#Yandere Theory
hi!! pretty pleaaaaaase check out my yandere enneagram tritype personality quiz!!! it'll tell you what your yandere tritype is :3 it's based off of this so you can read that whole thing, too, if you want :3
please reblog with what you get :D
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
ok but like but like… a huge scary bloodthirsty yandere who demands that their darling be a perfect little housemaid…
tw - kidnapping, mentions of blood/gore, implied non/con.
anon literally does not mention monsters once but i am imagining this with a big, animalistic beast of a yandere,,, maybe they're just mimicking human behavior, trying to replicate the loving relationships they've seen in the villages they've devastated with their own precious, fragile human mate. you're clearly scared of them, clearly too skittish and too eager to run to ever adjust to your new life on your own, so they try to give you a nudge in the right direction - digging a gore-stained apron and a few human household staples out of their hoard and encouraging you to sweep the stone floors of their spotless den, to reenact all the scenes you should be playing out with whatever human spouse they left in a bent, broken heap while retrieving you. it's mostly for your sake, but they do get a spark of joy from seeing you all dolled up and doing your best to take care of their home, sniffling to yourself as you mop up the blood from their last meal. they can't help but pull you into their lap and lick away your warm, adorable tears - to want to take care of you the same way you take care of your shared home. they can only hope you aren't too nervous to accept their doting affection with a smile, this time <3
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depravitymoon · 11 months
Favorite Darling Types
Author’s Note: I have made a favorite Yandere types post before, so here’s the favorite darling types. Well, it’s more like darlings I want to see more of. I’m tired of Y/N being so generic. I know Y/N is suppose to be vanilla, but people can sprinkle in a bit of flavor, can they?
Prize Winner - Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You are not a good person. You have done some terrible things and the Yandere is a karmic consequence of your actions. Works great with a sadistic yandere.
Triple Digit IQ - You attempt to be smart and use the situation to your advantage. Maybe even outsmarting your yandere for awhile.
Fight Back - While most darlings are captured with ease, you’re the exception. You cause a whole cat and mouse games before getting caught. Even then, you’re putting up an extremely good fight.
Ditzy/Bimbo - You’re colorblind, so you cant see the red flags. All those signs that your lover is a yandere? Nope! Can’t see them!  This one’s more for comedy, but still entertaining.
Bad Boyfriend - You have a psycho ex you want to be rid of. Too bad your hero will just be the new psycho lover and will sure to never be the ex.
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professional-yearner · 11 months
Fake dating to one-sided obsession
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Guys I am in need of help.
My Friend and I had made a post about unhinged white haired characters that have a braid and how there hot and better then everyone else.
We have decided to make a bunch of honorary mentions.
The main mentions must be, white haired, have a braid, and be unhinged.
Honorary mentions must be unhinged and white haired.
I need help finding ever single unhinged white haired character. Pls help me.
Give me the names of the character and I'm adding it to the post I made about unhinged white haired characters.
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justyanderes · 2 years
I love you darling decides decides to have a 'family' with their yandere cus it's easier than trying to keep a pet alive trope 💕
I love you darling having a falling out with another darling because they have given in to Stockholm syndrome trope
I love you yandere only due to extreme situational circumstances trope if only you hadn't almost died and made your lover go crazzzyyy lol 😭
All three tropes are truly peak fiction that I will hopefully write one-day 😔
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moonstrumpet · 4 months
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“My love for you transcends time” ~Barbatos, The Nighbringer..
UGHH IVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR SO LONG.. i’ve been coloring it and coloring it over and over so i gave up and decided to post it.
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running-with-kn1ves · 8 months
Hii ! I wanted to ask if you could do more yandere gangster.
A/N: here's a ramble that is similar to so many other fics/imagines but its ALL I CAN THINK OF RN...
CW: kidnapping, yandere themes, murder, illicit substances mentioned, weaponry, some suggestive thots, general dark content shtuff.
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Gangster! Yan who’s the right hand man to one of your city’s oldest gangs, the bosses family operating it since the prohibition era. Their main source of income back then was smuggling alcohol to different speakeasies and clubs, now mostly dabbling in the occasional shipment of opioids or small arms that they can get their hands on. Your gangster! Yan doesn’t handle that side of business, though. He’s been tasked to oversee deals, and the protection of the boss and whatever sweet treat he has on his arm for the evening.
When a ‘project’ goes haywire, he’s there to settle things. When someone needs to be taken care of, he oversees it while his boys do what they need to. And when there’s a witness to a particularly unsavory part of business, he personally sees to shutting them up. 
