#actually your likes make me sadder and sadder and then angry and then give up
scottstiles · 2 years
The teen wolf like to reblog ratio reflects that we don't want to announce we're still in the shit but we appreciate your hard work and sacrifice 🤣🤣
i mean.. my initial instinct is to laugh with you because i do understand where you're coming from with the first half of your sentence but. what you're saying in the rest is that you appreciate my sacrifice but it's really for nothing. because liking a gifset is nothing. its not actual appreciation. if you don't plan to reblog it, it's actually the opposite because it means nobody else needs to see it but you. and you saw it so it served its purpose and thats it. now it goes in the actual trashbin of liked posts. not even recyling bin. trash. but actually you are not the only one who should see it. the point of reblogging is that if you don't, NOBODY ELSE will ever see it. and then why should we continue to make anything at all?
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demon-witch-cat · 6 months
OK, so I've been working on this AU that I've been calling "Muted Colors" for the past week or two.
It's kind of a Grey!John Dory AU, except he gets his colors back a bit before the movie!
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Essentially, what happens is John Dory returns to the Troll Tree a few years after the Pop Trolls escaped. After seeing the abandoned tree, JD assumes they've all been killed, including his entire family, he loses his colors, turning grey.
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JD doesn't give up singing the way Branch does since there's no reason for him, too. However, he writes and sings songs with sadder, more melancholy tones. But he does promise never to perform for others the way he used to.
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JD does eventually get his colors back. I haven't decided exactly how quite yet, but I'm thinking he either hears Floyd performing a song on the radio, or gets the postcard from Spruce/Bruce(but it's actually signed), making him realize his brothers may still be alive.
However,like Branch, his colors are duller than they used to be. Their more muted and change depending on his mood. On top of that, his ears are also permanently dripped down. All this combined makes it so John Dory and Branch look incredibly similar.
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Because of their muted colors, that is clearly from being grey(at least it's clear to them), the two of them have a more understanding of each other. A silent understanding that they never really talk about. But an understanding nonetheless!
Also Branch, while he does still hold some resentment for being left, it's hard to really stay angry at your brother when the first thing he does upon seeing you is hug you tightly and say he was happy you were alive.
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Trolls has me in a choke hold right now, and this is the result!
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ange1princess · 2 years
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Summary ❕ Their reaction to you gushing about your favourite obey me character.
Characters❕Riddle, Leona, Azul, Idia
A/N ❕ If you want a part 2 with the other leaders let me know + one angst coming up today because I'm in the mood to write whoops !
Masterlist ❕ Ko-fi
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❝ Confused and HurtTM. Who's this person, and why does Riddle not know about them? They have to be on campus if you're talking about them constantly right? He thought the two of you had something special, is that not the case anymore? Do you like someone else and we're just stringing him along till you finally got together with them?
❝ You have to sit and explain that this isn't a real person and is one of your favourite characters from a game (who coincidentally happens to be Lucifer . Someone so similar to him in so many ways), but that does nothing to calm him down, seemingly only making him sadder.
❝ So you're telling him he's losing to someone who's not even real? Is that his standing when it comes to the list of people (and the list is long) who are romantically pursuing you?? Really?
❝ The only thing that'll shut him up while he's going on and on about love and what it means to him as well as making up rules against video games and talking about their characters is a kiss, and all will be forgotten.
❝ Uhm... Okay? Who is this person upstaging him and acting all high and mighty around you, and what does he have to do to take him down a few (or multiple) pegs? He doesn't care what he has to do he will DO IT! He's not really angry, just very annoyed, extremely vexxed, this person is like a thorn in his side and he doesn't even know him!
❝ Tells you to shut up and let him nap but he actually means, please don't talk about him, I want to be the one who's consuming your thoughts instead! He's just got a strange way of saying so.
❝ When you let it slip (not like you were actively hiding it to make him jealous, gasp, you'd never!) that it's this guy who's exactly like him, constantly sleeping, and also not real, he laughs!
❝ And apparently he can't stop laughing, laughs himself off of his large bed and even through the embarassment he can't stop, he's relieved yeah, but he'll tell you he's laughing so much simply because of how "pathetic and hilarious" it is.
❝ Insecure but hides it behind a poker face and asks you more about this person. Wants to know everything about them so that he can subtly take them down with his wits and intelligence, maybe entangle them with one of his deals by promising to give them something they truly want.
❝ Definitely goes to the tweels that night and complained about it while they tried making him feel better, either through Jade's comforting words or through Floyd's attempts to cheer him up by describing the ways in which he'd hurt the one you talk about, what kind of name even IS Satan? You could do so much better, and Azul is so much better!
❝ Honestly just baffled when you tell him it's a character from your favourite game. Why are you so fixated on a character? What? Why? What? He's short circuiting he doesn't get it, but he's happy that it's not any competition for him, and you have to reaffirm your adoration for him and let him spoil you to get him back to normal.
❝ Is secretly curious and goes on wikihow to know more not only about Satan but also other characters and the lore, kind of maybe, a little Bit, probably asks Idia to teach him how to play.
❝ GASPS OMG YOU LIKE LEVI?? HE LITERALLY KINS HIM!! IS LEVI YOUR TYPE, IF SO DOES ... Does that mean he is your type?? Almost faints because of how excited he is, loves to hear you gush about Levi and his antics, always making sure to keep up with the game so that the two of you have a little more to talk about.
❝ He joins in and starts listing off his favourite characters from games He plays and loves, did you try doki doki literature club yet? He's absolutely smitten with Yuri (of course he has DDLC plus wdym?).
❝ So excited that he can now share more games like OM! with you and has something common to talk about, he used to get nervous talking to you before, fumbling over his words and staring at you too long, but now that you have a common interest, you can spend more time together!
❝ Definitely uses this as a way to come over, or call you over so that the two of you can play/enjoy events together, would probably confess his adoration for you through something Levi themed because he'd want to make it personal for you.
❝ He's truly so happy, his cute shark grin never leaves his face, his jaws hurting now <//3
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© All rights reserved to ange1princess. Do not repost, translate or take credit for any of my writings.
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theloganator101 · 7 months
Just read a fic praised by the MHA fandom as being 'anti Bakugou' and 'anti Endeavor' it is don't get me wrong but there is a part where the messaging becomes awful and the story goes downhill hard.
Aizawa confronts Shoto and Izu on some concerning behaviour they have shown because of their trauma. Then Izu tells him essentially 'Our situations are shit. You can't change mine or risk Bakugou becoming a villain. You can't change Todoroki's unless you want the HPSC after you for ruining Endeavor and having the public question heroes.'
In this fic, Aizawa hears this. Then literally just nods, agrees and decides to do nothing...
Like ignore the fact that the messaging to the reader is pure ass for a moment, what the fuck kind of teacher would react like that?!
Bakugou becoming a villain due to facing consequences of being an abusive shit? Let him. Being a villain would be HIS choice and for him to face the consequences of down the line. Besides he's not an AFO level threat, most heroes could K.O this fucker (especially Izuku which would be cathartic to read) if Hori weren't playing favorites.
