#The New Adventures of Flash Gordon
chernobog13 · 2 months
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Flash Gordon gets a lift from one of the Hawkmen of Mongo in this animation cel from The New Adventures of Flash Gordon (1979) from Filmation.
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yestolerancepro · 6 months
Tolerance Project extra The 8 Best Star Wars Rip offs Ranked
Hello there this Tolerance blog entry is inspired by the movieweb article of the same title you can on the article by clicking here https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/the-8-best-star-wars-rip-offs-ranked/ar-AA1chYZM
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One of the first sequences in the Tolerance film is a Star Wars spoof so this article peeked my interest our Star Wars Spoof was a bit less blatant than those featured in the movieweb article all we did for ours was spoof the opening dialoge crawl that opened all 9 of the movies in the Star Wars saga
You can read about how Star Wars created that orignal opening crawl by clicking here https://www.slashfilm.com/1322995/how-star-wars-created-original-opening-crawl-using-black-paper/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20to%20make%20the%20crawl%2C%20they%20had%20to,illusion%20of%20the%20letters%20progressing%20up%20the%20screen.
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To quote the movie web article Star Wars is one of the biggest and most successful science fiction franchises ever created. Beginning in 1977, the original film became one of many episodic movies now dubbed the Skywalker Saga, told in a trilogy of trilogies.Recounting the galactic civil war between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, Star Wars shares the sociopolitical consequences of space exploration and planetary conquest. On the surface, the franchise is a fairy tale told in space. Its formula and genre became so popular, it led to copycats in a galaxy not so far away.
Of the 8 films mentioned I have never seen the man who saved the world 1982 trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRV6z-cd-c  and Starchaser the legend of Orin 1985 trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8UZ2WfLG70
 But I will endevour to chase them down so I will just comment on the other 6 films on the list.
 Krull (1983)
Krull is a science fiction and fantasy adventure film about a royal family who will rule the galaxy as foretold in a prophecy. Playing off the fairy-tale-in-space trope, the film didn't know what to be as it tried cashing in on two genres for the price of one. The rip-off was also released the same year as Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi, leading to an early death by comparison. However, it has survived being a box-office bomb and panned by critics with its own cult following.
The website space.com  published this short article about the film
Luke Skywalker's well publicized exploits on the Death Star were such a spectacular success that there was an air of inevitability when other Hollywood studios tried to make a "Star Wars" of their own. More remarkable was the fact that their subsequent efforts to milk the cash cow (or bantha, perhaps?) took such different approaches to outer space.
However, most of the wannabes ignored a crucial element of George Lucas's extremely lucrative franchise – for all the spaceships, robots, and lasers, "Star Wars" was actually fantasy in sci-fi clothing, built around a hero whose quest revolved as much around magic (cleverly rebranded as "the Force") as futuristic gadgets.
In the years following "A New Hope," viewers were invited to experience the high camp of "Flash Gordon," the overblown space opera of "The Black Hole," and a Roger Corman-produced interstellar riff on "The Magnificent Seven" called "Battle Beyond the Stars." "Star Trek" also got in on the act with the "2001: A Space Odyssey"-esque grandeur of "The Motion Picture," while T.V. viewers were given a weekly dose of sci-fi in their homes courtesy of "Battlestar Galactica" (arguably one of the best sci-fi TV shows of all time).
According to this article on the Giant Freaking Robot website Krull could be getting a new film Reboot with JJ Abrams directing https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/exclusive-krull-reboot-jj-abrams.html
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The Last Starfighter (1984)
The Last Starfighter follows teenager Alex, who is chosen to be a gunner in an interstellar war based on his high score in an arcade game of the same, a secret recruitment tool of the Rylan Star League. Alex is forced to save the dying alien squadron and destroy the enemy fleet, the Ko-Dan Armada.
He later stays to rebuild the league's depleted forces, knowing their overlord survived the destruction of his mothership. Compared to Luke Skywalker, the film takes the glory out of the hero's journey for Alex, who must protect a planet now facing near-extinction.
A very good film I watched it as a 7 year old as my Dad got us to watch it on VHS remember those ? The Star Wars stuff went over my head the Ironic thing here is that I used my Star wars toys to play the last Starfighter for weeks after seeing it I have great memories of the film it was one of the first to use CGI before the term was even known about 
That reminds me I most get a copy of this film on Bluray
To read a retrospective on the film click here https://www.fatherly.com/entertainment/last-starfighter-retrospective-sci-fi-movie-1984
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Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
Battle Beyond the Stars was produced by the famous B-movie director Roger Corman. His rip-off follows a farming world being threatened by warlord Sador (Darth Vader) who needs body parts to salvage his own deteriorating body. He possesses a Stellar Converter that turns planets into stars unless their inhabitants comply. By proxy, volunteers (Rebels) band together to thwart the doomsday machine. The film is comically derivative and was intended to be a Magnificent Seven in space
Not really a Star Wars Rip off its more Magnificent Seven in Space but its its still a great film I remember seeing it on ITV network one afternoon the story didn’t really grab me but I thought the acting was great I remember thinking what is John Boy from the Waltons and Hanibal Smith from the A Team doing in Outer Space lol
For those Wondering what I am talking about ha ha Richard Thomas who played John Boy Walton in the long running series played Shad the hero of Battle Beyound the Stars
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George Peppard now more well known for playing the role of Haniball Smith in the A Team played the role of Cowboy in the film 
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Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Battlestar Galactica began with the television pilot "Saga of a Star World" and was released theatrically as a standalone film. A thousand-year-old war in a distant star system between humanity and a robot race known as the Cyclons. A peace treaty is reached but ends in deception after the promise of sparing the Cyclon race was broken.
They use the Battlestar Galactica to protect them from the impending robotic fleet. The film and short-lived series led to a copyright infringement lawsuit; the planet Carillon, for example, has a gambler's den similar to the Mos Eisley cantina.
Again speaking as I find the Star Wars referances went over my head. I loved the series as a kid  for a number of reasons. 
One was the classic theme tune by Stu Phillips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzyHxYxc to listen to an interview with the composer click here : https://filmumentaries.com/2023/06/78-stu-phillips-composer-battlestar-galactica-knight-rider-etc/
The charectors of Starbuck and Apollo played by a pre A Team Dirk Benidect and Richard Hatch I also loved the space battles with the Cylons who were great baddies.
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Talking of the Cylons the blinking eye motif that moved across their faces would turn up  again in another Glenn Larson series for the grill in the talking car action series Knight Rider.
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 I also loved the stories as well about them trying to find somewhere called planet Earth a planet for them to settle on a place to call home they would find Earth but not until the sequel series Galactica 1980 which took place 30 years after the orignal series .
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Flash Gordon (1980)
Flash Gordon is a space opera superhero film based on the comic strip of the titular character. Its story follows an unlikely hero who receives aid to stop a ruthless alien tyrant from destroying the Earth. George Lucas attempted to secure the rights to make his own adaptation of the space faring hero, but when denied, he made Star Wars instead. The film has since reached cult status for its campy, exaggerated costumes, set design, and special effects.
Again this is not a Star Wars Rip Off Flash Gordon was arround in the early 30s and 40s long before Star Wars was even thought of.
I used to watch the old black and white serials with Buster Crabbe during the summer holidays you can watch a trailer for Flash Gordon conquers the universe by clicking here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlEWl3igd0c
Also this article is worth a read about how the 1930s Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon seriels changed scifi https://www.tor.com/2019/08/21/the-flash-gordon-serials-of-the-1930s-changed-the-face-of-sci-fi/
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 I had also seen the classic Filmation animated series The New Adventures of Flash Gordon 1979-1982 which again was shown during school holidays  and loved that  the first series more than the second.
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 So I was well grounded in Flash Gordon before I saw the film  i first remember seeing this film as a movie premire shown on the BBC during Christmas in the early 80s and I have loved it ever since.
The film is really well done acting and effects wise and Queen who I also love did an excellant soundtrack for it Flash’s theme which you can see by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfmrHTdXgK4 is a great example  I think its a real shame that there was no sequel to follow it I would have watched it anyway
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Spaceballs (1987)
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and Spaceballs is the funniest love letter to Star Wars in the entire galaxy. The parody created by comedian and filmmaker Mel Brooks follows mercenary Lone Starr (Han Solo), his half-man, half-dog sidekick Barf (Chewbacca), Princess Vespa (Princess Leia), and the wise, old alien Yogurt (Yoda), who teaches them the power of the Schwartz (the Force).
Together, the ragtag team stop the planet Spaceball from stealing the air from Vespa's home planet. The comedy also makes jabs at other franchises, including Alien, Planet of the Apes, and Star Trek.
Probably the best Star Wars Rip off of them all is this one George Lucas even liked it the only thing he told them not to do before giving the production team the green light was asking them not to produce any merchindise for the film
As this blog is all about Star War Rip offs its only right and fair that I include this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aeyUWLPLAs&list=PL17vqAEJv6CV1syq4_fFKgBwSqGdJzH9z&index=340&t=2s
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Bonus Material
To watch a video called 10 things you didnt know about the last star fighter click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Pzxzp2m2I
To watch a documentary called 10 things you didn’t know about Flash Gordon Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu1bOFUtP5g&t=13s
To watch a documentary called 10 things you didn’t know about Krull click here
To watch a retrospective review of Flash Gordon 1980 from the Oliver Harper Youtube channel click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TI2_323Rvg
Krull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6i2par2Fv0
BattleStar Gallictica 1978 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZUHkZPK1AY
Battle Beyond the Stars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t7z_44nGio
Flash Gordon 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6uOHnxf85g
Spaceballs 1987 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGIM_yNzeUo
Notes Thanks to Minty comedic arts for the video documentaries on Flash Gordon Krull and the last Star fighter and the Oliver Harper youtube channel for the respective review of Flash Gordon,
Also Thank you to google images for the vairous film  posters
If you want to help the Tolerance project after reading this blog please click on the above link https://www.gofundme.com/gnk3ww
1) The Tolerance Star Wars Dialoge crawl
2) Krull Poster
3)Poster for the last Starfighter
4) Richard Thomas as Shad from Battle Beyond the Stars
5 George Peppard as Cowboy From Battle Beyond the Stars
6 Battle Beyond the Stars Poster
7 BattleStar Galactica DVD cover
8)Poster for the Black and white Flash Gordon serial starring Buster Crabbe
9) Title card for the animated series New Adventures of Flash Gordon
10 film Poster for Flash Gordon 1980
11) Film Poster for Space Balls
I hope you have you enjoyed this blog is its the last one of the year I have lot of other good blogs planned for the new year so keep your eyes peeled for those thanks for reading
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misterivy · 5 months
The New Adventures of Flash Gordon, also known as The Adventures of Flash Gordon, is a 1979–1982 animated television series. The series is actually called Flash Gordon but the expanded title is used in official records to distinguish it from previous versions. Filmation produced the series in 1979, partly as a reaction to the mammoth success of Star Wars in 1977. The series was an homage to the original Flash Gordon comic strip and featured many of the original characters, including Flash's girlfriend Dale Arden, and the scientist Hans Zarkov. The series is still regarded as one of the most faithful adaptations, and one of Filmation's finest overall efforts.
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childhoodcreativity · 2 years
(c) Mariana’s Trench
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doe-earth-n · 9 months
The trailer for When Worlds and Dangers Collide.
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jalapainio · 2 days
As I've been reading Comics, I've slowly been assembling a Batman readthrough Timeline, which encompasses the full scale of Batman. I made a post before of years 1-10, but now I have years 1-17 (Sorting them based on eras rather than by dates). Each also includes a canonized Trade Paperback list, for anyone who wants to read this timeline!
(Also this is going to be a long one)
Years 1-10
These years will mostly encompas reprints and post-crisis retells of the Golden and Silver Ages.
