#We're finally taken seriously boys
millartiste2d · 4 months
Got diagnosed with autism today
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horsechestnut · 5 months
I just think it's really neat how much fans have latched onto the fact that Stephanie Brown was Robin.
Like, both in and out of universe Stephanie was never meant to be taken seriously as Robin. The writers only made her Robin so that her death in War Games would be shocking and Bruce only made her Robin because he thought it would make Tim jealous enough to come back. She only had the mantle for 71 days before being fired (for doing something that literally every other Robin has also done and not been fired over), and she was only active during 50 of them. There are only six issues where Steph is Robin in the canon timeline.
Her final words before her death are asking Batman (Batman, because even on her death bed he doesn't trust her enough to take off his mask) if any of it was real. Was she really Robin? And Batman assures her that of course she was, that she was part of the legend and no one can take it away from her. Except it's a lie, because despite his reassurances, Batman never puts up a memorial or does anything to preserve her memory. He never really thinks of her as Robin, and even her friends will always think of her as Spoiler before ever remembering Robin.
Meanwhile DC spent years ignoring her time as Robin, to the point where it was completely erased from existence for awhile. It's technically back now, because timelines are weird, but unlike the others it's never been altered. She's never been given a second chance at it, no one's ever gone back and added more issues or details about those 71 days, or even seems to want to acknowledge them most of the time.
But fans have clung on to it anyway. Sure, there are lots of people who make Robin posts that are just about the boys, but there are just as many people who are ready to fight anyone who doesn't include her. Maybe it was only for a little while, but she was Robin, and we're sure as hell not going to forget it. If DC isn't going to bother to remember, than we will.
Stephanie Brown was Robin. She was part of the legend. It was real. No matter what, no one can take that away from her.
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jiniret-writings · 10 months
Warm Blankets Pt. 1
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: platonic!skz x 9th member!reader
Warnings: Chan is really mean in the beginning
The actions of the members in this story do not represent how they are in real life. This is all fictional and should not be taken seriously.
Pt.1 || Pt.2 || Pt.3
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If I knew you'd act like this, I wouldn't have fought for you to be in the group!
Chan's words still rung in your head as you walked with Hyunjin, looking down to hold back another wave of tears.
You didn't know how the fight even started. One minute you were walking into his studio and the next, you were being pulled out by Hyunjin. His soft reassurances clashed with the cold look in his eyes as he looked at their leader.
Hyung! That was low. Calm down and then talk. We're done for today.
The minute the words left his mouth you were stunned. All fight and fire had left your body, leaving you cold. It wasn't easy for Chan to fight for you. The company had too many factors to consider. You were considered a "risky choice", but day in and day out, Chan fought. He practiced with you, recorded with you, and helped you prepare to be your very best. Even if you were good, you stayed up with him to strive to be better.
And in the end, it all came together. Your fate was left in the hands of public opinion and it seemed you were more liked than you thought. With 97% of the audience voting to keep you in the group, you were officially a part of Stray Kids.
You were always pushing yourself, staying late nights and having early mornings to squeeze in as much practice time as possible. You wanted to prove that you had a spot in the group. Impressing fans was important, but more than anything, you wanted to make the members proud. You wanted to make Chan proud.
You didn't remember how the fight started, but you knew he didn't mean it. Still, the words stung more than any critique or hate comment you've ever gotten. Unable to hold back the next wave of tears, you pulled Hyunjin to the side of the road and turned towards a wall to wipe the tears away. As soon as you turned away though, you felt a presence behind you and a hand on your back.
"It's okay to cry, you know. You don't have to hide it", he reassured, running his hand up and down your back. "What he said was mean, but it was wrong. You have a big part in out group. Without you, we wouldn't be Stray Kids, only Stray."
You couldn't hold back any more and hugged the older boy. He was only a few months older but it was like he took it upon himself to be the 00's eldest; he always took care of his younger members, and never left them alone when they were down.
Hugging you tightly to his chest, Hyunjin gently ran his fingers down your back, occasionally running them through your hair. He made calm shushing sounds as you let go of every tear you'd been holding back since you left the company building. You didn't know how to describe the pain you felt, but being around Hyunjin was making it better. I'm not alone. I'm wanted, you thought as your breathing finally slowed.
"Is there anything you want to do? We basically have the day off," Hyunjin whispered, still holding you to him. It was a gentler hold so you could let go if you wanted to.
You didn't want to.
Thinking it over, you were just tired. You didn't know what to do so you just shook your head. Hyunjin hummed at that, thinking. A few seconds later he said, "how about we go back to the dorms and just eat and watch movies?"
The thought of seeing the other members made your heart lighter so you looked up and nodded before stepping away from him. "Yeah, that'd be nice," you said.
"Cool! Let's get some snacks before heading back?" he asked, pointing to the convenience store not too far from where you were.
"Sure! And some drinks?"
"You got it," he responded before grabbing your hand and walking to the store.
Unknown to you, Hyunjin had sent a quick text to the dorm:
SOS, y/n had a really bad day, extra tlc needed
You lived in a dorm with Felix, Seungmin, Leeknow, and Jeongin since that dorm had five rooms and the other had four. Your dorm was immediately dubbed the "cuties dorm" because it was the maknae line + Minho.
Today wasn’t really a day off but most of your schedules were in the morning so most, if not all, if your dorm mates were home. The moment they got the text, it was like a spell was cast over them. Felix was the first to react, running to all of their rooms and grabbing every pillow and blanket he could get his hands on.
Seungmin and Minho were watching a scary movie together and got up as well. Minho went into the kitchen to start cooking your favorite meal and Seungmin looked for their matching pajama sets. You had bought it on the fay you all moved, but hadn’t had a chance to wear it. Jeongin was out for a walk when he got the text and started running home. On the way though, he spotted a cute bear and bought it quickly before heading back.
At the same time, Hyunjin sent another text to 2/3RACHA:
Leader-hyung is pissed. Casualty=1 Tread carefully
He knew today was a track-day for 3RACHA so he left them to it, but decided they deserved a warning. Chan never hurt them intentionally, but when he was mad, words could be said that he didn’t mean. Hyunjin already had one hurt kid, he didn’t want to add more to the mix. Placing his arms around your shoulders, Hyunjin walked towards the convenience store and hoped the members all pulled through.
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Here's Part One of my first mini-series here! I was originally going to make it one long post, but then it got really long so for my first one, I figured it'd be best to have this broken up into three parts.
The next two parts are being written and will be up in the upcoming days! If all goes well, the next part will be up in two days, and then part three will be up two days after the second part!
I want to reiterate the note I put in the beginning, I do not, in any way, think those words would come out of Chan's mouth. This is all purely fiction and in no way represents how I feel about the members. I love them all, but for the fic I needed an angst anchor.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! And as always, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night!
Divider made by: @cafekitsune
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wileys-russo · 4 months
alanna kennedy, “my left side is my best side”, golden hour beach
golden hour II a.kennedy
"mac gimme a piggyback!" you launched yourself onto the taller girl who grunted and stumbled forward slightly, hurrying to grab your legs as your arms wrap around her neck.
"can't your girlfriend do this?" the goalkeeper sighed, alanna a hundred or so metres ahead deep in conversation with ellie and hayley.
"don't act like you don't miss me when we're not on camp maccy." you cooed pinching her cheeks, the other girls turning to make their way down the stairs and onto the beach.
you'd grown up playing football with the goalkeeper and it was her who introduced you to alanna long before the two of you even started dating, but from day one you couldn't help but be drawn to the tall blondes confidence.
"right freeloader off! rides over." mackenzie dropped you down to your feet, racing onto the beach after caitlin who had taken peach off the leash, all of you playing a friendly in wollongong against portugal the coming weekend.
"don't you dare!" you stopped mid step, foot hovering above the sand as your girlfriend appeared. "my vintage dunks are not getting sandy or wet." alanna warned sternly as you gave her an innocent smile, forever raiding her extensive closet which may as well have been just as much yours as hers.
"piggyback then? turn around." you gestured as the blonde simply scoffed. "yeah you wish babe, sit." you nearly fell backwards as her hands fell to your shoulders and pushed you to sit on the stairs.
"lani!" you protested as your girlfriend pulled your shoes off, swatting your feet away as you tried to kick her away. "seriously? i'm not walking around barefoot its freezing!" you scowled as she shrugged.
"stop stealing my shoes then." the blonde smirked, holding them hostage in one hand as the other was extended for you to take. "give me yours then, they're already sandy." you bargained nodding down to the shoes on her own feet.
"why should i walk around barefoot? like you said babe, its freezing." the blonde scoffed as you fixed her with a firm look. "would you like to get laid in the next two weeks alanna?" you warned, her smile dropping and you could have laughed at the speed in which her shoes were stripped off and shoved onto your feet.
"you're like a horny teenage boy." you shook your head in disbelief, accepting her hand up. "well when your girlfriends as hot as mine is, you just can't help it babe." alanna smirked, lightly smacking your ass and stealing a kiss before you could tell her off.
stepping down onto the sand you watched a look of disgust cross the blondes face as she did the same. "why didn't you take your socks off you freak!" you laughed as she groaned.
"fuck i don't know i didn't think about it." she moaned in annoyance, handing you the shoes you'd previously been wearing and bending down to slip her socks off. "lani!" you shrieked as she tossed them at you with a grin.
"you're such a child." you shoved the shoes into her chest and took off walking, hearing her follow after you with an amused chuckle.
"work it for the camera, work it!" caitlin yelled out in a funny accent, mackenzie off running with peach and ellie as hayley posed for photos in front of the water and you all gassed her up. "oi el!" the brunette yelled as the defender zapped past and pushed her, sending her tumbling onto her ass.
"fuck now my jeans are all wet. ellie!" hayley took off after her with a growl, peach sprinting with them. "let me guess. you want trio photos?" you sighed as three phones were thrust toward you, the sunset meaning for optimal lighting as the mostly empty beach was bathed in a soft golden glow.
"would you like me to take these before its dark?" you smiled in amusement as the three girls bickered back and forth about how to pose and who to stand, finally falling into some sort of agreement as you snapped at least fifty pictures.
"okay. our turn!" alanna clapped, grabbing your hand as you hastily passed the phone to caitlin before you were dragged into your girlfriends strong hold.
