#a detailed plan of what i'll be doing for my big final exam
miodiodavinci · 4 months
oscillating rapidly and producing a low tone in the note of c
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sturniolowhore · 5 months
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summary ⎯  venus has had her eyes on her brother's best friend chris for as long as she can remember but she is far too scared that's all she is to him, his best friend's little sister. what happens when she realises he sees her in a different light and how will she and chris keep it hidden from her brother who has always told his friends never to meddle about with his sister.
part one! ♯ part two! ♯ part three! ♯ part four! ♯
part five!
warnings ⎯  suggestive and sexual, eventual smut, chris x fem!oc, fluff, cursing, kind of angst (?)
A/N ⎯  finally working on something with parts to it so i'm excited!! as a reminder, leo and venus do not exist irl, i just chose any random names for the sake of the story.
i hope you enjoy <3
CHAPTER A/N ⎯ i was supposed to be studying but i decided to write this instead. this is based on a request i got about chris and a volleyball reader but seeing as venus is already a volleyball player, i thought i'd just include it here. it isn't letting me reply directly to the request but this is for you anonymous. this is also the final chapter of brother's best friend, i hope you all loved it!! i'll start working on my other requests once exams are over <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
"matt hurry the fuck up! i'm not going to be late," chris' voice travels from downstairs to matt's room and a few moments after, matt comes trotting down the stairs with an apologetic expression on his face.
"fucking finally, i thought kid's ears were going to start releasing steam because of how annoyed he was," nick gestures towards chris who rolls his eyes but chooses not to respond, instead opening the front door and making his way quickly to matt's car because matt decided he didn't mind taking all of them to venus' volleyball match.
it's one of the final matches in this new tournament her team is competing in and it's honestly a pretty big deal. if they make it through this competition within the top three spots, they'll qualify to the next competition. venus has been going on about it and chris honestly finds it adorable; he loves listening to her ramble and explain every little detail excitedly. he also loves going to support her in every match. he hasn't missed a single one since they got together and he doesn't plan on doing so either which is exactly why he's annoyed at matt for taking so long. he doesn't want venus to think he isn't coming to cheer her on before the start of a very important game.
"relax we're going to make it on time, i promise," matt reassures him as he steps into the driver's seat and begins pulling out of the driveway.
chris doesn't really pay attention to the conversations happening in the car as they continue to approach their destination because he's too busy thinking about seeing venus in her element. he doesn't even completely register matt parking the car until the car door at the back opens and nick steps out of the car. chris follows with an eager smile planted across his face as they make it towards the top of the stands where family and friends of players can easily find one another.
as soon as they reach the top, chris immediately spots leo who's busy texting on his phone. he approaches his best friend and pushes his back slightly, making him jump but then break out into a large smile.
"you're here, thank fuck. venus keeps messaging me to ask if you're here," leo shakes his head, turning his phone so chris can read the multiple exchanges back and forth between the siblings where venus is doing exactly that.
chris isn't by any means late, in fact the match isn't set to start for another fifteen minutes but he's usually a lot earlier, staying with venus behind closed doors and reassuring her until the game begins. he feels bad that she probably has been worrying all on her own, without him there to tell her it'll all be okay.
"where is she?" he asks leo with a frown and leo tells him the specific room number she's occupied alone and so he quickly parts ways with his best friend and brothers, their chatter with one another fading as he walks away to the room.
he knocks on the door a couple times and waits until he hears the familiar sound, "come in."
he opens the door and sees venus physically ease, the tension in her shoulders disappearing slightly at the mere sight of him. he opens his arms out for her and she steps into his embrace with no difficulty, pressing a small kiss to his cheek and inhaling his scent to provide herself with a form of stability within the nerves that are circling through her.
"hey ma," he whispers into the hug before she pulls away, a nervous look now planted across her face that makes chris' heart swell slightly.
"i'm sorry, i'm just worried," she tells him when she notices the sympathetic gaze he's giving her.
she doesn't want to be on the receiving end of sympathy but it's so hard for her to mask her feelings around her boyfriend. there's something about chris that makes it so easy to be her genuine self and showcase her genuine feelings. she's rather grateful for it because she doesn't feel like she has to be someone else or put on a facade of some sort just so chris likes her and can handle her. he likes her for who she is, flaws included and that makes her heart feel full.
"venus, i barely knew anything about volleyball before i became your boyfriend and then the moment i did, i became some sort of expert all because of you. you weren't even making me feel bored when you taught me everything because it was so obvious you loved everything about what you were saying. this is your thing saturn and every single game i come to, everyone in the crowd has eyes on you, especially me. you're going to be amazing and i'm going to be here watching you and cheering you on through every last minute, okay?"
venus nothing short of melts due to his words. they travel straight to her heart and for a moment, she's unable to do anything, too thankful and in utter adoration of the person standing in front of her. she eventually does connect their lips and it's her way of responding to chris without having to say anything at all. the kiss is intense because she's pouring every ounce of admiration she has for him into it. she doesn't ever want to pull apart because of how right his lips feel against hers. it's not even sexual she finds herself thinking, it's pure and fierce and as though she's a warrior defending the love she has for chris.
the love she has for chris.
neither one of them has said anything about love just yet but venus knows when she looks at chris, when she hears his voice, when he's simply him; she is in love. when they pull apart, she knows for certain the emotion running through her veins is real and she'd be damned if she doesn't tell chris exactly what she's thinking.
"chris..." there's a pause where he nods his head and smiles at her softly, making every last bit of doubt fly out of her, "i love you."
the smile she receives reminds her why she loves him. he looks so fucking thrilled at the thought of her loving him and his cheeks turn the slightest bit pink. she thinks he looks beyond adorable and when he starts to reply, she swears she loses sense of anything but him and the sound of his gentle voice.
"i'm in love with you," it's like reassurance for something she never even knew she needed.
there is no doubt in her head that she loves chris but the thought that he might not love her is always present. now, it's not as though she thinks it's chris' obligation to love her but the emotions she feels when he confirms that he does feel the same are greater than any before.
"come here," he pulls her into his chest and hugs her so tightly, she can almost feel his love transferring onto her.
"now come on, you're going to go out there and be the best player ever like i know you are," he turns her body around and leads her closer to the door.
he watches the slight sway in her body as she walks for a few steps and god he's so in love with everything about her. his hands go to either side of her waist and stop her in her tracks. she doesn't turn around, simply waits for him and practically shudders when he pushes her beautiful ponytail over her left shoulder and his lips brush against her neck from the right.
"those shorts are going to be the end of me," he speaks against her skin and she laughs, relishing in the soft touch he provides.
he steps back and admires her before delivering a small, playful slap to her ass that makes her body jolt in a way he wants to replay in his mind forever. she turns around with a sheepish grin and he can't help but return the expression.
"let's make a deal," he tells her and she raises her brows at him, turning around entirely so now their eyes are looking into one another’s.
"when you win, i'm going to lower those shorts just a little so i can fuck your brains out," he whispers and she splutters on air before a smirk settles on her face.
the way he says when instead of if makes her heart flutter and his words certainly aren't helping but, in all honesty, she loves the sound of them. she nods her head in agreement eagerly, "remember that time you said you'd make the fuck out with me if i won?"
she reminds him of the time before they even got together where he was about to say something along those lines before leo walked in and he beams at her. of fucking course, he remembers but knowing she remembers just as well makes it all the more worth it.
"what are you trying to say?" he's teasing because he knows exactly what she means; to be frank, he just wants to hear her say it.
the smirk doesn't leave her face when she answers, "you can do exactly that whilst i sit on that pretty little lap in these exact shorts."
he groans. he actually groans at the thought and she loves the way she can see the effect she has on him because she's more than aware he has the same effect on her. they both drive each other crazy and they truly love it beyond words can explain.
"guess my dreams are gonna come true. come on, let's go before your team wonders where you are. good luck ma," he presses a short but sweet kiss to her lips and she smiles into it, thanking him shortly before they go separate ways to their respective areas.
chris returns to the stands where his brothers and leo are looking around for him with a grin on his face. when they spot him, they finally sit back down in relief.
"took your fucking time," leo narrows his eyes at him in suspicion.
if only he knew.
"i was helping saturn," he shrugs, blocking out their responses and glancing at the time displayed on one of the screens extremely close by.
two more minutes until he knows venus will absolutely destroy the other team. two more minutes until he's guaranteed to fuck her in those pretty little shorts. two minutes until he's the proudest boyfriend all over again for yet another game.
maybe he just really wants to see venus play but the two minutes seem to drag for an eternity so when the players finally get into their positions, he sits up in his seat and quickly locates venus. a proud smile settles on his face when he notes she's going to be the one to serve. even if she wasn't serving though, he can’t confirm that he'd be looking at the game because all he can seem to do is stare at her.
the whistle blows to signal the start of the game and her serve is perfect, in fact everything about her is perfect and chris is in complete awe. he watches the game eagerly, not peeling his eyes away from her for even a second and grinning like never before when her team's points pile up in contrast to other team's few. he observes her every move and anytime she's the one to score, he goes absolutely crazy. people even turn back to stare at who's making such commotion but he doesn't care in the slightest; he's here to support his girlfriend and that's exactly what he's doing.
after around an hour and ten minutes, the game comes to a close and that means their team is through to the next round. chris goes insane in the crowds and he can hear his brothers and leo doing the exact same. he watches as venus looks to stand to find him and when she does, the smile on her face is the prettiest thing he has ever seen. he beams at her, clapping loudly, making her shake her head fondly. she smirks for a second as she snaps the waistband of her shorts against her skin; chris cheers even louder at that.
"you were fucking amazing," he finally tells her when she's stepped away from leo, nick and matt.
"i was thinking about how you fuck amazing," she retorts and he laughs loudly, a glimmer in his eyes as he captures her hand in his own and leads them to matt's car.
"i should've brought my car," he groans quietly to her when the others enter the car and matt begins driving them to the triplets' house.
"patience, we'll say you're taking me out to eat and while leo stays at your house, we can go back to my place and do whatever," she responds softly and he nods his head, rubbing circles against her hand with his thumb delicately.
they do as planned and so chris takes his car and they begin driving home. the only thing on his mind is venus. every last thought is screaming her name and when she places her hand on his thigh and inches closer to his dick, he swears he loses all composure.
"venus," he warns her and when he glances to the side, she has this perfect, teasing smile on her face that he just wants to kiss senseless.
"keep driving, we're ten minutes away," she tells him but he can't for the life of him focus on the road when her hand is dangerously close to where he needs her.
the thoughts of her start getting to him and he can feel himself begin to harden in his sweatpants. he groans and starts driving faster in the hopes of getting to her house as fast as possible. she notices the increase in speed and laughs inaudibly to anyone but herself. her eyes glimmer when she notices chris getting hard and she finds herself getting more and more turned on by the second. she stares at nothing but the familiar outline being showcased through his sweatpants and her movements against his thigh go still.
he doesn't notice at first until at least a minute passes and her hand is still on his thigh and her eyes are still trained in the same spot. he grins and turns to her briefly, "you have to be good and wait saturn."
and oh fuck. he is not helping in the slightest and she starts to understand why he was so frustrated just seconds before. she needs him and she needs him now.
"chris," she whines a little and he hums in response, "i need you."
"we're just over five minutes away," he plays her at her own game and she throws her head back against the chair.
"please," she mumbles and how on earth is he meant to deny her of anything when she sounds so desperate and beautiful all for him?
they're lucky there are secluded areas nearby that people rarely go to because chris drives around a minute until they reach one and then he parks the car.
"get in the back," he instructs and she doesn't even hesitate for a second, instantly moving to climb into the back and falling into the seat when chris slaps her ass in the process.
said boy gets out of the car and slams his door shut before moving to sit beside her in the back. as soon as his back hits the seat, she moves to straddle his legs and kisses him as though she has no other purpose. the kiss is eager and desperate and shows her want flawlessly. the feeling of her grinding against him in those shorts he fucking loves gets him even harder and he just needs to be inside of her before he implodes.
"fuck baby, i need to be in you," he says against her lips and she moans in satisfaction, lifting her hips lightly in a message that chris understands immediately.
he pulls her shorts down ever so slightly so that he can align himself with her whilst she still has them sitting perfectly on her thighs and his sweatpants down to his knees. he teases her for a while, not quite giving her what she wants and she whimpers in need.
"please chris, need you so badly," she grinds harder against him and the skin on skin sensation drives him crazy.
"you have me," he smiles softly and then slams into her like he's made to do that and that alone.
she falls into his chest at the rough thrusts and he grins, his hands moving to either side of her waist to keep her upright. her pants fill the car and when she meets him halfway her with her grinding, moans start to escape his lips uncontrollably. the sound of arousal fills the air and is like music to their ears, making them increase their paces to hear the tune more.
her lips press against his whilst he slaps her ass again. he really is in love with her ass but when it's paired with his favourite shorts, he swears he's on cloud nine. he moans when she bites at his earlobe and thrusts into her faster, practically making her scream. chris loves the way she doesn't hold back from screaming her pleasure. it makes him want to thrust into her forever.
skin on skin, tongues against tongues and moans warming the car is sending them both beyond the edge. chris' thrusts are getting faster because he knows the two of them are close. he can feel her clenching around him and forming incoherent words as she moves against him.
"fuck, fuck, fuck," she yells as she presses legs against him and begins to cum, the sight making chris reach his orgasm too.
they cum together with sloppy kisses and rushed movements and they swear there's no greater feeling than the intimacy of sex and cumming together in a union of the souls.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
tags: @mattslolita @sturniolololover @mattsleftnipple03 @that-general-simp
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iam93percentstardust · 4 months
*insert french laugh* Did someone say to send a prompt? Ahoy! Have no fear for I am here. How about stevetony kiss prompt with the dialogue "i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"? Could Steve be the one to also say it? <3
naferty fren!!! yesss always happy to write steve for you <3
@soliloquent-stark also requested this prompt + "If you win, I'll kiss you" so I rolled y'all into one
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Steve does follow his physical therapy plan religiously, and sure enough, by the time the next season—his final season, as a senior now—rolls around, he’s declared fit to play. And, fuck, does he play. Determined to prove himself even better after his recovery, to prove that Rollins couldn’t get him down, he leads his team to victory after victory and then to the playoffs and now to the championship.
Tony ducks into the locker room before the game, ignoring the good-natured wolf-whistles and catcalls from Steve’s teammates as he picks his way through the equipment littered across the room. It’s been an open secret for ages that Steve was seeing an omega, and after his injury last season, it became an open secret that Steve was specifically seeing Tony because he kept showing up to fuss over him, but none of them would ever turn him in. They have too much respect for their captain and quarterback, and anyway, most of them think the zero fraternization rules are just as ridiculous as they do.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Steve says, beaming at him. “How was your exam?”
