#Thank you for hosting this sergeant! I had a lot of fun!
neoncherryblossom · 1 year
Day 7: Safe
The Collector was defeated. Belos was gone. The Isles were saved.
But where does that leave him then? Where was Hunter supposed to go, now that his friends were all reunited with their families and his former place of living gone?
He felt someone grab and ruffle his hair and when he turned around, his eyes widened when he saw Darius, when Eberwolf hopped into view.
Eberwolf had insisted two weeks later that they keep a photo album. To have pictures so they could look back at all the adventures they've had together.
He didn't get it when Darius eagerly agreed.
Now, nearly an entire year later, he does.
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goodnightjar · 1 year
230626 #SF9 #YOUNGBIN
<🍀: 4th Monday of June☘️>
As if to soothe the last 3 days of extreme heat; today it's raining heavily. So many things have happened in the last 3 days.
As if at a concert; after so long our members gathered together; we performed and talked while in waiting room like before; and even if it wasn't a mini fan meeting i had a great time with fantasy.
Thanks to you, the military knew that I was a celebrity...(?) A lot of the superiors were like "oh you are a celebrity??" "hoxy, he's handsome...!!!" with a smile :)
Sunday & Saturday it was so hot i felt like i was in a sauna.
Thanks to Fantasy; who stayed until the very end in that hot weather; we had a lot of fun on the stage.
What hurt my heart was that everyone's face and arms were red.They say that aloe is good. I hope you apply aloe well and cool it down with cold water so you don’t get hurt. I hope today’s rain will serve as a cooling agent!!
The announcer who hosted the event with me and the director next to me acted in the role of a manager for me since I was alone without a manager, and for 2 days i received an enormous amount of love.
A lot of people worked hard to make these 3 days happen. I am deeply grateful that I was able to wrap it up safely thanks to you.
It was so amazing to have Inseong and Jaeyoon in my unit settings where I lived for little over a year and it was so really amazing to have them; to be together with them at the restaurant where I went to eat, the military music room, and the dormitory...It is so funny that i can't even express it .. i was wondering what it's ㅋㅋ
As expected, Inseong is really good at everything that i thought that he must be experienced., and
It was so cute that Jaeyoon was very disciplined and paid close attention to each and every one carefullyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋpabo... he was adding a suffix "what what nim" on ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was so funny he kept asking "Sergeant what can I do for you??" so I told him "Do this & that" and he accepted it with a "Yep (넵)" !!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oh god!! phew I think that hoxy Jaeyoon is doing much better than I thought 🙂
Anyway, the kids returned to their units this morning. My heart felt so empty that; for 5 days; they slept and woke up together across from me; and we chatted together in the evening
but seeing that the other side was empty again, I would rather you not come... Why did you come into my dormitory and keep reminding me of you? Now it feels a lot more empty.
I wrote it down in the flow of my thoughts.
In conclusion, all this pleasure would not have been possible if it hadn't been for fantasy, and the many superiors who helped me and i met a lot of nice people.
Thanks to fantasy, I receive warm love from good people. I think Life is beautiful
Once again, thank you so so much to Fantasy for taking the long route and for supporting us until the very end❤️
Now hurry up and have dinner. I hope you wrap your day well.. I'm going to eat dinner and get some rest until today. When it rains something like udon is recommended.
(pic 1: after the show we had delicious meat
pic 2: we had sweet desserts as well
pic 3: i was happy 😁)
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an-ocean-viewer · 1 year
I became too busy once again.
Things I liked about the 5 days I was missing #7 to #11 (in no particular order.. just writing as it pops up in my head)
1. Friends and I had a heated argument. Managed to calm the situation down and even helped mend my friend's relationship with another friend they have beef with. I am very cool
2. Joined a pageant. I didn't get picked as a contestant but I think I did alright. I had the highest score of all the boys, a solid 95/100. However the way I 'strutted' on the runway leaves a lot to be desired. It was my first time so I'm not in the wrong. I also don't watch pageants. But when they told me to "Get everyone's attention for more points" my interpretation of that was awfully different. I now know that yelling "ATTENNTIONN!!!" like an army sergeant in a drill is not the way to "Get everyone's attention". Was definitely a lot of fun tho.
3. Had a wonderful time with my friends and we vibed while talking about random stuff.
4. Took a picture with a pretty woman (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
5. Dogs captured the noisy rat that was plaguing our roof. The rat went down to get food and my dogs activated hunting mode
6. Finished the 100 items math homework that was copy and answer w/ complete solutions
7. New notebooks that look like books ✨✨
8. New notebooks smell like books✨✨
9. Friend told me they felt like playing a Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse (last time we tried, Aternos Free Server Hosting couldn't handle our pack). So, I created a lightweight zombie apocalypse modpack
10. I never had this much fun playing while simultaneously being scared shitless.
11. After our first session, we agreed that us being able to build walls were too op..... so, I made some of the zombies able to break blocks and now none of us are safe. Doesn't help that some of the zombies have lots of health and good armor and sometimes get speed boosts. It was amazing to experience
12. We made changes to the music and by the gods I swear the atmosphere is just mwah, chef's kiss. Or maybe being chased by a pack of zombies while C418's piano lofi set a low standard. Either way, mwah. The atmosphere is amazing
13. Discussed our thesis concepts with my groupmates and made significant progress
14. We had a consultation for our thesis, first experience with doing so despite having done a handful of dissertations myself.
15. Received a thank you for cheering someone up. Definitely a highlight of the past five days.
16. Wrote a short story for a friend as an example of how to use Tarot Cards for story telling. It was about a prodigy wizard stagnating, becoming depressed, finding someone they could mentor who never gave up, and them being affected by that mentality and finding the courage to save his town from a dragon.
Picture of dead rat being held attached below
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fireandfolds · 3 years
failed by design, slow your pace down to mine (rizzoli & isles)
jane convinces maura to take a nap with her.
(involving black scrubs, a pull-out couch, coffee, and a betting pool.)
read on ao3 or keep reading below
note: this fic was written for a writing challenge hosted by a fun fanfic/podfic server, audiofrickbooks. the prompt was “destiny” and i had to write it between 200-1,000 words. join here if you want: https://discord.gg/jufpfE5vwx i hope you enjoy!
“Hey Maur.” The voice of her favourite detective reached Dr. Maura Isles’ ears as she typed away at a lab report.
The physician looked up, seeing the dark-haired woman looking ragged and worn-out. “I have no new information. What can I do for you, Jane?”
“D’you have a blanket?” The lanky detective fell heavily into the nearest chair.
She blinked, closing her laptop and standing. “I can neither confirm nor deny presently.”
“Just— yes or no.”
“I have a few throws. Why, what do you need it for?”
“To hang myself with.”
Maura’s head snapped toward the older woman, only to find her rolling her eyes. “To nap with. I’m no good to anyone this tired and driving home would eat up too much time. Got anything?”
“I’ll do you one step ahead. This couch pulls out.”
“It’s ‘do you one better’. Thanks, I don’t mean to impose.”
The blonde grabbed a thin but warm blanket and ushered the exhausted woman onto the quasi-bed. “You’re always welcome, Detective. I’m just glad that you’re listening to your body for once and resting.” She made to return to her desk, but was stopped by a hand clamping her forearm.
“Jane, is something wrong?”
“Need cuddle buddy.”
“No, Jane, I need to finish my report.” But the longer she looked at the sleepy detective, the more she was tempted to lie down next to her. So she tried a different tactic. “I smell like the morgue and I’m in my scrubs.”
The Italian woman said nothing, just made grabby motions with her hands.
“Oh, all right. Move over, you’re hogging the blanket.”
Knocking quickly on the open door, Senior Criminalist Susie Chang walked into the finely decorated office. “Dr. Isles? Lab res— oh.” Her eyes fell on the sleeping women, chests rising and falling in tandem.
Susie shook her head, pulling out her phone and taking a photo. Maura nuzzled deeper into Jane’s chest at the sound of the click. “This will make a good anniversary present…”
She looked at the quiet pair again, smiling gently. She rarely saw the soft side of her boss, but if anyone could bring it out of her, it was the brash detective. “Sleep tight, ladies.”
“Hey, Susie. Seen Jane anywhere?” Sergeant Korsak and Detective Frost poked their heads into the crime lab, the elder of the pair knocking lightly on the glass.
“She’s napping with Dr. Isles in her office. Judging from the dark circles under her eyes, or as Dr. Isles would say, periorbital hyperpigmentation, Detective Rizzoli will be resting for quite a while.”
“Okay, thanks Susie. We’re just going to check on them, and then we’ll let ‘em sleep.”
“They should be fine, I saw them about 10 minutes ago when I was going to give Dr. Isles some test results. They looked so peaceful, I couldn’t wake them up.”
Frost nodded. “We trust you. But damn, we’ve had a lot of shit go down here… better safe than sorry. I swear that loading bay in the good doc’s morgue area is a serious security breach.”
“We’ll leave you to your analysing.” Korsak dipped his head as both men walked towards the ME’s office, hands poised above grips.
Turning the knob silently, the Sergeant looked around in alarm at the empty desk. The Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was quiet, but not this quiet.
They looked down and saw Maura’s heels, neatly standing up on their own, right next to each other. Around the heels were Jane’s combat boots, haphazardly thrown and lying in whatever direction they pleased.
That was when they heard the stilly purring of the youngest-promoted detective in the department. Wrapped in her arms, the resident ME.
“She smilin’?”
“You bet.”
“I need a photo.” Barry fumbled with his phone, snapping some photos and a video. “Need some blackmail.”
“I’ve gotta black male standing right next to me.”
“Oh ha, ha.” The young man shot his partner a scathing glare, returning his phone to his pocket as he punched Korsak in the upper arm.
Vince rolled his eyes and chuckled lowly. They died down quickly as he gazed at the two women before him. His heart tugged as he watched them reach for each other in their sleep. He loved Jane and Maura like his own; he’d watched his young partner flounder unhappily after Hoyt, slogging through the days and going home alone. He thanked his lucky stars that Maura had crossed paths with Jane in the Division One Cafe.
Silently nodding at each other, the men backed out of the office, turning out the lights and shutting the door gently behind them. They walked back to the elevator in silence, only speaking once the doors closed and the car was moving.
“Do you think they know that they’re meant for each other?”
“I don’t think Doc believes in fate or destiny or anything not-very-scientific, but I believe she would say they make a compatible pairing.”
Frost looked at him and smirked. “How would you know, old man?”
“Asked her about it once last week, and she went off like a shot. I felt bad for interrupting her, but I really needed to get back upstairs.” Korsak shrugged and scratched his beard. “It was good timing, too. Right after she stopped talking, I could hear Jane clomping down the hall.”
The doors slid open and Frost led the way.
“What a pair, huh?”
Vince nodded, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “D’you think it’s too late to start a betting pool?”
The taller man shrugged. “Don’t think so. Put me down for fifty bucks. I say they get together during the holidays. I’ll be in BRIC.”
Vince Korsak hummed to himself as he sat down at his desk. Frankie must have made the coffee today, it didn’t taste like dirty socks. He chuckled again, thinking of the slumbering women in each other’s arms. “What a pair.”
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
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SHE WILL BE LOVED (Floyd Talbert X F! Reader)
Summary: Floyd drove for miles and miles, and still wounded up at the same door. Every. Single. Time.
Word-Count: 6.5k
Warnings: Slight mention of smut, past mentions of abuse/ rape
A/N: Based off of the Maroon Five Song. Not gonna lie, there old stuff is salvageable and can go hard, Overexposed is a great album. I have a love and hate relationship with this oneshot. I should be sleeping because I have to wake up at 7:50AM tomorrow but like...Floyd Talbert, am I right? Also, I'm working on dribbles. My inbox is acting strange so if you sent in anything, please send it in again, thank you! Hope you guys enjoy!
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world @easy-company-tradition @liebgotttme @50svibes @ricksmorty
Masterlist | Add yourself to my taglist!
Women say men are all the same; A gentleman, at least what Floyd Talbert considered him, proves women wrong.
Floyd Talbert knew he was no good. He didn’t consider himself a playboy , even though he charmed a new girl every week and possibly took them to bed, but he definitely knew how to play the game. Heck, his friends called him the master of the game. Girls back home and Europe loved it when Tab would break their young hearts with his dashing smirk. Every week, he’d have a pretty lady or two hanging off of his arms, giggling and smiling at anything he did or said. It boosted his ego even bigger than it already was. What was there not to love? He got whatever he wanted, when he wanted, and he always was satisfied in the end.
Guys wished they were him and any girl he could get his hands on simply adored him. Floud Talbert was like Hercules, but more conceited and naive. He was too young for marriage and too old for foolish games. He liked the flamboyant lifestyle he lived, it kept him on edge. Besides, who would Floyd Talbert, the one, the only, change for?
“Busy night?” You questioned, leaning against the counter, overlooking the packed bar. There was soft jazz in the backing music, singing, dancing, and loads of drunken men. Most of them were Americans. Alborune had been hosting the Paratroopers in the quaint little town. On the weekends, the pubs would turn into total clusterfucks, at least according to your boss.
Your boss looked at you and shrugged his shoulders, throwing a towel over his shoulder. “Unfortunately, and a lot of damn drunks,” He cursed. You looked behind him, seeing the American soldiers sloppily dancing with the local girls and even some of the waitresses. You could see the soldiers, their breaths of beer and hands grasping the waitresses' backs and butts, spinning them around as swing music played in the black. You had worked in a pub and knew how these relationships ended; divorce or after an awkward one night stand. Unfortunately, you had experienced the two of those more times then you could count on your fingers. Not wanting to get hurt, you made it official that you were here to do your job, make drinks, and serve the men. Nothing else and nothing more.
You bit your lip, letting out an inhale, “Another Friday night at the pub.”
“Jus’ be careful, you hear me?” Your boss warned. He was like a father towards you; an old man with sweet eyes. He always made sure the waitresses in his bar weren’t being harassed in the pub. “And whatever you do-”
“Don’t get yourself into trouble,” You repeated as you tied the apron onto your hips, “I know. ‘S not like I’ll be getting into it anytime today, or at all.”
At the bar you worked at, most of the waitresses were the most beautiful women you had ever seen. They looked like they belonged in Hollywood with their soft curls, red lips, and large breasts. They were always either chatting up a storm with a Paratrooper, giving a paratrooper a motorboat, dancing with a Paratrooper, or sneaking with a Paratrooper to the back of the Pub. It was because they were beautiful on the outside, but not within. The men weren’t smart enough to see that. All they desired was a pretty girl to use and then dispose of the next day. It occasionally made you a tad bit jealous. You knew how childish it was, but you wanted to be that girl who was loved not only for her looks, but her personality. Loved for who you truly were. But you reminded yourself that it was better if you kept yourself out of the limelight.
You had begun your shift, taking orders and rushing to the counter to make two full trays of beer in your hands. The night was so far going well. A few of the men had hit on you, but it was nothing new or special. You simply ignored it, doing your mundae little schedule.
Rosie was one of your co-workers. She was everything you wished to be; pretty, bubbly, and got everything she wanted. Every week, Rosie would wrap another Paratrooper around her finger. However, she began to play their game as well. Rosie took pleasure in twisting the mind’s of the Paratroopers and breaking their hearts, finding entertainment in it. She was a tease and took great pride in it. As much as you wanted to be her, seeing the Paratroopers have drinking games and even fights over her hand in “marriage” or “too see her glorious caboose”, you stopped and questioned yourself with emotion and logic. Was she truly happy doing this? Was she trying to fill a void in her life? Was she more of an object then a woman? Was it moral of her to break hearts as well?
You saw Rosie sitting next to a young Paratrooper as they made out passionately, hands traveling across each other's bodies. You couldn’t help but look and see their burning desire and hunger for each other. Rolling your eyes, you walk around the crowded bar, the strong smell of Alcohol and vintage jazz pleasing your ears. Every table was full, and as much as you dreaded it, it was your job to go around and ask what the men wanted.
You approached the first time and put on a counterfeit red smile, tilting your head as you chirped to the men. They all turned to you, half smiles and tired eyes, begging for more alcohol. You simply took the groups and wrote down their orders, going from man to man until you reached the end of the table.
“And what would you like?” You asked, preparing your pen and pushing it against your tiny notebook.
The man at the end of the table was conversing with her friends. He first turned his head, greeting you
with his big hazel eyes. You observed his boyish features of ruffled golden hair, a babyface, and lightly tanned skin. Sure, he was handsome, but so was every other man in this bar. He looked at you up and down, a smirk forming at the edge of his lips before he turned his whole body around to face you. He leaned on the edge of the table and simply stared at you, like he was in awe.
“You,” He spat, earning a laugh from all of his friends.
Through your smile, you grit your teeth. “As If I’ve heard that one a million times..” It was a lie, that was the first time you had ever heard that in a while. You weren’t pretty enough to be noticed, but this time was apparently an expectation. “Do you want me to get you a menu?”
You pointed his finger at you, “Like I said-you.” He stood up and smirked, holding his hands out. “You-me, I think we’d make a pretty great match.”
“How would we make a great match If I’ve known you for less than a minute?” You questioned, raising your eyebrows. “I could be mean.”
“Oh, come now. You're gorgeous, I’m handsome.” He persisted. Great, not one of these. “Besides, I like challenges. Just be warned, I always win them miss…” He hesitated on your name before continuing, “Your name, doll?”
“Your order?” You said as you tapped your pen against your notebook. His little nickname had your cheeks flush a little. Thank god the pub had been litlety dimmed. “Please?”
“A beer and your name, please.” He politely requested. “I don’t believe I’m asking for much.”
You looked at him with a sarcastic and puzzled expression, “Why do you care so much about knowing my name? You seem like the type who would forget by the next morning.”
His friends made “ohing” noises like middle schoolers like a teacher would reprimand one of their friends. The cocky bastard let out a chuckle, flashing his pearly whites in a cocky smile. “Well, it depends. You’re feisty-I like it. Since it’s gonna be a while before we have anything going on between us, I best thought I’d make us familiar with each other. It’ll take some time for you to fall for me, but when you do, you’ll be lucky.”
This man could not be for real. It wasn’t a man, but a boy. But on the outside, he was so god damn handsome. He looked like a homewrecker, but god damn, he did a good job of being one. Your boss's word’s of staying out of trouble were lingering from your mind now, and so quickly.
“You’re not gonna shut up until I tell you my name now, are you?”
He shook his head, “Where’s the fun in that, dollface?”
You wrote down his order for beer and then looked up, a smirk, “Y/n. Now you?”
“Y/n, a good name for a good girl. I’ve met a lot of y/n’s, but none like you. They fell into my arms like flies, but you aren’t like that. Just yet,” He joked, earning an eye roll from you. “It’s only fair If I tronduce myself, Sergeant Floyd Talbert,” He gave you a quick salute before relaxing, ‘But you can call me Tab, your boyfriend, or that silver fox that swept you off of your pretty little feet.”
“I think Tab will be good. Just try not to forget my name now, even though my expectations aren’t very high.” You sassed. He gave you an air kiss and you simply gave him a side eye, holding the tray and notebook to your chest as you ushered back to the counter to retrieve Beers. As you prepared them, you thought about Floyd Talbert. There were thousands of men like him. Good for nothing players who were too damn handsome for their own goods. Floyd Talbert was the type of man your parents would warn you to stay clear of since their middle names were trouble in all capitals.
But if he was so bad, then why was he so good to look at it?
Back at the bustling table, Floyd had kept his eyes on you. He watched your eyemove, like a hunter with its prey. He saw you converse with other waitresses, turn down compliments from other paratroopers, and do your job. He wasn’t one for formality, especially in the dating fields. It wasn’t what he was accustomed to doing. By now, the two of you would’ve been in the back of the pub, faulting to get your clothes off of each other for a wuckie. But you were different, you were a special case that Floyd knew would take a lot of investigating,
“Why’d you ask for her name?” Malarkey asked, knocking Floyd out of his trance. “You say it’s not good to ask for a dame’s name. You know, to make it easier.”
Floyd didn’t look over at Malarkey and simply stared at you, filling the large drinks with beer. He pulled on his lip, slumped on the chair. He always knew the answer for everything, he always had a solution.
But this time, it was different.
Floyd had gone into one of the bathrooms with a waitress, who simply smirked at him. Her whole face had trouble written her face, and so did he. She had red lipstick, bedroom eyes, and the nicest rack Floyd had ever seen. He knew from that moment that he would use his words to woo her. After a brief conversation of aggressive flirting, her and Floyd headed to the bathrooms with the blonde, angrily took their clothes off, and fucked. It was quick and there was not a single word spoken between the two. Floyd loved the attention and girls he got, but he never got a relationship or word out of them. He only cared for their looks, which even he knew was shallow. But it was all he knew how to do. If they seemed happy, so was he. But inside, was he truly happy with this lifestyle he lived? Did he like leaving a girl heartbroken the next morning with no goodbye? Did it make him happy?
And yet, he never asked for her name or had a small conversation with her. After they finished, she simply cleaned herself up and left, acting like nothing had happened. Floyd acted like that too, it was easy to put on a facade. He brushed back his ruffled hair and looked at himself in the mirror. He liked what he saw on the outside, but what did he like on the inside?
He still thought about the girl who had served him, y/n, who was not like his other targets. Y/n rejected his advances and twisted his words, which even Talbert found entertaining. He didn’t know this girl very well, but he wanted to. Flirt with her and talk to her, heck-even have a drink with her.
