#The Sphinx without a Secret
Short Story Tournament
THE SPHINX WITHOUT A SECRET by Oscar Wilde (1887) (link)
It seemed to me the face of some one who had a secret, but whether that secret was good or evil I could not say. Its beauty was a beauty moulded out of many mysteries - the beauty, in face, which is psychological, not plastic - and the faint smile that just played across the lips was far too subtle to be really sweet.
KALEIDOSCOPE by Ray Bradbury (1949) (link) - tw: death, existential dread
When life is over it is like a flicker of bright film, an instant on the screen, all of its prejudices and passions condensed and illumined for an instant on space, and before you could cry out. There was a happy day, there a bad one, there an evil face, there a good one, the film burned to a cinder, the screen was dark.
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coffeeandcinema · 2 years
Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.
Oscar Wilde, The Sphinx Without a Secret, from “Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories”
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fimbry · 2 years
Lykoi the werewolf cat breed
So I’m not going to be arguing because I’ve seen enough from enough owners over the years to have reached this conclusion, and I’m not in well enough health to come back to this. But I’m seeing the lykoi breed get more attention around tumblr lately, and I’ve gotta speak up because the breed has a dirty little secret.
I joined the Lykoi Lovers group years ago because I loved this breed, they’re super cute! I love werewolves! However, over the years, as more people got these cats, and their cats aged up (3-5+yo is when skin issues become REALLY evident) the group turned into a horror show.
This mutation really reminds me of lemon frost in leopard geckos. In the geckos, it was the desirable appearance which CAUSED the cancerous tumors. It wasn’t something that could be bred out. Similarly, it is the werewolf appearance which causes the skin issues, cysts, pimples, bleeding in the cats. You can breed away from it... and end up with a normal looking cat with fewer skin issues. You cannot seem to keep the werewolf look AND have good skin.
More below, and it IS graphic so be warned. Pus, blood, sad cats under the cut.
Let’s start with "what to know before getting a Lykoi”
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Okay, inevitably bumpy? What’s that mean exactly?
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“The gene that is specific to Lykoi that creates the semi hairless and roaning look is thought to be responsible for less hair follicles and possibly smaller pores. This in turn could be responsible for the cyst/pimple issue. So, it's not going to be in Sphinx or any other breed, it's specific to Lykoi. Responsible breeders are currently working on breaking away from some of the older lines with bad skin and breed Lykoi that have no or less bumps. However what happens when you breed for more coat and better skin is that it seems to lessen the look of the Lykoi. Many of the heavier coated Lykoi without skin issues lack a mask or have a very slight one.“
^^^This is pretty damning as far as the future of the breed goes. Well bred ones will not look like werewolf cats.
Okay, but that’s just a couple cats, and just one cyst. That’s not so bad---
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“They definitely bother me more than her.” You sure about that?? Look at her...
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Okay but that’s just a FEW cats, how bad could it b--
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Again, this issue typically appears after the cat is 3-5 years old, so people buy their little werewolf cats unwise to the fact it’ll live with painful skin problems for the majority of its life.
It is the very mutation which reduces follicle count and pore size which causes the werewolf appearance and the blackheads and cysts, so I think “breeding it out” is nothing but a pipe dream. The mutation itself is what causes the problems, as mentioned earlier just like lemon frost leopard geckos.
Anyway, this has been a PSA.
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you paid and are helping my new cats get spayed, neutered, chipped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a "hero" to take care of Astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense? You said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break, Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 5 months
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Name: Zil-e-Qamar
Nickname: Zil, Ya Qamar (only Halim called her so)
Title: The Scorching Mirage
Alias: Aranea Baelfaer
Age: ≅275 Years Old (She never disclosed her real age to anyone)
Birthplace: Menzoberranzan, Underdark Hometown: Huzuz, The City of Delight
Current Residence: She is wandering Faerun without a fixed place, collecting souls as she goes. When not on the Material Plane, she resides in Mephistar.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Race: Seldarine Drow
Class: Warlock - The Fiend
Profession/job: Before the great tragedy that apprehended her life and forced her to flee to Faerun, she worked as a Scribe for the Grand Vizier Alyana al-Azzazi, a job she was immensely proud of. Visual particular traits: Standing at 183 cm barefoot, Zil is abnormally tall for a drow, and this is an anomaly for which she has no answer to give. Scent: Oud, Rose, Sandalwood, Saffron, Amber. Subsequently, sulfur and brimestone.
Colours/symbols associated with: The Colours of the Desert at Night; The White Heron that flew at dusk; The Sphinx whose riddles couldn’t be solved and whose smile couldn’t be understood.
Languages: Midani (mothertongue), Jaanti, Kadari, Infernal Language, Common Language, she is learning Undercommon.
Accent?: Before moving to Huzuz to embark on her studies at the Al-Bidr Sallah University, she spent her childhood and early teen years in Ajayib, the City of Wonders. Therefore, she spoke Midani with the regional accent of the Pearl Cities. Her accent translates even when she speaks the Common Language, immediately clocking her as not native of Faerun.
Tropes they embody: “Determinator”,” Implacable Woman”, “Deadpan Snarker”, “The Juggernaut”, “Broken Bird”, “Heartbroken Badass”, “Be Careful What You Wish For”, “Lady of Black Magic”, “Addicted to Magic”, “Dark Action Girl”, “Revenge Before Reason”, “The Dreaded”, ”Noble Demon”, ”Troubled Past”, “The Unfettered”, “Excessive Mourning”, “Long-Range Fighter”, “Love Makes you Evil,” “Roaring Rampage of Revenge”, “Squishy Wizard”, “Tragic Heroine”, “Tranquil Fury”, “Trauma Button”, “Violently Protective Girlfriend”, “Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds", "Cry for the Devil". Personality: Determinate, Curious, Mischievous, Resilient, Resourceful, Intuitive, Loyal toward those she loves, Secretive, Mysterious, Empathetic, Charming, Charismatic, Seductive, Ambitious, Prideful, Focused to the point of Obsession, Stubborn, Manipulative, Vengeful, Can become ruthless is pushed, Emotionally Withdrawn, Short-Tempered. Detailed Backstory: Zil-e-Qamar was the adopted daughter of Valakos and Breessa, a couple of Faerûnian tiefling merchants who permanently resided in Ajayib, the City of Wonders in the Land of Fate Zakhara. Zil had a childhood of relative comfort and ease, not wanting for anything. Ever a curious child, sometimes too nosy for her own good, she spent her childhood between school, helping her parents with trading and inventorying the goods they received from Faerûn, and exploring the caves upon which the city had been built. She was a brilliant young woman, with an incandescent personality and a silver tongue and cheeky personality that could easily charm the people around her. She wouldn't take “no” for an answer, especially when embarking on a quest to discover and learn about all manner of topics, though her interest always dwelled on Magic and all its different aspects and how they intertwined and connect.
