#Storytelling Magic
enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 71
There existed a bond between two individuals. One was a hardened figure, weathered by the trials of time and circumstance. The other, a compassionate soul, whose heart seemed to overflow with empathy for every passing moment.
"You always seem to have a heart for the ones in need," the weathered figure remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.
The compassionate soul paused, turning to meet the gaze of his companion. "Isn't that what it means to be human? To feel for others, to share in their joys and sorrows?"
The other scoffed, a cynical edge creeping into his tone. "People die every day, yet you only seem to care when they're dying at my feet."
The words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the divergent paths they had chosen. One, guided by duty and survival, hardened by the harsh realities of life. The other, driven by compassion and empathy, refusing to turn a blind eye to the suffering around him.
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inquisimail · 9 days
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guess who's playing inquisition again to prepare for veilguard. lol
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plotandelegy · 11 months
Crafting Future From Ruins: A Writer's Guide to Designing Post-Apocalyptic Technology
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Photo: Standard License- Adobe Stock
Crafting post-apocalyptic tech involves blending creativity and realism. This is a guide to help you invent tech for your post-apocalyptic world:
Tinker, Tailor, Writer, Spy: Start with modern tech. Take it apart (conceptually or literally if you're feeling adventurous). Using the basics, think of how your character might put it back together with limited tools and resources.
Master the Fundamentals: Understand the basic principles underlying the tech you're working with. Physics, chemistry, and biology can be your best friends. This understanding can guide your character's resourceful innovations.
Embrace the Scrapyard: The world around you has potential tech components. Appliances, vehicles, infrastructure - how could these be deconstructed and repurposed? Your characters will need to use what's at hand.
Cherishing Old Wisdom: Pre-apocalypse books and manuals are the new internet. A character with access to this knowledge could become a vital asset in tech-building.
Indigo Everly
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brandyschillace · 4 months
A bit of onstage news: Neil Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants
This coming Christmas (it’s never too early, you know) @neil-gaiman ‘s Odd and the Frost Giants will be coming to Unicorn Theater stage!
(19 November to 31 December 2024)
From the article:
“Newly appointed artistic director of the Unicorn Theatre, Rachel Bagshaw, has announced two world premiere stage adaptations as part of her inaugural season.
She commented: “I am delighted to start my tenure at the Unicorn by announcing two major shows in our 2024/25 season as a sneak peek of the work to come. I’m hugely excited to be directing Odd and the Frost Giants this Christmas, a show that promises a wondrous mix of magic, bravery and humour, and captures both our imaginations and hearts in its storytelling.”
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hollymacycomic · 5 months
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Holly & Macy and Everyone Else
Chapter 4: Page 47
Start at the Beginning | About the comic | Tip-jar 
🌘 Support the comic & read the next page now on Patreon! 🌘
Holly & Macy will update twice this week. Check back on Saturday for page 48.
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thestartome · 14 days
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TheStarTome Blurred Lines Pose-Pack is available now!
Commissioned by the wonderful @southernsimmin
Wish for poses tailored to your sims? DM for commissions so I may bring your visions to life!
These poses work with all gendered and trans rigs. There may be clipping depending on Sim body type, any custom sliders used, their clothing, hair and accessories.
They are designed to mix and match well. This is a height difference pose pack,
there are barefoot options for the short model and facial changes for both models.
You will need Pose player as these are in game poses. These poses work with Teleport any sim mod, both Wonderful Whims and Wicked Whims pose players.
Please do tag me in your posts so I may see the masterpieces you've created with my creations! You may tag me via hashtag or tagging my social handle, it's very much appreciated as tagging me or linking to me you are supporting me. @TheStarTome #TheStartome. I look forward to seeing your work!
Poses: @thestartome
The wonderful custom content creators featured:
•Top and sun/star pattern: @huiernxoxo
•Skirt: HallowSims
•Pants: @adelarsims
•Others Outfit: @satterlly
•Morgyn Hair: @clumsyalienn
•Other Hair: natalia-auditore /@johnnysimmer
•All Nails @pralinesims
•Earrings: @oydis
•All Teeth by: @redearcat
•Morgyn Eyes: @sugarowl
Terms of Use:
•You may modify the poses for personal use to avoid clipping or change the expressions.
