#after a bath if you wanna take a flight
shimomcdragon · 1 month
actions have consequences
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starkwlkr · 5 months
Love your baby Leclerc series! ❤️ If you're into the idea, maybe you'd like to write about Charles' little girl being sick and him being all worried and taking care of her? 🥺
my baby | charles leclerc
note: i am not taking requests, i am just posting my drafts
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It started in the middle of the night when Ruby woke up Charles. She had her favorite blanket wrapped around her with her bunny slippers on her cold feet. She stood beside Charles, who was snoring. She called his name several times, but he didn’t wake up so she tried poking his arm until he woke up. When that didn’t work, she remembered the story that she overheard the other day about something that Charles had shouted.
“Box! Box!” She raised her voice slightly.
It was like a trigger word for Charles that instantly brought bad memories and anxiety. The driver woke up immediately and saw that his daughter was standing in front of him.
“What time is it?” He wondered as he rubbed his tired eyes.
“I don’t know, but I’m hurting, papa.” Ruby whined.
“What’s wrong, my Ruby Jules?” Charles asked.
“My head is hurting and I’m cold.” She whispered.
Charles pressed his hand against Ruby’s forehead and felt it warm. She was getting a fever and you weren’t home. You were on a trip with Mathéo to your home country to visit your parents. Ruby had school so Charles stayed behind since he had a break from racing.
“You wanna sleep beside papa? I’ll get some medicine so you can feel better.” Charles uncovered himself and stood up from his bed . He took Ruby into his arms and laid her onto his bed then covered her with the blanket.
“Papa, Floppy is alone in my room! He doesn’t like being alone!” Ruby gasped.
“I’ll go get Floppy, just stay here.” Charles said then kissed Ruby’s warm forehead. His first stop was to get medicine from the cabinet in kitchen. He read the directions on the bottle then grabbed a spoon. His next stop was Ruby’s bedroom where he retrieved his daughter’s favorite stuffed bunny named Floppy.
“Floppy!” Ruby called out as Charles made his way back into his room. He carefully set the bunny on the bed for her to grab.
“Time for your medicine, mon amour,” he sat on the edge of the bed as he started to open the bottle of medicine.
“I don’t want that.” Ruby used Floppy to hide her face.
“Ruby Jules, if you want to get better, you have to drink your medicine.” Charles said. Ruby hesitated, but sat up so she could drink from the spoon filled with medicine that her papa had poured.
“Does it taste like candy?” She asked.
“I don’t know, how about you taste it and then tell me.”
So she did, but instantly realized that it did not taste like candy.
“Yuck!” She made a face at her papa wondering why he even bought that disgusting liquid into the house.
“Okay, you did good. Scoot, your papa wants some cuddles.” Charles got under the covers then brought Ruby closer to him.
Morning came and Ruby was still sick. She had a stuffy nose and her fever had gotten worse. She didn’t even feel like getting out of Charles’ bed so when it was breakfast time, he brought a plate of pancakes and fruit to her.
“Papa, it hurts.” Ruby groaned as she hugged Floppy. Charles was starting to question if he should take her to the emergency room. He had texted you early in the morning about Ruby’s condition. You replied that you would get on the next flight to Monaco, but he assured you that he could handle it.
At least he thought he could.
“I know, Ruby, I know,” Charles placed a kiss on her cheek. “You know, grand-mére told me that taking a bath makes you feel better. I’m going to fill the bath, okay?”
“Can you put bubbles and the toys?” She mumbled weakly.
“Anything for you.”
After getting the bath ready with bubbles and toys, Ruby got in. The water made her feel slightly better, but blowing bubbles and playing with rubber ducks with her papa made her smile ten times more.
“Hello mister duck, you look nice today!” Charles tried doing different voices for each duck. “Thank you, little duck!”
“The ducks should have names, papa.” Ruby said.
“You’re right, what should the ducks be called?” Charles asked.
“This one is called Arthur and this one Lorenzo.” Ruby laughed as she pointed to the two ducks that Charles had in his hands.
“I guess that just leaves Charles the duck.” The Ferrari driver grabbed the third duck that was floating in the bubbly water.
“No, papa! His name is Floppy two.” Ruby grabbed the duck from Charles��� hands and played with it.
“Floppy two . . . I guess he can be called that.”
When bath time came to an end, Charles let Ruby get dressed by herself, something she always wanted to do. As Ruby got dressed in her room, Charles prepared dinner for them. Before he could finish the mac and cheese for his daughter, the doorbell rang.
He walked to the front door and opened it revealing his brothers Lorenzo and Arthur, along with Lorenzo’s girlfriend, Charlotte. “Where is my favorite niece?” Arthur asked.
“Hello, Arthur, it’s so nice to see you. I’m doing good, thanks for asking.” Charles rolled his eyes as he let his family in.
“How is Ruby?” Lorenzo asked.
“She’s better. She just took a bath, that definitely helped a lot.” Charles explained.
“Papa! I can’t put my shoe on!” The Leclerc heard Ruby shout. She walked down the stairs with a pink tutu, purple leggings, a Barbie shirt and one shoe on while she held the other in her left hand.
“Interesting choice of clothing, Ruby.” Arthur laughed.
“It’s called fashion and Ruby is a pro at it, Arthur!” Charlotte playfully hit Arthur’s arm. “I’ll help you, Ruby, come on.” Charlotte led the little girl to the living room.
“Yeah, Arthur, it’s called fashion!” Ruby sassed.
Arthur cringed. “She just called me Arthur.”
“That’s your name.” Lorenzo replied.
“Yeah, but she’s my niece. It’s weird hearing it from her.”
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i wanna be yours - mv1
pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader
requests that came together and inspired this series:
• nsfw prompts 9-13 (in pt. 2)
• 'listen up. Obsessive possessive crazy max for sweet innocent reader smut.'
• 'ok so we need dark FICS of any driver of your choice but make him very obsessive and possessive and don't forget the smut. Keep it up girlllll!!!'
summary: a lot of tension building between possessive max and sweet y/n.
warnings: alcohol consumption, fluff, slightly crazy max, some cliches (im sorry!) also the title is based off the arctic monkeys song because i felt like the vibes matched also i love arctic monkeys💕
a/n: screaming once again!!! this is the first fluff ive posted and it's part 1/2. the next part has the smut as promised but i wanted to take my time and build this up please enjoy🙏
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the flight to the UK was long, but well worth it. two months ago you'd been offered an unbelievable opportunity.
an opportunity you'd been dreaming of for years, one you'd spent what felt like an eternity working towards— an engineering internship. not just any internship, one with the red bull formula one team.
you'd be able to travel with the team, shadow the engineers, help with various tasks around the paddock, and design parts at hq. an absolute dream.
after scouring a thousand real estate websites, you'd finally found the perfect place for to live.
a little 1 bed 1 bath apartment, tucked into a beautiful, quaint little neighbourhood. just 30 mins to the red bull hq.
you'd dedicated many late nights and ikea shopping trips to making the apartment your own. your comfortable escape from the grueling hours of studying and pressures of the internship.
you led a busy life, but it never bothered you. you adored what you did and formula one had been your passion since you were a little girl.
and now everything was falling into place. in fact, tommorrow you'd leave to attend your first race with the team. austria. red bulls home race.
you were ecstatic to say the least.
you hurriedly made your way through the paddock and into the red bull garage. your eyes glued to the schedule on top of the pile of papers in your arms.
you were on your way to assist one of the senior engineers in preparation before the race began.
you were nervous, and it was no help that you weren't exactly sure where you were supposed to be meeting him.
suddenly, you stumble over your own feet and bump into someone.
you feel hands on your shoulders, their grasp firm, steadying you.
you look up and are taken aback by the pair of strikingly blue eyes staring back at you. his eyes were the kind of crystal blue that would capture anyones attention. but despite their bright colour, they had a sort of inexplicable depth, darkness to them.
there was something in his expression that you couldn't quite read. something stirring beneath the surface of his icy gaze. it was as though he wasn't just looking at you, but into you.
you abruptly become aware of his hands, still on your shoulders. you're so oddly aware of them, as if it's your first time being touched by anyone.
he holds you firmly, as if trying to hold you together. the moment seemed to last forever. the two of you frozen in time.
a stranger's eye contact and touch shouldn't be affecting you in this way.
"you okay?"
it's only once he speaks that you realize who the man standing in front of you is.
your eyes widen, cheeks flushing. you straighten up quickly, mouth slightly agape.
"oh'" you start, at a loss for words "yeah, im sorry." you manage a small smile.
you straighten up an take a step backwards, pulling away from his grasp. you miss the warmth of his hands more than you'd ever like to admit.
"it's okay, no worries," his eyes linger on you a moment longer before you both go your separate ways.
as you walk away, you cant help but glance back at him.
max verstappen.
you'd certainly heard him speak before on tv, but something about his accent in person was enchanting. his energy seemed to linger on you like perfume.
everything about him caught your attention, long before you'd bumped into him in person.
you'd seen his dominance on track, it was impossible not to notice. he could control the car like no other driver, handling each corner perfectly. he pushed the car to the limit every race and it payed off.
it wasn't just his driving you noticed. his persona. it was everything. and you couldn't ignore the fact that it was sexy.
his short temper, his tendency to snap easily.
it was unreasonably and indescribably attractive.
the next time you see him he's across the room. you're studying the notes that the senior engineer gave you, papers and writing utensils spread across the table in front of you.
he was discussing something with his race engineer, he certainly wasn't doing anything that was particularly interesting or peculiar, he wasn't even looking in your direction. but for fucks sake you were distracted. you were somehow absorbed by his prescence.
ever since bumping into him you couldn't seem to get him out of your head. last night you'd replayed the memory over and over in your mind, finding it more difficult than usual to fall asleep.
all day, you'd silently prayed you would bump into eachother again. your relentless efforts to push your thoughts and feelings to the back of your mind were useless.
the mere idea of him was addictive, so alluring. he was drug-like to you and impossible to ignore.
although it was unknown to you at the time, max had found himself similarly hooked on you. or rather, the thought of you. even though he found enough strength to avoid looking at you, he was well aware of you. sitting at the table in the furthest corner. he was even more aware of the fact that your eyes kept flickering in his direction.
your energy was unlike anything he had ever known. you walked around with an aura of pure innocence. yet you seemed untouchable.
your smile shone. your laugh was contagious. you radiated sunshine. max had come to know these things about you.
you were magnetic in such a way that made him curious.
it stirred something inexplicable inside him. like you were another thing for him to win, to claim. another thing for him to dominant. to corrupt.
your innocence was tangible. and max wanted to be the one to wreck you. it was all he thought about.
ruining you.
the light in your apartment was soft. that's how you preferred it.
you relished your alone time. your small apartment was tailored exactly to you. it was always where you felt perfectly safe and at ease.
light from the sunset was just beginning to spill through your windows. you're stirring a big pot of soup on the stove with lazy motions.
a buzz from your phone catches your attention, the screen lights up and you see a new message. it's from andrew, one of the young engineers at red bull who you'd grown close with over the past few months.
your eyes widen upon reading the message.
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a dinner with drivers? you couldn't deny that it sounded exciting.
but then again, you were already in your pajamas and the soup was beginning to steam.
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you suck in a breath.
the three letters of his name were more than enough to change your answer.
you spent half your time getting ready frantically choosing an outfit.
finally, you'd settled on your favorite black dress. your hair fell over your shoulders in soft curls left over from the day before.
now, you were standing outside the restaurant. you take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
you walk in and the hostess greets you with a friendly smile. you're led to a booth connected to a big table that's only half full.
andrew waves you over and you take a seat next to him in the booth. lando sits across from you.
youd never spoken with lando outside of strictly professional context and you were pleasantly surprised by his charming humor. you're engrossed in the conversation with the two boys as the rest of the group fills the table. you look up to greet the others.
your breath hitches when you see him. his eyes stare into yours with the same intensity as they had two days ago. you don't break the eye contact until he sits down and a dark haired boy you've never seen before calls his name.
despite the abrupt rush of blood to your head, you manage to hold up the conversation with lando.
max couldn't keep his eyes off you for long, and the longer he watched the tighter his grip got on his glass, until his knuckles turned white. he was so focused on you laughing and smiling with lando that he didn't pick up on the way you fidgeted with your ring. a nervous tell.
max clenched his jaw as you leaned in close to something lando said. far closer than what many would deem an action between two casual friends. your giggles and blushing and landos knowing smirk and your hand jokingly smacking his arm made max see red.
"you alright, mate?"
"im fine."
as the night goes on and the chatter and laughter get louder, people begin shuffling around, moving to talk with new people.
lando is called over to a different group of friends and andrew leaves with him, leaving you alone in the booth.
"having fun?"
you recognize his voice immediately, sense his burning presence as he slides into the booth, sitting next to you.
"yeah." you manage a smile. "the food was really good."
"that's good." he says, briefly glancing away. your eyes involuntarily trace over the tendons of his neck.
he was wearing a dark button down, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. simple, but ridiculously sexy.
he turns his eyes back onto you. "i didn't know you were gonna be here."
"oh i—" you hesitate for a second, his eyes making your heart skip a beat.
"andrew invited me." you explained, turning slightly so you could face him.
"mm, so are you..." he gestures between you and andrew a few seats down, you know what hes asking.
"oh no, we're just friends." you toy with the edge of your napkin.
it was a bold topic to bring up during a first conversation to say the least, but it didn't feel weird. there wasn't the usual tension, usual coldness that typically came with talking to someone for the first time. it was comfortable, you were able to relax a little.
"hm." is all max answers with. he spreads his legs slightly and pushes his hips forwards, getting comfortable. his leg brushing against yours.
the casual action had your heart thrumming in your ears, beating so loudly you're worried he can hear it.
you swallow, having to glance away. you feel your cheeks turning red.
why max verstappen had such an intense effect on you was still a mystery.
"so um—" you start, trying to make some small talk that would distract you from his arm that now rested on the ledge behind you. you take a breath, composing yourself before speaking. "how often do you guys do this kind of thing?"
he shifted again, his leg touching yours, but he doesn't pull it away this time. the knot of nerves in your stomach tightened. you felt your face turn even redder. the physical contact made your body ache for more.
max smirked, his ego swelling as he saw the effect he had on you.
"once in a while, usually after a race." 
you nod, biting your lip.
"congratulations by the way." you say, it wasn't surprising he'd taken first yet again, but you said it anyways. you prayed he wasn't able to pick up on the way your words came out slightly shaky.
you wanted to do nothing more than relax into him, but with the way he was looking at you that proved to be impossible.
you took a sip of your wine, desperate to cool down as an unexpected surge of heat washed over you which lingered between your legs.
max was different than anyone you'd ever talked too before. he reminded you of nobody. his sense of humor was unique and hilarious.
as the conversation continued you grew immensely fond of the dutchman sitting beside you. although you were absorbed in the stories from his childhood he told you, you remained acutely aware of how close the two of you were now sitting.
max's night couldn't have been unfolding more perfectly. your body language made your thoughts and feelings painfully obvious.
he picked up on the way you blushed immensely at any slight touch from him. the way your pupils dilated as you stared at him. the goosebumps that spread across your chest when he complimented your dress.
but the loudness of the restaurant was a little too much for him. there were too many people here. he craved something more intimate, more private.
