martin,” dragging out his name as he snaps his hips, cock buried to the hilt.
“You, miláček,” Martin grunts, reaching down and rolling his thumb over your clit. Your back arches off the bed and you writhe under his touch, crying out. “Svechy’s coming over to eat this sweet pussy.”
Your body stiffens at his words, clenching around his cock involuntarily and Martin drops his head to your neck, groaning as he comes, emptying into you. He peppers your collarbone with kisses as he thrusts into you, making sure you finish too. Limp from your orgasm, your brain finally catches up and you nudge at Martin’s side. “What…I’m confused,” you murmur, wiggling under his weight, the sheets damp and sticky under your back.
“Svech likes it when you join me during our gaming sessions,” you can hear the pride in his tone as he kisses his way down your sternum, letting his tongue drag over your skin. “We talked -“
“And you invited him over?” You finish faintly, the meaning behind Martin’s words finally sinking in past your lust soaked haze. Your thighs flex around Martin’s hips and he nods against your stomach. Heat pools low in your stomach and you feel your body react to the thought of adding Andrei into the equation. After the first time you’d ridden Martin in his gaming chair, you’d sworn you wouldn’t do it again because the guys could hear. But, well, best laid plans and all that. You’d done it at least three or four times since then.
Martin clearly feels your reaction too because he looks up at you, shit-eating grin on his face. “Can feel how soaked you are, miláček, you like the idea of Svech joining us? I’ve seen how he looks at you, how you look at him,” he shrugs, dragging his hand down your side, sliding his softening cock out of you and replacing it with his fingers. He circles his fingers at your entrance, gathering the wetness on the pads of his fingers and drawing it up over your clit. You whine and moan as he draws tight little circles around the swollen bud. “He wants to hear you make your sweet little noises for him.”
You arch your back up into his hand, clamping your thighs around his hand. “Martin,” you drag his name out on a long moan, crying unintelligibly as he drags another quick orgasm from your body. He groans along with you when you soak his hand, muttering praise into your skin.
“Just like that,” he coos, “there you go. Sound so good for me.” He rubs at your clit a few more times until you’re pushing his hand away and kicking gently at his thigh.
“Ngh, no, too much,” you mumble, sighing when Martin’s hand rests on your hip. You blink up at him, his weight a heavy, reassuring blanket on your body. You yawn and say, “repeat yourself, please. Without your hands on my clit. I wanna make sure I’m understanding this.”
His laugh vibrates through your entire body and he rolls a little onto his side, one thick thigh still wedged in between yours. “It’s like I said,” he repeats, keeping one hand splayed over your hip and using the other to prop his head up so he can look at you, “Svechy likes when you join me for gaming. If you’re okay with it, and only if you’re okay with it, I thought I’d share you.”
“Let me make sure I get it,” you say slowly, starting to grin, leaning into Martin’s chest and reaching up to play with the chain around his neck, “you’re suggesting a threesome with Andrei?”
Martin’s skin is slick with sweat under your fingers and you can feel his heart thumping fast from his orgasm. He nods, holding eye contact. “Only if you’re okay with it,” he ducks his head to kiss your fingers. “Otherwise, I text him and it’s all off.”
You hum, trailing your fingers down his chest and pushing a little so he’ll roll onto his back and you can swing your leg over his hips to straddle him. His hands fall automatically to your hips, the warmth of your core against his lower stomach. Martin raises an eyebrow at you, glancing down to where you’re sitting on him. You giggle a bit and nod. “I’m very okay with it,” you confirm, feeling the rush of adrenaline flood your veins. You rake your nails over his chest, enjoying the way his stomach muscles contract under you when you scrape at his nipples. “Two incredibly hot, strong men wanting to make me feel good? I’d be an idiot to say no to that offer.”
“Mhmm,” Martin hums back, smacking the side of your thigh a little, enjoying the way your breasts jiggle with the movement. “S’long as you remember that you’re mine, we won’t have a problem.”
You lean down over him and pull his lower lip between your teeth, nipping at him gently, your clit catching on the hair at the base of his cock and making you whine. You grind yourself over him, feeling him harden under you. “Baby,” you murmur, kissing him, “you know I’m all yours. But maybe you should remind me again.”
Martin laughs and grins at you, “weren’t you just complaining that you couldn’t take any more?” His hands still slide down over your hips, teasing at the crease of your thighs. You wriggle over him, arousal dripping from your cunt and making a mess on him.
“Found a third wind,” you giggle, choking off into a gasp when you press against his half-hard cock. He bucks his hips up, gliding his cock through your wet core. “Need to build up my stamina if I’m going to keep up with two professional athletes.”
“Little minx,” he growls, eyes dancing with mischief. He gives you no warning before he’s gripping your hips and lifting you so he can slam you down over his cock, filing you to the hilt. “I know you’re excited for this.”
You can only nod and babble nonsense while you bounce on Martin’s cock. It’s too easy for him to get a third orgasm out of you and later, while you’re slumped boneless over his chest, his cum dripping out of you, you murmur, “should I still make dinner for the three of us?”
Your boyfriend laughs and smooths his hands over your back and the curve of your ass. “I’ll order in. You’re going to need your strength,” he teases with a little pinch to your ass.
The weekend rolls around faster than you thought it would, the anticipation of Andrei coming over making your skin tingle. It’s not that you don’t love Martin or that you’re not satisfied with him in bed, because you do and you are. There’s just something too exciting to pass up here.
Martin wasn’t wrong in that you thought Andrei was handsome, you’d have to be blind to deny that. But as lovely as he is, you’re not interested in dating him, too happy with Martin. A spark of curiosity about how good Andrei is in bed was something you’d been thinking about for a bit, since you’d joined the boys for a workout and you’d gotten to watch their bodies move, strong and powerful muscles lifting weights like they were nothing. Listening to Martin tease you about the boys’ reactions when you’d joined in on a few gaming sessions - joined in by sitting on Martin’s lap with his cock buried deep in your cunt while you tried not to make noise - had only sparked more arousal.
By the time Saturday rolls around, smack in the middle of a mini-three day break in the game schedule, you’re hornier than you’d ever thought possible. Martin’s been busy with back to back games since he dropped the threesome bomb on you, leaving you high and dry in the orgasm department. You’d pouted when he got home after the second game and shook his head at you, grinning wickedly when he said, “before you know it, miláček, you’re going to have more orgasms than you know what to do with. Patience is a virtue, right?”
“Patience my ass,” you’d snapped back, throbbing with want for your boyfriend.
The guys have practice in the mid-morning and when Martin comes home, he gathers you in his arms, kissing you so abruptly that you squeak in surprise, going stiff in his arms.
“What was that?” You laugh a little when he releases you.
“Had a good practice,” he says easily. “Set some rules with Svech.”
“Rules?” You hadn’t really thought too much about it, in all honestly. You’d just figured things would evolve naturally.
Martin brushes a kiss against your temple. “Mhm,” his lips curl up in a grin, “one rule, really. He wants to put his dick in your pussy, he has to wear a condom. I’m the only one that gets to feel you bare.”
You face heats and you cough a little, Martin’s words shooting straight to your poor, ignored clit. “Anything else is fair game?” You ask faintly.
“If you’re okay with it,” he replies, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a hug. The hard ridge of his cock is evident against your stomach and you grin into his chest, your hands finding their way to squeeze at his ass.
“When does he get here?” Your reply is a delighted giggle. It almost feels like you’re waiting for a puppy to be delivered on Christmas morning, the anticipation starting to make your thoughts fuzzy. Martin digs his fingers into your sides, tickling you until you beg for mercy.
“When he gets here,” he laughs. “Am I not enough for you?”
“You, Mr. Nečas,” you huff, pouting and jabbing your index finger into a toned chest muscle, “have left me high and dry for three days now. Excuse me for being excited for some relief.”
“Should I give you one now, to take the edge off?” Martin’s grin is shit-eating and his eyebrows lift in surprise when you nod, immediately grabbing the collar of his shirt in one hand to draw his face to yours for a kiss, while your other hand dips beneath the waistband of his joggers, wrapping around his cock. It jumps in your hand, hips bucking forward at the contact, his moan muffled by your mouth. You slowly stroke his length, his cock hardening under your fingers. Martin subconsciously thrusts into your grip, tangling his hand in your hair and pulling your head back a little to change the angle of the kiss.
You’re both breathing hard when you break apart. “C’mon, Martin,” you pant, “let’s get a head start.”
His eyes are dark, pupils blown wide, and he nips at your lower lip, pushing you backwards until the backs of your legs hit the arm of the couch and he’s turning you around and pressing his palm against the middle of your back so you’ll bend over the arm. Your ass is in the air and Martin pats at your cheek, pulling the fabric of your lounge shorts to the side to plant a kiss in the middle of your ass cheek before biting it gently. Your body reacts to him and you can feel your underwear growing damp. “Martin…” you trail off, your voice muffled by the couch cushion.
“Oh, I know, miláček, I know,” his breath ghosts over your wet cunt and you shiver. “I’ll take care of you.” His fingers work their magic over your clit, rubbing and pinching until it’s throbbing painfully and you’re dripping on his hand. Your hips move nonsensically over the arm of the couch and your hands clutch at a throw pillow. Martin murmurs in Czech and you only understand a handful of words, but his accent has your pulse racing and your cunt throbbing.
You’re right there, right at the edge, and then the doorbell rings. Martin’s fingers are gone and you cry out, tears pooling at your lash line. “Just one more minute,” you whine, arching your back and looking over your shoulder. Martin’s standing up, an apologetic smirk on his face. “I was almost there!”
He smooths his hand over your ass, leaving your shorts pulled to the side so you’re still exposed. “Let me get the door,” he laughs. “Don’t want to keep our guest waiting.” He pauses and then says, “don’t move.”
You whine again, feeling bratty, but your body warms when you realize it’s Svech behind the front door and you perk up when you hear his deep, accented voice greet Martin. You can hear their hands clap together - probably doing one of those stupid bro backslapping hug things - and heat blooms in your stomach. Your ass is still perked in the air and your clit is desperate for simulation, but you won’t touch yourself, not yet.
“Got started without me?” Andrei’s voice is amused and close. Your body reacts forcefully to that accent and your thighs immediately snap together, trying to get some relief. Martin’s familiar hand lands on your lower back, gliding down over your ass and pulling your thighs apart.
“Hi, Andrei,” you say into the couch cushions, as normal as possible even though now that both men are in the room, eyes on your ass and partially exposed cunt, you’re feeling a little shy. Heat rushes to your face and you’re glad that you don’t have to make eye contact with either of them right now.
“Hi,” he replies and you can hear the grin in his voice. “I haven’t seen this side of you before.”
A laugh bubbles out of you at his joke and even Martin snorts a laugh. You smother a giggle, feeling less nervous than before, and angle your head to look back at the men. They’re both staring at you with open hunger and you’re instantly wetter. Arousal gathers between your legs and you’re surprised it’s not dripping down your thighs at this point. With a cheeky smile, you shoot back, “I only show off like this to people I like.”
“She’s a comedian, too,” Martin deadpans, squeezing at your ass cheek. “But she forgets that two minutes ago she was crying because she didn’t get to come.”
“I wasn’t crying,” you sniff. “I was frustrated. But,” you grin at Andrei, “now there’s someone here who won’t leave me wanting.”
Andrei looks over at Martin and a slow smile curls at his lips. His fingers twitch at his sides and you feel warm all over thinking of those fingers getting right where you need them. Your boyfriend slaps your ass sharply and you jolt forward with a little, undignified yelp. “Brat,” Martin murmurs affectionately. “But go ahead, Svechy, give my girl what she wants.”
You hum in happy agreement and Andrei mutters something that sounds a little bit like ‘finally’ before he’s at your side, kneeling down on one knee and running his hand up the back of your leg, starting at your ankle. Martin’s hand is still firm on your ass, but you can feel him lean against the couch, fingers stroking your skin. Andrei’s hand is warm and a little dry where it brushes against the back of your knee, making you kick your leg when the contact tickles.
“Stay still,” Andrei says and lets out a satisfied noise when you immediately obey, feet planted firmly on the ground and slick gathering between your legs at his tone. He gives you a little squeeze on your thigh and ghosts his knuckles up over your inner thigh, fingertips just nearly where you need them. “She’s so wet,” he breathes and you don’t have to look over to see the satisfied look on Martin’s face. You know all of his expressions.
You whine and lean your hips back, trying to find Andrei’s hand. He pinches the inside of your thigh and you yelp. “C’mon,” you pout, muffled into the cushions, it’s taking them too long to give you what you want. “Please!” You add, just to see if it works.
“How many of Neci’s fingers can you take, milaya?” Andrei asks, curious. The unfamiliar Russian word makes your spine tingle. His accent is even hotter when he’s speaking his native language. The tip of his index finger circles your soaked entrance and you gasp, whining and clenching around nothing. “One?”
He pushes the finger in further, sliding in easily with how wet you are.
“More,” you gasp out, grinding on his hand. Martin’s fingers tighten on your ass cheek and you register the sensation briefly before Andrei’s middle finger joins the first.
“Two?” He asks, curling and pumping his fingers until you can hear the obscene, wet sounds of your cunt gripping them. His other hand is gripping at your thigh, pulling it closer to him, widening your stance. His fingers curl just the right way to hit your g-spot and you whine loudly. “There’s those little noises,” Andrei says, increasing the pace of his pumping.
“Sound so good, miláček,” Martin praises you, sliding his hand up the curve of your ass and onto your lower back, digging his thumb into your muscles. You arch into his touch, clenching around Andrei’s fingers while he works you open. The stretch is so good, Andrei’s fingers a little longer than Martin’s, but just as thick. You give a rough little exhale when Martin tells Andrei, “give her another, Svech, she can take it.”
Your legs tremble and Andrei adds a third finger, splitting you open. He curls those gorgeously thick fingers and your mouth falls open in a silent scream. His thumb is a solid, firm pressure on your clit and you writhe against his hand, gasping for air. Your stomach fizzles with pleasure, tension coiling at the base of your spine until Andrei plunges his fingers even deeper into your cunt and you’re crying out his name, your orgasm rolling through your body like a tidal wave.
Martin strokes your hair back from your face and Andrei keeps fucking you with his fingers, the aftershocks of your orgasm making your entire body tremble, whimpering gasps leaving your lips. “There you go,” Martin praises you, “so good for Svech.”
“She sounds even better in person,” Andrei says, continuing to stroke your clit gently.
Your entire body goes limp over the arm of the couch and you kick weakly in Andrei’s direction. “No more,” you mumble hoarsely. “Stop touchin’ for now.”
