#all of them are so pleasant to look at aaaaa
mistydeyes · 1 year
AAAAA I HAVE AN IDEA OKAY can u pls do ghost with a veterinarian reader? Bonus points if she’s also a dog trainer that trained task force 141’s K-9 unit for them so all of the dogs love her and she gets scary dog privileges
thank you for requesting anon! loved researching the role of a veterinarian in the forces :) hope you enjoy reading!
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summary: Simon is the definition of providing "scary dog privileges" and he's happy to be dating the Army's veterinarian who has a soft spot for him and dogs.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!vet/dog trainer!Reader
warnings: swearing, mention of wounds/violence
a/n: omg did you know in pharmacy school we actually learn how to prepare and counsel pet owners! in one of my classes, i learned how to compound a cough syrup for a cat and an analgesic fur cream for a dog :)
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Your pleasant dreams were rudely interrupted by the obnoxious blare of your alarm. Rubbing your tired eyes, you groggily turned over. Despite your boyfriend being on a regimented schedule, you could never relate. “God you need to teach me your ways, Simon,” you said into your pillow, almost as if he was in the room. But as you got out of bed, you faced the disappointment that he was still on deployment. As you dressed for the day and fastened your hair into a bun, you tried to go over your agenda. The morning was filled with vet clinic planning and clinical meetings. You cringed at the thought. It was honestly the worst part of your day. After lunch, you had two patients to follow up with after some shrapnel wounds gained on the field. Just two German Shepherds who were always well obedient for you. You knew they’d be getting some treats today. Finally, your day ended with a combat fitness test. You had perfected this over the years and knew the handlers and canines were up to the challenge.
The morning had gone by slowly. You sipped your coffee as you exchanged ideas with the supply department and pharmacy. They were preparing for a month-long deployment and along with human patients, the pharmacy took care of the working dogs. After three hours of revising, you finally had a full plan and med list. You could feel your phone buzz but as you saw the examination room with a returning patient file on the door, you decided to look at it later. You took your time to examine the dog's coat and checked on the progress of her stitches. “She’s healing perfectly, private,” you smiled at her handler as you gave the canine a treat. She nodded before leading the dog out of the room. Just as you were about to check your phone, you ran into your other patient for the day. Hopefully it isn't something important, you thought to yourself as you gave a similar examination. With the final few sentences, you finished your charting for the day. You sighed contently but soon groaned at the gentle sound of your watch beeping. You closed your office door before running off to your final assignment for the day.
“Alright we’re done with combat PT for the week,” you commanded as your regiment of soldiers and canines relaxed. After two hours of running through the course and showing the basics of taking down an enemy, you felt like they were satisfactory for the time. This was one of your better commands and the dogs had performed beautifully. They would be ready in a matter of weeks, right on schedule. “Be sure to give your companions a treat before you return them home,” you said and the group dispersed. You stretched your tired limbs as you saw them walk back to base. “Just another day in the Veterinary Corps,” you sighed. You loved your job but you realized after a few years that it was more of a balance between training the working animals and their handlers along with the clinical side. You were in the middle of a 15-week-long session to prepare the dogs for the field and the handlers were giving you a headache.
You shielded your eyes from the fluorescent light as you entered the base. “Long day, Captain?” one of your techs asked and you nodded. “Only eight more weeks until I get my evenings back,” you smiled as you walked over to the office space. “I got a question for you,” he continued, smiling at you. “A few of us are going off base and–“ Before he could finish, he stopped in the middle of his sentence. His gaze turned down the hallway as you heard heavy footsteps approach. “Lieutenant Riley,” he said officially and you turned to see Simon approaching. You smiled at him as you heard your tech quickly wish you a goodnight. “You’d think he saw a ghost,” you joked as he walked up to you. Despite his balaclava, his eyes crinkled with a smile. He shrugged and you avoided the urge to reach up and kiss his cheek. “You don’t answer your phone,” he observed and you remembered the text from earlier. “Sorry, long day,” you said sheepishly and he nodded as if you provided a satisfactory response.
“Didn’t realize you were back so soon,” you said and returned his smile. “Me either,” he replied, “found out this morning.” That must have been him this morning. You muttered an apology and he waved a hand passively. “Anyways, I got a surprise for you,” he said, a hint of cheer in his voice. You raised an eyebrow curiously. “You? You have a surprise for me?” you said in disbelief, “Must be a special day.” Simon shook his head at your antics, letting out a chuckle. He motioned for you to follow him and you walked in step. You made casual conversation about your current group in training and the good visits from some of your patients. “You still give them treats after?” he asked, shooting a glance at you. “Still do,” you said cheerfully “not much has changed in 3 months, Simon.” “You spoil them,” he joked back, rubbing a hand along his sore jaw. Must’ve been one hell of a mission, you thought. You continued chatting until you heard the familiar padding of footprints on the base floor.
“Is that who I think it is?” you said excitedly and soon your favorite partner came running towards you. The handler, also a close friend, tried to wrangle him but Riley slipped out of his grasp. In a flash of tan and black fur, Riley rubbed his head against your leg. “Riles! You’ve gotten so big,” you cooed as you brushed through his coat. Despite being named Riley out of his litter, you loved the almost human-like nickname. You petted him affectionately, bending down to greet your longtime friend. “Heel, Riley,” Ghost commanded and Riley sat down obediently. “Oh stop it, Lieutenant,” you responded, hitting Simon’s thigh and encouraging Riley to come back into your embrace. As you showered Riley in love and belly rubs, you heard Simon tell the handler that he would make sure you returned Riley at the end of the night. The private nodded and continued to his own quarters.
“You have enough puppy time?” Simon joked and you shot a look at him. “It’s never enough with Riles over here,” you said happily, continuing to pet him. “Riley did a great job on the field, Price was impressed,” he complimented and you couldn’t help but beam at his words. “Well Price should know I train the best of the best,” you remarked as you looked back down at the wagging dog, “and he is one of the best.” After another fifteen of you playing around and Simon getting in some pets of his own, it was time to bring Riley to the kennel. He looked tired but happy as you walked through the base. You held the unlatched leash in your hand as Riley obediently walked in between you and Simon. “Always such a good boy,” you hummed as both you and Simon brushed his fur.
When you reached the kennel, you quietly opened Riley’s cage to not wake the other animals. He turned around a few times, trying to find the most comfortable position. “If you come by tomorrow, Laswell is considering bringing Riley and Apollo on our next mission,” Simon offered, putting a hand on your shoulder as Riley laid down to rest. You waved to her before you checked all of the dogs were returned and happy. “I’d like that,” you smiled into his touch as you walked out, “Do you know how long you’ll be gone this time?” “Probably 6 weeks max if we get the job done,” he said gruffly, averting his eyes from you. Even after years of familiarity, Simon always hesitated to talk about the job. You nodded and closed the kennel for the evening. It was quiet as you walked back to your quarters.
“I won’t be leaving for another week,” he spoke up, voice echoing in the empty hallway. You turned to him with a smirk on your face. “Oh really?” you questioned, putting a hand on his cheek. His eyes flashed around but you laughed as it was late and the coast was most certainly clear. “I would enjoy some company, would you?” you flirted. Simon grunted but you were prepared to draw this out of him. “Hmm, what was that Lieutenant Riley?” you teased before he coughed out a sheepish “yes.” You teasingly beckoned him to follow you. He let out a dry laugh before following at your heels, just like a loyal companion.
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writerfae · 4 months
No thoughts, just Aiden and Henry hugging!
Also, how come Ranva used to call Henry little crow? (Not that it doesn't fit, it does (duh), I'm just curious if there's a story behind it)
And how did Hela end up in the human realm when she met Aiden?
Forest demons: uniting friends since day one!
And I wanted to rant at you a little about Bendegúz because I realized that I haven't really done that since I talked about his dad, and it made me sad, because I love him (also, I'm scared that sometimes I accidentally mischaraterize him because him and I have the same exaggerated humor but if you mix those together it just makes him sound insane💀)There's a very good reason why the difference between the villain Adél au, the villain Ákos au and canon is what Bendegúz does!
I wanted to tell you about some moments of his that I love (angst warning)
I mentioned that he and Ákos sometimes playfight, and Bendegúz sometimes shows him how to use his spear. And can you just imagine 8 yo Bendegúz with a 3 yo Ákos, and they're playing with sticks (pretending they are spears), and Bendegúz isn't that good with a spear yet, but to Ákos he already looks like an expert ❤️🥺
Also, there's this sweet moment where they're preparing to fly home from the swamp (and it's not the happiest circumstances for Ákos' first, real flight) and Bendegúz apologies for this and promises that after this is over they'll go on a real, nice, pleasant flight
The fact that he took care of Moss (who he doesn't even like) while Ákos was gone
When Adél is told that Ákos is dead the first thing she does is run to Bendegúz and he's holding her so tightly and aaaaa
Just his inner struggle of "It wasn't MY litte brother! I can't be sad!" But as soon as there's even the slightest chance to get him back, he's on it!
Both him and Adél being willing to go to the swamp even though they know that the chances of Ákos being alive are close to zero.
Adél and him spend so much time together! Ever since their parents introduced them to each other as babies they were always together. Never one without the other
Bendegúz learned to fly, and now him flying up to Adél's window just because, is a regular occurrence. They constantly have sleepovers (it's really easy since Bendegúz and his mom live on the castle grounds)
It's really cute because in Bendegúz's house Adél's childhood drawings are hung up, and vice-versa 😭
And they play a lot of boardgames 😭
He is very good at lighting up a bad situation with a joke but never in an inappropriate way. Just in those moments when people need a little cheering up, and this always makes his friends feel all warm inside.🥺
I'll stop cause we'll be here all day...(sorry if this got long)
I hope you liked this little rant 🙈
Ranva called Henry her little crow because of the color of his hair and for a second reason that I can’t say out in the open xD she also referred to her sons as her little crows sometimes, also for that second reason.
And Halea came to the human realm because while fighting the forest demon, the beast and her practically “fell” through an open portal to the human realm that someone (or something) must’ve opened shortly before and left open.
Bendegúz really is a sweetheart, his relationship to the royal siblings is really adorable! You can tell he loves them!
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paingoes · 1 month
Crash Out
hi. this is personally my favorite part so far. hope u enjoy it too :)
(Content: drugs, bad trip, paranoia, psychosis, discussion of institutionalized child abuse and death, discussion of past abuse, blood, burns, guilt)
“Okay so we have to take it at the same time so our trips sync up.”
“I know. I’ve done it before.”
“How much are you gonna take?”
“We can just split it.”
“That seems like a lot.” 
Lorelai rotated the froot in her hand. She stabbed along the ring with the scout’s knife, revealing the soft green flesh within. The juice dripped down onto her arm. She resisted the urge to lick it up before they could agree on the dosage. 
“I think we split half. We can take more later if it’s not strong enough.” She worked the knife carefully through the half of it. She gave the quarter piece to Paris and took the other for herself. She stashed the unused half back into the cooler bag. 
“It’ll feel weird if you take more while you’re already tripping. Not pleasant.” He ate the piece he’d been given anyway. She took her own into her mouth. The texture was surprisingly gritty. Little seeds got caught in her teeth. It tasted salty and earthen. She set her timer.
“Okay, onset is an hour or so?” She glanced up at the orange sky. “We’ll be inside by then, probably. It’ll kick in just as it’s getting dark out. Spooky!”
It was an entire hike just to reach the site. The main road was swarming with cop cars. Every other path was carved through the thick wood. In the darkening light, the edges of the dirt road blended in with the foliage. They saw several people passing through, just as lost as they were. Lorelai jumped as the bear trap caught on the raised heel of her boot, just missing her foot.
“Aaaaa?” She yelled softly, mostly in confusion. Paris bent down to undo it. 
“How did that miss you?” He squinted. The mechanism jammed shut again with a loud clanging noise. It was rusted in places, visibly worn down by the elements. He was surprised it still worked.
“Fast reflexes.” She unhappily examined the new dent in her shoes. 
The venue came into sight as the tree line withered. It was a large stone building — or it used to be. The walls were jagged and uneven at the top, the same shape as torn paper. The second story was gone, along with the ceiling.  Thick vines and lichen grew along the stone perimeter. Lorelai said they were fighting for dominance. It looked like the lichen was winning.