•You may convert my poses to previous sims games and for different ages appropriately, I simply ask to please be credited.
I would ask you not to:
•Distribute the modified poses. •Use my poses as a base nor claim as your own. •Re-upload my content. •Place my content behind any permanent paywalls.
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anarchang3l · 1 year
Watching Lou throw away a nat 20 is so…
The way his mind works. I love him. I love when Lou gets to step out of the leader role and just give in to the impulses of the character. Chaotic Entitled king
And I love the way he and Emily play off of each other. Like ACOFAF really showed them that they could maximize their joint slay and pull off all sorts of shenaniganery.
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ualthum · 6 months
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The Complete Series:
ZOL QOLTAS (The Journey)
2023. Acrylic on canvas. 8"x11"
This series of 10 paintings was an experiment into narrative and storytelling. Following 3 Acolytes and their journey through a dead and decayed earth, and heading through the dark watery veil into the depths of the Void. Along their path, the light of Sul'voth's sacred emblem, The Vothum, guides their way and shows the path onwards, to the great altar of the rune Pæx, the Awakener.
Thank you for joining along for the journey this month, and I am excited for what 2024 shall bring.
Dark blessings,
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lyndentree63 · 6 months
So I just finished re-watching Misfits and Magic, and I know a lot of people talk about how it's kind of sad that Jammer and Sam don't really have arcs like K and Evan. . . I have thoughts about that. In modern Western cinema, we expect protagonists to have an arc, where they change, grow, learn things and are different people from the beginning of the story to the end. This is most common in movies, and then books. But the thing is we also have a type of protagonist that's more common in TV shows, where the character stays mostly the same, and by doing so they affect the world around them or bring out interesting themes and call out issues in the world, just by being themselves. (Think the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek TNG.) Misfits and Magic has BOTH of these kinds of characters. K and Evan are movie protagonists. Jammer and Sam are TV show protagonists. And I love that they coexist and both make each other's types of stories stronger. This time around, I really appreciated the constancy of Sam and Jammer, the way they don't really change, but seem to grow more solidly into who they already were at the beginning of the show. They expose the foibles of the world by having the world brush against THEM. They change the world and the characters around them, by staying true to who they are. K and Evan change the world because they are changing themselves. Both kinds of stories are valid, and both kinds of stories are needed.
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rosemaryprosser · 8 months
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Self-portrait (Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2023)
in populated air our ancestors continue. i have seen them. i have heard their shimmering voices singing. ~ Lucille Clifton
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goblinpuppy35 · 9 months
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 7, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
Warning: 18+ ONLY - Long chapter but with smut at the end (finally!)
With all the students back from Hogwarts for the winter break Grimmauld place felt full to the brim. It was often hard to find a room or even a moment to yourself. All the distress of what was happening at Hogwarts as well as Arthur's brutal attack, everyone was on edge but by collectively being together all this tension bloomed into a giddy sense of excitement for the festivities to come. No one wanted to spoil the few moments of peace they had.
It had taken Remus several days to fully recover from his recent transformation, he remained in his bed for two days straight with Molly and Sirius bringing him his meals, though he couldn't eat much. On the third day Remus was slowly moving around his room when he heard a knocked on his closed door. Gingerly he opened the door and leaned out into the hallway. It was empty. It wasn't until the tall man eventually looked down that he saw a mug of tea sitting perfectly in the centre of the hallway carpet, placed in the middle of the decorative flower pattern. Steam gently flouting up into the air. Resting against the mug was the battered copy of The Odyssey. Y/N. Remus fondly rubbed his thumb over the books spine as he picked it and the mug of hot tea up. Upon opening the book he found a new note has been scrawled out on his bookmark.
"Get well soon so we can finish this book together :) - Y/N" 
Being the evening Remus knew that Y/N would not be back until early next morning. Resting his fragile frame back onto the bed Remus placed the book to his chest. Closing his eyes he thought back to waking up on top of Y/N after his transformation, once the initial panic had subsided feeling Y/N that close to him felt incredible. Remus started to imagine how it would feel if I'm this moment Y/N was the one on top of him, resting his handsome head of Y/H/C locks against the crook of his neck. Remus felt so comforted by this thought he pushed through his pains and fell asleep. 