Ajayib, despite being the cradle that sweetly protected her throughout her most tender years, had very little to offer to her ever-growing thirst for knowledge. Soon enough, she made preparations to move to the Capital of the Land of Fate, Golden Huzuz. After being admitted to the Home of the Seekers of Knowledge, the Great University of Al-Bidir Sallah in the City of Delight, she enrolled in the College of Magic to expand upon her knowledge and understanding of how magic worked. She was a hardworking student, with her nose always buried in any book she could put her hands on. It was around this time that she became a devotee of Zann the Learned, the God that oversaw Learning and Intelligence.
Eventually, under the advice of Imam Renn min Zann, her mentor at the University, she sought to learn more about who she was and where she stood in the world. She enrolled for a period in the College of Fine Arts, taking classes about non-Zakharan history and costumes in the hope of discovering more about her origins. After graduating and deciding to continue her studies as a scholar, she took up the position of Scribe for the Imam, and it was during that time that she met Halim Ibn Tariq, a well-renowned Sha'ir and Vizier of Huzuz, advisor to Grand Vizier Alyana al-Azzazi, in a diplomatic visit to the University to report of its state to the Grand Vizier.
Having been assigned to be the Vizier’s guide, Zil found herself intrigued by this physically imposing yet apparently kind and soft-spoken man, who had all the authority that was expected of a man of his station and background, yet possessed none of the arrogance, a man of exceptional moral strength and vivacious intelligence, known for his even temper and warm laughter.
On his side, Halim also found himself fascinated by the young drow, the first he ever had the chance to speak with in his life, with her pale eyes always twinkling with curiosity, her insatiable need for knowledge, and her mischievous way of flirting with him. He found her company pleasant and when away for his duties, he found himself unable to stop thinking about her and her beguiling, infectious smile. Despite their mutual interest, they both believed that, due to the Vizier’s busy life and Zil’s own duties, the few meetings they had at the University were destined to remain as such. Yet, Halim extended an invitation to her to seek him out if she ever needed anything, either a favour or even just his company. Little did Halim know about Zil’s own resilience and way of making things happen the way she wanted. Zil applied to become a Scribe in the service of Grand Vizier Al-Azzazi, to be closer to the man who had completely captivated her. She obtained the position, thanks to her own merits and partially thanks to the good recommendation of the Imam. In time, Zil and Halim became friends and started to spend more and more time together, their mutual attraction growing and blossoming like the beautiful lilies that bloomed in the pans surrounding Hazuz when the rains blessed the city. It grew until being far away from each other felt more torturous than standing underneath the ruthless Zakharan Sun at noon without shade.
With the blessing of the Grand Caliph himself, they married and spent more than 40 years of blissful happiness. But the Court of Enlightenment was not devoid of intrigue, and Halim, with his progressive philosophies and advocacy to abolish the common practice of trading slaves, had drawn upon itself the malcontent of the slave owners in the Caravan District. He had fallen victim to a ploy that resulted in an incrimination for corruption and bribery.
Zil knew that her husband was innocent, having worked closely with him for all those years, and tried with all the means she had available to find who was behind all that scheming and bring them to justice to clear her husband’s name. But before she could do anything of substance, she was apprehended and charged with the accusation of being complicit and accessory to all of Halim’s crimes. Despite all her efforts, despite all her begging, she couldn’t find the resources she needed fast enough, and the accusations against her husband transmuted from corruption to treason that warranted a death sentence without appeal.
All Zil could do was witness the execution from her cell, not leaving her husband’s eyes for one moment, not even when the blade of the executioner came down and shattered her entire heart in the process.
Alone in her damp cell, shell-shocked and broken, Zil waited all night for her own sentence to pass, wishing with all her might that the moment would come soon enough so that she could be reunited with her husband once more. But, much to her dismay, during the darkest hour that preceded the arrival of dawn, the Grand Vizier herself showed up in her cell, maintaining complete secrecy.
All she carried with her was a note, carved in her husband’s handwriting, and the promise that, as a last favor to Halim, she would see Zil out of Huzuz safely. Zil escaped her own death, thanks to her husband’s foresight and protection, and fled away from the Golden City and beyond Zakhara, finally reaching distant Faerûn.
After Halim’s death, Zil assumed a new name, Aranea Baelfaer, and turned to every god and goddess in the pantheon, begging, imploring, and beseeching all of them to grant her the power to vindicate her husband and to see him one last time. But all her prayers and supplications fell into a deafening silence that reeked of contempt. Enraged with the gods for letting something like this befall a man as virtuous, kind, and compassionate as her husband, she didn’t give up and persistently sought the means to gain the power she needed, her mind and resolve sharpened by grief and rage.
Her obsession and focus would reach such heights that they resonated all across the Weave until they attracted the Patron who would finally answer her call and grant her the power she desired: Mephistopheles. Most treasured possession: Her husband’s jambiya dagger and a lock of his dark hair that she wore braided in her own; the last letter that he wrote her, that she re-read every single night before going to sleep.
