#Tasha Stevens
fappertwo · 11 months
This isn't new (to some of us), but it is a more full version of the shot than I had before. (collected this morning on another site)
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minusforty · 3 months
This is what it’s like inside the mind of a gay person
Video description - A clip from the live performance of Jacksonville from Illinoise: A New Musical. A whole ensemble is dancing on stage to a band’s music. You didn’t notice them sneak up because of the expert stage direction and choreography they practiced!! You’re suddenly surrounded by music and a huge group rocking the fuck out to indie music from the early two thousands, but the lyrics are referencing events from hundreds of years ago. It’s one of the signs from the writer that places the story in a contemporary context. Suddenly you realize music is timeless and so on…
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gardenoflilys · 2 months
★ ︵‿ INTRODUCTION ! , , , 🩵
— Brody//Atlas//Sky :)
— Any/All/Ask !
— Genderfluid&Bisexual
— Actress/Actor, Playwrighter, Dancer, Artist :)
— THE NO.1 ILLINOISE FAN ! ((don’t fight me on this))
— Illinoise (the no.1 fan for life!!)
— When We Touch
— Only Gold
— Ain’t Done Bad
— Cats (Stage Musical)
— West Side Story (2021)
— Dear Evan Hansen
— Challengers
— Hadestown
— The Outsiders (Musical Mainly)
— Mean Girls (Musical)
— Happiness for Beginners (Book&Movie)
— Newsies (Stage Musical/Livesies Mainly)
— Pretty Little Liars (Original Sin & Summer School)
— So You Think You Can Dance
— Spring Awakening
— Moulin Rouge
— Tuck Everlasting
— The Maze Runner
— Ben Cook, Gaby Diaz, Ricky Ubeda, Joshua Burrage, Sky Flaherty, Kevin Csolak, Tasha, Sufjan Stevens, My Brightest Diamond, Pretty much the entire Illinoise && The Outsiders Cast
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Quatre ans après la mort d'Isabel Aretas, l'inspecteur de la police de Miami Mike Lowrey épouse sa physiothérapeute, Christine. Lors de la réception, son partenaire Marcus Burnett, est victime d'une légère crise cardiaque. Pendant son coma, il a une vision de son ancien capitaine Conrad Howard, tué quelques années plus tôt par Armando, le fils caché de Mie. Dans ce rêve, l'ancien capitaine lui dit que ce n'est cependant pas son heure.
Marcus sort du coma quelques jours plus tard. Il se sent alors transformé et invincible. Il prévient son partenaire qu'une tempête approche... En effet, un homme force un banquier d'un cartel à verser une importante somme d'argent sur le compte du capitaine Howard. Peu de temps après, un reportage télévisée implique le capitaine Howard dans une affaire de corruption liée à des cartels de la drogue. Pour redorer l'image de leur ancien capitaine, Mike et Marcus sont déterminés à prouver son innocence malgré les doutes de leur capitaine Rita Secada et de son nouveau petit ami, le procureur Adam Lockwood, candidat à la mairie. Par ailleurs, Judy, la fille de Conrad, aujourd'hui US Marshal, jure à Mile qu'elle n’hésitera pas à abattre son fils si elle l'a dans sa ligne de mire
Les deux policiers rendent visite au fils de Mike, Armando Aretas, qui est incarcéré dans une prison de Central Florida pour le meurtre d'Howard. Armando leur dit que Howard n'était pas corrompu, mais savait qui l'était, alors les fonctionnaires corrompus l'ont engagé, lui et sa mère, pour tuer Howard parce qu'il était sur le point de révéler la corruption et propose de les aider à identifier la personne responsable du meurtre de Howard. Alors que l'agent corrompu fouille dans les archives numériques du capitaine Howard, cela envoie une message pré-enregistré à Mike et Marcus dans lequel Howard leur dit de ne faire confiance à personne, même au sein de la police.
Les deux policiers rendent ensuite visite à Fletcher, l'ancien hacker informatique aujourd'hui repenti. Alors qu'il s’apprêtait à détailler ce qu'il a fait par Howard, Fletcher est tué d'une balle dans la tête par les conspirateurs. Une intense fusillade a ensuite lieu dans le club de Fletcher et se poursuit sur la voie publique. Galvanisé par sa récente résurrection, Marcus se sent invincible alors que Mike est victime d'une crise de panique. Ils retournent ensuite sur les lieux du crime et parlent de l'affaire à Rita. Elle continue à douter de l’innocence du capitaine Howard. Grâce à l'aide des agents Dorn et Kelly de l'AMNO (Advanced Miami Metro Operations), ils retrouvent une vidéo plus complète de Howard indiquant que cela a peut-être un lien avec la saisie de drogue des Haïtiens en 2003.
En prison, Armando se fait attaquer violemment par deux hommes mais parvient à se défendre. Mike explique à Rita que son fils peut identifier le traitre. Il implore sa capitaine et le procureur Adam Lockwood de le faire transférer à Miami. Mike et Marcus participent eux-mêmes au transfert par avion. Durant le vol, Marcus a mauvais pressentiment. En effet, le traitre et un complice sont montés à bord. Ils forcent le pilote à annoncer par radio que Armando s'est échappé grâce à Mike et Marcus. Le pilote est ensuite tué et l'appareil est sur le point de se crasher, alors que les criminels sont parvenus à sauter. La cage dans laquelle est retenu Armando menace de tomber dans le vide. Mike parvient à sauver son fils. Armando et Marcus tentent alors de poser l'hélicoptère, qui s'écrase en forêt. Au sol, Armando veut partir seul de son côté. Marcus tente d’apaiser les tensions entre le père le fils. Mike insiste pour qu'Armando prouve l'innocence du capitaine Howard. Ils décident de retourner à Miami pour retrouver les fichiers de Dorn. La police et les US Marshals, menés par Judy Howard, se lancent à la recherche des trois hommes, désormais considérés comme fugitif. La fille du capitaine suspecte les deux policiers d'avoir aider Armando à s'échapper, malgré les remarques de Rita. Les médias s'emparent de l'affaire. De plus, les conspirateurs mettent leurs têtes à prix auprès de tous les criminels de la ville. Mike, Marcus et Armando passent la nuit en forêt. Le lendemain, ils volent un pick-up et parviennent à revenir à Miami. Ils demandent de l'aide à une femme nommé Tabitha dans une boîte de nuit. Mais cette dernière décide de les livrer pour toucher la prime de 5 millions de dollars. Les trois fugitifs se font repérer par les Marshals, ainsi que par d'autres tueurs attirés par l’appât du gain, dont Manny « the Butcher ». Ils s'enfuient à bord d'une camionnette qui prend feu. Lors de la poursuite, Judy essie de tirer sur Armando mais le rate.
Les Bad Boys et Armando se rendent ensuite chez Dorn et s'aperçoivent qu'il est en couple avec Kelly. Celle-ci s'énerve et sort son arme quand elle aperçoit Armando. Ils se lancent tous ensemble dans d'intenses recherches et investigations pour retrouver le coupable. Sur une image de vidéo-surveillance, Armando le reconnait. Dorn parvient à l'identifier. Il s'agit de James McGrath, ancien membre du régiment de rangers et de la DEA. Capturé puis torturé par le cartel lors d'une mission d'infiltration, McGrath a fini par se lier à eux. Mike avertit ensuite Rita qu'ils détiennent la preuve de l'innocence du capitaine Howard. En piratant la vidéo-surveillance de chez Marcus, Dorn s'aperçoit qu'un commando va s'en prendre à sa famille. Marcus contacte alors son gendre Reggie, membre du corps des Marines, pour protéger les siens. Reggie parvient à les sauver.
Bouleversée par toute cette affaire, Callie, la petite fille du capitaine Howard, rejoint Christine. Elles sont alors prises en otage par James McGrath et ses hommes. Il exige qu'on lui livre les preuves en échange de leurs vies. Mike et Marcus comprennent qu'ils ont été balancés. Ils suspectent alors rapidement Adam Lockwood d'être la taupe. Rita tente de récupérer le téléphone de son compagnon mais celui-ci s'emporte et la frappe violemment. Rita est sauvée à temps par Kelly et Dorn. Très choquée, Rita trouve du réconfort auprès de Mike. De son côté, Judy apprend que sa fille a été kidnappée. Lockwood tente ensuite de se justifier auprès de Rita.
N'ayant confiance en personne, Mike et Marcus ne peuvent compter que sur Armando, Rita, Dorn et Kelly. En se faisant passer pour Lockwood, ils fixent rendez-vous à McGrath dans un parc aquatique abandonné à Islamorada, loin de toute civilisation. Sur place, Mike a McGrath dans son viseur mais panique au moment de tirer, alors qu'une fusillade est déclenchée par Armando. Mike a alors une vision du capitaine Howard qui le rassure. Marcus le « réveille » avec une grosse gifle qui le rebooste. Les deux Bad Boys et Armando canardent ensuite les hommes de McGrath, aidés à distance par Dorn et ses drones, alors que Lockwood tente de s'échapper par avion, qui finit par s'écraser sur le parc. Marcus tombe ensuite à l'eau, alors qu'un immense alligator blanc approche et l'attaque au bras. Il est cependant sauvé par Mike. De son côté, Armando affronte les hommes de McGrath et tente de protéger Callie. Il est cependant sévèrement blessé. Mike et Marcus se lancent alors aux trousses de McGrath qui a pris Christine en otage. Dorn, Rita et Kelly arrivent ensuite sur les lieux. Dorn est blessé à l'épaule par Lockwood. Ce dernier tombe ensuite à l'eau et est dévoré par l'alligator, alors que Judy Howard et les Marshals arrivent sur place.
Sur la plage, McGrath tient en joue Marcus et Christine. Mike tire d'abord sur le gilet pare-balles de son partenaire puis abat McGrath. Judy retrouve ensuite Armando et essaie de le tuer. Callie la supplie de le laisser en vie et lui explique qu'il lui a sauvé la vie. Alors qu'elle reçoit un appel radio demandant sa position, elle décide de laisser partir Armando. Mike conseille ensuite à son fils d'aller droit vers le sud. Mike, ému, regarde son fils s'éloigner. Sur la plage, les secours emmènent Marcus, alors que peu à peu les médias innocentent Conrad Howard. Toute l'équipe se retrouve ensuite pour un barbecue dans un parc public.
