blujayonthewing · 8 months
well I WAS! thinking that when I'm done pruning all the bullshit I'd go ahead and set as much of it as possible on fire while the weather is still Unseasonable but now the aforementioned Unseasonable Weather is thunderstorming lmao
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purposefully-lost · 11 months
Beth took a deep breath and tried not to be obvious about it. Charlie was pressed against her shoulder, waiting with her at the bus stop for the ride that would take her back home. It'd been a struggle to convince him that he didn't need to drive her, she'd be fine taking the bus, but she could still tell that he was itching to do so. It made him antsy whenever any offers of help or a favor were denied; he didn't like feeling like he wasn't doing his part. It was one of the many things that had made him such a good boyfriend.
Her hand clenched and unclenched at her side. She had to do it. If she didn't say something, this was going to keep going on forever, and she wasn't going to do that to either of them. Finding her resolve, she spoke. "So, um. My application got accepted."
"What?" Charlie's attention snapped her. He leaned forward on the bench to better see her face, a grin splitting across his own. "For real?"
She could've laughed. It was exceedingly difficult not to. Beth nodded for him. "For real."
"Holy shit!" Before she could saying anything else, he threw an arm around her and pulled her tight to his side. Charlie laughed as rested his head against hers, his giddiness palpable in the way he gave her a small squeeze. "Fuck yeah! I knew you'd get it. What'd I tell you?" He let go her just so he could look at her. He did look very happy. He'd been her biggest cheerleader from the start, and that made it all the worse that she was about to shatter his poor heart. She felt her chest tighten while she watched him prattle on. "So that means you're movin' upstate, right?" He asked, pausing briefly before he seemed to just forge ahead past his own reservations. "We're gonna have to get your shit together soon! I'll ask dad if he'll let me borrow the truck. And we've gotta get stuff for your dorm and everythin'. Maybe when Chris goes shoppin' for his new place, we could tag along? And-"
"Charlie, we need to- to talk, actually." She could've winced as she said it. He paused, his expression dipping to something more concerned as he looked at her.
"What about?"
"About, I- I mean.." she frowned, frustrated. She'd known he'd make this hard. Gently, she tugged herself out of his hold, scooting away from him on the bench just enough so that she could turn herself to face him. Charlie seemed to sober up a little, and his brows furrowed as he mirrored her. He really was handsome. His face had matured over the past few years, sure, squaring to a strong jaw and warm features, but it was still undeniably boyish. It'd made him such a good Beast; the moment they'd reveled the face under all the corny makeup, he'd been perfectly suited to the more childish and charming parts of the prince. She couldn't have been happier to have had him as her counterpart. They'd been friends for years now, longer than they'd dated, and she knew now that that had been when she'd liked him best.
"Beth?" He asked expectedly. She warmed as she focused back in on him. It wasn't even that she didn't love him, it was that she wasn't ready for the kind of love he had in him.
"Look," she started, keeping her voice soft. "Upstate is- it's a long way away. And we're both gonna have a lot to focus on soon, with school and everything. I think... I think maybe we should just go back to being friends." She said the last part more quickly than intended in an attempt to just get it out and over with. She'd thought she'd be crying by now, and she thanked god she wasn't. That would make it all the harder.
Charlie's face had fallen. He had that look he got when he turned a little introspective, and she found herself holding her breath while she waited for him to put it all together. She watched his throat move as he swallowed. "It's only a couple of hours," he said softly. His gaze flickered back up to her, his eyes already a little wet. Beth deflated, just a little bit. "Y'know, I don't mind the drive. I- I could-"
"It's not really about the drive." Her breath hitched. Oh, fuck, there it was. Reaching up, she scrubbed at one of her eyes, then let out a slow breath. "It's- I'm not.. ready for this, Charlie. I- I thought maybe I could be, but I'm not." She dropped her hand, then shrugged, trying to offer him a small smile. "We gave it a go, and I think.. maybe that's all it should be. It'll be tough to keep things up once I leave, anyway."
Charlie looked away from her. He was starting to withdraw into himself in a way she hated, but she'd just burned the bridge she took to reach out to him. His hands fidgeted in his lap, one tugging at a sleeve of his jacket. "I-" He tried, and then he fell quiet again. "It's not that far," he said finally. She sighed.
"I told you, it's-"
"No, I- I know." He looked up. "Not about that. But I thought- hell, we've been takin' things slow already. I don't mind it. We don't have to.."
Beth found herself smiling for him. It was the exact thing she'd expected him to say. And maybe outloud, they said it was slow, and they made no commitments, but she could tell what it all meant to him. It wasn't like he could help it. She shook her head. "The fact that you're arguing it is.. God, thats your problem." She said it as gently as she could. "Your slow isn't really.. slow. And I just.. I don't really wanna deal with.. relationships at all right now. I'm sorry."
His gaze had dropped again. He'd pulled a knee up to his chest and wrapped his arms around it, and she could he was trying to hide the fact that he was crying. It was pointless, because she felt like she might cry, too. She hated hurting him. But she had to.
"Charlie," she said gently, before there was a screech of brakes that made her look up. Her bus was here. She sighed again. "I've gotta go. I'll... see you around, okay?" She pushed herself up to stand. He vaguely nodded, which made her chest hurt. "...We're still friends."
"Yeah," he said softly. Sniffling, he looked up at her and nodded again. "Sure. See you."
Beth tried to smile again for him. Then she stepped away to wait for the bus door to open, but she only got so far before familiar arms were pulling her in for a brief, tight hug. Charlie was on his way to really breaking down when he pulled away. He stuttered out an apology, and before she could tell him it was alright, he'd started off down the street again.
She watched him go with her heart in her throat. She hoped it wouldn't take them too long to work their way back from this.
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showfallsquigandiris · 11 months
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/Source: HS: IR-15/
/Starting transcript/
[A powered off hair dryer is being held a bit away from the camera by Iris, who’s fake skin has noticeable stitches running up the length of her arms as she wraps the power cord around the handle.] 
Iris: God Bluebird, seriously, you are a life saver for that. I do not know how much longer I could have stood that wet hair.
[The camera tilts up and turns, a teen girl is standing there. The girl has medium length curly brown hair, with two light blue streaks framing her face, which is covered by the typical Showfall mask. She's also wearing a suit that appears 3 sizes too big.]
?: No problem Iris!
/New person registered, identified as "Bluebird"/
[The camera shifts in place a bit along with some shuffling sound, a frizzy bright red lock of hair falls in front of the camera before Iris’ hand comes up to quickly brush it away.]
Iris: Now I just need to get back to where I’ve been storing my stuff while here so I can get all this-
[Iris’ hand can be seen at the edge of the frame gesturing towards her own head.]
Iris: -under control. 
Bluebird: Can I come with?
Iris: I mean as long as you won’t get in trouble for leaving…
[The camera flicks over Bluebird’s shoulder, focusing on the spaceship set behind her, a few other employees can be seen doing small busy work, before the camera focuses back on Bluebird’s mask.]
Bluebird: Should be fine? I'll run and ask real quick!
[Bluebird skips over to the set, humming a song as she does.]
[The camera glances back down at the hair dryer still being held by Iris, who just quickly turns and shoves it on a nearby table before looking back to where Bluebird went.]
[Someone can be heard hopping above Iris before hitting the ground.]
Bluebird: ow-
[Turning towards Bluebird, Iris can be heard letting out a small sigh.]
Iris: You good there?
Bluebird: Yeah… Uh, I can go with you by the way. None of the crew needs me.
[Bluebird tries to get up, only to slip on one of her suit jacket sleeves and fall again.]
Iris: Okay yeah, if you wouldn’t have already been getting a new suit in general, you certainly would be after seeing that.
[The camera lowers as Iris offers a hand out to Bluebird whos struggles with the suit’s sleeves a bit more before being able to grab Iris’ hand. The camera returns to its original height as Iris helps Bluebird back to her feet.]
Bluebird: Thanks-
[Iris lets go of Bluebird hands and waves dismissively.]
Iris: Well I couldn’t just leave you on the floor, anyways, it’s not… too far from here, come on.
[Everything blurs for a second as Iris quickly turns and starts to slowly walk back back into the main area of the Mall. A smaller set of footsteps can be heard following along after a few seconds.]
Bluebird: Soooo Iris… I've been meaning to ask you something…
Iris: Go ahead, if there was any time to ask me questions it’s now.
Bluebird: Ok… Well it's two questions but the second one is tied to this one and-
[Bluebird cuts herself off before clearing her throat.]
Bluebird: We're almost done filming… I think the next two days will be it? Do you think… I can go with you when you return to your facility?
Iris: I mean yeah, that’s the plan. I’m uh, not sure the exact date of when I’ll finally be heading back, but Boss Lady did mention to me that all the paperwork is through for your transfer.
Bluebird: Wait really?
[Iris lets out a hum and the camera slightly shakes up and down, before flicking to the side to glance at Bluebird.]
Iris: Yeah uh, considering your… position at the Mall and how you started working here in the first place, it was a lot easier than it usually would have been to submit for a transfer. 
Bluebird: Oh um… In that ca-
[A loud shrill childlike scream suddenly is heard in the distance. Bluebird lets out a shout and the thump of feet hitting the floor can be heard. The camera turns to fully face Bluebird and Iris places a hand on the teen’s shoulder.]
Iris: Jeez, do they not use any kind of soundproofing when recording for horror shows around here? 
[Bluebird begins shaking as she slowly puts her thumb down.]
Iris: I uh, guess we can add this to the list of why a transfer would be good for you, not that we need more reasons at this point.
[The camera flicks around Bluebird, and Iris lightly squeezes her shoulder.]
Iris: Trust me, random screaming like that is… okay well it does happen sometimes, but it shouldn’t be too hard to make sure you just work far away from any horror sets. 
[Bluebird lighty nods in approval.]
Bluebird: T- thanks…
[Iris gives one last squeeze to Bluebird’s shoulder before letting go, the camera turning back to just point at the empty mall around them.]
Iris: No problem, and luckily where I’ve been keeping my stuff is in the opposite direction of where that came from, so hopefully if that keeps happening we will be out of earshot ‘til they’re done filming.
Bluebird: Y- yeah…
[Iris makes a small affirmative hum before starting to walk again, a bit quicker than before. A smaller set of footsteps once again following.]
[The camera briefly loses focus before a ding can be heard coming from Iris, and the camera once again focuses.]
Bluebird: Time for my second question… Would I be able to go outside from time to time? Like you and Steve?
[Iris gives a small laugh.]
Iris: Funny you should mention Steve, it’s likely you’ll be working somewhat closely with him for a while. Which means that yes, you will be outside. I doubt you’ll be allowed to leave the entire Island, at least not right away, but it’s honestly kind of hard to work on the Island… and not have to go outside.
[Iris’ hand lifts up and makes a wide sweeping gesture.]
Iris: It’s way bigger than this place… and a lot more well organized too, no offense. Unless you have a desk job, which isn’t in any of the possibilities we have for you.
Bluebird: Really! 
Iris: Yup! Hell, even the fact that you wanted to come with me proves that you definitely need a job that won’t have you stuck in just one area.
[Iris chuckles before stopping in front of a storefront with no sign above it. Inside there are all sorts of miscellaneous bits of furniture.]
Iris: And we’re here, this is where I’ve been keeping my stuff. It’s uh, a bit hard to get around but honestly that’s part of the point. Don’t want people taking my shit.
Bluebird: Fair enough!
[Iris walks into the store turned into storage, carefully squeezing through the piles of furniture before stopping to look back at Bluebird.]
Bluebird: Yeah?
Iris: Are you going to come in?
Bluebird: Oh um, yeah! Sorry.
[Bluebird slowly walks in making sure to not mess with anything.]
[The camera turns back around and continues moving further into the store until it reaches a spot where most of the furniture has been pushed to the side except for a red couch and a desk. There are various bags laying around the area and a still dripping wet yellow sweater is hanging off the leg of a nearby upside down chair.]
Iris: It’s uh, not usually this messy. 
Bluebird: Have you seen where I work? This is clean as heck compared to the rest of the Mall.
Iris: I… yeah, good point.
[Iris moves over to a red bag that’s on the top of the desk, quickly unzipping it and rummaging around before pulling out a hair brush.]
Iris: Finally I can start getting this under control. Oh and uh, feel free to take a seat Bluebird.
[The hair brush is set down on the desk as Iris’ other hand pulls a nearby desk chair closer to her. The camera turns as the swivel chair creaks as the same time Bluebird is seen sitting down on the couch.]
Iris: So I know you said you only really had those two questions, but surely you got more? I just know I’d be dying to know everything about the place I’d be transferring too.
[Plastic clattering can be heard out of frame before Iris pulls a section of her hair to her front and starts to brush out the ends, the camera angled towards the hair but Bluebird is still seen at the edge of the frame.]
Bluebird: I mean… I get to hang out with you… And Ms. Squig… And the Triplets you mentioned… and Steve. So I'm happy! and I'll be away from here.
Iris: And thank god for that, you are way too… nice I guess, for the kind of workplace this Mall is. Things are a lot less… consistently chaotic at the Island.
Bluebird: That’s a good thing right?
Iris: Yeah, I’d say so. I remember Mai kept saying you were a bad employee, but honestly it was always obvious that she was just never good at being a boss. 
Bluebird: Was she good at anything?
[Bluebird chuckles.]
Iris: Boss Lady showed me some of the files on Mai and apparently she was pretty good on a basic technical level… but she always kept trying to… I guess innovate would be the right word. Except Mai didn’t know enough beyond the basic technical level to do that even remotely well.
[The camera blurs in a circular motion before returning to its original position.]
Iris: Honestly, it was like looking into a mirror except the mirrored version of me was 90% more incompetent. 
Bluebird: That’s fair… Ugh, I feel sleepy?
[Iris pauses in brushing her hair and the camera flicks up to fully look at Bluebird.]
Iris: Well uh, if you want to take a nap on that couch, that’s what I’ve been using it for. Just uh, were you given a specific time you needed to be back on set by?
Bluebird: Uhhhh I don't think so?
Iris: I’ll just… make sure you’re back before tomorrow morning then. But yeah, if you need to sleep for a bit, go ahead.
Bluebird: You… Sure?
[The swivel chair can be heard creaking as Iris turns fully towards the desk.]
Iris: Of course, oh and there’s a blanket and a pillow just on the floor on the other side of the couch if you want to use those. Unless I moved them and forgot.
Bluebird: Ok… t- thank you Iris…
Iris: It’s… no problem.
[Iris reaches into the red bag from before and pulls out a small mirror and sets it on the desk. She lets out a huff as her frizzy mess of hair is reflected back at her.]
Iris: Plus, no safer place to sleep than literally with a Head Security in the room.
Bluebird: Good point…
[Iris hums, and slightly tilts the mirror so Bluebird can be seen in the corner.]
Iris: Yeah yeah, I only make good points. Get some rest Bluebird.
[Bluebird passes out, humming a song.]
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f1 · 2 years
Hamilton says P3 in Singapore incredibly rewarding as Russell left bitterly disappointed with Q2 exit
Although Lewis Hamilton admitted he was hoping for a 2018-esque blitz to pole position, the seven-time champion was still relieved to qualify P3 on the grid for the 2022 Singapore Grand Prix – but George Russell was far from happy with his P11 showing… Hamilton missed out on pole position by 0.054s, as Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc set the fastest time in qualifying ahead of Red Bull’s Sergio Perez. Given Mercedes’ difficult start to the season, the Briton was delighted with his showing on Saturday. “It was incredibly close and a really exciting session in general. The car felt a lot better today, we did a lot of great work overnight, back at the factory but also here,” said Hamilton. READ MORE: Leclerc claims pole position by 0.022s from Perez in stunning wet-dry Singapore qualifying as Verstappen takes P8 “I think at the end it was so difficult to get that lap perfect, and I was hoping for some sort of lap like 2018, but the car definitely doesn’t want to drive like that one. I gave it everything, and to be so close between the top three I think is still great. “It feels incredibly rewarding,” continued Hamilton, “I think, for everyone in the team. We’ve really started with a real handful, a difficult deck of cards that we created for ourselves, and reshuffling, and lots and lots of work, everyone staying really positive – as positive as possible – and everyone staying really diligent and never giving up. Lewis Hamilton 'wasn't expecting to be fighting for front row' in Singapore GP qualifying “It’s been an inspiring year for me, witnessing what my team do, and being a part of that, and yeah, I so badly want to naturally, the will and desire to get a good result for them, to pay them back for all their great work is part of it… “Let’s hope we can do something in the race tomorrow, it’s very hard to overtake here but maybe we can have a better strategy than these guys,” concluded Hamilton with a wry smile. READ MORE: ‘It’s incredibly frustrating’ – Verstappen rues aborted final lap after going ‘2.7 seconds’ quicker George Russell's brake issue 'got progressively worse' in Singapore GP qualifying Team mate George Russell qualified 11th and, similar to the likes of Esteban Ocon (P18), Russell said brake problems were his undoing under the Lion City’s lights on Saturday. “I mean, the grip was fine, but we had a problem with the brakes,” explained Russell, “and every time I just went into the corner, it was as if I was just going back on the throttle again, and the car was being pushed forward, so this issue just got progressively worse as the session continued. READ MORE: ‘I’m here to win’ – Pole-sitter Leclerc eager to banish ‘frustrating’ Singapore memories on Sunday “It was there in FP1, but obviously in the dry conditions it was less noticeable and less of a hindrance. Yeah, such a shame, because we’ve had a really strong car this weekend, and I don’t really have a lot more to say, really. Just bitterly disappointed, really.” Russell added that strategy will be key at Marina Bay, where passing for position is notoriously difficult thanks to the tight confines of the track. “If it’s going to be a one-stop race it will make things difficult, but from what we saw yesterday it will probably be multiple stops. That will give us the chance to do something different in the midfield but we’re here to fight for the win and we had the fastest car yesterday in the high-fuel running, in the race pace, so yeah, disappointing.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
0 notes
tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Straw Hats With A Suicidal! Shipmate
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message @pixelkittycomet » Hi, I love your stories/scenarios. I has an idea for my one piece fan character, (this is a bit touchy so idk) but I was curious how do you think luffy and the straw hats would react if their y/n crew mate tried to take their own life? Like they caught them just in time or something? Sorry if it's too serious.
Hello! First of all, thank you. And second, I wasn’t sure if this was a request, I don’t think it is- and I also took a look at your character and I think it’s really good. Also, wasn’t sure if you wanted together or separate.
I won’t dwell too much into this topic, since it’s very sensitive. I also changed it up a little bit. I did do something similar to this before though.
WARNING : mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts, methods of suicide, self-harm, etc.
LUFFY wouldn’t quite understand. He’s never had to lose a loved one like this before..
“[Name]?.. what are you doing?”
The loud gasp that escapes your lips is heard as you snap up with wide eyes and turn around to face your Captain, who’s staring at you with eyes just as wide as yours.
“Why are your hands bleeding? Did you get hurt?” His clueless tone and the tilt of his head makes your heart pound against your chest, quickly shifting to hide your hands from his sight.
“Luffy!- blood? I, I don’t see any blood. I’m fine, really. Why are you here again?”
“I.. came to see what the noise of crying was coming from.” He mutters out almost inaudibly, his eyes widening by the second at the slow realization.
You, hiding your hands with teary, puffy red eyes and the bloody water filled sink.
The first thing Luffy felt was rage.
You, of all people, were thinking of doing something like this? What could be so horrible to take it this far and deliberately hurting yourself?
And why didn’t he see this sooner, so he could stop it?
But instead of lashing out at you, he lowers his head to hide his face, and slowly walks towards you, before eventually jumping at you, and lunging to wrap his arms around your body, forcing the two of you onto the floor.