Sexual and/or romantic situation: After Halim’s death, she decided to forgo any kind of romantic relationship, absolutely refusing to run the risk of facing the same type of pain she went through when her husband was killed. In her grief, she asked Mephistopheles to actually freeze her heart, putting it in a stasis. As a wager between the two of them, Mephistopheles added a small clause that declared if someone were ever able to thaw her frozen heart, she would lose her powers, her soul would be his and the contract would be considered fulfilled regardless of whether she had reached her vengeance or not. Zil humored him, secure in her belief that no one on Toril would ever be able to ever ignite the flame in her dead heart again. Last famous words indeed. Favourite place in Faerûn: She doesn’t truly have one. She finds Faerun excessively cold and humid. But if she were to choose one, it would be the Great Harbor of Waterdeep, from where she can see the City. What makes them happiest: She likes to create small illusions of her memories of her years in Zakhara and stare at them, wishing with all her might that they were more than just echoes from a distant time.   What makes them angriest: Any uncalled mentioning of her late husband was enough to provoke at best a death glare and at worst an outburst of pure ire. She didn’t appreciate talking about her past or about him with anyone, for her memories of him are hers and hers alone. What makes them laugh: She rarely laughed from the heart. But something that did make her laugh and gave her comfort was hearing children’s laughter. It reminded her of simpler times. Biggest secret: Who her Patron is and the terms and conditions of her pact with him. Obsession: Revenge. She sold her soul to Mephistopheles in order to gain the power she needed to grow as powerful as she needed to be and hunt down and kill whoever was involved in Halim’s betrayal and death. If the Gods didn’t want to help her in the path of vengeance, then the might of the Archdevils would.
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While on vacation, I had sometime to properly sit down and finally write Aranea's (or should I say Zil's?) proper bio, alongside working on her infographic (and I am SO HAPPY with how it turned out. I love doing this kind of things, I have done so many that I haven't shared lol).
I still need to add a few things as I keep playing the game, which is the reason why I haven't written anything about her current relationship with Gale, the other companions, or the Dream Guardian. But as I proceed, I will update this (or make another post, we shall see) and fill in what is missing.
In the meantime, thank you for reading her profile and I hope you will love this brainchild of mine just as much as I love her <3
template by @arcandoria; abridged profile template by @lairofsentinel)
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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The Serpent's Embrace By Yoshitaka Amano
"Kundalini, the Sphinx of Yoga, is Shakti, the king's daughter, who must be awakened if Yoga is to reach its supernal goal. For Hatha-Yogo, Shakti is in microcosmic form the revelation of the primaeval force of the feminine in the physical and etheric bodies. She is shown in the form of a serpent, but also as a young woman of enticing beauty. As long as the Shakti force in man is asleep, he cannot attain to higher wisdom."
(The Secret Sciences, p. 68)
Serpent on the Tree of Life
"This serpent of wisdom is so coiled about the Tree that its body passes over each path in succession on the way of return with its tail near Malkuth and its tail by Kether, it indicates the correct order of numbering the paths upon the Tree. This was once a secret reserved only for the initiated."
(The Practical Qabalah, p. 29)
"It contained thrice seven leaves, for so they were counted in the top of the leaves, and always every seventh leaf was without any writing, but instead thereof upon the first seventh leaf, there was painted a Virgin, and serpents swallowing her up; in the second seventh, a Cross whereon a serpent was crucified; and in the last seventh, there were painted deserts or wildernesses in the midst whereof ran many fair mountains, from whence there issued out a number of serpents, which ran up and down here and there."
(The Alchemists, p.164, quoting from Nicholas Flamel)
Notes on Le Serpent Rouge:
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TransRightsReadathon Sales & Freebies!
I will be collecting books that are reduced or made available for free by authors for the TransRightsReadathon here. Feel free to share any that you know of that I might have missed:
Queeird: A Collection of Unusual Trans Masculine Erotica edited by Max Turner | ebook 2,80 £, paperback 6,30 £
Androids and aliens, werewolves and vampires, furries and… tentacles? This is a collection of unusual, and at times monstrous, erotica featuring trans masculine characters. From the ridiculous to the romantic, expect kinks, quirks and tropes. All the stories feature trans masculine main characters, with a variety of cis, trans female, trans male and non-binary lovers.
