#Tom Holland fic rec
ruerecs · 4 months
𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑖.
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two normal arms
take a hint
arms race
daughters will love like you do
by @waitimcomingtoo [i'm obsessed with your peter fics]
the last i heard by @webslingingslasher
teenage fever by @mvltisstuff
prom alert!
panty stealer
by @shawnxstyles
nice to meet you by @mrsstarkey1
save me by @ptrbprkrs
still into you by @loverwebs
snowed in by @starlordsandrockets
by @mediocre-daydreams
private show by @croimilis
white lies, red & blue tights by @t-lostinworlds
tread carefully by @bi-disaster-yn
the baby assignment by @vendettaparker
secrets by @chaoticparker
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
summary: tom overhears you say that he’s never made you come. shocked, he becomes determined to make it happen. he’s even more surprised when he discovers how to do so.
request: yess
words: 4.2k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [fingering, slight degrading, slight breast/nipple play], dirty talk, mentions of porn) language, fluff
note: sorry i’ve been inactive. i just had surgery on my knee, so i haven’t had the energy to write. this is unedited and probably bad 😭
(kind of mean) dom!tom
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After seven long months of keeping the biggest secret ever, you finally decide to tell your best friend about your boyfriend.
Of course, Anna already knows about Tom and that you two have been together for months. You guys even live in a condo together! But she doesn’t know what goes on behind the scenes.
She’s been begging for you to tell her anything about your sexual relationship with Tom. She wants to know every miniscule detail if she can because that’s just how you two are. After every boyfriend she’s had and every guy she’s slept with, she always comes running to you with new drama and information. You guys told each other everything.
So, why was it so hard for you to tell her about Tom in a sexual way?
It didn’t feel wrong, it felt… mean. What you wanted to say wasn’t the most ego-expanding thing for a man. Tom wasn’t cocky or arrogant— he was charming and gentle, which is what made you fall for him. He’s lighthearted and funny, and you couldn’t ask for anyone better. But when you guys had sex for the first time, it was really good, but not completely satisfying for you.
All of Anna’s partners were relatively good, so you guessed it embarrassed you that Tom wasn’t as good. He was your first after all, and first times are never good. So you assumed after so many times you would finally come, but it just never happened.
You knew she wouldn't say anything harsh to you, but you had a feeling she would pity you and that sounds a bit worse.
“So how is your love life going? You seemed pretty thrilled about it over text,” You chirp through the phone to Anna as you wipe the kitchen counter.
Since it was Saturday, you decided to do a bit of cleaning. Tom went out to do some grocery shopping around an hour ago, so you assumed he would be back soon. You loved the days where neither of you worked too late and you could relax together before the day ended. This was one of those weekends.
Anna rants about her new friend with benefits while you discard your wipe and go to grab your duster in the laundry room. You put your phone between your ear and shoulder as you reach up in an attempt to grab it. You sigh to yourself, climbing on top of the washing machine. When she’s finished, she takes a deep breath.
“Enough about my life, how’s Tom? I don’t care. Have you guys had sex yet?? PLEASE DON’T TELL ME YOU’RE WAITING FOR MARRIAGE!” Anna talks quickly, yelling through your speaker. You always have to set your phone aside for a minute when she shouts like that. You roll your eyes, even though you know she can’t see you. “And don’t roll your eyes!”
“Look,” You take a breath as you think about how you’re going to say it. You stop reaching for the duster and stay seated on the machine for a moment. You put your phone down and on speaker. “Tom and I have had sex, okay–”
“OH MY GOD, I totally knew it! I was just waiting for you to tell me. I have so many questions. How long? How many times? Did it feel amazing?!–”
Tom shoves his keys into the lock and opens the front door. He picks up his few bags of groceries and lightly kicks back the door. He heads straight for the kitchen and places the bags on the counter. Before unbagging all the items, he goes to announce that he’s back, but is alerted by your sudden yell. Tom is naturally attracted to the sound, so he hurriedly makes his way over to you.
“Anna!” You shout, shutting her up. If you were a pushover, she would never stop talking. Ever. “It’s… fine.”
Fine? What was fine?
Tom stops and thinks, overhearing you. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but now he’s curious. Clearly you weren’t in trouble, so he’ll just pretend like he’s not here yet.
“Fine? Fine is a word you use to describe a pen, not sex. Sex shouldn’t be fine,” She replies in disgust and you try not to laugh at how dramatic she is. You keep your eyes fixated on the cabinet, forgetting about the duster.
“It’s… it’s good. I mean everything feels right. I get aroused, so it’s not like I don’t like it. It feels fantastic. Just… you know at the end when you’re supposed to feel amazing?” You try your best to explain your situation to her and you can hear the cogs spinning in her curious head. “Well, I didn’t feel that.”
Is… she talking about sex? She doesn’t hate it, but it wasn’t good?
Tom’s eyebrows furrow in immediate confusion as he leans against the wall near the laundry room. He crosses his arms, continuing to eavesdrop.
“So, you didn’t feel amazing, even though it was amazing. But did you come?” Anna asks, not caring if her question is too explicit or personal. She wasn’t afraid to ask or say anything and that’s what made your friendship so real.
“Um… I don’t think so? It’s different when you’re with somebody than by yourself. How do you know?” You cringe at your unsureness, a hand lifting to rub over your temple as you close your eyes for a moment.
“If you did, you would know. So you’ve never had the experience of coming before. Okay, woah,” Anna says, shock lacing her tone. She sounds almost speechless, and that is something you thought you’d never hear.
“Well, no, I’ve masturbated before and I’ve come. I think. So I have experienced it, just not with Tom,” As you come to a conclusion. It was a lot simpler now that you’ve explained it to Anna. “What do I do?”
She’s never come? That’s… fuck. Horrible.