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virtualvault · 10 months
No One Compares
Pairing: Steven Grant x F!reader
Summary: You're going to a party where Steven knows someone who has a crush on you will also be attending. Before you go, he wants to remind you what you have waiting for you at home.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+ ONLY, oral(f) receiving, possessive thoughts/ behavior, fingering, praise, biting (Let me know if I missed anything :))
Word Count: 1.6 k
A/N: This popped into my head the other night and I needed to purge it from my system. Still getting a feel for this whole writing thing and feedback is more than welcome!!
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Steven paces back and forth in front of the bathroom door, planning his next move carefully. You’re about to go out for your friend’s birthday dinner and he normally has no problem with you going out, except that he knows he’ll miss you and be a needy mess until you get back. But tonight, you’re going to your best friend Tasha's birthday dinner. He loves all your friends but there is one person he does not want you around. Tasha's brother, Jackson.
You've been friends with Tasha since you were little, and she's like a sister to you. Her brother Jackson had a small crush on you growing up and it seems his feelings have continued into adulthood. You never minded his advances, considering he never made any moves beyond harmless flirting, but what did bother you was that he didn’t back off even when you informed him you were in a relationship. He’s tame when it’s just you but when Steven is there, he turns his antics up to one hundred. It can be annoying, but you don't want to run and tattle on him to Tasha about her brother's little crush. You don't want to cause any problems, and since he never actually attempts to make a move on you, you've decided to just suck it up and deal with it, not wanting to create a big fuss.
As he stands in the hallway, Steven's mind floods with the memories of all the times Jackson has tried to make a pass at you right in front of him and he decides he needs to take action. With a huff, Steven storms into the bathroom and wraps his arm around your waist. You had just set everything out to start getting ready, and you greet him with a kiss on the cheek.
You think he will leave you be when he notices you are about to start doing your makeup, but instead he brings his hands up to your chest, grabbing both breasts and he pulls you flush against his chest. He starts kissing up and down your neck and you try to wriggle out of his grasp, knowing if you put this off any longer you are going to be late.
"Steven, what's gotten into you?" you ask, although you already know. He always gets like this when you have somewhere to go, trying to get you to stay home and hop into bed with him instead. You think he's just being needy as usual, but you have no idea this has anything to do with Jackson. Yes, you know it makes him uncomfortable when he's around, but the first time he saw how Jackson acted around you, you explained how it would cause more problems to address and was best to just try to ignore it. He accepted, understanding how you didn’t want to jeopardize your relationship with Tasha.
Your boyfriend knows you would never do anything with Jackson. You're loyal and loving and he trusts you more than anyone on Earth, and he knows you would never betray him. He also knows that you didn't actually like Jackson, but sometimes you would play along, flirting back with him a bit to try and keep things from being awkward. Steven knows it’s all fake, but even seeing you feign interest in that guy made him want to lay you down and fuck you so good you forget that any other man even exists.
He decides here and now that he needs to make sure you remember what you have waiting at home for you. He needs to be quick, though, because he doesn't want to send you to the party all hot and bothered. He knows you only ever entertain Jackson to keep the peace, but he can't help the possessive voice in the back of his head telling him he needs to show you that your boyfriend can make you feel better than anyone ever could.
"Steven I'm serious, I can't be late." He ignores you, already sliding your tight dress over your thighs and settling it on your waist. He falls to his knees, planting kisses and soft bites across your ass. He crawls under you to now face your panty covered center. You try to push him away, but he swats your hand and takes off your underwear. Loving the sight of him on his knees for you, you decide you are going to let him continue. On one condition.
"You have to be done by the time I finish my make up. Don't want to send me to dinner all worked up, do you?" you tease. Hell no. He can't let Jackson see you like that. Maybe it would leave you tempted to flirt back, just to blow off some steam. He pulls your leg over his shoulder and shoves his face between your legs.
He wastes no time teasing you, no licking up your folds, no soft kisses to your thighs. He zeros in on your clit, sucking and lapping at it like a madman. You try to steady yourself, picking up your makeup and starting to slowly apply it, keeping your hands as still as possible to avoid making a mess. You struggle to keep your eyes open as they threaten to roll back into your head, the pleasure starting to distract you from the task at hand. You start to grind your hips into his mouth and use one hand to grip the counter. You're surprised you don't fall over, but his strong grip on your thigh and ass keeps you upright. He circles your clit, and flicks his tongue back and forth, just how he knows you like it.
"Fuck Steven, you're so good at that. So fucking good." you say in that low, breathy voice that never fails to turn him on. Spurred on by your praise, his movements become more frantic, and you squeal and start panting above him.
You feel that you're right on the edge, but you pull him away, earning a frustrated grunt from him as he can tell you’re close too. You explain you have to do your eyeliner and really don’t want to blind yourself. While you do that, he starts nipping at your thighs impatiently. He had you right there, you were so close and now he’d have to build it back up. Usually, he’d go crazy about the idea of edging you, but time is of the essence.
You finish and he’s back on you in an instant. Your breathing quickly becomes ragged and you take a moment to look yourself over in the mirror. Your makeup doesn’t look terrible, just a little rushed. All that’s left is your lipstick. You take a minute to examine your lips in your reflection and you see how swollen and full they are from how you’ve been biting them. It should make the color you chose really pop. You silently thank Steven for this by reaching down to run your fingers through his curls. He gives you an appreciative whine and starts sucking harder at your sensitive bud.
You take a few deep breaths and steady your hand as best as you can as you place the applicator onto your lips. Of course, you feel that familiar tightness in your stomach and you know you're about to cum. He hears your desperate moans, and he can tell too. He slips two fingers into you and starts rubbing against that tender spot he knows drives you crazy and you cry out as you clamp down onto his fingers. The surprise intrusion causes your hand to slip and your wrist swipes across your lips, smearing the lipstick onto the corner of your mouth and your chin. You groan in frustration as the waves of pleasure rip through you and you clench down onto his fingers.
Knowing he accomplished his goal, Steven slows his movements and pulls his fingers from your dripping entrance. He wears a proud look on his face and moves his gaze to your arousal that coats his hand. He licks it off eagerly, making sure to clean up your mess. The previous frenzied nature of his touch quickly turns tender as he drags his hands up and down your sides and along your ass and thighs. He cleans you up a bit with his tongue but decides to forgo the washcloth he usually uses. He wants to send you to the party with a reminder of how he made you feel tonight.
He stands, sliding your underwear back on. You’re still gripping the counter and trying to regain composure as he takes his place back behind you and nuzzles into your neck. He chuckles as he catches a glimpse of you in the mirror. You’re clearly a wreck, but he has to admit you did a fairly good job despite the circumstances. Then, as if some switched has flipped in his brain, he latches onto your neck, making you gasp, and you feel his teeth sink into you. After a minute or so of him sucking at your skin, you feel his tongue run across it, soothing the indents he had left. He smiles, satisfied to have effectively marked his territory, and he starts applying gentle kisses instead. He hopes you don't try to cover it up. He desperately wants Jackson to catch a glimpse. Steven grins at the thought.
"You made me smudge my makeup." you whine. Since you'll have to fix it anyway, you turn your head, pulling his lips to yours. You pull back, and admire the fresh lipstick smeared across his mouth. You're tempted to drag him into the bedroom and mark up his dick with it, but you have to go. You sigh, " But I think I can forgive you. I'll reward you for being such a good boy when I get back, ok?"
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hannahleah · 17 days
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Vogue Italia March 2001 by Steven Meisel. Photoshoot with Christina Kruse, Hannelore Knuts, Trish Goff, Tasha Tilberg, Jaquetta Wheeler, Ann Oost & Kim Peers
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader (Ambrosia)
Word count: 3.4 K.
Summary: You are fed up with the secrets and lies. Now you have a secret of your own. And a decision to make.
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Angst, jealousy, Mob secrets, implied reproductive choice, sort of an ultimatum, reader dons her freakum dress, fingering, semi public sex act, p in v, cream pie, oral (both receiving) breast worship, mid-sex revelation, size kink, breeding kink.
A/N: Based on this ask. This is the third Mob Boss! Steve Fic that comes after All I Want in the This Thing of Ours AU. Also Based on my Candy Hearts Valentine Prompt List found Here. Hope you like it @kenequa​ 💕
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Your regular noonday customer Tasha eyed your new stock boys and leaned over to ask you a question.
“That one is Robbie, and you should ask. He’s a sweet guy.”
You replied as if it were no big deal, making your decision at that moment. You turned your head and glanced at the tall blonde.
“That one is Steve, and he is single as a pringle.”
You smiled at her, ignoring the footsteps behind you as you closed the register.
“So now I’m single?”
You felt his hot breath on your neck and your nipples pebbled as he growled into your ear. Damn him.
“Steven. We’ve had this conversation. I can’t be in a relationship with someone who continually lies to me and does things behind my back.”
Steve looked down and his pants got tight at this view of your ass.
“Believe me Ambrosia. I’d love to do things behind your back. And I think you would too. If you would only let me…”
Steve’s broken voice almost broke you, but you took a deep breath and turned around. You gasped at the sight of his face, those lips, and the sense of his smell so close to you. You wanted him, but you couldn’t continue this way.
“Breathe, Baby.”
Your eyes fluttered shut at the heady feeling of lust surrounding you two and you considered relenting. You leaned toward him, wanting to just fall into his arms.
Steve silently cheered inside; you were beginning to break. You’d even shut him out on Valentine’s Day. A month and a half of never letting up the pressure was beginning to pay off.
Or so he thought.
You wouldn’t let Steve fuck you to shut you up. Not again. So you did just what he told you and breathed deeply, lifting your head.
Steve knew that glint in your eye.
“First, you seduced me without telling me that you are one of the most powerful mobsters in New York, then you bought my store without letting me know? You own me now? What else don’t I know about you?”
Steve ran his hand through his hair and backed up.
“You know all you need to know, Ambrosia. I love you.”
You stared hard at him, unrelenting. He continued.
“Listen, everything I do is to protect you. I…”
The bell rang above the door and you turned around to greet the customer. Steve turned to stare at the discounted Valentine’s candy. Then he got an idea.
He grabbed a bag and turned around to the sight of a tall man smiling down at you.
And you had the nerve to smile back at him!
He cleared his throat.
You looked over your shoulder at him. He glowered at you and stalked out.
“Stay here, Robbie. I need to handle some things.”
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When you closed the store that Saturday night, you sat on your couch thinking about your relationship. Ever since Christmas morning when you realized what Steve had done and you’d flipped your lid, he’d endured your frosty demeanor.