Batman Year 1: 22 year old Bruce (first of many soft head cannons) becomes Batman. Many early villains of Batman pop up, including Joker, Catwoman, Mad Hatter, Riddler, and Calendar Man. Canonized Comics include Batman: Year One and Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
Batman Year 2: This year is dedicated entirely to the Long Halloween, which also introduced Poison Ivy, Solomon Grundy, and most famously, Two-Face. Canonized Comics include Batman: The Long Halloween.
Batman Year 3: Much like Year 2, Year 3 is dedicated to its sequel, Dark Victory. In it, a new serial killer known as the Hangman has started killing cops in Gotham. This year sees the end of the classic Mafia in Gotham, and ten year old Dick Grayson being taken in by Bruce Wayne. While he does put on the Robin colors and even goes out with Batman, he is not Robin just yet. Canonized Comics include Batman: Dark Victory.
Batman Year 4: This year gives the main focus towards training Dick. We can also assume that the Justice League, or at least a version of it, has been formed during this year. In addition, Killer Croc is introduced. Also, Batman, Superman, and Wonderwoman meet. Canonized Comics include Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity
Batman Year 5: The beginning of year five starts with a bang, with Darkside invading earth. The Original Justice League is formed. I used the basis of the New 52 Justice League 1: Origin as a starting point, and until I can find a better comic, that is the ‘origin’ of the Justice League. While most of the year is like the one above, a calm year for Batman, at the end of year, 12 year old Dick wears the Robin suit for the technically second time. He is the one who makes his suit, angry at Bruce for forcing him through constant training as a stall to prevent Dick from going out. Canonized Comics include Justice League 1: Origin and Robin and Batman.
Batman Year 6: Dick goes through his next big villain during the spring of this year, facing off against Two-Face. After a brief moment when he is fired as Robin, he returns to the Cape, this time with a new perspective on his role. Canonized Comics include Robin Year One.
Batman Year 7: Dick, while working with Batman, notices Bruce's strange behavior. Collaborating with his other teen heroes he met in Year 5, he figures out that the entire Justice League is acting weird! Together, the five (Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Wondergirl) team up and work together to take down the Justice League! They called themselves the Teen Titans. Later, Barbara Gordon, 16 years old and an accelerated graduate of College (she has to be not on a normal track, or else her entire relationship with Dick would just be so weird) puts on a bat themed costume to spite her father, and ends up going against Killer Moth. Batgirl, as she's newly christrained, is supported by Robin (but not Batman) to become a superhero. Firefly takes up the costume with Killer Moth, and Batgirl takes them down. Canonized Comics include Teen Titans: Year One and Batgirl: Year One
Batman Year 8: Batman and Superman work together to defeat the Devil Nazha, which ends up with Dick being stuck in time. Bruce rescues him. Also, sometime this year something went down between Dick and Supergirl, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Canonized Comics include Batman/Superman World's Finest: Devil Nazha
Batman Year 9: Batman and Superman deal with a new superhero from another dimension and travel around the world to “have their strangest adventures yet.” Idk what that means, but I do know they fit on the Timeline right here. Canonized Comics include, Batman/Superman World's Finest: Strange Visitor and Batman/Superman World's Finest: Elementary.
Batman Year 10: 17 year old Dick and the rest of the Teen Titans fight off a rabid cult of fans! Again, I haven't read it, but I want to. Canonized Comics include World's Finest Teen Titans.
Alright, you still with me? Good. Here is years 11-17. These years mostly encompass the 80s and 90s Batman and the first three robins.
Batman Year 11: The New Teen Titans are formed! While I'm not including the titans book, the New Teen Titans, as it is pre-crisis, many of the events still happen. Mainly, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg join the team. Canonized Comics include N/A
Batman Year 12: Bruce gets concerned that Dick is spending too much time torn between several different responsibilities, between College, the Teen Titans, and helping Batman as Robin. In a fit of anger, and oh boy how I hate that phrase and how it perfectly describes what happened here, he fires Dick as Robin. Dick goes on to become Nightwing, and 12-Years-Old Jason Todd is taken in as the New Robin. Canonized Comics include Nightwing: Year One
Batman Year 13: Unlike Dick, Jason gets thrust into his role as Robin. He learns of his father's true fate; that he was killed by Two-Face. Going out of his way he almost kills Two-Face, but decides not to. Canonized Comics include N/A (I tried so hard, but I could not find the comics referenced in Death in the Family. Oh well!)
Batman Year 14: Jason and Bruce fight off a cult led by the mad Dean Blackfire. Bruce gets brainwashed, reminds himself why he fights, and then destroys the totem that controlled the cult. Barbara Gordon also retires from Batgirl this year. Canonized comics include Batman: The Cult
Batman Year 15: Barbara Gordon is shot by the Joker, and becomes paralyzed for life. In addition Jason finds out that his mother is still alive, and goes off to find her. This ends with him being beaten to death with a crowbar by the Joker. Bruce goes into a fit of grief, putting himself into more and more danger, until 6 months later, 13-Year-Old Tim Drake takes up the mantle. Canonized Comics include Batman: The Killing Joke, Batman: Death in the Family and Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying (Sometimes these stories are sold together, sometimes separately).
Batman Year 16: Oh boy. Here's the first hearty year. Firstly, Tim goes to train with Shiva for a couple of months. While this happens, Superman dies. Tim returns home. Bruce meets Azrael, and they fight before Azreal joins Batman’s crusade. As Bruce and Tim start to figure out their relationship, Bane comes into the city, breaks every criminal out of Arkham, and breaks Bruce's Back. Bruce leaves to go on a trip to rediscover himself, and Azrael becomes the next Batman, kicking Robin out of the Batcave and becoming more and more ruthless. Tim goes off and meets Spoiler, his girlfriend, and defeats the Cluemaster. Bruce begins to Travel all around the world, learning how to cure his back. Canonized Comics include Robin: Reborn, Batman: Sword of Azrael, Batman: Knightfall, Robin: Solo and Batman: Knightquest
Batman Year 17: He returns after doing so, defeating Azrael and establishing himself as Top Dog once more. He takes a quick break, letting Dick Grayson take a quick stint as Batman, before returning to the role of Nightwing and moving to Bludhaven. Also important to note, though no comics here reference it, the Birds of Prey begin here. Soon after this, however, a virus spreads throughout Gotham, causing the entire city to go on Lockdown. They defeat the one who caused the virus, and another crossover ends. During this year (Not Sure exactly when), Batman’s failsafe gets released, and Batman is voted out of the Justice League. Canonized Comics include Batman: KnightsEnd, Batman: Prodigal, Robin Turning Point, Batman: Contagion and JLA: Tower of Babel
I’ll be making a few more Batman Timelines after this, adding on Years 18 and 19 (No Man’s Land and War Games), Years 20 and 21 (Damian, Jason, and Bruce’s Death), Years 22 and 23 (Return of Bruce Wayne and New 52), and Year 24 (Rebirth). But each of these are hearty as I try and narrow down the top 15 comics to include for each.
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james5-doe · 2 months
The New Tori Article
From DoE Database. Info on her parents, Ian and Janet, has been added as well. Thank you to all creators of Tori for the contributions. This is their presentation. Like the artists, I'm taking a little break now.
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PLATINUM Race: Human Skills: Genius-level intellect, strategy, mechanics, supernatural abilities
Family: Gordons
Victoria "Tori" Gordon (née Elisonne) is a character created by AmandaDoE, featured in tales set on Earth S and Earth N.
A brilliant girl born into a family of adventurers, she is initially undecided with regard to her path in life. When two of her relatives are victimized by an alien tyrant, Tori lends her aid in battle, deals with other personal matters, and unravels certain mysteries concerning her past and her future.
The Original Defenders
Accounts of Tori's history vary, with different tales told across different worlds.
In at least one dimension, Victoria was born to Ian and Janet Elisonne while both were working as secret agents in America. Two years later, Earth made its first contact with a planet called Mongo, and Janet's brother Flash Gordon, alongside his fiancé Dale, discovered that Mongo's ruler Ming was planning to invade.
As a result, Tori's uncle Flash and aunt Dale fought to sabotage Ming's plans in space, while Tori's parents, Ian and Janet, provided backup at a defense agency on the ground.
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This team remained intact for a couple of years, during which time Dale took a break to birth twins, April and Rick.
The Day That Changed Everything
Weary of conflict, Janet concluded — without proof — that the famed magician Mandrake and other mystical beings were making Earth a target for Ming. Against the wishes of teammates, she donned a soldier's uniform, collected a rifle, and snuck off to assassinate Mandrake — all while Dale and the Defenders rushed to stop her.
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Mandrake was saved from harm when Ian arrived at the last moment and took the shot for him. Moments later, Ian bled in the arms of a remorseful Janet — who grew highly resentful toward all aliens and supernatural humans, blaming them for her mistake.
Ultimately, this event changed several things. It left Janet incarcerated, ended Ian's career, and weakened Earth's most successful defense team. It also rendered Ian unfit mentally to care for his child, costing them several moments that they would have shared.
An enraged Dale confronted Janet in captivity and had to be restrained from beating her to death. Dale filed for custody of Tori immediately, gaining the right to raise her with Flash and their children for several years. However, she made it clear that the situation wasn't motivated by hatred for Janet, but by love for Tori, whom she wanted to ensure would be brought up properly. She allowed the girl's surname to remain Elisonne, in honor of Ian.
Following her release from jail, an ostracized Janet became an operative for the Intergalactic Union Agency (IUA), an alliance dedicated to interplanetary law enforcement.
Tori's Upbringing
In the midst of all of these conflicts around her, young Victoria Elisonne was beginning to display prodigy-like intelligence, excelling at all subjects in school. During a visit to the IUA, she surprised her mother by proposing a successful solution for a unit engaged in a training mission. She also took an interest in mechanics, gaining extensive knowledge of aircrafts, computer assembly, and computer science. Additionally, upon being taken in by Flash and Dale, she learned that her new home was protected by laser-proof glass, armored door frames, and video cameras that overlooked traps, all of which increased her fascination with security and gadgetry.
A key moment of Tori's upbringing occurred when her aunt Dale revealed that not all members of Mongo's royal family were like Ming, and that people should not be judged prematurely. Dale also explained that while Tori's intelligence was admirable, humility was important, because no one, no matter how wise, could be right all the time.
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Janet tried to regain custody of Tori twice, but was denied by law. Following the second occasion, Dale vowed that Janet wouldn't be getting Tori back, and told the woman calmly to cease her efforts.
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As was promised, Tori essentially grew up with Dale, Flash, April, and Rick. She also bonded with another cousin, Sara, the daughter of Flash's other sister, Abigail. While she visited Ian and Janet occasionally, she was not given the details of their separation, and remained closest to her household family members.
Though Dale and Flash never intended to relinquish custody, their busy schedules would eventually prompt a court to return Tori to her mother, who later became head of the IUA.
As she grew, Tori developed a fondness for surfing, which she used as a means of escape on occasion to avoid friction with Janet, issues with her crushes, and other personal matters. Though her friends commended her surf ability, they always stated that she was meant for something more, and suggested that she find a true calling in life.
With numerous avenues available to her, Tori was, at first, undecided about what she would do. Being a member of the Gordon family, she had often considered joining her relatives in interplanetary law enforcement. She ultimately opted not to following the Great Rebellion — a battle on Mongo that left Ming devastated — believing that victory for Earth was near. Upon learning that her cousin Rick and her aunt Dale had been captured and victimized by Ming, however, Tori chose to become a researcher and an occasional combatant with the Intergalactic Union Agency. In recognition of her family's legacy, she changed her last name from Elisonne to Gordon.
Within this dimension, she used research to learn the truth about what happened to her father, leading to a temporary rift between herself and Janet. She later replaced her mother, took control of the IUA, and engaged in diplomacy with alien worlds.
