#What do they teach in these schools the spelling teachers all went to?
the rule should be e before i because i only comes before e in a few of the words we write all the time and the except before c or in neighbors and weigh exception list is huge.
A few examples:
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Unexhaustive list:
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fancyfeathers · 6 months
Yandere Dottore with a darling who is a member of the Hexenzirkel
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Dottore and his darling being friends when they went to the Akademiya together, close as they can be. Then when he gets expelled she refuses to speak to him. He becomes enraged and goes off to join the Fatui when Pierro asks him and she goes off to graduate from the Akademiya and starts a new life, long forgetting Zandik. 
When he hears her name mentioned again it is in the city of freedom, after he defeated the drake that took the former master of the Dawn Winery, Crepus’ life. It is from a young astronomer talking to her teacher, talking about the teacher’s colleagues. Other names are thrown in that conversation, Alice, Rhinedottir, Nicole. Dottore is no fool to who the Hexenzirkel are and it does not take long for him to piece together that the person he cared for during their days in school before she turned her back on him was a member.
His darling is indeed a witch of the Hexenzirkel but also a professor at the Akademiya, just an occasional teacher for a few months at a time when she stops back home to Sumeru city during her travels. So when she finally comes back to the city after a few month long expedition with Gold, or otherwise known as Rhinedottir, she returns to the classroom to teach. Then one night when she is sitting at her desk grading papers in her classroom before returning home she is asked by another staff member that the grand sage requests her presence, but not in his office which she finds strange so she takes a small precaution of sneaking and scouting the location to make sure it is legit, a simple invisibility spell should do the trick. She goes to the spot, a far off corner of the Akademiya, a place she knew all too well for it was the spot she would study with her old friend Zandik. Once she sees no one is there she drops the spell, thinking she just missed whoever was there…
But oh how wrong she was…
She is tackled to the ground by a Fatui agent and quickly restrained and brought to her knees, literally. She had let her guard down and they had been ready to ambush her. When she was going to ask what the agent intended to do to her she heard a laugh from around the corner, turning the corner she saw a familiar figure and her heart dropped.
“Hello dear.”
Perhaps she should have stayed with Rhinedottir on their expedition a bit longer.
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wowzah2nd · 7 months
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A Not So Secret Relationship
Severus Snape x reader
Word count: 2k
after years of a not so secret relationship a student catches then sharing a loving kiss. Which cause rumours to spiral around the school, whats going on with professor Snape and professor L/N?
You had been working at hogwarts since you were 20 which was the youngest the school had seen to teach muggle studies since you were muggleborn. 2 years later your dear friend severus snape joined you to teach as well but was offered potion professor and not defence against the dark arts professor. Even though you were very different, you being a gryffindor and him being a slytherin you got along very well. You actually didn’t become friends till both your last years at Hogwarts. You always saw him alone or being bullied by the same gryffindor as James Potter, Sirius black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew also called the marauders and one day you decided to stand up for him seeing how cruel it was.
It was a normal day at Hogwarts. You were walking around the hall when you heard a commotion coming from around the corner. You'd decided to take a peak and see what was happening and you could see the marauders bullying someone and hanging him upside down. As soon as you saw that you made a run for it towards James who was the one casting the spell as you went near him you pushed him to lose focus luckily the boy wasn’t too high up when he fell.
Y/N: what is wrong with you lot doing that to someone that is just cruel and mean
James: well he deserved it y/n you know what he called lilly, he called her a mudblood
I paused for a second looking between them the boy was no sat against the wall but i still thought what he did was cruel
Y/N: still doesn't give you the right to treat someone so cruelly, if he did say something like then your the one that's supposed to be better and not do things so idiotic you head boy after all lead my example
The group stared at me in surprised that i would defend a slytherin
James: come on boy let's get out of here
Before they were fully out of ear shot i heard them call me a traitor to my house but i didn't care no one deserved such cruel treatment
As soon as I couldn't see them I turned to the boy that got bullied. He was a little hurt getting a scratch on his head from being dropped. Which was my fault, maybe I should have made me put him down slowly instead of pushing him. I crouched down to his level grabbing my handkerchief from my school bag to wipe the little blood on his head
As i was wiping his head he decided to finally speak
Boy: their telling the truth you know
Y/N:I know
He finally looked at me and look surprised
Boy: then why did you help me aren’t you a muggleborn too
I gave out a long sigh
Y/N: I am, but no one ever deserves to be treated less than anything human also how did you know i was a muggleborn
Boy: i was friends with lily before i called that name and she mentioned you a couple times
Y/N: oh did she now i didn’t really think we were friends we barely talk
Boy: yeah she talks about how smart and nice you were apparently you helped her out a few time and she felt grateful for. You are really nice by the way
I giggle at his comment it seemed he was shy when saying it
Y/N: well thank you…
Severus: snape, Severus Snape
Y/N: well snape, can i call you severus instead
Severus: only my friends call me that
I gave him a big smile
Y/N: well wanna be friends then
It took awhile to get him to agree to being friends but it was a great friendship even if people thought it was weird me being friends with him but i never let it bother me and over time i started to develop feelings for him but never got to tell him at school
Flashback ended
It had been 2 years since I graduated and I had become a muggle studies teacher here after Dumbledore gave me the offer and I gladly accepted . another year passed when a new teacher can when i found out it was severus when i saw him in the staff room i ran to him and gave him a big hug.
He was a bit taken aback from the hug and luckily no one else was in the staff room to see
Y/N: i miss you so much severus why did you ever write me
I started to let out all my suppressed emotions that i didn’t realise i was holding in. he let out a sigh before speaking
Severus: I had my reasons that i can’t tell you just yet but i will say that i have missed you too and i was actually scared yo see you
Y/N: why were you scared to see me
Severus: well that because… i wanted to confess something to you..
I was looking hopeful at him now had he been feeling the same way about me like i have about him
Severus: i have liked you for so long and every day that ive thought about you that feeling has grown and developed into love. Even though its been years since i last saw you i finally realised that i love you and wanna be with you. So if youd allows me can i take you in a date
I immediately jumped him and gave him a bear crushing hug
Y/N: of course severus you can and i love you too i loved you every since we started to be friends
He gave out a sigh of relief at my answer
Severus: you have no idea how happy i am right now
Ever since that day you have started to date everyone knew but ever brought it up since it wasn’t their business but what they saw warmed their heart. Seeing the one cold and withdrawn severus actually turn happy when you walked into a room or were in the area. But of course he still tried to hid that side of it since they thought only you deserved to see that side of him but he could not always hide it. Few years later after dating you'd gotten married it was a big ceremony it was a small one of just you and him just how you always wanted
And that now brings us to the year 1993 10 years after being married you still loved teaching at that school mainly because you also wanted to be close to Severus and he never complained. But only complained about harry potter it was the boys third year and as alway severus did really like him since he was a reminder of his youth and i would never blame him
Y/N: hello severus how are you this morning my love
I made my way into in classroom due to not seeing him during breakfast
Severus: not so good if im honest
I placed down a small plate of food he can eat since i know he didnt grab anything before heading back to the classroom
Y/N: and why is that love
Severus: well it’s because i'm teaching potters class
I let out a sigh
Y/N: you know he’s not his father right so please cut the boy a little bit of slack and the rest of the kids they have me later in the day and they still complain
Severus: i know his not his father but he remind me so much like him
Y/N: he won’t be like him the school will teach him better
Severus let out a sigh before grabbing my hand to say come sit with me, so i sit on his lap as we continue our conversation
Severus: your right, but i still won’t go easy on him or the student they need to learn one wrong move they’ll all end up like mister finnigan
I giggle at all the memories i had over the years that id seen the boy come in my class with missing eyebrows
Y/N: give the poor boy some slack he’s not very good at potions it's a hard subject for him
Severus: your beautiful when you smile you know…also i'll never stop loving you laugh it just brings be joy every time
At those comments i started to blush
Y/N: severus stop you're embarrassing me
Severus: i'm just trying to tell my dear wife how much i think she's beautiful and how much i love her presence
Y/N: well Mr snape i love you too
Severus: well Mrs snape i love you more
He cupped my cheek before he leaned in for a long passionate kiss, but without realising it students had filed into the class a a few had saw that kiss both. One of the student decided to get our attention and we both broke away from the kiss in surprise
Student: u-um excuse us professors
Y/N; o-oh im so sorry i should let you teach severus
I got up from his lap and made my way out of the class
Y/N: bye severus see you later
That potion class was a even bad one for those students since any student who tried to ask about what they saw would question it
After morning classes it was lunchtime and whispers and rumours already spread around the school about Severus and you. Causing severus to be annoyed he hated when people talked about you but it made you giggle more than anything since the amount of theories people thought of
Class had resumed and you had the third years first and you knew they were gonna ask questions but you didn;t mind telling them the truth it really surprised you though not more people new about you and severus marriage you neve had your affection but severus did always acted indifferent to it but you knew deep down he loved and didn't want people to see
As everyone was making their way into class you could sense they had questions but decided to ask later. As the class went one you decided that taking a 10 min break would be good for them since that class can be boring
Y/N: okay that's enough for now let's take a 10 min break ok
After saying that it was a que for students to start asking questions
Y/N: yes mister Weasley
Ron: is it true what they’re saying
Y/N: you'll need to be specific mister weasley
He looked a bit nervous to ask the question but the whole class was looking at him to ask it. Seems like everyone else wanted to know to
Ron: is it true you kissed professor snape i hear from some slytherin’s who went into the classroom they saw you
I gave out a long sigh i might as well be honest or else they may go wild with the rumours
Y/N: not that its anyone's business but yes it’s true we did kiss
Everyone was shocked and all started to talk either saying “ i told you so” or “ how can that be”
Then one of the slytherin’s asked a questions
Blaise: but miss aren't you a gryffindor and mister snape a slytherin
I was disappointed at that statement i hated house rivalries they always went to far
Y/N: yes its true mister Zabini but house should never matter when it come to love
That made the commotion even louder they didn’t think love was involved yet, most likely think this was a new occurrence
Then some one in the class decided to ask a smart question to finally put the pieces together
Hermione: Professor L/N what your relationship with Professor Snape
I gave a smile finally someone had maye notice i never really talked about my relationship unless asked same with severus so getting this question was a little bit exciting to me
Y/N: well miss granger good question my relationship with Professor snape is actually a simple question to answer
I paused for dramatic effect looking at all the anticipated face of the students giving them a sweet smile
Y/N: were actually Husband and Wife
Everyone was shocked giving out surprised gasps at the very thought
Student 1 : no way that can’t be true
Student 2 : why are you married to snape
Student 3: how long have you been married ?
Student 4: unbelievable
I decided to hush the class to explain this was such a big surprise to all of them apparently
Y/N; 1 it is true me and severus have been together for a few years now and quite happily married we’ve known each other since out student days, 2 severus is a very kind person and i would not appreciate you all bad mouthing my husband around me and 3 it very believable
After answering all their question classes resumed and it was finally finished the day went on as normal but you next classes were pretty much the same as the third years asking questions and being very shock at a gryffindor and slytherin were together
Classes were now done and it was time for dinner as you were waiting for dinner to start you waited for Severus but it seemed like he was a bit late, probably marking. But after a few minutes he had finally arrive while dinner was in full swing.
Y/N: hello love how were classes today
He seemed very grumpy probably due to the students constant questions
Severus: no very good student don’t know how to keep questions to them seleves
As he said that i look towards to student seeing them looking at our interactions, and a plan came into my head it could anger him a little bit or maybe help
So i decided while everyone was looking at us and he was talking, to give him a kiss on the cheek and i did
He froze for a sec but then relaxed guess the kiss worked and for a moment he ignore everyone around us and cupped my cheek to give me a quick kiss on the lips
Severus; i love you, i really do my darling wife
I smile at him i was so in love with this man
Y/N: i love you too my darling husband
After that everyone said awwww in the great hall which cause severus to snape out of it and go cold once again i slid my hand under the table to hold his hand to make sure he was okay and he squeezed back telling him he was fine then i brought it to my lips to give it a kiss causing everyone to awww once again
And to this day people say they could have sworn they saw professor snape blush
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if tom got the DADA job what would he have been like as a teacher? would dumbledore have tried to watch him/get him fired?
Tom's Not Getting the Job
Well, you answered it, anon, Tom was never getting that job.
That's the whole thing.
The first time he tries, he's only eighteen and very unqualified for the position. Dippet said no and... Dumbledore strongly implies that he put in a very strong word against Tom being hired. I'm not sure Tom would have been hired anyway, he was only eighteen and had no credentials and we're told canonically that Hogwarts teaching is a very prestigious position and they do not typically hire you straight out of school, but regardless Dumbledore did actively put in word against him which meant it probably wouldn't have happened.
Then some years later after Tom's gone abroad, Tom comes back for the interview with Dumbledore and the interview is just Dumbledore laughing at him and telling him he's an idiot for thinking he'd ever get this job and Dumbledore would never ever hire him.