"c'mere sexy." you squealed as suddenly your legs were wrapped around her waist and you clung onto her shoulders as she teasingly pretended to drop you. "now kiss me like you love me." the blonde grinned before puckering her lips expectantly.
"wait! my left side is my best side." alanna pulled back right before you could kiss her, your eyes rolling as did her best friends as she turned so her left side faced the camera.
"babe that was your cue to go 'oh lani baby you don't have a best side, they're both equally as gorgeous'." your girlfriend reminded, making a face as she clearly awaited the words to fall from your mouth which only curled into a smile.
"just shut up and kiss me you freak."
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Labour -W2S
Words: 1.6k+
Warnings: pregnancy, birth.
In which you and Harry finally meet your baby girl.
a/n: I’ve never had a baby so I apologise if this isn’t accurate!! Also this was a request on wattpad. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼🧸
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,467,098 others
y/username: not long now🫣🤍 @wrotoshaw @freyanightingale
faithloisak: ❤️❤️😭
taliamar: you're so cute
y/nfanpage21: the bump!🥺
user31479682: still can't believe w2s is gonna be a dad
I met Harry in primary school. I always thought he was a little weird but just as high school finished I fell head over heels in love with that weird boy. That was 12 years old. We got married two years ago, it was a small wedding in Guernsey with only our closest friends and family. Just under a year ago we decided we wanted a kid, 4 months later I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I waited an entire week to tell Harry just so I could tell him with a little bag containing a mini version of his charity match jersey inside (that I'd had specially made). Then we told the boys, Faith, Freya and Talia at a special dinner that we arranged just so we could tell them all together. They were extremely excited, especially Ethan and Faith because there would now be another set of parents in the group.
We found out we were having a little girl when I was 21 weeks. That was also around the time I felt the baby kick for the first time, me and Harry sat in our bed absolutely freaking out about it. After we knew it was a girl I could finally start buying an unholy amount of baby clothes, teddies and things for the nursery. Me and Faith have become considerably closer, since we now have things to talk about, she's really been a great help when it came to little worries I had or if I just needed someone to rant to about back pain.
I'm currently 38 weeks. The hospital bags are packed and the nursery is completely ready. I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant and would really like to just meet my baby. Harry ran me a warm bath so I could relax. Then I dried myself, put on my current favourite pyjamas and slid into bed next to him. I struggled slightly getting to sleep since I was really uncomfortable. I tossed and turned until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke to the feeling of wet between my legs. Confused, I pulled the covers back. My eyes met a large patch of clear ish liquid on the mattress, barely visible in the darkness of the room. My brows furrowed then my face dropped, mouth turning into an O shape. My water just broke. I took a deep breath then turned to gently shake Harry awake, he groaned. "Haz, wake up" I whispered gently. "What- what's up?!" He said the last part with a little bit of urgency after properly waking. "I think my water just broke." I stated calmly. His eyes widened "what!" He jumped off the bed.
"Calm down. It's fine the midwife said we have time, remember?" His face calmed slightly then he took in a shaky breath "are you ok?" He asked, coming over to my side of the bed. "I'm fine." I replied. He helped me off the soaked bed and to my feet. "This is really happening, we're really going this." He said with slight excitement in his eyes. "Yes we are. Now can you grab the hospital bag while I change?" He quickly nodded then ran towards the nursery where the bag resides.
I got changed into a comfy sweat set, brushed my hair and tied it back into a bun. When I emerged from the bedroom Harry was stood by the door rapidly texting on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked. He looked up "yea," he nodded "I was just texting the boys." I giggled "Harry it's 5am!" I said with a light shake of my head. "I needed to tell someone!" He exclaimed. "We're any of them even awake?" I asked as he unlocked the front door. "Uh- no but they'll see it in a bit." I laughed.
Once we got in the car I text my mum telling her what was going on, then Harry speedily started the car. We were at the hospital just 15 minutes later. Harry helped me inside and we were quickly taken to a private room. "What time did your water break?" The nurse asked. "Around half four." I answered. "Ok... and have you had any contractions?" She questioned while scribbling on her clipboard. "Uh no, not yet." She looked up "alright then, I'll get my colleague to come and attach you to some machines so we can monitor you and baby." She said with a kind smile. I thanked her and she left the room.
Another nurse came in soon after and wrapped my stomach with some monitors, she did some other general checks on me. Once she left Harry came to sit next to me and held my hand. I smiled at him but my smile was quickly replaced with a look of discomfort as I felt a small but painful cramp wrap around the bottom of my stomach. "Woah, was that a contradiction?" Harry questioned a few seconds later, once it had subsided. I nodded "ye I think so." I replied. "Should I go get the nurse?" He asked. "No I'm fine." I answered. He nodded and kept his hand firmly in mine.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Once it hit 8am I was having regular contractions that were lasting around 30 seconds each and were 7 minutes apart. The midwife came in and checked how dilated I was, 4 centimetres. Me and Harry sat on a FaceTime call with his mum, dad and Rosie, just a few minutes after we called my family. Then I got a call from Faith. "Hey! How's it going. How are you?!" She asked excitedly. "Hey, I'm okay." I said with a light smile. She returned the smile "I literally couldn't believe it when Ethan told me you were in labour this morning." She stated. Before I could say anything else I felt another contraction building. I quickly said goodbye and placed my phone next to me. I took a deep breath and squeezed Harry's hand. "You're doing so good, breathe." He said quietly. As the pain subsided I let out a heavy sigh. Harry squeezed my hand lightly "You're incredible." I looked to him and smiled "You're so cute."
After an excruciating amount of time I was finally at 9 centimetres. I stood with my arms wrapped around Harry's neck, swaying slightly and breathing heavily. "Not long now. You've got this. I love you. You're doing so good." Harry whispered in to my ears as I clung to him. He kept his hands firmly on my waist, helping me to stay up. "Ok y/n, It looks like you're ready to push!" My midwife said and I looked up to Harry with fear in my eyes. He helped me back onto the bed and cupped my face in his hands gently "you're gonna be fine, I'm here." He said with a comforting voice. To be honest I thought Harry was going to be an absolute mess when it came to me giving birth but I was pleasantly surprised on how strong he's been, for me.
I lay back on the bed, held up by a few pillows and Harry was quick to grab my hand, once again. With my legs propped up, my midwife sat on a chair in front of me. "On the next contraction push as hard as you can." she said through my legs. I nodded nervously and it wasn't long until I felt that now all familiar pain run from my stomach all the way round to my lower back. I squeezed Harry's hand so tight I thought I might break it as I pushed with all I had.
After almost 30 minutes of what felt like constant pushing I finally heard the loud cries of my baby. Tears immediately poured down my face and the last few hours completely left my brain. I looked over to Harry once they passed me my baby. I have only ever seen Harry cry once during the entire time I've known him, but there was tears falling down his face as he stared sweetly at me. "You did incredible. She's perfect. I love you so much." He choked out. I brought him towards me by fisting his shirt in my hand and pulling him so our lips connected.
Once Harry cut the babies umbilical cord, both me and baby were checked over and cleaned up and we informed our families and friends that we were both ok and that the baby was healthy, we sat admiring the sweet little baby peacefully sleeping in the plastic cot. "We need to name her." Harry said quietly. "Got any ideas?" I asked, realising I hadn't actually thought about the fact she'd need a name. "Uhm, I like the name Nova." He said. My eyes lit up slightly and I nodded "she looks like a Nova." More tears dropped from my eyes. Harry shuffled towards me "what's wrong? are you okay?" He asked softly. I laughed lightly "I'm fine. I just- love her so much." Harry giggled then pulled me into a warm hug "I love you." He said with a breathy laugh. I smiled into his chest "I love you too."
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 4,023,611 others
y/username: my baby girl Nova Lewis🤍
behzingagram: omg wow wow wow congratulations❤️❤️❤️❤️
ksi: congratulations🥳
faithloisak: OMG😭😭😭😭
y/nfanpage21: I can't cope🥹
user29473674: w2s is officially a dad woah
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Sorry, I couldn't help but post this, I thought it was too funny.
Eddie has been spending too much time with Steve lately, but the kids didn't know that. Well, Max and El were the only ones who knew because Max lived across from Eddie. Will had some idea. Max could have told them to calm down, but then she wouldn't have had any fun. So they followed Dustin, Mike, and Lucas to the Munson's trailer. Wayne was sitting on the couch outside when they walked over.
"Hey, Junior," Wayne greeted Dustin and pushed his hat down over his eyes.
Junior was the name Wayne had given Dustin because of how much he reminded him of Eddie. It ticked Dustin to no end. He pushed the hat Wayne had given him up and glared at him for a moment.
"Uncle Wayne, do you know where Eddie? We can't find him anywhere, and we haven't seen him in a few days," Dustin said.
"Oh, yeah, the Harrington boy kidnapped him. I told him to keep him, seeing as I didn't have enough money for the ransom," Wayne said, and Max had to fight to keep from laughing when he winked at her.
"Oh my God! The hits to the head finally made him lose it," Mike said, and Wayne nearly lost it.
"I think it's up to you boys to rescue him," Wayne said seriously.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin hurried to jump on their bikes. Will, El, and Max followed slowly behind them. They arrived at Steve's, out of breath.
"What if Steve’s been taken over by the Mind Flayer?" Dustin asked.
"Or Vecna?" Lucas asked.
They raced to the door and banged on it.
"Shouldn't we tell them before they completely lose their minds?" Will asked.
"No, the dumbasses deserve this if they can't fanthom the possibility that Steve and Eddie are, uh, friends," Max said.
"Right, friends," Will grinned.
"You know," Max said, narrowing her eyes.
"I guessed."
Steve opened the door with Eddie pressed against his chest, an arm thrown loosely around his neck.
"Step back or the metalhead gets it," Steve said menacingly.
"Please, sir, I didn't mean it!" Eddie exclaimed.
"You don't have to do this, Steve!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Yeah, man, come on," Lucas pleaded.
"Oh, but I do. This asshole broke my favorite coffee mug!" Steve growled and grabbed the back of his hair. "He has to pay!"
"No, master, I swear I'll be good," Eddie said.