Tony makes a face. He hadn’t flown over with the team yesterday, being required to take an exam for one of his courses—something about mechanics, which Steve had listened to all the ranting about, nodding sympathetically since that was about as much as he understood.
“That bad?” Steve asks.
Tony scowls. “No. It was boring. If you’re gonna make a big deal about this exam being the ‘hardest exam of the entire semester’—” he adopts a suitably dramatic tone for the quote—“then it should at least be difficult, right? I overstudied way too much for that thing. I don’t think it took me more than about ten minutes.”
“Maybe that’s just because you’re impressive.”
“Or maybe Dr. Kean’s not nearly as scary as she thinks she is.”
Steve hums. He doesn’t completely agree—no one knows how smart Tony is better than he does after years of listening to Tony telling him about his inventions—but he’s not going to argue the point. He wasn’t there; for all he knows, everyone was done with the exam after ten minutes.
“I’m glad to see you here,” he says instead. “I wasn’t sure you’d make it.”
Tony makes a dismissive gesture. “What’s a little light sprinting through the airport to catch the next flight?”
“And the TSA let you?”
“I told ‘em I was going to support my alpha, and they practically made a hole for me themselves. They’re big Steve Rogers’ fans, you know.”
It’s Steve’s turn to make a face. He doesn’t know how he feels about having fans. No, that’s not true. He knows exactly how he feels, and he doesn’t like it.
Tony laughs, “Yeah, exactly.”
Steve hears the coach starting to round people up for the pregame pep talk and says, “You better get out there. Don’t want you to miss the kickoff.”
“Hmm, yeah, probably,” Tony agrees and starts to walk away, grinning when Steve reels him back in. “What?”
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” Steve asks.
That innocent look on his face isn’t fooling Steve one bit. He reminds him, “Kiss for luck?”
Tony thinks about it, then gives him a teasing smile. “Hmm, I’m gonna have to go with no.”
Steve blinks at him. “No?”
“Yeah, no. But if you win, I’ll kiss you then.”
He darts away before Steve can catch him to kiss him himself, cackling like mad as he dodges his hand. Steve watches him go and shakes his head fondly. Well, now that Tony’s laid a challenge on him, guess he’ll have to win.
Looking back on it, he’ll be able to remember the game in excruciating detail. He’ll be able to sit down with Tony and watch the highlights and comment on what he was thinking at each moment of the game. Today though, it feels like barely a minute has passed before he’s standing in the winners box, looking at Tony beaming from ear to ear while someone asks him how he feels.
“Amazing,” he says honestly. He almost says something about Tony, but stops himself at the last second. That moment feels too private, too them to share on national television.  He gives another couple of soundbites before the mic moves to Peter, who’d made the winning touchdown in the last second, literally.
“I think I just kind of blacked out when I caught that last ball,” Peter says blankly, still clearly in shock. “I just ran for it. I’m lucky I moved at all.”
Everyone chuckles and then they’re finally allowed down off the stage. Steve makes a beeline straight for Tony, vaguely acknowledging the people who try to talk to him. Tony is waiting for him with a softer, more teasing smile.
“Congratulations, quarterback,” Tony says once he reaches him.
“Thanks,” Steve says, grinning at him. “Now, if I remember correctly, I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.”
“Oh, is that what part this is?” Tony asks, arching his eyebrows.
“Pretty sure. I did win, after all.”
“Well, if you won,” Tony says exaggeratedly, but grabs ahold of Steve’s jersey and yanks him in. He smiles again, bright and warm and so, so proud, and then leans up and kisses him. And it’s a perfect moment, the best way to cap off the best season Steve has ever had. Steve wraps his arms around him, holding him close, and kisses him and kisses him and kisses him.
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hermadamejustice · 2 years
Good Morning! Madame Justice here.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and that you're looking forward to the week ahead. Here are some of my tips to start the week off on a good note, as well as a few of my study music favourites and an absolute tune if you feel like you need a boost of energy to start off the week in style.
Block out set times in the morning and afternoon for emails- I know I'm guilty of spending more time than is necessary responding emails. Set out 15 minutes at the start and end of the day to deal with these pesky messages Try some power poses- If you are unsure of what a power pose is, think "Wonder Woman" stance or the type of poses other superheroes might do. I find they do wonders for my confidence, especially on big days with exams or interviews. Create a plan for the day- Whether you have swimming practice or a lecture, creating a rough or detailed plan can help you maximise time as well as ensure that you create a good balance
My go-to study soundtracks-
The Theory of Everything [Johann Johannsonn]- this is by far my favourite music to work to. Dark Academia vibes and all-round stunning pieces of music.
Hidden Figures [Hans Zimmer]- This is a beautiful film following three amazing African-American women who worked for NASA during the space race. A wonderful and empowering film with an equally inspiring soundtrack.
The Duchess [Rachel Portman]- A wonderful soundtrack I was lucky enough to study at A-Level. Portman is a brilliant female composer and I would definitely recommened her other works too. (Trigger warning- this film contains depictions of rape and domestic violence. Please take caution when viewing and research the triggers in this film further before choosing to watch.) Finally, something to get you hyped up in the morning-
Perfect Day- Chris Lord Alge Mix, Hoku There is a reason this one may be familiar. If you are a fan of Legally Blonde then you will certainly recognise this as its iconic opening song. This is a must have as a law student.
That's all from me for now, have a good day and I'll see you soon!
Yours faithfully, Her Honorable Madame Justice x
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imperialmask · 1 month
Imp's Future Plans
Hello! Imp here, back with a small notice to share. Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad, the next chapter of Homeworld Bound is probably gonna be out on time and if not then I’ll hit you with a double chapter for half term.
This post is just some small notices about the writing series and other projects I’ll be running at some point this year.
Homeworld Bound
HWB is still my top priority when it comes to this blog and my content creation. Next chapter is about 30-40% done but I’ve hit a slight roadblock with a certain character, my perfectionism told me to rewrite them and so I am but that’s almost done so I’m hoping for the normal release on the 22nd but there’s a chance I have to stop again and if I do then don’t expect it until the 29th.
If things are confusing and expository so far, I’m sorry. The story requires a lot of explanation, especially the world building, so I have to yap for a second to try and make sure people understand what’s going on. Other than that, I’m proud of how it’s turning out and I hope you lot enjoy it.
My plan is to get to the end of Volume 1 by Halloween 2024 and then take a break until the New Year or sooner. I want to take that time to focus on other projects to go on this blog, my personal life and to build up a back log of chapters. That last one is the main determining factor of when Volume 2 releases.
Lyrics to a Song You’ll Never Hear
Ah Lyrics, my neglected older child. I’ll be completely honest, I wrote lyrics on a whim one night because I had an idea for a romance story and the name came to me one day. I have big plans and an idea for how the story should be but i lack the same interest in it that i have in Homeworld Bound and other projects. I want to write for Lyrics but I’ll probably pick it up when Homeworld Bound goes on break or I might put it on a fortnightly schedule so I don’t stress out about it.
Future Series
Speaking of Homeworld Bound taking a break, the main other project I want to focus on along side Homeworld Bound is officially in production. I’ve had the idea for it kicking around in my head for ages but I’ve always failed to truly develop it further purely out of my own lack of interest, yet I had an idea one day that practically fixed everything.
The series is called Arkadia and it’s a sister show to Homeworld Bound. While Lyrics and these 2 are what I call sibling shows (wrote around the same time by the same author and are linked in their production), Arkadia and Homeworld Bound have some more similarities than Lyrics do (similar genre, similar world building, similar style).
It's a fantasy show to contrast the dark fantasy to science fantasy Homeworld Bound. It'll use the same magic system and share similar themes, i'll leave out any plot details for now but if you love Homeworld Bound, you're gonna want to read this.
Aiming for a Summer release but if not, i'll wait for HWB's break.
I have plans for 1 final show after this and this one's a Homeworld Bound spinoff called Scapegoat. It's about one James Gar, a man blamed for the Cataclysm event that destroyed Gen and branded a terrorist, becoming the galaxy's most wanted. The show follows Gar exploring the galaxy, hiding from the Cosmic Federation and attempting to prove his innocence by tracking down the real culprit.
Other Projects
If you like my content, check out my Youtube! I'm planning to start uploading in the summer. i originally wanted to start doing Youtube back in March and April but exams, coursework and family stuff got in the way. The main form of content will be Video Essays but really anything can go up on there. My schedule is clearing up soon so expect more content there soon. I plan for my first video to either be Horimiya or Jason Takes Manhattan.
So yeah, here's the links!
Well, see ya next Wednesday.
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notesbyash · 3 years
Work Smart, Not Hard: a few practical study tips and tricks that have worked for me
(Note: These tips are not geared for students who are already doing well and would like to excel in their classes. These are for students who are trying to pass and find themselves overwhelmed and strugging to keep up. I have never been the former student, but I have certainly been the latter. "Work smart, not hard" is a mentality of pragmatism, not perfectionism, and the following tips are geared towards that.)
Ask your instructor what they want you to learn in the course (and what they're going to put on the final)
This tactic is especially helpful for big-picture people. Having a bird's eye view of the class as a whole can help you avoid getting overwhelmed with details. Though the "learn everything you can!" mindset is beautifully romantic and often espoused by professors, most of the time it is not practical. Within your class not all information is going to be equally important. Some sections are probably going to be more crucial to the course than others so instead of dividing your energy evenly across everything taught, focus in on studying and understanding that material. In courses that build upon previous information, this would mean focusing on the foundational topics
Secondarily, do not be ashamed of directly asking what is on the exam. Some instructors might take offense to that but you can always dress it up in alternative language to sugarcoat it. Suggestions of how to ask include "What are the key takeaways for this course?" and "What should we come of this course knowing?" or my favorite, "I want to really understand the material. What should I focus most of my studying on first?"
Don't set up study plans before a course begins (and/or don't force yourself to stick to them)
This is an optional and potentially controversial tip but I have a reason for claiming this. Too many times, I've gotten halfway through a semester only to realise that the study plans or summary reading sheets that I created at the start of the term have been untouched. Or worse, I've been using them and completely ignoring more efficient way to study. Classes, especially STEM classes, can really vary in how they are taught and what you are expected to learn/do within them. Some courses rely heavily on a textbook and structured reading notes help with that. Some courses list a textbook but barely use it, in which case stuctured reading notes aren't going to be particularly efficient. Sure, it would be nice to read the suggested text and put together a document of notes, but if reading the textbook isn't necessary to learn the material (which, in some courses, it honestly really isn't) then you are under no obligation to do so.
However, if you know what your course is going to be like and know that you work best with a study plan set out before the course begins, then use a study plan! You know how you study best (more on that later)
Set achievable goals (or break down your goals into smaller more achievable steps)
It's great to push yourself and to want to do the best you can do and set these lofty ideals (I'm looking at freshman first semester me right now) but that's also a really great recipe for burnout and a plummet in self-confidence. If you're an average studyblr tag following student, I'm sure there's been times where you've not managed to check off everything on your to-do list and felt a sense of guilt for not doing so. You shouldn't feel guilty, but I also do that on a daily basis and know that me just saying "don't feel guilty <3" isn't particularly useful.
So instead, break down your lofty goals into smaller steps. It would be great if I could read three chapters today but based on past experience I've only been able to do one or two a day, so I'll just change my goal to one for today and balance out the rest of my week's tasks so I can still complete all of my reading. Alternatively, put the bar to reach in a different place. Maybe I do need to read all three chapters today but instead of reading them as academic sources and taking notes, I'll instead set a goal of reading through all the words like a storybook. It might not be as ideal or perfect, but I'm still going to get a subset of the necessary information that way and it's something I know I can achieve.
Shameless point grabbing is your friend (and partial credit is better than no credit)
This one is pretty self explanatory; point grabbing is a blessing, particularly on non-multiple choice exams. Circling back to the "ask your professor what they're putting on the exam" point above, sometimes if you simply demonstrate that you understand (or are trying your best to understand) what they want you to learn, they may be more lenient in their grading. There have been many times where I've gotten stuck on an exam question with limited time left on the clock, and quite literally written out in words my thought process and what steps I was trying to do. I have written the names of concepts on my exams. I have written notes about how my numbers feel off and should be in this other numerical range instead. And sometimes, I have gotten credit and points back for doing so.
Good instructors want you to learn and understand that uni is difficult, so if you can show them that you are learning in some capacity they may let things slide a bit. It's the academic equivalent of looking an approaching driver in the eye while crossing the road; most of the time people's conscious kicks in and they avoid totaling you or your grades.
And most importantly: Learn how you learn (and don't always listen to advice on the internet)
I wasted the most study time trying to apply tips given to me by other people that were counterintuitive to how I actually process information. Thanks to a lot of self-reflection, I've discovered that I learn best when I am working alone to understand the information, asking my instructor or peers specific questions to patch in where I feel inadequate, and then going to review sessions to gauge where I am in relation to the class at large. Therefore, no matter how hard I tried, constantly working with other people in study groups was never going to be an efficient use of my time.
Figure out how you process and catagorise information in your own mind. Figure out if you need others to bounce ideas off to, or if you need the silence of an empty room. Figure out if you need wide open spaces to physically lay out your notes or if you need a small tidy desk with only a few things on it. Figure out if you need handwritten notes that force you to slow down and summarize instead of copying slides, or if you need digital notes full of thorough information that you can quickly rearrange. Figure out what you don't need. Figure out if you need a combination of everything depending on the material that day, or if you need one method that's tried and true.
Learn how you learn, so that you can work more quickly, more efficiently, and more intuitively.
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notashrew · 3 years
Hey peeps wanna see the wildest case of free art begging I've experienced
Warning for very old-school 2013 internet teen language, tons of owos and asterisk roleplaying, and a long post
I'm doing my best to place there in chronical order as there were so many branches from comment to comment
So some context as far as I can remember it:
Back in the ancient year of 2013, I was a first year high school student with evolving drawing skills, still being pretty bad but starting to get a hang of it. And deep deep in Once-ler fandom. So deep I couldn't stop talking about it and even half-forced my friends to get into it too.
One of my old friends requested if I could draw her a picture of Once-ler, and of course I loved to! I loved him and I wanted to draw him and this was my friend, and I love to make art for my friends. So I drew this thing and published it in my DeviantArt account, like I did with all things I drew. I wrote in description it was a request gift for the said friend, and.... this began happening.
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This complete stranger I had never seen in my life comes into the comment section of my art, and starts demanding me to draw them this very detailed Once-ler art. Yes, demands. I will draw this thing for them. And what does a young, unexperienced 15-year-old me does?