His hyperixation with Y/n wasn’t going to be ending anytime soon.
So Floyd did what he did best-he kept coming back to the Pub. He would come with the men from Easy Company, and sometimes on his own. There he’d find y/n, who’d roll her eyes as he’d walk over and make another “amazing” attempt at flirting. His comments weren’t very creepy, after all, he was a gentleman. You had seen him around the bar before, but never learned his name. You always saw him as the handsome player with a blonde or brunette on his arm. Sure, he had that classic boyish look every girl and guy wished or wanted, but under all that hair gel and his pristine uniform-was he doing it all for his own pleasure? Did he think of women as toys he could throw away the next day, just like had been before? So you did what you did best-keep your distance and roll your eyes at his remarks.
But everytime he walked in and the doorbell would ring, signifying his presence, your hand would grasp against the cloth you were holding to wash down the bar counter..
Floyd kept his promise and kept being persistent with winning your heart. He’d walk in and lean against the counter, saying your name like a sweet singsong. You’d serve him a drink, and he’d tell you about his day and occasionally flex his muscles. At first glance, Floyd seemed a boorish boy; the one who’d brag how he’d conquer multiple women like they were countries. You knew boorish men all too well, and didn’t need another one to increase your pessimistic view on romance.
While much has Floyd loved to boast about himself, he also loved to talk about you. He always complimented your outfits, asked about your day, and even scared off the creepy paratrooper’s who’d get too close for comfort. When Floyd would talk to you, he’d look directly into your eyes and respectfully listen. And he remembered the tiniest of details, such as your little daughter or your neighbor, an edlery women, who’d pester you about marriage and cooking.
“So, how’s Ms.Walsh?” He asked as you placed a Beer in front of him. He had a shit eating grin on his face, so you already knew where this was going. “Did you tell her about your new man?”
You shrugged your shoulders and played it off, “Much to your dismay, I did not. I’m still single.”
“Funny that you say that, y/n. Next time, tell her that you have a very handsome and strong Paratrooper with a dog. I think Trigger will like Poppy a lot.” Floyd boasted as he kept his eyes on you, leaned against the counter with your arms crossed. “Poppy will get used to Trigger, just like us.”
Every Time he’d throw a remark at you, you’d throw it back with a tint of sarcasm. You had learned how to play his game, but occasionally loosened up. Floyd wasn’t a bad guy at all, his ego was big, but he didn’t have any cruel intentions when it came to you. He treated you like a human, with feelings and emotions. He always asked about your day, how you were, made you feel better when you were sad, and did anything to make you happy. So you broke out of your ice a little and did what he did to you in return; show him kindness. You’d finally sit with him at the bar if it wasn’t busy and talked to him.
It was hard to deny, but as much as you hated it, you were falling in love with him. It was hard to resist him, his words were as smooth as silk. Whenever he’d see you, he’d call out your name and would make sure everybody knew you were his-or at least that’s what you thought. The girls you worked with in the bar tried to flirt with him, but much to your surprise, he would push them all away-just for you. All of his attention was focused on you, and only you.
You were beyond conflicted. Your head was telling you to simply be friendly and civil, but your heart was leading you to pursue this romance. You were torn between logic and emotion. One part of you loved him, one part of you hated him. You hated the way he made you feel, think, blush, and do things. Floyd was taking over your life, whether you liked it or not. Whatever you and Floyd had going on was no longer on thin ice. The two of you were deep in the water scuba diving, together.
The bar was busy at night, but tonight was different. It was less busy than usual and much quieter. The ambience was peaceful, soft souls playing in the background with the warm lights dimmed. Your manicured nails tapped at the counter as you observed the setting; some paratroopers drinking, a paratrooper cuddled with a fellow girl in town, and a waitress casually conversing with the costumors. Only a few more hours and you could finally return home with little Luna, nestled in your warm bed, alone and safe from the cruel world.
The little bell on top of the door had rang, alerting the whole bar of a new customer. You turned your head and bit your lip upon seeing the incoming danger. Great, your shift had just become a whole lot more entertaining.
Floyd was donning his new uniform, cap and gelled hair. He strutted across the bar to you, knowing that he was handsome. He knew he was hot shit and wanted to make sure everybody knew. He came up right to the bar counter and leaned against up.
“Miss y/n…” He greeted in his boyish voice, looking up and down at your figure as he usually did. He stopped at your face. You never wore makeup, and if you did, it was barely noticeable to the naked eye. However, Floyd noticed you looked different tonight. You had a bright shade of red on your lips, a light rogue pressed onto your cheeks, and a soft eyeshadow to match your (y/e/c) eyes. It was soft, just like Floyd perceived you as. “Are you wearing makeup?”
You nodded and looked down, feeling your heart skip a beat. You tried to snap back at him, but your body forced you to look and not embarrass yourself. “Yes. I suppose I try something new, to make myself look somewhat put together.”
Floyd looked puzzled at your response, “Put together? You always look gorgeous, I don’t know what you mean.”
Keeping your gaze down, you were finding it difficult to be around him. The room got darker and you felt a cold sweat overcome your body. You weren’t asking for his sympathy. Of course he saw this and found another way to flirt with you. You refused to give him the satisfaction he wanted, even though you did enjoy his kind words. You shook your head, “You don’t have to lie, Floyd.”
“I never lie. Look at me, y/n,” Floyd stated as his fingers tipped your chin up. His grasp was as light as a feather. The two of you made eye contact with each other. His fingers rested on your chin for longer than you both expected. His long fingers slided away as he caught a glimpse of your face so close, noticing all the little features about you. “You’re beautiful, without all of this and with this. I don’t know if you could deny it. If a man doesn’t find a dame like you gorgeous, then they must need glasses.”
You looked at him and back down, scrambling to find your words. Romance was something that you hated. It should have made you feel happy and left you with a good relantishop, but instead you were left with broken hearts and scared. As much as you wanted to love and be loved, it was hard to. You were scared of getting hurt again but Floyd Talbert made you reconsider. And your mind was stubborn. You didn’t want to reconsider, all you wanted to do was stay in your old ways and be alone. But how long were the two of you going to play this game of cat and mouse? How long could it go on?
Every time Floyd tried to leave you, he always ended up back at your door, hoping you’ll finally open up to him; by either literally opening her door or letting him into her heart. Floyd’s way’s, the small and big things, illustrated his dedication to winning your heart. Floyd was willing to drive for miles to end  up with you, and he wished you would appreciate his effort.
“Well, I guess you need glasses then,” You smirked and turned around to fix Floyd a beer, his favorite drink. He always liked the glass to be half way since he wasn’t a real drinker, he was more of a social one. You had picked up on that after befriending him. But was he a friend? Someone who you were in love with? What was he to you, and what were you to him?
Placing the beer in front of him, you attempted to walk away, but Floyd even knew you weren’t getting away that easy.
“Sit with me,” He requested, patting the empty barstool next to him. You opened your mouth to protest, but he already beat you to it, “Nobody’s here. Just one drink, and I’ll leave you be.”
Rolling your eyes, you walked over and towards Talbert to sit across from him. Instead of patting the barstool, he was now patting his lap with a look of lust and humor. Knowing that he was teasing you, you chuckled and sat on the barstool.
“Okay, you have me now.” You said as you put your hands up, ‘Why do you want me here?”
“I wanna know the pretty dame behind all of the makeup,” Floyd responded as he pulled on his lower lip, “Tell me about you. Home, your cat, everything.”
“One minute you want to marry me, the next you want to know my life story…” You replied as you also leaned onto the counter, “If you want to know so badly, then you go first. Tell me your life story.”
And so Floyd Talbert did. He told every little detail he could about himself from his family, Kokomo, his love for fishing, his four brothers-basically, his whole life story. Floyd had no problem openly sharing his problems with the world, especially you. He was fine telling you about his dad not being present, working odd jobs in high school, not attending college-he was ok with it. He accepted and loved himself, as you could clearly see. You on the other hand couldn’t understand how open he could be with himself, in relationships and in general.
The hard front of Floyd’s boot gently kicked your heel, his toe caressing against your bare ankle. A chill was sent up your spine as you looked up at him, straightening his back.
“You seemed so interested that you started drooling,” He commented, a smirk on his face.
You gave him a puzzled expression before you could notice the sticky sensation at the corner of your lip. Groaning in embarrassment, you looked for a napkin to wipe the drool from. Before you could find a napkin, Floyd had grabbed a handkerchief from his breast pocket and grabbed your chin gently, wiping the side of your mouth. He held you like you were made of glass, easily broken by a little infraction, which was partially true.
Once Floyd removed his fingers, he handed you the handkerchief. “Here, for you.’ He slicked his honey hair back, “Some ladies would kill for that.”
Hearing the comment, you rolled your eyes and shoved it into your apron. “Hardy Har Har, thank you.”
“Ok, enough about me. What about you?” Floyd said as he scooted his chair towards you, resting his arms on the counter with his chin gliding against his palm. “I’d like to know more about my dame.”
You looked at him and back down, biting your lip. A sarcastic comeback crossed your mind, but somehow you couldn’t spit out the words. The possessive word made you freeze in place as your grasp tightened around your drink. Nobody had called you in years.
“I’m no one’s,” You stated, taking a long sip of your drink, “I’m boring. I grew up in Albourne, always have been here. I have a daughter, I like to read, smoke, I-”
“I know that, but I want to know what’s in here.” Floyd pointed a finger at your head and heart. It was sweet, and even adorable. As much as you wanted to give into his warmth, the ice that surrounded your heart began to freeze.
“Come on, darling. Don’t play so hard to get, I know it’s not easy. Just loosen up a little for once. I can tell you that I’m stubborn, just like you. I like a challenge, and I always win,” Floyd cockily stated, which only pushed your buttons. The closer he scooted his chair towards you, the more you felt like screaming at the top of your lungs. “Stop being so scared and jus-”
“My goddess gracious, shut up!” You exclaimed loudly, burying your hands in your face. Floyd, respecting your wishes, shut up and was left speechless, his face contorted. What had he done wrong? He hadn’t touched you at all.
“You know, I’ve been with guys just like you. Total flirts, sleep with whoever they want and do whatever they want. They don’t care, just as long as it doesn’t affect them. God forbid If a woman does that, she’s considered a whore,” You ranted, “Guys like you are bad news. You treat us like objects that you can use and then throw out the next day. I know this game-you don’t care about me or my feelings at all, do you?” You looked away from him, holding back years, “After all, you said you wanted honesty, so there.”
Floyd was shocked at your sudden rant. He considered you sweet and quiet. This was the most he had ever heard come out of your mouth. Normally, he wouldn’t be moved by these things since they never occurred. This was his longest “flirting avvenire” he had experienced in years. His heart broke at your words. Being ashamed of himself, he attempted to fix what had been broken.
“Y/n, that’s not what you think. I know I’m like that, and it’s no excuse. But you’re…” Floyd stopped and let out an exhale with a red face, “different. When I first looked at you, I thought I died. I haven’t talked to any other dame since-you’re the only one that matters. I think about you whenever I’m not with you. Y/n, I think I lo-”
You let out a dry laugh, “Yeah. You may talk to me, make me laugh and say the sweetest things...but how many other girls are you doing that to? How many other girls have you shamed for being your property? How many girls have you slapped for looking at another man for less than a second? How many other girls have you forced yourself on and left them with a child you never wanted? Tell me, I’d love to hear.”
Floyd listened to your words carefully, analyzing them. The thought processed on his head, and instead of looking offended, his face softened. He looked sad and pained. Even though you had said a little, Floyd could piece together your past. He felt like an idiot for not knowing. No wonder you were cold and distant. From what it seemed, you had been not only physically abused, but touched without your consent and forced to take care of a child you didn’t want. Floyd felt terrible for you. It was no longer a game anymore, it was serious.
“Y/n...I’m sorry. I never knew. I feel like an idiot for not knowing. I’m not like that. I’d never do something like that I-”
“You sound just like him. All of you are the same. You put on a fake little smile and say sweet little things,” You ranted as you pushed yourself out of the chair to walk out. Floyd cursed under his breath and followed you right out, “Then bomb, under your control.”
Slamming the door open, your feet angrily stomp through the mud. You don’t care if you're sinking. You don’t know where you're going, but you want to be as far away from Floyd as possible.
You turned around and pointed a blaming finger at his chest, “Don’t interrupt me. You're so damn manipulative. From the minute you sat down, I could see that you wanted me in your bed. My biggest mistake wasn’t falling for you, it was thinking you had fallen for me.”
Floyd didn’t say anything and watched you turn over and run a hand through your neatly done up hair and makeup, which both became unruly.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. Floyd walked over and grabbed your hands in an attempt to win you back, “I know it’s cheesy, but you're changing me. I tried to move on, but I can’t. Just let me help you. I can be whatever for you. A friend, a lover, anything. I had no idea what you had gone through. Can you let me inside so I can help you?” He was serious, this was no joke to him or you, “Let’s stop this game of cat and mouse. Honesty is number one here.”
You threw his hands away and began to back away, black tears streaming from your caked face. The nice outfit, soft hair, and pretty dress all for him. It was blind ignorance. How dumb you felt and looked.
“Goodbye, Floyd.” Is all you said before you hastily turned around and left him alone. You could imagine his gorgeous face, all heartbroken. Deep inside, you hated doing this. Breaking hearts, just like Floyd did.
But you and Floyd were different. He was the archer and you were the prey in the big scheme of things. In your world, to prevent history from repeating itself, it is better to be safe than sorry.
You always left your door unlocked. Albourne was home, you had  never left in. You knew your neighbors well enough. They liked you and your bubbly little daughter enough. Whenever you’d come home from work, she would run up to your feet and smile at you. Her smile would remind you of the man that shattered your heart, but there was something special about Poppy. She was not his, but yours, the light in that dark relationship. You made sure she was loved every single day and put her happiness over yours.
Another girl had taken your shift for the night, which made you relieved. You had a whole day to yourself, and Poppy. It was an indoors day due to the heavy rain. You accomplished from cleaning with the help of Poppy, some reading, and a game of princess and dragons. You were the dragon and Poppy played the role of the princess, and her stuffed animal the prince. The way she played the prince triggered the thoughts of Floyd.
After cleaning up, Floyd would infect your mind like a parasite. After you had bid him goodbye, you hadn’t seen him since. You had seen his friends at the bar and around town, but not him. Why did you miss him? You made it clear that you wanted nothing to do with him. You couldn’t stand being hurt again, even if a part of you, just a tiny one, considered feelings.
When Poppy had drifted off into a nap, you decided to go check out the rain. The garden you had built outside was weighed down by the heavy amount of train. You slowly walked into the rain as you felt your hair stick to your face and the clothes on your body become all moist. It was like taking a shower, it was beautiful. Closing your eyes, you tilted your head up and let the rain pour down your face and body.
The rain suddenly stopped falling into your mouth and clothes. Confused, you had thought it stopped raining. You opened your eyes and instead of a gray sky, you were met with the black top of an umbrella, being held by none other than Floyd Talbert.
“What are you doing in the rain?” He asked casually as he put a hand on your waist, walking with you to the cover of your house. He was drenched too, but you were soaking wet. “You’re gonna get sick.”
You blinked a few times to make sure what you were seeing and hearing was real. You stuttered and pointed at you, “Floyd...oh...I...how did you..?”
“Waitresses at The Pub. I got worried, I didn’t see you at the pub.” He explained not to sound stalkerish, “I looked everywhere for you because I needed to talk to you. Please, I know you hate me, but before I go, I might not come back. I rather tell you then die with it.”
You had forgotten there was a war that Floyd was a part of. He would soon be shipped off to Europe and be gone for forever or an indefinite amount of time. His hazel orb’s begged for your attention, and you were finding it hard to resist.
“Since you’re here...I suppose it’s only fair.” You accepted, “Go on.”
“I was thinking about what you told me, and it made me think too. I used to not do it a lot, until I met you,” He admitted, “Y/n, I know it’s crazy, but I could’ve sworn I died when I first looked at you. My heart stopped and I didn’t know what to say when you came over to me. You were sweet, quiet, and drop dead gorgeous. No other dame mattered to me, only you did. When I was with you, I only thought about you and what you wanted to do. You’re in my dreams and thoughts when I’m not with you. I think about you a lot, and...I love you, angel, as crazy as I sound.”
“I know what you’ve gone through and I’m sorry. But, I want to help you. I want to make you feel beautiful and loved. You know I’m there for you in whatever way you want, as a friend or a lover. I’m always a door away, and you know that y/n. But I love you more than anything in the world, and I want to show that to you in whatever way I can.”
You didn’t know what had triggered the kiss. Maybe it was Floyd’s speech, the hand on the small of your back, or his wet uniform. You didn’t respond with words and leaned in. Floyd didn’t protest and dived right into the kiss, his hands wrapped around your waist and back for support. The girls at your job were right, he was the best kieer you had ever met. He was gentle with you, his plump lips felt like heaven on your lips. It was a genius and heartfelt kiss. He could taste your lipstick and you could taste his cologne after the two of you had far gone.
There the two of you stood, wrapped in each other's arms as the rain poured down onto you.
You looked up and grabbed Floyd’s hand, nudging your head. “I’ll get you some warm clothes. I can make you a drink, if you please. Tea, coffee, anything.”
Floyd walked right beside you and pulled you in close for warmth. He planted a kiss on your wet hair, “You?” You looked at him with that motherly glare, which earned you a giggle. “You did say anything I wanted.”
“Well, I guess I did,” You raised your eyebrows and smiled. You leaned into his shoulder as you walked back into your little cottage, Floyd holding you close to his side.
You ended up serving him Tea. Poppy had woken up from her nap and followed Floyd around like a dog, believing that her wish of a father had come true. Floyd was intent on making Poppy’s dreams come true. Poppy would rave about the stories she wrote as you sat on Floyd’s lap, a blanket sprawled on your lap. His hand would play with the ends of your loose hair as you leaned in his chest, a soft smile on your face.
You had made dinner for three instead of two that night. As you cleaned the dishes, Floyd had read Poppy a story and sent her to sleep. He promised her that the next time he came over that she would get to meet Trigger and walk him. After Poppy had fallen asleep, Floyd came back to the kitchen and carried you to your room. The two of you got rid of your dirty clothes and left them sprawled on the ground, jumping into the bath with each other. He made sure that you were pampered that night as he washed your body and hair, massaged your back, planted kisses on your body, complimented you every other second, and did thousands of little things that would make a girl go head over heels. He took you to your bed and wrapped you in warm blankets and even made you a cup of tea. He knew he was going to get in trouble, but he stayed behind with you and cuddled with you until you fell asleep for “warmth”. It was cliche, but you absolutely loved it. Floyd’s radiance and warmth had melted away that icy barrier.
And with that, Floyd truly made you feel loved once again.
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nighting-gale17 · 5 years
I was wondering if you'd be interested in a prompt I've been thinking about. (So buck isn't a firefighter never was, but eddie is and he gets excepted to 118 at the same time he does in the show. And over little conversions the firefam has with eddie they release that he is married to a guy named buck and has a disabled kid). Bonus points for British buck because I live like two blocks away from were oliver stark grow up, my older sister went to school with him
Thanks for this prompt! It was really cute and tbh I had a lot of fun writing it! So basically, in this fic buck never joined the 118 and tommy is still on the team. Hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to send me more prompts you guys :) I love writing these
5 times eddie mentioned buck and 1 time the team met him in person
The first time Eddie mentioned his husband was when he first met the team and Chimney caught a glimpse of the black band with a red line on his left hand. 
“Hey, man, you married?” Chimney had asked, a curious look on his face.
Hen watched as a lovestruck smile spread across Eddie’s face and he nodded, voice proud as he responded, “Yeah. Going on seven years, now.” 
“Wow. Pretty impressive.” Tommy let out a low whistle. “You’ll have to bring her around some time, man.”
“Uh, him. Actually.” Eddie corrected, a nervous yet defensive tone to his voice.
Hen felt a grin spread over her face as she clapped him on the shoulder. “Even better, then. My wife would love to meet the two of you.”
At that, Eddie’s entire stance visibly relaxed and his smile turned genuine. “He’d probably like that.” He perked up even more when Tommy asked if he had any pictures and wasted no time in whipping out his phone and fondly showing off a few pictures of their happy little family.
The second time Eddie mentioned his husband was when the earthquake hit. Hen had already gotten ahold of her wife and been reassured both her and Denny were safe in the house, just a little shaken up. Eddie had been staring at his phone while they sat in the ladder truck, eyebrows furrowed together in worry.
“Everything okay?” Hen asked, shouting to be heard above the roar of the engine and the sirens blaring through the air.
“Yeah.” Eddie glanced up briefly before staring back down at his phone. “Just trying to get through to my husband.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.” Hen reassured him. “The phone lines are probably just too busy for anyone to get through them.”
He gave her a small smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Where’s he supposed to be?” she asked, because some buildings in LA are more earthquake-resistant than others.
“At school with our son,” he said after a minute, his smile softening a little. “He’s a special education elementary school teacher.”
“The school buildings here in LA are the safest place your family could be,” Hen promised as the ladder truck came to an abrupt stop outside of a high-rise. “They remodeled all of them a couple years back. They’re practically indestructible.”
“Thanks, Hen.” Eddie gave her a small smile, looking a little less tense than he had moments before.
