#Tom holland x teen!reader
mxssingmemories · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
IMPORTANT! This is @bergarasunsolved 's new writing blog, it's jules :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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bergarasunsolved · 1 year
Making Magic
Summary: Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first show, what could go wrong? Or in her case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader, RDJ x teen!reader, Scarlett Johansson x teen!reader, Tom Holland x teen!reader, Mark Ruffalo x teen!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxious thoughts, some hurt/comfort, parental issues, and tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: Around 3.6k !
A/N: this was requested by @ladki-ki-kathi <3 kind of love this! part 2 is in the works :)
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the "show business" would rush to defend them the second someone starts to talk negatively. It's not that they're wrong, though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. Y/N knew this personally, being an equestrian for most of her life. Having been riding all her life, she's been to countless shows. Normally for her, days like these were not at all stressful, but today was different. It was Y/N's first show, and she was petrified.
After waking up at the crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, she finally made her way over to the stable where she took the route to Mac's stall by memory. Mac somehow seemed to know that today was a big day for them, and the minute Y/N stepped in the stall, he came over and nuzzled her. With a smile on her face, she sat down and cuddled him for a minute. Knowing the coming chaos of the day, a little more time spent bonding and trying her best to relax couldn't do any harm.
Much to Mac's dismay, she stood up five minutes later, taking a deep breath as she put his halter on. Y/N knew they had a little time to spare, so instead of leading him straight to the trailer, she led him to a tack stall. Grabbing her grooming bag, she took out her curry comb and began to brush gentle circles to rid Mac of the dirt that he somehow managed to accumulate the prior night. Y/N fell into a daze as she followed the familiar routine. She had always found it easy to let herself get lost in horses. Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best, but fortunately her father was an actor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This meant she had connections to almost everyone who'd ever acted in a Marvel movie. Even though her dad was absent, she was pretty thankful that she at least has this- it gave her someone to be able to look up to.Except it wasn't just someone. The whole cast, when they found out about her situation, had made it their mission to be there for her as much as they possibly could. This meant 75% of her time was spent with at least one member of the cast. It was a little overwhelming at first, but she'd grown to love it-they were genuinely the most caring people she'd ever met. She was close with all of them, but especially Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. They took on the role of mentors and father figures in perfect stride, and Y/N couldn't be more appreciative of how easily they took on the roles.
If Y/N was honest, the only reason she was where she was right now was those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized she didn't have the resources to do it how they wanted her to be able to, the first thing Chris did was research. A lot of research. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached her asking if they could help you out. At first, Y/N said no, but they just kept asking and asking. She finally gave in, albeit reluctantly, and found out they managed to buy an old barn for her. She was absolutely flabbergasted, and kind of angry they didn't ask her first, but that settled down when she saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn't a big deal, and logically Y/N knew it wasn't. They had so much money they didn't even know what to do with it, and it made sense to them to buy it for her. After all, they'd both come to see Y/N as a daughter figure to them, and they loved her so much. When they saw the barn online, they were instantly charmed and knew she would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not logical) thing, and bought it.
As soon as they pulled up to the place, Y/N instantly fell in love with it. It was a bit old, but it was obvious that the place could be great with a little work put into it. It was slightly tucked away in a quiet area with trees surrounding the property, which just made it more charming in her opinion. The paint was faded, and the barn itself had 5 stalls. The pasture was huge, and Y/N was so excited to see what she could do with the place.
It took the three of them (with lots of help from the whole cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, it was the most gorgeous barn Y/N had ever seen. It had an aura that was comforting about it, and she took solace in that every chance she got. When she got Mac, her days were no longer spent making repairs on the barn, but taking care of her new horse. Mac's a gorgeous Palomino Thoroughbred, and he's about 15.4 hands. He does showjumping best in Y/N's opinion, but he's pretty awesome at dressage and eventing.
A tap on Y/N's shoulder brings her out of her thoughts, and she turns around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" he asks kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to make sure he's still there.
"I'm alright, just lost in thought. Where's Seb?" she questions, as he's normally attached her & Chris' hip.
"He's hanging out in the truck. He's very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!" Chris says with a teasing smile on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes, having expected that. It's a well-known fact Seb's a sucker for Starbucks-he doesn't hide it very well. Knowing all of Mac's tack is in the trailer already, she puts the lead rope back on his halter and leads him to the trailer with Chris following close behind, a smile on his face the whole time.
Luckily for Y/N, Mac goes in easily. After securing the knot on his halter, she closes the doors and walks around to the front door of the truck. Climbing in between Chris and Sebastian, she grabs her seatbelt and fastens it.
"Ready for Starbucks, Y/N?" Sebastian's eyes lit up with anticipation, and he flashed a grin that revealed his teeth. He leaned in, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked for your answer. You returned the smile, nodding your head as fast as humanly possible.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the trio was finally headed to the showgrounds. Y/N stole the aux as usual, playing her favorite music(to the annoyance of Chris and Sebastian of course.) The sun had just started to come up, making one of the most beautiful sunrises Y/N had ever seen in her life. The ride there was peaceful, a stark contrast to the events that were to come. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious. Y/N instantly got out of the truck (climbing over poor Chris in the process) and got Mac out, walking him around and the other two prepared what they could for her.
Seb walks over to Y/N first, noticing her anxious manner as she walks Mac around the parking area.
"Hey, you okay darlin'? I know you're nervous, but pacing with Mac isn't going to help. What do you need me to do?" he questions, concern evident on his face.
"I honestly don't know. I need to go lunge him, but I'm so stressed I feel like I'll trip over my own feet. I'm so scared." she admitted in a soft tone, Sebastian's heart clenching at her words.
"Okay, how about this. I can come in the ring with you to lunge Mac,or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about horses? We've gotcha, kiddo. Let us help."
Y/N wasn't expecting tears to form in her eyes at his words, so instead of showing her face, she barreled into him for a hug while holding Mac's lead rope at her side. Seb's arms came around her, and she took a second to breathe before she pulled away.
"Okay. Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we'll be? I know he'll want to come watch, even though I'm not even on the horse." she smiled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. Y/N got his lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure they were alone so she could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after she gets him into a working trot, she sees Chris smiling from the edge of the arena, and Seb heading towards her. He cocks his head as if to ask if she needs any help, but Y/N just offers a reassuring grin and looks back at Mac. When she finally gets him into a working canter and warmed up, she pulls Chris over.
"Could you just go set up some jumps? I'm gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals.Maybe 2'3?" Y/N asks.
"Absolutely, I'll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it's a little early for that, but it's kind of cold. I don't want you getting sick."
Y/N nods as she heads towards the truck, gathering her clothes in her arms as she heads into the back of the trailer to change. She decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, and a pair of her favorite sweatpants. She wanted to put off actually changing into her real riding clothes until she tacked him up.
Y/N gets back into the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump trying to measure it. She grabs her phone out of her pocket and snaps a quick picture, heading over to help Chris out and take Mac from Seb. Bringing him to a canter, she lines him up with the line and he jumps it flawlessly. She can't help a smile from forming on her face as she lunges him over it again, confident she can raise the vertical again.
Y/N made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2'8, so she had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3'2, just in case, and the verticals were 3 feet. She spent about half an hour lunging him until she was satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching the whole time in awe.
"Ready to tack up?" Chris asked as she walked over. She nodded and together they all headed up to the barn area, Seb checking them in while they found Mac's stall. The barn itself was deserted-it was around 9 A.M. and the show started at 11. Putting Mac in his stall, she ran to the truck and grabbed her tack box.
She'd decided on a wintergreen saddlepad, a choice much approved by Chris. Y/N hooked mac onto the crossties and began to brush him again, getting the dirt off as much as she could before she started to warm up. Putting the saddlepad on, she adjusted it a little bit and threw the saddle & girth on. A minute later the bridle was put on. Y/N lets Seb hold Mac as she ran to the barn bathroom to change again. She changed out of her sweats to her "show-worthy" breeches, and zipped her boots on. Grabbing her helmet, she walked out and met Chris and Seb by the warm-up arena. After adjusting her stirrups, Chris gave her a leg up and she situated herself.
Thankfully the arena was empty, so she sent the boys off to set up the same jumps she lunged Mac over earlier. Taking a deep breath, she came into a posting trot, doing a few laps around the arena before picking up a canter. Finding her distance, Y/N lined herself up with the jumps and sped Mac up a little bit. She soared over the first one, and had a little bit of a wonky distance for the second one. The adrenaline started kicking in as she went over the last two easily, giving Mac a little pat as she brought him down to a trot. Coming back around, she went over them again, this time trying to perfect her technique. She got lost in the sounds of Mac's hooves, allowing herself to ride the jumps almost perfectly. Going over a few more patterns and heights, Y/N finally got off and checked the time. Leading Mac back to his stall, she calculates the time in her head. She shows at 2, and it's 10:45. 3 hours to prepare. As she looks around, she slowly notices the amount of people there. Naturally for her, Y/N's brain sets off into a spiral. What if she's not good enough? What if she embarrasses herself in front of everyone? What if she falls?
Not even a minute later, Seb and Chris walk over. If Y/N didn't know any better, she'd think that they could sense her negative thoughts. They both had a feeling something was wrong with her when she started staring off into space, and that feeling was confirmed when they saw the tears in her eyes.
"Hey sweetheart. I know it seems fucking terrifying, but you know you're just as good as everyone here right? You deserve to be here, and we're so proud of you." Chris nods along as Sebastian talks, and they both pull her into a hug as she feels her anxiety start to calm down. "Now, how about we go check out your course?" He smiles, as they both take Y/N's hand and lead her to the paper. Of course she'd studied the course the nights before, but you never know. They both wanted to make sure she felt as prepared as possible, knowing how bad her nerves could get. They also knew it was amplified by the fact that it was her first show, so they were trying their hardest to help her feel comfortable.
