puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 100
“What are you, a Kent?” 
It’s a saying in the world of the supernatural. A well-known one even. See, several, many generations back, no one quite knows when, the Kent family managed to run afoul of a particularly nasty creature who laid a curse upon them. The original wording, no one quite knows either, but the gist, everyone is aware of. For no firstborns will be born to them before they already have one. 
It was supposed to be airtight in a way, a curse that would end the entire bloodline really. For a child to exist before they could have a child? How could that be? 
Well. That curse had… backfired. It had backfired massively. Most, at least back when blood was everything, didn’t exactly ponder things like adoption to those outside of their own bloodline. The Kents however, lived in a very simple village, one that had disease spread through it often back then, leaving families childless and children parentless. 
What were they to do but take them in? And so they had a son, many sons and daughters even, before their firstborn. Now of course, most would simply dismiss it afterwards. After all, that was the end of the story, isn’t it? 
Well, no. See, the curse was a family-line curse, a just in case perhaps, that meant that each generation could not have any children until they had children. Perhaps it should have ended there, but well. It didn’t. 
Kents are a strange breed in the world of the supernatural, known for having a… bit of an adoption problem. If any child or babe were to be left near their land, one can be assured the family line would take them in as their own. 
Fae, demon, human, changeling, satyr, cyclops, half-breeds, werewolf- it didn’t matter. A Kent would gladly pick the child up and raise it as their own. And now, they could add aliens to that long, long list in the family line. 
And really, perhaps with this context, is it really surprising that when one Clark Kent, said alien, opens his door to a basket on his doorstep holding a trio of godlings, he takes them in with no questions asked? 
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hoechlin · 2 months
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➤ TYLER HOECHLIN as Clark Kent in Superman & Lois | S03E01 "Closer"
tip tap 😁
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maragarita · 2 months
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Baby Clark and Kara ❤️
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little-pondhead · 11 months
Clockwork sneezed.
Then he paused. He never sneezes. He’s a ghost; ghosts don’t get sick. Not since he locked up the last Ghost Virus in his vaults. Why did he sneeze?
He sneezed again. Oh no, was that a headache coming on? His eyes felt tired and his skin was itchy. Was that a tickle in his throat?? Were those spots on his arm?? Shit, time to go check on his vaults to make sure nothing escaped. All hell would break loose if there was a ghost epidemic again.
Clockwork turns to leave the room, and in his haste, his scepter taps the very edge of a tall and thin grandfather clock he’d just been working on. The clock was made from a red-stained cottonwood he’d procured from the heart of Kansas many years ago, and it was gilded in delicate gold that shone with age and looked well-loved. Despite its height, the clock was a strong one, and didn’t tip over when the Ghost of Time bumped it.
It did, however, shift a few of the loose cogwheels inside. A few of them dropped out of the clock, and one even fell to the floor and rolled away. The ones that stayed inside rattled ominously for a moment before settling into their new spots. The clock kept ticking, but the time was off now. It skipped a few seconds, just enough for a listener to notice, before suddenly reversing the hour and minute hands.
Too bad there was nobody nearby to pay attention to the now-broken clock.
Danny was a strange boy. He knew that. Everyone in Amity knew that. Even his mentor, Clockwork, called him strange every once in a while. He liked being strange. It was fun being unpredictable. Having a Time Medallion stuck in his chest certainly helped in his shenanigans, since it meant he was technically separate from the time streams. He had pulled off more than one prank on his pseudo-grandfather by using this to his advantage.
Sometimes, however, Danny’s freedom from the time stream caused him more trouble than he thought it was worth. Like right now, for example.
He was simply at home, battling dinner with his sister while his parents were making a batch of fudge. Suddenly, Danny felt the time stream shift and writhe in a way he’d never felt before. He shivered and sneezed, thinking nothing of it. Clockwork made tiny adjustments all the time, there was nothing to worry about.
Except there was. When he opened his eyes, there was now a baby in his house.
One minute it was just him and Jazz at the table, the next, a baby in a red high chair was giggling and clapping along with Jazz as she tried to cut up the double-dead hotdogs into smaller bits for the child to eat.
The baby wasn’t a ghost, Danny knew. But when he looked around, evidence of a baby living in the Fenton house laid everywhere. The rocking chair in the living room now had a side table with two empty bottles on it. Pictures hanging in the hall had been changed to include the child. Toys were scattered around every corner, just waiting to be stepped on. Neither Jazz nor his parents had blinked at the sudden change.
In fact, Danny discovered, everyone in Amity Park seemed to think that this baby had always been with them. Even his best friends and rogues didn’t bat an eye! Danny was now a middle child, while everything else stayed the same.