Steve pulled his hair back and kissed him deeply. The guys stared at them, stunned. Steve pulled back.
"Oh no! Not the kisses! Anything but the kisses!" Eddie wailed. "Please, don't smother me with kisses!"
"You guys are together," Dustin said.
"Yeah, no shit," Eddie said, dropping the act and letting Steve wrap his arms around his waist.
"Goddamnit! We're dumbasses!" Dustin said and took off his hat, hitting himself with it.
Max, El, and Will burst into peels of laughter.
"You guys knew!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Well, they did. I didn't know for sure," Will said with a grin.
"Did anyone think of the possibility that they were dating?" Mike asked.
"No," the other two said in unison.
"We are dumbasses," Mike said.
The others laughed.
"Wait, how did you guys know to do that?" Dustin asked Steve and Eddie.
"Wayne called us."
"Well, Steve, I'm glad you haven't lost your mind and haven't actually kidnapped Eddie. You two seem happy," Dustin said.
They all agreed and climbed back onto their bikes. They rode off into the sunset, calling each other every name in the books.
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
Steve, Gareth and Chrissy are cousins AU (sad edition) [prologue] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Final Part]
"So," Robin says after they clink their molotov cocktails together, "do we also get to talk about the whole cousin situation now?"
Steve looks across the field, where Eddie and Dustin are defending themselves from invisible enemies. Gareth and Lucas are swinging the finished spears at each other while Erica shakes her head at them, working on a third. It looks like Nancy is showing Max the proper way to hold a shotgun, which isn't nearly as bizarre as it probably should be.
"What's there to talk about?"
"Are you doing okay?" Robin asks.
Steve doesn't mean to making a scoffing noise. It just leaves his body involuntarily. "No. But I'm not the only one not doing okay. Now that we know Vecna doesn't have to do the whole weeklong build up to murder town, that he could get any of us, as any time and he's just being a sadistic bastard-"
"Steve. He'll take the bait. If nothing else, we have to believe that."
Steve looks from Max to Gareth, then back to Robin. "Yeah. Right."
Robin is quiet for a moment, before her eyes flick away and back to him again. "Do you want to talk to Gareth? He was... God, Steve, it was awful, hearing him scream for you. While Vecna was... Anyway, I know you two are like avoiding each other for whatever reason, but I think you can let go of whatever it was."
"I just wanted to keep them safe, Robbie," Steve swallows down the sob that wants to break free. "I never wanted them involved in this. I was so scared that I'd somehow infect them with the Upside Down that I just kept them away and it took Chrissy anyway. It-it-"
"It hasn't taken Gareth, though," Robin says softly, cutting Steve's spiral off. "It hasn't taken him. But he needs you. I think you need him, too. You should talk. Before we drop him at the Creel house. Because."
She doesn't finish, but that's fine. Steve knows what she's saying. They could die today. Any one of them. Chrissy died without Steve making it right. He'd started to work on hanging out with Chrissy again, but it was all surface level. He didn't even apologize. With Gareth he could justify, however shitty that was to do, that he was staying away because Gareth asked him to.
Chrissy hadn't asked for Steve to step out of her life. He'd done that himself in '83.
He can't do right by Chrissy anymore, but he can try with Gareth.
He stands and Robin gives his knee two solid pats before he walks away.
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"Dustin, you piss off Steve somehow?" Eddie asks.
Gareth, in the middle of facing off with Lucas, pauses to look around, which gains him a light tap to his side by Lucas' spear. Sure enough, Steve is stalking their direction with a grim determination on his face.
"What, why am I the one getting the blame?" Dustin says, offended.
"It is usually you," Lucas adds, which earns him a squawk of indignation from Dustin, who shoots back, "he could be coming to lecture you for making Erica do all the spear making!"
Steve doesn't approach either boy, though.
"Hey, can we talk?" Steve asks once he comes to a stop in front of him.
"Got some end of the world regrets, Harrington?" Gareth says, trying to keep his voice lighter than he feels. He wants to tease Steve, not bully him.
He must succeed because Steve gives a chuckle and says, "I don't think we have time for all the end of the world regrets, so, uhh, just the one for now."
"We're cool, dude," Gareth says, eyes flicking from Steve to Eddie. The kids know, Gareth told them himself, but Eddie doesn't. "I started it."
"Yeah, but I graduated and still pretended you didn't exist. Which isn't what you asked for."
Gareth shrugs, because he doesn't know everything but he knows enough. Learned this isn't anyone else's (besides Eddie and his) first rodeo or whatever. That there have been other times, dating back to the year Will Byers was lost for a week. "Dude. Seriously. We're cool. You've been dealing with... whatever the fuck this is. So, just, like promise to be around more once we all survive this."
Steve looks pained but before he can reply, Eddie cuts in, "I'm sorry. How do you know each other?"
Gareth looks to Steve, who just shrugs as if to say your friend, you responsibility and honestly? Fuck Steve Harrington. Keeps traumatizing secrets and pushes Gareth away and also throws him to the wolves. Except, this is the secret Gareth has been keeping from Eddie. He sighs and turns to Eddie. "Well, uh, Steve's my cousin. We used to be super close before I started high school. Actually, Steve here is the reason I joined Hellfire!"
Eddie seems to go through all 7 stages of grief before settling into a confused. "I'm sorry. Steve talked you into joining Hellfire?"
"That is not what I did!" Steve defends himself.
"God no. He just went into great detail about how loud and obnoxious and attention-grabbing the current president was, as if that would make me want to not meet you for some reason."
"It was a warning!" Steve yelps at the same time Eddie sing-songs, "You think I'm attention-grabbing, Harrington?"
Dustin, Lucas, and Erica are all laughing at Steve has he tries to sputter through what he meant by attention-grabbing ("It's hard to not pay attention when he's shouting from the top of a lunch table!"), and Gareth just watches on, amused.
After they fight an... evil wizard? Vecna or whatever his name is. Once this is over, Gareth is going to sit Steve down and make him tell him everything, but that can wait.
He wants to watch Steve flounder trying to defend himself from the accusations of watching Eddie just a bit too much back in high school.
Later, as they all pack up and load up in the RV, Nancy stops Steve from entering the RV, ushering everyone past until Gareth and Steve are the only ones left outside.
"Are we acknowledging that you're cousins, now?" she asks.
"You knew!?" Steve sounds surprised. Gareth's surprised, too.
Nancy just rolls her eyes. "Steve, I've been to your house." When that just makes Steve look confused, she rolls her eyes and says, "there are family pictures covering almost every inch of your living room."
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Robin pipes in, appearing in the doorway with an angry expression.
"It wasn't really my thing to talk about, was it?"
"Yeah, but did you even check in with Steve? If you knew, and knew what happened to Chrissy- you didn't even ask if he wanted to go to the funeral!"
"Robin!" Steve hisses.
Nancy doesn't look upset by whatever accusation Robin seems to be trying to make. "If Steve wanted to go, he could have said something. We aren't his keepers. But, also," her gaze goes from Robin to Steve, "I didn't want to pry or seem pushy. I figured you'd tell us when you were ready."
Robin frowns but doesn't say anything else, disappearing back into the RV. Gareth gestures for Steve and Nancy to go first, and then he's closing and locking the door behind him before heading to sit by Eddie along the back bench seat. A bunch of shit has been piled there, so Gareth shoves it off the seat and to the floor. The pile of things ends up being a hazard and he almost brains himself while turning to sit down; something under his foot slides and Eddie saves him, yanking him to fall onto Eddie. After some fussing and laughter from those around, Gareth gets seated and looks down to see what almost killed him.
It's a phone book.
Eddie leans in close once they're back on the road to town to whisper, "so, you just let me go on all those rants about King Steve and never once thought to tell me you were related?"
Gareth just gives him his best impression of a King Steve smirk and says, "I would have hate to have deterred you from talking about your favorite school subject."
It's worth seeing the scandalized look on Eddie's face, even as the man socks him in the leg for the comment. "I hate you, man."
Gareth rubs his leg and says, "you don't mean that."
There's a long silence from Eddie after that before he says, "you're right. I don't mean that. And. Uh. In case I don't- in case it goes south down there but ends up fine up here, I just-"
"No," Gareth growls. "Fuck you, Eddie. We're going to be fine. All you gotta do is shred on your guitar and get the hell out. You're going to be fine."
"You didn't see the bats."
"Fine. It's gonna be fine," Eddie agrees and falls silent.
Gareth frowns at that. Eddie must really be worried, to not argue back like he usually does. Gareth's worried, too, but what can he do?
He thinks about his mom. When did he last tell her he loves her? If they don't succeed tonight, will he get a chance to say it again? Will anyone get a chance to say it again?
Gareth looks down at the phone book at his feet.
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"Wait, does anyone have change for a payphone?" Gareth asks from somewhere behind him. Steve turns in his seat to look into the back of the RV.
"Uh, yeah," Robin digs into her pockets, but then narrows her eyes at Gareth and asks, "wait. Who are you calling?"
"I have to let my mom know I'm alive. Just... hear my voice," Gareth says. "She needs to know I'm okay. It's already been too long since last we talked and... after Chrissy she was..."
Robin's face drops into the guiltiest look Steve's ever seen on her face and she produces her wallet, dropping the whole thing into Gareth's open hand. "Yeah, no. Sorry. There's still plenty of time for a phone call before the end of the world. You better return my wallet, Cunningham."
"I'm not going to rob you, Buckley," Gareth says before ducking out the RV with Max, Lucas, and Erica.
Steve tries not to let the guilt well up in him as they drive away. Gareth had wanted to come with Team Kill Vecna but Steve had quickly argued against that. He wasn't going to let Gareth anywhere near the Upside Down.
So it was decided. Max, Lucas, Erica, and Gareth at the Creel house, Dustin and Eddie on distraction, and Nancy, Robin, and Steve were going to face down Vecna.
There was still hours to go before they'd try, with a time set for 9:20ish, since that's the time Vecna's been enacting his curse according to Eddie's broken watch. Plenty of time to fortify Eddie's house in the Upside Down, plus the almost 40 minute walk to the Creel house from Forest Hills.
This was going to work. It had to.
