#a03 TOH
monstergoblin · 1 year
The Little Siren
A03 Link Here
A little prequel of sorts to go along with my The Owl Pirates Fic. Just a little thing on how Eda and King met in this AU. This can be read separately if you want to, it could be the first thing you read of the owl pirate too. Its a fic enjoy it how you enjoy it mate. I don't consider this spoilers to the fic. As it's in the past it's just a matter of Hunter not knowing it happened. Here is link to the owl pirates first chapter Rated Teen cause I can't write without swearing apparently. I don't think there is anything triggery in this one off especially...... I have trigger warnings in the actual chapter fic though <3 always read safe.
 Dark clouds blocked the moon as the wind beat the rain against the world. Thunder crashed and the wind howled in response. The waves beat against the Talon with such force the small ship should go down, but Edas crew was always known for being resilient. Eda hadn’t seen a storm this bad since she was a part of Bumps crew. She didn’t know how long they could last.
       Eda shouted orders at her crew, they ran around obeying and trying their best to survive.
      The wind itself seemed to be wailing, louder than the thunder. Lighting cracked being the best source of light in this wretched storm.
       This was not a great time for her feathers to start sprouting.
       “I’ll be back!” She shouted to her first mate who gave a nod but clearly was flabbergasted by her leaving to her quarters at such a time.
       She pulled through her drawers trying to find at least one- just one- only one-
       And there was only one bottle of Elixir in her bottom drawer. She would need to stop my Bumps harbor as soon as possible.
       She took off the cork and chugged instantly feeling the relief of feathers vanishing as if they had never sprouted.
       “Captain!” Her door flung open as a crew member stumbled inside. “Captain it’s a monster!”
       Of course it was a sea beast! It always was the cause of something so dangerous.
       “Let's kill the thing!” Eda declared, pulling her own sword from her belt as she marched out onto the deck.
       She was expecting to find tentacles, or teeth or anything outside as the storm raged on, but as she looked around all she saw was the same sight as before she walked into her quarters.
       “Where is the damn thing!” She called back to her crew member.
       The man only pointed out towards the sea where the water circled.
       “That’s no monster! That's a whirlpool!” She shouted rushing up to the helm.
       “Captain!” The man shouted but Eda needed to take control of the ship, she needed to steer them away.
       Lighting lit up just outside the whirlpool. Just enough to light up a figure in the water.
       “It is a monster.” She whispered covered by the crash of thunder.
       “It’s chasing us captain!” The navigator shouted. “We can’t escape.”
       As long as Eda had a say, the Talon would not fall victim to some creature. She shoved the navigator out of the way, taking the wheel herself and forcing the ship away from the creature. The Talon creaked as the water only seemed to force them back to circling the monster. Only thing Eda could do was keep her afloat.
       “Damn it.” She snapped looking at the creature. “It really is capturing us.”
       “I told you, captain.” The navigator replied, watching the creature as well. “What do we do?”
       “Take the helm!” Eda ordered.
       “What are you doing captain?” The navigator gasped.
       “Protecting my ship.” Eda grabbed a rope and swung herself as far as she could manage towards the creature. No human could survive these waves and Eda was well aware of that. A captain should always protect their crew.
       She fought the waves to stay a float but as far as reaching the monster the water was pulling her towards it anyway. She held her sword ready to pierce the thing as she got close. Worse case she would kill it as it killed her. That would allow the Talon to escape.
       As she got closer to the figure the wailing got louder as it hadn’t been the wind at all, but an ear shattering cry. Eda winced at the noise, the beast inside her bristling but it couldn’t do much with her elixir stopping it. 
       The figure was smaller than she expected.
       A lot smaller.
       Barely she could make out the small toddler size monster crying with all it’s might. Clutching itself tightly as it raged the storm around it. It was only a baby.
       Eda knew she could do it in. She could strike it as the waves brought her closer. 
       Instead she found herself holding onto the toddler. Not with soft hands as the waves crashed her into it, but tightly.
