#Women's stress and emotional well-being
General Health Made Easy: 10 Simple Tips for a Vibrant Life
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health is essential for leading a fulfilling life. General health encompasses various aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. To achieve optimal well-being, we need to focus on adopting healthy habits, prioritizing self-care, and staying informed about the latest wellness trends. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key components of general health and provide practical tips to help you enhance your overall well-being.
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1. Understanding the Foundations of General Health General health is not just about the absence of illness; it's about feeling vibrant and energized in our daily lives. It begins with a solid foundation that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. Proper nutrition provides our bodies with essential nutrients to function optimally, while staying physically active improves cardiovascular health and boosts mood. Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep helps in the body's recovery and rejuvenation.
2. The Importance of Mental Health Mental health is an integral part of general health. It affects how we think, feel, and act, impacting our overall well-being. Practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques can significantly reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity. Engaging in activities that bring joy and purpose to life can have a positive impact on our mental state.
3. Holistic Approach to Well-Being Taking a holistic approach means considering all aspects of health, including physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. It involves identifying and addressing the root causes of any imbalances, rather than just treating symptoms. Holistic practices, such as yoga and meditation, can help in achieving harmony and balance in our lives.
4. Building Healthy Habits Creating healthy habits is the key to sustainable well-being. Start by setting small, achievable goals and gradually incorporating them into your daily routine. Drinking plenty of water, eating fruits and vegetables, and getting regular exercise are some foundational habits that can lead to significant improvements in general health.
5. Prioritizing Self-Care In our busy lives, it's essential to prioritize self-care. This means making time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate us. Whether it's spending time in nature, reading a book, or simply taking a relaxing bath, self-care is essential for reducing stress and enhancing overall happiness.
6. The Role of Preventive Care Preventive care is crucial for maintaining general health. Regular check-ups and screenings can help identify potential health issues early on, allowing for timely interventions. Vaccinations, as part of preventive care, can protect against various diseases and boost immunity.
7. The Power of Exercise Exercise is a powerful tool for enhancing general health. It not only improves physical fitness but also has significant mental health benefits. Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve mood and cognition.
8. Mindful Eating for Well-Being Mindful eating involves paying close attention to what and how we eat. It encourages savoring each bite and being aware of hunger and fullness cues. By practicing mindful eating, we can develop a healthier relationship with food and enjoy a more balanced diet.
9. Coping with Stress
Discover effective strategies to manage stress and improve well-being.
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but how we cope with it matters. Developing effective stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and meditation, can help us handle stressors more effectively and promote better mental health.
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10. Embracing a Supportive Community A strong support system can significantly impact our general health. Surrounding ourselves with positive and caring individuals can provide emotional nourishment and help us navigate life's challenges with resilience.
General Health Hacks: Boost Your Well-Being with Science-Backed Tips (Read More...)
Achieving and maintaining general health is an ongoing journey that requires dedication and commitment. By adopting healthy habits, prioritizing self-care, and being mindful of our physical and mental well-being, we can attain optimal overall health. Remember that small steps and consistent efforts lead to significant improvements in our general health and well-being. Let's embrace a holistic approach to health and embark on a fulfilling and healthier life journey.
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fitnfemme · 1 year
30 Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Women's Fitness
Discover the amazing benefits of yoga and meditation for women's fitness and well-being! From reducing stress to fostering inner peace, these practices can transform your life. #yoga #meditation #womensfitness #wellness #mindfulness
As a woman, taking care of your body is crucial for maintaining your overall health and well-being. While traditional forms of exercise such as cardio and weightlifting are important, incorporating yoga and meditation into your fitness routine can provide even greater benefits. In this post, we’ll explore why yoga and meditation are so important for women’s fitness. Photo by Elina Fairytale on…
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vivmaek · 6 months
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: Predictions
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✰ my masterlist This eclipse season is highlighting themes of forgiveness, both towards others and towards ourselves. It's time to turn a new leaf, and to take responsibility for mistakes made within the past. Doing this will allow a particular area within your life to transform. In October 2023 it may have felt like you lost something. Whether that was a friend group, a career opportunity, or a romantic relationship depends on your chart. However, because this solar eclipse is conjuncting the North Node, it will feel as though you have gained something. Issues from October 2023 will find a resolution.
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General predictions:
ꕥ Sudden/unexpected military action.
ꕥ The development and discovery of new weapons. (Specifically with bombs and explosives.)
ꕥ Veterans speaking out against the country they once served.
ꕥ World leaders unexpectedly stepping down from their positions.
- Many world leaders are going to be dealing with extremely poor health which will “eclipse’ their power.
ꕥ It's going be a hot summer, and the effects of climate change will become all the more obvious.
ꕥ Bad wildfire season.
ꕥ An increase in self-immolation as a form of protest.
ꕥ An increase in reckless driving, speeding, and road rage.
ꕥ An increase in violence against women, and people who are non-binary or transgender .
ꕥ Issues regarding gender will become even more polarizing.
- Women across the world will continue to assert their independence and will fight back against outdated standards.
- Women will become more willing to embrace the unknown. Many women will fully commit to the idea of never getting married or having children during this time frame, and they will do so with enthusiasm.
- Some women will choose not to get married or have children as a form of protest
ꕥ An increase in narcissistic behavior, as well as an increase in being able to recognize narcissistic behavior.
ꕥ Celebrities responding to public criticism with arrogance will witness a downfall.
ꕥ The Summer Olympics will be especially entertaining this year. This event will be explosive and dramatic. Some athletes will gain a significant amount of fame during this event.
ꕥ LOTS of new music. Artists are going to be pushing the boundaries of genres. Audiences are craving something completely new.
ꕥ People are DONE living in fear. This will result in widespread, collective action that will effectively make big changes. More protests, more boycotts, more strikes, more uprisings.
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Predictions for your Rising Sign:
Aries ♈︎
𖦹 Explosive relationship issues
𖦹 Facing “the final straw”
𖦹 Reuniting with yourself
𖦹 Making a significant change to your physical appearance
𖦹 Detaching yourself from others
𖦹 Making bold statements that shock people
𖦹 A boost in confidence
𖦹 Reconnecting with your desires
𖦹 Realizing that you’ve outgrown people
𖦹 Becoming easily frustrated
𖦹 Not recognizing the person you were two years ago
𖦹 Taking decisive action
𖦹 Being forced to defend your beliefs
𖦹 Heightened sense of physical energy
𖦹 Gaining a sense of control over your impulsivity
Taurus ♉︎
𖦹 Confronting fears of the unknown
𖦹 Showcasing a strong sense of perseverance
𖦹 Psychic dreams/ uptick in strange dreams
𖦹 Reflecting on the past
𖦹 Spending time alone
𖦹 Receiving some sort of news that shakes you up
𖦹 Building trust in your intuition
𖦹 Finding yourself zoning out all of time
𖦹 Turning towards food, drugs, and alcohol to find comfort
𖦹 Intense emotions coming forward
𖦹 Facing an uptick in stress and anxiety
𖦹 Rumors and lies being spread about you
𖦹 Secrets coming to the surface
𖦹 Feeling exhausted/needing more time for rest
𖦹 Developing a stronger connection to nature
Gemini ♊︎
𖦹 Heightened sense of compassion
𖦹 Giving out unsolicited advice
𖦹 Networking!
𖦹 Joining new social groups
𖦹 Finding a sense of belonging
𖦹 Engaging in volunteer work
𖦹 Developing new goals and dreams
𖦹 Interacting with lots of strangers
𖦹 Feeling in touch with the future
𖦹 Participating in interesting conversations on a daily basis
𖦹 Initiating and organizing group activities
𖦹 Developing new friendships at a fast pace
𖦹 Heightened sense of popularity
𖦹 Fearing commitment
𖦹 Heightened sense of conversational skills
Cancer ♋︎
𖦹 Stepping into a leadership position
𖦹 Learning how to balance your private life with work
𖦹 Becoming a stay-at-home parent
𖦹 Hard work paying off
𖦹 Facing competition within your career
𖦹 New responsibilities
𖦹 Challenges with authority figures
𖦹 Being forced to stand up for yourself
𖦹 Setting boundaries within your career
𖦹 Your reputation becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Becoming someone's caregiver
𖦹 Learning how to avoid burnout
𖦹 Becoming a source of motivation within your workplace
𖦹 Feeling extra sensitive towards criticism
𖦹 Working with a family member, or someone who feels like family
Leo ♌︎
𖦹 Being forced to look at the big picture
𖦹 Stepping out of the sidelines
𖦹 Deciding to expand your mind
𖦹 Traveling/ big journeys
𖦹 Coming across as overbearing within serious situations
𖦹 A change in long term plans/goals
𖦹 Becoming a teacher or mentor
𖦹 Beliefs being challenged
𖦹 Dominating discussions with other people
𖦹 Craving adventure
𖦹 Gaining a new perspective on life
𖦹 New opportunities in education
𖦹 Embracing a newfound sense of excitement
𖦹 Seeking out recognition
𖦹 Gaining wisdom through creative ventures
Virgo ♍︎
𖦹 Joint resources being brought into focus
𖦹 Seeking reciprocity within relationships
𖦹 Having a realistic approach to intimate relationships
𖦹 Realizing you give too much/too little
𖦹 The judgements you’ve made about other people being challenged
𖦹 Making investments
𖦹 Burning bridges
𖦹 Creating a new budget
𖦹 Resentments within relationships being brought to the surface
𖦹 Paying off debt
𖦹 Confronting your desire for profection
𖦹 Close relationships becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Healing intimacy and trust issues
𖦹 Seeking out deeply emotional connections
𖦹 Finally recognizing hidden patterns
Libra ♎︎
𖦹 Showing up more authentically
𖦹 Confronting communication issues
𖦹 Fixing a misunderstanding from the past
𖦹 Being honest about wants and needs
𖦹 Asking for help and receiving it
𖦹 Developing skills in diplomacy
𖦹 Placing your aspirations before a relationship
𖦹 Letting go of responsibilities that don’t serve you
𖦹 Ego and pride creating conflict within relationships
𖦹 Starting a collaborative project
𖦹 Holding yourself to the promises you’ve made
𖦹 Receiving some sort of justice
𖦹 Healing your fear of being alone
𖦹 Seeking out compromise
𖦹 Recognizing how indecision has held you back
Scorpio ♏︎
𖦹 Putting your dreams into action
𖦹 Experiencing tension within the body
𖦹 Confronting control issues
𖦹 Your sense of motivation being reawakened
𖦹 Implementing new routines
𖦹 Prioritizing health
𖦹 Finishing projects from the past
𖦹 Feeling more energized
𖦹 Lack of support from others
𖦹 Becoming more organized
𖦹 Stress becoming a cause for health issues
𖦹 Challenging your own self-criticism
𖦹 Developing a greater sense of concentration
𖦹 Exploring alternative treatment approaches
𖦹 Becoming a workaholic
Sagittarius ♐︎
𖦹 Starting a new hobby or project
𖦹 Newfound relationship needs/standards
𖦹 Taking relationships risks
𖦹 Seeking out pleasure
𖦹 Connecting with your inner child
𖦹 A spike in creativity
𖦹 Having fun with your sense of self expression
𖦹 Being able to forgo responsibility
𖦹 Joining the dating scene
𖦹 Starting a family
𖦹 Caught up within daydreams
𖦹 Developing a sense of contentment
𖦹 Pregnant and ready to give birth (this could be a literal child or a new idea)
𖦹 Taking initiative
𖦹 Everyday life becomes exciting
Capricorn ♑︎
𖦹 Possible career change
𖦹 Starting a garden/buying plants
𖦹 Gaining an understanding in generational trauma
𖦹 Moving at a slow pace
𖦹 New living situations
𖦹 Change in family dynamics
𖦹 Heightened sense of intuition
𖦹 Finding stability
𖦹 Tending to unhealed wounds
𖦹 Arguments with your parents
𖦹 Working remotely
𖦹 Reconnecting with your ancestors
𖦹 Seeking more time spent alone
𖦹 Home renovations
𖦹 A death or birth occurring within your family
Aquarius ♒︎
𖦹 Being more active on social media
𖦹 Speaking before thinking
𖦹 An uptick in the amount of texts/emails you receive
𖦹 Overactive mind/imagination
𖦹 Attending lots of social engagements
𖦹 Oversharing
𖦹 Challenging your negative thought patterns
𖦹 Creating some sort of content
𖦹 Busy schedule
𖦹 Buying a new vehicle/changing your commute to work
𖦹 Moving into an environment that's more stimulating
𖦹 Learning new skills
𖦹 Changing the way in which you communicate
𖦹 Chasing after the things that make you curious
𖦹 Spreading gossip
Pisces ♓︎
𖦹 Financial management
𖦹 Your foundations being tested
𖦹 A person in need taking advantage of you
𖦹 Developing security
𖦹 Redefining your values
𖦹 Losing or misplacing a valuable object
𖦹 Selling your impulsive purchases
𖦹 Overcoming insecurities
𖦹 Feeling more stubborn
𖦹 Strengthening your self-worth
𖦹 Building your savings
𖦹 Earning money from your artistry
𖦹 Cutting back on expenses
𖦹 Donating your money to charity
𖦹 Turning to spiritual practices to ground yourself
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
oky it’s fucking TIME to talk about mcc misogyny we are NOT dancing around it anymore .
the community fucking hates women . especially the subreddit but also the general community . i can’t talk about every women bc i haven’t watched the pov of every woman in mcc .
tina kitten. her entire mcc experience was being treated as a nerf tool by the community. she only played in a handful of events but her teams routinely credited as some of the lowest ranked teams in the history of mcc in pre-game prospects . they’ve had the LEAST chance at winning and the community commonly rests that blame on tina’s back . is tina a great mcc player? no, she hasn’t had much opportunity to learn from it or practise much. but the constant backlash she faces for being a “bad player” and a “nerf” is demotivating . and after treating her like shit people treat her like shit MORE to tell her she’s overreacting if she is upset or has a problem with anything .
but scar has similar stats . he’s a relatively new player who hasn’t had much chance to learn from the event yet and hasn’t placed top 20. but nobody ever complains about scar being teamed with anyone as a nerf . nobody complains scar is dragging the team down . same goes for people like quackity and karl who don’t regularly place well. nobody complains they’re nerfs or that they’re ruining the teams chances . and evryone is quick to comfort them if they feel bad for ‘letting their team down’
niki nihachu is a similar situation . she’s been playing in the event for well over a year now and is routinely shunned by members of the community for not playing good enough . you can argue ‘she ranks x out of 40 on average’ all you want but does that warrant the way people treat her in her chat and in the subreddit?? does that warrant the immense pressure she feels to improve and the fact that he feels she’s let so many ppl down if she doesn’t?? does it warrant people talking shit talking her and laughing at her for getting emotional due to stress over the event on stream? the fact that she’s so stressed over the event should tell you everything . people has treated her like shit since the beginning for being ‘too emotional’ .
jojosolos. girl. she came into the event as an extremely strong player. she’s placed top ten 6 out of 9 times she’s played (canon and non canon) . for canon events she has 5/6 top ten placements one win and a first individual placement . purpled has 6/7 top ten placements, one team win and one first individual placement . they have extremely similar track records . so why is it that the s tier committee is trying to hard to designate purpled as an s tier but are adamant that jojo doesn’t deserve the same treatment because she’s yet to prove herself as being an s tier player . they have roughly the same stats .
hannahxxrose . she’s faced criticism for her competitiveness over her entire streaming career . to the point where she recently pointed out that people have been calling into question her mental well-being because of her competitive attitude and loudness. some men in the community (specific ones that are hated before the game even starts) are given similar critiques but not once has their mental health been called into question. but the majority of competitive men in the community haven’t been called out on their ‘bad attitudes’, only the ones that specific mcyt communities don’t like to begin with . typically if a man gets loud or starts screaming during the event it’s funny to you . but for a woman she’s taking it too seriously and needs a wellness check .
both jack manifold and karacorvus have an average placement of 26 . kara has one win and jack has lost every dodgebolt he’s been part of . but kara faces harsher criticism bc she doesn’t have the same following as jack manifold so she doesn’t have ppl who will defend her as being a good addition to the team for something other than her ability . bc ppl will defend jacks bad placement because :o !!!! he’s playing with his friends!!!! despite having the same ability as the women that are routinely shit on .
my point is that you can say what you want about certain mcc players . you’re not gonna like everyone . but the double standards between male and female mcc competitors is very much real and a problem in the fanbase. more people are fans of the male streamers and i get that’s why you want them to succeed. but to overlook the flaws you degrade female plaster for in the creators you admire is to have an internal bias against them . if you’re going to have criticisms they’re gonna have ti be for EVERYONE who uses that kind of behaviour . and i think if we see that enforces you’ll realise that a lot of the critiques were bullshit to begin with .
and this can NOT be chalked up to the behaviour of the dsmp community alone . you’re all just as bad, this focuses primarily on dsmp examples bc i watxh primarily dsmp streamers. ALL of this happens on the mcc subreddit .