Accepts it of course! Because this sounds fun and is about the character I'm obsessed with, and I like to draw for people!
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Oh, okay. I did explain them I'll be busy because of the school, and they repeat their over-detailed demand again. You will start sketching.
But then things turned interesting.
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Notice the tune of you will draw all of this for me. I didn't ask for your opinion, you will do it.
I.... wow. Okay. Seems rough and big thing to draw all of the sudden but m-maybe I can do it. Right?
Oh silly noob artist me. But at least I had enough sense to not take this too seriously.
We have a little time skip. Little me has returned from exam week but has lots of other IRL worries and distractions, and own things to do. I had planned hard these requests but hadn't gotten to even sketch them because of their overwhelming lenght and workload.
They return soon again.
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And it won't end here. They keep demanding more.
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And they had very hard time understanding why I wasn't able to spawn 9 whole-ass pictures within two months or so.
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So basically this random stranger I've never interacted before saw my art, liked it, saw the keyword requests, and came into my room and began telling me I'd start draw 9 large, super detailed and reference filled full art pieces including their self-insert and a cartoon character before halloween, precisely to their details. All for free. No exceptions or take-backs or excuses.
Now, the story through the comments end here. But where it finally ends, is me ending up being able to spawn the original request! I'm happy! I'm proud! It's shitty but for my skills of that time it's big ang decent enough! I'm so excited to see what does this person think of my hard work and great accomplisment!
All they comment is "Ooh, thanks."
That's it.
Needless to say, I never got into drawing the rest of the insane demands and art begging for them again.
Now years later I return to this incredible experience, and decided to check if this person was still active in DA. They are, and their account is quite an experience on its own, but that's not what we will go digging today. However, I'd like to bring up this gem from their profile bio:
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Moral of the story: Don't do this. You're an ass and don't deserve anything you begged for if you expect artists to do this much of ridicilous work for free for you and you won't even appreciate their effort.
Thanks for joining the rollercoster with me
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yunho-es · 3 years
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Member/s: Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Genre: soft
Warnings: swear words
Words: 2043
Before reading, I want you to know that I don't use any names or Y/n's because I know many people don't really insert their names, they read it as Yin 😂 I also write in first person pov because I think it's easier to read and imagine yourself in that situation
Beads of sweat slowly rolled down my forehead as I pulled out a piece of paper from my sleeve. I knew that the exam would be hard, but I wasn't expecting it to be this detailed. Thank God my friend made me write it all on a small piece of paper. At least I will get a positive grade. Of course he made me do it, he passed the school with those. Thankfully, he didn't go to medicine school. If I ever ended up on his surgery table, I would die.
Three more minutes until the end and one more question unanswered. The teacher noticed me shifting in my seat, but she knew I always get good grades. She finally stopped looking at me and gave her attention to a group of boys trying to switch their papers. I glanced one more time at the piece of paper and put it back in my sleeve. Just as I finished the answer, the bell rang. Half of the class groaned, probably because they didn't manage to finish in time. I took my backpack and left the paper with my name on the main table.
"Good job! Honestly, your exams are always my favorite to grade. I'm really happy to have a student like you."
"Thank you, Mrs Johnson. See you on Monday."
Once I got outside I noticed the sky already getting dark. It was just 5 pm and winter was already doing it's job; the roads were wet and slippery from mixed rain and snow and it must've been under 0 Celsius. Usually I walk home because it's not far away, but my school uniform, rain and cold weather didn't go well together. I was just about to call my roommate when I felt car lights on me, followed by a familiar voice.
"I think quicker than you do." Wooyoung smiled as he opened the door. "Get in please I don't want to spend the next week taking care of an annoyingly picky roommate. I have plans to get drunk and do something stupid."
"You do stupid things anyway without drinking. So save the money and the time. And oh, save me from embarrassment." I get in the car sticking my tongue out at him. "Did you cook anything? I'm starving."
"No, of course. I slept the whole day." I look at him, hoping to see a smile on his face that would give me a sign that he's joking. "Don't look at me like that, I was tired from the night shift. I'll take you to McDonald's." he drove out of the school parking.
"I don't want trash, Wooyoung. I want food." I groaned. He told me that he would try cooking something, but it's been a week and he didn't do anything. "Please buy some pasta and tomato sauce I'll make something."
"Honestly, I really don't feel like waiting. And McDonald's is f**king awesome!" his hand reached out to turn on the radio. "How can you not love the little purple box full of 12 golden beauties?"
It did sound good, but we haven't eaten any "real" food for a month and my stomach started to ache. Living with Wooyoung has its bad and good sides, the bad sides mainly being his laziness and stubbornness. Speaking of stubbornness, of course he took the left turn towards McDonald's.
"What do you want?"
"What a polite way to ask me. You've loosened up I see." I frown at him. He rolls his eyes dramatically and turns towards me with his whole body.
"Your Highness, what do you wish to consume today?"
"That's just too much."
"What the h*ll do you want? I'm taking 3 burgers and fries and you aren't touching them." the brown haired boy points his finger towards my face. I squint my eyes at him, then bite his finger. "Crazy woman."
"Hello, may I take your order?"
"Hello, yes. I'd like a..."
"Is this place good enough for the Queen?" Wooyoung spoke with his mouth full of fries and ketchup. We sat on the roof of his car on a parking lot near a river. The place is good enough for the Queen.
"Eat before you speak, what's wrong with you?" I laugh at him, seeing that he spilled the ketchup on his t-shirt. "No girl will want you like this."
"To be honest I'm not interested right now." he replied immediately.
I'd lie if I said that my heart didn't sink a bit. Whoever said that boys and girls can't be friends was right. One side always catches feelings, big or small. In my case, I believe it's a small crush. He's the only boy I hang out with, so that must be why.
"Why?" I allow myself to ask.
"I had a little crush on a girl but I had to give it up." he kept stuffing his mouth with food, trying to avoid the conversation.
"And...?" I look at him expecting more. But he keeps his mouth shut and folds the paper of the burgers in his hands.
"Are you thirsty?" Wooyoung offers a can of soda, still looking at his fingers.
"Yes, thank you." he opens the can for me, first taking a sip himself, then giving the green beverage to me. I drink the whole can almost immediately.
"You could've said earlier that you were thirsty, I had water in the car." his tone visibly changed. He sounded more serious now, as if he just wanted to go home and lock himself in the room. "Want another one?" he reaches for another can.
"I think I have one more sip here." I throw my head back trying to drink every single drop of the refreshing juice. I slowly started to lean back, forgetting that I'm not in the chair but on the roof of the car. "Sh*t!" I curse as I almost fall on the rocky floor.
"Hey!" Wooyoung quickly reacts and grabs my hands, pulling me towards him. All the empty cans rolled down on the floor, making loud noises. "You good?" he asks, eyes on my face.
His hands felt so warm around mine. I really didn't want to let go. "I'm good." I pull away, trying to get down to collect the cans.
"Leave the d*mn cans there. You almost fell down. Do you see those rocks down there? What if you hit your head? What would I do?"
"I'd pay to get your car cleaned from my blood, Wooyoung." I laugh, but when I notice that his face didn't change, my smile drops. "What's wrong? Why isn't it funny when I say something like this?"
"Behind all these jokes you have to understand that you are very important to me and I have a soft spot for you. If anything happened to you my life would stop. I'm a serious man behind all my sarcastic jokes. Please watch yourself, because I can't do it all the time. It takes a second to turn a peaceful situation into a disaster."
I stare at him with my mouth a little open. I'm surprised at his words, I never heard him talk like this. I manage to say a sorry, turning my head away from him.
After a few seconds of silence, which seemed like hours, he got down and picked up all the cans, then offered me his hand. "Be careful." I put my hand in his, slowly getting down on the floor. "What dumbass even puts these rocks on the parking lot?" he picks up a few of them and pushes them away, leaving the bigger and heavier ones where they were.
"I think because they don't want someone else to have the spot." I watch as he tries to move a few more rocks. "Leave it, you're gonna hurt yourself. Let's just go back home, please?"
"Alright." he leaves the rocks and opens the door for me. Then he proceeds to enter the car himself. "But just for the record, I could've moved those rocks." his lips curved in a small smile. He can't help himself.
It suddenly became quiet in the house. Wooyoung layed on the sofa, watching the TV, and I sat on the floor behind the coffee table with my back leaning on the sofa.
"I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't take any photos." I pouted, scrolling down my Instagram feed. He didn't respond. I kept quiet for a few more minutes, then broke the silence again. "Do you think you could pick me up tomorrow from school again?" again, no answer.
I turn around towards him and see that his eyes are closed. He fell asleep while watching the TV. I took a blanket from my room and layed next to him under it. It's not my first time napping with him, but most of the time he refuses. He says that he is a kicker in his sleep and that he doesn't want to hurt me.
The sofa in our living room is quite small so I have to basically lay on Wooyoung. Just as I close my eyes, I feel his hand around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. Now my head was on his chest and I was surrounded by his scent and warmth. This must be what heaven feels like. Usually when we sleep like this together, it takes us a few hours to fall asleep. Mainly because he can't stop making jokes and I can't stop laughing. But this is different. It's calm. It's beautiful.
I couldn't tell if he was asleep or just pretending. He held me close and rubbed my back slowly. "Wooyoung?" I tried calling.
"Hm?" he responds sleepily.
"Are you okay?" I look up at him. His eye are still closed, but his fingers are still drawing tiny patterns on my waist and back.
"Mhm." again, I receive a short answer. When I try to move and give him some space so he can sleep peacefully, he opens his eyes to look at me. "Please don't move. I want to sleep like this." one of his hands moved my hair from both of our faces. "Please?" he asked, almost whispering.
I have never witnessed this side of Wooyoung. His voice was different, his movements were different, his eyes were different. This is the Wooyoung I wanted for myself, but couldn't have him. It took me a few longer seconds to realise that we are staring at each other, doing nothing but breathing quietly. Once his hot breath fell on my lips I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh. Right now, I hoped for one thing to happen.
"Why can't I have you like this every day?" his soft voice whispered. I try to speak, but as soon as I move my lips, I feel something soft brushing against them. My breath stops and I force myself to open my eyes. He's looking down at my lips as if thinking if the next step is smart to do. I allow myself a moment of bravery and I put my hands on his chest, getting closer to him. "F**k it." he mutters, finally putting his hands on my cheeks and pressing his lips against mine.
His lips must've been the softest thing to exist on this planet. I tried to move, but my body was frozen. I couldn't do anything, just lay and enjoy the softness and the warmth of his lips. He pulled away for a second, trying to say something, but when he didn't succeed, he went back to the older position. Then, again, he pulls away.
"You are so sweet. You taste like I always imagined." the red cheeked boy whispers, brushing the tip of his nose against mine.
"More, please." I manage to say. My lips and throat are dry, my mind is going crazy, and my stomach is witnessing fireworks. Wooyoung smiles, still not letting go of my cheeks. "Please." I get impatient.
He leans in again, this time kissing me with more passion. It stopped being sweet and soft, now only one word existed in my mind: more. And he happily listened.
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karasuno-writings · 4 years
Yo. I'm new to your blog, so I'll try my best to be appreciative and polite to you. Doing this gotta be hard. So, I ain't gonna act like you inhuman. This is your work, and its darn good. You got support for that. Anyway, I hope this ain't a weird request. Decline if your wanna, no hard feelings. How about headcanons with Tsukishima, Hinata, Iwaizumi, Kuroo, and Kenma. Them having a sleepover with their s/o, and they put their head in their lap, and sing to them? Is that confusing, or too many?
Ah thank you so so much for your kind words, I’m really thankful of how thoughtful you are! It is a perfect request and a very wholesome one honestly!! Yes I loved this and don’t worry it was just right! Thank you so so much again!
And thank you all who helped yesterday, I am sorry if it was bothersome for me to make my breakdown public but honestly?? It was all of you who made me feel better. Special thanks to @normiewrites @bakupecs @leiawriteshaikyuu @oyaoyaoyoya @wolfishwriting and @a-q-rp  (If you guys don’t want to be tagged just tell ma and sorry about that!) but if you wrote to me I really appreciate it, thank you all so much. 
You went to his house due to a storm that hit Miyagi late at night after a date the two of you had. Considering you were close to his home that is where the two of you rushed towards. At arrival you were soaking, and he definitely could not let you go home while it was dark and pouring, so he suggested for you to stay the night.
Of course you agreed, so he handed you some pajamas and let you take a hot shower, how horribly irresponsible of him would it be to leave you freeze and catch a cold after all.
Depending on your size you either wore the full set or you found the pants to be too big but just the shirt perfect. Either way they were Dinosaur print pajamas, and he was blushing when you came out of the bathroom. 
He was wearing pajamas with a shark on the shirt, and looked way too cute for the frown that he has as a cover up for his slightly pink cheeks. 
His gaze softens quick enough though, the two of you have been dating for a long time and he trusts you, he didn’t feel vulnerable as he thought he would, that was the biggest relief.
It was early enough so the two of you sat down to watch a movie, his pick was interstellar, and you didn’t complain so it was set. 
15 minutes into the movie he pressed his lips on top of your head silently, your hair still wet from the shower, he could smell his shampoo which he immediately thought suited you, it felt so personal. 
That’s what made him shift so your head rest on his lap. You were clearly confused by his actions but complied to rest your head on his legs, pleased at the affection that he was only prone to show in private.
Your wet hair was fresh to the touch and soft in his hands, so he absentmindedly ran his fingers through it, dividing stands and twisting strands, all while immersed in the movie. 
Halfway through while being fully immersed, half conscious of what he was doing he started humming softly
You did not say anything as you knew better, but it however felt so heartfelt? It was truly a precious moment between the two of you.
Ever since that moment it is an unspoken habit between the two of you
He does it often, however it’s only late at night and while the two of you are enjoying quality time silently.
He invited you over to his house for no real reason, he just wanted to spend more time with you and he thought it would be a nice “date”. So once you were at his house the first thing the two of you did was make a pillow fort
It was pretty big as you sat inside with your laptop playing some background music as you were just chatting it up. However he wanted to be closer to you so he just shuffled over. 
Once next to you he grabbed your head and placed it on his lap, probably a little on the harsher side because of his excitement. “Let me play with your hair Y/N it just smells so good!” 
As you nodded and chuckled he began untangling it and running his fingers through it. He either plays with it making small braids that he learned to do thanks to Natsu if it is long enough, or just gush about how nice it feels if it is short. 
He is talking to you about all his aspirations and you know volleyball until a song comes into his head, and he just kinda starts drifting away and starts singing it to you
He is smiling the whole time as he sings, brushing his fingers over your hair and taking loose strands off your face while looking into your eyes.