Andrei pulls his fingers away, but they don’t go far. He leaves them resting on the inside of your thigh, wet and cool from your orgasm. He laughs a little under his breath, “done so soon, milaya?”
You shift, turn around, and lean against Martin’s side. His hands are all over you, more tactile than usual and you think it’s probably him staking his claim with Andrei in the mix. You grin at the other man, finally getting a good look at the way his pupils are blown wide and his face is flushed pink. His hand is lower on your leg now, curled around your knee, thumb stroking the skin. “Give a girl a chance to breathe,” you say. “I’m not even close to my record.”
Martin scoffs a laugh, fingers tangling in your hair. “Two of us giving you pleasure, think you can beat it?”
You flicker your gaze from Martin’s face to Andrei’s, the matching looks of enthusiasm, and nod. “Bring me upstairs and let’s set a record,” you giggle, shrieking when Martin swoops you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. You brace your hands on his lower back, laughing as your body bounces while he jogs up the stairs. Andrei follows and you reach out one hand for him, he grins and takes your fingers, lacing them with his. You’re a little breathless from being held upside down, the blood rushing to your head, but you can’t help noticing how much bigger Andrei’s fingers are than yours. They’re long and thick and no wonder your cunt gives a little throb when you think about three of them wedged up side of you.
Winking at Andrei, you say, “you know, Andrei’s up by one.”
Andrei laughs and Martin slaps your ass. “Behave,” he warns you, muffling his own laughter.
“Oh, where’s the fun in that?” You ask, squirming in Martin’s grip, letting out a soft gasp when he tugs your shorts and panties off in one swift motion, leaving them on the floor, and biting at the flesh of your ass. His tongue soothes over the spot and you can feel your pussy get slick.
Martin feels it too, because the hand that isn’t wrapped around the backs of your thighs dips in between your legs and swipes at your clit. “Messy girl,” he says lowly. “Think this little pussy can handle one of our cocks yet?”
You hum, eyes fluttering shut while Martin continues to stroke at you. Andrei’s thumb brushes over the backs of your knuckles and you’re about to reply when he interrupts you, “she’s so tight, Neci. Let me eat her out first.”
Arousal floods between your legs, soaking the shoulder of Martin’s shirt. He laughs, “I think she likes that idea.”
The grin Andrei shoots you is wild, wide enough that you can see the space where his tooth is missing.
After that, it’s a blur and you’re completely naked in your bed, bare back resting against Martin’s chest, Andrei between your legs. He’s staring at your bare cunt hungrily and your cheeks flush. Honestly, Martin’s the only man who’d ever eaten you out, previous boyfriends and hook ups not interested. Your legs start to close instinctively, but Martin’s huge hands land on your upper thighs and hold your legs apart. “Ah, now she’s shy,” he murmurs, kissing your temple. “No jokes from my little comedienne?”
“No reason for you to be shy, milaya,” Andrei grins up at you. “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart skips a beat in your chest and you whine, pushing against Martin’s hands. “Maybe not - I mean, Martin’s the only one who’s -“
“Who’s given this pussy the love it deserves?” Andrei finishes for you, Martin’s hands migrating up over your hips when he’s satisfied that you’re not going to snap your thighs shut. Andrei’s moved in closer, his broad shoulders blocking your legs from shutting.
“My girl never got properly worshipped,” Martin says, lips trailing hot kisses over your cheek and jaw. His hands are at your waist and then higher, brushing the undersides of your breasts. “That’s why we’ve gotta be good to her, eh, Svechy?”
Andrei’s answer is to lean in and lick a stripe up your center, making you squeal and arch your back, pressing your cunt into his face and your tits into Martin’s hands. He laughs behind you, the vibration of his chest against your back. “Oh my god,” you gasp, Andrei’s tongue circling your clit gently, all warm and wet heat between your legs. Martin’s hands grope up at your tits, kneading the flesh and rolling your nipples in between his fingers. He tugs gently, pinching and flicking at the stiff peaks, making you whine.
Your legs kick out when Andrei’s lips wrap around your clit and suck harshly, your entire body tingling in pleasure from both men’s assaults on your senses. Martin whispers in your ear, filth that has you blushing from your head to your toes, one hand working up over your chest to rest at the base of your throat. His fingers apply light pressure, your breathing stuttering in your chest, choking off into a moan when Andrei’s fingers join his tongue, pumping into your cunt while he licks and sucks, making a mess between your legs. He grunts against you and your hips buck into his face.
“Ngh, ah, right there oh my god,” you wail, Andrei’s nose pressed firmly against your clit while he licks into your cunt, arousal dripping from your entrance and pooling under your ass. Pleasure builds in your stomach and you can’t stop your hips from grinding against Andrei’s face - moving so much that he snakes his arms under your thighs and wraps his forearms over the top, pressing his hands onto your hipbones to keep you in place.
Martin’s cock twitches against your lower back, hot and hard, throbbing with each little noise you make. A bead of sweat drips down your spine and your stomach tightens. Martin’s hand works its way up the column of your throat, cupping your chin and slipping his thumb past your open lips. “Go on,” he breathes against your sweaty temple, “suck on my finger.” Your lips close around his thumb and you suck, teeth scraping against the pad of it. He rubs at your cheek with his index finger and tightens his grip on your face, turning your head so he can press a kiss at the corner of your mouth. He thrusts his hips shallowly behind you, the hard heat of his cock evident through the thin fabric of his pants. A muffled cry slips past Martin’s thumb and Andrei pulls his mouth away from your clit to look up at you with heavy-lidded eyes.
“Can’t hear her like that,” he mumbles, sounding drunk. “Want to hear her noises, Neci.”
Your mouth falls open, but Martin’s too quick and shoves his index and middle fingers past your lips, resting them on your tongue. “Get her to be louder,” he says, pushing at your chin with his thumb until you close your mouth around his fingers, saliva pooling as you suck at them. “Give her a reason to scream.”
The challenge is evident in Martin’s tone and Andrei smirks, clearly ready to accept. His head is back between your legs, three fingers buried in your cunt, lips wrapped around your clit while his tongue circles the bundle of nerves. He sets a ruthless pace, fingertips pressed up against your g-spot and lips working at your clit like it’s his job. A silent scream builds in your chest and your orgasm hits like a freight train, liquid heat in your veins and liquid gushing out of you, soaking Andrei’s face and the sheets. Martin’s hand is a firm vise on your breast, kneading, and you scream, the noise barely muffled by Martin’s fingers. Andrei’s name falls from your lips in a chant, hips bucking against the Russian’s grip on them. The aftershocks of your orgasm leave you limp against Martin’s chest, panting like you’d just run the New York City marathon, body soaked in sweat and your own orgasm.
Andrei leans back, hair flipped over his sweaty forehead and lower face dripping in your cum. He grins wickedly and licks at his lips. “That’s two,” he rasps.
“Fuck,” you mutter, reaching down to brush Andrei’s hair off his forehead. He waggles his eyebrows at you and you catch the subtle motion of his hips rolling against the mattress. Still out of breath and with trembling thighs, you’re possessed with the wild need to see Andrei’s dick. You lean forward, folding yourself nearly in half and giving Martin a great view of your ass, so you can pull Andrei’s face to yours and kiss him, sliding your tongue over his lower lip, tasting yourself on him. Andrei grins against your mouth, cupping your face in two huge hands and shifting so he’s in a better position.
Martin’s hands are tight on your ass cheeks, fingers digging into your flesh. He pulls your cheeks apart, his thumb moving carefully over your hole, pressing gently at the tight ring of muscle. You gasp into Andrei’s mouth, a moan swallowed when Martin’s thumb presses a little deeper and doesn’t move.
“What does my princezna want?” He murmurs, running the palm of his other hand over your ass and up your back. “She wants to kiss another man while I ruin her gorgeous ass?”
You break away from Andrei, lips barely an inch from his and whine, “noo want it in my-“ your voice is choked off by Martin’s fingers coming around your front and pinching at your clit. Your upper body drops to the mattress, forehead pressed into the sheets just a few inches from Andrei’s thighs. A muffled groan escapes your throat and Martin continues rolling your sore, sensitive clit between his fingers, building another orgasm in your stomach.
“Want it in your little cunt?” He asks, bending over your back so the soft fabric of his shirt presses against your sweaty spine. The movement gets his cock pressed harder against the seam of your ass and you grind back against him, desperate for friction and surprised how badly you need another orgasm. You can feel him shift behind you, pulling off his shirt. “Keep her ready for me, Svech?” He asks and you feel one huge hand on the back of your head, tangling in your hair.
“My pleasure,” Andrei’s voice rumbles and you’re not sure when he lost his clothes but when he pulls your upper body off the mattress, you’re greeted with the sight of his bare chest, thick chain and cross resting against his skin. His thighs are thick and dusted with hair and you immediately zero in on his cock, proudly bobbing between his legs, hard and flushed and gorgeous.
“Oh,” you murmur, licking your lower lip. He seems to swell under your gaze and your stomach jumps in anticipation. Andrei’s free hand grips the base of his cock, stroking it slowly while you watch. He laughs a little at how captivated you are.
“Like she’s never seen a cock before,” Martin chuckles behind you, the mattress bouncing with his movement to get out of his pants. He smacks the side of your thigh a little, the sound echoing in the room, and you jolt forward. “Go on, miláček, give Svechy a little kiss. Want you wet and ready for me.”
Andrei leans back a little and spreads his legs so there’s room for you to lean in and give the head of his cock a little lick. He groans low in his throat and his grip tightens. The muscles in his lower abdomen bunch up and you grin, licking him again before pressing a kiss right at the tip of him. “Fuuuck,” he drags out the curse, hips bucking up into the air.
“Don’t tease,” Martin chastises you, grabbing your hips and pulling you back so you can feel his erection against the curve of your ass.
“You teased me,” you whine with a little pout, bracing your weight on one hand so you can reach out with the other and swipe your thumb over the leaking head of Andrei’s cock. It twitches in his hand.
“Tease how much you want,” Andrei grumbles. “But put your mouth on me while you do it.”
His big hand wraps around the back of your head again and pulls you forward, dragging you over Martin’s lap until you can wrap your lips around the head of Andrei’s cock and suck. He grunts and thrusts his hips up a little into your mouth, still stroking the inches that aren’t in your mouth. He’s hot against your tongue, the taste of his skin slightly salty and you take more of him, loving the stretch of your jaw as you swallow him down.
Behind you, Martin shifts closer, lifting your hips and changing the angle of your mouth on Andrei’s cock so you gag a little, drool dripping from the corners of your lips. He settles your ass in his lap, lazily sliding his cock through your soaked folds. The angle has your clit grazing against his pubic hair and the firm skin of his balls and you whine around Andrei, making his dick twitch on your tongue. Martin keeps slicking his cock up on you, the head of him glancing between your asscheeks but never going any farther.
“Look so pretty from this angle,” Martin drawls in a strangled voice, kneading your ass. “How’s she look from over there, Svech?”
Andrei’s hands cradle your cheeks as you hollow them around his dick. He lets out a guttural groan as the tip of him hits against the back of your throat, saliva dripping down his length and coating his balls. “Goddamn, fucking dream,” he replies, muttering something in Russian and thrusting his hips forward to fuck your mouth briefly. Tears stream down your cheeks and heat builds in your stomach. Your nose presses against the coarse hairs at the base of his cock and you flatten your tongue against the vein on the underside of him.
Martin grips your hips and shifts behind you, lining up the head of his cock at your entrance and punching his hips forward, sliding into you in one smooth thrust. You gasp around Andrei’s cock, jolted forward by the force of Martin’s thrust. He’s buried inside of you to the hilt, his balls slapping against your clit with each thrust.
Pleasure builds low in your stomach, your cunt and jaw stretched to their limits as your body is pushed between the two men. Every time Martin thrusts into you, your mouth slides further down on Andrei’s cock until you think they may touch somewhere in your stomach. Andrei holds onto your face, lazy rolls of his hips forcing his cock deeper.
“Arch your back,” Martin coaxes a hand over your spine, pressing down against the dip right above your ass. “Let me get deeper.”
You arch instinctively and lean back, grinding against his cock, hollowing your cheeks around Andrei. Tears blur your vision and Andrei’s thumbs swipe under your eyes. Your tongue swirls over the head of Andrei’s cock and you can feel him leaking down your throat, his balls tightening up under your chin.
“S’close,” Andrei mutters, tangling one hand in your hair, sliding the other down to cradle your chin. Your arms and legs tremble from holding your body weight up, but any shift in position would have either one of them deeper than you’re able to handle.
Martin’s hands are all over your back, rubbing over your ass and when he leans forward, sending his cock pressing up against your cervix in a punch of painful pleasure, he brings his hands under your hips and runs the pads of his fingers against your swollen, sensitive clit. The touch makes you moan, the noise muffled, and Andrei curses in Russian, fucking his hips wildly into your face. He loses his rhythm and his grip on your hair tightens until he’s shouting your name and coming in hot spurts down your throat. You swallow as he comes, cum and drool leaking out of your mouth, Martin still pounding away into your cunt. The force of his thrusts jostles your entire body, keeping Andrei’s cock deep in your throat.
“Gorgeous, my gorgeous girl,” Martin praises you while Andrei finishes, his cock slipping from your mouth. You look up at him and he looks wrecked, sweat dripping down his forehead and a dazed look in his eye. You cough a little, chin dropping to your chest for a second until Martin uses his arm at your waist to haul you upright, back against his chest. He bounces you on his cock until you’re sobbing his name hoarsely, your own fingers slipping over your clit to try and relieve the ache.
Andrei leans back on the mattress, palming at his cock and watching your face as Martin sends you over the edge. He grins lazily when you come, “never seen a prettier face.”
Martin comes a moment after you, filling your pussy until it leaks out around him. He keeps you propped against his chest, peppering your neck with soft kisses until you’re whining and trying to push away from him, his softening cock still too big inside of your sore cunt. “Three,” he laughs, ghosting a hand over your breast and tweaking at your nipple.
“What’s the record?” Andrei asks curiously, fingers twitching at his side before he decides that he’ll reach out and play with your other breast. His fingers are calloused too, different than Martin’s, but his touch is gentle and you sigh softly. You’re still sitting on Martin’s lap, slumped lazily against his chest.
Your fingers play over Martin’s wrist, stroking his skin. “Four,” you murmur, breaking off in a sharp gasp when Andrei leans forward and sucks the nipple he had been rolling between his fingers into his mouth, laving over the pebbled bud with his tongue flat. Martin tweaks the other nipple and you yelp a little. “It’s - I’m not -“ You’re not even sure what you were going to say, the words disappearing into the air as your brain short circuits.
