#Sussy Black Man
smplyanimates · 1 year
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Wooo it’s my birthday :D
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cursedstarry · 2 years
idk anymore, all future ren/redacted drawings (except for current wips) will be long haired ren with big giant heels that he can step on me with because they’re cool as heck. But also like....Ren??? With big long slender black heeled knee high boots??? YES PLEASE.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
being on team 141 and being one of the youngest people in the team HCs [p.02]
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢. ✦ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞!!
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺: 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒋𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒔, 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 141, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈,
𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹'𝑺 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑺: 𝒖𝒏𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅
back at it again, its another fatherless rapscallion😭
100% believe you and soap call people bestie if you dont like them
ex: "soap come hither, i have tea on bestie chloe" and he comes barreling down the hall to hear the tea
lmfao speaking of soap
this man whines when you give him the silent treatment fo sheezy 💯
ghost thinks its really funny when soap watches you with a '☹' face evrry time you ignore him
gaz always knows everything because you know everything so you tell him its hilarious asf
you and gaz always be talkin about topher fr
(i dont have the of so an edit will do:)
price is highkey tired of your humor
"is there anything you need?" price "other than a father/mother? nope. thanks, tho" you *insert gaz laughing from the other room*, distressed price leaved the room, clutching at his sussy goofy wacky little hat
if you are fluent in spanish i strongly believe ghost will be scared of you
as i have been trading my spanish for german, i wont put anything else involving spanish, thanks 😍🙏
screaming judas in tge shower
ghost yelling at you to shut up
soap joining to annoy his babygorl
gaz humming along because lady gaga is goddess
price needing to leave the room
l m f a o
ok so like what if you're really good at card games, savvy?
you and 141 are laying low in a safehouse somewhere
soap finds a deck of cards, and everyone plays and/or watches
anyway you suggest playing manipulation
price immediately agrees, he hasnt played in a while but still thinks he could beat everyonr
ghost joins in, but gaz watches
what if you sat in his lap
no sorry my bad im in love
the first, like, three rounds everyones drawing like five cards
and price somehow ends up with two cards while everyones drawing cards
hes getting cocky, thinking that he'll go out first because of his amount of cards
he had an ace
so that was virtually impossible to get rid of lmfao
price had on his poker face, and surprisingly, so did you
no one could tell you were able to get rid of the five cards in your hand only in the eighth round
bada bing bada boom you served the team their ass when you quickly arranged your cards into their appropriate piles
and then you look at everyone's flabberghasted expression
price is 😯🙁ing so hard
not only did price lose, he lost to one of the youngest people on the team
ghost is a sore loser tbh
"fuckin' hell, reaper. the hell you learn to play like that?" ghost "around" you shrug
price thinks about that all the time tbh
after a somewhat rough mission, you go MIA
everyones worried; you generally let someone know whenever you go somewhere
but its hour 4 of you being gone and price is worried
you did this when the whole situation with alex went down, so price has limited experience with your MIA bouts
highkey feels bad he can't protect you emotionally :(
it was well below sun down when price found you
poor captain almost had a stroke when you saw you
you were outside sitting cross legged facing the direction which the sun had set, indicating you'd been there for a while
you had a lighter in your hand, lighting up cigarette number unknown
"what are you doing, kid?"
you had heard him coming so you didnt jump or anything you just shrugged
"do you want to talk about it?"
a mocking laugh fell from your lips, spewing out with smoke "nah."
price was at a loss. you had never acted like this before- cold and sharp
he moved to sit by you though </3
soon ghost trailed out, wondering where price was
an inky black mass caught his eye
but as he was making his way over, he saw a cigarette get smushed into the ground and a knew one being pulled from a pack
price didn't smoke cigarettes, he smoked cigars, so who would that be?
but then ghost heard your voice and an exhale and you had the cigarette
ghost: 😯
"hell's goin' on out here?" ghost grumbled, sitting on the other side of u, eyes widening at the amount of boxes at ur side
price answered when you didnt "getting some air"
ghost blinked at the cigarette hanging from your lips. okay
the guys tried to get you to talk but couldn't get anything out of you but a scoff or two
even when ghost offered to let you sleep in his room you said no :(((
after that you gathered your shit and left for the base leaving ghost and price concerned </3
whoa who broke my heart i sure am angsty today 😟💯
you didnt get any sleep that night btw
on another note
obviously he goes to you first
"hey y/n" :))) "do you wanna" :)))))) "watch a movie" :))))))))) "with us?" :))))))))))))
i'll be damned if you say no. 😐🔪
so you said yes 😍❤
he smiled so big </33
went to soap next
then pulled up the movie
with everyone ( minus ghost ), price couldn't say no 🙃
ghost pulled up, ffs 🤯
gaz chose either a horror movie or a horror movie
so you watched a horror movie 😁
gaz was probably clinging to you the whole time
so was soap probably
ghost was somewhat interested, but price fell asleep
his goofy snore is so loud bro im not even playing 🤧😭😭
if you have migraines you best believe everyone has midol/typenol for you
never ibuprofen tho bc after a mission if you had a headache, 141 might think you possibly had/have a brain bleed and wouldn't give you ibuprofen bc thats a blood thinner and could start another bleed
you and gaz have playlists for everyone
you both follow each other on EVERYTHING
if you were too poor (like me HDJSNEHDJEUZ) gaz would let you and only you on his netflix acc ❤
im sorry im a gazlvr
will probably edit later tbh
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞!!
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pony-central · 6 months
Character Analysis - SMG3
Hello again, fellow SMG4 fans. Today, we're gonna be taking a look at the guy who conquered The Internet Graveyard - SMG3.
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Now, looking at the picture here, you can see that SMG3 is a good character. Which is true. He's improved a lot since The YouTube Arc. Take it as Character Development of some kind.
SMG3 is a Meme Guardian who came to the Mushroom Kingdom in a USB Flashdrive that was originally meant to go to the Internet Graveyard, as shown in SMG4's Origins. It was back then that SMG3 and SMG4 had a rivalry, which dissolved after they became friends.
