#again i sound like i’m just being petty but. it was bad all around
featki · 10 days
Stages of a petty dispute !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader (both members of enha) — contains: angst, fluff, crack if you squint so exponentially hard, talks of dieting/body image issues, ni-ki‘s dumb and oblivious, fighting, pettiness, think that’s it !
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The cause
Getting your hair and makeup done was boring, but Riki came along every time (wether you asked him to or not) so at least he was there to keep you company
Riki and Jake both sat on the couch showing each other stupid things on there phones and play fighting
At one point you and Riki had gotten into a conversation Mainly complaints from you about how unfair the manager was to you about dieting, Riki being Riki took this as a chance to make a joke. "Well maybe you should stop eating so much and he wouldn’t be so tough on you" He laughed, pretty loudly despite the joke not being funny, you looked at him through the mirror, almost disgustedly, just to see Jake not laughing either.
If anything he looked just as confused as you, but despite that Riki smoothly changed the subject and started joking around with Jake again. You turned back to the mirror, not looking at anything in it, simply spacing out. Riki had never made those types of jokes about you, he always talked about your body in such a sweet way, it was shocking to say the least.
2. The start
Workday was done, you were back at the dorms, and Riki was nowhere in sight.
He was probably in his room playing video games, as you could tell from the loud gun noises. Meanwhile, you sat in your room, confused and slightly heartbroken he would say something like that.
It had been hours since the incident and it’s all you’ve thought about. Riki, out of all people should know that wasn’t funny. Joke or not. Out of all people, HE would know about your image issues HE would be the one to know about your eating habits, The phone chimed, pulling you out of thought, it was Riki
"Babbbbyyyyyy can i come lay with you
i’m tired and i want to hold you" You wanted to say no fuck off but you didn’t, that would’ve been too straight forward and you wanted to be petty and drag it out. Make sure he felt realllllyyyy bad so you texted back "Not rn, i’m studying" Dry and assertive. Not at all how you text him usually, it was perfect !! "mmm okay :("
"can i come in after?? pretty plsss" You just ignored this one
It made you feel a litttlee guilty but he deserved it for being an ass
3. The rising emotions / tension
It had been 2 days since you've started ignoring Riki (kinda)
You were only answering his texts here and there and you hadn't let him sleep with you not even once.
Sure it was only 2 days but it was too much for him, he got used to sleeping with you, and he struggles to fall asleep without you now! You even locked the door just in case he tried to come in after being ignored over the phone
Riki started to get suspicious
He presumed the worst, you fell out of love, you were cheating, he did something wrong without realizing it, he didn't know what he did, but he intended to find out
But it's kinda hard when you won't stop dodging him
Night 3 of being ignored, and it got increasingly harder for him to sleep
It was 1am and he hadn't been able to properly keep his eyes shut for longer than 5 mins so he decided to get some water
When he walked out to the kitchen he saw you, wearing only his t-shirt, some shorts and a jacket
He loved seeing you in his clothes so it was like a jab to the heart
he almost got on his knees and started begging for forgiveness for whatever he did right then and there
"What are you doing up so late baby?" You looked up to see him walking towards you "Just getting some water"
"Ohh me too" It came out kind of shaky sounding, like he was trying to make small talk with a stranger
"Here have mine" Putting the glass down you started to walk off, not noticing Riki's hand reaching out for your wrist, just barely missing you.
While you went back to your room Riki sat in the kitchen kind of hurt.
He pondered on going after you but the last thing he wanted to do was annoy you or upset you more so despite the need for physical connection, he drank the water and went back to his room.
He laid in bed for another hour before giving up and playing some video games to pass the time
Riki got a solid 3 hours of sleep that night
Riki is dying and is determined to figure out what he did
4. The climax
Day 4 of being ignored, he felt like he was going to pull all his hair out
During dance practice he thought of every thing he did that could warrent this type of reaction and every way he could fix it
After thinking for a while he came to the conclusion that he must've made you jealous, probably from talking to Danielle for 0.2 seconds regarding work things
How? He had zero clue but that didn't matter.
After practice while everyone else went to lunch, he booked back home to shower and head out. He ran to your favorite cafe, and your favorite boba shop.
By the time he got back home, everyone else, including you, were back home, and he already thought about what he was going to say when he got back; sure you had gotten jealous before but it never seem to make you this upset so he had to go all out this time.
He knocked on your bedroom door, hoping you'd actually let him in this time, "who is it?"
"Riki" There was a moment of silence that made Riki worry even more but you told him to come in so he was relieved but, you were confused when he walked in with boba and bags.
You thought maybe he was finally apologizing, perhaps he finally realized what he did and wanted to own up to it.
You put down your phone and walked over to him, as he put the boba and bags on your desk. He seemed a little more nervous the closer you got but he took a deep breath in and started talking
"I know I messed up, and you don't have to forgive me but I want to make it right." Good start good start
"I don't want anyone but you baby, I mean I barely even talk to her. It was purely for work I promise." Huh
"But I completely understand your upset, and you have every"
"What" You cut him off mid-sentence, mainly just cause you were confused
"uhh what?" Riki though, seemed more confused than you
"What are you on about Nishimura"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're mad at me?"
"And I'm trying to apologize?" He seemed unsure of himself
"Okay... for what?" He thought long and hard about his answer "Talking to Danielle the other day?..." DUMBFOUNDED
You couldn't believe that's what he genuinely thought you were upset about
"Bro I do not care about Danielle." emphasizing the "not"
Riki's eyes widened with confusion "Haha what."
"You didn't seriously think I was upset about you talking to Danielle? About work?" He gave a sheepish smile
"I'm sorry baby I really don't know what I did but I can NOT handle being ignored like this."
"The eating joke Riki. How do you not understand that, that wasn't okay." It's like the gears started turning in his head "OHHHHH"
You rolled your eyes "Oh my god baby I am so sorry."
"You laughed when other people make those jokes so I assumed it was okay..."
"No it's not okay Riki?? I only laugh because they're my bosses, I'm not allowed to be upset about it"
It took Riki a second to process and think, "I know I know, I'm realizing that now. Seriously I am so sorry baby... I clearly wasn't thinking it through and it was a horrible joke to make."
You nodded, verbally telling him to go on
"You don't have to forgive me, I know it was shitty but just know that I didn't mean it, baby."
He walked closer to you, putting his hands on your face, "You are the prettiest girl in the entire world, and I mean that. I never meant to hurt you that much baby, and I promise I won't ever make a joke like that again. And I'll think more thoroughly about the things I say, the last thing I want to do is upset you pretty."
You looked up at him, your eyes glossed over slightly.
What Riki did was wrong, but deep down a part of you knew he didn't mean it.
And he was so good at making you feel better.
You got on your tippy toes and kissed him.
It was deeper than usual, the lack of time together made it sweeter
Riki pressing into your lips and savoring every last second.
"I love you so so so so much."
"I love you too Ki. And I'm not mad at you, it just... was shocking? To say the least, I didn't expect it from you of all people, nor did I expect you to take 4 days to apologize" You smiled slightly
"But in the end, you did apologize and you took accountability so that's all that matters. Next time I'll come to you first without ignoring you for days, it was petty."
"No no it wasn't petty" He rubbed your cheek "But please don't do it again, iv got like a solid 10 hours of sleep the past few days and I almost threw myself off the HYBE building." You giggled at that, happy to hold him again
Riki went back in for another kiss which led to a long night of catching up.
Kissing, cuddling, "I love you"s, ect ect, gross couple stuff.
Riki was dumb sometimes and wasn't the best at using his words, but he always tried for you and even showed it in his own way and that's all that matters.
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@ featki
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floswife · 9 months
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x reader
Summary: Theodore and Y/n learn how to better focus their hate for each other
Warnings: SMUT, oral, dubcon..?
Author’s notes: this is my first time writing smut so I honestly apologise for how inevitably bad this will be 💀
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Y/n didn’t know what it was about seeing the anger flash before Theo’s eyes when she’d taunt him, but it honestly was her main motivation when competing against him.
Like now in this quidditch match as she threw the quaffle threw the goal hoops once more, she had to turn to look at Theo for a split second just for the sake of rubbing salt into the wound. She would like to lie and say she was ashamed of her pettiness but what’s the point in that?
She had been out to get him ever since he made her cauldron explode in potions, which prompted Snape to hate her even more than he usually did with Gryffindors. Which was quite a feat, she wasn’t on a Harry Potter level of hatred but on the other hand Snape didn’t have a perpetual hard on for her mother either so that probably helped her too.
In hindsight it was a petty reason to name someone your sworn enemy, but his smug smile when he saw her turn to glare at him was enough to set her eleven year old brain off. Plus she just really liked being a hater for no reason.
After successfully winning the game she went over to Theo who was leaning against the wall, looking like a kicked puppy, she couldn’t lie, seeing him like that really did numbers on her but she wasn’t about to let that get in the way of her favourite thing to do with Theo, gloat.
“How does it feel to lose yet again, Nott?” She called out cheerily, the broad grin he loved hated so much painted across her face.
He groaned in annoyance at the sound of her voice, “leave me alone, l/n, I’m not in the mood.”
He had always been a sore loser, she laughed in amusement “or what? I’m sorry but the last I checked you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Theo glared at her as she stood in front of him, both of them still in their quidditch uniforms, he towered over her but she did well to push that thought to the back of her mind as she had been doing ever since he annoyingly hit a growth spurt in third year. She remembered how ranted about it to her friends later on, pretending to ignore her friends knowing smirks as she’d feel a rosy blush rise to her cheeks every time she had to crane her neck to meet his cold gaze.
“Why do you always have to be such a brat?” He sneered at the girl.
“Oh I’m the brat? I’m not the one sulking like a child because I lost a match.” Y/n’s continuous retorts just made him snap.
He grabbed her wrist and yanked her to follow after him, practically dragging her, and took her under the quidditch stands.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” She rubbed her wrist in annoyance at his harsh grip.
“I’m gonna teach you how to shut up.” He pushed her down to her knees and she looked up at him in shock, she looked forward and saw the prominent tent in his trousers, “now be a good girl and listen to me for once.” His voice was slightly whiny as he said that, like he was begging her.
Y/n gulped, really beginning to question her morals, but all her internal monologue silenced when he unzipped his trousers and freed his member from its constraints with a throaty groan, wetness pooled between her legs at the sound and just the sight of his pretty cock. Merlin he was big.
He rubbed the tip along her lips, the salty taste of his precum invaded her tastebuds.
“Open your mouth and put that mouth to good use.” He demanded, she did as she was told and tentatively kitten licked the tip, he threw his head back in satisfaction and let out a whimper? She then wrapped her mouth around his tip and sucked.
He moaned her name out even louder, making her moan around his cock at the sound, she took as much of him down her throat as possible, she gagged when he hit the back of her throat but she powered through, bobbing her head up and down and using her hand to pump at the parts of his shaft that couldn’t fit in her mouth.
“Fuck! Just like that. Taking me so well.”
He was groaning loudly, and she suddenly gained awareness that they weren’t exactly in the most private of places, she tried to pull away to tell him to shut up but he just wrapped a hand in her hair and pushed her back down, he began thrusting his hips and fucked her mouth, tears ran down her cheeks and saliva dribbled out the corners of her mouth as he used her as he pleased. The thought of how blatantly he was using her as just an object couldn’t help but arouse her.
“Being such a good girl for me.”
He held her head down on his cock and she struggled to breath, he twitched before releasing down her throat, he pulled out and tapped her cheek, “swallow.”
He tucked himself away and she got up and stuck out her tongue to show him she swallowed.
He now smirked, “it wasn’t that hard to listen now was it?”
Y/n was still in a haze as she tried to compose herself and have the decency to at least pretend to be embarrassed and tried to pull away but he firmly placed his hands on her hips and pulled her right back against him again, “Shut up, Nott.”
He raised his brows teasingly and she couldn’t help but grow frustrated at how he had switched the tables on her so quickly when she was so clearly set up for a win.
“That’s not how someone who just had my cock down my throat should be speaking, now is it?” His voice was mocking, condescending.
She get that familiar heat pool between her thighs once more and she remained speechless, he smirked.
“Such a shame, you were gonna get a reward for being such a good girl.”
She tried to gain her composure as she scoffed, “like I’d want it.” She really did want it
He leaned in, that stupid lazy smirk on his lips again, “so you’re not soaked right now?”
Her eyes widened and he then inched his hand from her hip to under her waistband, as soon as his fingers touched her wetness that had completely soaked through her panties she moaned lightly, her eyes rolling back at the contact she was yearning this whole time.
“Theo!” She gasped.
He pulled his fingers away just as quickly as it came he pulled his finger and he brought it to his lips to suck her juices clean from it and he hummed, “so sweet.. on second thought, let’s continue this tonight, room of requirements?”
And just like that he left her there, needy for his touch.
She really did hate him.
But he was so hot.
Looks like she had plans for the night.
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Part two?