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shy-writer-999 · 26 days
Giving Zoro a hand when he’s injured (#2)
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A/N: P0rn with plot! ~5.9k words. Continuation of PT 1. Mutual pining, angst, fluff, and smut. Injured Zoro gives (afab) reader a hand this time... Or a tongue (oral sex, f. receiving). I inserted an asterisk (*) where the smut starts, so feel free to skip the plot! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
Giving Zoro A Hand When He's Injured (Pt. II)
The day after you had “given Zoro a hand,” aka, a hand job, Chopper was feeling well enough to take over your nursing duties. If you were being honest with yourself, you were disappointed. You’d miss Zoro’s feigned crankiness, you’d miss seeing him blush, and you’d also miss being able to touch his chest and arms every time you’d change his ice packs (among other things…). Caring for him for those five days was eye-opening—Zoro seemed to actually have a soft side. Or at least, you thought you saw a glimpse of it.
Coupled with your disappointment at not having an excuse to be close to him, you were tickled when you remembered how vulnerable he was with you. Zoro had been so forthright and sweet with you during the whole endeavor, and to top it off, he had admitted how badly he needed you. The last time you saw him, he was practically begging you to fuck him. Remembering how he moaned your name made your heart skip a beat.
It’s safe to say that Zoro felt the same way. He cursed himself for how much he liked you, and because of that he was second guessing your interactions. As he sat in his room bored, and when he was given the green light to walk around deck a couple days later, his internal dialogue was running haywire. He couldn’t figure out what to do with his feelings, and whether or not you reciprocated them. It’s peculiar, how flustered and timid he was with these things. You’d think he’d be strong and confident in this area, given that he was THE Roronoa Zoro, but he was quite the opposite. Because he was preoccupied with strength, with training, and with being the best swordsman the world has never known, he neglected his softer side when it came to women and emotions in general. And he wasn’t the most experienced, obviously.
Even after you had cared for him so tenderly, even after you were so close with him, moaned his name, had your hands wrapped around his cock, and kissed him passionately—Zoro was oblivious to your (very obvious) feelings towards him. He knew three things. First, that he was painfully infatuated, borderline in love with you. Second, that he wanted you to touch him again. And third, that he had to do something about it.
The problem was that he didn’t have a clue what to do about it. And he was doubting himself. He hadn’t seen you for two whole days after Chopper took over for you, and on the third day Chopper gave him the green light to roam around deck and do some light lifting.
How would he go about initiating something with you? What would the moment be like when he first saw you after all that had transpired? Should he just grab you and pull you into a kiss? Tentatively broach the subject? Pretend it never happened? Zoro was at a loss.
The first time he saw you since you helped him “relieve” some stress, he froze. It was at the dinner table and he had gotten himself a plate of food and sat down, not paying attention to anything going on in the loud room or raucous antics. He was scarfing down his food when he felt something. To be more specific, he could feel someone staring at him.
He paused and did a comedically slow look up. You were across the table from him, looking at him, and he hadn’t noticed you. He almost choked on his food. When his eyes met yours, he immediately looked away, on instinct. It was like he couldn’t bear to look at you.
“Hey, Zoro.” You casually addressed him, acting like you usually would have. To your eyes, he did seem to be acting a slightly different—he seemed pissed, honestly—but you figured that some awkwardness would be normal at first, given that the last time you saw him he came all over your hand. “How’s the shoulder and thigh holding up?”
He cleared his throat and looked back at you. His eyes were always intense and it made you squirm. It was hard to hold eye contact with him. He just looked so pissed off all the time and his gaze was, without fail, cold and deadpan.
Zoro, on the other hand, could feel blush starting to creep up his neck, threatening to take over his whole face, but he tried to fight it off as best he could. Just act normal, he told himself internally. Just act normal. Nothing weird happened. She said it didn’t have to be weird at all. But you’re acting weird. He started to argue with himself. Well, stop it, damnit!
“It’s uhh—it’s fine.” He shrugged, nonchalant. You had no way of knowing what was going on in his head. As much as you liked him, as much as you had hoped that what happened a few nights ago would have changed everything, your heart faltered. It felt like it didn’t change anything between you at all. Even though you gave him such a passionate kiss at the end, even though you said that you’d ‘have to try his cum next time’ (or something like that), even though he’d moaned your name… did Zoro really not care about it at all? Was it merely a one-time fluke, explained by how desperate he had been after days of not masturbating? His eyes seemed to suggest that this must have been the case. You thought that you would have seen something there, some small residual of the fire that had burned so brightly in him nights before but… his eyes were cold and uncaring. Your heart sank.
The rest of the crew were laughing about something and eating, so you thought the interaction between you and Zoro would go unnoticed. You would finish your food and go back to your room to be emo about it for a little while before emerging again. But, as always, Sanji had something to say.
“Hey IDIOT!” his voice cut the silence between you and Zoro. “Don’t you think you should be more grateful for having such a gorgeous babe as your nurse!? I ought to rip my shoulder next so I get to hang out with you for five whole days, beautiful~~” Sanji came over and kissed your hand, and you let out a laugh, embarrassed.
“Oh, stop it, Sanji!” You giggled. No matter how many times Sanji praised you, you didn’t know how to respond.
“My love~ can I make anything else for you?” Sanji’s signature tone was over the top and lovey-dovey. “I’ll make anything you want!”
“No, no, Sanji, I’m good. But thank you!” You waved him off with a smile and he blew you a kiss. By the time your short interaction was done, you turned back to Zoro and his seat was empty. He was washing his plate in the kitchen sink. He set it on the drying rack and walked back to his room. His abrupt exit stung. He really didn’t give a fuck at all, you told yourself, trying to fight back the pit growing at the bottom of your stomach. Now you definitely were going to be emo in your room. It was impossible not to read into that more. You didn’t see him for the rest of the night.
You felt rejected, like that sweetness you had seen from Zoro was a lie, like maybe he didn’t actually have interest in you, like you were getting your hopes up for nothing. After all, the only reason anything happened between you two was because he was in pain and couldn’t do it himself. You tried to reason the hurt away—you were just being a good friend, you told him it didn’t have to be weird or anything, you were the one who leaned up to kiss him, not the other way around. From this angle, it looked like Zoro was repulsed by you, evidenced by his own actions. He must have been disgusted by the whole thing—why else would he practically jump out of his seat as soon as possible?
Maybe him moaning your name was only a heat-of-the-moment thing, maybe the fact that you touched yourself in front of him made him disgusted, maybe you crossed a line. You were feeling all mixed up inside, sad, frustrated, emotionally unregulated, sick to your stomach. You liked him so, so much, and the painful realization that he didn’t think anything of it made you feel like absolute shit.
Well, it turns out that Zoro thought a lot about it. He was just emotionally repressed, or at least he was when it came to you. He didn’t know what to do with himself after he saw you at dinner, he felt like he needed get away from you as soon as possible, or else he was going to say something off-putting and weird or make himself look like a love-sick fool (and he definitely was one). He almost turned bright red when he realized you were in front of him; he almost lost his cool, hell, he almost choked!
Sanji speaking to you with such ease and such affection was the cherry on top. The shit cook could talk to you however he pleased, and it didn’t matter to anyone, but underneath the surface Zoro was seething with jealousy. He walked away from dinner so fucking annoyed at himself for not having anything else to say to you, so fucking annoyed at himself for not being nicer to you. His heart was screaming that he wanted to be the one who called you baby, sweetie, darling, and gorgeous. He wanted to be the one kissing your hand. But the shit cook got to do whatever he wanted, because Zoro couldn’t muster the strength or courage to get rejected. So, he shot himself in the foot, making you feel horrible and making himself feel horrible—two birds with one stone.
The next day Zoro was feeling a lot better. He could tell his shoulder was close to being fully healed, but it would be a couple more days until he could get back to working out, on account of his thigh. He felt better mentally, too. Sleep helped him process things; his emotions felt more worked out after a solid night of sleep. He was less annoyed with himself and had stopped spewing vitriol at himself. He was feeling clear-headed—if he saw you again, he would say thank you and not run away like last time. He was hyping himself up to do it, and his internal monologue along the lines of: Just say thank you, and move along, like a normal person. You don’t have to say ANYTHING about the handjob. Just say thank you, it’s simple! She can interpret that any way that she wants, and it isn’t objectively creepy. It’ll be fiiiiinnnneeee.
While Zoro felt better when he woke up, you felt worse when you woke up. Your eyes were red from crying. Something about that interaction with him broke your heart and got to you, so you couldn’t help it. When you had to walk past him in the hallway in the morning, you just pretended like he wasn’t there, acting like you were doing something on your phone. You wanted to disappear walking past him, cringing out of your skin. You usually would smile at him or say “Hi, Zoro!” but you kept it to yourself this morning, heart still stinging from the slight yesterday. He obviously wanted nothing to do with you.
Zoro made a mental note of you ignoring him and he almost didn’t follow through with his plans. If you weren’t saying hi or good morning to him, then something was definitely off between you two. This was a little moment that he looked forward to every day. Today had been the only day that you hadn’t greeted him in the morning since you joined the crew. It was out of character, and it worried him. But he told himself that he was going to thank you no matter what. No matter how shy or awkward he felt about it, he thought you deserved a thank you because you had been his nurse for five whole days, and more than that, you had helped him get off when he was so pathetic and desperate for it.
You rounded the corner of the hallway after passing Zoro. You thought you were in the clear, putting your phone in your pocket. Phew. That didn’t feel great, but it would have felt worse to say good morning to him and get ignored.
“Hey—Y/N?” Your heart stopped. It was Zoro. He must have speed walked down the hallway to catch up to you. You spun around to face him and he almost ran into you. He overestimated how fast you were going and when you turned around he was about three inches away from you, uncomfortably close. You were almost touching. A second passed before you both turned red and jumped a couple feet apart.
“Zoro, you scared me!” You faked annoyance hoping that it would distract from the vivid shade your face was quickly turning.
“Sorry, Y/N,” he replied, rubbing his neck in embarrassment, his cheeks flushing pink. “I-I just wanted to say thank you. For taking care of me. I really appreciate it.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Oh! Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t so bad.” You offered him a smile, to which his heart twisted and butterflies fluttered. A feeling of relief crept over him at seeing you beaming at him like you always did—like he looked forward to every morning.
He had planned on saying thanks and hadn’t thought about what he would do after that. Now that his plan was executed, he was stumped—what would he do now? His heart told him that any time he spent around you was a treasure; but he didn’t have any idea on what to say, or how to rope you into spending more time with him. He didn’t know how to completely and gracefully express his gratitude without outright saying “Thanks for giving me a hand job!” And he was trying to avoid that.
He blurted out his next words. “Well, uh… Thanks. I guess I’ll see you around deck.” You smiled again and he turned the other way and shuffled off. He was dying inside. Cringing so hard that he wanted to slap himself. You’re a grade A FOOL, he reprimanded himself. What the fuck was that? ‘See you around deck’? Are you fucking twelve? That was so awkward, holy shit. I always see her around deck. Where the hell did that come from? He cringed again. He needed to disappear ASAP. He felt so awkward, like he fumbled the whole interaction. He was being hard on himself for no reason, because you thought nothing of it. You were simply tickled that he showed you some kindness, that he wasn’t as disgusted or creeped out by you as you thought earlier.
You did see him around deck later that day, much to your mutual delight. You gave him a wave and he smiled back at you. Usually, he would do some kind of head nod thingy, bringing his chin up quickly and back down, as a sort of acknowledgement. But this time he had given you a genuine smile. His lips curled into the sweetest smile you’d ever seen, and your heart skipped a beat again. It was crazy how much you liked him.
At dinner that night Zoro sat across from you, deliberately. He always tried to sit near you. It was the only time of day he could be that close to you, normally, and he would take any time he could get, but he rarely interacted with you at dinner. He’d spend more time bickering with Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp more than anyone, and he’d laugh a lot too. Especially if he had some sake, which was frequently.
When he sat down, you gave him another one of your smiles. “Hi Zoro,” you chirped. “How’s your shoulder? Is your thigh doing okay?” His shoulder was still covered with bandages, peeking out from under the t-shirt he was wearing, and he was still slightly limping from the huge gash on his thigh.
“Both are doing a lot better. Chopper said I can lift weights that are a bit heavier now.” His tone was gruff, and he was focused on his food, not looking at you.
“How was your day?” He asked, looking up from his plate into your eyes. His eyes were as steely as ever but… they looked different. You couldn’t quite place a finger on it.
Asking as simple a question like that was not how Zoro historically interacted with you. In fact, you’re not sure he had asked something like that before. You two were friendly, you were crewmates, after all. But you didn’t talk or hang out much, one on one. Or at least, you hadn’t since you nursed him for five days (and helped him get off).
“It was good,” you answered him. “I didn’t do much, honestly. Just sort of lazed around.”
“Me too.” Zoro held eye contact with you for slightly longer than usual—his eyes lingered. He steadied himself mentally before he asked you his next question, cringing in advance, figuring you’d shrug him off. But he was dying to know the answer. He needed to talk to you.
“I’m going to have some sake on the deck after this, do you want to join?” His eyes were still locked on yours and butterflies stirred in your stomach. You realized what emotion lied behind his eyes—he seemed to be pleading. This was out of left field for Zoro.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” You responded, blush taking over your cheeks. You were flabbergasted, caught unaware.
“Well, I’m done with dinner, so when you finish just find me on deck.” He nodded at you, offered a small smile, and got up. He went to wash his plate, grabbed a couple bottles of sake, and went outside.
When you went looking for him, Zoro was sitting on the upper deck with a bottle already cracked open. He was looking off into the ocean, and you took a second to take in his beauty. He looked perfect to you. His jaw was sharp and the line of his neck was familiar to you after changing his ice packs and bandages. His arms were toned, his figure manly and handsome. The setting sun was casting beautiful and golden rays on the whole scene, and he looked all the better for it. This was the man that you liked, loved, even.