Tom quietly creeps into the kitchen, making sure you don’t see or hear him. As he unloads some groceries, he wonders what he should do. Does he ask you? If he does then you would know he was listening to you and invading your phone call. So, he mentally settles for searching it up in his down time. For now, he is going to have to resist you as much as possible until he is confident enough.
He hates knowing you aren’t completely satisfied, and that he isn’t giving you everything you want when that’s all you deserve.
“On a scale of one to 10, how much do you like him? Because you could–”
“Anna, I’m not breaking up with him! I love him. So much. I just… don’t know how to bring it up,” You bite your lip and sigh. You extend yourself from a kneeling position and reach up toward the duster. You grab it while Anna contemplates. For once, the line is silent.
“You know I hate beating around the bush, so you might as well just get to the damn point. “Hey, person that I love so much, remember all those times we had sex? Well, I never came, so get your shit fixed!” Something like that should work.”
You roll your eyes as she mocks you and creates new ways to confess to Tom. After too many minutes, you hang up the phone and tell her you’d call her another time. You hop off the machine and waltz into the kitchen. Your eyes light up when they notice Tom, nearly finished unpacking the groceries.
“Oh, hey, baby, I didn’t even hear you come in,” You smile after kissing him softly on the cheek. Tom melts every time you even look at him, so your kisses practically kill him. He smiles in return before sliding some cereal into the top cabinet. “I know it’s still early, but what are we thinking for dinner?”
After a nice, relaxing dinner you both mustered up, Tom admits that he’s feeling a bit tired. You were a bit disappointed because you wanted to cuddle and watch your show. Ever since your talk with Anna, Tom has been on your mind all day. Even if you don’t come with him, you still love the feeling of him. He gets you to the edge every time, you just never get all the way. You love the feeling of his fingers on your skin and how full his cock makes you feel, you wished that you would meet the finish line just once.
“‘m sorry. We can cuddle in bed. You can be the small spoon,” Tom suggests and you can’t help but giggle. He knows you love being the small spoon, but secretly so does Tom. You find it adorable that your big, muscular boyfriend likes to be cuddled. It makes your heart flutter.
Tom didn’t want you to know he was avoiding sex, but it was for a good reason. He was determined to get better, to be better for you. He is honestly disappointed in himself that he didn’t realize this earlier.
As you guys complete your nightly routines together, you huddle under the thick comforter. With a full stomach, the heaviness of the blanket, and the warmth of Tom’s skin, you were destined to pass out like a sleepy baby. Once Tom was sure you were asleep, he slowly untangled himself from your gentle frame and tiptoes to the bathroom. You were a pretty deep sleeper; if there was a fire, you would burn alive.
Tom quickly searches up Pornhub in a private search, analyzing all the videos. He hasn’t seen porn by himself for a long time. He didn’t need to. He had the most beautiful woman in his bed every night. And he was about to ruin it because he couldn’t satisfy her. This motivated him to continue his research.
The erotic images and clips of women spread wide open didn’t appease him like it used to. He scrolls and finally clicks on a video of a man fingering a woman. Simple. He connected his Airpods, making sure you wouldn’t hear him.
Tom skimmed through multiple videos, paying close attention to how and when the men curled their fingers. He took note of how they teased the slits, and massaged the clit a lot throughout each orgasm. Tom assumed he did all of these, pretty well in his opinion. The few people that he’d been with in the past never had any issues with him because they’d always come back when they didn’t have to.
So why couldn’t you come?
Finally, after watching about fifteen videos, Tom noticed the particular pace. Tom was always gentle and soft when you two were intimate because he never wanted to hurt you. He’s had rough sex in the past, during one-night-stands, but he never would have thought that’s something you enjoyed. During those selfish nights, he didn’t care what the other woman liked.
Yeah, Tom used to be pretty selfish before you.
He would never do anything you didn’t ask him to do. Maybe you were too scared or embarrassed to mention it and that’s why you told Anna, not him.
Focusing a bit more, he feels a wave of confidence flow through him. He watches a few more, concentrating on the speed.
“You like it rough, don’t you? Dirty slut.”
The video talks in his ear, but he ignores it while he watches all his movements.
Tom’s going to have some fun with you.
A pleasant scent interrupts your sleep, waking you up gently. You take a deep breath, inhaling the heavenly smell. You hurriedly brush your teeth before following the smell, leading you to the kitchen.
You witness Tom’s sculpted back facing you as he cooks breakfast. Specifically pancakes, which were your all-time favorite. You always slept deeply, and there were few things that would wake you up. One, pancakes. Two, Tom’s mouth. Blaring alarms weren’t even worth it.
As you creep into the kitchen, you ogle Tom’s muscles. His build is so perfect, sometimes you don’t believe it. His shoulder blades are wide and strong while thick layers of muscle coat his arms. He’s wearing gray drawstring shorts, and the overall sight leaves you drooling.
You were still a bit horny from yesterday. Now, that familiar warm feeling tingles in your tummy as you wrap your arms around your boyfriend’s waist. Your cheek presses against his toned back.
“Morning, gorgeous,” Tom roughly hums, flipping the pancake easily. You'll never get over his morning voice and how his gravelly tone never fails to turn you on. You hear the click of the stove as Tom shifts to the counter. You release your hold as you go across the kitchen to grab some coffee.
“Morning! What motivated you to make pancakes?” You ask, pouring the hot coffee that has already been brewed.
“Well, I woke up early and I thought I’d do something nice for my girlfriend. Is that so wrong?” He fixes two plates and sets the pan away. He cleans up his mess and then you both sit on the counter stools. You withhold a huge smile, while your heart pounds lovingly. It was such a tiny thing he did, but he always made your heart flutter. That warm feeling covers your lower stomach again.
“You’re too sweet,” You kiss his cheek as you guys continue to eat. Tom knew you saw him as a softie, especially for him. But he wanted you to know that he can be rough, too. After his conclusion from last night, you needed it. “Nothing but.”