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hyuckswoman · 3 months
“I’m shitting my pants” mark says to his best friend. they were currently standing outside of the music classroom awaiting the final class where they’ll have to present the project each group was working on
“really? you’ve never been one to stress over music class I’m sure you won’t fuck up” haechan replies chewing on the cherry-flavored gum he got handed during his last class
“no dude I’m talking about y/n. seeing her is *sigh* let’s just go okay?” he says to which haechan nods
“don’t worry you won’t have to talk for now” haechan says entering the class. he then proceeded to sit down next to you while mark sat right behind the both of you
“you ready?” hyuck asks turning to you “no? i don’t know? i’m nervous” you reply. playing in front of people was never your thing. you just hoped to pass this class because this class is not worth retaking the semester.
two groups passed and you only got progressively more anxious, people had practiced. they were ready. while you never practiced with both your partners, none of you did. either having alone practicing sessions or some with hyuck. you don’t know if you’re on the same wavelength, you don’t know how you guys will even sound all together. If you were being honest this was partly your fault. your pride and feelings got in the way. But you also knew that no sessions would’ve been productive had you trained with mark. You knew that you would’ve nitpicked every single thing he would do and would make sure that your pettiness and anger could be felt. So either way this couldn’t have been avoided. You just hoped that whatever terrible outcome was about to be unleashed to the rest of the music class, in just about a minute now, would be enough to get a passing grade.
sitting down, plugging your electric guitar, making eye contact with haechan - the subconsciously assigned new leader of the group seeing as though he was the middle ground in between you and mark- waiting for him to give you the go and then you started playing. And exactly 2 minutes and forty four seconds later, haechan mark and you were done performing 200 in front of your class. Immediately looking up at your professor’s face only to see a wide grin and a pleased head nod directed towards mark. Of course. This was a collective grade. you had mark in your group. how could you even for a second worry about getting a passing grade.
sighing out of relief you sat down next to wonyoung who called you over while you were walking towards your original seat “girl, maybe staying in a group with these two wasn’t such a bad idea after all.. you outshined the rest of the class I’m sad for the people going after you” she says “really? you didn’t think it was messy?” you ask. anyone could tell how uncoordinated you guys were. “not really no, sometimes it sounded like a bit.. i don’t know- like you guys haven’t practiced enough? but i assure you it was barely noticeable” she says as you sigh out of relief again “and by the way you and yujin were craaaaazy i got so hyped up” you say complimenting the both of them while they thank you. being so engrossed into the conversation you almost miss haechan calling you over telling you that you need to regain your seat because “professor said so.”
So after briefly nodding at them, you tiptoed around the classroom to sit next to your friend, once again. “ i lied by the way. the teacher didn’t say shit he’s still in his ‘mark haze’. i just wanted you to sit next to me” haechan says as you laugh at his absurdity. man you were going to miss sharing a class with him.
Some time later all the groups had passed and even though he wasn’t allowed to, the teacher assured every student that they had all passed his class. He really wasn’t allowed to say this but the minute mark asked he told the class. You weren’t complaining tho. Maybe you even understood him a little.
Getting out of the classroom after the teacher dismissed you, you felt yourself engulfed in a hug “are you less stressed out now? I know you worried about getting a passing grade but we did it!!!” haechan said while letting go of you “yea dude! I’m lowkey glad this is over.. I’ll miss sharing a class with you tho” you say back “should we go out to celebrate?” you hear mark say. For a second you genuinely forgot he was there. In your defense, he was standing on the side not making any noise so he was fairly easy to forget about.
You could feel his awkwardness radiating off of him and almost felt bad. In truth you forgave him a long time ago (that’s kind of a lie). You understood how whatever mental headspace he was in was turning him into an asshole and as the patient lenient girl you were, you couldn’t pretend to not understand. But you still decided to milk the anger because you knew you were patient (especially with mark). The way he spoke to you does not deserve your understanding. He needed to practically beg on his knees for you to even crack a smile at him. And you were making sure he understood that.
“I think I’m good actually! you guys go ahead tho” you reply. “cmonnnn, it won’t be fun without you, do you know how long it has been since the three of us hung out together?” haechan says grabbing the sleeve of your shirt throwing himself onto you “i wonder why it’s been so long” you say in a fake pensive state that made haechan laugh and mark scratch the back of his neck out of uneasiness. “well don’t involve me in your business, I didn’t do shit and I just want to hang out with my two friends.. I don’t see why I need to suffer the consequences of this” haechan says slightly laughing “oh right because you texting me about it repeatedly was not you being involved in said business?”you reply “touché. still tho, please?” haechan says (he then proceeds to threaten you, then almost gets on his knees to beg, so you agree)
after what felt like the most awkward lunch ever you guys stepped out of the restaurant in silence. not for long tho….cause yk….haechan. “I’ll get going guys, have fun” haechan says aggresively winking at mark trying to be discreet. you could see the whole thing but whatever. “I’ll get going too. bye!!” you say and before you could even turn around to leave haechan desperately yelled “NO- wait. i mean. mark wanted to say something i think” hyuck says still winking at mark but now pointing to the both of you with his chin trying to convey a message to mark that he seemingly did not get
“huh?? oh OH! yes i was gonna ask if we could talk?” mark asks you “nah, im good. bye!!” you say turning around and walking away soon after you heard someone run after you and grab your arm “wait. look, I know what he did was shitty and I know he doesn’t deserve your understanding but please hear him out? Like you guys were so close before don’t you think the friendship is worth salvaging?” haechan says still holding onto your arm “hyuck i sigh i don’t know okay? would it not be pathetic of me to hear him out when he shut me down so harshly last time i tried to communicate?” you ask. no matter how much you liked the man you needed to set standards up for yourself, you deserved respect. How are people meant to respect you if you don’t respect yourself? “i get that. truly. but please hear him out? you literally won’t ever have to face him afterwards” hyuck says while you nod and walk back to where mark was standing.
“should we go to my place to talk?” you say. you weren’t going to have this conversation in public that is for sure “my place is right there. it would save us the walk i guess but we can also go to yours if you prefer” mark says to which you shake your head telling him his place was fine.
Entering mark’s studio for the first time, the place really suited him. From the few art piece he used to decorate his wall to his keyboard in the corner of his room right next to his messy desk and even messier bed, hell even the dishes were mark coded.
“man I’m sorry, I forgot i hadn’t cleaned…. we should’ve gone to your place this is not how you visiting my studio for the first time was supposed to go” he says and you shake your head. he guided you to his small couch in his living room. as you sat down you saw in the corner of the room this pretty bouquet of lilies, man what bitch did he have over?? you knew damn well mark doesn’t buy flowers for himself so those were a gift. You guessed it wasn’t from any of his friends because they would never. These had to be from yunjin. The moment you realized it, you swore you built up a little more resentment.
“I’m sorry.” mark says handing you a glass of water; he was gonna go straight into it i guess. “i know. you’ve been saying that for the past week. I’m just here because I want to know why” you reply. “I- okay fine. I owe it to you, just, please don’t make fun of me okay?” mark says fidgeting with his fingers as you nod. “Things were going really great and I really enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you and texting you and stuff and so because i liked you- too much I think, I had this huge slap of reality in the face like man okay this is going great but you’re going to fuck it up and then she’ll find you weird and never talk to you ever again and then you’ll be miserable because you’re such a loser. So it became a lot and I got anxious and I was like ‘I’m not gonna fuck it up if I speak less’ and that speaking less… well… it turned into me ghosting you. Then I realized and I felt guilty but I couldn’t just talk to you normally after ghosting you for days and then you sent me the texts and I was so frustrated at myself so I took it out on you. And i felt bad like I knew what I was doing was wrong but I was just in too deep and then donghyuck texted me and I was also mean but anyway. I’m not trying to make excuses for myself I just want to explain everything to you. I’m really really sorry tho” mark says not having enough courage to look at you.
“you like me?” you say. You admit everything he said after was kind of a blur “no i mean yea but I ugh I didn’t want to tell you like this or at all man I’m so sorry I’m so stupid” mark replies clearly frustrated. “ you can’t do this to me mark” you reply “I know I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to come out I’m sorry” he says “this is fucked man, you flirt with me, ghost me and all of that because you like me??” you say to mark as he nods you burst out laughing. mark is very confused tho. “I feel…so conflicted right now man I can’t tell if I want to kiss you or punch you in the face. Was it not obvious I liked you?? If you liked me that bad couldn’t you have just confessed?? man you had me stressed for weeks im” you say laughing because what the fuck man
“you like me?” mark asks “yes. man I’ve been liking you for so long this is so ridiculous.. I used to have a hallway crush on you that’s why I stared at you during the first music class… and then when we became closer I started liking you… like deadass. when you replied to chenle ‘ew’ I wanted to kill myself” you say as mark gasps “THAT’S WHY?? I genuinely believed your lie woah.. also man I wanted to kill chenle because shut up like mind your business don’t air mine out on twitter like this” mark replies laughing. “what about yunjin tho?” you ask “what about her?” he says. “well isn’t there some sort of thing going on between you and her?? the bouquet right there screams everything but platonic” you reply “what?? no I don’t like her I like you. matter of fact the bouquet is for you I was going to give it to you after music class but pussied out and left it home before since I wasn’t sure if you hated me or not” mark says getting up to fetch the bouquet for you. “oh. thanks. they’re really pretty. They’re my favorite flowers did you know?? Also I can’t believe you like me.. that’s crazy. I’m still pissed at you lowkey” you say. “Yea we talked about it when you gave me my bouquet.. also you really didn’t know? I mean who do you think 200 is about? I thought you would get it” he says laughing. you hit him (not harshly of course) because how dare he imply that you’re slow??
“despite you being mad at me… will you let me be your boyfriend? I’ll beg if I have to” mark asks “i guess… you’ll have to do some serious groveling tho… I don’t want my friends to know I forgave you so easily” you reply “man you’re harsh.. I guess?? be a little more enthusiastic you have a boyfriend now. also yea your friends are scary, especially renjun I got so startled like… this is not the renjun I met” your boyfriend says laughing. “I’M HARSH???? sorry I didn’t want to jump up and down, i already know I’m dramatic don’t want to hear it again” you reply to which mark says touché.
“Can I kiss you?” your boyfriend asks “of course you’d be a dork about it” you reply laughing at him. he quickly shut you up. You were partly shocked because one, you were kissing the man you’re extremely down bad for and two, you didn’t think he had it in him to shut you up with a kiss. Feeling his smile against your lips he pulled away “didn’t think I’d do that did you?” he asked. you didn’t have the words so you shook your head no. What the fuck happened to dorcus lee? And before you could remove his hand that had been grabbing your chin, mark leaned in again to steal another kiss. you swore you felt lightheaded. Not enough to let him away with it tho. So you put each one of your arms around his shoulders, leaned closer and deepened the kiss.
And maybe, just maybe you guys ended up kissing for a while afterward….only maybe though!!
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51. it's over
previous chapter masterlist bonus chapter 1
notes: guys... this is officially the end of an era... I'm literally so sad to see it go I'll miss uploading sooooooo much. I want to sincerely thank everyone who took the time to read this story and even more if you took the time to interact with it. I hope the end is satisfactory enough for you guys and I hope that you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. Thank you again, this has been nothing but fun!! I'll miss down bad very much! happy read!!!!!!
taglist: @imsiriuslyreal @iscocohere @simpforarmihn @replayenthusiast @lovm4rk @youreintheclubb @polarisjisung @sour-chaos @jising-jisang-jisung @aerivrs @multifandomania @tiddygang2020 @roseangelxfuma @skepvids @morkiee @yangasm @artstaeh @pussyslayerhd @bacons-thighs @bugcattie @leefullsun @jkslvsnella @alethea-moon @marvelahsobx @haechansbbg @katsukis1wife @m1dn1ghtv1olet @winuvs @n0hyuck @whats-my-question @dojaejunging @hibernatinghamster @user7520 @starwonb1n @lostinneocity @miniature-tragedy @llearlert @haezyhyuck @inosfavgf @bluesinfinities @calumsfringe @cigarettesafterjae @defzcl @delfdiary @minkyuncutie @bunnyjaycheoluwu @sofix-hc7 @nosungluv @anonymousmuffinbear @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @amrqxz @luvtyunn @haenahc @slayhaechan @yutterfly @tywritesstuff
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mari-the-bimbo · 11 months
Nanami: the brat tamer
A/N: I apologise in advance for the woman I became when I wrote this 🙏 Also can we talk about how I randomly defeated my dyslexia and managed to write without bullet points? Lol
Warnings: MINORS DNI, oral sex, adult language, hair pulling? age gap
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Having an older, accountant boyfriend didn’t seem so fun when you had to wait for him to get home after overtime.
You sat on your shared bed, arms crossed, pouting, and aggressively checking the time every 2 seconds, the impatience of waiting for Nanami finally creeped up to you. Now you were mad, how could he leave you like this for so long?!
So even after you heard the front door open and close, you decided to ignore it and pretend you’re sleeping. It’s petty, you know it is, but you convinced yourself it’s what he deserves, even after you heard his faint calls of your name from downstairs.
“Sweetheart?” Says his deep, creamy voice as he reaches the bedroom. You squeeze your eyes shut a bit tighter, in an attempt to block him out.
“I know you’re awake” he says.
You huff in annoyance at his smart ass comment and finally turn around to see him loosen his tie. Damn it, why did he have to be so sexy.
“So? I have nothing to say to you” you reply before turning your back to him again as you get comfy in your bed.
“Oh? Is my sweetheart upset about something?” He asks, trying his best to co operate with your young fiery temper.
You couldn’t help but furrow your brows at his tone, speaking to you as if you were a child having a tantrum. “What do you think?” You say sarcastically as you look at him again with a frown on your face.
You watch his jaw clench and he takes a deep breath, you knew his patience naturally ran thin, yet he tries his best with you. But dealing with you when you’re being a brat isn’t easy.