He smiles when he is done singing and he just silently plays with your hair for a few moments, he is very talkative but the moments of shared silence are so genuine and he is just admiring you
He started lowkey crying because he loves you so much, when you notice and ask he just hugs you and tells you that he just can’t believe he has you???
He is such an angel, this started happening frequently ever since, like whenever you are on a date in a more chill plan like staying at home he is very much singing to you while stroking your hair 
Please do it for him too, if you sing to him he will sing along with you and honestly karaoke duets happen very often between the two of you 
The first time you stayed over was because he had just lost a pretty important match and you wanted to support him. He really appreciate the offer and the fact that it was your idea was so much better, he just wanted to take his head out of the game. 
When he saw you wearing pajamas he had this adorable blush on because honestly you looked great. He usually sleeps in boxers but he is a gentleman so he had some comfortable shorts on. 
You both were chilling on his couch, this was after all a plan the came up out of the blue, so you were eating snacks while watching your favorite series. His arm was draped around you in a really lazy way, and his rough fingertips brushing your arm tenderly. 
As you watched the last chapter together he felt  you getting heavier against his chest and he looked at you, confirming that you were indeed asleep. 
He started at you for a few moments, you looked so soft with you eyes closed, he didn’t want to disturb you so he panicked for at least five seconds.
After that he relaxed and very carefully help you lie down on the couch, resting your head on his lap.
He pressed a kiss to you forehead and changed the finale so you would not miss it, and put on an animated film because he is a sucker for them.
He loved your hair so he began playing with it, knowing it would help you relax, he almost does it as a scalp massage, he is so good as helping you relieve stress. He was tender but rough, pretty much like he is with most things. 
You woke up slightly to hear him singing, he was not singing along to anything particularly, he just felt so at calm with you sleeping on his lap. 
You did not stir until he finished singing, that is when he noticed you were awake once more. The blood rushed straight up to his cheeks after that, he was very embarrassed.
That is until you pressed a soft kiss on his lips as you shuffled to look at him. His hands found their way to you back and he was smiling onto your lips. He just loves you so much.
He does it often, but the singing is a rare occurrence 
Neither of you planned the sleepover, however when the two of you decided to take a break from playing you discovered that it was incredibly late, so he asked you to stay the night.
He had this small smile as he said it, he liked the idea of getting to spend more time with you, specially if it meant he got to cuddle you
He lent you some pajamas or comfy clothes of his, he liked when you wore his clothing, it was a small gesture of what you meant to him. He is a firm believer that to date you just need a really deep friendship so he likes those small details that give off they you are indeed dating. 
The two of you had been playing games but now he just wanted to watch you play, so the two of you sat on the floor, his legs wrapped around you as he rest his chin on your shoulder, his arms loosely wrapped around you as he held his gaze on the game. 
It was late at night, the two of you had watched a movie and played some board games, he is unsurprisingly good at them, and now you were laying on his bed, head on his lap. 
The two of you were quiet as his hands found his way onto your hair, he then started playing with it, soft fingers meticulously dividing strands and tenderly running up and down your hair. 
He then started humming, a soft and almost ethereal tune,  as his eyes become droopy and his hands touched your hair carefully.
He has a beautiful singing voice, he however will not sing often, just in these precious moments.
Like that the both of you drifted asleep, only shifting almost in the morning, as you snuggled up to him. 
It started as a study date, the two of you knew exams were approaching so it always helped to study together, however when you suggested staying over this boy was ecstatic. 
When you arrived the two of you did study, long enough to get worn out. The second he saw you stress he decided to call it quits. He had prepared everything for this moment, from the movie the two of you would watch to the games you were to play.
When the two of you went to put on you pajamas he just smirked and mocked you, you just looked adorable and he honestly didn’t know how else to cope.
This dork lay blankets on the floor and pillows surrounding it, for the two of you to be comfortable so he literally lift you up and lay you down on the little place he had set up. He was about to put the movie but he got really caught up with talking to you and joking around to make you relax.
Then the two of you decided to actually watch the movie, some disney movie you had always loved, and before you could make yourself comfortable he was behind you, softly laying your head on his legs.
His hands quickly found their way to your hair he loved to play with it as a side distraction from the movie, and knowing it was something you liked made it all better. 
He sang along to every single song in the movie and honestly he played with you hair almost the entirety of it, you ended up very relaxed and his he now smelled like you, he was really happy about it. 
If you sing with him he will be beyond happy, making voices for different characters and all.  
However after it ended the two of you remained there, and as he saw you he smirked and sang you a song very dear to him, it was soft and honestly he just appreciated that he could spend this moments with you. 
You closed your eyes because it felt really good and just before you opened them he kissed you softly, smiling lightly. He was happy he took you by surprise. 
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ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Arty Art Things ✨
I've decided to post some of the arty things I've done either recently or in the last few years, well the pieces I'm somewhat proud of at least. All my posts tend to be a lot more wordy than they need to be but hey it's what I do here!
Conchúr White
Anyone one who's been on this blog for a bit will have probably have seen me talk about this lovely Irish fella. The pencil drawing is actually a year old as of yesterday, I only know that because screenshots of me flipping out about Conchúr following me on twitter popped up in my memories yesterday. I think I'd sent it to him at about 3 in the morning (I was not in a good head space at that point in time), so probably not what he was expecting to see when he opened his phone in the morning aha
The biro version is much more recent: I got bored while sat at my desk and doing research about university courses, saw a biro, saw my old drawing of Conchúr, had an idea. I revisited my GCSE art techniques and here we are. Again, I put this up on Twitter and now (at the the time I'm writing this) when you google "Conchúr White" it's the third top image of him which is a bit mad really. I think I spent all of about 20 minutes on Conchúr but another 45 minutes on the words behind him. The words are the names of the songs on his EP 'Bikini Crops', he doesn't just really love the idea of Channing Tatum driving him around at night in a daisy print bikini... Well maybe he does but what he does in his spare time is none of my business...
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So I mentioned that the pencil drawing of Conchúr came from a rough patch in my mental health and this one is no different! In fact this one came from an even worse circumstance so we love to see it. I had a bad, bad time in July and this started as a way of distracting myself from what was going on in my head. Without it, I can't honestly say I'd still be here so even if the final product of this had been a terrible mess I would still love it for keeping me alive. However, it did not turn out to be a terrible mess!
Now that the origin of this is out the way, where do I start with TechDif? Unlike Conchúr, I haven't really talked about them on here (unless you count one brief post about Citation Needed) before so I guess I'll do it here. The Technical Difficulties are a wonderful group of 4 British fellas who have had their fair share of fun online and even before. They did a radio show at university together, which went on to become their Reverse Trivia Podcast, later moving on to a panel show called 'Citation Needed': and a game called 'Two of These People Are Lying'. All of which I would thoroughly reccomend, they're one of my go to things when I'm having a rough time. All 4 of them are excellent! Tom Scott (red top, blue jeans on the picture) has his own YouTube channel which does content aside from TechDif. If you're quite nerdy and like science, linguistics, computers, or any number of other things you may enjoy Tom's channel. He is probably best described as "The Moderator" of the group, much like a tired teacher he tries desperately to keep everyone on track with what they're meant to be doing, but usually it does not end well for him. Then we have Matt Gray (space top, holding an ice cream) who also has a channel away from TechDif stuff, he does techy electronic things and has a series called 'Will it Soft Serve?' where he puts all kinds of strange things through a soft serve machine. Matt brings a very specific energy to TechDif and I can't fully describe what that vibe is but I love it. Matt and Tom also share a YouTube channel where TOTPAL is posted and they had a series called 'The Park Bench'. Moving on to everybody's favourite Gary Brannan: Gary Brannan (SATIRE hoodie, glasses) and can I just say, what a fella he is! He's just excellent! He is the one that will argue and rip into Tom the most (not in a malicious way) and hilarity ensues. There are some episodes where he is absolutely on it, getting all the points and others where he very clearly has no idea and that's where some of his funniest quotes come from. Given how badly I was doing at the time I made this, his response to it on Twitter was so so lovely. I specifically remember one tweet where he said I'd made him happy and although it was probably a flippant comment, it just made feel alright for a bit. Yeah I might be feeling awful right now, but I've made someone else happy so that's a nice feeling. Then last but certainly not least, we have Chris Joel (buffalo check shirt, beard)! I would be lying if I said he isn’t my favourite... His sense of humor is the one I vibe with most, he can get rather dramatic in parts and can chat bollocks like a champion. He has absolutely no online presence away from TechDif and, like Rens from Temples, I fully believe he’s a cryptid and lives off in a tree somewhere. 
The picture took me about 4 days to complete, well 4 nights because I did most of it between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7a.m. - I remember watching the sun come through my window each morning. It’s made up of lots of little pieces, all cut out and stuck on; even the sky and hills are made of separate pieces of paper. Nothing was actually drawn on the piece of paper it’s all stuck on, it’s not how I usually do things but if I messed up one little but I could just redraw it rather than ruining the whole thing. The most tedious parts to make were Chris’ shirt because I had to draw each square individually and then join the as well, and cutting out the ban-hammer in the bottom right was surprisingly hard. Every single detail of the picture is a reference to the podcast/shows, I still have the plan sketch and reference list knocking about somewhere. I listened to a lot of true crime videos while making it to the point that certain parts remind me of different cases: the brandy now reminds me of Peter Tobin, and the big spiral thing reminds me of Tim McLean (very harrowing case) - sorry that fact is a bit morbid but interesting nonetheless. 
I did post this for a little bit back in July, but I received some rather awful messages so I took it down. Generally, Tom Scott/TechDif fans are lovely but there’s been a few that have taken a disliking to me for some reason so I’m hoping they don’t resurface again. I’m in a better head space now though, so even if they do I’m more equipped to deal with it this time.
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This was a quick sketch I did in April, I was getting bored with lockdown and decided to summon the bog man himself. There’s not really much more backstory than that, no poor mental health story, no fun twitter story - he’s just here. He’s vibing. I will say I’m particularly proud of his nose, I just think it’s one of the best noses I’ve ever drawn. His hand is okay, but I think that the hands on my Conchúr drawings are better. So there is the Hozi-Boi...
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The Corpse Bry
I’ve talked about Bry on here before as well, I love him, he’s excellent, top lad. He is a living Tim Burton character, he’s 6′6, very skinny, and his legs are longer than my will to live. I was watching ‘The Corpse Bride’ a few weeks ago and suddenly had an idea and so ‘The Corpse Bry’ came to be. I gave him a little panda friend because the panda has always been his animal - he used to wear a panda beanie all the time and his album had a panda on the cover. Again, there’s not really a fun story behind this one, I guess it’s somewhat fun because it’s the first art I made after finishing my psychology exams in October so it was nice to actually have the time to draw.
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James Bagshaw
Ginger talking about Temples for the third post in a row? it’s more likely than you think! I did this one last week, I’d had a bit of a wobbly day and had group therapy on Teams in the evening and I just couldn’t concentrate on what was going on and I ended up doodling Mr James E. Bagshaw, the glitter crying fraggle man himself. It’s a bare-bones drawing that I could definitely work into more but I’m happy with it as it is to be honest. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit and add the individual bits of fringe to his jacket, just thinking about doing that makes me tired. Maybe I’ll get around to drawing the whole band at some point...
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Alice in “Wonderland”
This one is from about 5(?) years ago, it’s not my typical style and was a “study” based on another artists work (basically i just had to copy this fellas work). I’ll be honest, this one has a sketchy backstory that I won’t go in to because it’s not exactly a nice one, and because of that I also won’t say who the artist is that it’s based on. Despite this, I’m still really proud of this one and I’m so sad that I never got this piece back after I got taken out the class. I’ve considered trying this style again, I’ve even joked about doing another Conchúr drawing in this style as a nod to my progression through GCSE art, eventually leading to Conchúr drawn in ink on music manuscript and stained with neon paint and dyes - it would be quite the project!
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So this has been quite a lengthy post so apologies about that but life goes on. Similar to the vinyl post, I’ll probably add to this as and when I make more art. Even if no one is reading these posts, I’m enjoying making them so that’s the main thing. It’s just nice to document things and the feelings that go with them. 💕
~ Love Ginger xx 
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yanano-hiresei · 3 years
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Summary: An Alternate Universe where Bakugou doesn't want to be a hero, but was was forced by Deku to attend at UA. On the first day of school something unexpected happens. Turns out, if you're the last one standing, you'll be the number one student of UA. Everyone excluding the 3rd years go againts each other to be at the top, while Deku and Bakugou find ways to survive without any casualties.
Besides all of this, the question stays. Who created this ridiculous predicament at UA?
Chapter 1: It's just the first Day of school, and now this?!
Making his way to the classroom took a lot more effort than he initially thought. Head down, eyes trained on the floor, and carefully maneuvering his way through the crowd of students while avoiding attention— Bakugou tries his best to go through the day unnoticed.
Someone grabs him by the shoulder. The force makes him face the person behind him— someone he knows quite well.
"Deku... There you are." It was his childhood friend.
"Is everything okay? I've been calling your name so many times. I had to run towards you just to get your attention."
"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."
Deku watches his friend, worried. "What were you thinking about?"
"Isn't it obvious! We made a bet remember!" Bakugo lashes out, his hands balling into fists.
"Oh that.. You're right..." Deku recalls, scratching the back of his head. "But I don't see why would that be a problem. You passed the exams! You should be happy!"
Deku takes out his watch before looking around the hallway and grabbing Bakugou's hand. "Come on, let's go. It's the first day of school! We should at least hurry to our classroom!"
Before Bakugou could protest, Deku was dragging him to their classroom. The green haired lad excitedly opened the door, only to be greeted by a room filled with empty seats.
"What? Where are they?" Bakugou steps inside, looking around. "Did you bring us to the wrong classroom or something?"
"No.. I'm certain this is Class 1-A." Deku replies as he checks the sign outside the door. Sure enough, they were in the right room.
"Well—" Bakugou gets cut off when the school bell chimes. Three bells, an indication of an announcement.
Not too long, a female's voice sounds from the speakers.
"Attention all students, please head to the auditorium for an announcement!"
"An announcement? What could it be Kacchan?" Deku turns to his friend, a mix of confusion and curiosity present on his face.
"Who knows. Let's go before we miss anything."
It wasn't easy getting into the auditorium with all the students flooding in at once. It took a whole few minutes of squeezing into the crowd to finally reach their post.
A student walks towards the center of the stage, holding a microphone in his hand. Face filled with confidence, he taps the microphone two times before speaking.
"Greetings! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for gathering here today." The young man starts, "My name is Shoto Todoroki, and as you all know I'm the son of the number two hero, Endeavor. I'm here to announce a challenge that will change everything this school year!"
Bakugou could hear other students whispering on the sides.
