#adoptable plot bunny
ninjanaomi · 5 months
Post Time-skip
The first few nights, neither of them could sleep.
There was a gap between them.
But Zoro knew where his captain liked to sit when he wanted to be alone. And Luffy had never turned away his first mate's silent company. Or maybe Zoro simply understood when it was welcome and when it wasn't.
Luffy didn't truly want to be alone, right now.
By the fourth night, the silence was familiar. Not comfortable exactly, but less like a weight.
Zoro braved the words he'd been holding in his chest. "I should have been there with you. I'm so sorry."
Luffy shook his head. "It takes a lot of good people to replace what you are to me in a fight like that. I had them. It still wasn't enough. A lot of them died. I won't apologize for being glad you were somewhere else."
Zoro swallowed, digesting the words. Then he said the ones that really mattered. "I'm sorry you lost your brother. He was--" Great. Formidable. A bright heart, like yours. A good man. None of those accolades were what mattered. He had been Luffy's brother. Nothing could give that back. "It's terrible. I'm sorry it happened."
Luffy didn't say anything. But after a moment, he nodded.
Zoro shifted closer, so their shoulders touched. He didn't say anything either.
They went back to watching the water again, until it got too cold, again.
This time when Zoro offered his captain a hand up, he took it.
The next night was more companionable. They fished. Or pretended to.
In the late hours it became a talking night again.
"I hate that you got hurt so badly." Zoro mentioned. Like he was remarking on the breeze negatively.
Luffy snorted, kicking his feet. There was still an awful tingle in his spine when he remembered it.
He pretended to think about the fish. They weren't that interesting when they weren't biting.
He held back from asking as long as he could.
"Can you open your eye?"
Zoro laughed. "Not without my fingers."
Luffy suddenly turned on his knees, facing him with that bright, pleading look that Zoro hated turning down.
"Can I see it?"
The swordsman sighed. He switched his grip on his fishing pole and wiped his hand on his clothes before lifting it to his face.
There was a cloudy film over his dark iris, with a gnarly white seam down the middle, just where the scar rested on the lid above.
"Whoa!" Luffy exclaimed, "Cool!"
Zoro smirked, "Thanks."
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korechthonia · 2 years
Okay so, let's mash up 2 jangobi tropes that spark joy, and:
The Mand'alor always has a soulmark, leading them to their Be'alor, the other half of their soul. It starts without colour, then burns and gets colour when they meet, or something along those lines, and then everyone who's sworn the Resol'nare can sense and will protect the Be'alor. Right?
But Jango after Galidraan is sold into slavery on a spice ship and honestly it is hell and also he is basically always high and also fully attired (in rags, but you know, the important part is doesn't see the soul mark, like, ever. slavery is bad for hygiene.)
And poor obi-wan in one of his stints in slavery (possibly but not necessarily tied to bandomeer, he gets in enough trouble) and ends up on the slave ship and Jango takes care of him because that is an ad and he is suffering. But also because soulmate.
And then they get off the ship and go their separate ways, and then they realize individually that they met their soulmate but they can't go and try and find them because handwavy plot reason. Mad about it, unhealthy, broke, Jedi duty, whatever.
So then Obi-Wan gets to go to Mandalore! And things start going weird immediately. There is a lot of "wtf is a Be'alor" and "but I've never met a Mandalorian before!" from Obi-Wan and "that's literally a Mandalorian plant on your chest clearly you have" and lessons in Mando'a and culture and fighting from some of the Mandos and "trust in the force" from Qui-Gon probably.
Meanwhile the Ha'atade are protecting Satine to protect Obi-Wan and also searching the galaxy for Jango. And also Kyr'stad are infuriating and try to steal Obi-Wan so then Ha'atade are protecting him too.
it takes a while to find Jango, but then they do, and it's just like... "oh. oh. it's you." and then deep desperate clinging hug because it doesn't matter that you hate Jedi, that is someone you went through hell with. (and then some "I should have known" "but you couldn't have found me")
and then they all yell and fight and fall in love and live happily ever after.
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Have a little AU that randomly appeared in my head during grocery shopping today.