With his tight embrace around you, Luffy leans into your ear and you were able to hear his weak voice to you.
“I’m sorry..for not noticing sooner.. so please..” his voice cracks and you sensed he was crying with his frail, trembling voice.
“Please don’t hurt yourself anymore..”
Nami wouldn’t even know how to react, she’s just stunned but once realization hits, genuine fear and panic flashes in her eyes and she’s yelling at you desperately.
The navigator was simply hoping to rest and relax in the aquarium lounge.
So when she walks through the door, she’s not expecting the sight of you trying to take your own life.
“W-What are you doing...?!”
Quick to react, Nami pulls out her Clima-Tact and fires a lightning bolt towards the suspended tied rope before you could even stick your head through the loop, successfully burning the rope.
“Nami! What are you doing here? Why’d you do that?!”
Hearing you made her scoff in disbelief, glaring at you through her quick teary eyes.
“You’re asking me why I did that?! Are you listening to yourself?!”
If you still didn’t listen and insisted on arguing, Nami doesn’t hesitate to slap some sense into you.
It would be silent as soon as she slapped you.
“I can’t believe you’d even think about this!”
Her voice is weak and she’s trembling, yet her cries and glares didn’t falter for a second.
Tears continue to stream down her face as she wipes them away, before she lunges herself at you.
“Are you trying to make us suffer by doing this?! Did you even care to think how we feel? How I’d feel?..”
Her lectures didn’t stop, even through her sobs.
“Don’t you.. EVER, think about doing this again! Okay?!.. just.. just come talk to me.. you idiot..”
Zoro tends to yell because he doesn’t know how else to comfort or cope, and it’s just the stress he’s feeling from almost losing you.
The swordsman let out a heavy sigh as he climbs up to the crows nest after taking a quick break for a drink.
As soon as his head pops up through the little door to enter, he’s startled to find you, playing with one of his swords.
Specifically, the Wado Ichimonji.
Though, perhaps “playing” wasn’t the correct term. Either way, the sight of you angling it towards your neck to slice was something that instilled pure paralyzation and shock into him.
“What..-“ Zoro sprung into action, immediately jumping to push the sword away from you, shoving you away and onto the couch of the crows nest.
The impact forced into you from the shove made you grunt, knocking the air out of your lungs as you peer up at your assailant.
“Zoro? What are you doing?!”
“That’s my line, dumbass! What the hell was that just now?! Huh?! Were you really planning on taking your own damn life here?!”
“Shut it! You have no idea what I was planning!” You retort and Zoro scoffs. “I think I had a pretty good idea.”
“Tch. Even then, it’s not your problem!-”
“Of course it’s my fucking problem, [Name]!” That shut you up.
Zoro let out a deep breath and stared at you with his piercing eyes.
“Did you even think about how the people on this ship would feel? If they saw you doing something like this?.. what about Luffy? Did you give a damn about how our dear captain would react if his precious crew member, that he took the time to know and recruit to his crew, took their own life without an explanation?”
You didn’t say anything. You felt the tears brimming your eyes at him but you couldn’t say anything.
“Damn it, [Name]..” The swordsman looks down, shadow casted over his eyes and the clenched fists he had made his nails dig into his skin, veins forming.
Eventually, he slowly relaxes and walks to you, seeing your teary eyes and knelt down in front of you.
“Don’t fucking do this again, okay?.. please.. please don’t leave me alone like this...”
Sanji would burst into tears the instant he realized it, all the regret and pain burying itself into him for not noticing your pain. He’ll beg you to stop. But he’ll definitely be yelling / comforting too.
The chef who wakes early to get started on breakfast for the day, whistles a quiet tune while brushing away the morning drowsiness.
And due to his exhaustion, when he opens the kitchen door, he doesn’t believe his eyes at first, but a quick second glance lets him know it’s real.
Seeing you, standing over the sink with a common kitchen knife ready to cut. Definitely not vegetables.
“[N-Name]-chan... what..”
The panicked expression you held while you snapped your head up towards him made his heart break.
“Sanji! You’re up early..” Sanji watches as you frantically move to hide the knife and rinse your hands, as if you were merely washing up.
“I just thought I’d help you out a little bit is all! Since you’re here, let’s get started, yeah?” You let out a awkward, nervous laugh and turn off the water.
Sanji felt tears brimming his eyes when he realized just what you were about to do. “[Name]-chan.. were you.. just..”
He’s in utter shock and disbelief, the pained look his eyes held made your heart sink to your stomach at the sight.
“How can you do this? What happened? What made you even think of doing this?”
Sanji didn’t hesitate to rush to you, grabbing you by your shoulders and tightening his grip. “Tell me, [Name]! How can you go so far as to attempt to do this?!”
Tears are cascading down his cheeks rapidly, before he pulls you into his chest in a tight embrace.
“Please don’t lose value in your life like this, [Name]-chan.. you deserve to live.. don’t take this for granted..”
Sanji can feel his shirt start to get wet but he didn’t care, rubbing your back and hiding his teary face. “Whatever it is you’re suffering from, i will help you through it. I promise.”
Usopp would be frozen and panicking in the spot, before shouting at you with pleas and blabbers, before forcing you by tackling you to the ground.
Seeing you standing on the edge of the railing catches the sniper off guard. He was simply leaving his room to go to the bathroom when he sees you.
The moonlight is shining down on your form, and if Usopp wasn’t so concerned and didn’t have a sinking feeling at the sight of you, he might’ve thought you were a goddess.
“[Name]? What are you doing up? Get down before you fall!”
Upon being deeply lost in thought, you barely heard Usopp’s voice but managed to catch it.
You turn around to face the sniper and you offer a weak, teary smile which startles the poor guy. “..Usopp.. I should ask you that.”
Instead of responding, he widens his eyes and runs over. “Hey, were you crying?.. why? What’s wrong, [Name]? Should I go wake the others? Or chopper?” He was internally panicking.
“I’m fine.” You cut him off and turn back to the sea, shifting your weight as your smile fades and you stare at the water below you solemnly.
“Can I ask you a question?”
Usopp, surprised, nonetheless nods and leans against the railing beside you, still hoping you’d come down.
“Usopp... will you.. let me die?.. will you kill me?”
His body froze. His mind blanked. His blood stopped circulating. Nothing could be heard but the ocean waves washing around the sea.
Immediately, Usopp did the first thing that came to mind and ran at you, wrapping his arms tightly around your legs to prevent you from what he assumed was jumping.
Loud sobs were quick to escape the sniper’s mouth as snot and tears cascades down his face, roughly pulling you and tackling you down to the ship’s deck so you weren’t on the railing anymore.
“Agh- Usopp—“
“PLEASE DON’T EVER THINK THIS WAY AGAIN! I...” Usopp stares down at you before shutting his eyes tightly, tears flowing nonstops, his grip around you unmoving, as if he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
Chopper would be screaming and sobbing endlessly, hugging your leg as his desperate pleas reach your ears.
Humming a sweet tune, with a carton of milk in his hoofs, the little doctor steps into his medical office and instantly, his once bright smile drops into a look of horror.
Milk tossed aside, Chopper is quick to come bouncing by you slouched over, a half-empty flask of a green liquid in hand and your shallow breathing behind heard.
“Ch..Chopper.. hi..”
The little reindeer has pure fear lit in his eyes as he takes the flask from your hands and looks to see what’s in it.
“Why did you touch this?! This is a dangerous chemical, [Name]!” Chopper panics, fumbling through his book to find a quick antidote, ignoring your weak protests.
How could you go through his things and drink the deadly chemical?!
“Chopper, stop..”
The little doctor wasn’t listening, tears blocking his vision as he tried to read the words and began mixing some of his liquids together to begin working.
“This,.. and this.. no, this isn’t right-! Where’s Traffy when I need him!?” Chopper cries as he frantically mixes the liquid, eyes flashing towards you in worry.
You didn’t say anything, closing your eyes and felt sweat forming on your forehead and felt your temperature raising.
Weakly, you manage to wrap your arms around Chopper’s little body and hugged him like a stuffed animal.
“Thank you, Chopper... I appreciate it.. but.. I’m fine.”
Choked sobs slipped from his mouth as he grips the flask tightly, persistent in finding the cure for you.
The chemical you took wasn’t completely unknown but it was still foreign enough to Chopper that he didn’t know how long you had or how deadly it even was.
“I’m not giving up. I don’t want you to die! I don’t know or care what brought you to do something as drastic as this. But YOU’RE MY FRIEND! and I don’t want you to leave me alone!”
“So please... don’t die, [Name]..”
The silence Franky has is painful, he’s feeling mixed emotions at the thought of losing someone dear to him again. He’s angry, clearly but he doesn’t yell at you. Instead, he shares his thoughts.
The cyborg stare solemnly, his sharp eyes boring right into your slouched, teary, and sobbing figure.
The blade that was once in your hands was now discarded, unused and forgotten. Franky made sure of that last second.
He walks up to you, looming over you from behind as he pulls out a tissue with his mini hand and holds it out for you to take, still keeping silent since he came in.
You eased your sobs a bit and muttered a quiet gratitude before taking the tissue. You weren’t sure what Franky was thinking and honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
“..feeling better?”
A startled pause came from you as you froze for a second before relaxing and nodding. “..yeah.”
“Franky.. I-“
“I don’t need to know.”
Interrupting you, Franky continues to look at you before going around and sitting on the ground in front of your form so you would face him.
“I don’t know why you did this. I don’t need to know either, but if you want to tell me, I’ll listen. However, I won’t apologize for what I did just now, I won’t ever let you hurt yourself like that when I’m here.”
You stay quiet, letting Franky continue but his words are enough to make you start tearing up again.
“A life is not a choice. You should value it and keep living for the ones you love and for the ones that love you. Everyone on this ship is a loved one that cares about you and I’m sure you’re aware of that, but you must’ve forgotten. It’s okay to forget that though, because I’ll be here to remind you. Understand? No one on this ship wants you to do this ever. We love you more than you know.”
Wiping the shedding tears that continue to escape, you peer up at Franky and see him offering a genuine, assuring smile.
“So don’t do this again and live. You got an amazingly crafted and you are part of this SUPER~ pirate crew, the Straw Hats!”
Even if this has nothing to do with her whatsoever, Robin will never forget nor live down the guilt and regret of letting you even thinking about doing something like this.
Unable to sleep, the archaeologists was simply resting on her lawn chair on the upper deck, where her beautiful flowers laid.
Robin, resting her eyes as the sunset settles in the bay of the ocean, slowly disappearing. However, the quiet patter of footsteps creaking onto the upper deck made her open her eyes.
With one glance, Robin was able to see your figure quietly heading to a particular area of the garden, which was Usopp’s large plants, and also a view blocker.
Robin furrows her brows and quietly sat up, crossing her arms and shut her eyes, quickly forming a pair of eyes near you.
The sight of you hunched over, plucking at one of Usopp’s plants makes her eyes widen as she quickly sprouts arms.
“Cinco Fleur!”
Instantly, two pairs of arms formed and forcefully grabbed your wrists apart, a third pulling Usopp’s plant away from you and two more forcing you to back up.
“What the hell?!” You curse and struggled in the movement. “Robin?!”
“[Name]! What are you doing messing with Usopp’s poisonous plants?”
The historian shows herself to you as she continues to hold you in a bind, so you wouldn’t move. The pained and confused expression on her face almost makes you feel guilty, for you withheld.
“Poisonous? O-Oh, I had no idea. I thought they were vegetables!— Anyways why are you awake at this time??”
“I should be asking you that, picking vegetables at this hour?..” Robin mutters skeptically, tilting her head as her expression saddens.
“Don’t tell me you were...”
The turn of your head and avoidance of her gaze let her know your true intentions and she can almost hear her heart breaking.
You didn’t say anything and clenched your fists tightly, shutting your eyes and ignored the fact that she had released you.
“I’m sorry, Robin.. I can’t do this anymore..”
“To go this far? I didn’t think..” she continues to trail off, her eyes quickly becoming glassy and lost, painful memories of her own suicidal thoughts arising.
Robin sinks down to her knees and brings her hands to her face, tears brimming her eyes. “I don’t want you to do this, [Name].. you deserve so much and.. I want to keep seeing you on this ship.. I’m sorry.. I want you to keep living but I caused you to..”
Guilt became overbearing and you ran to her aside, engulfing her in a tight embrace, sniffling your own tears.
“Don’t, I’m sorry. For doing something so stupid with my life...”
Robin exhales gently and wipes her tears, looking up at you. “Say it.. please?”
You offer a small, genuine smile and nod.
“I want to live... I mean it.”
Brook feels great pain and sorrowful memories run through his mind, the thought of losing more precious people to him breaks his nonexistent heart.
The undead musician exits the bath, a towel wrapped around his hip bone to cover his lower regions and a towel tied around his hair at the top.
“Ah~ another refreshing wash from the bath.. I wonder how it’ll feel to bathe in a tub of milk.”
Brook’s walk was cut short as he notices you, attempting something quite dangerous that not even Luffy would try. Yet, something about it was familiar.
His eye sockets widen as he runs over. “[Name]-san!” Hearing the familiar voice, your startled self drops the object and it shatters instantly.
“Brook! You scared me!”
“Apologies... may I ask you what you were doing with that?..” Brook carefully asks, taking note of every action you made. He could feel how serious this seemed.
You bit your lip and turn away, kneeling down to pick up the pieces. “Nothing.. I just...”
‘Ah... I see.’
Distracted, you nearly jump when a few phalanges grab a hold of your wrist.
Brook’s tight grip forced your hold on the shattered pieces to release as he pulls it away and pulled you away from the mess.
“...” Even if you didn’t tell him, Brook already had a pretty good idea. He wasn’t stupid after all, his own crewmates often did similar things and it costed them their lives.
However, he could tell yours was intentional.
“Your life means more than you think.”
The skeleton spoke this as he begins to lead you to Chopper’s office, noticing you had cut your hand a bit.
“I don’t understand why anyone would take their own life deliberately like so.. no matter what the possible reason could be.. nothing is worth the attempt to take a life so precious, that you only have one of..”
Silence overtook you as you take in his words, feeling a swarm of emotions filling you inside.
“I won’t ask what’s going on but know that I and everyone else is always willing to listen...”
Outside Chopper’s office, Brook stops and turns to look down at you.
“[Name]-san. I’m sure you remember my backstory, right?”
You weakly nod, avoiding his gaze which he didn’t mind.
“Then you know that I am actually dead. However, I didn’t choose to die. Life chose for me.. and even with this devil fruit, I am given another chance at life, but at a cost.”
Tears were finally escaping you, silent sniffles being heard here and there as you continue to listen to him.
“Lives are not something to be taken lightly, and even if I am actually dead, I don’t regret this chance and am taking this opportunity to do better and I’m happier too. I’m with a new crew and family who I will protect and take care of, even if I die again to do so. You are one of them I will die for, if I have to.”
By then, you were a teary mess but that didn’t stop you from looking up at the tall musician as he offers his teethy smile.
“Remember. Your life means so much more than you think, hold more value for it. If you want to talk, I’m always here to listen and if you want a little song, I’m always happy to oblige.”
You muster up a weak smile through your tears as you nod and wrapped your arms around him tightly and gratefully.
“Thank you, Brook..”
His arms wrap around your smaller figure as he leans down more, smile softening as he chuckles.
“Yohohoho~! of course, any time.”
A/N : sorry this took so long, hun. Hope you still can see this when it posted it. I’m also sorry if it’s not great or what you expected.
I think the best one is Brook or Zoro.
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that1fanficwriter · 3 years
A Night of Chaos
This lovely idea was requested by @bisexualbumblebeeblogs thank you! As always my asks are open to anyone! Feel free to drop by with a request, a question, or just to chat!
Pairing: Jonny Goodman x reader
AN: this isn’t based off of a singular episode I just put together some of my favorite antics to create absolute chaos. Also, I am currently on mobile so I am not able to add a keep reading even though it is very long.
As you stomped up the driveway to the Goodman’s house in the pouring rain you noticed an additional car terribly parked on the front stoop. Instead of trying to get to the front door you decided to just trudge around the side entrance to the kitchen. Before you could get to the door you noticed a man standing in the shadows that looked suspiciously like “the father: Martin Goodman.”
“Uncle Martin, what are you doing out here?” You called out to him.
“Ah hello my dear, there was a perfectly good loaf of bread that Jackie threw away. It only had a few moldy bits on it but she wouldn’t let me eat it in the house because we have company.” He explained.
“I see. Well, if you’re finished with your “perfectly good” moldy bread I can let you in.” You suggest.
“That would be lovely Y/N thank you. How has your relationship been doing with your male?” He inquires as you unlock the door.
“Ugh, god, not this again.” You groan, as you step inside. “Hi Aunty Jack!” You call out, as you blatantly disregard Martin’s previous question.
“Hi love! What a lovely surprise! What brings you around in this weather?”
“Mum is fighting with Larry for the third time this evening. I can’t take much more of it.”
“Well why don’t we get you out of your wet jacket and I’ll get you a cuppa. How does that sound?”
“That would be lovely Aunty Jack, thank you.”
“Of course love. Jonny and Adam are in the living room if you want to join them; please make sure they behave themselves.” She says before turning to Martin trying to sneak out of the kitchen, “MARTIN! Stop wearing your little miss muffet boots in the house! It’ll ruin my clean carpet!”
You quickly take your own wet shoes off and drop them by the front door before making your way to the living room.
“Ah hello puss face!” You say while sitting on Adam “and Jonny, the one I hate the least! How are you lads doing this fine and gloomy evening?” You ask, moving to sit between the two brothers with a cheery smile on your face.
“Come on Y/N, you know you love me.” Jonny says while trying to squeeze every last breath out of you.
“Yeah, I guess I do love you quite a bit JonJon.” You tease.
“How have Mum and Dad not figured out you two idiots are together yet?” Adams asks, flabbergasted.
“We’ll your dad is about as observant as a brick.” You state.
“Yeah, and we just avoid Mum all together.” Jonny adds.
“Oh Y/N dear, I didn’t know you were popping round.” Nellie says as she enters the living room.
“Grandma Nellie! I didn’t know you were here either! It is so good to see you again.” You say as you get up to give her a hug. “Who else is here?” You ask everyone, “I’m guessing you’re not the company Uncle Martin was referring to when he told me Aunty Jack made him eat his moldy bread out in the rain.”
“That would be Lou!” Nellie informs you.
“He’s her “lover”.” Jonny tells you with disgust.
Just then a short man, very formally dressed, walks into the living room. You make the educated and accurate guess that the angry looking man before you is Grandma Nellie’s Lou.
“Who are you?” He asks you.
You barely have time to tell him your name before he’s asking more questions.
“Why are you here? Are you dating the gerbil or the bean stalk?” He barks at you.
“My mum Val and I are close friends with the Goodmans and we live just down the street. My mum was fighting with her boyfriend again and so I decided to come over here instead of hearing that racket.” You explain.
“Alright, and are you dating little or large?” He asks you again.
You try incredibly hard not to laugh at the ridiculous names Lou is calling Adam and Jonny but one rogue chortle makes its way past your lips.
“What’s so funny?” Lou glares.
“I’m sorry, it’s just the nicknames you’ve given Adam and Jonny are hilarious!” You laugh.
“You filthy punk rockers are ridiculous!” Lou tells all three of you before sitting back down by Nellie.
“Is everything all right in here?” Jackie asks as she pops her head into the living room.
“We’re fine Mum.” Jonny says.
“Yeah, Y/N is just having a laugh at the terrible names Mr. Morris has been calling Jonny and I.” Adam adds.