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Max and Lucas opt for hiding around the back of the house, waiting for time to pass until it's closer to dark, and Erica said she was going to snoop around the abandoned playground, so Gareth decided to head to the payphone a couple of blocks down the street.
He makes it halfway there before Erica scares the shit out of him by saying, "why do you need a phone book?"
Gareth yelps and spins, stupidly trying to hid the book behind his back even though he knows she already saw it. "I- uh, no. No reason."
Erica eyes him and he's suddenly very aware of whatever Eddie saw in her that night at Hellfire, that let her join the club. She's pretty scary for a middle schooler. "Do I look stupid? Who are you calling." It's not a question. It's a demand.
"I'm going to try and get a hold of Eddie's uncle," Gareth answers, trying to sound like an authority figure. "Tell him he'll find Eddie at his home at eight tonight. I know you all are so used to not telling people but this is- we need a real adult and Wayne's an army vet. He'll know how to help. He'll want to help."
She purses her lips, stays quiet for a moment before she nods. "I'm usually surrounded by stupid people, but you're kind of not one. I've got more change if you need it."
Gareth calls the plant and asks to speak to Wayne Munson. It's a bit of back and forth before the secretary agrees, but only if Wayne agrees to speak to a Gareth Cunningham. The plant must be getting calls from angry locals.
"Are ya really Gareth, or are ya just wantin' ta yell at me for helpin' raise the devil incarnate?" Wayne sounds tired and Gareth feels bad for him.
"Eddie would love for you to call him that to his face when you see him again."
"Thank God, son," Wayne sounds relieved. He must recognize Gareth's voice. "Ya okay? No one's harrassin' ya, are they?"
"No. Listen Wayne, I'm going to say something crazy but please just listen and do your best to be casual. I know where Eddie is. Or, where he will be at eight tonight. He's.... not physically hurt but he's going to need you. He might hate me for telling you this but I had to."
There is a pause where all he hears through the phone is a long inhale followed by a slow exhale. "Mmm hmm. I appreciate yer concern and glad ta hear no one's botherin' ya just for knowin' Eddie."
Gareth is only confused for a moment before he realizes Wayne is trying to make this conversation sound routine from his end. "Just. He's going home. But please don't show up until after eight. If you... if you beat him home he might run. Try to keep you out of this, y'know?" Gareth is just lying now, but he's a teenage boy in a garage band that plays in a dingy bar at the edge of town. That is to say, he knows how to lie off the cuff.
"I read ya loud and clear. I'll let ya know as soon as Eddie's been found safe so ya can quit worryin'. I gotta get back to it, but thanks for reachin' out."
Gareth hangs up and looks to Erica. "Well. Let's hope I haven't ruined everything."
"Let's hope that you know Wayne as well as you think you do."
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mactavishwritings · 1 year
141 + Los Vaqueros reacting to you naming your child together after them would be so sweet
he was on a mission when you gave birth so he rushed to the hospital when he got back. he walked into your room and you looked so pretty. his eyes landed on your son and his eyes filled with tears. he held your son when you told him the name. Simon Benjamin (L/N). his head whipped up towards you, having taken his mask off. he looked back down at the baby and vowed to you that nothing will every happen to your son while he is alive.
your pregnancy had been difficult so when you finally gave birth, you were so relieved that your son was heathy. before the birth, Soap kept making jokes about how your son should be named after him, starting the line of Johnny Jrs. you always brushed him off, but could never settle on a name. when the nurse asked you what you two planned on naming the baby, you smiled at Soap before telling her 'Johnathan Jr.' Soap looked up with the biggest smile on his face. he leaned over and kissed your head a bunch before finally letting you sleep.
Gaz would often ask you for a baby. he loved kids and would often tear up whenever you two walked past the kids section of a store. when you did finally get pregnant, he was over the moon. he was trying to come up with unique names, but you didn't like any of the ones. when you found out it was a boy, you knew immediately what you wanted to name him. you sat Gaz down one night and told him that you wanted to name your son 'Kyle'. He teared up and immediately agreed, dropping to his knees in front of you. his head rested on your thigh, hugging your legs.
You two never planned on having kids. it's not that you didn't want kids, it's just that you never could see yourselves settling down for a family. that is until you missed your period and took a test that changes your entire plans. it didn't hit you that you were going to be parents until 6 months. it had gotten serious then because you were seriously showing. You two were laying in bed when you suddenly sat up, turning to Price. "We have to think of a name soon, oh god." his eyes went wide at your panic, reaching up to sooth you. you sighed and shook your head. "fuck it. we're naming him John Jr and i don't want to hear it." Price choked on his spit before tearing up. "if that's what you want, darling. i'm very happy with that."
you two had been together since you were teens. when you found out you were pregnant with a baby girl, he had you move into a secret safe house to project you. you had so much time on your hands so to prevent yourself from going nuts, you researched baby names. You would text Alejandro your ideas and he would always laugh them off. you then suggested the name Alexandra, the female version of his name, he went silent. you were nervous that it upset him, but he nodded. he wasn't looking at you, but you heard a small sniffle. Your eyes went wide as you realized he was crying. "i'm just so excited and i really like that name. i can't wait to raise her with you."
You never imagined yourself as a mother, but Rudy wanted a kid so bad. he wanted to have lots of kids, but never wanted to pressure you into having kids. your pregnancy was an accident, but not unwelcomed. it took you getting pregnant for you to want kids. you were so excited when you found out. At month 8, you just wanted the baby out. Rudy tried his best to help support you as best he could. He often asked if you two could name him Rodolfo, since Rudy was named after his own father. You never were sure, always saying you'd think about it. When you gave birth, you finally agreed to naming him Rodolfo. He got so emotional, holding his newborn son with the biggest smile on his face.
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After a long and tortuous journey filled with fun, with opinions on the shows and on the BL business at large, with wonderful interactions and bat-shit insane rounds of polling, we're finally here.
Before we get to officially announce the winner of the Worst GMMTV Boy's Love Series Tournament, I would like to thank everyone for playing along with me for the past ten weeks. I created this tournament to have a little fun in a very difficult time and I could have never hoped to get to interact with each and every one of you to the extent that I have and I truly cherish each and every message you have sent me and the amount of love you have given this silly little game. I'm especially thankful for how amazingly everyone has taken the spirit of this tournament. When I first started entertaining the thought of doing this, I was afraid I was stoking some dangerous fires but at the same time hopeful that this would be received as the fun little attempt at taking ourselves and our tastes not so seriously in fandom that it was meant to be.
I am truly thrilled at all the reactions this got, I had the utmost fun even when seeing my favourite shows go much further in the tournament than I was hoping because, ultimately, it doesn't really matter who won and who lost. I'm just glad we all got together to have this fun little game and my last hope for it is that it brought at least a little joy to at least a few of you.
Thank you.
And now, we already know who won but here it is, the official acknowledgment of the winner of this tournament. Our gold metal winner is:
✨🎉Tonhon Chonlatee!!!🎉✨
Undefeated throughout the entire tournament, this BL Series just does. not. quit. Thank you to GMMTV for keeping us glued to the screen even through the worst of times and thank you once again to @gmmtv-bl-tournament for inspiring this entire tournament.
Have a good one, everyone!
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twstfanblog · 1 month
You know, the more I think about, the less surprising it is that "7-8 students overbloted" and more "How has NRC gone decades without an overblot?"
From my understanding, blot is a measure of magic mixing emotional pressure. And overbloting is basically bottled-up emotions finally exploding, yes? Between: - NRC is a prestigious magical academy, therefore drawing lots of magical talent - the students having such big egos it's pulling teeth to get them to willingly together - various past/present traumas, pressures, stress, etc - NRC is a boarding school, so this likely the first time most students have lived away from home How is overblot so rare? Judging from what we've seen, one would think a kid would snap and overblot once every 5 years or something, bare minimum
Anyway, what do you think?
Okay, this is gonna actually be a decently long ramble. Buckle end
So...We got two choices. Either Overblots ARE super rare, which story-wise I'm not entirely sure about either since there are seemingly 10,000 phantoms on ice in STYX. If all of those containment boxes have a phantom in them then that is a FUCK TON of overblots happening around the world at a pretty decent pace.
Overblots AREN'T super rare and plenty of mini-overblots happen that only have the phantoms being taken away with or without casualties.
It's kinda just storywise of the Twist boys just being very powerful teen mages who seem to have the most tragic backstories ever seen in the world and THAT'S why only now they're over-blotting. But even then, 7-8 seriously intense overblots like months apart on the same campus is still fucking weird...
But within my own canon (That I will really deep dive into in my Main story rewrite fic), is that the Overblots are being TRIGGERED BY CROWLEY.
We are a non-magical being, brought to NRC against our will with no idea how we actually got there or how to get home. Once we were rejected by the Dark Mirror and Crowley learns we're potentially not from this world at all, instead of like...handing us over to some type of authorities or even STYX...Crowley puts us in an abandoned, isolated building and tries to make us what is basically an indentured servant???
You can mainly just chalk that up to Crowley being an asshole. And you can even use that logic for the prologue and Book 1. But within my canon, Crowley is the mastermind triggering all these overblots for an end goal. Those were TESTS, to make sure that we can actually survive an overblot fight, and to make sure the chosen target can survive an overblot because OVERBLOTS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE FATAL.
Because from that point on, Crowley is the one throwing us at every issue that leads to an overblot. He puts us on the case for the Spelldrive accidents, he tells us to figure something out with Azul, (kind of a stretch) He has us feed the fire fairies in the cafeteria to be in Jamil's crosshairs, He just DECIDES we need to host the VDC team when literally anywhere else is better than Ramshackle (WE CANONICALLY DON'T HAVE RUNNING WATER AT THIS POINT????).
Book 6 didn't have much Crowley pushing us, but he was busy getting grilled by actual officials on WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING AT THIS SCHOOL????
Book 7...after literally having...no talk since the start of book 4 about us finding a way home...just comes out and says that he might of found us a way home??? Very...convenient since Malleus was on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
Plus just...how did Grim get into the school? Like Grim is a monster, that's a fact. NRC is on the top of an evil ass mountain, there's SOMETHING outside those gates and the school has some type of spell to keep whatever it is outside. But Grim manages to break in like twice? "Undetected?"