“You have at least two more in you,” Andrei says, mouth popping off of your nipple. He looks up at Martin and winks. “We can get here there, teamwork, yes?”
“I’m happy to assist,” Martin grins and the next thing you know, you’re flat on your back, ass hanging off the edge of the bed, with your ankles propped up on Andrei’s shoulders.
You blink up at him, still hazy from your last orgasm, and say, “I’m not gonna be able to finish again, guys.” Your thighs are shaking, skin glistening with your arousal and Martin’s cum. You can still feel your cunt clenching around nothing.
Martin’s at your head, leaning over you to give you a kiss. His tongue slides over yours and you feel yourself react, liquid heat pooling between your legs and your stomach tightening.
“I think you can,” Andrei says from between your legs, fingers squeezing at your inner thighs before they ghost over your clit. “You’re soaked, little pussy dripping for us.” Your hips buck up involuntarily and you nearly bite Martin’s tongue off. He laughs into your mouth and pulls back, cupping your cheek.
“Be a good girl for Andrei,” he says, pulling at your lower lip with the pad of his thumb. You nod up at him, lost in those brown eyes that you love so much. “He’s going to make you feel good.”
You know he will and you can feel the excitement between your legs, hips wiggling against the wet patch that’s forming under your ass. “Mmm,” you hum, propping up on one elbow to get a look at Andrei between your legs. His cock is already half-hard again, unbelievable after he just came in your mouth, but you know from experience that professional athletes are ready to go at a moment’s notice. “Let me—“ you reach for his cock and Andrei lets one of your legs fall from his shoulder.
“Ah, fuck,” he grunts when you wrap your hand around his cock, moving your hand in slow, deliberate strokes. The mix of your saliva and his cum makes it an easy glide and he bucks his hips into your hand as you work to bring him to fully erect. His cock bobs up against his bare stomach, leaving a slick smear, and you grin at him, leaning back on the mattress again.
“Go ahead,” you tease breathless, letting your legs fall open. “I’m all yours.”
You’re starting to feel a little insane, greedy for another orgasm despite the throbbing wreck between your legs. You’ve had Andrei’s fingers and his tongue and Martin’s cock. It only seems fair that you get to feel Andrei’s cock filling you up too.
“Remember the rule,” Martin says from behind you and you feel him move, hear the drawer of your bedside table open, and then Andrei’s hand is shooting up to catch the condom Martin tosses to him. Martin leans down to kiss you again. He plays with your breasts while Andrei tears open the condom, rolling it onto his cock in a practiced move. Your back is arching off the bed before Andrei even touches you, sensitive from Martin’s fingers and then lips on your nipples. He leans over your head, biting gently at the swell of your breast and you think he’ll pull away once Andrei’s got your legs back up on his shoulders, but he doesn’t.
It makes sense, in some hazy part of your brain, that even though Martin is sharing you for the night, he’s going to have his hands or mouth on you at every chance he gets. The little hickeys he’s sucking into your skin are his way of making sure Andrei knows who you belong to at the end of the day.
Andrei’s broad form is warm between your legs, his body giving off heat. Or maybe that’s your body. At this point, you’re not sure. Your entire body is a sweaty ball of sensation and sparks fizzle through your veins when the head of Andrei’s cock smacks against your abused clit. A high pitched noise escapes your throat and Andrei makes the same move, “go on, make that noise again, milaya. Be as loud as you can.”
“Svech likes when you’re noisy,” Martin reminds you, playing idly with your hair. He’s on his stomach next to your head and your hand flies up to grab at his hair when Andrei’s hips thrust forward and he slides his cock into you, a sharp moan punched from your lungs. Martin kisses your temple. “I fucking love when you’re noisy.”
The hard heat of Andrei’s cock isn’t so different from Martin’s, but the sensation of the condom is different after just having Martin fuck you bare. Andrei’s cock throbs inside of you, swelling as you clench down on him.
Andrei’s head hangs low as he watches his cock disappear into your cunt and you can’t think, can’t form a coherent word. You’re already stretched out from Martin’s cock, but it doesn’t feel like that did anything with the way Andrei is stuffing you full. Your fingers twist in Martin’s hair, the other hand gripping at the sheets, hips held in place by Andrei’s huge hands while he fucks into you. The wet noise is obscene, and you’re panting, gasping for air with each thrust.
“Look at you, so sweet,” Andrei murmurs, breaking off into Russian again. That’s his tell, you’re learning, that he’s starting to lose control as he gets closer to his own orgasm.
Your hips are burning from the angle and Martin’s at your ear, whispering to you, biting at your earlobe. It’s too much and somehow not enough and you’re right there, right at the edge. “I need- fuck -“ you can’t form words.
“She’s right there, Svech,” Martin tells his teammate. “Give her clit a little rub, she’ll come all over your cock, nothing like it.”
Andrei nods, grunting a little on a thrust and then his fingers are on your clit and he’s rolling it between his fingers, filling you until you can barely breathe and with a shriek, you’re pushed over the edge, your orgasm hitting like a freight train, cunt clenching down around Andrei’s cock until he’s coming too, filling the condom with a shout of your name. He keeps thrusting into you sloppily until you’re both limp, his knee resting against the mattress to hold his body up. Your legs shake and he presses a sweet little kiss against the inside of each of your knees before setting your legs down on the mattress. You both hiss when he pulls out, the smooth glide of the condom strange after Martin’s bare cock.
“Four,” Andrei pants smugly.
“I’m not doing another,” you whine, catching your breath and turning your head to bury your face against Martin’s arm. Tears track down your cheeks, overstimulation making your entire body tremble.
Andrei’s at the foot of the bed, kneeling on the floor with his forearms on the mattress. You kick at him lightly, really just a twitch of your foot against his shoulder, and he traps your ankle with one hand. “I mean it,” you repeat. “I can’t feel anything from the waist down. I’m overwhelmed.”
“Take a breath,” Martin says. “You said you were done and then you screamed Svech’s name so loud the neighbors are going to be worried.”
“Give us one more,” Andrei pouts, all giant brown cow eyes and poked out lower lip.
Martin’s giving you the same pouty look and you can feel your resistance cave, not that it was overly strong to begin with. Sweat is dripping down your back and you roll a little onto your side, trying to unstick from the sheets.
“You can pick,” Martin says, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap. You go with him like a limp doll, curling up against his chest. “However you want and then we’re done.”
“Unless you want more after,” Andrei winks.
“I don’t know,” you murmur. “It’ll be fast, I’m already halfway there just sitting in your lap,” you admit, shifting, feeling your clit throb.
“Mm,” Martin hums and rubs your back. He looks over at Andrei and they communicate silently. It’s weird to watch, like they’re back on the ice, planning a pass or whatever. You’d almost feel left out if you weren’t literally covered in both of their sweat and cum. While they communicate silently, Martin’s hand drifts lower until he’s absently stroking clit, fingers dipping between your folds with no real purpose. You shiver, clenching around nothing and bury your face in his neck. Arousal drips around his fingers and down your thighs. Your stomach twists and your breathing stutters the more Martin touches you and when he pulls his hand away, you groan, “what was that?”
“What was what?” Martin asks and you think you might hate him just a little bit, until he kisses the corner of your mouth and repositions you over his thigh, leg hair catching on your clit almost immediately and making you exhale harshly.
“Horrible man,” you groan. “Someone better give me that orgasm I was promised.” You move your hips over Martin’s thigh absently, getting his skin slick and gliding easily, almost there again when he lifts you as easily as a doll and settles you back up against the pillows. You scowl at him, the aborted orgasm throbbing through your body.
“Patience, miláček,” Martin kisses the outside of your thigh and shifts off to the side, making room on the mattress for Andrei. They’re both on their stomachs in front of you, in between your spread legs, and you have no idea what they’re doing.
Martin pulls your leg open just a little more, your cunt wide open to them.
Andrei’s fingers wrap around your other thigh and squeeze. “It’s going to be a race,” he says, brown eyes dancing with mischief.
“A race?” You repeat faintly, wondering what the hell that means. They’re wearing matching devilish looks, so it can’t be anything good.
“Svechy gets your little clit, and I get everything else,” Martin says. “Whoever makes you come first-“
“Is the winner?” You raise an eyebrow at them.
“Gets to lick you clean,” Andrei corrects you with a smirk.
“Oh,” you gasp and then there’s nothing but hands on your body, calloused fingers rubbing against your clit and curled up against your g-spot, pumping in and out of your soaked cunt. Both men are encouraging and praising you in English and then Czech and Russian, your brain too fuzzy to comprehend any of it beyond the tight coil of pleasure low in your stomach. Martin’s fingers pump faster, Andrei’s pinch your clit. You writhe under their touch, Andrei clamping his free hand down on your hip so you can’t move as much. Your foot kicks out, glancing against Martin’s side but he doesn’t care, doubling his efforts with his fingers.
“Oh my god- oh my god! Martin! Andrei - fuck!” You babble unintelligibly, pressure building until it bursts and you’re gushing around their fingers, soaking their faces, the sheets under you. Your entire body goes limp, flopped back against the pillows, breath sawing in and out of your lungs.
“Fuck,” Andrei lets out a low whistle. He sticks his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean.
Martin chuckles, gently pulls his fingers from your cunt and you wince at the feeling, every nerve ending on fire. “I think it’s a tie,” he teases, wiping at his face.
“I think I’m dead,” you mutter, eyes shut, breathing ragged. “I think you both killed me.”
One of them kisses your lower stomach and you feel them move, get off the bed, and start padding around the room. Your legs twitch a little as you try and stretch out, head completely empty of thoughts and totally blissed out. You crack an eye open when the mattress dips and Andrei’s there with a damp washcloth. He quirks his lips at you and holds it up. “I think if we try to lick you clean, you will kill us,” he teases and you nod.
He wipes between your legs gently, carefully while you close your eyes again. You hiss when he gets too close to your clit with the rough cloth and he pulls back, apologizing before going in even more gently than before.
The mattress dips on your other side and there’s Martin, holding three bottles of Gatorade and a slice of toast with peanut butter on it. He sets everything to the side and helps you sit up once Andrei’s done. “Have a bite,” he holds the toast to your lips with one hand and tosses Andrei the Gatorade with the other. You chew and feel stupidly taken care of. Andrei guzzles back half the bottle in one gulp and leans one hand on the mattress to look at you. You sip at your own Gatorade while Martin takes a huge bite out of your peanut butter toast.
Both men are red faced and sweaty, Andrei’s hair flopped over his forehead and Martin’s sticking up in spikes. You can only imagine how debauched you look.
“Look at that,” you smirk, swallowing your Gatorade, “beat the record after all.”
122 notes · View notes
its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely love your work. You’re a fantastic writer. Is it possible for you to do something based a bit off of the song London Boy by Taylor Swift? If not I understand. I just feel there’s some cool way to tie it with Jamie Tartt. Sorry if it’s a bit of a generic request
ALRIGHTY gotta preface this, I actually hate this song 😂 Lyrics aren’t bad, but the like accent thing she does makes me die a little bit. BUT. I saw what you were going for (I think)! So here it is, I suffered through listening to this song bc you asked for a fic and I am nothing if not eager to please.
This is also a response to two other requests. So if that was you, ✌️😗 y’all were on the same page, congratulations. This is also my first song-based fic, although all of my works are (very, very loosely) based on songs. That’s why they have such insane titles😅 ANYWAY that’s enough talking from me. Enjoy!
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i fancy you
i love my hometown as much as Motown, i love So-Cal
Richmond in London is very different from your hometown in Southern California. It’s colder, for one. And older. Things in California don’t have the same extended history as they do in England. You’re here visiting family for a couple months, although your cousins are trying to convince you to stay longer. 
“What do you really have waiting for you in California?” Holland asks.
“Uh, the beach. Sun. Great Mexican food.” you respond.
Holland isn’t buying it. “When else are you going to be able to live here? We can help you get a job and all that, not a huge problem.”
Holland is very convincing. You decide to stay for a year, single year, and see what happens.
Holland is four years older than you, and has always been the cousin you’re closest to. You’ve had a long-standing bond since being the two eldest sisters in your family. Holland takes you to clubs and introduces you to her friends, including a Miss Keeley Jones who thinks you are “abso-fuckin-lutely adorable.” 
“You have to bring her to a Richmond match, babes,” Keeley says. “Lots of fit footballers.” She winks.
You ask Keeley of she’s dating a footballer.
“Oh god no,” she shudders. “A coach.”
You don’t really see the difference.
saw the dimples first and then i heard the accent
It was a good match, even you can tell. The Richmond team played seamlessly, passing the ball back and forth without letting the other team even touch it. Their conductor of sorts, the one mediating the passes, was crazy. He never seemed to get tired, anticipating his teammates’ moves and those of the opposing team. It seemed like he was always five steps ahead of everyone. Holland notices you watching him and pokes Keeley.
“You like Jamie?” Keeley laughs. “Makes sense. Anyone with eyes likes him. He’s right fit, too. Good in bed, shit with feelings. Well, used to be. Still fucking cocky.”
That’s interesting. “You’ve been with him?” you ask.
Keeley gives you a 50/50 hand motion. “Sort of. Don’t really count it, do I? Was with him at his fucking worst. That’s why Roy fucking hates him.”
“He’s much better now,” Holland chimes in. “Something happened last season and he stopped being such a dick.”
“Holland!” you reproach, laughing. “That’s not nice!”
She and Keeley shrug. “It’s true though, innit?”
You don’t know if it is, because when you first see Jamie up close in the club later that night, he seems perfectly fine. You see a flash of a smile, a dimple, then he says something (you don’t know what) but his accent is… something else. It’s not like Holland’s, or any of your family, but you know enough to pinpoint it to Manchester. 
“The accent got you, didn’t it?” says a voice near your ear and you yelp as Holland slides her arm around your shoulder.
“Gets the best of us,” says Keeley, grabbing your hand. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
She drags you over despite your protests.
he likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet, ‘darling i fancy you’
Regular dinner dates are scary, but dinner dates with a Premier League footballer are downright terrifying. 
You made Holland help you figure out what to wear, and when she showed up at your aunt’s house she had Keeley in tow.
“Heard you’re in need of a bit of a makeover,” she grins. “Lucky for you, that’s my specialty.”
Keeley and Holland have brought some of Holland’s dresses and you’re in a dark green one that “does fucking wonders for your hair, babe.”
Keeley did your makeup while Holland curled your hair and just like that, you’re ready to go.
You groan, “God, I fucking hate first dates,” while shaking out your arms. 