So long as Dumbledore's around, Tom's not getting the job. Tom also either didn't have the connections with the Board of Governors or the Ministry/was too proud to use them to get himself that job (I'm inclined to believe the latter but technically we don't know for certain).
Tom was never getting that job.
Dumbledore wouldn't sit around waiting for him to get fired, because he already did it, he fired Tom by never hiring him. It's done. It ain't happening and the only way it would happen is if someone went completely over Dumbledore's head and there was nothing he could do about it.
Tom the Teacher
Well, he'd be in the staff meetings from hell (does Hogwarts even have staff meetings?) where every time they meet it's Dumbledore saying something weird about him regardless of whether or not he's up to shit.
I imagine Dumbledore would do everything in his power to give Tom as little authority as possible and make sure rumor's good and spread around the students that Tom sucks.
Given Tom probably isn't telling the world he's a half-blood here or the Heir of Slytherin, as he didn't seem to canonically until he came out as Voldemort/that's not a great thing to do when the Chamber of Secrets is right there and he was at the school at the time when that happened, that means the Purebloods don't like him but you also have Dumbledore's camp not liking Tom on top of that because Dumbledore doesn't like Tom.
(Now, if Tom's not becoming Voldemort, Dumbledore might not have quite the same following he does by the time we reach canon, as most of those people were involved in the conflict with Voldemort/that's what's most present in cultural memory in Harry Potter, but I imagine he's still very influential for the same reason he was such a lightning rod for the resistance movement in HP against Voldemort.)
Honestly? I see Tom being a relatively ordinary Hogwarts professor, he's probably a lot better than all of the DADA professors Harry had, maybe even most of his professors period, but he still has to deal with kids who don't want to learn and a system of magic people don't understand. Magic in Harry Potter is just memorizing spells, not how they work, and so the better wizards and witches are just those who memorize more spells faster. Tom can't make the kids who do this well do it any better than any other professor and he can't make the kids who don't do it well suddenly do it better.
It's also very out of scope to discuss how magic even works and start doing something interesting with it when it's something the wizarding world just doesn't discuss or deal with at all and will just confuse most of the students (even up to seventeen) that he'd be dealing with.
I imagine Tom hates putting up with Dumbledore and is just waiting for the man to retire or die.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Snape x reader - back again
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Snape x Reader - Severus meets the new muggle studies teacher his childhood best friend - @mxacegrey 💜
You were beyond excited when you were invited back to Hogwarts as a teacher, and as you sat at the head table smiling at all the students you couldn’t help but look at some of your former teachers happily.
“Ye sure are happy lass.” Hagrid laughed.
“I’ve missed this place!” You beamed.
“Well you’re stuck now.” He chuckled.
You grinned happily, and as you were being introduced to the school, there was a bunch of clapping and cheers especially from your old house table as you sat back down.
You looked around the teachers table as everyone ate but you couldn’t find who you were looking for so you carried on eating.
After dinner you went to explore your new classroom and set everything up.
You looked at how dusty it is and shook your head, waving your wand, casting a small spell and the cleaning supplies started to move on their own.
Smiling, you nodded and started to looked around the empty bookshelves, shaking your head at how empty they were.
“Disgusting, I need to bring some books in.” You mused.
“We have a whole library for books.”
You spun around and stared at the mysterious looking man who was standing in your doorway.
He stepped forward, and with the flick of his wand small blue orbs floated around the classrooms illuminating it some more.
You finally saw the face of the man who was standing in your doorway and a huge smile spread across your face as you realised who was there.
You rushed forward and hugged him tightly and he awkwardly hugged you back.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be teaching here?” He asked.
You pulled away down the hug and beamed happily up at him.
“I didn’t know you were a teacher here Sev!”
He smiled a little at the nickname.
“Well unfortunately I am.”
“Well I’m here so it’s okay!”
He smiled a little, and nodded his head, settling in to help you start cleaning up the classroom as you told him about everything about what you had been doing since you last saw him.
Severus just stood there listening happily
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viablemess · 6 months
Gale's Childhood + Mystra
I just have some thoughts and need to articulate them because they will not leave my brain alone at all and I cannot think about much else. Feel free to sit down and join me as I word vomit how I imagine Gale’s childhood went. I did not edit this or proof read it at all, so bear with any grammar/spelling/flow mistakes please!
So, Gale’s mother is Morena Dekarios, we know that. She’s an angel, an icon, and she cares so much, and she is wicked smart. I also headcanon that she is a high quality escort in the City of Splendors, and so grew up knowing how to please people and blend in with high society in any way she can. So, she raised Gale right. She told him about what she did, never hid anything from him, and would bend over backwards to ensure that her son was happy, healthy, and cared for. Because she had to blend in with high society, she had so many books, and art pieces, and high quality alcohol and clothes all over her house. Gale grew up around these, and absorbed it all with ease, and Morena thought that was fantastic. She frequently sent him to school whenever she had to work even if he had already spent the entire day there because she knew he would be safe and looked after, because his dad was not around to look after him.
Speaking of his dad, let’s talk about Waterdeep politics for a moment, shall we? We will circle back to Gale’s parentage. Waterdeep is ruled by a council of 16 Lords, all of whom are anonymous. Whenever they are ruling in public, they use magical masks called the Lord’s Helm that hides their identities. A common game in Waterdeep is to identify the Lords and figure out the rumors that float around about them. The Lords actually start most of their own rumors, though, so these can be easily misleading. Because the Lords elect the other Lords via anonymous vote, it is difficult for the Lords to even know who is who, but they do know their names, and so they have more information. So, while the Lords are frequently protected from assassination / bribes / stalking / lobbying from the public, they are not as always well protected from each other, so the secrecy is still important, and caution is warranted. I imagine some of the Lords take this very seriously, and value the job over forming families or bonds, so high quality well-to-do escorts like Morena are highly sought after.
Now, back to Gale’s father. So, Morena is an escort for a Lord, one thing leads to another, some mistakes are made, and Morena gets pregnant which was definitely not the goal, but she can’t tell anyone she is pregnant with a Lord’s child, so she just pretends the child’s father is another client and moves on. So, if the Lord happens to be a (maybe red) wizard/cleric/paladin of Mystra… who is to say? If this Lord happens to be highly talented and magically inclined (or magically manipulated) who would ever know? Gale starts showing magical inclinations in the womb. Morena’s 9 months of pregnancy are absolutely hell. She isn’t ready for a child, but she isn’t not ready, either. So, she gets shit done and gets ready. She talks to the local Blackstaff Academy and seeks help and these teachers are /interested/ because rarely does anyone show magical talents in the womb and they are here to support her and more importantly here to teach this would-be-prodigy.
Morena is wealthy, so she can pay for private tutors and Gale shows magical abilities akin to a teen when he is a child, and so she fanes those (sometimes literal) flames. She knows her son’s child is powerful, and so Gale must be powerful, too. She loves him, and fully enables him to make his own decisions, but he is /good/ at magic and a child. He likes being good at things, and so of course he follows his talents naturally. So much so, in fact, that when he accidentally sets off a fireball trying to pick his mom some roses with a mage hand, Elminster shows right up. He had been watching Gale, after all. Mystra had told him to. Mystra had told him to watch Morena when she was pregnant, too, because Mystra knew what would happen. Mystra willed this to happen, and neither Morena nor Gale are any wiser about it.
“I wanted to give my mum something pretty,” tiny Gale had said, tears in his eyes and chubby cheeks flushed. “I’m sorry! I thought the roses were pretty, like sunsets are pretty, and I must have thought of the fire of a sunset by accident and—and—please don’t get mad at me.”
Because if there is one thing that Morena did instill in Gale other than politeness, a love for the finer things in life, and a sense of ambition (heh, ouch), it was to be respectful of authority, because Morena isn’t stupid. If a Lord could use another Lord’s child against them, they would, no hesitation. So, Gale is taught to be a good, rule-abiding little boy who has a healthy caution of leadership but mostly knows how to smile and nod and keep his head down. And Elminister, while not masked, gives off waves of authority, so Gale aims to please and keep his head down.
Elminster smiles. Gale clutches Morena’s skirt and hides behind her and Morena glares at Elminster as if daring him to do something. Elminster puts out the fire with a wave of his hand, and introduces himself. “I’ve been keeping an eye on your talents, Gale Dekarios. You’re so talented, but you do not know where to aim your talents. May I help you?”
Morena knows who Elminster is, she has heard the rumors. She does not know he is Mystra’s chosen (Morena knows Elminster to discuss grandiose tales with her clients, not to study magic or doctrine) or his relationship with Mystra at all. Morena frequently says, only in private and after a few glasses of wine, that the Gods can fuck right off because they were no help to her, she helped /herself/ thank you very much, so she does not know. She just sees this powerful and well-known figure who might be able to help her protect her son from his dad who is maybe still a Lord, and says yes.
Gale’s private study with Elminster goes on for a few years before Mystra gets involved when he turns 11. He excels, he goes to Blackstaff as one of the youngest students ever, and his classmates hate him. He is too good, too favored, too young. He does not have to try, as if he is blessed, and Gale does not understand why his classmates hate him. He’s studying just like they are, just many years ahead. He is young just like them, but a few years more. He has a favorite teacher in the form of Elminster, just like his classmates have their own favorites who actually are teachers at the academy and not a rumored hero of Faerun. His experience is close enough for Gale to not understand why his situation is unique, and why his peers hate him for it. So, he asks for a cat. Cats are nice and soft and hiss at people who they do not like, and Gale always had a hard time saying when he didn’t like someone so maybe the cat would do it for him. But Gale needed to focus on his studies, and cats couldn’t live with students at Blackstaff, so everyone tells him, respectfully, no. Gale keeps trying to make friends, and keeps failing, and he finally says “fine I’ll summon my own friend!” and summons Tara, which is an impressive feat, and within a single hour Tara says “fuck everyone this human is /mine/ and no one can tell me otherwise.” People try to banish Tara away, and she always comes back, but only for Gale, and sometimes for Morena.
Everyone knows Gale is talented, but it is not until he casually wields the Blackstaff entirely by accident that everyone realized how much so. The staff molds to his hand, and flutters in his direction ever since he picked it up. The school is furious, and Gale does not understand, because does that not mean that he is good at what he studies? He doesn’t understand it means he is a threat, he is too good, he is too strong, and some people would rather eradicate him than educate him.
One of the requirements for students at Blackstaff is survival training. The students are released into nature and told to fend for themselves, summon food and water or use their magic to otherwise make some, to create shelter, to prove that in practice they can manage a bad situation. The teachers are nearby, of course, to help should something go wrong. However, at this point, teachers feel one of two ways about Gale Dekarios, and that sometimes is a help but frequently is a hinderance. These teachers see this child, and can easily understand that one day he will be a threat to their jobs, their research, their theories. He’s just that good. And some of the teachers get together to make this test akin to the hells for Gale, and he goes off by himself. Waterdeep is surrounded by beautiful golden beaches and stalagmite caves, which are beautiful blessings during the tourist times of year. They are deathtraps during high tide, and the teachers know this, and so does Mystra.
It's pouring by the end of the first day, and Gale does not know where to go. He can heat his closes, and summon food and water, but he is aware of the fact that magical exhaustion is a thing, and that he cannot keep himself dry and warm constantly with magic for the duration of the test. So, when he sees a rainbow will-o-whisp that feels safe, he follows it into the cave. Mystra leads Gale into a shallow grave planted by the Blackstaff teachers, and watches him almost drown. The teachers would have let him drown. They would have let this eleven year old boy get grabbed by the rushing water and dragged to the bottom of a sharply pointed, mud filled cave. At the bottom of that cave is a large hollow tree trunk, and the teachers would have waited for tide season to end, and eventually drug Gale’s tiny corpse out of where it was wrangled around the smooth wood, where Gale had tried to hold in and climb out feebly, crushed by the weight of the water overhead, until the calmness of unconsciousness met him.  
Drowning was calm, for Gale, at first. It was calmest when the rainbow will-o-whisp appeared again, a single speck of bright light in the murky darkness, his eyes stinging with water, his chest and stomach throbbing for oxygen. Drowning was calm, as he felt warm arms wrap around him, and felt the water get expelled from the hollow tree. Gale felt the weave rid his lungs of water and dry him off and warm him. Mystra lead Gale to his death just so she could save him, and so easily, Mystra became an exception to Gale’s distrust of authority, because she taught Elminster. She was the very rush of security and rose and love that Gale felt every time he channeled the weave. Mystra was magic—what Gale was good at, what made Gale who he is, what Gale loved. So how could he not love his savior? His muse? Mystra welcomed him into her hollow tree and taught him of Her. Her world. Her gifts. Her abilities. The three days of the test passed in a blink, and Gale emerged from the cave tinged with blue and white and the teachers who sent Gale to die heard Mystra’s laugh in their ears.
Mystra had staked her claim on Gale, and everyone knew it. Everyone had suspected it, when Elminster kept showing up, but now they had proof. Gale’s magic was sprinkled with starlight, brilliant blue and white and purple of Mystra. Gale vanished in his dreams to visit Mystra in her domain, and she continued to teach him everything that the teachers couldn’t or wouldn’t. The teachers who tried to kill him snapped to attention and did everything they could to help Gale, then, because to not would be to betray the Weave itself.