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SMG3 appears as the same height as SMG4, but takes on a different look. Just like the Meme Man, SMG3 had two redesigns to no longer look like a Mario recolour. SMG3 has red eyes, facial hair and black hair. He is shown wearing an indigo hat with a cut on the brim, long sleeved shirt and dark purple overalls, which were originally black overalls. He also wears black studded boots and white gloves with black cuffs. The gloves have the Roman numeral of the number 3.
One of his concepts had him with spikes as the base for his gloves, and another one had him with black gloves.
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SMG3's story started as early as 2011, where he was shown to have a disliking of SMG4, and began ripping off the latter's videos to get back at him for being a better Meme Guardian. Nine years later, SMG3 was punished for his actions by being sent to the Internet Graveyard as a proper punishment. He was easily able to rule over IG.
Throughout most of the current seasons, he was sometimes the voice of reason, as seen in Mar10 Day, where he tried to reason with SMG4 for causing a ruckus at the party. That shows us that he was just trying to calm Four down, only for this to not work.
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Throughout all of It's Gotta Be Perfect, as the keyboard was corrupting SMG4 like crazy, SMG3 was shown to have some moments where he did genuinely care for SMG4's safety. That's the sign of a true friend. Once SMG4 does release himself from the keyboards grasp, Three is the first to smile at him, with happy tears in his eyes, knowing that his friend had saved himself.
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In the past we've seen how SMG3 acts whenever SMG4 calls him a Tsundere, or if he states that SMG3 is sometimes insecure. There have been times where Three refers to him as "Baka", which could indicate that Three thinks of SMG4 and himself as being "more than just friends". Heh heh. This results in SMG3 having a small blush whenever calling SMG4 "Baka".
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War of the Fat Italians 2023 had some classic funny moments, including Mission 10. This is where we need to talk about Snowtrapped. Ha ha.
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In case you know already, Snowtrapped is a blooper of SMG4 that came out in 2016. It was famous for the moment that happened at 6:50, which was the question in WOTFI 2023's 10th mission. And let's just say that fans did not see both igloo references coming at all. I was jut laughing throughout the mission, which was a success.
Now let's talk about SMG3's Sussy Notebook, which was never seen again after WOTFI 2023.
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SMG3 notebook is a purple notebook with yellow bands on the edges, warning people to "Keep Out", as it has secrets about SMG4 and SMG3. It was first shown in The Watermelon Man, as SMG3 was shown writing in it. It has since became a recurring item up until the latest WOTFI. Nobody knows what secrets it has until it became official Merch.
His relationship with SMG4
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SMG4 and SMG3, AKA SMG34/SMG43 (depends on what you guys use), is a popular ship on the Internet that's either used in a platonic way or a romantic way. Sometimes the fans go too far with it an create angst, sometimes it becomes evident over the course of the show. We will talk about more SMG34/SMG43 moments in another analysis soon.
The analysis of the SMG34/SMG43 ship is next on out Character Analysis. Also, suggest ideas in the notes for anyone you want an analysis of from different shows after the SMG34/SMG43 analysis is done.
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*Bowser emerges from his war machine to confront Mario*
Bowser: Well well well, if it isn't sussy Mario.
Mario: Bro, are you high?
Bowser: Let me check... yes.
Bowser: And there's nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world!
Mario: What is Walmart?
Bowser: It's Heaven Mario. Check the internet lately?
Luigi, over the comm: Mario, hop on Twitter, you need to see this!
Mario, truning on his phone: Fuck, I hate this website.
Luigi: It's all fucking weebshit Mario, it doesn't even make any sense. They're being distracted with utter nonsense!
Bowser: These baboons don't even know they're at war with Sarasaraland.
Mario: This one's calling me a redditor.
Bowser: And that's just the beginning! E-Girls? Gacha? Memes? All petty distractions so real men can get down to business.
Mario, with sudden realization: Amogus.
Bowser: And as you know, American Imperialism is absolutely justified because we had a black president once.... BEFORE I FUCKING KILLED HIM!
Mario: That's a nice argument Bowser, why don't you back it up with a source!
Bowser: My source is that I made it the fuck up!
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Jamil, Idia: Desires so Deep
Ignore me getting a late start on this new birthday series 💀 (Got busy with irl stuff!!)
Oddly enough, the vignettes don’t mention Jamil’s birthday at all; they’re at the National Art Museum in the Land of Dawning to celebrate its 100th anniversary. It seems this new series (Platinum Jacket) will have vignettes with more focus on how the boys relate to and what they think about important historical figures in Twisted Wonderland!
… Also, the fact that the book 7 part 5 update came out a few days before Jamil’s birthday… and then his vignettes go and show a Maleficent painting in them… Yeah 😭 but what’s even funnier to me is that Idia calls Jamil a chuunibyou WHich iS SO ACCURATE, THANK YoU fOR CALLinG HIS ASS OuT, KING 🙏 What is Jamil doing in that sussy Groovy if not being a chunni…
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Contained within a shining platinum frame was an illustration of a starry scene. A man in a fine white turban crowned by a single violet plume. A woman, perched on a balcony, in a refreshing blue-green, a jasmine flower set into her long, dark braid.
They stared longingly into each other’s eyes, conveying an emotion not spoken aloud. No words were needed for what they had: a love so tender it made the night weep. The stars into glittering tears sliding down the face of darkness.
Standing before the painting of the happy couple, Jamil folded his arms and frowned.
… Can feelings truly defy social status?
"A street rat marrying a princess… Hah."
His fingers curled to fists, digging into the pristine white fabric of his suit. Jamil's expression remained neutral, no hint of the bitterness brewing within. He was a master of leashing it.
What nonsense. I doubt their happiness lasted long. The difference in their standing is far too vast to be bridged.
Jamil lowered his gaze and looked away.
Adjacent to the loving pair was a spindly man with a curled goatee. His crimson and black headdress resembled the flared hood of a desert viper—a look iconic to the Sorcerer of the Sands. He gleefully clasped a golden oil lamp in his long, bony fingers. A remarkable achievement, an item he had been searching his entire life for.
Now, here was a great man. Someone who had slaved away and earned his reputation, climbed in social ranks on merit alone. The Sorcerer of the Sands would die a highly accomplished man, advisor to a sultan, renown scholar mage, and seeker of truth.