The inner walls weren’t faring any better. It seemed like there might have been plaster once, but all that remained now was stone. There were marks on the ground where other walls had been. Someone had long ago removed them to make more space to party. The only real structures inside were the DJ booth by the north wall and the bar on the east one. Where the ceiling had been before, there were now just rails that lights could hang from. 
It was dark when they approached — and the music had already started. People poured out onto the lawn and into the woods, drifting in and out of the fortress as they pleased. Security was lax and the walls were porous enough to facilitate the exchange.
His teeth hurt. The two of them did their traditional act, drifting in and out of each other’s spaces as the night progressed. Crowd anonymity was a wondrous thing. It made him tolerate the presence of other bodies in the space and the indignity of motion. The drugs helped with that too. Then they didn’t. 
He felt something slip away, some invisible measure of protection he could not name. Eyes, again. Of course there were. People were everywhere. Under the strobe, they all looked pale and corpselike. He remembered a story he had read a long time ago about the girl who only danced with the dead. He’d had his fair share of ghost stories; sailors loved shit like that, soldiers even more. 
He had not expected it to crawl. When he’d eaten the froot before, it had hit him all at once, and receded not too long after. It was fun, if a bit underwhelming. This high had creeped up so slowly that for the first two hours he did not even realize it had arrived. He imagined his own thoughts to be normal and uncontaminated. All it was was just unease and unease and the dead left there too. He thought he felt something shift just beneath his feet, but all that was there now was dirt. He was surer than anything that he was being watched, him specifically. He pulled off from the crowd and out through one of the jagged holes in the wall. Grass grew there. He walked without aim. 
There were enough people on the outskirts that he didn’t really feel like he was leaving the party, even as he drifted further and further from the building. He saw them all looking at him strangely as he passed; he would not learn until later he had been talking to himself the entire time. He would never learn what it was he had said. He ended up by the woods, still certain of something creeping and stalking and watching endlessly. Something was wrong. The dirt slipped out from beneath him and on purpose.
Something long and thin stuck out of the ground. He had thought it was a leg until he saw what it was attached to. It was top heavy, two legged, nearly furry with moss. The sign post was as overgrown as the building it described, but the letters were still readable beneath it. He stared up at it from where he was collapsed on the ground, reading it over and over and over again.
Beldam Institute. B-E-L-D-A-M I-N-S-T-I-T-U-T-E. He read it again, just to be sure. Beldam Institute.
“Oh fuck,” he muttered to himself, unknowingly interrupting the string of words he had already been muttering to himself.
He’d had his fair share of ghost stories; sailors loved shit like that, soldiers even more. Soldiers liked to think there was a life after death. They liked to think the people they killed would stay stuck there in the place where they had killed them, forever, their souls tethered to the earth and stood on display for all eternity. Tales of weeping ghosts and the undead children that searched endlessly for their murderers, reading to rend them limb from limb. Trapped together in the place where they had killed them, forever, their souls tethered to the earth and stood on display for all eternity. History couldn’t end, not really. History ate them all whole. The ground was heavy with bodies. 
“They buried them in the lawn the first few years,” Delta had admitted quietly, at the end of a long night, after Paris had spent hours prodding. It was the most he would ever say about it and the last time Paris would ever ask. “They had to stop, though. They ran out of space.”
His hand brushed up against something dry and brittle and thin like finger bones.
“Whoa, whoa, buddy.” There were hands on his shoulders, trying unsuccessfully to stop him from flailing. Some douche with a tie wrapped around his forehead was trying to be helpful. He heard his own voice, but he couldn’t make out the words. His throat was hoarse and painful. 
“Here. Smell.” The dude held up a small piece of chalky material.
“Getthefuckoffme-“ Paris rasped. His hands were bloodied, somehow.
“You’re okay,” He pressed the chalk up to his own nose, taking a deep inhale, showing it was safe. Paris crawled back a few inches, breathing still irregular, fingers still twitching. The dude offered the chemical back up. Paris reluctantly hit it. The headrush was immediate, overpowering.
“Fuck.” He fell back onto the dirt. There was soil under his nails and furrows in the ground. 
“What’d he take?” A girl’s voice asked. He didn’t realize she’d been standing there. She was leaning back again the sign, totally oblivious to its meaning.
“This is a fucking mass grave,” Paris yelled, or tried to. His voice broke. “The bones are pushing up. Look!”
“That’s a stick.”
Paris collapsed flat on his back again, covering his eyes.
Only then did the two of them seem to notice the sign. The girl pushed off of it, clearing the view, studying the lettering.
“Hang on, I gotta look something up,” the dude said. The clearing was briefly lit in ghostly blue as he pulled out his phone. He typed slowly and methodically. Paris knew from experience that he was having trouble seeing the screen just a few inches from his face.
“Oh. Huh. Yeah, that’s what it is.” He nodded, looking perturbed. “I’d probably trip out if I saw some shit like that too, man. That’s wacky.”
Another set of footsteps approached without rhythm.
“I’m tripping balls,” Lorelai said. She had the gait of a baby deer. “Lol, is this where the party is?”
“Is this your man?” The girl asked.
“We’re all working through our feelings about institutionalization together,” the dude explained, “Your friend is having what we call a hard time.”
“What?” Lorelai collapsed down onto the mound just beside him. She pulled his head into her lap, combing her fingers through his hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist, totally helpless to do anything else.
“Beldam Institute. Where Delta went. It’s where they make them,” he muttered.
“Are you serious?”
They showed her the e-ncyclopedia page. Her jaw dropped.
“Wow. Oh my god, what are the odds? And they throw parties here? That’s…in very poor taste? Wow. What the hell. Wow.” She shook her head. He worried for a second she was getting caught in a thought loop. He made a silent vow to never taste froot again.
Yet another set of footsteps approached. 
“You guys good over here?” A wavering voice asked. Keys jingled loudly. For an awful moment, he thought it was the cops.
“Are you two the organizers?” Lorelai asked, “Why did you throw a rave where a bunch of children got tortured?”
“You’re talking about the Institute? I’m so glad you asked,” The other’s voice was slick, “We did a whole thesis on it. It’s a transformative project. We’re revitalize the space and making a statement on its history. All our proceeds go to our mutual aid fund for marginalized groups. We do it in the spirit of resisting imperial order.”
“Their bodies are still buried in the yard,” Paris muttered.
“What did he say?”
“He said their bodies are still buried in the yard,” the dude responded.
“That seems really fucked up,” the girl chimed in.
“We’ve been very conscientious about the whole thing,” the slick one responded, “I know it’s a lot to process, especially if one is, uh, open to the influences. Not exactly a pleasant trip environment. But that’s history for you.”
“Is he gonna be okay?” The girl asked.
“Yeah, he’s just sensitive.” Lorelai twirled his hair between her fingers. “I wonder if there was a basement?”
“There was,” the wavering one confirmed, “It was mostly cleared out by the time we got here. Very hush-hush. But we salvaged some stuff for the archive.”
Far away, the music changed. Lorelai shook his shoulder gently.
“Get up. I wanna dance.” Her voice was all swimmy. He can’t tell if the interference was on her part or his. She dragged him out of the woods and back onto the floor.
Despite how awkwardly she had stumbled, how failing her walk seemed to be, she danced with a surprisingly fluidity even in her drugged state. The air itself was fluid, heady, warm. He danced with her, quite sure she had never once looked like this before, that she never would again. The shaking in his own body stopped and the headache replaced it. All of it was dull and distant. There were whispers at the edge of it. Maenad, they warned.
Very abruptly, she dropped to her knees.
“Oh fuck,” she clutched her head, “I can see it.”
Paris half led, half carried her outside of the walls. She collapsed down on the dirt, looking all around her. Paris pulled the fur hat off her head. It was slick with sweat.
“Oh my god, I felt it. I think I saw the face of it. It was everywhere I looked. I could feel all the misery trapped inside of the walls.”
For a minute, he swore he could make out a skull and crossbones inside of her pupils. He hated froot. She looked terrifying.
He twisted the bottle open and held out both of her arms. The water poured over her exposed skin, bringing her temperature back down. She closed her eyes.
“More,” she said.
He poured the water over her forehead, letting it run down her face, smudging her makeup. She pulled her hair back in a bun. He poured the water down her neck. She gave a ticklish giggle.
“Oh, god,” she said, totally lost. He pushed the bottle into her hands. She poured the rest of it all down her throat.
In spite of everything, the afterglow was incredible. They’d made it back to the room in one piece. He understood what the guides had meant about the aura. Everything felt soft and glowing. It wasn’t euphoric, nor to the point of mania. Just pleasant and calm. 
He could tell Lorelai felt it too, all smiles in the ship, even more after she showered. They both needed it badly, even without the time spent in the woods. The smell of smoke and alcohol had clung heavily to both of them. He washed the dirt out of his hair, his own blood from beneath his fingernails. The motel’s soap was scented lavender; he was sure he wouldn’t have noticed it before, but in the moment everything felt novel.
She’d crawled onto his chest when he laid down again, angling the phone so they both could watch. Some animated thing he couldn’t pay attention to. The colors were more vivid than they were probably meant to be. All he could focus on was her hair, the way the curls sprung back into place when he played with them. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder.
“Are you upset about Delta?”
Her voice was sleepy and entirely innocent. It was such a fucked up thing to ask when his walls are down. He’d been trying so hard to avoid it. She was a surgeon sometimes.
“I…feel bad that he died,” Paris admitted, “I don’t think it was my fault the way it happened. I didn’t know. But he was my responsibility. And I-” 
He cut himself off. It took him a while to find the words.
“…I don’t know. I hope it was quick. I hope he didn’t suffer.”
The image of Delta chained up and alone while that ship was going down flooded his mind. He squeezed her hand tighter.
Lorelai hummed, “You said it was a rebel attack? Did they say which one?”
“Their guess was Galatea.”
“Hm. Do you think he was the target? It seems a little terroristic for their taste otherwise.”
“They shouldn’t have known about him. All the intelligence just listed him as machinery for a reason. There was nothing in writing to indicate that he was alive.” He’d never had to write any of it himself, but he did read over the field reports. The opacity they achieved was impressive. Critical temperature reached. Damage to internals. Improvised shutdown. There was no good way to talk about it.
“You really didn’t have a file on him?” She clearly found this difficult to believe.
“His doctor did. It was carryover from the institute. It didn’t make it into imperial record. Not mine, anyway.”
“…It just seems like an odd thing for them to do.” There was nothing short of reverence in her voice when she spoke of the resistance. She was struggling reconcile the two thoughts. She had liked Delta a lot. He could see her there, trying to reconcile a lot of things.
She’d had to track them down the next morning — and after that, she’d had to bribe — but she secured one of the large albums they had rescued from the basement. She flipped through the pages as she sat in the passenger seat. Most of it was typed, but a lot of it was written, and all of it was in thick and outdated Latin that she struggled to decipher even as a native speaker. It was the pictures she was really focused on, though.
In some of the photos, it just looked like a normal boarding school. The kids were lined up in rows or going about their day. There were photos of the classrooms and the yard. The next page over, there were photos of the laboratory and the operating room. There were straps visible on the table and along the chairs. 
In the training section, the pictures of the students were spliced indiscriminately with the pictures of their victims. Violence marked the both of them. On their victims, burns covered every inch of their skin. Their bodies were twisted at odd angles like they were toys bent out of shape. They wore bags over their head and chains around their ankles. 
On the students, the injuries were more subtle. Schoolyard incidents. Short circuits. Disciplinary infractions. Some of the worst ones showed scars tracing up and down their limbs, disappearing beneath the fabric of their uniform. In some, the scars were in the shape of flames. Some were shaped like vines. Most commonly, they were shape of electric discharge. Eyes and fingers were missing, even in the otherwise calm shots. 
“Oh.” Lorelai let out a soft sigh. “That’s him, isn’t it?”
She plucked the photo out from the plastic lining, bringing it up into the light. She held it so that Paris could see. 
The picture was taken on the side of a hill. The terrain was marked by large scorch marks. A giant dead thing laid in the center of it, the arc of its long neck spiraling out of sight behind the mass of its body. Several kids surrounded it, some crawling over it, others bent down and poking at it. They were all dressed for safari. One of them stood off to the side of the corpse’s thick tree-trunk legs. His hair hung in a long braid down his back, nearly sweeping the ground. His hand was wrapped tight with gauze. Delta couldn’t have been more than ten years old. There was the same frightful intensity behind his eyes, even back then. He was staring straight into the camera.
