#adult stiles stilinski
sapphireginger · 1 year
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Stiles was not a fan of water and hated to swim but his son Sam was like a fish. So, Stiles braved his fear to take his son to the public pool. That was where he met Peter but not in the way one would want to have met a potential partner. Peter’s response however, surprised Stiles and led to something great.
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Stiles has never liked swimming nor has he ever been fond of the water. Not since he was four and his mother tried to drown him in the bathtub. It didn’t help that he got bullied and dunked repeatedly, making him terrified of swimming lessons. He ended up teaching himself because the other kids just kept pushing him under.
So, Stiles taught himself how to swim and he now only took showers. Well, he mainly only took to showers now. Oh, he would take baths occasionally but it was pretty rare and he never swam. He had tried to work through it and he would only ever swim when he was completely alone. It was why he got a private membership at Luna Aquatic Center.
However as he stood outside the public pool with Samuel’s hand in his, he felt sick to his stomach. He idly traced the now bare ring finger of his left hand with his thumb. His wife—ex-wife—was the one who took Samuel, their little Sam, to the pool. Stiles never trusted her enough to tell her why he couldn’t, and the lack of trust really should’ve made finding her in bed with another man less surprising. The only reason Stiles remained as calm as he had upon discovering them was because his son was sleeping. His bitch of an ex slept with another man while their son was taking his afternoon nap.
Since Stiles owned the house, he kicked her out and unsurprisingly ended up with full custody of their son.
That was just before summer started. Stiles realized he probably could have asked for someone to help take his son to the pool but that felt like admitting weakness and it wasn’t something that he could afford to admit. He had already lost his wife. He didn’t want anyone to have any reason to think he was unable be a father to Sam.
Stiles looked at his son who held out the sunscreen. “Sorry, kiddo. Daddy was just thinking.” He took the bottle and squeezed it into his hand before covering his five-year-old’s skin with it.
Sam tilted his head. “It’s okay, Daddy. I was thinking too.”
“Oh? What were you thinking about?”
His son pointed. “The slide. I wanna go down but I’m still too little.”
Stiles glanced at the slide and chewed his lip, nerves churning in his gut. He knew Sam could go down if he had an adult waiting at the bottom. “Well, you could go down if I was waiting for you.”
Sam gasped and shook his head. “Daddy, no. You don’t like the water.”
Stiles set the bottle aside and smiled softly. “No but I love you and if you want to slide I’ll do it for you.”
“No. No thank you, Daddy.”
“You sure, kiddo?”
“I’m positive. Guess why.”
“Cause I love you, Daddy and I’m smart cause I know that sometimes growed ups are scared of things. I know you love me, Daddy and you don’t have to catch me from the slide for me to member that.”
Stiles felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes making them sting slightly. Fuck but he loves his son so much. “How’d I end up with such a wonderful boy like you with a big golden heart?”
Sam grinned revealing a gap where he lost a baby tooth and hugged his dad. “I take after you, Daddy. Gampa said so.”
Stiles hugged his son tightly, wiped his face, and cleared his throat. “Well, if you change your mind let me know. I’ll be here when you need more sunscreen in an hour. Okay?”
“Okay, Daddy. I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
Stiles watched as his son jumped in the shallow and splashed around. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He was so focused he didn’t hear a man speaking to him the first time but startled slightly when he spoke the second time.
“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
Stiles looked up and blinked at the gorgeous blue-eyed man staring at him. “S’okay. No harm done.”
“May I sit?”
Stiles nodded and gestured to the open chair.
The man took a seat and offered his hand. “I’m Peter.”
Peter shook his hand and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Stiles. Do you have a little one here?”
Stiles nodded. “Yes. You?”
Peter smiled fondly and gestured to a boy and girl not far from where Sam was playing. “That’s my nephew Derek and my daughter Malia.”
Stiles looked and smiled before gesturing to his own child. “That’s my son, Sam.”
“I’m glad to see another father here.”
Stiles quirked a brow. “Oh?”
Peter nodded with a wry smile. “Mhm. Quite frankly it’s a nice change. The first week it was all women with their kids. Which, don’t get me wrong, all the power to them but I don’t know. It’s just nice seeing another dad who actually cares.”
“Hm. How do you know I care?”
“Anyone paying attention can tell you care.”
“Been watching me, huh?”
“Yes and without even realizing it your body is always facing where your son is.”
Stiles took stock of himself and realized that Peter was right. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, he’s my world. So, I’m in tune with him.”