You came and sat next to him, and he offered you a bottle. Zoro drank sake straight out of the bottle, so you did too. “The sunset is gorgeous,” you observed.
In his mind he answered back, you are gorgeous. But in reality, he responded with a “Mmmhmm.”
The tension and silence in the air between you felt suffocating.
“So, why’d you invite me to have sake with you? What’s up?” You asked, puzzled.
“No reason, really.” He responded, turning to look at you. He took a deep breath before he spoke again, forcing himself to say what was actually on his mind. Forcing himself to say what you deserved to hear. “I just like spending time with you.”
You turned a bright shade of red. “Oh, uh.. Seriously? That’s nice of you.” You smiled at him. He noticed your blush, perturbed, and barreled onwards with what he planned to say.
“Yeah. I think I’ll miss having you as my nurse. Not in a creepy way or anything,” he cautioned and waited a beat. His heart was crying out to him—tell her how you feel! “Your presence is peaceful and you’re kind. It was nice to spend time with you.”
The look in his eyes was vulnerable and open. You’d only seen it once before, right before he opened up to you, days earlier. You were taken aback, flustered, couldn’t believe your ears. Did Zoro say that it was nice to spend time with you?
“I could say the same about you,” you smiled back at him. You didn’t know where the conversation was going, but your heartbeat was through the roof. “I had a nice time. And I don’t think you’re creepy or anything. I think you’re really sweet. So, I guess I should be the one saying thank you.”
Now it was Zoro who turned crimson.
“Thanks for what?” He asked, puzzled.
“Thanks for letting me be close to you like that.” You answered softly and your eyes met his again. His gaze was tortured—he felt like he was dreaming. Your words hung in the air.
“Anytime.” He answered, almost breathless. Then, he took the jump. After saying his next words, there’d be no going back. But the moment was in front of him, and he had to seize it. “I may not show it, but I like you a lot. To be honest, I think about you a lot too.”
You were stunned. Had he just said that? Was the sweetness you saw in him coming to the forefront? It seemed like time stood still.
“Zoro, I think about you a lot too.” Your voice was gentle.
“How?” He asked. He had to know, he needed to hear it explicitly from you. If you liked him, he needed to know. He needed you to hit him over the head with it.
“How? Zoro, if you couldn’t tell already, you’ve been driving me crazy. You’re all I can think about.” You looked at him, mired in the agony of finally confessing your feelings for someone. “I am painfully infatuated with you. I can’t even look you in the eyes half the time. I was glad to be your nurse because I like you. I more than like you. I—” you stopped yourself. You’d save those words for another time.
Something came over Zoro in that moment. It’s like he was in an alternate reality, one in which you liked him, too. He reached his hand up to cup your cheek and pulled you into the most delicate kiss. His lips met yours with sparks. It’s like you melted into him. Neither of you had any regard for what was going on around you—Sanji could have started screaming bloody murder at you and you wouldn’t have moved.
It felt like the kiss lasted millennia. When you pulled away from each other, you could see the fire and passion in Zoro’s eyes. It was like you had unlocked a completely different side of him, a side that you knew was there all along. It was a part of him that was vulnerable, sweet, kind, passionate, sensitive, and loving. You knew he was like this under the surface, and that he loved all of his crewmates and would die for them. But this side… this romantic side felt different.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” He murmured. “Fuck.”
“Me too.” You felt like you were going to pass out from blushing.
“Can we do that again?” He asked. His eyes seemed ravenous. He was starving for your touch, craving your attention, desperate for your love. He wanted to kiss every inch of your body, tangle his fingers in your hair, feel your heartbeat next to his, your body warmth. But he told himself to not get carried away.
You whispered back a “yes,” and Zoro put one hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. His other hand cupped your cheek again, and his kisses were timid and light. His touch made you feel electric. You needed more than this, and you had a sneaking suspicion that he felt the same.
You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him closer, so your bodies were pressing. As your kisses became more intense, you bit his lip softly and let your tongue explore his. Zoro’s hand on your cheek crept downwards. His fingertips went underneath your shirt and came to rest on your waist—he wanted to feel how soft your skin was, at last becoming acquainted with it after so many months of yearning. In doing this, he had no ulterior motive. It was a privilege to touch you.
The deck was empty at the moment, to your advantage. Who knows what commotion would have run wild if the crew had seen you and Zoro with your hands all over each other and lips locked.
When you had made out for a few minutes, Zoro pulled away from you. He felt like he could be more upfront with you and confident now that you had mutually confessed your feelings.
“Y/N,” he let himself ask the question he had been pondering for days. “Did you really mean it when you said we could do it again?”
He was referring to the end of your last interaction—when you said there would be a ‘next time,’ as in, you’d be intimate with each other again.
“Of course,” you answered him. Your faces were only centimeters apart. His heart was aching for you.
“When?” His voice was hoarse and low.
Your bit your lip and responded, bolder. “Now?”
“Please.” His eyes were begging you, his brow furrowed slightly. You nodded and got up, thrilled. He followed you without a word. He had never foreseen that the night would come to this.
(*) When you reached your bedroom, Zoro locked the door behind and then practically threw you against the wall. His hands were everywhere, and his mouth was so desperate—he felt your waist, your hips, your ass, your neck, your cheeks, your hair. His kisses were needy, sloppy, went, and ravenous. One of your hands clasped his neck, the other began to roam his chest and abs. You could feel his raging erection pressing on you. You had both been fantasizing about this for months and now that the cards were on the table, you meant business.
Moments passed and your hands crept down his broad chest. You hesitated when you reached the hem of his shirt. As you placed your fingers underneath it, you touched his bare skin, palms passing over his happy trail, up to his abs and scars. You took in everything your senses gave you—how his skin felt, how he smelled, how his big hands felt on you, how forcefully he was kissing you.
“Zoro,” you spoke into his mouth and in between his kisses. “Zoro, I want you.”
He hummed into your lips and his hands similarly crept under the hem of your shirt. His hands fingers across your stomach, making you shiver; he felt your stomach and your waist, rubbed circles on your skin with his thumbs, memorizing every inch.
"Are you sure?" He asked. He needed to know if you really meant it. If you really wanted it.
Hearing your answer, Zoro reached his fingers for your bra and unclasped it. He went back to the hem of your shirt and started pulling it up, peeling your shirt over your shoulders and helping you slide your bra off so your breasts were bare. When he started kissing you again, his hands hungrily started exploring—his fingers pinched your nipples and ran them between his index finger and thumbs, rubbing them until you let out a whine. He kneaded and squeezed. He couldn’t get enough.
Zoro unlocked his lips from yours and bent down to latch his lips over one of your nipples while his other hand played with your other nipple. His tongue swirled, making your bud harder than it already was. He sucked on it, until it started to feel good, and you were letting out soft sounds, trying to keep the noise down. You were wet already, cunt throbbing for him.
“Zoro, please,” your voice strained. “Need you.”
His kisses worked up your chest, up your neck, and to your lips. You could feel his hard bulge rut into you. You shimmied out of your pants before Zoro picked you up, lifting you by your waist. He carried you to your bed and put you down so you were lying flat.
Sliding off his pants one quick movement, Zoro was stripped to only his black boxer briefs now. Zoro’s cock was (as you were already aware) huge. When he got on top of you, you could feel it rubbing on your stomach through the fabric and on top of your underwear.
Zoro was putting all his weight on his knees, letting his other hands explore and trail around your body. This time, his kisses trailed from your lips, down your neck, to your stomach, and then came to rest on top of the fabric of your panties. He pushed your thighs apart and held them there. Bringing his face to your panties, Zoro left one long lick from bottom to top, up your folds, to your clit. He licked at your clit a few times and you whined—the rough fabric combined with his tongue made friction that felt so good. You could feel your wetness seep and saturate your panties with each lick and kiss placed through the fabric.
He tugged the fabric aside and ran his tongue between your folds, stopping right before he got to your clit. As soon as his tongue made contact, you let out a moan, albeit a soft one. The noise was music to Zoro’s ears, and it fueled him. He neglected your clit for a few more seconds, only focusing on lapping the wetness from your folds, teasing your slit, and breathing in your scent.
Zoro wanted you to feel as good as he had felt a few days before, when your hand was wrapped around his cock. This was his way of ‘repaying the favor.’ When he finally ran his tongue in circles around your clit, you moaned his name for the first time.
Hearing his name come out of your mouth was like honey to his ears. His heart was pounding and twisting, core burning, and the only thing he could think about was you. He needed you to feel good. He wanted your toes to curl in pleasure, wanted you to cum at least once, wanted you to repeat his name again and again like it was a symphony.
His tongue lingered on your sensitive spot for a few seconds before returning to lick the glistening slick that was accumulating down your cunt. The head he gave was so good it was indescribable.
Zoro pushed one of his thick fingers into you and pulled it out slowly, eliciting another moan. After doing that a few times, he added another finger, loosening you up and drawing more slick from your core. As his fingers started to curl and scissor inside of you, he reached his head forward and started leaving long kisses and warm licks on your clit.
The sensation was overwhelming—his big hands were prying your thighs apart still, his grip was so hard it would leave a bruise, his fingers were fucking you steadily, tongue still licking long stripes up your clit, hot breath sending ripples of euphoria through you. You could only handle so much before you started to squirm. Your fingers reached down into his hair, holding it tight, pulling his face closer to you. Zoro had to hold back a grin. Little did you know, that was his mission accomplished for the night, other than making you cum, that is.
“Zoro,” you moaned his name a second time, cueing him run his tongue in gentle circles around your clit again and slow the pace of his fingers. “I can’t take it anymore. I—I’m gonna cum”.
He pulled his fingers out of you. “Don’t cum yet, ok?” Sucking your juices off his fingers, he let go of your thighs, which fell limp and wide open.
You nodded and whined again. “Okay, I’ll try.”
When he got back to eating you out, he switched it up—this time, his tongue fucked you and his thumb ran circles over your clit. The added pressure on your clit from the rough skin of his thumb drove you crazy, and when his tongue alternated from licking your folds to fucking your slit, you couldn’t handle it. Your legs clamped around him, squeezing his head, causing his cock to throb more than he physically thought it was capable of.
This time, regardless of whether or not he told you to wait, you were going to cum.
“Fuck, Zoro,” you panted, whining, “I need it. Please.” He could tell you were close. He pressed on your clit just a little bit harder, pushing you over the edge. Pleasure came crashing down on you like a wave (which, coincidentally, is what Zoro felt seeping out of you and onto his tongue). Your thighs squeezed his head harder and you moaned his name loudly, again and again, as you convulsed. Your toes curled, fingers almost tearing out his hair.
This was unlike any orgasm you’d felt before. It was more visceral—he truly knew what he was doing, which was wild, considering that he wasn’t the most experienced. But he must have had a gift for it, because that was by far the best head you’ve gotten.
He licked your clit through your orgasm, causing your hips to jerk. The pleasure was enveloping you, everything in your mind went blank except for the feeling of your orgasm and the sensation of his tongue.
When you had finished, he licked the rest of your juices off your folds, savoring it. Then he crawled back over you, looking down and pulling you into a kiss.
The thought of you tasting yourself through his kisses turned him on, too. His cock was painfully hard at this point, precum blotting very noticeable a stain through his briefs. He was endlessly pleased with himself after teasing such an orgasm out of you. When he had given you a handful of kisses, he collapsed on the bed next to you and reached over to sweetly kiss your cheek. His hand entwined with yours, and you were both out of breath, happy and sweaty together.
Zoro wasn’t overly fussed with his own orgasm and was planning on waiting until you fell asleep later to go to the bathroom and relieve himself. Tonight was about you. As long as you came, Zoro was happy. So, he smiled happily next to you, thanking his luck that the person he loved seemed to like (if not love) him back.
He figured that would be all for the night… but he was wrong.
\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/ ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃ (⊙︿⊙ ✿)
Check out part one if you haven't already! Thank u so much for reading, I hope you liked it! Part 3? Perhaps...
also here's my masterlist if ur interested!
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rosesnbooks · 5 months
Taurus placements🍃
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💚Sun in taurus-i believe that they have one thing in common: they have hobbies that fulfill them. you won't catch them overworking themselves to the point that they do not take a break to do something they love. they are good at different things as well and are often fast learners. no matter what other placements they have, i think they have a pretty approachable nature. i have met people with this placement who are quite intelligent. i think they are a bit impatient at times and want to do things their own way, and it's up to you whether that offends you or not lol. loving and sensitive people at their core<3
💚Moon in taurus-some of the warmest people you will ever meet. they value the people in their lives and they are often a voice of reason when you need it the most. they know how to pay attention to you and converse with you respectfully, even when you disagree on things. they have specific worldviews that are difficult to change, but if they think you're sensible and kind, they may try to change their perspective. that being said, in any other scenario, good luck changing their mind. they're pretty chill most of the time, so when you provoke a strong reaction out of them, you probably made a huge mistake (good luck). they're also soft honestly, but do not be mistaken, they are strong people. i have noticed that they are usually closer to their mums than dads, and their dads have a distant character. main love language: acts of service<3
💚Ascendant/rising in taurus- um, stunning and magnetic. this is well-known though, but they deserve to hear it every time. they are charming and the women give off girl-next-door vibes. i feel like they all share similar eyes, just google the celebs and you'll see what i mean, just a warm look overall. some may appear intense, depending on their other placements, but as soon as you talk to them it feels like you're talking to a friend. oh and the elegance some of them have? amazing. intelligent as well🙏
💚Mercury in taurus-i have to say, i did not expect them to be so talkative. they are a bit shy when talking to new people or those they do not feel that comfortable with, but as soon as they relax with someone, they are yappers lol. when they like a topic, it's possible they have given it a lot of thought so they have a lot to say. similarly to aries mercury, they have strong opinions but they can be more open-minded when they want to. they can sound too objective sometimes, and give a bit harsh advice. they also love to gossip, sometimes even too loud when they're into it. to me, they have a specific voice, it kind of stands out among others. some men with this placement are known for having a really nice voice
💚Venus in taurus-they adore the idea of love. you'll catch them watching rom-coms every once in a while so they could satisfy that part of them. if they don't show their romantic side when they're with you, you're wasting your time cause they're clearly not that into you. they want you to share some of their interests, possibly because they want to spend even more time with you and feel like you get each other. i think they can also be guilty of idealising their partners a lot and create an image of their persona that's not real. one of their main love languages is gift giving, heavy emphasis on this.
💚Mars in taurus-intimidating when you cross them. they are pretty good at going after what they want and although they experience a lot of stress until they achieve things, they still excel at it. they may hide their frustrations pretty well, and then when they're alone or with people they can be themselves with, lmao they let out so many emotions. at this point i'm even ashamed to describe them as "stubborn" because that's their middle name, everyone knows it. out of all the placements i feel like they lean the most toward conservative views? do let me know if im on the right track here. they also need to watch out for being insensitive at times
💚Jupiter in taurus-i'll have to be brief here (sorry) because i don't know anyone with this placement, but only what i've read over the years. they usually have a good eye for aesthetics and appreciate following one themselves, they know how to cook and in general provide a sense of a comfortable home. they are good with all things material, and they are quite sensual. they know how to enjoy life and use their sensibility and charm to succeed, and get far in life. i respect them tbh!