“I can be mean,” He adds, finishing his plate.
“Pff, you don’t have a mean bone in your body,” You joke, chewing your warm pancake. “I bet you can’t even be mean for a day.”
“Says who?”
“Says anyone who’s ever known you?” You quirk like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Tom was way too nice. He was incapable of being mean to anyone, ever. That’s what made you fall for him. Once in a while, you guys would banter jokingly, which you enjoyed. But you loved Tom for who he was.
“Fine. I’ll show you mean,” Tom rose from his stool and headed toward the kitchen sink to discard his plate. You rolled your eyes with a bit of a chuckle.
His plan was working perfectly.
He was going to make you upset. Angry. And then when you didn’t expect it, he would fuck you. So hard, and you would come so many times, you would never have to complain to Anna again. He felt… evil. But he was excited.
Tom wasn’t lying.
You really thought he was. You didn’t think he could be so careless. You two always do laundry on Sundays, but he made you do it alone. When you asked him what he wanted for dinner, he said he didn’t care. All of these things annoyed you, but what irritated you the most was when he denied giving you kisses.
Tom had looked so good all day. You were practically dripping in your shorts from lack of attention. Your blood boiled at his arrogance, but also intensified that burning feeling in your tummy. You wanted him so badly. Even if you didn’t come, you just needed to feel him.
He crossed the line, so you put your foot down.
“Tom, what the fuck?” You stood directly in front of his view of the TV, smoke coming from your ears. You’ve never been this upset at him before, but your hormones were aiding your fury.
“What?” Tom asks simply, innocently like he hasn’t been a complete jerk all day.
“What? That’s all you have to say?” Your eye twitches and you huff a breath. “You’re being a dick! What is wrong with you?”
“You said I couldn’t be mean. Isn’t this what you wanted?” He tilts his head condescendingly. His puppy dog eyes don’t fool you, while your hands ball up into little fists. He tries to look around you, eyeing the TV to avoid looking at you. You reach over and rip the controller from his hands, shutting the screen off. “Hey, I was watching that!”
Impulsively, you start punching his arms and torso. Tom did weekly boxing lessons, so your puny punches might as well have been kisses. Tom attempts to hold back a smile at your anger, surprisingly enjoying it. After a few seconds, Tom grabs your wrists in an instant. He hovers over you, pinning your arms above your head on the couch.
You breathe heavily from punching him, chest heaving up and down. Although you were beyond pissed at his demeanor, you felt yourself getting wetter. His thigh slightly spreads your legs and you wouldn’t be shocked if you had a visible wet spot from how aroused you’ve been all day.
“Feisty. What’s really got you worked up? Hm?” Tom provokes, a small metal chain dangling right above your face. He shoves his thigh roughly between your legs, causing you to gasp.
“You! Y-you have been making me mad all day! You’re being a dick!” You shout, nearly straining your neck, while he smirks at your mercy. Instinctively, your hips grind on his clothed thigh and you moan, finally getting some attention down there.
“Oh, so you just wanted my attention?” He tsks, moving one of his hands down your body. The other stays trapping your wrists over your head. His hand lifts the small band of your shorts and you inhale impatiently. He lowers his head toward your ear. “I bet you’re fucking soaking under here.”
You whimper at his words, waiting for him to just yank them down. Reading your mind, he does just that. He pulls both your shorts and panties down, revealing your soaked cunt. Your skin is on fire, but your wetness causes goosebumps along your arms. His free hand immediately goes to your slits, spreading your arousal messily around. Your breathing gets heavier, anticipating his thick fingers.
“What do you want?” Tom asks, so demanding you don’t even know if it’s Tom anymore. You’re not used to this side of him yet, but your body was loving it. His voice got deeper, and each word came out as a growl. He was almost animalistic, which was completely different from the soft, cuddly Tom who made love to you.
This Tom– wanted to fuck you.
“Your fingers! Please,” You beg, becoming desperate for anything. He smirks, obeying your pleas. He sinks his middle finger into your cunt, ripping a needy moan from you. You push your head into the couch cushion, hips grinding hard against his hand. He traps his knees on your thighs, halting your movements.
“Don’t be greedy,” He growls.
You whine, frustrated because he’s teasing you. Tom never really teases you. He does it subconsciously like when he walks around the house without a shirt on. But in bed? Tom was sweet and gentle, and always gave you what you wanted. But this Tom– he made you work for it. Beg for it.
And you loved it.
His finger curls slowly inside of you, skimming that special spot inside of you. His rugged thumb massages your clit too softly. Without warning, he adds a second finger and you moan out. Your back arches off the cushions, your body desperate for more friction. You hoped you would come this time.
Tom was about to stop. He didn’t want to hurt you. Maybe you didn’t really want this and it was all in Tom’s head. Just before he was about to drop everything– you begged him to keep going. Fuck. His cock pulsed desperately in his cloth shorts.
“More, more, please,” You plead in hopes he’ll give in, but you don’t know how easily he will. Your eyes are screwed shut in pleasure, but you can’t quite reach it. You’re not surprised because you never can anyway. But what does surprise you is when he speeds up his pace. He never goes too rough or too fast. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest as his fingers thrust in and out at a sinful speed. You gasp loudly, fingernails digging into your palms.
“Keep your hands there,” He demands, releasing his tight grip and bringing his hand down to continue to rub your clit. You obey, holding your own wrists. His fingers twist deliciously, and poke your G spot, causing you to scream his name. His other hand rubs your clit dangerously quick, flicking the sensitive nub as well.
You were overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure he was giving you. It was different from everything you’ve experienced with Tom. You were floating in a haze of lust and you never wanted to leave. He gropes your breasts harshly, flicking your pebbled nipples. The rough pads of his fingers tickled your silky walls so perfectly, you nearly passed out from the feeling.
“Are you going to come for me? Huh? Since you never have?” Tom taunts, as you clench around his thick fingers. You gasp, holding your breath.