The HPSC going after Aizawa for exposing Endeavor as a child abusing shit and the public questioning all heroes because of it? Well, if the HPSC are going to react like that instead of rightfully condemning Endeavor then they SHOULD be questioned. All heroes should be scrutinised because how many other heroes would have similarly got away with being child abusing shits with that logic? How is that a bad thing? In fact, if they did this it would take the wind out of Dabi because he wouldn't have SO MUCH of a valid point about Endeav not facing consequences for being a abuser.
God, the way Izuku and Todoroki in this are content sacrificing their childhoods on a pyre in this to protect these two abusive shits is so, SO sad. It's even sadder that the writer paints this as a noble choice instead of recognising it being a flawed one made by two traumatised children.
Then there is the fact that Aizawa LETS them instead of telling them, 'no you both deserve a happy childhood too' or 'no I will fight for you.' This paints him as an lazy and AWFUL teacher but also a AWFUL person point blank. The fic I don't believe did this intentionally because it isn't tagged Aizawa bashing which makes it worse...
Todoroki and Izuku's other friends and the other adults in their life also all try their best to cheer them up and fail because they don't have a clue what is going on. They also become noticeably sadder as a result which is just depressing.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just so depressed and angry now having read that and needed to vent somewhere.
I'm not the type to be a hater on someones work and I wanted to know your thoughts.
I... don't think I ever read this fic.
But from what you explained... yikes.
Why do these writers want to portray Bakugou becoming a villain as the worst possible outcome? Like I get and I'm all about giving people a chance to change for the better, but you also have take into context what that person has done and if they're WILLING to take that chance and actually WANT to change!
But from what we've seen of him, he never shows any signs of wanting to change for the better and just started holding back his brash behavior. In fact I'm even more convinced that once he's an adult, he'll just start putting a front for the public to make himself look good while concealing his true personality behind closed doors.
I think the only way to make Izuku saying this phrase work is if the story acknowledges what he's saying is wrong, have some of the characters point that out to him, and have one of the adults say something like this to him.
"If he ends up becoming a villain after this, then that's his decision. We'll be there to apprehend him and keep him from hurting anymore people."
Or you can make it into more like it's been ingrained in Izuku's mind that Bakugou is a strong fighter and that if he becomes a villain, than it's all over and no one can stop him. Only to be proven wrong when the news cover Bakugou's capture and how easy it was to take him down.
And as for the second part with Endeavor, god that logic is so fucking flawed...
Did the writer of that story NOT read through that or thought twice how that probably wouldn't make sense if the reader put two seconds into thinking about it? It wasn't like the HPSC was helping him conceal his abuse or anything, that was ENTIRELY on him!
And if he does end up being exposed? So what? They got plenty of heroes to spare and I'm sure they would want to save face to keep people from bashing on them for allowing such a person to be in a position of power.
Both Izuku and Shoto shouldn't have to sacrifice their childhoods to prop up and protect these horrible people in their lives, they both need to learn that people like that needs to be cut out from their lives. And even if they're changing, they aren't obligated to forgive them and keep them close... it won't make you a horrible person for choosing not to.
That's one of the problems I keep finding in this fandom, they have a black and white view on things that they think forgive and forget is the only best option and that choosing not to will make them into a horrible person for holding grudges.
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quodekash · 8 months
I could literally fall asleep any minute but im nothing if not sleep deprived and watching my favourite gay little shows!
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hey nawa, I see you looking at guy as he struggles in the room on his crutches
you should kiss him
I think that you should absolutely just slam your face into his
give him another injury but its not really an injury it's just a hickey
(we're less than a minute into the episode and im already begging guynawa to make out, we're off to a great start)
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we all know this is a complete lie, we've seen the trailers, we know what's gonna happen
but that doesnt mean it doesnt hurt my sad little gay soul
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sailom what the hell
no way
you are not quitting school
is that a frikin letter of resignation or smth? can you even do that?
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I love that solution and I wish it were a possibility but sailom's gonna say no, of course he's gonna say no, because the stupid bastard doesn't like accepting help for free
he doesn't understand the concept of FRIENDSHIP and FAVOURS
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guy's right, and I hate sailom so much for it
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BUT THAT'S THE THING, he WONT ask for help, theres no way in HELL that he'll ask for help
which is precisely how he ends up getting shot at, alone on a street corner, and why kang will have to rescue him on his bike, and why sailom will stand in the bathroom with kang holding a blanket over him as he sobs 'I have no one left'
its not that you have no one left. it's that you wont accept the help from the people who love you
(and also your brother kind of abandoned you and your parents are dead and your boyfriend also kind of abandoned you and yeah anyone would definitely feel alone in that situation so he's perfectly valid, but also ALL of his friends are offering help, his teacher is offering help, and he's accepting NONE of it)
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this could be one of the last times that they see sailom for a really long time. theres no way I could possibly be sadder holy frick
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y'know, I really thought he might hug him. but nope. he wrenched that pin off his shirt and took my heart in the process.
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well, not really mad
mostly just sad
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bitch wth
of COURSE he's not frikin doing alright
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omg he's here too?
go talk to your boyfriendddd
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awh :(
thank you krup ;-;
this man is lovely
not just for this but also just in general
but also his actor is the freaking DIRECTOR who is RESPONSIBLE for a LOT of my anguish so we can't be too nice to this guy
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oh look at that. the shooting scene is right about to happen
I was expecting it to come later on in the episode but this works too I guess
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who the hell are these guys???
they dont say a word
what the hell is going on
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thank you kanggg
where did he come from tho
how'd he know where sailom was and that that was happening? did he just HAPPEN to be in the area?
or is he tracking sailom's phone just to make sure he's safe cos like he already got drugged once
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hey man, have you ever heard of a little thing called dodgeball?
shocking, I know, but it IS possible for a gun to have been fired, and for the person being fired at to not actually get shot
I can't think of a single reason why sailom would make up this story. like sure you could argue that hes just trying to get an enemy/rival convicted, but he very explicitly stated that he has no idea who tried to shoot him, so it can't be that.
why the hell are you suspicious my guy?
acab is real man, holy frick
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how do you know they're all fake tho?
maybe all of them were real reports and you're just an ignorant arrogant piece of shit who doesn't think people under the age of 20 are capable of being truthful
I hate this guy so much
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deep breaths, deep breaths, in and out in and out, lets not destroy our laptop today
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I feel that
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im so sad man
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oh would you look at that. ive been impaled.
yeah that whole scene was a trainwreck for me. I am very much not even slightly okay but its fine
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that makes sense
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the way they fall back into old habits, kang's arm draped over sailom ;-;
I ran out of images as per usual, BUT im halfway through the episode when it happened, as opposed to like ten minutes through, so that's a nice change of pace
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holyshit · 2 years
Care to spare some advice on how to not be so affected by things without stepping back from fandom for multiple years lmao? It seems like for so many people, the longer they have been here, the easier it is for them. For me it's the opposite. The longer I'm in fandom the sadder and more frustrated I get that hl's situations are what they are 12 years on. And then I get frustrated with people who act like where they're at now is no big deal or sooo much better than before. It's a cycle lol.
hmm, i think it's tough because a lot of the things that helped me are most easily achieved by distancing yourself because that's the easiest way to gain perspective about the situation. when you’re actively in it, it’s much harder to break out of patterns you’re accustomed to. but i think the main "lessons" i learned from being away were essentially:
1) recognizing my own powerlessness in their situation. being away made it especially clear that my presence in the fandom does not affect anything. i am not able to change anything about their situation. if i continued being in fandom for those 4-ish years that i was away from fandom, the situation would still be exactly the same as it is now for them. i cannot give up my own happiness for something i cannot change.
