#ai to human writing
johncarter54 · 1 year
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Free paraphrasing tool for students. Do your homework and write essays much faster with NetusAI.
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yeasminifra · 2 months
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deathbyattrition · 11 months
You know, when this whole AI art, deepfakes and other shit began, I was scared that the responsibility of convincing people that it can and will be used unethically would fall on the shoulders of small artists who would not be taken seriously. I expected change in the art world to be a slow, creeping transition into inevitable demise.
What I did not expect was hollywood studio execs doing that job for us by being so cartoonishly evil, impatient and releasing statements like "We're gonna starve you until you agree to work with us lol" and "We're gonna take your likeness and use it forever. You will be paid with jack and shit."
I also did not expect AI bros doing the same job for us by harassing a voice actor off of twitter.
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niqhtlord01 · 7 months
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Humans are weird: Thalassophobia
Alien: Can you explain this word to me?
Human: What word?
Alien: *hands over paper* This one.
Human: *Looks at it*
Human: It means a fear of deep water.
Alien: Why would someone be afraid of deep water?
Human: They aren’t afraid of the water itself, but what can be lurking within it.
Alien: What…what lurks in the deep water?
Human: No one knows.
Human: Maybe it’s a giant serpent the size of a submarine, maybe it’s a giant fish with sharp teeth, or maybe even a creature that you only see in shadows.
Human: It could be anything down there.
Alien: It sounds like you are more afraid of your own imagination then.
Human: Never doubt the power of one’s imagination. It can take you to the darkest parts of your mind just as easily as it can the brightest if you are not careful.
Alien: Do you have Thalassophobia?
Human: I do, but I didn’t always have it.
Alien: If you mind when did you get it?
Human: I was twelve I went on a family vacation off the coast of what once was the Island nation of Hawaii after they broke away from the United States.
Human: My dad booked us a diving trip off the coast and we were all excited. When we finally got out to where we were going to dive I could barely see the islands anymore; just dots on the horizon.
Human: One by one, we started going into the water until it was my turn and I fell back beneath the waves. It was like entering another world of color and beauty. Coral reefs stretching out in each direction, fish of every size and color, even an old boat wreck laying on the bottom of the ocean covered in crabs. It was beyond my wildest expectations.
Human: We swam under the water for about an hour until we reached an underwater cliff.
Human: I peered over it but couldn’t see how far it went down. The water below became even murkier and darker compared to the top.
Alien: You don’t sound terrified.
Human: I wasn’t until the clouds rolled in.
Human: Suddenly the bright coral reef was shrouded in darkness. I looked down over the cliff again and my heart froze.
Human: Through the darkness and the murk I saw something massive drifting in and out my vision.
Alien: What was it?
Human: No idea. It was gone as quickly as it had arrived, and when the clouds parted all there was below the cliff was the murkiness of the water.
Human: Only this time I knew there was something that lurked within it.
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hyacinth43 · 2 months
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my Wheatley gijinka!
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darkmagenugget · 5 months
I'm gonna post this here as well, so my stance on this matter is made clear.
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yoyo-s-coffee · 4 months
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a break from the murder
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carionto · 5 months
The duality of Man, or triality? quadrality?
Alien to Human about New Human: Correct me if I'm wrong, but they appear abnormally large for your species?
H: Yea, he's a biggun alright, even without the EV suit I'd say... 7'3'', 310 pounds, bet he power lifts.
A: Umm... not to be rude, but, uhh... he seems, well... how should I put this...
H: Intimidating? Terrifying? Evil? Yea, if this station didn't have high screening standards I'd be totally pissing myself if he started walking towards me. The mohawk and eye tat totally make me believe he could snap me in two with a single glare.
A: I feel ashamed that my instincts are telling me to flee. I wish nature were easier to change.
H (shouting at NH): Hey buddy! Could you come over here for a minute please? You look awesome by the way!
A (whispering nervously): what are you doing?!?
