#Wait for the choruses at the end trust me
gaminegay · 2 years
For all the villainfuckers/enthusiasts out there
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too-much-tma-stuff · 4 months
What the Workers See
I wanted to write Hyena!Danny at work as Hood's second in command.
Hyena!Danny Masterpost
tw: physical abuse
Jason had been delighted when Danny had presented him the ideas for his Hyena costume, helping him sort out the details and reminding him to add armour. Danny had argued he’d heal anyways so there wasn’t any point, and surely the armour would make it less sexy! Jason had just rolled his eyes and reminded Danny that he was trying to keep his powers secret, and if Nightwing could look like that in his heavily armoured suit Danny would be fine. 
He had sighed and relented, asking for help to get some of the materials he would need, which Jason happily provided. Danny worked on it in their free time, and Jason watched with fascination as Danny’s nimble fingers and equally quick mind fingered out the construction and problem-solved any roadblocks. It was impressive, and when it got to the try on stage most of them ended with the suit on their bedroom floor by the end, Jason just loved it. He particularly loved the choice of the collar.
One rational corner of his mind mentioned he should probably talk to Danny about the power imbalance and the fact that Jason was definitely possessive and abusive. But the other half of his mind fucking purred at the sight of Danny in the collar and catsuit and that part won out, Jason didn’t mention it. 
When it was finally time to unveil Hyena Jason called a meeting of all his goons. The ones that worked for him consistently, not the villain hoppers or the temp workers, they’d find out eventually. If he called everyone who worked for him sometimes he’d need a fucking football field, this would do. As he knew they would they all came, gathering and mingling in the warehouse in front of the makeshift stage.
Jason hopped up onto it about ten minutes after the time he’d told everyone to be there, once he was sure everyone who was coming was here, and Danny was here. “I know you’re all nervous about why the fuck I called you all here. First off let me assure you it’s nothing bad and not a fucking scheme. I have an important introduction and an announcement.” He said and made a hand signal.
Danny, the dramatic bastard that he was dropped down from the rafters and landed on overly light feed on the stage. He grinned behind his muzzle and made a little ‘tada!’ motion that made Hood role his eyes fondly. 
“This is Hyena. He will be working with me from now on. If I am not here you take orders from him in my place, obey him like you would me.” He explained and Hyena gave a dramatic little bow and a cackling laugh. “Is that understood?”
“Yes Boss,” People chorused, looking a little nervous and curious about the new person still. Hyena would have to do some work earning their respect and trust but Jason knew that Danny was more then up for the task. 
As the fighting wound down Jason looked over the damage. It wasn't to bad, but it was so fucking unnecessary, there shouldn't have Been another gang trying to operate out of his territory, under his fucking nose! Did they really think he wouldn't notice? They should have just left when he confronted them, not actually initiated a fight! Now they had bodies to deal with, of those who didn't run, and a bunch of injured people.
A loud whistle made Jason jump slightly before he glanced over to Hyena, who was taking charge. He beckoned a couple field medics forward and cupped his hands around his muzzle to yell over the crowed. 
"If You'd rather go to a real hospital clear out! you need stitches line up here, if you need a bone set, line up there," Hyena directed before glancing around as people straggled into lines. Not many left to go to a actual hospital, in Gotham people tended to be suspicious of doctors, and field medics got a Lot of practice.
"You two!" Danny pointed at two goons who jumped. "You're unhurt, I saw you hide when the fighting got bad. You carry anyone who can't wait in line to the front for emergency care, then we'll talk about reassigning you."
Jason hadn't noticed that, but he was usually too caught up in the fight once blood started to spill so that wasn't Overly surprising. He was grateful Danny had. 
The two singled out looked sheepish and started to obey Danny's commands, checking on those on the ground and either dragging the dead to one side or carrying the living over to Hyena and the other medics. Danny grabbed one of the first aid kits the medics had brought in, ignoring their disproving look, it faded quickly as Hyena started efficiently, and correctly tending to those who needed stitches.
Jason wasn't surprised, Danny had stitched Jason up more then once and he had always done a damn good job. Jason loved seeing Danny liked this, in his element, taking charge and taking care of people. It reminded Jason how much he loved Danny, and it was hot as hell. 
Jason approached Danny, who glanced up at Jason from the wound he was cleaning on a goons arm who was looking away from the blood looking a little green. "Hey Boo, are you hurt?" Danny asked. Jason could hear in his voice that he was smiling even though his muzzle his it.
"No, I'm perfectly fine," Jason assured, he was bruised but he wasn't bleeding anywhere and he could move all of his extremities. 
"Good, I'm glad you're okay. Now make yourself useful and go grab some more clean water," Danny directed him, focusing back on his work.
Jason laughed, if anyone else talked to him like that he'd probably blow a gasket, but Danny was allowed. Jason looped an arm around Danny's waist and leaned his forehead against the top of the other man's head for just a moment, wishing their masks weren't in the way so he could kiss Danny. Jason let go again almost immediately before Danny could start fussing at him for being in the way. 
"You got it Cub," Jason assured fondly, striding off to make himself useful as well.
Unfortunately not every fight went well. They couldn’t win everything, and sometimes the people Hood was after got away. It was another fight, fucking Black Mask had tried to move in on Hood’s territory! Unusual for the cowardly little weasel, he had decided to come himself and join in the fight.
It was absolutely the perfect opportunity to kill the creep once and for all! And maybe Hood was a little too fixated on that, because he was on a fucking one frack mind trying to get to Mask. Hyena was covering his back, and giving orders while he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on, compensating for his tunnel vision though he didn’t notice that. 
What he certainly did notice was when Hyena yanked him back. Mask had called a retreat and was on his way out. Hood had been about to give chance into what was definitely a trap, or at the very least a bad idea to abandon his people and run into a gang of… however many people Mask had left, Jason had not been counting.
It wasn’t a smart thing to do to follow Mask, but that didn’t mean that Jason was fucking okay with Danny manhandling him! He was furious, he was consumed by green blood lust and obsession, and he absolutely would not see reason. 
Hyena was trying to say something but Jason didn’t hear what it was past the blood rushing in his ears. He swung around and struck Hyena hard sending him stumbling back, Jason could see a little blood from where the metal of the muzzle had cut Danny’s cheek under the force of Jason’s blow. 
“Hood,” Hyena pleaded, holding out his hands towards Jason. “Listen, you can’t-”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do,” Jason snarled, advancing on Danny again, though at least he wasn’t still trying to follow Black Mask anymore. Danny didn’t shield his body when Jason punched him in the stomach clinging to his arm instead, forcing him to stay close and to pause. 
“We’re in public, people are watching,” Danny wheezed, big blue eyes fixed on Jason’s face. He recoiled when he saw tears gathering at the corners, Danny had never looked so… genuinely hurt when Jason had hit him before. But then again, he’s always done it in private before. 
Shit! They weren’t in private! 
Jason looked up and around them, at his people watching them with horror and shock. He saw judgment, anger and disgust there too and shame joined the uncomfortable roiling of emotion in his gut. “We’ll deal with your anger when we get home,” Danny said softly, letting go of Jason’s arm and resting his hands either side of Jason’s helmet instead, making him look back at Danny, focus on him. “I can handle this if you need to go calm down.”
“No, I’ll be fine,” Hood said, gently brushing his fingers over the bruise on Danny’s cheek. It wasn’t healing, he didn’t know why. Could Danny… stop himself from healing? Did he have that much control?
“Good,” Danny said, leaning in to Jason’s touch. “I’ll be fine. Let’s get this over with.” 
Jason nodded and the two of them separated and took control of the situation again, Danny starting to give orders regarding medical care as always, and Jason starting to direct repairs, and plans for retaliation against Mask.
Most of his goons seemed to snap out of their shock and start following orders on instinct, though Jason couldn’t help notice the worried looks that were being directed at Danny in particular. And it seemed Danny did too and was getting sick of it. 
With everyone either treated or being treated he hopped up on a random crate and glared over the room with narrowed eyes. “Of anyone has something to say then fucking say it!” He demanded in an angry hiss that still carried throughout the room. 
When nervous looks were shot Hood’s way he shrugged, spread his hands, and then gestured back at Hyena. Red Hood wasn’t going to interfere, so answer Hyena’s question. 
After a awkward moment one brave soul seemed to appoint themselves the spokesperson and shuffled forward, Danny’s eyes fixed on them, raising an eyebrow. 
“We’re just worried I guess? We all know the two of yous are together, and you know it’s not right for him to hit you right? We all saw the way that Harley was treated and I know you two-”
“We’re nothing like them,” Hyena cut in scowling. “And our relationship is none of your business. If I wanted to stop him I could, we do things the way that works for us. It’s not your place to question it, and I don’t want any of you fucking worrying about me. God forbid if I ever catch anyone pitying me I’ll show them exactly how big of a mistake they’re making. 
“And don’t you fucking judge Hood either. I told him he could do that. I started it. You should mind your own business,” He practically snarled. He hopped down from his makeshift soapbox and stalked passed all the goons without looking at them. “Let’s go home,” he said, grabbing Jason’s hand and leading him away. 
Jason was so grateful to Danny for defending him, and he had a feeling he owed his boyfriend some flowers and a very nice dinner for putting him in a position where he had to. 
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 27 - prompt 27: Fix-It [word count 851]
In the end it hadn’t been love. It hadn’t been James’s voice, strained from the war but still asking him how he was. It hadn’t been his mother cooking his favourite meals each time he visited her. It hadn’t been Lily’s smile, tired but still there despite all. In the end it had been an argument. And not even the logical one, between his fear and his conscience, but one he had eavesdropped on late one night, scurrying in the shadows on the streets after two who still called him friend.
Even the Dark Lord didn’t really trust werewolves and he especially didn’t trust Black renegades, so he had ordered Peter to follow them. At first they had only walked, not even holding hands as he was so used to seeing them do back in Hogwarts. Then, as they were crossing an empty park, Sirius stopped.
“Please tell me it’s not you,” he blurted out.
“What?” Remus turned around frowning.
Peter had stopped in a flowerbed nearby, half-burying his rat frame under the most scented flower there. He knew Remus retained some of the wolf’s nose even in human form. But even from there he could see Sirius’s pleading look in the lamppost lights. For the first time in months, he felt sorry for him.
“Please, Moony. Please tell me it’s not you.”
Remus’s eyes widened.
“You think I’m the spy?”
“You’re away most of the time… With Greyback’s pack.”
“Yes. On Dumbledore’s orders,” Remus’s voice was cold.
“You don’t even look at me anymore!” Sirius shouted. “You don’t touch me, or kiss me, we haven’t fucked in Merlin knows how long!”
“And you can’t stop talking about your family!” Remus shouted back. “Since the beginning of the war it’s been about what have your parents been up to, or your brother-”
“Don’t talk about Regulus.”
Peter buried himself further under the flower. Like Sirius, he only knew Regulus was missing and presumed dead. But what he knew and Sirius didn’t was the fit the Dark Lord had thrown when the Black heir had disappeared without a trace.
“Or even your bloody cousins you’ve hated your whole life!” Remus went on. “You went from ignoring their existence to talk about them every single day!”
“Wait… You think I’m the spy?”
There was a moment of silence, each of them staring at the other.
“I left my family! I ran away because they would’ve killed me!” Sirius was screaming now. “I spent my whole life distancing myself from their beliefs!”
“And I spent mine making sure the people I love knew I’m not a monster!”
“You really think I would betray everything I have, everyone I love to go back to my awful family and the wrong side of the war?!”
“You think I would join a pack of werewolves who are at that side’s beck and call?!”
They were panting when they stopped screaming, and Peter could see tears glisten in Remus’s eyes. Sirius was openly crying by now, his sniffles the only sound in the whole park.
“I’m sorry,” they chorused.
“I know the missions are taking a toll on you, I’m so sorry, Moony, I…”
“And I know there’s no way you would fall back with your family, I’m sorry, Pads…”
“None of us is the spy,” Sirius took Remus’s hand in his. “It’s this bloody war.”
“We’re exhausted and on edge,” Remus nodded, getting closer to Sirius. “None of us is the spy, it’s as ridiculous as if we were to think Prongs or Pete were.”
Peter’s whiskers twitched.
“I love you, Remus Lupin.”
“And I love you, Sirius,” Remus smiled. “And as soon as this war ends I’m marrying you so you will never have to use that surname anymore.”
They were still kissing when Peter scurried away, his tiny heart beating faster, his mind wondering if rats could cry.
So in the end it had been an argument. It might have been love as well, to be fair. Not that it mattered now, as he was facing Voldemort himself, doing his best not to tremble.
“The McKinnons, Wormtail,” Voldemort said slowly. “I want them dead. All of them. Starting with Marlene McKinnon.”
Peter couldn’t stop a shiver running down his spine at the order and the use of his nickname. Wormtail was the brave little soul doing his best to help a friend in need every full moon. Wormtail would live on in the Marauders’ Map they had left in Hogwarts on their last day. Wormtail would never have done what Peter had done. Wormtail would never do what was being asked of him. He took a deep breath.
Voldemort narrowed his eyes.
“What did you say?”
“You heard me. You will never win this, and it’s high time I got out before I can’t turn back.”
How fitting his last words were the only time he felt as brave as James. As he slowly fell on the floor, the reflection of a bright green light in his eyes, his last thought was for him.
Please, never let Prongs find out what I almost did.
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flwoie · 2 months
one : jetpack joyride
contains : profanities, sunghoon getting whacked and abducted twice, him almost dying, him also choosing a jetpack over his dignity.
word count : 969 (not proofread)
Sunghoon quickly ran to his desk after meeting up with his friends. He came back to the dormitory late, but none of his roommates questioned him, especially Junhan. He dropped his bag on the floor and kneeled to open it, pulling out a jetpack.
“Awesome!” He quietly exulted. He was wary of trying it out since his dorm was a bit small and might break the wall, so he shoved it under his desk. He lay on his bed, shocked by the realization of what had happened that afternoon. He couldn’t tell anyone.
Sunghoon wakes up sitting on a chair, his hands tied behind his back, and his eyes blindfolded. He doesn’t know how he ended up here. One minute he was playing basketball alone, and the next minute he got knocked out.
He shakes his head to get rid of the blindfold, the cloth successfully falling off and onto his collarbone. He glances around; the place is dim, empty, and dirty—most likely an abandoned warehouse.
“Very funny, guys!” He yells out. “You got your revenge, Beomgyu!” There are times when Sunghoon pranks Beomgyu, and he always says he will get revenge in return, so Sunghoon thinks this is payback. Except he doesn’t see his friend hiding anywhere.
He hears a faint voice and footsteps echoing. “I think the boy woke up,” the voice said. The steps get louder, and a second voice speaks up, making it clear for Sunghoon to hear.
“Ya think? He’s trying to escape.”
“Uh, hey, mind helping a guy out?” Sunghoon turns his head toward the two, budging his hands. One of them walks up to him, and in hopes of untying him, they tighten the knot. “What do you two even want from me?”
“Tell us where it is,” the other one said.
“Don’t act dumb.”
“Dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Hey, if you let me go, I won’t ever speak a word about this,” he bargains.
“We’ll let you go if you tell us where the secret formula is. If you don’t, we’ll kill you,” he says, pulling out a gun. Before he can point it to Sunghoon, a plank of wood falls on him, causing him to collapse.
A group of people drop in from the roof, their backs facing Sunghoon. “I wasn’t planning for that to happen, but thanks for stepping on the roof, Red.”
One runs away as some of them chase them, while the other is attempting to get up from the floor, getting knocked out again by one of them and falling back on the floor.
Sunghoon’s eyes widen when one of them turns around and faces him. “Kazuha? You’re a spy?”
And once again, someone from behind whacks him in the face and is covered in cloth until Sunghoon blacks out.
“Beomgyu, I think you killed him.” Sunghoon felt himself lying down on a carpet; his eyes were still closed, but he could hear his friends speaking.
“Trust me, I did the same exact thing to Belle; he’s not dead.” He attempted to rub his eyes, but his arms fell asleep. His eyes crinkled and slowly opened. He was looking at a ceiling that was dark but covered with art.
"See, he’s not dead,” Beomgyu continued. His friends were facing him, watching him regain consciousness. “Goooooooood morning!” He chorused.
Sunghoon gets startled by them and sits up. “Where the hell am I?” He asked irately.
“L/N’s basement,” Minji answered. Sunghoon looks around the huge area; it doesn’t seem like your family’s basement. It was more of a laboratory with more machines and monitors. “Also known as I.R.I.S Team 5 Lair.”
“Lair? What the hell is going on?”
Kazuha sighs. “Dad is a well-known spymaster. Rival spies found out, and they were going to use you to spill the beans. Except you don’t know about the beans, and we didn’t think you’d be conscious by the time we arrived.”
“And you guys?”
“We work for Mr. Lee, the mastermind,” Belle answered.
“Lee? As in Mr. Lee Jihoon from Larkspur High School? Dude, I’m his favourite student! Wait, hold on, so you all are spies?” They all nod. “Guys, trust me, I promise not to tell.”
“It’s not that. Would you like to become a part of the team with us instead?” Beomgyu offers. The silence grew and became louder after his words.
“Hell no.”
Beomgyu scratches the back of his head. “What?! What do you mean 'no'? People sell their kidneys for this kind of job!”
“Too hard,” he deadpans.
Beomgyu is stunned by his responses. “We can train you, and we’ll give you fewer missions!” Sunghoon’s facial expression turns bitter, and he shakes his head. “I know you like jetpacks. How about a free jetpack?” He offers, going on his knees and clenching his fists together.