"A challenge, what does he mean by that?"
"I don't know, but this better be good."
"As you all know, we students dream to become one of the pros— to be in the top 10. That's why we're here at UA, the top Hero Academy in Japan! And with this challenge, we can reach that dream and take it even higher!" The student, Todoroki, exclaims, his fist pounding in the air.
"One of you— that's right— the one with the best, strongest, flashiest quirk will become the number one student of this academy! Well, excluding the 3rd years. The benefits of becoming the number student are endless! You could be one of the top 3 students, and train with the best heroes outside of japan!" Todoroki continues.
"So more island hopping?" A second year student asks, raising their hand.
"Yes, being the number one will focus only on your training to be a hero. There would no longer be a need to study or take the elevator exams."
The students stir with his announcement, and Todoroki uses this chance to further encourage them. "Now tell me this, are you capable of fighting your friends, classmates for this one of a kind opportunity? Let's set aside all emotions and strive towards our goal! So what are you waiting for? Are you just going to stand there doing nothing? Or are you going to give it your all and fight to be the best?!"
The auditorium falls silent.
"But what about the other classes who aren't suited to fight, like the General, Support, or Management?" Another student asks.
Todoroki lets out a loud sigh, answering the query. "The General can join in if they wish. Support can help the ones who are fighting. And the Department of Management— eh, can do whatever they want." He shrugs.
At the back of the crowd, a first year with glasses shouts. "But where are we going to fight? We're using our quirks right? If we're going all out, non participants might get disturbed or worse, get caught up with the fight!"
Todoroki nods. "Good question. Rules regarding the venues of the event will be explained soon."
"But what about our hero costumes? They're not finished yet!" Another first year asks.
"You have your PE uniforms." Todoroki says before remembering an important detail of his announcement. "As for property damages within school campus, there is no need for worry. I'll be handling all expenses."
He brings his hands out for a around of applause. "Alright, The rules will be delivered at the end of today's classes. The challenge will start tomorrow. And for all non-participants, the third years will act as your escorts for the time being. That wraps up this morning's announcement. I wish everyone good luck and may the strongest student win!"
Todoroki drops his mic and quickly exits the stage. As soon as he's gone, the atmosphere starts to liven up.
Todoroki was exhausted, he didn't think this through. He didn't take into account that there were others who had no desire to participate. "I should ask Yaoyorozu about this—"
"Oh? Is this perhaps Shoto Todoroki I'm seeing?" Someone greets him with a cheerful tone
Todoroki snaps, turning to the sound of the voice. Upon looking, he sees a group of three students walking towards him.
"Wow, I'm amazed. This year's students are pretty energetic!" One of the students chuckles.
"Well, atleast it's a change of pace, unlike last year..."
"True. I can't believe principal Nezu agreed to this. It's exciting but tiring at the same time. Dragging alot of students into this, it's kind of a risk to them don't you think, Mirio?"
"Mirio?" Todoroki paused, realizing the name she spoke was—
"Ah, Todoroki Shoto right? Bold of you to propose a challenge without thinking there wouldn't be casualties."
Shoto's eyes widen as he stumbles back. "M-Mirio Togata!"
"Oh sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I guess you already know who I am, huh? Nice to meet you, Todoroki!"
"Oh, uh— Oh! I guess it's my turn next." said the girl next to him, "My name is Nejire Hado, and the guy on the left is Tamaki Amajiki!"
"The big three.." Todoroki composes himself. "Were you here to see me?"
"Yeah. Since you did announce to the whole school, why wouldn't we?" Nejire chuckles.
"The teachers haven't arrived yet so we're here to look after the school while they're not around." Tamaki says, facing away from Todoroki.
Todoroki sighs. "I see... And yes, you're right senpai. I should've thought this through. I got so excited that I forgot about the safety of others"
Mirio approaches Todoroki, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry Todoroki, we'll help you! We are your senpais after all. And it's already been decided, we'll take care of the non-participants as well as the injured. All you gotta do is take charge of the battles."
"As for the organization of the fights.. We'll have to come up of a plan to reassure the other students' safety tomorrow." Tamaki adds.
Todoroki felt guilty that his senpais had to help him with all of his problems— thinking about how dumb he was for going through with the idea without a proper plan. "I'm sorry you had to help me. I should've thought this through..."
"Well your father and Principal Nezu did agree to this without telling you the consequences, or perhaps they're testing you?" Nejire eyes Todoroki, examining him.
"Why would would they want to test me?"
"Who knows, you ask them."
"Well would ya look at the time! It was nice meeting you Todoroki, and next time we meet, plan first before you act on anything." Mirio tells him, smiling as the three make their way to the exit.
"Yes, I will senpai." Todoroki nods, watching them go.
"Aww, we're leaving already? I haven't gotten the chance to ask him some questions yet." Nejire says, feeling disappointed.
"It was nice meeting you Todoroki, see you!" Nejire adds, bidding farewell.
"Ah- Goodbye senpai!"
The three waved at Todoroki and left, leaving him alone again.
Todoroki leaned on the wall, sighing in exhaustion.
"I could really use some tea right about now. Yaoyorozu's on the top floor..." He shrugs. "I'll just take the elevator."
After the announcement at the auditorium, Bakugou and Deku went back to the classroom for a breather.
"Damn, staying at the auditorium packed with a lot of people really is a nightmare." Bakugou says as he stretches his arms.
Deku agrees whilst cracking his knuckles. "The announcement came out of nowhere too. And not just that, all of the teachers and staff are gone."
Bakugou takes his seat on the chair next to where Deku stood, thinking about what he said. "And that Todoroki guy, what's he planning to do with this challenge of his? He could've just waited until the Sports Festival. This whole challenge thing doesn't make any sense."
"He must've been really excited. A lot of students would want to join in."
"Well, I know I don't."
Deku stops, looking at Bakugou worriedly. "You.. Aren't?"
"What, is there something wrong about that?" Bakugou glares at Deku, causing the latter to avoid eye contact.
"I just thought that, you know.. You were okay with using your quirk now.."
Bakugou blinks. "I am. I don't see why that has anything to do with the challenge."
"Well.. I thought you would want to join since it's a challenge and all." Deku says in a quiet voice, his hands fidgeting.
"Join the challenge?" Bakugou scoffs. "There's no way I'm doing that. Not when I can possibly harm others."
Deku stares down at his friend. "Then what are you gonna do when a villain attacks?"
"Deku.. That's not it."
"Kacchan did you forget? We're at UA. If you can't use your quirk, how are you going to be a hero?"
"(Kacchan, Promise me that in the future the two of us will be heroes.)"
"(Of course, we'll be the best heroes. I'm obviously going to be number one!)"
"(No way, Kacchan. I'm going to be number one!)"
"(Ha! You wish!.)"
"Can't be a hero without using my quirk huh?" Bakugou smirks. "Then I'll just have to change that."
"You're gonna.. What?"
"I'm gonna enter the challenge and win without my quirk."
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this is my first fanfic so I dont know what I'm doing haha
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
congrats on 5.5k!! you're insanely talented and I'm so happy you're getting the recognition you deserve 🥺🥺 could i join in the ship requests too?
I'm a rather small sized (like, 154cm & ~40kg kind of small) Asian female from a South East Asia country and i prefer men, especially men who are taller and Age Gaps™ 🥴 I'm not sure how much you know about/believe in astrology but I'm a Libra sun, Taurus rising and Capricorn moon so you can do what you want with that 😂
I'm an INTP/INFP (I've gotten both an equal number of times from sites OTHER than 16 personality, tho I personally vibe with INTP just a teeny smidge more) if you do MBTI ✌🏼 I LOVE to read, especially fanfiction lmao, and i also write! I really love listening to music + watching shows/movies too! My favourite shows are all mystery/crime based LOL and I am working towards becoming a criminal psychologist/forensic pathologist/forensic scientist in future! (heavily inspired by Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Detective Conan and the like so 😂) I have a really vivid and good imagination please i can spend DAYS just daydreaming and imagining scenarios that I never finish writing about & generally this is how all my work is never finished loll
I'm the eldest sibling at home, and my parents haven't always been around so I've been rather used to stepping up and taking care of myself (+ my sibling, like helping them with homework and all). Some people say I'm a natural born leader? idk bc I often step up to be the leader in group work & I'll often be the one to initiate things & all. I'm a rather big procrastinator though LOLL so you'll often catch me rushing my assignments & final projects & rushing my revision for exams + finals like, 2 days before the actual exam 💀 which often leads to me becoming more stressed out & breaking down more often than i actually should so 🥲 I'm trying to quit this bad habit though
I love cuddles and hugs please I will KILL for cuddles and hugs from my back by a tall character pls it just feels so safe and comforting to be spooned too 🥺🥺 sometimes when I'm too absorbed in work or something (which happens too often for it to be healthy) I might just forget to eat/sleep entirely AND also my sleep routine isn't the best. like i will literally fall asleep at 9pm, wake up in the middle of the night on my own at like, 1am, then usually I'll be rushing homework at this time, then maybe sleep again for a short while from 4ish? till when i have to get up for school/work at 5:30/6am 💀 there's been days where i literally looked so sick from the lack of sleep where my tutor once stopped the class to ask me if I was okay and if i was going to faint LMAO 😔 i feel like I'm a night owl??? but then also i have no problem getting up super early in the morning so?? but i really feel most at home and really enjoy the 3am nights 😌
i am also the class clown lol but it's bc i just make sarcastic comments and all and my friends think they're funny???? but also i enjoy making people laugh bc sometimes i find it interesting to try and see what kind of things make my friends laugh so it's lowkey an experiment? or like something i want to achieve? at this point. I'm fluent in English and Chinese/Mandarin and I'm learning Italian so I roughly know some basics, and I really enjoyed History, which I took last year but dropped this year. (I'm taking English Literature with Biology + Chemistry this year and they're all great, except I'm literally dying from the workload aaahhh 💀)
I'm kinda clumsy and Not Good™ at most sports, maybe passably okay for badminton but I'm really not that athletic and really not very keen on exercising either 😔 I'm quite creative and good with public speaking/creative writing/impromptu performance/speech though I'd say! I'm also in my school's drama club 😎 though I'm more of a backstage lights & sounds kind of person. I'm right handed (with a really neat handwriting, as I've been told many, many, many times) and I wear thin frame spectacles which I sometimes will fall asleep in & I'm so clumsy/careless that I'm actually really afraid I'd break them (it's happened before 😭)
I'm a really good planner? like i can do up a great and detailed schedule/plan for revision and all but i will NOT stick to what i plan 😭😭 i love to snack!!!! on chips + gummies especially, and my diet is quite unhealthy lmao i literally don't eat vegetables At All™ & i don't really eat meat that much too?? lmaoo please i can go for days without having a single proper meal & just survive on snacking on potato chips + soft drinks 💀 i am a very picky eater though so really me not finding food i like/am able to stomach is also really kind of my fault 🤡
while i really vibe with and love the dark academia aesthetic, i also do video/MOBA games, like i play games like Mobile Legends & all. I'm someone who knows most, if not all the lastest trends (like tiktok, memes etc) but i won't actively participate in them? i just kind of like to know things, like Knowledge is Power you know (I'm a Slytherin, in case you're wondering, though I've gotten Ravenclaw so often it's a close tie sometimes)
okay i feel like that's enough details about me? feels like I've told you nothing that's useful oh well LOL... I'd really love a ship for Criminal Minds and Marvel? if that's possible please? in case you missed it, i prefer men! (I'm a questioning bi, with a strong preference for men) for the hc prompt "what you do on your first date" or maybe "how you met + first impressions"?
thank you so much for being so kind and willing to do this ship requests thing!! I'm sure you're spending TONS of time and effort on this and aahhh i feel bad for typing so long paragraphs now (as you may have noticed i have a tendency to ramble on if not stopped because i am just really Socially Awkward ™ sometimes 💀 and have really bad (social) anxiety too) and i really think you're super amazing for doing this??? I'm so sorry if this took up too much of your time aaahhhhh thank you so so so much 🥺😭😭 really the biggest of congratulations to you for your 5.5k??? you really do deserve every single follower & i am SO insanely happy for you 🤩❤️
- 🌙🏒 anon
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Don’t worry, you definitely provided enough information lmao. 
And thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. 
I hope you like the ships I made for you
They are under the cut: 
Criminal Minds: 
I ship you with Hotch. 
You get the age-gap here lol. He would be a bit hesitant due to the age gap at first, but he would get over it because he can not resist. He does not seem like the type of cuddles, and especially does not take part in PDA. But when you are alone he would love holding you and spooning, especially after a long day of work. Aaron would be attracted to your uniqueness as well as your intelligence and aesthetic, finding it to be very “you”. 
How you met + his first impressions: 
You met when you were transferred to the BAU as the new Forensic Pathologist.
Hotch thought you were very interesting when you first met and was definitely intrigued by you. 
He thought you fit in fairly well and would get along with the others (which you do). 
He appreciates a sarcastic sense of humor, so he would dig that as well.
Hotch could tell you had a form of anxiety and wold be patient around you when you first met so that you could open up to him at your own pace.
What you do on your first date:
He takes you to a hockey game. 
He is not the sportiest person but he has had an interest in hockey for a while, sometimes watching it on tv. 
When he learned that you liked it, he decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to invite you on a date as well as to see his first game. 
After the game, you walked around town for a bit, getting some late night food and talking or a long time. 
This allowed you to open up to him quite a bit and you grew more comfortable around him as well, which he is very happy about. 
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Best Friend: 
Your best friend is JJ. She thinks you are really cool and unique and nice. She has the type of personality that is easy t get along with and open up too, so you bonded with her quicker than the others. I also feel like she is into hockey as well, so she appreciates your love for it as well. 
I ship you with Sam. 
I think Sam is a good fit for you. He is into sports, and digs your aesthetic. He is easy to get along with and very funny. He thinks your line of work is very interesting and loves to listen to you talk about it. Sam also really enjoys crime shows ans thrillers so he is always excited to meet someone who enjoys them as well. 
How you met + his first impressions:
You met through Nat, who you had met through SHIELD years before. 
You happened to be at the compound with Nat when Sam was there and she introduced you. 
He immediately thought you were pretty and very interesting.
Sam could tell you were shy, but that did not stop him from flirting.
Though he also made some jokes and was easy going as to not scare you off. 
He made sure to ask Nat about you once you left and managed to convince her to give him your contact info. 
What you did on your first date: 
He took you to the movies first, to watch the most recent crime thriller that came out. 
After the movie you went to a nearby park and walked around, talking about the movie and other crime/horror related stuff. 
You got food at a food truck and sat by the fountain together. 