The very symbol of Scarabia’s spirit of deliberation.
The voice was soft and nervous, like that of a specter not yet parted from this world. A faint blue glow fell upon the Sorcerer of the Sands.
Jamil turned, releasing a sigh when he realized who had appeared beside him. "... Oh. It's you, Idia-senpai."
"Eeep!" His upperclassman jumped at the mention of his name. He clung to the doorway, and anxiety evident on his pale face.
"Well? Don't let my presence deter you from appreciating the artwork."
"N-No, that's okay!! It was getting to be too crowded in the main hall, so I wanted to dip and take a breather somewhere quiet to let my stamina recharge... b-but that's completely pointless if other people are still around!"
"You won't even notice me. I not a snake—I don't bite," Jamil insisted flatly. Not unless I want to. "You look suspicious lurking in the doorframe. You may as well come in."
Left with no other choice, Idia awkwardly shuffled into the exhibit.
He positioned himself a good distance away from Jamil, not saying so much as a word as he stared at an ornate figure of a broad-bodied ape. Its lips were twisted into a grotesquely wide smile.
Nestled in the monkey’s palms was a massive red jewel, glistening even in the scarce light. Idia's own terrified reflection bounced back at him in the gem’s many facets.
"Can't believe I got dragged out for this," the third year grumbled under his breath. "I-I wanted to go to that pop-up Sled Over Heels collab cafe with the walk-in museum... Instead I have to be here and gawk at the same pictures I've seen over and over again in magic history textbooks... Aaah, it totally doesn't compare at all to cute anime girls pouring all their passion into the artful sport of sledding!"
Some small, fragmented part of Jamil grimaced at the disrespect, try as he might to close off his ears, to not engage. No good ever comes of provoking a stubborn mule, he chided himself.
But the devil on his left shoulder pounced.
"Idia-senpai," Jamil spoke carefully, a slight edge to his voice. It made the hairs on the back of Idia's neck stand at attention. "Are you not a fan of this style of artwork? Or is it the subject matter you find distasteful?"
His upperclassmen startled. Horrified as the realization that Jamil had heard his every complaint, the tips of his flaming hair colored pink.
"W-Well... I'm not exactly a buff for this kind of thing," Idia stuttered. "It's ancient history. Been there, don’t that. Th-There's really no point in being on that grind cycle if it all just amounts to the same ending anyway. That's basically all history is, anyway."
Jamil bristled—though he took care to not let it show. "I beg to differ. The story of the Sorcerer of the Sands defies such paltry notions. He struggled much in his life, even served under a carefree, incompetent sultan that barely listened to a work he said.”
I know what that’s like.
A smile he thoroughly detested flashed in his mind. So big and pearly and irritating as he offered him his hand.
“Let’s start over. We can be rivals… but we can be friends too.”
But that boy was a fool.
Feelings can’t trump social status. Not then, not now. Not ever.
“And yet it was thanks to his contributions that he is remembered today as one of the greatest men to have ever lived. The Sorcerer of the Sands was able to break free and live as he desired. He acquired the Genie of the Lamp and phenomenal cosmic power. He decided his own destiny.”
"Uweh, sounds like he's your kami-oshi, Jamil-shi... I guess it makes sense though, since you and the Sorcerer of the Sands are the same character archetype and everything. Chunnibyous gotta stick together and all…”
"… What is that supposed to mean?" Jamil planted his hands on his hips. He didn’t understand all of Idia’s slang, but he also wasn’t sure if he wanted to.
Idia's eyes—wide and anxious—cut away from him. “I-It’s nothing important…”
“Then why are you hiding it?”
“B-Because you’re definitely the type who would hold a grudge if anyone pisses you off!!”
“How rude. I’m offended that you think so lowly of me.” Jamil allowed himself a little smirk. “I’ll have you know that I won’t stop there. In fact, I’ll enact a vengeance plot so excruciatingly humiliating that you won’t ever be able to face the light of day comfortably again.”
“S-See?! That’s what I meant!! Y-You’re a certified chuunibyou!!”
“Whatever that means, I assure you that I’m not. Is it so wrong to look back on history and to appreciate how far we’ve come since?”
Jamil found himself returning to the painting of the Sorcerer with the lamp. He was almost drawn to it, lulled into a hypnotic trance. An item that could make all of his hopes come true…
“Let me ask you this: if you could have any wish granted, what would that wish be?”
“E-Eh?! Any wish…” Idia fiddled with the glittering buttons on his suit. He nibbled on his lower lip, a darkness having swept up what little color there was left to him. “I-I can’t say it, but… more than anything, there’s someone I want to say goodbye to.”
“I see. A fond farewell.”
Letting go.
Jamil’s chest tightened.
In a distant memory, flowers of fire lit up the night. He had been dancing then, hair and fabric flying as he spun and spun and spun. When had he last felt so free? His wings unbound, the sky as his limits.
“As for myself, what I wish for most of all is…”
He glanced back at the painting of the two lovers. Star-crossed, against a star-streaked sky. Adventure calling, liberation beckoning.
A look most malicious graced his careful controlled features. Lips in a lopsided smirk, eyes like daggers, glinting sinisterly in the dark. Concealed weapons rising to the surface.
“… to be well-connected with people who may prove useful in attaining my dreams. Yes, that’s it. Useful.”
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serelyly-hikari · 2 years
And once again, Venti is related to very very important people pivotal to the lore and overall story of the game and once again I am reminded that we know NOTHING of this guy.
When will it eeeeeeeeeeeend
Windblume and Archon Quest spoilers ahead (somewhat, either way, I rather be safe.)
He barely appeared in this year’s windblume but man was he still sussy.