His face brightens, and he thinks. Should he or should he not join? He’s always wanted to try out a jetpack. “Now we’re talking,” he replied, with a complacent look on his face. Beomgyu sighs in relief and quickly gets up to reach for a contract and a pen on the table near him. He places the paper on the floor and tosses the pen to Sunghoon.
“Just sign here, and you’re free to leave!”
Sunghoon catches the pen and messily signs the contract. He drops the pen, and Beomgyu grabs the contract to look at the meaningful, messy signature. He jumps around in excitement. Sunghoon gets up from the ground and stretches his arms as he listens to Yeojin.
“From now on, when you walk into the halls of Salvia, Not only are you our friend, but you’re a spy—an I.R.I.S spy,” she reassured. Sunghoon smiled. This won’t be so hard after all for him.
“So where’s my jetpack?”
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Secrets are meant to be kept. Sunghoon never keeps secrets though, well except one—his friends being members of a super secret spy team. He finds out on the night he gets kidnapped and is rescued by them. That night, his friend offers him to be a part of the team to stop an organization, SPY-DER LILLIES, from destroying their campus and agency, I.R.I.S (International Resource for Intellectual Spies). And like the goofy goober he is, he joins for a jetpack and to impress his longtime friend and crush, the black cat agent, in order to win her heart before the spiders come crawling up his back. 
spy! sunghoon x spy! f! reader
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 16
All right my lovelies we have a proper count for how long this going to be. 17 parts with a epilogue. So by Tuesday this story will be done. I am so grateful for everyone who has commented and reblogged this story every time a new part has come out. You know who you are. I love each of you!!
This is it, the part everyone has been waiting for. The boys finally get their heads out of their asses. Yay!!! (Insert Kermit the frog arm waving gif here). A little Buckingham, too. ;) The next part is a little spicy (no actual sex is shown but Steve and Eddie do get naked). And then a super soft epilogue.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15
Gareth was on the phone with their agent when Eddie arrived for practice. Jeff was pacing and Brian was in the corner with his head in his hands.
Eddie skidded to a stop and opened his mouth to ask when Gareth said, “Yeah, yeah, they’re all here. Yeah one second.” And he hit a button on his phone.
“Can everybody here me?” the agent asked.
All of them chorused the affirmative.
“Great,” the agent said, his voice dripping on the edge of too excited. “I got a call from Upside Down Records, they’re based out of Chicago. And they want you come and record a full album with them in August.”
“I’m going to need you to repeat that,” Jeff said.
“Upside Down Records wants Corroded Coffin to record an album in August.”
“Holy shit!” Gareth breathed. “That’s so awesome.”
Brian coughed, trying to clear his throat. “Did they say why August?”
The agent chuckled. “It’s when their studio will be available. They have a band in there right now. But they have to present their album by the end of June. So August was the earliest they could get you in. But they’re super happy to have you.”
“Thanks, Murray,” Eddie breathed.
“I’ll get started trying to find you guys a place to stay while you’re recording,” Murray said. “It will most likely to be a loft where you all would be staying together.”
“That’s fine...” Jeff stuttered. “That’s fine.”
“Yeah,” Gareth said. “Absolutely.”
“Thanks again,” Eddie said.
“Of course, boys,” Murray said. “Didn’t I tell you to trust me?”
Brian let out a watery chuckle. “Yeah, yeah you did.”
“Congrats, I mean it,” Murray said. “I couldn’t believe those asshats at the Queen’s Crown both passed on you. And when you guys go platinum I intend to send them black roses.”
That got them laughing.
“There we are,” Murray said. “Now I’ve gotta go. I’ll keep in contact with everyone to let you know how the living arrangement search is going, okay?”
Everyone voiced their agreement and then the call ended.
There was silence for about a minute and then they were jumping and running to give each other hugs.
“We did it!” Eddie screamed.
“I’ve got to call my girlfriend,” Jeff said.
“Yeah,” Gareth said. “I’ve got my own phone calls to make. I think we all do.”
Brian giggled. “I think it’s safe to say that we’re not practicing tonight.”
“No,” Eddie agreed. “But after we make our calls, we are going out to celebrate.”
The other three whooped and cheered.
Eddie called Wayne and Chrissy. If he wiped away a tear after his conversation with his uncle, no he didn’t. He wiped away several. Chrissy on the other hand screamed so loud that the other members stopped and stared at him.
“I love you too,” Eddie said. “But I’m already destined to lose my hearing as a metal artist, can you not, you know, speed up the process?”
She laughed.
After he was done with her he stared at the phone.
Gareth noticed and ended the call he was on with. He walked over to Eddie and put his hand on his shoulder.
“He’ll be happy for you and you know it,” he told Eddie fiercely. “He’s been your biggest cheerleader since the two of you got your heads out of each other’s asses.”
“I know,” Eddie whispered. “I just wish there was a way he could come with us.”
Gareth gave his shoulder a squeeze and went back to the others.
Jeff cleared his throat. “All right, it’s time to party.”
Eddie knew he didn’t have to wear something nice to the gala, but he wanted to anyway. He dressed in a nice black button up with a red vest, the shirt only buttoned from the start of the vest, down. He paired it with tight black jeans and his white sneakers. His hair was pulled back with a black, skull-themed bandanna.
He checked in the mirror again, fiddling with his hair for the billionth time. Chrissy had to drag him from his apartment to get him to stop.
Chrissy herself had dressed up, wearing a pink sheath dress with a white cardigan.
When they got the gallery, they were pleased to see that most of the people had dressed up as well and that set Eddie at ease.
He wandered around the gallery drinking punch and eating the refreshments. In the crowd he spotted Chrissy and Robin with their heads together, giggling at something written in the little program they had passed out. Eddie paused for a moment.
Chrissy threw her head back and Robin looked at her with stars in her eyes.
Well that was certainly interesting. He only hoped that Diamond wasn’t against inter-employee relations, because both of those girls were well on their way to being completely smitten with each other.
He spotted the Karen before he spotted the 18+ area. She was screaming that her little crouch goblin had slipped into the adult area and seen the most awful licentious things imaginable. The guard was pointing out that if she hadn’t let him run around unsupervised he wouldn’t have seen those things. The area was clearly marked and behind a purple satin curtain.
And that’s when Eddie spotted it. Yup. Great, big, fucking purple curtain. With banners stating adults only, 18+, enter at your own risk. He slipped in and was pleased to note that inside they also had partitions up separating, nudity, violence, and social commentary (things that didn’t quite fit in the other two, but were sensitive nonetheless. Scenes after an earthquake, children starving, that sort of thing.)
Eddie started there. Most of these were photos from the photography majors. There were a few paintings and one very notable charcoal drawing. He stopped in front of that one for a while. It was of the 1969 Stonewall Riot. It had a ribbon next to it for best depiction of a historical event.
He moved on to the violence section. The pictures of war. The murder of Caesar. And one particularly hilarious scene of the Bible story of Judith slitting the throat of Holofernes with Eddie as the dude getting murdered. He laughed. He supposed the pose could be interpreted that way. Even if it was a bit over the top. He looked closer at the name and then he really started laughing. Michelle Gardener. The bitch that tried to make Steve move from his spot.
His very first rescue of Steve. Before they talked, before they became friends, before they became essential to each other.
And then finally he got to the nudity section. This is where most of Joyce’s classes were located.
Here was Eddie as Morpheus, as Lucifer, as Lysander. But then he got the center piece. It had won best in show. And it was magnificent. The come hither stare, the sheer white drapes opened to reveal his prone form, the gracefulness of the lines. He was enraptured. None of the other artists had painted him like this. This was a declaration of love if there ever was one.
“What do you think?” Steve asked, appearing suddenly at his elbow.
Eddie’s head whipped around to face him. “Holy shit, Steve, it’s beautiful.”
Steve smiled. “I had to keep taking it home so you wouldn’t see it before now. I wanted it to be surprise. I was so tempted to keep it to myself to only let a handful of people to see it. Mrs Byers. Robin. You. But Robin was right, art is meant to be seen. So here it is for everyone to see.”
“She’s always right,” Eddie said with a soft smile.
“I know,” Steve said with a grin. “It’s so annoying.”
They stared at the painting for awhile just admiring Steve’s work, when he spoke.
“Most of these will be auctioned off at a silent auction later tonight, the proceeds will go toward helping disadvantaged youth to get into art,” he murmured.
Eddie looked up at him panicked, point up at their painting. “Is–”
Steve shook his head. “I couldn’t bare the thought of it going to some random stranger. So I dug into my savings at bought it outright. It’s yours, actually. I’m giving it to you.”
Eddie closed his eyes. “Steve...”
Steve took his hand. “Robin kept begging me to tell you. But I was enjoying our time together so much. But I’m not staying in Indiana. I’m leaving for Chicago at the end of July. I’ll be doing my student teaching and getting my teaching certificate for the state of Illinois. So it’s yours. To have something to remember me by. I just hope you’ll come visit me sometime.”
“Oh.” Eddie opened his eyes to see that Steve was on the verge of tears. “Sweetheart, I think it will go nicely in our apartment in Chicago. Unless you already have a place?”
Steve stared at him in shock. “No, no. You can’t follow me to Chicago. You’ve got a life ahead of you here. You guys are on the verge of making it big. I refuse to be the reason you gave up on your dreams.”
Eddie gently took Steve’s face in his hands. “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you for about a week now, but I couldn’t because I didn’t want to face the fact that I would be leaving you here in Indy.”
Steve blinked, unable to cock his head in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“Our manager, Murray Bauman,” he said softly, “called last week. There’s a record label in Chicago that wants us to come and record an album for them in August.”
“You’re moving to Chicago for a record deal?” Steve asked, needing to be sure.
“That’s right, beautiful,” Eddie murmured. “We’re moving on to the same place.”
“Eddie I love you so much,” Steve cried, tears starting to roll down his face.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Steve’s. They both melted into the kiss and Steve clung to the back of Eddie’s vest.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he whispered when he pulled away from Steve’s lips.
“Are you sure you want to move in with me?” Steve asked, breathless. “I–”
Eddie cooed gently. “I know it’s fast. I know we had a rough start. But baby, there is no one else I would rather be with then you.”
Steve let out a watery chuckle. “Okay. Yeah.” He looked up into Eddie’s eyes. “Yeah.”
“We have plenty of time,” Eddie said with a soft smile. “We have two and half months to find something that fits both our needs.”
Steve kissed him again. Hard and deep. Like he was trying to let Eddie know every thought and feeling that he kept inside.
When they pulled apart Eddie whispered, “Do you have to stay?”
Steve shook his head. “I’m not participating in the auction so I can leave at any time.”
“Great!” Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist and hauled him through the gallery as he looked for Chrissy and Robin.
When he spotted them, he made a beeline straight for them, Steve struggling to keep up.
“Hello, ladies!” Eddie greeted with a wide grin on his face. He dropped his keys into Chrissy’s hand. “I’m taking my boyfriend home and locking ourselves in my apartment.”
“Eddie!” Steve admonished, but couldn’t keep the goofy grin off his face.
“About damn time!” Robin crowed. She gave Steve a big kiss on the cheek.
“Would you make sure to grab my painting before the auction starts?” he asked as he wiped his cheek.
“Absolutely!” she said and then pushed the two of them. “Now shoo!”
Eddie and Steve laughed.
“Don’t forget to use protection!” Chrissy called.
“Back at you, bitch!” Eddie said over his shoulder.
Robin turned to her with a raised eyebrow. “Now why would you need to use protection?”
Chrissy batted her eyelashes prettily at her. “Because it’s cleaner, and more fun with a ribbed action.”
Robin’s eyes went wide. “Oh. So is that on offer then?”
Chrissy pulled her in for a gut searing kiss.
“That would be a yes,” Robin said dumbly and then kissed her again.
Part 17 Epilogue
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
Blind Love (Part 4)
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Once again, cover art by the wonderful @idiotwithanipad who was a muse for this mini fic. 🥰
Robin & Original Characters.
How Rogh was "reunited" with his baby girl. (Warning for angst, as always!)
Many, many Moonahs ago...
If you were to wander across this particular patch of countryside and happened to be blessed with the Sight, then you may catch a glimpse of a strange man wandering the woods at night. Some say he is part ape, others say part wolf or bear, or even a giant ferret. But don't be fooled. He is very much a man. One of the first, or at least the ancestor of many.
You might also hear this man talking, chattering away at a thousand words per minute, some utter nonsense, some in languages as dead as him, some in grunts and signs. You might wonder who on Earth he is speaking to as there doesn't seem to be any other spirit haunting the land. You might assume that he's alone.
But you'd be stupid to do that. You might say that you'd make an ass out of you...rself.
The man was as far from lonely as anyone could be. He was surrounded by friends, too many to name you'd expect, yet he found the time. Time was the only currency he had. His friends were odd, he knew, even odder than he was, being millenniums away from the world he'd lived and died in. His friends were mostly tall, their skin brown and rough, their hair a beautiful emerald in summer, then a glimmering bronze in autumn before going bold in the winter. They all had dozens of arms and yet were awful huggers. He was happy to hug them and did so, often, on the Very Bad Days (but he'd be lying if he said they brought much comfort).
They all preferred to listen and let him talk, on and on, as he paced aimlessly through the woods each night, stroking their bodies and laughing as he told the same jokes over and over. Of course, they all laughed with him, though more with the rustle of their hair than any voices. But he knew what they all spoke, he felt each word vibrate in his head.
Often times, too much. It was difficult to sleep with so many voices around. Like a party that never ends.
"No, no, no! You wrong, he didn't steal your hair, how could he? He no have legs! You too far away to reach, Sted!" He was currently trying to settle yet another argument, his head aching more than usual this particular night; "Jen, you stay out of this, no need you getting involved!"
They began to turn their barbs on him as is what often happened on nights when Moonah went away.
"Big talk coming from a man who let his family get eaten. Good nap, was it?"
"Shut up! That low blow!"
Then a softer, trusting, naive voice.
"Fanks so much for stick! It bootiful. Sorry me no have anything better to give then furs...Me be forever grateful."
He slowed down; "Ha....Hatt?"
"Hope to trade again after big winter. Me always think of you as friend."
"H-how...How you here?"
"We're all here. All of us. We can never leave. Just like you." All the voices chorused at once.
It was too much. It was no longer a party.
The man gripped at his hair, as sometimes the sting that brought to his scalp was the only thing that silenced them.
"Please, guys. Stop. Me so tired, I-"
"I'm waiting for you."
He looked and saw one face among the many. Wild and fierce but loving. A smile stretched beneath a large gash where fangs had bitten out her cheek.
"I'm waiting for you...I'm waiting for you to come home...."
"Mum?" He blinked, not knowing she was at this party; "I...Me here..."
He reached to cup her face, flakes of bark rubbing against his palms.
"Are you 'son'? Then tell me name."
A name? That's right, she'd given him a name. A strong name. What was it?! What was it?!
It was too late. She was turning away.
"I'm waiting...."
"Mum! Mum!" He cried out, his hands now feeling nothing but empty wood. "Mum..."
They all began to laugh as he pounded his brow against the surface, more annoyed every time his head just went clean through. He'd just wanted a hug. He didn't care if it hurt in this form of hers. But now she was gone.
"Ha ha! He don't even know his name!"
"Miss your mummy, boy?"
"STOP!" He screamed at them, "JUST STOP!"
It wasn't funny anymore. When had it been? He tried to force a laugh, wanting it to be funny. His crazed cackles filled the night air as he paced, round and round, until they were all laughing with him. That better. That much better.
They go back to talking casually amongst each other until a pain-filled howl made him freeze.
Wolf? Oh no.
"Mum?!" He followed the sound. It had been a wolf who took her from him all that time ago. Did it still have her?
Sprinting towards the thicket, his many friends guided him to where he needed to go. If only he could go back and find Hatt so he could retrieve his stick. No time now. He would have to make do with his bare hands. They could snap the mutt's head off if it meant saving his mother.
The sight he discovered quickly cooled his sudden rush of bloodlust.
"Wow, look! Little babies!"
It was a mother. Just not his.
He unclenched his fists as he looked down at the wolf. It couldn't be farther from the one he'd been prepared to face. This one was smaller, exhausted, hiding as best she could in her poor excuse for shelter. She should have found a proper den but probably didn't have time.
She lay in the dirt beneath the bushes with eight freshly born cubs already nuzzling into her belly, her tongue still working to lick the juice off their heads and away from their eyelids.
The man couldn't help but smile and moved slowly onto his knees beside her.
"You do good...Good mama...It look like hard work." He ghosted his hand over her head, as close as he could to petting her.
"Not as hard as it was for me pushing out that boy you give me! Belly almost explode!"
He looks around to find the voice who said that. But his friends' faces all blurred into each other at the best of times.
"Guys, shh! Mama need rest!" He warns them; "This many babies. Big job, eight."
Frowning, he attempted to count the fuzzy little tails poking out from their bums.
"No...definitely eight. Me good with counting."
"Nine. Nine. Nine."
But where...?
Something shifted in the leaves close to his foot. He looked down to see, beside his furry boot, the runt of the litter. No bigger than his hand.
It was rolling and wriggling on the ground, less than a metre from its mother who seemed deaf to its cries of hunger.
"Hey. Hey, this one left out. Quick. She need booby milk." He tried to tell the adult wolf but she turned her ear down. "Hey!"
He made a silly attempt to pick it up but his hands went straight through, causing his stomach to lurch.
"She die. Your baby die if you no feed!" He yelled at the wolf.