“I’m being nice y/n. So come here and tell me what’s wrong” he says, large hands grabbing one of your legs that dangled off the side of the bed.
Your bad temper led you to use your leg to push him away, however as your foot collided with Nanami’s stomach, you realised your effort was in no avail. It was like a foot to a wall, a hard, unmoving wall.
You gulped as you look back up at your strong boyfriend. His face would seem indifferent to others, but only you could notice that slight annoyance on his face. “Really y/n?” He asks, daring you to reply as he grabs the foot on his stomach tighter.
But just as you’re about to reply smartly, your breath is stolen as he quickly pulls your body towards him with the hold on your foot. You gasp “Nanami!” as he gets on the bed, now towering on top of your barely clothed body.
You’re about to protest again but he places his hand over your mouth, effectively shutting you up. “No. I gave you a chance to be a good girl but you chose to be a brat, so now you’re going to be disciplined like one” he says, and although you should be scared, you couldn’t help but whimper against his large hand and arch your back.
He wants to laugh at you but he shakes his head instead, “you shameless girl” he says as he removes his clothes and all you could do is hum in agreement and eye his chiselled abs that are no longer begging to burst through his blue shirt.
He sighs as if he’s disappointed but you know he’s loving every second of this. Your eyes are starry as you watch him pull his boxers down, finally letting his fat dick spring out, cum glistening at its tip, making you subconsciously spread your legs out.
Nanami watches you do this with a unamused look. “What are you doing? Do you really believe you deserve to be railed after that attitude?” He scolds, making you stare at him in disbelief and you finally scoff in annoyance.
Suddenly his hands grabs your hair, tugging it ever so slightly, yet the veins on his muscular beefy arms were bulging. “Ah!” “Be quiet, another sound out of you and you’re getting nothing out of me, understand?” He says, his frown deepening the contours of his handsome face.
And that threat humbled you in seconds, you stare in disbelief again but this time you nod. You were in no state to deny this, and he knew that too from the wet patch on your underwear.
“That’s right” he says, as he presses his dick against your face. His pre cum starts dripping down your face, and even as you moan, Nanami keeps the stern look on his face.
He wastes no time pushing himself inside your mouth, your choking is like music to his ears. It’s keeps him moving, his hips thrusting harder every time, because the wet gummy feeling of inside your mouth was just too good against his length. His hands reach behind your head, grabbing all your hair into a ponytail, helping you suck him more easily, bobbing your head so that you can take more of his length.
He lets out a choked moan which only motivates you further, maybe he’ll finally praise you if you try harder. You swirl your tongue around it, sucking harder and harder in hopes of a single praise out of Nanami’s mouth. Because as much as you pretend to be an unbothered bitch, you want be his good girl.
“Ohhhh you’re so good to me sweet girl” he finally says. Suddenly his speed increases, mouth fucking you relentlessly.
You try so hard to keep up with his speed but at some point your mouth gives up and you become a sex toy for his dick to play with. And once he finally slows the pace of his thrusts, and strokes the back of your neck so sweetly, the situation isn't made any easier as the salty taste of his cum flows down your throat as well as trickling down your chin. Nevertheless you swallow it all.
Finally you pull back, gasping for breath, making the remaining cum spill on your neck and breasts, but that’s not good enough for Nanami. “Don’t waste my cum you silly girl. You know I hate wasting”. His long fingers picks up the trail you left behind and presses the creamy trail against your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth and swallow it all.
You struggle to give an answer as you try to regulate your heavy pants.
“Well? What do you have to say?”
“Thank you daddy” you manage to choke out, you knew the drill.
“And?” He says, an eyebrows raised.
“And- I’m sorry for being a brat before” you add, crawling into his lap, craving his warmth. His eyes soften at your exhausted figure, he could never stay mad at his beautiful angel.
He strokes your hair as he watches you become putty against him. Pretty wide eyes staring at him, waiting for praise. He can’t help but give you an amused smile, god, you were so pretty, especially when you had cum glistening on your chin.
He lets you press yourself against his body as he kisses your cheeks. “That’s okay sweetheart, next time you’re sad, you need to tell me, okay?”
“Okay” you lie, knowing damn well you’re going to do it again just to get him mad.
What? It’s not your fault he looks so damn fine when he’s mad.
He presses one last kiss to your head before pulling you away. “Okay you need to get up now princess, you need to show me how sorry you are”
“Huh?” You say.
You continue to stare dumbfounded as a Nanami grabs his tie, his eyes not looking away from yours as he ties your hands together.
Your confusion soon morphs into a giddy smile as you realise what this meant. You open your legs once again, knowing you’re in for a treat. You give Nanami your best puppy eyes and you watch him lick his lips in response. Perfect, you knew you would get your way, Nanami loves you too much to deny you of anything.
“Am I about to get railed?”
“Yes you are sweetheart”
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brairslair · 7 months
i loved your recent hc post !!! could i request a nsfw of one piece men when they beg during sex?? need that ASAP !!! thank u >.<
i need this asap too i think
18+ ONLY (minors go away !)
a/n: sorry for the wait! had a bit of a hard time figuring out what to put for luffy, but i hope you like what i came up with! thanks anon <3
don’t forget to like, reblog, follow, and comment if you would like to support my work! mwah 💓
“let me make it up to you?”
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so we already know he’s talkative
in and out of the bedroom
and he has no problem being vocal
butttt he’s also a man who’s used to getting what he wants
the first time he’s ever felt the need to beg for anything is with you
it would sorta just slip out mindlessly when he was really needy, words reaching your ears before he could even register what he was saying
it feels strange and foreign in his mouth at first
but i feel like it would grow on him pretty quickly
it would make him giddy that doing something as simple as essentially just talking, (one of his many skills), he could make you blush and press your thighs together
so then he’d start doing it more often
“please, please, please, can I feel your mouth”
“need it so bad”
“please let me touch you, i’ve been so patient-”
and then he’d start getting bolder and do it outside of the bedroom too
partly because he loves seeing you get all riled up and flustered
cause he’s a little shit
but also because he just thinks you’re so goddamn hot and literally wants to touch you all the time
you could be helping with chores, or eating dinner, or talking to your crew mates, does not matter
he will persevere and find a way
he has no shame
some events are more subtle and sweet
ex: “can i kiss you? pretty please?”
but some events are harder to miss
he’ll wrap his arms around your waist from behind, nuzzle his face into your neck, and whisper his needy pleas into your ear
he’ll tell you everything he’s gonna do to you as soon as he gets you alone, pleading for you to let him drag you away to somewhere more private
his smile is as wide as ever as he watches the way you shiver
it’s still seemingly innocent to any onlookers, but definitely not innocent to either of you
“can we please go now? you look so pretty, and i just wanna be inside you so bad- please can we?”
it definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by the crew when you both bolt out of the room
the closest you’ll get to zoro begging is if ur riding him and he’s pussydrunk honestly
because he doesn’t even realize he’s talking in the heat of it all
he just feels so good, and you look like an angel, and his lips start moving without a thought behind it
“just like that, don’t stop-“
“fuck- harder”
“oh shit, do that again“
and his voice sounds absolutely wrecked
but he still never says please
unless you make him
zoro will do anything to please you, and you know that
so you can use it to your advantage
he wants to touch you? better ask nicely
and he will, begrudgingly, follow through on the request
only for you
let me set the scene alright
the two of you are making up and making out after a petty argument, the adrenaline making you both a little more desperate than usual
his hand inches farther and farther down your body, about to slip past the barrier of your panties
you stop him
“ah ah ah- i’m still a little mad at you.”
it’s all teasing, both of you know that, but it still has the same effect
because zoro would honestly do anything you asked him, even if thats begging for forgiveness
so with a huff, he asks nicely, even though his cheeks are hot and his ears are pink with embarrassment
“i’m sorry baby, really”
“let me make it up to you? show you how sorry i am?”
he’ll whisper into your neck to hide his face
“can i touch you? please-“
and honestly thats more than enough for you to to lose your resolve
but know that he will deny his actions if the situation ever gets brought up again
sanji will beg you for anything at any time
for your attention, kisses, alone time
it’s just in his nature, and he’s not ashamed about it either
he’ll even get on his knees if necessary
and he loves when it’s necessary
on his knees between your legs, hearing you pant and watching your hips twitch makes him lose his mind
he’ll punctuate each word with kisses along your thighs and hips
“please let me taste you, princess”
“just wanna bury myself between your thighs- can i please?”
“let me worship you, ma chérie. need to see your beautiful face when you come undone on my tongue”
his voice always gets whiny, and scratchy, and so desperate for you that it almost seems painful
because he whimpers
and his heart eyes don’t play
so he begs all the time, for a multitude of reasons
but mostly, he knows that begging you almost always gets him exactly what he wants
he’ll beg when he’s been hungry for you all day
“please, my love, please touch me”
“faster, faster, faster-”
he’ll beg when he’s fucking into you so good you can hardly breathe
“one more, okay? i promise, just one more- i’m so close-”
“cum for me, darling. need to feel it, please please please-”
and he’ll definitely beg when you’ve been edging him for what feels like hours
“please can i cum? i’ve been so good, please-”
“don’t stop again, please mon coeur, ill do anything”
he’s absolutely whipped for you to say the least
asks are open!
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lovebugism · 9 months
How about "89. I’m drunk and fall asleep in a snow bank and you’re the kind stranger yanking me to my feet and lecturing me on how dangerous that is" with Steve?
ty for requesting!! — steve harrington rescues you, his worst enemy, after finding you all alone on a snowy bench on main street (enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, tw for toxic relationships, 2.4k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
On his way home from the Wheeler holiday party, Steve thinks he sees a dead body in the snow.
He slows at a stoplight and knows he sees a dead body in the snow.
With nothing but sheer stupidity and a savior complex, the boy rushes out of his warm car and into the vacant road on Main Street. The piling snow crunches under his sneakers and dampens them instantly. Crystalline flakes fall from the pitch-black sky at a merciless rate, sticking to his lashes and his fuzzy Christmas sweater. 
The snow glistens as it clings to the limp body lying on the bench. A girl, Steve realizes as he gets closer — a pretty girl in a pretty dress who’s not at all clothed for this kind of weather. 
He steps closer, blinks snowflakes from his eyes, and realizes that it’s you. The reigning princess of Hawkins. The homecoming queen. His absolute worst enemy. 
Steve loses his sympathy in an instant. Now that he knows you’re not dead, anyway. 
But he nudges at you gently — just to make sure — and you grumble something unintelligible into your folded-up arms.
“What are you doing?” he wonders aloud.
“What’s it look like?” you slur, rubbing your cheek against your sleeve like a cat.
“It’s freezing out. You know that, right?”
“Really?” you muse sleepily, eyes still shut. “I haven’t noticed.”
Steve scoffs a bitter laugh and rolls his honey eyes. He puts his hands on his waist, cocks his hips to the side, and leers down at you even though you can’t see him. He wonders if you even recognize his voice — if that’s the reason you’re being so short with him or if you’re just too drunk to care.
“It’s good to know you’re still a priss after all this time. It’s really refreshing, actually.”
He expects you to argue with him. That’s what you used to do, anyway. Your relationship (or lack thereof) is built on this kind of petty, meaningless banter. So he feels a little empty when you don’t bite back. Maybe even a little bad.
You fall back to sleep, a soft snore sounding from your throat. You shift in your slumber and it sends you rolling off the bench. Steve catches you before you can. He puts you back into place with two warm hands around your arms.
“Alright. Get up,” he says with an annoyed huff.
“No, thank you,” you sigh, still sleepy.
“No. Seriously. Get up before you get frostbite.” 
His voice is coated with an obvious concern. You don’t miss it — not even in your exhausted, drunken, and heartbroken state. Maybe that’s why you don’t fight him as much when he forces you to sit up, but you’re still hardly more than dead weight. He’s forced to hold you so you don’t fall over again.
Steve can see you better now that you’re fully upright. Snowflakes stick to the strands of your done-up hair, made-up lashes, and the knit material of your dress. Your eyeliner is smudged beneath your eyes, and your lipstick has been mostly kissed off. There’s a hole in the knee of your tights, too, and scuff marks on the toe of your boots.
You’re pretty. You’ve always been pretty, but just a little extra now. Way too beautiful to be all alone on this bench in the middle of Main Street.
“What are you doing here?” Steve blurts as he crouches in front of you. Snow wets the knee of his jeans, but he’s too distracted by you to care. “Where’s your boyfriend? Why isn’t he with you?”
He can’t even say the name — of your douchebag boyfriend, that is. Just thinking of the words Billy and Hargrove makes him feel like vomiting. Steve didn’t think he could hate anyone more than he hated you until he met that asshole. The two of you deserve each other, really.
Your tired head lolls to your shoulder. Your eyes flutter shut as you shrug.
“You weren’t with him?” the boy presses.
“I was,” you slur dramatically. “But he left.”
“He left you?”
You nod, slow and lazy.
“He left you here?”
You nod again.
Steve’s chest stings. His heart aches for you, even though he knows it shouldn’t.
“Why?” he agonizes.
“I got too drunk at a party… And I talked to a guy he didn’t like very much.”
“Then what?”
You start to go limp in his hold. Exhaustion weighs you down again, accelerated by the winter’s bitter cold. Steve squeezes your arms to keep you upright. Your eyes open again but the lids of them are visibly heavy. 
“Um… We fought in the car. And he told me to get out,” you explain in mumbled slurs. Your voice is calm and airy, as light as the falling snow. You’re too drunk to understand how heartbreaking this is. “And I tried to get back home, but then I forgot how to walk.”