Earth S
Tori is featured in the Earth S story Sailor Moon Defenders and its related works. She is introduced as a compassionate and athletic researcher who has gained prominence at the Intergalactic Union Agency. Unlike her mother, she believes that not all supernatural beings deserve to be persecuted, and should instead be judged as individuals.
Earth N
Tori has a prominent role in the tales of Earth N, separate from those of Earth S, created by AmandaDoE. This series features characters appearing in DC Comics and related media, along with players from the Highlander works.
During this narrative, Tori ends up involved in a supernatural struggle, and uses her talents to unravel various mysteries — some concerning herself. As events unfold, she gains paranormal abilities, and develops unexpected bonds.
Skills and Demeanor
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"That girl could rule this world, and probably will. She just doesn't know it yet."
— Abigail Gordon on her niece, Tori
Possibly the smartest girl on the planet, Victoria is a prodigy who possesses genius-level intelligence in numerous fields. Her mother, Janet, once compared her potential to that of the Necklace of Oros.
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Tori has multiple certificates in psychology, and has earned the IUA Gold Medal in strategy. As a tactician who monitors combat teams, she is widely renowned for finding weaknesses in powerful opponents while devising clever ways of subduing them. She will typically use every psychological and technological technique available to her, from researching a target's personality and baiting them into draining their strength, to setting physical traps that negate an enemy's abilities. Her tactics enabled the IUA to capture a pre-heroic Veena Dark in Veena's earliest appearance, and she has also proven capable of outsmarting other magicians, along with units of soldiers. Tori's mind is so potent that government leaders of the highest rank, outside of the IUA, have expressed interest in recruiting her, though she has usually declined in order to keep an eye on the agency and her mother.
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Like her cousins, she is a talented mechanic who knows a great deal about the assembly and functionality of weapons and vehicles, particularly combat vehicles. In addition, she has created advanced gadgetry that has been used both in and out of battle, including remote-controlled weaponry, observance devices, and tools to protect her mind from telepathic influence.
Though she has not engaged in combat as often as some of the other Gordons, she maintains an above-average level of skill as a fighter. Her creators, AmandaDoE and Neldorwen, introduced her as a kickboxer who appears to have basic Muay Thai training. In unarmed clashes, she typically uses her feet to attack an opponent, along with light grappling. Among her preferred strikes are outside crescent kicks, midsection kicks, axe kicks, and high side kicks. On most occasions, if her swings connect directly, she can subdue an enemy with one blow.
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Rick, having trained with both women, once concluded that Jedda Walker kicked a tad faster than Tori, but that Tori's strikes were more powerful. He attributed this to the fact that Jedda was a sprinter during her childhood (as revealed in Sailor Moon Defenders), while Tori's training, handled by Dale and others, was focused more on strength.
In armed battle, notably on Earth N, Tori sometimes employs a sword for self-defense. This Tori also gains mystical abilities that heighten her physical potency. In addition, she has created powerful suits of armor, equipped with laser weaponry and other tools.
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Tori is an expert in the field of computer science. She is particularly skilled at creating defensive programs, and at bypassing others, allowing her to gain the information that she needs on opponents and on additional subjects of interest. Some of the finest programmers employed by national governments have been outfoxed by her abilities. She is rumored to have viewed surveillance feeds — clandestinely — in several federal buildings across the world, obtaining knowledge of strengths and weaknesses.
Tori is fluent in multiple languages, including Mandarin, English, German, and Spanish. She was one of the first people on Earth to learn the language of an alien world, and has made several visits to other planets as a diplomat.
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Tori's achievements have brought her recognition on a global scale. She also maintains a following among those who admire her allure. Because she is used to success, she tends to be hard on herself when she makes mistakes, though she tries to remember her aunt Dale's teachings with regard to humility. At other times, her dedication to work can affect her relationships.
While Tori is generally humble when it comes to her accomplishments and beauty, during a visit to Hadea's kingdom, she once noticed an admirer kneeling before her out of respect, and did not ask the young man to rise. Though she is sometimes compared to certain members of nobility, she ultimately avoids being vain, and simply considers herself proud.
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AmandaDoE was looking to create one of the most memorable original characters in DoE storytelling. She wanted Tori to be alluring on the outside, but troubled within — a girl with a somewhat difficult home life, possessing sensibilities that divided her and her mother. She also envisioned Tori as very knowledgeable, with value similar to that of the computers Dynak and Octon, but with more versatility and actual reasoning ability. The character was to have a romantic life, and, ultimately, great potential.
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In designing Tori, artist Neldorwen created a somewhat innocent and positive look, but made her appear confident and capable at times. Plustina, the second illustrator to draw her, maintained the same basic concepts.
Neldorwen and Plustina -- Images 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10
Neldorwen -- Images 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11
Plustina, Neldorwen, Katzueki, and Zetarok -- Image 12
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Style Italia Magazine, July/Aug 2018, Issue 7/8
Photographer: Michael Schwartz
Interviewer: Giovanni Grassi
Grooming: Mira Chai Hyde
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro Shoot's Masterlist
• Cover shot & main images used in the magazine.
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• Outtakes.
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• Image from main shoot above zoomed in. 👇🏻
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• Promo Video 'Hope' that accompanied the shoot.
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• Full interview, originally translated from Italian by myself. Italian version below translated version.
The son of Pinochet's opponents, Pedro Pascal lived as a refugee in Denmark and the United States. Then, his encounters with cinema "to get to know the world" and success in TV series, from Game of Thrones to Narcos have made him a popular talent.
The appointment with Pedro Pascal is in a motel worthy of a horror movie, the actor known to many as Agent Javier Peña from the Narcos series, but who women appreciated first and foremost as Prince Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones. We are not far from Orange County, where this 43-year-old born in Chile and raised as a refugee first in Denmark and then in the USA (his parents, supporters of Salvador Allende, had to leave the country after Augusto Pinochet's coup) spent most of his time his adolescence.
Very busy, between the filming of Wonder Woman 2 and the post-production of If Beale Street Could Talk, the film based on James Baldwin's book If Beale Street Could Talk and directed by Barry Jenkins, the Oscar-winning director of Moonlight, Pascal is really in the highlight of his career because he is among the most requested Latino interpreters in Hollywood. Not only will we see him on August 14 with Denzel Washington in The Equalizer 2 by Antoine Fuqua, but one of his most anticipated films for next year is Triple Frontier by J. C. Chandor from a screenplay by Mark Boal, producer and author of The Hurt Locker.
"Yes, the work is going well and offers me extraordinary experiences, which I would never have imagined when I was a student, even if I dreamed of them by spending the afternoons at the cinema while my sister made me listen to Madonna's Like a virgin until I was exhausted," he says laughing while a turntable continues to repeat Sia's song, Fire meets gasoline, in the video of which Pascal is seen alongside Heidi Klum in what has been defined as "one of the most sensual sequences of video clips". On the other hand, framing him only in his work as an actor is limiting: among other things, he is part of a theater group in New York and is also active as a director.
"I have always had a project: to exist and not just live, looking for a way to express my ideas and pursuing my passions. Individual reality is made up of many stages, crises, dreams, conquests, defeats. And I never forget that, as a Chilean, I have known and studied the tragedies of a country, from Spanish colonization to dictatorship and democracy."
What was, and perhaps is, your primary objective?
"I wanted an interesting and emotional life. I wanted to gain a sense of beauty in everything. I grew up feeling part of a family tree that did not want barriers, borders, discrimination: from Santiago we ended up in Denmark, then in San Antonio in Texas, then in Orange County in California and in New York. I dreamed while reading Flash Gordon comics, I listened to Iggy Pop songs, I was scared watching films like Jaws, I lived adventures with Indiana Jones, I devoured books and I always went to the swimming pool because I wanted to become a professional swimmer: when I became a professional swimmer in Texas at the age of 11 state swimming champion, I felt on top of the world. At the time I didn't yet know that life would take other turns..."
When did you decide to become an actor?
"I liked all the films with Steve McQueen and Paul Newman and the idea that by working in ever-changing countries I would get to know the world stimulated me. For me, travel means breaking things, changing habits and searching for new balances."
Among the many places in the world, where is it which would you choose a favourite?
"Walking on the Great Wall for Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall was like being in another galaxy. In the South of Italy, on the islands of Sicily such as Lipari and Stromboli, I experienced a symbiosis with nature that is necessary for me, even if I consider myself a man who always, or almost always, needs to feel like there is a metropolis around him. New York will always remain my habitat, but another of my favorite cities is Madrid."
And what do you like to do in your free moments?
"When I have time for myself I often listen to music: we live in a continuous bombardment of images and this is my way of smoothing out any violence. I like many composers and bands, from Erik Satie to Gun N' Roses, and making music together for me is true democracy."
What memories do you have of your professional beginnings?
"Then, and still now, I liked reading, writing, creating stories, traveling with the most varied characters between reality and fantasy. Acting as a way of expressing myself came later and gradually became the center of gravity around which to group all my experiences in the world of entertainment and, first and foremost, in my early days."
You owe a lot to Game of Thrones. Why, in your opinion, has this series had, and continues to have, global success?
"Because it talks about kingdoms, battles, poverty, social classes, mixes fantasy with science fiction and horror, in a mixture of references to the Middle Ages and the eternal realism of politics, relationships and human clashes, between dragons with burning eyes and individuals who have courage, fear, certainty and doubt."
What more do you want from your career?
"Meetings and stimuli from characters who are extremely different from each other. But I also want to dialogue with the public, which for me means sociability, authentic contacts with the most disparate people. I want elegance in my life and to this word that is so abused today, I give the meaning of generosity."
How do you deal with rivalries with your fellow actors?
"By abstracting myself, creating wherever I am a portion of existence where friends, the people you choose and love have a specific place and we don't just talk about ourselves, our problems, but about the world. However, I have always believed that competition, like ambition, is an indispensable driving force in life: rivalry requires us first of all to beat ourselves and, ultimately, this is also why we dream of our goals, we move forward or we go back and we project ourselves towards some mirage.
If today, at the height of success, you were to write your epigraph, what would it be?
"Pick up your banjo and go play because in life it is important to do what you really want and not to become rich and famous."
In Italian as originally published:
Figlio di oppositori di Pinochet, Pedro Pascal ha vissuto da rifugiato in Danimarca e negli Stati Uniti. Poi l’incontro con il cinema «per conoscere il mondo» e il successo nelle serie tv, da Il Trono di Spade a Narcos.
È in un motel degno di un horror movie l’appuntamento con Pedro Pascal, l’attore conosciuto da tanti come l’ispettore Javier Peña della serie Narcos, ma che le donne hanno apprezzato in primis come il principe Oberyn Martell ne Il Trono di Spade. Non siamo lontani da Orange County, dove questo 43enne nato in Cile e cresciuto da rifugiato prima in Danimarca e poi negli Usa (i suoi genitori, sostenitori di Salvador Allende, dovettero lasciare il Paese dopo il golpe di Augusto Pinochet) ha trascorso gran parte della sua adolescenza.
Impegnatissimo, tra le riprese di Wonder Woman 2 e la post produzione di If Beale Street Could Talk, il film tratto dal libro di James Baldwin Se la strada potesse parlare e diretto da Barry Jenkins, il regista premio Oscar di Moonlight, Pascal è davvero nel momento clou della carriera perché è tra gli interpreti «latinos» più richiesti a Hollywood. Non solo lo vedremo il 14 agosto con Denzel Washington in The Equalizer 2 di Antoine Fuqua, ma uno dei suoi film più attesi per il prossimo anno è Triple Frontier di J. C. Chandor da una sceneggiatura di Mark Boal, produttore e autore di The Hurt Locker.