Gale went back to the hollow tree when he was about to graduate and the tide lowered, and met Mystra again. She took a more physical form, then. She guided his hands and arms as she taught him magic, and she kissed him on the forehead. She whispered, “my child, my star, my boy, my prodigy,” and Gale fell further and further under her spell. The Blackstaff Academy had graduation ceremonies where everyone would dance and celebrate their victories with one another. Morena was so, so proud. A few Lords showed up to congratulate the students, and check on the fresh talent. Gale was the equivalent of the valedictorian, and when he danced with himself, the more learned students and the teachers and Tara could see the strings of Mystra’s weave manipulating his movements like a marionette until they were perfect. Because he was her’s, and she would settle for nothing but the best.
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avatar4life · 2 months
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Credits : @crimson-cherry really love the art and the way they portray the ninjas is how I imagine them in this story. You all should follow them
Reader was playing once again in her room, alone again, as the ninjas were training with master Wu. She sat in front of the TV screen as she was shooting the space ships but got bored after a while 'man, I wish Lloyd was here to play' she thought as she paused the game and noticed that it was almost time to go to bed. She stood up and walked towards the outside door to see the ninjas chatting and teasing each other., noticing how close Lloyd got with the red ninja and his sister, almost acting like siblings, she felt a pang in her chest as she turned around and immediately walked towards her bedroom, which lucky was individual from the boys room. She walked past Pixal who looked at her worried and confused by her mood "Reader, are you ok? Your heartbeat seems elevated and your facial expressions shows you're upset. Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" She asked gently as she looked at reader. Reader turned her head towards Pixal and glared at her as hard as a 10ys could do "yes I'm fine. Now leave me alone!" She said as she arrived to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. She knew that it was unfair getting mad at Pixal but she was blinded by her anger towards Lloyd and the betrayal she felt at how he distanced himself from her but got closer to the ninjas, especially the red one who she doesn't even bother learning the name of and his sister. 'he's my brother. My twin, he should be playing with me instead of them. I wish everything could go back to how it used to be, without them. Just me and Lloyd, against the world' she thought as she got to her wardrobe and put on her pajamas and went to sleep, though it was hard as her mind was filled with the memories of her and Lloyd before the ninjas and their uncle Wu came along.
The next morning, she woke up groggily as she fixed her hair, putting two hair clips in it to keep it away from her eyes. She put on her school uniform and skirt before grabbing her backpack and going out of her bedroom, ready to go to school. As she walked she almost fell as Lloyd ran past her to go and eat breakfast with the ninjas, messing up her hair a little bit, and in doing so it bothered her as she fixed it up again. As she finally reached the living room she grabbed her school lunch and breakfast as the ninjas were chatting at the table.
"man I'm so happy I don't have to go to school anymore, I get to stay here without hearing the teachers all day" Lloyd said as he was eating his breakfast, sitting in between Kai and Nya.
Reader having heard his little comment slyly mocked him annoyed before walking out of the monastery and going down the monastery's stair of the mountain before reaching the bus stop and waiting for her bus. Once it arrived she got in and gave the bus driver her ticket before going to sit down, glaring at the monastery as the bus started again and put on her headphones to let her mind daydream under the music spell.
On the top of the mountain, on the monastery's rooftop, a spirit was watching the bus leave the bus stop under the monastery with a neutral look '...close, but not yet' it thought as it disappeared in the air, going unnoticed.
As Reader arrived at school she couldn't help but noticed the subtle way everyone was staring at her, making her feel more alone as she usually had Lloyd with her. As she reached her classroom the teacher gave her a pitiful look 'poor child' she thought as she started to teach the class.
Reader was looking out of the window, not caring to listen to the teacher as she looked at the people outside. As she let her mind wander, she didn't notice a certain blonde boy looking at her interested from the other side of the classroom 'mh' he thought.
As soon class ended, she got out of there, ignoring Brad as she felt really annoyed by everyone around her, forgetting her notebook on her desk.
The boy picked up the notebook and looked at it before putting his gaze towards the classroom's door, where reader left in a hurry and put it in his backpack and went out of the classroom too.
The same thing continued until lunch time, Reader didn't listen to the teachers and glared at anyone who looked at her or tried to talk to her.
As lunch arrives she was standing by the cafeteria and noticed how everyone was sitting at least with someone, making her feel alone again as she didn't knew who to sit with and instead opted for an empty classroom aand started to eat her lunch as she went to get her notebook to draw a bit to keep herself busy, but, as soon as she didn't feel the notebook in her backpack she opened it wide and let all the stuff fall as she shook it in panic "no no no, where is it?!" She said worried "looking for this?" A voice said as she turned around and noticed a boy by the door, and then noticed the notebook in his hands. She got up and took it from him in a mix of relief and suspicion "yes! Oh, wait did you do anything in it?" She said as she flips the pages but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She sighed and went back to eat her food by her desk, thinking the boy will leave after giving her notebook back, but , instead he sat next to her and noticed how little food she brought with hwe and decided to divide his own sandwich ans guve the bigger part to her, waiting for her to accept the offer. She looked at him confused but grabs the sandwich and eats it "thanks...you can leave now" she said while munching her food, avoiding looking at him, thinking he will leave like everyone else. "No" he said to her as he went to eat his own part of the sandwich, surprising her "no?" She said as she looked at him, confused and a bit annoyed at his words "I said no, I don't want to" he said to her as he also looked at her.
She blinked as she looked at him for a while, perplexed by his words "why?" She asked "cause I want to stay here, with you" he said to her with a small smile "...you do know I'm the daughter of Garmadon right? Lord Garmadon? The guy who wanted to destroy all Ninjago?" She said even more confused at him as she turned her chair towards him, eyebrows frowned "I know you don't worry. But still I want to stay here" he said as he took another bite of his sandwich "..why?" She asked annoyed, confused and a bit flustered "cause I want to be your friend" he said to her. She looked at him with wide eyes at what she heard "why? How do you know if I'm not as evil as my father?" She said looking at him suspicious, squinting her eyes at him as no one at school wanted to be friends with her, either because of the pranks she used to do with Lloyd or because of her father's reputation "are you evil?" He asked her with curiosity "..I don't know" she said looking away, feeling conflicted by her role in all that's been happening "that's enough for me then" the boy said to her as he shrugged his shoulders and finished eating his food. She instead looked at her unfinished piece of sandwich and then at him, still suspicious and confused"but what if in the future I want to be evil too?" She said looking at him with conflict in her eyes, thinking her will look at her differently due to the question she proposed. Instead though, he looked at her reassuringly "then we'll be evil together, me and you against the world" he lift up his hand for a dab. She looked at him surprised by his words, not thinking he will still want to be friends even if she wanted to be evil like her father was. She scoffed and smirked at him, feeling a sense of relief in her heart and dabbed his hand "alright then" she said to him before leaning against the empty classroom's wall "what's your name?" She asked and he smiled at her "Strymyr" he said to her "we're partners in crime now Strymyr" she said with a smirk "wouldn't have thought any less from you Reader" he said as they continued to chat until school ended.
As she arrived to the monastery she was feeling lighter as she walked past the living room, where the ninjas were playing at their video games and towards her bedroom.
She closed the door and layed down on her bed, her mind replaying all the events of today before she smiles widely 'i have a friend' she thought before holding her pillow tightly and falling asleep for a nap.
The spirit was watching her from the end of her bed with a small smile 'getting closer but not yet'
"good nap little lighthouse' it thought
This is all for now, the nickname 'little lighthouse' is because I kept listening to the song Lighthouse by Nina Kraljic and it fitted to the whole 'pure light' plot.
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This drawing is mine though 🤭 pls don't hate on it🙏 I know it's nothing compared to Crimson's art but I just wanted to add my touch on the fic too
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@mncxbe for getting me into csm <3
Fem!reader, NSFW, smut, graphic displays of sexual content, AGED UP characters, ab riding, face riding, dirty talk, virgin!Denji
Do. Not. Repost, translate or slander my work, or you'll get a very angry pochita at your doorstep.
Denji never exactly went to school, as we know. And eventually, that inconvenienced the work place a little too much. But, the can't exactly send a eighteen-year-old to a kindergarten, right? So, they made a few tweaks.
He's staying at a collage with a teacher that can teach him the basics he needs to know. So, that means he needs a dorm room, yeah? And his roommate happens to be a girl. It's not allowed in the slightest and was the definition of mistake in the system, but who is he to deny such a pretty girl to live with him? And who were you to deny such a handsome boy to live with you?
So, you two got to know each other better, eventually becoming great friends. And a lot of times when he got injured, you were thereto patch him up. And when he couldn't figure out how to spell a word? You were there.
And so, why would you bat an eye when he randomly asks you to help him with doing sit-ups? It's a pretty normal thing, hm?
All you have to do is sit on his legs while he pushes himself up. Except... He's shirtless, breathing heavy, groaning, unintentionally sounding attractive when he praises you for helping him...
How could anyone blaming you for starting to take your pants off? It's not like he noticed. And isn't it his fault you're soaking wet? So it's perfectly fine that you pushed he's legs down and straddled his lower abdomen.
Our little virgin completely freezes when you do, eyes widening as he looks up at you in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. Thin, pink panties that are getting his abs wet.
You lean in closer, gently grabbing his shoulders. "Did you do this on purpose, Denji? You just wanted to see how fast you could make me wet, huh?"
But that wasn't his plan. Not at all. He just wanted your help, but he's far too oblivious to realize what kind of effect he'd have on you. Is he gonna admit that? No.
"Hm... Guess you caught me, cutie," The virgin who claims he's not a virgin whispers, gently grabbing your thighs as you start to grind against his defined muscles, to which all he can do is freeze. This hot chick is moaning and whining? because of him?
But, eventually, that friction wasn't enough for you. Desperately, you tear off your panties with his help, sliding up his torso and hovering over his face. "You any good at pussy eating?"
"Only the best."
"Really? Prove it."
And so, he does. His long and wet tongue licking at your folds and sucking up all your juices, sliding in your tight hole once he feels you shake over him. And once he's got a taste, he never wants to stop.
He gently slides his hands up your waist, taking off your shirt and resting his hands on your ribcage to teasingly snap at your bra strap. For a virgin, he sure knows what he's doing.
And maybe he's teasing himself as well, because the moment he gets to feel your bra he's taking it off hungrily. Feeling up your soft and perky nipples that harden his hand, he's losing his mind badly. "D-Denji!! Fuck, keep going,"
And he plans to do just that. Or, so you think.... Because seconds later, he's turning over and pushing you off of him, denying you of the orgasm that's been building for minutes now. But not too long after that, he's trying to take off his belt, breathing heavily at the sight before him. "You are too perfect..."
He says, kicking off his pants and boxers and gently pushing you on your back. There's something about you being underneath him that just turn him on and makes him painfully hard. Without wasting time, he lines his dick up to your needy hole, gently pushing it in. The stretch is unforgettable as he starts to pump in deeper and faster, making you claw at his back and whine. "Denji... F-fuck, faster, please..."
"Yes, ma'am..." He mumbles, pushing in faster and feeling the warm sequence of your pussy, modeling around him like it's perfectly made for him and only his dick. The sound of fast and rhythmic slapping sounds fill the room, along with the sound of his and your groans and whines, even more when he leans down to bite your neck—sharp teeth sinking in just enough to hurt.
"H-hmm-!! Baby, you- fuck... Please, keep, dammit-!!"
Your eyes roll back as he pounds into you, gruff and broken groans going straight into your ears as he tries to hold back his orgasm, his voice getting higher as he tries to give you a warning a fails, cumming and painting your walls with his seed—you soon following suit and moaning his name as your releases mix together.
After you've both collected yourselfs, he lies next to you and hugs you tightly, still out of breath and dazed.
A girl just had sex with him.
And he squeezed her titties.
Is this heaven?
(AGAIN, do not repost my work. Reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated if you are not a minor.)
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wheels-of-despair · 2 years
Eddie Munson and the Worst Valentine's Day Ever Pairing: None. He's 8. Summary: Eddie Munson hates Valentine's Day. This is why. Contains: Hope, youthful excitement, things that won't last. Word Count: 1.2k-ish
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It all started in the 2nd grade. On the night of February 13th, an 8 year old Eddie Munson sat at his Uncle Wayne's kitchen table with his favorite red marker and carefully filled out each classmate's name on his shiny new Scooby-Doo Valentine's Day cards. His classmates were going to be so impressed, at both his penmanship and the hilarious messages on the cards he'd begged Uncle Wayne for.
He double and triple-checked the spelling before placing the cards inside a bright red envelope he'd rescued from the trash, which Wayne had discarded after he'd taken out the coupons that came inside it. Eddie had spotted it on top of the pile and saved it, thinking it was the perfect vessel for keeping his cards safe. He placed his card-filled envelope inside his thick history book, so it wouldn't bend on his way to school the next day.