H: Gotta overcome those fears somehow, I believe the best way is a direct confrontation.
NH approaches, somewhat slowly, looking around at all the other aliens in the station that are chatting, waiting around, or doing some work. He finally approaches A and H, and in a very deep and husky voice says: Um, hi, hello. T-thanks for the compliment, I, uh, was a little worried I would stand out too much here.
H: Oh you totally do, my friend over here is practically about to pass out from how much like a gothic viking of death metal you look.
NH: Oh no, I'm so sorry, I-I just grew up in Sweden-Delta and both my parents were huge into classic local music, so I just, uh... it's complicated. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone.
H: Hey, relax pal, we're all good people here. Anyway, what you here to do? I'm planning on starting a bakery, still testing out what kind of flour most species here can actually stomach. My friend here is on the team working on Moon theft preventative measures.
NH: Oh, that's cool. I'm here as an exchange student with the department of applied astrophysics. If all goes well, I can finish my Bachelors degree remotely and stay here as an intern with the head researcher.
H: Oooh, that's cool. (so cool yea that you're apparently half my age but oh well guess I'm a big fat time waster like my father before me and oh god change the subject before I get depressed in front of strangers) That's a real big bag you got there, carrying some super secret science things, eh?
NH: Oh, that... uhh... guess it can't hurt to tell, security vetted it already anyway.
NH proceeds to unzip the bag and hold up a large white piece of clothing with light blue rings and accents, alongside a strange white cap with what looked like small fins, and a curious little backpack.
NH: It's uhh... um... my... Ika... musume... cosplay.... (oh gods I can't believe I said it out loud again)
After a moment of awkward silence, NH slowly puts on the backpack and presses a button on it's strap, and suddenly numerous light blue colored tentacle-like appendages sprout out from the backpack and move in line with NH's movements.
NH: I, uh..., got my engineering friend to make them articulate and interface with my contacts. I can make them do all sorts of things, like make various shapes and animals with them, though works best as a shadow theater.
A now frozen out of confusion than fear:...
H: That's so
NH: (oh I know it's so lame, but I love that show)-
H: COOL! I don't know what a ika musume is, but those things look amazing. You said articulate? How precise can they be? I'd love to have something like that instead of my useless assistant. Poor lad can't make a piece of toast if his life depended on it...
NH: Y-you like it?
H: I LOVE those things. My daughter does cosplay too sometimes, but she makes her Dreadnought suits herself from scraps. One time the military came to our house and installed a limiter on the gauss cannon she found in a crash site, said it would otherwise start to generate small doses of radiation if used too frequently. But she replaced it with a handmade rail gun before the next convention. Do you go to those? Did you see a 7 meter tall hulking metal monstrosity with a bunch of candles all over? That was her.
NH: Oh, I think I've seen video of that, but no, not in person, I go to smaller events. I don't really like big crowds.
H: Oh yea, I get ya, you do seem a bit on the shy side now that we've been talking for a bit. Hey, no worries, like I said, we're all good people here.
NH: T-thanks, but I think I should be going now, the teacher is calling me over.
H: Oh yea, go ahead, didn't mean to take up so much of your time. Have a fun stay and I'm sure you'll ace that paper or theory? Or whatever astrophysicists do, you seem like a solid kid.
NH: Oh, uh, thanks. Good luck with your bakery. And you with stopping those weird people from stealing more moons. Bye.
H: Bye bye, come visit, don't be a stranger now, I'm set up just a short bit from the main lift on floor 14.
NH: R-right, I'll, uh, be sure to stop by soon.
A is finally able to process what they just heard and says: What was all that just now?
H: What? Just a friendly chat with what is apparently basically a kid. Man, this kid's got so much going on, while I'm almost 50 and I have an oven. Life, man, it can go in so many ways. Anyway, let's go grab a drink, I'm parched.