You felt trapped, and most of all, scared. But you didn’t express that like an adult, you just gave him the cold shoulder. Maybe he finally got the message and moved on.
You fell asleep, full of angst and worry at the situation and awakened at the knock on the door. When you opened it, you greeted a tired looking Steve Rogers with a bag of what smelled like Thai food.
“Can I come in?”
You nodded, stepped back, and walked back over to the couch as Steve entered your apartment and shut the door.
You opened your mouth to say something but Steve raised his hand.
“Just… hear me out, Ambrosia. Today I understood for the first time what you mean. All I’ve done is take from you.”
You shook your head and he raised his hand again.
“I fell in love with you almost the first time I came in here. So I kept coming back, and buying you gifts, and when I asked you out without telling you the truth I took away your choice about whether to date a guy like me. And that was wrong.”
Your heart broke a little bit as he spoke. Steve looked like his heart was breaking too.
“When I saw how you struggle to pay your rent, I bought the mortgage without telling you, and that was wrong. When I saw that guy flirting with you, after I thought briefly about taking his life, I realize that I took your chance for a normal life.”
Your heart started beating faster as you realized what this was.
“Please let me finish.”
Steve took a deep breath and walked over to the table.
“I’m here to give you some things. Things that you absolutely cannot give back. First, food.”
Your stomach was growling. Steve knew you so well. When you were upset, you didn’t push yourself to eat.
You came and sat down to a heaping plate of food. Steve sat across from you.
“Next comes the story of me and…this thing of ours.”
Steve nodded at your plate because you stopped mid-chew and your eyes got wide.
“You stop eating, I stop talking.”
Steve took a bite and watched you eat, sadness and love in his eyes.
“It started when we were kids. Bucky and I ran the streets of Brooklyn and fell in with this little smartass punk, Brock Rumlow. He was just a kid then. A kid who had a plan to make us the most feared mobsters in the city. He introduced us to Sam.”
You were astonished that Steve was opening up and at the name Rumlow. Everyone knew they were mortal enemies. You made sure to eat so you could hear how everything got to this point.
“I was a fucking runt,” Steve laughed and shook his head. “But they called me Cap ‘cause I was always the first one into a fight…”
An hour and a half later, you were on the couch, enraptured.
“.... and now, Bucky is working his way back to health, getting used to a new way of life. Sam is truly still caught in the middle. And me… well, I have fucked up the one love of my life.”
“Steve… “
He stood up and went back over to the table. He produced a manilla envelope. When it was in your hands, he nodded and you opened it. You dropped it on your lap, hand over your mouth when you saw the contents.
“It’s the deed to your store. I wasn’t trying to own you, or to control you, Ambrosia. I was only trying to protect you. From my life. But I realize now that you need full disclosure. And choice.”
He took you in looking up at him like that.
“God, I love you. You are the woman of my dreams, tough, smart, beautiful. But I want you to have free will.”
“What do you mean?”
Steve stood up and walked to the door. You followed.
“I did some digging today. The only people that know about us are you, me, Bucky, Sam, and Robbie. I thought I was protecting you, but I was just putting you in a cage. This was my escape from that world.”
Steve looked around the small apartment that was your home.
“But I can’t escape. Not just yet. And you’ll be okay if I never come here again.”
Your heart dropped as he let that sink in.
“You are right. If we are to be together, you would have to come into my world. And I don’t know if you are ready for that yet, Ambrosia.”
You were spiraling as Steve opened the door and turned around, leaning on the door frame.
“One more thing.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pink box.
“Happy Belated Valentine’s Day.”
You walked close to him to take the box, staring down at it in his hands. You couldn’t look at him. But he solved that problem by tipping your head up by your chin.
Steve kissed you sweetly, but his tongue swept into your mouth, savoring you as if for the last time. He pulled away, and then leaned back in for another peck.
He stood up, whispered a gruff, “Goodbye, Ambrosia,” and then disappeared out of your life.
You blinked back your flow of tears and looked down at the box in your hands. You opened it, and as you tipped the box, numerous white candies spilled out onto the floor.
You bent down to pick them up.
They all read, I WONDER.
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You sat on your couch, the sugary sweets melting with the warmth of your hand. You ran the gamut of emotions: sadness, fear, then anger and frustration.
You thought you’d made the correct decision, but now you realized you had not.
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Around one am, Steve was sitting in the VIP of Sam’s club, SamWells, being enveloped by the beat of the music. He couldn’t be alone right now, or he’d either go running back to your place or slip into oblivion up at his.
He didn’t need to think anymore.
Sam had been busting his balls all night, at his sour look, at the fact that he’d been nursing one drink for two hours, anything to get a rise out of him. Steve just stayed silent and sipped his drink, the ice melting slowly.
Suddenly, Sam perked up.
“I think that hottie over there wants you buddy, need to check her out.”
Steve snorted and finally ordered another drink, not looking in the direction Sam indicated.
“Too soon, Sam. I’m not in the mood.”
Sam’s eyes were focused behind Steve.
“I don’t know, Cap. This one seems pretty dope. I think she’s just your type.”
“Sam, I…”
You walked around the booth as Robbie let you into the VIP area. Steve’s mouth dropped open and took you in from head to toe. You were wearing a form fitting black dress and heels. Steve couldn’t stop looking. Then Sam whistled.
“Looking good, Ambrosia!”
Sam stood up and gave you a hug, then pulled back to admire you. Steve did too. You looked amazing.
You tugged at the dress, a little uncomfortable.
“I think it’s too tight. It was at the back of my closet. I wore it once, 10 pounds ago…”
“No. No, no. I think it fits just right. Juuust right. And those 10 pounds seem to be in just the right places.”
Sam twirled you and Steve stood up just as you turned to face him. You laughed and looked up at him, breathless.
He seemed a little jealous. It was hot.
“Wanna continue our conversation, Steve?”
Steve stared down at you, his body feeling one way, wanting to bend you over the booth, but mind wary of everything.
Sam cleared his throat as Steve scanned the club.
“I’ve got something to do over there.”
Neither of you acknowledged his departure, but Steve waved his arm to the booth and you slid into the leather bound seat that smelled like the two friend’s cologne.
“What are you doing here?”
Steve asked the question tersely, still checking the club to see who was there.
“This is dangerous, coming around here like this.”
You scooted closer to him, and eyed him up and down. He had changed into a multicolored polo and wore sunglasses, even though he was inside a club at night. His biceps popped with every move and the tense look on his face made you want to relax him. Hard.
You reached up and took his sunglasses off, glad to be able to look him in the eye.
“That’s funny. I feel super safe right now.”
You put your hand on his thigh, and his muscles tensed.
“Ambrosia. This is nothing to play with.”
Steve looked at you, his eyes falling to your cleavage and licked his lips.
Your hand went up further, and touched the tip of his dick through his pants. He was getting hard.
“Believe me Steve. I would love to play with things, and I think you would too, if you would only let me…”
You started stroking him outside of his pants and he drew in a harsh breath.
“Breathe, Baby.”
Steve did, then he took your hand from his cock and placed both of yours in your lap and held them there.
“What exactly are you here for, Ambrosia?”
You sat back, serious now.
“I’m here for you, Steve. I thought long and hard after you left. I love you.”
“Baby, I…”
“My turn.”
You shook your head and smiled as Steve looked down and started stroking your hand with his thumbs.
“I was thinking that we’re both being a little extra. I didn’t have to be so dramatic after Christmas. And I love that you told me your story, but you didn’t have to. You didn’t have to buy the store, and you certainly didn’t have to give me the deed. And I hate that you have to wonder…”
Steve opened and closed his mouth, letting you continue.
“I know. You are wondering what it would be like if I embraced all of you. And I think I’m ready to.”
Steve’s head snapped up and his eyes were wild.
“You can’t think, Ambrosia. You must know. Because there is no going back. I, and my crew will stop at nothing to protect you. You would be part of the family and that means a blood oath. If you want to love me, you gotta accept me. And the things I do. I’m trying to give you an out.”
You stared at Steve for a long time.
“I don’t want an out. I want you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Surer than sure.”
You smiled as you leaned in for a kiss. Steve stared at you hesitant, scared of what this would mean. When you cocked your head at him and smiled is when he decided.
Steve grabbed you by the back of the neck and pulled you to him, answering your smile with a passionate press of his mouth on yours. He pulled back, and reached for your hips, pulling you onto his leg.
You put your arms around his neck as you peppered his face and head with kisses as Steve felt you up and sucked hickeys onto your neck and cleavage. His hand was at the hem of your dress and moving north as he spoke into your skin.
“…Coming in here dressed like this. Gonna be the death of me. I gotta have you, it’s been too long.”
“Oh.” You breathed into his hair. “I came to get fucked tonight.”
“Holy fuck.”
Steve slapped your thighs.
“Then why are these legs still closed?”
You opened your legs and let his hand into the damp warmth of your inner thighs. He grabbed you at your apex so that you were sitting on his leg and his fingers, his thumb brushing your naked, weeping slit and delving into you. He looked up into your half closed eyes.
“Gotdamn, Ambrosia. You weren’t lying. Want me to fuck you right here?”
Your hand was at the hair on the back of his head now, pulling as he swirled his thumb around your plucky clit. You leaned your head down on his shoulder and whimpered, not answering his question.
Steve continued his assault on your needy pussy until he pulled a shaky, whimpering orgasm from you. It was not enough.
“It’s time you came up to my place.”
You stood up, a little shaky and more so as Steve made you suck his thumb.
“I’d love to see it.”
Steve didn’t say that he wanted more than just for you to see it. He led you over to a wall at the far end of the club, pulling out a remote. Part of the wall slid open to reveal an elevator door which he ushered you into.
“Each of us, Sam, Bucky, and I have our own elevators that go directly to our places. Totally private.”
You were on the opposite wall from him as he watched you possessively with his hand in his pocket. The ride seemed to slow down.
“Touch yourself.”
“Because if I touch you, I will fuck you in this elevator and I’m trying to make it to my bed.”
There was a long pause as you each listened to each other breathing.
“And you shouldn’t be untouched, Ambrosia.”
You put your hands in your hair and moved them down around your neck, trailing your cleavage.
Steve leaned back against the wall, his eyes blue fire as your hands roamed your own body and the places he wanted to be. He palmed himself over his pants and you whimpered.
“Don’t worry. You’re gonna get this dick.”
You started pulling your nipples through the material of your dress and Steve opened his mouth to lick his lips.