Remus was woken up abruptly the next morning by cheers and laughter, he turned and looked at his clock. 11:45am, 25th December. Everyone must be starting to celebrate, he thought promptly getting up and dressed. The source of the loud cries of excitement was coming from the living room, peering through the doorway Remus could see the younger students exchanging and opening presents while Fred and George were casting little clouds of snow above them, gliding around the chandelier. Mad Eye Moody and Y/N were nowhere not present. Remus desperately hoped they hadn't already left for a mission. It was lovely seeing the teens all being allowed be just be teenagers for the time being and forget the foreboding challenges which were to come. A conversation further down the hallway caught Remus' attention and he turned to see Molly and Sirius.
"I've been kicked out of my own kitchen" Molly said raising her hands up on a huff. "Technically it's my kitchen" Sirius jested, "oh, like you spend any time in it anyway!". Approaching the others Remus tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Y/N has taken over all the cooking. Told me I've been working too much anyway and I should rest", this was true, with Arthur to take care of on top of everything else Molly was running herself thin. Placing a reassuring hand onto her shoulder Remus began to slowly open the kitchen door. Rock music bleeded out into the hallway and grew louder as Remus entered the kitchen and closed the door behind him.
"Molly I told you! If you come back and try and help I'm burning the turkey on purpose!" Y/N's back was to Remus as he was stirring a pan full of onions and garlic, the smell flouted towards the werewolves sensitive nose. Smelled fantastic. Y/N was tapping his boots in time to the music and swaying his hips, the charms which were tied into his belt loops jingled as he moved. This charming sight caused  Remus' lips to curl upwards as he observed the small energetic punks dancing. Out of the corner of Y/N's eye he noticed a presence looming over him and swiftly turned around, his hair and dangerly earrings swinging around. "Oh, it's you!" Y/N matches Remus' grin once he realised it was him.
"It's good to see you up again" despite being happy to see Remus, Y/N avoided eye contact, there was a level of bashful awkwardness between the two men. "I hope Molly isn't too upset I took over" Y/N carrier on with a nervous chuckle "everyone's been doing so much for The Order I just felt like it was only far to give them a day off, everyone's so exhausted. And what about you? when was the last time you ate?" he asked looking into Remus' eyes kindly. "When was the last time you ate?" Remus retorted back, he was constantly amazed by Y/N's compassion, "I bet you came back with Moody and began helping in here straight away". Y/N smirked and looked to the floor, this meant a yes in Remus' mind.
At this point the oven timer started to ping and Y/N turned around to pull a tray out. "Believe it or not I'm actually a really good cook, it's just ..." Y/N hovered, tray in hand trying to find a clear kitchen surface to place it on. Every counter top of littered with mixing bowls, baking trays and half cut vegetables. "It's just I'm quiet a messy cook" and saying so Y/N placed the hot tray on top of another on the hob. Remus couldn't help but laugh at this spectical, "Well if your insisting on cooking, can I at least help you clean up as you go?". Y/N looked up from a mixing bowl he had started stirring, somehow he'd already managed to get cake mixture over his cheek "that would be perfect Remus". Hearing this made Remus feel warm inside and he got to work taking the dirty kitchen equipment to the sink and rolling up his cardigan sleeves.
In no time the kitchen was in a much more respectable state and gorgeous smells of roasted vegetables and rich gravy was filling the whole house. Once Remus had finished all the washing up Y/N brought him over and showed him how to make the stuffing and crimp the pastry of the pies, holding the taller man's upper arms in his hands to guide him. Once the table was set and everyone was invited in the room filled with excited gasps. Despite being a large room all the seats were packed closely next to one another. Y/N and Remus shared one end of the table together, their knees brushing up against one another every now and then.
"Everything tastes so wonderful. Thank you for cooking all of this Mrs Weasely" Hermione said. "Well actually I believe it was Remus and Y/N who cooked everything together" Sirius smuggly pointed out with empathise on the word 'together'. This resulted in Remus coughing up his wine he'd been drinking and Y/N stopped mid way through placing his fork full of roast potoes into his mouth and he stares mouth gaping at everyone staring in their direction. "So why don't we rise a toast to them" Sirius encouraged lifting up his own glass. "To Remus and Y/N" everyone cheered and the Weasely twins started to skincker and wiggle their eyebrows in Y/N's direction. With expert aim Y/N flicked his fork and shot his forkfull of potoes just shy of George's left ear. Through his poliet smile Remus stared daggers down the table at Sirius who just beamed back. Christ pads is loving this.