Deck the Holes by WrenVLothaire | ebook 0.50$
It’s Yule, a celebration Aloysius is well versed in but never has the time of year been his favorite. But with Malachai, a partner with whom he’s come to love and cherish, this holiday may not be as somber as it’s always been. This time he has a surprise in store. Let’s just hope the owner of the home approves of the decorations. t4t, trans man MC
Tales of Genesis I-III by H.S. Wolfe | ebook free, (the book one that these short stories are based on costs 1.99$)
Out of the Rain by TinyLesbianRobot | ebook 0.50$
Echo interrupts a lazy morning with a strange request of Ender. The first in a series of shorts set in the Genesis universe and can be read as a stand alone without having read In The Garden Of Echo t4t, trans man MC & trans woman MC
The weather has taken a turn, forcing Flax and Lost to rush for shelter.  But now that they've found a place to dry off, Lost's drenched clothes are clinging to her, and Flax is finding it difficult to keep from staring... This story is a non-canon short set in the world of my novel 'Messenger': just under ten thousand words of warm, fluffy, robot-on-angel-on-human smut, a cozy and affectionate scene between women who love each other a whole lot. transfemme MC
Rien Gray's Trans Rights Readathon Sale | ebooks 60% off, $6.00 for 2 books
Follow a fellowship of sapphic knights as they’re seduced by witches, queens, goddesses—and each other—in a dark, lush fantasy inspired by Arthurian legend. genderfluid butch MC, agender MC
Valerin the Fair by Rien Gray | ebook free (+ other free sapphic books)
genderfluid butch MC
Our Monsters by Jemma Topaz | ebook 69% off, $1,23
Rosemary Dulahan, answering a strange job posting, arrives in Monstertown – a place inhabited by magical beings from another world. Navigating the politics of sphinxes, lamias, and secrets, she must learn how to get along with her non-human coworkers and maybe romance a few monster girls along the way. There's nothing she wants less than getting caught up in a murder mystery troubling all of Monstertown… but the mystery doesn't care what she wants, and she's about to discover the darker side of her new world. trans woman MC
A.A. Fairviews TransRightsReadathon Bundle | ebook free
In celebration of the second TransRightsReathon you can grab A Doctor's Touch and Peaceful in the Dark for free.  Following a trans masc vampire and queer werewolf- these stories are as sweet as they are sensual.  transmasc MC
Bury your Gays & Bound in Flesh | ebook free
Anthology of tragic queer horror & anthology of trans body horror by ghoulish books
The Fealty of Monsters by Ladz | ebook free
Winter 1917. After years on the run from a dangerous cult, twenty-three-year-old Sasza and his father have established themselves among the Odonic Empire’s ruling class. But there’s a problem: Sasza is a vampire, and vampires aren’t supposed to get involved in human governance. What the aristocracy doesn’t know, after all, cannot hurt them. Unfortunately, Sasza is far more involved than a stealth vampire should be. Not only does he work to quell the rumors of the vampires’ responsibility for an unsolved massacre, his lover is also the pro-proletariat Ilya, the Empire’s Finance Minister, who tries to recruit Sasza into the same cult hunting him. Then—the Emperor declares war against the Vampire States. Diplomacy has failed. Sasza quickly learns that he will do anything to preserve peace–including giving in to the monstrosity he spent so many years concealing from even himself. nonbinary MC
Trans Readathon by Wicked Witch Writes | ebook 50% off, $5
Your Body is Not Your Body anthology | ebook $1,99
A centaur seeks illicit surgery in an alien bodily modification club. Two medieval monks react to their transformation and demonic pregnancy in very different ways. A resourceful trans teen destroys sports bigots through the power of pluckiness...and abundant body horror. A stellar cathedral crosses galaxies to dump the corpse of God into a star before the mission devolves into a panoply of psychedelic orgies. A doxxed teen falls victim to violent assault and dishes out some harrowing retribution of their own. Over thirty Trans and Gender Nonconforming creators unite to voice their rage, and the rules of conventional Horror go out the f$%&ing window in this collection featuring murderous pleasure-bots; proselytizing zombies; acid-filled alien cops; science run amok; sorcerers, ghouls, cannibals...and that barely scratches the grave-dirt.
Blood from Stone by Bellamy Scott | ebook PWYW
Hitting a deer while driving a country road is unfortunate, but common enough that no one expects it to re-order the fabric of reality as they know it. For Sam, a rogue stag on a summer night takes his husband, his life, and his name in a single blow. As months of grief pass, he things he's begun to get used to his new reality, until an encounter with a childhood friend changes it all over again. BLOOD FROM STONE is a story of an old lady doing good deeds for bloody boys on the side of the road, of poisoned wine, and of a trans man Becoming Real.
Becoming Light by Riley Nash | ebook free
When people meet me, they see a bright faced, happy-go-lucky kindergarten teacher who will do anything to support his friends. Not everyone knows the struggle I’ve faced to become the man I am today.  Now it’s finally time for the gender-affirming surgery I’ve been dreaming of for years. But when an emergency leaves me without a caretaker, the only person who can take me in is my best friend’s aloof, reclusive, and incredibly sexy dad. The one who has no bedside manner and struggles to communicate. The one I’ve had a crush on for years. The deeper we see into each other’s worlds, the stronger the attraction gets. I’m not sure either of us can make it through the next four days without giving in. Trans man MC
​TransRightsReadathon Sale by Matthew Zakharuk | ebook 50% off, $2.50
a story of trans transhumanism + a dystopian gothic
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soulmuppet · 1 year
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The Monster Overhaul
by Skerples
What’s a Sphinx without a riddle, or a Minotaur without a labyrinth? What’s a Dragon without a hoard, or a Peasant without a grievance?
The Monster Overhaul is a massive Role Playing Game bestiary designed for at-table utility. Monsters are presented alongside useful tools, ready for immediate use in any scenario.
This book aims to provide a GM with the tools they need, as they need them, without slowing down a session. In the middle of a game, a GM doesn’t need to be told that Bears live in caves or that Ghosts haunt graveyards. They know that. What they need are interesting prompts that are difficult to invent under pressure; names, details, motivations, secrets, riddles, maps, twists, etc.
Numbers are calibrated around old-school fantasy adventure game principles. This book should be compatible with, and has been tested against, the most popular and enduring old-school systems.
This 336 page book contains:
200+ Monsters.
160+ Pieces of original art.
20+ Maps.
Random encounter tables, indexes, and a host of other useful tools.
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revasserium · 10 months
a not at all definitive list of books that literally physically are a part of who i am and why i am and how i ache and love stories so fiercely it sometimes threatens to consume me:
the night circus by erin morgenstern
"The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not."
"I would have written you, myself, if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough.' 'But you built me dreams instead."
"Like stepping into a fairy tale under a curtain of stars."
the starless sea by erin morgenstern
"Strange, isn’t it? To love a book. When the words on the pages become so precious that they feel like part of your own history because they are. It’s nice to finally have someone read stories I know so intimately.
"For those who feel homesick for a place they’ve never been to. Those who seek even if they do not know what (or where) it is that they are seeking. Those who seek will find. Their doors have been waiting for them."
"Occasionally, Fate pulls itself together again and Time is always waiting."
the ten thousand doors of january by alix e harrow
“If we address stories as archaeological sites, and dust through their layers with meticulous care, we find at some level there is always a doorway. A dividing point between here and there, us and them, mundane and magical. It is at the moments when the doors open, when things flow between the worlds, that stories happen."
"They are artifacts and palimpsests, riddles and histories. They are the red threads that we may follow out of the labyrinth."
the secret history by donna tartt
"Does such a thing as 'the fatal flaw,' that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn't. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs"
"She was a living reverie for me: the mere sight of her sparked an almost infinite range of fantasy, from Greek to Gothic, from vulgar to divine."
the wayward children series by seanan mcguire
"We notice the silence of men. We depend upon the silence of women."