💚Saturn in taurus-it isn't easy for them to focus on the material world and focus on what's right in front of them. they're often in their daydreams and are quite capable people, but they need a push sometimes to actually start doing things (khm procrastinators) that does not mean they are irresponsible, but they experience difficulties with the worldly expectations (hope this makes sense). they are sensible and wise, but the part that requires to act on it can sometimes shut down🫂i've read this many times and can confirm it since i have this placement: scared of losing things-property/money/land, you name it. lastly, they just understand how people function and they are wise!
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thank you for reading this, hun! i would love to hear your feedback💌
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the 12th house + your period
the 12th house is associated with the menstrual phase of your cycle. during the menstrual phase, our wombs are not only shedding on a physical level, but on an energetic level. we are participating in self-undoing as we shed harmful attachments which is ruled by the 12th house. the 12th house is also "the void" and the menstrual cycle is associated with the nu moon phase of the moon cycle which is in fact - a void. it is best for women who are menstruating to remain introspective + stay in solitude during her bleed - solitude being ruled by the 12th house.
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aries 12H: your period may be physically painful + internally chaotic. she can also come knocking on your door unexpectedly. she is here to help you shed attachments that refrain you from dishonoring your true power. your period can feel like a time of renewal for you each month. it's possible that you may have tended to disregard your cycle at first + not deem the importance of it, and were met with reproductive issues from not prioritizing your physical health. aries 12th housers should do very light workouts to get your qi flowing so that the womb can have the energy to push you through the (re)birth canal.
taurus 12H: this is the type of woman that can eat chocolate in bed + cuddle up while watching a movie during her period (and should!). your period is here to help you shed attachment from the things that aren't adding true value to your life. if you've been holding yourself up to a high standard, there are no afflictions in your 12th house, and if venus isn't being afflicted in your chart, your period could be a calm time with nothing more than a bit of discomfort. otherwise, taurus 12th housers could experience heavy pain + cramping as well as a sign that it's time to level up. remove all stressors during this time as stress can also trigger menstrual pains.
gemini 12H: during your period, your mind could be running at 1000 miles per minute, making it more difficult for you to be present, still, and introspective. there's nothing like the downloads that you receive on your bleed. your intuition is on point, so any uncertainty can be met with clarity during your cycle as your aha moments can multiply. you can optimize your spiritual gifts by using this time for astral traveling + divination serves as powerful guidance and confirmation for you during this phase. a variety of PMS symptoms are commonly experienced with this placement, especially unpredictable mood swings. you can use this time to creatively brainstorm and write down any sudden ideas which come to mind, but wait until after your period to actually start any projects.
cancer 12H: the need to crawl into your shell to protect your innerG is crucial. when this time is honored well, this is a rejuvenating period for you. use this time to get some serious rest + reflection in. this is the perfect time to focus on matters of the home, making sure that your home still aligns with you and brings out the best of you. do an emotional check-in and reset for yourself during your period. cancer 12H natives often carry the burdening pain + trauma of the women ancestors that has come before them so you can use this time as a period of karmic healing to release the baggage that was passed down to you. your period may be a very sensitive time with low pain tolerance for not honoring your womb in the ways she deserves to be cared for.
leo 12H: many leo 12H natives are unaware of their cycles and therefore experience heavy PMS symptoms without even thinking that maybe they could be the issue. the nature of your period is connected to the story that you tell about your period. if you say that your period is this really painful, negative experience, you will continue to experience it negatively. lean into creating a positive narrative about your period; for example - my period is an exciting time for me to rest and become the best version of myself! similar to cancer 12th housers, your period is a very sensitive time and is not afraid to act up when you don't honor your womb's needs + love her wholeheartedly. this is the perfect time for self-love healing as painful periods are an indication of inadequate self-love with this placement.
virgo 12H: naturally, you may experience issues surrounding your period because of virgo's nature of being a "fixer". issues could manifest as painful periods + health issues related to the womb. your period is a detox time in order for the womb space to be purified. in order for the womb to undergo an efficient detox, conscious eating would be super beneficial for you, especially during the luteal phase of your cycle. creating a health regimen around your period is also very beneficial for healing any issues that you may be experiencing monthly.
libra 12H: your period is here to help you restore balance in life by urging you to release the ways in which you have put others before yourself. this is coming back to the essence of the divine feminine. any pain + unfortunate symptoms that arise during your period can indicate you over-exercising your masculine energy. your period reminds you that you should not find yourself in a space of chasing anything or trying to control any situation, putting you in a prime position for receiving just as nature has intended. periods are a time for realignment for those who surrender and leave it to the Divine to shift them where they need to be.
scorpio 12H: your period can usher in transformation through a (painful) death + rebirth process. your womb is shedding emotional baggage that it has not forgotten and has stubbornly been holding onto. this is a time where you would want to cut things or people off that are no longer a reflection of a high self-esteem. though this can be an emotionally intense and painful time, you can transmute this innerG to make it an empowering time rather than just a painful time. these are growing pains that you're actually experiencing. scorpio 12H natives need to find their power in their period. magick would even be highly beneficial for you to practice as your energy is super potent and magnetizing during this time.
sagittarius 12H: this is a time for you to gain insights and wisdom from the previous cycle, innerstanding the significance + purpose of that experience. the downloads go crazy during your period as your womb is consistently emitting spiritual knowledge. things can get spiritually intense and you can feel the need to switch up your flow, expand, or change direction based on divine insight given to you. it's easy for you to disregard your needs so make sure that you're taking care of your menstrual health + indulging in womb enriching foods + activities.
capricorn 12H: your period is a phase you need to take extra seriously in your cycle. she is not here for the play play! she's here to assist you on this level up to success. it's important to practice discipline on your period, especially when it comes to taking care of your health + wellness. there's a need to dismantle how the patriarchy has affected how you perceive your period. use this time as a time to rest - it's so important and this placement can humble you if you don't. you hurt your womb by participating in overexerting your masculine energy during a season of rest. your karmic lesson here is to reconnect with your femininity through your womb. infertility can be a theme + womb disorders can manifest from the disconnect to your feminine nature.
aquarius 12H: there is this innate detachment to your womb, especially if there has been a disconnection between you and your mother. you may experience or have experienced irregular periods due to the influence of uranus. this is a time for you to do some deep healing + innovation each month. your period can feel like a spiritual upgrade as you detach from whats no longer serving your vision. dive deep into the collective consciousness + use your period as a time to reflect on how you're being called to show up for the collective. there's a need to embrace your womb + honor her, not reject her. also, make sure you're taking time to be present in the moment as you can experience the difficulties of being still.
pisces 12H: you are deeply + psychically connected to your womb. you know when your period is coming + you naturally feel connected to all the phases of your cycle as they all have an effect on your body. allow this time to be a time for much rest + solitude. this could be a very sensitive time with heavy emotional releases. disregarding the unaddressed emotional turmoil taking a toll on your womb can allow the manifestation of disease in the womb to take place. spiritual upgrades leading you to feel closer to God happen during this time as well. you may have grown up not innerstanding the importance of your cycle + perceived your period to be a time of suffering rather than a very healing + empowering time. i'd highly recommend cycle syncing for cycle awareness.
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 5 months
Includes: Dachi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Tuskishima, Kageyama, Tadashi and Hinata
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~ Dachi sawamura ~
• Dachi is all around a confident, sweet and tallented guy when it come to understanding his team mates and what they need. Thats the same for you in your times of need.
• He would happily carry extra sanitary items in case you need them and a couple bars of your favourite chocolate.
• Dachi sadly knows he can't do heaps about the pain, tiredness or you mood swings. But he knows how to make things better and to help you preserver.
• Dachi is very gentle and highly aware about how you might react to certain things. He understand women are emotional creatures and small things can really upset you.
• He's more touchy especially when he can see how much it affects you're well being, he give you great big bear hugs and regularly checks in on you.
• After school he'd invite you out do a in-home movie and eat take away for your choice. He loves cuddling you up and keeping you safe. He truly just wants you to be happy.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Suga reminds you of sugar very very sweet and he knows the things you really need to hear during that time. He's always happy to reassurance you over any little thing.
• His voice is so soft takes a lot of pain away. While holding you he will whisper sweet nothings in you ear. Reminding you of how beautiful you are, that your amazing and how lucky he is to have you.
• Suga loves giving you lots of sweet kisses, on you cheeks, your forehead and you lil nose too
• He can also be surprisingly protect when it come to situations that make you uncomfortable, crowds of people, foods you crave ect
• He'll rub your back and pull you in close, resting is chin on your head. He knows its hard and upsetting the things you think about an go through
• Suga complements you more and understand the importance of you feeling treasured, beautiful and desired by him. He sees you looking in the mirror a lot more studying yourself. He'll approach you from behind wraps his arms around your waist and give you back kisses. He's eyes are soft yet still filled with desire that never fails to make you smile.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would over think like crazy he easily starts stressing out when it comes to you. Still he's very sweet you give him little hints to help him along. It makes him feel really good to know he can help you.
• He'd cray your bags knowing that your back hurts. He'd be worried so much he would walk you home to make sure you don't faint or fall or have anything happen to you.
• Being the ace he can get quite a few injuries so he regularly caries pain meds, tape, soothing gels and other items. He always encourages you to use them knowing they help.
• Asahi always give you his jacket he remembers the thing you said about being cold and how it can make things worse. The school uniform being a skirt doesn't help.
• Asahi thinks about you a lot in class, about how your going, what your feeling, in your in pain or maybe if you've gone to the med bay. Constantly stressing himself out (poor guy). He's always waiting near you locker and his eyes light up whenever he sees you.
• You often reassure him that your fine. Asahi's mom is also very sweet yes he's a mamas boy. But she'll happily cook extra food for you two to share and here food makes everything a lot better.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• If menstral cycles were a person you best bet Tanaka is pulling up and he's bring Nishinoya
• Tanka is a very unique, cool, rambunctious person so he would handle the situation a lot differently. He would want to make you feel better by going out and having fun, movies, the park, the beach anything to get you out an about. This can cause arguments sometimes as you'er often tired, moody and don't feel the best.
• Tanka would feel bad but you always lay him down in your lap, he cuddles up to you around waist. Which is good as he keeps you warm.
• He'd get curious as ask you questions about your cycle, which was cute, he's trying to better understand your problems and think about a better solution.
• Tanka would even go as far to ask Kyoko or Kanoka about what helps and what things he could get for you.
• He's not a cook but he'd always make sure your warm, have enough blankets, a hot water bottle and some warm ramen noodles.
• The thing Tanka always did be is make you feel real special and try his best to make you smile and laugh. He'd complement you, your a greek goddess, the women who owns the planet venus and unofficial victorian secret super model.
• Tanka makes sure that you enjoy life whilst your with him and to be the best boyfriend he can possible be.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya is vastly misunderstood, you'd think he's immature and a big ball of energy that seems clueless and not that smart but he's far from that.
• With all that energy and viciousness he can feel a lot of emotions he's just more reserved as most guys are. But he can understand when you have really bad down days.
• You'd see a completely different side of him that very few people see. He calm, soft, gentle and soothing.
• He gives you long warm hugs as he will rock you in his embrace. In that way he was very much your safe place. You could tell him anything and he would understand. Having his issue with height and the fall out the volley ball team had he went through is own pains. Giving up the sport he loved took a toll on him and the fight with Asahi.
• In a way it was always a good way for you two to bond and reinforce trust, that you were there for each other on a much deeper level.
• Nishinoya would happily share all his food with you, make sure your well feed and that he doesn't keep you up late over night texting. He just wants you to get better as quickly as possible.
• The talk of blood and cycle is still a bit odd and foreign to him but he doesn't like the thought that you could literally bleed to death so he does what he can.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Tuskishima is generally pretty mono toned he doesn't over display any kind of care and the sarcasm doesn't help. This is just a part of his personality. Sometimes it can cause arguments as you feel like he isn't taking you seriously and it really hurts sometimes.
• He'd realise how much your hurting and that he really messed up. You'd open up your locker and find little notes sometimes hand written letters.
• He hold your hand talking the long walk home after school, he was never good at apologising but you understood he was sorry.
• It taught him how to be a little more gentle with you, to understand you a bit better and to think before saying things to you.
• He'd slowly become a lot more affectionate, pulling you into his arms and cuddling you up in his arms. He shudder trying open up and tell you about things. What he thinks about you and the things he hopes to do with you one day.
• Tuskishima after realising how horrible both mentally and physically you feel. He always make sure there was time for you, time for him to listen.
• When your really sad he ask you over to his house introduce you to his mom one of the most kindest and beautiful being in his life other then you of course.
• You both playing a couple games together and you'd learn it actually likes reading. He loved how smart you are and how you could hold a conversation about topics that interest him.
• It helped you take time of things, you learned more about each others passions and found out you have a lot more income than you think.
~ Tobio kageyama ~
• Honestly Kageyama can be a bit naive and hot headed, he struggles a lot when it comes to understanding your predicament. He can get a bit annoyed with you moods and complaining. This can cause some pretty heated fights.
• But Kageyama can be a big fat meanie, all that frustration and anger also leads to a lot of thought, overthinking, over apologising and regret. Kageyama never wants to be a bad person especially to you.
• Kageyama would take on multiple strategies on how to keep you happy always. If you mad or angry Kageyama would mind some rough play cuddles, you never manage to hurt him. If your sad he's bringing chocolate or your favourite ice cream. If you don't feel your best he'll make an effort to be more soft with you in ever way.
• He always brings you a Milk box encourages you to drink it all. Saying it's packed in everything that you need to feel better, stronger and heal faster.
• He's the type of guy to cuddle you up, zip his jumper up real tight on a cold rain walk home. Wrap you up in a scarf, he's scared of you catching a cold obviously cause he cares about you but also cause he doesn't want to be sick either.
• Kageyama needs you a lot he wont admit it, you always manage to make him feel better and he's an over-thinker. He stresses out way to much, your his peace and he loves you for all the endless lap cuddles and hair play. He just hopes he can do the same for you.
~ Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi gets so incredibly worried and stress about you! He would refuse to leave you empathising with how hard the week can be for you.
• He'd make sure that there is plenty of time to spend with you. Going out to cafe's in the mornings before school or bringing you some delicious food to share from bread top!
• Tadashi is a bundle of fluff, he's the guy to keep your hands warm offer his jacket and open doors for you. A very sweet gentlemen.
• He loves to play games and cuddle up on the couch with tones of blankets or watch a movie marathon. Some hot chocolate or some salty popcorn solves everything.
• You favourite thing about Tadashi was the beauty in his eyes. He wears his heart on his sleeve. You love the warmth he just radiates, he looks at you with nothing but love and softness. You can open up to him about anything and he always tries to understand.
~ Shoyo Hinata ~
• Hinata is defiantly clueless upon telling him more details. He stress like really bad, faint, dye or blow his head off. He would literally think your DIEING!! or that you were gonna DIE!!
• Hinata just over thinks being the sweet guy he is all he needs to do is say hello! He's your lil sunshine always makes you feel better with just a smiles.
• When he see's your having a really bad day he invites you over. Yourself and his little sister Natsu have grown really close. Natsu is always excited to see you! She'd play with your hair, paint your nails ect.
• Hinata's mom is super sweet she always make sure to cook up one of your many favourite meals. She gets warm and fuzzy seeing you an Hinata together.
• You often get invited out to family events, shopping, dinner, camping ect. Your all very close and Hinata is always there hyping you up the whole way.
• He pushes your bounders in a good way, making you do things you never think you could! So when that time comes around you always feel extra special not just to yourself but to Hinata too.
Thanks so much for reading,!!! Let me know if you have any requests!!