Even in the prologue, he had a mage stone collar PREPARED to accept Grim into the school as a student. He's like...weirdly prepared with a lot of shit.
Crowley is sus as fuck and he is the one causing all of these overblots
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starluvsx · 8 months
★𝐉𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
Chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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Word count:1887
Proof read:yurrr
WARNINGS:swearing, pick me girl, couple fighting, jealousy (duh)
A/N:def gonna make a second part to this but i'm not sure how i wanna go abt it yet.also sorry i haven't published anything in awhile lol i've had lik 0 motivation and i've also just been crazy busy.btw this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8AtpHeu/ is the everlong meme that is mentioned if you don’t know what I’m talking abt.
𖦹 𖦹
I set my lash glue down as I heard the unmistakable ring of an incoming phone call from across the room.knowing i was going out with my friends and my boyfriend and that's what I was getting ready for, I immediately got up from my vanity to grab my phone. 'matty boy' read the caller id.it was strange for matt to be calling me instead of chris but i simply assumed his phone was dead, not thinking much about it.
"hey y/nn, we're outside, you ready?'' Matt spoke into the phone.before i could answer his question i heard faint giggling in the back.due to it sounding like a girls giggle i became more confused.as far as i knew it was just the three boys and me, madi backing out because she was babysitting unfortunately.
"yea i just need to put my lash on but i'll be out in a sec"i answered truthfully. more giggling could be heard, now clearer than before.yes i was curious but chose not to ask anything because i was probably on speaker right now.
"Alright, just take your time, we're not in a rush,"Matt said calmly before I muttered a quick 'mk' and hung up the phone.
stepping out of the house i immediately saw the van waiting for me.speed walking up to it happily.as i got closer to the car i could see the front seat,the one my boyfriend normally sits in, was empty.weird yes but not insane.i mean it's not like he's shackled down to the seat.but once i made it to the door of the car i realized the reality of what was going on.nick sat on the left,chris in the middle and ashley on the right looking up at chris while leaning onto his shoulder. what the fuck was all i thought as i stepped into the car. "hey babe, '' Chris said from the back seat, causing the smaller girl to slowly get off him.
"Oh hi Chris" I said lovingly,not wanting to call him anything but his first name at the sight of him being so touchy with another girl.
"oh yea you know Ashley right y/n '' Matt said as he began to back out of my driveway.of course i knew her.although she was more of the boys friend then mine it was pretty hard to miss her with how obnoxious she was. Nick has told me many times that he's not too fond of her but Chris and Matt seem to have no problem with the girl.
"Hey,"I said with a warm smile on my face while turning around to greet the girl,only receiving a small awkward smile in return.
Once we had finally made it to the restaurant after what felt like forever we all stepped out of the car.chris gave me a small kiss on the cheek now that we were close together. "I missed you, '' the taller boy whispered into my ear, causing me to forget everything I had seen previously.
Ashley and Nick had now taken the lead of our group,Matt in the middle and me and Chris in the back.The order stayed the same as we entered the restaurant and Nick began talking to the seating lady. "yea so party of five- 'who's the fifth? oh yea nevermind' ashley interrupted.not sure how she could forget me when she was on top of my boyfriend a minute ago but ok i guess.
"chris sit with me!" she said like a little kid once the seater brought us to a booth.nick,who now was sitting to her left gave me a look that described how i felt as well.my boyfriend awkwardly obliged and sat with her, leaving me to sit with Matt.which i would have been totally fine with if my boyfriend wasn't sitting directly across from me with another girl.
"wait your seriously gonna eat all of that.'' Ashley said as I began to eat my food.being on top of my boyfriend is one thing but making backhanded comments is another.
if we weren't in public i would’ve said something as rude as what just came out of her cheaply filled lips but due to the restaurant being packed i decided to be civil "well yea im fuckin hungry"was all i said before turning to nick in order to start a conversation with him.
"Y/nn take a picture of us for the photo dump tomorrow."nick said as he handed me his phone.i nodded slightly as i opened his camera and told them to pose.but of course as soon as the word left my mouth little miss bitch hooked herself onto chris and leaned on his shoulder.
yes i was mad at her for being like this for no apparent reason but i was also upset at chris for not saying anything.he just sat there and posed as well. "ok now we gotta get you guys, Ashley, take the photo since you're like in the middle." nick asked politely
"you sure she won't break the camera?'' Ashley joked as she looked at Nick for approval of her poorly curated joke.
"yea im pretty fuckin sure."the blonde boy replied.
"If that's really a concern of yours then maybe don't turn the camera around"Matt said in my defense.Through all this Chris stayed silent.like his lips were sealed.
For once Ashley didn't say anything,snatching the phone out of my hand.And now since Chris was being weird I decided to piss him off a little.make him feel what i've felt all night.
I put up a small thumbs up and leaned onto Matt's shoulder as my pose.the boy to my right did the same hand movement as we both smiled.I knew he wouldn't take this the wrong way and maybe even would understand why I was doing this.
✧Two days later, Saturday
My thumb repeated the same movement it had been doing for the past 45 minutes.it being late at night and not exactly wanting to talk to my boyfriend due to the way he acted the other night made my night extremely boring.
the next video on my for you page was one i didn't expect to see but the timing was almost perfect.it was a screen recording of the photo dump where the person scrolled until they got to the photos from the other night.the first picture was the one of me and matt and the next one was the one i took.the one where my boyfriend acted the same way he does with me, with another girl.
the video being the everlong meme made it slightly funny in my head but no laugh came out of me.before thinking i sent it to chris and nick.i sent it to nick because i knew he would agree and talk shit with me but i sent it to chris to show him why i haven't been talking to him the past day.why i haven't answered his calls or texts.
Nick's response was what I expected to be honest. 'yea im not inviting her anywhere no more, fuck that bitch' was what he had typed and sent in response to the video.
chris did not respond at all.simply leaving me on read.that hurt more than the other shit he's done recently.not only does he always respond to the videos i send him but one where i'm obviously trying to tell him something important.i glanced up at the time in the corner of my phone.it was only 8:30.too early for me to fall asleep so i simply turned over and continued scrolling.
After about an hour I heard the doorbell ring.assuming it was a stupid kid from down the street due to there being a lot of teens that lived on my road I ignored it.then the bell rang again.I rolled my eyes and became more aware of my surroundings, now being woken up.
‘Ping’ was all I heard from my phone that was now faces down on my mattress.as I turned it over the first and only notification I had was from my boyfriend, Chris.a text message that simply read “can you open the door it’s mad cold out here”
I sighed deeply as I realized what was going on.stepping out of my warm bed and walking down the stairs in my chilly house.
Once I had made it to the door I left my hand on the knob for a moment before opening it, not exactly sure if I wanted to be face to face with Chris at the moment.but nonetheless I opened it and was met with a sorry looking blue eyed boy.
“Hey”I said quietly due to me still being tired.I didn’t exactly know what to say.we almost never got into fights like this,certainly not one’s where we went more than a day not talking.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”the boy quickly said,skipping any form of greeting.
“Excuse me?”I responded.I noticed little drops of rain began to form outside as our conversation started.was he seriously blaming me for his bs?
He was struggling to look me in the eyes,something he had never had a problem with in the past.he actually often said he could stare into mine for hours and get lost in them. “Why didn’t you say anything to me, how was I supposed to know you were upset?”he said now more arrogant hints in his tone.
“Oh jeez sorry I thought my boyfriend of 3 years would be able to know that I don’t exactly love when some random girl calls me ugly and then hops on top of him”I said in response to his stupid question.
“She’s not just some girl,she’s my friend,”he said rudely.
“Go fuck yourself”i said weakly,tears welling up in my eyes.now the rain began to hit the ground harder.it was almost as if it was synced up with how i felt.
“What”he whispered
“I said go fuck yourself dip shit,get out of my face,leave me alone,I don’t want to see you let alone talk to you right now!”i said now louder.anger and sadness being my main emotions.
“Y/n I just don’t understand why you're being like this,I get that you don’t like what she said and how she’s on top of me all the time but I’ve told her to stop,what else do you want me to do?”he said putting his hands up in defense.
“Ugh your so stupid, drop her, why is she still your friend, do you have a fucking chemical imbalance in your brain why don’t you get that?!”i practically yelled. “I didn’t want it to come down to this because I know it’s corny but..me or her”I finished
Very movie-like of me yes but so what.he needs to choose because as long as he’s friends with her I don’t want anything to do with him.
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thevelaryons · 8 months
Wait, what do you mean Laenor and Addam are "possibly implied to have the same sexuality"?
So this idea is based off GRRM's tendency to repeat/recycle certain themes for characters from the same family. Seriously, just look at any Westerosi family we get extensive details about and you'll see that GRRM employs this writing method quite often.
As I was saying in this post, Corlys' children are juxtaposed against each other: Addam to Laenor and Alyn to Laena. Fire & Blood makes it evident enough that Laenor is a gay man and with how he shares other parallels with Addam, the nature of their sexuality might be something they also have in common. Now obviously take this with a grain of salt because Fire & Blood tends to be ambiguous in how it presents information. I know there are people in fandom who consider Laenor to be bisexual though I personally (as a bisexual person) don't see it. I've always interpreted him as a gay man. We're given plenty of relevant information concerning Laenor's relationships to other men to reach this conclusion (he's described as preferring the company of exclusively men over women and the overall depiction of his relationships with Joffrey & Qarl all emphasize his homosexuality).
As for Addam, the text does present his "interactions" (using that term loosely) with other male characters in a certain light that leaves room for interpretation.
This moment with Benji having Addam's body taken to Raventree Hall (instead of returning him to Driftmark 😒):
At moonrise the riverlords abandoned the field to the carrion crows, fading back into the hills. One of them, the boy Ben Blackwood, carried with him the broken body of Ser Addam Velaryon, found dead beside his dragon. His bones would rest at Raventree Hall for eight years.
mirrors a similar moment with Loras & Renly, a gay couple:
“I buried him with mine own hands, in a place he showed me once when I was a squire at Storm’s End. No one shall ever find him there to disturb his rest.”