"She was a story, not an epilogue."
"We’re all puzzle boxes, skeleton and skin, soul and shadow."
daughter of smoke and bone series by laini taylor
"She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx."
"Happiness. It was the place where passion, with all its dazzle and drumbeat, met something softer: homecoming and safety and pure sunbeam comfort. It was all those things, intertwined with the heat and the thrill, and it was as bright within her as a swallowed star."
"Like mold on books, grow myths on history."
the book thief by markus zusak
"I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn't already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race-that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant."
"It was a Monday and they walked on a tightrope to the sun."
dreams and shadows by c. robert cargill
"If you remember one thing, even above remembering me, remember that there is not a monster dreamt that hasn't walked within the soul of man."
"It's as if we are God's waking dream, each gifted with a small piece of his consciousness; the beauty of that arrangement is that we create the dream for him. If you can understand that, if you can wrap your mind around it, then you can conjure up anything you want from out of the ether. "
"You always assume we must have fallen, that we were thrown out of Heaven. Some of us just jumped."
stardust by neil gaiman
"He stared up at the stars: and it seemed to him then that they were dancers, stately and graceful, performing a dance almost infinite in its complexity. He imagined he could see the very faces of the stars; pale, they were, and smiling gently, as if they had spent so much time above the world, watching the scrambling and the joy and the pain of the people below them, that they could not help being amused every time another little human believed itself the center of its world, as each of us does."
"What do stars do? They shine."
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."
"Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them."
"The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history."
a midsummer night's dream by william shakespeare
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind. Nor hath love's mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste: And therefore is love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguil'd."
"I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell. To die upon the hand I love so well."
"Love's stories written in love's richest books. To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes."
deathless by catherynne m valente
"You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast."
"I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. I have tried. For a year I have called every black tree Marya Morevna; I have looked for your face in the patterns of the ice. In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold."
the song of achilles by madeline miller
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
"We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other."
"We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence."
circe by madeline miller
"It was my first lesson. Beneath the smooth, familiar face of things is another that waits to tear the world in two."
"But gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters. All that smoke and savor rising so delicately from our altars. It leaves only ash behind."
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goqmir · 4 months
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as a follow-up to this post i made a while back, here's some of the preliminary alpha version cards for the white/blue Welthane "coin control" archetype in Marenrow: City of Secrets, my custom Magic set! The idea behind the archetype is casting spells which have two different effects, making the cards have valuable effect compaction, but it's a 50/50 chance (based on a coin flip!) which effect you get. The white/blue group, the Welthane, are meant to be a group of people who are subordinate to the blue/red group, the Midnu; as the Midnu's archetype in the set is caring about flipping coins (specifically containing the lines "whenever you flip a coin" and "whenever you win a coin flip" on them), we decided that the Welthane archetype should also flip coins, just for a radically different purpose! :D
The wording on Journeyman Morphmage might sound a bit odd, but my co-creator @devilcat3d and I decided that one of the best ways to allow white/blue to synergize with itself and the spells that it wants to cast without stepping into the blue/red archetype of caring about when coins are flipped is to instead care about when spells flip coins on cast! Rather than amass value by having triggered abilities care about coin flips in general, the white and blue archetype will trigger abilities when cards that flip coins are cast, which will likely lead into many interesting and unique ways to recur or reuse coin flip spells! Imrir here, the Welthane guard-sphinx, will likely be one of the only uses of Rebound in the set as a way to power-up and synergize the white/blue archetype.
I'd love to know your opinions on the cards so far! The original post about the white/blue color pair archetype had a large number of responses, many of whom were very interested in the development of the cards, so I'd love to know how you all feel about these so far :) A few days ago I was feeling fairly uncertain about the white/blue Welthane archetype, but after the work Wren and I put in today I feel like the color pair is on much firmer footing ^w^
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brookitty · 1 year
Okay sooo let's get this straight. Marinette, along with others, withholding information from Adrien about HIS life is WRONG. The show knows this.
S2, Syren: Chat Noir is upset that Ladybug is keeping secrets from him (about Master Fu). This is resolved bc Chat Noir is granted an introduction with Master Fu.
S3, Chameleon: Adrien tells Lila he is happy to be her friend, on one condition, she doesn't lie to him.
S3, Backwarder: Marinette and her friends debate on how Marinette should interject herself between Adrien and Kagami. Someone suggests she disguise herself as a celebrity to woo Adrien, but the idea is shot down bc "Adrien hates lying"
S3, Puppeteer 2: Chat Noir tells Ladybug that the more important something is, is precisely more the reason you have to say it. No matter what.
S4, Lies: Adrien is personally very hurt and guilt ridden when Kagami accuses him of being untruthful.
S4, Rocketear: Adrien is upset that Ladybug allowed for Alya and Nino to know eachother's identity bc it contradicts everything she has told him thus far.
S4, Hack-San: Adrien is beyond angry and betrayed that Ladybug would lend her Miraculous to someone and not inform him on it before hand.
S4, Ephemeral: Adrien confesses how heavy of a weight his secret identity has been on him. As well as feeling like he has been dishonest with Ladybug.
S4, Kuro Neko: Adrien questions his identity and is unsure who his authentic self is. This causes him some distress until Plagg provides him with a satisfying answer. He is both Adrien and Chat Noir, therefore, he is not being inauthentic.
S4, Strikeback: Adrien is upset that Ladybug had kept Rena Furtive a secret from him. Ladybug realizes that, although she meant well, she had been keeping Chat Noir out of the loop and it was wrong. ** She realizes this with Chat Noir not Adrien.
S5, Jubilation: Both Ladybug and Chat Noir are upset after having lost their marriage and four children. Chat Noir is noticeably more enraged than Ladybug. He goes on to emphasize his contempt for having his feelings played with. He attempts to kill Darker Owl.
