#Sunnie rambles
bye-bye-sunbird · 2 years
Imagine going to college and being the object of adoration of all your upperclassmen: Albedo, Dottore, and Al Haitham. All of them vying for your attention... poor darling, that sounds exhausting tbh ajsdnkjansdka
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sunniebabe99 · 2 years
Yet another work in progress fanfic idea-
I give you,
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Anakin Skywalker is a well known lord in the country side of Tatooine. A young Padme Naberrie has travelled all the way from Coruscant to assist the Lord in buying a home on Coruscant. All the while strange things happen there that make Padme realize things are not what they seem.
Back on Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi is staying with his dear friend Cody Fett while his lover Padme is away on business. The two communicating through letters.
Anakin discovers a picture of Obi-Wan in Padmes belongings and is shocked to see a carbon copy of his lost love staring back at him. The only thing was that his love had died over three hundred years ago. Obsessed with finding him, Lord Skywalker traps Padme in his castle with the help of his brides and sets off on a journey to Coruscant to find his lost love and reclaim him.
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stevessundae · 2 years
Stranger Things AU- Heathers
ooc: ok so I found a Harringrove playlist on spotify and they have Meant to be Yours from Heathers on it and- aghhh the Au’s that just popped into my mind!!
Steve Harrington is a nobody but then is suddenly he is noticed by the popular group in Hawkin’s High who takes him under their Wing, and he is swiftly turned into one of the Kings of Hawkins High. He meets a new guy named Billy Hargrove with a serious bad boy attitude. Steve then gets caught in a string of murders of his fellow classmates. 
It only gets worse when his somewhat secret boyfriend plans to blow up the entire school with the whole student body inside. He takes it in his own hands to save his classmates from their unknowing fate.
(Enjoy this gif of the Queen Winona Ryder)
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Ok so, when I was a kid I wanted nothing else than to be an Elf. Like a pretty elf from rivendell or Mirkwood that wore silver crowns and elegant dresses. I used to get so mad when my siblings would compare me to a Hobbit.
Now as I get older though, I have become more fond of them. I would love to be a Hobbit without a care in the world. Cooking delicious food, tending my garden and living in a beautiful hole in the ground.
I can be who ever I want to be
But now I think I shall be a Hobbit.
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finally…..i have them all……….
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naturecalls111 · 10 months
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charlieism · 5 months
my masterpiece
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Bruce Wayne, mentor to many- father to none.
I want the angst of B having to come to terms that he doesn't know ANY of his kids not anymore at least and maybe never and the fact his kids are just- used to it?
Visiting Dicks apartment, he finds a picture of him smiling while surrounded by a bunch of little kids in spandax uniforms. Turns out he'd been a gymnastics instructor for about four years now and his most recent team had everyone qualify for state. (Bruce didn't even know he still practiced)
Jason stopped accepting Wednesday night patrols, but when he looked into it he found out that was the night he went to DND nights with his roommates every week. The roommates he met last semester after he decided to go to college and get an english major. (Bruce didn't even know he had applied)
Checking the library he found a small pedastal plague put up by Alfred displaying just one book. It said Cass was the author. Apparently she had gotten super into writing and published a book talking about language deprivation and lack of accomidation for deaf/hoh children born to hearing families. She had a book signing last month, Alfred had gone and grabbed this copy now on display (Bruce didn't even know she liked to write)
Tim finished a case early and let it slip he needed to sign off early to "meet up with his boyfriends" and hung up before Bruce could process. It only took a small glance at his middle child's latest social media post to see him alongside Superboy (what was his name?) and a blonde boy he didn't recognize. Both were leaned in to kiss his cheek and the caption said "Happy 3rd anniversary!!" (Bruce didn't even know he was interested in boys)
Steph's birthday came around and Bruce got her a new account and shoved a couple thousand for her to buy whatever she wanted. But he quickly noticed a pattern of everyone getting her- cat supplies? Apparently She had adopted a cat about a month ago to celebrate her new apartment, Mister Mystery was his name, and she had asked everyone for supplies instead of other gifts. (Bruce didn't even know she had moved)