How did he know?
“H-how did–”
“I heard you talking to Anna. If all you needed was a bit of a rough-up, why didn’t you just say so, love?” His voice was gritty and his actions were harsh, contradicting the sweet nickname. Your head was spinning and your heart was thumping swiftly against your ribcage.
So, so stupid. Of course he heard you.
Tom may be soft, but he wasn’t naïve.
“I thought you wanted slow and passionate, but no. You’re a filthy slut, aren’t you?” Tom degrades, eliciting a whine from your throat. He pinches your nipples through your thin T-shirt, the sensitive nubs causing you to hiss at the pain and pleasure. “Answer me.”
“Yes, yes I am!” Behind your closed eyelids, you see stars. Your muscles tighten and breathing increases rapidly. Your palms were probably bleeding from your nails, begging to pull on his silky, brown hair and kiss him passionately. Sex or masturbating has never felt like this before.
His pace never slows down, and your arousal continues to drench his hand. His attack on your clit is nearly torturous, but God, did you crave more.
Suddenly, when your stomach squeezed tightly and your legs tensed, your orgasm was in sight. You tried to close them, but Tom wouldn’t let you. A burning sensation exploded in your core, all your moans getting lost in the process. It was unfamiliar and overwhelming, and it made you wonder if this was your first orgasm ever.
Tom watches as you wither away with your orgasm, a nosy moan echoing throughout the living room. Your white liquid slowly coats his digits as he finally begins to decelerate his speed. He rubs your clit thoroughly, causing your body to jerk from the overstimulation.
“Oh my God,” Your chest heaves and your body rests limp on the couch. Tom immediately licks his fingers, tasting all of your juices. He peels off his tank top and wipes you down. He crawls back over you and absorbs your weary expression.
“You did so good, baby. Did you like it? Or was it too much?” Tom questions softly, caressing your face. He places a delicate kiss on your cheeks, waiting for a response. If he hurt you, he would never forgive himself.
“Tom,” You try to catch your breath. “That was incredible.”
He smiles, finally kissing you on the lips for the first time all day. He assumes now is the best time to ask the question of why.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t paying closer attention to you. But why didn’t you tell me first?” Tom slightly furrows his eyebrows, while you both sit up. You didn’t bother putting your underwear or shorts back on, since they were soaked through.
“I didn’t want you to feel bad. Or think you weren’t making me feel good because you were! I just… I didn’t know how to bring it up. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” You answer honestly, Tom listening and comprehending. He rests his arm over the couch while his hand fiddles with your hair. “I guess I have never really come before. I also didn’t know that’s what I needed…”
Tom laughs and you join in, slightly embarrassed. “Everyone has a secret, love. Yours is that you’re sweet as pie to the public, but a freak in the sheets for me.”
“Tom!” You gasp, swatting at his bare chest. He laughs again, catching your wrist. He moves it to the side and leans in for a kiss. You don’t deny him and attach your lips together, melting into his touch. You swear you tasted yourself on his lips, but it only made you smile more. “Doesn’t that make you a freak, too?”
“I guess. But I’m a man. Men are dirty. I didn’t know you were so dirty, Y/N,” He teases with a smile and you roll your eyes. You deflect his words, but even the teasing turned you on a bit. You cross your arms, acting annoyed. “And I thought you were so innocent–”
“Oh, shut up!” You groan while smiling, throwing your head on the back of the couch. He chuckles because he loves riling you up a bit. Now that the air was cleared, you secretly wanted more. Even though you just came for the first time with him and you should be exhausted, you felt the opposite. You felt energized. You wanted to go again and again until you fell asleep under him.
Maybe you were a bit of a freak…
If his fingers felt that good, you couldn’t imagine what his cock would feel like while he’s ramming into you harshly. You imagined him sinking deep into you and fucking you into oblivion with his dangerously quick pace. You nearly drooled at the thought. You swiftly stood up, going toward the bedroom.
Okay, you were a freak.
“Where are you going? Sleeping already?” Tom shouts as you slowly continue to back pedal away. He peers at you over his shoulder with furrowed eyebrows and a small smile.
“Sleeping is the last thing I want to do right now,” You wink and head straight for the bedroom. Tom raises his eyebrows and immediately launches himself off the couch to follow you, understanding your innuendo quickly.
“Yes ma’am,” He whispers to himself as he closes the bedroom door with a giant smirk on his face.
hopefully you like 🫠
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abbygracerecs · 10 months
Tom Holland Fic Reccomendations
3 Times He Wanted to Kiss You, 1 Time He Did - @peterparkerneverland
Easy to miss - @sarsmusings
When I hear her voice - @welcomethefears
You’re Dating Her? - @lousimusician
I Bet You’re Joking - @holland-dazed
I Know Who You Are - @lousimusician
Rambling - @lousimusician
Handwritten Love - @jordynlahey
Sunflower Soulmate - @negasonicteenagemess
Fall For Me - @negasonicteenagemess
The Last of The Real Ones - @negasonicteenagemess
Deep Red and Crimson - @imitationeve
Countdown - @oneshots-imagines-and-that
Who you belong to - @hollandcrush smut
Boxing Lessons - @tommyhoelland2013 smut
Faking It - @lousimusician I screamed smut
Panic Wish - @jamilelucato
Autistic!reader - @timelord-winchester-22b
Tension - @rebeccccccaaa smut
Love potion #9 - @waitimcomingtoo
Paging Dr. Parker - @asonofpeter smut
Just for tonight - @cloudybarnes
Thank god for group projects - @hannibals-favourite-meal smut
Sex pollen - @donttellpeterparker smut
Please, call me Peter - @shawnxstyles smut
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harrie-fic-center · 19 days
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george daniel
harry styles [2] [3]
matty healy
niall horan
tom holland
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bradtomlovesya · 2 years
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You only have a couple minutes left and you still have to say goodbye.