Gideon has finally escaped from the Ninth. She's enlisting in the Cohort. Her photograph is being taken for her new recruit file!
Except the facial recognition thing alerts on her, and suddenly she's being locked in a cell on suspicion of being Commander Awake Remembrance Of These Valiant Dead.
Gideon is still trying to process the disbelief of going from one cell to another when the door opens and the actual freaking Saint of Duty walks in and tells her she's his daughter, which seems unlikely, but hey, they both have red hair and muscles, and more imortantly, Harrow is going to throw a fit when she hears about this, so nice to meet you, dad!
G1deon immediately takes his assumed child to meet Jod and his fellow Saints, which very quickly results in no more fellow Saints.
A very depressed Jod tries to play house as a family unit of what he calls "Daughter, godfather and god-father". Gideon almost wants to go back to the Ninth.
As Jod is seriously short on Lyctors now, he sends out the recruitment letters. Gideon, who has been traumatised seeing her dad stick hs tongue down the throat of the real life inspirations for her magazines, asks to be allowed to go supervise.
And so the Nine Houses receive letters informing them that their Emperor has a daughter and she's going to guide them all on the path to Lyctorhood!
Harrow, who isn't handling the loss of her codependent rival/crush very well is a devout daughter of her House is ecstatic at the chance to show Griddle that she DOESN'T need her restore her House to glory.
She arrives at Canaan House determined to prove that she doesn't think about Gideon at all the Ninth House is as proud and faithful as ever. Her skull paint is intricate. Her posture is regal. Her whole being is cloaked in an air of mystery. She will make a good impression on the sacred Crown Prince.
Her Divine Highness enters.
It's Gideon fucking Nav.
Only the combined efforts of all other House Heirs narrowly stops the Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House from strangling the Crown Prince.
Pyrrha Dve immediately begins to plan the wedding.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 1 month
And today on plot bunnies gone wild
So, had an idea for an AU! where Jason’s been acting as Red Hood. For whatever reason, instead of revealing himself, he’s decided to go undercover (convincing undercover, not the BS undercover with the sunglasses and mustache) as an occasional security guard for Bruce or whatever of his siblings need it that day. He regularly changes his undercover appearance.
Over time, he gets it in his head that either the family really hasn’t figured it out or they have and they won’t call him out for some reason, so he slowly starts making the disguises less good (No idea how to better phrase that) to see how long it takes for his family to actually call him out.
Take your pick on how you want Bruce and company to respond, but I’m leaning towards he honestly didn’t know it was Jason (he had suspicions there was something sketchy, but not ‘my dead son is now alive?!?!?’ suspicions).
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wvyld · 2 months
tgcf; Hua Cheng finds Fangxin Guoshi!Xie Lian before the massacre happens AU
it's been two, three years since the kidnapping attempt? Xie Lian's position in court is, ah, stable? his reputation as a mysterious and wise immortal master cultivator guy has settled, at least — who would have thought hiring that one very random street preformer to be Guoshi would work out so well!
someone paints a picture of the sword Fangxin Guoshi carries. Hua Cheng sees it and thinks; oh
if dianxia wants to raise the Yong'an crown prince, then dianxia is going to raise the Yong'an crown prince, no interruptions
Hua Cheng joins the Yong'an court by the way of money, forms a spy network through similar means, and becomes the good friend of Fangxin Guoshi because he really, really wants to and Xie Lian is very, very lonely
they spar a lot! it's very impressive. Lang Qianqiu finds it very cool
the entire court gossips about them. Xie Lian pretends not to know
Xie Lian finds out Hua Cheng is a ghost from Xianle which serves as a temporary explanation for what, exactly, is a ghost king doing hanging out in Yong'an.
they have a date in Ghost City — it ends with a scene with Xie Lian taking off his Fangxin Guoshi mask & Hua Cheng showing him his true form
Hua Cheng is like. Lang Qianqiu's uncle. he warms up to the kid, like, eventually, a little — he's not saying he likes him —
they have a Qi Rong fieldtrip! fun is not the way to describe it
Lang Qianqiu ascends
Lang Qianqiu ascends alone and, later, has a very awkward conversation with his Guoshi about maybe choosing his master (and uncle Hua Cheng) as a Middle Court officials...? Guoshi? uh. why not?