But Danny knew. He knew something was wrong. This baby didn’t belong here.
He had to talk to Clockwork. He had to find out who this child was.
The child named Clark K. Fenton.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
How will Clarke learn that Medi finds her (body) extremely attractive?
Well this story is only told through Lexa's POV so from her perspective, she does not know when Clarke figured out just how attracted to her she was. I mean eventually Lexa herself pushes through her own charade of grumpiness and becomes much more sweet and affectionate, but that is after a rather... upsetting split between them shall we say. So in her mind, Clarke wasn't entirely aware of her attraction and affection until she made it blatantly obvious, because, ya know, she's just so good at hiding her thirst and burying her feelings (you can read that as sarcasm)
But in reality, Clarke figured it out the night they sit beside the fire and get drunk together. This moment in particular (sneak peek)
The frayed ends of her shift grow hazy in the flicker and dance of fire light. She traces her fingers along its edging made silken and tattered with time. She considers her words a moment, but only a moment, before they bubble up and out of her mouth in a slurred offering. 
"Would you like to touch my face?"
Clarke half chokes on a sip of wine. "Excuse me?"
"My face." Lexa scooches along the circle to close the distance. "So that you will know my face."
The orange and blue cast of light across Clarke's face makes her answering smile look like something holy; as though their humble feast of laughter and fermented wine were a part of some complex ritual to honor the gods. 
"That's not actually how that works," Clarke says in a good natured chuckle.
The revelation makes Lexa frown. "I thought that was how those without sight familiarized themselves with others."
That god-like smile slopes all the more lazily as Clarke hands the bottle back. "A silly myth. I doubt I'd know one face from any other by feel. Kiss, perhaps, but just feeling, I suppose not."
Lexa feels her cheeks flush. "... Oh."
"I'm not entirely sure where that idea started,” Clarke muses, before letting out a wine-sharpened snort. "Probably some blind person wanting to cop a feel all over people."
The snap of the fire feels deafening in Lexa's humiliation because of course it had been a ridiculous thought and of course she'd just had to say it. 
"I could still try though."
Lexa's head snaps around at the tiny offering. "What?"
"I could still try." 
"You said it was stupid."
"Not in so many words. But even still, so what?"
"So then… let's not?"
"No, no." Clarke shrugs and tosses the braided crown of grass into the fire. She carefully shifts herself to face Lexa and brushes her hands clean. "Come here."
Lexa catches the searching hand from the air and drags it back down. "No. Stop."
"Why? It was your idea."
"That was before you said it'd be foolish." 
"So then be foolish with me."
The universe is surely too big in that moment with how tiny Lexa's heart feels knocking against her chest. 
Clarke's hand comes up from her lap and Lexa takes it without thought. She feels the calloused patches that litter the palm leans and presses the soft pads of her fingers the apple of her cheek. 
"You're warm," Clarke says with a thoughtful hum. As though a note of surprise colors her words. But she only presses in with more assuredness. Cups her hand to the raging blush of Lexa's cheek more fully. 
The touch sends Lexa's stomach into a funny sort of flop as she swallows down the sudden urge to defend such a normal thing as her body temperature, right along with the urge to yank back. Because those fingers caress up to her temple and that thumb sweep gently along to the curve of her brow. Fingers tickle along the swell of her cheekbone and tap lightly at the fold of her nose. She watches with baited breath as Clarke seems to swallow against some unknown emotion herself as she traces the bridge of Lexa's nose down to the cupid bow of her mouth.
Lexa can't help the way her jaw goes slack, mouth opening enough just enough to suck in some much needed air as Clarke's touch stutters and stalls over the chapped fullness of her lips and lingers there. 
Oceans were forged and mountain ranges dug up by the gods with less effort than it takes for Lexa to ignore the urge to plump her lips against the pads of Clarke's fingers. Her heartbeat is so loud in her ears it blots out the entire world around them, drowning out the tranquil rush of waves and the fire beside them and smothering the far off hoot of an owl. All there is that moment is blue, made brighter in the cast of flame and starlight. It's all that Lexa can do to keep from shaking as she stares into eyes that can never see her back and still fall into them deeper. 
A second hand joins the exploration and, suddenly, Lexa is surrounded so entirely by Clarke it's overwhelming. 
And yet she can't make herself move. 
Instead Lexa holds so still her spine feels it might snap from the wiry tension as fingers regroup their forces at the tip of her chin, dividing and conquering the sloped cliffs of her face to then trace the ridge that line her jaw. 
Clarke's eyes crinkle at the edges when her fingertips drift over the lobes of Lexa's ears as a smile blossoms across her lips and, oh, that's quite lovely too. 