She raised her head to shoot him a regretful whine. He paused, their eyes connecting. She knew. She knew she couldn't feed them all. Too many. Too hard.
It was too painful for her to even look at it, let alone have to listen to it starve before her.
That's why she had howled so sadly. She knew.
"I'm waiting...I'm waiting..."
His mother was calling him from the stars. She would have to wait much, much longer before he could join her.
"Never leave. Never leave. Never leave."
He curled up around the rejected cub, one finger brushing inches over her. It didn't sooth her in the least. All she wanted was Mum.
Why couldn't he help? Why was all he could ever do was watch them cry?
It didn't take too long, not in this cold. But it felt far longer, every second dragging by longer with each confused and lonely whimper.
Then she was still.
The wolf mother let out another howl before curling in and around the rest of her cubs. The lucky ones, safe and fed, who didn't even know they'd just lost a sister.
Never before had his friends been so quiet.
The man blinked, his vision clouded by tears he'd yet to shed.
He glanced down.
It...It couldn't be...
A mop of brown hair and blue eyes. Little pudgy fists reaching up to him. He stared at her, beginning to wonder if he was maybe, just maybe, starting to lose his mind.
Thirty children he'd produced in his life, he reckoned. And even with them all having the same hair and most possessing blue eyes, he could tell each one off by heart.
This one, there was no mistaking. Second daughter. Stubborn idiot. Just like him.
He was certain she'd been bigger the last time he saw her. Almost past his belly button. Now she was a baby again, rosy cheeks and toothless smiles, all for him.
"Daddy, up! Up!" She demanded, bossy as ever. How could he say no?
His hands reached down and brought her up, staring into her beautiful face.
"Me thought you gone...Me thought you went up to stars..." He whispered in awe.
His finger stroked her belly, thinking it felt more fuzzy than before. Softer. It didn't matter, really, he just thought it strange.
"Where your furs, hmm? Where swaddle? Silly girl." He tutted before he brought her close to his chest, his hand on the back of her head; "Come. We go find Mummy and brothers and sisters..."
What were they doing so far away from the cave? He couldn't remember. Hadn't he been looking for something?
There was a wolf staring at him, currently unable to move from nursing the cubs at her side.
"Oh..." He must have brought her to watch the babies being born. That's right. Bit risky but wonderful to see. "Time we go now."
The wolf whined a little more as he left with Kya - his Kya, his and no one elses - in his arms, bouncing her as he took each step.
She began to whimper too.
"Must be so cold. Here." He tucked her beneath the front of his furs; "You settle there. Nice and warm. No, Kya, sorry, you know Daddy no have milk. Have to wait for Mummy."
But his baby only cried harder, padding her tiny fingers against him. He shushed her, nuzzling his cheek against the top of her head.
"There, there. No cry, little one. Daddy here. Daddy not go away."
Had he? He wasn't sure. It felt like he'd gone on a trip but couldn't remember where. Why did his chest hurt like he hadn't seen her in years? Or longer?
Hadn't he gone to a party? Met up with friends? Where were they?
All around him was just trees. Silent. Still.
No one but him, his baby girl and Moonah hiding somewhere in the sky.
But he wasn't alone.
Kya continued to grizzle, little hands clinging to her father's warmth but yet to be settled.
"Hey, remember this? Listen." He tried turning her ear towards his breast; "Daddy no have milk but have drum in chest, remember? It always help you sleep. Can you hear?"
She cooed in response, then sniffled, followed by a disappointed cry.
"Chest drum no work like used to...Here. Daddy fix." He whispered, rubbing her back and bouncing with each step that he carried her through the forest. "Bum-bum! Bum-bum! That work?"
Her giggle was infections as always. He grinned and kissed her head. Was she always this fuzzy?
"Where Daddy go....?"
"Daddy no go. Daddy never leave. That just...bad dream. Very bad dream. Come. We go find Mum. She no be too far..." He told her, vowing to never let her go again.
If you were to wander across this particular patch of countryside and happened to be blessed with the Sight, then you may catch a glimpse of a strange man wandering the woods at night. Some say he is part ape, others say part wolf or bear.
You might also, if you're extremely lucky, spot the head of a newborn wolf cub poking out of the top of his furry shift. But you'd be wrong, at least that's what he'd tell you. It wasn't a cub; it was a baby, can't you see?
He might not be able to remember his own name. But he knows who he is.
"Daddy here, Kya. Daddy here."
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womanofwords · 7 months
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 32)
Chapter 32: Stephan's Black Book
Yujin knew that Stephan was not to be trusted. He looked like someone who was sniffing around for weaknesses and would pounce onto one as soon as one presented itself to him. So, obviously, her friends were sniffing around. "Where do you think he keeps it?" Angelo asked.
"Maybe he files it under B for blackmail," Dante theorised.
"More like he keeps it on him. There's no way he'd just let something like that be out of his line of sight," Layla said.
"Shouldn't we give him a distraction or something?" Yujin asked.
"Got any suggestions?" Angelo asked.
"Why, yes." Yujin grinned as diagrams and ideas floated through her head. "Yes, I have."
Stephan was going into his office as normal when he tripped on a package. It was a very nice package, and it had his name on it. Someone had even wrapped it in fancy printed paper. "Don't mind if I do," Stephan grinned, taking it inside.
Once he was alone, he unwrapped the box and opened it, only to find that he'd been had. Glitter exploded onto his face and coated his shirt. "Dammit!" he groaned. "Stupid pranksters, thinking they're funny. Wait till I get a hold of them." He stormed out, and the STEM club went in.
"Good job, Yujin," Angelo congratulated. "How did you do that, by the way?"
"Don't worry about it," Yujin said. "Let's start looking. But we have to make sure we put everything back perfectly so he has no idea we were here."
"On it," Dante said, pulling a folder onto the floor and immediately making a mess.
Layla facepalmed. "That is the exact opposite of what he said."
"Sorry," Dante said.
"Maybe it's this," Angelo said, pulling out a book covered in glittery sequins. "Huh. Wasn't expecting Stephan to own a book like this."
"I wasn't expecting you to know how to bake and sew," Dante pointed out.
Angelo shrugged. "Fair point." He went through the book and started shaking his head. "No go. It's a book of appointments. And not even useful ones."
"Let me see." Layla snatched the book from Angelo. "What do you mean, not useful? There's so much stuff in there! Also, I think I now know who took the photo of you that ended up in the school newspaper." She showed Angelo a particularly damning appointment.
STEM photograph for front cover
"Snake," Yujin said.
"I know," Angelo said. "So that's where the photograph came from. Gotta say, he knows how to get my good side."
"ANGELO!" Layla and Dante said.
"What?" Angelo protested defensively, blushing.
"Well, he does have a point," Yujin admitted.
"Yujin, you are better than this. Don't agree with him," Layla said.
"But he looked really, really good!" Yujin's brain took her back to the day she saw Angelo on that cover, riding that skateboard. He looked hot.
"We're getting off-topic. The big book of blackmail has to be in here somewhere," Angelo said.
"I found it, but it's not exactly big." Dante was holding an A4 notepad and reading through it. His eyes were getting wider with horror. "And there is a lot of stuff in here. About a lot of people."
"Where did you find this book?" Layla asked.
"He put it in the desk drawer," Dante said. "The middle one."
"Well, put it back!" Yujin hissed. "Put it back, tidy this room so it looks the way you found it, and let's get out of here!"
"Fine," Dante said, putting the book back and closing the drawer. Then, just for good measure, he opened and closed it three more times.
"What are you doing?" Angelo yelped.
"Moving the stuff around in there so when Stephan opens it, he'll think his opening the drawer moved it and not us," Dante explained.
"Oh," the other three chorused. That was when they heard footsteps coming towards them.
Stephan was back.
"Stupid glitter bomb, wasting my time," he muttered.
"What do we do?" Layla panicked. "We're going to get caught!"
"On it. Angelo and I will create a distraction while you two escape," Dante said.
"And how will that work?" Yujin asked.
"Watch us," Dante said. "On the count of three, we will both go and talk to Stephan the Snake while also being very angry with each other. One . . . two . . . three!" Dante stormed off and Angelo followed after him. "Stephan, it's so good to see you!" he said, hugging the news hound tightly. "Do not listen to anything he says!" he ordered, pointing at Angelo.
"You're the one that shouldn't be listened to!" Angelo yelled, immediately getting into character. "You keep going after my friends so I have nobody to confide in! It's sick! I went to your office to look for you and you weren't there, but you wanna know who was? Him! Going through your stuff!"
"I was not! Way to deflect, Riva!"
As Stephan frantically looked between Dante and Angelo, Yujin and Layla slipped out of the office and sidestepped away.
"That was some quick thinking from Dante and Angelo," Layla remarked.
"And Angelo was so sweet," Yujin daydreaming aloud.
"Something you'd like to confess, Miss Moon?" Layla teased.
"Nope!" Yujin squeaked.
Layla rolled her eyes and smirked. "Whatever you say."
To read the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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The Locked Tomb Series Songs #2
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
Here I am with another song recommendation, this time for our girl in the Tomb, the one and only Body haunting our dreams, Alecto. I struggled a bit with this song, cause I saw a lot of pairs, Alecto always being a component, but I think it's more purely Alecto and all of her relations to some of the characters are secondary and make up the totality of the song and the characterization.
So, we have Alecto buried alive in the tomb on the Ninth, being led there by John, someone she allegedly trusts and loves.
Anastasia is buried in the Tomb with her, he eternal guardian, until the time to roll the stone back comes. And she dies in there, left in the small crook, watching over Alecto for eternity, until her bones turn to dust.
Harrow breaks into the tomb, sees Alecto and feels this pull toward her, and Alecto haunts her as the Body, keeping vigil over her no matter how far from the Tomb Harrow is.
So, with all of that into account, the song I have for Alecto is Ghost, by Natasha Blume.
The tune is kind of mellow, kind of haunting in the beginning, and it starts building up from there, the verses more like spoken words than singing. The choruses hit devastatingly with the addition of the bass and the haunting Ghost going up and down. It seems to me at least that the song has a bit of a crescendo - decrescendo flow, even within the verses, kind of like the waves lapping at the shore, in and out, up and down. (That might just be me though, I know literally nothing about music).
So we have
Killer for two You're standing there saying sorry you can't help me You leave me buried in an unmarked grave
Open your eyes You have another chance to make it right Hunt me for life We'll go over and over And over and over
for John, who killed billions and buried her alive at the behest of others.
I've been sitting, staring at you now For minutes you can see that Ending for you No celebrating not even at our own beginning
Other people freak out when they see Us like this Homeless
for Anastasia, watching over her, and their new beginning, their shared punishment, their life in imprisonment together, a new beginning that definitely needs no celebrating. Locked in the Tomb everyone is terrified to near, much less open.
If you will, we could reverse the POV, have a few lines from Anastasia's eyes in the four liner
Watching you As my remains slowly disappear And I follow you Like a ghost
And last but not least that same four liner
Watching you As my remains slowly disappear And I follow you Like a ghost
As well as
If you need me I'll be in your bedroom Waiting Searching for more
can be indicative of Alecto's actions as the Body, watching over Harrow, haunting her, following her from the Ninth to Canaan to the Mithraeum. A source of comfort and abject terror all at once.
SO yeah. This is Alecto. Mostly defined by her relations and actions of others but I could not help but see her, on her own and see her with all of them in the song, so here you have it folks!
Take care and stay safe! Till the next time!
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andejoe · 2 years
Admiral Jove stood in the center of the stage. This was highly unusual for someone addressing the entire council of ambassadors, as the center stage was primarily left for translators and photos, so that every species understood the same thing. Jove took center stage, however, to be sure that all eyes were on him and what he presented. This was nearly a third of his life in the making and he would not squander this opportunity. He waited until all the translators were ready, and began his presentation.
Rhi smacked Clara off her arm for the third time in two minutes. "Stop latching onto me like a logbing. You know I'm fragile."
Clara spoke quickly, with barely a pause between words. "I'm sorry, I'm anxious, if I don't do something, I might puke."
Their crewmates, the family they've come to love over these precious years on Uthyr, shared her nerves. They stood in the park across the courtyard from the council meeting. They weren't allowed in the building, much less inside the room, but they showed up to support their Captain regardless.
As night fell, the doors were still shut. The Lieutenant, Jarrbyrn, organized everyone into shifts for sleeping. Very few choose to sleep, but that did not stop Jarrbyrn from giving the commands for rest. Someone had to keep this crew ship ready while Jove was gone.
For the next three days, the crew of the Uthyr stayed in the park. And their patience was finally rewarded when they saw their Captain step outside the doors. Any sense of dignity or protocol was forgotten as the entire crew surged forward to hear the news.
Jove had been made aware that his crew was waiting for him outside, but seeing them there reminded him that no matter what happened, he had the galaxy's best team behind him, ready to support whatever decision he made. He was not looking forward to what he had to tell them.
But the news could wait. As his crew was more excited to see him return, they all wanted to be on the ship to hear about what happened and how the ambassadors reacted to his presentation.
Jove enjoyed sharing with his family how the presentation, which was designed to only take 2-3 hours, ended up being 4 days. The Uthyr crew was overjoyed to hear the council decided that Jove's concerns were legitimate and that they were going to enact immediate changes.
"Captain, this is an amazing win. You've spent a younger species' lifespan building to this success. Why do you not seem happy?" Jarrbyrn asked.
When the Luietenent pointed it out, suddenly the entire crew noticed that Jove's kinesics didn't match his tone.
"Captain, what's the catch?" Clara asked.
The crew chorused that they all wanted to know. Jove sighed.
"Just remember, none of this is officially announced until the next session of Court. In order to make such fast changes across the entire system, they've put me in charge of Captain's Court. All Captains will report directly to me. But this means that all Captains must be those I trust, those that will listen, make smart choices, and are already implementing the changes we're requesting." Jove couldn't say it.
The realization came from several all at once. No single voice spoke. The Uthyr crew were the only ones doing this, so the Uthyr crew must logically be the new Captains.
Rhi turned to Clara. "We'll be on different ships?"
Clara hugged her best friend tightly. Many other tight pairs did the same thing. The sight made Jove's chest tighten. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his reaction. He had to steady himself for them.
"I tried to keep the closest of you together, but only mated pairs were kept on the same ship. The rest of you are being separated." Jove cleared his throat again. "I am truly sorry that my success comes at such a high cost to all of you."
"Our success," Jarrbyrn corrected. "We are a family, and this was something each and every one of us wanted. We all worked for it, we all share the burden."
That did him in. Jove gave up trying to keep himself composed, and allowed himself to mourn this family he built. 
Uthyr vanished from recorded space. They accepted no missions and responded to no transmissions. The ship was not seen again until the day before the Court was to meet. The Ambassador's liaison spent that day with them, privately informing each and every being what was going to happen and what their new assignments were to be. 
Court began, and the liaison started off by demoting nearly every single being there. The crew of the Uthyr were brought in, one by one, promoted and reassigned to each ship. It took hours. The few Captains who weren't demoted were ones Jove had spoken for, insisting they would not fight this new arrangement. The rest that had no current Captain were grounded until such appointments could be made.
The Uthyr crew left, each one going to their new ships. It would be a long year until the next scheduled Court when they would all be in the same room again.
Rhi took her seat in the Captain's chair, trying to steady herself. Her vessel, the Aramm, was set to leave at dawn. She didn't want her new crew to see her as weak. Later, once they were less crew and more family, could she show her insecurities, but not yet.
The door behind her opened and a single being stomped over. Her hatchmate Laqu, now a mere analyst, stopped in front of her. His face read open disdain. He spent his entire life obeying the rules, and it ruined his career. And to make matters worse, his horrible hatchmate was now his boss.
"You're going to fail. You let that human confuse you into thinking you're something, but you've never been anything. You don't even know the first thing about being a Captain," Laqu snarled.
They may have been alone, but Rhi still considered her words. Unlike Laqu, she viewed all her crew as significant and she didn't want to destroy any of them, emotionally or physically.
"That may be so, Analyst Laqu, but unlike you, I do know how to care about life. In case you need to refresh yourself on our new rules, beings' lives comes before all else." Rhi stood to leave her hatchmate. "I'll see you tomorrow for morning muster."
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mizunetzu · 4 years
can I request bakugou x male reader where femboyreader is smol, pretty quite and nice, and suprisingly are really ruthless on the battlefield and bakugou is just wondering where he got it from. Until next week bakugou meets his father's and brothers and all of them are tall and very manly men. But civil and nice. Hope you have a nice day,😊
Bakugou x reader - My Cute Boyfriend and His Tough-Ass Family
⚠️warnings - femboy reader, if that’s a trigger?
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Bakugou didn’t know where it came from.
One minute he was small and weak, wearing a new, girly hair pin everyday and complimenting one of the girls on their newly painted nails. The next thing he knew, he was just as batshit crazy as him during hero practice.
“Eat shit and die!” Bakugou flung across the air, sending a big blast over to (Y/n’s) location. (Y/n) sped away, dodging it with his quirk. He growled.
“Go to fucking hell!”
“Like hell I would, shit-for-brains! Suck my dick!” Bakugou landed on the ground, softening the impact with a blast pointed towards the floor. He stood there, a few good feet away from (Y/n). They were both breathing heavily, glaring down each other like they wanted to absolutely murder the other.
(Y/n) let out a piercing battle cry, before charging head first towards Bakugou and bringing his arms out to tackle him. Bakugou followed suite, charging towards him like a bull with his arm outstretched to deck him in the face.