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uriekukistan · 4 months
In Defense of Shoko in 261
to be so honest, i’m really doing my best not to come off angry while talking about this. but to me this conversation is not just about shoko, but about the way women are treated in media, and especially in shounen manga in general.
people are upset about the way shoko reacted, or rather didn’t react, to yuuta’s plan because it seemed too unemotional and uncaring. if she had shown emotion or protested, people would still be upset because she would be seen as unable to do the necessary thing in a time of crisis due to her feminine emotions or whatever.
this is the dilemma of not just female characters, but real life women. there’s never a right reaction.
additionally i feel that some of the things being said about her are expecting her to only exist as support for gojo, and not as her own character, which i see way too often with female characters in shounen manga.
in any case, i stand by my cancelled wife, and here’s my defense of her. spoilers below the cut.
Since when has Shoko ever been outwardly emotional like that?
if shoko is upset about yuuta using gojo’s body as a weapon, there is just no way she would outwardly object or show any signs that she’s upset. that’s not who she is and she’s shown that. there have been several times where she’s not displayed the emotion one would expect from her, so why would that change now?
when shoko sees geto, one of her closest friends, if not her closest, for the first time after finding out that he massacred an entire village, you would expect her to be feeling a slew of emotions. maybe confusion, maybe anger, maybe hurt, maybe betrayal. maybe even concern for her friend.
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but shoko acts like it’s no big deal at all. she’s just seeing her close friend on a regular day. because she’s not the type to get outwardly emotional. whatever she’s feeling right now is kept somewhere else entirely, far away from the surface.
additionally, in the scene where everyone got frustrated that gojo didn’t react about nanami, we have this from shoko.
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talking about geto. not reacting. guys shoko is just not a reactive person like that, and that’s totally fine. a lot of people are like this (including myself but thats not the point)
but that doesn’t mean the emotions don’t exist, or that shoko has no way of reacting or coping or showing that she���s going through anything at all. one way is through smoking.
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smoking is something shoko picks up again before the shibuya incident, when the entire jujutsu world is growing more stressed with the increased presence of special grades, particularly the disaster curses, the incident at the goodwill event…and at shibuya, the situation was very high stress, yet she keeps a cool demeanour. the only sign that she’s upset at all is that every time she’s shown, she’s smoking.
the only times we’ve seen shoko’s feelings, it’s been completely internal. the most notable being this scene:
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this is the most emotional we’ve ever seen shoko, and if you’ll notice, she’s completely alone.
shoko keeps her feelings well hidden from everyone, so it’d be completely against her character to outwardly show if she was upset by yuuta’s plan.
Since when has Shoko shied away from questionable medical/jujutsu practices?
shoko was eager to dissect yuuji after he “died” like it was some sort of science project and not a human being…please note im saying this as a completely neutral statement, this is not to say whether shoko is a good or bad person, just that she is and how she is.
sure, it’s a bit questionable that she’s looking at a dead teenager on her table and wondering what information she can get out of him, but at the same time, there could be useful information in yuuji’s biology that shows what makes him a successful vessel, at least as far as shoko is aware. useful knowledge that could be used to find another suitable vessel to continue killing sukuna’s power, one finger at a time.
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she even says to gojo “who do you think i am?” when he tells her to make her examination of yuuji worth it, implying that this is a trait that those around her are aware of.
she’s practical and methodical, logically thinking rather than emotionally thinking, but most importantly, she’s not the type to display her feelings.
she’s exactly the type to understand the reasoning behind yuuta’s plan and accept it as a logical last ditch effort, and she’s also the type to store her true feelings about it away to process over a cigarette (or several) at a more convenient time. asking her to do anything else would be asking her to change as a character.
i hope this doesn’t come across as me being unsympathetic to gojo’s dehumanization and being turned into a weapon, i think it’s upsetting for sure (but i respect the narrative choice, i think it’s an interesting way to bring out themes). mostly, i think that shoko, both by the narrative and by the fandom, is only perceived in geto & gojo’s shadow, and i wanted to draw attention to her as a person.
i’m sick of reading the “shoko’s a cold-hearted traitor” comments on different platforms bc i think it’s not true, and i think asking her to act differently removes her autonomy as a character and forces her to be nothing but a supporting role to gojo, rather than her own character.
hopefully this makes some sense dkskld
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
enjoy the butterflies - dr3
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x genz!driver, max verstappen x genz!driver
summary: daniel explaining a young female driver that winning isn't always the most important thing
word count: 1.1k
warnings: crying and fluff
note: omg, i love the gen-z driver, i know that there are multiple stories already with that trope, but i hope it‘s okay for me to write some more gen-z driver stories
masterlist / taglist
Daniel Ricciardo, the reserve driver for RedBull Racing, has seen pretty much all about F1 in his time as a racing driver. But a female driver racing? This was news to him. He sees you struggling a lot of times, coming back up to your feet too, but struggling most of the time. He felt bad for you, having been in this exact situation at McLaren a year before.
He once again saw you storming away from your garage, tears stained your eyes. You were disappointed with your performance during FP1. The car was okay, you were in a mediocre car, which was okay, because it was running good. But your performance was not good, at least you thought that. Because when you entered the garage, your engineer was standing there, happy about your performance. It was just you who gave you a hard time. You were the first women in a long time racing in Formula 1, you had to show those misogynist assholes that you were capable of the same things as all the male driver on the grid.
Daniel felt sympathy for you, you were a rookie and female too. With Seb not in the grid anymore, he felt like he had to take over the role as grid dad. So, the next time he saw you, he jogged towards you and stopped you.
„Hey Danny, what’s up?“, you tried not to show him your disappointment in your voice. „Hi y/n, the sky, that’s what’s up“, he laughed his significant laugh and smiled at you. You only shook your head, already forgetting why you were angry. Daniel had a way of letting people forget all their negative emotions by just being him. „Jokes aside, do you think I could talk to you for a second?“ You nodded your head, agreeing to spend some time with the reserve driver.
He led you to the RedBull hospitality, you were unsure of being there, not racing for any RedBull team. Daniel noticed your uncertainty and insured that it was okay that you were there. He took you to Max‘s drivers room, never having been inside. The wall had a big flag of The Netherlands on it and pictures of him and Kelly, occasionally one of him and P. As you looked around, Daniel observed you. You were thin, thinner then usual, shoulders were up to your chin, indicating a tense posture. You were stressed and it showed. Even if you didn’t let anyone know how you felt, your body betrayed you.
„Listen“, Daniel sighed, unsure how to actually tell you what he had prepared in his mind. „With Seb gone I feel the responsibility of taking over the grid dad.“ You met Seb once or twice, he was there when you were still karting. But you were never on the same grid as him. Your admired Seb, posters graced your childhood bedroom with his face on them.
You only nodded, not sure what Daniel was trying to tell you. „What I’m saying is, look kid, you’re good or else you wouldn’t have made it to Formula 1. You’re not here because you sucked anyone off, despite what the Media always says. You’re here because you are good!“, his voice loud and decisive. You looked at him, eyes starting to water. You thought you hid your disappointment well, not really anyone noticing it and no one ever spoke to you about it, not even your engineer.
„I see you, always dissatisfied and angry with yourself, y/n you’re a brilliant driver, always in the points in your first season! How can you be disappointed in yourself?“
You started to cry, not believing a word Daniel has said to you. You were not great with compliments, not believing them and always reflecting them negatively on yourself.
„Enjoy the butterflies. Enjoy being naïve. Enjoy the nerves. The pressure. People not knowing your name. All that stuff. You don’t know when it’ll be the last time. Enjoy being a kid.“
He hugged you, seeing you so upset made him feel bad, he didn’t want you to cry, he wanted to take some of the pressure off. He wanted to help you, not make it worse. You hugged him back, tight. With travelling so much and your family not coming to all of the races, human touch was a rarity. You enjoyed being held in his arms, feeling the warmth of another body and not your heating pad for once.
„Thank you“, you whispered, barely noticeable. He only nodded. He held you for a bit longer, letting you break off the hug. When you did, he looked at your tear stained face, he wiped some of the falling ones away. You laughed, overwhelmed with the whole situation. If the media would walk in at this second, the next headline would probably be; ‚RedBulls reserve driver with Rookie?‘ But he was just like an older brother, or as he said; a grid dad. But more an older brother, because with his jokes and his lightnesses he would never be a dad.
You were thankful of him, you were thankful he told you that and you were thankful that he was there for you. And that’s what you told him. He was happy to hear that. Knowing what if felt like being alone on the grid. Your tears threatened to fall once again, when Daniel took of his ‚Let’s Fuck’ ring and gave it to you. „It’s a reminder to just let all the stupid things fuck themselves“, he looked at you and laughed when the first tear slipped from your eyes.
With a loud thump, the door to the drivers room opened and a visibly confused Max was standing in the doorway. „What did you do to the poor kid, look at her, she’s crying!“, Max exclaimed. His face twisted to a confused look. „Nothing, those are happy tears, right y/n“, Daniel asked you and looked at you with hopeful eyes, awaiting your backup. „Don’t worry Max, Danny couldn’t ever do anything to make anyone cry sad tears“, you insured Max. Him now letting out a breath of air, relieved his teammate didn’t make a teenager cry. „But thank you for your concern Max“, you hugged the older man. He didn’t like hugs in particular, but he knew you were a big hugger, that’s why he always let you.
You were grateful for all the people on the grid, from your engineer to every driver. They made you feel welcome and worthy of your seat. And in FP2 you placed your best placement ever. Without all the pressure coming from you, driving felt like your passion again and not just a proof of what you were capable of doing.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313
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heejayy · 7 months
Soft Life!
Warning: none
Pairing: Gojo x black reader
A/n: this was highly influenced by the influx of soft black girl aesthetic. There’s a little rant at the end, don’t mind me.
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Some may label you a gold digger, claiming you're with him for his money, and others may claim you've played life smart, but one thing is certain: being Gojo's wife was the easiest thing you've ever done; this man asks for nothing and gives you anything you want.
You met Gojo as a college student working a part-time job. Going to school and juggling job was challenging, but you made do with what you had. He liked your dedication and hard work, and he found your independence attractive. But if you were to stay with him, no woman would spend her life working when he could easily provide and care for her.
Gojo is a man that doesn’t ask you for a thing he’s just a giver. He makes you feel secure in every aspect of life, but if you decide you want to do something on your own, he’s ten toes behind you.
In your free time you love staying home and looking online for new treats to make your husband when he’s away at work. You’ve had so much free time you started making videos for your social media accounts and they blew up overnight.
People love watching your get ready with me’s, you going shopping, cooking, working out, couple's trips, makeup routines, anything you post they love.
Besides your social media activities not having to work every day really opened your schedule, instead of being too tired to do anything after coming home you have time for all your favorite hobbies plus more. Reading, yoga, gardening, painting, knitting, hell sometimes all you do is lounge around and take bubble baths. (Gojo loves coming home to a happy and well rested wife.)
But with the positive comes the negative, the ones who don’t like you or is very jealous of your lifestyle love to call you a pretty dumb housewife who has nothing better to do. Someone who’s thrown her life and career away to cater to a man but in reality, that same man caters to you. Do people think you’d take care of a man who does nothing for you?
In your opinion you love who you’ve become as a woman and a wife, you’ve never been happier even Gojo sees it.
©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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Side note this is a little bit on the serious side: Although this is for my black girlies, all the girlies can read 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've grown tired of the 'Strong Black Woman' trend. Now, don't get me wrong, I like strong independent women because that's how I was taught, but being perceived as overly independent makes black women appear as if we don't need anyone and can do everything on our own, which is how people treat us. Like babes…we are human with emotions. They will go help and praise a non-woman of color before helping us. It's quite harmful; they already treat and compare us to men. And when a black girl tries to break out from that image, she is dragged back down, which is disgusting.
You don’t have to be rich to be in your soft era! Put yourself first, be kind to yourself, don’t let anyone tear you down, you are worthy of love, the things you can’t control don’t let it stress you out, pray and read the Bible more (if you’re religious), let go of negative people, ITS OKAY TO ACCEPT HELP, it’s okay to be quiet or confident which ever one fits you, prioritize peace, just be you don’t change or try to fit in.
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honeytonedhottie · 5 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE april edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the april catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. this particular addition's collaborator is @pinkpigtailsprincess and its an HONOR. so pls look forward to the magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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as we've talked about in this post right here, summer is right around the corner and we need to make the fashion count. april fashion is all about the transition from spring -> summer and in doing so gracefully there MUST be preparation.
for any season i think that camisoles r amazing because in the colder seasons like autumn or winter, u can wear camisoles underneath zip up jackets. in the summer and spring time u can wear camisoles as they are and they're so cute either way.
the key to camisoles is the length and the color and for the spring to summer transition, i advise u to steer clear of darker colors or thicker textures and go for more light/flowy, colorful pieces.
i haven't been very active on my blog (or at least thats how i feel) as much as i usually am and thats because school has been kicking my ass. now that the school year is wrapping up i have something that i'd like to introduce to the blog.
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MY MASTER CLASS - i wanted to formulate a class that rly went in depth about manifestation so i decided to make a google class in which i hopefully simplified manifestation. just like in my blog, except in the class i formulate challenges, assignments etc.
the post where i go more in depth about the master class is coming out on wednesday (may first) so i hope that u guys look forward to and take advantage of this new resource 🍭🎀
if theres one thing that i tried to keep central this month was my health, so there r two things in particular that i honed in on and they are mindfulness and stress management.
MINDFULNESS - i wanted to focus on being more present in my emotions and just focus on the now more than anything. just kind of putting things into perspective. i've had time to ponder a lot of things and kind of tackle the big questions that i like to avoid and once u sort that out it feels like a weight has been lifted off ur shoulders.
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STRESS MANAGEMENT - idk whats going on but my emotions have been all over the place and i've been feeling particularly stressed and overwhelmed so what i've been doing to manage that is mindful breathing and affirming affirmations that remind me that im safe, im fine etc.
and later on once im in a clearer headspace i'll journal thru my emotions and kind of sort them out that way im not harboring anything negative yk? and thats usually what helps me.
Some of my fav it girls What we can learn from them!!🎀 
The Boss
Whitney Gilbert + Rihanna + Lil Kim
The Smart Sweethearts
Jang Wonyoung + Elle woods
The Glitzy Dolls
Kimora Lee Simmons + London Tipton
| 𝜗𝜚 ݁ ˖ The Smart Sweetheart !! 🎀
...📧 : Wonyoung & Elle are absolutely perfect for self expression and not letting other peoples opinions get too you both of them are unapologetically Super Feminine & Sweet even people
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talk down about them, they always rise up and prove them wrong no matter how much people talk all while sporting their extremely feminine personality and fashion taste no matter how much they get stereotyped as a “dumb blonde” “pick me” or “air head” they know themselves
and thats all thats matter to them!! 🎀 Now all three of these women are incredibly smart thats have achieved major academic
success let’s look at what we can individually learn from them!!