“It’ll be fine,” Holland promises, and she’s right.
It’s more than fine. It’s fucking fantastic.
“I like your smile,” Jamie says. “Fuckin’ American, it is.”
You laugh. “What does that even mean?”
Jamie shrugs. “It’s bigger. Brits are more reserved. Like Roy. You met Roy yet? Biggest fucking twat I ever saw,” but he says it with such affection that you’re sure he means something else.
His eyes are electric, blue and dazzling. They betray his every thought and feeling and right now you feel like if you hold his gaze any longer you’re going to say something completely stupid. 
Turns out your not the one to say something stupid; he is.
You’re walking back to his car, holding hands and swinging them in between you when he stops and says, “Darling, I fancy you.”
You grin and he returns it. He asks, “Was that British enough for you? Feel like you got the whole experience?”
“Definitely,” you say. “Was I American enough for you?”
“Dunno,” he replies, “Got to test one more thing.”
His lips are very soft on yours.
met all of his best mates, so i guess all the rumors are true
“This is Isaac, Colin, Dani, and Sam.”
Jamie is introducing you to some of his team. You’ve been dating for a month now, and your first picture together just popped up in the papers the night before.
The boys of AFC Richmond were pretty sure Jamie was seeing someone, but they didn’t know who it was. Jamie had set up this dinner thing a while ago, it just so happened that the tabloids got to you first. 
It’s not even that great a picture honestly, but you’d been around Nelson Road enough that the boys were able to recognize you. 
It’s a little unnerving to meet them, what with Isaac’s intense stare and Dani’s wide, wide smile. You’re grateful Colin and Sam are acting normal.
“We have an American coach,” Colin says in an attempt to break the ice. It does, because you’re all laughing at the absurdity of his attempt. 
“We have heard very much about you,” Dani says and you wonder if he ever stops smiling. It feels so weird and so normal to be at Jamie’s house with a pile of food and FIFA queued up on the TV, ready to go. You figure that if you’re meeting his friends, Jamie must be at least a little serious. He finds your hand and squeezes it under the table as Isaac cracks his first smile of the night. It’s weird dating a footballer, but you think you can get used to it.
babes, don’t threaten me with a good time
Jamie’s house is the largest you’ve ever been in, and it used to be strange that it was only just the two of you, clattering around that big home. 
It’s a cool night after a warm day so you both decided to lay in his backyard under the stars. 
It feels so much like something you’d do as a teenager, and you tell Jamie as much.
“Used to sneak on me mum’s roof,” he tells you. “Didn’t even do dumb shit, I’d just go to look.”
You lay there in silence for a few moments until you feel something tickle your side.
“Jamie!” you shriek.
“I didn’t do nothing!” he protests. “Must’ve been a bug.”
You don’t believe him, but you don’t push it until you feel another tickle.
“Babe, it weren’t me, I swear,” he says and you really don’t believe him, especially when he tickles you again less than a minute later.
You laugh. “Fuck you, Jamie Tartt.”
He smirks. “Babe, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Hm, maybe I want a good time.”
Jamie’s grin widens and he sits up. “You know where the bedroom is, love.”
you know i love a London boy
“I don’t fucking get it,” Jamie says. You shrug. 
“I literally don’t either,” you say. Your dad leans over to Jamie. “So basically…” he begins.
He’s halfway through his explanation when Jamie pokes you. “Babe,” he says, “can we switch seats so I can hear your dad better?” You chuckle then wiggle your way into Jamie’s seat while he gets into yours.
“Why the fuck is it called ‘football’ if it’s with their hands?” Jamie asks.
Your dad shrugs. “Not a clue, son, not a clue.”
The game progresses and one of the teams scores a touchdown.
“Hold the fuck up,” Jamie says. “Why did their score change that much?”
“I know this one!” you exclaim. “Different types of goals get different points. And there’s something called a lateral which has to do with moving backward I think?”
You dad just shakes his head with a grin and doesn’t attempt to clarify. 
Your dad spends the second half explaining everything to a very focused Jamie, and he asks questions the entire car ride home. It’s funny have Jamie here in America, staying at your parents house and seeing where you grew up. 
When you’re finally back home and in bed, you pull him as close as you can and whisper, “I love you very, very much. You know that, right?”
You can feel Jamie smile against your hair. “I love you too, very fucking much.”
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alcinaslittlemaid · 7 months
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🎈𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕?🎈
Pennywise 17x Papawise 90! XFem!?Reader
I’m depressed again so y’all know what that means?
Comfort and kisses!+Fluff! from the 7ft clown 🥲🎀🎈
Tw: Self harm mention, thoughts of Sewerslide, shitty mental health, medication mention, mental breakdowns, attempts of overdose! Emetephobia!!
The fluff begins in the second ———
Grab a cuppa tea or coffee and Enjoy! 🍷
You curled up against the large plushies propped up against the wall of your bed, your whole body shaking, your eyes stung from constant tears that streamed down your soft cheeks. Your medication had not worked, causing you to stay up later than usual after pennywise tucked you into bed, before going on a hunt.
You cautiously got up, your mind blank, almost as if you were in a thoughtless trance, you began to make your way to the bathroom. Dried tear tracks coating your face, your pressed a sharp, metal blade into your arm deep, fresh tears dripped down your face, blood gushing out of your arm as you picked up a bottle of pills from the cabinet and began taking them all at once. Stood there staring into the mirror, the room began to spin violently, your throat filling with vomit and your motions becoming mindless and slurred, you became dizzy and suddenly everything went black as you numbly felt your body smack into the floor. ————————
You felt your body be lifted from the cold, hard bathroom floor, spit trailing from your lips causing a long line of drool behind your body.
“Is she alright?” A gruff voice echoed out in your unconscious state “she will be…” a raspy voice answered back as the sound of water sloshing filled your ears in an echoey way “what in the georgies dismembered arm happens to her arms?” The gruff voice sounded concerned “Long story, I’ll tell you don’t worry” the raspy voice replied. Suddenly, your lips were pressed against another pair, air filling your lungs “Come on Y/n” one of the voices puffed “
You sat bolt right up coughing and spluttering “fuck-“, you choked, vomit filling your throat as you puked into the murky water “Aughhhhh- Ayghhhh” you panted “Cough it up doll, it might be a gold watch” papa chuckled, happy that your alive “Now come here” you were suddenly dragged into a bear hug by pennywise, his soft, silk suit rubbing against you “Oh little lamb~ you scared me half to death, I thought you were a goner” You swear you could hear his voice breaking, his heart was racing in his chest
“Come here darlin” papa said pulling you into his arms, holding a fresh cup of water “here clear out your immune system a little” you nodded and almost downed the water immediately “Woah, Woah Woah doll face, slow down you’ll give yourself hiccups” he chuckled again before laying you down in penny’s nest pulling the blankets over you, penny dragging an anti bacterial wipe over your gushing arms “ARGH SHITT!” You snarled in agonising pain, papa smacked your head with a newspaper he was reading “language babydoll” he growled as he kneeled down by your arm, wrapping it in bandages and pinning them up “Shhhh it’s okay pet, shhh”
Finally, either clowns crawled in on either side of you snuggling into you with they’re arms snaking around as you all fall asleep, protected, snug and safe.
Penny’s hand snakes into your hair, drawing little circles on your scalp “Mine precious dolly” he purred drooling slightly on your chest❤️
I’m sorry for this sob story but again my mental health has declined rapidly so it’s a bit personal 😅
I’ll try not to post as much upsetting stuff
Love you all ❤️❤️
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prismonautic · 6 months
baneful witchcraft — to cast, or to not cast?
imma start posting more things that aren’t JUST spells, i need some things to fill in my blog between projects 😅 so let’s discuss this my loves.
well, if you want to get a scale of how necessary (or unnecessary) your baneful witchcraft should be, imagine the interactions you had + are about to do as physical actions.
rule of thumb: if it’s not something that you’d do to someone in real life, it’s probably best you don’t try to do it astrally either.
if you not about it, don’t go looking for that type of smoke.
for example:
say that there was a really rude customer you’ve had, and they’re some stranger that you (hopefully) don’t see again. are you going to:
A) be petty and ensure that they have a hard time getting what they want because they were that mean to you?
B) punch them in the face, drag them off of the premises, and walk away?
C) find their address, kidnap them, and skin them alive in your basement?
if you’re someone who chose A — you’ve retaliated in the form of jinxing.
something quick and petty that allows you to get your lick back, but nothing long-term that implicates both of y’all for a hard time. this is comparable to a jinx, light baneful work. they’re pretty easy to cast, pretty easy to break. not that serious unless you dealing with someone who REALLY takes offense to that and will snap back harder on you.
if you’re someone who chose B — you’ve retaliated in the form of a hex.
i hope that you’re someone who fantasized about doing that instead of actually carrying it out in real life. if you actually carry this out in real life, i pray you got someone to bail you out. i understand the sentiment because there are times where i’ve wanted to beat the shit out of customers who were being vile to me, but it’s not worth any of the potential consequences if you chose the wrong person!
if you’re someone who chose C — you’ve retaliated in the form of a curse.
and … you should probably not be wielding baneful witchcraft because this is the definition of fuck around and find out + it’s REALLY not that serious. transmute some of that hatred into some abundance for you baby, that energy could go towards much better things actually worth your time.
if you chose this option for some reason, you need to get better at picking your battles and directing your energy towards better things — plus, i don’t think that interaction warrants the amount of innocent lives you’ll affect by gravely harming that person. you’re also setting yourself up for some pretty bad retaliation from other forces too.
so like… while i’m all for baneful works, i’m NOT for throwing it around lightly! again, treating baneful works like they’re candy to toss around is an amazing way to fuck around and find out.
additional closing notes
it’s unlikely that you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to use a vile curse. if you have to resort to that after everything else failed to work, i’m sorry for what you went through and i hope you get the retribution you deserve.
hexes, it’s likely you’ll have some long-term situations that warrant them!
just make sure there’s a kill-switch in the spell (eg. if someone stops their gossiping for three months, the hex will automatically break). not a good idea to make a hex long-lasting no matter what conditions — extending the duration with no outlet basically makes it a curse.
jinxes, i personally rarely cast because i prefer to calm down and direct my energy to somewhere else.
i don’t like immediately resorting to malice. however, i find that they’re pretty good in teaching quick lessons for repeated annoyances. got an annoying neighbor that won’t stay out of your business? a witch could just jinx them to have enough problems around their own house that they only worry about their own business. quick, a little meanspirited, but you not straight up assaulting them for being a nuisance.
if you have the power, make sure to use it responsibly + avoid fucking around too much if you don’t want to find out! if you want to fuck around, at least cover your ass enough to do it.
end of the blog!
fly away my oneironauts !!!
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sagesolsticewrites · 30 days
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Thanks so much for the tag besties @winniemaywebber @ginabaker1666! Sorry this is little late 😅 Finally working on the next part of Love’s Light Wings! I’m sorry it’s been so long since an actual update, but I’m so excited for y’all to see what’s in store for John & Jules!
Juliet wakes, as she always does these days, with a smile.
It’s been around two weeks since her Johnny came home— two wonderful weeks since he’d proposed in the back garden— and she’d loved every second. John had been settling back into life at home in sleepy Victor, New York, taking the time to grieve the friends he’d lost overseas and process the passing of his father, happy to have his mother fussing over him while he took a break before resuming the search for a job.
Juliet had indeed asked around as promised and found that Victor High School was in the market for a second music teacher— poor Mr. Brown was getting overwhelmed with the class load and was looking forward to some help. So today, John had an interview with the principal, and Juliet was coming along to introduce him.
Beaming, she rolls out of bed to get ready for the day. Once her face is washed and she’s donned her favorite light green shirtwaist dress, she races to her vanity for her new favorite part of her morning routine: slipping on her engagement ring.
A warm wave of joy rushes through her feeling the subtle weight of it on her finger, the emerald and two tiny diamonds sparkling in the sunlight.
She skips downstairs once she’s deemed herself presentable, greeting her parents with a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning,” her mother laughs, “you’re certainly in a good mood today.”
“It’s a good day,” Juliet shrugs, trying to downplay her excitement.
“Because you get to see John?”
“Yes…” she drags out at her mother’s knowing look, unable to hide her smile, “And because of my lunch date with the girls, remember?”
“Oh yes,” her father laughs from his place at the table, “How could we forget?” In a more sincere tone, he continues, “I hope you plan on thanking Olive for all her letters when you meet her.”
“Of course, Daddy,” Juliet replies, “She was such a wonderful friend to have when Johnny was…”
She trails off, then clears her throat, continuing with an unbothered smile.
“And I can’t wait to meet Val, she sounded like quite the character in Olive's letters.”
Tagging: @precious-little-scoundrel @blurredcolour and anyone else who wants to!
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elfiaa · 2 years
12:00 A.M
[sleep is for the weak. How will the twisted boys spend their late nights with you?]
A/N: Established relationships, but can be platonic if you squint 🧍🏻 Just general sleep headcanons :) some are more crack than others though…sorry if you were expecting something more serious 😅 first part of a (maybe..?) series, so first years gotta be..well first! Another A/N at the end <3
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A. Trappola
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Ramshackle is a second home for him
And no, I don’t mean it in the sweet way
Man is over here at 11:00 PM knocking on the door bc he was hungry
Y’all can’t catch a break 😭
Whenever you do eventually let him in (instead of letting him succumb to the freezing air outside ☺️) he makes himself comfortable on your bed
He’s probably kicking his feet and getting all comfortable, half guessing you’d just hop in💀
Did he do this on purpose?
Is this his greatest achievement?
Is def a cuddler, but in the way that in the morning, your sheets are half on and the duvet is nearly off the bed🧍🏻
You guys carelessly skip through children’s channels and the TV to quench the boredom
But then a second later mans is snoring loud af
Grim does not appreciate his bed buddy being stolen
I’m sure he’s sleeping on the floor to prove a point, only bc Ace tried to convince him to sleep in the middle
Ace is not superior 🤨‼️is what grim is probably thinking as his half conscious body is clawing at the sheets
Maybe that’s why they were half on…
Other than the time ace is a breathing rock, he’s relatively chill when awake
If you provide him with some snacks by the bedside, he’ll make sure not to bother you too much
Maybe the occasional 3:AM thoughts
And when he’s ESPECIALLY groggy from staying up late
He’s an angel 😍
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
When sleepy, ace is a completely different person
Def against his own will too
He can’t help it! Even though he’s in a less mediocre bed than in his dorm, he finds your company very soothing
Please just ignore him acting more clingy and mushy
If you tease him in the morning he will ignore you
Until Riddle almost collars him, and he’s back asking for you as Housewarden of Ramshackle to pls give him a pass !!