Tsk tsk, sweetheart, when are you ever going to NOT have huge lore implications? Like, your nation was attacked directly by the Abyss and you were the first to get their gnosis taken away while all the other nations only really had the Fatui to deal with. Your gnosis is a QUEEN piece. You used to have a good relationship with the Tsaritsa who currently has a whole organization doing some sussy unknown plan, only for said relationship to become basically nonexistent. One of your statues is currently being used by the Abyss to make this mechanical god. The first whatever Ruin Hunter literally was found in your nation. Once upon a time you ruled Mondstadt alongside the god of time, who is one of the four shades of the Primodial One. Your “may the winds bless your travels” quote paired with us literally being saved by Anemo bois really goes on to imply that you have eyes EVERYWHERE, not to mention you know things you “shouldn’t” (probably the winds whispering to you or something). Your statue literally has this whole scripture saying “this is the gate way to Celestia” or whatever. Your name appears in this very sussy letter only obtainable after defeating nine or so serpent knights to open up a hidden room in the Chasm ruins. Your nation also happened to house a creation of Gold (Albedo), the daughter of a possible descender (Klee), a descendent of the Abyss Order founder and child of Kheanri’ah (Kaeya), someone who has connections to this type of black market/organization who seems to be a huge part of the lore and former wielder of a delusion (Diluc), a very very smart librarian who seems to know many truths of the world and happens to also have a story quest that heavily revolves around this ONE FAIRYTALE BOOK (Lisa), and a disciple of a Hexenzirkle witch who reads fate (Mona). And now, confirmation that you KNOW the Hecenzirkle and that once upon a time you were against each other only to become really good friends.
Venti, please, give some other people a little of that lore, no? Cause you have too much that I bet I missed a huge chuck of the lore that is connected to you.
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siriannatan · 21 days
Mad Dog
I went through my pile of started fic and decided to drop some so here's one old idea. Named after a certain sussy manhwa I binged the day before writing this, that would refuse to leave my brain.
fWhip never wanted anything to do with the other side of the family business. Being the future CEO of a construction company that was the face of a mob group was enough for him. He didn't have to know what Gem and her goons got up to.
But unfortunately, the other side didn't intend to stay away from him. This is why he got kidnapped by a rival mob group on his way back to his cosy little luxury apartment from an evening study session at the university library.
Sadly he was fully recognisable as the younger twin of the current head of the Wither-Rose family. He should have agreed when Gem tried to force a bodyguard on him.
But now it was too late. Now his hands were tied behind his back. He was lying on a filthy floor. And had a massive headache.
“Oi, Boss the brat is awake,” one of the goons quickly realised he was awake. And dragged him to sit up. It wasn't any better than lying on the floor.
“Who would have thought that woman's twin could be this cute,” a man who fWhip assumed to be the boss chuckled. “We just might get some use out of you after this,” he sneered and other goons snickered.
There were about five of them if none were hiding on the corners. Even if there were not more it was too much for him to deal with alone even without his hands being bound. He could just hope someone shows up…
“Man you're ugly,” fWhip grimaced. Was it smart to poke at a likely armed group of gangsters? Probably not but fWhip was more than a little bit annoyed at this point.
“You little… not like your face needs to be unharmed anyway,” the man sneered and slapped fWhip hard. 
“Idiot,” fWhip chuckled. “I know absolutely nothing about what my sister is doing so you're just wasting time,” he glared at the man.
“Well, we can still have you beg her to come and save you,” the man smirked as one goon pulled out a camera.
fWhip grimaced. “Yeah, sorry, not happening,” he grinned, not caring anymore.
He was about to be slapped again when there was suddenly a knock at the door.
“Who the hell, I told them to not .. Ugh, go check which idiot is interrupting us,” the boss waved a goon at the door.
“Who is it?” The goon asked.
“Scott Major, twenty-eight. There isn't much I like but I hate boring idiots. Do I have to tell you about my hobbies too?”
“Which punk is…” he goon pulled the door open and quickly crumbled down, red pooling around his head.   And possibly the most handsome man fWhip ever saw walked in. Decently tall. Pretty face with no obvious scars. Bored blue eyes. Combed back cyan hair.  Dressed in black slacks and blazer with dark grey turtleneck underneath. “If someone knocks politely you should open the door, no?” He asked, twirling a knife in one hand. Of course, he was a damn gangster.
Did Gem send him? Floated through fWhip's head. And was he planning to go alone against five guys? 
“You're so hard to meet, young master,” he grinned at fWhip and no longer looked bored. Just excited.
“I know you,” the boss hissed glaring at the man, Scott, from next to fWhip. “Miss Gem's mad dog. What are you idiots spacing out for, get rid of him,” he ordered.
fWhip watched in a mix of terror and shock as Scott easily dodged attacks from the three goons. One got stabbed in the stomach and used as a shield against the second. Who got stabbed in the neck. Fourth got a knife up his head, just behind his jaw.
Even if he was shocked fWhip realised the boss would likely try to use him as a shield. So he got up and dashed away, just by pure coincidence towards Scott.
“Good job, young master,” Scott praised as he held fWhip in one arm. Other likely a course of the now too-familiar noise of a human getting stabbed. Why did Gem send someone who enjoyed this so much?
fWhip wished it was a dream. But the stench of blood in the air was too obvious. And Scott's arm was still firmly wrapped around his waist even when he cut the tape binding fWhip's arms and he steadied himself.
“I don't mind you staying in my arms,” Scott whispered into fWhip's ear. “I hope you don't mind I'm turned on right now. Usually, I'm more in control but with your pretty face? Impossible,” Scott hummed right into fWhip's ear.
That was, obviously, too much for fWhip so he forced himself out of this bastard's arms and stumbled over someone's leg. A corpse. fWhip crawled back, holding in the urge to vomit. He really hated this.
“And here I was looking forward to meeting Madam President’s little brother,” Scott sighed, lighting a cigarette (a/n cigarettes are bad but this is for the sake of the setting).
fWhip didn't like Scott's eyes anymore. They felt like he could see inside his brain. Like he already knew everything about him. Like he was being hunted. About to be devoured.
At least he didn't have to be alone with Scott for long as the clean-up crew arrived just in time.
“Man, Scott you made quite a mess here,” one gangster whistled as he walked in. Followed by a couple more.
“The Director told me to save her brother, so I did just that,” Scott shrugged as yet another person checked fWhip's face for damage.
As they did Scott seemed to grow bored again and started to leave. “See you again young master,” he grinned at fWhip before fully leaving.