Things were going to be different this year. He lived with his Uncle Wayne now. Uncle Wayne made him take baths, and do his homework, and bought him pencils and paper for school, and never forgot to feed him dinner. He wasn't the weird kid who showed up with dirt on his neck and bruises on his arms and nothing to write with anymore. He was a new and improved Eddie.
This was gonna be his year.
The class Valentine's Day party was scheduled for the last thirty minutes of the day. When it was time, everyone would put their work away, and the teacher would pass out the cardboard mailboxes they'd decorated in art class, and everyone could deliver their cards. Someone's mom was even bringing in cupcakes and juice boxes! Eddie vibrated with excitement all day.
At 2:28, there was a knock on the classroom door. The cupcakes! Miss Harris told her students to put away their worksheets a whole two minutes early, not that anyone had been able to concentrate on them anyway, and went to the door. She opened it and welcomed not one, but two smiling mothers carrying sugary goods. Things were looking up for Little Eddie Munson.
Miss Harris called each row to come collect their mailbox from a table up front. Eddie jiggled his leg as he waited for his turn. His mailbox was so cool. His classmates had pounced on all the good stuff when the art teacher set them loose, so Eddie had gone home and dug through a stack of Wayne's old newspapers and fished out the funny papers. He'd spread them out on the living room floor and cut out the best ones, then brought them in the next day to glue on his mailbox. He even shared his leftover funnies with the kids at his table. They forgot to say "thank you", but Eddie let it slide, knowing that not everyone had someone as cool as his Uncle Wayne to teach them about life and manners and important things like that.
Once his teacher called his row, Eddie tried his best to be calm and walk slowly, but he was still the first to arrive at the table. His face fell when he got there. His mailbox had a dent in it that wasn't there last time he'd seen it. It was just an old shoebox, but one of the corners looked like it had been stepped on. Eddie was a little sad, and wondered what had happened to it, but the hole that one of the grown-ups had cut into the top for him looked like it was still useable. He brought it back to his desk a little slower than he'd gone to get it.
After everyone had their Valentine's Day mailboxes on their desks, Miss Harris told them to get out their cards. Eddie's smile returned as he carefully retrieved his brand new, neatly written, positively hilarious cards out of the red envelope safely stowed inside his history book. He placed them on his desk, folding his hands and waiting attentively for the next instruction.
When the teacher told everyone that they could begin delivering their cards, it was a free-for-all, and Eddie was right in the middle of it. He darted from desk to desk, dropping his cards in his classmates' mailboxes, grinning from ear to ear. It was so much fun, he was a little disappointed when he realized he'd delivered his last card. He returned to his desk in such an exhilarated mood that not even the smushed corner of his comic-covered mailbox could bring him down.
After everyone had returned to their assigned seats, the moms walked up and down the aisles and gave each student a cupcake - pink for the girls, red for the boys - and little box of fruit punch. Even in his excitement, Eddie remembered to say "thank you" like Uncle Wayne had taught him. The moms smiled at him.
The moms returned to the front of the classroom to sit with the teacher, who told the class to dig in. Everyone tore the lids off their boxes at the same time, cupcakes temporarily forgotten. Eddie was uncharacteristically careful with his own box, not wanting to damage it further.
He removed the top slowly… and saw nothing in the bottom portion of his box. He flipped the lid over, wondering if his cards had gotten stuck, and was met by the sight of more plain, undecorated cardboard. He looked around at all his classmates, tearing open their piles of Valentine's Day cards and laughing with colored frosting staining their lips. No one even looked at him.
Eddie wondered what he'd done wrong. He was friendly. He was clean. He even thought he was pretty funny. He said "please" and "thank you" and opened doors for girls and teachers. He'd filled out 17 cards last night. Why didn't he even get a single one back?
But 8 year old Eddie didn't know how cruel children could be. He didn't know how easily they latched on to things grown-ups said. He didn't know that Robby Hagan overheard his dad talking on the phone about what filthy, no-good criminals those Munsons were. And he didn't know that Robby, the most popular boy in class, had instructed all his friends to "ignore the trailer trash" earlier that week on the playground, while Eddie was busy rescuing a worm that had washed onto the sidewalk during the storm the night before.
Eddie sat quietly at his desk and fought back tears as time dragged on. When the bell finally rang and class was dismissed, he placed his untouched cupcake and fruit punch inside the crushed box. He put on his backpack and rushed to the door, struggling to open it and hold the box at the same time. His classmates laughed behind him.
Eyes bleary with tears, he ran through the halls toward the nearest exit. He bumped into a few bodies, but didn't stop to apologize, because he knew that once his tears started to fall, they wouldn't stop. He didn't want anyone to see him cry.
When he finally burst through the door and into the chilly February air, he dumped his poor crushed mailbox in the big garbage can outside the entrance, cupcake and all. With his head down and his hands empty, he began walking home. The dark sky suddenly opened up and began to rain on him, soaking through his thin t-shirt in seconds. He'd forgotten his jacket in his locker. This resulted in a most miserable cold, which left him sniffling for two long weeks.
Eddie Munson hated Valentine's Day.
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But wait! There's more! Check out Eddie Munson and the Best Anti-Valentine's Day Ever, AKA the much happier high school sequel!
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if... they were teachers!
they are all high school teachers 
dream: stats - gives his class random stats facts about each exam they take - “the median was 25.8% and the mean was 50% and the mode was 72% andt he t-test showed the results were statistically significant” - wears a green button up formal shirt . every day. with different shades of green  - tries to tame his hair every morning but we’ve all seen that shit. its a mess its so fluffy - you try to fix it in the morning but by the time he gets to school its fucked - “whats the probability mr wastaken’s hair is gonna be tamed today? i bet 5 dollars on 13.2%” “...i hear you guys you know” - is always 20 minutes early - never more than that tho - speedruns grading tests  - if a kid is slacking in class, he makes sure that reflects on his grade - he has this big project each year where he asks all the kids to make a project that relates stats to their real life - his favorite thing ever - he’ll come home and be like “dear, tubbo had this amazing idea, the kids are so innovative”  - tearing up cause his students - best friends with sapnap - u make him a lunch every day and he just trades it with sapnap - everyone thinks hes in an affair with george but he tells them everytime that he has a lovely s/o at home  - one of the teachers everyone has a crush on  - is always standing at his desk like in front of it and leaning back - does not use the whiteboard he just has slideshows  - the room is sparsely decorated - its mainly old projects that people did - has a wall with all the cards and stuff kids gave him, its behind his desk 
sapnap: pe/ basketball + football coach - bro - he’s the type of coach/teacher that when he has one of his atheletes in his class he’s RUTHLESS - “pick it up tommy!! is this how you’re gonna be in the game on friday!!! i hope not!!” - jokingly ofc - if ur not one of his athletes he’s nice dw  - still makes everyone call him coach tho - how on earth do u spell athletes i think that’s right - will let you sit out if he can tell ur hurting - knows when a kid is faking it - BUT if you use the “im on my period” trick he doesn’t even question it - “coach im on my period” “okay ur good sit out for today” - likes giving romance advice for some reason - “coach :((( jared blh blah [insert problem]” “omg okay here’s what u do” - pretends he’s in a relationship with karl (u know about it ofc) - so when u show up to one of his games and kiss him all the players are like - “YOURE NOT DATING MR JACOBS��� and he just laughs and kisses you again - wears shorts or sweats with a tshirt no matter what - “im a pe teacher fuck professional”  - makes fun of dream for like no reason  - his favorite unit is the flag football unit and his least favorite is the line dance one - but uses it as an opportunity to play country music and visit his roots amen - just imagine sapnap teaching u line dancing HAAHAH okay im done here 
george: comp sci - doesnt give a shit about lesson planning - shows up, glances at the syllabus and just jumps into it - it ends up working in the end - believes in a work to learn method - he doesnt teach, he assigns projects and helps the kids out - so if the kid is like comp sci EXPERT they can just pop off and george doesnt have to worry - but if the kid struggles a bit heres there to help :] - the whole room is blue cause thats all he can see - he looks so uncomfortable when he wears like long sleeve button ups so you unbutton the first one every morning before he leaves  - refuses to wear casual clothing to school ever  - unless its pajama day ayeeee - once he was teaching the whole class how to download something or some shit and forgot to stop sharing his screen  - so he went to text you he was like “doing good love? see you later :]” - and everyone was like - “MR NOTFOUND??” and he was like “wot.” “YOURE NOT DATING MR WASTAKEN??” “no ofc not mr wastaken is ugly” - cue the sounds of breaking glass from mr wastaken’s room  - he has a tv on display outside his classroom where he showcases his student’s work - for his final he just gives them a theme and says “go off” - they could make a video, a game, a simulator - whatever they want - 1) its less work for george 2) its more entertaining - once made them all code valentine’s day gifts for you - you teared up ngl  - seems like he doesnt care but wants all his kids to succeed - is REALLY good at being patient and helping a kid out but loses all that patience when it comes to other teachers (sapnap, quackity)
karl: chem - absolutely loves the science goggles look. has them on his head always - also lab coats with sweater vest period ahh period uhh  - only doesnt give a second shit about any other science but chemistry - loves lab days like on GOD - the man lives for the one lab where u put sticks w diff elements in the fire and watch the fire change color - guys i swear im a stem major - sapnap comes to watch that lab everytime. every period. even if he has a class - knows sapnap pretends to date him and reciprocates it all through the year - but theres that one kid who remembers his “get to know me” slideshow at the beginning of the year where he had a picture of you two - “mr jacobs..i dont believe ur dating coach sapanp” “whaaaat, pshhh, u lying” - makes so many chemistry jokes with you - “hey baby i think we got chemistry” *giggles manically* “why did you say that” “its literally my job”  - cue a thumbs up from u and an eye roll from him - genuinely loves being a teacher tho - the interaction he gets with students >>>  - he loves the feeling when a student comes up to him after class or even after theyre finished with his classes and go “hey what you taught me really helped” - loves it when a student keeps in contact with him, making him tear up and shi
quackity: spanish - this one was quite..obvious - chaotic teaching style, it doesnt work for everyone - but ITS FUN - lives on teaching through games - kahoots, quiz, scavenger hunt, anything to get out of a slideshow he’ll do - and he figures it out - his quizzes and tests are generally harder than what the games cover but hes a fair grader like he gets that he made it harder - LMFAO HAS A UNIT WHERE HE TEACHES FLIRTS AND SHIT IN SPANISH - brings u in to teach - LMFAOOO “hola amor” “hi?” “what does that mean class” “hi love” “wtf” - laughs maniacally  - also this scenario - “hey mr q can i get extra credit for this” “for what” “ *student swears agressively in spanish*”  “....yeah ill give u some points dont tell principal phil” - jokingly pines over both coach sapnap and mr jacobs - “guys coach sapnap *heart eyes* and mr jacobs *heart eyes*” “please just teach us spanish” - but everyone knows its a joke and ur it for him - he LOVES the food unit - he borrows the kitchens from the home ec room to teach people how to make traditional spanish foods - but GODDAMN he cant cook  - so it ends badly - also he has a thing on his wall for the fifa world cup where its like an elimination thing - face painted his face the mexican flag when the game happened - was this close to cancelling class when mexico was out
wilbur: theater  - i wish he was MY theater teacher in high school - one of the only non-toxic teachers - wears a long ass coat i forgot the name - TRENCHCOAT. for dramatics. its giving severus snape  - always wants to put on musicals but phil said  “you can only do one musical per year” - does that tik tok trend where he has a wall of musicals and rips one off each day and the last one standing is the one they put on - tries so so so hard to get the rights to hamilton, doesnt obviously - so he does stuff like in the heights, dear evan hansen, etc - IF A KID WRITES A MUSICAL AND APPROACHES HIM YOU BEST KNOW HES ALREADY SAYING YES TO PUTTING IT ON WITHOUT A SECOND *THOUGHT* - he loves supporting his students in stuff theyre passionate about even if it isnt music/theater related - once went to the schools water polo game cause one his student mentioned offhandedly in class that they didnt have anyone coming - tommy is his teacher’s assistant person  - he runs the improv lessons while wil observes him teaching - “okay kids youre all aliens and ur abducting mr soot” “tommy..” - its so funny when theyre together  - rumor has it theyre brothers along with mr blade and phil is their dad - “class please, philza minecraft is not my father.” “okay son” “PHIL WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” - brings u in one day with the excuse of teaching them how to be in love - in reality just has a whole class sing a long to disney love songs while u sit there like why am i here - you pressure him to put on shows YOU want to see - “wil put on high school musical” “nO! WHAT AM I in high school thats so basic” “yes. you are in high school. technically” - puts on high school musical - HES THE TEACHER WHO SHIPS KIDS TOGETHER in the form of making them play love interests  - its giving mrs darbus from high school musical - i was in high school musical i played sharpay 
lmk if u want to see more members as teachers!! :D and what else u want to see period sorry it was so long okay BYEEE
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mykelneedssleep · 6 months
I would love to write a marauders fic of the Black family always speaking French at home so Sirius and Regulus grew up speaking mostly in French but of course they speak English at Hogwarts- except when Regulus comes along he just doesn’t, he speaks exclusively in French and it gets to the point where everyone including Sirius is questioning if he even knows English because Sirius was required to know how to speak in both French and English and their education should’ve been the same right? But now that he’s thinking about it whenever they went to dinner parties as kids and everyone was speaking English he can’t remember Regulus ever saying anything… Sirius really starts to question if he was just taught English because he was the heir and they didn’t bother with Regulus because he wasn’t meant to really do anything and they decided teaching Sirius was hard enough. In reality Regulus is perfectly capable of both understanding and speaking English he just doesn’t want to. As a child he was too shy to say anything and by the time he got to Hogwarts he’s too jaded to have any desire to speak to anyone so he spends his first days speaking exclusively in French and when a rumor starts that he doesn’t understand English he just runs with it (and also uses it as an eavesdropping opportunity since people talk pretty freely around him thinking that he doesn’t know what they’re saying), even the teachers believe it and teach him a spell that translates spoken and written words (something like that has to exist in the wizard uhh world) so that he can understand the lectures. They don’t know that once they stop casting it for him he actually never uses it because he doesn’t need it
Anyway all that to say I would love to write it but I will not be doing that because I took one year of high school French and retained absolutely none of it so that would be embarrassing for me to personally attempt but if any French-speaking or simply bolder individuals than me want to steal this idea I greatly encourage it and only request that you tag me in it because I want to read it
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cl-01-kestis · 2 years
Come Back, I Always Do - Fred Weasley x Female Ex!Reader | Part 1
Summary: You break up with Fred Weasley after being accepted into a school overseas. Things are going well after you’re sent back to Britain 6 years after to work in Hogwarts, but you soon realise your story with him isn’t quite finished like you imagined.