Warnings: ANGST! (in capital letters). Mentions of death, mentions of blood, injuries.
w/c: 2.1k +
A/N: This is the most harmful shit I have ever written so read under your own risk. I went to sleep at 3 am for this. I was literally sobbing. I hope you like it and likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciate it. Love ya.
Support and author by sharing their work. (Gif not mine)
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You should have listened to Peter when he told you not to go on that road trip alone. You didn't want to put it off. A member of your family was going through a difficult situation and you had to be there for support. Your home was 3 states away from where you lived with Peter so it would be a long road trip, you hated planes so you went by car.
It's too late now to regret it.
"I don't like the idea of you going alone. Let me come with you." Begs your boyfriend as you pack your suitcase in the car.
"You know you can't, you have a thesis to present and I can't keep putting it off. My family needs me, Peter."
"I know they need you. I'm not telling you not to go but please take me with you." He takes your hand.
"I'll be fine." You kiss his lips and get into the car.
The smell of blood now flooded your nostrils and your ears endured a ringing that seemed to have no end.
Breathing burned. Your lungs begged for oxygen but it felt like a burn every time you gave it to them.
You had no reason for time or space. You had no idea why everything looked so blurry. Maybe it's a dream, one of those many bad dreams you've had.
There is a face in front of you. A young man with a bloody forehead and nose. You want to ask him if he's okay but you're too stunned to utter a word.
You know he's saying something by the way his lips are moving but you can't hear it, yet.
Your brow is furrowed. You try to bring yourself back to the here and now. ~Concentrate, y/n.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry." You manage to finally hear what the young man says and pick up his phone to call an ambulance. You don't look at all well. "Can you hear me? Are you okay?" He tries to get your attention.
"I can't move," you mumble. The more you regain consciousness, the more you notice the terrible pain in your head and in your stomach. Right in your right side.
"Yes, yes she's conscious but she's on the tarmac. It's very dark, I can't see anything." The stranger sobs next to you. "You have to come now, please." He mumbles an address you can't make out and focuses his gaze on you. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He moves his free hand towards you but regrets it just before he touches you.
"Hey, take it easy." You try to stay calm for both of us. "What's your name?"
"Tyler" he replies wiping his nose and puts the phone aside as soon as the call cuts off.
"Tyler, it's y/n." You make a great effort to speak. Only one of you can move and that's not you so you do your best to calm him down.
"Are the paramedics coming?" You look him in the eye and feel your side twinge.
"The call went dead." He explains. "The girl on the phone said to stay calm."
"Did you give them our location?" you ask hopefully.
"Yes, I did. They said they would send someone as soon as possible but the call was cut off."
You close your eyes for a moment trying to let the pain subside but it only gets worse. "Try calling them again and stay with whoever answers the phone while they arrive."
Tyler nods and after a few tries manages to connect the call. The girl behind the phone asks him to describe what he sees and that's when you get an idea of how bad it is.
The front window of your car is broken. You were thrown out because of a seatbelt failure. Your leg looks broken, according to Tyler, and worst of all, there's a pool of blood coming out of your right side. That explains the stinging you feel.
"That's not good, is it?" You ask trying to hope. The paramedics will arrive and everything will be fine.
"The girl says to put my hands on your wound and keep them there until the paramedics arrive." Tyler moves his hands and asks permission before placing them on your wound making you cry out in pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeats over and over.
"It's okay," you try to control your breathing and feel your eyes roll back in your head.
The girl on the other end of the phone, now in a loud voice, asks Tyler not to stop talking to you and he does. You must stay conscious.
You respond a few times to his nervous attempt at conversation, tell him about your life and try to focus on something beyond the pain.
Minutes pass. Many minutes. Forty minutes, to be exact, and still no sign of help.
Your body feels weak and keeping your eyes open becomes increasingly difficult. That's when you remember how far you were from the nearest town or city when you had the accident and reality hits you in the face.
"Tyler?" You put your hands on top of his looking for some warmth. You're cold. it's cold.
"Yes?" he replies almost immediately.
"What does the ambulance girl say?" You ask.
"That we should wait a little longer. Help is on its way," he says with feigned assurance. He tries to convince himself that the paramedics will arrive on time.
"I need your help with something." Tyler nods for you to continue. "Please look for my phone in my car and call Peter. He's my boyfriend."  You ask. Now you understand you're on borrowed time.
"No, the girl said my hands are the only thing that stops the bleeding long enough for help to arrive. I'm not moving." He denies.
"Please." You beg, feeling an immense urge to cry but you're too weak to do so. "We're in the middle of nowhere and, look at me, I don't have much time left."
"No, please. They're going to come and you're going to be fine." he cries again inconsolably. He knows you're right.
"Tyler, please," you plead with every ounce of strength you have left. "I don't want to leave without saying goodbye."
The young man hesitates, not wanting to take his hands away and then regret it. But he feels so guilty about the accident that he agrees and reaches for your phone.
One ring, two rings, on the third ring, Peter answers the call. Tyler puts the speakerphone on and puts his hands back on your side.
"Love, are you coming back? Did you stop for lunch?" Peter asks through the speaker.
"Peter..." you smile sadly at the sound of his voice and feel tears well up in your eyes.
"Is everything alright? You don't sound so good." The concern in his voice is noticeable.
"Peter, I had an accident on the way home. You get straight to the point, you have no time to waste. "It doesn't look very-" you cut off your coughing breath and the metallic taste of blood floods your mouth. "It doesn't look good for me."
"Wh-what?" you hear her breathing hitch. "Where are you? I'll come right away. Tell me where you are," he asks.
"I'm far away, Pete," you murmur and close your eyes to rest for a moment, just a moment. "I don't have much time left."
"What about the paramedics? Are you alone? I'll call 911," you hear the keys on the phone in your shared flat click and you open your eyes again.