“Yeah.” Paris looked away from it. “That’s him.”
There were no other photos of him in the album.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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merakiui · 11 months
im obsessed with the way you portrayed jade in the story. like its not everyday that i get to see him written in a way that totally doesnt hide his insanity at all. reading monops's reflection was just so <33 aaa tysm for writing smth so amazing!!!
you mentioned before that monops!jade is very "rotten girl grotesque romance", and i totally agree, but i was actually reminded of another old yandere vocaloid song when i read the fic! idk if you know it, but its called "pure love restraint". its a really good song hehe, you should totally check it out if you dont already know it!
oh also speaking of songs, i recently started listening to loveit? by biz since you mentioned it a while ago, and i love the song so much >< do you happen to have any other song recommendations because clearly you have great taste in music~
also as a final note, i cant wait for tmdg hehe 👉👈
-kanata <3
AAAAA THANK YOU!!!!! >w< I'm so happy you enjoyed Monops's Reflection!!!! Jade is so wildly deranged in that fic. He truly is the embodiment of the harsh, brutal depths he hails from. ;;;; seeing Reader in the storage closet with Floyd pushed him over the edge he'd been teetering on for so long now. T^T he's far surpassed the point of no return. I had so much fun finishing this fic and portraying Jade in such a terrifying manner. And poor Reader had no idea what hid behind that seemingly pleasant smile of his until it was too late...
There are so many layers to Monops!Jade. How he gets so disgusted at the sight and thought of you with anyone else. How it's not really sexual gratification he's after; he's just chasing some thrill he's yet to figure out in its entirety, which is why he doesn't touch you at all during the non-con scene. Because it's not your pleasure he cares about; he could care less whether you feel good or not. How his sanity is so thin and threadbare that it's hardly there at all. How he fails to recognize that, despite the similarities he shares with Floyd, he's still his own person, still different, but not different enough for you to look his way, apparently. And then there's the meaning of Monops, which is a "one-eyed creature." >:D aaaaa he's truly the worst.
OOOOO "true love restraint"!!!!!!! I love that song!!! That song definitely has the vibes that Monops!Jade exudes!! And I'm happy you enjoyed listening to "loveit." :D it's a very good song, but then all of biz's songs are amazing!!!
>:) I always have song recommendations to share!! I'll list a few of my favorite (lesser known) Vocaloid songs with dark undertones/stories below, but if there's any specific genre you'd like recs for please let me know!!!
✧ insanity blue (all of kashii moimi's songs are fantastic!!! i recommend them, but this one is my all-time favorite hehe)
✧ wolfism (there's also a jade utau cover of this song. <3 both are very good.)
✧ go to daitokai (the lyrics for this one are very nsfw, but this song is very catchy.)
✧ biohazard (the original is very good, but i love the sonika cover so much!!)
✧ distortion love (this piko cover is everything. <3)
✧ ◇◇ (i love this song and the songs that are similar to [redacted]'s style. i'm not sure if you know of these style of utau songs (the "no title" songs), but in 2020 they became especially popular and a lot of people online began to call it a secret cult of sorts, where you couldn't search these videos normally because they didn't have a title to search for, so instead the videos would find you.)
✧ lamprey hole (i love this song forever!!!!!)
✧ meiro (it's so so good!!!)
✧ no title (this song is a banger!!!!!!!!! it got me through quarantine as did all the other no title songs and tributes. :D)
I will stop here or else the list will go on endlessly, but if you ever wish to hear new music I will be happy to share some recommendations!!! Also, thank you for looking forward to tmdg!!!!! <3 it grows closer to completion with every passing day!!!!
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Seward Summary!
Okay. okay I can do this. aaaaa a
WARNINGS: eating of insects
Jonathan has come to meet Seward. Seward knows from his journal that Jonathan is very clever and incredibly brave. He expected a very manly man, not a quiet and polite lawyer.
A bit later, Seward finds the Harkers hard at work compiling their evidence and putting it in chronological order. Jonathan got all the correspondence involved with the transport of the boxes aboard the Demeter.
They have found that the Count is operating out of....the old house directly next door to the asylum, where Renfield kept running to. Seward has to stop himself from thinking about what if they'd known that sooner.
Jonathan says they'll have the narrative by dinnertime, and in the meantime Seward should see to Renfield as his behavior lines up with the Count's movements. Seward is surprised by this, because keeping a phonograph diary meant he never really kept track of the dates.
Renfield is calm and at ease, when Seward sees him. They talk about many things, and Renfield seems quite normal about all of them. He brings up, for the first time Seward can recall, going home.
Renfield is in fact so calm and prepared to go home that Seward would have been ready to discharge him if not for what Jonathan said. As it is, Seward doesn't trust this, especially not between Renfield's dietary habits and mention of a master during his outbreaks.
Seward leaves him before long, as he doesn't think it wise to probe too much into this while Renfield is calm like this, lest he catch on. He gives instruction to watch Renfield closely.
Here there is a break, as we hear from both Jonathan and Mina! But there's more Seward after so let me read and write.
Seward returns from some business to find Arthur and Quincey have not only arrived, but already studied the papers Mina and Jonathan spent the day compiling. Jonathan is still attending his own business, tracking down the carriers Hennessey wrote about, but Mina has made the asylum feel like a home.
Also, Mina wants to see Renfield. Seward takes her to see him, and Renfield is a bit confused but only asks to tidy up before she comes in. By this, he means consume his flies and spiders.
Once he's done so, Mina comes in. Seward is careful to stand where he can stop Renfield if he tries anything violent, but Renfield simply looks her over and identifies her as not the girl Seward fell in love with, because that girl is dead.
Mina introduces herself, and explains she's married. She and her husband are staying with Seward. Renfield tells her not to stay.
Seward interjects, questioning how Renfield even knew about Lucy. Renfield reacts to him with hatred and contempt, calling it absurd that he wouldn't know about Seward's love life.
Mina does not follow, and Renfield treats her with dignity and respect. He explains that Seward is well-loved by his friends, employees, and patients, so there's plenty of gossip about his life. Several patients, being insane, have led Renfield to see patterns in their logical fallacies.
Seward is amazed that Renfield is here speaking about these things with Mina, and seeming for all the world like an entirely reasonable man. After some talk, Mina leads the conversation to discuss Renfield's own beliefs and habits.
Renfield explains that he used to believe that by consuming many other lives, no matter what form or how high or low on the hierarchy of life, one could indefinitely preserve their own life. He did try to take human lives sometimes, including Seward's, to add to his own by consuming blood.
Now it is time for Seward to pick Van Helsing up at the station, and so they have to go. Mina tells Renfield she hopes they'll meet again under more pleasant conditions, to which Renfield replies that he prays to never see her again, though his wording is polite and not at all insulting.
Arthur and Quincey are in better spirits than they have been. Seward goes to pick up Van Helsing. He confirms that everyone else is already gathered, and says all his affairs are settled so he can stay if need be.
Seward tells Van Helsing about all the secretarial work they've done, and about Mina transcribing his diary. Van Helsing sings Mina's praises.
Then he says that, for all Mina has been such a great help to them, they should leave her out of the vampire-slaying after tonight's meeting. It's for the better for her future wellbeing, he says, if she's left out of it.
Seward agrees wholeheartedly, and then tells Van Helsing about the discovery regarding Carfax and the Count residing right next door. Van Helsing also immediately jumps to thoughts of if they'd known sooner, they could have saved Lucy. It's too late for that now, so they must work.
Van Helsing speaks to Mina, praising her work putting everything up to right now in order. She says it's only up to this morning, and when Van Helsing inquires why and points out how their meticulous records have helped, she pulls out her record of today. Evidently it is very personal because she blushes and asks if it must go in.
After reading it, Van Helsing tells her it doesn't have to, but he hopes she'll include it because it will make Jonathan love her more, and make her friends hold her in higher regard.
And so Van Helsing takes one copy of the completed record to read before the meeting this evening.
After that we get more from Mina! These entries are getting pretty long, huh?
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lumin3sc3 · 2 years
You're so good at designing blogs and posts!!! Aaaaa im so jealous ; ; (v*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)v |||
I saw the request rules etc. when i checked the tot tag and wanted to request something, if that's alright with you :D
Regular Genshin Impact AU. Platonic+Fluff Zhongli and Fem!Reader, reader is younger lol (is it too obvious that im projecting here...) Reader has a personality similar to Hu Tao (energetic, mischevious, prankster, so on) but Zhongli is pretty fond of them anyway. One day, while sitting by the stone forest' many cliffs and enjoying a cup of tea together, Zhongli starts talking about the things they see in the distance.
They return to the harbor after that and have dinner at Wanmin restaurant before reader waves bye bye enthusiastically before running back to their home lmao
So to sum up; Reader spends a day casual yet very fun day with Zhongli (without knowing he is a god). Very happy and cute slice of life stuff ensues.
Note: Oh my god, tysm, what you said just now made my day <3! I tried my best with the designs haha, and honestly, your blog and posts are amazing too!! Nice to see an Artem fan :) And I hope I did this amazing idea justice 😭❤️ (also I used your idea and elaborated it, I hope you don’t mind)
Warnings: Small angst in the first part, I APOLOGIZE I COULDNT HELP IT (depends on if u think it’s angst or not tho) Nothing else :)
An Outing with A Friend
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Zhongli is a very gentle, calm, and amiable person. Also quite reserved, the same goes for his friend group. Though he has made many companions over the years of his existence, not all of them have survived the trials of time. After the death of his closest friend, Guizhong, there were a few he held dear. And you were one of them—one he adored as well.
Of course, it may come as a surprise or bewilderment that a person with such a vexatious personality, as most people (primarily xiao) would describe you, was someone Zhongli cherished. To him, having you as a friend might be quite troublesome at times, but you definitely brought elation to his still life. Of course, not everyone passes the test of time; only the ones who are blessed do (though he isn’t so sure it’s a blessing anymore), but still, he’s learned to live in the moment and cherish each moment with people he reveres. 
(Enough of the angst; let’s get to the fluffy part.) 
It was a surprisingly quiet morning today; the sun shone brightly in the clear azure sky. The sun was warm but not scorching, and white fluffy clouds drifted across it. Birds chirping with their companions could be heard from afar, and the leaves of plants were covered in dew drops. 
It was a lovely and pleasant morning, despite Hutao’s prattling about discounts on coffins. Of course, the calm atmosphere didn’t last for long, as a sudden bang made Zhongli jump out of his seat slightly. It also made Hutao stop chattering, (that’s when you know it was loud). And who was that visitor? None other than you, of course! 
You greet everyone you see with an energetic wave, it was too early for such adrenaline to kick in, but who cares, right? 
"Hutaoo, zhongli!!!" You run towards them merrily. Hutao reciprocates with a cheerful greeting.
"Tao tao, I wanted to ask you something! May I?" 
"Sure! Go ahead." 
You wanted to ask if you and Zhongli could spend the day together, considering it had been quite a while since you two spent quality time together, and you missed him a lot.
"Is it fine if I steal Zhongli just for today? Please?" You ask her, clasping her hands in a pleading way, making it so that you get an affirmative answer to your request. 
"Sure, why not? You two have fun then! OH and don’t forget to take care of the old man, he might trip over some rock" Hutao called out as you grab Zhongli’s arm and ran out of the Parlor. 
"Will do, ma’am!" 
Once you get out of the parlor, you stop in your tracks and say, "So! Where should we go?" 
He looks at you, perplexed, "Weren’t you the one who took me out, saying you wanted to spend time with me?" 
You shrug. "Well,yea. But it doesn’t really matter where we go, does it? After all, I just wanted to spend time with you. So why don’t you choose?" 
"Oh. If that’s the case, then I have the perfect place we could go, but before that, I’d like to get some tea. I have an excellent brew I’d like to share with you." 
"Oh okay! Lead the way then." 
And so you and Zhongli set off on your journey, after stopping by to get his tea, you two made your way to Huaguang Stone Forest. You didn’t have the slightest clue where he was taking you, but since it was his idea, you went along with it. 
Your legs were numb from walking for so long, and you felt like fatigue was talking over your body. 
"Zhonglii, are we there yet?" You called out, your weary eyes threatening to shut, but Zhongli was anything but tired; the man was walking calmly, hands behind his back, as he only nodded to your exasperated calls. 