Steve’s eyes start to burn. He feels like he could cry. Because sure, you’ve been his enemy since the third grade, but you’re soft and you’re gentle and utterly undeserving of Billy’s assholery. 
Because of this (and his lingering savior complex), he feels the overwhelming urge to take care of you.
“Here. C’mon,” he huffs as he rises to full height again, jaw tense to keep his teeth from chattering. He tugs at your arms to pull you up with him. You comply (as best you can on frozen, drunken limbs) but not without confusion. Your face twists with it.
“What?” you murmur.
“Get in the car, okay? C’mon.”
You plant your feet. It becomes virtually impossible to move you. You and Steve idle at a standstill with your shoes digging into the piling snow. Your toes feel close to frozen, but your hands are strangely warm with Steve holding them so tight.
“No,” you insist, dramatically stubborn in your less-than-sober state.
“Billy will get mad.” 
Steve scoffs. “Screw Billy.”
“I do that already.” Your reply comes so swiftly, and without a single hint of a smirk, that it’s impossible to tell if you’re joking or not. Maybe you aren’t and you’re just too drunk to understand sarcasm. Maybe you are joking and the receptors in your brain aren’t firing properly enough to tell you to smile at yourself.
Either way, Steve’s face scrunches with disgust. “Gross,” he mumbles under his breath.
Steve has to drag you to his car. 
He puts his palm over the crown of your head to keep you from bumping it when you duck inside. He guides your legs in, too, when you have trouble maneuvering them. Then he reaches over to buckle you in before you have to ask him for help — because god knows there’s no way you could do it on your own.
He smells like cedar and something sweet when he leans over you. His whole car smells like that, actually. It’s nice. Comforting. Almost achingly warm. 
You curl into the heated seat and provide exactly zero help when he drives you home.
“You still alive?” he asks after a couple minutes of driving.
You grunt, slumped over in your seat with your forehead pressed against the window.
“What’s your address?”
“Where do you live?” he presses.
“Why do you wanna know, perv?” you slur, obviously not all there as you shift to get more comfortable in the passenger seat of his car.
Steve scoffs. “Oh, right. I’m the perv ‘cause I didn’t leave you out in the freezing cold. Makes so much sense. Maybe next time, don’t call me when your asshole boyfriend abandons you, alright?”
He’s bitter. Intentionally hurtful. 
You’re too drunk to understand. “I didn’t call you in the first place,” you retort sleepily.
He falters. “Well— you know what I mean.”
“I can’t go home,” you answer finally.
His structured features twist with concern, but your eyes are closed so you don’t see it. His honeyed gaze squints with worry, flitting from your limp form to the darkened road and back again. “Why?”
“‘Cause I live with Billy. And he doesn’t want me there,” you tell him with a lazy shrug. Then, more quietly, you mumble. “Nobody wants me anywhere…”
You say it so softly that he barely hears it. He wishes he hadn’t. It’d make it a whole lot easier to hate you if you were still the same priss he grew up with. He isn’t so sure that you are — or if you ever were. All you are to him now is a heartbroken girl he found in the snow, in desperate need of some kindness.
So when you drift off again, he lets you. And he doesn’t wake you until you get to his house.
You feel the warmth of his presence first — the weight of his chest at your side and his hand on your waist. Your heavy eyes flutter open to find him leaning over you. He fusses with the seatbelt buckle for a moment before it clicks.
“What are you doing?” you wonder aloud, voice weighed down by exhaustion. There’s a million questions swirling in your head right now — where am I, why are you here, why are you taking care of me. That was just the first to slip out.
“Good. Now I don’t have to carry you,” Steve jokes.
He holds your hand to help you out of the car, then wraps an arm around your waist to keep you from falling. He guides you towards a too big house, lit up white with expensive Christmas decorations.
“Where are we?”
“My place. You can sleep off the alcohol on my couch.”
Your head lolls to your shoulder, eyes red-rimmed and glassy as you blink up at him. “And they say chivalry is dead,” you tease, still slightly misarticulate — though not nearly as much as when he found you in the show.
Steve’s rolling his eyes at you one moment, silently scolding himself for getting out of his car in the first place — and the next, he’s standing in his kitchen, filling up a glass of water and putting slices of bread on a plate for you. He even cuts off the goddamned crust. Just in case.
He left you on the couch in the living room, but you’re gone when he gets back. It’s like he blinks, and he’s annoyed with you all over again. A huff tumbles from his mouth as he trudges up the stairs to find you.
The door to his room is cracked open. 
He finds you curled up in the center of his bed.
“No. Nope,” Steve scolds as he walks further inside. He sits the bread and the water on his nightstand and tries to shake you awake. You’re totally knocked out, hardly anything more than deadweight from the alcohol. 
And he can’t even be mad at you about it because it’s not even your fault. You shouldn’t have gotten left in the first place.
“C’mon. Get up— you’re not sleeping in my bed,” he insists. His hand curls around your arm with the intent to pull you up before he realizes how cold you are. You’re freezing, even over your dress. The notion makes Steve stop in place. 
He squints to take a better look at you — to really look at you — and swears the color of your skin is tinted blue from the cold. Your mascara is smeared — from where you’d been crying, maybe. He thinks those might be dried tear stains on your cheeks, too.
All at once, he doesn’t have the heart to wake you. He curses himself for being so hard on you. You never deserved it — not tonight, not ever — and he figures this is his time to atone.
He maneuvers you beneath his navy blue sheets with a warm and gentle hand. He brings the top of the comforter up to your jaw and you curl into his bed on instinct, sighing as you settle further into the warmth. 
Your eyes are still closed and you’re still barely conscious, but the pillow is soft against your cheek. It smells like floral detergent and musky cologne and sweet-smelling hairspray. It brings you a foreign comfort that lulls you into a deeper, much-needed sleep.
Steve settles beside you, over the covers and with his clothes still on. He wants to be awake in case you need him. He doesn’t want you to get sick and not be alert enough to help you. 
He’s laughing at the sound of your gentle snores one moment, then falling asleep to them the next.
Hawkins’ royalty. Arch enemies since elementary school. Sleeping together in one bed like you haven’t spent the majority of your lives hatingeach other.
You sleep soundly together in spite of all that. You don’t wake for several hours — not until you’ve slept the alcohol off and your suddenly sober brain reminds you of the night before. Touchy guy on the dance floor, Billy’s rough hand around your wrist, “God, you’re such a slut!” 
The last thing you remember is passing out on a bench on Main Street, so you’re not entirely sure how you ended up in a bed. 
You wake with a start, distinctly and palpably terrified. 
You’re rousing wakes Steve up, too.
“Billy?” you murmur, heavy with sleep, as you squint in the navy blue darkness. 
A part of you hopes it was all just a too vivid nightmare. Or, at the very least, that your boyfriend came to his senses and picked you up after completely abandoning you — but somehow that feels more unrealistic than all the shit he put you through the evening before.
“No—” Steve answers groggily, then clears throat when the word gets stuck there. He rises to his elbows and looks over his shoulder at you, squinting a tired eye to see you better. “No, it’s— it’s Steve.”
He can’t see you too well, not in the pitch black of his bedroom, but he swears he hears you sigh. One of relief, maybe, or maybe one of ease. Either way, you don’t seem very upset that he’s here with you.
“Oh,” you answer, still a bit breathless. “Okay…” You lie back down again, feeling eons safer than just seconds before, as you curl back into your shape on his mattress. You sigh into your pillow and try not to gravitate towards the warmth beside you.
Steve’s hands fidget with a similar fight to keep from holding you. “It’s okay,” he settles on instead, hoping his words can embrace you in a way he doesn’t let himself. “You’re okay.”
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french press
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wc: 1.2k reader: femme/gender neutral (gender warnings: reader is wearing lingerie, reader "pushes t*ts together" -- you've been warned) warnings: smut 18+; MINORS DNI!!! -- specific warnings under the cut -- also some angst and some funny stuff summary: jiwoong has a biiit of a jealousy problem. he's so jealous rn that he won't even touch you :( with his permission, you take matters into your own hands (and onto his thigh). *ੈ✩‧₊˚ oh helloooo. long time no see. decided to write something for the hell of it. maybe i'll write some more soon...
warnings: 18+ explicit smut, thigh-riding, penetrative sex (reader receiving), descriptions of cum (reader's and jw's), unprotected sex, cumming inside, jealousy/toxicity, swearing, pet names (baby, angel)
also the title is VERY clever. french press: french masseusse pierre and... mating press. i'll leave now.
“baby,” you whine, pushing your arms together a bit to accentuate your tits. “don’t you wanna touch? you love touching my tits.”
the sheer, black lingerie set you were saving for a special occasion is hugging every curve of your body perfectly as you straddle your boyfriend. a garter belt squeezing around your right thigh, you know you’re irresistible to anyone with a pulse.
but apparently your boyfriend has passed away since he sat down on the couch with a huff twenty minutes ago. he’s still warm though and that’s permission enough for you to let him have it.
“oh my god,” you groan; smacking your hand on the leather armrest like a frustrated child. “woongie! want you to touch me so bad.”
“well, you should’ve thought of that before you let another man put his hands all over you,” jiwoong answers-- head turning to the side in the ultimate display of pettiness. 
you sigh exasperatedly. “it was a massage, woongie. a professional one that you paid for!”
“so?” he asks with a pout. “are you suggesting i’m a cuckold by my own doing?”
“you are the only one suggesting that actually,” you reply, running your hands down his clothed chest. “the only thing i’m suggesting is that you fuck me. and i’m strongly suggesting it.”
“oh yeah?” jiwoong responds, one eyebrow raised in interest. “are you sure those words aren’t actually meant for pierre: the unnecessarily handsome french masseuse?”
“you literally gave me a gift certificate for my birthday!” you exclaim, hitting his chest lightly in frustration. “baby, i tried to request an ugly massage therapist. the woman at the desk looked at me like i was being rude. and i was! for you.”
jiwoong’s eyes go straight to your barely-covered core and you think for a second he’s finally about to give in. “you asked for an ugly masseuse and she gave you a former louis vuitton runway model? i should’ve just given you tickets to magic mike live!”
“kim jiwoong-ah, if you don’t fck me right now, i swear to god,” you threaten emptily, sinking down on one of his grey sweatpant-adorned thighs. “i’m just gonna use you however i want.”
jiwoong folds his arms across his chest in a final act of defiance, attention returning to the tv screen. “knock yourself out.”
it takes everything in you not to whine like a little spoiled brat, but you manage to suppress it. instead, you grind a little harder down onto jiwoong’s thigh. his legs are lazily spread apart in the most enticing way. you could reach right down his pants and grab him in your hands (a tried and true method that jiwoong loves), but you have something to prove too.
so you repeat the grinding motion, your heat connecting again with the toned flesh of your boyfriend’s perfect thighs. at first it’s just for show-- you need his attention and you’ll do anything you have to to get it back.
but after a few moments, a soft moan escapes your throat. jiwoong’s breath audibly hitches; his body stiffening a bit at the sound of your pleasure. despite this, his eyes stay fixed on the screen.
as a familiar knot grows just below your stomach, you almost start to forget about your goal. maybe it’s desperation speaking, but riding your boyfriend’s thigh is actually a lot more stimulating than you thought it’d be. 
“fuck,” you whine, increasing your pace involuntarily. your hands are gripping the back of the couch, eyes closing as you rapidly approach your high.
suddenly, jiwoong’s thigh grows harder-- a sturdier surface for you to grind on. he’s flexing his muscles for you, helping you reach your climax like the perfect boyfriend he is.
“gonna cum all over my thigh, baby?” jiwoong asks, voice already noticeably fucked out. it’s not a mystery who won this game. “gonna make a mess all over my pants like a fucking angel?”
“i--... oh my god, i--...” you cry, strong hands finding your hips and guiding them down for you onto his thigh. you place your hand gently at the base of jiwoong’s neck, pulling at the collar of his shirt and toying with his collarbone. “i--... ‘m cumming...”
pleasure taking over, you reach your high as jiwoong continues to guide your hips for you. “woongie, love you. love you so much.”
your eyes flutter open to see jiwoong’s cheeks flushed, his eyes locked on your core. you look down to find that you have made a pretty little mess, honey dripping from you and soaking his grey sweatpants. he lifts you ever so slightly up and back down, watching as your juices seep through your sheer panties and onto him.
jiwoong meets your gaze for less than a second before you’re wrestled off the couch and onto your back on the carpeted floor below. carpet aside, it’s not a painless fall and as your boyfriend is hungrily ripping his pants off and burying his cock inside you, you decide it’s a good time to start playing again.
“oh my god, woongie,” you complain, knowing that your back’s gonna hurt even worse in the morning. “are you trying to make me need another massage?”
“no. more. massages,” jiwoong growls, punctuating each word with a deep thrust. “unless i’m the one giving them.”
“fuck,” you whine, pulling him even deeper inside you as you wrap your legs around him. trapping him. holding him hostage exactly where his possessive ass wants to be. “surely you don’t think you’re as skilled as a professional masseuse?”
“i’ll get certified,” he manages to grunt, grabbing hold of your thighs and pushing them up to your chest in a mating press. “or would you prefer pierre’s cock inside you instead?”
“that’s not fair,” you reply, absolutely relishing in your reinstated role of bratty sub. “how can i choose if i’ve never seen both options?”