And it's not until 8 years after Addam's death that Benji actually returns his body back to Alyn who seems to have discovered the whereabouts of his brother's body at last. Now I doubt Benji just forgot he was keeping Addam's body back home. At the end of the war, he spent some time around Corlys, years later he and Alyn were together in the Vale, and even after that, they went on their road trip to King's Landing together. But it's not until some more years have passed that Benji finally returns Addam's body to his family. I just find his behaviour suspicious tbh. How do you forget you're keeping someone's dead body at home when you're spending considerable time around that person's family members?? All those chances Benji had to mention that Addam's body is with house Blackwood and he doesn't say anything until 8 years later when Alyn seems to have found out this information and gotten his brother's bones back. Putting aside my personal fave headcanon of Addam actually surviving Tumbleton and residing at the Isle of Faces for those 8 years, Benji's behaviour presents a parallel to that of Loras who buried his lover, Renly, and refused to divulge that information to anyone.
Then there is also the "mating dance" of Addam's dragon Seasmoke with Tessarion, ridden by another male, Daeron Targaryen:
One such said afterward that the flight of Tessarion and Seasmoke seemed more mating dance than battle. Perhaps it was.
Also this passage:
Who can know the heart of a dragon? Was it simple bloodlust that drove the Blue Queen to attack? Did the she-dragon come to help one of the combatants? If so, which? Some will claim that the bond between a dragon and dragonrider runs so deep that the beast shares his master’s loves and hates. But who was the ally here, and who the enemy? Does a riderless dragon know friend from foe?
The books do emphasize the close ties dragonriders have to their dragons (eg. when a dragonrider is hurt their dragon expresses the pain). Even such things as dragons mating with other dragons is only presented in 2 other instances:
Silverwing and Vermithor oft coiled about one another in the fields south of Tumbleton.
Rhaenyra’s dragon Syrax laid several clutches of eggs, doubtless the result of matings with Caraxes.
In all of these instances, the dragons are bonded to riders who are linked together (whether platonic or romantic): Jaehaerys & Alysanne were a married couple, Hugh & Ulf are also presented as a united front every step of the way in the books, Daemon & Rhaenyra are another married couple. So going off that pattern, Addam & Daeron's dragons having a mating dance would suggest a link between them too, either as allies or lovers. Since Addam torched Daeron's entire camp, I very much doubt they were allies. Though the lovers angle doesn't really work in this scenario either. The more likelier interpretation would be that of ex-lovers who knew each other before the war, hence the quote about the dragon sharing the rider's loves and hates.
Going back to my above linked post which you were inquiring about, Addam & Laenor having the same sexuality and yet being different in how they approach their positions as Corlys' heirs does present an interesting dichotomy. Because Laenor, due to his sexuality, does not fulfill the expected duty required of someone in his position (which btw I don't hold against him; I think Laenor exerting autonomy over his own life despite the closeted society he lived in is a great character detail). Meanwhile, Addam is described as "duty bound", so in this interpretation of him being attracted to men, despite his sexuality, he would be someone who always puts family expectations over his own wishes. That would primarily be due to his background as an illegitimate child but it does serve to contrast him once again with Laenor who grew up as his father's trueborn son.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
price w a m!reader who he absolutely adores, like totally and utterly in love with reader to the point he’s gonna out a diamond ring on his finger, even in bed doing the nasty price is a submissive top, subby hubby that praises as reader rides the hell out of him… that’s all….
thank 🧍🏽
Missed You (Price/Trans! Male Reader)
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Summary: Price gets back from several weeks away and gets taken care of by his boyfriend.
Warnings: NSFW, Slight Dom/Sub, Face Sitting, Begging, Riding, Hand Jobs
Word Count: 3.5k
Names Used: Love (No use of Y/N)
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"Alright, lads," Price gave a slight knock to the lockers with his hand before slinging his bag over his shoulder, "anything you lot need from me before I head out?" He crossed his arms over his chest and turned to observe his team.
"Nah, we're good, Cap," Gaz was the one to respond, casually waving Price off as he continued packing up his own bag, carefully arranging everything inside as always. Price knew that he was likely off to see his boyfriend as soon as he left. He couldn't say anything, after all, he was off to do the same.
"You're sure?" He checked with the men, " If I have to come back up here because one of you didn't fill out some paperwork, or needed something, I won't be pleasant."
"We get it," Roach chimed with a grin on his face. "Seriously, we're good. Now go see your boyfriend so you won't be so grumpy when you get back."
"I am not grumpy," Price defended.
"You're always grumpy when you haven't seen your boyfriend in a few weeks," Gaz cut in quickly, a grin crossing his face as well. Price could feel his face going hot, but he just glared at the younger man. "You're whipped, Cap, nothing to be ashamed of."
"I'm not whipped," Price shot back, "I'd just like to not have my off time interrupted by one of you muppets."
"Sure," Roach called, "Promise we're good Cap, now go home and kiss your boyfriend already."
Despite his desire to stay and argue, Price only gave a small glare and a few mumbled curses as he left the locker room, slight laughter following behind him. He'd make the boys pay for it when he got back, but he'd promised his boyfriend that he'd be home by five. He didn't intend to break that promise.
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Price's boyfriend was nothing more than a blur when he finally stepped inside the house. All he could see was quick movement before his boyfriend's body slammed into his own and he suddenly found himself supporting more than just his weight. He didn't mind in the slightest, an excited grin crossing his face as he returned the hug with just as much enthusiasm.
It wasn't long after the hug started that his boyfriend pulled back to begin peppering kisses along his face. Price could only chuckle at the sensation as he, still holding his boyfriend in his arms, stepped into the house fully and kicked the door shut behind him. His bag was abandoned by the door in favor of walking further into their small home to settle his boyfriend down on their dining room table.
Price made sure to stay close. He pressed himself between his boyfriend's legs so that he could connect their lips in a sweet kiss. His boyfriend was quick to take it over, one of his hands finding its way into Price's hair to grip tight and pull him closer. He nipped at Price's bottom lip before licking into his mouth, his tongue tracing between the other man's teeth.
Price was weak to the feeling and it was easy for him to melt into his boyfriend's touch and allow himself to be guided with a hand in his hair and a sweet mouth against his own. He always got like this when it came to his boyfriend, he just couldn't help it. He just adored him.
"John," he pulled away from the kiss just slightly, his lips a delicious red color that had Price practically shaking with the need to taste them again, "I'm so glad your home. I missed you."
He pressed another kiss against Price's lips and, in between sweet pecks, Price responded, "You've no idea how much I missed you."
The words pulled a bit of a laugh from his boyfriend before he was muttering against his lips, "You could always show me how much you missed me?"
The words sent heat flushing down Price's spine. He didn't respond with words, he just picked his boyfriend up again and started excitedly toward the bedroom with him in his arms. If he nearly tripped a few times along the way because of how quick he was moving? Well, his boyfriends didn't seem to mind if his excited laughter was anything to go off of.
He ended up pausing to readjust at one point, pressing his boyfriend against the wall in the hallway to their room, their mouths pressed tight as they did. Their hips were flush with one another and Price couldn't keep himself from grinding forward, shocks of pleasure shooting through him as his cock began to grow hard against his boyfriend's clothed heat.
The move pulled a sweet gasp from his boyfriend's lips and within the next moment he was pulling back to hiss, "If you don't get us into the bedroom you'll be fucking me against this wall."
Price got the message loud and clear and within the next few seconds, he was pulling back to begin the rest of the short journey into their shared room, their mouths locked into a heated kiss the entire way.
Price didn't even bother to throw them onto the bed, he just leaned forward and let them fall together, unwilling to be separated from his boyfriend for longer than necessary. He'd already been separated from him for weeks, he didn't intend to be away for any longer.
The move knocked the breath from both of them, but outside of a quick huff, neither of them dared to separate from the other. Price allowed his hands to run along his boyfriend's side, slipping under his shirt to feel carefully along his chest with reverent hands. Similarly, his boyfriend was grasping at his shirt, pulling it up enough that his hands could feel the naked skin of his back. He allowed his nails to run gently over Price's skin, scratching lightly to pull a content sigh from Price's lips.
His legs were wrapped tight around Price's waist still, pulling them until their lower halves were pressed tight to one another, and, with one quick roll of his hips, he could grind up into the man above him and pull a desperate groan from his lips.
Price broke away from the kiss to begin trailing his mouth down his boyfriend's throat. He nipped at the skin as he went, kissing and licking over the bruises to soothe them once he was finished. The feeling had his boyfriend tossing his head back, a pleasured sigh leaving his lips. His hands continued trailing across Price's skin and he soon started a steady rhythm with his hips, rocking into the man above him to pull desperate groans from Price's lips.
Price was hard in his pants, the length of him straining against the confines of his underwear and pants. Within several moments he was giving desperate pants against his boyfriend's throat, the steady friction hazing over his mind in a way that was all too pleasurable.
He trailed his hands across his boyfriend's chest until his fingers could finally begin to stroke carefully over his nipples. The move sent sparks through his boyfriend's body and his reaction was almost instantaneous, his entire body arching up into the touch. "John," he whined.
His hands grasped tighter at Price's shirt and, within a few moments, he was tugging harshly at the shirt, pulling it over Price's head and forcing the man to pull back from his body to pull it off fully and toss it away.
In an instant, his boyfriend's hands had transferred from running along his back to the belt at his waist. His hands worked quickly and Price had to groan at the occasional brush of pressure against the bulge in his pants. Within a few moments, his belt was being tossed to the floor with a clatter and his pants were being hurriedly undone.
His boyfriend worked quick, tugging his pants and underwear down just far enough that he could pull Price's aching cock from its confines. His hand wrapped tight around the length and he was quick to give several smooth jerks of his hand. The move sent Price doubling forward with a loud moan.
He buried his face into his boyfriend's throat as the man began to slowly stroke his cock with a tight grip. He gave several desperate little moans and gasps as his boyfriend worked him slowly, building the pleasure that had been pooling in his gut with steady careful movements.
"Does that feel good baby?"
"Please," Price managed to groan back, his body rocking into the hand wrapped around his cock, "fuck, love! Feels amazing, please." He gave another low moan, the sound of it muffled by his boyfriend's throat. "God please!"
All his begging managed to get him was a delighted laugh from his boyfriend and the hand on his cock slowing down. He whined in response, trying to move his hips to regain that sweet feeling along his cock. In response, his boyfriend pulled his hand away fully.