And after what seemed like eternity, he finally stopped. You thanked the archons as you sat on one of the rocks. You didn’t care how harsh the seat it was; to you, the rocks now felt like a luxurious and soft cushion. You caught your breath and looked up, and your mouth was left agape. Maybe the effort was worth it after all; the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. 
The evening sun had cast long shadows on the ground, and the slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange glow to the sky. The sky was painted in orange, red, and yellow hues, and the sun was dozing off, shielded behind the grassy mountains and fog. You sit on one of the edges, staring off into the sky. The golden rays filtered through your eyelashes as you sighed happily.
"Care for some tea?" Zhongli hands you a delicate cup with intricate designs on it; the aroma of the tea soothed you in a way that was indescribable. And the taste was just as pleasant as the smell.
"Not a surprise, I suppose," you thought to yourself. 
"You know, this isn’t as bad as I thought it was; I could get used to this." You say with a smile on your face, gazing at the sky and mountains, the warmth of the tea in your arms makes the serene and tranquil atmosphere even better. 
"Zhongli, you wanna play "I Spy"?" 
"Hm? Is that some sort of game?" 
You face palm internally, "It is, yes. It’s basically like this: I ask you to guess the object I’m seeing within my sight by telling you clues about the objects." 
Zhongli thinks for a moment, then says, "Alright, I think I got it; why don’t you go first?" 
"Why, thank you." You scan your surroundings before placing your vision on a bird circling around one of the mountains in the distance. 
"Since it’s your first game, I’ll go a little easy on you. I spy with my little eyes… a creature that has a shade of brown." Though you said you’d go easy on him, you gave a pretty vague clue. Proud of how well you did, you gave yourself a mental fist bump, smiling sneakily. But before you could congratulate yourself, he calls out.
"Could it perhaps be the Umbertail Falcon you’re talking about?" 
You were astonished—not only did he correctly guess, but he also named the species of the bird!?
"Geez! You have quite the eyesight for someone your age, old man." You huff bitterly, folding your arms, as Zhongli lets out a chuckle. 
And time flew by in an instant as you and Zhongli talked about life and played games. You even listened to some of his stories; you never knew he knew so much about Liyue. Of course, some were quite tedious to listen to. But it was an amusing experience nonetheless. 
And so you and Zhongli made your way back to Liyue Harbor; the night sky was aglow with bright luminescent city lights; you looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity; and you heard the occasional giggling and excitement of faraway children running back and forth. 
You stopped by at Wanmin restaurant to have a meal, and before you could grab your wallet from the pocket of your clothes, Zhongli stopped you.
"It’s alright, I’ll be paying today." 
Your eyes were as big as saucers; if your jaw wasn’t intact, it would probably fall off as well. "YOU?! PAY?!" 
"Yes..? I don’t see why you are so astonished by that." He looks at you, perplexed.
Well, since he’s paying, why not take advantage of it, right?
Zhongli calls Chef Mao, asking him what he’d recommend, and the renowned chef replies by recommending innumerable names of dishes. 
When you choose a dish, Chef Mao looks at you slightly concerned, "It’s a good choice, but it is a tad bit spicy." 
Zhongli suggests, "Well, if that’s the case, may I sugg-" 
You cut him off, "Pshh, you think I can’t handle a little spice? You’re clearly mistaken, sir; I’m no weakling that can’t handle mere pepper!" You huff your chest, gesturing to the chef to put it in the order as well, and he does so hesitantly. 
"It can’t be that bad, right?" You reflected to yourself.
Oh, it’s very bad. 
You gulp, sweat trickling down your forehead, you stare at the fiery carmine coloured soup in front of you, and you swore the scent it gave off burned your nostrils. You could feel a cough bubbling up your chest from the intense fragrance. You take a deep breath and swallow a spoon whole; after all, you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of Zhongli.
And boy, did you regret it. Your face turned beet red as you stood up at lightning speed, coughing aggressively. Zhongli, seeing your frantic state, hands you a cup of water, which you chug down quickly, patting your back soothingly. After a good 10 minutes of panicking, you sit down, sighing. 
"Maybe I should’ve just ordered something else." 
Zhongli laughs, which causes you to get even more annoyed. You failed to notice he’s been drinking the same soup all this time; he has quite the spice tolerance. 
But other than that, once you ordered something to your liking, you and Zhongli feasted on a hearty meal, and you left the restaurant with a happy heart and stomach.
And so, as the eventful day came to an end, you and Zhongli walked out of the restaurant, the cool, chilly breeze bringing a welcoming close to your day. 
"Thank you, Zhongli! I must admit this was really fun; we should do this again sometime." You chirp happily. 
"I agree as well. Well then, we must bid our goodbyes, and I hope to see you again sometime soon." 
"Yup! See you then, old man, don't trip over a rock," you warn between snickers as you enthusiastically wave before entering your home.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚
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A/N: Lmaoo why is this so long bye 😭✋, I got too carried away writing about the scenery I’m so sorry. I still hope it was nice reading it tho, and lmk if you’d like me to change up something or correct any errors.
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electro-omen · 10 months
*falling though a dimensional rift in the sky*
Aaaaa there's so much I wanna sayy
You're impressive with how creative you are. Looking at all the rp blogs you own, and the fact that you manage to nail each and every one of them is a big 'woah' for me!
Also, on one hand talking to you brings me that pleasant calm state of mind, but on the other, fuels me with energy. It's great :D
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yutadori · 4 years
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hiiii!!!! so i recently had the honor of commissioning the wonderful @/makurophage to draw the vampire au of hana and koi and im so so happy with how it turned out!!! 🌸💌 look at them.... sob..... 
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morelikedoccock · 3 years
AAAAA I HOPE IM NOT LATE “this is torture isn’t it?” “Not in the slightest”
I managed to get to this one after all! It ended up being a bit more risqué than romantic but oh well😆
Doc Ock x Gender neutral reader
      You’re not going to explain how you ended up like this, mostly because it happened so fast that you aren’t entirely sure yourself, but you don’t think you’ve ever been in a more embarrassing situation.
      It’s dark, nearly pitch black inside the tiny closet that you’re crammed in, your entire front pressed firmly against a warm, soft body. Metal digs into your ribs. More metal is poking into your back, and something hard and segmented is wrapped around your legs. Your hands wriggle uselessly somewhere past the man you’re shoved against, unable to grasp anything helpful. The scent of leather and smoke and a tantalizing musk fills your nose where it’s shoved into the lapels of a trench coat.
      Your head rises and falls with the movement of the man’s chest as he breathes. Your face is burning.
      “I-I’m not sure how this happened, but I’m so sorry,” you whisper, the sound muffled by the leather. “I didn’t mean— I’m crushing you— this— this is torture, isn’t it?”
      The man chuckles softly, and you’re pressed so tightly against him that the sound rolls through you like a delicious wave.
      “Not in the slightest.”
      The reply is deep, and so quiet that it’s nearly inaudible. You blink hard.
      “I— what?”
      Warm breath stirs the hair on the side of your face, smelling faintly of smoke and spices.
      “I said, not in the slightest,” he whispers, and his lips nearly brush the shell of your ear. “It’s been a while since I’ve held such a sweet armful, and I’m finding myself to be quite partial to the scent you’re wearing.”
      He seems to be leaning closer, and in the darkness you hear him inhale.
      “It’s very pleasant. May I inquire as to what it is?”
      You mouth wordlessly for a moment, before managing to say,
      “It’s— it’s just deodorant.”
      “I see.”
      Your face must be glowing in the dark now, it’s so hot. This is both mortifying and somehow tantalizingly sensual, and the combination is making your mind spin. You lift your head, finding that you can pull back just a little, tilting your face up, and try to suck in fresh air.
      Suddenly a red light appears in your vision. It’s too bright, making you squint against the glare. In the ambient glow, you can make out just the faint outlines of the man’s features. Of course you’ve seen them on the news, but up close, even dimly lit like this, they’re stunning. The red light glints off his large, dark eyes as he looks down at you, and you realize that he can see you much more clearly than you can see him.
      “I can’t hear the men outside anymore,” you say quickly, praying that your expression hasn’t completely betrayed you. The man, Dr. Otto Octavius, smiles.
      “I do believe you’re right, my dear,” he replies. “It’s time for us to part, then.”
      The door behind you creaks open, and you listen for a moment. The hall outside is completely silent.
      You stumble backwards, tripping over the metal around your legs, and shut your eyes, bracing for the impact, but it never comes. Instead, a thick, muscled arm catches you around your waist, holding you upright until you can regain your footing. You look up into the man’s face, seeing his visage fully lit for the first time, and feel your voice simply vanish. He’s so handsome, and you’d just spent the past five minutes practically adhered to his front.
      “Thank you for making my hiding experience a pleasant one,” he says, releasing you. “A very pleasant one. I do hope we meet again.”
      He sends you a gorgeously crooked smile, fucking winks, then disappears down the hallway, leaving you to lean up against the wall and try to calm your suddenly racing heart.
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Welcome back! I always look forward to reading your stories!<333
Anyways can you please do a modern Agni that just moved to a English country and can't speak the language well. And he meets someone who is the same but they still somehow managed to communicate,be friends and maybe even fall in love 💕💕💕
Sorry for the long ask!
aaaaa thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoy them!! <3
I did some headcanons for their first meeting, MY HEART!
and don’t be sorry, it’s all good! =)
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He moved to London with Soma despite having little idea of how to speak English, and although this prince has tried to help, Soma’s been speaking English for longer. He’s had more practice; sometimes he’s a bit bad at being a teacher simply because he forgets how it is for it to not be so effortless now that it is for him. This unfortunately means that Agni makes frequent mistakes and occasionally can’t remember the English word for things at all.
The first meeting with (Name) happens at a cafe or a corner coffee shop. For whatever reason, this small place is the one blessed cafe that doesn’t offer an Indian-style tea, so they don’t have ‘chai’ on the menu. As it so happens, tea is what Agni is there for, and he’s struggling to read the menu board. His anxiety leads to him forgetting the English word for tea, so he keeps repeating, “Chai?”, the Hindi word for tea, in hopes that it might get him somewhere.
The gods have no mercy on him; the barista is either too new or not worldly enough to have heard of chai in any capacity, even a common thing like a chai latte. So they’re getting frustrated with him, mainly because they just can’t understand what he wants. They’re probably not trying to be mean or xenophobic or anything, they just literally just don’t know what he’s saying. In turn that makes Agni frustrated that he can’t get his point across, and he considers leaving altogether… and maybe going to go find a hole to climb into or something.
Then (Name) comes up and takes Agni to the side, letting other people order while they help him. They’re not a worker, just a kind soul who wants to lend a hand. The two of them don’t share a language, but that’s not going to stop this person! Phones exist for a reason, and there’s such a thing as pictures! So thank God for free wi-fi, letting them pull up pictures on their phone. They might even go through the cafe’s social media page for images, showing Agni the various pictures of different things that are on the menu. Finally they get to a cup of tea, and he eagerly points at it, saying, “Yes! Yes, that!” So back to the end of the queue they go, and the barista looks noticeably relieved when Agni quietly orders a cup of tea.
After he gets his drink, (Name) waves him over to their table, urging him to sit down and be company with them for a little bit. While their English isn’t perfect either, they manage to communicate okay… possibly using a translation app or site on their phone to translate what they want to say from their language to Hindi. It probably gets quite butchered on the way… thankfully, it still gets their points across okay. All in all, it’s a pleasant hour or so the two of them spend together.
… Does Agni go back to that cafe hoping to see them? Oh, yes. Do they do the same thing? Definitely. How long does it take either of them to ask the other on a date? Ummmmm…
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pattercakebakersman · 3 years
Time is a slippery devil
Today (March 10th) is the anniversary of Lemonhope part 2 airing for the first time and Lg3 making his debut as a character so happy birthday Lemongrab! I wanted to write something nice for his birthday so here we are :) I hope yous like it. ff.net link. word count: 4.5K MASSIVE THANK YOOOUUU TO @mikelokison for beta-reading for me!!! Your comments gave me SOOO much life! :)
Summary: Lemongrab 3 celebrates his birthday with LSP for the first time, and comes to appreciate the life he’s been given slightly more. Cw for character death (lg1 and 2), as well as the effects of trauma, and also for fatigue negatively affecting a character, plus some internalised ableism.   
"When's your birthday, Lemongrab?" 