2) similarly, the need to dismantle the parasocial relationship i had with them. it’s one thing to feel compassion for human beings you don’t personally know- that is a wonderful trait and important for the world! but, it’s another thing to feel like you “owe” anything to a celebrity you do not know personally and who does not even know you exist. sometimes, when you’re in deep, it almost feels like you would be “failing” them by not being angry enough or invested enough. that’s where it gets unhealthy, because the relationship of a fan and a celebrity is one-sided, and therefore, again, it comes down to the fact that you can’t give up your own happiness for something you cannot control in the life of a celebrity you do not personally know. no one owes a celebrity they like their mental well-being, no matter how much you feel compassion for them.
3) the recognition that fandom is supposed to be fun. it’s obvious, but sometimes it becomes less clear the deeper you get that some of the things you think you’re doing for fun aren’t actually that fun to you anymore lol. obviously nearly any interest is gonna make you angry or sad occasionally (your sports team loses, your fave character gets killed off in your favourite show, etc), but if your resting state is anger or sadness, it’s maybe not in your best interest to continue, or you need to change the way you interact with said hobby. your hobby shouldn’t be making you miserable, as that is just gonna bleed into the rest of your life.
SO, for actual advice that doesn’t involve leaving for years:
taking short breaks! you don’t have to take years away to still give yourself some space from the fandom. it can be a day, a week, a month, or even just cutting down on the amount of time you spend on tumblr (or social media of choice) in general for a while without leaving completely. when i feel like something is getting me riled up a bit more than usual, i usually step away for even just a day, and even just that calms me down and gives me perspective. if you want to take a break but still want to know what’s going on, you can also just pick one or two blogs that you know don’t post much drama and solely pay attention to those blogs while you’re away.
enriching your other hobbies. take some of the time you would normally spend reading shit in this fandom, and use it to do something else you enjoy. the more time you spend “away”, even if you still are in the fandom, the less critically important everything will eventually feel in your brain and it will often be easier to detach emotionally. when you’re unhappy in other parts of your life, it’s much easier to let one thing “take over”, and it’s important to make room for other things in your life.
if you feel like you need a hyperfixation of sorts, i’d say try out different fandoms. watch that show your friend told you they know you’ll love and then try to make a sideblog or something and join the fandom. join a fandom of a piece of media you already love but never was involved in fandom for. again, it can help you distance yourself emotionally a bit without leaving entirely
figure out what parts you ACTUALLY enjoy in this fandom, and figure out what parts you may think you enjoy but are actually making you more anxious/obsessive/angry/upset than anything. as a personal example, i used to be heavily into theorizing back in 2015-2016, especially during babygate. i would be obsessed with reading up on everyone’s theories about when babygate would end, how it might end, etc, and would spend a lot of time reading about it. i thought i enjoyed it at the time, but in reality it was more of an obsession that made me much more upset than i had to be. reading up on theories, getting my hopes up, and then have them not happening was miserable and not worth it and ultimately lead me to leave the fandom
similarly, try to break some of your fandom habits and see if you’re happier without them. as another personal example, i used to pay extreme attention to stunt stuff and wanted to be 100% caught up on everything at all times. as a byproduct of that, i would keep up with every post a couple blogs that talked about stunts would make. when i got super busy with a work project, it forced me to take a break from this because i didn’t have the time to keep up with everything, and breaking that habit of needing to know EVERYTHING and be totally caught up made me snap out of the habit and recognize i didn’t need that to enjoy my time in fandom, and in fact it took a weight off my shoulder and made me realize it wasn’t actually making me happy.
unfollow blogs that make you upset!!! even if you like the person, if they talk about things that get you riled up or upset often, it’s likely not worth it. if you hate-follow people to keep up with their opinions that piss you off, unfollow! if you’re stewing in anger all the time, it’s easier to stay unhealthily invested to your happiness’ detriment.
focus on things you CAN control. you can control your fandom experience. you can contribute to fan projects that make the fandom a better place and in some cases can positively contribute to l’s or h’s experiences (like the rainbow lights projects, for example). you can control how you interact with your fellow fans. don’t give all your energy to things that you cannot control.
lol this was an essay, but i think it’s an interesting topic and i hope it can help even a little bit!
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corruptratcat · 1 year
Hi heellloo!
It's me Ribzyz from wattpad :)
I've literally read like every chapter from your Headcannons or Oneshots books,and oh GOD DO I LOVE THEM.
Hshwjej Anywaysss-
I'd like to request pretty please!
What about a Es,Mahiru,Amane(platonic for Amane)x GN!Reader?
I was thinking of The scenario where Reader is determined Guilty,and you know,gets beaten up from Kotoko's attack.BUT,They actually die.That's it lol.
Soo Scenario+Angst!
Oh and please do not rush yourself to do this request!Take all the Time you need,and remember to drink,eat,and rest!
Also ignore this if you can't do this!(OR have a similar request!)
Hello! I hope you don't mind if I did headcanons instead cause it's multiple characters, and sorry for not posting for a long (a month ∑(゚Д゚)) time! And thanks so much! This message means a lot to me <33 !!! Anyways here it is <3333333
Es, Mahiru, Amane(p) x gn!reader | headcanons
Angst | Reader that died by being beaten up by Kotoko
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They feel, a lot of guilt from hearing this news, they know it's their fault for voting you guilty and voting her innocent, they want to do better cause of this and will 100% vote Kotoko guilty.
They'll cry for days losing someone they're close to, like you, they know that they've already felt guilt when their final verdict for you was guilty but...
Jackalope just watches not caring that much and telling Es that their verdict matters. The result of their verdict could lead to what, moments like these.
Es wants to improve, Es wants to do better, they're quite traumatized, even if they didn't get to see your death, they'll get angry when seeing Kotoko, probably be pissed when seeing her at their next interrogation with her, they know they'll vote her guilty anyways...
Es might overthink about the prisoners next move after this, they'll try to calm down but they can't, they feel as if they've also committed a sin, they indirectly murdered you... They need to do what's right.
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She saw it all, honestly really traumatizing, if only she could've saved you in some way! If only it hadn't been this way. The moment when Shidou was unable to save you and she had watched you die, she kept crying, holding your dead corpse in her arms, the crying went on and it felt as if it never stopped
She's honestly more sadder than before, she doesn't know what to do without you, you were the one that genuinely made her a lot more happy in MILGRAM, but look at you now, gone.
She'll convince Es to make Kotoko guilty, even if Es had already been planning that ever since they heard about the beatings.
Honestly, quite sad that she's pretty much hopeless at this point, she's weak and she has lost someone that she loves, she can't even try to even smile no matter how she tries, even if she needs a hug you can't give it to her cause you're dead 😭 (I'm sorry)
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Traumatized as well, actually everyone here is traumatized so what's the point of saying that, but aside from that hearing these news she's devastated, if only she prayed enough she could've saved you, but no, you weren't saved
She'll blame it a lot on Shidou and Kotoko, she'll be very aggressive to both, they caused the death of a person who cared for them and treated her like their little sister, she'll avoid them as much as possible.