“you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” jiwoong asks, kneading your thighs mercilessly-- striking his palm across the side with a gorgeous smack. “you’re gonna kill me so you can fuck pierre and then kill him too.”
“i’ll let you live a little longer if you cum inside me,” you promise, running your hand through his hair as he stares at you helplessly. “please, woongie. need you to fill me up.”
you can see it in his eyes: he’ll give you anything you want. he’d even let you fuck pierre if you really wanted to. but you don’t. not even a little bit. you just want jiwoong.
“fuck, i love you so much, baby,” he pants as his thrusts grow shallower and more sporadic. “gonna fill up this perfect... little...”
his hips finally spasm; a sweet moan swallowed down as you feel him spill into you. you sigh contentedly at the warmth inside of you, your boyfriend laying his head on your chest-- letting go of your legs from where he’d been pinning them and collapsing on top of you in exhaustion.
you wrap your thighs around jiwoong’s waist, making sure he can’t escape (he doesn’t want to).
jiwoong’s jealousy issues weren’t really harmful. he knew you’d never actually leave him for another man; what he always seemed to forget is that you’d never even dream of it. and besides, whatever misunderstanding arose always ended in fiery, passionate sex like this. 
so could anyone really blame you for making up sexy french massage therapists just to make your boyfriend jealous from time to time? not to worry... you’ll give jiwoong a couple months to recover from pierre before you drop your next fabrication on him: dante, the sensual italian chef.
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whiteteadreams · 3 months
just imagine...
hyuck or mark
roommate au!
you're rearranging your room around to feel at ease again since it looks like a hurricane ran through it. moving causes a lot of commotion since it's loud and heavy so (hc or mk) come check up on you. it's obvious what're doing when they see you and you ask "can you help me finish up?" instead they ignore you and close the door right back up. so as a petty joke, you control the wifi, and pay for it. SO, WHEN YOU START HEARING POrN COMING FROM THEIR ROOM, YOU DECIDE TO TURN OFF THE WIFI JUST AS THEY'RE ABOUT TO GET OFF. ( then you enter their room while they're cursing about the wifi and meat is out like it's a show "since you won't help me finish up, i don't think i'll let you finish."🫢 SMuT PlS
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Pairing: Roommate!Mark x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: Roommates AU, Non-Idol AU, Smut
Warnings: Cursing/ mature language, smut, fluff at the end, not proofread
Smut Warnings: Degradation, Mark somewhat objectiying the reader, ripping leggings, creampie, unprotected sex
a/n- i simply have nothing to say for myself with why this took actually forever. also...self indulgent because I, too, like the reader, received a degree 😝
Boredom racked through your body as you checked your notifications. Reading through a text asking to go out on the town, you responded with a simple, “sorry, i’m busy tn :(“ despite your entire night being a destined repeat of your afternoon.
Looking over the side of your bed at your floor, you took in the scattered clothes, at this point you didn’t even know what was clean and what was dirty. Lifting your head, you saw the state of the rest of your room, which was equally or even more of a disaster as your floor. Your room had become a punching bag for your laziness as finals rolled around and with your new degree laying on the desk, you decided you had nothing else to do besides clean.
Rolling off your bed, your feet barely caught your body before you were able to fall flat onto your disgusting floor. You normally pride yourself on your cleanness but obviously this was not a good example of your usual self.
Still sluggishly, you forced your feet to drag you to your curtains, pulling them open to take advantage of the rest of the sunlight. Seeing your room in natural light for the first time in what felt like weeks finally forced you into the cleaning spirit.
Starting with the basics, you simply gathered all the clothes that were littered around your room and threw them in a basket, to be washed, whether that be completed today or another time was something out of your control.
Thankfully, your room wasn’t nearly as bad as you had thought it was, the clothes were the real issue here, but you still needed to clean your carpet, or at least vacuum. Staring down your giant dresser, you started to plan out how to move it.
Pulling at the sides, you felt your body jerk as it barely slid against the floor, but even though it didn’t move where you wanted it to, it did manage to bump your desk, which then hit the wall.
Over the music that had quietly been playing, your door cracked open and in popped Mark, your roommate.
“Yo, what are you doing? You’re being kind of loud…” Mark’s eyes raked across your backside before you turned around. Your leggings do nothing to avoid outlining your entire bottom half, even once you turn around, with your hands on your hips.
“Well, Marky, if I had to guess, it would appear I’m trying to move my dresser! And it wasn’t actually that loud.” Laughing at his wide eyes, thinking he was just overreacting the noise level, you turned around before stopping again. “Mark, would you mind helping me out?”
But as you looked over your shoulder for a response, you saw the boy leave the room.
Huffing at his departure, you went ahead and finished your cleanup, or at least you tried to before you heard what sounded like a squeak over in the next room. Deciding to be petty, you walked over to Mark’s room to complain about the noise level. But as you got closer and pressed your ear close to the door, you heard more than just squeaks which you were able to confirm were bed squeaks, you heard a few grunts, and then female moans. It was obvious that Mark was watching porn, and as a good roommate you would walk away, but you’re not really a good roommate.
Stifling your giggles, you waltzed to the living room to where the WiFi router was, and looking back at Mark’s closed door one last time you pulled the plug, cutting off the WiFi for the entire house.
“What the fuck?” A quiet voice sounded throughout the otherwise silent house. You allowed yourself to laugh loudly before just letting yourself into Mark’s room, not even giving him enough time to cover himself.
“Yo, what are you doing? You’re being kind of loud…” Using Mark’s words against him, his face turned red as he tried to grasp onto a blanket to cover himself. “Is this the reason you couldn’t help me? Too busy making yourself cum? I suppose, since you wouldn’t help me finish up, it’s only fair I don’t help you finish up.”
Turning on your feet, you started to walk out of Mark’s room before you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you back into him. You didn’t know when he stood up but now it didn’t matter as your back was to his bare chest, and your ass was against his bare cock.
“You’re really funny, you know that right?” Mark spoke through his teeth and then kissed the side of your head.
Spinning the both of you around, Mark pressed you against his desk, rutting against your ass as he breathed into your ear. “Maybe I would’ve helped you if you were wearing something a little more decent, instead you wear these tight ass pants that show exactly what your pussy looks like.” 
Gripping the thin fabric between his fingers, Mark tore the crotch of the leggings before pushing into your cunt.
“S’not my fault that you’re a fucking pervert.” Fucking back into Mark, you whimpered at the tight grip he had on your hips, surely leaving bruises to be seen in the morning.
Laughing against your head, Mark smacked your thigh at the comment. 
“I’m not, I just live with a little slut who walks around with her tits and pussy out, hard not to get hard when I’ve got cunt in my face.”
Your hair started to fall into your face as Mark’s thrusts increased in pace. But it wasn’t the reason why you couldn't see for long. You felt Mark readjust his grip on you before pulling out and throwing you on the bed. Bouncing lightly on the mattress you go to sit up but Mark, instead palmed the back of your head and pressed your face into the mattress, all while pulling your ass into the air so he can force his cock back into you.
Voice muffled by the blankets you tried to speak, but Mark gripped your hair into a ponytail and pulled your face back up. “You wanna repeat that?” He breathed out through his teeth.
“I said, who knew the good innocent child of God was such a pervert.” Mark didn’t even bother to respond, he just pushed your face back into the pillows and with his other hand landed several quick, sharp slaps to your ass.
Moaning out, you gripped the sheets and smiled despite Mark being unable to see it. Finally, he was fucking you. You didn’t dress like a cheap whore for nothing. With the feeling of Mark’s hips slapping yours, the noises of his grunts and your muffled moans, and the thoughts swirling in your head, caused you to be close. And Mark knew this, because as he felt you twitching and clamping your walls down on his cock, he snuck his hand under your body and played with your clit. Rolling the bud between his fingers, you whimpered and curled your toes, starting to buck your hips back into his more frantically.
“Come on, cum for me already. I can’t hold it much longer, please.” Mark whined behind you, his dominant persona cracking slightly.
Not even a full minute later, you heard your ears start to ring as pleasure coursed through your veins, taking over all of your other senses.
Mark rode out yours and his highs before pulling out and collapsing next to you, once his grip on you vanished, your body hit the mattress as well. Him on his back and you on your stomach, you both looked at each other with dopey smiles and tired eyes.
“Thanks for the nut bro” Mark held out his closed fist to you. Rolling your eyes, you sit up and go to shove Mark, however, he caught your forearm before you could push him and pulled you into his chest. Planting his lips onto you, this kiss wasn’t like the ones before, this one was like Mark was pouring the words he was too scared to speak into you. Once you both pulled away, your eyebrows were furrowed, waiting to see what was going to be revealed. And once the silence was put to an end, you weren’t disappointed.
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing and I don’t see it as ‘just sex.’” Without responding to him, you pressed your lips to his and smiled.
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whoreteen · 6 months
hello. i love your writing so much. i would love to see some enemies to lovers slash angry sex with Chan, thinking it'd be hot to see him still being so petty and throw each other's remarks while fucking so hard. forgetting they are still at the gathering where friends are still there, hearing everyting loud and clear. please please 🥹
04:52 ♡
⤷ pairing: chan x f!reader. ⤷ word count: 3,8K. ⤷ genre: smut (with feelings 😵‍💫😮‍💨😵‍💫), slight fluff, established relationship, idol!au. ⤷ warnings: exhibitionism, handjob, masturbation, fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, use of pet names. (lmk if i missed anything!)
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“god, just shut up,” you spit, not meeting his eyes. “i’m not fucking jealous.”
if someone asks you what your biggest regret is, you’d tell them it would be encountering chan. it’s where it got you— parties at random places, intoxicated out of your mind, being reckless…
it’s the temptations and, things you do out of jealousy and possessiveness.
it’s what he does to you.
“you’re such a fucking brat, y’know that?” chan growls through gritted teeth and an equally tight jaw. “why do you make a big deal out of nothing?”
his lustful gaze flickers between your eyes, down to your lips and back up to your eyes.
truthfully, you can’t even say it’s all chan’s fault, but you believe meeting him definitely was the first blow to your breaking point.
like, look where you are now, inhaling weed smoke and taking shots on a wednesday night, shortening your life span by doing so at a random party with a random mix of drunk party people.
you wish you weren’t in love with a delinquent. so desperate to get his attention, even if you knew he’ll break your heart into pieces all over again.
you let out a sigh, knowing you have his attention. knowing you both have each other right where you want.
“figures. you want me…” chan tries his best to fight back a smile. “you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
you swallow down the desire to kiss him.
“i see you’re still as delusional as ever,” you snap back, rolling your eyes at him as you ignore the pounding of your heart.
he raises a perfectly arched brow as his face moves even closer to yours, causing you to lean back as much as you possibly can until your head hits the wall.
“and you’re still a slut for me.”
his lips are dangerously close to yours as he speaks and you feel your stomach turning. “hm? or am i wrong?”
“w-what are you d-doing?” you stammer out, pushing him away by his shoulders.
you aren’t going to let him win that easy. you can’t ever let him know how desperate you are for him, too.
the idea of him fucking you against the wall while your friends are in the next room sounds perfect. but even if you want him to ruin you, fuck you so hard like it’s the last thing he’d do; you can’t let him know that.
your inhale is sharp, your lips parted, and you finally remember how to breathe when he moves back a bit to properly examine your face.
“see? can’t even act right around me…” he laughs.
you immediately push him by his shoulders.
“baby, you’re so hot when you’re angry, y’know that? fuck, you shoving me like this and pretending to be unaffected is a turn on.”
you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out as you’re he cut off by the gentle kisses applied to your neck.
chan nips at your skin in a perfect mixture of pleasure and pain, leaving a few open-mouthed kisses and you can’t help but turn your head, allowing him full access.
normally, you would’ve never even dared to do something like this in a public place, but frankly you don’t give a fuck.
“got nothing to say now, huh?” he questions with a scoff. “proves my point. you want me, too.”
you don’t have anything to say— you’re speechless and your heart is quite literally pounding in your chest with how close he is to your face.
you’re drunk and high, don’t have anything to lose and currently, you want to be chan’s… well, anything.
“fuck you,” you manage to croak out.
his nose grazes yours as he lets out a dark chuckle.
he’s trying to make you give in, however it doesn’t have the desired effect he’s looking for. or so you think.
you hate his guts, and by now, the many drinks you’ve had; the joints you’ve smoke, have already kicked in and you want to be petty. you want to fight with him, just for the sake of it.
“…hmm? not going to deny it, are you?” he closes in on you and he’s silent, waiting for your response.
there is a brief minute in between all of the chaos, where all that is heard is your breaths, and all you do is stare at each other.
that’s before he speaks again, a lot more softer than before, “do you actually think i look at her the way i look at you?” he asks. “or that she can even compare?” his voice tries to soften up along with his features, but you aren’t going to fold so easily.
“bullshit,” you snarl, burning holes into his skull with your angry glare. “besides, i don’t give a fuck. like you said, we’re not together.”
noticing his jaw flex and loosen a few times through his annoyance, he finally lunges at you, pinning you up against the wall again as you groan in displeasure.
you try to twist your wrist out of his grasp that’s slowly getting tighter and tighter.
“no, seriously. do you really think i’d do that to you?” he asks, his tone still cold and demanding as his hands starts to shake slightly with the force of his grip. “after everything?”
“chan,” you groan, still trying to pull away from him. you take another shallow breath and look at him through your lashes, trying not to show how much his words are affecting you. “i’m not in the fucking mood.”