"do you wanna get out of here?"
you're caught off guard by his words.
the question was so cliche, yet coming from his mouth it made your heart throb.
"there's a beautiful view not too far from here," he continued, "we could walk?"
his voice was like velvet and he leaned in close, speaking in a low tone as if he didnt want anyone to hear except you.
by now, you're practically having heart palpitations. the pit in your stomach gapes wider.
it was already hard enough for you to keep your sanity intact with him while surrounded by other people. you honestly aren't sure if you could handle being out alone with him.
you nod slowly your head spinning, breathe quickening.
"oh, yeah i'd love that." your voice was unsteadt, yet enthusiastic.
without another word he starts getting up, but before he slips out of the booth he gently touches your leg with his hand, as if reassuring you.
his fingers may as well have been made of hot metal, his touch affected your entire body, his fingerprints burned into your skin.
you felt like a little kid with a crush as you gingerly got up and followed max out of the restaurant, butterflies in your stomach and in your mind.
you don't notice all the eyes on you two as you leave the restaurant, too caught up in the giddiness you were feeling. your own eyes too focused on max in front of you, more specifically on his back which looked so good in that damn shirt.
max, on the other hand, was well aware of all the eyes on him. he fought to keep his cocky grin at bay. there were at least 20 other people there, and out of everyone, you were leaving with him.
he opens the door and lets you by first.
"thank you," you say, the night air cooling your overheated body.
"of course."
amongst the ever present—extremely active— butterflies that fluttered in your stomach, you felt a twinge of genuine nervousness.
you realize that you had just left a restaurant, alone at night, with a guy you technically barely knew. was this safe?
it certainly felt safe. max felt nothing like a stranger.
your nervousness melted away once max fell into step beside you. you looked up at him, at those intense blue eyes.
you were walking so close your arms touched. you had the urge to reach out and take his hand, but of course you didn't.
so there you were, walking alongside max verstappen into the dark night, to see the promised beautiful view.
you'd only walked two blocks before max carefully took your hand in his, entwining his fingers with yours.
please let me know if you want to be tagged for pt.2 (this might end up being three parts)❤
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senp1i · 6 months
Hey I asked for the previous yunjin fic and I have another for a male reader x her it’s like when all of them go to New York reader takes yunjin to his home town of Boston and they have dinner with his parents and after they go back to a hotel in New York and have a bath together then have fluffy sex thank you
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It had been a whirlwind few weeks for LE SSERAFIM promoting their latest comeback album all across Asia with their tour ‘FLAME RISES’, And even flying around the States for their abroad schedules. Though the girls were energized seeing their international fans, the grueling schedule was starting to take its toll.
One evening after wrapping up their final work day for the week in New York City, Yunjin collapsed exhausted on one of the couches of her and her members hotel suite.
"I don't know how much more I can take, unnie," she murmured to the leader of Lesserafim,
Kim Chaewon, who patted her back in a way she hoped was soothing, even though she's just as tired, if not more.
As the two groupmates are relaxing on the couch, Yunjin's phone suddenly lit up with a text from her boyfriend Y/N, who had come to several of the group's shows to support his girl.
"Wanna get away for some R&R this weekend? My parent's want to meet you" He wrote.
Yunjin perked up at the thought of seeing Y/N and the chance to recharge. "Unnie, do you think the company would let me take a couple days off if I went with Y/N to visit his family?" She asked Chaewon with pleading puppy eyes.
to which Chaewon smiled knowingly. "I think after this week, you've earned a little break. Let me talk to the managers."
A few hours later, everything was approved. Yunjin excitedly called Y/N to share the good news and make plans to fly out to Boston together the next day to meet his parents.
On the flight, Yunjin dozed contentedly against Y/N's shoulder for the entirety of the hour long flight, already feeling some of her tiredness disappear in her boyfriend’s comforting presence.
Touching down in Boston, Y/N drove quietly as the radio played a random tune while Yunjin finished her nap a little longer. Pulling up outside his family home, Yunjin took a deep breath, suddenly nervous as she walked up to the front door,
But all her worries vanished the moment she was pulled into a warm hug by Y/N's mother,
"Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to finally meet our son's girlfriend. I've heard so much about you!" She says genuinely.
And more into the night over a much needed home-cooked meal, Yunjin charmed Y/N's parents with stories of LE SSERAFIM and her own fun from her opera days. She was touched by their warm hospitality, feeling instantly at ease.
Later, curled up on the sofa, Yunjin sighed contentedly in Y/N's arms. "Thank you for bringing me here babe. This is for real what I needed to recharge."
Y/N pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Anything for you, babe."
But as the night deepened, Yunjin began to feel the effects of her long travels catching up to her. "I think it's time we turned in, what do you say?" Y/N smiled down at her tired form nestled against his chest.
"Mom set you up in the guest room, but you're welcome to bunk with me if you'd like."
Truth be told, the idea of curling up beside Y/N under cozy blankets was far more appealing than sleeping alone.
"I'd like that," Yunjin replied softly. Hand in hand they made their way upstairs, Y/N pointing out family photos, his goofy smiles and random shots along the walls before reaching the door to his childhood bedroom.
The house had a vibe that was uniquely Y/N. Football posters and vinyl's lined the walls, knickknacks all over the place on the shelves.
She smiled to see photos of the two of them mixed with pictures of his past, of him growing up, of him playing and yada yada.
Stepping inside, Yunjin ran her hand along the old, scratched wood of his desk, imagining a younger Y/N hunched over doing homework.
The bed was neatly made, with his favorite colored sheets and 3 pillows, almost inviting her to lay on it.
Y/N watched her explore with adoring eyes, always loving being able to share parts of himself with her. "It's not a lot, but it's home i guess," he says with a shrug and a chuckle.
Yunjin turned to him, cupping his face in her hands. "It tells me so much about the great man my boyfriend is. I feel like I know you even better coming here."
Leaning in, their lips met in a soft kiss filled with care, trust and understanding.
Breaking the kiss reluctantly, Yunjin moved to unpack a few items from her bag as Y/N changed into his sleep clothes.
The familiar routine of her nightly routine brought her comfort. Sliding under the covers, she sighed contentedly as Y/N's arm curled around her slim waist, drawing her close against the solid planes of his body. Their breaths and heartbeats syncing as sleep takes over them from the long journey of the day
Sunlight was filtering through the curtains when Yunjin woke up the next morning. For a moment she was disoriented, not recognizing where she was. Then the memories of the previous day flooded back mixed with a rush of gratitude and happiness.
Rolling over, she saw Y/N still sleeping peacefully beside her. His features soft and slacking in sleep, lips slightly ajar as he snored softly.
Reaching out, Yunjin gently brushed back a lock of hair from his forehead, letting her fingers linger tracing the lines of his cheekbone, the curve of his lips.
Sensing her touch, Y/N began to stir, blinking awake to smile warmly up at her. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured in a sleep-husky, velvety voice that sent a jolt through her spine.
Leaning in, their lips met in a lazy kiss conveying all the love and affection they felt.
As the kiss deepened, getting sloppier, Yunjin felt the familiar pulls of desire stirring in her abdomen.
It had been too long since they'd fucked, both of their schedules keeping them way too busy.
Y/N seemed to sense her rising horniness, as his hands began to roam with confidence over her curvy body still under the blanket and her sleep clothes.
A soft sigh escaped Yunjin's lips feeling his hands, her body arching into his on its own, wanting more contact.
Y/N took the invitation, flipping himself and her so she was under him, without breaking their kiss.
Through the fabric of her clothes, she could feel his morning wood pressing against her thigh, stirring a fresh wave of horniness in her.
Breaking the kiss breathlessly and swollen, Yunjin looked up at Y/N with lusty eyes. "Fuck me," she said, her own voice raspy.
That was all the initiative Y/N needed as he dunked in kissing her again, tongue sliding through her parted lips as his hands moved in tandem, taking her clothes off.
Yunjin shivered as the cold morning air touched her bare legs, tits and arms, nipples hardening to peaks.
She helped take his own clothes off, eager as fuck to feel his muscles against her.
At last as his boxer got tossed across the room, Yunjin wrapped her legs around his waist, while grabbing his dick and inserting it inside her dripping cunt.
Both moaning at finally joining after so long without sex, Y/N stayed still, blissed out feeling her tight, dripping hole clench his dick so snugly even after taking him a billion times.
Under him, Yunjin squirmed, impatient for him to fuck her stupid. "Please… fucking move," she begged, raking her nails down his back encouragingly.
With a hum in response, Y/N started to rock his hips in a slow, deep pace still a bit hazy having just woken up.
Lost in the feeling, they moved together lazily.
Yunjin met Y/N pump for pump, taking him fully to the hilt and clenching tighter with each thrust. The slapping of his balls hitting her ass mingled with their moans filled his small room.
Y/N began to redouble his efforts, picking up pace as his hips snap powerfully as he chased his and Yunjin's orgasm.
Reaching down, his fingers started rubbing Yunjin's clit in circles. That was all it took to break her, back arching off the mattress as jolts after jolts wracked her body.
Her walls clenching vice-like around Y/N's dick still pounding her into his mattress relentlessly, pulling his own orgasm from him with a groan.
Ropes after ropes of hot semen spurt inside her, painting Yunjin's inner walls white, as he fucked her through the aftershocks together, in a blissed out haze.
Collapsing in a sweaty, tired mess, they took a few moments to catch their breaths.
Yunjin turned her head lazily to press a kiss to Y/N's sweaty shoulder, murmuring lovey dovey shit. And him responding with a lazy dopey smile, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"That was fucking amazing. I missed being with you like this so much," Y/N mumbled sighing, as he ran his fingers up and down Yunjin's side.
She hummed in agreement, snuggling closer against his chest listening to the frantic thumps of his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. His arms encircled her holding her close.
Yunjin stretched luxuriously in the bed against his chest, enjoying the post-sex glow before reality set back in.
Glancing at Y/N beside her, having rolled off, she smiled at his messed up, lazy look. "Not a bad way to start the day, huh?" she teased, tracing idle patterns on his chest, As he chuckles.
But the spell is broken as A knock and his mom's muffled voice reminded them of breakfast waiting, "Kids, you up? Breakfast is ready whenever you are,"
Yunjin's stomach rumbled in agreement. "Food does sound good. And your Mom's cooking is no joke," she whispered to Y/N grinning,
"We'll be down in a bit, mom, thanks!" Y/N called back chuckling as he pats Yunjin's flat stomach after hearing the rumble, before rolling from the bed to begin gathering their clothes.
Over a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruits, Yunjin chatted animatedly with his parents about their plans for the day.
"I was hoping to show Yunjin around some of my favorite spots, maybe catch a Sox game if the timing works out?" Y/N said with a mouthful of pancakes.
His dad grinned. "Take my car, it'll be easier than public transports with your schedule. And here, take some cash - I insist on treating my future daughter-in-law to a nice lunch out." he says passing car keys and some cash to Y/N.
Yunjin ducked her head, cheeks warming at the endearing term, far beyond grateful for the way Y/N's family welcomed her since the start of yesterday to now.
"Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality Mr. and Mrs L/N," she said with a smile as Y/N's hand found hers under the table, giving her a gentle squeeze.
Once the breakfast came to an end, Yunjin and Y/N set off to explore the city Y/N grew up in.
Their first stop was the harbor, which was filled seagulls and fishing boats, not to mention the crowds of people.
Yunjin leaned over the railing to take it all in, breathing in the sea air, genuinely feeling the refreshment after months of being shut indoors and traveling to buildings, stadiums and back.
"It's so peaceful here," she murmured with a contented sigh.
Y/N slipped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple. "This is nice huh? I used to come here to…. Think, relax, play, u name it." He says with a slight laugh as he tilts his head and looks at her
Turning in his arms, Yunjin smiled up at her loving boyfriend "Yeah? It really is nice.. Thank you, like really.. you know, for sharing your special places with me." She says, and the response she gets in the smile Y/N gives her more than any word he could’ve said.
And then as the time goes their next stop happens to be walking through the Boston Commons, taking in the leaves and families enjoying their afternoon.
Yunjin spotted a street performer juggling and doing tricks, laughing, she turns to Y/N,
"You'd give him a run for his money," she teased Y/N, who makes a faux hurt face, "puhlease, my juggling skills are elite, thank you very much."
As they continued on, Yunjin spotted a food truck selling crepes. "Ooh, can we try one? I'm starving." She says dramatically,
Making Y/N chuckle, "Sureee, Go pick the flavors." After paying, they stroll around, finding a bench to eat, while feeding each other bites and laughing at the mess they're making.
Yunjin savored these carefree moments away from the pressures of being an idol, the constant scrutiny and the lack of privacy, just enjoying life with the person she loved and adored.
Soon Their afternoon started winding down, with catching the last bit of a Red Sox game from the box seats courtesy of Y/N's dad's connections, and of course Yunjin’s status,
Yunjin cheered alongside the loud and roaring Boston fans, completely entertained by the atmosphere.
As the sun began to set, Y/N drove them to a hole in the wall near the waters.
Over plates of pasta, garlic bread and red wine, they talked about everything and nothing at the same time, laughing and joking like a bunch of tweens.
And after finishing their food, they wandered through the Public Garden, pausing to admire the swans gliding thru the waters. Under one of the trees, with little to no people nearby,
Y/N turns to Yunjin, taking her hands in his, and softly kissing her palm.
"Thank you for coming here with me babe, for letting me share this part of myself, even though you have this insane schedule to follow, " He says with a chuckle,
“I mean it really, I love you” he murmurs, leaning in and kissing her, soft and gentle.
And as the night grew colder they finally, got back in the car and headed home, fingers laced together on top of the console as Y/N drove them back to his childhood home,
but all too soon their little weekend getaway was coming to an end, Y/N and Yunjin’s flight being at midnight to fly back to New York,
Yunjin bids a sad goodbye to Y/N's parents, promising to visit again soon. His mom hugs her tight. "You're always welcome here, sweetheart."
In the car on the way to the airport, Yunjin rests her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Thank you for the best weekend. I really needed this."
Y/N kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad. I'll miss you."
At the airport, they linger in a hug. "I booked a suite at your hotel in New York. Want to come over after we land?" Y/N asks.
Yunjin smiles. "I'd love that."
They fly back to JFK, taking an Uber straight to the hotel.
There, Y/N checks into the lavish suite as Yunjin texts her manager and her members that she'll be with Y/N for the night.
Inside the suite, Yunjin sighs. "This place is amazing." she says, as She wraps her arms around Y/N's waist from behind, resting her head against his back. "Thank you for doing this."
Y/N turns in her arms, caressing her cheek. "You deserve to relax, Want to take a bath?"
In the massive bathroom, Y/N runs warm water into the jacuzzi tub as Yunjin lights candles and dumps bath bombs into it.
They undress slowly, giving each other gentle kisses.
Once Naked, Yunjin sinks into the bubbles, leaning back against Y/N's bare chest with a relaxed hum as his arms wrap around her. "This is perfect," she murmurs.