Warnings: slow burn, angst, break ups, everyone lives AU, reader is muggle-born
Part 2
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You still remembered the day you left Fred Weasley, the two of you were sitting inside a small muggle cafe not far from Kings Cross, silent and scared to speak.
He knew it was coming, he often heard you speaking of your desire to work overseas and specialise in Magizoology. He loved hearing you speak about your plans for the future, but he feared the day it would come true.
Fred sat with tear stained cheeks over an untouched americano as he watched you explain your situation, showing him your acceptance letter into a magic university in New York. He was speechless, smiling through his tears as he read through the letter. But his heart was ready to cave in, he couldn’t process that it was all coming true.
The two of you nearly died in the battle of Hogwarts, although you were closer to death than he was. He and Molly held you in their arms as they tried to shake you awake, his cries being the only thing anyone heard in the great hall. He thought you had died, your body was so cold and still. But his mother managed to bring you back into consciousness with some form of unknown magic.
Yet here you were, leaving him again. Just when he thought he was safe, just when he thought you could both finally settle down, you were slipping through his fingers. You gave him a necklace which you wore everyday, marking a reminder of your love for him. Fred wanted to refuse it, angry that you couldn’t stay. But he couldn’t say no to you, especially when you were just as upset as he was.
You left him sitting alone in the cafe, trying not to sob on your way out as you clutched your acceptance letter tight.
Your parents comforted you when you returned home, knowing how difficult the situation was for you. Fred was your world, but there was no way he could come with you, and you couldn’t stay. They both helped you pack your things when the time came, all the books and endless magical necessities took a while to cram in, but you eventually managed.
New York was unlike anything you had ever experienced, it was busier than London, the people were somewhat the same, but you were completely alone with no one to support you. You wished Fred was there the whole time, trying not to get emotional when he popped up into your mind at any given moment.
When you unpacked your things in your dorm, you only realised that your mother had packed an old letter from Fred when you were both still in high school. You hung the letter up on your wall beside a bunch of other photos with your friends and family back home, wanting to remind yourself of what you once had.
Your degree took 5 years to complete, but the years felt like they went by quicker than you could cast a spell. One second you were starting your first lecture, the next you were graduating as a qualified magizoologist.
It wasn’t long before the job offers started piling in, most were in America but one job in particular caught your eye. To your delight and surprise, Hogwarts was in search of an advanced Magizooligist teacher. You remember there wasn’t a teacher for that subject when you studied there, so there must’ve been a high request from students for a new and more experienced Magizoologist.
So you applied for the job as soon as possible, packing what was necessary for the interview in Scotland. Albus called off the job for anyone else as soon as he saw that you had applied. He didn’t want to put you through an interview, he had to since it was protocol, but he knew you were perfectly capable of teaching at Hogwarts. When he read your resume alongside Minerva, the two of them knew you’d be the perfect fit.
The interview was very comfortable, McGonagall was the one asking you the questions but she had a bright smile on her face the entire time. She was delighted to have you back in Hogwarts, regardless if you got the job or not.
To no one’s surprise, you aced the interview with flying colours and you were offered your own place to stay in Hogwarts. You called your parents and told them the news, the both of them were teary and excited beyond measure, inviting you out for a celebratory meal as a result.
One week later you were leaving your old apartment in New York and moving to Hogwarts. You were shown to your new classroom which had been unused for quite some time and spent hours decorating it with McGonagall and a few helpful elf’s. You made it feel like home rather than a classroom, setting up a kettle and teabags in the corner as well as a few candles and cushions. You set up your surgical tools by your desk, also bringing in different medicines, ready for display to the advanced students. For the younger students, you made simple diagrams of different magic animals and even set up a fun quiz for them to partake. You were having so much fun and school hadn’t even started yet.
News had broke out that a new teacher had arrived at Hogwarts, it even made it to the daily prophet, displayed within a small article on the front page. It just so happened that Arthur Weasley was reading it on a Sunday afternoon, the majority of his kids out tie house, when all of a sudden he spotted an oddly familiar name. He asked Molly where he had heard the name before but his thoughts were cut off when his wife let out a loud scream, snatching the newspaper from his hands as he looked at her worriedly.
The short woman smiled widely, calling on Ron who was currently visiting with Hermione, now his fiancé. The two of them ran into the kitchen with concerned expressions, until they realised no one was in danger.
“Mum, what’s the screaming for?!” Ron groaned, splaying his arms out before crossing them over his chest. Hermione let out a soft chuckle and curiously peeked at the newspaper in her soon-to-be mother in law’s hands.
“(Y/N) (S/N) is the new magizoology teacher at Hogwarts!” Molly yelled excitedly, turning the paper around and pointing to the small article underneath the large heading of a different subject. Ron and Hermione looked at each other in surprise, the both of them smiling. But Ron found his smile leaving his face, looking at his mum.
“Do you think Fred knows?” His voice was quiet, remembering the downfall of your relationship from 6 years ago. Hermione’s smile dropped off too, and so did Mollies and Arthur’s. Everyone went silent, until Molly cleared her throat and smiled sadly.
“He never reads the news, maybe it’s best we don’t tell him” She patted Ron on the shoulder, handing the newspaper back to her husband who decided to read the rest of your article, sipping his cup of coffee as Molly lead her son and his fiancée into the living room.
“Maybe we should invite her to the wedding? She’s still an old family friend, she was always there for Ron, Harry and I during high school” Hermione reasoned with the mother and son, but Molly wasn’t sure. Fred was distraught after you left, he went to his mother almost every night for closure, wanting to know he did a good job as your boyfriend. Molly remembers his drop in happiness and fulfilment, she remembers George fearing for his health nearly everyday. If he saw you now, Molly wasn’t sure how he’d react. The two of you would absolutely see each other if you were both invited to the wedding, but it wasn’t her decision to invite you. It was Ron and Hermione’s.
“If you invite her, please take note that not everything will go as planned. Their breakup was devastating for the both of them, they might still need time away from each other” Molly whispered, aware of the other kids in the house. George and Ginny were visiting briefly, the two of them up in their own bedrooms, but Molly couldn’t risk either of them hearing, especially George.
“We’ll have a think about it, thanks mum” Ron smiled warmly towards Molly, assuring her as she nodded her head and headed back into the kitchen. Hermione tugged Ron’s jumper, looking at him with bright eyes.
“We need to invite her” She muttered quietly, taking his hand into her own.
“I know, but should we really?” Ron pressed a kiss to her knuckle, unable to resist showering her with affection every minute.
“If we put aside Fred, we should still invite her, you know how much she did for us in high school” Mione reasoned, making sure her tone wasn’t too loud in case anyone upstairs was nosing around.
“Maybe you’re right” Ron sighed, looking at his fiancée’s small engagement ring which gleamed brightly under the candlelight of the living room.
“Come on, let’s go upstairs” Hermione kissed his cheek, beckoning him back to their room as he grumbled to himself.
Term had finally started. There was a particular buzz emitting around the students, desperate to meet their new Magizoology teacher. You were blissful and content about your new job, your skin humming with nervous anticipation. You weren’t sure how the students would react to you, you hoped they felt comfortable and attentive to your teaching. You didn’t wear any formal teaching uniform, you felt like Magizoology wasn’t the type of subject to mingle well with formal wear. So you opted for a jumper and jeans, your wand slipped haphazard in your back pocket.
As you were teaching during your second week at Hogwarts, explaining the primary organs of a Chimera, Mrs McGonagall slipped through the door to hand you a small letter with a wax stamp. You thanked her and slipped it into your drawer, continuing to teach as you sat on your desk. After you finished your lectures to the 6th years, you gave them a small surprise quiz about various medicines to treat magic creatures. You heard a few groans echo around the class, but that didn’t deter you from handing them out.
As the students sat their quiz, you opened up the mysterious envelope from your drawer. You slipped out the letter as quietly as possible, eyes scanning the impressively fancy calligraphy at the top. Your heart couldn’t help but drop when you read the heading, eyes unblinking as you read over the two names displayed on the letter.
‘Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger invite you to their wedding at The Burrow on the 1st of October with friends and family’
You wanted to throw up, not because of the wedding but because you hadn’t heard the name Weasley in almost 7 years. You didn’t even feel worthy of going to their wedding, you felt like you needed to phone them and talk things through.
Contact details and the address were at the bottom of the letter, Hermione’s being the first one. You excused yourself from the class, knowing the call wouldn’t take long and the quiz wouldn’t finish for another hour, and ran to your room to fetch your telephone. You stood out into the hallway, nearby the window so your service didn’t drop as you dialled Hermione’s number.
It rang for a solid 30 seconds, each ring making you feel more and more thinned out. But to your relief, she finally answered with a short and casual ‘hello?’.
“Hermione, it’s (Y/N)” You called her name with a smile, one of your hands pressed against your chest as you tried to suppress your anxiety.
“(Y/N)?! Merlin’s beard you have no idea how good it is to hear from you! I’m assuming you got the letter?” Hermione was ecstatic as she spoke to you, yet you couldn’t help but think she also sounded rather nervous.
“I did indeed, but I just want to ask why?” You look out into the breathtaking scenery of the highlands through the glass, holding onto the stone window ledge as you patiently waited for her response.
“Well… we realised you were back from New York after seeing you in the papers, so we thought we might as well ask” Hermione’s voice was hopeful, she felt awkward explaining why she invited you but she was sure you understood.
“I see, and who’s we?” You ask, a hint of worry in your tone. Hermione paused, taking in your question and realising what you meant.
“Just me and Ron, Molly and Arthur know as well but they’re leaving the situation to us” The young witch assured. Your eyes grew cloudy when you heard Hermione mention Molly and Arthur, they were practically your family at a point in your life, now they’re strangers, it stung much worse than you anticipated.
“You sure you want me at the wedding? I mean, heaven forbid you know who sees me, Mione, he would never recover” You argue calmly, chewing your bottom lip as your hand anxiously tapped against the stone ledge.
“Is it really that bad to say his name? He’s not voldemort, (Y/N)” Hermione scoffed with a grin, but you couldn’t feel amused, you couldn’t think of his name without wanting to cry.
“I know, it’s hard enough to think about him” You admit, straying away from the window and back to your living quarters. Hermione went silent at the other end of the phone, almost as if she was sad to hear you say such a thing and didn’t know how to respond. You couldn’t blame her.
“If you go, I’ll do my best to make sure you stay away from each other, all of us will if that’s what you want” She suggested.
“Don’t be silly, it’s your wedding day, you shouldn’t be worrying about me,” You groan. “Plus I haven’t seen you in 6 years, I’m not even sure I’m close enough to attend” There was something sorrowful laced in your tone. Hermione gasped and frowned on the other side of the line.
“You are closer than most of the attendees, (Y/N), aside from your connection to the Weasley’s, you helped us more than anyone else did in high school, you certainly helped me learn a thing or two” The brunette vouched for you strongly.
“Still, maybe not everyone will agree.”
“Well there’s only one way to find out” She raised a brow, and you had no other choice but to roll your eyes and chuckle softly to yourself.
“What time does the reception start?” You smile.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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the-al-chemist · 5 months
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Any Happy Little Thought
A/N: Truthfully, Ben Copper was never my favourite of the HPHM cast. But, I can’t help but feel sorry for him — I think he has it worse than most of those kids. So, when I received @eternalchaoschocolaterain’s request below, I had to go for the most uplifting of the choices. Poor boy deserves a little happiness.