“Anytime, Eddie. You’re part of the team, now.” she gave him a cheeky grin before she hopped out of the truck to survey the damage done by the earthquake.
“Hey, Bobby, can I talk to you for a second?”
Bobby glanced up to see Eddie standing on the other side of the counter, looking a little nervous. “Sure kid,” he put the bowl of meat he had been working on for dinner to the side and wiped his hands off in the sink. “What do you need?”
“I know I’ve only been working here for a few months,” Eddie began, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I was wondering if I could take a few days off in a couple weeks.”
“Is everything okay?” Bobby asked with a small frown. It was a little unusual for Eddie to make this request—he hadn’t taken a single sick day since he started, much less ask for a day off.
“Yeah, no, everything’s great.” He smiled a little sheepishly. “It’s my husband and mine’s wedding anniversary coming up and I wanted to take him someplace special for the weekend. If you can’t give me the time off, I understand,” Eddie rushed to continue, that nervous look reappearing in his eyes. “I know I haven’t exactly been here long enough to—”
Bobby raised his hand, cutting Eddie off in the middle of his ramble. “Take the time off, Eddie,” he replied with a fond smile. His heart ached for a minute when he thought about his own wedding anniversary—how excited he always was to spend the day with his wife every year.
Eddie breathed a sigh of relief and gave Bobby a bright grin. “Thanks, Bobby. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.” Bobby’s smile turned mischievous. “You can thank me by helping me get the rest of dinner ready for the crew.”
“Yes, sir.” Eddie laughed, rolling up the sleeves of his uniform and joining Bobby behind the kitchen counter.
“So, Hen, you and Karen are going to be— what?” Tommy asked one day, tossing a bite of popcorn into his mouth and grinning proudly when he caught it.
“We’re going to be Sally and Jack Skellington.” Hen informed them, a small smile on her face. “Denny is going to be the skelly-dog, Zero.”
“Chim and I are going baseball players.” 
Chimney felt his cheeks flush hotly at the thought of the costumes Tommy had shown him the other day. He was never going to hear the end of it after the part, but, fuck, he had to admit they both looked hot in them.
“What about you, Eddie?” Tommy asked, craning his neck back to peer at Eddie sitting in the reading chair to his left. “What are you and your boo dressing up as?”
“Well, Christopher has been on a Pirates of the Caribbean kick recently,” Eddie admitted, a small smile on his face. “So we’re going as pirates. Buck is, as usual, going all out with this. He started seeing the costumes almost two months ago.”
“He’s sewing them?” Chimney asked curiously, a little impressed.
“Yeah.” Eddie’s gaze softened as he spoke. “He volunteers on the weekend at the children’s hospital to dress up as superheroes to cheer them up. He makes all his own costumes because he insists it’s cheaper for him to make them himself then buy it on the internet.”
Chimney let out a low whistle. “Damn, Eddie. Did you marry a Disney prince or something?”
Eddie let out a groan at that, a smile pulling at his lips. “Don’t say that around him—he’ll start getting ideas.”
Tommy loves Thanksgiving.
He loved other holidays as well (Christmas held a particularly special place in his heart) but at Thanksgiving, there was so much food. 
“I’m telling you, man, stuffing is one of the best dishes.” Tommy insisted, twisting and turning to look at Chimney for back up.
“It’s good.” His boyfriend acknowledged though it lacked enthusiasm. “My favorite is the turkey, though.” he shot Tommy an apologetic look.
“That reminds me,” Bobby cut in before Tommy could reply. “You’re all invited to our home for Thanksgiving this year. Athena insisted and it would be nice to be with everyone outside of work.”
“Yes!” Tommy replied immediately. “We’ll be there. Athena makes the best stuffing…” he sighed, his mouth-watering slightly just at the thought of the sergeant’s cooking.
“You can count us in too, Cap.” Hen answered with a small smile.
“What about you, Eddie?” Bobby asked, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel as he finished washing up the dishes.
“I would love to, Bobby, but Buck and I are hosting my family for Thanksgiving,” he said apologetically. “Buck tends to go a little overboard on holidays. He didn’t have the best childhood growing up so holidays are always a little extravagant at our house.”
“How extravagant?” Chimney asked curiously, his curiosity only growing when Eddie’s smile turned sheepish and he ducked his head.
“Well, I have a lot of family, so we usually have to end up cooking at least two turkeys, not to mention the side dishes. My abuela usually comes over to help but Buck refuses to let me into the kitchen.” he rolled his eyes fondly. “He practically takes over our kitchen for the entire day.”
“Remind me to send you my mashed potatoes recipe,” Bobby told Eddie, a small smile on his face. “I guarantee it’ll make his life a lot easier if he follows that.”
“Thanks, Cap!” Eddie shared his smile. “Mashed potatoes are his favorite so I think he’ll enjoy it.”
“Okay, but, onto the more important question.” Tommy broke in, face serious. “Does he make stuffing?”
The first time Hen actually got to meet Eddie’s husband, Evan, or Buck, as they’ve been told he prefers to be called, it was at the annual Christmas party in the station. She’d been chatting with Karen about what color to paint the nursery when she spotted Eddie walking up the stairs with an, admittedly gorgeous, man at his side with an eye-catching birthmark on his left eye and a young boy on his shoulders.
“Eddie!” Hen greeted, smiling as he walked towards them in the kitchen and placed a casserole dish on the counter.
“Hey Hen, Karen.” He smiled, leaning forward and hugging Hen’s wife and placing a friendly kiss on her cheek. “You look radiant.”
Oh no, Hen thought to herself, watching as Karen blinked back tears and hugged Eddie tightly before she let him go. She was extremely emotional from the pregnancy and any time someone complimented her while she was pregnant she just about started bawling. It was as endearing as it was embarrassing.
“This is my husband, Evan, and our son, Christopher.” Eddie introduced them, a proud look in his eyes and a fond smile on his face.
“Hello. It’s lovely to finally meet you both.” Buck said, a friendly smile on his face.
Oh. OH.
If Hen wasn’t so gay she might’ve swooned.
“You’re British?” Karen asked, a note of surprise in her voice.
Buck’s smile turned shy. “I grew up in London—that’s where I met Eddie, when he was overseas during his first deployment.” he turned and looked at Eddie with a lovesick expression on his face. “We kept in touch and started dating when he was on his second deployment. Then I moved here to LA with him.”
“That’s so romantic.” Karen sniffled, leaning her head against Hen’s shoulder.
“Papa, cookies!” Christopher tapped on the side of Buck’s face, pointing to the decorated sugar cookies laying out on the table.
“Yeah, I see them, buddy.” Buck laughed, reaching up to grab Christopher and set him on the ground. “But you can’t have any cookies until after dinner, remember?” he crouched down and stage whispered into his ear, glancing up at Eddie. “But you and I can split one when your dad isn’t looking.”
Christopher nodded, giggling into his hand before Buck led them away, exaggeratedly checking to see if Eddie was looking before nabbing a cookie off the counter and scurrying away towards the couches where the rest of the team was gathered.
“He’s cute,” Hen told Eddie. “Like a puppy.”
Eddie’s reply was lovesick. “Yeah, he is, isn’t he?”
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fadinglight123 · 4 years
read on ao3 
So. This took way longer than I expected and also got way longer than I planned. Also, thanks to @aromantic-mandalorian​, I’m eventually going to revisit this and write a whole AU based around it. Written for @painkiller80​‘s Fives Week. Sorry it’s so late!  ---------------------------------------
Day 3- Unrequited Fives really wished his brothers would stop laughing at him. He wished they’d do a lot of things honestly. Like quit staring. And tell him why they’d been staring and laughing so much. And maybe help him get these civilians settled. But he’d settle for them not laughing at him anymore. It was one thing for Echo to be laughing at him. His twin was kind of weird sometimes, and Fives was accustomed to ignoring him when he was clearly having fun at Fives’s expense. But more and more of them had been watching him and trying to hide laughter. And they weren’t being sneaky about it. He’d even caught Rex watching him with a smirk on his face. For the moment, he was trying to keep his head down and do his job while ignoring the eyes following him (looking at you, Jesse and Echo). The 501st had spent the last 3 months attempting to retake the planet of Akiva with help from the locals. It had been a long, hard campaign and they were finally starting to see results. The 501st had recently liberated a major settlement from Separatist control. They had a few days before they would need to begin the march to their next mission and meet up with the 212th. The local Akivans had graciously offered to host the clones as thanks for their assistance, with some homes opening their doors to take in the wounded and give them proper beds. Echo, Fives, Jesse, and a few other members of Torrent were assigned to work with one of the leaders of the local resistance as they began the process of working through the aftermath of the battle. They were supposed to be helping to repair some of the damage to the existing structures and setting up temporary quarters for everyone not being put up by the locals. Instead, Fives was doing most of the heavy lifting while his di’kut brothers watched and laughed and pretended to be productive. “A little help would be appreciated,” he snarled under his breath as he dragged yet another piece of lumber by Jesse and Echo, trailing behind the local- a human woman. Echo only snickered, and Jesse gave Fives a shit-eating grin. “And get in your way? We would never!” “What does that even mean?! Sharal shebse,” he bit out, gritting his teeth as he heard them continue to cackle behind him. He turned and found the local- she’d given her name, what was it...Lorten? Raya Lorten? Something like that...- already watching him, a strange look in her eyes. Fives blinked in surprise. She quirked an eyebrow at him, looking vaguely amused as she nodded at his brothers. 
“Your brothers not the helpful sort?” Fives frowned, shooting an annoyed look over his shoulder. They were supposed to be representing Torrent while Rex and the General strategies! “They’re normally plenty helpful. And more willing to pitch in to get the job done. I’m not entirely sure what’s gotten into them. Sorry about that, ma’am.” He offered her an apologetic smile. Hopefully, they wouldn’t think too badly of them just because a few of his brothers had decided to be a bunch of lazy dikut’e. “Call me Raina, Sergeant,” she said with a smile. “And don’t worry about them, you’ve all certainly earned a break. We owe you for helping us retake our home.”
“Just doing our job, ma’am. And there’s still work to be done if we’re going to finish these repairs by nightfall.” 
Lorten huffed, slumping. “There’re always repairs to be done around here.” She seemed to rally herself, smiling again, flipping her long ponytail over her shoulder. “We’ve got a solid amount of work done...Fives, right?” He nodded. “We got a solid amount of work done, Fives. All that’s left is getting enough places set up that you and your brothers aren’t camping outside.” 
“At this rate, they’d deserve it,” Fives laughed. “Seeing as they’re sitting around instead of helping out. But I’d prefer a roof over as many heads as possible.” 
Lorten threw her head back, laughing. “Can’t say I blame you. It’s very sweet how much you care for your brothers.” She looked almost bashful now. 
“Someone’s gotta be the responsible one! Usually, it’s Echo, but if he’s gonna goof off, I guess it’s gotta be me.” 
“Oh, come on-” Both Fives and Lorten turned as they heard an indignant shout from behind them. Fives furrowed his brows in confusion as he saw Echo slapping a hand over Jesse’s mouth, rolling his eyes. His twin only shook his head at Fives confused look before leaning in to whisper something to the other trooper. He turned back around and found Lorten still looking at him, an expression he couldn’t quite read on her face.
“...Right.” She paused for a moment, almost seeming to size Fives up as she looked at him before her expression cleared. “Would you like some help setting up your encampment? We could go gather some more lumber together. I’m sure it’ll go faster with the two of us!” 
“No need.” Fives shook his head with a smile. “The boys and I have already got all we need. Now we just have to assemble it.” 
“Oh...” she slumped a little, before straightening. “Well. Let’s get on that, then!” For some reason, Lorten looked...disappointed by that response. Fives couldn’t understand why. The trees here were extremely hardy. Chopping them down and turning the wood into a usable form hadn’t been a fun job. 
“By all the little gods…” That was definitely Echo’s voice, sounding exasperated. He looked over his shoulder and saw his twin face-palming and Jesse staring at him, a look of frustration on his face. 
Fives frowned and started to walk over to ask what was wrong, but Lorten called out to him. 
“You coming?” 
Fives frowned, but Jesse waved him off and Echo had turned to apparently actually try and get some work done. So he decided to leave them to it and follow her. 
------------------ For the rest of the day, Lorten followed Fives around, helping him set up accommodations for the rest of the troops, offering him water, some food, encouraging him to take breaks. At one point, when Fives had removed his armor and was just in blacks in order to make maneuvering around easier, she offered to take the top and wash it for him. That one had actually caught him off-guard enough to make him almost trip off the roof he’d been working on. She’d looked almost frustrated when he’d turned her offer down. 
It was a little strange, but it was nice having a civilian being friendly for a change. Most tended to act like he and his brothers were invisible. Even if being at the center of her attention was kind of strange, it was nice to feel that the work he and the other vod’e had done was appreciated. 
Echo and Jesse, who had finally decided to actually contribute and had been working alongside him, had just sighed and shook their heads. All of Fives’s attempts to pester answers out of them were met with exasperated looks of amusement nearly identical to Rex’s and them telling him not to worry about it. 
------------------- It was a long day of work, but they managed to get everything done before night officially fell. Fives was sitting with a group of his in the temporary barracks they’d assembled, a mix between a tent and a lean-to, laughing and joking around as they shared rations and relaxed.
“Well, this looks cozy!” 
A sudden hush fell over the group as Fives turned and found Lorten smiling at him. He returned it easily. 
“Just winding down for the day before we get some rest.” He waved invitingly for her to join them, shooting a confused look around at his suddenly quiet brothers. Conversations slowly started back up, quieter than before. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched.
“Seems like a good way to end the day.” 
They made polite conversation for a few minutes, before she looked around, frowning contemplatively. 
“Are you all going to be sleeping in here?” she asked. Fives blinked at the sudden subject change. 
“Well, yeah.” 
“It’s so crowded, though!” 
“We’re all pretty used to it. You should see some of the quarters on Kamino!” 
She bit her lip, looking around, before meeting his eyes. “Would you like to spend the night at my home? I’ve got the room, and it’s more private,” she offered, hesitantly. Fives blinked in surprise. He smiled, appreciating the offer, even if he wouldn’t be accepting it. 
“That’s alright, I’m not really used to sleeping alone without anyone else around anyway.” 
There was the sound of cursing behind Fives, but he ignored it; someone must have lost pretty badly in the sabaac game. 
Lorten bit her lip, hesitating, before smiling at him. “Well, we could always share the bed. You certainly wouldn’t be sleeping alone.” 
That drew Fives up a little short. 
“I appreciate the offer, ma’am, but I’d hate to impose on you like that. I should probably stay here with the rest of my brothers, anyway.” 
Lorten stared at him for a long moment, before sighing and slumping a little. “Right,” she muttered, standing up and departing without another word with a frustrated expression on her face. He watched her go, confused.
Fives noticed how silence had fallen all around him. He turned and found all his brothers staring at him judgmentally. Rex was shaking his head and smiling a little.
“What?” Fives demanded. “You’ve been weird all day!” He pointed accusingly at Echo and Jesse. “Seriously, what’s going on? Why are you all staring at me?” 
“Fives,” Echo started, sounding incredibly done, “Lorten has been flirting with you.” 
He blinked. What?
There was a sudden uproar. Several of his other brothers were suddenly complaining and groaning in Echo’s direction. 
“C’mon, Echo!” one of the younger troopers, Fives thinks his name is Knot, piped up. 
“He wasn’t getting it! And it’s not like anyone was winning the bet anyway!” Echo shot back. 
Fives finally managed to get his brain working enough to respond. 
Jesse just laughed, the sheb. “Yeah, vod, she hasn’t even been subtle. You just...didn’t pick up on it. At all.” 
“What- No! She wasn’t-”
“Ray’ika-” And oh, little gods, Rex was breaking out the nickname, this was bad- “she just invited you to share her bed.” 
Fives looked around at his brother’s faces, desperately searching for some sign they were joking. He couldn’t find any; they all were looking at him with something approaching pity now. 
“But- but I don’t want to do- that with anyone!” He wailed, burying his face in his hands. There were some scattered chuckles and grumbles. Fives startled when someone slapped a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see Echo smiling at him. His face had a mix of sympathy and amusement on it. 
“We know, vod. She probably doesn’t though.” 
"Why does this always happen to me?" Fives would never admit that he was whining. His twin laughed, ruffling his hair as best he could. 
"Who knows? You seem to have a certain amount of charm."
“You might want to sort that out, quick,” Rex recommended. “Or you’ll be in for an awkward week.” 
Fives stood up, groaning and grumbling as he tried to get his thoughts in order before going off to find Lorten. 
----------------- He found her after a few minutes running through the rows of temporary barracks and repaired buildings. 
“Wait!” He called out. She turned, looking surprised to see him. He jogged up to her, taking a second to catch his breath and think of what exactly to say. 
“Changed your mind?” she asked, and there was something almost like hope in her voice. Fives winced. Kark. 
“Uh- not exactly. Just…” He straightened and looked her in the eye. “It was...brought to my attention that you were, uh. Flirting. With me.” He tried not to cringe at himself, grateful none of his brothers were around to witness this. Smooth.
Lorten blinked. “...Yes?”
“Right. The thing is...I’m flattered. Really I am! I’m just- not exactly. Uh…” He buried his face in his hands with a groan. “Kriff!” 
“Fives? Are you alright?” she asked carefully, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
“I’m not interested in sex,” he blurted out. Well, that works. “Or...dating. With anyone. It’s just...not my thing? Sorry…” He hesitantly looked up to meet her eyes again.
Lorten stared at him for a long moment before she burst into giggles. 
“I thought you were just...really polite! Or were just really oblivious!” she said after a minute. “Oh Force, I’m so sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable!” 
“No, no!” Fives replied, quickly. “I, uh- I was pretty oblivious. Didn’t even realize it. Echo finally took pity on me and explained it.” He huffed out a laugh, shuffling his feet a little awkwardly. Would’ve been nice of you to fill me in a little sooner, Ey’ika. 
They laughed together for a moment, the tension broken. 
“Are- This is probably a stupid question, but are all of you ace?” 
Fives shook his head, smiling ruefully. “No, not all of us. You could hit on most of them and get a much more...enthusiastic response than me. Most of ‘em will realize you’re flirting, too.” They shared rueful grins. “We...we can be friends, instead,” he offered. “Most clones don’t really have too many of those. Besides other clones, I mean.” 
Lorten smiled at him. “I’d like that, Fives.” She paused, her smile turning a little teasing. “If we’re friends, will you actually call me by my name? You’ve been calling me ma’am all day, no matter what I did!” 
Fives laughed with her. “I was trying to be respectful!” he protested, grinning. “But yeah. I can do that...Raina?” She grinned and nodded, holding out a hand to him. 
“Friends, then?” Fives took it without hesitation. 
“Friends.” They shook hands solemnly. Raina grinned a little viciously. 
“Now. As your friend, would you like a little help getting back at your brothers for leaving you to flounder all day? I noticed them staring.” 
Fives blinked at her, an evil grin of his own curling up to match. 
“Now that is something I can get behind!” 
This would be the start of a beautiful friendship, indeed.
I hate writing flirting with a burning passion. I’m too ace for this shit. 
{Mando'a Translations}
di'kut- idiot sharal shebse- lazy assholes dikut'e- plural form of di'kut; idiots vod'e- plural form of vod, brothers vod- brother Ray'ika- diminutive form of rayshe'a, meaning five; used as an affectionate nickname for Fives Ey'ika- diminutive form of eyayah, meaning echo; used as an affectionate nickname for Echo
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jrob64 · 4 years
Devastation and Healing (Chapter 5)
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Sergeant Killian Jones has had more than his share of tragedy in his life. When he’s injured in an IED explosion, he’s assigned to a physical therapist named Emma Swan. While she tries to help him heal physically, can they help each other heal emotionally?
Rating: T
Part 6/?
Chapter Summary: Killian nears the end of his physical therapy sessions with Emma, Mary Margaret and David host a dinner with their friends. 
Thanks, as always, to the world’s best beta @hookedmom​ who is learning some typical Midwest language as we go, and to my good friends @kymbersmith-90​, @xsajx​, and @kmomof4​, who always give me wonderful feedback & support.  Thanks also to @nikkiemms​ for leaving such lovely comments both here & on Ao3. And a very special thanks to @captainsjedi​ for the perfect pic set she created. 
Catch up with the story on Tumblr here: prologue / chap. 1 / chap. 2 / chap. 3 / chap. 4
Also on  ao3  &  ffn
“May I ask you something, Swan?” 
“Ask away, Jones.”
“You don’t have to answer if you’d rather not. I don’t want to offend you.”
“I’m not sure I like the direction you’re going with this.”
Emma was happy that Killian seemed to be more relaxed and open with her these days. Their therapy sessions together were winding down, and she would much rather spend them having a conversation with him, than in uncomfortable silence. 
He shifted the ice pack on his arm. “How long, um...how long did you date Neal?”
Emma looked him in the eye to let him know that she was okay with the question. “We dated for about four weeks. We talked for three or four weeks prior to that when he came by to pick up his friend who I was treating.”
“You mean Jefferson?”
“Yeah, that’s the guy. He was rather….eccentric.”
Killian smiled weakly. “That’s a good word for him. He was so odd that at first, he had a hard time fitting into the unit, until Neal took him under his wing and helped him along. He was pretty much Jeff’s only close friend. He’s had a really hard time of it since all this happened. He is getting some counseling though.”