"I'm with Tyler, he was in the accident with me and he's looking after me" you smile weakly at him. "But we're so far away from everything, love. I don't want to waste my last minutes talking about how far away the paramedics are." You plead.
"Don't say that, please. You're going to be fine" He reasons as fast as he can. He's still processing the information.
"I love you, Peter Parker. I love you with every fiber in my body." You struggle to hold on a little longer. Just a few more minutes, please.
Peter walks out into the street and gets into a taxi.
"I'll track your phone. I'm going to find you. You're not going to die, okay?" You hear his voice crack.
"Remember that summer at the beach when we saw that family playing ball?" You change the subject.
"Y/n..." tries to stop you from speaking but you continue.
"You said you wanted a family as happy as that." You smile at the memory. "A wedding, two or three kids, a little house in the suburbs, a job from home so you could spend time with the kids, and a Golden Retriever for a pet." You feel tears running down your cheeks. "I would have loved to have been able to give you all that, it was my dream too."
"We will. We will, just-" he takes a big breath of air so you he doesn't collapse in the taxi. "Hang in there."
Peter would have preferred to swing but there are no buildings outside the city and he would have had to hang up the call. He wasn't going to hang it up for the world.
"I'm sorry I argued with you about that new TV. I love our movie Fridays." You admit. "It wasn't an unnecessary expense."
"I know. I bought it for you," he sobs. This can't be the end.
"Little May and little Ben would have loved movie Fridays too. Especially since their dad would have made the richest and weirdest popcorn combinations." You laugh before coughing again and spitting up blood.
"May and Ben are the best names" he laughs sadly. "Y/n please, I can't lose you too. You're all I have left" you hear him crying on the other end of the phone. It's clear he's not trying to control himself anymore.
"I'll love you even when I'm gone" you whisper and leave your eyes closed for a longer period of time.
"Please open your eyes, y/n" Tyler moves your face with one of his hands and you open your eyes again.
"Listen to him, don't close your eyes," your boyfriend denies into the phone. He has never felt so helpless in his entire life.
"I'm tired" you fix your blurred gaze on the phone lying on the tarmac next to you.
"You can't leave, not like this" he wipes away his tears and tries to control his breathing but it's unavoidable. "I have to marry you..." he pleads.
"If you want me to marry you you have to ask me first" you joke.
"Will you marry me?" Peter asks between sobs as he thinks about the box with a ring hidden in his old Spiderman uniforms. He was going to ask you very soon, he didn't expect it to be like this.
"Yes and a thousand times yes," you smile with your eyes closed but open them again to look at Tyler. "Did you hear that, Tyler? I'm getting married." You say with as much excitement as you can muster. "You're invited to the wedding." You mumble closing your eyes again.
They stay open too little time, they're too heavy.
"You can take the ring out of your uniform box now," you mutter lower and lower.
"Did you know that?" your boyfriend asks in surprise.
"I know all about it, my super hero" your breathing slows down.
Peter looks at his phone. There are miles between you. He won't make it in time.
"No, you're the super hero. It's always been you," he presses the phone to his ear. "I love you, Y/n y/l/n."
"I love you too, Peter," you murmur almost inaudibly. "Can I ask you something?" You use the last of your strength to speak a little louder.
"Whatever" Parker nods quickly.
"Promise me that you won't stop looking for love and that you'll try to be happy even if it's not with me." You say earnestly.
"I can't do-" you stop him before he says anything else.
"Promise me, Peter. Please promise me. I have to hear you say it."
Peter swallows hard. He doesn't want to do anything you just said. How could he be happy without you? But nevertheless, he responds.
"I promise," he says before bursting into tears again.
This can't be goodbye.
You're exhausted, you don't think you can keep your eyes open for much longer. A few seconds pass and all you hear is Peter's sobs on the other end of the line.
"Y/n?" he asks but you don't answer. You vaguely hear him but the voice is getting further and further away. "No no no no, y/n answer. Please" exclaims your boyfriend. "Don't go" he clenches the phone tightly in his hand.
Endless memories flash through your mind.  You are glad that they are happy for the most part.
Is this what it feels like to die? At least you were able to say Goodbye.
Peter Parker Tags:
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305 @mochimm @ietss @prancerrparkerr @Lynnzilla3000 @hpsgirlrw @Lynnzilla3000 @hollandweather
Let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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irondadfics · 2 months
Hey! Are there any fics where due to some multiversal hand wavy comic book science, RDJ and tony swaps places? Or universes or whatever? So tony is interacting with Tom Holland, whereas RDJ is chilling with the actual Spiderman? Ridiculous i know, but I can't get it out of my head lol, thanks! x
Here’s some that sound close to what you’re looking for.
Have You Ever Heard of the French Mistake, Mr. Stark? by RandomFanfictions
“Have you ever heard of the French Mistake, Mr. Stark?” Peter had asked, his eyes wide in realization “Can’t say that I have” he mumbles, looking back to the people in from of them “It’s an episode from Supernatural..the characters end up in the real world where their lives are just a TV show” “What does that have to do with anything” “I think that’s what happened to us”   Peter and Tony end up in our world, and let’s just say that it’s very meta. They meet RDJ, Tom Holland and friends, get introduced to the Marvel fanbase and watch movies all while trying to find Dr. Strange in this weird alternate world.
Avenger meet their Actors by GDogDfeld124
Avenger meet their Actors that’s all
When Two Worlds Collide by starksphere
The six original Avengers (cast) get sucked into Marvel Cinematic Universe from Endgame Premiere.
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f10werfae · 2 years
F10wer Fae’s Fic Rec List🌸
All of these fics are ones that i’ve honestly re-read a hundred times 😭 They’re too good and addicting♥️ So major props to the writers!