"I wish the others could be here," she mumbled, staring at the sheet as she got lost in her thoughts again.
"I know love, but you know how Chris is. He's going to be taking a video of the whole thing." Seb smiled, turning back to Chris with an excited smile on his face.
Little did Y/N know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both Toms, and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had gotten into contact with them a few days prior telling them about her first show, and managed to organize the whole thing. They were so excited.
Once Y/N was confident she had the course down, Seb and Chris set to finding as many distractions as they possibly could. They took her to the show shop, and grinned as she started in awe at all the merchandise. Her eyes kept wandering back to a grey hoodie with the show's logo on it, but she dismissed it. Chris walked off with her to the cafe, and Sebastian stayed behind to get the hoodie for her. After all, it was her first show-he wanted to indulge a little bit.
The time flew by faster than she thought it could, and soon enough, it was time for Y/N to get her number and get Mac warmed up. Chris and Seb did all that they could for her-tying the number on her belt, leading Mac to the ring, and of course feeding him a couple treats. Y/N's nerves got worse as the stands got more crowded, but the boys managed to get her distracted long enough to calm her down. As she went into the final warm-up ring, the boys ran to the gate, making sure that they could send her off when she got in line. They saw her jumping and were so excited to see her compete. Scanning the crowd, the boys saw the cast members in the front seats. They knew it would be impossible for Y/N not to see them when she came out, and got even more excited.
As soon as she got in line, they came running over. They wore the biggest smiles she'd ever seen on them, in turn making her wear an ear-splitting grin.
"Holy shit!!" Seb whisper-yelled, getting some death stares from other riders in your class. He didn't mind though-it was worth it.
"I fucking know! I'm terrified. I know the course though, and Mac is definitely ready. I'm just lucky I have the same course for my 4 o'clock class." she says, a shiver running down her spine for the poor souls who had to learn a whole now course in two hours. Chris reaches up to give Mac a pet on the neck, and Seb does the same with a smile.
"You've absolutely got this in the bag, kiddo. There are so many people out there and I'm confident you're going to beat everyone's asses." Chris says with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes as an involuntary smile comes across her face at Chris' words. As they move up in line, her smile only gets bigger.
"You feelin' ready?" Seb asks, for the 50th time that hour. She smiles and nods, letting the feeling of the reins in her hands and Mac's breaths
ground her.
After a few more minutes of talking, Y/N is up next. She watches the rider before her with bated breath. Said rider knocks a pole off and ends up falling, and Y/N starts freaking out again.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." she mumbles, as Chris and Sebastian stand there with their jaws clenched. They know this only made her anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. Chris grabs her leg and gives it a reassuring squeeze and Sebastian does the same to her hand- a reminder that they're there. The previous rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and all three of the trio feel their hearts beat a little faster.
Y/N steps into the gate and the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
"Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We've heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She's on her horse Makin' Magic, aka Mac, a gorgeous Palomino. We wish best of luck to you both! You may start your round at the buzzer."
She starts her courtesy circle, bringing Mac up into a canter around the arena. Looking out at the crowd, she sees something that makes her do a double-take; her cast is here! Her heart beats a little bit faster as the pressure she's under increases by ten, but the smiling faces of everyone, most importantly Sebastian and Chris, calm her down.
As soon as the buzzer goes off, she makes her way towards the first jump, counting her strides. She soars over it without effort, and immediately realizes she needs to speed up if she doesn't want any penalties. As she takes a deep breath, Y/N squeezes Mac with her heels. He immediately goes where she wants him, and they continue to jump rather easily. When they come to the second-to-last jump, however, Y/N starts to freak out. This is the jump two riders fell off on. Time seems to slow down as she looks for her father figure's faces in the crowd, making eye contact with them. Taking a breath, she counts her strides carefully. She eases him into the distance, keeping her eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, but Y/N puts all her faith in Mac and they manage to hop over it. She's launched out of her saddle a little bit, but what matters the most is that they got over it without knocking anything down. One jump left. Lining herself up once again, she pushes Mac to his max- getting the strides perfectly. The second they hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the crown. The most noticeable to Y/N, though, and the boys' cheers. She smiles to herself as she waves at the crowd, and can't help but full-on grin when the announcer sounds shocked.
"There you have it folks-our last rider for this class, Y/N L/N, has the first and only clear round. That was truly amazing." She says, a smile evident in her voice. Y/N trots out of the arena and straight to the cast, laughing as Chris, Anthony, and Tom Holland ran up screaming.
"Holy shit!" Chris yells.
"Holy FUCK, Y/N!!!" Anthony screams.
"Oh. My. God." Last but not least, Tom stands shell-shocked as he spits those words out.
Everyone that didn't run up screaming congratulated her, smiles on their faces. Y/N couldn't help but be excited for her next round.
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
The Sour Tour | Marvel Cast
pairing: marvel cast x teen!reader
warnings: none
summary: the youngest marvel cast member goes on tour💜
a/n: this fic does not correlate with any other fics I’ve made that include the Sour album
face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Liked by brielarson, robertdowneyjr, and 4,618,387 others
(y/n)(l/n) The Sour Tour has finally begun! Thank you (home state) for kicking it off to an incredible start! Can’t wait to see you all so soon🥹💜
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brielarson my sweet angel baby
brielarson love you so much can’t wait to see you!!!!!!!!💖💖
(y/n)(l/n) bc I do🧍‍♀️
(y/n)fan5 WHAT THE FUCK
tomholland2013 FINNA BE IN PIT
(y/n)fan6 HE FINNA BE IN PITTTTT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
zendaya @/tomholland2013 bro shut up
robertdowneyjr Wishing you the best of luck, see you soon bee🐝❤️
paulbettany You’re going to do great!!😃
lifeisaloha Love you fam🫶🏼
(y/n)(l/n) All the love Jacobbbb🫶
(y/n)updates I’m ready.
(y/n)fan7 you’re the harryflorals of (y/n) stans
(y/n)fan8 where’s (y/n)scloset????
(y/n)scloset I’m hereeeee🙋‍♀️
markruffalo Wishing you a FANTASTIC and safe tour❤️
(y/n)(l/n) thank you Mark!!❤️
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Liked by chrisevans, imsebastianstan, and 5,293,735 others
(y/n)(l/n) North America tour dump✨🦋💜🎸🔮💿🎀
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chrisevans can you just pls sign my poster?
chrisevans please (y/n) I’ve been waiting outside for 30 minutes and teenagers scare the shit out of me
anthonymackie get in line
imsebastianstan I was here first
mcufan1 ya’ll are actual children
evansfan1 @/chrisevans don’t act like we didn’t just see you and Scott going off during Good 4 u👀
elizabetholsen So so so proud!!🤩❤️
mcufan2 Lizzie these are very millennial emojis
(y/n)fan9 MOTHER
scarlettjohansson You are the most incredible person I know, what an honor it was to see you live❤️
letitiawright TO EUROPE SHE GOES!!! Can’t wait to see you💜
chrishemsworth can you please do a shoey when you come to Australia?
(y/n)(l/n) no❤️
(y/n)fan11 outta them Doc Martins?💀
(y/n)(l/n) @(y/n)fan11 I swear my feet don’t smell bad
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Liked by markruffalo, anthonymackie, and 7,204,834 others
imsebastianstan ALL THE FLOWERS FOR YOU💐
tagged (y/n)(l/n)
view all 1,284,243 comments
elizabetholsen MY BABY❤️
(y/n)fan12 mother sighting
(y/n)fan13 the marvel cast is so cute
mcufan4 They really are her second family🥹
anthonymackie Wtf you went without me?
paulrudd I had a great time Sebastian🫶
paulrudd @(y/n)(l/n) you were phenomenal
anthonymackie YOU WENT WITH PAUL???
mcufan5 LMAOOOOO
(y/n)(l/n) love you Paul <3
(y/n)(l/n) THANK YOU FOR COMING💜💜💜
vancityreynolds YOU BETRAYED ME.
(y/n)fan14 is his singing a lyric or is he also yelling at Seb?
mcufan7 Ryan what—
mcufan8 Seb what’s your favorite song off the sour album??
imsebastianstan Traitor and Favorite Crime
(y/n)fan15 Bucky coded.
mcufan9 i bet these are on his Bucky playlist
Chris Evans via Instagram Story:
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Liked by tomholland2013, therussobrothers, and 6,349,934 others
robertdowneyjr You little legend you💜 What an incredible show @(y/n)(l/n) put on tonight at LA! Your talent, charisma, and presence made this such a memorable experience. This show was anything but Sour, the room was full of love and it’s all what (Y/n) deserves. Proud of you always, your Pops❤️
view all 4,248,394 comments
mcufan10 “Proud of you always, your pops”🥹
(y/n)(l/n) It meant so much for you and your family to come out tonight, thank you so much I love you all❤️
(y/n)fan16 I’m crying this is so sweet😭
therussobrothers Can’t wait to document such a legend
mcufan11 excUSE ME?
mcufan12 WHAT—
(y/n)fan17 A TOUR DOCUMENTARY???
(y/n)(l/n) coming soon on Disney+😉
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Liked by zendaya, florencepugh, and 7,034,384 others
(y/n)(l/n) Quick pit stop⛽️
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zendaya face card never declines
(y/n)scloset bestie where is the sweater in the fourth slide from?