After the meal Remus and Sirius stepped outside for a smoke and to reminisce pasted holidays they had spent with Lily and James. They both raised a cigarette each to their dear friends, wishing they could be here. Everything was quiet in the dinning room once Remus had returned, he could hear chatter coming from the living room so he made his way into the hallway. Though he spotted promptly under the stairs as he heard voices above him. Almost instantly he picked up Y/N voice and soon after George and Fred's voices were clear to him, all three were talking in a hushed tone. "I hope you know I didn't tell either of you not because I didn't trust you, I was just worried you'd have thought I bestrayed The Order. I just didn't want to let anyone else down". "Y/N don't talk a load of rubbish" Fred said "Your our mate and we know you've always got our back as much as we've got yours". "Exactly" George followed with "We understand it must have been hard to tell us so thank you mate, really". Remus stayed very quiet just under them and smiled to himself, Y/N must be telling them about his mark, he was so proud of Y/N. "Speaking of keeping secrets, when are you going to make a move on Professor Lupin?" Fred asked slyly. "Oh shut up" Y/N said flusteredly which made the twins laugh, "so you haven't made a move yet" George teased. Remus learned in closer awaiting Y/N's response. "It's not that simple guys" Y/N finally said "he's amazing, truly incredible. I've never met a man quiet like him. I just .. I don't know if he feels the exact same way". Remus had to fight against his legs to not stride out Infront of the three boys and tell Y/N how much he wanted to hold him close and kiss him. He felt so foolish for not being more clear with his feelings.
At this very moment the living room door which joined into the hallway opened brisky and Moody and Sirius were standing in it. From their perspective they could clearly see Remus hunched just under the other three on the staircase and Remus had a panic look of being caught in the act. "Remus, are you alright?" Sirius asked confused, this caused the banister above the tall man to creak and peering up Remus saw Fred, George and of course Y/N leaning over and realising he had been there the whole time. Like the other Y/N's face was painted with confusion and then pure embarrassment. "Y/N we have to go" Moody said bluntly, ignoring the situation and walking towards the front door, with out question Y/N followed him. Just before Y/N exited the front door he turned back and looked at Remus, clearly wanting to talk but in the end offered a weak smile before disappearing into the night.
Sirius had needed Remus for a task himself. There were a couple of known werewolves in the outskirts of London who had not been hunted down by the dark lord. Sirius asked Remus to meet with them and try and swade them to join The Order, despite his downfall in social skills their clear nocturnal connection made Remus the best person for the task which he agreed to. Finally he got to experience what Y/N and Moody has been doing almost every night, leaving everyone to go off into the night and work while the rest of the city slept. Remus didn't return back to Grimmauld place until two in the morning, it was a productive night but Remus was exhausted, all he wanted right now was his bed.
Remus was taken aback when once he entered though the front door he was meet with a number of concerned faces. Even Fred and George were still up, along with Sirius, Moody, Molly and Arthur all now looking at Remus with a mixture of pain and worry. "What's going on?" Remus inquiried. No one said anything for a moment which put Remus on edge as he stiffened in the doorway. "Everything is fine now, its just" Sirius began slowly "it's just while Moody and Y/N were out on their patrol". At this moment Moody interrupted " We were out on the north side of the city when that bastard of a step brother of the wee lads ambushed us with a bunch of bleeding dementors" it was at this point that Remus noticed that Moody had a few bandages around his hand and across his cheek. "We're fine now its just .. Y/N's broom got hit and he fell" before Moody could finish Remus ran towards the living room door and swung it open.
A fire was lit in the dark room, dancing across the walls and illuminated the sofa were Remus' eye fell upon. Curled up on one side of the sofa was Y/N, motionless and eyes closed, even from this far away Remus could see the nemorous amount of cuts and bruises across Y/Ns body. One large cut over his forehead and cutting into his eyebrow, noticeably causing pain even with his eyes closed. Remus breathing quickened and he could feel the prick of tears building up in his eyes.