       The black and white scaled creature kept crying but Eda held on between the water and the noise she couldn’t say a thing. 
       Then big red eyes with yellow scleras looked up at her with large tears leaking down the chubby cheeks.
       It was a siren.
       A tiny siren.
       The waves slowly hushed and the rain lessened as the small child's cries turned into a quiet weep.
       It cooed up at Eda as she hugged the creature.
       “You’re causing a lot of issues.” Eda managed to get out as the waves calmed. “For such a little thing.”
       It cooed up at Eda again sniffling.
       “I don’t understand you.” Eda pat the child's head. “But I’m not gonna kill you.”
       The little creature rubbed its head against Eda's chest, comforting itself in the hug.
       The crew brought her back on board with the little siren. No one approved of Eda protecting the creature or choosing to keep it. There were arguments with the captain about the safety of the crew, as if they all forgot she had willingly jumped into a terrible storm risking her life to save them.
       Loyalty was only so deep apparently.
       She stated they could all leave once they reach the next island if they didn’t agree with her. If they cause trouble before that, then they could leap in the sea and see how long they could stick it out. 
       It’s what they would do to the literal toddler after all.
       Eda took the little siren to her quarters after that, leaving her crew in the hands of her first mate- who also did not approve of Edas actions, but people disapproving Edas actions never stopped her before.
       The little siren had a mess of black hair growing out of his head, and large sharp teeth despite its appearance of a toddler. Eda set him down on her bed as she retrieved one of her coats- a large black one- to wrap the little creature in.
       She didn’t know if the creature could catch cold but she wasn’t about to chance it as she used the coat as a towel on the creature's hair.
       Unless she wasn’t supposed to dry a siren out?
       “Okay kiddo.” She patted his head. “Feeling a little better.”
       The creature looked up at her with wide eyes and gave a little ‘heh’ back.
       “You almost killed us.” Eda explained, though she knew the little thing couldn’t understand her. “That’s why they all distrust you- that and the fact you are a siren.”
       He didn’t look so harmful out of the water. He was so small, so young. How could anyone hate a face like that? 
       A face that was slowly starting to replicate a skin tone.
       How did he do that!
       “Woah, when you dry out do you look human?” Eda asked, but the boys hands stayed black and white despite his face taking a peachy tone. Only his face, his ears remained black and white fins, and he still had scales.
       More like a chameleon.
       “Full of tricks then?” Eda asked. “Just no more tantrums like that. We might not survive another one.” She bopped the child's nose and he let out a little giggle.
       She noticed the necklace around his neck. A small simply chain with a pendant of a crown. There was a rumor magical items were crafted from sea creatures, but Eda had never heard of finding them on sea creatures. She reached down to grasp it but the child slapped her hand away holding it defensively.
       He shook his head and his brows furrowed.
       “Okay.” Eda held her hands up. “No touching got it.”
       The creature eyed her as if waiting for her to attack now.
       “Look.” Eda backed up from the siren. “I won’t touch it again.”
       The little siren relaxed as she backed up. His little fin twitched slightly and he cocked his head.
       “You were all alone weren’t you.” Eda pointed out. “Did you lose your family?”
       She hadn’t a clue if sirens had family. 
       “It’s okay kid,” Eda patted his leg and the little siren's eyes followed her hand. “I also tend to be alone. Loyalties are hard to find anymore.”
       “a- aaa-- looo- ne?” The siren repeated.
       “Oh.” Eda sat up a bit. “You can talk.”
       “Oooooh.” The boy repeated, he seemed to be struggling to move his mouth.
       “Impressive little thing.” Eda smirked. “Can you say Eda?” She asked. “E-da.”
       “Eeeeeee” The siren held. “Aaaaaa”
       “Close enough.” Eda snorted. “Ea it is.”
       “Ea! Ea!” the boy seemed happy at Edas reaction.
       “Yeah I’m Eda.” Eda held a hand to herself. “What about you? Got a name?”