«Sì, il lavoro va bene e mi offre esperienze straordinarie, che quando ero studente mai avrei immaginato, anche se le sognavo passando i pomeriggi al cinema mentre mia sorella mi faceva ascoltare sino all’esaurimento Like a virgin di Madonna» dice ridendo mentre un giradischi continua a ripetere la canzone di Sia, Fire meet gasoline, nel cui video si vede Pascal al fianco di Heidi Klum in quella che è stata definita «una delle più sensuali sequenze dei videoclip». D’altronde inquadrarlo solo nel suo lavoro d’attore è limitativo: tra le altre cose, fa parte a New York di un gruppo teatrale ed è attivo anche come regista.
«Ho sempre avuto un progetto: esistere e non solo vivere, cercando un modo di esprimere le mie idee e inseguendo le mie passioni. La realtà individuale è fatta di tante tappe, crisi, sogni, conquiste, disfatte. E non dimentico mai  che, come cileno, ho conosciuto e studiato le tragedie di un Paese, dalla colonizzazione spagnola alla dittatura e alla democrazia».
Quale era, e forse è, il suo primario obiettivo?Volevo una vita interessante ed emotiva. Desideravo conquistare il senso della bellezza in ogni cosa. Sono cresciuto sentendomi parte di un albero genealogico che non voleva barriere, confini, discriminazioni: da Santiago siamo finiti in Danimarca, poi a San Antonio in Texas, quindi a Orange County in California e a New York. Sognavo leggendo i fumetti di Flash Gordon, ascoltavo le canzoni di Iggy Pop, avevo paura guardando film come Lo squalo, vivevo avventure con Indiana Jones, divoravo libri e andavo sempre in piscina perché desideravo diventare un nuotatore professionista: quando a 11 anni divenni in Texas campione statale di nuoto, mi sentii al top del mondo. Allora non sapevo ancora che la vita avrebbe preso altre svolte…
Quando decise di diventare un attore?Mi piacevano tutti i film con Steve McQueen e Paul Newman e l’idea che lavorando in Paesi sempre diversi avrei conosciuto il mondo mi stimolava. Per me i viaggi significano rottura, cambiamento d’abitudini e ricerca di nuovi equilibri.
Tra i tanti luoghi in.  cui è stato quali sceglierebbe?Camminare sulla Grande Muraglia per The great wall di Zhang Yimou è stato come trovarmi su un’altra galassia. Nel Sud dell’Italia, nelle isole della Sicilia come Lipari e Stromboli ho provato una simbiosi con la natura che mi è necessaria, anche se mi considero un uomo che ha sempre, o quasi, bisogno di sentirsi una metropoli intorno. New York resterà per sempre il mio habitat, ma un’altra delle città che prediligo è Madrid.
E cosa le piace fare nei momenti liberi?Quando ho tempo per me stesso ascolto spesso musica: viviamo in un continuo bombardamento di immagini e questo è il mio modo di smussare ogni violenza. Mi piacciono tanti compositori e band, da Erik Satie ai Gun N’ Roses, e il fare musica insieme per me è la vera democrazia.
Quale ricordo ha dei suoi inizi professionali?Allora, e ancora adesso, mi piaceva leggere, scrivere, creare storie, viaggiare con i personaggi più svariati tra realtà e fantasia. La recitazione come maniera di esprimermi è venuta dopo e via via è diventata il baricentro intorno al quale raggrumare tutte le esperienze nel mondo dello spettacolo e, in primis, delle mie giornate.
Deve molto a Il Trono di Spade. Perché, a suo parere, questa serie ha avuto e continua ad avere un successo globale?Perché parla di regni, battaglie, povertà, classi sociali, mescola il fantasy alla fantascienza e all’horror, in un misto di riferimenti al Medioevo e all’eterno realismo della politica, dei rapporti e degli scontri umani, tra draghi con gli occhi accesi e individui che hanno coraggio, paura, certezze e dubbi.
Che cosa vuole ancora dalla sua carriera?Incontri e stimoli da parte di personaggi quanto mai diversi tra loro. Ma desidero anche dialogare con il pubblico, che per me significa socialità, contatti autentici con le persone più disparate. Voglio eleganza nella mia vita e a questa parola oggi così abusata, io do il significato di generosità.
Come vive le rivalità con i suoi colleghi attori?Astraendomi, creando ovunque io sia una porzione di esistenza dove gli amici, le personeche scegli e che ami hanno un posto preciso e non si parla solo di noi stessi, dei nostri problemi, ma del mondo. Tuttavia da sempre ritengo che la competizione, così come l’ambizione, sia una molla indispensabile nella vita: la rivalità ci impone anzitutto di battere noi stessi e, in fondo, è anche per questo che sogniamo le nostre mete, andiamo avanti o torniamo indietro e ci proiettiamo verso qualche miraggio. Se oggi che è all’apice del successo dovesse scrivere la sua epigrafe quale sarebbe? «Prendi in mano il tuo banjo e vai a suonare» perchè nella vita è importante fare quello che davvero vuoi e non diventare ricco e famoso.
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
Okay, general roundup of New 52 titles I have read so far, now I am well into 2013 in my read through:-
Batwoman, J.H. Williams run – genuinely great. This is a highlight of the New 52, honestly. If DC had stopped occasionally remembering that Kate Kane is now Bruce’s cousin and had let Kate and Maggie get married, it would be perfect.
Blue Beetle – it’s not the best Jaime run I’ve ever read, but in terms of restructuring Jaime’s origin to simplify it and remove the heavy connection with Infinite Crisis shenanigans, it worked far better than the Rebirth reboot. Let down by getting cancelled just as it started becoming more interesting (aka had finally finished the retread of Jaime’s origin story and started him having new adventures).
Threshold – this was certainly a comic I read entirely to see Jaime in it. If you are lucky enough to know nothing about it, it’s basically a planet of foxhunting tagged ‘criminals’, where Jaime ends up one of the tagged. It’s meandering, pointless and bad. I think if you’re a Lantern fan you’d also think it was bad. Deservedly knocked off after 8 issues.
Justice League Dark – I made it through 6 issues. My biggest takeaways were that everyone here was just so miserable and Boston Brand was dating Dawn Granger for reasons that surpassed understanding. I want to like it more than I do, for the cast it has.
Batgirl, Gail Simone run – appealing and infuriating in turn. There’s some genuinely beautiful writing here (the WWII paper balloons!) and Babs is recognisable as Babs, but it’s horribly let down by the fact that ‘healing’ Barbara means that she’s now both not allowed to operate as Oracle (by editorial dictat) AND she’s having trouble as a street vigilante as she’s still recovering from her injuries. It makes sense but it also makes Barbara doubly incompetent which is maddening as they’ve taken away everything that was hers specifically. Also James Gordon Jnr is always intensely irritating to have around and I am never going to get over giving Babs a villain called ‘Knightfall’ in the run immediately after healing her back. Yes. I got the reference. It’s not that funny.
Birds of Prey – it’s hmmm still finding its feet. Lacks the soul of the original run, but there are flashes of the old magic occasionally. It is hilarious to me that they decided to merge Dinah Drake and Dinah Lance back into a single character for this run, creating a bizarre new ex-husband for Dinah in Kurt Lance (seriously, Kurt Lance, why do you exist you’re so weird) and then within 6 issues or so abruptly realised WHY Dinah Drake and Dinah Lance have been separate characters since 1983 and reinvented a new Dinah Drake mother for the character. Spectacular. Sheer evidence that nobody involved in new 52 was actually spending much time thinking about how an all new origin reboot would affect characterisation.
Batman – I have my differences with Scott Snyder over his run, but he at least manages to make things interesting and spend time interrogating Bruce’s identity. It feels in conversation with the Loeb and Dini storylines around Thomas Elliot and that whole crowd of elite Gothamites. Lots of interesting set ups let down by execution or obsession with conspiracy theories. Love his work with Harper Row as a character.
Batman & Robin – okay folk, I do agree, this is a far far better Batman & Robin run than 2009. I feel like I’ve spent more time with Damian showing me his character rather than being informed by Morrison via Alfred mouthpiece about Damian’s character. There’s some lovely character work in here. It’s still suffering from getting New 52ed but it’s honestly the first run anywhere that’s actually really good for Damian characterisation (plus or minus the Damian and Colin Wilkes fight Zsasz plot in Streets of Gotham or Gates of Gotham).
Batman Incorporated – fuck you Grant Morrison. Nobody reading this title is having a good time. If you’re here for actual Batman Inc characters well I’m sorry, they’re mostly standing around the sidelines of a plot about Bruce, Talia and Damian. If you’re here for Talia I’m so sorry for you. If you’re here to read Bruce and/or Damian you get like 3-4 sweet scenes that I am sure you have already seen in screencapped panels floating around with no context. DC would be a better place if this book hadn’t been approved (also Cyril might still be alive)
Nightwing – this comic so far is obsessed with Haly’s Circus. Now I don’t like the whole Talon retcon (I think it cheapens a lot of things about Dick’s backstory as a character) but I will admit it’s nice to see Dick spending time with his Haly’s Circus friends and Dick’s optimistic side coming out in the ‘let’s just rebuild Amusement Mile as a place that isn’t Joker-haunted!’ Tragically of course because we’re never allowed to have nice plotlines involving Haly’s Circus it gets blown up again and lots of people die. But at least Dick’s back to owning the circus, amirite? (For bizarre ‘Pop Haly left it to him in his will’ reasons rather than Dick buying it out with his inheritance money that is totally not one of the many occasions Bruce has lied to Dick and told him that this trust fund is 100% based on investments of his parents assets, rather than Bruce attempting to give Dick Wayne money again so he stops living out of cardboard boxes in a tiny apartment)
Red Hood and the Outlaws – I have now suffered through three whole issues of this comic (actually 4 but I paged through that one to read like one scene at the end) and it is determined to make me hate everyone involved with it in terms of its disrespect for Roy and Kory. Also all the issues kept trying to convince me that Jason and Tim have always been each others’ favourite brothers, which lol. (If that’s actually ever true for Jason it’s the most hilarisad thing ever).
Teen Titans – I made it through two issues for crossover purposes. I am tempted to come back as I think I will get some stuff out of it once I’ve finished my Teen Titans 2003 read (and look there does actually appear to be some things in here I may enjoy). Can’t believe Kurt Lance shows up in this comic. I swear he’s my new nemesis.
Suicide Squad – I am 100% not reading this comic, I only opened it for crossover issues. What have they done to Amanda Waller. (Also why is Harley Quinn trying to date Floyd Lawton, did editorial suddenly realise how many people are into his deep uh comradery with Thomas Blake and overreact trying to remove the gay cooties or something?)
Catwoman and Detective Comics – honestly I haven’t got a good enough read on either yet from the few issues I’ve read, but ‘Tec is running a Penguin plot and I’m not in the mood for a Penguin plot at the moment.
So far, my recommendations: Batwoman I recommend without hesitation. Batman & Robin has been embroidered in fans’ memories but is worthwhile in any case. Batman is interesting stories sometimes let down in execution and may actually read better if you avoid touching any tie-in issues for a readthrough.
Nightwing, Batgirl, Birds of Prey and Blue Beetle are “these are some of my favourite characters, I want to know even if I don’t always like it” reads. They’re still the same characters, just trapped in a maddening world.
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fancyfade · 5 months
ideal DC title run (sadly does not exist ;_; but if I could control things it would)
Action Comics
Wonder Woman
Sensation Comics (Like "action comics/detective comics, but for wonder fam")
Detective Comics
Adventure Comics (like "action comics/ detective comics, but for aquafam")
Titans (but not written by Tom Taylor)
A team for the younger heroes - no clue what it'd be yet, YJ, teen titans - title doesn't really matter.