That’s why he didn’t have a choice but to watch you, to learn your morning routine and stare intensely when you perused the grocery isles indecisively. The boss put him up to it, to dispose of every flaw in their seamless operations; countless times he entered your backdoor, breaking the lock you had just replaced due to his previous endeavor, watching you curl up in warm white sheets and smush your face against your pillow. Standing outside wasn’t an option anymore, his shadow from the window disturbed you, and it blocked the trickle of moonlight on your dewey skin. 
Even with the small pistol in his hidden coat pocket, the crowbar he ued to pry the door open, the compulsion to rid you of what you had seen to appease his leader could not overtake the complete desire to rub his face into your chest, to have your thighs wrapped around his head like a sea of warmth, needing that earthy scent of your skin that somehow calmed his screaming heart to completely surround him. 
What drew him to you was how alone you had been-- at home, at the scene of the crime, when you were out and about. Who would miss you? Who was there to take care of you? What would be the purpose to killing you? You hadn’t even gone to the police yet, despite the millions of questionable asks you submitted to reddit and looked up online for what to do after seeing a man’s murder. 
The roughly edged gangster found it endearingly cute, so foreign to the life he had led. You had no way of stopping him if he completed what he was supposed to, no one to turn to if you suddenly found yourselves at the hands of a shady group of men who used you as a drug mule. 
Gangster! Yan knew the kind of underlings his boss employed, easy men on probation or past druggies who wouldn’t think for a minute to stop from gobbling you up on the side of the street if you just so happened to walk down the wrong alley. Seeing as you had stupidly yet to make a distinct change your route after witnessing his gangs work, it could happen any day now. 
He couldn’t let you fall prey to the men he didn’t have a leash on, nor let you continue to live in such suffocating solitude with that neutral look on your face forever. Even if it was only filled with fear from now on, from him-- he’d give you a better life than what you lived.
It was too easy to take you, too easy to drag you to his car, too easy to put you in the decent condo he had been paying for the past decade and barely came home to. Now, he had just realized, he’d have a real reason to come back home. He couldn’t just sleep the night away in shitty bars just to wake up to the next day of work. He had to take care of you, feed you, make sure you bathed. 
Gangster! Yan was almost as surprised when he gave you the cold shoulder, heartlessly teasing you for your stupidity in walking down a known drug-trade neighborhood, for not having realized that he had stalked  you every. single. Day. as you were blind to his heavy, broad shadow of scars and grimaces.
You were so quietly willing to appease him, to scoot to his lap when he demanded it with a threatening hand over his pocket, pretending as if the empty space was a weapon. “Please don’t kill me” you asked neverendingly, every meek breath expecting a slap or a shove off. But the criminal held onto you tighter, hating the reminder that you weren’t a willing pet. 
Even when your eyes faded back with ecstasy, your arms thrown around his shoulders with a grip that only a lover could offer, he saw the flinch you gave when he bent down to kiss you. 
Even with his harsh spats that he throws at you for your mistakes, his belittlement, you are his comfort doll when he’s deal with hardships for the day. When the horrible things he’s done starts to get to him and the alcohol doesn’t drown it out,  or when one of his drop-offs go to shit, you’re the one he bee-lines for for to rant to, to make you stroke him and nod at how hard he’s worked. But his possessiveness is soul-crushing. His grip is painful when he holds you at night, his kisses rough against your mouth with his chain-smoker breath and chapped lips that haven’t been touched in ages.
But with you, he’s learned to take better care of himself. He already has you, wants you in every way, but he needs you to want him, to need him. So, coming home to shower, geling his hair back like he did as a young rookie, shaving his 5 o’clock shadow, he’s made himself into the perfect, respectable man-- or wannabe bad boy. But no amount of grooming could change your perception of the blood stained gangster that kept you in a cage before you were trustworthy enough to be chained to the bed. 
“I’ve killed for you, who else could say that?” 
“Been thinkin’ bout you all day, waiting here for me. Came home as fast as I could so you wouldn’t be lonely. A nobody like you can’t be left to your own devices for too long.”
“Won’t let no other fucker get a hold of you, you’re mine-- through and through. I’ll kill us both before something seperates us.
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Yandere Enneagram: The 27 Tritypes
please reblog. i'm begging you. this took 4 hours... open this link for the google document version open this link for the personality test for this system
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Inspired by Enneagram Tritypes, I made this yandere theory system! It's just for fun, but feel free to type yourself or characters in it.