His pajamas are probably hella atrocious.
Atrocious in the sense he probably never washes them unless he has a stain on it
Greasy af..
If you’re the motherly type or just naturally care for your friends by tucking them in, or humming a soft tune, he’ll tell you to cut it out! But not rlly stop you either..
Indulge him this once!! He promises that he won’t bother you for the rest of the week !
Well…that’s a bluff, but you’d let him get away with it too, wouldn’t you?
Anyways 6/10: he’s a pain to entertain, but you love him so the score had to be above 5 🙄
D. Spade
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Look, the only reason he’d ever be awake is because of ace 💀
Ever since his redemption arc of becoming a model student, he’s probably been going to bed at like 8:00 sharp. 9:00 if he’s cramping in some late work, but nothing more!
If he is awake and it’s late, it’s just another weekday of him being dragged to do late hw 😔
Like ace, he becomes very groggy. Usually when he was younger, he’d just walk off the drowsiness, but he’s a new person now!
He probably asks you to pinch him awake if you see his eyes start to droop.
Is probably shocked for a few seconds, but it helps keep him awake, and a bit motivated seeing you trying so hard to help him. (He promises your help will not go in vain !!!)
He wants to keep up with you!!
If in the case, he ISNT up because of work, he’s definitely being babied
He’s getting the midnight snacks. He’s getting the random bedtime stories, he’s getting cushioned in all the right pillows, and he even has the classic button up pjs to fit it!
He gave up his dignity a long time ago when he met you
This means he’s totally embracing the pampering 💀
Tuck him in, give his a goodnight smooch before he nocks out, and he’s all yours
But this doesn’t erase the fact that he’s still a little embarrassed
He adores you tho!! So he basically can’t deny you
He’s very grateful for the treatment and makes sure to stay awake as long as you do.
Probably treats you to lunch
His mama raised him well 😭💕
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Like I said previously, if you pamper him, he’ll love you forever
His mother def approves
When are we scheduling the family reunion???
If YOURE the one who goes to bed before him…woo boy…
He almost cringes at himself for all the cheesy stuff he does
I said almost
Even though he’s turning as bright as a peach, he can’t really hold back his emotions when they’re on overdrive 😭
Hell nuzzle into you, comb your hair, and sometimes, if not mostly, he plays with your fingers
To him: embarrassing
To you: actions of a true jolly good best man
Has sleep ambiance music, and ONLY the ones with rain softly playing in the back
If you ever bought him a matching set of Jammie’s, he’s in love
Warm soothing drinks will get this boy to melt into your arms!!
He just wants to be held for a bit 😭 then he’ll get excited and want to hug you too
Goofy little Deucy TuT <3
10/10: I don’t make the rules around here. He’s the goodest man in this group (next to Jack ofc, we’ll get into that in a sec)
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J. Howl
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Is conflicted between keeping up his routine, and helping you
Then again, it’s you…
He’s running to ramshackle as we speak 🥰
If it’s homework your having trouble with, it’s no problem! He’ll grab some pillows and stay up as long as you need him to
If it’s the lack of sleep you’re struggling with.. I’m afraid he’s not very skilled in the matter
Will definitely do some research for you though. He’s dedicated to keeping you healthy and cared for despite your heavy workload.
Almost ends up being your pillow ( and Ik u know what pillows I’m talking abt🤭)
On the weekends, he’s less strict about his schedule. After he had gotten rid of his lone wolf attitude, he almost found it difficult to not stay up and goof with his buddies :)
You are no exception to this. He’s definitely more lax and is more likely to goof off with you as the evening gets later and later 😌
Will watch movies and shows from your world like Up, Over the Garden Wall, etc.
Definitely cries when carls wife dies. Firmly denies that ever happening to this day.
Is still a provider, so if you’re in need, he’ll help!
Getting cold? Gives you his biggest, warmest jacket (that you DEF didn’t steal from him :))
Getting bored? Let’s switch the channel. How about a bit of video games?
Feeling hungry? Is unboxing the brownie mix that was hidden behind the pounds of protein powder he keeps in ramshackle. Even then, he insists on doing the work for you. He wants you to be as comfortable as physically possible <3
As you chew on your freshly baked brownies, Jack is definitely contemplating how much space he has in his schedule to do this again
But when you lean into his collarbone and tell him he’s beautiful, he kind of just…reboots.
He’s definitely making more time for these sleepovers.
Nighty night Jack 😁
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Don’t even get me started
I know he sleeps in only shorts cause it’s hot af in savanaclaw 😔
That being said, when he goes to ramshackle, he’s your own personal heater.
No need for a generator ☺️ you alr got one purring next to u (or snoozing? He’s not a cat…..but he sure acts like one when he’s tired)
Is against the idea of sleeping in his wolf form until you asked him.
The first time he did it, he was deep in the crush department with you, so how could he say no when you asked to nicely??He reluctantly transformed, and in came you, flooding into his soft fur. In jacks brain, he could keep his wolf form up until the next morning. No biggie !!
That was a lie
The next morning you were cuddling into this man’s deliciously defined Hawaiian bread style 6 pack
(Can’t even control yourself when ur asleep prefect 🤨??)
Thought he committed a sin or something
He just got tired and couldn’t keep his magic up long enough to stay fluffy 💔
Pls reassure him that it’s not his fault, tell him u had a nice nap, he’ll get over his mortification soon enough.
And that’s how me and ur father met 😄!!
All jokes aside, he’s for sure very affectionate with you when drowsy
As a beastman, he has a lot of siblings, and with younger siblings comes the hugs, and the bedtime stories, and sweet kisses goodnight!
Well he’s gotten so used to doing it for his siblings, that he’s gotten into the habit of doing the same to you :)
He’s overall a very caring lover when it comes time to sleep
He’s holding you, whispering affirmations into your ear, rubbing that one sore spot on your back
How’d you hit the jack-pot ?? (Pun intended)
Don’t feel like you have to repay him for the back rubs and hugs though, to him you’ve repaid enough !
Every hug, kiss, and smile you send his way has his tail wagging so hard he starts flying.
Also denies that, but whether or not he admits it is no concern of yours.
Overall you guys are just over here chilling
8/10 : 2 points off because he probably smells like protein powder…
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E. Felmier
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
He is a grown ass kid acting like he’s 13
YEA he’s still a man…now stfu and lets sing California Girls 😡
So yea
He ISSSS technically breaking Vils bedtime regimen, but he can’t really be punished if he’s over at ramshackle 😄
Was and probably is still an avid Avril Lavigne fan, so expect to have yet another night of rest griped from u as you wordlessly mumble the lyrics to Sk8er Boi with a hyper Epel and a hair comb microphone :)
He rlly wanted to be her skater boy..
Anyhow, makes you go through the battle that is his skin care routine (bc rook would snitch in the shadows if he didn’t 🤨)
And you (un) surprisingly…enjoyed it?
You must be a strong soldier…
Epel salutes to you
Other then the impromptu concert in the middle of the night, he’s pretty chill when he’s staying up.
Grim is kind of regretting giving you his consent to date Epel-
He’s probably wearing the ugliest set of pjs you’ve ever seen
He brought dad joke T-Shirts into a silk and satin pj fight 🙄
You and vil are perplexed at how he snuck out without the fine ass jamies Vil bought him.
Ig being in the dorm with the hottest dorm leader will do something to you 😔 (sorry, I’m projecting )
Will try and bake for you to show how independent he is, and almost sets the house on fire for the second time this week
Will watch some analog horror to set the mood, and manz has lost his sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch & smell after the shit he just watched 😟
Believe me!! He wants to be strong for you
Meanwhile you’re coming through his hair, calmly reassuring our wheat eating southern peach that no one’s under your bed that isn’t already grim or the ghosts.
Going back to the pjs..
The ugliest thing I’ve ever seen
Probably had someone print his favorite meme onto a shirt he never washes 😭
Or on the off chance, he may or may not be wearing matching onesies w/ you out of his own free will
In that case, cherish the moment while it lasts, cause it won’t ever get this good again ☺️
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Snores loud af
Is a blanket hogger, so if you’re planning to sleep together, you have a better chance at sleeping in a freezer than suffering the cold next to him ☺️
Is also a bed hogger, and not by choice 😔
He’s trying so hard, believe me. He loves cuddling (& is always big spoon, you have no say in the matter), but you are guaranteed to meet the floor in the morning
I swear he’s trying not to 😭
Other then that, he’s a real sweet hugger, and an even sweeter partner :)
He says he doesn’t like doing all that skin care or hair care stuff, but will proudly wash your hair and scrub your face because he likes seeing you well :)
Definitely likes to pamper you by doing the little things
Brings you home goods from his family farm as you guys just giggle abt silly things. Is telling the whole family tree of how the sleepover went :))
Sooner or later you’ll get a call (unbeknownst to Epel) inviting you to his family’s next gathering. That’s how you know they’re already planning the wedding 😭
You will both brush or braid each others hair. I don’t make the rules
He loves threading his hands through your hair. To him, it’s more intimate than a kiss could ever be (not saying they he doesn’t love them tho, pls don’t take his kiss privileges away)
Will, and ik it sounds crazy, jump on ur roof to look at the stars.
He knows that u both know it looks clique or a bit cringe, but the experience is sweet and something he’ll never forget
Remembers eating the baked goods he almost burnt with you, talking about whatever comes to mind. Is very fond of the memory :)
In the morning, he has you swear that everything that happened at ramshackle will not be heard by Vil or Rook
He’s just trying to survive y/n 😔
7/10: he’s better than ace, but he put you under a lot of pressure memorizing those Avril Lavigne lyrics
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S. Zigvolt
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
He doesn’t sleep
Is too busy dusting his malleus painting :)
Feeling like he also has dragon or bolt pj’s?
If not any of the two, he wears a traditional night gown
I see we’re getting studious up in here 🤨‼️
I imagine sebek being extremely embarrassed when you proposed a sleepover
He thinks it’s marriage y’all, give him a sec.
Sees you do sleepovers with the others and gets sad ):(
Now he’s the one inviting you
Is super giddy but doesn’t want to seem to excited
(I thought we were dating, what’s with the reactions bae 😟)
At first he finds it inappropriate to even sleep in the same bed, but like I said, he gets lonely man </3
So a minute later he’s staring at your rolled up side hoping you get the memo T_T
Ofc you do, and he can get the attention he deserves 💪☺️(yes white boy, yess!!)
Being half fae half human, he understands the idea of a sleepover, but not much of what to do in one, so you’re gonna have to lead this one y/n :/
While he’s bound by his own set of rules and limitations, he’s surprisingly open to trying out new things with you !
So here comes you, introducing him to the classic sob story movies from your world, making rainbow loom bracelets to pass the time while your homemade pizza is cooking
When you get over the whole Malleus fixation, he’s actually very domestic :)
Takes care of his room to make you as comfortable as possible.
Also a pamperer, but in the more reserved embarrassed way
Will cry while watching the Notebook
*Blows aesthetically into a lace handkerchief*
Rages at the Titanic
(S: There was room for both of them on that raft?!
y/n: yes- but that’s just how the story goes seb-
S:??!?!.@$! )
Has never touched a spatula in his life
All the cooking and baking is helped out tremendously by you
Enjoys it quite a bit! (Don’t let Lils find out, he’ll get depressed 😔)
Is tuckered out after all of the fun though
After dark, he turns into mush in your hands. Practically a cat from how he rubs his head and thumb over you
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Is a stiff hugger in bed
He’s not the best in affection, but you best believe he’s trying his best 😭
Tbh, his cuddles are more protective than comfortable
I’m sure he’s caging you between the mattress to make sure you don’t get stolen or something 💔
He has good intentions tho, I swear ToT!!
Literally scrambles out of the bed when you twirl your fingers through his hair
Thought you were trying to mess with him, but the situation quickly comes to one of learning when you reveal your true intentions of the endearing act
Tries it for himself. Is infatuated with it.
He’s playing with your hair in the shower, when you study, when you need to fall asleep faster. He’s gotten addicted to the affection. That being said, he becomes shy, and a bit defiant once you start doing it. He’s too prideful to let you see this soft side of him (were you not cuddling to my side in the last paragraph seb 😔??)
You just have to rub a certain spot on his head to earn a blush. I’m telling you, cat behavior !!
He’ll sleep calmly, and ever so softly whispers a thank you into your ear.
We all know he’s a man of huge stature, so he’s practically cradling you into his chest
As he’s sleeping, you can make out some words from his sleep talking, as well as the soft and warm breaths he takes near the nape of your neck
Rub his back. He’s fast asleep.
Is rolling with joy at the affection he is receiving.
Will he tell you that? No, but at this point in time you fully understand what he’s feeling, so hess. not going to try to
The aftermath has you waking up on top of the green eyed boy (nice Sebek!), but your awoken by that Briar Valley Anthem (boy what)
Thank god it’s the weekend! He’s definitely not letting go of his grasp on you
As we speak, he’s glaring at his phone, alarm still blaring through the room.
(Soft seb supremacy whaaaat😭‼️‼️)
Anyways 9/10: point taken off because he has the Briar Vally anthem as his morning alarm 😭
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆*:.。.☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。.
A/N: Aaaah. As I’m posting this, it is 10:20, so don’t cancel me 😔
I’m hoping to make more of these, but seeing how long they took me to write, I’m not too sure if it’ll be consistent😅
And before some of you come after me, I’m sorry to all you Ace and Deuce fans out there,
ik I made theirs extremely short and brainrotted on the rest. Forgive me!!
If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, or just things you think I should add, feel free to tell me :)
Have a wonderful day readers <3
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lcandothisallday · 6 months
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my response below🫶🏼
i took out that part cos i can only really speak for myself and don’t feel comfortable dragging someone into this. that being said, like i said i can only answer for myself so i guess here’s my answer:
1) i do still talk to other jack blogs, just not as much cos there isn’t much in common to talk about anymore but there’s no bad blood between us at all. i love them all
2) jack personally doesn’t excite me anymore and truthfully I got annoyed at him “gatekeeping his fan experience.” you can truly only enjoy being his fan if you have the money, time, and online status to keep up with him 24/7. because he only caters his fan experience to those type people. Of course this is just my opinion but as a canadian fan who doesnt have the funds to do much outside of Toronto, it def sucked. it’s not like that with other artists i feel (which I’m sure you could argue) but I haven’t dealt with that gatekeeping before.