       “Ea! Ea!” The boy repeated with a wide grin.
       “Didn’t think so.” She eyed the little necklace again of a crown. “What should I call you?” The little necklace seemed important. “Squirt seems as good a thing as any.”
       Squirt followed her around in the oversized coat for the rest of the trip. As Eda had promised she let her crew decide to leave or stay at the next port. Which unsurprising all the unloyal rats left. Some apologized for being superstitious, others glared at Squirt as they left.
       It wasn’t like the crew had liked her much anyway, all being hired hand as her previous crew had left her after the incident. How could she blame any of them?
       “Ea?” Squirt looked up to Eda as she watched the last of the crew walk out.
       “Yeah Squirt?” Eda looked down at the creature.
       He was looking out towards the people.
       He wanted to see the town.
       With how her crew reacted she could only imagine how the town would. They hunted sea monsters after all. Brining a baby one into a town would only rise a fight and declarations of ‘its a monster’ ‘it’ll grow up to eat us’ and all the other things Eda had heard about her own beast.
       Squirt did not need to live through Edas trauma as well.
       “Sorry kiddo. This place isn’t for us.” She went to the helm.
       The Talon was small, but still large enough one woman couldn’t steer in alone.
       It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen her fair days at sea. Perhaps it was time to hang up her hat. If she sold the Talon she’d have plenty to build a house outside of town. Where she could take Squirt.
       “Okay Squirt.” She patted the kids head and he giggled. “I guess it’s time I retire.”
       She hid Squirt from prying eyes. Kept him out of trouble forcing him to wear a lot of layers and gloves and a hood. She didn’t want anyone harming the kid. Raine would give her so much shit about protecting a child so mother-like if they saw her now.
       She sold off the Talon and put in the work to build her and Squirt a cabin far on the outskirts. Near the ocean so they both could still enjoy their love of the sea, but far enough no one should disturb the two.
       “What are you doing Squirt.” Eda chuckled as the siren was leaping on the logs she had ready to use.
       He put both his hands straight up like he had conquered the whole stack and as a curious mouse decided to scurry up to the top Squirt kicked it with enough force the mouse went flying.
       Eda cackled at the sight of the little siren protecting his high ground.
       “Maybe Squirt isn’t the best name for you.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “Not with you acting like that, you’re going to overthrow the king someday aren’t you.”
       “Kiiing!” The siren mocked with such pride to outmatch a lion. He put his hands back up in the air and pumped them. “Ea Kiiing!”
       Eda laughed. “Okay” She sighed as she stood. “Well then King, how about a lunch break?”
       The siren looked down from the pile at her with a wide grin. He leapt down to stand beside her. “Breeeeak!” he repeated.
      They lived in that little cabin happily for a few years, undisturbed by the town nearby. Though she did get occasional comments from the locals about ‘Are you captain Eda?’ or ‘are you retired captain Eda?’ but no one ratted her out to the navy so she didn’t really mind. Even joked with some of them about how she just got too old for sea life anymore.
       King grew to be fairly smart. She did take him to town a few times but only when he behaved. She put a hood on him and glasses to try to cover him up a bit, and was sure he didn’t stick around anyone too long. Mostly they both stayed at the cabin.
       Eda was content living her life. She could easily relax swimming in the ocean with King, or she would occasionally take a trip to Bumps island to restock her elixirs. She still had plenty of gold saved up from her pirate life that she didn’t need to worry. Her and King could just live life.
       She had just returned from one of her bought passages to Bumps, carrying her bag of elixirs as she entered her dark cabin. She tried her best not to wake King when she returned so late. The little siren did a good job obeying all the rules she set when she left, and had proven he could survive alone while she made trips out. Still she hated leaving the little one.
       She wasn’t expecting a lantern on and King to still be awake at this hour.
       And he wasn’t alone.
       “Eda don’t be mad.” He whined as he looked over at the girl who was sitting on the couch with him. “She found me all on her own. I didn’t leave I promise!”