This is based on the idea that there are 3 centers to the Enneagram: the gut, the head, and the heart. They're made up of the 8, 9, 1, then 5, 6, 7, and 2, 3, 4 types respectively. The tritype is then all of the traits of one type from each center combined.
Some of the traits are negative and may not apply to a more healthy yandere, while some might be too positive for a more unhealthy yandere. It cannot describe the yandere 100% accurately, however, it can give a good description of their behavior.
The explanations will be explained in how each type interacts with each other in the tritype.
Core: Your main type.
Fix: Your secondary/tertiary type, one of the other 2 numbers in your tritype besides your core.
125 - The Guardian Angel
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
126 - The Martyr
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; helps 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
127 - The Savior
1+2: ♡ Stressed about darling's safety ♡ "I CAN FIX THEM" ♡ Critical ♡ Has a very specific ideal for darling ♡ Attracted to troubled darlings ♡ Feels like it's only right to interfere with darling's life, whatever that means to them ♡ Self-righteous ♡ Martyr ♡ Needs validation from darling despite how they may act ♡ Acts of service ♡ 1 fix can help core 2 be more careful about their actions/be more rational ♡ 2 fix can help core 1 be less brash and more emotionally comforting
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
135 - The Perfectionist
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
136 - The Sculptor
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
137 - The Idealist
1+3: ♡ Strong desire to have a positive image of and with darling ♡ Needs a perfect relationship ♡ 2 wing is especially likely to sabotage darling then try to "fix" things ♡ Needs... everything to be perfect ♡ Sensitive ♡ Will completely break down if darling criticizes them; more likely sadly if 3 core, more likely angrily if 1 core ♡ Identifies with relationship with darling ♡ Expects darling and themself to be perfect ♡ Especially critical of who darling associates with ♡ Stressed out ♡ Perfectionist ♡ Works hard to please darling, especially with 2 wing ♡ Likely to see darling as lesser and like a pet or toy to them ♡ 1 fix can help core 3 control darling ♡ 3 fix can help core 1 consider the view of other people rather than only their own
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
145 - The Researcher
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+5: ♡ Very meticulous ♡ A planner and a stalker ♡ Still somewhat critical despite idealizing nature of 5 fix ♡ Struggles with the touchy-feely part of relationship ♡ Often too cold ♡ Emotionally aloof ♡ Especially intimidating when angry ♡ Curious about darling ♡ Can seem like they're interrogating darling at times with their curiosity ♡ Perfectionist ♡ 5 fix can help 1 core see darling less critically ♡ 1 fix can help 5 core be more persistent and less susceptible to surrender
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
146 - The Philosopher
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+6: ♡ Very strict ♡ Wants to be aware of what darling is doing, not out of curiosity like 5, but out of fear ♡ Rigid expectations; will panic if they fail to follow their expectations or act differently ♡ Extremely controlling due to need for security and ♡ Criticism + paranoia = becomes very angry if they see something "wrong" with darling ♡ Imagines problems that don't exist and becomes upset about them ♡ Especially hateful of everyone darling interacts with ♡ 1 fix can help core 6 focus on an ideal and focus on something rather than irrational anxieties ♡ 6 fix can help core 1 be less harsh and more lovey-dovey
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
147 - The Visionary
1+4: ♡ Most focused on darling being perfect ♡ Hates everything that isn't darling the most, finds them boring and subpar ♡ Hard to please ♡ Very particular ♡ Possibly follows religious ideals with darling ♡ Or might worship darling instead - or desire that darling worships them ♡ Harsh standards for themself ♡ 1 wants to control darling while 4 wants to simply love darling as they are ♡ Feels conflicted in how they feel about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Doesn't daydream as much as other 4 types and isn't as emotional; 1 stunts the dreamy, emotional part of 4 ♡ Erratic view of darling ♡ 1 fix can help 4 core romanticize things less and be more serious ♡ 4 fix can help 1 core love darling more comfortably
1+7: ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Focused on a dream/perfect world ♡ Serious but also enthusiastic ♡ Can get quickly bored of darlings if they aren't "good enough" ♡ Loves giving gifts to darling ♡ Unpredictable emotions; prone to anger issues ♡ Unpredictable and somewhat random in general despite desire for structure and control; 7 conflicts with 1 ♡ Likes to plan trips and dates in detail ♡ Romanticizes darling and gets upset if they don't match the ideal they have for them ♡ Desires perfection ♡ In love with the idea of darling ♡ 7 fix can help 1 core be less strict, demanding, and critical ♡ 1 fix can help 7 core focus and be more structured