🎀 ; Jang Wonyoung The Successful K-Popstar thats has gotten global success who has the perfect princess beauty
has inspired an ongoing lifestyle trend by the Name of “Wonyoungism” a trend inspired by the beautiful fans of Jang Wonyoung where her fanbase practices and promotes Taking care of them selves and being the best version of them selves and taking inspiration from won young to
⁃  workout
⁃  eat healthy meals
⁃  take care of their skin
⁃  practice good habits
⁃  attaining their goals
⁃  ambition & hard work
⁃  being nice & inspiring others to also joij in on becoming the best version of themselves and have an unbreakable mentally inspired by her famous quote “No Problem I don’t care you’re you i’m me!” and taking after won-young in having a high self concept and hard work no matter what!! and never letting opinions get too you even when she was getting dragged on the internet she gave them more reasons to hate on her even though they know nothing about her
Sources say The Chic Princess is also incredibly smart with some extremely impressive academic achievements including
⁃  took GED & got a perfect score in Korean,english & math
⁃  Won a Science Fair
⁃  Won Match Contest
⁃  Was her Class president 3 years in a row
⁃  willing joined sports
⁃  always putting time into her studies and ever wanted to be a news anchor +lawyer!!
no speaking of Lawyers...We must talk sbout the most fashionable lawyer out there..🎀 ; Elle Woods!!The Peppy Blonde Barbie From Bel-Air is Undeniably one of the most loved it girl characters out there!! she inspires many girls & women to do their absolute best in academics and maintain their authenticity and being charismatic and kind to those around her even with people who don’t like her!!, She’s literally the Pioneer of femininity in the work force bringing her girly & hyperfeminine personality + style while also studying law and becoming a lawyer
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...but it’s not always glitz and glamour for Elleseeing as early on in the movie no one seems to genuinely taker her seriously and judging her too quickly because of her girly style,chipper personality & being a classic sorority queen but as elle and had more and more people on her back about her “being a ditz” “not being smart enough” she makes her own one women revolution on a quest to prove them all wrong! and when doing this she still doesn’t stray away from her bubbly personality and trendy style and with doing this proving thats girls can be girly and hyperfem and still be smart and pursue a career but even with doing this she can’t seem to shake the image of the stereotypical “Dumb Blonde” as we see in the movie when her professor seems to only hire ell because she’s pretty and not because of her academic success.
now obviously this makes elle spiral and think shes not good enough to where she ends up giving up becoming a lawyer because she feels as though because shes the stereotypical blonde rich girl from bel-air that she can’t be anything but a pretty face but still after the fact elle picks herself back up in one of the final scene of the MovieShowing up to the courtroom sport her ICONIC Pink dress and Bedazzled Pink Pumps and using her knowledge in fashion,beauty and cosmetics to ultimately win her case even withhaving the hard ship of not taken seriously!! 🎀
these two of literally in my top 3 favorites theyre just perfect and amazing and no matter what they do people are always talking about them no matter what rather good or bad they are truly it girls now What can we learn from these two dazzling women...
⁃  Hard work pays off
⁃  You can have beauty and brains
⁃  Never Dumb yourself down too be someone everyone else wants you to be
⁃  Always work hard no matter the circumstances
⁃  Take care of yourself
⁃  People opinions on you don’t Matter because at the end of the day you onlyhave to prove yourself to yourself
⁃ You’re So weird, Never change that!
| 𝜗𝜚݁ ˖ The Glitzy Divas !! 🎀
🛍 : The Glitzy Diva Type is my FAVORITE!! Im literally Obsessed with Kimora and Sharpay They Inspire me so much and theyre like soo iconic so ofc we have to start of with Mother Herself Mrs.
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Kimora Lee Simmons 🛍 : The Mother of Baby Phat How made her breakthrough in the modeling industry at only 15 And Being Signed with Chanel She is Known for Her Love of
Fashion Glitz and Glamour The Fashion Maven coining her brand Baby Phat in 1999 rose to fame without question i mean her clothes are literally so iconic you name she has it !!
⁃  phone cases
⁃  jackets
⁃  jeans
⁃  Body Suits
⁃  Denim Jackets
⁃  Boots
⁃  Hats
⁃  Tank Tops
⁃  Buffer Coats
⁃  Lip Gloss
⁃  PerfumeSHE HAD IT ALL!!
Because she is literally just FABULOUS she has always had this love for the glitz and the glamour and always hold her self too a high standard if she wanted it she would get it and thats just the way its gonna be!!! she had a habit of running up Phone Bills,Credit Card etc. truly princess activities now what can we learn from this ICON!I can do everything by myself, the only person I have to look out for is myself - Kimora Lee SimmonsPersonally
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i think she is trying to say she is only supposed to be validated within her self and Only Her Opinion Matter No Matter What and its so true because at the end of the day you know you best and all you’ll is yourself!All the hard work in the world won't get you anywhere if you don't powerfully project your personality and style. How are you going to differentiate yourself from them? - Kimora Lee Simmons
BE YOURSELF!! literally being your own authentic self is literally the ultimate it girl secret and you can literally see for yourself not all it girl are one in the same they are authentically their own and that makes them all special!!People want to throw things at you and make you fall off because you're at a certain enviable height. - Kimora Lee Simmons. Like honestly she such a philosopher and i don’t care like this is so true with all it girls people are always talking about them no matter what because they feel a certain sense of jealousy
towards them for no reason when these women are literally like the best people LOVE to hate on it girl so much they end of loving them They Love to Hate them and Hate 2 Love Them!! 🎀
Now lwts talk about another favorite of mine the FABULOUS ...
⭐ : Sharpay Evans !!
The one and Only Sharpay Evans The Queen Bee that everyone tried to tear down but if were being honest she will NEVER Fall She hold her self to princess standard with her fabulous self concept
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“Everything Has to be Perfect for me” Fabulous by Sharpay Evans
Having Everyone always hating in her never stopped her still always being the school Queen Bee She is constantly talked about bye everyone!! i mean yeah she is quite snobby but she is still CRAZY AMBITIOUS. and shes willing to do any and everything to make sure she gets her way Shes The Princess and that will never change
No matter what people say about her own personal style she doesn’t care only her opinion matters Because she’s FABULOUS everything around her HAS to be Fabulous as well
⁃  Wardrobe
⁃  Hair
⁃  LockerEverything
She Believes that she is better than her peers and tbh.. She kinda Is i mean Their Vocals and performance were mediocre compared to SharpayShe stands about too much i mean her fabulousness was too much for them to handle shes
Her Iconess is
Stylish Pretty Iconic Talented Ambitious and Hardworking too much for them they can’t tell can’t HANDLE IT!!
Now what can we learn from these two FABULOUS ICONS
⁃  Only Your Opinion Matters
⁃  Always Put Yourself First
⁃  Keep Working Hard for what you want
⁃  If Something isn’t up to your standards don’t settle for less
⁃  No Matter how much people talk and knock you down you’re still gonna be above their Judgement!!
⁃ Only Conform too your own standard
i wanna start off this section strong and talk about jojo siwa's new release "karma". i've linked the music video there so u can watch it and feel free to share ur opinions in the comment section but shes been receiving lots of mixed reviews from netizens.
most of the backlash comes from interviews that shes done like when she said that she was the first person in her generation to have this major of a rebrand. a huge shift in all this drama tho was when people found out that she did NOT in fact write the song like she claimed she did, which does NOT look good for her
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she bought the song from brit smith and its like, WORD FOR WORD. and people feel some kind of way bcuz jojo could've just straight up been honest and say that she bought the song, which a lot of artists in the music industry do and theres nothing inherently wrong with it.
but the problem is that she tried to make it seem like she wrote it and even goes as far as to claim that she did in fact write it. and now that its shown that she bought it from brit smith, it kinda just blew up in her face.
as we know the 2023-2024 school year is coming to an end very soon and if ur anything like me, ur feeling FATIGUED. and rightfully so of course, school can be super taxing sometimes.
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this is ur sign though to take a BREAK, spend a day just for you and for rejuvenation bcuz to keep going u need to have strength. school is almost done U GOT THIS. what helps me is to count down the days until school lets out so that i can be excited 🍹✨
now is the time tho to plan out what courses ur gonna take next year, wrap up whatever u need to for this school year so that u can walk into the next school year ready to dominate. make plans for the summer and hype urself up to have an amazing time!
thats all for this months catalog, there will be a new edition each month with new content and it'll be updated on a monthly basis so if thats something that interests you or if you like these kinds of posts stay tuned for the next, till next month girlies✨
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icarusredwings · 2 months
The Master does things in 4s.
A headcanon.
Oh, I will.
Tapping, knocking, steps, snacks, kisses, etc.
He's spent the last thousands of years with this beat in his head so subconsciously He's picked up some bad habits that revolve around it.
In this essay I will be-
I can argue that Simm is the worst off and that the poor guy is constantly having fits about things not being in 4s. The prime minister demands that all of his meals be in 4s. Theres only three pieces of chicken? No. He wants 4.
He doesn't sleep unless it's 4,8, or 12 hours, no in between, and gets upset if woken up at 6 or 10 hours. We already know about the tapping, but it's how he knocks on doors, how many steps he takes at a time, how he eats his snacks in rations of 4 8 12 16.
You can give him 16 chicken nuggets, but dont you DARE give him 17. He's actively flipped tables before because of this, and if he really is tired or masking, he will only eat the even number and throw the odd one at someone.
Dhawan snaps and claps in sets of 4. He humms it sometimes on beat to self soothe. His hands flap when he can't have something in 4s and religiously gives everyone 4 ice cubes in their tea. The tea gets steeped for 4 minutes or 8 minutes. He'll explode if you ask yours to be steeped for 5 6 or 7. He also has 4 books on the bedside and 8 by his desk.
Missy likes to hear her heels click 4 times as she walks and will purposly take smaller steps just so she can land on a multiple of 4. 4 tea sandwitches, 4 types of lip stick, 4 pieces of jewlery.
She even swings her umbrella 4 times when bored. Hers is a lot more tamer compared to the boys because women with these disorders often are less "hyperactive" and less likely to make a scene than men are. (Statistically)
Hell, even Sax subconsciously has an issue with it while living with 14. He applies his eyeliner twice on each eye to make 4. He forces 14 to kiss him in sets of 4, he constantly is arranging the pillows on the bed to only he 4 of them, and well- theres something else with 14 but im going to keep this post PG 13.
Now he can have 2 of things instead of 4, but some things (that don't hurt anyone) are still allowed to be 4s OR more. For example, the pillows on the bed, kisses, and ice cubes in his tea. He can now handle there being 6 pillows instead of 4, receiving a multiple of 2 kisses (10/16) instead of 4s(8/12). You have to have it on an even number, though, or he'll force another.
He doesn't know why. He just DOES. And he won't tell you "because of the beating" because to him, it's all done unconsiously-
"There needs to be 4 pillows."
"I- Look, I don't know, okay!? There just needs to be 4 pillows!"
But anyone with half of a brain cell (who knows about the drums) does. 14 knows and is slowly trying to get him away from emotional disregulation because of it by working towards sets of 2s instead. It's a lot more socially acceptable for sets of 2s to be done than 4s. Even regular humans want packs of 2 or dishes that comes with 2 of something, so it's a lot easier and less stressful for both the Master and everyone around him.
Now he doesn't cause a scene at McDonald's if there's a ton of ice cubes in his drink instead of 4. Thank god he doesn't count his food much anymore, either. It's why he's been able to put on a bit of weight. But still, if you give him 17 nuggets, you're getting one thrown at your head. (So 14 goes out of his way to give him an 18th)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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meazalykov · 6 months
For me there is only you
esmee brugts x uswntplayer!R
warnings: this is a long one. gets a tiny bit spicy towards the end but nothing crazy lol.
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Netherlands vs USWNT was a highly anticipated match in the 2023 Women's World Cup. The cheers and chants echoing through the stadium could’ve been heard from a mile away. This wasn’t normal for a group stage game. This is due to the two countries having history. The Americans and The Dutch faced each other during the 2019 World Cup final, which resulted in a United States victory. 
At the end of the 90th minute, the score is 1-1. Emotions ran throughout the two hour match but one player's frustration was palpable. Y/n L/n, a rising star on the US Women's National Team, had just finished a match against the Netherlands that ended in a draw. Despite her team's efforts, the result didn't sit well with her.
In the 72nd minute, Y/n had a wide open shot inside of the Netherland’s box. She uses her right foot to take a shot and the ball skyrockets towards the crowd, instead of going inside of the goal. At the time, she put her hands on her face in frustration and embarrassment. Considering how great of a striker she is, the missed opportunity came as a shock to USWNT fans. “Don’t stress it!” Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder, hearing the voice of her team captain over the loud crowd. 
As the crowd dispersed and the players stayed to greet other people in the stadium, Y/n took a moment to collect herself. She sat on the bench, head bowed, replaying the game's pivotal moments in her mind. Especially the goal she missed. The girl never missed a wide open shot before. She knows that the World Cup pressure is intense but there were no excuses for that miss. 
Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, a voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Hey, tough game, huh?"
Y/n looked up to see a girl, around her age, wearing a Netherlands Orange jersey. #22. She had beautiful dutch braids that were frizzy due to the wind. Despite being on opposing sides just moments ago, there was a shared understanding in their eyes. They are athletes who know the highs and lows of the game.
"Yeah, tough one," Y/n replied with a faint smile.
Y/n got up from her seat and stood across from the girl. The girl introduced herself as Esmee. She explained she was a left back for the Netherlands team and had recognized Y/n throughout the match. 
"I have to say, you were impressive out there," Esmee said earnestly.
“Except for that missed shot, of course.” Y/n frowned at herself. 
“Everyone here has missed a shot before.” Esmee’s Dutch accent comforts Y/n. 
Y/n’s frustration began to melt away as she engaged in conversation with Esmee. They discussed certain moments in the match, their one clash before halftime where Esmee side-tackles the ball away from Y/n, their respective journeys in soccer, and other people they’ve known on the pitch. Despite being from different countries, they found common ground in their passion for the sport.
As they talked, Esmee revealed the reason why she came up to Y/n in the first place. 
“My friend, Ingrid, told me that you were going to join Barcelona after the World Cup.” Esmee confessed. Y/n nodded her head in familiarity, the girl met some of the FC Barcelona girls throughout the competition. Ingrid Engen being one of them.
“I am. I’ve already signed the contract because my contract at Bayern expired.” Y/n smiled and looked at Esmee, realizing the Dutch girl might be joining Barcelona too. 
“Wait–are you joining Barcelona too?” Y/n asked. Esmee nodded her head and smiled. 
They both laughed at the serendipity of the situation.
"Looks like we'll be teammates soon," Y/n said, a genuine smile spreading across her face.
Esmee nodded, returning the smile. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."
“Do you want to swap jerseys?” Esmee nodded at Y/n’s request. The American went to grab her white #17 jersey and pulled it from over her head. She passed it to Esmee as Esmee handed her the orange #22 jersey.
As Y/n slipped on her new friend's jersey, the fabric enveloped her in a sense of comfort. The faint scent of sweat mixed with a hint of Esmee's perfume lingered, adding a personal touch to the garment. Adjusting the jersey on her body, she couldn't help but appreciate the subtle reminder of Esmee’s presence. Even if the girl is standing four feet in front of her. To y/n, it wasn't a creepy fascination, but rather a fond appreciation for the new bond they’re sharing.
This interaction didn’t go unnoticed by other players and news photographers who took pictures of this interaction. Lindsey Horan, the United States captain, talked to her Lyon teammate Danielle Van De Donk. The shorter Dutch woman nudged on the blonde’s shoulder before pointing at Esmee and Y/n. 
Y/n didn’t swap jerseys with opposition players often. Usually, she will toss her jersey up to a USWNT fan in the crowd after a match. The Lyon teammates giggled before returning to their initial conversation. 