“I’d expect nothing less from a father who cares.”
Peter quirked a brow, his smirk shifting to a soft smile as Malia came bounding over. “Papa?”
“Yes, dearest.”
“Um, I was wondering if I can go on the slide?”
“I don’t know. I think you’re too little dearest.”
Derek walked over and smiled, revealing two front teeth that reminded Stiles of an adorable bunny rabbit. “I can take her if that’s okay, Uncle Peter.”
Peter tilted his head and nodded. “Be careful and keep an eye on her. Malia, hold his hand please.”
“Okay. Thank you, Papa!” She took Derek’s hand and eagerly made her way to get in line for the slide. Stiles chewed his lip, noticing his son watching the two older children get in line.
Peter noticed and glanced at Stiles, tilting his head. “Did Sam want to go on the slide?”
Stiles tensed and angled his body further away from Peter. “Yes, but we talked about it and it’s fine now.” Stiles wanted to go, wanted to flee. He wanted to get up and walk away because—
“If you’d like I’m sure Derek would be willing to—”
Stiles suddenly stood up and shook his head. “Look, I’m glad you have someone who can take your daughter down the slide, but I don’t have that and I don’t need it either. I’m perfectly capable of—o-of—” His breathing started to speed up and he started moving his thumb against the bare ring finger of his left hand, spots starting to appear in his vision.
“Daddy?” Peter saw Stiles’s son walking over and watched him gently take Stiles’s hand in his own. “Daddy, can you see five fings?”
“Pool. Ch-Chair. Towel. Ball. Sunscreen.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Smell three fings?”
“Chlorine. Sunscreen. Flowers.”
Stiles slowly lowered himself to the chair and Sam climbed into his lap. “Three fings to hear, Daddy.”
“Laughing. Splashing. Breathing.”
He wrapped his arms around his son and shuddered, pressing a kiss to the top of the boy’s head. “Thank you, kiddo.”
Sam looked at Peter with a small smile. “Welcome, Daddy. I’m gonna go play now, okay?”
Stiles cleared his throat and nodded. “Of course. I’ll be all right.”
“I promise.” Sam kissed Stiles’s cheek and then jumped back into the pool. Stiles took a deep breath and Peter watched him, feeling protective but he said nothing, simply watching over the man silently.
After a few minutes had passed and Stiles seemed to calm down, he turned to face Peter. “I owe you an apology. You were being very kind and I was very rude. I'm sorry.”
Peter gave him a small and understanding smile. “I accept, but I do think perhaps we simply had a misunderstanding. All is forgiven.”
With a flush of embarrassment to his cheeks, Stiles glanced away from Peter’s intense gaze. It felt like the man saw way more than Stiles wanted him to. “That’s not an issue I experience all the time just um…” he trailed off.
“You don’t have to explain. I’m glad your son was able to help you.”
“He shouldn’t have to. He’s a kid.”
Peter nodded. “He is but he’s also your kid.”
“Yeah. He’s a really good kid.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did he know what to do?”
Stiles cleared his throat and turned more towards Peter. “When Sam was two we were at the park and he got bit by a dog. He doesn’t really remember it but he gets panic attacks sometimes. Once we explained it to him, he grasped it pretty well for a four year old. Last year, he had a big one and I helped him through it. When he calmed down, he asked me why I was asking him all those questions.” Stiles chuckled wetly. “I told him why and now he’s always ready to ask me if I get panicked like him.”
Peter smiled. “As much as I don’t wish that on anyone, I’m glad you have him and that he has you.”
“You don’t think I’m a bad father?”
“No. On the contrary, I think you’re what a father should strive to be.”
Stiles blushed and his stomach flipped. This guy was smooth as melted chocolate. After inhaling sharply and clearing his throat, Stiles sent Peter a coy but soft smile. “Thank you.”
“You’re most welcome.”
Stiles gestured towards the pool. “If um…” he trailed off. “When your nephew comes back if the offer is still…”
Peter grinned. “I’m sure that Derek would be happy to.”
Stiles’s shoulders lost their tension and he smiled gratefully. “Thank you. So, how horrible of a father am I that my son has to help me out of a panic attack?” He knew Peter had already assured him he wasn’t, and Stiles wasn’t fishing for more compliments but he didn’t understand how Peter drew the conclusion he had from one example alone
Peter firmly shook his head. “You’re not a horrible father at all. I might not know you well but I have eyes. I saw the way you watched over him and the way he looks at you is like you’re his hero which isn’t surprising in the least. Him helping you with a panic attack just goes to show how much your son loves you and he also knows how to help others who may experience that. That’s all because he’s learned from you.”