Yeah, right, never. fWhip thought as he walked out to a car with tinted windows. Gem wanted to see him. Obviously. And would likely assign him a bodyguard whether he liked it or not.
Hopefully, it would be someone at least a bit normal. Unlike Scott. That guy was just a disaster waiting to happen. A ticking time bomb.
He never wanted to set foot in the crime side’s main building ever again. Especially as he stood in front of Gem's desk. With her looking at him like he was a misbehaving child. And Pearl was just standing silently in the corner like always.
“fWhip, after today I'm no longer asking,” she said and fWhip was instantly filled with dread. “You're being assigned bodyguard whether you like it or not,” she said exactly what fWhip didn't want to hear.
“I don't need one,” fWhip protested, leaning forward.
“I don't care anymore, we'll tell your university that due to threats sent to the office, you need a bodyguard,” Gem didn't budge at all.
“I don't need some gangster following me around,” fWhip kept protesting, voice raised as he stood up.
“fWhip, you got any clue what would happen if Scott didn't find you?” She asked, standing up and approaching him. “You being dead would be the best-case scenario so shut up,” he poked her finger into his chest, “accept a guard, and stop being difficult,” she said, her tone low and dangerous.
“But I really,” fWhip started but she slapped him. She had to have been really pissed.
“Get along with Scott, will you,” she stated, not asked.
“Why him? I don't even know him?!” fWhip fully expected to be scolded or slapped again.
“Don't talk nonsense, you two met today no?” She smirked and fWhip grimaced. He hated that she was technically right.
“He harassed me. Sexually! Doesn't that bother you?” Okay, maybe he didn't want to admit it to her but he was out of arguments, okay.
“I'm fully aware of his infatuation with your person. He won't hurt you so don't worry over nothing,” of course she had a counter for everything. Bah. She'd probably like it if fWhip fell in love with a gangster. That would surely keep him from arguing against the bodyguard.
“I hate you,” fWhip said and stormed out. 
Of course one of Gem's gangsters drove him home. At least they didn't follow him to his door.
Not that they had to. Next to it, smoking again and smirking as soon as he spotted fWhip was none other but Scott. 
“Hello, young master,” Scott's smirk grew as fWhip stomped closer. “I was starting to get bored.”
“No smoking in my house,” fWhip grumbled as he looked for his key. He froze as Scott was suddenly behind him. Pressing him onto the door.
“You're no fun,” he breathed, fWhip cringed at the smell. His eyes went wide as Scott presented him with the key.
“How did…”
“It was in your bag,” he explained, lips ghosting fWhip's neck as he quickly snatched the key and opened the door.
“Don't go digging through my stuff,” fWhip huffed, barely avoiding them falling down as he opened the door. Well, he doubted Scott would fall. Not without actually wanting to.
“But how am I supposed to check for bugs then?” Scott chuckled and forced fWhip to sit on his entry hallway bench.
“Stay the hell away from my bedroom,” not that fWhip listened, and followed, to make sure he didn't do anything shady.
“Not ready to show it to me? So cute, but unfortunately I was told to keep you safe so checking for bugs and traps needs to happen,” Scott chuckled infuriatingly and patted fWhip's head.
fWhip grumbled and complained as he followed Scott around the apartment. He couldn't stop him from getting into any room. Scott was simply physically stronger. fWhip absolutely didn't want to imagine how it was possible with how thin Scott looked in his suit. He was even more annoyed since it looked like Scott was genuinely looking for hidden devices to keep him safe.
“Tell me you're not going to wear a suit when following me everywhere,” he sighed as Scott decided the apartment was safe.
“Bodyguards usually wear suits, no? Or is there anything in particular you'd like me to wear?” Suddenly, fWhip found himself pressed to a wall next to the guest bedroom door. Of course, Gem got him a freaking luxury apartment with two bedrooms, a mini gym, a private office and a guest bedroom. His friends had no idea where he lived because of how fancy the place was. He didn't want anyone to know how big his family company was. Even the front one. They might grow to suspect something was up.
“Let me go you ass,” fWhip hissed as he tried, and failed, to push Scott away. The bastard just leaned in closer.
fWhip couldn't, and wouldn't believe Gem would send someone who'd be harassing him as his bodyguard.
“No goodnight kisses?” Scott chuckled. Their faces were far too close.
“Don't be stupid,” fWhip said as he glared, holding Scott's gaze and refusing to back away.
“Very well, young master, have it your way,” he chuckled and backed away. As fWhip thought that he for once had won, Scott shocked him one more time. “Goodnight young master, do scream if you need me,” he said, kissing fWhip on the forehead before just walking into the guest bedroom.
fWhip stood there for a solid minute too stunned to react. Once his thoughts caught up he refused to scream and just groaned in annoyance. Scott might just be what gets him to call Gem for the first time since he moved out.
Mumbling in annoyance fWhip marched back to his room and skipped the shower. It was Saturday the next day, no need to get up early. For the first time there being a lock on this door didn't seem weird.
fWhip shockingly did sleep. But it wasn't good sleep. Scott's face kept plaguing his dreams. He had no clue if Scott was already up or not. Not that he cares, mind you. So he just went about his morning as usual.
Had a nice long shower, and got dressed. All as slowly as possible hoping Scott would get annoyed with how long he was talking and knock.
Of course, the bastard didn't. So fWhip just left his room and went for breakfast. He did not like having three additional gangsters sticking it up as Scott looked at it with a bored expression.
“Hello young master, have you slept well?” The bastard dared smile when he spotted fWhip.
“What's going on?” fWhip asked. He was tempted to scream but he held it in. He was not giving Scott the satisfaction.
“Your kitchen only had junk food, I'll be not having you eat that while under my care,” Scott smiled coldly and dared to pat fWhip's head as if he were a child. 
“Didn't it cross your mind to ask me first?” fWhip huffed, slapping his hand away when it lingered too long on his head.
“It did, but I didn't want to interrupt your beauty sleep,” Scott sighed, feigning being hurt as he leaned on one arm, the other resting on the counter of the kitchen island.