She'll be, well of course very sad from this, even if the other prisoners tried to comfort her, they couldn't give the same amount of care as you did, you dying is like loosing something important, because you are important to her!
Instead of just convincing Es to make Kotoko guilty, she'll definitely convince Es to vote Shidou guilty as well, because medical treatment is useless to her, you need to pray to keep someone alive and healthy!
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jasonsmirrorball · 8 months
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note i spent so much time on this au i thought its soundtrack deserved its own post, and then i realised i wanted to add notes on why i chose each song. i don't think anyone really cares, but this was fun to do so i thought i'd put it here, too.
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me, myself & i, 5 seconds of summer
this was a song which i thought really fit the reader's internal struggle throughout this fic, with refusing to accept help and that ultimately being the cause of the breakup.
silver springs - 2004 remaster, fleetwood mac
the document i wrote this fic in was originally titled time may have cast a spell on you (but you won't forget me) for the line in this song. i really liked the idea of this being from jason's point of view during the breakup. the whole 'i know I could have loved you/but you would not let me' felt very fitting for the both of them.
ain't no rest for the wicked, cage the elephant
this song was suggested by fall nonnie when we were first discussing songs that the band might perform, and i loved it so much.
tonight you are mine, the technicolors
another song i think the band would perform, that jason and reader would spend making eyes at each other – probably long before they actually get together.
midnight rain, taylor swift
do i have to explain? i will anyway. just, the idea of chasing success and inadvertently hurting the one that loves you. i think midnight rain is a lot sadder, and obviously a story in its own right that doesn't perfectly fit this fic, but that specific aspect really spoke to me. they get their happy ending in this one.
mess it up, gracie abrams
i think gracie abrams is a queen at writing songs for girls (gn) who do it to themselves, and that was perfect for this fic. 'i keep thinking maybe if you let me back in/we can make it better breaking every habit' is very reader and jason in this fic.
grace, florence + the machine
grace is very much an apology for the platonic aspect of jason + reader's relationship. when they broke up, it wasn't just jason as a boyfriend that they lost, but also their best friend. grace was written to florence welch's younger sister, and it makes me ache so much thinking about this line, 'and you, you were the one i treated the worst/only because you loved me the most'
cassandra, florence + the machine
cassandra. where do i even start? 'they cut out my eyes and sent me home packing/to pace around the kitchen for scraps of inspiration'. the idea of losing your sense of self, the ability to write which you've always had, and then it slipping away from you with one single breath. this was for the reader.
everywhere, everything, noah kahan
another song suggestion from when we were discussing this au. the kind of love jason has for this reader.
why am i like this? orla gartland
another self pitying song for the ones who make mistakes and beat themselves up for it. why am i like this?
october passed me by, girl in red
a sad sort of love song for the sad lovers of this story
doomsday, lizzy mcalpine
a bit angry, jason's perspective during the breakup of not being allowed to make that decision with the reader. of being pushed away, and the underscoring of how much devotion there was before it all fell to pieces. i think he's allowed to be angry, i would be too.
too young, louis tomlinson
this au would not be the au it is without a louis tomlinson song. i think this is from reader's perspective, an apology to jason, for giving in and giving up. i also love louis tomlinson and this song so much. i think that, if the timeline of the breakup had been longer, always you also would have made it onto this playlist. i think it's an honorary song, anyway.
meddle about, chase atlantic
sexy song for jason and reader to make eyes at each other on stage to. but also i listened to this while writing the smut scene so.
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zosonils · 1 year
Wait, no, actually, tell me about the Scribblenauts timeline. I must be real... I like it too. I love unifying timelines where things seemingly just happen, tell us!
scribblenauts fans rise up >:] to be clear this isn't an attempt to sort out the canon timeline [although if you asked i'd guess unlimited > scribblenauts > super > unmasked based on the few splinters of plot we get] but rather taking inspiration from the scraps of story available to build something new and coherent, although at this stage 'coherent' isn't super accurate lmao it's just islands of solid ideas amidst a sea of autism nonsense
basically i'm deciding that the doppelganger's presence in 10-5 of super counts as a plot and slapping that on top of the more consistently defined world and lore of unlimited and onwards [so kind of what unmasked and the subsequent comic did but batman isn't there], with an added sprinkle of the 'scribblenauts being an actual organisation that maxwell is involved in' thing that never made it past background details in the first game. while unlimited arguably has the most iconic and/or existent plot and for sure i want lily to be a deutragonist i'm not sure how much of it i'll retain because 1. turning your daughter into stone is bad parenting 2. let her tag along and be an actual character instead of a literal rock you cowards and 3. the more super-inspired storyline i have in mind with the doppelganger is probably enough to carry the emotional intensity of a mostly lighthearted story by itself and i don't want to bog things down with too many subplots lol
i'm absolutely reading too deep into this kiddie game but i think the doppelganger as an antagonist of maxwell's own creation reflecting all his worst traits would be super interesting in an environment that puts more consistent and deliberate thought into character writing, so that's the idea i'm basing this autism-powered rehash on. i don't think it's ever actually specified but when i was a little sporelet playing scribblenauts unlimited for the first time i somehow got the impression that starites grant wishes? which is cute so i'm using that as maxwell's motivation to join the scribblenauts and seek them out, that he wants to collect enough to wish for something cool and superficial that a 12ish [?????] year old kid would want. but then after lots of adventures and character development when he's in the dramatic final confrontation with his doppelganger and has matured enough to see him as a distressed kid in uniquely terrifying circumstances rather than just an annoying knockoff he instead uses his wish on giving doppelganger the chance to be a normal kid with a normal life because he wants to make kind decisions now. then i guess they all go home and nobody dies in a scripted ufo explosion
this post is getting toooooo long so i'm gonna try and wrap it up now but god i already have so many ideas rattling around my head for an autism reawakening that could be over in a week lmao. now i'm even sadder that my computer is busted because i want to replay unlimited and refresh my lore so badly..... there's a fandom page [breezewiki sweep though] for the series which has helped refresh my memory but none of the sources are cited it's a nightmare. what do you mean maxwell and lily are twins for the love of god give me a single screenshot or manual scan that mentions this
also i didn't have a good place to insert this but even though edgar and julie having 42 kids is obviously a Silly Joke and excuse to give unlimited some unique characters i am choosing to interpret it as them being experienced foster carers. i don't care to sort through every single character and decide which if any are biologically related to each other lmao but adopted/foster families are swag as hell and there should be more of them in media! it also adds a nice layer to the doppelganger plot - maxwell is more willing to reach out to him because he's seen 'angry bitter kid who will only get better with kindness' in a lot of his brothers and maybe himself, and it gives doppelganger an easy place to go for his happy ending because maxwell's parents are experts at taking in kids like him. didn't want to end this post without mentioning this because i'm already suuuper attached to the concept
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We gonna get Ira?? 👀👀
I have to say Wynn, Johnny, and Neil are pretty organised with planning considering everything. I'm proud of them.
At least Ira can feel when they're watching him. That's useful.
Ira straight up not answering the question are you going to attack us? 3 times lol.
Britta's back!
What if Miles goes back into torpor when he realises his hair and clothes are disheveled?
Thank you, Ira! That's what I'm saying.
Miles is back, baby!!!
Miles and Wynn hugging. 🥺
You know it's good we have someone who does actually know what he's doing. 😂 Ira is very competent, magic wise at least.