Lemongrab looked over at where LSP was lying on the floor of his bedroom - she was reading a magazine while he was doing paperwork for the Lemon Earldom's first ever census. They normally did their own things when they hung out together. It was pleasant not to have to talk if he didn’t want to, or even look at her facial expressions, but he wasn’t sure how normal it was. She'd left her magazine open with her purple hand resting on a glossy page, and her other hand propping up her cheek. Her usually orange star was grey because she'd turned off her power to fly. 
"Pardon?" He asked.  
LSP made a face as she realised what she’d just asked of him and mentally kicked herself.  "Do you have a birthday?” she rephrased. “Like I guess it'd be complicated for you, but do you have one?"
Lemongrab crossed his arms with a hmm and leaned back in his chair. He was still holding the fountain pen he used for paperwork, and twirled it with his fingers as he spoke. "I had not given it much thought. I suppose I was never truly born so I cannot have aaaa birthday. My predecessors had birthdays, but not meee…" 
"What about the day you got brought back to life? I mean, it's basically a birthday. Also you can still celebrate their birthdays as your own, right?" 
"Nnngh no. The day of my activation is the same day that my predecessors died. I do not seeeee anything to celebrate,” Lemongrab said grimly. He didn’t like their anniversary. He was never sure how he should feel about it, and each year that he still couldn’t make up his mind about his emotions, another year had passed, and they were still gone, and the pain never went away. He was still waiting for it to get easier, but it didn’t. 
He normally went down to the cemetery to place some flowers on their graves - Lemongrab 2’s would be covered in lilies and lemon blossom by the lemon people, while he was the only one who put flowers on the first earl’s grave. Mainly because he felt sorry for his older brother. He’d created the lemon people so he wouldn’t be alone, and they’d all decided they didn’t love him anymore. Even if he deserved it after all he did, it was a cruel fate. His worst fear came true. The lemon people avoided him, the third earl, as well. He had few things in common with the first lemon person, but that seemed to be one of them.
“Besides I am not a particularly… noteworthy creature. I do not believe a birthday is necessary,” he added.
"Dude you're worth a ton of notes! But if you don't want to have a birthday then I get it. I just thought…” she trailed off, sounding almost sad, “Anyway, doesn't matter. Sorry. Hope your census stuff is going math." LSP turned her attention back to her magazine. 
Lemongrab was now intrigued. "Whyyyy did you inquire as to my birth?" 
"I dunno I don't wanna like- make it into a whole thing if you don't like birthdays." 
"Tell me."
She fiddled with one of the pages. "I just thought that you might like a birthday present or something," she said quietly. 
Lemongrab’s eyes widened and his pupils briefly narrowed. "Aaaaa present? For me?" 
"Yeah! Like… maybe you don't think you're a big deal but I think you're totally great and acceptable. So I thought maybe you’d like it if I got you something.” LSP slowly raked her claws through her hair, looking flustered. “But I get that it's difficult and I don't want to make you feel bad by like, bringing you a something-something when you're grieving. I understand if you just want to be left alone. I wanna be alone too sometimes," she said the last two sentences softly, gently in a way that sent a tingle down his spine. 
Lemongrab looked down at his paperwork and reread the first lines of the formal clauses to calm down his hammering heart. It always made him feel giddy when she worried about him. He still wasn’t used to someone thinking about his feelings (would he ever be used to it?) so each time she revealed how much she cared about him, it was overwhelming. "I-Iiiii see. Hm. I have never been the recipient of aaaa gift before…” he admitted awkwardly. “A present would beee acceptable. But do not force thineself!" he added quickly.  
"What sort of present would you like?" 
"O-oh. Hm. Let me seeeee… hm. I do not know. Nnngh… surprise meeee?" he said uncertainly. That was something people said about presents, right? He added his signature to another piece of paper, but could barely control the shape of the line as he wrote his name and drew a neat lemon. It was the same signature his predecessors had - no point changing it, he’d have to redo all his paperwork. He turned the sheet over and stopped, smiling to himself. His own birthday…
"My birthday is the 10th of March. This is the day I was reanimated," he told her. 
"Awwww you have a Spring birthday! I guess that fits your personality." 
"It does?" 
LSP nodded. "Yeah you're kind of curious about things and like, you're sensitive, you're nice- I dunno it just feels right I guess? Ha ha.” she coughed awkwardly. “I have an autumn birthday so that fits how I'm kind of moody and sullen." 
"I do not believe you are moody!" 
"Eh. Count yourself lucky you haven't seen me in a bad mood yet.” There was the papery sound of her leafing through her magazine, looking for something. “Also apparently you're a pisces - that's the fish constellation."
Lemongrab smiled, "I like fishing!" 
"I'm a Libra, which is the scales. I was born mid-October, so I narrowly missed being a Scorpio. But I think it still rubbed off on me. Lol. I don't really believe in that stuff though," LSP said as she checked to make sure their signs were romantically compatible in her magazine. They were. Lemongrab made a hmm noise and the soft scratch of his pen resumed. She liked listening to him writing, or turning pages as he was reading while she did her own stuff. She liked that they could hang out without looking at or talking to each other, but she wasn’t sure how normal it was to enjoy it as much as she did. 
She worried a lot about stuff like that: she didn’t want to mess up. She’d messed up with people she liked before in the past, very badly, and she was determined to be better. But being better was hard. At the time when she’d gotten easily upset over every little thing and lashed out at people, and lied about living in the woods until she couldn’t hide it anymore, or when she’d stood people up that she really, really wanted to be close to just because it was easier to leave than to slowly watch them drift away from her like all her friends in Lumpy Space had - she’d thought it was all fine to do that. She’d been so sure. How could she trust herself to know that what she was doing now was the right thing? And Lemongrab was a strong person - much stronger than he’d ever give himself credit for, but he was also so, so very fragile and he didn’t even realise. 
LSP nervously stroked her fingers through her fur again. "Are you sure about me getting you something for your birthday though? I don't wanna do anything uhh, unacceptable. I don’t wanna overstep if you're gonna be like, mourning and sad all day…" 
"That is precisely why I would appreciate a present from you." 
"Oh. Okay." LSP turned back to her magazine but the words were unreadable. It always made her feel giddy inside when she realised how much she meant to him. 
Lemongrab had set up his cane seat in the cemetery grass. It was waving in the breeze around his ankles, with a few flowers dotted through the green around the three graves. They read Lemonblombo, and then the same name twice. As he’d expected, Lemonblombo and Lemongrab 2 had been buried in flowers as lemon people came in and out of the cemetery to pour their grief onto the stones. Some of them placed lilies, others roses, and most of them dropped lemon blossoms. Lemonlamb and Ploptop both came up to him to hug his legs when they visited, and he patted both of them on the head. Maybe some of the Lemon People did like him after all? In the corner of his eye he could see the grave laid out in the darkest tree shade, with no flowers anywhere near it. 
He tapped his fingers on the underside of his seat and looked down at the mourning display. White lilies, blue forget me nots and white roses, with a few dark red ones thrown in. A dark red rose meant enduring, undying love for the departed. An oriental lily meant eternal life. A life that carried on being lived after death. A soul not allowed to rest, but forced to go on alone. But at least he got to go on… 
“It is myyyy…. Birthday today.” The word tasted foreign on his tongue, like he’d taken a bite out of a cake meant for someone else. That same stale taste of guilt, no matter what you’d eaten. The grave he addressed didn’t say anything. But that was to be expected. He didn’t know why he’d even said that. 
There was nothing else to do in the cemetery, and he was beginning to grow tired. Some days the fatigue was better, other days it was worse and he felt overwhelmed by lethargy. It seemed today was one of those days- he felt exhausted though all he'd done was sit in the cemetery for a while. It wasn’t shaping up to be much of a birthday. 
Lemongrab shakily got to his feet, picked up one of the dark, brooding roses and tossed it on the first earl’s grave before leaving. Just because he still loved his brother didn’t mean he had to like it, and it didn’t mean he’d ever forgive him for anything. But if it was him buried, he would want flowers, gifts… 
Lemongrab hadn’t actually given LSP a time to show up. Maybe she was waiting for him right now? The thought made the corner of his mouth twitch. He’d felt empty all day but the thought of seeing her made his heart prickle with feeling again. He realised he'd been mistaken when he said no one had ever given him a gift before. LSP had given him a parting gift once… 
“Oh my glob… is she going to kiss me again?” He’d asked her to surprise him. And he got the exciting, tingling feeling that she was going to do just that. “It would be nice if I got given another kiss. Oh goodness. What am I thinking? Maybe she will just get me a pair of socks. Shameful thoughts- my predecessors are dead yet I am preoccupied with courtship. Unacceptable.” But as unacceptable as it might be, Lemongrab kept guessing what his gift was going to be. 
Back up in his room, he leant his cane seat by his desk and rang the servant bell. 
“Squire,” he addressed the lemon subject who scampered into the room. “Has anybodyyyy visited three castle since my absence?”
“No, my lord.”
“Oh. I see. Yes. Yes, of course. Mmmm you may go, BUT-” the lemon subject turned and looked at him over its shoulder, “call for meee if you seee… anybody purple.” The subject looked confused and left. 
Lemongrab sat on his bed. Now that he took a moment to notice it, his body felt heavy. Like he was full of lead, or weighed down by the chains Lemongrab 1 had kept in the dungeon. Unacceptable behaviour from his body. Didn’t it know it was supposed to be his birthday? Of course not. It didn’t mean to hurt him, it just did. 
He changed into his pajamas and lay under his bedcover, his eyes closed. Sleep didn’t come for him anymore the way it once had. He used to be able to sleep in the afternoon, but now he couldn’t sleep even at night. No matter how tired he was, or how much he wanted to escape into the nice dreams he sometimes had. Where nobody was dead, and they were all together again in a way that wasn’t a stitched together mess.  
He was jolted from his misery by something tapping on the glass of his small window. 
“Nnngh WHAT?” he called. He sat up slowly and swivelled around to see who’d distrubed him. LSP was floating at his window, waving at him. “Oh my glob!”
It had slipped his mind that she was going to visit him. He hobbled over to the window and fumbled with the clasp. She floated in like an awkwardly smiling, huge balloon and sat on his bed. She was holding a wrapped present (though it was mainly strips of wrapping paper cellotaped together, it seemed) and a flower bouquet. 
She’d clearly combed her purple fur and put some hair clips in. Her eyelids were a pinker purple than the rest of her face, and her lips were shiny and glossy. Lemongrab realised he was in his pajamas and bowed stiffly at her. 
“Pleeease most gaciouslyyyy forgive me for myy, ahem, unacceptable attire. I was… abed. The tiredness- I apologise.”
She waved her hand dismissively, and he realised she’d painted her claws a lovely, pretty pink colour. “It’s fine. I think you look sort of cute in your pajamas.” 
“O-oh… I see…” Standing up was starting to make him feel dizzy, so he crawled back into his bed. Her weight pressing down on the mattress meant he slid down towards her ever so slightly. “I am sorry for myyy improper conduct. You see… I am fatigued due to myyyy condition…”
“Hey it’s okay! You told me ages ago.” He had? He really was becoming forgetful. “It's fine. Whatever makes you comfortable.” 
“It is a breach of conduct… You are a princess…. Iiii am an earl,” he fretted. 
“Yeah but it’s your Earldom, under your jurisdiction. So it’s fine because you’re in charge over here. Plus I come from another dimension where we don’t have any formality rules anyway, so since I’m a foreign dignitary you have to respect my customs or whatever. Plus you’re my boyfriend so it doesn’t even matter. And it’s your birthday.” LSP smiled at him and extended the flowers. 
Lemongrab took the bouquet from her, trying not to smile too hard. The flowers were shaped like upturned tear drops and each had a speckle of orange nestled inside. Crocuses, purple and yellow. He’d seen a few white ones blooming in the fields when he went out on his camel, and more blossoming in the cemetery, but he hadn’t taken notice of them. Spring had come without him even noticing. He thought about what LSP said about how it fitted him to have a Spring birthday. 
There was something about the earth coming to life again after the cold dead winter, and the sun starting to shine a little more bravely each day that he felt connected to. But it was hard to keep going on like that. Recovery wasn’t linear, and even though the Earldom was prospering and he’d never been happier, he was still so tired all the time. And so weak, and so sad. How did the saying go? March comes in like a lion, and leaves like a lamb. One day so strong the next so weak. He supposed it was something like that. 
“They are nice. Thank you,” he said eventually, and rang his bell so the lemon squire could put them in some water, and set them on his desk. LSP grinned to herself. 