"Uh-uh," within a moment, Price found himself flipped onto his back, his boyfriend straddling his waist. His cock rubbed up against the fabric of their pants, making him feel all the more desperate. Having the man he loved hovering over him, his hands running across his chest to flick at one of his nipples, it was too fucking good. "Don't you want to wait?" His boyfriend ground his hips down, "Don't you think that you should focus on me first? I meant you left me here alone for so long. I think I deserve it."
He stripped his shirt off, allowing Price to take in the naked expanse of his chest with hungry eyes. He moved his hips down again, grinding against Price's hard cock as he guided the man's hand to his pants. "Come on baby," he leaned down to lick a stripe up Price's chest, ending with a quick bit just above one of his nipples. "Help me take these off, yeah?"
Price was quick to comply with the request, his face completely flushed as he tried and failed to quickly unbutton his boyfriend's pants. It seemed that his failure only added to his boyfriend's amusement and he received no help for his shaky hands, only rumbling laughter.
After several moments, he finally managed to get them undone and, once he had, he immediately stopped, looking up at his boyfriend with triumphant eyes. "Such a good boy." A sloppy kiss was pressed to his mouth as a reward, "don't move, okay baby?" Price gave a rapid nod of his head.
His hungry eyes followed his boyfriend's movements carefully, watching as he lifted himself off of the bed to kick off his pants and underwear, exposing himself fully. Their eyes locked for a moment and his boyfriend shot him a playful wink before crawling back onto the bed to straddle him again.
The movement pulled a desperate groan from Price and a pleasured gasp from his boyfriend as his cock rutted up against the other's dripping cunt. "Fuck baby," his boyfriend rolled his hips down on him once again, "Can't wait to have you inside me again."
Price went to respond, only to cut himself off with a whine as his boyfriend shuffled up on the bed until he was hovering over his face rather than his cock. "But first," he started teasingly, "I want to put that sweet mouth of yours to good use. What do you think?"
Price nodded his head again, "Yes, god yes." He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's thighs, trying to tug him closer to his face.
"Desperate thing," his boyfriend teased. Finally, though, he allowed himself to slowly lower himself down until Price could begin lapping at the juices between his thighs. Price moved with vigor, sucking and licking at his boyfriend's cunt with filthy noises filling the air.
"Fuck," his boyfriend rolled his hips down, riding his tongue and allowing his clit to bump against Price's nose, "feels so fucking good baby." Price's beard rubbed against his thighs with every movement, creating a delicious burn that lay over his skin.
Price's arms were wrapped tight around his thighs, keeping him in place as he enthusiastically feasted on the man above him. Every few moments he would shake his head a bit, his face rubbing up against his boyfriend's clit in quick jabs of pleasure. It was enough to have him a moaning mess above him, his entire body falling forward until he was supported by his hands pressed into the mattress of the bed.
"God, so-" he cut himself off with a little yelp that petered off into a desperate groan as Price moved to wrap his lips around his clit. He gave a harsh suck to him, flicking his tongue over him in steady repeated movements. "Fuck, fuck, John!"
Pleasure was building quickly in his system, ramping higher and higher as Price grabbed tight to his thighs and pulled him down harder onto his mouth. Price continued to lick and suck at his cunt, refusing to stop even as his boyfriends legs began to shake around his head and his thighs tried to snap together.
"Wait, wait, wait!" His boyfriend tried to pull away from his hold but he quickly found himself tugged back down to be held against Price's mouth, the man was unrelenting with his tongue. "John, oh fuck, fuck, wait!" Still, Price refused to stop, completely focused on feeling the man above him come undone around his tongue.
It wasn't until he leaned back to begin stroking quickly over Price's cock that the man let up a little, his entire body going rigid as he moaned from the sudden onslaught of pleasure. His boyfriend took the opportunity to pull away from him quickly, panting and slapping at his hands as he tried to tug him back.
"I thought," he took in a deep breath, "that you were going to be a good boy for me?" His hand slowed down, moving to a snails pace as he worked over Price's cock.
"Oh fuck," Price groaned and grabbed for his boyfriend's thighs again. He only moved further back in response, "I am! Promise I'll be good!"
"You've already proven to me that you won't," his boyfriend leaned down to wrap his lips around one of Prices nipples, sucking at the nub and flicking over it with his tongue for several moments. He enjoyed the way that Price seemed to arch up into his touch beneath him. "Maybe I should just ride your face, let you finish me off that way and call it a day."
"No," Price, whined, his hands grabbing at his boyfriend's hips desperately, "please! I've missed you so much. I'm sorry!"
"Thats a good start," his boyfriend pulled away from his chest and sat up fully. He looked down at him with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest, the sight was addicting for him. "Beg for my cunt. Tell me how much you want it."
"Please," Price didn't hesitate, "please, fuck, I want you so bad. I need you, need to feel you, love. Want you to," he gasped as his boyfriend shuffled up his thighs, brushing against his leaking cock as he did, "fuck! Want you to ride me! I want you to use me!"
"That's it, baby," his boyfriend gave a low groan as he brought the tip of Price's cock to his dripping cunt, just letting it sink inside a bit, "keep talking."
"Fuck," Price threw his head back, gasping as his boyfriend continued to sink down onto his cock. "Fuck, fuck you're fucking perfect! Please, anything you'll give me love, anything!" His hands tightened around the plush flesh of his boyfriend's hips and his grip was practically bruising as he was finally buried to the hilt inside of the other man.
There was a long moment where the two just paused like that, heavy breaths escaping their chests. Price watched the man above him with wide eyes, adoration clear to see in them. The man above him was so good, he felt so good. Price could die a happy death right there, pressed under the man above him, begging him for any last thing that he was willing to give.
He knew, just as he'd known only a month into the relationship, that this was it for him. He knew more clearly than anything that he would be spending the rest of his life with the man above him. It was just obvious.
His boyfriend rolled his hips carefully pulling a matching groan from the both of them. With one quick readjustment, he lifted himself up slowly before harshly dropping back down onto Price's cock. He set a quick pace like that, lifting slowly before quickly dropping himself down so that Price's cock would hit deeper inside of him with each move.
The only sounds for several moments were their gasps and moans that filled the air and tangled together sweetly. Price gripped tight to his boyfriend's waist, holding on tightly as pleasure built inside of him, forcing his hips to begin moving to meet his boyfriend's in short little thrusts. It managed to pull a whine from the throat of the man above him.
"So perfect," he muttered, watching the man above him with adoration in his eyes, "fuck you're so beautiful." He tossed his head back with a deep groan as his boyfriend seemed to start working himself faster, fucking himself on his cock with harsher movements the longer that he went. Price knew what that meant. "So fucking good, so good!"
"Feels good?" His boyfriend muttered between his harsh movements. "Tell me how good I feel, let me hear you, baby." He leaned forward to run his hands over Price's chest before digging his nails in to drag them down the man's chest just a bit, just enough to have him arching up into the touch.
"God, you're incredible," Price called out, his voice going just a touch higher as the pleasure in his system began to tip toward his end. "So, so perfect, missed you so much while I was gone!" He let out a groan, his hips giving another sudden jerk upwards, pulling a moan from the man above him, "Fuck, never want to leave you again, you're so good to me! So, so...so-"
Price cut himself off with a deep groan as his mind went blank, the pleasure in his gut snapping as his entire body shook with its intensity. His hands gripped tight to his boyfriend's hips and all he could do was groan as the man above him continued to move, chasing his own pleasure.
He barely registered the desperate babbles from the man above him, his mind able to focus only on the pleasure through his system and the incredible picture of the man above him lost in such deep pleasure. Even through the haze over his own mind, he could feel the moment that his boyfriend came.
He could see him shaking and he could see the pleasure that was overwhelming his body. He could feel his cunt clench tightly around his cock, nearly driving him to overstimulation. It was perfect.
There were several long moments where the two were quiet, the only noise in the air was their heavy breathing as they both fully came down from the high, their bodies still tingling as sweat prickled at their flesh. After a long moment, Price's boyfriend started to slowly lift himself from his boyfriend's cock.
Price did his best to help, lifting him his shaky hands around his waist. After a moment, he was able to collapse just to the side of Price until he was half on the bed and half draped across his chest. He pulled himself up, placing kisses along Price's chest as he did. He met Price's eyes with a bright grin on his face.
"I'm so glad you're home," he leaned forward to press their lips together, the kiss something sweet and careful.
"I'm glad I'm with you," Price muttered the words against his lips before pressing closer to kiss him again.
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The two were still in bed, chatting idly with one another when Price's phone rang in the pocket of his discarded pants.
A deep sigh left his lips and he had a terrible feeling that he knew exactly what the phone call was. Still, he had responsibilities, so he pushed himself up to sit at the edge of the bed, yanking his pants toward him so that he could fish his phone out of his pocket.
"This is Price," he answered just as his boyfriend wrapped his arms around him from behind, pressing sweet kisses into his cheek, almost like he knew what the call likely was and was trying to calm him.
"Heeey Cap," Gaz's voice was weak through the phone and, based on the hushed whispers in the background, Price knew that he'd likely lost whatever system they'd used to decide who was going to call.
Price pinched at the bridge of his nose, "What did you lot forget?"
He could feel his boyfriend's rumbling laughter against his back and, even as Gaz began to explain to him, he couldn't find it in himself to be too annoyed. Not when he was so close to the man that he loved.
Now, when he got to base an hour later? That was a different story.
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k4pp4-8 · 28 days
Is there anything you wished the Show Ok. Ko Lets Be Heroes focused more on? Whether it be a character, relationship, arc, villain ect?
1. FIRST OF ALL I REALLY wish they had more time to focus on the big reveal because I waited since season for them to talk about the whole POINT situation and when they finally DO reveal laserblast's identity it's completely rushed. This is such an emotional plot line for MULTIPLE characters yet we only see a fraction of it! LIKE PLEEAAAAASE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HOW THIS AFFECTED CAROL!!! What she went through is so tragic, she lost her love, her dream, her friends, AND she had to raise the child of her dead lover alone. And yet she stayed strong through all of it and became the best mom ever. (Carol I love you plz marry me)
ALSO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE FACT THAT WE DON'T SEE GAR'S REACTION TO THE REVEAL!! He literally blamed himself for laserblast's death, who was his teammate, his best friend's lover AND K.O's father. Just imagine how he felt like knowing K.O looked up to him as a father figure while thinking it's his fault K.O doesn't have a dad???