They soak in silence, Y/N occasionally pressing kisses to Yunjin's neck and shoulders.
His hands slide lazily over her skin, rememorizing her curves.
Yunjin turns her head to meet Y/N's lips in a deep kiss.
His hands move to cup her tits, thumbs teasing her nipples until she's whimpering into his mouth.
"Y/N…" she says his name breathlessly.
She reaches back to grasp his growing dick, stroking him to his full length.
Y/N groans, biting her shoulder gently as his fingers find her clit.
She gasps at the contact, grinding into his hand and pushing back against his hard on. "Please, I need you inside me…"
Y/N lifts her wihtout a sweat out of the tub, laying her on the plush bathmat.
He settles between her thighs, kissing down her body lazily until his tongue replaces his thumb, lapping at her slcik pussy lips.
Yunjin cries out, raking her fingers through his hair to hold him against her as the tension coils tighter.
When she orgasms, her back arches off the tiles, Y/N laps up her nectar like a starving man.
Once her orgasm subsides, Y/N positions himself at her pussy.
"Look at me," he murmurs, pushing in slowly inch by inch until he's fully sheathed.
Yunjin moans at the fullness, locking eyes with Y/N's dark gaze. "You feel so good daddy," she whimpers, wrapping her legs around his waist.
Y/N sets a deep, lazy pace.
Balls slapping against her ass as their breaths mingle in between their kisses. Yunjin runs her nails down his back, urging him faster.
He hooks her leg over his shoulder for a new angle, immediately finding her g-spot inside her that makes colors burst behind her eyelids.
"There, don't stop, Y/N!" she screams,
Her walls start fluttering around him as another orgasm starts building.
Y/N pounds into her relentlessly, chasing his own release.
"cum for me," he rumbles in her ear, "Cum for daddy jen" he says shattering her with a squeaky moan,
The grip of her walls draw Y/N's orgasm from him and he spills spurts of semen inside her with a groan.
They lay on the bathmat still connected as their frantic heartbeats slow down, sharing lazy kisses.
Y/N brushes the damp hair from Yunjin's forehead. "You're so fucking pretty."
She smiles in response, scratching his cheek softly, "That was perfect, baby"
After finally getting off the floor and dressing into the plush robes, Y/N orders a feast of food from the room service - sushi, steak, pasta, sweets, champagne, you name it.
They feed each other bites between kisses, playfully stealing food from each other's plates.
Later, curled half naked on bed with the remains of their meal, Yunjin traces patterns on Y/N's chest. "I don't want this night to end," she murmurs sadly.
Y/N presses a kiss to her forehead, smirking "One more round before sleep?"
Yunjin grins, straddling his hips. She takes him in her hand, stroking his flaccid dick to its full length ,
Before sinking down slowly as they moan in unison. Bracing her hands on his chest, she sets a steady rhythm, eyes closed.
Under her, Y/N watches her ride him, his hands roam her curves, rubbing and pinching her nipples.
When he feels her walls start fluttering around him, Y/N sits up to take one nipple in his mouth.
His suckling sends Yunjin over the edge for the third time this night with a cry, walls clenching down on him.
With a pleased hum, Y/N starts bouncing her on his dick holding her hips before following her over the edge.
As his dick grows soft again, Yunjin collapses against his chest as they kiss through eachothers aftershocks.
Y/N lays down onto the pillows, Yunjin still on him as he pulls the blankets over their tired, sweaty bodies.
"I love you so much," he whispers, nuzzling her neck.
Yunjin's eyes are already shut as she sighs contentedly. "Love you too."
In each other's arms, surrounded by the mixed heady scents of their orgasms and sweat, they slip into a nice, much needed sleep.
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a- honestly how the fuck do people write so many words? jesus this took me two whole weeks, well in my defense i barely got time to write each day cause of training but holy hell, this is like w/c: 3300 maybe, anyway, i hope you enjoy man and reqs are open but i doubt i'll post consecutively
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youunravelme · 4 months
okay but how does mat propose??? (like a pt. 2 follow up to the wedding cake fic)
omg omg omg a proposal request!! let it be known, i have never been engaged, BUT all my friends got engaged/married last year so i think i'm uniquely qualified (edit: this was started in 2023, you know, when this request was sent. once again, my b). (though this might just turn into my dream proposal bc i'm in love with him).
for those of you who wanna check the part 1 of the wedding cake fic, here it is!
another edit: i wrote this to distract myself from my absolute disdain at scott mayfield.
carry on.
his hands were sweating all day.
which was weird, considering it was february.
but it wasn't weird, given what he had planned. he didn't know if he wanted to scream or throw up. the idea of you becoming his wife surely made him giddy, but it was soured with the slight chance that you might say no. he was supposed to propose before the season started up again, but he was plagued with anxious thoughts.
it's not the right time.
i'm not ready yet.
or the worst one: i don't think i'm that serious about you.
which, in hindsight, wouldn't make sense considering you were already living together and have been for quite some time. you wore his jersey to games, you had conversations about starting a family, you texted his mom and sister more than he did. there was no reason for you to say no.
after he chickened out back in september, mat's new plan was to wait until the bye week to propose. he was going to take you on a vacation to conil de la frontera, spain. he had everything booked and ready.
but then he was drafted for the 2024 all star games.
he could see it in your eyes, you were ecstatic for him to be recognized, but when you took a week and a half off of work, you were planning on packing your bathing suit, not taking a short flight to toronto.
you bore the slight disappointment well, smiling and kissing him and hugging him tightly when he got the news. he beamed when he saw you post about it on your instagram.
he couldn't wait any longer to ask you. your reaction to a change in your vacation plans from something warm to canada in the winter solidified what he was anxious about for months.
you loved him, there as no doubt about it.
you were the most selfless human being he knew.
his teammates had been crucial in the planning process, well, at least their wives were. bo, marty, anders, brock, and clutterbuck had been chirping him since the start of the season when they noticed that your left hand was still devoid of a ring.
"what're you waiting for, barzy?" bo asked after a practice one day. "you found a good one, she'd probably wait forever for you, but why're you making her wait?"
mat shrugged at the time, too embarrassed to admit that despite being one of the best players in the league and having millions to his name, he was terrified that it still wouldn't be enough for you. not that you'd ever demanded more from him, you'd taken him as he was and cheered for him even when he was having the shittiest time of his life.
he could give you the moon and still wouldn't feel like it was enough.
so when mat finally told his teammates about his plan in toronto, they immediately communicated to the wives who were closest to you. sydney, grace, and holly took you out to get your nails done while marty, anders, bo, and mat started researching the most romantic places in toronto on anders' laptop just in case you spontaneously went through mat's search history.
the day was planned, the photographer and necessary tickets were booked, he'd propose at the evergreen brick works after texting auston matthews about cool places to visit while he was in town, (he had to clarify that he didn't care about cool bars, and was looking to bring you along).
you'd been talking nonstop on the plane ride to toronto that you didn't even notice mat was quietly stewing. everything had to be perfect.
it was the very least that you deserved.
the first day in toronto, both of you explored the city by going to coffee shops and restaurants recommended by players and their significant others. when you made it back to your hotel room, your feet were aching.
you fell face first into the bed, whining into the comforter. "my feet hurt," you groaned.
mat laughed from his position leaning against the wall. "i told you to wear better shoes," he said.
"i didn't anticipate you dragging me all over toronto today."
"well, that's what we'll be doing tomorrow too, so prepare yourself."
"mat," you whined, finally flipping over so he could see your pretty face again. you had a cute pout on your lips that he wanted to kiss away. "we're on vacation."
"and you've never been in this city before, you should get to see it." he walked over to where you were and grabbed your hands. "c'mon, let's go take a bath and then we can order room service and spend the rest of the night in bed."
you were quick to agree.
the following day was pretty mundane. but wednesday was the cause of mat's stress.
his phone lit up with texts from his teammates, his parents, liana, tito, and ethan, all wishing him a good luck. the two of you woke up early enough to go to a local cafe and grab breakfast before taking the bus to evergreen brick work.
"you okay?" you asked, placing your hand on his knee to keep it from bouncing anymore.
he thanked whatever possessed him to keep the ring box in his coat pocket on the side that wasn't pressed up against you.
"yeah," he smiled. "just ready to get there."
when the two of you hopped off the bus, you slid your hand into his almost immediately. out of habit, mat tucked you into his side, happy to just have you close. it was a little cold outside, but it was like he couldn't feel it because of your proximity.
"mat!" you tugged on his arm and pointed at one of the signs. "they have ice skating here!" you grinned widely up at him and he couldn't help but smile right back. "we should go!"
"we will," he said. "i wanna do this trail first."
you looked at him funny. "you wanna go on a walk?"
he shrugged, tearing his eyes away from you to focus on the signs in front of him. "auston suggested this place."
"you're asking for a lot of suggestions from auston. it's unlike you..."
"there's no need to be suspcious, babe. i know that you wanted to be in a tropical place for vacation, that was the plan and everything, but since we're here, thought we'd make the most of it."
you scrutinized his face for a moment longer before nodding and pulling yourself closer to him.
after you secured another hot coffee to combat the cold, mat started leading you on the trail. while you were ordering, he was coordinating with the photographer to make sure she was in position.
the trail itself wasn't that long, thankfully because mat couldn't get a word out and if it was any longer, he feared you would've caught on that he was incapable of speaking.
you were still talking about work drama when you got to the lookout point. your voice was taken away by the sight of toronto in the background.
you hadn't always been the most observant person ever, you didn't even know he liked you until he told you verbatim when he couldn't take it anymore.
"oh my god, mat," you gasped. you pointed at the skyline in front of you with the hand that wasn't holding your coffee. "look how pretty it is!"
he swallowed and knelt down on one knee while your back was turned. mat took the ring box out of his jacket pocket, doing his best not to drop it despite how much his hands were shaking.
"have you ever seen anything that--" you whipped back around to look for him. he watched as confusion filled your face when you didn't see him standing behind you, but kneeling in front of you.
"oh my god," you whispered, dropping your coffee on the ground so you could cover your mouth with both hands. "mat what--"
"i love you," he said. "i love the way you squeal at every cute baby that comes across your for you page or the way you cry at the drop of a hat. i love how you celebrate everyone around you. you are the brightest thing in my life and if i quit my job tomorrow, i know my life would still be fucking amazing because i'd have you.
"i know that my schedule is hectic, and you could probably find a man better than me, who was more consistent, who wasn't going to play games or have practices on your birthday, who could take you out of the country for a vacation to somewhere warm instead of dragging you with me to an all star game. but i promise you, i will do whatever it takes to give you the best life possible if you'd let me. i wanna grow old and crinkly with you, i want our kids to have the same last name as both of us. i want to be able to point you out in crowds and tell strangers that i somehow managed to convince you to marry me.
"i have never been more terrified in my life than i am right now," he admitted. "but i have never been more certain of anything i want more in my life than you. so will you have me? will you marry me?"
in the middle of his speech, mat didn't realize when he'd started crying, didn't even notice that you were all but sobbing. he just recognized the scent of your perfume when you lunged towards him and kissed him hard on the mouth, your tears mixing with his.
"yes," you mumbled into his mouth. "oh my god, yes."
mat let out a watery laugh and managed to slip the ring on your finger even though his hands were shaking. you pulled him up to stand and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him close.
you were sniffling as he pulled you in for another kiss.
"i love you,' he whispered against your lips.
"love you more," you smiled back.
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loviingpedri · 8 months
my birthday baby - pedri
prompt: birthday special dedicated to me and other birthday babies!
warnings: grammar issues and like 1 subtle dirty joke
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your birthday seemed an ordinary day to you. you usually just went on your daily routine. it wasn’t until this year that your boyfriend, pedri, decided to plan a vacation to celebrate you.
you’ve never celebrated the day since you were practically a kid. pedri figured it would a good time to step away from the world and make new memories together. the relationship was still in the new phase, meaning this trip would bring the two of you together.
“y/n! are you all packed up?” pedri yelled down the hall, expecting an answer.
“yeah! i’m coming!” zipping up your suitcase. you honestly had no idea where you were going. your party planner pedri only told you to pack pajamas, bathing suits, and some dresses to handle at least 4 days of vacation.
meeting up with your boyfriend outside, you gave him a quick peck on the lip before getting in the car. all suitcase business had been given to him to handle. only job you had to do was attend and look pretty.
considering it was 7 pm at night, the whole city of barcelona was sparkling. the city lights specifically highlighting your face for pedri to look at.
“won’t you give me a hint on where we’re going?” if you had a penny for every time you begged him to tell you the destination, you would be filthy rich for the rest of your life.
“i already told you, it’s a surprise.” it was the same answer every time. sighing with anxiety and your nerves pumping, you just had to trust him. there were so many places on your bucket list, the guesses could go on for ages.
“how long is this car ride anyway?” you closed your eyes just for a bit aft
little did you know. “not long. look outside.” opening your eyes and trying to clear your vision. your jaw dropped and your back suddenly straightened.
“you’re joking, right?”
in front of your eyes was a luxurious private jet with a carpet customized to your name that was in front of the stairs leading to it. other than your boyfriend, this is probably the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
pedri stopped the car and put it on park. “do you like it?”
“are you kidding me. i love it so much. thank you!” hugging him from the passenger seat was hard, but he could feel the excitement coming from you.
people coming to park the car in valet and take your suitcases as your hand was grabbing pedri’s hand tightly. you wanted to run onto the jet immediately, but the visuals of it made you stop in awe.
most of your flight was drinking champagne and then falling into a deep sleep after. pedri gently woke you up to see the view. you saw clear waters and the bright sun.
“it’s beautiful, but where are we?”
“welcome to malé, maldives.”
getting off the plane shortly and stretching your legs, the sky was so clear. you didn’t have to worry about baggage claim either since they were going to be at the resort before you even knew it.
you thought your resort would be in the middle of the city, so you can just go out. were you proven wrong quickly. you were soon on a boat riding to your overwater villa. pedri was really spoiling you this trip.
the villa was gorgeous. you had a fear that you were going to get home sick easily because it was a four day trip, but you would rather spend your whole life here without a doubt.
“it’s still early. wanna go for a swim?” pedri never missed an opportunity to do something active. you couldn’t blame him, the pool was definitely special.
changing quickly and jumping into the ice cold water woke you up after your long flight.
“thank you for all of this. it really means a lot.”
“i believe you should be celebrated. it’s even better when you’re celebrating with me.” giving you a wink made you lay your face into his shoulder from his cheesy flirting.
it all happened so fast. after swimming, you took a tour around a nearby resort. doing some yoga before it was dinner. putting on your best outfit and pedri having his fancy suite, it all felt like a fever dream.
this man got you a 10 course meal, 11 if you include something else.
“pedri, you don’t understand. i am so grateful you’re doing all of this. but how long did this take you to plan?” stuffing your face with the tiniest portion of caviar they gave you.