He was appalled when you told him that you didn’t eat that often (if came a part of your relationship later on that he would try to cook you meals that you’d like just so you WOULD EAT). 
You ended up spending hours together, and it felt like no time at all.
So you were definitely up for another date with him, which he of course asked you about.  
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Natasha. She was the first one you met, and slowly introduced you to the others. She thought you were really cool when you first met and was surprised at how well you go along. That is sometimes hard for her to do, so once you became friends she never took that for granted. She and Sam would gang up on you when you weren’t eating btw. 
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anotherriceball0326 · 4 years
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This is a short Fruits Basket fanfiction that I've been working on. It takes place shortly after the group returns from the beachhouse. This is my very first time writing fanfiction so please be kind. I'm always open to constructive criticism/suggestions to improve my writing. It's a work in progress so new chapters be released asap.Hope you all enjoy what I've written ❤.
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While Shigure is away for the weekend, Kyou sees the time alone as the perfect opportunity to confess his true feelings to Tohru. Sadly, his plans are quickly extinguished by a group of uninvited guests.
Chapter one: "I Need to. Talk to You"
It was a crisp, Autumn night. The moments they shared at the beachhouse were now precious memories. It was time to put Summer behind them and focus on what's ahead.
Shigure was gone for the weekend at a writers convention, leaving the teenagers home alone. It was the first time they were entrusted to be left alone for more than a few hours and they didn't want to screw it up.
Yuki was looking forward to some quiet time where he could focus on his school work, student counsel priorities and prepare for his upcoming exams. Tohru, of course, was still adamant about getting housework done.
And Kyou....well Kyou wanted nothing more than for that damn rat to disappear for the weekend with Shigure so he could really enjoy this time with Tohru... but the current circumstances would have to do.
"I'll be upstairs if you need me Ms. Honda." Yuki smiled, but quickly changed his tone after glancing at Kyou "Don't do anything reckless, stupid cat."
The nerve of this guy!
"Grrr.... SHUT UP YOU DAMN RAT! WHAT I DO IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Kyou shouted. He knew that Yuki was just trying to screw with his head, but he wouldn't let him ruin this.
Not tonight. Not this moment.
This was the first time Kyou had been alone with Tohru since the beach house. The first time he'd been alone with her since he finally admitted to himself that he loved her.
He loved her... he loved her so much.
It was so easy for him to say that in his head. It was so clear to him now. Why had it taken him so long to come to that realization? Why had he not figured it out sooner?
There was so much time that he wasted trying to pretend as though he felt indifferent. Hell, it took him months to admit that he even considered her a friend. How long had he felt this way? How long had he longed to pull her in close.... how long had he wanted to hold her in his arms and never let go? How long had he wanted to feel her soft, rosy lips against his?
Kyou's heart began to race as thoughts of their first embrace played out in his head. He felt his palms begin to sweat. He knew something about this moment felt different. Almost like something big was about to happen. That thought scared the crap out of him.
"Kyou? You okay? You don't look too good.." Tohru asked.
"Huh?...Oh uh....no! I mean..... Yes...." Kyou felt himself start to panic. What the hell was he doing? This is Tohru. The girl he's grown so comfortable sharing everything with... The girl who saw his true form. The girl who accepted him at his ugliest and most terrifying.... Why is he suddenly unable to speak to her without sounding like a complete idiot?
He knew why... he knew that this moment was different. She was no longer just his warm hearted friend that was easy to talk to or a kind soul that he could vent his problems to...
No... she was so much more than that now. He now felt the overwhelming feelings of desire. The desire to make her his forever and to never leave her side. The desire to hold her in his arms and drown her in his affection.
The thought of it made his ears feel hot and brought redness to his face, but also an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach, like he may throw up if he uttered a single syllable.
"Okay, well... as long as you're sure" Tohru hesitated. "I'm just gonna start dinner, okay?"
Say something, idiot!
"L…let me help. "Kyou finally released a coherent sentence.
Tohru's face lit up. "That would be wonderful!" She exclaimed.
Damn it.... why does she have to be so cute.
He always thought Tohru was cute of course. That day she discovered their secret, he remembered thinking those thoughts. Her cuteness was obvious. Anyone with half a brain could see that.
But now... now he saw her as a woman. He noticed every small detail about her. The smell of her strawberry scented hair. The way her hair flowed as she flipped it away from her face. The adorable crinkle in her nose when she thought something was really funny. The melodic sound of her voice when she said his name. The warmth of her brown eyes as she listened with sincerity. The sway of her hips as she walked...
Stop! Stop it you pervert!
Kyou hated having those thoughts about her. The thoughts that extended beyond her cuteness. The thoughts that made him desire her in a way that he's never wanted any girl.
It felt wrong. It felt wrong because Tohru was so pure and innocent. He didn't want to taint the image of such a perfect person.
But he couldn't help it. He wanted her. He wanted all of her. All to himself.
That must be what love is. Kyou had never fallen in love before, not like this. Only love that was shared between a parent and their child or a platonic love that you have for your friends.
Okay, snap out of it or Tohru will worry.
Kyou began helping Tohru in the kitchen by chopping vegetables. His hands shook dramatically as he worked but he did his best to control himself. He tried to use the breathing techniques that his Master had taught him over the years.
Tonight needs to be the night. She needs to know how I'm feeling.
Kyou was beginning to suspect that Tohru possibly shared some of the same feelings he had for her. He noticed the way she looked at him sometimes and how bashful she became when they accidentally touched or how flustered she would get after he teased her.
I need to know. Honestly, what do I have to lose?
Kyou looked over at Tohru. The steam from the pot of stew she was making left a thin layer of sweat on her face. He could not help but stare and admire the beautiful features of her face. Even drenched in sweat, she was perfect.
“Kyou? Are you sure you're okay?” Tohru questioned, looking even more concerned than she did earlier. “You look like you're about to pass out. Are you feeling under the weather?”
As she said that, Tohru placed a hand on Kyou's forehead. It sent a shiver down his spine. Even just a hand to his forehead was enough to weaken his resolve.
“I said I’m fine….quit your worrying, okay?” Kyou smiled and grabbed Tohru’s hand as he removed it from his forehead.
Instead of immediately letting her hand go, he hesitated. He looked down at her soft, petite hands and smiled.
“You really do worry too much.” He said as he finally released her hand, hoping she didn't notice him shaking
“Okay. Well in that case, thank you for helping me tonight. It's always more fun when I get to cook with you.” She beamed.
I can't take this anymore! This is torture! I need to. .. No! It's too soon….
“Of course, dummy. What else would I be doing?” Kyou joked as he playfully bonked her on the head with a closed fist.
Kyou finished helping Tohru with dinner. They ate together with Yuki and mostly exchanged small talk that involved asking each other how their day went and sharing things that had been happening at school. Kyou was secretly begging for Yuki to leave so he could be alone with Tohru.
But how would I even start? Where do I begin? Do I just tell her in the kitchen or do I take her somewhere romantic? What if rat boy heard? Ugh! This is so confusing….
Kyou sat there, mostly silent as he contemplated how he was going to tell her.
“Are you all done, Kyou?” Tohru asked
“Uh…um…oh yeah, sorry. Here, I'll clean up.” He responded
“Thank you so much, but I don't mind helping" Tohru said as she stood up.
Before she could walk into the kitchen, Kyou extended his arm out to stop her. He was unable to make eye contact so instead he looked at the floor as he spoke.
“Tohru…I…I need to talk to you…about something important. I was thinking. . Would it be okay for us to go and talk on the roof. You know…so we're alone? Kyou’s voice shook as he finally gathered the courage.
Tohru’s eyes widened. He could immediately tell she was surprised by his request. They’ve had conversations up on the roof before, but never any that were planned. Kyou wondered if she knew what he wanted to say.
“Of course! Let me just go and grab a sweater. You should grab one too, Kyou! It's a little chilly out tonight.”Tohru replied with a glimmer in her eyes.
Kyou suddenly felt a flutter in his chest
This is it…this is my chance!
Kyou finished cleaning up as quickly as he could. He ran to his bedroom, grabbed a warm sweater and sprayed just the smallest splash of cologne on his neck.
His heart was pounding.
He met Tohru downstairs. She was wearing an adorable pink fluffy sweater that he wanted to fall into.
Kyou smirked as his nose quickly filled with the aroma of perfume, which he knew wasn't there earlier. His confidence grew even more knowing that she was putting in the effort the way he had.
“Shall we?” Kyou asked as he extended his arm for her to hold so he could escort her outside.
Tohru giggled as she grabbed his arm “Yes, let's go.“
As they approached the front of the house,  they were suddenly startled by a loud knock at the door.
Who could that be? And at this hour?
As Kyo opened the door, his heart immediately sank.
“Yo.” A deep voice exclaimed. Despite it being so dark, Kyou immediately knew it was the voice of Hatsuharu. At the door stood Hatsuharu, Momiji, Kagura, Arisa, and Saki. They all carried small overnight bags.
“What the hell are you all doing here?! Do you not realize how late it is?!” Kyo growled. 
“We’re here to party!” Momiji shouted as he jumped up and down. Momiji grabbed Tohru by the hands. “We’re going to have so much fun this weekend, Tohru! We’ll dance and start a campfire and roast marshmallows and...ooooo maybe even watch a scary movie! This is going to be so much fun!”
Yuki came down the stairs quickly after hearing all the commotion. “What's going on?” he asked.
“We heard you guys were going to be lonely all weekend so we came to keep you company.” Said Hatsuharu with a blank stare on his face.
Kyou looked at Tohru. He wondered if she could see the disappointment painted all over his face. Tohru looked back at Kyou with a big goofy smile and squeezed his arm.
She unlocked arms with Kyou and began to greet all her friends.
"Welcome everyone!" She exclaimed as she helped them with their things. 
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medcury · 6 years
Hi, I'm brazilian too but I'll ask you in English so more people can read it ! How is your study routine right now? How many hours per day, and how many days per week, how much time you dedicate to theory and to doing exercises... Things like that. I just started studying for next year's enem and I'll be trying to get into either nursing or medicine, but I love to check on other students' routines to see if I can improve mine in any way. Oh, and is it your first enem this year?
Hello, that’s very nice of you! One thing you need to know beforehand is that I was actually in college during the first semester (majoring in chemical engineering) and that’s the reason why I did not sign up for enem, and also why I am currently going to nocturnal classes: it was the only time with available spots in prep courses. That being said, I will try my best to explain how I’ve been studying, so let’s go.
I often wake up at 7:30am, make my breakfast, plan what I’m going to study that day, and then I start studying around 8am. I don’t pause until lunchtime, which around 12:30 (I can focus for long periods of time after I actually start working). 
After that, I have lunch, take a break, and come back to my studies around 1:30pm. I keep going until 3:30pm, have a 20 min break, then I start again.I study until 5:20pm or so. 
I have to stop so I can get ready, and catch the bus to my prep course — often, I arrive there around 6pm, and my classes start at 6:30pm, going straight until 10:50pm. I solve a few more questions in that 30 min window I have. 
I come back home around 11pm, take a shower, have a quick dinner, and go straight to bed. Next day, I’m up at 7:30, and the cycle begins once anew.
Aspects to consider:
Twice a week, I go to the gym, and stay there for an hour. 
Usually I go during the mornings, and I often listen to subject-related podcasts so I can remember some forgotten concepts
This schedule is not followed to strict levels, but I try my best to reach the goals I’ve placed for the day. 
In case some subjects were not studied in a certain date, I either reschedule it for the next day, or I put it to be reviewed during the weekend. 
I tend to study around eight hours at home, plus the four or so hours of prep courses, so, adding everything that make about 12 hours a day: sometimes less, sometimes more. Depends on my focus and energy.
I don’t get too caught up in hours, though, it’s less relevant than being productive. There are days that I learn more in thirty minutes than in ten hours. It’s all relative. 
My type of memory is almost strictly visual (you can see from my overabundance of mindmaps) so I tend to give theory a lot more weight during my sessions.
I would say that it takes me around 20 minutes to make a simple mindmap; around an hour to make the complex ones (usually, these are for humanities). My material provides 20 questions for each class, so solving those often takes me between 30 minutes and an hour. 
I’ll be honest, sometimes I lack time to study everything I have piled up for the week, so I tend to compensate by using my Saturdays wisely. Saturday I wake up at 9am, and basically lock myself in my room until 9pm or 10pm. 
It’s what works for me, though, so don’t force yourself to do it if your organism would rather have a different approach. I personally cannot work during disperse/short sessions, that’s all. (i.g: I am more productive during six hours straight than 30 minutes with intervals.) 
There is no right or wrong, there is simply what works for you and what doesn’t. Don’t get caught up in the details, just follow what has been inducing improvement. 
For Sundays, I just write an essay (about one hour of work during the morning) and then rest & sleep for the rest of the day. 
I believe a day off is important to recharge, and I always recommend it to people who think they have to be on top of their game 24/7 — it’s imperative to clear your head, and it will help with assimilating more information as well.
I believe that’s it. In final notes, I’d like to say two things. Firstly, answering your question, it is not my first enem — I actually took one when I graduated High School, back in 2015. I was never fond of the exam, I don’t think I would take it even if I had been out of college by the time it came out. The second point is that, as much as I have absolutely nothing to do with your life, I’d like to give you a final advice based off my personal experience: if you are torn between medicine and another course, don’t rush into a decision. I explained my experience in further detail HERE, but, in short, my fear held me back. I can only ask you to avoid the same mistake as me, and follow what will fulfill you the most, regardless of how hard it will be. If that’s not medicine, and you would be a lot happier in nursing, then that’s perfect! Seek your own satisfaction — regardless of what others (or your insecurities) say. 
I’m sorry this got so big, but I wanted to give as much information as I could. In case you desire to, you can ask me more things, or message me on DM. I hope this helped. Best wishes! 
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givemeprompt · 5 years
Live to fight
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That's something my old man had taught me from a very young age. From the moment I began to understand how the world truly worked, my father had taught me how to work with danger, instead of running away from it. "This world is full of things that can hurt you. You must harness and use those things in your favor." That's what he always told me during his lessons. You see, my father runs a school that teaches students to be potential assassins and mercenaries. He's the chairman of the Silvercrest Academy of the arts, a pretty big name in the education system.
My name is Dylan Hunter. I'm 17, 5'7, and I look like your average guy; shaggy auburn hair that ends just below my earlobes, pale olive skin with freckles under my dark chocolate eyes. I look in my mirror everyday and think "no one knows that I could kill pretty much anyone with ease". In my normal school, no one knew about my training at home, or my natural talent for combat. That's mostly because i kept my head down and out of trouble. But for my third year of high school, my dad, Argus Hunter, thought it was a good idea to enroll me in his school. There's usually a process of being accepted, with an interview, some entry exams and such. But I skipped all of that and got in. People were bound to know who I was, thanks to the similar hair, height, and gentle yet dangerous vibe my dad and I give off. My dad told me about everything I would expect beforehand: normal classes during school hours, my own dorm, and the occasional sparring match at night.