“Alright, we’ll, dinner is almost done so if you all would like to come through to the dining room?” Jackie suggests. As everyone is moving to the dining room the doorbell rings. “Y/N, would you please check who’s at the door?” Jackie asks you.
“Of course Aunty Jack!” You call out to her. “I’ll be right back; save me a seat.” You whisper to Jonny before heading to the door.
“Hello Jackie?”
“Hi Jim.” You say, trying to stay pleasant.
“You’re not Jackie?” He asks.
“No, I’m not. I live just down the road.” You answer.
“Ah, I see. And you’re friends with…”
“Jonny.” You begin to say.
“Jonny, the short”
You cut him off; “the taller one.”
“Yes, the taller one.”
“What do you need Jim?”
“I wanted to return some fish Jackie so graciously let me borrow a few weeks ago.”
“Ok; well why don’t I just go fetch her real quick. Just wait here Jim.” You rush back to the kitchen to ask Jackie to deal with Jim. “Aunty Jack, Jim’s here to see you. See said he wanted to return some fish he borrowed a few weeks ago?”
“Of course he has to return week old fish right now.” Jackie complains “Why don’t you go ahead through to the dining room and I’ll bring everything in in a few minutes.” She tells you.
Once you walk into the dining room, you move to sit down at the corner beside Jonny before you notice Nellie and Lou eating each other’s faces right at the table.
“What is happening? And why is it happening at the table?” You exclaim.
“Grandma and Mr. Morris are snogging; again.” Adam groans in disbelief.
“Why does this happen every time? Just make it stop. I’d rather gouge my eyes out than watch this again.” Jonny complains.
But before anyone else can continue to complain the door bell rings again.
“I’m going to go check on that.” Jonny says, jumping out of his seat.
“I’m coming with you! I can’t stand to be in this room any longer.” You say.
“Me too!” Adam jumps out of his seat.
You all rush out of the dining room eager to get away from the Nellie and Mr. Morris. The three of you scurry down the hall and as Jonny opens the door to your mother sobbing on the stoop.
“Larry broke up with me!” She wales.
“Again? Mum, you can’t keep doing this.” You say, utterly disappointed.
“I know. Where’s Jackie?”
“She’s talking with Jim in the kitchen.” Adam says.
Everyone makes their way to the kitchen following behind a sobbing Val.
“Hi Jackie.” Val says, still crying.
“Another Jackie?” Jim asks perplexed.
“No Jim, that’s just my friend Val. You’ve met before.” She tells Jim. “I don’t think now is really a good time to continue this so why don’t you head home?”
“Oh Val what’s happened? Is everything alright.” Jackie asks Val.
“Nothing new happened,” you tell everyone, “Larry just broke up with her again.”
“Oh Val, I’m so sorry!” Jackie exclaims, embracing Val, “That’s just horrible. I can’t believe he broke up with you again!”
“Oh my god, let’s just go sit in the living room.” You suggest to the boys.
“Good idea, I can’t take much more of this crying.” Adam says.
Once you make your way to the living room you all are about to sit down when Martin bursts in from the garage, covered in something strange and without a shirt (surprise surprise).
“Dad, what happened?” Jonny asks in disbelief.
“Ah hello bambinos. Now don’t tell your mother but I accidentally threw away some of my old things that I told her I’d get rid of.”
“So then why are you covered in that?” You inquire.
“Ah well, I didn’t mean to throw everything out so then I had to go into the bin to get everything out.”
“Yes, that makes total sense.” Adam announces to the room.
“Well, I’d better head back to the garage, I need to finish taking everything to the shed.” Martin says.
“We are never going to be fed are we!” Adam says.
“The three of us could just go for a chinese and not tell anyone?” Jonny suggests.
“That sounds like a great idea. I’ll drive.” You say “Grab all your stuff and let’s get out of here before someone sees us.”
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estrel · 4 years
Are You Happy? (Save Them Some Pie)
HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY, DEAN!! this is my gift to him for being my comfort person that i would hug on sight if given the chance 💗 love you dude, may you indulge in copious amounts of pie. ~ 1.5k words.
also dedicated to marlo ( @heller-jensen ), jace ( @thiscastielhasflown ) and dee ( @castee-yel ) thanks for bein real ones <3
The day had already started out weird enough.
Dean had woken up drenched in sweat, mind racing with the last lingering thoughts of a nightmare. A vamp nest that he and Sam had been hunting, Dean dying in the most ludicrous way possible, and driving Baby down a long road for an indiscriminate amount of time in a supposed heaven that his father (his father) also co-habited. Needless to say, the dream had come out of nowhere, but it was easy enough to forget once the smell of bacon made its way into his room.
Breakfast was hardy and quick, with enough coffee to fuel him for the rest of the day as he skimmed the internet for a possible case. He had the itch, but apparently, looking around at the three sleepy faces around him at the table, no one else did.
He packed up anyway, preparing for what would likely be an easy salt-n-burn; he’d be gone for only a few hours, tops. On his way out, Cas stops him before he can scale the stairs, arm gripping his shoulder tightly. There’s a memory, briefly—the same hand, the same shoulder. Blood.
Dean looks down at it. Back at Cas.
After a moment, Cas lets go. He steps back half an inch as if he had forgotten himself. “Just…be careful.”
Dean nods, moving to leave again, taking the awkwardness as both a Cas thing and a morning thing and content to leave it at that. 
“And,” Cas says. Dean turns back.
“Come home.”
Dean picks up the phone.
“Dean, hey! It’s, uh. It’s me. Krissy?”
Dean feels himself begin to smile, mindful of the road ahead of him. He balances his phone on his thigh while he drives.
“Hey, kid! Long time no call. How are you? Everything okay?”
The case had been as easy as Dean had suspected, but he had that familiar muscle ache and heaviness to his eyes that solo cases usually gave him.
Besides that, he was getting a little confused about all of the calls he’d been getting today. Before Krissy, it had been Garth, and before that, Claire and Jody and…
“Uh, yeah, dude, everything’s good. Um. How are you? How’s Sam and that angel of yours?”
Dean swallows to keep from choking, or potentially crashing the car.
“They’re good. Yeah…good.” Alive, he wants to say, back from the dead, probably in the DeanCave watching Scooby Doo without him. “Sorry, Krissy, ah,” he steps off the break to make a left, “I’m actually on my way home right now. Was there something I could help you with?”
There’s a pause, and Dean chances a glance at his phone to see if the call had dropped off. It hadn’t.
“I,” she huffs in what sounds like a laugh, “Nothing, Dean. You get home safe, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
“And hey,” Krissy says, before he can say his goodbyes, “Uh, make sure you save some pie for everybody else.”
Dean’s eyebrows furrow a bit, but he laughs. “I will. Take care of yourself.”
“Bye, Dean.”
Dean’s still mulling over the pie comment when he nearly falls down the stairs, squinting into the darkness of the Bunker.
“What the hell?” he asks, voice hoarse around the high note. “Guys?”
When there’s no immediate answer, Dean’s instincts kick in. He pulls out his gun and gently drops his bag, waiting a moment for his eyes to adjust so he can try for the stairs.
Before he can, though, the lights kick back on. His gaze locks onto the scene below, and Dean slowly lowers his gun.
“Happy birthday!” Jack says, the sound of a party horn whining shortly after. Beside him, Cas pulls the string of a party popper, and he jerks as bits of confetti fall around him and into his hair.
Skeptically, Dean starts descending down the stairs.
“You…this…” he manages.
“It’s your birthday, dumbass,” Sam says, swooping forward to slap a party hat on Dean’s head as soon as he’s made the landing. He smiles.
“Oh…kay.” Around them, the Bunker looks pretty normal. The only difference is the array of pies on one of the library tables, next to what looks like home made rice krispie treats, and a couple of birthday-themed plates and napkins. That, and the confetti from Cas’ party popper that litters the floor. “Are you sure?”
Cas frowns at Sam. “Sam was certain. I can’t imagine he’d get the day wrong, but he has had quite severe brain trauma over the years. Perhaps…” Cas reaches out to Sam’s head, probably intent on searching his brain for said trauma, or for the date of Dean’s actual birthday. Sam swats his hand away.
“Hey, no. My trauma is fine. Dean,” Sam redirects his attention to him, “It’s today. Did you really forget?”
Dean shrugs, trying to piece the day together from the beginning. Shitty dream, good breakfast, the three of them weirdly insisting on staying at the Bunker…the calls. Save some pie for everybody else.
He laughs. “So that’s what she meant.”
“That’s what who meant?” Jack asks. He’s wearing a party hat, too, with ridiculous stripes of blue and pink and purple patterned onto it. It matches the one currently strapped to Dean’s own. He shakes his head.
“You’re telling me all of you knew? This whole time? And…and…” He looks around again, pointing vaguely at the table and the confetti. “You put this all together for me?”
Sam shoves his arm playfully. “Course we did. Now quit pouting and come eat some pie.”
Sam is fast asleep, sprawled out on the couch hours later with one of his hands brushing the floor. Dean thinks he spots drool on the pillow underneath him. 
Cas has been quiet next to Dean, at least since Jack had disappeared into the kitchen an hour ago and hadn’t come back, thoughtfully tracing the lip of his beer bottle with his finger. 
“Something on your mind?” Dean asks, because he wants to know.
Cas continues unbothered. Scooby Doo reruns play in the background. Dean almost repeats the question, but Cas eventually lifts his gaze to stare at him.
“Are you happy?” 
Dean presses his mouth shut. Licks his lips. He takes just as long to answer.
“You know what,” he smiles. “I think I am.”
Cas smiles back at him, soft and genuine. The skin around his eyes crinkling tells more than the gentle upturn of his mouth. 
Dean swallows, nervously putting his beer down and turning it a few times until his fingers are wet with the condensation. 
“What, uh. What about you?” He swallows again. “You happy?”
What he really wants to ask, though, is if they were good. If, after recent events, they were still the same. If Cas was still fine with “just being.”
He’s quiet again. Dean thinks he deserves that, and tries to pay attention to the TV, but the voice in his head is too loud. Cas has to tap his knee to get his attention again.
“I was saying,” he moves his hand back, “that I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift.”
Dean stares at him. “What are you talking about?”
Cas looks confused, like he’s about to repeat what he just said. Dean stops him short with a wave of his hand. 
“Dude, you just got back from the dead, alright? That’s—that’s gift enough to last me a lifetime. Don’t worry about a gift.”
Cas frowns, and Dean rolls his eyes. It’s another few moments of tense silence, until Dean breaks it, his heart pounding in his chest.
“But, uh,” he says, “I might have a gift for you.”
“Dean, we don’t share a birthday. It’s not customary to gift me something, especially when I haven’t given you—“
“Cas,” he groans, officially putting his beer aside and facing him. Cas’ features are lit up with the colors of the TV. Dean reaches a hand up to pluck confetti from his hair, a green piece that he’d been eyeing all night. Hesitating, he lets his hand fall to Cas’ face, smoothing over his cheek and jaw. The TV paints his cheekbone purple. Dean brushes his thumb over it. “Just...shut up and let me do this.” 
Cas tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed in that way of his, and Dean thinks he looks perfect. When he dips forward and presses their lips together, it’s perfect, perfect, perfect. He’s warm, his face is burning, eyes almost watering when he pulls away.
Dean lets his forehead rest on Cas’, heartbeat still crazy. He closes his eyes. “We can have it, Cas. This. We can have this.”
Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands, lifts it a little to bring them face to face again, so that he’s looking into Dean’s eyes.
“I’d like that, Dean,” he says, and his eyes are wet, too. Happy, Dean thinks.
“Your gift to me?” Dean manages, smile wobbly. He’s teasing, trying to bring down the weight of this without getting rid of all of it. He likes this type of adrenaline rush, different from any hunt he’s been on. Better.
Cas smiles. “I think technically it was you that gifted me, but, yes. My gift to you, if you’ll take it.”
“Gladly,” Dean says.
Cas hums back, brushing his fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck. “Happy birthday, Dean.” He leaves a kiss on his forehead.
Dean thinks, for the first time, as he pulls more confetti from Cas’ hair, that it actually is. 
tag list (ask to be added/removed):
@castiels-a-lamp @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @dreamnovak @weird-dorky-little-d @depressivedemonnightmaredean @castiels-pussy @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @samuelswinchester @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak @professorerudite @squintingg @holmesemrys @imnotrevealingmyname @mishha @good-things-do-happen-dean @angxlsgrxce @casandeans @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat @gracelesschoice @superduckbatrebel @iheardyourprayer @top13zepptraxx @that-one-fandom-chick @scoobydean @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @maxguevra @cursed-or-not @i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure @blazeinthedark @madilineskingdom @awolfnamedaliac @castee-yel @tearsofgrace @credentiast @fivefeetfangirl @my-favourite-hellatus @gray-is-neutral @sunflower-vol-28 @ensignabby @ar-bi-trary @lulu-zodiac @y-yo-a-ti-dumbass @castielology @nguyenxtrang @hermit-cas @supergaycas @deancasology @miadeline @save-the-sloths @goblinwritergay @theroguetranslator @imals18 @downtherabbitholeproductions
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
held against the window — lee hoseok/wonho
request: Could you write a smut of wonho being a secretary and the reader the ceo. OR they are both ceo's. Maybe fuck him against the window of the office building.
a/n: of course darling <33 hope you enjoy <3 gif is mine
disclaimer: that is this is just a fanfic so in actuality please discuss what you are and aren’t comfortable with beforehand with people and don’t just jump into stuff like this. aso please don’t involve other people (aka public sex) in your sex life. please read with caution.
word count: 2.5k
content: sub!wonho, dom!fem!reader, ceo!reader, tall!reader (i’m sorry but there’s literally only like one line and i’m doing this for me) ceo!wonho, fingering (m receiving), pegging, minor nipple play, minor dumbification, fucking him against a window,
summary: he’s a powerful ceo just like you are, but he’s just so sweet and docile and soft that you wonder if he’s even the same person.
Tumblr media
lee hoseok.
smart. calculated. muscular. dangerously attractive.
he’s an enigma, in a sense, to you. he’s rich, he’s insanely intelligent, he’s beyond adept at running his company, and he’s just so gorgeous that you wonder how he isn’t the cockiest asshole ever, but he’s also so kind and so sweet and so startlingly shy that it all just throws off everything about him.
“mr. lee is here, miss,” your assistant pops their head in through the door, “should i show him to your office?” you nod, murmuring a small “thank you” before you focus back on your laptop, finishing up typing before the door opens once more, and the man of the hour steps inside your office.
“hello,” you say.
“hello, good morning,” he smiles back, looking almost cute in the way he smiles, sitting in the chair opposite from yours at your desk, “thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me- can i call you y/n?”
“go ahead,” you tilt your head as you hear him talk, but you don’t honestly pay attention to what he’s saying, too lost in his eyes and the fact that his shirt is way more unbuttoned than seems appropriate when meeting another company’s ceo.
he keeps talking, but it’s becoming visible how out-of-it you are, especially when he tentatively waves a hand in front of your face to get your attention, “everything okay in there?” he jokes.
“yeah! yes, i’m fine, hoseok, please continue,”
“are you sure you want me to?” he asks, voice still soft but now it’s almost teasing in its softness, and it’s startling, flustering because obviously, you don’t. your mind is everywhere but this conversation, “i can- we can do something else if you’re not too interested in what i’m saying.”
“god, i’m so sorry, hoseok-”
“don’t be, it’s okay,” he murmurs, getting up out of his chair, “well, come on, come and get me,” he murmurs cheekily, and you cautiously step out of your chair, closing the distance enough to whisper and have him hear, “look, if i’m reading this wrong, then just let me know and i’ll apologize, leave, and probably never look you in the eye again if i’m being honest,” he giggles out of nervousness, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, “but, if i am reading this right, then kiss me.”
“you’re… demanding, you know,” you complain (not really) as you pull him in fully, touching his jaw gently with the tips of your fingers as you kiss. his lips are so soft and thick that you just can’t help but pull on his bottom lip with your teeth gently. he breathes out a soft and inconspicuous moan, exactly what you wanted, and his hands find your hips as he pulls you closer, and his every movement seems to drive you insane, “how are you so…?”
he tilts his head in confusion so cutely that it stirs a certain feeling inside of you, “so what?”
“so…,” you blank before the perfect word hits you, “perfect,” he huffs, but you continue, “genuinely, you’re just so enticing, you’re so beautiful,” your lips find his neck, gentle in the way you nibble at his neck, even as he squirms in your grasp, making you simply just hold him tighter against you, “you’re so docile and passive, it’s everything i want.”
his small, gasps and breathy moans keep you going, intent on dragging more out of him, “you- can people see us on the outside of that window??”
“if they look up, maybe, but we’re on a very high floor,” you respond between small bites on his neck, and as you become less and less gentle with him, he whimpers, “hoseok,” you whisper, “if you at all need or want to stop, just let me know, okay?”
“i- uhm, okay, i don’t want you to, though,” his hands hold your waist loosely, playing with the edges of your tucked-in shirt.
you chuckle endeared at his response. he’s so sweet (both in the way he tastes and the way he acts) it makes you wonder if this man was even real, “good, because i enjoyed that whimper much more than i should have,” he breathes heavier after hearing those words, so physically affected it’s like this man was created and molded to your exact tastes, “since you brought up the window, let’s give everyone a show, hm?”
“you- uh- what? what do you mean?”
“you know what i mean, baby,” you mumble, the pet name so sickeningly sweet off your tongue that he can’t help the way he succumbs to you, “i’m going to fuck you so hard against the window,” you pull him as you take cautious steps back towards the window until your back hits the window, “i’m going to make sure the whole city knows that the lee hoseok is just my little whore.”
you take the breath out of his lungs with every word past your lips and his knees go weak at your words. you flip over to hold him against the window, finally getting him where you want him.
“is that what you want, hoseok?” you ask, but you know the answer. he nods, biting his bottom lip anxiously, “you want everyone to see you like that? that’s so naughty,” you tease.
“i- oh god-“ he exclaims with a heavy breath as you flip him over, feeling upon his body even if his shirt is in the way, letting your hands wander a little lower to grope his ass. he bites his lips, but he can’t hold in his moans for very long.
“you feel perfect against me, baby, so perfect,” you wrap your hands around him to unbutton his shirt, “let’s get this off of you, hm?” he shyly helps you shrug the fabric off of him, “don’t bother with trying to not get fingerprints on the window, they’ll be a reminder of who touched it.”
your hands resume touching him, running against his skin, feeling up every perfectly built muscle on his torso, noticing how he went from overwhelmed and sensitive to teased and desperate so quickly, noticing how hard he’s gotten. aside from moans or soft curses, he’s quiet. you keep your eyes on his facial expressions, especially when your fingernails brush his nipples, “ah-!” he cries out.
“oh? that’s enough to get a cry out of you?” you smirk, seeing him become flustered at your taunting, “then you’re really in for it, baby. i’m gonna fuck you so hard you see stars, and if we break the window?” you lean in to really whisper to him, reaching down to start unbuckling his belt, throwing it off of him, “then good. i’ll be smiling while i pay for the repairs. now, strip all the way down.”
as he obeys, you do the same, throwing off all your clothes and making an absolute mess of your office. you search through one of your drawers, “ah, there it is,” you say, grabbing a couple more things and setting them on your desk before returning to hoseok, now naked and trying to cover himself as he stands a little bit away from the window, “baby, if you’re uncomfortable with any of this, i need you to tell me,” you say you press kisses to his shoulder to soothe him a bit.
“no, no i’m okay! this is really hot, actually, i’m just-” he’s more nervous as you guide him towards the window again, and he puts him hands up against it just like before, “i’m just getting shy.”
“it’s cute, hoseok, i like it when you’re shy,” your hands massages his skin, specifically at his hip as a way to keep him in place and also comfort him, “but if that shyness becomes discomfort, tell me.”