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Warnings: angst, references to violence and death of a young person, memory loss, understandably poor mental health.
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The day was drizzly and overcast, but the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom was bright, illuminated with a silvery-white glow, so radiant that it had to be magical.
Nearly two weeks had passed since the first meeting of the Circle of Khanna, and so far, the society had been more successful than anyone would have guessed, in spite of their differences and almost constant bickering. Bill Weasley had proved to be as effective a DADA teacher as any of the six others they’d had in as many years - in fact, he was a better teacher than most - and with his help, they had managed to fill many of the gaps they had in their patchy, disjointed curriculum.
Today, however, Bill had decided to teach them something different, something that they might not even have covered for their NEWTs: the Patronus Charm.
Ben Copper had always been good at Charms. At one point, before he had started to make friends, his Charms lessons had been the only thing he had liked about school. Even after five and a half years of education, it was still the only subject that really came easily to him.
So why, then, could he not cast this charm at all?
He knew that the Patronus Charm was exceptionally complex, famously so. It was the most difficult defensive charm known to wizardkind, with many adults unable to fully master it. Ben wasn’t expecting to be good at it immediately, but he had not expected to be quite so bad at it in comparison to his peers.
Of course, Bill had already been able to cast the spell — he wouldn’t have been teaching it to them if he couldn’t — and it had transpired that Tonks was already capable of conjuring a corporeal Patronus, one in the shape of a large rabbit or hare. At first, the others had struggled, but now many of them were also managing to produce Patronuses that were not just discs or clouds of light, but had the forms of silver-white animals: a dolphin for Penny, a peacock for Andre, a dove for Chiara. Even Barnaby, who had never gotten good grades in most of his subjects, and little Bea Haywood, who was only in her second year, were improving with every attempt they made.
Ben, however, had been trying just as hard, and yet he had barely produced even the tiniest wisp of silver from his wand. As the others continued to practise, he was growing increasingly frustrated with himself. What was he doing wrong?
“I think you might be using the wrong memory,” said Bill, who had clearly noticed that Ben was having difficulty. “It can’t just be any old thing, it has to be something really powerful, the happiest memory you have.”
The happiest memory Ben had. What was the happiest memory he had?
His mind drew a blank. It often did when he tried to remember, had done ever since his second year at Hogwarts, when he had been found trapped in the cursed ice with no recollection of how he had become so. All his memories of that day had been lost, and the more that time went on, the more he had noticed other gaps in his memory from his life before then. Perhaps his happiest memory had vanished with the rest. As for the memories he had from after that…
The cupboard in the dungeons, dank and dark, and filled with the Devil’s Snare that had wound its way around his legs. The piercing screams of his classmates each time they had encountered a Boggart, and the anxiety that tightened like a coil in his chest each time he had opened a cupboard, or turned a corner, convinced that he would be the next person to face their greatest fear. The strange feeling of déjà-vu he had gotten the first time he ever saw Patricia Rakepick, that he couldn’t explain then and still couldn’t explain now. The looks of betrayal on Artemis and Rowan’s faces when he woke up to find out that he had been threatening them without his knowledge and against his will. The great rumble of the ceiling in the Buried Vault and the scent of burnt flesh that pierced his nose once the dragon entered the room from one of the portraits. Rakepick’s wand pointed at him, the green light emanating from that wand towards his chest, Rowan appearing from the shadows and jumping in front of him, her body hitting the ground, limp and lifeless.
Ben’s hand had been raised ready to cast his spell, but now it was shaking so badly that his wand fell to the floor. His head spun as he bent down to pick it up, and it took everything he had in him just to stay standing once he had straightened himself up again.
“Sorry,” he muttered, conscious that Bill was watching him. “I, er… Yeah, I’ll have another think about what memory to use. Thank you.”
It was a lie. There was no memory Ben could use, not anymore. He waited for Bill to turn his attention to Alanza before lowering his wand and sitting down at one of the tables that had been pushed to the side of the room. He wanted to have a moment to himself, to shrink away from the thoughts that threatened to drown him: the memory of Rowan’s death, the guilt that she had sacrificed herself to save him, the idea that she shouldn’t have bothered, that he wasn’t worth saving. He was a coward. He was a Mudblood. He was useless at everything except for Charms, and apparently he wasn’t even good at that anymore.
“You alright, mate?” A voice interrupted Ben’s thoughts, and he was joined by Charlie Weasley. Charlie leant back against the table rather than sitting in one of the chairs, his eyes scanning the room. “This spell’s really hard. I can’t get the hang of it at all.”
Ben couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or just trying to make him feel better. He made a quiet humming noise instead of speaking.
”I think Jae might’ve cracked it, though. Look.”
Charlie nodded his head and raised his eyebrows, and Ben followed the direction of his eyes. Their friend Jae had his wand held aloft, his Patronus swirling in the air in front of him to take a more substantial — if small — form. It had tiny silver legs, a twitching nose, a long tail.
“It’s a rat.” Charlie half-smiled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Bill is not going to be happy about that…”
But Jae’s rat-Patronus disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared, the light it had cast on Jae’s face replaced with a surprised and proud-looking smirk. Seeing them looking, Jae walked towards Ben and Charlie with a swagger in his stride that irritated Ben, but made Charlie laugh.
“Not bad, mate,” said Charlie. “You really had it that time.”
“Dunno what all the fuss is about. Piece of cake, that.”
“Got any tips for us?”
Jae seemed to consider Charlie’s question before nodding. “Yeah. Ignore what your brother says. The thing about memories is a load of crap. I tried it, and it didn’t work. Had to improvise, do my own thing, y’know?”
Ben frowned. Charms were cast with precision, everyone knew that. You couldn’t just improvise a Charm.
“And what was ‘your own thing’?” he asked, more sharply than intended.
“Well, instead of thinking about good stuff that’s already happened, I just thought about even better stuff that could happen. It works, look.” Jae cleared his throat. For a moment, he seemed to glance over his shoulder in the direction of the Hufflepuff girls, but his focus returned so quickly to his wand that it may have only been a twitch. “Expecto Patronum!”
A small burst of white light issued from Jae’s wand, and a moment later, his rat-Patronus had returned.
“Possibility, lads. That’s the secret to happiness. Why look back, when you can keep on moving onwards and upwards?”
“I guess anything’s worth a try,” Charlie said with a shrug. “Expecto Patronum!”
Another raised wand, another Patronus. Though Charlie’s was incorporeal, he had at least managed a half-decent shield, which was more than Ben had achieved. Charlie’s Patronus grew brighter as Bill did a double-take at Jae’s rat and flinched away from it.
Then, both Jae and Charlie’s eyes were on Ben. He sighed before pulling out his own wand.
Something good that might happen. Again, Ben struggled to think of something. When so much that was bad had already happened, who was to say that the future wouldn’t hold something even worse in store? He always had found the idea of the future unnerving. The future was uncertain and out of his control and an endless source of worry. Possibility had never made him happy, only anxious.
Ben shook his head. “I can’t do it,” he whispered. “I can’t think of anything that’s good right now.”
Jae and Charlie shared glances as Ben lowered his wand and his gaze.
“Wow,” said Jae. “Bit rude, don’t you think? I mean, we are literally with you right now.”
“I don’t… You know that isn’t what I meant, Jae.”
Ben looked at Charlie for back up, but Charlie did not back him up.
“Actually, I think Jae might have a point. I mean, we’ve all been through some pretty rough stuff the last couple of years, and Godric knows what else we’ll be up against with the Vaults and the Cabal…”
Jae leaned towards Charlie and muttered, “Mate, I dunno if that’s going to help.”
“All I’m saying is that we’re still here. We’re still trying.” Charlie shrugged. “The fact that we haven’t given up yet is something, right? And I guess… Well, I guess that’s all thanks to you.”
Was it thanks to Ben? Ben wasn’t sure that it was, but Jae nodded his head emphatically.
“That’s right, this was all your idea. The defence lessons, and the name. The Circle of Khanna. That was genius, that was.”
Ben had been surprised that the others had liked his idea for a name as much as they had. He wasn’t going to suggest it at first. After all, would they really want to be constantly reminded of Rowan, of the loss of Rowan? Did they need to be reminded? Ben didn’t think there would ever be a day where he didn’t think about her, about her death, the way she had laid down her life for his. He didn’t think there would ever be a night where he didn’t dream that he was back in the forest, reliving her death. That memory would stay with him forever.
But, then again, Ben knew better than anyone what it was like to forget. He knew that forgetting was far worse than remembering. And so, he had suggested the name. The Circle of Khanna. With a name like that, none of them would ever forget the reason why they had joined together, who they were doing this for.
“It is a good name,” agreed Charlie.
“It’s all good, what we are doing here.” Jae paused, his eyebrows furrowing. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever really done anything good before.”
It was good, what they were doing — fighting, trying, working together. Rowan was gone, but they were all still here. They hadn’t given up. They hadn’t lost hope. Not yet, anyway. That was how the others were able to cast their Patronuses, Ben realised. It wasn’t because they had the happiest memories, or liked the idea of possibility; it was because they still had hope. If they could stay hopeful, then why couldn’t he? Why shouldn’t he?
He didn’t need much, just one thought. One hopeful, if not happy, thought. It could be anything. Maybe just being here was something. Here, surrounded by bright silvery light that had been created from his friends’ happiness.
“Expecto Patronum!”
This time, when Ben raised his wand and spoke the incantation, something happened. A small wisp of silver furled upwards into the air in front of him. It was only little, and it wasn’t corporeal — it wasn’t even shield-like — but it was at least something.
For now, he would take something. For now, that would do for him.
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12raccoonsinadress · 2 years
can you make some of aizawa
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Office Hours : Aizawa x Fem!Reader (Smut)
Word Count: 4,900
Third POV
You were new to UA. Not really a teacher but certainly not a student. You were interning while working on your teaching license. You mostly observed classes, teaching the occasional lesson in general studies and such. Recently though, you started hanging around the hero courses. Your curiosity was what drew you in initially. Though not the path you would have chosen, you admired heroes and those who strived to become them, so you found a lot about how they trained and studied interesting. What kept you around though was one of the teachers. Shota Aizawa, otherwise known as Eraserhead. You had noticed how tired he seemed. It was understandable. Being a pro hero and a teacher must be a lot. So you offered to help out with grading papers. It wasn't much but it was one less thing for him to worry about. He had accepted your offer, and since then you ended up grading most of 1A's work. It wasn't too bad though. With them being in the hero course a lot of what they studied was more hands-on than on paper, so you didn't have to stress about having massive amounts to grade.
School had ended about an hour ago and most of the students had made their way to their dorms or were milling around outside. You walked down the empty hallway, flipping through the pages of the papers you had graded for Aizawa. It was some strategy quiz. A lot of it you didn't understand. You had simply followed the grading sheet, and most of them had done fairly well. You used your side to push the door to his office, going and setting the stack of tests on his desk.
"Here are the quizzes from Tuesday."
He didn't look up from his computer as he responded.
"Thanks. They had an essay on the proper way to respond during a crisis due today. It's there on the left."
He vaguely gestured to the stack of papers to his right (your left). You decided to lean on the desk a bit.
"What are you up to?"
"I'm working."
He glanced up at you for a split second before continuing to type on his computer.
"Working on what?"
He responded again flatly. You hummed, looking over at the papers he had gestured to. You picked up the first one, flipping through it.
"What am I grading them on in these?"
"Normal essay stuff. Spellings, grammar. The subject should be reasonable ways to respond in crisis situations."
You hummed a little. That didn't seem too bad.
"Is that it?"
You looked over at him. He looked just as tired as always. You kinda felt bad for him. All the stress without properly resting couldn't be healthy.
"You should take a break."
He looked up at you now, a brow raised. Then he shook his head and went back to his computer.
"I don't have time for a break."
"Come on. I'm sure you have time for just an hour of not working."
"I don't."
"...Half an hour?"
He sighed, looking up at you. Assuming you wouldn't leave him alone until he abided, he leaned back in his seat, arms lazily resting on the arms of the chair.
"And what do you suggest I do for half an hour?"
You thought for a moment.
"Have you had dinner yet?"
He looked at you curiously now.
"No. I haven't."
You smiled a bit.
"Why don't we go get dinner then?"
You suggested. He took a moment before a slight cocky, sarcastic smile/smirk came onto his face.
It was only a one word response, but you immediately felt that single word shoot straight through your chest. Your face grew a bit warmer. You hadn't intended for your suggestion to be taken as anything but friendly, but you'd also be lying if you said the tired hero teacher wasn't attractive in his own right. Especially with how he was looking at you right now. Tired, yet amused, and as if he could see right through you. It made you feel vulnerable. When you took too long to say anything in response, he shook his head, still wearing that cocky, tired, amused smirk. He stood up, patting your head as he walked past.
"Yeah. Let's go."
You came out of your thoughts, quickly turning to follow him. By the time you caught up with him, his expression had fallen back to its resting tired look. Before you could say anything, he asked without looking at you.