Lexa tries to speak and has to clear her throat when nothing comes out. "I'm sorry?" 
If Clarke notices the breathy strain of her voice, she doesn't comment.
"Your ears," she says with a lazy smirk instead, as her fingers trace the feature in question. "They're small."
"They're not."
"Compared to the rest of you I mean."
Fingertips loop back up to the top and brush along the crest. Lexa watches at the slant of her smile melts into something more calm. More delicately serious.
“Oh..." Clarke breathes as she drags her fingers over and over them again. "They're... They're warmer now too…”
That moment right there. That was when Clarke realized little miss grumpy pants truly wasn't as disinterested as she'd tried very hard to seem. It reads as a nothing moment from Lexa's perspective, because in Lexa's mind it'll truly be a nothing moment beyond just mildly embarrassing. But know in your heart, Clarke had the game figured out from that moment on. She knew. And keep that thought in mind for the um... for the more challenging things that lay ahead. Ok? Ok, good 😀
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batfamfucker · 1 year
There are four main types of Batfam fans in regard to how people interpret Bruce Wayne as a dad (/Joking. This is mostly satire and should not be taken seriously):
Fans that think Bruce is emotionally constipated and isn't the best at being a parent but still tries (Differs per person). Don't necessarily think he's absuive but thinks he can be toxic or have unhealthy expectations for the Robins. Can smell the Oldest Daughter Syndrome coming from Dick and have Family Line (By Conan Gray) as their top song on their Dick inspired playlist and Daddy Issues (By The Neighbourhood) for Jason.
Fans that choose to believe Bruce goes to therapy in their own canon. Love B:WFA. Thinks the comic can be cheesy at times and so find a balance between B:WFA Bruce and Please Go To Therapy BruceTM as their middle ground. He struggles. They advocate that Bruce is not a bad parent, he just has bad writers that seem to forget Bruce wouldn't hurt kids, especially not his own. Love the humane moments and scenes he has in BTAS and the early JL cartoons. He may not be perfect but he's not literally abusive. Whores for Bruce being able to admit when he is wrong and for Jason and Bruce reconciling. I recommend Grow As We Go by Ben Platt for this one.
A mix between the first two. Was fine-ish when Dick was younger. Didn't help him in the healthiest way but eh. Still emotionally constipated but that happened more so after Dick left and Jason died. Started getting better when Tim came back but was still closed off. Should probably go to therapy with the kids so they can drag his ass about all the things he's done that have actually affected them negatively. Understands his mistakes and is also able to admit when he's wrong, eventually. It's not easy but he starts to do better and learns to be more emotionally available. Still has to get chewed out by Alfred sometimes but definitely better than he used to be and it shows. Reconciliation is slow and gradual but progress is made for everyone involved.
The one's I personally avoid for my own sanity and wellbeing:
Think Bruce is a complete bastard and abuser. Want him to choke. Hate any and all interpretations of him. Some of which will refuse to understand how anyone could have a different interpretation. Will point out comics where, in all fairness, he is a dick but forget that characterisation can significantly differ from one series to the next, as comic characters are constantly passed around to different writers and have been for decades. Not to mention movies, shows, etc.
#Bruce Wayne#Batman#Batfam#Batdad#I'm not tagging everyone in the Batfam I can't be assed#Sorry there's like 500#Bruce has a child for every mental disorder he has#Dick is his ADHD. Jason is his C-PTSD. Tim is his Anxiety. Cass is his OCD. Damian is his Autism.#Like bro the therapist is RIGHT there#You have the money just GO#I am a mix of 2 and 3 tbh but more so 2 because he is my comfort fictional father figure. I already have a shit dad irl#I'm not dealing with it in my favourite media too#Type 4 fans scare me I lowkey see so many people like that and I'm like. If the block button wasn't free. I'd be in debt by now#I get that you saw Tom Kings work. So did I. I hate that fuck. But I personally prefer the scene of him in JL with Ace on the swings#Or the one with him playing with shape block toys with a baby whilst Supes and WW handle the questioning#Or when he hugs literally any of his kids#Or the one of him and Jason watching a movie and eating popcorn when Jason's ill. And they have the picture of them posing#Or when he cried in Flashpoint over the letter his dad left him because the little boy in him needed that#Plus any time Bruce and Clark interact as Best Friends. The Golden Age comics where they were basically Dick's gay dads 💀#But yeah. I could make a poll from this tbh.#This is a generalisation on purpose genuinely do not take it seriously#If I see ANY disclosure. It's delete and block on sight#Bruh I'm still recovering from the notes of my Fallout 4 John Hancock in a Drag Race outfit crossover post#I know it sounds like I'm being paranoid but that's because I am. You have not seen the things I have seen in my notes#You do not know of the wars I have fought of over ghoul dicks and high heels#I have seen things I can never burn from my vision. Read things I will never have the mercy of forgetting#Over silly little shitposts. Lmao. Anyway. Here. Have some food.