Hawkgirl ongoing
Spirit World ongoing
Blue Beetle
Batman and Robin can stay if they get a new writer but Damian should also appear in regular Batman and Detective Comics Comics to make him feel like part of the Batfam
Birds of Prey (Ft barbara gordon oracle)
Justice League
Flash and Green Arrow can stay I guess for people who like that :P
Cass Cain Batgirl solo
Un-cancel Cyborg
I can't say whether JSA can stay or not because I haven't read the current JSA. Let's say if it's good it can stay as is, if it's not new writer time.
Mini series (at least) developing the following characters
Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl
Donna Troy/ Troia
Tempest/ Garth deserves another mini
Koriand'r/Starfire (preferably space adventures)
Raven - taking good inspiration from her NTT continuity
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October/Novembre 1980 - Queen Story!
'Flash Gordon'
🔸“We saw 20 minutes of the finished film and thought it very good and over the top. We wanted to do something that was a real soundtrack. It’s a first in many ways, because a rock group has not done this type of thing before...”
- Brian May
👉 Queen's ninth studio album was the original soundtrack to the movie based on the comic strip character Flash Gordon. It was the band's first sortie into the film world and would prove to be their only full soundtrack album. Later they would write several songs for the first Highlander adventure in 1986, which emerged (in reworked form) as the album A Kind Of Magic, also in that year, but that was not a soundtrack LP.
The Flash Gordon music was recorded for Director Mike Hodges and Producer Dino De Laurentiis' $22 million remake of the 1930's black and white sci-fi film. Queen were first approached in 1979, and as writing film music was something they had all thought about but had not yet got around to, their Manager arranged a meeting with De Laurentiis and mentioned Queen's interest in scoring the film. Rumour has it that De Laurentiis' first reaction was simply, “Who are the Queens?” They were, as it turned out, the first rock band he had ever listened to and the outcome was that the band was commissioned to write the music for the movie.
Having just finished a lengthy European tour, and a further three week stint in Japan, spanning January to May, Queen spent the summer of 1979 working on The Game album, mostly at Musicland studios in Munich. It was during these sessions that they also started work on the score for Flash Gordon. Producing two albums simultaneously was not easy, but both progressed well. After touring, holidays and other ventures, more work on Flash Gordon and The Game followed in the early part of 1980, again in Munich, and then a U.S. tour commenced in June and ran through to October. After a well-earned holiday for most of October, Queen recommenced work on the Flash soundtrack in London and had completed it by November.
The music was composed, performed, arranged and produced by Queen, with the overall album credited as a Brian and Mack production. Like The Game, which was the first Queen LP to feature synthesizers, Flash Gordon continued the trend, though it features significantly more synths than its predecessor. Additional orchestral arrangements on the album were by Howard Blake, who also conducted the orchestra, and all of it was recorded at Anvil Studios. The orchestra features mostly throughout the film, to compliment Queen's music, though some of it did also make the final soundtrack album too.
Though some fans were dubious to hear Queen were recording music for a comic character-inspired film adventure, the album that emerged was a pleasant surprise on various levels. The music works well as an accompaniment to the visuals of the film, punctuated by sound effects and dialogue from the cast, including Max Von Sydow, Timothy Dalton, Topol and the larger than life English actor Brian Blessed. Any reservations among the fans were soon cast aside when the album's only single Flash was released worldwide prior to the album and fared well in the charts.
All tracks were titled after the appropriate part of the film each part was written for, and when hearing the album in its own right the listener gets a vivid idea as to what's happening in the story. The drama of the action, dialogue and over the top special effects, with Queen's distinctive sound threading through it all, is a compelling and greatly unusual blend.
Flash Gordon was released in the UK on 8th December 1980 – a day that will forever live in history as a notorious date because it happens to be the day that John Lennon was shot dead outside his apartment in New York.
👉 The album reached No 10 in the UK charts, achieving Gold award status. It was well received by the press and critics alike and each review of the film made a special reference to the music from Queen.
The LP was nominated for a BAFTA award and an Ivor Novello, and the film premiered in London on 11th December 1980.
- Single from this album: 'Flash'
(➡️ read more on queenonline.com)
📸 Credit photo © John Henshall
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pandoramsbox · 6 days
Sci-Fi Saturday: Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
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Week 19:
Film(s): Buck Rogers (Dir. Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkin, 1939, USA); Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (Dir. Ford Beebe and Ray Taylor, 1940, USA)
Viewing Format: DVD and Streaming
Date Watched: 2021-10-08, 2021-10-22, and 2021-10-29
Rationale for Inclusion:
So far we have covered adaptations of some of the foundational literary works of science fiction, but this week we move onto two influential franchises that originated in the funny papers: Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon.
To some degree, I know that I am doing both characters a disservice by lumping the two together, as the general public tends to view them interchangeably, but the motion picture serials featuring the characters were both produced by Universal Studios and shared actors, behind the camera talent, and props. In fact, Buster Crabbe stars as the title character in both Buck Rogers (Dir. Ford Beebe and Saul A. Goodkin, 1939, USA) and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (Dir. Ford Beebe and Ray Taylor, 1940, USA).
The Buck Rogers in the 25th Century A.D. comic strip was first published in 1929. Modern day former aviator Buck Rogers ends up getting trapped in a cave while carrying out a surveying job, where a strange gas renders him unconscious and keeps him in suspended animation until he awakens 500 years later in 2429. In the future that Buck awakens in, the Mongol Reds have conquered the United States forcing Americans into rebel organizations to fight back to retake their country. Buck is supported in this strange new world by love interest Wilma Deering, plucky boy sidekick Buddy Deering, and scientist Dr. Huer. Together they fight forces led by Killer Kane and his lady Ardala.
Flash Gordon was created in 1934 in response to the popularity and commercial success of the Buck Rogers strip, and with an initial plot lifted from the 1933 Edwin Balmer & Philip Wylie novel When Worlds Collide, which itself would be adapted into a motion picture in 1951. During the present day, polo player and Yale graduate Flash Gordon, his love interest Dale Arden and scientist friend Dr. Hans Zarkov use Zarkov's newly invented rocketship to prevent planet Mongo from colliding with the earth. In the process, they run afoul of Mongo's malevolent ruler Ming the Merciless. Their adventures later include various kingdoms on planet Mongo and later planets.
Despite being created second, Flash Gordon was adapted into a motion picture serial first in 1936. Motion picture serials, or chapter plays, had existed since the silent era and made the transition to sound. The two-reelers, 15-20 minute episodes, were screened along with newsreels, cartoons and stand-alone shorts as part of a motion picture theatrical presentation culminating in the screening of a feature film. Audiences had to return to the theater each week for the next installment, with serials lasting 12 to 15 chapters. The format ceased to be by the mid-1950s due to television becoming the preferred mode of distribution of episodic moving image entertainment. The serials did, however, become known to new audiences when they too ended up broadcast on television in subsequent years.
Since Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon were both action oriented, episodic comic strip narratives, they were perfect candidates for serial adaptation. In addition to Flash Gordon (Dir. Frederick Stephani, 1936, USA), Flash and friends appeared in the serial Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (Dir. Ford Beebe, Robert F. Hill, and Frederick Stephani, 1938, USA) before the serial we watched for this survey, Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe. The reason for the selection of this Flash Gordon serial was ease of access as well as having the comparison of an already established hero in a serial versus one that required an origin story, as was the case with Buck Rogers.
It was always a given that one or both serials would have been featured on this survey, as these space operas have influenced, and been parodied and homaged by, subsequent sci-fi films and television shows from their creation to the present day.
My partner either did not know or had forgotten that the vertical title, chapter and prologue scroll frequently associated with Star Wars (Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope, Dir. George Lucas, 1977, USA) had originated with these sci-fi serials. His reaction of "that's where that comes from!" was fantastic to witness.
I, meanwhile, was amused to note that amongst the production elements that both Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe share are excerpts from Franz Waxman's score for Bride of Frankenstein (Dir. James Whale, 1935, USA). Perhaps Universal Studios took a comment made by the reviewer for the Winnipeg Free Press to heart when they noted that the laboratory equipment in Bride of Frankenstein would have been more appropriate in Buck Rogers? More than likely the score was used for the same reason preexisting sets, props and stock footage were used in both of the Universal Studios produced serials: to save money.
In fact, props and costumes used in Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars were used in Buck Rogers, and then the "chamber of death dust experiments" from Buck Rogers was used in Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe.
The saminess between the serials resulted in us only watching half of each one. Not even the daring cliffhangers could bring us back after a certain point. Buster Crabbe plays Buck and Flash as essentially the same character despite the differences in their back stories and skill sets. The recaps at the top of each episode also made the serials hard to watch in rapid succession. Since the serials were created based on the understanding that people would wait a week between episodes, and may not have seen the proceeding episode or episodes, content overlaps quite a bit between installments. In their original edits, serials were not meant to be watched in one sitting.
Another grating aspect for modern audiences is the Yellow Peril influence on the way the villains are named and portrayed in the serials, especially in Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe. Befitting of a sci-fi narrative that heavily borrowed from preexisting content, Flash Gordon's arch enemy Ming the Merciless (Charles Middleton) is based on the supervillain Dr. Fu Manchu. Like his inspiration, in the moving image adaptation Ming is portrayed by a white actor in yellowface. This insensitive tradition would continue in future adaptations well into the 1980s. 
Those criticisms aside, after having seen Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon parodied in everything from a Daffy Duck cartoon to Star Trek: Voyager, we expected the serial episodes to be a lot more cheesy and kitschy than they were in and of themselves, and in the context of the survey. The plots, settings and costumes are certainly ripe for the exaggeration that followed, but the originals aren't as over the top as the popular imagination would have you expect.
Buck and Flash will return to the survey in their own feature films in 1979 and 1980 respectively, thanks to the success of Star Wars making retro, space opera cool again in 1977.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Is it just me or has the shtick of naming a majority of characters after food, objects, or other nouns in Dragon Ball become stale? I don't hate this aspect of the series, but I sometimes feel it is shoved down our throats whenever more characters are introduced with unconventional (unconventional to the audience, I mean) names.
It's like we get it, they're named after something we eat, drink, or use. HAHAHAHAHA
Tumblr media
Maybe I'm missing context about this, and if so please correct me, but how would you feel if they stopped doing this naming process? Would it help for fans to relate to newer characters better if they had actual names than nouns? Would it actually go against the series as a whole because this aspect is part of its DNA? Would anyone actually care who is named what? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Have a Terrific 2nd Half of 2023 : ]
Sincerely, ContentExplorer
It's a system. The story I always heard was that Toriyama implemented this as a way to come up with names for characters quickly. As time went on, he found it was also useful for remembering which characters were associated with each other.
Maybe I'm not the sharpest knife in the crayon box, but some of the names used in Dragon Ball are pretty oblique. It took me years to notice that "Nail" is taken from the word "snail", for example. It also helps that the names are often taken from non-Japanese words, then their spellings or pronunciations are garbled up a bit to make them less obvious.
Let's put it this way: What would you have them do instead? The next big villain shows up, and his name is Hiroshi Suzuki? John Smith? Or should they be given completely made-up names like Blorfonertz, or Xylortone? Why is this preferable?
In the end, names are just labels for characters, and if the characters become important enough, they transcend the connotations of their names. Frieza has become an iconic villain in popular culture, probably somewhere on the level of Lex Luthor, or the Joker. The fact that he was named after a household appliance didn't really matter in the long run, because the strength of the character changed the meaning of the name.
I once read that the reason James Bond was named "James Bond" was to give the character as dull and unassuming a name as possible. He's not Nick Fury or Flash Gordon, he's just some regular-ass dude, or so it seems. But over the decades, the name James Bond has become synonymous with flashy, sexy spy adventure. It's hard to think of the name without picturing a car chase. That's because of the character. Ian Fleming could have named him Bread Twofist and it still would have probably worked out that way.