“I’m glad he’s getting the help he needs. I had a hard time picturing him being in the Army, to tell you the truth.”
“Aye. He works at it, but it’s just not a natural fit for him. I don’t know how he’ll do now that Neal is...now that Neal’s no longer here.” 
Emma could tell that he was being careful with his words so that he didn’t upset her. 
“Anyway, I had a lot of fun with Neal on our dates, but we didn’t have enough time together to form a really close relationship. I do miss him though.”
Killian nodded. 
Emma changed the subject. “I hear that you’re getting your prosthetic tomorrow, is that right?”
“Aye. I’m a bit anxious to see how I do with it.”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine. Ruby tells me that you’ve made a lot of progress in the brief time that she’s worked with you.”
“She’s been a big part of that. She has high expectations, but I’m glad that she pushes me. Between the two of you, I feel almost normal again - physically, at least.” He glanced up at the clock. “I’m sorry, Swan. I’ve gone into your lunchtime.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Killian. I’ll always make time to talk to you, but your driver is probably waiting.”
“I’m sure he is, so I guess I’d better be going.”
“I’ll finish your evaluations at the next session. Your time with me will be over after that, and I’ll sign the papers for your dismissal.”
Killian tried to hide his disappointment. “That’s good news. I’ll, um, see you in a couple of days then.”
He had one more day with his therapist, and he wasn’t looking forward to their sessions coming to an end at all. 
Emma went back into her office to eat a quick lunch, but she didn’t really have much of an appetite. She could lie to herself and say that she didn’t know why the thought of Killian’s therapy sessions coming to an end bothered her, but the truth was that she did know. She knew it every time she looked at the clock and saw that it was getting close to his appointment time. She knew it every time she saw him walk through the door. She knew it when she touched him to tie the exercise band to his arm, and to do his post-treatment massage. And she knew it when she saw him smile at her before he left at the end of each appointment. The butterflies in her stomach were there every time.  
Emma was attracted to Killian, and despite her denials, and against her better judgment, she could tell that she was developing feelings for him that went beyond their patient/therapist relationship. 
Now the question was, what was she going to do about it?
The next evening, Emma was in the Nolans’ kitchen with Mary Margaret, slicing the pork loin, when she heard the doorbell ring. Soon she heard David’s voice. “Hey Killian, come on in!”
Whipping around, Emma saw that Mary Margaret had fixed an innocent look on her face, as she concentrated on the task of putting the potatoes into a bowl more intently than was necessary. 
“Mary Margaret!” she whispered with a bit of panic in her voice. “Why is Killian here? You didn’t tell me that you invited him!”
“You heard us tell him that we would be having him over for dinner sometime. We’ve been so busy that I thought it would be more convenient to have you both over on the same night.”
If Emma hadn’t known her former roommate’s propensity for trying to make sure that everyone was as happily in love as she and her husband were, she might have bought her explanation. But she did know, and she didn’t buy it. 
“Does he know that I’m going to be here?” she demanded to know. 
“No, I...I didn’t have David tell him when he called to invite him,” Mary Margaret admitted. 
“You go out there right now and you tell him! I’m not gonna walk out there and make him uncomfortable because you’re trying to play matchmaker! He is my patient, you know!”
“Not for much longer,” Mary Margaret replied, in a sing-song voice. Emma glared at her. 
“Oh, Emma. I’m not trying to set the two of you up. It’s just that, well, as much as I love you, I’ve never had to deal with loss like you have, so it’s hard for me to know what to say to you sometimes. Unfortunately, you and Killian have that in common, and I thought it might be nice if you had a chance to talk outside the therapy room, that’s all.”
Emma still had a hard time believing her friend’s explanation, but she decided that, given the circumstances, she was better off just to accept it. 
“Fine,” she huffed, “but you still need to go out and give him a heads-up.”
“I will, but Emma, please don’t be angry. I want this to be a nice dinner with our friends.”
“I’m not angry, and I promise to be on my best behavior, as long as you don’t try to push anything.”
Mary Margaret nodded and headed toward the door that led out of the kitchen. 
“Killian!” she greeted their guest. “I’m so glad that you could make it tonight!”
“Thanks very much for inviting me,” he answered, producing a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. “I didn’t think it was appropriate to bring a pregnant lady a bottle of wine, so this is the best that I could do.”
“They’re just beautiful,” she smiled, accepting them and lifting them up to her nose. “Oh, I can smell the lilacs! I love Spring flowers, and these colors are some of my favorites. Thank you!”
Killian waved her appreciation away, blushing a bit. 
“I’m going to go find a vase to put these in so we can use them for a centerpiece. David, would you please help me and Emma carry everything to the table?” she asked, keeping one eye on Killian. 
He shot a look over toward the kitchen door, and then back to his hostess. “Emma’s here?”
“Yes. I’m sorry, I know I should have told you. If you’re not comfortable, please don’t feel like you have to stay.”
“No, no, it’s fine. As long as it’s okay with her.”
“To be honest, she didn’t know you were going to be here either. When she realized you were, she wanted me to tell you so that you wouldn’t be surprised like she was.”
David gave his wife an exasperated look, then turned to his friend. “We’ll just be a minute. Have a seat at the table, if you’d like,” he said, gesturing to the adjoining room. 
The pair headed into the kitchen, where they found a pacing Emma.
“Is he alright with me being here?” she asked.
“Yeah, he’s fine,” David answered. “I told you we should ask them before they both showed up here together,” he told his wife. 
Mary Margaret looked chagrined. “I know. I’ll remember that for next time.”
Emma wasn’t sure how she felt about the possibility of a next time, but she decided to let it slide and get on with their evening. She picked up the plate of pork and headed out the door while David helped Mary Margaret search for a vase. 
She found Killian in the small dining room, looking at the pictures on the walls. 
“Hi,” she greeted. 
He turned toward her and smiled. “Hello to you, Swan. Fancy meeting you here.”
“I know, right? Who would’ve ever guessed that Mary Margaret would invite us both to dinner on the same night?”
He chuckled at her sarcasm, then looked up as David and Mary Margaret came into the room. David was balancing the bowl of potatoes, one of gravy and another of cooked carrots, while his wife held the vase of flowers. They placed everything on the table, and invited their guests to sit down. Emma was relieved that her married friends sat together on one side of the table that was pushed up against the wall, so that she and Killian had the chairs on the ends, across from each other.
After saying the blessing, they passed the bowls of food around so everyone could serve themselves. 
Emma addressed Killian, “How did everything go with getting your prosthesis today?”
Killian swallowed his mouthful of food. “Good. After they put it on and made sure that it fit and was comfortable, Ruby worked with me for a couple of hours. She told me to take it off for the rest of the day so that I can get used to it gradually.  Otherwise, it might make my arm sore.” 
“I’m sure you’ll get used to it in no time,” Mary Margaret assured him. “I had a student last year who had a prosthetic leg....” She continued her story about the little girl and how she managed, while Emma watched Killian intently. He was trying to cut his serving of pork into pieces, but the fork he was using wasn’t accomplishing the task. The tips of his ears were turning red, and she could tell that he was embarrassed. 
“Mary Margaret,” she interjected. “I like to eat pork loin in a sandwich. Do you have any bread?” 
“Oh! Of course! I’ll be right back.” She gave her friend a puzzled look and pushed herself away from the table.
“That’s a good idea! I think I’d like some barbecue sauce on my sandwich as well. I’ll come with you,” David said, giving Emma a knowing look before joining his wife. 
Killian knew exactly what his therapist had done. “Thanks for that,” he muttered, with his cheeks still flaming. 
“You can ask for help if you need it, you know. Nobody is going to think any less of you.”
“I don’t like to be a bother.”
“I know. But we’re your friends, Killian. We really don’t mind.”
Despite his embarrassment, he looked up at her with a smile. It was the first time that she had referred to him as her friend, and he rather liked the sound of it. 
After the married couple returned, the dinner went on, as they moved from one topic of conversation to another. David talked about the increasing number of pet adoptions now that the weather was getting nicer, and Mary Margaret told stories of how restless her students were, due to the same reason. Emma shared the antics of her little dog, which had them all laughing. 
Then the conversation turned back to Killian.
 “I hear that you only have one more day of therapy left with Emma,” stated Mary Margaret.
“That’s right. She’ll probably be happy to be rid of me.”
“That’s not true! You’re one of my best patients.”
“I’m sure you say that to all of them.”
“She doesn’t say it to me!” David protested. 
“There’s a reason for that,” Emma said, trying and failing to keep the grin off her face. 
After throwing a scowl her way, David turned back to his friend. “How long is it going to take for your discharge to go through?” 
“A few weeks, it sounds like.”
“What do you have planned for when you get out?” Mary Margaret asked. 
Killian leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hand over his cheek while rubbing his thumb under his chin. “I really don’t know, but I’m trying to prepare a few things. I’ve been looking online to try to find a car to buy, so I at least have a way to get around. I’ve never bought one before, so I’m not sure what to look for.”
“Oh, David can help you with that! Ever since we found out we’re pregnant, he’s been looking for a more practical vehicle. He’s got all kinds of websites bookmarked.” 
“Yep! We can look at some of them after dessert, if you want to,” David offered.
“That would be great! I’m sort of out of my league, if you know what I mean.”
 “Where do you plan to live?” was Mary Margaret’s next question. 
“I, uh, I haven’t figured that out either. I don’t really want to sign a lease on an apartment when I don’t know what I’m going to do. I suppose I’ll stay in a hotel for a while, until I have a better idea.”
Emma looked thoughtful. She hated that he might have to be in a hotel all by himself for an undetermined amount of time. 
“If I remember right, you had an interest in mechanical engineering and product design, didn’t you?” David asked his friend. 
“I did, but I’m not sure that it’s something I can do now,” Killian said, raising his left arm slightly. 
“So much of design is done using computers now,” David said, “Maybe you could look into taking some online courses to see what interests you.”
“That’s an idea. I’ve always wondered if I should’ve tried going to college. I guess now I have a chance to do that.”
“Who’s up for dessert?” Mary Margaret asked, rising from her chair. 
Soon they were all stuffed with peach cobbler and ice cream. Killian pushed back from the table and rubbed his belly. 
“Mary Margaret, that is the most delicious meal I’ve had since...honestly, I can’t even remember when,” he complimented. 
“Thank you, Killian. It doesn’t have to be that long before your next home-cooked meal though. Will you please come join us again soon?”
“If you’ll have me, I’d love to.”
David got out of his chair and clapped him on the shoulder. “Absolutely we’ll have you! You’re always welcome here.” Killian smiled his appreciation at his friend. 
With all of them pitching in, they made quick work of clearing the table and taking care of the dishes. Then David and Killian headed to the computer in the corner of the living room to check out the car dealership websites, while Emma sat with Mary Margaret, looking through baby furniture catalogs. 
After a while, Killian glanced up at the clock. “Oh wow! I didn’t realize that it was nearly nine o’clock. I need to call my driver to come get me.” He stood up, as did everyone else. 
“I can…” David trailed off as he felt a sharp elbow jab to his rib cage. He looked over at his wife, who slightly inclined her head toward Emma. She didn’t need to say anything out loud for her husband to get the hint. 
“Um, you don’t have to call your driver, Killian. I can take you back to the base,” Emma told him. 
“I can’t ask you to do that, Swan. It would take you half-an-hour to drive me there and come back.” 
“You didn’t ask me to, I offered. It’ll take the driver a while to get here, and David probably needs to get to bed. It’s obvious that he needs his beauty sleep.”
“Oh, you’re hilarious,” David growled, as Mary Margaret covered her mouth to keep from laughing. 
Killian couldn’t hold in his laugh, but he sobered up when his friend shot him a look. He cleared his throat and turned to Emma. “If you’re sure….”
“I am,” she quickly assured him. “As long as you trust my driving...”
“And that rattletrap car that she owns,” David threw in.
“Hey! Don’t be talking trash about my bug!”
“Ah! So that’s your car out front,” Killian said. 
“Yes it is! Do you have something derogatory to say about it too?” Emma questioned.
Killian raised his arms in a sign of surrender. “Not a thing, I swear!”
The group said their goodbyes and thank yous, with some hugs and handshakes thrown in, then Killian followed Emma out to her beloved yellow Volkswagen Beetle.
Thanks very much for reading, commenting & reblogging. 
Tagging @live-in-my-reality @nikkiemms @searchingwardrobes @wyntereyez @therooksshiningknight @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @therealstartraveller776 @snowbellewells @emmythedaydreamer @heartofkillian @pirateherokillian @kymbersmith-90 @let-it-raines @resident-of-storybrooke @captainsjedi @hookedmom @ohmightydevviepuu @queen-serena88 @daxx04 @branlovestowrite @theonceoverthinker @laschatzi @coolcat08 @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @resident-of-storybrooke @mayquita @badwolfreturns @djlbg @withheartfulloflove @squidvisious @xsajx @lyssapup27 @tohellwiththepancakes13 @annastasiarinaldiva @hollyethecurious @kday426 @ohmyjoan @oncechi @spartanguard @hookpiratejones @apromisednightcap @andiirivera @swanlovato @ouat-the-hell @adoringjen @killianswannn @imlaxdris71 @xarandomdreamx @everything-person @eeteeaytay @glennaywh @gingerchangeling @lexie27 @reylowillliveon @tumblercanbetheworst @vvbooklady1256 @teamhook @myfearless-love @ultraluckycatnd @timeless-love-story @bugheadswanjones @goblynn @csalltheway @sals86 @badcats-andmice @darthbecky726 @166hours @kissmeretard @sederiana @eherron14 @bubblegum1425 @klynn-stormz @harshini01 @kingofmyheart14 @yasbio2015 @officerrogers @captainswan-shipper88 @sh12pen-bookfan​ @loveliklove​ @singersdd @bluewildcatfanatic​ @lfh1226-linda​ @crick-11 @angellifedeath​ @mythologicalmango​ @socmono @brustudyblog​ @harshini01 @artistoncer​ @hails-paige​ @eleveneitherway​ @broadwaybabe18
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Marvel Preferences~ They ask you out
AN: Bucky’s is pretty lengthy compared to the rest so be prepared
Tony Stark: The meeting between you and Tony went off without a hitch, which meant that you both were now partners and would be seeing a lot more of each other. You weren’t going to complain about that fact since you had begun to take quite a liking your business partner. And from the constant flirting you would say that he had taken a liking to you as well. Today was no different than any other day that you were meant to meet Tony, you met at Stark Tower at noon for what was supposed to be a business meeting. Only when you arrived you weren’t even given the chance to enter the building since he was stood out front, a mischievous smile etched across his face.
“I thought we had a meeting today,” you call out as you approach the man.
“Well I thought we could have lunch instead,” he retorts pulling a single rose from behind his back.
Stopping in your tracks you eye the man before you, “Was that your way on asking me on a date?”
“That depends on if it worked or not,” he replies offering you a lopsided smile that early causes your heart to burst.
“Oh it definitely worked Stark,” you state approaching him and retrieving the rose from his hands.
Steve Rogers: Two weeks after meeting Steve at the park near your house you began taking your dog to the park every morning just to see the man again. Eventually what started out as an accidental meeting turned into a morning routine. You would bring your dog to the park to play with him before work and a few minutes after you showed up Steve would jog through the park towards where your were with Y/D/N to join you for a game of fetch and some conversation. Today was different though, when you arrive at the park Steve was already seated on the bench near your usual spot wringing his hands in his lap as if he was nervous,
“Hey, you’re here early,” you state greeting the blonde with a warm smile.
“Hey- uh yeah, I just had some stuff on my mind,” he forces out causing you to worry.
“Anything I can help with?” you question as you retrieve a ball from your purse and toss it for your dog to fetch.
“Actually, yeah.”
“Okay. What is it?” you ask him curiously as you take a seat on the bench as well.
“Well uh. I was wondering if you would want to see each other somewhere besides at the park every morning. Like maybe a movie or something?”
“Like on a date?” you question as a smile grows on your face.
“It doesn’t have to be a date if that’s not what you want,” he says taking your question as rejection.
“I would love to go on a date with you Steve.”
Bucky Barnes: Since he ran out that day at the Smithsonian Bucky has not been able to get you out of his head. Every day since he spent searching articles about himself in hopes of finding the girl from the museum’s story as best as he could with his limited technology knowledge. After numerous dead ends Bucky decided to seek out the help of Clint hoping that his spy skills would help with the search. He happened to be right too because two hours later Clint appeared with a laptop that illuminated with a black and white photo of the girl from the museum.
“This your girl?” He asks the super soldier who can only manage a nod in response.  
Removing the laptop from Bucky’s line of sight Clint clicks a few things before handing the laptop back to him. This time there is a vintage picture of himself on the screen along with an article.
As Bucky takes the laptop from the assassin's grasp he mumble’s a, “thank you,” before instantly beginning to instantly read the article about what he went through in his life.
When he was done there were unshed tears welled up in his eyes waiting to be shed .He wanted nothing more than to meet you so he could thank the women who touched his heart in such a way, but sadly he had no clue who or where you were.
Some time later Clint made his way back into the room to find Bucky still staring at the laptop, “So, was it what you were hoping for?” he asks causing Bucky to jump.
“Yeah,” Bucky says with a sigh, “now I wish I hadn’t run off though on here back there. Maybe then I would know where I can find her.”
“Have you thought about going back to where you first met?”
“Why would she be back there, she said that she was there for the article in the first place.”
“It’s just a hunch, you don’t have to actually listen to me,” the man replies before leaving the super soldier to his thoughts once again.
The next day Bucky woke up bright and early so he could head to the same museum he went with Steve to all those months ago in hopes of seeing her. It seemed like the attraction wasn’t as popular in the morning because when Bucky arrived a short time later there were only a few other people around, though none of them happened to be the girl Bucky was looking for.
Three hours into wandering the Captain America exhibit Bucky spotted a familiar looking Y/H/C walking towards where they first met. Without hesitation the super soldier heads in the same direction. As you come to a stop in front of his section he knows for sure that it is you.
He doesn’t hesitate to walk up to you this time though since he’s afraid if he waits a second longer you’ll disappear.
“I was hoping I’d find you here,” he states with a sigh causing you to jump slightly and glance over at him though it’s a quick glance.
“And why would that be?”
“Because, we uh spoke some time ago while you were here for research-” he begins only for you to cut him off.
“Oh you’re the guy who ran off randomly.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” he says with a chuckle before continuing more seriously, “I actually only left because the subject was kinda personal.”
“How so?” you ask still not looking at the man beside you.
“It’s me.”
You whipped your head towards the stranger beside you so fast he was shocked you didn’t give yourself whiplash.
With another soft chuckle he continues, “And I just wanted to thank you for that amazing piece you wrote on me..Maybe over dinner?”
A bright smile makes its way on your face as you replied, “It’s a date Sergeant.”
Thor Odinson: Since meeting Thor at Tony’s party you found yourself growing closer to the God of Thunder whenever you seen each other at parties, though the interactions never to leave the event. This party you planned on changing that. You wore your favorite dress, the same dress you wore when you first met, and made sure your hair and makeup were perfect before leaving your apartment and setting your plan in motion. Without looking for Thor like you normally would upon arrival you head straight for the bar to order a drink.
You planned on asking Thor on a date outside of Toni’s parties and if you were going to do that you need a little liquid courage. While waiting for your drink your eyes meet Thor’s from across the room, causing a smile to bloom on both of your faces. With a quick wave hello you swivel back to where the bartender is setting your now full glass down.
“Hello lady Y/N,” Thor says appearing beside you suddenly.
You jump in surprise spilling some of your drink on the bartop, “Hi Thor.”
Turning to face him you see he isn’t dressed in his normal Asgardian clothes. Instead he looks to be dressed similar to Steve with a crisp Y/F/C button up causing you to become lost for words and forget your plan completely.
“I must say, you look rather stunning tonight my lady,” the god compliments after letting his eyes linger along your frame.
“Thank you Thor,” you reply with a blush creeping up your face, “You look quite handsome yourself. Is there a reason you’re not in your normal clothes today?”
“Actually yes there is. I was hoping you would be willing to accompany me for a meal sometime, as my way of courting you, and the man of Iron my normal attire would not suffice.”
A giggle of adoration burst through your lips before you can stop it and Thor’s feature drop instantly, “Your normal clothes would have been fine to ask me out in Thor, you explain finally when your giggle subsides.
“Does that mean you wish to be courted by me?”
“Of course it does.”
Clint Barton: You were currently waiting in the training room for Clint to show up for your weekly train session. Since they day you met after taking down Cap and Nat the two of you have been training together once or twice a week in hopes of improving your skill with a bow. You knew how to shoot one when you arrived, but it wasn’t a dead target like Clint so he made it his mission to help you improve your shot. Improving your shot also improved your relationship and before you knew it you had fallen for him though you wouldn’t admit it.
An arrow flying by your face pulled you from your thoughts as Clint called from the dorrway, “If I was a bad shot that would’ve sucked, which is why attention is important.”
“You did not just seriously turn you being late into a lesson did you?” You ask turning to look at him incrediously.
“No. I turned you not paying attention into a lession, me being late was just a part of the plan,” he replies with a smirk, “Now get your bow, we got work to do.”
“Do we really? I mean I’m just as good as you are now,” you tease cusinh a laugh to rip from Clint’s mouth.
“If you think you’re that good why don’t we make this fun.”