3) again I can only speak for myself but yes i did leave the fandom but I did NOT leave y’all behind. if anything y’all left me behind lmao. i can strongly confirm that no anons from my jack days come in anymore. people only liked me when I wrote and they only interacted when I wrote. and hey that’s fine by me but i never ignored yall cos y’all never showed up to begin with😅
4) me personally, i didn’t stop writing cos of “interaction”. My interaction for the most part was quite high and satisfactory cos I was writing at the peak of this fandom. however I noticed that writing gave me ✨anxiety✨ and too much delusions and lowkey it was unhealthy for me so when I got busy with life and pulled away, i really started to enjoy this app more cos i literally treat it like twitter and just shit post for giggles lol
5) im truly sorry if you feel like you were left behind in this fandom. the jack fandom may be lacking atm but there’s surprisingly SO much content out there. and I’m sure it’s only slow cos he hasn’t really been doing anything lol. As for the relationship you’ve garnered with other blogs, i know it sucks when we leave high and dry and stop interacting but for me at least it goes both ways and at the end of the day you can’t force anyone to stay😅
6) i am appreciative for every single person ever that has shown me and my writing love over the past like 2 years? wild lol. i hope you know that if you interact with me I will be just as enthusiastic with my response! but it is what it is
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Hello friend 💖
You want Carol, I think I can help
So we know that carol and monica are starting to really form that aunt-niece bond again, but they’ve been kinda taking it slow and not doing anything too crazy. BUT. What if something happened that basically help really propel it forward? Here’s my idea.
Monica gets injured on a mission (not life threatening but enough to warrant her needing to take it easy) and she doesn’t think it’s a big deal. But once Carol gets wind of it, she goes FULL BLOWN PROTECTIVE AUNT MODE. Going over and helping her and making sure she doesn’t do anything stupid to make the injury worse. And although Monica is reluctant and stubborn to accept the help, she ends up greatly appreciating it and it further confirms how much Carol truly cares about her 💞
A/N: Hey, girl, hey!!! Thank you so, so much for the amazing request!!! You totally get that need I have for some Carol in my life (or at least you should by now with how much I drive you crazy with it 🤣🤣🤣) 
I loved writing this request, and I’m sorry I took a little bit to get to it! Between all these multi-chapters, I haven’t had much time to do anything else. But things are calming down some and I’m going to try to balance stuff out a little better 😅
Happy reading, pardner! 🤠 I hope y’all enjoy! 💖
Word Count: 3.5k+
  Monica pecked softly at the keyboard before her, looking carefully at the screen as she did her best to ignore how her painkillers were wearing off at the moment. The spreadsheet that she had open at the moment was looking less and less tantalizing with each bit of time that passed by.
  There was a sudden ring of the doorbell, and Monica let out a long, deep sigh. She had no idea who that could be, but she was honestly not much in the mood to answer it. She was hoping it was perhaps a delivery or something. She had ordered that new headset not too long ago.
  So she remained silent, figuring she would drag herself up to get the package in a little while.
  However, when the doorbell rang for a second time, Monica knew that it was not just a delivery. She let out a breath, rubbing her forehead as she looked down at her foot where it was bound. She was sitting at the table getting some paperwork done because after her most recent injury, she had been grounded for rest for around six weeks.
  It had been a routine mission, and despite the fact that Monica herself had powers, she had not quite mastered them yet or knew the full extent. And, because things happen and the stupidest as well as most coincidental of things can go down while on a mission, they had gotten lucky and managed to shoot her in the foot. It hurt, and it successfully killed her ability to walk comfortably, but she was doing her best.
  And now someone was at the accursed door, and this was the last thing that she had expected or had wanted to have to take care of. Especially since she was tired and otherwise uninterested in having company or talking to anyone.
  She remained quiet, hoping that the person would maybe go away. However, they seemed to get impatient, ringing the doorbell several times as they tried to get her to listen or answer, and Monica groaned deeply.
  “I’m coming!” Monica called, aggravation written in her tone as she dragged herself up. She knew that it could not be anyone from her workplace, and at this point she was beginning to think that it was some kind of person looking to solicit her for something.
  She hobbled to the door, not too graceful as she left her crutches over by the table. She hated the things, and as a result, she hardly used them as much as she was supposed to. Monica was not one for crutches, and the very thought of them irritated her to the bone. They were a sign of a handicap, and she hated the idea of being crippled. She had nothing against crippled people, but she herself did not want to have anything around that would make she herself feel like one.
  It was one of her deepest terrors. She did not want to be hindered. And those crutches were a symbol representing hinderance.
  Once she finally managed to get to the door, she opened it carefully, putting the majority of weight on her good leg and good foot.
  To her shock, slight dread, and strange relief, the person standing just on the other side of the door was none other than the last person she had expected to be here— her aunt.
  Carol just looked at her carefully, nothing but ease in her body language despite her eyes telling an entirely different story.
  “What’s up, Lieutenant Trouble?” Carol breezily asked, and Monica just looked at her for a long moment, shocked that Carol had shown up at all. While she and her aunt had been spending a lot more time together and had been slowly trying to get back to their former level of closeness, Carol usually offered some type of warning before showing up at Monica’s house.
  “Carol… What brings you here?” Monica questioned, trying to keep her tone level despite her surprise that she was sure was written all over her face.
 “Oh, nothing much… I understand that you were injured on a mission?” Carol barely managed to look casual despite the ease and smoothness of the delivery of her question. The haste in which she got to her point was indicative enough of the panic raging beneath the surface. Her eyes were scanning Monica’s every limb, her eyes lingering on her form as she looked her over the best she could without just stepping right in and grabbing her.
  Monica just let out a deep breath. She had no idea how Carol had found it out, but now she was going to have to deal with a very much overprotective aunt.
  She would say that it was the freshness of their newly rekindled relationship that was propelling this side of her, but she remembered Carol back when she was a kid. This was the woman that threatened to spank preschool children for messing with Monica and pulling her hair one time. Not to mention the tons of other times that she had no problem with threatening people if they tried to mess with Monica.
  “I got shot. It’s not a big deal,” Monica tried to downplay it a little, but Carol was not about to let this go, and they both knew it.
  “Where exactly?” Carol questioned, and something in Carol’s tone led Monica to believe that she already knew where. Monica narrowed her eyes a little, looking at Carol skeptically. She finally let out a soft breath, eyeing Carol somewhat tiredly.
  “Look, I’m fine,” Monica claimed, and Carol instantly got something that could only be described as determination in her eyes.
  “Y’know, I didn’t know that getting shot in the foot classifies as fine. Guess they’re going to have to update the reach of that hospital lingo,” Carol sarcastically replied, a levity in her voice despite the evident seriousness.
  Just as Monica had thought, Carol knew where she had been shot. She had somehow managed to get all the details, and Monica honestly had no idea how she had figured any of it out.
  However, what was done was done. Monica just sighed deeply as she rubbed at her face, starting to turn and head to the kitchen table to resume the work she was doing.
  “What are you doing?” Carol asked, her voice growing closer behind the younger girl as she spoke. Monica did not bother looking back at her.
  “Finishing up some paperwork,” Monica simply answered, and she suddenly felt Carol’s hand on her arm, holding her still. Monica felt the energy just beneath the surface, each of their individual powers interacting just with the touch.
  “No,” Carol argued, and Monica furrowed her brow, pausing more fully of her own accord.
  “What?” Monica asked, confusion riddling her tone.
  “You heard me,” Carol put her foot down, and as Monica turned to look at her, surprised at the woman’s boldness considering their relationship recently. Carol, however, was not at all affected as she just gazed at her with that same expression of pure steel. There was no negotiation to be had with her at this point.
  “Well, then, where do you think I’m going?” Monica questioned, and Carol tilted her head toward the couch.
  “You’re going to sit on the couch,” Carol argued, and Monica just scoffed a little, shaking her head.
  “Carol, I’ve got things to do,” Monica tried to explain, and Carol raised an eyebrow.
  “Nothing that can’t get done later in your six weeks of recovery,” Carol replied, a certain smugness in her tone as she knew that she had won this battle of the wills. Monica just groaned deeply before starting to turn toward the couch and make her way there.
  However, to her shock, Carol grabbed her, picking her up effortlessly, and Monica instantly let out a noise of surprise and protest. Carol instantly shook her head, shushing her.
  “Hey, it’s all good. Just let me do it for you,” Carol told her before carefully sitting her down on the couch. Monica’s eyes were a little wide with the shock that Carol was still able to pick her up just as easily as she did when she was a kid. It was weird to her even though she logically knew that Carol was the strongest and most powerful being in the universe.
  Monica started to pivot her hips so that she could rest her foot on the floor, but Carol quickly clicked her tongue in scolding, grabbing Monica’s leg as she leaned forward over the back of the couch. She then moved Monica’s leg back where it belonged, getting a pillow and placing it underneath it.
  Monica furrowed her brow, starting to speak up, but Carol shook her head.
  “Just… Let me take care of you, okay?” Carol told her, a softness but also a desperation in her voice as she met Monica’s eyes carefully. Monica studied her for a moment, considering it.
  She was not sure why in the world that Carol was insisting so hard on taking care of her with she herself being a grown woman, but she knew that she was probably not about to get the older woman out of her house. At least not until Carol had done some things for her.
  Monica sighed deeply, nodding tiredly.
       “Peanut butter and jelly or turkey?” Carol questioned as she checked with Monica, standing in the kitchen with the fridge door open as she looked back at her. Monica had made the mistake of saying that she had been hungry, and Carol had leapt up to go and take care of it for her.
  Monica rubbed her head, not overly impressed with the fact that Carol had even offered the possibility of peanut butter and jelly. That was her favorite when she was a child, and as sweet as it was that Carol had remembered, Monica was honestly already in a mood about all of this.
  How dare Carol even assume that she might want a childish option like peanut butter and jelly?
  “Ham,” Monica spoke up tiredly. Carol was quiet for a moment as she pilfered through the refrigerator a little further. She finally made some victorious statement as she pulled back and held up the bag of ham.
  “Ham sandwich, coming up. You still like barely any mayo?”
  “A normal amount is fine,” Monica answered, staring at the television since she had literally nothing better to do after Carol had insisted that she take a break from work. Monica had chosen for them to watch ID channel, and she was almost convinced that Carol was going to take the remote from her and press the buttons for her. However, she miraculously had at least allowed her to do that on her own.
  “Half or whole?” Carol asked, and Monica shrugged.
  “Whole,” she answered simply, and Carol hummed in agreement, continuing as she effortlessly took care of Monica’s sandwich.
  After a few beats longer, Carol spoke up again.
  “You want it cut in rectangles? Y’know… So there aren’t any sharp edges that’ll get you,” Carol playfully pointed out, and Monica instantly was taken back to a time when she would have been entirely in favor of doing rectangles for that exact reason. Carol really did have a good memory when it came to Monica’s childhood.
  Nevertheless, despite her amazement, the question did get under her skin just a little. The way that Carol kept giving her child options was irritating her just a little. She knew she was trying to be helpful and considerate, but the irritation that had been present within her since getting this injury was prickling underneath her skin to the point that she could hardly focus on anything else besides the fact that it had left her here like some sort of invalid.
  And now Carol was viewing her that way inevitably, as evidenced by the way she was treating her like a kid.
  “Just bring it, please. You don’t have to cut it,” she told her, and Carol uttered some manner of agreement. Before long, she came back in, extending it to Monica with a small grin.
  “Still not a fan of triangle cuts, huh?” Carol questioned, and Monica took the sandwich tiredly, trying to push down the feeling of uselessness and helplessness that she was feeling as well as the irritation stemming directly from it.
  “Thanks for the sandwich,” she mustered before taking a big bite of her sandwich.
  “Is there anything else I can get you?” Carol questioned, remaining standing next to the armchair not too far from the couch that Monica was lying across.
  “No, I’m okay,” Monica told her in the midst of taking a bite.
  “Maybe a drink? I saw a lot of Powerade in that fridge. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had an addiction, Little Missy,” Carol joked, smirking a little as she chuckled at her own quip. Carol was almost running off of nervous energy, which was written in her every movement.
  And somehow as much as Monica did not want it to, that fed her irritation, too.
  “No, I’m okay,” Monica emphasized, and Carol finally sat down in the armchair, sitting more on the edge of it than allowing herself to sink in.
  There was silence outside of the television and Monica eating her sandwich, and after a little while, Monica started to maneuver herself up. Instantly and somewhat frustratingly, Carol was up and nearby her.
  “What are you doing?” Carol checked, and Monica moved her injured foot over to rest on the floor.
  “I’ve got to get up and use the bathroom. I’ll be fine,” Monica answered, trying to ignore the aggravation as a wave of pain shot through her foot. She really should have taken Carol up on her offer to get the Powerade and she should have added on an order for the painkillers that the doctor had sent home with her.
  “Here, let me help.”
  “No, Aunt Carol, I’m fine,” Monica argued, and Carol shook her head, insisting as she moved in closer, touching Monica’s back softly.
  “No, no, seriously, let me help. I can carry you in there,” Carol informed her, starting to try to get a good grip underneath Monica’s knees. Monica furrowed her brow, trying to grab Carol’s arm and move it away.
  “Let me take care of you. I’ll just—"
  “Carol, stop!” Monica snapped finally, and Carol instantly paused, drawing back as she looked at Monica wordlessly.
  Carol almost looked like a scolded puppy, and that was not something that Monica was used to seeing. Carol had never looked like that in her entire life, and it honestly unsettled Monica a little despite the frustration.
  “I don’t need this much help, okay?! I’m not crippled and I’m fine. Besides, I’m a grown woman. I can get around,” Monica told her, trying to sound slightly less harsh but still clearly get her point across that she was not handicapped and that she did not need Carol to do everything for her.
  Carol was silent for a long moment, seeming as if she was thinking something through. However, after a long moment, she mustered a slightly pained smile.
  “Sorry… I, um… I just… When I heard that you got hurt, it really scared me, y’know?” Carol explained, and Monica just eyed her wordlessly, taking in the sight of her as she carried an uncharacteristic uncertainty and hesitance.
  “So I just thought maybe I’d be here for you. I didn’t want you to go through it alone, and I guess,” Carol trailed off, swallowing a little as she offered a wry, aching chuckle.
  “I guess I just wanted you to know that I’m not just going to run off on you again or leave you here to suffer by yourself,” Carol admitted, shrugging as she looked down and then looked away.
  “Aunt Carol,” Monica trailed off, feeling terrible as she realized precisely why Carol had been doing absolutely everything for her and had been insisting so hard on Monica not moving at all.
  Carol’s heart was in the right place and while Monica had been focusing on how helpless it made her feel, she had not been paying enough attention to the warm, cared-for feeling that she had been experiencing as well. Her fears of permanent crippling were overshadowing her love for her aunt.