“How about next time you wait for me to wake up?” fWhip tossed back, glaring at the men restocking his kitchen as they finished and left.
And he was alone with Scott once more. Ugh.
“And make you wait longer than necessary for breakfast? Perish the thought, young master. Madam president asked me to look after your safety and I decided to include your health,” Scott shook his head as he languidly stood up and walked into the kitchen. “What would you like for breakfast, young master?” He asked with a smirk while putting a black apron on. Since when did fWhip own any aprons?
“You're the worst,” fWhip hissed glaring at Scott with all his hatred. “I want waffles,” he declared quite smugly. Hoping to trip Scott up...
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diosanya · 5 months
Hola, bonjour, oi and hello to all Fragaria memories fandom!
Today I shall present my favorite faces of Noir Bouquet Chap 1
Welcome to my ted-talk~
6. Tuxam
His "for real?!" got me! Hehe. His voice is absolutely ADORABLE!!
He also looks like the peacemaker of the group, poor bébé ~
My son
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5. Badobarm
This man deserves all the love and sushi in the world! He looks so sweet in this scene~
He's the dad of the group, and at the same time he's baby. Tama is included in the baby statement, of course.
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4. Arupek
Such a cutie! His personality is so funny and I just wanted to hug and smuch him when he made this face!!!!
He'll accomplish ALL that he wants with that pure heart and that goofy face~
My son 2.0
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3. Hangyon
Ah, yes. The sussy fish~
For sure he has so many secrets hidden in that BEAUTIFUL and SILLY smile.
And Lilly looks so cute too! They both look adorable!!! Cutie-patuties~
My son 3.0
I need to know more about him, please!
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2. Pikero
He's SEDUCING me with that smile! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I'll kiss this froggy man with ABSOLUTELY no complains!
I love him~ He's sarcastic and might look bothered by Hangyon and the others, but he must care a lot about them.
Husband material ~
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1. Chacco
With that face I'll gladly give him my soul :v
NOW! He might look a little bit manipulative, specially because of his description and the new Charcoal White song (thanks for the translation @purestellas) but I'm pretty sure his just a complex characters with a pure heart.
Just look at his EYES!!!
My son 4.0
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So that's all for today ~
Thank you for tolerating my rambling :3
What do you think? I'm just waiting to read the new chapter of Black Bouquet again, but with the official English translation this time.
I might actually decide to do the same with Red and Blue Bouquet, mmmmm.
Anyway, I hope to the very least I managed to get a smile out of you.
See y'all ~
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xsezzie · 7 months
Hii! This hsr team tickle thing is so cute so if you're still doing it, what about Jing Yuan, Blade, Welt and Luocha?
(I finally got Jing Yuan yesterday after waiting for sooooo long 😭 hopefully Aventurine will join them later)
Thanks for your time and hope you have a nice day! 💙
Congratulations on Jing Yuan! 🥰 I hope you get Aventurine as well 😌
who’s the most ticklish character
These guys are all so daddy I’m gonna have to pick Jing Yuan 😂😂
who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t
Maybe Welt for this group. He’s such an old man who knows what he’s resistant to lol
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
Blade, but only because Jing Yuan convinces them, otherwise it’s him 🤭
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Luocha that sussy man 💀
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Blade’s back is quite ticklish, and Welt found out when he was tending to him once. Welt would never ever tell though 🫡
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Welt because he bas A BLACK HOLE??? 😂😂
which character has a kink for tickling
Luocha 🤨🤨🤨
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
Probably Blade. He’s spent so long never being touched and then Jing Yuan keeps being a shit and poking him until he finds that his ribs are a little sensitive hehe
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Jing Yuan ropes Blade into them, but then Welt and Luocha just gang up on Jing Yuan 😨 Honestly he’s the baby of his group so he’s going to start tickle fights but also lose them 🤭
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smplyanimates · 2 years
This is not the right choice Aiden
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Divided S1 (P. 4)
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woofbeastsoda · 11 months
W rizz skibidi toilet L sigma level 3 gyatt adin ross stream kai cenat in new york CG5 joe bartolozzi skibidi skibidi among us sussy bussy grimace shake in Ohio, this content is very educational. AI RVC cover bluey rainbow friends blue in ohio huggy wuggy seek jumbo josh plushy for 5 dollars with fanum tax helluva boss is a sussy wussy show I watched Joe Bartolozzi and Kai Cenat stream at the same time. Max prestige infrastructure skill issue LLLLLLL. Griddy griddy Ambatukam Omaygot dragon ball legends audio is funny funny sussy fussy the content Would You Rather Eat at Black Magnets is very educational. Nick digiovanni Mrbreast feastables Kyle Istook goofy ahh uncle productions I made Tommy Winkler eat 2 grams of uranium for bulking season. Death row inmate meals only at Miller Grove school. Theres a level 30 gyatt with brain bussy and 600 intelligence que points in the Fortnite Futurama update. Youve gyatt to be rizzing me no more ohio. CG5 skibidi toilet song. Griddy in Ohio rare Primes lemonade Prime in Venice Beach, California. Fortnite Battle Pass Skibidi Dom Dom Dom Dom. Ice Spice bussin gyatt Ive gyatt something in my eye rizzler sizzler. Blatant Reviews I dropship expired products from AliExpress to learn more about dropshipping as a teenager go to the link in my bio. Five Nights at Freddys level 5 gyatt in Call of Duty: Battle Buss. Pixel Gun 3D man I hate 2022 i wish it was 2021. Giga chad anti-furry MGE edit in TF2. Wojak meme anti furry skibidi dom dom dom. Skibidi toilet by Lil Big Stack is on my iPod thats such a Baby Driver reference. Fanum tax is the max prestige rizzler. Big dick randy why wont CG5 acknowledge this meme skibidi gyatt rizzler. This is so only in ohio. Social media manager Minecraft racing filter. Is that the grimace shake holy cannoli its that shirmple krill issue. Cancer is skill issue. Joe Biden big black AI story on TikTok feed. powenvy Roblox streamer cleans his room Drake is the type of guy to say "W rizz gyatt rizzler fanum tax skibidi toilet" in front of 9000 fishes. Albert Cancook loves wasting 1 gram of food per day and I am so rizzler than him. Bill Eilish is dead. Family Guy and Simpsons montages dont finish the entire episode youve gyatt to be rizzing me with that fanum taxxed ahh goofy ahh productions. Shadow wizard money gang has 0 gyatts I think quandale dingle has gyatt to be rizzing me with that Prime bussy. Dougherty Dozen Zoey has bad answers level 9 gyatt in Pokemon I hate N peter griffin funny meme fortnite CG5 sings about Rizzlers. F7 Helmet love and light TV I saw them kiss on live thats such a not ohio moment. Reddit story funny only at Miller Grove.