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
258 - The Strategist
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
259 - The Problem Solver
2+5: ♡ Needs alone time despite craving attention from darling ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Would set up cameras in darling's room and/or watch them at all times ♡ Needs to know they're safe and content ♡ Asks darling so many questions and wants to know exactly how they feel ♡ Keeps their true intentions hidden ♡ Interested in darling's connections with other people ♡ Likes to give advice to darling and to be of service ♡ Really, really loves analyzing darling ♡ Love letters and love poetry enjoyer ♡ 2 fix can help 5 core interact with darling more ♡ 5 fix can help 2 core become less suffocating to darling
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
268 - The Hero
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; can help 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
269 - The Nurturer
2+6: ♡ Strong desire to be of service to darling ♡ Most anxious about making a mistake and hurting darling rather than helping ♡ Hates hates hates being alone and separated from darling the most; most clingy and needy ♡ Needs security and plenty of "I love you"s ♡ Needy. Did I mention needy? ♡ Forgets their own needs and instead focuses on darling's ♡ Needs to be important to darling ♡ Becomes very flustered and upset if they don't know how to help darling ♡ Hates it when other people help darling with anything ♡ Often self-sacrifical for darling but not humble about it, at least not internally ♡ 6 fix can help 2 core be more understanding of darling and think things through more carefully rather than only seeking affection; can help 2 be more thoughtful ♡ 2 fix can help 6 core feel more of a specific purpose, to help darling
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
278 - The Playful
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
2+8: ♡ Very very very possessive ♡ Hates when people talk to darling ♡ Would lock darling in their closet and be their sole caretaker if t hey could ♡ Especially controlling ♡ Acts of service ♡ Likely physical touch for 8 core especially ♡ Dislikes being vulnerable and prefers to make darling vulnerable ♡ Conflicted between protecting their own needs and pleasing darling ♡ Aggressive in love and cute aggression ♡ Lovey-dovey ♡ Darling's hero ♡ Anger issues to both darling and others ♡ Sees darling as helpless and weak, needing their help and protection ♡ 2 fix can help 8 core care more about making darling happy and fulfilling their needs rather than simply possessing them ♡ 8 fix can help 2 core become less obsessed with pleasing darling and care more about protecting themself
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
279 - The Peacemaker
2+7: ♡ Very social, even with those that aren't darling (but especially with darling) ♡ Possibly a bit delusional in likely thinking that darling is obsessed with them as well ♡ Friendly and upbeat ♡ More likely to compromise with others that get in their way of darling rather than act in a manner that is emotionally-charged ♡ Manipulative; love-bombs darling and even others ♡ Likes messing with darling and teasing them ♡ Extremely affectionate ♡ Probably enjoys physical touch ♡ Fantasizes about saving darling from danger ♡ 2 fix can help core 7 be more caring about darling's wellbeing ♡ 7 fix can help core 2 relax
2+9: ♡ Most self-sacrifical ♡ Forgets own needs in favor of darling's ♡ Conflicted between hidden pride of 2 and self-abasement of 9 ♡ Deeply fearful of hurting darling or upsetting darling ♡ Very sweet to darling, probably the sweetest to darling except maybe 4+9 ♡ Passive-aggressive ♡ Lots of built-up resentment ♡ Might snap on darling one day ♡ Deeply afraid of losing darling ♡ Especially bad abandonment issues ♡ Prone to feeling unappreciated ♡ Denies their pride ♡ Wants to help darling ♡ Delicate and mellow ♡ 2 fix can help 9 core have some kind of pride and enhances desire to help darling, giving some kind of purpose ♡ 9 fix can help 2 core be less prideful and more gentle
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
358 - The Overachiever
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
359 - The Observer
3+5: ♡ Arrogant about how well they "know" darling ♡ Intelligent ♡ Meticulous and careful ♡ Stalker but likes to be a little fun with it ♡ Would secretly give possibly creepy gifts to darling ♡ Likes to look good for darling but is less flashy than a 3+7 for example ♡ Strong mask around everyone but especially darling ♡ Fearful of vulnerability ♡ Puts a barrier between themself and darling ♡ Fear of failure ♡ 3 fix can help 5 core be less reserved and act more on their desires, despite still having a mask of some kind ♡ 5 fix can help 3 core understand darling better and care more about darling rather than looking good together