“i- okay,” he nods, and your hands once again find his ass, and he whines just like he did before.
“you have such a nice ass, you know,” you murmur absentmindedly as you squeeze, “i mean, the rest of you is perfect too, god i just can’t take my eyes off of you.”
“i- i want to touch you too,” he whispers, “i just- you’re giving me all the attention, and you’re so pretty yourself that i just- i want to make you feel good too.”
“maybe later, hoseok,” the way your lips say his name is like a venom and he loves it, it’s all he wants to hear, “for now, just let me have you.”
“oh-okay,” he stutters, giving in so sweetly, “i’m yours, y/n, yours.”
“you’re adorable,” you coo, pressing a kiss to his shoulder again before your wet and cold fingers press against his hole. he’s not even sure he saw you put lube on them but he’s startled when he feels the touch. even still, he lets you push your fingers in to the first knuckle, keeping them still for a moment before making slow circles.
“you can- you know,” he mumbles, and you laugh at his shyness before pushing your fingers in more, watching the strain on his face with a subtle sense of pleasure, he’s just so cute like this. he groans, “oh my god, you- oh, fuck- your fingers feel so-”
“and these are just my fingers, hoseok. imagine how wrecked and fucked out you’ll be with my strap on even deeper in your ass,” you press a kiss just below his ear, taunting him with your words slightly, “i doubt you’ll even be able to stand, but i’ll keep you held up against this window so you don’t have to worry that the people down there don’t get to see how slutty you are.”
he moans with a cry as your fingers brush that spot, and his eyes shut as his cheeks go red with embarrassment.
“did that feel good?” you ask, rubbing your fingers over the spot to try and drag that same reaction out of him, and he’s just a beautiful sight. he’s trying to catch his breath, he’s failing to catch his breath. his eyes roll back as his head falls back against your shoulder, “aw, can you not handle the pleasure? it’s just my fingers, seok. you’re going to need to prepare yourself if you’re getting this messed up over just my fingers.”
“i want- i want more than just your-“ he breathes, his voice so dry and airy that it makes him sound so much more desperate, “please fuck me.”
“sure thing, doll,” you kiss the side of his neck (making him flinch at the now sensitive skin from all your bites. he’s pretty sure you left some bruises) your fingers leaving him makes him whine, but feeling the cool touch of the strap on against his ass reminds him that this wasn’t over; it hadn’t even begun. you push it in slightly, seeing the overwhelmed look
on his face almost makes you hesitate, but you get it fully inside of him before you wait to continue, keeping him still against you while he adjusts, you say, “it’s so fun to think about how someone as powerful and influential as you is, in reality, just a cute little hole for my strap,” he jaw is slacked and his eyes are shut, like he’s not even mentally present at all, “you just look so cute and dumb, it makes me want to lose all control and fuck you until you break.”
“please. please, fuck me- fuck- until i break,” he whines, even pushing back against your strap slightly, and that’s your queue to let go of that caution you’ve been holding, and just go for it. you almost pull out completely just to push back in entirely and harshly, and he cries out.
“you’re really in for it, baby,” you say as you rock your hips back and forth, finding a comfortable pace for yourself that is still intense and overwhelming for him, making sure to hit it deep, holding him close by his waist and pushing harshly, “now, don’t be shy, moan for me.”
he does, crying out moans so beautiful you’d think he has the voice of an angel. he keeps his arms against the window, above his head, and he looks down at all the people. he thinks about what they’d think if they looked up and saw him like this? would they recognize him? why did the though of being caught like this both horrify him and excite him like no other?
but all those thoughts fade away as he gets more and more worked up, only really focused on how good he feels and how he wants to feel even better, “you look so pretty and docile like this, hoseok, but you know, i bet you look even better when you’re cumming,” your hand reaches down to give some attention to his cock, and he moans even louder, even more, “i can’t wait for you to completely fall apart.”
“i- oh, fuck, fuck, god-” he stammers, getting closer, so startled by how easy he was to get this close, this fucked up, but your hand works his cock so good and you fuck him so good that he can’t help that all the stimulation is becoming too much, and he’s getting closer to the edge, “fuck, i’m gonna cum, please-”
“cum, hoseok. show me just how much of a whore for me you are,” you mumble in response, and that’s enough to push him over the edge. he arches his back, his head thrown back like before, and he cries out a loud moan as you continue to fuck him through his orgasm, keeping pace until he starts to whine instead of moan, and that’s your queue to slow down and pull out, holding him up because he might not be physically strong enough to stand if you didn’t.
“t-thank you, that was- that was amazing,” he breathes heavily as you turn him around gently, keeping him up as he catches his breath, “let me return the favor now, please.”
he seems okay enough for you to let go now, and you move to sit on your chair instead, “i mean, if you would like to eat me out until your jaw is sore, then by all means, baby: enjoy your meal.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @rosiethefairy @domreaderrecs and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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andvys · 3 years
Fine line part eight
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warnings: fluff, angst, violence
pairing: ellie williams x reader
Ellie didn’t even register the sound of thunder rumbling or the rain pattering against the window in the early morning hours.
The first thing she noticed was the comforting feeling of you clinging to her as her arms were wrapped safely around you. You were laying on top of her, with your head on her chest.
This wasn’t the position you were in last night, no, this was much more intimate but Ellie wasn’t complaining, she liked the feeling of having you in her arms, the urge to protect you was big, to give you comfort and warmth.
Looking down at you, she wondered how she could ever hate you, you looked so sweet and precious, as if anyone could actually hate you.
But you didn’t just look that way, you were sweet and precious. You always helped everyone around you, you cared for other people more than you cared about yourself, you always put the needs of others first. You didn’t care about yourself and that worried her, she knew you would sacrifice yourself to save others. You were always out there, looking for supplies, looking out for people who needed saving but you always neglected yourself, you wanted to do good for others. You always had to be the hero.
Maybe that’s why she tried to convince herself that she hated you when in actuality she cared deeply about you and she knew this would get her heart broken because you were gonna get yourself killed sooner or later.
So she thought, pushing you away and hating you to get rid of her feelings was the only way not to get her heart broken but she was wrong, so wrong. The more she pushed you away, the more she tried to hate you, the more intense her real feelings have gotten. 
Ellie was snapped out of her thoughts when you began to stir in your sleep. Her heart began to race under your palm, this time you were gonna wake up together. The few times you ended up cuddling in your sleep, one of you would always be up first, so it was never weird or uncomfortable between you but this time there was no running away from it.
“morning Ellie.” she heard you whisper softly as you stayed in that position.
“morning y/n.” Ellie whispered back, nervously.
‘that’s not what friends do right?’ Ellie thought to herself.
‘we weren’t even friends and we cuddled already..’
“it’s still storming.” you pointed out when you heard thunder crashing.
“yeah.. we’re still gonna be here today.” Ellie said.
You didn’t know what it was about her but she made you feel safe and warm like no one else did before. You weren’t one for cuddling or hugging but when you woke up in her arms for the first time, it felt like the most comfortable place in the world.
You never thought you’d end up in the arms of your enemy and yet here you were and you wouldn't want it any other way.
Well, you weren’t enemies anymore you were friends now but still.
Two days later you were on the way back home to Jackson, the storm hasn't fully passed yet but just enough to drive, luckily it wasn't raining too heavily.
You and Ellie spent the past two days playing cards and talking about everything and nothing. You thought it would be boring and dreadful being around her for this long but you were surprised to find out that you actually liked talking to her and spending time with her. Maybe you even liked it a little too much.
“so.. you excited to go home?” you asked. 
“uh yeah.. I guess.” Ellie said “what about you?” she asked.
“not like I'm gonna stay for long.” you shrugged, looking out of the car window.
Ellie furrowed her brows, a dreading feeling set in her stomach.
“what do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean.. I’ll probably rest for a few days before Maria sends me off again.” you told her, looking at her you noticed she had a frown on her face.
“we found the supplies though, it’s enough, you don't have to go out there anymore y/n.” she stated anxiously. She didn't want you to go. Especially not alone.
“it’s never enough, Ellie.” you said “besides.. I don’t really have a home anymore and it’s not like anyone is waiting there for me.” you shrugged. Just thinking about being back in Jackson made you feel alone and miserable. 
You were surrounded by a lot of people in Jackson and yet you felt more alone in there than out here. 
Outside of Jackson, you knew there wasn't anyone but you, so it was okay to be alone, it’s what you chose for yourself but you had no one in Jackson.
No friends, no family, nothing.
Sure you got along with Dina and Jesse but they were Ellie’s friends and you only went on patrols with them. 
You were alone. 
No one would mourn you if you would ever die out here and no one would come looking for you if you went missing.
“that’s not true y/n.” Ellie sighed, looking over at you she noted the sad expression on your face. “there are people waiting for you.” 
You knew she was just trying to make you feel better but it was okay. You have made peace with the thought of being alone and dying alone.
“it’s okay Ellie.” you assured her. 
‘it’s not okay.’ Ellie thought to herself, she hated that you felt this way.
“y/n it’s- oh no fuck.. you gotta be kidding me.” she mumbled in anger, when the car began to slow down, indicating that you ran out of gas.
“shit.” you mumbled, looking out of the window, you realized you were in the middle of nowhere, it was a wooded area and you had no gas left. Great.
“that’s just great.” Ellie muttered under her breath.
Ellie grabbed the map, looking at it in concentration. 
It was raining outside and didn't look like there were any towns nearby or a gas station or something.
“there's a cabin close by and the next town is a few miles away from where we are right now.” she told you, showing the marked up area in the woods where the cabin was. “i bet we’ll find some gas there.”
“can we leave the car here?” you asked, worried about the supplies. 
You haven't run into anyone in the past few days but you could never know, people are everywhere. 
“we have no choice, staying in here isn't an option, we gotta go get some gas anyways, if we’re lucky we’ll make it back by tonight and if not then we stay in that cabin overnight and then come back here.” she said, eying you, she noticed that you were worried. 
“okay..” you sighed before you opened the car door, to get out. Luckily the rain wasn’t too heavy but you’d still be drenched by the time you’d come back.
Ellie opened the trunk and started to put some supplies into her backpack.
You came up next to her and started doing the same.
“here..” she offered you a switchblade, it was a black one. You looked up at her before you accepted it, eying it. You talked about needing a new one a few days ago.
It warmed your heart that she remembered it.
“thank you.” you smiled at her, noticing the blush on her face.
“it’s nothing.” she said, smiling back at you.
You were walking for an hour now, your clothes were wet, water ran down your hair and your face and you just felt very uncomfortable. Luckily it stopped raining a few minutes ago but you were sure it wouldn’t be long until it would start raining again.
You managed to find the cabin and checked it out to make sure that it was safe for later before you kept walking towards the town.
You were finally getting closer when you saw the first buildings up ahead.
“look..” Ellie said, pointing to the first store. It was a clothing store or at least it used to be one.
Sighing out in relief, a small smile appeared on your face “we should get rid of these clothes and get some new ones.” you said, walking inside the store.
“yeah..” Ellie mumbled, following you inside.
After you made sure the store was safe, you started looking at the different types of clothes. A dress managed to catch your attention, a smile broke out on your face before you started chuckling to yourself. The thought of wearing a dress in this world, while killing some infected seemed ridiculous to you.
“you okay?” Ellie chuckled, when she saw you laughing while holding a dress in your hands.
Looking over at her, you noticed she had a slight smile on her face.
“yeah it’s just..” a smirk appeared on your face “i’m trying to imagine you in this dress right now.” you said as you began laughing when a disgusted expression appeared on her face.
“please don’t.” she groaned as she rolled her eyes.
You chuckled at her before you put the dress back and started looking for something useful.
You managed to find some suitable clothes, you were about to ask Ellie if she was done when something else caught your attention.
You picked the items up and held them up in front of you.
“hey Ellie.”
“yeah?” she asked, turning around to face you, her eyes widened when she saw the lacy underwear in your hands.
“the black ones or the blue ones?” you asked, smirking at her when a blush appeared on her face.
“uhhh-“ she started, scratching the back of her neck “black.” she mumbled before she turned around again, closing her eyes, she took a deep breath.
Now she couldn’t get the picture of your half naked body out of her head.
You chuckled to yourself at how flustered she’d gotten. You never thought you’d see a blushing Ellie someday, let alone you being the reason for it.
You put your backpack down and took your wet flannel off, cringing at the feeling of wet clothes against your skin.
“ugh.. i’m so wet.” you mumbled as you grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head, leaving you in a black bra.
A smirk appeared on Ellie’s face at your words “are you now?” she chuckled turning around to look at you, her eyes widened once again when she saw you pulling your shirt off.
She couldn’t help but stare at you, at your soft, beautiful skin. Eying you up and down, she gripped the shirt tightly that she held in her hands.
Your eyes widened as well, when you saw the way she was looking at you. A weird feeling shot through your body.
But for some reason you didn’t mind having her stare at you.
“we uh- we should-..”
“yeah..” Ellie mumbled, turning around again.
Leaving the store, there was a weird tension between you and Ellie, something that hasn’t been there before.
You tried to ignore it and rather focused on trying to find gas but you weren’t that lucky this time. You tried to siphon some gas from the cars that were left standing around but they were all empty.
You were beginning to get frustrated, if you wouldn’t find any gas you would have to keep going into the next towns and you weren’t sure if there was any gas.
Ellie was about to say something when you heard the sound of car coming closer.
You and Ellie looked at each other wide eyed before she grabbed your hand pulling you behind a car. You crouched down and gripped your shotgun tightly in your hands.
You hoped whoever was coming your way would drive by but you weren’t as lucky as you hoped you would be, the car stopped close to where you and Ellie were.
Peeking out from behind the car, you could see four men getting out of the car, a dreading feeling set in your stomach. Running into a group of men never ended good. 
“shit..” you mumbled, you felt your heart beginning to raise, this reminded you to a similar setting when you and Ellie ran into a larger group back in Colorado when you were on your way to Texas. You almost got yourself killed trying to keep one of the guys off Ellie when he tried to throw his knife at her and instead threw at you when you moved in front of her, the blade pierced through your shoulder. The wound was still healing and you knew it would leave a big scar.
“it’s just four y/n.. we fought more before.” Ellie whispered behind you as she put her hand on top of yours, squeezing it.
You nodded, trying to calm your racing heart. 
It’s not that you were scared to fight them or kill them, you’ve done this a dozen times before. You were worried that things would go sideways and they’d manage to hurt Ellie or worse. You knew she could handle herself but still.
That’s why you liked doing these things alone, you didn't have to worry about anyone else, you could just focus on yourself and get it over with.
“spread out.” a voice shouted “find them.” 
You and Ellie glanced at each other in curiosity. Who were they looking for? They couldn’t be looking for you could they? As far as you knew, no one was after you. But something told you these men didn’t have good intentions.
You saw all the men, going off into different directions, this would make it easier for you to kill them.
You and Ellie nodded at each other before you went to get up but Ellie put her hand around your wrist and pulled you back making you look at her “be careful, please.” she whispered, looking at you with a worried expression. 
You nodded, “you too Ellie.” you whispered, smiling at her before you got up to follow one of the men who went into the gas station. 
You saw him going into the backroom so you went inside hiding behind the large shelves to avoid being seen, pulling your shotgun back by the sling you grabbed the new switchblade Ellie gave you earlier. 
You walked towards the backroom slowly, you could hear the guy opening the drawers in the room, clearly searching for something. 
Taking a deep breath, you looked inside but you couldn't find him, furrowing your brows you turned around only to run into a hard chest, startled you stepped back and looked up to see the tall man in front of you.
“looking for me?” he smirked at you. 
You didn't even hesitate before you tried to stab him but he managed to catch your wrist, gripping it tightly, you tried to pull your hand back but he overpowered you in strength. He put his other hand around your throat and pushed you into the room harshly, throwing you over the table. 
You fell off the table, down to your knees, you grabbed your shotgun quickly and turned around, falling back against the floor the man was about to shot you but you beat him to it, the loud shot went off, throwing him back against the wall as blood splattered everywhere.
“fuck..” you mumbled, this alerted the others. 
You quickly got up and grabbed the man’s gun before you ran towards the entrance of the store, you peeked out to see one of the men running towards the gas station. 
You didn't hesitate to get up and aim your gun at his head, he looked at you with eyes, clearly not expecting that but before he could react you already shot him.
His body dropped to the floor.
You heard a shot go off not too far from you. Your heart began to race at the thought that it might be Ellie that got shot instead of one of the men. 
You ran out and hid behind one of the cars, trying to find the rest and Ellie. You looked around but you couldn't see anyone. 
Your hands started shaking and your breathing got heavier by the second. For some reason you felt the deep fear of losing her all of the sudden. All sorts of pictures started running through your mind.
This moment reminded you of when you lost your mom, it happened in a similar setting, you were looking for her but couldn’t find her until you heard that gunshot.
“calm down y/n.” you whispered to yourself, trying to take deep breaths. 
You heard glass smashing in one of the old stores on the other side of the street, you got up and ran towards it. 
You ran inside to find Ellie standing over the dead body of one of the men, looking into the corner of the room you found another dead body with a bullet in his head. 
You felt relieved to see that she was alright but you had to make sure.
You didn’t know what came over you but you couldn’t help but run towards her, hugging her from behind.
She stiffened at first but relaxed once she realized it was you. Warmth engulfed, feeling your arms wrapped around you but she asked herself what caused you to hug her, you were never the one initiating the hugs, she was the one that pulled you in at night.
“y/n?” she whispered, putting her hand on top of yours that were resting on her stomach, she grabbed them and turned around to face you, looking at you in worry as she noted the anxious look on your face.
She grabbed your face gently “are you okay?”
You were about to respond when you noticed the fresh cut on her face, blood was running down her cheek. Anger and worry filled you at the thought that one of them managed to get this close to her.
You put your palm against her cheek, eying the wound. “Ellie..” you whispered.
“it’s fine y/n.. it doesn’t hurt.” she assured you “are you okay?”
You didn’t respond and instead pulled her into a hug, hiding your face in the crook of her neck. She put her arms around you, holding you tightly against her.
You calmed down when she held you, she gave you the warmth and the comfort that you so desperately craved all these years, to think that it was her who made you feel this way overwhelmed you, you could’ve had this a long time ago and yet you decided to waste all these years.
You decided that you wouldn’t waste them anymore with acting like you hated her or with trying to push away your true feelings.
“come on, let’s get out of here.” Ellie whispered, rubbing your back softly.
You nodded before you pulled away from her, she grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the store, leading you towards the car the man came with.
You looked up at the sky, noticing the dark clouds, it was about to start raining again. This day just kept getting worse.
Ellie opened the trunk and sighed in relief when she saw a two gallons of gas standing there.
“fuck yeah.” she breathed grabbed one of them handing one to you before she grabbed the other one.
You siphoned the rest of the gas out of the car, you needed all you could find. Before you left to get back to the cabin.
Once again your clothes were drenched from the rain as you ran inside the cabin. Ellie shut the door and locked it. Darkness engulfed the room, the only source of light were the bolts of lightening.
Both of you were shaking from the cold rain and you didn’t have any spare clothes with you.
Ellie walked towards the fireplace and crouched down to start a fire.
Light appeared in the room after a few moments. The flames in the fireplace made the room appear warm and cozy unlike how you were feeling right now. You were shaking, water was dripping from your clothes and hair.
Ellie noticed the state you were in, she wasn’t feeling any better but you were out of clothes but she knew you’d get sick if you didn’t get rid of the wet clothes.
“take your clothes off.” Ellie told you.
You looked up at her, a surprised expression appeared on your face “huh?”
“take them off, we’re gonna get sick.” she said before she started taking her clothes off.