6 missed calls???? Damn. Why is that Pieterszoon so weird???? Also why does he never give any answers???
Goddamn, a summons already??? Fucking impatient!!!
Ooof woman with a sword. Hell yes.
Why do they have to be in proper order???
Ugh his sire summoned him??? The worst. Honestly I think I have a bias against him because his last name is just so old fashioned.
Xavier! Xavier is amazing. I love him. Which means he will probably die soon. 😂
Who is Hardestadt again? Jan Pieterszoon's boss? Idk.
They hang his painting behind the throne to meet him?? Why are kindred so fucking extra?
Miles kneeling?? Don't mind me. 👀👀
NOOOOOOOO not sin confessing!!! I mean also yes please but omg.
Oh no, I thought this was gonna be juicy, this is just really sad! MARCOS!!! His best friend 😭
Okay Britta has got to be more fun, right??
Is she saying kin slayer or king slayer? I'm going with the latter because it is more badass, even though them using it for him is kind of awful. I am not thinking about Johnny calling him that while fucking, no I won't be taking any questions I told you I am NOT thinking that.
No Neil will be even sadder, I just know it. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH MILES FINDS OUT ABOUT MARCOS NOW?!?! Holy fuck Miles thank god for check. The fangs and the clenched fist though! Poor Neil, it must be very hard to see someone you're bloodbonded too so angry with you.
Wynn kneeling beside Miles. 😭
No. Miles cannot die. I fucking refuse. Oh no. I do not like this.
Come on Miles, make it the best minute of talking of your life!
What?!? Noooooooooo!!!! Not Wynn!!!! Well not anyone!!!! But how are they going to deal with everything without their mom???
Wynn the archon??? Wow. What? This is not good.
Also Miles and Neil confrontation without Wynn there???
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dballzposting · 11 months
hey i just related a probably significant life experience to dragon ball and thought you would give me the least normal answer out of anyone i could ask
so i just got back from therapy with my glasses BROKEN IN HALF in my pockets because i was so tense and crying so hard I CRACKED THEM LIKE A FUCKING PENCIL WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING WHILE TRYING TO CLEAN THEM
and i remembered "hey GT Trunks had glasses" so i wanted to ask you specifically if you think that might have been something that happened to him too because i feel like he could very well get to that point of stress in GT specifically like in a meeting he would get so stressed but try to disguise it and try to clean his probably fake glasses and end up breaking them in half
also it could work in your brain as well because i figure that getting bullshit pseudo psychoanalyzed by SON GOTEN would do that to him too but i don't think he would cry in that kind of situation i feel like hes too Vegeta to cry if Goten ever said something remotely true about him in his rambles spawned via Gohan books he should not have been reading because you know how a broken clock is right at least whatever the fuck the saying was?? well i feel like if that ever happened Trunks would just instinctively break anything he had in his hands at the moment or alternatively if Goten said something so wrong it offended Trunks to the point of violence, which should be a lot because he probably prides himself in being civilized and The One In Control when he really fucking isn't but he tries to be even if its pretty fucking shallow he gets points for effort
Also Future Trunks would probably break something he was holding by accident if you scared him, kinda guy to go super saiyan on accident actually even if it's like once in a blue moon because personally at least i think Future Trunks LOOKS like he would a very calm and understanding person and he is about trivial topics! but he's very emotional and prone to anger otherwise, at least TEEN Future Trunks is very prone to act first before thinking even if it might seem that is not his preferred approach to most situations but like he does act rather rashly all throughout Z so i feel like you could scare him into breaking something or anger him enough to make him go super saiyan accidentally (additionally he would feel bad after realizing he had broken something because yknow when you don't grow up with much you don't really wanna be breaking shit even if your situation gets like better and all? not something that would happen to present trunks, who is rich and should be kicked in the balls or something)
But then again there is Old Man Super Future Trunks (He is forever 17 lol)(He is a 30 year old man in Super)(So he's not even that old but like even Goku looked at least a bit older at 30)(Actually no he didn't he kind of looked the same he did at 18 at 29 never mind) Who i believe is a lot more calm by nature of just being.. Sadder. That is a sad man right there he is pretty fucking miserable but he still has hope he always has hope that's his thing anyway he is soo sad i don't think you could scare HIM into breaking anything or turn him super saiyan on accident i feel like he has his strenght under control these days and if you made him angry enough he would have a very toned down reaction unless it was like a universe threatening deal in which case he would go berserk like he would've as a teenager yknow as he does
also back to the glasses.. I like the idea of the glasses not being fake for some reason i think trunks should get glasses since saiyan hybrid vision CAN deteriorate as seen with Gohan being BLIND AS FUCK so i feel like at some point Trunks would end up damaging his vision since well- i'm pretty sure it was just like flavor text somewhere but Future Trunks enjoys tinkering with machines and as we previously discussed (months ago the fucking bra electric car saga) Trunks would probably be alright with hardware at least, so i find it fun to think that young Future Trunks would try to like fix the dragon radar or something and he'd be either holding it comically close to his face or he'd be completely hunched over like a shrimp and Bulma would walk in and be like "Ooh there is something wrong with his eyes. fuck." and Future Trunks would be like "Oh yeah that makes sense.." and his Gohan never really got to the point of needing glasses but he would probably choose something Gohan would have for his new frames
And if Present Trunks was in that same situation he would drop to the floor defeated and punch it like he was just told he was gonna die tomorrow because he thinks glasses are for nerds and he isn't a fucking nerd and he would refuse to wear them and years later he would be like "Shit i do need glasses alright i'm the smart one anyway i can rock that shit"
This would however not happen to "relatively normal for a saiyan" grown ass man GT Trunks. He would notice if something was wrong with his eyes and get his dumb fake glasses some real lenses.
ok bye goodnight i have nothing else to say EXCEPT look at this picture i found in trunks' wiki
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that's it. buenas noches, gente *se cae la lona en la carpa de circo y quedamos a oscuras*
i think it's important to get that sort of energy out when you have it .. Im glad your broke your glasses. But the expression of such energy is more effective and consummate when you are really aware of how your body feels when feelings come on and when you move your muscles. Next time you should break your glasses with more attention and purpose and while really feeling through how it feels to engage those muscles in order to discharge the energy mobilized more efficiently. if you can. for greater healing. If it's not overwhelming in the moment . Not that I care or anythinf .....
Trunks takes his glasses off to clean them as a way to create space between himself and what bullshit these executives are spinning in his meeting room .. And then he looks down and in his hands there is just. Shards. Crumbs if you will
THANK YOU for seeing and acknowledging that Goten "bullshit pseudo psychoanalyze[s]" him. Thank you for knowing that it's bullshit and inspired by his cursory-not-really readings of Gohan & Videl's books. It's so important
I think that it's interesting to see Trunks as someone who purposefully keeps himself composed and calm, even in front of Goten, ESPECIALLY in front of Goten, because Goten just does not work like that. And with all of his time with Trunks, he should be able to see through Trunks's exterior, so even if Trunks is putting up a front (which Goten would take offense to since theyre such good friends), Goten would see through it no problem. And if Trunks doesn't succeed and in that moment breaks his glasses in his hands, Goten would probably definitely notice.