(y/n)scloset unfortunately could not find it :(
(y/n)(l/n) my nana made it <3
(y/n)fan18 we love nana😌
tomholland2013 2 MORE WEEKS TILL IM IN PIT😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
anthonymackie shut up
zendaya you’re embarrassing me🫣
(y/n)fan19 TOM FINNA BE IN PIT YALL🔥🔥🔥
florencepugh you look better in my sunglasses than I do
(y/n)fan20 besties
(y/n)(l/n) I’ll give them back to you when I’m in London😌
haileesteinfeld my baby girlll😍
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Liked by florencepugh, tomholland2013, and 8,834,238 others
(y/n)(l/n) UK BABY OI OI🇬🇧👑☕️
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(y/n)fan21 OI OIIIIII
(y/n)fan22 she’s such a One Direction fan I love it
florencepugh you mystical, voice of an angel, fairy baby I love youuuu🧚‍♀️❤️
(y/n)fan23 FLO WAS AT NIGHT 1
flofan1 The fact that Flo was backstage and not at the guest section🥹😭
mcufan11 WHERE IS TOM????
brielarson my cutie pie🥰
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Liked by robertdowneyjr, zendaya, and 8,474,924 others
tomholland2013 told you guys I was finna be in pit😎🔥
view all 8,345,833 comments
imsebastianstan unbelievable
mcufan13 how was Tom even allowed in pit with all the fans???😭😭
chrisevans wtf bro
paulrudd OH so this is pit
mcufan14 not paul not knowing what pit is😭😭
anthonymackie she only let you into pit to make you shut up😒
mcufan15 Tom riling everyone up is hilarious😭😭
(y/n)fan25 I’m just as salty ac Mackie tbh..
tomholland2013 don’t be so jealous, there’s always next tour🤪
(y/n)fan26 was right next to Tom the entire concert and I swear I love the man, but he kept screaming in my ear💀
zendaya @/tomholland2013 can never take you anywhere man
(y/n)fan27 Tom’s just a fellow girly pop✨
2K notes · View notes
untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist of Masterlist: By Fandom (N-Z)
More Masterlists by Fandom : Here
Peter Parker & Tom Holland
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@cutetomholland -> Masterlist
@just-jordie-things -> Masterlist
@ptergwen -> Masterlist
@thyme-in-a-bubble -> Masterlist
@waitimcomingtoo -> Masterlist
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
@imagines-all-day-everyday -> Masterlist
@impala-dreamer -> Masterlist
@justkending -> Masterlist
@luci-in-trenchcoats -> Masterlist
@ofstarsandvibranium -> Masterlist
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Teen Wolf
@atlas-of-a-human-soul -> Masterlist
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@heliads -> Masterlist
@just-jordie-things -> Masterlist
@specialagentlokitty -> Masterlist
The 100
@bruh--wtf -> Masterlist
@imagines-all-day-everyday -> Masterlist
@s1ater -> Masterlist
The Last Kingdom
@for-bebbanburg -> Masterlist
@halfmylife -> Masterlist
@mommytauriel -> Masterlist
@morosemagick -> Masterlist
The Maze Runner
@blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms -> Masterlist
@bruh--wtfwtf -> Masterlist
@heliads -> Masterlist
@s1ater -> Masterlist
The Sandman
@dreaming-about-fanfictions -> Masterlist
@endlessdreamqueen3 -> Masterlist
@sinner-as-saint -> Masterlist
@undiscovered-horizon -> Masterlist
Video Games
@beneathstarryskies -> Masterlist & Masterlist (VII)
@final-fantasy-imagines -> Masterlist (VII, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2)
407 notes · View notes
ynscrazylife · 2 years
Feel free to ignore, this is a long one boss.
Marvel gang seeing yn gain powers almost instantly, and watching yn struggle with how to control the new powers. Watching yn, the first couple minutes, days and weeks trying not to kill any team members when they can barely control thier new found abilities.
Im imagining yn super weak at first, they fainted when they first acquired the powers. They cant walk, they can almost stand and they haven't eaten anything since it happened. Yn is scared they are going to die or kill off someone they love and all of the team members are trying to keep yn calm, safe and in control of thier body. Im imagining techies trying to find a way to dampen the powers so that yn can walk around again and everyone fighting to cuddle with the youngest member of the team.
When Sparks Fly
Summary: When you wind up with powers in the aftermath of a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission, the Avengers are determined to help you through it.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Romantic), Avengers x Stark!Reader (Platonic)
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me firstand b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“I swear, this is almost as bad as the day I started at S.H.I.E.L.D.,” you whined, folding your arms in slight annoyance as your step-mother Pepper Potts held up her camera again. Your father, Tony Stark, was standing beside her, grinning as he proudly looked over the photos Pepper took.
“This is the first time you’re going on a mission! This warrants a couple pictures, Y/N,” Pepper retorted, before taking another picture.
“A couple? This has been, like, 100,” you sass, unable to help it. You got it from Tony, after-all.
“I’m glad you’re keeping count,” Tony sassed right back, smirking at your eye-roll that followed.
“Wait!” Peter burst in, having just finished patrol. In his haste, he still wore his Spider-Man suit, but had torn off his mask. He skidded to a halt beside you, putting a sweaty arm around your shoulders.
You softened at your boyfriend’s excitement, your frown lifting into a smile as Pepper snapped a photo of you and Peter. When it was taken, he turned to you. “You’re gonna rock this mission, babe,” he said, kissing you on the forehead.
“I appreciate your confidence, Pete,” you said, grinning lovingly.
“Oh!” Pepper exclaimed, gasping at she glanced at the clock. “Go, go, go! You’re going to be late.”
Following her gaze, you muttered a “shit!” as you scrambled to grab your bag.
“Language,” Steve scolded, wearing a smirk as he walked in with the rest of the Avengers. They had just returned from a mission and there was no way that they weren’t going to see you off today.
“Hi, thanks, bye!” You said rather quickly, throwing your bag over your shoulder before giving Pete a peck on the lips and running off.
“Good luck!” Pepper called to your retreating form.
“Kick ass!” Tony added, pumping his fist into the air.
“Don’t die!” Peter said, right before the door slammed shut. Everyone turned to the young adult, who shrugged. “What? It would really suck.”
Honestly — he wasn’t wrong.
Since it was your first mission at the academy, it wasn’t meant to be difficult. Key word: meant.
Little did you know, while chasing an ex-A.I.M. agent who had set up his own research and experimentation lab, you followed him into one of his so-called testing rooms — which was a trap. You only realized this when he stopped running and grabbed a gas mask, pulling it on swiftly.
Spotting a gas quickly fill in from the vents, you whispered another “shit!” and turned around, quickly going to the door.
The intel S.H.I.E.L.D. had gotten said that the lab was devoid of any experimental substances. Wrong.
Unfortunately for you — Steve wasn’t here to scold you and the door had locked. You banged on it, frustrated, and turned back around only to see the ex-agent smirking at you.
“I didn’t expect to gain a new testing subject today, but you’ll do quite nicely,” he said.
A quick glance around told you that there were no gas masks left. Nothing to protect yourself. You couldn’t even cover your mouth with anything because your suit wasn’t made to stretch.
Knowing you didn’t have much time, you pressed down on your comms and said: “A gas is quickly filling up the room. I don’t know what it is. The guy’s going to try to escape, so be prepared to—” Your words died on your lips as you started to inhale the gas, overcome with wooziness.
You struggled to continue speaking, only making frustrated noises, and your vision blurred as the guy walked towards you. You didn’t know that he was holding a needle until it pricked your neck. Not long after, you felt your limbs grow heavy and you fell, smacking hard against the ground.
When the members of the team heard your distress call over the comms, they quickly tracked your location and ran to meet you. Thankfully, they managed to stop him from escaping and taking you with him. But when they got back to the Quinjet, they knew that they had to alert the Avengers, which no-one wanted to do.
When Tony saw Coulson on his caller I.D, he assumed the man was calling him to boast about how well Y/N had done on the mission. Putting the phone to his ear, he was startled when he heard the disappointed words: “I’m so sorry.”
The billionaire stilled, his face instantly paling and altering Pepper and the Avengers that something was wrong. “What happened? Is Y/N okay?” He practically cried, gripping the phone tightly.
“Agent Stark inhaled an unknown gas during the mission. From what we know about it, the gas — and the needle Stark was pricked with — was a part of some experiment that the guy we were tracking down was conducting illegally. We don’t know too much about the experiment yet, but we know that it’s intention is to enhance its subjects somehow. We’re interrogating the guy right now,” Coulson explained, as calmly as he could.
Tony squeezed his eyes shut as he let the news pass over him, doing his best to prevent his voice from shaking. “Can I talk to Y/N?” He asked.
Coulson paused. “I’m afraid not . . . Y/N is unconscious. Has been ever since the incident. The team is en route to S.H.I.E.L.D’s medical wing now, though,” he said.
“I want Y/N transferred to the compound. We’ll have Dr. Cho — she’s the best,” Tony declared firmly.
Another slight pause, and then: “Of course, Tony.” With that, Coulson hung up, leaving Tony to reveal the news to his worried family.
It was safe to say that no one took it well, but Pepper and Peter especially were a wreck. Bruce took the initiative of informing Dr. Cho while the rest anxiously awaited your arrival. They tried to comfort each other the best they could, but with so little information on your condition, there was nothing much that they could say or believe.
When the elevator dinged and two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rolled you out on a gurney, everyone cling to your side. Peter was especially shaken when he saw you unconscious. The agents didn’t let anyone come with, saying it was imperative that they get you to Dr. Cho now.
Although difficult, your family allowed you to be rolled away alone. For the next half-hour, everyone waited for any news. The majority of the group was seated on the couch, but it seemed that everyone paced around at least once. Tony demanded updates from F.R.I.D.A.Y., only to hear that you were “stable” which wasn’t enough to calm anyone’s nerves or satisfy anyone.