S5, Passion: Marinette asks Adrien if he is alright. He says that's he's fine, but then decides to tell Marinette the truth that he is worried about Natalie.
S5, Elation: Chat Noir feels wrong for kissing Marinette bc he knows who she is, but she doesn't know who he is. He feels that he is taking advantage of her unawareness (him being Adrien). It's dishonest.
S5, Emotion: Adrien tells Marinette that he couldn't tell her about the Diamond Dance bc his father had ordered him not to. This admission comes from Adrien without Marinette having to ask him.
S5, Revolution: Adrien is tormented with guilt about not telling Marinette about him moving to London. Although, last minute, Adrien is able to work up the courage to tell Marinette before Chloé could.
Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx, the video game: Adrien's character bio in Marinette's scrapbook includes his likes and dislikes. His like...... Ladybug, of course. His dislike........ dishonesty. Marinette's bio in comparison states she dislikes, "bullies and liars". Which I think is a compelling difference. Adrien doesn't just dislike liars; he dislikes dishonesty.
Dishonesty is a much more broad and grey area than lying. It's why Adrien is uncomfortable with secret identities. It's why he feels uneasy about his own identity as Chat Noir. It's why he was so upset over Ladybug allowing Alya and Nino to know eachothers identities. Ladybug didn't lie to him, but she was being dishonest. It's also why he didn't feel comfortable pursuing a relationship with Marinette as Chat Noir because it would be dishonest. He recognized that he held information on her (as her classmate and friend) that she did not willingly give him. It would not only be unfair, but dishonest.
This characteristic of Adrien's isn't some fandom conceived trait. It's been a very prominent feature of who Adrien is as a person throughout the entire series. There has always been a very strong narrative regarding Adrien's dislike for secrets, lies, illusions, disingenuinity, dishonesty...
The finale was NOT the show justifying Gabriel's actions nor the lie Adrien was told about his father's role.
The way I see it is that because Adrien is the deuterogonist of the show his discovery of all these secrets can not be fully resolved in ONE season finale. Now that the Monarch situation has been dealt with. Now that the kwamis have been rescued. Now that Marinette is dating Adrien. There really isn't any other conflict our protagonist has other than the secret she is withholding from the boy she loves. The writers of Miraculous get a lot of undeserved flak in my opinion. I trust them, and I trust the direction of the story.
Ideally, I would hope this conclusion is meant to lead into an Adrien focused season 6. I would hope that ultimately Marinette will come forward and tell Adrien herself. However, I understand before we get there we're gonna need to marinate in this icky resolution for the sake of drama. It is a show after all, we're here to be entertained.
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Short Story Tournament
THE SPHINX WITHOUT A SECRET by Oscar Wilde (1887) (link)
It seemed to me the face of some one who had a secret, but whether that secret was good or evil I could not say. Its beauty was a beauty moulded out of many mysteries - the beauty, in face, which is psychological, not plastic - and the faint smile that just played across the lips was far too subtle to be really sweet.
58 REASONS FOR THE SLATE QUARRY SUICIDES by Sam J Miller (2013) (link) - tw: suicide, bullying
56. Because Carries punishment for killing her foes was to die, and mine was to live.
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zoomguanyu · 3 months
You’re going to hate me for this. You’re *really* going to hate me for this. Buuuuut…
A Box Without Hinges, Keys, and Lid? 👀
You can be vague with this, if you want. I’m actually more curious as to why you rejected it?
My Tiny, Fat, Fuzzy Boyfriend is so funny to me! I’d love to know what this one’s about too. 🤭
First of all, fuck you 😂
Second, I could never hate you ❤️
Box w/o Hinges got rejected for two reasons:
1. It got overly ambitious.
2. I didn’t have the life experience nor research to convey the story I wanted.
(We can also say that I didn’t have any song assigned to it which usually helps move these projects along when I’m uninspired if that counts)
The story follows mechanic!Mark who works for Red Bull. Red Bull’s factory suddenly had a sphinx in front of it who says he’ll kill them if they answer his riddle wrong, forcing everyone to go to the back door to avoid being killed. Mark decides “nah. I’m smart. I’ll answer the riddle.” And gets it right. Then gets addicted to answering riddles with the sphinx, who reveals his name is Sebastian.
Sebastian remembers basically nothing of his life, he just knows he has to guard the factory door even if he doesn’t know why. Mark takes care of Sebastian in his free time, feeling somewhat bad for him. The more they talk, the more memories Sebastian digs up and he gets excited.
However Mark begins to lose his own memories until one day he gets a riddle wrong. He buys time to answer it properly but now they both know something’s off. Sebastian starts giving easier and easier riddles which Mark struggles more and more to answer.
When Sebastian finally gets his memories back, he realizes that he used to be human and that he was once addicted to answering riddles to a different sphinx. Each riddle he answered slowly took his memories away while the sphinx he was riddling gained memories, and when Sebastian finally forgot everything and failed the easiest riddle of them all (“what is your name”) he became the new sphinx. Sebastian tries to save Mark from the same fate but one day out of curiosity asks Mark “what is your name” and Mark fails. Mark becomes the new sphinx to guard the Red Bull door and Sebastian is returned to his human form.
That’s that one.
My Tiny, Fat, Fuzzy Boyfriend is a CarCar in which Oscar turns to a koala when he’s overwhelmed. He and Carlos have pretended they’re enemies on the track even if they’re dating in secret, but all that gets thrown out the window when Oscar turns into a koala during a race weekend. Which Carlos finds odd because usually he does it in the safety of his and Carlos’ home and Carlos just keeps a small store of eucalyptus leaves to feed Oscar on the bad days.
He kinda doesn’t think too much of it except to return Oscar to McLaren but three days later Oscar still hasn’t changed back and Carlos starts to really worry. The usual escalation tricks he’s learned aren’t working and Oscar is still unhappy so Carlos throws all dignity out and asks Lando and Logan for help.