None of these are my work and 100% credit to the owners
‼️I will be adding to this‼️
Chris Evans & Co
Sweetest Devotion by @evansbby
Growing Pains by @cevansbrat0007
Flamingo King by @onsunnyside
Baby mine by @cevansgoatee
Won’t you whisper soft and slow by @cruelfvkingsummer
sleepy sex by @worksby-d
Toot by @sweetsbfreex
mafia/gang!dad!steve by @sweetsbfreex
Dee blue, but you painted me gold by @cruelfvkingsummer
Tom Holland
Waterproof by @softholand
Dry Humping by @peterparkerslefttesticle
Dinner Disaster by @megalony
Henry Cavill & Co
Bliss Bomb by @sillyrabbit81
You make it easy by @madscape
Monster Mash by @its—fandom—darling
Itty Bitty by @zealoushound
And so much more by @sillyrabbit81
The night of many firsts by @delicate-moon-princess
Unexpected by @sillyrabbit81
Just One More by @keanuereevesisbae
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stcverogers · 2 years
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fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over the month of december
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F: the cupcake guy by @nacho-bucky a friend of a friend caters your niece's birthday party. he's softspoken and a little rough around the edges. you end up dubbing him as the cupcake guy.
F + A: howlin' for you by @invisibleanonymousmonsters 𖥻 when you view the house of your dreams you wonder just how and why it's selling for such a low price. you later find out it's due to the strange behaviours of the biker next door.
F: teacher's favourite by @suitk0via 𖥻 little elaine is your favourite first grader, not that you had favourites or anything. her handsome father tries his best to charm you but unfortunately for him, it didn't seem to be working.
F: mister hockey by @hailhydra920 𖥻 bucky is a typical jock and you try your best to remain unfazed by his sudden interest in you.
F: music to my eyes by @ficsxreaderr 𖥻 sam has been trying to set you and his friend, bucky, up. he's a single dad weaving through life and the last thing you are interested in is a serious relationship.
F + A: bulletproof by @amandaoftherosemire 𖥻 a few years ago in high school, bucky barnes broke your heart. things between the two of you have gone iffy since. will the two of you ever be as close as what you once were?
F + A: feelings are fatal by @sunmoonandeddie 𖥻 with your friends and the people you cared for the most gone, you struggle to carry on with life.
F + A: after all this time by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky bucky dumped you, the last thing he had to rights to was barge into your home.
F + A: stuck with me by @cherryredmurdock the winter soldier wasn't supposed to have feelings. you teach him otherwise.
F: still get nervous by @trulylostgirl there were very few things that made james barnes nervous. proposing to you, however, send him into a jittery fit.
F + A: on the run by @fanfic-scribbles 𖥻 when you befriended jamess barnes a while ago, you never intended for you to be kidnapped by 1/3 of the avengers and be forced on the run.
F + A: strange times by @beccaanne814 𖥻 you and bucky are sent into the past, having to figure out a way back home.
F + A: some other guy by @espinosaurusrexex bucky can't help but feel upset when he isn't invited to your christmas party.
F + A: your hands have made some good mistakes by @thenhewaswrongaboutme 𖥻 bucky barnes is hired a glorified babysitter and he doesn't like it one bit. as the seasons pass and the weather turns cold, he warms up to the idea.
F + A: i think i met you in my dreams once by @frostironfudge 𖥻 bucky bonds with a girl her met over the internet through pop culture, memes, and stupid jokes.
F: homecoming by @writingshae bucky is home from a long mission and you greet him the way he deserves
F: the act of giving by @mellowsaturns bucky remembers an offhanded comment you make
F + A: work wife by @buckyalpine when bucky's conversations have been centered around his new work wife, insecurities arise.
F + A: wild by @bucky-fricking-barnes 𖥻 a beautiful white wolf has been there for y/n throughout her times in need, now, the wolf is in need of her help.
F + A: things more intimate than sex by @hopelessromantic423 relationships mean much more than physical intimacy, yours and bucky's is no different.
F: uncle buck by @enchantedbarnes your nephew becomes your wingman at a convention
F + A: more than business by @world-of-aus bucky retracts his previously terrible behaviour and becomes a regular customer
A: punching bag by @buckysbabygorl bucky has had enough of you constantly putting yourself in danger
F + A: don't leave me by @ambling-rambling in the midst of an argument, you don't know where you and bucky lie
F + A: almost believing by @intrepidacious a mission is a mission and you and bucky have to suck it up this time. it isn't easy pretending to be married to him when you're in a tough spot in your friendship with bucky.
S: cuffin' season by @sinner-as-saint it's cuffin' season and the only thing you're looking for is a big boy.
A + S: pretty when you cry by @bellasburdens warning: dead dove: do not eat
F: side effects by @delaber the side effects from the super soldier serum feel awfully alot like falling in love
F + A: always by @jadedvibes 𖥻 it took you and bucky your last day together to finally admit your feelings for one another.
F: heat on high by @tom-holland-parker 𖥻 your firefighting neighbour grows a soft spot for you and your daughter.
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F + A: wolf creek by @beccaanne814 𖥻 yours and steve's relationship didn't end on a good note. tensions are high when you return to wolf creek years later.
F + A: aurora by @prettyyoungtragedy 𖥻 steve rogers allows you to discover who you truly are.
A: black and blue by @the-mighty-jellybean 𖥻 steve rogers is a damn good doctor with a heart of gold. when a young woman is sent to the hospital under suspicious circumstances, he is determined to ensure that she is safe.
F: save me by @captainrogers-ass 𖥻 being the newest recruit amongst the lifegaurd team on midgard beach, it takes some buttering up from the rest of the crew.
F: mess with them by @redgillan 𖥻 how each of your friends found out about your relationship with steve.
F + A: tear in my heart by @prettyyoungtragedy 𖥻 steve was your best friend, nothing more. you end up being his fake date to a wedding and you struggle to hide your feelings from him.
F + A: my best friend's girl by @mywritingsblog 𖥻 with bucky gone, you and steve cross a few lines.