XL: yeah so im a banished god. twice banished. for reasons! don't worry about it
HC: it might be possibly more awkard if you make me a Middle Court official
the three of them ascend together — the event is very destructive! Heaven ah. breaks? a little! but there's three of them, so that's. that's an explanation. for that.
it's a such lovely story — the crown prince of Yong'an, has ascended together with his two mentors after defeating the Green Ghost Qi Rong!
Xie Lian does not take off the mask. he just. doesn't! he means to, he thinks about it, he intends to do it, but enough time passes that it becomes awkward — Feng Xin and Mu Qing have introduced themselves to him! it would be just weird at this point...
Hua Cheng supports this wholly. Feng Xin and Mu Qing have no idea why this one guy in red hates them — well, there is that one guy in red who hates them, but there's no way in hell he ascended to Heaven!
Jun Wu does not know who Hua Cheng is. Xie Lian doesn't tell him. it's funnier this way
Jun Wu realizes who Xie Lian is imidateley. he and Xie Lian have a conversation in which he agrees to allow for Xie Lian's stay in Heaven to remain anonymous — though he is a little preoccupied with stopping Heaven from falling down to really have time for plotting
a great opportunity for fun logistics-of-how-was-heaven-made-actually worldbuilding!
He Xuan does know who, exactly, has ascended (again) and struggles not to laugh. he is one of the very few people well-informed enough to know how fucking hilarous this is
there are now three Calamities is Heaven
Lang Qianqiu is just happy his two mentors have ascended with him, really! very happy. Heaven seems to have been a little. uh. damaged. he'd hate to need to deal with it on his own!
the golden palace of lies collapses in some hilarous way as our heroes try to stop Heaven from falling down due to structual damage. Jun Wu's reveal speedrun
the three of them ascend together, but but it's known who Xie Lian & Hua Cheng are
divergence happens during the Qi Rong thing — Lang Qianqiu finds out about the stuff because Qi Rong figures it out
there's a whole scene — Xie Lian takes of his mask, all; yeah I'm the crown prince of Xianle, don't listen to my idiot cousin he's just terrible, he's always, been terrible, your life isn't a lie — there are just shitty people in the world, sometimes, and, look, we stopped the tragedy, didn't we? — because in this AU they did; Hua Cheng has spies, the plot is over before it even begins, the massacre doesn't happen, Xie Lian does not kill Lang Qianqiu's father...
Qi Rong points out there is a fucking Devastation right there isn't he plotting things also?
Hua Cheng magic girl transformation into ghost king regalia, says some things about Xianle/Yong'an relations, and being a soldier while he was alive that mostly boil down to listen to what your Guoshi teaches, he's a wonderful amazing person the best in the world, the smartest, the most beautiful —
Lang Qianqiu finds that reassuring because that's just how Hua Cheng normaly acts, see, he's clearly here because he has a crush on Guoshi! it's not about revange or Yong'an at all, the man is just in love
Lang Qianqiu has some sort of a hero speech, very serious vow to be a good king and a good person and follow Guoshi's teachings! Xie Lian is very proud
they defeat Qi Rong with the power of friendship — and then the three of them fucking ascend
Xie Lian, no mask — Hua Cheng in ghost king regalia — Lang Qianqiu also there being the objectivley least interesting person in the room
every god in Heaven freakes the fuck out
it's a disaster, it's hilarous. He Xuan contacts Hua Cheng asking what the fuck he is doing. Hua Cheng just laughs
Xie Lian wants to leave, so bad — it feels like this situation would become a whole lot simpler if he and Hua Cheng weren't there, but he can't just leave Lang Qianqiu to this mess....