'Its rude to stare moones" came a soft voice from the sofa, still with his eyes closed Y/N shifted and groans in pain. Leaving the doorway and the others behind him Remus came towards Y/N lowering himself down onto his knee. Y/N's right eye was dark and bruised and only half opent looking up at Remus "it looks worse then it is" he said through a chuckle which then turned into a low groan of pain "honestly you should have seen what the oth-" but before Y/N could finish his qwip Remus cupped the man's cheeks into his big hands and pulled him to his lips. Y/N's eyebrows raised in shock but he did not resist and instead sunk into the deep kiss with him. Finally they parted lips "I care about you so much Y/N" Remus said breathlessly, keeping his hands on Y/Ns cheeks rubbing his thumb up and down his soft skin. Y/N simple smiled back at Remus lovingly. Soft chuckles as approval could be heard from the hallway along with a union cry of "Finally!" coming from Fred and George.
Eventually the others went to bed, giving the two men some space. Remus stayed by Y/N's side craddeling his head in one hand and gently brushing his hair with his fingers. Talking quietly and intimatly between one another by the fire for sometime both still beaming from the kiss they had spared. After an hour they fell into a silence, looking down they could see their fingers tips were rubbing against one anothers, almost interlocking but not quiet. Remus needed Y/N to be as close to him as possible.
"May I take you up to my room?" Remus finally whispered, their fingers were fully entangled in one another's now "I feel like you deserve a proper bed tonight" Remus' gaze met Y/N's, the reflection of the fire dancing in both their eyes. They both knew what he was asking and in this look between them they both knew they wanted the same thing. Staying fixed in Remus' stare Y/N simply nodded. Their faces were almost touching, Remus' thick moustache brushing against Y/N own stubbled jaw.
Draping Y/N's arm over his hunched shoulders Remus was able to lift him up from the sofa with ease and aid him out of the room and up the stairs. With their height difference Y/Ns feet barely touched the ground and instead he settled to resting on top of Remus' own shoes. Y/N suddenly felt so small in Remus' arms and this made him blush, Y/N was steading himself by wrapping one of his arms around Remus' waist and his fingers pressed into his chest, Y/N could feel the older man's breathing in and out.
They made it to Remus' room, entering the dark room Remus carefully helped Y/N sit down on the bed before walking to the other side and switching on the bedside lamp. A dim orange glow spreads around the bed, keeping them out of shadow and creating a rose tint effect. Remus sat across from Y/N and then briskly moved closer until he was pressed up against Y/N but then he stopped. He had wanted to do this for so long, Remus was scared of making a mistake or rushing, he wanted Y/N to be fully comfortable. However before Remus could make any more calculated thoughts Y/N pulled him into a long deep kiss, causing both their chests to rise up and press against each other. A fluttering feeling builds up on both their stomachs, they feel perfect together. Remus' hands held on tightly to Y/N's shoulders as their mouths opened and their tounges met. Dancing over one another elegantly at first and then more quickened and passionate. When they separated to catch their breath Y/N let out a weak moan and Remus bit down on his own lip hard.
"Y/N" Remus panted trying to keep his composure "I know both our lives have barriers which make us not want to get close to people but when I look at you ... there is no one id rather have by my side and I'd be honoured if I could be by yours as well.. if you want that of course". Taking a moment Y/N looked down at his marked arm, it was so hard for him to let people in, and yet when he looked up into Remus' worn and caring face all those worries slipped away. "Yes" Y/N said with a smile which was met with Remus' own lips again as the taller man pushed his weight over Y/N causing him to fall back onto the bed.