They got closer and closer, Bakugou’s flashy explosions igniting in the air while (Y/n’s) quirk began to power up. Closer, closer, until-
“Times up!”
All might yelled over the intercom, and both students skidded awkwardly to a stop. Bakugou tumbled over with an angry shout, and (Y/n) sputtered, tripping over Bakugou’s torso making him fall to the ground as well.
“Get offa’ me, crossdresser!”
“I’m not a crossdresser, spiky bitch!”
“Your hero costume is literally a fucking skirt-!”
“Alright alright, young men! The battle is over, no need to keep fighting!” All Might awkwardly chuckled from the intercom. (Y/n) pouted, and swept himself off of Bakugou. Bakugou scoffed aswell, not even looking at (Y/n) as they both walked towards the observation building.
“Aaah! Katsuki! I’m sorry for yelling at you during hero training today!”
(Y/n) jogged up to Bakugou, gently clutching his backpack straps and slowing down to a walk. Bakugou huffed. There he went again, that totally insane side of him that came from absolutely nowhere was gone.
“Like I care, shit-for-brains.”
“A-anyways,” (Y/n) cleared his throat. “Do you wanna study at my house today? Or just...y’know, hangout?”
(Y/n) blushed as he ended his question. Bakugou stared down at him. If he told someone this was the same person yelling insults and profanities on the battlefield while fucking shit up, they’d think he was lying.
“(Y/n’s) house?” Bakugou mumbled to himself. “I don’t think I’ve ever been there before...”
“Sorry, did you say something? You’re not really the type to mumb-“
“I didn’t say shit, shittyass! Go die!” Bakugou yelled. (Y/n) chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t think you’ve ever been to my house either.” (Y/n) sighed. Bakugou scoffed and shoved his hands further down his pockets. “You better make a good impression on my family, or they probably won’t let me hang out with you anymore.”
His family was probably just as fragile and dainty as him, was what Bakugou thought. He already saw the hugs and kisses and the “Hello, Mrs. and Mr. (L/n)” he’d have to choke out. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m home!”
A woman’s voice echoed through the house as (Y/n) and Bakugou both took off their shoes.
“Welcome back!”
“I brought my boyfriend over mom! Bakugou Katsuki-the one I was telling you about!”
He heard his mom gasp and timper into the entrance of the house, wearing an apron and holding a wooden spoon. Bakugou was right. Dainty, fragile mother; dainty, fragile (Y/n).
Bakugou cleared his throat, suppressing the gag that was about to come out.
“P-pardon the intrusion.”
“...Ehhhh? (Y/n), don’t tell me you brought one of your little dress-up friends over.” A different voice came from behind both (Y/n) and Bakugou. A young, male voice. Bakugou whipped his head around.
“Ooooh! Feisty!”
The boy, who couldn’t be older than a middle schooler, cracked his knuckles. There was something so familiar about the way he talked.
“What’d you say to me, you extra?!”
“K-katsuki...” (Y/n) whisper-yelled, wrapping his arms around Bakugou in attempts to hold him back. The boy laughed in his face.
Just as the boy was about to say something, an older boy chopped him in the back of the neck, effectively subduing the smaller one.
“Shut up! (Y/n) said he was bringing his boyfriend over! Don’t scare him away like we do all of his other friends.”
Bakugou looked up at the older one. He looked about his age, but damn was he tall. And muscular too. The boy from before may have been at least athletic-looking, but this guy just...
“W-who the hell-?!”
“Now, now boys. Don’t need to get so physical.” A deeper, throaty voice came from down the hallway, it’s heavy footsteps growing louder and louder as it came closer. A tall, well built man came through the hall, crossing his arms. You could clearly see his muscles bulge through his office shirt. “Did you all come back from school? Welcome back.”
All three boys chorused out a string of hellos. Bakugou looked from who he assumed was the dad, then the two boys, than (Y/n).
There was no way in hell they were related.
“Are-“ Bakugou croaked. “Are you adopted or something?!”
His mother laughed, covering her mouth with her free hand. (Y/n’s) mother was the only one who Bakugou would assume was, well, his mother. But these...men?
“You’re probably the only person who didn’t go running once they saw these boys in our house, Katsuki. A lot of (Y/n’s) little friends go running because Natsu teases them too much or Kaito and his father scares them off.”
“This one’s different, mom!” (Y/n) intertwined his hands with Bakugou’s. “Sometimes I yell and get all bwaaah during training-but he doesn’t mind!”
“Oh, well that’s good,” (Y/n’s) father ran a hand through his hair. “That explains why he hasn’t ran off the moment we walked in.”
Bakugou blinked. (Y/n) leaned in close. “Trust me, it happened before.”
(Y/n) timpered off to greet his brothers. Bakugou looked between all 3 boys. Despite how built and tall these testosterone-soaked males were, the way they talked and carried themselves gave off the same energy (Y/n) did during hero training. Was that where he got it? From these...men?
(Y/n) was forced into a headlock, his brother laughing scrubbing at his forehead as (Y/n) groaned. He thrashed around, albeit laughing, and tried to pry off his brothers hands.
“Come on-I thought you were training to be a hero! Where’s your muscles, huh?”
“I could easily throw you into the sun, don’t start. You’re just jealous I look better in skirt than you do.”
“Bullshit! I’m sexy as fuck!” His grip was temporarily loosened, giving (Y/n) the opportunity to slip out. “It’s not my fault none of your skirts fit me!”
“...But you know who it would fit?” (Y/n’s) other brother, the middle schooler, turned mischievously towards Bakugou.
“Hell no.”
“I’m going to fucking murder you.”
“Hey, now. That’s not very hero-like.”
“Yeah Katsuki! Not very heroic of you.”
“Murder is no good. You’ll get (Y/n)-nii’s dress dirty.”
Bakugou shook with anger as he stood in (Y/n’s) room. He sported a pink, frilly, strawberry-pink dress, that had small strawberries littered around it and stopped below his knees. His muscles peeked through the soft thin material of the dress, and the way he stood with his legs spread apart angrily was hidden under the layers of pink.
“Oh! Oh! Wait!” (Y/n) stepped into his closet with an excited smile. After a few seconds of rustling and shoving away hangers, (Y/n) popped back out with a matching dress on. His dress, however, had a baby blue tint with small blueberries scattered across the fabric.
(Y/n) did a little twirl. “Don’t I look pretty, Katsuki?”
Bakugou, crossed his arms, doing whatever it took to suppress the blush growing on his face. “Sure...whatever.”
(Y/n) happily stood next to Bakugou, smoothing out the crinkles in his blueberry dress and grabbing hold of Bakugou’s hand. “Tada~! We match~”
“You guys look like the strawberry and blueberry milk boxes I buy from vending machines at school.”
“Haah?!” (Y/n) gripped Bakugou’s hand harder. “What’d you say?!”
Bakugou stole a glance at (Y/n’s) angry face. Not gonna lie, he thought it was a bit attractive when he looked like he was gonna beat up his own brother in a frilly blue dress. He pursed his lips.
These guys taught (Y/n) well. If (Y/n) wasn’t as intense as he was during hero work, he didn’t think he’d ever fall in love with him, not the same way he is right now, at least. He felt sorta glad his family wasn’t a soft, fragile family of extras. Bakugou closed his eyes, and smirked.
“Yeah! The fuck’d you say to us, you lil punks?!”
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection Of You | Chapter 17
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
It’s hard for Yoongi to open up. It’s hard for him to show the feelings that he’s been bottling up all those years. But maybe, just maybe, it’s time to let all of them go. 
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Seokjin had come to inform you that Yoongi requested your company for dinner in the dining room. He waited for you to freshen up and escorted you and Jimin there. It was like deja vu as you took your seat to wait for Yoongi.
“The great king of Joseon, Min Yoongi, will be making his entrance.” Jungkook announced. Seokjin and Jimin bowed. 
“Long live the king.” They chorused. You remained seated this time, not even standing or bowing to Yoongi. Yoongi entered and stared at your still seated form, a small smile grazing his lips. You will never change and that’s what he liked about you. 
“Still refusing to bow down?” 
“You’ll live long enough, even without my wishes.” You scoffed. Yoongi chuckled and sat down in his spot. He waved at everyone to exit the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“How was gardening?” Yoongi asked as you poured alcohol into his cup. 
“It was so fun! I learnt a lot from the gardener! We planted some seeds and some plants that were already in pots.” You rambled. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” Yoongi reached out to pat your head. The simple gesture was something he did so often now that it didn’t even seem weird to the both of you anymore. 
“And I didn’t know advisor Namjoon is also an avid gardener. Apparently, he waters the garden plants every day and he even has this huge plum tree!” You continued, even using your arms to try and show how big the tree was. But of course, it was an underestimation. Yoongi watched you with amusement, taking a sip of alcohol. 
“Is he now?” Yoongi asked. Of course, he knew that Namjoon liked plants and did all that but he thought he would entertain you a little. 
“Yeah. Jimin says the plums are sweet when harvested and the plum wine that is made from them is really good. I hope to try it sometime.” You nodded with a hopeful smile. 
“I can get it for you now.” 
“There’s no need-”
“Namjoon!” Yoongi shouted. As if they were listening in on the conversation, Namjoon immediately opened the door with a bow. 
“(y/n) here heard about the plum wine we make from the harvest of plums from your tree. She would like to try some. Fill a bottle for her to have now.” Yoongi said. Namjoon nodded and promptly exited the room. 
“I didn’t mean I needed to try it now, Yoongi. Geez.” You scoffed. Yoongi ignored your comment and continued eating. Namjoon returned with a small ceramic decanter. He bowed and knelt by the side of the table to fill the small cups with the plum wine. 
“Have some.” You said to Namjoon. Namjoon turned to Yoongi, who nodded his head in approval. 
“Thank you.” Namjoon bowed his head as you took the decanter to pour some into a new cup for him. The 3 of you clinked cups before taking a drink. It was sweet and fruity. 
“It’s so good!” You complimented. Namjoon couldn’t help but smile. 
“I’m happy you like it.” He laughed. When he was done, he bowed his head and exited the room. 
“What about you? Did you have a good... meeting?” You asked Yoongi slowly. Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you trying to start small talk with him but he shrugged, being vague with his answer. 
“Whether it was good or bad, I hope you feel happy or relieved that it’s at least over.” You smiled. Yoongi stopped and stared at you. 
“Nothing. Just thinking about something else.” He shook his head and continued eating. You blinked but shrugged and ate as well. Yoongi picked out the bigger pieces of boneless braised meat and placed it onto your plate, surprising you. You looked at the piece of meat as if it was a foreign substance and looked up at him. 
“You seem to always struggle to remove the bones. And you give the boneless meat to the other me. I’ll do the same for you.” He excused. You couldn’t help but laugh as Yoongi acknowledged the ‘other him’. 
“So you acknowledge that there’s another you somewhere out there?” 
“I never said I didn’t. You just don’t tell me much about him, how different or similar he is from me.” He said. 
“What do you want to know?” You asked. Obviously, both Yoongis were rather different but as you got to know the Yoongi in front of you, you do seem to find similarities every now and then. 
“What can you tell me about him?” 
“Hmm... I mean, you look exactly the same, you already know that. You’re both deathly pale and bear resemblance to cats. You both love tangerines and you’re both night people instead of day people. Not that big a fan of sweets...” You listed out. 
“I fail to see how I look like a cat.” Yoongi blinked. It took a long while for your Yoongi to come to terms with the whole ‘lil meow meow’ thing too. 
“Trust me. It’s there. Oh and you both squint like this when you’re focusing on something.” You giggled, mimicking him. 
“You’re finding too much amusement in this.” 
“I don’t think I know you well enough to tell the differences. But my Yoongi... When you first meet him, he just seems cold, guarded and introverted. Yes, he is introverted. But he’s not cold at all.” You said, swallowing your food. 
“He’s guarded because he had been wounded before by the rest of the world. And even when we got together, I realised that he just isn’t one to really show his feelings, or at least verbally. He shows his love and care through his actions. That’s what I liked about him. He was very comfortable to be around and he made me lower my guard too.” You smiled. 
“He sounds like a perfect human.” 
“He’s not, he’s far from it. I am the same. We’ve both come to realise it. Sure, we’ve had our fights and arguments but at the end of the day, we work it out. It takes two hands to clap, right?” You looked up at Yoongi.
“You miss him.” Yoongi stated. 
“Of course. Even before we were together, he was my safety blanket for years.” You said sadly, looking at your food. 
“When I’m sad, he makes me laugh or he cries with me. He worries for me, even when he should be worrying about himself.” Tears blurred your vision. Suddenly, you felt someone pull your head to a chest. 
Yoongi didn’t know what to say. Just like your Yoongi, he wasn’t good with words, he only knew how to show he cared with his actions. 
“Sorry, I digressed.” You said. 
“It’s okay.” Yoongi whispered, stroking the back of your head. He used the end of his sleeve to wipe your tears. Sitting back down, the two of you continued talking as you finished the food. You wanted to ask about Mirae but you knew it was a sensitive topic for Yoongi so you didn’t bring it up. 
“Later, can we walk in the garden?” You asked. 
“That excited about the garden?” Yoongi teased. You flushed, clearing your throat sheepishly. 
“Of course, we can. I can’t wait to see your hard work.” Yoongi finished. That made you feel even more embarrassed. It was like a child pestering her parent to see her artwork. 
“I heard the garden was your mother’s?” You gulped. Yoongi seemed to falter for a few seconds before straightening up. 
“It’s not hers but she did enjoy maintaining it. She worked very closely with the royal gardener to constantly upgrade it to be better. Kind of like what you did today.” Yoongi explained. You nodded your head slowly. 
“Keeping it alive and maintained now is the best I can do for her, even after her death. She would not be pleased with me letting all her hard work go to waste. I’m not really good with plants but I’m glad Namjoon and the gardener take care of it. And now you help maintain it too. My mother would have greatly appreciated that.” Yoongi said. 
“She sounds like an amazing woman.” 
“Hmm.” Yoongi hummed. You mentally scolded yourself, of all topics, why did you have to mention Yoongi’s mother? 
“I felt like I lost the opportunity to get to know her better. My father never let her care for me as a normal mother should. He wanted her to care for him only and that was her flaw, constantly kowtowing to him.” Yoongi continued. 
“I don’t think it’s a flaw.” You said. 
“It’s not a flaw to give up all free will and follow a man, who’s not even loyal to you, like a dog? That you neglect your kid?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow. 
“That’s what you saw, Yoongi. I’m not saying you’re wrong, you could be right but was that how she really felt? Did you ever know her true intentions behind her actions? Maybe she never meant for you to feel neglected. I’m sure you had moments with her where she showered you with love.” You said. 
“Yes, I had my moments with her. But they were always short lived because my father ruined it. Every time I tried to tell myself she actually loves me, she proves me wrong.” Yoongi’s fists shook. 
“What if she was protecting you?” You asked. 
Yoongi stood up with such force that the low table of bowls and cutlery flipped over, spilling food remnants all over the floor. You stared at the mess in shock, looking up at Yoongi. He breathed heavily, standing over you. 
“Leave.” He warned. 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi. I shouldn’t have-” 
“I don’t want your apologies. I said leave.” His eyes flashed anger as he shook. You immediately scrambled to your feet and pulled the door open. 
“(y/n) nim!” Jimin rushed to you. They had all heard the loud clash but were too afraid of entering the room. You stared at Jimin, lips pressed into a firm line. Turning away from him, you ran to your room. 
“(y/n) nim!” Jimin ran after you, leaving Hoseok, Seokjin, Jungkook and Namjoon. Usually, you would have fought back or argued with him but seeing the resentment and anger in Yoongi’s eyes, you knew he was warning you to leave before his temper took over so you decided to make a break for it. You were actually afraid he would hurt you. 
“J-Jeonha-” The 4 that remained bowed but all they felt was the silk of their king’s robes brushing against them as he exited the dining room. 
“(y/n) nim.” Jimin stood outside your door, knocking softly. He could hear the soft echoes of your sobs. It was like everything was back to the way it was on day 1 when you arrived. 
“I-I just n-need to catch m-my b-breath.” You tried to sound okay to Jimin, who didn’t believe you one bit. 
“Can I come in?” He asked softly. 
“I’d r-rather you n-not.” You croaked from your dark corner in the room. Jimin sighed. He didn’t want to leave your side, he wanted to make sure that you weren’t hurt, he wanted to comfort you and stop your cries. However, he knew that he shouldn’t force you too.
“Please.” He tried for the last time. 
“Come.” Your voice was soft but he heard it. Slowly the door creaked open and Jimin came in to see your huddled figure. Immediately, he went to help you up and led you to the bed to lie down.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.” Jimin whispered. You shook your head, you didn’t want him to feel guilty.
“It’s not your fault. It’s all mine. I shouldn’t have pushed him.” You said.
“What happened?”
“I brought up his mother. And it just escalated too fast.” You explained, regret written all over your face. Jimin softened as your eyes casted down with guilt. He took a clean handkerchief from the cupboard and gently wipe your face of its tears. He didn’t interrupt you and instead continued to listen as you explained what happened in the room.
“Jeonha’s relationship with his mother was always a touchy subject for him. But you didn’t know that.” Jimin spoke. 
“But I knew he was getting angry and uncomfortable. And yet, I continued to question him and doubt his feelings, the feelings he had been bottling up since he was a child.” You said. 
“That’s one of the reasons he resents Taehyung gun.” Jimin explained. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You know how Taehyung gun’s mother is. She was bubbly, kind and loving to Taehyung. She didn’t care that he wasn’t crown prince, he was just her son to her. Jeonha hated seeing them together.” Jimin started. 