And also every other POINT member's lives were immensly affected by laserblast's death, like Rippy roo who dedicated years of her life trying to find a way to bring him back or Greyman trying to make a hero people could look up to or Foxtail still holding a grudge against Gar for what happened. I reaaally wanna know how they would react to knowing not only their friend is alive but he is also a successful villain.
2. Another thing I REALLY wanted to see was Rad and Dendy's relationship actually being explored! I used to think her "obsession" with Rad was nothing more than a gag but I saw that there was supposed to be an episode explaining that "she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background." AND IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!! I think that would've been an amazing way to explore both of their characters.
Also it's pretty ironic because Rad IS ashamed of who he is! Since day one he's been hiding things he loves and acting like a jerk to cover up his insecurities. I think Dendy telling him she looks up to him would've encouraged him to change the way he acts just like in the "Radical rescue" episode, when he tells K.O he doesn't want him to imitate his bad behavior.
I REALLYYY wish we had more moments of vulnerabilty with them. Pretty much every single one of their scene is comedic and, while I do ADORE the comedy, I still wish they were taken more seriously. Like their whole situation is really tragic in many ways yet it's completely ignored. I know it's a mostly light hearted show but the boxbots are never given a genuine moment that felt like their feelings were taken seriously. It's probably just me who's wayyyy too attached to them but my favorite moments are when we get to see the more "human" side of them. Like when they act like an actual family, playing board games, having dinner together, hanging out, or bickering like siblings
I wish they explored how being robots affects them and the way everyone treats them. It's like robots are not considered like "real people" to some degree. We already know that in the okko universe being a certain species will change the way people perceive you and treat you (ie aliens and kappas) and it's shown to be a bad thing when it happens to Rad and Dendy, but when the bots are treated badly it's always seen as a joke and brushed bc you know , they're robots so who cares. There's like an implication that all robots are inherently bad because they're robots, K.O even said Mr.logic was "one of the good ones" implying he's just an exception (also it's crazy that he actually said that sentence and no one batted an eye)
And finally the ONE thing I really REEAALLYYY wanted to see more of is *drum rolls* LORD COWBOY DARRELL (who could've seen that coming)
LISTEN THERE WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE IT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING!!! Like for the first time we actually see boxman suffer the consequences of his actions, his kids FINALLY stand up to him after being treated like crap 24/7 and then he's forgiven in episode two??? And we don't even see how this affects the other bots!! Like Raymond and Shannon also loved boxman but they seemingly didn't hesitate to side with Darrell over him. I wish they explored how they chose their brother over their father who they were absolutely devoted to since birth.
I was actually disappointed to see Darrell forgive him SO easily and all the character development he could've had was thrown out the window in two seconds!!!! We actually get a glimpse of Darrell's potential but it's all forgotten as soon as Boxman becomes the boss again
I loved seeing Darrell actually fight back for once because he is one of the characters who gets mistreated the MOST by the whole cast. Half of his scenes are just him getting beat up and insulted, he's always treated like an idiot or a joke character so it was incredibly satisfying to see him actually stand up for himself and take charge. Like yeah he is goofy as hell and very immature and I love that about him! But when he became Lord Cowboy Darrell we actually got to see a whole new side of him. He was cunning and smart and resourceful and it KILLS me that we never got see that side of him again. I wish people aknowledged how competent and mature he can be instead of treating him like an actual child. I actually hate how infantilized he is sometimes
Anyway I could go on and on and on forever about the boxbots but that's just a few things i wish the show focused more on, there's probably more but I can't remember them rn
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hannahmanderr · 8 months
Ooh, the full everlasting trio with kiss 29 or 21?
~ 21. "we'll face this together" kisses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sam figured there'd be some tears shed on the day of Danny's coronation.
She just hadn't been expecting them to be Danny's tears.
It was only the three of them in the wing, waiting for Danny's cue to enter the throne room. His crying had been so quiet at first, it had taken her and Tucker a long time to notice. Too long, in her opinion.
"Whoa, whoa," Tucker said. They were by Danny's side in an instant. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Danny sniffled and wiped a tear away. "I'm fine," he mumbled. "Don't... just don't worry about me."
"Fat chance, ghost boy." Sam grabbed his hand. "It's your coronation, you should be, like, over the moon."
"I am!"
The look she and Tucker gave him communicated their clear disbelief.
"Seriously, D. Just talk to us." Tucker grabbed his other hand. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it's okay."
Danny took a deep, shaky breath. Silent tears still ran down his face. "It's nothing, I swear. Just... I'm being stupid. It's not a huge deal."
"If it's a huge deal to you, then it's a huge deal to us."
"And don't," Sam said, cutting off Danny as he opened his mouth to retort, "go apologizing for making us worry or whatever nonsense. We love you, of course we're gonna worry about you. Deal with it."
That earned them a weak smile from the soon-to-be king. "I was gonna say I don't want to make it a huge deal..."
She and Tucker exchanged a glance. True, they couldn't read each other's minds, nor could they read Danny's, but many years of friendship and now more equipped them with the experience necessary to deduce what he was on about.
Sam smiled, soft and gentle, and leaned in. Tucker did the same. They planted simultaneous, feather-light kisses on either corner of his cheek. When they pulled away, he stared at them with wide green eyes.
"What was that for?" She didn't think she'd ever get over how cute his look of confusion was every time.
"You're not gonna do this alone, you dork," she said, delivering a playful punch to his arms.
"We'll walk right up there with you, and if those stuffy eyeballs get mad about it, you can just tell them off. You're gonna be in charge after all," Tucker added with a cheeky grin.
Danny laughed, albeit hollowly. He looked back and forth between the two of them. "I just don't know..."
"And you don't have to. That's why we're gonna be right there by you, no matter what. So you'll always have someone to fall back on."
The corners of his lips twitched upward.
"Your Highness? They're ready for you."
Danny breathed in again. "You guys promise?" he asked in a hoarse whisper, squeezing their hands.
Sam squeezed his hand right back. Somehow, she knew Tucker did too. "Of course. Not that I can talk for Tucker, but of course I promise. With all my heart."
"And mine too!"
"... Okay." He exhaled, blowing bangs out of his eyes. "Okay. Yeah. I've got this."
Tucker made a buzzer sound. "Nope. Try again."
That finally got a true smile out of Danny. "Fine, whatever," he said with a playful roll of his eyes. "We've got this."
They entered the throne room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Send me a ship and a number from this ask game and I'll write a blurb or draw a sketch!
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yorshie · 5 months
YOU! *waddles into your inbox and t posts threateningly* I've got a bone to pick with you.
*starts pacing as I proceed to rant* There's a small theme that y'all keep low-key mentioning that I wanted to pick your brain (affectionately) about if that's alright with you.
And that theme is the importance of being soft in special regards to the turtle boys.
I wanted to ask why you think that's important to them? Why is being “soft” considered important? What does it even mean to be soft?
As a lady myself, I've personally always struggled with appreciating and accepting the so called soft parts of myself because I live in a very…intense family where I feel like I have to fight for my voice to be heard. And softness while it isn't necessarily considered a weakness in my home, it isn't exactly a celebrated strength either.
I personally struggle with that because I feel like we need more tenderness in this world. In fact, I will fight hand tooth and nail to defend and encourage the right of others to be soft (especially men) but I feel like that's privilege I can't indulge in because then I would not be taken seriously as an individual and therefore make my argument or statements noid.
So when I read your works about “soft and sweetness being desired” it literally had me stop and think because it was just so surprising me. Like “People want this? People appreciate this?” I was just so intrigued about this line of thought, that I'd very much like to hear your insights in this regard if your up for a physcological anon conversation.
If not, no worries, just know that your work makes me stop and reconsider and I'm very grateful for that! 🧡🙏🏼
Ok. Ok. I'm gonna preemptively tag @desceros and @luckycharms1701 cuz I feel like this ask is aimed at more than just me, but if you guys wanna add your two cents feel free please. Also, I'm gonna stick this underneath a read more tag just cuz it's gonna get long, I can already tell.
first off, I want to say I'm sorry you feel like you wouldn't be taken seriously as a person or judged for being soft. I hope that you can reach a point (if you wish) where you are more comfortable expressing yourself. I agree that we need more tenderness in the world, regardless of the gender of the person expressing it.
Ok, now to delve into "softness" and the turtles especially. I guess I'll start this off by saying a lot of the times when I go on about "soft turtles" or "being soft for them" I don't mean literally. But I do think as humans we are in general soft compared to them. Our skin is softer, we have no shell, no scales, we're a lot more breakable compared to them. We probably feel like little hairy marshmallows to the turtles.
Metaphorically however, is a lot of what I play with when mentioning softness. (Desceros said it perfectly as a metaphor for comfort). But these turtles have had to shun a lot of social interaction. They don't have anyone to really open up to, be that in a platonic fashion or a romantic fashion, and so I personally project a lot of what i desire for them onto them. I want them to have that tenderness, I want them to be able to have someone they can let their guard down around, and so that's why I fixate so much on using my writing to give them that opportunity. They don't get a lot of someone just being nice to them to be nice to them.
It's probably my own love language of being tender to show affection bleeding through as well, but whenever you see my flailing about soft turtles, this is what I mean. I'm just talking about them finally getting to express affection and have it returned, not actually craving something literally "soft". And... well... softness itself is a nice feeling. If you have a really soft blanket, do you like it cuz it's soft? or cuz its comfortable and warm? Kinda just tangles back on itself over and over.
So if I wrote the line about “Raph pressed his beak against your temple, and with a soft sigh you tilted your head upwards to chase the sensation” that’s. So soft. But beyond just being physically soft and tender, there’s the emotional release of leaning against someone (metaphorically or physically) and having them lean back. Having them turn into the comfort. Accepting it.
Yea. That’s what goes through my head. That’s why I’m so obsessed with writing the turtles giving affection and having it received full heartedly. They lead ugly, silent lives. They need a little bit of affection.
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