For my part, I tried using Toriyama's naming systems in my own fanfic, and I found it pretty handy. Instead of trying to pick a name for a new character out of thin air, I could confine myself to certain topics and choose a word from those. And it might sound silly at first, but eventually I'd get used to the sound of it, and then it would just be second nature to use it. The same process happens with any name you choose for a character. But by doing it this way, I can save myself the indecision.
Hirohiko Araki has multiple naming systems for the characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Fashion designers and labels, musical acts and their songs, and sometimes he just straight up uses Japanese names. It seems gimmicky at first, but then the story gets rolling and you forget about it.
I think the issue you're having is that you're viewing it like an active attempt at humor. Like the Heeters have a guy named "Oil" and you're bored with it because it's just not that funny. But it's not meant to be a joke. It's just a little quirk in the writing, easily dismissed. If you just roll with it, it's not that annoying.
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ask21771 · 9 months
DC Comics Timeline
National Allied Publications (the first incarnation of DC) is founded by Major Malcom Wheeler Nicolson
New Fun Comics #1 is published it is the first comic book to contain all original material
Detective Comics #1 is published it is the comic book that would eventually give DC its company name
Action Comics #1 is introduced and with it the first true superhero Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, not only is Superman is introduced but his secret identity Clark Kent is as well also his love interest Lois Lane
Detective Comics #27 introduces the second most iconic superhero Batman created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger along with his secret identity Bruce Wayne as well as his longtime ally Commissioner Jim Gordon
Superman gets his own comic book series in his first issue we learn about his adoptive parents
Detective Comics #33 reveals Batman's tragic origin story
The original Flash Jay Garrick premieres in Flash Comics #1
Captain Marvel premieres in Whiz Comics #2 at this point he was not owned by DC and was considered a rival for Superman
The Spectre first appears in More Fun Comics #52
Superman's most iconic villain Lex Luthor first appears in Action Comics #23
Batman's iconic sidekick Robin appears in Detective Comics #38 as the first superhero sidekick
Batman gets his own comic book series the first issue introduces 2 of his most iconic villains Joker and Catwoman 
The original Green Lantern Alan Scott first appears in All American comics #16
The original Atom AL Pratt first appears in All America Comics #19
The Justice Society of America appears as the original superteam for the first time in All Star Comics #3
Green Arrow and Aquaman appear for the first time in More Fun Comics #73
Wonder Woman debuts in Sensation Comics #1 as the first and most iconic superheroine created by William Moulton Marston 
Batman's iconic butler Alfred appears in Batman #16
Superman's adventures as Superboy are shown for the first time in More Fun Comics #101
Black Canary appears for the first time in Flash Comics #86
Superboy gets his own comic
The Phantom Stranger premieres in the first issue of his own comic
The first Superman TV show premieres starring George Reeves
Superman and Batman work together for the first time in Worlds Finest Comics #71
Superman's dog Krypto first appears in Adventure Comics #210
The Martian Manhunter first appears in Detective Comics #225
The second version of The Flash Barry Allen is introduced in Showcase #4
The iconic teen superhero team from the future The Legion of Superheroes are introduced in Adventure Comics #247
Superman's iconic alien nemesis Braniac is introduced in Action Comics #242 as well as the bottled Kryptonian city of Kandor
Superman's cousin Kara aka Supergir first appears in Action Comics #252
The second version of Green Lantern Hal Jordan appears in Showcase #22
The Justice League first appears in The Brave and The Bold #28 they will go on to become DC's most iconic superhero team and one of the most famous superhero teams period 
The second Green Lantern Hal Jordan gets his own comic book series 
In Flash #123 The first and second Flashes meet for the first time revealing that all the golden age adventures and stories took place in an alternative universe (later dubbed Earth 2) thus introducing the DC Multiverse for the first time
Aquaman gets his own comic book series for the first time
The Doom Patrol first appear in My Greatest Adventure #80
The Justice League and The Justice Society team up for the first time during The Crisis of.  Earth 1/Earth 2 in Justice League of America #21 and #22 it is the first multiverse story to have the word crisis in the title
The first version of the Teen Titans premieres in The Brave and The Bold #54 it consisted of Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad, Speedy and Wonder Girl would later join
The villainous Crime Syndicate from Earth 3 first appear in Justice League of America #29
The First Superhero wedding happens in Aquaman #18 between Aquaman and Mera
The Teen Titans get their first comic book
The first Batman TV series premiers Starring Adam west as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin
The Flash Barry Allen and Iris West get married in The Flash #165
Barbra Gordon becomes Batgirl in Detective Comics #359
In Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 the two heroes begin traveling across the country dealing with the social issues of the time
In Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133  the iconic villain Darkseid first appears although it's brief
The New Gods of the Fourth World first appear in Forever People #1, Mister Miracle #1 and New Gods #1 all helmed by Jack Kirby, to this day the New Gods remain one of the most important parts of The DC Universe 
Ra's al Ghul arguably Batman's most powerful and resourceful recurring nemesis first appears in Batman #232 as does Talia whom Batman has an on again off again relationship with
Green Arrow's sidekick is shockingly revealed to be a heroin addict in Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85-86
Shazam #1 sees Captain Marvel become a DC property for the first time
The Earth 2 version of Supergirl known as Power Girl first appears in All Star Comics #58
DC and their arch rival Marvel crossover for the first time in Superman vs The Amazing Spiderman #1
Wonder Woman's first TV show premieres starring Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman
The first Superman movie comes out starring Christopher Reeves as Superman and Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor
DC's first miniseries World of Krypton is published 
The tale of how the Justice Society originally disbanded is told in Adventure Comics #466
Batman's first miniseries The untold Legend of Batman is published 
A new series called The New Teen Titans is published, created by George Perez and Marv Wolfman the series introduced a new incarnation composed of Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, ex Doom Patrol member Beast Boy as well as new characters Cyborg, Starfire and Raven, it is this version of the team that made it iconic
Superman 2 hits theaters with the same actors reprising their roles as well as newcomers like Terrence Stamp playing General Zod
Detective Comics reaches issue #500
The iconic Legion of Superheroes story The Great Darkness Saga begins in issue #290
Batman forms his own superhero team in Batman and The Outsiders #1
The iconic Teen Titans storyline Judas Contract begins in Tales of the Teen Titans #42 In it Dick Grayson retires from being Robin and becomes Nightwing 
In celebration of their 50th and in an attempt to simplify what they felt had become an over complicated mythos, DC published the legendary 12 issue crossover event Crisis on infinite earths,  created by George Perez and Marv Wolfman in the story the multiverse was being destoryed by the merciless Anti Monitor and in order to save what was left of creation all the heroes and villains were pulled together from across time and space by his opposite The Monitor, in the end a single universe emerged with a totally revamped history and with only four survivors of the multiverse (Superman and Lois of Earth 2, Alexander Luthor of Earth 3, and Superboy of Earth Prime) to live in a nameless nexus dimension,  many well established characters were killed during the event most notably Supergirl who then had her whole history erased, and Barry Allen The Flash whose nephew Wally West having been Kid Flash up until that point took up the mantle, this is considered one of the most important events in DC history as not only was it the first time everything was changed about their universe, not only was it the first the multiverse played a major role in what was going on, but it was the first real time a story was so massive that it was connected to nearly every other title that the company was publishing at the time 
Frank Miller seminal and iconic story Batman: The Dark Knight Returns premieres set 50 years in the future this darker version of Batman forever changed the publics view of the hero
Alan Moore's 12 issue series Watchmen is published showing more mature and complex characters and issues it is considered by many to be the greatest comic book of all time
Alan Moore's Superman story Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow takes place in Superman #423 and Action Comics #583 showing how Superman's story would have ended if not for Crisis on infinite earths 
Man of Steel #1 is published delving into Superman's post Crisis origins
The first post Crisis crossover Legends premieres in this story the evil new god Godfrey under orders from Darkseid tries to turn the population against all Superheroes 
Batman #404 kicks off Frank Miller's Batman Year One storyline that delves into the Dark Knights post Crisis origins
The post Crisis version of Wonder Woman appears in Wonder Woman #1
A new version of The Justice League appears in Justice League #1 this incarnation will later be known as the Justice League International 
The Suicide Squad appears for the first time in the first issue of their own series
The post Crisis version of the second Robin Jason Todd first appears in Batman #408
The crossover event Millennium happens in which the robotic manhunters try to stop the Guardians of the universe and the Zamarons from evolving a selected group of individuals 
The grim and iconic story The Killing Joke is published in which Joker shoots and paralyzes 
Barbra Gordon
The crossover event Invasion happens in which the metagene is first introduced 
The second Robin Jason Todd is killed by the Joker in the historic Death in the Family storyline after his death is voted on by the fans
Neil Gaiman's seminal and iconic Sandman premieres, focusing on the nigh omnipotent Dream of The Endless,  the series has things like imaginative lands and characters, appearances of other DC characters (some revamped for the series) and beings from classic religions, mythologies and folklore
Grant Morrison's surreal Batman graphic novel Batman: Arkham Asylum premieres 
Batman #442 kicks off the lonely place of dying storyline that introduces Tim Darke and makes him the third Robin
Tim Burton's Batman hits theaters starring Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as Joker
The first Robin miniseries premieres 
The crossover event Armageddon 2001 takes place, in this story as dystopia future is ruled by a superhero turned dictator known as Monarch, the hero known as Waverider goes back in time to prevent this future, many potential futures are shown in this event
The crossover event War of Gods happens in which the Greek and Roman gods make war with each other
Superman seemingly dies in the Death of Superman storyline in Superman #75 the issue would become one of the best selling comic books of all time
Tim Burton's second Batman movie comes out, Michael Keaton plays Batman once again Michelle Pififer plays Catwoman and Danny Devito plays Penguin 
The legendary and iconic Batman the animated series comes out completely changing how superhero cartoons are done as well as being the first cartoon of the DC animated universe
Harley Quinn first appears in the Batman episode Jokers Favor she will later go on to become one of DC's biggest characters 
The villainous Bane breaks Batman's back during the Knigntfall story in Batman #492 temporarily putting him out of action
The Reign of The Supermen story kicks off in The Adventures of Superman #500 introducing the new hero Steel, a new Superboy who's a clone of Superman,  the mysterious Eradicator and the villainous Cyborg Superman 
Superman officially returns in Superman #82 to stop Cyborg and the alien warlord Mongul in the process however Green Lanterns hometown of Coast City is destroyed
DC launches the imprint Vertigo the imprint would focus on mature and original stories
The Batman animated series based movie Mask of The Phantasm briefly hits theaters before coming to video it is considered by many to be the best animated Batman movie ever
Driven by the loss of his city Green Lantern Hal Jordan goes on the warpath killing many of his fellow Green Lanterns, The Guardians of the universe as well as absorbing the power of the central Green Lantern power battery he then takes the name Parallax, the last surviving guardian Ganthet chooses Kyle Rayner as the new Green Lantern in the Emerald Twilight story arc starting in Green Lantern #48
Bruce Wayne returns as Batman in Batman #509
The crossover event Zero Hour commences in which Parllax and Extant (formerly Monarch) try to remake the universe by the end of the event several changes are made to the continuity including a complete reboot of the Legion of Superheroes 
The Crossover event Underworld Unleashed happens in which the devil Neron convinces many villains (and even some of the heroes) into giving him their souls in exchange for their hearts desires 
Batman Forever hits theaters this time directed by Joel Schumacher the film has a lighter tone and stars Val Kilmer as Batman,  Chris O'Donnell as Robin Jim Carrey as The Riddler and Tommy Lee Joans as Two Face
The limited series DC vs Marvel comes out in the series the characters of both universes are pitted against each other by a pair of cosmic beings known as The Brothers