When Bruce finally emerged, the group nearly pounded on him. They were barely able to keep quiet enough for him to actually say anything.
“They don’t think it’s life-threatening, but it’s not good, either,” was what Bruce first said, pausing as he gauged their reactions before continuing. Once he deemed that no-one was going to have some sort of outburst, he continued. “The gas Y/N inhaled is . . . Changing them. From what Dr. Cho can tell and the information they got out of the A.I.M. guy, the gas and the needle modifies one’s DNA to give them enhancements . . . Superpowers, of some sort. The A.I.M. guy let it slip that this will be a slow and painful process for Y/N, though. It was meant to beat down the guy’s test subjects so that by the time their powers were developed and controlled, it would be easier for him to manipulate them into doing what he wanted. It seemed he hadn’t planned on doing this to Y/N, but took the opportunity when he realized he might be able them use it against us.”
This was a lot for everyone to take in. They all held some combination of immense concern and anger. The very thought you suffering was an enraging image, and they wanted nothing more than to be able to take away the pain.
“Is-is there anyway to stop the process before the powers develop?” Pepper asked, trembling slightly. Tony wrapped an arm around her.
Bruce frowned. “Dr. Cho is looking into it. Coulson said when they asked the guy that, he claimed it would just make things worse,” he said.
No-one liked the sound of that.
“Can we see Y/N?” Tony asked next.
Bruce nodded and led the group to the medical bay, where you were lying in a bed. A ton of wires were hooked up to you and a bandage was on your head from where you hit it when falling.
Tony, Pepper, and Peter immediately went to your side and the rest of the Avengers followed. No-one said much, just using the time and the silence to digest this change. Peter and Tony both held each of your hands and Pepper pet your hair. Not long passed before Rhodey and Happy, having received the news, quickly joined.
No-one moved, or wanted to move, until Dr. Cho came in. “Unfortunately, we don’t see a way to reverse the process. We’ll just have to let it play out and help and comfort Y/N the best we can,” she explained, knowing everyone wanted to hear it. “Y/N should wake up on their own. They’re not under any sedation or anything.”
Everyone nodded and turned their attention back to you. A couple hours passed and the only movement that occurred was when someone went to go on coffee and food runs, or they got any update from S.H.I.E.L.D. However, Peter broke the silence when he suddenly jerked back. “Ow!” He said, waving his hand. Meeting the other’s confused looks, he said: “Y/N shocked me.”
“That bad?” Sam asked, a little doubtful.
Peter nodded and glanced back to you, his eyes widening. “Woah, look,” he said. Everyone inched closer, only to see electricity sparking at your fingertips. Although reluctant, Tony and Pepper had to move away at risk of getting shocked.
Seeing the commotion, Dr. Cho shuffled over and began checking your vitals and monitors. “What’s going on? Does Y/N have electricity powers or something?” Bucky asked.
Although his second question hadn’t been serious, Dr. Cho turned around and said: “It seems like it.”
This shocked everyone, but when your eyes began to open, they seemed to snap back to normal. Already in a state of daze and confusion, you got nervous seeing the crowd. “What-what’s going on?” You mumbled, pulling at the wires, only for electrical sparks to fly and interfere with the wires, making you curl up in pain.
“Unhook the monitors!” Natasha cried, while Tony did his best to soothe you.
“You’re home, honey. The gas you inhaled is changing you and giving you, what looks like, electricity powers. But it’s all going to be okay, I promise,” he tried to explain.
This, combined with seeing the worried, confused, and nervous looks on your family’s faces, only freaked you out more. Electrical sparks flew out now, and the Avengers had to dodge being hit. You let out a small scream, trembling, and trying yet failing to control it.
“Get away from me! I’ll hurt you!” You yelled, panicked, hugging yourself and attempting to get as far back on the bed as you could manage.
“No, you won’t. You just need to take some deep breaths, Y/N,” Peter tried to comfort.
But that didn’t seem like it was possible. Any attempt to slow your breaths only made you feel like you couldn’t breathe. You were desperate to regain your regular breathing, and it came out in short gasps. Not only was electrical sparks going everywhere, but it was hurting you, and you were feeling dizzy. “I can’t. It hurts!” You said, trembling, and the next thing you knew — your eyes rolled back into your head and you fainted.
Everyone was relieved as the electrical sparks disappeared, but not happy that you were unconscious again. Tony reached forward and moved some hair out of your face, sighing.
“We need Y/N to calm down. I think we should bring them to their room and reduce who sees them at first — maybe only Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, me, and Ms. Maximoff. She can help with Y/N’s powers,” Peter said, looking at the Avengers.
While the group all wanted to be with you, they understood that it was overwhelming. With a look at Dr. Cho, who said it would be okay as long as she could check on you, Tony said: “Good idea, kid.” He took it upon himself to gently lift you from your bed and carry you to your room, everyone following behind.
When they got to your room, Tony laid you down on your bed and Pepper tucked you in. Everyone sat around, trying to make the room as comfortable and calming as possible, until you started to stir. They all filed out, leaving behind your parents, Peter, and Wanda.
When you began to wake, the sparks began to fly, but Wanda quickly jumped in. “Hey, Y/N,” she said, smiling at you. You and Wanda were really close. She was like an older sister. “You’re in your room, with just me, your mom and dad, and Peter. We noticed that the electricity only seems to get uncomfortable when you’re upset, so we’re gonna try and help you. I know that this is all really sudden and scary and not what you expected or wanted. But, if anyone can tackle it, it’s you. Think you can take some deep breaths for me?”
You did your best to listen to Wanda’s words, although her powers - which was intent on relaxing you - certainly helped. Realizing you were in your bed and had the people you loved most around you, unwilling to leave and wanting to help, allowed you to feel less scared and take those deep breaths. It took a couple minutes, and Peter holding your hand, but the sparks began to lessen and lessen.
“I’m scared,” you whispered after a moment, tears in your eyes. You found yourself able to express some sadness without the sparks causing chaos, but it was draining your energy and causing pain.
“I know,” Wanda said, cupping your cheek comfortingly. “But you’ve got a whole team right behind you. We love you so, so much.”
“Yeah, we do,” Peter agreed, and your mom and dad nodded, causing you to smile. You squeezed your boyfriend’s hand. He squeezed back.
For the rest of the day, the Avengers visited you in pairs or trios, not wanting to overwhelm you with everyone again. You were disappointed about how your S.H.I.E.L.D. mission had gone, but having your dedicated family at your side helped. The sparks were no longer soaring, but when Coulson had said it would be a painful process, he was by no means exaggerating.
You hadn’t said anything, not wanting to worry anyone anymore, but it became apparent the next day. Everyone was now in the room and, after some slight stress (which Wanda and Peter helped with), the sparks calmed down. You were sick of lying in bed all day and wanted to stand up and walk around, but that proved to not go well.
The second you had risen to your feet — you were tumbling back down. Your knees hit the floor, and Peter barely managed to wrap his arms around you and prevent your head from hitting it, too. He gently pulled you against him as your head lolled against his chest, a wave of dizziness appearing.
“Are you alright?” Tony asked, him and Pepper kneeling down in front of you and Peter. The rest were close by, in case you needed anything.
The sparks came back, but this time just seemed to appear all over your body. You were concentrating hard to prevent them from escaping, and this in turn only exhausted and hurt you more. “Y-yeah,” you answered through grit teeth, but your whimper of pain betrayed you.
“I’ll get Dr. Cho,” Bruce offered, making a move for the door handle.
“No,” you forced out, although your voice was hardly strong. Enough to make Bruce pause, though. “It’s not — it’s my powers. It’s taking everything in me not to let this electricity out, and on top of that I think this whole process is taking a toll on me, like Coulson said it would.”
No-one liked hearing this. The group exchanged looks over your head, worried, and then Tony nodded at Peter, gesturing to your bed. Since your eyes were closed, Peter said, “I’m going to pick you up and put you back in bed, okay?”
When you nodded, Peter gently picked you up and laid down in bed. Your grip never left him, though, so he slid in beside you, in a cuddle. Peter and Pepper both fixed the blankets while you leaned your head against his shoulder.
Pepper and Tony sat beside you and the rest of the Avengers crowded around. Blinking your eyes open tiredly, you managed a small smile, your heart warming with your family surrounding you. Trying to get as comfortable as possible with the pain, you squirmed around and huffed lightly.
“Still hurts?” Natasha murmured, with the others watching over you in concern.
Your answer was an affirming hum, face tightly scrunched up in concentration. “I’m really trying to contain it,” you whispered, which broke everyone’s hearts. You looked exhausted and worn-out, but were still trying so hard.
Steve glanced over at everyone, frowning. “We can leave if you need to let it out,” he offered gently.
You shook your head. “No. I need to learn how to control it,” you insisted.
This had everyone more worried. “You don’t have to learn right now, hun,” Wanda said.
“I do. I can’t hurt anyone again,” you said, and then leaned forward, gasping, as a wave of pain from the electricity racked your body.
You were Tony Stark’s kid — stubbornness was in your DNA.
Peter bit his lip and rubbed your back, wanting to do anything he could to provide you with comfort. Pepper pet your hair until you leaned back, practically collapsing against your boyfriend. “Maybe a story will help distract—” Sam began, but you quickly cut him off.
“No! I can’t be distracted! I need to concentrate unless you want me to fry you!” You snapped, glaring at Sam. Everyone was surprised by your sudden outburst, but your frustration quickly dissolved into guilt and tears escaped your eyes. “I’m-I’m sorry Sam. I just can’t relax. All I can do is think about keeping the electricity in.”