“like two weeks. i don’t know, my manager did everything for me. i just had to pay for it.”
that was such a pedri thing to do. he wanted to show you that he appreciated you, but he had troubles trying to show it. it was the thought that counted.
finishing your meal, an unexpected surprise was coming towards your table.
a birthday cake with the words ‘happy birthday’ was sitting in front of you while your boyfriend and complete happy strangers singing to you. memories of your past birthdays were running through your mind and you felt happy as the celebration of your birth was with the only person that mattered to you.
your boyfriend, pedri gonzalez.
author’s note: happy birthday to all the october 23 babies! happy scorpio season, everyone! thank you for all the support on tumblr. i can’t wait to make new stories for you guys in my newest chapter in my life. 🤍
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sethsclearwater · 8 months
hi teehee🫶 love ur writing, could you do Seth calming reader after an unexpected like run-in w a vampire in the woods? maybe she was on a hike or smth idk, but Seth came to her rescue and it’s the aftermath. could be minor angst but ultimately fluffy, but I’ll leave that up to you🎃
"seth!" you screamed when you saw what you were pretty sure was the rogue vampire the boys and cullens had been hunting for the past few weeks.
you were pressed up against a nearby tree, totally unsure of what to do as you watched the vampire look you up and down as he figured out what to do with you.
it couldn't have been more than a few seconds before 2 of the wolves came diving out of the treeline, chasing the vampire out of there while you sat there in complete shock.
"hey, hey," you heard your imprinter's voice coming over as he sprinted over to you, looking like he just must've phased back seeing as he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants and had haphazardly thrown his shoes on, "you're okay, you're okay," seth reassured, quickly pulling you into a tight hug, "promise you're okay," he mumbled against your hair, his grip so tight it was making it nearly impossible to breathe.
after a few moments, he slowly loosened his grip on you but you were quick to wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him back to you so you were anchored to him, "take some deep breaths," seth cooed, pressing soft kisses to your hair.
you hadn't realized it considering your mind was a bit preoccupied with other things, but your breathing was rather shallow and your heart was racing so fast you could hear it in your ears, "deep breaths pretty girl," seth reminded, running one of his hands up and down your back soothingly.
you nodded, allowing yourself to relax into his chest a bit as your brain started to realize you weren't in any kind of immediate danger anymore. as your breathing slowly started to even out and your heartbeat went back to a somewhat steady rate, seth loosened his grip on you a bit, "there you go," he cooed, as he listened to your heartbeat, pressing his lips to your hair again.
you peeked up at him after a few moments, sniffling as you released one of your arms from around his waist to reach up and palm away your tears, "you're okay," seth reassured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, "can i bring you back over to the apartment? you're freezing," he asked softly and you frowned, his comment suddenly making you much more aware of the fact that it was significantly colder out than you remembered it being a few minutes ago.
before you could think too much about it, you nodded, allowing seth to lift you up so you wrapped your legs around his waist so he could carry you the short walk back to your apartment.
you had just gone out on a short walk, one that you did nearly every day except today that plan seemed to go awry considering the rogue vampire that managed to find you.
once seth got you back inside your apartment and sat down on the edge of your bed, you finally let out a loud exhale, sliding your hands down his arms until you found his hands and intertwined your fingers with him.
seth offered you a small smile, squatting down in front of you so he wasn't towering over you, "can you stay here?" you whispered, squeezing his hands and he nodded, taking your hands up to press a gentle kiss to them.
"not going anywhere," seth reassured, offering you another smile before he was getting back up, "you wanna take a bath with me?" he asked, already knowing how much you enjoyed a hot bath after a stressful day.
you slowly nodded, "promise you'll feel less stressed out soon, you just gotta give your body some time to calm down," he added, anticipating your frustration about not being able to get out of your fight or flight mode as quickly as you would've liked.
"okay," you whispered, voice still a bit shaky and he gave your intertwined hands a gentle squeeze.
"i've got you," seth reassured, untangling your hands so he could lift you up again and carry you into the bathroom for a bath that would hopefully help you calm down after your rogue vampire run-in.
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ovaova · 1 year
Teehee a list of head cannons for family man Bakugo, I’m sorry but I’m such a simp for dilf Bakugo <3
No minors! If you get in some trouble, that ain’t on me 🤷🏽‍♀️
And if you know me…no you don’t 🙃
May have many typos but oops🤭
Oki babes enjoy <3
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• Honestly…at first, he couldn’t see himself as a father- absolutely no way
• But oops, he got you pregnant 3 times so here we are 🤷🏽‍♀️
• First child was a boy and two after are girls
• During the first diaper change with his son, he got peed on 💀 one of his fav shirts too
• You can bet you laughed your ass off, and yeah he was mad but he’ll be okay 🤭
• He loves his kids with his whole heart but during them toddler years, he would hate when they ass got sick, wanna know why?
• You know when kids (specifically toddlers) would get sick and they never wipe their nose so the mucus just stays there and clumps up and gets crusty 💀 yeah he hates that shit- but who wouldn’t?
• And he LOWKEY feels bad, cause his kids would just be jumping around him happy and shi to see their balding ass daddy but he can’t help but grimace at they nose
• “Hey c’mere for a second 💀-“ he would state all calmly and shi before basically wiping off their skin with a tissue
• yeah he don’t play bout that
• DO NOT LET THIS MAN PLAN NO VACATIONS- cause he’ll over do it 💀
• For example, one year yall took the kids to Disney World- BRUH, even when packing, this man was acting like if this trip didn’t go according to schedule- it was gonna kill him 💀
• But in reality he’s just super excited to take his family on vacation. While packing in yalls bedroom he would be like this-
• “So we’re going to animal kingdom on the first day, and then (C/N) wants to go see the princesses, and we’ll need matching shirts or something, oh and can’t forget new bathing suits bc (C/N) needs a new one and then they’ll all want one so everyone is gettin one- and you wanna go to Epcot and-“
• You would say he sounds like Izuku with all this muttering
• This man literally makes y’all be at the airport like 3 hours before the actual flight 💀
• “I wanna make sure we can get situated, I don’t feel like dealing with all those extra people-“
“Okay fair, BUT THREE HOURS? 💀”
• Most def has the dad airport pose, just standing there like “🧍🏼‍♂️ “ …especially at baggage claim
• Anyways, will always spoils y’all-
• On the plane? First class. Hotel? In Disney world where the park is walking distance. Parks? Basically all of em-
• He can’t help himself, you and him are always so busy with being heroes and parents so he can’t help but spoil the hell out of y’all even though he knows he shouldn’t as much as he does
• Most def one of those dads to y’all instead of stopping your kids when they fight
• Like when you’re at work or something, he’ll be baby sitting talking to Kirishima on the phone or whatever from the couch- and then he’ll hear scuffling loud noises coming from somewhere in yalls house
• “Yeah man and it was crazy, I think we should all get together and go one day-“
“Yeah hold up shitty hair, give me a minute- HEY, YALL BETTER NOT BE MESSING UP THIS DAMN HOUSE……………yeah definitely, we should get together,”
While Kirishima is still lon the line like 🧍🏼‍♂️
• Or like whenever they fight when your both cuddling at home and you’ll be looking at him, expecting him to stop them but he’ll just be like 🤨???
• “It builds character…that’s how I was raised and look I’m fine…“
😟 FINE WHERE?? (Everywhere)
• okay so idk but this was a memory I had with my dad, but I was a very hard headed kid and never knew when to stop asking for shit I didn’t know nothing about- specifically alcohol 💀
• Like I would always think It was juice and my dad would always say “no it’s not and it’s nasty, you’re not gonna like it-“ but I convinced my self that him and all adults were lying just so kids wouldn’t drink their “special juice”
• But ofc I was persistent and constantly kept asking and he finally let me take a swig and yeah I learned my lesson 💀
• But yeah I can see him possibly doin that 💀 it would be like-
“I want Juice-!”
“It’s not juice, it’s nasty, you won’t like it..”
“Yes it is, I want some of that Juice!!”
“It’s not juice-!”
“FINE- here DAMN, go ahead-“
“YEAH- told you you wouldn’t like it. Now do you want more juice?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought…okay now go get some actual juice- I don’t want your mama on my case..“
• One of his fav things is to cook for his family, like if it was up to him, he would most def take on cooking every night but you won’t let him cause you don’t want him burnt out <3
• His middle daughter specifically loves to help him cook tho when she can, she’s most def his lil sous chef
• Loves to bake with him and everything, oml it’s so cute
• He tries his best to spend quality time with each of his kids, like with his son, going out into nature, his middle daughter, cooking, and his youngest daughter, designing things and dressing him up
• But whenever he spends time, that goes for you too
• Like any personal time he can get with you, he’ll take it
• like as soon as the kids go over to his parents for the weekend, oh yeah he’s all over you
• Grinding on you, eating you out like a starved man, letting you ride him whenever he gets a chance (yeah he’s trying to get all he can out of this weekend)
• And like you can be as loud as you want 🤭
• He most def walks around shirtless when no kids around, he has a bit of a dad bod but it’s still hawt and you can still see the scratch marks on his back from your last session tee hee
• He loves these intimate moments with you. They’re more of a need, but sometimes he puts too much into it 🤭
• And oops, there goes baby #4 🧍🏽‍♀️
• Welp that’s my take on Family Man Bakugo 🤷🏽‍♀️
⬇️Song of the day ⬇️
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Bloom Birthday Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Leona: Sigh, these interviews are a pain… Crazy how they can keep doing this year after year without gettin' bored of it.
Leona: So then, I wonder who's my presenter this year…
???: Ay, I made it. Excuse me!
Cater: Heya, Leona-kun. Happy Birthday!
Leona: Tch, and in walks in one of the loud ones.
Cater: EH, DID YOU JUST CLICK YOUR TONGUE!? C'mon, it's your birthday, you gotta try to have a bit of fun ♪
Cater: Today, I'm planning on asking you every little thing to learn everything about you, Leona-kun, so be prepared~
Leona: Well, aren't you real chipper. Alright, I'm fully expecting you to make this the best birthday ever, then.
Cater: U-Uh, you might be putting a little too much pressure on me there? But okay, let me just restart, and… Let's dive into the first question!
Cater: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Cater: And, it doesn't look like you have to worry about the amount of magic you'd have to use.
Leona: So, anywhere I want, huh… Then, I want to go to a full-service hotel and spend my time lounging about.
Cater: Ooh, so you want to just enjoy a resort to the max. That sounds great, and I bet you'd be able to take a ton of awesome pics ♪
Leona: Yeah, I'm not planning on going to any of the noisy places you're probably thinking of.
Leona: Since I'm going to be using flight magic to get there anyway, I'd rather find a remote place that normal people wouldn't really be able to get to.
Cater: But if it's a remote location… Then You can't really enjoy any sightseeing or recreational activities.
Leona: I told you, I wanted to just lounge about. If I were to run around like that, it completely defeats the purpose.
Cater: So, basically…. You're wanting to "do nothing," right?
Leona: Yeah, that's the best way to live in luxury, don't you think?
Leona: Food is prepared when I'm hungry, and the bath is ready for whenever I feel like taking one.
Leona: And there, in that quiet and comfortable environment, I can sleep peacefully without being bothered by anyone else
Cater: Not being bothered and in a quiet place, huh. Yeah, I guess that's not a bad way to go about it.
Leona: Right? As Dorm Leader and as Captain of the Magift team, there's a ton of things I have to constantly worry about, you know.
Leona: Basically, that just means that I also need some time off to rest my mind and body once in a while.
Cater: Ahaha. I bet I know a few people who'd be cross hearing you say that… But hey, I guess I get how you feel, Leona-kun.
Cater: Alllright, now that I got to hear a lot about that, I'll move on to the next question ♪
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: 'Kay, second question!
Cater: "What is your best class?"
Cater: Now here's a super interesting question!
Leona: Huh? How.
Cater: Yeah, because you're real smart. So I def wanna know what class you like best~
Leona: So, you think I'm smart, huh. I guess I'll go ahead and take that as a compliment.
Cater: Well, obviously it's a compliment! I have a hard time getting most of my classes, so I'm a bit jelly. Is there some trick to it?
Leona: I've had private tutors ever since I was a child. Obviously, the curriculum also contained classes that wouldn't be found in this school, too.
Cater: Uh… which means?
Leona: All the stuff that they teach here at this school, I learned way before enrolling.
Leona: Basically, everything I know isn't from just sitting behind a desk and studying like crazy, like your little Dorm Leader.
Cater: I see~ So you're saying that the stuff we learn in class are basically second nature to you, huh.
Cater: Okay, then, let me change the wording up a little bit… What's your favorite class?
Leona: My favorite class, hm… If I had to choose one, that'd be Ancient Incantations. That one is at least not as boring as the other classes.
Cater: Woah, Ancient Incantations, huh~ That's the one where you try to decipher old languages that aren't even used anymore, right?
Cater: And there's still a ton of languages that haven't been deciphered yet, either, right?
Leona: Yeah. And many of those languages were made to conceal magic spells in the first place. So they were already created to be complex.
Leona: That's why even subject matter experts also have a hard time combing through them.
Leona: Even just trying to read the individual letters is a chore. And even if you can figure those out, there's no point unless you can actually understand the words and sentences.
Leona: It has to be carefully analyzed by comparing the new content to old words that have already been translated, or rules that have already been pre-established.
Cater: I already have trouble with just what's in our textbooks, so I can't even imagine trying to figure out even more difficult things like those languages…
Cater: What can someone do to get better at ancient incantations?
Leona: It's just that I already was interested in that type of thing. I guess the thing that dragged me into it was this inscription I found in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: There was this very long engraving in some old language…
Leona: The first time I looked at it, I had no idea what it was supposed to say, but then I started to translate it in my spare time, and…
Leona: It was just the country's history. On top of that, basically it was stuff already in the textbooks.
Cater: Ehhh, you got my hopes up, and that was it? That was kinda anticlimactic.
Leona: Yeah, it's basically a boring story once you get into it… But it wasn't too terrible learning how to decipher it.
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: Last question! Here we go.
Cater: “What would you like to do in the coming year?”
Leona: Not to repeat a year, that's all.
Cater: Wh…! EH, THAT'S IT!?
Leona: Isn't that important enough?
Cater: I mean, yeah, but~! You gotta have something else you wanna do too.
Cater: Like, surpassing 1,000 followers on Magicam, or winning a Magift tournament…
Leona: Okay, then that.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean by "that"?
Leona: The whole, "winning a Magift tournament" thing.
Leona: I want to draw out the magical shift team's full potential and win at the national championships― That's closer to the answer you were looking for, right?
Cater: Now you're making me feel like I forced you to say that~ …Well, I guess that's better than not getting an answer.
Cater: Okay, then, I got a question for you, since you're captain of the team! Do you ever coach the younger students?
Leona: Yeah, of course. For example…
Leona: There's some guys who'll slack off during games because they don't have enough stamina and they want to conserve energy.
Leona: It'll be detrimental to have people not give their all during important games. So, to help build stamina, during passing practice…
Leona: I would send the disc flying long so they'd have to run from one end of the pitch to the other.
Cater: Woah, that's so tough! If you're that hard on them, won't you have students drop out…?
Leona: That's also part of it.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean?