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jpitha · 6 months
Between the Black and Gray
Fen rushed around the corner and slammed her back against the wall, willing herself to be thinner. Station security ran past the alley, their boots clanging on the plates in the floor. Gulping air, Fen tries to slow her breathing.
The comm glued behind her ear buzzed. "Fen, what happened? There are security alerts lighting up the boards looking for you."
Fen winced. She had hoped that she would have had a little longer to try and explain things. "Hey Ma-ren. Sorry. Looks like things got out of hand at Stations End. I uh, might have gotten involved in a small... altercation."
"You were in a bar fight? Fen, what the hell?" Ma-ren managed to sound exasperated even over the bone conduction comm while speaking Levinen.
Fen switched to Colonic. Hardly anyone here spoke the old language and it was easier to talk to Ma-ren in their native tongue. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Ma! I couldn't let that stand. 'Furball' this and 'Cats' that. It was making me so angry!" Fen balled up her fist at the memory, winced when her bruised knuckles complained, and straightened her hand again. "I threw a few punches, tossed a couple Bears, and chucked my chair. It was hardly a fight. Look, I ducked station security, but I need to get off the promenade. I'll keep to the alleys and the maintenance tunnels. It'll be fine. I'll be fine. See you in a bit."
Before Ma-ren could reply, Fen touched the stud on her comm, silencing it. Peering around the corner, she saw that security was looking around. Fen crept further down the alley until she was behind a restaurant. Even here on the station, behind restaurants were messy places. Odd smells, greasy floors and detritus scattered everywhere.
Fen crept behind the restaurant until she came upon a maintenance tunnel. She tried the wheel, but it was stuck fast. "Uh Station? Can you open maintenance door-" she peered at the door and wiped some slimy dirt away "-775-OPR-23?" Fen spoke as quietly as she thought she could get away with.
"Fenchurch Imar, you are not authorized to enter the maintenance tunnels." Station at least had the grace to reply in a low voice matching hers.
"I know Station, but I just need to use it as a shortcut to get home. You saw security, there's no way I'll get treated well if they catch me"
"Fenchurch, I also know why they are chasing you. You tossed two Sefigans and threw a chair at a Gren. All three are in the medical ward."
Fen stopped. She didn't think she had injured anyone. "How badly are they hurt?"
"They will recover. The Sefigans are bruised and the Gren broke one of their legs. You know that you are stronger than both of them. We make it clear to humans when they come onboard."
"I know Station, but you also know how they were bad mouthing K'laxi. They were calling them our pets!"
"Regardless Fenchurch-"
"Please, call me Fen."
"Very well. Regardless Fen, you started a bar fight. Whatever your reasons, security wants to speak to you."
Fen rolled her eyes. "Station you know very well that speaking is the last thing on their minds. They want to shock baton me until I'm a gibbering mess and then toss me into the drunk tank until Ma-ren bails me out and everyone has a good laugh. I'll probably get evicted for good measure."
Station said nothing.
"Well Station? Are you going to open the hatch, or am I going to get arrested, beaten, and humiliated? You know what I did. Does defending my girlfriend warrant all that?"
There was a click, and the hatch bounced off its seals.
"Thanks Station, I owe you."
"You do, Fen."
Fen made it home without further incident. As she approached the stairs she passed an old K'axi, gray around their muzzle, sitting on a folding chair, reading a pad.
"Hey Da'reni. How's things?"
They looked up from their pad and flicked an ear. "Causing trouble again Fen?"
Fen crossed her arms defiantly. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Da'reni. I wasn't going to let that stand."
Da'reni nodded slowly. "I get that Fen, and I appreciate it, but you also have to think about what kind of trouble this will bring down on all of us. The knock-on effects. We're not in the Colony Worlds. Humans and K'laxi are thin on the ground here. You could take anyone here in a fight one on one, but they're in charge. Security can come here and evict us and then what Fen? Spyglass barely made it here, and I know that you can't fix a Starjumper."