       Eda blinked at the young girl in her house. 
       “You are captain Eda!” The girl squealed. “ I read so many books about you!”
       “Get out.” Eda snapped pointing to her door.
       “Oh please let me stay! I won’t tell anyone you're here! Or that you have a siren! Or that you’re hiding! I am really good at keeping secrets! I promise!” The girl rambled.
       “King.” Eda looked to the siren who jumped to hide behind the couch arm. “How did-” She gestured to the girl. “She- happen.”
       “She broke in!” King whined. “I was napping and I woke up to her!”
       “I did!” The girl jumped up to block King from Edas view. “He’s telling the truth. Don’t punish him, he's a sweetheart.”
       “How long ago did she break in?” Eda asked, rubbing her temple.
       “The first night you left.” King muttered.
       “I promise its for a good reason!” The girl defended. 
       Eda raised a brow in disapproval at the girl. 
       She did not care what this girl had to say, but she hadn’t hurt King- yet- and maybe it was good for him to have a friend. Especially when Eda was gone.
       “I have read every book about you.” The girl continued. “The fearless, feared, ruthless captain Eda.” The girl posed using the coffee table as leverage for her foot. “I am your biggest fan, and I want to be like you. I want to be a pirate.”
      “You’ve come to the wrong place then.” Eda picked up the girl and set her outside the door. “I’m not a pirate anymore.”
       “Aw, come on” The girl widened her eyes, and as tempting as it was Eda was not about to go back to that. Besides, there couldn’t be a crew with only three people anyway.
       “No,” Eda declared. “Go run back to your parents. I’m sure they’re worried.”
       Eda shut the door in the girls face and turned back to King- who was still hiding behind the couch arm.
       “She’s nice.” King whispered out. “She played games with me and francois.” He held up the little orange octopus doll. 
       “Did she?” Eda sat on the couch and the little siren joined her.
       “Yeah, she didn’t scream when she saw me either.” King went on. “Like you said people do. She was nice. She asked a lot of questions.”
       “Yeah?” Eda pat the kids head. “How often did she come here?”
       “Every night.” King admitted. “We played a lot. She kept me company.”
       “And nothing bad happened?” 
       “No, I told her the rules.”
       Eda nodded her head looking back to the front door, she was going to ignore the fact she could see the girl pressing her face against the window trying to look inside. She turned back to the siren.
       He looked so sad and guilty hugging his little doll and not looking up to Eda. Only starring at his little legs as if he’d done wrong. 
       He did need a friend.
       Eda sighed and went back to the door. She could hear the cheer from the girl outside as she opened it.
       “You tell anyone about either of us, and I’ll go back to my old way just to do you in.” Eda declared.
       “Okay- of course” The girl did a little salute with her hand.
       “And none of this pirate talk anymore. I’m retired.” Eda let the girl follow her in. 
       “Of course cap- Eda.” 
       “What’s your name kid?” Eda crossed her arms looking down at the girl.
       “Luz” The girl beamed up. “Luz Noceda.”
      Luz visited almost every day. She played with King and it warmed Edas heart to see the child have friend. He needed one for so long. Though, Eda could do without the constant pestering from Luz about adventure. She had decided she didn't need adventure in her life anymore and this girl wasn't going to change her mind.
      Until the young girl came knocking on Edas cabin early one morning.  Large tears were leaking from Luzs eyes and running down her cheeks. She clutched her arms to herself. Suddenly, Eda felt a lot more awake.
      "Eda." She hiccuped. "I know you said- no more adventures for you- but- but-"
      Eda put her arms on Luz's shoulders. "You need to breath kiddo."
      "They- Mama- She didn't do anything- They took her-" Luz gasped out.
      Eda pulled Luz into a hug. "It's okay kiddo."
      "What am I going to do?" Luz cried.
      "King." Eda turned back to face the boy who was looking worried from the couch. "Get your disguise. I think it's time I come out of retirement."