Leona: We don't need anyone who takes off and runs like a coward just because their pride and confidence is torn down.
Leona: They should get angry when defeated and vow to do anything to get revenge―
Leona: The Magift club doesn't need anyone who lacks that kind of determination.
Leona: Only the guys who are fully prepared to overcome anything can get a starting spot on the team.
Cater: W-Wow… You're really sounding like a team captain, Leona-kun!
Cater: But I guess it's a little surprising to hear that you take care of your teammates like that. Maybe you're actually a softie inside?
Leona: Hah? No way.
Leona: I'm just doing the bare minimum as the leader of the pack.
Leona: I'd rather be spared being held back by someone who's just completely useless.
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Cater: Interview completed~! Next is… Ta-da! Here we are, take this broom and go fly on the Birthday Road.
Leona: Sheesh, that's a fancy lookin' broom.
Cater: Yeah, it's pretty showy, but it's also pretty dignified, so I think it's perfect for you, Leona-kun ♪
Cater: Okay so, go and show them all how it's done. I'll make sure to take pictures of you flying out there!
Leona: I'm only saying this one, but don't do anything I haven't asked you to… I got no intention of being on display for you.
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Leona: Aah, finally, it's quiet. I guess I'll go out and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the sky all by myself, then.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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hopepetal · 1 year
Part three of my desert skies au with @applestruda!!
Part One | Part Two
Reblogs are appreciated!!
“Just a little warning ahead of time,” Grian had started, holding out his hand to Scar as he rose from where he knelt in front of the small altar, “the valley can be… a little difficult to navigate.” He honked to get Scar's attention, holding out his hand again. “And it's quite cold.”
Scar honked back, taking Grian's hand. “A bit nippy, huh? Don't you worry, mister. I can handle a little chill.” He honked out a laugh.
Grian laughed as well. “Alright.” The golden dome above them began spinning, a loud rumbling echoing throughout the temple as the large gates that led to the valley opened. A pale orange light bathed the temple, and Grian lifted his chin to feel the first whisper of cold creep in through the doorway. “Though you’ll find it’s a little more than ‘a bit nippy’.”
He tugged on Scar’s hand and led them through the doorway, into a sunbathed forest that Scar gazed at in awe. Right before they reached the large pond, Grian took off, sailing into the tunnel of clouds with an excited honk. These tunnels were a bit more difficult to navigate, with the cold air currents coming in to mix with the warm ones, but Grian was no moth. He flew with ease, honking in rapid succession as a way to show his excitement.
They burst out of the exit, Scar raising his hand up to stop the sudden bright light from blinding him. A moment later, the cold hit them, and he yelped. “G, it’s really cold!”
Grian laughed, spreading his wings so that their flight slowed down. “I told you!” he crowed, “I told you, but you didn’t listen! And here I thought you could handle a little chill!” They soared over the slabs of rocks that stuck out from the clouds, and Grian caught sight of the landing area as Scar honked at him in mock offense.
“I said I could handle a little chill!” Scar clarified, laughing as they began their descent. “This is not a chill!”
Grian honked as they hit the ground, holding tight to Scar’s hand as they slid over the snow in an arc, kicking up white flurries as they skidded to a halt. “I warned you,” he giggled, “and it gets better after a bit, you'll warm up plenty!”
“No, never,” Scar groaned dramatically as Grian led him to the candles scattered around the area, “I shall never be warm again! My wings will freeze off, and I will never recover!”
Grian hummed, unconvinced. “Mhm, sure.” He led Scar to the crest of the hill, gazing out over the slope that stretched out as far as the eye could see. “Right. We're going to be skating down this hill. Usually people race, but I'm not sure–” He cut himself off before he could finish, shaking his head slightly. “Hold on tight to me, it may be a little rough.”
“Wait!” Scar interrupted, “I want to race. Pretty please? It'll be fun!” He let go of Grian's hand, hopping up and down excitedly. “I wanna race!”
Grian let out a long, drawn out sigh. “Another time, Scar. There's something I want to show you, and I need the speed from the race to fly over the wind barrier. It's a bit tricky, and I don't want to lose you.”
Scar slumped over, disappointed. “Aw… okay…” He reluctantly took Grian's hand once more, honking. “Next time, though! We'll race and I'll win!”
Grian laughed. “Yeah, we'll see. Right then, hold on tight!” He took a few running steps, and then they were off, sliding down the hill.
Scar began honking loudly as they zoomed over the snow, kicking up powdery snowflakes as they did. Hitting the ice only sent them faster, the light from the candles filling their chests with warmth and light. Grian couldn't stop himself from letting out a few quick honks in succession as they shot into a tunnel– going through the valley was always such an exciting journey, even if it was quite cold.
The two caught air several times, which Grian wasn't surprised to see. When they got more airtime, he simply flared out his wings and maneuvered them back to the ground, landing with a soft thump on the snow. Beside him, Scar was letting out excited, joyful honks in quick succession. Grian was reminded of himself when he was a moth– he had adored the valley of triumph, despite having initially complained at how cold it was. It almost hurt to see how similar his old self was to Scar. Some days, he desperately wished for his younger self to come back.
Grian was quickly distracted from his thoughts when Scar let out a panicked honk at seeing the path suddenly turn incredibly narrow. With a reassuring honk, Grian held just a little tighter to Scar's hand. “We're about to fly!” he called back, and Scar honked in response. As they shot into the narrow passageway, Grian prepared himself.
As soon as they shot out of the passageway, the duo was blinded by the sudden sunlight that reflected off the snow and was made much brighter. The moment Grian felt his feet leave the ground, he spread his wings and boosted himself upward, straining against the pull of gravity. He flapped his wings again, the force causing him and Scar to spin in the air. “Okay, okay, okay…” Grian muttered to himself as they cleared the wind barrier, flying high above the ground. “Whew! There we go!” He let out an elated honk.
Scar honked along with him, giggling. “That was so fun!” He glanced down, letting out a soft ‘oooh’. “Oh, we are so high right now.”
“Yep,” Grian confirmed as he flapped his wings again, “I usually fly really high up– I just feel safer. More free.” Another flap of his wings propelled them forward. “Most people don't do that, though. They prefer to have more cover over their heads. I'm a bit different in that aspect.”
“I like having cover,” Scar mused, “more safe that way, I think.”
Grian shrugged, nodding. “Yeah, it could be. Alright, we're almost there.” He dipped down low to brush against the clouds, feeling energy flood back into him as he did so. The mountains were coloured a vibrant red from the light as they flew through, turning around a corner and spotting a large wall on top of a sloped hill. “There it is!”
Scar was silent for a moment, before he whispered in that quiet, awe-struck voice of his, “woah.”
Grian dipped lower so that they would be able to make it under the archway, honking. “Just wait until you see…” He trailed off as they soared out from underneath the arch, letting the sights speak for themselves.
Grand towers, stretching up toward the heavens. A dusky red light illuminating the area, glinting off the grandiose golden structure that floated in the middle of it all, acting as a centerpiece to the architectural wonder. Snow capped mountains, with pointed peaks that were needle sharp. In the background, there was Eden, looming above the world and shining like a gemstone. As they soared into the main area of the citadel, Grian felt the updraft hit, and began slowly climbing upward with Scar holding tight to his hand.
“This place…” Scar breathed, “it's beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Grian agreed, gently squeezing Scar's hand, “yeah, it really is beautiful.”
The updraft carried them into one of the many covered pavilions, and Grian let go of Scar's hand when they landed. Stepping forward, he lit the candles, feeling the light seep into his wings. “Alright, there are a lot of candles in the little buildings here, and there's a winged light somewhere around here. But there's a constant updraft, which makes it more difficult to…” As he straightened up, Grian realized something was wrong. Turning, he saw that Scar had disappeared, and was now flying up toward the golden structure. “...fly. Oh, for goodness sake!”
“Grian!” Scar yelled, honking loudly to draw his attention, “Grian, I made a mistake!”
With a sigh, Grian spread his wings and took off, following Scar up in a slow, spiraling circle. “You know,” he called out, taking his time as he followed Scar, “you really shouldn't fly off without me in areas with unstable air currents. Or fly off before I'm done talking.” He did a lazy twist in the air, laughing at Scar's panicked honks. “Oh, you're fine, stop it. Just take some deep breaths, spread your arms, and stop gliding. You'll start slowly falling.”
“Oh gosh, oh goodness, oh, oh…” Scar did as he was told, beginning to fall slowly. He fell past Grian, who let himself begin to fall after. “I'm doing it! I'm doing it, are you watching?! Grian, are you watching?”
“Always,” Grian responded with a snicker, “otherwise moths will run away and get themselves caught in an updraft, like a certain someone~”
Scar honked indignantly. “I got kidnapped by air! How is that my fault?!”
Grian laughed louder, before noticing that they were falling a little faster than intended. “Scar,” he called down, “I want you to start gliding again, just for a second–” Aaaand Scar was not listening to him. Oh, joy.
Grian could only watch as Scar plummeted to the ground, smacking straight into the center of the circular platform and falling flat on his face. Before he could land next to Scar and help his companion up, an unknown sky kid ran over and helped Scar to his feet before offering him a candle.
Grian landed a few steps away as Scar accepted the candle, and he reached out with his own to illuminate the other's face. “You good, Scar?” he asked, “I tried to warn you, but…”
Scar shrugged. “I'm fine! He helped me up– hold on, he's offering me some more candles!” Scar turned back to the other sky kid, honking in appreciation as he accepted the candle. “Oh– why, hello there! What's your name?” The sky kid let out a few honks. “Impulse? Oh, that's a cool name! I'm Scar, and this is Grian!” He gestured over to Grian, before glancing down. “G, you wanna…?” He made a gesture that Grian could only describe as 'give candle'.
Grian laughed slightly. “Uhh, I don't have enough.”
“Oh!” Scar relayed that information to Impulse, who honked back a laugh. “Yeah, he says that's no problem.”
Impulse offered Grian a candle, and he took it with a bow. “Hi, so sorry about that. I'm a moth guide, and–”
“Oh, really, don't worry about it.” Impulse's voice was soothing in a way Grian couldn't quite place. “It's nice to meet you, Grian. I noticed your friend took quite the spill. I hope you don't mind.”
Grian shook his head. “Oh, no, he's not– I don't–” He spluttered for another moment before starting over. “Thank you. That was very kind of you.”
“Of course!” Impulse looked between Grian and Scar. “You're traveling together, right? Gathering light?”
“Yep!” Scar confirmed with a honk, “I lost some light, he lost some light–”
“–and I've just been guiding him through the realms,” Grian finished. “I was about to show him the flying race, though, because it's fun.”
Impulse seemed to light up. “Oh! Oh yeah, that's a lot of fun. Do you mind if I join you for that? I was headed down to that part of the valley anyway. I'll be out of your hands after, I promise.”
Grian looked at Scar. “I'm not sure–”
“Of course!” Scar interrupted, “the more the merrier!” He took Grian's hand, and held out his to Impulse. “Flying race sure sounds like fun!”
Grian sighed softly, before nodding. “Yeah. Right, then! Let's go!” He took a few steps before spreading his wings and taking off, letting the updraft carry him and his companions through the sheer mountains. Landing was certainly smoother this time than the last, but Grian still stumbled forward slightly.
Entering the temple, Grian had to laugh at Scar's awed 'oooh'. “You never get used to it, huh?” he teased.
“Never,” Scar answered, craning his neck to look around the temple, “I hope I never do.”
Grian led the group to the candles that sat at the front of the temple, holding out his candle to light them. “Right. We’re making this a race, then?” He glanced at Impulse, then Scar. “I hope you two aren’t disappointed when you lose.”
Impulse laughed, pulling away and taking a spot in front of the doors. “You’ll be eating those words soon enough!”
Grian led Scar to one of the doors and let go of his hand. “Okay, you know how to race, right? Just fly on through and get to the other side. Not too difficult– although, given what you’ve told me… actually, do you just want me to guide you through this? It’s fine if you don’t want to do this alone.”
“Nah, don’t even worry about lil’ old me!” Scar sat down on one of the glowing spots. “I’m so good at this flying thing. In fact,” he added on as Grian took a seat next to him, “I bet I’m going to win this race! And then you’ll have to let me guide you!”
“A horrifying concept,” Grian muttered, but his voice was light-hearted.
The three stood as the doors slowly rumbled open, the wind blowing through their hair as sunlight streamed in. Grian let out a few honks, which Impulse and Scar responded to with their own. Then the gate was pulled up, and the race began.
Grian took off immediately, tucking his wings in close to dip into the clouds before shooting through one of the first archways, feeling the light he collected warm him. Diving down, he soared through another archway before flying into a tunnel of clouds. Following the trail of birds, he shot out from the tunnel with an excited honk, noticing Impulse and Scar following close behind.
Grian pulled ahead as they soared through the bridges and fallen pillars, tucking his wings in close as he maneuvered through the close quarters. He heard Scar honk a few times as he narrowly avoided smacking face-first into the pillars. “Follow the mantas!” he called back to Scar as they flew, “so you don’t get lost!”
Rounding the corner, Grian noticed that Impulse had almost caught up to him– just as they were getting to one of the hardest parts of the race. The rocks scattered all throughout the sky were notoriously tricky to navigate through, especially for newer or less skilled flyers.
“Grian!” Sure enough, Scar called out to him, voice tiny and faint from the distance. “Grian, I'm not too sure about this! I think I made a mistake!”
Grian let himself slow down, allowing Impulse to overtake him. “Just go slow, Scar! Stay calm! It's almost over, you just have to get through this–!”
Scar let out a few panicked honks before crashing into one of the rocks, throwing himself wildly off course and right into more of the rocks. “Oh no! Oh– ow! Ow! Grian! Grian, I’m in a bit of a tizzy! I require assistance– ow!”
“Hold on, Scar!” Grian slowed down as much as he could, letting Scar fall past him. As soon as he could, he grabbed Scar’s hand, and folded his wings in tight so that they dropped down and shot through the rest of the rocks.
After a moment of silence, with nothing but the wind whistling to break the quiet, Scar spoke up. “Thanks for saving me.”
Grian sighed. “Of course, Scar. I should’ve thought to warn you about the rocks, but it’s been a while since I flew here, and I guess–” He braced himself for the landing, before they began to slide down the hill– “I guess I just forgot. I’m really sorry about that.”
“No, no no, don’t you worry about that! I’m the one who got himself all banged up! The rocks, you know, they really give a good bangin’. They banged me real good.”
Grian couldn’t help but laugh at that– awkward, clunky, and so very Scar. “Yeah, yeah, they really did.”
Heralded by fireworks, the two skated into the large arena, their feet hitting the ice with a satisfying sound. Impulse was there, waiting for them on the raised platform in the middle of the arena. He honked in greeting as Grian and Scar skated around to grab the light from the candles before joining him on the platform. “Ran into some trouble?” he asked, looking Scar over. “I wanted to stop, but gosh– those winds are really hard to navigate.”
Grian nodded. “Yeah, they’re almost impossible to slow down in safely. It’s still a really difficult task for me, even after so much practice.” He glanced up at Scar. “And yeah, we ran into a bit of trouble–”
“I got banged by a rock!” Scar proclaimed, proud as could be.