“They look so fucking big and beautiful. I’m gonna cum all over them.”
You were reaching for the hem of your dress when the doors opened. Steve came for you and you jumped up onto him, his hands holding you up by your ass as he propelled you through a dark and richly appointed space until your back hit a door.
“I’ll give you a proper tour when we come up for air.”
You chuckled.
“So I’ll never get a tour?”
Steve laughed too.
“You may be right.”
He reached for the knob and soon you were on your back on the softest king sized bed you’d ever experienced.
Steve was tearing off his clothes as you pulled your dress over your head. Steve beat you to your heels, unbuckling them and kissing your feet up to your calves. He pushed your legs apart so that he could see you fully. His hand traced your lips and he smiled.
“My sweet petals. Long time no see.”
“Are you… are you talking to my pussy?”
You huffed, indignant.
“I’m talking to MY pussy. Private conversation. I guess I’ll just have to whisper.”
Steve glided up your apex and made out with your cunt like it was going out of style. He suckled your clit gently at first, then with more pressure as he came up and inserted two fingers inside you.
“Still so so tight…”
He scissored his fingers as he pulled another orgasm from you, stroking his cock as your desperate cries reached his ears.
“Gotta get you ready for me.”
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he kneeled up and stroked his cock, lining it up at your soaked opening.
You keened as he pushed his thick tip inside you, your wetness making the most deliciously pornographic sounds, along with his outright moans for you as you squeezed him.
Your mouth opened at the sting of his size, but relished the full feeling. You loved being full of Steve Rogers
“Ambrosia, Ambrosia, Ambrosia….shittttt.”
When he started moving, the slap, slick, slap, slick sound made his eyes roll back.
“Who got you so wet, Ambrosia? So wet and so tight. Tell me.”
You whimpered your way through your explanation as he started fucking you harder.
“Hnnnnnhhhh. You, Steve. Always you. Only you.”
You were grabbing your own bouncing breasts absentmindedly and it made Steve pulse inside you.
“Fuck yes, show me those tits, point them at me because I’m… uggghhh.”
Steve sped up again. He was watching your erect nipples and areola bounce as you held them up for him to witness the bounteous beauty of them being knocked up to your face by his thrusts.
“So fucking beautiful. I’m gonna….Fucckkkkkkk!”
Steve thought he would black out at the image you just presented him. But he just fucked you harder, faster, better.
“Cum on me cum in my mouth cum on my tits Stevie….”
“Oh my goddddd.”
Steve pulled out and shot pearlescent white cum on your chest and in your mouth. You grabbed his softening dick and he rolled over on his back as you cleaned him up, sucking him dry.
“That little hot mouth of yours, Ambrosia. Fuck.”
You smiled and started stroking him, your breasts still covered in cum. As he watched you, you watched his cock come back to life.
“Holy Shit, Ambrosia.”
Steve grabbed you and turned around, pressing your head into the bed so that you gave him the arch he was looking for. He slid into you from behind, back into heaven.
“You make me feel like I could do this all fucking night, Ambrosia…fuck.”
Steve grabbed your arm and twisted it behind your back as he pounded you and you begged him.
“Please please please cum inside me Steve, give it to me.”
Steve grunted.
“You saying you want my baby inside you?”
You moaned.
“It already is, Daddy.”
Steve pulled you up by your hair. He stopped because he didn’t quite hear what you’d said.”
“What did you say?”
“I said. I already have your baby inside me, Daddy.”
Steve pulled out of you and then held your face in his hands.
You laughed at him.
“What do you mean, how?”
“I mean, when?”
“Probably Christmas. The last time we…I took a test two weeks ago. I’m probably about six weeks along.”
“Were you going to tell me?”
Steve sat back on his haunches, his erection fading.
“I’m telling you now. Just like you told me over six months after you started pursuing me about your situation.”
You reached for his head and made him look you in the eye.
“I thought I’d made the right choice, to cut ties and… well, when you left me, left us tonight I realized what I truly wanted. I want you. And I want this baby. I choose you to be the father of my child.”
You kissed Steve and he took you down to the bed.
“Do you want this?”
Fear bloomed inside you as Steve’s hand slid down your torso to your belly. He looked back up at you, eyes shining.
“Yes! Please…please have my baby Ambrosia. I promise I’ll never let anyone hurt you. Including me.”
Steve kissed your belly and then pulled you under him to kiss your lips as you wrapped your legs around him and reached between you to stroke him back to life.
“Fuck, mama. What are you doing to me?”
Steve rutted into your hand.
“You were about to blow my back out Daddy. Get to it.”
You spit into your hand to lubricate him better and you looked like a vixen as he fell under your spell.
“Ugh! So nasty...”
You twisted so that you were again as up underneath him and wiggled your ass against his now hard length again.
You lifted your hips and Steve slid inside you, your warm wetness clenching his wide girth again.
“Fuckkkk, Stevie.”
The way you whimpered for him made Steve pushed your head back down. He started delivering the back shots immaculately, slowly, deep and hard, watched your cream froth around him, the vision of where you two were connecting making him even harder.
Then, he sped up and spilled everything inside you as you screamed for it, cumming around him and milking him for all that he was worth.
When you opened your eyes, Steve was smiling at you.
“I’m just so happy.”
“Happy that I came here, or happy that we came. Or happy about little Stevie?”
He chuckled, “Little Stevie Hunh?”
He kissed you again.
“All three.”
Steve stood up and grabbed your hand.
He grabbed your neck and kissed you until you were breathless.
“Sounds like a plan, Mr. Rogers.”
Steve smiled at you and refrained from calling you Mrs. Rogers in return.
That was a title for another day.
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doverstar · 8 months
Okay, two whole people asked me to share my thoughts on River Song as a character and my thoughts on Doctor/River after I wrote a whole Clara Oswald essay, and it took me 4 days to write that I ship River with the Doctor and I love her, but there are so many problems. The biggest is named Steven Moffat. And because you asked, I will tell you why, turn up your screen brightness here we go-
*huge inhale* In a nutshell, River Song is ridiculous. Stop wait let me explain- *hands you the nutshell and pats your hand* Shh. River Song as a character first appeared in Silence in the Library, right? We were with the Doctor’s tenth incarnation and Donna Noble, statistically the most popular era in the show’s long history. And this episode was Moffat’s fourth-ever story for the show. Blink and the The Doctor Dances two-parter were all so good. He was on a roll. River comes in and she’s so much fun. And she knows the Doctor. Already. And the crowd goes oooooh collectively. She knows him intimately, it seems. And he has no clue who she is, so oooh again, she’s from his future! It is heavily implied that they'll be married—it’s just the first place anyone’s brain goes.  And then she dies. And we loved her, end scene. Then Moffat took over the show and got the opportunity to explain himself, and he explained himself really poorly.
River went from being a very interesting flash-in-the-pan to being an overdecorated ideal. She is Moffat’s ideal woman. She’s crazy, she seems independent and powerful and unattainable, but she’s actually totally obsessed with the protagonist and consistently making innuendos at him. Her sun rises and sets on the Doctor. Why? Because that’s Moffat’s idea of an attractive woman. I kid you not. I think the problem with writing something that is pure self-indulgence is that you’re so excited about what you’re writing, you don’t stop and think, hey, is this working? You don’t measure the quality. You’re not thinking clearly, it’s just wish-fulfillment. River is everything Moffat thinks a woman should be. Mysterious, strong, insane, violent, but only because of the man she’s drooling over. Her whole story is an excuse to write a woman like the one I just described, because it’s hot to Moffat. (I know. Gross.) Here comes a Moffat rant. The man is insanely talented, and I am not silly enough to believe that all of his writing regarding women is fetish-fueled – I just don’t think that way typically when I’m watching something, but it’s really hard to miss with Moffat. Haven’t you noticed every one of his female characters is full of lust for the protagonist? That’s weird. It was weird when Amy kissed the Doctor against his will, engaged to Rory and not interested in “anything quite so permanent”. It was weird when Nanny Clara kissed him after having just met him, in the middle of a dangerous situation, and then not keeping her eyes front up the magic ladder. (It was weird that Oswin was dressed like that and lounging in all of those poses the first time we saw her, as a dead woman in a Dalek shell, go back and watch it. Laugh like I did. You’re [hallucinating that you’re] stranded on an alien planet in a ship that crashed—and that’s what you’re wearing to work? The last survivor?) It's weird that rando Tasha Lem divulges intense, universe-altering danger to the Doctor in a breathless voice with space wine as they creep closer together over a bed. Ew. What? Why is that even happening? And finally, it’s weird that a girl brought up to murder her parents’ much-older alien best friend, who she was brainwashed to believe is the universe’s biggest problem, should want to eat his face off. Especially when their timelines are out of order and she hasn’t gotten to know him for real at all yet.
Is the Doctor attractive? Yup. Was any of that necessary? Nope. Now we’ll transition for a bit into what I think is wrong with the ship, even though I do ship it. (More on the pros of it later.) The more we learned about her, the less River and the Doctor made sense. The only truly wonderful thing about their dynamic (my favorite part!) is that the Doctor and River act like they’re already married, even though they’re meeting out of order. They have that assurance in one another. They each know the other person will become someone they’re willing to marry someday—they each get a sneak peek of that future together. (River in Let’s Kill Hitler, the DoctorinSilence in the Library.) So when they do meet, even when she’s in Instant Kill Mode and he’s in You Scare Me mode, it’s with an expectation that, hold on, eventually I’m going to really really care about you. Everything they do with one another from that point forward is influenced by that expectation, which makes them comfortable around one another. So that’s sweet and I love it. The problem is—River isn’t the Doctor’s ideal woman. She might be Moffat’s, but on paper she should not work with the Doctor romantically. Moffat engineered this woman—who is supposed to eventually be the Doctor’s wife—to be violent, self-centered, insane, very sexual, and willing to shatter any laws of time (or morality) she sees fit. That’s the opposite of what the Doctor admires, chooses, and is attracted to from everything we’ve ever seen of him. (Does the Doctor like smart, capable women who are good in a crisis? Yes! Obviously! That’s not what I’m talking about.) But suddenly after meeting River, being told one day she’ll be his wife, (instead of organically learning why he would marry her and organically learning who she truly is and then growing to love her naturally), very quickly and without explanation he’s all “And unlike me, she really doesn’t mind shooting people. I shouldn’t like that, kinda do a bit!” What? Since when? Since Moffat. Because Moffat is behind the wheel and Moffat finds that hot. Sir, just because you told me to ship it doesn’t mean I’m convinced. Now, is it her fault that she’s a murder weapon? Is it River’s fault that she was brought up to believe it’s okay to choose violence, wear poison lipstick, and be the girlboss of murder? Absolutely not. Melody Pond was kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed, and used as a human/Time Lady weapon just because she was there. She had absolutely no choice in the matter. And when she did eventually, finally get to choose, she chose to rescue the Doctor and start over. She sacrificed every remaining regeneration she might have had to reverse her actions. That last part? That’s awesome. I love that. But that nice moment doesn't fix the rest. The story goes that River was stolen, raised to kill the Doctor, and then fell in love with him along the way—and the special sauce is, she’s meeting him out of order; every time she sees him he knows her less because she’s moving backward along his timeline. (Unnecessarily complicated, but very fun, Moffat! Can’t forget fun in Doctor Who.) The story goes, too, that the Doctor meets his wife from the future in the biggest universal Library one day, watches her die, and waits for her to appear again so he can start a love story he knows the ending to—and the special sauce is, he’s meeting her out of order; every time he sees her he’s getting to know her more and she knows him less, because she’s moving backward while he moves forward. That does make for an interesting love story. You’re excited to see it play out because you and the Doctor expect it to be a doozy based on River’s “not those times, don’t you dare, you watch us run” speech in Forest of the Dead. But the problem is, they were both told they’d marry one day and therefore they treat it as a foregone conclusion, so there’s no organic attempt at really, truly falling in love. They behave as though they didn’t fall anywhere, they were pushedinside and someone locked the door. (I just pictured Moffat outside with the key. “Now KISS!”)