Locking their hands together Remus gently lifted Y/N's arms above his head and Y/N lifted up his boots and wrapped them around Remus' waist. Their groins pushed against each other and both men could feel how hard the other one was getting. Y/N removed Remus' cardigan and swiftly pulled off his own shirt showing off his fluffy chest. Remus was fixated and kissed down Y/N's upper torso and followed his happy trail across his stomach and to his hips, the closer he got to Y/N's waist band the more Y/N moaned. Remus' long fingers unbuckled Y/N's belt and with some shuffling managed to pull his trouser down to his knees. Y/N began to reach out for his boot laces to undo then "No don't" interjected Remus "Keep them on... I like them". Y/N smirked and looked down at his own boxers which hugged his hips and clearly showed off how erect he was for the man above him. Moving his hands away from his laces Y/N reached out for Remus' shirt and began to unbutton it but stopped after one and looked up, waiting for a signal from Remus. Nervously Remus nodded and closed his eyes and Y/N carrier on undoing his shirt. He felt the slight coolness of the air as his shirt fell from him and then he felt Y/N's lips, kissing from his stomach all the way to the crook of his neck and then to his ear, "You are beautiful Remus, every single part of you". These sweet whispered words made him shiver and softly moan out Y/N's name. Next Remus felt a hand press firmly over his trouser and started to massage his concealed cock, resulting in a low primal growl to escape his lips. "I want you" Y/N carried on inti Remus' ear, enjoying the effect it was having on him "I need you inside me".
Y/N's boxers were roughly pulled down to meet his trousers around his carves. Following this movement Remus placed himself between Y/N's boots, lifting them over his shoulders, breathing over Y/N cock to tease him and make him twitch before leaning down and starting to rim Y/N's hole. The younger man arched his back and pushed his head into the pillow, moaning at the hot wet feelings of pleasure he felt. One of Remus' hand snaked up and grasped Y/N now throbbing cock and jerk it lazily which summoned more whimpers from Y/N. Remus adored the noises he could get out of the man in front of him and his mind started to race imagine how Y/N would sound when he made him cum. The stiffness in his own trousers was borderline painful so Remus pulled away from Y/N and quickly removed his trouser and boxers, his own erect cock almost touching his stomach. Looking down he saw Y/Ns eye grow at the sight of it and then looking up again "Moones your going to make me scream". "Good." Remus replied in a gruff tone, holing onto his cock and starting to position himself against Y/N hole. Their eyes were locked as Remus slowly entered Y/N who whined and yelped out, "it's okay" Remus reassured bring his fingers up to Y/N's cheek to sooth him but turning his head Y/N took Remus fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them as he moaned "keep going". Soon Remus was fully inside Y/N and he knocked his head back from how tight Y/Ns arse felt against his cock and then his hips began to rock, building up a rhythm as he began to fuck Y/N. 
Looking up at Remus with big dilated eyes, trying his best to stay focused and not lose complete control Y/N gripped his own cocked and continued to jerk himself off as Remus pounded his ass. Each trust brought both men to their climax significantly faster than they were expecting. "Remus .. Remus .. I ..I'm gonna" Y/N spluttered trying to control his body's build up. "Hold on pup" Remus growled but this simply pushed Y/N over the edge and with a strong cry he came over his own hand and Remus' stomach. Upon feeling this against his skin it didn't take Remus long himself, with a few more rigorous thrusts and slamming his mouth into Y/Ns he felt his tip harden beyond belief inside Y/N and biting on the younger man's lip Remus came hard, making them both cry out. Remus stayed inside Y/N slowly thrusting until they stopped twitching with pleasure. After he pulled out resting in his side he wrapped Y/N up in his long arms and brought him in close to his chest. The room was filled with their sound of them panting and then laughing. "Might have taken you ages to make the first move but boy do you know what your doing afterwards" Y/N said nibbling on Remus' ear lobe. "There's lots more where that came from if you've got the stamina" Remus teased and they stayed in each others arms until they drifted off to sleep.
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enchantingepics · 3 months
Story Prompt 31
In the dimly lit room, shadows played on the walls as the two figures stood close, their connection palpable. Their eyes locked, an unspoken language weaving between them.
As they gazed into each other's eyes, a magnetic force seemed to pull them closer. The air crackled with anticipation, and though their clothes remained, an invisible fire simmered beneath the surface.
His voice, a velvet whisper, brushed against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "You know, princess, you've been an awfully good girl." The words hung in the air, creating a tension that begged to be explored.
Her senses heightened as his deep chuckle reverberated. She felt herself melting, not just from the sultry words but from the promise that lingered in the air.
"Already melting for me? I haven't even done anything," he teased, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "Good girl."