You looked at her with wide eyes as she took off her shirt, showing off her toned stomach and her strong arms before she started taking off her shoes and her pants.
She looked so beautiful, the light from the flame highlighted her beauty even more.
The rumble of thunder snapped you out of your thoughts, shaking your head at yourself, you looked down, hoping she didn’t catch you staring at her.
You bend down to take your shoes off before you started taking your clothes off as well.
You could feel Ellie’s eyes on you but you didn’t mind. You looked up at her, noticing that she was staring at you.
You looked at the open cut on her cheek, remembering that you still had to take care of it.
You grabbed your backpack and two blankets from the couch, handing one to Ellie. You sat down on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace and looked up at Ellie, motioning for her to sit down in front of you.
She sat down and put the blanket around her shoulders, still shaking from the cold rain. She eyed you as you poured some alcohol on a cloth. She couldn’t help but stare at your beautiful face, the way you hugged her earlier made her want to feel you even more. Her eyes fell to your lips.
You grabbed her chin softly and started to clean the wound on her cheek, making sure to be gentle.
Your heart began to race when you felt her hand on your thigh, biting down on your lip you looked at her to find her staring at your lips.
“all done.” you whispered, glancing at her lips.
She moved closer and grabbed your face gently.
You gazed into each other’s eyes before you both leaned in, smashing your lips together.
You were overwhelmed with emotions the moment you felt her lips moving against yours. The kiss was passionate yet gentle, her lips were so soft and the feeling she left you with was unlike anything you have ever felt before.
She deepened the kiss and pulled you into her even closer. Caressing your cheek with her thumb.
You pulled away from her, the kiss left you breathless.
Leaning your forehead against hers you opened your eyes to look at her, you didn’t even know what to say, the kiss left you speechless and by the way she was looking at you, you knew she felt the same way.
You didn’t need to say anything to know what the other felt, right at this moment.
Looking at each other was enough.
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Dabi x Fem! Reader
word count: about 1.9k
genre: smut, fluff
Warnings: cussing, belt whip, bondage, name calling, sub reader, praise kink, edging
“Hey, doll.” You hear a voice from behind you. You spin around to see Dabi standing there, pretending to examine his fingertips.
I- What- what are you doing here?” you stutter.
“I figured you’d be thrilled to see me, Y/N.” He spoke softly, inching closer to you.
“I- I am, I am. It just… took me by surprise, that’s all.” you respond, moving back until your back is pressed against the wall of your apartment hallway.
“Perfect. Then why don’t you go ahead and invite me in?” He asked, taking one final step forward.
You scooched sideways, trying to escape him to unlock your apartment door. He shifted his weight back to allow you to move. He remained still as you located the key in your purse and unlocked the door. You opened it and he moved so he was now in between the door and the molding to get inside.
“Thanks, Y/N.” He whispered, reaching a hand up and letting his fingers drag around your jawline as he entered your apartment.
“Make yourself at home,” you said, going to change, make a snack and put your stuff away. After all, it wasn’t the first time he’d been here. He plopped down on the couch and flung his charred legs up on the coffee table. You rolled your eyes but bit back a retort.
“Hey, why don’t we go to your room?” He said as you were getting an apple out of the fridge.
You sighed, knowing what was about to happen. “Okay, just let me finish this first.” you said as you held up the apple.
“Mmmhhh… no.” He said, shifting as you started walking over, chewing a bite of the apple. You choked. “What?”
No. I want to now. Let’s go.” In one swift move, he stood up, picked you up bridal style, and led you into your room.
“God fucking dammit, Dabi.”
“What is it, whore?” he snapped, slamming your back onto the bed.
“I was hungry.” you sat up, took a final bite of the apple, and set it on your nightstand, just as you’d done so many nights before this.
“You should be used to it by now, babe. Now strip.”
You sighed and crossed your arms down your front and pulled off your shirt, revealing your very skimpy bra and your overflowing tits. He looked down and licked his lips. You finished chewing the bite of apple and swallowed.
“You’re looking real fucking sexy tonight, slut.” he said as he took off his own shirt. You stared in awe at his scarred, burnt torso. You could see more abs starting to show since last time.
“I see you’ve been working out.” you choked out, sounding hoarse.
He chuckled. “You sound surprised.” He undid his belt and set it aside for later. You mentally sighed, knowing it was going to be a long night. He stripped down his pants, leaving him standing in boxers and socks.“
“Your turn, mommy.”
You cursed under your breath, feeling your stomach tense at his words. You pulled your own pants down, leaving you both nearly naked. His eyes scanned you up and down while yours remained fixed on one location.
“Like what you see?” He growled, walking up and tracing a line from your neck, over your bra, down your stomach and tucked his index finger under the elastic on your panties.
He tugged on it gently and let it snap back down. He growled at the sound and pulled them all the way off in one fluid motion.
He flung them across the room and pulled your legs above his shoulders as he settled between them.
Your legs shuddered as he dragged his tongue through your folds, which were already dripping for him. He slid his hands down your thighs and gripped them from underneath to prevent you from moving too much.
His ocean blue eyes looked up at you with menace as he licked you slower and slower, watching you come to meet your climax. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves and a smirk arose on his lips as you squirmed beneath him.
“Oh, fuck Dabi, I’m gonna cum!” you squealed as the flame villain vibrated his tongue against your cunt, feeling your pussy throb and your walls start to close as you neared your release.
Right before, he pulled away, licking his lips.
“Oh,” he looked at you and your pained expression as the burning sensation of your high slowly left. “Oh, poor thing. You didn’t really think I’d let you take all the pleasure for yourself, now did you?”
You didn’t reply. Instead, you glared at him, staring down at his eyes as they peeked above your clit. “You bitch.” you snarled.
He chuckled. “You know it.” He winked, standing up and sticking his fingers in your mouth. “Suck.” He commanded. You rolled your eyes but closed your lips around his fingers and started to circle your tongue around them, eventually gaining a rhythm. You opened your mouth and gave one final lick as he pulled them out of your mouth.
He took his fingers, with a strand of your drool coming off in a thread, and slammed them into your pussy. You writhed as he grabbed your hips with his free hand. He started to move his fingers around, sliding them past each other, bending them at different knuckles, just to see exactly how far he could push you before you gave in.
“Fuck you, Dabi.” you whined, feeling your pussy throb around his fingers.
“Mm-mm. Fuck you… who?” He taunted, beginning to move his fingers in and out slowly, while still wiggling them.
“Goddammit… fuck you… daddy.” you moaned loud on that last word, trying not to but it was simply too much for you. “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” you yelled, your hips moving on their own as they tried to grind against his fingers harder. Instead, he pulled out again, leaving you with the same result as last time.
You glared at him. “Again, bitch? Really? Let me fucking cum!”
He laughed, looking down at you in what seemed to be pity, although he didn’t seem to be showing you any. “Alright, slut. You wanna cum? I’ll let you cum. But only if I get something in return.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine. What is it?”
“I want you to be a good little girl, okay? I want you to obey every single thing I tell you. Am I clear? Every. Single. Thing.” He asked, dragging his fingers through your slick folds again.
You moaned, grinding against him again. “Yes… daddy.”
“Good girl.” he leaned down and captured your lips in his own, his tongue snaking through to meet yours. You groaned, feeling empty as he pulled away to finish undressing. You tilted your head down to look at him as he stepped out of his boxers.
His dick flopped forward, seeming to harden even more at the sight of you, laying there, completely naked except for your bra, dripping. Everything he sees is for him and him only, and he knows it. He’s going to take his sweet time making sure everyone knows you’re reserved for him.
He reached behind his back stealthily and grabbed the belt, almost without you noticing. But you did. At the sight of him unrolling it, you felt your whole body tense.
He stepped closer to the bed and you moved back, making room for him at the foot of your bed. He placed the belt next to your legs, making sure it was readily accessible and pressed his hands into your inner thighs, spreading them even farther. He slapped his dick against your sopping cunt, just to get it a bit wet.
He hesitated. “You sure you want this?” He asked, teasing you even more.
“Fuck, Touya.” You moaned, just to make him angry se he’d shut up and fuck you already.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he snarled, reaching around behind you to unclip your bra and slide it off. He threw your bra across the room and slammed into you. Hard. Harder than he ever had. At least to you. You flung your hands up behind your head to stop yourself from being slammed into the headboard.
“You’re such a good girl. You gonna take daddy’s cock like a champ? Yeah? Yeah?” He praised through gritted teeth as he pounded you. You gritted your teeth together, determined not to show him any signs of pleasure.
He grabbed the belt, folded it at the middle, and smacked the outside of your hip while his other hand gripped your inner thigh harshly.
One of his hands pressed the belt around your throat and began to slowly choke you, harder and harder until you could barely breathe. You reached up and seized his charred wrist. With his free hand, he gently squeezed his fingers against the side of your hip, using that as an anchor. You moaned as he pounded into you, making you slowly inch farther up towards the headboard.
“Fuck, Dabi.” you moaned hoarsely, now barely able to breathe.
“You like it, slutty whore?”
You tugged at his wrist until he loosened the belt on your throat, leaving it to rest there as he slowly dragged his fingertips down your chest, continuing to fuck you. He slapped the side of your hip, then placed his hand on it. You whimpered from the sting of the slap. You felt his palms heat up as he lightly scorched your skin. You writhed under his grip, but that did nothing but make him go faster.
“I’m gonna cum! “I’m gonna cum!” You yelled, writhing faster and faster as you felt your climax attack you again. This time, however, Dabi leaned down, licked your earlobe, and whispered “Then cum for me, doll. Cum all over this fucking cock.”
You let out an ear splitting moan as you came, all over his cock, just as he’d asked you to do. Your whole body shook as your release overtook you. Your mind went blank in a whole white-hot veil of ecstasy. You felt the friction of leather as the belt slowly slipped down off your throat.
“Goddammit, whore.” You heard Dabi curse faintly. Immediately after that, you felt a flaming stream of cum shoot inside you, and you relished in the feeling before it slipped away.
You opened your eyes to see his head tilted down, clearly trying to calm down after that. He pulled out, his dick already starting to soften.
He backed up until he was off the bed, then stood up and walked back over to you. He kissed you on the forehead and said “Good girl.” before heading to the bathroom to clean himself up.
About five minutes later, you’re in a kind of light drowsy sleep and Dabi comes back. He finds you almost asleep, but still naked and still covered. He walks over to you and starts to gently shake your shoulder.
Your eyes snap open. “Yeah?” You ask groggily. He sits you up, nice and slow, then wraps an arm around you waist and helps you walk to the bathroom, despite your protests. You get to the bathroom, he sits you down on the bathtub edge and wets a washcloth with some warm water.
As he’s gently rubbing it over your skin, he’s kissing you. On the cheek, the other cheek, the neck, the collarbone. The forehead. Everywhere but the lips. You tiredly reach up and cup his face in both hands. You lean forward and press a small, sweet kiss to his lips.
He blushes faintly. “Y/N, was that really necessary?” he mutters as he ducks his head and pretends to be overly intrigued by the washcloth over your skin.
About ten minutes later, after he’s finished cleaning you up, he helps you back to the bed. Once you’ve laid down, he walks around the bed, crawls in behind you, lays down and pulls you onto his chest. You fall asleep after a few minutes of him whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You let out a final sigh of contentment as he kisses the top of your head and you fall into oblivion.
TAG LIST: @crow-with-a-knife @crow-with-a-keyboard
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Twice the Chaos: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x (Fem!DemonHybrid)OC: Pandora Barlowe
Summary: You were only passing through. You had nowhere to go; you were the spawn of Satan himself. There was no place in the world for you. Until you met a blonde vampire. 
Warnings: Parental Abandonment, Depression, Chaotic Life
A/n: Listen... I’m just tryna see something here...
Key: Bold/Italics = Telepathic Conversation/Thoughts
Your mother had left you when you were of age; not wanting to take care of a freak. That was how your mother always referred to you. Your Father? He was never around. Since being left out into the streets, life has been absolute chaos. You try to make a living for yourself; but you began developing new features.
“I’m sorry, we can no longer have you be working at our establishment,” The owner comes up to you
You were just trying to clean tables; next was you getting fired?
“What? Why? I haven’t violated any of your rules,” You try to counter-argue, “More so, I’ve been trying to not violate them...”
“Your... Vibe... Everyone’s giving us weird looks... It’d be better if you no longer worked here,” He doesn’t budge
You storm out of your former workplace. 
That is IT! I’m done! 
You try running your hands through your hair but you felt something knock against your fingertips. 
Stubs?! That can’t be... 
You saw something move from the bottom corner of your eye. 
A tail?! What the absolute hell is happening?
You run off to the woods in order to avoid getting any further attention from humans. You did everything... Just simply trying to get through like at the age of 18. Clearly it wasn’t going to happen... 
You are beginning to become like me...
Who said that?! 
You were beginning to freak out.
Your father...
What are you talking about?! My dad was never around! He could be dead for all I know and care!
You don’t get it do you?... I am your father...
You were sure your father just ran off with another woman. But, it wasn’t logically possible to have someone telepathically speak to you. 
Why am I going to believe some voice in my head that’s never been around until now?! 
You just try to get the same voice out of your head.
You’re like me... You can come home. You won’t have to worry about being judged here...
Home?! My mother threw me out as soon as I turned 18... Since then I couldn’t even keep a single job afloat without anyone that comes within my radius getting me fired because of my “bad vibes”! Well, look at it this way-
No! Face it! There’s no place for me!!!!! Heaven or Hell? Doesn’t matter... There’s no damn place for a freak like me...
The voice in your head ceased then. But, the development of new features hadn’t. Your stubs? Grew into small horns. Tail? Resembled a Demon’s tail. Pointed end and everything.. It’s been months since you had your last job... Anyone really. You use a beanie to cover your horns and you shove your tail into your pants or jacket; whichever was comfortable. You mysteriously was still stable enough to create your own little place in the woods. But, it was still depressing for you. You still thought about how your mother abandoned you, getting fired just because of the vibes you give off, despite trying to be a normal human.
“Why me?...” You ask yourself, “Why me?....”
You look up as soon as you felt a single raindrop fall. 
I need a new tarp... But, I’m not in for going back into town... They wouldn’t eve just as so sell me a new tarp... Whatever I guess...
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You had passed out while the rain was going on. However, when you open your eyes, you were expected to feel wet. But, you felt warm. You look up to see a brand new tarp draped over your small hideout and you look back down to see a Sherpa-lined blanket engulfing you in warmth. 
“Got me these?...” You ask yourself
You crawl out of the hideout and try to look around the woods to see if there was anyone else that had been camping out. But, no such people were there. You scoff but felt thankful that someone was sympathetic enough to give you a whole new tarp to go over your head and a blanket. 
Fortunately it had stopped raining by the time you went out to go fishing to get your fill for the day. To be honest, it didn’t feel so bad when you would be out fishing, you found a big enough lake to see the sun rise and set over the horizon, you were able to catch a handful of fish to get you through each day. 
I see you’ve grown accustomed to living on your own... Nice job kiddo.
What did I say about coming out to “chat”? Don’t try and persuade me to “Come home”.
I’m not. I’m just checking in on you. You claim that there’s no place for you here... Yet, you’ve made a small place for yourself?
Might as well be somewhere off the grid. 
Not to that once blondie...
A blondie?... Who?...
Not sure, but that new tarp and blanket? That’s from her.... She’s been coming nearly every night...
You watch me sleep?...
I do it to protect you so you could sleep. 
Don’t try and act like my dad... I’m fine without him.... 
You still don’t believe me?..
Still haven’t seen you face to face. 
You wouldn’t want to see me face to face....
Good, we’re on the same page then. Don’t think I’d want to meet my old man anyway...
Once dusk had hit, you were putting out a firepit you had set up to cook the fish you had caught not too long before. 
I got you kiddo. Go ahead and sleep.
I said don’t treat me like you’re trying to be like my dad. I never knew him anyway... 
You take the blanket and use a couple of your flannels as a pillow.
The same old routine persisted. You felt the off-putting vibes on how you were able to be this stable, especially living in an unused shed of all places that was clearly in a state of decay. 
I think that blondie has taken a liking to you.
She’s still in question? She doesn’t even know me... How could you know?
When she would come check on you, just last night she was lying next to you. I know because she’s been visiting every night. 
And she can’t see you?
No one can. 
That’s a ‘shocker’... But can she not hear you?...
Only you and myself.
“Weird...” You take a deep breath as you sit against the tree 
You were kind of fishing from sitting on a tree branch, decently high from the ground. 
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You’ve thought about the last several nights you were sleeping in your little hideout space. You would open your eyes, but still be half asleep. As you were half awake and half asleep; you could have sworn you felt an arm hooked around your waistline. But you don’t think anything of it as you pass right back out. The feeling would be gone in the morning. 
You really think there is someone?
She’s come every night. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be taken to where she lives.
Out here? In the middle of nowhere? I doubt it.. 
Like clockwork, you set up your makeshift flannel pillow and lay across the old tarp you decided to use as a covering form the molding hardwood floor.
You open your eyes and realize the cold morning feeling is no longer around. Your eyes begin adjusting to so much light coming into the room.
“You’re awake now?” A feminine voice asks you
You were startled. Startled to the point where you fell off the bed. You groan at the impact. Trying to gain your vision back, a figure comes walking over to you. You immediately sit up and begin backing away.
“You-you don’t wanna be near me,” You say, almost in a drunken state, “I’m no good around people...”
“Says who?” She asks
“Says the many people that have fired me from jobs because of the vibes I give off,” You groan when you feel the wall against your back
“Well, they just go by the book cover,” She says, helping you back into bed, “You should lay down... You hit your head there pretty hard.”
In your still blurred vision; the woman’s hair was brunette. 
That isn’t her... 
But, she isn’t giving off any bad vibes...
I’ll be the judge of that...
You try to sit up again but a hand is gently pressed against your shoulder.
“My daughter will be here any minute to check on you,” She says, calmly, “You should thank her when you have the chance... She felt miserable watching you every night.”
She... Felt miserable?...
See? She does like you.
But, she still barely knows me. I don’t even know her name and vice versa. 
That could change here.
Will you just stop talking?....
The next time you open your eyes, your vision slowly coming together; you saw a faint color of blonde. 
Could it be?...
“I told you you shouldn’t have brought that... Thing in here. She’ll get us all killed,” A male voice tries to persuade the blonde
“I couldn’t just leave her there,” She argues, “She was miserable. Carlisle and Esme already said she could stay here under my care.”
“If you get us killed it’s your fault,” He replies
You hear him storm out of the room. 
“You’re awake for real now?” She sits at the bedside
“Where?-” You ask, trying to sit up
“My family estate,” She explains
“My-my stuff, some of my stuff-” You begin freaking out
“Already taken care of,” She slightly smiles
You sit up from the lush bedsheets, taking deep breathes as you try to wrap your head around the last several hours.
“How long was I out?” You ask the blonde
“Several hours,” She answers, “I continuously checked on you... You were... Crying, tossing and turning, talked in your sleep...”
“Oh? What about?” You ask
“Does... ‘Why me?...’, ‘What am I?...’ Ring a bell?” She asks
It does for me.
Shut up. 
“I may have had those kinds of panic attacks while I slept...” You explains, “Which is why I look like shit right?..”
“I was going to say that you’ve slept for so long,” She says, cocking an eyebrow at you, “But if you think that too than you do you.”
It was an awkward silence for the both of you. You didn’t know what to make of this blondie.
I like her.
I said shut up. 
What? She’s pretty, she’s looked after you the last serval nights.
That doesn’t mean she’s my soulmate or anything... We barely know each other, let alone each others’ names.