Stiles smiled and blushed slightly, his heart fluttering at the compliment.
Peter nodded and his stomach swooped at the blinding grin on Stiles’s face when he watched his son go down the slide. The hopeful look on the boy’s face when Derek and Peter had offered was priceless. Peter and Stiles talked while their kiddos played and found themselves discussing everything under the sun. They meshed well and had zero clashes in personality. In a way, it felt like fate but now what?
As they got ready to go Stiles spoke up. “Peter?”
“I was wondering if perhaps you’d consider dinner? With me?”
Peter turned to face Stiles and saw how nervous he was but was also impressed that Stiles had still asked despite his nerves. He smiled softly. “I would love to have dinner with you.” He handed Stiles his phone and they exchanged numbers.
Stiles smiled, his heart pounding so loud in his chest that he was sure Peter could hear it. “Great! So, I’ll call you or I’ll text you and we can set something up?”
Peter brushed his knuckles subtly against Stiles arm and nodded. “I look forward to it.”
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mxltifxnd0m · 1 year
i just need a dorky nerdy man with brown hair and big brown eyes to be my boyfriend PLEASE
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jade-bright · 29 days
Stiles, bursting into the Hale's home: I have a younger sibling!!!
The Hale's simultaneously: What? Claudia's pregnant!?! What!? Oh god. What. Grrr. Are you serious? What?!
Stiles, pulling out a 9 year old Scott from behind him: His name's Scott, he looks like a puppy and he's my little brother now
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patolemus · 1 month
Uuuuuh here's my take on a Teen Wolf movie fix-it, because god do we deserve it.
“Stiles, think of her father! He finally has her back!”
“Think of his son! Scott, he’s a child,” Stiles’ voice breaks as he thinks of Eli, young and alone after losing his only parent. He thinks of himself, and who he might have been had he lost his dad at Eli’s age.
Mostly, he thinks of Derek. Selfless, martyr, stupid Derek who still thought he was disposable after all these years, after raising a son and settling down and getting the quiet life he always wanted. Stiles thinks of Derek, and he feels himself falling apart at the seams because why is it that life still likes to punish kind, battered souls like Derek Hale’s? Why couldn’t it decide that he’d had enough, why did it have to kill him before letting him rest?
Stiles can’t accept it. He won’t accept it. He’s going to bring Derek back from whatever kind of shit afterlife he’s in, and he’s going to force him to live out his quiet life with his son if it’s the last goddamn thing Stiles ever does. That is the only ending he’ll accept for this beautiful, broken man.
Fuck everyone who wants to stop him.
“Stiles, he’s gone. You can’t— he’s gone,” Scott says, voice softening, obviously trying to be placating. Stiles doesn’t care for it.
“You can keep your head in fucking Allison land all you want, Scott. Get your child bride, fuck off back to wherever it is you left Beacon Hills for. But don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do. If you want to keep her, you’ll do it far, far away from here,” and Stiles thinks maybe this is the moment Scott finally gets it. That he is not the same boy who left after high school graduation. Whatever soft spot Stiles had for Scott is gone, went away with time and therapy and the realization that Scott would never care for him the way Stiles did for him, that he was kept close for his usefulness until it ran out and he became disposable.
So yeah, Scott can keep Allison. Stiles will be happy for him, even. But if he dares interfere with his own plans, Stiles will put them both in the ground himself.
It’s not like it’d be the first time he’s done so.
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bisexualbuckleyy · 1 year
teen wolf memes part 15: mental illness woohoo
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i have almost 200 memes made. what is wrong with me. anyways thanks to @burnthatbridgewhenwecometoit for being the best as always
teen wolf memes part 15
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nerdy-stilinski · 7 months
The fact that the sheriff seriously considers that Stiles is out killing people shows how broken their relationship is. He knows Stiles is hiding stuff, knows that Stiles is loitering around crime scenes. Does he take Stiles to therapy?? Or talk to him about what is going on? NO. He is like "my son is a serial killer."
Like, come on!! He barely knows Stiles at that point.