“i’m not playing with you, i’m serious,” he states, before pressing his entire body flush against yours.
his voice softens as he admits, “i missed you so much. you know you’re the only one who can make me feel this way.”
you didn’t mean to, but in that instant, you let a little, ‘yeah, right,’ slip from your mouth and that did it.
chan smashes his lips against yours with a bruising force, his hands still lingering at your bound wrists that he’s moved above your head.
groaning into the kiss, you try to turn your head, but just as you pulled away and got some air, his hands let go of your wrists and traps your face between them instead. he brings your lips against his again, somehow trying to make you feel what he feels.
you try to push him away from you by his shoulders as soon as you feel his tongue desperately prying at your lips, you know it’s over.
this man will be the death of you one way or another.
chan wraps one arm around your head and the other around your waist to keep you there, pressing you firmly against his strong frame, making you sigh into the kiss.
no matter how much you can’t stand him, how furious and angry you are, you just give in anyway, like you always do.
almost like he has some kind of power over you.
you let his tongue tangle with yours as his still forceful mouth causes yours to feel slightly swollen.
when he feels satisfied that he’s finally gotten what he wanted, he pulls away with a loud smack.
you look up at him, finding hooded eyes and parted lips. but before you can respond, a sudden, loud gasp escapes you as chan easily swoops you up with one arm, backing you into the wall, hard.
“someone might walk in,” you gasp in surprise.
“let’s give them a show.”
“fuck—” you moan as his lips leaves butterfly kisses on your jaw. “i can’t stand you.”
he pushes you against the wall, one of his hands harshly yanking your hair so hard tears appear in your eyes.
you know exactly what nerve you’d hit.
“you can’t stand me?” he asks, threading his fingers in your hair before placing soft kisses on the exposed skin on your neck. “yet here you are, all hot and bothered... your skin begging for my touch.”
a sinful, loud moan rips from your throat and goes straight to his cock as he lets his hand come up to your throat before squeezing a little too tightly, backing you further into the wall.
you feel his grip tighten around your neck, hard enough to leave bruises but controlled enough to constrict your airway.
“i hate you.”
“stop fucking lying y/n, you know that’s not true.” he snaps harshly, and you know you’d hit a nerve with him, but you honestly don’t care.
you so hate him… right now, anyway as you’d probably soften up after some time to think.
his hands begin tearing at your clothing, ridding you of your dress rather quickly.
you watch him hold the short, slightly revealing dress up in front of him as he scoffs loudly, “why would you wear this?” he asks, the tone in his voice making him sound more angry than before.
“because you always said it was your favourite,” you say with a smirk, not caring that you’re being a little insensitive.
whatever the motives behind your words were, that did it.
he groans, quickly throwing the dress aside before ripping your bra and underwear off.
you slightly frown as he takes the last of it off and you’re finally naked before him again, his eyes ranking over your exposed body shamelessly.
“i hate you,” you mumble again.
“shut up!” he barks again and you listen, but not because he told you to; because you can’t think of anything to shoot back.
“i’m gonna get you to take that back, fucking watch,” he said in a low tone, pulling his t-shirt over his head before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans quickly.
he doesn’t even bother taking the rest of his clothes off, he just pulls his cock out of his boxers and jeans, letting you see that he’s already hard and ready.
stroking himself a few times, his fingers pulls at his shaft until you watch precum collect on his slit.
chan stops himself with a pleasured sigh just before lining himself up and shoving his entire cock inside of you.
you both gasp in unison before he starts pumping, quickly finding a fast pace.
you moan hesitantly, trying to keep each and every one of them in to show him how mad you are, but that doesn’t really work.
every moan just keeps topping the last and soon you’re withering as he drills you into the wall.
you keep your hands attached to the wall, afraid to let go, seeing as they’d probably just drift towards his hips as they work against yours. you don’t want to give him the satisfaction.
but soon, you feel your anger fading away and you can only feel pure pleasure as each of his thrusts makes you feel better…
“take… it. b-back.” chan hisses, enunciating each of his words with rough thrusts.
you shake your head and proceed in keeping your mouth shut as he just moves faster, knowing you’re close.
feeling his mouth dip down to your chest, you let out a whimper as he starts devouring all of the skin there is to reach before licking a trail up to your neck where he begins to bite and suck roughly.
“nggh— oh my god…fuck,” you moan as he finds your sweet spot, but quickly close your mouth before a loud sigh in the form of his name can escape.
you begin grinding your hips opposite of his and he moans louder as holds your hips in place to quicken his pace even more.
finally, you feel your anger reside permanently as your legs wrap themselves tighter around his waist and your hands around his neck.
you watch him crack a small smile for a split second, knowing he’d finally won, before your orgasm starts.
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if you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving feedback! love hearing you guys’ thoughts!
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Things I love about EPIC: The Musical
Greek mythology hehehehehhehe (my weakness)
Little Ajax
The slightly different styles in each segment but the overarching cohesiveness
The crew singing choral vocals for Odysseus
POLITES *screaming crying throwing up*
The crew introducing Eurylochus but Odysseus introducing Polites
Odysseus’s ‘Ha ha HA Haaaaa!” What a smug lil $h!*
His whole description of Athena ~ fanboy energy
“Bestest of friends(?)!” “Okay chill kid” ”okay :D”
Polites definitely almost knocking himself out with lotus before Odysseus definitely takes it away like “oh honey no”
I’m not a musically intelligent person so forgive me but the way the “take from you like you took from me / gift from you and a gift from me” sounds just makes my brain so happy
If music is math then that is definitely some solid well done math
“Nooooooobody, noooooooooobody, noo~ooOOOOOOOOOOOOH~bodyyyyyy”
“My brothers-!” yall I’m gonna freakin cry
The visceral death sounds when the club comes out
Polyphemus’s voice slowing like a giant robot powering down to show him falling asleep
The sound slowly fading in as Odysseus takes in the death around him (I imagine he’s looking at the remains of Polites)
The sound Athena makes whenever she appears or disappears (NOTICE SHE DOESNT MAKE THAT SOUND WHEN SHE LEAVES FOR THE LAST TIME! just empty wind…)
“The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them.” UGH BEAUTIFUL
The growl in “REMEMBER ME.”
Ship sounds!
The entirety of “My Goodbye”. It’s just such a good argument song and I love it so much.
Odysseus’s angry “HEY.” when Athena basically blames the death of his friends on his kindness.
The fact that Odysseus isn’t afraid to absolutely WRECK Athena verbally? She has definitely killed and turned people into spiders for less
You can tell he felt a little bad about it and that she actually was kinda hurt by it too (silence is a heckuva tool)
“Aim for the island in the sky” oh yeah I’m listening to a Greek myth wHEEEZE
Eurylochus slowly getting on Odysseus’s nerves till he literally has to pull him aside and tell him to stfu
No but actually Eurylochus is not being a real one rn he is not being helpful
The wind god ( *0v0*)
“Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?” WOW OKAY DANG
“Ruthlessness is mercy—DIE.”
The crew calling for their captain as they’re taken by the sea
THE AUDACITY OF POSEIDON TO REMIND ODYSSEUS OF HIS OWN WORD—“when does a ripple become a tidal wave/ when does a man become a monster”—DURING THIS CRISIS. WHAT A PETTY JERK (do it again)
Eurylochus try to confess and Odysseus refusing to let him. There three reasons I think this is: 1) he doesn’t know why he wants to confess but he literally does not have time for his #2 to be having a moment rn. 2) he knows what Eurylochus did and is choosing to keep him quiet because he needs the crew not to dwell on this/he’s trying not to punch him in the face. 3) he knows what he did and he’s saying “stfu” as a way of forgiveness. All of these are great options imo
“We couldn’t resist!” “What was it?” “A woman!” “…w h a t. -_-“ my man is fed up rn
Hermes’s insane laugh !!!! LOVE
Hermes’s entire song
Rhyming “Be hurt” with “beat her” BRAIN SO HAPPY
Someofthamagic~ BRAIN SO HAPPY AGH
The fight between Odysseus and Circe~ so evenly matched! Wits, power, but she beat him! She beat him even though he didn’t cave.
“I dug the root up w my bare hands!” “Hermes gave it to you didn’t he” “…okay fine yes but rGARDLESS—“
The fact that Odysseus calls Penelope his power
Circe’s empathetic sigh because she’s not a monster, she’s a protector, and her heart has been touched by Odysseus’s earnestness and love for his wife and for his brothers
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yunwangja · 21 days
undercurrents | signal no. 12
masterlist | next signal
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you turn your phone off and place it on the coffee table, feeling a surge of determination as you lock eyes with your friends, daring them to challenge you. their teasing had pushed you to this point, and now you were ready to prove them wrong. your gaze shifts to kuroo, who is laughing with bokuto about some ridiculous inside joke.
"i’m telling you, bo, the way you fumbled that last play was classic. i thought you were going to fall flat on your face!" kuroo's laughter is infectious, and you can't help but let the sound wash over you, even as you try to focus on your own turmoil.
you don’t like kuroo. you don’t like him like that. you don’t. and even if you did, you can’t. feelings for someone, in your experience, only lead to disaster. you weren’t cut out for it—the heartache, the vulnerability. it wasn’t that you thought kuroo was a bad person; it was that you were the problem. being an observer, an admirer from afar, was safer. there were no expectations, no risks, and no pain that way. it was how you’d kept yourself from getting hurt again.
bokuto excuses himself, spotting noya and bounding over to join him in a loud debate about who was better at a certain game you’d all played earlier. with bokuto gone, kuroo turns his attention back to you, a playful smile on his lips as he scoots a bit closer, draping an arm over the back of the couch.
"why are your eyebrows furrowed?" he asks, feigning concern. "still pissed off that i beat you at mario kart?"
you roll your eyes, a playful retort on the tip of your tongue. "no, your victory is stupid," you grumble, but your tone lacks any real bite. your gaze drifts around the room, landing on tooru, who is currently engaged in a petty bet with osamu over some trivial matter. your eyes linger on him as you remember the conversation with your friends, the one that led you here.
kuroo follows your gaze, his expression softening when he sees tooru. "do you want to talk to him?" he asks, leaning in teasingly, a smile tugging at his lips. "honestly, you’ve been doing better at keeping up a conversation with him lately."
you shake your head slightly, your eyes still fixed on tooru. "uh… maybe." you finally look back at kuroo, uncertainty swirling in your chest. "i don’t know," you murmur, reaching for a nacho from the coffee table, using it as a distraction.
kuroo’s smirk deepens. "come on. just tell me. what do you want?" he prompts gently, his tone encouraging. "i can give you a hand."
you hesitate, looking down before meeting his gaze again. the weight of your own confusion presses down on you, making it hard to find the right words. kuroo waits patiently, his expression open, urging you to continue. "go on," he says softly.
"i…" you glance at tooru once more, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten. "can i… ask him out?"
the words tumble out before you can fully think them through. but isn’t that what you’re actually trying to do? this was the simplest way to tell him. besides, how can you explain to him that you wanted to remind yourself that you liked tooru, and having feelings for him was absolutely impossible?
kuroo freezes, the shock flickering across his face. this wasn’t what he expected to hear from you, not after you’d sworn you wouldn’t act on your ‘harmless’ feelings for tooru. he recovers quickly, masking his reaction with a neutral expression as he looks between you and tooru. "wow," he finally says, scratching the back of his head.
"i mean… i told you from the get-go, y/n," he forces a small smile. "you can."
"i can ask him… right now, right?" you ask, the nerves creeping into your voice. kuroo nods, maintaining his smirk even as it feels like it’s cracking. "of course. i’m curious to see how you’ll do."
"yeah… okay…" you mutter, your heart pounding in your chest.
you’re scared. maybe you didn’t have to go this far, but you feel like you need to. deep down, you know you’re confused, lost in the swirling emotions that have been building up inside you. maybe, just maybe, spending time with tooru will give the answers you needed.
but a part of you insists. you have to still like tooru. you have to like him. you have to at least do this, even if he says no and you end up embarrassing yourself. you have to keep this act up, even if your friends’ suspicions turn out to be true. you have to be the girl who never crosses the line, who never lets herself get too close. for everyone’s sake. for your own.
you slowly stand up, your legs feeling heavy as you make your way over to tooru, who is still caught up in his conversation with osamu. as you leave, you don’t notice kuroo’s smile fading, his eyes darkening with an emotion he can’t quite name. he watches you walk away, a deep sense of loss settling in his chest, but he stays silent, letting you go.
here goes nothing.
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kuroo just wanted to have yn all to herself man :'( poor baby
yn not doing the dolphin noises ritual with noya is BIG DEAL. that says a lot
if you were one of the people who have already read this last time... no you didnt <3 ugh
taglist: @lvtilzs @rarararararq @iamfontenlos @kurooswifeyy @secretsunsetsociety @kagsnumnine @yumiecheesecrackers @tojirin @jaynawayna @noxva08 @zahrawr-writes-fanfics @urslytherin @mawenskiblue @smellysluna @cccccccccccleo @winniethepooh-lover@akirqx @cupidsblonde
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Silver Lining 13
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
Part of the Silverfox AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You lay under the covers, hiding. From the world, from the man on the other side of those walls, from yourself. You just want this to be over with. You want to go home and be alone.
You roll over and sink down beneath the flannel and heavy quilt. They smell like laundry detergent. Not a bad smell, just strong. You’re not crying, you won’t let yourself get that far again. You just can’t stop thinking.