The point is that nobody worked for this relationship. If you’re going to explain how they fell in love, because the audience already knows they apparently will, then actually show them falling in love! When did the Doctor decide he loved River? When he found out she was Amy’s literal daughter? When he found out she was a psychopath? Or did it all begin in the Library when she died for him, because he already knew that for some reason one day he would marry her, and it’s all just placebo from then on? Or did Ten just regenerate into the sort of man who inexplicably “love(s) a bad girl, me”, and really gets off on those moments when River threatens to shoot and kill other life forms? Yeah, that makes sense. When did River decide she loved the Doctor? When Kovarian told her he’s the scourge of universes? Or was it when River heard he's ultimately the reason she was kidnapped and made to be raised by the Silence and forced into a space suit as a child, because one day she has to rid the universe of this man? Oh! Maybe she fell in love with him when her literal parents went to primary school with her as peers and Amy told her about the Raggedy Doctor as little girls and Mels decided she’d marry him for some reason one day even though she was trained to kill him! (*big pause to catch my breath*) Do you see what I’m saying? We didn’t see it happen. We were told, not shown, that they were in love, or that they would be in love enough to marry one day, and then we watched it not actually happen. And so did the Doctor and River. They are both living in a constant state of resignation to their relationship. Moffat didn’t tell a love story, he told an epilogue, and neither of the lovers got to experience the beginning! For all the cutesy times they quipped “spoilers” at each other, they never once just let things take their course naturally. They lived in the spoilers. The spoilers are the only reason they’re together in the first place! 
And one more thing. A side thing. The Doctor did not want to marry River. That’s disappointing, isn’t it? The wedding was not a happy one. They did it because according to River, their history (their relationship’s “archeology”) differed - she’s either the woman who murders or marries the Doctor, and given those choices, the Doctor wanted to choose murderer instead of wife as River’s role because it was the only way to save reality, but she wouldn't listen to him until he called her wife. Their wedding, just like everything else about their romantic history, is something they’re forced into. It’s contrived. It’s confusing. It’s very difficult to believe in. Moffat gave us all the relational-dynamic payoff prematurely and never actually showed us the part where they fell in love.
That’s my problem(s) with their relationship. Now let me talk about (as requested) River as a character again and what I actually do find most interesting and endearing about her and about her relationship with the Doctor. Like I said, I actually do love her, I actually do ship it, and now I’m gonna vomit out why.
The most endearing thing about River to me is that she is insecure, and that humanizes the silly ideal. Now, in spinoff material River led a very long and varied life, and the Doctor was not the only man she was intimate with. But he’s the only one she loves. That love is what makes her so insecure. And it is love—after a while of repeatedly running into him after Lake Silencio, River is consistently choosing to put the Doctor and his needs before herself and her own. She always had it in her; she’s Amy and Rory’s daughter and the child of the Tardis, after all. But it’s the influence that the Doctor has on her that makes her go from psychopath to heroine. She genuinely believes he’s the best man ever, which is saying something when your father is Rory Williams.
And she, River, murdered him or tried to. She was stolen from his friends and made to attack him, made to put them in danger. She had to lie to him nearly every time they met, or at the very least withhold important information from him. Every time she met him, he trusted her less and less and less. 
And the Doctor is not perfect, but think about how River must see him. He must seem perfect, right? He’s so, so kind, he’s so, so good. He’s so brave. He’s so selfless. He’s so smart. He’s amazing, and he uses his time and his talents for other people, saving lives and helping out all across the stars. He even helped her. He even forgave her. That’s why she fell in love with him, not because he’s hot when he’s clever, not because she’s a psychopath and really, Madam Kovarian, who else was she going to fall in love with, what a basic mistake – NO. If you want to look at it from its most compelling angle, no matter how confusing it gets, how contrived, the most compelling angle is that River loves the Doctor because the Doctor forgave her. In spite of everything. And we see how she really thinks of him, how insecure she truly is, what she really thinks he must feel about her, in The Husbands of River Song. That episode is my favorite River episode.
She got to marry him, but it was under force. She got to be with him, but not forever. She got to help him, but not always. They kissed, but he treated it like it was the first time. He forgave her, but he had to bail them all out in the end, because when she tried she made a mess of it. “Trust you? Seriously?” “I don’t wanna marry you.” “You embarrass me.” “Why do you have to be this? Melody Pond—your daughter, I hope you’re both proud!” River is in love with him, but she genuinely does not think he is in love with her. On paper, it doesn’t seem like she’d be someone he chooses to love. Maybe someone he chooses to pity. Maybe someone he chooses to look after, because her parents are dead now and he loved them and he failed to save Melody the first time, guilty to the last. Whichever way she looks at it, he can’t possibly love her. Sure, he flirts with her, but he flirts with everyone. Yes, she’s smart, but he only takes the best. He’s surrounded by smart. She saved him and it was her honor, but she’s not the first to do that anyway. And like I said, neither of them got to see when the other person first started loving them, because it’s all back-to-front and they exist in a state of resignation. I can think of no better way to feel insecure about where you stand with the man you love than literally never ever knowing when it will begin.
But River’s cool. She’s brave and clever and she can do just about anything she wants with whoever she wants. She can live like the Doctor—adventures in time and space, and maybe sometimes he’ll run into her. In fact, she keeps calling on him when she needs help, and doesn’t he always come? Doesn’t that mean something? One day they’ll be married, just keep waiting, okay, now they are married, he’ll get used to it, he still flirts with her, stay cool, stay funny, stay smart, at least he’s still around, just keep waiting— And then after a while she stops waiting. She’s not like her mother. She gets on with life. The Husbands of River Song is genius because their timelines are synced perfectly, at last, for them to be at the peak of their affection for one another. River doesn’t know him, but not because he’s wearing a new face, because he’s actually really, really obvious about the fact that it’s him. He’s constantly trying to get her to see it without outright saying it, but she has this mental block that will not even consider that he’s there, especially the deeper they go into danger together. Why is that? Well, she says it. The enemy says she’s the perfect bait, refers to her as the woman who loves the Doctor, and what does River say? It's right here. And it’s made very clear by her actions throughout the episode before this speech that River really does believe it. Because he’s standing right behind her listening to all of that and she hasn’t seen that it’s him, because of course he’s not here. She suffers from the same mentality her sweet dad Rory did—that the person she loves will never love her the way she loves them. River doesn’t think she’s nothing, but she thinks she’s nothing to the Doctor.
I think it’s beautiful that she was wrong. I think the Doctor loves River, and I think it’s a very different love than what he had for Rose Tyler (or, now that I think of it, Sarah Jane). It’s still love, it’s just not the same. It’s nice that you can ship both, actually.
(If you ask me which I think is the better love story between the two ships, that’s a different essay for a different time, and one that I think will have people drop-kicking me throughout every facet of the internet. Right now we’re focusing on River and on her ship with the Doctor, which I do enjoy.) I may not think that it was brilliantly executed, but the fact remains that at some point, the Doctor did grow to love and care about River Song. And there’s one part of their wedding that I also liked a lot— When he marries her and her parents give consent, the Doctor’s first request of his wife is “help me”. That’s what wives do! That’s what husbands need from wives! That’s marriage. The sticking together no matter what, being the person you both turn to in life’s darkest moments. River understood that concept, because when Amy asks in The Angels Take Manhattan if allowing the Angel to touch her will send her to Rory, who has just died in front of them, the Doctor says he doesn’t know, and Amy asks “But it’s my best shot, yeah?” The Doctor shouts no, but River tells him to shut up. “Yes, yes, it is!” And she’s crying, but she’s smiling too. She knows what she would do if she were Amy. She knows why Amy is going to let the Angel touch her. Because that’s marriage. And that’s what she feels for the Doctor. I do ship it! I love the idea that love helped shape River instead of hate, contrary to Kovarian’s plans for Melody. I love the idea that the Doctor started out untrusting of River and in the end, trusted her implicitly. I love that he had her when he needed help. And let’s face it, they really are so much fun.
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fappertwo · 8 months
A rather cluttered up version of a previously posted as uncluttered Candy Earle
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lizzie-is-here · 1 year
lonely is a man without love
part iii- cairo
“i am a deserted sky, and you are the moonlight” - manoj muntashir
summary: you and marc head to cairo, and you make a shocking discovery in the form of a giant skeleton bird
wordcount: 4k
warnings: language, violence, vague references to the red room, drinking, slight pining, a saddening lack of steven
a/n: yuhhh posting this before my bday tomorrow so i can get crunk af. ALSO TAYLOR AND JOE? sobbing. but i hope y’all enjoy love y’all sm sm sm 🫶
taglist: @thefictionalgemini @ravenz-hope @undiscl0sed-d3sir3s @iateall-yourcookies @disregardedplant @sunflowers-4 @yellowumbrelllaaaa @bagsy-not-it @local-mr-frog @thescarletredwitch @jupitersmoon167 @creamecafe @stevenknightmarc @theluciansystem @kingtwhiddleston @spider-biter @mxltifxnd0m @sgt-morgan @no-dont-be-suspicious @onzayhe @namorslit @i-cant-write-for-shit
i’m sorry it won’t let me tag some of y’all 😭
previous part | series masterlist | next part
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Marc pokes and prods for more intel on your profession the whole plane ride to Cairo.