She pushed the gift towards him. “Open it.” 
“Aaaa command?”
“Nah. But y’know, it’s for you so…” Lemongrab took the wrapped present gingerly. It was much lighter than its size would suggest, and softer too. Lemongrab tried to peel the wrapping paper off without tearing it, but the huge amount of cellotape made that impossible. He made frustrated noises and ended up ripping it off to reveal-
“Aaa…” Lemongrab picked up the curious object and held it up to examine it. “Toy?” 
“It’s a shark!” LSP said quickly. “I learned how to sew so I could fix my own clothes and my sleeping bag and stuff when I lived in the woods, so I thought I’d try and sew a plushie for you. And you said you like fish and I thought that sharks sorta have teeth like you, plus there’s a species called a lemon shark!” LSP rambled on and then asked desperately, “D-Do you like it?” 
Lemongrab looked into the lemon shark’s face. It had two black button eyes, and an open mouth full of sharp felt teeth. He ran his tongue over the back of his own fangs as he turned it over, noticing that she’d sewn gills on - he did like sharks, so the attention to detail made him happy. “Hm! I do!” Lemongrab hugged his new doll and stroked his hand down it. Real sharks had sharp dermal scales on their skin, but he liked that this one was soft. 
“It will not break if I drop it. What a lucky lemon I am.” Lemongrab set his shark down next to him, so it’s head was resting on the pillow. “Hm! Thank youuu princess. I was not expecting toys…” 
“Oh my glob do you not like dolls anymore?” LSP panicked. “I thought you said-”
“I dooo! I dooo! I simply, hm. It is a rather frivolous and- and silly past-time. I am after all aaaan adult. Not to mention a government official…” He scratched at his cheek, feeling slightly embarrassed.  
“I think you can still like dolls and toys as an adult,” LSP said, “I mean… I like plushies and furbies and stuff. They’re really cute, and they just make me feel nice, y’know?” 
“Yes. Iii also feel nice, because of myyyy shark. Hm!” Lemongrab patted his shark like a pet. “Iiii shall name him LSP.”
LSP looked flustered. “W-what after me?”
“It stands for Little Shark Playmate,” he explained. “But also… it is named after you I suppose. Thank you. I shall cherish my new boy.” Lemongrab smiled at her and she smiled back. It was early evening outside, so the hazy, fading sunlight glinted off her star prettily and her fur was speckled with shine. She looked soft, and glossy, and so pretty. His hand twitched as he thought about stroking her, but then thought better of it.
Lemongrab looked down at his hands to avoid looking at her any longer. No matter how many times he saw them, they never quite looked like his. He had one hand from each predecessor. His left hand had silvery stretch marks around his fingers and wrist, with a sewed on thumb. Lemongrab 1’s claws were sheathed inside each of his fingertips, and he had to be careful with them. The second Earl was made in a hurry in a pantry, so he didn’t have some of the less necessary lemon features - so no claws. His teeth had been blunter too. His hand had lost each of its fingers in the explosion, so Lemongrab's right hand looked like it was wearing five strange rings with red stitches instead of jewels. 
He pushed his hands under the covers to hide them. While it was obvious even without knowing anything about Lumpy People and their beauty standards that LSP was very beautiful, it was equally obvious that he was the ugliest candy person to ever exist, even without being told this was the case. He often wondered exactly what she saw in him. It was easy to make a list of all the reasons someone might hate him, but like him? Love him? Bring him flowers and gifts and sit with him, comfort him? It was unusual. It was unexpected. It felt almost unreal. 
LSP took one of his forearms in each hand, and he realised he must have been silent for a long time. She seemed concerned. Her black eyes were shiny with worry, and he liked it when she looked at him like that. Like he needed to be looked after. “Do you want to talk about it?”
By it she meant the three graves buried under the lemon trees. He felt quite ashamed that actually, on the anniversary of the death of the only family he’d never had, he’d been worrying about whether she found him attractive enough, of all things. It was a frivolous concern. He’d never told anyone about these feelings, because vanity was ridiculous. And also because he hadn’t felt like he could talk about it, or had anyone who would listen. That meant he hadn’t realised that it did matter to him that he didn’t feel worthy of love, or that this was an important thing to tell the person he loved. 
Sometimes he would randomly remember his mother standing in a stone mirror in the place of his forlorn reflection, smiling at him. Come Earl of Lemongrab, let us enjoy the game of catch. I am eager to relate to you. But it wasn’t her voice coming out of her mouth. It was his way of speaking, his strange, formal, awkward way of addressing people. It hadn’t been real. It had just been his reflection. But when he remembered it, it was like a cold, clammy, corpse-like feeling came over him, because she would never say anything like that to him in real life. Because she didn’t love him, and that was what was real.  
At other times he would remember when it was real. The sound of bird wings and the distant smell of smoke. The war was right next to them but for the moment, things were quiet. They were going to die, but they were alive then. And they were together. Oh tender lad, I give you the parting gift of my lips. That was his way of speaking, but it wasn’t stiff and formal, coming from her it was like poetry. His heart had been practically banging against his armour. The adrenaline and the fear of dying, and the danger, and her hands touching him without flinching from how disgusting he was had all felt dreamlike. It had been like a dream. A dream come true. She’d kissed him, but it hadn’t been a dream. It had been real. He kept reminding himself that this - all of it, was real. She did love him. She did. 
But it was one thing to love an earl in shining armour, and another thing to love a grieving, fatigued, neurotic mess who still played with dolls and was hanging on to life by one red thread.  
“Even though I am… not a knight, or a hero,” he began sadly, bending his head over so she couldn’t see his face, “or aaaa prince, or even someone who has a place among theee living. And I am lemoncholy, not to mention I have aaaaa difficult personality. And I look weird.” he glanced up at her, pleading, “But despite all this- am Iiii still your tender lad?” 
LSP’s hands moved up his arms and around his torso. She was warm and the fur against his face was soft. “Of course you're still my tender lad! My dearest chuck. My fine fellow. My glory of the morning and my- Is that too much?” 
“Oh no not at all!” Lemongrab did an anxious dance over her back with his hands as he tried to figure out where to put them. “Anyone would like hearing such sweet things. No one has ever made me feel so okay inside as you do.” He finally rested his hands on the back of her top lumpy, stroking the curl of fur under his right thumb slowly.  
“I like you too, Lemongrab. Happy birthday.” she pulled back and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a clear smear of lipgloss behind. He let out a short scream, because a lemon cared by yelling. And he cared. He really did. 
Lemongrab’s mouth split into a sharp toothed grin, and his pupils narrowed into two thin slits. That meant he was happy. She’d always loved how expressive he was. But all this was probably tiring him out and he'd already been exhausted when she came in. 
“You should probably go to sleep now, yeah?” LSP said pleasantly. 
He nodded and looked like he was trying to muster up the courage to say something. “Princess… if you are tooo leave…” he fidgeted under his bedcover and moved his hand to rest on her arm, “may I offer you aaaa parting gift?” 
“The- the parting gift of myyyy…” Lemongrab paused before mumbling; “sour kiss…” 
LSP looked surprised and then she nodded, blushing. “I accept.” 
Lemongrab leaned forward. He’d never actually initiated a kiss before, so he was scared he wouldn’t do it properly. But once she kissed him back, and let go of him to put her hands on his face so she could hold him there the fear all melted away like it had never mattered. He still wasn’t sure what to do with his hands but she didn’t seem to notice. When they pulled away he leaned his forehead against hers and nuzzled her gently. 
He realised how tired he really was. The realisation had been creeping up on him, and now that he felt safer than he’d ever felt in his life, he wanted to rest. LSP pulled the covers up over him when he lay back down, pulling his soft toy close to him. He flopped one arm on top of the blanket, so she could hold his hand. 
“Goodnight dearheart,” she said to him. 
“Good night, Princess,” he closed his eyes and gave her hand a final squeeze, “My Princess…” 
The thing about the seasons was that they were always shifting. Winter started on a different day each year, due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis and old pre-Mushroom war calendars. Spring normally started in March, sometimes on the 20th, sometimes on the 1st, sometimes it would even start on his birthday. But until then, Spring and Winter could share. 
The hands may have belonged to other people, but the sensations were all his.
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
Ooh congrats on 500!!!! For the event may I have dacquoise for Kaeya, Childe, and Zhongli? Thank you!!!!
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Aaaaa Thank you guys sm!!! ❤
I'm gonna merge all of these together because there's a lot of crossing over
Requested by: @cattycattitude
Dacquoise: "May I have this dance?"
Spontaneous dates were nothing new with Tartaglia. He would finish all of his duties for the day, come to find them, and then whisk them away for the evening.
The dates would usually consist of dinner, a walk, maybe some star gazing. There never really was a set plan unless he had time to do so, however often those dates occurred.
He had once more finished early, hunting them down immediately after he had been relieved. He grinned, scooping them off their feet. They let out a cry of surprise, as he took if toward the nearest restaurant with them in his arms. The meal was delicious.
As the night progressed, he looked for more and more things to do so that they could spend more time with one another. The two were on a walk now, lingering around the outskirts of the harbour.
He had set them down but still held their hand as the walked together. They made small chatter with him as they walked. When he let out a chuckle and stopped walking, they turned to spare him a glance.
He had a confident smile and held out his hand, voice smooth as honey "May I have this dance, sweetheart?"
Their face turned red, but nonetheless they grasped his hand. He pulled them close, leading them through the dance, twirling and dipping them, kissing their face with each movement.
"My, aren't you the charmer." They smiled, holding his gaze as he went in for another kiss
"For you? Of course." He chuckled, pulling them gently to his chest.
"Only for me?" They grinned, kissing the hollow of bis throat
"Only for you." He placed his chin atop their head feeling a comfort he only felt around them.
It was evening when he returned home, his shift at the funeral parlour coming to an end. The sun was nowhere to be seen by the time he exited the parlour. The walk home was quiet.
When he entered the abode he shared with his partner he closed his eyes, revelling in the sound of their voice filling their home. The song visibly relaxed him and he stood still in the doorway after he had silently closed the door behind him.
The tune they carried was one rather peaceful and he couldn't help but follow their voice into the kitchen. They were finishing up portioning the meal they made for dinner, knowing that he'd be home any minute. He thought the smell was almost as pleasant as their voice.
He placed his hands gently on their hips, alerting them to his presence, "Good evening, dearest."
They smiled, "How long have you been home?"
"I've only just arrived." He placed a kiss to their temple as they continued to hum. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around their waist and swayed back and forth as they finished what they were doing.
They set the bowls of food down on the dining table. Now that their hands were empty, he gently grasped them and spun them around.
"Might I have this dance, my dear?"
They smiled with a nod as he led them in a slow dance. Their humming returned back to the singing they had been doing at the counter. He held them close to his chest, occasionally leaning down to place a kiss on the crown of their head.
They laughed quietly when they finished their song, "We mustn't do this too long. The food will get cold."
He kissed the back of their hand, "Let us eat then."
The Angel's Share was relatively empty tonight, but the two still took a seat upstairs, far away from everyone else so there would be no interruption. This was a nightly ritual. They would arrive after the tavern in the evening, order their cocktails, then retreat upstairs where they wouldn't be bothered.
Throughout the night the two would make small banter, talking about anything from how the day had gone to sharing intel to random gossip like middle-aged women. As their conversation went on, they'd sip their drinks and fall into a comfortable silence for a bit. Tonight, however, the familiar green-clad bard was performing.
The music sounded through the tavern, melodic and euphonious. His voice carried clear and it was obvious he was singing a ballad about lovers. Kaeya peered down at him over the railing only for Venti to meet his gaze with a smugness he was all too familiar with.
Kaeya chuckled knowing the bard's tricks and leaned back in his chair momentarily so he could finish off his drink. If the bard wanted wingman then so be it. He swirled the liquid in the glass before downing the last of it and setting it down on the table empty.
Standing from his chair, he offered them his hand, his usual smirk adorning his face, "May I have this dance?"
They grinned, taking his hand. He helped them up from their seated position and place one of his hands on their waist. With a wink, he took the lead.
They lied their head against his shoulder after a while making him chuckle. His voice took on a teasing tone, "Tired already?"
He felt them shake their head, "I love dancing with you. It makes me feel safe"
"Well, what kind of knight would I be if I didn't protect you, hm {Prince/ess}?"
They let out a laugh, "A pretty damned bad one."