  All Carol was doing was trying to help her and show her how much she loved her, and all Monica had done was treat her like garbage and sink into bitterness about her condition.
  “No, trust me, I get it. Don’t feel bad or whatever. It’s one hundred percent all good,” Carol nodded to her, that mask sliding back over the majority of her feelings in that manner that was so typical of her.
  Carol hardly ever let her negative emotions show, only ever allowing laughter, humor, and easygoingness. It was easy to forget that she even experienced those feelings at all.
  Monica shook her head, reaching out her hand tentatively toward Carol. Carol looked down at her hand, and Monica felt an even greater stab to her heart as Carol took her hand without hesitation. Even though Monica had treated her so badly and had met her with nothing but stubbornness and difficulty, Carol still loved her enough to accept her entirely, even the contact even though Monica was sure she probably did not quite deserve it.
  “Listen… I appreciate everything you’ve done for me today. My problem hasn’t been with you, it’s just been,” Monica went quiet for a moment thinking it through, and Carol squeezed her hand softly, the lightness of her thumb rubbing gently and affectionately along Monica’s beautiful, contrasting skin.
  “When the doctors looked at my foot and came to their diagnosis or whatever, they basically said that if my foot doesn’t heal up properly, I might be permanently crippled to some degree,” Monica declared, trying to avoid the wave of fear that ran through her at that thought even still.
  “So it scared me, and I’ve been determined to do things myself and push through it,” Monica confessed, and Carol just listened softly, not saying anything as she allowed Monica to express the things she needed to.
  “And because of that, I snapped at you. Which doesn’t make it any more right. I just wanted you to know. But I don’t want you to think that I don’t appreciate what you’ve done. It’s been really nice having my aunt here to take care of me like old times,” Monica explained softly, meeting Carol’s warm, loving brown eyes as she bared her heart to her. It felt strange exposing herself like this to anyone that was not her mother, but she honestly could not think of anyone outside of her mother that was better than Carol for her to show this side of herself to.
  “I’m sorry, Monica. I didn’t do it to make you feel crippled,” Carol expressed softly, her voice gentle as she squeezed her hand a little tighter. Monica shook her head.
  “I’m sorry for making you feel bad. I really do appreciate all of the help today,” Monica told her, taking in a hesitant breath as she swallowed hard.
  She was going to make a request, and it was taking literally all of the confidence and bravery she had. And she hated herself for it. She should have no problem asking things from Carol, and she knew how stupid it was that she did.
  “If you don’t mind… could you maybe… stay?” Monica questioned, and as Carol looked at her, Monica quickly spoke back up again.
  “You don’t have to. It’d just be for one night, and you don’t have to stay for long. I just wanted an opportunity to make it up to you, and I thought it might be nice to have someone here that I care about,” Monica trailed off a bit at the end, feeling increasingly awkward and almost like a little kid.
  Carol’s eyes were gentle, and her expression was nothing but loving and kind as she looked at Monica softly. She knelt down so that she was a little closer to her, her arms looping over the arm of the couch as she kept Monica’s hand in her own. She met Monica’s eyes softly, searching her face.
  “Lieutenant Trouble, I’ll stay for as long as you need me to,” Carol promised, her voice filled with a fragility and softness that it almost seemed if she were to speak any louder it would shatter.
  At Carol’s words, Monica could not help but smile a little, relief coming over her. Carol tentatively leaned forward a little and Monica instantly was not quite sure what to do but she leaned forward a little as well.
  Carol then softly bumped their foreheads together, Carol closing her eyes as she kept a tight hold on Monica’s hand. Monica closed her eyes slowly, allowing herself to enjoy the affection as she returned Carol’s squeeze to her hand.
  This was her amazing, incredible aunt. They had ups and downs and seemingly insurmountable distance between them in the past, but they were together now.
  And Monica was not letting her go any time soon.
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keikigoodbetter · 2 years
....howdy, everyone! Looooong time no see 😅😅
I’m sitting in my room right now, waiting as a friend drives over to spend the last few hours of 2022 with me, and I thought I’d try to put down a few of my thoughts as I reflect on the year. It’s been a while since I checked in for real with y’all and for that I am very sorry. (fwiw I dropped contact with quite a few folks irl too, so it wasn’t just you lol)
2022 repeatedly hit my blindside and hit it HARD. I spent a lot of the year in reaction-mode as surprises both good and bad kept coming at me fast; this year had some of the worst lows of my life, but also some of the best highs. It was overwhelming, to say the least.
At the risk of being too personal, here’s an overview of some of My Notable 2022 Moments:
Start the year about 8 months into a really good headspace, to the point where my psychiatrist agrees that if I’m still A-ok by springtime then I can likely step off my antidepressants!!
Help move my Grandma out of her home and into a memory care facility
Have surgery
May 7: Go dancing with friends I haven’t seen in years, to celebrate being alive and together and that I’ve finally finished my degree
May 10: Find out my parents have filed for divorce and will be selling my childhood home, that our family build by hand, by the end of the summer
May 15: One of my best friends goes in for surgery because her pain-management implant is no longer functional. There are complications and she needs 3 more surgeries before the month is over
Return to martial arts after years away
Help babysit the very sweet toddler-age child of someone I went to gradeschool with. (Have an existential breakdown about how old I suddenly am and how unlikely it is at this point that I’ll get to be a mom)
All summer: help clear out my Grandma’s things from her house, move my dad’s things to his new house, move the rest of our family’s things to my mom’s new house, and do repairs and cleaning at our old house
Have to start reminding myself again to get out of bed and eat and not walk into traffic
A best friend flies in from out-of-state to go with me to a disco night
See the Colorado Avalanche Stanley Cup Championship Parade!
Make a great costume and go to the Renaissance Festival in drag
Officially move out of our house; August and September are time soup
A friend from college that I’ve dearly missed moves back to Colorado
My brother gets injured
Our house sells
TWO of my job applications that I was really excited for pan out and I’m asked to interview for both of them. The one I like better calls and offers me the position within 3 days! I’m going to start part-time at the local library in January!!! 😭😆
I spend an amazing afternoon with a friend on a maybe-a-date... 👀
I see many friends and family and have a wonderful holiday season
  ....Realize I might feel ok again soon
 (and, as usual, I also saw a lot of great concerts this year!)
....WHEW. Like I said, it was A Lot All The Time. Sorry to overshare 😅  but I just - idk - I feel like I need to write it down somewhere so there’s a record of all the shit that I experienced in the last 12 months. And I feel like some of you are my legit friends and might care about some of these developments? lol idk 😅 sorry if that’s presumptuous.
Anyways, all this to say that I know I’m not particularly an outlier and that most people have crazy things happen all the time. That’s life! But I hope that if you had a rough year (like me), that things turn around for you soon (also like me?). There is always the promise of something wonderful happening just as much as there is the risk of something terrible; and I think growing up is learning to balance the threat of those two extremes without falling down for too long when a new circumstance hits you.
I grew so much in the last year and for the first time in a long time I’m actually excited about what the future might look like for me! 2023 will be hard and full of new challenges, but I think I’ll be ok. And I think you all will be, too.
All of my love, forever and ever,
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venus-haze · 2 years
Elvis Ask Tag
I know multiple people tagged me to do this, and I want to say thank you so much! I appreciate y’all🖤
When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley? My family (especially my mom) have always been huge Elvis fans so pretty much since I was born
And what was your first impression? Annoyed😅 Some days all my mom would play was Elvis and I’d be like god can we listen to something else. To be fair I was in elementary school and was more concerned with like Backstreet Boys. Oddly enough she doesn’t listen to him much anymore
Lace shirts or jumpsuits? Both!
You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be? Pink suit from the Trouble scene, it’s iconic and I want to see a drag king’s take on it so bad
C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote? “I’ll be so horny I could die” Beautiful. Moving. Eloquent. 
Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now) Yes, that’s why I mention them in my fics so often!
What’s an aspect of Elvis’s character you wish people appreciated more? I think how religious and also charitable he was, but his faith meant a lot to him, like it was something that gave him hope when he needed it. As someone raised in a religious household I would have loved to pick his brain and talk with him about Christianity and his beliefs
You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?: A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare "Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit" F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the jugular for that piece of trash: I would go full Andrew Garfield in The Social Network “lawyer up asshole” scene. Prada at the cleaners, fuck you flip flops, the works
What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie? The Vegas Rehearsal scene was magical, seeing everything come together for the opening night. Amazing work on Baz’s part!
You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be? I would honestly say Elvis (2022)
How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here) None because he was apparently weird about having sex with women who’d given birth? Not setting myself up for that but also this is why we need accessible and comprehensive sex ed
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland? Graceland would be so fun🖤
What is the peak Elvis era? warning, this says an awful lot about you… Comeback Era to when he did (what he assumed would be) his first Vegas residency, he was on top of the world then
How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching) Since the movie came out. Before then I only knew him as Vanessa’s boyfriend, sorry Austin
What kind of Elvis chick are you? -a 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s filmset fling or a Vegas torrid backstage affair? Vegas torrid backstage affair if I have to choose from the provided options, but I really would have liked to be there for him, even as a friend, toward the end of the career and try to seriously get him help and make him know he wasn’t alone and he mattered
Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options: A. hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks. B. hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South: He’s a Cali boy and there’s nothing wrong with that
Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut?…or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard? Y’all already know how I deal🫠
Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along) Swallow but shotgun once in a while to keep him on his toes🤭
Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration. I think we’d clash at first, and have a mutual tolerance for each other at best. I’m not the type to baby people so I think she’d take the most issue with that in regards to if I were in a long-term relationship with Elvis lol
Which of Elvis’s cars is your favorite? Pink Cadillac of course!
What are your odds of beating him at karate? Absolutely none
If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be? That his career was lasting and meaningful, and so many people still love and are impacted by him to this day. Also to hire a good lawyer and a forensic accountant
What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis? Travel! It seems like he went to so many places, but was so overworked he never got to be a tourist anywhere which is a shame
What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it? Any time one of Elvis’ songs comes on inevitably one of my friends goes “he’s hwhite!?” because of that absolutely insane scene at the very beginning of the movie so probably that
What are your top three go-to Elvis songs? Angel, Surrender, It’s Now or Never
If you could spare him one tragedy, what would it be? His mother’s death, I think that really opened him up to being taken advantage of in his career because it seemed like she was the only one willing to be blunt with him who he’d actually listen to
Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves? Bruce Springsteen! He’s cited Elvis as a huge influence on his own music which you can definitely hear, and I mean his stage presence is incredible (especially all the moments with Clarence Clemmons🥲 I wish Elvis had someone the way Bruce had Clarence, ya know?) There’s a reason his concerts are still selling out stadiums all over the world. Also during the Born to Run tour in 1975, Bruce and Stevie Van Zandt got drunk as hell in Memphis and hopped the fence at Graceland because they saw the lights on and thought Elvis was home so they could meet him…he wasn’t.
How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play: A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul, B. I left feeling alarmingly horny, C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet: B obviously!
I tag @munano-theprophet @mpmarypoppins @positivitylane112 @holy-minseok @emmymaehereeeeee @ninebluehearts @crash-and-cure and whoever else wants to do this!
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amimimi · 3 years
✿ : annoying sex habits; pillars
synopsis: annoying (?) things that come up when you have sex with your respective hashira
pairings: tomioka giyuu x f!reader, shinazugawa sanemi x f!reader, rengoku kyojuro x f!reader, uzui tengen x f!reader, iguro obanai x f!reader, himejima gyomei x f!reader
warnings: minors dni, explicit smut, rough sex, cursing, no beta
notes: slander, just slander. and crack. i apologize for spelling/grammatical errors !
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awkwardly quiet from start to finish
like damn, mf, not even a grunt? A GASP? 😭
his breathing doesn’t even pick up
he’s just silently hovering above, swiftly thrusting into you
even when he cums—NOTHING!!
and to top it off, after he cums he just sorta rolls over and pets you on the head? like he wants to smooth your hair back but he’s too afraid to commit??? like he wasn’t all up in your guts like two seconds ago?? ✋😐
you genuinely have no clue if he’s enjoying himself or not
you have to sit him down and admit to him that you feel a lil insecure because he doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself
giyuu feels TERRIBLE because he loves you deeply and is affected by you sm but he just can’t stand hearing himself moaning
his moans are kinda high-pitched, almost keening, and it’s so embarrassing to him
to YOU, giyuu, not to us 😫
“i...sound...weird” is all he says, frowning in the complete opposite direction from you
he slipped up once tho and y’all weren’t even having sex
you were straddling his lap, both fully clothed, kissing each other fervently, after he’d return to his estate after a very long mission
he was already feeling a little frayed from not seeing you for so long
so that with the way your grinding down against his bulging cock, mewling and moaning as you plant sloppy kisses against his mouth, his cheeks, the neck; sighing “missed you, missed you so much” into his ear
he starts to feel himself unravel at a rate that concerns him, you feel so good and sound so sweet —it’s all too much for him
his breathing kinda stutters, but you’re too engrossed to notice
giyuu is like “nope, nuh uh, absolutely not” as he tries to gather himself together, blinking away the white spots in his vision
but then you drag your crotch against his clothed cock so good, so deliciously that he can’t help the shaky, high pitched moan that escapes from his lips
you glance up at him in shock while he shuts his eyes and hangs his head in shame
“wait...wait, giyuu did you—”
“no wait! that was so hot!”
almost kicks you out of his room 😭
like i’m sorry, it’d take a while for him to actually let loose but at least he’s sorta sighing into your ear now? 😅
talks a huge f*cking game about how big his cock is and how he’s gonna tear your sh*t up
bitch...we weren’t being LITERAL
he’s actually thrusting into you like he wants to square up with your cervix
i do think sanemi enjoys rougher sex but sometimes i think it’s a lil performative
i also think he feels that he needs to overcompensate bc he thinks he’s not as experienced
y’all he canonically has a pet rhinoceros beetle,,,he ain’t as big and bad as he seems💀
also he doesn’t know how to be truly intimate with anyone but we can get into that later
no foreplay, just dives into the pussy
literally throws you onto the bed, sucks at you neck for a bit and then all of sudden you hear a “hpwuah! 💦”
and you sit up like “ikyfl” just to see he’s spat onto the shaft of his cock, pumping his fist along his shaft to spread the saliva
babe that’s when you should’ve sat up and left 😟
between the lack of foreplay and the way he’s just slamming his hips into yours...you are in PAINNN
and he keeps grunting shit like “yeah, you like that? gonna tear your f* ckin uterus into half” WHAT?(???$;@3&:
you slam your fists against his chest and choke out a “sanemi, stop”
he stills instantly, panting as his facial expression morphs into one of confusion and concern
“what’s wrong?” he asks gruffly, gently placing his hand on your arm and giving you a tiny squeeze there
once you tell him that he’s hurting you way more than you’d like, he’d feel bad almost immediately
sanemi sits back, his shoulders tense with shame and he gives a terse, “sorry “
willing to learn but y’all might argue here and there bc he refuses to believe that he isn’t the pussy destroyer he claims to be
okay he’s actually got the mechanics down
has no problem pleasuring you/making you cum
like y’all can’t have sex leisurely 😭
and it’s not so much a sexual thing as it is that kyojuro just wants you to be the best version of yourself possible,,,in every aspect of your life 😐
it starts off as like kyojuro being like “ONE MORE ROUND!” and you thought it was hot that his stamina was through the roof
but then it quickly turns into “omg WHEN DOES THIS END?!’cc”
you’ve been bouncing on his cock FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG trying to get him to cum
but you’re tiring quickly, your thighs burning as they tremble against kyojuro’s waist
you’re place your hands on his lower stomach for SOME sort of stability as your hips stutter
kyojuro feels you tremble against him and from the way you’re panting, he knows it’s from exhaustion
he has his hands on your waist to help you keep balance, but he isn’t assisting you 💀he wants you to work for it
you’re sweaty af, struggling to lift your hips off his cock as you pout up at him
“i-i’m getting tired, kyojuro—”
“you are? but it’s only been sixteen minutes?” he smiles up at you, face flushed as his hair spills around the pillow.