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
368 - The Owner
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
369 - The Attached
3+6: ♡ Cares a lot about loyalty ♡ Wants darling to pledge their loyalty to them ♡ Needs darling to show how much they love them in actions ♡ Highly dedicated to darling ♡ Insecure about how others see their relationship ♡ Shows darling off to make sure everyone knows they're together ♡ Anxious ♡ Especially anxious if they feel darling has criticized them in any way ♡ Matching pfps, layouts, outfits, etc with darling ♡ Anxious about how their darling views them; needs to be perfect ♡ Wants to be extremely talented and accomplished so darling admires them ♡ Competitive to please darling ♡ Adapts to darling's preferences like a chameleon ♡ 3 fix can help 6 core be more confident ♡ 6 fix can help 3 core think more
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
378 - The Energizer
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
3+8: ♡ Marks darling, probably would get them a collar or something like that! ♡ Wants everyone to know who darling belongs to ♡ Very aggressive and assertive to darling and others ♡ Dominant ♡ Intimidates others, especially anyone who gets in the way of their relationship ♡ Would kill for darling (...or maybe kill darling, too) ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Afraid of showing emotion to darling ♡ Has a "mask" ♡ Thinks those in darling's life are insignificant and weak ♡ Likely sees darling as their cute little pet or something of the sort ♡ 3 fix can help 8 core love their relationship with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 3 core fight against obstacles more
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
379 - The Masked
3+7: ♡ Flashy ♡ Positive and optimistic about their relationship ♡ Especially wants darling to think they're cool and the best ♡ Might be fake or two-faced ♡ Can manipulate others easily ♡ Doesn't hesitate to harm others if they're in the way of their relationship with darling ♡ Romanticizes darling and their relationship ♡ Loves doing cute couple things with darling ♡ Playful, likes teasing darling ♡ Drags darling into adventures with them ♡ Struggles with vulnerability ♡ Has a "mask" or false self ♡ 3 fix can help 7 core focus more on one darling rather than bouncing around as much ♡ 7 fix can help 3 core be more lovey-dovey and playful
3+9: ♡ Especially attached to darling ♡ Adaptable and accommodating to darling ♡ Most reverent 3 type ♡ Mostly stable emotions ♡ Clingy to darling ♡ Still cares about their image with darling ♡ Might want darling to take care of them ♡ Prefers a diplomatic approach to obstacles ♡ Avoids conflict ♡ Highly adaptive to darling's preferences; chameleon-like ♡ 3 fix can help 9 core be more confident ♡ 9 fix can help 3 core be more humble and careful
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
458 - The Enraptured
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
5+8: ♡ Mastermind ♡ Often intimidating, darling may be afraid of them ♡ Quietly stalks darling and waits to pounce ♡ Invulnerable ♡ Dominant ♡ Watches from afar rather than closely interacting with darling ♡ Especially hates everyone in darling's life; possessive and jealous but wields it like a weapon ♡ Likely has street smarts ♡ Prone to manipulation and violence; lethal ♡ Hates superficiality and dislikes small talk, especially with darling ♡ Wants a true, deep connection with darling, especially with 4 core or fix ♡ 5 fix can help 8 core be less impulsive and reflect more ♡ 8 fix can help 5 core eventually pounce rather than never acting
459 - The Dreamer
4+5: ♡ Detached from actually being with darling ♡ Watches darling from afar and daydreams about them rather than acting ♡ Doubled daydreaming aspects ♡ Quiet resentment towards others in darling's life; 4, 1, or 8 core more likely to act on resentment ♡ Deeply engrossed in analyzing darling ♡ Writes and enjoys love poetry and love letters ♡ Deep down, needs words of affirmation ♡ Sees darling as perfect (unless splitting or something of the sort, as is common with 4 types...!) ♡ Quite delusional ♡ 5 fix might make 4 core a little less emotional than other 4s ♡ Bizzare-seeking ♡ Struggles to explain their feelings for darling when asked about it ♡ Somewhat dislikes simple conversation with darling; prefers deep conversations with them ♡ 4 fix can help 5 core be more likely to act, though it is still a bit detached ♡ 5 fix can help 4 core analyze darling more and see them more as a person rather than entirely as their "lover"
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
5+9: ♡ Lots of daydreaming about darling ♡ May write love poetry that they will probably never share with darling ♡ Withdrawn ♡ Nervous ♡ Stalks darling out of curiosity and love rather than paranoia or for a desire to control them ♡ Seems to disappear ♡ Covert obsession ♡ Reverent ♡ Represses their anxiety and anger ♡ Might have a mask with darling, especially if 3 fix or core ♡ 9 fix can help 5 core be more submissive ♡ 5 fix can help 9 core understand darling more strongly