F: the senses of steve by @rogersideup 𖥻 how steve fell in love with you, retold by the five senses.
F + A: matilda rose by @christycurlswrites 𖥻 how you and steve co-parent to raise your wonderful daughter.
F + A: dirty secret by @nifolution 𖥻 your relationship is hanging by the thread as you struggle to keep it a secret.
F + A: mrs captain by @welldonebeca 𖥻 your life with steve as you go through the phases in life.
F + A: walking the wire by @pedrito-friskito captain rogers is far too interested in the team's newest avenger.
F + A: love triangle by @beccaanne814 steve rogers struggles to move on from the woman from his past
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F + A: crush + wait a minute, who are you? by @webslingingslasher in which peter parker learns how being spider man can put a strain on his personal relationships.
F + A: a lesson in do-overs by @literaila lovers, to exes, to friends, to friend-lovers, to friends, to lovers?
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F + A: sick of maybe by @luveline the five times aaron hotchner hid your relationship from the BAU and the one time he embraced it.
F: sweeter than fiction by @hotchgirlsummer you and jack work together to bake hotch a cake that is nothing as sweet as you.
F + A: reckless by @ptersparkers despite the contributions you have made to the BAU in the past years, hotch still feels a sense of animosity towards you and you can't seem to figure out why
F: heart eyes by @lomlhotchner you surprise hotch at the office with lunch
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pixiexdusts-world · 11 months
October favourite fics
Stranger things
Steve Harrington
The assistant by @ashwhowrites
Eddie Munson
Oh baby by @ashwhowrites
Peter Parker
Wasn’t me by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland
Dog says are over by @waitimcomingtoo
Ethan Landry
Reward by @rvuiluw
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do-not-go-gentle · 2 months
hey you guysssssss i'm looking through my bookmarks and I NEEEEEDDDD TO SHARE THIS FIC W YOU GUYS. this is the fic which has made me laugh every single time I reread it (which is frequently). it's dick or treat by thwip--thwip (Trickster88). it's a pretty quick oneshot but I love it with my wholllleeee heart <33333
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ruerecs · 6 months
𝑡𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑/ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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➞ tom holland
➞ nathan drake
➞ arvin russell
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bunnyweasley23 · 1 year
If you have Wattpad please read my latest MCU x Harry Potter crossover!!!
This book is for you if you like:
-Dumbledore Slander
-Wolfstar as parents
-Nice!Snape (sort of)
-Black OC!
-The Avengers as basically one big happy family!
-Fred, Loki, Pietro, Tony etc NOT *💀🪦*
-Ron x OC
Small Excerpt from a random Chapter below:
"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff have you seen the Weasley twins?"Umbrige asked sweetly, considering she's been trying to get back on my good side for the past week and a half.
"Sorry, haven't seen them since the last time I saw them." I said with a smile before taking a drink on my hot chocolate and looking down at my phone when I saw Steve got another word.
"And when was that?"Umbrigde asked confused.
"When was what?"I asked with mock confusion as I looked up at her.
"The last time you saw them of course."Umbrige said becoming slightly irritated.
"Saw who?" I asked innocently.
"Fred and George Weasley."Umbrige said firmly an I pretended to think about it for a moment. Like I didn't see them walk past me with Ron and Draco five minutes ago, carrying empty glitter containers and prank kits.
"Can't say those names ring any bells I'm afraid. However if you're looking for the Weasley twins they went that way." I mumbled looking down at my phone.
"Which way? Left or right?"Umbrigde asked frantically looking around.
"I don't know, that's what I'm asking you. Right or wrong? Up or down, you know? Do you think I'll grow more, I've recently become very insecure about my height. I feel like I'm not tall enough? But what if I'm too tall? I'm 5'9 but that could mean anything. Did you know brown cows don't make chocolate milk? Do you think the sky knows it's blue? Why do people have limbs? I'll tell you why, because of evaluation! Not to be confused with revolutions because those are bad. Speaking of revolutions, have you ever owned a unicorn? I've been thinking of starting a butterfly farm but I can't because I won't have time to take them for walks everyday. Do you think cats know that they're cat-" I asked rambling various nonsense questions with a look of concern painted on my face.
"That's enough! I'll find them myself!" Umbrigde yelled cutting me off.
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rafeyybabyy · 2 years
fic rec masterlist
masterlist for my monthly recs! this list will be separated by month, within the monthly posts the fics are separated by person/character
if any of you have any fics you recommend i’d love to read them so please send them to me! i’m always looking for more authors to support!
june ‘22
july ‘22
august ‘22
october ‘22
march ‘23
april ‘23
may ‘23
june ‘24
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I wonder may I have 🥨
Yaya! Here are some of my recent favs!!
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Clark Kent by @alienguts
Clark Kent by @alienguts
Klarion Bleak by @dccomicsimagines
Jason Todd by @dccomicsimagines
Clark Kent by @dccomicsimagines
Clark Kent by @dccomicsimagines
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Eddie Brock/Venom by @quin-ns
Alex Law by @happytales
Pedro Pascal by @talaok
And some by me:
Din Djarin by me
Faramir by me
Steve Rogers by me
Bucky Barnes by me
Erik Destler by me
Shaggy Rogers by me
I hope these bring you joy :)
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Fic Recs
Talented Writers that I love.
George Weasley
Tom Holland
@tomhollandfics (fic collecter not writer)
Marvel cast
Harry Potter
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sweetestficrecs · 6 months
hello! this is my sideblog where i reblog writings (and sometimes other stuff) i enjoy!!
multifandom but mostly harry styles, steve harrington, and top gun 🤠 (i tag every post with the names of whoever they’re about sooo just search my blog if you’re looking for someone in specific)
if you have any fics you want to recommend, ask me to reblog, or have any questions my asks and/or messages are always open :)
and last but not least.... remember to support fic writers! 💌
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