You pulled your knees to your chest and Peter’s arms wrapped around you from behind. Eyes widening, Sam was quick to say: “Hey, hey, it’s alright, kid. No hard feelings.” He smiled.
“I can put you to sleep for a bit, if you’d like,” Wanda offered, also smiling.
You thought about this for a moment and then nodded. Wanda put her index fingers on her temples and, after a moment, your body relaxed and went limp. Peter gently pulled you so you were laying back against the pillow and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. They all just watched you for a moment, glad that you were finally no longer in pain — even if only temporary.
After a couple minutes, Bruce piped up. “There has to be something we can do, Tony.”
Tony glanced over at the scientist and nodded, the wheels already turning in his head. “Can we build something that can absorb the electricity? A bracelet with an insulator like rubber or plastic that could be strong enough for Y/N to be able to let loose some of that electricity?” He pondered.
Bruce nodded, liking where the billionaire was going with this idea. “Let’s see,” he said, and then headed out the door, to their lab.
Tony was more hesitant leave Y/N, but Pepper and the others assured him that they’d be there. Smiling at his wife and then at sleeping Y/N, Tony allowed himself to trust that and followed Bruce.
You slept for most of the day with your family by your side. They only left if it was absolutely necessary. When you woke up still in pain, the Avengers took shifts. If it were up to them, they’d all be with you all the time. Unfortunately, duty called to the team and to Pepper. At any moment, though, at least one of them was always with you. Rubbing your back, keeping you updated with what was going on in the tower and with S.H.I.E.L.D, anything they could do or say that would provide even the littlest bit of comfort.
Two days later, when Fury wanted the Avengers to go out on a mission, they all ended up arguing with him and insisting that they needed to stay with you. Their love for you seemed to out-power the Director’s might. It took a lot of convincing, but Fury eventually backed down after talking to his best spies Clint and Natasha and when he saw you himself.
Later that afternoon, Bruce and Tony finally perfected the bracelets. They delivered it to you proudly, all the Avengers by their side. You gladly wore them and it helped lessen the pain some — although it did not go away entirely. Tony was adamant on going back to the lab and working on it himself, but you were able to put your father at ease. You know the pain would continue as long as your powers were still developing. Soon, your body would get used to it and you’d be in control.
Tony (and everyone else) still worried, of course, but they knew you were right. Sure enough, by the end of the week, you were up and walking around again. Your body had stopped fighting the new development and, after practicing and working with Wanda, you were able to control it with little difficulty. You surprised the group when they were in the living room, coming down the staircase with a large grin on your face.
“So . . . Does this mean I can become an Avenger now, too?” You asked.
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positivelyholland · 11 months
Can we please get some more Tom Cruise x daughter reader??????
pairing: tom cruise x daughter!reader
genre: fluff???
summary: as a sickness starts to get the best of you, Tom can't calm his worry for his daughter's health.
warnings: sickness, hospitals, lowkey kinda angst for a second but not really
As you lay in your bed, feeling the weight of sickness pulling you down, your dad hovered nearby with deep concern etched on his face. 
He was pacing back and forth, unsure of what to do as he gazed at his precious teenage daughter, his heart aching at the sight of you suffering.
"Dad," you weakly called out, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'll be okay. It's just a fever."
Tom rushed to your side, gently placing a hand on your forehead to check your temperature. "I know, sweetheart, but I can't help but worry. You mean the world to me, and seeing you like this breaks my heart."
His genuine concern touched your heart, even in your weakened state. You mustered a small smile, trying to reassure him, "I'll be fine, Dad. I promise."
But Tom couldn't shake off his worries. He decided that it was best to take you to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. 
As he carried you in his arms to the car, you couldn't help but feel grateful to have a father like him – someone who cared so deeply for you.
At the hospital, Tom stayed by your side throughout all the tests and examinations. He held your hand tightly, offering silent comfort as you endured various procedures. 
When the doctor finally came in with the results, Tom's heart pounded with fear, hoping for the best but fearing the worst.
"It's just a viral infection," the doctor explained, offering a reassuring smile. "With some rest and proper medication, she should be back on her feet in no time."
Tom let out a sigh of relief, and you could see the tension leaving his body. He thanked the doctor, grateful for the reassurance that you were going to be okay.
Back at home, Tom took extra care of you. He made your favorite soup and brought it to your bedside, ensuring you took your medication on time. He even stayed up late with you, telling you stories from his movie sets to keep your spirits up.
"Dad, you really don't have to stay up with me," you said, feeling touched by his constant presence.
Tom smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair away from your forehead. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be, kiddo. You're my priority, and I won't leave your side until you're fully recovered."
His dedication and love made you feel safe and loved, and you knew deep down that you were lucky to have a father like him.
 Despite feeling unwell, you cherished these moments together, knowing that your dad was there to support you no matter what.
As the days passed, your health slowly improved. Tom was like a shadow, never leaving your side. He was there to celebrate the small victories of feeling a little better each day, and he was there to comfort you during moments of frustration when you weren't recovering as quickly as you hoped.
One evening, as you both sat on the couch, watching a movie together, Tom turned to you with a serious expression. 
"You know, I almost lost you back there, and it scared me to my core."
"Dad," you replied, reaching out to hold his hand. "I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'm getting better now."
He smiled softly, squeezing your hand. "I know, but it made me realize how much you mean to me. You're everything to me, and I don't ever want to lose you."
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, moved by his words. "I love you too, Dad. I'm so grateful for everything you do for me."
Tom pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as if he never wanted to let go. "And I love you more than anything in this world, princess. You're my joy, my light, and I'll always be here for you."
With each passing day, your strength returned, and you began to feel like your old self again. Tom's loving care had played a significant role in your recovery, and you were thankful for his unwavering support.
As you both walked through the park one sunny afternoon, you turned to your dad and smiled brightly. "I'm feeling much better now, Dad. Thank you for being there for me."
Tom grinned, ruffling your hair affectionately. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. My love for you is unconditional."
As you continued to slowly but surely recover, you and your dad to spent more quality time together. In the end, this stressful experience brought you even closer to your father.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, you fully recovered, but that didn't stop Tom from worrying about you
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lovebugspots · 1 year
peter man?
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Y/n Rebecca Barnes
Age: 15
Dad: James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes
Mom: Natalia Alinovna Romanova, or Natasha Romanoff.
best friend: peter benjamin parker
she has a metal right arm that is just like her fathers.
"You ever been so madly in love with your best friend to the point that people find it cringe?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Benjamin PArker
Age: 16
Aunt: May Parker
Best friend: Y/n Rebecca Barnes
"She is everything I need, Mr. Stark!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
here is the spotify!! :)
chapter one: a not so fun necklace.
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So I think I'm gonna open up requests for smau's for all of my fandoms, basically just like a couple insta posts and Twitter posts for your favorite character that may be on my list (the pinned post on my account) I'll also have them all tagged below 😁
Just tell me who and add a little description, or not and I can come up with something on my own.
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softspiderling · 1 year
softspiderling masterlist
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collection of EVERYTHING I’ve written so far. Everything that is on this blog. the fandoms are chronologically ordered, most recent are up top.
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we always find a way (to make it out alive) | read here beacon hills holds a lot of bad memories for you. you’re still not sure how you let yourself be persuaded to go back.
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boy you write your name (I can do the same) | tba
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how you first met (and how you became more)
you're dating (but no one knows)
you're married (but in secret)
you pick him up from the airport
songs about girls (like you) | read here Jake has finally returned from his mission.
how do you love somebody else? | read here the one where you and Jake are exes.
get like me | read here the one where you defend Jake's honor.
five kisses | read here five kisses with Jake
never knew (that I could fall so hard) | read here You and Jake are friends. Just friends
wingman’s best friend universe
all the fics below are part of the same universe, but can be read as stand-alone fics!
hooked from hour one | read here the one where you share a mutual friend, but are unaware of it
baby, you down? | read here your best friend is a naval aviator, but apparently so is the guy you've been dating? Yeah, funny how life works.
cruel existence | read here you get hurt at work and Jake spirals
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you're married (but in secret)
summer days (drifting away) | read here Bradley bumped into you at the beach and then just keeps doing it
speak now (or forever hold your peace) | read here it’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
cross my heart (hope to die) | read here it’s easy to fall in love with Rooster. It’s a bit harder to be in love with him.
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natasha "phoenix" trace
you're married (but in secret)
pete "maverick" mitchell
he likes you (but in an annoying way)
pete "maverick" mitchell
do you believe in love at first sight (or should I walk by again) | read here the one where you keep running into Maverick.
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x jake "hangman" seresin
period troubles | read here their daughter gets her first period and Bradley and Jake lose their minds
spinning out (waiting for ya) | read here the one where Kinsley gets stuck at school and Bradley struggles trying to calm Jake down.
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you mocha me crazy | READ HERE Summary: an encounter at a coffee shop leaves you with more than a cup full of coffee
summer days | READ HERE Summary: it’s just one of those rare summer mornings. They were Tom’s favorite
five signs you’re too close to your boss | READ HERE you liked being the personal assistant of the CEO of Holland Enterprises. But sometimes you wondered if you were too close to your boss.
dance your worries away | READ HERE Summary: when you signed up for a beginners ballroom dancing class with your boyfriend, you hadn’t expected to be standing without a dancing partner. But then again, life has a funny way of working out
things you left unsaid | READ HERE Summary: having casual sex with Tom despite having feelings for him? What could go wrong?
put in love and don’t give up | READ HERE Summary: honestly, you never pegged Tom for the kind of guy that ghosts people, but here you are. Ghosted.
will you find me (afterlife) | READ HERE Summary: the five stages of grief start with denial and it didn’t seem like Tom was going leave that stage anytime soon.
honest feelings and bad timing (COMPLETE) | Teaser | One | Two Summary: It’s always been you, Tom and Harrison. A package deal. But sometimes things change.
swanky fortune (in progress) last updated on 31st of October 2019
Teaser | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight| Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven
Summary: When you clicked the ‘donate’ button on the GoFundMe page, you never would have expected to actually win. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity or will you embarrass yourself in front of your celebrity crush?
of broken promises and heartbreak (COMPLETE)
Playlist (with songs including: Crazy To Love You, Rescue Me, Sucker and Never Really Over)
Summary: It’s been six years since you and Tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. A lot has happened, Tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. But now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. Your wedding. And he wasn’t attending as your groom.