I don't know what he'd say ... Goten would be on again about Trunks's emotional armoring and how his circumcision factors into that (he had a brief conversation with Videl about certain theories by Wilhelm Reich ONCE and now he thinks he knows things and he believes what little he knows 100%). And Trunks takes his glasses off to rub his eyes because he's sick of hearing about his circumcised pingo. And then Goten says something about how Trunks's skin always goes cold when Goten tries to give him kissies and Goten thinks it's because that Trunks rejects the feelings of affection in that moment because he doesnt trust Goten with his feelings since Goten, despite always being emotionally available, has always been player 2 and the younger one, and Trunks doesnt think he can trust little Goten with his feelings + he doesnt want to burden him with that + to give Goten his feelings would admit that Trunks isn't that grand or cool and that his momentous inner self is actually totally manageable, thus retroactively delegitimatizing the way that he's kept to himself his whole life, tobbling Trunks's entire self-image. And Trunks wants to say that this is bullshit but he wants to put his glasses on first and he moves to do that but they're just fucking shattered in his hands
Very interesting about Future Teen Trunks ... I definitely thought that he was calm, careful, and utilitarian. But I also remember watching it and feeling strongly "you can tell he's 17" and maybe that's what I was seeing? The passionate conviction that is perhaps orchestrated with more fire than is due? If he accidentally broke something he would have a proper burial for it like Gohan taught him.
Future Trunks in dragon ball super would not break anything ever becasue he's trained himself not to but I think that deep down he still wants to. He feels feelings and he just wants to squeeze really hard. He just wants to snap something. But he refrains. And that sucks
Future Bulma WOULD notice her son's eyesight. Present Bulma would not. This is becasue she does not notice that her own eyesight is not thsat good. She would be like "here put these goggles on so you can see better" she doesnt think like "hey maybe he and I should wear glasses ALL of the time" becasue she deosnt need to see that well unless building something sooo. Lol. Her vision is good enough. When everyone else can see something she can't she assumes it's just because they're a warrior and they train. If she saw her son hunched over trying to build something she would be like "Stop playing all those video games, you're ruining your eyes!" and then she goes to stare at a screen for 11 hours coding something
Im glad you remembered Bra Software Legend i really liked all of that
HE WOULD FALL TO THE FLOOR AND START PUNCHING IT!!! HE'S NOT A NERD!! But then later he would be cool with it because it makes him look smart and he IS the smart one anyway so it works. HE JUST CHANGES THE CONNOTATIONS OF THE GLASSES SO THAT IT SUITS HIS SELF-IMAGE .. so that he can justify WEARING THEM and BEING ABLE TO SEE!!! thats so perfect ... he just redefines reality
You're right if GT Trunks had to put real lenses in his frames then he would. And quit it with this shit
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That's a nice picture Vegeta's such a cunt
*circus closes for the night*
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locowolf · 10 months
finished RDR the other day and i have some thoughts.
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ofc going in i knew the vibes were different from RDR2, but i still was not prepared for how LONELY it felt. sometimes when i was just riding around the feeling would hit me like a train and make my stomach turn. i think a big reason why it feels this way is the urgency of what john is doing. sure, there’s stranger missions and random events and challenges just like RDR2. but who cares? there’s no time for any of that, john needs to find his old friends. he needs his family back. everything else can wait. i saved most of the stranger missions and everything for jack just to give him something to do (which i will get to later). i’ve always been wicked fascinated by spaghetti westerns so i absolutely loved the lonely vibes btw
i’m pretty sure i’ve said this to literally anyone who will listen (all my friends) but john looks so so sad. angry and so so sad. he looks like he’s perpetually about to burst into tears. all i could think about was young john in RDR2, who was always second to arthur. whose abilities were doubted. who was left to die by the man that raised him. who tried his best to live an honest life. who bought a run down plot of land and built a home to win his family back. john was just trying his best, and only four years later (which does not feel like a long time to me) his family is kidnapped, and he has to work for the government and hunt down his old friends. it’s all just so sad and depressing UGH
speaking of RDR2, i think it’s really interesting how it changes the way players view RDR. i did do the strange man stranger missions, and hearing him mention the woman dutch shot during the blackwater incident was?????? literally mindblowing to me?????? this little remark, both about the woman and the incident, was actually the catalyst for the plot of both games and the disillusionment of dutch in arthur and john?????? also just knowing the past john had with javier, bill, and dutch makes their endings so much sadder (besides bill honestly lol he was always annoying). also also the little things, like returning to beecher’s hope and thinking about charles and uncle building the home with john and getting shitfaced after it was done :)))
i bought the game for my PS3 (because FUCK spending $50 for the same goddamn game) and it was a nostalgic experience. the PS3-era graphics and controls (reminds me of GTA IV) plus playing with the PS3 controller was very very fun! the horse handling still trips me up (again reminds me of GTA IV’s odd driving mechanics) and is probably my least favorite part about the game. i also watched my dad play it all the time when i was like six or seven, so it was cool seeing the things i remembered, like the shootout at fort mercer and how silly the horse breaking looks :3
i wish there were a little bit more references to RDR2 (or i guess it’s the other way round?). just a teeny tiny little bit more fan service. also i wish we saw more of abigail and jack :((( i know the ending is meant to be abrupt but i just love their dynamics so much :(((
and speaking of abrupt!!! the fucking ending!!! i had already seen the last mission (because i love spoiling games for myself), so when that cutscene in the barn started playing i was like ?!?!?!?!?! already?!????? i still don’t know if i love it or hate it. i know it happened so soon because the govt was just using him and could not give two shits about him or his family, “our time has passed, john” or whatever dutch said, not being able to run away from your past, etc. but i just love john so much and wanted him and his family to live happily ever after :(
this brings me to what is, in my opinion, the saddest part of RDR, which is jack. he’s a moody teen who doesn’t really understand the world yet. he has a complicated relationship with his father. he doesn’t want jack to be a gunslinger like him, but he doesn’t want him working for the government, either. he wants jack to be a man but treats him like a boy. jack just wants his father’s approval. him and his mother are kidnapped by the government, not knowing what his father is up to, then is reunited with him a few weeks(?) later. but jack isn’t an idiot and he can put two and two together, and he probably looks up to john for what he did to save his family. john takes him out hunting a few times, he jokes about him and abigail growing old, and things start looking hopeful. jack is finally going to have a chance at a normal life. but then the army shows up, kills uncle, and massacres john. when jack is like fifteen. then his mother dies three years later.
jack is eighteen and alone. no family or friends. i guess he has the macfarlane’s but i doubt jack was close to them. there’s nothing for him. a big empty house, a big empty ranch. and he continues the cycle that john was trying to end. arthur saw the faults in his outlaw ways and convinced john to get out of it, to protect his family and build a life for them, to run and don’t look back. john listened (mostly), but then he was forced to take down the known remaining VDL gang members. even though arthur doesn’t say it to him, i think john understands that revenge is a fool’s game. he understands that the days of the gunslinger are over, and he wants jack to live a better life than he ever had, in the same way arthur wanted john to settle down and marry. but jack is young. i can imagine him seeing what his father did as revenge, even though he was forced into it. but john never got the chance to have the “revenge is a fools’s game and the world is changing” conversation with him. jack watches the government murder his father, who he undoubtedly looked up to. his father who did everything in his power to get his family back. i can only imagine the anger and betrayal he felt for those three years he took care of abigail. him and his teenage brain trying to grapple with it all. then, once he’s an adult and he’s lost everything, he becomes a gunslinger and gets his revenge.