“Jeonha wasn’t wrong in a sense... They did share their moments, like I said, they would be in the garden together. But all it took was for the king to call her and she would just leave jeonha there to stay with him. To jeonha, who was just a child, that was betrayal. Countless times.” Jimin explained. 
“And all I did was doubt him.” 
“Not true. You were right too. Jeonha didn’t see the fear in his mother’s eyes. She did try to speak up but what good comes out of defying the king. The king who can hurt your child, the crown prince.” Jimin smiled sadly. 
“How do you know all this Jimin? Aren’t you about the same age as Yoongi?” You tilted your head. 
“My mother worked as one of the queen consort’s servants before me. She saw everything and comforted the queen consort when she was upset.” 
“So Yoongi’s mother was trying to protect Yoongi...” 
“Yes. The king was very obsessed with the queen consort. He didn’t want to let anyone else her, even his own child. Yes, he had a harem of concubines but he always kept her by his side and never wanted her away for too long. She was someone special to him and he wanted her to only look at him. He was willing to hurt anyone who took her away, jeonha included.” Jimin said. 
“Jeonha grew up hating his mother. But a part of him still held to the few memories he had of her. The garden, for example. His mother is also the reason jeonha doesn’t believe in love.” He continued.
“That’s horrible. He must have felt so much hurt and felt all alone.” You hung your head down. 
“But I think you staying by his side has changed him.” Jimin lifted your head up with his finger. You stared at him in confusion. He giggled and just wiped your remaining tears. 
“Let’s get you washed up.” He helped you stand up and led you to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and he combed your hair, helping you change out of your hanbok and into sleepwear. 
“Wait, Jimin. What did you mean by-”
“Get some rest, (y/n) nim. I’ll see you when the sun rises.” He smiled softly after tucking you into bed. 
“Goodnight, Jimin.” You yawned. Jimin exited your room. He stared at your door for a few seconds before he finally was able to turn and walk away.
Yoongi stood in his garden, his anger was slowly starting to dissipate. He scoffed, this dinner was supposed to be relaxing and a chance for him to get to know more about where you come from, ending with the both of you taking a walk in the garden with you showing him your new plants and flowers proudly. 
But you just had to bring his mother up.
“You always ruin everything.” He said to no one in particular. Well, he was referencing his mother, who wasn’t even alive anymore. 
“Why does it always have to end up this way?” Yoongi was now asking himself. He clenched his fists as the resentment for his mother bubbled within him. 
However, what caused his anger to fade was that he couldn’t ignore the memory of your eyes and how much fear was in them. As if you were actually afraid that he was going to hurt you. 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi. I shouldn’t have-” 
You actually apologised to him. He had expected you to argue back or stand against him but all you did was back away with fear and leave as you are told. What was happening to him? There was a dull ache in his chest that was never there before. When you spoke of your Yoongi, why did a new determination to prove that he was the better Yoongi appear? 
Yoongi sighed for the nth time. He lifted his head and stared at your window, which was now closed. Were you asleep? Or were you crying? 
“I swear.” Yoongi cursed himself. He subconsciously started walking and now found himself standing before your door. Gently, he knocked but there was no reply. He quietly opened the door to see you asleep. 
“Yoongi...” You called in your sleep. 
“I’m here.” Yoongi whispered. He honestly didn’t know if you were calling him or the other Yoongi but he was going to assume it was him you were calling out to in your sleep. 
“Just let me...” He didn’t know what came over him but soon, Yoongi was in your bed, holding you close to him. 
“What?” Your eyes shot open in shock, ready to kick the intruder in your bed. But looking down, you saw the locks of blonde. His face pressed into your abdomen as he held you tightly. You felt his tears wetting your night robe and the skin beneath. 
“She told me she loved me. But she never came back.” 
“I’m sorry, Yoongi.” You said softly, running your fingers through his locks. Even though Yoongi was slowly letting his guard down around you, this was the first time he let all his walls down. 
“I’ll never hurt you.” Yoongi looked up at you, moving up so your eyes met at the same level. 
“I’ll never hurt you. I promise.” He repeated, cupping your cheek. 
“Please don’t be afraid of me. Please.” He cried. You still didn’t respond but you did wipe his tears, drawing his head to your chest as you comforted him. Now you really saw it. You saw Yoongi as a child that was hurt by the world and just wanted someone to be there for him and tell him that he is loved.
Series Masterlist
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Reader- 27 (Part 2)
Hey beautiful people! SOOOO I got a comment on my last Scream imagine and they said...
ok but like a part 2 where we go picking them all off one by one and tell them what happened to (y/n) before we end them? and the revenge on the parents for it too? make them feel sorry for what they did and expose them to everyone. I mean not forcing but lightly tapping an idea
Okay so you know the drill, I will let you know when to proceed with caution.
... (Picking up directly after the events of part 1)
“...My parents weren’t the most loving people around.” you stared down at your fingertips. “They were overbearing...very controlling...loved to gaslight me from time to time.” you felt a lump form in your throat. “After the Hanna thing, they tried to sent me to boarding school.”
You three sat in Stu’s basement. You sat cross-legged on the floor and Stu and Billy cleaned up the dead body. Stu had given you a rag to wipe the blood off your face and hands. 
“A while back before we all met...my parents weren’t too bad. Then Hanna came along and decided to ruin that for me too. She and her friends dragged me into the woods and beat me up...I was bleeding out everywhere...she told my parents I attacked her...she told them that I-..That I tried to kill her.” you shook your head. “My parents never looked at me the same...like they disowned me without saying they did.” you sniffed.
“What about the others?” Billy ceased his activities to stare at you. He was impressed how well you seemed to be taking everything. 
“ Dylan leaked my friend’s nudes, Jennifer is Hanna’s slave...she was Hanna Number 2 when she couldn’t torture anyone else. Rachel....I just hate Rachel, and Cameron...is my ex.” you explained. “There are others...many others.” you seethed. 
“And we’ll get to all of them.” Stu finished his job of tying Hanna’s legs together. “But first...how do you feel?”
“Like I just killed someone.” you half-joked, bringing your knees to your chest. “Why didn’t you guys tell me?”
“We didn’t want to scare you.” Billy reminded you. “We know how you are Y/N.”
“Still.” you pouted. “It would have been nice to know that you two were behind all this.” you stared at the floor. “Why didn’t you guys...y’know-”
“We wanted to...” Billy dusted himself off. “We tried...then you just had to charm us with that smile of yours.” he bit his lip as he smiled at the thought. “You just had to go and be adorable.”
There he was, standing with Stu hunched over a notebook of possible victims. They had agreed you’d be next, they really did. They had introduced themselves to you and gained your trust, but along the way, your kindness, your willingness to be so vulnerable around then...accepting them (especially Billy) for their flaws, they couldn’t...they wouldn’t.
“Can I help with anything?” you asked, standing to your feet. 
“Not unless you know a place to dump this body.” Billy replied. 
“There’s a lake behind Hanna’s house...” you recalled. “I saw it when my parents used to go over there for dinner.”
“Great!” Stu skipped over and took you in a hug. “So who do you wanna get first?”
“Me? You’re letting me choose?” you stared up at Stu who swore up and down you looked the most adorable you ever have, if that was even possible. 
“This is your list, isn’t it?” Billy casually strode over. He tilted your chin up at him. “Just let us take care of it.”
“...Dylan first.” you concluded. “It’s for my friend...he has to go.” you asserted. 
“As you wish princess.” 
...(The Next Day)
   You trudged away from your parent’s car, doing your usual habits of ignoring them as they saw you off. You saw Billy and Stu waiting for you on some benches. They glared behind you, obviously getting a good look of your parents. 
“Hey cutie.” Stu threw himself at you, hugging you super tight. “How’d you sleep?”
“Shitty...” you mumbled. “Guess who just caught word of Hannas’s...untimely demise.”
“Serves the bitch right.” Billy flicked his middle finger at your parents as they drove off. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dylan throwing around a football with his friends. His gaze darted in your direction. He looked surprised to see you and Stu so close, so much so that he hesitated to throw the ball back to his friends. “Hey asshole, you got your turn. Hand her over.” Billy flicked Stu on the head as he pulled your out of Stu’s embrace.
“Oh you’re no fun.” Stu laughed, waving him off. Billy wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest and gingerly trailing his fingers down your back. 
“Hey Y/N...” 
You paused your momentary happy moment when Dylan came jogging up. You pulled away from Billy and faced your friend’s ex-boyfriend. “What?”
“Um...Hey.” he did that douche-bag hair flip. “What’s up?”
“I’m just spectacular.” you grimaced. He was really talking to you like he wasn’t the reason your only other friend switched schools. “Need something?”
“Yeah. I wanted to invite you to my party tonight.”
‘I’d rather-” you began, only to realize the mega opportunity you’d receive. 
“Are your other friends coming?” you shifted all your weight to one side and pretended to absentmindedly twirl your hair. 
“Um...Y-yeah.” he nodded.
“Can my friends come?” you acted oblivious and dumb, the only language he and his friends seemed to understand when it came to women.
“Sure. They can come join the fun.” he winked. “Tonight, 8:00 o’clock.”
“Splendid, you winked. I’ll be there.” 
As Dylan returned to his friends, all of them laughing about the joke they thought you didn’t understand, Billy and Stu stood at your sides.
“You’re killer is showing, love.” Stu kissed the side of your head. “Easy now.” he laughed, even though he knew he was talking complete bullshit.
“I’m gonna have so much fun slitting that one’s throat.” Billy pointed to Rachel. “This is gonna be awesome.”
...(That Night)
You had managed to make it a few hours. Without completely losing your mind. Billy had taken it upon himself to put up him brooding angst-filled sadboi attitude and Stu showed up in his honorary pimp robe. 
Now you all were sitting in a circle, playing stupid games.
“Y/N...truth or dare?” Jennifer called on you next, noticing how quiet you had been.
“Kiss, Fuck, Or Kill. Stu Macher, Cameron Kent, and Dylan Bayle.”
With a bored grin, you looked her right in the eye. She dared you to say you would fuck her boyfriend, little does she know...
“I guess I’d have to kiss Cameron...” you began warmly, recalling how you two used to date. Gross... “And as much as I love pissing you off...I wouldn’t touch Dylan with a ten foot pole...so I’d have sex with Stu.”
A few wolf whistles from the guy chorused around the circle as a few guys pat Stu on the back. Your eyes looked over at Stu whose cheeks were tinted pink. He shot you a smile and a quick wink.
“And you know what that leaves?...I’d kill Dylan.” you smirked, only to put on a front again. Before anyone could say anything else, you all heard a phone ring. Coincidentally, the phone was right next to you. 
“Y/N, get that will you. Put it on speaker.”
“I got you.” you grabbed the phone. “Hello?”
“What number is this?”
“What number are you trying to reach?” you replied.
“I dunno...”
“Sure buddy.” you rolled your eyes as you hung up.
“Okay! Dylan!” Rachel drunkenly asked. “Truth or Dare!”
“Dare baby!” Dylan laughed.
“I dare you to go into the bedroom with Y/N and do something with her!” she laughed. “You can’t leave until you do something!”
“Did anyone ask my opinion on this?” you felt disgusted as the words left your mouth. How much longer were you gonna have to put up with this? “Stu, help me out!” 
“A dare’s a dare, babe.” he laughed as he took another swig of whatever. 
“Ugh!!” you grimaced as you stood up and followed Dylan. You made sure to lightly bump your shoulder against Stu’s as you walked. You two looked eyes momentarily, sharing a discrete smirk between eachother.
You stood there, playing with your fingers as Dylan came up to you.
“You know Y/N...I’ve always liked you.”
“Oh really?” you asked shyly. “W-well why didn’t you tell me?” you half giggled half gagged.
“I couldn’t find the right words.” he reached out to touch your cheek.
Meanwhile downstairs, everyone laughed at the hidden camera footage they were watching. They couldn’t wait to post this to the school’s website. 
“Oh my god!” you screamed at you pointed behind Dylan. Everyone watched as a dark hooded figure creeped up behind Dylan and grabbed him buy the back of his head, digging a knife into his shoulder. Then he charged for you, stabbing you in the stomach...slowly but surely he creeped up to the camera, looking directly at it. “Nuh uh uh~” he sang before he punched the camera, causing the signal to break.
This caused everyone to scream bloody murder and attempted to scream.
Back in the bedroom, you had managed to hear the screaming. “Can I get up now?” you rolled over. “Pretending to die is so weird.”
“Allow me.” Billy walked over and helped you to your feet, ridding himself of his Ghostface mask. “You look good covered in fake blood.”
“Do I?” you fake pouted. Billy didn’t answer and instead kissed you. He held your face in his hands, gently moving his soft lips against yours. He would have went crazy is Dylan managed to get that far. He was glad that he could finally show how he felt about you in a personal way. 
“You do.” he bit his lip as he pulled away.
“W-what the fuck?!” Dylan, who was very much alive looked between you two. “You’re in on this.”
“Oh shut up!” you grabbed Billy’s knife and walked up to him. “Kyla Grayson, who is she?”
“Kyla Grayson?”
“ARE YOU AN ECHO?” you snapped. “Who is she?”
“I don’t know! I swear!” he tried to cower away from you.
“You don’t remember showing private pictures of a young impressionable freshman to your fucking friends?” you glared. “She trusted you...she liked you a lot...and because of you she had to move to a different county.” you raised the knife over your head. “Any last words?”
“SURPRISE!” Stu burst through the door, also dawning a Ghostface getup, only without the voice changer. He was dragging Jennifer and Rachel by the hair.
“You’re just in time for the show.” you said, not looking up from Dylan. 
“Don’t talk.” you kept your eyes on Dylan. “I’ll get to you soon.”
(Part 3 will be revenge against your parents)
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ezgithechaotic · 4 years
yellow . cedric diggory
pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader
AU: soulmates
summary:  Y\N thought the whole “soulmate” business was a bunch of horse shit, honestly.
warnings: Harry falling off of his broom and Oliver losing his mind over Quidditch, but is it really suprising?
author note: I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. But please let me know if you see anthing that doesn’t seem right.  Please leave a comment about what you think, love you.
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You woke up to your roommate Angelina sneaking in, and it was still early, so early that it was still dark. For a moment, you thought it was the rain that woke you, but then you realized it was Angelina and she was still wearing the same clothes from the day before. You let your head fall to your pillow again, groaning. Your other roommates were still sound asleep.
 "I assume you were with Fred?" Your voice was hoarse since your face was still buried in your pillow.
 Angelina giggled as she dropped herself to the end of your bed. "Oh, I had such a good time, Y\N."
 You smiled at yourself, not knowing if she could see your face or not. "I can tell. But you two need to take it easy, though. I had to drag Percy the Head Boy to the other side of the school so you guys could sneak into the Astronomy Tower." You raised your head to see her face. "And I'm not doing it again."
Angelina laughed as she reached and kissed your cheeks. "You're the greatest prefect slash best friend ever!" She walked to her trunk that stood at the end of her bed. Taking her uniforms out of it, she turned towards the bathroom. "I'll tell Fred to buy you from those green candies you like, I promise."
 "It doesn't matter, you know, since I can't see the color of it."
Angelina stood at the door, looking back at you with lovey-dovey eyes. You hated when she did that. "You'll find him, Y\N. It doesn't always happen at our age. Marry's aunt found hers when she was thirty."
"Wow, you're a great motivator, Angelina. Have you ever thought about turning it into a profession?" You yawned. “And, honestly, I couldn’t care less.” 
“Sure, honey.” Then she turned and went into the bathroom, but you could hear her laughing. You fumbled for your alarm clock and looked at it. It was half-past six. You rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, but it was difficult, now that you were awake, to ignore the sounds of the thunder rumbling overhead, the pounding of the wind against the castle walls, and the distant creaking of the trees in the Forbidden Forest. In a few hours, you would be out on the Quidditch field, battling through that gale. Finally, you gave up any thought of more sleep, got up to eat something before Oliver gave you a hell of a time.
The weather seemed to worsen steadily as the first Quidditch match drew nearer. Oliver was making everyone train harder than ever. You loved playing Quidditch, but you had no idea how you survived through training because Oliver Wood was obviously a psychopath. But luckily this was your last training before the match, so you were finally going to be able to rest between your prefect duties and school work.
Now, standing in the cold, all of the Gryffindor Team was waiting for Oliver to arrive at the Quidditch pitch, which was weird because Oliver had never been late for training.
 "Do you suppose he's having a breakdown again?" George asked. You could feel his body vibrate since your head was resting against his shoulder.
 "I hope not; it's freezing out here!" Angelina complained.
 "I don't think he would do that when he has the opportunity to torture us. Surely something is wrong." You said, your head still against George's shoulder and your eyes closed. You wished you had tried sleeping more this morning.
"At least it's not raining." You heard Alicia. "Oh, there he is!"
You opened your eyes to see. Oliver was walking towards you, and you could see the anger on his face. When he finally reached where you were standing, he gave his team some unwelcome news.
 “We’re not playing Slytherin!” he told you, looking like he could throw a fit any time. “Flint’s just been to see me. We’re playing Hufflepuff instead.”
 “Why?” chorused the rest of the team.
“Flint’s excuse is that their Seeker’s arm’s still injured,” said Wood, grinding his teeth furiously. “But it’s obvious why they’re doing it. They don’t want to play in this weather. They think it’ll damage their chances."
 “There’s nothing wrong with Malfoy’s arm!” said Harry furiously. “He’s faking it!”