“...yeah,” Grian relented, “that’s pretty much it. I saw it coming, really, but someone decided they wanted to be independent–”
“Nothing wrong with that!” Impulse said. “If you know what you’re doing, that is.”
Scar honked indignantly, stomping his foot. “Oh, you’re both so mean! So, so mean to me! I have done nothing wrong ever, I will have you know–”
“Okay, Mr. Rock Banger,” Impulse shot back, earning a wheeze from Grian. “Well, anyway. Thank you both so much for letting me join you on your trip down. I’m guessing you’re heading to the wastelands next, then?” He glanced toward the large door behind them as he said that, before turning back to Grian and Scar. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” Grian tightened his grip ever-so-slightly on Scar’s hand. “I think we’re going to need it.” For the first time, something about the way he spoke seemed dull. Grave, even. “It was nice meeting you, Impulse. I really hope we run into each other again sometime.”
“Of course. I’ll be here in the valley if you ever need me.” Impulse stepped back. “Bye, fellas. Don’t lose your light out there.”
“Oh, that’s just a given with me!” Scar piped up cheerily. “Just you wait, I’ll be back sooner than you think!”
Grian groaned, starting to lead Scar toward the temple. “No, you are not, not on my watch–” Glancing back, he waved to Impulse with his free hand. “Goodbye! May your light continue to shine!”
“May your light continue to shine!” Impulse called back, watching as they disappeared into the temple.
The darkness of the temple interior was a big adjustment from the bright valley, and Grian took a moment before leading Scar further into the temple.
“Woah.” Scar pulled away from Grian to hop up onto the platform that held the stone altar, soaking up all the light from the candles. “This is–”
“Let me guess,” Grian interrupted as he lit the white candles, “so cool?”
“Exactly!” Scar hopped down to kneel next to Grian. “How did you know?”
Grian had to stifle a laugh at that. “Lucky guess.”
As the door slowly opened, their eyes were drawn upward. Eden, floating, shining, loomed above them like a dark cloud. A somber sort of silence fell over them as Scar took Grian’s hand once more and let himself be led out of the temple.
Just through the cloud tunnel lay the golden wasteland. A place Scar couldn’t quite remember– but could never forget.
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
My Future in You | 0.5 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, puke warning! Morning sickness,, angst, drama etc etc, enemies to lovers if you wanna call it that, early on pregnancy hormones, meet the Seresin’s, Bradley’s a dick but less so in this chapter than the previous ones wooo. Smut, no pinv but I’m tagging it nonetheless
It’s two in the morning and you’ve been throwing up since eleven.
Jake’s sitting on the floor beside the toilet, holding your hair, while Bradley’s sitting on the edge of the bath with his chin resting on his fist. Jake was more attentive three hours ago. Now he just has one hand loosely holding your hair into a ponytail, his head leaned back against the wall behind him.
“She’s gonna have to go to the hospital if she doesn’t stop puking soon.” Bradley points out. He checks his watch and confirms that it has, in fact, been three hours. He rests his fist against his temple just to stretch his neck a little. Jake looks across at him. He knows that Bradley’s right. Each sip of water they’ve given you has just made you puke more. You’ve got to be nearing dehydration at this point.
Bradley has a headache. After drinking half a bottle of champagne because your Mom kept filling your glass up each time she saw it empty, his buzz is wearing off and just leaving him tired and grumpier than usual.
“No hospital!” You insist, resting your elbows on the edges of the toilet seat, breathing hard. Bradley rolls his eyes.
Jake pats your back softly as you move back to sit on the floor. You grab the glass of water next to you and take a small sip. Your head is pounding. You thought you had gotten away Scot-free without any of this morning sickness crap.
“He’s right, you might need fluids or something,” Jake says gently, not wanting to upset you any further. “It might be good to let a doctor check you out, make sure everything’s fine?”
“I’m fine.” You insist, blinking hard. “Mom and Dad can’t know.”
Bradley scoffs, staring at you from his perch on the side of the tub, “What are you going to do? - Show up with a kid in nine months and hope they won’t be mad?”
“Seven months.” Jake corrects him.
Bradley swallows. That doesn’t seem that far away.
You turn to look at Bradley. You open your mouth to bite back at him - it was going to be a good comeback too - and then it hits you again. Bradley winces as you lurch forwards, leaning over the toilet and retching violently. He makes the same disgusted face he’s been making the entire time and looks away.
You were much hotter on Halloween.
Jake kicks Bradley’s shin. It’s all he can manage without moving.
“Can you two leave? - I don’t want you to see me looking so horrible.” You breathe out. Jake doesn’t care, he’s more concerned that you’re going to pass out and hit your head if you’re left to your own devices. Bradley moves to stand, stilling again as Jake glares at him. Bradley settles back down on the edge of the tub.
“You don’t look horrible, you - you have that pregnant glow.” Jake smiles. Bradley has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing. He doesn’t see any kind of glow. What he has seen was you emptying the entire contents of your stomach over the past three hours.
Bradley shakes his head softly as he straightens his stiff back out.
“Think your parents are gonna wonder why you’re so sick all of a sudden.” He points out.
You and Jake turn to look at him together. He shrugs his shoulders.
“Just saying.”
Jake looks at you. You look at him. Bradley’s right. Tomorrow, well, today - is Christmas Eve. Your mother will be expecting whole-hearted and enthusiastic participation in a whole range of festivities.
“Oh my god, baking.” You realise. Just the thought almost makes you gag, Jake flinches - extremely aware of the fact that your mouth is aimed at him currently. He knows what you’re talking about. Your mother always spends all of Christmas Eve morning baking. Anything and everything. All kinds of sweet goods to take to church in the afternoon.
It’s usually about five hours worth of butter, sugar and enough mixing to make even Jake’s arms hurt. The thought of inhaling nothing but cinnamon for five hours is enough to make you hurl again.
Jake looks across at Bradley.
“Bradley’s sick?” Ellen frowns. Jake stands before her and nods his head solemnly, it’s about six in the morning now. Jake’s running on fumes. You’re finally sleeping, so is Bradley. The three of you were up more than half of the night.
“Yeah, I thought I heard someone throwing up.” Lauren comments. Jake hopes that she shuts up and doesn’t mention anything about hearing three voices in that bathroom.
“Oh, I hope it wasn’t something he ate.” Ellen sighs regretfully.
Jake shakes his head quickly, “No, no. Everyone else’s fine, I think he probably picked up a bug while we were travelling.”
“Where’s your sister? She up yet?” George asks.
“She’s taking care of him.” Jake answers, laying the groundwork for where you’ll be for the rest of the day. George pulls a face, then turns away. Everyone knows that you’re George’s favourite. It’s no secret, because George makes no effort to hide it.
Lauren resents this fact. She has worked so hard to make her father proud in every sense of the word. Then there’s you. Effortlessly smart, two years ahead of where you should be - you’ve never had to work for his love a day in your life.
Ellen smiles softly, “She’s such a good girl. Make sure she’s bringing him plenty of water, alright?”
“Sure. Is it alright if I help out baking instead of her?”
Bradley tosses and turns in the travel cot until he’s woken up by retching. It felt like he was asleep for minutes. He checks his watch and it’s eleven. He got a good couple of hours. The bathroom is shared between your room and Jake’s. He presses his palm into his eye socket and rubs probably a little too hard as he stumbles to the bathroom.
You were smart enough to lock the door on your side, but he wanders right in from his side. You look up at him, kneeling in front of the toilet. He’s still half asleep. He’s wearing blue checkered pyjama pants too low on his hips and he doesn’t have a shirt on. He’s tanned and somehow his curls look even better smushed with sleep - you really hope that he’s flexing because if his abs look like that standing still then you might cry.
You’re hunched on the floor, wearing an old pyjama shirt and no pants. You had forgotten the door opened on his side. Jake always knocks. Bradley moves silently to sit down beside you. He leans his head back against the wall and folds hiss arms over his chest, then closes his eyes. Is he trying to go back to sleep?
“You don’t need to be in here.” You breathe out, flushing the toilet and leaning your temple against your fist.
“Promised Jake I’d get up if I heard you throwing up.” He says without opening his eyes. You whine gently, pushing away from the toilet and laying down on your back. Bradley opens one eye to check that you didn’t just pass out, then closes it again.
You rest a hand on your stomach and groan.
“You should eat something,” Bradley comments. You just groan again. You can’t think of anything you would like to do less than eat right now. More eating just means more puking. “I’ll text Jake. What do you want him to bring you?”
It’s as he opens his eyes to slip his phone out of his pocket that he notices you aren’t wearing pants. That’s not all he recognises. Those are the same red panties that he had stepped over on the floor of his room on November first. He smiles slightly, then turns his attention back to his phone.
“Oranges.” You mumble dejectedly.
“Don’t you think that’s kind of acidic? - How about-“
You open your eyes and turn your head towards him, narrowing your eyes. He stares at you. “Oranges.”
He nods his head, “Fine. Oranges. Don’t come crying to me when you’re throwing up again.”
“What do you usually eat for breakfast?” You ask.
“”Eggs. Cereal. I dunno, why?” He answers you. You rest a hand on your stomach over the t-shirt, eyes closed, still exhausted from the night before.
“I’m thinking that maybe your spawn is mad at me because I’m not feeding it what it wants.”
Bradley chuckles. He glances down, noticing that the shirt has ridden up slightly. It’s still weird to think that you’re carrying his kid. You don’t look different yet.
“You want eggs?” He asks.
“How do you like your eggs?” You mumble, draping an arm over your eyes. The bathroom light hurts. Everything hurts, you’re so exhausted.
“Scrambled egg whites. Little pepper.” He answers, already knowing that you aren’t going to like what he has to say. You immediately pull a face and prove him correct.
You groan and frown, “That made me hate you a little bit more.”
“Oranges it is, princess.” He says the last word mockingly. You push yourself to sit up and sigh softly, brushing your hair back off of your face.
“Can he bring them into my room? I’m gonna go back to sleep.” You decide. He can’t think of anything that sounds better, he’s exhausted too.
Jake receives the text downstairs and closes his eyes. He sighs softly, then walks over to the fruit bowl begrudgingly.
“Night. See you two in a couple of hours.” Bradley agrees, standing up and heading back out into Jake’s room. He swings the door shut casually behind him and you’re left standing there with one hand on your stomach. You two.
You don’t know why that makes you feel as fuzzy as it does. Considering it’s clearly the one running the show currently, you figure it’s because the baby likes that it’s finally being acknowledged. Not that you’re just lonely. You smile to yourself as you walk back into you room and crawl back into bed.
Jake brings you your oranges and about a gallon of ice water before you manage to fall asleep. The next time you wake up, it’s two. Bradley’s nudging your shoulder. You whine and shrug him off.
“You need to get dressed. Your parents want you to go to church.”
Your eyes shoot open as you turn to face him.
“I can’t!”
“I know that!” He answers back, tugging the duvet back off of you. You pull your shirt down to cover your ass and frown at him, scrambling to sit up. You give yourself a head rush. “Get dressed, tell them I’m too sick and that you can’t leave me. Five minutes. Just hold it together for five minutes.”
The shower is too hot and the steam makes you dizzy. You force yourself to apply make up that makes you look a little less sick. Your hand grips the handrail tight as you walk down the stairs. Your family is in the living room. Jake’s biting his cheek and praying to whoever will listen that you don’t pass out right now.
You do what Bradley said. You say exactly what he told you to say.
“Sweetie, we always all go to church on Christmas Eve together.” Ellen persists as she frowns slightly.
“Sorry, Mommy. I just really think that someone should stay back and make sure Bradley’s okay.” Every fibre of your being is working to hold it together right now. You do your best to not look sick.
“Shouldn’t Jacob stay with him?” George disputes.
Jake swallows. He looks between you and your father.
“Daddy, Jake couldn’t take care of himself if he was sick, let alone somebody else.” You answer.
“She’s right. He’s better off with her staying to help. Puke grosses me out.” Jake answers quickly. He can’t help but notice the way you’re clearly trying to hold it together. He shoots a glance towards your parents, who seem oblivious so far.
Your mother nods. She steps forward to kiss your cheek. You step back quickly.
“I think I can hear him puking. I’m gonna- I’ll- I’ll catch up with you guys later!”
You rush back upstairs.
Jake loosens his tie slightly. He smiles sheepishly at his other sisters.
Bradley glances towards the bathroom as he hears you slam the door on your side once more. He hears the lock on his side turn, meaning that he’s shut out. He walks over to the window and waits until the cars are out of the driveway and headed towards the road. Then he ventures down into the kitchen.
You feel like the worst of it is over, it’s just that now you feel weak.
“You okay in there?” Bradley knocks softly at the bathroom door once he returns. He scrunches his face up as he’s answered simply with more violent retching. He knocks again softly.
“I got you some water.” He says gently.
It takes a couple of minutes, but the door unlocks. He turns the handle and opens the door just enough for him to step inside. You’re sitting on the floor beside the toilet with your head in your hands.
“Here.” He closes the door behind him and moves towards you. You feel his arm brush yours as he sits at your side. You take the glass from him and look down at the ice in it, then sigh softly.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks tenderly. You could snap at him, and it would be so easy to. But you don’t. You lift the glass and press it to your forehead, sighing softly at the cool sensation soothing your headache.
“Amazing.” You joke tiredly.
“Google said crackers would help, but all your Mom had was trail mix.” Bradley explains. He sets the plastic jar between the two of you. You want to laugh, but you’re just too tired to do it. He glances around the bathroom. It’s nicer than the one he had growing up.
“Is it okay if I kick you out so that I can take a bath?” You feel icky. You’re ninety-percent sure there’s vomit in your hair.
“Sure. Can I get you anything?” He pushes himself to his feet quickly.
You shake your head and take a sip of the water, “Thanks. This was good.” This was good. He did good. Bradley softens slightly as he looks at you. He leans down gently, tenderly resting the back of his palm against your forehead.
“You’re really warm.” He says softly. You’ve been throwing up for two days straight, of course you’re a little sweaty. You open your mouth to bite back at him. “Why don’t I run it for you? — You sit by the window and get some fresh air.”
You close your mouth and blink at him.
Bradley extends a hand towards you. Literally an olive branch. You reach out and take it slowly, letting him help you to your feet. He grabs the trail mix jar from the floor and presses into into your open palm.
“You want bubbles?” He asks. Your eyes widen slightly. You know that Jake has clearly bullied him into being nice to you, but you wonder what Jake could have possibly threatened him with to make him be this nice to you.
“Please.” You nod. He nods to show that he understands, then turns his back to you, turning his focus to the bathtub. You walk away from him, still reeling. You wonder if Jake threatened him into being nice to you.
Either way, you aren’t complaining much. You do as he says, sitting by the window and resting your head against the cold glass. You pick at the trail mix. It does help a little.
Rooster doesn’t take long. You listen to him pottering around in the bathroom for a little before he steps back out into your room.
“All ready.”
Your knees wobble as you stand up. Turns out, puking for almost two days straight really takes it out of you.