"Then it's a good thing that I do my job, wouldn't you say?" As he dipped them the music ceased and silently they shared a kiss
They sat in his lap, watching work with utmost interest. His hands moved swiftly between vials and his various notes. It was almost difficult to keep up.
He'd been at it for hours now, not slowing down even a little. It was amazing really. His work ethic was unreal. However, the hours he spent working went without a single break.
They stood from one of the comfy couches in the cornee of his lab, slowly making their way over to him. Unsure if their idea would work, the hesitated at first. Finally, they spoke up.
"Albedo?" Their voice was quiet and held a hopeful lilt. He hummed acknowledgement, not looking up from his work. They continued, "Will you dance with me?"
He let out an amused chuckle at their words. Finding a stopping place, he turned to face them. He leaned forward in a slight bow, holding out his hand.
"May I have this dance?"
They smiled and took his hand gently. He twirled them and they let out a small laugh. Despite the lack of music they still basked in the moment.
He led them in a slow waltz, fully aware of the motive behind their actions. The nonexistent music didn't seem to bother him either. He rather seemed to be enjoying himself.
They kissed his cheek, smile still present, "Thank you for this."
"It's no trouble at all." He was flattered that they cared enough to do this.
The break was welcomed even though it wasn't rest. Spending time with them recharged his battery in its own rite, and the break they gave the gears in head would surely help him when he would get back to work later. Secretly, he wondered if they would ask this of him again.
Tartaglia Tag List: @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Zhongli Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Kaeya Tag List: @reina-dragoness-aka-rei @fictionalcharactersthatsit @kurokuroshit @cherryyyaereaa @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @shoutosqueen @dai-tsukki-desu
Albedo Tag List: @fictionalcharactersthatsit @cherryyyaereaa @bunniology @youaskedfurret @nagatorou @seiiblue @dai-tsukki-desu
Tag List Application
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moecartoons · 3 years
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You guys, @sliding-into-space‘s Circus AU/Idea is SO MUCH FUN. The Ringmistress is totally hardcore and I feel TERRIBLE for Slider. He looks very dapper in his little outfit tho, hahaha! So I had to draw them both. And Dossy encouraged the idea of my OCs getting invites to this hell circus too. 🥺
CV and Talos are pretty straightfoward. They ARE R-cadians, they were born to play games and preform. CV’s your classic clown with the twist of being able to take mocking the audience to a new level and be an entire circus of animals in one. Dossy’s idea is that the Ringmistress drains everyone of their energy and eventually they’re all too tired to even smile. CV is a part of the crowd who maintains their smile bc being a part of a circus has always been one of her dreams.
Talos cannot physically preform but unfortunately for him he’s still of use to the Ringmistress as his holograms make a wonderful light show. CV’s also too drained and convinced that they’ll be happier this way to fully comprehend her brother’s been turned into a glorified projector.
Chip is one of the quickest to not only lose their smile but have a face so depressing a mask is placed on their face. They’re just not pleasant to look at, hahaha. They make an excellent acrobat, though the constant physical toil on their knees is hell. Which Dossy says just means more energy and misery for the Ringmistress to consume AAAAA. OH. Also she says the Ringmistress would invite Chip by stating they could help the children in the circus. Q_Q
GOD this AU/Idea is so sad and SO FUN.
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fleshkiss · 3 years
I followed you way back when for NDRV3 but forgot about it and thought I followed you for IDV. Recently I've been replaying NDRV3 for work and was going through the tag, only to rediscover your adorable SaiOumas! I really like the way you draw them and their dynamic, especially the really soft ones! Your art is always so pretty to look at! 🥰
😭💕💕💕💕!!!!! i'm really sorry for responding so late but aw your message made me really happy and awwawawa thank you for following me during my NDRV3 days and it's a pleasant surprise to hear you enjoy my IDV art as well! 🥺💕💕💕 sorry again for being late but i hope you enjoyed ur NDRV3 replaythrough and aaaaa for coming across my saioumas on the tag and enjoying the way i draw their dynamics and for you to say pretty as well makes my heart full and warm TvT<3333 this is all so sweet and kind of you to say and really means a lot! saiouma is one my most favorite pairings so it always brings me lots of joy when someone else who enjoys them likes how i draw them as well! thank you so so so much 🥰🥰🥰
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hwari-ssi · 4 years
Floraison | 4
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genre: fantasy/soulmate au
warnings: it kinda gets angsty, smut (in the future)
word count: 3.6k
pairings: ot7 x reader
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
A/N: omg omg aaaaa sorry for taking so long!! honestly, it wasn’t easy writing this one because of my insomnia. i just wrote whatever came to mind, so i hope you’ll understand (you can roast me) D: oh, and there’s a surprise at the end!! lol i hope y’all won’t hate it
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Jeongguk really did end up sleeping beside you after all. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving you alone. He held your small frame against his lean body, your quiet breaths subtly tickling his neck like a feather.
He'd been awake for some time now, but didn't want to go outside yet. Not when you were fluffy and warm, all curled up tightly next to him. He glanced at your sleeping face, lips parted slightly and breathing softly.
It made a lot of sense why the three of them already felt so attached to you. How your senses calmed within seconds when Namjoon touched the crown of your head earlier. You were their mate. Once a soul finds their other half, it was impossible not to be away from them.
That's what he felt for the others, and now, you. He was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of the bedroom door creaking slowly, a disheveled Taehyung peering in, still very much half asleep.
"Is our princess here?" The older asked, rubbing at his eyes which were red from fatigue. Jeongguk motioned for him to join in, wanting to stay until they had to leave the room for breakfast. The former ambled over to the bed, not hesitating to reach over and wrap his arms around you. Your scent hit him like a ton of bricks. Celestial and flowery—such a pleasant aroma.
The sudden movements brought you out of sleep, and you opened your eyes to see another stranger. Shaggy brown hair, strong eyebrows, sharp jaw, and what an adorable boxy smile he has.
"Hello, darling." His husky voice made you shiver, and the action wasn't missed by the two. Your cheeks flushed with pink, reddening even more when Taehyung brought his face closer. He held eye contact, but you couldn't do it so you turned to the other side, where Jeongguk happily opened his arms for you, caging you in when you scooted forward.
"Gguk?" His heart does a little flip at the nickname you gave him and smiles at the sight of the blush adorning your cheeks, realizing albeit too late at how you were practically attached to his hip. Had anyone else been that close, you would have felt your space was being invaded, but in this case, the faint smell of his cologne and his close proximity increased your pulse rate. Your arms were still around the boy, clinging to him like a koala, and you awkwardly clear your throat.
"Hey, no fair," Taehyung pressed his face into your hair and smiled when he heard you giggling. The three of you settled into a comfortable silence, Tae's breathing was fanning over neck, while the other's fingers danced on the small of your back, massaging the skin every now and then.
Their actions combined turned you putty in their grasp. You nuzzled your face into Jeongguk's neck, almost purring while you gave him the attention he'd been wanting to get from you all morning.
The men had smiles plastered on their faces as you continued to lavish his neck with affection. You may not know exactly what you were doing, but they did, and it made their hearts soar in happiness. You were claiming them, as your soulmates, and you were unaware of that. The feeling it gave brought you peace. At that moment, you understood each other perfectly. This is what you've always longed for. Tranquility. The stirrings of revolutionary ardour. A sort of freedom, if you will.
A gentle knock from the doorway brought the three of you from your daze."Breakfast is ready," Jin smiles at you lovingly. Taehyung almost wanted to protest, but he wouldn't want to keep you from eating. and so he forced himself up, pulled you with him and laughed at Jeongguk who was trying to fix his unkempt state.
The elder came over and took your hand, leading you out the room and down the stairs, into the dining hall. Everyone was already gathered around the table that was filled with scrumptious-looking food.
That's when the others took notice of your presence. You were indeed beautiful, just like how Jeongguk described you. Your gray eyes were what stood out to them the most. A tell-tale sign that you are one of the stars from above. Deep as the ocean, deep enough to fall in and drown, the windows to your soul were. With a simple glance, she could calm a torrid sea of heart ache. Longingly they looked at her, with the warmth of a hearth during Winter's Eve, deep in the forest wherein lovers would share the fire. Perfectly wonderful and endlessly enticing them, every blink a kiss to their soul. They almost melted at the sight.
"Jimin and Hoseok went a little overboard this time," Jin says with a chuckle. He led you to an empty chair that was next to Yoongi. He sent you a smirk, picking at your messy ponytail. "Fucking cute." You smiled shyly as he laughed softly at your reaction. Jimin took the seat alongside you and started placing food on your plate. You thanked him, and he gave you a pat on the head in response.
"These taste amazing," you said, as you happily munched on your baked cinnamon donuts. The cooking duo didn't know they were holding their breaths until they heard your affirmation.  They tried not to be obvious with their staring, but both of them wanted to see how you would react to their cuisine, making a mental note to make these again for you whenever.
You took a slug of your drink, all the while glancing at the sea of new people. To your right was Yoongi, features akin to origami. Sharp edges and angles. Cute button nose, and lips carved like a doll's. For an adorable face, he has such an intimidating glare. You turned to Jimin next, whose jawline was pronounced, lips full and pillowy, and has straight eyebrows. He regarded you with warmness, like a mother would tend to their child. and Lastly, Hoseok—the boy was sunshine personified. The brightness in his eyes reminded you of home. A heart-shaped mouth with a beauty mark placed just between the cupid's bow and vermillion border. He also has dimples like Namjoon's.
"So, darling, how did you meet the youngest of our bunch?" Taehyung asks, rousing you from your reverie. You were now aware that all of them were staring at you curiously, and it made you want to bury yourself inside a hole. You tried not to let the memories resurface, but his face flashed in your mind, making you drop your utensils. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Thank you for the hospitality, it was well received, but I should go."
"Sweet one—"
"No!" Your sudden outburst surprised them. "I should leave.. I don't want to cause you any trouble.." the stare shared between everyone went unnoticed by you. Jin carefully made his way towards your chair and knelt so he was eye-level with you. Your head was pointing on the floor, eyes downcast, and he took that as a sign you were feeling dejected. He tilted your chin up, only to see tears gathering in your eyes, making Tae feel bad.
"It's okay, little one. We won't hurt you. You can be honest with us." He spoke, sincerity filling your ears. You tried to tell if he was lying, but the way he was looking at you told you otherwise. Yoongi's hand smoothed your hair down, the motion quickly lulling you into a sense of security. You gathered your courage and responded in a meek voice, "I had a previous master, and it took me so long to realize he was treating me badly.."
The word master made bile rise in each of the men's throats. They can only imagine what horrors you went through. Stars, like you, are a kind of rare breed that is gifted by the star goddess. You harness multiple powers, one of which being pyrokinesis, the ability to command and emit fire at will. However, your inability to get a handle on your newfound gifts inevitably results in tragedy. When you turned a certain age, you emitted a burst of fire so immense that it destroyed a city block, killing your entire family and everyone else in the vicinity, having no other choice but to leave your home planet, Stellaris. That's when you turned to Asteria, asking the goddess for a new life and change of scenery. She was hesitant to send you somewhere far away, so she settled for earth, where your soulmates were. Except, you ended up in the wrong hands.
A hybrid smuggler, perhaps? breeds like you cost more than an arm and a leg. Maybe the power you possessed is what drew him in. He manipulated you, used you to fight against dangerous paranormal phenomena. You knew you had to get away—you weren't even supposed to meet him. The bastard took you against your will, threatening to send you back if you didn't listen. You lost the battle because of your naivety.
"Does anyone want dessert?" Jeongguk spoke up, trying to keep everyone's mood from lowering as they learned about your life history. "We won't give you back to him, Y/N," The elder states, eyes boring into yours with determination. You wanted to speak, but the words got caught in your throat. "You needn't worry, lovely. We will do no such thing." Jimin reached for your hand and held it to his chest. Still unable to find your voice, you settled with a small nod, making the boys smile from ear to ear.
"Here," Yoongi nudges your shoulder in a gentle manner as he positioned his fork close to your mouth. It had a piece of steak and nicely cut asparagus on it. "You need protein in order to stay strong, our pretty kitten." he says, almost stuttering as the pet name escapes his tongue without realizing it, it's glossed over though. 