 “I know that, but we can’t prove it,” said Wood bitterly, “And we’ve been practicing all those moves assuming we’re playing Slytherin, and instead it’s Hufflepuff, and their style’s quite different. They’ve got a new Captain and Seeker, Cedric Diggory —”
Angelina, Alicia, and Katie suddenly giggled. “What?” said Wood, frowning at this lighthearted behavior.
“He’s that tall, good-looking one, isn’t he?” said Angelina.
"Oi!" Fred yelled. "I'm right here, you know!"
“Strong and silent,” said Katie, and they started to giggle again.
“He’s only silent because he’s too thick to string two words together,” said Fred impatiently. “I don’t know why you’re worried, Oliver, Hufflepuff is a pushover. The last time we played them, Harry caught the Snitch in about five minutes, remember?”
“We were playing in completely different conditions!” Wood shouted, his eyes bulging slightly.
“Diggory’s put a very strong side together! He’s an excellent Seeker! I was afraid you’d take it like this! We mustn’t relax! We must keep our focus! Slytherin is trying to wrong-foot us! We must win!”
“Oliver, calm down!” said Fred, looking slightly alarmed. “We’re taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously.”
"Perhaps we could use Y\N for distraction." Alicia slyly smiled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, not knowing what Alicia meant, but surely it couldn't be something good.  
"Don't tell me you've never realized it!"
"Realize what, Alicia?" Now you were sure she was only doing it to get on your nerves. "His eyes are always on you on meals!" She turned to look others. "We believe he has a crush on our little Y\N."
 "Diggory?" George asked. "He better stay away, that git."
 "Why, Weasley, you in love with her too?" Alicia laughed. You didn’t let George speak.  "You're just being ridiculous. We don't even know each other. There's no way Diggory has a crush on me."
"I wouldn't be so sure, honey," said Angelina. But before you could say anything, Oliver was back to yelling about not having any time for your little girl crushes.  
There were a lot of things loved about playing quidditch, but now standing on your broom, drenched to the bone because of the awful rain, dementors lurking around, you couldn't think of one good reason why you were playing this stupid sport. Holding the quaffle under your one arm, you tried to strengthen your grip on your broom, but it was useless; your hands were slipping under the rain. Your muscles were stiff as if screaming you to stop. But you didn't. You knew Harry was close to catching the golden snitch, plus Oliver would have your head if you did. So, you kept flying towards the hoops, but two Hufflepuff players cut in front of you, leaving no way to run. Your ears were ringing, voices were blending into each other, but you could distinguish your teammate Alicia almost screaming your name.
"Y\N! Here!"
In a matter of time, your arm was throwing the quaffle to Alicia without your will. Alicia caught the quaffle and sprinted towards the hoops, passing Fred, one of your best friends, on her way.
We don't mind a bit of rain.
You remembered Alicia's words from earlier, but this was the absolute worst. First, your opponent team got replaced with Hufflepuff, so you had to change all of your strategies because Hufflepuff's play was nowhere near Slytherin's, and now, you had to play under this awful rain, and you could hardly hear or see any of your teammates. In addition to that, all you could see was black and white because your soulmate sucked.
Living in this magical world had its perks, it did. You could channel your magic with your wand, from taming the wildest animals to levitating a cup; it was simply fantastic. But magic also brought disadvantages with itself. No wizard and witch, regardless of their blood status, could see any colors until they touched their soulmates, which was compelety ridiculous. What if you never met your soulmate? Were you never going to see any colors? And almost all of your classmates finding their soulmate and trying to describe the colors and terribly failing at it was nowhere near helpful to you.
Now, at the quidditch pitch, only thing you could do was to trust your instincts because you couldn't see any of your friend's faces at all. And you couldn't see their uniform's color, well, because your soulmate was determined on not showing up at all. And you certainly hated them for it.
 "Harry!" You heard Oliver's crazy screaming. "Harry, behind you!"
You turned to see Harry. For a moment, he stood there, searching for the snitch. The moment he saw snitch, with a jolt of panic, Harry threw himself flat to the broom handle and zoomed toward it. But Cedric was on his tail, following him higher and higher.
"C'mon, Harry," you muttered under your breath. You couldn't take your eyes away, but you were only watching Cedric Diggory. His hair sticking to his forehead, his face features stern, and his wet yellow, at least you assume, robes weighing him down. And in a matter of time, you saw Harry's broom was slowing, then finally stopping in the middle of the air, Cedric passing him and Harry slipping off of his broom, falling to the ground.
You couldn't even react until Harry was halfway through. Then you heard yourself yell. "Harry!" Now, you were flying towards him, but it was no use because he was already on the ground, lying unconscious.
After Cedric caught the snitch, he heard your cry, making him turn around. He saw you getting off your broom, stumbling in the mud of the pitch. Your hair now, free from the hair tie, was sticking to your face. The heavy rain was beating your face, causing you to frown. Cedric found himself following you. His feet touched the ground without even realizing it, and he saw Harry. Cedric stopped one step behind you, not knowing what to do, and then his hand found yours.
"Is he-"
You didn't even realize until you turned around and saw him standing with worry in his eyes, soaking wet, and in yellow robes. You could see the pale color of his skin, almost purple lips from the cold, and grey eyes. Your breath stuck in your throat. Your hand, the one that Cedric was still holding onto, was burning despite the rain and the cold. You almost didn't believe it. But then you heard Fred's voice even though you couldn't figure out what he was saying because your ears were ringing stronger than before, and then you saw your teammates red robes. Your head was spinning, you tried taking a step back, but it was almost impossible as if the ground was shaking.
You stumbled again as you did a minute ago when you were trying to walk in the mud, but this time you felt hands steadying you, making sure you were on your feet. Cedric's looks were burning through your head. It was so absurd. You didn't even know him.
There was no way he was your soulmate. He couldn't be.
You took a step back again, this time fully aware of where you stepped on. Turning your back to Cedric, you saw Madam Pomfrey carrying Harry to the hospital wing. You followed after them, hearing Dumbledore's yelling and Cedric's voice after. But you didn't stop or look back because if you did, you knew you wouldn't be able to walk again. This whole thing was such bullshit, honestly. A boy you knew nothing about but his name was your soulmate. And all of a sudden, your world was upside down because you could see colors now?
A week ago, hearing that he might have a crush on you sounded batshit crazy. But obviously, the universe got offended after all the shit you thought about soulmates and said, here you go, your soulmate.
As you were standing next to Harry's bed in the hospital wing, you could hear people talking around you, but you weren't listening to any of them. Your head still spinning, you thought about Cedric and his yellow robes. You felt hands around your shoulders, but they didn't burn through your skin as Cedric's did.
"Y\N, you're shaking," George said, still holding your shoulders and with worry in his eyes. "Would you like me to ask Madam Pomfrey for a blanket?"
You forced a smile. "No, it's alright. I guess I'm just in shock."
Harry's eyes opened. "Harry!" said Fred. "How are you feeling?"
"What happened?" he asked, sitting up.
"You fell off," said Fred, again. "Must have been - what - fifty feet?"
"We thought you'd died," you said, now realizing how shaky your voice was. Hermione made a small, squeaky noise. Her eyes were extremely bloodshot.
“But the match,” said Harry. “What happened? Are we doing a replay?” No one said anything. The horrible truth sank into Harry like a stone. “We didn’t — lose?”
“Diggory got the Snitch,” said George. “Just after you fell. He didn’t realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square… even Wood admits it.”
“Where is Wood?” said Harry, suddenly realizing he wasn’t there.
“Still in the showers,” said Fred. “We think he’s trying to drown himself.”
Harry put his face to his knees, his hands gripping his hair. Fred grabbed his shoulder and shook it roughly. “C’mon, Harry, you’ve never missed the Snitch before.”
“There had to be one time you didn’t get it,” said George. “It’s not over yet,” said Fred. “We lost by a hundred points.”
“Right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin…”
“Hufflepuff’ll have to lose by at least two hundred points,” said George. “But if they beat Ravenclaw…”
“No way, Ravenclaw is too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff…”
“It all depends on the points — a margin of a hundred either way —”
After ten minutes or so, Madam Pomfrey came over to tell the team to leave him in peace. “We’ll come and see you later,” You told him. “Don’t beat yourself up Harry, you’re still the best Seeker we’ve ever had.” The team trooped out, trailing mud behind you. As everyone made their way to the Common Room, you were still standing in front of the hospital wing. You needed some time alone.
 "Y\N, are you coming?" You heard Angelina. You looked at her, your eyes almost empty. "I think I'll check up on Oliver, see if he's alright."
"You don't look so good yourself, love. Wood will be alright, no need to worry. Let's get you to your room." George said, gently touching your elbow.
"No, I feel fine. I really should see Oliver, make sure he didn't really drown himself. I'll see you later."
George finally let you go; he realized he wasn't going to convince you. As you made your way to the changing rooms, the cold made you shiver inside your soaked clothes. But you couldn't find the strength to reach your wand and cast a spell. You were exhausted. Your arms were almost numb, and you had no idea how your legs still carried you.
A few steps before you reached the boys changing room: you heard footsteps behind you.
"Y\N!" You heard Cedric yelling. "Can I talk to you?"
You turned to him, realizing there was no point in acting as if you hadn't heard him call you. "Not the time, Diggory." You turned back again and took the rest of the steps, diving right into the room.  
"Wait, that's boys changing-" Cedric yelled after you. "Y\N!"
He could swear to Merlin that he had never met anyone as stubborn as you. Were you not going to talk to him after what happened? Well, he understood that you might be in shock, but one way or another, you had to speak to him, right? After all, he was your soulmate. Not having any choice, he followed you into the room.  
"Oliver!" You found him sitting under the shower, his clothes still on, while pulling his hair and mumbling to himself. You were sure that one of these days he was going to lose his mind, well, if he hadn't already. You heard Cedric following after you like a lost puppy, but you didn't have the time to deal with him. You reached to turn the shower off, getting yourself wetter than you already were.
Oliver was still pulling his hair. Now you could hear him better without water running. You sat in front of him, gently pulling his hands off of his hair. "Oliver, you need to calm down."
"We lost." He mumbled.
"It's not the end of the world, you know."
"It's the end of the world, Y\N! We lost!" Oliver yelled; his eyes were almost going to pop off. "Now, there's no way for us to win the cup!"
You held his hand tighter. "Don't be stupid now. Harry is still in the team, he’s alright. Everything'll be alright."
You could visibly see Oliver calming. "Yeah, we still have Harry."
"Also, there is no way that Hufflepuff is going to win against Ravenclaw. So, no need to have a tantrum." You turned to Cedric. "No offense."
"None taken," he said. He knew now wasn't the time to have a fight about which team was better. Cedric stood there for a while, not knowing what to do, and watched you calm Oliver. He could see you still shaking, but you didn't seem to care. Instead, you were helping your friend when you could use some help yourself. Cedric's chest tightened to the thought of you. It wasn't a lie that he had liked you for a while.  He had seen you laughing with your friends, playing Quidditch, maybe throwing a fit at Alicia or Angelina because you lost a few points to Slytherin, but he had never seen you this vulnerable, shaking, in shock and scared.
"I better take him to his room." You said, feeling the urge to explain yourself or share something with Cedric. He helped you get Oliver to his feet. "I'll help you to the tower."
"It's alright. I know the way." You smiled. Why were you even smiling?
"You can't let people help you, can you?" said Cedric, not caring about what you had just said and still holding Oliver. His smile was beautiful. It was beautiful, and it made you mad because you didn't want to think that his smile was beautiful. And it made you angry because you wanted to believe the world was a good place and full of yellow.
The world was not a good place at all.
He was aware that you were tired and had probably a million thoughts in your head, bothering you. So, he didn't say anything. He had all the time in the world to talk to you, the rest of his life. He knew to take his time, especially with you. He wanted to ask you out, but he didn't. You probably would've said no anyway. He just took you in. Your face, your looks, how you tried to stay on your feet even though you were exhausted, how you walked, he took all of you in.
You stopped in front of the portrait of Sir Cadogan and told him the password. When Oliver took a step in you lingered back, turning to Cedric.
 "I'll see you later, then. Maybe at breakfast?" Cedric asked, smiling.
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yennens · 3 years
i’ve been seeing things about the song quackity wrote for mcc15, so i went back into his vod and watched both of the performances of the song and wrote them out here! i did this by ear so i am not fully confident on everything, but i really liked what he wrote and wanted to try and play it on my guitar, so i thought others might enjoy it as well!
from what i gathered by ear and looking at his hand positions on the guitar, i am pretty sure the chords are C, F#7, Am, G on capo 1, in a standard DUDUDU (now that’s ironic) strumming pattern, repeated throughout the whole song. only the outro is different, where he uses the same chords but he plucks the strings instead of strumming them. you can also play the last choruses of the song this way!
lyrics under the cut!
(if i made any mistakes or should make any alterations, let me know! :])
[CHORUS] Buckle up, it's a time, yeah, your fave is on the line They are dealing with a lot of pressure all the fucking time Spam your hearts, spam your hates, call them losers, call them greats Make a stupid thread discussing why your team’s the best to date
(EDIT: this last line was kind of difficult, as it seems like he says something different every single time. It could also be ‘...why your team is the best, wait’, courtesy of @ randomchips in the notes!)
[VERSE] Red Rabbits, Yellow Yaks, Cyan Creepers that's a fact Is it Llamas, is it Bats, what's you current mc stats Green Guardians, Axolotls, holy shit, just pass the bottle There's a lot of people in here, but they're probably just D-tier Purple Pandas and the Parrots, they'll all just get embarrassed. I left Ocelots at last 'cause I don't know what rhymes with that They are ten teams, forty people, and we're gonna have some fun! Oh my god, whole twitter's fighting, 'cause they've never seen this one before. (EDIT: alternatively, ‘’Cause they’ve never seen the sun before’, courtesy of @ randomchips in the notes!)
[VERSE] Dream has clients, Sapnap's sighing (EDIT: alternatively ‘Sapnap’s eyeing’) Michael's busy running ads I am dogshit, I have never even played mc like that
Punz fell off Sparklez's cursed Jack is really fucking bald Seapeekay stick to your bedwars, guys just end that discord call
TommyInnit will not win it Philza's back is cracking hard Connor stick to BTTV Fundy's playing from his yard
Scott's played all the games already Wisp I heard he's not really good 5up went ripped off of soda AntFrost just alt f4 already (I assume)
Wilbur's using fast food wifi as his internet connection Ranboo's busy farming subs Tubbo’s team won't take the dub TapL, ring the bell CaptainPuffy think she'll win I give Niki A for effort but the chance she'll win is thin. (LATER: Because she's- she can get the win too, I have a lot of trust in Niki)
[OUTRO] It's a show, hope you know that we're playing a block game If you're mad at a performance, no one cares about your claims We're just having fun We're just having fun We're just having fun We're just having fun Just kidding my team is going to win and shit on everyone else! (LATER: Just kidding my TEAM FUCKING WON! YES!)
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rudysrings · 4 years
Twin Pogues of the OBX - 9
A/N: I’ll explain my disappearance later. I just want to get this out for now. It’s a long one. But I’m happy to be back :P Love and miss y’all. 
Warnings: Violence, mentions of sex, mentions of drugs, police, DCS, mature themes. 
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Kiara and you arrived at the Chateau together, well after sunset. The silhouettes of Pope, JJ and your brother were clear against the moonlight, quiet as they lie in the hammock.  
You and Kiara slipped into the netting silently. Your shoulder was up against JJ’s bare bicep, and you fought the urge to move closer.
“You really think it’s out there? No bullshit?” 
You felt JJ’s gaze on you, a million different emotions brought to the surface by his mere stare. 
John B admitted that he did believe after hearing your father’s voice on the tape.
“Well we’re going to find it, you know. Even JJ believes,” said Kiara, looking over at you two.
Surprised, John B asked, “Oh my God, JJ, do you really believe?”
On instinct, even though he clearly hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation, JJ replied, “Totally.” Then paused, confused. “Wait, are we talking about four mil?”
“Four hundred mil!” 
All of you chorused, causing JJ to roll his eyes and turn onto his side, facing you. “I’m going to dream about shipwrecks. Good night, Bird!” 
“Goodnight, bird shit!” Pope mocked.
All of your friends were asleep. You could hear John B’s loud snores and Kie’s soft murmurs. Pope’s body was halfway off the hammock in his state of unconsciousness.
You turned, lying down on your side and startling slightly at the wide eyes looking back at you.
Before you could chide him for creeping, JJ whispered. “I’m sorry.”
Immediately, you whispered back, “I’m sorry, too...Are we gonna be ok?”
JJ hushed you. “It’s you and me, Trouble. We’re always gonna be ok.”
The two of you didn’t say anything else. You didn’t need to. 
The five of you set off in search of the coordinates the following morning. There was an unmistakable air of excitement but also somehow nonchalance. Everyone wanted this to be it, but was too afraid to believe in it.
JJ was at the wheel of the HMS Pogue, his sunglasses and signature red cap making him look especially good in the Carolina sun. 
You noticed yourself noticing things like this even more than you did before. This morning, you woke up before everyone else and found yourself admiring the early morning silhouette of the blonde that currently occupied all your thoughts. Pope caught you, incredibly confused why you were staring at his best friend like a dazed puppy. Luckily, your reputation pulled through and he simply scolded you for being stoned so early. Yeah, that’s right, simply looking at JJ made you seem high. You were in a shitload of trouble. 