(i forgot to get back to the part about saving the side stuff for jack lol. i just feel bad about him being alone so i saved everything for him to do. maybe he can make some fucked up friends or something idk)
i like to imagine jack lives a decent life. maybe sadie or charles reconnects with him. maybe he explores the US and runs into tilly in saint denis. maybe he befriends the macfarlane’s and decides to become a rancher like his father was trying to be.
i think in his early twenties he would be an absolute train wreck, drinking and gambling and letting beecher’s hope fall into disrepair. but he would mature. he finds arthur/john’s old journal tucked away in the attic and thumbs through it one night, reading the passage where arthur tells john to protect his family. and jack thinks he has a chance. he doesn’t have pinkertons or the government breathing down his neck like arthur and john. he’s smart, he has a plot of land, he has a whole life ahead of him. he has a chance. so he cleans up beecher’s hope with the help of the macfarlane’s, he finds a wife, he starts a family, he has an honest living, and he lives happily ever after.
(this has huge fanfic potential tbh)
and my biggest takeaway from the game is: everyone was just trying to live for something. john, bill, javier, dutch, ross, everyone. they were just trying to survive. they were just trying to survive. of course, their survival methods varied greatly, and some were definitely more honorable than others, but in the end, weren’t they all doing the same thing? they were corrupt killers trying to live in a world that hated them. they were fighting for what they believed in. they were trying to make it out on top by any means necessary. all that varied was how they did it.
what a fantastic game. i think i still prefer RDR2 as a whole because i just fucking love collectathons, but RDR is still an amazingly tragic story. i binged-played it in two days.
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second-string-loser · 11 months
Guts track predictions!!
1. all american bitch Liv has said this one is going to be more pop punk vibes and sound very similar to brutal which is verrry exciting. My wild prediction is that it might have some political messaging, olivia has been very outspoken this last year about womens rights in america so a little commentary on that from her wouldnt be too far from reality.
2. bad idea right?  Her interview with vogue mentioned a song that is about having a night with an ex partner and i just feeeel like this is probably it. the feeling of oh this is a horrible idea but we’re gonna do it anyway arent we and the emotions that come with jumping back into something for just one night
3. vampire vampire. 
4. lacy honestly this is the only one i can’t even begin to make an assumption about. it could be a romantic song or it could be something else idk this name isnt giving me a lot
5. ballad of a homeschool girl very self explanitory, i would assume its an exploration of the experiences and things she feels she missed out on by not going to normal school.
6. making the bed i think this is a play on the idiom “you made your bed now lie in it”. Olivia has talked a lot in interviews recently about owning up to past mistakes, so i predict this song would be about embracing the concequences that can come with making mistakes. 
7. logical  this will probably be a song about the internal conflict of knowing when a choice or a relationship isnt rational or logical, and that you might regret it if you do, but wanting to do so bad that you dont care if it isnt logical.
8. get him back im almost certain this will be a double entendre on “get him back” meaning getting back together with someone and “get him back” meaning get revenge. its going to be the second single so its for sure gonna be very up beat and poppy, probably not sad. if the clip of song that was in the tracklist video is actually this song then i bet itll sound a bit more like deja vu and good 4 u had a baby.
9. love is embarassing this one is gonna be so relatable i can feel it, probably going in on the idea of when you have a crush thats so strong you are literally embarrased at how much you love the person. and just the way that being in love requires so much vulnerability that you cringe every time you open up to someone. 
10. the grudge if “now i hold you like a grudge” from the tracklist video are lyrics from this song then i bet its gonna be slower and more of a ballad, i cant tell though if itll be angry sad or just sad sad 
11. pretty isnt pretty the vogue interview also mentioned a song about the expectations put on women and their apperances, so this is almost definitely the one.
12. teenage dream my brain is saying brutal reference and thats the only thing i can think of. I highly highly doubt she would end the album on a song that sounds like brutal though so its probably a lot slower and sadder. I think the purpose of the closing track referencing the opening track of her debut is to sort of close the book on this chapter of her life. these are the two albums she created as a teenager, they are very similar in branding and aesthetic and i feel like its clear olivia sees them as sister albums. I think this is her closing the door on her teen years and closing the door on this chapter of her carreer as well. 
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
honest to god you cooked so hard, I seriously agree with everything you said. I ADORE Beastars to death, the worldbuilding and incorporation of animal behaviors and ethics is perfect and Legoshi is genuinely one of my favorite fictional characters of all time fun fact: Legoshi's birthday is actually the same as mine xdd but it makes it all the more painful that it ended the way it did
I can't find the source rn but I distinctly remember reading somewhere that Paru was forced to add the shonen elements by Weekly Shonen Champion to make it "more marketable", and that she was so dissatisfied by having to add these elements that she ended the manga's run early. It clearly shows in how rushed and lazily explained the Melon arc stuff was, and it makes me even sadder because Paru is so passionate about her characters and universe and you can just FEEL that she hated having to add all that stuff in. it's just, man.
I one hundred percent agree with you on your opinions of Melon. I ADORE his concept and his backstory (reads like something out of Criminal Minds which I also adore hehe), but he is WOEFULLY misused as a character. They should have leaned in WAY more into him being a carnivore/herbivore hybrid, fleshing out his conflicting instincts and really hammering in how much of a parallel he is to Legoshi... which is what I feel like Paru WAS going to do before WSC started breathing down her neck. The concept of hybrids should have been focused on more in general tbh - I know Paru could have done something truly fascinating with their worldbuilding, but she couldn't due to all the shonen stuff. I felt you so strongly about the daycare in particular - I was SO EXCITED when I first saw it and then it was never seen again????? I don't even think a single student from there was NAMED????? PARU WHYYYYYY???
moving on, you already said a bunch of good points about what makes the ending weak as hell, and I agree with all of it, but honestly, the thing that pisses me off the most about it was how fucking dirty Louis was done. His break up with Juno and him WILLINGLY getting into an arranged marriage with Azuki was bad enough - it was just wildly out of character. But what REALLY makes me furious is how Oguma drops dead off screen and suddenly Louis forgives him for everything he's done?????? WHAT THE FLYING FUCK????????? AGAIN THAT'S WILDLY OUT OF CHARACTER FOR LOUIS BUT IT'S EVEN WORSE BECAUSE OGUMA IS A FUCKING SHITHEAD. SHOULD HAVE FUCKING PISSED ON HIS GRAVE LOUIS.
...oh lord I've rambled for a while now 😅 but yeah Beastars is a series I adore, and I'll still recommend it to people without hesitation, but with the same caveats you presented. I will say, though, that I genuinely think there is a good chance that Studio Orange creates an entirely different ending for the anime (I genuinely think the only way they can wrap everything that's left up in one season is if they make MASSIVE changes to the plot) and it gives me a tiny bit of hope. So to anyone reading this, if you want to experience Beastars in the best way possible, WATCH THE ANIME. It's already such a good experience in general. Even if the ending sucks, DO IT FOR THE ANIMATION. AND DO IT FOR LEGOSHI.