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cowboysorceror · 2 years
I am goddamn begging for the selkie AU lore holy shit. There’s SO much potential there. KONS JACKET SPECIFICALLY BEING TORN AS SHIT??? 👀👀👀
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OKAY SO it's still percolating it's still cooking & @mamawasatesttube is responsible for a lot of it BUT as for Kon specifically... man... obviously Cadmus (and later Lex) have his coat in the early days. but he doesn't actually even really KNOW how messed up that is bc he's a kid and no one told him!!! he doesn't understand that that's his basic personhood and it belongs to him. he knows almost nothing about his selkie heritage or what it means, and so he doesn't know why he feels miserable and discontent and can't stay away for very long and is just kind of sickly ☹️ and ofc when Clark eventually realizes what's going on he is capital H Horrified and immediately tries to help him get it back. but it's a process and it's a very bitter and traumatic thing for Kon to realize how deeply he was being manipulated (very analogous to canon in that regard).
and for Kon's jacket being a bit patchwork - selkie coats are essentially an outwards extension of the soul! they're very unique and personally individualized, and can be both altered and damaged by painful relationships with that part of their identity (or just physical trauma). some of the threadwork on Kon's jacket is work done to repair damage from the neglect/abuse of his coat by Cadmus, and some of it is Kon trying to make it his own! Selkie coats are magical which makes them somewhat fluid :)
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cinnamonanddean · 10 days
Omg omg omg they're doing Kon-El. On a CW show. Clark and Lex's genetic love child. I am gagged.
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arabella-s-arts · 4 months
After watching the first two episodes of MAWS season 2 I can confidently say...
Lois what the #$%#!
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Well, since you asked so nicely lol
Bruce - So, came to earth Superman-style where he was in a pod that crashed into someone’s yard, this being the Wayne’s backyard, where they just kind of took him in as their strange metal-child Still human-ish sized, if a little tall- so more of how the cassettes were sized in the original animated series & I wanna say he’s originally designed for subterfuge & information gathering Design-wise I am thinking he has antennae of sorts on his head that mimic the cowl’s “ears” and honestly I think he should keep the cape because that’s just sort of iconic & he definitely uses it to hide his form, since while most would assume armor someone might notice eventually he isn’t exactly fleshy His holloform is definitely designed after the two Waynes, seeing as they raised him for several years alongside Alfred (Fuck it they were probably together as a poly trio) No clue for what he transforms into, but I am tempted for either some sort of drone or a well, bat, or some combination of the two, like a cybertronian bat-creature 
Kate - She definitely also came from a pod & is from the same parents as Bruce, though I wanna say she landed/crashed a bit later than him, hence why they claim they’re cousins in human/holloform I want to say she’s more battle-designed than Bruce, while he’s more designed to go unseen and gather whatever info- though who knows with how they’re not exactly on cybertron anymore- hence why she has a hint more color than him Once more, no clue of what she’d transform into, but I do think she’s slightly larger than B in their normal cybertronian bodies & has the same antennae-horns as him (I am open to ideas for her) 
Ace - Now Bathound, the doggo boi, usually a normal dog, but I am just saying that the other transformers did straight up build other cybertronians from the dinobots to the aerialbots to trypticon, though they need the Allspark (which is back on Cybertron) to create full on minds/souls (in most cases) 
Now I'm not sure if Alfred would be a normal human dude, or if I should make him an old-ish cybertronian as well who turns into one of those older jets.
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i’m ccfever’s massage ask turned long ass fic anon. glad you like my work. the next part is even filthier
I literally just squealed so loud, ahhhhhhhh I’m star struck 🤭
Also even filthier I’m so excited, the second I see your fics I’m immediately sat!
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trekkele · 11 months
the way the batkids are used as tools to bash Bruce’s character is so annoying
I dont even mean ‘fans acknowledging canon in which Bruce is a shit’ i mean ‘fans taking Bruces accomplishments/talents/skills, giving them to his kids, and then erasing them from Bruce’
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fortheloveofwbb · 2 months
sigh… no thoughts head empty just caitlin clark 🙄🫨
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bruciemilf · 2 years
WAIT A MINUTE, AU where Bruce is married to Carmine OR Roman bc Reasons.
he's having an affair (if you can even call it that; marriage and love don't mean the same thing. There's nothing even close to that between carmine and bruce) with HARVEY?? Or CLARK? AKA CARMINE'S CRIME RIVAL? juicy spicy sign me up
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