It goes on until the next race two weeks later and Carlos remains stressed out. When Oscar finally turns back to human, basically smothered head to toe with affection from Carlos.
Oscar tells him that their hating each other game had started to plant doubts in his head about their relationship. Coupled with Carlos leaving F1/not getting a seat, he began to believe Carlos would just leave him. Other stuff also compounded onto Oscar’s stress until he snapped and decided he didn’t want to be anything but a koala for a little while until he felt better. Carlos is like “you’re literally an idiot” and then they decide to stop their hating game and at minimal just be good friends on the track, at best let others know about their relationship.
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Once again, Javert’s arrests are harmful; Éponine was caught, too, and Montparnasse (who wasn’t involved this time, but is definitely dangerous) is the one who escaped. There’s almost an inverse relationship between arrest and threat level here (excepting Valjean), and it hurts to see. Of course, it’s not as if arresting more people would help, either; Javert is personally upset that he didn’t catch the literal victim of the crime, Valjean, and we know that he’s just trying to live peacefully with his daughter. And Patron Minette can organize in prison, too, so really, the arrests themselves only punish bystanders or less guilty participants. They don’t actually do anything about crime, creating more victims without resolving the issues that produced the circumstances of the crime in the first place.
“Had this sphinx his fore paws in crime and his hind paws in authority? Javert did not accept such comminations, and would have bristled up against such compromises; but his squad included other inspectors besides himself, who were more initiated than he, perhaps, although they were his subordinates in the secrets of the Prefecture, and Claquesous had been such a villain that he might make a very good agent.”
I love the sentences on Claquesous’ magical disappearance, but here, we have a more concrete answer: he may be a police spy, freed by the very officers involved in arresting him. Having just covered revolutionary groups in Paris, we know that police spies were commonplace enough for that title to be an accusation against speakers in the street, so it’s not surprising that they would be found in the criminal as well as the political sphere. And it would certainly explain his mysteriousness. If he’s giving over information to the police, of course he wouldn’t want his accomplices to recognize him.
We also get an indication of another tension between Javert and other officers. Earlier, we saw that he could be reluctant to communicate information to others because he wants to keep credit for his deeds. When chasing Valjean from the Gorbeau House, for instance, he didn’t say who he suspected this man was for that reason. Someone else would have been sent if a “dangerous” criminal were known to be loose. Here, though, the tension is somewhat unknown because Javert doesn’t know how the spying aspect of the police works (or at least, he doesn’t know all the details). Whether it’s corruption, a recognition that Javert doesn’t think, or a combination, other officers seem to be excluding him from such networks. To him, it’s despicable because it blends the line between authority and and crime that his worldview is based on. To other officers, it might be convenient as a way of getting information (although Javert knows more about the area than them).
To return to the ineffectiveness of prison: Brujon communicated so much from there! I find the image of the bread messages a bit funny; I understand that logically, small bits of bread were what was available to hide messages in, but the image is a bit comical. (Bread symbolism makes sense for the same reason, but it’s still funny). But nothing stops the chain of messages. It’s so effective within a prison, between them (even with gender-based segregation), and outside of them (circulating with Éponine once freed and with Magnon). All in all, the Gorbeau House may not feel like a triumph to Javert because he didn’t catch “enough” people, but really, it’s a tragedy because it hurt the vulnerable and did nothing to stop Patron Minette. And the police don’t care, likely freeing one of the members.
(Although really, the bread messages might be the most effective part of Patron Minette, if their behavior during the Gorbeau Ambush was anything to go by)
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you help my new cats get spayed, neutered, chupped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a hero to take care of astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense, you said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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seb-reads31 · 1 year
Could you write some headcannons about Vox Machina finding out their Oath of Redemption Paladin S/O used to be a Bhaal worshiper?
Tw's - SPOILERS, mentions of death, being assigned to unalived a child, betrayal, I'm going all out on this one so beware of a lot of death and unaliving people so that's just a general thing here 🧍, mentions of manipulation, a power corrupted priest, lots of unaliving words, kinda rushed at the end but I'll probably rewrite it later 😭
Type - Head canons technically but they're basically bullet pointed stories 🥲
Genre - Angst with comfort
Comments - THE FIRST VOX MACHINA ASK 💞💞 Of course nonnie 🥹 Let the research commence✨ From my research is that the S/O will be somewhat like Pike except that they will avoid actually unaliving people unless absolutely necessary, so this'll be interesting~ Let's just say that your secret was revealed while Vox Machina spoke with Osysa in season 2. Also, after realizing just how long Percy's was, I decided to split them all up-
Devil worshipper, or redemption seeker?
- Percy has his own secrets, everyone knows this. But he shares almost everything with you because, and only because you're his partner
- And he wants you to share your secrets with him, as long as you're comfortable with sharing.
- Your darkest secret, the one you planned on taking to your grave was revealed by the Sphinx, Osysa.
- You could do nothing as she saw through you, to the deepest darkest parts of your soul when you once worshipped Bhaal and was willing to do as he said without hesitation
- She announced this to all of your friends, the people you cared deeply about and never wanted them to know about your past, but Osysa had to ruin that, didn’t she?
- Percy was still trying to wrap around was Osysa said to him before he questioned what she said to you, not fully believing what Osysa said, but knew she wasn’t lying when he saw that petrified look on your face.
- He felt betrayed, hurt, unsure of who exactly he fell in love with, who he’s shared his deepest secrets with, you were once a devil worshipper..? And a killer.?
- He didn't want to believe it, you were the kindest person in their band of misfits, the first one to try and deescalate a bar fight, the one to bandage anyone injured after said bar fight, hell you even try to negotiate with enemies even though you knew how badly it would end.
- So how could you, of all people, have worshipped Bhaal at some point in your life? He wanted to ask so many questions, but he was overcome by betrayal and slight anger that he just remained silent, the voices of his friends talking to Osysa melting together into a mind numbing buzz as he thought about the many reasons you might've kept this to yourself.