Mr. Rogers face imprints in your mind. You just see his face every time you blink. You feel his grip on your, moving you, using you. You whimper as a flash of his office replaces the dim bedroom around you.
You sit up, ready to scream. GO AWAY!
As scalding as the memories you tried so hard to forget is the embarrassment of your outburst. You though you and Bucky were coming to an accord. That you were getting along but he just had to keep pushing and pushing, needling at the sore spot until you came unraveled. You can only blame him so much. You’re responsible for your own behaviour.
You hear the stairs creak and you hug the blankets as you listen. His footfalls come down the hallways and you see his shadow beneath the door. He stops there and you brace yourself for his knock. It doesn’t come. He continues down the hall and clears his throat loudly.
Hinges softly whine and his voice startles you, “hey, yeah it’s me. You get home okay?”
The door shuts out his next words as it clicks sharply. You can hear his muffled tones but you can’t make out the words. He must be on the phone with someone. You think you know who.
You sit up and drag yourself over to the window. You look out at the lazily drifts of snows. It’s slowed but what’s fallen is deep and treacherous. It’s like a scene out of a fantasy show.
You huff and back away from the window. You’re not getting anywhere. You cross your arms and plod around the room, restless as your stomach swims with your dinner and the craft beer. You’ve never been one for alcohol.
You won't sleep like this but you don't know how to go out and face him. Every time you think you've found peace, it crumbles into another petty argument. You don't think you've ever fought so vehemently with anyone. No one's ever pushed your buttons so easily.
His low tones continue to roll through the air as you walk in circles, lost in anxiety. You just have to wait out this storm. After the last blow up, you doubt he'll want to hold you to your promise. He has the script, he can figure it out.
His door opens again. He's silent as you hear his advance outside the room. He stops again, this time he knocks. You stop in place and hesitate.
"Hey, if you're awake..." he says.
You march to the door and open it an inch, peeking out at him, "a-awake."
"Right, uh," he seems almost surprised by your abrupt response, "I just wanted to apologize. Again. I know I keep doing this but I swear I'm trying not to."
"Mm," you purse your lips and nod, "y-yeah..."
"So we can just focus on the podcast. I still wanted to show you the studio... if you're not too tired."
You stare at him. It would be a good distraction, even with him. You can't just hide away. This is his house.
"S-sounds good," you let the door fall open.
His throat bobs and he exhales, "great."
He turns, beckoning you with jab of his finger ahead. You follow him. He's being nice at least. As nice as you can hope for.
He leads you down the stairs and stops in the kitcheb to grab a flashlight from a drawer. The house is getting darker by the minute. He points you to a door across from kitchen.
He opens it and holds it open, waiting for you to descend first. You take the steps on at a time, your hand firmly on the railing. You turn the corner and come to even ground, looking around at the spacious basement as he flashes the beam around, guiding your gaze.
The walls are cover in black-grey sound proofing and a desk is set up with a monitor and microphone, another table with various equipment atop it just on the other side. There's a clear booth build around the desk, likely to keep the sound concentrated in one area. He steps down behind you and you sidle out of his way.
"I've done some sound tests. I think it works pretty good but it's hard with just one person," he explains, "wouldn't mind having a second set of ears..."
He shoves a hand in his pocket as he paces, his other hand moving with his words.
"R-really? Even a-after... earl-earlier?" You ask meekly.
"It's been a stressful day. We can just let it go," he shrugs. "We were getting along, weren't we?"
"Y-yeah," you agree.
"So let's go back to that," he says, "forget everything else. In the morning, the plows will clear all the mess away and I'll take you home but tonight you're going to have to put up with me."
"G-guess I can t-try," you utter as you bring your hands up and rub them together.
"Cold?" He wonders.
You nod. Down here, you can see your breath. He backs up, "let's go. Powers gonna stay out for a while. You're welcome to sleep by the fire for the night. This place is frigid."
"Um, m-maybe," you step past him as he points you upstairs. He trails you, the light glaring around your figure and casting a shadow ahead of you.
"Well, you can at least finish your beer," he insists, "I'll crack a second and see if it doesn't mellow me out."
You nod as you get to the top and move out of his way, "th-thanks."
"Well, you know, I do listen. You were right... about my manners. I'm working on it... trying not to be stubborn old man.”
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padfootagain · 1 year
Pet Names
Hi! Here is a request that was sent my way by @thenerdysimp : ‘And then I had a new idea just now where reader does a “TikTok prank” on Ben where she calls him by his full name. Man’s terrified and she starts to feel bad for scaring him😂’
So, here we go for this adorable idea! I hope you enjoy what I’ve written for it! Also you said ‘full name’, so I’m not just dropping the cute nickname I’m going ‘full name’… the poor man…
I hope you like this cute oneshot! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: Some tooth-rotting fluff! Also… the ending turned a sexy even if there is no nsfw stuff, but the flirt is getting out of hand… (don’t know what happened to me with that last sentence but…)
Summary: You find this popular prank on Tik Tok and decide to try it on Ben. But when you call him by his full name instead of your usual adorable pet names, he panics more than anticipating, and it kind of backfires.
Word Count: 1859
Ben Barnes Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You laugh at the video on your phone, and a sting of guilt shoots through your body because… well… it is more than time to get up from the warmth of your bed and actually be productive, but then again…
You decide that one more short video will not kill you, so you stay on Tik Tok for one more.
It’s the same trend again that’s been going on for a few days on the app now: calling your significant other by their name in order to see their reaction. And you find it hilarious. Some are cute about it, some are straight up moody or even angry.
You wonder how Ben would react to that, though…
You don’t reckon that he would get angry, he is too calm and too nice for that. Confused? Yes, definitely, he would get confused, maybe even a little worried. Actually, you’re so curious about it that you’re considering pulling this prank on him.
He’s not the kind to be petty, but he will get back at you if you prank him, so you need to weigh your options. The last time you made fun of him for being taller than you, he hid your favourite snacks on the top shelf for three days…
Still, you reckon this one is rather innocent, so you decide to try it on Ben.
He’ll soon be home, he went for an early run this morning before getting some work done as he is getting ready to leave to shoot a new project in a couple of days. So, you finally get up, take a shower before he arrives and decide to wait for him on the couch, grabbing the book you’re currently reading.
You hear the key turning in the lock first, then you hear fumbling with the doorknob, and finally you hear him whistling as he steps inside your home. You hear his keys being dropped in their bowl by the door, the sound of his shoes dropping to the floor, and finally his footsteps crossing the hall. He grins as he sees you on the sofa, looking comfy and rather adorable in one of his jumpers, some sweatpants and buried under a heavy blanket.
“Hi, darling!” he chimes, hurrying towards you and you can’t refrain the smile that forms on your lips in response to his happy voice.
He bends to drop a sweet kiss on your lips, but you wriggle your nose when he pulls away.
“You’re all sweaty!” you complain, making him laugh.
“True. It was a good run, though. I’m going to take a shower, I reckon I need one.”
He moves towards the bathroom, but spins around after a couple of steps, and strides towards the kitchen instead.
“Water first,” he explains at the sight of your amused frown, before disappearing in the kitchen. “Do you want some, darling?”
“Oh, yes! Thanks, Ben.”
You wait for his reaction, but you hear nothing. From your peripheral vision, you catch him peering at you from the kitchen. He frowns hard, completely puzzled, and you struggle not to let out a bright laugh.
But he shakes his head, and resumes his activity in the kitchen. A minute later, he’s bringing you your glass of fresh water.
He’s still not reacting to your prank though, so you decide to push it a little further.
“Thank you, Benjamin.”
You see him visibly tensing as you take your drink, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.
“Wow… I must really be in trouble,” he says, crossing his arms and tilting his head a little to the side. “Why on earth would you call me that?”
His voice is perfectly calm though, soothing even. You struggle not to laugh at the confused expression that paints itself over his features.
“Nothing,” you answer, but he’s not buying it.
“If it’s about the last jaffa cake that disappeared last night, it wasn’t me.”
“It was my doppelganger.”
“Hmm… Jaffa cakes are his favourite, it’s not his fault, really…”
“I see…”
But you keep on staring sternly at him, and Ben grows more and more confused and anxious at the sight.
He frowns, humour gone from his voice when he speaks once more.
“Seriously, though… what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean ‘nothing’? You’ve never called me that before, what’s going on?”
“I’ve just used your name!”
But his frown deepens, he blinks several times, completely at a loss.
“Why would you call me that? No one calls me Benjamin. Except for my parents when they want to ground me.”
“Aren’t you a little old to be grounded?”
“You can never know with them.”
You chuckle, but Ben grows worried now, and your amusement starts feeling a lot like guilt.
He sits down next to you and takes your hand in his, enlacing your fingers together.
“What’s wrong? What did I do? I’ve done something terrible, haven’t I?”
“No, of course not…”
“I have… are you… how bad is it?”
“Nothing is wrong, I’m sorry…”
“You’ve never called me ‘Benjamin’. Ever. And you haven’t called me ‘Ben’ in like… two years!”
But you take his face in your hands to shush him, a soothing smile on your lips now.
“There’s nothing wrong! It was just a joke.”
He deeply frowns again.
“I just saw this trend on Tik Tok, where you’re supposed to call your significant other by their name to see their reaction, and I just wanted to try it on you. It’s just a joke!”
You’re giggling now, but Ben is still frowning.
“It’s a joke?” he asks again, just to make sure. “So… you’re not mad at me, right?”
“No, of course not, honey!”
You see him relaxing next to you, shaking his head at you now, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Benjamin… really?” he asks, teasing back in his voice.
“You didn’t say anything at ‘Ben’! I had to up my game!”
“I thought you wanted to murder me or something!”
“Murder you?�� you asked, laughing brightly now.
“I would actually expect you to murder me before calling me Benjamin.”
You both laugh at that.
“Don’t ever call me that again, by the way.”
“I could do worse.”
“Could you?” he snorts.
You stare at him, dead serious.
“Benjamin. Thomas. Barnes.”
You remain still for a moment, before both of you would explode with laughter.
“You’re right, it’s worse!” Ben complains, still laughing, as he stands from the couch to finally head for a shower. “Careful, or I’ll hug you while still covered with sweat.”
He takes off his black t-shirt and throws it at you, making you laugh harder as you dive to avoid the dirty piece of clothing.
“You’re disgusting!”
But you hear him laughing, as he turns to look at you pushing his t-shirt away, leaning against the doorframe. And it is quite infuriating how handsome he looks like this, dishevelled, and sweaty, and you can’t help but stare at his exposed chest…
“I reckon that was a very petty vengeance,” you narrow your eyes at him as he starts chuckling again, a smug smile on his lips.
“I think you like the view, though.”
“Not at all…”
“Maybe a little bit.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He buries his hands in the pockets of his dark pair of shorts.
“Now, give me one of my usual pet names, please, my darling,” he goes on, his voice more tender now.
“I don’t know which one you’re talking about…”
“Any will do.”
“What do I usually call you again?”
“Hmm… let’s see…” he plays along, looking up as if searching through his memories. “There’s the classic ‘baby’, then there’s ‘love’… I’m very fond of ‘darling’, not gonna lie. ‘Honey’, ‘babe’, ‘honey bun’, ‘handsome’, and of course there’s ‘sweetheart’, and ‘sweetie’…”
“You’ve got many!”
“Hmm… you’re more creative than I am with these, I have to say. I usually keep with ‘darling’, or ‘love’, or ‘sweetheart’… right?”
“You call me ‘beautiful’ a lot, too.”
“That’s because you’re hot.”
You both laugh at that, even if the glimmer in Ben’s eyes tells you he’s not really teasing.
“Come on! Call me something proper, now!” Ben insists, and you nod.
“Alright, alright… that’s enough teasing.”
You stare intensely at him, and he waits patiently while you make up your mind. He’s expectant when he sees you opening your mouth to speak.
He lets out a frustrated cry.
“That’s even worse! No! It sounds like you’re calling my father!”
He shudders, and you double over with laughter.
“Stop laughing! That’s disgusting!”
“You should see your face!” you laugh, your stomach painful by now.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Ben warns you, and even though there’s a smile tugging at his lips again, you know he’s serious still. “You’ll have to make me forgive you for that.”
“Alright, alright… I’m sorry, that was going a little too far.”
“Indeed! Now, call me a sweet name or else…”
“Or else…”
“I’ll make sure you’re forgiven.”
You raise a surprised eyebrow.
“And how are you going to do that?”
He shoots you a bright grin.
“Oh, you’ll like that, don’t worry.”
“Will I?”
He nods with confidence, almost cocky.
“Someone’s a little full of himself over there…” you tease, but Ben merely shrugs.
“Realistic, rather.”
“Alright, anyway, I’m going to call you a cute name now, don’t worry.”
“I’m all ears.”
You grin at him, full of mischief, when you speak again.
“You little minx!”
The next second you’ve jumped off the couch as Ben is sprinting towards you, running after you through your apartment, both of you laughing like crazy.
“Come back here!”
He’s got you cornered after less than a minute, your back to the wall, and giggling like crazy.
“Now, baby, I call for a parlay,” you negotiate, but Ben is not fooled.
“Absolutely not.”
“Don’t tickle me. Please, don’t tickle me…”
“I’m not going to tickle you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
You lower your guard a little, tilting your head.
“Kisses?” you offer as a truce, and Ben has to admit he’s tempted, but then a devilish grin spreads over his lips.
“I got better than kisses planned, darling.”