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housano · 11 months
Housano's Live-A-Half Assed Summaries Presents: Welcome to the Black Masquerade Part 1: The setup to the set up
CW: Spoilers
So let's jump right into what stunts shows and shenanigans MC finds himself/herself/themself into
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We start the frame story of this event being framed for a robbery and being interrogated about stealing an extremely important treasure, but we know better than to speak to cops without a lawyer present
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And sure enough our lawyer, Astosis, to make sure due process is followed unless they want his fists processed into their face. He asks our MC to recap all the events that led up to current point
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We start our event returning from a success mission sale. While MC, Akashi, Mokdai, Sui and Meride talking about their work and plans before Huckle comes in depressed, and for once it doesn't involve the Ryekie breaking the broken monitor quota. Rather he asks both Meride and us about a certain request. The requestor is also a Hero at the local level and is requesting an Operator for security assistance. This would be a relatively normal request, but where the issue comes from is the planet is 1) An on site request that can only be fulfilled by Operators like our MC and Meride 2) extremely far way 3) the planet itself has only recently opened up to interstellar communication and access is still highly restricted. This is extremely high risk in Huckle's eyes, but all other agencies rejected their offer and they came back to us and Huckle wanted to gauge our interest. I mean, we dealt whatever the hell Exio was doing last Main Chapter, and nothing could be worse than that (for now), so we accepted the offer. Consider the length of time required for the mission, only our MC could accept it
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Akashi wants to come because this means the hot springs trip was cancelled (sorry Akashi) but Huckle counters and mentions this will take place over several weekday and asks him how this would affect his university studies. This in turn summons the spirit of a tsundere whom Akashi realized it would be best for him to stay. We learn we will be going to the Sunflower Galaxy to a town called Cloges which IMMEDIATELY catches the attention of Maculata. Cloges designs are highly intricate and unique given how isolated the town and planet is and as a fashion mogul, she must be on the trip, so she coerces convinces Huckle to let her be the Hero for this trip (pity she couldn't use that influence to get an alt for this event). With that said, Maculata cancels her vacations and tells Sui she'll bring back data as a souvenir.
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So we get a bit of backstory on Cloge. The translation may be off, but according to Maculata, the star of Cloge is more like a moon and once a year, the planet is able to see it and each year it goes through the waxing and waning phases and they celebrate each in a festival they call Luna. The emaculate dresses that she was referencing early are called Pauderna and will be displayed at the Masquerade ball we will be providing security for. The other reason she was hellbent is this event is not open to the public so this gives her full access to look at all the details of the dress since we are part of security.
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We are greeted at the airport terminal by the Perfect Man Does Exist, Astosis, who was the person who requested our assistance and thanks us for coming. He gives Maculata a hug and then gives us a big hug as well. I like this guy! There are also two guards with him from a vigilante organization on Cloges called Chassard which functions as sort of a Hero organization. They are standoffish and my sussy senses are tingling.
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We are then greeted by the other member of our crew for this event, Yohack, who also more than happy to give us a hug. His organization is called Wanwan Locksmith and I just wanted to point how fucking adorable that is.
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Astosis is surprised to see Yohack, who wanted to know why he was here. Yohack explains that the Laborer who was supposed to take this job got injured and-
...wait, it's not Pubra? It's Hisaki who was injured?
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*ahem* Random nonrelevant, noncanon tangents aside, Wassard accepted Yohack's replacement without alerting Astosis. However, Astosis and Yohack are both childhood friends, so we're all good. With all the introductions out of the way, we end this chapter with Astosis requesting we hang onto the Pauderna directly.
Welcome to the Black Masquerade Part 1- My name is MC and I like warm hugs-END
For Part 2, click here
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eggcrackerbracket · 2 years
Round 1-R Invader Priority Poll!
Submit an invader here!
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Niwa’s lover finds out and punishes him with no kisses for a week. He is a man starved. Dying. Withering. He’d rather face the Almighty Shogun than this. Kabuki-mewmew pleads for leniency on his father’s behalf.
Niwa thoughts. He’s got broad shoulders and excellent arms from all that lifting and smithing. He carries his lover and you can see the shoujo manga sfx. Flowers? Blooming. Hearts? Beating. Lovemaking with him should be called babysmithing. Can’t have weak pull out game if he doesn’t pull out in the first place. Typically squeezes their thigh when he’s in the mood. Otherwise, always has a hand on their hip. Less horny is that he fixates on his partner for that reason. He can see a future with them and wants to be together for as long as they draw breath. He would like to have kids. Biological or adopted, he will love them. A true family man. Very upfront about what he wants and is pretty understanding.
The fact that I can see Tighnari befriending Niwa’s lover in modern au has me in stitches. Really, he sees the partners of the Babeblades and decides that they are friends. Besties. These people? Can be trusted. His favorite bitches to bitch about bitches with. (I have a stemless wine glass with that on it.)
Anyway. Viktor. Has no family back in the homeland. Just wants to buy stuff for the memories. Last I checked, he was stationed in Sumeru. He even carves wood. Friendship with Childe ended. Viktor is my new Fatui sussy boy. NPC fucker era. Steadily adding more simps to romance.
Bloom anon
*Insert Niwa in babygirl poses* And also this for Niwa the whole time he was punished, he was so gloomy and uncharacteristically silent that everyone in Tatarasuna was creeped out and worried, Kabukimono had to beg and kneel for forgiveness to them to forgive Niwa and not be so harsh. And Niwa's lover didn't even think it was that big of a deal until they saw their lover look so soulless, as if dehydrated for days
"To think you could be so evil..." "Me?! Evil?!" "Worse than the Shogun..." "The Shogun?!?!?"