Honestly, it’s more of a harsh interrogation at this point, with him making sure you aren’t working for any remnant of the Red Room that managed to stay alive. Once he’s satisfied and his temper cools, you explain why you were sent.
“Righteous” justice or not, he was a danger, killing random people all over Europe and shaking off hits that no normal person should be able to. And the team liked to keep tabs on enhanced beings.
“So the actual Avengers are worried about me? It’s not like I’m going after them,” he says.
You laugh, loud and obnoxious. “Worried? No, you misunderstand. It’s more of a public safety precaution. Just making sure all of our loose ends are tied.”
“Loose ends being…?”
“Hydra. The Red Room-“ You gesture to yourself. “Aliens. Things like that.”
“Yeah…” Marc says, hesitant. “‘Things like that’, sure.”
You lean over a bit, scanning the plane from your aisle seat to check for threats. All you see are tired passengers, dozing off or absorbed in the small TVs on the backs of the seats.
Once satisfied, you turn back to Marc.
“If you want to sleep, now’s a good time. Once we get to Cairo, we’re not going to have much time to rest,” you say, nodding to the TV. 3 hours away.
He eyes you, a bit suspiciously, but closes his eyes anyway. With a sigh, you stand up, snaking through the aisles to the bathroom. You grab your phone and tap a favorited contact.
“Tasha,” you greet. “Is it a bad time?”
Your friend shakes her head, holding up the phone to show the group. “We just finished a movie, what’s up?”
“So… Marc Spector is here. He has DID, and Steven Grant is an alter, not an alibi. Things are getting serious.”
She nods. “That explains a lot.” You’d been relaying your experiences to them for weeks, and they’d shared in your confusion. Her tone turns more stern. “How serious?”
“Cults, magic, something about a scarab? It’s out of my expertise.”
“Do you need backup?” Steve’s voice calls from the other side of the couch.
You shake your head. “No, it’s nothing I can’t handle. It’s just fucking weird.”
A chorus of laughter goes up on the other end of the phone and you smile, rolling your eyes when a knock lands on the bathroom door.
“I just wanted to update you. We’re heading to Cairo now, so…” You shrug. “I will maybe get some souvenirs.”
The knocking grows more incessant.
“Will you hold on? Your shits can wait!” you call. Turning your attention back to the phone, you sigh. “I’ve got to go. This person is going to kick the door down.”
Nat nods and mock-salutes you. “Have fun, stay safe. You can always call, (Y/N).”
With a brief goodbye, you wash your hands and leave, awkwardly waving at the small child who was the source of the knocking. Sitting down, you sigh, listening to the sound of air and propellers.
No sleep for you, you guess.
When the plane lands and you rush off, you and Marc find the closest hotel and buy separate rooms.
Even after securing the room and stuffing a gun under your pillow, you still sleep lightly. A shattering sound wakes you, bright light from outside invading your eyes, and you curse under your breath as you clamber out of bed.
You slip out of your door and into Marc’s room, gun still gripped in your hand.
He’s sitting on the floor, head in his hands. A mirror is shattered.
“Are you gonna break more mirrors or can we start the day?” you ask. He raises a bottle.
Snatching it from him, you down the last of the fiery liquid and chuck the bottle. It lands somewhere on the ground behind you, brown glass joining the reflective shards on the tile.
He drunkenly laughs, looking up to where you stand.
Your hair is free and rustled, not like how you normally have it. Your hair is always braided or tied back, something he now realizes is a habit from your training.
There’s a gun in your hand, and he can see your finger on the trigger. Marc regrets waking you, partially out of guilt and partially because he’s once more been reminded that you’re a killer. Which reminds him that he’s a killer.
You’re just a much prettier killer. Much.
“Are you going to get up? Or are you going to stare at me like you want to fight me again?” you laugh. “Because it did not go so great for you last time-“
He waves a dismissive hand. “Yeah, yeah. ‘M gettin’ up,” he finally says, and you slip away, avoiding glass and heading back to your own room to dress for the day.
Light colors, thin fabrics. Anything to stave off the heat. Once you’re both ready, you and Marc head into the city.
You don’t mention the mysterious absence of Steven, who the vigilante is definitely suppressing. Said vigilante is too busy hunting down his target.
He shakes off the last bit of drunkenness as he leads you up a ladder, not really telling you where you’re going or why. It doesn’t bother you, per se, but you are curious as to how he knows where to go. Sometimes he glances at empty spaces, as if listening to something not quite there.
You have no time to ponder this strange behavior as you leap across rooftops and nimbly avoid obstacles that Marc barrels through.
Your question as to who you’re hunting down is answered when you see a group of men, with one being stabbed in the stomach right as you arrive. Great.
“Oh, shit,” Marc sighs. “You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig sight.”
“I don’t think they can un-stab him,” you snort.
He nods. “True. Guess I’m gonna have to talk to you all instead.”
“You’re too late,” one of them growls. “You’re never gonna find Harrow.”
“That’s his name?” You audibly gag. “Eugh, that’s a shit name for a cult leader.”
The guy tosses his knife in the air, following it up by tracing the blade along the ground.
“Ooh,” Marc says. “What, are we dancin’? We fightin’? What are we gonna do?” You step back as one of them lunges, deciding to go easy on them and not use a weapon.
Slamming one against the wall is easy enough, though he gets up soon after and targets Marc instead. One of them, a kid, charges at you.
You disarm him and shove him on his ass, not wasting your time on a literal child. Whipping around, you grab the handle of a knife as it zooms past, a few inches past your shoulder.
“Seriously? Learn to aim,” you say to yourself as you toss the knife off the roof.
It’s going rather well for a street fight. Much more fun, albeit less challenging than any of your Red Room missions.
And then it all goes to shit.
Marc’s got a knife to a guy’s throat, but something changes. A brief moment of silence, and he slams the blunt handle on his head, hard enough for him to bleed.
You let him go to town fighting the other two, who are now much more scared of him. It’s only when he meets your gaze that you realize something is deeply wrong. The hairs on your neck rise.
That’s not Marc. Definitely not Steven.
Your suspicions are confirmed when he leaps from the roof and disappears into the crowd.
What the fuck?
You follow, sprinting down streets as you barely stay on his tail.
When you manage to catch up to Marc, or whoever, he’s staring down a cliff with two dead bodies on the ground. You don’t have to look to know that the third lies at the base of the steep drop.
“Marc? What the fuck just happened?” you demand.
He whirls around, fear in his eyes.
“I- I don’t know. That wasn’t me, or Steven. So what-”
The wind swirling interrupts him, and he stares off at a rusty car.
“And what is so interesting about the car that-”
“We have to find Harrow. What about the other gods?”
You furrow your brow. “What?”
A disembodied voice responds, “To signal with an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath-”
You’ve never pulled out a gun faster. Turning in circles, you find no source. No people, no tech. Your breath quickens, aiming the firearm at random.
“Okay, Marc?” you begin. “I’m all good with cults, and floating scarabs, and even some magic, but you are going to have to explain that voice before I start freaking out.”
The man sighs, glancing back to the air.
“I serve the Egyptian god Khonshu. I’m his… avatar.” The delusional nature of his statement is offset by how naturally he says it, so much so that you do a double-take.
“And you’re just telling me this now? Of course, of course, the first mission I go on after fighting a grape from space has Egyptian gods,” you hiss. “Don’t tell the public, Thor’s got plenty of fangirls that you don’t want.”
The voice sounds again. “I doubt they’d find the same appeal in me.”
You shrug, but when you turn in the direction it came from, you see it. And boy is it ugly.
An absurdly large bird skull, the body covered in mummification wrappings, and a large staff at his side.
“Cool. Cool-cool-cool. You were saying about talking to the other gods?” you mumble, trying to ignore the large bird thing.
“Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?” Marc asks.
“Anger them enough and they’ll imprison me in stone,” the thing -Khonshu- says.
“That doesn’t sound too bad to me,” the man next to you says. You nod in agreement.
“You are very ugly,” you state bluntly.
Evidently unused to people disrespecting him, the god slams his staff on the ground.
“Not many mortals are allowed to even see my form, much less speak to me. It is a blessing.”
“Yes, well, I don’t feel very blessed.”
He turns his attention back to his avatar. “See how well you fare against Harrow without the protection of my healing armor.”
“All right, so what? Do you have any good ideas?”
“I have a bad one.” With that, he disappears.
You glance up, noticing the light dimming. You are met with a solar eclipse. So he can fully move the moon with no regard to its position or that the next eclipse was not for a good while? Huh.
Marc leads you down some stairs, past Khonshu as they talk.
“The gods all have avatars,” he explains. “They’re gathering now, but I don’t know…”
A wall begins to open itself, revealing a tunnel lined with glowing hieroglyphs. “... how to get there,” he finishes.
“I don’t fuck with small, dark, magic tunnels,” you say. “Besides, I don’t think I should join you.”
Marc smiles, visibly nervous. Resting a hand on his shoulder, you shrug.
“You’ll be fine, okay? Meet me here when you’re done, I will wait and see what I can learn about any leads.” It’s the nicest thing you’ve said to him, so he nods, steels his nerves, and heads down the tunnel. As soon as it shuts, you sigh.
“‘Egyptian mythology’,” you whisper to yourself as you type into a search bar. “I guess the black market is a good place to start.”
You’re wandering through a marketplace when Marc finds you. The Red Room taught you to blend in perfectly, but he manages to spot you when he hears a loud laugh.
In your hand are a drink and a tangerine, which you may or may not have stolen.
“Can you find anything about Senfu’s sarcophagus?” he asks.
“Ouch, no ‘Hi’?” you tease before obliging. As you search with Stark tech assisting you, you glance at Marc. “It didn’t go well.”
“No,” he agrees. “They brought in Harrow, called me crazy, and denied my request.”
“Hmm, some council.” You finally break into a smile, holding your phone flat and projecting your findings. “Mogart. Some black market collector that is conveniently… 24 miles away.”
It takes a while to double-check your intel and find a boat, and the sun has set by the time you’re onboard. Sitting on the end, away from the other groups, Marc watches you, observing the cheerful passengers. A few young girls dance to the loud music, just enjoying the night as you look away.