That's right. My dad's school teaches classes on the more deadly arts after school hours. Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
Anyway, I was pretty psyched for my first day, so much that I barely got any sleep. I could finally let out my true colors and probably hone my skills a bit more. I was destined to take over the family mercenary business when I graduate, but that's only if I show promising skills. So the first thing I need to do is prove that I'm the best of the best. So when the morning of my first day came, I was out of bed, packed and ready to go within an hour. My dad drove my to the school campus so I could start unpacking before class. While walking to my dorm, he gave me this concerned look before asking, "Dylan, you and I both know that the first few days are going to be hard."
"Yeah dad. People won't take me seriously knowing that I'm your kid. Don't worry. I have everything planned out."
That's when he raised an eyebrow. He knew my plans weren't very detailed, to say the least. So I knew I had to explain.
"My plan, dear father, is to prove that there's more to me than some dumb reputation. I got my skills because of you. But you know that I utilize then different"
Listening to my dad chuckle made me smile. He understood that I had a way of making things work in my favor, I am his son after all. So after he gave me the room key, he gave me a brief hug, wished me the best of luck and started making his way to his office.
After watching him leave, I took a deep breath and looked around my currently empty room. White walls, a simple study desk, and a bed without sheets and pillows greeted me. A smile crossed my face as he placed my bags down, starting to unpack.
"Well Silvercrest, it's time to get to work"
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Hey guys, this is the beginning of a story I've had brewing for a while. Hopefully it grabs some attentions. I'll be sure to do my best to keep an audience.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Are you back safely? Rio: and when can you come back home Buster: I was just about to message you saying I was Buster: Great minds, babe Buster: I'll be back at the end of the month for that reading week bullshit I told you about Rio: Good Rio: I mean, still sad but glad you're back Rio: that's not too bad Rio: I can do that Buster: I'm not sure I can Buster: I miss you already Buster: Even though I feel like I can also still feel you Rio: Trying to be brave, like Rio: I feel it too Rio: everything still smells of you, it's so nice Buster: My clothes do so I'm wearing them again, like Buster: Don't judge me if you see me, dad Rio: Baby Rio: Did you have a good time Buster: You know I had the best time Buster: With you Rio: Me too Rio: I'm glad we got to be alone, most of the time, like Buster: Me too Buster: I'm sure my mum ain't, but I don't care Rio: You did your nephew duties and saw the kid Rio: she want you on the night shift, like? Buster: She probably wanted me not to be quite so brazen about how much I missed you Buster: And what I was really home for Buster: I'm not sorry though Rio: Probably Rio: but I liked it Rio: a lot Buster: Yeah? Rio: You know I did Rio: or you need to come back so I can show you again Buster: I reckon I need to come back Buster: Right now Rio: Mmm Rio: Just avoid your mum and we'll be fine Buster: Easy Rio: you reckon? Rio: pretty dedicated to getting you to behave Buster: So are you Rio: Yeah Rio: don't want me coming for her 👑 Buster: I want you more than anything though Rio: I know Rio: You got me baby Buster: It wasn't enough time Rio: It never is Buster: Everything we did I need to do it more Rio: I need to do it all the time Buster: I love you Rio: I love you more Rio: can it be May already Rio: please Buster: Seriously Buster: I'm gonna go insane before then Rio: No you're not Rio: I won't let you Rio: you're gonna ace all your exams Buster: I can join my sister, twinning in therapy Buster: This house is so empty right now and it's such a waste Buster: You could be here, you should be Rio: Ooh, family therapy Rio: That'd be a moment Rio: I wish I was Rio: no fun coming back to an empty home if you can't make the most of it Buster: Imagine my fucking parents in a shrink's office Buster: Hilarious Buster: We can make the most of it still, just not exactly how I want Rio: The therapist would need therapy their self Rio: Fucking hell Rio: Yeah? Well that's something Buster: Nance is probably the only one of us who can handle it Buster: And she reckons she needs it most Rio: It's a good thing, right Rio: gotta want the help for it to work Buster: Yeah Buster: I just want her to be happy Buster: Like I am Rio: Yeah Rio: She will be baby Buster: You're happy too, yeah? Buster: Even though you don't have a flat yet Buster: And I'm gone again Rio: Of course I am Rio: I'm so happy it doesn't seem possible sometimes Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you know you can tell me if there's anything Buster: I know shit's still in a state there Buster: And Edie isn't back Rio joined the chat 32 hours ago Rio: You can't make her come back Rio: no one can Rio: she will when she's ready Buster joined the chat 32 hours ago Buster: I know Buster: But I could talk to her again or some shit Buster: There's always things I can do, babe Rio: You reckon you're that convincing, yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: You know I am Rio: You're cute Buster: 😏 Buster: Can I make you come back? Buster: That's all I want Rio: Hmm idk Rio: I remain unconvinced as of yet so Buster: [sends pics in his empty gaff] Buster: Yeah? Rio: Stop 😖 Rio: Tryna play hard to get here Buster: Why play hard to get when you can get on a plane for me, baby? Rio: I really wish I could Buster: You can Rio: Can I now? Buster: Please Rio: What was that, babe Buster: Rio Buster: Please Rio: 🤤 Rio: Jesus Buster: Say yes Rio: Yes Buster: See, it doesn't have to be hard Buster: We can play so nice Rio: How nice are we talking? Buster: Book a flight and find out Rio: Indie's taking the piss so hard Buster: Bring her Buster: It's not like we haven't been there before Rio: Nah, she finally staying in School Rio: and she loves the baby so she good Buster: Typical Buster: I bet Ro don't love the enthusiasm but I'm here for it Rio: Nah, but that's what she needs is people who won't take no for an answer otherwise she's gonna be weird about it Rio: s'why my mum was a good choice, plus Ro knows she can do it Rio: least that bit, once we get a personality she fucked it up obvs Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: Is Indie gonna stay there or with you lot still? Rio: I think here Rio: she's still not buzzin' off the idea of living with Ro Rio: who can blame her Buster: Not me Buster: I know Nance toyed with the idea but even she ain't that much of a martyr for the cause, like Buster: I'm flat hunting for you now, Indie'll be buzzing about that at least Rio: I don't think it's a good idea, the faster it gets back to normal the faster she'll get used to it Rio: if she wants 24hr care she knows what to do, like Rio: Well now I have to come Buster: Agreed, on all counts Buster: [sends some flat details] is this too far from Indie's comfort zone of the 24? Rio: I reckon she's ready for better Rio: it's really nice Rio: I need to work out how much I can afford pcm before we properly look though Buster: Maybe I should look nearer Ro's since she loves the kid so much Buster: Babe, you know I got you Rio: Yeah, that'd be nice for her actually Rio: assuming Drew sorts his shit, he'll also wanna be around there right Rio: big assumption but you never know Rio: and you aren't paying my rent, don't be stupid Buster: Where do you wanna live, baby? That's what matters to me Buster: And yeah I can, 'Cause then I get to move in Buster: Selfish always, remember Rio: Then you can pay your half, no more Rio: nearer actual Dublin Rio: it's only half an hour but it'll make a difference Buster: Yeah Buster: Do you like this one? [Another listing] it's a bit small but Rio: How many people you planning on moving in? 😂 Buster: I'm not trying to live in a shoe box Buster: You know how many clothes I own, yeah? Rio: Such a diva 😏 Buster: You love me Rio: Good thing too Buster: Are you not gonna say it? Rude Rio: Find a better flat and I might 😉 Buster: So high maintenance Buster: But fine Buster: I actually like this one [A good flat] Rio: That's a good one Rio: I should go see that Rio: it's so difficult to get places in town you have to move fast, like Buster: I'll call 'em now Buster: Use my posh voice Rio: Bit rude insinuating you got more clout than me 'cos I'm common but okay Buster: Shut up Buster: If you wanna seduce an old lady to get a decent home then go ahead Buster: I know when my heroics aren't wanted Rio: Awh baby Rio: Please Rio: you know I love you Buster: Yeah yeah Rio: 💔 Rio: boo Buster: Shh I'm on the phone Buster: So busy and important Rio: 😣 Fine Rio: Be like that Buster: 😂 Buster: Tell me you love me again Rio: Only if you love me back Buster: Baby Buster: I adore you Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I love you too Buster: The woman is gonna phone you tomorrow about when you can view the flat so let me know, like Rio: I'm excited Buster: Take pics for me Rio: Of course Rio: Oh shit Rio: are we allowed pets Buster: It didn't say anywhere that you weren't, which I feel like she would have mad a big deal of if not? Rio: Let's hope so Rio: it's pretty well-trained Rio: better than Indie lbr Buster: I'm glad you said it Rio: Don't be mean now Buster: How I am being mean, you said it, I'm just agreeing, like Rio: Shh Rio: I'm allowed Rio: you're the one that reckons you can live with her 😏 Buster: That's just how much I wanna live with you Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I wanna live with you too Rio: a lot Buster: I'm just saying it so we don't have to meet my mum on the stairs Buster: Though that'll be good Rio: Yeah, anything I can do to not be her least favourite person, like Buster: You're not her least fave person Buster: That's Drew and then Ro Rio: Coming in 3rd is not okay Rio: go big or go home Rio: rather be off the list, like Buster: Come on Buster: You're not on the list Buster: Chlo is but not you Rio: Well Rio: that's even worse Buster: Do you want her to hate you? Rio: I'm mad she's thinking about Chloe more than me Rio: Offensive Buster: I'm not getting you pregnant so you can switch places on the list Rio: Shut up Buster: I didn't reckon that needed to be said but here we are Rio: You're an idiot Buster: And you miss me Rio: Not that much Rio: don't worry Buster: Good to know Rio: Only so many scandals before the inevitable intervention Buster: There should be a list of people in this fam who need one before we do, like Rio: Yeah but you know Rio: we the oldest, gotta set a good example Buster: Technically Nance is older than me Rio: You reckon we off the hook then? Rio: Soz, babe 🤷 Buster: If only Buster: I have so much homework to do and I can feel my mum's judgement from Dublin Rio: Poor boy Rio: Gotta let you focus then Buster: Don't Buster: I won't be able to stop thinking about you if we aren't talking Rio: Okay, I'll have to come at you with facts Rio: walking encyclopedia Buster: You're such a cute nerd Rio: Oi Rio: Don't get distracted Buster: It's not my fault you're adorable Rio: Shh or I'll whip out my serious face Buster: Yeah? Buster: I wouldn't be mad about it Rio: [Dorky selfie] Rio: I warned you Buster: I'm keeping that forever Rio: Of all the pictures Buster: Well, I can't show most of them to anyone else Buster: But that one I can Rio: 😒 BABE Buster: 😂 Rio: So mean Rio: I look so stupid you better not Buster: [Takes own ridiculous selfie] Buster: We're even now Rio: You're so fair Rio: and cute Rio: I miss you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: It'd be amazing if we had a place for when you come back end of the month Buster: That's my plan, babe Buster: Then we can be as loud as we want Rio: Good Rio: we're gonna need to Buster: I know Buster: No interruptions except Indie's cute dog Rio: Hey Rio: I want all your attention though 😔 Buster: Poor baby Buster: I promise you've got it Rio: I better Rio: or I gotta work harder Buster: Believe me, I'm so focused on you right now I've read the same page like 5 times Rio: I don't know how you get anything done forreal Buster: You motivate me as well as distract me Buster: You know it Rio: I hope so Buster: You do Buster: Everything I'm doing now is for us later Rio: You're going to be so good at your job Buster: I'm gonna be so good for you too Buster: Everything's gonna work out perfect Rio: I know Rio: and I'm having some ideas too Rio: for what I'm gonna do long term Buster: Yeah? Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, it was talking to your sister that gave me the idea Rio: and all the time I been spending at the gay clubs Rio: obviously I'll have to work out the logistics, start small and make all the connections along the way Rio: but there's no big company like the pornhub people, who make like Rio: actual decent stuff, for everyone, with all kinds of different people in it Rio: I wanna do something like that, and maybe have a IRL club too, similar vibe Buster: Fuck Buster: That's such a good idea, Rio Rio: You think so? Rio: I've been thinking on it for a while, like why not, there's a huge gap in the market, especially for women, like so many girls don't like porn because half of it is lowkey so abusive towards the women like Rio: they don't wanna see that Buster: You're so right Buster: And so smart Rio: I'm gonna try and make it happen Rio: why not me, yeah? Rio: the pornhub guy was just some kid, mark zuckerberg, whatever Buster: Exactly Buster: And you know I'll help you Buster: Whatever you need Rio: Thanks, baby Rio: I know it'll take time but I already know lots of other camgirls and pole dancers and all sorts Rio: Maybe they'll be into it Buster: And you got time Buster: No half measures, yeah? Buster: If you're gonna do it, do it well Rio: Definitely Rio: Let's be real, I make enough from my streaming alone, never mind with a club job too Rio: I just wanna be doing more, making it into something Buster: Yeah Buster: You know I fucking love money but you gotta do something you give a shit about too Buster: Everything with passion, like Buster: Or why bother Rio: Exactly Rio: I knew you'd understand Rio: I know some people won't like it but just the people that already don't like what I do Rio: so Buster: Fuck them Buster: You can do this and if you wanna you will Buster: You don't even need me for it but you got me Rio: I love you Rio: you get me Buster: I always have and I always will, babe Buster: On both counts Rio: I'm so happy Rio: I know I'm ignoring so much shit but Rio: it ain't mine so sorry everyone Buster: You're allowed Buster: You've literally spent so long taking on theirs too Rio: It's not like I don't care but Rio: it's exhausting, everyone is burning out Rio: that's why I'm glad Nance is doing something about it, for her Rio: we are too, just different Buster: Yeah me too Buster: Uni will help Nance as well 'cause I reckon she'll go further afield like Buster: New people and new shit is what she needs Rio: Yeah, definitely Rio: School is just shit, and really shit for some people Rio: she'll thrive when everyone on her course is nerding on the same stuff, it's how it is Buster: Exactly Rio: like my baby Buster: You're cute Rio: I'm serious Rio: Imagine having friends actually on your level Rio: well, nearly Buster: I was gonna say Buster: You're the