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I feel like Hunter would embrace dad life.
Like his first official Father’s Day with his newborn, he’d make a T shirt that says “Dad Bod Loading” and then an apron covered in Dad Jokes that he’d wear while he grills.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Owl House headcanons or fanfiction about Luz teaching Amity about inhaling helium balloons for the first time
U got it, Anon! 👍
Apologies for the delayed response to your request.
💜 💕 Lumity Helium Headcanons 🎈 💟
Summary: Luz instructs Amity on how to inhale balloon helium.
Ao3 version
Enjoy! 🩷 💜
• So, our very adorable helium story starts with Luz blowing up many heart-shaped balloons for her pastel-haired sweet potato princess (aka Amity).
• Stringbean is happily floating in the air alongside her owner while she inhales and exhales.
• "Hola, Luz," Amity greets her girlfriend with a sweet smile as she approaches her, Ghost walking beside her owner.
The pink and purple balloons that are shaped like hearts are quickly seen by Amity, and she begins to blush affectionately.
"Aww, sweet batata, are those for me?" she inquired with a loving coo, placing both hands on her cheeks as she internally gushed about her girlfriend's thoughtfulness.
• "Hola, hermosa," Luz greeted back with a smile of her own, her voice high-pitched. "They sure are!"
• "Huh?" Amity was caught off guard by the squeakiness of her girlfriend's voice.
• "Luz, are you okay? Your, uh, voice. You sound... different. You aren't sick, are you?" Amity asked, a hint of worry in her tone.
• "Oh, don't worry, estimada. I'm fine!" Luz reassured with a laugh, laughing at how squeaky she sounded.
"That's just the result of inhaling too much helium," she explained with a cat-like grin.
"Want me to show you how to make your voice sound really high, too?"
• Amity, who is intrigued, nods with sparkly eyes.
• "Alright then!" Luz said as she grabbed a pink heart-shaped balloon before pulling out a safety pin.
"All you have to do is get a balloon filled with helium, poke a small hole in that bad boy, and inhale. See?" she said with an even squeakier voice after following all her steps.
"Now you try." Luz hands Amity a purple heart balloon as well as her safety pin.
• "... Did it work?" a squeaking Amity asked after following Luz's steps.
Hearing her new voice, Amity gasped softly in shock and covered her mouth with her hand.
• Luz and Amity remain silent as they stare at one another, with Amity becoming a flustered mess as her face turns tomato red.
The silence is soon interrupted by the chipmunk-like laughter of both girls.
"Eee, so cute!" Luz squeals in delight as she wraps her arms around Amity and hugs her adorable girlfriend.
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 9 months
”he didn’t mean it” I say about the most cynical fictional character that’s done the most heinous crimes you could ever imagine that I defend just because they’re attractive
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marinaratrench05 · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Willow Park Characters: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Willow Park, Clover | Bee Palisman (The Owl House), Pancake (The Owl House) Additional Tags: Fluff, Teasing, Flirting, Inspired by Fanart, Suggestive Themes, Non-Explicit, Hands, Mentioned Luz Noceda, Mentioned Amity Blight, Touch-Starved Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Touchy Willow Park, Touchy-Feely, Short & Sweet Summary:
There’s a firm squeeze on either side of his waist, just above the hip bone. He squeaks despite himself, the surprise getting to him.
There’s a kick of instincts that would have him shaking out of the hold, kicking or punching or something to that effect, but the familiar feel of hands, the scent of upturned earth and flowers, and the scratchy chuckle behind has him easing, melting into the hold while still staying upright.
“I got you~” Willow teases, and while shorter, her breath reaches his nape, soft and simmering with heat.
“Did not,” Hunter whines, though he’d deny it to anyone else.