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need a ride? | READ HERE Summary: just because you were at a country club, doesn’t mean you had to behave well
Talk To A Stranger! | READ HERE Summary: you liked talking to strangers. Well, when it’s not in real life, that is.
no air | READ HERE Summary: Short breath, panic flooding through the veins, sweat trickling down the sides. Peter knew the symptoms of a panic attack just all too well after a fight with a certain villain from space. Didn’t mean he knew how to prevent them, though. Luckily, you were by his side to help.
heavy burden (Silk/MCU AU) hiatus
Teaser | Part One | Summary:you liked to live your life like you want it, but there was always someone who stood in the way of that. Always.
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Peter Parker: HEy y/n *grabs his phone* smash or pass?
Y/n: Pass
Peter: Wait but you haven’t seen the picture yet
Y/n: Picture? *you look at the phone* Oh- OOOOOOH 
Peter: I- 
Y/n: Oh god, I’m joking Peter, you should know you’re the only one I’d smash for the rest of my life
Peter, trying not to laugh: So I’m not ugly?
Y/n: Of course not you dummy! I love you, you should know that!
Steve, on the other side of the room, whispering: Stark, what does sma-
Tony: Don’t *stands up and leaves the room*
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penguis16-blog · 11 days
Hey!, im just wanted to say that, the request are open.
At the moment I will only do fics of Platonic readers, it can be from Marvel actors or characters from the UCM and the abc series, 911.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Making Magic- Rewritten
Summary: You’re an equestrian and you have been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are your mentors and father figures-it’s your first horse show and they’re with you. What could go wrong? Or in your case, what could go right?
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Chris Evans x teen!reader, mcu cast x teen!reader
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, mentions of parental issues, anxious thoughts, tooth-rotting fluff :)
Word Count: around 4.5k?
A/N: hi lovelies! part two is coming soon i swear, i’m just very busy :) here’s the rewrite!!
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The funny thing about horse show days is that no matter how stressful they are, anyone in the “show business” would rush to defend them the second someone starts to say anything negative about them. It’s not that they’re wrong though; horse shows can be some of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in the equestrian world. You knew this personally.
Not only have you been equestrian your whole life, you’ve been to countless shows. The thrill of watching someone do what you loved professionally couldn’t be compared to anything else you’d ever felt. The only thing stressful about show days for you was the traffic and finding a place to park. Today was majorly different, though-it was your first horse show.
After waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to get the trailer ready, you finally made your way over to the stable. The route to Mac’s stall was ingrained in your memory, and you smiled absentmindedly at the familiarity of it all. Mac somehow sensed that today was a big day for the both of you, and the minute you stepped in the stall, he came over to you. He nuzzled you as you sat down next to him, his head falling on your knees. You sat there and cuddled him with a smile on your face. The upcoming chaos of the day meant that there was no harm in a little bonding time for both of you.
Much to Mac’s dismay, you stood up five minutes later. You took a deep breath as you put his halter on. The soft material was comforting on your hands as you adjusted it, putting it over his head. You checked you watch and smiled when you saw the time-you had at least an extra thirty minutes. Instead of leading him straight to the trailer, you led him to a tack stall. You grabbed your grooming bag and took out the curry comb. Dirt flew off of Mac’s coat as you brushed gentle circles through his coat. It confused you how he managed to get this dirty, you’d bathed him last night!
The familiar grooming routine allowed you to fall into a bit of a daze. It was a common theme-you’d always found it easy to get lost in horses. Your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best, but your dad was an actor in the MCU. This, of course, set up a bunch of connections for you with almost everyone who’d ever stepped foot on the set. It didn’t even come close to making up for the absence it had created with your dad, but you were pretty thankful you at least had this. It was nice to be able to have someone to look up to.
In your case, though, it wasn’t just one person. The whole marvel cast had made it their mission to be there for you as much as they could when they found out about your situation. 75% of your time was spent with at least one member of the cast, and if you weren’t physically with them, they were almost always texting you. It was a little bit overwhelming at first-going from almost no attention from family to almost always having someone to talk to was a huge change for you. You’d grown to love it eventually. As you got to know them, you realized that they were genuinely some of the most caring people you’d ever met. You got close with all of them, especially Sebastian and Chris (Evans, of course.) They took on the roles of mentors and father figures in stride, and you really couldn’t be more appreciative of the change in your mental health that caused.
If you were honest, the only reason you’re where you are right now is because of those two. When they found out about your pure passion for horses and realized you didn’t have the resources to be fully invested in the sport, they took major action. Chris did a lot of research. There were some days where he was still up when the sun rose, tired eyes staring at a computer screen as he scrolled relentlessly through articles. After about a week, he and Sebastian approached you asking if they could help you out. At first, you gave them a hard no. As you expected, though, they kept pushing. You gave in after a solid two hours of nonstop begging, albeit reluctantly, and then found out they already managed to buy an old barn for you. You were pissed off at first-they didn’t even ask you before they bought it-but you settled down when you saw the place.
Seb and Chris had insisted it wasn’t a big deal. Logically, you knew it wasn’t. They had so much money they didn’t even know what to do with it, and it made sense in their heads. The fact that they’d both come to see you as a daughter figure only added to the idea. The minute they saw the ad online, they were instantly charmed and knew you would be too. So they did the logical (okay, maybe not that logical) thing and bought it.
The minute you pulled up to the place, you’d instantly fallen in love with it. It was a little bit on the older side, but it was evident to you that it could be turned into a work of art with a little bit of work and love. It was tucked away into a quiet area with trees surrounding it, making it more charming in your eyes. The red and brown paint was faded, and the barn’s 5 stalls were coming apart, but you had faith. The pasture was huge, giving you more and more inspiration for the future of the barn.
It took the three of you (with a boatload of help from the cast) about a year to get it fixed up, but when it was done, you were very proud of it. It was one of the most gorgeous barns you’d ever seen. It had a comforting aura surrounding it, and you still take solace in that every chance you can. When you got Mac, you stopped spending your days repairing the barn. It got more and more common for someone from your close circle to walk in and see you in Mac’s stall or out in the arena. Everyone adored the Palomino, sitting and watching as you worked on showjumping in the arena or put up dressage letters to work on another test.
A tap on your shoulder brought you out of your thoughts, and you turn around to find Chris with a soft smile on his face.
“How ya feelin, kiddo?” he asks you kindly, looking Mac up and down as if to reassure himself that he’s still there.
“I’m okay. A little lost in thought, but that’s normal I think? Where’s Seb?” you question him, one eyebrow arched at the missing presence.
“He’s hanging out in the truck. He’s very excited to make our first pre-show Starbucks run!” Chris says, shimmying his shoulders with a teasing smile on his face. You rolled your eyes, having expected that. It’s well-known among everyone that Seb’s a sucker for Starbucks, seeing as he doesn’t hide it very well.
With the knowledge that all of Mac’s tack is in the trailer already, you hooked his lead rope back onto his halter and led him to the trailer. Chris followed behind in a way that reminded you of a lost puppy, a giggle escaping your lips at the thought. Thanks to the treats you used to bribe him, Mac goes in easily, snorting loudly at the treat you gave him. After making sure the trailer’s locked up and closed correctly, you hopped in the truck and took your signature spot between Chris and Sebastian.
“Starbucks time?” Sebastian asked, eyes lighting up at your nod.
30 minutes and a coffee run later, the three of you were finally headed to the showgrounds. You stole the aux as usual, your favorite music blaring through the speakers. They both danced and sang with you, the energy in the truck way more hyped up then humanly possible at the early hour. The sun was just starting to come up, giving you the view of one of the most beautiful sunrises you’d ever seen. The ride to the grounds was peaceful, a stark contrast to the upcoming events of the day. The second they parked, the mood shifted from peaceful to anxious instantly. You got out quickly, climbing over poor Chris in the process, and got Mac out. The ground crunched under his hooves as you led him around, leaving Chris and Seb to prepare what they could for you.
Sebastian walked over to you first, noticing the anxious manner in which you walked him around the parking area.
“You doin’ okay, darlin’? I know you’re nervous but pacing with Mac isn’t going to help. What can I do?” he questions, words coming out in a mouthful.
“I really don’t know. I need to go lunge him but I’m so stressed out right now I feel like I’ll trip over my own feet.” you admitted in a soft tone. Sebastian’s heart clenched at your words.
“What if I come in the ring with you to lunge Mac? Or I can go grab Chris if you want. Remember how you taught us all that stuff about lunging and shit? We’ve gotcha this time. Let us help, honey.”
You weren’t expecting tears to form in your eyes at his words. Instead of showing your face, you barrelled into him for a hug. Mac’s lead rope fell to the side as Seb’s arms wrapped around you, letting you take all the time you needed to breathe before you pulled away.
“Can you come in with me after you go let Chris know where we’ll be? You know how he is, he’s gonna wanna come watch even though I’m not even on Mac.” you sniffled, and Sebastian nodded and headed off. You hooked Mac’s lunge rope on his halter and led him into the ring, making sure you were alone so you could safely lunge him.