Bradley crosses the room, “You okay? — I can come in with you. I don’t want you to hit your head and die or something.”
That’s nice. He doesn’t want you to die. That’s reassuring to hear. Up until this exact moment, you would have guessed that he felt the exact opposite. Still, you shake your head at him.
“I don’t want you to see me naked.” You frown. Bradley shrugs his shoulders,
“I already—“
“I don’t want you to see me naked anymore!” You correct yourself. Bradley smiles at you softly. He nods his head.
“Fine. Do me a favour, though and don’t knock yourself out getting in the tub.”
You walk over to the bathroom and close the door. Considering the fact that you slipping is a possibility, you leave the door unlocked — just so he doesn’t have to break it down.
Bradley turns. He looks around your room. He walks over to your trophies, examining them. Not one of them isn’t for first place. Apparently all Seresin’s are freakishly competitive. He hopes his kid isn’t.
He looks down and there’s a picture of you, framed. If he had to guess, he’d say you’re about five years old in the picture. He lifts the frame to get a better look. You’re in a jersey, holding a soccer ball above your head, grinning.
Bradley stares at the pigtailed girl in the picture for a moment. He can’t help but think about seeing this face. Six years from now. Maybe everything works out and he’s a pilot by then. Maybe you end up having a girl and she looks just like you. Maybe he sees this face down the street.
He sets the picture down.
Does he really want to spend the rest of his life looking at every little girl who looks something like that and wondering if she’s his? — What if she comes out looking like him?
You’re doing this either way. With him or without him. Either he gets to see his kid grow up, or he gets to spend the rest of his life wondering.
He crosses the room and knocks at the door. You flinch and sink up to your neck in the water, staring at the door.
“Can I talk to you?” Bradley calls through the door.
“Can’t it wait?” You stretch your legs out, letting the warm water soak into your trembling muscles. You feel much better already.
“No, I think I need to say this now,” Bradley breathes out. “Can I please come in? — I won’t look.”
“Wha- seriously?” You frown.
“Fine. Don’t you dare look!”
Bradley opens the door and steps in, closing it behind him, locking it. Just in case. He has it in his head what he’s going to say.
You’re plenty covered up by the bubbles. Your hair is wet, you look significantly less grey. It’s incredible how much better washing your hair and brushing your teeth made you feel. You sip softly at the glass of water, then set it back down on the edge of the bath. You sink a little lower.
Bradley’s eyes flicker down to your exposed shoulders, then back up to your face. You narrow your eyes at him.
He pretends that you didn’t just catch him and moves on with his point.
“I… I was thinking, about the, uh —“ Bradley shakes his head as he steps forward and sits at the edge of the bathtub. You instinctively cover yourself under the water, red-faced as you stare up at him. He glances down at the embarrassment on your face.
“The baby.” He says softly.
It’s the first time he has brought himself to say it. It’s a big deal.
You nod uncertainly at him. If he chooses this moment to say something unnecessarily hurtful again, you might actually drown him.
Bradley closes his eyes, willing himself not to panic. Just stick to the plan, say what he needed to say.
“I’m sorry.” Bradley says gently. You turn towards him. The look on your face clearly asks for what? Bradley presses his tongue to his cheek. He panics. He can’t say it. He smiles sheepishly. “That my kid’s got you feeling so shitty.”
You can’t help but laugh at him. There it is. That glow Jake was rambling about. Now that you’re flushed with colour, smiling, laughter slipping your lips, he sees it. He smiles too.
“My kid,” You correct him, placing a hand on your stomach even though it has yet to develop and he can’t see it. You brush your thumb softly over what’s to come. “You wanted out, remember?”
“I did. I do,” He corrects, watching disappointment flash across your features. He swallows. That isn’t what he meant to say. “Still, doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad seeing you suffer through all this for a kid that’s half me.”
“Yeah. I bet it’s your half causing all the trouble.” You grumble.
“Me? — Have you met your family?” He teases. You smile. They are a lot to deal with. Bradley reaches out and brushes a strand of hair back off of your forehead. “You’re just lucky you’ve got my normal in there balancing it all out.”
You bite your cheek. He thinks he has won. You cup your hand and thrash it in the water, flicking warm soapy water up into his face. Bradley’s lips part, he turns more towards you quickly. Accidentally knocking the cup of ice water into the bath.
You gasp sharply, twisting away from the freezing pool of water that just hit your side. Bradley slaps a hand over his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” He’s doing his best not to laugh right now. He raises hands up defensively as you glare at him, “It was an accident!”
He still can’t see your hands under the water. Your fingers curl around the glass, swishing it through the water until you’re sure it’s full. Bradley’s brows furrow. He wonders why you aren’t saying anything.
You lift the glass and dump its warm contents onto the front of Bradley’s shorts. It spills down his leg and onto the tile.
He purses his lips as he watches the water soak through the material, then turns his head to look at you. You smile sweetly.
Bradley twists his torso, reaching into the water and grabbing your ankle. He tugs you forwards until your head slips under the water. You trash and sit up quickly, gasping. One hand covers your chest the best it can as the other wipes soapy water from your eyes. He laughs. Head back, grabbing his stomach kind of laughter.
You blink as you open your eyes, wiping the soap from them, finding him grinning at you. You glare. Bradley’s lips part in surprise as you grab a fistful of his shirt. He swings his arms out for balance as you tug hard. He catches the wall but still slips. You pull your knees up to your chest as he hits the water unceremoniously, his head knocking on the wall behind him.
“Ow.” Bradley complains, reaching back and rubbing softly at the back of his head. You won. It’s once the compulsive need to win has faded that you realise he’s clothed, half in the bath, and you’re naked.
You don’t have much room to sink under the water. You cover your chest with your hands.
“What? — You try to give me a concussion and I don’t even get to see your boobs? Doesn’t seem fair.” He jokes, rubbing at the back of his head. He struggles to sit up.
“You got me pregnant and I didn’t even get to cum. Doesn’t seem fair.” You answer back. His head spins towards you, brows furrowing seriously. That struck a nerve.
“That’s not true, you came.” He insists. You did, but that isn’t the point. It’s fun to watch him defend himself. You shrug your shoulders at him. “You’re saying I’m not good?”
You shrug casually again, “You were alright.”
“Alright?” He frowns. “You’re kidding, right?”
You scoff, shaking your head at his arrogance. He shifts up onto his knees. You press your legs together, your face straightening as it becomes more serious.
Bradley leans forwards, his hand grabbing the back of your knee as his mouth presses hard against yours. He straightens your leg to make room for himself between them. You grab the back of his neck, gasping softly.
Maybe it’s the eight weeks without physical contact, but your hands shove the wet fabric of his shirt up until he takes the hint and tugs it over his head. It drops to the wet tile beside the bath and his bare chest presses to yours.
His hands grab at your sides, lifting your hips so that he can press himself flush against your core. He pressed one hand to the tile behind your head to steady himself, slipping tongue into your mouth.
Your fingers push up against the buzzed hair at the nape of his neck, missing something to grab at. You pull him harder against you. Your free hand trails along each line of his abs, nails raking over the wet skin.
You push at the waistband of his shorts. He presses harder into you, shaking his head. His fingers graze your navel, skimming down past your hip and over your thighs.
His mouth lowers to nip at your neck. You lift your hips and push them eagerly against him. His fingers move towards the apex of your thighs, he nudges the tip of his middle finger between your folds and bites softly at your jugular, sucking a soft kiss over the tender skin.
He presses a digit into you, pressing his thumb to your clit. He applies light pressure, circling his thumb slowly. You close your eyes, craning your head back to expose more of your neck to him. He tucks an arm under your back, lifting you until you’re pressed flush against him. You press your mouth eagerly against his as he curls his finger into you.
Bradley listens to the sharp intake of air as he works just one finger into you, stroking at your clit with his thumb, and knows that you were lying about not finishing before. He doesn’t mind. He’s happy to show you a second time.
“Good?” He checks softly, pulling back, checking on you sincerely. You furrow your brows and lift your chin. Bradley just observes. Skin flushed with colour, warm from the heat of the room. You look at him through your lashes. He hums, slipping a second digit in alongside the first. Your lips part slightly. One hand curls around the edge of the tub for leverage as you lift your hips for him.
You don’t answer him, so Bradley instead focuses on the other signs that your body gives him. The shudder of your breath, the buck of your hips as they rock eagerly onto his fingers, the speed of your pulse under his fingertips.
Instead, you grab desperately at the back of his neck. You hook one leg around his waist, parting the other to give him easier access. Bradley groans as you nip as his bottom lip, deepening the kiss as you suck gently at the tip of his tongue, then slide your tongue against his. His fingers crook inside of you. Your nails press into the back of his neck.
He pumps the two digits into you, thumb working circles against your clit. He presses more firmly against the bundle of nerves as he feels you try to grind against the motion. The heat of your bodies, the sound of your soft moans against his mouth, the feeling of your nails on his skin. You pull away from his mouth and throw your head back, chest heaving as you mewl under him.
Bradley wastes no time in nipping at the base of your throat. His foreign touch sends electricity through your skin, sending each nerve in your body into overdrive as you whimper for him. The clench of your walls around his fingers, the way your thighs tremble as you struggle to keep them parted for him. It’s embarrassing how you’re falling apart at his fingertips, your head thrown back as his kisses leave you breathless and dizzy.
Your head feels like its spinning.
“Fuck,” Bradley utters out, nipping softly at your earlobe. “You’re such a good actress, this is really convincing.” He teases you, knowing that you were lying about the last time. You wish you had the energy to shoot back at him.
The pit forming in your stomach has your full focus. You’re so, so, so close. You gasp out breathlessly, knuckles whitening around the edge of the tub. Bradley doesn’t stop, thrusting his fingers into you until you’re trembling. You whimper softly as you push yourself up and kiss him hard. He grabs your hips tight with both hands and pulls you into his lap as he kneels.
You grab his jaw and turn his head, giving yourself better access to his neck. Bradley’s surprised by the action, but not complaining. He groans as you kiss feverishly along his throat, trailing your tongue along the vein in his neck before covering the wet line in warm, open-mouthed kisses. He hugs you against his chest, sliding a hand up into your hair, curling it into your roots.
You rock yourself down against the bulge in his soaked gym shorts.
Bradley tugs softly at your hair, pulling you back so that he can kiss your mouth. You faintly hear a car door slam. All of the years of being a sneaky teenager have prepared you for this moment - it’s like a sixth sense at this point - you pull back quickly.
“W-Wait — I think my parents just got home.” You breath out, his lips drag along your collarbone. He kisses your skin feverishly, unphased.
“It’s fine, the door’s locked.” He promises. He tugs softly at your hips, wrapping an arm around you to keep you close against his chest, nosing softly at your earlobe as his mouth works across your throat. He pushes his hips up against your bare core.
You arch your back, pressing your chest tight against his. He’s really good at that. You remind yourself why you’ve never brought a guy home yet. You remind yourself of what happened when your mother found out Beth let her boyfriend go to second base after their senior prom. This would be catastrophic for them to find out about. You push at his shoulders.
“My dad has guns.” You remind him, screwing your eyes shut as he grinds the bulge in his shorts against your bare core. Bradley pulls back to look at you. He lets out a breath and furrows his brows.
“Like… plural?” He breathes. You nod hurriedly at him.
“Fuck.” He looks down between your bodies and leans his head back with a soft groan. There’s a couple of seconds where he really considers risking it. He leans forwards, kissing your mouth once more before he stands. You hear your name being called downstairs.
“You’re supposed to be in bed. You’re sick.” You remind him, watching as he steps out of the bath, his shorts soaking and dripping with water.
“Shit.” He sighs.
“Bradshaw? — You alive?” That’s Jake. Your eyes widen. You grab his shirt from the floor and throw it at his chest. Jake’s at the bottom of the stairs.
Bradley almost slips on the wet tile as he rushes out, swinging the door shut behind him. He darts down the hall, grateful that Jake’s room isn’t far from yours so that he doesn’t have to cross the landing. He swings Jake’s door shut behind him and presses a hand over his mouth.
That didn’t go to plan. That wasn’t the way he had planned to ask to come to the next appointment. Shit. He walks over to his stuff to find dry clothes, eyes going wide as the door opens behind him.
Jake shuts the door after he steps inside. His brows furrow.
“Why are you wet?” Jake asks slowly, stopping to look his teammate up and down.
“Uh…” Bradley’s at a loss for words. He shakes his head. “Your sister pushed me in the bathtub.”
It isn’t a lie.
“Why were you in her bathroom?”
“I was trying to be nice, I ran her a bath!” Bradley defends his actions.
Jake raises an eyebrow at him. “Well, get dressed. My mom made you soup earlier. She’s gonna bring you some. Make sure you look sick, I’m gonna check on—“
“No, don’t, she’s in the—“ Bathtub. Bradley stops himself. Jake turns back towards Bradley. He looks his soaking wet friend up and down. Jake blinks, then focuses his attention on Bradley’s guilty-looking face.
Bradley swallows.
“What is the matter with you?” Jake whispers angrily. “In her childhood bedroom? On Christmas Eve?”
Bradley doesn’t understand why that’s relevant but he puts his hands up defensively anyway.
“I didn’t — we didn’t — we just…” Bradley pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. “We just kissed. It was nothing.” Now, that’s a lie. But it’s a white lie to spare Jake from hearing more than he needs to.
“Stay away from my sister.” Jake warns him. You’re confused enough already. You don’t need Bradley messing with your head any more than he already has.
“We’re having a kid together. I mean, don’t you think—“
“No.” Jake points a finger at Bradley accusingly. “Don’t you dare change your mind unless you’re going to change it for good. I swear to god, if you hurt her —“
“I just—“
“I mean it.” Jake interrupts.
“Boys?” Ellen calls out. Jake glares at Bradley.
“One sec, Mom! I’m getting changed.” Jake calls back to her. Bradley hurries into dry clothes, pulling the hood of his hoodie up to cover his wet hair. He shoves the soaking clothes into the hamper whilst Jake rushes out of his church clothes and into sweats.
Bradley drops down into the bed and pulls the covers up. Jake rolls his eyes as he opens the door to his mother.
“How are you feeling, honey?” Ellen asks softly as she steps into the room holding a tray in her hands.
“Better.” Bradley answers softly. Jake rolls eyes. Of course he’s feeling better.
“You’re all red. Do you still have a fever?”
No fever. Just embarrassment, guilt. Bradley shakes his head softly. Jake watches the way that Bradley struggles to make eye contact with his mother.
Jake shakes his head as he leaves the room. He’s getting real sick of all of these secrets already. He crosses the hall and bangs twice on your door.
814 notes · View notes
Here I am back with some hot takes about what I, personally, would do in the BG3 universe were I yeeted into it and forced to be... the Main Character
First of all, I love the idea of having played the game before getting sucked into the world because it adds a layer of horror that I don't think would even benefit you one bit. Knowing exactly what's going to go down would be DISABLINGLY horrific.
But OK. OK, so let's say I'm there. And I get granted like, main character abilities. Sorcerer makes the most sense cause like, you just HAVE powers. Gucci. We good.