“My name’s Rosalie Hale,” the blondie answers
“Huh?” You ask, removing the bedsheets from your legs
“You... Didn’t know my name so... Thought I’d tell you,” She says, “Now, you must be hungry.”
“Yeah,” You say, in a suspicious tone, “Lead the way blondie.”
“It’s Rosalie,” She corrects you
“Alright blondie,” You continue using that nickname
Rosalie turns to you to try and hit you. You easily block her arm with yours. For the first time since childhood, you laughed. A genuine laugh had come out of your mouth. You stopped dead in your tracks; making Rosalie turn to you.
“You okay?” she asks, walking up to you
A chill runs up your spine as you feel her gentle touch against your forearm. You look back at her with a slight surprise. But, Rosalie didn’t seem phased by your sudden change in expression.
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I haven’t laughed in awhile... It’s.. Been a very long time.”
“How long is a long time?” She asks
“Probably when I was a little kid...” You sigh, “Since then, I’ve never really learned to smile, laugh or experience any sort of positive thing...”
“I’m so sorry,” She says, her expression changing to concern, “Well, what matters most is that you now have an actual roof over your head. You are under my care now.”
“You- don’t do me any favors blondie!” You try to protest
“Too late!” She smiles, letting out a small giggle
Ooooh, I do like her.
Aren’t you a fire spirit or something? Lay off buddy.
Oh we getting jealous now huh? 
What?!- No! You aren’t physically here, so that means you can’t have blondie.
So you can?
That’s not what I’m saying- you know what, shut your trap!
“Your friend there is fond of me I see,” Rosalie blushes
“What? Him?” You ask, “You... Can hear him?”
“He’s in your head no?” She asks you
“Well, yes but- how can you know that?” You ask
“Let’s just say I’m full of surprises,” She smirks 
You watch her walk off into the kitchen as you make eye contact with what looked to be her family members. 
“I hope you’re well rested now sweetheart,” A brunette speaks
“That’s the adoptive mother and father; Carlisle and Esme,” Rosalie explains to you
“I’m sorry you have had a tough time these past few months,” Carlisle says, “But, you are more than welcome here.”
“Oh, just at least I can get back up on my feet,” You say, bashfully, “I wouldn’t want to take up any more space than I already have..”
“Nonsense!” A male voice enthusiastically says
Your feet lose contact with the ground. You let out a yelp as you try to get a vision of who had just grabbed you.
“That is my brother... Emmett Cullen,” Rosalie scoffs, “He’s a little bit... Chaotic..”
“Chaotic is my middle name,” He jokes as he sets you right back onto the ground
“Four of our other kids are somewhere around...” Carlisle explains, “Oh, they must be out hunting. You’ll see them when you see them.”
“Thank you again,” You say
Quite a family...
You’re telling me...
After you had gotten a proper meal for the first time in months, you found yourself in the library. You don’t really read that often anymore as you have come to the conclusion that it would take you a century to read a single book. 
“Looking for something in particular?” Rosalie asks from the doorway
“To be honest... No,” You answer, “I guess I’ve just been wandering aimlessly. Never really been in a house this... Spacious..”
It’ll be much more spacious when you come live with me.
Like I said before. You are not my father and don’t try to have me come to wherever the hell it is that you live in.. Not a chance..
“You don’t get along with your dad very well?” Rosalie asks
“Never knew him...” You sigh, looking out to the forestry that surrounded the estate, “My mother said he left as soon as I was born...”
“Hey, before you go on, do you... Want to talk about it elsewhere?” She asks, placing her palm over your upper arm
“That would be nice,” You slightly smile
“I know a place,” Rosalie smiles
In one swift motion, Rosalie hoists you over her shoulder.
“You better hold on leech,” Rosalie teases
“That should be ME telling you that,” You nervously chuckle
Rosalie hops out of an open window; breaking into an inhuman speed. You weren’t sure where to hold on along Rosalie’s clothing without touching an area where Rosalie wouldn’t want you to touch her. So you just hang over her shoulder. Almost like a heavy weight.
“You doing okay?” Rosalie asks
“Yep!” You sort of lie, “Good as we can be blondie!”
“We’re almost there!” Rosalie announces to the both of you
Chapter 2
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The Way You Make Me Feel (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Summary: Steve sent Bucky & you on a mission together. Nothing special, you worked well together, after all. This time, you had to go undercover. Pretending to be a couple. Your frustration after an unsuccessful night needed to be released. Bucky had something in mind.
Words: 3,137
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, oral sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, protected sex bc Buck’s a responsible person, this is pure filth, I don’t know what else you want me to say…, language, undercover mission gone wrong, I wanted to write angst??? What happened? …oopsie? I’ll go take a cold shower now.
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Bucky Barnes. Used to be the Winter Soldier. Now the White Wolf. Muscular body. Broad shoulders. That metal arm of his that did unspoken things to you. Basically, he had ruined every other man for you. Unfortunately, he was not yours. He never would be yours. Coworkers. You were coworkers. Nothing more, nothing less.
The teasing was a given. Both, Bucky & you, had personalities that made it impossible to not flirt with each other. It was all playful, of course. Nothing would ever come out of it. Though, you would have lied if you said that you did not wish for it to change. His strut so manly, so strong. Thank God he was oblivious to how your body reacted whenever he was around. Those accidental touches. His hand touching your lower back. Everything set your body on fire. If it was not enough for him to be so hot, of course he had the most charming smiles to top everything off. It was unfair.
It was even worse that the entire team had picked up on the way you eyed Bucky. How whenever he entered the room, your eyes could not fixate on anything else. How your smile got wider whenever he talked. No matter how hard you tried, you fell for him. Harder & harder each day. The chemistry between you guys was no secret. Which was why you usually got teamed up with Bucky to complete missions together. But that was all there ever was. Constant flirting, teasing. Anything beyond that did not exist.
Another mission with him. Undercover. Your absolute favorite. You would have been fine with Sam or anyone else for that matter. But Bucky? Things were bound to get complicated. It was inevitable. Posing as a couple? Really? As if things were not bad enough already. A couple usually shared a room. You understood that. The thing was that you guys were not together. Not outside of this mission. So you had to deal with your emotions for him while being in the exact same room. With one bed. Yeah, things were starting great. After finishing up here, you would kill Steve for sure. He knew about your crush on Bucky. Probably the reason he liked to send you somewhere together. Apparently, it was incredibly exhausting to watch you guys dance around your feelings. You were a lot of things. A dancer was not one of them. More like an observer. Watching from afar to avoid stupid mistakes. That was more fitting.
Gala number one was over. Without any luck. There was no new information & nothing that brought you closer to your target. Just hours of unnecessary pretending & fake laughing. That was exhausting. Especially if Bucky had to be close to you all night long. Always an arm around your waist. A kiss on the cheek for effect. If it were not for this stupid mission, you would have enjoyed every single second of it. Sadly, it was an act. That thought alone broke your heart into a million pieces. Not even you were sure when your feelings for Bucky started. It was like you were thrown into ice cold water all of a sudden & now you had to deal with the aftermath.
Unsuccessful missions always left you frustrated. This type of frustration that let you overthink every little detail. What if you did this? What if you did not do that? What if, what if, what if. Mind being filled with so many thoughts, it was barely possible to stay sane. Even worse, you still had a couple of nights ahead of you. If you did not finish this job then you should not head back. Great. If all nights turned out like this, you would throw yourself out of a window. No, really. You were exhausted.
His body language revealed how stressed he was as well. Completely tense, clenched jaw. He did not like it any more than you did. Truthfully, he was even angrier than you. While the two of you worked well together, when things did not go your way, it could get pretty heated real fast. Words thrown at each other’s heads. Blaming the other one for that particular thing because if that did not happen, then you would have finished this mission already. It took a few hours until the tension died down again. An apology later & you were back to normal.
Not today, it seemed. The two of you were worse after that gala. Maybe it was because you felt uncomfortable all night. Maybe it was because you had to stay here for however long. Maybe it was just him. Him acting like a shy gentleman. Like the husband obsessed with his wife. Wanting to show her off whenever the chance was given. Tonight, you were her. You were his wife. You were the one he wanted to show off. But you were not really her. Just a fraction, if anything. He pretended & so did you. At least that was what you told yourself. Deep down, it was so much more than just pretending. It was like giving in to a craving you had had for years. And while it was not much, it had to do. Had to be enough. Because that was the most you would ever receive. The most he would ever give you. How you wished this were not the case.
So why the hell was he staring even more intensely than usual? Why the hell did he eye you up & down like a hungry animal waiting for the perfect timing to attack its prey? Why the hell did his hands clench into fists? And why the hell did it affect you so much? So much, in fact, that your thighs pressed together involuntarily. An action that did not go unnoticed by him. Standing up, flexing his muscles. Eyes that looked darker in the barely lit room. His never leaving yours when he approached you carefully. He took his time. You knew he did it to give you enough time to escape this situation if you really wanted to. You did not, though. For once, you wanted to give in. For once, you wanted your body to fully feel. Feel him. All of him.
His body was only mere inches away from yours. The exposed skin on your back pressing against the cold wall of your hotel room. The dress did not cover much. Enough to keep the others interested. And apparently to keep him interested, too. Both of his arms came up to rest next to your head. By now, he was caging you with his entire body. An action that let goosebumps appear. You breathed the same air. It seemed like the time stood still. Everything that kept on was you & him. In that hotel room. Against the wall. If he decided to lower his head just a little, your lips would be touching. He did not. No. If this was about to happen then he wanted to take his time with you. Tease you. Hear you. Feel you. Your breathing picked up its pace. He had not even touched you yet but you were already reacting like this. His smirk showed you how much he truly enjoyed having you putty in his hands. One of his legs moved slightly. Until his knee opened your legs slowly. His thigh pressed against your center. Barely, barely enough pressure to give you any form of satisfaction. Yet, you could not help but whimper at his touch. To shut you up, he pressed his soft lips against yours in a passionate kiss. There was no hint of gentleness behind his actions. Just purely heated with a desperation that made you weak at the knees. You melted into his touch, your hands roaming all over his chest. Any way to bring him closer to your body. His metal hand found itself at your waist while his other one cupped your cheek. An almost tender action that balanced out his rough & relentless kiss. It was like he was your drug & now that you got a taste of him, you would never let go again.
When his hands brushed over your shoulders to push the straps of your dress down, your breath hitched in your throat. His mouth went down to your neck, sucking & gently biting every now & then. You moaned when he reached a certain spot. Staying at this place, he focused solely on it all while pushing your gown further down your curves. The moment it reached the floor, he took a step back to take in your full beauty. To him, you were the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. Not wasting another second, he dropped to his knees in front of you. So close to where you wanted him the most. Where you needed him. His hands grabbed your hips tightly. It would sure leave bruises but you knew you would love looking at them after waking up. Because he did that to you. Kissing his way down your belly, he made sure to focus on his task. His eyes opened when he reached your panties. Silently asking for permission. You were too far gone already so you eagerly nodded at him, threading your hands through his soft locks. A slight push earned you a groan. One, that went straight to your pussy. But he would not give in that easily. After all, he had waited so long for this to happen. He would savor it in great detail. His flesh hand kneaded one of your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers. You were in a state of bliss & he had barely touched you. That was enough to let him know what he did to you. Before you could even process what he was doing, he pulled your panties off in one swift motion & slid his metal fingers through your slit. The coldness of it made your excitement grow even more. Usually, you would feel embarrassed by how wet you were. But this was Bucky. With him, it was different. An approving hum coming from him was enough confirmation. You had no need to be ashamed.
His fingers worked slowly, almost lazily. He knew how to push your buttons. By the way he touched you, so skilled, with such certainty, it was like he knew your body better than you did. Bucky encouraged you to be noisy, he wanted to hear you. The sweet moans, the whimpers, that he caused. He was the reason for them. Finally, he found your clit & put more pressure on it. Rubbing it in a steady motion. You could feel your orgasm building up already. You wanted to warn him, wanted to let him know that you needed a tiny bit more. He got the message when you pulled his hair tighter. While his finger stayed on your bundle of nerves, his head dipped lower, using his tongue to eat you out. And holy shit. That man knew what he was doing. He was so skilled, you assumed he had had tons of women before you. Right now, you could not care less. Your entire focus was on his ministrations & how his tongue entering you mixed with his fingers on your clit brought you higher & higher. Gripping his hair harder made him groan into you. That was all it took for you to let go. Your thighs shook & if it were not for Bucky steadying you, you would have fallen to the floor. For a few seconds, your vision was all blurry. That had never happened before. All the people who you had been with had never managed to satisfy you quite like this.
Again, his lips met yours. This time, you could taste yourself on them. And if it were possible, it turned you on even more. Both of his hands went to the back of your thighs, lifting you up with ease. He walked over to the bed & laid you down gently. All while his lips stayed locked onto yours. He propped himself up on his arms in order not to crush you with his weight. It was only then when you realized that he was still entirely dressed. Which was not really fair, considering that you were completely bare in front of him. Your hands went to open the buttons of his shirt but since you were still shaky after that first mind blowing orgasm he gave you, you could not quite succeed with that. A low chuckle escaped Bucky & his face left yours to help you out. His frantic actions showed you how he did not want to waste any more time. You barely had enough time to appreciate his body in its full glory. His muscles. His soft skin. Bucky knew what he wanted & he wanted it now.
He topped you, this time you opened your legs for him to slip in between. The kisses grew more & more passionate. But before you could get lost into it once again, he pulled away from you entirely. Your eyes opened, concern written all over your features. Bucky shushed you before you had the chance to ask if you did something wrong. Crossing the room in no time, he came back with a condom in his hand. The wink he sent you made you breathe easier. So he was not about to leave you. Opening the package, he took one of his arms to stroke over his thick cock. Sitting up, you kissed him while taking the condom from him. Your hand grabbed his wrist & you replaced his with yours, mimicking his previous motions. He groaned lowly & you smirked at his reaction. Twisting your hands just right, you picked up your pace. By the way his breath got heavier, you assumed that he was enjoying it. Suddenly, he pushed you away from him. Not hard, just so you would get the message. You knew what he was getting at. Giving him another short peck, you rolled the condom on & laid back down on the mattress. He followed your motions & set himself between your legs again. One arm on each side of your head as to not hurt you. His tip teased your entrance. Slowly sliding up & down to gather you slickness. Whenever he touched your clit, a moan left your mouth. That went on for a while. After all, Bucky made it his job to tease you. When the whimpers got too much, he asked you a simple question. In that deep, lust-filled voice of his.
“What do you want, doll?” you knew what he was trying to do. He wanted you to beg for him. But you were not that type of person. Not usually. Bucky was the exception. And he only had to ask that question twice before you gave in, the frustration clearly audible.
“Please, Buck. Please, I need you.” that did the job. In one swift motion, he entered you, filling you up so painfully right. That familiar, delicious sting. He stilled for a second. While he knew that he wanted to make this rough, he did not want to hurt you in any way. So he let you adjust to his size. Only when you moved your hips slightly & when you moaned out his name did he start his thrusts.
At first, he set a steady pace. Long, deep thrust that made your breasts bounce in the sweetest way possible. Not once did he close his eyes. No, he wanted to remember everything about this. Everything about you. You being under him. It did not take long for you to beg him for more. Giving in, he quickened his thrusts. Now, much deeper than before. He reached places inside of you you did not even know existed. The entire bed was moving & for once, you did not care if anybody heard you. All that mattered was the man on top of you. The man who made you feel like this. Like you were a goddess that needed to be devoured. During this moment, you felt like the prettiest woman on Earth. Bucky made you feel like that. You hated your body’s reaction to him. Because you could already feel your second orgasm building up. You did not want this to end so soon. You did not want to let go. But you knew you could not hold it back. Not much longer. Not if Bucky kept going like this. Somehow trying to signal that you were close, Bucky got an idea. His entire weight was now on his right arm while his metal one made its way between your bodies. Before he touched you there, he gave you an order. One that you could not help but obey.
“Open your eyes, doll. I wanna see you cum for me.” he said it in such a sexy way, barely above a whisper, but loud enough for you to understand that he was serious. So you did. You opened your eyes, locking them with his. That was when his metal fingers started rubbing fast circles around your clit. The noises coming from you got louder & louder. You were so close. When his thrusts did not slow down, you knew you would be there soon. The last bit it took came from Bucky, lips brushing your over your cheek, breathing another order in your ear.
“Cum for me. Yeah, that’s it. Cum all around me.” you had never heard something so hot coming from him. His words brought you over the edge. For the second time tonight, you saw dark spots clouding your vision. Bucky watching you cum under him made him reach his high as well. He bit your shoulder when he did. The pain mixed beautifully with the ecstasy you were currently experiencing.
He stilled inside of you, the two of you breathing heavily. You had never felt this satisfied after sleeping with someone. Slipping out of you, he rolled onto his side, propping his head onto his arm. There it was again. His charming smile. While he was a shy, polite gentleman outside of this room, he sure as hell did not hold back in bed. And you were glad that he did not. Smiling at him, too, he leaned in one more time for another kiss. This time, it was soft. Delicate. Not like the ones you shared only a few minutes ago. This sweet, romantic moment got interrupted when Bucky gripped your hips & rolled you on top of him so you were straddling his lap.
“I’m not done with you, doll.” yeah, it was about to be a long, tiring night.
Published (04/07/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @sweetserendipity65, @buckysleftarm420, @longinusfilibuster, @kathsheaven, @your-local-awkward-barista, @xfeliciahardyx (thanks for your support <3)
283 notes · View notes
barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 1
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Note: I just had to jump in the Bucky Barnes train after watching TFATWS and with Sebastian looking like that it gave me much needed muse to get back into writing. So Here it is! I feel like this is fast paced but I'm already working on the second part. Let's see how this goes. This goes from Episode 3 and transitions to Episode 4 at the end so consider some spoilers? As always, let me know your thoughts and I'm open to ideas!
Disclaimer: Gif not mine.
The idea of going to see Zemo to get any leads wasn't something you were particularly fond of when Bucky decided to go in there by himself. Yes, you trusted the soldier, but it was Zemo who you didn't trust. He was responsible for the break up of the Avengers. If it wouldn't have been for those events you would have all been together to defeat Thanos.
Your combat skills were what gave you the spot in the Avengers. You didn't have a serum, or superpowers, no tech to give you advantage, you were just really good with guns, strategies and tactics, learned to think outside the box.
You know everything is about to go to hell when Bucky takes you and Sam to a warehouse filled with cars and starts talking about breaking Zemo out of jail.
"Do you remember what that man did to all of us? To you? To T'Chaka?" You ask between Bucky and Sam who were looking at each other, that was until the squeak of the warehouse house doors interrupted. The three of you turn to look as a shadow got closer until…
"What the hell?! You said it was hypothetical! What is he doing out, Barnes!?" You snarl and take two quick steps towards Zemo.
"We need him, Y/N!" Bucky blocks your path.
"You are going back to prison!" Sam shouts, Bucky putting his hand on Sam's chest.
"If I may…"
"No!" The three of you shout, looking at Zemo before turning to each other.
"It's the only way! We can't do this alone!" Bucky states. "When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you two backed him. You broke the law and stuck your neck out for me… I'm asking you to do it again."
"This is different! It was to protect you from him but now you are asking us to work with his ass after everything?" You question. You would do it in a heart beat because he was asking for it, but the thought of being crossed by someone like Zemo was what had you on edge.
Sam only sighed and you knew, yet again, he would go through with Bucky's plan. "Okay. If we do this, you won't make a move without our permission…" Sam says and your eyes close as you let out a huff.
You are all walking down the bridge once you get escorted to the city of Madripoor, Low Town specifically. "You need to stay in character, no matter what happens" Zemo says.
"The assistant, shouldn't be that hard" you say with a roll of your eyes.