if Xie Lian leaves, so will Lang Qianqiu, really, if Heaven is to good for such an honorabile and good and just person as his Guoshi then maybe there is something wrong with Heaven (Hua Cheng is so proud)
HC: this is my second ascenshion and Guoshi's third ascenshion, so don't you worry, kid, we're old hands at this business
LQQ: I am worried for this reason exactly
Xie Lian has a whole thing trying to convince Lang Qianqiu to stay in Heaven even if they two do get kicked out for structual damage all I know it sucks but you're a prince, it would be very rude to tell the Emperor to fuck off —
LQQ: okay, so, how about this; if you two leave I cannot stay because your combined power wrecked Heaven so bad it might fall off the sky and I am not shouldering that debt on my own
XL: oh fuck I forgot about that
somewhere in this there is a scene of Feng Xin snd Mu Qing trying to rescue Xie Lian & Lang Qianqiu from evil Hua Cheng's cluthes
plot happens: heaven might fall down so we should deal with that! dealing with that is mostly a logistics thing. also, a war between realms might be around the corner.
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
Modern Stucky and Howlies AU
The Fic:
What if when Steve came out of the ice, all the Howlies were still alive and living together in one retirement old folk's home? And Steve, having no connections with anybody in the modern world, spent tons of his free time visiting them and playing poker, sneaking them liquor, and just generally creating a headache for the semi-amused retirement home staff?
And Bucky is the care worker who grows to have a crush on Steve.
(**Bonus points if you name the Nursing Home "Shady Acres Care Home" , like where Loki stuck his father in Thor: Ragnarok)
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kimboo-york · 1 month
Never thought about this before and never seen it in fanfic but:
What if Madam Yu murdered Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze?
And further, what if the reason it took Jiang Fengman so long to find Wei Ying was because she had cast some kind of array to hide the boy in Yiling?
...that leaves the question of how the array got broken, eventually, but wow this sure would explain a lot of her anger about Wei Ying showing up on her doorstep.
(This is assuming that she was not so bloodthirsty as to kill a child; maybe she thought it would be poetic for CSSR's child to be a poor beggar his whole life, amounting to nothing? Then POOF there he is at Lotus Pier, showing up her own son...)
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marypsue · 4 months
A thought that is more Vibe than story at this point that I've been rotating in the old mental rock-tumbler is a post-climate-apocalypse A Knight's Tale/Baz Luhrmann's Romeo+Juliet take on a western, maybe with a dash of The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys for flavour. Bon Jovi's 'Wanted Dead Or Alive' is on the soundtrack. Bruce Springsteen's 'The River' has turned into a diegetic trail ballad which is sung around a campfire along with 'Oh Shenandoah'. The whole thing runs on Rube Goldberged contraptions based on solar panels and batteries stripped out of electric vehicles, but the Vibe is 1870s. There are occasionally motorcycles instead of horses.
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dreams-of-an-escapist · 4 months
A Shakarian time travel AU ( universe travel?) where Shepard and Garrus both time travel to their childhood after the ME 3 ending. But not into their own past. Instead they happen to be in the world where first contact between humans and Council races was never made and they have to find their way back to each other in the world where nobody around them even understand who they are longing for.
Maybe no Reapers AU to make it easier but maybe not.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 3 months
odd tho, that right at the finish line to the revenge of the sith (a thousand years in the making) sheev would send maul to fight some jedi on naboo, right? when by all means he got the result he wanted from the jedi 'winning' that conflict. big risk of discovery innit?
unless that wasn't about the planet at all. unless sheev wanted maul to fight qui-gon, specifically. ya know, sith historically love pitting apprentices against each other...
...and qui-gon was all about the prophecy of the chosen one, right?
and like, there's only a few canon sith, versus a metric ton of jedi. fifty thousand or something?
... what did everyone think 'balance' meant?
yeah so, what IF qui-gon knew what kind of monster anakin was going to become.
what IF qui-gon was another sith apprentice.
what if that duel was 'who gets to train anakin' and either way the jedi lose?
lil ani, destined to bring balance to the force? well. he did. in a manner of speaking.
anyhoo. sith qui-gon au, amirite?
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riolu4 · 7 months
This place for small story the one that I have Ideas for the every time difference and is random and some bart of it.
Country Branch is Good Dancer Even though he have 4 legs He can dance very well to all Genres
Classical Branch Does not fly that after he is tall the normal Classical Troll and Smidge and every time he fly every pup troll being surprised except King Peppy.