The iconic miniseries Kingdom Come is released written by Mark Waid and beautifully illustrated by Alex Ross the story takes place in another universe where Superman and the other heroes have retired and a new generation of violent amoral heroes has replaced them
The crossover event Final Night happens in which the sun goes out by the end Parallax gives his life to reignite it
Superman and Lois are finally married in Superman The Wedding Album
Superman The Animated Series as the second show set in the DCAU
Grant Morrison pens a new incarnation of the Justice League composed of 7 members in JLA #1
The heroes powers are altered by the godwave in the crossover event Genesis 
The second Joel Schumacher Batman movie Batman and Robin comes out Chris O'Donnell plays Robin again while this time Batman is played by George Clooney also Batgirl is played by Alicia Silverstone Poison Ivy is played by Uma Thurman and Mister Freeze is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger,  it is considered one of the worst comic book movies of all time
The Justice League's post Crisis origin is told in JLA Year One
A new superteam is introduced in Young Justice #1 composed of Robin, Superboy and the speedster Impulse the team will later grow to include other members such as the second Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark 
Grant Morrison pens the event DC One Million that takes place partially in the present and partially in the 853rd century
The Kingdom Come sequel known as The Kingdom comes out and introduces the on again off again concept known as Hypertime
The original Titans reunite for a new series
A new Justice Society series begins written by Geoff Johns 
The crossover event Day of Judgement is published in which the fallen angel Asmodel takes control of The Spectre and brings literal Hell to Earth, by the end of the even the spirit of Hal Jordan becomes the new Spectre
The third DCAU animated series Batman Beyond premieres,  taking place in 2039 the show introduces Terry McGinnis as the new Batman being mentored by an elderly and retired Bruce Wayne
The fourth DCAU show Static Shock premieres it is the first show to star a black superhero 
Lex Luthor becomes president in Superman: Lex 2000
The crossover Our Worlds at War takes place in which the galaxy fights against the primordial entity Imperiex, by the end several heroes are killed most notably Wonder Woman's mother Hippolyta 
The Superman prequel show Smallville premieres 
The fifth DCAU series Justice League premieres 
The beloved Batman storyline Hush begins in Batman #608 in which a mysterious new villain enacts an elaborate plan to take Batman down during the story Batman reveals his true identity to Catwoman
The 3 issue miniseries Titans/Young Justice Graduation Day is published in which the arrival of a android from the future causes a series of events that results in the death of the original Wonder Girl Donna Troy after which both teams disband
A new Teen Titans series written by Geoff Johns premieres introducing a new team consisting of Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, Robin, Superboy, Cassie Sandsmark's Wonder Girl and Impulse (who later becomes the second Kid Flash)
The last DC/Marvel crossover story JLA/Avengers is published in which both teams work together to stop the universe destroying mad scientist Krona
A new Superman/Batman series is published, in the first arc Lex Luthor is stripped of his presidency and disappears after trying to use a kryptonite asteroid to turn the population against Superman
The first Teen Titans animated series with a team consisting of Raven Robin Starfire Cyborg and Beast Boy it is one of the few superhero shows to be influenced by anime
A post Crisis version of Kara Zor El is finally introduced in Superman/Batman #8 she becomes the new Supergirl
The seven issue event series Identity Crisis is published in which the Elongated Man's wife Sue is murdered during the investigation several Dark secrets about the Justice League are revealed
The 4 issue series Green Lantern Rebirth is published in which Hal Jordan breaks free of the Spectre and is resurrected to stop Parallax who is revealed to be a yellow fear causing entity that possessed Jordan and manipulated him into becoming a villain at the end of the series the Guardians of the universe return and start to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps
The sixth and final DCAU show Justice League Unlimited premiers
A new Batman cartoon simply called The Batman premieres unlike its predecessor it does not take place in the dcau
a new version. Of the Red Hood is introduced in Batman it is later revealed to be a resurrected Jason Todd
Grant Morrison's meta series Seven Soldiers is published, bookended by two one shots and consisting of 7 miniseries 7 heroes must fight against the Invasion of the sheeda
The Infinite Crisis storyline begins in the one shot Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 in which Blue Beetle investigates several mysterious happenings in the DCU at the end he's murdered by Maxwell Lord who is revealed to be the leader of Checkmate and wants to kill all super powered individuals
In the Countdown spinoff miniseries Day of Vengance a group of mystical heroes gather to stop a rogue Spectre from destroying all magic
In the Countdown spinoff miniseries Rann/Thanagar war nearly all space faring heroes are embroiled in a war between the two planets 
DC Special The Return of Donna Troy sees the resurrection of the titular heroine as well as the unveiling of DC's new logo
In the Countdown tie in miniseries Villains United a group of villains known as The Six are gathered to fight against Luthor's society of villains
In the Countdown tie in miniseries OMAC Project Maxwell Lord tries to use Batman's secret satellite known as Brother Eye to kill all super powered beings 
In a tie in to Omac Lord gets control of Superman and Wonder Woman ends up having to kill Lord to free him
The events of the year culminate in the seven issue event series Infinite Crisis, acting as the first true sequel to Crisis on infinite earths the survivors of the original multiverse return out of disgust for what the world and its heroes have become later it is revealed that Alexander Luthor and Superboy Prime are revealed to be the ones behind all the events started in Countdown and briefly bring back the multiverse in an attempt to create the perfect reality before being stopped by the heroes like the crisis before it many established characters are killed most notably Superboy by the end Superboy Prime is the last survivor of the original multiverse and is now a full villain having been imprisoned by the Green Lantern Corps 
Batman Begins hits theaters directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale as Batman 
Grant Morrison pens the 12 issue series All Star Superman many consider it the best Superman story ever made
All DC titles jump one year from the events of Infinite Crisis 
The cosmic Monitor race is introduced in the one shot Brave New World
DC's first year long weekly series 52 is published, written by Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns, Mark Waid and Greg Rucka as it fillis in the gap between Infinite Crisis and the one year jump the series tells several stories focused on lesser known heroes at the end it is revealed that the events of Infinite Crisis caused a new multiverse of 52 universes to be born
Grant Morrison begins their run on Batman starting with Batman #655 in the first story arc Batman and Talia's son Damian is introduced 
The six issue miniseries Amazons Attack is published in which Wonder Woman's mother Hippolyta is resurrected 
The Flash Bart Allen (formerly Impulse and then Kid Flash) is killed in the last issue of his series
DC's second year long weekly series Countdown to Final Crisis is published like 52 it features several stories this time however it explores recent facets of DC's cosmology such as the Monitor race and the new multiverse
The Sinestro Corps is introduced in the one-shot Green Lantern: Sinestro Corp Special written by Geoff Johns, powered by yellow colored fear the Corps is lead by Hal Jordan's nemesis Sinestro and a resurrected Anti Monitor, as well a joined by Parallax and Superboy Prime, The Sinestro  and Green Lantern Corps fight in a war that spans all Green Lantern titles at the end the emotional spectrum is revealed and the blackest night is foretold 
In the Countdown tie in Death of the New Gods the celestial race is being slaughtered by a mysterious assailant 
DC starts releasing direct to home animated movies aimed at an older audience the first one is Superman: Doomsday 
The Batman event Batman RIP begins in Batman #676 written by Grant Morrison Batman and his allies fight against the mysterious yet malicious Dr. Hurt
The seven issue event series Final Crisis is published, written by Grant Morrison, the story sees the multiverse assaulted by Darkseid and Mandrak The Dark Monitor, in this event both Martian Manhunter and Batman are killed (though at the end it's revealed Batman was just sent back in time) however Barry Allen The second Flash is resurrected 
Grant Morrison pens the two issue Final Crisis tie in Superman Beyond in which the multiverse is further explored and the origin of the Monitor race is revealed introducing Monitor Mind the Overvoid is introduced
Geoff Johns pens the five issue miniseries Final Crisis Legion of 3 world's in which Superman helps The Legion of Superheroes fight against the United force of their enemies led by Superboy Prime in the end Bart Allen is  resurrected as Kid Flash and Superboy is resurrected as well
Christopher Nolan's second Batman film The Dark Knight hits theaters Christian Bale reprises his role as Batman, Aaron Eckhart plays Two Face and Heath Ledger gives a legendary performance as Joker winning a posthumous Oscar in the process, the film by many to be the best Superhero movie of all time
Batman The Brave and The Bold premieres unlike previous Batman cartoons this one is lighter and takes inspiration from the silver age of comics
Animated movies released this year: Justice League: The New Frontier, Batman: Gotham Knight
Geoff Johns pens the six issue Flash Rebirth series fully reintegrating Barry Allen back into the DCU the series makes major changes to both Barry's history and the origins of the Speed Force (the source of all speedsters powers)
Grant Morrison continues their Batman run with the Batman and Robin series having Dick Grayson as the new Batman and Damian as the new Robin
Geoff Johns pens the 8 issue series Blackest Night in which the heroes of Earth as well as the seven colored Corps of the emotional spectrum take on the Black Lantern Corps, lead by the dark cosmic entity Nekron and composed of the reanimated corpses of fallen heroes and villains by the end of the event 12 characters are resurrected 
Geoff Johns pens the miniseries Superman Secret Origin in which Superman's post infinite Crisis beginnings are explored
A movie adaptation  of Watchmen hits theaters this year directed by Zack Snyder 
Animated movies released this year: Wonder Woman, Green Lantern: First Flight, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
The weekly 24 issue miniseries Brightest Day is published written by Geoff Johns The series follows several of those who were resurrected during Blackest Night as well as their purpose
Grant Morrison's miniseries Return of Bruce Wayne comes out in which Bruce travels through time finally arriving in the present and becoming Batman once again
Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated #1  comes out in which Batman forms a global team to fight the terrorist organization Leviathan 
Animated movies released this year: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Batman: Under the Red Hood, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse
-The first live action Green Lantern film is released in theaters it stars Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern
-In response to declining sales and interest DC uses the mini series Flashpoint to reboot it’s continuity, the new continuity is called The New 52 
-A new Justice League series begins written by Geoff Johns the first arc explores The New 52 origin of the team and makes Cyborg a founding member 
A new Batman series begins, written by Scott Snyder the first arc sees Batman go against the mysterious Court of Owls
-The animated series Young Justice (based on the comic of the same name)  premiers
-Animated movies released this year: All Star Superman, Green Lantern-Emerald Knights, Batman Year One
-Green Lantern the animated series premiers and is aired on Saturday mornings with Young Justice and one minute shorts starring various DC characters on Cartoon Network, this is referred to as DC Nation
-DC releases a new company logo
-DC releases Before Watchmen a group of miniseries prequels to the iconic 1986 story 
-DC creates a series of ongoing comics that are first available digitally 
-Christopher Nolan's final Batman Film The Dark Knight Rises premieres with Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as Bane
-The New 52 version of Earth 2 is introduced in its own series
-Simon Baz becomes the first Muslim Green Lantern
-Arrow premieres on the CW starring Stephen Amell as Green Arrow
-Animated movies released this year: Justice league:Doom, Superman vs The Elite, The Dark Knight Returns Part One
-75th anniversary of Superman
-Teen Titans Go (a comedic parody of the 2003 series) premiers
-Beware The Batman premieres, it is the first Batman animated series to be done in cgi
-Man of Steel premieres starring Henry Cavil as Superman, it is the first movie to be set in the DC cinematic universe
-The New 52 has its first line wide crossover entitled Forever Evil written by Geoff Johns in which  the heroes and villains of the DCU fight against The Crime Syndicate of Earth 3
-Animated movies released this year: Dark Knight Returns part 2, Superman Unbound, Flashpoint paradox (after this movie, nearly all animated movies take place in the same continuity)
-75th anniversary of Batman
-Batman Eternal, a year long weekly series reintegrates Stephanie Brown into The New 52
-Futures End, a year long weekly series integrates Terry McGinnis into The New 52
-The year long weekly series Earth 2: Worlds End sees Darkseid go to war with Earth 2 
-The highly anticipated miniseries Multiversity premiers exploring The DC Multiverse written by Grant Morrison 
-In the aftermath of Forever Evil Lex Luthor not only joins the Justice league for the first time but discovers Batman is Bruce Wayne
-Jessica Cruz first appears in Justice league, she will become the first Hispanic Green Lantern