“What’d you have in mind?” you ask smugly.
“You make a bullseye we dont have to train for the rest of the week. You miss..” he begins before trailing off to think about it for a minute, “you have to go on a date with me.”
“Deal,” you declare before drawing back your bow and consendtrating on the target.
After a second of lining up your shot you release the arrow and stare silently as it flies towards the board. Only it doesn’t land on the bullseye, it lands a centimeter away causing a smile to light up Clint’s face.
“Well it looks like we’re going on a date.”
“Yeah, it looks like we are,” you reply with a smirk before lining up three more shots and making them all.  
Sam Wilson: Since meeting Sam the two of you began hosting your own session every other week. You both enjoyed helping other and doing it with someone else made things go even better. Today was another meeting for you and Sam so you decided to head to the building the two of you held the meeting in early to set up.
When you arrived Sam was walking towards the entrance already so you decided to call out, “I wasn’t expecting to see you here this early.”
“I wasn’t expecting to see you either,” he replies as he waits for you by the door.
“I wanted to get a head start on setting up,” you explain following him down the hallway and two the room you always used.
“Well it seems like great minds think alike. Any reason you wanted to set up early?”
“No. You?”
“Actually, yeah,” he replies with a chuckle, “I wanted to spend some time with you outside of these meetings.”
You look up and offer him soft smile from where you are arrganging chairs accross from him, “If you wanted to hang out all you have to do is ask. I’d definetely say yes.”
“And what would I say if I asked you to hang out as more than friends?”
“Like on a date?” you question causing him to nod slowly.
After a minute of pondering just to mess with him you reply with a smile, “I’d say yes.”
Loki Layfeyson: It took Loki months to warm up and talk to you. At first he thought that you were put down there as a way for his father to get information or whatever it was he needed out of him, but after months of seeing you go through the same procedures the gaurds put him through he realized this was not a ploy. You were indeed a prisoner of Asgard just like him, the only difference being you were not rightfully guilty. So over time the God of Misheif let up with the illusions he used to fool those around him and let you in. The only issue was that Loki began to fall for you overtime and you began to fall for him as well.
The two of you were sat across from eachother on either side of the glass wall seperating you both while you told Loki a story about your trip to Midgard a prior to being emprisioned. As you reached halfway through your story you realized the god was no longer listening though so you stopped ebruptly.
“Loki are you alright? You seem to havezened out,” you call to himworriedly as you begin to wave a hand in front of hi motionless face, “Loki!”
“Sorry darling, I was rather lost in thought,” he apologizes when his brain finally arrives back on Asgard.”
“I can see this..Was it anything you’d care to share?”
“Actually, it’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Okay, go on,” you reply with a nod urging Loki to continue.
“Well it’s not possible for me to court you since we both have uh- prior engagements, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on what Midgardians call a date through our cells.”
“I would love that Loki,” you squeal as a smile blooms on your face.”
Peter Parker: You and Peter were paired together for a science project though you weren’t going to complain. All that meant was the two of you got to spend more time together though so you weren’t going to complain. A few weeks after meeting the nerdy brunette at lunch that day you began to develop feelings for him, which meant you could use this time to grow the courage to tell him how you feel. Over the week you guys had to do the project you and Peter grew closer causing a feeling of dread to fill your stomach as you and Peter sat down for your final session.
“Hey, are you okay?” Peter asks randomly while you guys are putting the final touches on your work.
“Yeah..yeah, I’m totally cool,” you say before taking a deep breath, “I’m just going to miss us
hanging out.”
“What makes you think we have to stop hanging out? We hang out with Mj and Ned all the time.”
When all Peter gets in response is a shrug he sighs and continues his portion of the work. A few minutes pass leaving you to believe the discussion is over only for Peter to speak up again.
“Now I could be reading this totally wrong but you don’t mean hanging out as a group do you?”
The question causes you to freeze momentarily before you regain your composure, “Uh, no..I didn’t mean as a group,” you mumble in response unable to look Peter in the eye from that point on.
“Like as a date?” he inquires hesitantly, almost as if he is as nervous as you are.
“It doesn’t have to be.”
“What if I want it to be?” he asks seriously as the two of you put the last piece of your project where it belongs.
Instantly your head snaps up, your eyes quickly scanning his face for any signs that this is a joke, “you’re serious?”
“Well uh- Only if you want to.”
“Of course I want to Peter,” you exclaim as a smile spreads across your face.
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kosmosian-quills · 5 years
Week 7 - Free
For Week 7 of @yourocsbackstory​‘s fall event. The final week! It’s been a blast, I’ve had a lot of fun! Michal was a character I hadn’t planned much backstory for, but to have him fleshed out like this is so nice! Thank you for hosting the event, I look forward to more! (and of course, binging my way through the blog now to read and review other people’s work!)
This one is set just after the Week 3 - Rivals piece, and is just a little bit of Michal with the Princess. Enjoy!
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The voice that addresses me is calm, collected, and I am surprised that they are addressing me at all.
I’m just doing my job, standing here, watching and listening for any sign of danger that may come to the Princess. Not that there is much to keep an eye on – it’s late in the evening, and there is no one else in this particular area besides my charge and her friends.
“Yes, your highness?”
I stand to attention, my face perfectly straight as I salute. She nods in acknowledgement.
“I wanted to speak with you, if I may.”
“Of course, your highness.”
I do my best to keep my voice from sounding robotic, but it’s difficult when those are the same few phrases I speak to her on a daily basis. Yes, your highness. No, your highness. It’s certainly different that she’s doing this, though.
“Could you perhaps come inside, Sergeant?”
I nod at her once, before taking one final sweeping glance at the empty corridor and following the Princess into her bedchamber. It’s strange to be in here, normally I am not permitted to be – unless the circumstances bid me to, but I hope it never comes to that.
Her room is as grand and opulent as I remember, with everything in its designated place. There’s nothing where it should not be, no clothing hanging off the edges of furniture, no messes anywhere. It certainly is a welcome change in sight from the state of the barracks I live in. Mess and muck everywhere, the result of putting many men into such close proximity and having them coexist.
She has this whole room to herself, it’s basically its own house. There’s her bed and dressing area over there, with sheer drapes covering the balcony door, the sunset streaming in, the orange sky bleeding into its darker sibling of the night. Facing the wall but a little closer is her desk, an array of stationery intrinsically placed against the wall, everything she would need is there. Next to the desk is her bookshelves, huge rows filled with old volumes – there with the worn spines and faded covers – and new additions – the fresh scent of new paper lingering just so. All of them, sitting there in near perfect condition, very well cared for.
There is a small area with a few seats in front of a fireplace, close to the door; it’s where she is sat now. She’s sat there, alone, with her tea set on the table in front of her, the distinct aroma of rose tea seeping into the air as she sipped at the drink from the fine china cup, blue and edged with gold paint. The golden edges are twinkling against the light of the lit fire in the fireplace, and she’s watching me step forward and stay stood just in front of her.
She’s certainly ready to retire for the night, her cream nightgown is resting on her features, but I keep my eyes on her face. It’s rude to look elsewhere when she has her eyes on me.
“I wanted to thank you for what you did today.”
The library, she means. She’s referring to the library today, when I dismissed her cousin and had him remove himself before he could cause trouble for anyone.
“My cousin can be incredibly insufferable, but you kept him away from us. Thank you, Sergeant.”
There’s a small smile on her face as she speaks. It’s a nice smile, and I am happy to see her smile again. There’s a way she smiles when she’s with her friends, that is nice to see, and this one is not the same smile.
But it’s a smile, nonetheless, and it’s one directed at me.
“You’re welcome, your highness. Is there anything else you need?”
“I was rather hoping we could talk for a little longer, seeing as we’re with each other for most of the day and we barely know each other.” Her suggestion is surprising, but I try to keep my face as neutral as I can until she finishes speaking. “I appreciate your work Sergeant, truly. I know you’re doing your duty, and I’m grateful for that. But I would like to know more about Sergeant Jelen, I would like to know who I am grateful to, if I may.”
She gestured to one of the seats opposite her, and I carefully sat down, keeping my back straight and eyes facing her. The glow of the fireplace was wonderfully warm, but I couldn’t tell whether the burning sensation on my back was from the heat radiating from there, or from the feeling of being scrutinised by someone with more clout and more money than me.
“What would you like to know, your highness?”
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Imagine Being Jamie's Long Lost Twin Sister
To Jamie Reagan it was just another Monday like any other where he'd be working a double shift. Both him and Eddie have been going the extra mile at work lately, they wanted to be able to afford a nice place of their own with their own money and maybe start to think about a family, or maybe just a gold fish to start with, they hadn't talked a lot about that part yet.
"Hey Reagan?" Jamie turned his attention to his superior officer of the twenty-ninth that stuck around after the sergeant finished roll call.
"Come to my office, please." The older man said as he started to walk away.
"Can't we talk here? I'm gonna be busy today."
"Trust me, it's for the best that we talk in private." Jamie was a little taken back by the sudden urgency in talking to him and the need for privacy but he took his word for it and in less than ten minutes they were reunited inside his superior's office, alone.
"What seems to be the problem?" Jamie asked while he sat down in the chair in front of the desk and straightened his tie.
"You know we're having a bunch of cops from the 99 transferred here today?"
"Yes, I was aware." Jamie's brows furrowed as he tried to think about what was the issue with that. They actually had new cops coming to the 29th all the time, considering not a lot of them stayed.
"Well, I was taking them in, read their files, had to run a DNA test for identity check."
"Reagan..." The man hesitated before he continued. "One of the police officers, Officer (Y/N) Malone, seems to share the same exact DNA as you."
"What?" Jamie asked with a smirk, the laughter almost betraying his seriousness. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Jamie, it appears that she is your twin sister, if you were to have one."
"But I don't!" Jamie stood up from his chair, all the fun and amusement he found in this subject disappearing and being taken over for concern and the feeling of betrayal.
"Look, I know you. And I know your old man, I'm gonna have to give him a call. But before this whole issue is settled I'm gonna have to ask you to stay here in my office, stick to paper work for the time being."
Jamie was walking back and forth around the small cubicle with his hands on his hips, his breath hitching. "Does she even look like me at least?"
"You know looks don't mean a thing, Re-"
"Does she?"
Silence hung in the air before the older man got up from his seat and walked out of his office, closing the door behind him.
* * *
Jamie Reagan is typically the type of cop that does everything by the book and lives by the rules installed, but certainly not today. He didn't stay in the office for more than one hour and after inspecting every room in the precinct, he finally found who he was looking for.
"So?" He asked his superior when he walked inside a room that looked more like a closet room than an office, although it was perfectly put together to look as such with computers, printers, phones and files spread on top of the desk lazily.
"Reagan, I told you to stay in my office!" The older man dropped the phone on the desk and got up. Jamie noticed there were other people in the room too, other officers that came to help.
"Have you talked to the PC?" The youngest Reagan cut to the chase. He, more than anyone, wanted answers.
"There's a chance she could be your identical twin sister, yes." The man spoke loud and clear, not giving the cop any chance to dodge this bullet. "I just got off the phone with him, he said he'd come here as soon as he can."
Jamie was loss for words, he did try to find some but nothing would come out of his mouth. He had a twin sister. What the actual hell?!
"What else did he say?"
"He said these were family issues and that he wanted them to say out of the NYPD. He mentioned something about never imagining that he'd find her?" The older man thought back to the conversation and thought about the best way to break the news to the sergeant of his precinct.
"So he knew?" Jamie asked in confirmation.
"From what I could gather, yes. But Reagan, you're gonna have to keep it together."
"Can I see her?"
"I don't think that's the best idea-"
"I'm gonna see her."
Jamie turned around in his heels and waltzed his way back to where the new cops were getting registered, not knowing what to think. The precinct wasn't that crowded and when he arrived at the room, there was only one female police officer sitting on the chair, her fingers fidgeting impatiently with the hem of the NYPD cap.
"Ma'am. Good morning, I'm Sergeant Reagan." Jamie said as he walked up to you and reached out his hand, waiting for you to shake it. You did so as soon as he made his presence noticeable and flashed him a smile.
To be fair, he did look a lot more shook and distracted than you - who, by the way, was about to lose your mind if no one came to tell you what the hell was going on.
"Hi. Officer Malone. Officer (Y/N) Malone." Jamie stood still in his tracks, staring at you and taking in every inch of your face, noticing some similarities. You both shared the same eye color and your hair was just a little lighter than his, but other than that... You were pretty much the same, including your nose.
"Happy to move in with us at the 29th?"
"Oh, yes! I really needed a change of scenery. Plus, this house is way closer to my kid's kindergarten so, makes it easier on me."
The wheels in Jamie's head started turning.
"You have kids?"
"Yes." You replied with a warm smile. "Twins. A boy and girl, they just turned three."
Jamie felt his heart beat faster - this was too much for him.
"Why are you waiting outside?" Jamie asked you, trying to see if you knew anything about what was going on.
"Oh, I don't know, really. I think there must be some problem with my transfer application or something. I'm supposed to wait until someone comes back with more information."
Jamie knew what he was about to do was wrong and he knew he was probably gonna hear it from his father until he took his last breath, but his sister was standing in front of him and he was not about to let this opportunity pass.
"You're my twin sister. How's this information?"
You let go of his hand and studied his face from a distance, not wanting to take a step closer to a complete stranger who blurted out he was not only related to you, he was your twin brother.
"I'm sorry, what?"
Jamie started talking, trying to explain all he knew so far, which, let's face it, wasn't that much but you interrupted him.
"I was adopted."
"What?" Jamie too was speechless after hearing you out.
Not too long after, and with a glare that you swore could kill, Frank Reagan - the Police Commissioner - walked in the room, alone, his hands stuffed inside his beige rain coat's long pockets and faked a smile.
And it didn't take long before he opened his mouth and the truth rolled out of his tongue, explaining everything that needed explaining.
You were in fact the PC's daughter and Jamie's twin sister. Apparently back in the day when your birth mother, who you came to find out was already dead, was in labor it was a tricky time. Your father was still working as a beat cop and he had some people coming after him for revenge. Turns out all they did was take you and dump you at a fire station, where  a nice firefighter held you and took you to the nearest hospital. Frank tried everything he could to find you and used all his resources but he never found anything about your whereabouts, nor told anyone in the family about this.
It was a lot to take in, you and your sibling were shook to the core, speechless and not quite believing that you both went to work today as if it was a normal day, only to realize you had a twin and to meet each other in these circumstances.
* * *
Author's Note: Hello my dearest Jamie Reagan fans - here's another imagine! I hope y'all liked it, but especially the person who made a request.
FYI - I am still taking in requests via DM but only with the condition that you'd be fine with waiting longer than usual for them to be ready. I have been extremely busy and I haven't had enough time to get the imagines written and ready for you all to read.
I love you all so much and I love all your support and right now I'm really gonna need it! I'm participating on The Fiction Awards 2019 hosted by thefictionawards  ! All you need to do is to go on chapter two (nominations chapter) and scroll down to the category I'm participating on ( Best Fanfiction Story ) and inline comment the name of the story I'm participating with and my username like this: "Far From The Shallow" by missmarswrites . Nominations will close on June 3rd so please help a girl out! 🙏
If you already nominated me, - thank you! - you don't need to do it again since it's only allowed one nomination!
Have a great weekend, sweethearts! 💖
Xoxo, Mars
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lauxxury · 6 years
A sugar pakage, a milk carton and gummy bears - Bucky x Reader
Pairing - Bucky x Reader (Cop!AU)
Prompt - “I thought we had a special bond, I was your Secret Santa last year”
Warnings - none
Word Count - 776
A/N: this is my entry for the Brooklyn 99 Appreciation Writing Challenge hosted by @hufflebucky and @sapphirestark !! I had a lot of fun writing this, I’m sorry it is a little short, but I felt like it was great just like that. I hope you like it and, as always, feedback is welcomed.
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You knew you were lucky he was alone in the break room because it was the perfect moment and place to ambush him. Not literally.
“Bucky…” you said in a whisper trying to get his attention without attracting it on yourself, although there was no one around, everyone was focused in their own cases.
“Sergeant” you repeated a little louder when he didn’t react to your voice.
He turned around to look at you, a cup of coffee in this hand. You knew how he liked it, black with no sugar. You couldn’t understand, in the two years you’ve been working with him at the precinct, how someone so out-going, kind and funny liked his coffee so bitter. And also, he was smoking hot, not that you were going to say that out loud.
“I need your help” you said closing the door after you.
“Did something come up in a case?” he asked after taking a sip of his coffee, his work mode kicking in.
“No, no” you answered. “It’s about the Secret Santa” you said with a frown in your face.
A smirk grew in his features at your words as if you had said something funny, which you hadn’t. You knew he didn’t really take it seriously but, in your case, you wanted to impress the person you got.
“We’re not supposed to tell anyone who we are gifting to…”, his smile grew wider.
“I know, I know” you said getting frustrated by his attitude. “But look, I don’t have you and I know you don’t have me”, he was going to interrupt you, but you raised your hand to stop him. “I know Wanda got me.” A sigh escaped you lips, you really needed his help and he wasn’t being easy. “I got Natasha, okay? I want to impress her because she is awesome, but I literally know nothing about her! She is so secretive” you massaged your temples trying to remove some tension from your body.
“And why do you think I would help you?” he said, his smile was so big you wondered if his checks hurt. They probably did but he looked so charming you had to look away trying not to embarrass yourself blushing just by looking at him.
“Oh, come on! I know you were in the academy together!”
“I don’t know, detective. What’s in it for me?” you knew where he was heading, he hated paperwork and you knew what he was going to ask, for you to do his. But it wasn’t as if you weren’t busy yourself, the Holidays always brought the weirdest of cases.
“I thought we had a special bond, I was your Secret Santa last year” you said throwing your hands in the air.
“You what?” he said, his smirked being replaced by a confused look. He took a step in your direction. “You gave me a sugar package, a milk carton and that big plastic gummy bear full of gummy bears? Really?”
“I did...” you said looking him in the eyes, feeling a little awkward ”I thought you knew”.
“I thought it was from Rogers!”
“Steve?! Why?”
“Because he’s always telling me he can’t understand why I like my coffee black!” he giggled.
“Well, your coffee is always like that. It’s awful”.
“How did you know?” he asked taking another step closer to you.
“I’m a detective” you said smiling at him. “I detect”.
He smiled back and took another sip of his coffee. “You should buy her a knife”.
“Thank you” you said excited to have an idea of what to buy and gave him a little kiss on the check.
When you realized what you did you took a step away from him and turned around getting closer to the door. You felt how your checks grew warm and you cursed yourself for doing something so stupid.
“How did you really know?” he asked, his voice sounding closer to you than before.
“I accidentally took a sip of your coffee”, you scratched the back of your head and turned to look at him, to see if he was pissed at you for that. You couldn’t blame him if he was.
But he wasn’t, he was still smiling. “Maybe you can repay me going out for a coffee with me”.
“Like a date?” you asked without thinking. What the hell was wrong with you?
“Like a date” he answered, his smile growing wider. He took your hand in his and gave it a little kiss on the knuckles. “Tomorrow. Five. In the coffee shop in front of the precinct?”
“Okay” you said looking away. “Don’t be late”.
“I won’t”.
 A/N: Tagging some mutuals, please tell me if you don’t want to be tagged and I’m sorry if this bothered you.
@delicatelyherdreams @bucky-smiles @aunty-peggy @imagineandimagine @oh-snap-bucky @bi-bi-readytocry @allithewriter @thunderous-flower @uwubuckyy @bucky-ish
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Blame It on Your Beats
Bucky x Reader Series
Chapter Content: Fluff
Summary: A brush with the underworld leads you on a run, away from what was supposedly your normal life, with Bucky Barnes. You two do not seem to be in sync as Bucky tries to keep you alive, trying your best not to kill each other. Or that’s what you think you are doing.
Series: contains smut, adult content in there somewhere in the future chapters so please look at the chapter content and warnings before you proceed.
Chapter Warnings: Explosion, death threats. The usual, really.
A/N: This series is written for @littledarlinhavefaithinme ‘s MK Writing Challenge. Thank you so much for hosting. I am having a lot of fun with the prompts. I hope I can do justice to them and put the entire series up before the deadline. :D
JBB tags, please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in further chapters.
“Are you sure you don't need glasses?”
“It's okay if you do. It's quite common at this age.”
“Shut up, Stark,” Bucky declared through the comms, getting stifled laughs from the other end.
“It's in another language. I'm not familiar with the Devnagri script,” the soldier murmured as he sifted through the pages in the journal in front of him to find some sort of code to decipher the words alien to him.
“Friday can trans-wait you don't have a body cam,” Stark was practically talking to himself right now.
Bucky had been sent down on an espionage mission to Brennwood Estate-  home of Eton Brennwood, world’s current strongest business tycoon along with a back-end dealer in arms in the black market along with being an infamous hoarder of the ancient artefacts- to figure out the codes for Eton’s underground lab where he had been keeping scientists to develop a new biotech for some really shady buyers around the world.
Natasha and Bucky had been the only choices amongst the entire team, considering their skills, but the former had already been compromised due to her recent recon on Brennwood where she had played a key role in finding out when and where the businessman was keeping his experiments hidden and his buyers on their toes regarding whatever he was considering of bringing on the table.
“Send us a picture, Bucky,” Natasha's voice directed him.