I am very sorry for making you read these giant ass paragraphs I am just a little more passionate about this series than the average person LMAOOOOOOOOO
DO NOT APOLOGIZE!! I've been having a bit of a blast sharing thoughts about the series with people, love hearing other's sentiments (specifically about that ending, glad we can all agree it was trash lol). I am glad that my theory that the decision to focus Beastars on battles was definitely someone else's call has some truth to it, it didn't feel like Beastars at all. Definitely a poor choice...
Louis. Man. I was so angry about how Haru had been shoved off into a corner for most of the second half that I could barely process what was going on with Louis. The series was so good at calling out bullshit in the first half, Oguma getting redemption via death was so out of left field and not built up at all. Him getting with his fiancee too....SO disappointing. That I think was a bad call on Itagaki's part, Louis getting with Juno would've been immensely more satisfying than whatever the arranged marriage shit was. Throwing rocks!! boo!!
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for your wip ask game, ink sunset made me weep, and as much as i would love to see what could happen next i think i would just keep crying aha ha :-))) (but would totally be interested in a sequel)
hmmm here's a pre-written bit (of the non epistolary kind):
He felt like he was in a fever dream. Ted, here. Ted. It had been literal years. And Trent felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, about to see him again. But Ted—wasn’t there. He— The door to Trent’s bedroom was open. Trent had left out the goddamn box. Trent’s heart dropped from his throat to his feet with the force of a brick dropped on an egg. He hurried forward and pushed the door open, and— There was Ted. Ted Lasso, in person, for the first time in years. He looked older, and somehow both lighter and sadder. And he was sitting on the edge of Trent’s bed, shoulders hunched, an old box in his lap, and a letter in his hands. He looked up at Trent, and his eyes were red-rimmed. “Oh,” said Trent, feeling small and stupid. He was frozen in the doorway. “Hope you don’t mind,” said Ted, voice brittle under the faux-casual tone—the first words he’s said to Trent since he left. “They were addressed to me.” Trent finds he isn’t angry. Just deflated. He slowly, almost robotically, makes his way to the other side of the bed, and sits down, stiff and avoiding Ted’s eyes.
and here's some continuation from the epistolary section. i actually wrote like over 1800 more words because of this ask so good job! here's some of them:
I do. I do owe you something. I should have written, at least. I was afraid of the long, slow death between us. I’ve lived through that before, clinging to something that was withering away, watching someone who loved me once begin to resent me more and more, begin to forget the reasons they liked me at all. That kind of feeling, like rot on a porch, was one of the most painful experiences in the world. The truth is, I was protecting myself from that. I was scared of losing someone like that again, especially someone I loved so much you. I guess I thought a clean break would be better. That we’d both get over it sooner. But here we are, years later, and I still think about it. I still regret it. And I hurt you in the process. I’m sorry. I hoped you’d gotten over it. I told myself you must have. I’m nothing special. I’m not stars or a mountain or a sunset. But here you are, still writing. I’m sorry. Of course we were friends. Are friends. I’m sorry I made you doubt that. I’m sorry for a lot of things. Maybe that would have happened. Maybe we would have drifted apart, and my mistake was not giving you closure. But now I’ll never know, will I? I can’t say sorry enough. I can n I’m just always breakin things, huh? It ended up being slow and painful anyway.
as of right now the plan is 1. original epistolary chapter, 2. interlude(?), 3. ted's epistolary chapter, 4. conclusion(???) but i'm still having trouble wrapping things up. i might even make it a separate work as a series, not sure yet.
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stargazer-writing · 10 months
The emotions I get from each "Unreal Unearth" song
I was thinking about this and I wanted to talk about how all these songs have been making me feel because there's such a spectrum of emotion tied with each of these and I've very into analyzing the emotional response to music.
And just to put it out there, this is solely based on the images and feelings I've gotten from these. It's not related to the meaning Hozier has actually tied to them. Some of them overlap but some don't. This is just my personal vibes.
De Selby Pt. 1: This soft quiet feeling like when you stand out in the fog in the early morning and everything is still and soft and cool before the day begins. But also a tension of waiting for something to emerge from that fog.
De Selby Pt. 2: It feels like driving at night in a crowded city or being in the middle of a club dance floor, like the singularity of being one among many in a hedonistic world and feeling both a part of it and not, like having an existential crisis in the middle of a party.
First Time: Dancing in the kitchen with someone you've reached comfortability with, that feeling of safety and ease of being in a space you know with someone you love. There's a hint that the feeling might not last but in that moment it is there and it is beautiful.
Francesca: Angry, defiant love of caring for someone in the middle of the worst of it. The "on purpose, I'm going to love you on purpose" and screaming at someone that they are loved but also the softness of the fondness that comes with it. It's begging and crying but hugging and loving and the juxtaposition of the pain that comes with caring for someone so openly.
I, Carrion (Icarian): Sitting outside in the warm sunlight, gentle breeze, grass on your feet and fingers watching a bird free-wheeling in the sky above you. It's soft and sweet and gentle.
Eat Your Young: That slow-burning, tongue-in-cheek frustration and anger of living in a society trying to kill you and choosing to spit that hate right back in their faces. Like going out with a bang cause a phoenix rises from the ashes and you'll live again at the end of it all.
Damage Gets Done: The feeling of wild and reckless happiness being with your friends. Like when you would run around as a child with others getting into trouble, especially outside in the summer when you knew you had nothing you had to do and no where to be the next day and you could just be.
Who We Are: Like a sadder version of "Francesca," knowing you can't change who you are and what makes you you and holding onto that as much as you can even when it hurts you. If "Francesca" is summer and strength and force, "Who We Are" is fall and caresses and longing for parts of yourself or parts of someone else that make up parts of you.
Son of Nyx: Like floating, flying through air and swimming through water, there's a flow to it that makes you feel weightless. It feels timeless yet old and, as intended, a mixture of all these other emotions.
All Things End: Sitting against a wall in your home, all alone, having some kind of religious experience or epiphany at like 3:12 in the afternoon and the feeling in your chest when something moves you so profoundly that you can almost feel it change you on a fundamental level.
To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe): Kind of talked about this here, but the feeling of realizing how small you are in the grand scheme of the universe, especially when looking at the night sky, and yet knowing that everyone is just as small as you and there's a comfort and familiarity in being small together.
Butchered Tongue: Feeling nostalgia in a place you're not from because everyone is really the same deep down and humans are and always will be human in the way that you see yourself in every stranger on the street no matter where you are.
Anything But: Having a grand old time out of sheer spite. Giving someone the middle finger while telling them to have a nice day. The manic energy of suddenly wanting to do everything and anything just to move and feel something. Willingly saying "fuck it" and choosing to be happy whether they like it or not.
Abstract (Psychopomp): Melancholy, like cold winter weather when it's not snowing but will soon, watching gray clouds gathering in the distance and everything is quiet around you. This numb feeling of not being depressed exactly but going through the paces while everything around you is both beautiful and bare and longing for comfort from something warm.
Unknown/Nth: The love and sadness you feel for someone who you don't talk to and were once close with but aren't anymore. Catharsis of imagining all the things you'd say to them if you saw them again but won't. Missing someone who knew you so well once that not having them around is like losing a piece of your being.
First Light: Standing in the middle of downpour and letting it metaphorically wash away your trauma, the cleansing power of rain, making the conscious, freeing decision to be free of old hurts and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after a long time in darkness and sprinting toward it.
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