“You know, I know almost nothing about you,” Marc says.
“I could say the same about you. Other than the file.”
He doesn’t balk at the mention of a debriefing on him, just smirks. “Yeah? Well, you know I work for an Egyptian god, I’ve got a British man living in my head, and the basics. All I know is your name and your-” He gestures at you. “-previous job.”
“You don’t want to know about the Red Room, I promise.” Your smile is a bit bittersweet. “It’s not pretty.”
“My past isn’t either.”
You hum. “The Red Room makes child assassins,” you say, avoiding too much detail. “And… I was cycled through the Black Widow programme three times. I was good at it, too.” That’s all you give up, gauging his reaction.
His gaze softens, not with pity, but with empathy. “How young were you? When you started- The training, I mean.”
The question manages to cause a lump in your throat. This is why you don’t like thinking about it.
You soften the truth when you manage to speak. “I don’t remember a time before it.”
A hand rests on yours. And the two of you sit in silence for a bit, quiet understanding lingering.
“And you?” you say, blinking away the small amount of water building in your eyes. “Did you always work for the bird?”
“No. But I was fighting for a while before I met him. ‘ve done plenty of horrible shit in my life even without him asking me to.”
“And I’ve done horrible things to get out of the Red Room. We have something in common.”
Marc shakes his head. “No, you… you’re out. Hell, you’re working with the Avengers. You’ve made up for it.”
If he knew what you’d done, he wouldn’t be so quick to absolve you. You brush that thought away.
“Well,” you begin, leaning back on the seat. “It’s never too late to start.”
The boat reaches the banks before he can respond or be further distracted by the rings on your hands. Or how your body twists and curves as you quickly jump onto dry land.
“Got an alibi?” you ask, watching Marc stash the duffel bag under the dock.
He hums, shrugging. “A few. Rufino Estrada,” he decides. “What about you?”
“I’m going in as myself. Obviously, not an Avenger, but…” You tie your jacket around your waist, allowing your t-shirt to hide many of your weapons.
On your belt, there are two guns and a handful of knives, but Marc’s eyes are drawn to your wrists. Gauntlets flicker red, electricity in them crackling as you check your weapons.
He speaks after you fire an experimental blast into the ground. “And what’s our story here?”
“You hired me as security, and you are in the business for this sarcophagus. You’re a reputable antiques buyer who previously had ties to Dreykov, the head of the Red Room. I’ve already sent that information ahead.” You flash a charming smile to the man, who still seems a bit on edge. “Mogart made a few small deals with him, so he knows how serious the Widows are. It’s a perfect alibi.”
You two approach a large track, with men jousting under bright lights as music blares from the speakers.
Schooling your expression as you approach a man, you tilt your chin up.
“Where is your boss?” you ask, voice much darker and accented than usual.
“I sent a message earlier. We’re here for the sarcophagus.” The man immediately nods and rushes off as you lead Marc forward. “Don’t drop the act,” you whisper. “Let’s go.”
The guy introduces himself as Bek and guides you toward the track. “He’s excited to meet you. He hasn’t been able to speak to any of the infamous Black Widows after the Red Room fell.”
They were scattered across every continent on Earth, rebuilding their lives. Of course he wouldn’t find them.
“Excuse me a moment. Mr. Mogart will be with you shortly,” Bek says, slipping away.
You lean against the railing, the Widow Bites on your wrists glowing red at the movement.
“So what?” Marc starts. “This joker just puts on El-Mermah games in his backyard for fun?”
You click your tongue. “Ah, who knows? Rich people are weird.”
“Sir, Agent. Come in.” The man, dressed in a dark red robe, greets you with a more than relaxed attitude. “I hear you’re interested in my collection?”
Marc nods. “I hear you have Senfu’s sarcophagus.”
“And who told you that?” This is tedious, you think to yourself. Diplomacy and bargaining, it makes you want to heave.
“The best in the business.” Marc gestures to you.
Mogart seems convinced by this, and you begin to head toward a group of buildings.
“I hope you understand this is more than a collection to me. Preserving history is a responsibility I take very seriously.”
“No one asked you to do that,” you comment mildly, baring your teeth in a sinister grin when he frowns at you. “Yet, here we are.”
Mogart brushes off the thinly veiled insult with a chuckle. “I forgot how deep Widows cut,” he jokes. “How was the old boss before he died? May he rest in peace.”
“Pieces,” you correct, struggling to speak well of the man that previously controlled every aspect of your life. “Helicopter explosion. He… He died powerful and influential. What he would’ve wanted.”
Mogart doesn’t push further, thankfully, coming to a stop in front of a glass pyramid.
“If I may ask, why such interest in Senfu in particular?”
You have a fake reason, but he gestures for Marc to answer. Shit.
“I think that… I just think I would love to take a look,” he says. He’s confident, but it’s an awkward pause.
Mogart concedes. “Funny man. Feel free.”
As you enter the area housing said tomb, you glance at Marc.
“You need to let Steven out. He knows more than either of us and we cannot afford to blow this,” you whisper.
Marc scoffs. “Not a chance. All right, what do you see?”
“The burial practices,” you begin, recalling your research from earlier. “They’re in line with the Studenwachen texts.”
“The what?”
You roll your eyes, exasperated. “Apparently I’m the only one who studied. It means it’s real. But all of this is just instructions to guide the dead.”
“No locations indicated.”
Marc glances up at the ceiling, likely listening to Steven. He turns back to you, voice hushed.
“Ok, will you give me a minute? I gotta talk to Steven. Keep him occupied.”
You nod, slipping away with a sigh of relief.
“Mr. Estrada needs some time alone,” you announce, watching said man ramble to himself. “He’s… praying.”
This doesn’t stop Bek, who storms in and grabs Marc’s arm. On instinct, the ex-Marine disarms him, also giving up your cover.
Guns are trained on you in an instant, and you raise your hands.
“Marc!” you shout. He spots you, and for a second you think he’s gonna shoot the guy and leave you to fend for yourself. Instead, he curses and gives up the gun.
“Do you really think I’m an idiot?” Mogart asks. “Get on your knees.”
Marc obliges, and the robed man sneers at you. “I really thought you were a possible ally.” A gun shoved against your neck forces you forward. “I used to be Dreykov’s customer, a friend, even.”
“You think I’d want anything to do with the man who ruined my life?” you laugh. “Dreykov was a coward. And I wish I’d been the one to kill him.”
“Hey-“ Marc steps in. “Take a look inside the sarcophagus. There’s somethin’ really, really big.”
Before Mogart can look, Bek speaks to him in French. You freeze.
“It appears we have a concerned third party here,” he says. “Get up.”
“Harrow,” you mouth to Marc, trying to find the zealot. He stands with two men, leaning on his staff.
“Whatever they’ve told you, I’m sure I can offer something much more tangible.” The scarab floats above his hand. “Why settle for a clue when you can have the treasure?”
Arguing breaks out as Marc snaps at Harrow, who simply turns to each of you. “You all have more in common than you know.”
“(Y/N), you think that ignoring the past will keep it from catching up to you. That missions can give you a purpose, but it’s closing in.”
You’re so taken aback by him knowing your name and reading you so well that you don’t hear another word.
“Do it. Summon the suit,” Khonshu says, appearing on a rooftop. “Give them what they deserve.”
You exchange a glance with Marc, subtly nodding to your gun, and then to the distracted guards.
Meanwhile, Harrow calls on his staff, using it to destroy the sarcophagus. By the time the cultish leader is gone, so is Marc.
Panic starts immediately, and you grin despite being surrounded.
“Well, boys. Looks like you’re in trouble.”
Mogart and Bek run as Marc starts attacking, throwing down curved blades as you grab your gun. Shooting down three guards is easy enough, but more are firing from the track.
“Here!” Marc covers you with his cape, blocking the gunfire in a way you don’t understand.
You catch your breath, looking up where his eyes glow through the suit.
“Can you buy me some time?”
You run to the tomb, grabbing the tattered fabric. When you turn around, you come face to face with Bek.
Thinking fast, you throw shards of glass at his face and kick him in the stomach. He grabs a knife as you dodge his attacks, ducking in time for his knife to land in the mummy.
You take the advantage, slamming the grip of your gun into his nose. He tosses you away to grab the knife, but as he turns around, you fire off a single shot.
A quick death, it could be worse.
Running to the track where Marc is pinned down, you jump the fence. There’s multiple javelins stabbed through him, and you shoot a rider with another ready.
As you aim for the rest, however, you take a blow to the head. You hit the dirt, trying to rise as your vision blurs.
You can hear hoofbeats pounding in your head, only increasing the incoming headache. He’s got a javelin.
“Fuck that hurts,” you mutter, pushing yourself into a sitting position with your gauntlet trained on the figure. Even as Mogart heads for Marc, you don’t waver, especially when he sticks out the weapon to attack you at the last second.
Marc tackles you out of the way, enveloping you as he rolls to safety and tosses a last knife. It doesn’t miss.
Sighing in relief, you let your head flop onto his shoulder as you try to fight off the ache. He pats you on the back as his wounds mend under the suit. A luxury you don’t have.
“There you go. That’s it, deep breaths,” he mumbles, not really sure when you got comfortable enough with each other to sit like this.
He tries his best not to focus on the weight of you leaning on him, trusting him enough to rest, safely tucked in his arms. It feels nice, to have someone trust him like this. Marc hasn’t had that in a long time.
He coughs a bit and you pull away, leaving a cold, exposed feeling where your touch was. Shakily standing, you observe the bodies scattered on the sand.
“We should keep moving,” you say softly. “Don’t want them to catch up.”
Marc can only nod as he fights to keep from reaching for you.
“Yeah. We’ll keep moving.”