-The Flash premieres on the CW starring Grant Gustin as The Flash, it  takes place in the same continuity as Arrow
-Constantine premieres on NBC
-Gotham premieres on Fox
-Animated movies released this year: Jla Adventures: Trapped in Time, Justice league War, Son of Batman, Batman: Assault on Arkham
-The month long event Convergence takes place, it not only reintegrates the pre-New 52 Superman and Lois back into the DCU, but also revives every previously destroyed universe and continuity
-Superman and Lois' son Jonathan is introduced in Superman:Lois and Clark
-DCs two most iconic cosmic villains Darkseid and The Anti-Monitor fight in the Justice League story Darkseid War
-A new line of ongoing series that reimagine various Hanna Barbera characters is released
-DC moves it’s publishing office from New York to Burbank
-The 24 issue weeklong series Batman and Robin reintegrates Cassandra Cain in to the New 52 
-A new Supergirl show premieres on CBS it will later be moved to CW and will become part of the Arrowverse continuity
-The show Izombie (based on the vertigo comic) premiers on the cw
-The first incarnation of DC Superhero girls premieres as a YouTube series
-Animated movies released this year: Justice league throne of Atlantis, Batman VS Robin, Batman Unlimited Animal Instincts, Justice league Gods and monsters, Batman unlimited monster mayhem
-DC initiates it's third major reboot this time called DC Rebirth which aims to merge the pre and post Flashpoint continuties  at the end of the one shot (written by Geoff Johns)  that starts it all it is revealed that the new 52 was caused by Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan, a host of new and revamped titles are also introduced 
-DC gets a new logo
-Legends of Tomorrow premieres as the fourth show to be set in the Arrowverse continuity 
-The show Lucifer premieres (very loosely based on the vertigo title) on Fox (later moves to Netflix)
-Preacher (based on the Vertigo title) premiers on AMC
-Justice League Action premieres on Cartoon Network 
-Batman and Superman meet for the first time on the big screen in Dawn for Justice
-Suicide Squad gets its first major motion picture
-Animated movies released this year: Batman The Killing Joke, Batman Return of The Caped Crusaders, DC Superhero girls Superhero high, Justice league vs Teen Titans, DC Superhero girls Hero of the year, Batman unlimited Mechs VS Mutants
Dark Nights Metal event premieres, written by Scott Snyder this event introduces the dark multiverse as well as the demon Barbatos who dwells there also introduced is The Batman Who Laughs a dark multiverse being that's a combination of Batman and the Joker it is also the only crossover event to have Dream of the Endless as one of the characters 
The 12 issue bookend to DC Rebirth Doomsday Clock premieres,  written by Geoff Johns it is the first crossover between the DC and Watchmen universes and effectively completes the reboot it also introduces a new explanation for the DCU  called The metaverse
Both Wonder Woman and The Justice League make their silver screen debuts this year
Animated movies released this year: Justice League Dark, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, DC Superhero girls intergalactic games, Batman and Harley Quinn, Batman VS Two Face
A new Justice League series comes out written by Scott Snyder it deals with the aftermath  of Metal as well as virtually revamping DC's cosmology the most notable new character to appear is the nigh omnipotent Perpetua 
The critically panned  miniseries Heroes in Crisis premieres in which the heroes try to solve the murders of a bunch of other heroes
The DC Imprints Black Label and Sandman Universe begin this year, Sandman Universe features series starring characters from the beloved Neil Gaiman series while Black Label tells out of continuity stories aimed towards adults
Black Lightning premieres on the CW as the latest show to be part of the Arrowverse 
Titans premieres on streaming as both the first live action Teen Titans show and the first one aimed at adults
The first Aquaman movie premieres in theaters 
Teen Titans Go to the movies premieres as the first Teen Titans movie to premiere in theaters 
Batman Ninja premieres as the first DC animated movie to be made in Japan
Animated movies released this year: Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, The Death of Superman, DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis
Iconic Batman character Alfred Pennyworth is killed by the villain Bane in Batman #77
Batwoman premiers on the CW as part of the Arrowverse 
Watchmen premieres on HBO as a sequel to the comic
Young Justice returns on streaming 
The very first show centered on the Doom Patrol premieres on streaming 
A new DC Superhero girls show premieres on Cartoon Network this one set in a different universe than the previous incarnation 
Harley Quinn gets her own show on streaming it is the first DC Animated series aimed towards adults 
Shazam's first movie comes out this year
Joker comes out this year and wins 2 Oscars 
The original animated Teen Titans return in the movie Teen Titans Go vs Teen Titans 
The Arrowverse is rebooted in the massive CW crossover Crisis on infinite earths 
Animated movies released this year: Reign of the Supermen, Justice League vs. the Fatal Five, Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman: Hush, Wonder Woman: Bloodlines
The sequel to Dark Nights Metal premieres this year entitled Dark Nights Death Metal, in this event the heroes are pitted against Perpetua and The Batman Who Laughs (now called The Darkest Knight), at the end all past events are declared canon and DC is given an omniverse for the first time in its history
Long running DC imprint Vertigo is ended
Batman loses his fortune in The Joker War story
Stargirl premieres on streaming (later moved to the CW)
Harley Quinn and The Birds of prey costar in their first movie
Wonder Woman gets her second movie Wonder Woman 1984
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War premiers as the final move set in the shared universe started in Flashpoint paradox by the end of the movie the continuity is rebooted 
Superman: Man of Tomorrow premieres as the first movie set in the new continuity 
Animated movies released this year: Superman: Red Son, Batman: Death in the Family
At the beginning of the year a two month line wide event called Future State happens showing possible futures of the DCU
In the aftermath of Death Metal a new publishing initiative is started called Infinite Frontier is started introducing a bunch of new and revamped titles it is also the name of a six issue miniseries written Josh Williamson that acts as the first part of a three act meta story
Superman and Lois premiers on the CW
An extended 4 hour cut of the Justice League movie called the Snyder Cut premieres on streaming it is considered to be much better than the theatrical cut
The 5 issue miniseries Justice League Incarnate premieres as the second act of the meta story it  also acts as pesudo sequel to Multiversity it is also written by Josh Williamson
The second Suicide Squad movie premiers in theaters it is considered to be much better than the first one
Animated movies released this year: Batman: Soul of the Dragon, Justice Society: World War II, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two, Injustice
DC's parent company Warner Media merges with Discovery to create Warner Discovery
Dark Crisis premieres not only as the third and final act in the meta story written by Joshua Willamson  but as the first major crossover event to have the word crisis in the title in 14 years, in this story the Justice League is thought dead and the remaining heroes must fight against Pariah and The Great Darkness, by the end of the story the infinite pre crisis on infinite earths multiverse is restored and the Justice League disassembles promoting the Titans to the premiere super team, Amanda Waller also begins working with a mysterious organization known as The Light in a plan to kill all super powered beings on earth
A sequel to Flashpoint entitled Flashpoint Beyond premieres organizing all of DC's cosmological structures (including the omniverse) into one unified whole called The Divine Continuum which is categorized nto 2 parts (space and time) by the end of the miniseries 13 lost original  golden age characters are introduced to the DC Universe
The New Golden age one shot comes out picking up where Flashpoint Beyond left off and doing things such as giving the back story of all but one of the 13 new characters,  introducing a new version of the Helena Wayne Huntress, and setting up the first Justice Society title in over a decade as well as a new Stargirl miniseries (as well as others)
A new Peacemaker show premieres as a Spin off of the last Suicide Squad movie
Neil Gaiman's Sandman gets an adaptation on Netflix
The preschool show Batwheels premieres on Cartoon Network
The Batman premieres in theaters with Robert Pattinson as the caped crusader
Black Adam gets his own theatrical movie
The animated DC League of Super pets hits theaters
DC Superhero girls ends it runs with a crossover film entitled Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse
Animated movies released this year: Catwoman: Hunted, Green Lantern: Beware My Power, Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons
In the aftermath of a fight between Batman, Robin and a demon Lazaruz chemicals rain down on the earth affecting everyone especially those with super powers this is the Lazarus Planet event
The Dawn of DC publishing event happens unlike previous publishing events new titles will be rolled out across the year instead of all at once
The Titans start operating out of Bludhaven in a new series
The 2 month line wide event Knight Terrors happens in which the new villain Insomnia traps nearly everyone in their nightmares
My Adventures with Superman premieres on Adult Swim as well as streaming
The Flash gets his own theatrically released movie 
Blue Beetle gets his first movie that also acts as the first movie to star a Latino character
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superfan44 · 5 months
The 100 Favorite Movies Challege
As a huge movie buff, I thought I'd try something fun on here. I have decided to launch a new internet challenge: "The 100 Favorite Movies Challenge". The rules are pretty simple and straight forward. You create a list of 100 of your personal favorite movies in alphabetical order, post the list on your home page, then nominate other people/users of your choosing to do the challenge.
There is no limit to what movies can be included on your list. Films within any medium (live action or animated), genre, and decade are more than welcome. Whether it's longtime favorites you were introduced to when you were younger, favorites that you've picked up over the years, or recent discoveries or releases that quickly became your favorites, anything and everything is on the table here.
I'll start off by sharing my list. To be clear, I have way more than 100 favorite movies, but to have the number be anything past that may be a bit much for some people. Please don't judge me if it seems like there might be a few noteworthy titles missing on here. I mainly put this list together just for fun. Alright, here we go!
9 (2009)
Airplane! (1980)
American Graffiti (1973)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
The Avengers (2012)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Baby Driver (2017)
Batman Begins (2005)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Black Dynamite (2009)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Chicago (2002)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) (2001)
Deadpool (2016)
Death Proof (2007)
Desperado (1994)
Die Hard (1988)
Django Unchained (2012)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dragon Inn (1967)
Fantasia 2000 (2000)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Ghostbusters (1984)
The Godfather (1972)
Goodfellas (1990)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
History of the World, Part 1 (1980)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
The Incredibles (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Italian Job (2003)
Jaws (1975)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Logan (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro (1980)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Meatballs (1979)
Men in Black (1997)
Moana (2016)
Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
Network (1976)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
North by Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Porco Rosso (1992)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Ready Player One (2018)
Rear Window (1954)
Rio Bravo (1959)
Robin Hood (1973)
The Rocketeer (1991)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Scream (1996)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Skyfall (2012)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Surf's Up (2007)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Tombstone (1993)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Tremors (1990)
Tron: Legacy (2010)
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
The Wind Rises (2013)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Yojimbo (1961)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Zombieland (2009)
Now, before I wrap things up, I would like to nominate @skygent, @is0gild , @firecraker-j, @mrcowboytoyou, and @piglets-not-so-big-adventure to do this challenge. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling so more and more people can join in. I look forward to seeing what kind of lists you guys will put together. Good luck!
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wonderbatbvs · 8 months
What if Batman's rogues gallery start getting scared whenever they hear Wonder Woman's moved to Gotham permanently.
The next morning they all wake up with one of their henchmen dead & tied up with the clear warning about what she'll do to anybody who targets The Batfamily.
Imagine Bludhaven starts hearing about Donna Troy patrolling the streets at midnight. Making it The Titans new home after hearing Dick Grayson is gone (not dead, after all the universe changing in The Flash & the creation of James Gunn's DCU)
Imagine Tim Drake & Stephanie Brown already together for a few years. They meet Cassandra Cain before Barbara Gordon (who's Oracle already)
A Wonder Woman movie in Gotham that's just a big WonderBat adventure with Jaytemis & we get The Joker finally dying permanently.
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