The room seemed to shrink around them as the chemistry between them intensified. The unspoken desire sparked a dance of emotions, creating a story only their eyes could tell. In that moment, words became unnecessary, and the silent conversation continued in the language of stolen glances and lingering touches.
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verum-artifex · 9 months
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🎃 Spooktober 🎃 | 002
"Flame Transformation"
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thebramblewood · 7 months
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Read an exclusive excerpt of "Chapter 5: The Mysterious Cal and Lily" from Tangled Vines: A Complete Investigation of the Vatore Disappearances, the bestselling phenomenon sweeping Sim Nation!
The advent of the Roaring '20s put a new city on the map. Prohibition was in full swing across the nation (though often loosely and selectively enforced), but citizens were more eager than ever to revel in excess. Producers of alcoholic beverages (including the Vatore family itself, having swiftly resumed business operations despite the loss of its future inheritors) transitioned to an outward emphasis on medical spirits while moving recreational production underground. Equally clandestine speakeasys began cropping up by the dozens, but one city's winding sidewalks, grimy storefronts, and labyrinthine system of underground tunnels made it particularly well-suited to hosting these secret locales. Soon enough, San Myshuno was the pinnacle of glitz, glamor, and elegant debauchery. All who attended a party wanted to be seen. Curiously, though, two of the names most often uncovered in tabloid archives, Cal and Lily, seemed to fully avoid the increasingly ubiquitous flash of the camera. While other frequenters of the speakeasy circuit often found their grainy black and white faces in print, providing endless fodder for the burgeoning gossip rag industry, this pair remained elusive, which of course sold even more papers. Fellow partygoers pitched first-hand accounts to the highest bidders, and readers clung onto every salacious word. Lily and Cal were always observed to arrive together, but she would soon make a beeline for the gramophone while he settled in at the bar. Nearly every report calls Lily an exquisite beauty with an almost supernatural ability for drawing men into her orbit. In some instances, partygoers describe a herd of suitors nearly erupting into fisticuffs as they competed for her attention. It is impossible to say how many of these accounts are exaggerated or even fabricated. Nevertheless, it is clear she was quite the force. At the end of the night, she would leave with her chosen companion, stupefied by his stroke of good luck, on her arm. Meanwhile, Cal would watch listlessly from a distance, nursing a glass of whiskey he was never observed to actually drink. The relationship between the two was unclear, as was his reason for accompanying her, as he seemed to have little interest in the raucousness surrounding him. He rarely engaged with other guests or even Lily herself, though there is at least one report of an argument in which he seemed with little success to be dissuading her from leaving with yet another man. One cannot help but draw parallels to a certain set of siblings with suspiciously similar names. Despite being younger, Caleb Vatore was always said to be protective over his sister Lilith's interests, even if she rarely heeded his advice. Digging into the newspaper archives at Myshuno Meadows Library unearths several more disturbing accounts. Increasingly, there were whispers that the men Lily seduced completely vanished from San Myshuno society after coming into contact with her. While there was a small spike in unsolved murder cases at the time, a concrete connection between the victims and the mysterious Lily cannot be made. In one story, which admittedly reads like a hallucinatory drug trip, Lily is described as a succubus with glowing red eyes and sharp blood-stained teeth. This account was clearly dismissed, for its revelations were never entertained further. All at once, the champagne and glitter dissolved into a more sober era, and these socialites vanished from public life just as swiftly. In isolation, similarities between Cal and Lily and the disappeared Vatore siblings may seem like mere coincidences. In truth, it cannot even be proven that they existed. No official records matching either individual have been discovered. One could argue that they were works of fiction concocted to boost sales or composites drawn from several individuals. However, considered alongside the evidence to be presented in later chapters, the theory that this duo and the Vatores are one and the same becomes too tantalizingly probable to dismiss.
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the-swift-tricker · 1 year
I prefer the enchantment of a story told to one that is written down. In the oral tradition, where stories are told around the fireplace in semi-darkness, the words are alive: they leave the lips, enter into the air, and before they fall onto your ear they transform themselves into magic. They're not fixed; they change from telling to telling, and from listener to listener.
Brian Froud
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figtreegif · 6 months
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