You blushed, eyes turning into half-moons as your lips curved upward. "Thank you, yoonie." He'd get so soft after hearing you call him with a sweet endearment. Yoongi's gummy smile was showing, and you couldn't help the butterflies flittering inside your tummy after seeing him smile adorably. The man was usually pretty good at hiding his feelings but, somehow, he was horrible at doing that right now because you were currently in his radar.
"Alright. Since we're finished with dinner, why don't we clear the table?" Jin declared, while everyone lifted themselves from their seats. Taehyung piled most of the dirty dishes, placing them in the sink. You helped collect the cups and followed suit, watching Hoseok as he turned the faucet on with a sponge in hand. "Can I help?" You tugged on his sweater, your shy demeanor made him want to coo at you.
"Of course, little one. You can dry the dishes and Jeonggukie will put them away," The younger's ears perked at the mention of his name, reaching for a towel that was hanging on one of the kitchen cabinets and handed it you, caressing your cheek with his free hand in the process. The others observed the scene, tenderness painting their expressions. It seemed more evident that you fit in perfectly with every passing moment. You belonged here, with them.
"I'll be in my office. Got some digging to do," The elder mouthed at Yoongi, almost having trouble catching the words because he was deep in thought. Chances are, that son-of-a-bastard owner must be looking for you, but there was no way in hell they were going to give you back to him. Not if you didn't want to go willingly. The idea saddened him, because seeing how the younger ones had already taken such a liking to you, it made him feel protective.
"Would you like to watch a movie with us, Y/N-ie?" Jimin came up behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder as you dried the last bowl. Jeongguk takes the plate from your hands and presses a kiss to your temple.
"A movie? I've only ever seen one film though.." Hoseok beckons you over to him and holds out his hand. You let him guide you through the hallways, leading you back up the stairs and into a bathroom. Your eyes widened as you noticed it was huge and prettily decorated, you dare say it might even be bigger than your master's headquarters. He disappears for a hot minute to get something before stepping in, holding a pair of new sleepwear for you to use. You took the soft material from him, and smiled in thanks.
You eye at his arms, one pulling a rectangular, sheer-white cloth made of linen out of a cabinet, the other, a crystal bottle. he leans over the bathtub, turning the tap on and let water fill the tub before pouring the liquid. The sweet smell invaded your senses, automatically putting you in a good mood.
"You're all set. I put the clothes on the counter. We'll be waiting—" He turned his back to you, wanting to leave you to yourself but you cut him off when a whine left your lips. Immediately, he was by your side again, asking you what he possibly did wrong.
"Can't you stay, hobi? I don't want to be left alone.." You felt safe with him. His heart swells with pride. Although the idea of being with you in the same room, having nothing to cover your body made his heart race and face flush. He mentally slapped himself for thinking such vulgar thoughts. Now is not the time, you idiot, the voice in his head kept him in check, and he was grateful.
"I can help you wash your hair," He offered, high-fiving himself for not stuttering. "I'll wait outside. Just call for me, princess. okay?" You hummed in reply. You rid yourself of your dress, letting the fabric pool around your feet and stepped into the bathtub, submerging your body in the water and letting the warmth seep through your aching muscles, releasing all the tension.
You scrubbed at every part, making sure to remove the hidden grime found on your skin. Soon enough, your entire body was clean. Your natural glow was back. You reminded yourself to thank him later for making the water all sudsy because bubbles are always fun to play with."Hobi, I'm ready!" You folded your knees up to your chest just in time as Hoseok walks inside, not forgetting to shut the door behind him.
He sat at the edge of the tub, ready to lather your hair with shampoo when he sees the lines scattered across your back. The atmosphere turned gray. He stopped on his tracks. His gaze darkened. Of course he had to mask it—he didn't want to make you feel sad again, so he takes a deep breath, and decides to inform the others about this matter later. Your well-being was his first priority at present.
Silence fills the room as he massages the product on your beautiful locks. You didn't forget to thank him, mumbling as you relaxed at his touch. He looked at your small form sorrowfully, kept himself from asking for fear of you possibly running away. He only hopes that the time you'll open up to them will come in the twinkling of an eye.
"Everything's going to be fine now, sweetheart. We won't bring you back,"  you carefully maneuvered your body to his front, the water swishing around the tub at your movement. Your collarbones were showing, complexion looking a bit smooth, reminding him of rose-tinged ivory. You're looking better now, the pink in your cheeks much more visible compared to earlier.
"I can stay?" You bit your lower lip, shoulders shrinking. You wanted to stay here forever, but there was a strong likelihood they would change their minds. Because who would want someone broken? Someone like you?
"We all want you to stay, Y/N. Even if it means forever." Hoseok promises, running his forefinger along your jawline, tilting your head up so you were gazing into his dark orbs, slowly pulling you in like a vortex. "There's seven of us, baby doll. No matter what happens, We'll keep you safe." Why were these people so willing to help? It made you want to breakdown and cry, but you willed yourself not to."Okay, hobi." He smiled, kissing your forehead sweetly.
He pulled himself from the bathtub, the smile never leaving his face as he moved out of the room. You smiled in return as he shut the door, stretching your body in the water once more and stood, reaching for the towel, wrapping it around yourself. After getting dressed in the clothes your hobi got for you, you folded the dress and bundled it up in your arms before leaving the bathroom.
"I'll put those in the wash," Jin says as he ran into you, taking the clothes and continued his walk down the hall. You watch him disappear into another room further ahead and made your way to the living room. Upon entering, you found most of them gathered on the couch or seated on the floor, blankets covering their lower bodies.
You were glued to your spot, not quite sure where to sit. A few seconds later, The elder reappears and quietly takes your hand in his, leading you to an empty space beside Jeongguk and sat on the couch, ushering you to sit on the floor right in front of him, solving your little dilemma. You leaned back against his legs and he starts running his hands through your hair, smoothing out any tangled strands. To say you were content would be an understatement; you felt so at home. so peaceful. so cared for.
"Everyone ready?" Taehyung asks, a chorus of agreements resonating throughout the room. The boys settled into comfortable positions, while Jin's hands stayed on your locks, his nails subtly scratching your scalp. An hour later, the credits were finally rolling. Jin looked over to see both you and Jeongguk peacefully snoring, head resting on his shoulder as your quiet breaths lulled him into a deep slumber.
"We should move them, Jin. They'll wake with sore necks if we leave them be," Namjoon says, rising from his seat, gesturing at the others to clean up before lifting you from the ground. He makes his way into their shared bedroom, where four of the elders in the group sleep. He situates you on Yoongi's bed, placing an extra pillow under your head so you won't be uncomfortable whilst in dreamland.
"Sleep well, princess. You are safe here, with us." He caresses your cheek affectionately. "If he does find you, we won't let him take you."
"He what?" Yoongi slams his fists on the table, anger flashing over his features. He couldn't understand. He did not want to understand either. How heartless would a human have to be to actually inflict injuries upon such precious beings like you? Just across from him was where Namjoon and Jin were seated, the former tonguing at his cheek as he tried to control his raging emotions. He was fuming. On the other hand, Jin and the rest remained dead silent. The atmosphere thickens with visible tension, each of the men taken aback by the information as Hoseok relayed it.
"Shouldn't we report this to the peacemakers?" Jeongguk turns to his elders, eyes pleading for justice. But the younger knew they possibly couldn't let this matter fall into their hands. The uproar it would cause would surely put different worlds to engage in a war. Everyone knew not to mess with Asteria's children. Because to hurt them, would mean facing one's immediate death.
"We can't, young one." Jin reaches for the younger's hand, looking a little crestfallen. "Besides, I heard the bastard got beaten to a pulp by his own shields because they simply couldn't let him step over them anymore," The elder says bitterly.
"Serves that fucker right," Yoongi scoffs, smirking triumphantly. The man must be trying to escape from the consequences of his actions, he thinks to himself, leaning back against his chair, one leg crossing over the other. At least you can live a peaceful life now, without having to worry about anything or anyone else but yourself. That's what mattered to them the most.  
The soft padding of your feet down the stairs alerted the men that you have risen, your soft sobs reaching their ears as you were getting nearer. Namjoon didn't hesitate to meet you halfway, scooping you up into his arms and hugged you for the longest time. “Did you have a bad dream, sweetheart?” He wipes your tears away with his thumb, all the while placing lots of kisses on your forehead, nose, and temples.
He walks back to the dining room, refusing to place you back down on the floor, your face buried into his neck because you were too shy to face the others. Tears continue to fall from your eyes. You’re scared, the nightmares made you terrified. “Hey, it’s okay, baby girl,” Yoongi saunters over to your side and holds your face, brushing the tears on your cheeks and gives you another set of kisses on your eyelids, the rest joining in to surround you with worried looks. “It’s okay. We’re right here, princess. You’re alright. You have us. You're okay."
You cried on Namjoon's chest, sobs turning into sniffles after a period of time. You eventually fell back asleep, with them giving you all of their soft reassurances, and Namjoon's hand stroking your hair gently. You looked so vulnerable and so lovely that it made him want to shun you from the world. Oh, what a dangerous world earth was.
But the thing is, you didn’t know you were lucky to have seven, powerful gods disguised as humans, as your soulmates.
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16ruedelaverrerie · 4 years
how do you draw Nines?? is it like this? 1. draw soft boi ( Connor) 2. erase those puppy eyes and give him cold dead orbs and eyebrows that could shank someone. am I close???
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YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, ANON. That having been said, just to state the obvious, ALL RK900S ARE PRECIOUS AND WORTHY: “Dead-Orbed Eyebrow Shanker” Nines, “Erotic Asphyxiation Guru” Nines, “Emotions Are for Children and Italians” Nines, “Soft and Wet” Nines, “Babey’s First Day at Pre-K” Nines, “Gay and Unhinged About It” Nines, THEY MUST ALL BE CHERISHED
Sometimes I give Connor and Nines different bone structures, or maybe I just think about giving them different bone structures and don’t actually do it??? Do I even know how to bone structure in art? Debatable. This blog is not a place for representational accuracy so a lot goes fast and loose around these parts. It’s all good SO AS LONG AS NINES IS CHERISHED
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If it’s the Apollo addressed in that one Cassandra comic, TRULY, WHAT THE FUCK, APOLLO, RIGHT???
It’s nice when that comic makes the rounds without it turning into a reblog fight about how Cassandra ~deserved it for breaking a promise to Apollo~ and how ~the original myth explains why she was in the wrong~. I think I’ve written enough about my opinions on those stances to have purged myself of the need to write any more, but still, very pleasant not to have to think about it!
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Oh gosh definitely not a professional in re: art! Not only because I struggle a lot with basics and technique, but I don’t have the work ethic, either! But that’s okay! I have fun here regardless, and I’m very happy to hear that you enjoyed looking through the blog! Thank you thank you v v v
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WHAT’S UP KNUCKLEFUCK my god I have not been accused of being Ana Marie Cox in 10+ years, THIS... IS A FLASHBACK EPISODE. Are you Ana Marie Cox?!
RBR was such a meaningful time for me! I suppose my politics have changed since -- or rather, I’ve learned a lot about how my politics were not being served adequately by elected officials -- but what I remember most fondly about RBR is our vernacular, the in-jokes, and the moments when we were the most determined to make RPF resemble real people as little as possible. Our sloe-eyed ex may be in the rearview, but RBR, I think of you all the time.
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I really wish that there were a better way to share these “you had to be there” trains of thought with people, because I’m sure that literally everyone has accidentally come up with horrible things that make them laugh for years to come, and yet so much of their charm is impossible to capture in subsequent explanations. Like how would you go about explaining JELLO NINES? “Well it’s that jelly is very... versatile... and we talked about Gavin deciding that if he can make anything out of aspic, he can make a boyfriend out of aspic too... and it’s just very funny to think that a Nines made out of jelly, a QUIVERING TRANSLUCENT DUNGEON BOSS, is for some reason MUCH BETTER LOVED BY GAVIN THAN THE ACTUAL NINES”
I cannot draw this, Sun. I cannot draw this because I cannot explain it. I cannot draw it... but I will love it to my dying day
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!!! THIS IS AN HONOR thank you very much! I am grateful for this follow, given with absolutely nothing received in return! I suppose I can say for myself that I don’t update frequently enough to clutter up your dash overmuch, which is a small but truthful thing. I also just generally like shooting shit about fandom-at-large and tropes in the abstract, so I know that we have things in common beyond the vagaries of what particular fandoms we are involved with!
I wonder what my Thoughts on Yaoi are at the moment, I should gaze inwardly and poll myself on this very important matter.
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