Bucky suddenly froze for a moment, his eyes darting towards some unknown void in front of him as his heartbeat accelerated a bit.
“Bucky?” Steve called out for confirmation, making the sergeant reach inside his jacket to take out his phone and stare at it for one elongated, terrifying moment.
“You do know how to take a picture from your phone, right Buck?” Sam asked, his voice dripping in pure mischief, making Bucky curse at the man internally.
Burner phones were so much easier to deal with. Why did everything have to ‘smart’ now? Was his only thought.
He flinched as the screen on his phone lit up with an unknown number asking him to video call.
“It's me,” Tony spoke in his ear, “slide the lock on the screen to accept my call so we can translate the code for you.”
Following his simple and clear-cut instructions, Bucky managed to flip the screen towards the journal on his second try, getting an encouraging cheer from all the Avengers huddled together in the Quinjet around the screen.
“Okay, that’s it,” Tony announced as he shifted in his chair to reveal a tired Pepper enter the study from behind him, “good job Barnes. Let others take care of the rest. Get out of the estate now before they smell out the old man stink and find you.”
“Very funny, Stark,” Bucky mumbled as he ended the call by tapping the red button, a little happy on the inside that his relationship with Tony was making some progress these days.
And just like the silent breeze that was blowing over the trees, not making its presence felt till it had passed by him, leaving him comparatively colder than before, he made his way out of the heavily guarded estate, taking the dark forest trail towards the road about a few miles from the place where he had parked his bike.
He kept getting the updates over the comms, as the team infiltrated Eton’s lab, making his walk back a lot less tiring when Sam was not on his back quipping him about everything he did.
“No guards on level one,” Sam’s voice stated over the comms, “Brennwood better not have hired some ripped scientist to save on security guards. That is one really bad combination right there.”
“Excuse me?” Banner’s questioning voice came from beside Tony. He had clearly taken over from where Tony had been a few moments ago.
“Because they are strong and smart. Not to mention they can make any freaking poison at the turn of their hand, man.”
Bucky forced out a silent laugh.
“Yeah, makes it hard for Sam to jump up to their IQ level with just his fists,” he articulated.
“I have a suit, I can fly over their goddamn IQ and look good while doing it. Shut up, Barnes.”
Tony was watching the progress of the team while convincing Pepper that there was no chance of him missing their dinner date tonight as everything was going smoothly and the team would have all the evidence to put Eton behind bars for a long time.
“Tony,” Pepper enunciated, “don’t promise me things that are sure to turn ugly sooner or later, okay? We can have dinner over here and Bruce can join us-”
Bruce turned in the chair-away from the screen- on the mention of his name, his face filled with berries that he was eating from the bowl Tony had offered him.
“I thought we had a date. Why would Bruce join us on a date? Are-are you breaking up with me?”
Pepper’s expression went blank for a second.
“Tony, we’ve been married for a year now. I am not breaking up with you,” she sighed.
A monotonous chime over the screen turned everyone’s attention to a signal coming out from the Avenger’s facility.
“Level two clear,” Natasha responded from the other side, her body cam showing no heat signatures on the floor...
Bruce looked at Tony regarding the unknown signal before accepting the call.
“Level three clear,” Steve announced, “guys, I don’t like it.”
Bucky’s pace slowed down a bit before he regained his normal gait.
“I agree with Steve,” Natasha acknowledged, “there’s no one in sight here. Not even the scientists. Tony, did we decipher the text correctly?”
Everyone who was not at Tony’s place at that point paused their movements when they did not get a quick reply from Stark.
“Tony?” Steve spoke next, a hint of worry in his voice that only Bucky could trace.
“Barton,” Clint’s mechanical voice came over the comms, confusing everyone for a second.
“Clint?” Natasha’s voice tried to reaffirm, “I thought you had gone home for the holidays.”
“...I am home for the holidays. Which one of you morons called me? I lost to my son in Mario Kart so whoever it was, better have some good explanation behind this.”
“How can something be so beautiful?”
You exhaled as your eyes took in the beauty of the symbols laying down in front of you- the thick papyrus dating back centuries- making you squirm internally at the luck of not being able to read and preserve one with your own eyes and hands.
“Miss Friday” you called out into the air, a jump in your step, “could you please pull up Miss Dur’s instructions on how to go ahead with the preservation process?”
“Of course, Miss Y/L/N. You can just call me Friday. If you want I can help you out by walking you through Miss Dur’s entire preservation process.”
You chuckled as your hands went into your bag to take out your earphones. “I’ll call you Friday when you call me Y/N. And I’m good with the display though. I want to enjoy a bit of my playlist tonight while working. So, just make sure you I don’t get any messages on my display while I’m working; no matter how important. No hard feelings, my good AI?”
“No hard feelings, Y/N.”
You gave a thumbs up in the air before putting on your earphones and readying the chemicals to wash the papyrus that would help conserve its original content.
Once all the contents were ready, you pressed play and so began the curing process to the surreal beats going about in your head.
It seemed like a passing dream.
A month ago you were studying on an entirely different continent, getting through your second year in college with no perfect plan for the future. A double major in semiotics and cryptography had seemed like a brilliant idea before college when most of the professors didn’t seem like dull creatures keeping an eight am class just so they could spit their misery of leading a sad unhappy life unto you, making you nearly hate the subject you had been looking forward to. Had it not been for a few of your seniors, three to be specific, and one professor- who not only helped you through the entire ordeal, but also made sure you were displaying your untapped talent in different competitions both on and off campus- you were sure you would have quit college a long time ago.
Two weeks earlier you were entered into a competition online by one of your seniors- Lena- where you nearly bypassed your way through some gaming portal’s fictional facility’s security because someone thought it was a brilliant idea to encrypt the entire building’s signal on their personal chart of symbolism. Fortunately for you, when the rest of your opponents were busy comparing smiley faces to emotions, you were looking for the origin- the chart- because no matter how good anyone is, they always will keep a backup of the blueprint any idea was based on.
It was only ten hours later when the local police entered your college dorm to bring you in for questioning did you realise that you had actually been breaking codes for some really bad guys on the dark web, who had been using noobs like you to enter secure facilities- not really fictional- and rob them of whatever sensitive information they had on them. You were to be thrown in prison for aiding some professional invisible lethal forces in bypassing the security to one America’s top 500 companies had it not been for Tony Stark himself taking full responsibility of the situation as well as giving you a full scholarship for your further studies at a college of your choice while interning at Stark labs as well help Scott Lang into making the his security system better- considering you’d broken through his two month’s work in just an hour.
So, here you were, a week later with all your life in your suitcases, living at the Avenger’s facility, working on an old story depicted in symbols- an artefact Stark said he had ‘borrowed from a bad guy who thinks this has some code to something he can use for his evil plans. We have to find the code before him to stop him.’
Bopping your head you swung your hips to Childish Gambino’s Summertime, your fingers worked steadily over the old fabric, making everything the solution touched a hue brighter with the wetness. So engrossed were you in the careful work mixed with a tang of heated music, you never noticed the alarms off around you, the lights everywhere- save the lab that had the power connections of its own, separated from the rest of the facility- shutting down, the backup red lights turning on as two silhouettes came out of the elevator doors from the far corner of the floor towards you.
The track changed, so did your movement, making you swing around to grab the final solution to dry up the fabric before putting it somewhere safe. By the time you were done with the drying agent, the silhouettes came and stood by the glass-walled lab, looking at you with sheer curiosity till you caught their movement from the corner of your eyes and tilted your heads towards them before taking out your earphones.
Two well-built men dressed in combat suits stood outside the lab entrance, one of them giving you a soft smile as he waved his hand at you.
You took out your earphones to acknowledge their presence.
“Can I help you?”
The smiley man scratched his stubble and chuckled at some internal joke while the other one just stood there like a rock.
“Sure, sweetheart,” his husky voice cooed, or rather tried to coo at you, sending a really uncomfortable tickle down your spine, “what are you listening?”
“Mh,” he tilted his head, sending his eyes up and down your figure, making you conscious all of a sudden, “you look more of a ‘Filthy’ girl, the Timberlake one.”
“Excuse me?”
“What I mean is you can help us out by handing over that old piece of paper you got working on over there.”
That’s when you noticed the red hue of the emergency lights outside the lab with at least a dozen more men moving about in the darkness, forcing you to turn towards the screen and swipe away to find out Friday’s intrusion alert.
What in the hell…
“Well,” the stubble guy asked you gently, his eyebrows and hands raised in question, “what do you say, sweetheart? Help a guy out here.”
You took a step away from their direction, your gloved hands sweeping the dry papyrus away from the table, rolling it and pulling it behind you. “Mr Stark didn’t send you here.”
It was more of a statement than a question, making the guy’s smile falter and his lips twitch, his hands going down in momentary defeat.
“The paper. Yes or no.”
You inched away further, finding your legs walk into Bruce’s desk.
“No,” you stated in the most obvious sense, surprised at your brain’s ability to be so dangerously subtle in a situation that could turn fatal for you.
The stubble guy dipped his head forward, inhaling in a long tiring breath before moving something from his back forward.
A machine gun.
Correction: the situation did just turn fatal for you.
For a second you froze there, your body not being able to decide between the flight or fight response as it saw both the men pull the trigger, your brain waiting for the glass walls to shatter and you to be dead any second, flinching as the bullets came out but dropped or bounced away just as they met the glass, leaving nothing but tiny frosty traces on the transparent surface.
“The lab is under emergency security, Y/N,” Friday’s soothing voice made you jump. “The chances of the breach are it 1.09 per cent.”
“Huh?” was your only response as your eyes didn’t leave the two men cursing the glass before signalling each other to take something else out of their utility belts.
“My security system is being bypassed at the moment, Y/N. If they are successful in doing so, I would not be able to keep them outside the lab anymore. The intruders have already cut off the rest of the facility’s power, making me unable to communicate with Mr Stark on my own.”
The men each took out what looked like spray bottles. The blank-faced man sprayed a string of white foam all over the lower parts of visible glass of the lab- which was practically three sides of the entire area- as the other stood there smiling before taking out a lighter and throwing in the material to create an explosion of fire all around you, making you bend down in fear of everything exploding in your face.
“Ten minutes,” the uncomfortable husky voice came again, “you have ten minutes to come out yourself and hand me that shitty paper before I melt this glass and get it from over your dead body.”
“Tell me,” you announced, never taking your eyes off the man, “tell me how can I help you reach Mr Stark,” making your intentions pretty clear to the man.
Continued here
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myotishia · 5 years
Masquerade part one
Fandom: Torchwood. Trigger warnings: None as far as I know but feel free to suggest. Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Elise Carter (oc) Rating: Teen and up
Blurb: The police and Torchwoods relationship had calmed in recent months but one officer just can’t seem to let it go. Meanwhile the team get a second chance to defeat an old foe. 
Sergeant Farrell grumbled as he found another redacted file pertaining to a case linked to this mysterious Torchwood. The most he’d gotten from his research was that Gwen Cooper used to be a police officer and she moved on to being a police liaison, but even her current residential address had been struck from the record. And as for this Elise Carter there was even less. The only thing he could find for her was that she had a current drivers licence. It was ridiculous. All he knew was wherever the name Torchwood appeared people died and he was certain these people were not special branch. To him it felt more like organised crime. No legitimate law enforcement branch would have two women in from what he guessed were their twenties sent to a murder scene. Just because the rest of his department were frightened of this group didn’t mean he was.
Ianto flinched as Owen examined the healing bite on his neck. The bruising had gone down a lot but it was still there. It just didn’t need painkillers anymore.
“Looks fine. I’m happy to clear you to go back to general duties if you’re ready.” Owen said, all business.
“I am… I’ve started to remember more of what happened.”
“Mm… I was going to die, wasn’t I?”
Owen paused. “You were close to it. How’d you guess?”
“You called me by my name. You only do that when someone’s dying or practically dead.”
“You lost about 38%. I wasn’t sure if we were going to get you stabilized in time. Elise risked space jumping with you to get you here faster. We’re lucky it worked.”
“Shit… I don’t even know how long I was down there.”
“Neither do we, that’s the problem when you disappear all day.”
Ianto pulled his shirt back on and buttoned it up. “I’ll have to check in more often.”
“Yea, I don’t plan on starting to make my own coffee now. Got that tea boy?”
“Definitely not dying anymore then.” He rolled his eyes.
Gwen sat next to a tearful woman, trying to console her.
“I just don’t understand. Was it something I did?”
“No, no of course not.” She soothed, , knowing the woman would never get the answers she wanted. Her husband had found a device while metal detecting which was essentially a teleporter. Sadly it was a one way device and there was no way to reverse it. Gwen was having to tell the woman that though they didn’t know where he was he had bought tickets to fly to Egypt one way. Sometimes lying to someone's face was part of the job. Jack was waiting in the SUV having secured the device. Years ago he would have just left the whole thing as a missing persons case but Gwen insisted on giving the family closure. He understood why but it meant a lot of waiting around. As if feeling his boredom on the air he got a call from Tosh.
“Calling me in secret? That’s pretty scandalous.” He smiled to himself.
“We just intercepted a party invitation.”
“I think we could throw our own parties if we wanted to.”
“No, a very specific party, complete with an auction.”
“I suppose they didn’t learn their lesson from the last time we crashed their little get together. Where is it being held this time?”
“I’m not sure yet. It looks like they’re being more careful this time.”
“Keep at it. I’m kind of interested what this years theme’s going to be.”
“I’m sure it’ll be over the top.”
“You liked the designer dress you got to wear last time.”
“Yes and it cost more than my car, that’s insane. Owen’s not going to be happy.”
“One day of wearing a suit won’t kill him. I’ll tell everyone when I get back.”
“You just want to see the look on his face.”
“Just like last time.”
The party had been more than lavish last time they attended. It had been a black market auction of alien technology, attended by a huge group of wealthy collectors. The man running the event had escaped the last time but this time Jack was sure he was going to catch him. He couldn’t let it continue and those working for the host had become bolder and more aggressive over the years. Especially towards Torchwood. Just before the last event he’d been essentially mugged for an item, and he never liked reviving in a damp aliway. There was always a chance of waking up to a rat gnawing on your fingers.
Elise picked up a small box that had fallen from one of the storage cases she’d been helping to move, blowing the dust away from the surface. Tarot cards. All the items she’d been moving were very old and completely safe, they’d just been there so long it would be a pain to sort them. Plus sometimes they came in handy.
“You’re already finished?” Ianto asked, arriving in the archive room.
“Oh, hi. Yea, all done.”
“What did you find?”
“Old tarot cards. Every played with these?”
“Not that deck but I had a friend who was into that kind of thing once. You?”
“I have no psychic skill whatsoever. I like the art though.”
“You can keep them if you want. None of this is particularly important so better you have them than leave them to collect more dust.”
“Thanks. Hey, I was wondering. I know when an agent passes they don’t usually get buried, but what happens to their things?”
“Storage usually. General items get sold or disposed of, anything that was important to them gets put into storage and clothing gets stored for a time just in case anything was left in the pockets. Apparently around fifty years ago an agent left an object in his coat. The coat got sold off and the next owner ended up with their brain trapped in a feedback loop.”
“Lovely. No wonder this place can get so cluttered. No offence.”
“None taken. Any part of this place I’ve had control of is in perfect order. I can’t say the same for my predecessors.”
“Are there any interesting pieces stored?”
“I wish there were. For now it’s pretty dull.”
“Aww, shame. If we’re all done here want to go play with these until we’re needed?”
Gwen slumped down into her chair.
“Rough morning?” Asked Tosh sympathetically.
“I didn’t even know what to say to her. Her husband’s gone and she’s a stay at home mum.”
“Poor thing.”
“How’s your morning going?”
“I found a couple of things but Jack wanted to look them over before we go ahead with anything else.”
“Fun. How’s the house search going?”
“We found a place we like. We’ve just got to get the lock modifications approved. It should take too long.”
“Just ask if you need a hand moving boxes or anything.”
“Thanks.” She looked over at Elise and Ianto, sitting playing with the tarot cards. “It’s funny, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ianto that relaxed or happy.”
“I suppose they’ve spent a lot of time together. I wonder what it was like here is her timeline.”
“From what she’s told me it was depressing… And gone by now.”
“Only you and Jack left. Even then with the hub gone things weren’t as they should have been.”
“What does it take to give up your entire life for people you’ve never met.”
“Isn’t that what we do every day?”
“I honestly hadn’t looked at it that way.”
“It looks like our gracious host has returned and plans to throw another auction and we all know what that means.” Announced Jack, a little more enthusiastically than he probably should have. Owen sighed, looking exasperated.
Elise and Gwen looked over at each other, confused. Gwen was the first to speak up. “This feels like something I missed.”
“It’s some jumped up rich arsehole that collects alien junk and auctions it off at a posh do for other rich nobs.” Owen grumbled.
“So we stop it before it happens?”
“Not exactly. They’re careful and have the cash to keep themselves off our radar so we have to infiltrate the party. That means…”
Tosh giggled. “Owen in a suit.”
“Oh fuck off.” He groaned. “It was bad enough last time. And now we have to make sure none of us go out alone because they get stabby when you tell them no.”
“What are they, the mob?” Elise asked.
Jack shrugged. “Close enough. Last time we managed to confiscate everything from the back of the auction room before they could sell them all off. I’m thinking of spiking the wine this year. They all do the opening toast, everyone claps, everyone passes out. The host won’t escape this time.”
Owen smirked, coming out of his strop. “Taking it personally Harkness?”
“He was in my grasp and one of his servants tazed me. It won’t happen again.”
Elise paused. “And they let you just walk in?”
“It’s a masquerade ball, no one knows who anyone is.”
“Won’t they be expecting us?”
“They always do. While I’m thinking about it. Ianto, I need you to send out a warning message to all of our refugee status citizens. Last time we had some of our hosts workers scoping them out.”
Ianto nodded.
“Refugee status?” Elise asked.
“If there’s no way for a being to get back to their planet or if they don’t have a planet to go back to they can sometimes be granted refugee status on Earth. They’re relocated into a Torchwood safehouse and essentially have to stay out of sight unless they can pass for human. It’s very rare but it does happen.” Ianto explained, noting down what he needed to do and finding the address list.
“How did I not know about this? That’s brilliant.”
“You should have seen my face when I found out. It would have helped my first impressions of the job if I had.” Gwen smiled nostalgically.
Owen crossed his arms. “You don’t get to know the good stuff until you deal with the shit the rest of us had to first.”
Sergeant Farrell stood at the scene of a burglary. The stately home had been ransacked. The owner had died only a week before of complications involved with his heart, leaving the place with no owner. The house had sat still full while the late gentlemens lawyers were sorting out who his estate would go to. It was a huge scene and though the sergeant didn’t need to be there he suspected it was just the type of scene this Torchwood institute would be involved with. Sadly they had not made an appearance yet but it didn’t change the fact that he was there so he just went back to doing his job. Something at the far side of the room caught his attention. It seemed to be some kind of gemstone, perfectly spherical, with a liquid suspended inside. The light shining through it looked blue at first but the closer he got the more purple it seemed to be. He shouldn’t touch it, he knew that, but it didn’t stop him wrapping his fingers around it. He couldn’t help it. It felt like it belonged with him. As if it had been waiting for him. No. He put it back on its small pedestal and turned to walk away but found his feet didn’t want to move. No, he couldn’t leave it for just anyone to manhandle. He gently picked it up and slid it into his pocket, feeling warm and safe. Yes, it was his. It had always been his. For a moment he couldn’t remember what he had been doing there but seeing the police car from the window seemed to clear his thoughts. A burglary, that’s what he was attending. He didn’t need to be there and couldn’t quite remember why he’d come along. It didn’t matter. He needed to get home where it was safe.
Elise patted Janets head gently and handed her a chunk of raw beef as a treat. The weevil took it and retreated to the corner to chew on it. Owen had sent Elise to give the implant to Janet as she was the only one who could just walk in there and do it without sedating or pinning down the creature. It had gone smoothly. Most weevils cowered in Elises presence but Janet had reached a point where she could be content with just bowing. Still, no one knew exactly why they did that but for now it was at least helpful.
“If only everything was as easy as this, eh? Maybe I can teach you to fetch things some time.”
She looked back to see Janet holding out a glove Elise had dropped.
“Did… Did you understand me?”
The weevil tilted her head. Elise took the other glove and gently tossed it to the corner.
“Can you fetch that for me?”
Janet looked back at the glove before retrieving it.
“Good girl.”
Janet let out a trill like noise and slowly blinked.
“Huh… Sit down.”
Janet sat on the floor and trilled again awaiting another request.
“Is it just you that listens to me or will the others listen too? What am I doing, it’s not like you can answer me even if you understand.”
She nodded then bowed, her head almost to the floor.
“All of them?”
She nodded again.
“Ok. Let me go and test it ok? You did really well. Here.” Elise handed Janet the other cube of meat she’d been keeping hold of for when she left. She left and closed the door behind her before heading back up.
“Hey, guys? Does Janet ever listen to you or do what you say?” She asked.
There was a low murmur as everyone shook their heads.
Jack decided to get more information. “Why?”
“I was just down there giving her the implant to test and she was listening. Like I was practically playing fetch with her. I thought it was a fluke but I told her to sit and she did. Then I asked her if the other weevils would listen too and she nodded. There was actual  recognition there. Look on the camera for yourself. It was surreal.”