468 - The Fervent
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
6+8: ♡ Most paranoid combination ♡ Needs to have control over darling ♡ Especially with 5 fix, wants to know what darling's up to, where they are, etc at all times ♡ Tests darling often in multiple ways (loyalty, their love, etc) ♡ Quick reflexes ♡ Almost always in attack mode ♡ Fight rather than flight ♡ Dominant and controlling ♡ POSSESSIVE. So possessive ♡ Denies their anxiety about darling but really is anxious ♡ Loyal and protective over darling (might hate 7s...) ♡ Confrontational and argumentative ♡ Would kill or at least hurt darling if they cheated ♡ Definitely the "Me murdering everyone he's ever looked at" type ♡ 6 fix can help 8 core bond with darling more ♡ 8 fix can help 6 core be more confident and act more rather than simply be anxious
469 - The Love-seeker
4+6: ♡ Extremely sensitive ♡ Cries easily about darling ♡ Manipulative ♡ Definitely be the type to kill or at least hurt anyone in the way ♡ Only trusts darling ♡ "I fucking hate everyone but you" ♡ Tests darling's loyalty ♡ Soulmates ♡ Very delusional but especially persecutory ♡ Paranoid ♡ Vulnerable ♡ Empathetic to darling ♡ Likely reverent ♡ 6 fix can help 4 core be more careful and wary ♡ 4 fix can help 6 core stay in touch with emotions
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
6+9: (lol funny number) ♡ Very clingy and anxious ♡ Does not deny anxiety at all ♡ Gentle and agreeable with darling ♡ Reverent ♡ More likely to be honest than manipulative ♡ Changes to fit darling's desires, especially if with a 3 fix or core ♡ Absolutely terrified of conflict with darling ♡ Sees relationship with darling as their source of security and safety in their life ♡ Needy ♡ Needs reassurance often ♡ 6 fix can help 9 core be more proactive ♡ 9 fix can help 6 core be more accepting
478 - The Love-struck
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
4+8: ♡ Reactive ♡ Hates superficiality and small talk, wants to have deep conversations and understanding with darling ♡ Daydreams at times ♡ Feels like they're the only one who can understand darling and vice versa ♡ Needs to be the most important and needed person for darling ♡ Needs darling to need them ♡ Hates it if darling lies to them and can tell ♡ Controlling of darling ♡ Aggressive towards obstacles ♡ Easily made possessive and jealous ♡ Protective over darling ♡ Wants to deeply understand darling, even the dark and taboo parts of them ♡ Values that darling is completely vulnerable with them and DOES. NOT. LIE. ♡ 4 fix can help 8 core be more comfortable with vulnerability and emotion ♡ 8 fix can help 4 core be more protective and assertive
7+8: ♡ Assertive ♡ Playful ♡ Likes teasing darling ♡ Enjoys intensity and seeks thrills ♡ Excessive and grandiose ♡ Hates being controlled, especially by darling! ♡ Wants to control darling and play with them ♡ Needs freedom ♡ Especially possessive ♡ Sees darling like their own toy that nobody else can play with ♡ Possibly a bit childish ♡ May switch between darlings frequently ♡ Indecisive ♡ 7 fix can help 8 core be happier and less serious ♡ 8 fix can help 7 core with idealizing darling excessively
479 - The Romantic
4+7: ♡ Dreamer and idealist ♡ Romanticizes darling a lot ♡ Rose-colored glasses ♡ Plays with darling ♡ Overindulges in fantasies and love for darling ♡ Prone to giving into desires, even darker ones ♡ Believes they and darling are special and fated to be together ♡ Manic ♡ Moody ♡ Can become bratty ♡ Childish at times ♡ "That's mine!!" ♡ 4 fix can help 7 core feel a stronger connection to just one darling rather than jumping around ♡ 7 fix can help 4 core get over any lost darlings quicker
4+9: ♡ A daydreamer ♡ Dreamy ♡ Especially obsessed with the idea of soulmates ♡ Quiet resentment to those in darling's life ♡ Withdrawn from darling ♡ Prone to isolating self from darling when anxious or upset ♡ Jealousy is quiet but profound ♡ Hesitates to interact with darling out of anxiety ♡ Romantic and nostalgic ♡ Passive ♡ Fearful of conflict with darling ♡ Afraid of communicating feelings ♡ Strongest fear of abandonment ♡ Hides their sadness from darling ♡ 4 fix can help 9 core think more about their and their darling's emotional needs more ♡ 9 fix can help 4 core be more gentle and less likely to manipulate or hurt others on purpose
7+9: ♡ Dreamy and idealizes darling ♡ A bit more aggressive than other 9 types ♡ Childlike ♡ May get bored of darlings just as quickly as they get attached to darlings ♡ Seems to get addicted to darling ♡ Self-destructive ♡ Very idealistic ♡ Sees darling in a romanticized light, especially with 4 fix or core ♡ Probably gets along with darling well as they have a comforting energy ♡ Likes going on fun, cute dates with darling ♡ Not at all rough ♡ 7 fix can help 9 core be more confident and playful ♡ 9 fix can help 7 core be softer and less temperamental
Final Notes
I took inspiration from the explanations here. A few of the nicknames are the same.