(pretend you’re aitana bonmati in the picture below)
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liked by arnselfan347, yn.hive, and 12,947 others
United States International Y/n L/n (Bayern Munich) is seen exchanging jerseys with Esmee Brugts (PSV Eindhoven) from the Netherlands Orange team. Both players are heavily rumored to be joining Barcelona after the World Cup. Thoughts? 🇺🇸🇳🇱🇪🇸
ynbrugts78 to me this is confirmation of them both joining barcelona omg🥹
billybob27 they're both great players. barcelona will be stacked
vandedonkhive 😍😍
wosocouplespage I ship
bayernwomen.56 same icl
chelseabluezz i wanted y/n to join chelsea with mia fishel🥴
arnselfan347 spurs were trying their hardest to sign y/n. i don't blame her for choosing barcelona, thats a great opportunity too 💙
manchestunitedwomens7 esmee come to manchester united ❤️
It's mid-january and y/n settled into her new life at FC Barcelona pretty well. She impresses the soccer/football community with her quality and finishes in matches. Being the second highest goalscorer (behind Caroline Graham Hansen) in Europe wasn’t easy. 
Esmee came to Barcelona the day before Y/n did in August. The duo couldn’t be separated on and off of the pitch. Their chemistry was undeniable, their shared passion for football helped their bond too. Through it all, Y/n and Esmee found solace in each other's company. As they trained and shared moments in Barcelona together, their friendship blossomed into something deeper, something they couldn't ignore forever.
Back on a saturday in October, the Catalan sky painted in hues of pink and orange, when their love finally came to light. Y/n looked at Esmee and couldn't resist the urge to kiss her while she was talking. She leaned in on the dutch who kissed her back immediately, as if it was a natural feeling to them. Y/n pulled back and smiled before Esmee leaned into her, being the one to Ignite the second kiss.
Y/n’s birthday is coming up in a few days and everyone on the team is aware of it. They all had a plan which involved getting “Esmee and her together.” 
That’s right, the couple decided to keep their relationship away from the team. Esmee and Y/n believed in keeping their relationship to themselves before they’ll reveal it to everyone else. However, their attempts to act normal and platonic around each other didn’t work.
Ona, the second-closest person to Y/n on the team, teases her about Esmee. The entire team believes that their chemistry is undeniable too, why are Esmee and Y/n avoiding each other? 
The short Spanish national went to a few of her teammates to talk about it. Salma, Lucy, Aitana, Bruna, and Mariona to be exact. At first, Aitana brushed it off as the two 20 year olds having a silly crush on eachother, until Ona explained the amount of times she saw Esmee and Y/n hug for “a little too long.” 
Salma recalls Esmee jokingly tapping Y/n on the butt at training last week. When she asked Y/n about it, the American giggled about it and said that it’s just a “friendly joke.” 
Mariona recalled another time where Y/n slipped up about sleeping over at Esmee’s house. The American didn’t notice her slip up, so the Spanish woman didn’t confront her about it. She decided to just let it go until she heard about others on the team seeing them flirt together. 
Bruna came up with a plan that will start before the Levante game in the Supercopa tournament. At first, everyone agreed except for Salma and Mariona. Who didn’t want Esmee and Y/n to hate them for what the plan will include. However, Lucy adjusted a few things so Salma and Mariona would be comfortable with the idea, which worked. 
“You know, I can’t wait for Salma to finally ask Y/n out after the game.” Bruna announced in a small training group before the Levante game. Ingrid, Mariona, Keira, Irene, Claudia, and Esmee were a part of the group. Mariona and Bruna had to tell the others what the plan between Esmee and Y/n will be. Most agreed to the plan. Ingrid was going to refuse to be a part of it, but relented. 
Mariona looked towards Esmee to see the girl with her eyebrows slightly raised at Bruna, her lips were held together with a confused look. “Salma is asking Y/n out?” The Dutch asked.
“Yeah, Salma has had a crush on Y/n for a while. She has a good feeling about tonight's game and will ask her on a date if things go well.” Keira said. Esmee’s facial expression flashed between looks of jealousy and guilt. 
She’s jealous because she knows the growing friendship happening between Y/n and Salma. The Dutch know that y/n would never do anything to betray her trust, but the feeling of someone adoring her just like she does made her feel uneasy. 
Esmee felt guilty too because she likes Salma as a friend. She didn’t want to see Salma get rejected because Y/n is in a relationship that nobody else knows about. 
“That–That's cool.” Esmee swallowed as she walked away from the group and towards the bench to grab some water. The girls giggled quietly knowing that Esmee felt jealous. 
Another group away from the first one consists of Aitana, Salma, Vicky, Lucy, Cata, Marta, Ona, Caroline, and Y/n. The girl’s except for Y/n knew about their plan on “forcing Y/n and Esmee to confess their feelings to each other.” 
“It looks like Mariona is flirting with her.” Ona speaks to the group as she looked towards the group with Mariona in it. Y/n didn't pay attention to what was said before until now. She curiously raises her eyebrows as everyone else looks over at the other group.
“Flirting with who?” Y/n asked. Mariona told her that she is interested in a girl named Lia Waelti, so she's confused about Mariona's supposed behavior from Ona. 
“With Esmee.” Ona said. Y/n nearly coughed at this. The Spanish girls are extremely friendly and affectionate but y/n learned to adapt to it over time. However, hearing this news made the American girl’s eyebrows raise dramatically. She lowered them when she saw a few of the girls look at her. 
“Oh. Does she like Esmee?” Y/n swallowed in nervousness. Lucy, who's on her left, tries her hardest to not laugh. 
“I think so? She hasn’t said anything but she is overly interested in her.” Aitana said. 
“Oh okay.... I’m positive it's nothing.” Y/n continued to do the stretching routine the girl’s were assigned to do as the Levante game started in twenty minutes. She did feel her mood change at the news, but nobody knew about Esmee and her. She couldn’t be mad if Mariona did like Esmee. 
Two hours later, Levante is defeated by Barcelona in a 7-0 win.
Salma Paralluelo 12', 45 + 2'
Y/n L/n 24', 26', 64'
Caroline Graham Hansen 54'
Aitana Bonmati 57'
This wasn't Y/n's first hat trick of the season, but she felt relieved after the semi-final match ended. Now they''ll go play in the Supercopa Championship game.
Y/n placed on her green Barcelona puffer jacket and grabbed her pink prime water bottle, taking a good sip which hydrated her dry throat from the cold weather.
She took a deep breath before looking over to see Mariona talking to Esmee. A small lump formed in her stomach from nervousness. Y/n is confident that Esmee wouldn't do anything that she wouldn't want her to do, but the tiny bit of jealousy showed on her face.
"You should tell her how you feel." A voice broke through Y/n's thoughts. Salma's voice.
Y/n remembers that she didn't tell anybody about their relationship. Maybe it's time to tell Salma before somebody's feelings get hurt.
"We are already together." Y/n looked at Salma whose eyes widened.
"What do you mean?" Salma asked. She felt nervous as she didn't expect this news after the plan she helped create. Placing her balms into her jacket pockets, her attention is fully on y/n.
"Esmee & I met at the World Cup. We were friends but we weren't so "platonic" after we moved here. In October we made our relationship official. We were going to tell you guys when we felt like the time was right." Y/n ranted to Salma. The Spanish girl nodded her head, realizing that everything is starting to make sense.
"I'm not shocked. Not surprised even." Salma joked. The two girls broke into laughter which didn't go unnoticed by the Dutch girl who finished talking to Mariona.
Y/n, with her radiant smile and effortless charm, seemed completely at ease while talking to Salma. Esmee couldn't help but feel a tiny pang of jealousy gnawing at her insides, a nagging fear creeping into her thoughts.
She bit her lip, her eyes flickering between her girlfriend and Salma. Remembering Bruna's conversation about Salma asking Y/n out, Esmee walked up to the girls before the Spanish girl had the chance to ask her girlfriend out.
"Great game you guys!" Esmee acted casual as she smiled, high-fiving Y/n and Salma. Esmee did play as a left back for all 90 minutes and assisted Aitana's goal and Y/n's third goal.
"Great game Esmee." Salma smiled back as she high-fived the Dutch back. She stepped back afterwards and looked at the duo in front of her. The happiness radiated off of her face seeing her friends who were confirmed to be in love with each other.
"Great Assists Es." Y/n grabbed Esmee's left hand and squeezed it twice before letting go.
"Y/n can I talk to you for a few minutes?" Esmee asked. Salma looked at the couple and took Esmee's question as a que to talk to them later. She said bye before walking to talk to Alexia, Frido, and Jana, who were injured and couldn't play.
"What's up?" Y/n and Esmee walked side by side as they're walking to the dressing room.
"Not much. Did you hear about any rumors coming from the girls lately?" Esmee asked. She hoped that Y/n had an idea on Salma's supposed crush on her.
Y/n swallowed nothing in nervousness, assuming that Mariona had interest in Esmee.
"Ona told me that Mariona is interested in you." y/n talked in a low voice. Esmee's jaw dropped and her eye brows raised, not expecting that to come out of her girlfriend's mouth.
"Wait what?" Esmee asked.
"Yeah. Before the game they said that Mariona was flirting with you." Y/n said. Esmee's eyes widened, she knew Mariona wasn't flirting with her at all because she already has her eyes on someone else.
"Before the game Bruna told me that Salma wanted to ask you out." Esmee confessed. Y/n nearly laughed at that information.
"Oh no never! Salma has a girlfriend in the WSL.... I can't believe the girls would tell us this." Y/n said.
Esmee nearly laughed before saying, "I believe they would. I think they were trying to make us jealous of each other."
The couple walked into the dressing room, getting ready to shower before leaving the stadium, then the girls realized that they're alone.
"You know.. your dribbling skills impressed me so much today." Y/n spoke seductively as she walked across the dressing room to Esmee, who sat down in the chair in front of her cubby hole.
Esmee held the side of y/n's toned thighs gently, pulling the girl into her lap. Obviously, this is nothing unfamiliar to y/n. She softly held the Dutch's neck, right under her braids, and softly kissed her lips.
Y/n had no awareness of her surroundings, she held on to her girlfriend as she felt her hands slide down to her butt, giving it a few squeezes. The girls made light noises.
As Esmee moved off of y/n's plump lips, going down her face then neck slowly. A few footsteps amplified with cleats approached the dressing room.
"Woahhhh!!!!!" Mariona yelled as she's the first to walk in the dressing room. Salma and Keira look over her shoulder, seeing y/n quickly stand up and walking away towards her own spot in the dressing room. Surprisingly, she wasn't embarrassed as much as anyone else would.
"I knew it!!" Keira laughed as she lightly smacked on Salma's shoulder in excitement.
Y/n look at Salma with a smirk and shook her head, Esmee looks away from the trio who walked in the room and tried not to laugh.
"We've been together since October. We confessed our feelings a long time ago." Esmee spoke with a smile, looking at Mariona. The Spanish girl wasn't surprised at all, only shocked that she didn't notice earlier.
"I told Salma earlier." Y/n commented.
"Hey, what's going on!?" Seventeen year old Vicky Lopez walked into the room with a bright smile. The curls on her head bounced as she walked towards her spot beside Salma in the dressing room.
"Oh nothing much. We just saw these two lovebirds in here." Salma talked to Vicky as she pointed at Esmee and Y/n.
"I knew it!!! They've always looked at each other with much love." Vicky responded to Salma.
After revealing their relationship to the team, everyone was happy. However, nobody was surprised. Esmee and Y/n didn't make much of an effort to make things secretive, and couples forming in Barcelona Femeni is not a rare occurrence.
Esmee and Y/n decided to confirm their relationship to social media a few weeks later.
(pretend this is you and esmee in the pictures below)
y/n.l/n and esmeebrugts
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liked by aitanabonmati, alexiaputellas, and 31,623 others
for me there is only you 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
salmaparalluelo lovebirds ☺️
wosonews OH MY GOD??!!!!
ingrid_engen 😍🥰
y/nbrugts789 MY FAVORITE COUPLE😭💙
alexmorgan13 this is too cute ❤️
nswlwavefan so many woso couples spawn in barcelona lol 😂 so cute❤️
sophsssmith so happy to see you happy 🤩
brunavilamala 🥹
janafernandez3 I predicted it!!!!
an: hope you enjoyed :)
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simmerkate · 1 year
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XTRA Interactions Mods
Introducing "Xtra Interactions," a mod for The Sims 4 that expands the range of social interactions available to your Sims! Developed with the goal of adding depth and realism to your Sims' social lives, this mod introduces 13 new dynamic interactions that delve into various aspects of contemporary conversations and interactions.
"F Bomb": Sometimes, emotions can run high, and Sims now have the option to express their frustration or anger with a straightforward and powerful statement. Use this interaction when your Sims need to release some built-up tension!
"Backhanded Compliment": Not all compliments are created equal. Sims can now deliver a compliment with a subtle hint of sarcasm or hidden meaning. Watch the recipient's reaction as your Sim walks the fine line between praise and critique.
"Body Positivity Conversation": Promote self-love and acceptance among your Sims by engaging in heartfelt discussions about body positivity. Encourage a healthy body image and help your Sims develop a more positive relationship with their own appearance.
"Discuss Fitness Apps": In the digital age, fitness has gone mobile! Sims can now chat about their favorite fitness apps, sharing tips, and exchanging experiences to stay motivated and reach their health goals.
"Discuss Fitness Classes": Exercise is more fun with company! Sims can engage in conversations about various fitness classes, from yoga to cardio workouts, and discuss the benefits and challenges of each.
"Engage in Mindfulness": Encourage your Sims to take a moment for themselves and embrace the practice of mindfulness. This interaction allows Sims to discuss and learn about techniques to reduce stress and enhance their overall well-being.
"Female Empowerment": Foster empowerment and gender equality among your Sims. Initiate conversations that focus on the strength, achievements, and challenges faced by women, inspiring your Sims to break barriers and pursue their dreams.
"Flirty Fight": Love and passion can take many forms. Sims can engage in playful, flirtatious banter that adds a spicy twist to their romantic relationships. Sparks will fly as they exchange teasing remarks and engage in light-hearted arguments.
"Spill The Tea": Keep your Sims in the loop with the latest gossip and scandals by engaging in juicy conversations. Share secrets, rumors, and intriguing tidbits that add an element of drama to your Sims' social lives.
"Stand Up Against Gender Inequality": Promote equality and social justice by encouraging your Sims to voice their opinions on gender inequality. This interaction allows them to express their concerns, share stories, and discuss ways to combat discrimination.
"Talk About the Living Crisis": Engage your Sims in thought-provoking conversations about the pressing challenges of the living crisis. Delve into the impact of declining real disposable incomes, adjusted for inflation, taxes, and benefits, that individuals and households have faced.
"Throw Shade": Sims with a mischievous streak can now throw shade at each other in a playful and sassy manner. This interaction adds a touch of humor and wit to your Sims' conversations, ensuring they never run out of snappy comebacks.
"Xtra Interactions" is a must-have mod for players seeking a deeper and more engaging social experience in The Sims 4. Expand your Sims' conversational repertoire and explore new avenues of interaction that reflect the complexity of the real world. Unleash the power of words and emotions in your virtual neighborhood, and watch as your Sims' relationships and social lives flourish with newfound depth and realism.
Follow me on insta @SimmerKatex
Curseforge (xx) FREE
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cosmic-crybaby · 8 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 3
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returned from France, he came back a completely different man.
Warnings: Angst, mutual pining, betrayal, emotional manipulation, emotional whiplash.