Owen wandered over and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. “No fever, so you’re not delirious.”
Elise brushed his hand away. “I’m serious.”
“Owen she’s not joking, look at this.” Tosh said, waving him over to see what was on her screen. Jack marched over to join them and see, even turning up the sound so everyone could hear. It seemed to confirm exactly what Elise said. There was recognition of her words. Not just a vague link between a word and an action like telling a dog to fetch a stick, actual sentient recognition. They’d never seen that in a weevil before. They were base creatures, vicious and relatively untamable.
“Do we have any other captive weevils right now?” Jack asked.
“Not since Elise has been shooing them off.” Owen shrugged. “Not sure where the nearest nest is anymore. We cleared the last one out completely.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever actually wanted a weevil to turn up before but here we are.”
Sergeant Farrell locked his front door and closed the curtains, taking the gem from his pocket. The light it gave out was a lavender colour that shimmered and shone, illuminating the room. He sat in the living room, ignoring the phone ringing. It was most likely his wife who still lived in their old home. She called every night after work and he always looked forward to hearing her voice but he couldn’t drag himself away from the light. It was too beautiful. Too warm. He had to eat. Yes. The grumbling in his stomach distracted him momentarily. It could wait, he had to keep looking at the light. What if it changed? He couldn’t miss that. The light from under the curtain seemed to dull the stone to almost nothing. What time was it? Six? It was morning already? He couldn’t remember if he’d slept or not but he had to go to work. He walked unsteadily on legs that had gone quite numb past the phone, seeing a red number four flashing on the tiny screen. He’d check his missed calls later.
Jack was not impressed that he’d heard of the burglary so late. Due to there being barely anything left the police hadn’t flagged it as strange. Not only that but the death had been registered extremely late. It was a perfect storm and now almost everything was gone. Thankfully there was a safe that the burglars hadn’t gotten into and Jack had one thing that the burglars had not. Tosh. She had plugged her laptop into the digital lock for the safe and only taken five minutes to get it open. Inside the safe sat a full casing from a dalek that had made Jack jump and rattled him more than he’d like to admit. He made the excuse of seeing what was taking Gwen so long with the officers outside just to pull himself together. When he reached the door he saw one of the officers that had been posted at the entrance almost shrinking next to their superior. Said superior looked like he hadn’t slept in some time and it was hard to tell if he was glaring or just trying to keep his eyes open. Gwen looked like she was definitely glaring.
“Is there a problem officers?” He asked as he strode out towards them.
Gwen turned and smiled softly at the offer of backup. “Jack, this is Sergeant Farrell.”
“Ah yes, I’ve been told a few things about you from my staff.”
“You’re the one in charge of this outfit are you? Well you can tell all of your minions to vacate the premises. I will not have my scene contaminated by people who think they’re above the law.”
“Not above, outside the law. I thought you were informed of our status last time you tried to hinder our investigation.” Jack pulled himself to his full height, his stance as solid as possible.
“I don’t care how you put it, no one is outside of the law. You might have paid off or blackmailed everyone else but I won’t be corrupted.”
The captain laughed. “If I tried to intimidate or pay off every lawmaker in the country I’d never have time to do my job. Anyway, I prefer charm to intimidation. I can see you don’t follow the same ideology. Now, why don’t you stop wasting both my time and yours and go.”
“This isn’t over.”
“I think you’ll find it is. Unless you want me to make a few calls.”
“Was that a threat?”
“I don’t make threats, I make promises.”
“Holy fuck!” Gasped Ianto, clipboard in hand to note down the inventory from the house. He’d snapped the pencil he’d been holding in half when he’d seen the dalek casing.
“It’s dead and hollowed out. It’s even been decontaminated at some point.” Said Tosh, pointing to a tag hanging from its eye stalk. “Are you alright?”
“You’ve clearly never faced one of these things.”
“Thankfully no. I thought it looked like an upside down bin.”
“Maybe when they’re dead. They’re a nightmare alive… I’m going to have to archive this thing. Maybe I can convince Jack to have it deconstructed.”
“I don’t think that would be too difficult. He looked rather spooked when he saw it too. You can bond over shared trauma.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary somehow. I hope the other items in here aren’t as terrifying.”
“I’m sure they’re all horrific in their own unique ways.”
“Owen’s sense of humor is rubbing off on you.”
“Sorry, I think it’s contagious. Did you see the skull?”
“Middle shelf, on your left.”
Ianto turned his head and looked into the hollow sockets of a weevils skull. “At least it isn’t a whole weevil. Why’s it in the safe?”
“No idea. Maybe he was trying to get hold of the other parts of the skeleton and didn’t want to display it until he did.”
“This is starting to feel more like a tomb than a safe. Nice chunk of moldavite in here at least. I’m sure someone’s going to want that.”
“I always prefered a quartz.”
“A good Earth woman. None of this meteor glass nonsense.”
Tosh chuckled. “Well, you have to support your home planet.”
“Well, he was charming.” Jack said dryly as he closed the front door behind him.
Gwen sighed.“Oh yea. Absolutely lovely.”  
“It could be worse. You could be working with him.”
“Just don’t. I think I would have quit. Did Tosh get the safe open?”
“Yea. You’ll have to take a look in there for yourself. The contents were a shock I didn’t need this morning.” He stopped to look at one of the empty displays. The small gold plaque said it was a ‘deaths scythe’ that had been found in Afghanistan in the thirties, killing twelve of the archeologists that had been part of the dig that unearthed it. Next to it was a very small display that had once held a ‘sleeping stone’ that had to be kept a certain distance from any living being to prevent it latching onto them, lulling them into an almost comatose state and eventually killing them as they stop eating and drinking just to stay with the stone. The final display was more than large enough to hold a suit of armor. The plaque said it had contained a ‘complete cyberman’. Jack shuddered at the idea.
“Do you think this was linked to the auction?”
“I’m pretty certain it was. The funds you’d need just to move all of this in one night point right to our host.”
“Does this host have a name?”
“Not that we know of. His whole family have spent decades carefully defending their anonymity.”        
    Owen rolled his eyes thinking there was no chance this weevil whispering thing would work. The building he stood in had been bought and squatters had been evicted but the owner had not counted on weevils moving in. He wasn’t sure what way they were getting in but it was hard to mistake that smell for anything else. Janet was pretty calm for a weevil and he’d managed to at least get her not to instantly try and attack him so he didn’t expect a wild weevil to be nearly as calm.
“Looks like they’ve gone.” He said, watching Elise look around.
“Shhhh. I can hear one.”
“Well then just call it out like a dog if you think it’ll work.”
“Fine.” She turned down the hallway where she’d heard the movement. “Excuse me.”
“Do they react better to you being polite?”
“Oh hush… If you can hear me I want you to come out and show yourself.”
For a moment there was nothing, but then a young male weevil loped out, it’s head down. It wasn’t one they’d caught before as it wasn’t dressed in the usual blue overalls that the captured ones were given.
Owen studied it. “He’s definitely scared of you.”
“It’s ok little guy. Can you understand me?”
It nodded slowly.
“Can you understand him?” She pointed at Owen as the weevil looked up. It tilted its head and huffed then turned its attention back to Elise. “I guess not. Ok… What do I call you… Urm… Steeve. Ok Steeve. You tell all of your friends, family, whatever that they can’t stay in the city. No attacking people. Understand?”
Steeve the nodded slowly.
“Ok, off you go then.”
It plodded off again, disappearing down into what was likely a basement.
“You called it Steeve?” Asked Owen.
“What would you have called him?”
“That’s the difference, I wouldn’t have named it.”
“Like hell you wouldn’t have… So, being as we’re done here you can tell me what the last party was like.”
“The masquerade auction thing.”
“I’ll tell you about it on the drive back, this place stinks.”
“Dogon fourth and fifth eyes. Two sonic screwdrivers because why have only one. Six pages of psychic paper. One Sycorax helmet. One Vashta nerada farm. One Hath respirator. Two Judoon horns. One pair of Menoptra wings. Two Ogron stun guns. Six gemstones of unknown origin. One feline skull of unknown species. Three unidentified items of alien design. Four unidentified items made from materials found on Earth. One decommissioned Dalek. One weevil skull. One six by six inch piece of moldavite. Three bags of mixed currency of unknown origin. Have I missed anything?” Ianto asked, double checking his list.
“I think that’s everything in here. Where’s your PDA?” Tosh folded her laptop and wrapped one of the cables over her arm.
“It won’t work inside the safe. It won’t take me a minute to write it up afterwards. Have you seen Jack?”
“He popped by but he’s doing a final sweep of the house in case anything was missed. Apparently he had to deal with the police outside.”
“The officer Gwen told us about?”
“I looked him up but he’s as squeaky clean as someone can be. Not even a parking ticket to his name.”
“That’s to be expected with his position. It’s not as if we can simply retcon him like we used to.”
“Well, we could but it wouldn’t have too much of an effect. I’ll see what I can do about contacting his superiors later.”
“Shouldn’t you hand that off to Gwen?”
“Gwen’s the good cop.”
“And you’re the bad cop? You?”
“On paper I’m terrifying.” Ianto smiled.
With all of the items collected and stored safely away the team were free to try and get ahead of this group. Even with all the money in the world there had to be a paper trail. Especially when organising a large event. The more expensive an order the more details a company will want just in case they aren’t paid and that was good news for Toshiko. The last time she had tried to track them they were mostly still using cash but this time he seemed to have joined the twenty first century and started using multiple offshore accounts. They were all under different names but that wasn’t going to be an issue. It never was.
“Got him.” Tosh smiled to herself. Steven Oliver Fayfall the third, the current head of a very old and prestigious family. He owned many buildings around the country so it wasn’t clear where his usual residence was. It was a start. She found a few photos from throughout time and could recognise the family but there was always another figure. A pale female, around her teens with long curled hair. Her face was blemish free, like she was wearing a mask. Her face wasn’t flagged on the system to be any being they’d met before. She sent the images over to Jack, wondering if he’d met her in his long life. In the meantime she could start thinking about the theme. Tarot. Each guest had to be dressed as one of the major arcana.
Elise leaned on the back of Toshiko’s chair.
“What you up to?” She asked.
“I found the theme for the party, plus the full dress code.”
“Nice. Who’s going?”
“Last time it was all of us. It’s a huge operation and we never really know what we’re walking in to.”
“Think they’ll let me wear a suit?”
Tosh laughed softly. “Sorry. The dress code is gender specific. It’s a floor length dress and heels for you.”
“Heels? Um… I can’t walk in heels.” Elise stood back.
“You’ll be fine. We probably won’t be doing any running.”
“No. I don’t mean I can’t run in heels I can’t walk in heels. I can barely stand in them.”
Tosh turned to her. “Really?”
“Seriously. I look like a baby giraffe. Also, if there’s dancing I can’t dance.”
“Of course you can. You just need a couple of lessons.”
“For the heels or the dancing?”
“Both. I can teach you to walk in heels. You might be lucky, me and Owen usually hold up the wall at these things. And if all else fails we could ask Ianto to teach you.”
“I’m going to fall on my face I just know it.”
“Let’s see how awful you are.” She took Elises hand. “Jack, I’ve send you a few things to look over including the theme of the party. High heels are mandatory for the ladies so I’m going to teach Elise how to not fall over in them.”
“I’ve been informed I’m not allowed to wear a suit.” Elise pouted.
Jack nodded in recognition. “They’re very old fashioned, a little over obsessed with gender norms. At least until everyone gets drunk.”
“I’m hoping we don’t have a repeat of that this time.” Tosh sighed.
“That? What happened?” Asked Elise, looking between them.   
“We were doing a last sweep before we left and behind one of the doors there was an orgy going on.”
Jack crossed his arms. “And they didn’t even invite me.”
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Monsters and Magic
TITLE: Monsters and Magic CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 37/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a vampire who helps the Avengers defeat an evil seethe of other vampires, and Loki befriends you after you end up in their custody RATING: T (so far) NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 click here
    Loki’s laughter subsided as he, Thor, and Frigga rode their elevator down to the lobby. “It seems your friends care for your lady as much as you do,” Frigga told Loki warmly. She enjoyed seeing the interactions between the team and her sons.
    Loki nodded and gathered his words before he spoke “The Sergeant and my lady were trapped together in the Hydra facility, the place Father’s ravens helped us rescue her from. They managed to form a very strong bond there while they helped each other survive. The others have taken a liking to her because she is a giant ball of sunshine that seems to always brighten everyone’s day,” he told her, a fond warm smile on his face.
    Frigga gave him a knowing look. “And you are not jealous of this Sergeant? The man with the metal arm who was carrying your lady to bed?” she asked a bit incredulously. Loki was jealous and possessive, protective of what and who he cherished.
    Loki chuckled. “Not at all. He has made it very clear that he has no intentions or desires for my love. He is one of the few Midgardians I trust with her safety and well-being,” he told Frigga, which was impressive to say the least. Loki didn’t trust easily.
    “Our friends have all adopted Lady Y/N as a little sister. Except for Stark, of course,” Thor added helpfully, or so he thought.
    Loki nodded. “The relationship between Stark and my lady is very special. They apparently knew each other before she was even turned from Midgardian into a vampire,” Loki.
    “They did?” Frigga asked, interested. She wanted to know everything she could about the team and your relationships. She really wanted to know more about you, too, curious about the woman her beloved Loki had chosen to court.
    Loki smiled warmly. “You witnessed her intellect firsthand on Asgard, as well as her insatiable desire to help everyone around her in any way she can. I do not claim to understand the details, but Stark presented her with a large sum of money to allow her to go to a prestigious school, which she attended at a much younger age than almost all Midgardians,” he said proudly. He loved bragging about your accomplishments.
    “That seems awfully generous of a stranger,” Frigga commented, wondering at the strange behavior of Midgardians, but she shook it off as the norm. “Well, your lady is more intelligent than nearly anyone I’ve ever met. She may even give youa run for your money,” she teased Loki who just inclined his head. He wouldn’t deny your intelligence and would defend your good traits to his dying breath. Though in the same breath he’d sigh in exasperation over something you did…
    When the three made it back to the tower after their adventures in Midgard, they found you and Bucky on the couch in the living room together playing Mario Kart. It was one of the usual games around the tower, since everyone seemed to enjoy it.
    Loki came over when they returned and kissed the top of your head. “Having fun, darling?” he asked you warmly, glad to see you enjoying an activity that kept you relatively relaxing and healing.
    You paused the game and grinned up at him. “Lots,” you told him warmly. “He’s much better at this than chess,” you stuck your tongue out at Bucky, teasing him.
    Bucky glared at you. “I believe he is better at anything besides chess,” Loki teased with a laugh, earning a glare from Bucky for himself.
    “He won’t play chess with me anymore,” you pouted at Loki while Bucky just glared harder at you, though was unwilling to do anything rude in front of Frigga. Frigga was laughing, enjoying seeing her son have friends. “Did you three have fun?” you asked them.
    “I believe we did. Mother?” Loki asked, and you saw the hope that the entertainments they had chosen had pleased her.
    “Spending time with my sons is always enjoyable,” she replied warmly as you finally got off the couch to hug your Loki. He wrapped his arms around you automatically and kissed the top of your head. “It was very interesting to see the animals of Midgard and the evidence of Midgardian history,” she added and the three told you about their trip to the zoo and museum.
    Loki kissed the top of your head. “Did you get any rest while we were gone, sweetheart?” he asked you after they’d told you about their day.
    You rolled your eyes in exasperation at your overprotective love. “Yes, Bucky made me rest after breakfast. And I ate something, with Bucky watching to make sure I ate something, and then took a nap this afternoon. I’ve only been up for, like, an hour,” you told Loki quickly, whining about having Bucky sicced on you to make sure you drank blood. “I got us reservations at The Precinct, it’s a fancy restaurant, you’ll love it,” you reassured Loki quickly. “And I’ll drive,” you added quickly. Thor wasn’t allowed and while Loki could he really preferred not to.
    “That sounds perfect, darling,” Loki told you warmly.
    You stood up on your toes to kiss his cheek. “Then I’m going to go get dressed in something more appropriate for dinner than my pajamas,” you added a bit sheepishly. You hadn’t bothered dressing properly when you weren’t leaving the tower. You turned your attention to Frigga. “If you’d like to freshen up before dinner, there’s a guest room set up for you on the same floor as Loki’s,” you explained, not advertising the fact that your room was on the same floor. You had helped Tony decorate the room for the queen and it was beautiful and plushly decorated.
    “I can show you to your room is if you wish, Mother,” Loki jumped to offer. You smiled at your adorable mama’s boy.
    “That would be appreciated,” Frigga replied and took Loki’s arm while Thor plopped ungracefully down on the couch to pick up your abandoned controller to continue the game of Mario Kart. Loki offered you his other arm, which you immediately took and the three of you headed upstairs. You dropped Loki’s arm when you reached your room and kissed his cheek.
    “My room is here,” you said for Frigga’s benefit. “The guest room is that one,” you pointed to the room on the other side of Loki’s, unsure if Loki had noticed which room was being decorated for Frigga.
    Loki kissed your cheek. “I will be in my room when you are ready,” he told you and proceeded to walk Frigga to the guest suite that was set aside for her. You ducked into your room and actually put on a dress for the occasion. And heels.
    You slipped across the hall when you were dressed and ready, not bothering to knock. You did, however, wisely announce your presence. Daggers tended to come flying if you didn’t. “Hey Looks,” you told him brightly as you slipped into the room.
    Loki looked up from the book he was reading. “You look beautiful, darling,”
    You gave him a warm smile for the compliment. “Thank you, Loki,” you told him warmly. He stood to give you a kiss.
    Quite a few kisses and Frigga knocking on Loki’s door later, you headed down to the common room to find Thor and head to dinner. Thor was in the common room waiting for you, wearing a suit and looking like Clint had forced him into said suit. He didn’t look particularly happy about it either. Frigga told both of her sons how wonderful they looked in Midgardian attire.
    Loki in particular preened under his mother’s praise. He escorted you to the car while Thor escorted Frigga, though he groaned and huffed about having to dress up just for dinner. You summoned your keys and Loki walked you to the driver’s side of your usual borrow car of Stark’s. “Before you argue, Thor, your Mother gets shotgun,” you reminded Thor firmly of the rules of shotgun. Mothers always won. No matter what. Loki only let you drive because you were more experience at it than he was. Thor huffed that he knew how shotgun worked and held the passenger’s door open for Frigga while Loki held your door open for you. Frigga raised polite boys.
    After the boys were seated in the back, you carefully drove them to the fancy restaurant. Frigga looked impressed the entire way. The car impressed her as it was nothing like the flying boats of Asgard, and was faster than traveling by horse.
    When you parked at the restaurant, Loki and Thor moved at the same time to open your car door and Frigga’s, and Loki offered you his hand gracefully to help you from the car. You took his hand with a bright smile and stepped out of the car. You leaned up to kiss his cheek, the distance shorter than usual due to the fact you were wearing heels. The four of you walked into the restaurant. You took the lead here to interact with the humans. “Hello, we have a table for four under Tony Stark,” you greeted the host politely. He looked incredulous until he recognized Thor and Loki and realized that Stark must have just called in the reservation for your strange group. You were led to your table and the boys pulled out your chairs and seated you before they sat themselves. Loki kissed your cheek as he seated you.
    You smiled and thanked him and opened your menu. “Ignore the prices,” you told them all. “Stark’s paying,” you added with a smirk at Loki.
    “Well, in that case…” Loki started to look for the most expensive thing on the menu, just to annoy Stark. You had to reassure Frigga that you meant what you said and reassured her that he was as rich as royalty and wished for Frigga’s visit to be pleasant.
    “And he’s just glad you’re getting me out of the tower. He has a soft spot for me for some reason,” you added as you browsed the menu for something that sounded good instead of the most expensive thing.
    “So, what adventures do you three get up to on Midgard?” Frigga asked after the orders were taken while you were waiting for your meals to arrive. She knew her sons well and knew they were always up to something.
    “Mostly missions, helping the team fighting villains and monsters and defending Midgard. I have also been teaching my lady more magic since she knows so little,” Loki explained what they were up to in a way that would be satisfactory to his mother.
    “There are things your lady does not already know?” Frigga teased kindly, making you all laugh. “I’m sure you are a wonderful teacher, darling,” she told Loki warmly once the laughter died down. Thor told her about some of their adventures as well. You explained overly modestly about how you didn’t go out on missions with the team, but worked in the lab helping the team out a little with their equipment. Loki rolled his eyes and insisted that you were being too modest and explained what you did with pride.
    “Stark is going to kill you,” you giggled at Loki when your food arrived. He’d ordered so much of the most expensive things on the menu. You burst into more giggles as you took a picture for evidence later when Stark demanded why dinner was so expensive.
    He chuckled. “Well, I might as well enjoy it now,” he told you brightly and began to eat his giant meal with glee and enthusiasm. You laughed even harder and Thor smiled, seeming to appreciate that you appeared truly happy for the first time since they brought you home from Asgard.
    As per usual you had to order all of the desserts because it was mandatory to try them all, especially when you were in the presence of a sweets-loving trickster god. You nearly blew a gasket at the bill when it came. “I take no responsibility for this,” you informed Loki as you handed over Stark’s credit card. Loki just laughed in reply.
    At dawn the next morning, Thor bangs loudly on the door to your room where you and Loki were currently sleeping. “Brother! Get up!” he announced as he barged in. “Mother is leaving soon and you need to come say goodbye.”