My original post for the normal Enneagram system is here.
Feel free to comment any questions/comments or send me asks about any questions/comments about this system or the main Yandere Enneagram system ^_^!
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62 notes · View notes
yandere-daydreams · 2 years
do you ever imagine a yandere god/deity that would, instead of making you worship them, they worship you instead? giving you a whole throne and the most luxurious items they can create for you and then they whisper praise in your ear as they hold you
tw - forced relationships, implied kidnapping, and obsessive behavior.
i think it's a habit particularly obsessive gods tend to fall into fairly often - that is, treating their darling more like an idol to be placed on a pedestal and adored rather than anything with a mind and a heartbeat and a family who probably thinks you've fallen into a ditch and died, by now. it's only natural. gods are beings meant to be worshiped, creators who must be praised by their subjects to continue to create and destroyers who must be satisfied by those most affected by their chaos to prevent further destruction. that's how they interact with the mortal world, how they slip into the minds of loyal followers and fix a presence in their households, how they perpetuate themselves century after century, millennia after millennia. that's how they stumbled across you - their most devoted acolyte turned into the crowning jewel in their collection of treasures amassed over an eternity.
they like to whisper prayers in your ear as you tremble on their lap, leave golden plater of fruit and goblets of nectar on your bedside before you wake up from your nightly rest (a tic they still find themself so fascinated with). they find themself dressing you in robes fashioned with the same fine material as their own, lifting you onto a throne far greater than any a mere human could hope to occupy without divine assistance. they're overcome, frequently and violently, with the temptation to bow before you, to kneel at your feet, to wear the shallow scratch-marks and dull bruises you occasionally manage to leave on their skin as a priest or priestess would the symbol of their deity.
how else, after all, would a god know to love, if not through worship?
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depravitymoon · 1 year
My favorite Yandere Types
Author's note: I will spare you the sob story and just say that my uncle needed my help right after he got out the hospital. It wrecked my scheduling and I already promised that I would do better with posting more frequently, so I did another ramble post. These classifications aren't polished in any way. I just spouted whatever comes to mind. Enjoy!
Note #2: Sorry if the pic for Laidback Yan is blurry. I'll figure out how to do memes better next time. Also, all the yanderes listed are male yandere because that's my personal favorite.
Sugar Daddies
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Kind of a "money comes at a price" thing I always love. 
Pro: Spoils you. 
Con: Thinks he owns your life.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the 'I'll isolate you' types. In fact, I think it'll be cooler to see a yandere use darling's loved ones to his advantage, such as "How desperate are you to get your sister into that art school?" and "It would be a shame if your brother doesn't have that dream job. I'm sure you'd do ANYTHING to make that happen if you could, right?"
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He wakes up and chooses violence. Just an absolute menace to society. You'd have to make bad choices in your life to have him obsessed with you. I love this one, because writers can be very creative on how they act towards darling and towards the world. Typically their MO is "I wont hesitate to beat and shoot people. Not even you, darling! You just get it less."
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My love for this is clearly inspired by Narancia (JJBA) and Bachira (Blue Lock). It's a guy who's naive, hyper, sweet, just so adorable that he'll have you thinking he's non-threatening. Then, the yanderu comes out and shows you just how dangerous and manipulative he can be. Also, he will get aggressive when you try slipping from him. I imagine this type always using overt guilt tripping.