only one on my level, babe Rio: Too right Rio: only so much room at the top lads Buster: You're making me miss you so much Rio: I know Rio: but I can't come see you now, gotta get us our place baby Buster: I really hope you like it Buster: Then I'll make it happen for us Rio: As long as it's got two rooms and isn't in a shithole, like Rio: doing better than I was so Rio: but I'll make sure it's worth the price Buster: I know you will Buster: You got this Rio: I can't believe we get to have all this Buster: I can't believe I get to be with you Buster: Everything else is just a bonus, like Rio: I know Rio: it's the best Buster: I'm gonna marry you and we're gonna have our own house Buster: So soon Buster: But as stepping stones go, this is such a good one Rio: Yeah Rio: Agreed Rio: but now I'm too excited to do anything useful with the rest of my day Rio: oops Buster: Feel free to distract me Buster: I won't tell my mum Buster: That's always very useful to me Rio: 😏 Rio: Glad to know you've got the bragging under control, babe Buster: Less of a brag more of a death wish if I go chatting to her Buster: But cheers Rio: Best not then Rio: need you to stick around, like Buster: I'm not going anywhere Rio: Promise Buster: On the life you want me to keep living Rio: I hope that doesn't cancel it out Rio: got my maths brain worried but good Buster: There's nothing to worry about Buster: Everything's going good for us, babe Rio: Yeah Rio: suspect but not gonna question it Buster: Good Buster: Don't Rio: 🤐 Rio: see? Buster: You're not planning to keep quiet on anything else, are you? Rio: Not unless you want me to Rio: but then you gotta make me like so Buster: That's not what I want Rio: Then I won't Buster: I want you to be loud enough that I forget I'm alone here Rio: Sure between us we can make that happen Buster: Call me Rio: [Call] Buster: I'm speechless now Rio: Yeah, fuck Rio: at least you can concentrate 'cos imma need a minute Buster: I'm gonna need a while too Buster: Jesus Rio: How'd you get so good Buster: Take your share of the credit Buster: Not just for teaching me how to kiss, like Rio: Happily Rio: I love you baby Buster: I love you too Buster: Do you reckon there'll ever be a time when we don't crave each other like this? Are we gonna turn into one of those couples who just sit on their phones or read in bed together or some shit? Rio: Nah Rio: that ain't ever gonna be us Rio: not that I don't like just being with you but even then I wanna be WITH you, like you holding me and stuff Rio: or what's the point Buster: Good 'cause same Buster: I wanna kiss you all the time never mind anything else Rio: There'd be something wrong if you didn't Rio: everything I do is so you'll want me Rio: not gonna just give up one day, not that bitch Buster: Me either Buster: Never Rio: That's alright then Rio: Not saying I'd be serving you papers for bed death but well Rio: have to take up knitting or something and fuck that Buster: 😂 Buster: You can only serve me papers if I lose my hair Buster: 'Cause you know Rio: Priorities Rio: Why else would I be with ya? Buster: Obviously Buster: That and this body, which you know, also could go Rio: Nah, totally impartial to a dad bod 😜 Buster: Good to know Rio: 😂 Rio: Go on then Rio: what's my side of the bargain, what have I gotta keep up or go, like Buster: Just don't let your little sister straighten your hair, ever Buster: Leave it to my sister to be her guinea pig, like Rio: Right, do my best to avoid her advances Rio: shouldn't be too hard 😏 Buster: That's all I ask Buster: You don't look like you and I love you so Rio: Babe Rio: You're too sweet for words Buster: Shh Buster: You're too beautiful for words Rio: You shh Rio: Silly Buster: I'm honest and smart, excuse you Rio: Buster McKenna, in his own words, everyone 😋 Buster: Nah, if I was summing myself up I could do way better Buster: I'm just saying I'm right about how stunning you are Rio: Don't let me stop you, babe Rio: Be there with the applause and everything Buster: Behave Rio: Can't make me Buster: Well, we both know THAT'S not true, babe Rio: 😣 Buster: Poor baby Rio: Be nice to me Buster: Say please Rio: 😠 Don't wanna Rio: don't you remember how nice I was to you on that call Buster: Of course I do Buster: I want you to keep being nice to me Buster: That's all Buster: I'll say it first Buster: Please Rio: I'm just playing baby Rio: I always wanna be nice Rio: please please please Buster: You don't always have to Buster: But okay Rio: I know Rio: I just like being nice to you Buster: Me too Rio: Feels good Rio: doesn't it Buster: Very Rio: How's it possible that I feel so rested when we barely got any sleep whilst you were here? Buster: I know what you mean Buster: Maybe it's like you said, 'cause we sleep so much better when we're together Rio: Yeah Rio: it's gonna be hard tonight Buster: I'll call you again Buster: We can stay on the line together Rio: Yeah Rio: I'll just miss feeling you Rio: it's always worst when you've just gone Rio: not that it's ever that good but you know Buster: I know, baby Buster: I feel it too Buster: But we can do this Rio: We can Rio: it's gonna be so worth it Rio: we ain't gonna even remember this bullshit soon Rio: when we're together always Buster: Exactly Buster: And then anywhere I have to go you can come with me Buster: And vice versa Rio: Yeah Rio: and we're going to go everywhere, right? Buster: 'Course Rio: Starting this summer Rio: if I can ever narrow down my choices Buster: How long is the list? Rio: [Sends various links to places, one of being Brazil 'cos they should go to Brazil] Buster: I reckon that's doable Buster: I have a long summer, like Rio: 😏 World tour is it? Buster: Why not? Buster: Which place do you wanna get married in? Rio: I'm going to Milan with Nance, for one Rio: I don't know when she wants to go Rio: Are you serious? Buster: Get that scheduled in first, obviously Buster: She needs a holiday too Buster: I meant it when I said we should get married now and then again later, yeah Buster: And that I'd marry you anywhere in the world Rio: I mean Rio: It'd be special for me to do it in Brazil Buster: Then let's do it Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: There's gotta be a catch Buster: What? Rio: There's no way I can just get everything I want Rio: it's crazy Buster: You deserve it Buster: That's enough of a reason Rio: Baby Buster: Yeah? Rio: Nothing Rio: it just trips me out that this is my life Buster: It's not too much, right? Buster: It's not too much, right? Buster: We don't have to do this Rio: No, that's not what I'm saying Rio: it's perfect, it's everything Rio: I just can't believe it's real, still Buster: Good 'cause I'm really fucking happy about it all Rio: That's all I need to hear Rio: if you're happy I'm happy babe Buster: I mean, I'd be happier if we were together in this flat right now but Buster: Patience is a virtue, like Rio: 😇 Rio: Polish that halo, boy Buster: 😏 Rio: I can't wait for some actual privacy Rio: I forgot how constant this house is, always someone about, good and bad thing Buster: I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't wait to have people around Buster: Even if one of them is Indie Rio: You love her really Buster: 🤐 Buster: Saying nothing, like Buster: I don't want you to fight me Rio: Sure, that's what it is 😜 Buster: Shh Rio: The feeling's mutual, it's okay baby Buster: Well yeah Buster: I'm very loveable Rio: Not gonna argue, like Rio: can't Buster: I know Rio: 😏 Buster: Make me do this fucking essay 'cause you're an angel and I don't want to Rio: No problem Rio: How boring is it, scale 1-10 like, what am I up against here Buster: Like 7 Buster: But it's only 3500 word count Buster: I'm aware I could piss that out before you say but Rio: I'm not gonna say that baby Rio: Break it down into 500, that's 7 rewards you got coming your way Rio: every one will be better than the last, go go go, like Rio: Lemme send you something for motivation to get going Buster: I knew you'd be full of good ideas Rio: It's been known Rio: [Snap] Buster: Babe Rio: That doesn't count toward your word count, you know Buster: It should Rio: It counts toward making me miss you more Buster: I'll take that Rio: You done 500? Buster: 600 actually Rio: Damn Rio: get you Rio: now I'm behind in your rewarding, hold up Buster: Ready when you are, babe Rio: [Snap] Buster: Who could refuse an offer like that? Not me Rio: Good, cos I'm omw so Rio: kinda gutting if I'm working out for nothing 😜 Buster: Don't worry I'm already on 800 Buster: Easy when you find your focus, like Rio: Easy when you so smart Buster: Even easier when my girl is so sexy Rio: All for you daddy Buster: You're so generous, baby Rio: Nah, you earning it with every word you write, like Buster: You haven't read it, it might be shite Rio: Well, it won't 'cos you're incapable of being crap at anything, one Rio: but two, I ain't marking it, boy, just seeing you get it done Rio: that was my job Buster: Yeah yeah, you're the one getting graded this time, I know Buster: Scoring for making me blush with that compliment Rio: You know you're good baby Rio: and you know how good I think you are Buster: But do you know how good you are? Rio: Hmm, tell me again Buster: You're the best Buster: My angel Rio: 😻 Rio: Gonna shh with how you're making me feel 'cos not here to be distracting right now Buster: I just hit 1000 you can be as distracting as you want Buster: Tell me Rio: Fuck Rio: It's legitimately such a turn-on how hard you work, no playing Buster: Yeah? Rio: Seriously Rio: like, I want you to finish up so you can fuck me just as hard but also I just wanna support you whilst you do your thing Rio: so whipped Buster: Are you gonna be mad if I take a sec to think about that? Rio: No, you're allowed to take time to enjoy all your rewards Buster: Good 'cause the idea of fucking you in the gym right now is very rewarding Rio: Barely anyone is here, we so could Rio: afterwards, when we're all hot and sweaty and pumped up Buster: It could be full of people and I still would Rio: That's why I love you Rio: just thinking about you working out and I'm needy so if I actually had you here you'd have to fuck me no matter what Buster: I can't ever get over how much you want me Buster: Just thinking about how you're feeling is making me so turned on Rio: How could I not Rio: look at you you're perfect Rio: I'm glad no one is here because you can tell I'm horny just by looking at me Buster: You're perfect Buster: And I wish I was there Rio: Me too, maybe you could show me how to use some of these machines, so you could shamelessly check me out Buster: You know it Rio: but for now, I'll be here dreaming, you get back to writing Buster: Less dreaming more working out, babe Rio: 🤤 Rio: that's not helping Buster: You gotta work up a sweat for me one way or another Buster: And since I'm here being a busy nerd Rio: You're right Rio: I'm on it baby Buster: Yeah you are Buster: Thinking about that has me taking layers off Buster: In the kitchen topless again Rio: Oh God Rio: Daddy 😩 Rio: Thinking about that has me grinding up on this seat Buster: [Sends pics] Buster: I reckon you've earned these Rio: How do I earn more damn Buster: Keep doing what you're doing, babe Buster: 200 words until I reach my next target Rio: Then you're over half way Rio: 🙌 you get something special for that one Buster: Spoilers? Rio: Maybe I brought the toy and maybe I want you to use the app Rio: Get to have me here after-all Buster: Fuck Rio: and maybe when you finish you get to see the video so you know exactly how you had me Rio: sound good? Buster: So good Buster: You really do think of everything, yeah? Rio: I try Buster: You try so hard, baby Buster: I know it and I appreciate it Rio: 😊 Rio: You're so fucking nice and even that's turning me on right now I just need you, Buster Buster: I love you Buster: And don't worry 'cause I try too so we're at the necessary word count, baby Rio: Yay Rio: I knew you'd come through for me Buster: Always Rio: It was getting so hard to concentrate at the end there Buster: For me too Rio: So proud of you 😋 Buster: I'm prouder of you Buster: [Goes hard with this app 'cause no chill ever] Rio joined the chat 5 hours ago Rio: Well fuck Rio: I'm dead Buster: Poor baby Rio: You're not even a little bit sorry Buster: Should I be? Buster: I don't reckon so Rio: 😏 Rio: At least feel bad for me 'cos I've gotta somehow drive home now Rio: legs are so weak from how bad you got me shaking Buster: You know I'd come and get you if I could Rio: Yeah, you love carrying me Buster: Don't act like you don't love it too Rio: 👑 don't walk, babe Buster: Are you gonna offer to carry me then? 😏 Rio: Are YOU trying to kill us both? I'm sorry but you too big Rio: but you can be little spoon sometimes and I won't tell nobody Buster: 😂 Rio: Don't act like you don't love it, babe Rio: 😉 Buster: Being little spoon or you being the tiniest human ever? Rio: Both Rio: although I doubt and take offence to the latter statement, thank you Buster: You're so cute 👼 Buster: A tiny baby angel Rio: and you're my daddy, you make me feel so safe and protected and Buster: God, I miss you Buster: I wanna be with you not stuck in this kitchen with this boring essay Rio: I can't believe you only just left Rio: it feels forever Buster: Yeah Buster: Come get in my lap and kiss me Buster: That's all I want Rio: Me too Rio: Maybe I will if I've got good news to tell you 'bout the flat Buster: It'll be good news Buster: I feel it Rio: 🤞 Buster: 🍀 Rio: Thanks Buster: What for? Rio: Just being you Rio: that was lame Rio: but I felt it Buster: Are you trying to make me blush again? Rio: Is it working Rio: then yes Buster: [sends cute selfie as proof] Rio: 😲😍💀 Rio: Reaction, in order, bye Buster: 😂 Buster: I'll let you show that one around then Rio: It's just for me Rio: tryna 'cause chaos out here no Buster: You're funny Rio: You better not be showing your blushes 'round Rio: 😠 Buster: I'm only doing it around you so you better make sure we're alone Rio: That's the plan Buster: Good Buster: You know I like the way you think Rio: What else you like about me? Buster: Oh you want the list now, yeah? Rio: .. Rio: Please 😋 Buster: I like how well you can keep up with me and get me Buster: Especially as I approach 2k on this essay Buster: You're so much fun Buster: But also such a fucking adorable nerd Rio: I love you Rio: so fucking much Buster: How much? Buster: What are you gonna do for me as my next reward? Rio: Well, gotta wait 'til I get home Rio: and I'm stuck in traffic 🙄 Buster: I'll put my feet up then Buster: Or keep going and get double? Rio: Who are you if you don't try Buster: Nicely done, babe Buster: Alright Rio: [Snap] Rio: home again home again Buster: I don't know what to say Buster: You're so Rio: but you don't hate it, yeah? Buster: I love it, Rio Rio: Good Rio: I like having as many reminders of you as possible Buster: I love it too Buster: Maybe I should ask Indie who did her tattoo for her, like Rio: 😏 Yeah yeah Buster: You think I'm playing? Rio: Are you? Buster: Probably not gonna go to whoever Indie went to but Buster: I could always ask your mum to do it, yeah? Rio: God knows who tatted a 14 year old, but I don't think it is a recc or to their credit, like 😑 Rio: You could, depends what you want really Buster: Exactly Rio: Although I don't think I can let this happen Rio: you're already too hot, if you get tatted up I might not survive Buster: 😏 Buster: All the incentive I need Rio: Should I be worried? Rio: I'm meant to be pushing you off cliffs for the 💸 Buster: 😂
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