Inspired by TOH Huntlow fanart by @catboymoments on tumblr
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yellowtiebite · 1 year
Hiy hiy owlets.my new uniqe Beleda fic out on wattpad and AO3. Art by antanariva here on tumblr. Be free to tell me your toughts
Do not be warry my darlings. More is on the way
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iamchaos1234 · 2 months
Hehehe very short Huntlow fluff fic ^^
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azure-blaze92 · 10 months
Awakening: A Young Candles Flame Side story🪶✨️
I am having hard-core writers block with the middle part of chapter 14. I wrote this in an attempt to get over it. So here is a little side story where Evelyn gets her Palisman ( Caleb gets Flapjack in Chapter 15, his truest wish is sad, but it goes in hand with Evelyn's in a way) ~ enjoy everyone!
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My Friend: Dude how deep are you into the raeda a03 tag
Me: *looks* I've gotten through about 10 pages
My Friend: That's both impressive and very concerning,
Me: There's over 100 pages and if this hyper fixation doesn't end before the amount of fanfics does imma be right here, reading them all.
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Hey Owl House Community! I finally just uploaded the first chapter of my Hunter-centric Au where Palismans give their weilders hybrid features and Hunter has to keep his hidden. I would super appreciate it if anyone who sees this would give it a shot :D
Also feel free to ask me questions about the Au, its one of the most planned out fics Ive ever made and idk that I'll get to everything in the fic itself.
Thanks for your time!
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dejaroze · 7 months
WOO! Chapter 1 is done! :3 
Just a little swap Au of The owl house, mainly focusing on the swap between Belos and Luz. :3
Will try to update this as often as I can, but motivation is very on and off for me </3
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monstergoblin · 1 year
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It's Amitys outfit!! In my pirate au fic!! Honestly she looks pretty no matter the AU I'm sure. Someone could put her in a raccoon au and she'd still have the best fashion sense. I have just been obsessing with my pirate fic okay As per usual if you picture the designs differently in your head absolutely feel free to! <3 My fics just for fun and I like it that way. You can read The Owl Pirates either on A03 or Tumblr
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childlikegoblinqueen · 10 months
Commission by the amazing @astrolavas !!!!
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Hunter and Gus taking Raine to a Weird Al show. Tickets? Check. Hawaiian Shirts? Check.
Raine has NO CLUE what they are in for.
One Shot Fan Fic below.
My MySpace Page is all totally pimped out! Got people begging for my top 8 spaces!
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Content Schedule / Writing Schedule / Fanfic Request Schedule (Based on this poll) ✍️ ✅️
Monday 5 / 27 - Break. (Requested by me, lol).
Tuesday 5 / 28 - Ao3 upload (Here)
Wednesday 5 / 29 - Ao3 upload (Here)
Thursday 5 / 30 - "Deadwardian Era Dad" (Luz and Lilith find themselves stuck in the Deadwardian Era and meet Beardo Philip. Requested by anon.) (Here)
Friday 5 / 31 - Pusheen Mermay Headcanons (Will be uploaded to ao3.) (Here)
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 1 year
What if the portal key was destroyed during Amity and Hunter's confrontation? What if Yesterday's lie never happened? What if Vee's facade was never uncovered, leaving Camila ignorant of the reality of the situation? What if Luz finally made her way back home after three and a half years? And what if Vee doesn't want to let go of this perfect life?
A human and a demon, both so different yet so similar, share a similar dream which they knew could never become true in the place of their birth. It was after years of quiet suffering, that one day like any other both caught a glimpse of a world beyond their wildest imagination. And while the human saw a bizarre, yet fantastical world that offered her a chance to make her dreams come true. The demon saw an opportunity to leave all of her suffering behind, and finally find the peace she has desired for so long...
Unknowingly to them... an exchange was made between the two, that would grant them the life they both desired for so long...
And unfortunately for them, the person they both love will face the consequences of their actions.
Basically: Yesterday's lie never happened, and the story that results from its outcome.
Finally, after all this time, is finally here. My heart is literally pounding! I'm so nervous! Hope everyone finds this one worth your time!
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marinaratrench05 · 4 months
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