"Did you have any place in mind?"
"Ah, well there are a few different places not too far from here. Depends what we're in the mood for I guess."
He walked quietly for a moment, thinking, you assumed. Before too long, as you were exiting the building, he spoke up.
"If you're not picky, I know a place."
"Oh, Alright."
You weren't necessarily surprised but you didn't really expect him to just pick a place. He started walking in a direction. You followed him. You didn't know how to really make casual conversation with him, so you walked quietly for a while. Eventually, you thought of something to say.
"..What made you want to teach on top of being a hero?"
He glanced at you before sighing and continuing to look ahead.
"Someone's got to make sure there are competent heroes when we're done."
"Isn't it exhausting doing both?"
"Is it worth it?"
He thought for a moment.
"Yeah. It's worth it."
You hummed softly. Before you could dwell on this long enough to think of more questions, you arrived at a restaurant, though it looked mostly like a dive bar. He walked in, and you followed after him.
"I'm guessing you come here often?"
He shrugged a bit as the two of you went to a small table in the corner.
"You could say that."
You could see it in all honesty. The place was small and uncrowded. Frankly, you wouldn't have noticed it was here if he hadn't led you. It was pretty well hidden. The warm lighting mixed with the dark wood tones of the floor, walls, and tables made the entire room feel dim. The walls were covered with retro-esc style decor; old band T-shirts signed by musicians, vinyl records, and older framed photos of bands playing in the bar among other things. You were definitely on the younger end of the people here, most of them appearing to be in their mid-40s or older, and they all were fairly quiet. The only really notable sound was that of the faint music coming from a jukebox, which stuck out with its now dull red color that you could guess had seen better days. It really did seem like a place you'd see Aizawa in his free time. You, however, couldn't help but feel a little out of place.
"It's quiet in here."
You noted simply. He glanced at a clock on the wall.
"Give it an hour. By the time it hits 8, it won't be."
You hummed a little, also looking up at the clock.
"The clock says it's 4."
"It's a couple of hours behind."
"Or a couple of hours ahead."
Before much longer an older woman approached the table. She looked to be around her mid-40s. She had reddish hair, tied back in what was probably a bun in the morning, but was now falling out in every direction. She was wearing an old band T-shirt with a bunch of tour dates and cities listed down the front, none of them being in Japan, as well as an apron that was probably white at some point but was now a faded tan-brownish sorta color. She smelled faintly of cigarette smoke and wore a bright red lipstick. She smiled at seeing the two of you. The kind of smile an old friend gives right before insulting you in the most well meaning way possible.
"Well. I'd ask if it's gonna be the usual, but it looks like you're trying something new for once."
She had a gravelly sort of voice, though it wasn't necessarily unpleasant, just a bit deeper and raspy. He rolled his eyes. You blushed a bit, picking up on her meaning.
"This is a colleague from work."
You gave a small wave. She hummed, seemingly not believing him.
"Yeah, yeah."
She looked to you now.
"What can I get you, sweetheart?"
You now realized you hadn't so much as looked at the menu. Before you went into a full-on mini panic, Aizawa spoke, taking the attention off you.
"Just do two of what I usually get."
The woman chuckled.
"Alright. It'll be out soon."
With that, she walked off. You looked to Shota. You were both grateful and a little flustered that he ordered for you. You couldn't tell if he had done so to be nice, or if he just didn't want to watch you scramble to make a decision.
"You must come here quite a bit, considering the waitress knows you."
He shrugged a bit.
"I guess. Though, she knows nearly everyone by name and their order. Something about her quirk."
"A memory quirk then?"
"Maybe. I never asked for details about it. She just says she never forgets a face or an order. Your guess is as good as mine."
You hummed, thinking. You wanted to talk about something, anything really, but you found yourself at a loss for topics. He intimidated all your small talk out of you. He looked back at you curiously. You hadn't even realized you were staring.
"You don't get out much, do you?"
You looked at him, a little surprised he was the one making conversation.
"What makes you say that?"
You furrowed your brow at him. He shrugged a bit, leaning back comfortably in his seat, making it creak ever so slightly.
"You seem uncomfortable."
He noted. He wasn't wrong. You wouldn't really say uncomfortable though. Maybe just out of your element.
"I've just never been here before, that's all."
He raised a brow. You fidgeted with your fingers. He cocked his head to the side ever so slightly.
"Do I make you nervous, Y/n?
Those words felt like they shot through your chest. Your cheeks felt warmer. You took a moment to try and think of something to say to brush this aside, but before you could defend yourself, the waitress from before was setting two drinks at the table. Thankfully, she temporarily took the attention off of you as Aizawa looked up at her.
"No problem. Just these drinks or are we feeling adventurous tonight?"
The woman smiled wryly. Aizawa looked at you.
"Do you drink?"
You didn't drink much. You would socially but it felt sad to drink on your own. You responded honestly.
He looked back at the waitress. Then he sighed.
"Sure. Why not. It's been a rough week."
She snorted a laugh.
"Alrighty then."
She scribbled something in her little notepad and walked off.
A few hours went by. As Shota had said, after a little while the bar did become more lively as more of its typical patrons got out of work. Men sat at the bar, laughing as they talked about work and life, and groups of friends poked fun at one another at their tables. A drunk man, presumably pressured by his friends, was up on the bar's small stage, poorly doing karaoke. The environment being a little more crowded made you feel less out of place. So had a few drinks.
You smiled brightly as Shota chuckled at your awful joke. Turns out that after a few drinks, he relaxes a little. He wasn't drunk. Maybe tipsy. You however were a little worse for wear. Not drunk enough to feel like you would make any big mistakes, but closer to it than he was by any means. He shook his head.
"That was terrible."
"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you do better, Mr. Grumpy Pants."
"I'm not grumpy."
"You are! You have resting grump face."
He chuckled.
"Oh really?"
He shook his head, still smiling a bit.
"You're drunk."
"Am not! I'm perfectly fine."
He gave you a very "I don't believe you" expression.
"I don't believe that at all."
You looked back at him, offended.
"We've had the same amount to drink. That'd mean you're drunk too."
"Or maybe you're just a lightweight."
You glared at him.
"Oh yeah?"
"Challenge accepted."
You leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms with a cocky smirk on your face.
"I bet I can out drink you."
"That is a terrible idea."
He grinned.
"You're just scared you'll lose."
"I'm warning you now. This isn't a good idea."
"Scaredy cat."
He sighed. Then he smirked confidently.
"If you insist. I guess some people need to learn the hard way."
You rolled your eyes, giggling. You were still certainly positive you'd win. Even if not, there's no way you'd pass your limit. He couldn't be that much better at holding his alcohol than you. Right?
That conversation was the last thing you remembered that night.
You woke up, not feeling the best. Your head was pounding and your stomach felt like it was tied in a knot. You went to sit up but you found that you couldn't. For a moment you just assumed your body was too heavy to move, seeing as you already felt hungover as hell. Then you started to realize things that made another option appear much more likely. You didn't recognize the room you were in or the bed. You weren't wearing the clothes you remember leaving in. In fact, you were pretty sure these clothes weren't yours at all. They fit differently. There was someone there, holding you. You were being held as the little spoon so you couldn't really see who it was. For half a second, you started to panic. Did you go home with some stranger last night? Then, a familiar sleepy voice made a quiet noise as he readjusted, holding you closer. You blushed.
Another sleepy noise, this time his hold on you loosened. You took advantage of that, shifting to turn around. You didn't properly assess the distance between you both because as you faced him, you were practically touching noses. Your face was a dark red hue. His eyes half opened for a moment. You pulled away from him some so that you weren't less than an inch from his face. He let go of you fully now, but only because he was rubbing his eyes.
"Good to know you didn't drink yourself into a coma."
He said a bit flatly, in a lower register than his normal voice due to him having just woken up. Your heart skipped at hearing him like that. You had a million questions. How much did you drink? Why were you here? Did you two do anything? Where were your clothes from yesterday? You decided to start with a simple question.
"What happened last night?"
He sat up, stretching a little. It came to your attention now that he was shirtless. And wow did his normal clothes do absolutely nothing for his figure. He was much nicer looking than you ever would have guessed. You sat up as well.
"How're you feeling?"
He asked, appearing to be avoiding the question. You rubbed your eyes a little as you assessed your own body.
You said truthfully. He hummed slightly in acknowledgment.
"To be expected. You were past your limit last night. I'll be right back. Stay here."
You watched him walk out, leaving you alone in what you could only assume was his bedroom. It was comfortably dark due to the black curtains, so you had no clue what time it could be. There wasn't much going on as far as miscellaneous objects in the room. Just the standard bedroom necessities. Even so, the room was nice. It had the distinct smell of his cologne or whatever it was that he wore. You looked down at the clothes you were wearing. You assumed again that they were his, though the pink sweatpants made you curious. Before too long he came back into the room with a bottle of water and a small container of painkillers.
"For the hangover."
He put it simply. You nodded, taking them.
"Thanks... are you going to answer my question though?"
"You want to know what happened last night."
"Yeah." You thought back. "I don't remember anything after..."
"After you bet you could outdrink me?
You blush just a little thinking about it. Looking back, it was certainly not your brightest moment. You could only hope you didn't make a complete fool of yourself. He sat on the edge of the bed.
"I'll be honest with you, it's a little fuzzy near the end for me. But after you insisted you would be able to out-drink me, we had about two more rounds before I cut you off because I didn't want you getting alcohol poisoning. You, of course, insisted you were fine, but considering you could barely stand up on your own I didn't really believe you."
You already started to feel embarrassed. You could only hope you didn't cause him any trouble. He continued.
"Once you were cut off I figured it was late and I would try to get you home, but you weren't in a state to tell me your address. So I brought you back here."
It was his turn to blush, though on his face it was very subtle. You still noticed it though, and you hoped this wasn't implying things would get worse.
"I offered to let you sleep in the bed and let me take the couch, but you were very insistent that I stayed with you. You passed out pretty quickly after that."
You were both humiliated yet relieved. Sure, you made an awkward situation for yourself to wake up to, but at least you didn't try anything you'd both regret. Then you had a thought.
"Where are my clothes?"
"Oh. Yeah, you spilled your last drink entirely down your front so when we got here I let you borrow those. They're in the dryer right now. It'll probably be a while."
"...Thank you."
It was really sweet he went through so much trouble for you. You just wish you had a way to repay him. He nodded in acknowledgment.
"What time is it?"
You asked, just generally curious. He checked his alarm clock on the nightstand.
"A little after noon."
You felt a little bad sleeping half the day away, but at least he had also been asleep so it wasn't just you. He sighed, leaning back and running his hand through his hair. You stared. How could you not? He was absolutely stunning. Your mind wandered. You were grateful he didn't take advantage of your drunken state. You were in bed with him. It wouldn't have been hard. But he was better than that, even drunk himself. You weren't just glad that it proved you could trust him, but at the same time if you ever were to sleep with him like that you'd want to remember every single detail. The ways his hands would feel on your skin, his lips against yours, the way his voice would sound as he pressed you into the bed.
He was looking at you. You hadn't noticed you'd been caught staring. You blushed hard, eyes wide, trying to quickly stammer out an apology or an excuse, but he stopped you.
"Look. Let's just skip all this awkwardness and get to the point. You're not the best at being subtle."
Firstly, ouch your pride. But second of all, you hadn't thought you were that obvious about your little crush. He continued before you could retort.
"We can either do this the hard way where you keep trying to defend yourself and denying that I'm right, or we can do this the easy way where I order us takeout and use the next half hour to do whatever it is you were just very obviously thinking about."
You sat stunned for a moment. He read you like an open book and you had no idea how he did it. After you took a minute to process what just happened, you pursed your lips, fidgeting a bit.
"Takeout sounds nice."
Smooth as always. He smirked a bit, but turned to his phone, presumably to order food. You sat there a bit awkwardly. You didn't know what you were expecting next, but the anticipation was killing you. After a moment he set his phone down. Your heart was pounding. He looked back at you, though you couldn't read his expression. He was looking you over, analyzing you. Part of you loathed how vulnerable he was making you feel. He moved towards you.
"Alright. We get 30 minutes. Are you ready?"
He spoke in such a casual tone it almost made you forget what his intentions were (or at least what you thought they were). Even so, you nodded. He positioned himself above you, making you lay back down. He smirked the slightest bit. You looked up at him almost in awe. He was so handsome. And he had you pinned to his bed. It didn't feel real. He leaned down, presumably to kiss you. You closed your eyes as you felt him get closer. You could feel his breath on your lips. But he stopped short. You looked up at him, flustered. He smirked a bit more, bringing a hand to brush the hair away from your face before finally kissing you. You practically melted.