You were supposed to be helping Kiara release the rope with the drone attached at the end, hurriedly tossing it into the water against the raging winds. Y’all had picked the worst time to do this.
You caught yourself distracted by JJ, who was furiously spinning the wheel to John B’s directions. There was something about that shirt. He flicked his head back to see how you guys were doing and scrunched his eyebrows inquiringly when he noticed you watching him. You shook your head, trying not to get embarrassed. Too late. “Y/N!” Kiara slapped your shoulder, forcing you to pay attention to the rope that the current was currently tugging away. Shit. You refocused, but not before catching the upward tilt on JJ’s lips at your ridiculousness.
960 feet.
 “I’m at the bottom!”
“See anything?” Called JJ.
“It’s the Royal Merchant,” You heard your brother say, raising the hair on your arms. 
You and Kiara rushed over, your arm on John B’s shoulder as you tried to look over him at the monitor. He was right, you could see old, rusted over debris from the wreck scattered all over the ocean floor. But...no gold.
You looked at your feet in disbelief. Clenching your fists as your heart dropped. You met JJ’s eyes, shaking your head sadly. He nodded at you, shrugging as if to say. What did we expect? You didn’t miss his heavy disappointment. That look steeled you. Gold or no gold, you’d find a way to get JJ out of this shithole.
“Somebody beat us to it,” John B muttered.
“Or it was never there,” Grumbled JJ. 
You and John B dropped the pogues off, each of them saying goodbye rather emotionally, drained from the loss of something you never had. Kiara ruffled your hair, reminding you, “Chin up, yeah?” as she left. Pope simply pulled all of you into a quick hug, giving you a pat on the back. 
JJ, as always, was more subtle, more secretive. As John B steered the boat towards the docks, he sat next to you, pulling your hand into his lap without looking at you. He rolled his lips, before bringing his elbows onto his knees and leaning his forehead on his hands that encased one of yours. He breathed deeply. Once. Twice. Three times. Then he looked at you, offering you a smile and twirling your ring. He echoed his words from last night. “We’re gonna be ok.”
You nodded fiercely, smiling. “I know, Bear. We always are.”
You and John B walked up to the Chateau alone, gear in hand. He draped an arm around you, pecking the top of your hair. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I really thought it would.”
You didn’t want to admit it, but you did, anyway. Maybe your brother needed to hear it or maybe you needed to say it; whatever the reason was, you said, “Yeah, me too. I really hoped Dad didn’t give his life for nothing.”
John B pulled you closer into his side as you walked, for once not disputing your claim on your father’s death. 
The two of you walked inside, only to see...fucking Cheryl from foster care on your couch.
You startled immediately, pulling your brother behind you. “Hey, guys,” the devil incarnate greeted.
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the table as John B sat down. You sighed. “You know, Cheryl, it’s kind of a bad time for a check-in.”
She smiled. “Not a check in. We’re here to take you.”
Your eyes widened. “Today? Really?”
“It’s just for a few weeks until your hearing.”
John B spoke up. “No, no, no. Cheryl, look, we’re not going into foster care, okay? We’re not going to go be a part of your little system.”
“Kids, this is Deputy Thomas.”
Before you knew it, Deputy Thomas had you and your brother in the back of his car, driving you to your fate. 
John B pulled a clever trick though, and as he picked up the picture of your dad that Cheryl had been foolish enough to let you guys grab, you both looked at each other once, before breaking into sprints in opposite directions.
You ducked under some trees, peeking over the corner of your shoulder to see Deputy Thomas chasing your brother. He’d have to get away somehow. You had to trust that. You looked forward, running through the neighborhoods you knew so well and dialing the first person you thought of.
“Yo! Me and Po-” 
You made your way towards Heywards, figuring he must be with Pope. “Woah, what’s with the excitement. I know I’m a riot, but-”
“JJ, shut up! It’s DCS.”
“What? Are you alright? What’s going on?”
“I got away. I’ll see you at Heywards.”
“Wait, Y/N-”
You hung up as you neared the store, seeing JJ out front, staring at his phone in concern, a deep set frown on his face.
You nearly crashed into him, but stopped short, your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath.
Pope came out, too, noticing you. “Ayo, Y/N. I didn’t know you were coming.”
“What? No. I just got away from Deputy Thomas.”
“What the fuck? Did he do something to you?” 
“Why are you running from the cops?”
JJ and Pope questioned you immediately. “I-no, I’m fine. Like I said, I ran away. They’re trying to take us away until our hearing in a few weeks. But I don’t know if John B got away. Listen, I shouldn’t be here. They’re gonna come looking for me.”
“Then come with us,” insisted JJ.
“No, I wouldn’t put it past them to search the waters.”
“Stay here, then,” Pope offered. “You know my Pops will cover for you.” 
You agreed. JJ furrowed his brows. “Then we shouldn’t go. We can’t leave her like this, Pope.”
You shook your head, grabbing JJ’s hand. “No, you guys go. Anyways, if they turn up here, they’ll be more suspicious if y’all are here. They’ll expect me to be with you. Trust me.”
Pope nodded, going back inside to let his dad know. JJ held your shoulders, leaning down to look at you. “Be careful, yeah? Nothing stupid.”
“You’re one to talk.” You tried not to notice how close he was to you. 
I’m fucking serious, dude. There’s nothing I can do if they take you away from me. I don’t want us in the position, got it?”
You nodded, taken aback by his seriousness but grateful for it nonetheless. 
He pulled his cap off, messing your hair before slipping it over your head. “Stay low, Trouble,” He said as he walked off towards the docks.
You walked inside, smiling at Pope’s dad. “Thanks for this, Mr. Heyward.”
He nodded at you. “Any time. I know all about that foster system. You’re better off dead than stuck in that, kid.”
You agreed, taking some boxes from his hands and getting right to work.
You spent the day at Heywards, hiding out in his freezer when the Deputy came over.
That evening, Kiara dropped by Heywards and convinced you to come to one of those old movie nights that you usually spent your summers at--summers free of treasure hunts. She explained that you’d be hidden amongst everyone from town and JJ and Pope would be there too, so there was no reason for you not to come. 
JJ held your hand tightly, his eyes darting around the crowd constantly. You hadn’t questioned his jitters or why his grip on his bag was so tight, but your fingers were starting to give to the pain of being crushed.
“J. Shit. My hand, bro.”
He looked down, instantly letting go and looking apologetic. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You shook your head as you walked over to Kiara.
You lied down and didn’t bother listening to the conversation, too worried about your brother either being dead in a ditch somewhere or in Deputy Thomas’ clutches. He hadn’t called once.
Until you heard, “JJ, please tell me you did not bring a gun here.”
You sat up immediately, “JJ what?”
“There are children here,” You heard Kiara say.
You raised your eyebrows at him, ignoring Pope and Kiara’s words as you stared. “Are you kidding me, dude? A fucking gun?”
He had the decency to look a little ashamed, staring at his feet and biting his lip.
During the movie, the boys ventured off to take a piss and you and Kiara joked that they must be holding it for each other. Honestly it was ironic given the amount of shit they gave you and Kiara for going to the bathroom together only to do it themselves.
It was not more than a few moments later that you heard glanced over to see JJ and Pope gone. You grabbed Kiara and walked behind the giant projector screen, shocked to see Pope in Topper’s hold and Rafe and Kelce grappling with JJ. “Let go of him, Topper! Fascist Asshole!” Kiara cried, using JJ’s bag to hit Topper. 
“Get off him!” You turned to JJ and shoved Rafe, grabbing his shoulders and pulling his jaw down to meet your knee. “2 on 1...real fair, Rafe,” you sneered into his ear as he groaned, clutching his smarting jaw.
You saw Topper toss Kiara and instantly reddened with rage. You grabbed his hair, pulling him to the ground with force. He grabbed your ankle and you would have fallen if JJ wasn’t right behind you, helping you up. Kelce and Rafe were on you again and you couldn’t get out to help Pope, who Topper was about to suffocate. 
“Come on, man, admit it! Admit you did it, bitch!” He threatened Pope and you screamed.
“Get the fuck off of him, Topper! What the fuck! Please!”
You heard Rafe tell Topper to finish him off and let out a strangled cry, locking eyes with JJ, who for once, looked scared, too.
All of a sudden, it was hot. Really, fucking hot. You looked around to see the movie screen going up in flames; you heard shouts as people fled the burning scene.
Kiara. Instantly, the kooks let you go. Kiara helped Pope up and JJ coughed, nearly falling forward, but you caught him, slinging his arm around your shoulder. “You’re a fucking idiot, J,” you hissed.
He ignored you, simply pressing his lips to your cheek. “What was that for?”
“That was for bruising the fuck out of Rafe Cameron’s jaw,” JJ said smugly.
You rolled your eyes. “That’s one of the moves I picked up from you, actually.”
“Exactly. You did me proud.”
“No, what the fuck, JJ? They almost killed you guys. Kie saved your asses.”
He leaned on you heavily as you walked and his off-beat steps had you realizing that he was faking the limp. You hid your smile. 
You couldn’t stay at the Chateau anymore, not with DCS watching it, so all of you apart from Kiara crashed at Heywards.
JJ and you took the couch, not unused to spending the night together on all sorts of odd surfaces.
As you lie down, head on his shoulder and body overlapping his slightly, he pet your hair. The silence was absolutely insufferable.
“Hey, Trouble?” JJ asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You hummed.
He sighed, pondering his words. “I know you’re scared to…to change anything between us.”
You didn’t look at him, keeping your eyes shut as you just listened. 
“I just-I just want to tell you that I...I would take care of you, Y/N. I swear on it. I would. I’d...I’d-fuck, why am I so bad at this?”
He took a breath again and you could imagine the adorable look of frustration on his face. You felt his arm raise, probably to run through his already messy hair. You bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling. 
“I just want you, yeah? Any way you’ll have me. Just...think about it.”
He settled in, then, his breathing evening out. You peeked your eyes open to see his shut; he looked dead asleep.
Your fingers slowly made their way into his. You ducked your head further into his chest and felt him squeeze your palm. Oh, so he was awake?
Blushing, you decided this was a problem for tomorrow, and instead let his presence lull you into slumber, dreaming of John B being chased around town by Deputy Thomas.
When you woke, JJ was gone. You heard voices in the store though and made your way towards them. You found Kiara, Pope and JJ. Your eyes met Kiara and she shook her head sadly. No John B. You saddened visibly.
“Morning!” JJ greeted with a grin, throwing some sort of rubber ball from the tourist section at you. You caught it, walking up to him and placing it at his chest. 
“Morning, J,” You said, surprisingly shy.
“Hey, Pope. Someone here to see you.” Mr. Heyward entered. “Y/N, you don’t want this one to see you right now.”
JJ took one look outside and shoved you down by the shoulders, pushing you behind one of the shelves. “Stay down!” He whispered.
You heard Pope say “Evening, Officer and your eyes widened.”
“I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property.”
Oh, fuck, Pope got caught. Your heart sped up, and you twisted your ring in worry.
You heard the distinct metallic sound of handcuffs and next thing you knew, Pope was being taken away, arrested by Shoupe. You heard everyone go outside but couldn’t make out any words. You waited a few minutes, waiting for the sound of the car driving away.
You got up, heading outside to see Kiara, Mr. Heyward and Pope? You rushed over to him, pulling him into a hug. “Oh, thank God, I thought he arrested you, man.”
Pope was rod straight. You pulled away, confused. Kiara was standing there in utter shock. Wait, where was JJ?
“What-what happened? Why are you like that? Who died?” You chuckled half-heartedly.
Mr. Heyward shook his head, going inside.
You looked at Kiara and she said, “JJ told Shoupe that he did it. Shoupe took him away.”
Your stomach fell. Clutching the cloth of your shirt, you asked, “JJ did what?” 
You blinked away the tears before your friends could see them. “We have to do something. We have to bail him out.”
“There’s nothing we can do, Y/N,” Kiara insisted.
You looked at Pope, who looked lost. 
“Well, if you guys won’t, then I will!”
Pope grabbed your arm, pulling you back. “No! Look, Y’N. Kiara’s right, there’s nothing we can do right now. And you can’t do anything, you can’t risk getting taken away by DCS.”
“FUCK DCS, Pope! JJ’s in jail!”
“They won’t keep him there for long, Y/N,” Kiara said, stepping closer. “He’ll be ok.”
You thought it over. You couldn’t think of anything you could do except stomp over to the sheriff’s office and demand that JJ be released, but that wouldn’t go over well for either of you. “Fine. You’re right. We just have to hope for the best.”
Kiara had you spend the night at her house, both in an effort to cheer you up and because it was Midsummers the next day and the only way she said she’d go is if you came with her. It wasn’t a bad hiding place. There were no cops at Midsummers so you’d be alright.
She saw you fidget all day, restless. Your brother was missing and JJ was rotting away in a cell as far as you knew. It got you thinking, though, if anything were to happen to JJ, you would regret most not coming clean to him that you liked him more than a friend. Yeah, you were admitting it to yourself. You cared about JJ in a way you had never cared for anyone ever. Even though that thought was enough to scare you to your bones, right now, all you could think about is how much you wish he knew. You hoped you knew without you having to say it, but he deserved to hear it. 
Kiara took the liberty of trying to distract you as best she knew how. She helped you get dolled up for that evening. She was wearing the most beautiful deep lavender dress you had ever seen. She offered you her entire closet and she was a little disappointed when you chose a halter jumpsuit, but when she saw how nice the rich, sunset orange went with your skin tone, and how the low cut neckline down to almost your waist and lack of a back flaunted some skin, she caved. 
She did your makeup so that you glowed golden and your hair was free. You let yourself get lost in the process, realizing you had missed out on stuff like this after your mom left.
It was tradition to wear a flower crown, and you chose peach colored hibiscuses to decorate yours, weaving them together with jasmines in between to make it smell nice. In the end, as you and Kiara stood side by side, you thought you looked like prairie girls, but she said that was the aesthetic and you should shut your mouth and go with the theme. 
The party was loud. It wasn’t loud like the keggers you had on the cut, it just screamed money and status. Every little thing was done up in a way to show something off. The food they chose was to prove that they had a taste for the richer things, which were much worse than a meal at the Wreck in your opinion. The drinks were aged to perfection and people spent more time staring and discussing the bottles than drinking, completely juxtaposed to the fast pace of the lines at the beer kegs that you were used to. Saying you felt out of place was an understatement.
You knew Pope was working the party and Kiara and you caught sight of him pretty quick. They exchanged some witty banter and you raised an eyebrow at Kiara, only for her to blush and shake her head, wordlessly denying anything. You did your usual handshake with Pope and pulled him in for a hug. “I like the fit,” he complimented. You smiled. “Hey, have you heard from JJ?” Pope asked. 
You looked down, shaking your head. “I-No. He has to be okay, though.”
“Yeah, he’ll be alright. He’s got the survival instincts of a cockroach.”
Pope frowned. “It’s all my fault.”
“Uh-you didn’t do this, Pope.”
You nodded. “Kie’s right, Pope. You can’t blame yourself for this. JJ made his decision on his own.”
You pulled Kiara towards you. “Come on, let’s dance. I need to not think about anything, right now.” You called out to Pope, “Catch you later!”
You were dancing with Kiara and a couple other kooks she was chill with. The song taste wasn’t your favorite, but it was something to get your mind off all your problems. 
When a particularly ear-bleeding song came on, you couldn’t help yourself. Holding Kiara’s upper arm, you admitted to her, “I’m really fucking worried about, John B. I’m hoping he’s ok and just being stupid by not calling me. I don’t know what I’m going to do if something happens to JJ. I’m worried that even if he gets out, his dad-”
Kiara wrapped her arms around you, shushing you. “I know, babe. I can’t say much to help you, but have a little faith, hmm? We’ll deal with whatever happens.”
You nodded, before looking over her shoulder to see Pope and a blonde waiter. Wait, no, that wasn’t a blond waiter. No one else on the cut had those rings and that tousled hair.
“JJ!” You cried, breaking out of Kiara’s embrace. He must not have heard you over the music, because he didn’t look at you, still talking to Pope. Your legs couldn’t carry you fast enough.
You shoved indignant people out of your way, ignoring their shrieks and curses. Your hair flying, jewelry clinking together, you threw your arms around him, forcing him to take a few steps back from the momentum. He held your shoulders, pulling you away from him. “Ma’am--wait, Y/N?” 
“JJ! You’re okay!” 
He smiled, pulling you into a hug. He dropped his head to your hair and you held tight to his neck, face tucked into his neck. “Thank God,” You whispered.
You looked up at him, noticing now the clear dark marks of fresh bruises all over the left side of his face. His lip was busted open and his eye slightly swollen.
You touched his cheek. “J, did Shoupe-”
JJ shook his head. “Oh, nah. This was-this was my dad. Has the right jab.” 
You were quiet for a moment, before saying, “I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“No, no, no.” JJ’s grip tightened on your arms. “You can never go near him, got it?”
“J, I-”
“Swear you won’t, Y/N,” He insisted, looking scared. 
“I won’t,” You gave in. 
Something came over you then. Some rush of emotion, a rush you had been experiencing more and more often around the blonde. “J, I-I want to talk about what you said that night-”
JJ’s eyes widened almost comically. A shocking flush crept up his neck and you almost smiled at his adorable awkwardness. He glanced at Pope behind you, reminding you that he was watching your entire exchange. “Hold that thought, yeah?”
You nodded. He pecked your cheek, making it heat up as you looked anywhere but at him. He let go of you, stepping away and into the crowd. 
Pope looked at you incredulously. 