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It was 1919. Over a year since she left Thomas and the betting shop behind. [Name] was stuck in solitude for days, and each day her mother comforted her, easing her daughters cries until she slept. The first person to reach out to her since she had left, was Ada.
"Please talk to me [Name]," She had asked her friend, sitting across from her at the small dining table.
"There is nothing to say, Ada...I can't go back, not now," She picked at her nails anxiously, the deep burgundy lacquer slowly chipping away.
"Believe it or not, it hasn't gone completely to shit, but Aunt Pol is having a hard time finding reliable people to do your job-"
"That's not my job anymore," [Name] reminded her. "Listen I'm sorry...I really am,"
"Where will you go now?" Ada asked. The girl opposite to her thought for a moment, she could be a barmaid but the chances of running into the Peaky boys were high. Jobs for women were scarce now that the men are back. So she just opted to respond with a shrug.
"No idea, Ada..."
Over a year later and she managed to get a job at the local library. It was quiet, of course, but at the very least she was able to put some of her knowledge to good use. It paid well enough for her to live comfortably and it kept her hidden away from running into the Shelby Family. She was just glad she didn't have to resort to becoming a prostitute. Her mother would have a heart attack is that was the case. With the exception of Ada and Polly, who would often drop in to have tea with her and her mother or bring treats and gifts. Sometimes [Name] felt they only offered these gifts as peace offerings, of behalf of what Thomas had done. It was as if they still couldn't forgive him, and they would understand if she couldn't either.
Because in the last year, she had changed.
Physically and mentally. She had grown into a beautiful young woman, the stress of illegal betting and horseracing, the stress of Thomas Shelby had left her life, which in turn rewarded her to grow even more. In only a year, she begun to finally get noticed by the other young bachelors of Birmingham. Little did she know, she had them turning their heads all this time, she was busy with her eyes on someone else.
It was one afternoon when she met her current suitor. His name was Daniel and he was the sweetest man she had ever met. Considering she had only surrounded herself with the three Shelby men and the Peaky boys, that was a big change. While she was working at the front desk of the Library, he requested some aid in retrieving a couple of maps of the world. She didn't pay any mind to Daniel at first until the third and fourth week he had come in, still asking for her help.
"I remember you, I would assume you knew where the maps were by now," She quietly cut him off. This caught him off guard, making him flustered as he tried to search for his words. [Name] only smiled as she watched the dark auburn haired man blush more and more.
"I-I am sorry miss...I just," He cleared his throat. She arched her brow at him for a moment. He was at a loss for words as he admired her beauty. That day he had asked if she'd like to accompany him to some dinner in London, to get to know each other more.
It had been a very peaceful and cherishing month with Daniel, she found that he was a traveling business man and was looking to expand his company in America. But, like all good things it came to an end when Thomas Shelby came into the picture once again. While in London with Daniel, he took her to the shops to buy a new dress to meet his family one night. She had broken away from him as he spoke to the salesman about the dress he was about to purchase. Stepping outside to look at the lightly clouded sky, examining the different shops on the street.
"[Name]?" The voice sent shivers down her spine. She quickly turns at the mention of her name towards the deep voice.
"Thomas?" She asked, surprised to see him.
Seeing the man that broke her heart and betrayed her trust right in front of her eyes was like a whirlwind of emotions. She didn't know if she should stay, run, or beat him until he was blue and on his knees begging for her forgiveness.
But, she was better than that. She was with a man who actually loved her.
"It's nice to see you again," Thomas told her, stepping closer. She subtly takes a step back, clearing her throat as her eyes dart to the shop entrance, praying to God that Daniel will emerge soon so the two can leave the awkward interaction and never turn back.
"Yeah, sure, Thomas..." She nods slightly. Thomas Shelby didn't forget what happened between them over a year ago, but he was perplexed that she would still treat him like a stranger, even after all these years of being as close as they once were. Within that year of missing her by his side, he refrained from showing up at her home to see her, refraining from asking Ada and Polly to tell him what they had discussed when they visited her. Part of him hoped that her and her mother still took those evening walks in Uncle Charlies' yard after dinner. Thomas often found himself at Charlies' yard nearly every night, hoping he would run into her.
But that's exactly what she had avoided. [Name] did everything in her power to avoid every little place and thing Tommy knew about her. IT seemed to work, until this very moment.
"What brings you here?" She asked curiously. Hoping she didn't have to put her favorite dress shop in London on a list of places to avoid Thomas Shelby.
"Just...doing some business in London as it seems...until I saw you leaving the dress shop...thought I would come and say hello," He shrugged. [Name] looked down at her gloved hands, pondering her next words.
"I see...well, goodbye Thomas," She nods once, still avoided his eyes, afraid that once she sees his eyes again, it will start all over again. The warmth he gave her, the butterflies in her stomach, the cure to all of her hardships. She makes hasty steps past him, but his hand reaches out to grab her arm...it was gentle but firm as to not hurt her. He always knew how to be gentle with her.
"[Name], please..." He said quietly. She felt the tears brim her eyes as she slowly turned to him again. Slowly lifting her gaze to his eyes. Once he saw her tears, it was like everything around them had stopped. It was just them two together and no one else.
"What Thomas? What could you possibly want from me now?...After all this time, when I am finally happy you come into my life again, why?" She asked, sniffling as the small tears rolled down her high cheekbones and onto her chin. Her skin blushed, and her eyes were red with salty tears. He was at a loss for words at first.
He gently spoke her name again, reaching down to pick up her hand in his, testing the waters to see just how much she will accept from him. Her hand twitched and nearly jerked away as he slipped her glove off. Feeling the warmth of his skin made her comply. His hands were rough now, from the years of digging tunnels and fighting. She had no doubt that his hands and mind were both distressed.
"I...I'm sorry for how things ended between us...frankly I can't stop thinking about you," He told her regretfully. Her eyes were shining in the dim light of the London sun, the tears glistening as they roll. Each one looking like diamonds.
"You're sorry...After a year you're finally sorry," She almost laughed. Thomas only sighed.
"Yes of course! and...and I regret everything I said, I can't live my life without you, [name],"
"You should have thought about that before you asked me to marry you!" Her voice raised just a bit, before realizing that she was still in public, as to not bring attention to herself. For once, Tommy didn't know what to say next. His eyes darted across her face. Her cheeks were red, her brows were furrowed in frustration, and her lips... Oh those lips he had always wanted to kiss deeper each night upon his return, they were downcast in a frown. He released a sigh when he realized her eyes had not left his this entire time. He knew she still loved him deep down. She just couldn't bear it. His thumb ran over the top of her hand gently.
"I hurt you, I know that now and...There is nothing else I can say other than I am immensely sorry, give me another chance [name], I can prove it to you that I am a new man, as friends or more I need you in my life,"
His words made her lips tremble as she closed her eyes to think and steady her breath. She opened her eyes first before she opened her mouth to speak.
"[Name]?" A voice called, and suddenly the bubble bursts. It was like the busy street surrounding them suddenly became clear again. It wasn't just the two of them in the world anymore. She turned her head from Thomas to Daniel. The man she adored more than anything, as he searched for her. Thomas also managed to sneak a glance at the stranger, and his cold heart sunk a little deeper into the pit, leaving a sour taste in his mouth and a clenched jaw. She looked back at Thomas.
"Think about it," He whispered before walking off.
[Name] stood in her place in stillness as she tried to process what just happened to her. Daniel approached her, smiling widely as he informed her that he purchased the dress and reassuring her that it will look lovely on her for the dinner party with his family. She gave him a small smile before it quickly faded when he looked away from her.
The days leading up to the dinner party, she had thought of Thomas. It was like he himself had infected her mind as she had no more room to think clearly of anything else besides him and the words he spoke to her. But could she really trust him again?
Should she trust him again?
Every day and every night she had spent with Daniel, she tried her best to reciprocate the love he had for her, but somehow something was wrong. She didn't love him the way she loved Thomas. The night of the dinner party, she waited for Daniel to pick her up. Wearing the dress he had bought her, the jewelry she borrowed from her mother, and the hair and makeup she spent hours perfecting just to impress his family.
"What's wring, dear? Your hands are shaking," Her mother pointed out as she helped her daughter prepare.
"I...I don't think I can do this," She swallowed thickly. But before her mother could even ask, there was a ring at the door. [Name's] stomach was in knots and her blood ran cold. Her mothers words of encouragement were drowned out by her own raging heartbeat. When she opened the door, her mouth was agape. Expecting to see Daniel, instead Thomas stood at the front door.
Out of breath and panting. No words were exchanged as they stared at each other. She nearly leaps into his arms as she engulfs him in a tight embrace. It felt right, being in his arms again. Like they were kids again.
The following days, she kept her distance from Daniel, much to her mothers dismay. She had written him a letter.
To my Darling Daniel, I am sorry things had to happen this way. You had shown me the love no man has ever shown me before. But I am afraid I do not deserve it. Our time together was more than I could ask for, but I simply cannot keep loving you the way you want me to. I will forever cherish our memories together in my heart, as you were the only man to treat me a way a woman should be treated. I hope you find love again, and the next woman you find love in will be a very lucky to have you. I will always have you in my heart. [Name].
With the letter, she returned the dress he had bought her, she thought it would be ill-mannered to keep it. She hadn't heard from him after that. Not even a letter back, but she knew why. She would never hold that against him.
The following week, [Name] had began showing her face around the betting shop again. Here and there popping in to talk to Ada and Polly, slipping away into Tommy's office to speak with him when he wasn't busy. It was a but of a shock to the Shelby women when they saw her. They thought she was crazy for showing up again, but she had reassured them that everything was fine.
For months on end, [Name] and Thomas would spend their time together. Hand in hand as they drunkenly walked along the streets after visiting a pub on the weekends. Dancing to records in her home, holding each other close as they slow danced in the fire-place lit room. One night they went to the old hill, the same hill they used to go to when they were kids. Laying beside each other, drinking a bottle of cheap wine as they star-gazed. It was the only place where the sky wasn't absolutely covered by the smoke and smog of the city.
"I forgot how beautiful the sky was at night," She spoke softly as she sat up, eyes scanning the sky.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked, leaning his shoulder against hers. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly with a nod, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Thomas?" She asked. He hums.
"I missed you,"
"I missed you too, [Name]," He spoke truthfully. That night, they shared a kiss.
A week later, she approached him in his office.
"Pol said you were going to the derby..."
"We are...It's an important matter of business, [Name],"
The girl sighs. "I know that...I also told you I would go with you if you needed me to,"
"Uh- no?" She asked, perplexed.
"Absolutely not, Kimber is a dangerous man, you're not coming with us," He argued. She aggressively rolls her eyes and throws her hands up in the air before putting them on her hips.
"I was hoping to come talk to you without being interrupted-" She mumbled.
"And I was hoping you would know better than to ask to join on this mission-"
"Then who are you taking?" She interrupted him, crossing her arms. Thomas sighs, shaking his head in disbelief at her childish attitude.
"The barmaid,"
"The barmaid? Why the fuck would you take the barmaid?" She asked. He widened his eyes at her for a moment. She bit the inside of her cheek as she waited for his response.
"It's all a part of the plan, please trust me," He stood as he slowly walked to her, placing his hands on her shoulders to calm her mind. She pursed her lips, a solemn look on her face.
"I don't care who goes with you to the derby, I just can't sit here and hope you'll come out alive one of these days...I-" She pauses. "I adore you too much, Thomas,"
He pulls her into a tight hug, his hand caressing her hair as he kissed her forehead. "Everything will be okay," He reminded her. Lifting her chin to slowly look at him. Her eyes, as alluring as they were. His lips attack hers in a rough kiss. Pushing [Name] against the wall as her fingers pull at the fabric of his white shirt, his body pressing against hers. She could practically feel his heart beating against her chest. His hands slipping down her body, her waist to her hips to the roundness of her ass. His strong hands gripping every curve of her as he started pulling at her dress with his hands. Pulling away to catch their breath, but before she would dive in for another kiss Finn had burst through the door, inquiring that their Aunt Polly needed to speak to Thomas at once.
Begrudgingly letting him handle his business, she was left alone in his office, blushing and fanning herself with her hands as the heat began to rise, biting her lip in bafflement.
She wanted to see him again and ask about the kisses they had started. What they meant, what would have happened if they weren't interrupted. But Thomas too involved with conspiring against Billy Kimber. Fucking Billy Kimber. Hearing his name made her clench her jaw. He had been the talk of every family meeting since he found his way into Birmingham just weeks ago. But Thomas was just too busy. Too busy to talk to her. Eventually, too busy to even see her as frequently.
She recognized the pattern. It was what happened to her before he left for France. If only she could just read his mind, find out exactly what was going on in that head of his. From seeing him and his eyes, his smile every day, to seeing him at least once a week. This time he would still act the same with her. Kind, gentle, caring, but somehow she knew it was different. He wouldn't touch her, or kiss her like he used to. [Name] thought that maybe, just maybe, if she told him how she felt everything will go back to normal. Perfect even.
She just had to wait for the right moment.
When Thomas had come to her home for an evening tea with her and her mother, she decided that she would tell him then. The tea was nice, the conversations went well. [Name] was eager to finish, to get it all over with, waiting for their moment alone. Later that night, after her mother excused herself to bed, the two sat on the couch, sharing a whiskey as they talked. She sat her glass down when he called her name to get her attention.
"I need to tell you something,"
Her ears and cheeks grew warm as she looked at him, eyes brighter than ever.
"I actually need to tell you something too...but please go first," She smiled. Thomas turned his body slightly towards her, seemingly less enthusiastic as her. Thomas clears his throat before he spoke.
"I want to start off by apologizing for not seeing you as much these past few months, but I promise everything is going to work out for the better in the end, not just for my family, but for yours as well..." He paused, holding one of her hands in his.
"Thomas," She glances at their interlocked hands before looking up at him again. His blue eyes didn't look as bright in the dim lighting of the room.
"You have been with my family since the beginning, and you helped us out when we needed you the most, when everything takes off, I want you by my side through it all, promise me that you will do that for me [Name]," He requested. The young woman stares into his eyes once more and nods silently.
"I can't imagine leaving your side...ever," She stated quietly. Thomas looked down again, smiling slightly. As far as she knew he rarely smiled now...the only time she saw him smile was when he was with her.
"There was another thing I wanted to talk about," He started. She nods, urging him to continue. "There's a woman,"
His voice dropped low, the way he said 'woman' rumbled as her cheeks flushed. At the drop of a pin, her lively face slowly dropped at his words.
"A woman?"
She sank into the sofa as he spoke, but his words fell upon deaf ears. Her mind went numb, buzzing as she blankly stared off into the shadows of the room. He loved her, convinced her to leave Daniel, kissed her, treated her like she was the only woman for him...almost married her. All those years together, meant nothing to him. Once again. She should have known better than to get attached to a man like him.
A man only out for his own good.
"[Name]...You're crying," He pointed out, stopping mid-explanation to wipe the tear. She wanted to tell him. Tell him she loved him, that she wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of their lives. She looks at him and smiles.
[Name] shook her head and sniffled, chuckling and looking away to wipe the tear.
"I'm just...really happy for you Thomas...She seems like a nice woman," She didn't hear a word he said about her. The mystery woman that had stolen his heart.
'If only you knew what I felt'
After Thomas had left that night, she went to her room, sobbing in her bed. The heaviness in her chest weighted her down as she was held into place by rocks. The agony she felt, not only for herself but for hurting the only man that loved her. All for nothing. It was too late to go back now.
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