A few minutes after getting him to a working trot, Chris appears in your line of view, smiling at you from the edge of the arena. Before long, Sebastian is heading towards you, cocking his head as if to ask if you needed any help. You grinned reassuringly at him and looked back at Mac. When you finally got him into a working canter and warmed up, you waved Chris over.
“Could you go set up some jumps for me? I’m gonna lunge him over some smaller verticals. Maybe 2’3?” You asked him.
“Absolutely, I’ll set a line up. Want me to get Sebastian to hold him while you go get changed? I know it’s a little early for that, but it’s cold out. I don’t want you getting sick.”
You nod as you head to the truck, gathering your clothes in your arms while you walk to the back of the trailer. You eventually decided on a long-sleeve white riding top, one of Chris’ hoodies to go over it, and a pair of your favorite sweats. You wanted to put off changing into your actual riding clothes until Mac was tacked up.
You got back to the arena to see an absolutely adorable scene. Sebastian is holding Mac while snuggling his neck, and Chris is sitting on a jump doing his best to measure it. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and snapped a quick picture, heading over to help Chris and take Mac from Seb.
You worked him back up to a canter, lining him up with the line Chris set up. You grin as he jumps it flawlessly, smile growing even wider as he jumps it even better the next time. Confident you could raise the vertical again, you signaled Chris over, pointing to the jump.
You’d made the decision to show in the 3 foot jumpers as well as the 2’8, so you had Chris set up two verticals and an oxer. The oxer was 3’2, just in case you qualified for the bonus round, and the verticals were 3 feet. You lunged him over those jumps for about half an hour until you were satisfied, Chris and Sebastian watching from the sidelines with proud smiles on their faces.
“Ready to tack up?” Chris asked as you walked over with Mac in tow. You nodded, and together, you headed up to the barn area. Sebastian checked you in while Chris helped you find Mac’s stall. The barn itself was pretty much deserted-it was around 9 in the morning, and the show didn’t start until 11. Putting Mac in his stall, you ran to the truck and grabbed your tack box.
You’d decided on a wintergreen saddlepad the night before, a choice much approved by Chris. You hooked Mac onto the crossties and brushed him again, getting as much dirt off as possible before you started to tack up. The saddlepad went on first, and after adjusting it a little bit, you threw the saddle and girth on. After you put the bridle on, you handed Mac over to Sebastian and ran to the bathroom to change again. You changed out of your sweats to put on your “show-worthy” breeches, and zipped up your boots as quickly as you could. Grabbing the helmet you haphazardly placed on the sink, you jogged out to the warm-up arena to meet the boys. After adjusting your stirrups, Chris gave you a leg up and you got situated in the saddle.
You thanked everything that the arena was empty as you came into a posting trot, pointing the boys to the jumps you wanted set up. You let yourself do a few laps around the arena as the boys set the jumps up, doing a few breathing exercises as you went. Picking up a canter, you did your best to find your distance to the first line. You clicked at Mac as you rode over the first one, losing your balance a little bit at the second one. The adrenaline started to kick in as you easily went over the last two, giving Mac a pat as you brought him down to a trot. You came back around and went over them again, trying to get the distances as perfect as possible. You let yourself get lost in the motions, the jumps becoming easier for you both to maneuver. Going over a few more variations of height and pattern, you hopped off and checked the time. You did the math in your head as you led Mac back to his stall.
You show at two, and it’s 10:45-you’ve got three hours to prepare. Looking around, you slowly notice the amount of people there. Naturally, your brain starts to set into a spiral. What if you’re not good enough? What if you embarrass yourself in front of everyone? What if you fall?
Not even a minute later, Chris and Seb walk over. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think they could sense your train of thought. They both had a feeling something was up, and that was confirmed when they saw the tears in your eyes.
“Hiya, buddy, I know it seems scary right now, yeah? But you know that you deserve this just as much as everyone else here, right? We’re both really proud of you, lovie,” Sebastian reassures, Chris nodding along. The boys both pull you into a hug as you feel your anxiety start to calm itself down a little bit.
“How ‘bout we go check out your course?” Seb smiles as you pull back, both Seb and Chris taking one of your hands to lead you to the paper. Of course you’d studied the course the night before-you weren’t a madman-but both the boys wanted to make sure you were as prepared as possible. You had to give it to them-they were doing their hardest to make sure you were comfortable.
“I wish the others could be here,” you mumbled, unfocused eyes scanning the paper for what felt like the 100th time.
“I know, love. You know how Chris is though! He’s gonna be filming the whole thing,” Sebastian teased, both of you laughing at Chris’ mock offended expression.
Little did you know, Anthony, Robert, Scarlett, both of the Toms and Mark were going to be there to surprise you. Chris had decided to get into contact with them a few days prior, telling them that it was our first show. He somehow managed to organize the whole thing, and everyone was out of their minds with excitement.
Once you were confident you had the course down, Sebastian and Chris set out to find as many distractions for you as they possibly could. They took you to the show shoop and grinned as you stared in awe at all of the merchandise they had on display. Your eyes kept wandering to a grey hoodie with the show’s logo on it, but you dismissed it with a grimace when they asked about it. Chris walked off with you to the cafe while Sebastian stayed behind, grabbing the hoodie off the rack and paying for it. It was your first show;they had the right to indulge you a little bit!
The time flew by faster than you could comprehend. Soon enough, it was time for you to get your number and warm Mac up. The boys did all that they could think to do for you-tying your number on your belt, leading Mac to the ring, and sneaking him a few treats. Your nerves steadily got worse as the crowd multiplied, the crowded stands more intimidating than you thought was possible. They did their best to calm you down, but even their comforting words couldn’t get rid of them entirely.
As you rode into the final warm-up ring, Chris and Sebastian ran up to the gate. They wanted to make sure they could send you off, being the proud guys they are. They watched intently as you warmed up a few jumps, excitement radiating off of them. As they scanned the crowd, the boys spotted the cast members in the front seats. Chris was puzzled for a second-all of the front row seats were reserved-but let it go when Sebastian tapped his shoulder. From your point of view, it would be impossible to not see the cast, and this somehow excited Chris and Seb even more.
The minute you got in line, the boys appeared right by your side. They had the biggest smiles you’d ever seen on their faces, automatically putting a giant smile on yours.
“Holy shit!” Seb whispered, blushing at the death stares this got from the other riders in your class.
“I know! I’m fucking terrified. I know the course, I know Mac’s ready, I just don’t feel ready, I guess,” you sniffled, ”but at least I have the same course for my 4 o’clock class!” you stated, sympathy in your eyes for the people who did. Chris reached up to give Mac a few pats on the neck, Sebastian doing the same with a smile.
“You got this in the bag, kiddo. I’m confident you’re gonna beat everyone’s asses out there,” Chris reassured you. You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway, feeling the confidence from the boys practically transfer into you.
“Feelin’ okay?” Seb asks for what felt like the fiftieth time that hour. You nodded slightly, effectively cutting off the conversation as the buzzer sounds for the rider in front of you. The feeling of Mac’s reins in your hands and his gentle breathing grounded you.
You watched the rider with bated breath. She knocks a pole over and ends up falling off, and your face pales. You can feel your heart race accelerating, hands trembling slightly as you tried to keep a hold on the reins.
“Shit, shit, shit!” you mumble, as Chris and Sebastian stand stiffly, jaws clenched so hard they could make diamonds. It was obvious this made your anxiety worse; so far, no one had gotten a clear round. You feel Chris’ hand on your leg and Sebastian’s hand in yours as you take a deep breath, their touches a simple way of saying they’re right there. The rider comes out of the gate looking devastated, and you give her a small nod. If it was even possible, your heart begins to beat faster.
You guide Mac into the gate and walk into the arena as the announcer begins her speech.
“Next up we have miss Y/N L/N! We’ve heard very good things about her, and cannot wait to see her ride. She’s on her horse Making Magic, aka Mac! You may start your round at the buzzer. Best of luck to you both!
Starting your courtesy circle, you bring Mac up into a canter around the arena. You gaze out at the stands, and you do a double-take. Sure enough, your cast is here. You feel your heart beating ten times faster, the pressure you’re under scaring you a little bit, but a glance at Chris and Sebastian and a deep breath clear your head.
The second the buzzer goes off, you made your way over to the first jump. It was clear you had no time to waste-the time allotted was barely enough for a rider who gallopped through the course. You soared over the first jump without effort, squeezing Mac with your heels to encourage him. Mac, being the angel he is, immediately does what you ask, letting you both continue the course easily. When you get to the second-to-last jump, the freakout sets in. Two other riders had previously fallen off over this jump. You swear time slows down as you scan the crowd for your boys, making eye contact with them. With a nod from Seb, you take a deep breath and count your strides. He eases into the distance, both pairs of eyes focused on the jump. They get there a stride too early, throwing you a bit off balance, but your faith in Mac never ceases as you coax him over it. The missing stride throws you out of your saddle a little bit, but what you choose to focus on is the fact that no poles were knocked down. A glance at the scoreboard reveals no penalties. You exhaled sharply as you realized there was only one jump left, using the reins to turn your horses’ head to it.
“Easy, easy,” you mumble, doing what you can to line the both of you up. Pushing Mac to his max, you get there at the perfect distance.
The second you both hit the ground, loud cheers break out from the whole crowd, and an ear-splitting grin comes onto your face instantly. You wave at the crowd, laughing when you spot the cast practically jumping up and down to get spotted by you.