"Anyone would love such role, Y/N. I would prefer if your dislike didn't show when we get there" he says. "It is the only way to explain why we brought a lady along to such dangerous business."
"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, but thanks for your concern. That's sweet coming from someone like you" you say and you can spot Zemo smiling from your spot behind him.
"You okay?" Bucky asks once he falls behind you, looking at the surroundings and taking everything in.
"I'm not thrilled about this, but I guess we have no choice" you say as you look around, then your eyes fall on his frame. "What about you?"
"I don't know anymore…" he says before you all get inside the club.
Everyone fell silent when Bucky walked in, watching him, wondering if it really was the Winter Soldier. You have never been in the same space with Bucky in public, so the whispers and the looks had you feeling a kind of way, almost defensive, but you had to keep your role and give smiles to strangers while you walked with Zemo with your arms linked. You look around the place, leaning against the counter, hiding back a smirk as Sam drinks whatever the hell they just put in on his 'usual' drink.
"Zemo might not be welcomed here, but his assistant can stay as long as she wants" a man says into your ear and you are quick to move away.
"Excuse me?" You eye the man on your side.
"What's your name pretty face? I can get you a better job than being an assistant" the man reaches to push your hair away from your face, letting his hand linger on your shoulder and your body tenses. Sam meets your eyes and slowly shakes his head, knowing you were about to break character and beat the hell out of this man. Zemo noticed, but kept a neutral expression.
"If he doesn't take his hand off you…" You hear Bucky murmur under his breath. You gesture with your hand at him carefully to not give anything up, just raising two fingers towards him.
"Who says I want a better job?" You smirk and reach for your drink, sipping on it on one go.
Zemo turns to look at Bucky, and you have heard the words Winter Soldier in Romanian enough times to know them, so when Zemo speaks them and Bucky nods, your heart stops. He is swift in his moves and in a blur he is gripping and twisting the hand of the man that was bothering you. He looks back at you as he shoves the man away, your eyes meet for a moment before it all starts. Men from left and right start throwing themselves to him, like if they stood a chance against the Winter Soldier. Seeing him like this sent chills down your spine. Quick, agile, ruthless. His moves were so calculated, so life ending. The Winter Soldier might be gone but his skills and moves were there alright, you only hoped it was just that.
"It didn't take much for him to fall back into form" Zemo says on your side almost as if he read your thoughts.
"Make it stop, Zemo or I swear I'll jump in the fight…" you snarl.
"Stay in character or the whole place will be upon us" Zemo says and you let out a huff. "Your soldier will be fine. It's all part of the show…"
"He is not my soldier…" your eyes couldn't get away from Bucky, who now had a man pinned on the table and that's when you hear the clicking of a gun.
Things take a bad turn real quick. Sam got caught in his character thanks to a phone call. Selby got killed and now there was a bounty for her killers who were apparently the four of you, then Sharon saved your assess and took you to her place. You were getting ready for the party, something comfortable to fight should it be needed. Bucky leans against the bathroom frame while you curl your hair, "You know that will go away soon though, right? When you pick on the next fight."
"If it lasts me two minutes it would be worth it" you say with a smirk as you look at him through the mirror, placing the iron on the counter you turn to look at him, he offers you a weak smile. "Well you look handsome" you say as you eye him. The black suit looked so good on him, and it just made his blue eyes stand out.
"You look... beautiful" he blinks as he eyes you, his hands falling into his pockets.
"Well thank you" your cheeks flush. After a few seconds, your gaze softens when you feel he is...off. "Are you okay, Buck? I know that what you did back there..." you trail off.
"I'm fine. Its just… I'm still processing..." he shrugs.
"You shouldn't have gone through with the plan. We could've found another way…"
"We didn't have time to find another way. Zemo knew that way would give us the information we needed" he says.
"I still don't like that he is using you like this..." you say with a frown.
He remains silent for a moment, wetting his lips before speaking. "Y/N, I know we-"
"You two done?" Sam interrupts and James takes an annoyed intake of breath, your gaze drops.
"Yeah" James walks away without a look back and you chew on your lower lip.
"Did I interrupt something?" Sam says with a smug smile.
"Get out" You walk out of the bathroom and Sam throws his arm around you, laughing.
"You two were having a moment there, weren't you?" Sam teases as you walk, poking on your shoulder. "Listen, you gotta do this smoothly. He is all rusty. He hasn't had a date in like 70 years."
"He probably wants to be by himself to finish that notebook, and right now nothing can distract us" you frown.
"You distract each other already" Sam says between laughs. "One of you will be in danger and the other will run and save the other."
"That's what I mean. Zemo said it earlier, the Winter Soldier has a reputation. If he has to keep playing the part, I'll be trying to stop him even more than I already do. I can't blow off the mission because of whatever this is..."
"Alright, you got a point, but talk to him, alright? If you want, take him out of the party and work it out" Sam pats your back as you walk out to the living room area.
"Looking sharp, Y/N" Sharon says with a grin once you come out and you twirl with a laugh. "Enjoy the party. Stay out of trouble, I'll see what I can find."
"Shall we then?" Zemo asks, holding his arm out to you.
"Let's go" you link your arm with his, just to play along. After this time with Zemo you figured out you might as well enjoy yourself, there was still a long way ahead before getting rid of him again. He didn't seem so bad since he broke out, you still didn't trust him though.
Once at the party, you stick around with Zemo. Sam and Bucky are somewhere around the lounge surveying the place, you all still had a bounty on your heads anyway. Meanwhile you are with Zemo, who was making some moves that had you giggling and laughing. He took your hand and started going around you before letting go and you grin. "Should've known you were this fun I would've helped breaking you out" you tease over the music.
"Didn't had a chance" Zemo says and smiles as he claps while letting the music move him. He eyes something behind you before looking back at you. "Your soldier can't seem to stop looking at you" you want to turn around, but you decided against it.
"He is not my soldier…" you say. "He is just watching out for us. We have prices on our heads remember?" You tap your head as you say the words. "And you have him acting as our bodyguard."
"I know your hatred was fueled when I had him act in such way, and I do apologize for such plan but it was the only way" he says. "You would know if you understood how things realistically move" he says.
"Apology accepted" you say. Zemo takes your hand and twirls you, and you catch a glimpse of Bucky walking towards the two of you.
"I believe we have company" Zemo says into your ear. "You know where to find me" he says and walks out and into the crowd with his own, awkward dancing pace. You giggle at it before turning around and finding Bucky close.
His shoulders were tense under that black suit that made him look so good, and his scowl was too obvious. "Having fun with Zemo?" He asks, everyone around you was moving to the music, except him who only looked to where Zemo had disappeared to, his tongue poking in annoyance at his cheek.
"Just wanted to get to know him a bit more. Is not an everyday thing we hang with a Most Wanted prisoner" you say with a shrug. "Who you broke out of jail may I add."
"I didn't do anything" he says and his gaze averts from yours.
"For being one hundred and six you are an awful liar, Buck" you smirk, but he doesn't say anything. His hands are tucked in his pockets, eyeing everything but you. "Relax. Enjoy the music."
"This isn't my type of music" he says coldly and looks around the place once again.
"Fine…" you stop on your moves. Might as well take Sam's suggestion, plus you could see this scenario and the music was too much for him. "Come on, let's go back upstairs and talk" you hold your hand out for him and he looks at it, he hesitates before his glove covered hand wraps around yours and you lead the way.
"I told you, I'll be fine" he sighs as he sits down on the couch, you sit right beside him.
"Bullshit, Barnes" you say as you drop down. "When you were fighting those people…"
"It was just an act…I'm not a killer anymore..."
"I know, Buck" you reach to put your hand on his knee, which he eyes before looking at you. "But you didn't go to therapy to get over this only to be pulled again for a show. This isn't right."
"I'm okay, I promise…" he trails off. "I'm just getting used to all of this" his hand covers yours, sending electricity through your nerves.
"I promised Steve I would look out for you to not do anything stupid," you smile at him "I am not a super soldier or have any powers, but if I can help. I will do what I can…" you admit to him. His blue eyes look into yours and your heart stops it's beating for a second.
You hold his gaze and shift your position on the couch, your leg was already falling asleep since it was under you. "I-" he pauses and you can see his mind wondering, thinking, calculating. Sam was right, you could almost see the gears turning.
"Talk to me. I know you have something to say" you smirk.
"I guess that what I'm trying to say is, I am glad that you are with me in this mission even after everything-"
"Don't. Please…" you were sure he was going to bring up that one time where Sam, Steve and Natasha, as well as yourself, were attacked by him while trying to get a hold of Hydra. It was the first time you had seen him, you didn't know him, but you feared him. You are a mere human and he is a super soldier, the most dangerous soldier for the past years. He had tried to kill you back then one way or another, guns, knives, grenades, but somehow you survived.
Then you met him when Cap and Sam went after him, seeing him act like a normal person triggered something in you. How could someone like him turn into someone so dangerous? The time you spent watching after him, and fighting alongside the team had warmed your heart towards him to the point you admitted to yourself you caught feelings for him. How could you not? You were the only person to go to Wakanda to see him after he was freed, and it will be an understatement that you cried your eyes out when he told you the words. That was when the two of you started having a connection.
"You okay?" His voice echoes and you realize you had zoned out.
"Yeah. Sorry I was just thinking of…" he eyes you curiously, those steel blue eyes had you going weak. You inch closer and you feel him move, his head siding in a way that all you had to do was… "I'm so sorry for this, Buck-"
"What are you apolog-" and your lips muffle his words when you press them against his. You hated this. Losing your control the second you are alone with him. This wasn't right, but it felt unbelievably nice. His lips don't move, so to save yourself more embarrassment you pull away and duck your head to avoid his gaze, hoping that your hair is covering the redness of your cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that…" you pull your hand away from under his, daring to look up at him. "We should go back to the-"
This time, he interrupts you. His flesh hand moving in a blur to the back of your head to bring you in for another kiss. His lips were rough on yours even when they parted slowly, but what did you expect? For him to be the womanizer Steve once told you he was? That now that he was free he would be kissing any girl? You let out a sigh of relief through your nostrils before pulling away.
"Did I do something wrong?" His eyes were soft with worry as he tried to meet yours.
"No. Gosh no" you bite your lip. "Don't apologize...I just lost myself there…" you giggle and he smiles weakly. You move forward again but stop, looking into his hues for approval before you lean in again slowly and his lips capture yours. He dares to part his lips and you tilt your head slightly, so does his, deepening the kiss only slightly.
"Y/N? Are you- Sweet Jesus!" Sam voices echoes through your ears and Bucky quickly pushes you away lightly, but enough to have you away from him.
"Sam. I-" You try to explain.
"Nuh-uh. I saw enough to know what was going on."
"Any leads?" Bucky asks, trying to divert the attention, standing up now.
"Sharon found him" Sam says. "Let's go, and no PDA while I'm around, okay?"
"When all of this is over-" Bucky starts as you two walk down the containers, Sam, Sharon and Zemo a few feet ahead.
"I shouldn't have done that" you insist. "My timing was off.."
"You make it sound like it was wrong when it wasn't" he pulls out his gun and so do you.
"It was" you nod your head as you walk. He reaches for your hand, looks at the group in front of you before he pulls you to the side behind a container, your body between the two.
"I have wanted what happened more than you know" he is soft in his words and his eyes divert to your lips for a moment. "I just...I have a past, Y/N..."
"A past you are free from now, Bucky" you point out. "You are not The Winter Soldier anymore. You have grown from that ever since Wakanda…" you assure him. "I'm not even asking you to accept it to start something because I know its way too soon-"
"You don't understand" he slowly backs away from you.
"You don't trust yourself entirely yet, do you?" His eyes avoiding your gaze made you frown. "I knew that this would have consequences. I'm going to talk to Zemo."
"Y/N, wait" he catches your arm as you turn and he brings you close. "We can't trust Zemo. You know that…" he says. "I am not sure how to explain it, but-"
That's when it hit you. "You don't want him to know we are each other's weakness…" you voice and his head nods slowly as he swallows.
"That's why we need to sort this out, but later, not during this…"
"Y/N?" Sam calls out and you frown.
"On it!" You whisper shout back.
"Be careful. I'll go in with Sam…You stay with Sharon…" he says and your head nods.
"Walker I swear if you don't shut up I'll make you swallow that shield" your arms were crossed, leaning against the wall behind Bucky who was guarding the stairs. Zemo was cuffed, Sam was inside talking with Karli, Walker and Hoskins had found their way to you and now were here.
"Easy there. I'm just worried about your partner being in there by himself" he says and you notice the glare the Sargeant gives him.
"You have been messing this whole operation the moment you got here" you spat.
"Aren't you worried about Sam back there?"
"He can handle himself. He is doing what is right, unlike others" you eye him up and down and his whole face darkens, taking a step forward and you take a defiant one as well.
"Think carefully what you will do next, Walker" Bucky puts his hand on his chest.
"Let him. I can kick his ass and take that shield off his hands in a heartbeat…" you hiss.
"This is all easy for you, isn't it? All that serum rushin' through your veins. You let your partner in there with a Super Soldier, that blood will be on your hands if things get dirty in there…" Walker says to Bucky. How dare he!?
For a moment, you ponder on his words and you can't stand the thought of Sam being in there getting beaten by Super Soldiers while Walker could be right. You didn't want him to be. What if they took him? What if…?
"Buck…" you put your hand on his bicep and he looks at you, knowing very well what you wanted to do.
Of course, Walker wasn't very good with entrances since he literally waltzed in calling Karli and saying she was under arrest. Super Soldiers showed up everywhere and your eyes widened. Karli pushes Walker and then storms off running.
"Karli!" You call and look at Sam.
"Go! We got this!"
Your head nods, eyes shift to look at Bucky who was fighting a Super Soldier off before you storm to the direction Karli headed to. You see her walking down the corridor, not too far from you. "Karli, wait! This is not what it looks like!" Karli says and she stops in her tracks, looking back at you.
"It is exactly what it looks like! You are working for Captain America!"
"What? No! We hate the guy!" You admit bluntly, honesty can get you places after all, and at least she stopped. "We just want to work this out. There has to be a better way to fight for what you want, Karli…" you say and get closer.
"Yeah. There is...But first, you will help us deliver a message before we trust you again" your head tilts to the side curiously when you feel arms around you and you feel a pinch on your neck. Your eyelids feel heavy all of a sudden until you can't hold them open any longer.
-Bucky's POV-
After fighting some of the Flag Smashers off he meets with Sam, Walker and Hoskins in the middle of the building.
"We lost them" Hoskins says as he looked around.
"You made us loose them! I had everything under control until you stepped in!" Sam complained.
"Where is Y/N?" Bucky asks as he looks around.
"She went after Karli. I haven't seen her since..." Sam says, his phone goes off and Bucky is quick to move close to him as he opens the message. "They got Y/N…" Sam's brown eyes shift to look at Bucky who was clenching his jaw yet his eyes showed how worried he was, and mad for letting you go after Karli alone.
"That's it." Bucky turns on his heels and started walking the other direction.
"Bucky!" Sam calls but it didn't get the man's attention. "Bucky!"
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
Alternate Ending
Working on a fic that got derailed when Garrus and Shepard decided to make out. Figured I’d post this version here while spraying them with cold water on the other version.
Shakarian (AO3), Rated T, mild suicide mentions
“You know I thought those shield fluctuations were just my sensors getting confused by your teleportation act?”
Shepard barely glanced over her shoulder before going back to removing her armor. “Did you?”
It wasn’t until he saw a slug hit her in the shoulder that Garrus realized she really was launching herself into the center of the fray—and exploding—completely unshielded. “Shepard, what the fuck.”
She waved a hand in the air. “The dark energy—the way it—in order to—look it overloads my shield emitters, or, well, not exactly, I sort of overload them on purpose along with everything else—but they recover pretty fast. It’s no big deal.”
No big deal? He’d never heard her trip over her words like that. “You’re standing there with your hump out—”
“It’s really good body armor, not even scratched, and I don’t have a hump unless you mean my ass—”
“You’re a sinking pigeon!”
She dropped her chest piece on top of the pile, the sound echoing through the armory, and they stared at each other in mutual incomprehension. Garrus wasn’t angry, not really, but he veered into distinct annoyance when Shepard started laughing, a quick burst of startled air as her shoulders dropped.
Had she really lost her last shred of self-preservation?
“The expression is ‘sitting duck,’ birdman. Anyway, why do you think I bring my best sniper with me everywhere I go?”
She turned back to her armor as Garrus huffed. “I thought I couldn’t hit the side of a barn.”
“You can’t. I was talking to the visor. You’re just its mobile weapons unit.”
She tossed the armor pieces into her locker in a way that would have made any turian commander give her latrine duty for a month and kicked the door closed.
Kasumi’s words came back to him, and in spite of himself, Garrus laughed. “Dammit.”
“What?” she asked with a sidelong glance as she began unsealing her softsuit.
“Kasumi called me your emotional support turian.”
That gave her pause. She got her suit rolled down to her waist, just some thin civilian clothes up top now, exposing a dark purple lump on her shoulder. She shrugged. “Well if I have any emotions that need a shot between the eyes, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
Shepard had gone unreadable while she fussed with her legs, and the weird tension that filled the room had Garrus bouncing on his feet. It occurred to him that he was now just watching Shepard undress for no particular reason.
“You should get that shoulder checked out.”
She slammed her suit down in front of her. “I might be a sinking pigeon, but you are a mother hen. It doesn’t even hurt.”
On what may have been his most suicidal impulse to date, Garrus reached out and poked it.
“Shit.” Shepard snatched his hand, and the very real possibility of Shepard decking him floated through Garrus’s head. But she just threw his hand to the side and said, “Fine. I’ll hit the medbay.”
Garrus didn’t know what made him do it. Gun to his head, he couldn’t have answered. But with seemingly no rational thoughts left in his brain, he reached out poked her again, one turian finger into the soft flesh of her side.
She caught his hand, and this time didn’t let go. “What are you…?”  She let the words linger in the air, a questioning smile on her lips.
And yeah, Garrus was definitely feeling suicidal because when he tried to pull away and she didn’t let go of his wrist, he poked her a third time with his other hand, or, well, he tried to, but she intercepted before he made contact, and now she had both of his hands in a tight grip on either side of her hips, and…
Oh. That was what he was doing. He was flirting. Apparently. Like a twelve-year-old who didn’t know how to just talk to a woman and instead provoked her with juvenile antics.
Shepard was provoked.  
He gave another weak attempt to pull his hands back, but Shepard didn’t let go. Pulled him in tighter, and either she was an expert in turian flirting or she was lining herself up to headbutt him straight to Andromeda.
She wasn’t smiling anymore.
His heart was in his throat as her eyes traveled over his face, inscrutable. He realized he was leaning in even closer, looming over her, really, but he couldn’t figure out how to stop.
Just when Garrus was about to try to excuse himself to take a dive out the airlock, just to cool off, Shepard lunged forward with the weirdest headbutt of all time, planting her mouth over his. Garrus made a noise that was something like “grggghhll?” but Shepard had released his hands and they were back at their absurd stunts, grabbing her around her squishy human waist and pressing her against his body.  
Whatever this was, it was happening. Shepard sure as hell wasn’t pulling away, one of her hands creeping up around his neck to hold his face more firmly to hers. Her lips were warm against his mouth, and her nose was sort of smashed into his cheek, but she didn’t seem to care. And now that she was in his arms, he did not want to let go. This was, she was—weird, but good weird. Soft and kind of wet and Garrus had no idea what he was supposed to do next.
What he did was clumsily push her against the table and jostle her injured shoulder.
Shepard broke away with a hiss and a curse. She gave him a light shove, enough to knock him back two steps, though there was that smile again. Garrus’s hands, instigators of all of this, were now hanging limp by his side, no help at all.