Branch being adopt by one of Genre or Subgenre trolls the Branch age is 6 Years old.
The Funk Troll adopt by Branch the story is he left Pop village to find something Like supplies or medicine and bird capture him , far and far from Troll Village Lucky the one of Funk UFO saw him and saved him but is not easy to find the Pop village and more and Royal funk family The They Second Son is alive by the Name of Cooper.
Ok the all for now the maybe some different some similar some between I Have different concept from the story Like maybe I will Have Different variant of the Story.
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I wonder what would have happened if Corona had pulled an Alfred the second she found out what Lyctorhood entails.
For one thing, Silas might not fight Ianthe if she's found crying and screaming over her sister's suicide rather than smug about the murder of her cavalier, though that probably just buys him thirty minutes until he attempts to duel Cytherea instead.
RIP mayonnaise boy, you were never going to make it out of this book alive.
I'm not sure Ianthe can even pull herself together enough to fight Cytherea in this timeline. She might just survive on the other end of Canaan House as Cytherea's blind spot while Gideon once again throws herself on a fence.
So as a result we get two insane girls performing lobotomies on each other to save the person who has defined their whole life.
Ianthe's fake past, ironically, probably has her as the darling admired golden only child of Ida. She keeps catching herself being instinctively sneaky and wondering where the hell that impulse is coming from, since she's always reveled in the spotlight (right?) before being distracted by seizures.
Both of the new Saints spend most of their time bleeding from their ears, giving nonsensical replies to every question they're asked, and generally acting like lunatics.
Mercymorn takes it as proof that trying to recruit these infants was a mistake from the start. "Look at them, John!! One of them keeps having seizures if I so much as mention Gideon and the other passes out at the sight of her own reflection!! I should have known this whole idea was a mistake from the start!! Children as fists!! Infants as gestures!! Yuck!!! Pfaugh!!!"
But hey, at least Ianthe gets to keep both of her arms.
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 months
Plot bunny to be released: crack edition
Starting when Dick was Robin, it became a fun past time for the Birds to find a way to make an unplanned cameo in costume when movies were filming in Gotham.
Eventually, that started including walk-on roles in their public personas which started off as a dare between Dick and Jason. And after telling Bruce they were using it as practice for undercover work, it became more regular.
Move forward in time, the superhero persona cameos were still done, but walk-on roles had stopped after Jason’s death.
But when Tim and Steph were showing Cass a newly released movie filmed in Gotham, Tim briefly caught sight of a familiar teen believed to be dead. Not knowing what to make of it, he purposely made them watch them movie again.
This was how the family first found out Jason was no longer resting.
(In my brain, the cameo is when Jason was wandering the streets in a catatonic stupor)
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gothampubliclibrary · 6 months
Plot Bunny Adoption Corner #9 - Batfam Fusion with Angelic Layer
Imagine if the DCU was merged with the CLAMP manga/anime world of Angelic Layer, and the vigilante/rogue alter egos were "angels" used by the civilian versions of everyone to complete in competitions.
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meidui · 1 year
all of tony's friends are convinced he's getting scammed when he tells them he's talking to this camboy who's trying to put himself through art school, but then they meet him and he's a little angel
tony pays a shit ton for private sessions, which steve is very picky about because he's had bad experiences before but sometimes they just end up talking
steve breaks his i-don't-show-my-face rule and his i-don't-meet-patrons-in-person rule for tony and tony starts buying out all his nights and sometimes they don't even do anything, tony just asks steve to hold him and he sleeps better that way
tony has sent steve so much money at this point that steve is set for rent and tuition and bills and groceries for the foreseeable future and he hasn't touched the rest of the money, and when they have a big misunderstanding steve sends all that money back which makes things worse
(they properly get together and now tony's the only person who get's to see steve's nudes)
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What about Rolan being used as a hostage against Tav (maybe by Lorroakan because something, something 'bring me the Night Song')?
fly plot bunnies! fly!
This one has the potential for SO MUCH angst, holy shit. If Lorroakan realised that Tav and Rolan had feelings for each other, he wouldn’t hesitate to exploit it. Thank you for sending it in!
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