Exactly!!! So much of the parents’ involvement, with the sheriff being the most obvious example, feels like blatantly ignoring the 37 other factors of the situation and how they might be impacting their kids’ behavior, and instead jump straight to INSANE conclusions. At no point is anyone talking about how they’re worried about their kids, or what else might be going on, they just assume they’re little high school criminals???? be so fr
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noyzinerd · 2 years
I like to think that, once Stiles is finally living on his own for the very first time in his entire life, Derek comes over to visit and has this wide-eyed, absolutely horrified look on his face when he opens Stiles' silverware drawer and sees this:
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Derek immediately gets Stiles a silverware tray and helps organize all of the cutlery while he's there and he even gets Stiles to agree to put the utensils in the tray from now on.
But then, like a week later, when Derek comes back, he opens the drawer again and it's just...
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eevylynn · 6 months
I want to try different drawing styles just as a challenge for my self.
And I'll add the second poll with styles when I reblog this:
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amethystskeleton · 3 months
Apparently midnight is just the perfect timing for bad ideas. While working on Chapter 8 of 'To be Led by a Liar' I got the horrible idea to watch though the entire show from the beginning and see what each character could be criminally charged with. Because (lets be so real here) just because the pack is against murder and killing (75% of the time) doesn't mean they aren't very much committing other crimes. Idk it just sounds really funny to see who would get the most amount of jail time for their actions.
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dcrkcrwns · 9 months
✧˚ · . this is who i'd cast for teen wolf if it came out today
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↳ michael cimino as scott mccall
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↳ anthony turpel as stiles stilinski
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↳ brandon larracuente as derek hale
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↳ tanner buchanan as isaac lahey
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↳ zack nelson as jackson whittemore
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↳ alex aiono as danny mahealani
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↳ kedar williams-stirling as vernon boyd
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↳ patrick wilson as sheriff noah stilinski
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↳ chris evans as peter hale
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↳ pedro pascal as chris argent
the alpha pack
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↳ frank grillo as deucalion
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↳ rainer dawn as ethan
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↳ rainer dawn as aiden
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↳ joe manganiello as ennis
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ratislatis · 7 months
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wip hot and fresh from the oven (jk its 9 pm im scheduling this one)
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normaltothemax · 5 months
@therebetterbepie from here
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“I said ‘all due respect’,” was his not-so-innocent reply. It wasn’t Stiles’ fault that this asshole didn’t realize that the amount of respect he deserved was currently in the negatives. “Maybe if you stop saying stupid shit, I’ll think about listening to you.” Not likely, but the man could certainly try.
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ravengrey2103 · 1 year
Natural Selection at its Finest
Derek is sitting at the kitchen table, chatting idly with Sheriff Stilinski as they both wait for Stiles to come downstairs.
“More coffee, Derek?” The Sheriff asks politely, standing up and reaching for Derek’s cup.
“Please.” Derek replies, picking up the mug and handing it to the Sheriff.
They’ve been waiting on Stiles for the better part of a half-hour. It seems that Stiles has either completely forgotten that he was supposed to come downstairs to eat breakfast, or he just doesn’t care that their food is getting cold, because he has yet to make an appearance since he stumbled down the stairs earlier to tell them he was going to take a shower. Well, his form of communication was less speaking, and more grunting if he’s being honest. But luckily, both Derek and Stiles’ father are fluent in Stiles’ primitive morning language. The dark-haired nineteen-year-old seems to regress to caveman speech in the mornings, which Derek refuses to admit that he finds adorable in any way. 
The Sheriff returns, setting Derek’s refilled coffee mug on the table before taking his seat across from Derek. They both have a direct view of the stairs, so they see Stiles’ shadow when the young man starts to descend. Derek sighs. He can practically smell the oncoming disaster.
Stiles seems to pause, and Derek can hear him fumbling with something, catching the sound of metal, probably an eating utensil, clacking against a plate or bowl. Now, let it be known that Stiles has never been graceful. He lost that right when he tripped over an imaginary crack in the sidewalk a few years back and broke his nose. To this day, Stiles swears that there was a slight indentation in the sidewalk that impeded his walking abilities, but everyone knows the truth. There was nothing there. Nothing, other than Stiles’ uncanny ability to fall, trip, stumble, and any other act of clumsiness you can think of. Stiles could probably find a way to hurt himself with a stuffed animal. Actually, now that Derek thinks about it, he already has. Derek shudders. That is not a memory he wants to relive right now. How anyone could manage to get a paper cut from something soft, fluffy, and filled with stuffing, is beyond him. But, it’s Stiles, so he really isn’t all that surprised anymore.