Fen sighed. Da'reni was right, but that didn't make what she said feel good. "I know Da'reni, I know. But..." her shoulders slumped. "Okay. I'll try and be more careful."
Da'reni looked down at her pad. "I know you will Fen."
Fen's energy sapped, she walked slowly up the steps until she reached her apartment. Touching the locking stud, the door clicked and she pushed it in. Suddenly, her vision was obscured, and she felt warm fur on her face. Her arms shot up to catch Ma-ren after she jumped onto her. "Hey hon. I thought you might need a hug."
Fen squeezed her girlfriend gently and held her. "You always know just what I need Ma." After a moment she set the K'laxi down. "I talked with Da'reni on the way in."
"Oh? What did that old warhorse have to say?" Ma-reni's tail flicked playfully.
"She warned me about causing trouble. We don't want to get evicted or worse, especially since Spyglass isn't in any condition to thrust away, let alone link anywhere."
Ma-ren nodded. "She has a point Fen. Still, you came to my rescue today and while it might cause trouble, that's part of the reason why I love you.
Fen smiled. "I love you too Ma. You wanna go get dinner?"
Ma laughed. "After the trouble you just caused? I think we'll cook at home tonight."
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mewsmagic · 9 months
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Honestly, this whole AI bs did so much critical damage to my emotional HP, I felt we really needed more people talking about it, so here I am!
Putting the title aside though, I’m really not here to tell you what to do, you decide what’s best for you based on your own circumstances!!
I made this post merely to calm you down, show the options and give you some hope that yes, there’s still a future for our career!
We’ll have to keep fighting for it of course, but that’s a topic for another comic, stay tuned! 👀
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vendingmachineheart · 2 months
I am going to try and put this in as few words as possible, because my roommate and I spent an hour talking about this today; but there is truly nothing more incredible to me than human creativity.
Like, you’re telling me someone made this? You’re telling me this art came from someone’s own hand? You’re telling me this story came from someone’s mind? You’re telling me that someone as flawed and mortal and lost as me made this?
There is a beauty in math and in science, I am not here to argue that. But mathematics existed long before us. Science will exist long after us. And while the knowledge we have is a wonder, it is not ours. We did not make one and one equal two, we only learned and accepted that it did.
But our art is not universal. Our music was born through us. Our writing will die with us. And there is so much more beauty in knowing that we have made something. People have language and culture and poetry not because it was fact, but by our own whim and design.
This is something AI can never fulfill. An algorithm cannot create, it can only compile. A computer generated image has no link to us, to human emotion. To human flaw and struggle and passion.
Art is beautiful, and creation is the most powerful thing a person can do. Your stories, your art, hell, your fanfic and original characters, they exist not because of universal laws of math and physics, but because of your mind and skill; and if that isn’t the most amazing thing in the world, then what is?
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frog-with-no-therapy · 3 months
I want a spider X dcu but have Peter working at the league's base in space as a mechanic or a scientist, cause of course they will have the best material and information to help him make a way home. Except that Peter is weird.
Like, weird weird. Like, spider bite kind of weird with a hint of different culture from a different world kind of weird.
Listen most of his interactions with humans in their world is with them cause he's at the watchtower all the time, so his understanding of what is normal is a bit skew, and he probably also got used to acting more spidery, especially when in a lab or sm (courtesy of his time at the avenger tower where he doesn't really have to hide his spidery side)
Then you take into account him having a different kind of humour and a different set of memes and you have the whole justice league thinking he's secretly an alien
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femaleboysblog · 2 months
do yall think we're going to have an
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Anti-AI userboxes for artists and writers. Just reblog this post if you're going to use them.
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niqhtlord01 · 9 months
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Humans are weird: Not what I expected
Human Security officer: First day on the job?
Alien Trainee: Yeah, bit nervous.
Human Security officer: Don’t be.