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Emo boy kidnaps a ball of sunshine to cure his lonely depression, such as Hades taking Persephone. There's not much else to say since this shipping dynamic (brooding x happy-go-lucky) is very popular. 
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The laidback yandere that dont seem Yandere at all. He's super chill, actually gives you freedoms, and seems alright letting you socialize with people. What's the issue? Seems like a normal boyfriend! That's why I love them! So where does the Yanderu part comes in? In many different ways! Usually, in the form of a blackmailer or a tracker. It's easy to let you do what you want when you're never really that far from him or he has you fearing the consequence enough to trust you'll come back to him willingly. Honestly, I might do my own post on laidback yanderes.
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Do yall have anyone you'd like a series or one-shot for? I'm taking suggestions! :D
I'm also willing to expand outside of star wars, but that is what I tend to focus on!
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 3 months
KLEIN V.01 Theory - Where the Power button is.
This is just a quick little thing I threw together to get back into writing my theories and analysies so its a bit short.
I had written this before in an ask to the blog when my tumblr crashed so hhhhhhhh I wish it stayed because I don't like this as much as the OG.
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I'm going based off the process of elimination here for the answer to this and it's all because of one post that really got me thinking.
It was asked if the power button was on Klein's center chest and the answer was no because it could accidentally be pressed during tight hugs.
That tells me that wherever it is, can't be somewhere that could accidentally press it in mundane activities.
Process of elimination/Where it couldn't be:
It can't be above heart because once again, it could be pressed during a tight hug of some sort. This could basically count for his whole front torso so we can mark that off.
It can't be on his back due to there's also different ways it could be accidentally pressed there. Laying down, getting back hugs from MC, leaning agaisnt a wall etc could all cause an accidental shut down.
Behind the neck or around neck area has already been crossed off as well, I sent an ask slapping the bar code on the back of his neck and Klein himself says that it wasn't there along with us seeing his neck and there was clearly no indication around there.
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He even goes as far as to mentioning that they could look around for whatever button they wanted but the shutdown button was off limits.
The lower legs below the knees...yeah I can't see how that would work in anyways. Also it would be stupid if he got shut down because he got hit in the ankle with a scooter.
Just kinda outer body if you get me.
Places it COULD be:
I've thought about this for quite a while and even studied some of his art, but on terms of not being able to activate on access I say probably inner thigh perhaps but then that doesn't make much sense but at the same time it does. Ahshdhdbdb
Going around that same groin area I also thought of that area where its under your belly but also not actual crotch, that way in would be in an easily accessed spot but I couldn't easily be activated. And no I'm not going NSFW situations because the creator said the game is not 18+.
Now, back to where I said design wise I was thinking maybe somewhere on the arms, with his jacket having a slight glow to it and the fact it is a somewhat heavy one could stop accidental presses and whatnot.
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[Glowing on the right (left?) Arm sleeve does look a bit suspicious to me but that could just be a second bar code.]
Well, that's all I have for now but than you for reading this descent into insanity because this is one of the few visual novels that have genuinely left me scared shitless, its an amazing VN.
Klein belongs to: @kleinv01
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acaribeau · 1 year
Barbatos resented Diavolo for make him his butler
As we know in S3, Diavolo lured Barbatos and then trapped him in the castle until he worked for him
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He then dismissed everything what he just said as a joke, saying that he did it in his own free will. And that can be true. But that doesn't mean that he didn't resented him.
Look Diavolo's expression when he said that. He was hurt. Remember that Diavolo knows when someone is lying
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After all those years, it could have been a joke but that doesn't mean it wasn't true. Diavolo knows it and try to ignore it but he knows he imposed himself to Barbatos.
And as that worked with Barbs, he repeated it with Lucifer, giving him what he most wanted when he was in his most vulnerable state, with the price of owning him.
I wonder if he did the same for Barbs. If he offered something he couldn't refuse or paid his election with the thing he wanted most.
With luck, NB will show us what happened between them. And a possibly resented Lucifer against Diavolo. Maybe even a Diavolo that doesn't mind forcing his decisions in MC and the brothers (more than he already does 💀)
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hxllo-nana · 4 months
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i’m too deep into the yhs rabbit hole i think i lost my mind
i’ll post the seperate pics later
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ashieeeesh · 3 months
Imagine this horror version of Riddle's Off with your head UM is you feeling only your head but not the body. At this time period with the collar on is that you can only move your head and the rest of your body is paralyzed. Literally like off with your head. Imagine how terrifying it would be.
I qm so high rn
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