He decided on some impromptu father-son bonding and tries to track down his youngest. But Damian is nowhere to be found. He gets pretty close to calling an emergency meeting but the moment he messages Oracle she reminds him Damian is in Chicago. Damian had won an art competition at school and his piece qualified for a gallery spot. The entire family had gone days ago and he was due back the next day. (Bruce didn't even know he cared about art)
Then Duke- his youngest in terms of time spent. But one he had grown fond of just as fast as the others. Especially working the day shift the time they spent was limited. Bruce got them both lunch, but it wasn't until halfway through eating that Duke had turned to him with panicked eyes and asked if the stew had shellfish. Duke had a severe allergy, thankfully Jason had been just up the street and had an epi-pen ready before they took him to Leslies. (Bruce didnt even know he had any allergies, let alone one so severe)
The worst part? There was no blow up. His kids didn't take his idiocracy as a personal insult or even raise a fight. They just rolled their eyes and moved on. As everyone crowded in the room, surrounding Dukes bedside he could hear Barbras voice. "Its not your fault, Batman may be omnipotent, but Bruce doesn't know anything really"
He wasnt meant to overhear or maybe he was, Oracle had always been petty But he couldn't refute it.
"But you have us"
Well- thats just it wasnt it? Even when Bruce was absent- his kids had each other. But was that ever meant to be enough?
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gardenofhope · 8 months
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haruharuz · 6 months
2024 habit ideas
habits: -> yoga twice a week -> planning daily / weekly / biweekly / monthly -> flossing -> weekly / biweekly / monthly teeth whitening -> weekly hair oiling -> drink water first thing in the morning -> spend less than 15 minutes in bed when you wake up -> make bed ->oil pulling -> smoothies daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly -> green tea every morning -> ginseng weekly ->nightly gratitude ->morning workout ->morning affirmations ->fruit/veggie in every breakfast ->stop biting lips ->stop picking skin ->weekly scalp massage ->do anything under 2 mins immediately ->nightly mindset reframing ->reading 5 pages daily ->15 minutes with no screens ->daily walk ->star/moon/planet tracking ->ginger/tumeric shots ->care for a plant daily ->pick up & throw away 1 piece of trash daily ->one poem a day ->write 100 words ->sensory care every night ->play instrument daily/weekly/etc ->dance daily/weekly/biweekly ->paint something ->sketch something ->lay out the week or next day's clothes ->get rid of one random gross habit you have
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biocrafthero · 6 months
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Don't go to Othermart at 3AM I saw this animal in there scared the shit out of me
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bye-bye-sunbird · 1 year
Ok but Yan!Al Haitham with a struggling first-year Student!Reader who had to leave home to pursue the dream of becoming an outstanding academic who can support her family.
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sunniebabe99 · 2 years
Sith! Obi-Wan is probably my favorite AU character to write as of now because he gives into his anger more than regular Jedi Obi-Wan. He seems slightly more unhinged, calm and calculating but has a shorter fuse than he used to have.
Of course he is still just as charming and just as sarcastic but now he has rage and sadism in him that is on a leash that's barely holding on.
To be honest I sort of drew some of Ewan McGregor's other character "Roman Sinonis, Aka Black Mask" into Sith!Obi-Wan's personality as well because it was easier to study him being different as the scary crime boss.
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stevessundae · 2 years
(( I've thought of the most gut wrenching angst short lil writing idea and I want to write it so bad but another part of me wants to tuck it away in a box so I don't cry while writing it...
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I am a hopeless romantic but too scared to fall in love.
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chronicowboy · 8 days
no but my work here is done is still fucking destroying me because like. bobby doesn't know. bobby doesn't know that buck enjoys their cooking lessons because he gets to be with bobby. bobby doesn't know that buck probably agreed to it at first to get closer to him. bobby doesn't know that whilst yes buck loves cooking it was always more about the quality time. bobby doesn't know that buck could be the best chef in the world and he'd still pretend not to know the correct way to slice a pineapple just so he could get an extra few moments with bobby. bobby doesn't know.
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