- Eventually, after entering the underwater tomb he asked to speak to you alone, and for you to come clean about your past. And you did You explained how you were once an assassin, a killer, a heartless monster who only wanted to worship a god who was corrupt, and the day you finally left that cult.
- You were told by one of the priests that Bhaal wanted an innocent child taken care of. They were supposedly a "god killing" child, and was a threat to Bhaal's life. However, that wasn't the truth at all. You were suspicious due to the target being a child, so you decided to eavesdrop on a private conversation of the priest and one of the other devout followers and learned the truth.
- The priest had committed an act of adultery and wanted the bastard child out of the picture, all because it would ruin their reputation and status. Normally, you wouldn't have cared in any other situation, you had been assigned to kill parents, grandparents, why was a bastard child no one wanted different?
- You didn't know, nor did you care, but the only thing you knew in that moment as you stood there listening to the priest laugh about the child was that all you could see was red.
- Everything was a blur after that, but when you refocused, there was blood everywhere, and so.. so many lifeless bodies around.. all you could do was fall to your knees with shakey hands, and sob.
- You stayed there sobbing on your knees for around an hour before collecting yourself, and walking out of the bloodied temple in your equally bloodied clothes. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you wanted to get as far away from the bloodshed you caused and quickly.
- After travelling aimlessly for a few days, you came across a small and cozy home. You hadn't eaten for days, only stopping briefly to rest because it had become too hard to walk, just to wake up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare, but you reluctantly walked up to the cabin and knocked on the door softly, but hard enough for whoever was inside to hear you.
- The door opened after a small feminine voice yelled back “Be right there!” Followed by small thumps, the door opened to reveal a tabaxi. She was patterned like a snow leopard and had the kindest smile on her face as she gave you a once over, that smile turning into a look of concern. "A-are you hurt? Come inside, let me check you for any injuries." You didn't even have a chance to say anything as she grabbed your hand and pulled you inside, making you sit at what you would guess was her kitchen table.
- "I'm gonna go grab some bandages and healing ointments just in case, stay right there, I wouldn't want you to make your injuries any worse." You were.. stunned to say the least. She had taken one look at you and wanted to help, she didn't care if you were a stranger who could take advantage of her kindness, she just saw blood and felt the need to help you, even though it wasn't yours...
- She quickly came back with 3 rolls of bandages and a couple bottles of ointments, setting them down before turning towards you with a soft expression on her face. "I got the bandages and ointments, now, I need to check your for any wounds or injuries.." You knew what she was implying, but you didn't want to, and it showed with your conflicted expression.
- She thought originally that you were either uncomfortable with taking off your shirt or just embarrassed at the thought, but after thinking for a bit longer, she realized that you weren't holding any of your limbs to stop them from bleeding, nor were you hunched over in pain..
- Then the thought that this wasn't your blood crossed her mind. She took a small step back, her ears folding downwards as her tail flicks slightly. "T-this.. isn't your blood, is it..?" She asked very carefully, preparing herself to run should you try and attack her, but all she was met with was sobs coming from you.
- She immediately went to calm you down, and once you did, you told her your story. She was shocked to say the least, but she didn't judge you. You were blindly following a god, not that it excuses you for killing people. All you wanted to do was please your god, like many others have done in the past.
- Once you finished, she pulled up another chair from the dining table to sit and think, and it was just for a minute, but that minute felt like hours, all you could hear was the thumping of your heartbeat in your ears. After what felt like ages, she finally said something. "I'm sorry you went through all of this. You never deserved to be manipulated, to carry out the wishes for a supposed god, only to be carrying out the sins of a corrupted priest."
- She took a deep breath after her small rant, then continued. "I know how to help you with your guilt, and how to relieve you if your sins, but it is a long and harsh path. I would know, I've taken it myself." She gave you that same soft smile from before, with eyes that understood the guilt you burdened yourself with. You gave her a questioning look, silently asking her to continue, and so she did.
- "It's called the path of redemption, it is a very harsh like I said before, but well worth it in the end. So, what say you? Do you wish to accept my help?" She held a hand out to you, one so inviting and kind that it would almost be cruel to refuse. So you took it, wanting to feel your sins lifted off of your back.
- After you took her hand, she gave you a delicious meal and bed, as well as a change of clean clothes for when you finished. "Tomorrow, we will start your training." You spent the next few years learning to forgive yourself, to learn how to help convince people to change their ways and join you on this path of redemption through words and not violence. Only engaging when absolutely necessary, and even then you were only to subdue them or restrain them.
- You looked up at the sky as you finished your story, not daring to look at Percy out of fear that you'll see a look of anger, rage, disgust. But he wasn't looking at you with disgust, rage, anger. He was looking at you with a look of sadness, understanding, and compassion.
- Sadness because he hated how you were nearly manipulated into dispatching a god killing child, understanding because he knows how it is to be manipulated, and compassion because he knew you had gone through so much in less than 24 hours and even tried changing yourself for the better, and even succeeded at it. Others would've cracked under the pressure of the training you went under and never would've redeemed themselves.
- Neither of you spoke, the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the forest and your group of friends laughing and bantering by a crackling fire. You could feel your anxiety rise as you looked up at the dark sky, your mind racing as Percy just sat there in an uncomfortable silence.
- You were snapped out of your thoughts when Percy pulled you into a side hug, placing a hand on your head to lay it on his shoulder then started to lightly his fingers through your hair. You teared up slightly from the affection, not expecting it in the slightest after you had told Percy about the deepest darkest parts of your life.
- He knew you were a killer in the past, but he also knew that you had changed immensely since then. He didn't hate you for keeping this from him, the furthest thing from that. He understood why you kept it a secret, and promised that he wouldn't reveal your past to the rest of your friends until you were ready to.
- Eventually, the both of you returned to your group of friends who were bantering with one another. It was comforting, hearing them bickering amongst themselves.
- One day you'll tell them, and whether they choose to continue being your friend is up to them. But, you have a feeling that they won't care too much and will continue being your friends no matter what.
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