“There you have it, folks! That was the last rider in this class, Y/N L/N, with the first and only clear round! Congratulations, you two!” The announcer said, a smile clear in her voice. You trotted out of the arena and headed straight to the cast, with one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever had on your face. Chris, Anthony, and Tom ran up screaming. You did your best to side-eye them but all hopes were lost when Sebastian started jumping up and down, causing you to giggle like a toddler.
“Holy shit! That was awesome! I told you you could do it!” Chris yelled, Anthony and Tom ecstatically nodding their heads at you as they patted Mac.
Everyone else ran up to congratulate you with huge smiles on their faces, and you couldn’t help but feel excited for your next round.
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xspeter · 10 months
okay need help picking for my next fic! its christmas themed and that’s all I will be telling you!
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
Hello lovies! It’s been a veryyyy long time since I’ve posted anything here, but I’ve been itching to get back into writing fics again! I decided to open my requests for anyone who might be interested:)
Disclaimer—it’s been a while since I’ve posted/written any fics so things might be a lil shit at first hehe. Also, my interests have slightly changed, so I might not write for the people/characters I used to write about.
Taking requests for:
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
One Direction
Avengers/Marvel cast
Little Mix!reader (missed these)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Florence Pugh
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland
Sebastian Stan
Austin Butler (?)
Chris Evans
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
Quick A/n: I figured I've been posting a shit ton of Carl, so let's do something new. I'm going to start using little prompts to write for a couple characters I think they match with.
Synopsis: 'you're staring again' - Carl Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Rhee, Peter Parker (T.H.) and Allison Argent.
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Carl Grimes
Sat down at the Grimes' table, quiet in the newfound peaceful walls of Alexandria, you smiled. Finding yourself for once feeling 'safe', as safe as you could anyhow.
The people were nice, the jobs were even, you were happy. Happy to help, happy to have a moment with no worries, happy to spend time with Carl under friendly circumstances.
He sat reading a comic he'd found in the attic of the second house your group was given, the two of you having found it whilst exploring together. You'd found the circumstances weird, but it wasn't anything you paid much mind to.
With the two of you freshly showered, you realized it was the first time you and Carl were really sitting next to each other as your old selves. Well, how you'd looked before an apocalypse anyway.
Here you realized how pretty his freckles were, not hidden by dirt or blood for once. You couldn't help but stare, something you'd caught yourself doing a lot lately. It was hard not to.
However, Carl had also began to notice this new hobby of yours. He'd glance at you and you'd look away, embarrassed that you'd been caught, though he'd been amused. It was an odd feeling for the both of you, romance was weird to two teens. But it was also exciting and scary.
Some would call it puppy love, but it was real as could be for Carl and you. The two of you had begun dating before Terminous, right after the prison. Spending so much time together, you realized how easy it was to lose each other and simply began a little relationship.
Now, Carl's favorite thing to do was call you out on your bullshit, considering neither of you told anyone about the relationship. He'd call you out for staring, he'd laugh, everyone would see and think it was silly. Even you would admit, you found it silly.
"You're staring again, L/n." He gave you a sly smile, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. You groaned, "You are aware how easy it would be for you to not say anything, right?" He smiled wider, "Very. But I think it's cute."
"Don't flatter me, now show me the damn comic." You rolled your eyes, scooting to sit next to him, bonding over whatever comic he'd found, far from paying attention. The two of you were just happy to be safe, together.
Glenn Rhee
Glenn and you sat in the car silently, the days events on a normal run having been bad enough as is. You'd both encountered a herd, and Glenn had barely escaped a bite as you saved him last minute. It was close, too close. And that scared the both of you.
You had chosen to drive this time, as exhausted as you were Glenn was in bad shape having almost died moments prior. You'd been close to lecturing him, when you'd found it'd do nothing more than upset him.
He wasn't mad at you, he wouldn't be even if you had lectured him, he was mad at himself. He should've been quicker and you shouldn't have had to help. You looked in the rear-view, curious to the amount of walkers followong, which was little to none.
In doing so, you'd managed to catch a glimpse of Glenn staring at you. You had caught him doing so a lot lately, and when he eventually spun in circles trying to explain that he thought you where gorgeous, you'd tried not to call him out as much.
You were flattered, but neither of you had gotten the time to talk further about it, simply knowing the feeling was mutual.
"You're staring again, Glenn." You smiled light-heartedly, glancing at him before turning back to the road. He didn't respond for a moment, before grinning.
"You look pretty." You looked at him again, "Yeah, even covered in walker guts?" To which he nodded, "Gorgeous as ever."
Maggie Rhee (or Greene I guess she's not a Rhee if she's with you??)
Having just met the Greene's you felt nervous in their presence, specifically miss Maggie Greene. She had her head on her shoulders, she was smart, she was collected, and she could kick ass.
She intimidated you truth be told, but she was hot doing so. It was weird, but you'd felt drawn to her whilst always feeling the need to push away out of fear.
However, she didn't seem to like this idea, as you found her hanging near you as often as possible. It started with small runs, and turned into you two sharing night patrol duties.
You sat outside the prison, sun having just set, waiting for Maggie to come out. You always met her at the first set of gates and patrolled together. Tonight was breezy, and nice. It was a nice night, even if the world seemed to be crashing around you.
When she had finally come out, she greeted you with a sweet smile as always before leading the way. "Hey, Y/n. Ya' ever wonder if we'd-a met outside o' this?" She looked at you, knowing her own answer.
"I'd doubt it, we're very different really.." You sighed, giving her a nervous look. "I think that too, glad ya'-re bein' honest with 'e" She walked with you, "Do I scare ya'?"
"Sometimes. You're real badass out there.. I mean I can't say I'd expect someone who stayed hidden to be that good with combat, no offense." You shrugged, not bothering to meet her eyes. "None taken', I think that was more o' a compliment really."
You two continued your walk, with little conversation. You used to always be out by 10, and now here you were walking the lengths of a prison from 7 to 9. You couldn't complain much, you were alive. Breathing and living, that's all you needed to be grateful.
Eventually the amount of time you spent together naturally lead to friendship, which was hard because you could both die at any moment. However, this made it easier to get along. Anything went wrong and you'd get over it, everyday was a new lifetime in a way.
But, eventually you got yourself hurt on a run and Maggie sat by your bedside everyday. At that point it became rather obvious to both of you how much this meant to you, how much you both meant to each other.
And that's how it was, she'd come in, sit at your bedside and read. Sometimes you talked, sometimes you didn't. It didn't matter really, her being there was enough. But today you'd stared a little too long.
"Yo'-re starin' 'gain L/n." She sighed, looking up from her book, as she set it down. You gulped, nervous as to how weird that made you look, "Sorry.." You stumbled out, looking away as you slunk down a little on your cot.
She got up, setting her book down on the stand beside your cot, "Get some rest, darlin'" Maggie then sealed the relationship, lifting the hair from your forehead and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, "Rest well, I need my walkin' partner back!"
Peter Parker
Peter scared you so often, you'd see on the TV that the great spiderman had fallen into harm via tons of different ways. You feared that one day you'd wake up and find that he was gone, dead.
However, he made up for those times on days like these. He'd messaged you offering a walk through town, and you'd obviously taken him up on this. Though, he last minute told you it was a study-date, as neither of you had been properly working on school as of late.
"Come on! It's a perfect opportunity to hang out and get school done!" He'd tried to reason, eventually convincing you into the small study date.
You two sat at your dinner table, as you scribbled down notes you felt his eyes on you. You glanced at him, causing him to look away and continue jotting down notes. It was weird but you'd shrugged it off, maybe something had been on your face.
However, when less than two minutes went by and you felt his eyes on you again, you knew something was up. "You're staring again, Peter. What is it? Something on my face?"
He did a double-take, embarrassedly looking away before trying to come up with a good excuse. "You're just..pretty." He stuttered out, obviously nervous in doing so.
"Get back to studying, Parker." You smiled at him, reassuring that you'd found the whole thing cute. But, studying needed to be done. This was his own curse anyhow.
Allison Argent
Allison had dragged you with her, following after Scott again. She'd reluctantly told you everything; about werewolves, hunters, who was what, where she stood. It was confusing and you didn't believe it until you'd seen Scott change right in front of you.
Now here you stood, waiting in patience behind a tree stump as Allison told you too. She was talking to a group of people, some you recognized, others whom you didn't. Not that it mattered, if they saw you what would they do, get ya?
You really were far from scared. Allison was badass with a bow, she'd take any and all of them on if given the proper change and reasoning. This, however gave you the balls to come out from behind said stump, instantly getting all eyes on you.
"Y/n, I told you to stay there!" She shouted at you, but you shrugged standing next to her. "I'm ready to go, you all done here? Almost? It's like.." You looked at the small wrist watch you had on, "Like time for me to eat."
"Uhm-" Scott looked between the two of you, "Just stay out of this one, please. We'll be fine." Allison side eyed him, then looked at you. "Fine. Cmon, let's go." She walked with you back to her car.
She seemed ready to lecture you, but you didn't really care anymore. You were hungry, and tired of this pretending shit, they should be scared that you could talk. Not that you would talk, but you wanted a little bit of liability.
It had been raining out, and a part of you was drawn so heavily to the look of Allison with soaked hair and damp skin. She looked, well, gorgeous to put it simply. "You're staring again." She smiled at you, as she turned the heat in the car up.
"Sorry, rain makes you look pretty, is all." You shrugged it off. "Only when it rains, huh?" You frantically began trying to explain as she laughed at you. "It's okay, thank you. You're pretty too."
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 1 year
If anyone wants more fics I’m open to requests. I don’t currently have any wip’s but would love some ideas!
I’m really into marvel, teen wolf, Percy Jackson and more so if you’re in a fandom there’s a likely chance I am too.
I write male x reader, female x reader, gn!reader.
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