Stiles continues his descent, pulling Derek from his thoughts. Derek and the Sheriff’s eyes connect and they share a knowing look, trying to decide if they should take preemptive measures, or if they should just let this play out and see what kind of catastrophe Stiles will get himself into this time. They eventually decide to just let it happen. They care about Stiles, they really do, but everyone needs a bit of humour in their lives now and again.
In preparation, Derek takes a deep breath, looks directly at the staircase, and says, in his best impression of a documentary narrator, “And here, you can see the endangered Stiles in his natural habitat.”
As if on cue, Stiles yelps and comes tumbling down the stairs in a flurry of clatters and thuds, eventually winding up at the foot of the stairs in a heap with cereal and milk splattered on his face and clothes. He just sits there for a moment, slumped against the bottom stair with an impressive pout on his face. Derek decides to continue his narration.
“It is clear that natural selection is coming for this specimen.” Stiles whips his head up at Derek’s words, his glare losing most of its heat due to the bits of cereal that have stuck to his face and hair.
“I heard that.” He mutters, flopping his head down to look at the cereal bowl that is now lying in scattered pieces across the floor.
“I know.” Derek replies simply, still staring at Stiles with an unimpressed expression, mildly wondering why he chose this particular human to be the love of his life. And then he remembers everything else he loves about Stiles. He’s witty and smart, and he always knows just what to say. And, even though Derek loathes the thought, he even loves Stiles’ clumsiness. It’s just another piece in the ever-changing jigsaw puzzle that is Stiles Stilinski. Suddenly, the Sheriff’s voice cuts through Derek’s musings.
“Where in the hell did you get the cereal?!”
Stiles looks up at his father, then back down at his recently deceased cereal bowl, then up at his father again, a dismal and serious look on his face.
“I don’t even know anymore, dad.”
Derek chuckles lightly. Leave it to Stiles to have cereal magically appear in his hand just in time for him to fall down the stairs and spill it all over himself. It’s yet another thing he loves about Stiles. He has comedic talent, even when he isn’t trying.
“Do you need a minute?” Derek asks humorously.
“Yeah… I’m going to need a few minutes, actually.” Stiles says sadly. Derek and the Sheriff stand from their seats at the table and begin heading toward the kitchen.
The Sheriff goes and pats Stiles on the shoulder as he passes. “Alright, son; Take all the time you need.”
With a smile and another laugh, both men leave Stiles to grieve both the loss of his cereal and his dignity. 
Links to my AO3 and Fanfiction.net profiles...
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ragnarokhound · 1 year
stiles stilinski being a character you are (were?) fond of really helps to explain where you're coming with the werewolf fixation rn. read that tag & kinda went "oh, i see the pipeline." 😏🐺
sterek to jaytim just makes / sense /
Alskdjxksk LISTEN. OK. LISTEN--
Stiles Stilinski is the reason I watched Teen Wolf back in 2013 because he carried that show, and I read One fic by twentysomething back in the day that convinced me to ship sterek, and then it was all over for me
In my ao3 bookmarks there is a Clear pattern in which every other November or so, like clockwork, I have gone back into the Teen Wolf tag and bookmarked more sterek fics and I did not clock this until 2021
What's TRULY shocking is that it took me this long to have that werewolf jaytim brain blast skdndksk like it's RIGHT THERE. HOW. HOW DID I NOT--
Anyway Stiles is my original messy fave upon whom I projected my entire personality because it's so EASY to do with him skdndks the parallels between Stiles->Tim and Derek->Jason aren't perfect but they are there if you squint lmao love me a sarcastic twunky genius boy who can't take his broad shouldered boyfriend home to dad because he is wanted for murder
And while we're here, the real pipeline is destiel->sterek->jaytim because I have a type and it is emotionally constipated disaster bisexuals and big strong men  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bisexualbuckleyy · 1 year
teen wolf memes part 19: ??????
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i'm having such a good time and no one can stop me. @burnthatbridgewhenwecometoit i love you you're the best
teen wolf memes part 19
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dailyscottficrec · 2 years
Scottuary: Bonus Rec
It's so pleasing that the first bingo of scottuary2 is fanart on Fanart Friday!
Congratulations @slumop!
For this rec: this sceo little red Scott piece blew me away!
Reasons to love the art: As always, it's absolutely adorable! I love the foreshadowing by the roles chosen for Scott and Theo. I love the Jackson and Stiles in the corners. A lizard! Darth Vader! It's all so innocent because they're just kids on Halloween but is it, really? A brilliant piece!
Be sure to give the artists a comment and a reblog!
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