Human Security officer: Sure we see a bunch of strange things here on the station, but working security isn’t so bad.
*Over the radio*: Hey Sarge, it’s happening again.
Human Security officer: Gods damnit.
*Answers radio*
Human Security officer: Where are they this time?
*Over radio*: Deck three.
Human Security officer: *to Trainee* Right, I got to go handle this so you might as well come along to. ----------------------
*Several decks later*
Human Security officer: Now whatever happens, I need you to be calm.
Alien Trainee: Saying that makes me less calm.
Human Security officer: Just shut the hell up then and watch.
*turns corner and sees gathering of people. Many of them look like miners who had just returned from outer system asteroid mining*
Alien Trainee: *Looks confused as to what they are all looking at until they tilt their head up and see a monstrous being of pink flesh and tentacles clogging up one of the hallways leading to the docking bay*
*The creature is easily three to four times the size of any of the gathered humans and ooze drips from its tentacles*
Alien Trainee: *Begins to panic and rest their hand on their sidearm holster before realizing they haven’t been issued a weapon yet*
Alien Trainee: *Turns to look at human sarge only to find him casually walking towards the monster*
*Only now does the trainee realize that none of the humans appear to be panicking or freaking out*
*Crowd parts to let the human sarge stand before the creature that now turns its full attention to the security officer*
Human Security officer: Marvin?
Human Security officer: Marvin you need to go back home.
*Creature lets out a loud gurgling noise from beneath its tentacles that sends shivers down the alien trainee’s spines*
Human Security officer: Marvin! I know you don’t like it when your friends leave but they need to go back to work.
*More loud grumbling and the creature retreats further into the tunnel, fully blocking passage*
Human Security officer: MARVIN! Get out of the tunnel!
*Softer gurgling but the creature only uses their tentacles to cover their eyes*
Human Security officer: Marvin I can still see you; covering your eyes does nothing.
*No response*
Human Security officer: Marvin. Maaaaaaaaarvin. MARVIN!
*Still no response*
Human Security officer: *Sighs loudly*
Human Security officer: *Points to random worker* Where’s Mitch? Why isn’t he here dealing with this?
Human Miner: He got offered double shifts on the belt and took it for the extra money.
Human Security officer: Of course he did.
Alien Trainee: *Finally working courage up to speak* Who is this “Mitch”?
Human Security officer: *Turns remembering that the trainee was there* Ah, right; he’s Marvin’s owner and the only one he’ll listen to.
Alien Trainee: Is this, Marvin, a sentient being?
Human Security officer: More like a pet Mitch found a few years back and took with him.
Human Security officer: Don’t think he counted it on being the size of a bus.
*Sees Alien Trainee looking nervous*
Human Security officer: Don’t worry; despite his size Marvin’s a goofball with a heart of gold.
Alien Trainee: Can we not just stun it and drag it out of the way then?
*All humans nearby stop and look at Alien trainee, anger and shock on their faces*
Human Miner: Is that some sort of fucked up joke?
Human Miner 2: Yeah!
Human Miner 3: You heard Marvin has a heart of gold and you just want to stun it? What kind of monster are you?
*Loud rowdy humans increase in volume before Human Security officer waves them down*
Human Security officer: It’s his first day, go easy on him.
*Rowdiness decreases in volume but the humans still look upset*
Human Security officer: *Whispers* You can’t just go around saying you want to stun someone’s pet.
Alien Trainee: *Looks more confused*
Human Security officer: *Turns to miners* Alright, go through duct C90 and you should be able to get around him.
Human Miner: Fine, but so help us if Marvin’s still in that tunnel when we get back.
Human Security officer: What the hell are you arguing with me over that? Get Mitch to bring his ass back here so Marvin will calm down!
*Conversation devolves into argument as human miners begin pulling off a grill plate and shimmying through a duct around Marvin* (AI image provided by @myecandy )
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krash-8 · 1 month
have you ever sipped the galaxy like tea
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