Shepard’s eyes flicked over him. She absentmindedly ran a finger over her lips, which looked a bit pinker than they had earlier. “I’m going to, uh, I am going to go see Chakwas about this. The shoulder, not the uh—” she laughed “—You can… you can stay here and figure out what just happened. Yeah.”
Shepard left the armory in her socks, her softsuit still in a pile on the table. Garrus mirrored her earlier action, rubbing a finger over where her mouth had been just moments before. She’d left a little spit on him.
Weird. So, so weird.
After a minute, when his heart rate had slowed down to something approaching normal, he typed a query into his omnitool.
“That is what they call kissing?” he asked to the empty armory.
More importantly, could he get her to do it again?  
He jumped when EDI’s voice filled the room. “The Commander has asked me to relay a message to you.”
He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead.”
“She says that if you wish to continue your earlier conversation, you should wait for her in her quarters. She anticipates being done with Dr. Chakwas in about fifteen minutes.”
Garrus rubbed his thumb over his mouth again. Fifteen minutes was not a lot of time to learn… everything about human romance. “Thanks, EDI. I’ll, uh. Guess I’ll go wait. Ah, hm. You don’t have to tell her that.”
Garrus shuffled into the CIC and just hoped nobody noticed that when he called the elevator, he had pushed the up button.
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riverdeansart · 4 years
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Kon-El week day 2
i chose soulmate bc,, obviously alhsskdkd i was writing a ficlet with this but ran out of time so it's not rlly as long or well done as i had hoped but¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's life, folks
[fic under cut]
If there was one thing Cassie and Kon were good at, it was turning everything into a competition. they butted heads almost as often as he and Tim did.
“It’s not stupid, you’re just a coward!” Cheap, he knew. One thing about all his friends (definitely not himself) is they wouldn’t back down if you challenged them. Calling them a coward was a sure fire way to get the riled up and ready to throw themselves into whatever danger they had been rightfully avoiding.
And Kon was thanking fate that he was the one with heat vision, because with the look Cassie was shooting him he was sure he would’ve been burnt to a crisp by now.
“Alright! Fine!” she plopped back down in her spot between Bart and Tim, opposite of Kon, “whatever, we’ll play truth or dare! Because apparently you don’t have the mental capacity to come up with something worth doing, are you happy now?”
Kon wanted to throw in a smug ‘very’ but thought better of it, because he very much liked his head being attached to his body.
“Bart, truth or dare,” he said, instead, pointedly ignoring the grumbling he knew Cassie knew he could hear.
The game went calmly, if not a bit boringly, after that. Kon and Cassie steadfastly refusing to choose each other. To the relief of their friends, no doubt; Kon didn't miss the way the other two seemed to tense when it was one of their turns. Whatever, he wasn’t going to bait her.
Cassie did not share the same sentiment.
“Tim, truth or dare.”
Kon glanced at Tim as he took a sip of his soda, mildly interested.
“Dare.” He always picked dare. They were running out of dares.
Cassie glanced at Kon and they tensed, he and Tim. Tim didn't show it but Kon could see that he was uneasy. Kon wouldn't let Cassie get to him.
He caught her eye, and they held each other’s gaze for a beat. Bart leaned in slightly, no doubt ready to jump in if one of them lunged. Kon knew even if he wanted to take her on he couldn't, so he shrugged and gestured go ahead casually. Cassie scowled.
“I dare you to kiss Kon.”
Everyone froze. Kon didn't blush and he did not look at Tim, who had gone silent.
Kon eventually caved in and glanced at Tim who was still looking at Cassie as if he had misheard her.
“Well?” she raised an eyebrow.
“...Nothing” Tim said, carefully, finally turning to face Kon, who only through intense self-control didn't flinch or turn away. That was cheap.
Cassie knew Kon liked Tim. He would glare at her full out, if everyone hadn't been there. Instead he masked his face with a neutral look that he knew Tim would see right through. Damn you, Cassie.
Tim was now leaning forward, getting up onto his knees so he could lean over to Kon, easily stretching to place his hand on his neck and pull him forward into a kiss.
Kon swears he felt sparks fly off of his lips. His insides felt loopy and he almost fell forward when Tim suddenly pulled away.
“Oh my god,” he whispered, and Kon opened his eyes, blinking, bewildered by Tim’s frantic reaction. Kon blanched when it hit him.
“Holy fuck,” Kon whispered as well.
They stared at each other in shock, only barely processing their friends speaking. Kon thought he might melt through the floor right then and there. Because he had felt a spark, which meant Tim was his soulmate, and he was staring at Kon like his world had been turned upside down. Whether that was good or bad, he didn't know.
“Wait, don't tell me- you two are soulmates?” Cassie’s voice pulled them from whatever trance they had been in to stare at her wide-eyed. Neither said anything, they didn't know what to say.
“Holy shit.” Bart supplied, helpfully.
“Holy shit!” Cassie yelled, previous anger apparently forgotten, “you guys, you’re- that’s- holy shit-”
“Um, yeah,” Kon’s throat felt dry as his gaze shifted back to Tim, “I uh, I like you a lot. I guess that was a given, though.”
Tim wet his lips, “I… I was going to tell you, I just didn’t, y'know, I thought-” he went silent for a second, “is this real?” almost as if he was afraid it was some kind of messed up joke.
“God, I hope,” Kon choked, “because if it isn’t, I'm finding whoever or whatever’s controlling this soulmate stuff and kicking their ass”
Tim’s laugh made Kon’s heart soar.
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garbagevanfleet · 4 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: snuggling, tiny amount of bodily injury  Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place. Notes: I’ve been on a tiny bit on a hiatus, but here you go! Thanks for all of your support! I love you 
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @lara-gvf @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack​ @myownparadise96​
Kate was missing from class on Friday, to your deep dismay. You had been hoping to tell her about how shitty Trevor had been, but instead, you received a text that she had overslept her alarm and decided to just stay home.
That left you and Josh alone at lunch, just like you had been at the beginning of the year. He was excitedly explaining that there were a few kids in his production that you would “absolutely love”, and you had to agree.
“They’re catching on so fast. Rachel gave them some not-so-easy routines to the choreography, and they’ve almost got it down. I feel like that’s tough for kids so young, you know?”
You couldn’t help but grin as he spoke with such candor.
“I was doubtful that they would be able to get it, but she insisted that they could,” he finished, grabbing his bottle of water and lifting it to his mouth.
You had your lips open to reply until you caught sight of his hand; the knuckles were bruised just lightly enough that you couldn’t tell if it was just the lighting or not. As soon as he caught you eyeing it, he went to set the bottle back down.
“What happened?” You laid your hand down on the table, palm up as a gesture for him to take it. Reluctantly, he did, and you took a moment to inspect.
“It’s nothing, I’m just clumsy,” he said, pairing his assurance with a sweet smile.
You frowned at him in disbelief. “No, you’re not; I saw you make that shot across the room with your sucker stick the other night. You’re very well coordinated.”
He stared into your eyes for a moment as he gauged your reaction, and then hummed amusedly. “It’s really not that bad, it just looks gross. Just a musical mishap.” You shot him a look, to which he quickly replied, “Don’t worry about me, ‘kay?”
Not sure what else to say, you pushed forward the ziplock baggie of apple slices you had been munching on. He reached in and plucked one out for himself.
“Do you want to have a movie night with me tonight? You could invite Kate if you want.”
The offer made you genuinely smile, though you hadn’t quelled the long list of questions you still had.
“That sounds lovely. I think we have string cheese, so we could make homemade mozzarella sticks or something.”
He was looking at you in an oddly serious fashion, and you weren’t sure what he was going to say until he opened his mouth. “Hell yeah.”
You hadn’t considered that you’d have to see Trevor again so soon, or rather - you did, but you had been pushing it to the farthest corner of your brain, not at all ready to think about it. So that’s why when you were sitting in class and he walked in, your stomach lurched.
You tried to keep looking straight ahead, but it only lasted so long before you couldn’t help yourself. He was sitting as far away from you as he could get, but it still wasn’t terribly far.
He had his eyes firmly on his desk, head tipped down. His posture was crumpled in on itself, and you could only imagine how embarrassed he was - or at least you hoped he was. At the very least, you knew he should be.
Until the end of class, you kept yourself busy - even tried to actually pay attention, but when you were dismissed, you let out a relieved breath.
You stood and collected your things, then promptly headed for the door.
On the way out, he looked up and met your gaze, and the sight of his face made the air catch in your lungs.
The skin around his left eye was stained a purplish-grey, his brows tipped down into a scowl.
You hadn’t hit him that hard, had you? A whole cocktail of emotions flooded your brain, and you bit your bottom lip, ripping your eyes away from him as you exited the room.
Your pace was a bit faster than usual, which is why you beat Josh to the B doors by a couple of minutes.
Could slapping someone give them a black eye? You thought yes, but there would have to be some real force behind it. You were pretty sure that you’d have to wind up to get him that good.
“What’s wrong?”
You hadn’t even heard Josh approaching you, so it made you startle just enough for him to notice. He put his hand on your back in a comforting gesture.
“Ah, sorry. I was just thinking,” you replied, giving him a weak smile.
“About what?” he chanced softly.
“Nothing - not a big deal.” You started off walking, him right by your side, matching your pace.
  “How are things going with the play? You haven’t even told me what it’s about yet.”
His face lit up. “You haven’t asked. We’re doing Alice In Wonderland. Some of the songs are original.”
“What, like you wrote them?” you asked, looking over at him with a shocked expression.
He nodded, laughing under his breath. “Rachel is working on the wardrobe; costume design and all of that. I have the sculpture class working on the props and set, but they can only come like once a week.”
“Do you need any help?”
He looked over at you, surprised. “Do you want to? Can you paint?”
You shrugged. “Kinda. I mean, I can make it work. I’m not perfect, but it’s manpower, at least,” you admitted.
“No, no - any help would be amazing but don’t overexert yourself. You need to still work on your stuff.”
“I won’t,” you promised. “I’m happy to help.”
You had texted Kate at lunch asking if she wanted to come for a movie night, as Josh had suggested, and she had eagerly agreed. You were still surprised, however, when she showed up with a handbag full to the brim.
You watched her pull out a bag of kettle corn, a few little glass bottles of nail polish, some packets of face masks, a stack of DVDs, and a bottle of white wine - all while chatting you up about her morning.
“This looks like just a girl thing, so I’ll leave you guys to it,” Josh said, not a shred of animosity in his tone, but you frowned up at him from the couch as he stood.
You went to open your mouth to protest, but Kate beat you to it. “Oh, no, you should stay. I brought three masks.” She fanned them out like a deck of cards in her hand.
He raised his eyebrows at her, looking rather impressed. “Oh.”
“You do want nice skin, right?” she prompted.
“He has very nice skin,” you replied in his defense, making her shoot you a look.
“Everyone has room for improvement,” she quipped back, as Josh just shrugged at you.
“I’m down,” he agreed, taking his seat again on the couch. “Are we watching a chick flick?”
“Well, I brought some choices. Otherwise, I’m open to suggestions if you guys have any good ones.”
“Maybe we should let Josh pick,” you suggested. “Since he’s going to be the one really watching it while we do nails.”
She smiled at you and then him. “You heard her - gentleman’s choice.”
“So, if I pick Human Centipede,” he started through a shit-eating grin.
You lovingly rolled your eyes at him. “If you own Human Centipede, I’m going to be moving out.”
He tipped his head back and laughed unabashedly.
In the end, he picked a rom-com, which you knew he would, and took a seat next to you on the couch. About a quarter of the way through, you realized that Kate didn’t have a lot of intention of actually watching a movie, per se. It seemed that she was more interested in using it for background noise.
The night was therapeutic. Everything felt easy. You found yourself laughing genuinely, leaned in to watch as Kate dabbed a wet washcloth over Josh’s nose, causing him to scrunch it up in distaste. She immediately scolded him, explaining that it had to be wet for the mask to work right, and he needed to sit still.
Once it was on, you couldn’t help but snap a picture of him as he play-pouted at you, his bottom lip jutted out.
It wasn’t until your nails were finished that you started to feel a chill. “Does it feel cold in here to you?” you asked.
Both of them looked at you questioningly.
“Maybe just a little bit,” Kate agreed.
Wordlessly, Josh stood and grabbed a thick blanket from the basket by his side of the couch and then spread it out of your laps. You had thanked him, and that had fixed the problem for then, but by the time Kate was packing her stuff up and ready to leave, you had a chill you just couldn’t shake.
As soon as she was gone, you turned to him and frowned. “You really aren’t cold? Like at all?”
“It’s a little cold, yeah,” he agreed, but you sensed it was mostly to make you feel better. “Do you want a sweatshirt?”
You nodded, giving him a grateful look.
“I hope I’m not getting sick,” you mumbled.
He frowned at you, rubbing at your shoulder. “Hang on, I’ll check the thermostat.”
His feet made a patting sound as he crossed the hardwood; a sound that had become a comfort to you.
“Hmm, it is colder than usual in here. I’ll turn the heat up,” he replied, and then a moment later, he finished. “The heat isn’t kicking on for some reason.”
You shot him a concerned look, suddenly terrified you were going to freeze.
“Hang on, I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, where are you going?” you asked as you watched him make his way to the front door.
“Just into the hall, sit tight.” With that, he disappeared.
You pulled his sweatshirt on and sat back onto the couch, your knees tucked up to your chest and the blanket up to your neck.
When he got back in, he gave you a sympathetic look. “Apartment 4 said that theirs is working just fine, so I think I’m going to call the landlord.”
“It’s 9:30 at night,” you reminded him, brows tipped up in concern.
“Yeah, but heat is kind of an emergency here in the winter.” The phone was already up to his ear as he spoke. You could hear the line ring and then someone pick up on the other end. He explained the situation to her with ease at first, but he seemed to quickly lose his patience with her.
“That’s absolutely ridiculous,” he snapped, filling a tea kettle with water. “It’s going to get freezing in here tonight.”
Then a pause, and you could hear her responding pointedly.
He let out a huff. “We don’t have the money for that. What are we supposed to do?”
You could hear him relent, just by the tone of his voice. He thanked her and then promptly hung up. You waited for him to come over, two cups of tea in hand, before you threw any questions at him.
“Well?” you asked, knowing full well that nothing had been accomplished.
He exhaled a long breath. “She said she’ll get someone on it later tomorrow, and if we wanted it fixed tonight, we’d have to pay for it upfront and she’d pay us back minus the emergency fee.”
You frowned but still reached your hand out of the blanket to set comfortingly on his knee. “It’s okay. Thank you for trying.”
“We’ll pile the blankets on you tonight,” he promised.
But even with - what you were sure was - twenty pounds of blankets, you were cold in your bed. You laid, staring at the ceiling for nearly an hour, trying to will yourself warm. You even tried moving around a bunch under the blankets, hoping to produce enough heat from friction, but it was no use.
You had known what you were going to have to do just moments after settling under the covers, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it until you started to shiver involuntarily.
You let out an annoyed huff and pushed the covers off. It wasn’t until you were out in the open air that you realized how much warmer it actually was under the covers.
You crossed the hall, poking your head into Josh’s doorway.
“Josh,” you whispered into the dim room, and he stirred instantly.
“Yeah,” he responded, a rasp in his throat.
It took you a second to work up the courage to ask, “Can I sleep in here tonight? I cannot get warm for the life of me.”
“Yeah, of course.” His reply came after a moment of him shifting over for you.
You rushed back to your bedroom, snatching the blankets off of the bed. They were too thick to really bunch them up in your arms to carry, so you ended up half-dragging them over. When you returned, he held the comforter open for you.
“I hope I’m not intruding.” You climbed in, quickly pulling all of the blankets over you as he helped you situate them comfortably.
He shushed you assuringly.
“Why is your bed so warm?” you complained, shuffling down until the blankets were up to your chin.
The smile on his lips could be heard through the hum he let out. “I’m used to the cold. I’m sorry to tell you that this isn’t even close to the coldest it’ll get here. You probably haven’t had to make your own body heat much back home.”
“This is literally like body heat donation for the needy,” you teased, turning in bed until you were facing him. “Can I lay where you were laying?”  
“What, no,” he said through an incredulous laugh.
“I bet it’s so warm though,” you whined. “Feel how cold my feet are.”
You shifted until you could press your toes against his bare ankle, making him jolt.
“Jesus,” he hissed. “If you want the heat you’re just going to have to come over by me.”
You took a second to gauge that response, trying to find any evidence of teasing in his tone. “Really? You wouldn’t mind?”
“How do you wanna do this?” His tone sounded like it was inching toward disbelief.
Through a frown, you asked, “What do you mean?”
The sound of him quietly clearing the sleep from his throat filled the otherwise quiet room. “Just. I don’t know, do you wanna put a blanket between us?”
You giggled breathily at him. “No, I’m too cold to be worried about modesty, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Okay, I’m just going to lay here and you just situate yourself however feels comfortable for you.”
Without any hesitation, you scooted toward him until your chest was flush to his side, your chin rested against his shoulder.
“Is this okay?” you inquired, snuggling deeper under the sheets.
The warmth was heavenly.
“Your skin is fucking freezing,” he mumbled, clearly close to sleep again already.
“Good, so you see that the situation is dire,” you quipped, wriggling your fingers until he let you slip them between his chest and his bicep. His muscles jumped, and you could tell just how cold your skin was just from the way he felt hot to the touch.
He breathed a laugh, and in a teasing tone, agreed, “Life-threatening, I’d go so far as to say. Wake me up if you need anything, okay?”
You agreed, pressing your nose against the sleeve of his shirt, and drifted off.
When you woke, it was to the sound of his alarm. You felt him reach a hand out of the covers and flick his phone off, putting a stop to the shrill ringing instantly.
It took you a second to realize you were borderline hot. You couldn’t figure out why it was so dark until you realized that one of the sheets was almost completely over your head, blocking out the sun that shone through the slats in his blinds. You wiggled until your head was out from under the blanket, but quickly pulled it back up to your chin when you felt how the cold room made your skin prickle.
Once you got your wits about you, you wiped the sleep from your eyes, popping them open in shock when you realized the position you were in. You weren’t sure if it was him, or you, but somehow he had shifted in the night so that your chests were pressed flush together.
In his sleepy state, he placed his hand on the back of your head, pressing your face back into his neck where it was positioned - unbeknownst to you.
With your nose touching his skin, you could feel his pulse on the tip of it, slow and steady - like he wasn’t really awake. The smell of his cologne was familiar to you now.
“Josh,” you whispered, tipping your head up until you realized the limited mobility you actually had.
He hummed, and you knew the second he was conscious because his muscles tensed all at once before loosening enough to release you.
“Sorry,” he mumbled as you untangled your legs from his. “I must have really been out.”
“It’s okay, I was too.” You looked up at him with a smile. “We survived the night.”
He hummed through tilted up lips. “That’s good; I would have been really upset if you died in my bed.”
After a moment, you groaned a complaint. “I do not want to get out of bed. I know it’s going to be fucking freezing. If we move out of here, can we go somewhere warm?”
He tilted his head over to meet your eyes with a subtle smirk.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he replied. You were contemplating pressing further, but he spoke again. “I’m staying home today from school so I can be here when the repairmen come.”
You frowned. “Do you want me to stay instead? Or with you to keep you company?”
“No, I’ll be good. You need to go to school and stay warm.”
You grimaced at him, secretly wishing he had asked you to stay so you didn’t have to get out of bed.
“Okay, you’re sure?”
He laughed at you. “Yes, you should get moving. Feel free to wear any of my warmer clothing.”
You shot him a grateful look before closing your eyes and throwing the blankets off of yourself.
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