“i’m not fit like you” you pant, face screwed up as your calves begin to cramp up.
kyojuro’s face falls slightly “ah, don’t say that! you’re just as fit! here, let’s try for ten more minutes, i believe in you! 🏋️ 😃”
and he looks up at you so earnestly,,,you’re like “godDAMNIT”
he holds both of your hands in his to keep you balanced and he literally starts shouting encouragements at you jskziwkuss
shouts a variation of like “try harder!” and “7 more minutes! you can do this!”
MF, NO I CAN’T 🧎🏾‍♀️😭
you know when you’re doing an intense workout and you get so tired your life flashes before your eyes? YEAH,,,YOU ARE DYINGGGG RN
of course you don’t complete the full 10 minutes but kyojuro doesn’t get on your ass completely about it
he just flips your listless body over and adjusts himself before he starts slowly thrusting into you
“don’t worry, my love! all that matters is that you tried! i’m sure you can do it next time!” he beams down at your whimpering form, before kissing your forehead
you have to tell him that you’re down to workout with him (RIP to you 💀) OUTSIDE the bedroom but you want sex with him to be slow paced and intimate...not him yelling at you like he’s your coach
he’ll ease up immediately, don’t worry!
mf said “the snake stays ON during sex! 😤💯”
no i’m not
obanai is like “can kaburamaru stay in the room? 😐”
and you’re like “i—um, that would be cool but i feel like he’d be uncomfortable”
and he’s like “omg ur right...i wouldn’t want to watch him have sex either i guess 😕”
obanai thinks of kaburamaru as a friend, not so much as a pet so he’s feel guilty for “abandoning” him because he has a S/O now
that’s his mfin bestie 😌
okay real talk, obanai loves you, he is bewitched, body and soul—
maybe a bit TOO much because he’ll literally cum during foreplay and then pass out right after 🙁
he tries to continue after cumming, but it’s like he’s been drugged
his eyes are struggling to stay open, barely holding himself up as he keeps slurring on his words, like omg baby,,,just sleep, it’s okay
he tries tries tries to make you cum before he finishes, BUT EVERYTHING YOU DO GETS HIS COCK ROCKHARD
obanai was laying between your legs, lip suctioned around your clit, dragging his tongue over the little nub
all while he’s languidly thrusting two fingers in and out your slick pussy
and baby his head game is *CHEF KISS*
you’re mewling and whining, grinding your hips against his face as he laps his tongue up and down your folds
the sounds your making, the taste of your cunt, the way he can feel you throbbing against his mouth—it has HIM trembling and whimpering
he’s unconsciously rutting his hips against the mattress, squeezing his eyes shut as he attempts to control himself
but then you make this sound that’s caught between a whimper and grunt, and it catches so prettily in the back of your throat—
he blows his load, unbeknownst to you, as gasps against your heat
he literally knocks out between your legs, with his mouth smushed against your pussy 💀
not a single f*cking thing
look at that man and tell me he doesn’t give you the best pipe of your life
okay wait actually there maybe ONE THING ☝️
he talks wayyyy too fucking much during sex
and it’s mostly outlandish sh*t
okay, when he asked “whose pussy is this? 😩” it was all fine and dandy BUT THEN HE TAKES IT UP A NOTCH—
“you’d die by this dick, huh 😏”
my pride won’t let me say yes, but yes...i would 🧎🏾‍♀️
like he says the most strange sh*t ever and it draws you out of the sex head space to be like “...WAIT WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?”
he does it on purpose though 💀
he’s lining himself up to your entrance and he looks up at you smirking and is all like “im gonna make you a single mother”
AYOO???? 😭
you literally shoot up, scrunching your legs up to your chest
while he laughs at your horrified look
that and i feel like he’s so fckin heavy handed omg
slaps your ass while you’re riding him and your whole skeleton rattles for like 5 minutes after 😭
yeah other than that...there is no way he’d be bad at sex
he’s genuinely afraid of hurting you during sex
like he’s so MASSIVE and he’s convinced there is no way you can take all of him
he feels the way your pussy barely accommodates two of his fingers and he’s like “hm maybe not...🥲”
when he’s fingering you, he just barely squirms his fingers around while he winces in fear that he’s hurting you
you tell him “gyomei, go harder”
and he’s like “no”
and you’re like “but i barely feel you moving?”
and he’s like “trust me this is for your own good”
when he finally finally agrees to f*ck you with his cock, the whole process takes almost three hours because he takes his time lubing you up and stretching you out with his fingers
it takes him the whole last hour to actually bottom out just from out how slow he’s easing into you
and everytime your breath catches in your throat, he slides his cock from out of your pussy and he’s like “ahh, i knew this was a bad idea!”
and then y’all have to start all over again
he can barely feel you squeeze around his cock from just how you’re stretched around him and he starts to freak out
you have to assure him that he’s not hurting you so he doesn’t pull out again
he’s so sweet tho 🥺
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
Until I Found You
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Pairing: Xu Shangqi x !Avenger f. reader
Genre: angst + fluff + minimal smut
Warnings: questioning of the multiverse, mentions of death, crying, pillow talk, handjob, initial penetration
Summary: Shangqi questions how different his life would be in another universe, but realizes it’s not worth living in without you.  
Word Count: 1k
Notes: I went through the ‘if the multiverse was real’ trend on tik tok, hence why this is so feelsy 😅🥲 Huge thank you to @sparkledfirecracker for helping me with the angst and fluff aspects and to @geekygee01 for the finishing touches!! I greatly appreciate y’all 💖Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
Read more from The Avengers Sweethearts AU
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Shangqi enjoyed when you showered him with love and attention every now and then, but you noticed that he was more touchy feely than normal. It didn’t change the way you went about your day, nor did it change the way you love him. But you were curious as to what got him in this kind of mood. It got to the point where your signs of affection weren’t enough so after dinner, he dragged you into his room to passionately fuck you. An hour later, your lover spilled his taint inside you, pecking small kisses over your sweaty face.
Shangqi collapsed onto the bed next to you, lungs begging for fresh air as he came down from the blissful high that you brought him to. You giggled next to him, staring at the ceiling as if looking straight into the pearly gates of heaven. Your hands linked together in the middle of the bed, and then your eyes met like a magnet pulled you towards one another. 
“You still with me, Princess?” your super boyfriend asked, dragging his thumb over your hand. 
You smiled, “Yeah, just needed to catch my breath.”
“C’mere Princess, I wanna hold you.” You obligingly rolled over until your naked body was flush against Shangqi’s and he instantly wrapped his arms around you. 
“Someone’s extra cuddly and affectionate today,” you teased, smiling until your cheeks were sore. What Shangqi was about to say next made you regret poking fun at him.
“I’m sorry if I’m too much, baby. I just don’t want you to leave me.” He hid his face into the crook of your neck. Your heart hurt like a bee had stung it and the wound swelled against your chest. 
“Woah, now,” you frowned, worry and melancholy laced in your voice. “I love you and I would never leave you. Why would you ever think that?” Not a peep came from Shangqi as his face stayed buried there. You called out his name, almost like a whisper, causing him to peek his head out. His brown eyes glistened with tears that were aching to fall down his face.
“This is gonna sound silly.” As much as you wanted to retort and disagree with him, you allowed him to speak his mind. “Last night, I had a dream that you died while fighting the Scarlet Witch–well, Wanda–and I obviously didn’t take your death very well, so I joined her in helping her find her sons. And in turn, she promised to help me find a universe where we could be together again. The thing is, Wanda knew all along that there wouldn’t be a universe where you loved me because I followed the footsteps of my father. You only saw me as a killer.” Shangqi paused. Not because he was waiting for a response from you, but because he was fighting the urge to choke on his words. 
“You know something. I was always curious about the multiverse. After my father died, I wondered what my life would be like if both my mother and father were still alive. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to spend my whole childhood learning to become an assassin. Maybe my relationship with my sister wouldn't be so strained. Maybe my mom and dad would have grown old together like they wanted. We could’ve been happy. We could’ve been a real family. But then I realized other things. I would’ve never met Katy. I would’ve never taken the rings. I wouldn’t have met your dad and become an Avenger.” Shangqi’s voice began to crack as a tear finally trickled down his cheek. “Most of all, I would never have met you.” His head burrowed into your neck again, sobbing while squeezing you tenderly against him. Your fingers combed through his hair tossled from your previous activities. You allowed him to cry until he was ready to continue.
“I don’t know how many other universes there are—I’d actually rather not know—-but I don’t ever want to live in a universe without you in it. I can’t live without you, Princess.” His words struck a chord deep inside you. He plucked that chord inside you as his wet tears permeated your collarbone. It didn’t register that you had been crying until a salty tear dripped onto your lip and you struggled to breathe out of your nose. 
“Shangqi, look at me.” Your hand caressed his tear stained cheek, causing him to peer into your loving eyes. His vision was blurry due to his tearful eyes, but he still managed to find your gaze. “It was just a dream. I’m here and I’m safe with you. I didn’t have the privilege of jumping universes with Strange and America, but I doubt that you became your father in every universe. And I refuse to believe that I hated you in every universe.” You pressed your lips to his temple, leaving them there for a few seconds. He grinned slightly behind the sniffles. 
“Your mind is playing games with you and I don’t want you listening to them. I love you, Shangqi, and nothing will ever change that.” While you talked, Shangqi rested his hand over yours on his cheek, drawing circles over your hand with his thumb. He loved how you always knew the right words to say that would make him feel better. After the years of pain he went through, you and your love were exactly what he needed. 
Another tear trailed down your eye as your lips curled into a warm smile. “No matter how many universes there are in the multiverse, I hope every variant of me is lucky enough to be loved by you.”
Shangqi wasted no time in pulling you closer to him so he could kiss you. His lips molded against yours as if they were made to be sculpted together. He traced your bare skin with his taut hands, cherishing your ethereal curves. Without breaking the kiss, you threw your leg over his hips, hoisting yourself up so you can straddle him. Shangqi grinned against your lips at the sudden maneuver. 
“Let me prove to you that I love you and will never leave you.” As you moved down his legs, Shangqi watched you with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. Grasping his cock, you stroked him until he was pulsing with desire in your hands. His raspy whimpers caused your core to slicken and throb with need. You were eager for him to fill you with his love.
“I love you, Princess. I love you so much.” You gazed into his brown eyes as you sunk on top of him, mouths falling ajar and eyebrows furrowed in the middle. Once you were connected at your groins, your lips crashed against his, drinking each other’s moans while your hips moved against one anothers to a beat that was made for the two of you.
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Navigation | Main Masterlist | Xu Shang-Chi/Shangqi Masterlist
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Is it terrible that I’m imagining popping Bakugou’s cherry? You’re shocked to discover several months into your relationship that Mr. Hotshot Pro Hero Dynamight, with his hordes of fans, is still a virgin in his 20’s. Never got that close with anyone, just handles it all himself. Would much rather do that than potentially deal with drama/gossip with the media, or having some gold digging idiot simpering over him just because of his money/status.
But you change everything. Maybe you work in his agency, under him or Kiri, or maybe you’re the cute nurse in the hospital who patches him up after a tough fight. Hell maybe you’re just a librarian in a nearby library he’s suddenly visiting more as the months drag on.
However long you think it’d take, you get to know each other, and you’re slowly, unknowingly, getting past those walls he’s built up. Realizes one day that he’s head over fuckin’ heels for you. Tells you you’re going on a date with him (🙄), and the rest is kind of history.
You pick up early on the fact that he’s inexperienced, though. Very inexperienced. First heated makeout session and he’s clumsy. Cums in his pants, and his entire face and neck is cherry red from embarrassment. You have to reassure him that it’s okay, that it’s okay that he’s a virgin, that you love him just the same.
Maybe you slowly ease into it. Doing more and more over time. Going at a pace where he’s comfortable, until you finally end up having sex. Ughhhhh I’m just loving thinking of how reactive he’d be to your every little touch, all of the pretty noises he’d make. The face he’d make when he enters you for the very first time, feels a tight, hot, wet pussy clenching around his cock for the first time. Can’t stop groaning about how good you feel and how you’re his, his, his. And how he’s yours, yours, yours. Cums inside you so hard his vision blacks out for a moment, fills you to the brim. He’s panting heavily on top of you; takes a minute or two for both of you to recover. Because hot damn if that wasn’t absolutely amazing, for the both of you.
That dopey ass smile he’d have on his face afterward as y’all are cuddling and he kisses you. His buddies tease him, saying that he’s so fuckin’ whipped. He’ll grumble at them, tell them to shut the fuck up, but he’s beyond caring what anyone else thinks. He’s so hopelessly in love with you.
Especially after taking his v-card. You certainly aren’t gonna ever be rid of him now hehehe. You’re his for life now.
(Sorry, kinda got carried away! 😅)
I like the idea of exploring sex at his pace, building up to when he’s comfortable and now he’s wondering why it took him so long to do it with you.
And just imagining all those other firsts with him after too? Like different kinks, different positions. Finding out what each other likes and what makes you tick?😩
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