The next second, he’s bent down to pick you up on his shoulder, carrying you like a bag of potatoes across the apartment, striding towards the bathroom.
“Baby! Stop it! Put me down!”
But he doesn’t listen to you.
“Ben! Stop!” you laugh, swatting his naked back.
“And here is my name again…”
“Too late!”
He steps into the bathroom, opens the door to the bathroom, and gently puts you down in the shower.
“I’ve already taken a shower!” you tell him with a frown. “You’re the one who needs one!”
But when his gaze turns more intense, you instantly fall silent, finally understanding his devilish plan.
He’s already stripping when he finally answers, his eyes still staring deep into your soul, and his smile has turned much more dangerous now…
“I know,” he nods, voice deep and husky now, terribly tempting. “But then again, if you’re so eager to say my name, why not moan it instead?”
Taglist: @reg-arcturus-black @wolfmoonmusic @sergeantbuckybarnes
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 10: Human Shield
CW for blood and injury
It is raining. A torrent of water cascades down from the sky, soaking Warriors and plastering his tunic to his skin. The fierce winds whip his hair into his eyes, washes the ground out from beneath his feet. Fighting in such conditions is…less than enjoyable to be certain.
But such is the way of heroism, he supposes. If you come across a heavily populated monster camp, you can’t very well just turn around and walk away. Even if it is raining bokos and keese.
“I’m gonna assume,” he remarks, as he drives his sword into a nearby moblin and almost slips in the mud, “that this isn’t your doing Sprite.”
He can’t see Time’s expression — the old man is busy slashing at the handful of beasts currently trying to cage him in — but he can tell that he’s grinning anyway.
“Not this time, no.” Time whirls in a spin attack, sending monsters and mud and water flying in all directions. “Believe me, if the Song of Storms had the power to end this downpour, then I wouldn’t hesitate to play it.”
Warriors chuckles. “And here I was thinking you liked the rain.”
“I do when I don’t have to fight an entire camp of monsters in it.”
Warriors laughs again, bringing his sword in a harsh, upward stroke. Black blood flies, splattering into the makeshift river sprouting into being beneath his feet. Quick as a flash, it is washed away.
The feeling of victory is short-lived. Several more monsters jog up to take their fallen companion’s place. Warriors steps back, shifting his feet to get a better grip on the ground. They come at him and he whirls in his own imitation of Time’s move mere seconds before.
“Well, if this is what it takes to get you back for all those times you drenched me for no reason besides your own gremlin joy…then I’ll deal.”
Time faces him from across the space that separates them. Raindrops drip from his hair and run in rivulets down his face. They wash away the blood dribbling sluggishly from a cut across his forehead. They can do little, however, for that which stains his trousers right above his boot. Nor can they rinse off the mud that sullies his usually spotless armor.
But he smiles as though none of that matters. And for a moment Warriors sees a mischievous little forest child, grinning up at him as he complains about his latest prank.
“Truly?” He cocks his head, brings his claymore down with hardly any effort, and sends ten monsters soaring. “You would endure this just to get back at me? And for something that I allegedly did years ago? I never took you for a petty person, captain.”
Warriors rolls his eyes. He is traveling even deeper into the camp now, cutting down the monsters that try to get in his way. There is a cluster of them in the middle of the encampment, gathered around a skeletal treasure chest. He’s willing to bet that killing them will make the largest impact.
“I’m not being petty, Sprite. I’m defending my honor.”
“Ah. My bad.”
Time’s voice has a lilting tone, mischievous and slightly mocking. It has been too long since Warriors heard it. Too long since he has seen the child hidden deep within the man trying to be the responsible one in their little group. The leader.
“Well, is your honor suitably — ”
He cuts off abruptly and Warriors cranes his neck in an attempt to ascertain the disturbance. It’s difficult to see over the many heads of his opponents, however, and even more so through the torrent of murky water.
In the end, he doesn’t have to see a thing to realize something is coming. Something large and metallic and decidedly different from the beasts they have battled thus far.
A fast, panicked tune sounds in Warriors’ ears, alarm bells jingling like the notes on a piano.
The monsters surrounding him skitter out of the way, shrieking in fear. In the space that they have left shines a blurry, crimson light. It emanates from a single eye of purest blue, situated in the cylinder-shaped head of a skulltula-like monstrosity.
And it is pointed straight at him.
The air itself begins to heat, turning cool rain lukewarm. Warriors’ eyes go wide.
There isn’t time to run, there isn’t room to run, but he needs to try anyway, he needs to get away…
Arms working without conscious effort, he lifts his shield and prays that it will be enough.
Firm hands connect with his shoulder. Warriors stumbles sideways, slips, and splashes down into the mud. Heart in his throat, thoughts a jumbled mess of adrenaline and panic signals, he scrambles to all fours.
Only to collapse again mere seconds later when the world erupts.
Crimson light blinds him, molten heat smothers him. The air is thick with it, screaming with the agony of it.
Or maybe someone else is screaming. He can’t tell. All he knows is that he can’t breathe, can’t hear, can’t see anything save for the cries of destruction.
Again and again, the monstrosity fires. Again and again, heat batters at all sides, yet somehow doesn’t touch him.
And then, it’s over.
Warriors can only lie there for a moment, ears ringing, breath coming in ragged gasps. Slowly, painstakingly, the world crawls back into focus.
Carnage lies everywhere. Every monster has disappeared, either escaped into the forest or lying in the dirt. The gore that they have left behind peppers the area. Trees and bits of rock are strewn about, shedding leaves, branches, and pebbles into the rivers of mud. The towers that the beasts had stood upon are no longer the stalwart things they once were. Some are only half standing, others little more than shattered pieces of wood.
And in the midst of it all crouches the smoldering form of the mechanical skulltula that had borne down upon them so quickly. Beside it, lies another of the same build and same size. The lights on that one have just begun to flicker out.
Dazedly, Warriors stares at them from within a strange veil of blue. Then, slowly his gaze drifts to the hero that rises before them.
Time stands straight and tall amongst a river of mud and gore. In one hand he clutches his gilded sword in a white-knuckled grip; in the other his shield. Cracks snake along the pearly silver surface.
Water runs off of what is left of his armor, soaking into his tunic and trousers where the plates have been blown away. Blood oozes from a cluster of deep cuts speckling his upper back. More of the same type mar his left leg and hip.
His shoulders rise and fall with every haggard, gasping breath.
“Sprite?” Warriors croaks and Time turns to him.
He smiles, even as blood trickles from his nostrils and mouth and the gash on his cheek. Even as he wavers.
“Alright, captain?” He croaks, right before his legs give way beneath him.
Instantly, Warriors is on his feet. The haze of shimmering cerulean fades as he stumbles up, leaving behind remnants of an oddly familiar magic.
But he doesn’t have time to ponder that mystery.
He slides to his knees in the mud and pulls Time into his arms. The hero slumps against him. Quickly, Warriors looks over him, assessing the wounds that he can see.
The gashes he had seen before are claw marks, he realizes now, as though a giant beast had tried to pin him to the ground. And the burns searing his arm and side look disturbingly similar to Wild’s scars.
Warriors drags in a steadying breath. Time needs a potion at the very least. Preferably a fairy.
They have neither.
“Sprite.” His voice is oddly detached. To his ears, it sounds as though it is traveling from very far away. “What was that?”
Time’s eyelid flutters, showing a slit of blue. Raindrops roll down his cheeks like tears.
“Nayru’s love,” he croaks, and a smile quirks his lips. “Takes an a-awful lot of damage.”
Warriors’ eyes widen slightly as it hits him.
A spell. That blue haze that had shielded him from the onslaught of fire was a spell. One that Time had cast on him and not himself.
“Someone had to kill them,” comes Time’s quiet voice, raspy with pain. “And I didn’t have enough magic to cover the both of us.”
Warriors looks back down at him and there is no remorse in his gaze. Only calm acceptance.
The captain wants nothing to do with it.
“Well, I’m not losing you,” he grits out. “You deserve to go out in a warm bed, in a warm house, when you’re ancient and insufferable. Not like this. Not here.”
Not because you sacrificed yourself for me.
Time’s hand finds his and squeezes. His fingers are frigid, wet with water and blood. But his touch is firm despite the weakness caging him in. Firm and reassuring.
“You s-sure you can handle me when I’m ancient and insufferable?” He murmurs and Warriors chokes out a chuckle.
“You can bet on it, Sprite.”
He drags himself up, slipping in the cursed sludge that the ground has become. But he manages to gain a steady enough footing. And when he drapes Time’s arm over his shoulders, he is able to take the older man’s weight without losing his balance.
“I’m going to get you back to camp,” he assures him, as Time lets out a low groan, eye slipping closed once more. “My medical supplies are there and I’ve got a few potions. Hyrule can heal you if we need him to, as well.”
Time nods. Warriors tightens his grip. And slowly, arduously, they begin their journey.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 9 months
Ever heard the ‘Foolish and Bad are divorced’ theory? Here’s totally what happened.
Bad probably lost one of his lovers, and it happened to coincide with Foolish losing one of his lovers, and usually what happens is they seek each other out and cry about it (well Bad cries, Foolish makes a bunch of really sad and deprecating jokes because humor is his coping mechanism).
Well when the coincidence happens, they both end up finding each other and just, venting about mortals and how immortality sucks sometimes, until Bad is like, “gosh darn it Foolish I can’t go through this again. Can you just marry me so we can find love together and not get love-trapped by stupid mortals again?”
(I’m aware the words are out of character but if it was in character the amount of dodging and implying would take up several paragraphs and I’m not doing that)
And Foolish laughs and is like “Aaa fuck it. Might as well try I guess, your stupid ass is the only one who doesn’t leave anyways”
It’s very unofficial, they don’t go to a church or anything, and their rings are just mismatched random rings that Bad stole, but they both have weird and mixed feelings about this.
Bad says he’s sure they’ll love each other eventually (I hc him as demiromantic because it’s on the spectrum and because also that’s me too so yippee)
It takes a day or too before Foolish can’t take it any longer. Not only is it too soon, but when he takes a step back from his grief and actually imagines being in a somewhat romantic relationship with Bad, he wants to puke and roll over and die somehow. Also probably had something to do with the fact that Bad started moving in to his current build project and setting up space there and usually it’s not a promising sign for a marriage if you started the day after absolutely strangling your partner.
Bad also realizes this too. The thought of a traditional marriage at ALL has never sounded appealing. He isn’t one to get domestic with it, and despite trying to set up a home with Foolish sounds unappealing (noooo had nothing to do with the current bruises on his neck right now…) Bad lived for adventure, and liked solitude once in a while, and marriage was just a tether that promised no benefits except for tax purposes and he already evades taxes anyways.
They both fight each other to be the once that divorces the other, and they start by making this EVERYONES problem. They never had a traditional wedding, but they DID go to an official divorce court, making it a point to hire the best talent with divorce lawyers out there. Not that there was much to go on, they were only married for a handful of days, and it wasn’t even official so the lawyers have no clue what to do. They go with it anyways because it’s a totem shark and a demon and they are already beating the shit out of each other in the middle of the court, and the lawyers did NOT want to get in the middle of that.
Bad of course tries to weasel his way into getting 50% of Foolish’s build, and Foolish gets impatient with the court and just attacks Bad himself, fed up at the consistent attempts to steal his build.
They both roll around on the ground, biting, kicking, punching, and both of them are smiling through it. They can lean on each other when times get tough, but Landduo will NEVER stoop to petty human traditions ever again.
(whoops this turned into a mini hc fic)
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
The fact that nothing all that bad has happened to Stolas due to the divorce kinda speaks volumes about him as a dad. He willingly stayed in a relationship he could’ve easily left with barely any consequences from the moment Octavia was born, and yet I’m supposed to believe he’s giving her a “normal life”? How do you write a character with this many red flags and not realize how evil he sounds?
It’s mainly the writing that’s the problem and the way the dialogue is rather than the character. (At least for this scenario) Their intention is to have him trapped in this marriage and be helpless to her abuse, except due to the shitty storytelling, we have no reason to believe he’s actually trapped and that there aren’t any alternatives. I still see people pull the “he’s doing this for Via’s sake” excuse, which is irrelevant because not only is Octavia clearly AWARE that her parents have a strained relationship and doesn’t have anywhere near a normal life due to it, but Stolas literally kicked Stella out of the house. Western Energy was him CHOOSING to see her and that’s what got him in danger. There’s nothing stopping him from not seeing her anymore, yet they want to make Stella out to be this big bad mastermind controlling Stolas like a puppet on strings, keeping him from being free when that’s clearly not the case.
The line of “everyday is constant agony” doesn’t make any sense within the context because at this point, him and Stella are fully divorced with her living with Andrealphus. There’s legit no reason Stolas should be suffering at the hands of Stella anymore, it’s not like she’s been going everywhere he goes and following him around. The problem is the abuse aspect as well. The Circus hinted that she hits him, but then Western Energy comes along and portrays their relationship as more comical, while also retconning Stella into a dumb air headed bimbo who just wants Stolas dead for no reason other than pettiness. Now Viv is trying to make their relationship serious again and it’s not working because she’s flip flopping as well as telling and NOT showing us. Actually SHOW Stella being full on abusive, make us believe that Stolas wouldn’t be able to escape her grasp. She can’t pick one, she has no idea what she’s doing with Stella’s character or her and Stolas’s dynamic and it shows. She wants to be comical and dark at the same time and it doesn’t work.
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