    Loki jumped up from the bed and rushed to the door. “Mother is leaving already?” he demanded sad and worried over why her visit was so short.
    “Father is as overprotective as you are and would only allow her to stay off-world without a full escort for a day, at least this time,” Thor explained as you groggily got to your feet too. You’d all been up late telling stories with Frigga last night.
    Loki growled under his breath at the Allfather’s antics but he moved and wrapped an arm around you to help keep you on your feet.
    “I’m ok,” you insisted as convincingly as you could.
    “I would believe that if you could stand on your own,” he told you dryly
    “I can~” you protested, huffing at him. You weren’t thatweak.
    “Of course you can,” he told you dryly with a sigh of exasperation and kept his arm firmly around you as the three of you headed down to the dining room where Frigga was having breakfast with the team. Clint had made French Toast for her. It was another of Loki’s favorites. When they arrived, Frigga was just finishing her breakfast and praising Clint on his skills, making him blush.
    Frigga stood and touched Loki’s cheek. “I’m sorry I cant stay longer. You know how your father is…” she tells him, truly sad that this was such a short visit, but Odin already hated that she had come to Midgard without him.
    Loki gave her a fond warm smile. “I understand, mother. Though it is sad to see you return home after such a short visit,”
    “He worries, darling, as would you if your lady were to leave the realm without you as escort,” she reminded him. He nodded sadly, but knew there was no choice. You said goodbye to Frigga before she and her boys headed downstairs. It was after sunrise and you were safer inside the tower. She kissed your cheek before she went with her sons.
    Before Thor called the Bifrost, Frigga pulled Loki aside to have a quiet word with him. She turned so Thor wouldn’t read her lips to see what they were discussing and her words were quiet enough that Loki had to concentrate in order to hear her. “I may have found something that will help or potentially cure your lady of her affliction”
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queenallura · 6 years
Form Podcast Transcript - Ep. 2
Hosted by Kyle Anderson from Nerdist
Guests: Mitch Iverson (writer), Christine Bian (design supervisor), and Tim Hedrick (story editor)
Episode 1x02 “Some Assembly Required”
Kyle Anderson (KA): Hello everyone. Welcome back to the second episode of Form Podcast.. This is the official Voltron commentary podcast. My name is Kyle Anderson and today we’re going to be doing a commentary of season 1, episode 2 “Some Assembly Required.” And I’m here with three people who helped to make the show, and they can introduce themselves right now.
Mitch Iverson (MI): Hi, I’m Mitch Iverson. I’m a writer on the show.
Christine Bian (CB): Hi, I’m Christine Bian, and I am the prop and background design supervisor.
Tim Hedrick (TH): I’m Tim Hedrick, I’m the head writer.
CB: Woo woo!
KA: Welcome! And everyone at home, make sure that your Netflix episode is all queued up to all zeroes because we’re gonna hit play when I say “play” again, the third time. Three, two, one, play. We did it.
TH: Netflix. Right guys?
CB: *hums the theme song*
KA: It’s an original series.
TH: What a great company.
[someone makes an explosion sound]
MI: Can we just do sound effects?
KA: Yeah, sure! It’s your show.
TH: Here’s some of the fantastic lions that Christine designed.
CB: Oh shucks Tim, thanks.
TH: When you look at them, do you think, “These are my kids.” They’re on the screen, and they’re kinda looking at me, like, “Mommy’s here.”
CB: Uh, yeah. I get a little bit of that.
MI: Do you worry about how much college is going to cost one day.
CB: Yeah totally. And you know, have they eaten today, you know? I think especially the first time we saw them on screen, you know, for these first couple episodes, I remember I was like “oh my gosh, it’s real now.”
MI: Well you did a fantastic job.
CB: Oh you guys. Thank you.
TH: Hunk, still in his pajamas.
CB: Shiro would be working out before everybody else is up.
TH: I love that my name comes up next to Lance, who’s sleeping, like yes, perfect. That’s where I want to be.
KA: Some of the paladins didn’t even bother putting on pajamas. They’re just like, “I’m going to sleep in my clothes.”
CB: Yeah, I think it speaks a lot to Hunk’s character that even though it was the first night or second night, he’s like, “I gotta be comfy.”
MI: As a guy who has fluctuated from bigger weights to smaller weights every now and then, we you get a little bigger you gotta get some breathing material.
CB: Even when you’re not bigger, I feel like big pajamas, that’s the way to go. For flights over a couple of hours, I actually bring pajamas onto the plane and I change into them, because I’m like, I’m not going to sit here all uncomfortably for, you know.
MI: You know, this is something I think the fans would like-
KA: How do people fly.
TH: The travel habits of Christine Bian.
MI: -is how often Hunk moments come from within the creative staff. Somebody one time said, “Who would talk about food that much?” And it was like, “Me and Christine.”
CB: When I saw you come in here, I was like, with the three of us, is this just going to devolve into a discussion about snacks and ham?
MI: Hopefully. He did have a meat thermometer.
KA: That’s true.
CB: Ooh right here! I want to talk about the blue lion slippers, the infamous blue lion slippers. So I know some people were wondering where the slippers came from, because yes technically this is only their second night in the castle ship. But I think all three of us agree that they were made when the lions were originally made. So they were passed down from paladin to paladin and they never get stinky or anything because they’re magical Altean slippers.
TH: They have some sort of a magical fungus guard on them that Alfor created.
CB: Yep. And every time you put your foot in, it’s like the first time. You know? So all the fuzz is still all-
TH: I thought you were going to say every time you put your foot in it makes little growls like “rrr.”
CB: It does that too.
MI: Do they purr and massage your feet?
TH: Oh man.
CB: Uh yes, absolutely.
TH: Alfor, you genius.
CB: And they’re gel cooled or heated, to the perfect temperature.
TH: And the thing about Altean alchemy is even Alfor didn’t know everything that the slippers did. And they also conform to the feet of the paladins themselves.
CB: Absolutely. Like if you’ve got wide feet or whatever. In some ways the slippers are even more of a technological achievement than the lions.
MI: Little know fact, Lance had flat feet but they helped rebuild his arch.
KA: Oh wow!
CB: Oh Mitch, I didn’t know that!
CB: For this sequence [when the paladins are going to their lions from the bridge], Joaquim and Lauren had some specific [ideas]. They wanted to put in stuff from the original sequence like the zipline, and when they drop into their shuttles and stuff.
KA: That’s really the problem, we just get sucked into these episodes and just start watching them.
KA: We probably ought to say something so that people aren’t just listening to dead air.
TH: I think that when were were talking about the ziplines early on, Hunk falling of the zipline was inspired by me saying, “So you gotta hang off of that zipline all the way down?” I’m sure that I would fall off almost immediately. How long do they slide down that thing? It seems like a really long way.
MI: I get sweaty hands, which is embarrassing but truth.
TH: To be hanging onto that, for sure I’d fall off that slide.
CB: I couldn’t even do the monkey bars. I wouldn’t even try.
KA: It’s such a good sequence it’s setting up, like they made it work once but that doesn’t mean they’re great enough to do it again.
TH: It all comes together at the end of that first three episode run [1x01] where they magically form Voltron right when they have to, because that’s the wonder of Voltron, but now it’s like without that extra adrenaline rush they just don’t do it. And then we were just trying to think of like, how would you do that? If you were trying to form Voltron. Would you just stack up?
CB: That adrenaline thing is totally true.
MI: I know I’m not able to form Voltron in real life unless the heart’s pumping.
CB: As a kid once, I was running away scared from my neighbor’s dog one time and I jumped over my fence to get away from him. Once he went away I couldn’t get back over. It was the fear that driving me over the first time and then I couldn’t get back.
TH: And you were arrested for trespassing.
MI: “No, there was a dog, I swear!”
CB: To circle back around, to the Let’s Voltron podcast. Greg Tyler did do a really good blog post about the inner workings, he did like a whole breakdown of how the paladins get from the castleship bridge to the lions in the hangar.
MI: Nice.
KA: It’s like they have those big Star Trek maps of like here’s where are the lifts are or whatever-
CB: I’m just impressed that somebody that’s not on our team would take the time and effort to actually figure it out, and I’m glad it makes some sort of sense.
KA: Get one of those big cross section maps of the ship. That would be cool.
CB: Oh yeah, totally! Put it on t-shirts and whatnot.
MI: I used to always buy those cross section Star Wars or Star Trek books.
KA: Absolutely.
MI: Oh, here’s the MIllenium Falcon!
CB: I loved- like the blueprint books! Oh, I still love those. In fact I think I have that book you’re talking about.
KA: I’m sure you do. But that’s kinda like, your job.
TH: That’s work.
CB: I can write it off!
KA: So this is the second episode of this podcast. I need to task all of you, since this is your first episode on the podcast; what is your favorite lion and why?
CB: I’ll go first, give you guys some time to think about it. Mine is the Blue Lion. And the only reason for that is because he’s the first lion that we designed and built in 3D. And so that was like our learning lion; we were able to troubleshoot a lot of stuff while we were developing him. I think out of all the lions, we spent the most time with him, kinda making him out of scratch, so I’ll never forget that.
TH: How much different is the Blue Lion from the other lions, and what are the subtle differences that perhaps people are not going to pick up on?
CB: Oh well, Tim, I’m glad you asked. The leg lions are stockier, more solid in build. And then the arm lions are kinda more sleek and agile. And the black lion is kinda the most robust one since he’s the centerpiece. But I do also really like the Yellow Lion because I like his teeth. He’s got little construction digger teeth.
TH: Underbite.
CB: Underbite, yeah. But what about you guys?
TH: Well I was going to say the Yellow Lion because I think I would like to run into things with my lion. That would be a lot of fun. And he’s got the big paws that come out later and that’s pretty cool.
CB: And he’s got a big turtle shell booster shield thing, so yeah you can take a lot of damage in that lion. Go off roading with him.
MI: I’m going to go with Green because of invisibility.
KA: That’s a good one.
MI: It’s a pretty powerful tool, as a person who likes to avoid confrontation as much as possible. And then also to shoot vines at things. That’s kind of a very appropriate lion for me.
TH: I just want to point out that the yelmors are mentioned in here.
CB: Oh my gosh, the yelmors.
TH: And I’m going to go ahead and just say, keep an eye out for yelmors, fans. That’s just something-
KA: Oh?
CB: What is it that yelmors... do?
TH: You’ll find out. I guess I would just say, Christine, keep watching the show.
CB: Oh, right? What are those Yelmors famous for?
TH: Well they’re linked at the ears. They work together. They feed each other.
CB: Oh that’s right. [giggles]
MI: It’s too bad that you guys can’t see on this podcast, but we’re also linked at the ears right now.
CB: It’s true.
TH: And we do feed each other.
TH: I like the Coran-Allura dynamic in the show. Allura becomes this super cheerful drill sergeant and has the ship actively trying to kill them. And then Coran says, “Oh, yeah you probably can’t form Voltron because you haven’t been practicing for hundreds of years like the original paladins, and I just forgot to mention that.” And then brings them into this training- the whole training ground thing I think is really cool. The invisible maze. This is a cool part of the ship. One of the fun things about the castle ship is that it’s so huge, and I just imagine there are just hundreds of places we have never gone to yet.
CB: Oh yeah totally.
TH: There are multiple decks that we never get to see.
CB: One think I like about Altean technology/Altean magic, it’s a very convenient technology. So kinda whatever-
TH: Except the ziplines. They never got around to fixing that.
CB: It’s to build the paladins’ upper arm strength, Tim. You see, it’s all cleverly built into their exercise regime.
TH: Makes sense.
MI: Little known fact, those paladins, I mean the lions are hard to maneuver. Gotta get their upper arm strength strong.
KA: In later season they don’t use the ziplines any more, so they’re graduated. They’re strong enough now.
CB: Precisely.
CB: This [the maze scene] is a really cute sequence.
KA: I like the idea of them just flying around like, this is fun I guess.
CB: One thing we really wanted our 3D models to be able to do was, because sometimes when you are compositing a 3D element into an otherwise 2D scene, the line width and line quality can really suffer from close up shots to far away shots. So that’s something that the hub team here at Dreamworks was able to develop just for our show, which is the ability to scale the lines when the lions come up close to the camera. Well, the lions and the other 3D assets. And when they recede into the camera, there’s a slider so that we can kinda manually control the line weight. Because sometimes in a 2D show with some 3D elements in it, the 3D elements will stick out because the line and the shading doesn’t match up no matter how compositing you do. So I think we see that really well here in the first episode. We see nice line width here, and then when we see the butts of the lions sticking out of the sand dunes, the lines kinda disappear out.
TH: So the lions are in 3D, the castle’s in 3D.
CB: Correct.
TH: What are the other 3D things we see in the show? We’ve got the robeasts?
CB: Yep, definitely the robeasts.
TH: All the Galra ships.
CB: Some of the Galra ships. The fight with the Galra fighter is in 3D as well as the cruisers that Sendak and his armies use.
TH: Right, those are awesome.
MI: The speeders are 3D too right?
CB: Correct, the speeders are 3D. We tried to design as many ships as we can within our budget in 3D. It’s a lot easier to have a pre-built 3D ship rather than trying to draw and turn it, all these different angles in 2D. We tried to get those big vehicles and stuff done when we can.
TH: Keith thinking about a farmhouse. Maybe he wants to be a farmer?
CB: Spam musubi and coconut shrimp.
MI: Me and Hunk are thinking about the same thing right now.
TH: What Christine was thinking of.
KA: You get just a little glimpse of what Pidge is thinking of, and it looks like a family photo but it was too fast, we couldn’t-
TH: Right.
KA: Because at this point we don’t know the secret of Pidge yet.
CB. Right, yes.
KA: We do know the secret of NIMH, but not Pidge.
TH: “Everyone has to be able to look in everyone’s head holes.” That’s one of my favorites. Yeah but this is a fun little Pidge character beat in this episode. She’s kinda holding back their ability to form Voltron because she’s got a secret that she won’t let the others know about. And everyone thinks that she’s her brother in that picture, and that’s her girlfriend.
KA: So she’s the youngest one, you know.
TH: I know. I feel like this is a really clever ruse by Pidge that she kinda plays into that. And everyone’s like, “Oh, now I feel very sorry for Pidge.” “I’m just tired.” She’s not tired. She’s not tired at all. You saw what happened at the beginning of the show, she was up working! She wasn’t sleeping.
CB: She wasn’t even in her bedroom.
TH: I think PIdge might not sleep. Just throwing that out there. I’ve never seen her sleep.
CB: Maybe she sleeps with her eyes open.
MI: What if she’s like, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
TH: Yes, that’s what it is.
MI: I’ll sleep when I find my family.
KA: These training robots are super cool looking.
TH: Yeah!
MI: The episode where they go through the Rift - that’s happened, right? It’s so hard to remember.
CB: Yes! I keep having to edit myself, like wait a minute, have we already-?
MI: Well there’s the evil Alteans, and their version of sentries are these robots, which I thought was a really cool touch.
TH: Shiro’s struggling with his PTSD after escaping the Galra.
CB: We already passed this scene - sorry Mitch, I just cut off you off - we already passed this scene but I like that the Alteans also had Capri Sun foil technology.
MI: Some design elements, they just transcend cultures.
TH: Exactly. It just makes sense.
CB: The universal-
TH: You just put your juice in a bag.
MI: Something fun I always think is the “gladiator set for a level fit for an Altean child.” It kinda seems like a burn at first but then later on you find out that Alteans are like super strong, so maybe that was really set for an Altean child!
TH: This [feeding each other] is a team exercise that I have done.
KA: Are you kidding?
TH: Where you’re all linked together and have to feed each other. Like a pack of Yelmors.
CB: Linked at the ears.
MI: That sounds so frustrating.
TH: It’s terrible. It’s the worst thing ever. And you know, they’ll have it so that like, let’s say you have a hamburger to eat. The bun’s over here, the ketchup’s over here. Nothing’s constructed. It’s not easy and you have to build everything and work together.
CB: You’ve got to assemble it? That reminds me of a Nintendo Switch game I’m playing called Overcooked.
KA: I’ve played that game.
MI: Is that the one where you have to team up to run a kitchen? I’ve seen some people playing that. That looks like actual work.
KA: It’s nerve-wracking.
CB: It gets intense. It gets really intense.
KA: We’ve done that at work before.
CB: That’s a good team bonding exercise.
MI: By the way, how awesome did that robeast look in those shots. Those shots are super cool and creepy.
CB: Yes! Super cool. That’s actually one of my favorite background designs from the first season as well done by our in-house designer William Yu. It’s actually hard to see the full genius of this design I guess you can say because it’s so dark once to went to paint. But yeah, I like how gothic and huge that space feels.
TH: Look at Coran just stepping right up. He’s willing to take that food goo right in the chest.
CB: Totally.
TH: Little “Animal House” call out here.
KA: Yep. Although I’d much rather hang out with Hunk than…what’s John Blutarsky’s character’s name?
TH: Bluto.
KA: Bluto! That’s right.
MI: I’d rather hang out with Hunk than almost anyone.
CB: I agree.
TH: It was all part of her plan! She’s good. She is good.
KA: And they don’t clean themselves off, they just go directly to Voltron.
TH: No because they go down the zipline, it just flies off.
KA: Oh that’s right.
MI: Air cleaned.
MI: Do you think they just have a little car wash equivalent that they just kinda walk through in their suits. I guess they do, actually!
TH: Yeah they do, after they come in the decontamination room when they’re having the snowball fight on the ship.
TH: So this is a big show moment here. The first time they voluntarily form Voltron.
CB: Yes, absolutely.
TH: You see that sweet Voltron forming sequence.
CB: Oh that’s right! When I was watching this episode, I didn’t even realize that this is the first time we see the transformation sequence. We worked together with Studio Mir, and we did this sequence kinda 3D and 2D. This for example, the paw going into the leg, that was all done in 2D. Here- oh wait we don’t see it here- in other versions of the transformation, he has this secondary mask that opens up and that was done in 2D as well.
TH: And this is one of the few times they form Voltron and then just get to pose. Just relax.
CB: Nice neutral background for him to stand against. Nothing to detract attention away.
CB: It’s funny to look at the artwork and design work in these first episodes because at this point we were still-. Oh wait, I just gotta stop and say, one of the first versions of this design - the castleship lounge - there was a vending machine and a coffee maker. I don’t know what happened to it, I think we just decided that with all the-
TH: It just has a little hatch and the coffee comes out
CB: It’s more Altean that way.
MI: What were you saying? You were saying something else.
CB: Oh right! What was I saying?
KA: You were talking about original designs.
CB: Right. It’s funny to look at the environments in the first couple episodes because we were kinda still, at that point we were still finding our own visual language and the style and everything. It just makes me think back to a lot of the stuff we used for reference. Like at the time there was a video game trailer that came out for a game called Rhyme. And when we saw it we were like, oh, that’s such a cool style, that vibe. We could kind of use it for inspiration for planet Arus.
KA: Man.
CB: Wow, that episode went by so fast!
KA: I’m saying, they do. But we can keep talking. That’s the beauty of this podcast, we can just keep going if we wanted to.
CB: I was going to say, I have so much to say about the slippers!
MI: She’s not joking.
TH: I hope that the merchandising people are listening to this and thinking about their slippers and accessories. It just doesn’t seem like the things are coming out fast enough.
CB: I agree.
MI: That could be Christmas’s hot item.
TH: It could be.
KA: The Blue lion slippers? Or just lion slippers in general.
CB: I mean each paladin actually has their own slippers. The black lion slipper, green, yellow.
KA: Shiro doesn’t seem like a slipper guy.
CB: He doesn’t seem like it, but I think out of all of them, he’s the most secret kind of comfort - you know, I bet he has, like, cashmere pajamas. Work hard, relax hard, goes to the spa, gets manicures.
TH: What I’ve wanted is a Voltron lion potholder, you know, like oven mitts.
CB: Oven mitts! Genius. I love it.
T: I don’t know why we don’t have those. That can go with the slippers and then maybe black lion can be some kind of apron with a little hat that goes on the top.
CB: I love it. To keep your shirt clean and your hair clean.
TH: Yes exactly, like a hairnet.
CB: No I like it.
MI: Hygienic.
KA: If the marketing people aren’t listening, at least the cosplayers should be listening because these are all great, super awesome ideas.
CB: Please signal boost these ideas out onto the internet.
KA: Well thank you guys so much for watching this episode you helped make and I did nothing but enjoy. We’ll go around to everybody and see what your Twitter handle or whatever social media platform you’d like to plug.
CB: Oh, okay! Go ahead Tim.
TH: You can reach me on Twitter @TheTimHedrick
CB: I am @, um, I think I’m @Christinebean33
MI: And I am @mitch_iverson. I had to look it up real quick.
CB: Mitch, actually, can you look up mine up too just to make sure.
CB: Okay yeah, I am @Christinebean33
KA: So if you want to share your travel stories with what you wear when you go traveling.
TH: Oh man you know where to send them.
MI: Or if you want to talk about food.
KA: Or if you want to talk about food!
CB: Oh man. We’re going to save that for another episode. Just talking about the food.
KA: We hope you guys come back for another episode because there’s a lot left to go. But thank you guys for listening. I’ve been Kyle Anderson, you can follow me on Twitter at @FunctionalNerd. And we’ll see you next time here on Form Podcast.
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