Oh oh you know what Niwa reminds me of!! Finnian from Black Butler! Super strong babygirl, he picks them up so nonchalantly that it's comical, like "oh careful there's a gap on the stairway up to the furnace" and he just picks them up in one arm and hops over like wtf - oh yes yes sorry, the shoujo part yes yes the lovemaking too PFFT
It's also very important to keep the bloodline going for the future of Tatarasuna and the continuation of the Isshin Arts yeah! But ahhh family man Niwa is such a nice and cozy headcanon, just wanting a comfortable life for his family, a normal family for once
Omayghad Tighnari hahaha he's always befriending them that's true, he really just gets along with anyone at this point (maybe not so much with Kazuha's lover since they're more focused on being nomadic and surviving, he'd be more in line with Kazuha haha)
Speaking of Viktor, huh is he in Sumeru for me, I kinda forgot - he might actually not be, I need to work on that. But I'm glad you're hyperfixating on him, let's just hope this ain't some red herring shit that Hoyo uses in the future to break our hearts
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
My, this is quite the turn of events.
What the hell happened in the past two weeks while we were gone, Donbrothers? We've got a funny red man, a blue monkey and a yellow oni who're a pair of losers, a pink bird wife guy turned epic divorce man, a jailhouse black dog, and a bunch of autistic kids hanging out in the void by themselves! ...also a Tiger/Dragon system apparently just off to the side, which is quite unusual for a Sixth Ranger.
Also, uh... yesterday morning, Kohei Murakami, who played Kusaka in Faiz and Bud in Zyuohger, after asking if his followers saw episode 36 of Donbrothers, shared a picture of Inoue captioned "Toshiki Kabedon", which is uh... exactly what you might imagine it'd be. I know I don't usually show pictures, but I find this deeply compelling. Look at his goddamn face. Look at it. That is a man who knows.
Anyways, Spoilers I guess beneath the cut~!
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-Aw how cute, they're napping together :)
-Ah, yep, Kijino's in a real bad state.
-Damn. Railing against your boss like that? In a Japanese corporate setting?
-Haruka with the phonecall!
-...suddenly I'm very thankful that Crane Lady didn't see that he was getting phone calls from a teenage girl.
-Oh shit, a party?
-Of fuckin' course it's a party, have I seen this consistently festival-themed show before?
-Ah fuck, the preview has an inferno. This ain't good.
-Oh shit, GolDon Zyuoh Eagle. Hell yeah, really lean into that bird.
-Friendship :)
-Parfait time!
Haruka: Tell Mister Kijino how much he means to you, Tarou :) Tarou: Kijino, you are worth as much to me as- Shinichi: Y'know on second thought let's not do that!
-He is... The wife guy.
-Oh goddammit-
-Goddamn, he couldn't even get a man sent to jail hjkl
-Inuzuka Tsubasa...!
-Chase him!
-Damn, these Juto are violent violent!
-Me when no food.
-Ah, I see he's still a Master Shef.
-Ohhhhh, sirens. ...did that guy say "Kyuukyuu" earlier? ...GoGoFive man?
-"Damn dude, I didn't know going sicko mode made you a shit cook. 0/10, would not eat again."
-Oh shit, Sononi-san!
-Crane Lady!
-Oh goddammit Haruka, do you have an interest in her too? ...I mean fair, but c'mon.
-Canned movie! ...oh shit, I still haven't seen that. Battle Familia either. Damn.
-Shake's pier.
-Prince, magic, true love, back normal!
-Hell yeah.
-Ohhhh, she wants to be a beast.
-"Wanna play fancy actress for a bit? :3"
-Ah, so this IS Natsumi mode!
-A rich fan!
-Oh shit, Jirou's back! I see Rumi-chan's still here too.
-Ah, the boys are fightin'.
-"Dude what, you suddenly grew a tiger kimono."
-He suddenly became a giga chad right before your eyes.
-Remember the sunset.
-"Yeeeeeah, I guess that makes sense!"
-Guess Haruka is a dedicated Natsumi stan now.
-Here they are! The condor lady and the shadow man!
-Ohhhhh, this is a bit intense.
-God dang it, Haruka!
Sononi: Geez, what's up with there? Sonoza: She's a
-Poor Emergency Guy.
-Momoi Tarou.
-Miho is Natsumi's dream?
-Get the real Tsubasa back, get rid of this sussy baka imposter.
-Ohhhhhh, I love Crane Lady's monster form.
-Oi, Tarou, don't say "Two on one works for me!", people might get the wrong idea.
-"Dammit, I must be slipping if I got saved by Sonoza!"
-Where the boyfriend at?
-Even wrote a notecard for you, huh?
-"Fuck it, who cares! Kage Time!"
-Oh god, this is gonna be how Tsubasa has his internal reveal
-Born from a peach! Don Momotaro! Yooooo! Nippon Ichi!
-Bidding farewell to the transient world... SaruBrother! Yo! Muki muki!
-The manga master, OniSister! Yo! Oni no kanabo!
-Jirou, let's go!
-God, this is such chaos, and I woudln't have it any other way.
-Save the Earth! Save a Life!
-Oh yeah, Jirou wasn't there.
-Goooold Avatar Change! Honnou Kakusei! Monarch of the Open Skies! Zyuoh Eagle!
-...that seemed a little anticlimactic. I mean, he probably could've cleared the fire on his own, but I guess a bit of Zyuoh love isn't remiss!
-There it is! The big fuck-off fully combined robot of this season!
-"Shut up arm, I own you!"
-Donbros Fantasia Supreme!
-A supreme win for the ages!
-Hey there emergency guy!
-Well done, report back to HQ.
-Goooooo Tsubasa!
-Hell yeah, you got him!
-Good job, Tsubasa!
-Only one. Ore koso.
-Did the creepy origami cats free him? Or did he rip out of there on his own?
-Well, I guess... they're a bit more even now. This man came waltzing in, so I guess he's here now. See you on Monday, I guess.
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