The hand he wasn't using to hold himself up moved down from the side of your face, just lazily feeling down the side of your body. Despite only having 30 minutes, he was in absolutely no rush. Everything about his actions were slow, gentle, yet firm. It felt very loving, romantic almost. You reached up, wrapping your arms around him, one hand tangling itself in his hair. He deepened the kiss, leaving no room for you to control it. Not that you wanted to. He slowly started to slip his free hand under your (well, his) shirt. Not quite going straight to groping your chest, but instead just feeling more of you. Even though you really did enjoy how slow he was taking it, you didn't want to get interrupted by food showing up, so you took matters into your own hands. You let go of him to move your hands up his chest, since he was already shirtless, using this as an opportunity to feel him up. He seemed to catch your drift. He broke the kiss, watching your face for any signs he should stop before he started to pull your shirt off. You happily let him. He kissed down your neck and chest. You covered your mouth so you didn't make any embarrassing noises. He moved his hands to your hips, slowly starting to tug down your pants. You lifted your hips to help him get them off. Once he had you naked, he leaned back to look down at you. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed under his gaze. His expression was hard to read and you worried maybe he wouldn't like what he saw. He took his time, taking in all your details. His voice was just as it always was. Straight forward, but so easy to listen to.
"I have to admit. You look better than I imagined."
You didn't get time to fully think about all the things that he just implied before you were distracted by him pushing his pants off as well. You couldn't help but stare. He was a good size. Not too big as to be scary or uncomfortable, but certainly not small. He smirked as he leaned back over you and started to lazily trail his hand between your legs. You bit your lip a little as he teasingly traced over your more sensitive areas with feather light touches. He wanted to get you ready for him, he didn't want to hurt you. Slowly, a finger found it's way inside, pushing in at a steady pace. You let a small content sigh at the feeling. He watched your face with a focused yet softened expression, doing his best to be sure he was going at a pace that didn't cause you any discomfort. Soon one finger turned to two, and after a little longer, three. You were breathing heavy now, not a single thought in your head aside from him. You let a soft moan slip out despite your best efforts. He smirked ever so slightly. He pulled his fingers out. Then he seemed to have a thought, his smirk dropping as he thought about something. He moved from over you, prompting you to sit up as well.
"Is something wrong?"
You were confused as to why he pulled away from you, but then it made sense as he pulled a box out of his nightstand.
"No. I'm just surprised I still have these."
He examined it for a moment before pulling out what you knew was a condom. He was definitely thinking more about safety then you were.
"Been a while, Shota?"
You half teased. He looked at you, raising a brow.
"Yeah, and?"
"Should I be expecting you to be a little rusty then, or..?"
You smiled wryly. He chuckled a bit lowly, shaking his head some.
"You really don't know when to stop pushing, do you?"
Your heart skipped a beat and if you could be more turned on, you were now. He climbed back on top off you, pushing you into the bed. He spoke in a low voice beside your ear.
"I suppose someone has got to put you in your place."
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. He leaned back to put the condom on. Thoughtlessly, you spread your legs for him. Despite definitely feeling like you were ready for him, you were surprised by the sudden feeling of him stuffing his three fingers back in. You let out a mixed gasp/moan at the feeling. He smirked just slightly.
"Just making sure you're ready."
He said almost innocently, clearly teasing you now. You huffed a little bit softly as he curled them before pulling them back out and moving his hands to your thighs, lifting your hips up so he could angle himself better. You were practically shaking in anticipation. You felt as he started to press in. One hand gripped the sheets beneath you and the other covered your mouth. He was slow, but consistent as he pushed in until he was fully inside of you. You were breathing heavy, but so was he. Based on his flushed chest and shoulders, ragged breathing, and death grip on your thighs, you'd guess he felt just as good as you did right now.
You made what could only be described as a small yelp noise when his hips shallowly snapped against yours. It was sudden, but certainly not an unwelcome feeling. As he started to move more predictably, you picked up on the fact that he wasn't going for speed. His thrusts were more precise, focusing on pushing deep and hitting harder. It felt incredible. Having said that, he wasn't necessarily slow either. His pace was what you'd consider a medium speed. He held tightly to your thighs, keeping them spread open, fucking you down into the bed with each thrust. Your soft noises grew louder as you felt the intense feeling building inside of you. Though hard to hear through your own sounds as well as the sound of skin hitting skin, you could hear him panting and groaning lowly. You hoped he was as close as you felt you were. You hardly noticed his precision started faltering as his speed picked up just slightly. He let go of one of your thighs, moving that hand to play with your clit, set on seeing you completely come undone beneath him. His hand, much like his hips, focused more on pressure than speed. His voice was lowly and labored.
"Fuck... Come on, you're so close. Cum for me."
Almost perfectly in time with him telling you to do so, you finally hit your breaking point, arching your back, squeezing the sheets in your fists, and tightening around him. He let a low groan, presumably also cumming. His motions slowed to stop before he pulled out and collapsed beside you. You both laid there silently for a moment, the only sound in the room being the combined heavy breathing from the both of you. He discarded the condom into the trash near the bed before turning to you. You both laid looking at each other for what felt like an eternity, but before either of you could say anything the doorbell rang. Shota sighed before getting up and looking for his pants.
"Good timing ?"
You smiled some, joking. He rolled his eyes but had the slightest smile too before getting his clothes on and going to get the food. You sighed contently. You could most certainly get used to this. Just looked like you'd have to pull him away from work more often.
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aerialsquid · 11 days
FFXIVWrite Day 14: Telling
Martyn would not have admitted it under anything but the harshest interrogation, or possibly if you paid him, but there was something oddly relaxing about letting Dollmaker take control of his body. His mind could drift away to other matters, to enjoyable fantasies or simply a fuzzy bliss, and his sinister client would be responsible for all the important matters. Dollmaker talked aplenty, but for answer usually only wanted an idle nod or headshake. Or made up the answer inside its own head.
(Martyn got the feeling that Dollmaker spent a lot of time alone in the tunnels with only itself for conversation.)
"So, what is blue magic?"
It took a few gentle shakes of his shoulder before Martyn realized Dollmaker was actually expecting an answer to its question.
"Sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't quite hear."
Dollmaker, whose mouth was about a foot from his ear and was quite aware of what those ears could hear, indulged him by repeating, "What exactly is blue magic?" Its long fingers were occupied braiding - well braiding *someone's* hair, but it was currently attached to Martyn's scalp. The purple tresses reached nearly to his back, and Dollmaker was threading seafoam green ribbons in between the braids as it went.
"Oh. Oh!" In any other circumstances Martyn would have had an entire sales pitch prepared, complete with special offers on your first robes and stave. Instead he fumbled for a bit, his body held still but his mouth unhappily left to the clumsy whims of free will.
"It's a magical discipline from Xak Tural, in the New World, mainly practiced by a tribe called the Whalaqee." The "New World" was all over marketing materials for anything you could concievably claim came from the exotic West. Martyn saw no reason to tone it down for something that actually did. If he got a little creative about the backstory when selling it to the greedy masses, there were very few people who could prove he was wrong. 
But he wasn't selling anything to Dollmaker besides what he'd already sold.
"You learn a regiment of spells by having them cast on you and memorizing the technique, then replicating a version for yourself. It's hard to regulate, every practitioner has a different method and a different spell portfolio based on their experience. I learned it from a teacher in the Whalaqee, and then I brought the practice back here and opened a school for teaching it to others."
"You're a guildmaster?" Another ribbon slithered through his hair. Martyn found himself tilting his head into the caress of long fingers along his scalp, fully unbidden by Dollmaker's magics.
"Something of one. And I also do demonstration fights in the Celestium. I'd hoped that would drive people to see the potential of blue magic, but I think they just want to see the fights."
"Ah. I haven't attended those."
They used voidsent in some of the gladiatorial fights, Martyn recalled. Perhaps Dollmaker was trying to to avoid bumping into anyone they knew.
"They aren't my favorite, I suppose," Martyn offered. Dollmaker went quiet as it tied off the end of another braid. Its hand smoothed along the back of his head, then down to the narrow shoulders with their puffed sleeves. The long neck curled around, letting Martyn make eye contact with the pale, featureless eyeholes.
"A guildmaster, a scholar, and a gladiator. A very busy schedule. And you still make time to come to me." The softness in its voice was almost affectionate, a trap that Martyn eagerly leapt directly into.
"Hah, well, you pay on time and you pay well–"
Martyn felt his tongue go stone inside his mouth, jaw locking shut. The fingers on the twin arms down Dollmaker's neck curled into claw-like gestures and the arching of its back reminded Martyn of an angry street coeurl. 
"Ah. I forgot, it always is trade with you creatures of Ul'dah," Dollmaker hissed. "How could I be let to forget. You're here for the money." It sounded ready to spit. 
Martyn made a garbled noise through his pressed-close jaws. Dollmaker gave him a look of disgust, drawing one finger across Martyn's lips and allowing him the luxury of speech. 
"I didn't meant to give offense–"
"Of course you didn't. It's not what I pay you for. Dolls are seen and not heard for a reason." Martyn could see the flash of teeth between Dollmaker's lips, quickly hidden again. 
"Never mind it, never mind." Martyn's jaw locked again, and even his vocal cords were now stilled. The hands patted frantically over his hair, arranging his clothing. "Never mind it, don't be foolish," Dollmaker kept muttering, and Martyn wasn't sure which one of them it was talking to.
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cartilagecruncher · 5 months
ok since we've seen infected and gradie meeting for the first time i thought "what about KASPER and gradie" so here. another fanfic.
Out And In Trouble
A small, 12 year old Kasper slowly walked beside the walls of the alley behind the school, paying very close attention to make sure no teachers could see him doing this. It was recess, so most of them had their eyes on the field and courts at the moment, but still. You never know.
"Kas, are you sure we should be doing this?"
His best bud and adoptive brother, Lampert, was also with him, albeit reluctantly. He didn't mind the dirtiness of the alleyway (why would he?), he just didn't want to get in trouble. He's one of the good kids in their school, and doing this could ruin his whole entire plan.
Kasper scoffed playfully, stopping and turning to look at Lampert, who was fidgeting with his hands.
"Hey, you agreed to come with me! You asked to be here!" "Only to keep you out of trouble.. It looks really creepy in here.. What if there are raccoons??" "Please, bro, I could easily fight off a raccoon. Don't be a pussy."
Suddenly, a banging noise comes from one of the dumpsters nearby, and Kasper practically jumps into Lampert's arms. After noticing, he backs away, embarrassed.
"Pfft- Who's the pussy now?" "Die."
They both watch the dumpster, weirded out and worried for what was in there. After some silence, the banging continued. It's obvious that whatever's in there, it can't open the lid. Kasper takes a deep breath and starts walking over to it.
"Kas-" "Hush. Lemme do this."
He slowly stopped next to the dumpster, struggling to open it until, finally, the lid went up. He tossed it over so it leaned against the back wall, looking into the dumpster. Immediately, his face was full of confusion.
Lampert walked nearer to him, nervous.
"What is it?" "I don't.. know. Come check it out."
He walked closer until he could also see inside, wearing the same expression as Kasper.
Inside of the dumpster was nothing but a small, oddly colored... thing. It looked like all its colors blended together like a gradient. It also was moving like it was alive. Creepyyyy...
"I'm gonna touch it." "Kasper, no." "I'm gonna do it! You can't stop me!" "No."
A very wobbly, very weird-sounding voice came from the creature as it looked between the two, confused and nervous. Kasper spoke up first, as he usually does.
"Hi, lil buddy! Are you, uh, sentient?" "seNtienT... hi?" "Uhhh, do you have a name?" "Name... Uh.. no..."
It looks around, still kinda confused, before pointing directly at him with a weirdly tentacle-like appendage.
"yoU KaspEr??" "Hah- Uhm, yeah! I Kasper.. This is Lampert! Can you say Lampert?" "Kas, we're not teaching it our names. It's a weird, wild animal." "It can talk, though! That's gotta mean something!" "lll.. Ampert?" "...Okay, I guess we can hold off on that thought for now."
Suddenly, a loud, deafening noise could be heard. A noise all-too familiar with the boys: The school bell. Silently, Kasper wondered what would happen if he stayed back here, but Lampert could obviously tell.
"We aren't staying out here. We have math to attend." "But what about the thing??" "It can wait." "Can I at least have a minute longer?" "..if you get in trouble, it's all your fault."
Lampert glared at Kasper for a moment, obviously messing with him, before rushing off to class. Kas stared down at the creature again.
"Hey, lil friendo, do you want a name? I can't just keep calling you.. 'it'. That's weird." "nn.. nnname." "Ok, lemme think..."
Naming was not Kasper's strong suit. In fact, it was one of the things he sucked at the most. He's the one who named Lampert, after all. This one has to be good, it has to be a decent name. One that makes sense and rolls off the tongue, one that can be easily spelled by all ages..
And then it hit him.
"How's 'Gradie' sound? Cuz, you know, you're a gradient. I think. Yeah or nah?" "...yeah. Gradie." "Hey, that actually sounded slightly normal! Good job!! Ok, now I gotta get to class, but I'll visit you tomorrow with my bud Lampert again!"
He began to run out before stopping himself and turning, waving at Gradie.
"Bye!" "Hah.. buh-bye.. friend.." [THIS ONE IS SO SHIT COMPARED TO TEWYA AGHHH]
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