He parted his lips in disbelief, waving at the air between you and where JJ stood, like his question was obvious.
You simply repeated your question.
Pope sputtered. “What you ask? Since when has that become a thing? I didn’t know y’all were having a thing.”
“We’re not!” You said quickly.
Pope laughed. “Whatever you say, Y/N.”
You looked around the crowd, not spotting JJ. You frowned, where had he gone?
Your question was answered pretty quick. You noticed a commotion across the party and saw JJ being escorted out of the party. He downed a gentleman’s drink and the action was surprisingly attractive. 
You noticed Kiara shouting, trying to prevent him from being thrown out. Grabbing onto Pope, you made your way over to them.
“Mandatory power hour at Rixon’s, Kie!” JJ called, walking out. You saw him meet up with John B. Your breath came back to you seeing your brother alive and intact.
JJ noticed you out of the corner of his eye and grinned wide, holding his arms out for you. You didn’t think twice, letting him spin you around and grab your hand as the five of you ran off.
A fire was soon set up at Rixon’s Cove, and JJ had changed into normal clothes, though you had to admit, you didn’t mind the look he was sporting before.
JJ lay across a log, his head in your lap, looking up at your face, which was lit up from the fire light. He didn’t smile, didn’t say anything, just looked at you as you ran your hands through his hair, refamiliarizing yourself with him even though he had only been gone about a day. His absence reminded you how used to seeing him you were, how used to touching him. 
“Alright, my dad’s going to kill me, anyways. So what’s this mandatory meeting about?”
You were wondering that, too, and looked up at your brother, waiting for an explanation.
JJ sat up beside you. “We might as well tell them, man, before we get gaffed.”
You soon learned that the gold never went down with the Royal Merchant. It was on Tannyhill. What concerned you, actually what made your blood boil, is how your brother had gone about finding this information.
Kiara voiced your concerns. “You were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron while Y/N thought DCS had for sure taken you away?”
You stood up, glaring at John B. “You better be fucking with me. Not one call? What, you were too busy macking on here and prancing around the mainland to let your goddamn sister know that you were alive?! I was so scared, you ass!”
John B shuffled his feet, before walking over to you. “You’re right. Ok? You’re always right. I didn’t think. I’m-I’m sorry for worrying you, kid, alright?”
You were prepared for him to blow up at you. A sincere apology was the last thing you expected. “Maybe Cameron’s a good influence on you. First time I’ve heard you say sorry since you broke my collarbone in the fourth grade.”
“That was JJ’s fault, though.”
“That’s debatable.” 
John B pushed your forehead and you sat back down.
The storm came on suddenly. Not a regular storm either—a full on, thundering, lightning outer banks storm. The four of you huddled in the van as your brother went to meet Sarah Cameron and figure out the exact location of the gold. 
You groaned, pulling your hair up away from your sweaty neck. “Fuck, it’s hot in here.”
You began to get up. “Where you goin’?” JJ asked.
“It’s too fucking hot. I’m going to step out for a sec.” You paused before saying, “Come with.”
Pope began to get up, too, but Kiara stopped him, hissing something in his ear. 
JJ followed you out, falling in step with you as you made your way into the cool night air. Your pace was slow, unhurried, unbothered by anything right now, because everyone you cared about was safe. 
But, that thought from earlier in the day, that regret, still remained. You looked at JJ and he offered you a shy smile, offering you his hand and quirking an eyebrow in question. You took his hand, your arms brushing against each other as you walked.
“I almost didn’t recognize you today. You look like a right kook.”
You wrinkled your nose. “That’s offensive.”
JJ shoved your shoulder with his. “No, that’s not what I meant. You look great. For real. You look like the goddamn outer banks sunset threw up all over you. I mean that in the best way possible.” His eyes sparkled with eagerness. 
You smiled at his attempt at complimenting you. “I’ll take it as such. Thank you, JJ. You looked nice in your disguise, too.”
“Nah, it was too stuffy for me.”
“That’s ‘cause you probably haven’t had a smoke in a hot minute.”
JJ snorted. “That could be it.” 
You were quiet for a moment, just walking, stealing glances at each other. “JJ,” You said, stopping. 
He stopped, too, turning towards you. “Yeah?”
“You remember all those chick flicks John B used to drag us to on the weekends? The ones where the heroine would be all ‘my world revolves around you’ and ‘I can’t breathe without you’ and ‘you give my life meaning’ and all that?”
JJ scrunched his nose. “How could I forget that kind of trauma?”
You stepped closer to him, taking both of his hands in yours. “I’m only going to say this once, we are never to speak of it again and if anyone asks I will deny it.”
JJ choked on a laugh. “Alright, Trouble, you have my attention. I’m listening.”
“That’s just it, J. You have my attention. All of it. All the time. Those romantic movies are the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. They’re absolutely, clinically insane. I don’t get it and I probably never will. All I know is that when I’m drowning, you’re the first person I think about. I know that you’re the only one who has ever seen that I’m so incredibly fucked up and not wanted to fix my behavior. I know that when you’re hurt, which is way too often, I go absolutely batshit with worry, seriously it’s a problem. I know that, especially recently, I can’t stand the sight of you macking on anyone.”
JJ looked like he was losing control, and you hoped that it wasn’t in a bad way. His breaths were coming faster and his hands gripped yours tight. “What are you saying, Trouble?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m saying I’m in love with you, JJ.” JJ's face broke into a blinding smile, encouraging your words. “I can’t promise you that I love you like in John B’s movies—”
“--Thank God.”
“--But I can promise that the way I love you is crazy in its own right. The good kind of crazy. I’m still scared. God, I’m still so scared, JJ. I don’t know how to do this. I’m still so afraid that I’m going to fuck up in some way. So that’s why I’m tell you this now.” You held his face in your hands, pulling him close so that he would hear your words, really hear them. “If you let me love you, I swear on poguelife that as long as it’s in my hands, I will never make a decision that will hurt you. That I promise you.”
You noticed JJ tearing up. He swiped his eyes with his thumb. “Fuck, dude, you’re making me cry.” He laughed tearfully, bringing his hands to rest on your waist and leaning his forehead on yours. “I know, dude. Everything you’re telling me--I know. I know you’re scared. I’ve never seen you scared of anything, even though you really should be, but this scares you. But I love you, yeah?” 
You nodded, biting your lip against the tears.
“Trust that. Please, even if you trust nothing else, trust that I love you. Because it’s where I put my faith. Kie tried to take me to church once, but man I don’t think I have ever had anything nearly as religious as how I feel about you, Y/N. It’s constant. It-it centers me. It grounds me. So if we’re going to do this, you have to promise me something.”
“Two promises in one day? You’re getting greedy there, Maybank.”
“It’ll be worth it,” he assured you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Then it’s done.”
“You have to promise me that if you get scared, you’re going to talk. You’re not going to run, you’re going to talk to me and we’re going to figure it out together, yeah?”
“Done. Can I kiss you now?” 
“Fuck, yes. 
And then you heard the screams.
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Stay safe and stay healthy!
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sardinesandhumbugs · 3 years
dude dude empty chairs at empty tables from les mis that line "oh my friends, my friends, forgive me that I live and you are gone" thats BADGER
A/N: asdlfjadslfjadsf your mind, nonny. This was meant to focus solely on Badger and his losing Rat Sr and Toad Sr, but then, naturally, this broadened out to Badger and grief in general.
For obvious reasons, trigger warnings for death.
(Also, yes, I am still working on these prompts, so if you are waiting on one, fear not! It will get written... just very, very slowly. @wolfiethewriter I snuck the hat story in!)
It had been a bitter winter that year. A selfish winter, taking so much and giving nothing in return.
And Badger is tired.
Toad Sr had been the first one to go – an impossibility to anyone who had known him, but, then again, life cared little for probabilities. It took the indomitable toad in a cascade of carriage wheels and snowblind storms and slick roads and Badger was left with nothing but a funeral to prepare alongside his mourning friend.
"It's how he would have wanted to go," Rat says in the twilight hours following the funeral.
(To many, Rat is now Rat Senior, but Badger finds the epitaph weighs heavily on his mind; it's a constant reminder that his friend (and he) are ever growing older while the generation below settle into the youthful energy that he and Rat had once enjoyed.)
"What?" Badger grumbles. "Dramatically?"
"No. Quickly." Rat sighs and readjusts the blankets around himself that are far too numerous for an armchair by the fireside, even in the bleak midwinter. "He would have hated to fade away slowly."
"One would think he'd much rather have not gone at all," Badger says.
"We must all go eventually, Badger."
"Maybe. But not any time soon. Not yet."
"We're not so young as we used to be."
"Neither are we so old as to welcome death as a familiar friend," Badger answers with rancour.
Rat gives a breathy half-laugh. "Even so, it seems like a long time since our first meeting. Do you remember it?"
"Like it was yesterday," Badger says, and he does not add that it is not long ago enough, not by half. Not by a long shot. "Toad invited us both for a meal at the Red Lion Inn. You looked like you thought I might eat you."
"Can you blame me? You were scowling at me something rotten." Rat chuckles sheepishly. "Truth be told, I'd never really met a badger before then – they always seemed to keep to themselves, and you're not the least intimidating of animals."
"I suppose we're not. We're not really Undergrounders or Wild Wooders, and we're certainly not Riverbankers." He hesitates. "We're just Badgers."
"Well, that never bothered Toad."
"No, it didn't."
A pause lingers between them, a silence for the animal who would have filled it within a heartbeat.
"Toad was the first animal I could honestly call a friend," Badger says eventually. The words sit heavily in his lungs, a truth he has been avoiding since the news came of Toad's demise. "A sorry state of affairs to reach at that age, but most other animals veered on the same opinion as you did," and he nods to Rat (not accusing nor bitter, only the lonely truth), "that we were a solitary type and best left to our own devices. And then he introduced you, his oldest and dearest friend, and I suppose some part of me felt..."
"Territorial?" Rat offers with a rueful smile.
"I suppose that is one word for it."
"And now look at us."
"How the tables have turned," Badger agrees.
Rat gives a breathy half-laugh. "We've had some times though. Do you recall the night Toad showed us the tunnels beneath the Hall?"
"I remember it, but I'm surprised you do. You were three sheets to the wind, and then some." His words are admonishing, but his tone is affectionately amused. "You and that blasted amphibian."
"If I recall correctly, you were singing as loudly as either of us."
"I wasn't the one who dove head-first over a wall in trying to catch his hat."
Rat snorts. "It was a low wall."
"Not low enough and there was a drop on the other side. I was prepared to climb over to fetch your hat back for you, but you just shouted–"
"'Grab my legs,'" Rat choruses with a chuckle.
"–and leapt head-and-arms over it without even checking to see if I was there, like it's an impromptu trust exercise."
"You did catch me though."
"A few drinks later and I might not have." Rat's humour is contagious though, and Badger finds himself smiling along at the chaotic memory. "I just turn to see a pair of legs rapidly sliding over the wall and all I can think is I'm not trained for this kind of thing."
"It was a good hat."
"It better have been one-of-a-kind for that stunt."
Rat gives a laugh that shakes at the edges and ends abruptly with a sharp, pained inhale. The smile returns quickly after, but it is watery and the carefree humour has faded.
(Badger makes no comment on the rattle in his friend's laughter, just as he has made no comment on the sudden breaths Rat takes between words, nor how the water rat has slipped quietly from captain to passenger aboard his own boat, relegating the rowing to the generation below.)
(Maybe, if he doesn't comment on it, it won't matter.)
(Maybe, if he doesn't comment on it, Death won't hear and will pass his remaining friend by.)
Rat's paw finds Badger's, and although his friend's has always been dwarfed by Badger's, it now feels frailer than before. The grip is tight though, and the fervour unnerves Badger.
"Don't retreat," Rat says. "When the time comes, don't hide back in your sett."
Badger cannot promise that. "When the time comes?" he echoes instead.
Rat smiles, but there is sadness in his eyes that tell he is not fooled by Badger's feigned ignorance. "First friends will always be special, but they're a beginning, not an end, Badge," and the smile does reach his eyes in that moment – at the nickname that had been so commonplace in their more youthful years. "And, whatever anyone else might think, you are not a solitary animal."
And then there is one.
Rat's passing had been as slow as Toad's had been quick, and that cruel winter had hemmed Badger and his fading friend and the barely-beyond adolescent Ratty in a house that stank of death.
(A blessing, said animals who didn't know better, that he eventually went; better for all that the suffering should finally end.)
And as he attends the second funeral in as many months, towering over the heads of the above-ground folk, he feels keenly the buffering that his riverbank-born friends had granted him. Animals who had once earnestly invited the trio for drinks now offer faltering commiserations with gazes that refuse to meet his, and there is more than the awkward shadow of grief that hound his conversations.
The Undergrounders see him as more Wild Wood than one of theirs (after all, his home is in the wood's depths; how much more Wild Wood could one get?) and the Wild Wooders regard him as one of the Undergrounders (they pay their respects, for his medical knowledge has helped more than one of their kind, but he is not one of theirs, he is of the earth) but it is the Riverbankers who break his heart the most. Their eyes flicker to the Wild Wooders, to the Undergrounders, and it is clear that he has been a visitor to their world; a tourist staying by the grace of his friendship, but that friendship is buried beneath the ground and he should follow suit.
He stays through the funeral, for respect to his late friends – and their offspring, who are too shattered to bear the brunt of well-meaning animals alone – and he stays civil, despite the keening anger that sits in his heart. Instead, he speaks in steady, unerring words of the Rat he had known, and he is too tired to correct the animals who mistake his dry eyes for detachment.
He is tired, and he is alone and his friends are gone.
So let the Badger who sung at Rat's wedding and danced at Toad's die alongside them, he decides. There is no room for that Badger anymore.
He packs up the part of him that begrudgingly endured society and the world lets him. Badgers had always haunted that sett; they are a somber, to-themselves kind of animal and the fact that the current badger had been an outlier is something comfortably and quickly forgotten.
Toad Jr and Ratty have yet to shed their childhood nicknames, but in time they will pick up the moniker mantels that their fathers have left in their wake – and Badger cannot watch it happen. There is already too much of their fathers in them – or perhaps not enough. In their sons are left uncanny valleys of the animals he had once known; ghosts that linger in rogue phrases and remnant gestures, echoes of a time that are forever lost to him.
And maybe there is too much of their fathers in him. For, in the wake of their fathers' passing, neither animal loiter on his doorstep for more than the acceptable allotted condolences, both given and received. There is no outreach of mutual mourning to tie them together; only the bitter memory of what has been lost to render each presence painful.
Barely beyond puphood, Badger finds himself thinking as Ratty (still Ratty, always Ratty. Rat was his father; Rat was his lifelong friend; Rat is gone) shakily takes the meal that Badger has brought. They both are grieving, but Ratty is young and hopeful and, even as the sickness had stolen more of his father away, he had never quite believed that it would do the unforgivable until it was too late.
But Badger has sat with his grief so long that it feels like well-worn slippers. Every time he had visited his friend's parlour for lunch, or by the fire with drinks, or smoked out on the jetty, his mind had whispered perhaps this will be the last time. So when he and Ratty share that meal and the conversation is a muted, disquieted thing, Badger accepts the truth that his grief has been promising.
Ratty is not Rat.
Rat is gone, and Badger remains.
When Badger leaves that once-cosy riverside abode, it is with the knowledge that he will not return to his late friend's home until its present owner comes to Badger's sett on his own terms. He will not darken Ratty's door with reminders of his grief until Ratty is ready.
(It doesn't occur to him that Ratty might be thinking the same thing; that he saw the flinch in Badger's stoic form as his turn of phrase cut too close to his father's, or the quickened breath as he for a moment – but, oh, what a cruel moment – mistook Ratty for Rat Senior.)
(It doesn't occur to him that Ratty might see his own absence to Badger's doorstep a similar kindness, or take Badger's retreat to his sett as confirmation.)
(And so the cycle continues.)
Badge becomes Badger becomes Mr Badger, and suddenly he is the old, intimidating animal that he had seen his grandfather and his father become. He is not quite Wild Wooder and not quite Undergrounder, and he had forgotten that in his time playing as a Riverbanker, but none have space for him now.
Rat is gone and a badger he doesn't recognise remains.
That is, until a lost mole and a water rat wander to his doorstep one cold autumn night.
There is so much of Rat in his son that, even now, the grief runs riot through Badger. Ratty is no longer the scruffy pup hanging on to his father's coattails, nor the gangly, grief-stricken adolescent shakily reheating a mourning meal, but an animal comfortably settling into adulthood.
There are differences, of course (there is a tension to Ratty that easy-going Rat had rarely possessed, and a sharpness to his words that betray a difficult time of it) but when he laughs, it is Rat's voice that Badger hears.
It is not the raucous fracas that Rat would employ (Toad Senior had laughed so loudly, so infectiously, that Rat had caught some of his careless volume) but there is enough of it. And so even when Ratty reintroduces himself as Rat, Badger can't help but stick by Ratty.
Still Ratty, always Ratty. Rat was his father; Rat was his lifelong friend. Rat is gone.
Rat is gone, but Ratty remains and he needs Badger's help.
There is enough of the Badger that once was that he rises to the occasion. He braces for that same uneasy grief he had met with in the aftermath of the funerals, but not for the almost-filial manner Ratty and Toad appeal to him with – nor for the fragment of something he hesitates to call paternal responding in kind.
It is different, but that's no bad thing.
For Ratty and Toad are not their fathers, but neither is Badger the Badger that once was.
He is different.
But maybe that's no bad thing.
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