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neurodivenport · 7 months
ok so i know literally no one could replace the og cast. but if i HAD to recast lab rats for a modern, not-a-kids-show sci-fi drama remake, here's who i'd pick.
ofc jahi d'allo winston as leo
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charlie gillespie as adam
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adrian greensmith as chase
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sophie nelisse as bree
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owen teague as marcus
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dermot mulroney as donald
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jdm as douglas
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vanessa estelle williams as tasha
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and. of course. conan stevens as krane. he's 7 foot tall and known for playing physically imposing and insane characters. literally perfect imo
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gardenoflilys · 2 months
— Henry : Ricky Ubeda
— Will/Player : Ben Cook
— Shelby/Player : Gaby Diaz
— Douglas/Player : Ahmad Simmons
— Clark/Player : Brandt Martinez
— Jo Daviess/Player : Jeanette Delgado
— Wayne/Player : Jonathan Fahoury
— Morgan/Player : Jennifer Florentino
— Player : Byron Tittle
— Player : Tilly Evans-Kruger
— Player : Craig Salstein
— Player : Kara Chan
— Swings/Understudies : Jada German, Zachary Gonder, Matthew Johnson, Dario Natarelli
— Vocalists : Shara Nova, Tariq Al-Sabir, Tasha Viets-Vanlear
— Henry : Ricky Ubeda
— Will/Player : Ben Cook
— Shelby/Player : Gaby Diaz
— Douglas/Player : Ahmad Simmons
— Clark/Player : Robbie Fairchild
— Jo Daviess/Player : Jeanette Delgado
— Wayne/Player : Alejandro Vargas
— Morgan/Player : Rachel Lockhart
— Estrella/Tap Dancer/Player : Byron Tittle
— Anâkwa/Player : Christine Flores
— I-94-East Bound/Player : Craig Salstein
— Star/Player : Kara Chan
— Swings/Understudies : Jada German, Zachary Gonder, Dario Natarelli, Tyrone Reese
— Vocalists : Elijah Lyons, Shara Nova, Tasha Viets-Vanlear
— Henry : Ricky Ubeda
— Carl/Player : Ben Cook
— Shelby/Player : Gaby Diaz
— Douglas/Player : Ahmad Simmons
— Clark/Player : Robbie Fairchild
— Jo Daviess/Player : Jeanette Delgado
— Wayne/Player : Alejandro Vargas
— Morgan/Player : Rachel Lockhart
— Estrella/Tap Dancer/Player : Byron Tittle
— Anâkwa/Player : Christine Flores
— I-94 East Bound/Player : Craig Salstein
— Star/Player : Kara Chan
— Swings/Understudies : Jada German, Zachary Gonder, Dario Natareli, Tyrone Reese
— Vocalists : Elijah Lyons, Shara Nova, Tasha Viets-VanLear
— Arctiini : Elijah Lyons
— Barsine : Shara Nova
— Nacna : Tasha Viets-Vanlear
— Henry : Ricky Ubeda
— Carl : Ben Cook
— Shelby : Gaby Diaz
— Douglas : Ahmad Simmons
— Clark : Brandt Martinez
— Jo Daviess : Jeanette Delgado
— Wayne : Alejandro Vargas
— Morgan : Rachel Lockhart
— Cass : Byron Tittle
— Knox : Christine Flores
— Boone : Craig Salstein
— Marion : Kara Chan
— Swings/Understudies : Manny Houston, Tanner Porter, Dario Natarelli, Tyrone Reese, Carlos Falú, Zack Gonder, Yesenia Ayala, Jada German
— Arctiini : Elijah Lyons
— Barsine : Becca Stevens
— Nacna : Tasha Viets-Vanlear
— Henry : Ricky Ubeda
— Carl : Ben Cook
— Shelby : Gaby Diaz
— Douglas : Ahmad Simmons
— Clark : Brandt Martinez
— Jo Daviess : Jeanette Delgado
— Wayne : Alejandro Vargas
— Morgan : Rachel Lockhart
— Cass : Byron Tittle
— Knox : Christine Flores
— Boone : Craig Salstein
— Marion : Kara Chan
— Swings/Understudies : Manny Houston, Tanner Porter, Dario Natarelli, Tyrone Reese, Carlos Falú, Zack Gonder, Yesenia Ayala, Jada German
I got bored so… here’s all of the illinoise cast over their runs 💥💥!!
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veryqueermovies · 2 years
My list of Queer books.
Now my labeling only has to do with the main protagonist, except for the books labeled "Queer" some of those the main protagonist is not Queer but the book has lots of Queer main and side characters. I only included the first books to make it easier but some of these are series.
The problem with making lists for books is that there's So. Goddamn. Many! New ones are being released every single day so all I can really do is add as I go. I also take recommendations so let me know of books I missed (specify what category they go in please 😊). I could also add specific Sexualities and Genders but right now I'm just doing basic categories because this is going to take time.
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell
Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
In Deeper Waters by F.T Lukans
So This Is Ever After by F.T Lukans
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
The Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue by Mackenzie Lee
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston
The Taking Of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Call Down The Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
Zachary Ying and The Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao
The Disasters by M.K England
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo
And They Lived... by Steven Salvatore
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala
If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzalez and Cale Dietrich
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
The Song Of Achilles by Madeleine Miller
A Lesson In Vengeance by Victoria Lee
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
The Unbroken by C.L Clark
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
The Coldest Touch by Isabel Sterling
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Deliah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake
The Lesbiana's Guide To Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
She's Too Pretty To Burn by Wendy Heard
You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson
One Last Stop by Casey Mcquiston
The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker Chan
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (F/M/M)
The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare (F/M/M)
A Dowry Of Blood by S.T Gibson (F/F/M/M)
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin (F/M/M)
Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton (M/F/M)
She Whom I Love by Tess Bowery (F/F/M)
Knell, Mr. President by Lauren Gallagher (F/M/M)
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylvester (F/F/F)
Midnight At The Orpheus by Alyssa Linn Palmer (F/M/F Poly V)
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi (Multiple Interlinked Poly V's)
The Fell Of Dark by Caleb Roehrig (M/M/M)
Books Of Raksura by Martha Wells
Lifelode by Jo Walton (M/M/F/F)
The Elemental Logic by Laurie Mark (6 person polycule)
The Tale Of The Five by Diane Duane (Group Polycule)
In The Ravenous Dark by A.M Strickland
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Queer (Books that have characters of many different identities):
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
A Song Of Wraiths And Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown
Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin
The City We Became by N.K Jemisin
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman (everything written by them is Queer)
Chef's Kiss by T.J Alexander
The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
The Backstagers and The Ghost Light by Andy Mientus and Ryan Sygh
Once & Future by A.R Capetta and Cory McCarthy
Nimona by N.D Stevenson
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
A Million Quiet Revolutions by Robin Gow
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
The One True Me And You by Remi K. England
All Boys Aren't Blue by George M Johnson
When The Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callander
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore
Aro/Ace Spectrum:
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Bardger
Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire l
Tarnished By The Stars by Rosiee Thorr
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
The Sound Of Stars by Alechia Dow
Thaw by Elyse Springer
The Ladies Guide To Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee
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davenportia · 2 years
another opinions post because aster has inspired me
i strongly believe that in like at least 90% of every disney show, the show just goes downhill after season 3
for example, liv and maddie: cali style. one of my friends on instagram who has a liv and maddie account doesn’t post about season 4 because she hates it. she even has a pinned post of a small set of reasons why she hates it so much (and understandably so.) i mean, the dad left the show, diggie and maddie are together, they’re not in stevens point, wisconsin anymore? i like dina and ruby, don’t get me wrong, but like, cali style was so so bad
another example, someone’s going to crucify me for this one, is austin and ally. growing up, i had a HUGE crush on ross/austin, and for a bit, i hated the ship auslly. a few years later, i made a whole fanpage for auslly. now, i still like ross and A&A, but as for the ship, i’m neutral. anyway, in season 4, sonic boom changed to A&A music factory, austin’s hair was long?? EW? and it just wasn’t as enjoyable as seasons 1-3. also jace and trish didn’t end up together, excuse me? idk man i just never really liked season 4 of A&A
jessie is probably the only exception to this. all 4 seasons of jessie i loved.
good luck charlie i feel like is debatable. it was an interesting and fun 4 seasons, BUT, spencer and teddy should have NEVER gotten back together. i rest my case
hannah montana is also debatable. again with the ex’s, jake was in the picture (thank the GODS she and him didn’t end up together, i would have thrown hands). i like them being in a different place, i like lily living with them, but i do miss the old house they used to live in, and especially rico’s little shop (or whatever it’s called.)
did suite life on deck make it to 4 seasons? i don’t even remember
wizards of waverly place i think had a good season 4, especially the finale. i like the fact that mason and alex ended up together, juliet and justin ended up together, and both justin and alex got to keep their powers. i feel like max deserved more than the sub station but he did seem ecstatic about that i won’t complain
this one’s gonna hurt me like hell, but, lab rats. you guys know i love this show. it’s my favorite, it’s my comfort show, but i’m not gonna lie, i try to avoid bionic island when i’m watching it. it’s just not as fun as the other seasons. like, tasha isn’t really there, sometimes douglas is there more than donald, sebastian is there (yes this is a sebastian and sebase slander page), they started to make chase more annoying, and they’re not in mission creek anymore. i just think that season 4 of lab rats is my least favorite. i even like elite force better, and we all know how badly they wrote elite force
ravens home, bunk’d (even after season 2), those shows need to just stop. please.
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hannahleah · 30 days
Tumblr media
Christina Kruse, Hannelore Knuts, Trish Goff, Tasha Tilberg, Jaquetta Wheeler, Ann Oost & Kim Peers Vogue Italia March 2001 by Steven Meisel
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banners-wolfy-fangirl · 6 months
Fuck it, about me pinned post:
Hello, fellow den dwellers! Name's Kyah, but you can call me Wolfy! (23, she/her, pansexual, AuDHD, BIPOC) I mostly reblog posts that attain to my special interests, but I'll also make ramblings about said special interests!
I write fanfiction and RP (though not as much nowadays). If you are interested, check out my AO3 (same username, replace dashes with underscores), but I only have one fanfic on there atm, lol. For RP, follow my side blog @wolfys-blorbo-mansion. It's under construction, but you can still see some relics of the past!
Another blog of mine is @abigail-and-cy, a Digimon RP blog. If you're a fan of Digimon, come follow me there if you'd like!
Current fandoms/special interests:
Marvel, 616 and MCU. As my username suggests, Bruce Banner is the love of my life. NOTPs: Br*tasha, Th*rki, St*rker
Steven Universe. Stev*nel shippers and Steven antis DNI.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Twilight Sparkle antis DNI.
Yakuza/Like a Dragon
Unless I know you from another site (Discord, Twitter, etc.) or look like a real person (valid pfp/banner, filled bio, etc.), if you spam like/reblog my posts, I will assume you're a bot and block you. Blame TikTok/Insta brainrot, but you can never be too careful.
Got the idea to do this from @crimsonscloud! Go check her out!
My PFP was made by the lovely @myriaeden!
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