I would gay panic the minute I met Shadowheart. Sorry. End of world what? Half elf with twinkling eyes and a swaying braid just told me to be her leader. Im- hghhh
Laezel I honestly think I could hold my own against. When it comes to fight or flight I am a flightless bird and her particular brand of bullying in the first act I know I could assert myself.
Gale... besties. I married my partner partially because I love info dump. As a kid I watched a movie about robots who rich people had in their homes like a Google or a Alexa but human shaped and you could ask them questions all day and I was like, I want one. Gales that guy. I wanna listen all day. But if he fell in love with me I'd be so mad 😠 no, wizard. Sit down and tell me fun facts. No thirsting.
Because I'm traumatized with a deep desire to feel safe I think I'd gravitate to Wyll a lot for organizing the camp, spending time together, easing fears, etc. He's also really safe to physically be around so I can see myself being quick to instigate hugs and stuff. No getting a crush on me tho, Wyll, no. Down boy.
Karlach probably would intimidate me more than Laezel. Lemme just say, not because she's bad, but because she's a firecracker. Her explosive rage in her personal quest would probably have me hanging back but then when we get back to camp we'd be chill pretty quick
I'd be all over Halsin because he'd make me feel safe, also. I have this thing about safety. He's also so concerned with the shadow curse I wouldn't worry about his crush at all but would very much enjoy his warm presence by the fireside
At the Goblin Party, I guarantee I'd not sleep with Astarion, mostly because HOW he comes on to you would be a big nope for me. Gale with his "pay attention to only me tonight or else I'm not gonna show u a magic trick would have me being like k bye, I'd comfort Wyll and give him space, I'd walk past Karlach and wish her well partying, I'd ignore Laezel and if she told me I smell good sweaty I'd go bathe in the lake.
In fact, sorry, but I am NOT engaging in a big party until after I get a bath at the druid camp. Maybe I saved the tieflings just to be able to make them make me a hot bath. I'm just saying.
I'm walking into that party CLEAN and I'll sit with Shadowheart at the waterfall and I wouldn't be allowed to drink because I'm sober 😭 but I think my entire horny ass party would be very disappointed
Then I'd go and dance like an absolute hoe on a rock to let off steam in the middle of camp, still sober, and pass out by the fire.
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janeicethesiren · 7 months
Kuroshitsuji Hot Take/Headcanon: Sebastian Is Sick of Ciel and This Contract
Hey! New blog, don’t mind me. I have some thoughts that I have to spill out otherwise I literally can’t sleep so here we go! Don’t take it too seriously lol I’m just talking.
Anywho, as the title says, I really think Sebastian is sick and tired of O!Ciel, this contract, the phantomhive drama, and all of the other shenanigans going on, especially after the 2CT reveal.
Sebastian is an egomaniac who believes in his own hype. He’s selfish to his core, self-serving, arrogant, hyper-narcissistic, pedantic, and overall unpleasant unless he has to be. Yana even said she finds him unappealing (and I don’t blame her!)
I love Sebastian, I promise. But, based on how much has happened over the course of less than 4 years and how many times he’s been caught off guard lately, he seems like the type that would HATE to be in this situation.
Look at him! When he got embarrassed by Blavat and that cult, what’d he do? He went to go mingle with some prostitutes. Yeah, he got some information from them but he was DEFINITELY looking for an ego boost.
Sebastian probably has a long list of grievances. To list a few:
1. He’s gonna have to fight Undertaker again most likely (which we all know he definitely DOESN’T wanna do).
2. The reapers are constantly on his ass.
3. Having to raise a child (technically two children if you count finny), and that child being the most spoiled, whiniest, greediest brat you ever did see. (and I say this with love)
4. And having to manage and constantly clean up the messes of his incompetent (day job wise) employees???
5. And how could I forget, they barely made any moves towards revenge! (Although I think this is more of a writing thing then a Ciel and Sebastian in universe thing. Plus I’m pretty sure the Queen did it or had something to do with it anyways, so…)
Like, he’s definitely over it, lol.
Not to mention, motherfucker is STAAAAAAARRRRVIIINGGG!!!! Didn’t William say he was, “half mad with hunger,” or something similar? Could you imagine basically having to fight to the death, jump through rings of fire, literally bend over backwards without a break for years on end JUST to eat, what you hope, is a gourmet pizza??? I’d be aghast!
Sebastian is an uppity bitch that likes to put on airs about being “elegant” and “classy” and “not like those other lowly demons who just eat whatever,” but he was just like that not too long ago himself. He probably, lowkey, still is to an extent. Yana didn’t call him a beast for nothing.
What I’m saying is, yeah, he’ll do the work to upmost perfection for his own personal pride because he’s an egomaniac. And a perfectionist who’s also a callous, narcissist that can never fail and never be wrong, but that doesn’t mean he’s having fun right now lol. I personally headcanon that while he enjoys being a butler to an extent, he secretly feels like he bit off waaaaaayyyy more than he meant to chew.
In his head, I bet Sebastian’s like, “I will literally do ANYTHING to go home at this point. There isn’t a day that goes by that I haven’t wanted to push that damn brat down a flight of, AT LEAST, ten staircases. I’m tired, I’m hungry, I’ve been humiliated by these…. LESSERS….way too many times, I have to tolerate a bunch of annoying humans and reapers, and don’t even get me STARTED on this……this….CHILD! MY GOD! He can’t bath, he doesn’t want to walk, he can’t dress himself or tie his own shoes. I’m surprised I don’t have to feed him myself half the time! I’ve been run ragged way past what’s necessary and-!“
Just, constantly. Everyday.
Lol I highly doubt he’d ever wanna do this shit again. Or would at least take an extended break afterwards.
TLDR: Sebastian is a tired and hungry egoistic demon who would just unceremoniously eat the child if he weren’t so damn prideful.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Tumblr media
dabbles part one.
Tumblr media
bob being proud of you
bob giving you praise*
bob can’t risk loosing you
you’re bob’s family
bob wants to get caught*
lieutenant floyd*
bob’s nicknames*
hiding your relationship at top gun
best friends to lovers
bob will always stand up for you*
sugar daddy bob
dirty talk*
new mirror*
sexting with bob at the hard deck*
bob calling you ma’am*
candid photos*
wedding dances and wedding rings
the pda incident*
“bob talks about you all the time.”
he’s a lil freak*
bob will run you a bath*
you know they’re married right?
place your bets
bob fancying the nurse
you bob and your baby girl
christmas and the snow
playing video games with the whole team
pixar films with bob
boy dad bob!
i wanna kiss bob like he’s never been kissed*
bob and his skilled fingers*
bob has all the dirt about everyone
coming home to husband bob 
bobs glasses steam up*
dirty letters*
bob acting like rhett*
housewife for bob*
strong reader*
slow burn, friends to lovers*
hangman walking in on you and bob*
filthy letters*
learning another language and part one*
bob and his glasses and part one
uniform kink*
flight attendant reader
jealous bob*
dumbification, breeding and daddy kink*
thrown over his shoulder*
making you come for the first time*
photo both
in a club with bob*
taking care of you after a hard day
new home*
cold reader
housewife with bob*
being bob’s pillow princess*
daddy!bob type of punishment*
daddy!bob spanking you*
bob x little!reader
paper aeroplanes & part one
calling bob robby*
bob noticing little!reader regressing more
poly!squadron and little!reader
bob coming home to find you folding his clothes*
spoiling bob with his favorite coloured lingerie*
soon to be dad bob
bob accidentally hurting you during sex*
up against the bathroom stall*
sitting on bob’s face*
first time you squirt*
giving virgin!bob his first blowjob*
large family man bob*
sugar daddy bob*
touching you in a cinema*
honeymoon suites and camcorders* & part one*
bob’s tattoos & part one
innocent bobby eating you out*
star gazing
bob marking you*
oversized stuffy*
shy virgin bob and reader*
begging to eat you out*
bob bringing you coffee
bob and your pleasure*
drunk bobby*
hate sex with bob* & part one*
shy virgin bob*
mean dom bob and childhood home* & part one*
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Things that i've noticed that no one ever talks about in LoTR
This is a huge post by the way so im putting it under a cut
you have been warned
TFotR - Book 1
'A day or two later a rumor (probably started by the knowledgeable SAM) YES. SAMWISE GAMGEE. OUR LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL STARTED A RUMOR. idk it's so funny to me
The entire paragraph about hobbits and gift giving is too ADORABLE.
Bilbo calling Gandalf 'an interfering old busybody'
Bilbo: "You'll keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" Gandalf: "Two eyes as often as I can spare them."
All the gifts Bilbo gave out and they all had meaning AND ITS ADORABLE
Lobelia, to Frodo: "...you're no Baggins - you - you're a Brandybuck!" Frodo: "Did you hear that Merry? That was an insult if you like." Meriadoc (Merry) BRANDYBUCK: "It was a compliment, and so, of course, not true."
Gandalf, shoving his head through Frodo's WINDOW: "If you don't let me in, Frodo, I SHALL BLOW YOUR DOOR RIGHT DOWN YOUR HOLE AND OUT THROUGH THE HILL."
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?" GANDALF. WHAT THE FUCK.
Sam, freaking tf out about just being caught 'dropping eaves' by Gandalf: "DON'T LET HIM HURT ME MR. FRODO!" Frodo, hardly able to keep from laughing: "He won't hurt you."
Sam being all excited about being able to go on the adventure and then he just. bursts into tears. like.
Gildor (AN ELF) calling Frodo ELF FRIEND. ITS TOO CUTE.
Frodo, in elvish: Thanks for the food :). The Elves: HERE IS A JEWEL AMONG HOBBITS
Pippin just flat out saying he didn't want to leave Frodo any food but Sam insisted.
Frodo, about who's taking a bath first: "Eldest or Quickest first? You'll be last either way PIPPIN." GEE
Pippin, talking about Sam: He would jump down a dragons throat to save you, if he did not trip over his own feet." GEE
The ridiculous bath song. And it's Bilbos favorite. Of course it's ridiculous if it was Bilbos favorite.
Gandalf, writing in a letter to Frodo: If he forgets, I shall roast him. Frodo, four seconds later: He deserves roasting.
Sam getting mad at Ferny or someone and throwing an apple at him. AND AFTER IT KNOCKS THE IDIOT FERNY SQUARE IN THE FACE AND HE FALLS DOWN CURSING SAM JUST GOES "Waste of a good apple." AND KEEPS WALKING.
They found the trolls from The Hobbit. About the middle of Chapter 12, Flight to the Ford. The whole group thought they were real until they saw they were actually stone.
Frodo, after discovering more about Sam: "He'll end up by becoming a wizard - or a warrior!" Sam: "I don't want to be neither." OF COURSE YOU DON'T YOU JUST WANNA LIVE IN THE SHIRE AND GARDEN ALL YOUR LIFE. OH SAM.
TFotR - Book 2
Frodo calling the Big People 'Big and rather stupid' Accurate though.
Sam holding Frodo's hand and then blushing and thEN JUST SAYS 'It's warm! Meaning your hand, Mr. Frodo. It has felt so cold through the long nights!" SAM YOU GAY LITTLE SHIT I LOVE YOU.
Aragorn: Gollum is safely kept by the Elves of Mirkwood. Legolas: *sweats*
Elrond, to Sam: "It is hardly possible to separate you from him (Frodo) even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not!" Sam, blushing (ITS SAYS IT IN THE BOOK THE LAST SENTENCES OF COUNCIL OF ELROND): "A nice pickle we have ourselves in, Mr. Frodo!" Me: Does Samwise is gay? Does SamwISE IS GAY??
Pippin, hasn't even done anything remotely wrong yet: "There must be someone with intelligence in this party!" Gandalf: "Then you most certainly won't be chosen, Peregrin Took!" Pippin: D:
Gimli: "His (Sauruman's) arm has grown long indeed if he can draw snow down from the north to trouble us here three hundred leagues away." Gandalf, channeling his inner sassy bitch(bilbo): "His arm has grown long."
>TBC im not even close to being done yet< ^^
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another-heroine · 9 months
9 Ship Songs 2.0
Some time ago I was tagged on this one, and by that time I have had no enough songs for any of my beloved ships.
Now that my brain is spinning Lann and Katya like a rotisserie chicken, I am finally able to list nine songs for them at least lol
(And I just followed the shuffling order of Spotify. Check on their playlist here)
Be There (Seafret)
You've got me surrounded
It feels like I'm drowning
And I don't want to come up for air
I lost everything
I threw myself in and you took me when no one was there
Well you can take what you need, take the air that I breathe
And I'll give away all that I own
Whatever I lose, is put back by you in a way that you'll never know...
Sunlight (Hozier)
I would shun the light, share in evening's cool and quiet
Who would trade that hum of night?
For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
But whose heart would not take flight?
Betray the moon as acolyte
On first and fierce affirming sight
Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
I had been lost to you, sunlight
And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight
Oh, your love is sunlight
Oh, your love is sunlight
But it is sunlight...
Honeylight (Amber Run)
There's nothing to it
You just exist
Then you die
I'm under no illusion
That things get better
But I'II try
'Cause you know it goes down like honey (honey)
So open wide, open wide
You don't have to say you're sorry (sorry)
You only tried, you only tried
It comes in waves, it's red like rust
And in the stream you see the dust
I would like to bathe in honey (honey)
In honey light, in honey light...
Creep (Radiohead)
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here...
Hello My Old Heart (The Oh Hellos)
Hello, my old heart
How have you been?
Are you still there inside my chest?
I've been so worried
You've been so still
Barely beating at all
Oh, don't leave me here alone
Don't tell me that we've grown
For having loved a little while
Oh, whoa, I don't wanna be alone
I wanna find a home
And I wanna share it with you...
War (Poets of the Fall)
Do you remember standing on a broken field
White crippled wings beating the sky
The harbingers of war with their nature revealed
And our chances flowing by
If I can let the memory heal
I will remember you with me on that field
When I thought that I fought this war alone
You were there by my side on the frontline
When I thought that I fought without a cause
You gave me a reason to try...
Colours (Billy Raffour ft JJ Wilde)
It's the smartest thing I ever did
Opening my heart to let you in
You taught me that despite the evidence
I'm still worth a damn, you'd still take the risk
Oh, stay with me, don't ever leave
Where I was broken, you made a home in
Where I had nothing, you gave it all
Where I was hardened, you grew a garden
Your love, it hollers down my halls
I've got your colours on my walls...
Golden (Harry Styles)
Golden, golden, golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus, hoping
Take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
I'm hopeless, broken
So you wait for me in the sky
Browns my skin just right
You're so golden
You're so golden
I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken...
Sirens (Pearl Jam)
Hear the sirens, hear the sirens
Hear the sirens, hear the circus so profound
I hear the sirens more and more in this here town
Let me catch my breath to breathe then reach across the bend
Just to know we're safe, I am a grateful man
The slightest bit of light and I can see you clear
Oh, had to take your hand, and feel your breath
For fear this someday will be over
I pull you close, so much to lose
Knowing that, nothing lasts forever
I didn't care, before you were here
I danced in laughter, with the ever after
But all things change, let this remain...
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